To the Tune of, Let Traytors plot on.
LEt his foes swear on, and conclude they'r undone,
Now Iemmy's returning to favour;
While his fortune is blest, by the wisest and best;
Whose Loyalty never did waver:
Their malice and envy snall never prevail,
But receive its deserved rebuke;
Whilst true-lovers o' th' King and their Country shant fail
To pray for the safety and health of the Duke.
Let Jemmy live long, let Jemmy live long,
For ever be happy, for ever be young,
But for those that maintain he'l ne'r flourish again,
Let e'm dye, let e'm dye, while Jemmy lives long.
While fortune is kind, with a favourable wind,
It is easie to go with the Current,
None but wise men can sail, with a contrary gale,
And successfully strive with the torrent.
This Iemmy could do; who, though long time opprest
With the frowns of his Father and King;
Kept his honesty safe in his conquering breast,
Which brings him to Favour and Honour again.
Let Jemmy live long, &c.
Though to cross his desire his foes all conspire,
Mighty Charles too well sees their intention;
For wisely he knows, they his coming oppose,
Least their Engines should meet a prevention:
'Tis Iemmy alone that can quash their designs,
And make their proud dealings to cease;
Who his honesty still with his interest joyns,
To settle his King and his Country in peace.
Let Jemmy live long, &c.
Those that lately did shine, and look wonderful fine,
In the spoils that from Iemmy were taken;
Like Aesop's base Jay will cease to look gay,
VVhen of those borrowed Honours forsaken:
This, this is the cause which makes e'm so hot,
to keep the brave Youth in disgrace:
But in vain; for Mastrick will ne'r be forgot,
that Action becoming his Valour and Race.
Let Jemmy live long, &c.
Then a fig for those foes, that desire to oppose
This desired Reconciliation;
VVhilst they basely contend 'gainst their Country chief frie [...]
they shew how they value the Nation:
But in vain, with their envy to cross him they try,
VVhich gains him the higher applause;
For a King and a Father can never deny,
VVhen Merit and Nature Plead both in a Cause.
Let Jemmy live long, &c.
VVhile Iemmy's desire did nobly aspire,
And aimed to grow greater and greater,
'Twas without all pretence to give Caesar offence;
But the Vigour to shew of his Nature:
And though the fierce Tories who all would controul
Still blemish his honour with stains;
'Twas but vastness of Courage and largeness of soul
& the blood of great Charles which boyl'd in his vei [...]
Let Jemmy live long, &c.
Then in vain they design, and together combine,
VVhile Providence thwarts their endeavour;
VVhich will Iemmy restore to his Honours before,
And make him now greater than ever:
His Eclipsed Renown will more nobly appear
Through the Veil which his Glory did shroud;
Like the Sun, which darts Beams more bright & mo cle [...]
VVhen it lately has wrought out its way through a Clou [...]
Let Jemmy live long, &c.
May Heav'n then still bless, and give him success,
And Crown his Proceedings with Glory:
That again to the Court he with Fame may resort▪
And requite the ill-wishes of Tory:
May Caesar and Iemmy together combine;
For sure it was never yet known,
(For all their pretence to a Loyal design)
They the Father should love, who wish ill to the Son
Let Jemmy live long, let Jemmy live long,
For ever be happy, and ever be young,
But for those that maintain he'l ne'r flourish again,
Let e'm dye, let e'm dye, while Jemmy lives long.

Printed for I. Conyers and are to be sold at the Black Raven in Duck Lane

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