May it please Your Most Sacred Majesty,

SEriously to Consider my great Zeal and Love that I have always had for his late Majesty and Kingdoms, and my Fervent Constancy to the Church of England, is not un­known to your Majesty, as it may appear by many Fastings that I cannot number, tho some particular ones I can, as Fourteen Days and Nights, and Thirteen Days and Nights, and three times Twelve Days and Nights, and Nine Days and Nights, and went to Windsor on Foot; and Seven Days and Nights, and Five Days and a Half; and as for Four, Three, and Two Days and Nights I cannot number them: And all my Fastings, the Almighty bears me Record, they were sincerely perform'd without the Relish or Taste of any thing in this World: And moreover I have had many Children, and have Nurs'd them all my self, and I have had Three and Four Children Young and no Maid, and none to help me neither in Sickness or Health, and yet I have found Opportunity to come to White-hall; and God knows the care and pains I have taken for these Twenty Years, and yet for all this through the great Love I bear to your Sacred Majesty and Kingdoms, because I know you are a Gracious Prince, and I long for your eternal and present Happiness and your King­doms too: Therefore I presume a Proposal that may Convince your Majesty, and Settle your Kingdoms, and fill all your Subjects full of Joy, if your Majesty would be graciously pleased to yield to my Proposal; for your Majesty knows that the Church of Rome says, She is the True Church, and therefore she hath the power of Miracles, and I say she is not the True Church, and hath not the Power of Miracles, but what she hath done has been by a false Power to delude Kings and Princes, and deceive others, which I can plainly demonstrate it, if your Majesty so pleases to favour me, as to grant me my Proposal which I shall propose, which undoubtedly will manifest the True Church, and your Majesty knows it was the Glory of Solomon to give Judgment between the Two Harlots in restoring the Living Child to its own Mother; this was such a piece of Justice, that all Men admir'd the Wisdom of God in Solomon, and if it was so much Glory and Wisdom in Solomon in giving Judgment between Two Harlots; how much more Glorious will it be for your Majesty to be as an Angel to give Judgment between these Two Churches? for the one says I am the True Church, and the other says, I am the True Church, and the Church of Rome says to the Church of England, She is no True Church but She is a Heretick and Damn*d, and so is all that Protects her, and therefore she saith, All is mine, and I will have them dead or alive; for you say, I may be Sav'd, and I tell you, That you are Damn*d: 'tis true, you say so, but I am never the more Damn'd for your saying so, and you not surer of your Salvati­on for my not Judging of you, but I shew my Christian Charity towards you, in not Con­demning of you, and I dare do no other, because Christ hath forbid me; for it is my whole delight to submit to his Will; therefore I am the Mother, and the Children are mine. I must needs confess that you are more pleasanter and delightfuller than I am, for you know not what a Mothers care is, but delights your self in all the pleasant Things of this World, and Corrupts my Children, by incouraging them to do all those Things that their Nature most inclines to; but I being a True Mother, I can give no Grains of Allowance contrary to the Word of God; for it is all my Care that they should always walk obediently to that Rule, and that they may not only be Happy in this World, but eternally Happy in the World to come; therefore I will Apply my self to the King of Heaven, that he would Vouchsafe to deliver my Children from thy Corruptions; and moreover I will make Applications to the King on Earth, and I question not, but I shall have True Justice done me, and when God has restor'd me my Children from thy Delusions, for their Honour I'll die, that they may live, that all may know that I am a True Mother. Therefore I most humbly beseech your Majesty to end this Controversie, and I humbly beg the Favour that I may undertake for the Church of England, and my Proposal is this, That I would be sbut into a Room with any Roman Catholick that is sincere, and that there should be but one Key to the Lock, and your Majesty to keep the Key, and I will be search'd, that I carry not any thing with me, and go in Fast­ing, and remain so either Seven Days and Nights, or Nine Days and Nights, or as many as your Majesty shall think fit, and I look that whoever undertakes it with me, should do the same sincerely, for I hate Deceit; but if it be a Man, I beseech your Majesty to let some Body be with me Day and Night, to prevent Scandal; and who can doubt but Nature is strong in them, and they will have Assistance by the 'Prayers of their Fathers, who can Work Miracles, but all must know, that Nature is weak in me by my often Fasting, for I am Fast­ing now, and bath been ever since Friday, except Sunday Night, and now' till Tuesday Night; and therefore what I do must be by a strong Faith, and the Assistance of the Almighty. Oh that it would but please God that this may be proved, for it will justifie all my Fastings; to be true and right, and this will Convince the World that I have obtained Favour of the Almighty, for it is for his Glory, that his Anointed may be a King of Righteousness, Truth and Justice, and Peace may flourish in your days. and after a Long and Prosperous Reign your Majesty may be Crown'd with an Immortal Crown of Glory, which the Lord grant, is the Prayer of

Your Poor Supplicant, Subject, and Souls Well wisher, ELINOR JAMES

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