The Continuation of the LAWS OF JAMAICA, Passed by the Assembly, And Confirmed by His MAIESTY IN COUNCIL, December 26 th 1695. Being the Second Volume of the said LAWS.

LONDON, Printed for Charles Harper, at the Flower-de-Luce over-against St. Dunstan's-Church in Fleet-street, and Samuel Crouch at the Corner of Pope's-Head-Alley over-against the Royal-Exchange in Cornhil. MDCXCVIII.


  • AN Act for Establishing a perpetual Anniversary Fast on the Seventh of June, Pag. 3
  • An Act for Raising Money, for, and towards the Defence of this Island, Pag. 5
  • An Act to Encourage Sea-faring Men, and other Their Majesties Subjects, Pag. 20
  • An Act for making Kingston a Parish, Pag. 26
  • An Act for the better Securing of Port-Royal, Pag. 29
  • An Act for Making and Clearing a Publick Road from St. Mary's and St. George's into the Parish of St. Andrew's, Pag. 35
  • An Act appointing the Prices of Meats, and Regulating Markets, Pag. 36
  • An Act for Reimbursing Their Majesties Treasury, Pag. 40
  • An Act to Reimburse Their Majesties Treasury, and Incourage Their Subjects to come and Settle in this Island, Pag. 42
  • An Act for Raising Money to Solicit in England, the Affairs of this Their Majesties Island, Pag. 52
  • An Act for Guarding the Sea Coasts, Pag. 59
  • An Act for Raising Money as a farther Aid to Their Ma­jesties, for, and towards the Defence of this Their Island of Jamaica, Pag. 63
  • An Act appropriating several Sums of Money heretofore Raised, to the immediate Service of this Island, Pag. 79
  • An Act for Appropriating several Sums of Money for the speedy Relief of the Wounded, and Distressed Inhabitants of this Island, who have suffered by the late Invasion of the French, Pag. 84
  • An Act for the Encouragement, and Freedom of Servants, and Slaves which have done, or shall do any remarkable Ser­vice against the French during this present War, Pag. 88
  • An Act for Prevention of Indebted Persons from Departing this Island in the Time of Martial-Law, Pag. 93
  • An Act to Enable George Ivey Esquire, to Sell his Estate for the Payment of the Debts of his Father William Ivey Esquire, Deceased, Pag. 98


THE Laws of JAMAICA, passed by the Assembly, and confirmed by His Majesty in Council, April 17. 1684. To which is added, the State of JAMAICA, as it was under the Government of Sir Thomas Lynch. With a Large Map of the Island.

Printed for Charles Harper, at the Flower-de-luce over-against St. Dunstan's Church in Fleet-street; and are to be had of Capt. Thomas Hudson and Mr. Robert Cotes, Merchants, at Port-Royal.

AT THE COURT AT KENSINGTON, The 26 th Day of December, 1695.
PRESENT The King's Most Excellent MAJESTY, In COUNCIL.

  • Lord Keeper.
  • Lord Privy-Seal.
  • Duke of Norfolk.
  • Duke of Schonberge.
  • Duke of Shrewsbury.
  • Marq. of Winchester.
  • Lord Great Chamberlain.
  • Earl of Bridgwater.
  • Earl of Stamford.
  • Earl of Scarborough.
  • Earl of Romney.
  • Lord Godolphin.
  • Mr. Vice-Chamberlain.
  • Mr. Secret. Trumbull.
  • Mr. Chancellor of the Exchequer.
  • L. Chief Justice Holt.
  • Mr. Russell.
  • Mr. Boscawen.
  • Mr. Smith.

WHEREAS by Commission under the Great Seal of England, to Sir William Beeston, Knight, His MAJESTY 's Lieutenant Governour, [Page 2]and Commander in Chief of the Island of JA­MAICA, bearing Dated the Twentieth Day of September, One Thousand Six Hundrerd Ninety Two, in the Fourth Year of His MAJESTY 's Reign; His MAJESTY has been Graciously pleased to Authorize and Impower the Governour, Council and Assembly of the said Island, to Constitute and Ordain Laws, Statutes and Ordinances, which are to Continue and be in Force till His MAJESTY 's Pleasure he signified to the contrary. And for­asmuch as certain Laws have in pursuance of the said Commission been transmitted to His MAJESTY, with the Humble Desire of the Governour, Council and Assembly, that His MAJESTY would be Pleased to pass the same in the Words following.

An ACT For Establishing a perpetual Anni­versary Fast on the Seventh of June.

FORASMUCH as it hath pleased Almighty GOD, Preamble. the Great Creator and Judge of Heaven and Earth, on the Seventh Day of June, One Thousand Six Hundred Ninety Two, justly to punish the Inhabitants of this Island, for their manifold Sins and Wickednesses committed against his Divine Majesty, by a most terrible and dreadful Earthquake, The Occasion of the Act; the Earth­quake. which not only laid waste our Estates and Places of Habitations in general, but also destroyed many Hundreds of People; which tremendous Judgment was succeeded by a raging Sick­ness and Mortality, that few or no Families Escaped. Now, that so signal a Visitation may be had in perpetual Remembrance, and we and our Posterity may by hum­bling ourselves, endeavour to appease God's imminent Wrath, and prevent heavier Judgments: We Your Majesties most Dutiful and Loyal Subjects, Your Ma­jesties Lieutenant-Governour, Council, and Assembly of this Your Island of Jamaica, do most humbly beseech Your Most Sacred Majesties, That it may be Enacted by Their Majesties Lieutenant-Governour, Council and As­sembly; and it is hereby Enacted and Ordained by the Authority of the same, that every Seventh Day of June, (unless it falls out to be on the Lord's Day, and then the Day following) shall be for ever hereafter set apart, to be kept and observed by all the Inhabitants of this Island, as an Anniversary Day of Fasting and Humiliation; A Yearly Fast. and that all and every the Inhabitants aforesaid, shall upon [Page 4]the said Day, Annually resort to some usual Place where Prayers and Preaching are used to be Ministred, and there orderly and devoutly abide during the Celebration of Divine Service, by Prayers, Preaching, Singing of Psalms, &c.

And to the end that all Persons may be put in Mind of their Duty therein, and be the better prepared to dis­charge the same with that Piety and Devotion as becomes them: Be it further Enacted, That every Minister shall give Notice to his Parishioners, Notice to be given hereof by the Mini­ster. in the Church, or other Publick Place of Divine Worship, at Morning Prayer, the Sunday next before every such Seventh Day of June, for the Observation of the said Day, and that he provide a Sermon suitable to that Occasion; and that in such Parishes where there is no Minister, this Act shall be published Annually in the Sessions next before the Seventh of June, as aforesaid.

AND be it further Enacted and Ordained by the Au­thority aforesaid, That no Person or Persons whatsoever, neither by themselves, Servants or Slaves, shall do, or cause to be done, any manner of Work in his or their Trade, Calling or Plantation: And that no Shop, Tavern, Coffee or Punch-House be kept open on the said Day, on Penalty of forfeiting Forty Shillings for every Person, Penalty for Offenders. by himself, Servant or Slave so Offending, as aforesaid, to be Recovered before any of Their Majesties Justices of the Peace, who are hereby Required and Empowered to award the same; one Half of which Forfeiture shall be to the Church-Wardens for the use of the Parish, and the other Half to the Informer, or him that shall Sue for the same.

W. Bridgeman.

An ACT For Raising Money, for, and towards the Defence of this Island.

WHEREAS it has been found by Sad and Lamentable Experience, Preamble. that Their Majesties Ships of War hitherto ordered to attend this Govern­ment, have not been so Serviceable to this Their Majesties Island, in Cruising about the Coasts thereof, as the Exi­gences of Their Subjects have from time to time required: The Enemies small Crafts, Barque-Luengoes and nimble Vessels, having from time to time Infested the remote Parts thereof, and Landed their Men, and made great Incur­sions into the Country, and taken off, and carried away a very considerable Number of Slaves, and other Goods and Chattels of great Value, at several times, from many of Their Majesties good Subjects Inhabiting thereabout; and may, if not timely prevented, destroy and unsettle all the Plantations settled on, or near the Sea-Coasts, round this Island, to the great Dishonour of Their Majesties, and utter Ruin of Their Subjects here:

WE therefore, Their Majesties Dutiful and Loyal Sub­jects, the Assembly of this Their Majesties Island of Jamaica, having taken into our Serious Considerations, how Injurious the Ruin and Destruction of Their Majesties Plantations may in time prove to Their Imperial Crown, and being ready and willing to the utmost of our Abi­lities, under the present Calamities of War, and the great Destruction and Ruin of Their Majesties Fortifications, and of our own Habitations and Works by the late more dreadful Earthquake, to provide for Their Majesties Island aforesaid, and the Resistance of Their Enemies, Have [Page 6]unanimously given and granted, and do hereby give and grant unto Their Majesties, for, and towards the Buying or Hiring, The Design. Providing, Victualling, and Manning Two good Sloops of War, each with Fifty Effective Officers, Seamen and Soldiers, inclusively, to be Employed for Six Months, towards the Guarding of the Sea-Coasts of this Their Majesties Island, and in Cruising with Their Majesties Friggats about the same, for the necessary De­fence of it, and Common Safety of Their Subjects. And when on Emergent Occasions the Governour or Com­mander in Chief, shall by his Orders and Instructions send over the Friggats to the Coasts of Hispaniola, or South of Cuba, to commit Acts of Hostility, that then the said Sloop or Sloops shall attend the Friggat or Friggats, so ordered, the Term of Twenty Days and no longer, and upon no other Occasion or Pretence whatsoever, the full and entire Sum of Three Thousand Nine Hundred Se­venty Seven Pounds Seventeen Shillings and Six Pence, currant Mony of this Island; and also for and towards the Raising of Two Parties, each of Ten Soldiers and Two Officers, for the Reducing Rebellious Negroes, for the like time of Six Months, the full and entire Sum of Three Hundred Twenty Five Pounds Six Shillings and Three Pence, like currant Mony of this Island; in all Four Thousand Three Hundred Three Pounds Three Shillings and Nine Pence; The total Sum. which we do most Humbly beseech Their Majesties to Accept: And that it may be Enacted;

AND be it Enacted by Their Majesties Lieutenant-Governour, Council and Assembly of this Island, and it is hereby Enacted and Ordained by the Authority of the same, that the said Sum of Four Thousand Three Hun­dred Three Pounds Three Shillings and Nine Pence, cur­rant Mony of this Island, Who to be Assessors. be Assessed, Taxed and Laid on by the several and respective Justices and Vestries, within their several and respective Parishes and Precincts, or within the Commission of the Peace for the same with­in this Island, where there is any lawful Vestries; and [Page 7]where they have no lawful Vestries, by the Justices of that Parish or Precinct, or within the Commission of the Peace for the same, or Major part of the Vestry, in all and every the Parishes of this Island, on all and every Person within their several and Respective Parish or Pre­cinct, by an Equal and Just Tax to be paid (within Three Months after the Tenth day of June, Time of Pay­ment. which shall be in the Year of our Lord One Thousand Six Hundred Ninety Three) by the respective Parishes of this Their Majesties Island of JAMAICA, into the Hands of the Receiver or Receivers hereafter Named, according to the several Rates and Proportions hereafter mentioned, in such Sort and Manner as by this present Act shall be Limited and Appointed, and in no other Way or Man­ner whatsoever: that is to say, for every Negro, Slaves ra­ted. Indian or Muletta Slave within this Island, of what Age, Con­dition or Quality soever, or to whomsoever belonging, shall be Paid for by the Masters, Proprietors, Owners, Possessors, Guardians or Persons Intrusted in the several Plantations, Pens, Crawls or Settlements within this Island, the Sum of Eighteen Pence for each Negro, Indian or Muletta Slave aforesaid, and also for all Horses, Mares, and Cattel. Colts, Mules, Asses and Neat Cattel, the Sum of Seven Pence Halfpeny for each Beast, and for all Sheep, Lambs, Goats and Kids, the Sum of Two Shillings and Six Pence per Score.

AND be it further Enacted and Ordained by the Authority aforesaid, that it shall and may be Lawful for the Justices and Vestry, in the several Parishes or Pre­cincts, or within the Commission of the Peace for the same, to Assess, Tax and Levy on all Overseers and Hired Servants the Sum of Six Pence in the Pound upon the Wages they receive per Annum. Hired Ser­vants Tax­ed. And that all Handi­crafts and Tradesmen, be Rated and Taxed according to the Direction of the Justices and Vestry in the several Parishes where they reside, any Law, Custom or Usage to the Contrary in any wise notwithstanding.

AND for the Parish of Port Royal, Port-Royal. it is hereby En­acted and Ordained by the Authority aforesaid, that the Justices and Vestry shall Lay, Assess, Levy and cause to be Levy'd Twelve Pence in the Pound, on all Rents, to be Paid by all Tenants and Allowed by their Landlords and Proprietors, and on all Leases, to be Paid, by the Lessee, and be Allowed by the Lessor. And also on the several In­habitants for their several Trades, Occupations and Cal­lings, according as they were Rated, Assessed and Taxed by the Justices and Vestry in the Parish-Roll on Port Royal aforesaid, for this present Year, One Thousand Six Hundred Ninety Three. And also on all Persons so Re­siding at the Town of St. Jago de la Vega, S. Jago de la Vega. Twelve Pence in the Pound on all Rents, to be Paid by all Tenants, and allowed by the Landlords and Proprietors. And all Leases to be Paid by the Lessee, and Allowed by the Lessor, and also according to the Rate, Tax and Sum Assessed by the Justices and Vestry of St. Katharines, for this present Year One Thousand Six Hundred Ninety Three. Kingston. And for the Persons Residing on Kingston, Twelve Pence in the Pound on all Rents, to be Paid by all Tenants and Allowed by the Landlords and Proprie­tors, and on all Leases to be paid by the Lessee, and al­lowed by the Lessor; and for their several Trades, Occu­pations and Callings, to be Rated and Taxed by the Justices of the Parish of Sr. Andrews, any thing in this Act to the Contrary notwithstanding.

AND be it further Enacted and Ordained by the Authority aforesaid, that the Nation and People of the Jews Residing within this Island, The Jews. Pay or cause to be Paid, towards the Raising of the said Sum of Mony before mentioned, and expressed to be Raised on the Inhabitants of this Island, over and above and besides the Tax as a­foresaid Assessed, the full Sum of Seven Hundred and Fifty Pounds, Currant Mony of this Island, to be rated, Assessed, Taxed, Collected and Paid in by Solomon A­rarij, Jacob de Leon, Moses Toiro, Jacob Mendez Guteres, Jacob Henriques, Jacob Rodrigues de Leon, Moses Jesurum [Page 9]Cardoso, Samuel Gabay, Jacob Lopes Torres, Isaac Coutin­ho, Isaac Nunes Gonsales and Abraham Nunes, or any Five of them, into the Hands of the Receiver or Receivers hereafter mentioned, Impowred and Appointed to Re­ceive the same, at, or within One Month after the Tenth day of June, which will be in the Year of our Lord One Thousand Six Hundred Ninety Three, any thing herein to the Contrary notwithstanding. Case of Fai­lure. And in Case of fai­lure in the Compliance of the said Payment,

BE it furt [...]r Enacted by the Authority aforesaid, that the Sum of Two Hundred and Fifty Pounds more, be­sides the said Seven Hundred and Fifty Pounds above appointed to be Assessed on the Nation and People of the Jews abovesaid: That then it shall and may be Lawful for the Treasurer or Treasurers hereafter to be appointed, by Warrant of Distress, under his or their Hands and Seals, Directed to the Constable or Constables for the respective Parishes where such Jew or Jews reside, to Levy or singly cause to be Levyed at Discretion upon the seve­ral Jews, Inhabitants of this Island, such proportional Sum or Sums as shall make up the Sum of One Thousand Pound as aforesaid. And also if any of the Jews Rated or Assessed by the Persons above-named, shall refuse to Pay the said Sum by them so Assessed; That then it shall and may be Lawful for the respective Justices in their re­spective Parishes, or within the Commission of the Peace for the same, where the said Jews reside, for so much as any of the said Jews are Assessed and Rated by the Persons abovesaid, who are hereby Impowred to Issue out their Warrant or Warrants to the respective Constables, to Distrain any of the Goods and Chattels of any of the said Jews that shall refuse or delay to pay the same: any Law, Custom or Usage to the Contrary notwithstanding.

AND be it further Enacted, that if the several Per­sons, or any of them of the Jewish Nation beforementio­ned, Impowred and Appointed to assess, levy, collect and pay in the aforesaid Sum, assessed upon the Nation of [Page 10]the Jews, shall neglect his or their Duty therein; that then it shall and may be Lawful for the Governor or Commander in Chief by Warrant under his Hand and Seal, Directed to the Provost-Marshal or his Lawful Deputy, to Levy or cause to be Levied on all and every Person or Persons so Offending, 100 l. forfeit. One Hundred Pound cur­rant Mony of this Island, or the value thereof upon his or their Monies, Slaves, Goods or Chattels, and sell the same by Publick Outcry, returning the Overplus, if any be, to the Owner; and in Case no Mony, Slaves or Goods are to be found, as aforesaid, that then he take into Custo­dy the Body of the Person or Persons so offending, and him or them in safe Custody keep, until he or they Pay the said Sum of One Hundred Pound for the said Offence; any Law, Custom or Usage, or any thing in this Act seeming to the Contrary notwithstanding.

AND be it further Enacted and Ordained by the Authority aforesaid, that the respective Justices of the re­spective Parishes and Precincts, or within the Commission of the Peace for the same, or any two of them, deliver into the Hands of their respective Constables within their re­spective Parishes and Precinct, a Roll of such Tax or As­sessment as aforesaid, Time for Col­lection. so that the Collection be made within Two Months after the Tenth day of June, which shall be in the Year of our Lord One Thousand Six Hundred Ninety Three, with a Warrant under the same, Signed and Sealed by the said Justices, or any two of them, Im­powring and Requiring the said Constables to Levy the said Tax or Assessment, and Pay the same into the hands of the Church-Wardens for the time being, in the Parish where the same is Taxed or Assessed as aforesaid. And where it shall happen there are no Church-Wardens, That then the Constables are hereby required to Pay the same into the Hands of the Justices of the said Parish, De­ducting Four Pence in the Pound for Collecting the same in all the Parishes of this Island, ( Port Royal and Kingston only Excepted) where it shall be done gratis: who are hereby Required to Receive and Pay the same into the [Page 11]Hands of the Receiver or Receivers hereafter named, within one Month after the Collecting thereof. And lest any Person or Persons so as aforesaid Taxed or Asses­sed, shall refuse or delay to pay his or their Tat or As­sessment, the said Justices or any two of them, are hereby required in the Warrant aforesaid to Impower and Com­mand the Constables aforesaid, by Vertue thereof, to Distrain the Slaves, Horses, Mares, Colts, Mules, Asses, Distress to be made. Neat Cattle, Sheep, Lambs, Goats, Kids, or any other Personal Estate whatsoever of Him, Her or Them so refusing or delaying, and sell the same forthwith at Pub­lick Outcry, retaining to themselves Twelve Pence in the Pound for every such Distress on Slaves, Horses, Mares, Colts, Mules, Asses, Neat Cattle, Sheep, Lambs, Goats, Kids, or any other Personal Estate whatsoever Distrained on, or Sold as aforesaid; retur­ning the Overplus, if any be, to the Owner.

AND be it further Enacted and Ordained by the Authority aforesaid, that for the better Assessing, Collect­ing, Levying and Paying in the Sums of Mony, so as a­foresaid Limited and Appointed to be Raised and Paid as aforesaid; and for the more Effectual putting this Act in Execution, Justices and Vestries Duty. the Justices and Vestries within their several Parishes and Precincts, or within the Commission of the Peace for the same, are hereby Required and Impowred immediately on the passing this Act, with all possible Speed to proceed to the Discharge of their said Duties, in Manner and Form as is before Directed and Appointed.

AND be it further Enacted by the Authority afore­said, that if the Justices, Vestry-men, Constables or Church-Wardens, or any of them, shall neglect or wil­fully fail in his or their Duty in Assessing, Penalty of Neglect. Collecting or Paying the same as aforesaid; That then and in such Case every Justice so Neglecting or wilfully failing in his or their Duty in this Act Prescribed, contrary to the true Intent and Meaning thereof, shall Forfeit Fifty Pound; and all and every Vestry-man, Church-Warden or Con­stable, [Page 12]the sum of Twenty Pound, for every such Of­fence as aforesaid.

AND be it Enacted and Ordained by the Authority aforesaid, that all Owners of Slaves, Horses, Mares, Colts, Mules, Asses, Neat Cattle, Sheep, Goats, Lambs, Kids, Tradesmen and Hired-men whatsoever as aforesaid, shall and are hereby by Themselves, Guardi­ans, Overseers, Trustees or Pen-keepers within the several Parishes aforesaid, required and obliged to give a just and true Account on Oath to the best of their Knowledge, Account on Oath. at such Time or Times as the Justices of each Parish or Precinct, or within the Commission of the Peace for the same, shall Direct, of all Slaves, Horses, Mares, Colts, Mules, Asses, Neat Cattle, Sheep, Lambs, Goats, Kids, Rents, Trades and Callings whatsoever as afore­said belonging to such Owner, Guardian, Overseer, Trustees or Pen-keepers within their respective Parish or Precinct, or within the Commission of the Peace for the same (the Nation of the Jews only Excepted) to the Justices of the Peace, or any of them in the said Parishes or Precincts, or within the Commission of the Peace for the same, who are hereby Required and Impowred to Admi­nister the same, and to ask all such further Questions as to them or any of them shall seem Meet and Necessary, relating to this present Act. The Tenour of which Oath shall be as followeth. Oath. I A. B. do Swear, that I have within the Parish of C— Slaves, Young and Old, and also — Horses, Mares, Colts, Mules, Asses, Neat Cattle, Sheep, Lambs, Goats, Kids, and no more: So help me God. And if it be to an Overseer, I D. E. Overseer of the Plantation of F. G. do Swear that the said F. G. hath within the Parish of H— Slaves, Young and Old, and also—Horses, Mares, Colts, Mules, Asses, Neat Cattle, Sheep, Lambs, Goats, Kids, &c. and no more, to the best of my knowledg. And so to Pen­keepers or any other Person for Cattle, Horses, Mares, Colts, Mules, Asses, Neat Cattle, Sheep, Lambs, Goats, Kids, Rents, Trades, Taverns and Callings [Page 13]whatsoever, Mutatis Mutandis; and if any Person or Per­sons shall refuse either by Themselves, Case of Re­fusal. Overseers or Pen­keepers, to give an Account upon Oath as aforesaid, of their Slaves, Horses, Mares, Colts, Mules, Asses, Neat Cattle, Sheep, Lambs, Goats, Kids, Rents, Trades and Callings in manner aforesaid; That then it shall be Lawful for the Justices and Vestry, or the Justices where there is no Vestry, to Tax the Person or Persons so refu­sing according to their Discretion.

AND forasmuch as the present Necessity will require the Advancing of Mony for and towards the Buying or Hiring and Equipping the said Two Sloops and Men to Sea, with all possible Expedition:

BE it enacted by Authority aforesaid, that it shall and may be lawful to and for any Person or Persons to ad­vance and lend to Their Majesties, for and towards the furtherance of this present occasion, such Sum or Sums of Mony as may be needful; and that whosoever shall advance and lend any such Sum or Sums of Mony upon the security of this Act, Interect on Mony ad­vanc'd. shall receive for the Loan of the Sum they shall so lend after the rate of Twelve Pound Ten Shillings, per Cent. per Ann. for the time he or they shall be in disburse of the said Sum, on the Credit of this said Act as aforesaid, any thing beforementioned to the contrary thereof in any wise notwithstanding.

AND to the end that all Moneys that shall be lent unto Their Majesties upon the Credit hereof may be well and sufficiently secured:

BE it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid, that all and every Person and Persons who shall Advance and Lend any Sum or Sums of Mony to Their Majesties, on the Credit of this Act, and actually Pay the same into the Hands of the Receiver or Receivers hereafter Na­med and Appointed, shall by the Receiver or Receivers on the first Payment of Mony that shall be Paid into the [Page 14]Receivers Hands, by virtue of this Act, be forthwith Paid into the Person or Persons, their Executors or Ad­ministrators, so lending the said Sum Advanced, with the Interest of the same, for the discharge of the Mony so Lent and Advanced. And that all and every other Sum or Sums of Mony that shall be laid out, or be Paid by the Receiver or Receivers, for and towards the Buying, Equipping, Victualling and fitting to Sea; as also for Paying the Officers and Seamen on Board the said Sloops: and also for Paying the Officers and Soldiers of the Two Parties beforementioned, for Reducing the Rebellious Negroes, shall as they become due, be Paid by the Receiver or Receivers that are hereafter menti­oned and Appointed, without Fee or Charge.

Receivers Names.AND be it further Enacted by the Authority afore­said, that the Honourable Colonel Charles Knights, one of Their Majesties Council of this Island, and also Colonel Thomas Clarke, Captain Lancelot Talbott, Captain Robert Wardlow, William Hutchinson Esq Captain Josiah Heathcote and Captain Thomas Clarke, be and are hereby Required and Impowred and Warranted to be Receiver or Receivers, of all and singular the several Sums afore­said, mentioned and intended to be raised on the several Parishes or People aforesaid, and shall and may Law­fully by Advice and Consent of the Lieutenant Gover­nour or Commander in Chief, forthwith Buy or Hire Two good and substantial Sloops fit for War, and Provide, Equip, Fit ready for the Sea, and Victual the same for Fifty Effective Officers, Seamen and Soldiers Inclusively, for each Sloop for the said Six Months, or for such shorter time as to to them shall appear most convenient; and that the said Two Sloops being thus Fitted and Victualled, it is hereby Required that the Right Honourable Sir William Beeston Knight, Captains ap­pointed by whome. Their Majesties Lieutenant Governour aforesaid, by Com­mission under his Hand and Seal, do Constitute and Appoint on Board each of the said Sloops, such Discreet and Able Captains for this present Service, as his Honour [Page 15]shall in his Prudence think fit, and can Confide in; and that each of the said Captains receive for their Pay after the rate of Six Pounds per Month: And other Officers. And likewise ap­point by his Warrant for each Sloop one Master at Four Pounds per Month; one Boatswain, one Gunner at Three Pounds per Month each; one Chirurgeon, and one Carpenter at Four Pounds per Month each, on Board each Sloop. And Command and Require them in Their Majesties name to Raise and Enlist on Board the said Two Sloops, by Impressing or otherwise, to make and fill up the full number of Fifty Effective Officers, Sea­men and Soldiers in each Sloop, who shall also receive after the rate of Forty Shillings each Man per Month. And that their monthly Pay, arising from this present Ser­vice, shall be paid out of the Mony raised by this pre­sent Act, Commanding and Requiring the respective Captains of each Sloop aforesaid, by his Commission and Instructions therewith to be given, that they take care from time to time, to their utmost Abilities, to Guard and Defend the Coasts of this Island by constant Cruising, and looking out both Windward and Leward, North and South sides of this Island, as his Honour in his great Wisdom shall from time to time Direct and Command.

BE it also Enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That the said Colonel Charles Knights, and Josiah Heathcote, Esq be and are hereby appointed, impowered, and warranted to be Treasurers to Receive and Pay all Sum and Sums of Mony as shall from time to time come to their Hands, Treasurers. for the more easie and ready dispatch of such Persons as they may have occasion to Deal with; or pay all such Wages unto the Officers, Seamen and Soldiers, as the Occasion and Intent of this Act may require. And as soon as the Receiver or Receivers, before appointed and impowered, have Bought or Hired, and Equipped the said Sloops, and Victualled them with sufficient Victu­als for their respective Complements of Men aforesaid, for the time they shall find convenient; That the said [Page 16]Sloops be forthwith dispatcht out to Sea by Command and Direction of the Lieutenant Governour, or Com­mander in Chief, to Cruise about the Coasts of this Island, as aforesaid. And that the Receiver, or Receivers, keep a distinct Accompt of the Mony raised by this present Act. And for all Payments made for the Uses and Purposes by this Act required, and render a just and true Accompt thereof, Accompt to be given. when demanded, unto Their Majesties Lieutenant Governour, or Commander in Chief, and Council, of all Sum and Sums of Mony by them, and every of them received by Vertue of this present Act, and how laid out, and for what, and to whom, and for what Uses. And shall in like manner give an Accompt to the Assembly of this Island when Sitting and Assembled, when thereunto required, of so much of the said Mony as shall be by them, and every of them respectively re­ceived, and to whom the same are issued and paid by them respectively, and to what Uses, and if the said Re­ceiver, or Receivers, or any of them, after the Receipt of any of the said Monies, shall divert or misapply the same, or any part thereof by any pretence whatsoever, otherwise than before intended and directed, contrary to the true intent and meaning of this Act; he or they so Offending shall forfeit to Their Majesties, Forfeit. for, and to­wards the support of the Government of this Island, and contingent Charges thereof, double the Sum so di­verted or misapplyed.

AND for the better Order and Government of the said Sloops of War, wherein the Honor of Their Majesties, and the Interest of this Island are so much concerned: Be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid, Articles and Orders. That all and every the Articles and Orders mentioned in certain Acts of Parliament, made in the Thirteenth year of the Reign of His Majesty Charles the Second, of blessed Memory, for the Establishing Articles and Orders for the Regu­lating and better Governing of his Majesty's Navies, and Ships of War, and Forces by Sea, shall be duly and re­spectively put in Execution, Observed, and Obeyed on [Page 17]Board the said Sloops of War: And are hereby de­clared to be the Law of this Island against all such Per­son or Persons aboard the said Sloops, as shall Offend therein. And for further Encouragement of the Offi­cers, Seamen, and Soldiers aboard the said Sloops, Encourage­ment of Of­ficers, &c. All Ships, Sloops, or Vessels by them taken from the Enemy, and not belonging to this Island, are hereby likewise given them for their said Encouragement. Provided always, that all Slaves, Vessels, or Goods belonging to Their Majesties Subjects of this Island, which the said Sloops of War shall happen to retake before they shall have ar­rived at the Enemies Port, during the time that they, or either of them are employed in this present Service, on the Countries Charge as aforesaid, shall be returned to the respective Owners or Proprietors, their Agents or At­torneys, any Law, Custom, or Usage to the contrary in any wise notwithstanding.

AND be it further Enacted by the Authority afore­said, That the said Parties hereby raised, or to be raised for the subduing the Rebellious Negroes aforesaid, in case of Misdemeanour or Neglect of their Duty in that be­half, shall be liable to the Pains and Punishments pre­scribed in the Articles of War, as when Martial Law is in force in this Island, and that the Captain of each Party receive for his Service in this Act intended and appointed, the Sum of Four Pounds per Month, Pay for the Land-Forces. and that each Ser­jeant also receive Fifty Shillings per Month, and each Soldier Forty Shillings per Month, to be paid by the Re­ceiver or Receivers, without any Fee or Charge to either Officer or Soldier.

AND be it further Enacted and Ordained by the Authority aforesaid, That for the better Encouraging of the Persons Employed on Board the said Sloops for the Service of Their Majesties, and this Island, that they shall receive as Salvage for all Vessels, Slaves, Prizes re­taken. and other Goods taken of this Island, and by-them retaken before they are landed in any of the Enemies Commission-Ports, [Page 18]One sixth part of the Vessels, Slaves or Goods so retaken, or the value thereof, the said Vessels, Slaves or Goods having been first Appraised by two Persons indifferently Chosen, one by the Commander or Commanders of the said Sloop or Sloops, and the other by the re­spective Owner or Owners; which shall be divided a­mong the Officers, Seamen and Soldiers of the said Vessels, proportionably to the Pay each Person receives of the Country for that Service.

AND that all such Persons as shall go out in the Parties to reduce the Negroes in Rebellion, may be in­duced to proceed with the more Resolution and Vigour; it is hereby Enacted that they shall Receive from the Treasurers, Negro kill'd, or retaken. for each Negro Killed that was Actually in Rebellion, which shall be Evidenced by bringing in his Head to any Justice, the Sum of Forty Shillings: And for each Negro in Rebellion taken and brought in alive, not Maimed or Mortally Wounded, the Sum of Ten Pounds, to be paid by the Owner or Proprietor of such Slave or Slaves, who is hereby obliged under the Penalty of Fifty Pounds to Transport the Slave or Slaves so Reduced from Actual Rebellion: And in case that no Owner can be found; That then the Treasurer or Treasurers, by this Act appointed, or either of them, shall be by this Act Obliged and Impowred to pay the said Ten Pounds our of the Treasury, and Receive the said Slave or Slaves, and him or them Sell and Transport as aforesaid: And the Produce retain in his or their Hands to be em­ployed in the said Service, and for defraying the Con­tingent Charges thereof. And to the end that it may be the better known who is a Negro in Rebellion, It is hereby declared that all Negroes that have been absent from their Owner or Plantation, the Term of Six Months, be and are accounted as in actual Rebellion, any thing to the Contrary notwithstanding.

AND be it Enacted by the Authority aforesaid, that in Case any of the Officers, Seamen or Soldiers on Board [Page 19]the said Sloops, or in the said Parties, shall, in actual Service, lose either Leg or Arm, or be otherwise Dis­abled: That then and in all such Cases, Case of Maim. all and every of the said Disabled Men shall receive Ten Pound per Annum without Charge, during his or their Natural Lives: And also their Cures to be Paid for out of the Publick Revenue of this Island, by order of the Lieu­tenant-Governour and Council, or of the Government of this Island, out of the first Payment.

AND be it further Enacted by the Authority afore­said, that all Monies which shall Remain over and above, Surplus not expended. or be not Expended of the said Sum of Four Thousand Three Hundred Three Pounds Three Shillings and Nine Pence, arising by vertue of this Act, and not hereby applyed towards the defraying the Charges of the Sloops and Parties aforesaid, shall be and remain in the hands of the said Treasurers or either of them, by this Act appointed to be applyed and disposed of, for and towards such other use or uses as the Assembly of this Island shall appoint by a Law: And that the said Receiver or Re­ceivers, Treasurer or Treasurers be allowed all his or their, or either of their reasonable Charges, in and about the discharging the Trust hereby reposed in them, Com­mission or pretences to Commission hereby excepted.

AND be it further Enacted by the Authority afore­said, that the Fines and Forfeitures mentioned in this Act and not declared where they shall be Recovered, Fines, &c. how dispo­sed. or how Disposed of, be one half to Their Majesties, for and to­wards the Support of the Government of this Island, and the contingent Charges thereof; the other half to the In­former, who shall Sue for the same in any Court of Record within this Island, and where no Essoyne, Pro­tection, Injunction, Wager of Law or nonvult ulterius pro­sequi shall be allowed.

An ACT To Encourage Sea-faring Men, and other Their MAJESTIES Subjects.

Preamble.WHEREAS great Numbers of Persons, as well Sea-faring Men as others, by the ill Usage and Discouragement they have formerly met with, have been driven from this Island, and for Common Subsistence, many of them have fallen under the Necessity of taking unlawful Courses, and been forced ever since the present War with France, to seek for Shelter in the Ports and Settlements belong­ing to the French King in the West-Indies, and else­where, and afterwards Compelled to enter into his Service.

AND whereas divers other Persons being Disabled by their Losses in the late Dreadful Earthquake, and other Misfortunes, to Pay their Debts to avoid the Suits and, Prosecutions of their Creditors, have been likewise obliged to go off this Island; And by reason of the Offen­ces and Debts aforesaid, cannot safely return again. And forasmuch as nothing can more conduce to the Strength, Security, and Flourishing Condition of this Country, than Multitudes of People; and that it is become ab­solutely necessary in Order thereunto, for putting the Island in this time of War, into a Posture of Defence against the Enemy, to Invite and Encourage as much as possible, Their Majesties Subjects to come to this Island, by Delivering them from the Penalties and For­feitures they have already incurr'd, and by preventing [Page 21]all Vexation and Trouble they may be put to hereafter, by any Prosecution in Their Majesties Name for the said Offences, or by means of the Suit or Suits of any other Persons to whom they stand indebted:

THE Lieutenant-Governour, Council, and Assem­bly, most humbly beseech Their Majesties to be Gra­ciously pleased to extend to all Persons so Offending, as aforesaid, Their Majesties Free and General Pardon, Free and Ge­neral Pardon. and for the Ease and Quiet of them and the rest, to give convenient Time to Pay their Debts.

AND that therefore it may be Enacted by the Lieutenant-Governour, Council and Assembly, and be it Enacted by the Authority of the same in Manner and Form following, that is to say, That all and every Per­son and Persons whosoever, shall be, and are hereby Acquitted, Pardoned, Released, and Discharged against Their Majesties, Their Heirs and Successors, and all others whomsoever, of, and from all manner of Penal­ties incurr'd by Serving under the French King or his Subjects as aforesaid; and all Crimes and Offences, Acts of Hostility, or Violence whatsoever (Treason and Murder excepted) and of, and from all manner of De­predations by Sea or by Land, and all other Crimes, Offences and Misdemeanors whatsoever, already done and committed before the First Day of this Session, in the Year of our Lord One Thousand Six Hundred Ninety Three, and not otherwise or afterwards; And of and from all manner of Forfeitures, Penalties, Pains Corporal, and Pains Pecuniary, and all Suits, Judg­ments and Executions, for, or by reason of the same, or any of them.

AND be it further Enacted by the Authority afore­said, That all and every Person or Persons that have committed Piracy or Robbery by Sea, and not Murder or Treason, that shall come hither, Time of Sur­render. and Surrender and Submit themselves within Ten Days after their Arrival [Page 22]in this Island, unto the Commander in Chief for the time being, and give in moderate Security for their future Good Behaviour, that then, and in such Case, the said Commander in Chief shall be by Vertue of this Act obliged to extend to such Person or Persons so Submitting and Surrendring as aforesaid, Their Ma­jesties Gracious Pardon under the Great Seal of this Island, for the Crime or Crimes afore-mentioned, with­out Let, Hindrance, or Molestation from Their Ma­jesties Attorney-General, or any other Person or Persons whatsoever; for which Pardon, the Parties to whom Their Majesties Mercy is so extended, Fee for Par­don. shall pay the Summ of Forty Shillings, and no more, to be paid as a full Fee unto such Officer or Officers as the Com­mander in Chief shall Direct and Appoint to receive the same.

AND be it further Enacted, That the Attorney-General, or any other Officer or Officers whatsoever, that shall presume by any way or means, directly or indi­rectly, to Exact any Summ or Summs of Money of any Person or Persons whatsoever, to whom such Act of Mercy is extended, Case of Ex­action. or intended to be extended, shall forfeit the Summ of One Hundred Pound, currant Money, one Half to Their Majesties, for, and towards the Support of the Government of this Island, and the Contingent Charges thereof; and the other Half to the Patty injured, to be recovered by Action of Debt, Bill, Plaint, or Information in any Court of Record within this Island, where no Essoyne, Protection, Injunction, Wager of Law, or Nonvult ulterius prosequi, shall be allowed; any Law, Custom or Usage, or any Thing in this Act seeming to the contrary in any wise notwith­standing.

AND be it further Enacted by the Authority afore­said, That this Their Majesties Free-Pardon as afore­said, shall be as good and effectual in the Law to every of the said Persons before-mentioned, as the same Par­don [Page 23]should have been, if all and every the Persons, and all and singular the Offences aforesaid, had been parti­cularly, singularly, especially, and plainly Named, Re­hearsed, and Specified, and also Pardoned by proper and express Words and Names, and be as fully, largely, This Pardon to be taken in the largest Sense. amply and beneficially Understood, Interpreted and Ex­pounded to all Intents and Purposes, against Their Ma­jesties, Their Heirs and Successors, and all others, to, and for the Benefit, Advantage, and Favour of the Per­sons before intended to be Pardoned, as the same can, or may be Understood, Interpreted and Expounded; any Statutes, Acts, Laws, Customs, or Usages hereto­fore had, made or used to the contrary in any wise notwithstanding.

AND be it further Enacted by the Lieutenant-Governour, Council and Assembly, and by the Autho­rity of the same, That all and every Person or Persons whomsoever, that shall come and Reside here, and Claim the Benefit of this Act, and be employed in the Service of the Country in Privateering Trade, or otherwise, shall by Vertue hereof be Protected, Ex­cepted, and Excused from the Payment of their said Debts, contracted before their coming hither, or their going off from hence, for the space of Five Years, to be computed from the First Day of this present Session, and during the said Time, that all real, personal, Time for Debtors. or mixt Actions, and all Arrests, Process, Suits, Informa­tions, Judgments, Executions, and all other Prosecu­tions whatsoever, to be had, commenced, sued or pro­secuted for, or by reason of their said Debts, or any Summ or Summs of Money by them as aforesaid, Due or Owing to any Person or Persons whomsoever, be, and are hereby Suspended, Respited and Discharged, and made Void, for and during the said Term of Five Years and no longer.

PROVIDED always, and it is the true Intent and Meaning of this present Act, That no Person or [Page 24]Persons claiming the Benefit of the same, shall plead the Statute of Limitation in their Favour or behalf, as if the said Intermission had not been after the Expiration of the said Five Years, but that the same shall be accounted as if this Law had not been made, any Thing in this Act seeming to the contrary notwithstanding.

AND if any Action or Suit hereby Suspended, Re­spited and Discharged, shall be Commenced or Prose­cuted, every Person so Sued may plead the General Issue, and give this Act and the Special Matter in E­vidence; and if the Plaintiff shall become Nonsuit, Suit commen­ced contrary to this Act. or forbear further Prosecution, or suffer Discontinuance, or if a Verdict shall pass against him, the said Plain­tiff shall for ever absolutely Forfeit and Lose his Ori­ginal Debt so Sued for, and besides, Pay to the De­fendant his Double Costs and Charges out of Purse; to be Assessed by the Jury, or the Judges of the Court, where such Action or Suit shall be Commenced, and Levied by Rule of Court, of the said Plaintiff's Goods and Chattels, or the said Plaintiff to stand commit­ted till Payment thereof, at the Discretion of the said Court.

PROVIDED always, nevertheless, That no Person shall take, or have any Benefit or Advantage by this Act, or any thing therein contained, who shall not within Twenty Days after his Arrival, Names to be enrolled. cause his Name to be Entred into the Office of Inrolments for this Island, in a Book to be kept there for that particular Purpose, and Claim, and Demand the Benefit of the same; which said Claim, and Demand, and Entry of his Name as aforesaid, shall be to all Intents and Purposes; as effectual and available in the Law, as if the said Person had been herein particularly named and expressed, and an attested Copy of the said Entry and Claim as aforesaid, shall be pleaded in any Court, and of as much Authority, Force and Validity in the Law, as this pre­sent Act, or Special Pardon under the Broad Seal as afore­said; [Page 25]any Statutes, Acts, Laws, Usages or Customs to the contrary in any wise notwithstanding.

AND be it further Enacted by the Authority afore­said, That the Secretary, or Clerk of the Enrolments for the time being, Fee for En­rolment. shall not refuse to make Entry of such Claim and Demand as aforesaid, and give an attested Copy thereof; or take more than Fifteen Pence for such Entry, and the Copy thereof, under the Penalty of Ten Pounds for every such Offence, to be paid to him, who by Bill, Plaint, Information, or Action of Debt, shall Sue for the same.

AND be it further Enacted by the Authority afore­said, That whereas by an Act of this Country, Enti­tled, An Act for Restraining and Punishing Privateers and Pyrates; in which Act, among other Things, Relation to a former Act. there is contained one Clause, Branch and Article, whereby it was thus Enacted: Be it further Enacted by the Au­thority aforesaid, That all and every Person and Persons that shall any way knowingly, Entertain, Harbour, Con­ceal, Trade, or Hold any Correspondence by Letter, or otherwise, with any Person or Persons that shall be deemed, or adjudged to be Privateers, Pyrates, or other Offenders within the Construction of this Act; and that shall not readily endeavour to the best of his or their Power, to apprehend, or cause to be apprehended, such Offender or Offenders, shall be liable to be Prosecuted as Accessa­ries and Confederates, and to suffer such Pains and Penal­ties as in such Case by Law is provided.

WHICH said Clause, Branch, or Article contained in the said Act, and every Word, Matter, and Thing contained in that Clause, Branch or Article, shall from henceforth be repealed, annulled, revoked, annihilated, Cause re­pealed. and utterly made void for ever, any Thing in the said Act to the contrary in any wise notwithstanding.

An ACT For making Kingston a Parish.

Preamble.WHEREAS it hath pleased Almighty God by his late Dreadful Judgment, to lay Waste, and Destroy the Habitations and Dwelling-Places of many of the People, late of Port-Royal, whereby they were necessitated to resort to some more convenient Place, wherein to Unite and Settle for the Advantage of Trade, and better Conveniency of Living, and did by the Encouragement of the then Government, Repair to, and Settle upon a certain Place now called and known by the Name of Kingston, in the Parish of St. Andrews, on the Harbour of Port-Royal aforesaid; and have with great Trouble and Charge made a Considerable Progress in Building and Settling there, and being willing and desirous there to Continue by reason of the Convenient Situation of the Place, and Commodiousness of the Channel and Har­bour:

BE it therefore Enacted and Ordained by Their Majesties Lieutenant-Governour, Council and Assembly, and it is hereby Enacted and Ordained by the Authority of the same, Bounds there­of. That the aforesaid Place commonly called and known by the Name of Kingston, lying in the Parish of St. Andrews, on the Harbour of Port-Royal, bounded Southerly by the Harbour, Westerly and Nor­therly by the Line of the Land of Sir William Beeston Knight, and to continue from a Callabash his North-Easterly Corner Tree, by a strait Line to the Foot of the Long Mountain, Eighty Chain distant from the Sea, and from thence towards Three Rivers at the same Distance from the Sea, until it meets with the [Page 27]Bounds of the Parish of Port-Royal; And also all that Part of the Harbour which lies to the North-Easterly and Easterly Part of the Middle Ground, shall be and for ever hereafter be taken and esteemed to all Intents and Purposes, an intire and distinct Parish, separate from the said Parish of Sr. Andrews, and be called and known by the Name of the Town and Parish of Kingston, and Have, Use, Exercise, and Enjoy all and every the Powers, Authorities, Benefits, Priviledges, Rights, Immunities and Customs, that all or any of the Parishes or Precincts within this Island, have, or ought to Have, Use, Exercise, or Enjoy of Common Right, or by Vertue of any General Act or Act of this Country, as fully, amply and effectually, as if the same had then been a distinct and separate Parish or Precinct, and therein by Name expresly mentioned and specified: And particularly, that there shall be chosen Three Representatives to Serve in every Assembly here­after, or after the first Prorogation of this present As­sembly for the said Town and Parish of Kingston, any Law, Custom or Usage to the contrary in any wise notwithstanding.

AND be it further Enacted and Ordained by the Authority aforesaid, That for the Ease of the Mer­chants and Trading People of the said Town of Kingston, that there be Erected, Established and Held in the said Town, a Quarter-Sessions for the Conser­vation of the Peace, and a Court of Common-Pleas, Courts of Justice. with the same Power and Authority, that is, or hath been lately Held or Exercised at Port-Royal, which said Court shall be held the first time on the Second Thursday in October, in this present Year One Thou­sand Six Hundred Ninety Three, and afterwards Once every Two Months, and the Sessions every Three Months, any Thing in this Act to the contrary not­withstanding.

AND be it further Enacted and Ordained by the Authority aforesaid, that the Receiver-General, Secre­tary of this Island, and Naval Officer for the time be­ing, do by Themselves or Deputies within One Month after the passing this Act, keep, or cause to be kept in the Town of Kingston aforesaid, their several and respective Offices, Publick Of­fices. as they now do, or heretofore have or ought to have done on Port-Royal, on Penalty of Fifty Pounds each for every Month, they or any of them shall Neglect or Refuse to do the same, to be Recovered against them, or any of them, by Bill, Plaint, Information, or otherwise, in the Supreme Court of this Island; the One Half to Their Maje­sties, for, and towards the Support of the Govern­ment of this Island, and the contingent Charges there­of, and the other Half to the Informer, or him that shall Sue for the same, wherein no Essoyn, Injun­ction, Protection, Wager of Law, or Nonvult ulterius prosequi shall be Allowed.

An ACT For the better Securing of Port Royal.

Preamble.WHEREAS the Town of Port-Royal is a Town of a very Considerable Trade, and of great Strength to resist the Enemy in time of War, by reason of Their Majesties Fortifications, and a great number of Houses through the Mercy of God left stand­ing thereon.

AND whereas by the late Dreadful Earthquake the Land on the Back-Sea-side is settled lower than it was, by reason whereof the Sea hath more power to gain up­on it, and if not timely prevented by Wharfing to re­sist the Violence thereof, may endanger the Houses that are standing on that Sea-side, for prevention whereof

BE it Enacted and Ordained by Their Majesties Lieutenant-Governour, Council and Assembly, and it is hereby Enacted and Ordained by the Authority of the same, That it shall and may be lawful, from, and after the Twenty Fifth day of July, in the Year of our Lord 1693. for the Justices and Vestry of the Parish of Port-Royal, or the Major part of them, to Assess, Tax, Mony for the Work. and Levy such Sum, or Sums of Mony, upon all and every the Freeholders of the said Parish of Port-Royal, as to them shall seem Meet and Convenient, for, and towards the Wharfing, or otherwise Securing the Town of Port-Royal towards the Great-Sea-side abovementioned.

AND whereas after the Wharfs are made they may from time to time want Repairing, Be it therefore further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid, and it is hereby En­acted and Ordained by the Authority of the same; that it shall and may be lawful for the Justices and Vestry of Port-Royal aforesaid, or the Major part of them, to Assess, Tax, For the Re­pairs. and Levy yearly, and every Year, such Sum or Sums of Mony upon the Freeholders of the said Parish of Port-Royal, at such times as to them shall seem requisite or necessary, for Repairing and Maintaining the said Wharfs; and that the Constable or Constables of the said Parish of Port-Royal shall gather in the abovesaid Monies so to be Levyed, Assessed and Taxed, as before mentioned and appointed by this present Act; and pay the same into the Hands of the Church-Wardens of the said Parish of Port-Royal for the time being, Deducting to him or themselves Four Pence in the Pound for Collecting the same. And in Case any Constable or Constables shall neglect his or their Duty in Collecting, Gathering, or Paying in the Mony so Collected by Vertue of this Act, he or they so neglecting his or their Duty therein, shall Forfeit for every such Offence the Sum of Twenty Pounds.

AND in Case any Person or Persons shall refuse or delay to pay his or their Tax so to be Assessed, Taxed, and Levyed, Case of Re­fusal. as in this present Act is prescribed, Be it fur­ther Enacted and Ordained by the Authority aforesaid, that it shall and may be lawful to, and for any two of Their Majesties Justices of the Peace of the Parish of Port-Royal aforesaid, to Issue out their Warrant of Di­stress, directed to any Constable of the said Parish, to Levy the same upon the Goods or Chattels of him, her, or them so refusing or delaying to pay the same, and Sell the same at Publick Outcry, returning the Overplus, if any be, to the Owner.

AND to the Intent that the Mony which shall be Collected and Raised by virtue of this Act, may be ap­plyed to the use and purpose by this Act mentioned and directed, Be it further Enacted and Ordained by the Au­thority aforesaid, that the Church-Warden or Church-Wardens of the said Parish of Port-Royal for the time being, shall, and are hereby required from time to time to pay the Mony arising by virtue of this Act to such Person or Persons, and to such Uses as the Justices and Vestry, Payment to whom. or major part of them shall direct and appoint, and that the Church-Wardens of the said Parish for the time be­ing shall keep a distinct Accompt of the Mony by them, and each of them received by virtue of this Act, and likewise render a true and just Accompt thereof to the Justices, and Vestry of the said Parish of Port-Royal, when thereunto required, and also pay the full Balance of the same unto the succeeding Church-Wardens, or to whomsoever the said Justices and Vestry, or major part of them shall direct and appoint, under the Penalty of Fifty Pounds for every Offence committed contrary to their Duty in this Act enjoyned.

AND whereas several of the Freeholders of Port-Royal may be, or are not Resident or Inhabitants on the said Place, for the better Recovery of the said Tax to be Assessed as aforesaid, Be it further Enacted and Ordained by the Authority aforesaid, that in such Cases, from, Absent Free­holders. and after the Twenty Fifth Day of July, One Thousand Six Hundred Ninety Three, an Action of Debt shall Lye in any Court of Record, or before any Justice of the Peace, as in other Debts, for the Church-Wardens of the respective Parish of Port-Royal, and their Successors to Recover against any of the said Persons Rated, or As­sessed by virtue of this Act, or any of them, or their Heirs, Executors, Administrators, Assigns, Agents or Attorneys here, all such Sum and Sums of Mony as are, or shall be Rated or Assessed upon them as aforesaid. And [Page 32]that the same Rate or Assessment produced in such Court of Record, or before such Justice of the Peace as afore­said, shall be sufficient Evidence and Proof for the Re­covery of all such Sum or Sums Mony so Rated or Assessed as aforesaid.

AND be it further Enacted by the Authority afore­said, That if any Person or Persons being Seized, Pos­sessed, or Interested of, or in any Ground which was formerly builded upon, and the Houses thereupon being now Destroyed, Neglect of Rebuilding. or pulled Down at the times, or by the means of the late Dreadful Earthquake, shall not with­in Three Years next Ensuing Build on the same, that then the Judges of the Court of Common-Pleas of the said Parish for the time being, or any one of them, shall forthwith cause publick Proclamation to be made, as well at, or upon the said Ground, as also in the Court-House of the said Parish, thereby to give notice to all Persons that shall, or may be therein Concerned, to cause the same to be rebuilded within the space of Nine Months then next following, and in Case the Owners thereof, or other Person or Persons having Interest therein, shall refuse or neglect to Rebuild the same within such time as aforesaid, that then, and in such Case the said Judges of the said Court, or any one of them, are here­by Authorized to Issue out their Warrants to the Provost Marshal for the time being, requiring him to Impannel, and return before them, or any one of them, a Jury of good and lawful Men of the said Parish, which the said Provost Marshal is hereby Authorized and Required to do accordingly, which Jury so Returned shall upon their Oaths to be Administred to them by the said Judges, or one of them, who are likewise hereby Authorized to Administer the same, Enquire, Estimate, and Assess the true and just Value of such void Ground, according to their Judgments; and that from, and after such Enquiry and Valuation thereof made as aforesaid, by Inquest of the said Jury, it shall, and may be Lawful to, and for [Page 33]the said Judge or Judges to make Sale of the Fee and In­heritance thereof, by Conveyance under his or their Hands and Seals, to any Person or Persons that will Purchase the same at such Price, at which the same shall have been so as aforesaid Estimated and Valued by the said Jury, and the Monies thereupon to be received of the Purchasers thereof, shall forthwith be paid into the Hands of the Church-wardens of the said Parish for the time being, and from thence to be issued out, and Paid by the said Church-wardens for the time being, unto such Person or Persons, who shall have any Estate or Interest in, to, or out of the same, according to his or their respective Estate or Estates, Title or Interest, which Sale so made and Enrolled in the Office of En­rolments of this Island, Sale to be Enrolled. shall be Final and Conclusive to all other Persons whatsoever, and shall Bar them, their Heirs and Assigns, to Claim any Estate, Right, Title, or Interest of, in, or out of the Grounds so Sold, Precedent to the said Sale; and the Purchaser or Pur­chasers thereof, his, and their Heirs and Assigns, shall, and may by virtue of this Act, have, hold, and enjoy the same against all Persons Claiming any Estate, Right, Title, or Interest in, to, or out of the same, his, her, and their Heirs, Executors, Administrators, and Assigns, freed and discharged of, and from Incum­brances in Estate, Title, Charge, or otherwise, Prece­dent to the said Sale: Their Majesties Quit-Rents only excepted.

AND be it further Enacted and Ordained by the Au­thority aforesaid, and it is hereby Enacted and Ordain­ed by the Authority of the same, That the Receiver General, and Naval Officer of this Island, shall by themselves, or lawful Deputy, Offices to be kept on Port-Royal. keep their Offices on Port-Royal, as at any time heretofore they have, or ought to have done: and that the Secretary of this Island, shall from time to time by his lawful. Deputy keep his Office at Port-Royal, as at any time heretofore has, now [Page 34]doth, or ought to have done, under the Penalty of Fifty Pounds for every Month the Receiver General, Naval Officer, or Secretary of this Island, or any of them, shall neglect or refuse to do the same.

AND be it further Enacted and Ordained by the Authority aforesaid, That all, and every the Fines and Forfeitures in this Act mentioned and contained, Fines, &c. how disposed. shall be one half to Their Majesties, Their Heirs and Suc­cessors, for and towards the Support of the Government of this Island, and the contingent Charges thereof, and the other half to the Parish of Port-Royal, for, and to­wards the Wharfing, Repairing, and Maintaining the Wharfs so to be Made, Repaired, and Maintained, as in this Act mentioned, and to, and for no other Use, In­tent, or Purpose whatsoever; to be recovered in any Court of Record within this Island, by Action of Debt, Bill, Plaint, or Information, wherein no Essoin, In­junction, Protection, Wager of Law, or Nonvult ulteri­us prosequi, shall be allowed, any Law, Custom, or Usage to the contrary in any wise notwithstanding.

An ACT For Making and Clearing a Pub­lick Road from St. Mary's and St. George's into the Parish of St. Andrew's.

Preamble.WHEREAS by reason of the uncertainty of the Bounds of the Parishes of St. Mary's, St. George's, and St. Andrew's, the Paths leading from St. Mary's and St. George's, have not yet been Laid out and Cleared, to the great Hindrance and Damage of the Inhabitants thereof; and it being requisite, as well for Their Majesties Service in Transporting speedy Succours to each Place, as for the necessary use of Their Majesties Liege People; that a Publick Road be laid out from the said Parishes of St. Mary's and St. George's, into the Parish of St. Andrew's:

BE it therefore Enacted and Ordained by the Lieu­tenant-Governour, Council and Assembly, And it is hereby Enacted and Ordained by the Authority of the same: That the Path or Road, as it is now used, The Cause of the Road. from the Orange River Plantation, in the Parish or St. Mary's, over Little Tom's River, and from thence over Viney Ridge, leaving the Plantation belonging to Colonel Thomas Clarke to the Eastward, unto the Plantation late of Andrew Holloway, deceased, at Wagwater, and so into the Parish of St. Andrew's, be a Publick Road, or King's High-way, between the said two Parishes of St. Mary's and St. Andrew's; and that the Path or Road from An­notta River Bay in the Parish of St. George's, leading to­wards St. Andrew's aforesaid, shall by its nearest and most [Page 36]convenient Course fall into the Path coming from the said Orange River in St. Mary's, upon a Ridge or Moun­tain, commonly called or known by the Name of Mam­mee Ridge, and from thence forward along the said Path to Little Tom's River, &c. And that the same be a Publick Road, or King's High-way, between the said two Parishes of St. George's and St. Andrew's as afore­said.

AND be it further Enacted and Ordained by the Authority aforesaid, That the Surveyors of the High-ways for the Parish of St. Mary's, do yearly, and as often as need shall require, clear and amend the said Road, Surveyors limited. or High-way, from the Orange River aforesaid, over the said Mammee Ridge, unto the Ford at the Foot of the said Hill at Little Tom's River aforesaid: and that the Parish of St. George's also clear their Road or High-way from Annotta Bay as aforesaid, unto the said Place, as it shall fall into the Path on Mammee Ridge as aforesaid, coming from the said Orange River Plantation; and that the Parish of St. Andrew's clear the said Ford and Road, or King's High-way, leading from thence over Viney Ridge aforesaid, leaving the Plantation of the said Colonel Thomas Clarke to the Eastward as aforesaid, unto the Plantation of the said Andrew Holloway and Wagwater, and so forward into the Parish of St. Andrew's.

AND it is hereby further Enacted, That the re­spective Surveyors of the High-ways, and Inhabitants of the Parishes of St. Mary's, St. George's, and St. Andrew's, shall be severally subject to the like Pains and Penalties, Penalty on neglect of Duty. for their, or any of their neglect of their Duty therein, and be in the same way and manner Recovered, and in the like manner applied, as is provided for and ap­pointed in the Act for the High-ways, for the neglect of their several Duties in the like kind.

Proviso.PROVIDED always, That if at any time here­after it shall be found necessary that the said Path or Paths, or any part of them should be turned or altered: That it shall, and may be done in such manner as in the said Act for the High-ways is provided and appointed in the said Act for turning, or altering Old-ways to more Conveniencies, any Law, Custom, or Usage to the Con­trary in any wise notwithstanding.

An ACT Appointing the Prices of Meats, and Regulating Markets.

Preamble.FOR Prevention of the many Hardships and Abuses that may be put upon the Inhabitants of this Island, by those that Sell in Publick Markets the several sorts of Meats hereafter mentioned, and demand Extravagant Prices for the same;

BE it Enacted by Their Majesties Lieutenant-Go­vernour, Council, and Assembly of this Island, and it is hereby Enacted and Ordained by the Authority of the same, that no Person or Persons upon any pretence whatsoever, Selling in any Publick Market within this Island, any of the several Kinds of Meat hereafter named, presume to Ask, Demand, or Receive for Fresh Beef, Beef, Goat, Mutton, Veal, Hog. or Goat, any more, higher, or greater Price, than Four Pence per Pound; Mutton Six Pence; Veal, the Breast and Loin Nine Pence, and any other part thereof Seven Pence Half-peny the Pound; Hog, that weigheth Twelve Pounds the Quarter, or under, Seven Pence Half-peny; and all weighing above, Six Pence the Pound; [Page 38]Lamb or Kid, Seven Pence Half Peny the Pound: all which said Meat shall be weighed without the Head, Entrails, or Feet, and no Suet to be sold at higher Rates than the Meats aforesaid.

AND be it further Enacted by the Authority a­foresaid, That any Meat brought into the Market, and offered after Cut up to be Sold for Veal, Beef for Veal. weigh­ing above Twenty Five Pounds the Quarter, shall be adjudged Beef, and for Lamb weighing above Eight Pounds the Quarter, shall be deemed Mutton, and each Sold by the Quarter or Joint, at the respective Prices in this Act beforementioned.

AND to prevent Selling and putting off Old and small Mutton for Lamb, Mutton for Lamb. be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid, that all Lamb shall be brought into the open Market with the Heads on, and shewn before Cut up to the Clerk thereof with the usual Signs and Marks of Distinction, that he upon Scruple may Determine the Matter between Buyer and Seller.

AND be it further Enacted by the Authority afore­said, That no Common Seller, Butcher, Cutter up of Tortle, Tortle. or any other Person whatsoever, Sell Tortle, or any of the Meats beforementioned by Retail, but in open Market, where they shall not refuse to Sell the same to any Person, bringing Ready Mony, by the Quarter, Joint, or Piece by weight, not less than the Value of Se­ven Pence Half-peny at the Prices aforesaid, without Conditionally imposing upon the Buyer the Head, Feet, Inwards, or any part thereof, or Meat of any other Kind whatsoever; which Meat so Bought, and Paid for, shall immediately be, or caused to be removed out of the said Market by the Person Buying the same.

AND to the end that it may be understood what within this Act shall be accounted the Publick and Open Market, Be it Enacted by the Authority aforesaid, that [Page 39]the Place appointed by the Justices in Sessions for the Sel­ling there the several Sorts of Meat in this Act men­tioned, shall be deemed the Publick Market-Place, Publick Market, Place and Time. and the Markets opening by the Ringing of the Bell by the Clerk thereof, or his order; which on Saturdays shall be at three of the Clock after noon, and on that, and all other days, Sundays excepted, at Five of the Clock in the Morning, and not sooner; in which place, and after which time, the Market shall be adjudged Open and Publick, within this Act as aforesaid.

BE it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That from, and after the Tenth Day of August, of this present Year One Thousand Six Hundred Ninety Three, that this Act, and every Clause thereof, is, and shall be of Force to all Intents and Purposes whatsoever.

AND be it further Enacted by the Authority afore­said, That all, and every Person whatsoever, Seller, Buyer, or Officer, that shall Offend against any Particu­lar in this Act mentioned, or contained, Forfeiture on Offending. or any Branch thereof, he, she, or they so Offending, shall Forfeit Forty Shillings for every such Offence, one half to the Church-wardens of the Parish where such Offence shall be Committed, for the Use of the said Parish, the other half to the Clerk of the Market, Informer, or who shall Sue for the same, to be Recovered before any Justice of the Peace, any Law, Custom, or Usage to the Contrary notwithstanding.

An ACT For Reimbursing Their Majesties Treasury.

Preamble.WHEREAS Their Majesties Revenue is considerably Anticipated, the Principal Branch of which is the Customs of Wines, and that great Quantities were lost at Port-Royal, in the late dreadful Earthquake.

WE, therefore, your Majesties most Dutiful and Loyal Subjects, the Assembly of this your Island, do most hum­bly beseech your Majesty that it may be Enacted, and be it Enacted by your Majesties Lieutenant-Governour, Council, and Assembly, and it is hereby Enacted and Or­dained by the Authority of the same, that from, and after the Seventeenth Day of this Instant August, One Thou­sand Six Hundred Ninety Three, there shall be Raised, Levyed, and Paid unto your Majesties for the Term, and time of Three Months, from, and after the said Seven­teenth Day of August, Impost on Wines. and no longer, as an Additional Duty and Impost upon Madera Wines Imported, over and above what is already payable for the same, viz. the Sum of Forty Shillings for every Tun.

AND be it further Enacted by the Authority afore­said, That for every Slave Exported by way of Mer­chandize, from, and after the said Seventeenth Day of August, for the Term aforesaid, and no longer, the Ex­porter or Owner shall pay the Sum of Twenty Shillings per Head, Negroes. as an Impost to Their Majesties, all which Negroes so Exported shall be Entred in the Receiver-Ge­nerals Office, and immediately Bond given by the [Page 41]Owner or Exporter to Their Majesties, for the Payment of the Money into the Hand of the Receiver-General, or his Lawful Deputy, within One Month after the Entry so made as aforesaid.

AND whosoever shall persume after the said Seven­teenth Day of August, to Export any Slave or Slaves, and not make such Entry, and give Bond, and Pay as before in this Act is Directed, Forfeiture up­on Non-Entry of Slaves. shall Forfeit for every such Slave so Exported, the Summ of Fifty Pounds, to be Recovered by Action of Debt, Bill, Plaint, or Information in any Court of Record with­in this Island, One Half to Their Majesties, for and towards the Support of the Government of this I­sland, and the Contingent Charges thereof; and the other Half to the Informer, or he or they that shall Sue for the same, wherein no Essoyn, Injunction, Prote­ction, Wager of Law, or Nonvult ulterius prosequi shall be allowed.

AND be it further Enacted by the Authority afore­said, That every Merchant, or other Person Importing any Madera Wines into this Island, Of Wines. from and after the said Seventeenth Day of August, for and during the said Term of Three Months, and no longer; do, and shall make Entry, make up Accounts, and give Bonds to Pay the said Summs arising by Vertue of this Act, according to the Way and Method, and under the same Penalty for not doing the same, and to be Recovered in the same Manner as is Directed by an Act of this Island, Entitled, An Act for Raising a Publick Revenue for the Support of the Government of this His MAJESTY's Island.

AND be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That the Money arising by Vertue of this Act, shall be to the Use of Their Majesties for the Support of the Government of this Island, and the Contingent Charges thereof, and towards the Repair­ing [Page 42]the Losses the Revenue has sustained by the Wines and other Merchandises lost in the Earth­quake.

An ACT To Reimburse Their MAJESTIES Treasury, and Incourage Their Subjects to come and Settle in this Island.

Preamble.WHEREAS Their Majesties Revenue is considerably Anticipated, the Principal Branch of which, is the Customs of Wines, great Quantities whereof were lost at Port-Royal, in the late Dreadful Earthquake.

WE therefore Your Majesties most Dutiful and Loyal Subjects, the Assembly of this Your Island of Jamaica, do most humbly beseech Your Majesties, That it may be Enacted, and be it Enacted by Your Majesties Lieutenant-Governour, Council and Assembly; and it is hereby Enacted by the Authority of the same, that from, and after the Seventeenth Day of November, in this present Year One Thousand Six Hundred Ninety Three, shall be Raised, Levied, and Paid unto Your Majesties, Your Heirs and Successors, for the Term and Time of Five Years, from the said Seventeenth Day of November, and no longer, as an Additional Duty and Im­post, on the several Liquors hereafter mentioned, over and above what is already payable for the same, Additional Duty on Wines. viz. for every Tun of Spanish and Madera Wine imported into this Island, the Summ of Forty Shillings; all Wines [Page 43]of the Growth of the Western Islands, or Mixture of Madera Wines, with those of the Western Islands, the Summ of Five Pound per Tun; for every Tun of French or Rhenish Wines, Thirty Shillings; for every Tun of Beer or Syder, Four Shillings; for every Tun of Mumm or Metheglin, Twenty Shillings; for every Gallon of Brandy, Six Pence; for every Gallon of English Spirits, Three Pence, and so proportionably for a Greater or Lesser Quantity. All which said Liquors shall be duly Entred, and under the same Penalties and Regulations as in a former Act of this Country, Entitled, An Act for Raising a Publick Revenue for the Support of the Government of this His Majesty's Island.

AND be it further Enacted and Ordained by the Authority aforesaid, That for every Slave exported from this Island by way of Merchandize, the Exporter or Owner shall Pay the Summ of Twenty Shillings, On Slaves. as an Impost to Their Majesties, for and during the Term and Time of Five Years aforesaid, excepting only such Slaves, who by Misdemeanor shall by the Judgment of Two Justices of the Peace and Three Freeholders, be ordered to be Transported off this Island, by the Master or Owner of such Slave or Slaves.

AND be it further Enacted and Ordained by the Authority aforesaid, That out of the several Summ or Summs of Money arising by Virtue of this Act, and one other Act, Entitled, An Act to Reimburse Their Ma­jesties Treasury, made this present Session; there shall be first Deducted and Paid unto Their Majesties, Deduction to Their Maje­sties. to and for the Use of Their Majesties, the Summ of One Thou­sand Seven Hundred and Seventy Four Pounds Six­teen Shillings, as a Summ equivalent to Their Ma­jesties, for the Customs of Wines lost in the Earth­quake.

AND be it further Enacted, That upon due Proof made in the Supreme Court of Judicature, an Action of Debt shall lie for Their Majesties against any Per­son whatsoever, Bond not produced. their Executors, Administrators, or At­torneys that stand Indebted to Their Majesties for Cu­stoms, whether Bond be given or not, without being obliged to produce it; the giving of which shall not be pleaded in Bar, except by the Persons named, and for the Summs in this Act mentioned. Provided also, that if the Bond for the said Debt, supposed to be lost, shall afterwards be found and put in Suit, that then the said Judgment shall be, and be pleaded in Bar to the same, and that the said Actions be brought within Two Courts after this Act becomes in Force.

AND be it further Enacted and Ordained by the Authority aforesaid, That after the Deduction and Pay­ment of the said Summ of One Thousand Seven Hun­dred Seventy Four Pounds Sixteen Shillings unto Their Majesties, Remainder after Dedu­ction. the remainder of the Monies arising by Vir­tue of this Act, and the Act before-mentioned, shall be and remain as a Fund to Encourage such of Their Maje­sties Subjects, or others as are willing to Transport them­selves hither, and be applied to no other Use, Intent, or Purpose whatsoever.

AND be it further Enacted by the Authority afore­said, That whereas Benjamin Way, Joseph Seargeant, William Hutchinson, Case of some Private Per­sons. Francis Hall and Edmond Edlyn, stand in­debted to Their Majesties in the several Summs follow­ing, viz. Benjamin Way, in the Summ of Nine Hundred Twenty One Pounds Twelve Shillings; Joseph Seargeant, in the Summ of One Hundred Eighty Seven Pounds Four Shillings; William Hutchinson, in the Summ of One Hun­dred and Four Pounds; Francis Hall, in the Summ of Four Hundred Pounds, and Edmond Edlyn in the Summ of One Hundred and Sixty Two Pounds, which said Summs were due to Their Majesties for the Customs [Page 45]of Wines which were lost in the Earthquake: The said Benjamin Way, Joseph Seargeant, William Hutchinson, Francis Hall and Edmond Edlyn, and every of them, their Heirs, Executors, and Administrators shall be, and are hereby for ever indemnified and saved Harmless against Their Majesties, Their Heirs and Successors, from Payment of the said several Summs due from the said several Persons, or any Part thereof, as also from all manner of Action or Actions, Suit or Suits, against them, or any of them, their, or any of their Executors, Administrators or Assigns for the same, already commenced, or to be commenced; and if all, or any of the Persons aforesaid, be Sued or Impleaded, they may Plead the General Issue, and give this Act in Evidence; any Law, Custom, or Usage to the contrary notwithstanding.

Encourage­ment for Settlers.AND to the end it may be understood what sort of People are by this Act intended to be Encouraged, Be it Enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That all Tradesmen, and other Persons of what Calling or Con­dition soever, not able to Pay their Passages, excepting Jews, Cripples and Children under Eleven Years of Age, who upon Encouragement of this Act, are willing to Transport themselves to this Island, shall upon Repair­ing to any Master or Commander of any Ship or Vessel Bound for this Island, Passage paid, and Person free. be received on Board his Ship or Vessel, and after his or their Arrival in this Island, be Free from all manner of Servitude whatsoever, and have Liberty to Hire, and Imploy him, her, or themselves here, how they think fit, in any Honest Trade, Service or Calling; and the Captain, Master, or Commander of such Ship or Vessel shall receive of the Treasurers named and appointed by this Act, for the Passage of every Person so Transporting him or themselves from England or Scotland, the Summ of Seven Pounds Ten Shillings, and for every Person from Ireland, the Summ of Six Pounds currant Money of this Island, without Fraud or De­lay.

AND be it further Enacted by the Authority afore­said, That for each Person so brought hither from Eu­rope, the Captain, Captains, &c. Encou­rag'd. Master, or Commander of each Ship or Vessel, shall for his Encouragement, and to his own Use receive of the said Treasurer or Treasurers, the Sum of Twenty Shillings per Head, over and above the said Sums.

AND whereas several of their Majesties Subjects un­der the qualifications aforesaid, Residing at New Eng­land, New York, Carolina, or other Parts of America, the Windward Islands, and Providence, may upon the En­couragement of this Act be willing to Transport them­selves to this Island:

BE it therefore Enacted, that all Masters or Com­manders, of any Vessel or Vessels, that shall Import any such Persons before mentioned, shall for every Per­son so brought from New England, Persons from other Plan­tations. New York, Ca­rolina, or other parts of America, receive the Sum of Three Pounds Ten Shillings; and for every Person brought from Providence and the Windward Islands, the Sum of Forty Shillings current Mony of this Island, without Fraud or Delay; and that the Master, or Com­mander of every Vessel, who shall Import any Persons by Encouragement of this Act from New England, New York, Carolina, or other parts of America, the Windward Islands and Providence, shall receive the Sum of Ten Shillings per Head, to, and for his Own proper Use and Benefit, over and above the Sums aforesaid, for the Pas­sage of each Person.

AND be it likewise Enacted by the Authority afore­said, That all and every Master or Masters of any Ves­sel or Vessels, who shall Import any Passenger upon the Credit of this Act, shall within Forty Eight Hours after his, or their Arrival, Deliver to the Secretary of this Island, or his Lawful Deputy upon Oath, which said [Page 47]Oath the Secretary is hereby Impowered to Administer, a fair written List of all such Persons as he, A List to be given. or they shall have brought to this Island: in which List shall be con­tained the Names, Surnames, Age, Trade, and Coun­try of all, and every the said Person and Persons, as also if Single or Married, which said List the Secretary, or his Lawful Deputy, is forthwith to enter in a Book to be kept for that purpose, and then to Transmit the same, with his Certificate Indorsed, to the Treasurer or Treasu­rers, receiving for the same the Sum of Two Shillings and Sixpence from the said Treasurer or Treasurers, who are hereby Ordered and Required upon receipt thereof to pay the said Master or Masters, the several Sums for the respective Passages, as is above Directed.

AND be it further Enacted and Ordained by the Authority aforesaid, That for the well, and truly As­sessing, Collecting, Levying, and paying in all, and e­very the Sum and Sums of Mony arising by virtue of this Act, all Merchants, and others Importing any of the Wines and Liquors aforesaid, do, Entry to be made, and Bond given: and shall make Entry in the Office of the Receiver-General for the time being, after the same manner and methods as is prescribed in an Act of this Country, Entitled, An Act for Raising a Pub­lick Revenue, for the Support of the Government of this His Majesty's Island: all which said Entries of this Additional Duty, and Impost on Negroes, by virtue of this Act laid on, shall be kept in a Book apart, and distinct from the other Branches of Their Majesties Revenue; and all Bonds for their Additional Impost shall be taken in Their Majesties Names, and the Mony arising thereon, as it shall become Due, shall be paid into the Hands of the Receiver-General, and be by him Paid over to the Treasurer or Treasurers, by virtue of this Act appointed, within Twenty Days after the Receipt thereof: For the taking the said Bonds, and making the said Entries, Receiving and Paying the said Monies, the Receiver-General, or his Lawful Deputy, shall retain to him­self [Page 48]Two and a Half per Cent. and no more, any Law, Custom, or Usage to the Contrary notwithstanding.

AND be it further Enacted and Ordained by the Authority aforesaid, That for all such quantities of any of the Liquors beforementioned, as the Customs Due for the same, Custom un­der 5 l. shall amount to but Five Pounds or un­der, no Bonds shall be taken, or Credit given after the Entry thereof; but the Customs for the same shall be im­mediately Paid to the Receiver-General, or his lawful Deputy, and by him Paid over into the Hands of the Treasurer or Treasurers, as is before Directed.

AND be it further Enacted by the Authority afore­said, That all Negroes to be Exported, shall be Entred in the Receiver-Generals Office, Negro's Ex­ported. and immediately Bond given by the Owner or Exporter, to Their Majesties, for the payment of the Mony into the Hands of the Re­ceiver-General, or his lawful Deputy, within one Month after the Entry so made as aforesaid, and whosoever shall presume after the said Seventeenth Day of November, in this present Year, One Thousand Six Hundred Ninety Three, to Export any Slave or Slaves, and not make such Entry, and give Bond, and Pay as before in this Act is Directed, shall Forfeit for every such Slave so Exported, the Sum of Fifty Pounds.

AND forasmuch as the present Necessity many require the Advancement of Mony upon the Credit of this Act, Money ad­vanced. Be it further Enacted and Ordained by the Authority a­foresaid, that it shall, and may be lawful for any Per­son or Persons whatsoever, to Advance and Lend unto Their Majesties upon the Credit of this Act any Sum, or Sums of Mony, not exceeding One Thousand Pounds in the whole, and to have, and receive for the Loan of the said Mony so Lent and Advanced, after the rate of Twelve Pounds Ten Shillings per Cent. per Annum.

AND to the End that the said Mony that shall be Lent unto Their Majesties upon the Credit hereof, may be well and sufficiently secured, Be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid, that all, and every Person and Persons, who shall Advance and Lend unto Their Majesties any Sum or Sums of Mony, not ex­ceeding One Thousand Pounds in the whole, as afore­said, upon the Credit of this Act, and actually Pay the same into the Hands of the Treasurer, or Treasurers for the time being, shall be by the Treasurer or Treasurers, How to be repaid. upon the first Payment of Monies that shall be Paid into his, or their Hands by virtue of this Act, after Deducti­on, and Payment of the said Sum of One Thousand Seven Hundred Seventy Four Pounds Sixteen Shillings to Their Majesties as aforesaid, be forthwith Paid unto the Person or Persons so lending the said Sums, their Execu­tors, Administrators, or Assigns successively, as they shall become Due, with the Interest aforesaid, for dis­charge of the Mony so Lent and Advanced, without Fee or Change.

AND be it further Enacted, That the Honourable Samuel Bernard, and Nicholas Law, Esquires, and James Bradshaw, William Hutchinson, Thomas Clarke, Modyford Freeman, and James Banister, Esquires, be, and are here­by Required and Impowered to nominate and appoint from time to time, Managers appointed. such fit Person or Persons in England, Scotland, Ireland, New England, New York, or any other Parts of America, or elsewhere, as they, or the Major part of them, shall think fit, to make known the pur­port of this Act as aforesaid, for the giving Notice to such Persons as are willing to Transport themselves hither up­on the Encouragement thereof.

AND in Case of the Death, Absence, or Refusal of any of the Persons aforementioned, That then it shall, and may be lawful for the Persons Remaining, or Sur­viving, or the Major part of them, to choose to them­selves [Page 50]such other Person or Persons, as they shall think fit, to act in the room or stead of him, or them that shall Remove, In case of Death & how to be supplied. Decease, or Refuse, and that the Person or Persons so Chosen shall be, and are Impowered to act as fully, and freely, to all Intents and Purposes, as if he, or they had been mentioned and appointed by Name in this Act: and the Persons therein nominated and appointed as aforesaid, shall from time to time con­tinue to act, and do all, and every such thing and things as by this Act they are Impowered and Required to perform.

AND be it further Enacted and Ordained by the Authority aforesaid, That the Commissioners appointed by virtue of this Act, or the Major part of them, from time to time are hereby Required and Impowered as often as they shall think convenient, to choose one, or more of themselves to Receive, Receivers how chosen. and Pay the Mony a­rising by virtue of this Act, for the Uses and Purposes herein mentioned; of the Receipt of all which the Trea­surer or Treasurers for the time being, shall keep an ex­act and distinct Accompt, as also of all Payments made for the Uses and Purposes by this Act required, and ren­der a Just and True Accompt thereof, when thereunto demanded, unto the rest of the Persons in this Act no­minated and appointed, or the Major part of them, or unto the Assembly of this Island when Sitting and As­sembled; and if the said Treasurer or Treasurers for the Time being, after the Receipt of any of the said Mo­nies, shall divert or misapply the same, or any part there­of by any pretence whatsoever, otherwise than before in­tended and directed, contrary to the true intent and mean­ing of this Act; the Person or Persons so Offending shall Forfeit to Their Majesties, Forfeiture for Misap­plication. for, and towards the Support, of the Government of this Island, and the contingent Charges thereof, double the Sum so diverted and misap­plied; and the said Treasurer or Treasurers for the time being shall be allowed Two and a Half per Cent. for de­fraying [Page 51]his, or their Charges, in, or about the discharge of the Trust hereby in him, or them reposed.

AND whereas after the Expiration of this Act, some of the Monies arising by virtue hereof, may re­main in the Hands of the Treasurer or Treasurers for the time being, Be it therefore Enacted by the Authority a­foresaid, that such Sum or Sums of Mony, if any be, Surplus of Money. in the Hands of the said Treasurer or Treasurers, shall, not­withstanding the Expiration of this Act, be there, and still in his or their Hands remain, and be Employed to the Uses and Intents in this Act appointed.

BE it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That the Secretary of this Island shall from time to time, upon demand, Copies of this Act to be de­liver'd. give Copy or Copies of this Act to any Person without delay or excuse, for every of which he shall re­ceive the Fee or Sum of Ten Shillings, and in Case he shall delay, or refuse to give such Copy or Copies as a­foresaid, to any Person or Persons demanding the same, he shall for every Copy so demanded, and not given, Forfeit the Sum of Forty Shillings, to be recovered be­fore any Justice of the Peace.

BE it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That if the Receiver-General, or his lawful Deputy, shall refuse to make Entry, and do, and perform all, and every such thing or things as by this Act, or any Branch thereof is enjoyned him; Forfeiture of the Recei­ver-General on Refusal of Entry. he shall Forfeit for every such Offence the Sum of Five Hundred Pounds Currant Mony of this Island, and all other Person or Persons Offending contrary to the true Intent and Mean­ing of this Act, shall Forfeit for every such Offence, wherein Penalties are not already laid, the Sum of One Hundred Pounds: the Moiety of all the Forfeitures with­in this Act mentioned, shall be to Their Majesties, their Heirs and Successors, for, and towards the Support of the Government of this Island, and the contingent Charges thereof, and the other Moiety to the Informer, or [Page 52]he that shall Sue for the same, to be Recovered by Action of Debt, Bill, Plaint or Information in any Court of Record, within this Island, where no Essoin, Protection, Wager of Law, or Nonvult ulterius prosequi shall be al­lowed, any Law, Custom, or Usage to the contrary in any wise notwithstanding.

An ACT For Raising Money to Solicit in England, the Affairs of this Their Majesties Island.

Preamble.WHEREAS Their Majesties Island of Jamaica, hath divers times lain under great Disadvantages, through the Mis­representation of the Proceedings and Interests thereof, which hath chiefly happened for want of some fit Per­sons fully Instructed to appear in England, and there truly Represent and Solicit the same: And inasmuch as Their Majesties have been Graciously pleased to per­mit the raising Three Hundred Pounds Sterling, per Annum, to be Employed to the Use, and to prevent the Disadvan­tage above expressed, and that by a modest Calcula­tion of the said Summ, it appears that Four Hundred and Fifty Pounds, currant Money of this Island of Jamaica, the Charges of Collecting, and Receivers Charges for the Receipt, and the Exchange in remitting the same be­ing included, will not amount or produce more than the said Summ of Three Hundred Pounds Sterling Money of England:

THE Assembly do therefore most humbly beseech Your most Excellent Majesties, That it may be Enacted, and be it Enacted, by the Lieutenant-Governour, Council and Assembly; and it is hereby Enacted by the Autho­rity of the same, Four Hun­dred and Fif­ty Pounds to be raised. That the said Summ of Four Hundred and Fifty Pounds, currant Money of this Island, for the making Good the said Summ of Three Hundred Pounds Sterling Money of England, and defraying the Charges of collecting, receiving, and remitting the same, be raised, levied, and paid within Three Months after the Tenth Day of August, One Thousand Six Hundred Ninety Three, and so the said Summ to be raised, levied, and paid yearly, and every Year, for and during the full Time and Term of Eleven Years, Time limited. to and for the Uses above-mentioned, to be paid by the Inhabitants of the several Parishes within this Island, into the Hands of such Person or Persons who shall from time to time be appointed by the Commissioners hereafter named, or the major Part of them, to be Receiver or Receivers of the same, according to the several Rates and Propor­tions hereafter following: That is to say, Rates of the several Pa­rishes. for the Parish and Town of Port-Royal, Forty Nine, Pounds Ten Shil­lings and Ten Pence; for the Parish of St. Andrews, Fifty Two Pounds Seventeen Shillings and Five Pence; for the Parish of St. Katherines, Fifty Six Pounds Sixteen Shil­lings and Three Pence; for the Parish of Sr. Dorothy, Twenty Five Pounds Three Shillings and One Peny; for the Parish of Vere, Forty Seven Pounds One Shilling and Eight Pence; for the Parish of Clarendon, Forty Two Pounds One Shilling and Eight Pence; for the Parish of Sr. Elizabeth, Fifty One Pound Six Shillings and Eight Pence; for the Parish of St. Thomas, to Windward, Twenty Seven Pounds Ten Shillings; for the Parish of Sr. Davids, Sixteen Pounds and Eleven Pence; for the Parish of Sr. Thomas in the Vale, Twenty One Pound Nine Shil­lings; for the Parish of Sr. Johns, Fifteen Pounds Eight Shillings and Three Pence; for the Parish of St. George's, Three Pounds Thirteen Shillings and-Six Pence; for the [Page 54]Parish of St. Mary's, Eleven Pounds Five Shillings and Seven Pence; for the Parish of St. Ann's, Seven Pounds Thirteen Shillings and Six Pence; for the Parish of St. James, Two Pounds Sixteen Shillings and Eight Pence; for the Town and Parish of Kingston, Nineteen Pounds and Five Shillings.

AND be it further Enacted and Ordained by the Authority aforesaid, That the Justices and Vestry-men for the time being, in their respective Parishes aforesaid; and where no Vestry is, the Justices by themselves with­in the Limits of their several Commissions, are hereby Impowered and Required at the usual times of Assessing their Parish-Tax, Assessors. to Assess, Tax and Levy, for the said Term of Eleven Years, the several Summs over and above the usual Taxes assessed and raised on the several Parishes by Virtue of an Act of this Island, Entitled, An Act for the Maintenance of Ministers and the Poor, and Erecting and Repairing of Churches.

AND whereas in some Parishes there may not be Money in the Church-Wardens Hands for the paying of the Tax above assessed for this present Year, it is there­fore Enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That then the Church-Wardens of such Parish or Parishes, Money to be advanc'd. and where no Church-Wardens are, the Justices themselves within the Limits of their Commissions, do Pay the said Summ or Summs as is above Assessed for this present Year in such manner as is hereafter Directed, under the Pe­nalty of Ten Pounds each, for refusing to Pay the same.

AND for the Reimbursing the said Church-Wardens or Justices, who do by Virtue of this Act, Advance and Pay the said Parish-Tax for this present Year, it shall and may be Lawful for the said Justices and Ve­stry, and where no Vestry is, the Justices themselves, within the Limits of their respective Commissions, are hereby Required and Impowered, That at the next usual [Page 55]time of Assessing their Parish-Tax, that they Assess such Summ or Summs of Money as shall have been Lent and Advanced by the Church-Wardens or Justices, as is above Required; which Money so Assessed and Levied, shall be by the Church-Wardens, and where no Church-Wardens are, How to be re­imbursed. by the Justices within the Limits of their respective Commissions, paid unto the Hands of the Persons so Lending the Money for this present Year, with Lawful Interest for the same; which said Summ, with the said Interest, shall be Paid by the Church-Wardens or Justices, or where no Church-Wardens are, by the Justices within the Limits of their respective Com­missions, on Demand, under Penalty of double the Summ so Lent, and Demanded as aforesaid.

AND be it further Enacted by the Authority afore­said, That the several Summs yearly to be Collected as aforesaid, shall for this present Year, and the Years en­suing, during the time mentioned in this Act, be Paid by the Church-Wardens or Justices of each respective Pa­rish, within Twenty One Days after their Receipt there­of, Time of Pay­ment. into the Hands of the Receiver, or Receivers, Im­powered to Receive the same; and if any of the Justices, Church-Wardens, Vestry-men, or Constables shall ne­glect his or their Duty in Assessing, Levying, or Pay­ing the said Summs which are above required to be Assessed, Levied and Paid, he or they so neglecting or failing of his or their Duty therein, shall respe­ctively Forfeit for every such Offence, the Summ of Fifty Pounds.

AND be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That the said Money so Raised and Paid as aforesaid, into the Hands of the said Receiver or Receivers for the time being, shall by them be yearly remitted on the Countries Risque, in such manner as they shall think fit, into the Hands of Gilbert Heathcote, To whom re­mitted. Bartholomew Gracedieu, and John Tutt, of London Merchants, or any One of them, or such other Person or Persons as shall [Page 56]from time to time be appointed to Solicit in England, the Publick Affairs of this Island as Occasion shall require, and as to them shall seem most to the Interest and Ad­vantage thereof.

AND in Case of the Death, Absence, or Refusal of any of the Solicitors before-mentioned, or the Commis­sioners hereafter mentioned in this Act, that then the Per­sons remaining, or surviving, or the major Part of them, do chuse to themselves such other Person or Persons as they shall think fit, in the room or stead of him or them that shall Remove, Decease, or Refuse; and that the Person or Persons so chosen, shall here and in England, each for themselves, be Impowered to Act as fully to all Intents and Purposes in each Place, as if he or they had been mentioned and appointed by Name in this Act.

AND be it further Enacted by the Authority afore­said, That the Honourable Samuel Bernard, and Nicholas Law Esquires, and James Bradshaw, William Hutchinson, Thomas Clarke, James Banister, and Modyford Freeman Esquires, Commissioners and Re­ceivers. shall be, and are hereby Impowered and Ap­pointed to be Commissioners; and they, or the major Part of them, from time to time, to appoint one or more of themselves to be Receiver or Receivers of the Money by this Act to be raised.

AND whereas at this present Sessions there are Ge­neral Instructions drawn up by the Council and Assem­bly, for Direction to the Solicitors in England, the Com­missioners named in this Act, Instructions to be ob­served. are at no time to Order any thing contrary to any Particulars contained therein, but fully to observe and be directed thereby, any thing in this Act seeming to the contrary notwithstanding; which said Instructions are to be Signed by the Clerk of the Council, and the Speaker of the Assembly, and be En­tred in the Minutes of both Houses.

PROVIDED nevertheless, That the Commis­sioners before-mentioned, Farther In­structions. may from time to time upon any sudden or emergent Occasions, give to the Solicitors in England such further Instructions as they shall think fit for the Publick Service of this Island.

AND in case it shall be thought fit at any time here­after to turn out or alter any of the Solicitors in England, that then the said Commissioners, or major Part of them, are hereby impowered from time to time to turn out, Solicitors chang'd. or alter as aforesaid, all or any of the Solicitors in this Act mentioned.

AND be it further Enacted, That the Person or Persons so named to be Receiver or Receivers shall receive and pay all such Summ or Summs of Money as shall come to his or their Hands, arising by Virtue of this Act: Of all which the Receiver or Receivers for the time being, shall keep an Exact and Distinct Account of all Payments, and Remittances made for the Uses and Purposes by this Act required, Account to be given: and render a Just and True Account thereof when demanded, unto the rest of the Commissioners in this Act nominated, or the major Part of them, when thereunto required, or to the Assembly of this Island, when sitting and assembled, of all the Summ and Summs of Money by him or them received, by Virtue of this Act, and how laid out or remitted; and if the said Receiver or Receivers for the time being, after the Re­ceipt of any of the said Money, shall divert or misap­ply the same, or any Part thereof, by any Pretence what­soever, otherwise than before intended and directed, contrary to the true Intent and Meaning of this Act, the Person or Persons so Offending, shall Forfeit to Their Majesties, for and towards the Support of the Government of this Island, and the contingent Charges thereof, double the Summ so diverted or misapplied; and the said Receiver or Receivers for the time being, shall be allowed all his or their reasonable Expences, [Page 58]in or about the Discharge of the Trust hereby reposed in him or them, Expences al­lowed. Commission or pretence of Commis­sion hereby excepted; and in case the Receiver or Re­ceivers for the time being, shall Neglect or Refuse to re­mit the aforesaid Summ or Summs of Money when re­ceived yearly, and every Year during the continuance of the Act, to the Solicitors in England, shall Forfeit for every such Offence, the Summ of Five Hundred Pounds.

AND be it further Enacted and Ordained by the Authority aforesaid, That one Half of the Forfeiture con­tained in this Act, Forfeitures applied. and not herein applied, shall be to our Sovereign Lord and Lady the King and Queen, Their Heirs and Successors, for and towards the Support of the Government of this Island, and the contingent Charges thereof, the other Half to him or them that shall Sue for the same, which said Forfeitures shall be recovered by Action of Debt, Bill, Plaint, or Information, in any of Their Majesties Courts of Record within this Island, wherein no Essoyn, Injunction, Protection, Wager of Law, or Nonvult ulterius prosequi shall be allowed; any Law, Custom, or Usage to the contrary notwithstand­ing.

An ACT For Guarding the Sea-Coasts.

VVHEREAS since this present War with the French King, Their Majesties Subjects, Preamble. Inhabiting the Sea-Coasts of this Island, have been, and still are frequently alarmed, and for their own Safety and Security of the Island in general, are obliged to keep constant Guards, and Look-outs, which by rea­son of the Scarcity of White Men, is found to fall very severely upon the poorer sort of People, to their great Disencouragement, and even Chasing them away from their Habitations and Settlements:

WE therefore Your Majesties most Dutiful and Loyal Subjects, the Assembly of this Your Majesties Island; do humbly beseech Your Majesties, That it may be Enacted, and be it Enacted by Their Majesties Lieutenant-Governour, Council and Assembly, and it is here­by Enacted and Ordained by the Authority of the same, That the Justices and Vestry, or the major Part of them, or the Justices within the Commissions of the Peace, where they have no Vestries, in all and every the Pa­rishes of this Island adjacent to the Sea, and exposed to the immediate Incursions of an Enemy, shall, and are hereby Impowered, and Required to raise, Money how to be raised. or cause to be levied, such Summ and Summs of Money, as to them by the Advice of the Chief Military Officer of that Place shall seem necessary for the Maintaining and Keeping Night-Watches, Guards, or Look-outs, in such Place and Places as to them shall seem most proper and con­venient for the Securing of the Inhabitants, and Disco­vering and Preventing the Approach of the Enemy; and all and every such Summ or Summs of Money as shall be thought needful as aforesaid, to pay the said [Page 60]Guards, Night-Watches, or Look-outs, shall be by them the said Justices and Vestry, and in case of no Vestry, by the Justices within the Commission of the Peace for the said Parish, laid or assessed, levied or taxed upon the several Inhabitants, with and in such method, manner, time and form, as the Parish-Taxes in their several and respective Parishes are, or ought to be raised, levied and taxed; and the said Summ or Summs of Money so raised or levied, shall be Collected with the Parish-Tax, that is, and shall be yearly raised by an Act of this Island, En­titled, An Act for the Maintenance of Ministers and the Poor, and Erecting and Repairing of Churches, by the Constable or Constables of the several Parishes or Precincts, and by them forthwith paid into the Hands of the Church-Warden or Church-Wardens for the time being, who shall, and are hereby required to Issue forth and Pay the same to such Person or Persons employed in Guarding, Watching, or on Look-outs as aforesaid, by Warrant from the Chief Officer of that Place: And that all and every Person or Persons so employed and entrusted in Guarding, Watch­ing, Failure in Duty. and for Look-outs that shall fail or neglect his or their Duty, according to the Charge and Trust given them, shall be liable to such Pains and Punishments, as if the Articles of War were now at such time in Force in this Island to be inflicted on them for such their Neglect.

AND that for this present Year, the said Justices with in their said several Parishes, or within the Commission of the Peace for the same, shall within Ten Days after the Fifteenth Day of September, One Thousand Six Hundred Ninety Three, call and warn the Vestry-men to appear at a certain Day, Time and Place, as to them shall seem convenient, Justices, &c. empower'd. who are hereby, then and there, Impowered to make, and lay such Tax as to them, by the Advice of the Military Officer of that Place, shall be thought need­ful for the Maintaining and Keeping such Guards, Watches and Look-outs, as shall be thought requisite for the Security of the Inhabitants, and preventing Incursions of the Enemy, and that in such Parishes where there is no [Page 61]Vestry, the Justices within the Commission of the Peace, shall lay such Tax as shall be thought requisite; and cause the same to be levied and imployed as aforesaid; and for the Receiving and Collecting of the said Tax, the Con­stable shall retain to himself Twelve Pence in the Pound for the Levying and Collecting the same, any Law, Custom, or Usage to the contrary notwithstanding.

Parish of Vere con­sidered.AND whereas several of the Inhabitants of the Parish of Vere, have for the general Good, and particularly for the Safeguard of their Parish, subscribed to a Paper in the whole Summ of their Parish Tax, they were asses'd at the last Year, and paid the same by way of Loan unto Their Majesties, for keeping such Guards, and Night-Watches as aforesaid, until they could be otherwise pro­vided for by an Act of the Assembly; nevertheless, many of the Inhabitants of the said Parish have neglected and refused to Pay the same;

BE it therefore Enacted and Ordained by the Autho­rity aforesaid, That the Justices and Vestry of they said Parish are hereby Required and Impowered at their first Meeting, in Order to the Maintaining Guards, and Look­outs, as aforesaid, to Tax, Raise, and cause to be Levied such Summ or Summs of Money as shall be made appear to them necessary to reimburse such Persons as have paid and expended their Money for the Watches and Safeguard of the said Parish, according to the Subscriptions as afore­said, over and above what it shall be thought necessary by the Justices and Vestry, with the Advice of the Chief Military Officer, to Raise and Assess on the several Inha­bitants for Maintaining their Guards and Look-outs as aforesaid; which said Summ and Summs of Money so Levied as aforesaid, shall be by the Church-Wardens forthwith paid unto such Person or Persons that have de­posited and disburs'd their Money for Guarding and Look-outs according to the Subscriptions aforesaid.

AND whereas in some Parishes by reason of their long Tracts of Land on the Sea Coasts, it will prove im­possible to keep sufficient Look-outs to give Warning of the Enemies approach, without the help of Beacons: Be it therefore Enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That the Justices and Vestry, Beacons to be erected. or the Justices within the Com­mission of the Peace where there is no Vestry, shall Assess and Levy at the usual time and times in manner afore­said, such Summ and Summs of Money to erect and keep such and so many Beacons, and in such convenient Place and Places, as a Regimental Court-Martial shall think fit.

AND be it further Enacted by the Authority afore­said, That all and every Justice or Justices of the Peace, Church-Warden or Church-Wardens that shall neglect or fail in the Execution of his or their Duty as aforesaid, shall Forfeit the Summ of Five Pounds, for such his Ne­glect or Default, Forfeiture upon Default. and for every Vestry-man or Constable, the Summ of Forty Shillings, to be recovered by Action of Debt, if not above Forty Shillings, before any Justice of the Peace, and if above-Forty Shillings, in any Court of Record within this Island, wherein no Essoin, Prote­ction, or Wager of Law shall be allowed, the one Half of which Forfeiture as aforesaid, shall be for and towards the maintaining Guards and Look-outs, within the Parish where the Fault was committed, and the other Half to the Informer, or him that shall Sue for the same; any Law, Custom, or Usage to the contrary notwithstanding. Provided always, that this Act, and all and every thing and things therein contained, shall be and continue in Force during the War with France, and no longer.

An ACT For Raising Money as a farther Aid to Their MAJESTIES, for and towards the Defence of this Their Island of Ja­maica.

VVHEREAS the Provision heretofore made for the Security and Defence of this Their Majesties Island, Preamble. hath been found Insuffi­cient, and the French continue still to make daily Depre­dations and Descents upon the Parts adjacent to the Sea, and take off, and carry away great Numbers of Slaves, and other Goods of considerable Value, to the Ruin of several of Their Majesties good Subjects, and Impo­verishing the whole Island; for prevention of which, and disabling the Enemy, a greater Force is absolutely necessary;

WE therefore Your Majesties most Dutiful and Loyal Subjects, the Assembly of this Their Island of Jamaica, having taken into our serious Consideration, how inju­rious the Ruin and Destruction of this their Plantation, may in time prove to Their Imperial Crown, and being ready and willing to provide further Aid for Their Ma­jesties Island aforesaid, and Resistance of Their Enemy; have unanimously given and granted, and do hereby give and grant unto Their Majesties, for and towards the continuance of the Two Sloops of War, already in Their Majesties Service, with an Addition of Twenty Men more to each Sloop, and also towards the Buying, or Hiring, Providing, Victualling, or Manning of Two [Page 64]more Sloops of War, each consisting of Sixty effective Officers, Seamen, and Soldiers inclusively, all which said Four Sloops of War to be employed for Six Months to­wards the Defence of this Island, Force to be augmented. and guarding the Sea-Coasts thereof, and in Cruising with Their Majesties Fri­gats, or such other Vessel or Vessels as shall be Impressed into their Service about the same, and Attacking, and De­stroying the Enemy, and also for continuing of Two Parties for the like time of Six Months, consisting each of Two Officers, and Ten Soldiers, for Reducing of Re­bellious Negroes, the full entire Sum of Seven Thousand Five Hundred Pound, currant Mony of this Island; and also the Sum of One Thousand Nine Hundred Seventy Three Pound Fourteen Shillings and Four Pence, for­merly Raised, and not yet applyed, by an Act made this last Session of this present Assembly, Entitled, An Act for Raising Money, for, and towards the Defence of this Island: The whole amounting to Nine Thousand Four Hundred Seventy Three Pound Fourteen Shillings and Four Pence, and do most humbly beseech Their Majesties to accept the same, and that it may be Enacted:

AND be it therefore Enacted by Their Majesties Lieutenant-Governour, Council, and Assembly of this Island, and it is hereby Enacted and Ordained by the Authority of the same, Sum to be raised. that the said Sum of Seven Thou­sand Five Hundred Pound currant Money of this Island, be Assessed, Taxed, and laid on by the several and re­spective Parishes, or Precincts, or within the Commission of the Peace for the same, within this Island where they have any lawful Vestries, and where they have no law­ful Vestries by the Justices of that Parish or Precinct, or within the Commission of the Peace for the same, or major part of the Vestry, in all, and every the said Parish or Parishes in this Island, on all, and every Person within their several and respective Parish or Precinct, by an equal and just Tax, to be paid within Three Months after the Tenth Day of November, which shall be in the Year of our Lord One Thousand Six Hundred Ninety [Page 65]Three, by the respective Parishes of this Their Majesties Island of Jamaica, into the Hands of the Receiver or Re­ceivers hereafter named, according to the several Rates, and Proportions hereafter mentioned, in such sort and manner as by this present Act shall be limited and ap­pointed, and in no other way or manner whatsoever, that is to say: for every Negroe, Mulatto, or Indian Slave with­in this Island, of what Age, Condition, or Quality soe­ver, or to whom soever belonging, shall be paid for by their Masters, Proprietors, Owners, Possessors, Guardi­ans, or Persons Intrusted in the several Plantations, Pens, Crawles or Settlements within this Island, the Sum of Two Shillings for each Negro, Indian, Slaves and Cattel tax'd. or Mulatto Slave as aforesaid, and also for all Horses, Mares, Colts, Mules, Asses, and Neat Cattle, the Sum of Nine Pence for each Beast, and for all Sheep, Lambs, Goats, and Kids, the Sum of Two Shillings Six Pence per Score, and so in proportion for a greater or lesser Quantity.

AND for the Parish of Port-Royal, it is hereby En­acted and Ordained by the Authority aforesaid, That the Justices and Vestry shall Lay, Assess, Levy, and cause to be Levyed Sixteen Pence in the Pound on all Rents, Rents and Trades. to be paid by all Tenants, and allowed by their Land­lords, and Proprietors, and on all Leases, to be paid by the Lessee, and allowed by the Lessor out of their Rents, and also on the several Inhabitants for their several Trades, Occupations, and Callings as much, and one third more in proportion, than they were Rated, Asses­sed, and Taxed by the Justices and Vestry, in the Parish-Roll, on Port-Royal aforesaid, for this present Year One Thousand Six Hundred Ninety Three, and also on all Persons Residing at the Towns of St. Jago de la Vega, Six­teen Pence in the Pound on all Rents to be Paid by all Tenants, and allowed by their Landlords and Proprie­tors, and on all Leases to be Paid by the Lessee, and al­lowed by the Lessor, out of all their Rents, and also ac­cording to the Rate, Tax, and Sum Assessed by the Justi­ces and Vestry of St. Katharines for this present Year One [Page 66]Thousand Six Hundred Ninety Three, and for the Per­sons Residing in the Town and Parish of Kingston, Six­teen Pence in the Pound on all Rents, to be Paid by all Tenants, and allowed by their Landlords and Proprie­tors, and on all Leases, to be paid by the Lessee, and al­lowed by the Lessor out of their Rents, and for their se­veral Trades, Occupations, and Callings, to be Rated, As­sessed, and Taxed by the Justices of the said Town and Pa­rish, any thing in this Act to the Contrary notwithstanding.

AND be it further Enacted and Ordained by the Au­thority aforesaid, That the Nation and People of the Jews, The Jews rated. Residing within this Island, Pay, or Cause to be Paid towards the Raising of the said Sum of Mony be­forementioned and expressed, to be Raised on the Inhabi­tants of this Island, over and above, and besides the Tax as aforesaid Assessed, the full Sum of One Thou­sand Pound currant Mony of this Island, to be rated As­sessed, Taxed, Collected, and Paid in by Solomon Ararii, Jacob de Leon, Moles Toiro, Jacob Mendez, Guteres, Jacob Henriques, Jacob Rodrigues de Leon, Moses Jesurum Cordoso, Samuel Gabay, Jacob Lopes Torres, Isaac Cotileo, Isaac Nunes Gonsales and Abraham Nunes, or any Five of them, into the Hands of the Receiver or Receivers hereafter mentioned, Impowered and Appointed to Receive the same, at, or within One Month after the Tenth Day of December, which shall be in the Year of our Lord, One Thousand Six Hundred Ninety Three, any thing herein contained to the Contrary notwithstanding: and in Case of Failure and Non-payment,

BE it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid, Case of Failure. That the Sum of Two Hundred and Fifty Pound more, besides the said Sum of One Thousand Pound above ap­pointed, be Assessed on the Nation and People of the Jews aforesaid, and that then it shall, and may be lawful for the Treasurer or Treasurers hereafter appointed by Warrant of Distress under his, or their Hands and Seals directed to the Constable or Constables for the respe­ctive [Page 67]Parishes where such Jew or Jews Reside, to Levy, or singly cause to be Levied at Discretion upon the several Jews Inhabitants of this Island, such proportionable Sum or Sums as shall make up the Sum of One Thousand Two Hundred Fifty Pound, as aforesaid, and also if any of the Jews Rated, or Assessed by the Persons above­named, shall refuse to Pay the said Sum by them so As­sessed: that then it shall, and may be lawful for the re­spective Justices in the respective Parishes where the said Jews Reside, for so much as any of the said Jews are As­sessed, and Rated by the Persons abovesaid, who are hereby Impowered to Issue out their Warrant or Warrants to the respective Constables to Distrain any of the Goods and Chattels of any of the said Jews that shall refuse, or delay to Pay the same, any Law, Custom, or Usage to the Contrary notwithstanding.

AND be it further Enacted, That if the several Persons, or any of them of the Jewish Nation aforemen­tioned, Impowred and Appointed to Assess, Levy, Col­lect, and Pay in the aforesaid Sum Assessed upon the Na­tion of the Jews, shall neglect his, or their Duty therein, Neglect of Jewish As­sessors. that then it shall, and may be lawful for the Governour or Commander in Chief, by Warrant under his Hand and Seal directed to the Provost-Marshal, or his lawful Deputy to Levy, or Cause to be Levyed, on all, and e­very Person, and Persons to Offending One Hundred and Fifty Pound currant Money of this Island, or the va­lue thereof, upon his, or their Monies, Slaves, Goods, or Chattels, and sell the same by publick Outcry, returning the Overplus, if any be, to the Owner; and in Case no Monies, Slaves, or Goods are to be found as aforesaid, that then he take into Custody the Body of the Person or Persons so Offending, and him, or them in safe Cu­stody keep, until he, or they Pay the said Sum of One Hundred and Fifty Pound for the said Offence, any Law, Custom, or Usage, or any thing in this Act seeming to the Contrary notwithstanding.

AND be it further Enacted and Ordained by the Au­thority aforesaid, That the respective Justices of the respe­ctive Parishes, or Precincts, or within the Commission of the Peace for the same, or any Two of them Deliver into the Hands of their respective Constables within their re­spective Parishes and Precincts, Time of Collection. a Roll of such Tax, or Assessment as aforesaid, so that the Collection be made within Three Months after the Tenth Day of November, which shall be in the Year of our Lord, One Thousand Six Hundred Ninety Three, with a Warrant under the same, Signed and Sealed by the said Justices, or any two of them, Impowring and Requiring the said Constables to Levy the said Tax or Assessment; and Pay the same into the Hands of the Church-Wardens for the time being in the Parish where the same is Taxed or Assessed as a­foresaid: and where it shall happen there are no Church-Wardens, that then the Constables are hereby required to Pay the same into the Hands of the Justices of the said Parish, Deducting Four Pence in the Pound for Colleting the same in all the Parishes of this Island, ( Port-Royal and Kingston, only excepted) where it shall be done Gratis; who are hereby required to Receive, and Pay the same into the Hands of the Receiver or Receivers hereafter named, within one Month after the Collecting thereof: and lest any Person or Persons, so as aforesaid Taxed or Assessed, shall refuse, or delay to Pay his, her, or their Tax, or Assessment, the said Justices, or any Two of them, are hereby required in the Warrant aforesaid, to Impower and Command the Constable as aforesaid, by virtue thereof to Distrain the Slaves, Distress up­on Non-pay­ment. Horses, Mares, Colts, Mules, Asses, Neat Cattle, Sheep, Lambs, Goats, Kids, or any other Personal Estate whatsoever, of him, her, or them, so refusing or delaying, and Sell the same forthwith at Publick Outcry, retaining to themselves Twelve Pence in the Pound for every such Distress on Slaves, Horses, Mares, Colts, Mules, Asses, Neat Cattle, Sheep, Lambs, Goats, Kids, or any other Per­sonal Estate whatsoever Distrained on, or Sold as a­foresaid, [Page 69]returning the Overplus, if any be, to the Owner.

AND be it further Enacted and Ordained by the Au­thority aforesaid, That for the better Assessing, Colle­cting, Levying, and Paying in the Sums of Money so as aforesaid limited and appointed to be Raised, and Paid as aforesaid, and for the more effectual putting this Act in Execution, the Justices and Vestries within their several Parishes and Precincts, are hereby required and impowered, immediately on Passing this Act, with all possible speed to proceed to the Discharge of their said Duties, in manner and form as is before Directed and Appointed.

AND be it further Enacted and Ordained by the Authority aforesaid, That if the Governour or Comman­der in Chief for the time being, shall before the Le­vying and Paying the Tax and Assessment by virtue of this Act laid on, and Assessed, Case of Law-Mar­tial. put Martial-Law in force in this Island, and for that Reason if any Person re­fuse to Pay his, her, or their Tax as aforesaid, all, and every Person or Persons so refusing, shall after the ex­piration of the Law-Martial, Pay double the Sum so laid on, and Assessed, to be Recovered by Warrant from any of Their Majesties Justices of the Peace for the said Precinct, directed to any Constable to Levy the same up­on the Monies, Goods, or Chattels of the Person or Per­sons so Offending, and the said Goods, or Chattels so Distrained, to Sell at publick Outcry, returning the Over­plus, if any be, to the Owner, retaining to himself Twelve Pence in the Pound for every such Distress: all which said Forfeitures of the Persons so Offending shall be Paid as the other Monies by this Act arising, into the Hands of the Receivers in this Act nominated and appoint­ed, and Employed to the same Uses, Intents and Purpo­ses, as the Monies already by this Act Raised and Appro­priated, and to no other Use, Intent, and Purpose what­soever; [Page 70]any Law, Custom, or Usage, or any Thing in this Act to the contrary in any wise notwithstanding.

AND be it further Enacted by the Authority afore­said, That if the Justices, Vestry-men, Constables, or Church-Wardens, or any of them, shall neglect, or wil­fully fail in his or their Duty, in Assessing, Collecting, or Paying the same as aforesaid, that then, and in such case, Neglect of Assessors. every Justice so neglecting, or wilfully fail­ing in his or their Duty in this Act prescribed, con­trary to the true intent and meaning thereof, shall For­feit Fifty Pounds for every such Offence; and all and every Vestry-man, Church-Warden or Constable, the Summ of Twenty Pounds for every such Offence as aforesaid.

AND be it further Enacted by the Authority afore­said, That all Owners of Slaves, Horses, Mares, Colts, Mules, Asses, Neat Cattel, Sheep, Goats, Lambs, and Kids whatsoever, as aforesaid, shall, and are hereby by themselves, Guardians, Overseers, Trustees, or Pen­keepers within the several Parishes aforesaid, required and obliged to give a True and Just Account, Account on Oath. on Oath, to the best of their Knowledge, at such time or times as the Justices in each Parish or Precinct shall Direct, of all Slaves, Horses, Mares, Colts, Mules, Asses, Neat Cattel, Sheep, Lambs, Goats, Kids, and Rents what­soever as aforesaid, belonging to such Owner, Guardian, Overseer, Trustees, or Pen-keepers within their respe­ctive Parish, or Precinct aforesaid, to the Justices of the Peace, or any of them, in the said Parishes or Pre­cincts, who are hereby required and impowered to Ad­minister the same, and to ask all further Questions, as to them, or any of them shall seem meet and neces­sary, relating to this present Act; the Tenour of which Oaths shall be as followeth.

I A. B. do Swear, that I have within the Parish of C— Slaves Young and Old, also — Horses, Mares, Colts, Mules, Asses, Neat Cattel, Sheep, Goats, Lambs, Kids, and no more,

So help me God.

And if it be to an Overseer,

I D. E. Overseer of the Plantation of G. H. do Swear, that the said G. H. hath within the Parish of I— Slaves Young and Old, and also — Horses, Mares, Colts, Mules, Asses, Neat Cattel, Sheep, Lambs, Goats, Kids, &c. and no more, to the best of my Knowledge.

And so to Pen-keepers, or any other Persons, for Cattel, Horses, Mares, Colts, Mules, Asses, Neat Cattel, Sheep, Lambs, Goats, Kids, and Rents whatsoever, mutatis mutandis. And if any Person or Persons whatsoever, shall refuse either by themselves, Overseers, Case of Re­fusal. or Pen-keepers, to give an Account upon Oath as aforesaid, of their Horses, Mares, Colts, Mules, Asses, Neat Cattel, Sheep, Lambs, Goats, Kids, or Rents in manner afore­said, that then it shall be lawful for the Justices and Vestry, or the Justices where there is no Vestry, to Tax the Person or Persons so refusing, according to their Discretion.

AND forasmuch as the present Necessity will re­quire the Advancement of Money, for and towards the Buying, or Hiring, and Equipping the said Two Sloops and Men, and Victualling those Two already in, and [Page 72]such other Vessel or Vessels as shall be Impressed into the Service:

BE it Enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That it shall and may be lawful to, and for any Person or Persons to Advance and Lend to Their Majesties, Money ad­vanc'd. for and towards the furtherance of this present Occasion, such Summ or Summs of Money as may be needful; and that whosoever shall Advance and Lend any such Summ or Summs of Money upon the Security of this Act, shall re­ceive for the Loan of the Summ they shall so Lend, after the Rate of Twelve Pound and a Half per Cent. per Annum, for the time he or they shall be indisburst of the said Money, on the Credit of this Act as aforesaid; any thing before-mentioned to the contrary thereof in any wise not­withstanding.

AND to the End that all Monies that shall be Lent unto Their Majesties, upon the Credit hereof may be well and sufficiently secured; Security for the same. Be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That all and every Person and Persons, who shall Advance and Lend any Summ or Summs of Money to Their Majesties on the Credit of this Act, and actually Pay the same into the Hands of the Receiver or Receivers herein after named and appointed, shall by the Receiver or Receivers on the first Payment of Money that shall be paid into the Receivers Hands, by Virtue of this Act, be forthwith paid unto the Person or Persons, their Executors, or Administrators so Lending the said Summ advanced, with the Interest of the same, for the Discharge of the Money so lent and advanced; and that all and every other Summ and Summs of Money that shall be laid out, or paid by the Receiver or Receivers, for, and towards the Buying, Equipping, Victualling, and Fit­ting to Sea; as also for Paying the Officers and Sea-men on Board the said Four Sloops, and Victualling such other Vessel or Vessels as shall be Impressed; as also for Paying the Officers and Soldiers of the Two Parties before­mentioned, for reducing the Rebellious Negroes, shall, as [Page 73]they become Due, be paid by the Receiver or Receivers that are hereafter mentioned and appointed, without Fee or Charge.

AND be it further Enacted by the Authority afore­said, That the Honourable Colonel Charles Knights, Names of the Receivers. one of Their Majesties Council of this Island, and also Colonel Thomas Clarke, Captain Lancelot Talbot, Captain Robert Wardlow, William Hutchinson Esq, Captain Josiah Heathcote, and Captain Thomas Clarke, be, and are hereby Required, Impowered, and Warranted to be Receiver or Receivers of all and singular the several Summs aforesaid, men­tioned and intended to be raised on the several Parishes or People aforesaid, and shall, and may lawfully by Advice and Consent of the Lieutenant-Governour, or Commander in Chief, forthwith Buy or Hire Two more Good and Substantial Sloops fit for War, and Provide, Equip, Fit ready for the Sea, and Victual the same for Sixty effective Officers, Sea-men and Soldiers, inclusively, for each Sloop, for the said Six Months, or for such shorter time as to them shall appear most Convenient; and that the said Two Sloops being thus Fitted and Vi­ctualled, it is hereby Requested, That the Right Ho­nourable Sir William Beeston, Knight, Captain to be Commission'd. Their Majesties Lieu­tenant-Governour aforesaid, by Commission under his Hand and Seal, do Constitute, and Appoint on Board of each of the said Sloops, such Discreet and Able Cap­tains for this present Service, as his Honour shall in his Prudence think Fit, and can Confide in; and that each of the said Captains receive for their Pay, after the Rate of Six Pounds per Month, Payments settled. and likewise appoint by his Warrant for each Sloop, one Master, at Four Pounds per Month, one Boatswain, one Gunner, at Three Pounds per Month each, and one Chirurgeon, and one Carpen­ter, at Four Pounds per Month each, Two Quarter-Masters at Fifty Shillings per Month each, on Board each Sloop, and command and require them in Their Maje­sties Name, to Raise and Enlist on Board the said Two Sloops, by Impressing or otherwise, to make and fit up [Page 74]the full Number of Sixty Effective Officers, Sea-men, and Soldiers in each Sloop, who shall also receive after the Rate of Forty Shillings each Man per Month, and that their Monthly Pay arising for this present Service, shall be paid out of the Money raised by this present Act, Commanding and Requiring the respective Captains of each Sloop aforesaid, by his Commission and Instru­ctions therewith to be given, that they take Care from time to time, to their utmost Ability, to Guard and De­fend the Coasts of this Island, by constant Cruising, and looking out both Windward and Leeward, North and South side of this Island, as his Honour shall in his great Wisdom from time to time Direct and Command.

AND be it further Enacted by the Authority afore­said, That for the more speedy Supplying with Neces­saries, Victualling, Fitting out, and Dispatching to Sea the Vessels of War aforesaid, the Commissioners in this Act nominated and appointed, are hereby Impowered to Employ Captain William Dodington, Commissary appointed. or any other fit Per­son, in case of his Death, Removal, or Misbehaviour, to buy and provide Victuals, Arms and Ammunition, and all other Necessaries whatsoever, convenient for the said Vessels, and draw Bills upon the Treasurer or Treasurers for the Value; for which Service they shall allow and pay unto the said William Dodington, or other Person so Employed, after the Rate of Five Pound for every Hundred Pounds worth of Provisions, Arms, Am­munition, or other Things needful by the said Person so bought.

BE it also Enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That Colonel Charles Knights, and Josiah Heathcote Esquires, be, and are hereby appointed, impowered, and warranted to be Treasurers to Receive and Pay all such Summ and Summs of Money as shall from time to time come to their Hands, Treasurers. for the more easie and ready Dispatch of such Persons as they may have occasion to Deal with; or Pay all such Wages unto the Officers, Seamen and [Page 75]Soldiers, as the Occasion and Intent of this Act may re­quire; and as soon as the Receiver or Receivers before appointed and impowered, have Bought, Hired, and E­quipped the said Sloops, and Victualled them with suffi­cient Victuals for their respective Complements of Men aforesaid, for the time they shall find convenient, that the said Sloops be forthwith dispatch'd out to Sea, by the Command and Direction of the Lieutenant-Governour or Commander in Chief, to Cruise about the Coasts of this Island as aforesaid: and that the Receiver or Recei­vers keep a distinct Account of the Money raised and ap­propriated by this present Act, and for all Payments made for the Uses and Purposes in this Act required, and render a Just and True Account thereof, Account to be given. when de­manded, unto Their Majesties Lieutenant Governour, or Commander in Chief, and Council, of all such Summ and Summs of Money, by them, and every of them, re­ceived by Virtue of this present Act, and how laid out, and for what, and to whom, and for what Uses; and shall in like manner give an Account to the Assembly of this Island when sitting and assembled, when there­unto required, of so much of the said Money, as shall be by them, and every of them respectively received, and to whom the same are issued and paid by them re­spectively, and to what Uses; and if the said Receiver or Receivers, or any of them, after the Receipt of any the said Money, shall divert or misapply the same, or any Part thereof, by any Pretence whatsoever, otherwise than before intended and directed, contrary to the true Intent and Meaning of this Act, he or they so Offending, shall Forfeit to Their Majesties, for, and towards the Support of the Government of this Island, and contingent Charges thereof, double the Summ so diverted or misap­plied.

AND for the better Order and Government of the said Sloops, or other Vessel or Vessels of War, wherein the Honour of Their Majesties, and Interest of this Island are so much concerned; Be it further Enacted by the [Page 76]Authority aforesaid, That all and every the Articles and Orders mentioned in a certain Act of Parliament made in the Thirteenth Year of the Reign of His Majesty King Charles the Second of Blessed Memory, Articles and Orders. for the Establish­ing Articles and Orders for the Regulating, and better Governing of his Majesty's Navy, and Ships of War, and Forces by Sea, shall be duly and respetively put in Execution, observed and obeyed on Board the said Sloops and other Vessels of War, and are hereby declared to be the Laws of this Island, against all such Person or Persons on Board the said Sloops or Vessels as shall offend therein; and for further Encouragement of the Officers, Sea-men, and Soldiers on Board the said Sloops or Vessels, all Ships, Sloops, or Vessels by them taken from the Enemy, and belonging to this Island, are likewise hereby given them for the said Encouragement: Provided always that all Slaves, Vessels, or Goods belonging to Their Maje­sties Subjects of this Island, which the said Sloops or Ves­sels of War shall happen to re-take before they shall have arrived at the Enemies Ports, during the time that they or any of them are Employed in this present Service on the Countries Charge as aforesaid, shall be returned to the respective Owners or Proprietors, their Agents or Attornies; any Law, Custom, or Usage to the contrary in any wise notwithstanding.

AND be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That the said Parties hereby raised, or to be raised for the subduing the Rebellious Negroes aforesaid, in case of Misde­meanor, or neglect of their Duty in that behalf, shall be lia­ble to the Pains and Punishments prescribed in the Articles of War, Pay for the Soldiers. as when Martial-Law is in Force in this Island, and that the Captains of each Party receive for his Ser­vice, in this Act intended and appointed, the Summ of Four Pounds per Month, and that each Serjeant receive also Fifty Shillings per Month, and each Soldier, Forty Shil­longs per Month, to be paid by the Receiver or Recei­vers, without any Fee or Charge to either Officer or Soldier.

AND be it further Enacted and Ordained by the Authority aforesaid, That for the better Encouraging the Persons Employed on Board the said Sloops or other Vessels for the Service of Their Majesties and this Island, that they shall receive as Salvage for all Vessels, Slaves, and other Goods taken of this Island, and by them re­taken before they are Landed in any of the Enemies Commission-Ports, one sixth Part of the Vessels, Slaves, Salvage al­lowed. or Goods so re-taken, or the Value thereof, the said Vessel, Slave, or Goods having been first appraised by Two Persons indifferently Chosen, one by the Com­mander or Commanders of the said Sloops or Vessels, and the other by the respective Owner or Owners; which shall be divided among the Officers, Sea-men, and Sol­diers of the said Vessels, proportionably to the Pay each Person receives of his Country for that Service.

AND that all such Persons as shall go out in the Parties to reduce the Negroes in Rebellion, may be in­duced to proceed with the more Resolution and Vigor; It is hereby Enacted, that they shall receive from the Trea­surers, for each Negro kill'd that was actually in Rebel­lion, which shall be evidenced by bringing in his Head to any Justice, the Summ of Forty Shillings; Rewards for Negroes slain or taken. and for each Negroe in Rebellion taken, and brought in alive, not maimed or mortally wounded, the Summ of Ten Pounds, to be paid by the Owner or Proprietor of such Slave or Slaves, who is hereby obliged under the Pe­nalty of Fifty Pounds, to Transport the Slave or Slaves so reduced from actual Rebellion; and in case that no Owner can be found, that then the Treasurer or Treasu­rers by this Act appointed, or either of them, shall be by Virtue of this Act, obliged and impowered to Pay the said Ten Pound out of the Treasury, and receive the said Slave or Slaves, and him, and them, Sell and Tran­sport as aforesaid, and the Produce retain in his Hands, to be Employed in the said Service, and for defraying the contingent Charges thereof; and to the end it may be [Page 78]better known what Negro shall be accounted Rebellious, it is hereby declared, That all Negroes absenting them­selves from their Owners Plantation the Term of Six Months, be, and are accounted as in actual Rebellion, any thing to the contrary notwithstanding.

AND be it Enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That in case any of the Officers, or Sea-men on Board the said Sloops or Vessels, or in the said Parties shall in actual Ser­vice, Sea-man or Soldier dis­abled. lose either Leg or Arm, or be otherwise Disabled, that then, and in all such Cases, all and every of the disabled Men, shall receive Ten Pounds per Annum with­out Charge, during his or their natural Life, and also their Cures to be paid for out of the Publick Revenue of this Island, by Order of the Lieutenant-Governour and Council, or of the Government of this Island, out of the first Payment.

AND be it further Enacted by the Authority afore­said, That when there shall be no necessity for the said Sloops or Vessels of War, that it shall, and may be law­ful for the Commissioners, or the major Part of them, to Sell the same, with all the Apparel and Furniture, and of the Money arising therefrom, with all other Summs of Money which shall remain over and above, Remainder how applied. or be not expended, of the Money arising, and appropriated by Virtue of this Act, and not hereby applied, shall be and remain in the Hands of the said Treasurers, or either of them, by this Act appointed, to be applied and disposed of, for and towards such other Use or Uses as the Assem­bly of this Island shall appoint by a Law; and that the said Receiver or Receivers, Treasurer or Treasurers, shall be allowed all his, or their, or either of their, reasonable Charges, in and about the Discharging the Trust hereby reposed in them, Commission or Pretences to Commis­sion, hereby excepted.

AND be it further Enacted by the Authority afore­said, That the Fines and Forfeitures mentioned in this Act, and not declared where they shall be Recovered, Forfeitures, &c. disposed of. or how Disposed of, be One Half to Their Majesties, for and towards the Support of the Government of this Island, and the contingent Charges thereof; the other Half to the Informer, who shall Sue for the same in any Court of Record within this Island, wherein no Essoin, Protection, Injunction, Wager of Law, or Nonvult ul­terius prosequi shall be allowed.

An ACT Appropriating several Summs of Money heretofore Raised, to the immediate Service of this I­sland.

WHEREAS there have been several Sums of Money raised by Virtue of one Act, Preamble. Entitled, An Act for Raising Money, for, and towards the Defence of this Island; and also by one other Act, Entitled, An Act for Raising Monies, as a fur­ther Aid to Their Majesties, for, and towards the Defence of this Island: And whereas it is provided in the said Acts, That such Part of the Monies so raised, and not laid out to the Uses therein directed, should be appro­priated to such Use or Service as the Governour, Council, and Assembly shall seem meet: We do therefore most humbly beseech Your Majesties, that it may be Enacted:

AND be it Enacted by your Majesties Lieutenant-Governour, Council, and Assembly, and it is hereby Enacted, and Ordained by the Authority of the same, That of the Monies arising by virtue of the Acts above­mentioned, and not hitherto applied, or made use of, One Thousand and Three Hundred Pound currant Money of this Island, Money ap­propriated. be applied for the Payment of One Thousand Pound Sterling in England, to Colonel Peter Beckford, to be by him made use of for the Service of this Island, in such manner as he shall think fit, to­wards the effecting such things as he shall be directed by the Governour there to Solicite.

AND be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That of the Monies arising by virtue of the Acts above­mentioned, and not hitherto applied, or made use of, so much thereof as shall be necessary for the Victualling and Manning of a Sloop to Transport Colonel Pe­ter Beckford, who is now going for England for the Service of this Island, shall be Paid as the Governour shall Direct.

AND be it also Enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That such Money as shall arise from the Freight of Goods, Shipped on Board the said Sloop, either to, or from England, be by Colonel Peter Beckford applyed to the Defraying the Charges of the said Vessel, and that the Commander of the said Sloop do from time to time observe all such Orders and Instructions as he shall receive from the said Colonel Beckford.

AND be it further Enacted by the Authority a­foresaid, That of the Monies arising by virtue of the Acts aforesaid, the Sum of One Thousand Pound shall be Paid into the Hands of the Treasurer or Treasurers, Appointed by an Act Entitled, An Act to Reimburse Their Majesties Treasury, and Encourage Their Subjects to come and Settle in this Island, to be by them Employed, and [Page 81]used for the paying the Passages of such Persons as shall Transport themselves hither upon the Encouragement of the said Act, and to no other Uses, Intents, or Purposes whatsoever, upon the Penalties in the said Act men­tioned.

AND be it further Enacted by the Authority afore­said, That of the Money arising by virtue of the Acts aforesaid, and not hitherto applyed, or made use of, that Seventy Pounds, or such part thereof as shall be Expended, be applyed and made use of for the defraying the Charge of a Sloop already sent to Windward, to Cruise there, to give notice to the English Fleet, daily expected here, of the Additional Force the French have, or may sudden­ly receive.

AND be it further Enacted, that of the Money arising by virtue of the Acts aforesaid, and not hitherto applyed, or made use of, the Sum of One Hundred Sixty Two Pounds, be Paid into the Hands of Colonel Edward Stan­ton, for defraying the Charge of Twelve Men for Six Months, to be constantly kept at Fort-William at Port-Morant for their Defence thereof, and the Security of the Adjacent Parts.

AND be it further Enacted by the Authority afore­said, That the Remainder of the said Monies arising by virtue of the beforementioned Acts, and not by this pre­sent Act applyed, shall be by the Governour, by, and with the Advice and Consent of the Council, applyed, and made use of for the immediate Defence of this Island, and to no other Uses, Intents, or Purposes whatsoever, and the Receiver or Receivers, Treasurer or Treasurers, in the said Act appointed, are hereby Required and Im­powered to Pay the same accordingly, under the Penal­ties in this Act hereaftermentioned, any thing in this, or any other Act seeming to the Contrary, in any wise not­withstanding.

AND be it further Enacted, that the Receivers and Treasurers in the said Acts appointed, are hereby Re­quired and Impowred to Pay the several Sums by this Act appropriated, into the Hands of such Person or Per­sons as shall be Impowred to receive the same, by virtue of a Warrant to them, or any of them, under the Hand of the Governour (by, and with the Advice and Con­sent of the Council of this Island) and if the said Recei­ver, Forfeit of the Receiver or Treasurer refusing to pay. or Receivers, Treasurer, or Treasurers, or any of them, shall refuse to Pay the aforesaid Sums, or any part thereof, having the same in their, or any of their Hands, the Receiver, or Treasurer so refusing, shall respectively Forfeit to Their Majesties, for, and towards the Support of this Government, and the Charges thereof, double the Sum he shall so refuse to Pay, to be Recovered by Action of Debt, Bill, Plaint, or Information in any Court of Record, where no Essoin, Protection, or Wager of Law shall be allowed.

AND whereas with part of the Monies by the said Acts arising, there were purchased for the Service of the Country Two Sloops, Two Sloops to be disposed of. be it Enacted that the Governour, sell, or make use of the said Sloops for the Countries Ser­vice at his Discretion, and if sold, the Governour apply the Monies, by, and with the Advice and Consent of the Council as before directed.

AND whereas several Sums of Money ordered to be Assessed, and Levyed by the abovementioned Acts, either not having been Assessed, nor Levyed within the time in the said Acts limited and appointed in some of the Parishes within this Island;

BE it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That where any Tax mentioned to be Raised by either of the above-recited Acts, Re-Assess­ment to be made. and omitted to be either As­sessed or Levyed by the Justices and Vestry, or the Justi­ces, where the Vestries neglect their Duty, or where no [Page 83]Vestry is, are Impowered at any other Day, or Place, within Three Months after the Passing this Act, as to the said Justices shall seem meet to Appoint, to Assess, and Levy, as well during Martial Law, as while the Common-Law is in force, upon the several Inhabitants of the said Parishes, the said Taxes: and issue out their Warrants accordingly to the respective Constables for the Collecting, Levying, and Distraining for the same, and Payment thereof, as is directed in the said Acts; which said Constables are hereby Impowered to Collect, and in Case of refusal to Levy, and Distrain for the same ac­cordingly, notwithstanding the time then limited in the said Acts be Elapsed, by reason of Martial-Law, or any other Cause, Protection, or Priviledge whatsoever; and whatsoever Justices, or Vestry, or Constables, shall o­mit to do their Duty therein, shall Forfeit as is directed by the said Acts, and to be Recovered and applied ac­cordingly.

AND be it further Enacted by the Authority afore­said, That all Pains and Penalties, Penalties re­mitted. by the abovemen­tioned Acts, by any the Justices, or Vestry of the respe­spective Parishes incurred, are hereby absolutely remitted and discharged, and the Parties Offending fully indemni­fied for the same, any Law, or Statute to the Contrary in any wise notwithstanding.

An ACT For Appropriating several Sums of Money for the speedy Relief of the Wounded, and Distressed Inhabitants of this Island, who have suffered by the late Invasi­on of the French.

WHEREAS there have been several Sums of Money Raised by virtue of one Act, Preamble. Entitled, An Act for Raising Money, for, and toward [...] the Defence of this Island; And also by One other Act, Entitled, An Act for Raising Money as a fur­ther Aid to their Majesties, for, and towards the Defence of this Island; and whereas it's Provided in the said Acts, that such part of the Money so Raised, and not laid out to the Uses therein Directed, should be appropriated to such other Use and Service as to the Governour, Coun­cil, and Assembly shall seem meet.

AND whereas by a Subsequent Act of Their Maje­sties Lieutenant-Governour, Council, and Assembly of this Their Majesties Island of Jamaica, made this present Ses­sions of this Assembly; 'twas Enacted among other things, that of the Money arising by virtue of the Acts abovementioned, and not therein applied or made use of, the Sum of One Thousand and Three Hundred Pound currant Money of this Island, Recourse to former Acts. should be applied for the Payment of One Thousand Pound Sterling in England, to Colonel Peter Beckford, to be by him made use of for the Service of this Island, in such manner as he [Page 85]should think fit, towards the Effecting such things as he should be directed there to Solicite by the Governour.

AND whereas by the said Act it was further En­acted by the Authority aforesaid, that out of the Monies arising by virtue of the said Acts abovementioned, and not applied or made use of, as much thereof as should be necessary for the Victualling and Manning a Sloop to Transport Colonel Peter Beckford, who was then going for England for the Service of this Island, should be Paid as the Governour should Direct.

AND whereas it was further Enacted by the Autho­rity aforesaid, That of the Monies arising by virtue of the Acts abovementioned, and not hitherto applied or made use of, the Sum of One Hundred Sixty and Two Pounds, should be Paid into the Hands of Colonel Ed­ward Stanton, for defraying the Charge of Twelve Men for Six Months, to be constantly kept at Fort-William. at Port-Morant for the Defence thereof, and Security of the adjacent Parts.

AND whereas the Receivers and Treasurers in the said Act first abovementioned and appointed, are Re­quired and Impowered by the said appropriating Act, to Pay the several Sums by the said Acts appropriated un­der certain Penalties therein contained, into the Hands of such Person or Persons as shall be impowered to receive the same, by virtue of a Warrant, to them, or any of them, under the Hand of the Governour, by, and with the Advice, and Consent of the Council; since the Pas­sing of which Act, Intitled, An Act for Appropriating se­veral Sums of Money heretofore Raised to the immediate Ser­vice of this Island; this Your Majesties Island has been most miserably harrassed by Your Majesties Enemies, Subjects to the Crown of France, who with inhuman barbarity, with Fire and Sword, have laid Wast Four Parishes of this Island, and infested and destroyed several Plantations in the other Parishes, to the utter ruin and [Page 86]destruction of most of the Inhabitants thereof, whereby without some speedy Relief, several Hundreds of this Your Majesties Island must perish through Extreme Want, General Ca­lamity. and the said Parishes, and most part of the Sea-Coasts be wholly Deserted, being destitute of Habitations, and having no Means to Rebuild them, except some speedy Succour from the Publick.

WE therefore Your Majesties Lieutenant-Governour, Council, and Assembly, do humbly pray Your Majesty, that for the immediate Relief and Support of the said poor distressed Inhabitants of this Island, who have suf­fered in the late Invasion; it may be Enacted, and it is hereby Enacted by the Authority of the same, that the aforesaid Sum of One Thousand and Three Hundred Pounds above recited, by the Appropriating Act ordered to be applied for the Payment of One Thousand Pound Sterling in England to Colonel Peter Beckford, to be by him made use of as by the said Act is directed, as also the said Sum of One Hundred, Sixty and Two Pound, by the said Act appointed to be Paid into the Hands of Colonel Edward Stanton, for the defraying the Charge of Twelve Men for Six Months, to be constantly kept at Fort-William at Port-Morant for the Defence thereof, and the Security of the Parts adjacent, which said Sums are not yet made use of, be forth with applied for, Appropriati­ons taken off. and to­wards the Relief of the said distressed Inhabitants of this Your Majesties Island of Jamaica, who have suffered by the barbarous Cruelties of Your Majesties Enemies, in the late Invasion of this Island by the French, as also for the Relief of the Sick and Wounded Persons in the late Ex­pedition to Whily-Wood against the Enemy, and to no other use whatsoever; to be distributed in such manner, and to such Persons as shall seem meet to the Commissioners to be appointed by Your Majesties Lieutenant-Governor, and Council of this Your Island for that purpose.

AND be it further Enacted by the Authority afore­said, that the abovementioned Act, Past this present Ses­sions [Page 87]Entitled, An Act appropriating several Sums of Mo­ney heretofore Raised, to the immediate Service of this Island, as to so much of the said Act only as con­cerns the applying the One Thousand and Three Hundred Pound, for the Payment of One Thousand Pound Sterling in England to Colonel Peter Beckford, to be by him made use of for the Service of this Island; as also for the applying any Sums of Monies other than what are already Expended for the Victualling and Manning a Sloop to Transport the said Colonel Peter Beckford for England, or whereby the Receivers or Treasurers, who by the Two Acts first abovementioned, are Ap­pointed, Required, and Impowered to Pay the several Sums, by the said Appropriating Act applied, into the Hands of such Person or Persons as shall be Impowered to receive the same by virtue of a Warrant to them, or any of them, under the Hand of the Governour, by, and with the Advice and Consent of the Council, as al­so for the applying One Hundred Sixty and Two Pounds to be Paid into the Hands of Colonel Edward Stanton, for the defraying the Charge of Twelve Men for Six Months, to be constantly kept at Fort-William at Port-Morant, shall be, Repeal of Clauses. and are hereby Repealed to all In­tents and Purposes whatsoever, any thing in the said recited Act to the Contrary notwithstanding.

AN ACT For the Encouragement, and Free­dom of Servants, and Slaves which have done, or shall do any remarkable Service against the French during this present War.

WHEREAS upon Advice of the late In­vasion made by the French upon this Island, Preamble. there was set forth an Order of Council of War for the Encouragement of Negroes, that All Negroes, or Slaves that should do any Eminent Service against the Enemy should be forthwith set Free, and that it is also thought reasonable for the Reward of Servants that have behaved themselves well in the late Service, that they be freed of the time they have yet to Serve:

BE it therefore Enacted and Ordained by Their Majesties Lieutenant-Governour, Council, and Assembly, and it is hereby Enacted and Ordained by the Authority of the same, that all Servants who receive no Salary, which have, or shall do any good Service against the Ene­my, the French, Servants signalizing themselves against the Enemy. and can prove the same before the Com­missioners hereafter named, shall forthwith be freed; and that the said Commissioners upon Enquiry made of what time any such Servant or Servants had to Serve, and his, and their Occupation, shall Value and Appraise the said time, he, or they had to Serve, and give him, or them, a Certificate mentioning, his, or their Name or Names, and the Party, or Parties, to whom he, or they belonged, and the Sum or Sums the Owner, or Owners ought to [Page 89]receive for him or them, which being Entred into the Secretary's Office, shall be a sufficient Testimony of his or their Freedom, as also a good Proof for the Owner or Owners to Recover the Summ or Summs he or they were appraised at.

AND be it further Enacted by the Authority a­foresaid, That all Slaves that have, or shall during this War with France, do any Remarkable good Ser­vice against the Enemy, Slaves freed. and make Proofs thereof be­fore the said Commissioners hereafter named, shall be Freed; and the said Commissioners shall give the said Slave a Certificate, mentioning his Name, the Person to whom he belonged, and the Price he was appraised and valued at, which is not to exceed the Summ of Fifty Pounds, which said Certificate being entred into the Secretary's Office, shall be sufficient to Discharge him of his Slavery, and a Proof for the Owner to Re­cover what he was appraised at, which Summ for ei­ther Servant or Slave so set Free and appraised, is to be paid out of Money to be raised for that purpose.

AND whereas divers Persons have for the De­fence of this Island, Armed, and sent out several of their Negroes or Slaves, who have been killed in Ser­vice:

BE it therefore further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That upon Proof made before the said Commissioners, Slave kill'd. of any such Negro or Slave so killed in Service, or that shall be during the War, the Owner or Owners thereof, shall receive such Summ or Summs of Money as the Commissioners shall think fit, not exceeding the Summ of Fifty Pounds, to be paid to the Owner or Owners, in the same manner, as is before expressed for Servants, Negroes, or Slaves so Freed.

AND be it further Enacted by the Authority a­foresaid, that any Owner or Overseer, that shall hin­der any Servant or Slave from Repairing to the Commissioners hereafter in this Act mentioned, Owner de­taining a Slave. to make their Pretensions, and Claim their Freedom, such Owner or Overseer, shall Forfeit such Servant or Slave, and they be made Free, and no Satisfa­ction to be made to the Owner for such Servant or Slave.

AND be it further Enacted by the Authority a­foresaid, That the Honourable Richard Lloyd Esquire, Francis Rose, James Banister, Thomas Bindlos, and John Walters Esquires, Commissio­ners for Claims. or any Three of them, be, and are hereby Authorized and Appointed to be Commissio­ners for the Hearing and Determining all Claims that shall be made by Virtue of this Act, by any Servant or Slave, and that the said Commissioners, or any Three of them, are hereby fully Impowered to Administer Oaths to any Person or Persons that can give Evi­dence therein, and Issue out their Warrants for all Per­sons to attend and come before them, who can give Evidence relating to the Matters, to be by them De­termined, by Virtue of this Act, and to Imprison for Three Months without Bail or Mainprize, all such Persons as shall refuse Obedience to such their War­rants issued out, and the Determination concerning the Freedom of any Servant or Slave made by the Com­missioners aforesaid, or any Three of them, pursu­ant to this Act, being signified under their Hands and Seals, shall be the final Determination of all Claims and Disputes that shall or may arise by Virtue of this Act without any further Appeal; any Thing to the contrary notwithstanding.

AND be it further Enacted by the Authority afore­said, That the Honourable Nicholas Laws Esquire, Edward Stanton, Modyford Freeman, Josiah Heathcote, and James [Page 91]Bradshaw Esquires, or any Three of them, be, and are hereby Appointed and Authorized to be Commissioners to Hear and Determine all Claims that shall or may be made by Virtue of this Act, Other Com­missioners. by any Servant or Slave who shall belong to the Parishes of Kingston, St. An­drews, St. Davids, and St. Thomas to Windward, in the same manner, and have and full like Power and Au­thority as is given to the Commissioners first above­mentioned.

AND be it further Enacted by the Authority afore­said, That he Honourable Richard Lloyd Esquire, Francis Rose, James Banister, Thomas Bindlos, and John Walters Esquires, or any Three of them, do meet on Thursday the Nineth Day of August, in this present Year, One Thousand Six Hundred Ninety Four, and St. Jago de la Vega, and so every Thursday in the next Six Weeks fol­lowing, Time of Meeting. and then to adjourn themselves from time to time as they shall think fit.

AND the Honourable Nicholas Laws, Edward Stanton, Modyford Freeman, Josiah Heathcote, and James Bradshaw Esquires, or any Three of them, are hereby required to meet at Kingston, on Thursday the Nineth of August, in this present Year, One Thousand Six Hundred Ninety Four, and every Thursday in the next Six Weeks follow­ing, and then to adjourn themselves from time to time as they shall think fit; and all Marshals and Constables, Officers to attend. are hereby required to give their Attendance, and Exe­cute their Order as required by the said Commissioners; and the Secretary keep a Book, wherein shall be Entred the Certificates of all such Servants or Slaves who shall be Freed by Virtue of this Act as aforesaid, and that he take Fifteen Pence for his Fee, and no more.

AND be it further Enacted and Ordained by the Authority aforesaid, That all Accounts for Provisions fur­nished to Their Majesties for Man and Horse, for Pub­lick Work done, and Materials found for the Fortifica­tions, [Page 92]and all others Things and Matters relating any wise to the Preparations that were made for Defence for this Island, be stated and adjusted by Samuel Lewis and John Walters Esquires, Auditors of Accounts. at St. Jago de la Vega; Charles Whittle and Charles Saddler Esquires, of Port-Royal; Edmond Edlin and Samuel Foxley Esquires, at Kingston, who are hereby Ap­pointed, Authorized, and Impowered to audit the same; and that a Certificate of the State thereof, under the Hands and Seals of the said Commissioners, or any one of them, shall be sufficient to Entitle the several Parties concerned to demand and receive out of the Money to be raised for that purpose, the Summ due to them, without any further Proof.

AND the said Commissioners are hereby Required and Impowered to Hear and Determine the several Causes in this Act mentioned Material or any other Law to the contrary notwithstanding: Provided this Act continue in Force during this present War with France, and no longer.

An ACT For Prevention of Indebted Per­sons from Departing this I­sland in the Time of Martial-Law.

WHEREAS by an Act of this Island now in Force, Entitled, Preamble. An Act for Settling the Militia; the Martial-Law may on some Emergent Occasions be declared to be in Force, on the ceasing of which, the Common-Law revives and takes Place, whereby in the said Times, several Ill-disposed Persons, and indebted, take Advantage and go off the Island, to the manifest Loss of their Creditors, and ge­neral Discouragement to Trade: Be it therefore Enacted and Ordained by the Lieutenant-Governour, Council and Assembly, and it is hereby Enacted by the Authority of the same, That it shall and may be lawful for any Creditor or Creditors, to Stop, Arrest, and Detain in Prison by due Process of Law, and Debtor or Debtors that shall attempt, or go about to depart this Island, Debtors de­tained. un­til he or they shall Pay and Satisfy their Debt or Debts; or in case of such going off, or departure, a Foreign Attachment may Issue against his or their Goods or Chattels, as in time of the Common-Law, Attachment. notwith­standing the said afore-recited Act, or any Clause therein, being, or seeming to the contrary notwith­standing.

AND whereas several Disputes have heretofore arisen about the Proceedings of the Surveyors of High­ways, Surveyors of High-ways. [Page 94]and of the Justices, Vestries, and Church-Wardens within the several Parishes and Precincts in this Island, for keeping in Repair the High ways, Rai­sing and Laying on the Parish Taxes, and Collecting, Levying, and Applying the same by the Constable, or any other Officer or Officers thereto appointed, in the time when Martial-Law is in Force in this Island, for the prevention of which, and avoiding the like Incon­venience occasioned by Evil disposed Persons, to the Prejudice of Their Majesties Service, and Injury to the Publick:

BE it Enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That the Church-Wardens, and Surveyors of the High-ways, shall proceed to the Discharge of their several Duties; and the Justices, and the Vestries in the several and respe­ctive Parishes and Precincts within this Island, as well when Martial-Law is in Force, as at any other time, are here­by Required and Impowered to Meet, and Raise such Parochial Tax or Taxes, as by the several Acts is Di­rected and Appointed; and the several Constables Col­lect, Levy, and Distrain for the same accordingly; and any Justice, Church-Warden, Vestry-man, Sur­veyor or Constable, neglecting his or their Duty, he or they so Offending, shall incur the Penalty in the Acts mentioned; any Act, Usage, or Custom to the contrary notwithstanding.

AND be it further Enacted, That this Act shall continue in Force during this present War with France, and no longer.

WHICH Laws having up­on the Perusal of the Right Honourable, the Lords of the Com­mittee of Trade, and Foreign Plan­tations, been Presented to His Ma­jesty at this Board, His Majesty was Graciously Pleased, with the Ad­vice of His Privy-Council, to Ap­prove and Confirm the same; and pursuant to His Royal Pleasure thereupon, Signified and Expressed, all the said Laws, as afore-men­tioned, are hereby Approved and Confirmed accordingly.

Will. Bridgeman.

AT THE COURT AT KENSINGTON, The 26 th Day of December, 1695.
PRESENT The King's Most Excellent MAJESTY, In COUNCIL.

  • Lord Keeper.
  • Lord Privy-Seal.
  • Duke of Norfolk.
  • Duke of Schonberge.
  • Duke of Shrewsbury.
  • Marq. of Winchester.
  • Lord Great Chamberlain.
  • Earl of Bridgwater.
  • Earl of Stamford.
  • Earl of Scarborough.
  • Earl of Romney.
  • Lord Godolphin.
  • Mr. Vice-Chamberlain.
  • Mr. Secret. Trumbull.
  • Mr. Chancellor of the Exchequer.
  • L. Chief Justice Holt.
  • Mr. Russell.
  • Mr. Boscawen.
  • Mr. Smith.

WHEREAS by Commission under the Great Seal of England, to Sir William Beeston, Knight, His MAJESTY 's Lieutenant-Governour, and Commander in Chief of the Island of [Page 97] JAMAICA, bearing Date the Twentieth Day of September, One Thousand Six Hun­dred Ninety Two, in the Fourth Year of His MAJESTY 's Reign; His MAJESTY has been Graciously pleased to Authorize and Impower the Governour, Council, and Assembly of the said Island, to Constitute, and Ordain Laws, Statutes and Ordinances, which are to Continue and be in Force, till His MAJESTY 's Pleasure be signified to the contrary: And for­asmuch as a certain Law, has in pursuance of the said Commission, been transmitted to His MAJESTY, with the Humble Desire of the Governour, Council and Assembly, That His MAJESTY would be Pleased to Pass the same in the Words following, viz.

An ACT To Enable George Ivey Esquire, to Sell his Estate for the Payment of the Debts of his Father William Ivey Esquire, Deceased.

WHEREAS William Ivey Esquire, Preamble. lately Deceased, was Seized in his Demesnes as of Fee, of, and in several Plantations, Lands, Tenements and Hereditaments, with the Appur­tenances, in the Parishes of Clarendon, Vere, and S. Katherines, and elsewhere within this Island, and of several Negroes, and Stock thereunto belonging and appertaining: All which said Plantations, Lands, Tenements and Heredi­taments, together with all and every the Negroes thereon being, or thereunto belonging, by his Last Will and Te­stament, bearing Date the One and Twentieth Day of September, One Thousand Six Hundred Eighty Nine; he devised to George Ivey Esquire, his Eldest Son and his Heirs, and for want of Issue of him the said George, to William Ivey, Second Son of the said William the Testator, and the Heirs of his Body, with divers Remainders over; and of his said Will, made the said George his Eldest Son sole Executor, who since, has duly proved his said Fa­ther's said Will.

AND whereas the said William the Testator, was at the time of his Decease indebted to the Royal African Company of England, and to divers other Persons, by Judgment, Bonds and otherwise, in the Summ of Two Thousand Pounds and upwards; and forasmuch as the Personal Estate of the said William the Testator, not including the said Negroes and Stock, was so very incon­siderable, [Page 99]that the said George Ivey by Reason of the In­tail aforesaid, without the Assistance of an Act of the As­sembly, has no way left of Paying his Fathers said Debts, unless by the Sale of all the said Negroes, and Stock left upon, and belonging to the Lands and Plantations so In­tailed, which must inevitably Ruin and Destroy the said Plantations, &c.

AND forasmuch as it is highly just and reasonable, that no Act of the said William Ivey, the Testator, should prevent, or hinder all, or any part of his said Estate, from being lyable, and subject to the payment of his just Debts, or debar the said George, his eldest Son, from disposing of, and applying the same for the payment and discharge of the same; and forasmuch as William Ivey, Consent of the Second Son. the second Son of William the Testator, to whom the next remainder in Tail after the Death of George, the Tenant now in Possession, without Issue of his Body is limited, has, upon Consideration of the Sum of Four Hundred Pounds, testified, and declared his Consent to the Passing of this present Act:

BE it therefore Enacted by Their Majesties Lieutenant-Governour, Council, and Assembly, and it is hereby Enacted by the Authority of the same, that for the Pay­ment of the Debts aforesaid, it shall, and may be law­ful to, and for the said George Ivey, and he is hereby fully Authorized, Impowered, and Enabled to Sell, Dispose of, or Convey, or by his last Will and Testament to Devise all, or any part or parcel of the said Plantations, Lands, Tenements, and other Hereditaments above­mentioned, together with all, and every the Negroes thereunto belonging, or appertaining, to any Person or Persons whatsoever, in such manner and form, and as amply, and effectually, to all Intents, Constructions, and Purposes, as if the same had Descended to him the said George Ivey, and he were thereof Seized and Possessed in Fee-Simple, and no such Intail and Remainder, or Remainders as aforesaid had ever been made, limited, or [Page 100]created; and the Purchaser, or Purchasers, Devisee, or Devisees of the same, or any part or parcel thereof, shall be deemed, adjudged, and taken to be Seized thereof, and of every part and parcel thereof, to them, and their Heirs for ever, as if the said George had suf­fered a Common Recovery in Their Majesties Court of Common-Pleas, at Westminster, of all, or any part or par­cel of the said Premises, Purchaser, &c. secured. to the Use, or Uses of the Pur­chaser, or Purchasers, Devisee or Devisees, and of their Heirs for ever; and the said Purchaser, or Purchasers, Devisee or Devisees, their Heirs or Assigns, shall, and may hold, occupy, and enjoy the same free from any Estates, Uses, Limitations, Remainders, Charges, and Provisoes, had, made, or created, in, and by the said last Will and Testament of the abovementioned William Ivey, the Te­stator, any Law, Custom, or Usage to the Contrary notwithstanding.

WHICH Law having up­on the Perusal of the Right Honourable, the Lords of the Com­mittee of Trade, and Foreign Plan­tations, been Presented to His Ma­jesty at this Board, His Majesty was Graciously Pleased, with the Ad­vice of His Privy-Council, to Ap­prove and Confirm the same; and pursuant to His Royal Pleasure thereupon, Signified and Expressed, the said Law as afore-mentioned, is hereby Approved and Confirmed accordingly.

Will. Bridgeman.

BOOKS Printed for, and Sold by Charles Harper at the Flower-de-luce, over-against St. Dunstan's Church in Fleet-street.

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