RIddle my Riddle (for I mean to pose yee)
What is it Raiseth yee, Yet Overthrows yee?
What is't That makes Men deny to pay Tribute?
Soar to a Septer, yet sink to a Iibbet?
What makes Disputants keep such a puther,
Shutting the Gates of Bliss, One against t'other?
What is it makes a Man (by Toyl and Labour,
With all the wit he can) to Cheate his Neighbour?
Least this Enigma should too much involue Yey,
Extend your Intellect, I shall resolve Yee:
SELF is that Monster, which swallows up All-things;
Makes low things, high things, brings great things, to small things.
SELF hath his Sov'raignty (more is the pitty)
In Church, Court, Country, Camp, Navy, and City.
What e're the Voyage be, SELF has the Venter;
Where e're the Circle be, SELF is the Centre.
SELF in this season, is the only Object;
SELF is a Sov'raign, and SELF is a Subject:
SELF is a Stats-man, that pleads for Applauses,
SELF would be Chancelour in his own Causes.
SELF, into every Species can vary,
SELF's Eccleastical, and Militarie:
SELF will be medling with Kingdoms, and Crowns too,
SELF can build Houses, and SELF can sell Towns too.
SELF, once rais'd War, between Swede and Poland,
And betwixt England, France, Denmark, and Holland:
SELF hath a Seigniory in every Region,
SELF is of any, and of no Religion:
SELF is a Self-seeker, and SELF is a Shaker;
SELF is a Prpist, and SELF is a Quaker:
SELF makes a Protestant some times to falter,
And bids a Prisbiter, bow to the Alter.
SELF hatch'd the War, and the fatal Infection:
SELF set the City in flameing distraction,
SELF was the Plotter, SELF was Prejector,
SELF was the sufferer, and SELF was the Actor:
SELF was the Fire-ball, that brought with it's flashes,
Englangs Metropolis, to Dust and Ashes:
SELF was a Thing made such work for Repayers,
Which scarce will be finish'd, by Him or his Heires.
SELF was a Person (though not very witty)
Which in that season, was Spark of the City.
SELF is a Serpent, whose intreges are Oblick:
SELF is the ruine of ev'ry Republick:
SELF is the motive, so many are un-done,
SELF was the Burning and Downfal of London;
Though SELF (in confidence) thought He was able
To quench the fury on't, with his small Bable.
SELF is a Courtier that seems to adore yee,
And spreads his formal fine saviours before yee,
But if your Suit at Court, have not some pelfe in't,
[...] there was Self in't.
SELF is a Country-man, when fire enforces
Men to make use of his Wagons and Horses;
When Goods and Money were shar'd in four Quarters,
By Fire, and by Fellons, by Traitors, and Carters.
SELF was a Traiton, a Turncoat, a Teacher:
SELF, and Pluerallities, makes up a Preacher.
SELF is a Shopkeeper, One that will ply yee,
With see what ye lack Sir; But gets nothing by yee:
SELF is so many Things, no Man can name all:
SELF 's an Hermaphrodite, both Male and Fenale.
SELF in a Woman's the root of all Evil,
And gives cause to say, SELF is a Devil.
SELF do Self-have, is a severe old Sentence;
And SELF doth daily make work for Repentince.
Let him be Englishman, Spaniard, or Roman,
When each Man's for himself, then God is for no Man:
And you shall find it true (if well you pause on't)
What Michiefs e're enfue, SELF is the Cause on't:
SELF is an inlet to every Disaster:
He that denyes him-SELF, is his own Master.

London, Printed by E. C. for T. Vere, at the Cock in St. Johnsstreet. And W. Thackerey next to the Dalphin in Smithfield. 1668.

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