[royal English blazon or coat of arms]

BY THE Lord Deputy and Council.


IT Having pleased Almighty God by his won­derful Providence, and out of his unspeakable Mercy, in a most extraordinary manner to deli­ver His Majesty from a late horrid and damna­ble Conspiracy of bloody men; and His Majesty out of a deep sense thereof, having been pleased by his Declaration dated the 28th. of July 1683. to appoint a day of Publick Thanksgiving to be observed & solemnly kept throughout the King­dom of England, and Principality of Wales, upon the ninth of September next; and by His Letters to Vs, the Lord Deputy, hath signified his pleasure, that the like be done in his Kingdom of Ireland, either upon the said ninth of September, or some other convenient day, as We should direct. Now We, the Lord Deputy and Council, in Obedience to His Majesties said Command, and to the end a particular time may be set a-part for a publick performance of this Duty, and that there may be an entire Vniformity of both Churches and Kingdoms in their Publick Thanksgiving to God for so great a Deliverance, do hereby Publish and Declare, and also strictly Charge and Command that the said ninth day of September next be set a part, and observed as a day of Publick Thanksgiving in and throughout His Majesties King­dom of Ireland. And We do direct and appoint that His Majesties said De­claration, together with this Our Proclamation, be publickly read in all Churches and Chappels, as well on Sunday the second of September next, as upon the day of Thanksgiving aforesaid; and that the same form of P [...]ayer, with Thanksgiving, prepared in England for that occasion (which We have ordered to be printed here) be also on the said ninth day of September made use of in the publick Service and Worship of God.

Mich. Armach, C. Lanesborough, Will Kildare, Ca. Dillon, Gha. Feilding, H. Boyle, Will, Days, John Keating, John D [...]vys, Tho Newcomen.

God Save the king.

DƲBLIN, Printed by Benjamin Took and John Crock, Printers to the Kings Most Excellent Majesty, and are to be sold by Mary Crook and Andrew Crook at His Majesties Printing-House on Ormond-Hey, 1683.

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