INSTRUCTIONS For the more Due and Regular Pay­ment of the QUARTERS of Our FORCES.


WHereas it is necessary for the Ease of Our Subjects, and for Main­taining the good Discipline of Our Forces, That constant Pay­ment be made by the several Regiments, Troops and Com­panies of Horse, Foot and Dra­goons employ'd in Our Service, of what shall be due from them for their Quarters, as well in Garison as elsewhere; Our Will and Pleasure is, That upon the Arrival of any Regi­ment, Troop or Company in any Garison, Town or Vil­lage, Publication be immediately made, and Notice given by sound of Trumpet, Beat of Drum, or otherwise, to the Chief Magistrate or Civil Officer, That they do not give any Officer or Soldier Credit in their Quarters beyond the Rates hereafter mentioned; and that according to the said Rates, the Quarters shall be paid before the De­parture of the said Regiment, Troop or Company from the same. And that the Payments may be the more pun­ctually [Page 2] and Regularly made, Our further Will and Plea­sure is, That every Officer, to whom it belongs, or that does actually receive the Pay or Subsistence-Money, ei­ther for a whole Regiment, or for particular Troops, or Companies, or otherwise, shall immediately, upon each Receipt of every particular Sum which shall from time to time be Paid, Return'd, or come to his Hand, on ac­count of Pay or Subsistence, give publick Notice there­of to all Persons keeping Inns, or other Places, or Houses where Officers or Soldiers are Quartered; and shall also appoint the Inn-keepers or other Inhabitants to Repair to the said Officers Quarters, at such time as they shall ap­point for the Distribution and Payment of the said Pay or Subsistence-Money to the Officers and Soldiers, which shall be within Four Days at the farthest, after the Re­ceipt of the same. And the said Inn-keepers, and other Inhabitants, shall then and there acquaint such Officer or Officers with the Accounts or Debts, if any be, be­tween them and the Officers and Soldiers so Quartered in their respective Houses. Which said Account the said Officer or Officers are hereby required to accept of, and immediately pay the same, before any Part of the said Pay, or Money for Subsistence be Distributed, either to the Officers or Soldiers, provided the Account exceed not, For a Comission-Officer of Horse (being under the De­gree of a Captain) for such Officers Diet, small Beer, and Hay and Straw for his Horse, Two shillings per diem; For a Commission-Officer of Dragoons (under the Degree of a Captain) for such Officers Diet, small Beer, and Hay and Straw for his Horse, Eighteen pence per diem; Nor for a Commission-Officer of Foot, under the Degree of a Captain, for his Diet and small Beer, One shilling per diem; And if such Officer shall have Horse or Horses, for each such Horse Six pence per diem; Nor for one Light-Horse­mans Diet and small Beer, and Hay and Straw for his Horse, One shilling per diem; Nor for one Dragoon for Diet and small Beer, and Hay and Straw for his Horse, Nine pence; Nor for one Foot-Soldiers Diet and small Beer, Four pence. And if any Officer or Officers, as aforesaid, shall not give Notice, as aforesaid, and shall not immediately, upon producing such Accounts stated, satisfie, content and pay the same, upon Complaint and Oath thereof made by any two credible Witnesses, at the next Quarter-Sessions for the County, Barony, City or Place, where such Quarters were, the Pay-master of Our Forces is hereby required, [Page 3] upon Cretificate of he Justices of the Peace, or any two of them, before whom such Oath was made, of the sums due upon such Account, and the Person to whom the same is owing, to satisfie and pay the said Sums out of the Ar­rears due to the said Officer or Officers, who have recei­ved and are to distribute and pay the Subsistence or Money aforesaid; and if no Arrears are due to such Officers, then to pay the same out of the contingent Money of the Army, to be repaid out of the growing Pay of the Officers or Soldiers from whom the said money was due: And such Of­ficer or Officers, who have received and are to distribute the Subsistence or Money, as aforesaid, for neglecting to give Notice of the Receipt of the same, not paying the Quar­ters of the Regiments, Troops and Companies for whom he or they have received Pay or Subsistence, or not distri­buting the Remainder thereof, (after the Quarters are discharg'd) to the Officers and Soldiers to whom it is due, upon Proof thereof made before the Colonel or Comman­der in Chief of the Regiment, or the Judge Advocate or his Deputy, upon Oath, shall be Cashiered and Dismiss'd Our Service. And where it shall happen that the Subsi­stence due to any Regiment, Troop or Company is not re­mitted to them, and they unable, for that reason, to pay their Quarters, as before directed, Our Will and Pleasure is, That the Officer in chief with the said Regiment, Troop or Company, before his or their Departure out of the Quarters, where the said Regiment, Troop or Company shall remain for any time whatsoever, do make up the Accounts with every Person with whom such Regiment, Troop or Company have Quarter'd, of what is due accord­ing to the foregoing Regulation, and give a Certificate, by him sign'd, to the Party or Parties to whom such Money is owing, or to the Chief Magistrate or Magistrates of the Town or Towns, where the said Regiment Troop or Company is Quarter'd, to the end the said Certificate may be transmitted to the Pay-master of Our Forces, who is immediately to make Payment of the Sum or Sums so certified to the Person or Persons to whom the same is due, or their Order. And if any Officer or Officers, as afore­said, shall neglect or refuse to make up the Accounts of the Regiment, Troops or Companies under his Command, or give Bills for the same, as is before directed, upon Proof thereof made by two Witnesses before the Commander in Chief of the Regiment, or the Judge Advocate, or his De­puty, he or they shall be Cashiered.

And that We may the better be satisfied that the Offi­cers and Soldiers of Our Army do pay an exact Obedience to the Orders We have hereby given, Our Will and Plea­sure is, That before any Regiment, Troop or Company march out of, or leave their Quarters, the Officer that commands do cause the same to be drawn up, in the Pre­sence of the Chief Magistrate of the Place, of whom he is to enquire whether Disorders have been committed during their stay there, or Quarters left unpaid, and upon Proof thereof to cause immediate Payment and Satisfacti­on to be made: And in case no Disorders have been com­mitted, or the same, upon complaint redress'd, and pu­nished, the said chief Magistrate or Magistrates are here­by required, at the head of the said Regiment, Troop or Company, to give a Certificate of their good Behaviour in the said Quarters, and of the due Payment thereof, either by Money or Bills, which said Certificates are from time to time to be returned to the Pay-master General of Our Forces, to be laid by him before Us.

And We do hereby strictly Require and Command all Officers to take a particular care that their Soldiers be­have themselves civilly and orderly in their Quarters; and that they do not themselves, nor suffer the Soldiers under their Command, to destroy or molest the Game by Dogs, Guns, or otherwise, as they will answer the con­trary at their utmost Peril.

By Her Majesties Command. Geo. Clarke.

LONDON, Printed by Charles Bill, and the Executrix of Thomas Newcomb, deceas'd, Printers to the King and Queens most Excellent Majesties. MDCXCII.

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