Instructions for ⟨George Dickinson⟩ Collector of his Majesties Customs in the Port of ⟨Plimouth⟩

I. YOu shall from time to time, so long as you shall continue and be em­ployed in the said Office, well and truly Collect and Receive all, and every sum and sums of Money, arising and growing due and payable to our Sovereign Lord the King, within the said Port of ⟨Plimouth⟩ and the Members and Creeks thereunto belonging, for or in respect of any Goods, Wares, Wines, or other Merchandizes Imported into, or Exported out of the same.

II. You shall during the time aforesaid, make and give to ⟨Giles Lytcott Esqr. Comptrol•• Gen•• of the Accompts of his Ma Customs, or the Comptrol•• Gen•• [...] for the time being, a true and just Accompt of all such Duties, Dues, and Moneys, so by you the said ⟨Geo Dickinson⟩ to be received at the Four usual Feasts of the year, (that is to say) At the Feasts of the Birth of Our Lord Christ; The An­nunciation of the Virgin Mary; The Nativity of St. John the Baptist, and St. Mi­chael the Archangel; or within Fourteen dayes next after every of the said Feasts, in every year, or oftner, if thereunto required.

III. You shall from time to time, well and truly pay, or cause to be paid un­to ⟨Rich [...] K [...]nt Esqr R Gen•• of Cash of his Maj Customs [...] or [...] hereater for the⟩ time being, at the Custom-house within the Port of ⟨Plimouth⟩ all and every the sum and sums of Money to be by you Collected and Received as aforesaid, as you shall receive the same; making di­stinction in your payments, whether by Bill of Exchange, or otherwise, betwixt the Moneys payable for Custom, Subsidy, and Additional Duty, and his Maje­sties Impost upon Wines and Vinegar.

IV. You shall at the Feast of St. Michael the Arch-Angel, in every year, or within thirty days after, fully pay in, discharge, and clear your Accompts of all the Moneys due, and by you collected for the year ending at the Feast aforesaid: And also shall well and truly perform and execute the said Office or Place in all things thereunto appertaining.

V. You shall not directly or indirectly, either in your own name, or in the name or names of any other person or persons, or in Company or Partnership with any other, Trade as a Mer [...]han [...] for your self, or as a Factor, or Agent for any other, in or for any Goods▪ Wares, or Merchandizes.

V [...] You shall do your best [...]nde [...]vo [...]r, in taking good Security, by Bond or Bonds; for the Additional [...] Impost upon Wines and Vinegar, in such manner as the Law directs [...]ely answer and pay all such sum and sums of Money as you shall [...]ece [...] such Bonds, unto the said Receiver Ge­neral and Cashier.

VII. [...]ou shall upo [...] [...] made by the said Commissioners, or any [...]ee or more of them [...] or persons to be by [...]em app [...]nted in that b [...]half, deliver [...] [...]missioners, or such p [...]n or persons so appointed, all such [...] shall at the time of [...] demand re­main unsati [...]fied [...] safe, and uncancell [...]

[Page]VIII. You shall not pay or allow any Sallaries, otherwise, then as you shall from time to time be directed by Us, nor any Moneys by way of incident charges, but in the usual cases of Tides-men and Boat-mens daily pay, with the Rent for his Majesties Custom-house in your Port, unless you receive our directions in writing for so doing: and before you shall pay any Tides-man, or Boat-man, his daily pay, you shall have the Surveyors Certificate of such Tides-men and Boat-mens service, and Money due unto him.

IX. You shall grant no Bill of Sight or Sufferance, for the Landing of any Mer­chandize, but only to such persons who shall make Oath before you, That they have neither Invoice, Letter, or other Advice, whereby to make known the true Contents of such Goods, for which they desire such Bill of Sight or Sufferance.

X. You shall cause all Warrants and Entries for Goods and Merchandizes, both Inwards and Outwards, to be Entred de die in diem, in the open Custom-house, in the books which we have, or shall transmit unto you; and shall write and adjust your Quarter-books, to be sent unto Us in the method and form prescribed, in the book of Directions sent unto you: And every Quarter-book is to be Signed by your self, and by the Surveyor, expressing, That you and the Surveyor have examined the whole Book, and find that the quality and quantity of all Merchan­dizes Imported, and Exported within your Port, during such Quarter is truly En­tred therein.

XI. Besides, the quarterly accompt, as aforesaid, you shall also remit to Us, such monthly, or other abstracts, or accompts Currant, as we from time to time shall direct.

XII. You shall not give credit, or trust, to any Merchant, or other person, in the forbearance of ready money, in payment of Custom or other his Majesties Duties; but shall receive all Customs, and other Duties upon passing the Entries, unless in such cases, where the Law allows the taking of Bonds, and therein you are to proceed according as the Act directs.

XIII. You shall have a due care and inspection, as well into the Demeanour of all Officers, Agents, or Deputies, deputed by Us in the said Port, as into the Demeanour of his Majesties Patent-Officers, and their Deputies, and of all other persons employed in your Port, in or about his Majesties Customs: and where you shall discover any fraud, negligence, or mis-behaviour, you shall impartially acquaint Us therewith, to the end, we may take such course for redress thereof, as we shall see cause

XIV. You shall not only faithfully, and diligently discharge and execute the Trust and Employment of a Collector in right receiving, accompting and paying all sums of money, which you shall, or ought to receive for his Majesty; but in every other matter and thing relating to the Duty of a Collector of the Customs in the said Port, shall well and duely demean your self; and shall not do any act or thing, whereby, or wherein, his Majesty shall be prejudiced, hindred, or damaged in his Custom, Customs, or other Duties, or any Law relating to the Importation, or Exportation of Goods or Merchandizes violated or broken.

⟨H Bronne [...]

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