Innocent Love in Triumph: OR, The Joys of Wedlock made Manifest. Being a most pleasant Delightful New Play Song.

No Love like that which Innocence does Crown,

On which Hell's Daughter Jealousie, can't frown;

Nor is it like the Smiles that Harlots sell,

But Chast as those who in Elizium dwell:

All joys attend it, and all Blessings wait,

To make fair Celia's long-wish'd Joys compleat.
To the Tune of, The Oxfords Bells.
SEe how the charming Celia lies,
upon her Bridal Bed,
There's no such beauty at Court,
She's fit for the Sport,
and she looks so lovely white and red:
After the first and second Bout,
the Bridegroom 'gins to slack his pace,
But she crys come to me,
and lay your Cheeks close to my face:
Tinckle, tinckle, goes the Bed to the Bell,
whilst common time they keep,
With a parting Kiss, they end their Bliss,
and so retire to sleep.
Vntil the Morning it does dawn,
and the sweet Lark does sing,
When shades they begin for to fade,
That did the world invade,
and discloses the pleasures o'th Spring:
Then they to walk abroad prepare,
and in some Grove lye down,
When her white Thighs she does lay bare,
Whilst his Clapper does make his great Bell roar,
the first and second Peal,
Whilst that in their joy, they seem not coy,
nor their Passions conceal.


For the joy it being past,
fresh ones they still do bloom,
As if all things did conspire,
To yield their desire,
with such sweet joys that will ne'r consume:
But whilst the Christial Springs do stream,
And Mirtle Shades most pleasant are,
which the Nimphs they do raise;
Whilst they embrace each other still,
with all the pleasures Cupid can yield,
Whilst they pant in Love, the powers above,
with Envy view the Field.
And wish they so happy were,
such Charms that they might know,
And Venus her self grows proud,
to see how they crowd,
to admire her Conquests here below:
Where Cupid did shoot equal Darts,
and made each feel his mighty Power
Which nothing can resist,
but his Godhead all must adore:
VVhilst he makes each proud heart to submit,
to his oblieging will,
VVhile Celia does keep, her Spouse from sléep
and makes him his task fulfill.
Then to feed the tender Lambs
unto the Folds they haste,
And the Violet Beds they press,
Then the time you'l guess,
they neither of them do idly waste:
But with soft murmers Charms of Love,
each other they do still supply,
No joys like harmless Love,
which lasting is, and cannot dye:
But endless joy it does still create,
which nothing can exceed,
VVhile the streams below, do freely flow,
and great contentment breed.
Damon and Celia in their Love,
seek each for to outvie,
To the world examples set,
None so true e're met,
since bright Pheobus did adorn the sky:
How blessed then are wedlock joys,
where all things do conspire our Bliss,
VVhen soft, the fair Bride crys,
love Charms with a murmuring kiss:
VVhile under the window the Musick sounds,
she hugs him in her arms,
On her back she lyes, with turn'd up eyes,
and lulls him with her Charms.

Printed for P. Brooksby, at the Golden-Ball in West-smith-field near the Hospital-gate.

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