Inncency Cleared. OR THE Case and Vindication OF Col. GEORGE GILL: WHEREIN Is made apparent how the Sentence of Parliament was procured against him, and by what meanes the Re-hearing hath been delayed. Humbly Presented to the Parliament, with desires of speedy JUSTICE.
Printed 10 September, 1651.
TO THE Supreame Authority, The Parliament of the Commonwealth of ENGLAND,
WIth all due humility that is owing to so High and Great an Assembly and Authority, I approach once again, after a long, and yeares attendance at your Door, begging, that as you have had the favour, and if I may say so, the indulgence of the Almighty upon your Actions; so you will be pleased to answer him in doing Justice. The Sentence I lye under is hard and severe, it dispossesses me of all that is dear to me, which is, my honesty [Page] and good affection to the State, and indeed un-mans me; I am in a manner my own prosecuter, for how have I sought to have my businesse re-heard? If it appear foule in your eyes, I shall sit down under your censure, if I appear a just man▪ let me crave justice from you. God hath placed you in the highest seat: no man prayes more heartily for you; do then, I beseech you, though it be for a friend, yet as Judges: delaying of Sentence may be severity. I do not presume to say any thing of your former Sentence; I know they that could Report the first busines in five days, and hinder Col. Downs's Report nine Months, have stood in my way and delayed mee from being so clearly represented to you, as I hope it will be made appear I ought to be. For Gods sake let me once have justice, 'tis all I beg, and then I shall account my losses, intermission of Calling, and time spent, a Gain; For truly, if I had not a Confidence of my innocency, I should not have dared to solicite at your Tribunall, and to that Supreame Authority, for which I daily send up supplications to Heaven, Being indeed,
A Vindication of Col. GEORGE GILL. Wherein the unjust proceedings of his Adversaries, both in procuring of the Sentence of Parliament against him; and keeping of the Re-hearing, is fully manifested.
WHEN I consider the way of my Education, and the course of my life; which hath been wholly strange to publishing of books; I begin to thinke that as God Almighty brings into every mans life somewhat unexpected and remarkable, so that by this crosse necessity that at the present lies upon me, he would make it evident to me in particular, that our lives are but clay in his hands, and that we scarcely come ever so sensibly to feele his hand as in the day of our adversity.
And therefore though I bemoan the injustice of men towards me, yet him I justifie and resigne my selfe up ro his will, and truly since he hath been pleased to permit affliction to lye upon me, to have my good name, nay my estate and trust taken away (which neverthelesse he will restore in his due time) [Page 2] I shall not doubt to lay open the whole series and proceedings of my troubles, the unjust and fraudulent prosecution of my Adversaties, the nature of my crime freely and clearly laid out, and lastly the sufferings that it hath occasioned to me. For though this be but a private businesse, and my Wife and Children seem only to be Sufferers, yet in a Commonwealth, since every man hath interest in justice, and all men are tyed to joyn their Forces against unrighteousnesse, I hold it more then private; and come what will, I will lay it open, cleaving always to the truth, and carrying my selfe with that duty and civility, as becomes me to that Power which God hath set over me.
I can speake it in the sincery and uprightnesse of my heart, and I hope without boasting, my conversation among men, hath been such ever since I came to deale in the world, that I never yet had any man justly mine Enemy; but either he who was an Enemy to the Cause I embarked in, or else some other, whom I had opposed in some unjust proceedings, and whom I had kept from oppressing the weaker: And upon this latter score, I justly fear, That Sir William Allenson of Yorke, and a Member of this present Parliament, became so sharp and so eager an Enemy, that for a crime which is no crime at all, or in the most rigorous interpretation, a mistake, I am Voted uncapable of their Service, whom I had faithfully and diligently served so many years (to the neglect of my businesse, and almost ruining of my estate) either as a Souldier or a Common-wealths man, and my estate ordered to be sold. But of that hereafter. Now [Page 3] that which hath brought all this trouble upon me, is no other then this.
In the second year of the late Charles, Leeds Town and Parish was Incorporated, and that illegally, by reason that the major consent of the Inhabitants was wanting, and it was well known by what Courtmeans it was at that time procured, but however procured it was, and the Governours acted accordingly, which produced many Suits and Tryalls at Law between them and the Clothiers.
At the beginning of these Troubles, nine of the ten Aldermen appeared for the late King, and thereby became uncapable of civill imployment, so that the Town was then at liberty and injoyed their former right, till these present Governours illegally and out of course created themselves, and took upon them to act according to the former Charter. But the Inhabitants being sensible of the inconveniencies they had formerly received by it, and not expecting the best things from them that so lusted after the power, procured a Commission under the broad Seal, directed to Sir John Savill Knight, Charles Fairfax, Henry Goodwick, Esquires, &c. Impowering them to command the High Sheriffe to empanell twenty four honest legall men, to inquire the legallity of the Charter, and their acting, which was accordingly executed, and it was found by the Jury, that the Letters Pattents were illegally procured without the major consent of the Inhabitants, and that it was prejudiciall to the Towne and Parish, and not standing with the good of the Commonwealth, and that they had illegally elected one another contrary to the letter of the Patent, [Page 4] so that the Inquision was returned, and remaines now in the Petty-Bag-Office.
Now Sir William Allanson fearing, as he had good cause, that it might fall heavy on his Brother, who contrary to his Oath and Trust, had acted so crookedly, and knowing I had a Charge ready against him, procured an Order of the Parliament that such Elections as had been made by the well-affected in any Corporation, though not according to the Letter of the Charter should be good; by which meanes the present Governours I dare affirme have oppressed more within these six yeares past, and brought greater sufferings upon the poore Inhabitants, then they had suffered in fourteene yeares before: I therefore having been so zealous and forward in this businesse in behalf of the Inhabitants as inprocuring the Inquisition, as also by a Petition to the Northern Committee, signed by me by the consent in the name and in the behalfe of the Inhabitants, and presented by my selfe in heir behalfes and Mr. Bains in the behalfe of the Aldermen in December 1647.
Sir William Allanson took an enmity to me because I opposed his Brother, and never since rested from any meanes that might bring my ruine, though I be verily of opinion, that if I had not opposed his Brother, or Stillington had not been too neer Crake Castle, we might have been friends to this day; But because you shall see how justly Sir William affords his Brother this Patronage, and how much need the other hath of it, and how just it is for any man that loves the Commonwealth to lay open the iniquities of such a man; I shall quote you one or two of them whereby he broke [Page 5] his Oath and Trust as a Sequestrator.
After the Rendition of Yorke, this Francis Allanson who is Sir Williams owne Brother, sent some peeces of Cloath belonging to Lancelot Iveson a Malignant, to Leeds as his own, and then and there demanded of the said Lancelot Iveson what hee would have for them a peece, hee answered that such a man whom hee then named gave usually 52 shillings or thereabouts; Mr. Allanson replyed, that if he would let him have them at 30 shillings, well it were, otherwise he would sequester them to the use of the Commonwealth, wherupon the poore man finding himself under a necessity of being cheated, consented, and the Commonwealth lost all the advantage of that Sequestration.
Will you have another of them? some four Aldermen of Leeds, whereof Mr. Allanson was one, had a Commission or Order for the providing of five or ten thousand pounds worth of Cloath for the use of the Scotch Armie, whereupon they tooke mens Cloathes (which the Inhabitants remember with complaint to this day) at what price they pleased, not suffering the Cloathier to sell his Cloath to others, and paid them in what price and manner they pleased; by which meanes they inriched themselves, though it was out of the groanes of the poore. But this and other things if they came to be scan'd, would I beleeve deserve a sentence severe enough against Mr. Allanson though he be now boyed up by Sir William his Brother; And truely Sir William for all his pretended zeale to the Cause, hath not wanted Cloaths to keep it warme, for upon pretended losses he had the Hamper-Office given him, and 'tis knowne that out of Bishops or Deans and [Page 6] Chapters Lands hte hath raised himselfe a very large Estate. But as I would impeach no man upon Rumours or Conjectures (for my selfe have felt too much of that) so will I not stand to examine how many men he raised in Yorkshire at the eruption of Charles Stuart, nor will I say hee is a Countenancer of Malignants; but 'tis a signe that Sir William hath a hollow place in his heart: For soone after the Death of the late King, in his journey towards Yorkshire, lodging at the George at Stanford, he there boasted to Malignants how wisely he had carried himselfe, viz. That there was but one other and himselfe of all his Countrey-men that voted for a personall Treaty with the King, and that he could wash his hands from having any hand in the Kings Blood. And these words are witnessed by Richard Morris and Mrs. Margaret Dobins, and Rich. Morris did repeat the abovesaid words in the presence of Captain Matthew Phillips 11th. August 1650. and hee then said he would justifie them upon Oath; Thus much for Sir William.
Another back Friend of mine was Mr. Sikes of Leeds, whom though I esteemed very much for his affection to the Parliament, yet I thinke the Nation is not much obliged by him, by reason of his unworthy discovery of the Mystery of Cloathing in Holland, and his planting of it in Scotland, to the great prejudice, and if God had not prevented, the inevitable ruine of many thousand of families. Yet because I opposed him in the behalf of M. Marshall Steward of the Court of Leeds, whom he endeavoured to have sequestered, to the intent that he might be made incapable of that Office, both by articling against him at the Committees [Page 7] of York and Indempnity, where he was both times cleared, Mr. Sikes of a Friend became an Enemy, and with his Son and Sir William Allanson laid that traine which since blew me up.
And truly, my heart beares me witnesse that I speak not out of malice, but out of love to the weale-publicke; I envy not that large Estate that Mr. Sikes now enjoyes, though it be much above the probabilities that he ever could have; but this in behalf of the Commonwealth I will say, that I am altogether unsatisfied as to the 4000 li. he had ordered him out of Goldsmiths-Hall, and the 3900 and odd pounds out of the Excise, both with Interest, after the rate of eight per cent. for I am confident the Parliament was herein surprized, and that if the businesse had been rightly understood, no such sums had ever been allowed.
Upon these hindges of malice was my ruine turned, and truly both how cunningly and with how high a hand it was brought in, I shall now tell you, and let all the world judge of me how far I have been unjust to this Common-Wealth, and whether I deserve not pitty that have languished above a yeare under a severe sentence without any hearing, when the Report and the Sentence was hastened within a few dayes.
For any Malignancy, I can in my Conscience say I ought not to bee taxed with it; my prayers, my endeavours, my estate have been all for the Parliament, and it hath been the endeavour of my soule to be serviceable to them in my Station, nay even some of these men from whose hands I receive now persecution, had bore witnesse of it, as may appeare by this Certificate.
WEE whose Names are under-written, desire humbly to certifie in the behalfe of Major George Gill, that he is a man of known integrity, hath extended himself far beyond his ability in the Publik Service of the Kingdom, in raising of Forces and otherwayes, & hath had great losses by the Enemies plundering, all which will appeare by Certificate, his Petition doth relate his Case and Condition; It is our humble request (to all before whom it shall come) that this our Certificate may be a meanes to further his proceedings for obtaining such an answer as may move to the rendring of him some reasonable satisfaction. March 1. 1648.
- John. Thoresbie Alder.
- John Dawson.
- Fran: Allanson.
- John Baynes.
- Richard Milner.
- James Moxon.
- Martin Iles.
- William Smithson.
Wee freely and heartily concurre with these Gentlemen in humbly praying that Major Gill may seasonably receive satisfaction.
Now when the Parliament had Novemb. 24. 1642. enabled the Lord Ferdinando Fairfax to receive Money, Plate, Horse, and Armes upon the Propositions, for which the Publicke Faith was to bee engaged, I lent 60 li. upon the Propositions, and timely appeared in raising of a Troope of Horse compleatly armed, which with incident charges cost me above 600 li. 450 li. whereof I have paid Interest for ever since.
I was plundered to the value of a great sum while I was in the Service, I lost the use of a profitable Calling, [Page 9] which I can with a safe Conscience aver, brought me in more then the pay of that Command, though it had been fully and immediately discharged. After the Battle of Namptwich, I was sent by Sir Tho: Fairfaix to London with a Letter to the E. of Essex & about Monies, and I may justly say, I was mainly instrumental in procuring the City by way of loan, to lay down 10000 li. which in that juncture of time, how acceptable a sum it must needs be, I leave any man to consider. In this Service we continued till by Order we disbanded, and my Arrears amounted to 1657 li. 16s. 3d. After this the Parliament by Ordinance May 22. 1647. provides for the payment of the one third of the Arreares of the Northern Officers to be accepted by them in full satisfaction: My selfe being one of the said Officers, my accounts being audited, and so stated that the 600 li. which I advanced in Horses and Arms upon the Publick Faith was accounted amongst my Arrears, I was then in a straight, conceiving that the Parliament intended not to give one third in full for my Money lent, yet being in necessitie for Monies by reason of my losses in serving the Parliament, I was willing to accept of one third in full for my Arreares, and to receive one third of my 600 li. lent, but not for satisfaction. Therefore upon the 27 of May, before I tooke any assignment for any Money, five dayes after the said Ordinance passed, I Petitioned the Committee of the Northern Association, shewing that I could not accept of one third for the whole of my 600 li. lent, & that the Ordinance mentioned only Arrears, and desired that my Case with my losses and sufferings might bee represented to the Parliament; [Page 10] whereupon the Comittee ordered that my Petition should be reported to the Parliament, and the Lord Fairfax writ Letters to Mr. Speaker, Sir Henry Vane, M. Brian Stapleton, and Mr. Luke Robinson, desiring that my Petition might be answered, and I might be satisfied for the said 400 li. and my losses.
Hereupon I received my Petition, and my Account, which was to make good the Petition, from the Clerk of the Committee, and put them into the hands of Mr. Bryan Stapleton to report to the Parliament, who as he hath already testified under his hand and seale, had them in his hand one whole yeare, but after his withdrawing I put them into the hands of Sir William Allanson, (so confident I was of my Innocency and Justice in the businesse) from whom I am to acknowledge I have received faire words, but that was all.
By this time were two yeares spent, and I could heare of no reparations for my losses and sufferings, and the Parliament at that time passing an Act for doubling upon Deans and Chapters Lands, I thought it but just and in-offensive to double the forementioned 400 li. being the two remaining thirds of the 600 li. with its allowed interest which made it 600 li. as money due upon the Publicke Faith, not discharged by way of Arreares. Now this hole being found in my Coat, Sir William Allanson and the Corporation of Leeds, Mr. Sikes the elder, who were my friends as I mentioned before, and Col. Matthew Alured (who hath made it since appeare that he thirsted after my Regiment, and I have cause to feare knew too much of the plot, for to a Friend of his he fore-told the [Page 11] sentence ten dayes before) put their heads together and endeavoured to bring me into the Penalty provided in the Act, and make me forfeit my Purchase which was a moat in some bodies eye. So the busines was referred to a Committee, before whom I appeared the 20th of July 1650. to make my defence, but there was nothing done in it, because Sir William Allanson would not suffer me to make my defence, and informe Col. Boswell who was in the examination of the businesse, as some worthy Members there present can witnesse; though Sir William Allanson making it his businesse, writ into Scotland that I was heard, and Col. Alured endeavoured to perswade the Commanders there the same, the better to weaken me in their opinions, and to keep back the assistance of my Lord Generall in case I should have Petitioned for it.
I went downe into the North, to raise my Regiment, and then Sir Wil. Allanson saw it was his time, so that there being the 25th. day of Iuly after, a Committee, Sir William Allanson, being of the Sub-Committee, drew up a report, and as I have reason to think, made it be entred into the book as past the twentieth (when it was known there was nothing done in it that day) and Sir Wil. Allanson the 30th. day after reported it to the House (I being then 150 miles off raising a Regiment for Scotland) which, I not being heard, and some being surprized, others I fear me not considering the depth of the matter, produced this Vote.
31 July 1650.
ORdered by the Parliament, That the Lands purchased by Major George Gill, of the Lands of the late Deans and Chapters Land, be resumed to the use of the Commonwealth, [Page 12] in respect of the cousenage done by the said Maj. George Gill to the State in that purchase, according to the Act of Parliament. And that the Trustees and Contractors for the sale of the said Lands, be Authorized and required to resume the same accordingly. And all other Officers within the Acts are required to take notice thereof.
But this was not enough, there was somebody had a mind to my Command, as wel as others to my estate, and therefore, though I humbly conceive, the Statute only provided for the forfeitures of lands so purchased, as it was alledged mine was, I must out of my Command, and be incapable of any other for the future. This Order was added the same day.
Ordered. That it be referred to the Councell of State to take such speedy course as they shall think fit, for removing Maj. George Gill from his place of Command, and that he be disabled for ever hereafter from any further imployment or Command in the Service of the Commonwealth.
All this while I was in York-shire, and knew nothing, when an unexpected Letter comes to me from the Councell of State, requiring me to give up my Command to Col. Allured, which I immediately obeyed, and repaired to London to clear my innocency, writing also to my Lord Generall, to beseech his favour that I might bee heard, and punished according to the merit of my cause. Whereupon his Excellency most Nobly (I most humbly acknowledge so great a favor) writ a Letter to Mr. Speaker, which said thus:
COl. George Gill, had a Regiment under my Command, I knew nor heard of any thing, but what was honest and Christian in the man; until the Parliament was pleased [Page 13] to passe a sentence upon him; and I commanded to discharge him from his Regiment: I did yeeld present obedience to your Commands, as became me. Since that time, the man hath written unto me to desire that I would mediate to some friends, that he might have liberty to make his innocency to appeare. I perswading my selfe that nothing would be more welcome to the Parliament, then to hear and redresse Innocency, which is so confidently stood upon by this man, do in all humility desire he may be heard; and if it be found Impudence in him, he may have his punishment double. It is not any importunity in the person occasions this boldnesse, but because I durst not deny my conscience. Craving pardon for this trouble I rest,
Hereupon after much solicitation and attendance of three months. I got a Petition read in the House, which procured me this Order.
The humble Petition of Col. George Gill, was this day read.
ORdered by the Parliament, That the businesse of Col. George Gill, be referred to the Committee of the Army, to examine the businesse and state it to the House; and the Northern Committee are joyned to the Committee of the Army, as to this purpose, and in the meane time all proceedings against him in sale of the Lands by him purchased is stayed, and the Trustees, and Contracters and other Officers for Deanes and Chapters Lands are to take notice hereof, and to forbear proceeding accordingly.
Now by these Committees hath my businesse been [Page 14] considered, and a report put into the hand of Col. Downes drawne up, but for these nine months, every day almost whereof, I have attended at the door, could not I get it brought in, though I have been at great expences in attendance, had a stop in my calling, had my lands sequestred, (and still by my adversaries kept under sequestration, notwithstanding an Order of the Committee for obstructions in the sale of Deans and Chapters Lands, of the 20th. Decemb. 1650.) my credit ruined, and indeed, very little of the outward man left me, and truly I doe very much suspect that some of the great ones sitting in the House are affraid the matter should come in their scanning, least it should fly in their faces.
For I am not ignorant what artifices have beene used to keep it back, what by prepossessing the members (for which I must thank Mr. Henry Darley, though he hath countenance enough for Delinquents as will one day appear) what by bringing on other businesse, as Sir John Bowcher brought on a particular businesse, of his own, when Wednesday 30th. of July last, was purposely appointed for mine; so that though it hath been often called for, and several times Ordered to be heard (that worthy Patriot Mr. Luke Robinson having procur'd me two or three Orders to that purpose, and having staid one time a whole week in the Town purposely to bring on the Report,) yet it could never be heard, though it hath pleased God to move the hearts of several Members to resent me and my condition. For Col. Boswell hath confessed to me that he was surprised in it, and Sir John Bowcher himselfe told Mr. Speaker one day in the Parliament House, That his judgement went against the said report, but he could not help it.
[Page 15] Now [...] the whole Narration and nature of it, be pleased but to direct thy judgement by these particulars, and first, to peruse this account.
October 8. 1649.
Commonweath of England Debtor to Col. George Gill.
Commonwealth of England Creditor.
Now maist thou see my crime, Of 1657 li. 16 s. 3 d. Arrears, and 600 li. laid out of my purse in raising my Troop, I had of each but a third allowed me, which made 752 li. 12 s. 1 d. 387 li. whereof was lost by transferring it from the Excise to Deans and Chapters lands. And yet upon doubling the remaining two thirds of the 600 li. (which I laid out of my purse, and was a Debt, not an Arrear) and Interest (a Sum that I could have bought in Bills for 90 li. at Gurny house.) I am ruined in my fortunes and credit, notwithstanding I pay Interest for most of the monies disbursed in that service to this day. And thus it may appear how much I have gained by the Service of the Commonwealth, that of one third of my Arrears, and Troop, having lost 387 li. by transferring, and not suffered to double the remaining 400 li. I have not received the first 660 li. accounting my receipt and doubling at the price current.
Now since the words of the first Report runs thus, for surrepticious taking his Accounts, I deny it, for I had my Accounts, my Petition, & the Order of the Committee, (which was the 28th. of May 1647.) delivered me by the Clerk of the said Committee, as appears by a note under his hand, and have since acted according to the sense of the Committee in daily soliciting the hearing of the businesse; and I am to note, my case is different from all others except Major Lilburns.
It may be asked indeed, whether by the Ordinance of the 22 of May 1647. I be tyed to accept a third in full of my disbursements? I answer, According to the letter of the Ordinance, no, because it mentions only Arrears of pay; and secondly, it is not to be supposed the Parliament intended to pay a principall, for which their [Page 17] Creditor payes interest [...] part of the principall onely. It may be [...] by accepting the Contract I was tyed thereto. Whe [...] I answer, that consequently the Parliament is engaged to performe their Contract, and if I am bound to returne a full value in doubling &c. the Parliament is by the same Law (as I humbly conceive) to make satisfaction for the losse in transferring, which is treble the value of doubling, or Publick Faith Bills. And my acceptation of the third part was in regard of the validity of the security, ( viz. the Excise) sufficient to advance the whole proportioned summe, and transferred Money would not yeeld above a moiety, which consideration enclined the Parliament to give satisfaction to Collonell Alured and Lieutenant Mason in the same case.
It may bee further objected, That I did receive for a Months pay 42 li. which was to be deducted out of the sum proportioned for my thirds upon Account. I acknowledge the receipt of the said summe as other Officers in the same List, for which upon my Account I would have discounted, but never receiving the same in manner and forme as by the Ordinance was appointed, I could not discount for it as might be expected; (yet in my Account betwixt the Common-wealth and my selfe as Debtor and Creditor, I have charged my self with the same.
You may see now how my case stands, and with what power and prosecution it was carried on, and truly I make any man my Judge, whether if it had been his case he would not have said, hee had drunke of the Cup of Bitternesse and tasted of Affliction, my crime being of that nature I have told you, and (if I [Page 18] [...]. But as Job sayes, Though he kill me, yet will I trust in him; so I may say, though I perish in this cause, yet must I love it; and therefore I hope God intends better things to me by this seasonable Affliction, which I willingly take upon my shoulders, in hope he will in his time remove it. In the mean time I wish all prosperitie to the Commonwealth, a continuall succession of a Representative, ever filled with a Spirit of Counsell, Vnity, and selfe-denyall, which to me would be the most precious sight in the world, though I found my own ruine in it.
December 1647.
To the Honourable Committee of the Northern Affaires.
The Humble Petition of the Aldermen, Burgesses, and Inhabitants of the Towne and Parish of Leeds in the Countie of YORKE.
THat the Towne and Parish being a place of much Trading in Cloathing heretofore, that is to say, in the second yeare of His now Majesties reigne, Letters Pattents were obtained from His Majesty for the Incorporation of the said Town and Parish, consisting of one Alderman, nine Burgesses, and twenty Assistants, by whom the said Towne and Parish hath ever since bin governed. But so it is, that by reason of many inconveniences that have happened in the Government by the said Incorporation, many vexatious [Page 19] suits have arisen between the [...] thiers of the said Towne and Parish, which hath bin very prejudiciall and hurtfull to the common good of that place, and also to the Commonwealth: For the prevention whereof, and of the many future inconveniences, and for the better settlement of the said Trade, and for a more stable and sure Government of the said Towne and Parish, and Clothing, your Petitioners having upon mature deliberation found out the many inconveniences and defects in the former Incorporation, and Government thereby, and by their mutuall consent and agreement under their hands in writing, bearing date the ninth day of October last past, which is hereunto annexed, they have conceived wayes for redresse and amendment of the same; By which their humble desires are represented unto your Honours, and shall be ready more particularly, when your Honours please, to make knowne the particular defects and inconveniences of the former Incorporation, and the benefit and advantage of the new Corporation now desired.
Wherefore your Petitioners doe humbly desire you would be pleased to take the matter into your consideration, craving your aide and assistance for the obtaining an Act or Ordinance from the Honourable House of Parliament, for the Incorporating of the said Town and Parish into a better way, with such alterations, additions, and clauses, as shalbe thought meet and convenient, to be in such Act of Incorporation for the better Government of the said Towne and Parish, and of the Cloathing there.
At the Comm
[...] of Parliament for removing of Obstructions in the sale of Deanes and Chapters Lands.
WHereas in the cause upon the Petition of Major George Gill against Tho: Croft Esq concerning the sum of 20 li. 16 s. 3 d. claimed by the said Major, for half a years Rent due by the said Tho: Croft the second of Feb. 1649. issuing out of the Mannor of Stillington in the County of Yorke, unto him the said Maj. as Purchaser of the present Rent and Reversion of the said Mannor, of the Trustees and Contractors for sale of the said Lands, did the 3 day of May last, order that the said Tho: Croft should pay unto the said Purchaser the said sum of 20 li. 16 s. 3 d. due for the said halfe yeares Rent as aforesaid: And did by their Order of the 26th. of November last confirme their said former Order; It is therefore this day, upon motion made by Mr. Sedgewicke of Counsell of the said Major Gill, Ordered that the said Tho: Croft be (and he is hereby) enjoyned to pay unto the said Maj. Gill the residue of the growing Rents of the said Mannor now due, or shall from henceforth become due and payable to the said Major Gill by vertue of his Purchase aforesaid.
By vertue of this Order I received two Rents, but by reason of Sir W. Allonson or some others, they are since detained.