Some farther Matter of Fact Relating to the Administration of Affairs IN SCOTLAND, Under the Duke of Lauderdale.
Humbly offered to His MAJESTIES Consideration, in Obedience to His Royal Commands.

That the Duke of Lauderdale was concerned in the Designe of Bringing in of Popery and Arbitrary Government, may appear by these following Particulars, &c.


FIrst, in Anno 1669, when he knew that the Duke had changed his Religion, he procured an Act in Scotland for Asserting the Kings Supremacy; which he made the Presbyterian-party believe was to empower the King to put down Episcopacy, and set up Presbytery, (the very words of it.) The disposal of the External Government of the Church, is put absolutely in the Kings Power; as also all Ecclesiastical Meetings and Meeters are to be ordered by the King.

Now the acknowledgment of the Pope is a great part of the Ecclesiastical Govern­ment; besides, the other words are so comprehensive, that all Popery may be brought in at that door. Soon after this, he entered into a firm Friendship with the Head of the Popish party.


At his next Session of Parliament, which was after Madam's being at Dover, in 1670, to shew his farther Kindness to that Religion, he put in words in the 7 o Act of that Session, against Withdrawers from publick Worship; which secured Papists from all troubles: for the Act runs onely against his Majesties Subjects of the Reformed Re­ligion; for that Papists are expressly Excepted, and the words he put in with his own hand in the draught of that Act.


Whereas he first procured the Act that was past Anno 1667, that offerred the King an Army of 22000 men to be brought into England for any Cause in which his Ma­jesties [Page 2] Honour, Power, and Greatness was concerned; which was generally passed as a Complement, and continued so till the year 1669, that other designe being projected in England by the Papists.

He to be ready to second that, raised this Army, and procured another Act, which is the second in the first Session of the Parliament held by him; by which the former Act was not onely confirmed, but it was ordered that this Army should obey the Or­der of the Council, without naming the King at all: which, as he has managed it, is upon the matter himself. And of late, before the discovery of the Plot, he designed to convert the 22000 men to a standing Army, as an Addition to the new Forces raised last Summer, to be constantly maintained by all Subjects; contrary to the true mean­ing of the first or second Acts of Parliament relating to that purpose, and directly a­gainst the Fundamental Constitutions of the Nation, to impose Burthens upon it with­out consent of Parliament.


When he went down Anno 1673, to see if he could draw down this Army to England (finding he could not effect it, that Nation not being able to support this Tyranny longer) he first wearied the Members of Parliament with often Adjournments, and finding in the end that Artifice and other tricks would not do, he dissolved the Parlia­ment, that he might proceed there, consonant to the Councel he gave here; and set up a Bare-fac'd Arbitrary Power there, which he has so much advised and pressed here; and has ever since taken all the ways he could fall on to force the Nation to a Rebellion, by illegal Imprisonments, unjust Accusations, false Reports made to the King, taking away from the Subjects the right of Propriety, their limitable Jurisdictions by the Councils order, grounded upon Letters procured by him from the King, and put in execution by his brother Halton, by wrongful turning out Bishops, Ministers of State, Magistrates, and others, by cruel and illegal Sentences, Banishments, and Fines; some whereof he disposed to Pensioners Relations of his own, by Grants obtained from the King here, which bear date before the Fines were judicially imposed in Scotland.

And likewise by bringing a man to die, whom he had perswaded to confess upon hopes of Life; and afterwards forswore that he had promised, though it stands yet registered upon the Councils Book. By sending Shipfuls to be Slaves in English Plan­tations, which he justified here at Council-board in Whitehal. By imposing Bonds a­gainst Law. And above all, by sending an Army of 9 or 10000 men, most of them Highlanders, to lie upon Free quarter, and rob and spoil a Country that was in no Rebellion, nor could any colour of saying they intended any, be ever found now or since. This he did last year, thinking that would certainly make them rebel, and so give a just Cause for keeping up a standing Army both there and here. And that being at the time when the Papists thought the Plot so neer perfection, was certainly in conjun­ction with them having prepared above 8000 Horse and Foot, with Officers of his own stamp, to execute his designe. It is more than probable that it was for the Intelligence his Lady gave of this, that the Cardinal of Norfolk sent his thanks to her.


Whereas there are but few Papists in Scotland, he hath given these all the Incourage­ments he could. The Earl of Aboins, who was oft complained of to the Council by the Bishops for keeping many Priests in his house, and being a main Stickler for Po­pery, he made a Privy-Counsellor, and gave him a Pension, though he has never since gone to Church, nor received the Sacrament. The Earl of Northdale, another furious Papist, in Command of the new Forces he raised (and so is Lord and King) and both those two were last year employed by him in the plundering of the West of Scotland, &c. And there being in Scotland but five Noblemen that are Papists, four of them have been supported and maintained by him, &c.


He was a principal Instrument in procuring the Toleration of Popery, and courted them into sworn Friendship with the Lord Clifford; and preferred the Declaration and other the Kings Edicts at the Council-board, to Law, &c. He pressed the King to break with his Parliament, and maintain the Declaration, and to take the Great Seal from the Earl of Shaftsbury, for giving him better Councel; of which he has often boasted. He became also an Enemy to the Earl of Arlington, upon the same account, and has ever since had an intire friendship with the Lord Treasurer, for promoting those ends he supported the last year against the just Complaints the Scotch Lords made for Free Quarter, and other barbarous usages which they met with, &c.


He became a Pensioner to France, from whom he received rich Presents, and great Sums: out of one of the Jewels which Monsieur Colbert gave him, he made his rich George. He always helped on the French Levies in Scotland, against the Trea­ties the King had made, and gave the French Officers the publick Prisons; yea, and the Kings own Castle of Edenburgh, of which he is Governour, to keep their Lea­vies in, till the Ships are ready for their Transportation: he gave order to his Brother to set the Levies forward, and to press men by force into their service; which being informed to the House of Commons, he corrupted one of the Witnesses by Money to forswear it; and this he did, after the House of Commons had Voted that any who assisted those Leavies, should be lookt upon as publick Enemies to the Nation. So much did he contribute to serve the French Kings designes; and particularly in the year 1667. when complaints were made to the King by Spanish Ministers, that Scot­land Leavies for France were a breach of Treaty, His Majesties Commissioners orde­red a Proclamation to be sent down immediately for the discharging of them; but the Duke of Lauderdaile dispatcht an Express to his Brother Halton secretly, to ac­quaint him that the Proclamation was coming, and that it should be kept up, until the Leavied Souldiers should be shipt and sent away, and then published; which was accordingly performed. But for all the hast they made to sayl, the wind detained some of their Vessels in the Road after the Proclamation, and did drive others back, which had been a good way gone, yet none durst stop or trouble them, for fear of Halton, who had always promoted those Leavies, and had signed particular War­rants to several Prison-keepers, for delivering their Prisons to the French Officers. He lived at that time in such intimacy with the French Embassadour, that they were never asunder. He sent his Nephew to make Campaigne in the French Army, and wrote to the English Embassadour to present him to the King; and tell him, That he had sent the dearest thing he had to his service, and if he had anything dearer he would have sent it.


He hath upon all occasions spoken of the House of Commons with the greatest contempt and scorn possible, calling it commonly, Bellua multorum Capitum; and usu­ally said, if they would Address against him, he would fart against them, and that he would put a dog in his Arse and bark at them. And after boasted among his Creatures, That he had risen by their Addresses. For after one, he got himself made an Earl of England; after the other, he had a Pension of 3000 l. per annum in England, though he had above 9000 l. per annum in Scotland, of the King; and his usual word about the Commons is, Let them bark, and he will bite.


Not long ago he carried a person, known to be of a very mercenary quality, before [Page 4] the King, and its like suborned him to accuse some of the Nobility of Scotland, and say, They had inticed him to complain upon his Grace to the Commons in Parliament; there­by thinking not onely to put those Noblemen out of the Kings favour, but also to beget in His Majesty an ill Opinion of the House; but the parties being convened be­fore the King, His Majesty discovered the Forgery, and Ordered the cheating Rogue to custody, where he yet lyes under restraint.


At his last being in Seotland, he forced all the Officers of State, and others, in both Civil and Military Employments, to hold their Commissions of the King durante be­neplacito, which was never practised in that Nation before; the consequence there­of tends so much to Arbitrary Power, that they need not be particularilized; he put in and put out Members of the Kings Council, according as they suted his secret De­signs. In a word, he so packt all the Judicatures, that Justice and Equity have been Ad­ministred according to his pleasure, under colour of the good of the Kingdom.


When the Treaty for the Union of both Kingdoms was set on foot, which had been a great happiness to both Nations, perceiving he should thereby loose that absolute Power he had in Scotland, and not be able to prosecute his Arbitrary Defigns, set himself to a breach; for which, this was his Argument, That it was rather the Kings In­terest to keep the Kingdoms distant, and to hold England under the fear of the Scotch Ar­my, which then he was Raising and Modelling.


He has lived in that Correspondence with the Papists and Priests, that the Cardinal of Norfolk before he left England was perpetually at his House; he has kept constant Cor­respondence with Conyers and some Jesuites; and at Rome he was called by one of the Popes Bed-chamber, a great friend of the Catholicks; and in all his concerns, the Papists were still of his side. So that his late Proclamation against Papists in Scotland hath been onely a Mockery. Now since the Plot is discovered, to disguise his Traiterous Con­spiracies, which then, though upon Mr. Oates his Discovery he talked at the Board like one that believed it; yet he went strait to the Duke, and spoke of it with all possi­ble scorn, and called it a Ridiculous Contrivance.


First, That Colemans Letters were discharged to be made publick in Scotland. And next, his Tryal being Reprinted at Edenbourgh, the Books were by a peremptory Or­der in Council stopt at the Press, when finished almost to the last sheet, not onely to the Printers great dammage, but to a manifest suppression of the Discovery of that horrid Plot from the good people of that Nation, who were longing for the Particulars thereof. For is it not known, that Charles Milford of Hatton Treasurer, Deputy of Scotland, managed all the Affairs and Councels there, exactly as he re­ceived Instructions from his Brother the Duke of Lauderdail here? according to which, those in that Country, which these Creatures talk now, of the discovered Plot, to be onely a Malicious Forgery of two Rogues, Oates and Bedlow.


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