THE CHARACTER OF A TRIMMER Concerning RELIGION, LAWS and LIBERTIES. By a Person of Honour, Mss. H.

LONDON, Printed in the Year, MDCLXXXIX.

The Character of a TRIMMER. THE PREFACE.

IT must be more than an ordinary provocation that can tempt a Man to writ in an Age, over-run with Scriblers, as Aegypt was with Flies and Locusts; that worse Vermine of small Authors hath given the World such a surfeit, that instead of desiring to Writ, a Man would be inclined to wish for his own ease, that he could not Read.

But there are some things which do raise Our passions, that Our Reason can make no Resistance; and when mad. Men in two Extremes shall agree to make common Sense Treason, and joyn to fix an ill Character upon the only Men in a Nation, who deserved a good One, I am no longer Master of my better Resolutions to let the World alone, and break loose from any more Reasonable Thoughts, to expose those false Coins, who would make their Copper words pass upon us for good payment.

Amongst all the Engines of Dissention, there hath been none more powerful in all times, than the fixing names upon one another of contumely and reproach; and the Reason is plain, in respect of the people, who tho generally they are incapable of mak­ing a Sologism, or forming an Argument, yet they can pronounce a word that serveth their turn, to throw it with their dull Malice, at the head of those they do not like. Such ever begin in jest, and end in blood; And the word which maketh the compa­ny merry, groweth in time to a Military Signal, to cut one anothers throats. These mistakes are to be lamented, the not easily to be cured, being suitable enough to the cor­rupt Nature of Mankind. But it's hard, that Men will not only invent ill names, but they will wrest and misinterpret good Ones: so afraid some are even of a recon­ciling sound, that they raise another noise to keep it from being heard, lest it should set up and encourage a dangerous sort of Men, who prefer peace and Agreement before violence and confusion.

Were it not for this, why after we have play'd the fool with throwing Whig and Tory at one another, as Boys do Snow Balls, do we grow angry at a new name, which by its true signification might do as much to put us into our Wits, as the o­ther have done to put us out of them?

This innocent word Trimmer signifieth no more then this, that if men are to­gether in a Boat, one part of the Company would weigh it down of one side, ano­ther would make it lean as much to the contrary: It happeneth there is a third opi­nion, who conceive it would do as well if the Boat went even without endanger­ing the Passengers. Now it is hard to imagine by what figure in Language, or by what rule in Sense, this cometh to be a Fault; and it is much more a wonder that it should be thought a Heresie.

[Page]But so it happeneth that the poor Trimmer hath now all the Ponder spent upon him alone, whilst the Whig is forgotten or at least a neglected Enemie; There is no danger now to the State (if some men be believed) but from the beast called a Trimmer; take heed of him, he is the Instrument that must destroy Church and State. A strange kind of Monster whose deformity is so exposed, that were it a true Picture that is made of him, it would be enough to fright Children and make Wo­men miscarry at the sight of it.

But it may be worth examining, whether he is such a beast as he is painted; I am not of that opinion, and am so far from thinking him an Infidel either in Church or State, that I am neither affraid to expose the Articles of his Faith in Relation to Government, nor to lay that I preferr them before any other Political Creed, that ei­ther our Angry Divines, or our refin'd States-men would impose upon us.

I have therefore in the following discourse endeavoured to explain the Trimmers Principles and Opinions, and then leave it to all discerning and impartial, Judges, whether he can with Justice be so arraign'd and whether those who deliberatly per­vert a good name, do not very justly deserve the worst that can be put upon them.

THE TRIMMERS Opinion, about Laws and Government in General, With some Reflections, Relating to our Own.

OUR Trimmer hath a great Veneration for Laws in general, as he hath more particularly for our own: He looketh upon them as the chains that tye up our unruly passions, which else like wild Beasts, would reduce the World into its first state of Barbarism and Hostility; All the good things we enjoy we owe to them; And all the ill things we avoid is by their protection.

GOD Himself thought it not enough to be a Creator, without being a Law-giver, and His goodness had been defective towards Mankind in making them, If he had not prescribed rules to make them happy too. All Laws flow from that of nature, and where that is not the Foundati­on, they may be legally imposed, but they will be lamely obeyed. By this nature is not meant that which Fools and Libertines would mis­quot to justifie their excesses it is innocent and uncorrupted nature, That which disposeth Men to choice Vertue without its being prescribed, and which is so far from inspiring ill thoughts into us, that we take pains to surpress the good ones it infuseth.

The Civilized World hath ever payed a willing Subjection to Laws, even Conquerors have done homage to them, as the Romans took Pa­trons of good Laws, even from those they have subdued, and at the same time they Triumphed over an enslaved people, the Laws of that very place did not only remain safe, but became Victorious, their new Masters instead of suppressing them payed them more respect than they who first made them: And by this wise Method they arrived to such an admirable constitution of Laws, that to this day they do reign by them: The excellency of them triumpheth still, and the World now payeth an acknowledgement of their obedience to that mighty Empire, tho so many Ages after is is dissolved. And by a later instance, the Kings of France who in practice use the Laws pretty familiarly, yet they think their Picture is drawn with most advantage upon their Seals, when they are placed in their seats of Justice; and tho the Hieroglyphick is not of so much use to the people there as they might Wish, yet it sheweth, that no Prince is so great as not to think fit for his own credit to give at least an outward, when he refuseth a real worship to the Laws:

They are to Mankind that which the Sun is to the Plants, as it Cherisheth and preserveth them; where they have their Force and are not clouded or suppressed, every thing smileth and Flourisheth; but where they are Darkned and not suffered to Shine out, it maketh every [Page 6] thing wither and decay: They secure Men not only against one another, but against themselves too.

They are a Sanctuary to which the Crown hath occasion to resort as often as the people, so that it hath an Interest as well as a Duty to pre­serve them.

There would be no end of making a Panegyrick of Laws; let it be e­nough to add, that without the Laws the World would become a wilder­ness, and Men little less than beasts: But withall this the best things may come to be the worst, if they are not in good hands; And if it be true that the Wise Men generally make the Laws, it is as true that the strongest too often interpret them: And as Rivers belong as much to the channel where they run, as to the Spring from whence they first arise; so the Laws as much depend upon the pipes thorow which they are to pass, as upon the Fountain from whence they flow.

Our Trimmer would have them appear in their full Lustre, and would be grieved to see the day when instead of their speaking with Authority from the Seat of Justice, they should speak out of a Grate with a lament­ing voice, like prisoners that desire to be rescued.

He wisheth that the Bench may ever have a Natural as well as a Le­gal Superiority to the Barr. He thinketh Mens Abilities very much dis­placed, when the reason of those who plead is visibly too strong for those who are to Judge and give Sentence.

When these from the Barr seem to dictat to their Superiors upon the Bench, their furrs will look scurvily about them, and the Respect of the World will leave the bare Character of a Judge to follow the Essen­tial knowledge of a Lawyer, who may be greater in himself than others can ever be with all their Trappings.

An uncontested Superiority in any calling will have the better of any dis­countenance that Authority can put upon it, and therefore if ever such an unnatural method should be introduced, it is then that Westminster-Hall might be said to stand upon its head; and tho Justice it self can ne­ver be so, yet the Administration of it would be rendred Ridiculous.

A judge hath such a power lodged in him that the King will never be thought to have chosen well, where the voice of mankind hath not before recommended the man to his Election; when men are made judges of what they doe not understand, the World censureth such a choice not out of ill will to the men but fear for themselves.

If the King had th [...] sole power of choising Physicians, men would tremble to see bunglers preferred, yet the necessity of taking Physick from a Doctor is generally not so great as that of receiving Justice from a Judge.

[Page 7]The inferences would be very severe in such cases, for either it will be thought that such Men bought what they know not how to deserve; or which is as bad, that obedience shall be looked upon as a better qua­lification in a Judge then Skill or integrity.

When such Sacred things as the Laws are not only touched, but guid­ed by prophane hands, Men will fear that out of the tree of the Law from whence we expect shade or shelter, such work men will make Cudgels to beat us with, or rather that they will turn the Cannon upon our Proper­ties that were intrusted with them for their Defence.

To see the Laws Mangled, Disguised, made speake quite another Language then their own, to see them thrown from the Dignity of pro­tecting Mankind to the disgraceful Office of destroying them, and not­withstanding their Innocence in themselves, to be made the worst Instru­ments that the most refined Villany can make use of, will raise Mens anger above their Power to lay it down again, and tempt them to follow the ill Example given them of Judging without Hearing, when so pro­voked by their desire of revenge.

Our Trimmer therefore as he thinketh the Laws are Jewels, so he be­lieveth they are no where better set than in the Constitution of our Eng­lish Government, if rightly understood and carefully preserved, It would be too great Partiality to say it is perfect or lyable to no Objection, such things are not of this World, but if it hath more Excellency and fewer faults then any other we know, it is enough to recommend it to our e­steem.

The Dispute which is the greater Beautie, a Monarchy, or a Com­mon-Wealth hath lasted long between their contending Lovers; and they have behaved themselves so like Lovers who in good manners must be out of their Wits; used such Figures to exalt their own Idol, on ei­ther side & such angry aggravations to reproach one another in the Con­test, that moderate Men have in all times smilled upon this Eagerness, and thought it differed verie little from a down right Frenzie: Wee in England by a happy use of this Controversie conclude them both in the wrong, and reject them from being our Pattern, tak [...]ing the words in the outmost extent, which is, "Monarchie is a thing which leaveth men "no Libertie, and a Common wealth such an one as alloweth them no quiet. We think that a wise mean betwixt those Barbarous Extremes, is that which self preservation ought to dictate to our wishes, and we may say we have attained to this mean in a greater Measure, then any Nation now in being, and perhaps then any we read of, tho never so much Celebrated for the Wisdom or the Felicitie of their Constitution. We take from one, the too great Power of doing hurt, and yet leave enough [Page 8] to Govern and Protect us. We take from the other the confusion of pa­rity, the Animosities, and the Licence, and yet reserve a due care of such a Liberty as may consist with Mens Allegiance. But being hard, if not Impossible to be exactly even, our Government hath much the stronger Byass towards Monarchie, which by the more General content and Practice of Mankind seemeth to have the Advantage in the dispute against the Common-wealth. The rules of a Common-wealth are too hard for the bulk of Mankind to come up to, that Form of Government require [...]h such a Spirit to carry it on, as do not dwell in great numbers but is restrain [...]d to so very few especially in this Age, That let the Me­thods appear never so Reasonable in Paper, they must faile in Practice, which will never be suited more to in Mens Nature as it is, then as it should be. Monarchie is liked by the People for the Bells and the Tin­sel, the outward Pompe and the Guilding, and there must be Milk for Babes, the greater part of Mankind are, and ever will be included in that list; and it is approved by wiser and more thinking Men as the best when compar'd with others, and all Circumstances and Objections Impar­tially considered, then it hath so great an advantage above all other forms when the Administration of that Power falleth into a good hand, that all other Governments look out of Countenance when they are set in competition with it. Lycurgus might have saved himself the trouble of making Laws, if either he had been immortal, or that he [...] could have secured to Posterity a Succeeding race of Princes like himself; His own example was a better Law; then he could with all his skill tell how to make: Such a Prince is a living Law that dictateth to his Subjects, whose thoughts in that case never rise above their obedience; the con­fidence they have in the knowledge and vertue of the Master, prevent­ing the Scruples and Apprehensions to which Men are Naturally inclin­ed in Relation to those that govern them. Such a Magistrate is the Life and Soul of Justice, whereas the Law is but the Body and a dead one too, without his influence to give it Warmth and Vigour; and by the irre­sistable power of his Vertue doth so reconcile Dominion and Allegiance, that all disputes between them are [...] and subdued. And indeed no Monarchy can be perfect and Absolute without exception, but where the Prince is Superior by his Vertue, as well as by his Character and his Power. So that to serve out Presidents of unlimited Power is a plain Diminution to a Prince that Nature hath made Great, and who had better make himself a Glorious Example to Posterity, than borrow an Authority from dark Records raised out of the Grave, which beside their own usage have always in them matters of Controversie and Debate. [Page 9] And it may be affirmed, that the instances are very rare of Princes having the worst in the Dispute with their people, if they were Eminent either for Justice in time of Peace, or Conduct in time of Warr: Such ad­vantage the Crowngiveth to those who adorn and confirm it by their own personal Vertues. But since for the greater honour of good and wise Princes, and the better to set off their Character by the comparison, Heaven hath decreed that there must be a mixture, and that such as are perve [...]se, and insufficient, or perhaps both, are at least to have their equal turns in the Government of the World; And besides that the Will of Man is so various and unbounded a thing, and so fatal too when joyn­ed with power misapplyed, its no wonder if those who are to be govern­ed are unwilling to have so dangerous as well as so uncertain a standard of their obedience: There must be therefore Rules and Laws, for want of which, or at least the Observation of them, it was as Capital for a Man to say, " Nero did not play well upon the Lute, as to commit Treason, or Blaspheme the Gods, and even Vespasian himself had like to have lost his Life for sleeping, whilst he should have attended and admired that Emperours impertinencie upon the Stage.

There is a wantonness in too great power that men are generally too apt to be corrupted with, and for that reason a wife Prince to prevent the temptations arising from common frailty, would choose to Govern by Rules for his own sake, as well as for his Peoples; since it only secureth him from Errors, and doth not lessen the real Authority that a good Magistrate would care to be possessed of. For if the will of a Prince is ei­ther contrary to reason it self, or to the Universal Opinion of his Sub­jects, the Law by a kind restraint rescueth him from a Disease that would undoe him. If his will on the other side is reasonable and well di­rected, that will immediately become a Law, and he is Arbitrary by an easie and natural consequence, without taking pains or overturning the World for it. If Princes consider Laws as things imposed on them, they have the appearance of Fetters of Iron, but to such as would make them their choice as well as their practice, they are Chains of Gold, and in that respect an Ornament, as in others they are a Defence to them: And by a Comparison not improper for Gods Vicegerents upon Earth, As our Maker never commandeth our obedience to anything, that as rea­sonable Creatures we ought not to make our own Election, so a good and a wise Governour, tho all Laws were abolished, would by the vo­luntary Direction of his own reason, do without constraint the very same things, that they would have enjoyned.

Our Trimmer thinketh that a King and a Kingdom are to be one Crea­ture; [Page 10] not to be separated in their Political Capacity, and when either of them undertake to act a part, it is like the crawling of Worms after they are cut in pieces, which cannot be a lasting Motion, the whole Creature not stirring at a time. If the Body hath the dead Palsie, the Head cannot make it move, and GOD hath not Delegated such a heal­ing power to Princes, as that they can in a moment say to a Languish­ing people oppressed into despair, Take up your Bed and Walk. The Figure of a King, is so comprehensive and so exalted a thing, that it is a kind of degrading him to lodge that power separately in his own natural per­son, which can never be truely nor safely great, but where they are so united to him, as to be Flesh of his Flesh, and Bone of his Bone: For when he is reduced to the single definition of a Man, he shrinketh into into so low a Character, that it is a temptation upon Mens Allegiance, and an im, paring of that Veneration which is necessary to preserve their duty to him: Whereas a Prince that is so joined to his People, that they seem to be his Limbs rather than his Subjects, clothed with Mercy and Justice rightly applyed in their several places, His Throne supported by Love, as by Power, and the warm wishes of his devouted Subjects like a never failling Incense, still ascending towards him, looketh so like the best Image we can frame to our selves of God Almighty, that men would have much adoe not to fall down and worship him, and would be much more tem­pted to the sin of Idolatrie, then to that of disobedience. Our Trimmer is of opinion, that there must be so much Dignity inseparablie annexed to the Regal Function. As may be sufficient to secure it from insolence and con­tempt: And there must be condescentions too from the Throne like kind showers from Heaven. That the Prince may look the more like GOD Almighties Deputy upon Earth; for power without love hath a terrifying Aspect. And the worship that is payed to it, is like that which the Indians give out of Fear to wild Beasts and Devils. He that feareth GOD only, because there is a Hell, must with there were no God: And he who feareth a King only because he can punish, must wish there were no King. So that without a principle of Love there can be no true Allegiance; And there must remain perpetual Seeds of Resistance against a Power that is founded up­on such an unnatural Foundation, as that of Fear and Terror. All force is a kind of foul play, and who ever owneth it himself, doth by impli­cation allow it to those he playeth with. So that there will be ever mat­ter prepared in the minds of the People when they are so provok'd, and the Prince to secure himself, must live in the midst of his own Subjects, as if he were in a Conquered Countrey, raise Armies, as if he were im­mediately to make or resist an Invasion, & all this while sleep as unquiet­ly [Page 11] from the fear of the Remedies, as he did before from that of the Dis­ease; it being hard for him to forget that more Princes have been de­stroyed by their Guards, than by their people; and that even the time when the Rule was Quod Principi placuit Lex esto, the Armies and Pretorian Bands which were the Instruments of that unruly power, were frequently the Means made use of to destroy those who had it. There will ever be this difference between God and his Vicegerents, that God is always above the Instruments he useth, and out of that danger of receiving hart from them; but Princes can never lodge power in any hands, which may not at some time turn it back upon them.

For tho it is possible for a King to have power enough to satisfie his Am­bition, yet no Kingdom hath money enough to satisfie the Avarice of the under-workmen, who learn from that Prince who will exact more than belongeth to him, to expect from him as much more than they deserve, and growing angry upon the first disappointment, they are like Devils which grow terrible to the Conjurers themselves who brought them up, but cannot send them down again. And besides that there can be no lasting Radical security, but where the Governed are satisfied with the Governours: It must be a Dominion very unpleasant to a Prince of an elevated mind, to impose an abject and a forced Servilty instead of receiving the willing Sacrifice of Duty and Obedience. The bravest Princes in all times, who were incapable of any other kind of Fear, have feared to grieve there own People; such a fear is a Glory, and in this sense it is an in [...]amy not to be a Coward: so that the mistaken Hero's who are void of this generous kind of Fear, need no other Aggravation to compleat their ill Character.

When a Despotick Prince hath bruised all his Subjects into a Slavish O­bedience, all the force he can use, cannot subdue his own Fears; enemies of his own Creation, to which he can never be reconciled, it being im­possible to do Injustice, and not fear a Revenge; There is no cure for this Fear but the not deserving to be hurt, and therefore a Prince which doth not allow his thoughts to [...]ray beyond the Rule of Justice, hath alwayes the Blessing of an Inward quiet and assurance, as a Natural effect of his good meaning to his People & tho he will not neglect du [...] Precau­tions to secure himself in all events, yet he is uncapable of Entertaining vain and remote suspitions of those of whom he resolves never to deserve ill. It is verie hard for a Prince to fear a Rebellion, who never doth nor intendeth any thing to provoke it, therefore too great a diligence in the Governours to raise and improve Fears, and dangers from the Peo­ple, is no very good Symptome, and naturally begets an Infere [...]ce that [Page 12] they have thoughts of putting their Subjects Allegiance to a Tryal: And therefore not without some Reason, Fear before hand, that the irregula­rities they intend, raise Men to a Resiliance.

Our Trimmer thinketh it no advantage to a Government to endeavour the suppressing all kind of Right, which may remain in the body of the people, or to imploy small Authors in it, whose officiousness or want of money may encourage them to write, tho it is not very easie to have abilities equal to such a Subject. They forget that in their too high strain'd Arguments for the Rights of Princes, they very often plead a­gainst Humane Nature, which will alwayes give a byass to these Reasons, which seem to be of her side. 'Tis the people that readeth these Books, and it is the people that must judge of them, and therefore no maxime should be laid down for the right of Government, to which there can be any reasonable Objection; for the World hath an interest, and for that reason is more than ordinary decerning to find out the weak sides of such Arguments, as are intended to do them hurt: And it is a Dimi­nution to a Government, to promote or countenance such well affected Mistakes, which are turned upon it with Disadvantage, when ever they they are Detected and Exposed: And naturally the too earnest endea­vours to take from Men the Right they have, tempt them, by the Exam­ple to claim that which they have not. And in power as in most other things, the way for Princes to keep it, is not to grasp more than their Arms can well hold. The nice and unnecessary Inquiry into these things, or the Licensing some Books, and suppressing others, without sufficient Reason to justifie the doing, is so far from being an Advantage to a Go­vernme [...], that it exposeth it to be the censure of being partial, and to the suspition of having some hidden Designs, to be carried on by these unusual Methods. When all is said, there is a Natural Reason of State, an undefinable thing, grounded upon the common good of Mankind, which is immortal, and in all Changes and Revolutions still preserveth its Original Right of saving a Nation, when the Letter of the Law perhaps would destroy it, and by whatsoever means it moveth, carrieth a power with it, that admitteth no Opposition, being supported by Nature, which inspireth an immediate con [...]nt at some critical Times, into every individual Member, to that which visibly tendeth to the preservation of the whole: and this being so, a wise Prince in stead of controverting the Right of this Reason of State, will by all means endeavour it may ever be of his side, and then he will be secure.

Our Trimmer cannot conceive that the power of any Prince can be last­ing, but where it is built upon the Foundation of his own unborrowed [Page 13] vertue: He must not only be the first mover, and the Fountain from whence all the Great Acts of State orginally flow; but he must be thought so by his People, that they may preserve their Veneration to him: He must be jealous of his Power, and not impart so much of it to any about him, as that he may suffer an Eclipse by it.

He cannot take too much care to keep himself up, for when a Prince is thought to be led by those, with whom he should advise, and that the commands he giveth are transmitted thorow him, and are not of his own growth, the World will look upon him, as a Bird adorn'd with feathers that are not his own, or consider him rather as an engine than a living creature. Besides it would be a contradiction for a Prince, to fear a Common-wealth, and at the same time to creat one himself, by delegat­ing such a Power to any number of Men near him, as is inconsistent with the true figure of a Monarch; It is the worst kind of Co-ordination the Crown can submit to: For it is the exercise of power that draweth the respect along with it, and when that is parted with, the bare Character of a King is not sufficient to keep it up. But tho it is a Diminution to a Prince to parcel out his power so liberally amongst his Favourites, it is yet worse to divide with any other man, to bring himself in competion with a single Rival, a partner in Government, is so unnatural a thing, that it is a squint ey'd Allegiance which must be payed to such a double bottomed Monarchy. The two Czaars are an example that the more Civilized part of the World will not be proud to follow, and what­ever gloss may be put upon this method, by those to whom it may be of some use, the Prince will do well to remember and reflect up­on the story of certain men, who had set up a Statue in Honour of the Sun, yet in a very little time they turned their back to the Sun, and their Faces to the Statue.

These mystical Unions are better placed in the other World than they are in this, and we shall have much adoe, when in a Monarchy Gods Vicegerency is delegated to more Heads, than that which is a­nointed.

Princes may lend some of their Light to make another shine, but they must still prefer the superiority of being the brighter planet, and when it hapneth that the Reversion is in Mens eyes, there is more care necessary to keep up the Dignity of possession, that Men may not forget who is King, either out of their Hopes or their Fears who shall be.

If the Sun should part with all its Light to any of the Stars, the Indians would not know where to find their God, after he had so deposed him­self, and would make the Light where ever it went, the object of their worship

[Page 14]All Usurpation is alike upon the Soveraignity, it is no matter from what Hand it cometh, and crowned Heads are to be the more circumspect, in respect that Mens Thoughts are naturally apt to ramble beyond what is present; They love to work at a Distance, and in the greedy Expectation, their Minds may be filled with of a New Master, the Old One may be left to look a little out of countenance

Our Trimmer owneth a passion for Liberty, yet so restrained, that it doth not in the least impair or taint his Allegiance: He thinketh it is hard for a Soul that doth not love Liberty, ever to raise it self to another World; He taketh it to be the Foundation of all Vertue, and the only Reason­ing that giveth a relish to Life: And tho the laziness of a slavish subjecti­on hath its charms for the more gross and Earthly part of Mankind, Yet to Men made of a better sort of Clay, all that the World can give without Liberty hath no taste; It is true nothing is sold so cheap by unthink­ing Men, but that doth no more lessen the real value of it, then a Country Fellows ignorance doth that of a Diamond in selling it for a pot of Ale.

Liberty is the Mistres of Mankind, she hath powerful charms which do so dazle us, that we find beauties in her which perhaps are not there, as we do in other Mistresses: Yet if she was not a Beauty, the World would not run mad for her. Therefore since the reasonable desire of it ought not to be restrained, and even the unreasonable desire of it cannot be suppressed; those who will take it away from a people posses­sed of it, are likely either to fail in their attaining, or to be very un­quiet in keeping of it. Our Trimmer admireth our blessed Constitution in which Dominion and Liberty are so happily reconciled; It giveth to the Prince the Glorious Power of commanding Free-men, and to the Subject the satisfaction of seing that Power so lodged, as that their Liber­ties are secure: It doth not allow the Crown such a ruining power as that no grass can grow wherever it tradeth, but a cherishing & protecting Power, such an one as hath a Grim Aspect only to the ofsending Subjects, but it is the joy and pride of the good ones, their own Interest being so bound up in it, as to engage them to Defend and Support it: As the King is in some in [...]tances restrained; so nothing in the Government can move without him. Our Laws make a true distinction betwixt Vassallage and Obedien [...]e, between a devouring Prerogative and a Licentious ungo­vernable Freedom; And as of all the orders of Building, the Composit is the best, so ours by a wise mixture and happy choise of what is best in others, is brought into a form that is our Felicitie who live under it, and the envy of our Neighbours who cannot Imitate it. The Crown [Page 15] hath power sufficient to protect our Liberti [...]s, the People hath so much Liberty as is necessar to make them useful to the Crown: Our Govern­ment is in a just proportion, no [...]impany, no unnatural swelling either of Power or Libertie; And whereas in all overgrown Monarchies, rea­son, Learning, and Enquiry are banished, hange [...] in Effigie for Mutiners, here they are encouraged and cherished, as the surest Friends to a Go­vernment established upon the Foundation of Law and Justice. When all is done, those who look for perfection in this World, may look as long as the Iews have done for their M [...]ssias; And therefore our Trimmer is not so unreasonably Partial as to free our Government from all Ob­jections: No doubt there have been fatal instances of its sickness, and more then that of its Mortality for some time, tho by a Miracle it hath been revived again. But till we have another Mankind, in all Consti­tutions that are bounded there will be ever some mat [...]er of strife, and contention, and rather then want pretences, Mens passions and Int [...]re [...]ts will raise them from the most inconsiderable causes. Our Government is like our Clymat, there are winds that are sometime loud and unquiet, and yet with all the trouble they give us we owe a great part of our Health to them, they cleanse the Air which would else be like a stand­ing pool, and instead of a Re [...]reshment would be a disease to us. There may be fresh Ga [...]es of a [...]erted Liberty; without turning into such storms or Hurricanes, as that the State should run any hazard of being cast away be them: These struglings which are natural to all mixed Governments, whilst they are keeped from growing into Convulsions, do by a mutual Agitation from the several parts rather support and strengthen, and weaken or maim the Constitution; and the whole frame instead of being torn or disjoynted, cometh to be the better and closser knit by being thus exercised. But what ever faults our Govern­ment may have, or whatever spots a decerning Critick may find in it, when he looketh upon it alone, let any other be set against it, and then it sheweth its Comparative Beautie: Let us look upon the most glitter­ing outside of unbounded Authority, and upon a nearer Enquiry we shall find nothing but poor and miserable deformity within. Let us imagine a Prince living in his Kingdom, as if he was in a great Gally; his Subjects tugging at the Oar loaden with Chains, and reduced to [...]eal raggs, to gain him imaginary Laurels: Let us Represent him gaz­ing among his Flatterers, like a child never contradicted, and therefore always cozned, or like a Lady Complemented only to be abused; con­demned never to hear Truth, and consequently never to do Justice, [Page 16] wallowing in the soft bed of Wanton and unbridled greatness, not less odious to the Instrument than to the Objects of his Tyranny; Blown up into an Ambitious dropsie, never to be satisfied by the Conquest of other People or by the oppression of his own; by aiming to be more then a Man, he becometh a beast; A mistaken Creature swelled with Panegyricks, and fla [...]tered out of his Senses; Nor only an incumbrance, but a common nusance to Mankind; A hardned and unrelenting Soul; and like some Creatures that groweth fat with Poysons, he groweth great by other Mens miseries: An Ambitious Ape of the Divine great­ness; an unruly Gyant, that would storm even Heaven its self, but his scaling Ledder is not long enough: In short a wild Beast in rich Trap­pings, and with all his Pride no more than a Whip in God Almighties hand, to be thrown into the fire, when the World hath been sufficient­ly scourged with it.

This Picture laid in right Colours, would not invite men to wish for such a Government; but rather to acknowledge the happiness of our own, under which we enjoy all the Priviledges reasonable men can de­sire, and avoid all the miseries many others are subject to. So that our Trimmer would fain keep it with all its Faults, and doth as little fore­give those who give the Occasion of breaking it, as he doth those that take it. Our Trimmer is a Friend to Parliaments, notwithstanding all their faults and excesses, which of late have given much ma [...]ter of obje­ction to them; He thinketh that tho they may at some times be trouble­some to Authority, yet they add the greatest strength to it under a wise Administration: He believeth no Government is perfect, except a kind of Omnipotence reside in it, To be exerced upon great occasions: Now this cannot be attained by force upon the People, let it be never so great; there must be their consent too, or else a nation moveth only (by being driven) a sluggish and constrained motion, void of that life and vigor, which is necessary to produce great things. Whereas the virtual consent of the whole being included in their Representatives, and the King giving the Sanction to the united Sense of the People, every Act done by such an Authority seemeth to be an Act of their choise, as well as a part of their duty; and they do with an eagerness of which men are uncapable whilst under a force, execute whatever is so enjoyned as their own will better explained by Parliament, rather then from the terror of incurring the penaltie of the Law for omitting it. And by the means of this Political Omnipotence, what ever Sap or Juice there is in a Na­tion, may be to the last drop produced, whilst it riseth naturally from [Page 17] the Root? Whereas all power exerced without consent is like wounds and Gashes, and Topping a Tree at unseasonable Times, for the present occasion which in a very little time must needs destroy it. Our Trimmer believeth that by the Advantage of Our Situation, there can hardly any such sudden discase come upon us, but that the King may have time enough left to consult with his Physicians in Parliament. Pretences in­deed may be made, but a real necessity so pressing, that no delay is to admitted, is hardly to be imagined; and it will neither be able to give an instance of any such thing for the time past, or reasonable to pre­sume it will ever happen for the time to come. But if that strange thing should happen to fall out, our Trimmer is not so strait lac'd, as to let a Nation die or be stiffled, rather then it should be helped by others then the proper Officers; the cases themselves would bring the Remedies a­long with them, and he is not afraid to allow, that in order to its pre­servation, there is a hidden power in Government which should be lost if it was defined; A certain mystery by vertue of which a Nation may be at some Critical time secured from Ruine: But then it must be keep­ed as a Mystery. It is rendered useless when touched by unskilful hands; and no Government ever had or deserved to have that power, which was so warrie as to Anticipat their claim to it. Our Trimmer cannot help thinking it had been better, if the Triennial Act had been observed; First, Because it is the Law, and he would not have the Crown, by such an example, teach the Nation to break it: All Irregularity is catching, it hath contagion in it, especially in an Age so much more inclined to follow ill Paterns, then good ones: He would have had a Parliament, because it is an Essential part of the Constitution, even without the Law, it being the only provision in extraordinary cases, in which there would otherways be no Remedy: And there can be no greater Solicism in Go­vernment, than a failing of Justice: He would have had one, be­cause nothing else can unite and heal us, all other means are meer shifts and projects, houses of Cards blown down with the least breath, and that cannot resist the difficulties which are ever to be presumed in things of this kind: And he would have had one, because it might have done the King good, and could not possibly have done him hurt without his own consent, which in that case is not to be supposed.

Therefore, for him to fear it, is so strange and so little to be compre­hended, that the reasons can never be presumed to grow in our soil, or to thrive in it, when transplanted from any other Country: And no doubt there are such irresistable Arguments for the calling a Parliament, [Page 18] that tho it might be denyed to the unmannerly threatnings of men, that are Mutinous and disaffected, it would be granted to the soft and ob­sequious murmours of his Majesties best Subjects: And there would be such a Rhetorick in their silent grief, that it will at last prevail against the Artifices of those, who either out of guilt or Interest, afraid to throw themselves upon their Country, knowing how scurvily they have us'd it. That day of Judgment will come, tho we know neither the day nor the hour, and Our Trimmer would live so, as to be prepared for it, with full assurance in the meantime, that the Lamenting voice of a Nation cannot long be resisted, and that a Prince, who would so forgive his People when they had been in the wrong, cannot fail to hear them when they are in the right.

THE TRIMMERS Opinion Concerning RELIGION, to the Producing Quiet amongst our Selves.

RELIGION hath such a Superiority above all others things, and that indispensable influence upon all mankind, that it is as neces­sary to our living happily in this World: as it is to our being saved in the next: Without it man is an abandoned Creature, one of the worst beasts nature hath produced, and fit only for the Society of Wolves and Bears. Therefore in all Ages it hath been the foundation of Government; and tho False Gods have been imposed upon the Credulity of the World; yet they were God's still in their opinion: And the aw & deference Men had to them, and their Oracles kept them within bounds towards one another, which the Laws alone with all their Authority could never have affected without the help of Religion, the Laws would not be able to subdue the perversness of Mens wills, which are wild Beasts that require a double chain to keep them down. For this Reason it is said, that it is not a sufficient ground to make War on a neighbouring State, because they are of an other Religion: let it be never so differing; yet if they worship and acknowlege no Deity at all, they may be invaded as publick Enemies of Mankind, because they reject the only thing that can bind men to live well with an other. The consideration of Re­ligion [Page 19] is so tuisted with the Government, that it is never to be separat­ed, and tho the Foundations of it are to be unchangable and eter­nal, yet the forms and Circumstances of Discipline, are to be suited to the several Climates and Constitutions, so as they may keep men in a willing acquiescence to them without discomposing the World by Nice Disputes, which can never be of equal Moment with the publick Peace.

Our Religion here in England, seemeth to be distinguished by a pecu­liar Effect of God Almighties goodness, in permitting it to be introduced or more properly restored, by a more Regular method, Then the circumstances of most other Reformed Churches, would allow them to do in Relation to the Government, and the Dignity with which it hath supported it self; and the great men our Church hath produced, ought to recommend it to the esteem of all Protestants; At least our Trimmer is very partial to it for these Reasons and many more, and desirous that it may preserve its due Jurisdiction and Authority, so far he is from wishing it opprest, by the malicious or unreasonable Cavils of those who take pains to raise Objections to it. The Question then will be how, and by what methods this Church shall best support it self, the present Cir­cumstances considered in relation to Dissenters of all Sorts? I will first lay it for a ground, that as there can be no true Religion without Cha­rity, so there can be no humane prudence without bearing and Conde­scention. This principal doth not extend to oblige the Church alwayes to yield to those, who are disposted to contest with it, the expediencie of doing it, is to be considered and determined according to the occasi­on; And this leadeth me to lay open the thoughts of our Trimmer, in reference first to the Protestant and then to the Popish Recusants. What heat lately happned amongst us, makes an Apology necessary for saying any thing that looketh like favour towards any sort of men, who have brought themselves under such a disadvantage. The late con­spiracy hath such broad Symptoms of the disaffection of the whole party, that upon the first Reflection whilst our Thoughts are warm, it would almost perswade us to put them out of the Protection of our good nature, and to think that the Christian indulgence, which our compassion for other Mens sufferings cannot easily deny, seemeth against, and even becometh a Crime when it is so misapplyed. Yet for all this, upon second and colder thoughts, moderate men will not be so ready to in­volve a whole party in the guilt of a few, or to admite inferences and presumptions, to be evidences in a case, where the Sentence must be so heavy, as it ought to be against all those, who have a fixed Resolution [Page 20] against the Government established. Besides men who act by a princi­ple grounded upon a Moral Vertue can never let it be intirely extin­guished by the most repeated Provocations. I [...] a right thing agree­able to nature and good sense taketh root in the heart of a Man, that is impartial and unbyassed, no outward Circumstances can ever destroy it; 'Tis true the degree of Mans zeal for the Prosecution of it may be differing, the faults of other Men, the consideration of the Publick, and the reasonable Prudence by which wise Men will ever be directed, may give great Allays, they may lessen, and perhaps for a time suppress the exercise of that, which in a general Proposition may be reasonable but what ever is so, will inevitable grow and spring up again, having a Foundation in nature which is not to be destroyed. Our Trimmer there­fore endeavours to separate the detestation he hath of those who had ei­ther a hand or a thought in the late Plot, from the principle of Pruden­tial, as well as Christian Charity towards Mankind; And for that rea­son, would fain use the means of Reconciling such of the Dissenters as are not incurable, and of even off bearing to a degree those that are, as far as may consist with the publick interest and security. He is far from justifying an affected separation from the Communion of the Church, and even in those who mean well and are misled, he looketh upon it as a disease that hath sea [...]ed upon their minds, very troublesome to them­selves, as well as dangerous by the Consequences it may produce. He do [...]h not go about to excu [...]e their making it an indispensable duty to meet in numbers to say their Prayers; such meetings may prove mis­chievous to the State, at least the Laws which are the best Judges have determined that there is danger in them; He hath good nature enough to Lament, that the perversness of a part should have drawn Rigorous Laws upon the Body of Dissenters, but when they are once made no Pri­vate Opinion, must stand in opposition to them. If they are in them­selves reasonable, they are in that respect to be observed, even without being enjoyned, if by the change of times and circumstances they should become less reasonable than when they were first made, even then the [...] are to be obeyed too, because they are Laws till they are mended or repel­ed by the same Authority that enacted them. He hath too much de­ference to the constitution of our Government, to wish any more Prerogative Declarations in favours of Scrupulous men, or to Dispense with Penal Laws in such a manner, or to such an end. That suspecting men might with some reason apprehend, that so hated a thing as a Persecution could never make way for it self with any hope of Success, otherwayes then [Page 21] by preparing the deluded World with a false prospect of Liberty and In­dulgence. The inward Springs and Wheels by which that Engine mov­ed are not so fully laid open and exposed, that it is not supposable such a baffled Experiment should ever b [...]tryed again. The effect it had at that time, and the spirit it raised will not easily be forgotten; and it may be presumed that the remembrance of it may secure us from any more attempts of that kind for the future; we must no more break a Law to give a man ease, then we are to Robb a house, with a devout intention of giving the plunder to the Poor: In this case our compassion would be ill directed, as our Charity in the other; in short, the Veneration due to the Laws is never to be thrown off, let the pretensions be never so specious. Yet for all this, he cannot bring himself to think that an ex­traordinary diligence to exact the outmost penalties of the Law, [...]upon a poor offending Neighbour, is of it self such an alsufficient Vertue, that without something else to recommend men, it should Entittle them to all kind of Preserments and Rewards. He would not detract from the merits of those who execute the Laws, yet he cannot think that such a piece of service as this, can entirely change the Man, or either make him a better Divine, or a more knowing Magistrate then he was before, es­pecially if it be done with a partial and unequal hand, in reference to great and more dangerous Offenders. Our Trimmer would have these mistaken Men ready to throw themselves in the Arms of the Church, and he would have these Arms as ready to receive them: He would have no Supercilious looks to fright these stray'd Sheep from coming into the Fold again, no ill natured Maxims of Eternal Suspition, or a belief that these who have been in the wrong can never be in the right again; But a vi­sible preparation of the mind to receive with joy, all the Proselites that shall come to us, and a much greater Earnestness to reclaim, then punish them. It is to be confessed, that when there is a great deal to forgive, it is task hard enough for a Church to provoked: But that must not cut off all hopes of being reconciled. Yet i [...] there must be some Anger left still, let it break out into a Christian Revenge, and by being kinder to these [...]hildren of Dis [...]bedience then they deserve, let the injured Church Triumph by throwing Shame and Confusion of Face upon them, there should not alwayes be Stormes and Thunder, a clearer Skie sometimes would make the Church look more like Heaven, and would do more towards Reclaiming these Wanderers, then a perpetual Terror, which seemeth to have no Intermission: For there are many and particularly in England, that by a mistaken pleasure in resisting the Dictates of Ri­gorous [Page 22] Authority, whose Stomach riseth against a hard Imposition; Nay be in some a Lust in suffering from a wrong point of Honour, which yet doth not want the Applause of the great part of Mankind, who have not learned to distinguish: Constancie will be thought a ver­tue even when it is a mistake, and the ill judging World will be apt to think the Opinion most in the Right, which produceth the greater Numbers of those who are willing to suffer for it; all this is prevented and falls to the ground by using well-timed Indulgences. And the stub­born Adversary who valueth himself upon his Resistance whilst he is op­pressed, yieldeth unsensibly to kinder methods when they are applyed to him; And the same man melteth naturally into conformity, who perhaps would never have been beaten into it.

We may be taught [...]by the Compassion that attendeth the most Criminal Men when they are Condem'd, that Faults are much more natural things then Punishments, and that even the most necessary Acts of Severity, do some kind of Violence to our Nature, whose Indulgence will not be confined within the strick bounds of exorable Justice [...]! So that this should be an Argument for Gentleness. Besides that it is the likeliest way to make these men ashamed of their Separation, whilst the pressing them too hard tendeth rather to make them proud of it.

Our Trimmer would have the Clergy supported in their Lawful Rights, and in all the Power and Dignity that belongeth to them; and yet he thinketh that possibly there may be in some of them, a too great ea­gerness to extend the Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction, which tho' it may be well intended, yet the straining it too high, hath an appearance of Am­bition, that raiseth mens Objections to it, and is so very unlike the Apostolick Zeal, which was quite otherwayes Applied, that the World draweth inferences from it, which do the Church no service: He is troubled to see Men of all sides sick of a Calenture of a Mistaken Devoti­on, and it [...]emeth to him, that the devout Fire of Mutual Charity with which the Primitive Christians were inflamed, is long since extin­guished and instead of it, a devouring a fire of Anger and Persecution breaking out in the World. We wrangle with one another for Religion, till the Blood cometh; whilst the Commandments have no more Au­thority with us, then if they were so many Absolute Laws, or Procla­mations out of date. He thinketh that a Nation will hardly be mended by Principles of Religion, where Morality is made an Heretick; And therefore, as he believeth Devotion to be misplaced, when it getteth in­to a Conventicle, he concludeth that Loyalty is so too, when it is [Page 23] lodged in a drunken Club. These vertues deserve a better seat of Em­pire, and they are degraded when such men undertake their defence, as have too great need of an Apology for themselves. Our Trimmer wisheth that some knowledge may go along with Zeal on the right side; and that those that are in possession of the Pulpit, would Quot at least as of­ten the Authority of the Scriptures, as they do that of the State. There are many, who borrow too often from the Government Arms to use against their Adversaries, and neglect those that are more proper, and would be more powerful. A Divine groweth less, and putteth a Dimi­nution upon his own Character, when he Quoteth any Law but that of God Almighty, to get the better of those that contest with him; And as it is a sign of a decaying Constitution, when nature with good dyet can­not expel noxious humours, without calling Forraign Drugs to her Assi­stance, so it looketh like want of Health in a Church, when instead of depending upon the power of that Truth which it holdeth, and the good example of those who teach it, to support it self and suppress Er­rrors, it should have a perpetual recourse to the Secular Authority, and even, upon the slightest occasions. Our Trimmer hath his Objections to the o [...] busied diligence and overdoing of some of the Dissenting Cler­gy, and he doth as little Approve those of our Church who weare God Almightie's Livery, as some old Warders in the Tower do the King's: who do nothing that belongs unto their place, but receiving the wages for it. He thinketh that the Liberty of the late times gave men to much Light, and diffused it so Universally among the People, that they are not now to be dealt with, as they might have been in an Age of less enquity And therefore tho in some well chosen and dearly be­loved Auditories, good resolute Non-sense backed with Authority may prevail, yet generally Men are become so good Judges of what they hear, that the Clergy ought to be very warry, before they go about to impose upon their understandings, which are grown less humble than they were in former times, when the Men in Black had made Learn­ing such a Sin for the Laity, that for fear of offending they made a Conscience of being able to read. But now the World is grown so wise, and expecteth Reasons, and good ones too, before they give up their own Opinions to other Men's Dictates, tho' never so Magisterially delivered to them. And our Trimmer is farr from approving they Hypo­crisie which seemeth to be the Reigning Vice among some of the Dis­senting Clergy; He thinketh it the most provoking Sin men can be guil­ty of in Relation to Heaven, and yet (which may seem strange) that [Page 24] very sin which shall destroy the Soul of the man who preacheth, may help to [...]ave those of the Company that hear him, and even those that are cheated by the false Ostentation of the strictness of his Life, may by that pattern be encouraged to the real practice of these Christian Ver­tues, which he doth so deceitfully pro [...]ess: So that the Detestation of his [...]ault, may possibly be carried too farr by our more Orthodox Divines, and a wor [...]e extreme for men of that Character, who by going to the outmost Line of Christian Libetry, will certainly encourage others to go beyond it. No Man doth less approve the ill-bred Method of some of the Dissenters in Rebuking Authority, who behave themselves as if they thought ill manners necessary to Salvation; yet he cannot but distinguish and desire a mean between the of some of the Scotish Apostles and the indecent Courtship of some silken Divines, who one would think did practice to bow at the Altar, only to learn to make the better legs at Court. Our Trimmer approveth the principle of our Church, That Dominion is not founded in Grace; And that our obedience is to be given to a Po­pish King in other things, at the same time that our compl [...]ance with him in Religion is to be denyed: Yet he cannot but think it a very ex­traordinary thing, if a Protestant Church should by a voluntary Election choose a Papist for their Guardain, and receive Directions for supporting our Religion from one who must believe it a mortal sin not to endeavour to destroy it: Such a refined peece of breeding would not seem to be very well placed in the Clergy, who will hardly be able to find precedents to justifie such an extravagant kind of Courtship; And which is so unlike the primitive Methods, that ought to be our pattern. He hath no such un­reasonable tenderness for any sort of Men, as to expect their Faults should not be impartially laid open, as they give occasion for it. And yet he cannot but smile to see, that the same Man who setteth up all his sailes of Rhetorick to fall upon the Dissenters; when Popery is [...]o be handled, he doth it so gingerly, that he looketh like an Ass mumbling of a Thristle, so affraid he is of letting himself loose upon a Subject, when he may be in danger of letting his Duty get the better of his Discretion.

Our Trimmer is so far from relishing the impertinent wanderings of these who pour out long prayers upon the Congregation, and all from their own flock, which GOD knoweth for the most part is a barren soil, that produceth weeds in stead of flowers; And by this means they ex­pose Religion it self, rather than promote Mens Devotions. On the other side there may be too great Restraint put upon Men, whom GOD & Na­ture hath distinguished from their Fellow Labourers, by blessing them with a happier Talent; And by giving them not only good sense, but a [Page 25] powerful utterance too, hath enabled them to gush out upon the attentive Authority, with a mighty stream of Devout and Unaffected Eloquence: When a Man is qualified and endued with Learning, and above all, adorned with a good Life, breaking out into a warm and well delivered prayer before his Sermon, it hath appearance of a Divine Rapture, he raiseth and leadeth the hearts of an Assembly in another manner, than most studied, best composed form of set Words can attain to, & the Pray [...]e's who serve up all their Sermons with the same garnishing, would look like so many Statues, or Men of straw in the Pulpit, compared with those who speak with such a powerful Zeal, that Men are tempted at the mo­ment, to believe Heaven it self had dictated their words to them Our Trimmer is not so unreasonably indulgent to the Dissenters, as to excuse the irregularities of their complaints, or to approve their Threatning stile, which is so ill suted to their Circumstances, as well as to their Du­ty: He would have them shew their grief, and not their Anger to the Government, and by such a submission to Authority as becometh them; if they cannot inwardly acquiesce in what is imposed, let them desire a Legislative Remedy to their sufferings. There being no other way to give them perfect Redress, then either to seek it, or pretend to give it, would not only be vain but criminal too, in those that go about it. Yet for all this, there may be in the mean time a Prudential Latitude left, as to the manner of prosecuting the Laws now in force against them, the Government is in some Degree answerable for such an Administra­tion, as may be free from the censure of Impartial Judges: And in or­der to that it will be necessary that one of these Methods be pursued, either to let loose the Laws, to their outmo [...]t extent, without any Mode­ration or Restraint; In which at the least, the Equality of the Govern­ment would be without Objection, the penalties being exacted without Remission from the Dissenters in all kinds; or if that will no [...] be done, (as indeed there is no Reason it should) there is a necessity of some con­nivance to the Protestant Dissenters, to excuse that which must in Humani­ty be allowed the Papists, even without any leaning to them, which might be supposed in those who are or shall be in the Administration of publick business; and it will follow, that according to our circumstances the Distribution of such Connivances must be made in such a manner, that the greater part of it may fall on the Protestant side, or else the Ob­jections will be so strong, and the Inference so clear, that the Friends as well as the Enemies of the Crown, will be sure to take hold of them. It will not be sufficient to say, the Papists may be connived at because they are good Subjects; But, that the Protestant Dissenters must suffer because they are ill ones: These general Maxims will not convince discerning Men, neither will [Page 26] any late instances make them forget what hath passed at other times in the World; Both Sides have had their turns in being good or ill Sub­jects, and therefore it is easie to imagine what suspitions would arise in the present Conjuncture, if such a partial Argument as this should be imposed upon us. The truth is, the matter speaketh so much of it self, that it is not only unnecessary, but it may be unmannerly to say any more of it. Our Trimmer therefore could wish, that since notwithstanding the Laws, which deny Churches to say Mass in, not only the Exercise, but even the Ostentation of popery, is as well or better performed in the Chappels of so many Forraign Ministers, where the English resort, in spite of Procla­mations and Orders of Council, which are grown to be as harmless things unto them, as the Popes Bulls, and Excommunication are to Hereticks who are out of his reach, I say; that he could wish, that by a seasonable as well as by an equal piece of Justice, there might be so much consideration had of the Protestant Dissenters, as that there might be at some times and in some places a vail thrown over an innocent and retired Conventicle: And that such an indulgence may be practised with less prejudice to the Church, or diminution to the Laws, it might be done, so as to look rather like a kind Omission, to enquire strictly, than an allowed Tolleration, of that which is against the Rule established, such a skilful hand as this is very necessary in our Circumstances, and the Government, by making no sort of Men entirely desperate, doth not only secure it self from the danger of any wild or Villanous attempt, but layeth such a foundati­on for healing and uniting Laws, when ever a Parliament shall meet, that the seeds of Difference and Animosities betwixt the several contend­ing Sects may (Heaven consenting) for ever be destroyed.

THE TRIMMERS Opinion Concerning PAPISTS.

To speak of Popery leadeth one into such a Sea of matter, that it is not easie to forebear lanching in it being invited, by such a fruithful Theme, and by a variety never to be exhausted; But to confine it to the present subject, I will only say a short word of Religion it self, of its [Page 27] influence here at this time, And of our Trimmer's Opinion in relation of our manner of living with them. If a Man would speak maliciously of this Religion; One might say it is like these Diseases, where as long as one drop of the infection remaineth, there is still a danger of having the whole mass of Blood corrupted by it. In Swedland there was an ab­solute cure, and nothing of Popery heard of till Queen Christian (whether moved by Arguments of this or the other World, would not be good manners to enquire) thought fit to change her Religion, and her Coun­try, and to live at Rome, where she might find better Judges of her ver­tues, and less ungentle censures of those Princely Liberties she was sometime deposed to, when she lived at Stockholm where the good breeding of the Climat is much inferiour to that of Rome, as well as the civility of the Religion: And the Cardinals having refined the Church from these clownish methods the Fisher-Men had first introduced, & mended that Pattern so effe­ctually, that a Man of that Age, if he should now come into the World, would not possibly know it. In Denmark the Reformation was intire. In some States of Germany as well as Geneva, the cure was universal. But in the rest of the World, where the Protestant Religion took place, the Popish hu­mour was too tough to be totally expelled; And so it was in England, tho' the change was made with all the Advantage imaginable to the Reforma­tion, it being countenanced and introduced by Legal Authority, and by that means perhaps have been as perfect as in any other place, if the short Reign of Edward the 6th, and the succession of a Popish Queen, had not given such advantage to that Religion, that it hath subsisted ever since under all the hardships that have been put upon it, it hath been a closs compact Body, and made the more so by their sufferings, it was not strong enough to prevail, but it was still able with the help of for­raign support to carry on an interest which gave the Crown trouble to make a considerable, not to say a dangerous, figure in the Nation, so much as this would not have been without some hopes, nor these hopes kept up, without some considerable grounds.

In Queen Elizabeth's time, the Spanish zeal of their Religion, and their Revenge for (88) gave warmth to the Papists here; And above all, the Right of the Queen of SCOTS to succeed, was whilst she lived, sufficient to give them a better prospect of their Affairs. In King James time, the Spanish Match and his Gentleness towards them, kept them up, which they were ready to interpret more in their Favours, than was either rea­sonable, or then became them, so little tenderness they have where it is most due, if the interest of their Religion come in competition with it. As for the last King, tho' he gave the most glorious Evidence, that ever [Page 28] Man did of his being Protestant, yet by the more then ordinary influence the Queen was thought to have over him, and it so happening, that the greater part of his anger was direct against the Puritans, there was such an Advantage given to Men disposed to suspect, that they were rea­dy to interpret it a leaning towards Popery, without which handl [...], it was morally impossible that the ill affected part of the Nation could ever have seduced the rest unto Rebellion; That which helped to confirm many well meaning Men in their misapprehensions of the King, was the long and unusual intermissions of Parliaments, so that every year that passed without one, made up a new Argument to increase their suspiti­ons, and made them presume that the papists had a principal hand in keeping of them off: This raised such heat in Mens minds, to think that Men who were obnoxious to the Laws, instead of being punished, should have credit enough even to secure themselves, even at the price of de­stroying the fundamental Constitutions, that it broke out into a flame, which before it could be quenched, had almost reduced the Nation to ashes. Amongst the miserable effects of that unnatural Warr, none hath been more fatal to Us, than the forcing our Princes to breath in an other Air, and to receive the Earthly impression of a Forraign Education. The barbarity of the English toward their King, and the Royal Family, might very well tempt him to think the better of every thing be found abroad, and might naturally produce more g [...]ntleness towards a Religion, by which he was Hospitally received, at the same time he was thrown off, and persecuted by the Protestants tho' his own Subjects too, to aggravate the Offence. The Queen Mother (as generally Ladies do) with Age grew more devout, and earnest in her Religion, and besides the Tem­poral Rewards of getting larger subsidies from the French Clergie, she had Motives of another kind to perswade her to shew her zeal: And since by the Roman Dispensatory, a Soul converted to the Church, is a soveraign Remedy, and layeth up a mighty stock of Merit; She was also solici­tous to secure her self in all events, and therefore first [...]et upon the Duke of Glocester, who depended so much upon her good will, That she might for that Reason be induced to believe, that the Conquest would not be difficult: But it so fell out, that he either from his own constancie, or that he had those near him by whom he was otherwise advised, choosed rather to run away from her importunity, than by staving, to bear the continual weight of it. 'Tis believed she had better success with another of her Sons, who if he was not quite brought off from our Religion, at least such beginnings were made, as made them very easie to be finished; his being of a Generous and Aspiring Nature, and in that respect less patient [Page 29] the Drugery of Arguing; might propably help to recommend a Church to him, that exempteth the Laytie from the vexation of enquiring; Perhaps he might (tho' by mistake) look upon that Religion as more Favourable to the enlarged power of a King, a consideration that might have its weight with a young Prince in his warm blood, and that was brought up in Armies. I cannot hinder my self from a small Digression to consider with Admiration: That this old Lady of Rome, with all her wrinkles should yet have Charms able to subdue great Princes, so far from handsome, and yet so Imperious, so painted and yet so pretending, after having Abused, Destroyed and Murdered so many of her Lovers, she still findeth others glad of her new Charms: A thing so strange to indifferent Judges, that those who will allow no other Miracles in the Church of Rome, must needs grant that this is one not to be contested. She sitteth in her shop, and selleth at dare Rates, her Rattles and her Hoby-Horses, whilst the deluded World still continueth to furnish her with Customers. But whether am I carried with this Contemplation. It is high time to return to my Text, and to consider the wonderful man­ner of the King's coming home again, led by the hand of Heaven, and called by the voice of his People, who received him, with a joy equall to the blessings which his Restoration brought along with it. By this there was an end put to the Hopes, some might have abroad, of make­ing use of his less happy circumstances, to throw him into Forreign In­terests or opinions, which had been wholly inconsistent with our Reli­gion, our Laws and all other things that are dear to us; yet with all this, something of those Tinctures and Impressions, might so far Re­main, as tho' they were very Innocent in him, yet they might have ill Effect here, by softning the Animosity which seemeth necessary to the Defender of the Protestant Faith, in opposition to such a powerfull and irre­concilable Enemy. You may be sure, that among all other sort of Men who applyed themselves to the King, at his first coming for his pro­tection, the Papists were not the last, nor (as they fain would have flat­tered themselves) the least welcome, having their past sufferings a swell as their present professions to Recommend them: Since so it happened, That the Indulgence promised to Dissenters at Breda, was carried on in such a manner, that the Papists were to divide with them. And though the Parliament, notwithstanding its Resignation to the Crown in all other things, rejected with Scorn and Anger, a Declaration formed for this purpose, yet the Birth and Steps of it gave such an Alarm, that Mens Suspicions once raised were not easily laid a sleep again. To omit other things, the breach of the Triple League, and the Dutch Warr, with its ap­pertinences, [Page 30] raised Jealousies to the highest pitch imaginable; and fed the hopes of one partie, and the Fears of the other to such a Degree, that some very Critical Resolutions were generally expected: when the ill Success of that Warr, and the sacrifice France thought fit to make of the Papists here to their own Interest abroad, gave another checkt, and the Act of enjoining the Test to all in Office, was thought no ill Bargan to the Nation, tho bought at the price of 1200000 lib. and the Mony ap­plyed to the continuance of the Warr against the Dutch, then which nothing could be more unpopular or less approved. Notwithstanding these Discouragements, Popery is a plant which may be mowed down, but the root will still remain, and in spight of the Laws, it will sprout up and grow again, especially if it should happen, that there will ever be Men in power, who in stead of Weeding it out of our Garden, will take cae to cherish it, and keep it alive And tho the Law of Excluding them from places, was to tolerably kept, as to the outward form, yet there were many Circumstances which being improved by the quick sighted Malice of ill affected Men, did keep up the World in their suspicions, and blow up Jealousies to such a hight, both in and out of Parliament, that the remembrance of them is very unpleasant, and the Examples so Extravagant, that it is hoped in our age, nothing like it will be attem­pted.

But to come closer to the Case in Question, in this condition we stand with the Papists, what shall now be done according to our Trimmers opinion, in Order to the Better bearing this Grievance; since as I have said before there is no hope of being intirely freed from it. Papists we must have among us, and if their Religion keepeth them from bringing Honey to the Hyve, let the Government try, at lea [...]t by Gentle and not by Violent Means, to take away the sting from them. The first Foundation to be laid is, that a Distinct consideration is to be had of the Popish Clergy, who have such an eternal Interest against all accommodation, that it is a hopless thing to propose any thing to them less then all; their stomachs having been set for it since the Reformation. They have pined themselves to a princi­ple, that will admit no Mean, they believe Protestants must be damned, and therefore by an extraordinary Effect of Christian Charity, they would destroy one half of England, that the other might be saved. Then for this World they must be in possession for GOD Almighty, and receive his Rents for him, not to accompt till the day of Iudgement, which is a good kind of Tenure, and you cannot well blame the good Men, that they stir up the Laity to run any hazard, in order to the getting them restored. What is it to the Priest, if the deluded Zelot undoeth himself in the attempt, he [Page 31] singeth Mass as Jollily; and with as good a voice at Rome, or St. Omers as ever he did; he is a single man and can have no wants, but such as may be easily supplied: Yet that he may not seem altogether in [...]ensi [...]le or ungrateful to those who are his Martyrs, He is ready to assure th [...]ir exe­cutors, and if they please will procure a Grant sub annulo Piscatoris That the good Man by being hanged hath got a great Bargain, and saved a singing of some hundred of years, which he would else have had in Purgatory. There is no cu [...]e for this order of Men, no expedient to be proposed: So that tho' the outmost severity of the Laws against them may in some sort be Mitigated, yet no Treaty can be made wi [...]h them, who in this case have left themselves no free will, but are mus­led by zeal, tyed by vows, and kept up by such unchangeable Maxims of the Priest-hood; That they are to be left as desperate Patients, and to be looked upon as men who will continue in an eternal State of H [...]stility, till the Nation is intirely subdued unto them. It is therefore only the Lay Papist that is capable of being Treated with. And we are to Examine of what Temper he is, what Arguments are most like to prevaile u­pon him, and how far it is adviseable for the Government to be Indul­gent to him. The Lay Papists generally keep their Religion, rather because they will not break company with those of their own Party, than out of a settled Zeal that hath any Root in them. Most of them do by the Mediation of the Priests, Marrie amongst one another; and so keep up an Ignorant opposition, by hearing only one side. Others look upon it as the better Scutcheon, the more ancient Religion of the two; and as some men of good Pedegree will despise meanner men, tho ne­ver so much Superior to them by Nature: So those undervalue the Reformation as an upstart, and think that there is more Honour in sup­porting an old Error, them embracing what seemeth to them a new Truth. The Laws have made men of Pleasure, by excluding them from publick Business, and it hapneth well that they are so, since they will be more easily perswad [...]d by Arguments of Ease and Conveniencie to them. They have not put off the Man in General, nor the English man in particular; those who in the late Storme against them, went into other Countries, tho they had all the Advan [...]ages that might recom­mend them to a good reception, yet after a little while they choose to Steal over again, and live here with Hazard, rather then abroad with Security. There is a smell in our Native Earth, better then all the Perfumes of the East. There is something in a Mother tho never so an­gry, that the Children will naturally trust sooner then the most studied Civilties of Strangers, let them be never so Hospital. Therefore it is not [Page 32] adviseable, nor at all agreeing with the Rules of Governing Prudence, to provoke Men by hardships to forget that Nature which else is sure to be on our side. When these Men by fair usage are put again into their Right Senses they will have quite differing Reflections from those which Rigor and Persecution had raised in them. A Lay-Papist will first con­sider his Abbey Lands, which notwithstanding what ever hath been or can be alledged, must certainly sink considerably in the value the mo­ment that Popery prevaileth, and it being a disputable matter whether zeal might not in a little time get the better of the Law, in this case a considering man would admit that as an Argument to perswade him to be content with things as they are, rather then run this, and the other hazard by a change, in which perhaps he may have no other advantage, [...]han that his own humble Confessor may be raised to a Bishoprick, and from thence look down Superciliously upon his Patron, and which is worse, come to take Possession for God Almighty of his Abbey, in such a manner that the u [...]urping Land Lord (as he will there be called) shall hardly be admitted to be so much as a Tennent unto his own Land, left his Title might prejudge that of the Church, which will then be the Language. He will think what advantage it is to be looked upon, as a separate Creature, depending upon a Forreign Interest and Authority, and for that reason exposed to the Jealousie and suspicion of his Country­men. He will reflect what an incumbrance it is to have his house a Pa­sture for hungry Priests to Grass in, who have such a never failing In­fluence upon the Foolish, which is the greatest part of every mans Fa­mily, that a mans Dominion even over his own Children is mangled and divided, if not totally underminded by them. Then to be subject to what Arbitrary Taxes the Popish Convocation shall impose upon them for the carring on the common Interest of that Religion, under the pe­nalty of being marked out for half an Heretick, by the rest of the party: To have no share in Business, no opportunity of shewing his own value to the World, to live at the best an useless, and by others to be thought a Dangerous Member of the Nation where he is born, is a burden to a Generous Mind that cannot be taken off by all the pleasures of an easie unmanly Life, or by the Nauseous enjoyment of a dull plenty, that pro­duceth no food for the mind, which will ever be considered in the first place, by a man that hath a Soul. When he shall think, that if his Reli­gion should after wading through a Sea of Blood, come at last to prevail it would infinitly lessen, if not intirely destroy the Glory, Riches, Strength, and Liberty of his own Country; and what a Sacrifice is this to make to Rome, whe [...]e they are wise enough to wonder there should be such fools [Page 33] the World, as to venture, strugle and contend, nav even to die Mar­tyrs for that, which should it succeed, would prove a Judgement, instead of a Blessing to them.

He will conclude that the Advantages of throwing some of their Chil­dren back again to God Almighty, when they have too many, are not equal to inconvenie [...]cies they may either feel or fear by continuing their separation from the Religion established. Mortal things will have their weight in this World; And tho' Zeal may prevail for a time and get yet the better in a Skirmish, yet the War endeth generally on the side of Flesh and Blood, and will do so, till Mankind is another thing then it is at present: And therefore a wise Papist in cold Blood consider­ing these and many other Circumstances, will believe it worth his pains to try if he can unmufle himself from the Mask of Infalibility, and we think it reasonable to set his imprisoned Senses at Liberty, and that he hath a right to see with his own Eyes, hear with his own Ears, and judge with his own Reason; The consequence of which, migh [...] probably by the weighting things in a right Scale, and seeing them in their true colours, be able to make him distinguish between the merit of suffer­ing for a right Cause, and the foolish ostentation of drawing inconveni­encies upon himself, and therefore will not be unwilling to be convinced that our Protestant Creed may make him happy in the next, and easier in this World: a few of such wise Prosylites would by their Example draw so many after them, that the Party would insensibly melt away and in a little time, without an angry Word, we should come to an Union, that all good Men would have Reason to rejoyce at. But we are not to pre­sume upon these conversions, without preparing Men for it, by kind and reconciling Arguments; Nothing is so against our Nature as to believe those can be in the Right, who are too hard upon us? there is a Defor­mity in every thing that doth us hurt, it will look scurvily in our Eye whilst the smart continueth, and a Man must have an extraordinary measure of Grace to think well of a Religion, that reduceth him and his Fa­mily to misery; In this respect our Trimmer would consent to a Mitigation of such Laws as were made (as is said, Henry the 8th got Queen Eliza­beth) in a heat against Rome. It may be said, that even States as well as private Men are subject to passions, a just indignation of a villanous at­tempt produceth at the time such Remedies as perhaps are not without a mixture of some Revenge: And therefore tho' time cannot Repeal a Law, it may by a Natural Effect soften the Execution of it. There is less danger to rouse Lyons when they are at rest, than to awake Laws that are intended to have their time of sleeping; Nay, more than that, [Page 34] in some cases their Natural Periods of Life too are dying of themselves, without the Solemnity of being revocked any other wayes, than by the common consent of Mankind, who cease to execute, when the Rea­sons in great measure fall, that first created and justified the rigour of un­usual penalties: Our Trimmer is not eager to pick out sore places in Hi­stories against this or any other Partie; quite contrary, is very solicitous to find out any thing that may be healing, or tend to an Agreement. But to prescribe the means of this Gentleness, so as to make it effectual, must come from the only place that can furnish Remedies for this cure; viz. a Parliament: In the mean t [...]me it is to be wished, there might be such a mutual calmness of Mind, That the Protestants might not be so J [...]ous, as still to smell the Match which was to have blown up the King and both Houses in the Gun Powder Treason, or to star [...] at every ap­pearance o [...] Popery, as if it was just taking Possession. On the other side, that the Papists may not suffer themselves to be led by any hopes, tho' never so flattering, to a Confidence or Ostentation which must pro­voke men to be less kind to them; that they may use Modesty on their side, and the Protestants Indulgence on theirs. By this means there would [...]e an overlooking of all Venial faults, a Tacite connivance at all things that did not cary scandal withthem, & it would amount to a kind of natural Dispensation with the severe Laws, since there would be no more Accusers, were the occasions of Anger and Animosities once re­moved.

Let the Papists in the mean time remember, that there is a Respect due from all lesser Numbers to Greater. A Deference to be payed by an Opinion that is exploded, to one that is Established: Such a thought well digested, will have an influence upon their behaviours, and pro­duce such a Temper, as must win their eager Adv [...]rsaries out of their ill humour to them, and give them a Title to all the favour that may be consistent with the Publick Peace and Securitie.

THE TRIMMERS Opinion in Relation to things ABROAD.

THE World is so composed, that it is hard if not impossible for a Nation not to be a good dale involved in the State of their Neigh­bours: and tho by the felicity of our Situation, we are more indepen­dent [Page 35] than any other people; yet we have in all Ages been concerned for our own sakes in the Revolutions Abroad. There was a time when England was an Ove [...]-ballancing power of Christendom, and that either by Inheritance or Conquest, the better part of France received Laws from Us. After that, we being reduced into our own Limi [...]s, France and Spain became the Rivals for the Universal Monarchie; And our Third power, tho in it self less than either of the other [...]apned to be Superior to any one of them, by the choice we had of throwing the Scales on that side to which we gave our Friendship. And we do not know whether this figure did not make us great as our former Conquests, to be a perpetual Umpire between the two great contending Powers, who gave us all their Courship, and offered all their Incense at our Altar, whilst their fat seemed to depend upon the Oracles we delivered. For a King of England to sit on his Throne (as in a Supreme Court of Justice with the last Appeal of two great Monarchs pleading their cause, and expecting the sentence Declaring which side was on the Right, or at least (if we pleased) which side should have the better of it) was a piece of greatn [...]ss which was peculiar to us; and no wonder if we endeavoured to preserve it, as we did for a considerable time: It being our sa [...]tie as well as our Glory to maintain it. But by a fatality upon our Councils, or by the refined Policy of this latter Age, we have thought fit to use Industry to destroy this mighty Power which we had so long enjoyed; and that equality between the two Monarchs which we might for ever have pre­served, hath been chiefly broken by us, whose interest above all things it was to have maintained it. When one of them like the overflowing of the Sea, had gained more upon the other then our conveniencie or in­deed our safety would allow, instead of mending the Banks or making new ones, we our selves with our own hands helped to cut them, to invite and make way for a farther inu [...]dation. Spain and France have had their several turns of making use of our mistakes, and we have been for­merly as deaf to the then weaker part of the World, to help them a­gainst the house of Austria, as we can now be to the earnestness of Spain, that we would assist them against the power of France. Gondemar was as Saucy and as powerful too in K: Iame's his Court, as any French Am­bassador can have been in any time since; Men talked as wrong then on the Spanish side, and made their Court as well by it, as any can have done since by talking as much for the French. So that from that time, instead of weighing in a false Ballance the power of either Crowns, it looketh as if we had learned only to weigh the pensions and take the heaviest. It would be tedious as well as unwelcome to recapitulat all our wrong steps, so that I will go no farther than the King's Restorati­on, [Page 36] at which time the Ballance was on the side of France, and that by the means of Cromwel, who for a separate Interest of his own, had sacri­ficed that of the Nation, by joyning with the stronger side to suppress the Power of Spain, which he ought to have supported: Such a method was natural enough to an Usurper, and shewed he was not the Lawful Father of the People, by having so li [...]tle care of them. And the exam­ple coming from that hand, one would think for that Reason should be less likely to be followed.

But to go on, here cometh the King followed with Courtship, from all Nations Abroad; of which, some did it, not only to make him for­get how familiarly they had used him whilst he was in other Circum­stances, but to bespeak the Friendship of a Prince, who besides his other greatness was yet more Considerable by being re established by the Love of his People. France had an interest either to dispose us to so much good will, or at least to put us in such a condition, that we might give no Opposition to their Designs: And Flanders being a perpetual Object in their Eye, a lasting Beauty for which they have an incurable Passion, and not being kind enough to consent to them, they meditat to com­mit a Rape upon her; which they thought would not be easie to do, whilst England and Holland were agreed to rescue her, when ever they should hear cry out for help to them. To this end they put in pra­ctice seasonable and Artificial Whispers to widen things between us and the States; Amboyna, and the Fishery must be talked of here; the Freedom of the Seas, and the preservation of Trade insinuated there, and their being Combustible matter on both sides, in a little time it took fire, which gave those that kindled it sufficient cause to smile, and hug themselves to see us both fall into the Net, they had laid for us. And it is observable and of good example to us if we will take it, that their design being to set us together at cuffs to weaken us, they kept themselves indifferent and lookers on, till our Victories begun to break the Ballance: And then the King of France like a wise Prince was resolved to support the beaten side, and would no more let the pow­er of the Sea, than we ought to suffer the Monarchy of Europe, to fall into one Hand. In pursuance to this, he took part with the Dutch, and in a little time made himself Umpire of the Peace between Us. Sometime after upon a pretence of his Queen's Title to a part of Flanders by right of Devolution, he falleth into it with a mighty Force, for which the Spani­ards were so little prepared, that he made a very swift progress, and had such a Torrent of indisputed Victory, [...] that England and Holland (tho the Wounds they had given one another were yet green) being struck [Page 37] with the apprehension of so near a Danger to them, thought it necessary for their own Defence to make up a sudden League (into which Sweden was taken in) to interpose for a Peace between the two Crowns. This had so good an Effect, that France was stopped in its Career, and the peace of Aix la Chapel was a little after concluded: It was a forced putt, and the French wisely dissembled their Dissatisfactions; yet from the very moment, they re [...]olved to unty this triple Knot what ever it cost them: For his Christian Majesty after his conquering Meals, ever riseth with a sto­mach, and he liked the Patern so well, that it gave him a longing to have the whole piece. Amongst the other Means used to attain this end, the sending over the Dutches of Orleans, was not the least powerful; she was a very welcome Guest here, and her own Charms and Dexterity joyned with all other Advantages which might help her perswations, gave her such an Ascendent, that she could hardly fail of success. One of the preliminaries of her Treaty, tho' a trivial thing in it self, yet was considerable in the consequence, as very small circumstances are in rela­tion to the Government of the whole World. About that time a general hu­mour in opposition to France, had made us throw of [...] their Fashion, and put on Vests, that we might look more like a distinct People, and not be under the servility of Imitation, which ever payeth a greater Deference to the Original, than is consisting with the Equality, all independing Nations would pretend too. France did not like this small beginning of ill hu­mour, or at least of Emulation; and wisely considering, that it is a natural introduction, first to make the World their Apes, that they may be after­wards their Slaves: It was thought that one of the Instructions Madam brought along with her, was to laugh Us out of these Vests, which she performed so effectually, that in a moment, like so many Footmen that had quited their Masters Livery, we all took it again, and returned to our Service: So that the very time of doing it gave a critical advantage to France, since it looked like an Evidence of our returning to their In­terests, as well as to their Fashion; and would give such a distrust of us to our New All [...]yes, that it might facilitate the Dissolution of this Knot, which tyed them so within their bounds, that they were very impatient till they were freed from the Restraint. But this Lady had a more bounded Commission than this, and had no doubt laid the Foundation of making a new strict Allyance lately engaged; And of this there was such early appearances, that the World began to look upon us as falling into Apost [...]cy from the common Interest. Notwithstanding all this, France did not neglect at the same time to give very good words to the Dutch, and even to feed them with hopes of supporting them against us; [Page 38] when on a sudden, that never to be forgotten Declaration of War against them cometh out, to vindicate his own Glor [...], and to revenge the in­juries done to his Brother of England; by which he became our second in this Duel; so humble can this Prince be! When at the same time he doth us more honour then we deserved, he layeth a greater share of the blame upon our shoulders then did naturally belong to us. The particulars of that War; our part in whilst we sta [...]ed in, and when we were out of Breath, our leaving the French to make an end of it, are things too well known to make it necessary, and too unwelcome of themselves to make me repeat them. Only the wisdom of France is in this to be observed, that when we had made a separate Peace, which left them single to oppose the united force of the Confederates, they were so far from being Angry, That they would not so much as shew the least coldness, hoping to get as much by our Mediation for a Peace as they would have expected from our Assistance in the War, our circum­stances at that time considered. This seasonable peace of Indulgence in not Reproaching us, but rather allowing those necessities of State, which we gave for our excuse, was [...]uch an ingaging method, that it went a great way to keep us still in his chains, when to the eye of the World, we had Absolutely broken loose from them; And by what passed afterwards at Nemeghen, tho' the Kings Neutrality gave him the figure of a Mediator, it appeared that his Interposition was extremely suspected of partiality by the Confederats, who upon that ground did both at, and before the conclusion of the Treatie, treate his Ministers there with a great dale of ne­glect. In this peace as well as that of the Pireneans, and of Aix la Chapel, the K: of France at the moment of making, had the thoughts of breaking of it; for a very little time after he broached his pretentions upon A Lost, &c. Things had they been offered by a less formidable hand, would have been smiled at. But ill Arguments being seconded with good Armies, carry such a power with them, that naked Sense is a very unequal Ad­versary: It was thought that those Airie Claims were rais­ed with the getting of Luxenburgh for the Equivalent; and this Opi­nion was confirmed by the blocking it up after pretending to the County of Chimay; and that it might be intirely surrendred to the French Domi­nions, it was so pressed that it most have fallen in a little time, if the King of France had not sent Orders to his Troops to retire, and his Chri­stian generosity which was assigned for the Reason of it, made the World smile, since it was seen how differently his devout Zeal worketh in Hun­garie. That sp [...]cious Reason was in many respects ill timed, and France it self gave it so faintly, that at the very time it looked out of counte­nance. [Page 39] The true ground of this Retireing is worth our Observation, for at the instance of the Confeder [...]tes, Offices were done, and Memorials given, but all ineffectual till the Word Parliament was put into them; That powerful Word had such an Effect, that even at that distance, it raised the Siege, which may convince us of what Efficacy a King of Eng­lands Words are, when he will give them their full Weight, and threat­en with his Parliament. It is then that he appeareth, that great Figure we ought to represent him in our Minds; The Nation his Body, he the Head, and joyned with that Harmony, That the very word he pronounc­eth is the Word of a Kingdom, such words (even by this Example) are as effectual as Fleets or Armies, because they can creat them: And without this, his words found abroad, like a Faint Wisper, That is either not hard, or which is worse, not minded. But tho' France had made this step of forced complyance, it did not mean to leave off the persuit of their Pretensions; and therefore Immediately proposed the Arbitration of it to the King. But it appeared that notwithstanding his Merits to­wards the Confederates, in saving Luxenburgh, the remembrance of what passed before had left so ill a Taste in their Mouths, That they could not Relish our being put in a Condition, to dispose of their Inte­rests, and therefore Declined it by Insisting upon a General Treaty, to which France hath ever since continued Averse. Our great earnest­ness to p [...]swade the Confederates to consent to it, was so unusual and Suspitious a Method, that it might naturally make them believe, that France spoke to them by our Mouth; and for that Reason (if there had been no other) might hinder their accepting it. And so little care hath been taken to Cure this or other Jealousies the Confederates might have Entertained, that quite contrary their Ministers take every day Fresh Alarms, from what they observe in smal, as well as in great Circum­stances; And tho they, both being apt to take and improve Apprehen­sions of this kind, draw such Inferences from them, as make them entirely despair of us.

Thus we now stand, far from being innocent Specta [...]ors of our Neigh­bours Ruine, and by a fatal Mistake forgetting what a certain Fore­runner it is to our own. And now it's time that our Trimmer should tell somewhat of his Opinion upon this present state of things Abroad. He first Professeth to have no Byass either for, or against France, and that his Thoughts are wholly directed by the Interest of his own Coun­try. He alloweth and hath read, that Spain used the same Methods when it was in it's height as France doth now; and therefore it is not Partiality that moveth him, but the just Fear that all reasonable M [...]n [Page 40] must be possessed with of a [...] overgrown Power. Ambition is a devour­ing Beast, when it hath swallowed one Province, instead of being cloy­ed with it, it hath so much the greater Stomach to another; And by being Fed becometh still the more Hungry: So that for the Confede­rates to expect a Security from any thing but from their own united Strength, is a most miserable fallacy; and if they cannot resist the incr [...]achments of France by their Armes, it is in vain for them to dream of any other means of preservation. It would have better Grace, besides the saving of so much blood and ruine, to give up all at once, make a present of themselves to appease this haughty Monarch, rather than be whispered, flattered, or coz­ned out of their Liberty. Nothing is so soft as the first applications of a great Prince to engage a weaker, but that smiling countenance is but a Vizard, it is not the true face, for as soon as the turn is served, the Courtship fal­leth to some other Prince or State, where the same part is to be acted, leaveth the old mistaken Friend to neglect and contempt; And like an insolent Lover to a Chaste Mistris, reproacheth her even with the Infamy of which he himself was the Author. Sweden, Bavaria, Palatineat, &c. may by their fresh Example teach other Princes what they are reasonably to expect, and what Snakes are hidden under the Flowers which the Court of France so liberally throweth upon them, whilst they can be useful. The various Methods, and the deep Intrigues, the different Notes, in several Countries, doth not only give suspicion, but assurance, that every thing is put in practice by which the Universal Monarchy may be obtained: Who can reconcile the withdrawing his Troops from Luxenburgh in con­sideration of the War in Hungarie, which was not then declared, and pre­sently thereafter encouraging the Turk to take Vienna, and consequent­ly to destroy the Empire! Or who can think that the persecution of the poor Protestants in France will be accepted by God as an Attonment for hazarding the loss of the whole Christian Faith? Can he be thought in ear­nest when he would seem afraid of the Spainards, and for that Reason must have Luxenburgh? And that he cannot be safe from Germany, ex­cept he be in possession of Strasburgh? All injustice and violence must in it self be grievous; but the aggravation of supporting them by false Arguments and insulting Reasons, hath something in it yet more pro­voking, then the injuries themselves: And the World hath ground enough to apprehend from such a method of arguing, that even their Senses are to be subdued as well as their Liberties. Then the several va­rities of Arguments used by France in several Countries is very observ­able. In England and Denmark nothing is insisted on, but the Greatness [Page 41] and Authority of the Crown. On the other side the great Men in Poland, are commended who differ in Opinion with the King, and they argue like kind Friends to the priviledges of the Diet, against the separate Power of the Crown: In Sweden they are something troubled that the King should have changed somethings there of late by his [...]ingle Authoritie from the Ancient and settled Constitution. At Ratisbone his most Christian Majestie taketh the Liberties of all the Electors and free States into his immediate protection, and telleth them the Emperor is a dange­rous Man, an aspiring Hero, that would infallibly devour them, if he was not at hand to resist him in their behalf: But above all, in Holland he hath the most oblidging tenderness for the Common wealth, and is in such Disquiets lest it should be invaded by the Prince of Orange, that they can do no less in gratitude than to undoe themselves when he biddeth, to shew how sensible they are of his good Nature. Yet in spite of all these Contradictions, there are in the World such very refin'd States Men, as will upon their Credit affirm the following paradoxes to be real Truths. First, That France alone is sincere, and keepeth its Faith; and conse­quently, that it is the only Friend we can rely upon. That the King of France of all Men living hath the lest mind to be [...] Conqueror; That he is a sleepy Tame Creature, void of all Ambition, a poor kind of a Man, that hath no further thought than of being quiet. That he is charmed by his Friendship to Us, that it is impossible he should ever do us hurt: And therefore tho Flanders was lost, it should not in the least concern Us. That he would fain help the Crown of England to be Absolute, which would be to take pains to put Us in a condition to oppose him; as it is and must be our in­terest as long as he continues in such an overballancing greatness. Such a Creed as this, if once received, might prepare our Belief for greater things: And as he that taught Men to eat a Dagger, began first with a Pen knife; so if We can be prevailed with to digest these smaller mi­stakes, we may at last make our Stomacks strong enough for that of Transubstantiation. Our Trimmer cannot easily be converted out of his Senses by these State Sophisters, and yet he hath no such peevish obstinacy, as to re­ject all Correspondence with France, because We ought to be apprehen­sive of the too great power of it. He would not have the Kings Friendship to the Confederates extend to the involving him in any unreasonable or dan­gerous Engagements, neither would he have him lay aside the Consi­derations of his better Establishment at home, out of an excessive zeal to secure his Allies Abroad; But sure there might be a mean between the two opposite Extremes, and it may be wished that our Friendship with France should at least be so bounded, that it may consist with the [Page 42] Honour as well as with the Interest of England. There is no Woman but hath her Fears of contracting too great an Intimacie with a much greater Beauty, because it exposed her too often to a comparison that is not advantagious to her: and sure it may become a Prince to be as Jealous of his Digntty, as a Lady [...]an be of her good Looks; and be as much out of countenance to be thought an humble Companion to so much a greater power, to be alwayes seen in such an ill Light, to be so darkned by the brightness of a greater Star, is somewhat Mortifying. And when England might Ride Admiral at the Head of the Confede­rates, to look like an Kitchin Yaught to the Grand Lewis, is but a scur­vy Figure for us to make in the Mapp of Christendom; it would rise up­on our Trimmers stomach if ever (which God forbid) the power of Call­ing and Intermitting Parliaments here, should be transferred to the Crown of France, and that all the opportunities of our Settlements at Home, should give way to their Degsins and Projects Abroad; and that our Interest should be so far sacrificed to our humour, that all the Omnipotence of France, can never make us full amends for it. In the mean time, he shrinketh at the dismal Prospect he can by no means drive away from his thoughts, that when France hath gathered all the Fruit arising from our mistakes, and that we can bear no more, they they will cut down the Tree and throw it into the fire. All this while some Superfine Statesmen to comfort us, would fain perswade the world, that this or that Accident may save us, and all which is or ought to be dear to us, would have us rely meerly upon Chance, not considering that Fortune is Wisdoms [...]reature; and that God Almighty loveth to be on the wisest as well as on the strongest side: Therefore this is such a miserable shift, such a shameful Evasion, that they would be laughed to death for it, if the ruining consequence of this Mistake did not more dispole men to the Rage and detestation of it.

Our Trimmer is far from Idolatry in other things, and in one thing only he cometh somewhat near it, his Countrey is in some Degree his Idol! He doth not Worship the Sun, because it is not Peculiar to us, it ram [...]leth about the World, and is less kind to us then it is to other Countries; but for the [...]arth of England, tho perhaps inferiour to many places Abroad, to him there is Divinitie in it, and he had rather die then see a Spi [...]e of English grass trampled upon by a Forreign Grashopper. He think­eth that there are a great many of his Mind, for all Plants are not to taste of the soil in which they grow and we that grow, here have a root that produceth in us a stock of English juice, which is not to be changed [Page 43] by Grafting or Forreign In [...]usion, and I do not know whether any thing less will prevail then the Modern experiment, by which the Blood of one Creature is Transmitted into another; according to which, before the French Blood can be let into our Bodies, every drop of our own must be drawn out of them. Our Trimmer cannot but lament that, by a Sa­crifice too great for one Nation to make to another, we should live like a rich Mine made useless for want only of being wrought, and that the life and vigor which should move us against our Enemies is miser­ably applyed to tear our own Bowels. That being made by our happy situation not only safer, but if we please greater too, then Countries which far exceed us in Extent; that having Courage by Nature, Learn­ing by Indust [...]y, Riches by Trade, we should corrupt all those advan­tages, so as to make them insignificant, and by a fatality which seem­eth peculiar to us, misplace our active rage one against another, whilst we are turned into Statues on that side where lyeth our greatest dan­ger to be inconcerned, not only at our Neighbours Ruine but our own, and let our Island ly like a great bulk in the Sea, without Rudder or Sails, all the men cast away in her, or as if we were all Children Rocked a sleep to a Forreign Tune, I say when Our Trimmer repre­senteth to his Mind, our Roses blasted and discoloured, whilst the Lillies triumph and grow insolent upon the comparison; when he con­sidereth our once flowrishing Laurels now withered and dying, and nothing le [...]t us but the remembrance of a better part in History, then We shall make for the next Age, which will now be no more to Us than a Scutcheon hung up [...]n our doors when we are dead; when he foreseeth from hence growing, infam [...]e from abroad, confusion at home, and all this without the possibility of a cure, in respect of the voluntary Fetters, Good Men put upon themselves by their Allegiance, without a great measure of preventing Grace, He would be tempted to go out of the World like a Roman Philosopher, rather than endure the burden of Li [...]e under such a discouraging prospect. But mistakes as all other have their periods, and many times the way to cure is not to oppose them, but stay till they are crushed with their own weight: For Nature will not allow any thing to continue long that is Violent; Violence is a Wound, and a Wound must be cureable in a little time, or else it is mortal: But a Nation cometh near being Immortal, therefore the Wound will one time or another be cured, tho perhaps by such rough methods, if too long [...]oreborn, as may make even the best Remedies we can propose, to be at the same time a Melancholly Contemplation to us. There is but one [Page 44] thing ( GODS Providence excepted) to support a Man from sinking under these afflicting thoughts, and that is the hopes we draw singly from the King himself, without the mixture of any other Consideration. Tho' the Nation was lavish of their Kindness to him at his first coming, yet there remaineth still a stock of warmth in Mens Hearts for him, besides the good influences of his happy Planet are not yet all spent: And tho' the Stars of Men past their Youth are generally declining, and have less Force, like Eyes of decaying Beauties; Yet, by a ble [...]ing peculiar to himself, we may yet hope to be saved even by his Autumnal Fortune. He hath something about him that will draw down a healing Miracle for his and our Deliverance. A Prince that seemeth fitted for such an of­fending Age, in which Mens Crimes have been so generall, that the not foregiving his People had been destroying them? Whose Gentleness giveth him a Natural Dominion that hath no bounds, with such a Noble mixture of Greatness and Condescention, an engaging look that disarm­eth Men of their ill Humour, and their Resentments, something in him that wanteth a name, and can no more be defined than it can be resisted, a gift of Heaven of its last finishing, where it will be peculiarly kind! The only Prince in the World that dares be familiar, or that hath right to Triumph over those forms which were first invented to give aw to those that could not Judge, and to hid Defects from those that could: A Prince that hath exhausted himself by his Liberality, and endanger­ed himself by his Mercy, who only shineth by his own Light, and by his natural vertues excelleth all the varnish of studied Acquisitions; his faults are like shades to a good picture, or like Allay to Gold to make it more useful; he may have some, but for any man to see them through so many Reconciling vertues, is a Sacrilegious piece of ill nature, of which no generous mind can be guilty. A Prince that deserveth to be loved for his own sake, even without the helps of a Comparison, our love, our duty, and our danger, all join to cement our Obedience to him: In short whatever he can do, it is no more possible for us to be angry with him, than with the bank that secureth us from the raging Sea, the kind shade that hideth us from the scortching Sun, the welcome hand that reacheth us a Reprive, or with the Guardian Angel that rescueth our Soul from the devouring Jaws of wretched Eternity.


TO Conclude, Our Trimmer is so fully satisfied of the Truth of those Princi­ples by which he is directed in reference to the publick, that he will neither be Bauled, Threatned, Laughed, nor Drunk out of them; and instead of being Convicted by the Arguments of his Adversaries to their Opinion he is very much confirmed in his own by them. He professeth Solemnly that were it in his Power to choose, be rather have had his Ambition bounded by the Commandments of a Wise and Great Master, then let it Range with a Popular Licence, tho' Crowned with Success. Yet he cannot commit such a sin against the Glorious thing called Libertie, or let his Soul stoop so much below it self, as to be content without repining to have his reason intirely subdued, or the Priviledge of Acting like a sensible Creature torn from him by the Imperious Dictates of unlimited Authority, in what hands soever it happeneth to be placed. What is there in this, that is so Criminal as to deserve the penalty of that most singular Apothegm, ‘A Trimmer is worse than a Rebel?’ What do angry Men aile to rail so against Moderation? Doth it not look as if they were going to some Scurvie Extreme, that is too strong to be digest­ed by the more considering part of Mankind. These Arbitrary Methods, besides the unjustice of them are, GOD bethanked, very unskilful too, for they fright the Birds by talking so loud from coming into the net that is laid for them. When Men agree to riffle a house, they seldom give warning, or blow a Trumpet; but there are some small States Men who are so full charged with their own expectations, that they cannot contain; and kind Heaven by sending such a seasonable case upon their Understandings, hath made their Ignorance an Antidote against their Malice; some of these cannot treat peaceably, yeelding will not satisfie them, they will have Men by storm. There are others who must have plots to make their service necessary, and have an Interest to keep them alive since they are to live upon them; These Men would perswade the King to Retrench his own greatness, so as to shrink into the Head of a party, which is a betraying him into such an un-Princely mistake, and into such a wilful diminution of himself, that they are the last Enemies he ought to allow himself to forgive. Such Men, if they could, would prevail with the Sun to shine only upon them and their Friends, and to have all the rest of the World in the dark. This is a very unusual Monopoly, and may come within the Equity of the Law, which maketh it Treason to imprison the King, when such unfitting bounds are put to his Favour, and be confined to the narrow circle of a particular [Page 46] set of Men, that would enclose him. These Honest and only Loyal Gentlemen, if they may be allowed to bear witness for themselves, make a King their Engine, and degrade hi [...] into a property, at the ver [...] time that their Flattery would make him believe that they payed Divine Worship to him. Besides thes [...] there is a flying Squadron on both sides, that are afraid the World should agree, small D [...]blers in conjuring, that ra [...]se angrie Apparitions to keep Men from being reconciled; like Wasps they flie up and down, buz and sting to keep Men unquiet; But those Insects are commonly short lived Creatures, [...]nd no doubt in a little time Mankind will be rid of them: they were Gyants at least who on [...]e fought against H [...]aven, but for such Pigmees as these to contend against it, it is such a provoking Folly, that the insolent Buglers ought to be Laughed and Hissed out of the World for it. They should consider, there is a Soul in that great Body of the People, which may for a time be drowsie and unactive; but when the Leviathan is roused, it mov [...]th like an angry creature, and will neither be convinced nor resisted. The People can never a­gree to show their united power, till they are extremely tempted and provoked to it: So that to apply Cuping-glasses to a great Beast naturally disposed to sleep, and to force the same thing whether it will or no to be valiant, must be learned out of some other Book than Machiavel, who would never have prescribed such a prepo­sterous Method. It is to be remembred, that if Princes have Law and Authority on their side, the People on theirs may have Nature, which is a Formidable Ad­versaty. Duty, Justice, Religion, na [...] even Humane Prudence to [...] biddeth the people suffer every thing rather than resist: But corrupted Nature where ever it feel­eth a smart will run to the nearest Remedy. Mens passions are in this case to be con­sidered as much as their Dut [...], let it be never so strongly enforced; for if their pas­sions are provoked, they being as much a part of us as any of our Limbs, they lea [...] Men into a short way of Arguing that admitteth no Distinctions, and from the foun­dations of self defence: They will draw inferences that will have miserable effects upon the quiet of a Government. Our Trimmer therefore dreadeth a general dis­content, because he thinketh it differeth from a Rebellion, only as a sp [...]ted Fever doth from the Plague, the same species under a lower Degree of Malignity; It work­eth several wayes, sometimes like a slow poyson that hath its effects a great distance from the time that it is given, sometimes like dry flax prepared to catch at the first fire, or like seed in the ground ready to sprout upon the first shower, in every shape it is fatal. And our Trimmer thinketh no pains or caution can be too great to prevent it. In short, he thinketh himself in the Right, grounding his Opinions upon that Truth, which equally hateth to be under the oppression of wrangling Sophi­ [...]r [...] of one side, or the short Dictates of mistaken Authority on the other. Our Trimmer adoreth the Goddess Truth, tho in all Ages She hath been scurvily used, as well as those that worshipped her. It is of late become such a reigning Vertue, that Mankind seemeth to be agreed, to commend and avoid it, yet the want of [Page 47] practice which repealeth all other Laws, hath no influence upon the Law of Truth, because it hath a r [...]t in Heaven, and an intrinsick value in it self that can never be impared. She sheweth her greatness in this, that her Enemies even when they are succesful, are ashamed to own it. Nothing but powerful Truth hath the Preroga­tive of Triumphing not only [...]ver Victory, but in spite of it, and to put conquest it self out of countenance: she may be kept under and suppressed, but her Dignity still remaineth with her even when she is in chains. False-hood with all its impu­dence hath not enough to speak ill of her before her face; such Majesty she car­rieth about her, that her most prosperous Enemies are fain to whisper their Treason; All the power on Earth can never extinguish her, she hath lived in all Ages, and let the mistakes of prevailing Authority christen any opposition to it with what name they please, make it not only an ugly and unmannerly thing to profess it, she hath lived so still very retiredly indeed; nay, sometimes so buried, that only some few of the more discerning part of Mankind could have a glimpse of her: With all she hath Eternity in her, she knoweth not how to die, and from the darkest clouds that can shade or cover her, she breaket out from time to time with triumph for her Friends, and terror to her Enemies. Our Trimmer therefore inspired by this Divine Vertue, thinketh fit to conclude with these Assertions, That our Clymat is a Trimmer between that part of the World where Men are roasted, and the other where they are frozen: That our Church is a Trimmer between the phrenzie of Phanatick Visions, and the Lethargick ignorance of Po­pish dreams. That Our Laws are Trimmers between the Excesses of unbounded power, and the Extravagance of Liberty not enough restrained. That true Vertue hath ever been thought a Trimmer, and to have its dwelling in the midle between the two Extremes; That even GOD Almighty Himself is divided between his two great Attributes, His Mercy, and His Justice.

In such Company Our Trimmer is not ashamed of his name, and wil­ingly leaveth to the bold Champions of either Extremes, the Honour of contending with no less Adversaries than NATURE, RELIGION, LIBERTY, PRUDENCE, HUMANITY, and Common-Sense.


INTELLIGENT READER, If this be pleasant to thy Taste, Ex­pect two such Dishes from the said Author; viz. REASONS against Repealling the Acts of Parliament concerning the TEST. The other, A Letter to a Dissenter, &c.

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