SCOTLAND Pulling down the Gates of Rome: OR, CHRIST against ANTICHRIST.

THE Lambs Friends against the Dragons Followers.

CONTAINING First, Christs Herauld proclaiming his second coming, in Allarum to most Kingdoms of Europe, from the late presaging Comet which appeared, December, 1680. and January 1681. and now in August. 82.

With the Judgment of the Learned in the like preceding cases; as the Pious and Literate Beza upon that Star 1572. and 73. Widekind and Synop. Bohem. yea, Reverend Knox.

SECONDLY, The Popish Confessions and Catechisms, lately dispersed, and their Damnable Principles examined, promoting a League with Popery, to the ruine of Protestancy and Protestants, teaching impli­citely to Kill, Murder, and destroy, cut the Throats of Thousands.

LONDON: Printed for Joseph Roberts, at the Sign of the Bible in Fleet-lane. 1683.


WHereas the Authors former Labour have found such favourable acceptances, but much more singular success, by the signal presence of God in the Hearts, of the Serious and Judi­cious: These are to give Notice, that (the Lord permitting) they may also have the Expository in the same Method, with Digressions, all suitable and seasonable for the time, upon the Thirty nine Chapters of Ezekiel.

To the Right Honourable ARTHUR, Lord Baron Mount Norris, Newport Pannel, Earl of Anglesey, &c.

My Very Noble Lord,

THough Truth exposeth it self (with its naked Breast, and thereby make its owners Victors) over Trucu­lent Papists!—Yet

May it please your Lordship, With Famous Constantine, to cast your Purple Robe, in your Noble Patrociny over these Scriptural Apologies, in order to the more happy preventing of a dreadful Sacrifice, first of Protestanism, next of Protestants, by a bloody Papists and his Associates, a God-daring and Heaven provoking ge­neration, turning the whole fabrick of the Word of God in­to a Nose of Wax, and render the most serious pretences of a specifick Love-union, to offer their damnable Problems in to the world, whom David describes, speak with a heart and a heart. What is mine here, I must acknowlegde, my Lord, is not worthy of such Illustrious Patronage, but the Truth it self begs your Patrociny, which ever I have heard, and in part do know, doth lodge in your Noble Family, who always have been for Peace, Champions, for Religion, Ornaments, for the Truth, Patriots. Whatever may be the various Sen­timents [Page 4]of mens minds amongst the very judicious, in re­ference to the Integrals and Circumstantials of Godliness: yet as it is reported of that heroick Spirit of Boleslaus, the most materials of his Ancestors, he caused to be kept in re­cord, and affixt them as obvious to his eye within his room. Yea, the remarkable passages and Vertues of that Famous Em­perour, Marcus Aurelius, are combined in your Lordships Breast. Nothing I desire to know, but what Vice and Vertue is, and that I may serve the Immortal God aright; since so much trouble in Life, and pain in Death. I won­der how Rational men, can hound a Phaenomenon to catch a Flie; for my part, I have not only built a Throne to my Son, but a Temple to my God. Thus he writes to his Son Commodus and Panutius his Secretary.

My Noble Lord, The transcendent Properties in your Lordships serenity of Mind, dexterity of Judgment, doth far surpass my Minerva, which that ancient Philosopher Bius speaketh of a Noble person, is here verified, comparing him to a Torch shining upon a Mountain. The luster and radiations of the Sun beam undervalueth the light of a Candle; yea, Aquila non captat muscus. Yet those of a lower Orbe, My Lord, through the help of such a Lanthorn may travail on their journey, and pass through the Thieves of Jericho. Those bloody Jesuits trampling upon Gods Heritage, penning their Panegerick Theams with the blood of Gods Innocents; beating their paradoxical brains, in dipping their quils in the Blood of Monarchs. Now that the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ may land your Lord­ship with top and top gallant, a full assurance, and plero­chie of Faith in Emmanuel's Land, where the Anchor is laid upon the blood of Jesus within the vail, shall be the Prayer of,

Your Lordships Ever obliged and Humble Servant in precious Christ, WILLIAM HOƲSCHONE.

To the Church Ʋniversal throughout the World, that comely Bride, entirely beloved Spouse of Jesus Christ. From your Head and Husband, King of Kings, Lord of Lords, Jesus Christ.

BAbylons Fire never burnt out; the Dragons flood never cool'd true love to Jesus; he has been court­ing and contracting those near seventeen hundred years, read the Pose of his Ring, Baldazar to Beza so writes. I love none but thee alone. O for Faith, and love to love again. We wear his Contract Ribbons, the sweet Cross of Christ, fresh and green, you are flourishing in all sea­sons, return to your Bridegroom fraight­ed with the influences of Heaven, Aurel. to Panut. what trouble in life, what pain in death, says a Moralist, paint­ing out Immortality as a transparent firmament, yet death to you noble Daughters is sugared from top to bottom, with most pleasant and sweet Ingredients; so that all Hells Engines can pierce no farther than my skin, says one (Marlorat.) Here are not Cains, Stone-walls, over which death did scale, to wrap up the wicked in a Cabinet and Covert of their own sins. Their Grave stinks, Hell, Death, and Judgment, are engraven upon the Tomb; pounds of Judgment, ounces of Wrath, the hot scalding of Eternal Vengeance dropping down their Throat, lumps of hell shut and thrust into them, measured out from Gods own hand, but O noble Queen, Psal. 75. be not dismaid, your Husband has wrath in his hands, but love in his heart. Lets sit in the Chair of Humility and dung­hill of self-denyal; Doves of the valley mourning for their own sin. Your Marriage in the Clouds shall short­ly [Page 6]be solemnized, Regner Praeden of Groningaine. saith one, your Corn shall not shake, your Breard shall not wither; thy due shall be as the due of herbs, Isai. 34.19. Your Hus­bands Harbinger proclaims a harvest, a joyful harvest though sorrowful Seed-time. Take a right look of the wheel of Providence, Ezek. 1.15. Zions whelfare he has on the wheels. A Pagan by the eye of sense could read, Pharoah Hophras downfal, why! as Gods peoples Cup was then full of tears, so the enemies cup lackt nothing, the wheelings and turnings of time, Sesostris and another King, drawing the King of Egypts Cha­riot. was a Looking glass to a Pagan, from the ve­ry motion of a Chariot; one part mounts, to the skie, another presently in the dirt. The Mountains of iniquity are great, yet Free-grace is greater; though we have broken our side of the Contract, yet God has not broken his. The great Commissioner of Heaven and earth, is going to hold his Parliament, 1 Pet. last Chapter. To be his Livery-men, saith one Me­lanchton; for since the Devil's Badge is a common Appa­rel, hang out your flag of defiance; Devil do your worst? This is the second Summons Christ is to hold, a Court of blood-weds against Antichrist; he will plead with all the Lambs of the beast, Arise ye dead and come to judgment, did sound dreadfully in Hieronimies ears before his death, what dreadful Lethargie? what dead sleep has arrested the Senses? Kutherfords Trial of Faith. Brown in Life of Faith. seized upon the Soul of Men and Women; as if God had Commissi­onated the Devil to prevail, either by a providential Commission, to the spirit of Errour, or by a Judicial hardning; the spring and poise of hearts, is broke into nine pieces: No wonder men do not fear to hurt Conscience; which shortly upon themselves shall hold a seize, and pass sentences. When ye have a eye to the Cross, look to the Crown; feart Passengers known not whether they go, till within half an hour, failing to Em­manuels [Page 7]Land, a hour of his presence counterballances a thousand Crosses, saith a Nobleman to the Papists, Mar­quis Galeasius de vito; their Gold perish with themselves, who bring Gold in such competition: O narrow necked Heart, that drinks by drops the Wine of Heaven, out of such an Ocean: O for a thousand hearts to Christ: Key­cold heart, match with the heart burning love of Christ; pledge him with the cup of thanks, he has a magnetick vertue, touches as an Adamant, and draws the heart with a blink of his face. No wonder when men as a Gold-ring fell off the singer of God; so high in count was Man, Angels could not, nor would not lend a hand to help Christ stopt, and set him on the middle finger of God. This is everlasting love, comely Bride, thanks is all the Rent he seeks for, all your enjoyments, and ye shall have a Leace of his love! O follow the pursuit of Christ, though the Scent be cold, yet he is to be found my Soul, saith King David, follow after God; fading vanities doth now allure our senses, the prime of our youth is sacrificed to the Devil! and a heap of Bones ne offer to God: in Youth we are altogether for pleasure, in Manhood for Credit, in Age for Riches, where will the Heart center? will another world like unto this please Alexander, yet shall it be but a empty nothing, hell and earth in one bel­ly shall not do, who have taken Mammon to be their God, those who have breathed out their life, spent their strength in catching of flies, hownding of vanities. God has snatcht them away before they got half a mouthful of their plea­sure! will the height of Morality, unparalleld Vertues, center Heroick Spirits: nay, Marcus Aurel. to Caecil Prince. a Heathen shall resolve the doubt, Their Vertues shall be turned to Vices, who are ignorant of the Gods. Nay further, and that elegantly, as if the Gospel were peeping out of a Pagans bosome; those who to build a new Palace, pulls down an old Temple, the whole fabrick [Page 8]of that foundation shall ruine the Master-builder. Here men work their own ruine with their own hands; when in mens thoughts they have carved and cutted all most cu­riously, looking undoubtedly to answer their expectati­on, Providence fetches them in by the shoulder, to oyl the wheel of Providence, and this they shall not know. Hamans Cruelty, and Judas Covetuousness, shall answer Gods purpose, but never their intentions. But herein is peace, making the Believer sing the Swans Song: the Ca­nopy of Gods presence, that bright cloud that hung over his Disciples, as a screen shall be drawn over them. Yea, Christ upon the Mount treating them. Bless him for the Scarlet, since ye look for the white Robes: what! though Christs Church waan, look for a waxing. Your Lord is shaking the Tree of life above you, let Antichrist shake his Sword. Fear nothing but deadly sin, the sins of the Saints are often so deep a die, makes their faces red with shame, yet come and welcome with the Lamb of God in our arms. Though the Devils sparks light upon me, yet shall they never burn me. Let me be ground with the teeth of wild beasts, saith one, so be it, I be pure bread for God; and after the celebration of the Sacrament, I eat Christ yesterday, he is eating to me, delightful in me. In­fluences of Heaven are not under Lock and Key; be open hearted, for Christ is open handed. O Daughter, make your Charter rights sure, get a Pass for Heaven. The hand writing of Christ upon the Soul. Cyprian Epist. 97. Ignatius. To whom shall I resemble your Lord, a Tree in the Canory Island, Emblem of your Tree of life; the In­habitants receive no Rain, but from the branches and leaves of the Tree, as the Rose-sol is, the more it drops the more it flows. The spirit as the Mother grace, working with the habit, in the renewed faculty, it brings not forth a Bastard but a full begotten Child of Grace, concuring into every gracious act, though not to the substance of it, [...] [Page 9]yet to the mode of it; though often the difference is not Patent, as the finger playing upon the harp; the spirit bends all the strings of the Soul; the habit is the art tuning the faculty, this is pleasant. Musick to Christ, not by lend­ing their natural powers, those men wrapt up themselves in blankets of ignorance, Thom. P. 9. 9. 3. c. foolishly dream­ing to spin righteousness out of their own bosome. O Believers, interpose your credit at the Throne, that Christ, that blessed Bridegroom, may be reconciled to his Bride again. O the prevalency of Prayer with God; the Primitive Christians had the Heavens at their command, in the time of a great drought seizing up­on the Emperours Army: he proclaims a Fast, every man to his God; they prayed so hard, Marcus Aurel. that a showre ran down upon their own Camp, and Hail-stones upon their Enemies. Noble Queen, your Saints shall sing when the world shall mourn. Our morn­ing and afrernoon is gone, our evening cannot be long: our life is but a day; the Saints says come, the Bride says come, Minister says come, the last of Rev. the world says be gone, too good for the wicked, therefore made God, Hell too bad for the righteous, therefore Christ took, com­prizement upon Heaven. O wicked men give your ear one quarter of an hour to the windows of Hell, to hear the Bells of Hell ring, and Trumpets of Heaven sound: yea, the the Hellish Spirits would exclaim, blessed is the ground the righteous goes on; when Mountains will be clad with Bones, and Rivers run with Blood, the gar­ment of Christ shall be spread over the Believer, Ezek. 39.

Christ against Antichrist: Or, a Reply to the League-Makers betwixt Protestan­cy and Popery, lately come abroad into the world, attempted of old by Cassander, Bartholomeus, Nervus, Seravius, Modestus, renewed by John­stons Rejoynder, and now clad with thread-bare Arguments. Theophil. saith of Rome, Behold here how cheap the Devil buys Souls. No Peace with Rome.

WE grant Maximilian and Ferdinand, set the fore­mentioned at work, in order to peace; that the one, viz. Papist, might remit his pride, the other his pee­vishness; but the Chief Landlord of Souls and Conscien­ces, teaches us to set asunder Worships of divers natures, as mingled seed, as not only dangerous, but damnable; and however some have beaten their brains to hammer out peace, yet could not, yea in Conscience, but make the breach more wider; such Labyrinths having no end, such sinks of Errour having no foundation. No pen can reach, nor brain expiate throughout those Cells of wick­edness, from which Arminianism, Free-willers, Socinians, and what not, have had their birth. Yea, there have been cridled; into which they return as into the vast Ocean. However our League-makers are dipping their pens in the gall of bitterness, yet shall it avail nothing, but verifie that Distichion, and accomplish the pouring out of the last Vial, upon all the Limbs of the Beast,

Aut mens vulcanum aut forceps indoila fefellit,
Eir ennen voluit, cudere cudit erin.

Proposition, A foundation of Religion is over-turned two ways, either flat terms, or by consequence. Popery and Arminianism comes in the last way, proclaims, be­lieves all the Articles of Faith, yet denies the meaning of each Article; razing not only the Integral, and acciden­tals, but the true meaning of the word as the Basis. As 1. The various senses of the word, says our Pamphleteer, doth not unhinge material Articles, nor on them do we build any Fundamental Truth; why then do the Papists, as the Scripture, could or would impower them, bend their wit to draw the Popes Temporal Sword out of Peters Scabbard, and to fish for his Vicaredge with Peters nets, taking the help of the Limbeck of the Jesuites, making the right of Church and State lye under the Popes girdle, unhing­ing the very Fundamental Article of Justification, scorn­ing to cloath themselves with a coat of Christs Righteous­ness; yea, scarce Aristotles Morality, but kill, murder, and destroy such truculent practices are mercenary duties, no Truce, no League, no Covenant, keep either to God or Man. In reference to Protestants, witness their own Patriots, Vasquez Alvarez, but read farther, Sphanhemins Contract of Chamier, Lombard Senten. If we shall view the Monuments of Cruelty, the Heads, Hands, and Bloo­dy Spirits, wherever they get power, doth call alowd.

Proposition, We allow thee will no strength to any Spi­ritual good, till revived by preventing Grace, the League­makers mitigates thus. The Papists and Protestants both compare a Man, after the fall to a Prisoner; the Papist says he's only bound, the Protestants say, he is not onely bound but dead also; both attribute the power of coming out to God; what danger in either Opinion. Answer, If the Physitian give me a Plaister, and leaves me to apply it to my wound, if I will, I impute the cause of my deliverance to my self, and yet there is much betwixt a dead man and a sick man; her errours are wrought like [Page 12]Serpents eggs,; for if she taught not Concupiscence, the inmost garment of the Soul; the first it puts on, the last it puts off, were no sin, she could not affirm any man could perform the Law; and if she laid not with another hand, the sandy foundation of Free-will she could not deceive us, they filthy rags of thy unrighteousness. 3. She plun­ges her self again in the pit seeing a cure, not following the star of the Scripture; the Papists say, Inherent Righ­teousness, the Protestant Imputed Righteousness; the Pa­pists mean Grace, Charity, &c. at most Evangelical works, or duties, habitual Righteousnes or good works, actual Righteousness, not so formally but our deservings; the L. M. reconciles thus: both grant its the Blood of Christ that delivers what are we concerned whether another pay the debt, as the Protestant, or we our selves as the Papists say? But the debt of Justice is not payed, till it come out of the hand of Christ; the Cautioner the principal must not compare; yea, we differ upon the matter, for its nothing but their bits of duties, at the most, which they would soader with Christs Righteousness, which avail nothing out of their own place. I know they make a tergiversation, and tells us, Opera tinct a sanguine Christi. What is this to half the Righteousness of Christ, as Bradwardane says. Half to man, the other half to God, or flatly deny Imputed Righteousness, as some black-mouthed fellows lately do even among Protestants, scorning at acquaintance with God. 5. We come to the instrument applying the wound. The Papists grant to Faith a share, but include works in the same Category. The League-makers speak very plausibly, both agree its by the blood of Christ we are saved; the odds is only in the branches whereby we hold: the Protestants lays hold of a sure one, Faith in Christ, the Papist of both Faith and Works; now this cuts the sinews of Faith, altogether looking upon it as a meritori­ous work; or at the best, an Evangelical Duty, altogether [Page 13]mercenary, but we have a eye to it, as a condition, or hand touching the Alms, not binding God to our Merits; its nothing but free love, far surpassing the Fathers love to a Child: Gods Free grace so abounding, that the Justice of God cannot be known; so Salvian, a famous Presbiter in Messalania. Justificat fides sola sed non solitaria. Our Antagonist takes ad­vantage most bitterly to determine most sad conclusions generally upon all Prote­stants, by reason of their promiscuous conceptions of the applicatory nature of Faith. If there be any offence ta­ken, there is none given; we call it our selves, say they, Instrumental cause, which always has one Physical influx upon the effect, for to tearm it a passive instrument, there is no such thing can have being in nature; and if you will grant the name of a condition, formally so taken, making Faith and Repentance concomitaneous and coaetaneous, those radical Graces being all sown at once, though some of them peep above the ground before another. All Or­thodox Writers agree, whom God justifies, them he sancti­fies; so runs the Golden Chain of Election, Rom. 8.13. So that Spiritual Sanctification, as the Antinomiah dream, only believer, live loose if thou wilt, only be in Christ, sin if thou canst, are the fiery balls of Antichrist; what if we shall grant all demanded, this doth not infer any co­efficiency in or with works. If in the least we shall put them in the ballance of the Sanctuary, and give them that fair but false name, works of Supererrogation, what rela­tion there may be betwixt our works and our Salvation, (what influence they have thereunto be determined, shall af­ter and through grace be determined.) Some grant the same relation to illustrate it, betwixt the mean and the end; the Scripture points forth, as ye sow ye shall reap; because one of these Doctors doth in express words so much con­fess, (though maintaining Faith directly, and formally re­solves it self in the Church) That the works of a Rege­nerate [Page 14]man, upon which the main state of the controver­sie depends, are of themselves worthy, and God will re­talliate and pay all such; but postpones such a common action of Eternal Life to the Divine promise; and there­fore, say they, God is not bound to recompence such, if we look upon his Attributes distinct from his Covenant: yea, also abstract from it, Puteanus Summa Theologiae. Quest. 115. Artic. 1. Drob. 5.

In vain therefore do the Papists raise dust, proclaiming to the world notorious lies, which are there refuge, as if it were our Principle, not to approve and encourage the works of the faithful; we grant and approve of a blessed harmony, betwixt Faith and Works; yea Works and E­ternal Life. Yet no casual relation, but a relation of or­ders, such respect as Mean has to an End. This in a sober sense, not in a captious; nay, as instance, I have fought a good fight of Faith, henceforth is laid for me a Crown of life; the fight is needful to obtain the victory, the victo­ry, in order to obtain the Crown. Nor can we say, the conflict of it self produces the Victory, the Crown ac­cording to promise is freely given.

What madness would it be in any Rational man to im­pute the cause of a lights entrance to a chamber, to reck­on (I say) to the demission, letting down, or pulling up of the broads, and yet the world knows, letting down of the broads is, Conditio sine qua non. That the light of Life, the light of Grace, and last the life of Glory may enter in; those broads of darkness, Atheism, Ignorance, Formality, must all be pulled up: and this is the sound Doctrine amongst all Orthodox Divines. Yea, Ludovicus le Blanc de Justitia. amongst rational men and Christi­ans, where the name Protestant has not been used, without holiness we shall never see Gods face in mercy.

Concessions we grant farther, though God doth highly approve of the works of the Regenerate, yet we are not to understand them, as if God of themselves did so im­power them properly to effectuate Eternal Salvation; yet herein can we, nor shall we not, robe those noble actions in the sight of God, of their just value, and pro­per operation, proportionable to their sphere, being as means natively tending to their end, which is Eternal life and Salvation, consequently following upon Gods ap­pointment, and his gracious promise. So very solidly do the Doctors of the Reformed Churches speak the truth in calm terms, denying denominatively good works to be the proper cause, in a strict sense, of our Salvation; why, because they of themselves do not immediately reach the effect, Gods gracious promise mediating betwixt; yet in a more larger, though improper sense, with all our Soul and heart do frame this concession if it would make a refor­med Catholick; honour them with the name of causes efficient of our Salvation; but thus, nay as an efficient cause, in general is described, by all the Philosophers; and so morally has a name thus, that in general to be an effi­cient cause, whatsoever, in what ever way, has an operati­on and concourse into one effect. Davenant 39. all we deny, and from that the word of God, a meritorious effi­ciency, or properly so taken, against us is excepted; what can be more clear from the Word of God, that Eternal life is the reward of good works. But Reader know, to such a reward for which we now dispute, there must be those two ingredients absolutely. 1. That there be a proportion of equality betwixt the labour and the reward, and that by the exact law of Equity it be so distributed, so all our works shall be thrown over the bench-bar of Heaven.

And further, we adde this one concession, if it can avail, though there may not be a proportion of Equality, or poize [Page 16]or valour, yet as one tearms it, a proportion of conveni­ence, such as is betwixt the seed and the fruit, the sower and the reaper, &c. Amongst things of the same order, flowing from the same principle, having some connexion among themselves; Grace is glory begun, Heaven upon earth. A famous man explains it further thus, that word (according) holds out all and every relation amongst two things, betwixt the good works of just men and eternal life; good works being a certain moral good, life eternal, a physical good, and so both agree, though they be not of the same kind; and so worth and dignity admits of a twofold sense, one consisting in a relation of justice, as the workman is worthy of his wages; another consisting in a certain convenience of nature, facite fructus peniten­tos dignos.

Proposition, It's not only our, but the worlds wonder, what hath infatuated the great persons of the earth with this man of this sin, whose life and fortune he still projects, considering what singular advantages doth accrue to their own interest, in trampling upon the man of sin; how does he clip the feathers of honour, yea dethrones the greatest of Princes, Platina, Sabellicus, Krantz, l. 5. cap. 7. the Senate of Cardinals did not scru­ple to invest themselves with the power to choose and re­fuse Emperours at their pleasure, as plainly appears by Hil­debrand Electing of Ralfe, displacing of Henry, under which that horrible Idolatry of worshipping and carrying about of Bread came into the Church, kneeling to the Bread god. Henry stoutly, as became a Magistrate, re­sisted, and ramcountred them with the point of the Sword of Justice. Though for a long time he submitted too much, but perceiving how the pulse of the Senate, like to the Treachery of that Prelate Thurstan, betraying Gos­pel, King, and Countrey, to the Popes hands, he must needs now declaim himself an open enemy to all such pe­stiferous [Page 17]persons, for which there is nothing but fire and fagot, grievous Wars against him, Excommunicating, De­posing, displacing, choosed a new Emperour, to whom he sent a Crown of Gold, with this Motto,

Petra dedit Petrus, Diadema Rodulpho.

What Tumults, Combustions, Devastations of Churches and States, have they been actors of? what dreadful villa­ny, under the colour of honesty, have they learned of the Devil, as one reporteth; how Satan prescribed some rules to the Papists for the better defence, when questioned up­on the meaning of [...], Anselme. Hermolaus. Barba­rin.

Proposition, Our Pamphleteer leads us now to salute this Brother a miscreant creature, an Arminian Heresie, to over-turn Gods Eternal Blessedness, Will, Wisdom, Provi­dence, and consequently his whole Essence; it shall not suffice them to write their Panegyrick Theams in beating of their paradoxical brains, dipping their quills in the blood of Gods Innocents, as their old Mother Babel at­tempted to pull God out of Heaven: we must render all the habits of Grace, and the Spirit of God superfluous; Advance the Throne of Free-will, into the Throne of Free grace; cut the Throat of Souls and Life. If God was avenged for the blood of Jezabel, much more for the blood of Abel; and this is all their colour of honesty, and picture of lawfulness; they are, say they, only useful dis­positively, and by no co-efficience, the efficient being help­ed by the habit, in taking away the impediment; yea in­creasing the vertue of the agent, though not as a natural quality, yet doth the habit influence into the very act which the natural power do choose; but best of all, with good ground we deny all active concurrence in natural abi­lities to the generating grace in the heart, at the first infu­sion of grace into the Soul, Durand. and this Pamph. only a passive capacity, for in this neither the [Page 18]holy Ghost, works like a natural Agent, nor man as a moral Agent, in the production of material forms, brought out of the power of the matter, resulting from the inhe­rent qualities of the Subject diversly compounded, and ripened by one external Agent, as those Agents working in the generation of second qualities, arising out of the different mixture of the first, both which, the qualities, the qualities of the subject, concurs with the outward A­gent, in producing the effect. But this is all the infusion of the Soul into the body, into whose conception and creation it confers nothing; so that the whole pack of Moral Vertues, so Christionized, cannot kindle a spark of this heavenly fire; though they would make us be­lieve, that a saving interest were nothing, but a dogmati­cal assent of the will: for say they, we place Faith in two distinct faculties, to flow from two divers principles; but these are not distinct faculties who have dictinct acti­ons: the Understanding essentially including the Will: And if the Memory be not a distinct faculty, because the mind sufficeth, no more are the Will and Understanding. Their object being on the truth and goodness of the same thing: Christ and his Bible being as essentially good as true! in order to the practical use of those former debates spirits, being hot and toiled, travelling throughout floods of errour. Let's solace our Souls in the contemplation, yea application of those fundamental Truths, called in que­stion by Spirits, who know not whither to rest; posting throughout Hell and Earth; and this we shall do, in deny­ing of some inferences, and then consider the Controversie, absolutely and resolutely, before ever a Papist had a be­ing.

Inference first, what sad distemper attend, yea, possess, the spirits of those men, fluctuating betwixt wind and wave, airt about as the weather cock goes; travail hell over to purchase a Proselite, and make him seven times a [Page 19]child of the Devil, than one of themselves. How does Sa­tan sute the tentation to their necessity; yea, every way qualified to their inclination, what ever may be his search, scrutiny, yea knowledge experimental and revealed. Yea, further (revealed) from God, as a Judge to some; yet still doth God challenge the first room in the Soul, he having that only Prerogative to know the Heart by external Sym­ptomes. The Devil strangely reads the mind of Man, and knows best whether, when, and how to sow his seed: one a stranger to the work of Mortification, another grapling after this ship wrack of the world, looses the life in pur­chasing the means of life; another of one unestablished spirit, when natural parts and gifts possibly swell, yet em­pty of the grace of God, the Devil sits down upon the mans lips, orders his pen, frames his tongue, and almost weapons against the God of Heaven, yea otherwise sink him upon the sand-bed of presumption, or chatter him upon the rock of despair. Luther one day spreading his case before God, in recapitulating his Trespasses, Satan threw into his Chamber a paper, containing dreadful ag­gravations, to which he shortly replyed, I will honour thee for the fire, who came from him, who would adjudge me into eternal torments by dreadful forgeries. If God shall sugar our cup amongst many bitter Ingredients, the ene­my shall be sure to drop some poyson.

Inference, O let principle and practice go hand in hand, the pride of some, the peevishness of others, cannot let some recover, when engaged in a sad practice; I am sure their master did never show such pattern; Christianily doth Augustine say, Errare possim, haereticus esse nolo.

Inference the third, To tamper in the matters of God, how dangerous is it? but to dispute the Fundamentals of Godliness, how near damnable is it? either of two he must speak, the Language of Ashdod, or the Language of Canaan. There is not a third half way to Rome, shall not [Page 20]serve our turn, though hundreds huddle themselves under the notion of Protestants, yet by practice declare them­selves Protestant-Atheists, or Protestant-Papists, putting to their hands to give Gods Ark a wrong touch, Tem­ple ruines, calls for Temple vengeance. Yea also acute wits, intoxicating their brains into crabbed and ticklesome subjects, have their spirits hell hot, drive on most furiously, which did sadly puzzle a profound pate, in too much daubing, which otherwise might have produced to the world a notable wit, as Vorstius. But we come closely home, have not we sufficient warrant to take our Fathers Silver Trumpets and sound to Europe, no peace with Rome, where to the satisfaction of all rational men, without the least breach of Charity, I shall illustrate and confirm that Position in serious sadness, a Papist qua Papist, so living, so dying, cannot be saved; and this is satisfactory from Reason and Religion, if the Lord permit the basest of them, if a zealous Papist entering the Chair of God, by a miscreant Priest, to deifie a man, in robbing God of his Prerogative, in pardoning or punishing,

Quod non regina perunca donat.

We are somewhat sensible, that multiplicity of Argu­ments, pungently applying exhortations, cannot pre­vail with a deluded Soul, the one perhaps may have weight with a prophane person; we therefore address our selves to Gods Tribunal, for the farther confirmation of all who love the truth. In the name of the Son of God, we arrest Souls under the wrath of an Eternal God, who from self-respect, self-honour, or worldly profit, shall bring the truth of Christ in composition (with a penny) of the world, the basest of all his slaves; to which perhaps the limbs of the least may probably entice; be it known, the hinge of the Controversie depends now upon Salvation and Damnati­on, from which men scarcely shall retreat when engaged with this Romish Fouler, and bloody Edom. Cruel as [Page 21] Esau, his Apparel dyed with the blood of Saints: Alas! too much proof for it, so long as men hope to be gainers by Christ, so long they will follow joyfully, as if the truths of God were not momentous, they turn Religion into a drudge. Christ could not be rid of sensual Belly-gods, so long as he fed them with loaves, Joh 6.25. pro­fit and preferment will make a man hear diligently, pro­fess openly, preach painfully, till preferments choak both Preachers and Professors; what doth this speak they are all, but sublunary Soul? villifying a celestial interest, all men seek their own, Vix queritque Jesus propter Jesum, and as the Proverb, do not diligere Christum in Augustino, its only Christ for Augustines sake, love to the Benefice, Preachers and Professors labour, but the spring of life says, I love Augustine because of Christs Image, which love scruples not upon difficulties in prosperity and adversity. Though most professors now, would have two Summers in one year, Heaven here, and Heaven hereafter; Yet Christ who had a right to Heaven, by both Blood and Birth, could not have it without Blood and Blows, its not got with­out stroke of Sword, saith one speaking of affliction; yet in all this the way of Free-grace is nothing ragged, Christ himself straws to glory, as with pleasant flowers, it is but a bed of Roses to the Believer. Inference the fifth, and that for direction as a general rule, all the Scripture is not delivered in Aphorisms, or Canons, which occasion stum­bling of many ignorant Souls, when Satan, with some shadow of the word of God, drives home a tentation, takes hold of them presently, as instance that of Extream Unction, Pennance, Purgatory, all the Fopperies of Rome for our safeguard here, take this one argument for all; why would we not sacrifice our first-born with Abraham, but no farther, this being sufficient. Now in one word, to exhaust all the reason of a Souls declining from the way of God, deficiency in holiness, truth and holiness be­ing [Page 22]inseparable, and reciprocally, which produces so ma­ny Sects; the want of this, persons without the habit of Faith, are Christless persons, duties without the exercise of Faith, are duties out of Christ; what wonder then Souls can never steam Heaven wards, but blind reason, de­luded fancy, enthusiastical injection is their Pilot.

Reader, travail one hour to the Sanctuary, and to the ballance thereof.

  • 1. Thy Principle, whether from Hea­ven or from Earth.
  • 2. Thy Practice.
  • 3. Thy Professi­on.
  • 4. Thy Graces, Faith and Patience of the Saints.
  • 5. Thy Conversion in the work of Conviction and Com­punction.
  • 6. Thy decay in Grace, My soul melteth a­way with heaviness, Psal. 119.
  • 7. Thy experiences and manifestations of Divine Love, time, year, day, month, upon the Sabbath-morning,

to record every week all the passages of Gods Providence, but much more the enjoy­ments of his own person, all which God will try, Amos 9.9. Behold I will command, and I will sift the house of Israel, like as corn is sifted in a seive, yet shall not a grain fall to the ground.

Inference, read that of 1 John 5.1. Beloved try the spi­rit, whether they be of God or no, put Preacher and Preaching to proof, a Crape profession will not do; their Leaders caused them to erre, and those that were lead of them are fallen into destruction; when Satan glides into Pulpits, and sow his fair coloured seed of Free-will, uni­versal redemption, universal grace, objective and subje­ctive; he sets the Soul upon the very threshold of Heaven, but never further; how with specious pretences, promising peace, and nothing but war, safety and nothing but ship-wrackt; Salvation, and nothing but Damnation, which that very Learned man, being the Chariot-driver of this League now intended, could never effectuate; read his own words.

George Cassander his Legacie, being himself orde­red by the Emperour to compose the Quarrels of the Church. Consultation, p. 57.

YEt I cannot deny, but in the beginning that many out of a godly zeal and care, were driven into a sharp and severe reproof, of certain manifest abuses, and the principal cause of this calamity of the Church, is to be laid upon these, who being puft up with a vain insolent conceit of their Ecclesiastical pow­er, proudly and scornfully rejected them, who modestly admonish them for their Reformation. Wherefore my o­pinion is, That the Church can never hope for any firm peace, unless the beginning, which have been the cause of the distraction; that is, unless those which are in place of Ecclesiastical Government, to remit something of these too much rigour, and yield somewhat to the peace of the Church; but above all, to hearken to the Prayers and Ad­monitions of godly men, and to correct manifest abuses, according to the rule of Divine Scriptures, yea of the An­tient Church, from which our Cardinals, Prelates in Do­ctrine and Discipline, have swerved. This we present to your Majesty, begging without partiality, that ye would sift the Clergy-men, those Asses who ride with Golden Bri­dles, when Princes walk on foot; from which we infer, what peace, when they have razed the Fundamentals, can we expect: for says another, Bishops, to the end that they might get Proselites, the Pagans permitted them to inter­mingle many of their Superstitions with Christianity, Clowis 1 Chri­stian King sent a Crown of Gold to B. Hormisda, 513. content that they should change the name of those false Deities, into the blessed Martyrs; its ever proper to Errour to retain what has affinity with it self; and forasmuch as [Page 24]that pagan people had extream veneration for their Pre­lates, the same way did it tickle Apostatizing Ministers. Nay, we may take a further reflection, look Tertullian in his Chapt. 7. for Christians, Tell me where is your Re­ligion, where is that reverence due by you to your Fa­thers, into whom ye are become exceeding unlike; in your Habit, in your course of life, in your Manners, in your Opinions, and finally in your Language. Ye still applaud Antiquity, and yet engross Novelty, as much as ye can deviate from the laudable institutions of our Ance­stors, ye retain that which is of no value, stopping the Channels of life, and streams of Salvation; stopping the Ministers of Christ, in discharge of their Message; the Devil has sitten down upon that mans lips, who would shut his Brothers. But let us view that pious and judici­ous practice of the Bishop of Lincolne, Robert Groasthead, containing the Reasons of his Non conformity to Pope Innocent; maintaining, That hindring of Preaching is the sin next Devilism, Paganism, Antichristianism, Mat. Par. Ann. 12.53. p. 871.

Let's yet take a look of the rise, progress, and success of those Ceremonies, scattered amongst Reformed Churches, Ann. 2007. was very fruitful; for besides they retained many things that proceeded from the Jews; the Pagans al­so incorporating themselves into the Christian Church, in­termingled various Pagan Rites, having infinite number of Superstitions in their very ordinary converse. Christians were promiscously conversant with them, not only in the same City, but in the same House, at the same Table, not­withstanding they resolve to be acknowledged for Chri­stians; and for the evidence of their Faith, they introdu­ced the sign of the Cross; and forasmuch as it was judged ignominious, Origen. Hom 3. in Psal. 39. Cypr. 1. de Haeret. Baptiz. they formed that badge in their Foreheads, going into, or co­ming out of their Baths, lying down in their beds, and ri­sing [Page 25]from their Tables, they thus marked themselves; yea Satan gains ground even upon account of Martyr dome ve­ry honourable, and those who were prisoners for the truth, by a frequent intercourse of Letters, did maintain a cor­respondencie with the Church; erroneous persons to pur­chase more credit to their Errours, and Delinquents to cloak their knavery, sollicited the Martyrs approbation, they having influence by Letters, interceded with the Church, that they would admit such penitents into their Communion; but sadly did they abuse the facile nature of the Martyrs, by over-importunate solicitation, or mis-in­formation, &c. Now this is only the intercession of the Saints, and how much it differs from that which was after­ward introduced, ye may judge; the man of sin mount­ing the saddle, every one making a Ladder to Heaven.

Summary Propositions concerning the Star.

NO simply National or Personal interest can answer the great design of God; nor does our thoughtfulness for to morrow, solace our spirits, but aggredge our grief, yet man to be as a beast, pudling in the ditch of sensuali­ty, minding only things present, clearly speaks out the ir­rationalty and sensuality of such a Soul; in vain therefore do some confine the end (whether ultimate or mediate) of such a Comet, to the death of a great person, as if God concerned himself with one Nation, or persons in particu­lar, yet do we grant a Nation or people once by Contract Engagements, to be the Lords, (as Israel of old and o­ther Nations since) may comparatively be said to be more dear and near to God than others, over which he taketh more narrow inspection, Wizald. l. 2. Comety Aph. 300. and punisheth oftner than any Nation; as Israel of old, and other Nations since, by Famine, [Page 26]Sword, and Pestilence 2. If God include any such luminary in its circuit and compass, to one Island or City, and in that interim of time, it doth not shew it self to o­ther Nations, it palpably, denotes Gods particular inspecti­on into that Island for a future stroke; for proof where­of, we have the City of Jerusalem and Bohemia, over which Stars perpendicularly appeared, in the forms of fly­ing Dragons, with their blue and red streams, to the one end of the Land to the other, to the affrightment of the Inhabitants; so that the Moon appeared with Stars some­what remote from her the noon time of the day. 3. Though all the ruines and rises of Kingdoms and Common-wealths of Europe, cannot be deduced from the Position, or Muta­tion of Stars, yet from the concessions, conclusions, and exact computation of Chronologers, such Apparitions ne­ver past, but in the sequel, without some sad Judgment; preaching to the world, as the Prophets of old, the bur­den of the word of the Lord; it shall not then be justifi­able to reject all the sad presages, Pom. Magdeb. Synops. Bohem. which from thence may be probably inferred, and of singular consequence, but much more from such Blazing Comets; though with good ground we may com­fort our selves in the downfal of the man of sin, whose rise, reign, rage, seven seals, seven trumpets, six vials, hath brought to a end; though we grant such a short tract of time, Tacitus Annal. Armsaeus Doct. Pot. p. 471. the healing of the wound of the beast may be attempted, yet never cu­red, the back of the beast being wounded incurable; for the farther confirmation of which time, and possible very short, shall illustrate the Assassinations, Machinations, &c. of that Antichristian party to be nothing but wind, tra­velling to bring forth chaff; and this consequentially not from any Impulsive cause in the generation, but singularly the glory of his own name. Nor may we think it strange, such Comets 900 years agoe did foretell there rife, now [Page 27]their ruine; the thread of the Prophesie of the Revelation, painting before us the rise, weig [...], mu [...] [...] of Babel, (though and that to be [...]e) all Reformed Churches shall say, the joy of the delivery is so ballance [...] with Crosses and bitter things, as some would rather loose the joy of the one, than to enjoy for a time, the joy of the o­ther. 3. It is granted by most Writers, if not by all that such Comets, when so illustriously appearing to the world, never pass unverified in a sad Judgment; though God preach some years, yet in series he punisheth: for monu­ments of wrath of God, in the case, read Cameracius, l. 3. Julius Obsequies, l. de Prodig. yet so as the Holy Land of God is not limited, either to the kind or the measure of the Judgment, as some would expound it to portend a plague; as if God had bound up his hands to use no other, yea a raging Sword, as well as a smiting plague, as the event of this hath evidently been seen, which some judici­ously note, seldome pass without all those three, Famine, Sword, and Pestilence.

Proposition, (Whatever hath been, or may be the long suffering patience of God, to most places of the world to which this was visible, in America, as well as Asia, as appears from the Sermon of that pregnant man of God, Mr. Increase Manner, Minister of Boston) yet shall we not hood-wink our selves, and pull too our casement when God looks through the firmament, as his window, making the causes and appurtenances of this signal messenger of Christ, like to other Meteors; and so likewise interpret it by low ends; as to portend a Drought, and other frivo­lous and childish expressions, as if we could wheedle God out of his Throne; be not deceived, for God will not be mocked. Though without boasting, by our profession we are bound to shew so much of Literature, as to vindicate the same from all aspersions; yea, any silly Brain may do it, who ever dwelt a Month at Mathesis. We shall not [Page 28]offer all might be afforded, least by some we should be mis-construed Enthusiastick, which we abhor, or in plain speaking of the truth offend; though herein God has remarkably honoured Britain; as instance, profound Ru­therford, with the Spirit of Prophesie; yea, of late, godly Mr. John Walwood; mistake us, we speak not of our self, assuming any such thing. We shall offer therefore to your view, that famous observation of a eminent man, That there has been more blood shed Wars seen in Christen­dome, than the whole world besides; and that most of its Kingdoms, if not all, shall be involved in blood at once, by its bloody face, and dreadful frowns to all those Kingdoms at once. And of Reverend William Perkins, The Gospel travails every hundred years. As also of that Famous, Faithful, and eminently pious Mr. Knox, writing to his Son-in-law, and especially found written upon the Margin of Callopins Harmony, Christ shall be crucified, but glori­ous shall his Resurrection be, Mark 16.5. And after spea­king of Europe, O doleful time, happy were the man that could get a Cottage in peace, Isai. 34.7. The Land shall be soakt with Blood; yea, his Son-in-law, directing his Letter to Lady Lillias Graham, 1605.17. Jan. The rich man shall not be saved by his riches, the wise man by his wisdom, the strong man by his strength; the furbishing Sword being drawn, glittereth, it shall not return till it be drunk with the blood of men, Jer. 46.9. The Sword shall be made drunk with blood. We add onely that of Beza, yet upon record this is the Star, which to the City small of David King; the three wise men from out the east did bring, returning now, declares that Christ returns in might, what hap to each it doth portend, the God of Gods doth know. The sequel of which was marked, with intestine and For­reign Sword; though this hath a main eye to the second coming of Christ, Scriptures near fulfilled, mockers of the Gospel stigmatized. Yea in the Primitive times, the earth [Page 29]swallowed them up quick, as the Hierapolians for mock­ing of God: though herein none can be punctual and positive in sobriety, without reflection upon our Learn­ed, Judicious, and Pious Fathers, Melancton, Regner Pre­den. Shelto making the world to stand six thousand years, the last two thousand were to be shortned for the Elects sake. Certain it is, things hasten to a close, Grace and Literature, not so as when God raised up Valla, and Eras­mus, &c. a decay in Godliness, prodigal, liberal, rich men deemed best men; covetous good Husbands, truth perse­cuted, error in credit, the world upside down, the whole fabrick out of order, great heats, great colds, great drought, great rains, the fruitfulness of the field decayed, the world tottering upon its foundation; the earth groans to be dis­solved of such a heavy load, a burden of sin; the very beast shews its resentment of a sinful generation, the sky is defiled, all is polluted, love to God, and mutually to one another is gone. Cornelius a Lapide brings in the very beast, as coveting to be engrafted or united to this or that godly man. O to do him service, for now I fight against God, turn and lament ye wicked men, the gates of hell are of brass, their bars of iron, they will never break; lazy daughters, awake to zeal, for as the bels which hung in Aarons garment, could not want Pomegranats, so God lo­veth not sound without fruit. The wrath of God is but kindling to make our bed in sorrow, how are we at league with the Devil, and at war with God; no peace with God, and no peace with man; its true, it was said of Spain, at peace with all the world, but at war with their God; how in the reason can men look to live with God, and yet cannot live a day with his Saints! O that God would put a Lump of Hell, and a Lump of Heaven in them! the shadow of sin in Heaven would afright the very An­gels.

Reader, I charge thee in the name of the Eternal God, extenuate not thy sin! however some escape smaller strokes, yet in order to a farther Judgment, looking back over our shoulder, not bowing the knee in the eye of sense! so consulting argues a peevish humour to a roving Soul; and yet all Mankind shall forfeit their right of glory for the first, and Lots wife remains a rocky Mineral of Eternal vengeance for the second; and Daniel a Crown of life, shall have for the third; the reviving presence of God is lost either ways, what do we speak a Romance; yet truth to others when black-mouthed P. and Sh. can be waged by Hell, O Sin thy death, O sin Ile be for killing the most hight, Corruption, thy life Ile take, for thou hast wounded me. to raile against Gods Anointed, and declaim all personal acquaintance with God, as folly and fancie; with such Delinquents we shall debate the matter before Gods Tribunal; the Bible is not their rule, the Spirit of God their Councellour. Luther can tell us, he can dwell in hell, and Christ were there; his gracious presence counterballances all afflictions. Rationists can tell us, the marrow of Philosophy consisted in solacing of the Mind; much more the substance of Divinity. The Pagan Indian replyed well to the Spanish Priest, when threatning him to Popery, with fire and fagot, What shall I have if I do so, whether shall we go after? they answer to Heaven, Life, and Salvation, I would rather, said he, live in Hell, as dwell in Heaven with such company. The bells of Hell ring the Trumpets of Heaven sound, half a hour in Hell, and a hour in Heaven; the terrour of the one, the joy of the other, a Proclamation at the gates of Hell, come out and repent, should resolve our doubts; though some go to the Devil with a light candle in their hand; yea creeping under a bush of profession as they go; who can abide Eternal Torments, tearing and rending of the caul of the heart; like to a fierce bird, tearing, dab­bing, rending of a Liver, yet no end of the same, so La­vater [Page 31]compares it. Reader, do the favour to thy own Souls interest, unite thy thoughts, compose thy affections, retire one hour, and to thee O Christian I appeal; the re­ality of the presence of God, the ebbing and flowing of the Spirit of God. Naturalists, who never knew Christ, can prove this Sea-stork, and pursuing ordinarily another fish, whose sins are as wings to mount above the water, to preserve its life, doth take so much water, as to make it flee more nimble, and when once dried again, presently falls down. When once a Christian is fastned with the Spirit of God, it soars aloft, as the seed of the earth is brought into fruitfulness by continual showers, the seed of grace in the heart is renewed by the acts of the Spirit shed upon us; 1. by Molification; 2. Refrigeration; 3. Abo­lition, I will sprinkle thee with water.


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