THE Catechist Catechized: OR, AN EXAMINATION OF AN Anabaptistical Catechism, Pretended to be Published for the Satisfaction and Information of the People of God in Lancashire, &c.

ALSO SOME OBSERVATIONS Both Old and New, Concerning the pretended Visibility, Univer­sality, Antiquity, Infallibility, Unity and Purity of the present Roman Church and Religion.

Sent to a Gentleman upon his revolt to Po­pery, and now published for the Churches good.


LONDON, Printed by J. M. for Luke Fawn, and are to be sold at his shop at the Parrot in Pauls Church-yard. 1653.


THere is an Anabaptisticall Catechism that walks abroad, lately directed to Lancashire; when it is of age and can answer for it self you shal know the name of it; it is but newly brought forth to this County, and therefore not Christned. If you meet with it, it would be a good work to Lancashire in which you dwel, to the Town of Manchester the place of your Nativity and Ministry, to make some Annotations of it; a few smooth stones out of soft Siloam hurl'd out of your sling might lay it dead; a friendly arrow shot beyond it, may give warning that there is danger: I would not engage you to the contest with this A. B. C. but that Error is a springing Leprosie in contagious times: Wormes in children may turn to the Plague: a few vacant hours will serve the business, and satisfie the earnest desire of

Sir, Your Brother and fellow-Labourer in the Work of Christ, Richard Heyricke.
January 1.52.

For Mr. Richard Hollinworth, with my Love, These.

To all in Lancashire, that love and seek the Lord in all his Soul-filling Or­dinances, especially them of the associated Churches about MANCHESTER.

Dearly Beloved, and longed for, our Joy and Crown;

YOu shall with more praise to God, light and stability to your selves, read the ensuing Treatise, if you first consider, and lament, that (for abuse of Ordinances) Satan, transforming himself into an Angel of Light, hath undermined all Ordinances of divine Light and Life: The Lords-Day not moral, publique solemn As­semblies turned into House-meetings, publique Ministry exchanged for private Conferences, publique preaching of the Word common to gifted Brethren with called Ministers; no prayer but when the Spirit moves, no communion in the Supper, but in Churches new­ly gathered, and no Baptism for Infants. No wonder if religious Ordinances be thus undermined, when the Doctrine of the holy Trinity, the Deity of Jesus Christ, and of the Holy Ghost, the divine Authority of the Scriptures, the Obligation of the Deca­logue, and other Fundamentals of Faith, Holiness and Righteous­ness, are, by the Ministers of the Prince of Darkness, professedly overturned. No wonder that Children are unchurched, when so many Churches are unchurched, many of them that have done the former having begun at the latter. They who would not be saved by Ordinances, shall perish for want of Ordinances; and they that would not unite themselves to the Fountain of Life by Faith, shall be separated from the streams and conveyances of Life, that they may apparantly wither and dye: only, upon the living in Jerusalem, that by the subtilty of delusion, or power of interest, are darkened and benummed, pray and weep, that the Sun of Righte­ousness may arise, with healing in his wings. But the Ordinances being the purchase of Christs blood, as well as the Church, the gifts [Page]of his Princely Government, the Ensigns of his Victory over the Kingdom of Darkness, and of his glorious Ascension, he will by his soveraign Power maintain; And to that end successively enoble the spirits of some with beams of heavenly light and courage, that they shall discover the stratagems of Opposers, and adventure upon their Armies marshalled against them, and triumphantly overcome by his glorious power, redeeming the captived Ordinances of their King unto a just and glorious Liberty. This being so high a favor from Christ, the glory of his Grace and Power, it is most thank­fully to be accepted, and his Instruments to be had in honor, by all that rejoyce in the glory of his Kingdom. His Ministers he hath designed to be the Executors of his last Will and Testament, to them it belongs by divine appointment, to give out the several Le­gacies there bequeathed, and to put in suit all them, in the high Court of sacred Scripture, who shall, upon any pretence whatso­ever, detain any Legacy bequeathed; and where will their faithful­ness more appear, then to open their mouth for the dumb, and to sue for Childrens rights, whil'st they are forcibly wronged, and unable to right themselves? where is greater Trust, and more shining Fidelity? The right of Infants to Baptism hath of late been openly impleaded in reference to Lancashire, and the Bill printed to be published there in special, with expectation of the concur­rence of the godly; but, blessed be God, one of the Lords Execu­tors (in Manchester, where part-taking was most desired and ex­pected) hath wisely and faithfully joyned issue, and by clear Evi­dence hath procured a determinate sentence for the setling of their undoubted right upon Infants, to our great comfort, and the honor of the Kingdom of Christ, in the Right whereof Infants are right­ly baptized. And our hope in the Lord Jesus is, that the question­ing of the Right of Infants, and the shaking of their title, will have that influence upon all the godly in Lancashire, especially Pa­rents (peculiarly in Manchester, and the rest of the associated Churches) that out of enflamed love to Christ, and the Souls of their Children, they will so much the more settle their Judgments in this Truth, by the conscionable and diligent use of this h [...]lp, pro­vided by the Lord amongst them, so seasonably in respect of danger, and so suitably, in respect of clearness, brevity, and charge; that will happily lead to the believing, repenting, and prayerful use of this Ordinance, which is the Covenant-way of conveying to their [Page]Children the sure and saving Mercies of the Covenant: so shall they, and others, who have seen the holy Seal set on in Infancy, clear­ly behold, in their holy life, the lively characters of the Spirit of the Covenant, the Image of the Lord Jesus in their riper years; To their own abundant satisfaction, the silencing of Adversaries, the increase of the Church mystical, the encouragement of them that have carefully and painfully pleaded their Right; and above all, the honor of the Lord Jesus, who in their Infancy opened unto them his Arms and Bosom in his Church, that in an hidden way he might warm them with a spiritual Life, to be manifested in due time. In this hope we pray for you, and labor amongst you, that we might present Parents and Children in Covenant-obedience and blessing, at that great Day. This is the principal Desire and Soul-travel of

The Lords unworthy Servants, who in reference to Infants do rejoyce in our Ministry: John Angier. John Harison. Nathaneel Rathband. William Meek.
March 10. 1652.

THE Authors Preface to the Christian Reader.

IN these times the Lords Builders are compelled while they with one hand work in the work, with the other hand to hold the weapon: Some wise Ma­ster-builders have been valiant for the Doctrine and practise of Paedobaptism, whilest others have bent their tongues like a Bow against it: Some of them I have seen, and made use of; some I have heard of, not seen; others (possibly) there are which I have neither seen nor heard of. However, I desire that if any wisdom or strength be discerned in this Exami­nation, it may be esteemed first Gods, then theirs; the weakness hereof is not theirs (much less Gods or the Causes) but mine own; yet I humbly hope this poor pains will be acceptable to God, the chiefest Master-builder and Captain of his Hoast, and also (thou helping together with thy prayers) profitable to thee his servant and Soldier. Satan our grand Enemy would prevail (if he could) for such a gross renunciation of Baptism (received in Infancy) as Witches, Wizzards (his devoted Vassals) and open Apostates, do make: but having no hope at first to prevail so far, he endevors to bring-us by a pretence of purity to such denyal and renunciation of Infant-Baptism as the Anabaptists do make, which hath been very advantagious to his Kingdom as well in Germany as in other places; the more sad it is to see that some reputed, yea (possibly) real Saints, do in the simplicity of their hearts act and argue for him in this business, as Peter did in another, Mat. 16.22, 23.

The various turnings, crooked ways and windings of the Ser­pent in this Controversie (as I could in so short a time and piece) I have endevored to discover, and to make the paths of the Lord straight and plain to his people. Repetitions (for brevity sake) I have avoyded, even where they might have been somewhat use­ful, by reason of which some parts hereof taken by themselves may [Page]seem more dark and defective then (I hope) they will be found if thou compare one place with another, and spare thy censure of any part till thou hast read the whole. I have kept close to the main matter, viz. Infant-Baptism, not omitting any Objection of the Catechist against it; but I have purposely slighted by-matters, lest this Book should be voluminous, or I seem to be contentious above what is meet. I have desired to speak rationally to the cause, and durst not bring any railing accusation against persons. My com­fort is this, the testimony of my conscience that in simplicity and godly sincerity I have managed this matter, not daring to talk de­ceitfully for God, or willingly to wrong any. The worst I wish to my Antagonists in this cause, is, that both they and I may be ready to receive every revealed Truth of God both in the light and love of it.

THE Catechist Catechized: OR, AN EXAMINATION OF AN Anabaptistical Catechism, Pretended to be Published for the Satisfaction and Information of the People of God in Lancashire, &c.


Q. Who are fit Subjects for Baptism?

A. Onely such as beleeve, Acts 8.12.37. lso Acts 16.34. also 18.8. Mat. 28.19. And such as repent, Acts 2.38. and Mat. 3.6.

NOne of these Texts severally, nor all of them joyntly, Exam. Chap. 1. §. 1. do prove, That only such as believe, and such as repent, are fit Subjects for Baptism: nor do they so much as shew, That any son or daughter of Christian Parents (such as we baptize in Infancy) did believe, or repent, or make profession of Faith and Repentance, before they were, or could be admitted to Baptism.

Acts 16.34. doth not evince, that the Jaylors house or family rejoyced or believed, (as you seem to understand it;) for the Text [Page 2]( [...] and [...], being of the singular number) may thus be read, He believing, rejoyced, or expressed his joy (having believed) in all his house, by feasting Paul and Silas in his house, whither he had brought them, vers. 34. Or (if by house be meant his Family) he rejoyced in or amongst his Family, because of the Pro­mise made to him, v. 31. That if he did believe in the Lord Jesus Christ (as now he did) he should be saved, and his house: And if any Infants of the Jaylor might be in the number of those that should be saved (as you will confess they might,) why might they not be also in the number of those that were baptized? Besides, this believing, of whomsoever it is spoken, is not in the Text ex­pressed to have been before they were baptized; for it is said, ver. 33. That he and all his were baptized straightway, or immediate­ly; after which, he brought them into his house, set meat before them, believing in God. So this very Chapter, v. 14, 15. saith of Lydia, that Paul preached to her, and she heard, and attended to those things that were spoken of Paul; but none of these things are spoken of her house, yet they were baptized as well as she. It it true, it is said, that Paul preached to the Jaylor, and to all that were in his house, v. 32. and that Crispus believed in the Lord with all his house, Acts 18.8. Yet this (you know) doth not shew that there we none but actual Believers in the houshold. Abraham Gen. 18.19. is said to command his children and servants to keep Gods way; and sure his house might be called a believing house: And now, we call godly families, praying families, though there be children in them not capable of understanding or obeying the Word, or of actual believing and praying. Now seeing the Jay­lor, Lydia, and their, and other housholds, are said to be baptized, (as Abraham and his house were circumcised, Gen. 17.) and see­ing children are part of the houshold, and often included (if not chiefly intended) under that name, 1 Tim. 5.8. Gen. 34.36. & 45.18. & 46.5. with Exod. 1.1. 1 Sam. 20.15. 1 King. 17.12, 13, with 15. and that there are so few families without little ones; Who dare affirm, and can prove, That there were none in these families? or that they were excluded from Baptism? seeing the Scripture doth not exclude them, (as elsewhere upon just cause it expresly doth, Gen. 50.8.) Nor do we read of whole housholds admitted to the Lords Supper, as we do to Baptism, though your principles are as much for the one as for the other: So that some [Page 3]Texts, by you brought to overthrow Infant-Baptism, do afford at least a very probable Argument for it.

Mat. 3.6. names confessing of sin (which is oft too far from repentance, §. 2.) probably to God, not to John; or if to John, not a particular confession of each of them by himself (which Papists from hence urge,) for it was not possible for John to hear the par­ticular confessions of so many, as for their multitude deserved to be called, Jerusalem, and all Judea, and all the region round about Jordan, in any convenient time: But whatsoever confession it was, it seems it was not before their Baptism (as you would have it) but after; for it saith, they were baptized, not [...], having confessed, but [...], confessing their sins; and it is not said, they were baptized because they had repented, but rather on the contrary, that John's Baptism was a Baptism unto Repentance, v. 11. This, you know, is consistent enough with Infant-Baptism. As for Acts 2.38. it is probable, that repentance, to which (notwith­standing their being pricked in their hearts, v. 37.) the Apostle exhorts, was in them only in fieri before their Baptism, for imme­diately after this Exhortation they were baptized; and there could not be time to question three thousand in one day after Sermon (which, consisting of many main points, must needs be long, and three of the twelve hours of the day being spent before it begun, v. 15.) so as to make strict enquiry into, and to take distinct notice of the repentance of each of them. Of Mat. 28.19. Acts 2.38. and Mat. 3.6. more hereafter.

Suppose your Texts do shew, that the Samaritans, §. 3. the Eunuch. the Jaylor, the Corinthians, and others, which were then adult, and formerly either of the Jewish or Heathenish Religion, did believe, or profess faith and repentance, and were baptized; that is nothing to Paedobaptists, who never held, that a Jew or Heathen should be baptized without profession of faith. But grant further, That actual Believers, or Professors, are indeed the primary and imme­diate subject of Baptism, and in their own right, and their children are but the secundary subject, and may not be baptized but by a capacity derived unto them; and at that time Christian Churches were but in gathering, not gathered: The foundation was not to be layd in Infants, not in Infants only: And the sacred story, re­lating the manner of founding Churches, hath not so much occasion to speak of the Baptism of Infants, the secundary subject, as of [Page 4]actual believers, the primary. God created the first man and woman of a perfect age, though all their posterity were born In­fants: At first men of age were circumcised, Gen. 17.24. with 14.14. and again after some intermission of that Ordinance, Josh. 5.4. And if any Nation had been Proselyted, their men of age must first have been taught or discipled, and have made profession of faith before they should have been circumcised, though in the setled condition of the Jewish Church Child-circumcision was most in use. If Believers and Penitents ought to be baptized, will it thence follow, that none but they only are to be baptized? The rule is, A proprio primo modo ad proprium secundo modo non valet argumen­tum: All Crows are black, therefore none but only Crows are black, is no good argument. If it were granted, that Infant-Baptism can­not be proved by those Texts, yet it will not follow, that it can­not be proved by any other Texts. Womens admission to the Sup­per, though it cannot be proved by Mat. 26. Mark. 14. Luk. 22. ( Christ admitting only men,) may notwithstanding be proved by other Scriptures. Your notion [That none are to be baptized but such as they were, whose Baptism is mentioned Acts 8.12, 37. & 16.34. &c.] is by some further improved, saying, All those were such Believers as had been in person Jews or Heathens, and there­fore such only are to be baptized; and those that have Christian Parents, and were educated in Christianity from their childhood, are not (at least not by virtue of any of those Texts) to be bap­tized at all, neither in Infancy, nor when they make Profession. As they in their case, so also you in your case are to blame, to insert into your Answer the word [only] which you find in none of your Texts. Our Scripture-grounds for Infant-Baptism you shall hear anon, Chap. 10.


Q. hat grounds have you against Infant-Baptism?

A. Many; but chiefly Christs Commission, Mat. 28.19. where the subjects of Baptism are those that are made Disciples, and this Commission is to last to the Worlds end, v. 20. and reacheth to every creature that is to partake of Baptism, Mark. 16.15, 16.

MAtth. 28.19. is not the first Commission for baptizing, Examinat. Cap. 2. §. 1. no more then for preaching. John Baptist, Mat. 3. and Christs [Page 5]Disciples, Joh. 4.1, 2. did baptize before this, and had commis­sion for it, Joh. 1.33. Mat. 21.25, 26. which Christ confirmed by his being baptized by John, Mat. 3.13. Yea we have express Ex­amples in Jewish Records of a Baptism, See Mr Selden, Dr Hammond, Dr Lightfoot, Mr Ainsworth, Mr Tombes. which was a Rite of initi­ation into the Jewish Church, a concomitant of Circumcision, if not ancienter: So Jacob, admitting the preserved Sechemites into communion (all of age being women,) bad them, be washed or baptized, or cleansed by washing, Gen. 35.2. which is the rea­son why a Jewish Proselyte is in Arrianus called [...], a baptized person: Hence the Jews did not question John's Bap­tism as a new and unusual Rite, (they were already well acquaint­ed with it,) but his Authority to administer it. Grotius on Mat. 3.6. conceives it was begun upon occasion, and to preserve the memory of the purging of the World by the Deluge, and that Peter, 1 Pet. 3.21. signifies so much, calling Baptism the Anti­type and figure of it. And the Infants of the Jews were thus ad­mitted, as well as the Proselyte, for one Ordinance was for both, Numb. 15.15. And thus the Hebrew Doctors assert, (notwith­standing Mr T. to the contrary pretends, that the Proselytes only were baptized because they were unclean,) That Israel, as well as others, entred into Covenant, Males by three things, viz. Cir­cumcision, Baptism, and Offering; Females only by the two last. Now, as Christ, abolishing the Passover, took the postcoenium, or common custom used at the Passover, of the Master of the Family, his breaking a piece of bread, and distributing it, and a cup of wine, amongst the company, to be materials of the Lords Supper; so he (abolishing Circumcision and Offering) advanced this ancient usual unquestionable concomitant of Circumcision, and of initiation of Males, Females, Infants, or others, into the Church, to be a Sacra­ment of the New Testament, the use whereof, and the persons to whom it should be administred, being then ordinarily and com­monly known, the Scripture did not need to record the commissi­on or warrant given to John, or that the Jews had long before for their baptizing. It was enough, that there is not the least hint in the Word, that Baptism, when advanced to be a divine Sacrament of the New Testament, should not be applyed to Infants as it was before. Indeed when the Apostles Commission was to be enlarged to all Nations, (this being a new thing, and rarely known or be­lieved,) it was needful that it should be set down in terminis, as it [Page 6]here is: And yet this Gospel was not written till about eight years after the Ascension of Christ, and other Gospels were writ some years after this, the Jewish Church all this while be­ing guided by the Old Testament, and observing the Jewish lawful Rites and Customs, and this of baptizing doubtless a­mongst others.

You say, §. 2. The subjects of Baptism in the Text are such as are made Disciples, and therefore Christs commission is against any other being baptized, particularly against Infant Baptism. But may not I as solidly argue, 1. The persons here commissionated to baptize are such as were made Apostles, had the gift of tongues, they were to go to all Nations, therefore none but A­postles are to baptize? Or, 2. That none are to be baptized, but such as by teaching or preaching the Gospel to them are made Disciples, though they be (as you know it is possible) converted by other means? These Inferences, though weak, are as strong as your: For suppose the Apostles being to Baptize the Nati­ons or Heathens (for to that [...] relates notwithstanding the gender here, aswel as Act. 15.17. & 28.28. & 13.48. Rom. 2.14. 15.) were to preach to them, and thereby make them Disciples doth that forbid that those that are already Discipled should have their children Baptized? None but Disciples were to be circumcised amongst the Jews Act. 15.10. and yet children were circumcised. If the Lord had given Commission to Isaiah and Jeremiah or any other to Proselite all or some Nations, it had not been any whit incongruous and inconsistent with child circumcision if the commission had run in these very words, go teach all Nations, or this or that Nation, and Heathen people, and circumcise them, and how then can the like speech be con­trary to Infant Baptism, especially seeing it was a thing so com­monly known that Infants were Baptized as well as Circum­cised: see Sect. 1. And Infan's are as considerable a part of the other Nations, as they were of the Jews, in reference to whom other people were called [...] or Heathen: and all Nati­ons ( i. e. some of all Nations or some of each sort in the Nations, Infants amongst others should be blessed in Abraham, Gen. 18.18. He saith not, grown persons, much less doth he say, grown persons only; but, all Nations: nor is there any appearance of taking away by this Text any priviledg from Jewish Beleevers or their [Page 7]children, but only of enlarging their priviledges unto the Gen­tiles; The Apostles being commanded, that as they had preach­ed the Gospel, and Sacramentally initiated the Jews only, so now they should do the same to others also.

If you insist upon the order of the words, and argne thence, § 3. that teaching (as the word is translated) must go before bap­tizing, you know there is no necessity, that what is set first in Scripture must alway be done first; sometimes preaching is put before baptizing, and sometimes baptizing before preaching, Mark 1.4. sometimes repentance before faith, Mark 1.15. glory before virtue, 2 Pet. 1.3. &c. and here, as teaching is put before Baptism, so it is also put after Baptism, vers. 20. To avoyd tautology in the words, Go teach-baptizing-teaching, some godly learned men conceive the word [...] should be translated make Disciples, or disciple all Nations, which was the end of their mission; baptizing and teaching them, were the means of discipling them; whether they be set down in exact order of time or no, is not material. You (it sems) urge the word in this sence, and say in effect, that Infants are not Di­sciples. It is answered both, that the phrase to disciple, or make Disciples, answers an Hebrew phrase among the Rabbins (the New Testament frequently using their phrases in their sence) which signifies admission to be taught, though they were not yet taught, and in common use. Children the first day they go to school, before they know any letter, or have any actual willing­ness to learn. are called Scholers (the same with Disciples) of such a Master: And he that is listed in an Army is called a Soldi­er, though possibly he know little or nothing of the art military: And Infants are Disciples in the sence and language of Scripture, as Act. 15.10. Those upon whose neck the yoke of circumcision (for of that te speaks, as appears by Vers. 1.5, 24.) was put, were not only nor mostly adult, but Infants; nor did the Synod deter­termine against the circumcision of grown men only, but also of Infants: Children are evidently called Gods servants, Levit. 25.41, 42. and they are as well disciples, as servants. If Adam had not fallen, his children should have been disciples and ser­vants of God (and so was Christ in his minority) not withstand­ing their infancy. Besides, it appears by comparing Mat. 10.42. & 18.3, 4, 5. Luk. 9.47, 48. & Mark 9.41. that the same persons [Page 8]which belong to Christ (from which priviledg Infants in general are not warrantably excluded) are also the Disciples of Christ, and that Infants are quickly capable of knowing Mothers and Nurses from others of being taught actions and gestures by them, and sensible of other things is very evident; much more are they capable of being taught by Christ, whose Disciples they are, according to that promise, a part of the new Covenant, Jer. 31.34. Isai. 54.13. (others being but Gods ushers and pet­masters, Eph. 6.2.) their Souls being as capable of being taught by God a Spirit, and Father of spirits, in their minor, as in their riper years; and experience teacheth, that some (not to mention Jeremy and John Baptist) being sanctified from their infancy (so far as can possibly be discerned by men) have chosen the good, and hated the evil; a thing which neither their own na­ture nor the art of man could teach them. When Parents be­leeve, God makes himself over to them and theirs to be their God, and to teach them, and they make themselves and theirs over to him to be his people and disciples, and so children are discipled when their parents are; and if they be discipled, then by your own argument they are fit subjects of Baptism by virtue of Christs Commission. Thus that which you call your chief Argument against Poedobaptism appears for it, not against it: Christs Command of discipling all Nations, and baptizing them, doth not exclude a part, and great part too, of the Disciples of the Nations: Et non restringendum ubi Scriptura non restringit; If the Scripture doth not limit it self, we must not limit it: You could tell us of housholds without children, but sure you will not tell us of Nations without children.

As for the lasting of this Commission to the worlds end, and the reaching of it to every creature that is to partake of Baptism, §. 4. Mar. 16.15, 16. If you will maintain the very same Commis­sion in Mat. 28. & Mar. 16. to teach so far and to last so long, and to be inalterable in any thing, you should clear up these three things.

  • 1. That some persons are now commissionated from God (as the Apostles hereby were) to go into all the world, and to teach all Nations.
  • 2. That casting of Dovils, speaking with tongues, heating the sick, &c. mentioned Mark 16. are to be per­petually in the Church.
  • 3. That Infants are there intended under the name of every creature, and that of them God doth [Page 9]require actual believing, as of as great or greater necessity to Sal­vation then to Baptism:

The words are not, He that believeth not, shall not be baptized, but shall be damned: And are you as confident that all Infants are damned, as you are that none of them should be baptized? I wonder you dare urge this Text against In­fant-Baptism, which your own heart tells you is as much or more against their Salvation, then against their Baptism. For my part, I conceive Infants are not to be scrued up to that proportion which God requireth of adult persons: The Lord will take vengeance on them that know not God, that obey not his Gospel, 2 Thess. 1.8. Every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down, &c. Mat. 3.10. Must therefore Infants either know God, obey the Go­spel, and bring forth fruit, or he damned? May we not feed and clothe Infants, because the Word saith, He that will not labor, must not eat, 2 Thess. 3.10. Might not the Jews admit Infants into the visible Church, because the Psalmist describes the Citizen of Sion (you say, a Church-member) Walking uprightly, working righteousness speaking the truth in love, contemning vile per­sons? &c. Psal. 15.1, 2, &c. The application is easie.


Q. What atker grounds have you against Infant-Baptism?

A. Infants are not fit subjects for Baptism because they do not believe, they have not reason to discern between good and evil, Deut. 1.39. Faith is an act of the understand­ing, which cometh by hearing, as well as an act of the Will; and it is unlawful to baptize persons without they believe, Acts 8.37. if thou believest, it is lawful, Act. 10.47. & 8.12. & 18.8.

ALL the Textt you now produce have been answered before in the first Chapter; Examinat. Cap. 3. §. 1. save Acts 10.47. from which you may collect, That those that had the gift of the Holy Ghost (as it is call­ed v. 45.) and could speak with tongues, v. 46. were to be bap­tized; but sure you will not infer thence, That those that have not the said gifts are not to be baptized: If you do, you will deny all Baptism that is now adays, and turn Seeker. But as by your Prin­ciples you hold Confession of Faith and Repentance sufficient to [Page 10]Baptism, without those gifts; so you should shew, that the fore­said gift, and speaking with tongues, was in stead of their believing and repenting; or else confess, that you impertinently alledg this Text.

I must now ask you once for all, §. 2. what you mean by Believers? whether such only as have a true justifying Faith; or all that make profession of Faith, whether indeed and in truth they have a true justifying Faith or no? The first is requisite in foro Dei, & consci­entiae, & ex parte baptizati, that our Baptism may be acceptable to God, and comfortable to us, 1 Pet. 3.21. So the Eunuch de­siring Baptism with the saving benefit thereof, and asking, not, What doth hinder thee from baptizing me? but, What doth hinder me—was answered, If thou believest with all thy heart, thou mayst. But in soro Ecclesiae, & ex parte baptizantis, the latter sufficeth for admission, your self being judg: No Scripture-rule was transgressed when Judas, Simon Magus, Ananias and Sap­phira were baptized. The Eunuch's profession, That he believed Jesus Christ to be the Son of God, sufficed to present admission of him to Baptism. And surely not the inward and spiritual qualifica­tions, but the outward and visible estate of persons to be baptized is to be looked at; and we should descend to the lowest (personal profession of Faith and Repentance being the highest) degree of visibility: Suppose a Minister had a spirit to discern the inward estate of men as certainly as Christ did of Judas, and possibly the Apostles did of some which they baptized; yet were he not to withhold from any, for want of inward grace, the priviledges which they have right and title to by virtue of their visible estate. Saint Augustin and others think, Judas was admitted to the Lords Supper, though he but received panem Domini, not panem Domi­num: and Mr Cartwright also so judgeth, from that connection, Luk. 22.19, 20, 21. Certainly he was admitted to the Passover by virtue of his visible estate. Ishmael and Esau were regularly cir­cumcised, though Abraham knew that the one, and Rebecca that the other, was not the Elect seed of the Covenant, Gen. 17.19, 20. with 23. & 25.23 Rom. 9 12. We can but charitably judg, not infallible know, who are Believers; and though Infants do not actually believe, yet by the judgment of charity (if that he our rule) we ought to judg, that Infants born of Christian Parents are regenerate, and have faith habitual, or the principle or seed of it, [Page 11]so much as is absolutely necessary to their participation of Christ, and Salvation by him, and that they dying in Infancy are saved: see Chap. 5. For though they cannot actually believe, or at least not make a profession of their Faith, yet they are not to be doom­ed Infidels, no more then they are to be judged irrational or dumb, because they cannot actually reason or speak; and there­fore they (unless you can reduce them to a third party, which will much strengthen the Popish conceit of a third place for them when they dye, Limbus Infantum,) are to be counted Believers; and so methinks Christ accounteth of them, Mat. 18.6. with 4.

Ever since God gathered a distinct number our of the World to be his Church, visible Kingdom, City and Houshold, §. 3. in opposition to the rest of the World, which is the visible Kingdom, City, or Houshold of Satan, God would have the Infants of all who are taken into Covenant, to be accounted his, and to belong to his Church and Family, and not to the Devils. If Adam had kept the Covenant of Works, his Infant seed had been righteous; Adam breaking that Covenant, his Infant seed was guilty of that breach, and became sinners against the Law, though they knew not what the Law, or sin against it, was: Adam being within the Covenant of Grace, his Infant seed was so judged likewise: For by seed of the woman, Genes. 3.15. is meant Christ in his minority, as well as in his grown years, who dyed for Infants as well as others, nei­ther are infants to be excluded from the benefit of that Promise: The Infants of Noah, Abraham, and the Jews, were members of the same Church with their Parents: As Infants of Jews, Turks, and Pagans, though uncapable of those Opinions or Practises, are esteemed Jews, Turks, Pagans; so the Infants of Christians (though, as the children of men, they are born in sin, Psal. 51.5. dead in it, Ephes. 2.1, 3.) yet, as children of the Church, they are visibly Christians, not Insidels, Jews, Turks, or Pagans. Though a Noble-man, a Free-man of a Corporation, a visible Church-member, do beget children as men, not as a person of Ho­nor, a Free-man, a Church-member; yet according to their re­spective Charters, the Honor of the one, the Freedom of the other, and Church-priviledges of the third, may descend on their chil­dren.


Q. What other Arguments have you to prove, That Infants have not Faith, and are not to be baptized?

A. If they had Faith, they were presently to be admitted to the Supper, and not excluded from communion therein, as many are, which are admitted to communion in Baptism, whereas the communion in both is one and the same, the same thing signified in both, viz. our fellowship with Christ in his Death and Resurrection: So that all that are baptized into one body, are all made to drink into one Spirit, 1 Cor. 12.13. and the same preparations of Faith and Repentance are required for both; and he that is cast out of the one, is cast one of the other, seeing by excom­munication he is like an Heathen or Publican.

IT is the Judgment both of Mr Rutherford, Exam. Chap. 4. §. 1. and Mr Hooker, and others of New-England, That Infants of visible Churches, born of wicked Parents, members of the same Churches, ought to be baptized: The reason may be, We (when a Child is presented to Baptism) are to take notice of the Parents Church-membership, not of his scandalousness: If the Church do not cast out the Pa­rents, why should the Minister cast out the Child? Parents, where suspended, lose only their present fruition, not their fundamental right to membership: It is right to membership, not the present fruition of it, nor their worthiness of that right, doth (as they conceive) transfer that priviledg to Infants. Mr Cotton in his Way, p. 115. conceives it is considerable, if the Grandfather or Grand­mother, making profession, be still living, and willing to undertake for the Child; yea, that in some cases a Heathens child may be bap­tized in right of its houshold-governor, Gen. 17. Yet it is very far from their Opinions, That these children, or the immediate Pa­rents of them should be admitted to the Supper.

Amongst the Jews Infants were circumcised, §. 2. yet were they not presently admitted to the Passover; they could not come up (nor do we read they were carryed) from the remote parts of Judea to Jerusalem, where only the Lamb was eaten, nor could they eat it standing with staves in their hands, and with sowr herbs, as was required, Exod. 12. nor keep it to the Lord, vers. 46. with [Page 13]spiritual respects to Gods glory, to Gods ends and rules, and to have their hearts prepared, as well as to be ceremonially clean, 2 Chron. 18.19. and the same males were as well to be at the feast of tabernacles (as at the Passover) and to carry boughs (which was no Infants work) to make booths or tabernacles to dwell in, Deut. 16.16, 17. with Levit. 23.34, 35 38, 39 40. The children, yea those that could speak and ask questions, did not partake of the Passover, as is implyed in that they did not say, what mean we, but what mean you by this service? It was not allowable to count them for the eating of the Passover that could not eat of it, viz. Infants, sick persons, uncircumcised and unclean; see Ainsw. in Exod. 12.4. The uncleanness of a Proselyte was no bar to Circumcision, but to the Passover it was, Numb. 9.6, 10. An adult Proselyte might in some case be circumcised and baptized, and not presently admitted to the Passover: Ainsw. in Exod. 12.44.

The Rite of Baptism is after the common custom of washing new born Infants from the pollutions of the womb, §. 3. Ezek. 16. 5, 9. but the elements of bread and wine are the food of riper years. Baptism is a Sacrament of Initiation (as Bernard calls it,) the Supper is the highest Ordinance, Christians (as such) are capable of. It is one thing to be admitted a Scholar in a School, or to be matriculated into the University; another thing to be of such a form, standing, or degree: It is one thing to be a sub­ject, a tenant, or free of a Corporation (which children may be,) another to do homage, suit and service. Our Regeneration or birth in Christ (whereof Baptism is the laver) Infants are capa­ble of; but not of that growth and augmentation signified in the Supper. To be baptized, is to be passive (as in the first act of Reg­neration we are meerly passive) the action is wholly the Bap­tizers, I baptize thee, &c. but to eat and drink in remembrance of Christs death, and to discern the Lords body, is to be active, and requires exercises of reason and grace. And as Christ him­self did not administer Baptism, but his Disciples, Joh. 4.1, 2. Paul faith, God sent him not to baptize; the Apostles did not so usu­ally baptize, as ordinary Ministers, 1 Cor. 1.14, 15, 17. but Christ did administer the Lords Supper, as also the chief Minister pre­sent did usually afterward: So multitudes were baptized by John Baptist, and the Disciples of Christ, which were not pre­sently [Page 14]admitted to the Supper when Christ instituted it. The Apostles were to teach all Nations, baptizing them; but the communicating of all Nations is not expressed; of the Samari­tans and several housholds baptized, we read; of their present admission to the Supper, we read not: So that though the com­munion in both the Sacraments be one, and the preparations for them both in adult persons be the same for substance, yet because of their different dispensations and degrees, Infants may be admitted to the one, and not to the other. Yet I freely and confidently assert, that to admit children to the Supper, is far more excusable then to deny them Baptism; for they have jus ad rem, a right to it (as a young heir hath to his lands,) as Saints decayed in mind and body have a right to hear the Word; and the communicating of Infants is of more antiquity and cre­dit in the Church, then denying of their Baptism; though I hold it not fit that Infants should communicate, because they have not jus in re, they have not aptitude and fitness for it: a child is not fit to manage his own estate; nor is it rational to preach the Gospel to an holy man (what right soever he may have to it) when he is destitute of capacity to hear or under­stand it: and hence it is, that the Church having some while admitted Infants to the Lords Supper, did upon second consi­derations discern her mistake, and lay it aside, but yet still con­tinued that other of baptizing Infants, seeing no cause to leave it off, but rather more strictly to observe it.


Q. But what if an Infant, or any other in their childhood, should dye unbaptized, are they not damned?

A. We know nothing out of the Scripture of their Salvation or Damnation, and therefore we must not be too inquisi­tive; yet may such Infants so dying be saved, through the presentment of the satisfaction of Christ to the Ju­stice of God for original sin, which Satisfaction, though it be applyed through beleeving in those that can beleeve, yet it may be applyed without in those that cannot be­leeve, else how could any Infants be saved?

IF you know nothing of their Salvation, Chap. 5. Christ doth; Mark 10.14. Of such, saith he, is the Kingdom of Heaven: He [Page 15]means, not only those that are meek, humble, harmless, like little children, (for he would not have blamed those that would have kept little children from him, nor have blessed them when they came, if they were only meer emblems of such as are blessed, as a Lamb or a Dove may be,) but little children themselves. David judged, that his child, though adulterously begotten, and whom God took away in his wrath, was saved, else he would not have eaten, and drunk, and rejoyced that he should go to it, 2 Sam. 12.20. If any affirm, That all Infants of Christians dy­ing in Infancy are certainly saved, I know no Scripture against it; and if there be no place punctually proving it, we are bound to encline to the more charitable opinion, Mat. 7.1. especially when we speak of this or that particular Infant. You say, they may be saved without Baptism; true, there is a possibility of it: so if Infants of the Jews had not been circumcised the eight day, and had dyed uncircumcised, they might also have been saved, (their parents or governors being guilty of the contempt or neglect of the Ordinance, not they; and why should their Salvation or Damnation depend upon others doing or not doing their duty?) That phrase of cutting off, Gen. 17.14. either concerns grown men only, or threatens only excommunication or death, not eternal damnation. God had mercy on the penitent thief; yet it is presumption in us to defer repentance till death, or to neglect Baptism. God can bring a child into the world without a midwife; shall we therefore neglect the means? Parents when their children are baptized before they dye, may not only be comforted in the performance of their duty, but also have more grounded hopes of their childrens Salvation: Your Antipoedobaptistical Doctrines do take away all or most of the grounds of hope which Christian parents have of the Sal­vation of their dying Infants.


Q. Whether do you think it were better for persons to have Baptism deferred till they be able to make a profession of faith. A. Yes, it would be far better, for hereby the Churches would have right matter. (i.e.) Saints in profession, and per­sons would be careful to get knowledg and holiness, whereas now they are careless of hoth: Infant-haptism brings many mischiefs, besides that it fills the Church with rotten members, confounds the Church and the world together, and is a groundwork for more tradi­tion, and doth so darken the Doctrine of Baptism, that we cannot know the true meaning of it when we read it in Scripture.

THe many mischiefs of Infant-Baptism, and the benefis of such delaying of it, Examinat. Cap. 6. § 1. were unknown to the Apostolique Primitive Church, else sure they would have left us some Precept or Presi­dent of their delaying the Baptism of the children of Christian parents. The Jewish Church had Child Circumcision and Child Baptism too as Rites of Initiation; had it been better they had been deferred? was not the Jewish Church to be freed from mischiefs (as you call them) as well as the Christian Church? If Childrens admission did not bring such mischiefs upon the Jewish, how comes it to be so mischievous to the Christian Church? We have a Command for Child-baptism, (not indeed such a direct express Command as they had for Circumcision,) but a virtual, implicite and consequential Com­mand, as you shall hear anon, Chap. 10. and this is abundantly sufficient to clear it from being a cause of it self of any mischief at all.

You hold and pretend to prove, § 2. that John Baptist and the Di­sciples of Christ did not baptize Infants; but were no rotten members baptized, when Jerusalem, all Iudea, and all the rigion round about Iordan, came, and were baptized? Mat. 3. Mark 1. yea that people or multitude whom, or some of whom, he called Generation of Vipers, Luk. 3.7. with 21. Mr Cobbet, a New-England Divine, saith, Iohn Baptist did and might lawfully bap­tize those multitudes, albeit in the general he knew that many, yea most of them, would prove false and frothy. Mr Nyes, another of them, saith, The Apostles for the baptizing of three thousand ex­pected no testimonies, nor a day (much less a month or years) ex­perience, nor could they in so short time make any inquisitions, or hear any perswasive relations. When all the Samaritans, very lately bewitched by Simon Magus, Act. 8.9, 10. were baptized, [Page 17] vers. 12. was there then no rotten members? Suppose all Lon­don, Middlesex and all the region round about Thames or Trent, should be Jews or Heathens (and surely you account them now much better) and should presently upon hearing of a Sermon make some profession of faith, or confession of sins, and be bap­tized, would you judg all these right matter, Saints, and that there is no rotten member amongst them? What became of those multitudes and Myriads of baptized ones when Christ suffered, or afterwards if they were not rotten members? Were not Judas, Ananias, Saphira, Himeneus, Philetus, and many others, rotten members? Were there not amongst the Corin­thians (though called Saints, a parte meliore; as we call a Whe it-field a Corn-field, though we see many tares and thistles in it) known carnal Schismatiques Fornicaters, Idolaters, some that sacrificed to Devils, drunken Communicants, Heretiques denying the Resurrection, Despisers of Paul, Admirers of the false Teachers, Men (as Paul feared) that had not repented of the uncleanness, fornication and lasciviousness they had committed, amongst whom were debates, envyings, wraths, strifes, back­bitings, whisperings, swelling tumults, &c. were none of these rotten members? It is the work of the Ministry to convince rotten members of their rottenness, and by the blessing of God to convert them, and make them sound, 1 Cor. 5. & 6. & 10. Gal. 4.19. And if so be they remain incurable, and after much means, pains and patiences are not reclaimed, the Church may cut them off. Though the draw-net doth take in both good and bad, yet the bad afterward may be cast away, Matth. 13.47.48.

Are there not also amongst the Anabaptists (notwithstand­ing their rejection of Infant-Baptism) many rotten members, §. 3. Heretiques, Blasphemers, such as deny the Trinity, the Divinity or Humanity of Jesus Christ, the Immortality of the Soul, the Morality of the Sabbath, Authority of the Scriptures, the guilt of original sin, the necessity, yea very being of the Ministry, Officers and Ordinances; Assertors of the whole Body of Ar­minianism, of immediate Revelations and Enthusiasms, of An­tinomianism, of Poligamy, perfection of grace? Who more then the Anabaptists (I had almost said, who but they) have been given up by God to those strong and strange delusions, [Page 18]to those damnable Opinions and abominable Practices mentioned in the late Act? Where is there a more wicked and wretched Sect then the Ranters? But (possibly) you that published this Cate­chism may be of the strictest Sect of your Religion, (as the worst of these at their first separating from us seemed also to be,) and do abhor to have communion not only with these, but with Drunk­ards, Adulterers, Swearers, &c. To you I say, if there be not a­mongst you Drunkards, Adulterers, Swearers, &c. (Satan himself is none of these,) but are there not seditious, schi [...]matical persons, that say, all the Church is holy? sacrilegious persons, that devour that which is holy, or dedicated to the service of God and his Church, not by themselves (which was Ananias his sin) but by others? Are there not Murderers, Railers, false Accusers, Lyars, proud, boasters, covetous, traytors, heady, high minded, lovers of themselves, despisers of good men, having a form of godliness? &c. Such an one is Satan. As for the rotten members in Paedobaptists Congregations, they are or should be duly proceeded against, and much good is done that way in many Congregations where Go­vernment is set up, and people help forward the work, (humane infirmities both in Rulers and ruled ever have been, and will be:) And more good had been done, had not the separation of some from us, the exemption by the Civil Powers from Church-govern­ment, of whosoever will not freely own it, the unjust clamors of Presbyterian Rigidness and Tyranny, together with the Tumults and Troubles of the Times, hindred it.

As for Infant-Baptism, §. 4. it is a consecrating of children to God, and formally initiates them into the Church, which is a great be­nefit, (as casting out, or excommunicating out of the Church, is a great censure,) it is an outward distinctive sign of Christians chil­dren from Pagans, signifies their original sin, and necessity of re­generation, even before the commission of actual sin, and the Sal­vation of Infants, as well as grown men, by Christ: It makes In­fants partakers of the Ordinances, at least of the Prayers of the Church, as members thereof; it pre-engageth them to a Christian Course, when they have the least prejudice and obstruction against it; and as soon as they are capable to receive the nurture and ad­monition of the Lord, to frequent Ordinances, to own Jesus Christ by external profession; it binds Parents to be more careful and conscientious of their Religions Education, it comforts their [Page 19]hearts (godly Parents may speak this experimentally) to see their Children thus sealed, in assurance that God is their God, and the God of their seed: Yea God doth sometimes, yea always (as we ought to judg, till the contrary appear) baptize them inwardly, or in [...]use grace, or the seed of it, into the Soul of the baptized Infant: These, and the like were counted great benefits in the time of the Law; and are they, or can they be mischiefs in the time of the Gospel? You assert indeed, That delaying of Baptism would make men careful to get knowledg and holiness, whereas now they (viz. they that do not delay Baptism) are careless of both: But may they not be as conscientiously taught, and as careful and apt to learn in Christs School in his visible Kingdom, as out of it? baptized, as unbaptized? Are not many grown persons as forgetful and careless of the Promises they make on their sick beds, and other occasions, as of those which were made in Infancy? Are Anabaptists the only men that are careful to get knowledg and holiness? Are not multitudes of persons, which were baptized in their Infancy, as careful to get knowledg and holiness, and as good Proficients there­in, as any others? Is it better, not to put children into a lease or grant of a priviledg, lest they should be secure and careless to pay rent and do homage, then to put them in? May not deferring of Baptism so long, make them despise it when they come to age? Satan may more easily keep children, when grown up, from receiv­ing Christianity, then work them to renounce it; though he some­times prevails with Witches and Wizzards to renounce their Bap­tism (received in Infancy) that they may be his vassals, and more assured to him. Keeping the children of Christians out of the Church, is a strange way (sure it is none of Gods ways, nor is it likely to prevail to make them in love with Christianity. If any good can be done by such mediums, the warrantable deferring of the Lords Supper alone may do it, as well as the unwarrantable de­laying of Baptism. As for darkening the Doctrine of Baptism, ex­perience teacheth us, that the Doctrine thereof was clear enough in Scripture, and competently understood, as well as the Doctrine of the Lords Supper, before such opposition hath been made to Infant-Baptism: If it be now darkened, the darkness is not from Infant-Baptism, but from your opposite Opinion and Practice.


Q. But may not Infants be baptized, if they be Abrahams seed?

A. Yes; But we Gentiles are only Abrahams seed by believing, Gal. 3.7. so Rom. 4.16. Gal. 3.29. They that would make the children of Believers to be the seed of Abra­ham, are mistaken; for the Scripture speaketh but of three seeds of Abraham, viz. Christ, Gal. 3.16.2. The carnal seed: 3. The Believer, Jew or Gentile, Gal. 3.28. And they add a fourth seed of Abraham, viz. the seed or children of Believers amongst the Gentiles, about which the Scripture is silent.

EIther you do not sufficiently enumerate, Exam. Chap. 7. or not rightly under­stand your enumeration of the Scripture-kinds of Abra­hams seed, or both. For, 1. Christ personal is not the whole of Abrahams seed, to whom (though he be the whole in whom, 2 Cor. 1.20.) the Promises were made; but Christ mystical, the whole Church of Christ, 1 Cor. 12.12, 13. all which, whether Jews or Gentiles, bond or free, (I may add, young or old) are but one in their Head Jesus Christ, Gal. 3.28. All that are Christs are Abrahams seed, vers. 29. and Infants are his, as well as grown persons; for he became an Infant, suffered much in his very Infan­cy, was the Head of the Church while an Infant (and therefore might well have Infant-members,) dyed for Infants as well as for grown men, bad his Disciples to suffer little children to come to him, (if not that he might baptize them, (for he baptized none at all, Infants or others, Joh. 4.1, 2.) yet that he might bless them,) and said, that of such is the Kingdom of Heaven. 2. As for the carnal seed of Abraham, their fleshly relation was not sufficient to entitle them to Church-priviledges, except they had a spiritual re­lation also, Rom 9 6, 8. Open Apostates, and Revolters, though the carnal seed of Abraham, were not counted of the Church, but as strangers, and Heathens, as David calls them, Psal. 54.3. & 59.5. That Text, Exod. 12.48. prohibiting strangers, did by the rule of proportion prohibit from the Passover all such Jews as did forsake the Faith: The Caldee Paraphrast saith, No son of Is­rael, that is an Apostate, or fallen from the Faith, shall eat of it. [Page 21]Cain and his posterity were rejected, Gen. 4.15, 16. cum Gen. 6.1, 2. So Ishmael cast out, and the Ishmaelites, Gal. 4 30. Gen. 21.10, 14. Psal. 83.6. which last place mentions the Edomites al­so, which were the posterity of Abraham; yea, all the twelve Tribes, which were the seed of Abraham, were cast off at the last: and yet their being begotten after the fl [...]sh, and being circumcised in the flesh, was an help, not an hindrance, to their being begotten of the Promise, or to Circumcision in the Spirit. Jacob was of Isaac and Rebecca after the flesh, and yet also the heir of Promise: And as then some were born only after the flesh, as Ishmael, Esau; and some were also born after the spirit, as Isaac, Jacob: So the Apostle (looking not only to the Parallel, but to the History) saith, So it is now; some, even in the time of the Gospel, are born of Christian Parents only after the flesh, and some also after the spirit, and these do persecute one another, Gal. 4.29. This difference may discover it self in riper years, but in Infancy it is as undiscoverable now as then. 3. It was not necessary that they should be the car­nal seed of Abraham that were in Covenant-relation, and initiated into the Church; for Abraham was (as to this) not only the fa­ther of the Jews, but of many Nations, and upon this account his name was changed, Gen. 17.4.5. Proselytes being Gentiles as well as we, and not of his carnal seed, nor (many) so much as of his fami­ly, yet they were the seed of Abraham by believing, as wel as we are now; and they were not only initiated into the Church, but those of them that were of Abrahams family were the foundationals, and first members of the Church, as constituted in Abrahams family; his 318 trained servants, besides others, were not all (if any) of his carnal seed. 4. As for the Infants of Believers, which you separate from their Parents (of which see before Chap. 3. §. 3.) and make them a fourth seed, you know that Proselytes became Abrahams seed only by believing, as (you say) we Gentiles now do, and yet their children were accounted Abrahams seed (though they be none of the three which you mention,) and as such were initiated into the Church, Gen. 17.12, 23. Exod. 12.48, 49. In the same sence that Abraham was a father to a Proselyte, or believing Gentile and his seed then, he is a father to a Christian Gentile and his seed now, for his Paternity abides the same; nor can you shew a better warrant for his Paternity over the one, then over the other, nor have the Gentiles lost any priviledg by the coming of Christ [Page 22]which they had before: The Scripture saith, The Brethren now are the children of the Promise, as Isaac was, Gal. 4.28. Now Isaac was the seed of Abraham, and in the Promise as an Infant of believing Parents, before he was an actual Believer, and his Infants wa [...] within the Covenant, and accordingly initiated into the Church. Abraham might say, God is my God, and the God of my Infant seed, and so might the Gentile proselyted say also; and why may not a Christian, who is blessed with faith-ful Abraham, Gal. 3.9. say so too? especially seeing Jesus Christ, the Mini­ster of Circumcision, did not abrogate, but confirm the Promises made unto the fathers, and that the Gentiles might glorifie God for his Mercy, &c. Rom. 15.8, 9. God, alluding to the outward Circumcision of his people, and their seed, promiseth to circum­cise their hearts, and the hearts of their seed, Deut. 30.6. and this promise is Gospel, and a parcel of the Covenant of Grace, as appears by Deut. 30.6, 10, 11, 12. with Rom. 10.6, 7, 8. and this circumcision of the heart is commended Rom. 2.28, 29. and is signified and sealed in Baptism, Colos. 2.11, 12. It is observed, that Gen. 17.7. speaks not of Abraham and his seed (which (you say) are actual Believers) abstractedly taken, but of his seed in their generations, which words necessarily imply and include, as the Parents generating, so the Children generated. Lastly, A­braham is not only called the father of particular Believers, but the father of Nations professing the true faith, as well as of the Jewish Nation: Every Nation receiving the true Faith as they did, and in which there is a National Agreement in Doctrine, Worship, Dis­cipline, as was in the Nation of the Jews, is an holy Nation, a pe­culiar people to the Lord, even Egypt and Assyria, with Israel, and may call Abraham father, Isai. 19.21. Gen. 17.5. When the Gentiles were graffed into that stock from which the Jews were broken off, and did partake of the root and fatness of the Olive tree, Rom. 11.17. and Abraham began to be the father of many Nations, Rom. 4.16, 17. Regenerate Infants are Abrahams spiri­tual seed by Mr. T. his confession, and he professeth that he would baptize them, if he could know them. I am sure no one dare say of this or that particular Infant, that it is not regenerate; yea, we are bound to judg they are such, till something appear to the con­trary.


Q. But are not the children of godly persons visibly in the Co­venant of Grace?

A. No, the Covenant of Grace is an invisible thing, and we cannot know who are in it, nor have we grounds to judg persons are in it, till we see some profession of holy life of faith and repentance, which Infants cannot make.

NOt to spe [...]k of such as are only intentionally in the Cove­nant of Grace, as children yet unborn may be, Examinat. Cap. 8. § 1. Deut. 29.15. Those that are Actually in the Covenant of Grace, are of two sorts: Some are externally in it, as Ishmael, Judas, Simon Ma­gus, and so all such as own God to be their God, and themselves to be his people (as the Jewish Church did, and every true Christian Church doth) though but externally are said to be within the Covenant: Your self say, that profession of faith and repentance are grounds to judg some persons to be in the Covenant of Grace. There is external being in Christ, Joh. 15.2. Vocation, Mat. 22.14. Sanctification, Heb. 10.29. and purging from sin, 2 Pet. 1.9. But some are also internally and savingly in the Co­venant of Grace, as Isaac, Jacob, while Infants, and when adult, also Zacheus, Lydia and her houshold, the Jaylor and all his. This distinction is grounded upon Rom. 9.4, 6, 7, 8. We may know who is in the Covenant of Grace externally; but the Covenant of Grace in the second sence is invisible, and none could know who were in it in the time of the Jews (though Infants were then visibly in it, and initiated as such) or amongst Christians. If the invisibleness of the Covenant of Grace, and our not know­ing who are in it, doth exclude Infants, it doth also exclude adult Professors from admission into the Church; for the signs of their being savingly in the Covenant of Grace, are but conjectu­ral, hopeful, and probable, not certain and infallible: none can be sure, that he that makes profession at a [...]ll age, which quali­fies him for Baptism, is not an Hypocrite at this minute, and will not be an Apostate the next; nor can we know that they are in the Covenant, for then we should know they are elected, whereas this is a secret known only to God, 2 Tim. 2.19. Deut. 29.19. And the little ones of the Church, though they make no [Page 24]personal profession, as adult persons do, yet are as visibly within the Covenant of Grace (parents having as much authority and reason to covenant for their children now, as Deut. 29.10. with 30 6.) and as charitably to be accounted of, seeing of adult Christians the weakest can hold forth no more then the least de­gree of absolute probability, and the strongest no more then the highest degree of probability.

Peter saith, § 2. Act. 2.38, 39. The promise is to you and to your children: Concerning which observe, 1. That hereby is not meant Christ is exhibited (as some gloss,) The promise Is, id est, fulfilled, Christ is come; for this they had heard before, vers. 36. and knew to their trouble, and therefore were pricked in their hearts: and these words are not any where in Scripture so taken; nor is Baptism a seal barely to Christ being come in the flesh, but to the benefits thereof covenanted and promised; not is it a promise of the gifts of the Holy Ghost, but the promise [...], Gospel promise of remission of sin, Heb. 8.10, 12. signed and sealed in Baptism, Act. 3.19. which belongs to Gods people at all times, might heal their being pricked in their heart, vers. 37. and is fitly used as a motive to perswade them to repent and be baptized, and is a suitable answer to their question, What shall we do to be saved? 2. He saith not, The promise is to you, and to as many as God shall call, whether of your children or strangers; as he might have said, if he would have levelled the children of Christians and Pagans: but he saith, The promise is to you and to your children, and to as many; making their chil­dren a distinct party, as from those that then were, so from those that after should be called; the words holding out their right, are in the Indicative Mood, The promise is to you: the like is never said to Pagans, or to any out of the Church. 3. These words are the same in substance with the reason and ground of Circumcision, Gen. 17.8, 10, 11. That Promise and Covenant was a Gospel Covenant, In thy seed shal all the Nations of the Earth be blessed; and was an everlasting Covenant, made four hundred thirty years before the Law, and to be fulfilled in a great part of it after the ceasing of Moses Paedagogy, and of Circumcision, Gal. 3.15, 16, 17. Rom. 4.12▪16, 24. Heb. 13.20. Rev. 14.6. and the said everlasting Covenant was not only with actual Beleevers, but with the lineal seed of Abraham, even before they actually [Page 25]believed, till some open revolt did disable them, and with the In­fant-seed of Proselytes or Gentiles converted to the saith. 4. His motion, that every one of them should be baptized, doth imply, they had right to Baptism, (for he doth not perswade them to be Usurpers of that, to which they had no right,) and he grounds his motion not only upon their bare personal interest in the Promise, but their childrens joynt interest with them (as in Gen. 17. God doth for Circumcision,) which latter could not rationally be urged as a motive to perswade the Jews to be baptized, and to embrace Christian Religion, if the joynt interest of their children with them were not (at least) fully as great in the Christian as in the Jewish Church. Now if a Jew had a child born before his Con­version to Christianity, that child was Sacramentally to be initiated; but if he had a child after, you say it was not, but was in the same condition with a Pagans child, viz. not to be admitted into the Church till it were called: And if so, then where is the benefit be­longing to the children of Jews converted by virtue of their Chri­stianity? If a Landlord should move his Tenants to give up his old Lease or Grant (which hath certain immunities and priviledges to him and his children) and to take a new one, in which his children should have no more priviledges then meer strangers; could he rationally perswade him to surrender the old Lease or Grant, and to take a new one, from the benefit that may accrue to the Tenant and his children by it? 5. Here seem to be three ranks and con­ditions of persons: 1. The Jews themselves, then present and adult: 2. Their children, the present issue, which already was, or should be born of their bodies, what ever they were, younger or elder, Infants not excluded: 3. Those that were afar off, not in estate (for the mystery of the calling of the Gentiles was not fully closed with by Peter till Act. 10. nor could the Jews yet bear that saying,) but those that were afar off in time: [...] (we with Piscator may add [...]) is a different phrase from that used of the Gentiles, [...], Ephes. 2.13, 17. and fitly may de­note the posterity of the Jews in after ages. 6. These Jews (it's likely) were pricked in their hearts, not only for their crucifying of Christ, but their cursing their children about two months since, Matt. 27.25. which curse did include their very Infants then new­ly born, and others that should be born afterward; and therefore if Peter had not included Infants in this Promise, the plaister had [Page 26]not been large enough for their sore. Lastly, The Jews were apt long after this to scruple lesser matters, Acts 21.20. and can it be thought that they should not startle and be discontent­ed to have both Circumcision and Baptism taken from their In­fants? nor enquire whether this seclusion of their Infants was not a fruit of their cursing of them? or how it could be justi­fied by the Old Testament (there being then no other written Word?) or by what warrant the Church-membership and Co­venant-interest, which their children formerly had, was repeal­ed and taken from them? By all which, seriously considered, it will appear, that the children of Believers are included within the Promise, and to be baptized. Beside [...], if Infants be not with­in the Covenant of Grace, then they are strangers from it, and consequently without God, and without hope, as Pagans chil­dren are; and if they dye (though in Infancy,) their Parents may mourn over them as such that have no hope, contrary to 1 Thess. 4.13. yea, while they live, they may lament over their children, as such whom they have begotten and brought forth to the Devil, and not to God, in respect of their visible estate.


Q. What is Circumcision?

A. It was an Obligation to keep the whole Law, Gal. 5.3. Rom. 2.24. and shewed unto them, that it was their duty to circumcise their hearts, Jer. 4.4.

CIrcumcision in it self was but an Obligation to the Law as a rule of Righteousness, Examinat. Cap. 9. §. 1. subservient to the Covenant of Grace (as Baptism also is, Rom. 6.3.) not to the Law in the ri­gor of it, as it was a Covenant of Works; for Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob were not so obliged, they were in the Covenant of Grace as well as we, and Circumcision was to Abraham (by your own confession) a seal of the righteousness of Faith. Christ did profit may hundreds and thousands that were circumcised in the time of the Law, he was the Lamb slain from the begin­ing of the World, and they were saved by Faith in him, 1 Cor. 10.1, 2, 3. Heb. 11. but when Christians were circumcised in the time of the Gospel, out of a perswasion of its necessity, and [Page 27]their justification by it, then it did bind them to keep the whole Law, and Christ in that case did profit them nothing; and this is all can be inferred from your Texts, as to this matter. As Cir­cumcision did shew it was their duty to circumcise their hearts, so Baptism shews it is our duty to wash our hearts, Jerem. 4.14. Jam. 4.8. (between heart circumcision and heart-washing is no great difference, if any.) And as there was a precept for the circumcision of the heart, so God promised his people, that he will circumcise their hearts, and the hearts of their seed; of which before Chapt. 7. Though Circumcision did shew forth (you say) a Duty on our part, as well as a Promise on Gods part, yet (you know) Infants were then circumcised, though they had no actual knowledg of either. What you can gather hence (if any thing) against Infant-Baptism, I expect to know.


Q. Was not Circumcision also a seal of the righteousness of Faith? Rom. 4.11.

A. Yes, to Abraham only; and if Abrahams believing chil­dren amongst the Gentiles should be baptized as he was circumcised, then is must not be till they have the righte­ousness of Faith as Abraham here had, at least they must have it in profession.

The Text saith, It was the seal of the righteousness of Faith, §. 2. which Abraham had, being yet uncircumcised; but it saith not, that it was so to him only: The Apostle brings it as an argument to prove the way of our Justification to be by Faith alone, which were a meer inconsequence, if proper to him, and not belong­ing to others. There was adult persons Believers in Abrahams Family when Circumcision was first instituted, and many be-lieving Proselytes afterward, which had Faith while yet they were uncircumcised, as Abraham had, of whom their Circum­cision also was a seal of the righteousness of the Faith they had before; yea, Moses makes it to all a sign of the Covenant, Gen. 17. which doubtless was the Covenant of Grace; or, to use Pauls dialect, the righteousness that is by Faith, Rom. 3.22 30. & 10.3, 6, &c. cum Deut. 30.6, 10, 11, 12. Phil. 3.9. this be­ing the Tenor of that Covenant, Believe in the Lord Jesus [Page 28]Christ, and thou shalt be saved, Acts 16.31. Your passage, im­plying, that there are some believing children of Abraham which have not the righteousness of Faith as Abraham here had, I do not understand, except you make actual believing and having the righteousness of faith two things, not only distinct, but separable: But whatsoever your meaning be, I cannot see here any shew of proof, that children must necessarily believe, or make profession of faith, before they may be baptized, as Abraham did before he was circumcised. Abraham could not be circumcised in Infancy, nor before Circumcision was instituted, no wonder therefore if he be­lieved before; had Circumcision been instituted in the days of his fathers, Abraham might have been circumcised before he actually believed, as well as Isaac his son was. Christ could not be baptized till John did baptize, which was about the thirtieth year of Christs age, nor did he receive the Eucharist till the night before he suffer­ed; yet some that pretend to imitate him, can be baptized, and possibly preach too, at 15, 16, 20, 21, &c. years of age, though Christ was neither baptized, nor did preach, till he was thirty.


Q. Whether doth Baptism succeed Circumcision in the same Office?

A. No: Circumcision was to every Male (though reprobate) but Baptism only to the Believer, Matt. 28.19. There being a change of the visible Church, and of the Ordi­nances, this cannot succeed in the room thereof, nor hath any dependance thereon.

Your Argument against the succession of Baptism to Circum­cision is weak, §. 3. viz. Baptism is not like Circumcision in some things, therefore it is not like in any thing, therefore it succeeds not in the same office: By this you may prove as well, That the Supper doth not succeed the Passover, nor the Lords-Day the Jew­ish Sabbath. The office of Circumcision was to shew original sin, to teach necessity of Regeneration, of Mortification, of Salvation by Christ, the seed of Abraham; to sign and seal the Covenant, or the Righteousness that is by Faith, to distinguish Jews from others, to initiate solemnly and formally into the Church: And doth not Baptism also initiate into the Church? 1 Cor. 12.13. Yea, [Page 29]doth it not (Circumcision being now abrogated) perform the fore­said Offices? Indeed it is not every way the same, for then it were not a successor. Add hereunto, that the Covenant was the ground of Circumcision, Genes. 17.7, 9, 10, 11. the equity whereof ob­ligeth to Baptism, as the equity of the fourth Commandment ex­tends to our Lords-Day. As for the positive command, vers. 12. it only determines the time and day, which circumstance of day and time was not built upon the Covenant of Grace (as Circumcision it self was) and therefore is not perpetual; and without such a positive determination of the time, Circumcision should and might have been administred to Infants: the Jews did circumcise children bought with their mony the same day they bought them, though they bought them the same day they were born: See Ainsw. in Genes. 17.12. Oft-times Circumcision was not administred the eighth day, but deferred; in which cases the command of circum­cising the eighth day was not observed; yet Circumcision was, and according to right reason ought, to be administred to Infants by virtue of the naked institution thereof, as we contend that Baptism ought now to be, both of them being (as was said) seals of the Covenant. But you, in saying Circumcision was to every Male, though reprobate, do imply, that it Was not to Females; true: but both Males and Females were then baptized, and so they were in the New Testament, Acts 8.11. Gal. 3.28, 29. which is a suffi­cient justification of our deserting Circumcision in that point: And the Infant-females (as well as the adult) were counted members of the Jewish Church; and though, by reason of their incapacity, or Gods respect to the modesty of that Sex, they were not personally circumcised, yet they were circumcised in the Males: Hence the whole Church of the Jews, consisting of Females as well as Males, were called the Circumcision, in opposition of the Gentiles, which were called Ʋncircumcision, Gal. 2.7, 8, 9. Again, It was not administred to reprobates as such, not to every Male, but to the Males of the Church externally in Covenant, some whereof pos­sibly were Reprobates: So Simon Magus, Judas, Ananias and Sapphirah were baptized, and yet it is (at least) likely that they were Reprobates. Circumcision did belong to the Believer as well as Baptism doth; those that were strangers to the Jewish Church could not be admitted, but they must be Proselytes, not of the gate only, but of righteousness; they must disclaim Paganism, [Page 30]and profess the Jewish Religion: A stranger continuing in his un­belief, was not circumcised, not did partake in the Passover, Exod. 12.48. And by proportion that Text prohibiteth all such Jews as should forsake the faith: See before Chap. 7. As for the change of the Church and Ordinances notwithstanding it, the Lords-Day may succeed the Jewish Sabbath, and those same persons which were bound to keep the Jewish Sabbath, are tied to observe the Lords Day, viz. servants and children, as well as Parents and Masters, though the persons be not so distinctly set down in the New Testament as in the Old. Paul did use ar­guments from Analogy, from the purging out of the old leaven at the Passover to the casting out of the incestuous from the Sup­per, 1 Cor. 5. from the maintenance of the Priests to the main­tenance of Ministers, 1 Cor. 9.13. To argue à genere ad speci­em affirmativè, is not good reasoning; The Church was changed, therefore it was changed in this particular: The Church might be changed, and yet not in this; the Sacrament may be changed, and not the subject: what belonged to the Jewish Church as a Church, belongs to the Christian Church also; that which be­longed to it as Jewish, was altered, as High-Priest, Temple, Sa­crifices, Ceremonies, &c. Infants Church-membership did not belong to the Church as Iewish, not was it a Ceremony or Type; if you think it was, shew what it was a type of, and what was the antitype that hath succeeded it, and prove it so you can. There was a Church, before there was an High-Priest, Tem­ple, &c. in the Families of Adam, Noah and Sem, which was alive in the time of Isaac: Melchizedek surely had subjects and people, which were the Church (as well as he was a King and a Priest) of the most high God; This Church might continue long, & not be united to the Church in Abrahams family for ought we know: whatsoever the extent of the Church was, Domestical, Congregational, or National, Infants are reckoned of the same Church with their Parents: the Church before Christ, and after Christ, is the same Church; as an Heir, While in nonage, and when adult, is the same person. The Jews that believed were never unchurched; the Tree was not broken down, but some branches broken off: some additionals to the Church ceased, the Church it self ceased not; the partition Wall Was broken down, and Iews and Gentiles made one Church, Eph. 2.14. & 3.6. And when [Page 31]the wall was down, were their Infants turned out of the Church at one door, as the Gentiles came in at another? was the Church so changed, that it lost so many materials? and was the Covenant of Grace changed too? did it lose so many out of it? Visible Professors and their Infants are alike in every age, and there is nothing in them inconsistent with propriety in God, or interest in the Covenant, or the Seal thereof, in one age more then in another: Baptism is the seal of the Covenant now, and may be administred to visible Professors, and their children, now, as Circumcision was then; if there should be any difference, Reason would tell us, considering the painfulness and peril of Circumcision, Gen. 34.25. and the easiness of Baptism, That only grown men should have been circumcised, and Infants bap­tized, rather then contrary.

ANABAPY. CAT. Q. Whether may not Infants of Believers be baptized by vir­tue of Covenant-holiness? A. No: for Baptism is not a sign or seal of any such outward holiness, which may befall Reprobates as Well as Elect; but it is a sign of Death, Burial, and Resurrection, Which the Believerthath with Christ. 2. There is no command for baptizing such, if the Gentiles Were so holy.

BAptism is a sign and seal of Christs, Death, Examinat. Cap. 10. § 1. Burial, and Re­surrection, and of the truth and faithfulness of those ex­ceeding great and precious Promises bundled up in the Covenant of Grace, which are in Christ Yea and Amen, a Cor. 1.20. but it is not an absolute sign or seal of the baptized's Death, Burial, Resurrection With Christ, of his putting on of Christ, of grace already Wrought in him, as you assert in your Answer to the se­cond and third question, but only conditional, Acts 16.30 31. if he believe, as the Romans did, Rom. 6.3.4. with 5.1.2. A Christian gathers the assurance of his Justification and Salvati­on by this or such a like Syllogism, He that believeth, is justified, and shall be saved: I believe, therefore I am justified, and shall be saved. The Major, or former Proposition, Baptism doth ab­solutely and universally seal; but not so the Minor, or second [Page 32]Proposition, viz. I believe: If Baptism should seal to all bap­tized ones, as suppose Simon Magus, Judas, &c. the truth of their Faith and their saving interest in Jesus Christ, then should God set his Seal (for Baptism is Gods Seal, not the Churches) to a lye and falshood, or at least command Ministers so to do, when they are bound by the Rules of Christ to baptize such as are not inward­ly holy, as Simon Magus, &c.

Children of Believers, sect. 2. 1 Cor. 7.14. are said to be Saints, or holy; whereby is not meant, that they were legitimate only (for so had they been if both the Parents had been Infidels, and children are not holy because they are not bastards,) nor only sanctified to the use of the Parents, as the unblieving yoke-fellow (though not holy in se, nor sanctifying) is sanctified to the believing yoke-fel­low, (the Holy Ghost neither here nor elsewhere speaking of any thing to be sanctified to unbelievers,) but they are holy, a distinct phrase from being sanctified to another, as birds and beasts may be, and this holiness proceeds from the believing yoke-fellow, which is the reason why he saith, your children, viz the children of you Christian yoke-fellows (the Infidel yoke fellows writ not to Paul) are holy, which seeing it cannot be meant of internal and saving holiness (for all children of the Church are not such, though we are bound to judg the best till the contrary appear,) it must needs therefore be meant of outward federal holiness, which is the privl­ledg of the children of believing Parents above the children of Pa­gans, the Jews having had the like priviledg before; (See Gal. 2. 15. which I conceive runs parallel with this:) Or if but one of the Parents be Christian, partus sequitur meliorem partem, the children are not Infidels, but Christian.

But, §. 3. say you, there is no command for baptizing such, and you call it Will-worship forbidden, Lev. 10.1. A tradition and ground­work for more traditions; others call it the mark of the beast, one of the strongest holds of Antichrist, and what not? To all which I answer, 1. If Nadah and Abihu's offering strange fire, fire un­sanctified, or not taken off the Altar, Was Will-worship (though the Scripture doth not call it so,) yet Paedobaptism (suppose it be not warranted by the Word) cannot be will-worship, because it is not an introduction of a new Worship or Ordinance, but the misapplication of an old and unquestionable Ordinance of God, or (if you put on it the worst name you can with any shew of reason) [Page 33] the Profanation of an Ordinance, as your self call it; some of your party, which have in derision and contempt of Infant-Baptism bap­tized Horses, Cats, or Dogs, have been unquestionably guilty of horrible Profanation, but not of will-worship. 2. Infant-Baptism is grounded on, and warranted by the Word of God, and there­fore is far enough from being a Profanation, or so much as the mis­application of an Ordinance: That it is so grounded and war­ranted, needs no other proof then what hath already been produced in this Examination, upon occasion of the Scriptures and Reasons brought against it.

  • 1. They that are Disciples in Scripture-sence, are expressed in Christs Commission about Baptism, and are to be bapti­zed. But Infants of the Church are Disciples in Scrip­ture-sence: Therefore they are to be baptized. See Chap. 2. Sect. 3.
  • 2. They that are Abrahams seed are to be baptized, as you con­fess: But such Infants are the seed of Abraham: Therefore they are to the baptized. See Chap. 7.
  • 3. They that are visibly Within the Covenant of Grace are to be baptized, (as you acknowledg:) But such Infants are visibly Within the Covenant of Grace: Therefore they are to be baptized. See Chap. 8.
  • 4. They that are to be judged Church-members are to be bap­tized: But such Infants of the Church, or born of members of the Church are to be judged Church members: There­fore, &c.
  • 5. They of Whom the Kingdom of God is, are to partake of the privileges of the Kingdom of God; But of Infants is the Kingdom of God: Therefore &c.
  • 6. They that are Saints, and holy, are to be baptized: But such Infants are Saints, and holy: Therefore.
  • 7. Christ knew that Baptism was an ancient Ceremony of initi­ation into the Church, and applyed to the Infants of the Church as well as to adult Proselytes; yet he took up that Ceremony, and advanced it (as he did the Postcoenium of the Passover) to be a Sacrament of the New Testament, without prohibition of Infants from it; and therefore he did at least approve, it should be administred to Infants. See Cap. 2. § 1.

In these alone (to omit others,) conscientious enquirers into the [Page 34]mind of the Lord Jesus may find satisfactory grounds of Infant-Baptism, especially when they are compared with the grounds of the contrary Opinion and Practice.

You cannot shew any precept at all, §. 4. or president, or good warrant, in the Word of God, that children of believing Pa­rents should be kept from Baptism (as you require them to be) till they do in their own persons actually believe, or make pro­fession of Faith; or that any such were baptized in riper years (as you would have them now to be:) Yea I further say, that if you can shew me in Scripture any son or daughter of believ­ing Parents baptized, I shall shew you that he or she was bap­tized in Infancy: Surely from the time that John Baptist begin his Ministry, to the writing of the Apocalyps, great multitudes of Infants of Christians grew up to maturity, yet amongst them all we read not of one whose Baptism was so delayed; nor have we any solid ground to conceive, that God at the coming of Christ took away Infants Covenant interest, Church member­ship, and Sacramental initiation, and made their condition (as to this) as bad as the Heathen, and worse then the Jewish chil­dren, seeing it cannot be said, that God did take these priviledges away in judgment, upon occasion of Christs coming, from all Infants, even Elect children of Elect Parents, seeing Infants in the time of the Gospel are not any way more guilty, or un­capable, then in former times: nor can it any way appear, that God did it in mercy, (and sure if it was done, it was done either in judgment or mercy,) for it was a mercy to the Jewish chil­dren to have these priviledges, and nothing more was conferred upon Infants which lost them, then upon adult Christians which did not lose them. You cannot shew a precept' or president for your gathering Churches out of other true Christian Churches; for requiring persons, before they can be admitted members, to give account of the truth of their graces; for the Congregations judging whether they have grace or no, and consequently whe­ther they were to be admitted or no; for a solemn explicite Church-Covenant, for the erection of a Church without Offi­cers; for the power of such a Church, consisting only of unof­ficed Christians, to elect, ordain, impose hands by one or more of them on their Officers, to censure or excommunicate any member, yea any or all their Officers when they have them; [Page 35]for maintenance of Ministers by Lords. Day-Collections, formerly urged as an Ordinance of God, though of late much waved; for a sentence of non-communion with Sister-Churches; for Synods only consultative, and not decretive; for publike ordinary preach­ing of gifted men, not so much as intending the Ministry, and their receiving maintenance for their pains; and yet these are asserted by men of the Congregational way (in which Antipaedobaptists are generally found) to be duties, priviledges of the Church, or Ordinances of God: nor can you shew any Church consisting of unbaptized ones (such as you account your selves to be (your In­fant-Baptism being a nullity) till you be baptized upon profession) und such a Church admitting members, commissionating some Dis­ciples to preach and dip: nor any precept or president for admissi­on of such, which are (in your opinion) unbaptized, to the Lords Supper, not for rebaptizing such as were baptized (suppose in In­fancy) in the Name of the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, or for renouncing such Baptism: nor can you shew any one Text of Scrip­ture in which Infant-Baptism either in express words, or in the in­terpretation of any Apostolick or Primitive Church or Father in the purest Times: nor can you shew one visible Church, from the beginning of the World, to the time when your Opinion was lately broached, which was of any long continuance, and did nei­ther admit into it, nor permit in it, any Infant-member.

Finally, §. 5. Should you or I be required a Command for admission of women to the Supper (as you require a Command for Infant-Baptism, though you can neither shew command, nor example nor good warrant for your contrary opinions and practices,) what clearer command can we shew for that, then for Infant-Baptism? Women were not admitted to both the Sacraments of the Old Testament: Christ did not admit women, no not his own Mother, to the Supper: There is express uncontroverted mention in the New Testament of women being baptized, but not so of women communicating. If you alledg, that [...] (a name common to women, as well as m [...]n) ought to communicate, 1 Cor. 11.28. it is early evaded, by saying, that the Apostle confines it to the Male by [...] and [...], v. 28, 29. and the same word is used of Circum­cision, of which the Male only was capable, Joh 7.22. General terms of Disciples, Church-members, persons in Covenant, will carry it for Infants Baptism, as well as womens communicating: [Page 36]If you alledg, That such and such Assemblies, in which there were women, did break bread, you know it may be, yea it is doubted by some sober spirits, whether that breaking of bread was Sacramen­tal or no; and it may be said, that the company is said to do it be­cause the Males did it; as the whole house of Israel is said to be circumcised, and called Circumcision, though the Females thereof were not circumcised. If you should tell us of housholds admit­ed to the Supper (though I know not any such instance in Scrip­ture) I might as well say, there was no women there, or they were excluded, as you say, there was no Infants in such or such an hous­hold, or if there were, they were excluded. Lastly, If men should bend their strength that way, they might as plausibly except against your admission of women (usually the forwardest part of your Societies) to the Supper, as you do, or (I believe) can do against Paedobaptism. Oh that our good God would in mercy to this distracted Church, and to the deluded Souls therein, remove preju­dice out of our hearts.


Q. Whether do you think Baptism administred in Infancy to be a lawful Baptism, and sufficient?

A. To me it is not; for I think it to be a Profanation of an Or­dinance, for these Reasons: 1. Because it is taught by the precepts of men, Isai. 29.13. not by God, Jerem. 7.22, 23.

YOu hold, Exam. Chap. 11. it seems, that it is neither lawful nor sufficient, and (in plain English) it is null, voyd, no Baptism at all: But consider (I pray you) could you prove the nullity of Infant-Bap­tism (as you have a great mind to do) what sad consequences would ensue: 1. That the people of God, for the space of 1600 years using Paedobaptism, were destitute of one, if not (by conse­quence) of both the Sacraments. 2. That the Churches in Eng­land, Scotland, France, Denmark, Sweden, Germany, Geneva, Holland, New England, &c. which have usually no other Baptism but Child-Baptism, are no Churches, the members thereof being not so much as Christians outwardly, nor Sacramentally initiated into the Church; in doing whereof you dishonor God, and do Sa­tan [Page 37]great service, Gods work being to disciple and enchirch the Nations of the World, Matt. 28.19. Mark 16.16. 2 Cor. 5.19. and Satan's to undesciple and He [...]thenize the Church, either in re­alty, or in reputation, for the advancement of his own Kingdom. 3. That these, and all others, must for ever (as the case stands) want the Sacrament of Baptism, except a special and particular warrant come from Heaven (as to John Baptist) for the setting up of this Ordinance; for no man, who is both unseparated to the work of the Ministry, and unbaptized (his Paedobaptism being a nullity) and ununited to the Church of Christ, can warrantably baptize himself, or any other, any more then Saul might sacrifice, Ʋzzah stay the Ark, Ʋzziah offer Incense; a Midwife, Turk, Jew or Pagan administer the Sacraments of Christs Church: for if Paedobaptism be a nullity because of default in the subject, this also will be a nullity for want of commission; for you can shew neither precept, president, nor good warrant for the Word, for any man that is unbaptized (having no special Commission from God) to baptize himself, or to baptize any other; or for any man to ac­cept of Baptism from such an one, which is indeed no Baptism at all. John, as he had commission from God for his baptizing; so he affirms, that a man can receive nothing ( viz. no authority to baptize as he did) except it be given him from Heaven, John 3. 26, 27. as if he would professedly caution the Church against such courses. 4. That the Societies of the Independents and Separa­tists (notwithstanding their separation from us) do yet (except they also turn Anabaptists) live within one of the strongest holds of Antichrist, are guilty of observing traditions and precepts of men, of will-worship, of profanation of Gods holy Ordinance, of filling the Church with rotten members, of confounding the Church and the World together; yea (say some of you) they have the mark of the Beast in their soreheads, and by consequence are in the high way to eternal damnation: And what worse can you say of any? Your Texts prove, that God hates hypocrisie, and over much regard of the commandments of men, and that God did command Obedience rather then Sacrisice, as 1 Sam. 15.22. (for God did command Sacrifices and Offerings, Levit. chap. 1. 2.3. &c.) What is this to Paedobaptism Will you acknowledg that God hath commanded it to us, as he did burnt-offerings and sacrifices to the Jews? we our selves say no more for it: But if [Page 39]your Texts do forbid all humane inventions in the Worship of God, Paedobaptism is yet safe enough; for it hath been proved in the foregoing Chapter to have as good warrant from the Word, as some other (by your self acknowledged) Ordinances of God have, and better then your opposite Opinion and Practicas.


A. Paedobaptism is done in a Wrong manner, by sprinkling in stead of Dipping.

THis exception you begin your Catechisun with, telling us, that Baptism signifies Dipping; Examinat. Chap. 12. By Dipping is never signi­fied Sprinkling: whence you would infer, That Baptism should be by Dipping only, and that it is done in a Wrong manner When it is done by Sprinkling; wherein you much mistake: For. 1. Should the original signification of other Scriptures words be so much squeezed, then because the holy Communion is call [...]d a Supper, 1 Cor. 11.20. (the word signifying a whole meal,) and the word [...], 1 Cor. 14. Ephes. 5. signifies not simply to sing, but to sing to a musical Instrument, and the original words for the gesture at the Supper signifie lying or leaning on a bed; you might with as good reason collect, That the holy Communion should be a whole meal. That there should be instrumental musick in Churches as well as vocal, That men ought to lie or lean on beds at the receiving of the Supper, or else the Ordinances are dons in a Wrong manner. 2 The word Baptism by your own confession doth signifie washing as well as dipping, and washing is the main thing, being the end, and dipping but the means, especially with reference to this Ordinance, which is for wash­ing, or putting away the filth of the flesh, 1 Pet. 3.21. Acts 22.16. Hebr. 10.22. 1 Cor. 6.11. Now a thing may be washed, not only by Dipping, but by Sprinkling, or by affusion or pur­ing water upon it, which is mostly used by us, and not Sprink­ling. 3. The Greek word Baptism in Scripture signifie, not on­ly washing by dipping or plunging into the water, but by sprinkling or affusion. The Baptisms, or washings, mentioned Hebr. 9.10. were (at least some of them) done onely by [Page 38] sprinkling of water, Numb. 8.7. which was called the water of separation, Numb. 19.9. and holy water, Numb. 5.17. or by sprinkling of blood, which himself instanceth in, Heb. 9.13, 19, 21. See also Exod. 29.16, 21. Psal. 51.7. Their washings (called baptizings) of hands, were frequently (at least) by letting wate fall on their hands from a Laver, 2 King. 3.11. So their Tables and Beds were not dipped into the water, but washing with pour­ing water on them, Mark 9. They that were baptized with the Holy Ghost, and with fire, were not dipped or plunged into the fire, (though, if they had, if seems it would not have burned them,) but cloven tongues, as of fire, sat upon each of them, Acts 2.3. with Matt. 3.11. They that were baptized in the Cloud, and in the Sea, 1 Cor. 10.1. were not dipped or plunged into the Cloud or Sea, for it was dry Land; but probably they were bedewed, besprinkled, or dropped on. The word [...], baptized, (by the Translation rendered dipt) Revel. 19.13. is no other in Isai. 63.2, 3. then besprinkled. 4. Baptism signifies Justificati­on by the blood of Christ, which is called the Blood of Sprinkling, Hebr. 12.24. 1 Pet. 1. 2. Hebr. 10.22. and Sanctification by the Spirit of Christ, which is called sprinkling of clean water on them, Ezek. 36.25. Isai. 52.15. both which were also typified by the aforesaid legal purifications or washings. 5. It cannot be proved by the Word, nor is it probable in it self, that the three thousand baptized in Jerusalem, Acts 2.41. were carryed to a River, and there dipped one by one by the Apostles; or that Paul, Lydia, the Jaylor, and all theirs, which (it's likely) were bapti­zed in houses, were so dipped. Did they shift their clothes, or continued they in their wet apparel? and how could their whole body be washed (though it might be wet) with their clothes on? or were they all (men and women) baptized stark naked? and was not this contrary to modesty, and a temptation which mastered holy David? 2 Sam. 11.1. Much less can it be proved, that be the person never so sickly, the season never so cold, yet dipping is (though it may endanger mens lives) not only lawful in it self, (as we account it, yea it hath been commended above sprinkling or af­fusion,) but in all cases and conditions necessary, and the omission of it upon any occasion is sinful.


Paedobaptism is done by an Officer, where there is a question­able Power, as the Ministers ordained by Bishops deem­ed Antichristian.

THis exception is of no force against Child Baptism administred by such Ministers as are not ordained by Bishops. Exam. Cap. 13. 2. You tell us not by whom, or whether truly or falsly the Bishops were deemed Antichristian: certes the old Nonconformists (how ever they or some of them might hold, that in the calling and authority of the Bishops there be divers things Antichristian,) agreed by joynt consent, That they did not see (I use their own words) how our Bishops could be called Antichrists, or Antichristians: 1. Be­cause the Word marks out Antichrist by his false doctrine; nor do we find in holy Scripture any such accounted Antichrist, or Anti­christian, which holding the truth of Doctrine, swerveth either in judgment or practice from Christs rule for Discipline: now it is evident that our Bishops do hold and teach all fundamental Doc­trines and Truths, and some of them have soundly maintained it against Hereticks, converted many to it, and have suffered perse­cution for the Gospel. 2. Their Hierarchy and other corruptions charged upon the calling of our Bishops, were rather to be esteem­ed the stairs and way to Antichristianity, then Antichristianity it self; for they were in the Church before the Pope, who is the An­tichrist, and the chief Head-link of all Antichristianity, was re­vealed. 3. The Antichristian Bishops hold their preeminence as from Gods Law, which is unchangeable; whereas our Bishops, since her Majesties reign to this day (for the most part) held their su­periority by no other right then the positive Law, which is vari­able; yea it appears by the Institution of the Court of Delegates, and the continuance thereof to this day, that they do and ought by Law to hold their Jurisdiction, not as from God, but as from the Prince. Thus they. And as to Ministers ordained by the Bishops, they say, Bishops are able to judg of such gifts as are required for the sufficiency of Ministers, that many of them have been such Ministers themselves, as to Whose labors the Lord hath set to his Seal—We are perswaded, that (though it were not necessary, yet) it cannot be unlawful for him that entreth into the Ministry to [Page 41]be approved and authorized even by them. And if our Ordination be in this behalf faulty, how will our Brethren justifie the calling of their own Ministers, that have received Ordination ever from the people, who neither by commandment nor example can be found to have any such authority, nor are in any degree so capable of it, as the Bishops? See Mr Rathbands grave Confutation, &c. pag. 19. and 38. 3. Suppose it were confessed, That the Bishops, as claim­ing by Gods Law sole power of Ordination and Jurisdiction (if any so did) might in some qualified sence be called Antichristian; had this such an influence upon an Ordination, in which others joyned as well as he, so as to make it voyd and null, both as from himself, and from them? The Bishops were Presbyters, and so more enabled by Gods Word to ordain (as the godly Noncon­formists truly assert) then any Non-Presbyters; and they came nearer to a Presbytery then two, three, or more members (which are nothing like a Presbytery, or company of Presbyters) can do: and their Ordination was judged valid, not only by the Parliament and the Assembly, but also by all the Reformed Churches abroad, as by the Nonconformists at home, notwithstanding they were opposers of, and were opposed by the Bishops; yea, God him­self added his own Seal, affording not only Ministerial Gifts and Graces, but his gracious assistance, for Conversion of Souls, and edifying of the Saints; and (sometimes) so gloriously working by the Ministry of the Church of England, as he hath not (that we know of) wrought so by any other. But in your account the Baptism administred by such a Minister is neither lawful nor suf­ficient, or at least it is the profanation of the Ordinance: Who you are, I know not; but the general Opinion of your party is, that any Disciple (especially a teaching Disciple) may baptize: (See Confession of the seven Churches, Art. 41.) And doth Ordi­nation by a Bishop, and other Ministers, make voyd such Disciple­ship, and make him that he cannot be so much as a private Christi­an, yea make his Baptism Antichristian? We receive from God the Old Testament by the hands of the Jews, and the whole Bible by the hands of Papists; most Scriptures have some time or other been abused, must we therefore disuse them? If a Bishop should baptize one at full age, making profession of faith and repentance, yea suppose a Jesuite, pretending to be a gifted Brother, or a teach­ing Disciple, (as it is lawful for the Jesuites to say or do any thing [Page 42]that may tend to the weakening the true Reformed Religion,) and should dip many, would his dipping be null and voyd, and to be reiterated? This I dare say, Whatsoever is rational or religious, cannot be made irrational or irreligious, whosoever useth or hath used it: And if multitudes of persons should cast away all that they have received by the Bishops and Ministers ordained by them, they should with those things irrecoverably cast their Souls into Hell. When Antichrist most reigned and raged, and the woman fled into the Wilderness, God did preserve some Fundamental Doctrines, and the essence of Baptism, and the essence of a true Ministry dispensing it; and they, that is, her Pastors, did feed her there, Revel. 12.6, 14. 4. There are now more Antichrists, then ever were before in our, or in any other Reformed Church; and worse Antichrists, by how much Fundamental Errors in Doc­trine are greater abominations then Errors only in Discipline: All Heretiques in Scripture-language are Antichrist, 1 Epist. John. The Errors, Heresies, Blasphemies, Treacheries, Hypocrisies, Per­juries, sacrilegious seditious Actions, Divisions and Subdivisions, bitter and bloody Contentions, Rebaptizations, Ordinations by the people, and other meer humane inventions of these Times, do justifie the Bishops, and all Episcopal men (that have kept them­selves free from these and the like crimes) from being so Antichri­stian as we; do really dishonor the true Reformed Religion, de­light the truly Antichristian Faction, and make way for our re­ducing, not only to Prelacy, but to that which all sober men count incomparably more dangerous, to Popery, yea to the worst editi­on of it, Spanish, Jesuited, Inquisition-Popery.


Paedobaptism is done upon a wrong subject, who is not in Christs commission, Matt. 28.19. nor Mark 16.16. Believers and Repentants being the subjects therein.


You here beg the question; what you here alledg, hath been an­swered Chap. 1. and Chap. 2.


All the certainty I can have of such a Baptism, is only con­jectural, not infallible; whereas the outward sign of a Sacrament must be visible and infallible, as the thing signified is; this Infant-Baptism I take only in trust from others.

THe Infants blessed by Christ could in their riper age have no certainty of their being so blessed by him, Examinat. Chap. 14. nor had the Jew­ish Infants any certainty of their Circumcision; for the foreskin of circumcised Infants might be, and sometimes was, so drawn up, that when they came to age they could not discern their Circum­cision. To this Paul alludes, 1 Cor. 7.18. If the flesh-mark was alway discernable, yet it could not teach them whether a friend or foe had done it, whether for sacred or civil ends, whether duly or unduly, without instruction and information by word or writing; and such instruction may assure us of our right Baptism, though it was administred in Infancy. You may have such assurance of your Baptism, as the Priests by the Registers had of their pedigree, Ez­ra 2.62. as Paul had, that he was circumcised the eighth day, that he was of the stock of Israel, an Hebrew of the Hebrews, of the tribe of Benjamin, Phil. 3.5. Yea, you may have as much or more certainty that you were baptized, as that such an one was your fa­ther, such a woman your mother: yet sure (if you will call that only a conjectural and not infallible testimony) you will test so much up­on it, as to call him your father, and her your mother, that are testi­fied and reputed to be so, and without scruple of conscience honor them, as you are bound by the fifth Commandment; and also keep that which is generally computed to be the first day of the week, or the Lords-Day, though you take it but on trust from others: Pos­sibly he that is baptized at full age, may not infallibly know that he was baptized; some have forgotten (through sickness) the greatest concernments, yea their own names, must they thereupon be re­baptized? Possibly a man or woman, as you are dipping them un­der the water, may be so damped, that they may not hear, or not heed the words used by the Administrator, whether he baptize, or bless, or curse; must they be dipped again, till they do hear, and heed, that they may infallibly know themselves to be baptized? [Page 44]If a man should herein be deceived, and think he was baptized in his Infancy, when he was not, the Error is not very dangerous; Faith in Christ may supply the defect of Baptism: and he not neg­lecting or contemning Baptism, nor knowing that he wants it, may reap benefit by his supposed Baptism, as if it were re [...]l.

As for his resolution of the case (grounded on the suppose un­lawfulness of Paedobaptism,) whether a Christian may with good conscience be present at it, I judg it unnecessary for me to discuss it, (having (I hope) cleared the lawfulness of Infant-Baptism,) yet I confess, I cannot approve sundry things in it, though Paedo­baptism were confessed to be unlawful.

SOME OBSERVATIONS Both Old and New, Concerning the pretended Visibi­lity, Universality, Antiquity, Infallibility, Unity and Purity of the present Roman Church and Religion.
Sent to a Gentleman upon his Revolt to Po­pery; and now Published (with some few Addi­tions) for the Churches good.


1. YOu do all confess the affirmative and positive Doc­trines of the Church of England and other Re­formed Churches to be true and Catholique, and to have had visible Professors in all Ages; only you superadd certain other Doctrines, which (you say) are ne­cessary to be beleeved unto Salvation:

For evidence whereof, observe,

1. Our Churches Doctrine, All the Books of the Old and New Testament, mentioned in the 39 Articles, and in the late Confession of Faith, to be holy and Canonical, are for such to be received. 2. Your Churches Additions. The Books of Tobit, Judeth, Wisdom, Maccabees, and the rest (commonly called Apocry­pha) are also Canonical.
The Scripture is the Rule of Faith and Manners. Traditions of the Church are of equal Authority with the Scriptures.
The Originals, Hebrew and Greek, are Authentical. The Vulgar Edition is most pure and Authentical.
There are two Sacraments of the New Testament; Bap­tism, and the Lords Supper. There are also five more, viz. Confirmation, Pennance, Ex­tream Ʋnction, Orders (of which there are seven, viz. Priests, Dea­cons, Sub-deacons, Acolytes, Ex­orcists, Lectors or Readers, Osti­aries or Door-keepers) and Ma­trimony.
God is to be invocated, and Religiously worshipped. Yea, and the Images of God also, Crosses, Crucifixes, Altars, Angels, Saints, with their Re­liques and Images.
Christ is the Head of the Church. And the Pope also.
Christ is our Mediator and Advocate. So are the Angels and Saints likewise.
Christ was conceived with­out original sin. And the Virgin Mary also.
Christ was once sacrificed on the Cross for the Redemp­tion of the world. Christ is dayly offered up in Mass a propitiatory Sacrifice for the sins of quick and dead.
We are saved by the merits of Christ. And also by the merits of the Saints.
We are justified by Faith. And by hope, love fear of God, good works, which merit Salva­tion.
All the words and actions which Scripture records to be used by Christ in the celebra­tion of the Supper, are to be used by us also. The sacred Hoast must also be elevated, adored reserved, car­ried in solemn procession.
Christ is truly present in the Eucharist. Christ is corporally present by Transubstantiation, and may be received into the mouths of wick­ed men, yea of Rats and Mice.
There are two places for the Souls of such as depart hence. And two besides, viz. Purga­tory and Limbus Infantum.
The three Creeds, common­ly called the Creed of the A­postles of the Nicene Councel, and of Athanasius, are to be re­ceived and beleeved. And Pope Pius his Creed also, or his additions to the Ni­cene Creed, are also to be recei­ved and beleeved.

These and the like positive Points of the Reformed Religion (whereof I omit sundry) are truly and properly Catholique, for in them not only Papists, but in a manner all Christians in the world concur with us: but in your Additions you stand sin­gle, and have multitudes of Christians in the Eastern and Western Churches dissenting from you.

2. Peruse the Book of nine and thirty Articles, the Homilies, Leiturgy and Catechisms, or the late Directory, Confession of Faith, or Catechisms, larger or shorter, and find if you can the Doctrine of our Church contrary to any one Article of those se­veral Creeds which in the first six hundred years were Badges of Catholique Profession, or produce any one of those Articles to which we do not willingly subscribe.

3. Though the ancient Church did undoubtedly beleeve and profess all that was necessary to Salvation, yet there is not one Creed of General or National Counced, particular Church or Father, within a thousand or twelve hundred years after Christ, in which the Articles of Pope Pius his Creed were imposed (as now they are) for Articles of Faith necessary to be beleeved un­to Salvation.

4. The Church of God (as might be proved by Scriptures or Fathers, if it were not acknowledged by your own Authors) cannot make a new Article of Faith, nor any addition to the Creed, save by way of Explication of that which was formerly upon Scripture grounds beleeved and professed: But these addi­tions of yours were not beleeved (if you should say that they were beleeved implicitely, this (suppose it true) would take a­way the Visibility of the Profession thereof) by the Ancient Ca [...]holique and Apostolique Church.

5. None of your side hitherto hath, or hereafter can produce any one visible Church, which in the Apostolique and in all suc­ceeding Ages did approve and use Communion in one kind, Private Mass, Prayer in an unknown Tongue, Image-worship, [Page 48]Pardons, Indulgences, which beleeved the Popes Infallibility, his Superiority over General Councels, his temporal Authority over Kings and Emperors to depose them, and dispose of their Dominions, the necessity of auricular Confession, the determi­nate number of seven Sacraments, Purgatory, and the Popes Power to deliver Souls from thence, which forbade Lay-men (without a special dispensation) to read the Scriptures, or Priests to marry, &c.

6. Nay you cannot name any one person in each several Age, out of whose words or writings (notwithstanding there were sundry Creeds, Confessions of Faith, Catechisms, Sermons or Homilies, Summaries of Christian Doctrine) the aforesaid par­ticular Points of Popery may be collected, descending from the age of Christ to the days of Luther.

7. Nay you cannot name any one Father or Catholique Wri­ter for twelve hundred years after Christ, that did hold all those Tenets which are now taught by the Romish Church, and autho­rized by the Trent Councel.

8. None of your side hath or can prove, that any of the Pri­mitive Martyrs or Confessors suffered Death, Banishment, Tor­ment, Confiscation, &c. for the Popish Religion, or any particu­lar thereof, in which they differ from the Church of England; as Papal Supremacy, Communion in one kind, Image-wor­ship. &c.

9. You cannot shew, that any one Article of your Faith in which we dissent from you, is Catholique according to Vincen­tius Lirinensis his Rules, viz. which was Ancient in his time, and in respect of the Arrian Heresie, which he calls novellum dogma, a novel tenet; and that which you know, that not unus aut duo tantum sed omnes, &c. not only one or two, but all, though living in several times and places, have with one consent openly, frequently, constantly held written and taught.

10. None of your side dare for shame affirm, that Communion in both kinds, Prayer in a known Tongue, communion of Priest with people, Lay-mens reading of the Scriptures, Worship of God without Images, Invocation of God without mediation of Saints or Angels, and other the aforesaid affirmative and positive Doctrines, were invented by Luther, or that they are not in themselves so lawful and agreeable to the Scriptures, and [Page 49]practise of the first six centuries of years, as Communion in one kind, Prayer in an unknown Tongue, &c.

11. There are few or no Points denyed or affirmed against us by you, in which you vary not amongst your selves; and if any of you will distinctly set down (avoyding general and ambigu­ous terms) what he thinketh to be the truth in any Question or Exposition of Scripture controverted betwixt us, I verily be­leeve I can name him another Papist, new or old, that saith the contrary: Bellarmine doth obiter discover to the world above three hundred several Opinions of Papists, and those only in and about the Points controverted between you and us; and Nava­ne mentions about sixty Dissentions of your Doctors in one only Point, to wit, Confession.

12. I shall hold, till herein I be convinced of Error by instance to the contrary, that whatsoever titles are by the ancient Fathers given to the Eucharist, whereby you would prove Transubstan­tiation, Adoration, Sacrifice, &c. the same phrases, or some equi­valent to them, may be found in the Fathers concerning Baptism, in which you confess there is neither Transubstantiation nor Sa­crifice.

13. Also, that those glorious things which were spoken by them of the Bishops of Rome, may be parallel'd by such as read them throughly with the like honorable mention of other Patri­archs and Bishops.

14. Also, that as good testimony may be produced out of the Fathers for the absolute necessity of the Eucharist, as for the ab­solute necessity of Baptism.

15. Also, that though gemina or duo Sacramenta be some­times found, yet septem Sacramenta, or words equivalent to them, cannot be found in any ancient Father, though they did call by the name of Sacraments, not only Ordination, Matrimo­ny, &c. but ablution of the feet, sign of the Cross, &c. which are not properly so called.

16. I desire to be satisfied why you so frequently and suspi­ciously (the matter being so mainly controverted) do in your allowed Manuals, Catechisms, &c. leave out of the Decalogue all the second Commandment, or that large passage prohibiting the worship of Images.

17. Also, how you can reconcile the two Bibles of Sixtus and [Page 50] Clement, between which are so many and material differences; or if you cannot reconcile them, how you can satisfie your Con­science whether of them is Authentical, seeing they have equal Authority from the See Apostolique, equal Absolutions from Oaths of admitting any other, equal Imprecations and Curses to them which receive them not for Authentical; so that either you must use no Bible at all, or undergo the curse of Pope Six­tus, if you use that of Clement; or of Pope Clement, if you use the other of Sixtus.

18. For as much as Traditions are defined to be the Rule of Faith, and equal to the Scriptures, and nothing is more necessary for the Chu [...]ch to do then to deliver the Rule of Faith clearly and precisely; what is the cause I pray you, that no Pope or Councel, no not that of Trent, hath given an exact Catalogue or List of divine and infallible Traditions? is it because you are not fully as yet agreed of them, or are they for some politique ends reserved in the Popes Brest?

19. This Assertion [that the Roman Church is infallible in all her Decrees and Definitions] is the Foundation of your Faith, and if it fail, your Faith fails also; yet it is much doubted of, yea denyed by some Romanists; nor (as I suppose) was it ever de­clated, decreed or defined by the Church in any General Coun­cel; if it was, I pray you shew me when, where, and in what terms.

20. Suppose this was so defined, and thereupon you be assured that the Church is infallible, yet you cannot be infallibly assured what is meant by the Church, which some of your Doctors in­terpret to be the Church essential, some the Church representa­tive, (which, as some of them hold, is a General Councel, though without the Pope; others, the Councel and the Pope together,) some the Church virtual, the Pope alone; which yet are not agreed amongst themselves when, where, and in what matters the Pope may or may not err.

21. If herein you were resolved, yet you cannot be infallibly assured that the present Pope is a true and lawful Pope, seeing he may be promoted by Simony, or his Baptizer or Ordainer, or the Baptizers or Ordainers of them, or some of them, might miss the right intention of Baptizing or Ordaining, in which case he cannot be in the sight of God a lawful Pope.

22. Put case you hope well of your Pope, yet it is possible you may mistake Papal Decrees, Definitions, &c. and not under­stand them in their true and genuine sence. Soto and Catharinus, who were present at the Trent Councel, could not agree what was the Councels meaning in the Points of Original Sin and Ju­stification, but writ Books one against another of that Subject.

23. You will say perhaps, The Pope is a living Judg to deter­mine these or the like doubts; which if it were granted, yet still you have no such infallible certainty as you pretend; for you never heard the Pope preach, propound Truths, or resolve Doubts; you only hear his Priests and Jesuits, whom I hope you will not exempt from a possibility of deceiving, or being de­ceived, especially seeing both Priests and Jesuits, Dominicans and Franciscans, do pretend the Pope to be their Patron, and their Tenents, though contrary one to another, to be the Tenents of the Church.

24. Lastly (to omit other Observations till further occasion) If proof of the Churches Infallibility be demanded of you, you will alledg Matth. 16.18. or Luke 22.32. or some other Scrip­ture. If again you be demanded, what assutance you have that Matth. 16.18. Luk. 22.32. and the other Scriptures, are of divine Authority, and that they are not corrupted nor mis interpreted? you must answer, That the Church is infallible, which keeps and interprets the Scripture. Thus you prove the Infallibility of the Church by the Scriptures, and the Infallibility of the Scriptures by the Church, which is nothing else but to run round in a circle to beg the Question, and in effect to prove the Churches Infalli­bility by the Infallibility of the Church.

Imprimatur, Edm: Calamy.

March 4. 1652.


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