M r. Denzell Hollis, HIS SPEECH TO THE LORDS, Concerning the setling of the Queen of BOHEMIA, and her Electorall Family, in their Right and Inheritance, with Restitution for their Sufferings.

Iuly 9. 1641.


M r. Denzell Hollis HIS SPEECH TO THE LORDS, Concerning the setling of the Queen of Bohemia, and her Electorall Fa­mily, to their Right and Inheritance, with restitution for their sufferings. Iuly 9. 1641.

My Lords,

THe Knights, Citizens, and Burgesses of the House of Commons, have com­manded me to let your Lordships know, that they have taken into their serious consideration, his Majesties proposall unto them of the Manifest, in which he is graciously pleased to declare his pious intentions [Page 2] concerning his Royall Sister, the Prince Palatine her Son, and the rest of the Electorall Family.

They do with all humblenesse acknowledge his Majesties favour, in communicating unto them any part of his Royall thoughts, and asking their advice and Counsell, in a businesse that doth so neerly concern him; as needs must the happinesse, nay the subsistence of these distressed Princes, of so glorious an extraction, their veins being enrich­ed with the same bloud, (that is) from so Royall Ancesters, derived with glory into his Sacred Person.

And in that relation, the House of Commons looks upon them with an eye of tendernesse, wi­shing that every drop of that Princely bloud, may ever be Illustrated with Honour and Happinesse: That his Majesty may be Crowned with this bles­sing, To see nothing but Glory in himselfe, and in all that bow unto him.

To heare then, that these Princes, so nearly al­lied unto the King, should suffer that which is so unworthy of them, instead of Honour, of Great­nesse, to finde Oppression, instead of a fortune answerable to their Birth and Relation, to have their ancient Patrimony torn from them, and de­tained by a hand of Violence, is a thing which makes our ears to tingle, and our hearts to rise within us.

My Lords, The Loyall Subject of England is so well tuned in a sweet agreeing harmony to the Person of his Prince, that he is affected with the [Page 3] least touch upon any part of the Princely string, and answers it instantly with a sound proportio­nable; if it be good and pleasant, with joy and ex­ultation; if harsh and displeasant, with sorrow and lamentation; but a sorrow not womanish, and fa­tuant, but accompanied with indignation, and vi­gorous magnanimous resolution, to be avenged upon whosoever dare give offence to our Royall Soveraign.

This then is enough to make us zealous for the redresse of the Prince Electors wrongs, to desire (with impatience) to see him reinvested in his rightfull possessions, were there nothing else to move us to it, but our love and affection, and our duty to the King.

But my Lords, There is yet another motive, which hath a strong irresistable operation with us; and it is the consideration, how much this is of importance to the good of Religion, the advancement of the Protestant party, and the redeeming many soules from their Antichristian bondage; which hath a double aspect; and relates to us, not only as we are fellow-members with them of the true Church, which obliges us to a care and de­fence of them, and gives us an assurance of a re­ward in heaven: But doth more particularly con­cern us in point of Policy and Reason of State, by supporting our Allyes, to advance this Kingdom to the highest pitch of Greatnesse and Reputation, to make us formidable abroad to the enimies of our Church and State, and so enjoy Peace, and [Page 4] Safety, and Tranquility at home.

For my Lords, the Protestant Religion, and this Kingdome, are like Hyppocrates Twins, that must both live and die together.

It is madnesse to thinke this State can subsist, if Religion be subverted; and as great a madnesse to think our Religion can continue here, if we suf­fer it to be destroyed and eradicated out of our neighbour Countreyes; which can no more be, (that is our Religion and this Kingdome be preser­ved) when our neighbours of the same Religion and Beliefe with us be consumed, than a Fort can hold out, when all the out-works be taken; or the heart preserved, when a Gangrene hath seized on the outward parts of the body.

My Lords, as the true Religion is in the truth, the heart of England, which gives it life, and makes it flourish with strength and power▪ so is England, (in politick respect) the heart of the Protestant Religion in all the other parts of Christendome; and upon occasion, must send out supply into all the neighbouring Countreyes, pro­fessing the same Religion with it; which (to be themselves in safety) must be under the Protection of this Fort, under Contribution to this Garrison.

And on the other side, if these Countreyes be one after another invaded and possessed by the enimies of our Religion, that great Tie of Reli­gion between us, and those Bonds be dissolved, which only can unite and strengthen our mutuall affections and relations; as if they got one part, [Page 5] their appetite will encrease soon to swallow up an­other.

First, the Palatinate; then the other parts of Germany; afterwards the Low Countries; and then let us think in what condition England will stand? It will be left as a Cottage in a Vine-yard; as a Lodge in a Garden of Cucumers; as a besieged City, when all the Defences are gone; it will soon fall to be a prey to the enimy.

My Lords, This consideration likewise works with the Commons of England; and as the Wise­man is to have his eyes in his head, and look before him; so they do look before them, and had rather see this evill met halfe way, than stay till it come to them; rather see the eating Gangrene of the Austrian ambition in Germany, than tarry till it seize upon the vitall parts of this Island, and the death of Religion inevitably follow.

This businesse took up a serious debate, and af­ter much time, and many Arguments spent upon the Subject, the Knights, Citizens, and Burgesses assembled in Parliament, came to this Resolution which was here read. This they have commanded me to represent unto your Lordships, and desire your Lordships will joyn with them in a tender of the like advice unto his Majesty, and approbation of his Royall Intendments.

And likewise, that his Majesty may be moved in the name of both houses, to recommend this bu­si [...]esse unto his Parliament of Scotland, to have the consent and furtherance of that Kingdome, [Page 6] that as we be brethren in mutuall affection, in an equall tie of duty and allegeance unto the King our Soveraign; so we may be brethren also in the same tender care, and loving zeale, for the good and support of his Majesties kindred, and their re­stitution, with their ancient Inheri­tance, and the safety of the reformed Churches.


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