M r. HOLLIS HIS SPEECH IN PARLIAMENT, On Munday the 31. of Ja­nuarie, 1642.

Upon the delivery of a Message from the House of Commmons, concerning the poore Trades-mens Petition.


London, Printed for F. C. T. B 1642.

Mr. Hollis HIS Speech to the Lords, upon the delivery of a Message from the House of Commons.

My Lords,

I Am commanded by the Knights, Citizens and Burgesses of the Commons House, to present your Lordships with a Petition now delivered into their House, by divers poor Trades-men in and about the Citie of London, containing in the same the great want and neces­sitie they and their families are fallen into, through the decay of trading. The means and causes that have produced this decay, and the re­medies to prevent further miserie, and revive tra­ding: My Lords, it is a common observation, and the experience of former Ages hath made it ma­nifest, that when the sword of warre is unshea­thed, famine followes, the greatest destruction of all Common-wealths and Kingdomes, wit­nesse the miserable calamities and troubles that have of late yeares befallen upon Italy and Ger­many. [Page] If wee call to minde ancient Histories mentioning the fatall destruction of the Ea­sterne Empires, wee shall finde that the first step to their desolation, hath been [...] domestick dissention, and home-bred mutinies, upon which hath followed Nationall warres, and the effects of all hath beene famine and pestilence, which hath given a full period to the utter con­fusion of those Kingdomes. If wee pry and search into the ancient Histories of Italy and Rome, wee shall finde the onely destruction both of that Kingdome and Citie, hath happe­ned onely by these occasions, the pride and abi­tion of the Popes and Bishops of that See, usur­ping authority to themselves over the Chur­ches in the East, produced the warres be­tweene the East Vandalls and the Romans, betweene the East and West Gothes, and the Italians, which was the utter desolation of the City of Rome.

First, by Allarick Captaine of the West Gothes.

Secondly by Adolph their Captaine.

Thirdly, by Athila King of the Hunns.

Fourthly, by Genserick King of the Van­dalls.

Fifthly Odasar a German.

Sixthly Theodericke and East Goth.

And lastly, Totela Baldevil.

[Page]These Princes by the sword and fire, executed the just judgements of God upon proud and wicked Rome; the originall whereof was occasi­oned by the impurity and uncleannesse of the Clergy: and what terrible Famines and grievous pestilencies followed these warres, is likewise too manifest by History; whereas in the begin­ning when Rome first began to lift up her head against Gods true Religion and his anointed Servants, Kings and Emperours, she had been dashed and suppressed, all those blondy and long warres procured by the Bishops thereof in all parts of the Christian world had bin preven­ted and avoyded.

My Lords, I have spoken this onely to re­member your Lordships of the miseries and ca­lamities that have hapned unto those Nations that have entertained amongst themselves dis­sension and division about the diversity of wor­ship of God in Religion, which alwaies hath proved the root and principall meanes of fu­ture destruction that now in time while oppor­tunity doth serve such occasions of difference as doe threaten the same desolations to the state wherein we live, and whereof we be a part, may by the wisedome of this high Court of Parlia­ment be prevented and avoyded.

My Lords, if Dearth and Famine bee in a Nation, there can be nothing expected but con­fusion [Page] as well of the rich, as of the poore, It is the Common Proverb, necessity hath no law. There is no delaying of present necessity. It is not to be thought that Millions of men, wo­men & children will starve and perish, so long as there is Corn in the Land of Goshen, or in the custody of Ioseph, It is therefore the desire, my Lords, of the Commons, that as they have com­passionately considered among themselves this necessitated Petition of distressed Trades-men, and have limited a day certaine for answering the same, so your Lordships would bee pleased to take the same Petition into your considerations with them, that the petitioners may at the time appointed, receive from both Houses of parliament, such answer from their demands, as may give them full satisfaction.

My Lords, under favour, I am to speake a word or two of the meanes that have occasio­ned the decay in trading, & the remedies to pre­vent the same for future time, and againe renew Trading, the means they conceive is principally want of due [...]xecution of Justice upon those persons that have bin the causers, and Authors thereof, and then the remedies, due execution of justice, without any further protraction of time and the Enacting of such wholsome and good lawes, for the restriction of vice, and maintain­ing of vertue, both in goverment of the Church and State, as shall be congruent to the Word of [Page] God, and the peace and prosperity of his Sa­cred Majesty, and all his Kingdoms, as shall be thought meet by the wisedome and policie of this great and High Court of Parliament, which I further humbly leave to the grave considera­tion of this Honourable House.


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