GLOBE NOTES By R. Holland.

Christus: Lucrism




Ver [...]S. [...] Profundo:

OXFORD Printed by L. LICHFIELD, Printer to the University, ⋆and are to be sold by RIC. DAVIS, 1678.

NOTES UPON Both Globs Celestial and Terrestial.

First concerning the Celestial. GLOBE.

It is the model of Heaven, but cheifly of the Eight Sphere, wherein three things are to be observed in general, viz.

  • 1. Definition.
  • 2. Delineations.
  • 3. Use.

1. The Definition.

It is a sphericalbody, having a point or cen­ter in the middest, from whence right lines being extended to the superficies they are all equal.

2. Delineations.

which are these three.

  • 1. The Lines or Circles.
  • 2. The principal points.
  • 3. The Figures or Constellations.

1. FIrst of the Lines or Circles, every of w ch are actually or intellectually divided in­to 360 equal parts called Degrees, the more principle whereof are these Ten, which make up the Sphaera armillaris, six whereof are great Circles, as be all those which divide the Globe into two equal parts, or Hemispheres, having the same center with the Globe; And the o­ther Four are called Smaller Circles, because they divide the Globe into two unequal parts or Segments.

The Six great Circles are these.
  • 1. The Horizon is the broad Circle upon the frame, this divideth the Globe into two Hemispheres, the one which we see, is alwaies above the Horizon, the other which we see not, is below: And on the Horizon are drawn divers Circles, viz. of the 12 Signes, and of the daies of the Months, and the 32 winds.
  • 2. The Meridian is the Brass Circle which standeth at right Angles to the Horizon, and in [Page 5]which the Globe is hanged and turned about on its Poles, which are the ends or extremitys of the Axis of the World, and upon the Me­ridian, is another little hour Circle fastened, with an index moving about upon the Pole.
  • 3. The Equinoctial is drawn upon the Su­perficies of the Globe, in the middest between the Two Poles of the World, and the degrees thereof are numbred with 10, 20, 30, &c. to 360
  • 4. The Eliptick line, this cutteth the Equi­noctial in two points, and is divided into 12 Signes, each containing 30 degrees, and it pass­eth in the middest of the Zodiac, for the Zodi­ac is a broad Cicle containing 16 degrees in breadth, and is the bounder of the 7 Planets.
  • 5. The Equinoctial Colure, this cutteth the Equinoctial at right Angles, in the two points where the Ecliptick passeth over the same Equi­noctial line, and so passeth through the Poles of the World.
  • 6. The Solstitial Colure, this passeth through the Ecliptick where it toucheth both the Tro­picks, and cutteth both the Equinoctial and E­cliptick at right Angles, and passeth through the Poles of the World, where also it cutteth the Equinoctial Colure at right Angles.
The Four lesser Circles are,

1. The Two Tropicks, each being parallel to the Equinoctial, and about 23 degrees, & 31 m [Page 6]from it. That which is toward the North Pole, is called the Tropick of Cancer; That which is towards the South Pole, is called the Tropick of Capricorne, and these are the bounders of the greatest Declination of the Sun.

2. The Two Polar Cirles, These are so far distant from the Poles of the World, as the Tropicks are from the Equinoctial; That which is next to the North Pole, is talled the Artick Polar Circle, and that which is next the South Pole, is called the Antartick Polar Circle.

There are moreover drawn upon this Globe divers other great Circles passing by the begin­ing of the Twelve Signes, cutting each other in two opposite points, and these with the Sol­stitial Colure, divide the Globe into 12 equal parts, and these are called the Circles of the Longitude of Stars.

Also through every point of the Meridian, there are small Circles imagined to be drawn parallel to the Equinoctial, which are called the parallels of Declination of the Sun & Stars.

Also the like small Circles are imagined to be drawn parallel to the Horizon, and these are called Almicantars, or Circles of Altitude.

The Second thing noted in the Delineati­on in the Points to be observed on the Globe.

  • 1. THe more principal are these, viz. The Two points on which the Globe is han­ged [Page 7]and turned about within the Brazen Meri­dian, these represent the Poles of the World, from one of which to the other, there passeth a streight Line through the Center of the Globe called the Axis of the World: Where Note, that the Two Poles of the World, are the com­mon Sections of all the Meridian Circles.
  • 2. The Two Poles of the Ecliptick, which are the two points in which the Six Circles of Longitude of Stars do cross or cut each other, and is near about 23 Degrees 30 Minutes di­stant from the Poles of the World.
  • 3. The Points of Zenith and Nadir, the Ze­nith is that Point in the Heavens which is di­rectly over our Head, and the Nadir, is on the contrary, directly under our Feet, these two are the Poles of the Horizon, being every where 90 Degrees from it, and in these Two Points do all the Vertical or Azimuthal Cir­cles meet or cut each other.
  • 4. The Points of Cast and West, viz. The two points where the Equinoctial cutteth the Horizon; these are also Diametrically oppo­site, and are the Poles of the Meridian being every where 90 Degrees from it.
  • 5. The Two Equinoctial Points of Aries & Libra, being two points where the Ecliptick cutteth the Equinoctial, and are Diametrically opposite, the former is called the Vernal E­quinoctial, [Page 8]because the Sun coming to it, the Spring beginneth; the other is called the Au­tumnal Equinoctial, because when the Sun commeth to it, the Autumn beginneth.
  • 6. The Two Solstitial points, being also Di­ametrically opposite, are the two points on the Globe where the Ecliptick toucheth the Two Tropicks & the Ecliptick in their touch point, viz. in the beginning of Cancer and Capricorn, and these Two are called Solstitial points, be­cause the Sun moving in the Ecliptick, near either of them, which is in June and December, it causeth the daies to stand still a while, with­out a sensible lengthning or shortning.

Here is to be Noted, that the Horizon and Meridian Circles are said to be immoveable because they are fixed to the same place; but all other Circles of the Sphear are said to by moveable, because they being drawn upon the Surface of the Globe or Sphere, must need, move about it in the Diurnal motion, yet other men denominate them by the contrary names.

The Third thing observed in the Delinea­tions, are the Figures drawn upon the Globe.

THere have been 48 Asterismes or Constellations observed of ancient time, and about them in this Globe are described certain Figures, not because there are any such Figure [Page 9]in the Heavens, but are only imagined there to give denomination to the Stars of the Firmament, and yet not to all the Stars, for they are innumerable, but only to such as are most conspicuous, and whereof use may best be made, as occasion serveth.

There are 12 Constellations of the Zodiack, through which the Zodiack passeth, and these give Denomination to the 12 Signs of the Zo­diack, in particular these with their number of Stars.

of old. of late. of old of late.
13 21 8 17
33 43 21 16
18 25 32 14
9 15 28 28
27 40 42 41
26 39 34 36

There have been 21 Constellations observed on the North side of the Ecliptick, which are called the Northern Constellations, whose names and number of Stars here follow.

  of old.
The little Bear 7
The great Bear 27
The Dragon 31
Cepheus 11
Bootes 22
The Northern Crown 8
Hercules 9
The Vulture Cadent 10
The Swan 17
Cassiopeia 13
Perseus 26
Auriga 14
Serpentarius 24
The Serpent 18
The Arrow or Dart 5
The Eagle 9
The Dolphin 10
The lesser Horse 4
Pegasus, or great Horse 20
Andromeda 23
The Northern Triangle 4.

There are 15 Constellations on the South, side of the Eliptick, which are called the Sou­thern Constellations, whose names and num­ber of Stars here follow.

  of old.
The Whale 22
Orion 38
The River Eridanus 34
The Hare 12
The great Dog 18
The lesser Dog 3
The Ship 45
The Goblet 7
The Raven 7
The Centaur 37
The Wolf 19
The Altar 7
The Southern Crown 13
The South-fish 12.

Besides the number of the Stars noted in the former Constellations, the Modern Astrono­mers have noted divers others, which were left informes by the Ancients, and put them into their proper Figures; as may be seen in some of the Globes put forth since Noble Ticho Brahe, namely, Johannes Jansonius, his small Globes of the year 1620. And in Petrus Planti­us his Globes of the Year 1625.

The New Constellations in North Latitude, are these.
  • Berenices hair 14
  • The Bee 4
  • The River Jordan 21
  • Camelopardalis 18
  • The River Euphrates 13.
The New Constellations in South Latitude, are these.
  • The lesser Crabb 4
  • The Unicorne 22.

Moreover because the Antient Astronomer lived all in North Latitude, they could not se [...] the Stars which are near the South Pole, bu [...] they have been since discovered by such a have travailed that way, and are put into constellations, namely these,

  • The Dove 11
  • The Southern Triangle 5
  • The apous Indica 12
  • The Peacock 17
  • The Indian 12
  • the Crane 13
  • The Towcan 8
  • The Hydrus 14
  • The Phenix 14
  • The Dorado 6
  • The Sea Swallow 7
  • The Camelion 8
  • The Cross called Crusero 6
  • The Flye 4

Besides the Constellations before named there are some other appearances in the Heavens, namely, the White broad Circle, calle [...] Via Lactea, or Milkie way: and two littl [...] clouds observed near the South Pole. Thu [...] much of the Delineation, or things noted o [...] the outside of the Celestial Globe.

The Third thing to be observed in General is the use of this Globe.

Which consisteth in these three things follow­ing. viz. The knowlegde of the.

  • 1. Motions.
  • 2. Division. And Operation on the
  • 3. Propositions.

In the first place of Motions, which are Two in number, viz.

  • 1. The Diurnal motion.
  • 2. The Proper motion.

First concerning the Motions.

1. The Diurnal motion is made upon the Poles of the World, once about from East to­ward the West in 24 hours, and this is also called motus raptus, or the motion of the pri­num mobile.

2. The Second motion is called the annuall motion, & is made within the primuū mobile up­on the Poles of the Ecliptick, according to the succession of the signes, which is contrary to that of the primum mobile, viz. from West [Page 14]toward East, and this motion is called Motus s [...] ­cundus, or Motus proprius, because that every Sphere hath a motion proper to it self, As tha [...] of the Sun ☉ finisheth once about secun­dum seriem signorum in the space of 12 months which is called the Solar year, Also Venus, ♀, and Mercurie ☿, are moved about the same way in the same time, But the Moon ☽ is mo­ved about in one Month, and the Month is o [...] two sorts, for the time wherein the Moon ☽, departeth from any point of the Zodiack and returneth to it again, is called the Periodi­call Month, or Month of peragration, But the time wherein the Moon departeth from the Sun ☉, and overtaketh him again is called the Month of Consecration, or Synodica [...] Month.

Mars ♂ moveth through the Zodiack in about two Solar years, and that time is called the year of Mars ♂.

Jupiter ♃ is moved through the Zodiack in about 12 Solar years, and that time is call­ed the year of Jupiter ♃.

Saturne ♄ in about 30 years runneth through the Zodiack, and that time is called the year of Saturne ♄.

3. The fixed Stars, according to Ptolomie move about the Zodiack in 36000 Solar years; But according to the Alphofines in 49000 [Page 15]years; And according to Capernicus in 17000 years; But Gassendus hath it 25000 years; And this time is called the great year, or Platoni­cal year.

Secondly concerning the Divisions.

1. First it is called Sphera recta, or a right Sphere, because in such position, the Equino­ctial cutteth the Horizon at right spherical angles. The properties of the sphere is to have the Poles of the world ly in the Horizon, and the Equinoctial passeth through the Ze­nith and Nadir; and in this sphere not only the Equinoctial, but also both the Trophicks, and all other the Equinoctial parallels, are di­vided into two equal parts by the right Hori­zon, which causeth the daies, and nights, at all times of the yeat to be equal, viz. 12 hours long between Sun rising and setting without alteration, to those who live under the Equinoctial line.

2. Secondly it is called Sphaera obliqua, whereof there are so many in number as there be degrees, minutes, seconds, &c. in a Qua­drant, And it is called oblique, because the E­quinoctial cutteth the Horizon with an oblique angle; The properties of this Sphere is to have one Pole elevated above the horizon, and the other as far depressed; Also because in this sphere the Equinoctial is divided equally by [Page 16]the Horizon, and the parallels of the Equino­ctial unequally, therefore the daies, and the nights are equal only twice a year, viz. in the beginning of the Spring, and Autumn, at which times the Sun passeth over the first point of Aries ♈ and Libra ♎, but at all other times of the year, the daies and nights are unequal.

3. It is called Sphera parallela or a parallel Sphere, because the Equinoctial being the same with the Horizon, all the parallels of the Equi­noctial are also parallels to the Horizon; In this Sphere, one of the Poles of the World is the Zenith, and the other is the Nadir, and in this Sphere the Sun continueth above the Horizon about half a year together, and again as long under the Horizon, whereby the artificial day and night are each about half a year long.

Thirdly, now follow the propositi­ons wrought by the Globe.

1. To find the Suns place in the Ecliptick; first find the day of the Month, upon the Hori­zon, and within upon the limb of the Horizon standeth the degree in which the Sun is, this you may apply to the Ecliptick upon the Globe.

To find the Suns Declination.

2. First find the Suns place in the Ecliptick upon the Globe, and bring it to the brazen Me­ridian [Page 17]and there account how many degrees it is distant from the Equinoctial, for the de­clination of any point in the heavens is its Me­ridional distance from the Equator.

The declination of any Star upon the Globe, is found by bringing it to the brazen Meridian and accounting as before.

To find the right Ascention of the Sun.

3. Move the degree of the Ecliptick where­in the Sun is to the Meridian, and note the de­gree of the Equinoctial which cometh to the Meridian with it, for the Arch of the Equino­ctial contained between that point and the first point of Aries ♈, is the right ascention, that is to say, it riseth with it in a right sphere.

The right ascention of a Star is to be accoun­ted as before, if the star be brought to the Me­ridian.

Of the Longitude as it is taken on the Celestial Globe.

4. The Longitude of the Sun, is that Arch of the Ecliptick which is contained between the first point of Aries, and that point of the Ecliptick wherein the Sun ☉ is; But the Lon­gitude of a Star is that Arch of the Ecliptick which is contained between the first point of A [...]ies, and the Section of the Ecliptick with a great Circle drawn from the Pole of the Eclip­ [...]ick through the center of the Star, being re­coned [Page 18]according to the succession of the signes.

Which to find.

Lay one end of the Quadrant of Altitude upon the Pole of the Ecliptick, and the gradu­ated edge thereof, upon the Center of the Star, and so it shall shew in the Ecliptick, the signe and degree of Longitude.

Of the Latitude as it is taken on the Celestial Globe.

5. It is accounted in a great Circle distant from the Ecliptick toward either Pole thereof, therefore the Sun, or any Star being in the E­cliptick, hath no Latitude, but the Moon ☽, or any other Planet being not in the Dragons Head ☊, or Dragons Taile ☋, or other Stars being not in the Ecliptick, are said to have Latitude so many degrees as they are distant from the Ecliptick toward either Pole thereof.

Which to find.

Lay one end of the Quadrant of Altitude upon the Pole of the Ecliptick, and the gradu­ated edge thereof upon the Center of the Star, then may you see how many degrees thereof are contained between the Star and the Eclip­tick, and that is the Latitude thereof.

But if you want the Quadrant of Altitude, then take a pair of Compasses, and setting one point in the Center of the Star, extend the other till in the nearest distance it touches the Eclip­tick, [Page 19]and the Compasses so opened and applied [...]o the Equinoctial, shall shew how many de­grees the Latitude is.

Here Note.

That the Declination and right Ascention of [...]he Sun and Stars have respect to the Equino­ [...]tial, but their Longitudes and Latitudes have [...]espect to the Ecliptick.

To rectifie the Globe according to the Latitude of your place.

6. Elevate the proper Pole so far above the Horizon as the Latitude of the place proposed, [...]y moving the Pole of the Globe so high by [...]he help of the degrees of the Meridian.

But to rectifie for the Suns place is.

7. After the former rectification, to bring [...]he Suns place in the Ecliptick, to the Meri­ [...]ian, turning up the Index of the hour wheel [...] 12 at noon.

And to rectifie for the Zenith is,

8. After the first rectification, to fasten the [...]ut or Screw of the Quadrant of Altitude at [...]he Zenith, that is, so many degrees from the [...]quinoctial as the Pole is elevated.

To find the Amplitude of the Sun or any Star that riseth and setteth.

9. The amplitude is the Horizontal distance [...] rising or setting from the true points of East [...]nd West, which to find, rectifie the Globe by [Page 20]the sixt Proposition according to the Latitud [...] and bring the degree of the Sun in the Ecliptick, or Center of the Star to the Horizon, an [...] therein see how many degrees it is from th [...] East or West.

To find what Stars do not set in any Latitude.

10. By the sixt Prop. rectify according [...] to the Latitude, and turning about the Glob [...] mark what Stars pass between the Elevate [...] Pole and the Horizon, for those (if the Nor [...] Pole be elevated) are contained within th [...] Artick Circle, and cannot set; for the Artic [...] Circle as heretofore it hath been taken, [...] drawn upon the North Pole, through th [...] North point of the Horizon.

To find the time when the Sun or any Star Riseth or Setteth.

11. By the seaventh Prop. rectifie for th [...] Suns place, and move the Degree of the Su [...] or center of the Star to the East or West pa [...] of the Horizon, and then the Index of th [...] Hour Wheele shall shew the time.

To find how the Constellations are scituate at any time of the Night.

12. By the Seaventh Prop. rectifie for th [...] Suns place: and move about the Globe till th [...] Index come to the Hour desired, and the [...] hold the Globe to shew the present scituatio [...] of the Constellations.

To find the Oblique ascention of the Sun or any Star that riseth or setteth.

13. By the sixt Prop. rectifie for the Lati­ [...]ude, and bring the degrees of the Sun, or cen­ [...]er of the Star to the East part of the horizon, [...]nd observe the degree of the Equinoctial [...]hich riseth with it, for the arch of the Equi­ [...]octial contained between the first point of A­ [...]es ♈, and the point of the Equinoctial so as­ [...]ending is called the oblique ascention.

To find the Ascentional difference of the Sun ☉.

14. By the third Prop. find the right ascen­ [...]on, and again by the thirteenth prop. find [...]e oblique ascention thereof, and subtract the [...]ffer of them from the greater, and the re­ [...]ain is the difference of Ascention: for the dif­ [...]rence of Ascention, is only the difference be­ [...]een the right & oblique Ascentions: where [...]ore that the difference of Ascention is an [...]ch of the Equinoctial, and is alwaies the [...]ne of the Suns rising before 6, and after 6, the [...]e of the year being considered.


15. To get the time of the Suns rising to a nute of an hour; turn the Ascentional dif­ [...]ence into time, allowing 15 gr. thereof to [...]ery hour, and to every degree 4 minutes of [...] hour; And if the Sun be in the Northern [...]gnes, the Ascentional difference is the time [Page 22]of the Suns rising before 6 a clock, if in th [...] Southern then after 6 a clock.


16. Having the time of the Suns rising, be [...] fore or after 6 a clock, you may get the lengt of the Artificial day (that is, the time of th [...] Suns continuance above the horizon) If th [...] Suns declination be North add it to 6, if Sout subtract it from 6, and so shall come forth th [...] semidiurnal arch, this doubled giveth th [...] length of the artificial day; But if the lengt [...] of the artificial night be required, then wor [...] contrary to that of the day.

To find the time of the day by having the Altitude of the Sun.

17 First by a Quadrant or some other In­strument find the Altitude of the Sun abov [...] the Horizon, and then by the 6, 7, and 8, Pro [...] rectify the Globe for the Latitude, the Su [...] place, and the Zenith, and bring the degree [...] the Ecliptick wherein the Sun is, to agree [...] the same Altitude upon the edge of the Quadrant of Altitude, and then the Index of th [...] Hour wheele shall shew the time of the day.

To find the Azimuth of the Sun by having his Altitude.

18. The Azimuth of the Sun is the distan [...] thereof, accounted in the Horizon from Eas [...] West, or South; by the 6, 7, & 8, Prop. rect [Page 23]fie the Globe, and bring the Suns place in the Ecliptick, to agree to the same Altitude on the graduated edge of the Quadrant of Altitude, and then the Quadrant of Altitude shall shew his Azimuth in the Horizon.

To find the Azimuth of the Sun at any time of the Day.

19. By the 6, and 8 Prop. rectify the Globe, and turn it about till the Index of the Hour wheele, do point to the hour given, then lay the Quadrant of Altitude upon the Suns place in the Ecliptick, and it sheweth the Azimuth in the Horizon.

At any time of the year, to find the time of Day break, or beginning of Crepusculus (if any be.)

20. By the 6, 7, & 8, Prop. rectifie the Globe and Elevate the opposite degree of the Sun at the West 18 deg. above the Horizon, and then the Index of the hour wheele shall shew the time.

Having the Altitude of any known Star, to find the hour of the night.

21. By the 6, 7, & 8 Prop. rectify the Globe and move about the Globe till the Star hath the given Altitude in the graduated edg of the Quadrant of Altitude, & then shall the Index of the hour wheele shew the hour required.

Having any known Star at the Meridian to find the Hour.

22. By the 6, & 7, Prop. rectify the Globe [Page 24]and turn the Globe till the same Star comes to the Brasen Moridian, so shall the Index of the hour wheele shew the hour.

Of the Poetical Rising and Setting of Stars.


A Star Riseth Cosmical when it riseth with the Sun, & Setteth Cosmical, if it set when the Sun riseth.

To find the time of the year when a Star riseth Cosmical.

23. By the 6, Prop. rectisy, and bring the Star to the East part of the Horizon, and ob­serve the degree of the Ecliptick which is at the East part of the Horizon with it, and then find in the Circle of the Horizon what day of the Month answereth to the same degree of the Ecliptick.

To find the time of the year when a Siar Setteth Cosmical.

24. By the 6 Prop. rectify and bring the Star to the West part of the Horizon, and Note the degree of the Ecliptick at the Past part of the Horizon, and find the day of the Month on the Horizon as before.


A Star Riseth Acronical, when it riseth in the East, and the Sun is. Setting in the West; And it setteth Acronical, when it Setteth with the Sun.

To find the time of the year when a Star Riseth Cronical.

25. By the 6 Prop. rectify, and bring the Star to the East part of the Horizon, and Note the degree of the Ecliptick cut by the Horizon at the West, and find the day of the Moneth an­swering thereunto upon the Horizon as before.

To find the time of the year when a Star Setteth Acronical.

26. By the 6 Prop. rectify, and bring the Star to the West part of the Horizon, and Note the degree of the Ecliptick cut by the Horizon at the West, and find the day of the Month upon the Horizon as before.


Heliacal Rising of a Star, is the rising of a Star out of the Sun beams, for then it appeareth before the Sun rising, though before it could not be seen by reason of its nearnes to the Sun, being within the Arch of Vision.

Heliacal Setting is when a Star cometh with­in the Sun beams, or when a Star is entring into its Arch of Vision, and then cannot be seen set­ting after the Sun by reason of its nearness to the Sun.

The Arch of Vision is the Arch of a Vertical Circle contained between the Horizon and the Center of the Sun after it is set, or before it ri­seth, this altereth according to the several mag­nitudes [Page 26]of the Stars, for the greater the Star is, the less is the Arch of Vision, and contrary.

The Arches of Vision belonging to the Stars according to their severa Magni­tudes, are these.

  • To the First 12
  • Second 13
  • Third 14
  • Fourth 15
  • Fift 16
  • Sixt 17
  • Least 18
To the Planets.
  • Venus 5
  • Mercurie 10
  • Saturne 11
  • Jupiter 9
  • Mars 12 1/ [...]
  • Moon uncertain.

To find the time of the year when a Star Riseth Heliacal.

27. By the 6 Prop. rectify, and bring the Star to the East part of the Horizon, and Note the degree of the Ecliptick elevated above the West part of the Horizon according to the arch of Vision appertaining to the same Star, and then as before, find the of the Month on the Limb of the Horizon, answering to the op­posite degree of the Ecliptick so elevated at West as aforesaid.

To find the time of the year when a Star setteth Heliacal.

28. By the 6 Prop. rectify and bring the Star to the West part of the Horizon, and Note the degree of the Ecliptick elevated at the East [Page 27]part of the Horizon, according to the Arch of Vision belonging to the same Star, and by the opposite of it, find the day of the Month on the Limb of the Horizon as before.

Description of the Terrestial GLOBE.

IT is a round or spherical body, represent­ing the form of the earth and waters.

On this Globe are also described the ren circles of the sphaera armillaris, viz. the Horizon, Meridian, Equator, Ecliptick, the two Colures with the fouer lesser circles, viz. the two Tropicks, and the two Polar circles.

Besides these common circles there are de­scribed upon this Globe divers other circles passing through both poles of the World, these are called Meridians, or circles of Longitude; Also certain oblique circular lines passing through the center of certain roses (so called) and these are called Rhombs, Courses, or points of the compasse.

On this Globe are described the known parts of the World divided into several quar­ters, Europe, Asia, Africa, and America, to which is added the unknown land about the [Page 28]South Pole called Magelanica. And these quar­ters of the World are subdivided into several Kingdoms and Provinces, as may be seen in the Geographers.


This Globe is also divided into five Zones, one is called the Torrid or burnt Zone, and this lyeth between the Tropicks, the inhabitants hereof are called Amphiscii, because they have two contrary meridional shadows in a year.

Two are called temperate, and these lye be­tween the Tropicks and the Polar circles; The inhabitants hereof are called Heterescii, be­cause they have their Meridional shadow one way all the year.

The two frigid Zones, are comprehended within the Polar circles; The inhabitants whereof are called Periscii because their sha­dow at some time of the year goeth round about them.

The Inhabitants of the Terrestial Globe, do also receive other names relating to their positions each to others.

The Antipodes are such as dwell diametri­cally opposite each to other, & have all things countrary, as seasons of the year, and times of the day.

The Antoesi are such as dwell so far remote from the Equinoctial on one side, as the other [Page 29]dwelleth on the other side, both under the same Meridian.

These have some things common, and some things proper, the common, as to have their noon tides together: Proper as that the win­ter of the one, is the others Summer time, and the longest day of the one, is the shortest of the other.

The Periaesi are such as live in the same pa­rallel of Latitude toward the same Pole, and are directly opposite each to other, both ha­ving the same meridian, These have their Summers, Winters, and increase, and shortning of daies and nights together, but the night of the one is the day of the other.

Parallels of the Longest day.

Besides the parallels of Latitude formerly mentioned, there are other parallels imagi­ned to be drawn upon this Globe, which are called parallels of the longest day: The first of them is to be drawn at that distance from the Equinoctial, where the longest day of the year is 12¼ hours long: The second where the longest day of the year is 12½ hours long: The third where the longest day of the year is 13¾ hours long, &c. through places increa­sing their longest day by ¼ of an hour, till you come to the parallel where the longest day of the year is 24 hours long, which is under [Page 30]in the Longitude of the same place; for the Longitude is but the remotion of a place from the first meridian which passeth through the Azores accounting Eastwardly.

To find the distance between two places

Put the center of the quadrant of altitude up­on on one of the places, and the graduared edge upon the other, & the degrees interjacent shall shew their distance in degrees, and these may be turned into miles by multiplying by 60.

To find how one place beareth or lyeth frō another.

Elevate the pole according to the Latitude of the place where you are, and fasten the qua­drant of altitude at the Zenith, then bring the place where you are to the Zenith, and move the graduated edge of the quadrant of altitude to the other place, and then the end of the quadrant of altitude shall fall upon the Hori­zon in the point of bearing.

To find what hour of the day or night it is at any place on the Terrestial Globe.

Bring the place where you are to the Meri­dian, and turn the Index of the hour wheel to the hour it is with you at present, then turn the other place to the Brasen Meridian, and the Index of the hour wheel will shew the hour desired.

To find by the Terrestial Globe the quantity of the longest day at any place assigned.

Elevate the Pole of the Globe according to [Page 31]the polar circles; these being drawn each way from the Equinoctial towards each pole, divide the Globe into unequal parts or spaces, for though they be equal in time, yet they agree not in equal distance of place, but are greater or broader neer to the Equinoctial, and are narrower the farther they are from it.


A Climate containeth two of the parallels of the longest day, and altereth the longest day by the space of half an hour, beginning at the Equinoctial, and are in all 24, which end under the polar circles; but the Antients for want of knowledge of the parts under the Equinoctial made at first but seven Climates, and called them by names, but afterwards were added two more, which made up their number to be nine. And these of the Antients began to be account­ed at 12 and 15 from the Equator.

Propositions on the Terrestial GLOBE.

To find the Latitude of any place set thereon.

Bring the place to the brazen meridian, and therein account how many degrees are betwixt the Equinoctial and the place, for that is the Latitude you seek; for the Latitude is but the re­motion of the Zenith of a place frō the equator.

To find the Longitude of a place set thereon.

Bring the place under the brazen meridian, and then the meridian shall cut the Equinoctial [Page 32]the Latitude of the place given, and bring the Solstitial point of Cancer (if the North Pole be Elevated) to the Meridian, and turn the Index of the hour wheel to 12 at noon, then if you put the Solstitial point of Cancer to the West part of the Horizon, the Index on the hour Wheel sheweth the time of Sun setting there, and that is also the Semidiurnal Arch, & being doubled giveth the length of the day, if it ex­ceed not 24 hours, which end under the Polar Circle.

But if the place asligned be within the Polar Circle, then elevate the Pole of the Globe ac­cording to the Latitude of the Place, & turn the Globe till some point of the Vernal Signes in the Ecliptick touch the North point of the Ho­rizon and note how many degrees of the Eclip tick are from the Solstitial point of Cancer, for that number doubled giveth neerly the length of the day in our common dayes, and these days may be turned into weekes and moneths &c.

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