By Iohn Hepwith, Gent.

LONDON, Printed by E. G. for R. Best, and are to be sold at his shop neere Grayes Inne gate in Holbourne. 1641.

The Calidonian FORREST.

WHilome divided from the maine land stood
A Forrest in the circle of a flood.
Which was the Calidonian wood eclipt,
And long time there the Lion his Court kept,
And gave good lawes, unto each plyant beast,
When bloody broyles and rigid stirres were ceast,
For long had beene the warre and perillous
Betweene the Birds and Hippopotamus
For the Batavian Fens and Calidon
In the Sea-horse's cause did Armes put on
Against the Eagle, for great pitty 'twere
That weakenesse should too much oppression beare.
But letting passe this needlesse talke, Ile tell
What in the Lions peacefull raigne befell.
He ranging in the Forrest on a day
Only for thirst of pastime not for pray,
A goodly Hart espies so faire a creature,
Acteon in his metamorphos'd feature
I weene was not, and well he knew by heart
Both gracefull complement, and courtly art,
And due obeysance did unto his Grace,
Low lowting with his knees upon the grasse.
The Lion with a blithe and merry looke
His humble Subject from the ground up took,
And like a Prince both kinde and Debonaire,
Him entertained with much language faire.
My friend, quoth he, thou must attend on me
To live at Court, it best beseemeth thee,
[Page 4]If to thy outward parts suteth thy wit,
Needs must thy service for a King be fit.
The beast then humbly thankt his Majestie,
And speaking with a gracefull modesty
Thus [...]aid, My Pedegree is meane, not base,
For I was bred, and borne, of gentle race,
I cannot shew a long continued line,
Nor boast of what I cannot claime for mine,
But for my service, if you please to use it,
Impose what charge you will, Ile not refuse it.
The Lion to be briefe, leads him to Court,
Where he prefer'd him soone in such a sort
That he who was least fearde not long since,
Became in power even equall with his Prince,
Such heapes of honours were throwne on his back
As would have made the Gyants shoulders crack
(Which holds up heaven) long with his Lord he rested
In sweet content, not envy'd, nor molested;
He for his kindred, did great fortune finde,
Prefer'd the Roe, the Fallow Deere, the Hinde,
For what he crav'd was his, he had the art
Of pleasing, and had wonne his Soveraignes heart,
Who in a jesting manner oft would throw
His Royall Crowne upon his branched brow,
And with some favour oft would grace his horne,
Or with some goodly Gemme his eare adorn.
Well knew the Hart he was his eye-sights Jewell,
And to his fires still added store of fewell,
Oft would he to some Christall fountaine trace,
And therein view his guilded head and face,
By the direction of that watery glasse
There men [...]ing what not to his likeing was,
Oft would he wend unto the Adders Denne,
Whom with his strong breath he drew forth, & then
Him swallowed quick, for to preserve his youth
Much paines he took, to keepe his soft skin smooth.
His breast a pillow was for his Lords head,
His eyes were books, whereon he daily read,
[Page 5]Like to those loving B others in the skie,
They were endu'd with equall Sympathy,
His blisfull smyles presented to his Lord,
Their passions struck a mirthfull monacord,
His favours object he was onely made,
H [...]s was the substance, all beasts else the shade,
Like those Fraternall lights, which doe present
To joyfull Seamen, hope of good event,
So they together ranged through the groves,
While all besides stood wondring at their loves.
Sertorius that famous Roman knight,
Would never bring his Souldiers out to fight,
Till he had beene by his white Hinde advised
Of future haps, even so the Lion prized
The Counsell of this Hart, and did commit
All waighty Matters to his trust and wit;
He made him Ruler of the great greene Lake:
The Lyonell him for his Mate did take▪
When he to the Hesperian Forrest went,
For by his old Syre he was thither sent,
Not for a golden Apple, or a fleece
Of Gold, but for to Court the Eagles neece,
So was he blest by hap, that he came back,
Without a Mistris, and without a wrack.
The beasts at his returne did so rejoyce,
That Hills and Valleys sounded with the noyse.
The Camell danc'd, the horse for joy did wince,
And all the Forrest eccho'd, welcome Prince;
The Hart for his good service done they prais'd,
And would have beene contented to have rais'd
Statues in's honour, if they had not thought
Idolatry thereby might in be brought.
Twice had not Sol past through the Zodiack,
Ere Leas death clad all the beasts in black.
Then with applause and hope they entertaine,
The brave young Lyon for their Soveraigne,
He bent to glorious actions did provide,
Great forces to abate the Eagles pride,
[Page 6]Shee banding with the Dragon that doth dwell,
In Satans Denne neere the high way to hell,
(As Poets say) had wrought such griefe and sma [...]t
To beasts and Fishes, even in every part.
This monstrous Dragons nature was so strange,
So noysome, that he needed not to range
About the world to passe the Alpes, or Seas,
To plague his wretched foes, for heat case,
And lurking in his filthy hole and nest,
Could quite destroy, or Fish, or Fowle, or beast,
He could infect the Aire, with his ranck breath,
And on each obj [...]ct glance, nought else but death;
Pure Christall streames he turnes to poyson black,
Where he oppos'd, all surely went to wrack.
Besides he had a sort of noysome Creatures
At his command, which indisguised features,
Would search each Clime, & wont to flye by night
(The storie sayes) the Cockatrices height.
These were his damned Ministers, these caus'd
Great funeralls, and made all beasts amaz'd.
That few or none the Dragon durst contemne,
His strength and Malice so affrighted them.
Fish, fowle, and beast, he long time rul'd at will:
What he requir'd, they durst not but fulfill.
He did usurp that power, which he well knew,
Was both the Lyons and the Eagles due.
But Jove that sees, and rules all things below,
Resolves to let his pride no higher grow.
Least like his old, snake-footed Ancestry,
His proud Ambition, might annoy the skie.
Then sends he downe his winged post to hast,
Who through the bright Spheares in a moment past,
And first in the Hircinian forrest lights,
Where he his messuage openly recites
Unto the Eagle who was hitherto
Ioves owne deere hird, though now she be not so.
He told her that the Dragons power was not
By law obtain'd, but by oppression got,
[Page 7]That in the Forrest he no title had,
Of Rule or Soveraignety, but what was bad.
And what he had by falsehood erst obtain'd,
Be now with Craft and open wrong maintain'd.
The Scepter of the Forrest is (said he)
Thy due, (O Princely Bird) except it be,
Where the bold Lyon umpires, or his beast,
The Dragon hath no right nor interest,
To rule within the limits of thy woods
A theefe he is, and robs thee of thy goods.
Then let him be cashier'd, thrust out from hence,
Renounce all fealty, and obedience
Earst done to him, for now Jove thee commands
To pluck thy freedome from the Tyrants hands.
This said, the Eagle with a lowly nod
And Cringe, did doe obeysance to the God,
And thus beginning after a short pawse,
Against her selfe Maintaines the Dragons cause.
A Crowne (said she) best fits the wisest head,
As doth a Miter the best littered,
And who more prudent then the Dragon is,
Who more exact in Acts, and sciences?
He he alone keepes all the sacred keyes,
Of holy and religious mysteries.
And if that strength beseemes a ruler well
In valour, who may be his Parallell?
The stoutest beast is with his noyse dismaid,
Yea of his wrath the Lion is affraid.
Therefore the Dragon best deserves to be
The Forrest Prince, and so shall be for me.
Hermes that could not her proud language brook
Longer, bewraid his anger with his looke,
And through disdaine to bid the Dame adue,
Hee tooke him to his wings, and thence he flew.
He gone the whole assembly gan to mutter,
And each his mind did to his fellow utter,
The Kite the Eagles answer did allow,
So did the Owle, the Ostrich and the Crow,
[Page 8]But so did not the Storke and Pellican,
The watchfull Crane, the Falcon, and the Swan,
The Beare, the Wolfe, the Boare, the Stagge, the Hind,
Were altog [...]ther of the Eagles mind.
But the Elephant, the horse, the Vnicorne,
Did their opinions contradict, and scorne,
And said, she to the Dragon did submit
Herselfe, for her owne proper benefit,
Forsooth that shee might by this power draw,
Her subjects into a more servile awe,
Or if ambition did not cause the Error,
It was ignoble Cowardize, and terror
Of his great force, who was indeed a beast,
Of no such strength and vigour, as she guest,
And as for his Religion (they say all)
It was but meerely Hypocriticall;
A faigned feature to beguile his friend,
A toole made by him, to worke his owne end;
And therefore they would never more accord,
To take so base a scarecrow, for their Lord,
This disagreements of opinion stirr'd,
Beast against beast, and Bird was against bird.
Thus in the Hircinian Forrest 'gan the strife,
Which mickle blood hath cost, and many a life.
But Hermes now had pli'd his wings so well,
That in the woods of Calidon he fell,
And did his messuage to the Lyon there,
The same which earst to th' Eagle he did beare.
The Lion and the beasts attentively
His Counsell heard, then with one voyce did cry,
The God speakes well, nor is it meet or fit
Said they, that we the Dragon should permit,
To umpire in the limits of our woods,
Therefore we are resolv'd to spend our bloods,
Our selves from his authority to free,
The Lion our sole Generall shall be.
Hermes reply'd, the auspicious Deityes,
Shall second your thrice worthy enterprise,
[Page 9]And that the Princely Lion may not feare
The Dragons devillish spight, we give him here,
An herbe of force, so rare and exquisite,
That it doth frustrate all enchantment quite.
Most thankfully the Lion his gift tooke,
Expressing plaine with gesture and with looke
Acceptance kind, the God bids him adew,
And up into Ioves ayrie place he flew,
Where to the Senate of the Gods he told,
How by the Eagle he had been controld.
And how the Calidonian Lion did
Resolve to doe, what his advise did bid.
And did the Eagle (quoth the Thunderer)
Thus sleight our message, and our messenger?
With that he leaning on his Ivory Rod
Made heaven, and Earth, and Seas at once to nod,
By shaking of his terrifying locks,
And thrice his hand upon his breast he knocks.
Is all respect (said hee) now cleane forget,
What damn'd ingratefull humor doth besot,
That rash fond foolish Bird? did I in vaine,
Make her the Birds dread Queene and Soveraigne?
Did I so oft daine to put on her shape,
From Iunoes watchfull eye to make escape;
Was her forme onely fit to make my theft,
When of her Ganimed, I Troy bereft?
Did I my sacred selfe hide in a feature,
Of so disloyall and so vilde a creature?
Wert thou (false Bird) thought worthy for to beare,
The fiery Weapons of the Thunderer?
What dare not mortalls doe, if they see mee
At thy contempt to winck, not punnish thee?
And thou O Dragon sweld with poysonous pride,
Whose speckled bulk nine Acres breadth doth hide,
Then his keene bolt with fearefull countenance,
He takes in hand beginning to advance
His everlasting fist, while all the route
Of Deities did quake, save Juno stoute,
[Page 10]For still the angry Gods did much repine,
To see the Arcadian Beares, bright Nonacrine
And her young Sonne, to shine before her face,
The bright Memorialls of that great disgrace;
That Iove had done her bed, now is time fit,
Thought she, to try with wedlock breakers quit;
And as he hath fixt just before my face
My foes, I will serve him with the same sauce,
And ere he could let flye his dolefull dart
Against the Eagle, and the Dragons hart;
From earth she scatcht them up, (him unawares)
With an impetuous wind, and made them starres,
The Dragon she did place close by the Beares,
Them ever to torment with horrid feares,
For though they were twice chang'd, yet they injoyed
Their former minds, and fear'd to be destroyed,
By the fierce Dragons wrath, who swiftly doth,
Alway about the Poole pursue them both,
But angry Iove full of disdaine, and scorne,
To be thus checked, strictly enjoyn'd the morne,
That when he drove the heard of starrs too slack,
There burning heat in Amphytritis lake,
He should remember to fulfill his mind,
And leave the thirsty Dragon still behind,
But in remembrance of old Iove, he gave
The Eagle leave, her wings in Seas to lave.
This rash act of Ioves queene bred divers rumors
Above, the Gods according to their humors,
Censur'd the fact, and most did Iuno blame,
But great despight did Ioves hart so inflame,
That once he was resolv'd downe from the skies,
Quite to Cashiere all female Deities.
Then wise Minerva rose up from her place,
With splendent lustre, and a comely grace.
Not wrath, but modesty made her looke red,
For those that will perswade, must not be led
By choller, then a low voyc'd murmur fills
The Court, such sound within the shallow rills,
[Page 11]Pibbles are wont to make, when they doe chide
The streame, because she will not faster glide.
Thus she begins, If all for ones offence
Must smart, then what availeth innocence?
If that some one hath done amisse, then shall
The vengeance of the crime extend to all,
Is this your Justice, wherein doth relye,
(Yee Gods) your kingdomes great eternitie?
Are all good turnes worne out of minde and gon,
What doe the Gods admit Oblivion?
Were Victory and I your chiefest helpe,
When earth sent forth her hundred pawed whelpe,
To throw you headlong from the battlements,
Did she and I alone stand at defence,
When ye in Niles seaven doores your selves did hide
In various shapes, for feare to be descride,
Then let us all be to the Earth confin'd
In hills or woods, we shall some harbours find.
The Nymphs shall entertaine us in some grove,
And old Silvanus shall be then our Jove;
Such pastimes wee shall meet withall below,
As all the skies the like did never show.
Then come along Astrea with thy traine,
(All faith and pitty hence) ye shall againe
To earth perforce, dispatch and come away
(O Victory!) Iuno make no delay;
Let Iove make merry with his Nonacrine,
His pretty Ganymed, and Hebe fine.
The Goddesses thus ready to depart,
Iove suddenly did from his throne up start,
And by the sleeve disdainfull Iuno snacht,
But Vulcan, as he would have Pallas catcht,
The angry Dame, so rough a knock him wrought,
That unto him she mickle sorrow brought.
With the but-end of her launce, that the lout
Saw plainely then the world turnd round about.
But while the God with lowly blandishment,
To pacifie the Goddesses was bent,
[Page 12] Vulcan brings in a Flaggon and a Cup,
With lusty Nectar to the brim fild up,
To Iuno he a bowle gives, she to Iove,
In wine remembers all respect and love,
He pledg'd her, and to Pallas dranck another,
She drinkes to Mars, and Mars to Cupids mother.
Thus like the Sheares full bowles went round apace,
And Phoebus did their mirth with Musick grace,
While to his Harpe the Muses did apply,
Their voyces with a heavenly Symphonie.
So long they quaff'd, such was the liquors strength,
That soone a sleepe they cought downe all at length.
But now I come back, leaving them at rest,
Vnto the Matter whence I have digrest.
Now are the Lions ships met altogether,
And under sayle to goe, the Lord knowes whether.
But first I should recount as it is meet,
Who were commanders in this goodly fleet.
Then Oh the thrice three Nymphes, that dwell upon
Parnassus greene, and shades of Helicon,
Assist me with your skill, whilst I rehearse
Names of those doughty wights, whom courage fearce
And thirst of Reputation led as far,
As the Herculian pillars to make war.
The Hart was in respect of office tide,
As many say, this enterprise to guide.
But loath the Lion was to condescend,
To trust unconstant Neptune with his friend;
For it had rashnesse argu'd to have let,
So faire a Gemme at six and seaven be set,
Yet some affirme that he to Sea had gone,
Had not the Silver Nymphes made such moane,
That altogether to the Lion came,
Beseeching him to keepe the Hart at home,
For to say truth, greene coole and shady bowers,
Soft Grassie bancks, and beds of fragrant flowers;
The remisse nature of the beast did please,
Better then hard ribb'd Ships and troubled Seas;
[Page 13]But in his roome the Mule went sole Commander,
A well experienc'd Knight, an ancient stander,
He for so great a charge was thought most fit,
For practice long had season'd well his wit,
There went the Horse for brave atchievements bred,
Whom false Hiennas foule adulterous bed
Had nigh well slaine of yore, the Bull, the Beare,
The Mastiffe and the greedy Hound were there,
But so was not the Boare who had chang'd knocks
Not long before with the Iberian Fox,
And dy'd soone after, and with him deceas'd
As many feare the fortune of the beast:
Like those adventurous Gentlemen of Greece
To Colchos sayling for the goulden Fleece,
Or like those fifty Knights sworne to destroy
For wanton Helens rape, unhappy Troy:
So did these Gallants glide in Neptunes brest
With passing pride, till all heads were possest
With expectation of great deeds of worth,
Even so the Mountaines traveld, and brought forth
A Mouse, they went for gold, but sure I am
They brought nought home worth speaking of but shame.
Fortune miscarried their attempts they said,
For had she lent them her auspicious aid,
Good service had beene done, but whosoere
Was to be blam'd, the Mule the burthen bare,
And through extream despaire desir'd to dye,
Lamenting his unhappy destiny,
To quench his thirst of death, himselfe he cast
Into the maine, where he had drunk his last,
If Thetis in a pittifull regard
The life of the poore miser had not spar'd.
She softly entertaines him in her wave,
And while he strives to make the Sea his grave
His featur's chang'd, and he 's with feathers clad
And turn'd into a foule, yet still he had
The selfe same minde, and full of anger still
Because he must live, sore against his will,
[Page 14]Into the aire on high he mounted oft,
And on the waves himselfe throwes from aloft,
His feathers eas'd his fall, full oft he dives
Into the maine, to dye in vaine he strives.
Care and displeasure makes him leane and bare,
His neck and bill still long and slender are,
So are his legs, in Sea he lives alway,
This Foule is call'd a Gull, as Seamen say.
Much damage and more infamy lights on
The stout inhabitants of Calidon,
For this inglorious voyage and that wood
Which erst a terror to each Forrest stood,
Was now no better then a Hens neast thought,
Unto so low an ebbe the beasts were brought.
They much perplext did to the Temple flye,
Imploring aide and pitty from the skie,
They crave a medicine for their maladies.
And long to finde out where the humour lyes
That breeds their troubles, they conclude at last
A sacred Messenger to send in haste
To Delphos by Apollos Temple grac'd,
Which in the middle of the Earth was plac'd
The Elephant was thought to be most fit
To take this charge, for gravity and wit
He to the Temple comes and humbly fals
Before the Altar of the God, and cals
For his auspicious lot with minde and voice.
Then suddenly was heard a hideous noise
Of the approaching God; the Priest doth crie,
Be all prophane farre off, the God is nigh.
Then with deepe terror was the Pilgrim strooke,
The place, the Lawrell, and the Altar shook,
The Quiver of the God likewise did shake
And from the Vault a hollow voice thus spake.
When the humour which is bred
Ith' heart, shall cease to annoy the head,
When Justice shall not be controld
By greatnesse, nor be bought nor sold,
[Page 15]When smooth'd vice shall be cast downe
And honour be faire Merits crowne,
When gleaning Patrons shall desist
To aske an offring of the Priest,
When crafty Foxes shall not pluck
The silly Goose, and foolish Duck,
When greedy Wolves shall cease to cramb
Their guts with blood of tender Lambe;
Then shall your Forrest finde reliefe,
And be preserv'd from feare of griefe.
The Elephant returnes, while all expect
And are assembled to heare the effect
Of his Embassage, and he doth report
The answer of the God, in open Court,
The Lion, and the Hart, the Wolfe, the Beare,
The Bull, the Buffle, and the Elke were there,
The noble Unicorne was not in place
For he offended had the Lions grace,
And in his white Rock was imprisoned
Because the young Monoceros he did wed,
The Princely Leopard borne of high stem,
And was indeed fit to be linck'd with them,
But sore displeasure did the Lion fill
Because the Lovers sought not his good will
Ere they did match, but others said the Hart
Unto the Unicorne bred all the smart,
For he thought to have matcht as most did guesse,
The Buck his cosen with the Leopardesse;
But so kinde Hymen for the Damsell stood
That she got one more worthy of her blood.
Now gan the wiser Beasts to call to minde
The Harts assent, his merit, and his kinde,
They saw him in the highest circle fixt,
That very little distance was betwixt
The Lion and his height, when he each day
Did feast with honour, and with honour play.
So did Adonis in the Paphyan Grove
On Bosie beds sport with the Queene of love.
[Page 16]They saw him turne about the Orbs at will,
Yet had this wood receiv'd no good, but ill
From his great inauspicious influence.
Thus then the Elephant began: farre hence
Be all unbridled headstrong passion,
Let Iustice, Piety, Religion,
Be Mynates here, great Empires within these
No Empires are, but mighty Theeveries.
And since this Court affords a remedy
For each abuse, and gives free liberty
Unto the sick weale publick to descry
What breeds her paine, and where the same doth lye;
Then let my zeale crave gentle sufferance
To speake for her, but ill I deeme my chance
That I must bring againe upon the stage,
Things erst done by so great a personage
As is the Hart, but alas 'tis not I,
It is your Countrey, and your Monarchy.
Oh mighty Lyon, they are both dismaid,
With feare of Dissolution, and crave aid.
The fierce Iberian Griffin stands before us,
Prest to espie advantage to devoure us,
And mischiefe, malice, warre, about him skip,
He threats the sword, the rope, the yoke, the whip;
Our weaknesse makes him strong, our cowardize
Doth promise fortune to his enterprize.
And yonder doth the Eagle prey upon
Our overmatcht Allyes, while we look on,
And friendly Rhyne, low in his channell lyes,
And to his Rills in vaine for succor cries.
For burnt fac'd ruine hath Carrous'd them up
With Healths to Dissolution in a cup,
Compos'd of ashes, rubbish, dust, and stone,
The hideous worke of dire confusion.
And at our Elbow stands the Crocodile
Masking his rancour with a feined smile.
He animates us to begin the warre,
But malice is a divellish counsellor.
[Page 17]Behold yon greene ey'd Lake, whose gentle flood
With kind imbraces clip, and hug our wood,
And stand like wals by Jove and Neptune fixt
Our cruell enemies, and us betwixt.
Our enemies have wonne those wals, how can
The Towne hold out when all the wals are tane
Not long since were we Lords of Sea and Land
Durst breath in any aire, tread any sand
Our Spartanes vertues, and Herculian vigour
Releiv'd the weak puld downe the oppressors rigour,
But now alas things have put on new shapes,
Our Forrest is become a Denne of Apes.
The greedy Ostridge, and the obscene Owle
Do Tymber in our woods and Satyrs foule
Frequent our thickets, vertue is divorc'd,
From greatnesse, Natures excellence is forc'd
By appetite, and reason is defloured
By vile affections, Arts are now devoured
By great panch'd ignorance, fidelity,
Consists in Lucre, and in Luxury.
Our Forrest is a field of naughtinesse,
Or rather like foule Lernas marrishnesse,
Where sinne doth lurke, crested with many crimes
Like Hidra, oh Alcides, helpe betimes,
Helpe mighty Prince, and banish all delay,
Meet the approaching ill, and take away
Pernicious causes, nor do we envie
Against thy judgement, Royall Majestie
That thou thy Hart in so high place dost hold
Princes affections must not be controld
By subjects humours, for there love may flye
Or high or low, none ought to ask them why
To rule, and not to serve Kings were ordain'd,
They may be oft advis'd but neare constraind.
Yea though the State through their ill government
Be sure to fall, Subjects must be content.
But as the lawes of God and man oblige
Subjects unto their Soveraigne Lord and Liege,
[Page 18]So doth the lawes of God alone binde Kings,
With equity to steere the course of things.
But if they shall neglect their charge and cure,
None must for reformation put in ure
Any sinister course, for they alone
To God must give account what they have done,
But as all force is divelish and prophane
By vassals 'gainst their Princes undertane,
So wholesome counsell is a soveraigne way
To worke with them, in some respects though they
Be Gods, yet like men do they understand,
So die they shall, though they like Gods command.
Whilome (dread Soveraigne) was the Harts good grace,
As high in peoples favour, as in place,
But things growne to their height needs must we see
Decline, the very Starres unstable be;
No sooner Sol begins to rise then fall,
The infant that begins to live, withall
Begins to dye; yet still might'st thou have stood
Untoucht, O Hart, hadst thou been still as good
As great, more would the Elephant have spake,
But night came on, and the assemblies brake.
Henceforth against the Hart gan many rise
Accusing him of great enormities,
Light fame, as quick of hearing as of flight,
That seldome doth befriend a favorite,
Soone heares the accusation of the Hart,
And in a thousand scrols writes every part,
And as it matters were not ill enough,
She addeth something still of her owne stuffe,
With these same scrols she fil'd her wide mouthd scrip
And with her wings the buxome aire doth clip,
And as she flew the Forrest round about,
Whole handfuls of her scrols she casteth out,
So doth Septembers carefull seedsman throw
The kirnels plumbe before the crooked plough;
Such bitter libels did this tattler spread,
That heartily all wisht, the Hart were dead,
[Page 19]So high the fury of the beasts were growne
That sore the Hart began to feare the Crowne,
Therefore to shunne each dirie accident,
He to the house of Politea went
To crave her counsell in so hard a case;
Lowe in the gloomie vale her Pallace was
Hewne from a Marble Rock by Mulciber
The craftsman of the Gods, she dwelleth there
Secur'd from danger of damn'd treacherie
Who once to undermine her house did try,
Thinking to have blowne her up into the skies
As doth the Giant which in Etna lyes,
Spew flaming stones, no thorow-faire is there,
No Hermits Cell, no shepherds Cottage neere,
No beasts do graze upon the neighbour hils,
No chirping birds the cliffes with ecchos fils;
Black sollitude there alwayes walkes the round
With foulded armes and eyes bent to the ground.
Upon the top of all the house was rear'd
A Tower, which so exceeding high appear'd,
That it Ixion-like did seeme to kisse
The clouds, on top of which there seated is
One called providence, who holds a glasse
Wherewith she sees what's done in every place
Beneath the Cope, with this she doth espie
The drifts of Kings, and hidden plots descrie,
A huge high wall was built about the place
In which not any port or entrance was
Except one private posterne, which was kept
By a grave Sire whose secrecy was clept.
The Hart comes to the doore and safely knocks,
The watchfull Porter with long snowie locks
And beard, soon heard the sound, & soon drew neer,
But ere he did unlock, askt who was there,
A friend quoth the Hart, then he enquir'd his name,
What was his errand, and from whence he came,
With such wise answers, did the Hart him win,
That he unlockt the gate, and let him in;
[Page 20]Then did a goodly groome discretion height,
To Paliteas Hall conduct him right,
Where on such uncouth shapes of things he gaz'd,
That like a Statue he stood still amazd.
Upon an arch sat Politea high,
With many Dames in seemely order by.
And though she and the Ladies seemd to be,
As jolly Dames as eyes could wish to see.
Yet she alas was changd in face and grace,
Ere since the faire Astrea lost her place
And most part of her traine, that sate hereby
Were but meere shades made to delude the eye,
But fierce ambition beaten and repeld
From her attempt in the Phlegrean field
Where she was hunting them, earths gracelesse fries
To mount on Mountaines, and to climbe the skies,
Yet still retaind her former spight and hate,
Although the blow did much her strength abate,
But having provd the prowesse of the Gods
And to her cost and sorrow seene the odds,
She would no more in armes against them go,
But meane to single out a weaker foe
Great Politea that renowned Queene
Was she on whom she vowd to wreck her teene,
But laying steely armes and shield aside
Another way to work her ends she tryd;
She by a treaty thought to get more gaine
Then ere by open force she could attaine,
A beautious Lady in her traine she had
Which high desire her all in white she clad
And with an Olive wreath she dight her head,
And in her hand she likewise carried
An Olive branch, a hundred Maids of honour
(With Olive likewise crownd) did waight upon her,
Though these like messengers of peace were clad
Yet warre and murther in their hearts they had,
For they were all begirt with faulchons keene,
Which underneath their vestures were not seene,
[Page 21]She these instructs with wondrous subtilties,
Under pretence of Friendship to surprise
Queene Politeas fort, but when she came
Neere to the place, they sent a crafty Dame,
Before unto the Castle, to obtaine a maine,
A safe conduct for desire, and her traine.
This speedy Herald delectation height,
As faire a creature to the outward sight,
As ever eye beheld, and yet was shee
As foule deform'd a monster as could be,
Besides her outward grace she had a tongue,
Most skillfull to perswade, and passing strong;
Shee having entred Politeas Hall,
Where then was sitting 'mongst her Ladies all
Betweene Religion, and Astrea faire,
So wittily her messuage did declare,
That Politea gave her free consent,
That foule desire and all her Rabblement,
Might come into the fortresse, all in vaine
Astrea and her fellowes did complaine;
And like Liceas priests with flaring haire,
With out-cryes shrill, they rent the tender ayre.
Trust not ambitious friendly shewes they cried,
Trust not desire, let accesse be denied,
And like Troyes unbeleeved Prophesies,
They did presage approaching miseries,
In vaine they told of dangers that were neere,
For Politea would not lend an Eare.
Then fraught with griefe, & deepe disdaine they flew
From thence to heaven, and bid the earth adiew;
Thus Politea was quite left alone;
Religion, Justice, Temperance were gone,
Faith, Pitty, Fortitude, were flowne away,
None of Astreas traine behind would stay,
But hope, for she bewailing the weake state
Of wretched men slunck close by out at gate,
And to the wide world did betake her selfe,
A profest foe to that most dammed elfe;
[Page 22]Which height despaire, she gives men much reliefe
That be in paine, Calamitie and griefe,
Now is despaire at Politeas Fort,
Safely arriv'd, and entring the Court.
A Dame that kept the Tower of consent,
The keyes thereof did unto her present;
Then on she went into the Hall apace
Where Politea, at her feete crav'd grace,
Which she obteyned, but one this Condition
Forsooth, that she forth with yeeld to Ambition
all Homage, fealtie, and Obedience,
And alwayes hold her for her Liege and Prince;
To keepe these Covenants she was bound by oath,
So she her honour lost and freedome both;
Then Superstition, false-hood thi [...]st of gaine,
Succeeded faire Astrea, and her traine,
Yea bloudy Murther, and foule treachery,
Then streight crept closely in and there stood by,
And though the Hart saw them he could not spie,
Their ugly shapes and great deformity;
For they were clad in vertues faire array,
Which she had lest in haste to flye away,
Their faces sprent, were with a tincture vile,
Made of the ordure of a Crocodile,
And Dragons milke, love did Medea move,
To use this Ceruse, first for Iasons love;
But the Hart viewed with most intention,
The workemanship and rare Invention;
That there on every side was to be seene,
Where many Statues were of famous men,
High in the roofe, which dust well nigh defac'd,
Where Numa, Solon, and Lycurgus plac'd,
And many other did stand them beside,
Which time had made unfit to be descri'd,
Each politicians plot was there display'd,
From point to point, as it at first was laid;
The Pope was pictur'd there, and Charles the great
Each helping other, to Atchieve his feat.
[Page 23] Charles for the Empire of the West did try
His skill the Pope for his Supremacie:
Pope Hildebrands foule plots were there exprest,
Against the Luchers Empire of the West,
Pope Alexander and his wicked Sonne,
Duke Val [...]ntine, Machivells paragon
W [...]re figured there, with their damned subtilty,
To g [...]t the Soveraignetie of Italie,
And Machivell was likewise to be seene
There with the proud D. Alva & the Scottish Queen,
And so was Barnavelt, who had of late,
A Traytor beene to the Netherlanders state,
Besides were portray'd amongst all these,
Don Spinola the warlike Genoavyes,
And Gondamor, two old ill-looking Scots,
Who both did seeme to be contriving plots,
To make their Mr. Westerne Emperor,
Full fast they ply'd their worke and labour sore,
All formes of State likewise that ever were,
Were to the eye plainly descryed there,
Firme Monarchies and Aristocrasies,
Oligarchies, and worse Democrasies.
The Hart delivered from astonishment,
Before the Throne of Poletea went,
And falling on his knees did her intreat,
To stand his friend and teach him some good feat,
The fury of his foes to turne away,
Who had indented to worke his decay.
The Dame replies, our greatest pleasure is,
To succor those that are in deepe distresse,
Therefore we pitty thee, for thee tis good,
To be Commander of the Silver flood,
Which Cantaber is cleeped, where doe dwell
The learned Syrens, which strange things can tell,
And then be safe, let Justice worke her worst,
And with displeasure her owne bowells burst.
The Hart from this advise much comfort had,
And to the Forrest returnd blith and glad,
[Page 24]Where he reported to the Lions grace,
(For in his favour still he had a place)
The manner of his voyage, and successe,
And how the Goddesse taught him to redresse
His griefes; Him he besought to stand his friend,
Whereby his aimes might hit their wished end.
Then did he send a trusty Messenger,
To the inhabitants of Cantaber,
The Lion likewise for him interceeds,
By Messengers unto the Reverend heads,
For out of Sixteene heads issued the flood
Devoid of [...]agged Mosse and filthy Mud,
He tumbled on a Sandy bed full cleare,
Where under Peasant might not approach neare.
But on his grassie bancks with Lawrell Crown'd,
The Nymphes and Fayries sat in circle round,
Composing wreathes of never dying Bayse,
To deck those heads, whose knowledge merits praise.
But in this sixteene headed spring did sit,
So many Syrens grave in yeares and wit,
These by a higher power, were put in trust
To order things, and keepe all right and just;
But one above them all was placed high
In honour, and in grave authority,
Which height Learn'd Panace a Lady fine,
And farre renown'd for skill and medicine;
But Dinamene had the second place,
A Dame of Comely countenance and grace.
Yet were her Oseants stain'd with lustfull flame,
From Tyncas she had an evill name,
She often wont to leave the Christall floods,
And seeke her lovely stripling in the woods,
Glytephone, and faire Philacreete,
Armold, and sage Pilitrope,
Eusibia, Panope, and Encrate.
Thomesty, just and wise Polime,
Patient Cymodoce, that could assawge
The surging Seas, when they began to rage,
[Page 25]Kind Elimuce and Antonene,
Faithfull Memphee, and old Zione.
All these the Daughters were of mighty Iove,
Begot by him in the adjoyning Grove,
An Academie faire, the elder daughter
Of Cronus and Minerva, for long after
Minerva bare another lively Dame,
Begotten of Cronus on the bancks of Thame.
Besides the sixteene Syrens faire, which were
Chiefe in the flood, three thousand moe were there,
Begot all by Phoebus, and great Iove,
Nurst and brought up all by their neighbour grove.
The Harts swift post comes to the gentle River,
Where he his maisters letter did deliver,
Unto the Syrens, who as it fell out
Were in their sacred bowers met about
Some great affaires, nor did the Messenger
Forget with gentle language to prefer
His masters humble suit, and thus he said,
Loe he that long hath the great Ocean swaid,
Who to the Fritians doth prescribe a law,
And keepes Eolus blustring Sonnes in awe,
Even he the Empire of your flood stands for,
Desires to be your Lord and Governour,
And what the Lion might command, he now
Requesteth, so his mildnesse doth him bow;
Refuse not then the Hart, who is so kind
For your good Lord; since tis your Soveraignes mind.
This said the Syrens did his absence crave,
And told him soone, he should an answer have.
Then [...]g [...] P [...]ra [...] her selfe to advance,
St [...]ing the assembly with an Austere glance,
Two things (said she) invites us to deny
The Harts request: First doth the peoples cry
Deeme him unworthy of so great a place,
And secondly his weake and wretched case,
Makes him unfit to oversee our flood,
Least he should faile at need to doe us good;
But on the other side his Princes love,
To take him for our Ruler doth us move,
[Page 27]Tyme is a salve for many soares, but hate
Of Kings displeasure no time did ere abate,
Should we adore the rising sunne, or when
Hees at the hight, fall downe before him, then
We might be deem'd by some misdeeming Syres,
To be no better then vile Flatterers;
But doubtlesse him in his designe to prop,
When he is like into the deepe to drop,
It is an action that deserveth best,
The favour of the Gods, then his request
(And our dread Soveraignes will,) ye shall allow,
If my perswasion may availe with you;
I oft have heard well taught experience sing,
Tis greatest wisdome, for to please a King.
This said, a confus'd rumor the house fill'd,
But Pyamene his opinion held;
And so did many more grave headed wights,
Some feare, and thirst of honour some invites
To make the Hart their Lord, but one true blade,
Whom Tytan had of better mettall made,
Did stoutly stand against gray-headed wit,
Most voyces yet at length, miscarryed it,
But though the Hart obtained this great place,
The silly beasts still hated his good Grace.
Then he the Camell made of his great kin,
Who likewise was growne mighty by great sin,
For he was not to Lordly Manners borne,
But fortune honoured him with plenties horne,
For ranging in the Forrest on a day,
By accident he found a goodly prey.
A Lady faire was on a greene banck laid,
Her Limbes in Carelesse posture all displaid,
Which under a thin vaile were halfe descri'd,
In emptie clouds so Phebe wont to hide
Her bashfull face, when she was gaz'd upon,
With a sixt eye, by her Endymion;
Certes she was one of Dianas dames,
Whom a long chase, and bright Apolloes flames,
Had from the plaines into the coole shade sent,
For sweet repose and gentle solacement;
[Page 28]The Camell, such was his most happy lot,
Did find her sleeping, and so neare her got,
That he lost not his opportunity,
But so prevail'd that he with her did lie,
Lewd Priapus went often in such guise,
Some light heel'd Nymphes in Court for to surprise.
The Camell lying with the Lady gat [...]
Great store of money, and a great estate,
Her name was Thesenia the fortunate,
Her prateing Lovers shee went to elate
To high degrees, hard was my destiny,
Cause with that lasse, I found not grace to lie
Who makes her Lovers rich and happy too,,
And yeelds to each that hath a face to wooe.
The Camell lying with this St [...]mp et grew,
Worthy to weare a goodly gowne of blew,
How doth that giglet fortune favour fooles
F [...]r he was neither well train'd up in Schooles,
Nor ever could he of a fine wit vaunt
But he was passing bold and ignorant,
Yet expert was he in his facultie.
Oh what an easie Art is knavery!
Thus doe great knaves become great men alone,
Whilst true Nobility is trod upon;
The Scholler spends his wit, and none regards him,
The Souldier spends his blood, & none rewards him.
The vertuous Gentleman, whom competence
Protects from want, and pinching Indigence,
May live at home in meane and honest port,
Neere looking for preferment at the Court.
Now was the Camell with great office grac'd,
And high in awefull seat of Honor plac'd,
With lookes and words the Stygian Frogs did check,
Who went to cry Coax breck Ekex neck,
Foure times a yeare in that great Hall, from whence,
Astrea fled away three ages since,
Nere was it knowne before, that Justice did
Depend on Hymen, or waite on a Bride,
She did not Nuptials know, nor what was meant
By Venus sport of Junos blandishment,
[Page 26]She is a Queene by birth, but made a slave,
Damn'd be those heads that did her thus deprave.
Thus at length with the Camell the Hart tied
Bonds of Alliance, to make a stronger side;
And then he cals from the Cimerian land
The reverend Asse, and he must keepe a stand,
And be the buckler to a masse of sinne,
Whom doth not sacred thirst of money winne?
That faire Pananra, daughter of the gods,
That Mistris of delight, fairer by ods
Then honesty, who dares not once be seene
When she appeares, so doth nights pale-fac'd Queen
Give place to Sol: but still the beasts sore hate
The fearefull Hart; Jove doth commiserate
The Forrests state, and him from thence did take
Whom he had made a starre for Venus sake,
Whose Priest he was, if Atlas had not c [...]i'd
That Heaven would from his feeble shoulders slide
Were he fixt there (so heavie mischiefe is)
But Jove to make a Metamorphosis
Him turn'd into an Ignis fatuus,
A wandring light which oft appeares to us
Poore swaines, that watch our flocks upon the plains,
This fire oft-times the timerous Clowne constraines
To runne through bush and brier, ditch and dale
For very feare, and many a diry tale
Is told by Peasants in the winter night
To maids by the fire side of the same sprite.
Yet fame reports (but fame tels many lyes)
That Jove did take the Hart up to the skies,
And made him a bright starre, and plac'd him neere
Shag-hairy Orgon the fierce Forrester,
Who with his staring lookes and glittering brand
A terror dire doth nere to him stand un.
For the Hart (as it should seeme) and many write
No swordman was, but a meere Carpet-Knight
Certes his stars portend (as wise men guesse)
Much ill to those which Art and Armes professe,
And great impoverishment to Mariners,
Whom it arising from the Sea deters.

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