GLOƲCESTER'S TRIUMPH AT THE Solemn PROCLAMATION OF King Charles the Second; On Tuesday the 15 th. day of May 1660.

LONDON, Printed by J. C. for H. Fletcher, at the three gilt Cups in S. Pauls Churchyard. 1660.

Gloucesters triumph, &c.

Noble Sir,

THe solemnity used by the City of Glou­cester on Tuesday last, at the Proclama­tion of his Majesty King CHARLES the second, was accompanyed with such demonstration of real affection to the business they went about, and of undoubted loy­alty to his Majesty, and of truly glad hearts at the revolution of affairs into that hopeful posture where­in now they stand, that I could not but take the op­portunity, that is now offered, to acquaint you with a true Narrative thereof. The manner, thus: In ex­pectation of such an opportunity, the Mayor of the City, Colonel Toby Jordan, gave Orders for the e­recting of a Scaffold before the Market-place; which could not be finished before the Proclamation came down: but being come, on Saturday last he sent for the Lieutenants, Ensignes, and Serjeants of his own Regiment, and those also of Colonel Twisleton's Re­giment now in the City, together with the Drums of both Regiments, to give publick notice in every street [Page 2]at market-time by beat of Drum, that the Tuesday following was appointed to proclaim the King: and to the same purpose, some of the Militia-troops of the County were also invited to attend the solemnity on the day appointed. By that time the day came, the Scaffold was finished, being very large, and par­ted (as it were) into two rooms; the first being low­er then these old by three ascents; and both accom­modated with Utensils suitable, for the more stately sitting of each man according to his quality; and the whole Scaffold (both above and below) was round about hung with yellow cloath, as being the colour of the Militia-Regiment for the City and in­County, commanded by Mr. Mayor. The place be­hind the Mayors chair, was hung with Arras, adorn­ed with his Majesties Atchievement-royal. Divers o­ther preparations there were. For the common sort, the water was turned out of the three publick Con­duits of the City, and wine was placed in the cisterns. Besides which, there were Runlets of wine, and cakes provided for each Company and Troop: both the City, and some of the Gentry, contributed their assi­stance largely this way.

The noist of this publick notice of the day, and the preparations which were made, drew a mighty con­course of people from all parts on the day appointed, men, women and children; Many of the Gentry, Ministry, and people of all qualities, to the number of scarce so few as ten thousand; so that I never saw the City so crowded in all my life; all, both of the City and County, unanimously testifying then joy for the appearance of this long-looked-for day. Ne­ver [Page 3]were there more significant Expressions of glad­ded hearts appearing in the very faces and counte­nances of all sorts of persons, then on that occasion.

Well, the day being come, and it being Lecture­day, and the streets strowed with green; the market­places adorned with Garlands, and the Kings boord, besides such ornaments, cloathed round about with white cloath, the Mayor appointed all the Masters and Wardens of the several Guilds and Fraternities, with their Streamers and Trophies belonging to each Company, to wait upon him, and the Aldermen and Common-Council, (himself and the Aldermen, She­riffs and Sheriffs Peers in Scarlet, and all the rest in their several Garbs, befitting their estate and degree) to the Cathedral Church, with trumpets sounding, and the several Constables with the staves of their office walking before, each arrayed with white scarffs tyed with purple and green: whither when they were come, Mr. Bartholomew, Minister of Cambden, (whose Lecture-turn it was) preached an excellent and seasonable Sermon on Luke 7.21, 22. When the strong man armed keepeth his palace, his goods are in peace: but when a stronger then he shall come upon him, and over­come him, he taketh from him all his armour wherein he trusted, and divideth his spoile. Wherein he shewed the proper drift of the Text, (as his Lecture-work) in the beginning, and closed all with a [...]uitable pa­rallel in the close, (pro [...]er to the sol [...]mnity of that day) in all expressing great affections to the occasion of that day [...] [...]ap [...]y meeting. Sermon being ended, the Mayor in the [...]k [...] Equipage as before, re [...]ur [...]ed home; and a while after, the Sheriffs▪ with their [...]p­staves, [Page 4]and the Aldermen, and others of the Com­mon Council fetch'd Mr. Mayor from his own house to the Tolsey: by which time, nine Companies of foot were marched from the place of their randezvouz in­to the City, and drawn up to the most convenient places for the giving their Martial Euges to this work. And a little after, three Troops of Horse drawn up with such convenience as the straightness of the place could afford. All things being thus in a readi­ness, the Maior in the like equipage as before, mar­ched from the Tolsey to the Scaffold (which besides the Ornaments before mentioned, was now ador­ned with six Garlands after the form of Crowns, born up with long white staves in the hands of six Virgins of the Gentry, in six several places) whither and where he was attended by many of the Gentry of the County, the Aldermen and Common Council of the City, in their respective Robes; a very considerable number of grave Divines, the City Ministers being in their Gowns. All being seated or placed as the Room would give leave, the Trumpets sounded again and again; and at length, O yes, being made by Mr. Sheriff Scudamore several times, Mr. Sheriff Snell read the Proclamation, and the Senior Sheriff recited it after him with a distinct and audible voice. Which being done, Mr. Maior standing up upon his Chair, drew his Martial Sword in the fight of all the people, for a token of his readi­ness to use it in the defence of his Majesty, and for a signal to all the rest of the Officers and Souldiers to do the like in that nick of time, and to the Com­panies in sight to give fire. And they were no whit [Page 5]behind in their duty; for instantly this signal was followed with the like by all in Armes, loud accla­mations of all sorts, Crying out, God save King CHARLES the second, Long live King CHARLES; and exact Volleys of shot from the several Compa­nies and Troops in such order as was before devised, and these reiterated: so that we were in the midst of fire and smoak for a long season (but without danger, and with such rejoycings of all sorts as is unspeakable.) When things grew somwhat calm, another O yes was made, and the Declaration of the Honorable House of Commons was read, which was seconded with the like acclamations to his Majesties wellfare, and many Volleys of shot. Which conti­nued all the while they were on the Scaffold, and there they stayed no small time: For unto them were brought Wine and Cakes, where they rejoyced publickly, whilst much was distributed to Gentry and strangers in houses, while the Conduits ran Claret, and the Souldiers in their several Compa­nies and Troops had their shares brought to them. This done, several Companies and Troops marched by, giving their several volleys; and the Assembly was dismist. By this time the day was far spent, the Bells every where ringing, and Bonfires every where flaming; in one of which, the States Armes vanished into smoak. All the Solemnity was con­cluded with Fire-works, Rockets of many sorts, fly­ing, and running; an excellent peal of Reporters; and at last the Wheel went round. The Wheel of State (God be thanked) is so, and come into its right po­sture. It will be endless to tell you the rejoycings we [Page 6]here have. You could not observe a sowre look, or a dejected countenance that day; and yet in all my observation (and it is the observation of many more, that) there were few or none overtaken with drun­kenness that day in all that great multitude: which was one addition to the joy of them, who desire to rejoyce in temporal mercies, so as in the Lord. And I could wish, all would learn to honour God and the King with the holiness of their lives and conver­sations; and that all places were at unity within themselves, and united in their resolutions of Loyal­ty, as this little City and populous County is.

The good affection your Honour bears to this Ci­ty, made me willing to give your Honour this rude account of what hath passed among us in that days transaction. The Lord preserve his Majesty long to Reign over us, and return him to his Parliament and People with honour, and direct the Counsels of both the Honourable Houses of Parliament, that there may be peace and truth in our days. So prays

Your humble Orator.

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