THE Life of God, Which is the Light and Salvation of Men, EXALTED: Or an Answer to Six Books or particular Treatises, (given forth by John Cheyney, an Episcopal Priest at or near Warrington in the County of Lancaster, against the People of God call'd Quakers)

  • Intituled, 1st, Book Quakerism Subverted.
  • Intituled, 2d, Book Quakerism Heresie.
  • Intituled, 3d, Book Sermons of Hypocrisie.
  • Intituled, 4th, Book A Call to Prayer.
  • Intituled, 5th, Book The Shibboleth of Quakerism.
  • Intituled, 6th, Book One Sheet against the Quakers.

Wherein the said People are cleared from his Slanders and Calumaies, and divers weighty Particulars are Seriously, Experi­mentally and Scripturally treated on for the Information of such who are dis-satisfied with the Principles and Practices of the said People

By a Servant of Christ, who desires the Temporal and Eternal Good of all People, WILLIAM GIBSON.

The Lord is my Light and my Salvation,

Psal. 27.1.

The Lord shall be unto thee an Everlasting Light,

Isa 60.20.

Every Word of God is pure; he is a Shield unto them that put their Trust in him,

Prov. 30.5.

But every Man's Words shall be his Burden,

Jer. 23.36.

Printed in the Year, 1677.


WHoever thou art that readest this following Trea­tise, put away Prejudice and Partiality, for if thou dost not, these will hinder thee from a Right and profitable Understanding of those things thou readest; but if thou knowest the Love and true Fear of God, and readest therein, what thou mayest read in this following Treatise may be of some Advantage to thee, and if it so come to pass, my Design and Desire is answered; for it is really my sincere Desire, that God may be glorified by Mankind, whom he hath made for that End, and that they may be blessed by him in this World, and in that which is to come.

Reader, Whatsoever thy Belief, Judgment or Opinion may be concerning God, Christ, Scriptures of Truth or Religion, &c. this know assuredly, That God, the Crea­tor of all things, is a pure unalterable Fountain of Love, and they who dwell in him they dwell in Love, not only to him, but also one to another, and to their very Ene­m [...]es; and this is according to the Command and Example of Christ, and also the Doctrine and Example of the holy Apostles: The Apostle James saith, Who is a Wise Man and indued with Knowledge amongst you? let him shew out of a good Conversation his Works with Meekness of Wisdom; but if ye have bitter Envyings and Strife in your Hearts, glory not, and lye not against the Truth; this Wisdom descended not from above, but is earthly, sensual and dovilish, but the Wisdom [Page]that is from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle and easie to be entreated, full of Mercy and good Fruits, without Partiality, and without Hypocr [...]sie, Jam. 3.13, 14, 15, 17. The Apostle Paul saith, Charity doth not behave it self unseemly—thinks no Evil—rejoyceth not in Iniquity, but rejoyceth in the Truth; he saith, Follow after Charity, 1 Cor. 13.5, 6. Chap. 14.1. Further, And though I speak with the Tongue of Men and An­gels, and have not Charity, I am become as a sounding Brass or as a tinkling Simbal; and though I bestow all my Goods to feed the Poor, and though I give my Body to be burned, and have not Charity, it profiteth me nothing: Charity suffereth long, and is kind; Charity envyeth not; Charity vaunteth not it self? it is not puffed up, chap. 13. read it through. The word Cha­rity signifies Love: The Apostle John saith, God is Love, and he that dwells in Love, dwelleth in God, and God in him [mark, Reader, God in him] (My present Adversary, J. C. doth greatly oppose God's being in man, as thou wilt find by the following Discourse) The aforesaid Apostle saith, He that loveth not, knoweth not God, for God is Love; and if any man say, he love God, and hateth his Brother, he is a Lyar, 1 John 4.16. & 8.20. The Apostle Paul saith, Love worketh no ill to his Neighbour, therefore Love is the fulfilling of the Law, Also owe no man any thing, but to Love one another; for he that loveth another hath fulfilled the Law, Rom. 13. Vers. 10, 8. For all the Law is fulfilled in one word, e­ven in this, Thou shalt love thy Neighbour as thy self, Gal. 5.14. And the Apostle Peter saith, For he that will love Life, and see good Dayes, let him refrain his Tongue from Evil, and his Lips that they speak no Guile, let him eschew Evil, and do good, let him seek Peace, and follow it; for the Eyes of the Lord are over the Righteous, & his Ear is open unto their Prayers, but the Face of the Lord is against them that do Evil, 1 Pet. 3.10, 11, 12. Reader, I desire thou mayst seriously in the Fear of God read [Page]the following Treatise without Prejudice and Partiali­ty, and if thou so readest, I doubt not but it will appear unto thee that John Cheyney hath been much out of the Bounds of the Love of God and Christian-Charity in his Writings against the People call'd Quakers; we de­sire he may come to a right Sense of it, & Repent, & be forgiven of God, and come into God's Love, and abide therein, and into the Charity which doth not behave it self unseemly; and until he come into this Love and Charity, his Sacrifice will not be accepted of God: I commend thee to the Manifestation of God's Spirit, which is given unto thee to instruct thee in those things that appertain to his Kingdom; and without the Help of the Spirit of God no man can know the things of God, as its written.

I have not Pleasure in Controversie any farther then it may tend to the Glory of God, thereby manifest­ing Truth from Error, and the undeceiving the Hearts of the Simple. I seek not the Praise of Men; I am at Peace with God, in him I have Love to all People, but am an Enemy to Deceit and Falshood.

VVilliam Gibson.


  • THe Life of God, which is the Light and Salvation of Men Exalted, Page 1.
  • A Testimony to the pure Life of God, which is the Light of Men, and the holy Scriptures given by the Inspiration of God, p. 23.
  • Christ is the Quakers Foundation, Rock and Pillar, p 42.
  • The Quakers serve the Lord Jesus Christ, and not their own Bel­lies, as falsly charged by J. C. p. 49.
  • God is risen to scatter all Gatherings of People under what Professi­on of Religion soever, who are not gathered into his spirit and glorious pure Power, p. 50.
  • Concerning the Church of Christ for the first three hundred years after his Crucifixion, p. 53.
  • The Quakers own the Ancient Protestant Martyrs, put to Death by the Papists, p 56.
  • Concerning the Baptism of Christ, which is spiritual, and the Baptism of John with Water, and the Sprinkling of Infants, as now used by the Papists and Protestants, p. 59.
  • Concerning the Passover, as commanded by God under the Law; and concerning Christ's eating the Passover with his Disciples the Night he was betrayed; and concerning Bread and Wine, as it is now used amongst the People called Papists and Protestants, and by them called the Lord's Supper, p. 62.
  • Concerning Preaching and Prophecying, p. 72.
  • The Quakers own and practise true Prayer, which is performed without Wrath or Doubting; and witness against the Prayers of the Wicked, who are in Malice and Envy, where the Ʋn­holy Hands are lifted up, p. 74.
  • [Page]Concerning Singing of Psalms, p. 80.
  • Concerning Giving of Alms to the Poor, p. 84.
  • Concerning the Prayers of the Faithful in private or in secre [...], and the Prayers of the Hypocrites, who pray standing to be seen of Men, ibid.
  • Concerning Fasting in Reallity, and Fasting in Hypocrisie, ibid.
  • Concerning the Jews Sacrifices and Offerings in the time of their Faithfulness, and concerning their Offerings and Sacrifices in the time of their Rebellion and Apostacy, p. 85.
  • Concerning the Worship and Practice of the ancient, true, faithful, Christians in the primitive times; and the Worship and Practice of the now professed Christians, whether called Papists or Prote­stants in the Apostacy, p. 86.
  • The Quakers own the Ten Commandments, the Lord's Prayer &c. p. 87.
  • Concerning the Quakers leaving their Callings and Relations, and going to Preach, p. 89,
  • Concerning Women's Prophecying or Preaching, p. 91.
  • Concerning Going Naked, which was done as a Sign of the spiri­tual Nakedness of the Apostatized Christians, p. 93.
  • Concerning the Holy Scriptures or Bible, and concerning the Qua­kers Books, p. 94.
  • Concerning Children's Honour and Obedience to Parents, and Servants to their Masters, and the Younger to the Aged, and the Subject to the Magistrate or Ruler. p. 96.
  • Concerning the Soul of Man, p. 104.
  • A Copy of a Letter from W. Penn and W. G. concerning John Cheyney, p. 107.
  • Concerning Measure, or the Measure of the Spirit, p. 110.
  • Concerning Light and Darkness, p. 111.
  • Concerning Vision or Revelation, p. 113.
  • Divers Questions Answered, p. 116.
  • J. Cheyney's Testimony concerning his Church, p. 120.
  • J. C. Rebuked for reporting a Slander, p. 122.
  • Concerning the Fasting of the People of God, p. 123.
  • [Page]Some of J.C's Many Contradictions to Himself about Light and Darkness, p. 125.
  • A Catalogue of some of the many Lyes which J. Cheyney hath published in Print against the People of God called Quakers. p. 128.
  • An Answer to J. Cheyney's Pamphlet, entituled, The Shibboleth of Quakerism, p. 133.
  • An Answer to J. Cheyney's Pamphlet, called, One Sheet against the Quakers, p. 136.
  • Concerning Swearing, p. 142.
  • J. Cheyney's Testimony concerning Conscience, and some Ob­servations thereupon, p. 147.
  • John Cheyney is Confounded in Contending against the Light, p. 151.

Some few faults have escaped the Press, which the Reader is desired to Correct with his Pen.

Pag. 11. lin. 37. for of read entituled; p. 12. l. 11. f. preacht r. preath; p. 19. l 4. f. my r. thy; p. 41. l. 26. f. Life r. Light; p. 52. l. 3 f. is r. was; p. 60. l. 9. r not read in the holy Scriptures; p. 67 l. 27. r. to know, feel; p. 76. l. 10. dele before; p. 79. l. 19. r, pray in words; p. 80 l. 13. f. translated r. turned; p. 108. l. 32. f. of r. so; l. 38. dele to; p. 109. l. 7. f. manifests r. manifested; l. 17, 18. f. which is r. to be; l. 20. r. them and us, p. 115. l. 13. dele to; p. 117. l. 11. dele so; l. 34. f. to r. in; p. 121. l. 20. f. their r the; p. 131. l. 30. r. that there never; p. 144. l. 36. f. un­satisfied r. unsanctified.

THE Life of God, Which is the Light and Salvation of Men, EXALTED

IOhn Cheyney condemneth the Quakers, in the Book entitu­led, Quakerism subverted, page 31. for affirming, that the Life of God, which is the Light of Men, with which every Man is enlightned, is sufficient to Everlasting Salvation, — and that this Light within is utterly Blameless, so that what­soever Sins and Abominations men run into, the Light within is utterly Blameless, and no way partaking in the Crime, nor any wayes chargeable with the Guilt. The priest's Answer to this is, In this lieth the Heart of the Controversie, if this be True and Sound, the Quakers are in the Right, if this be so, all that I have writ against them, as also what is alledged in my Skirmish, all falls to the Ground, and I will confess my self defeated, and to have lost the Day.

Answ. In the Beginning was the Word, and the Word was God, all things were made by him, in him was Life, and the Life was the Light of Men; that was the True Light which lighteth every man that cometh into the World, John 1.1, 3, 4, 9.

This then is the Message which we have heard of him, and declare unto you, that God is Light, and in him is no Darkness at all; but if we walk in the Light, as he is in the Light, then have we Fellow­ship one with another, and the Blood of Jesus Christ his Son cleans­eth [Page 2]us from all Sin, 1 John 5.7 Christ saith, I am the Light of the World, he that follows me shall not walk in Darkness, but he shall have the Light of Life, John 8.12.12, 46. David said, The Lord is my Light and my Salvation, Psal. 27.1. 2 Sam. 22.29. And Isaiah saith, The Lord shall be unto thee an Everlasting Light, Isa. 60.20. Christ is set to be a Light to the Gentiles, to be God's Salvation to the Ends of the Earth, Luke 2.32. Acts 13.47. And Christ said, This is the Condemnation, that Light is come into the World, and Men loved Darkness rather then Light, because their Deeds were Evil; every one that doth Evil hateth the Light, &c. John 3.19, 20. The Apostle said, All things that are reproved are made manifest by the Light; for whatsoever doth make manifest is Light, 2 Cor. 4.6. God hath shi [...]ed in our Hearts to give us the Light of the Knowledge of the Glory of God in the Face of Jesus Christ; but we have this Treasure in Earthen Vessels, that the Excellency of the Power may be of God, AND NOT OF US, 2 Cor. 4.6, 7.

John Cheyney, The Life of God and Christ, which is the Light of Men, which lighteth every Man that cometh into the World, is the Light which we the People of God called Quak [...]rs, do be­lieve in and obey, and we labour to turn People from Darkness to it, that in it they may know Salvation, and Preservation from Sin and the Devil, who is the Author of it; and we do not believe in, nor preach any other Light for Salvation from Sin, but the Life of God and Christ, and this Life and Light is suf­ficient for Salvation from Sin: The Life of God cannot Sin, nei­ther is it Guilty of any Man's Sin, nor is it chargeable with any Sin; this Testimony which we bear to the Life of God is True and Sound.

And all that thou hast said and writ to the contrary against the Light and its Children for their Testimony to it▪ it all falls to the Ground, and thou art defeated, and thou haft lost the Day (take it in thy own [...]hra [...]e) so confess according to thy Promise.

Call to Prayer, page 131. John Cheyn [...]y saith to his own Soul, Hadst thou, Oh my Soul, but a Right Sense of God, and Sin, and Eternal Things, thou couldst not but be Eloquent, and Copious, and Fervent in Prayer, &c. And in page 139. thou sayest, Thou art Destracted in thy Prayers.

Answ. That thou hast not a Right Sense of God, and Sin, and Eternal Things, thou hast given large Proof in thy Books, where­in is great plenty of Blasphemous Expressions against the Light, in which we have believed, and Lyes against us the Children of it, and Contradictions to thy self; in Blasphemous Words against the Life of God, which is the Light of Men, which is the Light the Quakers believe in, and preach for Salvation to the Ends of the Earth, thou hast out-done all that ever I read before thee, and also in contradicting of thy self, and in telling Lyes of the People whom thou in Scorn callest Quakers, thou comest behind few: I have in a distinct Head summed up a few of thy many Lyes, by which the Reader may see, that thou art an Artist at that bad Trade. Roger Haydock hath collected and published some of thy Self-Contradictions, by which the Reader may see, what a Babylonish-Builder thou art.

But seeing thou hast not a right Sense of God and Eternal Things, but art destracted, &c. why dost thou take so boldly upon thee to judge the Life & Light in which the Quakers have believed, to be Dagon, Diana, an Idol, & compares it to a drunk­en Coach man, &c. Herein thou hast shewed thy Destraction, and thy wrong Sense of God, and his Light and of his Children, who walk in the Light according to the Apostle's Doctrine, 1 John 1.7.

John Cheyney, thou confessest in thy Book entituled, Quaker­ism Herefie, That God is Light, and Omni-present, and so both within man and without him.

Answ. In this thou hast confessed Truth, which Confession of thine agrees with the Doctrine and Principle of the People cal­led Quakers, who say, the Life of God is the Light of Men, and is the true Light which lighteth every Man which cometh into the World; this Omni-Presence of God, who is Light in Man, is not Dagon, Diana, an Idol, nor is it like a drunken Coach­man; here the Unprejudiced Reader may easily see thy Blasphe­my.

John Cheyney saith in p. 13. We are sure we cannot be deceived, that there is not any thing at all in every Man, nor in any Man, that is nor can be God.

Answ. J. C. This is a flat Contradiction to what thou saidst [Page 4]before, who saidst, God is Light, and Omni-present, and so, both within Man and without him; here thy Distraction is largely manifested: But why shouldst thou be so confident, that thou canst not be deceived, seeing thou sayest, thou hast not a Right: Sense of God, but art distracted, &c. It cannot reasonably be expected that thou (who as thou sayest, hast not a Right Sense of God, but art distracted, &c) should be sure concerning any Heavenly and Spiritual Thing, thou who speakst such flat Con­tradictions to thy self, art not like to speak Right Things of God who is a pure Fountain of Divine Light and Life, nor of his Chil­dren, who believe in his Life, which is the Light of Men.

J.C. thy Disengenuity and Baseness against the Life of God,Quakerism Heresie p. 25, 28, 29. which is the Light of Men, I shall further manifest; thou sayest, We Quakers assert, That the true Light, with which every Man is en­lightned, is Divine and Increated,—That it is not a Creature, but Divine, and of the very Being of God,—The living eternal Word, in man—The holy Spirit,—God, &c.

Answ. Thus we own the [...]ife of God, which is the Light of Men, and through the Help and [...]trength of God shall vindicate it, against thy utmost Strength and all thy Abettors; this our Doctrine of the Light, is according to the Scriptures of Truth: God is Light and Omni present, this we affirm, and thou con­fessest, so as I have before she [...]ed; the same God is a Spirit and he is the Eternal Word, Divine, & not a Creature, but Increated.

Now thy Baseness and Disingenuity is manifest in thy arguing against this Light under those Names, which neither the Scrip­tures of Truth nor we do give unto it.

Thou callest it Conscience, a Natural Light; these are thy own Names which thou hast given unto the Life of God, which is the Light of Men, & when thou hast given it such false Names, as might most suit thy malicious D [...]sign against it then thou goest to war against it with all thy Feeble Strength: All thy Strength a­gainst it, is but as the Strength of dry Stubble before the h [...]t burn­ing Flame; thou hast heaped up a Multitude of Foolish Words and Arguments against it under these thy Fal [...]e Names, which thou in thy Wickedness hast given unto it; thou art fighting a­gainst that which is too strong for thee, which thou must know [Page 5]to thy Endless Misery, if thou dost not unfeignedly repent.

The Life of God, which is the Light of Men, is not Consci­ence, nor a Natural Light, which is subject to Mutation, Cor­ruption or Change; I the Lord change not, therefore ye Sons of Jacob are not consumed; in the Lord Jehovah is Everlasting Strength; he that keeps Israel never slumbers nor sleeps, he is E­verlastingly Holy. Conscience may be Good, and Conscience may be Evil; when Man is governed by God his Maker who is Light, his Understanding and Judgment and Knowledge sound concerning God and Christ, and Heavenly Things, yea, and all Things which belong to his Peace with God and Man, and he lives, walks and acts towards God and Man, according to this New and True Knowledge, and Heavenly Understanding, then his C [...]nscience is Good: Such was the Apostle's Conscience af­ter his Restoration into the Life of Christianity,Acts 1 Tim. 1 5. Gal. 2.20. 1 Tim. 1.19. Tit. 1.15. H [...]b. 10.22. he said, I have walked in all Good Conscience; he said, Christ lives in me; and the L [...]f [...] which I now live, in the Flesh, I live by the Faith of the Son of God.

The Apostle speaks of some, who made Shipwrack of Faith, and put away a Good Conscience; the Apostle saith, the Mind and Conscience of the Unbelieving are defiled; the Apostle exhorteth to draw near to God with a True Heart, having the Heart sprinkled from an Evil Conscience

When Man is governed by the god of the World, who blinds his Mind, the Prin [...]e of the Power of the Air, who rules in the Hearts of the Children of Disobedience, then his Conscience is Evil; he calls Good Evil, and Evil, Good; such were they who put Christ to Death, and put his Disciples to Death, and thought that they did God Service therein

The Apostle saith, My Conscience also bearing me Witness in the Holy Ghost.

Reader, Here take notice, that the Apostle's good Conscience was governed by the Holy Ghost, or Spirit of God, who is Light, and so are all Good Consciences; but all Evil Consciences are governed by the Unholy Spirit of the god of the World, who blinds the Mind and defiles the Conscience.

As to thy Name, which thou hast given to the Life of God, [Page 6]which is the Light of Men, calling it A Natural Light, this Name is Unscriptural as well as Unreasonable; for natural, as thou accountest it, as being corrupt, and guilty of Sin, &c. is in di­rect Opposition to spiritual; The Natural Man perceiveth not the Things of the Spirit of God, as the Apostle saith, they are Foolishness unto him, neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned, the 1st of Corinthians, Chap. 2. Vers. 14. For what Man knows the things of a Man, save the spirit of a Man which is in him; so the things of God knows no man, but the Spirit of God, vers. 9. but as it is written, Eye hath not seen, nor Ear heard, neither hath it entered into the Heart of Man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him, but God hath re­vealed them unto us by his Spirit; for the Spirit searcheth all things, y [...]a, the deep things of God.

Quak. Subv. pag. 35. J. C. thou talkest of the Light, which is the Life of God, which lighteth every Man that co­meth into the World, being the Soul, &c.

Answ. The holy Scriptures do not say as thou dost, but put a Distinction between God and the soul of man: The Prophet Da­vid saith, Why art thou cast down, oh my Soul? why art thou dis­quieted within me? trust thou in God, Psal 42.5, & 6. The A­postle prayed to God for the Saints, that their whole Spirit, and Soul, and Body might be preserved Blameless, &c. 1 Thess. 5.23.

Observe, J. C. the Apostle did not pray, that the Life of God, which is the Light of Men, might be preserved blameless; for that is everlastingly holy and blameless; and it is not possible that it can be otherwise, God being unchangeably holy.

The Word of the Lord by the Prophet Ezekiel was, Be­hold, all Souls are mine, as the Soul of the Father, so also the Soul of the Son is mine; but the Soul that sinneth, it shall Dye, Ezek. 18.4.

Observe, J. C. it is possible that the Soul may Sin and Dye, as to God, through its Disobedience to or Rebellion against the Life or Spirit of God, which is the Light of Men. The Lord speaks by Isaiah, saying, Wo to the Rebellious Children, who take Cou [...]sel, but not of me, who cover with a Covering, but not of my Spirit, that they may add Sin unto Sin. Thus it appears, that [Page 7]it is possible for the Soul to sin, that turns from, rebels against, and ref [...]ses the Life and Spirit of God for its Covering; but its impossible for the Life and Spirit of God to sin, or be guilty of any Sin.

Gen. 2.7. The Lord God formed Man of the Dust of the Ground, and breathed into his Nostrils the Breath of Life, and Man became a Living Soul: God's Life or Breath is God, by its In-breathing upon Man, Man became a living Soul: This living Soul, made by the Breathing of God, is not God, but is an Effect produced and brought forth by the Breath of God; this Soul is immortal, it cannot cease to be in some degree of Well or Wo, of Rest and Peace, or Sorrow or Trouble; and though the Soul under the Power of Sin is Dead as to God, and not being acted and governed by him, is not in Unity and Peace with him, yet it lives in a sense, but its in a sense of Deprivation of Unity and Peace with God and so in a sense of Disquiet and Trouble; and at this Christ pointed in the Parable concerning the Rich & the Poor Man, the one in Heaven, and the other in Hell; as also its pointed at where the Prophet saith Tophet is prepared of old for the Rebel­lious, there is Fire and much Wood, and the Breath of the Lord as a stream of Brimstone doth kindle it; and also, where Christ said, What will it advantage a man if he could gain the whole World and lose his own Soul? the Omnipresence of the Life and Breath of God upholds the Soul of Man in Immortality, being present with it.

J. C. thou talk'st of the Light, which is the Life of God, be­ing Reason

Answ. The Scriptures of Truth do not say as thou sayest (to-wit) that it is Reason, though I say, sound and pure Reason is an Effect proceeding from it. But the Apostle Paul prayed to be de­livered o [...]t of the Hands of Ʋnreasonable Men, 2 Thess. 3.2. which shews there were such; as also, where he speaks that he fought with Beasts after the manner of Men at E­phesus. Now, though there were Unreasonable Men, as afore­said, yet it doth not follow, that the Life of God hath not ligh­ted them; for that Life was the True Light, that lighteth every man that cometh into the World, as in John 1.4. & 9.

J. C. Pag. 247. of Sermons of Hypocrisie, saith, The Light [Page 8]Within, till Regeneration and Converting Grace, is Darkness; and pag. 236, 2 [...]7. thou sayest, The Light in Adam, before he fell, was a pure Light, a sweet and blessed Light; but now it is turned into a sinful, d [...]filed, self-destroying Light.

Answ. God is Light, and he doth not Change, as thee holy Scriptures say; his Life was Adam's Light before he fell, by which he saw what God required of him; and when he did fall, (or was fallen) his fall did not corrupt nor alter the Property nor Purity of the Life of God, which was his Light, but by that Light he knew when he had broken the Law of God, and sought to hide himself, &c. But as it is written, Whatsoever is reproned is mad [...] manifest by the Light; for, whatsoever doth make manifest is Light, Ephes. 5.13. and it is Blasphemy to say, That this is turned into a sinful, defiled, Self destroying Light; and it is Blasphemy to say, This Light is Darkness; God is Light, in him is no Darkness at all; if we say, we have Fellowship with him and walk in Darkness, we lye and do not the Truth; but if we walk in the Light as he is in the Light, then have we Fellowship one with another, and the Blood of Jesus Christ his Son cleanseth us from all Sin, as saith the holy Apostle, 1 John 1.6.

J. C. take notice of this, if thou desirest to have the Blood of Christ to cleanse thee from all Sin, thou must believe in the Light within, which convinceth thee of it, and reproveth thee for it, and if thou believe in it and walk therein, it will convince thee of all thy Hard and Blasphemous Speeches against God, who is Light, in whom is no Darkness at all; and it will con­vince thee of thy Envy, Lyes and Rage against his People; and it will lead thee to Repentance, and so to Remission of thy Sins, if thou believe in it and obeylit, and walk in it, as afore-said, while it strives with thee, while the Day of thy Visitation lasteth; for God who is Light and Spirit saith, My Spirit shall not alwayes strive with Man; so when his Light strives, his Spirit strives; for his Light and Spirit are one, of one Being, though in thy Darkness thou wouldst make them two.

Christ saith, I am the Light of the World, he that follows me shall not walk in Darkness, but he shall have the Light of Life; —And he saith, Believe in the Light, that you may be the Chil­dren of the Light; he is the same yesterday, to day and forever, [Page 9]as the Apostle saith; and he is the express Image or Character of the Father's Substance, the Brightness of his Glory, the Image or Character of the Invisible God, as saith the Apostle.

J.C. I desire thou mayst believe this Testimony concerning the Light which is in Scripture Words, which will be for thy Eternal Good, and may be for the Good of those whose Minds thou hast darkned (by thy blasphemous Words and foolish Arguments) a­gainst the Life of God, which is the Light of Men; for if thou believest this Testimony concerning the Light & walkst therein, God who is Light will constrain thee publickly to condemn thy blasphemous Words, which thou hast uttered in print against it; and to seek to turn them to it, whose Hearts thou hast hardned against it. To prove thy Assertion, that The Light within is Dark­ness, thou quotest Christ's Words, The Light of the Body is the Eye, if therefore thy Eye be single, thy whole Body shall be full of Light; but if thy Eye be evil, thy whole Body shall be full of Dark­ness; if therefore the Light which is in thee be Darkness, how great is that Darkness? Mat. 6.22.23.

Answ. Thou mayst see upon what Occasion these words were spoken, by the fore-going verses, which are as follow, Lay not up for your selves Treasures upon Earth, where Moth and Rust doth corrupt, and where Thieves break through and steal, but lay up for your selves Treasures in Heaven, where neither Moth nor Rust doth corrupt, and where Thieves do not break through nor steal; for where your Treasure is, there will your Hearts be also, I say the Light and Spirit of God doth lead the Spirits and Minds of those that believe and walk therein, to set their Affections on things that are above, and to lay up their Treasures in Heaven, as Christ commands, and to be spiritually-minded, in which is Life and Peace, as saith the Apostle: Now they that do thus, their Eye is single and good, and so they are full of Heavenly Spiritual Light; this Eye will not offend, there is no need to pluck it out; but if People hate the Light, then they joyn unto Satan, who exerciseth their Spirits and Minds in Covetous Practices, in Envy and Malice, Idolatry, &c. they set up their Idols in their Hearts, and are men of carnal Minds, in which is Death, as saith the Apostle; these have an Evil Eye o­pened in them by Satan, and this Eye looks after him (and his [Page 10]evil Treasures) that hath opened it; and he fills such with Dark­ness, and with a Treasury of Envy and Malice, and Blasphemy, such as thou hast; so the Evil Man out of the Evil Treasury of his Heart brings forth Evil Things, as Christ hath said, and hath the Evil Eye that offends, which Eye thou hast, Christ's Command is, Pluck it out, and cast it from thee.

The Substance of the same Words before answered, are also in Luke 11.34, 35 thus, The Light of the Body is the Eye, therefore when thy Eye is single thy whole Body also is full of Light; but when thy Eye is Evil, thy whole Body also is full of Darkness; take heed therefore, that the Light which is in thee be not Darkness.

Answ. The Occasion of these Words thou mayst also see, by the fore-going verses, which are as follow, ver. 29.—This is an Evil Generation, they seek a Sign, and there shall be no Sign given, but the Sign of Jonas the Prophet, &c. and he said further, The Queen of the South, & the Men of Nineveh shall rise up in Judgment against this Generation; for the men of Nineveh repented at the prea­ching of Jonah, but Christ who is greater then Jonah preached, and that evil Generation repented not at his preaching; The Queen of the South came from the utmost Parts of the Earth to hear the Wisdom of Solomon, and admired it, and said, the half had not been told her, and she honoured him for his Wisdom; but when Christ the Wisdom and Power of God (as the Apostle calls him) preacht un­to that Evil Generation, they did not admire his Wisdom and Power, neither did they honour him, but said, He had a Devil and was mad, and said, By Beelzebub the Prince of Devils he cast out Devils: And this Generation shewed their Love to Barabas, to get him out of Prison, who was committed to prison for Sedi­tion and Murder, and they cryed, Crucifie Jesus, and as the Martyr said, Of him they were the Betrayers and Murderers; so that Evil Generation loved their Brother Barabas (as Christ said, The World loves its own) and to his Disciples he said, I have chosen you out of the World, therefore doth the World hate you; it hated me before it hated you, and it hated me without a Cause, &c.

That Evil Generation, who hated Christ and his Disciples, and put him and them to Death, had an Evil Eye opened in them by Satan, who is a Murderer and a Lyar: So this Evil Eye, that he had opened in their Spirits, Minds, and Hearts, looked af­ter [Page 11]his Work, which is Murder, and Blasphemy, and Lying; and so he filled them with Darkness, so they brought forth his Evil Treasure, that he had filled their Hearts withal; so this is the e­vil Eye that offends, which all must know pluckt out, and cast a­way, that enter God's Kingdom; and as it is written in the Scriptures of Truth, Out of the Heart proceedeth an Evil Eye, Mark 7.22. The Apostle saith, But if our Gospel be hid, it is hid to them that are lost, in whom the god of this World hath blinded the Mind of them that believe not, &c. 2 Cor. 4.3, 4. Mark Reader, the Apostle saith, The god of the World hath blinded the Mind, he doth not say, that he hath blinded the Light within, or the Life of God, which is the Light of Men; the Apostle also saith to the Believers, Ye were sometimes Darkness but now are ye Light in the Lord, walk as Children of the Light, Ephes. 5.8. and when Christ appeared to Paul, when he was going to Da­mascus, he said to him, I send thee (to wit, to the Gentiles) to open their Eyes, and to turn them from Darkness to Light, from the Power of Satan unto God, &c. and he further saith in Ephes. 4.18. of the Gentiles, that they were darkned, and alienated FROM THE LIFE OF GOD, &c.

John Cheyney, By all these Scriptures it doth plainly appear, that the Life of God, which is the Light of Men, is not Darkness; but that man, who is a Stranger from this Life, is Darkness, in whom the god of this world hath blinded his Mind. So whosoe­ver reads with an Heavenly Understanding, thy Blasphemous Charge against the Light within, may see, that thou chargest that upon the Life of God, which is unchangeably pure, which is truly chargeable upon the DEVIL, and Fallen, Darkned, Rebellious Man (to wit, That it is Darkness) But as the Apo­stle said, God is Light, and in him is no Darkness at all, there is no Variableness, nor Shadow of Turning i [...] him; he saith, I the Lord change not, &c.—He hath Immortality and dwells in the Light, as saith the Apostle.

J. C. By what I have here written in vindication of the Light within, and that in Holy Scripture Words, and according to it, the whole Strength of all thy Arguments & Objections against it in thy Four Books (of Quakerism Subverted, Quakerism Heresie, A Call to Prayer, &c. and Sermons of Hypocrisie) ARE UTTERLY [Page 12]LAID WASTE, and the Life of God, which is the Light of Men, cleared from being guilty of any Sin, that ever was, or ever shall be committed.

In page 31. Quakerism Subverted, thou sayest, In this lieth the Heart of the Controversie, if this be True and Sound, the Qua­kert are in the Light; if this be so, all that I have writ against them, as also what is alledged in my Skirmish, all falls to the Ground, and I will confess my self to be utterly defeated, and to have lost the Day.

Answ. The Life of God, which is the Light of Men, which Light (& no other) we have believed in and preacht for Salvation to the Ends of the Earth, THIS LIFE is not guilty of, nor chargeable with any Sin that ever was or can be committed, so according to thy own confession (this being true) thou art utterly defeated, and hast lost the Day, so perform thy Promise, and confess, all that thou hast writ and alleadged against the Light (and the Quakers for its Sake) all falls to the Ground, and they are in the Right.

J. Cheyney, thus I and my Brethren, whom thou quotest in thy afore-said Books, and many others, have given a true De­claration of the Belief of the People of God (called Quakers) in the Life of God, which is the Light of Men and with our Tongues and Pens we have made a true Confession thereto; and also in our Conversation, in true Love and Obedience to God, and in true Love and Justice towards Men, and thou art bound to be­lieve us, or at least, not to oppose us herein, upon thy own Princi­ple, if thou wilt be true to it. See Call to Prayer, p. 100. where thou sayest, We take not upon us to know any Man's Heart, but our own; and in page 99. also sayest, We cannot know their Hearts.

Answ. But though thou canst not know them, the Lord who hath s are [...]t them, knows them, and hath given us to know them, so with our Hearts, we have believed in the Life of God, (which is the Light of Men) unto Salvation; and have made Confession thereto, that thou and others may believe in the Light and become Children of it.

The Apostle John saith, He that saith he is in the Light, and hateth his Brother, is in Darkness, even until now, and walketh in Darkness, and knows not whither he goes, because that Dark­ness [Page 13]hath blinded his Eyes; but he that loveth his Brother abideth in the Light, and there is no Occasion of Stumbling in him, 1 Joh. 2.9 10, 11.

They who remove the Land-Marks, and violently take away Flocks, and take away the Ass of the Fatherless, and the Wi­dow's Ox, and pluck the Fatherless from the Breast, and cause the poor to go naked, and take the Sheaff from the hungry, these are they who rebel against the Light, they know not the Way thereof, nor abide in the Paths thereof, Job 24. from verse 2 to 13.

And this is the Condemnation, that Light is come into the World, and Men love Darkness rather then Light, because their Deeds were evil; for every one that doth evil hateth the Light, neither cometh to the Light, lest his Deeds should be reproved; but he that doth Truth cometh to the Light, that his Deeds may be made manifest that they are wrought in God, Joh. 3.19, 20, 21.

Christ said of the Unbelievers, This Peoples Hearts are waxed gross, and their Ears are dull of hearing, and THEIR EYES THEY HAVE CLOSED, lest at any time they should see with their Eyes, and hear with their Ears, and should understand with their Hearts, and they should be converted, and I should heal them; but to the Believers he said, Blessed are YOƲR EYES; for THEY SEE, and your Ears; for they hear, Mat. 12.15, 16.

John Cheyney, by all these Scriptures cited, It doth appear, that they who do wickedly hate the Light, and rebel against it, and do not abide in the Path thereof; but they love Darkness, and do choose to walk therein; and they do close their Eyes, lest they should see with their Eyes and understand with their Hearts, and be converted, &c. Thus it plainly appears, that the Light within is not to be blamed, nor charged with their Rebellion, it being clear from all their Sins, it never Consenting unto any Sin, but condemns for it; the Light is the same in its Kind and Nature in him who hates it, and in him who loves it, (to wit, pure and holy) therefore it condemns the Unholy, who rebel against it.

But thou art justly blameable, and greatly condemnable, who hast charged the Light within with being guilty of the Sins of all the Damned in Hell; thou sayest, There is not, nor ever was, nor [Page 14]ever shall be any Sin committed by any Man or Devil, but the Light hath a principal hand in it, &c. Sermons of Hypocrisie, pag. 234.

John saith, In the Beginning was the Word, & the Word was God, in him was Life, and the Life was the Light of Men; and the Light shineth in Darkness, and the Darkness comprehendeth it not.

J. C. take notice, that the Life of God, which is the Light of Men, is as truly Light when it shines in Darkness, as when it shines out of Darkness, though Man, who is darkened by the god of the World, doth not see the Glory of it, as those do who have believed in it, and love it, and bring their Deeds to it, that they may be made manifest that they are wrought in God.

David said, For thou art my lamp, O Lord; and the Lord will enlighten my Darkness, 2 Sam. 22.29. Psal. 18.28. And he said, With thee is the Fountain of Life; in thy Light we shall see Light, Psal. 36.9.

And the Prophet Isaiah saith, O House of Jacob, Come ye, and let us walk in the Light of the Lord, Isa. 2.5. And he further saith, If thou draw out thy Soul to the Hungry, and sa­tisfie the Afflicted Soul, then shall thy Light rise in Obscurity, and thy Darkness be as the Noon-Day, Isa. 58.10, 8.

The Apostle exhorted the Saints to give Thanks unto God, who had made them meet to be Partakers of the Inheritance of the Saints in Light, who (saith he) hath delivered us from the POW­ER OF DARKNESS, and hath translated us into the Kingdom of his dear Son, Col. 1.12, 13. The Apostle said unto the Saints, For ye were sometimes DARKNESS, but now are ye LIGHT IN THE LORD, walk as Children of the Light: For the Fruits of the Spirit is in all Goodness, Righteousness and Truth, proving what is acceptable unto the Lord, and have no Fellowship with the unfruitful Works of DARKNESS, but rather reprove them Ephes. 5.8, 9, 10.

Mark, John Cheyney, Here the Apostle saith, Walk in the Light, that ye may be the Children of the Light, for the Fruits of the Spirit is in all Goodness, &c. Here the Apostle joyns the Light and the Spirit of God together, which indeed are one [Page 15]in Nature: For God is a Spirit, and he is Light, as the holy Scrip­tures say; and his Manifestation in man is Spirit and Light.

If ye walk in the Spirit (saith the Apostle Paul) ye shall not fulfil the Lusts of the Flesh, Gal. 3.16.

And the Apostle John saith, If we walk in the Light as he is in the Light, then have we Fellowship one with another, and the Blood of Jesus Christ his Son clenseth us from all Sin, 1 John 5.7.

The Apostle Peter, who was with our Lord and Saviour Je­sus Christ when he was Transfigured in the holy Mount, heard a Voice from the Excellent Glory, saying, This is my Beloved Son in whom I am well pleased, hear ye him; afterwards Peter truly related or declared unto the Believers in Christ what he had heard, and when he had so done, he said, We have also a More Sure Word of Prophecy, whereunto we do well that ye take heed, as unto a Light that shines in a DARK PL [...]CE, until the DAY dawn, and the DAY, STAR arise in your HEARTS, 2 Pet. 1.19.

Mark, John Cheyney, Here the Apostle directed to take heed unto the Word of Prophecy, as unto a Light that shineth in a dark place, until the Day did dawn, and the Day-Star did arise in their Hearts; and this he said was more sure unto them then that which he had heard, and truly declared unto them.

To this agrees the Law of God, which saith, Thou needst not say, Who shall ascend to Heaven, to fetch the Word unto us, that we may hear it and do it, Deut. 30.12. Rom. 10.8. (or obey it) for the Word is nigh thee, in thy Heart and in thy Mouth, that thou mayest hear it and do (or obey) it. And the Apostle saith, Thou needst not say, Who sh [...] ascend, to fetch (the Word or) Christ down from above, or who shall de­scend into the Deep, that is, to bring Christ up from the dead? but what saith it? the Word is nigh thee, even in thy Mouth and in thy Heart, that is the Word of Faith which we preach.

God said, That the Wicked hated Knowledge, and did not choose the Fear of the Lord; they would have none of my Coun­sel; they despised all my Reproof; therefore shall they eat of the Fruit of their own Wayes, &c. Prov. 1.29, 30.

Job saith, That the Wicked say unto God, Depart from us, we desire not the Knowledge of thy Wayes; what is the Almighty, [Page 16]that we should serve him? and what profit shall we have if we pray unto him? Job 21.14, 15.

J. C. by these Scriptures it doth plainly appear, that the Life of God, which is the Light of Men, is wholely clear from Sin, God thereby tendring Counsel and Reproof unto Wicked Men, and they despising and refusing all his Counsel, and would have none of his Reproof, THEMSELVES are guilty of their Sins, but the Light is clean and spotless forever. They who say to God, Depart from us, we desire not the Knowledge of thy Wayes, though these be filled with Sin, and perish therein, God, his Life and Spirit, which is the Light of Men, is clear from all their Wickedness, and their Destruction is of themselves.

Christ said unto his Disciples, who had believed in him, the true Light, and abode in him, Ye are the Light of the World, a City set on a Hill that cannot be hid; neither do men light a Candle and put it under a Bushel, but on a Candlestick, that is may give light unto all that are in the House: Let your Light so shine be­fore Men that they may see your Good Works, and glorifie your Fa­ther which is in Heaven, Mat. 5.14, 15, 16.

Mark, J. C. Christ's Command to his Disciples, Let your Light so shine as the Candle shines upon the Candlestick, which gives light to all that are in the House; and so those did who lo­ved the Light, who brought their Deeds to the Light, that they might be made manifest they were wrought in God; But every one that doth Evil, hateth the Light, and will not bring their Deeds to the Light, lest they should be Reproved. So the Light of Life doth not shine forth in their Conversation before Men, as the Candle doth shine upon the Candlestick, but the Light of Life in them is vailed, by and with their Evil Conversation, which the Power of Darkness leadeth them into; yet it is the same Light in its Nature and Kind in them who hate it and in them who love it; in the one it shines as the Candle upon the Candlestick, in the other it shines in Darkness, as the Apostle saith: and so it shines as if a lighted Candle should be put under a Bushel. Now if a lighted Candle were put under a Bushel, there would be Light under that Bushel, even the same in KIND as if it were set upon a Candlestick; even so there is Light in the Evil­doer, [Page 17]who hates it; and though it doth not appear in his Evil Conversation, yet it reproves him for Evil; and because he lo­veth his Evil Deeds, he hates it, and therefore it is his Condem­nation.

The Lord God, who is Light, who lighteth every one that cometh into the World with a pure spiritual Light, he hath made the natural light to give light unto all the Inhabitants of the Earth; it shines upon the Dunghil, as well as upon the pleasant Valley; the Dunghil hath not Power to take away or change the pure Pro­perty of the Sun, neither hath the Devil or Wicked men power to take away or change the pure Property and Nature of the Life of God, which is the Light of Men.

Again, the natural Sun is divers times vailed from our natural Sight or Eye, by and with Clouds of outward natural Darkness; but the Outward Darkness doth not convert and change the light of the Sun into Darkness, but it remains in its own nature (light) shining in or under the Darkness, and by vir­tue of its Strength expels and scatters the Darkness, and shines in its Clearness when the Darkness is gone and past.

The Life of God, which is the Light or spiritual Sun, shines upon the Hearts and Souls of all Men and Women; some be­lieve in it, some believe not in it; those who believe in it, it scatters & drives away the Clouds of Ignorance, which have been drawn over the Souls by the god of the World, who hath blinded the Mind; and such can say as the Apostle John said, The Darkness is past; and as the Apostle Paul said to the Belie­vers in the Light, Ye are all Children of the Light and of the Day, ye are not of the Night nor of Darkness; spend not your Time in Chambering and Wantonness, but put ye on the Lord Jesus Christ, and make no provision for the Flesh to fulfil the lusts thereof: But those who hate the Light, are more and more filled with Darkness, and grow worse and worse, and are given up to work Wickedness with Greediness; yet these Haters of the Light cannot change the Light into Darkness, nor alter nor change the pure Proper­ty thereof, nor make it Partaker with them in their Sins; but it remains a faithful Witness against Sin, and the Devil, who is the Author of it.

In Vindication of the Life of God, which is the Light of men, I further argue; God is above all, the highest, or the most high, there is nothing above him to be his Life, and there is nothing below him that can be his Life; therefore the Life of God, which is the Light of Men, which Life is Omni-present, is God.

Quakerism Heresie, pag. 10. John Cheyney confesseth, that God is Light and Omnipr [...]sent, and that Man is a Creature, and so God is present both within him and without him.

And pag. 9. in Contradiction to himself he saith, Admit the Light within be affirmed to be God, then it will follow, that every Man is God; and that so many Men as there are, there are so ma­ny Gods; and that when a Child is born, there is a New God; and that when any Man dyes, God dyes; and that before Man was in being there was No God; and that every Man is Almighty and Eternal, Self-existent and Omni present, and Ʋnchangeable, and Creator, Lawgiver and soveraign Judge of the World, and that every Man is to be Worshipped, Feared and Obeyed as God; and God is to be subject to God; and that when any Man sins, God sins; and that all the Acts of Men, are the Acts of God; and that God and Man are of one Essence, &c.

Answ. John Cheyney, thou sayst, as afore-said, that God is Light, and Omni-present, and so both within Man and without him, which is true; God is not divided into Parts, Pieces and Shreds, as thou darkly and wickedly talkest; and wouldst insi­nuate, that the Quakers so hold and believe concerning him: But we say, he is indivisable, in his own Being or Essence, and his being in all Mankind doth no wayes scripturally or reasonably prove, that he is divided into Parts, &c. a thou foolishly arguest; for though God be indivisable in his own Being, who is an infinite Spirit, yet he measurably manifests himself in and to Mankind according to his Heavenly Will, & the several Capacities of Men & Women. And what I say herein, is agreeable to Scripture; The Apostle saith, There is one God over all, through all and in you all; and he said, I live, yet not I, but Christ lives in me; and if Christ lived in him, did not God live in him? And the Apostle preacht the Mystery that had been hid from Ages and Generations, Christ in them their Hope of Glory; wilt thou therefore say, that the Apostle and all the Saints, in whom Christ was revealed, were [Page 19]all Gods, and to be worshipped as Gods? Oh! what Confusion Distraction and Madness hath thy Pride and Envy brought thee into? Oh! that thou mightst find a place of Unfeigned Re­pentance, it would be my Rejoycing, for my own sake, and for the sake of others whom thou hast greatly abus'd, in leading them to believe thy Blasphemy & Darkness utter'd against God who is Light, and thy Lyes and Envy against his People. But thy arguing against what thou hast confest to (which is Truth) as afore cited, is both Unscriptural and Unreasonable; for it doth not follow, because God is measurably manifest in men, or in all men, that therefore Man is God; and that when Man dyes, God dyes; and that when a Child is born, a God is born; and that so many Men as there are, so many Gods there are: nor that Man is E­ternal, or to be worshipped as God, &c. Herein thou hast ma­nifested such a piece of Distraction and spiritual Madness, as I never saw with my Eyes nor beard with my Ears before.

Thou confessest, That thou hast not a right sense of God, and that thou art Distracted, &c. and indeed thou largely provest it in these Distracted Arguments of thine.

Answ. God, who cannot lye, hath said, I will dwell IN them and walk IN them, &c. and Christ saith, He that is with you, shall be IN YOU; I and my Father will come, and make our a­bode with you; He that hath the Son, hath Life; he that hath the Son, hath the Father also; I IN them, and thou in me, Righte­ous Father [...] they may be made perfect in one, &c.

J. C. it appea [...] plainly by this thy Distracted Argument, that thou dost not believe the Promise of God nor the holy Scrip­tures (which thou callest thy Rule) and its clear that thou art OUT of the TRUE FAITH IN which the Apostles and the primitive Christians were. But the People of God, by thee (in Scorn) called Quakers do believe the Promise of God, who said, I will dwell in them, I will walk in [...] hem, I will be their God, and they shall be my People. And they believe what Christ said, He that is with you, shall be IN YOU; I and my Father will come, and make OUR ABODE with you. And they believe Do­ctrine of the Apostle, who said, There is one God over all, through all and IN YOU ALL; and they are Partakers of these Glorious Promises in Measure.

J C. take notice, that this Great and Glorious Injoyment of God and Christ within, is peculiar to the Saints and Children of God, yet God's Omni presence immediately inlightens & in­fluences Unbelievers in some degree: The Prophet saith, He that shews unto Man his Thought, the Lord of Hosts is his Name; and also the Prophet saith, Whither shall I go from thy Spirit? whither shall I flee from thy Presence? if I ascend to Heaven, thou art there; if I take the Wings of the Morning, and fly to the utter­most Parts of the Earth, lo there shall thy Hand lead me; if I make my Led in Hell, lo thou art there, &c. Christ saith to the Unbelievers, The Kingdom of God is within you, which he com­pares to a Grain of Mustard-seed [mark the Parable] that is small. And God said to the Wicked, I am pressed under you as a Cart is pressed that is full of Sheaves, Amos 2.13. but in Zion God raigns and triumphs gloriously.

Note, J. C. that its God in Condescension to fallen Man, striving with him for [...]is Restoration, that is the Cause he suffers as a Cart that is opprest with Sheaves, and that his Righteous Soul or Spirit is grievd with the Wicked every day; Psal. 7.11 & not that Man otherwise can oppress God, &c. for he could cut the Thred of the Lives of all t [...]e Wicked, and rid him of all his Enemies as in a Moment; but in his Long-suffering, and Forbearance, and tender Mercy he waits on Man to lead him to Repentance; Oh! blessed are all they who answer the End of his Long-suffering and Patience by (unfeigned Repentance) who would have all men know the Truth, and be saved from Everlasting Misery.

What I have here in brief written, is sufficient for the full Con­futation of thy aforesaid wild, confused and distracted Argu­ments, and thou hast confuted thy self in confessing, that God is Omni present, and so both within Man and without him.

Quakerism Subverted, p. 9. because the People called Qua­kers affirm, That the Light, Life, Spirit and Word of God, &c. is sufficient to lead out of Sin and preserve out of it Self-conceit­ed John Cheyney doth infer and conclude, That this our Doctrine and Testimony doth make void & untrue the Doctrine of Adam's Fall, &c. and he further saith, Hence it will follow, that Christ came into the World in vain, &c.

Answ. J. C. these thy Ungodly Consequences do no wayes [Page 21]Scripturally or Reasonably follow upon these our Words; our Words are True and Sound; there is nothing higher & stronger then the Life of God, and that is sufficient to lead out of Sin, and preserve out of it: And we believe and own the History or Decla­ration given by Moses concerning Adam's Fall, and Adam did not fall, because the Life of God was not sufficient or able to uphold him, but he fell, because he did not diligently attend unto that Life that was able and sufficient to preserve him, and so God brought Condemnation upon him for his Disobedience, as it is written in the Scriptures of Truth. And J. C. it is great Ungodliness in thee to say, that from this our before cited Doctrine and Testi­mony it will follow, That Christ came into the World in vain; for we say, the Coming of Christ into the World was, and is of great value and worth, and is of high value and esteem with us; we say he came into the World to save Sinners from their Sin: He offered up himself through the Eternal Spirit, as an ac­ceptible Sacrifice unto God, as a Lamb without Spot and Blemish, he was and is the Lamb of God, who takes away the Sins of all that believe in and obey him, he is the one Offering who hath ended the Jews many shadowy Offerings, he baptizeth with his holy Spirit, Life and Power all that believe and walk therein, in such he fulfils what Iohn Baptist testified of him (to wit) He bap­tizet [...] them with his Holy Life and Spirit, which is as Fire to burn up the Devil's Works in Man, which is Sin, and so casts him out, who is the Author of them.

J. C. thou shewest great Ignorance in the things of God, by drawing such ungodly Consequences upon our before-cited (true) Words.

J. C. take notice there are good Laws in England against Murder, it doth not therefore follow, that there are no Murder­ers in England; God gives his good Spirit to the Rebellions to instruct them, as it is written, Nehemiah 9. it is their Rebellion against it that is the Cause they are not saved from their Sins: Christ came to Jerusalem and wept over it, and said, I would have gathered thy Children together, as a Hen gathereth her Chickens un­der her wings, but ye would not; it was their wilful Rebellion, that was the cause of their Destruction, and not that God was not wil­ling, [Page 22]or that Christ was not willing or able to gather or save them but as God hath said, Oh Israel! thou destroyest thy self, but in me is thy Help.

Quakerism Heresie, p. 10. J. C. confesseth, That God is Light and Omni-present, and so, both within Man and without him.

Answ. This is true, and according to the Doctrine and Prin­ciple of the People called Quakers, and in this Confession thou hast given away thy Cause against the Life of God which is the Light of Men.

In page 13. Iohn Cheyney saith, We are sure we cannot be de­ceived, that there is not any thing at all in every Man, or in any Man that is or can be God.

Answ. I am sure thou notoriously contradictest thy self (herein) for thou confessest, as before cited, That God is Omni-present, and so both within Man, and without him; and God who cannot lye hath promised, saying, I will walk in them, I will dwell in them; and Christ hath promised saying, He that is with you shall be in you; I and my Father will come and make our Abode with you; and the Holy Apostle saith, There is one God over all, through all, and in you all. Mark, J. C. hereby thy Darkness Unbelief, Self-Contradiction and Confusion are largely manifest. Thou sayest in thy Book entituled, Call to Prayer, That thou are distracted in thy Prayers, which I have great Cause to believe to be a true confession; for sure I am, thou art notoriously distract­ed in thy Writings against the Life of God, which is the Light of Men, and against the People of God called Quakers; thou art an Unskilful Skirmisher against Quakerism. Thy Pride and Envy against the true Light and its Children, will bring everlasting Misery upon thee, if thou repent not; but it is thy Unfeigned Repentance, and Eternal Salvation we desire, the Almighty God the Searcher of all Hearts knows it is so. Oh that it were in thy Heart unfeignedly to repent, while the Day of thy Visi­tation lasteth, that thou mightst know a Blotting out of all thy Transgressions, and be in Peace and Rest with God, and in Love unto, and Unity with his People.

A Testimony to the Pure Life of God, which is the Light of Men, and the Holy Scriptures given by Inspiration of God.

JOhn Cheyney, in page 9. afore-said thou endeavourest to pos­sess thy Reader with a Belief, That the People called Quakers do cast off, or make Ʋseless all the Scriptures.

Answ. The People (by thee in Scorn) called Quakers, do not cast off, or make the Scriptures of no Use, but we do believe, own and love them; we being come to the Life of God, which is the Light of Men, by this Life Man was made holy, and was governed thereby before the Scriptures were written: Note, J. C. Holy Men were before the Holy Scriptures, that Life which made Man Holy is greater then the Scriptures, by which Life or Living Spirit the Holy Men were moved and led to give forth Scriptures, this Living Spirit is the Original of Scriptures; we being come to that Life or Living Spirit, from which the Holy Scriptures proceeded, this gives us the Right Understanding of them, and in this we have the Benefit and Comfort of them, ha­ving experienced the Judgments, Mercies, Promises and Pro­phecies (in Measure) which the Living Spirit signified through the Holy Men in the giving forth the Scriptures.

J C. In thy Book entituled, Sermons of Hypocrisie, p. 241, 242. thou sayest. The Scriptures of the Old and New Testament, are under God, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit, the Supream Rule and Judge.

Answ. Here thou grants God, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit to be above the Scriptures, it is well thou hast confessed to Truth in this matter, this is according to our Doctrine which thou quote in the Book entituled, Quakerism Subverted, p. 6. Our Doctrine is as followeth, The only Way for People to come to a true Sight of sincere Respect for, and grounded Belief in the ho­ly Scriptures, is to be turned to the Voice of the Living, Powerful Word of God from whom they came, which is nigh unto every one [Page 24]to direct and order, and discipline to and in that Way of Holiness they testifie of, and which leads to Eternal Happiness.

And in p. 244. J. C. saith, To the Spiritual, Holy and Saving Belief and Ʋnderstanding of the Scriptures, there is requisite and necessary the Special Illumination and Ʋnction of God's Spirit. And further he saith in the same page, There needs no living Judge for the deciding of Controversits, besides the Spirit of God.

Answ. J. C. here thou hast largely confessed unto the special Illumination and Unction of God's Spirit to the spiritual, holy and saving Belief and Understanding of the Scriptures: Now on this thy own Principle, thou and all the Men of thy Way, must of Necessity come to the Spirit of God, and receive its Il­lumination and Unction, before you can come to the spiritual, holy and saving Belief and Understanding of the Scriptures; and to this Spirit of God you must come that it may end your Con­troversies about Scriptures and their Meaning, about which you are on Heaps amongst your selves; and to this Spirit you must come to end your Controversies in all things which relate to God's Worship. Now this living Spirit, or Life of God, which is the Light of Men, being that from which the Scrip­tures proceeded, and which must give the saving Belief and Un­derstanding of them, this must needs be (as thou hast well affirm­ed) above the Scriptures; and without first coming to this, according to thy own confession, Van cannot come to the spiri­tual, holy and saving Belief and Knowledge of the Scriptures; and if they cannot without this, then without this the Scriptures cannot be helpful to Man's Salvation; this follows clearly upon thy own before cited Principle, so herein thou hast in plain Words affirmed as much as the People called Quakers do in this particular. I could desire thou wouldst be true to this thy own Affirmation.

J. C. take notice, that though the Scriptures, as thou hast granted, cannot be helpful to Man's Salvation without the speci­al Illumination & Unction of the Spirit, yet the Life of God, or the living Spirit can help Man, and give Salvation to him, who hath not the Scriptures, and this is proved in Abel, Seth, Enoch, Noah, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, &c. who all received God's Sal­vation before the Scriptures were written; and Moses that Man [Page 25]of God, received Salvation from God, before he writ or gave forth the Law; and all the Holy Men, who gave forth the Scrip­tures, received Salvation from God before they writ or gave forth the Scriptures, as the Holy Apostle Peter said, The Scriptures came not in old time by the Will of Man, but Holy Men of God gave them forth as they were moved by the Holy Ghost, (Living Spirit or Life) J. C. here take notice, that not only the Life of God, or Living Spirit did precede, and was before the Scriptures, but also the Holy Men did precede, and were before the Holy Scriptures: The Living Spirit or Life of God is the same to day, yesterday and forever; this hath opened the Scriptures un­to us, and made them profitable and comfortable unto us, as I have [...]aid before; but still this Life of God or Living Spirit is su­pream, and ab [...]ve the Scriptures, as thou hast granted; and we say, is more Antient and Universal then the Scriptures; this Li­ving Spirit, which is the true Light that lighteth every one that cometh into the World, is therefore undeniably, eminently the Rule freely tendered to all Mankind to lead them out of sin unto God, with whom nothing Unclean can dwell; all who believe therein, and continue in Obedience thereunto, they receive Po­wer therein to cease from sin, which is the Devil's work, and Forgiveness of sins past, and so eternal Salvation; but the Re­bellious and Unbelieving, who continue such till the Time of their Visitation be past, they perish, and their Destruction is of themselves; and as the Lord said of old, O Israel, thou destroyest thy self, but in me is thy Help.

J. C. what I have here briefly writ in vindication of the Life of God, or Living Spirit, which is the Light of Men to be above the Scriptures, as also my sincere Testimony to the Scriptures, as really owned by the People called Quakers, together with what thy self hast said in Honour to the Life or Spirit of God and its Illumination and Unction; this I say doth [...]ully confute and o­verthrow all thy twenty Arguments (in the before cited Book) against the Life or Spirit of God, which is the Light of Men, and all the rest of thy confused Work against it.

J. C. I have yet something more to say to thee about this Matter, in thy 17th Argument in thy afore-said Book thou say'st [Page 26] What is the Matter that the Scriptures must be cast off, &c. and the Light within prefered before them?

Answ. We do not cast them off, but do believe, read and love them, and have Comfort in them, and have profit by them (as I have said before) being come to the Life and Spirit of God from whence they did proceed (through the Holy Men) which Life and Spirit opens them unto us; for that is the ONLY KEY to open them; the Scriptures do treat of the deep things of God; and as the Holy Apostle saith, The things of God knows no Man, but the Spirit of God, and it searcheth all things, yea, the deep things of God: And WHY the Life or Spirit of God (which is the Light of Men must be prefered above the Scrip­tures, thou hast given thy SELF AND THE MEN of thy way a very strong convincing Reason, Namely, in that thou hast affirmed, That the Scriptures are not God, Christ, nor the Spirit, but Laws, Doctrines Histories and Reports given by Inspiration of God; and thou acknowledgest, God, Christ and the Spirit to be above them; and thou sayest, To the Spiritual, Holy and Sa­ving Belief and Ʋnderstanding of the Scriptures, there is Necessa­ry the special ILLƲMINATION AND ƲNCTION of God's Spirit, see thy Sermons of Hypocrisie. p. 243, 244 Here thou hast fully answered thy own Question, and also thou hast confuted and overthrown thy twenty Arguments, against the Life or Spirit of God, which is the Light of (and in) Men

J. C. thou sayest, [...]od's Law GRAVEN upon the HEART is as truly his Law, as the Law of the Ten Commandments graven in Stone: And further thou sayest, But it is writing and Im­pression of Divine Laws upon the HEART which is the CHOICEST MERCY, and SAVING TO THE SOƲL, Quakerism Subverted, p. 21.

Answ In this thou sayest well, in this thou grants, that God's writing his Law upon the Heart Is the Choicest Mercy and Sa­ving to the Soul, therein thou set'st up and preferest the Inward Writing and the Writer, above the Outward Writing, and Man the Outward Writer; this is according to God's Promise, who said, I will make a New Covenant with the House of Israel, I will write my Law in their Hearts, they shall not need to teach eve­ry [Page 27]Man his Brother, saying, know the Lord; for they shall all know me from the greatest of them unto the least of them. And the Apostle who was a Minister of this New Covenant or Testament said, God hath made us able Ministers of the New Testament, not of THE LETTER, but of the Spirit; and he said, The Law of the Spirit of Life in Christ Jesus, hath set me free from the Law of Sin and Death: and the Apostle's preaching up the New Co­venant the Law in the Heart, did not destroy, or cast off, and make useless the Ten Commandments, & Law of God written in Tables of Stone and Books; neither doth our preaching up the Life of God, which is the Light of Men, and calling upon People to be subject to the Law thereof, which it writes upon the Heart, make us to cast off the Scriptures, the Ten Com­mandments, nor any Command or Precept which God hath gi­ven; But in our receiving and preaching of the New Covenant WITHIN we see the fulfilling and ending of the Shadowy Part of the Old, as Circumcision, the Blood of Bulls and Goats and the rest of the Shadows, Carnal and Outward Offerings, which, though they were truly Commands of God, instituted for a time, appointed by him yet these did pass away and were ended, by Christ, who is the one Offering, who hath offered up himself through the Eternal Spirit above sixteen hundred Years ago: And the Ten Commandments, and all Commands, Precepts and Do­ctrines contained in the Holy Scriptures, which require Love and Obedience to God and Christ, and Love, Justice, Equity and Mercy towards Men WE DEARLY OWN, and the Spirit of our Lord Jesus Christ which we have received, strengthens and enables us to love God with our whole Hearts, even all who abide in it, and grow up therein, and to love our Neighbours as our selves, not to cover that which is not ours; and magnified be the Lord, who hath shewed Mercy to us, in sending his dear Son—to bless us, in turning us from our Iniquities, for of our selves we can do nothing that is good) as saith the Holy Apostle; but he said,Acts 3.26. Phil. 4 13. Joh. 15.1. to v 7. I can do all things through Christ that strengthens me, and Christ said unto his Disciples, I am the Vine, ye art the Branches, as the Branches cannot bring forth Fruit except they abide in the Vine, NO MORE can ye, ex­cept [Page 28]ye abide in me, and without me ye can do nothing and he com­manded his Disciples saying, ABIDE IN ME and I in you. These things God hath given us the Experience of, Glory to his Holy Powerful Name for evermore.

J. C. thou sayest, Whatsoever it is that God shall make known to be our Duty, we must do it, whether it be by Scripture or any other Way; — It had been a Duty to fear God, though Scripture had never said it;—It had been sin to steal, murder and commit Ʋncleanness, though God had never given forth his Precepts at Mount Sinai: And thou further sayest, Christ doth stamp and impress his divine and sacred Laws upon mens Hearts, and doth sweetly and most powerfully constrain all Saints to live after those Laws. And in p. 29. thou sayest, It's not the Office of the Scrip­tures to be the Spirit; the Spirit of God ONLY can open the Eyes of our Minds to understand the Scriptures; See Quak. Subv. p. 19.

Answ. In this thou hast spoken Truth to thy own Confutation; for thou here grants, that God may make some Duty known unto man without the Scripture, and this Duty made known to Man without the Scripture thou sayest, We must do it (well said John Cheyney) then it's plain, the Scripture is not the chiefest or principal Rule for Man, in the Duty which God makes known unto him without the Scriptures;—But the Life or Spirit of God, which is the Light of Men, that makes some Duty known without the Scriptures; therefore it is the Principal or Chiefest Rule unto those Duties. The things of God knows NO MAN, but the Spirit of God; but this Spirit searcheth all Things, yea the Deep Things of God: thou hast affirmed (as I have shewed before) That to the spiritual, Holy and Saving Be­lief and Ʋnderstanding of the Scriptures there is requisite and ne­cessary the sp [...]cial Illumination and Ʋnction of God's Spirit; & thou sayest, That spirit only can open the Eyes of our Minds to under­stand the Scriptures. See Sermons of Hypocrisie, p. 244. and Quakerism subverted, p. 29. So by thy own Affirmation, the Scriptures cannot be savingly known, and so cannot be Instru­mental towards Man's Salvation without the special Illumination (or [...]nlightning) and Unction of the Spirit of God, and by this Spirit only are the Scriptures understood; but the Illuminating Spirit of God can give Salvation unto Man, who hath not the [Page 29]Scriptures, and so that Man, who hath Salvation, and hath not the Scriptures, he hath Salvation without the Scriptures, and so the Scriptures are not his Rule for his Salvation, but the Life or Spirit of God, which doth enlighten him to know his Duty, and strengthens him to do his Duty, that is the Rule of, and for his Salvation; and of this I have given clear proof before in the Case of Abel, Seth, Enoch, Noah, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, &c. who all had Salvation before the Scriptures were written. And Moses, and all the holy Prophets and Apostles, who gave forth the Scriptures, they had Salvation given unto them by the Life or Spirit of God before they gave forth the Scriptures; so the Life of God, which gave them Salvation, was the Principal Rule of, and for their Salvation, and not the Scripture, which they gave forth after they had received Salvation.

Thou sayest, It had been a Duty to Fear God, though the Scri­ptures had never said it.

Answ. (Well said, John Cheyney) this is still in Honour to the Life of God, which lighteth every one that cometh into the World; for this Life shewed Man, that it was his Duty to fear God, before the Scriptures were written; and this Life begot the Fear of God in Man; and this Life was his Rule and strength to keep him in the Fear of God. And those who did not fear God before the Scriptures were written, they were condemned by this Life for not fearing God: [...]o this agrees the Testimony of the Apostle John, who said, In the Beginning was the Word, and the Word was God; in him was Life, and that Life was the Light of Men; and that was the true Light, which lighteth every one that cometh into the World, John 1.4.9. And to this agrees the Doctrine of Christ, who said, Every one that doth evil hateth the Light; — And the Light is the Condemnation of those, who hate it.

J. C. thou sayest, It had been Sin to steal, and murder, and commit Ʋnclean [...]ess, though God had [...]ever given forth his Precepts at Mount Sinai, see Sermons of Hyrocrisie, p. 19.

An. In this thou hast spoken truly, this is still in Honour to the Life of God which is the Light of Men; by this it appears, that from the Beginning God hath given all men some Law or Rule, whereby they might be made sensible, that to steal, murder and [Page 30]commit Uncleanness was sin against God, who is Holy; this is proved true in wicked and cursed Cain the first Murderer, who slew his Righteous Brother, for which the Wrath of God came so heavy upon him, that he said, My Punishment is greater then I can bear: The Life of God (which is the true Light, which ligh­teth every one that cometh into the World) shewed him, that Murder was Sin; and when he had murdered his Brother, that Life brought a heavy Curse and dreadful Judgment upon him: The Old World by their ungodly Conversation grieved and pro­voked the Lord, that he brought a Flood upon them, and drow­ned them; and Sodom and G [...]morrah God destroyed by Fire, for their ungodly, wicked, unclean Deeds, these all perished under the Just Judgments of God before the Scriptures were written.

The postle said, When the Gentiles (or Heathens) did by Nature the things contained in the Law of God, they were a Law to themselves, which shewed the Works of the Law written in their Hearts, which Law was given to the Jews in the Letter or Scri­pture (which signifies writing) but they brake it, but the Gentiles, who had it not in the letter did the things contain'd in it; these Gen­tiles or Heathens acknowledged God, and feared him, and did just­ly unto man; these are God's standing precepts, which these Hea­thens did and kept; in their doing and keeping thereof the Apostle esteemed them the Circumcised of God & so indeed they were) in Heart, and Spirit, and Ears; but the Jews, who were out­wardly circumcised, yet brake the Law, he esteemed them Ʋn­circumcised, and so (indeed) they were; for, as said the Apostle. He is not a Jew that is one outwardly, neither is that Circumcision, which is outwardly in the Flesh, but he is a Jew, that is o [...]e In­wardly; and Circumcision is that of the Heart, in the Spirit, and not in the Letter, whose Praise is not of Men but of God, see Rom. 2. read the chapter throughout. And the Holy Martyr Steven called the Rebellious Jews, Ʋncircumcised in Hearts and Ears, and told them, that They did alwayes resist the Holy Ghost; [...]e also told them, That God that made the World dwells not in Temples made with Hands, for these faithful Sayings they stoned him to death, see Acts 7.48, 49, 50, 51. and to the End of the chap­ter.

J. C. take notice, the Jews, who had the Law in the Letter, [Page 31]but resisted the Holy Ghost, they wrested the Words of God (the Law Giver) and they said, By their Law Christ ought to dye, and they were the Betrayers and Murderers of him (as the Holy Martyr said) But had they not resisted, but obeyed the Holy Ghost, Life and Spirit of God, this would have given them the Saving Understanding and Knowledge of the Law of God. Thou confessest, That the special Illumination, and Ʋnction of the spi­rit of God is necessary to the Saving Ʋnderstanding, and Know­ledge of the Scriptures; and that the spirit of God ONLY gives to understand them. But the Jews not attending upon this Holy Life or Spirit, Christ told them, They neither knew the Scriptures nor the Power of God; so they put him and the Prophets to death as Deceivers, and pleaded the Law for their Murder and Cruelty; The Papists and apostatized Protestants (who profess themselves not to be Jews, (but Christians) have pleaded Scriptures for their Persecution and Spoyl of Goods, and imprisoning and putting to death those who are taught by the Holy Ghost or Spirit of God; and these are no more Christians in the Sight of God and Christ, then those rebellious ones under the Law, were the true Circumcised, or Circumcision; Christ said unto the Rebellious Jews, Search, or Ye search the Scriptures, and in them ye think ye have Eternal Life, but ye will not come unto me that ye might have Life.

Mark, John Cheyney, the Scriptures could not give Eternal Life unto them, but they testified of Christ, in whom was (and is) Eternal Life; but they resisted the holy Ghost & Spirit of God, which he gave them to instruct them, they were Rebels against God, and knew not the Scriptures. (Read Nehemiah 9. Lord (said he) thou gavest them thy good Spirit to instruct them, but they Rebelled against thee &c.) They thought to have Eternal Life in the Scriptures, where it could not be had, and they refu­sed to receive him in whom (ALONE) it then was and now is) to be had; yet t i [...] Generati n of Men condemned their Fathers for putting the Prophet to Death, and they said, If they had li­ved in the Dayes of their Fathers, they would not have been guilty with them in the Blood of the Prophets: But Christ told them, They were the Children (Seed or Off-spring) of them who slew the [Page 32]Prophets; and they Proved his Charge against them in putting him to Death.

J. C. have not the Protestants been condemning the Papists for Persecution, Imprisoning and putting to Death the Ancient true Protestants? And do not they follow their Steps, in Spoil­ing of Goods, Imprisoning and putting to Death? Are there not large Tokens of this Cursed Work amongst the Protestants, and those esteemed of the purest sort in New-England, who made Laws to put the People of God in Scorn called Quakers to Death, and who by their Devilish Law have Hanged on a Tree Four of the Servants of Christ, whom he raised and sent in Love to them, to declare the Way of Life and Salvation unto them, namely, William Robinson, Marmaduke Stevenson, William Leadra and Mary Dyer, all faithful Servants of Christ, some of them taken away from their dear Children: Oh! the Wrath of the Living God is hot against such Bloody Men & their Bloody Religions; their Sacrifices are Cain's that first Murderer about Worship and Religion; and they are Vagabonds from the Life of God, as Cain their Father was (and is.)

J. C. Thou boastest of the purity of thy Church, and par­ticularly of thy Brethren the Priests, and callest them, The most Humble, Conscientious and Painful Ministers; and boastest, as though thy Church, and particularly the Priests, were the Holi­est People in the World; and thou endeavourest to perswade the Reader, That the Quakers Hate thee and thy Church, and par­ticularly thy Brethren the Priests, because you are the Holiest Peo­ple in the World. See thy Sermons of Hypocrisie, pag. 143.

Answ. Thou slanderest us in saying that we hate you; for we Hate no Man or Woman: But we do really love you, though many of you are our bitter Enemies; and we do pity you; and our Desires are, That you may Repent of your Sins from the Bottom of your Hearts, and that you might have Everlasting Life. But for thee to say, that we Hate you for your Holiness, this is a horrible Slander; if we could hate you at all, it would be for your UNHOLINESS; for there is great plenty of that amongst you, as we have largely experienced amongst you above Twen­ty Years last past, in Spoiling Goods, Whipping, Stocking, [Page 33]Stoning, Imprisoning some till Death, and (that) for no other Cause but for Worshipping God in his own pure Spirit, and with holding our own Corn, Hay, Cattle and Fleece from you Priests, who have set up a Trade of Preaching in your own Wills, for your own Earthly Ends; Christ hath not sent you; you do not abide in his Doctrine and Command, who said to his Ministers, Freely ye have received, freely give: And his Ministers of old did and now do abide in his Doctrine, and keep this his Command.

If any Man could hate you for Holiness, if the Hatred of that Man be but equal or proportionable to your Holiness, who can reasonably judge that such a Man (if any such there be) has much Hatred against you, seeing that Holiness is so very scarce amongst you, as by your own daily Confessions and Conversa­tions do largely appear. But as for us, we hate you not; and as for Holiness, we would be very glad that you were, or yet might be Holy. Indeed it is true (as it is written) Holiness becomes the Lord's House forever. And the Apostle said to the Saint [...], The Temple of God is Holy, which Temple ye are. But your dai­ly Conversations, as well as Confessions, do prove that you are Unholy; you say, You are all poluted from the Crown of the Head to the Sole of the Foot; and that you leave undone that which you ought to do, and do that which you ought not to do; and that you have no Health in you: And some of you Priests say, That you Sin in your Most Holy Duties, &c. This being all true which you say, there is no Cause for any Person to hate you for Ho­liness, seeing you have it not: But we should be very glad to see you full of Holiness; for then we know that you would be full of Harmlesness, and that would be very good for your selves, and it would be good for your Neighbours; then you would cease to covet your Neighbours Goods, and spoiling, and casting inco Prison until Death for your Bellies, all which hath been practised by thy Brethren the Priests, and yet they continue in these Evil Works; therefore it is in vain for thee to boast of Holiness, while you have it not.

How many Fatherless Children and Widdows dost thou think thy Brethren the Priests of England have made within 30 Years last past, by stifling Husbands and Fathers in Nasty Holes and [Page 34]Dungeons, because they could not (for the keeping of their Consciences void of Offence in the sight of God) conform to their Poluted Worship and Sacrifices, nor put into their Mouths? What Devouring have they made for their Bellies? Are not they Belly-gods, thinkest thou? What Plundering have they made for Tythes, which NOT CHRIST, but the Pope set up? Christ said to his Ministers, Freely ye have received, freely give. And the Apostle said, He laboured with his Hands, and thereby ministred to his own N [...]c [...]ssities, and the Necessities of others, that he might make the Gospel without Charge, though he and the rest had Power to Eat and Drink, but not to Plunder, Spoil and Cast into Prison, MARK THAT; they were Men of NOBLER SPIRITS then to do so.

God and Christ is Love, and those who are the Ministers of the Everlasting Gospel, which is Glad-tidings to the sorrowful Soul, they dwell in the Love of God, and Christ, who is the Wisdom and Power of God; and in this Love, and Wisdom, and Power they gather People out of their sins, to God and Christ, their So Is Bishop, who feeds their Souls with his Flesh and Blood which comes down from Heaven, and gives them Life, and strengthens them day by day thereby to forsake and resist sin, and the Devil, who is the Author of it. Christ is Bi­shop, Priest, Prophet, Judge, Lawgiver and King in and over the Souls of his People; he leads them gently, and bears them in his glorious Arm of Power; he walls them about with his Strength; and keeps out him who would destroy their Souls; he nor his Servants, whom he sends to preach, do not covet any Man's Gold, Silver or Apparel, Cora, Hay or any earthly thing; neither doth Christ's Ministers Plunder, Spoil, Hate, Persecute, Cast into Prison for Hire or Wages; but ANTICHRIST's MINISTERS FALSLY CALL'D CHRIST's MINISTERS do all sorts of these bad Works: Yet all these sorts of Evil-Workers make their Boast of the Scriptures, and the most of them call them their Rule, as thou J. C. dost; and like the Rebellious Jews, who boasted of the Law and Temple, and said, God was their Father; but they broke his Law, and slew his Prophets, and his Son, and so dishonoured him: But Christ said, It is not every one that saith Lord, Lord, [Page 35]that shall enter the Kingdom, but he that doth the Will of my Fa­ther: and the Will of God is the Sanctification of his People, as saith the Apostle. In vain do you Priests call him Lord, who do not the things which he commands (but the contrary.) Christ said, Ye shall know the False Prophets by their Fruits. So by these bad Fruits we know the False Teachers, whether Papists or such who call themselves Protestants: A good Tree cannot bring forth Evil Fruit, nor a Corrupt Tree, Good Fruit; a Foun­tain cannot at the same Place send forth bitter Water and fresh; Men do not gather Figs of Thistles, nor Grapes of Thorns, saith Christ Jesus.

John Cheyney, in thy Railing Premonition to thy Sermons of Hypocrisie, pag 4. thou throwest out thy Envy and Folly like a blood, but thou canst not drown us therewith: Thou sayest, The Quakers in these Parts where I live, are building themselves Chapp ls — And are not at all ashamed of their Doings.

Answ. We do build our selves Houses, which are needful to wait upon God and live or dwell in, and we have no Cause to be ashamed thereof: But thou hast Cause to be ashamed of thy Folly & Envy in this Matter: Did not the Papists build the most of your worship Houses (falsly called Churches) ready to your Hands, as well as provide Tythes for you? And art thou angry we have Houses to meet in? We place not Holiness in one House above another: Wouldst thou not pull down our Houses in thine An­ger, if thou hadst Power.

In the same page thou sayest, They do vent most Blasphemous Opinions, their Books abound with them, and the Magistrates let them alone; or if they suffer, it is not for their Most Gross and Capital Errors.

Answ. Herein thy Malice against the People (by thee in scorn) called Quakers is plainly mani [...]est: But what tho [...] estee­mest Blasphemy we know to be [...]ound Doctrine in holy Scrip­ture-words. We say, that the Life of God, which lighteth every man that cometh into the World, IS GOD, and therefore is sufficient to lead out of Sin, and to preserve out of it, and so to give Everlasting Salvation; this thou accountest our great Blasphemy. Thou callest this Life, which is Light in Men, Da­gon, [Page 36]Diana, the Quakers Idol &c. and thou comparest it to a Drunken Coach-man, &c. Now, herein it is plainly manifest, that thou art the great Blasphemer, (and not we.) Thou sayest, The Magistrates let us alone. O thou Evil-minded Man! what wouldst thou have them to do with us? Dost not thou here plain­ly shew what thou wouldst be at, (to wit) Persecuting of us for our Obedience to God, (as thy Elder Brethren the Priests have long done?) In this thou shewest the spirit of Cain, and not of Christ Jesus, whose Minister (falsly and presumptuously) thou professest thy self to be: But let me tell thee, Hadst thou suffe­red half so much for thy Religion, as many of the People called Quakers have done for theirs, I doubt not but it would have made thee weary, if not quite to have forsaken thy Church, and to have fallen into another Form or Fashion, as many of thy Brethren have done when but a little Suffering was like to come upon them.

Thou sayest, If the Quakers do suffer, it is not for their Most Gross and Capital Errors.

Answ. Herein thy Wickedness appears to be great; for herein thou wouldest perswade the Magistrates, that thou knowest some CAPITAL ERRORS that we are in which They know not of; herein thou hast acted the Part of a FALSE Malicious Informer; I desire that God may give the Magistracy of this Nation, and all Nations a Right Sense and Knowledge of all such False Informers as thou art, and that they may be AWARE of you, and that they may not be the Executioners of your Ungodly and Bloody Designs; for, if they be, they will provoke the Just God of Heaven and Earth to bring his Just and Heavy Judgments upon them; but the Lord God (who is Light) is daily discovering you, and your cursed Work of persecuting (Tender and Just Men and Women, for their O­bedience unto him) both unto Magistrates and others, who are SERIOƲS; and if some do hearken unto you, and execute your Malicious Designs upon us, we are resolved through the Help of the Lord God Almighty to bear your Utmost Cruelty (in Patience) it being for our Obedience unto him, we do be­live that he will uphold us, as he hath hitherto done, Praises, [Page 37]Glory, Honour and Everlasting Thanksgiving is due unto him; greater is he that is in us, then he that is (HEAD) in thee and thy persecuting Brethren, & this the ancient true Christians did enjoy, as the Holy Apostle said, Greater is he that is in us then he that is in the World (mark that J C.) by whom we overcome the World, 1 John 4.4, 5, 6, Those which thou callst our Capital Errors and Blasphemy, &c. is Truth; we do affirm, that the Life of God is the Light of Men, and that this Life lighteth every one that cometh into the World; and that this Life is sufficient to lead Man out of sin, and to preserve him out of it, and to give him Dominion over the Devil, who is the Author of it. This our Testimony to the Life of God is according to the Holy Scrip­tures, as I have largely proved in the Beginning of this Book & in the Way that thou and thy Generation of Persecutors call He­resie, we do worship the living true God; and by such as thee was the Holy Apostle (falsly) accused of Heresie, see Acts 24.14.

J. C. in thy Book entituled Quakerism Heresie, p. 30. thou sayest, It would be great Mercy to Penn and Whitehead and such others of them, to have their Books searched and examined, and their Blasphemous Positions of the Light within condemned by Civil Authority, their Errors are plainly intolerable.

Answ. Penn and Whitehead and the others, whom thou causlesly revilest, are able to prove their Positions of the Light within, to be scriptural, sound and reasonable; & this they have already largely proved them in their Books, & therefore not blasphemous before Civil Authority: And they are also able to prove thy Positions a­gainst the Light within, to be unscriptural, and unreasonable, and blasphemous, and this is already proved on the Light's and their Behalf, in the Beginning of this Book: Thou callst the Light within Dagon, and Dianna, Quak Subv. p. 23. and Call to Prayer p. 112.

I say Dagon and Dianna were two dead Idols, but the Life of God, which is the Light of (and in) Men, this is not an Idol, nor can it ever be so; therefore thy Position against the Light within is blasphemous: God is above all, the Highest or the Most high, there is nothing above him to be his Life, and there is nothing below him, that can be his Life; therefore the Life of God, which is the Light of (and in) Men, IS GOD, which Life is [Page 38]Omni-present, present in all Places, or every where; NO other Light have we, or do we preach, for the Salvation of Mankind, but the Life of God and Christ, whose Life is of one Being and Nature, see John 1.4, 9. see 1 John 1.1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7. see John 8.12, 13. — & 12.46.—& 3.19, 20, 21.

J. C. in thy before cited Railing Premonition to thy Sermons of Hypocrisie, thou sayest, Quakerism stands upon seven Pill [...]rs: The first, thou sayest, is Scripture wrested, or rather, quite ta­ken down, and rendred of no Ʋse.

Answ. This is a malicious slander, as I have shewed before; for we do dearly own the Scriptures; we d [...] read and believe them, and have Comfort and Profit in them, being come to the Holy Spirit of God and Christ, by which the Holy Men were moved, led and guided, in the giving of them forth, which Spirit only gives rightly to understand them; and we do dayly see them in fulfilling to our great Joy and Comfort; and our Lives, Conversations and Doctrines do agree, and are in Harmony with them, though thy Conversation and Doctrine, and the Doctrine and Conversation of the rest of our False and Malicious Accusers be not, as is largely manifest in this Nation, and elsewhere. The Scripture saith, He that uttereth a Slander is a Fool, Prov 10 18. John Cheyney hath uttered many Slanders against the People of God (called Quakers) a Catalogue of a few of them I have collected under a distinct Head in this Book, by which the unprejudiced Reader may see what a foolish man John Cheyney is, and how vain a thing it is for him to profess the Scriptures to be his Rule, while his Words and Deeds are so con­trary to them; the express Command of the Lord God is, Thou shalt not raise a false Report, &c. Exod. 23.1. but John Cheyney hath raired many false Reports against the People of God (called Quakers) as I shall make appear plainly out of his four Books which I have now under Examination; therefore it is a vain thing for him to make his boast of the Scriptures being his Rule, and of his Love and Esteem unto them, while his Words and Deeds are absolutely contrary unto them; but in this his vain boasting he is like the Hypocrites of old (whom the Holy Apostle mentions) who made their boast of the Law, yet brake the Law, and therein dishonoured God, so hath John Cheyney done, [Page 39]see Rom. 2.23. But seeing thou thus slanderest us, and in De­ceit pretendest to be a great lover, promoter and owner of the Scriptures, it is expedient that I should give the Reader a short view what an Artist thou art in wresting them.

J. C. in thy Book entituled, Quakerism Heresie, p. 16. thou states Objections against thy self, which are in Favour of the Light within.— Object. Thus, but doth not Scripture say, Christ in you the Hope of Glory; God dwells in humble Hearts; ye are the Temple of the Holy Ghost; I will dwell in you, and walk in you; This was the true Light that lighteth every one that cometh into the World; The Word is night thee, in thy Heart and in thy Mouth: We have a more sure Word of Prophecy, whereunto ye do well to take Heed, as unto a Light that shines in a dark Place, until the Day dawn, and the Day-star arise in your Hearts, &c.

Thus far I have trans [...] scribed, word for word, John Cheyney's Objections against himself, which are in Favour to the Light wiithin.

Now hear his Answer, he saith, Christ dwells in the Heart by Faith, he dwells in the Hearts of his People, 1st. Objectively, as one dear Friend dwells in the Heart of another by Love — Thus, as the Soul of Jonathan was knit with the Soul of David, and he loved him as his own Soul.

Reader, seriously consider how grosly and wickedly this J. C. wrests, the Scripture Words, cited in the afore-said Objection; Christ said to his Disciples, I am the Vine, ye are the Branches, as Branches cannot bring forth Fruit except they abide in the Vine, no more can ye, except ye abide in me; without me ye can do nothing: And he said, Except ye cat the Flesh of the Son of Man, and drink his Blood, ye have no life in you. By this it appears, that Christ and his Disciples, which are his Church, are more nearly related one to the other, then David and Jonathan was; for it would be absurd to say, That without Jonathan David could do nothing, or without David Jonathan could do nothing; and it were false to say, David was the Vine, and Jonathan was the Branch or Branches; and it were false to say, that David eat Jonathan's Flesh, or that Jonathan eat David's, or drunk his Blood; but it is true to say, the Saints eat Christs Flesh and drunk his Blood, which Flesh and Blood came down from Heaven, which never [Page 40]saw Corruption; this is a Mystery hid from the Carnal Mind, that is Enmity against God. Hear John Cheyney further, in an­swer to the aforesaid Objection, p 17. 2dly, Subjectively, and Inherently, and so Christ dwells by heavenly Light in the Ʋnder­standing, by heavenly Graces, and holy Habits and Disposi ions in the Heart; but, saith Iohn Cheyney, these are no more God and Christ himself, then the Soul it self, or then the Body it self, or any other Effect; they are but noble Effects of God and Christ upon the Soul, but in no wise to be accounted God and Christ. Hear him further in the same page, God's Essence is Ʋnconfinite (that is his Being) he fills Heaven and Earth, his Essence (or Being) is no more in one Place then in another. Reader, didst thou ever hear such a piece of Confusion as this? he saith, Christ dwells in the Understanding and in the Heart, and then affirms within three lines after, that this is no more God, & Christ then the Soul it self, or, then the Body it self, or any other Effect.

Answ. Reader, It, true what he hath said, That Christ dwells in the Heart and Ʋnderstanding of the Saints; but its false to say, That the Soul it self, or Body it self (of every man, or of any man) or any other Effect, is as much God or Christ as God and Christ is; this is horrible Blasphemy; this would make the Soul and Body of every man, or any man, to be God and Christ it self, and every Effect to be God and Christ it self: This is a piece of self-conceited John Cheyney's Distracted Divining; and this his before said Doctrine brings that upon his own Head which he has falsly suggested against us, to wit, That every man is a God, Christ, &c. But this Cursed Doctrine is abhorred by us; for, To us there is but One God, and his Name is One; he is an infinite Spirit, Omni­present, or present every where; he is everlastingly pure, without Mutation; he saith, I the Lord change not, &c.

Reader, J. Cheyney saith, as is before cited, That God's Es­sence (or Being) is unconfinite; he fills Heaven and Earth; his Essence (that is, his being) is no more in one place then in ano­ther: He also saith in pag. 13. of the same Book, That we are sure, that there is not any thing at all in every man, no nor in any man, that is or can be God.

Reader, take notice, in the former of these J. C. confesses to God's Omnipresence, or his being every where; this is truth: [Page 41]he also saith, God is no more in one place then in another — in the latter he saith, We are sure that there is not any thing in every man, no nor in any man, that is or can be God.

Answ. I shall not charge J. C. to be Atheistical in his Con­versation; but sure I am, that his Principle afore cited is Athe­istical, and therefore J. C. an Atheist in Principle; an Atheist is one that doth deny that there is a God; against such the holy Man testifieth thus, The Fool hath said in his Heart, There is no God. J. C. saith, That God's Essence (or Being) which Essence or Being IS GOD, is no more in one place then in another: And J. C. also saith, That he is sure, that there is not any thing in every man, no nor in any man, that is or can be God. So then upon his own Principle it follows, that God is no where, and so that there is No God at all. Oh horrible Darkness and Blasphemy!

I. C. I do pity thee; my tender Desires are, That thou mayst find a place of Repentance, and obtain the Forgiveness of these thy Gross Blasphemous Words, and all the rest of thy Ungodly Work; and my tender Desires are, That God may preserve the People of Warrington and Burtonwood, and others in those parts, and elsewhere, from believing these thy horrible Blasphe­mies, which thou hast uttered against the Life of God, which is the Light of men.

I. C. thou hast slandered us, as I have said before, in saying, We wrest, or rather take down the Scriptures.

I. C. as for thy part, thou makest little use of Scripture in thy Arguments against the Life of God (which is the Life of men) and the Quakers; but that thou dost make use of, thou dolt no­toriously wrest, as I have briefly shewed before; and thy old Brethren the Priests have been notable Artists at wresting the Scriptures: The Papists plead Scripture for their Idolatry and Cruelty, and when the Papist Priests turned to the Common-Prayer, they pleaded Scripture for the Common-Prayer; and when the Common-Prayer Priests turned to the Directory, and swore and preacht down the Common-Prayer, they pleaded Scripture to be their Rule; and now, when they have forsaken the Directory, and broken their Covenant, they still plead Scri­pture to be their Rule: So its obvious, that they do manifestly wrest the Scriptures; for they do not teach People to make Co­venants [Page 42]and break, them as many of thy Brethren the Priests have done, & it is notoriously manifest, that you Priests do greatly wrest he Scriptures in your preachings and writings, holding up the Shaddows, which Christ put an End to, and opposing Christ the Light, Life and Substance, which is the End of them; pleading for Tythes and great sums of Money for preaching, and for Per­secution, all which Christ & the Apostles witnessed against.

J. C. thou sayest, The second Pillar, on which Quakerism is built, is Enthusiasm, or a Pretence to Revelation.

Answ. We do own Revelation, which the Word Enthusiasm (taken in the true and proper Sense) doth signifie; we say, as Christ saith, No man knows the Father but the Son, and he to whom the Son will reveal him, see Mat. 11.27. & Luke 10.22. And the Apostle who said, When it pleased God to reveal his Son in me, &c. He knew God and Christ by Revelation; and when Peter said unto his Master, Thou art Christ the Son of the living God, Christ said, Flesh and Blood hath not revealed this unto thee, but my Father, &c. see Mat. 16.17. The Apostle Paul said, But I certifie you, Brethren, that the Gospel that was preached by me is not after Man; for I neither received it of Man, neither was I taught it, but by the Revelation of Jesus Christ, see Gal. 1.11, 12. Take notice J. C. that the Apostles knew God and Christ, and received their Gospel by Revelation: The Apostle saith, Eye hath not seen, nor Ear hath not heard, neither hath it entered into the Heart of Man the things which God hath prepared for them that love him; but God hath REVEALED them unto us by his Spirit; for the Spirit searcheth all things, yea the deep things of God, 1 Cor. 2.10. And Jesus said, I thank thee O Father, Lord of Heaven and Earth, because thou hast hid these things from the wife and prudent, and hast revealed them unto Babes, see Mat. 11.25. Take notice J. C. that by Revelation the Babes come to know more of God and his Secrets, then the Earthly Wise and Prudent, who deny Revelation; and the Babes know more then thou dost, who hatest the Life of God, which is the Light of Men, and callest it Dagon and Dianna, and mockst at Revelati­on. The Apostle saith concerning prophesying and speaking a­bout the Things of God, If any thing be REVEALED to another that sitteth by, let the first hold his peace, &c. for you may all pro­phesie [Page 43]one by one, &c. see 1 Cor. 14.30, 31. Take notice J. C. the Apostles received the Gospel by Revelation, and if any thing was REVEALED to another that sate by, the first was to hold his peace; by this it plainly appears, that they did not on­ly own Revelation, but they waited for it in their prophesying and ministring unto the People: And we the People of God cal­led Quakers, have received our Gospel by Revelation, and do own and wait for Revelation, and speak forth for the Good of Peoples Immortal Souls, that which God by his Spirit reveals unto us; but it appears you Priests, who deny Revelation, and mock at it, have not received that which you call Gospel, by Revelation, neither do wait for Revelation, and that is the Cause you are in such Heaps, and Confusion amongst your selves concerning God, Christ, Scriptures, Principles, Doctrines, Faith, Election and Reprobation, &c. and that is the Reason you are so full of Wrath & Malice against them that have received their Gospel by Revelation, who preach freely, without Money or Price, in whom is fulfilled the Prophecy of Isaiah, who said, He every one that thirsteth, come ye to the Waters, AND HE THAT HATH NO MONEY COME ye buy and eat, yea come buy Wine and Milk WITHOƲT MONEY and WITH­OƲT PRICE, see Isa. 55.1. and the Apostle said, Let us therefore as many as be perfect, be thus minded, and if in any thing ye be otherwise minded God shall REVEAL even this unto you, see Phil. 3.15. J. C. here take notice, that the Apostle doth highly e­steem of REVELATION, saying, if any was otherwise minded (or contrary minded) to him and the rest, who were of a right and sound Mind in the things of God, that God should reveal the same unto them, that he had revealed to the Apostle and the rest, that were of a sound Mind; here the Apostle placeth the giving and receiving of a right Understanding and a sound Mind in the things of God, upon REVELATION; thus much in short concerning Revelation; and if thou callst this one of our Pillars, thou and all Gog and Magog's great Army can never throw it down. But J. C. when dost thou think that you Priests of Eng­land will go forth with such a Proclaimation as Isaiah did? when will you have good Wine and Milk to deliver to the People with­out Money, or without Price? many would be glad to see you [Page 44]furnished with Milk and Wine as the Holy Prophets, and Apo­stles were; this would be good for your selves and the People, who have hitherto spent their Money upon you for that which is not Bread, and their Labour for that, which hath NOT brought T [...]ƲE Peace, Rest and Satisfaction to their poor SOƲ [...]S.

J. C. thou sayest, The third Pillar, on which Quakerism stands, is Worldly-Pollicy; Worldly-Pollicy is their Square and Moddal, and they bend and crooken Religion all they can to make them thri­ving.

Answ. In this thou wickedly slanderest the People (by thee in Scorn) called Quakers; for it is not unknown to many in Eng­land, that this People since God raised them up to worship him in Spirit and Truth (according to Christ's Doctrine & Command) have undergone great Sufferings, in the Spoyl of their Goods, and Imprisonment of their Bodies, and beating and bruising ma­ny until death in O. Cromwel's Dayes, as may appear in several Books and Papers anciently written and printed; and since the Kings Return into England, there have dyed Prisoners in several Goals in England and Wales for the Testimony of Good Con­sciences, above two hundred Persons, as may be seen in a Book lately printed, entituled, The Continued Cry of the Oppressed for Justice, and in the said Book, and others printed since the King's Return to England, it doth appear, that the said People have suffered great spoyl and loss of Goods, divers till it came to their wearing-Clothes, working-Tools, Food which they were ready to eat, and the Instruments in which they dressed their Food; divers who did abound in plenty of Food and Raiment, and were helpful to the poor of the Parishes, and Precincts where they did live, had not a Bed lest to lie down upon; some were neces­sitated to go abroad to get lodging, and to borrow Beds, and o­ther Necessaries of their Friends & Neighbours till they could be otherwise provided for. J. C. I would have thee to read the before cited Book of Sufferings, which when thou hast read, it may be thou mayest be sorry, that thou hast thus wronged the People called Quakers in this particular at least; see Cambridge Suffer­ings, p 9, 10. Norfolk Sufferings in the same page, see Leice­ster Sufferings, in p. 7. Note J. C. these Sufferings cited in the a­foresaid [Page 45]pages, are but a Breviate of the Sufferings of the People called Quakers in the said Counties; but thou mayest read them more at large in the Second Part of the aforesaid Book; thou mayest also take notice, that divers of the People of God called Quakers have been banished out of the Land of their Nativity (ONLY for meeting together to worship God in Spirit & Truth.

J. C. by what I have here writ, and the Constancy and Pati­ence of the People called Quakers, in and under their former and present great Sufferings, doth plainly demonstrate, that World­ly-Pollicy is NO Pillar, upon which Quakerism is BƲILT; and therefore in this, as also in many other things, thou hast greatly abused and wronged them, and thou hast wofully missed thy Mark in this thy Charge against us; for it is thy Brethren the Priests, who make Worldly-Pollicy a Pillar of their RELIGION, who first preached up the Common-Prayer, and took Money and Tythes for so doing, and afterwards preached down Common-Prayer, and took Money and Tythes for so doing; and then preached up the Presbyterian Directory, and sware, or covenanted to maintain the same, and took Money for so doing; and what! dost thou know none of these Men that have broken their Cove­nant with Presbytery, and now preach up the Common-Prayer a­gain? if thou knowest none such, it is possible that there may be diverss such found in England; hast thou never heard how thy Brethren the Priests did petition O. Cromwel and R. Cromwel and called them their Moses and their Joshua, and The Light of their Eyes, and The Breath of their Nostrils? if thou knowst none of these things, yet they are well known to many in England. J.C. thou art but a young man in thy way of preaching, and thou being on that Part which hath the Outward Power on its Side, Worldly-Pollicy will not (it is to be expected) lead thee to forsake thy Religion; but if thou shouldst see great Sufferings come upon those who profess thy Religion, and another appear instead thereof, in which outward Safety, the Friendship of the World, Earthly Honour and Riches were presented, then thou wouldst be tryed, and it is not unpossible, but thou mightst do as ma­ny of thy Elder Brethren have done.

J. C. thou sayest, The Fourth Pillar, on which Quakerism is built, is Monkish Holiness.

Answ. Without Holiness no man shall see the Lord, as it is written in the holy Scriptures; and the holy Apostle said unto the Saints, The Temple of God is Holy, which Temple YE ARE; & the Command of God was (and is) unto his People, Be ye Ho­ly; for I the Lord your God am Holy; this Holiness we love and dearly own, and we do wait upon God dayly to be filled there­with more and more to his Glory and Honour, and our Joy and Comfort.—But that which thou callst Monkish Holiness we do deny; it is amongst thy own Generation, it is too near thy self, a thy Feigned Shew of Humility, and Hypocritical Prayers and Sermons do shew unto those, who in the Fear of God, without any Hatred to thee, have taken Notice of thee.

J. C. thou sayest, The Fifth Pillar on which Quakerism is built, is, Self-conceit.

Answ. This is a great Slander; for I do affirm on the Behalf of that Abused People, that it is their absolute constant Belief, that none of them can do any thing that is well-pleasing to Al­mighty God of themselves, or by their OWN POWER, NO NOT SO MUCH AS TO THINK A GOOD THOUGHT: And of this Belief were the ancient Christians as the holy Apostle said; but he said, I am able to do ALL THINGS through Christ that strengtheneth me; he said We are God's Workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto Good Works, which God before ordained, that we should walk in them; and it is God that worketh all our Works in us.

J. Cheyney, the Charge of Self conceit belongs to thy self, thou hast the greatest share of it of any that ever I read, that I know of: I am absolutely satisfied, if thou couldst be cured of that radicated, deep-rooted. evil Disease of Self-conceit, it would be a good step towards making thee a good Christian, that which at present thou art far from, as thy own Confession shews in thy Book entituled, A Call to Prayer, where thou sayest, Thou art constrained to pray Hypocritically, Dissemble with God, and to utter Ʋntruths unto him, who delighteth not but in Ʋpright Lips.

J. C. thou sayest, The Sixth Pillar that Quakerism is builded upon, is, the Divisions of the Church, the Loosness Debauchery and Wickedness of many professing Christianity, the Corruptions and Vices of Rulers and Magistrates, the Pride, and Domination, and [Page 47]Sensuality, and Idleness, and Malignity, and Covetousness of many in the Ministry, and the Ʋnrefermedness of many called Protestants.

Answ. Here thou hast given a black Charge against thy Church, which being true, we have good cause to separate from you, seeing the Command of the Lord was and is to his Peo­ple, Come ye out from amongst them—be ye separate, and touch no Ʋnclean Thing, and I will receive you, and ye shall be my Sons and Daughters, saith the Lord God Almighty: And the Counsel of the Wise is, Go not with the Multitude to do Evil. But though you have given us just Occasion to separate from you, because of the before-mentioned Abominations, that reign amongst you, and par­ticularly and eminently in thy Brethren the Priests, yet your Un­godliness is not any Pillar upon which Quakerism is built; but the Foundation of Quakerism, and the whole Strength and Pow­er that upholds it, is Christ Jesus, the Power and Wisdom of God, which is from Everlasting to Everlasting; against this Foundation the Gates of Hell can never prevail.

J. C. thou sayest, The Seventh and last Pillar that Quakerism is built upon, is, a Seared Conscience, forsaken of God.

Answ. This is a horrible Slander, proceeding from the Father of Lyes: The holy pure God, hath visited us with his Day­spring from on high; he hath opened and tendered our Hearts, which in times past were darkened and hardened through the Deceitfulness of Sin, which did grow and prevail in and over us in the time of our Ignorance and Estrangedness from God; he hath purged our Hearts from an Evil Conscience, as he did the Hearts of the true Believers in the Apostles dayes. And since this great Work and Mercy of God we have been Witnesses of, it hath been our daily earnest Prayer and Cry to God, that he might keep us in that Openness and Tenderness of Heart and Conscience, into which he hath begotten us; for we cannot keep our selves by any Power of our own (as I have said before) and though our Tryals and Sufferings, which we have undergone a­mongst the Men of this Generation, have been great, yet mag­nified be the Lord God in that he hath manifested his Strength in our Weakness, and thereby has born us up to this day, so that our [Page 48]Hearts and Consciences are kept tender, sensible and open in Love and Obedience unto himself, and in true Love one to ano­ther, and to our Enemies. If we had been (as thou sayest) men of Seared Consciences, Forsaken by God; then we should not have exposed our selves, some of us to Banishment, some of us to Death, some of us to more then Two Seven Years Impri­sonment, and many to the great Spoil and Havock of their Goods, and some their All, as I have briefly hinted before: But we should rather have been like the Atheists of old, and some now adayes, who have said, Let us Eat and Drink, to morrow we shall Dye; and so have been like the Fool, that saith, There is No God, that makes a Mock at Sin: but Glory to the Lord God, he hath preserved us out of these things by his Almighty Power: We know, Them that will Reign with Christ, must Suffer with him; they that will live God-like in Christ Jesus, must suffer Persecuti­on; and he that is born after the Flesh, persecutes him that is born after the Spirit.

J. C. What dost thou think of thy Brethren, the Priests of England, who have first preached up Common Prayer, and then preached it down again; and preached up the Directory, and co­venanted or sworn to uphold it, and since that have broken their Covenant, and preached down the Directory again, and up the Common-Prayer? Dost thou think these men are men of Tender Consciences? or are they not rather in a Degree Seared in Con­science, &c? And what dost thou think of thy Brethren, the Priests and Protestant-Professors esteemed of the purest Sort in New-England, who have made Laws to put the People called Quakers to Death, and put FOUR of them to Death (as I have said before) for no other Cause but the Exercise of their Tender Consciences towards God, in Worshipping him in Spirit and in Truth? Dost thou not believe these mens Consciences are great­ly seared? And what dost thou think of thy Brethren the Priests, that have cast many of the People called Quakers into Prison (until Death) and so have made Widows and Fatherless Chil­dren) because they would not give them Tythes, which thing Christ never commanded, nor gave Example or President for? dost thou think it is not an Unreasonable thing for thy Brethren [Page 49]the Priests, to Demand and Force Wages from them for whom they do no Work, and to take Thrice, Four, or sometimes Six times as much as they have demanded to be their Dae? Dost thou not think that they are Unreasonable Men, and have Hard Hearts and Seared Consciences? I speak only of such who are really guilty of these things.

The Quakers serve the Lord Jesus Christ, and not their own Bellies, as falsly charged by J. Cheyney.

IOhn Cheyney, in thy before cited Premonition thou sayest, I warrant you, the Quakers will look to themselves, they are di­rectly such as Paul describes, Rom. 16.17, & 18. they serve not the Lord Jesus Christ, but their own Belly.

Answ. This is a notorious Slander, proceeding from the Fa­ther of Lyes; for we cause no Divisions in the Church, which is in God (the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ) which is made of Living Stones, Elect and precious: We worship God in the Spirit, and rejoyce in Christ Jesus, and have no Confidence in the Flesh; our Praise is not of and from man, who is in Enmity against God; such a one thou art: we serve God, and our Lord Jesus Christ; & he who feeds the Ravens & clothes the Grass, he feeds & clothes us, to whom be Everlasting Praise for all his Mer­cies. But those that serve not the Lord Jesus Christ, but their own Bellies, are the Men of thy Generation and Trade, who preach for Hire, Divine for Money, Feed with the Fat and cloath with the Wool, and make a Prey upon People, while People put into your Mouthes, & give you what you would have, you [...]ry Peace, Peace, and use many feigned Words and fair Speeches, and thereby deceive the Hearts of the Simple: But those that are come to be taught and fed of God (according to his Promise) who cannot LYE, who said to the False Prephets of old, I will gather my Sheep out of all Countries where you have driven them, (in the cloudy and dark Day) I will teach them my self. Against such thy Generation makes War, as your Fore-Fathers the False [Page 50]Prophets did, who fed with the Fat, and clothed with the Wool, and killed them that were fed of God: Against such both the Prophets, Christ and the Apostles pronounced the Woes from God; of such the Apostle speaks to the true Church thus, For many walk of whom I have told you often, & now tell you even Wee­ping, that they are the Enemies to the Cross of Christ, whose End is Destruction, whose God is their Belly, whose Glory is in their Shame, WHO MIND EARTHLY THINGS: Here the Men of thy Generation are characterized to be directly such as the A­postle warned the true Church to beware of; see Phil. 3.18, 19.

It is obvious, that its the general Course or Practice of the Priest, of England to rainge from one side of the Nation to the other, to see where they can get the most Money for their Pray­ers and Sermons, which the true Prophets, Christ and the A­postles never did, but prophesied, preached and prayed freely, without Money and without Price; and so do the true Servants and Ministers of God and Christ in this Age: But the False Teachers go in the Way of Cain, and run greedily after the Er­ror of Balaam for a Reward, and perish in the Gainsaying of Core; see Jude 11.

God is risen to scatter all Gatherings of People under what Prosession of Religion soever, who are not gathered into his Spirit and Glorious Pure Power.

JOhn Cheyney, as to thy Charge and Complaint, that We cause Divisions among you, or divide and separate from you.

Answ. As to our Separation from you, we have good Cause, as I have shewed before; and as to your being divided, scatter­ed or broken, it is the Lord God that breaks and scatters you, because you have not been gathered to his Life and Power, which lighteth every one that cometh into the World, by reason where­of Pride, and Covetousness, and Evil Works abound among you, which the Righteous Soul of the Lord is grieved withal from day to day, and he hath raised us up to call the Inhabitants of Eng­land [Page 51]and other Nations to Repentance, to turn them from Darkness to Light, from the Power of Satan to the Power of God, that they might receive Remission of Sins. Into your publick Worship-Houses, Market-places, Streets and other Places, hath the living God sent us to proclaim his Mighty Notable Day, which hath approached in this Age, to the Salvation of Thousands; God's Promise is fulfilled unto them, He teacheth them himself—therefore they can trade with you Priests no longer; and that is it which makes many of you rage and fret as you do, your Torment is increasing, because the Glory of the Lord is rising, by which you are discovered to be the Men that are become Teachers for filthy Lucre sake; God hath not sent you, therefore you cannot profit the people; the Arm of the Lord (that is revealed) will break you to pieces, there is none shall be able to deliver you out of his Hand. Oh! that it were in your Hearts diligently to seek Repentance, that you might find Mercy at the Hand of the Lord: But without Unfeigned Repentance your Reward will be bitter in the End, though you may sport your selves in your Vanities as for a mo­ment. As God hath gathered Thousands from you already, so will he gather Multitudes more: In vain do you strive against him, who is risen, and come to rule the Nations with his migh­ty Power as with a Rod of Iron; ye are as Potsherds before him; he will bring you down; well would it be for you to cease striving against him, and humble your selves under his Mighty Hand.

Christ said in the dayes of his Flesh, Think ye I came to send Peace on Earth? I came not to send Peace, but to set a Man at Variance against his Father, and the Daughter against her Mo­ther, and the Daughter in Law against her Mother in Law, &c. See Mat. 10.34. Again, saith he, Suppose ye that I am come to give Peace on Earth? I tell you, Nay; but rather DIVISION; for from henceforth there shall be five in one House divided, three against two, and two against three; the Father shall be divided against the Son, and the Son against the Father; the Mother against the Daughter, and the Daughter against the Mother; the Mother in Law against her Daughter in Law, and the Daughter [Page 52]in Law against her Mother in Law; see Luke 12.49, 51, 52, 53.

John Cheyney, So it is the Lord God and his Christ who scat­tered, broke and divdied the Rebellious Jews, who were gone a whoring from their God after other Lovers; some believed the Prophets, Christ and the Apostles, and suffered with them; others believed not, but hated and persecuted them to Death; yea, God and Christ divided betwixt Cattle and Cattle, the Sheep from the Goats, the Lambs from the Wolves, the Believers from the Ʋn­believers, the Wheat from the Tares, the Chaff from the Wheat; for, till God and Christ be known, people have a Fellowship and Oneness in Sin, they walk together in the broad Way that leads to Destruction; but when God's Voice and Command is heard and obeyed by some, and rebelled against and rejected by others, then comes the Dividing, as Christ said, If ye were of the World, the World would love its own; but I have chosen you out of the World, therefore the World hates you. So he divided the Saints from the World of Old, and doth so now; for, as it is written, What Agreement hath Christ with Belial, the Temple of God with Idols, or a Believer with an Ʋnbeliever?

Christ was accounted a Disturber and Divider by the Apostate Jews, and a Teacher contrary to the Law; and Paul was accoun­ted by them a Pestilent Fellow, a Ring-Leader of the Sect of Na­zarenes, and a Mover of Sedition, Acts 24.5. Peter and John were counted Troublers by the Jews also, who streightly com­manded them, They should speak no more in the Name of Jesus; but Peter and John answered, and said unto them, Whether it be right in the Sight of God to hearken unto you more th [...]n unto God, judge ye; for we cannot but speak the things which we have seen and heard, Acts 4.19, 20.

The Apostles were accounted Disturbers and Dividers, or Causers of Division, by the Heathenish Idolatrous Priests; for when the Apostle Paul preached the Gospel at Ephesus, then De­metrius a Silver-Smith, who made Silver-Shrines for Dianna, brought no small Gain unto the Crasts-men, whom he called together, with the Workmen of like Occupation, and said, Sirs, ye know, that by this Craft we have our Wealth; moreover, ye [Page 53]see and hear, that not alone at Ephesus, but almost throughout all Asia, this Paul hath perswaded and turned away much People, &c. so that not only this our Craft is in Danger to be set at nought, but also that the Temple of the great Goddess Dianna should be despised, and her Magnificence should be destroyed, whom all Asia and the World worshippeth, Acts 17.24, 25, 26, 27.

John Cheyney, Here thou mayest see how Demetrius and his Fellow-Crafts-men set the whole City of Ephesus in an Uproar, and many in a Rage against the Apostles; and so confused were they, that the more part knew not for what they were come together; MUCH LIKE this hath been the Work of divers of thy Bre­thren the Priests in many Towns and Cities in England, who have raised up the Rude Ignorant Multitude against the Servants of the Lord, whom he hath sent to preach Repentance amongst you.

Concerning the Church of Christ for the first Three Hun­dred Years after his Crucifixion.

JOhn Cheyney thou askest the Quakers, What they think of Christ's Church for the first three hundred Years, till Constantine's time? p. 159. of thy Sermons of Hypocrisie, &c.

Answ. We believe well of the Church for the first three hun­dred years, we believe many lived and dyed in Peace with God in that time; we also believe, that God and Christ have had some faithful Witnesses through the several Ages of the World since, though in some Ages Few in Number, & even as the Cleanings of the Vintage, or two or three Berries on a Tree top; for that which the Apostle John fore-saw & testified of by Revelation about six­teen hundred years ago, that hath come to pass & is in a great de­gree fulfilled. And there appeared a great Wonder in Heaven, a Wo­man cloathed with the Sun, and the Moon under her Feet, and upon her Head a Crown of twelve Stars; and she being with Child cryed, traveling in Birth, and pained to be delivered: And there appeared another Wonder in Heaven, and behold, a great red Dragon, [Page 54]having seven Heads and ten Horns, and seven Crowns upon his Heads; and his Tayl drew the third Part of the Stars of Heaven, and did cast them to the Earth: and the Dragon stood before the Woman which was ready to be delivered, for to devour her Child as­soon as it was born; and she brought forth a Man-Child, who was to rule all Nations with a Rod of Iron; and her Child was caught up unto God, and to his Throne; and the Woman fled into the Wilder­ness, where she hath a Place prepared of God, that they should feed her there a thousand two hundred and threescore Dayes: And there was War in Heaven, Michael and his Angels fought against the Dragon, and the Dragon fought and his Angels, and prevailed not, neither was their Place found any more in Heaven, and the great Dragon was cast out that old Serpent, called the Devil and Satan, which deceiveth the WHOLE WORLD, he was cast out into the Earth, and his Angels were cast out with him; and I heard a loud Voice saying in Heaven, now is come Salvation and Strength, and the Kingdom of our God, and the Power of his Christ; for the Accuser of our Brethren is cast down, which accu­sed them before our God Day and Night; and they overcame him by the Blood of the Lamb, and by the Word of their Testimony; and they loved not their Lives unto Death, Rev. 12. to the 12th ver. Chap. 13. John saith, And I stood upon the Sand of the Sea and saw a Beast rise up out of the Sea, having seven Heads, and ten Horns, and upon his Horns ten Crowns, and upon his Heads the Name of blasphemy; and the Beast which I saw was like unto a Leopard, and his Feet were as the Feet of a Bear, and his Mouth, at the Mouth of a Lyon, and the Dragon gave him his Power, and his Seat, and great Authority: And I saw one of his Heads as it were wounded to Death, and his deadly Wound was healed, and ALL THE WORLD wondered after the Beast, and they wor­shipped the Dragon, which gave Power unto the Beast; and they worshipped the Beast saying, who is like unto the Beast, who is able to make War with him, and there was given unto him a Mouth speaking great things and Blasphemies; and Power was given to him to continue Forty and Two Moneths, and he opened his Mouth in Blasphemy against God, to blaspheme his Name and his Tabernacle, and them that dwell in Heaven; and it was given unto him to make War with the Saints, and to overcome them; and Power was [Page 55]given him over all Kindreds, & Tongues and Nations, and all that dwell [...] po [...]the Earth shall worship him, whese Names are not written in the Book of Life of the Lamb slain from the Foundation of the World; if any Man have an Ear, let him hear; he that leadeth into Captivity shall go into Captivity — Idere is the Faith and Patience of the Saints. Read the chapter throughout. And John said, I saw another Angel fly in the midst of Heaven, having the Everlasting Gospel to preach unto them that dwell on the Earth, and to every Nation, and Kindred, and Tongue, and People, say­ing with a loud Voice, fear God, and give Glory to him; for the Hour of his Judgment is come, and wership him that made Heaven and Earth, the Sea and the Fountains of Water: And there fol­lowed another Angel saying, Babylon is fallen, is fallen, that great City, because she made all Nations drink of the Wine of the Wrath of her Forications: And the third Angel followed them say­ing with a loud Voice, if any man worship the Beast and his Image, and receive his mark in his Forehead, or in his Hand, the same shall drink of the Wine of the Wrath of Gòd, which is poured out without Mixture into the Cup of his Indignation; and he shall be tormented with Fire and Brimstone in the Presence of the Holy Angels, and in the Presence of the Lamb; and the Smoak of their Torment ascendeth up forever and ever. And they have no Rest Day nor Night who worship the Beast and his Image, and whosoever receiveth the Mark of his Name. Here is the Patience of the Saints, here are they that keep the Commandments of God, and the Faith of Jesus, &c. Rev. 14. from the 5th to the 13th. These are the faithful sayings of God and Christ, spoken by the Angel unto John, which as I said before are in a great De­gree fulfilled. Now the Woman is coming out of the Wilder­ness, and the Man Child is to reign, whose Right it is, and the Lamb and the Saints must have the Victory over the Dragon, the Beast, Whore and False Prophet; for this God hath promised, who cannot lye.

The Quakers own the Ancient Protestant-Martyrs, put to Death by the Papists.

IOhn Cheyney, Thou askst, What the Qukers do think of the ma­ny Thousands and Millions murdered and martyred, and put to Deathby the Papists?

Answ. We believe and are sure, that whomsoever the Papists have murdered, they have committed great Wickedness in so doing; it is a Breach of the Holy Law of God, who saith, Thou shalt do no Murder: But those that the Papists have murdered for their Faith and Obedience to God & Christ, this is an Abomi­nation that cryes very loud in the Ears of the God of Righteous Judgment for Vengeance; and we believe, that many were put to death by them in Queen Mary's Dayes, not for Evil, but for the Exercise of their tender Consciences towards God; and that such, whose Consciences were tender towards God, and faith­ful to what they THEN knew, and did rather chuse to dye, then to violate the Law of God in their tender Consciences, we believe they are everlastingly WELL; we believe the Testimony of the Holy Man, who said, That in every Nation he that feareth God and worketh Righteousness is accepted of him. But J. C. if thou or any should say, these were not Quakers; that is more then you know, but if you mean, they were never called Quakers, of that you cannot be sure neither; but admit they were not called Quakers, we do not contend for the Name Quaker, that Name was first given us in Scorn, by a Magistrate in Derby shire, whose Name was Bennets; and if thou ask what Name we would have or own? we say, we are Christians, or the Servants of Christ, or Disciples (which is Learners) of Christ; and if thou object, that we are Quakers, because we have quaked, or do quake, or tremble, I answer, so did Moses, Habakkuk, David, Paul and the whole Camp of Israel, as thou mayest read in the Scriptures of Truth. And the Prophet said, Serve the Lord with Fear, and rejoyce with Trembling; and the Apostle exhorted the Saints To [Page 57]work out their Salvation with Fear and Trembling, see Heb. 12.21. Ezek. 12.18. The Word of the Lord was unto him, Son of Man, eat thy Bread with Quaking, and drink thy Water with Trembling, and with Carefulness. See Daniel 10.7, 11. how he trembled, and the People who were with him, see Acts 32.7. Moses trembled, Isaac trembled exceedingly, see Gen. 27.33. In Ezra his Dayes, when Israel mingled themselves amongst the Heathen, and took strange Wives, Then there assembled unto him every one that trembled at the Word of the God of Israel, see Ezra 9.4. see chap. 10.3. They trembled at the Commandment of God. God spake by Isai [...]h, saying, to this Man will I look, even to him that is poor, and of a contrite Spirit, and trembleth at my Word, see Isa. 66.2. and in ver. 5. he saith, Hear the Word of the Lord, ye that tremble at his Word, your Brethren hated you and cast you out for my Name Sake, saying, let the Lord be glorified; but he shall appear to your Joy, and they shall be ashamed. The Lord said to the Wicked, Fear ye not me? will ye not tremble at my Presence? see Jer. 5.22. The Lord said, Blow ye the Trum. pet in Zion, and found an Alarm in my Holy Mountain, let all the Inhabitants of the Land tremble; for the Day of the Lord co­meth, see Joel 2.1. Habbakkuk trembled, see his 3d chapter ver. 16. The Prophet David said, Serve the Lord with Fear, and rejoyce with Trembling, Psal. 2.11. The Apostle Paul said, He was amongst the Saints in Fear and much Trembling, 1 Cor 2.3. in 2 Cor. 7.15. the Apostle testifles, that the Church at Corinth received a Brother with Fear and Trembling.

J. C. here thou mayest see, that the Prophets and Apostles, and People of God, both in the time of the Law and Gospel, did quake or tremble at his Presence and Commandment, as his People now do, which the Lord God taketh Pleasure in, as he saith by Isaiah the Prophet, To this Man will I look, even to him that is poor, and of a contrite Spirit and TREMBLETH at my Word; therefore it is a great evil in thee or any other, to make a Mock at Quaking and Trembling at the Word of the Lord; it is the Will of the Lord, you should cease from so doing, and that you should quake or tremble at his Presence.

J. C. in p. 158, 159. thou sayest, I challenge any Quaker to name me any one Church of Christ on Earth, which hath not been [Page 58]of the same Faith with us, and owned, used and maintained our Sacraments, Preaching and Praying, Reading and Worshipping God, for Substance, as we do.

Answ. The Apostle John said, In the Beginning was the Word and the Word was God; in him was Life, and the Life was the Light of Men; and that was the True Light that lighteth every one that cometh into the World, John 1.4, 9. The Apostle him­self, and the Church of Christ in those Dayes, did believe this Doctrine, and so their Faith stood in the Life of God, which is the Light of Men; but thou sayest this Light is Dagon, Dianna an Idol, and comparest it to a Drunken Coach-man: So all that are of thy Faith in this weighty particular, are of a Faith contrary to the Apostle, and the Church of Christ in his dayes. God hath pro­mised, he will walk in his People and dwell in them; and Christ saith, I and my Father will come and make our abod [...] with you. These precious Promises the primitive Christians did believe and enjoy; but this thou believest not, but opposest us because we believe and enjoy them.

In thy Book entituled, Quakerism Heresie, p. 13. thou sayest, We are sure we cannot be deceived, that there is not any thing at all in every Man, or in any Man, that is or can be God. This thou affirmst twice over in the afore [...]said page.

Answ. The holy Apostle said to the true Church, There is one God over all, through all, and in you all; and the Apostle said unto those that prophesied in the Name of the Lord if one came a­mongst them that believed not, the Secrets of his Heart should be made manifest, and that he would report, that God was in them of a Truth, 1 Cor. 14.24, 25. And the Apostle writ to the Church of the Thessalonians thus, Paul, and Silvanus, and Ti­motheus unto the Church of the Thessalonians, which is IN GOD the Father, and in the Lord Jesus Christ, &c. 1 Thes. 1.1. And Jesus said unto the Father, I in them, and thou in me, that they may be made perfect in one;—And he said to the Father, That they also may be one IN ƲS, read John 17.21, 22, 23. This Je­sus spoke concerning his Disciples; and this his Disciples the Church of Christ did believe and injoy, and this we do believe, and in Measure injoy; but it appears these Promises and Testi­monies thou believest not, and therefore injoyest not. So thou [Page 59]and all others, that are of this Unbelief, or Faith, are of a Faith and Belief contrary to the Apostles, and Churches of Christ in their Dayes.

Christ said unto his Disciples, Freely ye have received, freely give, and they obeyed his Command, they preached freely, they coveted no Man's Gold, Silver or Apparel; but the Priests of England preach for Hire, and divine for Money; cast into prison some till Death (for wages for their Preaching and Pray­ing) those who have none of their Preaching nor Prayers, but rather their Curses and Excommunications; all the Priests that do so, whether Episcopals, Presbyterians, Papists or others, they are Transgressors of the Commands of Christ; & these their Practices are absolutely contrary to the Practice of the holy A­postles, and the true Gospel-Ministers.

Concerning the Baptism of Christ, which is Spiritual, and the Baptism of John with Water, and the Sprinkling of Infants, as now used by the Papists and Protestants.

JOhn Cheyney, thou challengest the Quakers to shew thee one Church of Christ on Earth, that hath not owned, used and maintained your Sacraments.

Answ. As for the Word Sacrament, I never read it in any English Translation of the Bible, but if there be something of it in some Greek and Latine Copies, it is generally unknown; however the Word Sacrament, as it is understood by those who do make use of it in their Worship, it signifies Mystery, some­thing relating to divine things as I understand; but among the an­cient Romans, it was used for an Oath, as some relate: The Pa­pists, as I have heard, have seven at the least; but I do suppose thee to be one of that Sort of men, that have but two: Your sprinkling of Infants & signing them with the Sign of the Cross, and having God Fathers and God. Mothers, as you blindly and un­scripturally call them, these you never had from Christ nor the Apostles, nor the Holy Scriptures, which many of you do in Hy­pocrisie [Page 60]call your Rule, seeing they do not live, preach and act according to them, but in many things absolutely the contrary, as I have shewed before; then is not the Church of Rome the Mother of your unscriptural vain Traditions before mentioned. John Baptist preacht Repentance to those he baptized, for the Remis­sion of Sins; when the wicked came to his Baptism, he said, Oh Generation of Vipers, who hath forewarned you to flee from the Wrath to come? bring therefore forth Fruits meet for Repentance, &c. Thou canst never read in the Scriptures that he baptized a­ny Infants, or that he called for God Fathers and God-Mothers, or signed them with the Sign of the Cross.

J. C. what thinkest thou? would it not have been an absurd thing, that John Baptist should have preached Repentance to lit­tle Children about eight Dayes old, seeing that such are not ca­pable to understand preaching, nor to repent? Besides John Baptist's baptizing and preaching was before Christ was offered up or cruified, and so was in the time of the Law, before that Dispensation of Shadows was ended; and he bore witness unto Christ Jesus the Substance or Antitype, saying, I baptize you with Water unto Repentance, but he sh [...]ll baptize you with the Ho­ly Ghost and with Fire, whose Fan is in his Hand, he shall through­ly purge the Floor; he shall gather the Wheat into the Garner, and shall burn the Chaff with unquenchable Fire; and he did ABASE himself saying, I am not worthy to stoop down and unloose his Shoes; he must ENCREASE, but I must DECREASE. Thus he shew­ed the passing away of his shadowy Baptism, and the Encrease of the spiritual Baptism of Christ; and if thou sayst, Christ was bap­tized, I say, so was he circumcised; so if thou wouldst plead the continuation of Water-Baptism from the Example of Christ's being baptized, then thou may as well plead for the continuation of outward Circumcision; but this I judge thou wilt not do, neither canst thou upon better Grounds plead for the other, they both being Shadows, which were to pass away. The Apostle Paul, who preached the Gospel after Christ was put to death, and risen, and ascended, said, There is one Lord, one Faith, ONE Baptism, one God over all, through all and in you all, and he said concerning the Church of Christ, that they were all baptized into one Body, by one SPIRIT, 1 Cor. 12.13. & to the Galatians he [Page 61]said, Are ye so foolish, having begun in the Spirit, are ye now made perfect in the Fl [...]sh?—Now after ye have known God, or rather, are known of God, how turny again to the WEAK and BEGGARLY ELEMENTS, whereunto ye desire again to be in BONDAGE? see Gal. 3.3. & 4 9. and in chap. 5. ver. 24 he saith, I Paul say unto you, if ye be circumcised, Christ shall PROFIT you nothing.—Christ is become of NONE EFFECT unto you, whosoever of you are just fi [...]d by the Law ye are fallen from Grace: And if thou sayest, Paul baptized, so I say, he circumci­sed, but neither by Command from Christ; for though he bap­tized a few, yet he thanked God, that he had baptized NO MORE; for he said, Christ sent me NOT to baptize, but to preach the Gospel, see Acts 16.3. And of Circumcision he said, That is not Circumcision, which is outward in the Flesh, but that is Cir­cumcision, that is of the Heart, in the SPIRIT, whose Praise is NOT of Men, BƲT of God, see 1 Cor. 1.14, 17. And what he and others did in the use of those Shadows for the Sake of some who were weak, in the MORNING of the Gospel-Day, it was in Condescension unto their PRESENT State of Weakness. In short, John's Baptism in its Time and Season, appointed of the Lord, WE DO OWN, but your unscriptural Practice of Sprinkling of Infants, WE DO WHOLELY REJECT and DENY, as having no FOOT or BOTTOM to STAND UP­ON under the Dispensations of either Law or Gospel. And ye shew great Ignorance of true Baptism, in putting upon those you call God-Fathers and God Mothers to promise and vow in the Childrens Name, That they shall for sake the DEVIL and ALL HIS WORKS, the Pomps and Vanities of this wicked World, and ALL the si [...]ful Lusts of the Flesh; and that they shall keep God's Holy Will and Commandments, and walk in the same ALL THE DAYES OF THEIR LIVES. Mark J. C. All the Dayes of their Lives. Now it is known to many, that it is the general Belief of the Priests of England (and other Nations called Christians) that these Promises and Vows cannot be kept, they (themselves be­ing the Breakers of them) and the Generality of them (if not all) pleading a Necessity of committing and living in Sin, while on this Side the Grave, or while they live in this World: Christ saith, Except a Man be regenerated and born again he cannot in­herit [Page 62]the Kingom of God; but by your Promises & Vows you con­tradict Christ's Doctrine herein, & render Regeneration, and be­ing born again needless or useless; for if every one or any one you baptize could keep God's Holy Will and Commandments all the Dayes they live upon Earth, then such would be perfectly Holy, and free from committing any Sin from the WOMB to the GRAVE, but no such good Fruit follows upon your Baptism, that is plainly manifest, even your selves being Judges, and as the daily Conversations of your baptized ones doth prove, and as your own Confessions and Conversations do prove; for you say, You are all poluted from the Crown of the Head to the Sole of the Foot; that you leave undone those things which ye ought to do, and do those things which ye ought not to do; and you say, There is no Health in you; and several of you Priests say, That ye sin in your most holy Duties. Thus it appears with open Face that you Priests are Covenant-Breakers; you have greatly broken your VOW made in Baptism, and you have need to be regenerated & born again; for if ye be not, ye cannot enter the Kingdom of God.

Concerning the Passover, as commanded by God under the Law; and concerning Christ's eating the Passeover with his Disciples the Night he was betrayed; and con­cerning Bread and Wine, [...] it is now used amongst the People called Papists and Protestants, and by them cal­led the Lord's Supper.

ANd as to Bread and Wine, which is that, which is esteemed your second Sacrament, there hath been much ado about it amongst your selves, yea, great confusion hath been and is at this Day about it, amongst those called Protestants themselves; and a great Idol have the Papists made of it, and much Blood have they shed about it, for which they must bear the Heavy and Righteous Judgments of the Just God.

To this I may say something, though some among us have writ upon this Subject, already in answer to those that contend about it. [Page 63]Jesus said unto the twelve Apostles, With Desire I have desired to eat this Passeover with you before I suffer; for I say unto you, I will not any more cat thereof untill it be fulfilled in the Kingdom of God; and he took the Cup and gave thanks, and said, take this and divide it amongst your selues; for I say unto you, I will not drink of the Fruit of the Vine untill the Kingdom of God shall come: And he took Bread and gave Thanks, and brake it, and gave unto them, saying, this is my Body, which is given for you, this do in Remembrance of me; likewise also the Cup after Supper, saying, This Cup is the New Testament in my Blood, which is shed for you, see Luke 22.15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20. And Jesus said, I will not henceforth drink this Fruit of the Vine, until that Day when I drink it new with you in my Father's Kingdom, see Mat. 26.29. Now the first Day of the Feast of unleavened Bread the Disciples came to Jesus saying unto him, where wilt thou that we prepare for thee to eat the Passeover? and he said, go into the City to such a Man, and say unto him, the Master saith, my time is at hand, I will keep the Passeover at thy House with my Disciples; and the Disciples did as Jesus had appointed them, and they made ready the Passeover, see Mat. 26.17, 18, 19. and in the Margin of the Bible it is written thus, THIS APPERTAINED TO THE CE­LEBRATION OF THE PASSEOVER, see Luke 22. which Passeover was commanded by the Lord God under that shadowy Dispensation of the Law; and Christ (who according to the Flesh was made of Woman under the Law (as saith the Apostle) it was a Righteous thing that he should eat the Passeover, as well as to be circumcised and baptized; when John the Baptist said, Comest thou to be baptized of me, I have need to be baptized of thee? Jesus said, suffer it so to be; for it becometh us to fulfil all Righteousness. By all this it plainly appears, that Jesus taking of the Bread and Cup, or Wine, and eating and drinking, and giving to his Disciples, and their eating and drinking was all done to answer the Law of God, which he required the Jews to keep; for Jesus said, Think ye that I came to destroy the Law? I tell ye NAY, but to fulfil: and Jesus said, Do this in Remembrance of me; but he did not say, that this should be a STANDING ORDINANCE to all Generations through the dayes of the Gospel; and the Apostle Paul repearing the afore­said [Page 64]words of Jesus said unto the Corinthians, As often as ye eat this Bread and drink this Cup ye shew forth the Lord's Death untill he come; but he did not tell them, that Christ should never come to them while they did live upon the Earth, nor that they should alwayes eat outward Bread, and drink outward Wine, as a Testimony that he was not come unto them, but he spoke of the Churches of Christ, who knew Christ FORMED IN THEM, Gal. 4.19. saying, The Mystery that hath been hid from Ages & Generations, is now made manifest, which is CHRIST IN YOƲ the Hope of Glory, whom (saith he) we preach, warning every Man, and teaching every Man in all Wisdom, that we may present every man PERFECT IN Christ Jesus, see Col. 1.26, 27, 28. and he said to the Saints, As ye have received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk IN HIM, ROOTED and BUILT UP IN HIM, and established in the Faith, &c. he saith, BEW ARE lest any man spoyl you through Philosophy and vain DECEIT, AFTER THE TRADITIONS OF MEN, after the RƲDIMENTS OF THE WORLD, and not after Christ; for in him dwelleth all the Ful [...]ess of the Godhead bodily; and ye are compleat in him, who is the head of all Principallity and Power, IN WHOM also ye are CIRCƲMCISED with the Circumcision made without HANDS, & BƲRIED with him IN BAPTISM, &c.—Christ Blotting out the Hand-writing of ORDINANCES that was a­gainst us — NAILING it to his CROSS; — Let NO MAN therefore judge you in MEAT or in DRINK, or in respect of an holy day, or of the New MOON, or of the Sabbath Dayes, which are a SHADOW of things to come, but the Body IS of Christ; —Wherefore if ye be dead with Christ from the RƲDIMENTS of the WORLD, why as yet living in the World ARE YE SƲB­JECT TO ORDINANCES? TOƲCH NOT, TASTE NOT, HANDLE NOT, &c read the second chapter to the Collossians, and to the Church of Christ at Ephesus (who al­so were Gentiles) the Apostle Paul writes thus, (speaking of Christ) He is our Peace, who hath made both one (to wit, the Jews and Gentiles who believed in him) and hath broken down the MIDDLE WALL of Partition between ƲS, having A­BOLISHED (or ended) in his Flesh the Law of COM­MANDMENTS contained in ORDINANCES, for to make [Page 65]IN HIMSELF of TWAIN, ONE NEW Man, so making PEACE, see Ephes. 2.14, 15. In the Epistle to the Hebrews the Author treateth largely of the natures, ends and uses of the first and second Covenants, how the one could not make the co­mers thereunto PERFECT, as pertaining to the Conscience (to wit) the first Covenant, which stood in carnal Ordinances, im­posed or laid upon the Iews until the time of Reformation, which time of Reformation was and is the appearing and coming of Christ, and his Gospel; this brings Life & Immortality to Light; in Heb. 9.8, 9, 10. the Author speaks of the first Tabernacle (or Temple) that it was a Figure for the time then PRESENT [mark] then present in which was offered gifts and sacrifices, that could not make him that did the Service PERFECT AS PER­TAINING TO THE CONSCIENCE, which STOOD ON­LY IN MEATS & DRINKS, and divers W [...]SHINGS, and CARNAL ORDINANCES imposed on them UNTIL the time of REFORMATION: and in Heb. 7.17. the Author saith, For there is verely a DISANƲLLING of the COMMAND­MENT going before, FOR THE WEAKNESS and UNPRO­FITABLENESS THEREOF; for the Law made NOTHING PERFECT, &c.

I. C. by all these before cited Scriptures it doth appear, that the carnal Ordinances, (or Ordinances of the first Covenant) which were shadowy, are not to be imposed now upon, either Iew or tentile, who believe in Christ the second Covenant, which doth make those who come to him (and obey him) perfect, as per­taining to the Conscience, which all carnal washings, eatings and drinkings fall short of; and it is apparent from the Scriptures before ctied, which relate to the Passeover, and Christ's keep­ing it, or eating it with his Disciples, that he did it to fulfil the Law, who came not to destroy the Law, but to fulfil it, and end the shadowy Part thereof; for as the Apostle saith, Christ is the end of the Law for Righteousness, to every one that believeth, see Rom. 10.4. 1 Cor. 5.7, the Apostle Paul calls Christ, the Saints PASSEOVER, ver. 8. he saith, Therefore let us keep the Feast, NOT WITH OLD LEAVEN, neither with the Leaven of MALICE & WICKEDNESS, but with the unleavened Bread of SINCERITY and TRUTH; thus it appears, that Christ is [Page 66]the Christians Passeover, who gives them his Flesh to eat, and his Blood to drink; so he is the Baptizer and Circumciser, and Feeder of his Church, which he hath purchased, and he is the Substance, and End of all the Shadows unto them. A Passeover is to be eaten; to this agrees the MYSTERIOUS SAYINGS of Christ to some, who were called his Disciples, who did eat of the outward Bread, and were filled, Ye seek me because ye did eat of the loaves and were filled, but except ye eat the Flesh of the Son of Man, and drink his Blood ye have no Life IN YOU; and when some took Offence at his Words and forsook him, he said, doth this offend you? what and if you shall see the Son of Man ascend up where he was before; it is the Spirit that quickens, the Flesh profiteth nothing; the Words that I speak unto you, they are Spirit, and they are Life, John 6. read this chapter through.

Here Christ shews, that it was not the Outward that he spoke of, but the Inward Spirit and Life. The Papists have greatly wrested and perverted these his words; they say, That the Out­ward Bread and Wine, after Consecration, is the real Presence of Christ, or his Body and Blood. Here they make an Idol of the Creatures, being ignorant of the Creating Spirit and Life of Jesus; for, as the Apostle said, All things were created by him: (and for him) that are in Heaven & that are in Earth, visible and invisible — And he is before all things, and by him all things consist, Col. 1.16, 17. And because the Ancient true Protestants could not bow to this their Idol, they put many of them to Death, the Cry of whose Innocent Blood hath sounded loud in the Ears of the God of Righteous Judgment, who certainly is a just Rewar­der of all Murderers.

Now, though the Ancient Protestants did oppose the Papists in their Idolatry (as aforesaid) for which many of them lost their Lives, yet it appears, those that did remain did continue the Custom of Eating Pread and Drinking Wine (which they had been accu­stomed to while they were amongst the Papists) not in the Gross Idolatrous Manner, us do the Papists, yet under a Vail, not so clear­ly seeing, nor so fully enjoying the Substance or Anti-tipe of the Passover or Supper, as the ancient grown Christians did in the Apostles dayes (which Passover or Supper Christ used according to the Custom of the Law) The Substance or Anti-tipe thereof is Christ within, whose Flesh is Meat, and whose Blood is Drink. [Page 67]So the Outward Passover (Bread and Wine) and the Pascal Lamb's Flesh and Blood under the Law were but Typical and Shadowy of the Flesh and Blood of Christ, which is incorrupti­ble and spiritual, and of the New Wine of the Kingdom, all which Christ feeds his Church with.

Now I understand the Protestants do place their Practice of eating Bread and drinking Wine, and calling it The Lord's Sup­per, upon the words of Christ, mentioned in Luke 22. vers. 19. which words are these, This do in Remembrance of me. The A­postle Paul (repeating these before cited words of Christ) saith, As often as you eat this Bread and drink this Cup, you shew forth the Lord's Death till he come. Christ said, I will not any more eat thereof, until it be fulfilled in the Kingdom of God, vers. 16. And he said, I will not drink of the Fruit of the Vine, until the Kingdom of God shall come.

J. C. take notice, Christ said, He would eat no more until it was fulfilled in the Kingdom of God; he eat this Bread the fame Night he was betrayed, as saith the Apostle. Now, when he was offered up and crucified, who was the One Offering, as the Apostle saith, who perfects forever them that are sanctified, then was the Shadowy Dispensation the Passover, with the rest of the Shadows ended, as not being any longer to be in force or used, as by the Command of God, though divers of those Jews, who believed the Testimony of the Apostles did not suddenly come off from those Shaddows, as may be seen by the Writings of the Apostles, they having been accustomed to them, they once ha­ving been commanded by God, until they came to feel and en­joy the Anti-tipe or Substance, Christ within, they were not willing to let the Shadows go.

Note, J. C. in Iohn 18.27. it appears, that the time that Christ was betrayed, was the time Time of the Iews Passover; and when they delivered up Jesus to be judged, they would not go into the Judgment-Hall, lest they should be defiled, but that they eat the Passover.

J. C. take further Notice, Christ said, He would not drink of the Fruit of the Vine, until the Kingdom of God shall come, vers. 18. And Christ saith, There are some standing here, which shall not taste of Death till they see the Son of Man coming in his King­dom, Mat. 16.21. He also saith, I tell you of a truth, there be [Page 68]some standing here, which shall not taste of Death till they see the Kingdom of God, Luke 9.27. And he further saith (speaking to the twelve Apostles, whom he sent to preach the Gospel) For verely, I say unto you, you shall not have gone about the Cities of Israel, till the SON OF MAN BE COME, Mat. 10.23.

Thus it appears, that Christ spoke to those that did eat the Passover with him, saying, Do this in Remembrance of me; and it also doth appear, that his Promise was to come unto them, [mark] them that did eat the Passover with him: He did not say, Deliver this unto your Children, and let it be delivered down through all Ages to the End of the World (that is to say) to eat Bread and drink Wine in Remembrance of Christ (as he STILL not being come) for the Apostle said, The Mystery that hath been hid from Ages and Generations, is now made manifest, which is Christ in you the Hope of Glory: And he said, I live, yet not I, but Christ lives in me: And of the true Church he said, Ye are all one in Christ Jesus: And he said, As you have received Christ Iesus the Lord, so walk in him. And Christ Jesus said, speaking of the Passover, I will not any more eat thereof until it be fulfilled in the Kingdom of God; this he spake the Night he was betrayed: So when he was crucified, the outward Eating or Shadow was fulfilled and ended, as I said before: And he said unto them that eat the Passover with him, He that is with you shall be IN YOU; I and my Father will come, and make our Abode WITH YOU; [mark, with you] even with those who eat the Outward Passover with him; and he fulfilled his Promise unto them. So he was their Passover, as the Apostle calls him, speaking thus, For even Christ our Passover is sacrificed for us; therefore let us keep the Feast, not with Old Leven, neither with the L [...]ven of Malice and Wickedness, but with the Ʋnleavened Bread of Sincerity & Truth. The Christian-Passover is Christ the true Bread, which comes down from Heaven, which a man may eat of, and not dye, as he saith the Apostles and ancient grown Christians in those dayes did keep the spiritual Feast with the Unlevened Bread of Sincerity and Truth, as the Apostle exhor­ted, feeding upon him their Passover, the Lamb of God, who taketh away the Sins of all that believe in him.

Now had the Papists kept this spiritual Feast with the Unle­vened [Page 69]Bread of Sincerity and Truth, they had not put the true Protestants to Death, which they did because they would not bow to their Idol of Bread and Wine: and if the now professed Protestants were gathered to this spiritual Feast, with the Unlea­vened Bread of Sincerity & Truth, then they would not persecute nor hate us, nor any other, for not sticking in or bowing to the Shadows, in Opposition to the Substance, which is Christ. The Apo­stle Paul told the Galatians, That of they were circumcised, Christ should profit them nothing, Gal 5.2. We being come to know Christ (the Substance) he is our Passover, on him we feed, he is our Circumciser & Baptizer; to us he is the End of all those Types and Shadows, and in him we are at Rest and Peace; we cannot go back into the Shadows, having tried the Weakness and Un­profitableness of them; I say, we cannot go back into the Sha­dows, though Men be displeased with us because thereof, that we cannot help; we cannot be Men pleasers in this Matter, as said the Apostle, We speak not as pleasing Men, but God, who tryeth our Hearts, 1 Thes. 2 4.

In times past we have eaten Bread and drunk Wine, as others called Protestants do, and that in Zeal and Strictness, not then seeing nor enjoying the Substance or Anti-tipe; and those who are now under a Vail, not seeing nor enjoying the Sustance or Antipe, but continue in Zeal, eating Bread and drink­ing Wine, we leave them to the Lord; and our ten­der Desires on their behalf are, That God may bring them to the Enjoyment of the Substance; and we have Hope, and that in God, That he will bring many Thousands in this Age unto it, who are yet Strangers from it; it is our Faith and Principle, That we ought not to use any Outward Violence or Force to bring any to our Faith and Practice in these Matters, but by the sound Doctrine of the Gospel, Good Life and Conver­sation to convice the Gain-sayers; and it is our Faith and Princi­ple, That no Christian ought to use any other Weapons to bring any Person into Conformity to them in things relating to the Worship of God, which Worship is spiritual, in the Spirit and in the Truth, which Christ set up above sixteen hundred years ago.

By what I have briefly written upon this Subject, those who are serious, & read without Prejudice (who are contrary-minded to us [Page 70]in these things) may see something which may be of Advantage unto them towards the right understanding of those things treat­ed on; to do Good, and no Harm to any Man or Woman, is the thing that I endeavour to be found in, in all my Undertakings; and the Lord doth daily strengthen to do those things that are well-pleasing in his Sight; to him be all Glory, Dominion and Praise now and for evermore, Amen.

As to the words of Christ, saying, This is my Body, which is bro­ken for you, I understand, that the Protestants do not believe, that that Bread and Wine which was eat and drunk the same Night he was betrayed, was really the Body and Blood of Christ, and therefore there need not much be said to them in that Matter; but it is a Truth, that his outward Body was there present, which sud­denly after was broken or crucified, & also the invisible living Spi­rit, which in fulness dwelt in that Body; this invisible Spirit and Life became the Food of the Souls of the Disciples and Church of Christ, after his outward Crucifixion, Resurrection and Ascension; and this is the true spiritual Meat and spiritual Drink, which the true Israel of God eat and drank of in the dayes of old; for it is written, They all eat the same spiritual Meat, they all drank the same spiritual Drink; they eat and drank of the Rock that follow­ed them, and that Rock was Christ, 1 Cor. 10.4.

And as concerning John's Water Baptism, it was in the time of the Law, before Christ was offered up (as I have said before) and it was a Shadow or Type of the inward spiritual Baptism of Christ: and John testified of Christ, saying, He must in­crease, but I must decrease.

This Increase of Christ, and Decrease of John, was certainly as with Respect to their Dispensations, the one of Life and Sub­stance, which is to increase and remain; the other shadowy, which was to decrease, and pass away; for, as to the bodily and personal appearance of the Man Christ Jesus and John the Baptist upon the Earth, there was little space between the times of their Birth, and also little space betwixt the times of their being put to Death; so that (as I said before) the Increase and Decrease must be with Respect to their Dispensations: Besides, the Au­thor to the Hebrews, speaking concerning the first Temple or Tabernacle, which he saith was a Figure for the time then present. [Page 71]Mark, J. C. [then present] in which was offered both Gifts and Sacrifices, that could not make him that did the Service perfect, as pertaining to the Conscience, which stood only in Meats, and Drinks, and divers Washings, and Carnal Ordinances imposed on them, until the Time of Reformation — The Holy Ghost signifying, That the Way into the Holiest of All was not yet made manifest, while as the first Tabernacle was yet standing; Hebr. 9.8, 9, 10. read the Chapter through. But when Christ, by of­fering up himself once for all, had ended the Use of the Outward Temple, with the rest of the Shadows thereunto belonging, then the Apostle told the Believers in Christ, the Temple of God is holy, which Temple ye are; and he that defiles the Temple of God, him will God destroy; see 1 Cor. 3.16, 17. 2 Cor. 6.16. 1 Cor. 6.19. & to the faithful Christians he said, Ye also as lively Stones are built up a spiritual House, an holy Priesthood, to offer up spiritual Sacrifice acceptable to God by Jesus Christ, 1 Pet. 2.5.

J. Cheyney, take notice, that they had divers carnal Washings, or as some understand it [Baptisms] under the Law; but John in the winding up or ending of that Shadowy Dispensation, was sent to Baptize with Water; and though Christ saith, I say unto you, amongst those that are born of Women, there is not a greater Prophet then John the Baptist; but he that is least in the Kingdom of God is greater then he: This must be understood as with respect to the Shadowy Dispensation, under which he then was a Minister of the Water-Baptism, which was a Shadow. For who is come to inherit the Promise of God and Christ, which is to know God and Christ reign within, there is no need of Water or any Shadow there: Then is fulfilled that which is written, Now is come Salva­tion and Strength, and the Kingdom of our God, and the Power of his Christ.

This I have written in the Love of God concerning the Pass­over, that Christ did eat with his Disciples the Night he was be­trayed; and also concerning Bread and Wine, called the Lord's Supper, as used both by the Papists and Protestants in our dayes; and also, concerning John's Baptism with Water; and also, con­cerning Sprinkling of Infants, as practiced in our dayes both by Papists and Protestants; all which I desire thee, and all others concerned, unto whom these Lines may come, seriously to read and consider.

Concerning Preaching and Prophecying.

JOhn Cheyney, As concerning Preaching and Prophecying, the Apostles and primitive Gospel Ministers, were made able Ministers of the New Testament, of the Spirit, and not of the Letter, as saith the Apostle, 1 Corinth. 3.6. they spoke or preached as the Spirit gave them utterance; they did not preach in Inticing Words of Man's Wisdom, but in the Demonstration of the Spirit, & in Power, that the Faith of thore that heard them might not stand in the Wisdom of Man, but in the Power of God, as saith the Apostle; see 1 Cor. 2.4, 5. & 1 Cor. 1.17. They were not made Gospel-Ministers by humane Learning; for Peter and Iohn were made able Gospel-Ministers, who were unlearn­ed (or Men that knew not Letters) as saith the Scripture; see Acts 4.3. The Apostles and Prophets did not go to Schools of Natural Learning four or seven years, after the manner of an Apprentiship, there to learn how to preach, prophesie or pray: Peter and John, who were Fishermen, were called away from their Boats and Nets by Christ, and were taught by him to preach and pray powerfully, whereby many were converted to God; and so (as Christ said) He made them Fishers of Men. Paul was a Tentmaker; Elisha was a Plowman, and was called of God from the Plough, as it is recorded in the Scriptures of Truth; and Amos was an Herdsman; David, who was a Prophet, and an anointed King over Israel, was a Shepherd, and was called from the Sheep-coat; and Moses was keeping Sheep on the back of the Mountain when the Lord spoke to him to go to Pha­roah, with whom God did wonderfully appear against Pharoah, and for the Children of Israel: All the true Apostles and Pro­phets received their Prophesie, Testimony and Ministry freely and immediately from God; and as they received freely, so they prophesied, ministred and preached freely, as I have shewed be­fore: But the Priests of the Nations called Christendom, whe­ther [Page 73]called Papists or Protestants, have not received their Mini­stry freely and immediately from God, as many of the Prote­stant Priests have confessed; but it cost them Money to learn to preach, they generally going to Schools of Humane Learning four or seven years to learn the Art of Preaching, though I. C. I perceive thou wast not so long in lear [...]g thy Trade of preach­ing as many of thy Brethren have been, but that thy Trade may have cost thee something, is not unlike. In this one thing you are generally agreed, to sell your Sermons and Prayers: and also, you generally agree in studying and composing in your Earthly Wisdom your Sermons aforehand, and in boasting of other men's Lines made ready to your Hands, being out of the Spirit in which those men lived that gave them forth. The true Go­spel-Ministers and Prophets did none of these things; but spoke as the Spirit gave them utterance those things that God requi­red of them, and that freely, without Money and without Price, of which the true Prophet Isaiah gave Testimony, say­ing, He, come ye to the Waters; he that hath no Money, come, buy Wine and Milk without Money and without Price, Isa. 55.1. And Iohn (the Gospel-Minister) saith, Every one that is athirst come, and drink of the Fountain of the Water of Life freely, Rev. 22.17. And the Apostle saith, I certifie you Brethren, that the Gospel which was preached of me, is not after man; for I neither received it of Man, neither was I taught it, but by the Revelation of Iesus Christ Gal 1.11, 12.

So by what I have written, it is plainly manifest, that you differ in your Faith, Call, Preaching and Maintenance, from the true Gospel-Ministers and Prophets of God, spoken of in the Scriptures of Truth.

The Quakers own and practice true Prayer, which is per­formed without Wrath or Doubting; and witness against the Prayers of the Wicked, who are in Malice and En­vy, where the UNHOLY HANDS are lifted up.

AS concerning Prayer; True Prayer is acceptable to God; all true Prayer is in the Spirit of God; the Apo­stle saith, I will pray with the Spirit, I will pray with the Ʋnder­standing; and he said, We know not how to pray as we ought, but the Spirit helpeth our Infirmities with Sighs and Groans which can­not be uttered; see Rom. 2.26. 1 Cor. 14.15. Iude vers. 20. Christ said unto his Disciples, When ye pray, pray thus, or after this manner; Our Father, which art in Heaven, hallowed be thy Name, thy Kingdom come, thy Will be done, &c. But he told the Unbelieving Malicious Iews, That they were of their Father the Devil, and the Lusts of their Father they would do. And he said, Wo unto you Scribes and Pharisees, Hypocrites; for ye devour Wi­dows Houses, and for a PRETENCE make Long Prayers; therefore ye shall receive the GREATER DAMNATION, Mat. 23.14. and the same in Mark 12.38, 3 [...], 40. and the Apostle saith, I will that Men pray every where, listing up HO­LY HANDS WITHOUT WRATH and Doubting, 1 Tim. 2.8.

The Lord spoke by Isaiah the Prophet to the Rebellious Iews, saying, YOƲR HANDS ARE FƲLL OF BLOOD; and when you spread forth your Hand, I WILL HIDE MINE EYES FROM YOƲ; yea, when you make MANY PRAYERS, I WILL NOT HEAR YOƲ, Isaiah 1, 15.

The Sacrifice of the Wicked is an Abomination to the Lord; but the Prayer of the Ʋpright is his Delight, Prov. 15.8.

The Prophet said, If I regard Iniqui [...]y in my Heart, the Lord [Page 75]will not hear me; but verely God hath heard me, he hath attended to the Voice of my Prayer, Psal. 66.18, 19.

John Cheyney, by these Scriptures cited thou mayest see, that its not every one that saith Lord, Lord, and may utter words, and call them Prayers, that are accepted of God; those whose Hands are defiled with Blood, and those who regard Iniquity in their Hearts, and those who have malicious, deceitful and wrath­ful Hearts, who lift up Unholy Hands in Wrath, to kill per­secute, imprison and spoil the Goods of the Widows and Fa­therless, and others, THEIR PRAYERS ARE ALL SHƲT OƲT FROM GOD; and these their Iniquities stand as a Wall of Brass betwixt them and the Lord: The Lord hath said, Your Iniquities and your Sins with-hold good things from you; that the Priests of England are generally, or for the most part, guilty of these things, many of them are notori­ously manifest by their Fruits, which is the Mark Christ said the False Teachers should be made known by.

Moreover, it is notoriously manifest, that the Priests of Eng­land, and other Nations called Christians, do greatly differ from the ancient Gospel-Ministers and true Christians in their Forms and Manner of Prayer, and in their Fellowship & Society therein; the Papists using Beads, with other sinful Inventions of fallen man in their Prayers; the Episcopalians having a Form of words printed in a Book, whereunto they are limited, and all forts of them when they pray Common Prayer, though never so wicked, use one and the same Form of Words, without respect to their various States and Conditions: This is contrary to the ancient true Christians; for the Apostle saith, With-draw your selves from every Brother that walketh disorderly, 2 Thess. 3.6.

If any man that is called a Brother be a Fornicator, or Covetous, or an Idolater, or a Railer, or a Drunkard, or an Extorioner, with such a one no not to eat, 1 Cor. 5.11.

The Apostle saith, Know ye not that the Ʋnrighteous shall not inherit the Kingdom of God? be not deceived; neither Fornica­tor, nor Idolater, nor Adulterer, nor Effeminate, nor Abusers of themselves with Mankind, nor Thieves, nor Covetous, nor Drunkards, nor Revilers, nor Extortioners, shall inherit the Kingdom of God: And such were some of you; but ye are washed, [Page 76]but ye are sanctified, but ye are justified in the Name of the Lord Jesus, and by the Spirit of our God, 1 Cor. 6.9, 10, 11.

The Author to the Hebrews saith, Marriage is bonourable in all, and the Bed und-filed; but Whoremongers and Adulters God will judge, Hebr. 13.4.

The Apostle saith, The Works of the Flesh are manifest, which are these, Adultery, Fornication, Ʋncleanness, Lasciviousness, Idolatry, Witchcraft, Hatred, Variance, Emulations, Wrath, Strife, Seditions, Heresies, Envyings, Murders, Drunkenness, Reviling [...], and such like, of the which I tell you before, as I have also told you in time past, that they which do such things shall not inherit the Kingdom of God, Gal. 5.19, 20, 21.

And the Apostle said to the Church of Christ at Ephesus, For this ye know, that no Whoremonger nor Ʋnclean Persons, nor Co­verous Man, who is an Idolater, hath any Inheritance in the Kingdom of God and of Christ. Let no Man deceive you with vain Words; for because of these things cometh the Wrath of God upon the Children of Disobedience: Be ye not therefore Partakers with them; for ye were sometimes DARKNESS, but now are ye LIGHT IN THE LORD; walk as Children of Light, Ephes. 5.5, 6, 7, 8.

The [...]postle saith, The Fruit of the Spirit is Love, Joy, Peace, Long-suffering, Gentleness, Goodness, Faith Meek ess, Tem­perance; AGAINST SƲCH THERE IS NO LAW. And they that are Christ's, have crucified the Flesh, with the Affections and Lusts, Gal. 5.22, 23, 24.

And the Apostle saith to the Church of Christ at Ephesus. The Fruit of the Spirit is in all Goodness, Right cou [...]ness and Truth, proving what is acceptible unto the Lord, and have no Fellowship with the Ʋnfruitful Works of Darkness, but rather reprove them. Eph. 5.9, 10, 11.

John Cheyney, I would have thee seriously to weigh and consi­der the before cired faithful Sayings of the Holy Men of God, concerning the Righteous and the Wicked, and of the Prayers of both; The PRAYERS of the ƲPRIGHT is God's DE­LIGHT; but the PRAYERS of the WICKED are an A­BOMINATION to him. O man, thou canst not draw or [Page 77]drive people to Heaven by urging or forcing them to utter man words to God, while their Hearts are far away from him. The Lord con plained of old against such a People, who drew near him with their Mouthes and Lips, but their Hearts were far from him; thus saith the Lord by Isaiah, Forasmuch as this People draw near me with their Mouth, and with their Lips do honour me, but have REMOVED their Heart FAR from ME, and their FEAR towards me is taught by the PRECEPTS OF MEN; therefore behold I will proceed to do a Marvelous Work amongst this people, even a marvelous Work and a Wonder; for the WISDOM of their Wise Men shall PERISH, and the Ʋnderstanding of their Prudent Men shall be HID, see Isarah 29.13, 14.

John Cheyney, the Apostle was sent to turn Ungodly Men from DARKNESS unto LIGHT, from Satan's power unto the Power of God; this then was and now is the Work of all the true Gospel-Ministers, and this would be thy Work, and the Work of thy Brethren the Priests, if you were true Go­spel Ministers.

Man being turned from Satan's power to God's Power, the Power of God exerciseth the Mind and Heart towards God, and begetteth Heavenly Hungerings, Thirstings and Longings after the Living God Christ Jesus and his Glorious Heavenly King­dom, where nothing unclean can dwell; and the Power of God begets a Hatred, Loathing and Detestation in the Heart and Soul of Man (who is turned unto it (and exercised by it) against all Sin, and the Devil, who is the Author of it; and in such strong Prayers and Cryes arise in the Spirit of Christ, for Dominion and Victory over all in, and the Devil, who is the Author of it; and the Cryes of such God hears and answers; and such, who continue diligent in the exercise of the Power of the Lord God, they come to witness and enjoy as the primitive Christians did, of whom the Apostle testified, saying, Ye are of God, little Chil­dren, and have overcome them, because greater is he that is in you, then he that is in the World; see 1 John 4.4. Now those that are thus exercised in the Power and Spirit of God and Christ, are come to the Foundation and Fountain of true Prayer, the Pray­ers of such are pleasant and acceptable unto the Lord.

The People (by thee in Scorn) called Quakers are turned from Darkness to Light, and from satan's power to the Power of God; and he hath poured the Spirit of Prayer and Suppli­cation upon them, and they pray one for another, and for their Enemies, according to Christ's Command; in their Afflictions and Sicknesses they pray unto him one for another; and there is a constant or continual praying amongst us according to the A­postle's Doctrine) though not a continual uttering of words; but when God moves us to utter Words, as he often doth, then we do utter thern, in Obedience to him, we do pray, both in publick and in private; and therefore thou hast greatly slandered us for which we desire that thou mayest come to unfeigned Re­pentance.

Christ's Command is, When you pray, use not vain Repetitions, as the Heathen do; for they think that they shall be heard for their much speaking: Be not ye therefore like unto them; for your Fa­ther knoweth what things ye have need of before ye ask him, Mat. 6.7, 8.

The Promise of God unto the Faithful is, saying, And it shall come to pass, that before they cill, I will answer; and while they are yet speaking, I will hear, Isa. 65.24.

J. C. in thy Book entituled, A Call to Prayer, in pag. 120. thou sayest, There is a kind of continual Exercise of the Soul by Internal Prayer. I say, it is so in the Souls of the Faithful. And in pag. 41. thou sayest, A Gracious Man may make little Noise or seeming Fervour, but silently worship God, and speak to God so as none may hear but himself, and yet he be most fervent in Prayer; as that Gracious Woman Hannah, her Lips moved, but her Voice was not heard when she prayed, and yet she poured out her Soul before God, and was most devout and fervent in Prayer.

Well confessed, John Cheyney; here thou grantest, that both Men and Women may pray in Silence, when their Voice is not heard, and that fervently and devoutly: But seeing it is so, then why hast thou been so Uncharitable as to charge the Quakers, That they are a People of No Prayer—A Prayerless People—A People who make No Ʋse of Prayer. Thou tellest thy Reader, That you pretend not to know any man [...]s Heart but your own, and [Page 79]that you cannot know our Hearts; see Call to Prayer, p. 99, 100.

Now this being so, that you cannot know our Hearts, it is impossible for you to know that we do not pray when we are silent. Here thy Folly and Consusion i [...] manifest.

And seeing thou confessest, That Men and Women may wor­ship God, and pray in Silence, why dost thou mock at the Qua­kers for their waiting upon God in Silence? see thy Sermons of Hypocrisie, p. 146. and Call to Prayer, p. 101. The People cal­led Quakers do utter words in Prophecy, Preaching and [...]rayer, when the Good Spirit of God moves them thereunto, and with­out that none can either preach, pray, or prophesie with ac­ceptance, as unto the Lord God; nor without this Moving or Leading can any Person be profitable to themselves, or any other, in the Exercise of Prophecy, Preaching or Prayer: and warshiping God & praying in Silence thou ownest in words; it would be well if thou and all thy Brethren the Priests were in the Practice thereof till the Spirit of God moved you to prophesie, preach and pray publickly or privately. Thou sayest, We could do nothing without the special Help of God's spirit, see Call to Prayer, p. 20.

I say it was the Practice of the Apostles, and Primitive Gos­pel-Ministers and Prophets to wait upon God in Silence until God did move upon them by his good Spirit to preach, prophe­sie or pray; and I do not read that every one that was brought into the Profession of Christianity, and in some Measure into the Possession of it (by the preaching of the Gospel) did sudden­ly go forth into publick Preaching, and Prophesying, nor in­to publick uttering of words in Prayer, though they did pray inwardly, and did joyn in their Hearts and Spirits with those who were moved by the good Spirit of God to utter words in Prayer.

J. C. thus in the Love and Fear of God I have examined and answered thy Challenge, and have shewed by plain Scripture, that you Priests of England and other Nations called Christians, do differ from the Apostles and ancient true Gospel-Ministers in your Ordination, Call to the Ministry, Preaching, Praying and sprinkling Infants, eating and drinking that which you call the Lord's Supper, and Maintenance; and you also differ from the [Page 80]true Gospel Ministers in this Age, and you are out of the Gos­pel Faith, who believe not in the true Light, wherewith Christ lighteth every one that cometh into the World: It is Christ's Command to believe in the Light, saying, Believe in the Light that ye may be the Children of the Light, John 12.36.

Concerning Singing of Psalms.

IOhn Cheyney, in thy Sermons-of Hypocrisie p. 135. thou boasts, That you have Psalms.

Answ. In this thou shewest thy Folly, and Ignorance; many of the People called Quakers know well what Psalms you have, and have been informed who made them (to wit) Thomas Stern­hold and John Hopkins (who were two Musicians, or Players up­on Instruments of Musick) these Men as is related translated the Declaration of David's Roarings and Quakings, as well as his Rejoycings, into Rhime and Meeter, after the Manner and Form of the common Ballads.

J. C. take notice, in your Common-Prayer you say, You are all poluted from the Crown of the Head to the Sole of the Foot, and that Ye are full of Bruises and putrifying Sores, and that Ye do [...]t hat ye ought not to do, and leave undone that ye ought to do; you say, You have no Health in you: all this being true (which you say) there remains no warrantable Ground for you to sing in this E­state, but your Place is to mourn and weep under the Righteous Judgments of God, till he shew you Mercy, and the Forgive­ness of your Sins that are past, and gives you Power over Sin and the Devil, that is the Author of it. But in Psalm 23. you sing thus, My Shepherd is the living Lord, nothing therefore I need, in Pastures fair, with Waters calm, he sets me forth to feed; he did convert and glad my Soul, and brought my Mind in Frame, to walk in Paths of Righteousness for his most Holy Name.

J. C. take notice, here your Confession and your Psalm do not accord or agree; you say, You are all poluted, and have No Health in you, and then you sing in your Psalm, that your Shop­herd is the living Lord, and therefore you need nothing: By your [Page 81]Confession it is manifest, you want a Saviour to save you from your Sins, and to heal you of your Bruises and putrifying Sores; here you do not sing with the Spirit, and with the Understand­ing, as the Apostle and Primitive Christians did, who had Psalms, Hymns and spiritual Songs immediately given them of God; but your Psalm and your Confession the one flatly contradicts the other, and so you are in confusion, building up, and throwing down that which you build. Again in Psal. 6.6. you say, All the Night long you wash your Beds with the Tears of your Complaint; and that your sight is dim, &c. Now you know in your own Con­sciences, that the Generality of you do not do as you say (to wit) you do not generally (if there be any that do) wash your Beds with your Tears.

J. C. is not this to sing Lyes in Hypocrisie? and dost thou think that such a Sacrifice as this will be acceptible to God? Oh Ignorance and Darkness! David did weep & water his bed with his Tears, he bore the Indignation of God for his Transgres­sion; when the just Judgment of God was upon him, he cryed unto the Lord, saying, Make me to hear Joy and Gladness, that the Bones which thou hast broken may rejoyce, Psalm 51.8. and the Lord heard & answered his Prayer, pardoned his Iniquity, and be­came his Shepherd, and supplied him with what was needful and made him to lie down in green Pastures, and led him beside the still Waters, see Psalm 23.12. But those that live in the Lust of the Flesh, and the Lust of the Eye, and the Pride of Life, who drink up Iniquity as an Oxdrinketh Water, who live in the un­godly Sports & Pleasures of the World, & Gluttonny, Drunken­ness, &c. who never yet came to true Repentance, to bear the Judgments of the Lord, these have nothing to do with David's Words, who never knew David's Conditions of weeping and re­joycing; God will turn the Songs of such into Howling and Bit­terness. And in Psalm 131. you sing thus, O Lord I am not puft in Mind, I have no scornful Eye, I do not exercise my self, in things that be too high; but as the Child that weaned is, even from his Mother's Breast, so have I, Lord, behav'd my self, in silence and in rest.

An. It were well if you were what you here say you are, BUT ALAS! IT IS NOT SO; you say, you are as weaned Children, if [Page 82]you Priests were weaned from Covetousness & Envy Pride Lust, &c. as the children are weaned from the Breast, then you would be good harmless Neighbours, then your Neighbours might live at Peace and Quiet by you; then you would not break the Law of God, and covet and take your Neighbours Goods, as many of thy Brethren the Priests have done.

J. [...]. dost thou believe that your Congregations are weaned from Sin and Iniquity, &c. as the Child is weaned from the Breast? surely nay; their Fruits do manifest the contrary: It is the forementioned confession of Miserable Sinners, which sutes your States. Thus much in short concerning your Psalms, and singing.

The Apostle saith, If any be affl cted, let him pray, if any re­joyce, or be merry, let him sing Psalms, James 5.13. This Scrip­ture those that composed your Psalms have placed in the Title-page of them, thereby to gloss and set off their Work, and to en­courage you to esteem it, and to sing as they have taught you; but in so doing, they have either shewed great Ignorance, or great Dishonesty; for the Apostle James did not bid such as you say you are) SING, who are polluted from the Crown of the Head to the Sole of the Foot, &c. but it was the Members of the true Church, which is in God, that he wrote to, who did worship God in Spirit & in Truth; for if you would stretch the Words to be ge­neral to all that have a mind to sing; then Thieves, Harlors, Drun­kards, deba ched lewd Persons in Ale-houses and Taverns, who sing, and make merry with a Fidle and a Pipe, may sing Psalms as well as any other; but the singing spoken of by the Apostle, is peculiar to the Saints the redeemed of the Lord, who have waited upon him in the Way of his Righteous Judgments, be­cause of their Iniquity; and he hath given them Beauty for Ashes, and the Garment of Praise for the Spirit of Heaviness; he hath, brought them out of spiritual Aegypt unto Zion, with Songs of Deliverance, and everlasting Joy upon their Heads. Again, the Apostle James saith, If any be afflicted, let him pray. If you would strain his Words, that every one that is afflicted, or in a­ny trouble must pray, then the wickedest or vilest man in the Earth must pray, such as Cai, and Judas; for these were both afflicted after they had done their Master's Drudgery; Cain said, [Page 83] My Punishment is greater then I can bear; and Judas was tor­mented, he went and threw down the Money and said, I have sinned, in that I have betrayed the Innocent Blood. But as I have shewed before in this Book, God who cannot lye hath said, The Sacrifice of the Wicked is an Abomination to him: And to the rebellious Jews he said, Your Hands are defiled with Blood, when you make many Prayers, I will not hear you; and the Lord spoke to Jeremiah concerning the rebellious Jews, saying, Praynot thou for this People, neither lift up Cry, nor Prayer for them, neither make Intercession to me; for I will not hear thee, Jer. 7.16. Now if the Lord would not hear this holy Prophet on the behalf of these wicked men, certain it is he would not hear these wicked mens Prayers in this their old grown hardned State of wickedness. Some men may sin out the Day of their Visitation, till the Lord cease to strive with them; he saith, My Spirit shall not always strive with man; and it is written, To Day if you will hear his Voice, harden not your Hearts. The Apostle James saith, The effectual fervent Prayer of a Righteous Man availeth much, James 5.16. This we believe; but the Prayers of a wicked; prophane, ungod­ly Man, whilest such an one, Impenitent, we believe prevails not with God at all.

J. C. Thus I have shewed, that in the outward Form of your Worship, you greatly differ from the primitive Gospel Mini­sters and primitive Church of Christ: But if you had the true Form, as they had, yet being out of the Power of God, in which they were (which is Christ within the Power and Wisdom of God; see 1 Cor. 1.24.) We are warranted by the Lord, and by his holy Apostle to turn away from you; see 2 Tim. 3.5. It is not the MEER doing of things FORMALLY that was commanded by God, which makes the Doers thereof accepta­ble, but it is the doing of those things with an UPRIGHT HEART and Mind, in an holy Reverence towards God. That which I intend by thus distinguishing in these things si chief­ly, with respect to the Shadows of the Heavenly things, which Shadows are to pass away, yet it is possible that some Persons may do things that are morally good in themselves, and yet do them with a wrong Mind; as for Instance,

Concerning Giving of Alms to the Poor.

GIVING of ALMS to the Poor is very good in it self, and to be a continued Practice among the Christians; but Christ saith, When thou dost thy Alms do not sound a Trumpet be­fore thee, as the Hypocrites do in the Synagogues and in the Street, that they may have Glory of Men; verely I say unto you, they have their Reward: But when thou dost thine Alms, let not thy Left Hand know what thy Right Hand doth, that thine Alms may be in secret; and thy Father, which seeth in secret, him­self shall reward thee openly, Mat. 6.2, 3, 4.

Concerning the Prayers of the Faithful in Private or in Se­cret, and the Prayers of the Hypocrites, who pray stan­ding to be seen of Men.

ALL true Prayer is pleasant unto God; Christ saith; When thou prayest, thou shalt not be as the Hypocrites are; for they Love to pray standing in the Synagogues, and in the Corners of the Streets, that they may be seen of Men; verely I say unto you, they have their Reward: But thou, when thou prayest, enter into thy Closet, and when thou hast shut thy Door, pray to thy Fa­ther which is in secret, and thy Father which seeth in secret shall reward thee openly, Mat. 6.18.

Concerning Fasting in Reallity and Fasting in Hypocrisie.

FAsting was practised by the people of God, both under the Law and Gospel; Christ fasted Forty Dayes and Forty Nights; the Apostles and Disciples of Christ were sometimes exercised in Fasting, as may be read in the Scriptures of Truth: [Page 85]Christ did not judge all Fasting and Fasters, but owned that which was done in Reallity, and condemned that which was done in Hypocrisie: Christ saith, When you fast, be not as the Hypocrites, of a sad Countenance; for they dis-figure their Faces, that they may appear unto Men to fast; verely I say unto you, they have their Reward: But thou, when thou fastest, anoint thy Head, and wash thy Face, that thou appear not unto Men to fast, but unto thy Father which is in secret, and thy Father which seeth in secret shall reward thee openly, Mat. 6.16, 17, 18.

Thus it appears that several Persons may act one and the same thing, in the outward form; the one do what they do in REA­LITY unto God, and therein are ACCEPTED; the other do what they do in HYPOCRISIE, and therefore are REJEC­TED: One great Instance whereof I shall further shew.

Concerning the Jews Sacrifices and Offerings in the Time of their Faithfulness, and concerning their Offerings and Sacrifices in the time of their Rebellion and Apo­stacy.

THE Lord commanded the Jews in the time of the Law to offer unto him Burnt-Offerings and Sacrifices, and while they kept in his Fear, in the Exercise of his Spirit, that he gave them to instruct them, as thou mayest read Nehemiah 9.20. their Sacrifices and Offerings were pleasant and acceptable to him. Malachy the Prophet prophesied of Christ, saying, He shall sit as a Refiner, and Purifier of Silver, and he shall purifie the Sons of Levi, and purge them as Gold and Silver, that they may offer unto the Lord an Offering in Righteousness; then shall the Offerings of Judah and Jerusalem be pleasant unto the Lord, as in the dayes of old, and as in former years; see Malachy 3.3, 4. Thus it appears that their Offerings were acceptable whilst they kept in Sincerity to the Lord. Now hear what the Lord saith by Isaiah the Prophet, of the Apostatized Rebellious Iews, He that killeth an Ox, is as if he slew a Man; he that sacrificeth a [Page 86]Lamb, as if he cut off a Dog's Neck; he that off reth an Oblation, as if he offered Swine's Blood; he that burneth Incense, as if he blessed an Idol; yea, they have chosen their own Wayes, and their Soul delighteth in their Abomination, Isa. 66.3.

Thus it appears, that though the Iews did offer things in Sacri­fice, which the Law of God required, and that while the Law was in force, yet were they not accepted, because their Hearts were not right before him; they were gone a whoring in their Heaats after other Lovers, and their Souls delighted in those things which God abhorred; and as the holy Prophet said (else­where) They set up their Idols in their Hearts; and therefore the Lord compares their killing of an Ox to the slaying of a Man, which sense of slaying a Man as here intended, I understand to be Murder; God's Command was and is, Thou shalt do no Murder. And the burning incense he compares to those that blessed or worshipped an Idol. To Worship an Idol was con­trary to the Law of God, as may be read in his Law. And the Lord saith, He that sacrificeth a Lamb, it is as if he cut off a Dogs Neck. A Dog was esteemed an Unclean Beast (accor­ding to the Law) not to be eaten or offered in Sacrifice. He saith, He that offereth an Oblation, is as if he offered Swines Blood. A Swine under that Shadowy Dispensation of the Law was forbidden to be eaten, or offered in Sacrifice, as being then esteemed unclean.

John Cheyney, take notice of and seriously consider these things.

Concerning the Worship and Practice of the Ancient, True, Faithful Christians in the Primitive Times; and the Worship and Practice of the now professed Christians whether called Papists or Protestants in the Apostacy.

ANd I say, though the Apostatized Christians, whether Pa­pists or Protestants in this Age may do and practise some things, which the Apostles and primitive Christians practised [Page 87]not only things shadowy, which were practised amongst the ancient Christians in the Morning of the Gospel Day, but also things that are of Duration and Continuance, as Preaching, Prayer, &c. yet these being out of the Life, Spirit and Power of God, Humility, Sincerity and Tenderness of Heart, which they were in who performed those things of old, and being in a contrary Spirit, which leads into the Glory of the World, the Lust of the Flesh, the Lust of the Eye, and the Pride of Life; the Priests and Teachers being in those things, together with Malice, Strife and Envy, therefore the Lord rejects their Preaching, Praying, Singing, together with the rest of their Services.

The Quakers own the Ten Commandments, the Lord's Prayer, &c.

JOhn Cheyney, in thy Book entituled Sermons of Hypocrisie, p. 137.138. thou sayest, The Quakers do hold the Scriptures to be of divine Inspiration, &c.

Answ. We believe the Holy Men gave forth the Scriptures as they were divinely moved and inspired, and that they are profitable and comfortable to those who have them, who are come into the same Spirit by which the Holy Men were moved, or inspired to give them forth. In the latter of the afore cited page thou sayst, That in a late Disputation the Quakers did openly declare, that they owned the Doctrines contained in the Creed.

Answ. We do own and believe what the Scriptures do say concerning God, Christ, the Holy Ghost, Christ's Birth, his Preaching, Miracles, Sufferings, Death, Resurrection and as­cension, the Communion or Fellowship of the Saints in Light, or Spirit, the Forgiveness of the Sins of all the penitent, and the Resurrection of the Body, and that Everlasting Life is prepared for those that dye to sin in this World, and become dead to it, such live to God; and when such dye outwardly, or put off the outward Tabernacle, they are blessed, as it is written, Blessed are the dead that dye in the Lord, yea, saith the Spirit; for they rest from their Labours, and their works do follow them, see Rev.

In the said page thou sayest, That the Quakers in the aforesaid Disputation did openly own the Lord's Prayer.

Answ. We have alwayes dearly owned that Prayer since God raised us up to be a People to his own praise, though there be not many Words in that called the Lord's prayer, yet the Words are weighty and comprehend much: Jesus taught this prayer to his Disciples in the n me of their Infancy, before the more full and eminent pouring forth of the Holy Ghost: and though they used this form of Prayer, yet were they not limited to those Words [ONLY] at all times, and upon all Occasions when they prayed, which the Apostle shews plainly, where he saith, We know not what we should pray for as we ought, but the Spirit is self maketh Intercession for us with Groannings that cannot be uttered, see Rom. 8.26.

But J. C. take notice, Christ did not teach the Ungodly, Drunkards, Swearers, Lyars, proud envious ones, &c. to say, Our Father, which art in Heaven, &c. but unto such he said, Ye are of your Father the Devil, and the Lusts of your Father you will do, &c. see John 8.44. And the Counsel of the Holy Ghost is, Let everyone that names the Name of the Lord depart from I­niquity, &c. see 2 Tim. 2.19. And to the Wicked God saith; what hast thou to do to declare my statutes, or that thou shouldest take my Covenant into thy Mouth, seeing thou hatest In­struction, and hast cast my Words behind thee? when thou sawest a Thief, then thou consentedst with him, and hast been Partaker with Adulterers; thou givest thy Mouth to Evil, and thy Tongue frameth Deceit, &c. Psalm 50.16, 17, 18, 19. In the afore­said page thou sayest, The Quakers at the aforesaid Disputation did openly declare, that they owned the Ten Commandments.

Answ. We have ever owned the Ten Commandments, since God raised us up to be a people to worship him in Spirit and in Truth, which the Devil, Deceit and Malice, and all Lyes and Falshood is out of. God hath begotten our Hearts into true Love unto himself, by the Operation of his mighty Power, and by the same he hath enabled us to love our Neighbours as our selves, not to covet their Goods, nor slander, nor bear false Wit­ness against them.

J. C. after thou hast declared, that the Quakers do own the [Page 89]Scripture, the Lord's prayer, the Ten Commandments, Creed, &c. In the same page thou sayest, It was wondered that they would.

Answ. If any did wonder at them for it, it was thee and such as thee, who despise them, and have slandered and belyed them; as also it may be some honest People would wo [...]der at it, seeing thou and such a slanderous Generation of Priests as thee, had slanderously said behind their Backs, they denyed them; but it was well the Quakers had that Oportunity to turn thy Lyes and Slanders upon thee, and others, who took thy part in that mat­ter, and to undeceive the honest well-meaning people concern­ing those things. Thou further sayest in the same page thus, Though since I am informed, one of the Eminentest of them hath retracted something of his Confession, as to something in the Com­mandments, and whether more or not I cannot tell.

Answ. Thou hast not told us the person's Name, which thou sayest did retract or draw back from something of his Confession, as unto something in the Commandments, neither hast thou told us what it was, that he did retract or draw back from; therefore I do look upon it a meer Slander.

I am well acquainted with thy slandering Spirit and Tongue, and untill thou bring forth the Name of the person that did re­tract, and the Words he did retract or draw back from in the Commandments, I return it back upon thee as a Slander. The person that was chiefly engaged with thee in that Dispute, thou knowest he is thy Neighbour, not far distant, and the rest who were concerned in any Measure in uttering words in the said Dis­putation with thee, it is not hard to procure their Names if thou desire it.

Concerning the Quakers leaving their Callings and Rela­tions and going to preach.

JOhn Cheyney, in page 106. of thy Sermons of Hypocrisie thou blamest the Quakers, saying, Ignorant Men leave their Cal­lings and Relations, and turn Preachers.

Answ. Peter and John were called from fishing, and left their Nets and Boats, and went preaching up and down, as Jesus commanded them, who said, Follow me, and I will make you Fishers of Men. And in Acts 4.13. it is thus written concerning them Now when they saw the Boldness of Peter and John, and per­ceived they were unlearned and ignorant men [mark, Ignorant Men they marvelled, and they took notice of them, that they had been with Iesus:—And Elisha was called from the plough to go prophesie, as I have shewed before, and Amos was called from among the Herdsmen to prophesie; and Moses was called from keeping of Sheep, to speak the Word of the Lord to Pharoah; and Paul was a Tent maker, who was called to preach the Gos­pel, and preached in divers Nations; and the same Apostle said, 1 Cor. 1.26, 27, 28, 29 Ye see your Calling Brethren, how that not many wise men after the Fl [...]sh, not many mighty, nor many noble are called, but God hath chosen THE FOOLISH THINGS of this World to confound the Wise; and God hath chosen the WEAK THINGS of the World to confound the THINGS which are MIGHTY and BASE THINGS of the World, and THINGS WHICH ARE DESPISED hath God chosen; yea, and Things which are not, to bring to nought Things that are, that no Fl [...]sh should glory in his Presence. Mark 10 28, 29. Peter said, Lo, we have left all, and have followed thee; and Jesus answered and said, verily I say unto you, there is no Man that hath left House, or Brethren, or Sisters, or Father, or Mother, or Wife, or Children, or Lands for my Sake, and the Gospel's, but he shall receive an hundred fold, &c. And Mat. 28.19 Jesus said unto his Disci­ples, Go ye therefore and teach all Nations, &c. And if Peter and John accounted (by the Wisdom of this World) ignorant men, Paul the Tent-maker, and the rest, must preach the Gos­pel to all Nations, then they must leave their Houses and Lands, and Families, &c.

And this have the despised people called Quakers done, in O­bedience to Christ, and Love to Mankind; & some of them have suffered Death for Christ and the Gospel Sake: But the Priests of England have gotten an easie Trade, to continue in aparish ma­ny Years, (some of them) which one may walk about in a Day; [Page 91]& there feed with the Fat and cloath with the Wool, and make a Prey upon the People, which the true Prophets and Apostles never did. You are not able to prove these your practices by the Scriptures, but I have proved the Practice of the Quakers to be agreeable to the Holy Scriptures, the Prophets and Apostles, and Command of Christ.

Concerning Womens Prophesying or Preaching.

JOhn Cheyney, in the aforesaid page thou condemnest Women who are called Quakers, for prophesying and preaching pub­lickly.

Answ. God, who cannot lye, hath promised, That he will pour forth his Spirit upon all Flesh, and Sons and DAƲGH­TERS, Servants and Hand maids shall prophesie, see Joel 2.28. And Acts 2.17. Philip, who is called an Evangelist, had four Daughters Virgins, who did prophene or preach in the Gos­pel time, as thou mayest read Acts 21.8, 9. Miriam, Huldah, Hannah these all were Prophetesses under the Law; and if wo­men might prophesie under the Law, then under the Gospel they are not to be forbidden; for the Gospel is more universal and large, then the Dispensation of the Law was; which Gos­pel brings Life and Immortallity to Light, both to men and wo­men; in and through which the Knowledge of the Lord be­comes plentiful, both in men and women, even as Waters are plentiful in the Sea: And this is according to the Promise of God in the New Covenant, who said, They shall all know me from the greatest of them unto the least of them. Mary Magdalen preach­ed the Resurrection of Christ unto his Disciples; the Apostle Paul beseeched one of the Brethren a Yoke-Fellow, To help those WOMEN who LABOƲRED with him in the Gospel, Phil. 4.3. and he doth grant, or allow women to prophesie & pray, but speaks against the womens having their Heads uncovered when they prophesie or pray, see 1 Cor. 3.4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10.

J. C. thou mayest read in the first chapter of Luke, how Eli­zabeth the Mother of John Baptist was filled with the Holy Ghost [Page 92]& what glorious things she spake, or prophesied unto Mary, con­cerning the Child Jesus, which was yet unborn,—And it came to pass, that when Elizabeth heard the Salutation of Mary, the Babe leaped in her Womb, and Elizabeth was FILLED with the Holy GHOST, and she spake with a loud Voice, and said, Blessed art thou among Women, and blessed is the Fruit of thy Womb;— And blessed is she that believed; for there shall be a Per­formance of those things which were told her from the Lord. Mark J. C. this Holy Woman had Revelation; she was filled with the Holy Ghost: And Mary said, My Soul doth magnifie the Lord, and my Spirit hath rejoyced in God my Saviour; for he hath re­garded the low Estate of his Handmaid, — For he that is mighty hath done unto me great things, and Holy is his Name, and his Mercy is on them that fear him, from Generation to Generation; he hath shewed Strength with his Arm, he hath scattered the proud in the Imaginations of their Hearts; he hath put down the mighty from their Seats, and exalted them of LOW DEGREE; he hath filled the hungry with good things, and the Rich he hath sent empty away, see Luke 1.40 to 52. What dost thou think J. C. were not these Noble Women? did they not preach well? had it not been great pity, that these Preachers should have been dis­couraged, or hindered from preaching and prophesying? And do not you Priests count those Gracious words, which those wo­men spake, Good Gospel? and do not you make a Trade of their Words, and sell them for Money, (which they did not, but spoke them freely) and were they not better Preacher then you Priests are? do not you boast of these Holy Womens Words, or Lines made ready to your Hands? consider of these things.

The Woman of Samaria Preached better then you Priests; she brought or directed her Neighbours unto Christ, in whom is Life, Peace and Eternal Salvation. Thus much in short con­cerning Womens prophesying or preaching. There are several Books given forth by several amongst us concerning this Matter, one Book entituled, The Woman- Preacher of Samaria. Those Books treat at large about Womens prophesying or preaching, to which I refer thee, and my Reader, where you may read more largely concerning this Matter.

Concerning Going Naked, which was done as a Sign of the Spritual Nakedness of the Apostatized Christians.

JOhn Cheyney, in the same page thou condemnest the Quakers because Some of them have gone Naked.

Answ. God commanded Isaiah the Prophet to go Naked, as it is written in the Holy Scriptures. And the Lord said unto I­saiah, loose thy sack-cloth from off thy Loyns, and put off thy Shoe from thy Foot, and he did so, walking Naked and Bare-Foot, three Years, for a sign upon Egypt and Ethiopia, as God commanded him, see Isaiah 20:

And it hath been the Spiritual Nakedness, Wickedness, and Treacherousness of the Priests of England, and the Wickedness of many of the Inhabitants thereof, which hath been the Cause that some amongst the Quakers have gone Naked outwardly, as true Signs of their Spiritual Nakedness; and also of the Just Judgments, which God has in Measure brought to pass & will yet bring upon the Inhabitants of this Nation more abundantly, if they do not unfeignedly repent. Thus it appears that the Quakers have Example for their going Naked in the Scriptures of Truth; but the Priests of England have no Example from Christ Jesus nor the Holy Apostles, for the wearing of Gold Rings, or superfluous Apparel, nor for hating & persecuting those who were sent by the Lord amongst them, to go Naked, as Signs of the Spiritual Na­kedness of the Priests and people of England.

John Cheyney, in the same page thou endeavourest darkly and wickedly to insinuate something against the People called Qua­kers concerning Raising the Dead.

Answ. Thou namest no person called a Quaker who attemp­ted to do any such thing, which I may with safety conclude thou wouldst have done, if thou hadst known any such: For seeing thou hast printed very many Untruths against us, if thou hadst known any such thing by any person amongst us, surely thou wouldst have told that person's Name. Thou hast of late taken pleasure to Abuse the Quakers; I wish thou mayest Repent of it, and spend thy precious Time better hereafter.

But I tell thee, if any person, under what Name soever have, or do attempt to do that which God doth not require of them, God will not appear with them, and such will be confounded in their Work.

Raising the Dead is the Work of God and Christ, who only can give Life, and if any person in his Imagination, through the Temptation of Satan, hath attempted any such thing, that person is judged by the Lord God, and deny­ed by the People called Quakers in that his presumptuous At­tempt.

Divers persons, who have done bad things, who never were owned by us, not so much as called Quakers by their Neigh­bours, who knew them, have by our Malicious Adversaries been called Quakers, on purpose to reproach us; so that is fulfilled upon us which Christ said to his Disciples of old, All manner of Evil shall be spoken against you falsly for my Name's sake.

J. C. there hath been a Person of late in the City of London, who for many years (as it is well known) hath been a great Op­poser and Curser of the People called Quakers, who (as credible Witnesses do inform, did attempt to Raise the Dead, and to Open the Eyes of the Blind; our Adversaries its not unlike may call this Man a Quaker, though he was our great Opposer, and utterly disowned by us.

Concerning the Holy Scriptures, or Bible; and concerning the Quakers Boōks.

JOhn Cheyney, in thy 8th and 9th page of thy Premonition to thy Sermons of Hypocrisie, thou chargest the people called Quakers, That they esteem their Books and Writings to be of Equal Authority with the Scriptures or Bible.

Answ. We truly and dearly own the Scriptures or Book cal­led the Bible; but the words contained in that Book are not all of equal Authority one with another. See thy own Testimony concerning the Scriptures or Bible, which is as followeth, The [Page 95]Scriptures are not God, Christ nor the Spirit; but Laws and Doctrines, Histories and Reports, given by Inspiration of God.

I say, the words which God spake unto man saying, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy Heart, and thy Neighbour as thy self, WERE and ARE of greater Authority then those words which as History or Relation declare of the Wars and Battels of the Iews, and other such Historical Matters, and of greater Authority to an amongst Christians, then those words that related to Circumcision, the Blood of [...]ulls, Goats and Rams, and the Ashes of an Heiser, &c. these being Shadows, and to pass away.

And the words of Christ, who said to his Disciples, I am the Vine, ye are the Branches; as the Brenches cannot bring forth Fruit except they abide in the Vine, no more can ye except ye abide in me: And Without me ye can do nothing—My Flesh is Meat in­deed, and my Blood is Drink indeed—Except ye eat the Flesh of the Son of Man, and drink his Blood, ye have no Life in you.

These Words are of greater Authority then the Relations or Histories of the Apostles outward Travail by Sea and Land; and they are of greater Authority then those words that speak of Paul's Cloak, that he lest at Troas, mentioned in 2 Tim. 4.13. and all other such Historical Matters.

The People called Quakers do prefer and esteem the Book called the Bible or holy Scriptures above any outward Writing or Book extant upon the Earth, because of the Verity and plen­ty of deep heavenly Sayings, uttered by God unto Moses and the Prophets, through the several Ages of the World, and par­ticularly and eminently through the heavenly Man Christ Jesus, who was anointed with the Oyl of Gladness above his Fellows, and filled with the Spirit without measure. Nevertheless, we do affirm, that the Spirit of God in this Age, hath moved several of us to write Books, which have been instrumental in his Hand for Good unto many, with respect to their Immortal Souls. God the Holy One changeth not, neither is he to be limitted; and all our Books and Writings are not of equal Authority one with a­nother; some treat of our inward Experience of the Work of God, in which are contained words which do direct Man and [Page 96]Woman to the Manifestation of the Spirit of God, which is gi­ven them to profit withal; to the Grace of God, which brings Salvation; to the Light, wherewith Christ lighteth every one that comes into the World. Some others of our Books do treat of our Sufferings, and outward Exercises, &c. which though all of them be true, yet some are of greater weight then others. And Destruction comes upon People because they do not believe in and obey the Light. Grace and Spirit of God, which he hath given them, to lead them out of Sin, into all Truth. Those who read our Writing, without Prejudice, may receive Good thereby, as by Instruments which God makes use of; and such who do so, they will return the Glory to God, as we do: And those who read our Books in Envy and Malice, the Murdering Spirit blinds their Minds, and God doth candemn such.

Concerning Children's Honour and Obedience to Parents, and Servants to their Masters, and the Younger to the Aged, and the Subject to the Magistrate or Ruler.

IOhn Cheyney, in thy Book entituled, Sermons of Hypocrisie, pag. 145, 146. thou chargest the People called Quakers, That they are against Children's Honouring their Parents; Ser­vants, their Masters; the Younger, the Aged; the Subject, the Soveraign or Ruler.

Answ. In this Charge there is a four-fold Slander:

For First, We do believe, that it is the Duty of Children to Honour their Parents, as God hath commanded in his Law, and as the holy Apostle taught, saying, Children obey your Parents in the Lord [mark, in the Lord.]

2dly, We do believe, that it is the Duty of Servants to be obedient to their Masters (according to the Flesh) in all Faith­fulness, according to the Doctrine of the Glorious Gospel prea­ched by the holy Apostle, which is as followeth, Children obey your Parents in the Lord; for THIS IS RIGHT: Honour thy Father and Mother (which is the first Commandment with [Page 97]Promise, THAT IT MAY BE WELL WITH THEE, and that thou mayest live long on the Earth: And ye Fathers, pro­voke not your Children to Wrath, but bring them up in the Nurture and ADMONITION OF THE LORD. Servants be obe­dient to them that are your Masters, according to the Flesh, with Fear and Trembling, in Singleness of your Hearts, as unto Christ not with Eye-service, as Men pleasers, but as the Servants of Christ, doing the Will of God from the Heart, with Good Will, do­ing Service, as to the Lord, and not to Men; knowing, that whatsoever Good Thing any man doth, the same shall he receive of the Lord, whether he be Bond or Free: And ye Masters do the same things unto them, forbearing Threatening; knowing, that also your Master is in Heaven, see Ephes. 6. from the 1st to the 9th ver. see Col. 3.20, 21, 22, 23, 24. The Apostle Paul said to Titus Exhort Servants to be obedient to their own Masters, and to please them well in all things, not answering again, not pur­loining (or not stealing) but shewing all good Fidellity (or Truth and Faithfulness) that they may adorn the Doctrine of God our Sa­vi ur in all things; for the Grace of God that bringeth Salvation hath appeared to all men, teaching us, that denying Ʋngodliness and Worldly Lusts, we should live soberly, r ghteously and godly i [...] this present World, see Tit. 2.9, 10, 11, 12. The Apostle Peter exhorted Servants, saying, Servants be subject to your Masters with all Fear; not only to the Good and Gentle, but also to the Fro­ward; for this is thank worthy: If a man for Conscience towards God endure Grief, suffering Wrongfully — This is acceptable with God; for even hereunto were ye called, because Christ also suffered for us, leaving us an Example, that we should follow his steps, who did not sin, neither was guile found in his Mouth; who, when he was reviled, reviled not again, when he suffered he threatned not, but committed himself to him that judgeth Righteously, 1 Pet. 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23.

J. C. those thou (in Scorn) callest Quakers, do own the Com­mands of God, and Doctrine of the Holy Apostles, which doth require Children to obey their Parents, and Servants to obey their Masters; the Apostle saith, Children obey your Parents in the Lord. Now. Children coming to be led by the Spirit of the Lord, this leadeth them to obey their Parents in all Righteous [Page 98]Things; but if any Parent be an Idolater, or an Unjust, Untem­perate Person, and do require the Child, who hath believed in Christ, to worship an Idol, in that Case the Child must obey God and Christ, though it do forsake Father and Mother (or they forsake it) or if the Parents should require the Child to do that which it knows is Sin against God & Christ, in that Case God and Christ is to be obeyed: Christ saith, He that will not forsake Fa­ther and Mother, Wife and Children, Lands and Livings for my sake and the Gospel, he is not worthy of me: But if Parents be Unbelievers and Idolaters, we do believe it is the Child's Duty to be loving and tender to them, and assistant to them what they are able, according to their Necessities And we do believe, that Servants ought to obey their Masters, and to be Just to them in all things, and to bear with Patience when they do suffer wrong; but if the Master be an Idolater, and ignorant of the Worship of God, which is in Spirit and Truth, and would com­mand his Servant to worship an Idol, or in any thing to sin against God, in that Case the Servant is to obey God, though it be con­trary to his Master's Command; for Man is a Master in and a­bout earthly things ONLY; but God and Christ is Lord and Master over the Immortal Soul: For unto him every one must give an Account for their Deeds done in the Body, whether they be good or evil. But we do believe, that those Servants who believe in Christ, who differ from their Masters in Faith and Worship, yet notwithstanding ought to be very diligent and ob­servant to obey their Masters Commands, in all those Just Trusts and Labours, according to the Covenant which they have made & for which they take Hire or receive Reward of their Masters; and they ought to behave them selves in Meekness and Humility in their Words and Carriage to them; and we believe, that Ma­sters ought to do unto their Servants that which is Just, even as they would have others to do to them and theirs in the like Con­dition, considering that God is the Great Master, above all earthly Masters, unto whom all must give an Account for the Deeds which they have done in the Body, and must receive Re­wards from him accordingly, whether they be bond or free: And if a Servant be a Brother or Sister in the Faith of Christ unto the Master, Dame or Mistris, which he or she doth serve; we [Page 99]believe all such ought to be very diligent and faithful in their Pla­ces, and serve with true Fear as the Holy Apostle exhorteth; for we know the Faith of Christ doth not destroy the Place of a Servant, but if Servants obey him, he will cause them to excel in Diligence, Truth and Faithfulness in all their Services; the Apo­stle Paul saith, Let as many Servants as are under the Yoke [Cove­nant or Engagement] count their own Masters worthy of all Honour, that the Name of God and his Doctrine be not blasphemed; and they that have believing Masters, let them not DESPISE them, because they are BRETHREN, but rather do them Service, &c. 1 Tim. 6.1, 2.

And as to the Word Honour, Parents are honoured by the due Obedience of their Children, and Masters by the due Obe­dience of their Servants.

3dly, The hoary Head is a Crown of Glory, if it be found in the Way of Righteousness, Prov. 16.31. But the Sinner being an hundred Years old shall be accursed, Isa. 65.20.

J. C. by these Testimonies of the Holy Men it doth appear, that the Aged or the hoary Head, being found in the Way of Righ­teousness, is truly honourable; this Testimony is owned by the People called Quakers, and they do truly honour such, but they that live in Rebellion against God and Christ, in Pride, Envy, Lust, Covetousness, &c. they dishonour God their Maker, and so are not honourable, as those who are found in the Way of Righteousness, though the true Christians do in a true Sense honour all men in the Lord, as the Apostle said; God would have all men come to the Knowledge of the Truth and be saved; herein is his Love manifest to them, which is Honour; and our Love and Honour is to all People, in that we desire their Eternal Salvation: But Christ said unto the unbelieving Jews, How can ye believe, which receive Honour one of another, and seek not the Ho­nour that cometh from God ONLY? John 5.44. Christ saith, If any man serve me, him will my Father honour, John 12.26, The Fear of the Lord is Instruction and Wisdom, and before Honour is Humility, Prov. 15 33.

John Cheyney, they who come into the pure Fear of the Lord, come into true Humility, and unto such Honour doth flow from God and his People. It is one thing to be truly Honourable and Honoured, and it is another thing to be Ambitious, proud [Page 100]and Covetous after Honour, and be Malicious and fret when they have it not; for Christ made it a Mark of the Unbe­lief of the Iews, their seeking and receiving Honour one from another, and not seeking the Honour that came from God on­ly; they loved Greetings in the Market-place, the Uppermost Rooms at Feasts, and the Chiefest Seats in the Synagogues, and to be called of Men Rabbi, or Master, which is expresly a­gainst Christ's Command; these Marks or Characters are larg­ly to be seen upon the Men of thy Profession and Imploy.

4thly, Paul exhorts, to Obey Magistrates, and to be ready to every good Work, Tit. 3.1. The Apostle Peter said, Submit your selves to every Ordinance of Man for the Lord's sake, whether it be to the King as Supream, or unto Governours, as unto them that are sent by him, for the Punishment of Evil-doers, and for the Praise of them that do well, 1 Pet. 2.13, 14. The Apostle Paul saith, Rulers are not a Terror to Good Works, but to the Evil — do that which is Good, and thou shalt have Praise of the same, Rom. 13.3.

J C. these Exhortations and Doctrines are owned by the People called Quakers, both in Word and Practice: And those Rulers, Governours or Magistrates, who are a Terror to the Evil­doers, and a Praise to those that do well, are worthy of Honour, yea, of double Honour and all such are duly honoured by us with the Honour which belongs unto them. And we really and with Pleasure Honour and Obey all such, not for fear of the Wrath, but for good Conscience sake, as the Apostles and primitive Christians did. But if in some things some Magistrates do req ire those things of us which are contrary to the Command and Law of our God, in those things we chuse to obey God, and pati­ently to endure the Pain and Penalties which they do or may in­flict upon us because of our Obedience to God; and for such our Prayers and Supplications are poured forth unto God, that they may find Mercy through Unfeigned Repentance; and whatsoever is good, just and Equal in the Actions of such, that we own, and really consent to, and act accordingly wherein we are concerned; and the contrary we witness against by peacea­ble patient Suffering: And for this our Practice we have Exam­ple and Command from Christ Jesus, and Example and Precepts [Page 101]from the holy Apostles and Prophets; for if Christ, the Apostles and Prophets could have submitted to every Law, Decree or Ordinance of Man or Ruler, without Respect of those Laws or Ordinances being good or bad, right or wrong, then they had not suffered those Cruelties which they did suffer: Those that put Christ to Death pretended Law for what they did; those that cast Daniel into the Den of Lyons, they had a Law for it, but it was not the Law of God; those that cast the Three Children in­to the Fiery Furnace, they had a Law for it, but it was not the Law of God; Saul, when he was a Persecutor of the Church of God, he got Letters from the High Priest to persecute both Men and Women that called upon the Name of the Lord; and the Jews and Heathens, that persecuted the Apostles and ancient Christians, they made and had Laws for their Cruelty, but they were not the Laws of God; the Professors in New-England in our dayes have made Laws to put the People called Quakers to Death for no Evil, but because they preached the Everlasting Gospel freely, and worshipped God in the Spirit, this their Law is not the Law of God, but is of him that was a Lyar & a Murderer from the beginning, who led wicked Cain to kill righteous Abel about Sacrifice, this is he of whom John testified, saying, The Devil shall cast some of you into Prison: This is he who has blinded, hardned & betwitched many Teachers & People, so that they have thought & think they do God Service when they persecute & kill the Ser­vants of Christ: Of this Christ prophesied, saying to his Disciples, The time cometh, that whosoever killeth you, will think they do God Service, John 16.2. The Papists had a Law, by which they put the ancient t u [...] Protestants to Death; but it was not nor is the Law of Christ, which is the Law of Love, who said, I came not to destroy mens Lives, but to save them; and who also said, Love your Enemies; do good unto them that dispightfully use you; if they smite thee on the one Cheek; turn the other also, &c. And when some of his Disciples [in their Infancy] would have commanded Fire to have come down from Heaven, to have destroyed those that would not receive him, he rebuked them sharply, and told them, They knew not what manner of Spirits they were of. And he spake a Parable concerning Wheat and Tares, saying, The Servants of the Housholder came unto him, say­ing, [Page 102](Master) Didst thou not sow good seed in thy field? from whence then hath it Tares? He said unto them, An Enemy hath done this: The Servant said unto him, Wilt thou that we go and gather them up? But he said, NAY, lest while ye gather up the Tares, ye root up also the WHEAT with them; let both grow together until the Harvest, and in the time of Harvest I will say to the Reapers, Gather ye together first the TARES, & bind them in Bundles to burn them; but gather the WHEAT into my Barn— And the Di­sciples of Jesus came unto him, saying, Declare unto us the Para­ble of the Tares of the Field? He answered, and said unto them, He that soweth the good seed is the Son of Man; the Field is the World; the good seed are the Children of the Kingdom; but the Tares are the Children of the Wicked One; the Enemy, that sowed them, is the Devil; the Harvest is the END OF THIS WORLD; and the Reapers are the ANGELS: As there­fore the Tares are gathered and burnt in the Fire, so shall it be in the END OF THIS WORLD: The Son of Man shall send forth his Angels, and they shall gather out of his Kingdom all things that offend, and them which do Iniquity, and shall cast them into a Furnace of Fire, there shall be Wailing and Knashing of Teeth; THEN SHALL THE RIGHTEOUS shine forth as the Sun in the Kingdom of the Father: who hath an Ear to hear, let him hear, Mat. 13.27, 28, 29, 30. & 36 to 43.

J. Cheyney, take notice, by this which Christ hath said it ap­pears, that the Jews and Heathens, who persecuted Christ, the Apostles and Prophets; the Papists, the Episcopalians, Pres­byterians, Independents, &c. who have been persecuting to Death about the things of the Kingdom of God and Christ, which are spiritual and Heavenly, have all done WRONG, and the Priests and Teachers of England (and other Nations) are greatly to be blamed, for putting the Magistrates on to per­secute about Faith and Worship towards God and Christ; and such Teachers as have so done, have greatly abused the Magistra­cy, as well as oppressed and destroyed many of the tender Peo­ple of God: And such Priests and Teachers, who (in this Age) have been (or are) officious or active in this wicked Work, God's Displeasure is great against them for these their Works of Darkness and Cruelty; and if they do not find a place of Un­feigned [Page 113]Repentance, and amend their Doings, they must drink deep Draughts of the Cup of God's fiery Indignation.

Christ saith, Whatsoever ye would that men should do unto you, do ye even so unto them; for this is the Law and the Prophets, Mat. 7.12. And as ye would that men should do unto you, do ye also to them likewise; for if you love those that love you, what Thank have you? for Sinners love those which love them—And if ye do good to them which do good to you, what Thank have you? for Sinners also do even the same, Luke 6. vers. 31, 32, 33. And the Apostle Paul saith, For all the Law is fulfilled in one word, even in this, THOU SHALT LOVE THY NEIGH­BOUR AS THY SELF, Gal 5.14. And the Apostle John saith, Whosoever hateth his Brother, is a Murderer, and ye know, no Murderer hath Eternal Life abiding in him, 1. Joh. 3.15. And [...]e saith, In this the Children of God are manifest, and the Chil­dren of the D [...]vil, whosoever doth not Righteousness, is not of God, neither he that loveth not his Brother, vers. 7.

J. C. by what is above written it doth plainly appear, that Persecution about Faith, Worship and Religion towards God and Christ, is absolutely contrary to the Command and Exam­ple of Christ, and also contrary to the Doctrine and Exam­ples of his holy Apostles. And it doth also appear, that Christ hath not appointed the Heathen, Jewish, Papist, Episcopal, Presbytery and Independant Priests, and their Informers and A­bettors, or any of them, to be the Reapers or Gatherers out of his Kingdom those things which do offend, or to gather the Wic­ked, which are as the Tares, nor to cast them into the Fire; nor is the Time yet come in which that Work is to be done, as Christ saith; for he saith, The Reapers are the Angels, and the Harvest is the End of THIS WORLD. Thus it appears plainly, that the False Prophets, Priests and Teachers, their Informers and Abettors, who have persecuted the true Christians through the several Ages of the World, have not therein been found in the Work of God. WHO IS LOVE, nor of CHRIST, who came not to destroy mens Lives, but to save them; BUT in the Work of him who is the Father of Lyes, and a Murderer, as Christ hath said: so it is high time for this Generation of men to give over [Page 104]these their Abominable Works to throw aside their carnal Wea­pon, by which they have warred and slain the Servants of God for their pure Obedience to him, which Christ and the Apostles never did, nor gave Precept or Example for. The Apostle said, We wrestle not against Flesh and Blood; our Weapons are not Car­nal, Ephes. 6.12. 2 Cor. 10.4. (therefore Spiritual) but migh­ty through God, to the pulling down of strong Holds, casting down Imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth it self against the Knowledge of God, and bringing into Captivity every Thought to the Obedience of Christ.

Oh! that the Persecuting Priests and People of England, and all Nations, would come into this Spiritual War, with the Spiritual Weapon, & by it bring down every high thing in them­selves] that exalteth it self against the Knowledge of [...]od: Oh! this would bring them to Peace with God, and to Peace, Love and Unity one with another: Oh! then would they be as the Garden of Eden unto the Lord, and as the pleasant Valleys that are spread by the Rivers, and bring forth Fruit abundantly, and as the good Trees by the Rivers of Water, which bring forth their Fruit in due season; but while they are joyned to the Ma­licious Spirit. which leads to persecute the Servants of Christ, they are as the Thorns and Bryars of the Forrest, and as the De­vouring Beasts, even as the Evening Wolves, and Foxes of the Desert or Wilderness,

Concerning the Soul of Man.

JOhn Cheyney, thou quarelst at G. Fox his words, where he saith something concerning the Soul, in his Book entituled, Great Mystery; thou and some others of thy quarrelling Bre­thren would insinuate, as though he did hold or affirm, That the Soul is God; but who reads his Treatise in the said Book upon that Subject without Prejudice, in the Fear and Love of God, such may see that he distinguisheth plainly between Christ, God and the Soul of Man, see Great Mystery. p. 91. where G. F. hath these words, viz. The Soul being in the Death, in Transgressi­on, so man's spirit there is not sanctified,— And the Soul is in [Page 105]Death.—Again in the same page, after he hath uttered seve­ral words in answer to the Priest about the Soul, he hath these words, viz. So the living of the Soul, and the spirit sanctified, that diligent hearkning is come to, where the Counsel of God is stood i [...], his Voice heard, his Hand felt, that the Soul comes up into, that comes from him, from God; that is living and immortal, and gives a Creature its feeling and sensibleness through things, and so the Covenant of God comes to be received, wherein the Soul lives. — In the same page he hath these Words, viz. Now where the Light is hated, that of God within transgressed that doth pertain to the Righteous Law of God, and answers it (there) the spirit of man is not sanctified, and man's Ʋnderstanding darkned, the higher Power is denyed, the Soul comes into Death, transgressing of the Law is known, the Winess buried, which should guide the mind, whereby the Soul should live in the diligent HEARKNING, thereby comes man to be defiled, and his spirit, and Body and Mind, whereby h [...] glorifies NOT God in his Body and Soul and Spirit. — Again in the same page thus, And every one that cometh into the World having a Light from Christ the second Adam the Bishop of their Souls; so every one being turned to the same Light, which Christ the second Adam hath enlightned them withal, they shall see the Bishop of their Souls, Christ the Power of God.—Again in the same page thus, So every man that cometh into the World, having a Light from Christ Jesus, the Way out of the Fall, the second Adam — Receiving the Light, they receive their Redemption and San­ctification, whereby their Spirits, Bodies and Souls are sanctified.

J. C. here G. F. speaks of the Soul of man in several States and Conditions; first, In Death, and Transgression. It is very certain that G. F. doth not believe, that God ever was or can be in Transgression; and therefore it is certain, that when he speaks of the Soul's being in Transgression, that therefore he doth not mean or intend, that God his Essence or Being, in any Measure or Part is in Transgression, or ever can be so.

Again he speaks of the Living of the Soul, and the spirit san­ctified, and saith, that diligent hearkning is come to, where the Counsel of God is stood in, his Voice heard, his Hand felt; that the Soul comes up into, where the Soul lives; note J.C. here he speaks of the Soul's living, and of its HEARKNING: It is evi­dent [Page 106]here, that G. F. doth not mean, intend, or believe, that God should hearken to himself, or that by not hearkning to him­self, that he should come into Transgression and Death; or that by hearkning he should be redeemed, or sanctified; for G. F. believes, that God is unchangeably Holy, without any Variati­on or Mutability.

Again, G. F. speaks of receiving God's Counsel and standing in it, by which the Soul comes to live. Now it is certain that G. F. believes not, that God could possibly go or act against his own Counsel, and so come into Transgression and Death; but it is clear that G. F. believes, that when God's Counsel is not stood in by man, who was made a living Soul, that then he goes into Transgression, and his Soul comes into Death; and this was fulfilled in the First Adam (who was made a living Soul) by his going out of the Counsel of God he became a Transgressor, and his Soul was brought into Death thereby: But as the Apostle saith, The second Adam was made a Quickning Spirit, which second Adam is Christ the promised Seed, which bruiseth the Head of him that first led man out of the Counsel of God, whereby his Soul was brought into Death; who believes in him who lighteth every one that cometh into the World, he raiseth the Soul out of Death, being the Captain of its Salvation and the Bishop of it.

Again, Soul being taken for Life, as sometimes it is; God is the Life of Lives, or great Original Soul of Souls, being that one Infinite Being, by which all other Beings in the Beginning of the Creation were brought forth; and by whose Word, Life and Power they exist, and are upheld: And G. F. speaking in answer to the Priests about the Soul, saith, God breathed into MAN the Breath of Life, and HE became a living Soul; for that which came out from God was the Cause that MAN became alive, A LIVING SOUL. Upon the afore cited words in Genesis, G. F. pag. 68. querieth of the Priests thus, And is not this of God? And God who hath all Souls in his Hand; here, and in this latter sense it doth appear, that G. F. takes that word Soul for Life, or that Breath by which Man lived, or was made a living Soul; and this Breath and Life, by which Man lived or became a living Soul IS OF GOD, thus G. F. and the Quakers believe; and also that this Breath or Life cannot transgress, or be in Transgression, [Page 107]though the Motions of it IN THE SOUL MAY be quenched, and it grieved; for so it is when man hearkens unto, and takes COUNSEL at the serpent, who first drew man from God's COUNSEL; and thus, as it is written, God is grieved with the Wicked every Day. His Displeasure or Grief is, because he would have Man to hearken to his Voice, and be saved, but Man; WILL NOT, as God complained of old, They rejected all my COUNSEL, and would have none of my REPROOF.

In this latter Sense taking the Soul for that Life, or Breath, by which Man lived, or became a Living SOUL, this, as G. F. saith (p. 68). is Infinite, which he must needs intend, as his own words do import, being taken in their own proper and ge­nuine Sense.

It appears in G. F's Controversie with the Priests about the Soul, that he takes up the Word SOUL, and speaks of it under three considerations, 1st, The Soul of Man in Transgression IN DEATH; 2dly, The Soul of Man in the Restoration IN LIFE, and 3dly he speaks of the Word SOƲL, as being that Breath or Life, which came forth from God, by which MAN LIVED or BECAME A LIVING SOUL, which Breath and Life is of God's Being, and Infinite, as I said before.

A Copy of a Letter from W. Penn to W. G. concerning John Cheyney.

Dear Friend,

THy Letters are alwayes very grateful to me, because of that serious and savoury Fellowship I have for many years had with thee; but the Occasion of thy last troubles me for the poor Man's sake, that under so much Pretence to Religion and Mortification, hath so strong a Prejudice, or blind Igno­rance, as to render me in my Oppositions to J. F. and T. H another thing then really I am. First, He is pleased to charge me with making God to be Reason, or rather Reason to be God; but he forgets, first, the Opinion of the Ancients, if I had [Page 108]done so; 2dly, That he does ill not to follow the Distinction of Good from False Reason, if such a thing be; 3dly, That my quoting of T. H's words, naming the very page, should be flung in my Face,to force me to contradict my own Asser­tion about Reason; but it is so mean a Cavil and groundless an Impeachment, that to point at my own Books makes Defence enough for me against his false Insinuations.

The next thing he layes to my Charge, that is by thee refer­red to in my Animadversion, is this, That I deny the Light in e­very man to be God: This he delivers in terminis out of my Book against J. Faldo; but it is just as if I should quote these words of David, The Fool hath said in his Heart, there is no God; thus, There is No God: Many are the Pages of my Books, in which I treated of that heavenly Subject, that vin­dicate me from any such Belief, particularly the very next page to that he quotes me in; but had I so asserted, I had been the Orthodox in his Judgment: therefore it is not urged by him in my Favour, but to evidence some Incoherence with my other Positions and the common Belief of my Friends. But he misseth the matter; for first, I do affirm, those words are not so laid down by any one of us, being J. Faldo's Consequence from G. F's words. 2dly, Since the Scriptures make a Difference betwixt the Measure and the Fulness, even when they speak of God and his Spirit (not that God, Christ or Holy Spirit can be measured) strictly and properly speaking) being Terms only used in Condis [...]ention to weak Capacities) We do not say that every man hath the Fulness, but a Measure of that Fulness in him. Now, that very Measure is truly God, I affirm, but not as a Measure, he being infinite and immeasurate; for this is the Absurdity most of our unskilful Enemies would unrighteously force us upon, and particularly the very Man in hand, That so many Me [...], of many Lights, and consequently so many Gods or Christs, if each Light be God or Christ, not considering, that the Spirit's many and divers Manisestations measurably in Men and Women do not multiply Spirits, nor are there so many Suns as there may be Lights in a House, when every Room is illuminated by the one Sun. To avoid this Absurd Consequence we say, it is of God, as a Beam or Ray of Light [Page 109]is of the Sun, lest they should vainly think that we arrogate the Fulness of the Godhead bodily to our selves; which were a Blasphemy, that might deserve as many hard words as the Man injustly casts upon us. Again, Though I know, that God is Omni­present, and be the Discovery he gives never so small, 'tis God th [...]t discovers himself; howbeit, the Life or Spirit of God manifests being but measurable, and re strained to our Capacity, we do not use to call it the Fulness; neither can the Discovery, Manifestation or Revelation be God, though it be a Disco­very, Manifestation or Revelation of and from God and by his holy Light or Spirit in the Conscience, man's Right Under­standing and Knowledge is not God, but a Gift or Act of God. And did that pretended Minister of Christ (pretended I may say; for I affirm, he is not commission'd from Heaven, but a Man-made Minister and a Hireling) study Christian-Charity as sincerely as he Pharisaically cryes Pecavi for his Sins against it, he would have rather improved what he may esteem which is good in our Writings, and made the best Constructions of the rest, then thus have put our Sayings on the Rack, and mis-re­present and us; but Envy and Malice (the Disease of the Man) have prevailed.

This I think enough to his Empty Exceptions; and for the rest, I am fully satisfied in the Sufficiency of thy sincere Labours. God has pleased to suffer several sorts of Tryals to encompass us; they will last but their proper season: Patience and Piety they triumph over them; Immortality will make a­mends for all. His pure Presence be with us now and forever, who is the blessed Light of men, the Consolation of Israel, our Lord and our God, worthy and blessed forever.

Thy Faithful Brother W. Penn.

Concerning Measure, or the Spirit Measurably given.

JOhn Cheyney, in thy Book entituled Quakerism Heresie, p. 11, & 7. thou cavillest against the People called Quakers, be­cause they use the Scripture word MEASURE.

Answ. Christ said, He whom God hath sent, speaketh the WORDS of God; for God giveth not the spirit by Measure unto him, see Joh. 3.34. By this it appears that Christ did distinguish be­twixt Measure and Fulness, and it is written, That it pleased the Father that the Fullness of the Godhead should dwell in the Son; and also it is written, That he was anointed with the Oyl of Gladness a­bove his Fellows. By this it appears, that his Fellows (or as he called them, his Brethren) had the Spirit measureably, and were anointed with it: The Apostle said, We will not boast of things with out our MEASURE, but according to the Measure of the RULE which God hath distributed to us, a Measure to reach unto you; for we do not STRETCH our selves beyond our MEASURE;— Not boasting of things without our MEASURE, that is of other Mens LABOURS;—Not to boast in other MENS LINE of things made READY TO OUR HAND, see 2 Cor. 10.13, 14, 15, 16.

J. C. by this it appears, that the Apostle did not esteem other Mens Labours nor their Line his [Rule] but the Life and Spirit of God, which is the Light of Men, was certainly his and the rest of the Holy Apostles RULE, by which they came to know God, and Christ, & their Duty unto God and Christ, and to all men; & to dotheir Duty and this is according to Christ's Promise unto his Disciples, who said, The spirit of Truth shall lead you into all Truth; & also said, God is a spirit, and they that worship him they must wor ship him in the spirit & in the Truth. The Spirit is that which was before the Scriptures, by which Men were made Holy before they gave them forth, and as it is written, the Apostles in the Gos­pel Dispensation, did not worship in the oldness of the Letter, but in the Newness of the Spirit, Rom. 7.6. And the Apostle said, Ʋnto every one of us is given Grace according to the MEA­SURE [Page 111] of the Gift of Christ;—And he gave some Apostles, and some Prophets, and some Evangelists, and some Pastors, and some Teachers, for the PERFECTING of the Saints, for the Work of the Ministry, &. see Ephes. 4.8, 11. And they were made able Ministers, NOT of the LETTÈR, but of the SPIRIT: Thus it evidently appears, that the Spirit of God and Christ was their Rule, and Guide into all Truth, and it was Measurably ma­nifest and given unto them according to the Good Pleasure of the Giver, and according to their several Capacities, and the several Services which God called them unto; and at this Christ pointed in the Parable, where he saith, There was given unto one five Ta­lents, and to another two Talents, and to another one Talent. And it is also said, The Manifestation of the spirit is given unto every one to profit withal. The People called Quakers do not divide God into Measures, Pieces and Shreds, as thou darkly and wickedly talkest, but they own God to be Indevisible, he cannot be divi­ded he is Onmipresent (or Present every where) yet he mea­surably manifests, or shews himself unto Man; this in short is in answer to thy vain Cavils about Measure.

Concerning Light and Darkness.

JOhn Cheyney, in thy Book entituled Quakerism Heresie, p. 24. thou chargest the Quakers, That they make the Light in every man, which the Scripture calls Darkness, to be God, and Christ and the Holy Ghost, &c.

Answ. This is a horrible Slander; God is Light, and in him is no Darkness at all; and Christ is the Light of the World, and in him is no Darkness, and this Light and no other do we hold to be God, Christ, the Holy Ghost, &c. and this is Sinless, Blameless and Undefiled; and Darkness hath no Communion or Fellow­ship with this Light.

J. C. in p. 20. thou quotest the Words of the Prophet Isaiah, To the Law and to the Testimony, if they speak not according to this Word, it is because there is no Light in them.

An. The Hebrew Word doth not say, No Light in them, but it saith, No Morning in them, as thou mayest read in the Margent [Page 112]of the Bible; when it is Morning the Day or Light doth encrease and shine forth in more and more Brightness and Clearness, as it is written in the Holy Scriptures, O Lord in thy Light we shall see Light; the Light of the Moon shall become as the Light of the Sun, and the Light of the Sun as the Light of seven Dayes: And also it is written, The Path of the Just is as a shining Light, which shines more and more unto the perfect Day. Christ as he was and is the E­ternal word that was in the beginning is the true Light, that light­eth every one that cometh into the World, according to John 1.4, [...]. he saith, I am the Light of the World [mark, of the World, not of the Saints only; for they are not of the World, as Christ said] but he is the Light of the World also, which lieth in Wickedness; by his Light they may see their Wickedness, and believing in it they may be led thereby to repent of it and forsake it, and know the Forgiveness of that which is past, and Dominion over Sin and the Devil, that is the Author of it: But if they believe not in the Light but hate it, then they walk in Darkness, and know not swhither they go, because Darkness hath blinded their Eyes, as [...]aith the Apostle Iohn in his 1st Epistle chap. 2. ver. 11. We be­ieve that a man may grow so old in Rebellion-against God that his mind may be darkned and blinded, and he may be so in, and under the Dominion of the Power of Darkness, as that he may have no Benefit by the Light, such were the Apostates which Iude speaks of in his Epistle thus, Clouds they are without Water carried of winds, Trees whose Fruit withereth, without Fruit, twice dead plucked up by the Roots, raging Waves of the Sea, foaming out their own Shame, wandering Stars, to whom is reserved the Black­ness of Darkness forever; further, Thus saith the Lord, concern­ing th e Prophets that make my People err, that bite with their Teeth, and cry Peace, and he that putteth not into their Mouths they even prepare War against him, therefore Night shall be unto you that ye shall not have a Vision [mark, not have a Vision, that is, not to have a Sight, [or not to see; for a Vision is a Sight] and it shall be dark unto you that ye shall not divine, and the Sun shall go down over the Prophets, and the Day shall be dark unto them, see Micah 3.5, 6. Mark J. C. these that Iude speaks of, they had Fruit, but their Fruit was withered, they were Trees twice dead, Mankind in general once dead in Adam in the Fall, but these had [Page 113]been quickned by Christ, and tasted of the Heavenly Gift, and of the Power of the World without end, and these had Light once, and were in it, but they fell away, and God ceased to strive with them for their Recovery and Restoration; for he saith, My Spirit shall not alwayes strive with man, and Wo unto man when God ceaseth to strive with him for his Recovery, such are sealed up under Darkness to the Judgment of the great Day, as Iude saith: Balaam was once a true Prophet, who saw the Star of Iacob and said, How goodly are thy Tents Oh Jacob, and thy Habitations Oh Israel, &c. but he erred and fell from the Power of the Lord, by which he was made a true Prophet; he taught Balack to cast stumbling Blocks before the Children of Israel. A­gainst the false Prophets, such as Balaam, &c. the Lord spake by the Mouth of the true Prophet Micah, Thus saith the Lord con­cerning the Prophets that make my People err, Night shall be unto you that you shall not have a Vision, the Day shall be dark over them. Now take notice, Night shall be, and the Day shall be dark over them, this shews they had Light or a Day before Darkness came upon them.

Concerning Vision or Revelation.

JOhn Cheyney, in page 243 of Sermons of Hypocrisie thou sayest, There is no Ground at all to look for Visions and Extraordina­ry Wayes of Revelation used of old.

Answ. Where there is no Vision the People perish, see Prov 29.18. and as I said before, Vision is a Sight, and as it is written The pure in Heart shall see God, and Christ saith, No man knows the Father but the Son, and he to whomsoever the Son will reveal him; to reveal is to make man see that which he has not seen, thus Paul came to see and know Christ to be revealed in him; No man knows the things of God but the Spirit of God, as it is written, and that searcheth all things, yea, the deep things of God: Man who believes in this, it reveals the things of God unto him, by this he seeth God to be near at hand, mighty to save by the Re­velation. Discovery, Vision or Sight, which the Holy Spirit of God gave. Paul was made an Apostle, and in this Spirit stood [Page 114]his Gospel. Testimony; the Gospel he preached was not after man; he received it not from Man, but by the Revelation of Je­sus Christ. J. C. it is p ssible thou mayest talk as some others of thy Brethren have done, that The Scriptures are the revealed Will of God unto you.

Answ. To have a matter or thing revealed, is to have a true Sight & Knowledge of the Matter or thing; the Scriptures were given forth by the Holy Men by the Inspi [...]ation, Revelation, Discovery or Sight of those things which God gave unto them to write & speak unto the People, & the Scriptures so given forth do not stand open, known or revealed unto any, but those who come to & believe in the same Spirit, by which the Holy Men gave them forth; for the Jews that put Christ to Death they [...]ad the Scriptures of Moses and the Prophets, who prophesied, & testi­fied of Christ, and by the Scriptures they could tell the Place where he was to be born, and yet they knew not him, but put him to death as a Deceiver; and he told them, They neither knew the Scriptures nor the Power of God; so then the Scriptures were not revealed unto them, neither are they revealed to thee & thy Brethren the Priests, who are in such a Labourynth and great Confusion about them, one saying. It means this, another saying, It means that, and a Third saying, It neither means this nor that, One will have it for Popery against Episcopacy, Episcopacy will have it against Popery, and Presbytery will have it against Episco­pacy and Popery too, and another will have it for Ind [...]pendancy a­gainst all Three; and divers other sorts of men there be, who will plead Scripture against all these, for their Wayes. Now if the Scriptures were revealed to you, then you would have a Right Understanding of them, and you would be of one Mind concer­ning them and their Meanings, but the contrary is notoriously manifest; so that it appears plainly, you are in Babylon spiritual­ly so called; for what one Man builds, another throws down, and very often, that which several of you build, your selves throw down again, as thou hast done in thy Work against the Light within, and the People of God. The Apostle speaking of the Jews who did not believe in Christ, Even to this Day when Mo­ses is read the Vail is upon their Heart, nevertheless when [It] shall turn to the Lord, the Vail shall be taken away,—Which Vail is done away in Christ, see 2 Cor. 3.

J. C. here thou mayest see, that the Jews had not the Scrip­tures revealed to them, who did not come to Christ the true Light; but they that came to him, had the vail taken away in him and by him; and if you will believe in the Light, wherewith Christ lighteth you, then Christ will take the vail off your hearts, which yet remains on in reading Moses, the Prophets, Christ's and the Apostles Words; but if you do not come to believe in and obey the Light, or Spirit of God and Christ, you will re­main in Darkness, contending and jangling about the Meanings of the Scriptures, and hating and persecuting those that are come to Christ the Life and Substance, in whom they have the Scrip­tures revealed unto them, having the Benefit and Comfort of them; so to you that are out of the Life, Spirit, Light and Pow­er of God and Christ, the Scriptures are as a Book sealed from you with the perfect number of Seals, which is [in Part] that which John points at in the Revelations, where he saith, I saw a Book sealed on the back side with seven Seals; and John saw none in Heaven or Earth found worthy to loose the Seals, and to look thereon, and he said, I wept sore, and one of the Elders said unto me, weep not, behold, the Lyon of the Tribe of Judah, the Root of David hath prevailed to open the Book, and to loose the seven Seals thereof, Rev. 5.5.

J. C. Sermons of Hypocrisie, p. 244. thou sayest, To the spi­ritual, holy and saving Belief and Ʋnderstanding of the Scrip­tures there is requisite and necessary the special Illumination and Ʋnction of God's Spirit: And in Quakerism subverted, p. 29. thou sayest, The Spirit of God [only] can open the Eyes of our Minds to understand the Scriptures, and to cure us of our Blind­ness.

Well confessed J. C. these two Testimonies of thine concern­ing the Spirit of God are owned by the Qaakers, and I would be glad for thine own sake if thou wert in a true sense of what thou hast said. Thus much in short concerning Vision and Revelati­on to shew thee that there is need to have it as in dayes of old.

Divers Questions Answered.

JOhn Cheyney, in thy Quakerism Subverted, pag. 12. thou queriest, How shall we know Satan, when he transforms himself, &c. and the False Apostle from the True?

Answ. By the Spirit of God; for that searcheth all things, yea, the deep things of God: By it the Apostles knew Simon to be a Sorcerer, and by it his Witchcraft and Sorcery was judged and confo [...]nded; and by it the Apostle Paul knew Elimas to be a Sorcerer, and by it he was judged and con­founded; and by this holy Spirit, Light or Union the Saints knew all things, as the Apostle saith, But ye have an Ʋnction from the Holy One, and ye know ALL THINGS, 1 John 2.20. but the Anointing which ye have received of him abideth in you, and ye need not that any man teach you, but as the same Anointing teacheth you of ALL THINGS, and is Truth and is no Lye; and even as it hath taught you ye shall abide in him, ver. 27. And the Apostle saith, Whatsoever is reproved is made manifest by the Light; and Satan is not true Light, nor ever will, and when he trans­forms himself he playes the Painter and Cheat, and so hath chea­ted thee and many others, who hate the Light, wherewith Christ lighteth every one that cometh into the World; but the Light, Spirit and Unction makes him manifest, as I said before, and judgeth him and confounds him and all his Agents.

In the same page thou queriest how W. P. and his Adherents will prove Paganism to be a false Religion; Mahomet to be a De­ceiver, or Christ to be the true Christ, or Satan to be the great de­stroyer of Souls?

Answ. By the Spirit, Light and Unction of God, as afore­said; by this the true Prophets and Apostles proved, or tryed the false Prophets and Teachers, and their false Religions, and without this we can do nothing; but the Apostle said to the Saints, Ye know all Things; this all things we must understand to be all things that were needful for them to know, but it was needful for them and is for us to know Satan to be Satan, that we may avoid him; and it is needful for us to know Pagars and Mahomet's Religion to be false, because they are false, and [Page 113]God would not have us to be deceived by them; and it is need­ful for us to know Christ to be Christ, that we may believe in him, and have Salvation by him, thus I have briefly, yet fully, answered thy Questions.

In the same page J. C. saith, The Scriptures never deceived a­ny, though many have been deceived both before the Scriptures were writ and since, yet God [who is a Spirit and Light] and the Scrip­tures are utterly blameless.

Well said J. C. and I say, many have been deceived, even to comit Sin, and so to Destruction, but the Light and Spirit within never so deceived any, and I agree with thee, that God and the Scriptures are blameless.

J. C. in his Book entituled Quakerism subv. p. 3. saith, I pro­test against any whomsoever, not privy to my Secrets, that shall take upon him to know my Heart better then my self, and to condemn me.

An. J. C. in thy Book entituled Call to Prayer, p. 105. thou judgest the Groanings, Breathings and Cries of the Quakers Souls & deridest or scoffest at them, for this thy wicked unchari­table, unchristian Censure I testifie against thee, on the Behalf of those People whose Sighs and Groans thou in thy Envious Mind judgest; thou art a stranger from and Enemy to that pure Spirit of God and Christ, by which true Breathings, Groans and Cries are begotten in them to God; thy Fruits of Lyes, Confusion and Envy doth make thee manifest.

J. C. in thy railing Premonition to Hypocritical Sermons, or Sermons of Hypocrisie, p. 10. thou sayest, that Quakerism in its first Rise was diabolical in many, which in English is devilish, but now there is less of the wild frantick spirit, and the worldly selfish spirit is more gross, &c.

Answ. Herein thy Malice, Bitterness and Blasphemy is ma­nifest; that which made us to Quake at the first, we still own and live in, which is the Eternal Power of God, which made Moses, David, Habakkuk and the Apostle Paul and many others quake or tremble, as is according to the Scriptures of Truth, and as I have shewed before: For this thy Ungodly and Unchrist-like, and Blasphemous Charge and Slanderd protest or witness against thee, on the behalf of the People called Quakers.

J. C. thou sayest, Thou wouldst know of the Quakers why the Light within doth not teach all things, and bring us all to Heaven, Quak. Here. p. 22.

An. The Life of God, which is the Light of [and in] Men if you would believe in it while the day of your Visitation lasts, it would bring thee & all men to Heaven; Christ said, This is the Condem­nation, that Light is come into the World, and Men love Darkness rather then Light, because their Deeds are Evil: Every one that doth Evil hateth the Light, and will not bring his Deeds to the Light, lest they should be reproved. And Christ the Light of the World said unto the World that lay in Wickedness, Ye will not come to me that ye might have Life. And the Apostle said, Whatsoever is reproved, is made manifest by the Light; the Apostle John saith, God is Light, and in him is no Darkness at all.

J. C. in thy Book entituled Quakerism subverted, p. 28. thou sayest to the Quakers, You will say it is no Fault of the Light with­in, if men sin: And thou sayest to them, Prove what you say; and in the same Line thou sayest, It is no Fault of God, nor of Christ, nor of the spirit, nor Scriptures, all these are Blameless.

Answ. The Quakers say, The Life of God, which is the Light of and in men, is in no Fault when men commit Sin, as is largely proved in the Beginning of this Book; and thou hast proved the Light within to be without Fault when men sin; thou sayest, it is no Fault of God, nor of Christ, nor of the Spirit, and we never preacht any other Light for Salvation, but God who is a Spirit, and Christ who is the express Image or Character of his Substance, and Brightness of his Glory, who is the second Adam, who is made a quickning Spirit, as saith the Apostle; so that which thou hast confest, That God, Christ and the Spirit are blameless when Men sin, thou hast overthrown thy whole Work against the Light within.

J. C. in p. 26. thou bidst W. P. examine himself (& thou sayest) I do not say the Spirit moves m [...], but my Reason prompts me to it.

Answ. Herein thou shewest thy Folly, Presumption and Hard-heartedness, in mocking at the Spirit of God, and exalting thy Reason to be the moving or principal Cause of thy bidding W. P. try himself; thou hast confessed elsewhere, That we can do no good work without the special help of God's Spirit, see Call to Prayer, p. 20. so if thou wouldst have had thy Words to W. P. accounted a good Work, thou shouldst have spoken to him in the Motion of the Spirit, according to thy own Principle; but thou manifest shy prophane Spirit in scoffing at the Spirit of God: [Page 119]Thou professest the Scriptures to be thy Rule, but thou art never able to prove by them that any of the true Prophets or Apostles did mock at the Spirit of God, or that they said, they did not say that the Spirit moved them when they did speak to any Person a­bout the things of God's Kingdom, nor that they said their Reason prompts them. Thou wouldst falsly insinuate against W. P. that he holds, That Reason is God, or God is Reason; but dost not thou make that which thou callst thy Reason, to be thy God? seeing thou mockst at the Spirit of God, and sayest, Thy Reason prompt thee to speak. I say, it is the Spirit of God which ONLY gives the Knowledge of the Things of God, and that is it which the Holy Prophets & Apostles were moved by in all things which did relate to God's Kingdom, and that Spirit and no other do we own to be led by to speak do or act in the things that do belong unto the Kingdom of God and Christ, whose Kingdom is spiritual.

J. C. thou sayest, The Spirit of God only can open the Eyes of our Minds to undrstand the Scriptures, and to cure us of our Blind­ness, see Quakerism. subverted, p. 29. In p. 36. thou sayest, If Scriptures go, farewel God, and Heaven, &c.

Answ. God and Heaven were before the Scriptures, yea, and Holy Men were before the Holy Scriptures, as I have shewed before, and God is not upheld by any Creature, but by his own Power, by which he created all things, and by it the Crea­tion is upheld; and God is infinite, from Everlasting to Ever­lasting, without Mutation or Change: And though wicked men might destroy the Scriptures, as they did the Prophet Ieremiah's Roll, yet God remains, who caused Ieremiah to write a new Roll after the wicked had burnt one, And Jeremiah writ all the Words that were in the first Roll in the latter, see Jer. 36.22, 23, 28, 32. And God is where the Scriptures or Outward Writing is not: So thou talkst ignorantly in this matter, as in the rest of thy confused Work.

J. C. in thy Book Call to Prayer, p. 110. thou boastest of some that were Quakers, and were troubled in Conscience, and that they could not ease their Souls, but by returning to you, and that they are now envyed by the Quakers; and thou sayest, The Qua­kers know thou sayest the Truth.

Answ. Those thou in Scorn callst Quakers know thou speakst [Page 120]an Untruth, or a Lye in this matter; for the true Christians cal­led Quakers hate no man upon the face of the Earth, but love their Enemies, according to Christ's Command.

And as to thy boast of some turned from the Quakers to you, if some such there be they will have Cause to repent of it, and I wish they may come to true Repentance before it be too late; and as to the Peace they have among you, it being in Sin, as you say, you are all miserable Sinners, this Peace is not the Peace of God, and therefore God will break it. What if some that have been called Quakers be come amongst you? thou dost not tell us the Number, they are so very few: There went a Judas out from amongst the Twelve; and some that had tasted of the Hea­venly Gift, and of the Power of that world that is Without End, they afterwards fell away; those who have known Cleansing and Washing in Measure, turned with the Dog and Swine to the Vomit and Mire again; and the Apostle speaks of such, who went out from the true Church, who were not of it; For, saith he, if they had been of us, no doubt they would have continued with us, &c. Your Way is a broad Way; therfore many chuse it.

John Cheyney's Testimony concerning his Church.

IN thy Sermons of Hypocrisie, p. 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19. thou setst forth thy Church, and shewest what aleprous spot­ted Church it is, thus, I might begin at home with us in the Mini­stry: In page 14. thou sayest, Oh what deceitful handling of God's Word is there! Man-pleasing and Time serving, Treache­rous, Hypocritical Ministers, &c. are there up and down the Chri­stian World, that should watch over the Flock of Christ, and we starve and famish them; we will neither do the Lord's Work our selves, nor suffer others quietly that would; we neither preach well nor live well, we are a great many of us, page 15. plain Ha­ters of Holiness and true Piety, &c.— Ah poor Churches— and Congregations,—that have Pastors set over them, which in Name are Pastors and Ministers of Christ, but in Heart are very Traytors, and do the Devil the gratest Service—But this is not a Place or Season for Reproof of them, though I know no just [Page 121]Offence that thus much can give to any side; p. 16. thou sayest, The far greater Number of Parents, God-fathers and God mo­thers serve the Devil, please and live to the Flesh, and commit I­dolatry with the World.

So in the Lord's Supper, what a great deal of Hypocrisie is com­mitted here by Pastors and People, especially in Congregations where all are promiscuously admitted, and no Hedge or Bar made, but the Sacrament is made a Waste or Common, p. 17. where all the Swine and Hogs in the Parish may come that will, this is the Ministers Fault, &c.—Thou sayest, The People do eat and drink Bread and Wine in Hypocrisie and meer Form, without the Power of Godliness: So in our Closets and Families and Congrega­tions, how much Hypocrisie is—p. 18. Committed by the Gene­rallity of baptized professing Christians? They pray, Our Father, which art in Heaven, when Satan is their Father, and they le [...]d most Worldly and Ʋnheavenly Lives; Thy Kingdom come, when they will by no means suffer Christ to reign in them, and rule over them; Thy Will be done on Earth, as it is in Heaven, when they live after their own Wills and Lusts, and not after the Will of God; and so in all their rest they contradict their Prayers by a licentious Life, and by all manner of Deeds of Wickedness: And so when the reed is repeated, I believe in God the Father, Son and Holy Ghost, this is but a Lye, and a meer mock profession; they be Infidel Hypocrites at the Heart: When the Common-Prayer is performed what abundance of Hypocrisie is committed!—Grant that we may lead Godly, Righteous and Sober Lives, when they never mean as they speak: O God the Father of Heaven, have Mercy upon us Miserable Sinners, &c. p. 19. when they do utterly refuse the Grace & Mercy of God to their Souls, and do but in Hypocrisie and Complement pronounce these Holy Prayers to God, as though God were but some Idol or Man of straw, &c. And so when the Commandments are repeated, Incline our Hearts to keep this Law, it is all but detestable Hypocrisie; they obey the Laws of the Flesh, and are willingly slaves of Satan, and hate the holy and pure Laws of God.

J. C. all this thou sayest of thy own Church, and much more of this kind, which being true, the Quakers and all serious Peo­ple have good Cause to separate from you. The Command of [Page 122]God is, Come ye out from amongst them, and touch no unclean thing, and I will receive you, and ye shall be my Sons and Daugh­ters, saith the Lord God Almighty. It is not like that any should be bettered by turning to thee and thy Company, seeing that you are so leprous and soul.

J. C. Rebuked for reporting a Slander.

JOhn Cheyney, in thy Sermons of Hypocrisie, pag. 176. thou tellest a Story of a Man which dyed at Westchester, who was once a Quaker, as thou wast told, and as Report went, who at­tempted to fast Forty Dayes, and after some three or four dayes his Fast turned into a continual unsatiable Hunger, and he eat all sorts of Raw Meat.

Answ. This Person called the Great Eater, that dyed at West­chester, never was a Quaker, or so accounted by his Neighbours that knew him, as doth plainly appear by the following Certifi­cate. It doth appear that thou art given up to believe Lyes a­gainst the Quakers, and to publish them in Print, and thereby manifests thy self to be one of Satan's Incendiaries, who corruptest Peoples Minds with Lyes.


WE of the Inhabitants of the Parish and Burrough of Westbury, whose Names are hereunto subscribed, do declare and testifie unto all People where ever this may come, or whom it may concern; That whereas one Joseph Bourn, late of our Parish of Westbury aforesaid, where he was born, and from his Childhood bred (after years of Understanding) to the Trade of a Taylor, who now travails the Country begging, and is become such a great Eater, not less then a Wonder to most sorts of People where-ever he comes. Now, forasmuch as we understand, that he is in some Countries by some taken to be a Quaker, and that he had formerly had some Estate, and that by leaving his Business, and going amongst the Quakers, is now impared; We do, as a Testimony signed by us, signifie un­to [Page 123]all, That He, the said Joseph Bourn, was never any Quaker, nor otherwise a Professor of any Religion, neither was he, that ever we heard of, at any Quakers Meeting, or held their Te­nents; nor had he ever any Estate of his own, as we perceive by some has been supposed; but being from his Youth an Idle Boy, has so lived until this came on him: The Truth of which is very well known to us his Neighbours and Relations, who have hereunto subscribed the 28th day of April, 1675. Ni­cholas Clift Mayor, John Edwards Church warden, John Par­ker Overseer, Edward Wilkins Constable, Roger Cater, Sa­muel Gibbs, Tho. Edwards, W. Elkins, John Norway, Thomas Phipps, Zach. Baley, Giles Adlam, James Blatch, Stephen Blatch.

We have many other Certificates to the same purpose, both from our Friends at Westbury, and from divers others of the West Parts of the Nation, too many here particularly to insert; which if any make further doubt of, we shall be ready to pro­duce; at present judging this sufficient for the removing and re­proving this notorious Lye and Lyar.

Concerning the Fasting of the People of God.

IN the same page thou talkest of one in the Neighbourhood who attempted to fast and is now dead.

Answ. The People of God, under both Law and Gospel, were sometimes exercised in Fasting, as I have shewed before, and was accepted by him in their Fasting; and such who so fasted, are dead, or have put off the Earthly Tabernacle; but we neither read nor believe, that their Fasting was the Cause of their Death, or that they were famished by Fasting: But we believe what Christ hath said, Man shall not live by Bread alone, but by every Word that proceeds out of the Mouth of the Lord. Neh. 9.1. Now in the 24th day of this moneth the Children of Israel were assembled with Fasting and Sack-cloth, &c. Psal. 35.13. David said, I hum­bled my Soul with Fasting, &c.—Again, Psal. 69.10, 11, 12. [Page 124] When I wept, and chastened my Soul with Fasting, that was to my Reproach: I made Sack cloth also my Garment; and I became a Proverb to them: They that sate in the Gate spake against me; and I was the Song of the Drunkards—Again, Psal. 109.24, 25. My Knees are weak through Fasting, my Flesh faileth of Fatness, I became also a Reproach; when they locked upon me, they shaked their Heads. Ezra 8.23. So we fasted, and besought our God for this, and he was entreated of us. And the Prophet Daniel said, (Dan. 9.3.) I set my Face unto the Lord God, to s [...]ck by Prayer and Supplications, with Fasting, and Sack-cloth and Ashes. Joel 2.12. Therefore also now, saith the Lord, turn ye even to me with all your Heart, and with Fasting, with Weeping and with Mourning. And Jesus said concerning the dumb soul spirit, Mark 9.29. This kind can come forth by nothing but by Prayer and Fasting. Acts 14.23. And when they had ordained them Elders in every Church, and had prayed with Fasting, they commended them to the Lord, on whom they had be­lieved. 2 Cor. 6.4, 5. the Apostle Paul saith, But in all things approving our selves as the Ministers of God, in much Patience, in Afflictions, in Necessities, in Distresses, in Stripts, in Impri­sonments, in Tumults, in Labours, in Watchings, in Fastings. Again, Chap. 11. Vers. 27. In Weariness, in Painfulness, in Watching often, in Hunger and Thirst, in Fastings often, in Cold and Nakedness.

J. C. here is a Cloud of Witnesses for Fasting, both under Law and Gospel; these did not tempt God in their Fasting, as thou and thy Brethren would wickedly insinuate the Quakers do; but however thou in thy Voluntary Humility and Will Worship mayest mortifie thy self, yet thy Brethren the Priests generally (or for the most part) love their Bellies well, they do not care for Fasting: And when thou hast been written or spoken to by some of the Servants of the Lord concerning Fasting, thou hast railed and judged it to be Tempting of God. [...]o it appears, thou dost not love nor own Fasting, which the Apostles of Christ were often in, as I have shewed.

And that One in the Neighbourhood thou talkest of, did not Dye in his Fast; thou must Dye though thou never Fast. This in short concerning Fasting, by which thy Ignorance is manifested, and thy Envy reproved.

Some of John Cheyney's many Contradictions to himself about Light and Darkness.

IOhn Cheyney saith in Quakerism Subverted, pag. 17. God's Essence (or Being) is unconfined, it fills Heaven and Earth. And in page 10 he confesses, God is Light and Omnipresent, and so both within Man and without him.

Observe, Reader, Herein J. C. saith the Truth.

Pag. 13. J. C. saith; We are sure, that there is not anything at all in every Man, nor in any Man, that is or can be God.

Observe again, Herein he flatly contradicts what he said be­fore; for God being Omnipresent, his Essence (or being) unli­mited or unconfined, he Light, both within Man and without Man, is therefore in Man.

Pag. 14. Observe further, J. C. saith, That can't be true which no man's Heart will give him leave to affirm; but no man's Heart will give him leave to affirm, that there is in him a certain Light, that is God, the Maker of all things: If any should say it, he is rather to be counted a Monster then a Man.

Observe, J. Cheyney hath (as before is cited) affirmed, That God's Essence (or being) is unconfined, it fills Heaven and Earth, his Essence is no more in one place then in another: And confesses, God is Light, and Omnipresent, and so both within man and with­out him. Herein his Heart hath given him leave (as he phrases it) to speak the Truth, and this speaking of the Truth doth not ren­der him a Monster, and No Man (as his Phrase also is.)

Pag. 15. Note further, that J. C. quotes 2 Cor. 13.5. which proves, that Christ is in the Saints; he quotes Isaiah 57.15 where its said, God dwells with those that are of an Humble and Contrite Spirit. And in the same page he grants Christ to be God. And in Vers. 16, 17. he grants, That Christ and God dwells in the Saints.

But in flat Contradiction to all this (pag. 13.) he plainly saith, That there is not any thing at all in every man, nor in any man that is or can be God.

Sermons of Hypocrisie, pag. 233. J. C. saith, The Light is [Page 126]in all men, and it is from God, and it is good; it is the Excellency of Man, as such, compared with Bruits; the vilest Man by rea­son of this is of more price then all the World; its this that makes the Soul of Man to be superlatively precious.

Pag. 234. J. C. saith, There is not, nor ever was, nor ever shall be any Sin committed by any Man or Devil, but the Light within hath a principal Hand in it, and is peccant, and truly charg­able before God.

Quakerism Heresi [...], pag. 22. J. C. chargeth the Light, and saith, Its a Rebel and Traytor against God, and the Author of all the Sin that is in the World and the culpable Cause of the utter Perdition of Men and Devils.

Observe Reader, that these his two Charges against the Light are absolutely contradictory to his affirming it to be good, as be­fore ci [...]ed, for its utterly impossible that that which is good [mark, that which is good] should have the principal Hand in all the Sins of Men and Devils, and be the Author of all the Sin in the World, and so of the utter Perdition of Men and Devils. This is not only contradictory to himself, but horribly Blasphemous against God, whom he confesses to be Light, and WITHIN MAN, see pag. 10. of the same Book. And I affirm, that this his Charge against the Light is Blasphemy against the Life of God, which is the Light of Men, see John 1.4.9.

Call to Praeyer, pag. 118. J. C. saith, I'le till what keeps me from Prayer, When my Consciences and the LIGHT WITHIN moves me to Prayer, my Sloath and Laziness, &c.

Observe Reader, He grants the Light Within moves him to pray; and grants, his Sloath and Laziness keeps him from it. By these words he justifies the Light, and condemns himself; but if the Light were so bad as he renders it before, as being guilty of all the Sin in the World (which none is guilty of but the DEVIL HIMSELF) then his Prayers were not likely to be acceptable to God. But we own his former Confession to the Light (to wit) That it is Good, and that it moves to pray (un­to God (acceptably) and also, that Sloath and Laziness may and doth hinder him and such as he is.

And in pag. 119. he grants, that the Light within may move to pray.

But in pag. 117. he saith, I dare say, let the Light within a­lone, say nothing to it, it shall never move any Quaker or Ʋngodly Soul to pray till Death, or the Flames of Hell awaken them.

Observe Reader, that this latter, wherein he saith, The Light Within will never move to pray till Death, or the Flames of Hell shall awaken, is a flat Contradiction to his saying, it moved him to pray, and it may move to pray, &c. and I say, this is Blas­phemy against the Life of God, which is the Light of men.

In pag. 119. J. C. saith, In all Impenitent Ones Darkness is stronger then the Light; for though the Light Within may move, it will be but a weak Motion; and the Motion of the DARK­NESS, or Fleshly Part, will OVERCOME and DROWN the LIGHT, and bring it UNDER, &c.

Observe, Reader, in the before cited words J. C. grants, that the Light may move (to PRAYER) but the DARK­NESS being STRONGER then it, the Darkness or fleshly part will Drown and Overcome the Light. By this he distinguishes BETWEEN the Light and the Darkness, and shews a WAR or OPPOSITION between them. In distinguishing between them as Light and Darkness (IN OPPOSITION) he hath said well, though in flat Contradiction to himself, as through di­vers parts of his Books may be seen, where he calls the Light Darkness, and confounds Light and Darkness together, as being one; for in pag. 247. of Sermons of Hypocrisie, he saith, The Light within till Regeneration, is Darkness, &c. also in page 236. he calls it Darkness; and in the next page saith, Its a sinful, de­filed, self destroying Light. This his Distinction is an absolute Overthrow to all his whole Work against the Light within.

Reader, observe, J. C's Distinction between Light and Dark­ness (as being in WAR or OPPOSITION) we own. and al­so that the Light moves to pray, and that Sloath and Laziness doth hinder those that give way thereto: We also say, that the who hates the Light, and loves Darkness, may have more Ac­quaintance with the strength of Darkness, then with the strength of the Light, yet is the Life of God, which is the Light of Men, stronger then the Darkness; and they who love the Light, and walk therein, know it to be so, as the Apostle said, Greater is He that is in us, then he that is in the World, by whom we overcome them, to wit, the World.

But Reader, consider; why should J. C. be so UNCHA­RITABLE in sensuring the Light, as being guilty of all the Sin in the World, &c. seeing he confesses it moves to Prayer, and opposes the DARKNESS? And if that were true that he saith of the Light (to wit) That the Darkness brings it under, yet still he grants an OPPOSITION and a WAR between them; so that it is not by the Light's CHOICE, WILL and CON­SENT, to and with the Darkness, that it is brought under; for he saith, its OVERCOME & DROWNED by the DARK­NESS. And admit the thing were as he saith, why should the Light Within be CHARGED with all the Sin in the World, seeing it WARS AGAINST THE DARKNESS, and doth what it can (in J. C's sense) seeing it is the Darkness that O­VERCOMES and DROWNS it (as he phrases it) Thus it appears, that the Power of Darkness is originally guilty of all the Sin in the World, and that the Light is clear from being guilty of ANY SIN.

Oh, Self conceited J. C! how hast thou confounded and contradicted thy self in fighting against the Light? thou art fallen in the Pit thou hast digged, and the Net that thou hast said hath taken thy own Feet.

A Catalogue of some of the many Lyes which J. Cheyney hath published in Print against the People of God called Quakers.

Lye 1. IN his Book entituled, Sermons of Hypocrisie, pag. 177. he saith, The Quakers cry down Human Learning and Schools of Education. This is a Notorious Lye; for the contrary is well known by our Practice in this Nation and elsewhere.

Lye 2. He saith, Our Servants and Children are untaught, which he mentions twice over.

Lye 3 He saith, Our Families are such as call not upon the Name of the Lord.

Lye 4. He saith, We are a Prayerless People. Which Lye he mentions in four several pages, p. 111, & 97, & 89. also Call to Prayer p. 118.

Lye 5. He saith, Prayerless Families they are, they do not wor­ship God in their Families, p. 108. of the aforesaid Book.

Lye 6. He saith, In many Years we have not performed to God One Holy Solemn Prayer, nor spent half an Hour in Communion with God, Call to Prayer, p. 98. A horrid deep died Lye.

Lye 7. He saith, We do not pray with the sick, nor one with an­other, Call to Prayer, p. 111.

After he hath told these manifold Lyes against us concerning Prayer, he saith, I dare appeal to the Quakers, if in many Years time they have had one such Motion to Prayer, as they take to be a Warrantable Motion, Call to Prayer, p. 115.

Answ. I say, we have had many warrantable Motions to pray unto God, and do pray unto him dayly, Everlasting Glory and Praise be unto him; for he is worthy, and therefore thou hast notoriously and abominably be lyed us, in saying, we have not performed one Holy, Solemn Prayer to God in many Years.

Lye 8. He saith, The Quakers condemn all before them, Ser. of Hyp. p. 158.

Lye 9. He saith, The Quakers say, till their time all were in Darkness.

These are horrible Lyes; for we own all the Holy Prophets and Apostles, and all the Holy Men and Women from the Dayes of Righteous Abel unto this Day; and the Life of God that lighteth every man that cometh into the World, was their Light and is ours.

Lye 10. He saith, There is no Doctrine so vile and blasphemous, no Practice so odious and lewd, but that the Quakers wrest the Scriptures, and make them the Patrons of their Impieties, p. 8. of his Premonition to Sermons of Hypocrisie.

J. C. by these thy horrible Lyes it doth appear, that thou hast conceived a Brat, that the Father of Lyes hath begotten in thee, which Brat is Heir of the Vengeance of God: Oh that thou mayest come to know it cast out, and thy Soul saved through the Judgments and Mercies of God.

Lye 11. J. C. chargeth the Quakers, That their Conversation [Page 130]differs from all the true People of God,—And he saith, They are Hypocritical Infidels,—And That they subvert the Scriptures, and all true Religion, p. 5, 6.

Lye 12. He saith, The Quakers in Effect are Separatists from all that ever have been before them, Serm. of Hyp. p. 156.

Lye 13. He saith, We do in Effect condemn all Christ's Mar­tyrs, p. 160.

He saith, The Quakers take down God, and Christ, and the spi­rit, and the Ministry, and Ordinances, and Saints, and Churches, and they erect a new Kingdom, and a new God, and Christ, and a new Spirit, a new Scripture, new Laws and Ordinances, page 175.

Note, This particular Charge, as J. C hath divided the matter, hath in it, 9 Lyes at least, which makes up the preceding 13 Lyes 22.

Lye 23. He saith, There is not an Article of the Christian Re­ligion, but the Quakers subvert it, Quak. Her. p. 31.

He saith. The sum of all their Writings and Teachings, is to call people off from the true God, and the true Christ and the true spirit, and Scripture, and Ministry, and Worship, Quakerism subverted, p. 23.

Note, In this particular Charge, as J. C. hath divided the mat­ter, there is 5 Lyes at least, which makes up the number 28.

Lye 29. He saith, The Quakers make us all infallible in all things, Quak. Her. p. 21.

Answ. This is a notorious Lye: Thy Blasphemy against God who is Light, and thy Lyes against his People, proves thee to be fallible; for the Quakers do not say, that thou and thy Genera­tion, who hate the Light, and love your Evil Deeds, are infal­lible, neither do we say, that any man is infallible, as of him­self; but he that is joyned to the Lord is one Spirit, as the Scrip­ture saith, he living in subjection to the Spirit of the Lord, that leads and inables him to do the Will of the Lord, that is alsuffi­cient to keep him from failing in his Duty to God or Man, and no Man is otherwise infallible, but as he is so made and kept by the Spirit and Power of the Lord, which Spirit is infallible.

Lye 30. He saith, The Quakers by their Books and Principles — Send us all to Hell, Call to Prayer, p. 122.

Answ. O horrible Slander! Our Principle would bring you all to Heaven, if you would obey it, which is the Life of God, which is the Light of Men. Before thou chargest the Quakers to make you all infallible, and those that be infallible do not go to Hell, but to Heaven: here thy Confusion is manifest.

He saith, The Quakers are greatly forsaken by God, and are one of the saddest spectacles of spiritual misery, and Infatuation, as this Age hath afforded, Premon. to Ser. of Hyp. p. 6.

In this Charge there is 2 Lyes: which makes the Number 32.

Lye 33. He saith, The Quakers say they are Christ.

A horrible and abominable Lye. What shall be given unto thee, or what shall be done unto thee, thou false Tongue? sharp Ar­rows of the Almighty, with Coals of Juniper, Psal. 120.3.4. Oh thou ungodly man, the Wrath of God will fall heavy upon that lying Spirit, which is thy Captain, Head and Law giver; Oh that thou couldest find a place of Repentance, that so thou mayest be separated from that cursed lying Spirit, which if thou be not, thou must inherit the Lake of Everlasting Misery with it, where the Worm doth not dye, and the Fire is not quenched; thou art desperately wicked in these with the rest of thy Lyes: We never said, we were Christ; we own no Christ but one, the Son of God from Everlasting to Everlasting, who was manifest in Flesh in the Fulness of time, who was born of the Virgin, and went up and down doing Good, preacht Righteousness, wrought Miracles, and according to the Flesh dyed, and was laid in the Sepulchre, rose again the third day, and ascended, according to the Scriptures.

Because the People called Quakers affirm, The Life of God, which is the Light of Men is utterly faultless or Sinless, J. C. saith, This is plainly to say, that never was any Sin, nor ever shall be Devils and damned Wretches; Godly and Ʋngodly, we be all holy, spotless and unerring, see Quak. subv. p. 25.

Answ. This is a horrible Slander, and Perversion of our words; for the Life of God, which is the Light of Men is everlastingly Ho­ly, it cannot sin; and we do believe there is a great deal of Sin in thee, & great abundance in the World, & most of all in the Devil, who is the Author of it; and the Light within convinceth thee and the rest of the World which lieth in Wickedness, of your Sin, [Page 132]and reproves you for it, to that end that you may forsake it, and the Devil who is the Author of it.

J. C. in page 36. thou tellest a great Lye against the Light within, thus, Every sin I commit the Light within is guilty, as being my self, &c.

An. The Light within is not guilty of any sin thou ever didst or canst commit; it is not thy self, but thy self rebels against it; and if thou wouldst be Christ's Disciple, thou must believe in the Light and obey it, and it will teach thee to deny thy self and the Devil and all his Works of Lying. Envy, Hypocrisie, &c.

Here follows a cursed Lying Insinuation of John Cheyney's, thus, As if (saith he) the Quakers should say to all the sinners in the World, You must not meddle with the Scriptures, you are all more Holy then the Scriptures, — Believe not Christ himself, &c. see Quak. subv. p. 30.

J. C. saith, If I say ought against Equity and Charity, reprove and convince me, if I bring not Evidences for what I say, call me a Slanderer, and a false Accuser, see Sermons of Hypocrisie, p. 136.

Answ. These thy Lyes and Blasphemies are against Equity and Charity; thou canst never prove what thou hast said and printed against the Quakers, nay, all the Lyars upon the Earth, as also the Devil who is the Author of them can never do it; so then according to thy Grant, I must call thee a Slanderer, and a false Accuser, and so indeed thou art a great one, even the great­est against the Quakers that ever I read of to my Knowledge, except the Devil who is the Father of all Lyes and Lyars.

J. C. in thy, Book entituled A Call to Prayer, p. 140. thou sayest thus, I have passed through the Red Sea, Aegypt is behind me, I am escaped out of Sodom, I am from under the Bondage of spiritual Pharaoh the Devil, who once was my Father and Ma­ster.

Answ. I would from the bottom of my Heart it were so; for if it were so, thou wouldst be a Holy Man, yea, perfectly holy; then should we not have had such bundles of Lyes & Blasphemies from thee in Print, as we have had. Alas! thou art a Vain Boaster, a self-conceited crazed Man; thou art yet in Sodom and Egypt spiritually, where our Lord was crucified; thy Blas­phemy [Page 133]against the Life of God, which is the Light of Men, and thy Lyes & Envy against the Children of it, together with thy Notorious Self-contradictions and wild distracted Arguments and hypocritical Prayers, and dissembling with God, and uttering Untruths unto him, the last of which thou confessest, see Call to Prayer, p. 141. these do largely prove thee to be yet a Servant to the Devil; the Doctrine of Christ Jesus the Light of the World stands over thy Head in Judgment, who saith, The Devil is a Lyar and the Father of it; and also saith, Every Tree shall be known by its Fruits; a good Tree cannot bring forth evil Fruit, neither can an evil Tree bring forth good Fruit, a Foun­tain cannot bring forth at the same place bitter Water and fresh, &c. Thou art a corrupt Tree, who hast brought forth much Fruit of lyes, blasphemy and envy; thou art a corrupt Foun­tain, who sends forth thy foul, corrupt, muddy Waters, by which thou hast corrupted the Hearts of those whom thou hast taught to believe thy Blasphemies against the true Light, and thy Lyes against the Children of it.

An Answer to John Cheyney's Pamphlet entituled The Shibboleth of Quakerism.

IOhn Cheyney, thou condemnest the People called Quakers for saying Thou to one single Person, and thou justifiest it as law­ful to say You to one single Person; and thou sayest, Those that would prove it unlawful, must produce some Law of God making it so, p. 1.

Answ. The Word Thou, or Thouing was first used & practised by God himself to Adam in Paradise, saying, Of every Tree of the Garden THOU mayest freely eat, but of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil THOU shalt not eat; for in the day that THOU ea­test thereof THOU shalte surely dye, Gen. 2.16, 17. And the Lord God called unto Adam, and said, where art Thou? and Adam said, I heard THY Voice in the Garden, &c. And God said, who told THEE that THOU wast naked, &c. And the Man said, the Woman whom THOU gavest to be with me, &c. Gen 3.9, 10, 11, 12.

J. C. is not this Practcie of God himself, and of Adam in Pa­radise Theeing and Thouing each other a better Law, President, Example or Custom, then any thou canst shew for YOƲ, or for Youing one single Person? Consider of it, and it may be thou mayest see thy Foollery in this matter. The Apostle Paul exhorted Titus to sound Speech that cannot be condemned, Tit. 2.8. What! dost thou not believe that God's Thouing and Theeing was and is sound Speech? Is not his Example the best? may not his Example be a warrantable Law to thee, much better then the Pope, who as it is related, useth the Words, We, and Us, and Our, in things that particularly and only relate to himself? and canst thou not see how others follow him in Pride in this and divers other greater matters: And Theeing & Thouing of one sin­gle Person was the language of Christ Jesus, and the Holy Pro­phets and Apostles both under the Dispensations of Law and Gospel, and surely their President and Example in this matter, is better then the Pope's.

In page 4. thou sayest, We must not make new Laws of our own, and Father them upon God.

Answ. The People called Quakers do not make a new Law of Speech, but do own and practise the same Form of Theeing and Thouing which was practised by God himself, and by Adam in Paradise; but it appears, that the Pope and his Complices have made a new law of Speech contrary to God's, saying You to one single Person: And though such do dayly Thou God in their Pray­ers, yet they count it a Dishonour to them to be Thou'd and Thee'd. Oh abominable Pride and Deceit! Surely if You to one were more honourable then Thou, it should be given unto God.

In page 2. thou sayest, We must not go to Scripture, Divinity or Morallity to know which is proper and which is improper speaking.

Answ. One would have thought that a man of thy Pretences would have better esteemed the Holy Scriptures, and Morality TOO, then to have talked thus; but as in other things, so in this, thy Mouth poureth out Folly. Thou hast denyed the Scriptures of Truth to be any Rule to thee and the men of thy Way concerning Speech or Speaking, which is more then ever I heard before of any who did own God or Christ; thou halt de­nyed Morality to be any Rule concerning Speech or Speaking: [Page 135]And in page 3. thou sayest, There is not one Nation or Language that claim Authority over another, and judge their Forms and Phrases of speech.

Answ. The Language of God, who said Thee and Thou unto Adam, and the Language of Adam in Paradise, who said, Thou and Thy unto God have Power over the Language of the Pope and those that have learned of him, who say Yee and You to a single Person, and Ʋs and Our of and concerning things that relate to a particular Person only; so the Larguage of God, Christ, the Apostles and Holy Prophets judgeth the Language of the Pope, and all who have learned these proud, unscriptural sayings thou having denied the Scriptures and Morality to have any thing to do with thee or any man about proper and improper speaking; thou sayest, We must go to Dictionaries, Linguists, Grammarians, and Masters in the Art or Science of speaking, and enquire of them, &c.

Answ. Grammar teacheth proper speaking, Plural and Sin­gular, it doth not teach to say You to a single Person, neither doth the Accidence, but it teacheth Children to say thus, in the Singular, I, Thou, He; in the Plural thus, We, Ye, They: And the Dictionary doth not teach to say You to a single Person, so that thou hast as well cast off Grammar, Accidence & Dictionary, as thou hast the Scriptures & Morality; so thou appearest to be a lawless man concerning Speech. Martin Luther the grand Refor­mer, and esteemed Father of the Protestants writes in Derision of You to a single Person thus, viz. Magister Vos iratus es, which is just as good Sense as to say, My Masters, thou art angry, Luther Lud. vit. oper.

Erasmus a learned man bestows a whole Discourse in Refuta­tion of that impertinent Way of speaking You to a single Person, and calls it Flattery, Erasmus Col.

Howel in his History of France gives an ingenuous Account of the Original of Thee and Thou, how that the Peasant or poor country man thoued the King, but Pride and Flattery first put in­feriours upon paying a plural Respect to the single Person of every superior, and superiors upon receiving, and at last requiring it.

J. C. thus much in short concerning Thee and Thou, for which thou causlesly cavilst against the People called Quakers, which is [Page 136]a sufficient Answer to thy shallow work in thy Sheet entitule The Shibboleth of Quakerism. There is a Book entituled No Cross No Crown, wherein thou or any that desire may read more large ly concerning this Matter.

An Answer to John Cheyney's Pamphlet, called, One Sheet against the Quakers.

John Cheyney, in the second page of thy One Sheet, thou sayst, The Quakers do condemn Christian-People for Bowing, and Putting off Hats, and Christian Salutation, &c.

Ans. We condemn no Christian-People for Christian-Salutati­ons, thou slanderest us in this Matter; but thou dost not read in the Scriptures of Truth, that Christ put off hat or cap, as you do, or that he called such a Practice Christian-salutation; neither canst thou read there that the holy Apostles or Prophets put off Hat or Cap, as you do, or that they esteemed such Practice Christian-Salutati­on: Elihu said, Let me not accept any Man's Person, neither let me give flattering Titles unto Man; for I know not to give Flattering Titless in so doing my Maker would soon take me away, Job 32.21, 22. Your putting off the Hat, and saying, Your Humble Servant, Sir, and Madam, &c. you have not from Christ and his Apostles; but it may be thou mayest throw off Christ and the Apostles, as thou hast thrown off the Scripture, Morality, Accidence and Grammar; and say, that Christ, the Apostles and Prophets have nothing to do to teach thee Salutations, and how thou shouldst behave thy self before Men; but the Apostle Peter was of another and better Mind then thee, who in Honour to his Master said to the Saints, He has left you an Example, that you should follow his steps, who did not sin, neither was Guile found in his Mouth, &c. 1 Pet. 2.21, 22, 23. Guile is Deceit; De­ceit is of the Devil; there was none of that found in his Mouth; but there is a great deal of that found in the Mouthes of many of those which thou callest Christian-People, when they say, Your Humble Servant, Sir, and Madam, to those whom they neither do serve, nor would be willing to serve, as counting them­selves [Page 137]far above them, and divers times in perfect Hatred against them: and those that salute on this manner, are far from the Christian Salutation; for, 'tis Vain, Idle and Sinful Words for which an Account must be given unto God. Christ saith, Learn of me, I am meek and lowly in heart, and ye shall find Rest to your Souls: A Remnant have learned of him, and have found his Word true, viz. Rest to their souls; and such are accounted Fools for his sake by such Temporizing, Feigned, I lattering, Complementers as thou art.

In the same page thou sayest, The Quakers make it a Branch of their Religion to be singular from all Christian People, in giving Reverence to men, &c.

Answ. This is a Slander added to thy former score; for we honour or reverence Men, as Christ doth teach us, and has taught his People in former Ages. One while thy Cry is against us for Not Honouring Men; another while, it is for Honouring them, and not after thy unscriptural and unchristlike Form or Fa­shion, it appears, it would be hard for us to please thee in this Matter; but in this we are satisfied, that we please God in our Salutations to Men, and the rest of our Conversations towards him and all men; and his holy Spirit, which he hath given us to in­struct us in all things that appertain to Life and Godliness, doth bear witness to and with our Spirits, that our Salutations unto men do please him, we having this great Witness of the Spirit of God, we little value thy slanderous and clamerous Tongue; thy Slanders and Envy will return upon thy own Head, and if thou Repent not, will become as a Torment of Fire in thy own Bosome.

In pag. 7. thou sayest, Christ's Religion doth no way Counte­nance Ʋnmannerliness and Rude Behaviour.

Answ. That is true; but the Quakers Thouing and Theeing a single Person, as God and Adam, yea, Christ, the Apostles, Pro­phets and People of God did, is not Ill Manners, nor Rude Be­haviour; neither is the plain Salutation used by the Quakers, as calling Friends and Brethren (as Christ and the Apostles did) Unmannerliness or Rude Behaviour; but the Practice of those thou callest Christian People has been Unmannerliness and Rude Behaviour when the People called Quakers have gone peaceably [Page 138]through your Streets and Markets, and into your Worship Houses to call you to Repentance, then they have been Mock­ed, Scoffed. Stoned, Beaten with Clubs, Books, Staves, Hands, [several times the Priests Hands] and Blood hath been shed by such as thou callest Christian People at such times; yea, their Skin, Hair and Clothes torn off: and this is like Cain the Murderer, and Judas with his Company, that came with Clubs and Staves to betray and murder the heavenly Man, Christ Jesus, such hath been the Ill Manners and Rude Behaviour of ma­ny of the Members of thy Church against the People called Quakers, even against divers who have not opened their Mouthes to speak to them, within less then 30 years last past: so thou hat no Cause to boast of your good Manners, you have too few of them; and if you do not repent and amend your manners, your Reward will be bitter in the End from the Hand of the Just God: It is your Repentance and Salvation the Quakers desire. In the same page thou sayest, The Quakers do abuse Christian Civility, and Reverence and Worship to Men—Warranted by Scripture.

Answ. This is another Slander for which God will bring thee to Judgment; and you have no Example from Christ, the A­postles and Prophets for putting off your Hats, and saying; Your humble Servant Sir, and Madam, and for saying You to a single Person; and though thou mention'st Scripture thou hast here brought none, which in the least proves thy Charge against us, nor ever canst thou. In the same page thou sayest, The Worship you do unto men, is no otherwise unto them, then as they bear God's Image; and thou sayest, You do it supreamly to God; and it be­ing a Duty commanded by God, you feel the good and sweet of it, &c.

Answ. God doth not command you to put off your Hats one to another in Pride and seigned Complementing, nor to say You to a single Person; it is Darkness and Blasphemy for thee or any Person to charge these things upon God; thou denyest that the Scriptures or Morality should teach thee or others to speak, and thou hast thrown aside the Accidence and Grammar, as not speak­ing according a [...] they teach; and in thy Plea for these thy Sa­lutations thou hast thrown aside Scripture also, and so thou ma­nifests thy self to be a lawless man, both with respect to thy Speakiings and Salutations.

And thou speakst darkly in saying, the Worship you do to Men, is as they bear God's Image; for Wicked Ungodly Men do not bear, nor are in the Image or Likeness of God; for such being gone out of his Power and Counsel into Wilful Re­bellion against him, they are, as Christ said, Of their Father the Devil; for the Lusts of their Father they do: He was and is a Murderer and a Lyar, and Murderers and Lyars are in his Image or Likeness, and not in the Image or Likeness of God, who is a Holy, Pure Fountain of Love, Life, Peace, &c. And if thou art to spirit ally blind, as to think that the outward Body of Man is the Image or Likeness of God, this would suppose God to be like a Man, or in the Form or Shape of a Man; but this whimsical Imagination is judged by the Lord himself, by the Mouth of his Prophet, who saith, I am God and not Man, the Holy One in the Midst of you, Hos. 11.9. and by Christ Jesus, who saith, God is a spirit; and by Solomon, who saith, The Hea­ven of Heavens cannot contain him.

In the same page and the next following thou mention'st Boaz Saluting his Reapers, thus, he said to them, The Lord be with you, and they said to him, The Lord bless thee.

J. C. take notice, B [...]az and his Reapers spoke Singular and Plural; he said You to them, and they said Thou to him; Boaz, and his Reapers do judge thee and thy Generation, who say You to a single Person; and therefore you ought to learn and follow their Example, and not the Example o the Pope: And so Boaz and his Reapers Practice urged by thee for proof of putting off your Hats in Pride and vain Complement, and saluting each o­ther with Your Humble Servant Sir, and Madam, with the rest of your unchrist-like, and unscriptural Salutations, is no proof for you, but a Reproof unto you: And we own, that as the Lord moves upon the Hearts of any of his People, they may say, The Lord be with his People, and likewise, that they may say one unto another, The Lord bless thee; but unto the wicked God saith, What hast thou to do to declare my statutes, or that thou shouldst take my Covenant in thy Mouth, when thou sawest is Thief thou consent [...]dst with him, and wast Partaker with the Adulterer, Psalm. 50, 16, 17, 18.

In page 8. thou sayest, The Quakers do contradict their own [Page 240]great Principle the Light within, which sayest thou, hath war­ranted and approved decent Respects and Worship by External Signs.

Answ. The Light within doth warrant that Honour which is due to Men, but it doth not warrant your before mentioned Practices; and it is a Slander to say, that in opposing your un­christ like and unscriptural Salutations, we do contradict our Principle of the Light within; but if it were so as thou sayest, that the Light within pleased thee so well, why dost thou call it Dagon and Dianna? Oh Deceit!

Thou further sayest in the same Paragraph, That the Scriptures, and the History of all Agesis full Proof for your (Unchrist like, and Unscriptural) Sayings and Salutations.

This is an Abuse and a Slander put upon the Scriptures, as also upon History; for the Scriptures do not warrant or prove your saying You to a single Person, nor your saying, Your humble Ser­vant Sir, Madam, &c. And History witnesseth against you, as I have shewed before.

In the next and last Paragraph thou sayest, The Quakers con­tradict themselves and their own Practice; for they call one ano­ther Friends, and by Nods and Signs they salute each other.

Answ. The Quakers do call one another Friends, and herein they do not contradict themselves, nor Christ Jesus and the ho­ly Apostles; for he and they called one another Friends: so in this we have Example from Christ and the Apostles, and thou hast standered us herein. And Christ and the Apostles had Out­ward Significations, in which they did salute one another, and so have the People called Quakers; but neither they, nor the People called Quakers, did or do put off their Hats (as you do) and Cringe one to another, and say, Your Humble Servant Sir, and Madam, &c.

In the same Paragraph thou scoffest and sayest, The Ruling Party and Brethren know what is their Place and Due, and will not be under Law to the inferiour sort.

Answ. Thy malicious and scoffing spirit is here manifest; here thou wouldst insinuate, that we exercise Lordship, and have Dominion over one onother; herein thou slanderest and abusest us; for we have one Lord, which is Christ Jesus, and we are all [Page 141]Brethren: And though there was and is divers Statures and Growths among Christians, as the Aged, Young Men and Lit­tle Children, and they differ in their Services, Labours and Tra­vails in the Body, which is the Church; yet they are all Bre­thren and Sisters, and do not exalt themselves in Lordship over one another; but this the Men of thy Coat and Fraternity do, as is largely manifest in this Nation▪ yea, there are broad Signs of it; which they that are not spiritually blind may see.

And as to thy saying, The Ruling Part and Brethren know their Due.

Those thou scornfully callest Ruling Brethren do not cast into Prison for their Bellies, and range up and down the Country to gather up for their Preaching the Peoples Eggs, Geese, Piggs, Lambs, Wool, Corn, Hay, Hemp, Flax, Apples, Fish; all which is done by and amongst thy Brethren the Priests even such for whom they do no Work [Oh, shameless Men!] for which they have no Command nor Example from Christ nor his holy A­postles. Christ said, Freely ye have received, freely give; and the Apostles obeyed his Command, and so do the People called Quakers; Glory to the Lord God for the same.

In the same Paragraph thou sayest, In time of Prayer I suppose they put off their Hat.

Answ. Yes, we do so; and for this we have Example in the Scriptures of Truth.

J. C. in this thou grantest the Quakers do pray, which contra­dicts all thy Charges and Slanders against them in thy Books, entituled, Call to Prayer and Sermons of Hypocrisie, wherein thou chargest us to be a Prayerless People, a People that make no use of Prayer, &c. Here the Reader may see how the Line of Confusion, Distraction and Spiritual Madness is stretched over thee.

Thus briefly I have Answered thy two filly Sheets given forth against the Quakers, wherein thy Ignorance and Envy is mani­fest: In the before cited Book, entituled, No Cross No Crown, if thou desirest it, thou mayest read more at large concerning Thee and Thou, Cap Honour and Titular Respect.

Concerning Swearing.

JOhn Cheyney, in thy Book entituled Sermons of Hypocrisie, pag. 176, 177, thou sayest, That the Quakers wrest the Scriptures to make it utterly Ʋnlawful in any Case for a Christian to Swear.

Answ. Thou slanderest us in this Matter; we do not wrest the Scriptures in our den [...]ing to swear in any Case whatsoever; but we obey the Command of Christ, whose Command is, But I say unto you, Swear not at all, [mark, not at all] so we can­not swear at all, so here we do not wrest Christ's Words, see Matthew Chap. 5 Vers. 34. And the Apostle James saith, But above all things, my Brethren, Swear not, neither by Heaven, neither by any other Oath; but let your Yea be Yea, and your Nay, Nay, lest ye fall into Condemnation, James 5.12. Thus it appears that we have the Command of Christ, and the Doctrine and Exhortation of the Apostle, not to swear at all.

But it may be thou mayest object, as others of thy Brethren have done, That Christ and the Apostle did not forbid all Swear­ing, but only False Swearing or Forswearing, or Vain and Idle Swearing.

Answ. Thy Brethren, and those who plead on this manner, do wrest the Scriptures to plead for Swearing under the Dispen­sation of the Gospel of Christ; for the Law before Christ came in the Flesh did forbid Forswearing, Falle Swearing, Vain or Idle Swearing; for when God gave forth the Commandments to Israel, he said, Thou shalt not take the Name of the Lord thy God in Vain: To Forswear, or Swear Falsly, or Swear Vainly or Idly, was expresly forbidden, as I have said before, for to do so was and is to make mention of God's Name vainly or wic­kedly, or to take his Name in vain; and the Lord will not hold such guiltless, as he hath said. God did allow under the Dispen­sation of the Law, that the Israelites might swear by his Name [Page 143]in Truth and Righteousness; this was in Condescension to their Weakness, as it is well observed by some, who have treated upon this Subject. In former time, when Israel went a whore­ing from their God, they learned the Abominations of the Hea­then, whose Practice was to Swear by their Idols; but God would not suffer Israel to go on in that Abomination, and there­fore he said, Ye shall Swear by my Name in Truth and Righteous­ness. This Christ made mention of when he gave his Command not to swear at all, saying, Ye have heard, that it hath been said by them of old time, Thou shalt not Forswear thy self, but shalt perform unto the Lord thine Oathes. [Mark] they were to per­form their Oaths unto the Lord under the Law; but saith Christs I say unto you, Swear not at all; but let your Communication be Yea, Yea, and Nay, Nay; for whatsoever is more then these co­meth of Evil. So then, it is Evil for a Christian to swear; and Evil is not of Christ, but of the Evil One; therefore we cannot swear: And if thou wert subject to the Spirit of Christ, thou wouldst not condemn us for Refusing to swear at all, but wouldst be of one Mind with us, who abide herein in the Doctrine of Christ. The Apostle John saith, Whosoever transgresseth, and abideth not in the Doctrine of Christ, hath not God; he that abi­deth in the Doctrine of Christ, he hath both the Father and the Son, see 2 John 1.9. So thou, who pleadest for Swearing transgressest and abidest not in the Doctrine of Christ, thou art neither in Subjection to the Father nor the Son, and so art one of the Rebellious Children, who take Counsel, and not of God nor Christ, who cover with a Covering, but not of his Spirit; against such the Prophet of the Lord pronounced Wo. The Law which gave Liberty to Man to swear by the Name of the Lord in Truth and Righteousness, did also require an Eye for an Eye, and a Tooth for a Tooth, &c. Christ saith, Ye have heard that it hath been said, Thou shalt love thy Neighbour, and hate thine Enemies; but I say unto you, Love your Enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, & pray for them which despightfully use you and persecute you.

J. C. here take notice, Christ sets up Love instead of Hatred, and Blessing instead of Cursing, and Prayer for Enemies instead of Rendring them Evil for Evil; yea, he commands to do good to them that despightfully use and persecute.

Again, he saith, Ye have heard by them of old time, Thou shalt not commit Adultry; but I say unto you, Whosoever looketh on a Woman to lust after her, hath committed Adultery already with her in his Heart.

J. C. take notice, the Law commandeth they should not commit Adultery, but Christ forbiddeth to look on a Woman to lust after her: The Law judgeth the Outward Act of Adul­tery, but Christ and his Gospel judgeth the upchast Looks and unclean Desires in the Heart and Mind. Thus it appears, that Christ is the great Reformer and Restorer of Mankind unto God, who believe in and obey him, he brings them to love one ano­ther and Enemies, and to pray for them, and do them good; and he brings his to be chast minded, he sanctifies their Eyes, and whole Bodies, Spirits and Souls; he brings them to Plainness in Testimony and Witness bearing before Magistrates, and upon all Occasions, to say Yea when it is Yea, and Nay when it is Nay, according to his Command, but not to swear at all. Christ and his Apostles, and the true Christians in those days, did not swear by the Bible or Book, nor kiss it: To Swear by the Bible, is to swear by Creature or Creatures, Thing or Things; and this kind of Swearing is forbidden both under the Law & Gospel, therefore it ill becomes thee, who professest thy self to be a Gospel-Mi­nister, to plead for this kind of Swearing, or for Swearing at all; and if that which Christ and the Apostle said against Swear­ing will not satisfie thee, that Swearing is utterly Ʋnlawful for a Christian, then thou mayest upon the same Ground thou pleadest for Swearing amongst Christians, also plead that it is lawful for Christians to hate their Enemies, seek and take Revenge, render them Evil for Evil; and upon the same Ground thou mayst plead it lawful for a Man to look upon a Woman, & to lust after her, all which is expresly against Christ's Command; and if thou teach People thus to do, thou wilt make them Hea­thens, and no Christians; for the True Christian abideth in Christ, who is the living Vine, and by his Virtue a Christian is enabled to abide in his Doctrine, who saith, Swear not at all; and who judgeth the Unchast Mind, and Unsatisfied Eye, and Malicious Heart, and Bloody Hands; those who come to him, he baptizeth with the Holy Ghost or Spirit, which as Fire burns [Page 145]up Lusts, Malice and all the Devil's Works; so if any man be in Christ he is a new Creature, old things are passed away, as said the Apostle, and all things are become new: Mistrust, Un­belief and Unfaithfulness are passed away, and the Lip of Truth, which is establisht forever, is come unto.

Jeremiah Taylor late Bishop of Doun and Con [...]ar in his Book called ENIA [...]TOS, or A Course of Sermons, London printed, 1673. of Christian-Simplicity, fol. 228. thus, Our blessed Lord would not have his Disciples to swear at all (not in publick Judica­ture) &c.

William Tindal saith, Our Dealing ought to be so substantial, that our Words might be believed without an Oath, &c.

Beza on James 5.12. saith, What which you have to say or af­firm, speak or affirm it simply without an Oath.

Fol. Bible printed anno 1578, marginal Note on Mat. 5.34. Swear not at all; let Simplicity and Truth be your Words, and then you shall not be so light and ready to swear.

John Huss, Jerome of Prague, Walter Brute, William Swin­derby, William Sawtry, William White, William Thorp, &c. are recorded by those of other Nations, both High and Low Dutch to have refused all Swearing, as well by God, as by Creatures in any Case private or publick.

Walter Brute also early dissented from the Roman Church, said. As concerning Oaths, I believe and obey the Doctrine of Al­mighty God, and my Master Jesus Christ, which teacheth that Christian. Men, in Affirmation of the Truth, should pass the Righ­teousness of the Scribes and Pharisees, the Old Testament, or else he excludes them from the Kingdom of God. He further saith, As the Perfection of the Ancient Men of the Old Testament was, Not to forswear themselves, so the Perfection of Christian-Men is, Not to swear at all, because we are so commanded of Christ, whose Com­mandments must in no Case be broken, J. Fox Mart. vol. 1. p. 623, & 359.

William Swinderby an English Priest or Minister thus, Where­as Christ's Law forbids swearing, the Pope's Law justifies swear­ing, and compels men thereunto, J. Fox Mart. vol. 1. p. 614, and 618.

The Plough man's Complaint thus, Lord thou givest us a Com­mand [Page 146]of Truth, in bidding us say, Yea, Yea, and swear for no­thing, but Lord, he Pope that calls himself thy Vicar on Earth, hath broken thy Commandment, so makes a law to compel men to swear, J. Fox Mart. vol 1. p. 527.

Barnard saith thus, The Truth needs no Oath, a faithful word holds the place of an Oath; as he cannot lye, who doth not speak, so he cannot forswear, who doth not undertake to swear.

Theodore [...] on Deut. 6. p. 57. thus, Why doth the law command that they should swear by God? He answers, Lest they should swear by false Gods, &c. And the Command of God was and is, Ye shall not walk after other or strange Gods, &c.

Chrysostom saith, To swear is of the Devil, seeing Christ saith, Whatsoever is more then Yea and Nay, is Evil, or of the Evil One, Chrys. on Gen. hom. Psal. 5.

Ambrose a lay man, chosen Bishop for his great Esteem and Worth, &c. saith, Not without Cause doth the Lord command in the Gospel, not to swear, An b [...]de [...]ving. in lib. 3.

Athanasius on the Passion of Christ thus, The Evangelical Sen­tence of the Lord is, let your Yea be Yea, and your Nay Nay; thus far we who are in Christ may confirm our Words with Asseve­rations, and with no further Progress [let us fly to aproach Oaths] (or flee from Oaths.)

Cypryan a famous Father, and faithful Martyr, writing to the Ministers and Teachers, biddeth them remember what the Lord taught and said, Let your saying be Yea Yea, and Nay Nay, Cypr. epist. ad Corn. n. 5.

In another place he saith, It is Ʋnlawful for any man to com­pel another to take an Oath, Cypr. de mortal.

Justin Martyr, who is the first we find writing of it, publish­ed an Apology for the Christians, in the year 150, as himself saith; and a second after that, wherein he tells us, after the Doctrine of his Master, That we should not swear at all, He, that is Christ, hath commanded it, swear not at all, but let your Yea be Yea, and your Nay Nay, and what is more then these is of Evil, see his Phrase and Martyrdom in Eusebius, Euseb lib 4. cap. 16.

Under the same Emperor (saith Eusebius) suffered also Ponti­cus of fifteen years of Age, and Blandina a Virgin, with all kind [Page 147]of bitter Torments, the Tormentors now and then urging them to swear, which they constantly refused.

The first Testimony we find recorded against Swearing after the Apostles was that of Polycarpus, who had lived with the A­postles, and was said to have been a Disciple to John: At his death, when the Governour bid him Swear, Defie Christ, &c. he said, Fourscore and Six Years have I served him, yet hath he never offended me in any thing; the Proconsul still urged and said, Swear by the Fortune of Caesar, to whom Polycarpus said, If thou requirest this Vain-Glory, &c. thou sayest feigning, thou knowst not who I am, hear freely, I am a Christian, Euseb. Eccl. Hist. lib. 4. cap. 15. This faithful man sealed his Testimony with his Blood against Swearing.

Reader, there is a Book of late given forth, entituled A Trea­tise of Oaths, wherein thou mayest read the Testimonies of the true Christians through the divers Ages of the World, and also of the Jews, and also of those men who were esteemed sober Heathens against Swearing at all: There is also a Book entituled, Oaths no Gospel Ordinance, where thou mayest read at large con­cerning this matter.

John Cheyney's Testimony concerning Conscience, and some Observations thereupon.

J.C. Serm. of Hypocrisie, p. 100, 101. thus, And the Eye of Consci­ence is upon you; Conscience is privy to all your Abominations, every Good & Bad Action is booked down by Conscience [You have One within your Bosom more then Ten Thousand Witnesses] This is both Judge and Witness, for and under God [Within you] I cite you to appear at the Bar of Conscience, I indict all you that be Ʋnsound and Ʋnsanctified, and charge you with the Crime of Hypocrisie; my Evidence against you is your own Consciences: For Conviction and Tryal of the Cause, cannot Conscience witness a­gainst you, your Ʋnholy and Impenitent Worldly Hearts and Lives? do but give leave to Conscience to deal plainly and truly with you, and this will witness to your Faces, what you are, and what is your [Page 148]Course of Lif [The Lord hath placed an Officer or Oversear in each Man's Bosom] that is witness of all your Wayes; and though you use never so much Art and Cunning you cannot so cloak the Mat­ter and stop the Mouth of Conscience, but that if you come [to the Light] if you sit in Judgment upon your selves, and attend to heart­searching and close convicting Truths and Sermons, Conscience will be upon you, and condemn you, Guilty, Guilty before God and Conscience [O make much of Conscience, it is the best Friend you have under God] If you baffle Conscience and be false to this, you may for a while; it will be a Hell in your Bosoms, and tear you in Pieces, &c.

Thus far John Cheyney concerning Conscience: In general terms he cites and indicts the Unsanctified and Unsound, and chargeth them with the Crime of Hypocrisie; and he saith, The Judge and Witness against them, is Conscience.

Reader, here take notice, J. C. doth set up Conscience a great height, even the Consciences of wicked men, which the Apo­stles did not, for the Apostle did distinguish betwixt Good and Evil Conscience, as I have shewed in the Beginning of this Book. The Apostle Paul saith, I speak the Truth in Christ, mark, In Christ, I lye not, my Conscience also bearing me witness in the Holy Ghost. Mark the Apostle's Good Conscience was govern­ed by the Holy Ghost, or Spirit of God and Christ, and so are all Good Consciences, see Rom. 9 1. Again he saith, I have lived in all Good Conscience before God unto this Day, Acts 23.1. The End of the Commandment is Charity out of a pure Heart, and of a Good Conscience, and of Faith Ʋnfeigned, 1 Tim. 1.5. Holding the Mystery of Faith in a Pure Conscience, 1 Tim. 3.9. Reader, thus the Apostle speaks of Conscience, as it is Good and Pure, in such Consciences the Christian-charity doth dwell, and it shews it self in its blessed Fruits of Truth, Equity and Ju­stice, &c. amongst men, to the Praise of God, and to the Good and Comfort of Men and Women.

But on the other Hand, where Conscience is defiled, and so is become Evil, the contrary Fruits do appear. The Apostle saith, Them that are defiled,—Even their Mind and Conscience is DE­FILED, Tit 1.15. Paul exhorts Timothy, To hold Faith and a Good Conscience, which some having put away, mark, put away, [Page 149]concerning Faith have made Shipwrack, 1 Tim. 19. Mark Reader, when these men had put away Faith and a Good Conscience, they had neither Faith not Good Conscience, yet no doubt they talked of Faith & Good Conscience, after they had put away both, like Banckrupts, who, when they have spent what they once had, by riotous living, yet in Deceit love to boast of that which they have not, such were they of whom the Apostle speaks thus— Speaking Lyes in Hypocrisie, having their Consciences [SEA RED WITH AN HOT IRON] Reader, an Evil, Unclean, Sear­ed Conscience is neither good Judge nor Witness, though John Cheyney tells the Unsanctified, whom he chargeth with Hypo­crisie, that their Consciences are both Judge and Witness— I perceive where J. C's. Mistake lies in this Matter; First, he should have distinguished betwixt Evil and Good Conscience, which he hath not done. Secondly, He should have shewed, if he could, as the Apostle did, that Good Conscience lives in the Holy Spirit, Life and Light of God. Thirdly, If Men go from that, they put away a Good Conscience, and make Shipwrack of Faith. Fourthly, If Men come not to believe in, and obey the Life of God, which is the Light of Men, they neither have True Faith, nor Good Conscience; for it is the Life of God, which lighteth every one that cometh into the World, that doth give a Sound Understanding, and Right Knowledge of the things of God: Man coming to that, his Understanding and Knowledge given thereby is True and Sound; and he keeping in that Life, it keeps his Heart tender, and in that Tenderness he obeys God in Faithfulness, and lives and acts justly unto all Peo­ple through Christ, who is his Life, Light and Way to the Fa­ther; he is strengthned to love and obey God with all his Heart, & to love his Neighbour as himself & such a man's Conscience will bear witness unto him in the Holy Ghost, Spirit or Light: So this Holy Ghost, Spirit, Life or Light is the Standard and Mea­suring Line, which doth never alter; to this all men ought to bring their Deeds, that by IT they might be tryed, measured and judged, that by it they might know what Works are wrought in God, and what not; and this is according to Christ's Doctrine, who saith, Every one that doth Evil hateth the Light, and will not bring his Deeds to the Light, lest they should be reproved; but eve­ry [Page 150]one that doth Truth bringeth his Deeds to the Light, that they may be made manifest that they are wrought in God, mark, In God.

J.C. talks of the Light & coming to it in the before cited page but he doth not tell what it is he calls Light: To the true Light wherewith Christ lighteth every one that comes into the World, he doth appear to be an avowed Enemy, of which his Books give large proof; but had he been a Believer in the true Light, and a diligent walker in it, he would have had Skill and Honesty to have distinguisht betwixt evil and good Conscience, and also he would have commended the Life, Spirit or Light of God and Christ un­to People, as the chief Touch-Stone, Standard and Measuring. Line for all People to bring their deeds to, to be tryed, that there­by they might know which are wrought in God, and have Justi­fication & Peace in them; but that such, whose works are wrought in the Power of Darkness, might know them judg'd, and that they might repent of them, and be forgiven, and cease from them; but of this good work J. C. falls short.

In p. 216. J.C. affirms, That Conscience is defiled—Again in the same page he affirms, That Conscience is the Stock or Root, and as is the Root so is all that gro [...]s on it.—Again in the same page he saith, Conscience bring the great Ordinance of God, &c. Reader note here, J.C affirms, that Conscience is defiled, and that it is the Stock or Root, and as is the Root, so is all that grows on it, so by this he renders People wholely defiled, and in Defilement, and so of the Devil; and when he hath thus thrown down Conscience, as it were to Hell, though immediately before he sets it up above the Life of God, which is the Light of Men.—Then he calls it the great Or­dinance of God, and so chargeth the great Ordinance of God to be defiled, and so the Devil to have place in it and power over it. O Confusion, Blasphemy and Darkness!

In p. 100 he saith unto them who are Ʋnsanctified & Ʋnsound, I cite you to appear at the Bar of Conscience, I indict you all, and charge you with the Crime of Hypocrisie, my witness against you is your own Conscience, I appeal to each man's Conscience for conviction & tryal of the Cause—This is both Judge and Witness, for & under God within you. Note Reader, here J.C. chargeth God foolishly; he saith, the Consciences of the Unsound and Unsanctified, whom he chargeth with the crime of Hypocrisie, is both Judge and Wit­ness [Page 151]under God, this is Blasphemy against God; for God sets up no Unsanctified, nor Unsound Judge or Witness; all Judgment is committed to Christ the Son, John 5.22. who lighteth every one that cometh into the World, and he is the Great Ordinance, or the ordained of God for Salvation to the Ends of the Earth, Acts 13.47. Isa. 55.4. & 42.6, 7 & 49.6.

J. C. is Confounded in contending against the Light.

JOhn Cheyney, for a Conclusion I shall put thee in Mind once more of thy Confusion concerning the Light. In thy Book entituled, Quakerism Heresie, p. 5, thou sayest, The Dispute is only de modo, how God shines into the Soul, how he creates the World, how he acteth, and how he causeth and produceth things, which, when all is said that can be, the more we seek to find it out, the further we are from it.

Answ▪ Herein thou hast wofully confounded thy self, who hast taken so much upon thee, to open thy Mouth in Blasphe­my against the Life of God, which is the Light of Men, & in ta­king upon thee to distinguish and judge of the Light in Adam be­fore he sell, and also of the Light in Adam after he fell: Thou savest, The Light within till Regeneration—Is Darkness; Thou sayest, The Light in Adam before he f [...]ll was a Pure, a Sweet and Blessed Light, but now it is turned into a sinful, defiled, self-de­stroying Light (Serm. of Hyp. p. 236, 237. & 247.)

Answ It is Blasphemy, as I have proved before, to say, that the Life of God, which is the Light of Men, is Darkness, or that it is a sinful, defiled, self destroying Light. The Apostle said, God hath shined in our Hearts, to give us the Light of the Knowledge of the Glory of God in the Face of Jesus Christ, and this Treasure have we in earthen Vessels, 2 Cor 4.6, 7. that the Ex­cellency of the Power may be of God and not of us (mark) Not of us; and Christ said to the Father, This is Life Eternal, that they might know thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ which thou hast sent. And the Apostle John said, We know the Son of God is come, and has given us an unde standing that we might know him that is true; and we are in him that is true, even in his Son Jesus Christ; this is the true God and Eternal Life, 1 Joh. 5.20. But the Apostle [Page 152] Paul speaks of some unfaithful ones, who had not the Knowledge of God, and he said, I speak this to your Shame, 1 Cor. 15.34. but the Apostle knew how God shined in the heart and soul, who said, He hath shined in our hearts to give us the Light of the Knowledge of the Glory of God in the Face of Jesus Christ, and this Treasure have we in earthen Vessels, &c. so it appears he did not only know how God shined, but for what end, to wit, to give them the know­ledge of his Glory, and he knew they had this Treasure in earthen Vessels, to wit, in their mortal Bodies; he knew by this Inshining of God, they had the Knowledge of God given, and Power also to do his Will; and therefore he said, The Excellency of the Power was of God, and not of him or of them, who believed in it: So because of his Inshining upon their Souls, they g [...]ve the Glory to him and so do the People called Quakers. It appears thou hast been hun­ting and seeking in the earthly Wisdom to find out how God shines into the Soul, and thy Experience is, the more thou seekst it the further thou art from it; by this it appears thou knowst not God, nor how he shines into the Soul; & therefore nothing which thou hast said against the Light is, to be regarded; for the more thou hast laboured to shew People what the Light is, and how it shines, the further thou art from it, as thou thy self hast affirmed: And if thou shouldst yet attempt to shew People what the Light is, and how it shines, according to thy own Principle, thou wilt be far­ther still from finding it out, therefore it will be the best way for thee to give over striving against the Light, and believe in the Light and obey it, that thou mayest be a Child of Light. To be a Child of Light is to be a Child of God; for God is Light, 1 Joh. 5, 6, 7. but if still thou continuest rebellious against the Light, and in thy Rebellion further contendest against it, then thou wilt be more and more swadled in the Bands of Darkness and Confu­sion [according to thy own Principle] wherein thy Folly will still be the more manifest. It is thy unfeigned Repentance, and Sal­vation I heartily desire, who am

Thy Real Friend William Gibson.

Blessed is the Man, that walketh not in the Counsel of the Ʋngodly, nor stand­eth in the way of Sinners, nor sitteth in the Seat of the Scornful, be shall be like a Tree that is planted by the Rivers of Water, that bringeth forth Fruit in due Season, his Leaf also shall not w [...]her, and whatsoever be doth shall prosper; the Ʋngodly are not so, but are like the Chaff, which the wind driveth away, Psal. 1.

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