Interrogatories on the part and behalf of the People of England, prepared for the Ʋse of the Committee of Grievances.

1. Concerning the Clergy.

HAVE any of them broken the Laws, and which, and where, and when? Who read King Charles the Second's Declara­tion of Reasons for dissolving the Oxford Parliament, without Order from their Diocesan? Who read the late King's Declaration for Liberty of Conscience, without the like Order? who first omitted the Prayers for the late King and Royal Family, without Order from Diocesan or Convention? Which of them did two years since preach up the Sovereign Supreme Dispensing Pow­er? Which of them did seven Months since preach down the just and legal Prerogatives of the Crown? Which of them do now preach down the genuine and fundamental Authority of an English Parlia­ment (that is, for King James against King James, and for King James again?) And lastly, which of them have borrowed Pulpits to proclaim their aver­sion to their present Majesties, and at the same time seem to pray for them? Do you know of any that have done all these or any, and which of them, and when, and where, and in what words? declare your knowledge.

2. Concerning the Observator.

What Pension had he from Court, by whose pro­curement, and who paid it? What Encouragements from Parsons and Lawyers, and other of their follow­ers, and when and how collected, and by whom? tell the Names, times, and Sums, as you know, be­lieve, or have heard? Pray Sir, declare your know­ledge, what Gratuity he and his Amanuensis had, and from whom, and by whom paid, for Sir Edm. Godfrey's Vindication? Declare the like concerning Oats's his Tryals, and the Preparations for them: Ben't afraid.

3. Concerning the Popish Plot?

Whether any of Godfrey's Murtherers did confess, and unto whom, and what is become of that confes­sion? have you heard? tell the truth, who was the first acquitted in that time, of what Country, by what Jury, before what Judges, who were the Witnesses? What did these swear? and what did those direct? and how they were received at Court afterwards? Declare your knowledge, How was the second and third Acquittal? Tell likewise in particular, as if every question of the first were repeated; Who were present at Wakeman's Tryal? how was the Judges demeanour? what did they say? what was said by those of the Kings Bench the first day of the Term following? Tell which of the Judges did not speak, which did, and what: Speak out; whether you have heard that all Coleman's Letters were print­ed or not, and if not all, how many, and which were omitted, and by whom? Declare how Oats and Dan­gerfield were handled, and what became of them, and after that I'll ask you about Prance.

4. Concerning Corporations, Companies, Charters, &c.

What do you imagine is their number in England, what may each Charter cost to be renewed? how many were so, how many were voluntarily surren­dred, and which, and by whom, and what Encou­ragements or Rewards before or after had they for their Consent, how many were sued and stood out? Who was the first Adviser to Quo Warranto's? what Judges, or Counsel, or Agents concerned, or did any refuse? declare your knowledge. How many were renewed, what new Clauses were inserted, and by whom? what Persons were turned out, what Clerks or other Officers removed, and who put in their pla­ces, and what did they pay? Who certified for the latter as very Loyal, and the former as Whiggish dis­affected Persons; where were die Certificates made, at which Devil Tavern in Fleet-street, or other where, who was present, what Lawyers, Chancery-men, Common Councel-men, Scriveners, or other Shop­keepers? Who represented a Loyaller and fitter man than himself for a damn'd Whigg, and so put him by an Office he had agreed and paid for, and got it himself? Does he enjoy it yet? Speak out, th [...] Nation's concern'd in these things: Who were sent to manage Corporations to repeal the Test &c. who paid their charges? what Instructions had they? who were Closetted for Members? how many of them promised to do it? declare their Names and Abodes, and what Rewards they had.

5. Concerning Judgments in Westmin­ster-Hall.

Where did great Fines begin, who set them, and upon whom, and for what? Have you heard of 30000. l. set on a Peer for a Fillip on the Fore­head? what Judges were present which pronoun­ced it; did all consent? whether did a Commitment follow, and by whose motion? speak out. When came up the fashion of whipping through the streets, upon whom inflicted, and by what Judges, and for what Crimes, &c? Declare your knowledge, who were Judges in Sir Edward Hales's Case, what Judg­ment gave they? did any dissent, and when, and where, and before whom did they declare it? speak the whole truth.

6. Concerning Juries.

When was the trade of packing them first invent­ed? who were the Abhorrers of Petitioning for a Parliament, and who was Knighted for it? Do you know the Queens-head Tavern in Pater-noster-Row, the Wonder Tavern on Ludgate-Hill, the Feathers in Cheapside, the Globe in Hatton Garden, and the Sun at Westminster? Were you ever in Pater-noster-Row when Juries were impannelled, who was there be­side, who sate as Chair-man, who wrote their Names, who dictated whose Character was of best credit for right men to be on a Jury? whose Names [Page 2]were refused, whose allowed? tell us their Trades, Qualities, Fortunes, and places of abode: who read the Pannel, who carried it away, who deliver'd it to the Secondaries? were those men returned, did they appear, did they do the business cleverly? have you not heard of the same thing afterwards at the other Taverns? were you never invited to meet some honest Justice, Jury-men, and whom by Name, at — who altered the free-holders book, and what arti­fices were, used at the Tryal of the Seven Bishops, and who gave the Instructions to the Jury before­hand, and what were those Instructions, and which of the whole pannel were sure Men? did you never observe a sett of Security Men, and whom by name, plying in the Hall, as the Watermen at the Stairs? did you never know, and how often, a Worshipful Deputy pack a Jury, and make himself foreman of it? what gratuity have you known in such case, and what difference as to that made between a criminal cause and a civil, and between a Tryal at the Bar and th' old Bayly? Fray tell in, did you never see a Jury treated at Westminster or elsewhere, after a criminal Tryal, what entertainment and by whom, what Money too, and to which of them given, to distribute? Come, come, out with it, tell us what did the Gang use to say upon those occasions? you need hot sear, the heads are in the Tower now?

7. Concerning State Tryal.

What Judges, Counsel, Jury, and Witnesses were in Colledge's Tryal, who took his Tapers away, and who did mannage it, and how; declare the like concerning Russel's, Sidney's, and Cornish's, and who pronounced the Sentence? and the same for the Soldiers; what Justice of Peace committed them, what Juries in Towns of Countries found Bills against them; what Judges tryed them, what Juries con­victed them, and who condemned them? and pray tell us in those Tryals how much might be spent in Juries dinners, and how many Guineys they had in each, and by whom paid, and how long that trade of gratifying Juries in Capital Causes hath been in fashion, and by whom advised and introduced?

8. Concerning the Western Campaign.

What Judges went, what Counsel, what Assistants, and what Examiners? how was my Lady Lisle's Tryal mannaged, who were Jurors, now retorned, and by whom? how often was the Pannel altered, and by whom? what Evidence was given, what Records produced against Hicks, for harbouring of whom she was Executed? to be short, how much Blood was there spilt, and how much Money got by it, and by whom? who invented that dextrous way of disparching the Crowd, and who mannaged it with most applause? was there none hanged without Process, Tryals, or Indictments, tell us by whom, and how many? do you know of any Act of attainder produced as their Warrant? and after that business was over in the West, were the Soldiers disbanded, or were they billeted against the Peoples wills? do you know of any Justice of Peace that did so? do you know any Lawyer or Justice that did it? declare.

9. Concerning the high Commission Court.

Who advised it? who drew it? who sate in it? what Sentences did they pass, and against whom, and with whose consent? how often was it renewed, and what added? who were left out, and who put in, who went down to Oxford to see a Smith break open Doors? who attended them? who was Clerk, Register, and Messenger to that Court? declare.

10. Concerning Witnesses.

Who hired Saxton against the Lord Delamer, Sir R. Cotton and Mr. Offley? what had he for swearing? who releas'd him out of Newgate, and where is he now? who Brib'd the two Clerks of the House of Commons to abscond, when lawfully Subpana'd to bring their Books and give Evidence in behalf of that Noble Lord, &c. what reward had they? and whose Money was it? and tell what Fees they ex­torted from Mr. Williams at his Tryal for the use of their Books, and who paid them for their service at that Tryal against him?

11. Concerning Fines, &c.

Who had the Revenue of the Arch- Bishoprick of York? who receiv'd it? and to whose use paid? to whom and to what use was the E. of D—s fine of 30000 l. given? what became of Mr. Willams's 10000 l. who was it paid to? what purchases were made? what Chappels, and Jesuits Schools built? of whom purchased? By whom and how?

12. Concerning the Earl of Essex's mur­der, &c.

Who mannaged the Coroners Inquest at the E. of Essex's murder? who wash't his Room? and what became of the Lord Allington? how did he dye, when, and where, and who did he drink with be­fore his death? and how dyed Captain Cheek, if you can tell?

13. Concerning choosing the Parlia­ment in 85.

Who mannaged the Parliament in 1685. who appointed the Persons that were chosen; and what methods were taken therein, and by whom? and what careful Instructions were sent to the Militia Officers, Justices, Sheriffs, and Clergy about it, &c?

14. Concerning Mr. B's escape.

Who committed him, and for what, and whi­ther, and how long was he there, how got he out, who bailed him, and what were his bail, and in what Sums? which of the prosecutors consented to it, what Counsel advised it, and what Fees were paid for the same? declare the truth and nothing but the truth; So help you God.


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