At a Meeting of the Council of the ROYAL SOCIETY, Feb. 22. 1681/2

DR. Grew having read several Lectures of the Ana­tomy of Plants, some whereof have been already printed at divers times, and some are not printed; with several other Lectures of their Colours, Odours Tasts, and Salts; as also of the Solution of Salts in Water; and of Mixture; all of them to the satisfaction of the said Society: It is therefore Ordered, That He be desired, to cause them to printed together in one Volume.


THE ANATOMY OF PLANTS. WITH AN IDEA OF A Philosophical History of Plants. And several other LECTURES, Read before the ROYAL SOCIETY.


Printed by W. Rawlins, for the Author, 1682.

TO HIS MOST Sacred Majesty CHARLES II. King of Great Britain, &c.

May it please Your Majesty,

THE Dedication of one Part of the following Anatomy having been very graciously received by Your Majesty: I am now emboldened most humbly to present the Whole into Your Royal Hands.

By which Your Majesty will find, That there are Terrae Incognitae in Philosophy, as well as Geography. And for so much, as lies here, it comes to pass, I know not how, even in this Inqui­sitive Age, That I am the first, who have given a Map of the Country.

[Page] Your Majesty will here see, That there are those things within a Plant, little less admirable, than within an Animal. That a Plant, as well as an Animal, is composed of several Organical Parts; some whereof may be called its Bowels. That eve­ry Plant hath Bowels of divers kinds, conteining divers kinds of Liquors. That even a Plant lives partly upon Aer; for the reception whereof, it hath those Parts which are answerable to Lungs. So that a Plant is, it were, an Animal in Quires; as an Animal is a Plant, or rather several Plants bound up into one Volume.

Again, that all the said Organs, Bowels, or other Parts, are as artificially made; and for their Place and Number, as punctually set together; as all the Mathematick Lines of a Flower or Face. That the Staple of the Stuff is so exquisitely fine, that no Silk-worm is able to draw any thing near so small a Thred. So that one who walks about with the meanest Stick, holds a Piece of Natures Handicraft, which far surpasses the most elaborate Woof or Needle-Work in the World.

That by all these Means, the Ascent of the Sap, the Distribution of the Aer, the Confection of se­veral sorts of Liquors, as Lympha's, Milks, Oyls, Balsames; with other parts of Vegetation, are all contrived and brought about in a Mechanical way. [Page] In sum, Your Majesty will find, that we are come ashore into a new World, whereof we see no end.

It may be, that some will say, into another Utopia. Yet not I, but Nature speaketh these things: the only true Pallas, wherewith it is treasonable for the most couriously handed Arachne to compare. In whose Name, I, the meanest of her Pupils, do in all humi­lity crave Your Majesties Gracious Patronage. Where­of I cannot doubt, since Your Majesty hath been plea­sed to be the Founder, and to style Your Self the Pa­tron of the Society, of which I have the honour to be a Member. Your Majesty deeming it to be a more Noble Design, To enlarge the Territories of Know­ledge, than those of Dominion: and the Highest Pitch of Human Glory, not to rule, in any sort, over many; but to be a Good Prince over Wise Men. I am

Your Majesties most humble and most obedient Subject NEHEMIAH GREW.


IT is a Politick or Civil Virtue in every prudent mans Eye, To set himself an example, in what he doth, unto others. And in so doing, he looks upon him­self as accountable, in some sort, to all Men. To those therefore, who may either expresly, or tacitly, expect the Reasons, upon which I first undertook the Anatomy of Plants, and al­so made the after-progress therein; I shall summe them up as follows.

The first occasion of directing my Thoughts this way, was in the Year 1664, upon reading some, of the many and curious Inventions of Learned Men, in the Bodies of Animals. For considering, that both of them came at first out of the same Hand; and were therefore the Contrivances of the same Wisdom: I thence fully assured my self, that it could not be a vain Design; to seek it in both. And being then new­ly furnished with a good stock of Seeds, in order to raise a Nursery of Plants; I resolved, besides what I first aimed at, to make the utmost use of them for that purpose: that so I might put somewhat upon that side the Leaf which the best Botanicks had left bare and empty. And in which, notwithstanding some o­ther Learned Men had inserted somewhat of this na­ture; as Dr. Highmore in his Book of Generation, Dr. Sharrock of the Propagation of Plants, and Mr. Hook in his Micrography: yet but collaterally, and whithout shewing any purpose of managing this Part of Na­tural History. And although it seemed at first an Ob­jection [Page] in my way, That the first projectors seldome bring their business to any good end: yet I also knew, That if Men should stay for an Example in every thing; nothing extraordinary would ever be done.

But notwithstanding the reasonableness of the De­sign; yet I did not forget, that, in respect of the Undertaker, there might be Impar congressus. And there­fore, before I had ventured very far, in the Year 1668, I imparted it to my Brother-in-Law, the Learned Dr. Henry Sampson, now Fellow of the Colledge of Physi­cians in London. Who not only very well liked the same; but also excited me to a vigorous and accurate prosecution of it. Which he did, partly, by mentioning a very pertinent passage of Dr. Glisson, in the Preface to his Book de Hepate, Ch. 1. which I had not then read.

Plantae quoque in hunc censum (sc. Anatomicum) veniunt; variâ enim Partium texturâ, & disserentiis constant: & pro­culdubio, ex acurata earundem dissectione, utiles valde obser­vationes nobis exurgerent: praestaretque in illis (inferioris licet ordinis) rebus examinandis operam impendere, quam in transcribendis ut saepe sit, aliorum laboribus, inutiliter aetatem transigere. Quippe hoc pacto, ignavarum apum more, aliena duntaxat alvearia expilamus, nihilque bono publico adjicimus.

After I had finished the First Book, that I might know the sense also of other Learned Men, whether the steps I had already taken, would warrant me to proceed any further: I put some part of it into the same Hand; who, in the Year 1670, communicated the same to Mr. Oldenburge, then Secretary to the Royal Society: and after he had read it over, it was, upon his motion, de­livered to that excellent Person Dr. John Wilkins then Bishop of Chester; who produced it at a Meeting of the Royal Society, and desired, they might see the rest. Which, or the greatest part, being also presented to them, the Right Honourable the Lord Vicount Brouncker, then President of the Royal Society, was pleased to peruse the same. Presently, after which, at a Meeting of the Council [Page] of the said Society, the following Order was made, and entred in their Council-Book with this Date, and in these words:

May 11 th 1671.

Then was Licensed Dr. Nehemjah Grew's Book, Entituled, The Anatomy of Vegeta­bles begun; together with an account of Vege­tation grounded thereupon. And Ordered to be Printed by the Printer to the Royal Society.

Hereupon, I was obliged to send the Book to the Press. And upon the 9 th of November following in the same Year 1671, when it was near being printed, my Lord Brouncher signed the forementioned Order: the Printer, whose Name was to be inserted therein, not having received his Diploma till that time.

The Book being quickly after printed off; I or­dered it to be Presented to the Royal Society; which was accordingly done at one of their Meetings Decem­ber 7, 1671. And also to be sent to the Bishop of Chester; who was pleased to signifie his acceptance there­of by a Letter dated at Chester, December 26 th 1671. now filed amongst others in the Custody of the Royal Society: part whereof, in regard it relates to matter of Fact, I shall here recite.


I did yesterday receive your Book; and am very sensible of the Honour you have done me in the De­dication of it. You was very happy in the choice [Page] of this Subject to write upon; one of the most No­ble and the most Copious parts of Philosophy; and such an one, as hath hitherto lain uncultivated. And you have been very successful in your first Attempt about it, in so many remarkable Observations and Discoveries, as you have made already. I could heartily wish, that you would still apply your self to this kind of Enquiries. You will find that Ad­ditionals will come in more copiously and easily. And it is not fit, that any one should, by his Super­structions, carry away the praise from him, who was the first Inventor, and who laid the Foundations, wherein the greatest difficulty doth consist, &c.

Having thus submitted my self to the Judgment of many Learned Men; I saw that my Journey must not here end. So that, like one who is got into a Wood, I thought I might as fairly find my way out, by going on, as by making a retreat. Whereupon, I began to draw up a Scheme of the whole Design.

While I was doing this, I received news from Lon­don, that the same day, December 7. 1671, in which my Book, then printed, was presented to the Royal So­ciety: there was also presented a Manuscript (with­out Figures) from Seignior Malpighi, upon the same Subject; dated at Bononia, November, 1 st 1671. the same, which Mr. Oldenburge, when it came to be prin­ted, calleth his Idea. And of this, entry was made in their Journal Book. So that the Royal Society having now a Prospect of the good service of an Ancient Member, and one, who had highly merited by his Works then extant; from thence forward, I looked upon my self to be excused.

But soon after, receiving another Letter from the Bishop of Chester, dated at London, Febr. 18. 1672. I [Page] found the matter otherwise; and that the Society were pleased to engage me to proceed. Whereof entry was made by the Secretary in their Journal Book, at one of their Meetings, April, 18. 1672, in these words: ‘The Society was made acquainted with one particular lately passed in the Council; sc. That the Bishop of Chester had there proposed Dr. Grew to be a Curator to the Royal Society for the Anatomy of Plants: and that the Council had approved of that Proposal. Vpon which, it was Ordered, That the Thanks of the Society be returned to the Lord Bishop of Chester, for this Proposal, and to the Coun­cil for their Approbation of the same.’

This they might be induced to do; upon considering, that it would be no disadvantage to the credit of those matters, which were so new and strange, to be offered to the World from a double Authority. For one, al­though he may have no mind to deceive; yet is it more likely for one, than for two, to be deceived. Likewise, that the same Subject, being prosecuted by two Hands, would be the more illustrated by the different Examples produced by both. And that, as in other matters, so here, the defects of both, would mutually be sup­plyed.

Whether for these, or other Reasons also, they were pleased to pass the forementioned Order; that being done, it had been very ill manners in me, not to have answered their expectation therein. And therefore re­assuming the Design I had laid by, and having reduced it to some intelligible Idea, it was submitted to the Cen­sure of the Royal Society: and it was thereupon ordered it should be printed.

[Page] Not long after, I received a Curious and Learned Book from Mons. Dodart, Archiater to the Prince of Conde, and Fellow of the Royal Academy at Paris; in per­suance of whose Order, it was by him composed and published. Which being a Design of a like Import, I was glad to see it so far justify'd by that Illustrious So­ciety, as well as by our own.

In this Idea, one principal Thing I insist upon, for a Philosophical History of Plants, is Anatomy. And, agree­ing to the Method therein proposed, all the Observations conteined in the First Book, except one or two, were made with the Naked Eye. To the end, I might first give a proof, How far it was possible for us to go, without the help of Glasses: which many Ingenious Men want; and more, the patience to manage them. For the Truth of these Observations, Seignior Malpighi, having pro­cured my Book to be translated into Latin for his private use, speaks his own sense, in some of his Letters to Mr. Oldenburge, printed at the end of his Anatomy of Plants. And some of them, have since been confirmed, both by our Learned Country-men Dr. Wallis, and Mr. Lister; and by the Ingenious Mr. Lewenhoeck, a­broad.

Having thus begun with the bare Eye; I next proceeded to the use of the Microscope. And the Observations thereby made, first on Roots, and afterwards on Trunks and Branches, together with the Figures, were all exhi­bited to the Royal Society at several times from May 15. 1672. to April 2. 1674; being the Materials for the Se­cond and Third Parts: and hereof Memorials were in­serted in their Journal Books.

After this, the Royal Society received from Seignior Malpighi his Second Part of the Anatomy of Plants, toge­ther with the Figures therein described, and his Letters to their Secretary, dated at Bononia Aug. 20 th of the same year 1674. when, and not before, he gave leave that the two said Parts should be printed.

[Page] So soon as I had finished the Second and Third Parts, I proceeded to the Last, sc. of Leaves, Flowers, Fruits and Seeds: and those Things I met with, more remarqua­ble, were presented to the said Society in the Years 1676 & 1677. And the publishing of the former Parts suc­cessively, as well as of all together, hath been done in pursuance of their several Orders for the same.

Having concluded the History of Perfect Plants; I in­tended to have subjoyned the Description of those which are Imperfect. As also of Parasitical, Marine, and Sen­sitive Plants. And lastly, a view of the chief Particu­lars, wherein the Mechanisme of a Plant, is different from that of an Animal. But these things I leave to some other Hand.

The First Book, a little after it came forth; was translated into the French Tongue, by Mons. Le Vasseur an Ingenious Gentleman in Paris; elegantly, and in the Judgment of those who are well skilled in that Lan­guage, with much exactness, as to the sense. He ha­ving taken special care, to have all the difficulties of our own, by Me, cleared to him. And in a late Book Entituled, Philosophia vetus & nova printed at Noriberg 1682. the Learned Author seems to have made use of this Translation, for all that he hath taken notice of in that my First Book.

By the Ingenious Collectors of the German Epheme­rides, both my First, Second, and Third Books, are all published in Latine. But their unskilful Interpreter doth often fail of the Grammatical Sense. Whose Errors, ma­ny of them very gross, I desire may be imputed neither to them, nor to my self.

Besides these, the Second Lecture of Mixture is also translated into French, by Mons. Mesmin a Learned Physician in Paris: whose Version is very well approved by those who are competent Judges hereof.

[Page] This, and the rest which follow, are placed, not in the order of Time; but more according to their Nature or Relation one to another. All of them intended as a Commentary upon some particulars mentioned, either in the First Lecture, or in the Idea.

In the Plates, for the clearer conception of the Part described, I have represented it, generally, as entire, as its being magnified to some good degree, would bear. So, for instance, not the Barque, Wood, or Pith of a Root or Tree, by it self; but at least, some portion of all three together: Whereby, both their Texture, and also their Relation one to another, and the Fabrick of the whole, may be observed at one View. Yet have I not every where magnify'd the Part to the same degree; but more or less, as was necessary to represent what is spoken of it. And very highly, only in some few Examples, as in Tab. 40. which may suffice to illustrate the rest. Some of the Plates, especially those which I did not draw to the Engravers hand, are a little hard and stiff: but they are all well enough done, to represent what they intend.

AN IDEA OF A Philosophical History OF PLANTS. Read before the ROYAL SOCIETY, January 8. and January 15. 1672.

By NEHEMJAH GREW M. D. Fellow of the Royal Society, and of the College of Physicians.

The Second Edition.

LONDON, Printed by W. Rawlins, 1682.



UNTO what Degree the knowledge of Plants is ar­rived, §. 1. Wherein defective, §. 2. Why concluded to be so, §. 3. Yet capable of Improvement, §. 4. And worthy of it, §. 5.

Divers Instances given, wherein; first of the Organical Parts, as to their external Accidents and Oeconomical Vses, 6. Then of their Contents, Qualities, and Powers, 7. And an Improvement of this Part, will further that of divers other parts of knowledge; whereof Instances are given, 8.

In order whereto, Five General Means are propounded, 9. The First, a particular and comparative Survey of whatever is of more External consideration about Plants, 10. Instanced as to their Figures, 11, 12. Proportions, 13. Seasons, 14. Pla­ces, 15. Motions, 16.

The Second, A like Survey of the Organical Parts by Anatomy, as that which is very necessary, 17. In what man­ner to be prosecuted, both without, and with the Microscope, 18. What thereupon to be observed, 19. And what, from ob­servantion made, probably attainable, 20.

The Third, A like Survey of the Contents of Plants; their several Kinds, 21. Of all which, their Receptacles, 22. Mo­tions, 23. Qualities, 24. Consistence, 25. Colours, Smells, and Tastes, 26. Where also the same Qualities are to be inquired into, as generally belonging to Plants, 26. As their Colours, 27. Odours, 28. Tastes, 29. Also their Faculties, 30. All these to be further examined, 31. By Contusion, 32. Agita­tion, 33. Frigifaction, 34. Infusion, 35. Subsession, 36. Di­gestion, 37, 38. Decoction, 39. Destillation, 40. Arefaction, 41. [Page] Assation, 42. Vstion, 43. Calcination, 44. By Composition with other Bodies, 45. And by Compounding the Experiment it self, 46. What hence attainable, 47.

The Fourth, A like Survey of the Principles, as well as of the Contents, of the Organical Parts, 48. The Diffi­culty hereof, in some respects cleared, 49. Further, by two In­stances, 50, 51. Some Remarques hereupon, of the Princi­ples of Plants, 52. From hence will be attainable a further knowledge of the Modes of Vegetation, 53. Of the Qualities of Vegetables, 54. And of their Powers, 55, 56.

The Fifth, A like Survey of those Bodies, either from which these Principles are derived, or wherewith they have any communion, 57. Which are Four in general, scil. Earth, and all solid Receptacles, 58. Water, and all liquid Recep­tacles, 59. Aer, 60. And Sun, 61.

A Sixth General Inquiry, only hinted, 62.

The Conclusion, 63.

AN IDEA OF A Philosophical History OF PLANTS.

IF WE take an account of the Degrees whereunto the Knowledge of Vegetables is Advanced, it ap­peareth, That besides the great Varieties, which the Successful Arts of Florists, or Transplantations from one Climate to another, have produced; we have very many Species brought to light, especially Natives of the Indies, which the Ancients, for any thing that appears in their Writings now extant, were ignorant of. In which particular Clusius, Columna, Bauhinus, Boccone, and others, have performed much. Withall, That their Descriptions (of all Parts above ground) their Places and Seasons, are with good diligence and preciseness set before us. Likewise their Order and Kindred: for the adjusting whereof our Learned Countryman Mr. Ray, and Dr. Morri­son, have both taken very laudable pains. As also the ordering of them with respect to their Alimental and Mechanick Uses; for which, amongst others, Mr. Evelyn and Dr. Beal have deserved many thanks, and great praise. We are also informed, of the Natures and infallible Faculties of many of them. Whereunto so many as have assisted, have much obliged their Posterity.

[Page 2] 2. §. By due Reflection upon what hath been Performed; it also appears, what is left Imperfect, and what Vndone. For the Virtues of most Plants, are with much uncertainty, and too promiscuously ascribed to them. So that if you turn over an Herbal, you shall find almost every Herb, to be good for every Disease. And of the Virtues of many, they are altogether silent. And although, for the finding out, and just appropriation of them, they have left us some Rules, yet not all. The Descriptions likewise of many, are yet to be perfected; es­pecially as to their Roots. Those who are very curious about the other Parts, being yet here too remiss. And as for their Figures, it were much to be wished, That they were all drawn by one Scale; or, at most, by Two; one, for Trees and Shrubs; and another for Herbs. Many likewise of their Ranks and Affinities, are yet undetermined. And a great number of Names, both English and Latine, not well given. So what we call Goat's-Rue, is not at all of kin to that Plant, whose Generical Name it bears. The like may be said of Wild-Tansy, Stock-July-Flowers, Horse-Radish, and many more. So also when we say Bellis Major, & Minor, as we commonly do, these Names would inti­mate, That the Plants to which they are given, differ (as the great double Marigold, doth from the less) only in Bulk: whereas, in truth, they are two Species of Plants. So we commonly say, Centaurium Ma­jus & Minus, Chelidonium Majus & Minus, and of others in like man­ner, which yet are distinct Species, and of very different Tribes. But for the Reason of Vegetation, and the Causes of all those infinite Varieties therein observable (I mean so far as Matter, and the various Affecti­ons hereof, are instrumental thereunto) almost all Men have seemed to be unconcerned.

3. §. That Nothing hereof remaineth further to be known, is a Thought not well Calculated. For if we consider how long and gra­dual a Journey the Knowledge of Nature is; and how short a Time we have to proceed therein; as on the one hand, we shall conclude it our ease and profit, To see how far Others have gone before us: so shall we beware on the other, That we conceive not unduly of Na­ture, whilst we have a just value for Those, who were but her Disci­ples, and instructed by Her. Their Time and Abilities both, being short to her; which, as She was first Designed by Divine Wisdom; so may Her vast Dimensions best be adjudged of, in being compared Therewith. It will therefore be our Prudence, not to insist upon the Invidious Question, Which of Her Scholars have taken the fairest measure of Her; but to be well satisfied, that as yet She hath not been Circumscribed by Any.

4. §. Nor doth it more behove us to consider, how much of the Nature of Vegetation may lie before us yet unknown; Than, to be­lieve, a great part thereof to be knowable. Not concluding from the acknowledged, much less supposed Insuccessfulnes, of any Mens Un­dertakings: but from what may be accounted Possible, as to the Nature of things themselves; and from Divine Providence, by Infinite Ways conducting to the knowledge of them. Neither can we determine how great a part This may be: Because, It is impossible to Measure, what we See not. And since we are most likely to under-measure, we shall hereby but intrench our Endeavours, which we are not wont to carry beyond the Idea, which we have of our Work.

[Page 3] 5. §. And how far soever this kind of Knowledge may be attaina­ble, its being so far also worthy our attainment will be granted. For beholding the Many and Elegant Varieties, wherewith a Field or Garden is adorned; Who would not say, That it were exceeding plea­sant to know what we See: and not more delightful, to one who has Eyes, to discern that all is very fine; than to another who hath Reason, to understand how. This surely were for a Man to take a True In­ventory of his Goods, and his best way to put a price upon them. Yea it seems, that this were not only to be Partaker of Divine Bounty; but also, in some degree, To be Copartner in the Secrets of Divine Art. That which were very desireable, unless we should think it imperti­nent for us to design the Knowing of That, which God hath once thought fit to Do.

6. §. If for these, and other Reasons, an inquiry into the Nature of Vegetation may be of good Import; It will be requisite to see, first of all, What may offer it self to be enquired of; or to understand, what our Scope is: That so doing, we may take our aim the better in making, and having made, in applying our Observations thereunto. Amongst other Inquiries therefore, such as these deserve to be pro­posed. First, by what means it is that a Plant, or any Part of it, comes to Grow, a Seed to put forth a Root and Trunk; and this, all the other Parts, to the Seed again; and all these being formed, by continual Nu­trition still to be increased. How the Aliment by which a Plant is fed, is duly prepared in its several Parts; which way it is conveyed unto them; and in what manner it is assimilated to their respective Na­tures in them all. Whence this Growth and Augmentation, is not made of one, but many differing Degrees, unto both extremes of small and great; whether the comparison be made betwixt several Plants, or the several Parts of one. How not only their Sizes, but also their Shapes are so exceeding various; as of Roots, in being Thick or Slen­der, Short or Long, Entire or Parted, Stringed or Ramified, and the like: of Trunks, some being more Entire, others Branched, others Shrub'd: of Leaves, which are Long or Round, Even-edg'd or Es­callop'd, and many other ways different, yet always Flat: and so for the other Parts. Then to inquire, What should be the reason of their various Motions; that the Root should descend; that its descent should sometimes be perpendicular, sometimes more level: That the Trunk doth ascend; and that the ascent thereof, as to the space of Time wherein it is made, is of different measures: and of divers other Motions, as they are observable in the Roots, Trunks, and other Parts of Plants. Whence again, these Motions have their Different, and Stated Terms; that Plants have their set and peculiar Seasons for their Spring or Birth, for their Full Growth, and for their Teeming; and the like. Further, what may be the Causes as of the Seasons of their Growth; so of the Periods of their Lives; some being Annual, others Biennial, others Perennial; some Perennial both as to their Roots and Trunks; and some as to their Roots only. Then, as they pass through these se­veral Seasons of their Lives, in what manner their convenient feeding, housing, cloathing or protection otherwise, is contrived; wherein, in this kind and harmonious Oeconomy, one Part, may be officious to another, for the preservation of the health and life of the whole. And lastly, what care is taken, not only for themselves, but for their Posterity; in [Page 4] what manner the Seed is prepared, formed and fitted for Propagation: and this being of so great concernment, how sometimes the other Parts also, as Roots, in putting forth Trunks; Trunks in putting forth Roots; yea in turning oftentimes into Roots themselves; whereof, in the Se­cond Book of the Anatomy of Plants, I shall give some instances. With other Heads of Inquiry of this kind.

7. §. Nor are the Natures, Faculties, and Contents of Vegetables less various, or a particular Inspection hereinto, of less concernment. For since All, or Most, seem to grow in the same manner, with one Sun, one Rain, indifferently well upon one Soil, and, to outward appearance, to have the same Common Parts; it may be asked, How it comes to pass, that their Liquors, or other Contained Parts, are of such different Kinds; one being Watry, another Winy, a third Oily, a fourth Mil­ky, and the like. How also there is such a variety in their Sensible Qualities, as their Colours, Tastes, and Smells; what those Materials are, which are necessary to the Being of these Qualities; and those Formalities, wherein their Essence doth consist; as what it is that makes a Plant, or Flower, to be White or red; fragrant or fetid; bitter or sweet; or to be of any other Colour, Smell, or Taste. In like manner, their Fa­culties and Powers, what that is, or those things are, by which they are constituted; as whence one becomes Purgative, another Vomitory, a third Diaphoretick, &c, These, I say, with many other particular Inquiries depending hereupon; as they cannot but much oblige the Reason of Man to be obsequious to them, so by bringing in, at least, some satisfaction, will no less reward it. Especially, if it be withal considered, that besides our satisfaction as to the Nature of Vegetation; some further Light, to divers other parts of Knowledge, may likewise hence arise.

8. §. For since the present Design will ingage us, to an accurate and multifarious Observation of Plants; we may hereby be enabled to range and sort them with more certainty, according to the Degrees of their Affinity. And all Exoticks, Plants or Parts of Plants, may probably be reduced to some such Domesticks, unto which they may bear the best Resemblance. Again, it may frequently conduct our minds to the consideration of the State of Animals; as whether there are not divers material Agreements betwixt them both; and what they are. Wherein also they may considerably differ, and what those things are which are more essential to their distinguishment. And be­sides, not only to compare what is already known of both; but also, by what may be observed in the one, to suggest and facilitate the finding out of what may yet be unobserved in the other. So also the conside­ration of the Colours, Smells and Tastes of Vegetables, may conduce to the Knowledge of the same Qualities in General; or of what it is, that constitutes them such, in any other Body: not as they are actually re­ceived by Sense; but so far, as such Materials or external Circumstan­ces, are requisite to their becoming the Adequate Objects thereof. It may lead us also to inquire into further Ways of Cultivation, with re­spect to the whole Plant, or to the Flower, Fruit, or other Part: To amend them as to their Sizes, Colours, Tastes, Fruitfulness, or other­wise: To think of other Ways of Propagation; or to apply those al­ready known to other Plants than hath been used. Likewise the Know­ledge of their Mechanical Uses may hereby be enlarged; both as to the [Page 5] Reason of their use, in such particular Trades and Manufactures, al­ready known; and the discovery of other uses yet unknown. As also their Alimental, with respect both to Meats and Drinks; the prepara­tion of some, and the finding out of others. But especially their Me­dicinal; some Plants which have hitherto been neglected, may be ap­plied to use; the Perverted uses of some, and the Confused uses of others, may be rectified. What may best correct their Malignancies, or inforce their Virtues; When needful to add the preparations of Art to That of Nature; How to Enlarge those of Art, and Rectifie those which are indeed Inartificial, may hereby be better conjectured. The knowledge of all which, that we may know how far it is accessible, and what probable Approaches may be made towards it; those seve­ral Means I have thought of, and suppose necessary thereunto, are next to be proposed.

9. §. Reflecting then upon the present Design, and seeing this to lie wide; we shall, in the first place, conclude the Means attending thereon, should do so likewise. Wherefore, although some may pre­sent themselves unto us as more promising; yet let us suppose what several Persons, were they hereunto engaged, each according to his Sense and Genius, would possibly make choice of. Believing, that although Considering Men may vary, in the approval of their own Sense and Notion; yet not always mearly, because it is their own; but because each, may probably see somewhat more in his own, than others do. Wherefore it will be our surest Logick to conclude, Not because no Mean may be approved by all Men, that all Means should be rejected; but rather, because each may be approved by some, that therefore, all be made choice of. And these, I think, may be compre­hended under Five General Heads of Enquiry. First, Of those Things, which are of more External Consideration about Plants, as their Fi­gures, &c. Secondly, Of their Compounding Parts, as Vessels, &c. Thirdly, Of their Liquors, and other Contents. Fourthly, Of their Principles, as Salts, &c. Fifthly, Of their Aliment, as Water, and other Means of Growth.

10. §. AND FIRST of all, The First General Mean. whatever is of more External Con­sideration, as the Figures, Proportions, Motions, Seasons, Situations of Vegetables, and of their several Parts, should be observed. In doing which, a particular survey of all their Varieties should be taken. And then a Comparison made betwixt these, and the several Plants, or Parts of Plants, whereof they are the Properties. To the end, We may, if possible, be thereby conducted to find out, what other, either sensi­ble, or more recluse Property, any of them may agree together in. For it is not more certain, that the three Angles of every Rectilinear Trian­gle, because all ways equal to two Right Angles, are therefore, if put together, always the same: than that one Property, agreeing to divers Vegetables, should have one Cause: For although the Scope and End may vary; yet the Cause, as it is the Cause of that Property, must be one: and consequently, must also import some Identity in the Nature of all those Vegetables wherein it Acts. Wherefore by thus comparing of them, we shall be able more exactly to state the Orders and Degrees of their Affinities; Better to understand both the Causes and Ends of their Varieties: And more probably to conjecture of their Natures and Vertues.

[Page 6] 11. §. First then the various Figures of their several Parts should be observed; and that with respect both to the Forms, and the Posi­tions, by which their Roots, Trunks, Branches, Leaves, Flowers, Fruits, and Seeds may vary, or agree; and those several Lines, by which both the said Varieties are determin'd. In which of these Parts, the agreement chiefly lies; this being both more observable, and more material in some of them; less in the Root, more in the Flower, or Seed. And in how many of these Parts together; whether one, more, or all. By both which, the Orders and Degrees of Affinity, which are many, may be accounted; either as to what we strictly call Kin­dred, or else Analogy. For there are found, not only Herbs account­ed of several Tribes, which are ally'd; and some of the Smallest, which are of kin to the Greatest: But there are also, probably, some Herbs, which have a particular Relation, to many Kinds of Shrubs; and some Shrubs, to many Kinds of Trees. Thus the several sorts of Letuce, are of Kin, together in the First Degree; with Endive, in the Second. The several Clarys, amongst themselves in the First; with Horehound, in the Second; with Lamium, in the Third. All Strawberries agree toge­ther, in the First Degree; with Cinquefoyl, in the Second; with Tor­mentil in the Third; and with Avens, &c. in other Degrees more re­mote. So Agrimony, hath alike Analogy unto Strawberry; as Goats-Rue, hath to Claver: And Strawberry, the like unto the Rasp; as Goos­berry to the Vine; or Burnet, to the Rose. Amongst the several Sorts of Grass, there are some which match all those of Corn; which is but a greater kind of Grass. So again all Pulse, are not only of kin, in their several Degrees, to one another; but likewise, to almost all kinds of Trefoyls, as Melilot, Foenugreek, and the common Clavers themselves; as by comparing not only their Leaves, but Flowers, Seeds, and Cods together, may be evident. For the several parts of the Flower of a Trefoyl, are so many more Flowers, containing so many Cods of small Seeds, all, in shape, agreeable to the Flowers, Cods, and Seeds of Pulse. The same Relation, which Trefoyls have to the Peas or other Pulse; Colts-foot, hath to Buttyr-Bur; Chickweed to Leu [...]anthemum; Ground-sell, to Jacobaea, or Scorodonia, to Foxglove: Or, to go higher, as the Leguminous Kinds of Herbs, have to Sena, or some other of the Lobed Shrubs and Trees. And, as among Animals, there are some which con­nect several Kinds; as the Batt doth Beasts and Birds: So, among Plants, there are some also, which seem to stand between two Tribes; as Lappa, between Knapweeds and Thistles; Lampsana, between the Intybaceous Kind, and the Mouse-ears.

12. §. From hence likewise, the Natures of Plants may be conje­ctured. For in looking upon divers Plants, though of different Names and Kinds; yet if some a [...]inity may be found betwixt them, then the Nature of any one of them being well known, we have thence ground of conjecture, as to the Nature of all the rest. So that as eve­ry Plant may have somewhat of Nature individual to it self; so, as far as it obtaineth any Visible Communities with other Plants, so far, may it partake of Common Nature with those also. Thus the Wild, and Garden Cucumers, have this difference; that the one purgeth strongly, the other, not at all: yet in being Diuretick, they both agree. The Natures of Umbelliferous Plants, we know, are various; yet 'tis most probable, that they all agree in this one, scil. in being Carminative. [Page 7] The several sorts, both of Corn and Grass, are all akin; there is no doubt therefore, but that the Seeds of Grass themselves (of Rye and Oats it is tryed) if it were worth the while to order them, as Barley, would yield an inflammable Spirit. So likewise the several Kinds of Pulse, have some one community in their Form, as is said: for which reason, I question not, but that in some Cases, wherein Cicers are esteem­ed a good Medicine; a Decoction of the better sort of Pease, especi­ally that we call the Sugar-Pease, may go beyond them. As doth also the Flower or Meal of Beans, that of the Seeds of Foenugreek; even there, where they are accounted excellent. So Tulips, Lillies, Crocu­ses, Jacynths, and Onions themselves, with many others, in their seve­ral Degrees, are all allied. If therefore Crocuses, Onions, Lillies, agree in one or more Faculties, then why may not all the rest? as in being Anodyne; or in some other Common Nature; whereby, in their Vege­tation, their Parts are Governed and Over-ruled, to one Common or Analogous Form.

13. §. The Proportions likewise, amongst the several Parts of Vege­tables, for the same Reasons, deserve to be observed; the comparison being made, both betwixt the Parts of several Plants, and the seve­ral Parts of one. And here again, either betwixt any Two of the Parts, or any One of them, and the Whole besides, or all the rest put together. So some larger Seeds, produce a small Root; as those of Cucumer: and others smaller, produce one very great; as those of Bryony. Some Plants, as the Melon, though themselves but very slen­der, yet have a vast and bulky Fruit; others again, as Thistles, and many yet more substantial, have no other Fruit, besides their Seed. So the Seeds of all Pulse, and especially, the Garden Bean, though large, yet produce but a small Plant: but those of Foxglove, Mullen, Burdock, Sun-flower, &c. being themselves much less, do yet produce a far greater. And especially, those Seeds, which are inclosed in the Thicker sort of Cover, (analogous to that I have elsewhere called the Secondine) as that of Peony; Anat. Plant. Book 1. Chap. ult. whose Seed, so called, is only the Nest wherein the true and real Seed is lodged, no bigger than a little Pins head: which is also observable of the Seeds of divers other Plants. These, and the like Proportions, as they lie betwixt the several Parts, should be noted: and to what Plants or Parts especially, any of them may agree: comparing also in what other kind of Properties an agreement betwixt the said Parts may be found: that so doing, we may, if possible, amongst all their Individual Natures, be instructed to single out those Common Ones, which are concomitant to such Agree­ing Properties.

14. §. The several Seasons also of Plants, and of their Parts, should be considered. Observing at what particular Times of the Year, any of them chiefly Spring, Early or Late. The Times wherein they Ger­minate; whether for some Space only, or all the Year long. Where­in they Spring, after Sowing; or Flower, after Springing, sooner, or slower. Which Flower, the first Year, or not till the second. Which after the Leaves are put forth, or before them; for so, some do, as the Crocus Vernus, Bears-foot, Hepatica aurea, and others; all the Leaves, at the time of their flowering, being old, or of the foregoing Year's growth. So likewise the Maturation of the Fruit or Seed; how long after the Flower, and the like. All or some of which Varieties, being [Page 8] laid together, we may probably conjecture the Causes thereof; and the Natures of the Plants in which they are seen: scil. as such a De­gree of Heat may be necessary for the Fermentation, or the better Di­stribution of the Sap of such a Plant; or for the Impregnation of the Aer, to be mixed therewith; or the due Disposing of the Soil, to render the most convenient Aliment thereunto. So the Principles of such Plants, which flower all the Year, may be more equally propor­tion'd. Those which flower before the Leaves put forth, as the Cro­cus Vernus, and those which flower in Spring, may be accounted Rank, and full of Volatile Salt. But Autumn Plants especially, to abound with a Fixed: and the like.

15. §. The proper Places also of Plants, or such wherein they have, from their Seeds, or other way of Propagation, a Spontaneous growth, should be considered. And that as to the Climate; whether in one Colder, Temperate, or more Hot. The Region; Continent, or Island. The Seat; as Sea, or Land, Watry, Boggy, or Dry; Hills, Plains, or Vallies; Open, in Woods, or under Hedges; Against Walls, rooted in them, or on their Tops: and the like. And perhaps the Seeds of some Plants, as of Mosses, (which, through their smallness, will ascend like Moths in the Sun) may fly or swim for some time, in the Aer, viz. till they begin to shoot, and so become heavy enough, to fall down upon the Ground. From whence, in like manner, as from their Seasons, their particular Natures may be directed unto. In that, so far as we may conjecture the nature of such an Aer, Soil, or Seat, we may also of such a Plant, to which they are congenial.

16. §. So likewise, those many Varieties observable in the Moti­ons of Plants, and of their Parts, both Kinds and Degrees; Ascending, Descending, and Horizontal; Rectilinear, and Spiral Motions, should be noted; to what Plants they agree, and wherein any of these Motions may be analogous to those of Animals. And in a word, any other Forensick Properties of Plants. And then, to Compare them all toge­ther; both being necessary. For Thoughts cannot work upon no­thing, no more than Hands. He that will build an House, must pro­vide Materials. And on the contrary, the Materials will never be­come an House, unless, by certain Rules, we joyn them all together. So, it is not, simply, the Knowledge of many things, but a multifari­ous Copulation of them in the Mind, that becomes prolifick of further Knowledge. And thus much for the first General Mean.

17. §. THE NEXT which I propose, The Second General Mean. and that a most neces­sary one, is Anatomy. For when upon the Dissection of Vegetables, we see so great a difference in them, that not only their Outward Fi­gures, but also their Inward Structure, is so Elegant; and in all, so Various; it must needs lead us thus to Think, That these Inward Varieties, were either to no End; or if they were, we must assign to what. To imagine the first, were exceeding vain; as if Nature, the Handmaid of Divine Wisdom, should with Her fine Needle and Thred, stitch up so many several Pieces, of so difficult, and yet so groundless a Work. But if for some End, then either only to be looked upon, or some other besides. If for this only, then this must be such as in respect whereof, Her Work is at no time, nor in any degree frustrate; the contrary whereunto, is most manifest. For although Men do every where, with frequent pleasure, behold the Outward Elegancies of [Page 9] Plants; yet the Inward Ones, which, generally, are as Precise and Various as the Outward; we see, how usual it is, for the beholding of These, to be omitted by them. And besides, when we have observed Nature's Work, as well as we can; it may be no impediment to our best Endeavours, to believe, That some Parts of it, will still remain behind, Unseen. So that if to be Seen, were the only End of it, it must needs be wholly frustrate, as to the greater number of Men; and, in some part, as to all. Wherefore, we must suppose some other Ends of the said Varieties, which should have their Effect, and so These, not be in vain, whether Men beheld them or not; which, are, there­fore, such as have respect to Vegetation: That the Corn might grow, so; and the Flower, so, whether or no Men had a mind, leisure, or abi­lity, to understand how.

18. §. If then the Anatomy of Vegetables be so useful a Mean, we ought not to streighten it; but to force this, as well as the rest, to its utmost Extent. And therefore, first of all, To go through all the Parts, with equal care; examining the Root, Trunk, Branch, Leaf, Flower, Fruit, and Seed. Then to Repeat or Retrograde the Dis­section, from Part to Part: in that, although the best Method of De­livery, for clear Discourse, can be but one, according to that of Na­ture, from the Seed forward, to the Seed: yet can it not but be use­ful, for That of Dissection, to proceed to and fro; somewhat or other being more Visible in each several Part, from whence still an Hint may be taken, for the ushering in the observation of it in the others. To examine, again, not only all the Parts, but Kinds of Vegetables, and comparatively, to observe divers of the same size, shape, motion, age, sap, quality, power, or any other way the same, which may also agree, in some one or more particulars, as to their Interiour Structure: and to make this comparison, throughout all their Parts and Properties. To observe them likewise, in several Seasons of the Year, and in several Ages of the Plants, and of their Parts; in both which, divers of them may be noted to change, not only their Dimensions, but their Natures also; as Vessels, do into Ligaments; and Cartilages, into Bones, some­times, in Animals. And to do all this by several Ways of Section, Oblique, Perpendicular, and Transverse; all three being requisite, if not to Observe, yet the better to Comprehend, some Things. And it will be convenient sometimes to Break, Tear, or otherwise Divide, without a Section. Together with the Knife it will be necessary to joyn the Microscope; and to examine all the Parts, and every Way, in the use of That. As also, that both Immediate, and Microscopical Inspections, be Compared: since it is certain, That some things, may be demonstrated by Reason and the Eye conjunct, without a Glass, which cannot be discovered by it; or else the discovery is so dark, as which, alone, may not be safely depended on.

19. §. By these several Ways of Inspection, it will be requisite, To observe their Compounding Parts; as Simply considered, and as variously Proportioned, and Disposed. As Simply considered, to note their Num­ber; what, and whether the same, in all: their Kinds, wherein dif­ferent in the same, or divers Vegetables: their Original, in part, or in whole: Structure, as to their Contexture and their Cavities; Their Contexture, within themselves severally, and as joyned together: their Cavities, as to their Size, Shape, and Number; in which a great va­riety [Page 10] will be sound. Next their Positions one amongst another, which are also various; as Anterior, Posterior, Collateral, Surrounding, Me­diate, Immediate, Near, Remote; both as they respect the several Parts, and the several portions of one: And all these, as few, or more; these or others of them, may be diversly Compounded together. And then the Proportions they bear one to another; whether as to Mino­rity, Equality, or Excess; each Part compared with each, and that as to the several Degrees appearing in the said Proportions; the Va­rieties whereof may be exceeding numerous. For if we should suppose but Four considerable Parts generally constitutive of a Vegetable: These Four, produce a Variety Four ways. First, when One is Une­qual; and then it produceth only Four Varieties: and those two ways, scil. when one is Greater, and the other three, Equal and Less; or when one is Less; and the other three, Equal and Greater. Secondly, when Two be Unequal; and then they produce Six Varieties. Third­ly, when Three be Unequal, which produceth Twelve Varieties. Or lastly, when all Four be Unequal; which produceth Twenty four: which general Varieties, may be further multiplied by their several Degrees.

20. §. From all which, we may come to know, what the Com­munities of Vegetables are, as belonging to all; what their Distincti­ons, to such a Kind; their Properties, to such a Species; and their Pe­culiarities, to such Particular ones. And as in Metaphysical, or other Contemplative Matters, when we have a distinct knowledge of the Communities and Differences of Things, we may then be able to give their true Definitions: so may we possibly, here attain, to do like­wise: not only to know, That every plant Inwardly differs from a­nother, but also wherein; so as not more surely to Define by the Out­ward Figure, than by the Inward Structure, What that is, or those things are, whereby any Plant, or Sort of Plants, may be distinguish­ed from all others. And having obtained a knowledge of the Com­munities and Differences amongst the Parts of Vegetables; it may con­duct us through a Series of more facile and probable Conclusions, of the ways of their Causality, as to the Communities and Differences of Ve­getation. And thus much for the Second General Mean.

21. §. HAVING THUS far examined the Organical and Con­taining Parts of Vegetables; The Third General Mean. it will be requisite, more designedly, to observe those also which are Fluid, or any others Contained in them: and that, for our better understanding both of the Nature of Vegetation, and of the said Contained Parts. And to make inquiry, First of their Kinds; as Spirits; both such as agree, in general, in being Vinous; and those that are Special, to particular Plants. Aers and Vapours; for the existence whereof, in all Vegetables, there are Ar­guments certainly concluding. And for the difference of their Na­tures, in being more dry, or moist, more simple or compounded, as they are existent in several Parts, there are probable ones. Lym­pha's or clear and watry Saps; which most Plants, in one Part or other, at some time of the Year, do Bleed Mucilages; as in Mallow and Vio­let Leaves; in many Seeds, as of Quinces, Clary; Fruits, as in Cucu­mers; distinct from the watry Sap, as by permitting it to stand and gelly upon the Vessels from whence it issues, is plain: And in the young Berrys of White Bryony, when about the bigness of a Pepper-Corn; [Page 11] the juyce whereof is so Viscous, that the twentieth part of a Grain, will draw out above a Yard in length. Oyles; not only in Seeds, and some Fruits, but other Parts; as in certain little cavities in the Leaves of Savine, visibly collected while they are growing. Gumms or Resines; as in Pine, Fir, and others of this Kind. Milks; as in a vast number of Plants, and amongst them, many not suspected to yield any. For, of Herbs, not only most of the Umbelliferous Kind, are Milky; but all or most of the Intybous; Poppys; Tracheliums; Perwinkles; divers Thistles; and even Onions, if cut at the bottome; with a great many more. Of Trees, not only the Little Maple, but the young Shoots of Lawrel, especially being crushed; as also those of Elder, and some others. To which may be added, such Mucilages, which though not so properly contained within the Parts, yet are found lying over them; as over the first Spring-leaves of all kinds of Docks; betwixt the Leaves and the Veil wherein they are involved. That fine white Flower or Powder, which lies over the Leaves of some Plants, as of Bears-Ear: And in Princes-Feather, about certain Aper­tures only on the edges of the Leaves.

22. §. Of all these should be observed, first their Receptacles; some of them, being proper to one; others, common to two or more of them: since it is certain, that some of them do Transmigrate from one, into another Receptacle, or that the same Receptacle is filled with Fluid Bodies of a quite different Nature, at the different Seasons of the Year, and Ages of the Vegetable. And it is also very probable, That two of some of them, may, sometimes, be contained in one Receptacle, at the same time; as in Animals, the Lympha in the D. Thora [...]icus, and that, and the Chyle, in the Sanguineous Vessels.

23. §. Then their Motions; both Natural, and such as may be effected by Art: and those either by Descent or Ascent; And in ascending, through what different Chanels or Parts of the Trunk; since it is certain, That there is a variety, both in respect of the Season, and of Vegetables. Where it will fall in, To observe the Tapping of Trees. As also their Bleeding: to what Trees it is proper to bleed: in those to which it is, with what difference of Celerity: and when their peculiar Season: for none will bleed at all times; neither will all bleed at the same. And then their Collateral Motion, together with the Mode of their Transition from one Organical Part to another.

24. §. Next their Quantities, either of one; as the Comparison is made betwixt several Plants, or betwixt the Parts of the same. So the true Seed of all Plants, containeth more Oyl, in proportion, than any of the other Parts. Or else of divers, as coexistent and bearing such a proportion one to another in the same Part: of most of which, it may be known by their respective Receptacles. Yet the Computati­on must not be made from the number of the said Receptacles, simply; but as that is in conjunction with their Capacity; and as their Capacity is proportioned to their surrounding Sides; the Sides of those of the least Capacity, being usually as thick, as those of the greatest: so that suppose Ten lesser, to lye within the compass of One greater; the Con­tent of these altogether, would scarce be equal to half the Content of than One.

[Page 12] 25. §. Also their Consistence; scil: of so many of them as are dis­criminable by Touch; in being Soft or Hard; Thin or Thick; Mu­c [...]laginous, Gummous, Glutinous, Friable, &c. And these in their several Degrees; in which there is a Variety, as in the Milks of some Plants, which are more Dilute, than that of others: Mucilages; which in some, are very thick and Viscous, in others, more diluted and coming nearer to a watry Sap. And by This, to be compared in the same manner, as by their Quantity.

26. §. Likewise their Colours, Smells, and Tastes: The general and particular Kinds of all which should be noted. And to what Con­tained Parts, and in what Variety, they appertain. So most Resinous Gumms are Tinctur'd, some, not; as that which drops from the Dome­stick Pine, is as clear as Rock-water. The Milks of some Plants are Paler, as in Burdock; of other Whiter, as in Dandelyon, Scorzonera; Citrine, as in the Root of Trachelium, Angelica; Yellow, as in Lovage. In some Plants, Odorous, as in Umbelliferous; in others not, as in Cichora­ceous. That of Little Maple, Tastless; of Garden Chervil, Sweet; of Fenil, Hot; of Scorzonera, Astringent; of Dandelion, Bitter; and ge­nerally, in other Plants; but with many Degrees of Strength, and in conjunction with other Tasts. But most Mucilages, have little either Colour, Taste, or Smell; and the like. Here also the same Qualities are to be inquired into, as, in general speaking, they are said to belong to a Vegetable. Since it is more than probable, that all Colours (excepting White, which is sometimes common both to Containing and Contained Parts) all Odours, and Tastes, which are more immediately, and with­out a resolution of their Essential Principles, perceptible in a Plant; are not ascribable either to the Organical, or Containing Parts; but only to Those, Contained in them; as from divers reasons hereafter may appear.

27. §. And first, their Colours; where, with respect to several Plants and Parts, they are more Changeable; as Red, in Flowers; or Constant, as Green, in Leaves. Which, with respect to several Ages of one Part, are more fading, as Green in Fruits; or durable, as Yel­low in Flowers, In what Parts more Single, as always in the Seed; or more Compounded, as in the Flower; and in what Plants more espe­cially, as in Pancy. Which proper to Plants that have such a Taste or Smell, as both, in White Flowers, are usually less strong. To Plants that flower in such a Season, as a Yellow Flower, I think, chiefly, to Spring Plants. And to Plants that are natural to such a Soil or Seat, as to Water-plants, more usually, a white Flower. What, amongst all Colours, more Common to Plants, as Green; or more Rare, as Black. And what all these Varieties of Colours are upon Cultivation, but chiefly, in their natural Soil. To observe also with their superficial Colours, those within: so the Roots of Docks, are Yellow; of Bistort, Red; of Avens, Purple; but of most, White. Where the Inward, and Su­perficial Colours agree; as in the Leaves; or vary, as in the other Parts frequently. And in what manner they are Situated; some universally spreading, others running only along with the Vessels, as in the Leaves of Red Dock, and the Flowers of Wood-Sorrel.

28. §. Next their Odours; what may be their principal Seat; whether one or divers Seats in the same Plant. What the chief Mat­ter out of which they are continually bred. What similitude betwixt [Page 13] the Smells of divers Vegetables; as betwixt Baume, and a Limon; the Green Leaves of Meadow-sweet, and the green Rinds of Walnuts. Or betwixt those of Plants and Animals; as the Smell of green and well-grown Carduus, is like to that rank scent, ab aliquorum axillis spi­ranti. Which have a more sensible Smell; as most have; and which have less, as Corn. Where the green Leaf is the most Fragrant Part, as in Musk-Cranesbill; where the Flower, as in Roses; the Root, as in sweet Calamus. Where all the Parts have some Odour, where some, or one, only; as in Scurvy-grass, only the Flowers, unless the Leaves are bruis'd; and in Arum, the Pestil only; for neither the Leaf, nor Root hath any Smell, unless cut; but this is strong enough, not much unlike to Humane Excrements.

29. §. But especially their Tastes, which it much importeth us more precisely to distinguish; First, by their general Kinds; for the number, even of these, may be computed greater than usually it is. I remember not, that Heat and Acritude, with respect to Taste, are di­stinguished; yet Arum-Root is very Pungent, without any proper Heat; and Cloves, are very Hot, without any proper Pungency. So the White Roots of Yarrow, have a Taste, hardly any other way per­ceptible, than by causing a gentle glowing and continued Warmth upon the Tongue. Also their Respondencies one to another; as that of Ze­doary, and of the lesser Cardamoms, is somewhat like to Camphire. Likewise their Degrees; in which there is a great latitude, and may be extended from One to Ten, or with easie distinction, from One to Five: So the Root of Sorrel, is Bitter in the first; of Dock, in the second; of Dog-Rose, in the third; of Dandelyon, in the fourth; of Gen­tian, in the fifth: observing them, not only as they vary in several Kinds of Plants, but the several Species of one, as in Cichory, Hawk­weed, Dandelyon. And then their Compositions; for Tastes are as truly conjunct in one Part, as Colours: by which, the latitude is still greater; In that all Kinds of Tastes, in all their Degrees, and in differing Num­bers, may be variously Compounded together: For the most part, Two, as in the Leaves of sharp-pointed Dock, Astringent, and Sowre; in Sorrel-Roots, Astringent and Bitter; and in Aloes, Bitter and Sweet; the one in the fifth, the other, in the first Degree; as upon an unpre­judiced tryal may be perceived: and yet more evidently in the Gall of any Land-Animal. Sometimes three, as in Agrimony, Bitter, Rough, and Sowrish; and in Agarick, Bitter, Rough, and Sweet. And sometimes, perhaps more. The Sensible distinctions of all which, may lye almost as wide, as of Plants themselves. Wherefore, although it may be thought rashness, to take away the distinctions of Hot, Cold, Moist, Dry, Thin, Gross, and other Qualities, in their several Degree, which the Ancients have affixed to particular Plants: yet since they have done it, to many of them, with much uncertainty; and that, withal, they are, more properly, the Effects and Operations of Plants, than their Qualites; Practical Observation, may therefore approve it useful, to add these Sensible Ones of various Tastes, precisely distinguishing their Conjugations and Degrees. Lastly, their several Varieties and Mutati­ons, with respect to the Subject wherein they reside, should also be noted, As, of all Tastes found in Plants, Bitter and Sowr, are most common; Sweet and Salt, most rare. Which latter, is not only per­ceptible in some Sea-Plants; but upon some others, as upon the fresh [Page 14] Leaves of Tamarisk; which being licked while they grow, or when immediately gathered, are plainly Saltish. How they vary with the Age of the Plant, or Part; as the Roots of Radishes, growing up to Seed, lose the strength of their Tast; so most Fruits are first Sowre, then Sweet. What proper to the several Parts of any one Plant; so the Leaves of Wormwood are extraordinary Bitter; the Root scarcely so at all; of an Hot, but quite different Taste. What more Common, or Rare, to any Part; so no Root that I ever tasted, is Sowre. And how they Alternate in several Plants; as the Root of Stock-July-flower is biting, not the Leaves; on the contrary, the Leaves of the Water-Arsmart, are Biting; but not the Root; and the like. To which we may add the difference of Time wherein the Tastes of Plants are per­ceived; as those of Arum, and Rape-Crowfoot, are both Biting; but that of the first, as it is slowly perceived, so it continues long; that of the other, quickly comes, and quickly goes.

30. §. Amongst the other Adjuncts of the Contained Parts, though not of these only, the Faculties of Vegetables are to be reputed. For so the Rosin of Jalap, which is Purgative, is as truly contained in the Organical Parts of that Root, as Blood is in Veins: It will be requi­site therefore to make particular observation of these also. And first, what Faculties chiefly may reside in Plants, above others: so there is none of known use in Salivation, except by holding in the mouth: Although we may ask, Why some amongst them, may not (being Ta­ken inwardly) have a power to evacuate by This, as well as other Vio­lent ways? Where the Faculty is more universally spread over all the Parts of a Vegetable, as in Asarum. Where belonging chiefly or wholly to any particular Parts or Part; as chiefly to the Root of Rhubarb; and only to the true and proper Seed of Barbado Nuts. Whether some Faculties, may be proper to some Parts especially. What conjunction they may have with any sensible Qualities. So, many Purgers, are not only Resinous and Gummous; But also Mucilaginous; as Bryony, wild Cucumer, Lapathum Sativum; and therefore probably Rhubarb, when growing; Mallows, Violets, &c. Such as are Purging and Vomitory, though some of them have a strong Taste, yet the greater part, and of those, many of the stronger sort, have no Taste, or not Great; as Senna, Jalap, Scammony, Hellebore, Asarum, and others. Amongst which, although Hellebore hath a very Durable Taste, yet is it not ve­ry High or Great. So also, those that are most sensibly tasted, are, I think, for the most part, more or less Bitter; either simply, as Colo­cynthis; or Bitter, Astringent, as Rhubarb; or Bitter and Sweet, as Aloe; or Bitter, Astringent, and Sweet, as Agarick. Few are Hot, as Iris. Or simply Sweet. And though some may be Subacid, that are Mollifying or Lenitive, yet no proper Purge or Vomit is Sowre. Such Plants as are of a soft and sweetish Taste, without Viscosity, may be ac­counted good Antiscorbuticks, especially against the Sea, or other Salt-Scurvey; as are good sweet Pease: And sometimes the Water or Spi­rit of the Shells; which may easily be drawn from them, being first duly fermented, and hath a true Vinous Taste; but very mild, and not unpleasant. Those Plants, whose Parts are not only Hot but Volatile, as Onions, are generally good for Burns. Such as have a Balsamick Taste or Smell, with a little Astringency, as Hypericum, Golden-Rod, Lamium Luteum, &c. the best Wound-Herbs. And such as are gently [Page 15] Bitter, and Pen [...]trant upon the Tongue, or in the Throat, as Daisy, Ana­gallis, good Cleanfers. That such Bodys, principally, are Anodyne, which are Yellow, I think, is more than a conceit; Yelks of Eggs, Foenugreek Seeds, Lint-seed Oyl, May-Butyr, Marrow, Ping [...]edo Humana, Hyos­ [...]yamus luteus, Safron, Sulphur, Opium, all Anodyne and Yellow. How likewise their Faculties and Qualities may vary their Degrees, either differently or together: so Aloe and Colocynthis, are both Bitter in the highest Degree; yet Aloe, which is also Sweet, Purgeth more mode­rately; Colocynthis, which is Bitter, but not Sweet, most Violently. How far the Faculties of Vegetables, as well as their Qualities, may be Com­pounded; where, and which chiefly; as Astrictive and Purgative in Rhabarb. Where this Question may be put, Whether divers other, and yet more extreme Faculties, as well as these of Astrictive and Pur­gative, may not somewhere or other be also found, or made, to meet: whereby the same Plant, or some Preparation of it, may be most Po­tent, and yet most Innocent; the Malignity thereof exerting its Pow­er, and the Virtue its Soveraignty at the same time. And lastly, what Affinity there may be betwixt them; as most Plants, that are strong Purgatives, and especially Vomitories, I think, are also Sternutatory; as white Hellebore, Jalap, Tobacco: and on the contrary, such as are Sternutatory, are some of the most proper and most potent Medicines for the Head, Brain, and Genus Nervosum, Taken inwardly, as [...]ilium convalle, &c. and the like.

31. §. Thus far a particular observation of the Qualities and Fa­culties of the Contents of Vegetables may proceed, as they are existent in their Natural Estate. From which, although some probable Con­jectures may be made, of their Material and Formal Essences, and of the Causes of their determinate Varieties, or the Modes of Vegetation ne­cessary thereunto: yet will our Conceptions hereof be more facile, clear, and comprehensive, if by all other Ways of Observation, they be like­wise examined, according as Experiment may be applicable to any of them.

32. §. As by Con [...]usion; so some Plants give their Smell, not with­out Rubbing, or not so well; as the green Leaves of Stramonium, Scur­vygrass, and many more: others lose it by Rubbing, as the flowers of Violets, Carnations, Borage, &c. others yield it both ways, as Rose­mary, &c. So some Apples mend their Taste, by Scoaping, and Pears by Rowling, especially that called the Rowling Pear.

33. §. By Agitation; which doth that, sometimes, by Force, which Digestion, doth by Heat: so any cold Oyl and a Syrup being, in a due manner, agitated together, of two Fluid bodies will become one Con­sistent, as is known.

34. §. By Frigifaction; how far the Juyces of Plants, either with­out or within them, may be any of them, or some more than others, sub­ject to Cold: and thereby to be deprived of their Motion or natural Consistence, or may suffer alteration in their Colour, Taste, or Smell.

35. §. By Infusion; where I mean Infusion only in Common Wa­ter; So both Cassia Lignea, and Cinnamon are a little Mucilaginous; but the former most. Some of the Contents of Plants, may be wholly dissolved in Common Water; some but in part, others not at all; or ve­ry little; which is proper to some Milks, as well as Gums. The Co­lours, Smells or Tastes they hereupon yield, are found various; and in [Page 16] some very unexpected: So the green Leaves of Bawm, being duly in­fused in common Water, without any other Body added, tincture it with a clear and deep Red, near that of Claret Wine, as I have often tryed.

36. §. By Subsiding; So the Juyce of Sorrel, being ordered as that of Grapes, will, in time, let fall a kind of Tartar or Essential Salt. And so perhaps will that of many other Plants, without any previous De­coction; although that be commonly thought to be necessary.

37. §. By Digestion with Fermentation; either of the entire Ve­getables, or of the Juyces, or other Contents; and these by themselves, or with common Water. And hereby to note, what difference may be in the Strength, Celerity, or Continuance of the Fermentation. Like­wise, how their Qualities may thereby be altered; as the Smell of Vio­let-flowers, from a most excellent Fragrancy, may, by Digestion, be re­duced to an odious and abominable Stink, like that of the black Mud of Gutters.

38. §. By Digestion with Calefaction; so the Colour of the Juyce of Limons, from Transparency (if that be a Colour) may be turned to a perfect Red. Whence it is that many are deceived in the Prepa­ration called the Tincture of Corals; supposing the Corals to give the Menstruum its Colour. Whereas the Menstruum will obtain it, only by Digestion, without any Corals, mixed with it.

39. §. By Decoction; either of Vegetables themselves, or of their Liquors; and to observe what alterations follow. So Turpentine boi­led becometh friable; Sugar, Bitter, and of a Brown Red. Turneps lose their Biting Taste; Onions, their Picquancy; yet neither of them con­vey those self same Qualities to the Water. The same may be observed in the Decoction of Sweet-Fennel-seeds, Aniseeds, and others, losing much of their Tastes themselves, and yet conveying very little of them to the Liquors wherein they are boiled; the greater portion of their Volatile parts, and so their Virtue and Taste therewith, flying away. Whereof therefore it is much better to make an Emulsion, than to decoct them; or to make an Emulsion from them, with their own Decoction, especially if the Medicine be intended to be Carminative, as I have fre­quently observed. The Decoction should also be carried on through­out all degrees to that of an Extract; by which the Qualities there­of, sometimes, are much altered; as the Colour of all or most green Leaves, from a kind of Yellow, deepens at last into a dark one, as Black as Pitch.

40. §. By Distillations; both with the cold Still, Alembick, Chap­pel [...] and open Furnace: and to note what Vegetables thus give their Smell or Taste, and in what Degrees of strength, either under, or over their natural ones; as Mint, Pennyroyal, and the like, which are Aro­matick and Hot, give their Tastes perfect: but Wormwood, which is Aromatick and Bitter; gives it but by halfs, pretty fully as Aromatick, lit­tle as Bitter. And Carduus, though also so exceeding Bitter, yet not being Aromatick, yieldeth a much weaker Taste. Also what Vegeta­bles yield Oyl most plentifully; and what difference may be in those Oyls, as to their Colour, Weight, or otherwise; as that of Cloves is some­times Red; of Cinnamon, limpid; both Ponderous. So to distil Juices, Gums, or other Contents, with an hot fire; and to see, what Bodies they yield, and of what Qualities; as Turpentine is known to yield, besides [Page 17] its Oyl, a subacid Water; Vinegar, an Eager Spirit; as that part may be called, which Chymists are wont to call the Phlegm.

41. §. By Arefaction; so Milks which are Liquid, and White in their Natural Estate, in Standing, grow Gummous, Yellow, and other­wise different, so doth that of Scorzonera; and that of Fenil becomes a Balsamical, but Limpid Oyl. The Roots of Angelica, being dry'd, and cut by the length, exhibit their small Veins fill'd with an Aromatick Rosin. In the whiter parts of Rhubarb, is gathered a kind of Saline Concret; by which, this Root, in chewing, seems as if it were a little gritty. Cabbage-Stalks, sliced, and laid in the Shade to dry, gather on them a kind of Nitrous Hoar. Raisins and Corins contain, not only a sweet Juyce, but also a true Sugar, which lies curdled in the Pulp, as the more Saline parts do in Green Soap. And the like is gather'd on the out-side of a Fig; saving, that it is more Nitrous, as lying next the Aer. The Roots of Arum, upon drying, lose much of the strength of their Taste; but the contrary may be noted of many other Roots, which, upon drying, increase it. Some, being cut and laid by, change their Natural Colours, into Red, Purple, Yellow, Green, or White; as Liquorish, into White, in some places; and Peony, into Red: and sometimes into two; as Patience, into Yellow and Red.

42. §. By Assation; thus Apples, by roasting, eat more Sowre. The Root of Horse-Radish, toasted, tasteth like a Turnep. Potatoes, Oni­ons, and many other Roots, and Parts, have their Tastes, either Alte­red or Refracted; which chiefly, and in what manner, should be ob­served. There is one alteration, as remarkable, as commonly known; and is that which followeth upon roasting or baking in one kind of the Waldensian Pears, which, for a Walden, we corruptly call a War­den.

43. §. By Ustion; wherein some Plants, or Parts of them, burn very quietly; others, not without violent motions; so Fenil-Seeds, held in the flame of a Candle, will spit and spurtle, like the Serum of Blood. Some Vegetables lose their Smell, as Roses; others, keep it, as Rosemary; and others, mend it, as Lignum Aloes, To note, not only the alteration of their Qualities, but what they yield; as Turpen­tine, which, in Distillation, yieldeth Oyl and Water, both limpid; upon Ustion, sheweth nothing but a black Soot. So Benzoine, by Distilla­tion, Oyl; by Ustion, white Flowers, as is known.

44. §. By Calcination; and here to observe, wherein the Caput Mortuum of one, may differ from, or agree in Nature with that of ano­ther; and also to compare these with those of Animal Bodies. As also in their Quantities. And to compare them with what they yield by Di­stillation and Ustion as to both. Thus far they have been tryed sin­gly, or by themselves. They should also be examined,

45. §. By Composition; not only with Water, as in simple Infusions, &c. but with any other Bodies, which may have a power of acting upon them, or upon which, these may have a power to act. And so to make Infusions, Destillations, Decoctions, Digestions, in divers kinds of Liquors, as Vinegar, Urine, Spirit of H. H. Wine, Blood, Milk, or others. So in Infusions, some Red Colours are heightned by Acids; Blews, turned Purple. So fetid Spirits (as of H. H.) may be rendred much more grateful, by being Rectified, once or twice, with fresh Aromaticks, To observe also what follows, upon mixing the Liquors, or other Parts [Page 18] of Plants together; as Oyl of Turpentine, by Digestion with a Lixivial Salt, extracteth thence a Red Tincture. Or with Salts, Earths, Metals, or any other Bodies; as the Juyce of the green Leaves of Rasberry, Prim­rose, and divers other Plants (I think principally such as are Astrin­gent) expressed upon Steel, as it drieth, becometh of a Purple Co­lour.

46. §. Lastly, by Compounding the Experiment it self, or joyning two or more of them, upon the same matter: as Fermentation and De­stillation, as is used for some Waters. Infusion and Fermentation, as in making of Beer. Fermentation and Coction, or rather Assation, as in making of Bread. Arefaction and Destillation, as may be tryed upon some Herbs; and with what difference from what may be noted, upon their being distilled, moist.

47. §. Having proceeded thus far, by all the above particular Ways of Observation; a Comparative Prospect must be taken of them: by which, at last, the Communities and Differences of the Contents of Vegetables, may be discerned; the manner of their Causation and Origi­nal, partly, be judged of; and wherein it is, that the Essence of their several Natures and Qualities doth consist, in some measure compre­hended. And consequently, both from the knowledge of their par­ticular Natures, and the Analogy found betwixt them; we may be able, better to conjecture, and try, what any of them are, or may be good for. For certainly, we shall then know, more readily, to apply things unto, and more fitly to prepare them for, their Proper Uses, when we first know, what they are. Notwithstanding, since the Facul­ties of Plants, do often lie more recluse; it is best, therefore, not wholly to acquiesce in such Conjectures, as their Tastes, or other Sensible Pro­perties may suggest; but to subjoyn Experiment. In making of which, and in passing a Judgment thereupon, many Cautions, both in respect of the Plant whereof, and the Subject whereupon it is made, are requi­site to be attended. Which yet, in regard they result not so directly from the Matter at present in hand; I shall not, therefore, here insist upon them, And thus much for the Third General Mean.

48. §. THE Contents of the Organical Parts of Vegetables, The Fourth General Mean. having been thus duly Examined: it will be requisite to make the like Inquiry, into their Principles; or the Bodys, immediately concurrent and essen­tial to their Being. And of these, we are to observe, First, their Num­ber; whether well reducible to five, six, seven, or more, or fewer: and the Special Differences observable under any one General; since there are many Bodies, of very different Natures, confounded under one Name. Next their Conjugation; which they are, that either un­der or over those observable in animal, or other Bodies, are here joy­ned together in a Plant; How far common to the Organical Parts of divers Plants; or to the several Organical Parts of one; or how far different in them. So the predominant Principle of the Paren­chymous Parts of a Plant, that it is an Acid, seems evident, From the general Nature of Fruits; and of Corn; and most Parenchymous Roots, which are either Spirituous, or Sower, or by Digestion, do easily be­come such. Likewise their Proportions; which stand in the greatest, which in the least, or in the meaner Quantities, and in what Degrees; both in divers Vegetables, and in the several Organical Parts of one. And then the Concentration and Union of them altogether; as to the de­grees [Page 19] of their Closeness or Laxity; or the manner of their Implication and Coherency; or as to their Location, one being more Central, another more Exposed and Rampant over the rest; or otherwise different. To examine these Principles, by their Colour, Taste, Smell, Consistence, Fix­edness, Volatility, Weight, Figures, or other Accidents. And to these purposes, to go through the formentioned Ways of Experiment; as Ustion, Calcination, Destillation, &c. as any of them may appear ap­plicable hereunto. So the Essential Salt of Wormwood, which may be obtained from the Lixivial; is Bitter, transparent, and commonly, of a Cylindrick figure: whereas that which is obtained by Coction, or from the Extract, is tastless, greyish, and almost Cubick: and that in the Ex­tract of the Green Leaves of Violets, appears in fine transparent Shoots, like so many little Needles. And it is probable, That the Salts of most Kinds of Plants, whether Lixivial or Essential; and of these, whe­ther obtained by Decoction, or otherwise, have either their Figure, or other Qualities, proper to themselves, whereby they are all distinguish­ed one from another. And lastly, to make Experiment upon these Principles, mixing them with one another, or with other Bodies, or otherwise.

49. §. I know it will be difficult to make observations of this kind upon the Organical Parts of Plants, severally. Yet I have thought of some Ways, whereby true and undeceivable ones may be made. And the better to illustrate what I mean, I shall give one or two Instances of Tryal to this purpose. For the making of which, and some others of the like nature, I considered, That upon the Anatomical Analysis of all the Parts of a Plant, I had certainly found, (and shall hereafter shew) That in all Plants, there are Two, and only Two Organical Parts Essentially distinct, viz. The Pithy Part, and the Lignous Part, or such others as are analogous to either of These. So that, if we can think of any Plants, which will afford us either of these two, though not per­fectly, yet in some good measure, simple and unmixed: We may then see, by putting them to a Chymical, Test, what Principles and Proporti­on of Principles, concur to specifie their Substantial Forms.

50. §. To the Pithy Part, Starch, or pure Manchet is analogous, as having very little of the Lignous mixed with them. I therefore or­dered lb ij of Starch to be put into a Retort, and with a Receiver affix­ed, to be set in a Sand Furnace; and that all it would yield, should, by degrees, be forced over; which, besides what was evaporated at the Neck of the Receiver, was about lb j. of an acid and eager Liquor, of a heavy and blackish Oyl ℥ ss, and of a light Oyl ʒ j. The Caput Mor­tuum could not be reduced to Ashes, by the strongest heat which a naked fire in that Furnace would produce.

51. To the Lignous Part, Hemp or Flax is analogous, having very little of the Pithy mixed with them. I caused therefore lb ij of Flax to be put into a Retort, and manag'd as the Starch: whereupon, it yielded a Liquor, as I remember, somewhat like the former, and about the same quantity; no Oyl which remained liquid, when cold; but instead of that a Butyr, almost of the Consistence and Colour of the Oyl of Mace; and of this above ℥ iij, or near six times the quan­tity of the Oyl which was yielded by the Starch. The Caput Mortuum being burned to a white Ash, yielded some portion of a Lixivial Salt.

[Page 20] 52. §. From whence, I shall, at present, only make these two Re­marques; First, That although the chief portion, as to quantity, in both these Bodys, (as in most Plants) is an Acid Liquor; yet the lat­ter, yields also some of an Alkaly, which the other doth not. So that they are the Lignous Parts of a Plant, generally, which yield the Alkalick Salt, or at least in the greatest Proportion. Secondly, That the Sul­phurious or Oleous Principle, is also much more predominant in the Lig­nous Part, than in the Pithy. To these, the like Tryals upon other Plants, should be added; and other ways. So, in regard the Soot of most Woods, yields a Volatile Alkaly; it were fit to examine, Whe­ther the Soot which is made of the Pithy Parts and that, of the Lig­nous, afford the said Alkaly, in equal qantity; or whether, as is most likely, that of the Lignous doth afford it in a far greater: and the like.

53. §. The prosecution of what is here proposed, will be requisite, To a fuller and clearer view, of the Modes of Vegetation, of the Sensi­ble Natures of Vegetables, and of their more Recluse Faculties and Pow­ers. First, of the Modes of Vegetation. For suppose we were speak­ing of a Root; from a due consideration of the Properties of any Or­ganical Part or Parts thereof; 'tis true, that the real and genuine Cau­ses may be rendred, of divers other dependent Properties, as spoken ge­nerally of the whole Root. But it will be asked again, What may be the Causes of those first and Independent ones? Which, if we will seek, we must do it by inquiring also, What are the Principles of those Organical Parts? For it is necessary, that the Principles whereof a Bo­dy doth consist, should be, if not all of them the active, yet the capa­citating Causes, or such as are called Causae sine quibus non, of its becom­ing and being, in all respects, both as to Substance and Accidents, what it is: otherwise, their Existence, in that Body, were altogether su­perfluous; since it might have been without them: which if so, it might then have been made of any other; there being no necessity of putting any difference, if neither those, whereof it is made, are thought necessary to its Being. Wherefore if we will allow a Body, and so the Or­ganical Parts of a Vegetable to have Principles, we must allow these Prin­ciples their necessary Use; and that the Shapes or other Properties of the said Parts, are as much dependant upon the Nature of These; as is the Roundness of a Drop of Ink, upon the Fluidity of Water, ingredient to it.

54. §. Again, the Principles of the Organical Parts being known, we may from thence obtain a further knowledge of the Natures, and Causation or Original of their Contents; since these Contents are not on­ly included in the said Organical Parts, but also Created by them: and must needs be so, whether we will suppose the Principles of these Con­tents to be prae-existent to their reception thereinto, or not. For, if not prae-existent, what can be clearer, than that the said Parts give them their Existence? And if prae-existent, yet in regard they are di­stinguished, and such only of them admitted in such sort into an Orga­nical Part, from amongst others, as are apt to combine and mix toge­ther in such a Form, and so to constitute such a Liquor; it is as clear, that the Existence, if not of those Principles, yet of that Liquor, is depen­dent on the said Part.

[Page 21] 55. §. And if by means of the said Organical Parts, it is, that their Contents become such and such peculiar Mixtures; it is hence also mani­fest, That, by the same means, they are of such distinct Faculties and Powers: Because the Faculty or Power of a Body, lieth not in any of its Principles apart; but is a Resultance from them all; or from their being, in such peculiar sort and manner, United and Combined toge­ther. So the Principles of the Purgative Parts of a Root, as of Rhu­barb, although we should suppose them to be existent in the surround­ing Earth, yet we cannot say, That that Earth, or the Principles there­in contained, are Purgative; but only that they are such, as by being combined together, in such a peculiar way, may become so. So the se­veral parts of a Clock, although they are and must be all prae-existent to it, and it is their Form, by which they are, what they are; yet is it the setting together of such Parts, and in such a way only, that makes them a Clock. And since we see that the Mixture of two Bodies of two different Qualities, as of Two Colours, will produce a Third Colour, differing from them both; as Blue and Red, do a Murrey: Why should not Two or More Bodies of different Natures, be so combined to­gether, as to produce a Third Nature? Or wherefore may not that be allowed to be performed by Nature, which by Artificial Compounding of Medicines, or other Bodies, is designed, and oftentimes effected? I'll give but one Instance; Water, Grease, and an Alcalizate Salt, may be easily so ordered as to be invested with new Qualities, Nature, and Powers; the Salt, to lose its extreme fiery Pungent Taste; the Tallow, its Smell; and being before unsociable with the Water, to mingle there­with: neither Tallow, Salt, nor Water alone, will fetch out a spot of Grease; but all united easily do it: the same Three Bodys united, are, in some Cases, as in the Jaundies, no ill Medicine; any of which, gi­ven alone, may rather prove prejudicial, than a cure: and all this done, only by duly boiling them together into one Body, which we call Sope.

56. §. Whence again, if it be such an Union, and Proportion, of such a Sort of Principles, which produceth such a Faculty; and that we may, by any means, come to know what these are; we may, possi­bly, also attain to the knowledge of such Rules, whereby any kind of Faculty may be made; as to Compound such Bodies, which are neither Purgative nor Vomitory, so together, as to be Invested with those Fa­culties. And if to Make them, then consequently, to Mend, Exalt, Strengthen, and Enoble them, with greater ease and certainty. And thus much for the Fourth General Mean.

57. §. HITHERTO, We have considered the Materials of a Ve­getable, The Fifth General Mean. only as Ingredient to it: there yet remains a Fifth Story to be ascended; which is, to consider these Materials as they are derived from abroad: or as, after they are received and naturalized, they may, with others yet abroad, have any kind of correspondence. And these are Four in general, scil. Earth, Water, Aer, and Sun; all which, in that they contribute so universally to Vegetation, and to whatsoever is contained in a Vegetable, it is therefore requisite, that of These likewise, Particular Observation should be made.

58. §. And First, of the Earth, and of all Solid Receptacles of Plants. Where we are to consider their several Kinds; as Mellow, Sandy, Clayie, Chalky, and others. Their Ingredients; as Rank and [Page 22] Mellow Earth, with Sand, or with Clay; or Sand with Clay; or alto­gether; and in what Proportions. The Principles whereinto any one of these Ingredients, separated from the rest, and put to the Test of Distillation, Ustion, Calcination, or other, either alone, or by mix­ture with other Bodies, may be Resolved. And by their Qualities, as Colour, Smell, Taste, &c. both Ingredients and Principles to be exami­ned. To make tryal of the growth of Plants, in all kinds of simple Soils; either Earthy or Mineral, as Clay, Marl, Oker, Fullers Earth, Bole Armeniac, Vitriol, Allum, &c. or Vegetable, as Rotten Wood, Brans, Starch, or Flower, &c. or Animal, as Dungs, pounded Flesh, dried and powdered Blood, and the like; that it may appear, how far any of these may contribute to the growth of a Plant; or to one, above another.

59. §. Next of the Water, and of all Liquid Receptacles. Where the several kinds of Water, from Wells, Springs, Rain, and Rivers are, by their Qualities and Faculties, to be examined; as these, and by these, their Principles, either in their Natural State, or upon Digesti­on, or otherwise, may be observable: since Common Water it self, is undoubtedly compounded of several Principles; the simplicity there­of, not being argued, from its Clearness and Transparency; for a Solu­tion of Alum, though it containeth a considerable quantity of Earth, is yet very Clear: nor from its seeming to have neither Smell nor Taste; for Water-drinkers will tell you of the varieties of both in different Waters. Besides, if these Qualities should be accounted rather Phan­sie, than Sense; the difference of Waters is yet more manifest, from their different Effects, observed by Cooks, Laundresses, Brewers, and others, that have occasion to use them: for not to mix with Sope, with­out curdling; not to boil Meat tender, or without colouring it red; and the like, are the vices of some Waters, not of others, which yet would seem, in Colour, Taste, and Smell, to be the same. Tryal should also be made of the growth of Plants in all kinds of Liquid Recepta­cles, as Common Water, Snow Water, Sea Water, Urine, Milk, Whey, Wine, Oyl, Ink, &c. Or any of these, with a solution of Salt, Nitre, Sal prunellae, Sope, or other body. And hereby to observe what fol­lows, either in the Liquor, or in the Plant it self: as if any fixed Body, being weighed before its dissolution in Water; and if the Plant, set herein, groweth; the Water, being then evaporated; whether the quantity of that dissolved body, continue the same, or is lessened. So, whether any Vegetable will become Opiate, by growing a considerable time in a plain Solution or Water-tincture of Opium; and the like. Which Experiments, what event soever they have, yet at least, for our further instruction in the Nature of Vegetation, may be of use.

60. §. Next of Aer, where it will be requisite to inquire, what sort of Bodies may be herein contained: It being probable, from the variety of Meteors formed herein; and of Vapours and Exhalations continually advanced hereinto; that some or other of them, may bear an Analogy, to all Volatile Bodys, whether Animal, Vegetable, or Mineral. The flou­rishings also of Frozen Dew; and the Green Colour, which the Aer gives the Ground or Water, when, for some time exposed to it; and other effects; seem to argue, that it is Impregnated with Vegetable Prin­ciples. To consider also the peculiar Nature of that Body, which is strict­ly called, Aer, And of that true Aerial Salt, which to me, seemeth pro­bable, [Page 23] that it is dissolved in the Aether, as other salts are in Water, or in the Vaporous parts of the Aer. As also to try, what different Effects, a diversity of Aer may have upon a Vegetable; as by setting a Plant, or Seed, either exceeding Low, as at the bottom of a deep Well; or exceeding High, as on the top of a Steeple. Or else by exposing some Soil to the Aer, which is assuredly free from any Seed, and so, as no Seed can light upon it; and to observe, whether the Aer hath a power of producing a Vegetable therein, or not: and the like.

61. §. Lastly of the Sun; as to which, it may be considered, What Influence it may have upon the Plant▪ it self; upon the Soil; Or upon the Aer. Whether that Influence is any thing else besides Heat: or may differ from that of a Fire, otherwise, than by being Temperate, and more Equal. That it doth, seems evident from an Experiment sometime since given us, in one of the Parisian Journals des Scavans, and which I therefore think very applicable to our present purpose. If you hold a Concave at a due distance, against a Fire, it will collect and cast the Heat into a burning Focus: but if you put a peice of plain Glass between them, the Glass will scatter the Heat, and destroy the Focus. Whereas the Sun-Beams, being gathered in like manner, will pass through the in­terposed Glass, and maintain their Focus. As for That, of the Collecti­on of the Sun-beams, by the help of Glasses, in the form of a Magistery, or of Flowers, and such like, I desire to suspend my thoughts of them, till I see them. I will only say thus much further at present, That I do not understand why the Sun should not have some Influence upon Bo­dies, besides by Heat, if it may be granted, That the Moon hath; for which, it should seem, there are some good Arguments.

62. §. WE HAVE thus far examined the Principles necessary to Vegetation. A Sixth Ge­neral Mean. Only hinted. The Question may be put once more, In what manner are these Principles so adapted, as to become capable of being assembled to­gether, in such a Number, Conjugation, Proportion, and Union, as to make a Vegetable Body? For the comprehension whereof, we must also know, What are the Principles of these Principles. Which, although they lie in so great an abyss of obscurity; yet, I think, I have some reason to be­lieve, that they are not altogether undiscoverable. How far they may be so, I am so far from Determining, that I shall not now Conjecture.

63. §. THIS is the Design, The Con­clusion. and these the Means I propose in order thereunto. To which, I suppose, they may all appear to be necessary. For what we obtain of Nature, we must not do it by commanding, but by courting of Her. Those that woo Her, may possibly have her for their Wife; but She is not so common, as to prostitute her self to the best behaved Wit, which only practiseth upon it self, and is not appli­ed to her. I mean, that where ever Men will go beyond Phansie and Imagination, depending upon the Conduct of Divine Wisdom, they must Labour, Hope and Persevere. And as the Means propounded, are all necessary, so they may, in some measure, prove effectual. How far, I promise not; the Way is long and dark: and as Travellers sometimes amongst Mountains, by gaining the top of one, are so far from their Journeys end; that they only come to see another lies before them: so the Way of Nature, is so impervious, and, as I may say, down Hill and up Hill, that how far soever we go, yet the surmounting of one difficulty, is wont still to give us the prospect of another. We may [Page 24] therefore believe, our attainments will be imperfect, after we have done all: but because we cannot attain to all, that therefore we should endea­vour after nothing; is an Inference, which looks so much awry from the Practical Sense of Men, that it ought not to be answered. Nor with better Reason, may we go about determining, what may be done. The greatest Designs that any Men undertake, are of the greatest uncertain­ty, as to their Success: which if they appear to be of good Import, though we know not how far they are attainable, we are to propound the Means, in the utmost use whereof only, we can be able to judge: A War is not to be quitted, for the hazards which attend it; nor the Councils of Princes broken up, because those that sit at them, have not the Spirit of Prophecy, as well as of Wisdom. To conclude, If but little should be effected, yet to design more, can do us no harm: For although a Man shall never be able to hit Stars by shooting at them; yet he shall come much nearer to them, than another that throws at Apples.


THE ANATOMY OF PLANTS, BEGUN. WITH A General Account OF VEGETATION, Grounded thereupon. The FIRST BOOK. Presented in Manuscript to the ROYAL SOCIETY, Sometime before the 11th. of May, 1671. And afterwards in Print, December 7. of the same Year 1671.

By NEHEMJAH GREW M. D. Fellow of the Royal Society, and of the College of Physicians.

The Second Edition.

LONDON, Printed by W. Rawlins, 1682.


TO THE Right Reverend JOHN Lord Bishop of CHESTER.


I Hope your pardon, if while you are holding That best of Books in one Hand, I here present some Pages of that of Nature in­to your other: Especially since Your Lord­ship knoweth very well, how excellent a Commentary This is on the Former; by which, in part, GOD reads the World his own Defini­tion, and their Duty to him.

But if this Address, my Lord, may be thought con­gruous, 'tis yet more just; and that I should let Your Lordship, and others know, how much, and how deser­vedly, I resent Your extraordinary Favours. Particularly, that you were pleased, so far to animate my Endeavours, towards the Publishing the following Observations. Ma­ny [Page] whereof, and most belonging to the First Chapter, having now lain dormant, near seven years; and might still, perhaps, have so continued, had not Your Lordships Eye, at length, created Light upon them. In doing which, You have given one, amongst those many Tokens, of as well Your readiness to promote Learning and Know­ledge by the hands of others; as Your high Abilities to do it by Your Own: Both which, are so manifest in Your Lordship, that, like the first Principles of Mathematical Science, they are not so much to be asserted, because known and granted by all.

The Consideration whereof, my Lord, may make me not only Just, in owning of your Favours; but also most Ambitious of your Patronage: Which yet, to bespeak, I must confess, I cannot well. Not that I think, what is Good and Valuable, is always its own best Advocate: for I know, that the Censures of Men, are humorous, and va­riable; and that one Age, must have leave to frown on those Books, which another, will do nothing less than kiss and embrace. But, chiefly, for this Reason, Lest I should so much as seem desirous, of Your Lordships Solliciting my Cause, as to all I have said. For as it is your Glory, that you like not so to shine, as to put out the least Star; so were it to Your Dishonour, to borrow Your Name, to il­lustrate the Spots, though of the most conspicuous. I am,

My Lord,
Your Lordships Most Obliged, And Most Humble Servant NEHEMJAH GREW.


CHAP. I. Of the Seed in its State of Vegetation.

THE Method propounded, §. 1. The Garden-Bean, dissected, 2. The two Coats Described, 3, 4. The Foramen in the outer Coat, 5, 6. What generally observable of the Covers of the Seed, 7. The Organical Parts of the Seed, 8. The Main Body, 9, 10. The Radicle in the Bean, 11. In other Seeds, 12. The Plume, 13, 14. The Similary Parts, 15. The Cuticle, 16, 17. The Parenchyma, 18, 19, 20. The Inner Body, 21, to 29. No solid Account yet given, of Ve­getation, 30. The Coats how in common subservient to the Vegetation of the Seed, 31. The Foramen, of what use herein, 32. The use of the Inner Coat, 33. Of the Cuticle, 34. Of the Parenchyma, 35. Of the Seminal Root, 36. How the Radicle first becomes a Root, 37. By what means, the Plume all this while preserved, 38. How after the Root the Plume vegetates, 39. How the Lobes, 40. But not in all Seeds, 41. That they do in most, demonstrated, 42, 43, 44. What hence resolvable, 45. The use of the Dissimilar Leaves, 46, to the end.

CHAP. II. Of the Root.

THis also to be Dissected, §. 1. The Skin hereof, its Original, 2. The Cortical Body, its Original, 3. Texture, 4. Pores, 5. Proportions, 6. The Lignous Body, its Original, 7. Texture, 8. Pro­portions, 9. The Insertment, its Original, 10. Pores, 11. Number and Size, 12. A fuller description hereof, with that of the Osculations of the Lignous Body, 13, 14, 15. The Pith, its original sometimes from the Seed, 16. Sometimes from the Barque, 17. Its Pores, 18, 19. Pro­portions, 20. Fibres of the Lignous Body therein, 21. The Pith of those Fibres, 22, How the Root grows, and the use of the Skin, Cor­tical [Page] and Lignous Body thereto, 23. How it groweth in length, 24. By what means it descends, 25. How it grows in breadth, 26▪ And the Pith, how thus framed, 27. The use of the Pith, 27. Of the Insert­ment, 28. The joynt service of all the Parts. 29, 30, 31.

CHAP. III. Of the Trunk.

THE Coarcture, §. 1. The Skin, its original, 2. The original of the Cortical Body, 3. Of the Lignous, 4. Of the Insertment and Pith, 5. The Latitudinal Shooting of the Lignous Body, wherein observable, 6, 7. The Pores of the Lignous Body, where and how most remarkable, 8. A lesser sort of Pores, 9. A third sort only visible through a Microscope. Observed in Wood or Charcoal, 10. Observed in the Fibres of the Trunks of Herbs, 11. The Insertions, where more visible, 12, 13. Their Weftage with the Lignous Body, 14. The smaller Inserti­ons, only visible through a Microscope, 15. No Valves in a Plant, 16. The Ranks of the Pores of the Insertions, 17. The Pores of the Pith, 18 19, 20. How the Trunk ascends, 21. The disposition of its Parts con­sequent to that Ascent, 22. Consequent to the different Nature of the Sap, 23. The effects of the said Differences, 24, to 28. Which way, and how the Sap ascends, 29, to the end.

The Appendix. Of Trunk-Roots and Claspers.

Trunk-Roots of two kinds, §. 1, 2. Claspers of one kind, 3. The Vses of both, 4, to the end.

CHAP. IV. Of the Bud, Branch, and Leaf.

THE Parts of the Germen and Branch the same with those of the Trunk, §. 1, 2. The manner of their growth, 3. How nourish­ed, 4. And the use of Knots, 5. How secur'd 6. The Parts of a Leaf, 7. The Positions of the Fibres of the Stalks of Leaves, 8. For what Vses, 9, 10. The visible cause of the different circumference of Leaves, 11. And of their being flat, 12. And filamentous, 13. The Foulds of Leaves, their Kinds and Vse, 14, 15, 16. The Protections of Leaves, 17. The use of the Leaf, 18, to the end.

The Appendix. Of Thorns, Hairs and Globulets.

Thorns of two Kinds; the Lignous, §. 1. The Cortical, 2. An ar­gument of the Magnetick Descent of the Cortical Body, 3. Hairs of divers Kinds, 4, 5. Their Vse, 6. Globulets of two Kinds, 7, 8.

CHAP. V. Of the Flower.

ITs three Parts, §. 1. The Impalement, of divers kinds, 2. Their use, 3, 4. The Foliation, its nature, 5. Foulds, 6. Protections, 7. Downs, 8, 9. Globulets, 10. Its Vse, 11, 12. The Attire of two kinds. The Description of the first, 13, 14, 15, 16. Of the other, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21. Their use, 22, to the end.

CHAP. VI. Of the Fruit.

THE Vital Parts of all, the same, §. 1. The Number, Description, and Original of the Parts of an Apple, 2. Of a Pear, 3, 4. Of a Plum, 5, 6, 7. Of a Nut▪ 8. Of a Berry, 9. The use of the Fruit, 10, to the end.

CHAP. VII. Of the Seed in its State of Generation.

WHat here further observed, not in the First Chapter, §. 1. The Case, its Figures, 2. The outer Coat, its Figures, 3. Various Surface, 4. And Mucilages, 5. The nature of the outer Coat, 6. Its Apertures, 7. Next to which the Radicle usually placed, 8. The Origi­nal of the Outer Coat, 9. The Original of the Inner, 10. Its Nature, 11, 12. The Essential Parts of a Plant, 13, 14. The Secondine, 15. The Colliquamentum herein, 16. The Navel Fibres, 17. In the Gene­ration of the Seed, the Sap first prepared in the Seed-Branch, 18, 19. Next in the inner Coat, 20. With the help of the Outer, 21, 22. The use of the Secondine, 23. Of the Ramulets of the Seed-Branch, 24. Of their Inosculation, 25. How the Colliquamentum becometh a Parenchyma, 26, to the end.

THE ANATOMY OF PLANTS, BEGUN. With a General Account of Vegetation, Founded thereupon.
CHAP. I. Of the Seed in its State of Vegetation.

BEING to speak of Plants; and, as far as Inspecti­on, and consequent Reason, may conduct, to en­quire into the visible Constitutions, and Uses of their several Parts: I choose that Method, which, to the best advantge, may suit with what we have to say hereon. And that is the Method of Nature her self, in her continued Series of Vegetations; proceeding from the Seed sown, to the formation of the Root, Trunk, Branch, Leaf, Flower, Fruit, and last of all, of the Seed also to be sown again; all which, we shall, in the same order, particularly speak of.

2. §. The Essential Constitutions of the said Parts are in all Plants the same: But for Observation, some are more convenient; in which I shall chiefly instance. And first of all, for the Seed, we choose the great Gar­den-Bean.

[Page 2] 3. §. If then we take a Bean and dissect it, we shall find it cloath­ed with a doubled Vest or Coat. These Coats, while the Bean is yet green, are separable, and easily distinguished. Or in an old one, after it hath lay'n two or three days in a mellow Soil; or been soaked as long a time in Water: Tab. 1. f. 2. as in Tab. 1. When 'tis dry, they cleave so closely together, that the Eye not before instructed, will judge them but one; the inner Coat (which is of the most rare contexture) so far shrinking up, as to seem only the roughness of the outer, somewhat resembling Wafers under Maquaroons.

4. §. The Inner Coat, in its Natural State, is every where twice, and in some places, thrice as thick, as the Outer. Next to the Radi­cle, which I shall presently describe, it is six or seven times thicker; and encompasses the Radicle round about, as in the same Figure ap­pears. Tab. 1. f. 2.

5. §. At the thicker end of the Bean, in the outer Coat, a very small Foramen presents it self, even to the bare Eye. In Dissection 'tis found to terminate against the point of that Part which I call the Radicle. Tab. 1. f. 1-a It is of that capacity, as to admit a small Virginal Wyer; and is most of all conspicuous in a green Bean. Especially, if a little magnified with a good Spectacle-Glass. This Foramen is not a hole ca­sually made, or by the breaking off of the Stalk; but designedly form­ed, for the uses hereafter mentioned. It may be observed not only in the great Garden-Bean, but likewise in the other kinds; in the French-Bean very plainly; in Pease, Lupines, Vetches, Lentiles, and other Pulse 'tis also found; and in many Seeds not reckoned of this kind­red, as in that of Foenugreek, Medica Tornata, Goats-Rue, and others: In many of which, 'tis so very small, as scarcely, without the help of Glasses to be discovered; and in some, not without cutting off part of the Seed, which otherwise would intercept the sight hereof.

6. §. That this Foramen is truly permeable, even in old Setting-Beans, and the other Seeds above named, appears upon their being soaked for some time in Water. For then, taking them out, and crush­ing them a little, many small bubles will alternately arise and break up­on it.

7. §. Of all Seeds which have thick or hard Covers, it is also ob­servable, That they have the same likewise Perforated, as above said, or in some other manner. And accordingly, although the Coats of such Seeds as are lodg'd in Shells or Stones, being thin, are not visibly per­forated; yet the Stones and Shells themselves always are; as in Chap. 7. shall be seen how. To which Chapter, what is farther observable, ei­ther as to the nature and number of the Covers of the Seed, I also refer.

8. §. The Coats of the Bean being stripp'd off, the proper Seed shews it self. The parts whereof it is composed, are three; sc. the Main Body, and two more, appendant to it; which we may call, the Three Organical Parts of the Bean.

9. §. The Main Body is not one entire piece, but always divided, lengthwise, into two halves or Lobes, which are both joyn'd together at the Basis of the Bean. These Lobes in dry Beans, are but difficultly separated or observ'd; Tab. 1. f. 2, 3. but in young ones, especially boil'd, they easily slip asunder.

[Page 3] 10. §. Some very few Seeds are divided, not into two Lobes, but into more; Tab. 1. f. 4. f. 5. as that of Cresses into Six. And some are not at all divi­ded, but entire; as the Grains of Corn. Excepting which few, all other Seeds, even the smallest, are divided, like as the Bean, into just two Lobes. Whereof, though in most Seeds, because of their minuteness, we cannot by dissection be inform'd; yet otherwise, we easily may, as in this Chapter shall be seen.

11. §. At the Basis of the Bean, the two other Organical Parts stand appendent; by mediation whereof, the two Lobes meet and join together. The greater of these two Parts stands without the two Lobes, and upon divesting the Bean of its Coats, is immediately visible. 'Tis of a white colour, Tab. 1. f. 2. & 3—a and more glossie than the Main Body, especi­ally when the Bean is young. In the Bean, and many other Seeds, 'tis situated somewhat above the thicker end, as you hold the Bean in its most proper posture for growth. In Oak Kernels, which we call A­corns, Tab. 1. f. 6—c Apple-Kernels, Almonds, Almonds, and many other Seeds, it stands pro­minent just from the end; the Basis and the End being in these the same, but in the Bean divers.

12. §. This Part is found not only in the Bean, and the Seeds above mentioned; but in all others: being that, which upon the Ve­getation of the Seed, becomes the Root of the Plant; which therefore may be called the Radicle: by which, I mean the Materials, abating the Formality, of a Root. In Corn, it is that Part, which Malsters, up­on its shooting forth, call the Come. 'Tis not easie to be observed, sa­ving in some few Seeds, amongst which, that of the Bean is the most fair and ample of all I have seen. But that of some other Seeds, is, in proportion, Tab. 1. f. 7—c greater; as of Foenugreek, which is full as big as one of its Lobes.

13. §. The lesser of the two said Appendents lies occult beeween the two Lobes of the Bean, by separation whereof only it is to be seen. 'Tis enclos'd in two small Cavities, Tab. 1. f▪ 3—b form'd in the Lobes for its reception. Its colour comes near to that of the Radicle; and it is founded upon the Basis thereof, having a quite contrary production, sc. towards the Cone of the Bean; as being that very Part, which, in process, becomes the Body or Trunk of the Plant. In Corn, it is that Part, which after the Radicle is sprouted forth, or come, shoots towards the smaller end of the Grain; and by many Malsters, is called the Acrospire.

14. §, This Part is not, like the Radicle, an entire Body, but di­vided, at its loose end, into divers pieces, all very closely couched to­gether, as Feathers in a Bunch; for which reason it may be called the Plume. They are so close, that only two or three of the outmost are at first seen: but upon a nice and curious separation of these, the more interiours still may be discovered. In the Bean, this may be done: but in very few other Seeds; because of the extreme smallness of the Plume. Now as the Plume is that Part which becomes the Trunk of the Plant, so these pieces are so many true, and already formed, though not dis­play'd Leaves, intended for the said Trunk, and foulded up in the same plicature, wherein upon the sprouting of the Bean, they afterwards ap­pear. In a French Bean, and especially in the larger white Kind, or in the great Indian Phaseolus, Tab. 1. f. 8—b the two outmost are very fair and elegant. In the great Garden-Bean two extraordinary small Plumes often, if not always, stand one on either side the great one now describ'd: From [Page 4] which, in that they differ in nothing save in their size, I therefore on­ly here just take notice of them. And these three Parts, sc. the Main Body, the Radicle, and the Plume, are concurrent to the making up of a Seed; and no more than these

15. §. Having thus taken a view of the Organical Parts of the Bean, and other Seeds; let us next examine the Similary, sc. those whereof the Organical are compos'd: a distinct observation of which, for a clear understanding of the Vegetation of the Seed, and of the whole Plant arising thence is requisite: To obtain which, we must proceed in our Anatomy.

16. §. Dissecting a Bean then, the first Part occurring is its Cuticle. The Eye and first Thoughts, suggest it to be only a more dense and glossy Superficies; but better enquiry discovers it a real Cuticle. 'Tis so exquisitely thin, and for the most part, so firmly continuous with the Body of the Bean, that it cannot, except in some small Rag, be di­stinctly seen, which, by carrying your Knife aslant into the Bean, and then very gently bearing upward what you have cut, will separate, and shew it self transparent. This Cuticle is not only spread upon the Con­vex of the Lobes, but also on their Flats, where they are contiguous, extending it self likewise upon both the Radicle and Plume, and so over the whole Bean.

17. §. This Part, though it be so far common with the Coats of the Bean, as to be like those, an Integument; yet are we in a quite dif­ferent Notion to conceive of it: For whereas the Coats, upon setting the Bean, do only administer the Sap, and, as being superseded from their Office, then die; as shall be seen: this, on the contrary, with the Organical Parts of the Bean, is nourished, augmented, and by a real Vege­tation co-extended.

18. §. Next to the Cuticle, we come to the Parenchyma it self; the Part throughout which the Inner Body, whereof we shall speak anon, is disseminated; for which reason I call it the Parenchyma. Not that we are so meanly to conceive of it, as if (according to the stricter sense of that word,) it were a meer concreted Juyce. For it is a Body very curiously organiz'd, consisting of an infinite number of extreme small Bladders; as in Tab. 1. is apparent. The Surface hereof is some­what dense, Tab. 1. f. 9. but inwardly, 'tis of a laxer Contexture. If you view it in a Microscope, or with a very good Spectacle-Glass, it hath some si­militude to the Pith, while sappy in the Roots and Trunks of Plants; and that for good reason, as in Ch. 2. shall be seen. This is best seen in green Beans.

19. §. This Part would seem by its colour to be peculiar to the Lobes of the Bean; but as is the Cuticle, so is this also, common both to the Radicle and Plume; that is, the Parenchyma or Pulp of the Bean, as to its essential substance, is the same in all three. The reason why the colour of the Plume, and especially of the Radicle, which are white, is so different from that of the Lobes, which are green, may chiefly de­pend upon their being more compact and dense, and thence their dif­ferent Tinctures. And therefore the Lobes themselves, which are green while the Bean is young; yet when it is old and dry, become whitish too. And in many other Seeds, as Acorns, Almonds, the Kernels of Ap­ples, Plums, Nuts, &c. the Lobes, even fresh and young, are pure white as the Radicle it self.

[Page 5] 20. §. But although the Parenchyma be common, as is said, to all the Organical Parts; yet in very differing proportions. In the Plume, where it is proportionably least, it maketh about three Fifths of the whole Plume; in the Radicle, it maketh above five Sevenths of the whole Radicle; and in each Lobe, is so far over-proportionate, as to make at least nine Tenths of the whole Lobe.

21. §. By what hath been said, that the Parenchyma or Pulp is not the only constituting Part, besides the Cuticle, is imply'd: there be­ing another Body, of an essentially different substance, embosom'd here­in: which may be found not only in the Radicle and Plume, but also in the Lobes themselves, and so in the whole Bean.

22. §. This Inner Body appears very plain and conspicuous in cutting the Radicle athwart, Tab. 1. f. 10, 11, & 12. and so proceeding by degrees towards the Plume, through both which it runneth in a large and strait Trunk. In the Lobes, being it is there in so very small proportion, 'tis difficult­ly seen, especially towards their Verges. Yet if with a sharp Knife you smoothly cut the Lobes of the Bean athwart, Tab. 1. f. 13. divers small Specks, of a different colour from that of the Parenchyma, standing therein all along in a Line, may be observ'd; which Specks are the Terminations of the Branches of this Inner Body.

23. §. For this Inner body, as it is existent in every Organical Part of the Bean; so is it, with respect to each Part, most regularly di­stributed. In a good part of the Radicle 'tis one entire Trunk; to­wards the Basis thereof, Tab. 1. f. 14. 'tis divided into three main Branches; the mid­dlemost runneth directly into the Plume; the other two on either side it, after a little space, pass into the Lobes; where the said Branches dividing themselves into other smaller; and those into more, and smal­ler again, are terminated towards the Verges of each Lobe; in which manner the said Inner Body being distributed it becomes in each Lobe a true and perfect Root.

24. §. Of this Seminal Root, as now we'll call it, from the Descrip­tion here given, it is further observable; That the two main Branch­es hereof; in which the several Ramifications in each Lobe are all uni­ted, are not committed into the Seminal Trunk of the Plume, nor yet stand at right angles with That and the Radicle, and so with equal re­spect towards them both: but being produced through part of the Pa­renchyma of the Radicle, are at last united therein to the main Trunk, and make acute Angles therewith: Tab. 1. f. 14. as may be seen in the same. f. 14.

25. §. This Seminal Root being so tender, cannot be perfectly ex­carnated, (as may the Vessels in the Parts of an Animal) by the most accurate Hand. Yet by dissection begun and continu'd, as is above declared, its whole frame and distribution may be easily observ'd. Again, if you take the Lobe of a Bean, and lengthwise pare off its Parenchyma by degrees, and in extreme thin slices, many Branches of the Seminal Root, (which by the other way of Dissection were only noted by so many Specks) both as they are fewer about the Basis of the Bean, and more numerous towards its Verges, in some good distinction and entire­ness will appear. For this you must have new Beans: or else soaked in Water, or buryed for some time.

26. §. As the Inner Body is branched out in the Lobes, so is it in the Plume: For if you cut the Plume athwart, and from the Basis pro­ceed along the Body thereof, you'll therein find, first, one large Trunk [Page 6] or Branch, and after four or five very small Specks round about it, which are the terminations of so many lesser Branches therewith di­stributed to the several parts of the Plume. The distribution of the Inner Body, Tab. 1. f. 11- c as it is continuous throughout all the Organical Parts of the Bean, is represented, Tab. 1. f. 14.

27. §. This Inner Body is, by dissection, best observable in the Bean and great Lupine. In other larger Pulse it shews likewise some obscure Marks of it self. But in no other Seeds, which I have observed, though of the greatest size: as of Apples, Plums, Nuts, &c. is there any clear appearance hereof, upon dissection, saving in the Radicle and Plume; the reason of which is partly from its being, in most Seeds, so extraordinary little; partly from its Colour, which in most Seeds, is the same with that of the Parenchyma it self, and so not distinguisha­ble from it.

28. §. Yet in a Gourd-Seed, the whole Seminal Root, not only its Main Branches, Tab. 1. f. 15- c but also the Sub-divisions and Inosculations of the lesser ones, are without any dissection, upon the separation of the Lobes, on their contiguous Flats immediately apparent.

And as to the existence of this Seminal Root, what Dissection can­not attain, yet an ocular inspection in hundreds of other Seeds, even the smallest, will demonstrate; as in this Chapter shall be seen how.

29. §. In the mean time, let us only take notice; That when we say, every Plant hath its Root, we reckon short. For every Plant hath really two, though not contemporary, yet successive Roots; its Ori­ginal or Seminal-Root within the Lobes or Main Body of its Seed; and its Plant-Root, which the Radicle becometh in its growth: the Paren­chyma of the Seed, being in some resemblance, that to the Seminal Root at first, which the Mould is to the Plant-Root afterwards; and the Seminal Root being that to the Plant-Root, which the Plant-Root is to the Trunk. For our better understanding whereof, having taken a view of the several Parts of a Bean, as far as Dissection conducts; we will next briefly enquire into the Use of the said Parts, and in what manner they are the Fountain of Vegetation, and concurrent to the being of the future Plant.

30. §. THE GENERAL Cause of the growth of a Bean, An Account of the Vege­tation of the Seed. or other Seed, is Fermentation. That is, the Bean lying in the Mould, and a moderate access of some moisture, partly dissimilar, and partly conge­nerous, being made, a gentle Fermentation thence ariseth. By which, the Bean swelling, and the Sap still encreasing, and the Bean continu­ing still to swell, the work thus proceeds: as is the usual way of ex­plicating. But that there is simply a Fermentation, and so a sufficient supply of Sap is not enough: but that this Fermentation, and the Sap wherein 'tis made, should be under a various Government, by divers Parts thereto subservient, is also requisite; and as the various prepa­ration of the Aliment in an Animal, equally necessary: the particular process of the Work according whereto, we find none undertaking to declare.

31. §. Let us look upon a Bean then, as a piece of Work so fram'd and set together, as to declare a Design for the production of a Plant; which, upon its lying in some convenient Soil, is thus effected. First of all, the Bean being enfoulded round in its Coats, the Sap wherewith it is fed, must of necessity pass through these: By which means, it is [Page 7] not only in a proportionate quantity, and by degrees; but also in a purer body; and possibly not without some Vegetable Tincture, trans­mitted to the Bean. Whereas, were the Bean naked, the Sap must needs be, as over-copious, so but crude and immature, as not being fil­tred through so fine a Cotton as the Coats be. And as they have the use of a Filtre to the transient Sap; so of a Vessel to that which is still deposited within them; being alike accommodated to the securer Fer­mentation hereof, as Bottles or Barrels are to Beer, or any other Fermen­tative Liquor.

32. §. And as the Fermentation is promoted by some Aperture in the Vessel; so have we the Foramen in the upper Coat also contrived. That if there should be need of some more Aiery Particles to excite the Fermentation; through this, they may obtain their Entry. Or, on the contrary, should there be any such Particles or Steams, as might damp the genuine proceeding thereof, through this again, they may have easie issue. Or if, by being over copious, they should become too high a Ferment; and so precipitate those soft and slow degrees, as are necessary to a due Vegetation. The said Aperture being that, as a com­mon Pasport, here to the Sap, which what we call the Bung-hole of the Barrel, is to the new tunn'd Liquor.

33. §. And the Radicle being designed to shoot forth first, as pre­sently shall be shew'd how; therefore is it distinctly surrounded with the Inner and more succulent Coat. That being thereby suppled on every side, its eruption may be the better promoted.

34. §. The Sap being passed through the Coats, it next enters the Body of the Bean; yet not indiscriminately neither; but, being filtred through the Outer Coat, and fermented in the Body of the Inner, is by mediation of the Cuticle, again more finely filtr'd, and so entereth the Parenchyma it self under a fourth Government.

35. §. Through which Part the Sap passing towards the Seminal Root, as through that which is of a more spatious content; besides the benefit it hath of a farther percolation,' it will also find room enough for a more free and active fermenting and maturation herein. And be­ing moreover, part of the true Body of the Bean, and so with its pro­per Seminalities or Tinctures copiously repleat; the Sap will not only find room, but also matter enough, by whose Energy its Fermentation will still be more advanced,

36. § And the Sap being duly prepared here, it next passeth into all the Branches of the Seminal Root, and so under a fifth Government. Wherein how delicate 'tis now become, we may conceive by the pro­portion betwixt the Parenchyma and this Seminal Root; so much only of the best digested Sap being discharged from the whole Stock in that, as this will receive. And this, moreover, as the Parenchyma, with its proper Seminalities being endowed; the Sap for the supply of the Ra­dicle, and of the young Root from thence, is duly prepared therein, and with its highest Tincture and Impregnation at last enriched.

37. §. The Sap being thus prepared in the Lobes of the Bean, 'tis thence discharg'd; and either into the Plume, or the Radicle, must forth­with issue. And since the Plume is a dependent on the Radicle; the Sap therefore ought first to be dispenced to this: which accordingly, is ever found to shoot forth before the Plume: and sometimes an inch or two in length. Now because the primitive course of the Sap into [Page 8] the Radicle, is thus requisite; therefore, by the frame of the Parts of the Bean is it also made necessary. The two main Branches of the Se­minal Root, being produced, as is before observed, not into the Plume, but the Radicle. Now the Sap being brought as far as the Seminal Root, in either Lobe; and according to the conduct thereof continu­ing still to move: it must needs immediately issue into the same Part, whereinto the main Branches themselves do; Tab. 1. f. 14. that is, into the Radicle. By which Sap, thus bringing the several Tinctures of the Parts afore­said with it, being now fed; it is no longer a meer Radicle, but is made also Seminal, and so becomes a perfect Root.

38. §. The Plume, all this while, lyes close and still. For the sake of which, chiefly it is, that the Bean and other Seeds are divided into Lobes, viz. That it might be warmly and safely lodged up between them, and so secur'd from the Injuries so tender a Part would sustain from the Mould; whereto, had the Main Body been entire, it must, upon the cleaving of the Coats, have lay'n contiguous.

39. §. But the Radicle being thus impreguated and shot into a Root; 'tis now time for the Plume to rouze out of its Cloysters, and germinate too: In order whereto, 'tis now fed from the Root, with laudable and sufficient Aliment. For as the Supplies and Motion of Sap were first made from the Lobes, towards the Root: so the Root being well shot into the Mould, and now receiving a new and more copious Sap from thence; the motion hereof must needs be stronger, and by degrees proceed in a contrary course, sc. from the Root to­ward the Plume: and, by the coutinuation of the Seminal Root, is di­rectly conducted thereinto; by which being fed, it gradually enlarges and displays it self.

40. §. The course of the Sap thus turned, it issues, I say, in a direct Line from the Root into the Plume: but collaterally, into the Lobes also; sc. by those two aforesaid Branches which are obliquely transmitted from the Radicle into either Lobe. By which Branches the said Sap being disbursed back into all the Seminal Root, and from thence, likewise into the Parenchyma of the Lobes, they are both thus fed, and for some time augmenting themselves, really grow: as in Lu­pines is evident.

41. §. Yet is not this common to all Seeds. Some rot under­ground; as Corn; being of a laxer and less Oleous Substance, differing herein from most other Seeds; and being not divided into Lobes, but one entire thick Body. And some, although they continue firm, and are divided into Lobes, yet rise not; as the great Garden Bean. In which, therefore, it is observable, That the two Main Branches of the Lobes, in comparison with that which runs into the Plume, are but mean; and so insufficient to the feeding and vegetation of the Lobes; the Plume, Tab. 1. f. 14. on the contrary, growing so lusty, as to mount up without them.

42. §. Excepting a few of these Two Kinds, all other Seeds what­soever, (which I have observed) besides that they continue firm; upon the Vegetation of the Plume, do mount also upwards, and advance above the Ground together with it; as all Seeds which spring up with one or more Dissimilar Leaves: These Dissimilar Leaves, for the most part Two, which first spring up, and are of a different shape from those that follow, being the very Lobes of the Seed, divided, expanded, and thus advanced.

[Page 9] 43. §. The Impediments of our apprehension hereof are the Co­lour, Size and Shape of the Dissimilar Leaves. Notwithstanding, that they are nothing else but the Main Body of the Seed, how I came first to conceive, and afterwards to know it, was thus. First, I ob­served in general, that the Dissimilar Leaves, were never jagg'd, but even edg'd: And seeing the even verges of the Lobes of the Seed here­to respondent, I was apt to think, that those which were so like, might prove the same. Next descending to particular Seeds, I observed, first, of the Lupine; that, as to its Colour, advancing above the Ground, (as it useth to do) it was always changed into a perfect Green. And why might not the same by parity of Reason be inferred of other Seeds? That, as to its size, it grew but little bigger than when first set. Whence, as I discern'd (the Augmentation being but little) we here had only the two Lobes: Tab. 2. f. 1. So, (as some augmentation there was) I inferr'd the like might be, and that, in farther degrees, in other Seeds.

44. §. Next of the Cucumber-Seed, That, as to its Colour, often appearing above ground, in its primitive white, from white it turns to yellow, and from yellow to green; the proper colour of a Leaf. That, as to its size, though at its first arise, the Lobes were little bigger than upon setting; Tab. 2. f. 2. yet afterwards, as they chang'd their Colour, so their di­mensions also, growing to a three-four-five-fold amplitude above their primitive size. But whereas the Lobes of the Seed, are in proportion, narrow, short and thick: how then come the Dissimilar Leaves, to be so exceeding broad, or long, and thin? The Question answers it self: For the Dissimilar Leaves, for that very reason are so thin, because so very broad or long; as we see many things, how much they are ex­tended in length or breadth, so much they lose in depth, or grow more thin; which is that which here befalls the now effoliated Lobes. For being once dis-imprisoned from their Coats, and the course of the Sap into them, now more and more encreased; they must needs very consi­derably amplisie themselves: and from the manner wherein the Semi­nal Root is branched in them, that amplification cannot be in thick­ness, Tab. 2. f. 3. but in length or breadth. In both which, in some Dissimilar Leaves, 'tis very remarkable; especially in length, as in those of Let­tice, Thorn-Apple, and others; whose Seeds, although very small, yet the Lobes of those Seeds growing up into Dissimilar Leaves, are extended an Inch, and sometimes more, in length. Though he that shall attempt to get a clear sight of the Lobes of Thorn-Apple, and some others, by Dissecti­on, will find it no easie Task; yet is that which may be obtained; and in the Last Book shall be shew'd. From all which, and the ob­servation of other Seeds, I at last found, that the Dissimilar Leaves of a young Plant, are nothing else but the Lobes or Main Body of its Seed. So that, as the Lobes did at first feed and impregnate the Ra­dicle into a perfect Root; so the Root, being perfected, doth again feed, and by degrees amplifie each Lobe into a perfect Leaf.

45. §. The Original of the Dissimilar Leaves thus known, we un­derstand, why some Plants have none; because the Seed either riseth not, as Garden-Beans, Corn, &c. Or upon rising, the Lobes are little alter'd, as Lupines, Pease, &c. Why, though the proper Leaves are often indented round; the Dissimilar like the Lobes are even-edg'd. Why, though the proper Leaves are often hairy, yet these are ever smooth. Why some have more Dissimilar Leaves than two, as Cresses, [Page 10] which have six, Hist. of the Prop. of Vege. as the Ingenious Mr. Sharrock also observes. The reason whereof is, because the Main Body is not divided into Two, but Six, di­stinct Lobes, as I have often counted. Why Radishes seem at first to have four, which yet after appear plainly two: because the Lobes of the Seed, have both a little Indenture, and are both plaited, one over the other. To which, other Instances might be added.

46. The use of the Dissimilar Leaves is, first, for the protection of the Plume; which being but young, and so but soft and tender, is provided with these, as a double Guard, one on either side of it. For this reason it is, that the Plume, in Corn, is trussed up within a mem­branous Sheath: and that of a Bean, cooped up betwixt a pair of Sur­foyls: Tab. 3. But where the Lobes rise, there the Plume hath neither of them, being both needless.

47. §. Again, since the Plume, being yet tender, may be in­jur'd not only by the Aer, but also for want of Sap, the supplies from the Root being yet but slow and sparing; that the said Plume there­fore, by the Dissimilar Leaves, may have the advantage likewise of some refreshment from Dew or Rain. For these having their Basis a little beneath that of the Plume, and expanding themselves on all sides of it, they often stand after Rain, like a Vessel of Water, con­tinually soaking and suppling it, lest its new access into the Ayr, should shrivel it.

48. §. Moreover, that since the Dissimilar Leaves by their Basis intercept the Root and Plume, the greater and grosser part of the Sap, may be, by the way, deposited into those; and so the purest pro­ceed into the yet but young and delicate Plume, as its fittest Ali­ment.

49. §. Lastly, we have here a demonstration of the being of the Seminal Root: which, since through the colour or smalness of the Seed, it could not by Dissection be observ'd, except in some few; Nature hath here provided us a way of viewing it in [...]he now effoliated Lobes, not of one or two Seeds, but of hundreds; the Semi­nal Root visibly branching it self towards the Cone or Verges of the said Lobes, or now Dissimilar Leaves.

CHAP. II. Of the ROOT.

HAVING Examin'd and pursu'd the Degrees of Vegetation in the Seed, we find its two Lobes have here their utmost period: and, that having conveyed their Seminalities into the Radicle and Plume; these therefore, as the Root and Trunk of the Plant, still survive. Of these, in their order, we next pro­ceed to speak; and first, of the Root: whereof, as well as of the Seed, we must by Dissection inform our selves.

2. §. In Dissection of a Root then, we shall find it with the Ra­dicle, as the Parts of an Old Man with those of a Foetus, substantially, one. The first Part occurring is its Skin, the Original whereof is from the Seed: For that extreme thin Cuticle which is spread over the Lobes of the Seed, and from thence over the Radicle, upon the shooting of the Radicle into a Root, is co-extended, and becomes its Skin.

3. §. The next Part is the Cortical Body. Which, when it is thin, is commonly called the Barque. The Original hereof, likewise is from the Seed; or the Parenchyma, which is there common both to the Lobes and Radicle, Tab. 2. f. 4. being by Vegetation augmented and prolonged into the Root, the same becomes the Parenchyma of the Barque.

4. §. The Contexture of this Parenchyma may be well illustrated by that of a Sponge, being a Body Porous, Dilative and Pliable. Its Pores, as they are innumerable, so, extream small. These Pores are not only susceptive of so much Moisture as to fill, but also to enlarge themselves, and so to dilate the Cortical Body wherein they are: which by the shriv'ling in thereof, upon its being expos'd to the Air, is also seen. In which dilatation, many of its Parts becoming more lax and distant, and none of them suffering a solution of their continuity; 'tis a Body also sufficiently pliable; that is to say, a most exquisitely fine-wrought Sponge.

5. §. The Extention of these Pores is much alike by the length and breadth of the Root; which from the shrinking up of the Cortical Body, in a piece of a cut Root, by the same dimensions, is argu'd.

6. §. The proportions of this Cortical Body are various: If thin, 'tis, as is said, called a Barque; and thought to serve to no other end, than what is vulgarly ascrib'd to a Barque; which is a narrow conceit. If a Bulky Body, in comparison with That within it, as in the young Roots of Cichory, Asparagus, &c. 'tis here, because the fairest, there­fore taken for the prime Part; which, though, as to Medicinal use, it is; yet, as to the private use of the Plant, not so. The Colour hereof, though it be originally white, yet in the continued growth of the Root, divers Tinctures, as yellow in Dock, red in Bistort, are there­into introduced.

[Page 12] 7. §. Next within this Part stands the Lignous Body: This Lig­nous Body, lyeth with all its parts, so far as they are visible, in a Cir­cle or Ring. Tab. 2. f 4. b. Yet are there divers extreme small Fibres thereto pa­rallel, usually mixed with the Cortical Body; and by the somewhat dif­ferent colour of the said Cortical Body where they stand, may be no­ted. These Fibres the Cortical Body, and Skin, altogether, properly make the Barque. The Original of this Lignous Body, as of the two former, is from the Seed; or, the Seminal Roots of both the Lobes, be­ing united in the Radicle, and with its Parenchyma co-extended, is here in the Root of the Plant, the Lignous Body.

8. §. The Contexture hereof, in many of its parts, is much more close than that of the Cortical; and their Pores very different. For whereas those of the Cortical are infinitely numerous, these of the Lig­nous are in comparison nothing so. But these, although fewer, yet are they, many of them, more open, fair and visible: as in a very thin Slice cut athwart the young Root of a Tree, and held up against the light, is apparent. Yet not in all equally; in Coran-Tree, Goosberry-Tree, &c. less, in Oak, Plums, and especially Damascens, more; in Elder, Tab. 2. f. 5. Vines, &c. most conspicuous. And as they are different in number and size, so also (whereon the numerousness of the Pores of the Cortical Body principally depends) in their shape. For whereas those of the Cortical Body are extended much alike both by the length and breadth of the Root; these of the Lignous, are only by the length; which especially in Vines, and some other Roots is evident. Of these Pores, 'tis also observable, that although in all places of the Root they are visible, Tab. 2. f. 7 a. b. yet most fair and open about the filamentous Extremities of some Roots, where about, the Roots have no Pith; as in Fenil. And in many Roots, higher.

9. §. The proportion betwixt this Lignous Body and the Cortical, is various, as was said; yet in this, constant, sc. that in the filamentous and smaller Parts of the Root, the Lignous Body is very much the less; running like a slender Wyer or Nerve through the other surrounding it. Whereas in the upper part, it is often times of far greater quan­tity than the Cortical, although it be encompass'd by it. They stand both together pyramidally, which is most common to Infant Roots, but also to a great many others.

10. The next Part observable in the Root, is the Insertment. The existence hereof, so far as we can yet observe, is sometimes in the Radi­cle of the Seed it self; I cannot say always. As to its substantial na­ture, we are more certain; that it is the same with that of the Paren­chyma of the Radicle; being always at least augmented, and so, in part, originated from the Cortical Body, and so, at second hand, from the said Parenchyma. For in dissecting a Root, I find, that the Cortical Body doth not only environ the Lignous, but is also wedg'd, and in many Pieces inserted into it; and that the said inserted Pieces make not a meer Indenture, but transmit and shoot themselves quite through as far as the Pith: Tab. 2. f. 5. which in a thin Slice cut athwart the Root, as so many lines drawn from the Circumference towards the Center, shew them­selves.

11. §. The Pores of the Insertment are sometimes, at least, exten­ded somewhat more by the breadth of the Root, as about the top of the Root of Borage may be seen; and are thus different from those of [Page 13] the Cortical Body, which are extended by the length and breadth much alike; and from those of the Lignous, being only by its length.

12. §. The number and size of these Insertions are various. In Hawthorn, Tab. 2. f. 5. & 6. and some others, and especially Willows, they are most ex­tream small; in Cherries and Plums they are Biger; and in the Vine and some other Trees, very fairly apparent. In the Roots of most Herbs they are generally more easily discoverable; which may lead to the observation of them in all.

13. §. These Insertions, although they are continuous through both the length and breadth of the Root; yet not so in all Parts, but by the several shootings of the Lignous Body they are frequently in­tercepted. For of the Lignous Body it is (here best) observable; That its several Shootings, betwixt which the Cortical is inserted, are not, throughout the Root, wholly distinct, strait and parallel: but that all along being enarch'd, the Lignous Body, both in length and breadth, is thus disposed into Braces or Osculations. Betwixt these several Shootings of the Lignous Body thus osculated, Tab. 2. f. 8. the Cortical shooting, and being also osculated answerably Brace for Brace, that which I call the Insertment is framed thereof.

14. §. These Osculations are so made, that the Pores or Fibres of the Lignous Body, I think, notwithstanding, seldom or never run one into another; being, though contiguous, yet still distinct. In the same manner as some of the Nerves, though they meet, and for some space are associated together, yet 'tis most probable, that none of their Fibres are truly inosculated, saving perhaps, in the Plexures.

15. §. These Osculations of the Lignous Body, and so the intercep­tion of the Insertions of the Cortical, are not to be observ'd by the traverse cut of the Root, but by taking off the Barque. In the Roots of Trees, they are generally obscure; but in Herbs often more distincty apparent; and especially in a Turnep: the appearance where­of, the Barque being stripp'd off, is as a piece of close-wrought Net­work, fill'd up with the Insertions from thence.

16. §. The next and last distinct Part of the Root is the Pith. The substantial nature thereof, is, as was said of the Insertment, the same likewise with that of the Parenchyma of the Seed. And according to the best observation I have yet made, 'tis sometimes existent in its Ra­dicle; in which, the two main Branches of the Lobes both meeting, and being osculated together, are thus dispos'd into one round and tubular Trunk, and so environing part of the Parenchyma, make there­of a Pith; as in either the Radicle, or the young Root of the great Bean or Lupine, may, I think, be well seen.

17. §. But many times the Original hereof is immediately from the Barque. For in dissection of divers Roots, both of Trees and Herbs, as of Barberry or Mallows, it is observable, That the Cortical Body and Pith, are both of them participant of the same Colour; in the Barberry, both of them tinged yellow, and in Mallows, green. In cutting the smaller Parts of the Roots of many Plants, as of Borage, Mallows, Par­sley, Columbine, &c. 'tis also evident, That the Lignous Body is not there, Tab. 2. f. 9. [...] in the least Concave, but standeth Solid, or without any Pith, in the Center; and that the Insertions being gradually multiplied after­wards, the Pith, at length, towards the thicker parts of the Root, shews and enlarges it self. Whence it appears, that in all such Roots, [Page 14] the Pith is not only of the same substantial nature, and by the In­sertions doth communicate with the Barque; and that it is also aug­mented by it; which is true of the Pith of all Roots; but is moreo­ver, by mediation of the said Insertions, wholly originated from it; that is to say, from the Parenchymous Part thereof. The various appea­rances of the Insertions and Pith from the filamentous Parts to the top of the Root, Tab. 2. f. 9. see in Tab. 2. The Pores of the Lignous Body, as it stands entire in the said filamentous Parts, are best seen when they have lain by a night to dry, after cutting.

18. §. A farther evidence hereof are the Proportions betwixt the Cortical Body and Pith. For as about the inferiour Parts of the Root, where the Pith is small, the Cortical Body is proportionably great; so about the top, where the Pith is enlarged, the Cortical Body (now more properly becoming a Barque) groweth proportionably less, sc. because the Insertions do still more and more enlarge the Pith. Likewise the peculiar frame of some Roots, wherein besides the Pith, the Lignous Body being divided into two or more Rings, there are also one or more thick Rings, of a white and soft substance, which stand betwixt them; and are nothing else but the Insertions of the Cortical Body collected into the said Rings; but, towards the top of the Root, being inserted again, thus make a large and ample Pith; as in older Fennel-Roots, those of Beet, Tab. 2. f. 8. Turnep, and some other Herbs, is seen.

19. §. The Pores of the Pith, as those of the Cortical Body, are extended both by the breadth and length of the Root, much alike; yet are they more or less of a greater size than those of the Cortical Body.

20. §. The Proportions of the Pith, are various; in Trees, but small; in Herbs, generally, very fair; in some making by far the great­est part of the Root; as in a Turnep: By reason of the wide circum­ference whereof, and so the finer Concoction and Assimilation of its Sap; that Part which in most old Trunks is a dry and harsh Pith, here proves a tender, pleasant meat.

21. §. In the Roots of very many Plants, as Turneps, Carrots, &c. the Lignous Body, besides its main utmost Ring, hath divers of its os­culated Fibres dispersed throughout the Body of the Pith; sometimes all alike, and sometimes more especially in, or near, its Center; which Fibres, as they run towards the top of the Root, still declining the Center, at last collaterally strike into its Circumference; either all of them, or some few, keeping the Center still. Of these principally, the Succulent part of the Lignous Body of the Trunk is often originated.

22. §. Some of these Pith-Fibres, although they are so exceeding slender, yet in some Roots, as in that of Flower de liz, they are visibly concave, each of them, in their several Cavities also embosoming a ve­ry small Pith; the sight whereof, the Root being cut traverse, and laid in a Window for a day or two to dry, may without Glasses be obtain'd. And this is the general account of the Root; the declaration of the man­ner of its growth, with the use and service of its several Parts, we shall next endeavour.

23. §. I SAY THEN, That the Radicle being impregnate, and shot into the Moulds, An Account of the Growth of the Root. the contiguous moisture, by the Cortical Body, be­ing a Body laxe and Spongy, is easily admitted: Yet not all indiscrimi­nately, but that which is more adapted to pass through the surrounding [Page 15] Cuticle. Which transient Sap, though it thus becomes fine, yet is not simple; but a mixture of Particles, both in respect of those originally in the Root, and amongst themselves, somewhat heterogeneous. And being lodg'd in the Cortical Body moderately laxe, and of a Cir­cular form; the effect will be an easie Fermentation. The Sap fermen­ting, a separation of Parts will follow; some whereof will be impact­ed to the Circumference of the Cortical Body, whence the Cuticle be­comes a Skin; as we see in the growing of the Coats of Cheeses, of the Skin over divers Liquors, and the like. Whereupon the Sap passing into the Cortical Body, through this, as through a Manica Hip­pocratis, is still more finely filtred. With which Sap, the Cortical Body being dilated as far as its Tone, without a solution of Continu­ity, will bear; and the supply of the Sap still renew'd: the purest part, as most apt and ready, recedes, with its due Tinctures, from the said Cortical Body, to all the parts of the Lignous; both those mixed with the Barque, and those lying within it. Which Lignous Body like­wise super-inducing its own proper Tinctures into the said Sap; 'tis now to its highest preparaton wrought up, and becomes (as they speak of that of an Animal) the Vegetative Ros or Cambium: the noblest part whereof is at last coagulated in, and assimilated to the like sub­stance with the said Lignous Body. The remainder, though not united to it, yet tinctur'd therein, thus retreats, that is, by the continual appulse of the Sap, is in part carried off into the Cortical Body back again, the Sap whereof it now tinctures into good Aliment. So that whereas before, the Cortical Body was only relaxed in its Parts, and so dilated; 'tis now increas'd in real quantity or number of parts, and so is truly nourish'd. And the Cortical Body being saturate with so much of this Vital Sap as serves it self; and the second Remainders discharged thence to the Skin; this also is nourish'd and augmented therewith. So that as in an Animal Body there is no instauration or growth of Parts made by the Bloud only, but the Nervous Spirit is al­so thereunto assistant; so is it here: the Sap prepared in the Cortical Body, is as the Bloud, and that part thereof prepared by the Lignous, is as the Nervous Spirit; which partly becoming Nutriment to it self, and partly being discharged back into the Cortical Body, and diffusing its Tincture through the Sap there, that to the said Cortical Body and Skin, becomes also true Nutriment, and so they all now grow.

24. §. In which growth, a proportion in length and breadth is re­quisite: which being rated by the benefit of the Plant, both for firm standing and sufficient Sap, must therefore principally be in length. And because it is thus requisite, therefore by the constitution of one of its Parts, sc. the Lignous Body, it is also made necessary. For the Pores hereof, in that they are all extended by its length, the Sap also according to the frame and site of the said Pores will principally move; and that way as its Sap moves, the same way will the generation of its Parts also proceed; sc. by its length. And the Lignous Body first (that is by a priority causal) moving in length it self; the Cortical also moves therewith. For that which is nourish'd, is extended: but whatever is extended, is mov'd: that therefore which is nourish'd, is mov'd: The Lignous Body then being first nourish'd, 'tis likewise first mov'd, and so becomes and carries in it the Principle of all Vegetative motion in the Cortical; and so they both move in length.

[Page 16] 25. §. Yet as the Lignous Body is the Principle of Motion in the Cortical; so the Cortical is the Moderator of that in the Lignous: As in Animal Motions, the Principle is from the Nerves; yet being once gi­ven to the Muscle or Limb, and that moving proportionably to its stru­cture, the Nerves also are carried in the same motion with it. We sup­pose therefore, that as the principal motion of the Lignous Body is in length, so is its proper tendency also to Ascend. But being much exceed­ed both in Compass and Quantity by the Cortical, as in the smaller parts of the Root it is; it must needs therefore be over-born and governed by it; and so, though not lose its motion, yet make it that way where­in the Cortical Body may be more obedient to it; which will be by de­scent. Yet both of them being sufficiently pliable, they are thus capa­ble, where the Soyl may oppose a direct descent, there to divert any way, where it is more penetrable, and so to descend obliquely. For the same reason it may also be, that though you set a Bean with the Radicle upward; yet the Radicle, as it shoots, declining also gradu­ally, is thus arch'd in form of an Hook, and so at last descends. For every declination from a perpendicular Line, is a mixed motion be­twixt Ascent and Descent, as that of the Radicle also is, and so seem­ing to be dependent upon the two Contrary Tendencies of the Lignous and Cortical Bodies. What may be the cause of those Tendencies (be­ing most probably external, and a kind of Magnetisme) I shall not make my Task here to enquire.

26. §. Now although the Lignous Body, by the position and shape of its Pores, principally groweth in length; yet will it in some degree likewise in breadth: For it cannot be supposed that the purest Sap is all received into the said Pores; but that part thereof likewise, staying about its Superficial Parts, is there tinctur'd and agglutinated to them. And because these Pores are prolonged by its length; therefore it is much more laxe and easily divisible that way; as in slitting a Stick, or cleaving of Timber, and in cutting and hewing them athwart is also seen. Whence it comes to pass, that in shooting from the Center to­wards the Circumference, and there finding more room, its said origi­nal Laxity doth easily in divers places now become greater, and at length in open Partments plainly visible. Betwixt which Partments, the Cortical Body, being bound in on the one hand, by the surround­ing Skin and Moulds, and pressed upon by the Lignous on the other, must needs insert it self, and so move contrary to it, from the Circum­ference towards the Center. Where the said contrary motions continu­ed as begun, they at last meet, unite, and either make or augment the Pith. And thus the Root is fram'd, and the Skin, the Cortical and Lignous Bodies, so as is said, thereunto concurrent. We shall next shew the use of the two other Parts, sc. the Insertment and Pith; and first of the Pith.

27. §. ONE true use of the Pith is for the better Advancement of the Sap, whereof I shall speak in the next Chapter. The use I here observe, is for the quicker and higher Fermentation of the Sap: For although the Fermentation made in the Cortical Body was well subser­vient to the first Vegetations, yet those more perfect ones in the Trunk which after follow, require a Body more adapted to it, and that is the Pith; which is so necessary, as not to be only common to, but con­siderably large in the Roots of most Plants; if not in their inferiour [Page 17] parts, yet at their tops. Where though either deriv'd or amplify'd from the Cortical Body, yet being by its Insertions only, we may there­fore suppose, as those, so this, to be more finely constituted. And being also from its coarctation, while inserted, now free; all its Pores, upon the supply of the Sap, will more or less be amplified: Upon which accounts, the Sap thereinto received, will be more pure, and its fermentation therein more active. And as the Pith is superiour to the Cortical Body by its Constitution, so by its Place. For as it thus stands central, it hath the Lignous Body surrounding it. Now as the Skin is the Fence of the Cortical Body, and that of the Lignous; so is the Lignous again a far more preheminent one unto the Pith; the Sap being here a brisk Liquor, tunn'd up as in a wooden Cask.

28. §. And as the Pith subserves the higher Fermentation of the Sap; so do the Insertions its purer Distribution; that separation which the parts of the Sap, by being fermented in the Pith, were dispos'd for; being, upon its entrance into the Insertions, now made: So that as the Skin is a Filtre to the Cortical Body, so are the Insertions a more pre­heminent one to the Lignous. And as they subserve the purer, so the freer and sufficient distribution of the Sap: For the Root enlarging, and so the Lignous Body growing thicker, although the Cortical and the Pith might supply Sap sufficient to the nutrition of its Parts next adja­cent to them; yet those more inward, must needs be scanted of their Aliment; and so, if not quite starv'd, yet be uncapable of equal growth: Whereas the Lignous Body being through its whole breadth frequent­ly disparted, and the Cortical Body inserted through it; the Sap by those Insertions, as the Bloud by the disseminations of the Arteries, is freely and sufficiently convey'd to its intimate Parts, even those, which from either the Barque or from the Pith, are most remote. Lastly, as the consequent hereof, they are thus assistant to the Latitudinal growth of the Root; as the Lignous Body to its growth in Length; so these Inser­tions of the Cortical, to its better growth in Breadth.

29. §. Having thus seen the solitary uses of the Several Parts of the Root, I shall lastly propound my Conjectures of that Design where­to they are altogether concurrent, and that is the Circulation of the Sap.

30. §. That the Sap hath a Double, and so a Circular Motion, in the Root; is probable, from the proper Motion of the Root, and from its Office. From its Motion, which is Descent: for which, the Sap must likewise, some where, have such a Motion proper to it. From its Office, which is, To feed the Trunk: for which, the Sap must also, in some Part or other, have a more especial Motion of Ascent.

31. §. We may therefore suppose, That the Sap moving in the Barque, towards the Pith, through the Insertions, thereinto ob­tains a pass, Which passage, the upper Insertions will not favour; because the Pith standing in the same heigth with them, is there large, the fermenting and course of the Sap quick, and so its opposition strong. But through the lower it will much more easily enter; be­cause there, from the smalness of the Pith, the opposition is little, and from the shortness of the Insertions, the way more open. So that the Sap here meeting with the least opposition, here it will bestow it self (feeding the Lignous Body in its passage) into the Pith. Into which, fresh Sap still entring, this being yet but crude, will subside: that [Page 18] first receiv'd, and so become a Liquor higher wrought, will more ea­sily mount upwards. And moving in the Pith, especially in the Sap-Fibers there dispers'd, as in the Arterys, in equal altitude with the upper- Inser­tions; the most volatile parts of all will still continue their direct as­cent towards the Trunk. But those of a middle nature, and, as not apt to ascend, so being lighter than those beneath them, not to descend neither; they will tend from the Pith towards the Insertions in a Mo­tion betwixt both. Through which Insertions (feeding the Lignous Body in its passage) it is, by the next subsequent Sap, discharged off into the Cortical Body, and so into the Sap-Fibres themselves, as into the Veins, back again. Wherein, being still pursu'd by fresh Sap from the Center, and more occurring from the Circumference, towards the lower Insertions, it thus descends. Through which, together with part of the Sap afresh imbib'd from the Earth, it re-enters the Pith. From whence, into the Cortical Body, and from thence into the Pith, the cruder part thereof, is reciprocally disburs'd; while the most Volatile, not needing the help of a Circulation, more direct­ly ascendeth towards the Trunk.


HAVING thus declar'd the degrees of Vegetation in the Root; the continuance hereof in the Trunk shall next be shew'd: in order to which, the Parts whereof this likewise is compounded, we shall first observe.

1. §. That which without dissection shews it self, is the Coarcture: I cannot say of the Root, nor of the Trunk; but what I choose here to mention, as standing betwixt them, and so being common to them both; all their Parts being here bound in closer together, as in the tops of the grown Roots of very many Plants, is apparent.

2. §. Of the Parts of the Trunk, the first occurring is its Skin: The Formation whereof, is not from the Air, but in the Seed, from whence it is originated; being the production of the Cuticle, there investing the two Lobes and Plume.

3. §. The next Part is the Cortical Body; which here in the Trunk is no new substantial Formation; but, as is that of the Root, originated from the Parenchyma of the Plume in the Seed; and is only the increase and augmentation thereof. Tab. 3. f. 1, & 4. The Skin, this Cortical Body or Parenchyma, and (for the most part) some Fibers of the Lignous mixed herewith, alltogether make the Barque.

4. §. Next, the Lignous Body, which, whether it be visibly di­vided into many softer Fibers or small Threads, Tab. 3. f. 1. as in the Bean, Fen­nel, and most Herbs; or that its Parts stand more compact and close, shewing one hard, firm and solid piece, as in Trees; it is, in all, one and the same Body; and that not formed originally in the Trunk, but in the Seed; being nothing else but the prolongation of the Se­minal Root distributed in the Lobes and Plume thereof.

5. §. Lastly, The Insertions and Pith are here originated like­wise from the Plume, as the same in the Root, from the Radicle: So that as to their Substantial Parts, the Lobes of the Seed, the Radicle and Plume, the Root and Trunk are all one.

6. §. Yet some things are more fairly observable in the Trunk. First, the Latitudinal shootings of the Lignous Body, which in Trunks of several years growth, are apparent in so many Rings, as is common­ly known. Tab. 3. f. 5. & 8. For several young Fibers of the Lignous Body, as in the Root, so here, shooting in the Cortical one year, and the spaces be­twixt them being after fill'd up with more (I think not till) the next, at length they become altogether a firm compact Ring; the Perfection of one Ring, and the Ground-work of another, being thus made concomitantly.

[Page 20] 7. §. From these Annual younger Fibers it is, that although the Cortical Body and Pith are both of the same substantial nature, and their Pores little different; yet whereas the Pith, which the first year is green, and of all the Parts the fullest of Sap, becomes afterwards white and dry: The Cortical Body, on the contrary, so long as the Tree grows, ever keepeth green and moist, sc. because the said Sap-Fi­bers, annually grow therein, and so communicate with it.

8. §. The Pores likewise of the Lignous Body, many of them, in well-grown Timber, as in Oaken boards, are very conspicuous, in cutting both lengthwise and traverse. They very seldom, if ever, run one into another, but keep, like so many several Vessels, all along distinct; Tab. 3. f. 2. & 3. as by cutting, and so following any one of them as far as you please, for a Foot or half a Yard, or more together, may be ob­serv'd. And so, the like, in any Cane.

9. §. Besides these, there are a lesser sort; which, by the help only of a good Spectacle Glass may be observ'd.

10. §. And these are all the Pores visible without a Microscope. The use of which, excepting in some few particulars, I have pur­posely omitted in this first Book. Micrography. Mr. Hook sheweth us, besides these, a third, and yet smaller Sort; and (as a confirmation of what, in the Second Chapter, C. 2. §. 8. I have said of the Pores of the Lignous Body in general) that they are all continuous and prolonged by the length of the Trunk, as are the greater ones: whereof he maketh Experi­ment, by filling up, in a piece of Char-coal, all the said Pores with Mercury: which appears to pass quite through them, in that by a very good Glass it is visible in their Orifices at both ends; and with­out a Glass, by the weight of the Coal alone, is also manifest. All these I have seen, with the help of a good Microscope, in several sorts of Woods. As they all appeare in a piece of Oak, cut trans­versely, Tab. 3. f. 7. See Tab. 3.

11. §. Upon further Enquiry, I likewise find, That the Pores of the Lignous Body in the Trunks of Herbs, which at first I only sup­posed, by the help of good Glasses, are very fairly visible: each Fi­bre being sometimes perforated by 30, 50, 100, or hundreds of Pores. Or what I think is the truest notion of them, That each Fibre, though it seem to the bare eye to be but one, yet is, indeed, a great number of Fibres together; and every Pore, being not meerly a space betwixt the several parts of the Wood, but the Concave of a Fiber. So that if it be asked, what all that Part of a Plant, either Herb or Tree, which is properly called the Woody-Part; what all that is, I suppose, That it is nothing else but a Cluster of innumerable and most extraordinary small Vessels or Concave Fibers: Tab. 3. f. 6. as in a Slice of the Trunk of Bur­dock is apparent.

12. §. Next the Insertions of the Cortical Body, which in the Trunk of a Tree saw'd athawrt, are plainly discerned as they run from the Circumference toward the Center; the whole Body of the Tree being visibly compounded of two distinct Substances, that of the several Rings, and that of the Insertions, running cross; shewing that in some resemblance in a Plain, Tab. 3. f. 5. & 8. which the Lines of Latitude and of the Meridian do in a Globe. The entrance of the Insertions into the Wood, is also, upon striping off the Barque, very apparent; as in the same Fig. 8.

[Page 21] 13. §. These Insertions are likewise very conspicuous in Sawing of Trees length-ways into Boards, and those plain'd, and wrought in­to Leaves for Tables, Wainscot, Trenchers, and the like. In all which, as in course Trenchers made of Beech, and Tables of Oak, there are many parts which have a greater smoothness than the rest; Tab. 3. f. 2. & Tab. 4. f. 1. and are so many inserted Pieces of the Cortical Body; which being by those of the Lignous, frequently intercepted, seem to be discontinuous, al­though in the Trunk they are really extended, in continued Plates, throughout its Breadth.

14. §. These Insertions, although as is said, of a quite distinct substance from the Lignous Body, and so no where truly incorporated with it, yet being they are in all parts, the one as the Warp, the other as the Woof, mutually braced and interwoven together, they thus constitute one strong and firmly coherent Body; Tab. 4. f. 1. as the Timber of any Tree.

15. §. As the Pores or Vessels are greater or less, so are the In­sertions also: To the bare eye usually the greater only are discerna­ble: But through an indifferent Microscope there are others also, much more both numerous and small, distinctly apparent, as in a transverse piece of Oak. Tab. 3. f. 7.

16. §. In none of all the Pores can we observe any thing which may have the true nature and use of Valves, which is, Easily to admit that, to which they will by no means allow a regress. And their non­existence is enough evident, C. 1. §. 42. from what in the first Chapter we have said of the Lobes of the Seed: in whose Seminal Root, were there any Valves, it could not be, that by a contrary Course of the Sap, they should ever grow; which yet, where-ever they turn into Dissimilar Leaves, they do. Or if we consider the growth of the Root, which oftentimes is upward and downward both at once. And being cut transversely, will bleed, both the same ways, with equal freedom.

17. §. The Insertions here in the Trunk give us likewise a sight of the position of their Pores. For in a plained piece of Oak, as in Wainscot, Tables, &c. besides the larger Pores of the Lignous Body, which run by the length of the Trunk; Tab. 3. f. 2. the Tract likewise of those of the Insertions may be observed to be made by the breadth, and so di­rectly cross. Nor are they continuous as those of the Lignous Body, but very short, as those both of the Cortical Body and Pith, with which the Insertions, as to their substance, are congenerous. Yet they all stand so together, as to be plainly ranked in even Lines or Rows throughout the breadth of the Trunk: As the Tract of those Pores appears to the naked Eye, see in Tab. 3. Fig. 9. The Pores themselves may be seen in the Root of a Vine described and figured in the Second Book, Tab. 17. as it appears through a good Microscope.

18. §. The Pores of the Pith likewise being larger here in the Trunk, are better observable than in the Root: the width whereof, in comparison with their Sides so exquisitely thin, may by an Hony-Comb be grosly exemplified; and is that also which the vast dispropor­tion betwixt the Bulk and Weight of a dry Pith doth enough de­clare. In the Trunks of some Plants, they are so ample and trans­parent, that in cutting both by the length and breadth of the Pith, some of them through the transparency of the Skins by which they are bounded, or of which they consist, would seem to be considera­bly [Page 22] extended by the length of the Pith; but are really disconti­nuous and short, and as 'tis said, somewhat answerable to the Cells of an Hony-Comb. This is the nearest we can come to them, by the bare Eye without the assistance of a good Microscope. Mr. Hook sheweth in his Micrography, That the Pores of the Pith, particularly of Elder-Pith, so far as they are visible, are all alike discontinuous; and that the Pith is nothing else but (as he calls them) an heap of Bub­bles. Although, in regard they are not fluid, but fixed Parts, I shall choose rather to call them, Bladders. As they appear through a good Glass, Tab. 3. f. 6. in a piece of Burdock, See in Tab. 3. But a more par­ticular Description of the Sizes, Figures, and admirable Textures here­of, I have given in several places in the following Books.

19. §. Besides what this Observation informs us of here, C. 2. §. 3, 16, 17. it farther confirms what in the Second Chapter we have said of the Original of the Pith and Cortical Body, and of the sameness of both their natures with the Parenchyma of the Seed: which is no­thing else but a Mass of Bladders; C. 1. §. 18. & Tab. 1. f. 9. as in the First Chapter hath been said.

20. §. In the Piths of many Plants, the greater Pores or Bladders have some of them lesser ones within them, and some of them are divided with cross Membranes: And betwixt their several sides, have, I think, other smaller Bladders visibly interjected. However, that they are all permeable, is most certain. They stand together not confu­sedly, but in even Ranks or Trains; as those of the Insertions by the breadth, so these by the length of the Trunk. And thus far there is a general corresponding betwixt the parts of the Root and Trunk. Yet are there some considerable Disparities betwixt them; wherein, and how they come to pass, and to what especial Use and End, shall next be said.

21. §. WE SAY then, An Account of the Growth of the Trunk. that the Sap being in the Root by Filtra­tions, Fermentations (and in what Roots needful, perhaps by Circu­lation also) duly prepar'd; the prime part thereof passing through the intermediate Coarcture, in due moderation and purity is entertain'd at last into the Trunk. And the Sap of the Trunk being purer and more volatile, and so it self apt to ascend; the motion of the Trunk likewise will be more noble, receiving a disposition and tendency to ascend therewith. And what by the Sap the Trunk is in part dipos'd to, by the respective position and quantity of its Parts it is effectual­ly enabled. For whereas in the Root the Lignous Body being in pro­portion with the Cortical, but little, and all lying close within its Center; it must therefore needs be under its controul: on the con­trary, being here comparatively of greater quantity, and also more dilated, and having divers of its Branches standing more abroad towards the Circumference, as both in the Leaves and Body of the young Trunk and Plume, is seen; it will in its own magnetical tendency to ascend, reduce the Cortical Body to a compliance with it.

22. §. And the Trunk thus standing from under the restraint of the Ground in the open Air, the disposition of its Parts, originally different from that of the Parts in the Root, will not only be continued, but improved. For by the force and pressure of the Sap in its collateral Motion, the Lignous Body will now more freely and farther be di­lated. [Page 23] And this being dilated, the Cortical Body also, must needs be inserted; and is therefore in proportion always, more or less, smaller here in the Trunk, than in the Root. And as the Cortical Body lessens, so the Pith will be enlarged, and by the same proportion is here greater. And the Pith being enlarged it self, its Pores (the Lignous Body, upon its dilatation, as it were tentering and stretching out all their sides) must needs likewise be enlarged with it; and according­ly, are ever greater in the Pith of the Trunk, than of the Root. And the dilatation of the Lignous Body still continued, it follows, that whereas the Pith descendent in the Root, is not only in propor­tion less and less, but also in the smaller extremities thereof, and some­times higher, altogether absent: Contrariwise, in the Trunk, it is not only continued to its top and smallest Twigs, but also there, in proportion, equally ample with what it is in any other inferiour part.

23. §. But although the openness of the Aer permitting, be all­ways alike; yet the Energy of the Sap effecting, being different; as therefore that doth, the dilatation of the Trunk, will also vary. If that be less, so is this; as in the Trunks of most Trees: If that be greater, so this; as in Herbs is common; the Lignous Body being usu­ally so far dilated, that the utmost Shootings thereof may easily be seen to jut out, and adjoyn to the Skin. And if the Sap be still of greater energy, it so far dilates the Lignous Body, as not only to am­plifie the Pith and all its Pores; but also so far to stretch them out, as to make them tear. Whereupon either running again into the Cortical Body, or shrinking up towards it, the Trunk thus sometimes becomes an hallow Stalk, the Pith being wholly, or in part voided. But generally it keeps entire; and where it doth, the same proporti­on and respect to the Lignous and Cortical Bodies, as is said. The Consequences of all which will be, the Strength of the Trunk, the Se­curity and Plenty of the Sap, its Fermentation will be quicker, its Di­stribution more effectual, and its Advancement more sufficient.

24. §. First, the Erect Growth and Strength of the Trunk; this being, by the position of its several Parts, effected: for besides the slen­dering of the Trunk still towards the top, the Circumferential position of the Lignous Body, likewise is, and that eminently, hereunto subservi­ent. So that as the Lignous, Body, in the smaller parts, of the Root standing Central, we may thence conceive and see their pliableness to any oblique motion; so here, on the contrary, the Lignous Body stan­ding wide, it thus becomes the Strength of the Trunk, and most ad­vantageous to its Perpendicular Growth. We see the same Design in Bones and Feathers: The strongest Bones, as those in the Legs, are hollow. Now should we suppose the same Bone, to be contracted in­to a Solid; although now it would be no heavier, and in that re­spect, as apt for motion; yet would it have far less strength, than as its Parts are dilated to a Circumferential posture. And so for Quills, which, for the same Reasons, in subserviency to flying, as they are ex­ceeding light; So, in comparison with the thinness of their Sides, they are very strong, and much less apt to bend, than if contracted into a Solid Cylinder. We see it not only in Nature, but Art. For hence it is, that Joyners and Carpenters. unite and set together their Timber­pieces and several Works oftentimes with double Joynts; which, al­though [Page 24] they are no thicker, than a single one might be made; yet stand­ing at a distance, have a greater strength than That could have. And the same Architecture, will have the same use, in the Trunks of Plants; in most whereof 'tis very apparent; as for instance, in Corn. For Nature designing its Sap a great Ascent; for its higher maturity, hath given it a tall Trunk: But to prevent its ravenous despoiling either of the Ear, or Soyl; although it be tall, yet are its sides but thin: And because again, it should grow not only tall and thriftily, but for avoi­ding propping up, strongly too; therefore, the same proportion as its heigth bears, to the thinness of its sides, doth the greatness of its Cir­cumference also; being so far dilated as to parallel a Quil it self.

25. §. Besides the position of the Lignous Body within the compass of a Ring, there are some Shootings thereof, often standing beyond the Circumference of the said Ring, making sometimes a triangular, oftner a quadrangular Body of the Trunk. To the end, that the Ring, being but thin, and not self-sufficient, these, like Splinters to Bones, might add strength and stability to it.

26. §. Next, the security and plenty of the Sap. For should the Lignous Body, as it doth in the smaller Parts of the Root, stand Central here also, and so the Cortical wholly surround it: the greater part of the Sap would thus be more immediately expos'd to the Sun and Aer; and being lodged in a laxe Body, by them continually be prey'd upon, and as fast as supplied to the Trunk, be exhausted. Whereas, the Pith standing in the Center, the Sap therein being not only most remote from the Aer and Sun, but by the Barque, and especially the Wood, being also surrounded and doubly immur'd, will very securely and copi­ously be convey'd to all the Collateral Parts, and (as shall be said how) the top of the Trunk.

27. §. And the Sap by the amplitude, and great porosity of the Pith, being herein more copious, its Fermentation also will be quicker; which we see in all Liquors, by standing in a greater quantity toge­ther, proceeds more kindly: And being tun'd up within the Wood, is at the same time not only secur'd from loss, but all extream mutati­ons; the Day being thus, not too hot; nor the Night, too cold for it.

28. §. And the Fermentation hereof being quicker, its motion also will be stronger, and its Distribution more effectual, not only to the dilatation of the Trunk, but likewise the shooting out of the Branches. Whence it is, that in the Bodies of Trees, the Barque of it self, though it be Sappy, and many Fibres of the Lignous Body mix­ed with it, yet seldom sendeth forth any; and that in Herbs, those with the least Pith (other advantages not supplying this defect) have the fewest or smallest Branches, or other collateral Growths: and that Corn, which hath no Pith, hath neither any Branches.

29. §. Lastly, the Advancement of the Sap will hence also be more ready and sufficient. For the understanding where, and how, we suppose, That in all Trunks whatsoever there are two Parts joyntly hereunto subservient. In some, the Lignous Body and the Cortical, as in older Trunks; the Pith being either excluded, or dried: But in most, principally, the Lignous Body and Pith; as in most Annual Growths of Trees; but especially Herbs, where the Cortical Body is usually much and often wholly Inserted.

[Page 25] 30. §. Of the Lignous Body it is so apparent by its Pores, or ra­ther by its Vessels, that we need no farther Evidence. For to what end are Vessels, but for the conveyance of Liquor? And is that also, which upon cutting the young Branch of a Sappy Tree or Herb, by an accurate and steady view may be observed. But when I say the Vessels of the Lignous Body, I mean principally them of the younger shootings, both those which make the new Ring, and those which are mixed with the Cortical Body in the Barque: that which ascendeth by the Pores or Vessels of the Wood, being probably, be­cause in less quantity, more in form of a Vapour, than a Liquor. Yet that which drenching into the sides of its Pores, is with all thereunto sufficient Aliment; as we see Orpine, Onions, &c. only standing in a moyster Aer will often grow. And being likewise in part supplied by the Insertions from the younger Shoots: But especially because as it is but little, so (considered as Aliment) it serveth only for the growth of the Wood, and no more; whereas, the more copious Ali­ment ascendent by the younger Shoots, subserves not only their own growth, but the generation of others; and is besides with that in the Cortical Body the Fountain of Perspirations, which we know even in Animals are much more abundant than the Nutritive Parts; and doubtless in a Vegetable are still much more.

31. §. But these Pores, although they are a free and open way to the ascending Sap; yet that meer Pores or Vessels should be able of themselves to advance the Sap with that speed, strength and plenty, and to that height, as is necessary, cannot probably be supposed. It follows then, that herein we must grant the Pith a joynt service. And why else is the Pith in all Primitive Growths the most Sappy part, why hath it so great a stock of Sap, if not, after due maturation within it self, still to be disbursed into the Fibres of the Lignous Body? Why are the Annual Growths of all both Herbs and Trees, with great Piths, the quickest and the longest? But how are the Pores or Bladders of the Pith permeable? That they are so, both from their being ca­pable of a repletion with Sap, and of being again wholly emptied of it, and again, instead thereof fill'd with Aer, is as certain as that they are Pores. That they are permeable, by the breadth, appears from the dilatation of the Lignous Body, and from the production of Bran­ches, as hath been, and shall hereafter be said. And how else is there a Communion betwixt This and the Cortical Body? That they are so also, by the length, is probable, because by the best Microscope we cannot yet observe, that they are visibly more open by the breadth, than by the length. And withall are ranked by the length, as those of the Insertions by the breadth of the Trunk. But if you set a piece of dry Elder-Pith in some tinged Liquor, why then doth it not penetrate the Pores, so as to ascend through the Body of the Pith? The plain reason is, because they are all fill'd with Aer. Whereas the Pith in a Vegetating Plant, as its Parts or Bladders are still generated, they are at the same time also fill'd with Sap; which, as 'tis gradually spent, is still repaired by more succeeding, and so the Aer still kept out; as in all Primitive Growths, and the Pith of Elder it self: Yet the same Pith, by reason of the following Winter, wanting a more copious and quick supply of Sap, thus once become, ever after keeps dry. And since in the aforesaid Trial the Liquor only ascends by the sides of the Pith, that [Page 26] is of its broken Bladder, we should thence by the same reason con­clude that they are not penetrable by the breadth neither, and so no way; and then it need not be ask'd what would follow. But cer­tainly the Sap in the Bladders of the Pith is discharged and repaired every moment, as by its shriv'ling up, upon cutting the Plant, is evident.

32. §. We suppose then, that as the Sap ascendeth into the Trunk by the Lignous Body, so partly also by the Pith. For a piece of Cotton with one end immers'd in some tinged Liquor, and with the other erect above, though it will not imbibe the Liquor so far as to over­run at the top, yet so as to advance towards it, it will. So here, the Pith, being a porous and spongy Body, and in its Vegetating state, its Pores or Bladders being also permeable, as a curious Filtre of Natures own contrivance, it thus advanceth, or as people use to say, sucks up the Sap. Yet as it is seen of the Liquor in the Cotton; so likewise are we to suppose it of the Sap in the Pith; that though it riseth up for some way, yet is their some term, beyond which it riseth not, and towards which the motion of the ascending Sap is more and more bro­ken, weak and slow, and so the quantity thereof less and less. But because the Sap moveth not only by the length, but breadth of the Pith; at the same time therefore as it partly ascendeth by the Pith, it is likewise in part pressed into the Lignous Body or into its Pores. And since the motion of the Sap by the breadth of the Pith not being far continued, and but collateral, is more prone and easie, than the perpendicular, or by its length; it therefore follows, that the collateral motion of the Sap, at such a height or part of the Pith, will be equally strong with the perpendicular at another part, though somewhat beneath it; and that where the perpendicular is more broken and weak, the collateral will be less; and consequently where the perpendicular tendency of the Sap hath its term, the colla­teral tendency thereof, and so its pressure into the Pores or Vessels of the Lignous Body, will still continue. Through which, in that they are small, and so their sides almost contiguous, the Sap as fast as pres­sed into them will easily run up; as in very small Glasse Pipes, or be­twixt the two halves of a Stick first slit, and then tyed somewhat loose­ly together, may also any Liquor be observed to do. By which Ad­vantage the facility and strength of that ascent will be continued higher in the said Vessels, than in the Pith. Yet since this also, as well as that in the Pith will have its term; the Sap, although got thus far, would at last be stagnant, or at least its ascent be very spa­ring, slow and feeble, if not some way or other re-inforced. Where­fore, as the Sap moving by the breadth of the Pith, presseth thence into the Vessels of the Lignous Body; so having well fill'd these, is in part by the same Collateral motion disbursed back, into a yet higher Region of the Pith. By which partly, and partly, by that por­tion of the Sap, which in its perpendicular ascent was before lodged therein; 'tis thus here, as in any inferiour place equally replenished. Whereupon the force and vigour of the perpendicular motion of the Sap herein, will likewise be renew'd; and so its Collateral motion also, and so its pressure into the Vessels of the Lignous Body, and consequently its ascent therein: and so by a pressure, from these into the Pith, and from the Pith into these, reciprocally carried on; a most ready and co­pious ascent of the Sap will be continued, from the bottom to the top, though of the highest Tree.

An Appendix. Of Trunk-Roots and Claspers.

THE distinct Parts whereof these are composed, are the same with those of the Trunk, and but the continuation of them.

1. §. Trunk-Roots are of two kinds: Of the one, are those that vegetate by a direct descent: The place of their Eruption is some­times all along the Trunk; as in Mint, &c. Sometimes only at its utmost point, as in the Bramble.

2. 2. The other sort are such as neither ascend nor descend, but shoot forth at right Angles with the Trunk; which therefore, though as to their Office, they are true Roots, yet as to their Nature, they are a Middle Thing betwixt a Root and a Trunk.

3. §. Claspers, though they are but of one kind, yet their Na­ture is double; not a mean betwixit that of the Root and that of the Trunk, but a compound of both; as in their Circumvolutions, where­in they often mutually ascend and descend, is seen.

4. §. The use of these Parts may be observed as the Trunk Mounts, or as it Trails. In the mounting of the Trunk, they are for Sup­port and Supply. For Support, we see the Claspers of Vines: the Branches whereof being very long, fragile and slender; unless by their Claspers, they were mutually contain'd together, they must needs by their own weight, and that of their Fruit, undecently fall; and be also liable to frequent breaking. So that the whole care is divided betwixt the Gardener and Nature; the Gardener, with his Ligaments of Leather, secures the main Branches; and Nature, with these of her own finding, secures the Less. Their Conveniency to which end, is seen in their Circumvolutions, a motion, not proper to any other Part: As also in their toughness, though much more slender than the Branches whereon they are appendent.

5 §. The Claspers of Bryony have a retrograde motion about eve­ry Third Circle, to the form a Doublet-Clasp. Probably for the more certain hold; which, if it miss one way, it may be sure to take another.

6. §. For Supply, we see the Trunk-Roots of Ivy. For mount­ing very high, and being of a closer or more compact Substance than that of a Vine; the Sap could not be sufficiently supplied to the upper Sprouts, unless these, to the Mother-Root, were joyntly assistant. Yet serve they for support likewise; whence they shoot out, not as in Cresses, Brook-lime, &c. recipocrally on each side, but commonly, all on one; that so they may be fastned at the nearest hand.

7. §. In the Trailing of the Trunk, they serve for stabiliment, propagation and shade. For stabiliment, the Claspers of Cucumbers are of good use. For the Trunk and Branches being long and fragile, the Brushes of the Winds would injuriously hoise them to and fro, to the dammage both of themselves and their tender Fruits, were [Page 28] they not by these Ligaments brought to good Association and Set­tlement.

8. §. As for this end, so for Propagation, the Trunk-Roots of Chamaemile do well serve. Whence we have the reason of the common observation, that it grows better by being trod upon: the Mould, where too laxe, being thus made to lie more conveniently about the said Trunk-Roots newly bedded therein; and is that which is sometimes also effected in Rowling of Corn.

9. §. For both these ends, Serve the Trunk-Roots of Strawberries; as also for shade; for in that all Strawberries delight; and by the trai­ling of the Plant is well obtain'd. So that as we are wont to tangle the Twigs of Trees together to make an Arbour Artificial; the same is here done to make a Natural one: as likewise by the Claspers of Cucumbers. For the Branches of the one by the Linking of their Claspers, and of the other by the Tethering of their Trunk-Roots, be­ing couched together; their tender Fruits thus lie under the Um­brage of a Bower made of their own Leaves.


THE Parts of the Germen and Branch, are the same with those of the Trunk; the same Skin, Cortical and Lignous Bodies, Insertment and Pith, hereinto propagated, and distinctly observable herein.

2. §. For upon Enquiry into the Original of a Branch or Germen, it appears, That it is not from the Superficies of the Trunk; but so deep, as to take, with the Cortical, the Lignous Body into it self: and that, not only from its Circumference, but from in Inner or Central Parts; So as to take the Pith in also. Divers of which Parts may commonly be seen to shoot out into the Pith; from which Shoots, the surrounding and more superi­our Germens are originated; in like manner as the Succulent Part of the Lignous Body of the Trunk is sometimes principally from those Fi­brous Shoots which run along the Pith in the Root.

3. §. The manner wherein usually the Germen and Branch are fram'd, is briefly thus: The Sap (as is said, Chap. 3.) mounting in the Trunk, will not only by its length, but by its breadth also, through the Insertions partly move. Yet, its Particles being not all alike qualified, in diffe­rent degrees. Some are more gross and sluggish; of which we have the formation of a Circle of Wood only, or of an Annual Ring. Others are more brisk; and by these, we have the Germen propagated. For by the vigour of their own motion from the Center, they impress an equal tendency on some of the inner Portions of the Lignous Body next adja­cent [Page 29] to the Pith, to move with them. And since the Lignous Body is not entire, but frequently disparted; through these Dispartments, the said interiour Portions, upon their Nutrition, actually shoot; not only towards the Circumference, so as to make part of a Ring; but even beyond it, in order to the production of a Germen. And the Lignous Body thus moving, and carrying the Cortical along with it; they both make a force upon the Skin. Yet their motion being most even and gra­dual, that force is such likewise; not to cause the least breach of its parts, but gently to carry it on with themselves; and so partly, by the extension of its already existent parts, as of those of Gold in draw­ing of Guilded Wyer; and partly, by the accretion of new ones, as in the enlarging of a Bubble above the Surface of the Water; it is ex­tended with them to their utmost growth. In which growth, the Germen being prolonged, and so displaying its several parts, as when a Prospective or Telescope is drawn out, thus becomes a Branch.

4. §. The same way as the propagation of the Parts of a Germen is contriv'd, is its due nutrition also. For being originated from the inner part of the Lignous Body, 'tis nourished with the best fermented Sap in the Trunk, sc. that next adjacent to it in the Pith. Besides, since all its Parts, upon their shooting forth, divaricate from their per­pendicular, to a cross Line, as these and the other grow and thrive together, they bind and throng each other into a Knot: through which Knot the Sap being strain'd, 'tis thus, in due moderation and purity delivered up into the Branch.

5. §. And for Knots, they are so necessary, as to be seen not only where collaterl Branches put forth; but in such Plants also, as shoot up in one single Trunk; as in Corn. Wherein, as they make for the strength of the Trunk; so by so many percolations, as they are Knots, for the trasmission of the Sap more and more refined towards the Ear. So that the two general uses of Knots are, For fimer standing, and finer growth.

6. §. Lastly, as the due Formation and Nutrition of the Germen are provided for, so is its security also; which both in its position upon the Trunk, and that of its Parts among themselves, may be observed. The position of its Parts shall be considered in speakimg of the Leaf. As to its standing in the Trunk, tis alwayes betwixt the trunk or older Branch, and the Basis of the Stalk of a Leaf; where­by it is not only guarded from the Injuries of any contingent Vio­lence; but also from the more piercing assaults of the Cold; so long, till in time 'tis grown larger, and more hardy. The maner and uses of the position of every Germen, considered as after it be­comes a Branch; Hist. of the Prop. of Veget. hath already been, by the Ingenious Mr. Sharrock very well observed; to whom I refer.

7. §. UPON THE prolongation of the Germen into a Branch, its Leaves are thus display'd. The Parts whereof are substantially the same with those of a Branch. For the Skin of the Leaf, is only the ampliation of that of the Branch; being partly by the accretion of new, and partly the extention of its already existent parts, dilated (as in making of Leaf-Gold) into its present breadth. The Fibres or Nerves dispersed through the Leaf, are only the Ramifications of the Branch's Wood, or Lignous Body. The Parenchyma of the Leaf, [Page 30] which lies betwixt the Nerves, and as in Gentlewomens Needle-works, fills all up, is nothing else, but the continuation of the Cortical Body, or Parenchymous part of the Barque from the Branch into it self, as in most Plants with a thick Leaf, may easily be seen.

8. §. The Fibers of the Leaf neither shoot out of the Branch, or the Trunk, nor stand in the Stalk, in an even Line; but alwayes in either an Angular or Circular posture; and usually making either a Triangle, or a Semi-Circle, or Chord of a Circle; as in Cichory, Endive, Cabbage, Tab. 4. f. 2. to f. 11. &c. may be observed. And if the Leaf have but one main Fi­ber, that also is postur'd in a bowed or Lunar Figure; as in Mint and others. The usual number of these Vascular Threds or Fibres is 3, 5, or 7.

9. §. The reason of the said Positions of the Fibers in the Stalk of the Leaf, is for its more Erect growth, and greater Strength: which, were the position of the said Fibers in an even Line, and so the Stalk it self, as well as the Leaf, flat; must needs have been defective; as from what we have said of the Circumferential posture of the Lignous Body in the Trunk, C. 3. §. 24. we may better conceive.

10. §. As likewise for the security of its Sap: For by this means it is, that the several Fibers, and especially the main or middle Fiber of the Leaf, together with a considerable part of the Parenchyma, are so disposed of, as to jut out, not from its upper, but its back, or neither Side. Whence the whole Leaf, reclining backward, becomes a Canopy to them, defending them from those Injuries which from colder Blasts, or an hotter Sun, they might otherwise sustain. So that by a mutual benefit, as These give suck to all the Leaf, so that again protection to These.

11. §. These Fibers are likewise the immediate Visible Cause of the Shape of the Leaf. For if the nethermost Fiber or Fibers in the Stalk (which thence runs chiefly through the length of the Leaf) be in pro­portion greater, the Leaf is long; as in Endive, Cichory, and others: If all of a more equal size, it spreads rounder, as in Ivy, Doves-foot, Colts foot, &c. And although a Dock-Leaf be very long, whose Fibers notwithstanding, as they stand higher in the Stalk, are disposed into a Circle all of an equal size; yet herein one or more peculiar Fibres, Tab. 4. standing, in or near the Center, betwixt the rest, and running through the length of the Leaf, may be observed.

12. §. In correspondence also to the size and shape of these Fibres, is the Leaf flat. In that either they are very small, or if larger, yet they never make an entire Circle or Ring; but either half of one, as in Borage, Tab. 4. or at most three parts of one, as in Mullen, may be seen. For if either they were so big, as to contain, or so entire, as perfectly to include a Pith, the Energy of the Sap in that Pith, would cause the said Lignous Ring to shoot forth on every side, as it doth in the Root or Trunk: But the said Fibers being not figur'd into an entire Ring, but so as to be open; on that hand therefore where open they cannot shoot any thing directly from themselves, because there they have nothing to shoot; and the Sap having also a free vent through the said opening, against that part therefore which is there­unto oppsite, it can have no force; and so neither will they shoot forth on that hand; and so will they consequently, that way only, which the force of the Sap directs, which is only on the right and left.

[Page 31] 13. §. The several Fibers in the Stalk, are all Inosculated in the Leaf, with very many Sub-divisions. According as these Fibers are Inosculated near, or at, or shoot directly to the edge of the Leaf, is it Even, or Scallop'd. Where these Inosculations are not made, there we have no Leaves, but only a company of Filaments; as in Fennel.

14. §. To the Formations of Leaves, the Fouldings immediately follow. And sometimes they have one Date, or are the contemporary works of Nature; each Leaf obtaining its distinct shape, and proper posture together; both being perfect, not only in the outer, but Cen­tral and minutest Leaves, which are five hundred times smaller than the outer: both which in the Cautious opening of a Germen may be seen.

15. §. Nor is there greater Art in the Forms, than in the Foulds or Postures of Leaves; both answerably varying, as this or that way they may be most agreeable. Treat. of the Quincunx. Of the Quincuncial posture, so amply in­stanc'd in by the Learned Sir Thomas Brown, I shall omit to speak. Others there are, which though not all so universal, yet equally ne­cessary where they are, giving two general advantages to the Leaves, Elegancy and Security, sc. in taking up, so as their Forms will bear, the least room; and in being so conveniently couch'd, as to be capable of receiving protection from other Parts, or of giving it one to ano­ther; as for instance,

16. §. First, There is the Bow-Lap, where the Leaves are all laid somewhat convexly one over another, but not plaited; being to the length, breadth and number of Leaves most agreeable; as in the Buds of Pear-tree, Plum-tree, &c. But where the Leaves are not so thick set, as to stand in the Bow-Lap, there we have the Plicature, or the Flat-Lap; as in Rose-Tree, Strawberry, Cinquefoyl, Burnet, &c. For the Leaves being here plaited, and so lying in half their breadth, and divers of them thus also collaterally set together; the thickness of them all, and half their breadth, are much alike dimensions; by which they stand more secure within themselves, and in better consort with other Germen-Growths in the same Truss. If the Leaves be much in­dented or jagg'd, now we have the Duplicature; wherein there are divers Plaits in one Leaf, or Labels of a Leaf, but in distinct Sets, a lesser under a greater; as in Souchus, Tansey, &c. When the Leaves stand not collaterally, but single; and are moreover very broad; then we have the Multiplicature; as in Gooseberries, Mal­lows, &c. the Plaits being not only divers in the same Leaf, but of the same Set continuant, and so each Leaf gather'd up in five, seven or more Foulds, in the same manner as our Gentlewomens Fans. Where either the thickness of the Leaf will not permit a Flat-Lap, or the fewness of their number, or the smalness of their Fibers, will allow the Rowl, there This may be observed. Which is sometimes single, as in Bears-Ears, Arum, Flammula, Jerusalem Cowslip, &c. Sometimes dou­ble, the two Rowls beginning at each edge of the Leaf, and meeting in the middle. Which again, is either the Fore-Rowl, or the Back-Rowl. If the Leaf be design'd to grow long, now we have the Back-Rowl, as in Docks, Sorrels, and the rest of this Kindred: as also in Primrose, and other like Plants. For the main Fibers, and there­with a considerable part of the Cortical Body standing prominent from the Back-side of the Leaf, they thus stand securely couch'd up be­twixt [Page 32] the two Rowls; on whose security the growth of the Leaf in length depends. But those of Bears-Ears, Violets, Doves Foot, Warden, and many more, upon contrary respects, are rowled up in­wards. Lastly, there is the Tre-Rowl, as in Fern; the Labels where­of, though all rowled up to the main Stem, yet could not stand so firm and secure from the Injuries either of the Ground or Weather, unless to the Rowls in breadth, that by the length were super-induc'd; the Stalk or main Stem giving the same Protection here, which in other Plants by the Leaves, or some particular Mantling, is contriv'd. These, and other Foulds, See in the Figures belonging to the First Part of the Fourth Book.

17. §. According to the Form and Foulding of every Leaf or Germen, is its Protection order'd; about six ways whereof may be observ'd; sc. by Leaves, Surfoyls, Interfoyls, Stalks, Hoods and Mant­lings. To add to what we have above given, one or two Instances. Every Bud, besides its proper Leaves, is covered with divers Leafy Pannicles or Surfoyls; which, what the Leaves are to one another, are that to them all: For not opening except gradually, they admit not the Weather, Wet, Sun or Aer, to approach the Leaves, except by degrees respondent, and as they are gradually inur'd to bear them. Sometimes, besides Surfoyls, there are also many Interfoyls set betwixt the Leaves, from the Circumference to the Center of the Bud; as in the Hasel. For the Fibres of these Leaves standing out so far from a plain surface; they would, if not thus shelter'd, lie too much expos'd and naked to the Severities of the Weather. Where none of all the Protections above-named, are convenient, there the Membranes of the Leaves by continuation in their first forming (together with some Fi­bres of the Lignous Body) are drawn out into so many Mantles or Veils; as in Docks, Snakeweed, &c. For the Leaves here being but few, yet each Leaf and its Stalk being both exceeding long; at the bottom whereof the next following Leaf still springs up; the form and posture of all is such, as supersedes all the other kinds of Protecti­on, and so each Leaf apart is provided with a Veil to it self. These, and other Protections, See in the Figures belonging to the First Part of the Fourth Book.

18. § The Uses of the Leaves, I mean in respect of their service to the Plant it self, are these: First, for Protection; which, be­sides what they give one to another, they afford also to the Flower and Fruit. To the Flower in their Foulds; that being, for the most part, born and usher'd into the open Aer by the Leaves. To the Fruit, when afterwards they are display'd, as in Strawberries, Grapes, Rasps, Mulberries, &c. On which, and the like, should the Sun-Beams immediately strike, especially while they are young, they would quite shrivel them up; but being by the Leaves screened off, they impress the circumjacent Aer so far only as gently to warm the said Fruits, and so to promote their Fermentation and Growth. And accordingly we see, that the Leaves above-named are exceeding large in propotion to the Fruits: whereas in Pear-trees, Apple-trees, &c. the Fruit being of a solider Parenchyma, and so not needing the like protection, are usually equal with, and often wider in Diameter than the Leaves.

[Page 33] 19. §. Another use is for Augmentation; or, the capacity for the due spreading and ampliation of a Tree or other Plant, are its, Leaves. For herein the Lignous Body being divided into small Fibres, and these running all along their lax and spongie Parenchyma; they are thus a Body sit for the imbibition of Sap, and easie Growth. Now the Sap having a free reception into the Leaves, it still gives way to the next succeeding in the Branches and Trunk, and the voyding of the Sap in these, for the mounting of that in the Root, and ingress of that in the Ground. But were there no Leaves to make a free reception of Sap, it must be needs be stagnant in all the Parts to the Root, and so the Root being clogg'd, its fermenting and other Offices will be voyded, and so the due Growth of the whole. As in the mo­tion of a Watch, although the original term thereof be the Spring, yet the capacity for its continuance in a due measure throughout all the Wheels, is the free and easie motion of the Ballance.

20. §. Lastly, As the Leaves subserve the more copious advance­ment, so the higher purity of the Sap. For this being well fermen­ted both in the Root, and in its Ascent through the Trunk, and so its Parts prepar'd to a farther separation; the grosser ones are still deposited into the Leaves; the more elaborate and essential only thus supplied to the Flower, Fruit and Seed, as their convenient Ali­ment. Whence it is, that where the Flowers are many and large, in­to which the more odorous Particles are copiously receiv'd, the green Leaves have little or no smell; as those of Rose-tree, Carnations, French-Marigold, Wood-bind, Tulips, &c. But on the contrary, where the Flowers are none, or small, the green Leaves themselve are likewise of a strong savour; as those of Wormwood, Tansie, Baum, Mint, Rue, Geranium Moschatum, Angelica, and others.

An Appendix. Of Thorns, Hairs and Globulets.

THorns are of two kinds, Lignous and Cortical. Of the first are such as those of the Hawthorn, and are constituted of all the same substantial Parts whereof the Germen or Bud it self, and in a like proportion: which also in their Infancy are set with the resem­blances of divers minute Leaves. Of affinity with these are the Spinets or Thorny Prickles upon the Edges and Tops of divers Leaves, as of Barbery, Holly, Thistle, Furze, and others; all which I think are the filamentous extremities of the Lignous Body sheathed in the Skin. But this principal differnce betwixt a Bud and these Lignous Thorns, is ob­servable; That the Bud hath its Original from the Inner part of the Lignous Body, next the Pith: But these Thorns, from the outer, and less fecund Part; and so produceth no Leaves, but is, as it were, the Mola of a Bud.

[Page 34] 2. §. Cortical Thorns are such as those of the Rasberry Bush, be­ing not, unless in a most extraordinary small and invisible proportion propagated from the Lignous Body, but as, it seems, wholly from the Cortical and Skin, or from the exteriour part of the Barque.

3. §. The Growth of this Thorn may farther argue what in the Second Chapter we supposed; C. 2. §. 25. sc. That as the proper Tendency of the Lignous Body, is to Ascend; so of the Cortical to Descend. For as the Lignous Thorn, like other Parts of the Trunk, in its Growth ascends; This, being almost wholly Cortical, pointeth downdward. The use of Thorns the Ingenious Mr. Sharrock hath observed. Hist of the Prop. of Veget.

4. §. Upon the Leaves of divers Plants two Productions shew themselves, sc. Hairs and Gloubulets. Of Hairs, only one kind is taken notice of; although they are various. Ordinarily they are of a Simple Figure; which when fine and thick set, as on most Hairy Buds; or fine and long, as on those of the Vine, we call them Down.

5. §. But sometimes they are Branched out, from the bottom to the top, reciprocally on every side, in some resemblance to a Stags Horn; as in Mullen. And sometimes they are Astral, as upon Lavender, and some other Leaves, and especially those of Wild Olive; wherein every Hair rising in one round entire Basis a little way above the surface of the Leaf, is then disparted, Star-like, into several, four, five or six Points, all standing at right Angles with the said perpendicular Basis.

6. §. The Uses of Hairs are for Distinction and Protection. That of Distinction is but secondary, the Leaves being grown to a conside­rable size. That of Protection is the prime, for which they were ori­ginally form'd together with the Leaves themselves, and whose ser­vice they enjoy in their Infant-estate: For the Hairs being then in form of a Down, always very thick set, thus give that Protection to the Leaves, which their exceeding tenderness then requires; so that they seem to be vested with a Coat of Frize, or to be kept warm, like young and dainty Chickens, in Wool.

7. §. Globulets are seen upon Orach, both Garden and Wild; and yet more plainly on Mercury or Bonus Henricus. In these, grow­ing almost upon the whole Plant, and being very large, they are by all taken notice of.

8.§. But strict Observation discovers, that these Globulets are the natural and constant Off-spring of very many other Plants. Both these Globulets, and likewise the diversity of Hairs, I find that Mr. Hook hath also observed. Micrography. I take notice, that they are of two kinds; Transparent, as upon the Leaves of Hysop, Mint, Baume, and many more White, as upon those of Germander, Sage, and others. All which, though the naked Eye will discover, yet by the help of Glasses we may observe them most distinctly. The use of these we suppose the same, in part, with those of the Flower, whereof we shall speak.


WE next proceed to the Flower. The general Parts whereof are most commonly three; sc. the Em­palement, the Foliation, and the Attire.

2. §. The Empalement, whether of one or more pieces, I call that which is the utmost Part of the Flower, encompassing the other two. 'Tis com­pounded of the three general Parts, the Skin, the Cortical and Lignous Bodies, each Empaler (where there are divers) being as another little Leaf; as in those of a Quince-Flower, as oft as they happen to be overgrown, is well seen. As likewise in the Primrose, with the green Flower; commonly so call'd, though by a mistake: For that which seems to be the Flower, is only the more flourishing Empalement, the Flower it self being White. But the con­tinuation of all the three aforesaid Parts into each Empaler, is disco­verable, I think, no where better than in an Artichoke, which is a true Flower, and whose Empalers are of that amplitude, as fairly to shew them all: As also, that the Original of the Skin of each Empaler or Leaf is not distinct from that of the rest; but to be all one piece, laid in so many Plaits or Duplicatures, as there are Leaves, from the outermost to the inner and most Central ones.

3. §. The Design of the Empalement, is to be Security and Bands to the other two Parts of the Flower: To be their Security before its opening, by intercepting all extremities of Weather: Afterwards to be their Bands, and [...]irmly to contain all their Parts in their due and most decorous posture: so that a Flower without its Empalement, would hang as uncouth and taudry, as a Lady without her Bodies.

4. §. Hence we have the reason why it is various, and sometimes wanting. Some Flowers have none, as Tulips; for having a fat and frim Leaf, and each Leaf likewise standing on a broad and strong Ba­sis, they are thus sufficient to themselves. Carnations, on the con­trary, have not only an Empalement, but that (for more firmitude) of one piece: For otherwise, the Foot of each Leaf being very long and slender, most of them would be apt to break out of compass: yet is the top of the Empalement indented also; that the Indentments, by being lapp'd over the Leaves before their expansion, may then protect them; and by being spread under them afterwards, may bet­ter shoulder and prop them up. And if the Feet of the Leaves be both long and very tender too, here the Empalement is numerous, though consisting of several pieces; yet those in divers Rounds, and all with a counterchangeable respect to each other (which also the Learned Sir Thomas Brown observes) as in all Knapweeds, Treat. of the Quincunx. and other Flowers; whereby, how commodious they are for both the aforesaid ends, may easily be conceiv'd; and well enough exemplified by the Scales of Fishes, whereunto, as to their position, they have not an unapt resemblance.

[Page 36] 5. §. THE FOLIATION also, is of the same substantial Nature with the green Leaf; the Membrane, Pulp, and Fibres whereof, be­ing, as there, so here, but the continuation of the Skin, the Cortical and Lignous Bodies.

6. §. The Foulds of the Flower or Foliation are various, as those of the green Leaf; but some of them different. The most general are, First, The Close-Couch, as in Roses, and many other double Flow­ers. Then the Concave-Couch, as in Blattaria flore albo. Next the Plait, as in some of the Leaves of Pease-Blooms, in the Flowers of Cori­ander, &c. which is either single, as in those nam'd; or double, as in Blew-Bottle, Jacea, and more of that rank. Next, the Couch, and Plait together in the same Flower, as in Marigolds, Daisies, and all others of an agreeing form: where the first apparent Fould or Com­posture of the Leaves is in Couch; but the Leaves being erect, each likewise may be seen to lie in a double Plait within it self. Then the Rowl, as in the Flowers of Ladies-Bower, the broad top of each Leaf being by a double Rowl foulded up inwardly. Next, the Spire, which is the beginning of a Rowl; and may be seen in the Flowers of Mallows, and others. Lastly, the Plait and Spire together, where the Part analogous to the Foliation, is of one piece, the Plaits being here laid, and so carried on by Spiral Lines to the top of the Flower, as is in divers, and I think, in Convolvulus Doronici folio, more ele­gantly seen. These and other Foulds, See in the Figures belonging to the Second Part of the Fourth Book. The reason of all which varieties, a comparative consideration of the several Parts of the Flower may suggest. I'le only mention, That no Flower, that I find, hath a Back-Rowl, as hath the green Leaf. For two Reasons; because its Leaves have not their Fibres standing out much on their backside, as the green Leaves have; and because of its Attire, which it ever em­bosomes, and cannot so well do it by a Back-Rowl.

7. §. The usual Protections of Flowers by the Precedents are ex­press'd, sc. Green Leaves and Empalements. Some have another more peculiar, that is a double Veil; as the Spring-Crocus. For having no Empalement, and starting up early out of the Mould, even before its Green Leaves, and that upon the first opening of the Spring; lest it should thus be quite starved, 'tis born swath'd up in a double Blanket, or with a pair of Sheets upon its Back.

8. §. The Leaves of divers Flowers at their Basis have an hairy Tuft; by which Tufts the Concave of the Empalement is filled up; That, being very choice and tender, they may thus be kept in a gen­tle and constant Warmth, as most convenient for them.

9. §. The Leaves of the Flower, though they are not hairy all over, yet in some particular parts they are often set with a fine Downy Velvet; that, being by their shape and posture in those parts contiguous to their delicate and tender Attire, they may thus give it a more soft and warmer touch. Thus in the Flower of Ladies Bower, those parts of its Leaves which rowl inward, and lie contiguous to the Attire, are Downy; whereas the other Parts are smooth or bald: So the Flowers of Pease, Spanish Broom, Toad-Flax, and many others, where contiguous to their Attires, are deck'd with the like Hairy Velvet.

[Page 37] 10. §. As upon the Green Leaves, so upon the Flowers are Globulets somtimes seen; as upon the backside of that of Enula. On none more plainly than that kind of Blattaria with the white Flower; where they are all transparent, and growing both on the Stalk and Leaves of the Flower, each shewing likewise its Peduncle whereon it is erected.

11. §. The use of the Flower, or the Foliation whereof we now speak, (that is, as to its private service) is for the protection of the Attire; This, as its under, and the Empalement as its upper Gar­ments. As likewise of the Fruit: The necessity of which Service, in some Cases, by the different situation of the Flower and Fruit, with respect to each other, is evident; Apples, Pears, and several other Fruits, standing behind or under the Flower; but Cherries, Aprecots, and divers others, within it. For these▪ being of a very tender and pulpous Body, and withal putting forth with the colder part of the Spring; could not weather it out against the Variations and Extre­mities of the Air, (as those of a more solid Parenchyma can) except lodged up within their Flowers.

12. §. And as the Flower is serviceable to the safety of the Fruit, so is it to its growth; sc. in its Infancy, or Embryo-estate; for which purpose, as there is a Flower, so that Flower is greater or less, according as the nature of the Fruit to which it belongs, and the plenty of the Sap by which the Fruit is fed, doth require. Thus, where the young Fruit is of a solider Substance and the ascent of the Sap less copious, were there here no Flower to promote the said ascent thereof into the Fruit (in the manner as is effected by the Green Leaves) it must needs pine and die, or prove less kindly. On the contrary, should the Flower be over-large, it would not only promote the ascent of the Sap up to the Fruit, but being as yet over-proportionate to it, would likewise it self exhaust the same Sap, as fast as ascendent; like a greedy Nurse, that prepares the Meat for her Child, and then eats it up her self. Thus we see Apples and Pears, with a Flower of a moderate Size; like their Body, of a middle Con­stitution, and their Sap, of a middle quantity: But Quinces, being more solid, besides that they have as great a Flower, the Imqalers of their Flower also thrive so far as to become handsom Leaves; con­tinuing also after the Flower is fallen, firm and verdent a great while; so long, till the Fruit be able to provide for it self. On the other hand, Plums being more tender and Sappy than Appels and Pears, be­sides that their Empalers are much alike, their Flower is less. and Goos­berries and Currans, which are still more Pulpy, and the course of the Sap towards them more free, have yet a Flower far less. And Grapes, whose Sap is still of quicker Ascent, have scarce any Flower at all; only some small resemblance thereof, serving just upon the setting of the Fruit, and no longer.

13. §. THE ATTIRE, I find to be of two kinds, Seminiforme, and Florid. That which I call Seminiforme, is made up of two general Parts, Chives and Semets, one upon each Chive. These Semets (as I take leave to call them) have the appearance, especially in many Flowers, of so many little Seeds: but are quite another kind of Body. For, upon enquiry, we find, that these Semets, though they seem to [Page 38] be solid, and for some time after their first formation, are entire; yet are they really hollow; and their side, or sides, which were at first entire, at length crack asunder: And that moreover the Concave of each Semet is not a meer vacuity, but fill'd up with a number of minute Particles, in form of a Powder. Which, though common to all Semets, yet in some, and particularly those of a Tulip or a Lilly, being larger, is more distinctly observable. Tab. 4. f. 12.

14. §. These Semets are somtimes fastned so, as to stand erect above their Chive, as those of Larks-heel. Somtimes, and I think usu­ally, so as to hang a little down by the midle, in the manner and figure of a Kidney; as in Mallows. Their Cleft or Crack is sometimes single, but for the most part double: At these Clefts it is that they disburse their Powders; f. 12. [...]a. which as they start out, and stand betwixt the two Lips of each Cleft, have some resemblance to the common Sculpture of a Pomegranate with its Seeds looking out at the Cleft of its Rind. This must be observ'd when the Clefts are recently made, which usu­ally is before the expansion of the Flower.

15. §. The Particles of these Powders, though like those of Meal or other Dust, they appear not easily to have any relugar shape; yet upon strict observation, especially with the assistance of an indi­fferent Glass, it doth appear, That they are a Congeries, usually, of so many perfect Globes or Globulets; Sometimes of other Figures, but always regular. That which obscures their Figure is their being so small: In Dogs-Mercury, Borage, and very many more Plants, they are extreamly so. In Mallows, and some others, more fairly visible.

16. §. Some of these Powders, are yellow, as in Dogs-Mercury, Goats-Ru [...], &c. and some of other Colours: But most of them I think are white; and those of yellow Henbane very elegant; the dis­burs'd Powers whereof, to the naked eye, are white as Snow; but each Globulet, through a Glass, transparent as Crystal; which is not a fallacy from the Glass, but what we see in all transparent Bodies what­soever, lying in a Powder or small Particles together The Parts of this Attire, see in Tab. 4. But especially, in the Figures belonging to the Second Part of the Fourth Book.

17. §. The Florid Attire, is commonly known by the blind and rude Name of Thrums; as in the Flowers of Marigold, Tansie, &c. How in adequate its imposition is, observation will determine. For the several Thrums or rather Suits, whereof the Attire is made up, how­ever else they may differ in various Flowers, in this agree, that they are ever consistent of more than one, sometimes of Two, and for the most part of Three Pieces (for which I call them Suits) and each Piece of a different, Tab. 4. f. 13. [...]. but agreeable and comely form.

18. §. The outer Part of every Suit, is its Floret: whose Body or Tube is divided at the top (like that of the Cowslip) into five distinct Leaves. So that a Floret, is the Epitome of a Flower: and is all the Flower that many Plants, f. 13. b. as Mugwort, Tansie, and others, have. What the Learned Sir Thomas Brown observeth of the number Five, Treat. of the Quincunx. as to the Leaves of the Flower, is still more universally holding in these of the Floret.

19. §. Upon the Expansion of the Floret; the next Part of the Suit is from within its Tube brought to sight; which we may (with re­spect to that within it) call the Sheath. f. 13. c. For this also, like the Floret, [Page 39] is a Concave Body; in its shape very well resembling the Fistulous Pouches of Wake-Robin, or of Dragon.

20. §. The Sheath, after some time, dividing at the top, from within its Concave the Third and innermost part of the Suit, sc. the Blade advanceth and displayes it self. Tab. 4. f 13. d This Part is not hollow, as the other two, but solid; yet at its Point, is commonly, divided into two halves.

21. §. About the said Point especially, there appears, Globulets, which are of the same nature with those of a Semet, though not so copious. So that all Flowers have their Powders or Globulets. The whole Attire may in Aster Per, Blewbottle, &c. where the Suits are large, be plainly observed without a Glass. The Parts of this Attire, See in Tab. 4. But especially in the Figures belonging to the Second Part of the Fourth Book.

22. §. The use of the Attire, how contemptibly soever we may look upon it, is certainly great. And though for our own use we value the Leaves of the Flower, or the Foliation, most; yet of all the three Parts, this is some respects is the choycest, as for whose sake and service the other two are made. The use hereof, as to Ornament and Distinction, is unquestionable; but is not all. As for Distinction, though, by the help of Glasses, we may make it to ex­tend far; yet in a passant view, which is all we usually make, we cannot so well. As for Ornament, and particularly in reference to the Semets, we may ask, If for that meerly these were meant, then why should they be so made as to break open, or to contain any thing within them? Since their Beauty would be as good if they were not hollow; and is better before they crack and burst open, than after­wards.

23. §. Other uses hereof therefore we must acknowledge, and may observe. One is, for food; for Ornament and Distinction to us, and for Food to other Animals. I will not say, but that it may serve even to these for Distinction too, that they may be able to know one Plant from another, and in their flight or progress settle where they like best: and that therefore the varieties of these small parts are many, and well observed by them, which we take no notice of. Yet the finding out of Food is but in order to enjoy it: Which, that it is provided for a vast number of little Animals in the Attires of all Flowers, observation perswades us to believe. For why else are they evermore here found? Go from one Flower to another, great and small, you shall meet with none untaken up with these Guests. In some, and particularly the Sun-Flower, where the parts of the Attire, and the Animals for which they provide, are larger, the matter is more visible. We must not think, that God Almighty hath left any of the whole Family of his Creatures unprovided for; but as the Great Master, some where or other carveth out to all; and that for a great number of these little Folk, He hath stored up their peculiar provisions in the Attires of Flowers; each Flower thus becoming their Lodging and their Dining-Room, both in one.

24. §. Wherein the particular parts of the Attire may be more dis­tinctly serviceable, this to one Animal▪ and that to another, I cannot say: Or to the same Animal, as a Bee, whether this for the Honey, ano­ther for their Bread, a third for the Wax: Or whether all only suck [Page 40] from hence some Juice; or some may not also carry some of the Parts, as of the Globulets, wholly away.

25. §. Or lastly, what may be the Primary and Private Use of the Attire (for even this abovesaid, though great, yet is but Secon­dary) I now determine not.


THE general composition of all Fruits is one, that is, their Essential and truly Vital Parts, are in all the same, and but the continuation of those which in the other Parts of a Plant, we have already observed. Yet because by the different Constitutions and Tinctures of these Parts, divers considerably different Fruits re­sult; I shall therefore take a particular view of the more known and principal of them, sc. Apples, Pears, Plums, Nuts and Berries.

2. §. AN APPLE, if cut traverse, appears constitued of four distinct Parts, the Pilling, the Parenchyma, Branchery, and Coare. The Pilling is only the spreading and dilatation of the Skin, or utmost part of the Barque in the Branch. The Parenchyma, when full ripe, is a tender delicate Meat. Yet as the Pilling is but the Continuation of the utmost part of the Barque; so is this, but the continuance and am­pliation, or (as I may call it) the swelth and superbience of the In­ner Part thereof; which upon observation of a young and Infant- Apple especially, is evident. Thus we see the Pith, which is often tough; in many Roots, as Parsneps, Turneps, &c. is tender and edible. So here, the Parenchyma, though originally no more than the Barque, yet the copiousness and purity of its Sap being likewise effectual to the largness and fineness of its growth, it thus becomes a soft and tender meat. The Branchery is nothing else but the Ramifications of the Lig­nous Body throughout all the parts of the Parenchyma; the greater Branches being likewise by the Inosculations of the less (as in the Leaf) united together. The main Branches are usually Twenty: Ten are spred and distributed through the Parenchyma, most of them enarch­ing themselves towards the Cork or Stool of the Flower: The other Ten, running from the Stalk in a directer Line, at last meet the for­mer at the said Cork, and are there osculated with them. Of these latter, five are originated from one; which running along the Center of the Stalk, and part of the Parenchyma of the Fruit, is therein at last divided. To these the Coats of the Kernels are fastned. So that whereas most of these Branches were originally extended even be­yond the Fruit, and inserted into the Flower for the due growth [Page 41] thereof; the Fruit afterwards growing to some head, and so inter­cepting and preying upon the Aliment of the Flower, starves that and therefrom supersedes the service of the said Branches to it self, fifteen for its Parenchyma, and five for its Seed. The Coar is origina­ted from the Pith; for the Sap finding room enough in the Parenchyma, through which to dispence it self all abroad, quits the Pith, which thereby hardens into a Coar. Thus we see the Insertions, although originate from the Cortical Body, yet their Parts being, by the Inos­culations of the Lignous, so much compress'd and made to co-incide together, they become a Body very compact and dense. And in the Barque the same thing is effected by Arefaction only, or a meer voydance of the Sap; the Inner Part whereof, though soft and sappy, yet its super­ficial Rind is often so hard and smooth, that it may be fairly writ up­on. The Parts of an Apple, See in the Figures belonging to the Third Part of the Fourth Book.

3. §. IN A PEAR there are five distinct Parts, Tab. 4. f. 14. the Pilling, the Parenchyma, Branchery, Calculary, and Acetary. The three former are here and in an Apple much alike; saving that here the Inner or Seed-Branches ordinarily stand double. The Calculary (most observable in rough-tasted, or Choak-Pears) is a Congeries of little stony Knots. They are many of them dispersed throughout the whole Parenchyma: But lying more continuous and compact together towards the Center of the Pear, surround the Acetary there, in a somewhat Globular Form. About the Stalk they stand more distant; but towards the Cork or Stool of the Flower, they still grow closer, and there at last gather (almost) into the firmitude of a Plum-stone it self. Within this lies the Acetary; 'tis allways sour, and by the bounding of the Calculary of a Globular Figure. 'Tis a simple Body, having neither any of the Lignous branched in it, nor any Calculous Knots. It is of the same sub­stantial nature with the outer Parenchyma; but whether it be abso­lutely one with it, or be derived immediately from the Pith, my En­quiries yet made, determine not.

4. §. The Original of the Calculary I seem to have neglected. But hereof we may here best say, that whereas all the other Parts are Es­sential and truly Vital; the Calculary is not: but that the several Knots whereof it consists, are only so many meer Concretions or Precipitations out of the Sap; as in Urines, Wines, and other Liquors, we often see. And that the Precipitation is made by the mixture and re-action of the Tinctures of the Lignous and Cortical Bodies upon each other: Even as all Vegetable Nutrition or Fixation of Parts is also made by the joynt efficiency of the two same Tinctures, as hath been said. Hence we find, that as the Acetary hath no Branches of the Lignous Body, so neither hath it any Knots. Hence likewise it is, that we have so dif­ferent and contrary a tast in the Parenchyma beyond the Calculary, from that in the Acetary: For whereas this is sour, that, wherein the said Precipitations are made, is sweet; being much alike effect to what we find in mixing of Corals, &c. with Vinegar or other acid Liquors. The Parts of a Pear, See in Tab. 4. But especially in the Figures belonging to the Third Part of the Fourth Book.

[Page 42] 5. §. IN A PLUM (to which the Cherry, Apricot, Peach, Wal­nut, &c. ought to be referr'd) there are four distinct Parts, the Pilling, the Parenchyma, Branchery and Stone. The Pilling and Parenchyma are, as to their Original, with those of an Apple or Pear, both alike. As likewise the Brunchery; but differently ramified. In Plums (I sup­pose all) there are five main Out-Branches, which run along the Sur­face of the Stone from the Basis to the point thereof, four of them by one Ridge, Tab. 4. f. 15. and one by the other opposite to it. In an Apricot there is the same number, but the single Branch runs not upon the Surface, but through the Body of the Stone. There are likewise two or three smaller Branches, which run in like manner under the other Ridge for some space, and then advancing into the Parenchyma, therein disperse themselves: These latter sort in Peaches are numerous throughout.

6. §. But notwithstanding the different disposition of the Branches of the Fruits aforesaid; yet is there one Branch dispos'd in one and the same manner in them all. The entrance hereof into the Stone is at its Basis; from whence running through its Body, and still inclining or arching it self towards its Concave, Tab. 4. f. 15. is at last, about its Cone, there­into emergent, where the Coats of the Seed are appendent to it. Of the Seed-Branch 'tis therefore observable that after its entrance in­to the Fruit, 'tis always prolonged therein to a considerable length; as is seen not only in Apples, &c. where the Seed stands a good distance from the Stalk; but in Plums likewise, where it stands very near it; in that here the Seed-Branch, as is said, never strikes through the Stone into the Coats of the Seed directly, but runs through a Chanel cut in the Stone, till it issues, near the Cone, into the Concave thereof.

7. §. The Stone though it seem a simple Body, yet it is compoun­ded of different ones. The Inner Part thereof, as it is by far the thin­nest, so is it the most dense, white, smooth and simple. The Original is from the Pith; difficult, but curious to observe: For the Seed-Branch, not striking directly and immediately quite through the Basis of the Stone, but in the manner as is above described, carries a considerable Part of the Pith, now gather'd round about it, as its Pa­renchyma, along with it self; which upon its entrance into the concave of the Stone about its farther end, is there in part spread all over it, as the Lining thereof. The outer and very much thicker Part, consist­eth partly of the like Precipitations or concrete Particles, as in a Pear; being gathered here much more closely, not only to a Contiguity, but a Coalition into one entire Stone; as we see in Pears themselves, especi­ally towards the Cork, they gather into the like Stoniness; or as a Stone, Mineral, or Animal, is oftentimes the product of accumulated Gravel. But as the Parenchyma is mixed with the Concretions in the Calculary, so is it also, though not visibly, with these in the Stone, the ground of the Stone being indeed a perfect Parenchyma; but by the said Concretions so far alter'd, as to become dry, hard and un­distinguishable from them. All which Particulars, are observable only in the several degrees of Growth in the young Fruit. And are represented in Tab. 4. But especially by the several Figures belonging to the Third and Fourth Parts of the Fourth Book.

[Page 43] 8. §. IN A NUT (to which an Akern is analogous) there are three general Parts, the Cap, Shell, and Pith. The Cap is constituted of a Pilling and Parenchyma, derived from the Barque; and Ramulets from the Lignous Body of the Branch. The Shell likewise is not one simple Body, but compounded. The Superficial Part thereof is ori­ginated from the Pilling or Skin of the Cap, from the inside whereof it is, in a Duplicature, produc'd and spred over the Shell. Which, if you look at the Basis of the Shell, is farther evident: for that being con­tinuous with the Parenchyma of the Cap, without the interposure of the Skin, the said superficial Part is there wanting. The thicker and inner Part of the Shell consisteth of the same Parenchyma as that of the Cap, with a Congeries of Precipitations filled up, as in a Stone. And as the Lignous Body is branched in a Stone, so, with some difference, in a Shell. The outer Branches or Ramulets are numerous, each issuing out of the Parenchyma of the Cap, and entring the Shell at the Circumfe­rence of its Basis, and so running betwixt its superficial and inner Parts towards the Cone, round about. The Inner or Seed-Branch is sin­gle, entring in, as do the other, at the Basis of the Shell, but at the Center thereof: from whence it runs, not through the Shell, as in Plums through the Stone; but through the Pith, as far as the Cone; where the Coats of the Seed hang appendent to it. The Pith whether derived from the same part both in name and nature in the Branch and Stalk; or from the Cortical Body, I yet determine not. The Parts of a Nut, See in the Figures belonging to the Third Part of the Fourth Book.

9. §. A BERRY, as a Gooseberry (to which Corinths, Grapes Hips, &c. are to be referr'd) consisteth, besides the Seed, of the three general Parts, Pilling, Parenchyma and Branchery. The Pilling is originated as in the foregoing Fruits. The Parenchyma is double, as likewise in some other Berries. The outer is commonly, together with the Pilling, call'd the Skin, and is that part we spit out, being of a sour tast. Now as the Pilling is originated from the outer, so this from the inner Part or the Barque; and accordingly the Pores thereof may be observed plainly of a like shape with those both of the Cor­tical Body and Pith. The Inner of Pulp is of a sweet taste, and is the Part we eat: It is of a Substance so laxe and tender, as it would seem to be only a thicker or jellied Juice; although this likewise be a true Parenchyma, something like that of an Orange or Limon, with its Pores all fill'd up with Liquor. The Branchery is likewise double: The Exterior runs betwixt the Pilling and Outer Parenchyma in arched Lines, from the Stalk to the Stool of the Flower. These outer Bran­ches, though of various number at the Stalk, yet at the Cork are usually ten principal ones; five for the five Leaves of the Flower, and five for the Attire. The Inner main Branches are two, diametrical­ly opposite to each other, and at the Cork with the other inosculated. From these two are branched other smaller, every one having a Seed appendent to it, whose Coats it entreth by a double Filament, one at the Basis, the other at the Cone. They are all very white and tur­gent, and by a slaunt cut, may be observ'd concave; thus represent­ing themselves analogous to so many true spermatick Vessels. The [Page 44] Parts of a Gooseberry, See in the Figures belonging to the Third Part of the Fourth Book.

10. §. The Uses of Fruits are for Man, (sometimes also other Animals, as are Akerns and Haws) and for the Seed. For Man, they are so variously desirable, that till our Orchards and Store-Chambers, Confectioners-Stoves and Apothecaries-Shops, our Ladies Closets, their Tables or Hands are empty of them, I shall not need to enquire for what. If it be asked, how the Fruit becomes, generally above all the other Parts, so pleasant a Meat? It is partly from the Sap, the grosser portion thereof being deposited in the Leaves, and so the purer hereunto reserved. Partly from the Globular Figure of the Fruit. For the Sap being thus in a greater quantity herein, and in all Parts equally diffus'd, the Concoction hereof, as in a Vessel, is with greatest advantage favoured and promoted. Wherefore all Fruits, which we eat raw, how small soever, are of a Globular Form, or thereunto approaching; and the nearer, the delicater; amongst Ap­ples, the Pipin; amongst Pears, the Burgundian; and amongst all Fruits, the Grape; and amongst Grapes, the roundest, are of all, the most dainty.

11. §. The visible cause of this Globular Figure, is the Flower; or the Inosculation of all the main Branches at the Stool of the Flower; and upon the fall of the Flower, the obtuseness, and with Wind and Sun, as it were the seaing of their several ends: For thus the Sap entering the Fruit, being not able to effect, either a Disunion, or a shooting forth of the said Branches, and so to carry on their Growth in length; they must of necessity be enarch'd, and with the Paren­chyma more and more expand themselves. Whereas were they disposed and qualified otherwise, than as is said; instead of forming a Fruit within bounds, they would run out into all extravagance, and even into another little Tree or Leafy Growth.

12. §. To the Seed, the Fruit is serviceable; First, in order to its being supply'd with a due and most convenient Sap, the greater part thereof, and that which is less elaborated, being, in its passage to­wards the Seed, thereinto received; the Fruit doing the same office to the Seed, which the Leaves do to the Fruit; the Sap in the Fruit being, in a laxe comparison, as the Wine; and that for the Seed, a small part of the highest Spirit rectified from it.

13. §. So likewise for its Protection, in order to the prosperous carrying on and perfecting of its generation, and security being per­fected. Which protection it gives not only to the Seminal Sap and Seed it self, but ever also to its Seed-Branch. Thus we see an Apple, be­sides that it is it self of ample compass, for the sake of its Seed, hath likewise its Coar; as if it were not sufficient, that the Walls of their Room are so very thick, unless also wainscoated. In a Pear again, where the Parenchyma is of less compass than that of an Apple, to what protection this affords, that of the Calculary is super-added. But in a Plum, where the Parenchyma is exceeding tender, and in a Peach, which hangs late, and till Autumn Frosts approach, we have not only the Rubbish of a Calculary, but stout Stone-Walls. Within which also, not only the Seed it self, but the Seed-Branch is evermore immur'd. Lastly, in a Nut, where the Shell being not surrounded with a Paren­chyma, that protection is wanting without, 'tis answer'd by an ample [Page 45] Pith within it; and the Seed-Branch likewise included, not meerly in the Body of the Shell, as in a Plum, but within the Pith it self. So necessary is this design, that what the Hen by Incubation or Hovering, is to the Egg or Chick; that the whole Fruit, by compre­hension, is to the Seed.

CHAP. VII. Of the SEED, in its State of Generation.

AS the Original, so the Ultimate end and Perfection of Vegetation is the Seed. How it is the former, and in its state apt for Vegetation, hath already been seen. How the latter, and in its state of Generation, we shall now lastly enquire. In doing which, what in the other state, was either not distinctly existent, or not so apparent, or not so intelligible, will occur.

2. §. The two general Parts of the Seed are its Covers and Body. The Covers in this estate are usually Four. The out­most, we may call the Case. 'Tis of a very various form; sometimes a Pouch, as in Nasturtium, Cochlearia; a Cod, as in all Pulse, Galega; sometimes not entire, but parted, or otherwise open, as in Sorrel, Knotgrass; with many other forms: I think alwaies more heteroge­neous to that of the Seed, by which it differs from the proper Coats. To this the Caps of Nuts, and the Parenchyma's of other Fruits are analogous.

3. §. The two next are properly the Coats. In a Bean especially, and the like; from whence, to avoyd Confusion, the denomination may run common to the responding Covers of other Seeds. The Co­lour of the outer, is of all degrees, from White to the Blackness of Jett. It's Figure sometimes Kidney'd, as in Alcea, Behen, Poppy; Triangu­lar, as in Polygonatum, Sorrel; Spherically triangular, in Mentha, Me­lissa; Circular, in Leucoium, Amaranthus; Globular, in Napus, Aspe­rula; Oval, in Speculum Veneris, Tithymalus; half Globe, in Coriander; that which we take for one single round Seed, being a Conjugation of two; half Oval, in Anise, Fennel; Hastal, in Lactuca; Cylindri­cal, as, if I mistake not, in Jacobaea; Pyramidal, in Geranium Althaeae fol. with many other differences. But the Perfection of one or two of the said Figures lieth in the Case. So that, as all Lines and Proporti­ons are in the Leaf and Flower; so all Regular Solids in the Seed; or rather in its Covers.

4. §. 'Tis sometimes glistering, as in Speculun Veneris; Rough-cast, in Catanance; Studded, in Behen, Balttaria; Favous, in Papaver, An­tirrhinum, Lepidum annuum, Alcea Vesicaria, Hyoscyamus, and many more, before the Seeds have lain long by; Pounced, in Phalangium Cretae, Lithospermum; Ramisied, in Pentaphyllum fragiferum Erectum majus, [Page 46] resembling the Fibers of the Ears of the Heart; some just Quinquenerval, as in Anisum, and many more, the Lignous Body being in five main Fi­bers branched therein. The Figures, and Surface, of These, and other Seeds, See in the Tables belonging to the Fourth Part of the Fourth Book.

5. §. The Covers of not only Quince-Seeds, and those of Psyllium (more usually taken notice of) but those also of Horminum, Nasturtium, Eruca, Camelina, Ocymum, and divers others, have a Mucilage. Which, though it be not visible when the Seeds are throughly dry; yet lying a while in some warm Liquor, or only on the Tongue, it swells more or less, and upon them all fairly shews it self, On that of Ocymum it appears grayish; on the other, transparent; and on that of Nastur­tium Hortense very large; even emulous of the inner Pulp surround­ing a Gooseberry-Seed. The putting of Clary-seed into the Eye, may have been brought into use from this Mucilage, by which alone it may become Medicinal. And thus far of the Superficies,

6. §. The nature of the outer Coat is also various, Membranous, Cartilaginous and Stony; the like Precipitations being sometimes made herein, as in a Stone or Shell; as in that of the Seeds of Carthamum, Lithospermum and others. The Designment hereof, being either with respect to the Seed in its state of Generation; as where the Case is either wanting, or at least insufficient of it self, there for its due protection and warmth. Or, in its state of Vegetation, for the better Fermenting of its Tinctures and Sap; the Fermentations of some Seeds not well proceeding, unless they lie in their Stony Casks in the Ground, like Bottled Liquors in Sand.

7. §. All Seeds have their outer Covers open; either by a particu­lar Foramen, as in Beans, and other Pulse, as is said; or by the break­ing off of the Seed from its Peduncle or Stool, as in those in Cucumber, Cichory; or by the entering and passage of a Branch or Branches, not only into the Concave thereof near the Cone, but also through the Cone it self; as in Shells and Stones.

8. §. For the sake of this aperture it is, that Akerns, Nuts, Beans, Cucumbers, and most other Seeds, are in their formation so placed, that the Radicle still standeth next to it; That So, upon Vegetation, it may have a free and ready passage into the Mould.

9. §. The Original of the outer Coat, though from Parts of the same substantial nature, yet is differently made. In a Plum, the Seed-Branch which runns, as is described, through the Stone, is not naked, but, as is said, invested with a thin Parenchyma, which it carries from the Stalk along with it; and which, by the Ramification of the said Branch within the Stone, is, in part, dilated into a Coat. That of a Bean is from the Parenchyma of the Cod; the superficial part of which Parenchyma, upon the large peduncle of the Bean becoming a thin Cu­ticle, and upon the Bean it self a Cartilaginous Coat.

10. §. The Original of the inner Coat of the Bean is likewise from the inner part of the said Parenchyma; which first is spred into a long Cake, or that which with the Seed-Branch maketh the Penduncle of the Bean; under which Cake, there is usually a black part or spot; by the length of which, the inner part of the Cake is next inserted into the outer Coat, and spred all over the Concave thereof, and so becomes the inner.

[Page 47] 11. §. Of this Inner Coat it is very observable, That allthough when the Seed is grown old and dry, 'tis shrunk up, and in most Seeds, so far, as scarcely to be discern'd; yet in its first and juvenile Constitu­tion, it is a very Spongy and Sappy body; and is then likewise (as the Womb in a Pregnant Animal) in proportion, very thick and bulky. In a Bean, even as one of the Lobes it self: And in a Plum or Apricot, I think I may safely say, half an hundred times thicker than afterwards, when it is dried and shrunk up, and can scarcely be distinguished from the upper Coat. Upon which Accounts it is, in this estate a true and fair Parenchyma. The Delineation hereof, See in the Figures be­longing to the Fourth Part of the Fourth Book.

12. §. In this Inner Coat in a Bean, the Lignous Body or Seed-Branch is distributed: Sometimes, as in French-Beans, throughout the whole Coat, as it is in a Leaf. In the Great Garden-Bean, upon its first entrance, it is bipartite, and so in small Branches runs along the Circum­ference of the Coat, all meeting and making a kind of Reticulation against the Belly of the Bean. In the same manner the main Branches in the outer Coat of a Kernel, circling themselves on both hands from the place of their first entrance, at last meet, and mutually inosculate; as the Veins in the Kidneys of a Man or any Quadrupede; Or the Carotick Arteries in the Braine.

13. §. So that all the Parts of a Vegetable, the Root, Trunk, Branch, Leaf, Flower, Fruit and Seed, are still made up of Two Substantially different Bodies.

14. §. And as every Part hath Two, so the whole Vegetable taken together, is a composition of Two only, and no more: All properly Woody Parts, Strings and Fibers, are One Body: All simple Barques, Piths, Parenchyma's and Pulps, and as to their substantial Nature, Pills and Skins likewise, all but One Body: the several Parts of a Vegetable all differing from each other, only by the various Proportions and Mixtures, and variated Pores and Structure of these Two Bodies. What from these two general Observations might reasonably be inferr'd, I shall not now mention.

15. §. The Fourth or Innermost Cover we may call the Secon­dine. The sight of which, by cutting off the Coats of an Infant-Bean, at the Cone thereof, in very thin Slices, and with great Caution, may be obtain'd. While unbroken, 'tis transparent; being torn and taken off, it gathers up into the likeness of a Jelly, or that we call the Tredle of an Egg, when rear-boyl'd. This Membrance in larger or elder Beans, is not to be found distinct. But (as far as our Enquiries yet dis­cover) it may in most other Seeds, even full grown, be distinctly seen; as in those of Cucumber, Colocynthis, Burdock, Carthamum, Gromwel, Endive, Mallows, &c. Tab. 4. f. 16. 'Tis usually so very thin, as in the above-nam'd, as very difficultly to be discover'd. But in some Kernels, as of Apricots, 'tis very thick; and most remarquably such, in some other Seeds. That all these have the Analogy of one and the same Cover, which I call the Secondine, is most probably argu'd from their alike Natures; being all of them plain simple Membranes, with not the least Fibre of the Lig­nous Body or Seed Branch, visibly distributed in them: As also from their Texture, which is in all of them more close. See this Part in Tab. 4. As also amongst the Figures belonging to the Fourth Part of the Fourth Book.

[Page 48] 16. §. The Concave of this Membrane is filled with a most transpa­rent Liquor, out of which the Seed is formed; as in cutting a petite and Infant-Bean, may be seen; and yet better in a young Walnut. In Beans I have observed it to turn, upon boyling, into a tender white Coagulum.

17. §. Through this Membrane, the Lignous Body or Seed-Bran­ches distributed in the inner Coat, at last shoot downright two slen­der Fibres, like two Navel-strings, one into each Lobe of the Bean. The places where the said Fibres shoot into the Lobes, Tab. 4. f. 18. are near the Basis of the Radicle; and by their Blackishness well enough remark'd: but the Fibers themselves are so very small, as scarcely to be discern'd. Yet in a Lupine, of the larger kind, both the places where the Navel-Fibres shoot into the Lobes (which here from the Basis of the Radicle is more remote) and the Fibres themselves, are fairly visible. For the Seed-Branch, upon its entrance into the Coat of the Lupine, is pre­sently divided into two main Branches, and those two into other less; whereof some underly, others aloft, run along the Coat, and towards its other end meet and are inosculated: where about, two opposite, shallow, round, and most minute Cavities, answerable to two Specks of a Cartilaginous gloss, one in either Lobe, Tab. 4. f. 17. may be observed; which Specks are the ends of the said Navel-Fibres, upon the ripening of the Seed there broken off. These Fibres from the Superficies of each Lobe, descend a little way directly down: presently, each is divided into two Branches, one distributed into the Lobes, the other into the Ra­dicle and Plume, Tab. 4. f. 18. in the manner as in the First Chapter is described. And thus far the History. I shall now only with a brief account of the Generation of the Seed, as hereupon dependent, conclude this Dis­course.

18. §. LET US say then, An Account of the Gene­ration of the Seed. that the Sap having in the Root, Trunk and Leaves, passed divers Concoctions and Separations, in the manner as they are said to be perform'd therein; 'tis now at last, in some good ma­turity, advanced towards the Seed.

19. §. The more copious and cruder part hereof is again separa­ted by a free reception into the Fruit, or other Part analogous to it: being either sufficiently ample to contain it, or at least laxe enough for its transpiration, and so its due discharge. The more Essential part is into the Seed-Branch or Branches entertian'd. Which, because they are evermore of a very considerable length, and of a Constitution very fine, the said Sap thus becomes in its Current therein as in the Spermatick Vessels, still more mature.

20. § In this mature estate, from the Seed-Branch into the Coats of the Seed, as into the Womb, 'tis next delivered up. The meaner part hereof again, to the Outer, as Aliment good enough, is supplied. The siner part is transmitted to the Inner; which being, as is said, a Parenechymous and more spatious Body, the Sap therefore is not herein, as in the Outer, a meer Aliment; but in order to its being, by Fermen­tation, farther prepared.

21. §. Yet the Outer Coat, being on the contray hard and dense; for that reason, as it admitteth not the Fermentation of the Sap so well within it self; so doth it the more promote and favour it in the Inner; being Bounds both to it and its Sap; and also quickneth the process of the whole Work in the formation of the Seed.

[Page 49] 22. §. Nor doth the Outer Coat, for the same reason, more pro­mote, than declare the purity of the Sap now contained in the Inner: For being more hard and dense, and so not perspirable, must needs suppose the Parts of the Sap encompassed by it, since thus uncapable of any evacuation, to be therefore all so choice, as not to need it.

23. §. The Sap being thus prepared in the Inner Coat, as a Liquor now apt to be the Substratum of the future Seed-Embrio; by fresh sup­plies, is thence discharg'd. Yet that it may not be over-copious; which, because of the laxity of the Inner Coat, from whence it issues, it might easily be: therefore, as the said Inner Coat is bounded with­out, by the upper Coat; so by the Secundine, is it bounded within. Through which Secundine the Sap being filtr'd, or, as it were, transpi­ring; the depositure hereof, answerable to the Colliquamentum in an Egg, or to the Semen Mulibre, into its Concave at last is made.

24. §. The other part of the purest Sap embosom'd in the Ramu­lets of the Seed-Branch, runs a Circle, or some progress therein; and so becomes, as the Semen Masculinum, yet more elabortè.

25. § Wherein also, lest its Current should be too copious or precipitant, by their co-arcture and divarication where they are inoscu­lated, it is retarded; the noblest portion only obtaining a pass.

26. §. With this purest Sap, the said Ramulets being supplied, from thence at last, the Navel-Fibres shoot (as the primitive Artery into the Colliquamentum) through the Secundine into the aforesaid Li­quor deposited therein.

27. §. Into which Liquor, being now shot, and its own proper Sap or Tinctures mixed therewith, it strikes it thus into a Coagulum; or of a Liquor, it becomes a Body consistent and truly Parenchymous. And the supply of the said Liquor still continu'd, and the shooting of the Navel-Fibres, as is above described, still carried on, the said Coagu­lation or Fixation is therewith likewise.

28. §. And in the Interim of the Coagulation, a gentle Fermentation being also made, the said Parenchyma or Coagulum becometh such, not of any Texture indifferently, but is thus raised (as we see Bread in Bak­ing) into a Congeries of Bladders: For such is the Parenchyma of the whole Seed.


THE ANATOMY OF ROOTS; Presented to the ROYAL SOCIETY at several times, in the Years, 1672 & 1673. With an Account of the VEGETATION OF ROOTS, Grounded chiefly hereupon. The SECOND BOOK.

By NEHEMIAH GREW M. D. Fellow of the Royal Society, and of the College of Physicians.

The Second Edition.

LONDON, Printed by W. Rawlins, 1682.



IF the Dedication of Books were not in use; yet here, I think, I might have been a Pre­cedent. The promotion of Phytological Science is one Part of Your Work; and 'tis You have called me to the management of this Part; for some time, have intrusted me herein; and by Your most favourable and candid accep­tance of what I have performed thus far, have encou­raged me hereunto: I therefore present but Your Own, into Your Hands.

The great Honour and Advantage of Your Fellowship, I first obtained, by Mediation of Dr. Wilkins, the late most Reverend Bishop of Chester. Whom I cannot name, without saying thus much of him, That He was a Per­son [Page] of that eminent and happy Worth, which, as it was too good, to fear envy; so is it too great, to need an Elogie.

With Him, it was, You were pleased to commit to Me, the further prosecution of this Work; the Beginnings whereof, were by Your Order formerly made publique. Had I consulted my own Abilities altogether, I should scarcely have ventured upon it; seeing very little, for which I could think well of my self, saving, That I had learned, upon good grounds, to think of You with greatest Honour. But I also considered, That to insist hereon too much, might be a reflection upon Your Judgments, who had thought fit to make choice of Me. And, That You were not more the Patrons of Wit, than of Industry; and of All, who shall endeavour to find out, or to confirm the Truth of Things. Withal, I looked upon Nature, as a Trea­sure so infinitely full; that as all Men together, cannot ex­haust it; so no Man, but may find out somewhat therein, if he be resolved to Try.

In compliance therefore with Your Commands, I have hereunto devoted a very considerable part of my Time. These, adding force to my own Desires, of being somewhat instrumental to the Improvement of Medicinal, and other wholesom Knowledge: if peradventure, as we increase herein, we may become better, and more happy. As to which Improvement, though I could not hope; yet, I would not dispair. I have already prepared the Soil, and made some Plantation: what remaineth behind, and the Vintage of the whole, will depend much upon the con­tinued Influence of Your Beams: for how unpromising soever the Stock may be; yet the Fruit cannot but be somewhat matured, upon which You are pleased to shine. I am also confident, that the same Nobilty and Goodness, which accept the endeavours, will likewise pardon the faults, of,

My Lord,
Your Lordships most humbly and most sincerly devoted Servant NEHEMJAH GREW.




OF the Original of Roots, §. 1, 2, 3. Of their Figures, 4, to 8. Of their Motions, 9, to 15. And of their Ages, 16, to the end.


OF the Skin. Its external Accidents, and Original, §. 1, 2. Com­pounding Parts. Whereof the one Parenchymous, 3. The other Lignous, 4, to the end.


OF the Barque. Its Original and external Accidents, §. 1. Size, 2. Compounding Parts: Whereof the one Parenchymous, 3. The Bladders of the Parenchyma, 4, 5, 6. The Diametral Portions, 7, to 11. The other Part, Lignous, consisting of long Pipes or Vessels, 12, to 17, Of several Kinds, 18, to 23. In different Proportion, 24, 25. And in different and elegant Position. 26, to the end.


OF that Part of the Root next within the Bark; in Trees and Shrubby Plants, called the Wood. Hereof the Parenchyma, §. 1, 2, 3, & 7. The Lignous Portion: of which, the Sap-Vessels, 4. The Aer-Vessels, 5, 6. The Position of the Former, 8, 9. Of the Latter, 10, 11, 12. Their Proportion, 13, 14, 15. The Latter, some­times a little tapering. 16. Their Texture, 17, to 22. Content, 23.


OF the Pith. Found in the upper part of most Roots, §. 1. Its size and shape, 2. Sap-Vessels, 3. Original, 4, 5. Bladders, 6, Fibres and Texture, 7, to 11. That of the Insertions and Barque the same, 12. Hence, the Original of the Aer-Vessels conjectured, 13. What the whole Body of a Root, concluded, 14, 15. The Contents of the Pith, 16.


  • THeology, the Beginning and End of Philosophy, §. 1, to 6.
  • The Divine Wisdom seen in the Growth of Plants, 7. If we observe,
  • How the Ground is Prepared, 8, to 14.
  • How the Sap is Imbibed, and Distributed to the several Parts of the Root, 15, to 28.
  • How the several Parts are Nourished and Formed, 29, to 35.
  • How the several Parts receive their respective Situation, 36, to 40.
  • How Roots receive their different Size and Shape, 41, to 47.
  • How Roots receive their different Motions, 48, to 53.
  • How Roots are differently Aged, 54, 55, 56.
  • How the Liquors and other Contents of the several Parts are made 57 to 63.
  • How the Odors of Roots are made, 64.
  • How their Colours, 65, to 67.
  • How their Tasts, 68, to the end.



BEING TO speak of Roots; it is requisite, for our better understanding of what follows, that some things, as to their Original, Figures, Motions and Ages, be premised.

1. §. Roots, taken altogether, have a Three­fold Original. Either from the Radicle; as all Roots which come of the Seed: or from the Trunk or Caulis, above ground; as in Strawberry, Chamaemile, and many other Creepers: or from the Trunk or Caulis, after it is sunk under ground; as in Primrose, Bistort, and many others; and presently shall be shewed how.

2. §. In the Growth of a Bud, and of a Trunk-Root, there is this observable difference; That the former, carries along with it, some portion of every Part in the Trunk or Stalk; whereof it is a Compen­dium. The latter, always shoots forth, by making a Rupture in the Barque, which it leaves behind, and proceeds only from the inner part of the Stalk.

[Page 58] 3. §. As also, That in a Bud, the Lignous Part is spread abroad, so as to encompass a Pith. Whereas in a Trunk-Root, it makes a so­lid Thred standing in the Center. Which is the Cause of its descend­ing into the Ground: as is already, in the First Book, and shall in This be further shewed.

4. §. ROOTS are generally distinguished, as to their Figures, in being more Entrie, as is that of Liquirish; or Parted, as of St. Johns­wort. Parted or Forked, either at the Bottom, as most Roots; or at the Top, as Dandelyon, and some others. A thing very odd, and un­intelligible, without the knowledge of the Motions of Roots; whereof presently.

5. §. Parted, again, are either Ramified, as that of Cumfry; or Manifold, as of Crowfoot: both are Parted; but the former, by the subdivision of greater Branches, into lesser; these, when divers Strings, have all their distinct original from one Head. Some are Straight, as a Radish; others Crooked, as Bistort. Smooth, as Bugloss; or Stringy all round about, as Columbine. And to Carnations, this seems to be peculiar, That sometimes many of the Strings run parallell with the Wood of the great Root, through the Barque, or betwixt the Wood and the Barque.

6. §. Again, some are Thick, as Rhubarb; Slender, as the Vine. Long, as Fenil; Short, as a Turnep: which are distinct from Great and Little; in that these, are so called with respect to several Roots; those, with respect to the several Dimensions of one. Short, are Stubbed, as Iris tuberosa; or Round, as Dracontium. Round are Tuberous, or Simply Knobbed, as Rape-Crowfoot; Bulbous, that is Scaled, as some Lilys; or Shell'd, as an Onion. Where note, That all Bulbous Roots, are, as it were, Hermaphrodites, or Root and Trunk both together: for the Strings only, are absolute Roots; the Bulb, actually containing those Parts, which springing up, make the Leaves or Body; and is, as it were, a Great Bud under ground.

7. §. Roots, again, are Even or Uneven; Even, are Cylindrical, as Eryngo; or Pyramidal, as Borage. Growing smaller Downwards, as do most; or Upwards, as Skirrets. Uneven, are Pitted, as Potato's, where the Eyes or Buds of the future Trunks lie inward; or Knotted, as Jerusalem-Artichoke; where they stand out. These Differences, are also Compounded: so some Roots are both Entire and Smooth, as Peony; others Entire, but Stringy, as Clary: that is, neither Ramifi'd, nor yet Brushy, or divided at the Top into severall small Strings; but a Single Root surrounded with many Hairy Threds. Some both Plain in some parts, and Knobbed in others, as Filipendula, Lilium non bulbosum, and others.

8. §. Some also have two or more Roots; and those of one Kind: of which, some are distinctly fastend to the bottome of the Stalk, as in Dogstones; some stand one under another, so as only the uppermost is fasten'd to the Stalk, as in Dragon, Crocus, and others. And there are some, which have not only two Roots, at the same time; but those al­so of two distinct Kinds, as in Bistort; one of them, a slender strait Cylindrick and horizontall Root; the other large and crooked, and bred of the Descending Trunk; as in speaking next of the Motions of Roots, will be understood, how. All which, with other Differences [Page 59] by Those that undertake the Descriptions of Plants, are accurately to be Noted. But the Differences, above mentioned, will serve for our present Purpose.

9. §. THE MOTIONS of Roots are also divers. Sometimes Level, as are those of Hops, Ammi, Cinquefoyle; and all such as pro­perly Creep. Sometimes Perpendicular, as that of Parsnep: Which is different from Straightness; for some Straight Roots, are Level. Both of them are either Shallow or Deep: some run Level, and near the Turf, as Woodbind, Wild Anenomy; others lower, as Dogs-Grass. Some strike down, but a little way, as Stramonium; others grow deep, as Horse-Radish: Which is different from being Long; for many long Roots, are Level, as Hops.

11. §. Some again Descend, as Tulips, and other Bulbous Roots, which differs from growing only Downwards; in that here, the Head of the Root is Immoveable; but in Descending, the whole Root obteineth different Places, running deeper, time after time, into the Earth. Some also Ascend, sometimes, and in some part, appearing above ground, as Turneps.

11. §. These Motions are also Compounded; both in respect of the several Parts of the Root, and of several Times. So the main Root of Primrose, is Level; the Strings are Perpendicular. The Roots of most Seedlings grow Downward and Upward, or shoot out in length at both Ends, at the same time. Those of Bistort, Iris, and some others, grow, in part, both Downward and Upward at se­veral times: Whence it is, that Bistort is Crooked, with some resem­blance to an S, according to its Name; And that some Parts of Iris-Root appear oftentimes above the ground.

12. §. There is also another Motion, in some Roots, not heeded; and that is Contortion: whereby, without being moved out of their Place, they are Writhed or Twisted; as a piece of Cloath is, when the Water is wrung out of it; as in Carduus, Sonchus, and others: whether always I cannot say. This Mation cannot be noted, with­out stripping off the Barque; whereby the Vessels may be seen, some­times, to make two or three Circumvolutions. This Motion seems to be governed by the winding of the Stalk; and therefore to begin at the Head, and terminate at the Poynt or lower end of the Root, which is immoveable.

13. §. BUT ABOVE all the Motions of Roots, not observed, the most remarkable is that of DESCENT. Which, although it hath been noted, by some Botanicks, of Bulbous Roots; yet of these only: Whereas it is the Property, of a great many more; and those, of very different Kinds; probably, of the far greater number of Perennial Roots of Herbs; as of Arum, Rape-Crowfoot, Valerian, Brownwort, Bears­foot, Tansy, Lychnis, Sampier, Primrose, Ammi, Avens, Wood-sorrel, Iris, and others. Of all which Plants, it is very observable, That their Root, is annually renewed, or repaired, out of the Trunk or Stalk it self. That is to say, The Basis of the Stalk continually, and by insensible Degrees, descending below the surface of the Earth, and hiding it self therein; is thus, both in Nature, Place, and Office chang­ed into a true Root. Which Root, by the continuance of the said [Page 60] Motion of the Stalk, also Descends; and so, according to the dura­bleness of its Substance, becomes a shorter or longer Root; the Elder or Lower Portion thereof, Rotting off, by the same Degrees with the Generation of the Upper, out of the Stalk. So in Brownwort, the Basis of the Stalk sinking down by degrees, [...]till it lies under Ground, becomes the upper part of the Root; and continuing still to sink, the next year, becomes the lower Part; and the next after that, rots away; a new Addition being still yearly made out of the Stalk, as the elder Parts yearly rot away. Tab. 5. f. 6, & 7. So in Dragon, Crocus, and the like, where the Root is double; the Basis of the Stalk, this year; the next, becomes the Upper- Root; after that, the Lower- Root; and at the length dies and is consum'd.

14. §. The Demonstration hereof, is taken, more evidently, from some Roots, than from others; as from the Level and Knobed Roots of Wood-sorrel, Tab. 5. f. 1, & 2. Primrose, &c. For the Leaves of those Plants rotting off successively, and the Bases of those Leaves gradually descending into the Ground; each Basis is thus nourished with a more copious Sap, and so swelled into so many thick Knots. It may likewise be gather'd in some, from the like Position of the Vessels or Woody Parts, in the Root, as in the Trunk; as in Bares-foot, As also, from the Root of the Iris Tuberosa: Tab. 5. f. 4. where, although the Leaves fall off close to the Surface of the Stalk; yet after that is sunk down, and swell'd into a Root, the Seats of the perished Leaves, and the Ends of the Vessels belonging to them, are not obscurely visible; whereby the Root is wrought, as it were, with several Seames and Prickt-Lines; the Seams shewing the setting on of the Leaves; and the Pricks, the Terminations or broken Ends of the Vessels: which ends, are still more apparent, upon the stripping off the Barque. I considered likewise, That as among Ani­mals, there are many, which are not Bred of Eggs, immediately; but are Transformed, one Animal into another: So, it is more than pro­bable, That among Plants, there are not a few Instances of the like Transformations; whereof, this is one.

15. §. The Cause of this Descent, so far as it is dependent on the Inward Conformation of the Root, I shall shew in the following Part. But the Immediate Visible one, are the String-Roots, which this kind of Trunks frequently put forth: which, descending them­selves directly into the Ground, like so many Ropes, l [...]g the Trunk af­ter them. Hence the Tuberous-Roots of Iris upon the rotting or fading away of the String-Roots hanging at them, sometimes a little Re-ascend. Hence also the Shape of some Roots is Inverted: For whereas most are parted downwards, into several Legs; some are parted upwards into divers Ne [...]ks, Tab. 5. f. 5. as Dandelyon, and others. For these Roots sending forth at the top several Trunk-Buds, the said Buds successively put forth new, and cast their old Leaves; and continually also making their Descent, are at length formed into so many Necks, of three, four, five, or more Inches long, under Ground.

16. §. HENCE ALso we understand, in what particular way, some Roots become Perennial. Some are wholly so, as those of Trees, Shrubs, and divers other woody Plants. Others, in part, or by a new Progenies of Roots, from the old Head or Body, in the room of those that die yearly, or after a certain Time; as of Lilium non bulbo­sum, [Page 61] Jerusalem Arti [...]hoke, Potato, Dog-stones, Monks-hood, little Celan­dine, and others. In which Plants, one or more of their Roots are firm, the other spongy and superannuated; and partly, by the ravine of the Trunk, and other younger Roots, reduced to a Consumption and Death.

17. §. With these, Tulips, and other Bulbous-Roots consort: For the se­veral Rindes & Shells, whereof chiefly, the Bulb consists, successively perish and shrink up into so many thin and dry Skins: betwixt which, and in their Centre, other Leaves and Shells, being successively formed, the Bulb is thus perpetuated. In the same manner the String-Roots also suc­ceed one another annually. So that at the end of divers Years, although it be still looked upon as the same Individual Root, yet it is, in truth, Another, as to every particle thereof.

18. §. Lastly, many other Roots are perpetuated by the aforesaid Descent of the Trunk; out of which, it is still annually Repaired, as by the gradual perishing of its lower parts, it is Diminished; as hath been said. Tab 5, f. 3. Whence also we see the reason of the Rugged and Blunt extremities of these, and some other Roots, as of that Plant superstiti­ously called Devils-bit: because the end of it seems to be bitten off. Yet doth it not appear so originally; but the Lower part thereof rot­ting off, as the Upper descends; the living remainder, becometh stumped, or seemeth Bitten. Thus far of the Original, Shapes, Moti­ons, and Ages of Roots.

CHAP. II. Of the SKIN.

I NEXT proceed to the several Parts whereof a Root is Compounded. The outer Part of all is the Skin; which is common to all Roots. 'Tis diversly Coloured: Whiter in Skirrets; Yellow, in Dock; Red, in Potato; Brown, in Lovage; Black, in Bu­gloss. Its Surface, sometimes Smooth, as in Hors­radish; Rough, as in Scorzonera. And the Skins of the several Shells of a Tulip-Root, taken up fresh, look as if they were perforated with a great many small holes. 'Tis of various Size; very Thin, in Parsnep; somewhat Thick, in Bugloss; very Thick in Iris. Sometimes it is Opacous, as in Thistle; and sometimes Transparent, as in Madder.

2. §. Every Root hath successively two kinds of Skins: the one, Coëtaneous with the other Parts; and hath its original from that which involveth the Parts of the Seed it self. The other, Postnate, succeeding in the room of the former, as the Root ageth; and is ori­nated from the Bark. So in Dandelyon, the old Skin, looked upon about the beginning of May, seems to have been one of those several [Page 62] Rings, which the precedent year composed the Cortical Body of the Root: but by the Generation of a new Ring, next the Wood, is now thrust off and shrunk up into a Skin. So also in the Roots of Bugloss and Horse-Radish, Tab. 14, 15. as far as the Bladders in the former, and the Vessels in the latter are Radiated; the Cortical Body seems either annually or oftener, to shrink up into another new Skin, as, the old ones fall off. And sometimes, perhaps, as in Assparagus, the whole body of the Per­pendicular Roots, Tab. 10. except the woody Fibre in the Centre, becomes the second Skin. So that the wearing away of the old Skin, succeeds the derivation of the new one; as in Descending Roots, the Consumpti­on of the Lower Parts, doth the Generation of the Upper. Because the Barque swells, and grows sometimes faster than the Skin can fall off, or give way to it: therefore are the Roots of many Herbs, Barque­bound, as well as the Trunks of Trees.

3. §. This Skin is usually, if not always, compounded of two Kinds of Bodies: which also is probable of the Coëtaneous. The one, Parenchymous, and frequently constructed of exceeding little Cells or Bladders; which in some Roots, as of Asparagus, cut traverse, and viewed through a Microscope, Tab. 10. are plainly visible. These Bladders are of different Sizes; Tab. 14. in Buglos, larger; in Asparagus less; and sometimes they coincide and disappear. But in these, and all other Roots, even where these Bladders appear not, the Parenchyma of the Skin, is of the same Substantial Nature, with that other more vivid and bulky one of the Bark: As is manifest, from its being thence Originated; and alike Conformed, as shall be seen; and not only adjacent to it, as a Glove is to the Hand; but continuous therewith, as the parts of a piece of flesh, are one with another.

4. §. OF THIS Parenchymous Body, the Skin consisteth chiefly, but not wholly; there being many Lignous Vessels which are Tubulary, mixed therewith: which, though hardly by the Microscope, yet otherwise, is demonstrable. For in tearing the Skin, you shall do it more easily by the length, than bredth; because, by the first way, the continuity only of the Parenchyma, is dissolved; but by the latter, both of this, and of the Vessels, these being posited by the length of the Root: So that, as by the smalness of the Bladders of the Parenchyma, the Skin is Dense; so by these Vessels, is it Tough.

5. §. Again, if you cut a Root traverse, and let it lie by for some time, all the parts, where there are no Vessels, shrink below the surface of the cut-end; but where-ever These are posited, there is no shrinking; which oftentimes, evidently appears also in the Skin: because the said Vessels, though, as the Bladders, they may coincide; yet they cannot visibly shorten or shrink up in length; no more than a Straw, whose sides may yet be easily crushed together.

6. §. Further, the Root being cut traverse, if, near the cut-end, you very gently press the side of the Root with the edge of your Nail, the Sap will thereupon arise sometimes from the Skin; in the same man­ner, as from any other part of the Root, where the like Vessels are posi­ted. And although the Sap may likewise be expressed from the Pith, and other Parts where sometimes, there are none of these Vessels; yet not without a solution of there continuity; which here doth not fol­low; as appears, from the disappearing of the Sap, together with the in­termission [Page 63] of the pressure; the said Vessels then dilating themselves by a Motion of Restitution, and so sucking up the Sap again.

7. §. Hereunto may be added the Testimony of sight; the very Vessels themselves, in many Roots, coming under an apparent view, and standing in the utmost surface of the Root all round about, as in that of Liquirish, Columbine, Scorzonera, and others. Which Experi­ments, I have here, once for all, more particularly set down; because I shall have occasion, hereafter, to refer to them.


NEXT WITHIN the Skin lieth the Barque. 'Tis sometimes Yellow, as in Dock; Red, in Bistort; but usually, and in Seed-Roots, I think, always White. It is derived from the Seed it self; being but the extension or prolongation of the Parenchy­ma of the Radicle; One of the three Organical Parts of the Seed, described in the First Chap­ter of the First Book.

2. § It is variously Sized; sometimes very Thin, as in Jerusalem Artichoke, Goats-beard, and in most Trees; where it also retains the Name of a Barque or Rind. Sometimes 'tis more Thick, and maketh up the far greatest protion of the Root, as in the String- Roots of Asparagus, in Dandelion, and others. The thinnest and the thickest are all ana­logous, and obtain the same general Uses. The degrees of its Size, amongst all Roots, may be well reckoned about Twenty, and seen in the following examples, Tab. 7, 8, 9. sc. Beet, Dropwort, Jerusalem Artichoke, Orpine, Valerian, Goats-beard, Nettle, Brownwort, Columbine, Celan­dine, Asparagus, Horse-Radish, Peony, Bryony, Eryngo, Borage, Lovage, Dandelion, Parsnep, Carrot, &c. In the Root of Beet, scarce exceeding a good thick Skin: but in a Carrot, half the Semidiameter of the Root, or above half an Inch over in some places: and that of Dandelion, some­times, in proportion with the woody Part, twice as thick: the rest of Several intermediate Degrees: And to most Roots, this is common, To have their Barque proportionably thicker, at the bottome than at the top.

3. §. IT IS Compounded of two Bodies. The one Parenchymous; Continuous throughout; yet somewhat Pliable without a solution of its Continuity. Exceeding Porous; as appeareth from its so much shrinking up, in drying. The Pores hereof are extended much alike both by the length and bredth of the Root; therefore it shrinketh up, by both those Dimensions, more equally. And they are very Dilative; as is also manifest from its restorableness to its former bulk again, upon [Page 64] its infusion in Water: that is to say, It is a most curious and exquisitely fine wrought Sponge. Thus much the Eye and Reason may discover.

4. §. The Microscope confirms the truth hereof, and more precisely shews, That these Pores are all, in a manner, Spherical, in most Plants; and this Part, an Infinite Mass of little Cells or Bladders. The sides of none of them, Tab. 10, & sequent. are Visibly pervious from one into another; but each is bounded within it self. So that the Parenchyma of the Barque, is much the same thing, as to its Conformation, which the Froth of Beer or Eggs is, as a fluid, or a piece of fine Manchet, as a fixed Body. The Sides also of these Bladders are as transparent, as those of Water; or the Bodies of some Insects.

6. §. But their Size is usually much smaller; and their Posture more Regular than those in Bread or Water. In all Roots they are so small, as scarcely, without the Microscope, to be discerned: yet are they of different Size, both in the same, and in divers Roots; the varieties whereof, amongst all Roots, may be reduced to about Ten or Twelve according to the Standard, Tab. 13, 14. in Tab. 11. Some of those in Dandelion, being of the Smallest; and in Bugloss, of the Greatest. They are posi­ted, for the most part, at an Equal Height; and piled evenly one over another: So that, oftentimes, they visibly run in Ranks or trains, both by the length and breadth of the Roots, as in the Root of Bugloss, or of Dandelion, split through the middle, may be seen. Although they are usually Spherical, yet sometimes, and in some places, they are more oblonge, Tab. 14. as in the outward part of the Barque of Bugloss. These Bladders, are sometimes best seen, after the Root, being cut traverse, hath layn by a while, to dry.

6. §. They are the Receptacles of Liquor; which is ever Lucid; and I think, always more Thin or Watery. They are, in all Seed-Roots, filled herewith; and usually, in those also which are well grown, as of Borage, Radish, &c.

7. §. THIS Parenchymous Part, in many Roots, is of one Uniform Contexture; as in Asparagus, Hors-Radish, Peony, Potato, and others. In many others, it is, as it were, of a Diversified Woof; the Bladders being, though every where Regular, yet either in Shape, Size, or Situation, different in some Parts hereof, from what they are, in other intermediate ones. For these Parts, are like so many White Rays, streaming, by the Diameter of the Root, from the inward Edge toward the Circumference of the Barque; as in Lovage, Melilot, Parsnep, &c. cut transversly, Tab. 8, 9. is apparent. They are, though not in direct Lines, continued also by the length of the Root; so that they are, as it were, so many Membrances, by which the other Parts of the Barque, are dister­minated.

8. §. The Continuation of these Diametral Rays, or Portions, is divers: sometimes, but half through the Barque, or somewhat more, or less, Tab. 9. as in Melilot. And it is probable, that to the Roots of all or most Trefoyls, and also of the Leguminous Kind, this is proper, To have their Diametral Rays come short of the Circumference. Sometimes, they run quite through to the very Skin, Tab. 8. as in Lovage. And I think, in the Roots of all Umbelliferous Plants: In which therefore, the Skin seems to have a closer Communion with the Diametral Rays, and to be originated especially therefrom. They usually stand at an Equal Di­stance in the same Root: But with respect to divers Roots, their Di­stance [Page 65] varies; Tab. 7, 8. so less, in Parsnep, greater in Bugloss. They are commonly Rectilinear, as in Lovage; but sometimes winding to and fro, as in a Carrot. Tab. 8.

9. §. They are not always of one Size: in a Carrot near the Inner Edge of the Barque, exceeding Slender, and scarcely discerna­ble; in others, Tab. 8, 9. Thicker, as in the Three greater ones of Melilot, and in common Chervil. Both by their Distance, and Size, they are also less or more Numerous; some, only as they are nearer; some, as smal­ler; others, as both. And 'tis proper, I think, to the Intybous kind, either to have none, or but a few. Sometimes they are of the same Thickness quite through the Barque from edge to edge, Tab. 7. as in Marsh-Mallow. And sometimes are considerably spread or dilated as they aproach the Skin, wherewith they are joyned, and whereinto they more visibly run, as in Parsley, or the smaller part of the Root of Lovage. Tab. 8. And in some Roots, as of Scorzonera, at some times of the year, when less succulent, almost the whole Parenchyma seems to be of the Nature of the Diametral Rays, in other Roots. The Bladders of these Diametral Portions, are sometimes, greater than those of the other Parenchymous Parts, as in Parsley; and I think sometimes less. Yet as there, so here, variously sized; to about six or eight De­grees; and those of Parsley about the third, fourth, and fifth. Their Figure is Sometimes more oblong; and their direction or respect more towards the Center of the Root.

11. §. As the other Parenchymous Parts of the Barque, are the Receptacles of Liquor; so these, (where they are) of Aer. This is ar­gued, From their being more White, and not Transparent, as such Roots and Parts use to be, which are more copiously and equally fil­led up with Liquor: as the Pith of Elder, which, in the old Stalks, is White; was once, and by being well soaked, will become, again Transparent. And from their being more dry and voyd of Liquor; whereupon their Bladders, which cannot be Vacuities, must be filled with more or less Aer, mixed with the Sap or the Vaporous parts there­of. This is more observable in those Diametral Portions, which ter­minate upon, and run into the Skin.

12. §. THE BARQUE is not only of a divers Woof, but as is said, of a Compounded Substance; there being a certain number of Lignous Vessels, fewer or more, in some place or other, mixed with the Parenchymous Part above described; and some way or other, are demonstrable in all Roots As by the Toughness of the Barque, when pulled by the length. By the visible Continuation of the said Vessels through the length of the Barque, Tab. 6. in the resemblance of small Threds. And by the rising up of the Sap in the traverse cut of the Root, in such places of the Barque, where these Threds terminate: as the ex­istence of the same Vessels in the Skin, was proved in the Precedent Chapter.

13. These Tubulary Threds, run not through the Barque in di­rect lines; but are frequently Braced together in the form of Net-Work; The Parenchymous Parts every where filling up the spaces be­twixt the Braced Threds; Tab. 6. as in Burnet, Scorzonera, &c. the Barque being paired or striped off, is apparent.

[Page 66] 14. §. They seem, at first, where they are Braced, to be Inos­culated; so as to be pervious one into another. But a more accurate view, especially assisted by a Miscroscope, discovers the contrary. Neither are they woun'd any way one about another, as Threds are in a Rope: nor Implicated, as in ravled Yarn, or the Knots of a Net: but only contiguous or simply Tangent, as the several Chords in the Braces of a Drum: being thus joyned together by the Parenchymous Parts, as in speaking of the Pith, will be understood how. Yet do not always the same Threds belong and keep entire to one Brace; but are freqnently parted into lesser Threds; which are transposed from Brace to Brace. Nor do they always, in whole or in part, presently after their contin­gence, mutually fall off again; but, oftentimes, run along collateral­ly joyned together for some space.

15. §. These Braces are of various number in divers Roots; more frequent in Jerusalem Artichoke, Tab. 6. less in Scorzonera, more rare in Cumfry. The Threds likewise are variously Divaricated; sometimes more, where the Braces are frequent, as in Jerusalem Artichoke; and sometimes less, where the Braces are rare, as in Scorzonera, Dandelion: And in all Roots, more frequent towards the Inner Verge of the Bark.

16. §. By what is said, it is partly implied, That these Threds, are not Single Vessels; but a Cluster of them, Twenty, Thirty, or more or fewer of them together. Yet as the Threds are not Inosculated in the Braces; so neither are the Vessels, in the Threds. Nor yet Twisted; but only stand collateral together; as the several Single Threds of the Silkworm, do in Sleave-Silk. Neither are these Vessels pyramidal, so far as the Glass will discover; or, from probable Reason, may be conjec­tured. Nor Ramified, so as to be successively propagated one from another, after the manner of the Veins in Animals: but Cylindrical, and Distinctly continued, throughout the length of the Root; as the several Fibres in a Tendon or Nerve.

17. §. THESE VESSELS are either themselves of divers kinds, or serve, at least, to constitute divers Kinds, in divers Roots: of the dif­ferent Natures whereof, although there may be other ways whereby to judge; yet so far as by Inspection, we may do it, chiefly, by the Di­versity of those Liquors, which they severally contain. Sometimes they yield a Lympha; and that Thin, as they do in a Parsnep; especially those that make a Ring, at the inward extremity of the Bark. See the Root it self. That this Clear Sap ascendeth only from these Vessels, is certain. Because no Liquor will do the like, from any Parenchymous Part, as Chap. 2. hath been said. And because it is of a different nature from the Sap contained in the Bladders of the Parenchyma; al­though of the same Colour, yet sensibly more Sweet.

18. § Sometimes they yield a Thick and Mucilaginous Lympha, as in Cumfry, as appeareth by its tenacity. From the Mucilaginous Con­tent of these Vessels it is, I suppose, that the Sap contained in the Blad­ders is rendred of the like nature, so far as it approaches hereto, which sometimes is more, as in Marsh-mallow; and sometimes but little as in Borage: For in pressing out the Liquor of this Plant, and then heating it over an indifferent fire; thefar greater part hereof remaineth thin; only some certain strings and little bits of a gellied substance are mixed herewith; which as it seems, were originally the proper Liquor of these Muciducts.

[Page 67] 19. §. Oftentimes these Succiferous Vessels yield a Milky or White Sap; and sometimes Yellow, and of other colours as in Sonchus, and most Cichoraceous Plants; in Angelica, and most Umbelliferous; in Burdock, and divers Thistles, to which that is 'akin: in Scorzonera, Common Bells, and many other Plants, not commonly taken notice of to be milky. The Milky Saps of all which, although they differ in Colour, Thickness, and other Qualities; yet agree, in being more Oyly than any of the Lymphous Saps. It being the mixture of the Oyly parts with some other Limpid Liquor, but of a different Nature, which causeth them to be of a Milky, or other Opacous Colour, in the same manner as common Oyl, and a strong Liquamen of Tartar, shaked in a Bottle together, presently mix into a White Liquor. And although they will, for the greatest part, separate again; yet some of their parts, without any Boiling, or so much as the least Digestion with Heat, by Agitation only, or standing together for some time, incorporate in the form of a Thin Milky-Sope, which will also dissolve in Water. I sup­pose, therefore, That it is the Volatile Salt, chiefly, of these Plants, which being mixed with their Oyl, renders this Liquor of a White or other Opacous Colour.

20. §. Sometimes the Oyl will separate and discover it self: for if you cut a Fenil-Root traverse, after it hath layn some days out of the Ground; the same Vessels, which, in a fresh Root, yields Milk; will now, yield Oyl: the watery parts of the Milk, which in the dry­ing of the Root are more evaporable, being spent.

21. §. All Gums and Balsams are likewise to be reputed the proper Contents of these Vessels: for These and Milks, are very near akin. So the Milk of Fenil, upon standing, turns to a Clear Balsam; of Scorzonera, Dandelion, and others, to a Gum. In the dryed Root of Angelica, &c. being split, the Milk, according to the Continuati­on of these Vessels, appeareth, as Blood clodders in the Veins, con­densed to an hard and shining Rosin. Tab. 9. And the Root of Helenium cut transversely, presently yields a curious Balsame of a Citrine Colour, and sometimes of the Colour of Balsame of Sulphur. I call it a Bal­same; because it will not dissolve in Water. Yet not a Terebinth; because, nothing near so viscid or tenaceous as that is. But the Root of Common Wormwood, Tab. 10. E. bleeds, from large Vessels, a true Terebinth, or a Balsame with all the defining properties of a Terebinth; although that word be commonly used only for the Liquors of some Trees.

22. §. There is yet another kind of Sap-Vessels, which may be cal­led Vapour-Vessels; as in Docks, at least some of them. For by the Sap-Vessels it is, that the Barques of Roots do Bleed. Of which, some Bleed quick and plentifully, as the Umbelliferous and the Cichoraceous Kinds. Some, very slowly and scarce visibly, as all or most Trefoyls, and of the Leguminous Kind. And some seem not to Bleed, as the Dock. Yet that this Root, hath also Vessels distinct from those that carry Aer; doth partly appear, from the different Colour they pro­duce where they stand; as will better be understood anon, in speak­ing of the Causes of the Colours of Roots. As also from the Toughness of the Barque, in pulling it by the length; neither the Parenchyma, nor the Aer-Vessels, being of themselves Tough. But because the Succu [...] or Sap they carry, seems to be a kind of Dewy Vapour, therefore, they may not improperly be called Roriferous or Vapour-Vessels.

[Page 68] 23. §. THE Sap-Vessels, are not only of divers Kinds, in divers Roots, but in the same. Whether in all, I doubt: but in some it is certain they are: For if you cut a Fenil-Root traverse, both Milk and Limpid Sap, Tab. 9. will presently ascend, and, upon accurate inspection, appear thereupon dinstinctly. So the Roots, both of Trachelium and Enula, Bleed both a Lympha, and a Citrine Balsame: and Wormwood, both a Lympha, and a Terebinth, at the same time. So also the Root of Dandelion being cut in November, seems to bleed both a Milk and a Lympha; the latter being drowned by the former at another time when it is more copious. Whether all Roots have Lymphaeducts, is doubtful; but 'tis most probable, that they have, more or fewer; standing, for the most part, in a Ring, at the Inner Verge of the Barque: the Sap whereof, I suppose, is so far of common Nature in all Roots, as to be Clear, and less Oily.

24. §. THE Quantity of these Vessels is very different: In Borage, Peony, Bistort, but few; in Asparagus, fewer: in Parsnep, Celandine, many; in Fenil, Marsh-mallow, many more: and betwixt these ex­treams, Tab. 7, 8, 9. there are many Degrees, as by comparing the Roots of Horse-Radish, Turnep, Briony, Skirrets, Parsley, Goats-Beard, and as many more as you please, may be seen. Amongst the several Sorts of Docks, they seem in Patience, to be the fewest; in Red-Dock, the most nu­merous. There are two ways of judging of their Number; Either as their Extremeties are visible upon the traverse cut of the Barque; or as the Barque is diversly Brittle or Tough; being so, from the va­rious Number of these Vessels therein, as in the Second Chapter hath been said.

25. §. The Quantity of the ascending Sap, is a doubtful argu­ment, whether of the Number, or Size of these Vessels. For it is common to most Milky-Roots, for the Milk to ascend more copiously: yet in some of them, the Vessels seem, in proportion with the Paren­chymous Part, not to be so numerous, as in some other Roots, where the ascending Sap is less; as by comparing the Lacteals of Dandelion, and the Lymphaeducts of Fenil together, may appear: so that it should seem, that the bore of the Lacteal Vessels, is greater than that of the Lymphaeducts.

26. §. THE Situation of these Vessels, as they appear, even to the naked Eye, in the transverse Section, is Various and Elegant. Sometimes they are posited only at the Inner Edg of the Barque, where they make a Ring, Tab. 7, 8, 9, & 10. as in Asparagus. In which place and position, they stand in most, if not in all, Roots, how variouslly soever they are po­sited also otherwise. The Common Crow-Foot with numerous Roots, hath a Ring of Sap-Vessels next the Skin. So the Barque of Monks-Hood, is encompassed with a transparent Ring of Sap-Vessels. The Ring is either more Entire, as in Eryngo, Brown-Wort, Valerian, Hop, Madder, &c. Or it is a Prick'd Ring, as in Buttyr-Bur. Sometimes they are chiefly postur'd in a Prick-Ring, towards the outward part of the Barque, as in Peony: and some Roots are pricked all over the Barque, as of Melilot. In others, they stand not so much in Pricks, as Portions or Colums, as in Cumfry▪

[Page 69] 27. §. In others, again, they all stand in more continued Lines, either Rays or Diametral, as in Borage; or Peripherial, as in Celan­dine. The Vascular Rays are not equally extended in all Roots: in Parsnep, Tab. 7, 8, 9. towards the Circumference of the Barque; in Bugloss, about half way. In all Docks, and Sorrels, the Rays are extended through about ¾ of the thickness of the Barque, towards the Circumference, whereabout, divers of them are always arched in, two and two toge­ther. In all or many Trefoyls, and of the Leguminous Kind, they are extended through no more than ⅓ d of the Barque. In the Umbellife­rous, they are Ralled in betwixt the Diametral Portions of the Paren­chyma. In Borage, the Rays are more Continuous; in a Carrot, more Pricked. Here also the Pricks stand in Even Lines; in Lovage, they are Divaricated. Of which, and those of some other Roots, it is al­so Observable, That they are not all meer Pricks, but most of them small, Tab. 8. yet real Circles; which, after the Milk hath been frequently licked off, and ceaseth to ascend, are visible, even without a Glass. And note, that in observing all Milk-Vessels, the Milk is to be taken off, not with the Finger but the Tongue; so often, till it riseth no more, or but little. And some Roots may also be soaked in Water; where­by the Position of the Milk-Vessels, will be visible by the darker Co­lour of the Barque, where they stand.

28. §. The Rays sometimes, run more Parallel, and keep several, as in Monkshood; Tab. 7, 8, 9. and sometimes, towards the Circumference of the Barque, they are occurrent; as not only in Docks, but other Plants: In Eryngo, in a termination more Circular; and in Bryony, angular, or in the form of a Glory, Tab. 15. as also in Horsradish, through a Microscope. The Peripherial Lines are in some, more entire Circles, as in Dandelion; in others, made up of shorter Chords, as in Potato, Cumfry, and the smaller part of the Root of Monks-hood. In some, the Pricks are so exceeding small, and stand so close, that, to the bare eye, they seem to be continous Rings, which yet, through the Microscope, appear distinct, Tab. 12. as in Marsh-mallow and Liquirish.

29. §. Sometimes Columns and Chords are compounded, as in Burnet; Pricks and Chords, in Potato; Rays and Rings, in Monk­shood; where the Ring is Single. In Fenil, there is a double or treple order both of Rays and Rings, the Lymphaeducts standing in Rays and the Lacteals in Rings. And in Marsh-mallow, the Vessels are so posited as to make both those kinds of Lines at once.

30. §. In Celandine, they seem all, to the bare eye, to stand in numerous Rings lying even one within another. As also in Dandelion; in which yet, Tab. 13. being viewed through a Microscope, there is an appear­ance of very many small Rays; which streaming from the Inner Verge of the Barque, cross three or four of the smaller Rings, and are there terminated. Whence it should seem that Lymphatick Rays and Milky Rings, are in that Root, so far mixed together. Only the Lympha, be­ing confounded with the Milk, cannot be discerned. And where the Milky-Vessels are evacuated, or at such Seasons, wherein they are less full, divers Milky Roots will yield a clear Liquor at the Inner Verge of the Barque, where, at other times they seem to yield only Milk. And this is the Description of the Barque.

CHAP. IV. Of the Wood.

THAT Portion of the Root which standeth next within the Barque, and in Trees, and Shrubby Plants, is the Wood; is also compounded of Two Substantially different Bodies, Parenchy­mous and Lignous. The Parenchymous, is of the same Substantial Nature with that of the Barque. And is originated from it; being not only adjacent to it, but all round about conti­nuous therewith; even as that, is with the Skin; the Parenchyma of the Barque, being distributed, from time to time, partly outward into the Skin, and partly inward, into the Wood.

2. §. The Position of the several parts hereof, is different. For the most part it hath a Diametral Continuation, in several Portions, run­ning betwixt as many more of the Lignous, from the Circumference towards the Center of the Root: all together, constituting that, which in the Second Chapter of the First Book, I call the Insertment. In the Roots of many Herbs, these Diametral or Inserted Portions are more observable, as in Cumfry; which leadeth to the notice of them in all others, Tab. 9. both of Herbs and Trees. Sometimes part of this Paren­chymous Body is disposed into Rings, as in Fenil. The Number and Size of which Rings differ: In Fenil, when the Root is grown large, they are in some places broader, Tab. 8, 9. but fewer; in Beet they are narrower, but more. The Diametral Portions are here, in like manner, much va­ried; in Cumfry, Celandine, larger; in Beet, Bugloss, meaner; in Bo­rage, Parsnep, more, and smaller; and in most Woody- Roots, stream­ing betwixt the Pith and the Barque, as so many small Rays. Their Continuation is also different; in some Roots, to the Centre, as in Co­lumbine; in others not, as in Parsnep. And sometimes different in the same Root, Tab. 17. as in the Vine.

3. §. The Contexture of these Parenchymous Portions is sometimes Uniform, as in Bugloss, Peony; and sometimes also, as it is in the Barque, different; in part, more sappy, and transparent; in part, more white, dry, and aery, as in Carrot, Lovage, Scorzonera, and others; which yet cannot be observed without a wary view. But their general Texture is the same being all made up of many small Blad­ders. Which are here of different Sizes, like those of the Barque, but for the most part smaller. Their Shape likewise, is usually Round; but sometimes Oblong and Oval, as in Borage; or Oblong and Square, as in the Vine. Tab. 17.

4. §. The Lignous Part, if not always, yet usually, is also Com­pounded of Two Kinds of Bodies, scil. Succiferous or Lignous and Aer-Vessels. The Lignous as far as discernable, are of the same Confor­mation and Nature with those of the Barque, and in the transverse cut [Page 71] of the Root, do oftentimes, as those, emit a Liquour. They are also Braced; and many of them run in distinct Threds or Portions, collate­rally together.

5. §. The Aer Vessels I so call, because they contain no Liquor, bnt an Aery Vapour. They are, more or less, visible in all Roots. They may be distinguished, to the bare Eye, from the Parenchymous Parts, by their Whiter Surface; and their standing more prominent, wheras those shrink below the transverse level of the Root, upon drying. They are frequently Conjugated divers of them together, Tab. 10, & 15. sometimes fewer, and for the most part single, as in Asparagus; sometimes many, as in Hors-Radish. And their Conjugations are also Braced, as the Threds of the Succiferous Vessels. But they are no where Inosculated: nor Twisted one about another; but only Tangent or Collateral. Neither are they Ramified, the greater into less; but are all distinctly continued, as the Nerves in Animals, from one end of the Root to the other.

6. §. Their Braces, as those of the Succiferous Vessels, are also of various number: in Jerusalem Artichoke, Cumfry, Scorzonera, more rare; in Borage, Burnet, more frequent; as by stripping off the Barque of such Roots, Tab. 6. where it is easily separable, may be seen. And they often vary in the same Root; so in Borage, Scorzonera, &c. they are more frequent in the Centre, and next the Barque, than in the Intermediate space, Tab. 6. as by splitting those Roots down the middle doth appear. They also vary from those of the Succiferous Vessels; those being usually more frequent, as in Jerusalem Artichoke, than these of the Aerial.

7. §. Betwixt these Braced Aer-Vessels, and the rest, which make the true Wood, Tab. 6. run the Parenchymous Parts above described; as they do betwixt the Succiferous in the Barque: and so make up two Pieces of Net Work, wherof one is the filling up of the other.

8. §. The Position of both these Kinds of Vessels, is Various. The Succiferous or Lignous, Tab. 17. are sometimes posited in diametral lines or porti­ons; as in the Vine, and most Trees. Sometimes, oppositely to the Aerial, Tab. 8. as in Beet; each Ring herein being double, and made both of Sap-and Aer-Vessels.

9. §. In Nettle the Position is very peculiar, Tab. 8. from what it is in the Roots of other Herbs; being curiously mixed; the Succiferous running cross the Aerial, in several, viz. Five, Six, Seven, or more Rings. In Bryony the several Conjugations of the Aerial, are distinctly sur­rounded with the Succiferous. Tab. 7. In Patience, the Succiferous are disposed, besides Rays, into many small Rings, of different Sizes, sprinkled up and down, and not, as in other Roots having one common Centre; within divers whereof, the Aer-Vessels are included: especially within those which are drawn, not into Rings, but, as it were, into little stragling Hedges.

10. §. That also of the Aer-Vessels, is Various and Elegant: espe­cially in the upper part of the Root. In Ammi, Lilium-non-bulbosom, they make a Ring. In these, a Prick'd-Ring; in Peony, a Ring of Rays; Tab. 7, 8, 9. in Valerian, a Ring of Pricks and Rays. In others, they make not Rings, but longer Rays, extended either towards the Centre, as in Scorzenera; or meeting in it, as in Columbine. In the Common Dock, they stand more in single Rays: in the other Species of Docks, both in Rays, and collateral Conjugations between.

[Page 72] 11. §. In Beet, they stand in several Rings; and every Ring, made of Rays. In Cumfry, the Rays and Rings are separate; those stand without, Tab. 8, 9. these next the Centre. In Dandelion, they stand alto­gether, and make a little Rope, in the Center it self. In Geranium, and others of that Kindred, they make a little Thred, in the same place. And in Skirret, they stand in two Threds, near the Centre.

12. §. In Celandine, they stand in almost parallel Lines. In Monks-hood, Tab. 8, 9. of a wedged Figure; divided in the smaller part of the Root, into Three little Wedges, with their poynts meeting exactly in the Centre. In Cinquefoyle, and Strawberry, they are also postur'd in three Conjugations, triangularly. In the young Roots of Oak, they stand neither in Radiated, nor otherwise strait, but Winding Lines. And in Borage the position, of many of them, is Spiral. As likewise, sometimes, in Mercury, or Lapathum unctuosum. In Horse-Radish, Tab. 15. they stand more confused neither in Rings nor in Rays; yet their several Conjugations, are radiated: with very many other dif­ferences.

13. §. The Quantity of these Vessels, as to the space they take up in the Root, is to be computed Two ways, By their Number, and Size. Their Number may, in some Roots, and in some measure, be judged of, by the bare Eye; having, frequently, a whiter surface than the other Parts. As also their Size; the Bore of these Vessels be­ing greater than that of the Lignous in all Roots; especially in some. For if you take the Roots of Vine, Fenil, Dandelion, Plum-tree, El­der, Willow, &c. and lay them by, for some time, to dry; and then, having cut off a very thin Slice of each, transversely; if you hold up those Slices before your Eye, so as the Light may be trajected through the said Vessels, they hereby become visible, as notably different, both in Number and Size.

14. §. But undeceitful and accurate Observation of both their Number, and Size, must be made by the Microscope; and so they will appear to be much more various. In Bistort, Skirret, they are very few; in Beet, very many: betwixt which extreams there are all De­grees; as in Orpine, Venus Looking-Glass, Scorzonera, Great Celandine, Peony, Borag [...], Fenil, &c. may be seen. So their Size, in some is ex­tream small, as in Strawberry, Bistort, Valerian; in others very great, as in Asparagus, Bugloss, Vine. They are also of several Sizes in one and the same Numerical Root; but in some, are less varied, as in Li­lium [...] bulbosum, Asparagus, Bugloss; in others, more, as in Bryony, Lovage. Tab. 10. to the 17. Amongst all Roots, they vary by about Twenty Degrees; as by comparing the Roots of Vine, Thorn-Apple, Bryony, Lovage, Fenil, Wild Carrot, Saxifrage, Parsley, Peony, Hore-hound, Cinquefoyl, Strawberry, &c. together, may be seen. Some of those in the Vine, being of the greatest Size; appearing through a good Glass, at least one Third of an Inch in Diametre: those in Strawberry, and that Kind, of the smallest; most of them appearing, in the same Glass, no bigger, than to admit the poynt of a small Pin, according to the Standard, in Tab. 12. See also the Figures of so many of them as are drawn.

[Page 73] 15. §. In some Roots, they are Small, and Few; as in Jerusalem Artichoke; Tab. 11, 14, 15, 17. in others Small, but Many, as in Horse-Radish: in Bugloss, they are Great, but Few; in the Vine, Great and Many. So that the proportion, which those of a Vine, their Number and Size being taken together, bear to those of Jerusalem Artichoke, may be, at least, as Fifty, to One. Of the smallest Kinds, as those of Cinquefoyl, Jerusalem Arti­choke, and the like; It is to be noted, That they are scarce ever visible in the fresh Slices of these Roots; but after they have layn by a while, at last, by a good Glass, Clear Light, and steddy View, are discerna­ble.

16. §. In some Roots, Tab. 13, 15. the greater of these Vessels stand in or next the Centre, as in Taraxacum, or Dandelion; in others next the circum­ference, as in Horse-Radish. Sometimes each of them is from one end of the Root to the other, of a more equal Size, or more Cylindrical, as in Marsh-mallow; but usually, they widen, more or less, from the Top, to the Bottom of the Root, as in Thorn-Apple: about the Top of which, they are, for the most part, but of the Sixth, Seventh, and Eighth, Magnitude; some of the Fifth, but none of the Third; but about the Bottome, they are most of the Third, and Fifth: whence it is manifest, That some of them are, in the manner of Veins, somewhat Pyramidal. Yet is it observable, That their ampliation proceedeth not towards, but from their Original, as in Nerves.

17. §. Of these Vessels Seignior Malpighi hath observed; Compo­nuntur (saith he) expositae fistulae Zona tenui & pellucida, velut argentei coloris lamina, parum lata; quae, spiraliter locata, & extremis lateribus unita, Tubum, interius & exterius aliquantulum asperum, efficit.

18. §. To whose Observation I further add, That the Spiral Zone, or Lamina, as he calls it, is not ever one Single Piece; but consisteth of Two or More round and true Fibres, although standing collaterally together, yet perfectly distinct. Neither are these Single Fibres themselves flat, like a Zone; but of a round forme, like a most [...]ine Thred. According as fewer or more of these Fibres happen to break off, from their Spiral location, together; the Zone is narrower, or broad­er: usually, Narrower in the Trunk, and Broader in the Root.

19. §. Of these Fibres I also Observe, That they are not Inosculated side to side, but are Knit together by other smaller Fibres; those be­ing, as it were, the Warp, and these the Woof of the Aer-Vessels. Yet I think the several Fibres are not interwoven just as in a Web; but by a kind of Stitch, as the several Plates or Bredths of a Floor-Mat. A clear and elegant sight of these Fibres, and of their Interwestage, by splitting a Vine-Root, or a piece of Oak, may, with a good Glass in the sides of their Greater Aer-Vessels, be obtained; having much of the re­semblance of Close Needle-work.

20. §. The Spiration of the Fibres of these Vessels, may more easily be observed in the Trunk, than in the Root. And better in younger Plants, than other. And not so well by Cutting as by Splitting, or by Tearing off some small Piece, through which they run: their Conforma­tion being, by this means, not spoiled. Yet this way, the Vessels are seen, chiefly, Unresolved.

21. §. But in the Leaves and Tender Stalks of all such Plants, as shew, upon breaking, a kind of Doune or Wool; they may be seen Resolved and Drawn out, and that some times even to the naked Eye, [Page 74] an Inch or two Inches in length. This Wool being nothing else, but a certain number of Fibres Resolved from their Spiral position in these Vessels, and Drawn out in Length; and so clustred together, as so many Threds or little Ropes: appearing thus more or less, in the Leaves and some other Parts of most Plants; but more remarquably in some, as in the Vine, Scabious, and others. As also in the Scales of a Squill. In which last, for example, they are so easily separable, as further to shew, what before was observed; viz. That the Plate or Zone, into which the Aer-Vessels are usually Resolved, is not one Single Piece, or meer Plate; but made up of several Round Fibres, all standing and running parallel, and so knit together by other smaller ones, trans­versly, in the form of a Zone. For if you break or cut a Leaf or Shell of a fresh Squill, till you come to the Aer-Vessels, and having softly drawn them out, for about an Inch or more (to the naked Eye) in length, you then single out one or two of them from the rest, and rowl them, as they hang at the Shell, eight or nine times round, each Vessel will appear, through a Glass, to consist of 8, 10, or 12 small Fibres; which, in the Unresolved Vessel, run parallel; but by this means, are all separated one from another. See the Figures belonging to the Third and Fourth Books.

22. §. The Process of their Spiration, is not, so far as I have ob­served, accidental, but constantly the same; scil. In the Root, by South, from West to East: But in the Trunk, contrarily, by South, from East to West.

23. §. The Content of these Vessels, is, as hath already been inti­mated, more Aery. The Arguments for which, are, That upon a transverse Cut of the Root, the Sap ascendeth not there, where These stand. Being also viewed through a Microscope, they are never observed to be filled with Liquor. Besides a Root cut and immersed in Water, till the Water is in some part got into these Vessels, and then the Root taken out and crushed; the other Parts will yield Liquor, but These, only Bubbles: which Bubbles are made, by some small quantity of Liquor mixed with the Aer, before contained in the said Vessels. To which, other Arguments will arise out of those Things that follow in the Second Part. As also for this Content, its not be­ing a pure or simple, but Vaporous Aer. Whether these Vessels may not, in some Vegetables, and at some times, contain Liquor, is doubt­ful. See Book 3. Thus far of the Lignous Part.

CHAP. V. Of the PITH.

WITHIN the Lignous Part lyeth the Pith. This Part is not common to all Roots, for some have none, as Ni [...]o [...]ian, Srtamonium, and others. Yet many which have none, or but little, throughout all their lower parts, have one fair enough about their tops, Tab. 6. as Mallow, Bourage, Dandelion, and the like. See the Roots. And in many others there are Parenchymous Parts, of the same substantial nature with the Pith, distributed betwixt the several Rings of Vessels, and every where vi­sible, Tab. 8. from the top to the bottom, as in Beet, Fenil, &c.

2. §. The Size of the Pith is varied by many Degrees, easily rec­koned an Hundred; in Fenil, Dandelion, Asparagus, but small; in Horse-Radish, Valerian, Bistort, great. The Shape hereof, in the lower parts of most Roots, is Pyramidal; but at the tops, Various, ac­cording to the different Distribution of the Vessels, Tab. 6. as in Carrot, Hyper­bolick, in Parsley, Oval; as appeareth, in cutting the Roots lenght-ways.

3. §. The Pith, for the most part, especially in Trees, is a Simple Body: but sometimes, it is, as the Barque, compounded; some certain number of Succiserous Vessels being mixed herewith; Tab. 6, & 8. as in Jerusalem Artichoke, Horse-Radish, &c. upon a traverse cut, by a strict view, may be discerned. Their Position is sometimes Confused, as in a Carrot; and sometimes Regular, Tab. 6. as in Parsley; appearing, by the traverse cut, in Rings, and in cutting by the length, in Arches. And sometimes the Pith is hollow; as in the Level-Roots of Bishops-Weed: these Roots being made out of the Stalk, §. 13, 14, 15. as in the First Chapter hath been shew­ed, how.

4. §. As all the other Parts of the Root, are originated from the Seed; so, sometimes, is the Pith it self. But sometimes, it hath its more immediate Derivation from the Barque. Hence it is, that many Roots, which have no Pith in their lower parts, have one at their top, Tab. 4. as Col [...]mbine, Lovage, &c. For the Parenchymous Parts of the Barque being, by degrees, distributed into Diametral Portions, run­ning betwixt those of the Lignous Body, and at length, meeting and uniting in the Centre, they thus constitute the Pith. In the same manner, at the top of some Roots, the Pith is either made or augmen­ted, out of the Parenchymous Rings above described; these being gradually distributed to, and embodied in the Centre; as in Fenil, and some other Roots, their lower and upper parts compared together, may be seen. Even as in Animals, one Part, as the Dura Mater, is the original of divers others.

[Page 76] 5. §. From hence, it also appears, That the Pith is of the same Substantial Nature with the Parenchyma of the Barque, and with the Diametral Portions; and that therefore they are all one body, differ­ing in no Essential Property, but only in their Shape and Place. The same is also evident from the Continuity of the Pith with the Diame­tral Portions, as of These, with the said Parenchyma. And from their Contexture, which, by a Microscope, appeareth to be of one and the same general kind, in all Plants, both in the Parenchyma of the Barque, in the Insertment or Diametral Portions, and in the Pith, all being made up of Bladders.

6. § The Bladders of the Pith, are of very different Sizes; sel­dom less, Tab. 9, & 15. than in the Barque, as in Asparagus; usually much bigger, as in Horse-Radish. They may be well reckoned to about fifteen or twenty degrees; those in Jerusalem Artichoke, of the largest; in Va­lerian, Horse-Radish, of the meaner; in Bistort, Peony, of the smal­lest. Their Position is rarely varied, as it is oftentimes, in the Barque; but more uniform, and in the transverse Cut, equally respective to all parrs of the Root: yet being piled evenly, one over another, in the long cut, they seem to run, in Direct Trains, by the length of the Root. Their Shape also is, usually more orbicular; but sometimes, somewhat angular, Tab. 11. in the larger kinds, as in Jerusalem Artichoke.

7. §. THUS FAR the Contexture of the Pith is well discoverable in the Root. In the Trunk, farther, and more easily. Whereof therefore, in the next Book, I shall give a more particular Description and Draught. Yet since I am speaking of it, I shall not wholly omit here to observe, That the Sides, by which the aforesaid Bladders of the Pith are circumscribed, are not meer Paper-Skins, or rude Mem­branes; but so many several Ranks or Piles of exceeding small Fi­brous Threds; lying, for the most part, evenly one over another, from the bottom to the top of every Bladder; and running cross, as the Threds in the Weavers Warp, from one Bladder to another. Which is to say, That the Pith is nothing else but a Rete mirabile, or an Infinite Number of Fibres exquisitely small, and admirably Com­plicated together: as by cutting the Pith with a Razor, and so view­ing it with a good Glass, may be seen. See the Figures belonging to the Third Book.

8. §. All Plants exhibit this Spectable, not alike distincty; those best, with the largest Bladders. Nor the same Pith, in any condition; but best, when dry: Because then, the Sap being voided, the spaces betwixt the Fibrous Threds, and so the Threds themselves, are more di­stinctly discernable. Yet is it not to be dryed, after Cutting; Because its several parts, will thereupon coincide and become deformed. But to be chosen, while the Plant is yet growing; at which time, it may be often found dry, yet undeformed; as in the Trunks of Common Thistle, Jerusalem Artichoke, &c.

9. §. Neither are these Threds, so far as I can observe, Single Fi­bires; but usually, consist of several together. Nor are they simply Collateral, but by the weftage of other Fibres, in their natural Estate, knit together; much after the same manner as the Spiral Fibres of the [Page 77] Aer-Vessels. This Connexion I have no where so well seen, as in the White Bottoms of the Bladders of a Bulrush, being cut traverse; where­in they have the appearance, of very Fine and close Needle-work.

10. §. The Fibres by which the said Threds are knit together, I think are all Single: and are seldom and scarcely visible, except by obliquely Tearing the Pith; by which means, they will appear through the Glass, broken off, sometimes, a quarter or half an Inch, or an Inch in Length; and as small as one Single Thred of a Spiders Webb. In a Bulrush, they are sometimes discernable in cutting by the Length. These Fibres, and the Threds, they knit together, for the most part, are so pellucid, and closely situate, that they frequently seem to make One entire Body, as a picce of Ice or a film of Water it self: or even as Animal Skins sometimes shew, which yet are known to be Fibrous.

11. §. The Situation of these Threds, is contrary to that of the Vessels, as those by the Length, so these, chiefly, by the Bredth of the Root, or horizontally, from one edge of the Pith to the other. They are continued circularly; whereby, as oft as they keep within the compass of the several Bladders, the said Bladders are Round: But where they winde out of one Bladder, into another, they mutually Intersect a Chord of their several Circles; by which means, the Bladders become Angu­lar.

12. §. The Contexture, likewise, both of the Parenchymous Part of the Barque, and of the Diametral Portions inserted betwixt the Lig­nous; is the same with this of the Pith, now described; that is, Fibrous. Whence we understand, How the several Braces and Threds of the Ves­sels are made: For the Vessels running by the length of the Root, as the Warp; by the Parenchymous Fibres running cross or horizontally, as the Woof: they are thus knit and as it were stitched up together. Yet their weftage seemeth not to be simple, as in Cloath; but that many of the Parenchymous Fibres are wraped round about each Vessel; and, in the same manner, are continued from one Vessel to another; thereby knitting them altogether, more closely, into one Tubulary Thred; and those Threds, again, into one Brace: much af­ter the manner of the Needle work called Back-Stitch or that used in Quilting of Balls. Some obscure sight hereof, may be taken in a Thred of Cambrick, through a Microscope. But it is most visible, in the Leaves and Flowers of some Plants. The Delineation of these Things I shall therefore omit, till we come hereafter to speak of the other Parts.

13. §. From what hath been said, it may be conjectured; That the Aer Vessels successively appearing in the Barque, are formed, not out of any Fluid Matter, as are the original ones: But of the Parenchy­mous Fibres; sc. by changing them from a Spherical to a Tubulary Forme.

14. §. From the precedents, it is also manifest, That all the Paren­chymous Parts of a Root, are Fibrous.

15. §. And lastly, That the whole Body of a Root, consisteth of Vessels and Fibres. And, That these Fibres themselves, are Tubulous, [Page 78] or so many more Vessels, is most probable: There only wanteth a great­er perfection of Microscopes to determine.

16. §. The Contents of the Pith are, sometimes Liquor, and some­times a Vaporous-Aer. The Liquor is always Diaphanous, as that of the Parenchymous Part of the Barque; and in nature, not much differing from it. The Aer is sometimes less, and sometimes more Vaporous, than that of the Barque. By this Aer I mean, that which is contained in the Bladders. Within the Concaves of the Fibres which compose the Blad­ders, I suppose, there is another different Sort of Aer. So that as in the Bladders is contained a more Aqueous; and in the Vessels, a more Essential Liquor: So sometimes, in the same Bladders, is contained a more Vaporous; and in the Fibres, a more Simple and Essential Aer.

An Account of the VEGETATION OF ROOTS Grounded chiefly upon the foregoing ANATOMY. PART II.

TO Philosophize, Theology the Beginning and End of Philosophy. is, To render the Causes and Ends of Things. No man, therefore, that denieth God can do this, Truly. For the taking away of the first Cause, maketh all things Contingent. Now, of that which is Contingent, although there may be an Event; yet there can be no Reason or End: so that Men should then study, That, which is not. So the Causes of Things, if they are Con­tingent, they cannot be Constant. For that which is the Cause of This, now; if it be so Contingently, it may not be the Cause hereafter: and no Physical Proposition, grounded upon the Constancy and Certainty of Things, could have any foundation. He, therefore, that philosophiseth, and denieth God, playeth a childish Game.

2. §. Wherefore Nature, and the Causes and Reasons of Things, duly contemplated, naturally lead us unto God; and is one way of securing our Veneration of Him: giving us, not only a general Demon­stration of his Being; but a particular one, of most of the several Qua­lifications thereof. For all Goodness, Righteousness, Proportion, Order, Truth, or whatever else is Excellent and Amiable in the Creatures; it is the Demonstration of the like in God. For it is impossible, that God [Page 80] should ever make any thing, not like Himself, in some degree or other. These Things, and the very Notions which we have of them, are Con­ceptions issuing from the Womb of the Divine Nature.

3. §. By the same means, we have a greater assurance of the Excel­lency of his Sacred Word. That He, who hath Done all things so trans­cendently well; must needs Speak as well, as he hath Done. That He, who in so admirable a manner, hath made Man; cannot but know best, What his true Principles and Faculties are; and what Actions are most agreeable thereunto: and, that having adorned him with such Beaute­ous and Lovely ones; it is impossible, He should ever put him upon the Exercise of those Faculties, in any way Deformed and Unlovely. That He should do all things, so well Himself; and yet require his Creatures, to do otherwise, is unconceivable.

4. §. And as we may come, hereby, to rectifie our Apprehension of His Laws; so also, of His Misteries. For there are many Things, of the Manner of whose Existence, we have no certain Knowledge. Yet, of their Existence, we are as sure, as our Senses can make us. But, we may as well deny, what God hath Made, To be; as, what he hath Spoken, To be true, because we understand not how. And the knowledge of Things being gradually attained, we have occasion to reflect, That some Things, we can now well conceive, which we once thought unintelli­gible. I know, therefore, what I understand not; but, I know not, what is unintelligible: what I know not now, I may hereafter; or if not I, another; or if no Man, or other Creature, it is sufficient, That God fully understandeth Himself. It is not, therefore, the Knowledge of Nature, but they are the wanton phansies of Mens minds, that dispose them, either to Forget God, or to Think unduly of Him.

5. §. Nor have we reason to fear going too far, in the Study of Na­ture; more, than the entring into it: Because, the higher we rise in the true Knowledge and due Contemplation of This; the nearer we come to the Divine Author hereof. Or to think, that there is any Contradiction, when Philosophy teaches that to be done by Nature; which Religion, and the Sacred Scriptures, teach us to be done by God: no more, than to say, That the Ballance of a Watch is moved by the next Wheel; is to deny that Wheel, and the rest, to be moved by the Spring; and that both the Spring, and all the other Parts, are caused to move together by the Maker of them. So God may be truly the Cause of This Effect, although a Thousand other Causes should be supposed to intervene: For all Nature is as one Great Engine, made by, and held in His Hand. And as it is the Watch-makers Art, that the Hand moves regularly, fromhour to hour, although he put not his Finger still to it: So is it the Demonstration of Divine Wisdome, that the Parts of Nature are so harmoniously contrived and set together; as to conspire to all kind of Natural Motions and Effects, without the Extraordi­nary and Immediate Influence of the Author of it.

6. §. Therefore, as the Original Being of all Things, is the most proper Demonstration of Gods Power: So the successive Generations, and Operations of Things are the most proper Demonstration of his Wisdom. For if we should suppose, that God did now make, or do any [...], by any Thing; then, no Effect would be produced by a Natural Cause: and consequently, He would still be upon the Work of Creation: which yet Sacred Scripture assureth us, He resteth from. And we might exspect [Page 81] the Formation of a Child, in an Egg, as well as in a Womb; or of a Chick­en, out of a Stone, as an Egg: And all Sorts of Animals, as well as Plants, might propagate their Species, without Coition: and the like. For Infinite Power, needeth not make any difference in the Things it undertakes to manage. But in that, these Things are not only made, but so made, that is, according to such certain Natural Laws, as to produce their Natural Effects; here is the Sensible and Il­lustrious Evidence of his Wisdom. Wherefore as the Wisdom of Govern­ment, is not seen, by the King his interposing Himself in every Case; but in the contrivance of the Laws, and Constitution of Ministers in such sort, that it shall be as effectually determin'd, as if he did so indeed: So the more complicated and vastly Numerous, we allow the Natural Causes of Things to be; the more duely we conceive of that Wisdom, which thus disposeth of them all, to their several Effects: All Things being thus, as Ministers in the Hands of God, conspiring together a Thousand Ways, towards a Thousand Effects and Ends, at one time; and that with the same certainty, as if he did prepose to each, the same Omnipotent Fiat, which he used at the Creation of the World.

7. §. THIS Universal Monarchy, as it is eminently Visible in all other Particular Oeconomies; The Divine Wisdom seen in the Growth of Plants; if we observe, so is it, no less, in that of Vegetables. Infinite Occurrences, and secret Intrigues, 'tis made up of; which we cannot skill, but by the help of manifold Means; and those, in the foregoing Idea, have been lately proposed. Wherein, although some Experiments have been briefly touch'd: yet that which I have hitherto chiefly prosecuted, hath been the Anatomical Part; and that not throughly neither. Notwithstanding, so far as Observations already made will conduct us, I shall endeavour to go. And if, for the better clearing of the way, I have intermixed some Conjectures: I think they are not meerly such, but for which I have layd down some Grounds, and of which, the Series also of the following Discourse, may be some further proof.

8. §. LET US say then, that the Root of a Plant being lodged in some Soil, First, How the Ground is prepared. for its more convenient growth; 'tis necessary the Soil should be duly prepared for it. The Rain, therefore, falling and soak­ing into the Soyl, somewhat diluteth the Dissoluble Principles there­in contained; and renders them more easily communicable to the Root: Being as a Menstruum, which extracteth those Principles, from the other greater and useless part of the Soil.

9. §. And the warm Sun, joyned with the diluting Rain, by both, as it were a Digestion of the Soil, or a gentile Fermentation amongst its several Parts, will follow: whereby the Dissoluble Parts therein, will rot and mellow: that is, those Principles which as yet remained more [...]ixed, will now be further resolved and unlocked, and more copiously and equally spread themselves through the Body of the Soil.

10. §. These Principles, being with the growth of Plants continu­ally exhausted, and needing a repair; the successions, therefore, of Wet, Wind, and other Weather, beat down and rot the Leaves and other Parts of Plants. Whereby these (as Weeds which are wont to be buried under ground) become a natural M [...]nure, and Re-impreg­nate [Page 82] the Soil: Being thus, in part, out of their own Resolved Prin­ciples, annually Compounded again.

11. §. Many of these Principles, upon their Resolution, being by the Sun more attenuated and volatilized; continually ascend into the Aer, and are mixed therewith. Where, although they lose not their Vegatable Nature, yet being amongst other purer Principles; them­selves also, depositing their Earthy feculencies, become more subtile, simple and Essential Bodies.

12. §. And the Aer being of an Elastick or Springy Nature, pres­sing, more or less, upon all Bodies; it thereby forceth and insinuateth it self into the Soil, through all its permeable Pores. Upon its own entrance, it carries also many of the said Vegetable and Essential Princi­ples along with it; which, together with the rest, are spread all over the Body of the Soil. By which means, though a less Vehement, yet more Subtil Fermentation, and with the least advantage of warmth, continuable, will be effected.

13. §. The Principles being thus farther resolved and subtilized, would presently exhale away, if the Rain, again, did not prevent. Which, therefore, falling upon and soaking through the Ground, is as a fresh Menstruum, saturate or impregnate with many of them. And as it still sinketh lower, it carries them along with it self, from the Su­perficial, to the Deeper parts of the Ground: thus, not only maturing those parts also, which, otherwise, would be more lean and cold; but therein likewise, laying up and securing a Store, more gradually and thriftily to be bestowed upon the Upper parts again, as they need.

14. §. And Autumn having laid up the Store, Winter following thereupon, doth, as it were, lock the doors upon it. In which time, some warmer Intervals, serve further and gradually to mature the stored Principles, without hazard of their being Exhaled. And the Spring returning, sets the doors open again, with warmer and more con­stant Sun, with gentle and frequent Rain, fully resolves the said Prin­ciples; and so furnisheth a plentiful Diet, for all kinds of Vegetables: being a Composition of Water chiefly, wherein are resolved, some por­tions of Earth, Salt, Acid, Oyl, Spirit, and Aer; or other Bodies of Affinity herewith.

15. §. THE ROOT standing in the Ground thus prepared, Then, How the Sap is imbib'd, and distribu­ted to the se­veral Parts. and be­ing always surrounded with a Barque, which consisteth chiefly of a Parenchymous and Spongy Body; P. 1. c. 3. §. 3. it will thus, as Sponges do, natu­rally suck up the watry parts of the Soil impregnate with the said Principles. Which Principles notwithstanding, being in proportion with the watry parts, but few, and also more Essential; §. 11, 12 therefore in this Parenchymous Part, are they never much discovered, either by Colour, Taste, or Smell. As it is probable, that some distilled Waters, which discover nothing, to Sense, of the Plants from which they are distilled, may yet, in part, retain their Faculties. And it is known, that many Bodies; as Crocus Metallorum, convey many of their parts into the Menstruum, without any sensible alteration thereof. So Frost and Snow have neither Taste nor Smell; yet from their Figures, 'tis evident, that there are divers kinds of Saline Principles incorporated with them; or at least, such Principles as are common to them and divers kinds of Salts.

[Page 83] 16. §. The entrance of this Impregnate Water of Sap is not with­out difference, but by the Regulation of the intervening Skin; being thereby strained and rendred more pure: the Skin, according to the thickness P. 1. c. 2. §. 1. or closeness thereof, becoming sometimes only as a brown paper, sometimes as a Cotton, and sometimes as a Bag of Leather to the transient Sap, as the nature of it doth require. By which it is al­so moderated, lest the Barque, being spongy, should suck it up too fast, and so the Root should be, as it were, surcharged by a Plethora. And divers of the Succiferous Vessels being mixed herewith P. 1. c. 2. §. 4. and lying next the Soil, usually more or less mortified, and so their Principles somewhat resolved; the Sap is hereby better specified, and further tinctured; such parts of the Sap best entring, as are most agreeable to those Principles; which the Sap also carries off, in some part, as it passeth into the Barque.

17. §. The Sap thus strained, though it be pure, and consisteth of Essential parts; yet being compounded of heterogeneous ones; and re­ceived into the Parenchyma of the Barque a laxe and spongy Body, they will now easily and mildly ferment. Whereby they will be yet fur­ther prepared, and so more easily in [...]inuate themselves into all the Bladders of the said Parenchyma; swelling and dilating it as far as the Continuity of its parts will bear. Whereupon, partly from the conti­nued entrance of fresh Sap, and partly by a Motion or Pressure of Re­stitution in the swollen and Tensed Bladders of the Parenchyma, the Sap is forced thence into the other parts of the Root.

18. §. And because the Parenchyma is in no place openly and Visibly Pervious, but is every where composed of an Infinite Number of small Bladders P. 1. c. 3, §. 4.; the Sap, therefore, is not only fermented therein, and fitted for Separation; but, as it passeth through it, is every part of it, strained an Hundred times over, from Bladder to Bladder.

19. §. The Sap thus fermented, and strained, is distributed to the other Organical Parts, according as the several Principles of This, are agreeable to those whereof the said Organical Parts consist. As the Sap therefore passeth from Bladder to Bladder, such Principles as are agree­able to those of the Fibres of the said Bladders, will adhere to, and in­sinuate themselves into the Body of the Fibres; sc. Watry chiefly, next Acid, then spirituous, Earthy, Aery, and Oleus. Idea, §. 50, 52.

20. §. And the Sap by its continual appulse and percolation, as it leaveth some parts upon the said Fibres; so as it is squeezed betwixt them from Bladder to Bladder, it licks and carries off some others from them, in some union together with it; and so is Impregnate herewith: as Water, by passing through a Mineral Vein, becomes tinctured with that Mineral.

21. §. The Sap thus Impregnate with some united Principles of the Parenchymous Fibres, passeth on to the Lignous Vessels, whereinto their correspondent Principles also enter; sc. Watry, Saline, Oleous and Earthy chiefly. Idea, §. 51, 52. And because the Parenchymous Principles mixed with them, are in some degree united, and so more ready to fix; some of these therefore will likewise enter into the said Vessels. Whereupon, the Alkalioleosum of the one, and the Acidum spirituosum of the other, meeting together; These, with the other Principles, all concentre, and of divers fluids, become one fixed Body, and are gradually agglutinated to the Vessels; that is, The Vessels are now nourished.

[Page 84] 22. §. The supply of the Sap still continued, the Principles thereof will not only enter into the Body of these Parts, but also their Concaves. And the Parenchymous Fibres being wrapped about the Vessels, P. 1. c. 5. §. 12. as often as the said Fibres are more turgid with their own contained Fluid, they will thereby be somewhat shortned, or contract in length; and so must needs bind upon the Vessels, and thereby, as it were, squeeze some part of the Fluid, contained both within themselves and the Vessels, back again into the Bladders.

23. §. And the Sap herein, being thus tinctured with some of the united Principles of the Vessels, divers of them will now also insinuate themselves into the Parenchymous Fibres, and be incorporated with them: Whereby, the said Fibres, which before were only relaxed and dilated, are now also nourished, and not till now. Some portion of the united Principles both of the Parenchymous and Lignous Parts, be­ing necessary to the true nutrition of Each: As the Confusion and joynt assistance of both the Arterious and Nervous Fluids, is to the nourishment or coagulation of the Parts in Animals.

24. §. Some portion of the Sap thus doubly tinctured, is at the same time transmitted to, and enters the Body of the Aer-Vessels; con­sisting chiefly of Water, Aer, and Acid; and, in like manner, as in the other Parts is herein agglutinated. And the appulse and pressure of the Sap still continued, some portion hereof is also trajected into the Concaves of the said Vessels; existing therein as a most Compounded Fluid; par­taking, more or less, both of the Principles and Tinctures of the other Organical Parts, and of the Aer-Vessels themselves; being as it were, a Mixed Resolution from them all.

25. §. And the Parenchymous Fibres being wrapped about These, as about the other Vessels, P. 1. c. 5. §. 12. and, in like manner, binding upon them; they thus frequently squeeze part of the said contained Fluid out again: As necessary, though not to the immediate Nourishment of the Parts, yet the due Qualification of the Sap; being a Constant Aerial Ferment, successively stored up within the Aer-Vessels, and thence trans­fused to the Sap, in the other Organical Parts.

26. §. And that there may be a better Transition of the Sap thus tinctured, to the several Organical Parts; therefore, none of them are close set and compact within themselves, severally: For so, they would be inaccessible to the Sap, and their inward Portions, wanting a due supply of Aliment, would be starved. But the Vessels, both of Aer and Sap, being every where divided into Braced Portions, and other Parenchymous Portions, filling up the spaces every where betwixt them P. 1. c. 3. §. 13. &c. 4. §. 4, 5, 7.; there is therefore a free and copious communication of the Sap, (and so of all the Tinctures successively transfused into it) from Part to Part, and to every Portion of every Part: The Parenchymous Portions, running betwixt the Braces, as the smaller Vessels do through­out the Viscera, in Animals. Whereby, none of them want that Matter, which is necessary either for their Nutrition, or for the good Estate of their Contents, or for the due period of their Growth.

27. §. For the better Tempering of the several parts of the Sap, serve the Diametral Portions of the Parenchymous Body whichrun some­times directly through the Barque, as in Lovage, Parsley, &c. is described and figur'd P. 1. c. 3. §. 7, 8. Which being, all or most of them, continued be twixt both the Succiserous and the Aer-Vessels, from the Circumference [Page 85] to the Centre; they hereby carry off a more Copious and Aerial Ferment from the One, and communicate it unto the Other. For as the Sap enters the Barque, the more liquid part, still passeth into the succulent Portions thereof; the more Aery, is separated into those White and Dryer Diametral ones; and in its passage betwixt the Porti­ons of the Aer-Vessels, is all along communicated to them. Yet is it not a pure or simple Aer, but such as carries a Tincture with it, from the Succife­rous Vessels. And therefore it is observable, That when the Diametral Portions are more distant, the Sap-Vessels run not in a Straight Line be­twixt them, but are Reciprocally so inclined, as to touch upon them; as in Lovage is visible: Thereby communicating their Tincture to the Aer, as it passeth by them, through the said Diametral Portions.

28. §. By the continual appulse of fresh Sap, some, both of the aery, and of all the other parts thereof are transmitted into the Pith; where, finding more room, it will yet more kindly be digested. Espe­cially having the advantage herein of some degree of Warmth; be­ing herein remoter from the Soil, and, as it were, Tunn'd up within the Wood, or the Mass of surrounding Vessels. So that the Pith, is a Repository of better Aliment gradually supplied to those Succiferous Vessels, which are frequently scattered up and down therein, and which ascend into the Trunk. P. 1. c. 5. §. 3. But where no succiferous Vessels are mixed, herewith, it usually becomes Dryer, and is replenished with a more Aerial and Warmer Sap; whereby the growth of the Caulis is promoted, as by an Hot Bed set just under it. And in many Plants with divers knobbed Roots, the younger are more succulent, serving chiefly to feed the Stalk: the Elder are spongy and fill'd with Aer, for the fer­menting of the Sap, and more early growth of the Stalk: as in little Celandine, Dogstones and all of that Kindred. And thus all the Parts have a fit Aliment provided for their Nourishment

29. §. IN THIS Nourishment, How the se­veral Parts are Nou­rish'd and Form'd. the Principles of the Sap are, as is said, concentred and locked up one within another: §. 21. Whence it is, that the Organical Parts, being cleansed of their Contents, have none of them any Taste or Smell, as in the Piths of Plants, Paper and Linen Cloth is evident. Idea, §. 49, 51. Because till by Digestion, violent Destillation, or some other way, they are resolved, they cannot act upon the Organs of those Senses. For the same reason, they are never tinctured, ex­cepting by their Contents: and although, to the bare Eye, they fre­quently shew White, yet viewed through a Microscope, they all appear transparent. In like manner, as the Serum of Blood, Whites of Eggs, Tendons, Hairs and Horns themselves are transparent, and without much Smell or Taste, their Principles being, in all of them, more or less concentred: But when ever these Principles, are forcibly resolved, they are ever variously invested with all those Qualities.

30. §. And as from the Concentration of the Principles, in every Organical Part, the said Parts do thus far, all agree: So, from the Predominion of the Principles of each Part, the rest are controuled, not only to a Concentration, but an Assimilation also; whereby, the Specifick Differences, of the several Organical Parts, are preserved. Hence the succiferous Vessels are always Tough and very Pliable; for so are all Barques, wherein these Vessels abound; so is a Handful of Flax, which is nothing else but a heap of the succiferous Vessels in the Barque of [Page 86] that Plant. For besides Water, and Earth, an Alkaline Salt and Oyl are, as is said, the predominant Principles of these Vessels. §. 21. It is then the Oyl, chiefly, by which these Vessels are Tough: for being of a tenacious Nature, by taking hold of other Principles, it marries them together; and the Alkaline Salt and Earth, concentred with it, addeth to it more Strength. Hence the Caput Mortuum of most Bodies, especially those that abound with Oyl and a Sal Alkali, is brittle and friable; those Principles, which were the Ligaments of the rest, being forced away from them. From the same Cause, the Parenchymous Parts of a Root, even in their Natural State, are brittle and friable; sc. Because their Earthy, and especially Oleous and Saline Principles are, as is said, §. 19. so very few. Therefore all Piths and more simple Parenchyma's, break short, so Corn, and the Roots of Potato's, and divers other Plants, being dryed, will easily be rub'd to Meal; and many Apples, after Frosts, eat mealy; the Parenchymous Parts of all which, are not only by Analogy, but in Substance or Essence, the self same Body. Lib. 1. c. 7. §. 14.

31. §. And as the Consistence of the several Organical Parts, is de­pendent on their Principles; so are their Figures. And first, the Succiferous Vessels, from their Alkaline Salt, P. 2. §. 21. grow in Length. For by that Dimension, chiefly, This Salt always shoots: And being a less moveable Principle than the rest, and so apt more speedily to fix or shoot: It thus overrules them to its own Figure. And even as the Shape of a Button dependeth on the Mould, the Silk and other Materials wrought upon it, being always conformable thereunto: so here; the Salt is, as it were, the Mould; about which, the other more passive Principles gathering themselves, they all consort and fashion to it. Hence also the same Sap-Vessels are not pyramidal, as the Veins of Ani­mals; but of an equal bore, from end to end; the shootings of the said Salt, being also figured more agreeably to that Dimension. And as by the Saline Principle, these Vessels are Long; so by the Oleous, Ib. they are every where Round, or properly Cylindrical; without some joynt Efficacy of which Principle, the said Vessels would be Flat, or some way Edged and Angular, as all saline shoots, of themselves, are; as those of Alum, Vitriol, Sal Ammoniac, Sea Salt, Nitre, &c. And because the Spirituous and more Fluid part of the Principles, is least of all apt to fix; while therefore, the other parts fix round about, This will remain moveable in the Centre; from whence every Vessel is formed, not into a solid, but hollow Cylinder; that is, becomes a Tube.

32. §. The Lactiferous Vessels are tubulary, as the Lymphaeducts, but of a somewhat wider Concave or Bore. For being their Princi­ples are less Earthy and Oleous, and also more loosely Concentred; as from their easie corruption or Resolution by the Aer, it appears they are: they are therefore more tender, and so more easily dilative, and yielding to the said Spirituous part in the Centre. And by this means, obtaining a wider Bore, they are more adapted to the free motion of the Milky Content: which being an Oleous and Thicker Liquor, than that in the Lympheducts; and having no advantage of pulsation, as the Blood hath in Animals; might sometimes be apt to stagnate, if the Vessels, through which it moves, were not somewhat wider.

[Page 87] 33. §. As the Saline Principle is the Mould of the Succiferous, so is the Aerial of the Aer-Vessels. P. 1. c. 4. §. 23. & P. 2. §. 24. Now the Particles of Aer strictly so called, at least of that part of it concerned in the Generation of the Aer-Vessels, I suppose, are crooked: and that by composition of many of those crooked ones together, some of them become Spiral, or of some other winding Figure: and that thereupon dependeth the Ela­stick Property of the Aer, or its being capable of Rarefaction and Condensation by force. Wherefore, the said crooked Particles of the Aer, first shooting and setting together, as the Mould, the other Prin­ciple cling and fix conformably round about them. So that, as by force of the Saline Principles, the rest of them are made to shoot out in Long continued Fibres; so by force of the Aerial, those Fibers are still disposed into Spiral Lines, thus making up the Aer-Vessels. And according as there are fewer of these Aerial Particles, in proportion to the Saline, the Concave of the Aer-Vessels is variously wider, or the Fi­bres continue their shooting by wider Rings; as those that come nearer to a right Line, and so are more complient to the Figure and shooting of the Saline parts. And whereas the Lympheducts, shooting out on­ly in length, are never sensibly amplified beyond their original size: These, on the contrary, always, more or less, enlarge their Diameter; because their Fibres, being disposed into Spiral Lines, must needs therefore, as they continue their growth, be still dilated into greater and greater Rings. And being at the bottom of the Root more re­mote from the Aer, and so having somewhat fewer Particles purely Aerial, there ingredient to them, then at the top; they fall more un­der the government of the Saline, and so come nearer to a right Line, that is into greater Circles; and so the Aer-Vessels, made up of those Circles, are there generally wider. P. 1. c. 4. §. 16.

34. §. By mediation of their Principles, the Parenchymous Parts likewise of a Root have their proper Contexture. For from their A­cid Salt they are Fibrous; from their Oyl, the Fibres are Round, and in all parts even within themselves; and from their Spirit, it is most probable, that they are also hollow. But because the Spirit is, here, more copious than the Aer; and the Saline Principle an Acid, §. 19. and so, more under the government of the Spirit, than is an Alkali; therefore are not the said Fibres continued in straight Lines, as the Sap-Vessels; or by one uniform motion, into spiral lines, as the Fibres in the Aerial; but winding, in a circular manner, to and fro a thou­sand ways, agreeable to the like motions of the Spirit, that most active, and here most predominant Principle. And the Spirituous Parts being, as is said, here more copious and redundant, they will not only suf­fice to fill up the Concaves of the Fibres, but will also gather toge­ther into innumerable little spaces, without them: whence the Fi­bres cannot wind close together, as Thred, in a Bottom of Yarn; but are forced to keep at some distance, one parcel from another, and so are disposed, as Bread is in baking, into Bladders. P. 1. c. 3. §. 4.

35. §. And the under Fibres being set first, as the Warp, the spi­rituous parts next adjacent, will incline also to fix, and so govern an over work of Fibres, wrapping, as the Woof, in still smaller Circles round the other: whereby they are all knit together. P. 1. c. 5. §. 9. For the same reason, the Lympheducts, being first formed, the Parenchymous Fibres set and wrap about These also. P. 1. c. 5. §. 12. And the Aer-Vessels being [Page 88] formed in the Center, the succiferous run along those likewise (as vo­latile Salts shoot along the sides of a Glass, or Frost upon a Window) and so are, as it were, Incrustate about them in a Ring.

36. §. SOME OF THE more Aetherial and Subtile parts of the Aer, How the se­veral Parts come to be Situate or Dispos'd. as they stream through the Root, it should seem, by a certain Magni­tisme, do gradually dispose the Aer-Vessels, where there are any store of them, into Rays. This Attraction (as I take leave to call it) or Magnetick power betwixt the Aer and these Vessels, may be argued, From the nature of the Principles common to them both: From the Electral nature of divers other Bodies; the Load-stone being not the only one which is attractive: And from other Effects, both before Lib. 1. c. 2. §. 25. & c. 4. Append. §. 2, 3. and hereafter mentioned. Wherefore in the inferiour parts of the Root, they are less Regular; P. 1. c. 4. §. 10. because more remote from the Aer. And in the upper parts of many Roots, as Cumsery, Borage, Parsnep, where those that are next the Centre are confused, or differently disposed; Tab. 7, 8, 9. those next the Barque, and so nearer the Aer, are postu­red more Regularly, and usually into Rays. For the same reason it may be; that even the Sap-Vessels in the Barque, as often as the Aer Vessels are more numerous, are usually disposed into Rays, as follow­ing the direction of the Aer-Vessels. And that the Parenchyma of the Barque, is disposed into Diametral Portions: and that where the Aer Vessels are fewer or smaller, these Portions are likewise smaller or none; as in Chervil, Asparagus, Dandelion, Orpine, Bistort, Horse-Radish, Potato's, &c. Tab. 7, 8, 9, &c.

37. §. The said Aetherial parts of the Aer, have a Power over the Aer-Vessels not only thus to Dispose them; but also to Sollicite and spread them abroad from the Center towards the Circumference of the Root. By which means, those Roots which have no Pith in their lower parts, obtain one in their upper. P. 1. c. 5. §. 1. And the same Pith, which in the lower part, is ratably, small, in the upper, is more or less enlarged. Ib. §. 4.

38. §. The Spreading of these Vessels is varied, not only accor­ding to the Force the Aer hath upon them, but also their own greater or less Aptitude to yield thereto. As often therefore, as they are Slen­derer, they will also be more Pliable and recessive from the Centre, towards the Circumference. Hence, in such Roots where they are small, Tab. 2, & 6. they stand more distant; as in Turnep, Jerusalem Artichoke, Po­tato's, and others; and so their Braces are fewer: and in the same Root, where they are smaller, their distance is greater. Besides, in these smaller Aer-Vessels, the Rings being less, and the Spiral Fibres whereof they are made, continuing to shoot; the said Rings therefore, must needs be so many more, as they are smaller; and so take up more space by the length of the Root; and so, not being capable of being crowded in a right line, every Vessel will be forced to recede to a crooked or bowed one.

39. §. The Sap Vessels, being by the Parenchymous Fibres knit to these, will likewise comply with Their motion, and spread abroad with them. Yet being still smaller P. 1. c. 3. §. 16. and more pliable than the Aer-Vessels, and so more yielding to the intercurrent Fibres of the Parenchyma, their braced Threds will, sometimes, be much more divaricated, than those of the Aer-Vessels; Tab. 6. as in Jerusalem Artichoke. And because the Succiferous [Page 89] Vessels, although they are joyned to the Aerial by the Parenchymous Fibres, P. 1. c. 5. §. 12. yet are not continuous with them; neither fall under the like Attractive Power of the Aer, as the Aerial do; the Aerial therefore, upon their spreading, do not always carry all the Succife­rous along with them; but often, if not always, leave many of them behind them sprinkled up and down the Pith; Tab. 6. as in Parsley, Carrot, Jerusalem Artichoke, Turnep, &c. may be seen.

40. §. The spreading of the Aer-Vessels still continued, several of them, at length, break forth beyond the circumference of the Root; and so are distributed, either in the lower parts, into Branches and Strings; or at the top, into Leaves. And lest they should all spread themselves into Leaves, and none be left for the Caulis; as where they are very small, or the Sap-Vessels to bound them, are but few, they might; therefore divers of them are, oftentimes, more fre­quently braced in the Centre; Tab. 6. for which reason, they cannot so easily separate and spread themselves from thence, but run more inwardly up into the Caulis, as in Borage.

41. §. FROM THE various Sizes, How the whole Root is differently sized and shaped▪ Proportions, and Dispositions of the Parts, Roots are variously sized, shaped, moved and aged. Those which, by their Annual Growth, are large; have fewer, both Aerial, and Sap-Vessels, and a more copious Parenchyma. So that the Aer-Vessels, or rather, the Aery Ferment contained in them, volatilizing only a smaller portion of the Sap; the said Sap is less capable of ad­vancement into the Trunk; and so must needs remain and fix more co­piously in the Root, which is thereby more augmented. And where the Sap-Vessels alone, are but few, the Root is yet, ratably, some­what large: but where they are numerous, it is never so, as to its Annual Growth, in any proportion to their Number: Because their Tincture, which is Alkaline, will go farther in setting the Parenchy­mous Parts: than the Tincture of These, which is Acidulate, will go, in setting Them. P. 2. §. 31.

42. §. When the Aer-Vessels are more pliable and sequent to the Attraction of the Aer, and so spread themselves, and the Succiferous together with them, more abroad; in the manner as hath been said; the Root also will grow more in Breadth; the nutrition of the Paren­chymous Parts, Tab. 2, & 7. to which the Vessels are adjacent, being thus, by the same dimension, Tab. 7, & 8. more augmented; as in Turnep, Jerusalem Artichoke, &c. But where these are not spread abroad, the Root is but slender; as in Asparagus, Dandelion, &c.

43. §. If the Aer-Vessels be contracted into, or near the Centre, and are somewhat Large or Numerous; and the Succiferous, also more copiously mixed with, or surrounding them; the Root grows very Long; Tab. 2, & 17. as do those of Fenil, Vine, Liquirish, &c. For the Aer-Vessels containing a more copious Ferment, it will well digest and mature the Sap: Yet the Succiferous being over proportioned to them; the Sap will not therefore, be so far volatilized, as to ascend chiefly into the Trunk; but only to subserve a fuller Growth of their Vessels: which being more numerous, and so more sturdy, and less sequent to the expansive motion of the Aerial; this their own Growth, and conse­quently, that of all the other Parts, cannot be so much in Breadth, as Length.

[Page 90] 44. §. Where the same Aerial Vessels are Fewer, or more Contracted, or sheathed in a Thicker and Closer Barque; the Root is smooth, and less Ramified, Tab. 7, 8. as in Asparagus, Peony, Dandelion. But where more Numerous, sheathed in a Thinner Barque, Smaller, or more Dilated; the Root is more Ramified, Tab. 2, & 7. or more Stringy, as in Columbine, Clary, Beet, Nicotian. For being, as is said, by these means, more sequent to the Attraction of the Aer; approaching still nearer the circumfe­rence of the Barque, they at last strike through it, into the Earth. And the Parenchymous Fibres being wrapped about them, and the Succiferous Vessels knit to them by those Fibres; P. 1. c. 5. §. 12. therefore they never break forth naked, but always invested with some quantity of these Parts as their Barque: where by, whatever Constitutive Part is in the main Body of the Root, the same is also in every Branch or String.

45. §. From the same Expansion and Pliability of the Aer-Vessels, the Root oftentimes putteth forth Root-Buds; which gradually shoot up and become so many Trunks. In the Formation of which Buds, they are pliable and recessive all kinds of ways; being not only in­vited Outward, toward the Circumference of the Root, as in Root-strings, but also spread more Abroad every way, so as to make a Root-Bud: Where as in the said Root-strings; they are always more Con­tracted. Tab. 6. Which, in respect of the Disposition of the Parts, is the principal difference betwixt the Root and the Trunk, as hath been said. P. 1. c. 1. §. 2, 3. Tab. 11. Hence, those Roots, chiefly, have Root-Buds, which have the smallest Aer-Vessels; P. 1. c. 4. §. 15. these, as is said, being the most pliable and Expansive.

46. §. But because the expansiveness of the Vessels, dependeth also, in part, upon the Fewness of their Braces; therefore the said Buds shoot forth differently, in divers Roots. Where the Braces are fewer, the Buds shoot forth beyond the Circumference of the Root, as in Je­rusalem Artichoke; Tab. 6. where more close, as in Potato's, the Buds lie a little absconded beneath it; the Aer-Vessels being here, by their Braces, somewhat checked and curbed in, while the Barque continueth to swell into a fuller Growth.

47. §. If the Aer-Vessels are all along more equally sized, the Root is so also, or Cylindrical; as are those of Eryngo, Horse-Radish, Marshmallow, Liquirish, &c. But if unequal, growing still wider to­wards the bottom of the Root; then the Root is unequal also: But groweth, as is observable, quite contrarily to the Aer-Vessels; not Greater, as They do; but still smaller, or pyramidally; as in Fenil, Borage, Nettle, Patience, Thorn-Apple, &c. is apparent. For the Aer-Vessels peing considerably wider about the bottome of these Roots; they there contein a more Copious Ferment: Whereby the Sap is there also more volatilized, and plentifully advanced to the Upper Parts. Withal, thus receiving into themselves, and so trasmitting to the up­per Parts, a more plentiful Vapour, they hereby rob the Parenchymous Parts of their Aliment, and so stint them in their Growth.

48. §. FROM THE different Proportions and Situation of the Parts, How Roots are dissently Mov'd. the Motions of Roots are also various. For where the Are-Vessels are spread abroad and invested with a thinner Barque; the Root runs or lies Level, Tab. 8. as in the level-Roots of Primrose, Bishops-weed, Anemone, &c. [Page 91] may be seen. So that these Roots, as by the Perpendicular Strings, which shoot from them into the Earth, and wherein the Aer-Vessels are contracted into their Center, they are Plucked down P. 1. c. 1. §. 15.: So by the Aer-Vessels, which stand nearer the Aer, and more under its At­tractive Power P. 2. §. 36. they are invited upwards; whereby they have neither ascent nor descent, but keep level, betwixt both.

49. §. But if these Vessels are Contracted, standing either in, or near the Centre, and are invested with a Barque proportionably Thick; the Root striketh down perpendicularly, as doth that of Dan­delion, Tab. 7, 8. Bugloss, Parsnep, &c. And therefore the said Vessels, although they are spread abroad in the level Roots, yet in the perpendicular ones of the same Plant, they are always contracted; as by comparing the Level and Down-right Roots of Ammi, Primrose, Jerusalem Artichoke, Cowslip, and others, is manifest.

50. §. If the Aer-Vessels are Contracted, and Environed with a greater number of Succiferous, the Root grows deep; that is, perpen­dicular and long. P. 1. c. 1. §. 9. Perpendicular, from the Contraction of the Aer-Vessels; P. 2. §. 49. and long, from the Predominion of the Succiferous, which in their growth, are extended only by that Dimension, as in Liquirish, Eryngo, &c.

51. §. If the Succiferous are over proportioned to the Parenchymous Parts, but under to the Aer-Vessels; the Root is perpendicular still, but groweth shallow: The Succiferous being sturdy enough to keep it per­pendicular; But the Aer-Vessels having a predominion to keep it from growing deep; Tab. 7. as in Stramonium, Nicotian, Beet, &c.

52. §. If, on the contrary, the Parenchymous Parts are predomi­nant to the Aer Vessels; and that, both in the Root and Trunk; then the whole Root changeth place, or descends. P. 1. c. 1. §. 10. Lib. 1. c. 2. §. 25, and 4. Append. §. 10. P. 2. §. 36. For the said Aer-Vessels, having neither in the Trunck, nor in the Root, a sufficient Power to Draw it upwards; it therefore gradually yields to the Motion of its String-Roots; which, as they strike into the Soil, Pluck it down after them. And because the old Strings annually rot off, and new ones successively shoot down into the Ground, it therefore annually still de­scendeth lower; as in Tulip, Lily, &c. may be observed.

53. §. Where the Aer-Vessels are much spread abroad, and also nu­merous, the Root oftentimes, as to its several parts, descends and ascends both at once. So Radishes and Turneps, at the same time, in which their nether parts descend; their upper, (where the said Vessels are more loosely braced, Tab. 2. and spread more abroad than in the lower parts) do ascend, or make their Growth upward. Hence also, the upper part of most young Roots from Seed, ascends: Because the first Leaves, be­ing proportionably large, and standing in a free Aer, the Aer-Vessels therein, have a dominion over the young Root; and so themselves yielding to the solicitation of the Aer, upwards; they draw the Root, in part, after them.

54. §. BY THE Situation and Proportion of the Parts, How Roots are different­ly Aged. the Age of the Root is also varied. For if the Sap-Vessels have the greatest Proportion, the Root, is Perennial, and that to the farthest extent, as in Trees and Shrubs. Because these Vessels containing a more copious Oyl; P. 2. §. 21. and their several Principles being more closely Concentred, they are less subject to a Resolution, that is, a Corruption or Mortificati­on by the Aer.

[Page 92] 55. §. If the Parenchymous Parts have much the greatest, the Root seldom liveth beyond Two Years; but afterwards perisheth ei­ther in whole, or in part; as do divers bulbous, tuberous, and other Roots; whether they are more Porous and Succulent, or more Close and Dry. If Porous, all the Liquid Principles standing herein more abundant, either by a stronger Fermentation, or otherwise, Resolve the fixed ones of the Organical Parts; whence the whole Root, rots; as in Potato's. So also Parsneps, and some other Roots, which, in a hard and barren Soil, will live several years, in another more rank, will quickly rot. If the Parenchyma be Close, then the Aer, chiefly, entring in and filling it up, thus mortifies the Root; not by Rotting the Parts, but over Drying them; as in Satyrion, Rape-Crowfoot, Monks­hood, &c. P. 1. c. 1. §. 13, 16. & P. 2. §. 28.

56. §. But if the Aer-Vessels have the greatest Proportion, and espe­cially if they are more large, and withall, are spread more abroad: the Root is Annual, Tab. 9. as in Thorn-Apple, Nicotian, Carduus Ben. &c. And of the same Kindred, if any, those are Annual, which have the most Aer-Vessels. So Endive and Sonchus, which have store of Aer-Vessels, are both Annual: whereas Cichory, in which they are few­er, is a Perennial Root. For hereby a more copious Aer being Trans­fused into all the other Parts; P. 2. §. 25, 26. they are thus, by degrees, hard­ned, and become sticky; and so impervious to the Sap, which ought to have a free and universal Transition from Part to Part. As Bones, by Precipitations from the Blood, at length, cease to grow. Or the same more abundant Aer, so far volatilizeth the Liquors in the Root, that they are wholly advanced into the Trunk, and so the Root is starved. Whence also the Aer-Vessels of the Trunk; where they are numerous, and over proportioned to the Bulk of the Root, as in Corn; they so far promote the advance of the Sap, as to exhaust the Root, sucking it into a Consumption and Death.

57. §. FROM THE Principles of the Parts, How the Contents of the several Parts are made. their Contents and the several Qualities hereof are also various; Id [...]a, §. 54. the Fluid of each Organical Part, being made, chiefly, by Filtration through the sides thereof; such of the Principles in the Sap, being admitted into, and transmitted through them, as are aptest thereunto. In the like manner, as when Oyl and Water, being poured upon a Paper, the Water passeth through, the Oyl sticks: or as the Chyle is strained through the Coats of the Guts, into the Lacteal Vessels: or as Water in Purgations, is strained through the Glands of the same Guts, from the Mesente­rical.

58. §. The Principles therefore of the Parenchymous Fibres being spirituous, acid, and aerial, they will also admit the like into them; excluding those chiefly which are Alkaline and Oleous. P. 2. §. 19. And as by the Conjugation of such Principles in the Fibres, the like are capable of admittance into their Body: so the Proportion and Union of the same Principles, regulates the transmission hereof into their Concave. Where­fore, the predominant Principles of the Fibres being chiefly acid, next spirituous, and aery, the more aery ones will be transmitted. For if more of them should fix they must do so by similitude and adhesion: But where there are fewer similary parts to adhere to, fewer must ad­here. The Fibres therefore contain so many parts of Aer, as to admit [Page 93] many more into their Body; but not to fix them; which therefore must needs, upon admission, pass through into their Concave; where, together with some other more spirituous parts, they make an Aetherial Fluid. And because some aqueous or vaporous parts will also strain through with them; hence it is, that as more and more of these enter, they by degrees still thrust out the aery ones; which quitting the more succulent Fibres of the Parenchyma, are forced to betake themselves to the dryer ones, scil. all those, whereof the Diametral Portions do consist. For the same reason the Aery parts being gradually excluded the succulent Fibres of the Barque; they are forced to recede and trans­migrate into those of the Pith. And the Fibres of the Pith themselves being filled, and the Aery parts still forced into them; they at length also strain through the Fibres into the Bladders: whence it comes to pass, that while the Barque is succulent, the Pith is often times filled with Aer.

59. §. The Lymphaeducts being more earthy, P. 2. §. 21. Salinous; oleous, and aqueous, will both admit and copiously fix the like Principles, as their proper Aliment. The Water being more perfluent than the rest, will therefore strain, with a lighter Tincture of them, into their Concave. Especially the Oleous parts of these being rampant, and less apt to fix and seize the aqueous, upon their entrance, than the saline.

60. §. The Lactiferous, appearing to be made, chiefly, by the Constipation of the Parenchymous Parts all round about their Sides; the Liquor conteined in those Parts, although it may easily enough be transfused into the Hollow of these Vessels; yet seems it not, with equal facility, to be refunded thence: So that the thinner and more aqueous Portion only, passing off; the remainder, is, as it were, an Oleous Elixyr, or extract, in the form of a Milk.

61. §. The Fluid Ferment contained in the Aer-Vessels, is also in part, dependent on the Principles of those Vessels, being in their per­colation tinctured therewith. But because the percolation is not made through the Body of the Fibres whereof the Vessels are composed, but only betwixt them; therefore the transient Principles more promiscuos­ly, yet with an over porportion of dryer Particles, pass into the Con­caves of these Vessels, and so are herein all immersed in a Body of Aer. P. 2. §. 24. The Fibres themselves, in the mean time, as those of the Parenchyma, admitting and containing a more Aery and Aetherial Fluid.

62. §. The Contents are varied, not only by the Nature, but also the Proportion and Situation of the Parts, whereby the said Contents are with different Facility and Quantity, communicated one to another. Hence it is, partly, that a Vine, or that Corn, hath so little Oyl: sc. Because their Aer-Vessels, in proportion with the other Parts, are so Great and Numerous: in Corn, the Stalk being also very hollow, and so becoming as it were, one Great Aer-Vessel. For the Oily parts of the Sap, are so exceedingly attenuated P. 2. §. 25, & 56. by the Aery Ferment contained in these Vessels; that they are, for the most part, so far immersed in the Spirit, or mixed therewith, as not, by being collected in any conside­rable Body, to be distinguishable from it. And the affinity that is be­twixt Spirits and Oils, especially Essential, is manifest: Both are very inflammable; Both will burn all away; The Odors, which we call the Spirits of Plants, are lodged in their essential Oyl; Both, being [Page 94] duly Rectified, will mix as easily together, as Water and Wine. So that, although Oyl, by the separation of its earthy and Saline parts, which give it its sensibly oleous Body, may not be so far attenuated, as to produce a Spirit; yet that it may so far be attenuated, and so be mixed therewith, as not to be discerned from it, as in the forementioned Plants, will be granted.

63. §. Hence it is, that the Lactiferous standing more remote from the Aer-Vessels, and the Succiferous interposing; Tab. 9. & 16. the Liquor, there­fore, contained in them, is not so much under the government of the Aerial Ferment, and is thence, partly, more Oily. For the same rea­son, all Roots which are Milky, so far as I have observed, have an un­der-proportion of Aer-Vessels, these being either Fewer or Smaller.

64. §. FROM what hath been said, How the O­dours of Plants are made. we may receive some information, likewise, of the Odours, Colours, and Tastes of Plants. And for Odours, I suppose, That the chief Matter of them, is the Aerial Ferment contained in the Aer-Vessels. Not but that the other Parts do also yield their smell; but that these yield the strongest and the best, and immediately perceptible in fresh, undryed and unbruised Plants. For the Aer entring into, and passing through the Root, and carrying a Tincture, from the several Organical and Contai­ned Parts, along with it, and at last entring also the Concaves of the Aer-Vessels; it there exists the most Compounded and Volatile Fluid, of all others in the Plant, and so the fittest matter of Odour: and such an Odour, as answers to that of all the Odorous parts of the Plant. P. 2. §. 24. Wherefore the Organical Parts, being well clensed of their Contents, smell not at all; Because the Principles hereof are, as hath been said, so far fixed and concentred together. Hence also the Contained Parts themselves, or any other Bodies, as their Principles are any way more fixed, they are less Odorous: So is Rosin, less than Turpentine, and Pitch, than Tar; and many the self same Bodies, when they are coagulated, less than when they are melted. So also Musk, which is not so liquid as Civet, is not so strong; nor Ambergreece, as Musk: For although it hath a more excellent smell, than Musk hath, yet yieldeth it not so easily; since it is a more fixed Body, and requireth some Art to be opened. Hence also the Leaves of many Plants lose their Odour upon rubbing: Because the Aer-Vessels being thereby bro­ken, all their contained odorous Fluid vanisheth at once: which be­fore, was only strained gradually through the Skin. Yet the fixed Parts themselves, upon drying, are so far altered by the Sun and Aer, as to become resoluble, and volatile, and thence odorous.

65. §. SO ALSO of their Colours. How their Colours. As whence the Colours of the Skins are varied▪ For divers of the Sap-Vessels, together with the Parenchymous Parts successively falling off from the Barque into the Skin P. 1. c. 2. §. 2, 4. by their proximity to the Earth and Aer, their Sulphureous or Oleous Principle is more or less resolved, and so produceth divers Co­lours. So those Roots which turn purple any where within, have usually a blacker Skin; the one of those two Colours being, by a reso­lution and corruption of parts, easily convertible into the other, as in Cumfry, Thistle, &c, So the Milk of Scorzonera, contained in the Vessels of the Barque, upon drying, turneth into a brown Co­lour: [Page 95] Wherefore the Skin, in which there are divers of those Ves­sels, is of the same. So both the Milk and Skin of Lovage is of a brownish yellow. But Parsnep hath a clearer Sap in all its Vessels, and a whiter Skin. So Potato's, being cut traverse, after some time out of ground, have divers red specks up and down where the Vessels stand, and their Skin is accordingly red.

66. §. The reason, I say of these Colours, is the resolution or re­servation of the Principles of the several Parts, chiefly, by the Aer, and a lighter mixture of them consequent thereupon: whereby the Sul­phureous or Oyly Parts, which were before concentred, are now more or less rampant, discovering themselves in divers Colours, according as they are diversly mixed with the other Principles. Hence these Co­lours are observable, according to the nature of the Parts wherein they are, or whereunto they are adjacent: So where the Lympheducts doe run, there is a Red, or some other Sulphureous Colour; the Ole­ous Principles being, as is said, P. 2. §. 21. more copious in these Vessels; as in the Bark of Peony, the inward parts of Potato's, &c. may be seen. But the Parenchymous Parts, where more remote from the said Vessels, they are usually White, or but Yellow: the Sulphureous Prin­ciple of these Parts, being, as hath been said, but sparing. P. 2. §. 20. The same is seen in those Roots which shew both Red and Yellow: those Parts, principally, where the Succiferous Vessels run, being Red; but those Parts, where only the Aer-Vessels are mixed with the Parenchy­mous, being Yellow; as in Patience. So likewise the pithy part of a Carrot, where the Aer-Vessels have very few Succiferous mixed with them, is Yellow; but the Barque, where the Succiferous are very nu­merous, is Red. For the same reason, many Roots, which are Whiter in their upper parts, are Purple or Reddish in their infe­riour, as Avens, Strawberry, &c. Because those lower parts, having lain longer P. [...]. §. 13. under ground (these being descending Roots) their Principles are, thereby, somewhat more resolved, and so the Oleous, ramp and spread all over the rest in that Colour.

67. § And that the Resolution of the Sulphureous and other Prin­ciples is partly effected by the Aer, appears, In that, where the Aer hath a free access to the Succiferous Vessels, the Colours are there, chiefly produced, or are more conspicuous. So in Potato's, where the Succiferous Vessels are either next to the external Aer, as in the Skin; or contiguous with the Aer-Vessels, as in the Ring within the Barque; there, they produce a Red: but where more remote from both, as in the middle of the Barque, and Centre of the Root, there they produce none. Hence also it is, that the Leaves and Flowers of some Plants, as Bloodwort, Wood-Sorrel, Radish, Jacea, &c. although Green or White in the greatest portion of their Pa­renchymous Part; yet where the Succiferous and Aer-Vessels run to­gether, they are of Red, Blue, and other Colours; the Oleous parts of the one, being unlocked and opened, by the aery of the other.

68. §. AND LASTLY, How their Tastes. of their Tasts. Most Roots which are acres or bitting, have a very copious Parenchyma in proportion with the Succiferous Vessels, as of Arum, Dragon, and others: Because the Saline and other Principles are not so much hot, by any sufficient quantity of Sulphureous, from those Vessels, in which the Sulphur, as is said, is more abundant; P. 2. §. 21. but rendred rather pungent, from [Page 96] some Spirit and Aer. But divers Umbelliferous Roots, especially which abound with Lactiferous Vessels, are hot; as Fenil, Lovage, Angelica, &c. Yet is it not their Oyl alone that makes them hot, but the com­bination thereof with the Saline Parts: as is manifest, from the na­ture of the Seed of these Plants; wherein, as the Oyl is most copi­ous; So being held to a Candle till they burn, constantly spit; which cometh to pass, by the eruption of the Saline Parts: and is the very same effect, with that which followeth upon burning of Serum or Blood. And therefore, as these Seeds are more hot, they also spit the more; So those of Cumine, which, though fulsom, yet are not so hot, spit less; Fenil and Dill, which are hotter, more; there being a greater quantity of volatile Salt contained herein. Hence all Essential Oyls are hot, the Spirit and volatile Salt, being in­corporated herewith. And some of them will shoot, and crystallize as Salts do, as that of Anise; which argues a mixture of a considerable quantity of volatile Salt. As also doth the Nature of these Oyls, in being amicable to the Stomach, Carminative, and sometimes Anodyne; scil. as they kill some fetid, or corrosive Acid: for volatile Salts them­selves will have the like operation in some cases as these Oyls.

69. §. Many Lactiferous Roots, as Taraxacum and others of that kind, are not so much hot, as bitter. For although by the Lactife­rous Vessels they are very Oyly; yet those Vessels being posited in Rings, and not in Rays, and having no Diametral Portions running through their Barque to the Aer-Vessels; Tab. 13. the Acido-Aerial Parts do hereby, al­though not mortifie, yet so far refract the saline, lightly binding up the Oleous therewith, as to produce a bitter Taste. So, many sweet Bodies, upon burning, become bitter; the Acid Parts, now becoming rampant, and more copiously mixed with the Oleous.

70. The Roots, or other Parts, of many Umbelliferous Plants, have a sweetish Taste, as both the Sweet, and Common Chervil; both the Garden, and wild Carrot; Parsnep, Fenil, &c. the Saline Principles being concentred in the Oyly, and both of a moderate quantity with respect to the rest. For by the Oyly, the Saline is rendred more smooth and amicable; and both being moderate, they are not therefore hot, as in some other Umbelliferous Roots; but by the predominion of the other Principles, made mild. Hence it is, that Sugar it self is sweet, scil. because it is an Oleous Salt; as is manifest, from its being highly inflammable; its easie dissolution by a moderate, Fire, without the ad­dition of Water; and in that, being melted with Turpentine, and other Oily Bodies, it will mix together with them. So also the Acid Parts of Vinegar, being concentred in the Salino-sulphureous of Lead, produce a Sugar. Hence Barley, which upon Distillation or Decoction yeildeth only an acid; being turned into Mault, becomes sweet. Be­cause, being steeped, couched, and so fermented, the oleous parts are thereby unlocked, and becoming rampant, over the other Principles, altogether produce that Taste. And the Bile it self, which, next to Water and Earth, consisteth most of oily parts, and of many both saline and acid is a bit­ter-sweet. Wherein, as some of the Saline and Acid parts, smoothed by the Oleous, produce a Sweet: So, some of the Oleous, impregnated with the Saline, and the Acid, doe hereby produce a Bitter.

THE ANATOMY OF TRUNKS, With an Account of their VEGETATION. Grounded thereupon. The Figures hereunto belonging, Presented to the ROYAL SOCIETY in the Years, 1673 & 1674. The THIRD BOOK.

By NEHEMJAH GREW M. D. Fellow of the Royal Society, and of the College of Physicians.

The Second Edition.

LONDON, Printed by W. Rawlins, 1682.



THE Commands I received from Your Lord­ship, and the Royal Society, To prosecute the Subject treated of in the Two former Books; have produced This which follows. And I humbly submit the same to Your Lordships Judg­ment: [Page] which must needs be Candid and Benign, because it is Great. I have only this to say, ‘— [...];’ Your Lordship will not disapprove the Enterprise, although it falls short of perfection. It being the result of Your Lordships manifold Virtues and Abi­lities, That You know how far to Encourage the meanest Attempts; as well as rightly to Value and Assist the greatest Performances.

Iam, My Lord,
Your Lordships most humble and most obsequious Servant NEHEMJAH GREW.


  • CHAP. I. A Description of several Stalks or Trunks, as they appear to the Naked Eye.
    • OF the Stalk of Maze, §. 1, 2.
    • Of Dandelion, 3, to 6.
    • Of Borage, 7, to 10.
    • Of Colewort, 11, to 16.
    • Of Holyoak, 17, to 20.
    • Of Wild Cucumer, 21, to 23.
    • Of Scorzonera, 24, to 26.
    • Of Burdock, 27, to 29.
    • Of Endive, 30, 31.
    • Of Vine, 32, to 35.
    • Of Sumach, 36, to 38.
    • Cautions to be had in observing the Parts, 39.
    • Some Particulars better observed in cutting by the length, 40, 41.
  • CHAP. II. Of the Barque, as it appears through a good Microscope.
    • FIrst, a General Description of the several Parts of the Barque, 2, to 9.
    • Next, a Particular Description of the Barques of 8
    • several Trunks; sc. Of Holly, Hazel, Barbery, Apple, Pear, Plum, Elm, Ash; The Ves­sels of all whose Barques are Lymphaeducts: and those of two kinds, 10, to 13.
    • Of 3 more, sc. Wallnut, Fig, and Pine: the Vessels of the Barques of the Two first, being Lymphaeducts and Lactiferous, Of the next, Lymphaeducts and Resiniferous, 14, to 20.
    • Of 3 more, sc. Oak, Common Sumach, and Common Wormwood; the Vessels of whose Barques are of 3 Kinds, 21, to 29.
    • Some further Observations and Conjectures of the Sap-Vessels, 30, to 37.
  • CHAP. III. Of the Wood.
    • WHat in all Trunks, §. 1.
    • A Description of its Parts, in the several Trunks aforesaid.
    • Of the Parenchymous Part, or Inser­tions, 2, to 9.
    • Of the true Wood, 10, to 15.
    • Of the Aer-Vessels, 16, to 26.
    • Some further Observations and Conjectures of their Form, 27.
    • Texture, 28, to 32.
    • Nature, 33, 34.
    • And Original, 35.
  • [Page] CHAP. IV. Of the Pith.
    • A Description of the Pith, in General, §. 1.
    • In the several Trunks or Brances aforesaid. As of the Size, 2, 3.
    • Vessels, 4. Parenchyma and Bladders, 5, to 9.
    • Apertures or Rupturss, 10.
    • Some further Observations of the Pith.
    • And of all the Pithy and Parenchymous Parts.
    • And thence of the True Texture of a Plant, 11, to 15.
  • CHAP. I. Of the Motion and Course of the Sap.
  • CHAP. II. Of the Motion and Course of the Aer.
  • CHAP. III. Of the Structure of the Parts.
  • CHAP. IV. Of the Generation of Liquors.
  • CHAP. V. Of the Figuration of Trunks.
  • CHAP. VI. Of the Motions of Trunks.
  • CHAP. VII. Of the Nature of Trunks, as variously fitted for Mechanical Use.


CHAP. I. The Descriptions of several Trunks, as they appear to the bare Eye.

TO the end we may clearly understand, what the Trunk, Stalk, or Branch of a Plant, is; I shall by these Figures here before us, Describe the several Parts, whereof it is compounded.

1. §. And for examples sake, I shall in the first place, Describe the Trunks of some Plants, as being cut tranversly, and accurately observ'd, they appear to the naked Eye. And some others, as by the length. Which having done, I shall next proceed to a more particular Description of divers other Trunks and Branches as they appear through a good Microscope. In both shewing, not only what their several Parts are, as generally be­longing to a Branch; but also, by a Comparative Prospect, in what respects they are specifically distinguished one from another, in the se­veral Sorts of Branches.

[Page 104] 2. §. I SHALL begin where the Work of Nature appears less Diversify'd: as in the Stalk of Maze or Indian Wheat. In which, al­though there are the same Parenchymous and Lignous Parts, as in all other Plants; Tab. 18. yet is there neither Barque, nor Pith; the Vessels being dispersed and mixed with the Parenchyma, from the Circumference to the Centre of the Stalk: Saving, that in and next the Skin, there seems to be no Aer-Vessels. Every where else, they run up, like fine Threds, through the length of the Stalk: Each Thred being also sur­rounded with Sap [...]Vessels; which in a Slice cut transversly, appear in very small and dark colour'd Rings. The like structure may also be seen in the Sugar-Cane, and some other Plants.

3. §. LET the next Trunk be that of Taraxacum, or Dandelion. In a slice whereof, being cut transversly, is seen next the Skin, first, a simple, Tab. 18. white, and close Parenchyma or Barque; made up of Vesicles; but such as are exceeding small; and hardly visible without a Glass.

4. §. Within This, stand Milk-Vessels in seven or eight distinct Co­lums, of different size: each Colum being also made up of seven or eight Arched Lines. Betwixt these Colums, run as many Diametral Portions, derived from the Barque, into or towards the Pith.

5. §. Next within These, stand the Aer-Vessels. Which are like­wise divided, by the said Diametral Portions, into divers Arched Lines. The size of these Vessels, as well as their number, is small.

6. §. Within These, stands the Pith, consisting of very small Ve­sicles or Bladders, as the Barque. 'Tis very small, the Diameter here­of, being scarce one fifth, of that of the Pith of Borage. But the Barque of Borage is not half so thick as this of Dandelion.

7. §. FOR a Third Stalk, we may take that of Borage; where­in there is some further Variety. For in a slice hereof, cut transversly, there appears, first a Tough, yet Thin and Transparent Skin. With­in this Skin, and Continuous therewith, there is also a Thin Ring of Sap-Vessels: Tab. 18. which, without being crushed in the least, do yeild a Lympha.

8. §. Next standeth the Parenchyma of the Barque. Which is made up of a great number of very small Vesicles or Bladders. Upon the inner Verge of this Parenchyma, standeth another Ring of Sap-Vessels: which also yield a Lympha; and that different, as is probable, from the Lympha in the utmost Ring. Hitherto goes the Barque.

9. §. Adjacent to the Ring of Sap-Vessels, on the inner Verge of Barque, stand the Aer-Vessels on the outer Verge of the Pith. Not in a Ring; but in several Parcels; some Parcels or Conjugations, in the figure of little Specks; others, in little Arched Lines, almost like an V Con­sonant. And being viewed in a good Glass, there appears to be within the compass of every larger Speck or Parcel, about 20 or 30 Aer-Vessels and within the smallest, about 8 or 10.

10. §. The Pith, in a well grown Stalk of this Plant; is always hollow. But originally, it is entire. It is likewise wholly made up of a great number of Vesicles: of which, through a Glass, some appear Pentangular, others Sexangular, and Septangular. Most of them are larger than those of the Barque; so as to be plainly visible to a naked Eye.

11. §. A FOURTH Trunk, shall be that of Colewort, which seems likewise, to have at least, two Sorts of Lymphaeducts. For be­ing cut transversly, as the former, we may observe, next the Skin, a [Page 105] very close Parenchyma, of a darkish Green. Wherewith are mixed some few Sap Vessels, which give it that Colour.

12. §. Within This, stands a scalloped Parenchymous Ring, or a Ring of many short and slender white Arches. Tab. 18. Which all round about the Barque, meeting together, run in so many white Diametral Porti­ons, or extream small Rays, into the Pith.

13. §. Betwixt these white Rays, and next of all to the said white Arches, stand as many small Parcels of Sap-Vessels, like so many little Half-Ovals. Within each of which, is included a white Parenchyma.

14. §. On the inner Verge of the Barque, stands another Sort of Sap-Vessels, in one slender and entire Ring. And so far goes the Barque.

15. §. Next within this Ring stand the Aer-Vessels, in several Par­cels, diametrically opposite to the said white Parenchymous Parcels next without the Sap-Ring.

16. §. Last of all, and more within the Pith, stand the same kind of Sap-Vessels, as those of the Half-Ovals. Both these, by small lines, run one into another; thus, on both sides, hemming in the Aer-Vessels, and so making altogether, so many little Pyramids.

17. §. LET a Fifth be that of Holyoake. In which, the Curio­sity of Nature, is still more copious: presenting us, as it is seems, with Three sorts of Lymphaeducts; Of which, two yield a Thin; the Third, a Thick Lympha. For being cut, as before, next to the Skin, stands the Barque; somewhat close, and, in proportion, Thick.

18. §. Towards the inner Verge hereof, stand one sort of Sap-Vessels, postur'd in short Rays. These Vessels yield a Mucilage. And on the inner Verge of the Barque, stands a Thin Ring of other Sap-Vessels, which yield a thinner Liquor. Tab. 18.

19. §. Next within the Barque stand the Aer-Vessels, postur'd like­wise in short Rays, diametrically opposite to those in the Barque. In every Ray, there are about twelve or sixteen Vessels.

20. §. Lastly, and more within the Pith, there stand other Sap-Vessels, all in very Thin or Slender Arched-Lines; thus hemming in the ral Parcels of Aer-Vessels.

21. §. FOR a Sixth, I will take that of Wild Cucumer: Where­in is also found a Mucilaginous Lympha. For first of all, next to the Skin, there is a Ring of Sap-Vessels. Which Ring is also radiated, the Rays, all poynting towards, and most of them terminating on, the Skin. Tab. 18.

22. §. Next of all, there is a thick, and simple Parenchymous Ring. On the inner Verge whereof, there are other Sap-Vessels standing in Parcels, also in a Ring. So far goes the Barque.

23. §. Next within, stand the Aer-Vessels, in as many Parcels, con­tiguous to those of the Sap-Vessels aforesaid. To which likewise are adjoyned as many more Parcels of Sap-Vessels within the Pith, opposite to the said Sap-Vessels within the Barque.

24. §. FOR a Seventh, we may, choose that of Scorzonera. In which, the Vessels are both Lymphaeducts, and Lactiferous. All of them, with the Aer-Vessels, in a radiated posture. For first next the outer Edg of the Barque, stand the Lactiferous, in little Specks. Tab. 18. Next to these, on the inner Edg of the Barque, stand the Lymphaeducts, in the same form.

[Page 106] 25. §. Hereunto adjacent, on the outer Edg of the Pith, stand the Aer-Vessels, some in Specks, and some in extream short Lines; hardly distinguished, without a very nice Inspection.

26. §. Within These, are placed other Lymphaeducts, opposite to those in the Barque. And within these Lymphaeducts, still in the same radiated Line, run more of the Milk-Vessels.

27. §. AN EIGHTH, may be that of Burdock; Wherein first, there are a Sort of Lymphaeducts, which stand in Arched Parcels, round the Trunk, Tab. 18. adjacent to the Skin.

28. §. Within these, about the middle of the Barque, run the Milk-Vessels, in the form of small round Specks.

29. §. Next to these on the inner Edg of the Barque are placed other Lymphaeducts. Which, together with more of the same in the Pith, and the Aer-Vessels betwixt them, stand all in Radiated Lines, of several Lengths, and all sharpning towards the Centre.

30. §. LET the Ninth, be that of Endive: In which there is al­so much curious Work. Tab. 18. Next to the Skin, there is, first, a thick and simple Parenchyma. Then there is a kind of Undulated Ring of Milk-Vessels. Within which stand a Sort of Lymphaeducts, in several Parcels; some, in Arched Half-Ovals; others, in short slender Rays. Betwixt these Parcels, many of the Milk-Vessels likewise stand.

31. §. Next there is an undulated Ring of other Lymphaeducts, par­ting as in most Trunks, betwixt the Barque and the Pith. Within which, are the Aer-Vessels. And within These, more Sap-Vessels. Both of them, in small Specks, answerable, or opposite to the Rays in the Barque.

32. §. I SHALL give also one or two Examples of Trees, Tab. 18. or Ar­borescent Plants; the Vine and Common Sumach. In a Slice of the for­mer cut transversly, next the Skin, there is a Thin Barque. In the in­ner part whereof, adjacent to the Wood, stand the Lymphaeducts in se­veral Half-Oval Parcels, opposite to so many Radiated Pieces of the Wood.

33. §. The Wood is divided into the said Pieces, by as many Pa­renchymous Rays, inserted from the Barque, and so continuous there­with.

34. §. Within these Radiated Pieces of Wood, stand the Aer-Ves­sels; the largest of which, especially if held up against the light, are plainly visible to the bare Eye.

35. §. Within the hollow of the Wood, stands the Pith; in the young Growths always large. In the utmost Verge whereof, adjacent to the Wood, stand a few more Sap-Vessels of the same Sort with those in the Barque.

36. §. IN A like Slice of Common Sumach, contiguous to the hairy Skin, Tab. 18. there is a Ring of Lymphaeducts. Next to this a Simple Paren­chyma. Then several Arched Parcels of Lymphaeducts. Within these, a Ring of Milk-Vessels. And then a Ring of other Lymphaeducts. Thus far the Barque.

37. §. Within the Barque, stands the Wood, divided into several Portions, by the Diametral Insertions divided from the Barque. In the Body of the Wood, stand the Aer-Vessels, very much smaller than in the Vine.

[Page 107] 38. §. The hollow of the Wood is filled up with the Pith. In the Circumference of which, stands a Ring of Lymphaedctus, of the same sort with those next to the Wood without.

39. §. All the Parts of these Trunks, may, as I have now de­scribed them, be observed without a Microscope: excepting the Bladders and number of Aer-Vessels. Yet Three things are hereunto necessary; viz. a good Eye, a clear Light, and a Rasor, or very keen Knife, wherewith to cut them with a smooth surface, and so, as not to Dislo­cate the Parts.

40. §. UPON Inspection also by the length, there are some parti­culars, common, more or less, to most Plants, yet better observable in some, than in others. As first, the Reticulation of the Vessels, (formerly described) not only in the Wood, Tab. 19. but in the Barque: which is evident in a young Branch of Corin, upon the very Surface thereof, when some of the Vessels begin to be cast off into the Skin. And so, by stripping off the Skin, upon the Surface of the Wood.

41. §. In cutting by the length, as well as transversly, the young Fibres, which grow within the Wood in the Edg of the Pith, are also seen. As likewise the manner of the Derivation of the Parts of the Bud from the Branch or Stalk; as in Sonchus. There are also many Va­rieties in the Pith, such as those hereafter mentioned Chap. 4. which fall un­der observation only in cutting by the length.

CHAP. II. Of the Barque, as it appears through a good Microscope.

I NOW proceed to a more particular Description of several Trunks and Branches, as they appear through good Glasses.

1. §. Now the Trunk, or Branch of every Tree, hath Three General Parts to be described; sc. the Barque, the Wood, and the Pith. That likewise of every Herbaceous Plant, hath either the same Three Parts; or else Three Parts Analogous; sc. the Cortical, the Lignous, and the Pithy Parts.

2. §. The Barque consisteth of two Parts, sc. the outmost or Skin, and the Main Body. The Skin is generally composed, in part, of very small Vesicles or Bladders, cluster'd together. That is, originally it is so; but as the Plant grows, the Skin dries, and the said Bladders, do very much shrink up and disappear.

3. §. Amongst these Bladders of the Skin, there are usually inter­mixed a sort of Lignous Fibres, Tab. 20. or Vessels, which run through the length of the Skin; as in Mallow, Nettle, Borage, Thistle, and most Herbs. Which is argued not only from the Toughness of the Skin by means of the said Vessels; but in some Plants, may be plainly seen, as in Teasle. In which▪ [Page 108] the several Fibres, which run by the length of the Stalk, are also con­joyned by other smaller ones, which stand transversly.

4. §. Whether they are Aer-Vessels, or Sap-Vessels, is dubious. For, on the one hand, because they emit no Sap, or bleed not, and also stand adjacent to the Aer; 'tis probable that they are Aer-Vessels. On the other hand, they may be Sap-Vessels; notwithstanding that they bleed not: Because the non-emission of Sap is not an infallible and concluding argument of an Aer-Vessel. For there are some Plants which bleed not. Which yet are furnished with Sap-Vessels, as certainly as any others which bleed. B. 2. P. 1. c. 3. §. 22.

5. §. The Skin of the Trunk is sometimes visibly porous. But no where more, than in the better sort of walking Canes; where the Pores are so big, as to be visible even to the naked Eye: like to those, which are observable in several parts of the Ball of the Hand, Tab. 20. and up­on the ends of the Fingers and Toes.

6. §. THE Main Body of the Barque consisteth likewise of two Parts, sc. Parenchyma, and Vessels. The Parenchyma is made up of an innumerable company of small Bladders cluster'd together. Differing in nothing from those aforesaid in the Skin; Tab. 22. & Sequent. saving, that they are much larger; and generally rounder.

7. §. This Parenchyma of the Barque is the same, as to its Sub­stance, both in the Root and Trunk. Yet as to the Texture of its Parts, in the one, and in the other, there is This observable difference, viz. That in the Barque of the Root, cut transversly, the said Parenchyma (as hath been shew'd) is usually, more or less, disposed into Diametral Rays; Tab. 7, 8, 9. running through the Barque, after the same manner, as do the the Hour-Lines through the Margin of the Dial-plate of a Clock or Watch: as in Marsh-Mallow, Lovage, Melilot, and others. Whereas here in the Barque of the Trunk, the said Parenchyma is rarely thus disposed into Dimetral Rays: Tab. 22. & Seq. Nor when it is, are those Rays continued to the Circumference of the Barque; as in the Barque of the Root they frequently are. So in Rhus or Sumach, although part of the Paren­chyma be dispos'd into Diametral Rays: Tab. 31, 34, &c. yet are those Rays extended not half way through the Barque. So also in Fig-tree, Worm-wood, Thistle, and others. What is further observable in the Texture of the Parenchyma, I shall shew in the description of the Pith.

8. §. THE Vessels of the Barque, are, as I shall also shew, diver­sifyed many ways. But there are some Things, wherein, in all Sorts of Plants, they agree. First, in standing, most numerously, in or near, the inner Margin of the Barque. Secondly, in being always, and only Sap-Vessels. I have viewed so many, that at least, I can securely affirm thus much, That if there be any Heteroclital Plants, wherein they are found otherwise, there is not One, in Five Hundred. Thirdly, in be­ing always Conjugated or Braced together in the form of Net-work. Al­though the Number and Distances of the Braces, are very different: as I have already shewed in the Anatomy of Roots. Chap. 3. Tab. 6.

9. §. THE Properties, whereby the said Vessels of the Barque are specificated and distinguished one from another, both in the same Plant, and in the several Species of Plants, are very many. Which Properties, are not Accidental, but such as shew the Constant and Universal Design of Nature. All which shall be demonstrated by the Description of several Quarters of the Slices, of so many Kinds of [Page 109] Branches, cut Transversly: and by the several Figures which represent them.

10. §. FIRST then, Tab. 22. & Seq. for the Eleven first Quarters, the Vessels of the Barque are only of Two Kinds. And these, in the first Eight, seem to be Roriferous (described also in the Anatomy of Roots) P. 1. c. 3. §. 22. and those which are common to most, if not to all Plants, sc. the Lymphae­ducts. Yet in all the Eight, they are, in respect both of their Propor­tion, and Position, very different. So in Hazel and Ash they are but few. In Holly and Barberry more. In Apple, Pear, Plum, Elm, still more numerous. And of those three Fruits, in an Apple, or Plum, more than in a Pear.

11. §. Again, as their Proportion, so likewise their Position is di­vers. For in Holly, the Lymphaeducts or inner Vessels next to the Wood, stand in Rays. Tab. 22, 23, 24. Yet so numerous and close together, as to make one Entire Ring. In Hazel, they stand more in Oblong Parcels. In Bar­berry, they stand likewise in Parcels, but they are so many Half-Ovals, The utmost Vessels or Roriferous of all Three, make a Ring.

12. §. Again, in Apple, Pear, and Plum, the Lymphaeducts are Ra­diated. Tab. 25, to 28. The Roriferous are neither Radiated, nor make an entire Ring; but stand in Peripherial Parcels. Much after the same manner, they also stand in Elm. Tab. 29. In Ash, the Vessels make Two Rings; but neither of them Radiated: the inmost Ring or Lymphaeducts, consisting of Ar­ched Parcels, and the utmost or Roriferous Vessels, of Round ones. And whereas in all the foregoing, the Lymphaeducts are still contiguous to the Wood; and the Roriferous more or less, distant from the Skin: here, on the contrary, the former are distant from the Wood, and the latter contiguous to the Skin.

13. §. And that these Vessels in each Barque of the said Eight Bran­ches, are of Two distinct Kinds, seems evident, as from some other reasons, so from hence; In that their Positions are altogether Heterogeneous: Yet in both Constant, Regular and Uniform. I say, there seems to be no Reason, why the self same Kind or Species of Vessels, should have a different, yea a contrary Position in one and the same Plant; and that Contrariety, not Accidental, but Regular and Constant.

14. §. FOR the Three next Quarters sc. the Ninth, Tab. 30, 31, 32. Tenth and Eleventh, the Vessels of the Barque are also different in Number, Position, Size and Kind. In Pine, which is the Eleventh, they are fewer. In Walnut the Ninth, more. In Fig, the Tenth, most numerous.

15. §. So for their Position. In Pine, the inmost make a Radiated Ring. The utmost stand stragling up and down, without any certain order. In Wallnut the inmost make also a Radiated Ring; The ut­most make a Double Ring; not Radiated, but of Round Parcels. In Fig, the inmost make also a Radiated Ring. But the utmost make a Double and sometimes Treble Ring, not of Radiated, nor Round, but Arched Parcels.

16. §. Thirdly, they are also different in Kind. Those, I think, of the two former, Wallnut and Fig, are thus different: those certain­ly, of the Fig, are so; being Lymphaeducts and Lacteals. The Lymphae­ducts make the inmost Radiated Ring. The outmost which make the other Rings in Arched Parcels, are the Lactifers.

17. §. That they are distinct Kinds of Vessels, is evident for two Reasons. First, from their Position in the Barque; which is altoge­ther [Page 110] different, as hath been said. Secondly, from the most apparent Diversity of the Liquors or Saps, which they contain, and which, upon cutting the Branch transversly, do distinctly Bleed from them. Which is one way, whereby we do distinguish the Vessels of Animals themselves. As in the Liver, it were hard to say, which is a Blood-Vessel, and which is a Bile-Vessel, where they are very small, if it were not for the Con­tents of them both.

18. §. Those in the Barque of Pine, are likewise of Two Kinds. The inmost are Lymphaeducts, as in the two former. The utmost are not Milk-Vessels, but Gum-Vessels, or Resiniferous; which stand strag­ling, and singly, about the midle of the Barque. Out of these Vessels all the clear Turpentine, that drops from the Tree, doth issue.

19. §. Few, but very great. So that besides the difference of their Number and Position, and of the Liquors which they contain, and Bleed; there is yet a Fourth, and that is, their Size. Most of these Turpen­tine Vessels, being of so wide a bore, as to be apparent to the naked Eye: and, through a good Glass, above ⅓ d of an Inch in Diametre. Whereas that of the Lymphaeducts, can hardly be discovered by the best Microscope.

20. §. The same Turpentine Vessels of Pine, are likewise remarka­bly bigger, not only than the Lymphaeducts, but many times, than the Milk-Vessels themselves: as those of the Fig, which, in comparison, are exceeding small; every Arch, not being a single Vessel, but a Parcel or Cluster of Vessels; Whereas one single Gum-Vessel in Pine, is sometimes as big as two whole Arched Clusters, that is, as some Scores of the Milk Vessels in a Fig-tree. And the said Gum-Vessels of Pine, being compared with the Lymphaeducts of the same Tree, one Gum-Vessel, by a mode­rate estimate, may be reckoned three or four hundred times wider than a Lymphaeduct. The like prodigious difference may be observed in the Size of the several Kinds of Vessels of many other Plants.

21. §. THE Three next Quarters of Branches, are of Oak, Com­mon Sumach, and Common Wormwood. In the Barque-Vessels whereof, there is observable some farther Variety. For in all or in most of the above named, there are only Two Kinds of Vessels in the Barque. But in Each of these, there are, at least, Three Kinds.

22. §. And first, in that of Oak there are Lymphaeducts, Rorife­rous, and a Sort of Resiniferous. The inmost or Lymphaeducts, make a Radiated Ring, Tab. 33. contiguous to the Wood. The utmost or the Rorife­rous make also a Ring, but not Radiated. Those which are a sort of Rosin-Vessels, stand in Round Parcels; the greater Parcels betwixt the Two Rings of Roriferous and Lymphaeducts; and the lesser, betwixt the Roriferous and the Skin.

23. §. That these last are different Vessels from both the other, seems evident, from the difference of their Position, as aforesaid. And that they are a sort of Resiniferous, is argued from hence; In that, not only Galls are very full of Rosin, but that the Barque of Oak it self is also somewhat Resinous. For the conveyance of whose Resinous parts, it is most unlikely that any other Vessels should subserve, but a peculiar Kind; which may therefore be properly called Resiniferous.

24. §. The next is a Branch of Common Sumach. Tab. 34. In the Barque whereof, there are likewise Three Kinds of Vessels. First of all, there is a thick Radiated Ring of Lymphaeducts; standing on the inner Mar­gin [Page 111] of the Barque, contiguous with the Wood. These Vessels exhibit their Lympha very apparently. A second kind of Vessels, sc. Roriferous, are situate towards the outer Margin of the Barque, and are composed into distinct Arched Parcels, all standing in a Ring.

25. §. Betwixt these Two Kinds stand the Milk-Vessels. Every single Milk-Vessel being empaled or hemmed in with an Arch of Rorife­rous. The Milk-Vessels are extraordinary large, almost as the Gum-Vessels of Pine; so as distinctly to be observed without a Microscope; after they are evacuated of their Milk; and without difficulty will admit a Virginal Wyer; being two or three hundred times as big as a Lymphaeduct. Besides these Three sorts of Vessels, there is also a Ring, adjacent to the Skin; which seems to be another sort of Roriferous.

26. §. The Last, Tab. 3 [...]. is a Branch of Common Wormwood. In the Barque whereof, there are likewise Three Kinds of Vessels. First of all, there is a thin Radiated Ring of Lymphaeducts, contiguous with the Wood or on the inner Margin of the Barque. Yet the Ring is not en­tire, but made up of several Parcels; which are intercepted by as ma­ny Parenchymous inserted into the Pith.

27. §. A Second Sort of Vessels, which seem to be Roriferous, are situate about the middle of the Barque: and are composed into Arched Parcels, which likewise stand all even in a Ring.

28. §. Beyond these Arches, and towards the outer Margin of the Barque, stand a Third Sort of Vessels. Different from the Milk-Ves­sels in Sumach, both as to their Situation, Size and Content. For in Sumach, the Milk-Vessels stand within the Arched Lymphaeducts: whereas these in Wormwood, stand without them. Likewise, being the Vessels of an Herb, they are far less; sc. about the compass or width of a small Wheat-Straw. Their Content, is not a Milk, but a liquid, most Oleous and viscid Gum. Or which, for its pleasant Flavour may be called an Aromatick Balsom. For it perfectly giveth whatever is in the Smell and Taste of Wormwood: being the Essence of the whole Plant, which nature treasureth up in these Vessels. So that they are, in all respects, analogous to the Turpentine Vessels in Pine. There are divers other Herbs and Trees, which in the like Vessels, contain a Turpentine, or ra­ther Aromatical Balsom; as Angelica, Helenium and others; the Vessels being so very large, that they may be easily traced with a knife, in cut­ting by the length of a Branch or Saltk.

29. §. Whether in some Plants, there are not more Sorts of Ves­sels, in the Barque, than have been now mentioned, I cannot say: Though we have not much reason to doubt of it. Because we see, there is so great variety in the Viscera of Animals. For what the Viscera are in Animals; the Vessels themselves are in Plants.

30. §. CONCERNING the Form and Texture of the Lymphaeducts, there are some things, which though they are best observed in the Wood, yet in regard I am now describing the said Vessels, I shall here therefore add. I have already said, and shewed, in the former Books, That the Lignous and Towy Parts of all Plants, are Tubulary. And that the Lympha is conveyed, by the length of a Plant, through an in­numerable company of small Tubes or Pipes.

31. §. The Question may be yet further put: If the Towy Parts of the Barque are made of Tubes, What are these Tubes themselves made up of? I answer, That these Tubes or Lymphaeducts, are not only [Page 112] themselves Organical; but their very Sides also, seem to be composed of other Parts, which are Organical, sc. of Lignous or Towy Fibres. Which Fibres, Tab. 40. standing close or contiguous in a round Figure, they make one Tubulary Body, which I call the Lymphaeduct of a Plant. And it is probable, That these Fibres themselves, are also Tubulary. That is, that a Lymphaeduct, is a small Tube, made up or composed of other, yet much smaller Tubes, set round together in a Cylindrick Fi­gure. As if we should imagine a company of Straws, which are so many small Pipes, to be joyned and set round together, so as to make another greater Pipe, answerable to a hollow Cane. The Cane, I say, is as the Lymphaeduct; and the Straws are as the Fibres whereof it is composed. By which also appears, the admirable smallness of these Fibres. For there are some Lymphaeducts, which may be reckoned fifty times smaller than a Horse-Hair. Allowing therefore but Twenty of the aforesaid Fibres to make a Thred so big as one Lymphaeduct; then one of the said Fibres, must be a Thousand times smaller than a Horse-Hair. That these Fibres, whereof the Lymphaeducts are made, are themselves made up of other Fibres, is not altogether improbable.

32. §. These Fibres, although parallel; yet are they not coalescent, but only contiguous; being contained together in a Tubulary Figure, by the We [...]tage of the Cortical Fibres, as in Chapter the Fourth will better be understood.

33. §. The first notice I took of the Composition and Texture of these Vessels, so far as the best Glasses yet known, will admit; was in a very white and clear piece of Ash-wood torn, with some care, by the length of the Tree, and objected to a proper Light. They seem also sometimes discernable in some other clear Woods, as in very white Fir, &c. And having formerly demonstrated, that the Lignous Part of a Plant, is annually made or augmented out of the inner part of the Barque, wherein the Lymphaeducts always stand: we may reasonably suppose the same Lymphaeducts to have the like Conformation in the Barque, as in the Wood.

34. §. And I am the rather induced to believe, that I am not mis­taken in this Description, upon these two Considerations. First, that herein the Analogy betwixt the Vessels of an Animal and a Plant, is the more clear and proper. For as the Sanguineous Vessels in an Animal are composed of a number of Fibres, set round, in a Tubulary Figure, together: so are these Lymphaeducts of a Plant. Secondly, in that here­in, there is a more genuine respondence betwixt these, and the other Vessels of a Plant it self; sc, the Aer-Vessels; which are made up of a certain number of Round Fibres, standing collaterally, or side to side as I have already observed in the Anatomy of Roots. So that it is the less strange, that the Lymphaeducts should be made up of Fibres, since the Aer-Vessels are evidently so made. Only with this difference, that whereas in the Aer-Vessels, the Fibres are postured or continued Spi­rally: here, in the Lymphaeducts, they stand and are continued only in straight Lines.

35. §. THE STRUCTURE of the Lactiferous and Gum-Vessels, which have a very ample Bore, is more apparent. And, by the best Glasses I have yet used, Tab. 20. they seem to be made, chiefly, by the Constipation of the Bladders of the Barque. That is to say, That they are so many [Page 113] Chanels, not made or bounded by any walls or sides proper to them­selves, as a Quil thrust into a Cork, and as the Aer-Vessels are in the Wood: but only by the Bladders of the Parenchyma; which are so postured and crouded up together, as to leave certain Cilyndrick Spa­ces, which are continued by the length of the Barque.

36. §. One difference betwixt the Vessels or Chanels now describ'd, and the Tubulary Hollows and other Apertures in the Pith, is this; That these never exist originally with the Pith; but are so many Rup­tures supervening to it in its Growth. Caused, partly, by the Stretch or Tenter it suffers from the Dilatation of the Wood: B. 1. c. 3. §. 22, & 23. and partly, the drying, and so the Shrinking up of its Bladders, and of the Fibres whereof they are composed. Whereas the said Vessels in the Barque, are many of them originally formed therewith. And those which are post-nate, not made by any Rupture, but only such a Disposition of the Parenchymous Fibres, and Constipation of the Bladders, as is there­unto convenient.

37. §. In paring the Barque of a Branch of Pine, Sumach, &c. they appear, neither parallel, nor any where Inosculated: but run, with some little obliquities, distinct one from another, through the length of the Branch: and so, we may believe, through the length of the Tree.


THE next general Part of a Branch, is the Wood; which lyeth betwixt the Barque and the Pith. And this likewise evermore consisteth of Two General Parts, sc. of a Parenchymous Part, and that more properly called Lignous. The Pa­renchymous Part of the Wood, though much di­versifyed, yet in the Trunks of all Trees what­soever, hath this property, To be disposed into many Rays, or Diametral Insertions, running be­twixt so many Lignous Portions, from the Barque to the Pith: as in any of the Quarters here before us may appear.

2. §. But these Insertions are much diversifyed, according to the several Sorts of Plants. Tab. 22, to 35. So in Barberry, Ash, Pine, Worm-wood, they are less numerous. In Elm, Wallnut, Fig, Sumach, they are more. And in Holly, Pear, Plum, Apple, Oak, Hazel, are most numerous.

3. §. The same Insertions, in Barberry, Wormwood, and some in Oak, are very Thick. In Pine, Fig, Ash, of a middle Size. In Pear, Holly, Ibid▪ and most of them in Oak, are exceeding Small. Again, in Bar­berry, Elm, Ash, Sumach, Fig, they are of an Equal Size. In Holly, Hazel, Pear, Plum, Oak, they are very Unequal: some of those in Holly, being Four or Five times thicker than the rest; in Plum, Six or seven times; and in Oak, Ten times at least.

[Page 114] 4. §. In some Plants, they are Equidistant; in others, not: in some, the Great ones are Equidistant; in others, the Lesser; in others, both; in some, neither. Which Varieties are not accidental; but con­stant to the Species in which they are severally found.

5. §. They are not always visibly continued from the Circumfe­rence to the Centre of the Wood: but in some Branches, as of Sumach; and in most Trunks of many years growth, declining, in some places, under or over, Tab. 34. from a Level, are thereby, upon a Transverse Section, in part cut away.

6. §. They have yet one more Diversity, which is, That in di­vers of the aforesaid Branches, they run not only through the Wood; but also shoot out beyond it, into some Part of the Barque, as in Elm, Tab. 28, 34, 35. Sumach, Wormwood, &c. Whereas in Pine, and some of the rest they either keep not distinct from the other parts of the Parenchy­ma of the Barque; Tab. 32. or are so small, as not to be distinguished there form.

7. §. The Texture likewise of these Insertions is somewhat various. For in Wormwood, Tab. 35. and most Herbs, they are manifestly composed of small Bladders: differing in nothing from those of the Barque or Pith, saving, in their being much less. Yet in Herbs, they are much larger than they are in Trees. And in many Trees, as Apple, Pear, Plum, Pine, &c. they are either quite lost, Tab. 36, 37. or so squeezed and pressed together by the hard Wood standing on both sides, as to be almost undiscernable.

8. §. So that although the Parenchyma of the Barque or Pith, and the Insertions in the Wood, are of the same Specifick Nature or Substance: yet there is this difference betwixt them; That the Fibres of the for­mer, are so Netted together, as to leave several round Vacuities; or to make a great many little Bladders, whereas, in the latter, they are usually so far crowded up, as to run (as when a Net is stretched out) like a Skein of Parallel Threds.

9. §. Of these Insertions in the Wood, it is futher observable, That they do not only run betwixt the Lignous Portions; but that many of their Fibres are likewise all along distributed to the several Fibres, Tab. 40. of which the Lignous Portions consist, and are interwoven with them; both together thus making a piece of Linsy-Woolsy Work, or like many other Manufactures in which the Warp and the Woof are of different Sorts of Stuff: as in the end of the Fourth Chapter is further explained.

10. §. THE WOOD is likewise compounded of Two Sorts of Bodies; That which is strictly Woody; and the Aer-Vessels mixed here­with. The true Wood is nothing else but a mass of antiquated Lym­phaeducts, viz. those which were originally placed on the inner Mar­gin of the Barque. For in that place, there grows, every year, a new Ring of Lymphaeducts. Which losing its original softness by degrees, at the latter end of the year, is turned into a dry and hard Ring of perfect Wood.

11. §. So that every year, the Barque of a Tree is divided into Two Parts, and distributed two contrary ways. The outer Part falleth off towards the Skin; and at length becomes the Skin it self. In like manner, as hath been observed of the Skin of the Root. Or as the Cu­ticula in Animals, is but the efflorescence of the Cu [...]is. I say, that the elder Skin of a Tree, is not originally made a Skin; but was once, some of the midle part of the Barque it self, which is annually cast off, [Page 115] and dryed into a Skin: even as the very Skin of an Adder, upon the gradual generation of a new one underneath, in time, becomes a Slough. The inmost portion of the Barque, is annually distributed and added to the Wood: the Parenchymous Part thereof making a new addition to the Insertions within the Wood; and the Lymphaeducts a new addition to the Lignous pieces betwixt which the Insertions stand. So that a Ring of Lymphaeducts in the Barque this year, will be a Ring of Wood the next; and so another Ring of Lymphaeducts, and of Wood, successive­ly, Tab. 25. 24, 34, 28. from year to year. So the Table, for an Apple-Branch, sheweth a quarter of a Slice of a Branch cut transversly, of Three years growth: That of Barbery, of Two; That of Sumach, of One only; That of Elm, of Five.

12. §. Hereby two things may be the better noted. First, the dif­ference betwixt the degrees of the annual growths of several Trees: three years growth in an Oak, Tab. 33. 28. being as thick as five in an Elm. Secondly, the difference betwixt the Annual growths of the Same Tree; being not of a constant proportion, but varying in thickness, as it should seem, according to the season of the year: whereby it may appear, what season, or kind of year, doth most of all favour, the latitudinal growth, or the thickening of any Tree.

13. §. The Lymphaeducts thus antiquated or turned into Wood, do rarely, if ever, Bleed: but only transmit a kind of Dewy or Vaporous Sap. And some of them, as in the Heart of some Trees, it is probable, That they transmit not any Sap, either in the form of a Liquor, or a Vapour: and so being gradually deprived of their Watery Parts, become the Heart.

14. §. There is this further variety in the Wood; represented in Walnut, Fig and Oak. That some certain parcels hereof, make either several small and white Rings, as in Oak; or else divers white and crook­ed Parcels, Tab. 30, 31, 33. transverse to the Insertions, as in Wallnut and Fig. For it seemeth, that, at least, in many Trees, some portion of all the Kinds of Ves­sels in the Barque, are not only annually distributed to the Wood, but do likewise therein retain the same, or somewhat like Position, which they originally had in the Barque. So that as all those bigger and dark­er Portions of the Wood, were originally, the Radiated Lymphaeducts of the Barque: so the little white Circles, or Parcels of Circles, in the same Wood, were originally another sort of Sap-Vessels in the Barque, sc. those which have a circular Position therein.

15. §. In the Branches of Fir, Pine, and others of the same Kindred, there are some few Turpentine-Vessels scattered up and down the Wood; Tab. 32. and represented by the larger Black Spots. Which Vessels are eadem nu­mero, the self same, which did once appertain to the Barque; and do even here also in the Wood, contain and yield a liquid Turpentine. Only, being pinched up by the Wood, they are become much smaller Pipes.

16. §. THE Aer-Vessels, with the Insertions, and true Wood, alto­gether make up That, which is commonly called, The Wood of a Tree. The Aer-Vessels I so call, not in that they never contain any Liquor; but, because all the principal time of the growth of a Plant, when the Vessels of the Barque are filled with Liquor, these are filled only with a Vegetable Aer.

17. §. In almost all Plants, not one in some hundreds excepted, this is proper to the Aer-Vessels; To have a much more ample Bore or Ca­vity, [Page 116] than any other in the Wood. In the Wood, I say; for in the Barque, there are many Sap-Vessels bigger than the biggest Aer-Vessels that be.

18. §. The Varities hereof are very many; in respect both of their Number, Size, and Position; being, as to these, the same, in no two Sorts of Plants whatsoever. First in respect of their Number. So in Hazel, Tab. 23, 25, 26. 22, 24, 27. 29, 30, 33. 32. Apple, Pear, they are very numerous; but in different degrees: and are represented in the Figures already referred to, by all the black spots in the Wood. In Holly, Plum, Barberry somewhat numerous. In Oak, Ash, Walnut fewer. In Pine, and others of that Kindred, very few; sc. fewer than in any other kind of Plant.

19. §. Secondly, in respect of their Size; which from the first or greatest, to the least, may be computed easily to about Twenty Degrees. Thus, many of those in Elm, Ash, Wallnut, Fig, Oak, are very large. In Barberry, Tab. 28, 33. 22, 26. Plum, not so large. In Hazel Sumach, smaller. In Holly, Pear, of a still smaller Size. So that many of those in Elm, or Oak, are Twenty times bigger, than those in Holly or Pear.

20. §. In an ordinary joynted Cane, they are so wide, that if you take one a yard, or a yard and ½ long, and putting one end into a Ba­sin of Water, you blow strongly at the other; your Breath will im­mediately pass, through the Aer-Vessels, the length of the Cane, so as to raise up the Water into a great many Bubbles.

21. §. And as they have a different Size in divers Kinds of Plants; so likewise, according to the place where they stand, in the self same. So in Holly, Tab. 22, 23, 25. 24, 28, 29. 33. Hazel, Apple, their Size is more equal throughout the bredth of the Tree. But in Barberry, Elm, Oak, Ash, very different: Not fortuitously, but always much after the same manner. For in all the last named Branches, the Aer-Vessels that stand in the inner margin of each annual Ring, are all vastly bigger, than any of those that stand in the outer part of the King.

22. §. Thirdly, these Aer-Vessels are also different in their Situa­tion. So in Apple, Tab. 25, 30, 31. Wallnut, Fig, they are spread all abroad in every annual Ring; not being posited in any one certain Line. In others, they keep more within the compass of some Line or Lines; either Di­ametral, or Peripherial. Tab. 22. 23, 32. So in Holly they are Radiated, or run in even Diametral Lines betwixt the Pith and the Barque. So also are some of of them in Hazel; and some few in Wallnut.

23. §. Whether they stand Irregularly, or are Radiated, it is to be noted, That Nature, for the most part, so disposeth of them, that many of them may still stand very near the Insertions. So in Apple, she will rather decline making an even Line; or in Holly, will rather break that Line into Parcels, than that the Aer-Vessels shall stand re­mote from the Insertions. To what end this is done, shall be said hereafter.

24. §. Again, in Ash, the Aer-Vessels are none of them Radiated, but most of them stand in Circles on the inner Margin of every annu­al Ring. Tab. 24. 29. 28. 26, 27. Which Circle is sometimes very thick, as in Ash and Barberry. In others but thin, the Vessels standing, for the most part, single throughout the Circles; as in Elm. Sometimes again, they both make a Circle, and are also spread abroad; as in Pear and Plum.

25. §. Those likewise which are spread abroad, are sometimes Re­gularly posited. Tab. 24. So in Barberry, besides those larger, that make the Circle, there are other smaller ones, that stand, in oblique Lines, [Page 117] athwart one another; almost like a Bend, or sometimes, an entire or broken Saltyr in an Escutcheon. Tab. 33. 38. In Oak, they make rather certain Columns, in the posture of the Pale. And in Elm, they make, as it were, many cross Parcels, in the posture of the Fess.

26. §. This great difference in the Size and Position of the Aer-Vessels, in the same individual Plant, is one ground, for which, I think it probable, That there are divers Kinds of Aer-Vessels, as well as of Sap-Vessels. Even as in Animals, there are divers Kinds of Organs for Spiration, and the separation of Aer: Fishes having their Branchiae; Land-Animals their Lungs; and those in Frogs, &c. being of a some­what peculiar Kind.

27. §. THE Form and Texture of these Vessels, and the various ways whereby they may be best observed, I have already described and shewed in my Anatomy of Roots. P. 1. c. 4. As to their Form, one thing remarqued was this; That they are never Ramified, but distinctly continued from one end of a Plant, small or great, to the other: as the Nerves are in Animals. A further and easie proof whereof, may be made, only by holding up a piece of an ordinary Cane, about ½ a foot long, cut very smooth at both ends, against a full light: whereupon, if you keep it in a straight Line betwixt the Light, and the cast of your Eye, and then look steadily, you may see quite through it, that is, through the Aer-Vessels, which run straight along the Cane from end to end.

28. §. As to their Texture; whereas, oftentimes, the Aer-Vessels appear to be unroaved in the form of a very small Plate, it is to be noted, That it is not only of different bredth, in divers Plants, and usually much broader in the Root, than in the Trunk: but also, that in the Trunk, many times, the said Vessels are unroaved or resolved, not in the form of a Plate, but of a Round-Thred. The Causes of which Diversity, are principally Three; viz. The Weftage of the Fibres of which the Aer-Vessels consist; The deference betwixt the said Fibres, or betwixt the Warp and the Woof; And the different Kinds of Woof.

29. §. By the Weftage of the Fibres, it is, That the Vessels, of­tentimes, unroave in the form of a Plate. As if we should imagine a piece of fine narrow Ribband, to be woun'd spirally, and Edg to Edg, round about a Stick; and so, the Stick being drawn out, the Rib­band to be left in the Figure of a Tube, answerable to an Aer-Vessel. For that which, Tab. 39. upon the unroaving of the Vessel, seems to be a Plate, or one single Piece, is, as it were, a Natural Ribband, consisting of several Pieces, that is, a certain number of Threds of Round Fibres, standing parallel, as the Threds do in an Artifical Ribband. And as in a Ribband, so here, the Fibres which make the Warp, and which are Spirally continu'd; although they run parallel, yet are not coallescent; but conteined together, by other Transverse Fibres in the place of a Woof.

30. §. And as the said Fibres are transversly continued, thereby making a Warp and Woof: So are they (as in divers woven Manu­factures) of very different Bulk; those of the Former, being much bigger, and therefore much stronger, than those of the Latter. By which means, as Cloth or Silk will often Tear one way, and not ano­ther; so here, while the Warp or those Fibres which are Spirally con­tinued, [Page 118] are usually unroaved without breaking; those smaller ones, by which they are stitched or woven together, easily tear in sunder all the way.

31. And because the Fibres of the Woof, are themselves also of different Bulk; therefore it is, That where they are more sturdy, as usually in the Root, they require a greater quantity of Warp, that is, a broader Plate, to overmatch them. Whereas, where they are more extream small, as in the Trunk and Leaves, one Thred of the Warp, that is, one Spiral Fibre, will be strong enough of it self, and so, sometimes, be singly unroav'd.

32. §. From the extream Tenuity of these Fibres, it is, That they are very rarely discern'd, and not without the greatest difficulty. As also, from their great Tenderness; whereby not enduring to be drawn out, they all break off close to the Sides of the Spiral ones. In the Pith, the like Transverse Fibres are a little more visible: which first conducted Me to the notice of them here also.

33. §. All the Fibres of the Aer-Vessels, both the Warp and the Woof, are of the same Substantial Nature with the Pith and the other Parenchymous Parts of a Plant. From whence it is, That whereas the Towy Parts of a Plant, whereof all Linen Manufactures are made, are very Strong and Tough; these, as is abovesaid, are extream Tender and Brittle, like those of the Pith and all the Pithy Parts. To which therefore, the Aer-Vessels are to be referr'd. And the Content of both, is oftentimes the same.

34. §. From whence, we have a further proof of what I have formerly asserted, B. 1. c. 7. §. 13, 14. which is, That in all Plants, there are Two Sub­stantially different Parts, and no more than Two, viz. the Pithy, and the Towy or Lignous Parts.

35. §. From hence also we have some ground to conjecture, That so many of the Aer-Vessels, at least, which are not formed with the seed, but post-nate, are originated from the Parenchymous Parts; which seem by some alteration in the Quality, Position and Texture of the Fibres, to be Transformed into Aer-Vessels, as Caterpillars are into Flies. And as the Pith it self, by the Rupture and Shrinking up of several Rows of Bladders, doth oftentimes become Tubulary: So is it also probable, that in the other Parenchymous Parts, one single Row or File of Bladders evenly and perpendicularly piled; may sometimes, by the shrinking up of their Horizontal Fibres, all regularly breakone into another and so make one continued Cavity; or a Tube, whose Diametre is the same with that of the Bladders, wherof it is composed. All which, will appear more probable, and what hath been said, be yet better understood, when we come, in the next Chapter, to the Description of the Pith.

CHAP. IV. Of the PITH.

THE Third General Part of a Branch is the Pith. Which though it have a different name from the Pa­renchyma in the Barque, and the Insertions in the Wood; yet, as to its Substance, it is the very same with them both. Whereof there is a double evi­dence, sc. their Continuity, and the sameness of their Texture. Their Texture shall be shewed presently. As to their Continuity, it is to be noted, That as the Skin is continu­ous with the Parenchyma of the Barque; and this Parenchyma likewise, with the Insertions in the Wood; so these Insertions again, running through the Wood, are also continuous with the Pith. So that the Skin, Parenchyma, Insertions, and Pith, are all One entire piece of Work; being only filled up, in divers manners, with the Vessels.

2. §. The Size of the Pith is various, being not the same in any two Branches here represented. Tab. 24, 31, 34, 35. 22, 29, 30, 32. 23, 25, 26, 35. 27. 28. In Wormwood, Sumach, Fig, Barbery, 'tis very large; sc. betwixt 5, and 7 Inches Diametre, as it appears through the Microscope. In Pine, Ash, Holly, Walnut, not so large; from 3 Inches Diameter to 4. In Oak, Apple, Pear, Hazel, lesser, scarce from 2, to 3. In Damascene, not above an Inch and half. And in Elm, scarce an Inch Diameter. Note also, that of all Plants, both Herbs, and Shrubs, have generally the largest Piths, in proportion with the other Parts of the same Branch, as in Sumach, Fig, Barbery, is ma­nifest.

3. §. It is also worth the noting, That wheras, in most Plants, the Barque and Wood do both grow thicker every year: the Pith, on the contrary, groweth more slender; So that in a Branch of one years growth, it is apparently more ample, than in one of two; and in a Branch of two, than in one of three; and so on.

4. §. The Pith, for the most part, if not always, in the Branch, as well as the Root, is furnished with a certain number of Sap-Vessels. They are here usually so postur'd, as to make a Ring on the Margin of the Pith. Where they are more numerous, or large, they are more evident; Tab. 30, 31, 32. as in Walnut, Fig, Pine, and others. They are also of di­vers Kinds, answerable to those in the Barque; as in Wallnut, Lym­phaeducts; in Fig, Lacteals; in Pine, Resiniferous.

5. §. The Parenchyma of the Pith is composed of Bladders. Which are the very same with those in the Barque, and oftentimes in the In­sertions within the Wood. Only these in the Pith, are of the largest Size; those in the Barque, of a lesser; and those of the Insertions least of all: for which reason they are less obvious than in the Pith.

6. §. The Bladders of the Pith, though always comparatively Great; Tab. 24, 31. yet are of very different Sizes. Being easily distinguished, even as to their Horizontal Area, to Twenty Degrees. Those of Fig, Bar­berry, and some others, are somewhat large. And of many Herbs; as [Page 120] of Thistle, Tab. 39. Borage, and others, three times as big again; appearing in the Microscope, like to the largest Cells of an Hony-comb. Those of Plum, Worm-wood, Sumach, less. Of Elm, Apple, Pear, lesser. Of Holly and Oak, Tab. 32. still less. So that the Bladders of the Pith in Borage or Common Thistle, are of that Size, as to contain, within the com­pass only of their Horizontal Area, about twenty Bladders of the Pith of Oak. Wherefore one whole Bladder in Thistle, is, at least an hun­dred times bigger, than another in Oak.

7. §. Of the Size of these Bladders of the Pith, 'tis also to be no­ted, That it doth not at all follow the Size of the Pith it self; but is still varied, according as Nature designeth the Pith for various use. Thus, whereas the Pith of Sumach, is Larger than that of Barberry; it might be thought, that the Bladders, whereof it is composed, should be likewise Larger: Yet are they Three times as Small again in Sumach, Tab. 24, 34. 26, 27. 22, 23. as they are in Barberry. So the Pith of Plum, is far Less, than that of Pear; yet the Bladders of the former are Four or Five times as big, as those of the latter. So the Pith of Hazel is almost Three times as Little again, as that of Holly; yet the Bladders in Hazel, are Ten times bigger, than in Holly.

8. §. The Shape of the Bladders hath also some Variety. For al­though, for the most part, they are more round; yet oftentimes they are angular: as in Reed-grass, a Water-plant; where they are Gubical; and in Borage, Thistle, and many others, where they are pentangular, sexangular and septangular.

9. §. Of the Texture of the Bladders, 'tis also to be noted, that many times, the Sides of the greater Bladders are composed of lesser; as is often seen in those of Borage, Bulrush, and some other Plants. In the same manner, as the Sap-Vessels, are but greater Fibres made up of lesser.

10. §. The Pith, though always originally composed of Bladders, and so One Entire Piece; yet in process, as the Plant grows up, it hath divers openings or Ruptures made in it: oftentimes very regularly, and always for good use, and with constancy observed in the same Species of Plants. In Sharp-poynted Dock, many of the Pores are considerably pro­longed by the length, like small Pipes. In Walnut it shrinketh up into transverse Filmes or Membranes; Tab. 19. as likewse sometimes in Spanish-Broom. Sometimes the Pith is hollow or Tubulary: either throughot the Trunk, as in Thistle, Endive, Scorzonera, Marsh-Mallow: or so, as to remain entire at every joynt; as in Sonchus, Nettle, Teasle; in which it is di­vided as it were into several Stories: and divers other ways.

11. §. I SHALL conclude this discourse with a further illustrati­on of the Texture of the Pith, and of the whole Plant, as consequent thereupon. I say therefore, (and have given some account hereof in the Anatomy of Roots) That as the Vessels of a Plant, sc. the Aer-Vessels and the Lymphaeducts are made up of Fibres; according to what I have in this Discourse above said; so the Pith of a Plant, or the Blad­ders whereof the Pith consists are likewise made up of Fibres. Which is true also of the Parenchyma of the Barque. And also of the In­sertions in the Wood. Yea, and of the Fruit, and all other Paren­chymous Parts of a Plant. I say, that the very Pulp of an Apple, Pear, Cucumber, Plum, or any other Fruit, is nothing else but a Ball of most extream small transparent Threds or Fibres, all wrapped and [Page 121] stitch'd up (though in divers manners) together. And even all those Parts of a Plant, which are neither formed into visible Tubes, nor in­to Bladders, are yet made up of Fibers. Which, though it be difficul to observe, in any of those Parts which are closer wrought and prin­cipally in the Insertions of some Trees: yet in the Pith, especially of some Plants, which consisteth of more open work, they are more visible. Which introduceth the observation of them in all other Parenchymous Parts. Tab. 38. So in the Pith of a Bulrush of the Common Thistle, and some other Plants; not only the Threds of which the Bladders; but also the single Fibres, of which the Threds are composed; may sometimes with the help of a good Glass, be distinctly seen. Yet one of these Fibres, may reasonably be computed to be a Thousand times smaller than an Horse-Hair.

12. §. The Fibrosity of the Parenchyma is also visible in some Woods, in which, it is apparently mixed with the Lignous Parts, not only by Insertions, but per minimas Partes organicas. That is to say, The Paren­chymous Fibres, like smaller Threds, are either wraped round about both the Lignous and the Aer-Vessels, or at least interwoven with them, and with every Fiber of every Vessel: Tab. 39. as in very white Ash or Fir-Wood, with an advantagious posture and light, may be observed.

13. §. WHENCE it follows, that the whole Substance, or all the Parts of a Plant, so far as Organical, they also consist of Fibres. Of all which Fibres those of the Lymphaeducts, run only by the Length of the Plant: those of the Pith, Insertions, and Parenchyma of the Barque, run by the breadth or horizontally: those of the Aer-Vessels, fetch their Circuit by the Breadth, and continue it by the Length.

14. §. By which means, the said Parenchymous Fibres, in fetch­ing their horizontal Circles, do thus weave, and make up the Bladders of the Pith, in Open-Work. And the same Fibres being thence conti­nued; they also weave and make up the Insertions, but in Close-Work. Betwixt which Insertions, the Vessels being likewise transversly inter­jected, some of the same Fibres wrap themselves also about these; thus tying many of them together, and so making those several Conjugati­ons and Braces of the Vessels, which I have formerly described. And as some of these Horizontal Fibres are wraped about the Vessels; so also about the Fibres, whereof the Vessels are composed. By which means it is, Tab. 40. that all the Fibres of the Vessels are Tacked or Stitched up close together into One Coherent Piece. Much after the same manner, as the Perpendicular Splinters or Twigs of a Basket, are, by those that run in and out Horizontally. And the same Horizontal Fi­bres, being still further produced into the Barque; they there com­pose the same work over again (only not so open) as in the Pith.

15. §. SO THAT the most unfeigned and proper resemblance we can at present, make of the whole Body of a Plant, is, To a piece of fine Bone-Lace, when the Women are working it upon the Cushion, For the Pith, Insertions, and Parenchyma of the Barque, are all extream Fine and Perfect Lace-Work: the Fibres of the Pith running Hori­zontally, as do the Threds in a Piece of Lace; and bounding the se­veral Bladders of the Pith and Barque, as the Threds do the several Holes of the Lace; and making up the Insertions without Bladders, or with very small ones, as the same Threds likewise do the close Parts of [Page 122] the Lace, which they call the Cloth-Work. And lastly, both the Lig­nous and Aer-Vessels, stand all Perpendicular, and so cross to the Hori­zontal Fibres of all the said Parenchymous Parts; even as in a Piece of Lace upon the Cushion, the Pins do to the Threds. The Pins being also conceived to be Tubular, and prolonged to any length; and the same Lace-Work to be wrought many Thousands of times over and over again, to any thickness or hight, according to the hight of any Plant. And this is the true Texture of a Plant: and the general com­posure, not only of a Branch, but of all other Parts from the Seed to the Seed.

An Account of the VEGETATION OF TRUNKS Grounded upon the foregoing ANATOMY. PART II.

HAVING before given the Anatomy of Trunks; I shall next proceed to see, what Use may be made thereof; and principally, to explicate the manner of their Vegetation. In doing which, that former Method, which I used in shewing the manner of the Growth of Roots, I shall not exactly follow. For so, in regard the Organical Parts of the Root and Trunk are the same, and consequently their Nutrition and Conforma­tion are effected in the same way; I should hereby be obliged to a nau­seous and unprofitable repetition of many things already said. The Explication therefore of all those Particulars, which more especially belong to the Trunk, or are more Apparent therein, and not spoken of, or not so fully, in the former Books, will be my present Task. The chief Heads whereof, shall be these Seven following, viz.

  • FIRST, the Motion and Course of the Sap.
  • SECONDLY, The Motion and Course of the Aer.
  • THIRDLY, The Structure of the Parts.
  • FOURTHLY, The Generation of Liquors.
  • FIFTHLY, The Figuration of Trunks.
  • SIXTHLY, The Motion of Trunks.
  • SEVENTHLY, And lastly the Nature of Trunks as variously fitted for Mechanical Use.

CHAP. I. Of the Motion and Course of the Sap.

FIRST, as to the Course of the Sap, there are Three Parts in which it moveth; sc. the Pith, the Wood, and the Barque First the Pith; in which the Sap moveth the First year, and only the First year. Or, it is Proprium quarto modo, to the Pith of every Annual Growth, and to the Pith of such a Growth only, To be succulent. That is, whether of a Sprout from a Seed, or of a Sucker from a Root, or of a Cyon from a Branch; The Pith is always found the First year full of Sap. But the Second year, the same individual Pith, always becomes dry, and so it continues ever after.

2. §. One cause whereof is, that the Lymphaeducts in the Barque, being the first year adjacent to the Pith; they do all that time, trans­fuse part of their Sap into it, and so keep it always Succulent. But the same Lymphaeducts, the year following, are turned into Wood; and the Vessels which are then generated, and carry the Sap, stand beyond them, in the Barque. So that the Sap being now more remote from the Pith, and intercepted by the new Wood, it cannot be transfused, with that sufficient force and plenty as before, into the Pith; which therefore, from the first year, always continues dry.

3. §. THE SECOND Part in which the Sap moves, sub for­ma liquoris, is the Wood. Which yet, it doth not in all Plants, but only in some; and visibly, in very few; as in the Vine: In a Vine, I say, the Sap doth visibly ascend by the Wood. And this it doth, not only the first year, but every year, so long as the Vine continues to grow. But although this ascent, in or through the Wood, be every year; yet it is only in the Spring, for about the space of a Month; sc. in March and April.

4. §. There are many other Trees, besides the Vine, wherein, about the same time of the year, the Sap ascendeth, though not so copiously, yet chiefly, in the Wood. For if we take a Branch of two or three years growth, suppose of Sallow, and having first cut the same trans­versely; if the Barque be then also transversely, and with some force, pressed with the back of the knife, near the newly cut end; the Sap will very plainly rise up out of the utmost Ring of Wood. And if it be pressed in the same manner, or a little more strongly, about an Inch lower, the Sap will ascend out of every Ring of Wood to the Center. Yet at the same time, which is to be noted, there ariseth no Sap at all out of the Barque.

5. §. Whence appears the Error of that so Common Opinion, That the Sap always riseth betwixt the Wood and the Barque. The con­trary whereunto is most true, That it never doth. For the greater part of the year, it riseth in the Barque, sc. in the inner Margin adja­cent [Page 125] to the Wood, and in Spring, in or through the Wood it self, and there only.

6. §. THE THIRD Part in which the Sap ascends, is the Barque, as was above hinted, and may be observ'd in almost any Branch, if cut cross, in the late Spring and in Summer; either as the Sap issueth spontaneously, or upon pressing, as aforesaid. So that when the Sap ceaseth to ascend, sub forma liquoris, by the Wood, then it begins to ascend by the Barque.

7. §. Besides the difference of Time, the Organical Parts likewise, in which these two Saps ascend, are divers. For in the Barque, it ascendeth visibly, only in the Succiferous, whereas in the Wood, it ascendeth only by the Aer-Vessels.

8. §. FROM what hath been said, we may understand, what is meant by the Bleeding of Plants. If we take it generally, it properly enough expresses, The eruption of the Sap out of any Vessels. And so, almost all Plants, in Summer time, do Bleed, that is, from Sap-Vessels, either in the Barque, or in the Margin of the Pith: the Saps they Bleed, having either a Sower, Sweet, Hot, Bitter, or other Tast. At which time, the Vessels also, in the Barque of a Vine-Branch, do Bleed a Sower Sap.

9. §. But that which is vulgarly called Bleeding, as in a Vine, is quite another thing; both as to the Liquor which issueth, and the Place where it issues: that is to say, it is neither a Sweet, nor Sower, but Tasteless Sap; issuing, not from any Vessels in the Barque, but from the Aer-Vessels in the Wood. So that there is as much difference be­twixt Bleeding in a Vine, or the Rising of the Sap in any other Tree, in March, and in July; as there is betwixt Salivation and an Haemorrhage; or betwixt the Course of the Chyle in the Lactiferous Vessels, and the Circulation of the Blood in the Arteries and Veins.

10. §. NOW the Cause from whence it comes to pass, that the early Spring-Sap of a Vine, and other Trees, ascendeth by the Wood, is, In that the Generation of the young Sap-Vessels in the Barque, by which the Sap ascendeth all the Summer; is, in the beginning of Spring, but newly attempted. So that the Sap having not yet these Vessels to receive it, it therefore (pro hac vice) runs up the Aer-Vessels in the Wood. But so soon as the said Vessels in the Barque begin to be con­siderably encreased, the Sap, declining the Aer-Vessels, betakes it self to These, as its most proper Receptacles.

11. §. THE CAUSE also, why the Vessels of almost all Plants, upon cutting, do yield Sap, or Bleed; is the Pressure which the Parenchyma makes upon them. For the Pith and other Parenchymous Parts of a Plant, upon the reception of Liquor, have always a Conatus to dilate themselves. As is manifest from Sponges, which are a Sub­stance of the same Nature, and have a somewhat like structure. As also from Cork, which is but the Parenchyma or Barque of a Tree. I say therefore, that the Parenchyma being fill'd and swell'd with Sap, hath thereby a continual Conatus to dilate it self; and in the same degree, to press together or contract the Vessels which it surroundeth. And the said Vessels being cut, their actual Contraction and the Eruption of the Sap, do both immediately follow.

12. §. IT may be also noted, That the Trunk or Branch of any Plant being cut, it always bleeds at both ends, or upwards and downwards, [Page 126] alike freely. Which, as well as divers other Experiments plainly shews, That in the Sap-Vessels of a Plant, there are no Valves.

13. §. FROM what we have now above, and elsewhere formerly said, we may also understand the manner of the Ascent of the Sap. As to which, I say, First, That considering to what height and plen­ty, the Sap sometimes ascends; it is not intelligible, how it should thus ascend, by virtue of any one Part of a Plant, alone; that is neither by virtue of the Parenchyma, nor by virtue of the Vessels, alone. Not by the Parenchyma alone. For this, as it hath the Na­ture of a Sponge or Filtre, to suck up the Sap; so likewise, to suck it up but to a certain heigth, as perhaps, about an Inch, or two, and no more.

14. §. Nor by the Vessels alone, for the same reason. For all­though we see, that small Glass-Pipes immersed in Water, will give it an ascent for some Inches; yet there is a certain period, according to the bore of the Pipe, beyond which it will not rise. We must therefore joyn the Vessels and the Parenchyma both together in this Service; which we may conceive performed by them in the manner following.

15. §. Let A B be the Vessel of a Plant. Let C E D F be the Bladders of the Parenchyma, wherewith, as with so many little Cisterns, it is surrounded. Tab. 39. I say then, that the Sap, in the Pipe B A, would, of it self, rise but a few Inches; as suppose, from D to L. But the Blad­ders D P, which surround it, being swelled up and turgid with Sap, do hereby press upon it; and so not only a little contract its bore, but also transfuse or strain some Portion of their Sap thereinto: by both which means, the Sap will be forced to rise higher therein. And the said Pipe or Vessel being all along surrounded by the like Blad­ders; the Sap therein, is still forced higher and higher: the Bladders of the Parenchyma being, as is said, so many Cisterns of Liquor, which transfuse their repeated Supplies throughout the length of the Pipe. So that by the supply and pressure of the Cisterns or Bladders F D, the the Sap riseth to L; by the Bladders Q L, it rises to M; by the Bladders N M, it rises to I; by the Bladders O I, it rises to K; by the Bladders PK, it rises to E; and so to the top of the Tree. And thus far of the Motion of the Sap.

CHAP. II. Of the Motion and Course of the Aer

THE NEXT enquiry to be made, is, into the Motion and Course of the Aer. Where this question will first of all be asked; sc. Which way the Aer first enters the Plant; whether at the Trunk, Leaves, and other Parts above ground; or at the Root? I answer, That it enters in part, at them all. For the Reception, as well as Extra­mission whereof, the Pores are so very large, in the Trunks of some Plants, as in the better sort of thick walking Canes, that they are visible, to a good Eye, with­out a Glass; Tab. 19. but with a Glass, the Cane seems, as if it were stuck top full of holes with great Pins: being so large, as very well to resem­ble the Pores of the Skin in the end of the Fingers and Ball of the Hand.

2. §. In the Leaves of Pine, they are likewise through a Glass, a very Elegant Show; standing all most exactly, in rank and file, throughout the length of the Leaves. The Figure whereof shall be given hereafter, when we come to the Anatomy of the Leaf.

3. §. But although the Aer enters, in part, at the Trunk and other Parts, especially in some Plants; yet its chief entrance, is at the Root. Even as some Parts of Aer, may continually pass into the Body and Blood, by the Habit, or Pores of the Skin; but the chief entrance hereof, is at the Mouth. And what the Mouth is, to an Animal; that the Root is to a Plant.

4. §. Again, if the chief entrance of the Aer, were at the Trunk; then, before it could be mixed with the Sap in the Root, it must descend; and so move not only contrary to its own Nature, but likewise in a contrary Course to the Sap, throughout the Plant. Whereas, by its Reception at the Root, and so its Transition from thence; it hath a more natural and easie motion of Ascent. For while the Sap ascends, that the Aer, in the same Plant, should continually descend, cannot reaso­nably be supposed.

5. §. The same is further argued, From the fewness and small­ness of the Diametral Portions in the Trunk in comparison with those in the Root. In which Nature hath plainly designed the same, for the Separation of the Aer from the Sap, after they are both together received thereinto. So that the Reception and Course of the Aer, is made on this manner following.

6. §. THE Aer being a Springy Body, it insinuates into all the Holes and Cranies of the Earth; and so is plentifully mixed therewith. Whereupon, as the Sap enters the Root, more or less Aer still intrudes it self together with it. The Liquid Portion of the Sap, swells and fills up the Succulent Parts of the Barque. The Aery Part, is, as was said, separated from the Liquid, into the Diametral Portions. Which [Page 128] running from the Barque towards the Centre of the Root, and so pas­sing along betwixt the Aer-Vessels; do hereby convey the Aery Part of the Sap from the Barque, into the same.

7. §. Being thus received into the Aer-Vessels, and the Reception thereof, by the same means continued; it is by them advanced into the Trunk. In which advance, it is again, more or less, disbursed in­to all the Parts of the Trunk, as it goes. Partly, inwards to the Pith. From whence, the Pith is always, at length, filled with Aer. Partly, into the Insertions; by which it is conveyed outward into the Barque. Wherein, it is in some part, transfused through the Sap: and so the rest, with part of the Sap, remitted, in perspirations, back again in­to the Aer.

8. §. So that, whereas the Diametral Portions in the Root, do serve to convey the Aer from the Sap in the Barque, into the Aer-Vessels, in the Wood: on the contrary, the Insertions here in the Trunk, serve to convey the Aer from the Aer-Vessels in the Wood, into the Sap, in the Barque. Wherefore, as the Aer-Vessels advance the Aer, or the Aery Part of the Sap, and so convey it by the length of the Trunk; so the Insertions filter it, and convey it by the breadth.

9. §. AND that the Insertions have this Office or Subservience unto both Kinds of Vessels; doth yet further appear, if we consider, That the Aer-Vessels are always so postured, as to touch upon the said Insertions, or at least to stand very near them. For either they are large, and so do frequently touch upon them on both sides; as in Elm, Tab. 28. Ash, Wallnut, &c. Or if they are small; then they either run along in even lines collateral and oftentimes contiguous with the said Insertions, 29. as in Holly: 22. or at least, are reciprocally, some on one side, and some on another, inclined to them; as in Apple. By all which means, 25. the Aer is more readily conveyed from the Vessels into the In­sertions.

10. §. A further evidence hereof is this, That generally, the big­ger and the more numerous the Aer-Vessels be; the bigger, or at least, the more numerous also are the Insertions: Especially, if the compa­rison be made (as in all other cases it ought to be, as well as here) betwixt the several Species of the same Kind. So Corin, which hath small Aer-Vessels, Tab. 17. hath also very small Insertions. But the Vine, hath both very large: and so for others.

11. Wherefore, the Insertions minister betwixt the Aer-Vessels, and the Succiferous; in the same manner, as the Vesiculae of the Lungs, do betwixt the Bronchiae and the Arteries. That is to say, as in an Animal, the Bronchiae deposite the Aer into the Vesiculae of the Lungs; which administer it to the Arteries: so in a Plant, the Aer-Vessels deposit the Aer into the Insertions, that is into the Vesiculae of the Insertions; by which it is gradually filtred off into the Barque and the Sap-Vessels therein.

CHAP. III. Of the Structure of the Parts.

A THIRD enquiry, is into the Generation and Structure of Parts. The manner whereof I have already endeavoured to explicate Lib. 2. P. 2. from the A­natomy of the Root, throughout all particulars. Some whereof I shall yet further clear.

1. §. As First, the Union of the Barque to the Body of the Tree, Contrary to the common Opi­nion, That they are not continuous; but that the Barque only surrounds the Body, as a Scabbard does a Sword, or a Glove the Hand. As also seemeth to be proved, by the easy Slipping of the Barque of Willow, and most other Trees, when full of Sap, from the Wood.

2. §. But, notwithstanding this, they are as truly continuous, as the Skin of the Body is with the Flesh: sc. by means of the Parenchy­ma; which is one entire Body, Tab. 19. running from the Barque into the Wood, and so uniting both together; as in a Branch of Vine or Corin-Tree, when the Barque is stripped off, is apparent; the Spaces between the several Parts of the Wood, being silled up with the Parenchymous, inser­ted from the Barque.

3. §. Now the reason why the Barque nevertheless slips so easily from the Wood, is plain, viz. Because most of the young Vessels and Pa­renchymous Parts, are there every year successively formed; that is, be­twixt the Wood and Barque: where the said Parts newly formed, are as tender, as the tenderest Vessels in Animals. And we may imagine, how easie it were at once to tear or break a thousand Vessels or Fibres of an Embrio, of a Womb or Egg.

4. §. THE same Vessels of the Barque being always braced, and gradually falling off, Tab. 19. together with the Parenchyma, into the utmost Rind: Hence it is, that the Barques of many Trees, are as it were, lat­ticed with several Cracks of divers Sizes, and sometimes in the Figure of Rombs: the said Fissures representing the Position and Tract of the Vessels in their Braces. Hence also it is, that the Barque of some Trees, as of Corin, Cherry, &c. falleth off in Rings, sc. because the Sap-Vessels are posited in the same manner in the Barque.

5. §. The Sap-Vessels, as they are generated at the inner Verge of the Barque: so likewise, in a small quantity, at the utmost Verge of the Pith. These being not only fed with a more vigorous Sap, but with great caution, secured within the Wood, for the propagation of the succeeding Buds.

6. §. Hence also it is, that is, by the annual accretion of these Vessels, Tab. 18. that the Pith is sometimes less in the Trunk, than in the Branches; and less in the elder Branches, than in the youuger; and sometimes 'tis allmost wholly filled up. By which means, as the Branches carry every year a greater burthen; so they become still more sturdy the better to support it.

7. §. SOMETIMES also the Pith breaks and shrinks up, thus making the Trunk a Pipe. The cause whereof, is either the Largeness of its Pores, or the Thinness of the Sides of the said Pores; upon both [Page 130] which accounts, the Pith doth more easily tear, and upon tearing shrink up, and so become hollow: as in Cichory, Lampsana, Sonchus, Teasel, Brownwort, and others; wherein the Pores of the Pith are Large, and the Sides of the Pores, Thin. Whereas, upon contrary ac­counts, the Piths of most Trees, remain perpetually entire.

8. §. THE Reason why Plants are made thus to become hollow, is partly, for the ripening of the Fruit or Seed; which is the better ef­fected by a more plentiful supply of Aer continually received into their hollow Trunks. For by means of that Aer, part of the Sap, is dryed up, and the remaining part of it made warmer, and so sooner matured.

9. §. Partly, for the better determining the due Age of the Plant. Hence it is, that the greater part of Annual Trunks, are hollow: the Aer contained in that hollow, drying up the Sap, and shrinking up the Sap-Vessels so far, as to hinder the free motion of the Sap therein; from whence the Plant must needs perish. So that as the Content of the Aer-Vessels, is a kind of Vegetable Aer, whose Office is to Attenuate, and Ferment the Juyces of Plants: so the Content of these Cavities, cometh nearer to a more common Aer, designed chiefly, so soon as it is conve­nient, to dry them up.

10. §. AGAIN, as to the Aer-Vessels, divers questions may be asked. As how it comes to pass, that they are generally less in the Trunk of the same Plant, than in the Root? The Cause whereof is, that here in the Trunk they are more under the power of the Aer; both that which entreth in at the Trunk, and that which of its own Nature ascendeth up into it from the Root. For the Aer, as we have elsewhere said, is the Mould of the Aer-Vessels; to whose crooked or at least, Acid Parts, the Saline, and other Principles concurring to their ge­neration, do conform. To which they do best, the smaller they are: the Fibres of the larger Aer-Vessels making greater Circles, and so coming nearer to a right Line, answerable to the Figure of the Particles, not of the Aerial, but of the Saline Principle.

11. §. Wherefore as the Aer-Vessels may be observed still to be dila­ted or widened towards the lower parts of the Root; the Aerial Princi­ple being there less predominant, and the Saline more: So towards the upper part of the Trunk, to be contracted or grow smaller; the Aerial Principle being here more predominant, and the Saline less.

12. §. FOR the same cause it may be observed, That the Aer-Vessels of the Second years Growth, and the several years succeeding, are usu­ally nearer of one Size, than those of the Second and First; all being under a less power of the Aer, than the First. For the first year the Pith being full of Liquor, the Aer-Vessels themselves, are the only Repo­sitories of the Aer. Whereas after the first year, the Pith becoming dry, or another great Repository for the Aer; the Aer-Vesseles are henceforth filled with a moister or more Vaporous and Saline Aer, and so made to grow wider.

13. §. Hence the very Size of the Pith, hath much influence upon the Aer-Vessels, and the manner of Nutrition, and the Generation of Li­quors in Plants.

14. §. BUT for the most part, the Aer-Vessels are somewhat, more or less, amplified in every new Annual Ring; or at least to a certain number of years. Probably, because in the elder Branches, the Spiral Fibres, of which the Vessels consist, are more bulky; and so make a [Page 131] Vessel of a wider, as a more agreeable bore. Nature obtaining here­by, that the Quantity of Aer, shall always be answerable to the Growth of the Plant, or at least, be sufficient to maintain its Vegetable Life and Vigour.

15. §. And therefore, as is above hinted, it seems likely, That after a certain number of years, the Aer-Vessels are no longer amplified, but stand at a stay, and perhaps may grow smaller, according as the Tree is less or more Longaeve; and that after this period, it is some way or other in its Declining State.

16. §. LASTLY, from the Content and Governing Principle of the Aer-Vessels, the Time, when they begin every year to be formed, or to appear, is always later; at least with respect to the season of the Tree. So that whereas the Sap-Vessels begin to be formed in Spring: these, not till the latter end of Summer, or there about; at least not till about that time to appear. That is, when the Sap begins to de­crease, and to grow more Aery; and so more fit matter for the Gene­ration of the said Aer-Vessels.

CHAP. IV. Of the Generation of Liquors.

UPON the Structure and Formation of the Parts, de­pendeth the Generation of Liquors, as was lately in­timated. The manner whereof I have formerly shewed, in discoursing of the Root. Yet some things I shall here further explicate. And First, what we have formerly asserted, sc. That the concurrence of two specifically distinct Fluids, is as necessary to Nutrition in Plants, as in Animals. Which appears, as from divers other considerations, so from the very Structure of a Plant: where in all the Organical Parts, or the Parenchyma and the Vessels, are every where mixed together per minima, that is, per minimas partes organi­cas, or Fiber with Fiber of several Kinds. Every small part of a Tree, or of the Barque of a Tree, being as I may say, a sort of Linsy-Woolsey. So that there is not the least part of the Sap, which is not impregnate with divers Essential Tinctures, as it is continually filtred from the Fibres of one Kind, to those of another; standing every where woun'd and stitch'd up together for the same purpose.

2. §. FROM the special Nature and Structure of the Parts, the Liquors of Plants are likewise specified. The Vessels being the chief Viscera of a Plant. For all Liquors in a Plant, are certainly made by that Plant. And since the Plant hath no Viscera (so called) I would then know, what its several Liquors are made by? If in the Paren­chyma, surely by that Parenchyma. If in the Vessels, by the Vessels. And if of divers Kinds by divers Kinds of Vessels. So that what the Viscera are in Animals, the Vessels themselves are in Plants. That is to say, as the Viscera of an Animal, are but Vessels conglomerated: so the Vessels of a Plant, are Viscera drawn out at length.

[Page 132] 3. §. AGAIN, as the specifying of the Sap dependeth chiefly on the special Nature of the Parts: so partly, upon the Structure of the Whole. Whereby every Part is still better accomodated with its own Juyce. Thus the Aer-Vessels are necessary, not only and barely for a supply of Aer; but also by their Number, Size, and Position to adjust the quantity of that Aer, to the government of Nutrition, and the Ge­neration of the Specifick Liquors of every Plant. Which is evident from hence, in that they do not follow the Size of the Plant; but are great and many, in some small Plants; and small and few, in some others that are large. So Vines, and Corn, as we have formerly ob­served, have proportionably a great number of Aer-Vessels, and those very large. By which means the Sap is attenuated and less Oyly, and more copiously impregnated with a Subtle, Volatile and Winy Spirit.

4. §. For the same reason, the Stalk of Maze or of Indian Wheat, which when it is Green yieldeth a very sweet Juyce; and the Canes, whereof Sugar (which aboundeth with a volatile and inflammable Spi­rit) is made; these, I say, obtain the like over proportion of Aer-Vessels, to what we see in most other Plants. Hence also it is, that none of the said Plants have any considerable Barque; that so the at­tenuating and subtilizing Aer, may have a more easie and plentiful ad­mission at the Trunk also. For which reason likewise the Pores of the Skin of some Canes are, as hath been said, remarkably wide.

5. §. Hence also it is observable, that of the same Species or Kin­dred, those Plants which have the most, and especially the largest Aer-Vessels; have also the greatest abundance either of a sweet, or of a wi­ny Liquor. So in Apple; they are larger than in Crab; In Warden, larger than in Qnince; and in Pear-Tree, larger than in Warden. So also in Corin, larger than in Gooseberrey; and in Vine, larger than in Corin: and so in others.

6. §. AND as the Aer-Vessels, by their Multitude and Largeness, are accommodated to the better making of a Winy Sap: so by their few­ness and smallness, of an Oylie. As is remarkably seen in Fir, and other Resiniferous Trees: these having, if not the smallest, yet the fewest Aer-Vessels of all other Trees.

7. §. IF it be asked, how a Plant comes to have any Oyl at all in any Part? Since we see, that the Sap by which the Root is fed, seem­eth to be nothing else but Water▪ and that many Plants which yield a great deal of stillatitious Oyl, as Mint, Rue, and others, will yet grow in Water: I say, if it be enquired how this Water, is made Wine or Oyl? I answer, that there is no such matter. But that the Oyl, and all other Vegetable Principles are actually existent in, and mixed per minima, though in an extraordinary small proportion, with the Water. Even as we see the distilled Waters of Anise Seeds, Penyroyal, and the like to be impregnated with their own Oyls, which give the Taste and Smell to such Waters.

8. §. Wherefore, as a certain quantity of any Salt may be dissolved in Water; beyond which, it will not mix therewith, but remains un­der its own Form: So is there a certain proportion of Oyl, though far less, which may also be perfectly mixed with Water; and is certainly so, more or less, with all the Water in the world. But if that propor­tion, or degree of impregnation be once exceeded; the particles of Oyl do then, and not till then, gather into a body, and appear under their own Form.

[Page 133] 9. §. I say therefore, that all kinds of Vegetable Principles, are either in or together with the Water, with less difference first received into a Plant. But when they are once therein; they are then separa­ted, that is to say, filtred, some from others, in very different Propor­tions and Conjunctions by the several Parts; the Watery by one Part, the Aery by another, the Oyly by another, and so the rest: and so every Part is the Receptacle of a Liquor, become peculiar, not by any Trans­formation, but only the Percolation of Parts out of the common Mass or Stock of Sap. And so all those parts of the Sap, which are super­flous to any kind of Plant, are at the same time, discharged back by Perspirations, into the Aer.

10. §. AND, that Nature, in the various Percolations and Sepa­tions of the Sap, may still the better answer her end; hence, it is, that she carefully seeth, not only to the special Nature and Proportion of the Organs, by which she doth her work; but likewise to their very Position. Thus it is observable, That whereas the Lymphaeducts, which carry a more Watery Liquor, are still placed on the inner Verge of the Barque, next to the Aer-Vessels: the Lactiferous and Resiniferous Vessels of Plants, to whose Oylie Liquor a mixture of much Aer is incongru­ous; do usually stand, neither on the inner, nor the outer verge of the Barque; but in the midle. By which means, they are at the greatest distance, and so most secure, from the Aer; either that which enters the Barque at the Circumference, or from the Wood and Pith.

11. §. AND because the Resinous Liquors of Plants are more Oily, than their Milky; their security therefore, from the approach of the Aer, is yet further contrived. In that in Pine, and other Re­sinous Trees, the Diametral Insertions are never found; or at least, not visible: which yet in other Trees, are conspicuous; being those Parts, whose office it is, to introduce the Aer from the Aer-Vessels into the Barque.

12. §. AGAIN, the Milky Liquors of Plants being thinner than the Resinous, and having a considerable quantity of Water mixed with their Oyl; hence it is, that in Milky Plants, as in Rhus, there are a greater number of Lymphaeducts; and those standing nearer to the Milky Vessels, than they do in Pine and the like, to the Resinous. By which means they are better fitted to affuse their Aqueous Parts more plentifully to the said Milky Liquor.

13. §. FROM the Mixture of Watery Parts with the Oylie, it comes to pass, that whereas all Lympha's, Mucilages, and Rosins are transparent; the Aquae-oleous Liquors of Plants are Milky or white▪ or otherwise Opacous. For the same thing is the cause of the white­ness of Vegetable, as of Animal-Milk: that is to say, a more copious mixture of Watery and Oily Parts per minima, or into one Body. For even the Serous and Oylie Parts of Animal Milk, when throughly separated one from the other, they become very transparent. So the Stil­latitious Oyl of Anise Seeds, is most transparent and limpid, even as Wa­ter it self: yet there is a known sort of White Anise-Seed Water, as it is commonly called: that it is to say, wherein the Oyl, in distillation, ariseth and is mixed more plentifully with the Water. And the Wa­ter, wherein the stillatitious Oyl of any Vegetable is dissolved, becomes a perfect white Milk; as in this Honourable and Learned Presence, I have formerly had occasion to shew the Experiment. See the Discourse of Mixture

[Page 134] 14. §. AND that the Milky Liquors of all Vegetables whatsoever, are more Oylie than their Lympha's, is most certain. For all those Gums, which dissolve either in Oyl or in Water, as Galbanum, and the like, are originally the Milky Juyces of Plants. And if you take the Milk of any Plant, as for instance, the Milk of common Sumach, or of any Taste, Bitter, Astringent, Hot, Cold, or any other whatsoever; and having well dryed it, and then fired it at a candle; it will there­upon burn with a very bright and durable flame, even like that of Tar or Turpentine it self.

15. §. FROM what hath been said, we may likewise gather the most genuine import of the word Gum, and the distinction there­of both from a Rosin and a Mucilage. First, a Rosin, is originally a Turpentine, or Acidoleous Liquor, having an exceeding small quantity of Watery Parts mixed therewith; and which, for that reason, will not be dissolved in Water, but only in Oyl. Of this kind are Mastick, Benzoine, Ta [...]camahacca, and divers others, commonly, in our Bils to A­pothecaries, called Gums. Yet in strict speaking they are all so many Rosins.

16. §. Secondly, a Gum, and every Oylie Gum, is originally a Milky Liquor, having a greater quantity of Water mixed with its Oyly Parts; and which for that reason, will be made to dissolve ei­ther in Water or Oyl. Of this kind are Sagapen, Opopanax, Ammoniac, and others.

17. §. The third sort of Gum, is that which is Unoylie, and which therefore dissolveth only in Water, as Gum-arabick, the Gum of Cherry-Tree, and others such like. This Gum, though commonly so called, yet is properly but a dryed Mucilage: being originally nothing else but the Mucilaginous Lympha issuing from the Vessels of the Tree. In like manner, as it doth from Cumfry, Mallow, and divers other Plants: and even from the Cucumer. The Vessels whereof, upon cut­ting cross, yield a Lympha, which is plainly Mucilaginous, and which being well dryed, at length becomes a kind of Gum, or rather a hardened Mucilage. In like manner, the Gums of Plum-tree, Cherry-tree and the like, are nothing else but dryed Mucilages. Or, if we will take the word in its widest sense, then all Gums are originally, either a Terebinth, or a Milk, or a Mucilage.

18. §. I have likewise made divers Observations of the Tasts, Smells, and Colours of Plants, and of their Contents, since those I last published: and that both for the finding out the true Causes of their Generation, and also the applying of them unto Medical and other Uses. Of which hereafter.

CHAP. V. Of the Figuration of Trunks.

THE Fifth Head, shall be, of the Figuration of Trunks. Which also, as well as the making of Liquors, dependeth upon the Structure of the Parts. As First, almost all Shrubs (caeteris pa­ribus) have a greater number of Aer-Vessels; and those of a smaller Size; and consequently much spread abroad, as most easily yielding to the magnetick Power of the Aer, according as we have more fully demonstrated, in speaking of the Vegetation of Roots: as in Elder, Hazel, Fig, Sumach, and the like. By which spreading, the said Aer-Vessels do sooner, and more easily strike into the Barque, and so produce collateral Buds and Branches, and that upon the first rising of the Body from the Root: that is, the Plant becomes a Shrub.

2. §. BUT if the said Aer-Vessels are very large, they will not yield so easily to shoot out collaterally; and so the Trunk grows up taller and more entire: as in Oak, Wallnut, Elm, &c. wherein they are exceeding large, is seen. Hence also the Vine, if supported, will grow to a prodigious length. And Hops and Bryony, are some of the tallest, amongst all Annual Growths: the Aer-Vessels of all which, are very large. Whereas Borage, and many other like Plants, although the Pores of their Paren­chyma, are vastly wide, and silled with Sap; yet because their Aer-Vessels are small, they are therefore but Dwarf-Plants. Wherefore the tall­ness or advancement of a Plant or Tree, dependeth not upon the Plenty of Sap, how great soever, but on the Largeness of the Aer-Vessels.

3. §. AGAIN, as a Plant or Tree grows either Shrubby, or Tall and Entire, according to the Size of the said Vessels: so from their Position, doth it grow Slender or Thick. So, where they keep more within the compass of a Ring, as in Elm, and Ash, the Tree, in pro­portion, usually grows taller, and less thick. But where the said Vessels are spread more abroad, and especially are postured in Rays, as they are in Oak, the Tree grows very thick. Because the said Vessels thus standing all along nearer to the Insertions, there is a more ready and copious passage of the Aer out of the one into the other; and so the Diametral growth of the Wood is more promoted.

4. §. LASTLY, from the same general cause it is, That the Trunks of Vegetables are either Round or Angular. Those of all Trees are Round. Because the Barque, being here thicker, and the Aer-Vessels bound up with a greater quantity of Wood; the Aer hath not suffici­ent power to move them, and the Barque with them, into those various Positions or Figurations, as the Trunks of Herbs do yield to.

5. §. Yet the cause of the various shapes of the Trunk, is not the Aer alone; but partly, the Principles of the Plants themselves, in con­juction therewith; according to the predominion whereof, and chiefly of some certain kind of Salt or Salts, as I shall hereafter B. 4. P. 1. Ch. 6. more particularly explicate) the Trunk is Square, Triangular, Pentangular, or otherwise Figured. And thus much in general of the Figuration of Trunks.

CHAP. VI. Of the Motions of Trunks.

THE Motions also of Trunks are various. Princi­pally Four; sc. Ascending, Descending, Horizontal, and Spiral. The cause of the Ascent of a Plant, is a certain Magnetick Correspendence betwixt the Aer and the Aer-Vessels of a Plant; the Motion and Tendency whereof, the whole Plant follows. This I have as­serted, and I think, clearly demonstrated in my First and Second Books of the Anatomy of Plants. I will here add this plain Experiment.

2. §. Take a Box of Moulds, with a hole bored in the bottom, wide enough to admit the Stalk of a Plant, and set it upon stilts half a yard or more above ground. Then lodg in the Mould some Plant, for Example a Bean, in such sort, that the Root of the Bean standing in the Moulds may poynt upwards, the Stalk towards the ground. As the Plant grows, it will follow, that at length the Stalk will rise upward, and the Root, on the contrary, arch it self downward. Which evidently shews, That it is not sufficient, that the Root hath Earth to shoot into, or that its Motion is only an Appetite of being therein lodged, which way soever that be: but that its nature is, though within the Earth already, yet to change its Position, and to move Down­wards. And so likewise of the Trunk, that it rises, when a Seed sprouts, out of the Ground, not meerly because it hath an Appetite of being in the open Aer; for in this Experiment it is so already; yet now makes a new Motion upwards.

3. §. BUT although the Natural Motion of the Trunk be to Ascend; yet is it forced oftentimes to Descend. For the Trunk-Roots growing out of some Plants near the ground, and shrinking thereinto, like so many Ropes, do pluck the Trunk annually lower and lower into the ground together with them; as may be seen in Scrophularia, Jacobaea, and many other Plants.

4. §. IF these Trunk-Roots break out only about the bottom of the Trunk, as in the aforesaid Plants, then the Trunk gradually Descends into the Earth, and is turned into a Root. But if it be very slender, and the Trunk-Roots break forth all along it, then it Creeps horizontally; the said Roots tethering it, as it trails along, to the ground; as in Straw­berry, Cinquefoyl, Mint, Scordium, &c.

5. §. AS to their Spiral Motion, it is to be noted; That the Wood of all Convolvula's or Winders, stands more close and round together in or near the Center, thereby making a round, and slender Trunk. To the end, it may be more tractable, to the power of the external Motor, what ever that be: and also more secure from breaking by its winding Motion.

[Page 137] 6. §. Wherefore, Convolvula's do not wind by any peculiar Na­ture or Genius, which other Trunks have not; but because their Parts are disposed so, as to render them more sequaceous to the external Motor. Even as the Claspers of a Vine, having the like Structure, have also a Motion of Convolution: whereas the Branches themselves upon a contrary account, move in a straight Line.

7. §. The Convolution of Plants, hath been observed only in those that Climb. But it seems probable, that many others do also wind; in which, B. 2. P. 1▪ Ch. 1. the main Stalk, is as the Axis to the Branches round about. Of which number, I conceive, are all those whose Roots are twisted; a Motion we observed in speaking of the Root. Whether it be so, or not the Experiment may easily be made by tying a Thred upon any of the Branches; setting down the respect it then hath to any Quarter in the Heavens: for, if it shall appear in two or three Months, to have changed its Situation towards some other Quarter; it is a certain proof hereof. And that hereby the Roots of many Plants become twisted; the Motion beginning in the Stalk, and ending at the bottom of the Root, which stands always fixed in the same place.

8. §. The Convolution of Trunks, is made not one, but divers ways; some moving by South from East to West; and others from West to East. Wherefore it seemeth, that as the Efficient Cause of Convolution, is not within the Plant, but external: so also, that it is not One, but that there are Two Great Efficients of this Motion; sc. the Sun and the Moon. Some winding together with the Sun, in its Diurnal Motion, (or, if the the Earth moves, then, Inclining to the Sun) by South from East to West. And others winding with the Moon, in its Monthly Motion, from West to East.

9. §. This possibly, may also be one sensible way of distinguishing betwixt Solar, and Lunar Plants. Thus far, in general, of the Motions of Trunks.

CHAP. VII. Of the Nature of Timber or Trunks, as they serve for Mechanick Use.

THE last thing I purposed to speak of, is, Those several Qualities of Timber or of Trunks, by which they are fitted for Mechanical Use. As Hardness, Softness, Fastness, Clevesomeness, Toughness, Brittle­ness, Durableness, or any of the same Qualities compounded. The Visible Causes whereof are ob­servable, Partly, in the Structure of the several Parts; sc. the Insertions, Sap-Vessels and Aer-Vessels; as to the Num­ber, Size, or Position of any of them. And partly, in the Nature of the Parts; I mean such as is manifest to sense. According to our clear and distinct observing of all which Causes, we may understand, Wherefore any Wood is made use of for any certain purpose. And also, wherein fitly to apply it to further Use. In order to which, a [Page 138] compleat History of the Mechanical Uses of Vegetables would very much conduce. I shall for the present give some Instances.

2. §. AS First, some Woods are soft, as Deal, and Sallow. Yet from different Causes. Deal, from the great Porosity of the Wood it self, or the large Pores amongst the Sap-Vessels. But Sallow, from the great number of Aer-Vessels spread all over it. And therefore, though they are both soft, yet will not serve for the same purposes; Sallow being well wrought upon, which way soever you cut it: but Deal, especi­ally the white Deal, if it be cut cross, it tears, and will never polish or work smooth.

3. §. Again, in Sallow, by the equal spreading of the Aer-Vessels, the Softness is equal or alike in all Parts. For which cause it maketh an excellent Coal for Painters Scribets. Because it doth not only make a light Stroak, but every where certain; and so doth not disturb the even Motion of the Hand. For the same cause, Shoomakers also make use of it for their Carving-boards. Because being every where equally soft, it turns not the edge of their Knives, Which Deal would pre­sently do; because though very soft in some places, yet in others 'its hard; that is to say, on the inner Verge of every annual Ring of Wood, where the old Sap-Vessels grow much more compact and close together.

4. §. AGAIN, some Woods are soft, but not fast; others are both, as Linn: its Softness, depending on the numerousness and equal spreading of the Aer-Vessels: its Fastness, on the closeness of the true Wood, and the shortness, and smallness of the Insertions. For which cause, it is of excellent use for many purposes; and particularly, for small Sculpture: such as may sometimes be seen for the Frames of Looking-Glasses, or of smaller Pictures in Water-Colours.

5. §. SOME Woods, again, are fast, and hard, as Elm. Its hardness depending upon the closeness of the Wood. Its fastness, Partly, upon the same cause; and partly, on the smalness of the Inser­tions; as also on the fewness of the Aer-Vessels in proportion with the Wood; and on the thwart and cross Position of many of them. Hence it is, that Elm, of all others, is the most Cross-grain'd Timber; that is, cleaveth so unevenly, to and fro, according to the cross Position of the said Vessels.

6. §. Hence also it cleaveth the most Difficultly. Even then, when it is without any Knots. For which reason it is always used, as best for the Hub of a great Wheel. As also for Water-Pipes, and for Pumps. Not because it is the most durable Wood; but because it will not split or crack, either in the working, or afterwards. For the very same reason, it is used for Coffins; that is, because, it will not split in working: not because it will endure longest under ground; for Pales are always made of Oak. So also the Ladles and Soles of a Mill-wheel are always made of Elm; as also the Keel of a Boat, sc. lest they should split: but the other Parts are made of Oak.

7. §. It may here also be noted, That the Planks commonly called Groaning-Boards, lately exposed, as a kind of Prodigy, to the view and hearing of many People, were of Elm. The Aer-Vessels of this Wood, being, though not more numerous, yet more ample, than in any other Timber. So that upon the application of the Red-hot-Iron, [...] was usual, and thereby the Rarifaction of the Aer and Watery Parts [...] the Timber; every Vessel became, as it were a little Wind-Pipe for [Page 139] their Expiration. And as a great many Drops falling together in a showr of Rain; so a great many of these Pipes playing together, might make a kind of big or groaning noyse.

8. §. AS Elm, of all Woods, is one of the fastest; So, on the contrary, of all hard Woods, Oak is the most Cleavesome, or splitteth the most easily. The cause whereof is, partly, the Largeness of the Insertions; and partly, the Diametral or Radiated Position of most of the Aer-Vessels: upon both which accounts, wherever a crack is once begun, 'tis easily continued throughout the Diameter of the Trunk.

9. §. AGAIN, some Woods are hard, fast, and tough. So is Ash, and especially Beech. Hard and fast, from some of the same Cau­ses, as Elm. Tough not from the Structure, but from the Nature of the Parts; whose Principles are united in a more exact proportion. Where­fore London-Cars have the Rings of their Wheels of Beech; because it tears more difficulty than even Ash it self. Whence also for large Screws, there is no Wood like it. But for Small Screws, of about an Inch Diame­ter, Birch is the best; as being, though not so hard, yet more tough.

10. §. THE more Brittle a Wood is, 'tis likewise usually the more durable. So Oak, which, with respect to its hardness, is not a tough, but very brittle Wood, is almost as durable as any. Whereas Beech, Birch, and the like, although very tough; yet for Duration, are of no service; for there are no Woods will rot sooner: and therefore, though strong enough, yet unfit to make any Standing Parts of Building, or of Fur­niture; especially in wet and moist places. Because, these Woods, having a less proportion of Oyl, than there is in Oak; they are apter to imbibe the moisture even of a dank Aer; by which moisture, they either Rot, or breed Worms, which destroy them.

11. §. HENCE it is, that what we call the Heart of Tim­ber, as it is more brittle, so also more durable; sc. Because more Oylie. So that which is called the Sap of Oak, is much more tough than the Heart, although the Heart be more durable. That is to say, the older the Wood is, the Watery Parts are the more evapourated, whilst the Oylie still remaine, as a kind of Tincture or Extract in the Wood. Even as we see, that the older Seeds of any one Kind, are more Oy­lie than those that are green and young. So that the Oylie or Rosinous Parts of the Sap, are a kind of Embalming to the Heart, or older Part of a Tree, securing it from the destructive impressions of the Aer. For which Cause it is, that Oak, Yew, Cocus, Guajacum, &c. which are Oylie Woods, have always much Heart, whereas Birch, Alder, Beech, Maple, which are very Unoylie, have never any Heart.

12. §. FROM hence likewise we may understand the Cause of the Toughness of Flax: what we call Flax, being only the Sap-Vessels, or Lignous Fibres of the Barque. And generally, the Barque of any Tree, as of Willow (whereof are usually made a sort of Ropes) is very tough. The Vessels being here younger, and less Oylie than in the Wood. So likewise Hemp, is nothing else but the Sap-Vessels of the Barque of the Plant so called. And Scotch-Cloath, is only the House­wifery of the same Parts of the Barque of Nettle.

13. §. WHENCE it is very probable, that there are many other Plants, as well as the above named, whereof might be made good Tow. And of some, espcially in some respects, better than of Flax it self. Because that even Hemp, although it will not make so [Page 140] fine a Staple, as Flax (for all our fine Hollands are made of Flax) yet Flax, which is but of the same fineness as Hemp, will never, by all the Art yet known, be made so white as Hemp is made. The Qualities therefore of the best Tow, that can be in Nature, are that the Staple be long, small, tough, and white. So that if in the Barque of any Plant, we can find these Qualities, or any of them, to excell; we may be sure, it will be of better use, in some respects, for the making of Cloath, or other purpose, than Flax it self.

14. §. I WILL conclude with one Instance more, and that is as to Grafting. The good and happy success whereof, doth certainly depend upon the suitableness or respondence betwixt the several Parts of the Stock and Cyon; as the Barque, Wood, and Pith; and that both as to the Number, Size, and Position of the said Parts, and of their seve­ral Pores or Vessels: according to the degrees whereof, the Conjuncti­on (caeteris paribus) will be more or less prosperous. So that of all such Conjunctions as are found to be apt and taking, and which some have learned not without long Practice and Experience; another, on­ly by comparing the Branches of Trees together, may with little trou­ble, and in much less time, inform himself. By the same means, some Conjunctions which seem to be strange, as Quince and Pear, White Thorn and Medlar, &c. do yet, by the respondence of their Parts, as well as by Experience, appear to be good. And there is no doubt, but that many Conjunctions not yet tryed, or not known to have been so, may upon the same ground, be tryed with good success.

15. §. The chief Use of Grafting and Inoculation, is, That they Accelerate the growth of Good Fruit. The Cause whereof, is the Knot, which is always made in the Conjunction. By means of which, all the Sap is strained, and so ascendeth up into the Graff or Bud, both Purer and in less Quantity; and is therefore better and sooner concocted. Hence, the smaller the Fruit of any Tree, though it be not the best, yet the Sap being there, in less Quantity, is the sooner ripe. On the con­trary, where the Sap ascendeth too freely, it doth not only retard the growth of the Fruit, but produceth Barrenness; as is seen in those luxuriant Branches, where it runs all up to Leaves. Hence also Vines, by Bleeding, become more Fruitful: that is, by the Effusion of Part of the Sap, there is a more easier melioration of that which remains. Even as Phlebotomy doth oftentimes produce a more healthful and bet­ter Habit of our own Bodies. To conclude, the lessening the Quan­tity, and thereby the melioriation of the ascending Sap, by Knots, is Natures own contrivance; as is seen in Sugar-Cane, Corn, and other Plants.



LONDON, Printed by W. Rawlins, 1682.


  • CHAP. I. Of the Protections and Folds of Leaves.
  • CHAP. II. Of those Things which appear upon the Surface of the Leaf.
  • CHAP. III. Of the Figures of Leaves; and the Apparent Position of the Fibres.
  • CHAP. IV. Of the Parts and Texture of the Leaf.
  • CHAP. V. Of the Duration of Leaves, and the Time of their Generation.
  • CHAP. VI. Of the Manner of the Generation of the Leaf. Where also, that of the Two General Parts of a Plant, sc. the Lignous and Parenchymous, is further explain'd.

To the Honourable Robert Boyle Esq


AFTER I had [...]inished the foregoing Books, In which, I conceive, as far as Glasses will yet lead us, I have clearly De­scrib'd and Delineated the Structure of a Plant; and have endeavour'd, in some part, to Vnfold the Reason and Scope of Nature there­in: I was willing to sit down, and leave what remained, to the Improvements of the Present and Succeeding Ages.

But in Discourse upon this Subject, You have been pleased frequently to insist, That I should by no means omit, to give likewise, some Examples of the Mechanisme of Nature in all the other Parts. The Performance whereof therefore, next to the Obedience I owe to the Royal Society, is to be looked upon, as a Due to the Authority which Your Judg­ment hath over me.

This I have said, that, if what is herein done, shall prove acceptable unto Learned Men; they may know, To whom they are oncemore to give their Thanks: After they have so often done it, upon (a better score) the Publishing of Your own Ex­cellent Works. In which, there seems to be a Question, Whe­ther Your Continual Endeavours, to enlarge the Bounds of Natural Knowledge, or Your Successes therein, have been the Greater. So that, whereas Nobility in some, doth [Page] only serve to lift them, like Jupiter's Satellits, out of sight: You, by giving a greater Light, have drawn all Mens Eyes upon You. And whilest there are many, in all Ages, fond of Preheminency in the Conduct of Popular Affairs; who yet rarely hit the Mark they aim at; or aim at That they pretend: You have though fit, rather to separate Your Self, to that more Innocent, and more Noble Sort of Wisdom, which lieth, not in the Arts of Conceiling, but in Discovering, the Truth of Things.

That we may have many to imitate You herein, can­not but be heartily wish'd by all, who regard the Honour of their own Country; as it is, with much Zeal, by

Your most obedient Servant NEHEMIAH GREW.

THE ANATOMY OF LEAVES, PROSECUTED With the bare EYE, And with the MICROSCOPE. Read before the Royal Society, Octob. 26. 1676. PART I.
CHAP. I. Of the Protections and Folds of Leaves.

IN THE General Anatomy of Plants, I have as­signed one whole Chapter Lib. 1. Ch. 4. to the Germen and Leaf. Since then, I have occasionally made divers Remarques of the same; both with the Naked Eye, as there, and also with the Microscope. The Principal whereof, I shall here set down; without repeating any from thence; or obliging my self strictly to the Order there used.

2. §. That which in a Germen, first occurs to the Eye, is the Pro­tection of the Leaves, or the various Methods which Nature takes to preserve them from the Injuries both of the Ground, and of the Wea­ther. To the Instances formerly given, I shall add these that follow.

[Page 146] 3. §. AND First, it is observable of the young Buds of Ammi, that lest they should be bruised, or starved, upon their first Erupti­on from under the Ground; they are couched, as Firn is rowl'd, in­ward; each Bud, against the Base of the Stalk of the foregoing Leaves, and most exactly laid up within the Membranes thence pro­duced: Just as the Child in the Womb, lie [...] with his Head against his Knees; or as it is afterwards embraced with the Armes of the Nurse. And it is a general Rule of Nature, where the Stalks of the Leaves are so long, that they cannot lap one over another, and where no other special Protection is provided; for the bottoms of the Stalks to be produced into broad Membranes, as Blankets to the suc­ceeding Buds; as in Crowfoot, Dovesfoot, Claver, Cransbill, Straw­berry, Yarrow, and others. And sometimes instead of two Skins lapped one over another, there is one entire Skin, produced from the Stalk, in which as within a Secundine, the Bud is safely shrowded; and which, in its Growth, it gradually breaks open.

4. §. THE same is also observable in Dock, Sorrel, Bistort, and all other Plants of this Kindred; with this difference, That every Veil or Secundine is not here produced from the Stalk of the Leaf; but hath its Original Distinct from it. And whereas in the former, every Bud hath only one to it self: in these Plants, every lesser Leaf, toge­ther with its own proper Veil, Tab. 41. is always inclosed, with the next greater Leaf, in another Veil common to them both; and both these with the next, in another; and so on to the greatest. These Veils are extream thin, and have very few Vessels; being so many meet transparent Skins. For which reason, there is always found a Mucilage or clear Gelly, between every Leaf, and its Veil, and between Veil and Veil. The one, thus preserving the other, (as do the Humors and Mem­branes of the Eye) from drying and shrinking up, and thereby from becoming useless for the Protection of the Plant.

5. §. THE Orchis, and other Plants of this kindred, because they Spring and Flower early, when the mornings are cold, have a double Sheath, or Blanket over all. The Buds of some Herbs (as of Plantain) having no Hairs growing on them, are covered with Hairy Thrums. And the Nettle hath Bastard-Leaves, or Interfoyls between Leaf and Leaf, for the preservation of its Stings.

6. §. ANOTHER Sort of Protection is seen in Wild Clary, White Archangel, and other Plants of a like Shape. In which, the greater Leaves do still cover and inclose the lesser, not by being lapped over them, Tab. 41. as where the Leaves are more numerous, is usual; but by a Double Fore-Curl at the bottom of every two greater Leaves; by which the little Under-Bud is embraced, and so kept safe and warm.

7. §. THE Leaves of Onions are all Pipes one within another. These Pipes are every where entire, saving about the middle, where they have a small Aperture; Tab. 42. common to all of them, even the most minute in the Centre: not being a forced Crack, but a Door ori­ginally formed, for the issuing of every lesser Pipe, out of a greater.

8. §. THE LAST I shall give, is that which is remarkable in Common Sumach. The Buds whereof, being exceeding tender, Nature appears sollicitous in a peculiar manner, Tab. 41. for their preservation. For whereas in other Plants, they are well enough secured only by standing behind the Stalks of the elder Leaves: here they are lodged within the [Page 147] very Body of the Stalk; as entirely, as a Kernel is within an Apple, or a Foetus in the Womb. From whence it comes to pass that the Basis of every Stalk is extreamly swelled, as going Great with a Bud.

9. §. UPON THE removal of those Parts, which are con­trived for the Protection; the Foulds and Composture of the Leaves do next appear: all which are most aptly suited both to the Number and Shape of the Leaves, and also their Position upon the Branch. In the First Book Ch. 4. I have given Examples of these Eight Sorts, se. the Plain Lap, the Plicature, the Duplicature, the Multiplicature, the Sin­gle Roll, Tab. 42. the Double Back-Roll, the Double Fore-Role, and the Treble-Roll. To which I shall add Four or Five more.

10. §. And First, in some Plants, as Ground-Ivy, St. Johns Wort, and divers others, where the Leaves are small, pretty numerous, and grow by pairs, they have no Fould, but stand Flat and Tangent, like a pair of Battledores clapt together.

11. §. They have the like Posture in Baum; saving, that here the Edges of the Leaves are a little curled backward. Not Rolled, a Curl being but the beginning of a Roll. So the several Labels of a Grounsel-Leaf are all laid in a Back-Curl.

12. §. The Leaves of some Plants, as Horehound, White Lamium, Nettle, and others, are likewise only Tangent, but are set with a Fore-Curle. And the several Labels or Scallops of the Leaf of Common Crowfoot, are all Curled Inward. But those of Hepatica aured, are com­posed into Double Fore-Rolls.

13. §. THE Leaves of Sage, Scabious, Red Lamium, Lychinis Sylvestris, and others, are neither couched one over another, as in the Bow-Lap; nor plated, as in the Flat Lap; but being loosely foulded, of every pair of Leaves, the half of one is reciprocally received between the two halfs of another, Tab. 42. and may therefore be called the Cleep. A Position very well suited to the Smalness of their Number, and the Equality of their Size, not so well agreeing with the Bow-Lap; and the somewhat inward Posture of the Fibres, not allowing the Flat Lap. Sometimes, as in Syringa, where the Leaves are broader, the Cleep is joyned with a Fore-Curle.

14. §. THE last I shall mention, is the Plaite-Roll, as in the La­pathum Alpinum, which some call English Rhubarb. The Leaves where­of are so very large, and the Fibres so prominent; that besides and under the two Back-Rolls, they are also laid in several Plaits, and un­der those Plaits, again with lesser ones, all most exquisitely Tucked up between the said Fibres: So, as neither to bruise the same, nor yet to leave any Vacuity: whereby every Leaf, and the whole Bud, lie close and round within their Veils.

CHAP. II. Of those things which appear upon the Surface of the Leaf.

THESE are Globular Excrescences, Spots, Hairs, Thorns and Prickles: of all which, except Spots, I have spoken in the Appendix to the Chapter of Leaves in the First Book.

2. §. Of the Globulets, it may here be fur­ther noted, That those which are white, and lie sometimes like a fine Powder upon the Leaf, were once transparent, as in Bears-Eear; their cleer Liquor beeing now evaporated to an Extract or White Flowers. This, if licked off, will give you the Tast of the more Essential Content of the Plant; Tab. 43. different from that perceived in chewing the Leaf.

3. §. For the observing of them, it may also be noted, That al­though they often grow on both sides the Leaf alike; yet sometimes, as in Ground-Ivy, only or chiefly on the Back-Side. And that in many Plants, where the elder Leaves have none; on the young Buds they are very numerous; as in Corin Tree, Sorrel, and others.

4. §. AS for Spots, the smaller ones are observable not only in St. Johns-worts, (in which Plant only they are commonly taken no­tice of) but also in Rue, Tab. 43. Ground-Ivy, Pympernel or Anagallis, and divers other Plants, when held up against the Light. The original whereof seems to be, at least in some, from the Globulets above men­tioned; that is, when they break and dry away. So the Spots of Rue-Leaves, which in the Reflection of Light look black, but upon the Trajecti­on thereof are transparent, are so many little Holes, pounced half way through the thickness of the Leaf, and seem as made, by the breaking and drying away of as many Globulets. Whence also, as the Globulets are best seen in the younger Leaves, so these Spots in the elder.

5. §. BESIDES these, and some others (as those in Ladies-Thistle) which are Natural to the Leaf; there are also some Spots, or rather Streaks, which are Adventitious; as those in the Leaves of Son­chus. Tab. 43. The Cause whereof, is a small flat Insect, of a grey Colour, and about [...] th of an Inch long. Which neither ranging in bredth, nor striking deep into the Leaf; eats so much only as lies just before it, and so runs scudding along betwixt the Skin and the Pulp of the Leaf; leaving a whitish Streak behind it, where the Skin is now loose, as the measure of its Voyage.

6. §. THE Original and several kinds of Thorns, I have describ'd in the above said Appendix. I only add, that the very Leaves of some Plants, if they stand till the second year, are changed into so many Thorns, as in the Furz.

[Page 149] 7. §. They are of Use, not only for the Protection of the Bud; but likewise, for the support of the Plant; as is observable in those Climbers, which are neither strong enough to stand of themselves; nor yet, from their fragility, are capable of winding about another, without being torn all to pieces. For which end also, these Thorns grow not like Buds, erected; Tab. 43. but poynt all downwards, like so many Tenters or Hanging-hooks: as in the Bramble, chiefly on the Stalks; and in Clivers, also on the Leaves themselves; whereby they catch at any Thing that stands next them; and so, although such slim and feeble Plants, yet easily climb to a very great hight.

8. §. OF THE several Figures of Hairs, B. 1. Ch. 4. and their Use, I have also spoken. Tab. 43. As to one Use, sc. the Protection they give to the Leaf, I shall here further note, That the design of Nature, is the more evi­dent if we consider, That all Leaves are not alike Hairy, nor at all times, nor in every part: but differently, according to their Age, Sub­stance, Texture, and Foulding up. Their Age; for there are many young Buds covered with a thick warm Hair, which afterwards dries up and disappears, as useless; as those of the Vine, Golden Liverwort, &c▪ Their Substance; so those Buds which are tenderest, and would sooner feel the cold, if naked, have the fullest Hair; as of Thistle, Mullen, Burdock, and others. Their Structure; therefore those Leaves, whose Fibres stand more prominent or above their Surface, lest the cold should nip them, are covered with greater Store of Hair; as in Moth-Mullen, Garden-Clary, and the like. And their Fould; it being observable, That those Leaves which are solded up inward, have little or no Hair on their inner, but only on their Back-Sides, which are open to the Aer; as is visible in Corin, Warden, Golden Liverwort, and others.

9. §. Add hereto, That where there is Store of Hair, Nature is the less sollicitous for other Covers; and where there is not, she is more. So the Leaves of Beans and Peasen, of Nettle, Plantain, &c. not being Hairy, have each a Surfoyl, or else certain Hairy Thrums, to protect them. And those Plants which have neither, are such as have a Hotter Juyce, and so less subject to the impressions of Cold, as Speerwort, Scur­vygrass, Watercress, Fenil, and most of the Umbelliferous Kind.

10. §. Hair is of use to preserve young Buds, not only, from the cold Aer, but also from too much Wet; which, if it were contiguous, especially in Winter, would often rot and destroy them. But being made to stand off in drops at the ends of the Hair, doth not hurt, but refresh them. Thus doth Nature make the meanest Things some­times subserve to the best Ends.

CHAP. III. Of the Figure of the Leaf; and the Apparent Position of the Fibres.

THAT which in the Leaf offers it self next to be observed, is its Figure. This is infinitely va­ried with the several Kinds of Plants: and there are some, which have Leaves (besides the two first Dissimilar ones) of Two Kinds or Two di­stinct Figures; as the Bitter-Sweet, the com­mon Little Bell, Valerian, Lady-Smocks, and others. For the Under Leaves of Bitter-Sweet, are Entire; the Upper, with two Lobes: the Under Leaves of the Little Bell, like those of Pancy; the Upper, like those of Carnation, or of Sweet-William. And in some Plants, Nature assecteth a Kind of Irregularity; the Leaves whereof are of no one certain Figure; as in Dragon, Peony, Bishops-Weed, &c.

2. §. BUT the Leaves of most Plants, have a Regular Figure; and this Regularity, both in Length and Circuit, always defineable. In Length; by the Proportion between the several Leaves upon one Stalk, Tab. 46. or between the several Lobes upon one Leaf. So the Leaves of Clematis Sylv. major, which stand by Ternaries, shorten by equal Proportions, that is to say, if, the chief Fiber of each, be divided into equal Parts; their several Lengths are not as Ten, Eight, and Four; but as Ten, Eight, and Six. So the Lobes and Fibers of Clematis Virgini­ana Hederae folio, of Artenuisa, &c. shorten in like manner by equal Proportions. The same is observable in measuring, upon a Gooseberry-Leaf, from the Poynt of the first Lobe, Tab. 46. to the first Angle; from thence, to the second Poynt; from thence, to the second Angle; and from thence to the third Poynt.

3. §. But in many, the Proportion is different. So in the Leaves of the Lesser Maple; the shortning of the smaller Lobes, with respect to the middelmost; is not Equal, but Double to that of the middlemost, with respect to the Greater. For if their chief Fibres be divided into Equal Parts, they are as Eleven, Nine, and Five. On the contrary, in the Leaves of Althaea fruticosa Pentaphylloidea, the middlemost Lobes shorten by a greater Proportion than the Least; all three being as Ten, Fourteen, and Twenty.

4. §. WITH respect to the Circumserence, the Figure of most Leaves is very Complex. Yet Two things are evident. First, that all Regular Leaves, are desined or measured out by Circles; that is, by the Arches or Segments of several Circles, having either the same, or di­vers Centers and Diameters. Secondly, That the Length of the Leaf, or of the chief Fiber thereof, is the Standard Measure for the Diame­ters of these Circles: these being either its full Length, or certain equal parts substracted, or multiplied; as half its Length, or its Length and half, &c.

[Page 151] 5. §. TO make this appear, I shall give several Instances: of some, where both the Edges are of one Measure; and of others, where they are different. And of both kinds, where they are measured by fewer, and where by more Circles.

6. §. The Leaf of Lagopus major fol. pennat. is measured by One Circle, the same on both Edges, whose Diametre is Thrice the Length of the Leaf.

7. §. That of Syderitis Salvia [...] fol. by Two Circles: the Diameter of the Lower, Tab. 44. being Twice the Length of the Leaf; of the upper, the Length and half. In both these the Circles are drawn Outward; that is, with their Centers some where upon the middlemost or chief Fiber of the Leaf.

8. §. That of Orange-Tree, is also measured by Two Circles: but one of them repeated with Opposite Centers. That next the Cone of the Leaf, is drawn Inward; that is, with the Center no where upon the Leaf, Tab. 44. but without it. The Diameter hereof is just the Length of the Leaf. The midle part of the Edge is measured by the same Circle, only drawn Outward. The lower Circle next the Stalk, is drawn In­ward, as the upper; and its Diameter Three times the Length of the Leaf.

9. §. The Leaf of the Venetian Vetch, is measured by Three Cir­cles. That next the Cone, Tab. 44. drawn Inward; the Diameter whereof, is Twice the Length of the Leaf; the next is drawn Outward; where­of the Diameter, is just the Length. The third or lowermost, is drawn also Outward; and its Diameter, half the Length. So that they all lessen by an Equal Proportion.

10. §. The Leaf of Great Laserwort, is also measured by Three Circles; all drawn Outward, and one of them Repeated. The Diameter of that next the Cone, Tab. 45. is Half the Length of the Leaf; of the next, Thrice the Length; of the Third, just the Length; the lower­most, is the same with the First.

11. §. That of Broad Leav'd Laserwort, is also measured with Three Circles; and one of them repeated with Opposite Centers. The Diame­ter of the First, Tab. 44. is Half the Length of the Leaf; of the Second, Twice the Length; of the Third, just the Length: all of them drawn Out­ward. That next the Stalk, is the same with the First; only drawn Inward.

12. §. The Figure of the Leaf of the Cornelian Cherry, is exactly that of the foregoing, Tab. 44. Inverted: the same measure there beginning at the Base, and ending at the Cone; which here begins at the Cone, and ends at the Base: as by comparing their Draughts together may be ob­serv'd.

13. §. IN ALL, the foregoing Examples, both the Edges of the Leaves have the same Measure. But they have oftentimes, different ones; as in these that follow.

14. §. The Leaf of Althaea fruticosa, is measured by Three Circles. The left Edge (as the Leaf lies with the backside upward) by One Circle, but Twice repeated. Tab. 45. For the Diameter of the First, is the Length of the Leaf; the Second is the same, but drawn upon another Center; the Third also the same, but drawn Inward. The right Edg, is mea­sur'd by Two Circles: the Diameter of the First, being the Length of the Leaf; of the Second, Half the Length.

[Page 152] 15. §. That of Black Poplar, by Three; and each Edge by Three repeated. On the left, the Diameter of the First, is the Length of the Leaf; Tab. 45. of the Second, Half the length; of the Third, the Length and Half. The Measure of the right Edge, is that of the left, Inverted: the same Measure there beginning at the Base, and ending at the Cone; which here begins at the Cone, and ends at the Base.

16. §. That of Doronicum, is measured by Three Circles, whereof, one is repeated Once; and another Thrice. The right Edge by Two, and One repeated. For the Diameter of the First or that next the Cone; is the Length of the Leaf; the next is the same, but drawn Outward; the Diameter of the Third, Tab. 45. is Half the Length. The left Edge, by Three Circles; whereof One is repeated on the same Edge, and Two, the same, as on the other. For the Diameter of the first, is the Length of the Leaf; of the Second, Four times the Length; the Third, the same as the First; and of the Fourth, Half the Length.

17. §. Lastly, that of Mountain Calamint is measured by Four Circles. Tab. 45. The left Edge, by Three Circles, of which, the lowermost is once repeated: the right Edge also by Two; whereof the nether is likewise once repeated.

18. §. It may seem, even from these Instances, no very unobvious Conclusion; That all Crooked Lines, Spiral, Helick, Elliptick, Hyperbo­lick, Regular, or Irregular; are made up of the Arches of Circles, having either the same, or divers Centers and Diameters. And, as otherwise, so from the Contemplation of Plants, men might first be invited to Ma­thematical Enquirys.

19. § TOGETHER with the Figure of the Leaf, the Position of the Fibers, as it is apparent before Diffection, is observable; especi­ally on the back of the Leaf. Whereof I shall add, to what I have said in the First Book, the following Remarques.

20. §. First, that there are some Leaves, in which the first Colla­teral Fibres make Right Angles with the Great one in the midle: as the Great-Maple, the Great Celandine, Chondrilla, and the rest, or many, of the Intybous Kind; with some few others. But that generally all the chief Fibers of a Leaf, make Accute Angles together: both where they stand collateral with the midle Fiber, as in Strawberry; and where they all part at the Stalk, as in Mallow.

21. §. Again, that of these, there are some few, any two of whose Defining Fibres making two Rays of equal Length, Tab. 46, & 47. take in One Eighth Part of a Circle, as in Mallow; and in some one Tenth: but in most they take in either one Twelfth part, as in Holy-Oak; or one Sixth, as in Sirynga. So that where the Fibres stand Collateral with one in the the midle, if you suppose them to be drawn out at Opposite Angles; or where the chief Fibers part at the Stalk, you only take in the Stalk; you will thereby divide a Circle into Eight, Twelve, or Six equal Parts; as in Sirynga, the Vine and others. And so likewise, where there are several Sprigs upon one Stem, Tab. 46, 47. as in Fenil, Hemlock, and the like: as will best be understood by the Figures.

CHAP. IV. Of the Parts and Texture of the Leaf.

I COME next to observe the several Parts, where­of the Leaf is composed: and first the Skin. This being stript off the Leaf, although to the bare Eye it looks no otherwise than a skin of Isinglass: yet being viewed through a good Glass, with a clear and true Light, and in an advantagious Position; it appears to consist not only of Organical Parts, as do the Skins of Animals; but these also Regularly mixed together; that is, of Parenchymous and Lignous Fibres, all very curionsly interwoven as it were, Tab. 48, into a piece of admirably sine white Sarcenet: as in Flag, Tulip, and the like.

2. §. From hence, it is easy to conceive how the Skins of all Plants, as well as those of Animals, are perspirable; sc. between the several Fibers of which they consist. But as the Skins of Animals, especially in some Parts, are made with certain open Pores or Orifices, either for the Reception, or the Elimination of something for the be­nefit of the Body: so likewise the Skins, of at least many Plants, are formed with several Orifices or Pass-ports, either for the better Avola­tion of Superfluous Sap, or the Admission of Aer.

3. §. THESE Orifices are not in all Leaves alike; but varied in Bigness, Number, Shape, and Position: Serving to the different Nature of the Plant, or Leaf; and giving the Leaf, as it were, a different Grain. Princes Feather, i. e. a Sort of Sanicle, they stand only on the Edges of the Leaf; but are very ample. In the White Lily, they are Oval, very white, and each surrounded with a slender white Border. They stand about a 6 th or 8 th part of an Inch distant, Tab. 48. as they appear through a good Glass, all over the Leaf, but not in any regular Order. These Orifices are the cause of the Greyish Gloss on the upper side the Leaf: for the Back-side, in which there are none of them, is of a dark Sea-Green.

4. §. In the Leaf of Pine, they are also Oval, and about the same Bigness and Number, as in that of a Lily; yet without a Border. But their Position is very Elegant, Tab. 48. standing all, most exactly, in Rank and File from one end of the Leaf to the other.

5. §. NEXT TO the Skin, lies the Pulpy part of the Leaf; which by the same latitude, as Use hath taught us in many other Words, I call the Parenchyma. This Parenchyma or Pulp of the Leaf, like the Pith, and all other Parenchymous Parts of a Plant is made up of in­comparably small Cylindrick Fibres: and these Fibres, in most Leaves, woven and woun'd up into little Bladders.

6. §. The Bladders are here of several Sizes, as in the Pith: but generally more visible in the Stalk, than in the Body of the Leaf. Tab. 4 [...], Va­ried, as in the Pith, so here, not according to the Size, but the Nature of the Leaf. So in Common Dock, and Moth Mullein, both Great [Page 154] Leaves, they are Small; in Wild Clary, a Lesser Leaf, they are very Large. Tab. 50. In the Body of the Leaf, sometimes the Sides of the greater Bladders, are made up of lesser ones; as in Borage.

7. §. In some Leaves, these Parenchymous Fibres are all drawn close up together. In the Former, they are as the Threds in the Open-work of Bone-Lace; in These, as the same Threds, in the Cloth-work.

8. §. The Pithy Part, in the Stalk, and almost up to the Top of the chief Fiber, in many Leaves, is Tubular; even whilst they are yet Young and Sappy: as in Sweet Chervil, Hemlock, Endive, Cichory, Lampsana, Dandelion, Burdock, Daisye, Scorzonera, and others. And sometimes the said Pithy Part is opened into several little Pipes, like so many Aer-Vessels, above [...] a Foot long; as in the Common Dock and the Little Spurge, by some called Wart-Wort.

9. §. THE Strings of the Leaf, or those Fibres which are visi­ble to the bare Eye, are composed of Vessels of the Two General Kinds, sc, for Sap, and for Aer. They are joyntly distributed through­out the Leaf: Yet not so, as to run meerly parallel; as in Animals, every Artery hath its Vein: but the Aer-Vessels are every where Inclosed, or as it were sheathed in the Sap-Vessels.

10. §. THEIR Position is various and regular, not only in the Body of the Leaf, as is above shewed; but likewise in the Stalk: of which also I have given several Instances in the First Book. I shall here note, and more particularly describe, One or Two more. In the Stalk of a Mallow-Leaf, they stand in Six Oblong Parcels of equal Size, and in a Ring near the Circuit. Tab. 49. Whereby the Stalk is stronger, the Growth hereof, before and behind, more equal, and so the posture of the Leaf more erect.

11. §. In Dandelyon, they stand in Five Parcels: of which the Greater stands a little behind the Centre of the Stalk; figured into a very small Half-Moon or Semi-Tube, whose Diametre, through a Glass, is not above [...] th of an Inch. The other Four, are extream small Cy­linders. Altogether make an Angle, Tab. 49. twice as big as that of a V Consonant. Whereby, although the Stalk be strong enough to support the younger Leaves; yet those which are grown longer, and so not only by their Bulk, but their farther Extension from the Center of Gravity, are become more weighty; commonly lie flat on the Ground.

12. §. In Wild Clary, they stand also in Five Parcels, the Greater stands not behind, but before the Center; making an Arch, whose Chord in a Glass, is above [...] an Inch long; and belongeth to a Circle, whose Diameter is an Inch and half. Tab. 49. The other Four, are small Cylinders, also different from those in Dandelion; the two bigger, there standing hindmost; but here, the two Less, and the two Bigger, within the two round Ridges of the Stalk.

13. §. From hence it is, that the Leaves of this Plant have not on­ly a Prone or Horizontal Posture, but also make that Forceable Pressure on the Ground, which can by no means be imputed to their Weight. For the Great Arched-Fibre standing before the Centre of the Stalk, and the two Longer Round ones being uppermost, in the Ridges of the Stalk; they put on the upper parts thereof to a more full and for­ward Growth, and so to bow the Leaf back-ward. And the Fibrous Arch being, though broad, yet almost flat, doth hereby the more ea­sily yield to that Motion.

[Page 155] 14. §. In Borage, Tab. 40. and Moth-Mullen, they stand also in Five Par­cels. In the former, the largest maketh still a more bulky Arch, than that of Clary; being thicker, as broad, and of a lesser Circle or more bowed. But in Mullein, it maketh almost an entire Oval.

15. §. By means of this Figuration, a sufficient number of Vessels for such large Leaves, are not only more conveniently Distributed into them; but also stand more safely in the Stalk. For were the Arch con­tracted into a solid Cylinder, it could not so presently be resolved into small Fibers. And were it laid into a flat Plate, or straight out, either the Figure of the Stalk, and so of the Leaf, must be altered; or else, the two ends of the Plate, would come too near the Circumference of the Stalk, and so be more liable to the Impressions of the Weather: as may be observed in cutting the Stalk transversly, and by the Figures.

16. §. IN the Body of the Leaf, besides the Positions of the Fibrous Strings or Threds; above expessed, there is one Thred, bigger or less, which in all Plants, runs round the Edge of the Leaf, and hems in all the rest; but can hardly be well observed in any, without stripping off the Skin of the Leaf. Tab. 50. When the Fibres of the Leaf, are bigger, or less tender, as in Holly, the Skin and the Pulp are sometimes found either rotted off, or eaten away with Insects; whereby, both the said surrounding Fiber, and the rest, are all very fairly visible.

17. §. THE Vessels seem to be continu'd, in the Leaf, by being Ramified out of Greater into Less, as Veins or Arteries are in Animals. But if the Skin and Pulp of the Leaf, as suppose a Borage-Leaf be taken off, and the Vessels laid bare; by the help of a good Glass, it will ap­pear; Tab. 50. That they are all of the same Size, every where in the Leaf; and also continued throughout the same, all several and distinct Pipes one from another, as the Threds in a Skein of Silk. And that therefore the Distribution of the Threds which the Vessels compose, is not the Ramify­ing of Greater Pipes into Less; but the dividing a greater Cluster of Pipes, into several lesser Clusters, till at last they come to be single; as in the Distribution of the Nerves.

18. §. The Vessels seem also to be Inosculated, not only side to side, but the ends of some into the Sides of others. But neither is this ever really done: Tab. 50. the lesser Threds, being only so far diducted, as sometimes to stand at Right-Angles with the greater. So that they are Inosculated only End to End or Mouth to Mouth, after they are come at last to their final distribution.

19. §. The Aer-Vessels, are not only, as is said, Existent in the Leaves of all Plants; but are herein also discoverable without the help of Glasses: For upon breaking the Stalk or chief Fibers of a Leaf; the likeness of a sine Woolly Substance, or rather of curious small Cobwebs, may be seen to hang at both the broken Ends. This is taken notice of, only in some few Plants, Tab. 51, & 52. as in Scabious, where it is more visible. But may also be seen more or less, in most other Plants, if the Leaves be ve­ry tenderly broken: as I have noted near twenty years since; and thence conjectur'd them a Sort of Vessel common to Plants. Now this fine Wool, is really a Skein of Aer-Vessels, or rather of the Fibers of the Aer-Vessels, unroaved from their Spiral Position, and so drawn out in Length. As they appear thus unroaved and drawn out at Length, both to the bare Eye, and through a good Microscope, I have represented in two Exemples, the one a Scabious Leaf, the other that of a Vine.

[Page 156] 20. §. THE Weftage of the Strings and Parenchymous Fibers to­gether, is here made in the same manner, as hath been described in the Anatomy of the Root, and Trunk: the former being in some Sort as the Warp, the latter as the Woof of the Leaf.

21. §. And one Example we have (it may be more than one) wherein Nature shews, though not a greater, yet a different Art; and that is the Palm-Net. For whereas in other Plants, the Webb is made betwixt the Lignous-Strings and the Fibers of the Parenchyma, only vi­sible through a Microscope: here the said Strings themselves are In­terwoven, and the Weftage apparent to the bare Eye. Of these Palm-Nets or Sacks, there are several Sorts. One of them is composed in this manner. It hath a Fivefold Series of Lignous Strings or Fibers. The greatest whereof swell out above the rest; and like so many Ribs, are obliquely produced on both hands, so as to encompass the Sack. Along each of these Ribs, on the inside the Sack, runs a small Whitish Line; being a Thread of Aer-Vessels growing thereto. Betwixt these Ribs or larger Strings, there are others much less, Two or Three betwixt Rib and Rib, Parallelly interjected. On the inside, there is a Third Series, which is also obliquely produced; but transversly to the former. The Fourth and Fifth, consist of the smallest Strings; not only Transversly produced, but also Alternately, from the outside to the inside of the Sack, & vice versa. By these two last, all the rest are most elabo­rately woven into one entire and strong piece of Work.

CHAP. V. Of the Duration of Leaves, and the Time of their Generation.

AN Evergreen, is one degree above a Plant which is simply Perennial: of This, only the Trunk and Buds live all the Winter; of That, also the Expanded Leaves. And an Evergrow, is a degree above an Evergreen: here, the Buds and young Sprigs, do only live; there, they grow and are put forth.

2. §. An Evergreen, is made such, either by the Toughness of the Skin, and Closeness or Density of the Parenchyma, whereby the Leaf is better able to endure Cold; as in Holly: or by the extream Smalness or Fewness of the Aer-Vessels, whereby the Sap is less dryed up, and so sufficient, even in Winter, for the Nourishment of the Leaf; as in Box, and Yew, as also Fir, and all Resiniferous Plants.

3. §. The perpetual Growth of a Plant, seemeth to depend chiefly on the Nature of the Sap. For all Juyces will not ferment alike, nor with the same degree of Heat. So that whereas many Plants require a greater Heat, as that of Summer, for the fermenting and distribution of their Juyces, and so their growth; the Warmth of Spring is sufficient for many others; and for some few, that of Winter it self.

4. §. AS TO the Time wherein the Leaves are formed; First, it is very probable, That in those Plants which have Leaves (besides the Dissimilar) of Two distinct Figures, as hath the Little Common [Page 157] Bell, and some others; the Under-Leaves, which differ in Shape from the rest, are all at first formed in the Plume, before it begins to sprout; and the rest afterwards; That is to say, that the former Leaves, are all formed (out of Sap from the Trunk) with the Seed it self, and so compose one Principal Part thereof, sc. the Plume: the latter, not till after the Seed is sow'n, and so the Plume supply'd with Sap imme­diately from the Root. Which Sap, it seems, is so far different from the former, as sometimes to produce a different Sort of Leaves.

5. §. SECONDLY, of the Buds of all Trees, and of Perenni-Stalks, it appears, That they consist of a great number of Leaves, all perfectly formed to the Centre; where, notwithstanding, they are some­times, not half so big as a Cheese-Mite. So that all the Leaves which stand upon a Branch or Cien of one whole Years Growth, were actu­ally existent in the Bud. It is also very observable, That although these Buds begin to be expanded not till Spring, yet are they entirely Formed, as to all their Integral Parts, in the Autumn foregoing. So that the whole Stock of Leaves which grow upon a Tree, or any Per­ennial Stalk, this year; were made, or actually in being, the last year. A greater Heat, more subtilized Aer, and better concocted Juyce, being requisite for their Generation, than for their bare Expan­sion and Growth.

6. §. LASTLY, of all Annual Plants, in which there are se­veral Successive Generations of Buds, one under another in one year; although I have not made the Remarque, yet am apt to believe, That as the Leaves in every Bud are all formed together, as in other Plants: so likewise, that the Successive Generations of the Under-Buds, begin at certain stated Terms: as in some Plants, at every New Moon; in others, at the Full Moon; and in some perhaps; with both, or every Fourt'night.

CHAP. VI. Of the Manner of the Generation of the Leaf. Where also, that of the Two General Parts of a Plant, sc. the Lignous and Parenchymous, is further explain'd.

THE Visible Causes of the Figures of Leaves, B. 1. Ch. 4. have been formerly mentioned. It may here be further noted, That the greater Fibers of the Leaf, being never Braced in the Stalk; it is a good preparative for their better spreading in the Leaf. As also, that the same is much favour'd, by the extream smalness of the Aer-Vessels here­in: whereby they are more easily divaricated, in the lesser Fibers, and so the Leaf dilated.

2. §. BUT these and the like are to be reckoned a secondary Or­d [...]r of Causes; which serve rather to carry on and improve, that which Nature hath once begun. Idea, §. 53. And therefore, we must not only consider the visible Mechanism of the Parts; but also the Principles of which they are composed; wherewith, Nature seems to draw her first Strokes.

[Page 158] 3. §. Now of these, I have formerly, and as I conceive upon good ground, Lib. 2. P. 2. §. 31, &c. supposed, the chief Governing Principle, to be the Saline, whether Alkaline, Acid, or of any other Kind: being in some sort as the Mold of a Button, to which the other Principles, as its Attire, do all conform. Or the Salts are, as it were, the Bones; the other Prin­ciples, as the Flesh which covers them.

4. §. A further Argument hereof may be deduced from the Cuti­cular and other Concretions, commonly called Mothers, in Distill'd Wa­ters, Vinegar, and other Liquors. For in these Concretions, there is all­ways a tendence to Vegetation; and many of them are true Vegetables in their Kind; as shall hereafter be seen. Now the Liquors, in which these are generated, do always, wholly or in part, lose their Tast and Smell, and so become Vapid. The more sensible Principles therein having made their Transit from the Fluid, into the Concrete Parts. So, I have known, sometimes, Vinegar it self, to become by these Concre­tions, almost as Tastless as Common Water. Whereby it seems evident, That of Vegetable Principles, there are some, more Masterly than others: and that of these, the Saline is the chief. The same is likewise argued, from the frequent Experiment of many good Husband-men; that most Bodies which abound with Salt, are the greatest Nourishers of Plants.

5. §. This Saline Principle, as is above hinted, is to be under­stood, a Generik Name, under which divers Species are comprehen­ded; and of some whereof, it is always compounded, as in other Bodies, so in Plants. As shall be made to appear, by divers Experiments, when we come, hereafter, to speak of Vegetable Salts. Whereby we are con­ducted, yet further to enquire, What are the Princinples of this Prin­ciple?

6. §. NOW these seem to be Four; a Nitrous, an Acid, an Alka­line, and a Marine. The Admixture of the First, is argu'd from the Place, which Nature hath assigned for the Generation and Growth of most Plants, sc. neither in Caverns under Ground, as for Minerals; nor above it, as for Animals; but the Surface of the Earth, where this Sort of Salt is copiously bred. And doth therefore prove, not only a Mixture, but a good Proportion hereof with the other Principles of a Plant. Hence it is, that Dew or Water on Windows or Plain and Smooth Tables, by virtue of a Nitro-Aerial Salt, is often frozen into the resem­blance of little Shrubs. And the like Figure I have often seen in a well filtred Solution of the Salt of any of our Purging Waters, as of Epsom, &c. being set to shoot. Produced, as I conceive, by the Nitre, which with the Rain or other Waters, is washed down from the Surface of the Earth, and so mixed with the Mineral Salts.

7. §. The other Three Salts are exhibited, by the several ways of Resolving the Principles of a Plant. Many Plants, even in their Natural Estate, do yield an Acid Juyce. And the Juyces of many more, by Fer­mentation, will become Acid. And most, by Distillation in a Sand-Furnace, yield an Accid Liquor.

8. §. By Calcination, all Sorts of Plants, yield more or less, both of a Fixed and a Volatile Alkaly: the former, in the Ashes; the latter, in the Soot. And, at least the generality, by Fermentation also, yield a Volatile one; or such a kind of Salt, which, whether we call an Urinous, or otherwise, hath the like Odour and Tast with that of Urine, Harts-Horn, Soot, and the like.

[Page 159] 9. §. The Marine, is obtained no other way, that I know of, but from a Solution of the Alkaline, upon its being exposed to the Aer. The process wherof, I shall particularly set down in a following Di­scourse. Of these Salts, mixed in a certain proportion, together, and also Impregnated with some of the other Active Principles of a Plant, and not without an Admixture of some Parts from the Aer; I suppose, that which I call the Essential, is produced: of which, I shall also give an account in the same Discourse.

10. §. ALL THE Four Salts above mentioned, seem in their Or­der, to have a share in the Formation of a Leaf, or other Part of a Plant: And first of all, the Marine. For all Generations are made in some Fluid: But in every Fluid there is a perpetual Intestive Motion of Parts. So that the first Intention of Nature is, That some of those Parts be disposed to Rest. Now of all the Principles of a Plant, there are none hereunto more disposed, than their Salts; whose Particles, being figu'rd with plain Sides, as often as they touch Side to Side, like two Marbles exquisitely polished, they will adhere together. And the Particles of Marine Salt, being Cubick; and so, with respect to their Fi­gure, of greater Bulk than those of any other Salt; they will hereby, be most and first of all disposed to Rest; and so become, as it were, the Foundation of the following Superstructure.

11. THE Second Intention of Nature is, That the Particles be brought to Rest, in a certain Position, agreeable to the Figure of the Parts which are to be formed. And therefore in the next place, all those Parts of a Plant which are truly Lignous, by the Marine Salt, with the assistance of the Alkaline, but especially of the Nitrous, are made to shoot out in Length, Tab. 53. or into an innumerable company of small Cylindrick Fibres: these Salts being, altogether, sturdy enough to resist those Impulses which might incline them to conform to any other Figure.

12. §. THE next Intention is, That these Fibres, at the same time in which they are formed, may likewise receive such a Posture as will best answer the indented Shape of the Leaf. Which Posture, although in the Growth of the Leaf it is much Govern'd by the Aer-Vessels; yet in the Generation hereof, seems to be first determined by the foremen­tioned Salts, according to their several Angles, whereby they are dif­ferently applicable one to another.

13. §. Now all the Sides of the Marine Salt, and the Sides and the Ends of the Nitrous, properly so called, stand at Right Angles. And it is very probable, from the Figure of the Crystalls in Spirit of Blood, and some other Bodies, Tab. 53. that the Particles of the Alkaline are Square at one End, and Poynted at the other. And those of the Acid, at both; And that, withal, they are Shorter and more Slender.

14. §. It should therefore seem, That where the Alkaline Salt is any way predominant, and that the Particles thereof are placed End to End; Tab. 53. there the Lignous Fibres (as the larger ones in many Leaves) declining their parallel Growth, begin to shoot out obliquely, or at An­gles one with another, and those Acute.

[Page 160] 15. §. If the same Salt be predominant, and some of its Particles placed, with the Pointed End of one, to the Side of another, or the Square End of one, Tab. 53. to the Poynted End of another; there the said Fi­bres begin to shoot at Angles less Acute.

16. §. But if either the Marine or Nitrous Salt is predominant; or some Particles of the Alkaline, are placed with the Square End of one, to the Side of another; Tab. 53. there the Fibres begin to make, not Acute, but Right Angles; as do the greater Fibres, in some Leaves; and the smal­ler, in all.

17. §. IN the same manner, the Fibre in the Circumference of the Leaf is also governed; the Particles of the said Salt, being reducea­ble, not only to any Angle, but also to any Circle, or other Crooked Line, as they are variously applyed. For if the major part be applied End to End, Tab. 53. and only every Third or Fourth applied End to Side, they produce a great Circle. But if the Poynted End of each, be set to the Side of another, they make a less. And if the Application be the same, but to the contrary Side, they thence begin a new Circle with the same Diameter, but with another Center, answerable to the intended Shape of the Leaf.

18. §. AFTER the same manner, the Aer-Vessels may be formed by the Particles of the Acid Salt. Which, without being supposed to be crooked (as those of the Aer, at least the compounded ones, probably be) only by applying the lesser Side of one, to the greater Side of another, will also be reduced to any either Circular or Spiral Line. And so, Tab. 53. likewise, for the production of the winding Fibres, which com­pose the Bladders of the Pith and other Parenchymous Parts of a Plant.

19. §. Thus doth Nature every where [...]. For what She ap­pears in Her Works, She must needs be also in their Causes.

THE ANATOMY OF FLOWERS, PROSECUTED With the bare EYE, And with the MICROSCOPE. Read before the Royal Society, Novemb. 9. 1676. The SECOND PART.


LONDON, Printed by W. Rawlins, 1682.


  • CHAP. V. Of the USE of the ATTIRE.
  • CHAP. VI. Of the TIME of the Generation of the Flower.
  • The Appendix. Being a METHOD proposed, for the ready finding, by the Leaf and Flower, to what Sort any Plant belongeth.


I NEXT proceed to the Flower. Where I intend not to repeat those things, which have been by Me already noted in the First Book. Ch. [...]. And the forego­ing Discourse of Leaves, will excuse me from di­vers particulars, common to These and the Flower. I shall here therefore remarque some things not be­fore mentioned, or but in transitu, and such as are moreparticular to the Flower.

2. §. And First, it may be noted; That where the Leaves of the Flower are few; those of the Empalement or Green Border, are either of the same Number, or just half as many, whether even, or odd. So in Leucanthenum and Chickweed, there are Five Leaves; in the former Five Empalers; in the latter, Ten. In Great Celandine, there are Four Leaves, and but Two Empalers; and so in Poppy. The Arith­metick of Nature being every where suitable to Her Geometry.

3, §. Of this Part of the Flower it is likewise observable, That it is rarely, if ever, entire or one piece, but parted into divers little Leasy Pales, especially in all Flowers with the Florid Attire, as of Mari­gold, Daisy and the like; being so numerous, as to make a Double, and often a Treble, Quadruple or Quintuple Border. Whereby they are apt­ly designed, not only to protect the Leaves of the Flower in the Bud; and after their Expansion, to keep them tite: but also, by receding▪ Bredthways, one from another, and so making a greater Circle, gra­dually to give way for the full Growth and safe spreading of the At­tire. Which, in regard it consists of Parts so exquisitely tender, were [Page 164] it pinched up too close, would be killed or spoyled before it came to the Birth. As Teeming Women, gradually slaken their Laces; or as Taylors use to split their Stomachers into several Lappets, to spread, as their Belly rises.

4. §. Nor is the Posture of the Parts in the Empalement less suita­ble: not being filed one just over another, but alternately. Whereby the Pales or Pannciles of every Under-Order, serve to stop up the gaps made by the Recess of the Upper. And so, notwithstanding they all make more roome, yet all conspire to keep the Aer out.

5. §. It is also worth the notice, That, for the same purpose, the Edges at least, of the several Pales, are neither Fibrous, nor Pulpy; but so many extream fine transparent Skins, as in Chamemile. Whereby they close so exactly one over another, that it is impossible for any Aer to creep in, or any Steams useful to the Attire or Seed, over hastily to perspire. As we use, when we have put a Cork into a Bottle, to tie a Bladder over it.


THE Leaves of the Flower are folded up in such Sort, Tab. 54. as is most agreeable to their own Shape, and that of their inclosed Attire: whereof I have given Instances in the Fist Book. Ch. 5. I shall here add some further Remarques.

2. §. The Leaves of the Flower of Blatta­ria, although of different Size and Shape; are so lapped one over another, Tab. 54. as to make an Equilateral Pentangle.

3. §. The Spiral Fold, which is proper to the Flower, and never seen in the Green Leaves; Tab. 54. as it is it self immediately visible on the Sur­face, so by cutting off the top of the Flower before it is expanded, seems also to make a Helix; as in Perwincle, the larger Convolvulus, &c.

4. §. In some Flowers, where the Attire is lofty or spreading, as in Holioak, together with the Spiral Fold, the Leaves are all at the top tacked down a little; thereby making a blunter Cone, and so a more ample Pyramid for the inclosed Attire.

5. §. In Poppy, although the Leaves are extraodinary broad, yet being but few, and inclosing a small Attire; they could not be well re­duced to any regular Fold, Tab. 54. without leaving such a Vacuity, as by being filled with Aer, might be prejudicial to the Seed. For which reason, they are cramb'd up within the Empalement by hundreds of little Wrinckles or Puckers; as if Three or Four fine Cambrick Handcherchifs were thrust into ones Pocket.

[Page 165] 6. §. In Ladies-Bower, the Leaves are neither laped one over ano­ther, as is most usual, Tab. 54. nor set Edge to Edge, as sometimes, but Side to Side, answerable to their Shape, and the Distribution of their Fi­bres. Their broad Tops being also rowled up so as to make a Cone. In Ladys-Looking-Glass, they stand also Side to Side, but in a different manner: in the Former with the Sides standing inward, but here, bearing outward.

7. §. In the Marvel of Peru, Tab. 54. the Fold is likewise very peculiar. For, besides the several Plates, about Six, whereby the Flower is ga­thered in the Midle; the Top of it is also gathered up by as many di­stinct Plates, underneath the former; and these rowled or wreathed up together so exactly, that the like could hardly be imitated by a very dextrous Hand.

8. §. OF the Hairs upon Flowers and their Use to the Attire, Ch. 5. I have also spoken in the First Book. I shall here add, That they are likewise of Use to the Leaves themselves, that is, for their closer and faster Conjunction. For of some Flowers it is observable, That they are all over smooth, saving on their Edges, which are border'd with Fringes of Hair; Tab. 55. as of Spa [...]ish Broome, Dulcamara, and others: In which, the Hairs on the Edge of one Leaf, are so complicated, or at least indented, with those of another, that all the Leaves seem to be but one piece. Nature seeing it fit, by this meanss to tie them toge­ther, lest they should be expanded before it be due time.

9. §. Many Flowers instead of Hairs, are beset round about, with a great Number of small Parts, not ending in a Poynt, but having a Head. Sometimes oval, as in Snap-Dragon, like the Horns of a Butter­fly, or a Plummers Sodering-Iron. But usually Globular, as in Deadly Nightshade, like so many little Mushrooms sprouting out of the Flower.

10. §. Out of these Heads, doth sometimes issue a Gummy or Bal­samick Juyce. From whence proceeds that Clamminess of some Flowers, whereby, being handled they stick to our Fingers, as do those of Bla­taria, and of Marigold; and those of Colus Jovis, where the said Heads are so soft and succulent, that they resemble so many little Drops of Balsame. The Clamminess which is felt upon fresh Carduus, may per­haps proceed from the like Cause.

11. §. THE Number of the Leaves of the Flower hath been no­ted by the Learned Sir Thomas Brown, Treat. of the Quinc. to be usually Five. And this Nature so far affecteth, that many times where the Leaves of the same Flower are of a different Size, Tab. 54. yet they keep to this Number, as in Blattaria.

12. §. I also add, That even those Flowers, which are not proper­ly parted into Leaves, have yet their Tops usually divided into Five great Scallops; as those of Toad-Flax, Snap-Dragon, Coded-Arsmart, Clary, Broom, and others. And when the Flower hath more than Five, even many times Five Leaves; yet the Top of each Leaf is indented into Five Parts; Tab. 54. as in Scorzonera, Cichory, and all the Intybous Kind, with many others.

13. §. From whence and other like Instances, it may seem, That there is some certain Species of Salt in Nature, and that in most Plants, of whose Agency there are still some Footsteps or other in the Flower.

[Page 166] 14. §. The Number of the Leaves, as hath been said, is commonly Five. Yet some Flowers have fewer, and some more, and that with Constancy, in divers Numbers, from One to One and Twenty; perhaps in all, so far. The Flower of Acanthus Syriacus, is in a manner one single Leaf, that of Monks-Rubarb, Three-Leav'd; of Poppy, Cross­wort, Radish, and many others, Four-Leav'd; the greater Number of Flowers, Five-Leav'd; of White Hellebore, Tulip, Onion, and most Plants with Bulbous Roots, Six-Leav'd; of Wild-Crowfoot, Seven-Leav'd; of French Marigold, commonly Eight-Leav'd; of Flower-de­luce, Nine-Leav'd; of Chickweed, Ladies-Mantle, Ten-Leav'd; of St. James's Wort, Thirteen-Leav'd; and I think of Febrifuga, Cotula, Age­ratum, Corn-Marigold, with others; and of Chamemile, Buphthal­mum, and some few more, the Leaves are commonly One and Twenty. In that of St. James's Wort, the Number is so constant that there is scarce One Flower in Forty, Tab. 55. wherein the Leaves are more or fewer than Thirteen, Divers of which Numbers, seem also to have some relation to the Number 5. For 9, is Twice; 13, Thrice; and 25, Five times 5 run­ning into it self.

15. §. THE Constituent Parts of the Flower are the same as those of the Leaf, sc. the Parenchyma or Pulp, and the Vessels. But in the Basis or bottom of the Flower, the Parenchyma is commonly much more spon­gy and dry, than in the Leaves; conteining, after the Flower is open'd, little or no Sap, but only a dry and warm Aer. Which standing con­tinually under the Seed, hastens the Maturation or due Exiccation there­of: as we use to dry Maulted Barly over a warm Killn.

16. §. The Vessels of the Flower, are both for Sap and for Aer, as well as in other Parts. And both of them sometimes, even in the Skin of the Flower; as may be argued from its being stained with divers Colours; B. 2. P. 2. §. 65, 66, 67. produced as hath formerly been shewed, by the mixed Tinctures of the said Vessels. These Colours, in many Flowers, as Tu­lips, as they are in the Skin it self, so therein only; the Pulp of the Leaf being white.

17. §. The Lignous or Sap-Vessels are fewer, and the Aer-Vessels smal­ler in the Flower, than in the Leaf. And therefore it is very difficult to observe the latter by Glasses; especially the Proportion which they hold to the other Parts. But if you break the Leaves of some Flowers, with very great gentleness; they may hereby be Unroaved or drawn out, as in the Green Leaves, to some visible length; and their different Number in divers Flowers may be discerned.

18. §. THE Use of the Flower or of the Foliature whereof we are speaking, B. 1. Ch. 5. is various; as hath formerly been shewed. I now only add, That one Use hereof seemeth to be, for the Separation of the more Volatile and stronger Sulphur of the Plant. That so the Seed, which lyeth within or next it, may be so much the milder, and the Prin­ciples thereof more fixed and concentred. And this, both for its bet­ter Duration till the time of Sowing; and also, that its Fermentation, when it is sow'n, may not be too hot and precipitate; but suitable to so slow and equal a motion, as is the Vegetation of a Seed.

19. §. And that this Sulphur is separated and discharged by the Flower, seems evident, not only from the Strength of its Odeur, above that of the other Parts; but likewise, in that many times where there is no Flower, or that very small, the Seed, that is its Cover, is in the Um­belliferous [Page 167] Kind, is the more odorous. And therefore also, the Vine hath no Flower, partly, that the most Volatile Spirit and Sulphur might all run into the Fruit.

20. §. THE Figure of the Flower, although it is often much more complex, than that of the Leaf: yet there is no doubt, but that the Measure hereof may be defined in some way, answerable to that exem­plisied in the foregoing Part. The difference is only this, That whereas the Green Leaves, and the Plain Leaves also of the Flower, are all measured by the parts of several Circles: those Flowers which are Bellyed, and those Leaves of the Flower which are not Plain, but Convex, are all measured by the parts of several Spheres. And as the Diametres of those Circles, bear a certain proportion to the midle Stemm of the Leaf; so the Axes of these Spheres, to an imaginary one in the Centre of the Flower.

21. §. NOW the reason why the Figure of the Flower is more multiplex, than that of the Leaf; may be, partly, because it is under the Command and Government of those Salts, which are here more refined and depurate, than in the Leaf; and so more free to lay the Foun­dation of any kind of Figure, for which, of their own Nature, they are adapted. Partly, for that as the Nitrous and Alkaline Salts are chiefly regnant in the Leaf; so in the Flower, in which the Parenchymous Part hath a greater §. 17. proportion than in the Leaf; it is most reasonable, to assign the Predominion to the Acid Idea, §. 52. the Particles whereof, both as they are less, and also poynted at both ends, P. 1. Ch. 6. §. 13. seem to be more easily applicable one to another for the making of any Sort of Line or Figure.

CHAP. III. Of the Attire, and first of that sort which may be called Seminiform.

WITHIN the Foliature stands the Attire; which is of Two general Kinds, every where Various and Elegant; according to the Description I have given of them in the First Book. Ch. 5. I shall here add some further Remarques.

2. §. And first, of that Sort of Attire, which may be called Seminiform; being usually, as it were, a little Sheaf of Seed-like Particles; standing on so many Pe­dicills, as the Ear doth upon the End of the Straw.

3. §. Of their Colour it is observable, That for the most part, they are White or Yellow; sometimes Blew; but never Red, let the Flower or Foliature be of what Colour it will. Neither doth their Colour all­ways follow that of the Foliature, although that be not Red. Where­by it appears, how very Curious and Critical Nature is, in the Separa­tion of the Juyces in Plants: that such small Parts as these of the Attire, and so near the Leaves of the Flower, should yet receive a different Tincture.

[Page 168] 4. §. These Parts differ also in their Position; standing sometimes double upon each Pedicil, Tab. 55. as in Toad-flax, Snapdragon, and some others; but usually single, as in Blattaria, Clematis Austriaca, &c. Sometimes fastned to their Pedicils at their middle, stooping down after the man­ner of Poppy and other hanging Flowers; as in Spanish-Broom, Hysop, Scabeous, Behen, &c. Sometimes they stand erected, as in Clematis Austriaca, Ladyes-Looking-Glass, Rape-Crowfoot, &c. Those of Coded Arsmart have no Pedicils, but stand upon a large Base.

5. §. Of the Pedicils themselves, it is to be noted, That they are rarely fastned to the Top of the Repository or Case of the Seed, but round about the Bottom. Partly, That hereby they may the better in­tercept and separate the Incongruous Parts of the Sap from the Seed. Yet in the Coded Arsmart they stand at the Top. Which is not the only thing peculiar in that Plant; it being the property thereof, to ejacu­late its Seed, upon the least touch. Which property seemeth to de­pend, partly, upon the Position of the said Pedicils, as shall be shewed in speaking of the Seed.

6. §. These Seed-like Parts are also of different Number. In Great Celandine, Rose, Rape-Crowfoot, numerous; in Great Plantaine, and some other Herbs, much more conspicous than the Foliature it self. In Germander-Chickweed, they are always Two, and no more. Sometimes they follow the number of the Leaves, especially in the number 5; as in Blattaria, Black Henbean, &c. In Stichwort and Lychnis Sylvestris, they are 10, just double to the number of the Leaves.

7. §. They differ also in their Bigness, being in some smaller Flow­ers, large; as in Borage, Ladys-Looking-Glass, and others: and in some larger Flowers, less; as in the Rose.

8. §. But especially in their Shape, which is always very Elegant, and with much Variety. In Borage, like the point of a Spear. In Blat­taria, like a Horse-shooe. In Clematis Austriaca, like the Spatula, where­with Apothecaries make their Mixtures. In Mallow, like a Head-Roll. In Hysop, they have one Cleft before; in Blattaria, one round about; in Water Bettony, one at the Top; in Scabious, they have a double Cleft, one on each side; Tab. 56. and so in St. Johns Wort, Hyoscyamus, and others; before they open, in the Shape of a double Purse.

9. §. These Parts, are all hollow; each being the Theca or Case of a great many extream small Particles, either Globular, or otherwise Convex; but always regularly figur'd. They are all crowded together, and fastned in close Ranks, without any Pedicils, to the Insides of the Theca, like other lesser Seeds within a greater; or after the same man­ner as in Hyoscyamus and some other Plants, the true Seeds themselves grow all round about close to the Bed of the Case; Tab. 55, 56. as in Clary, and the Figures now referred to, may be seen. And when they are ripe, the Case also opens and admits them to the Aer, as the Seed-Case doth the Seed. The whole Attire, together with the Foliature and Seed-Case, See in one Example, Tab. 57. amongst the Figures.

10. §. The Colour of these small Particles conteined in the Theca, is also different. But as That is usually White or Yellow, so are These: sometimes Blewish; but never Red. And sometimes not of the same Colour with that of the Theca. Which further shews how scrupulous Nature, is, in differencing the Tinctures of the several Parts.

[Page 169] 11. §. They are also of different Bigness and Figure. Those in Snap-dragon, are of the smallest Size I have seen; Tab. 58. being no bigger through a good Microscope, than the least Cheese-Mite to the naked Eye. In Plantain, also through a Glass, like a Scurvy-grass-seed. In Bears-foot, like a Mustard-seed. In Carnation, like a Turnep-Seed. In Bindweed, like a Peper-Corn. In all these of a Globular Figure.

12. In Devils-bit, they are also Round, but depressed, like the Seed of Goos-grass, or a Holland Cheese. In the Bean and all sorts of Puls, and Trefoyls, Tab. 58. as also in Blew-bottle, &c. they are Cylindrick. In Orange Lilly, Oval, one 5 th of an Inch long, like an Ants-Egg. In Deadly-Night-shade, also Oval, but smaller at both Ends. And those of Pancy, Cu­bick. In all these and the former, they are Smooth.

13. §. But in Mallow, Holyoak, and all of that kind, they are be­set round about with little Thornes; whereby each looks like the Seed-Ball of Roman Nettle, Tab. 58. or like the Fruit of Thorn-Apple, or the Fish cal­led Piscis orbis minor, or the Murices, used antiently in Wars. They are also very great, shewing, through a Glass, of the bigness of a large White Pease; being 200 or 300 times biger than those in Snapdragon; of which there are about a Thousand in each Theca, that is, in the space of about 1000 th Cubical Part of an Inch.

15. §. In some Plants, as in Deadly Night-shade, where these Parti­ales are White, they seem, by a very good Glass and advantagious Posi­tion, to be composed of Parenchymous and Lignous Fibres, stitched up together, as in the other Parts.

15. §. In Colocynthis, (and with some Analogy in Wild Cucumer, and I suppose all of that kind) the Attire is very peculiar, not consist­ing of several little Thecae, upon so many Pedicils, as is described; but is all one entire Part, like a thick Columna in the midst of the Flower; having several little Ridges, and Furrows winding from the Top to the Bottom round about. In the midle of each Ridge runs a Line, where the Skin, after sometime, openeth into two Lips, presenting the Globu­lar Particles conteined in the hollow of every Ridge.

16. §. Where the Attire consists of several Seed-like Parts, as is described; there, another Part distinct, like a little Columna or Pina­cle, stands on the Top of the Uterus or true Seed-Case. Which is also regularly and variously Figured. In Bindweed, it hath a round Head, Tab. 56, 57. like that of a great Pin. In the Common Bell, St. Johns wort, it is divided into Three Parts. In Gerarium, into Five; In Asarum, into Six. Sometimes, the Head is Smooth, and sometimes beset with lit­tle Thorns, as in Hyoscyamus. Of the Use of these Parts, anon.


IN THIS Attire there is also much Elegant Vari­ety, according to the Description we have given of it in the First Book. It always consists of several Suits; Ten, Twenty, Fourty, a Hun­dred, or more, according to the Bigness of the Flower. And every Suit most commonly, of three distinct Parts, all of a Regular, but Different Fi­gure. The utmost Part, is always like a little Flower with Five Leaves and a Tubular Base, like that of Cowslip. So that every Flower with the Florid Attire, Tab. 59. Embosomes, or is, a Posy of perfect Flowers.

2. §. In some Flowers, every one of these Florets, is encompassed with an Hedg of Hairs; and every Hair branched on both sides almost like a Sprig of Fir; Tab. 59. as in Aster Atticus, Golden-Rod, and others.

3. §. The Base of the Floret is usually Cylindrick, but sometimes Square, as in French Marigold. And the Leaves hereof which, for the most part, Tab. 60. are Smooth on the Inside, in the same Flower are all over Hairy. And the Edges of these little Flowers, are frequently Ridged, or as it were, He m'd, like the Edge of a Band.

4. §. The midlemost of the Three Parts, B. 1. Ch. 5. which I call the Sheath, is usually fastened towards the Top, Tab. 60, 61, 62. or else at the Bottom of the Floret. This is rather indented, than parted into Leaves. The Surface seldom Plain or Even, but wrought with Five Ridges, and as many Gutters running almost Parallel from the Top to the Bottom.

5. §. The Inmost Part, B. 1. Ch. 5. which I call the Blade, runs through the hollow of the Two Former, and so is fastned, with the Floret, to the convex of the Seed-Case. The Head and Sides of this Part, is always beset round about with Globulets, commonly through a Glass, as big as a Turnep-seed, or a great Pins-Head. In some Plants growing close to the Blade, Tab. 60, 61, 62. as in the common Marigold; in the French, and others, upon Pedicils or little slender Stalks. These, as the Blade springeth up from within the Sheath, are still rubed off, and so stand like a Powder on them both. And sometimes, as in Cichory, they seem to grow on the Inside the Sheath, if it be split with a small Pin: as also in Knap­weed, in which they are numerous. Yet in the Seed-like Attire, always more numerous, than in the Florid.

6. §. The Head of the Blade is always divided into Two, Tab. 58, &c. and some­times into Three Parts, as in Cichory; which, by degrees, curl outward, after the manner of Scorpion-Grass.

7. §. The Description now given, agrees principally to the Corym­biferous Kind, as Tansy, Chamemile, and the like. But in Scorgonera, as also Cichory, Hawk-Weed, Mousear and all the Intybous Kind, with many [Page 171] more, the Attire is not separate from the Foliature, so as to stand with­in that in one entire Posy; but every Leaf of the Flower hath its own Attire apart. For the sake of which, the Basis of every Leaf is formd into a little Tube or Pipe, Tab. 62. whereby it embosomes its own Attire within it self. Consisting commonly of Two Parts, a Sheath and a Blade: the Leaf it self answering to the Floret in other Flowers.

8. §. In some Plants, besides the Attire or Posy in the midle of the Flower; Tab. 61. the Leaves also have each their own to themselves, as in Marigold: yet this, as I take it, consisting only of one single Part, which answers to the Blade; the Leaf it self being as the Sheath.

9. §. In many Plants, this Florid Attire is very large; so that not only the Suits, Tab. 61. but also the several Parts whereof every Suit consists, being throughly ripe and well blown open, are all visible to the bare Eye, as in Knapweed, and all the Thistle Kind. This Attire is all the Flower, that this sort of Plants have; being, though Empal'd, yet with­out any Foliature.

10. §. And sometimes, there is little or no Flower besides this At­tire, although extream small, as in Golden Rod, Wormwood and others. Where it may be noted, That the Medicine called Wormseed or Semen Santonici, is no Sort of Seed, but the Buds of small Flowers, or of the Florid Attire of that Plant.

CHAP. V. Of the Use of the Attire.

OF the Secundary Use hereof, I have spoken in the First Book; Ch. 5. and particularly, of the Globulets or small Particles within the Thecae of the Seed-like At­tire, and upon the Blades of the Florid, I have con­jectur'd, That they are that Body which Bees gather and carry upon their Thighs, and is commonly cal­led their Bread. For the Wax they carry in little Flakes in their Chaps: but the Bread is a Kind of Powder; yet some­what moist, as are the said little Particles of the Attire.

2. §. But the Primary and chief Use of the Attire is such, as hath respect to the Plant it self; and so appears to be very great and neces­sary. Because, even those Plants which have no Flower or Foliature, are yet some way or other Attir'd; either with the Seminiform, or the Florid Attire. So that it seems to perform its service to the Seed, as the Foliature, to the Fruit.

3. §. In discourse hereof with our Learned Savilian Professor Sir Thomas Millington, he told me, he conceived, That the Attire doth serve, as the Male, for the Generation of the Seed.

4. §. I immediately reply'd, That I was of the same Opinion; and gave him some reasons for it, and answered some Objections, which might oppose them. But withall, in regard every Plant is [...] or Male and Female, that I was also of Opinion, That it serveth for [Page 172] the Separation of some Parts, as well as the Affusion of others. The sum therefore of my Thoughts concerning this Matter, is as follows.

5. §. And First, it seems, That the Attire serves to discharge some redundant Part of the Sap, as a Work preparatory to the Generation of the Seed. In particular, that as the Foliature serveth to carry off the Vo­latile Saline Sulphur: So the Attire, to minorate and adjust the Aereal; to the end, the Seed may become the more Oyly, and its Principles, the better fixed. And therefore the Foliature generally hath a much stronger Odour, than the Attire: because the Saline Sulphur is stronger, than an Aerial, which is too subtile to affect the Sense. Hence also it is, that the Colour of the Parts of the Attire, is usually White, or Yellow, ne­ver Red: the former, depending upon a greater participation of Aer; the latter, of Sulphur. I add further, That the most Volatile and Aeri­al Sulphur; being by means of these Parts much discharged; it may hereby come to pass, not only that the Seed is more Oylie, and its Princi­ples more fixed; but also, that the Body or Parenchyma thereof, is so compact and close: For although it consists of Bladders, yet such, as are Twenty times smaller than in any other Part of a Plant of the like bigness. Whereas, were the Aer copiously mixed with the Sap here, as in the Pith, Fruit, and other Parenchymous Parts; it would give so quick a Ferment to the Sap, as to dilate and amplify the Bladders of the Seed, beyond its present compact and durable Texture; and so expose it, either to a precipitant Growth, or sudden Rot. Wherefore, as the Seed-Case is the Womb; so the Attire (which always stands upon or round about it) and those Parts of the Sap herinto discharged; are, as it were, the Menses or Flowers, by which the Sap in the Womb, is duly qualified, for the approaching Generation of the Seed.

6. §. And as the young and early Attire before it opens, answers to the Menses in the Femal: so is it probable, that afterward when it opens or cracks, it performs the Office of the Male. This is hinted from the Shape of the Parts. For in the Florid Attire, the Blade doth not unaptly resemble a small Penis, with the Sheath upon it, as its Praeputi­um. And in the Seed-like Attire, the several Thecae, are like so many little Testicles. And the Globulets and other small Particles upon the Blade or Penis, and in the Thecae, are as the Vegetable Sperme. Which, so soon as the Penis is exerted, or the Testicles come to break, falls down upon the Seed-Case or Womb, and so Touches it with a Proli­fick Virtue.

7. §. Consentaneous hereto it is also observable, That those Herbs generally have the Seed-like Attire, which either produce a greater Quan­tity of Seed, or a Perennial Root: and that there is no Tree, with the Florid Attire. As if the other, because it contains a far greater Pro­portion of the abovesaid Particles, that is, of Sperm; 'tis able to beget a more Numerous, Vivaceous, or Gigantick Birth.

8. §. That the same Plant is both Male and Female, may the ra­ther be believed, in that Snails, and some other Animals, are such. And the Parts which imitate the Menses, and the Sperm, are not pre­cisely the same: the former, being the External Parts of the Attire, and the Sap, which feeds them; the latter, the small Particles or moyst Powder which the External inclose.

[Page 173] 9. §. And that these Particles, only by falling on the Uterus, should communicate to it or to the Sap therein, a Prolifick Virtue; it may seem the more credible, from the manner wherein Coition is made by some Animals; as by many Birds, where there is no Intromission, but only an Adosculation of Parts: And so in many Fishes. Neither in others, doth the Penis ever enter any further than the Neck of the Womb. Nor doth perhaps the Semen it self: or if it doth, it can by no means be thought, bodily or as to its gross Substance, to enter the Mem­branes, in which every Conception, or the Liquor intended for it, be­fore any Coitiou, is involved; but only some subtle and vivifick Efflu­via, to which the visible Body of the Semen, is but a Vehicle. And the like Effluvia may be very easily transfused from the above said Particles into the Seed-Case or Womb of a Plant.

10. §. If any one shall require the Similitude to hold in every Thing; he would not have a Plant to resemble, but to be, an Animal.

CHAP. VI. Of the Time of the Generation of the Flower.

THE Time in which the Flower is Generated or For­med is a Providence in Nature, whereof, I do a lit­tle wonder, that no one, amongst so many obser­vers of Plants, hath ever yet taken any notice. It is therefore to be remarked, That all Flowers are for­med or perfectly finished, in all their Parts, long before they appear in sight; usually Three or Four Months, and sometimes half a year, or more. And that in all Peren­nial Plants, those Flowers which appear and are called the Flowers of any one year; are not formed in that year; but were actually in Being, and entirely formed in all Parts, the year before; as in many Herbs, and in all Shrubs and Trees.

2. §. This will best be seen by some Instances. So the Flower of Mezereon, which opens in January, is entirely formed about the midle of August in the year foregoing. At which time, the Green Leaves of the Bud being cautiously removed, Tab. 63. the Leaves of the Flower, and the Thecae Seminiformes or Seed-like Attire, encompassing the Seed-Case, through an indifferent Glass, are all distinctly visible.

3. §. The like may be seen in Sirynga, and other Shrubs, and in Trees. In as many of which, as are Frugiferous, the Fruit also, which answers to the Seed-Case in other Plants, is about the same time entire­ly formed.

4. §. And so in Herbs; as the Flower of Asarum, which appeareth in April or May, is entirely formed in August or July of the foregoing year. For there are here, Tab. 64. as well as in Trees, Two Sorts of Buds; some which are composed only of Green Leaves; and some which also con­tein a Flower and the Seed-Case. So in Bears-foot, by some called the January Rose, the Flower-Buds, which open in January are all formed in or before the Month of August in the year preceding.

[Page 174] 5. §. The same may also be seen about the end of August or the be­ginning of September in a Tulip-Root. Tab. 63. In which, the Two Inmost Shells dryer than the rest, stand hollow, with the little young Flower (which appears in March or April following) inclosed now in their Centre. Being thus kept warm and dry, lest it should either perish, or be precipitated upon the Winter, by sprouting too soon.

6. §. From hence it is plain, That although the Flower appears be­fore the Seed; yet if the comparison be made betwixt the Flower and Seed of the same year; the Seed is first formed, and afterward the Flower. That is, the Seed, for which Nature chooses the First-born Sap, is formed in the fore part of the year: which work being finished, out of the less foecund part of the Sap, the Flowers intended for the Sire and Matrix of the next years Seed; is afterwards produced.

7. §. THE true Time of the Generation of the Flower being know'n, it may also be an Inducement to make Tryal, for the bringing of many Flowers to grow fairly in Winter, which are used to grow, that is, to appear, only in the Spring and Summer: sc. by keeping the Plants warm, and thereby enticing the young lurking Flowers to come abroad.

The Appendix. Being a Method proposed, for the ready finding, by the Leaf and Flower, to what Sort any Plant belongeth.

ALTHOUGH many have bestowed extraordina­ry Care and Industry upon the searching out, and Description of Plants; and for the reducing of them to their several Tribes: yet I will take leave, here to propose a short Method whereby Learn­ers, seeing a Plant they know not, may be infor­med to what Sort it belongs, and so be directed where to find it described and discoursed of. For, except they have a Master to conduct them, which few have; they must needs, by seeking at random, lose a great deal of time, which by a regular Enquiry might be saved. Besides, that what is learned by their own Observation, will abide much longer on their mind, than what they are only Poyn­ted to, by another.

2. §. Now the most Philosophick way of distinguishing or sorting of Plants, were by the Characteristick Properties in all Parts, both Com­pounded, Constituents, and Contents. But of the Compounded, the Seeds, and some other Parts, are oftentimes very minute: and the Roots always lie hid. As also the Constituent Parts, every where, without cuting and the use of Glasses. Nor can the Contents be accurately observed other­wise. So that for the Use here intended, those Properties are the fitest to be insisted upon, which are the most Conspicuous, and in those Parts, where the Learner may the most readily and without any difficulty take notice of them; as in the Flower and Leaf. The Flower hath Varieties enough of it self. But in regard it is often wanting, when the Green Leaf is not; it is therefore convenient, that he be assisted [Page 175] by both, and that the Varieties of both be distinctly reduced unto Ta­bles. Which may be done, after the following, or some other like manner.

3. §. And First for the Leaves. The most obvious Varieties of which, are in their Position, Size or Shape.

4. §. Leaves are fastned with, or without a Stalk. Without, only close to the Branch, as in Southistle; or surrounding it, as in Thorow-Wax.

5. §. Both these ways, they stand either singly, that is, but one at the same height; or more together.

6. §. More together, in Even or Odd Numbers. In Even Numbers, commonly Two and Two, as in Sage, Polium; Sometimes Four, as in Cross-wort, Madder, Herb True-Love, Pomum Majae; or more, as, I think, in Woodrofe, &c. In Odd Numbers, Three, as in all Trefoyls, Strawberries; Five, in Pentaphil, Castanea Equina; Seven, in Tormentil.

7. §. The Sizes of Leaves are innumerable. It is therefore neces­sary to reduce them to a Standard. And so, they may be reckoned, Three; Small, Mean and Great: with respect to the Length of the Leaf, the Breadth, or both. From one Inch and under, all Leaves may be accounted Small; from one Inch and over, to five Inches, Mean: from five and over, Great.

8. §. The Shapes of Leaves are also numberless. But the most ob­vious distinctions which they admit of, are such as these;

9. §. Leaves are Membraneous, as the greater part; Squameous, as Abies, or Filamentous. Which are solid, as in Fenil, Meum; Buphthal­mum, Chamemile, Groundpine; or hollow, as in Onion.

10. §. Membraneous, have all their main Fibres produced either from the Stalk, as in Holyoak; or from the midle Stem of the Leaf, as in most. From the middle Stem, reciprocally, as in Scabious, or oppositely, that is, one over against another, as in Rose: and both ways, at Acute Angles, as in most; or Right, as in Dandelion.

11. §. Again, they are different with respect to the Top, the Bot­tom, and the Sides. The Top is Thorny, as in Furz; or Unarmed. Un­armed, either Produced, that is, Poynted, or at least, Roundish, as in La­mium, Ironwort; or else Reduced, as in Woodsorrel. And so the Bot­tom, is either Reduced towards the Top, as in Ground-Ivy; or Produ­ced upon the Stalk, as in Poplar, Bay, &c.

12. §. The Sides or Edges of the Leaf, are either of one and the same Measure, as commonly; or of divers, as in Doronicum. Both ways they are Even, as in Syringa, Mous-ear; or Uneven. The Un­even, are Prickly, as Holly, Eryngium, Thistle; or Unarmed. Unar­med, are Insected, or Resected. Insected deeply, that is, Lobed, as Golden Liverwort, Clematis Peregrina; or with shallow Insections, as in most. And so, Indented, or Scallopped: the former, when the An­gle is made with Straight Lines, as in Dandelion; the latter, with Crooked, as in Thalictrum. Resected, that is, both Lobed, and Insected, or when upon the greater Insections, there are other lesser ones, as in Wild-Clary, Lovage, Masterwort.

13. §. THE most Conspicuous Varieties of Flowers, are in their Position, Size, Shape, and Colour.

14. §. Most are fastned with Stalks; but many without. Some­times, they are placed round about the Branch, that is, Coronated, as [Page 176] in Pulegium; and sometimes, all on one side; either in Ranks only, as in Bawm; or in Rank and File, as in Foxglove. In Saxifraga Aurea, they grow on the Leaf.

15. §. Again, they either stand Singly, as in Corn Marigold; or Clustur'd. And so, either all upon one Branch, or on several little Ra­mificated Sprigs. On one Branch, prolonged like a Tail, as in Blatta­ria; or Contracted. And so, either without Stalks, that is, Capita­ted, as in Scabious; or with Stalks, that is, Umbellated, as Fenil, &c. On several Sprigs, as in Tanacetum, Yarrow.

16. §. The Sizes of Flowers, as of the Leaves, may be reduced to Three. From ½ an Inch and under, in Diameter or Length, may be accounted Small. From ½ an Inch and over to an Inch and ½ may go for Mean. And from an Inch and ½ and over, Great.

17. In respect of the Shape, Flowers are Open or Belly'd, Open have both Leaves and Attire, as most; or else are all Attire, as of Burdock, Beta Cretica.

18. §. The Open, consist of a Certain Number of Leaves, One, Two, Three, Four, Five, Six, Seven, Eight, Nine, Ten, Thirteen, or One and Twenty. Uncertain, commonly called Double. Those of a Certain Number, either Uniform, that is, all of a certain Size and Shape, as usually; or Biform, or Triform, as in Iris, Blattaria. And these again, Even Edged or Notched; with Three Poynts, as in Mari­gold; or Five, in Cichory.

19. §. The Belly'd, are either so in whole; or in Part, that is, with the Top divided into Leaves, and the Bottom, Hollow: The for­mer, are also Even Edged, as in Convolvulus; or Notched, as in Tra­chelium. The latter have their Leaves distinguished as before. Their Bottom or Base, either fastned to the Seed-Case, as in Snap-dragon; or standing below it. And so, either Straight, as I think in Toad-flax; or Crooked, as in Violet, Lark-heel.

20. §. In all these, the Attire is either Seminiform, or Florid. And both, Clustur'd, or Divided; as in Mallow, St. Johns wort; Starwort, Hawkweed.

21. §. The Colours of the Flower, are White, as in Water-Crowfoot; Red, as Lychnis; Blew, as Borage; Purple, as Stock-July-Flower; Black, as in some Anemones; Yellow, in Wall-Flower; Tawny, in Colus Jovis; Green, in Laureola. Which are either Single, or Mixed: Two toge­ther, as in Butyr-Bur, White and Red; in White Hellibore, White and Green; in Monks Rubarb, Red and Green; &c. Or Three together, as in Pancy, Yellow, Blew, and Black, i. e. atro-purpurcus.

22. §. How far these, and some other like Distinctions, being re­duced to Tables, would serve for the finding out of any Sort of Plant, may be conceived, if we consider, how great a Variety, a few Bells, in the ringing of Changes, will produce. And the search will be easy, and successfull, if in every foregoing Table, reference be made to those that follow; and in the Tables conteining the last Divisions, the Names of the Plants therein poynted out, be expressed.

THE ANATOMY OF FRUITS, PROSECUTED With the bare EYE, And with the MICROSCOPE. Read before the Royal Society, in the Year 1677. The THIRD PART.


LONDON, Printed by W. Rawlins, 1682.


  • CHAP. I. Of the APPLE; and of the LIMON, and CUCU­MER, the Fruits of Plants vulgarly called POMI­FEROUS.
  • CHAP. II. Of the PEAR and QUINCE.
  • CHAP. III. Of the PLUM, and some other Fruits of the same Kindred
  • CHAP. IV. Of the GRAPE, and HAZEL-NUT; with some other Fruits analogous to each of them.
  • CHAP. VI. Of the USE of the Parts to the Fruit.
  • CHAP. VII. Of the USE of the Parts to the Seed. And the TIME, in which, the Uterus or Fruit and Seed-Case are formed.

CHAP. I. Of the APPLE; and of the LIMON, and CUCU­MER, the Fruits of Plants vulgarly called POMI­FEROUS.

THE Description and Use of Leaves and Flowers, together with the Figures thereto belonging, were presented to this Honourable Society, the last year. I shall conclude this Subject with Fruits and Seeds; beginning with Fruits, which will take up the present Discourse.

2. §. And First, I shall describe the Com­pounding Parts of some, more generally known. Which having done, I shall next observe the Uses of the same; either for the Fruit it self, or for the Seed. Some of the Descriptions, the Reader may be pleased to compare with those in the First Book, Ch. 6. I begin with the Apple; to which I shall subjoyn the Limon, and Cu­cumer, commonly reduced to the Pome Kind.

3. §. AN APPLE, besides the Skin, consisteth of a Parenchyma, Vessels, and Coar. The Parenchyma or Pulp, is the same with that of the Barque of the Tree. As is apparent, not only from the visible conti­nuation thereof from the one, through the Stalk, into the other: but also from the Structure common to them both; being both composed of Bladders. In which, notwithstanding, there is this difference, [Page 180] That whereas in the Barque, they are spherical, and very small, most of them, through a good Glass, not exceeding 1/10 th of an Inch in Diame­tre, and some of them, less: here, they are oblong and very large, most of them about [...] d of an Inch in Length, Tab. 65. or more, according to the large­ness and tenderness of the Fruit; being all uniformly tenter'd or stretched out, by the arching of the Vessels, from the Coar towards the Circumference of the Apple.

4. §. The Vessels, as in the other Parts of a Plant, are Succiferous, and for Aer. Both the Branches of the former, and the single Vessels of the latter, are extream small. They run every where together, not collateral, Tab. 65. as Veins and Arteries do in Animals; but the latter, sheathed in the former.

5. §. They are distributed into Twenty principal Branches. The Ten outmost, a little within the Apple, are diverted from a straight Line, into so many great Arches; from which a few small Fibres are without any order dispearsed through the Apple. The Five middlemost, and the Five inmost, run in a straight Line as far as the Coar, and are there di­verted into as many lesser Arches; Tab. 65. the former, at the outer, and the latter at the iner Angles of the Coar. Upon these Five inmost hang all the Seeds.

6. §. These Ten, and the other Ten abovesaid, do all meet toge­ther at the top of the Apple, where originally, they all ran into the Flower. Tab. 65. But betwixt them, there are scarce any intercurrent Fibres; so that they appear every where disjunct from the bottom to the top of the Apple.

7. §. A LIMON hath a Threefold Parenchyma; which seem to be derived one from another: the Texture, upon every derivation, being somewhat altered, Tab. 66. and so made more close and elaborate. The utmost, called the Rind, hath the most open, and the coursest Texture; being composed of the largest Threds, and those Threds woven up into larger Bladders. Those little Cells, which contein the Essential Oyl of the Fruit, and stand near the Surface of the Rind, are some of the said Bladders much more dilated.

8. §. From this utmost Parenchyma. Nine or Ten Insertions or La­mells are produced, betwixt as many Portions of the Pulpy Part, to­wards the Centre, where they all unite into one Body, answerable to the Pith in the Trunk or Root of a Tree; and is a conspicuous demon­stration, of the communion betwixt the Barque and the Pith; which there, Tab. 66. is much more obscure and difficult to observe. At the bottom, but especially the top of the Fruit, the Pith is so far expanded, as with­out the mediation of any Lamels, to be joyned to the Rind.

9. §. Throughout this Parenchyma, the Vessels are dispearsed. But the chief Branches stand on the iner Edge of the Rind, and the outer Edge of the Pith, Tab. 66. just at the two extremities of every Lamel. From those Branches on the Edge of the Pith, other little and very short ones shoot into the Pulp of the Fruit, upon which the Seeds are ap­pendant. In the Centre of the Pith, are Eight or Nine, in a Ring, which run through the Fruit up to the Flower.

10. §. Between the Rind and the Pith and those several Lamels, which joyn them together, stands the second Sort of Parenchyma, dif­ferent from the former, in being somewhat closer, and finer wrought Divided, by the Lamels, into several distinct Bodies; every one of them a great and entire Bag.

[Page 181] 11. §. Within every great Bag, is conteined a Third Parenchyma, which is also a Cluster of other little Bags, about the bigness of an Oate, Tab. 66. all disjoyned one from another, and having their distinct Stalks, of several Lengths, by which they are all fastned to the utmost Side of the great Bag, wherein they are conteined. Within each of these lesser Bags are conteined many hundreds of Bladders, consisting of most ex­tream fine Threds woven up together into that Figure. Within these Bladders lies the Acid Juyce of the Limon.

12. §. A CUCUMER, hath also a Threefold Parenchyma. The Utmost, is derived, from the Barque. In this, being exposed for some time to dry, and then cut transversly with a Rasor; not only the Blad­ders, but also the Threds whereof the Bladders consist, through a good Microscope, are apparent.

13. §. Throughout this Parenchyma the Sap-Vessels are dispersed; near the Circumference, Tab. 66. in Ten or Twelve very large Branches. Each of these larger Branches, embosoms another of Aer-Vessels in its Centre. Adjacent to the Midle Parenchyma, they stand in Clustres of much smaller Branches, but more numerous.

14. §. Out of all these Sap-Vessels, issues a transparent and viscous Mucilage; which being dryed, becomes as hard and tough as Gum Tra­gacanth. Analogous to which, I suppose, is the truly purgative part of Elaterium.

15. §. The Midle Parenchyma is derived from the Pith; and divi­ded into Three Colums, Tab. 66. standing triangularly, and having each of them a Triangular Figure. Within these Colums stand a distinct Sort of Sap-Vessels: from whence, several small and short Fibres shoot into the In­most Parenchyma, whereupon the Seeds do hang. So that these Columns are as it were the Beds on which the Seeds grow. With each of the Seed-Branchs or Fibres, goes some part of the said Parenchyma or Colum, out of which, the Covers of the Seed are formed.

16. §. The Inmost Parenchyma wherein the Seeds lie, and which answers to the Pulp of a Limon, Tab. 66. seems likewise to be derived from the Colums, that is, to be originally thence produced upon the Seed-Fibres, and afterwards spread and augmented into a Pulp. By Three Inserti­ons from the Colums, and as many from the Utmost Parenchyma, and these re-inserted; it is divided into Six Triangular Bodies; and every Triangle, into Three Ovals.

17. §. A near resemblance betwixt the Garden and Wild Cucumer, with respect to the Inward Structure, Tab. 66. as well as the Outward Figure, may be observed: Both of them having a Threefold Parenchyma. Yet with this difference, That the Three White Triangular Bodies or Co­lums in the one, is answered by a White Ring or Tube in the other.


APEAR, besides the Skin, consisteth of a Twofold Parenchyma, of Vessels, Tartareous Knots or Grains, and a Coar. The Skin is lined with a great num­ber of the said Tartareous Grains, through a Glass, about the bigness of small Shot: whereby it looks withinside, like the Skin of the Scate and some other Fishes. Tab. 67. Besides those which grow to the Skin, there are also many more standing near adjacent to it all round about the Fruit: altogether about [...] d of an Inch in thickness, through a Mi­croscope; as in a Slice of a Pear cut transversly is apparent. Somewhat more or less, as I take it, according to the Delicacy or Harshness of the Fruit; as more in a Burgamy, or other soft and sweet Pear, than in those which are called Strangulatoria. As all Vinous Liquors, and those espe­cially which are the most Tartareous, become more soft and sweet, ac­cording as they cast off their Tartar, in a greater quantity, upon the Sides of the Vessel.

2. §. The Outer Parenchyma, is of the same Original, and gene­ral Structure, as in an Apple. But the Bladders, answerable to the Shape of this Fruit, not altogether so long, with respect to their Bredth. Throughout this Parenchyma, Tab. 67. are also dispersed many small Tartareous Grains; most of them somewhat round, as those next the Skin, and of a like Size; but nothing near so numerous.

3. §. The Bladders here, have also a different Position from that they have in an Apple: there, they are all so stretched out, as to have respect to one common Centre, which is that of the Apple it self. But here, Tab. 67. they every where bear a respect to the said Tartareous Grains, every Grain being the Centre of a certain Number of Bladders; like a Star, in the midle of its Vortex. Whereby, so many of the Tartareous parts of the Sap, as cannot well be thrown off upon the Skin, are more commodiously discharged, upon every little Knot or Grain, nearer hand.

4. §. Throughout this Parenchyma, the Vessels likewise are disper­sed. Of the Two general Kinds, for Sap, and for Aer. The Aer-Ves­sels, are here extream small, as well as in an Apple; yet one degree, larger. They are both together distributed into Fifteen principal Branches. Tab. 67. The Five Utmost make as many Arches, but commonly not near so deep as in an Apple. From these, some small Fibres, yet a lit­tle more numerously than in an Apple, are dispersed throughout the Parenchyma. The Ten Inmost run along to the Seed, and from thence, with the other Five, to the Flower.

5. §. Next the Coar, stands the Inner Parenchyma, in divers respects different from the Outer. The Bladders of the latter, as hath been said, large and long; of the former, small and round, answerable to those of the Pith, of which it seems to be derived. Throughout that, [Page 183] the Vessels and Tartareous Grains are dispersed; in this, there are nei­ther. Tab. 67. The Effect whereof is, that is sweet, this sower; for which reason, I have taken leave to name it, the Acetary.

6. §. Betwixt this and the outer Parenchyma, the said Tartareous Grains begin, first to stand nearer together, to grow biger, and of a more unequal Surface; Tab. 67. and by degrees, to unite into a Body, in some Pears, and especially towards the Cork, almost as hard as a Plum-Stone; which I have thereupon, B. 1. Ch. 6. named the Calculary. So that a Pear, is Na­tures Preface or Introduction to a Plum.

7. §. This Tartareous Body, B. 1. Ch. 6. and those small Grains above said, I have formerly supposed, to be precipitated out of the Sap, by virtue of the Vessels. Which is not only argued from their growing, where the Vessels, only in the outer Parenchyma: but in that the very Bounds or Figure of the Calculary, Tab. 67. is determined by the Situation of the chief of those Vessels; as in cuting a Pear smoothly through the Centre and by the Length, is apparent.

8. §. The Coar as well as the Acetary, seems to be derived from the Pith. And is therefore lesser here, than in an Apple, where the whole Pith of the Stalk, goes to the making of the Coar only.

9. §. In most Pears, at the bottom of the Coar, and a little below the Centre of the Fruit, Tab. 67. there is a kind of small Umbelical Knot; from whence is extended a straight Chanel or Ductus, which opens at the midle of the Cork or Stool of the Flower, scarce wide enough to admit the smallest Pin. Made for the Use hereafter mentioned.

10. §. A QUINCE, is nearly allyed to a Pear. The diffe­rences betwixt them are these; In the Quince, the outer Parenchyma is more close, Tab. 67. that is, the Bladders are smaller. The Vessels more nu­merous, and more deeply enarched; the Calculary greater, and more spread; according to the Shape of the Fruit: but the Acetary, less: The Coar stands higher or nearer to the Cork; divided, not into Five, but Four Cells. And the Ductus from the bottom of the Coar to the top of the Fruit, much more open and observable.

CHAP. III. Of the PLUM, and some other Fruits of the same Kindred.

A PLUM consisteth of a Parenchyma, the Two general Kinds of Vessels, and a Stone. All which I have already described in the First Book. Ch. 6. I shall here add, and further clear some things. And First, it is to be noted, That, in Pro­portion to the Bulk of the Fruit, there are more Vessels in a Plum, than in an Apple, Pear, or Quince. As also, That in Plums, all the Vessels are braced together into one Uniform Piece of Net-Work, every where terminating at an equal distance from the Circumference, Tab. 68. sc. [...] th of an Inch or thereabout. And as for the Bore of the Aer-Vessels, although the Glass I used, when I examined this Fruit, would not reach it; yet [Page 184] is it to be presumed, that they bear a just Proportion to those in the Trunk of the same Tree; and that therefore they are here larger, than in an Apple or Pear. The Skin likewise of a Plum, is more fibrous, thick, and tough, than in those Fruits. The Ends of these Diversities, we shall presently speak of.

2. §. Of the Stone, amongst other particulars wherein the con­trivance of Nature is very admirable, B. 1. Ch. 6. I have formerly shewed, That it is composed of Two or rather Three distinct Bodies. One of them, the Lining; which answers to the Coar in a Pear. And is originated from the Parenchyma, which the Seed-Branch brings along with it, through the Chanel in the Side, and at last into the Hollow, of the Stone; and is there spread all over it: as when a small Glass-Pipe, is blown and expanded into a Bubble. Or as if a Bladder, being stretch­out, and put through the Neck of a Bottle; Tab. 68. were then blown up, so as to be every where contiguous to the Sides, and become, as it were, the Lining of the Bottle.

3. §. The Foundation or Ground of the Outer and more Bulky Part of the Stone, is the Iner Part of the Parenchyma; and answers to the Acetary in a Pear. Tab. 68. As the Fruit grows, the Tartareous Parts of the Sap, being continually precipitated upon this Parenchyma, it is hereby petrify'd. As will best be seen, by comparing the several A­ges of the same Fruit together. And in some Stones; on the Surface whereof, Tab. 68. some of the said Tartareous Parts appear in distinct Grains. So that whereas in a Pear, the Calculary and the Acetary are distinct, here in a Plum, they are thrown one into the other. Or, as some Mineral Waters only make a Crust about a Stick or other Bodies im­mersed in them; but others, by sinking into these Bodies, do here­by petrify them: So in a Pear, the Tartareous Parts of the Sap, only make a Crust about the Acetary; but in a Plum, they sink into the Body thereof, or that Part of the Parenchyma, which stands in the place of it, whereby it is converted into a Stone. The Figures of Stones shall hereafter be spoken of, when I come in the next Part, to the Co­vers of the Seed.

4. §. AN APRECOCK is of the Plum-Kind. But some things are herein better observed. As first, the Position of the Blad­ders of the Parenchyma. For the Tartareous Parts of the Sap not being here dispersed, in little Grains, throughout the Fruit, as in a Pear; but all thrown off into the Stone: the Bladders therefore are so dispo­sed, as not to have respect to several Centres, Tab. 68. as in a Pear; but only the Stone, to which they all do most exactly radiate; thereto conveying the feculent Sap, in so many little Streams. This is best seen, when the Fruit is full ripe.

5. §. In this Fruit, while it is young, the gradual transmutation of the Inner Part of the Parenchyma into a Stone, is also more apparent. And so are the Three Coats, which serve for the Generation of the Seed; being now all very distinct; and remarkable, not only for their Bulk; but also, the Analogy which they bear to the Three Mem­branes in many Viviparous Animals. Whereof I shall give a more par­ticular Description, when I come, in the following Part, to the Co­vers of the Seed.

6. §. A PEACH hath a much bigger Stone, than either a Plum, or an Aprecock: and hath therefore, when full ripe, and especially in [Page 185] hot Countries, a more defecated or better fined Juyce. For the rea­son why the Stone is so great, is because the Vessels run so very nu­merously through the Body of it; and so cause a more copious preci­pitation of the Lees of the Sap thereinto.

7. §. A CHEERY is likewise near related to a Plum. But the Bracement or Reticulation of the Vessels, Tab. 69. is here carried out further, so as to be all round about contiguous to the Skin. And as the Aer-Vessels in the Branch of a Cherry-Tree, are larger than those of an Ap­ple-Branch, but less than those of a Plum-Branch; so may they be pre­sumed, to bear the same Proportion here in the Fruit,

8. §. A WALNUT, is a Nuciprune; or betwixt a Plum and a Nut, as a Bat is betwixt a Beast and a Bird. For the Rind, answers to the Pulp; and the Shell, as the Stone, is also lined. But the Seed-Ves­sels, which in a Plum run through a Chanel made on purpose in the Stone; do here enter, as in a Nut, at the Centre of the Shell. By which means, they are invested with a more fair Parenchyma; which Nature hath provided, as her Cloth, for the making of the Coats wide enough for so vast a Kernel.

CHAP. IV. Of the GRAPE, and HAZEL-NUT; with some other Fruits, analogous to each of them.

A GRAPE, is a Plum with two Stones; for their thickness, Tab. 69. as hard as any other. The Distribution of the Vessels is also somewhat different. For the principal Fibres running up directly betwixt the Stones; and the smaller, making only one single Net, near the Circumference; they all meet toge­ther at the Top of the Grape. It is also to be no­ted, That many Lignous Fibres are visibly mixed with the Skin it self: whereby it becomes very thick and tough. And as the Aer-Vessels in the Trunk of a Vine, are greater than in that of an Apple, Pear, or Plum: So is it to be presumed, that in a Grape, they are greater than in the Fruits of those Trees.

2. §. The Parenchyma or Pulp of a Grape, seems to be derived, not from the Barque, as in an Apple; nor partly from the Barque, and partly from the Pith, as in a Goosberry: but wholly from the Pith; at least, as far as the Reticulation of the Fibres; and the Skin only from the Barque; whereby the Pulp becomes so tender and delicate a Meat.

3. §. A GOOSBERRY, hath a Threefold Parenchyma. The Utmost is derived from the Barque; of a Greener Colour, and very Sappy. The midlemost, from the Pith; somewhat white, and more dry, as the Diametral Insertions in some Roots. In both of them, the Bladders are very conspicuous, Tab. 69. above what they are in any Fruit, I at present think of; so as to be visible to a good Eye without a Glass.

[Page 186] 4. §. Betwixt these Two Parenchymas, do run most of the princi­pal Fibres, Tab. 69. or Vascular Threds. From which several smaller ones are branched into the Inmost Parenchyma; upon which, the Seeds do hang.

5. §. Each of these smaller Branches is invested with some part of the midle or white Parenchyma. Serving partly to make the Covers of the Seed; and partly, the Pulp, that is, the Inmost and finest Parenchyma of the Berry, in which the Seed lies.

A White CORIN, without taking off the Skin, sheweth not unpleasantly how the Seeds are fastned. For as the Trunk of the Tree continues not to any considerable Length, entire, as in a Plum, but is presently divided into several Boughs; nor are the Edges of the Leaf entire, as also in a Plum, but slit into several Lobes; and the Fruit, into a great many Corins in a Bunch: So again, the Seeds do hang upon the Fibres, like Two other Bunches, in every Corin. As by Refracti­on, Objects of all Sizes are represented on the Walls of the Eye. The Operations of Nature being every where Uniform: and sometimes the same in small, transcribed from a greater Copy.

7. §. A NUT, is a Plum inverted, or turned inside outward. For the Shell, standing naked, includes the Parenchyma: the bearded Cap, not precisely answering to that, but to the Empalement of the Flower; Tab. 69. which likewise in many other Plants, out-lives the Foliature and Embosomes the Uterus of the Seed. And whereas the Stone of a Plum is not Faced, but Lined with a Parenchyma derived at second hand from the Pith: The Shell of a Nut is not Lined, but Faced with the iner Skin of the Cap.

8. §. AN AKERN, is the Nut of an Oak. Yet with this dif­ference; That besides the Cup, it stands in, it hath only a Leathern or Parchment Cover instead of a Shell. From whence it come to pass, that whereas the Kernel of a Nut is sweet; that of an Akern, is of a very rough Tast: the Austere Parts of the Sap, which in a Nut are drained off into the Shell, being here imbibed by the Kernel it self.


TO the forementioned Fruits, I shall subjoyne, in some Examples, the Description of the Seed-Case, which is analogous to the Fruit. For the Fruit, strictly so called, is, A Fleshy Uterus, which grows more moist and Pulpy, as the Seed ripens. But the Seed-Case, whe­ther it be called a Cod, Pod, or by any other name, is, A Membraneous Uterus, which as the Seed ripens, still grows the more dry and hard: as in most Plants.

2. §. THE SEED-CASE, is either originally open; Or on­ly when the Seed is ripe; Or never opens at all, till the Seed be sown. Of the first Sort, is that of Luteola; as also of Clary, Sage, Hysop, and [Page 187] the like: wherein one and the same Part, is both the Empalement of the Flower, and when that is gone, survives as the Case of the Seed.

3. §. Of the Last, is that of Myagrum Monspermon, Lithosperme, all the Stones of Fruits, with divers others. And some Cases, which are soft, as, I think, that of Garden Radish. The former, by cleaving in some part or other; these only by roting under Ground.

4. §. THAT of Garden Radish, is a Light and Spongy or Pithy Body; originally, every where entire. But, as it ripens, breaks with­in, Tab. 70. into several White and Dry Membranes round about the Seed. By the Length and about ⅛ th of an Inch distant from the Sides of the Case, do run a pair of little Vascular Ropes. Some smaller Fibres are from these transmitted to the Sides of the Case; by which they are kept tite and steady. Upon divers others produced towards the Centre, hang the Seeds, like Two Ropes of Onions.

5. §. Of those which open so soon as the Seed is ripe; some are made to open at the Top, as Popy Heads; Some on the Side, as most Cods; and some at the Bottom, as that of Coded Arsmart.

6. §. THE Popy-Head, is a little Dove Coat; divided by Eight or Ten Partitions, Tab. 70. into so many Stalls. On both Sides the Partitions, hangs a most numerous Brood of Seeds. The Partitions and Sides of the Head, are made of the Barque, and Lined with the Pith. While young, they are very thick and spongy; and together with the Seeds, do then fill all up. The Head is then also every where entire; but as it dries, it gradually opens at the Top, into several Windows, one for every Stall: which are all covered with a very fair Canopy. A Fabrick designed for several purposes, as shall hearafter be said.

7. §. Of those which open on the Side; some are made to open, only on One Side; some, on both Sides; some, with Three Sides; some, with more; and some horizontally or round about.

8. §. THE COD of Garden Bean (and so the rest of the Legu­minous kind) opens on one Side. It hath a Twofold Parenchyma. The Utmost derived from the Barque: Tab. 70. in which stand all the Vessels, in se­veral Parcels; one whereof, at the Back of the Cod, is much larger than the rest, shaped like a Copula used in Schemes; from whence shoot those lesser Fibres upon which the Beans do grow.

9. §. The Inner Parenchyma is derived from the Pith. Upon its Nativity, and for some time afterwards, entire and wholly composed of Bladders, as the Outer. From the Base of the Cod they are gradually enlarged, so as to compose this Parenchyma into a very soft and delicate Sponge. Tab. 70. In which (the Cod being well grown) the very Threds where­of the Bladders were woven, are many of them so loose and ample, as easily to be drawn out (as in the uroaving of Knit-work) to a consi­derable Length, fairly visible through an ordinary Glass.

10. §. This may further confirm all that I have formerly said of the Fibrous Texture of the Pith, B. 2. P. 1. Ch. 5. & B. 3. P. 1. Ch. 4. and of all the other Parenchymous Parts of Plants.

11. §. THE Seed-Case of Medica, is a Cod wound up: in the Echinata, Spirally; in the Tornata, by an Helix. Not finished all toge­ther; but, upon the fall of the Flower, beginning to wind, continues its Circles, till it be come to its full Growth.

[Page 188] 12. §. THE Seed-Case of Yellow Henbean opens on both Sides. On the Top, Tab. 70. is erected a Colum, about ½ an Inch long; which, as the Case swells, gwrosless, and at last falls off. On the Sides of the Uterus or Case, Two Vascular Fibres run oppositely from the bottom to the top, and so into the Colum. Along the Tract of these Fibres, the Case, as it ages, gradually cleaves on both Sides asunder.

13. §. The Case is lined with a dry and thin Parchment, as smooth as Glass. In the Centre of the Case, stands a great Parenchymous Boss, Tab. 70. which is, as it were, the Bed or Placentula of the Seeds; which lie all over it, as in a Strawberry. And so in many other Plants. Throughout this Bed, the Vessels for the Generation and Nourishment of the Seeds, are distributed; one very small Fibre, shooting, from the direct ones, obliquely into each Seed.

14. §. THE Seed-Case of Tulip, opens with Three Sides; be­ing, when young, a Prism or long Triangle. From the midle of each Side, a Partition or Boord is produced; all three meeting in the Cen­tre of the Case; Tab. 71. and so parting it into Six Stalls for the Seed. The in­sides hereof, are, lined with a thin smooth and glossy Parchment, like that in Hen-bean; derived from the Pith; as the outside, from the Barque: and so in many other Seed-Cases.

15. §. The Vessels, after they rise above the Stalk, are disposed with great artifice. For first, they are divided into Three principal Branches, which run a long the Three Angles of the Case; where the Three Sides, Tab. 71. as it ages, gradually cleave asunder. From these chief Branches, at the Three Angles, divers lesser ones run horizontally, and meet at the midle of each Side. From whence again, many yet smaller ones are produced through the bredth of each Partition to their Edges in the Centre of the Case. Where, once more, they are distributed into very fine and short Threds, whereupon hang the Seeds.

16. §. THE Seed-Case of Stramonium or Thorn Apple, is divided into Four Closets: Not open one into another, as in Poppy, Tulip, &c. but so many distinct Inclosures. Tab. 71. In the midst of each Closet stands a Colum, joyned to the Side of the Closet by a Wall or Lamine. Through the Length of the Colums run several greater and lesser Branches of Vessels, from whence others are obliquely produced, upon which the Seeds grow.

17. §. THE Seed-Case of Anagallis or Pimpernel, is a little Globe; which opens not by its Meridian or Vertically, as do the former; but by its Horizon. Tab. 71. For divers very small Fibres, being produced from the Stalk to the midle of the Case; do there fetch a Circle, and so divide it exactly into Two Hemispheres: the Uppermost of which, when the Seeds are ripe, falleth off; and so the wind sowes them.

18. §. THE Seed-Case of Coded Arsmart, neither opens at the Top, nor on the Sides, as do all the former; but at the Bottom. It is composed of Four Sides: the Outer Part of which, is softer and more succulent; Tab. 71. the Inner a tite and strong Membrane. In the Centre of the Case, is erected a Pole or Colum upon which the Seeds do all hang very loosely.

19. §. From this Mechanism, the manner of that violent and sur­prising Ejaculation of the Seeds, is intelligible. Which is not a motion originally in the Seeds themselves; but contrived by the Structure of the Case. For the Seeds hanging very loose, and not on the Sides of [Page 189] the Case, as sometimes, but on the Pole, in the Centre, with their thicker end downward, they stand ready for a discharge: and the Sides of the Case being lined with a strong and Tensed Membrane, they here­by perform the office of so many little Bows: which, remaining fast at the Top, and (contrary to what we see in other Plants) opening or being lett off at the Bottom, forceably curle upward, and so drive all the Seeds before them.

CHAP. VI. Of the USE of the Parts to the Fruit.

IN the forgoing Descriptions, I have already mention'd the Use of the Parts in some particulars. I shall now a little further explain the manner of their service, both to the Fruit, and to the Seed.

2. §. And first, the Vessels serve for the Figura­tion of the Fruit. So in an Apple, the Ten great and utmost Branches serve not only to nourish and feed it; but also, by the Arched Lines they draw, to direct and govern the Growth thereof into an orbicular Figure. The Dilatation of these Vessels, not being hindred by any Braces or Conjunction with the In­terior ones. By the Slenderness of the Aer-Vessels, as in the Root, so here in the Fruit, much promoted. And by their Saline Principle, first begun.

3. §. The Five midlemost and the Five Inmost serve together, to figure the Coar; the former bounding the Outer, the Latter, the Iner Angles. For were they only Five, or were all Ten in the same Cir­cle, they would only make a round Cavity like that of a hollow Pith. Hence it is that Apples, in which some small Threds of the Vessels strike out into the Circumference, are very Uneven with divers Knobs and Ridges. But Plums, Cherries, &c. where the Vessels all terminate at an Equal distance from the Skin, are Even all round about.

4. §. The Bulk of the Fruit dependeth also on the Braces of the Vessels. For in Plums and Cherries, they are more numerous; but in Apples and Pears they are very loose one from another, and so have li­berty left them to spread abroad.

5. §. As also on their Size; that is, on the Size of the Aer-Vessels. Which, the less they are themselves, they serve to make a bigger Fruit. As the less they are in any Root, they serve to make it the more ample. For the less they are, the more pliable to the Attraction of the Aer: and in their Growth must make so many more spiral Rings: by both which means, they make the greater Arches. And therefore a Pear is commonly a smaller Fruit than an Apple; a Plum than a Pear; and a Grape, than a Plum; in all which the Aer-Vessels are still greater and greater.

[Page 190] 6. §. From the same Cause, it is also most agreeable, That the Fruit should not come before the Leaves or Flower, but last of all. For the Aer-Vessels, as hath been often noted, are not exactly Cylindrick, but tapered; that is, not only the Fibres consisting of divers of these Vessels, but the Vessels themselves, as they ascend into the Trunck, Branches, Leaves, Flower, and Fruit, grow still more and more slender. So that the smallest coming last, and being the most pliable; they are also best accommodated for the Expansion of the Parenchyma into that we call the Fruit.

7. §. It is likewise a proper Question to be asked, How it comes to pass, That some Plants bear a Fruit, and not all? I answer, That as the Size of the Aer-Vessels conduceth to the Bulk of the Fruit, and the Order of its Growth: So the Number of them, to their being, or not being, any Fruit at all. For the Fruit, as we have already de­fined it, is an Uterus, which grows moyster and softer, as the Seed ripens. The reason therefore, why the Uterus in some Plants, conti­nues moist and soft after the Seed is ripe; and in some, dries up; is, Because in the former, there is a smaller, in the latter, a greater Quan­ty of the Aer-Vessels in proportion to the other Parts of the Uterus, and so a greater quantity of Aer. Which as in the Pith of most Plants, so here, by degrees excludes the Sap, or rendring it more evaporable, comes in the room of it; and so the Uterus is dryed up: that is, there is no Fruit produced, but only a Seed-Case.

8. §. From the Size, Number, and Position of all the Vessels in Fruits a reason also may be given, for the diversity of their Tasts. Some In­stances have before been given; to which I shall add one or two more. So the Rind of an Orange, is bitter; the Pulp, sower. Because the former is furnished with many Lignous Vessels, the Sulphureous or Oyly Tincture whereof, being copiously mixed with the Acid of the Paren­chyma, produce that Tast. Whereas the Pulp, which is very sower, is void of all manner of Vessels. But if the Sap-Vessels are either less nume­rous or less Sulphureous; they give so mild a Tincture to the Parenchyma, as not to produce a bitter, but a sweet or soft Tast; as in Apples, Grapes, Goosberries, &c. And of a Goosberry, it is particularly to be noted, that whereas, in a Limon, the Pulp only is sower, as being void of Vessels: here, on the contrary, the Pulp only is sweet, whereinto all the Vessels strike, and the Rind sower.

9. §. The diversities of the Skin it self, have their Use. And there­fore, the more tender and delicate the Fruit is; the Skin, on the con­trary, is thicker and more tough. So Apples have a thicker Skin, than Pears; Plums, than Apples; and Grapes than Plums; those having as it were, only a Coat of Kid, but this of good thick Buff. And there­fore some Fruits, although tender, yet either not having so rich a Juyce, or coming early, and so not being exposed to excessive heats, have a very thin Skin, as Mulberries, Strawberries, &c.

CHAP. VII. Of the USE of the Parts to the Seed. And the TIME, in which the Uterus or Fruit and Seed-Case are formed.

AND first, for example, in an Apple, the Five In­most Branches, do best serve for the Generation of the Seed; these running into the Attire of the Flower, and so carrying off the most Aerial Spirit from the Seed; by which means, it becomes a more compact and denser Body, than the Fruit, and so more accommodate to the process of Vegetation; P. 2. Ch. 5. §. 5. as hath formerly been shewed.

2. §. The Elongation likewise of the Seed-Vessels, in the Fruit and Case, sometimes directly, as in Plums and Nuts, and sometimes by se­veral Ambages before they shoot into the Seeds, as in Tulip; shewes a design for the highest refining and maturation of the Seminal Sap.

3. §. Chiefly by means of the Inmost Vessels, is made that Chanel in some Pears, and especially in Quinces. For these perishing with the Flower, the circumjacent Parenchyma shrinks up, leaving the said Chanel in the midst. Designed for an inlet to the Aer, for the better drying of the Seeds; which here stand the more in need of it, because encompassed with a Mucilage.

4. §. For the better drying of the Seed, and the disbursing or sowing of it in due time, the opening of the Case is, in the same man­ner, also contrived: either at the Top, as in Popy; o [...] on the Sides, as in Tulip, Pimpernel; or at the Bottom, as in Codded Arsmart. All which openings are effected by the running of the Aer-Vessels along those pla­ces: for by drying the Parenchyma next adjacent, they cause it to chop and cleave asunder.

5. §. Of the Seed-Case of Poppy, it is particularly to be noted, That as the several Windows, serve to let in Aer, for the drying of the Seeds, after their full Growth: So the Canopy over them, serves to keep out Rain. For here, the Case not cleaving down the Side, as it usually doth; should the Rain get in, it would stand in it, as in a Pot, and so rot the Seeds. And as the Canopy serves to preserve the Seeds; so the several Partitions or Walls, for their better Stowage. For by an easie survey of this little piece of Ground, it is plain, that as they stand on both Sides every Wall, there is as much more Ground for them to stand upon, as if there were no parting Walls, but the Seeds stuck all round about upon the Ambit or Sides of the Case; or upon a great Bed or Placenta within it, as in Hyoscyamus, Anagallis, &c. where there is a less numerous Brood.

[Page 192] 6. §. The Coar likewise, by standing betwixt the moyst Parenchyma and the Seed, and being hollow and so silled with Aer; doth much conduce to the ripening and drying of the Seed, and its greater fitness both for keeping, and sowing. So the Parchment Lining of the Seed-Case, as in Hyoscyamus, &c. is answerable to a Coar.

7. §. The Parenchyma serveth, amongst other purposes, for the Generation of the Covers of the Seed; as in some instances hath been shewed. For which intent, sometimes the Exterior Parenchyma, as in a Limon; sometimes the midlemost, as in a Goosberry or Cucumer, is subservient; both of them, in those Fruits, being more white and dry, than the rest, and so fiter to make the Covers of the Seed.

8. §. The Parenchyma is also of use for the warmth of the Seed; as in the Seed-Case of Garden Radish. Wherein, as it ripens the Pa­renchyma gradually drys, breaks, and shrinks up into several soft Mem­branes, in which the Seeds, in the Centre of the Case, lie swadled, as in so many sine Calico Clouts.

9. I SHALL conclude with observing the Time of the Generation of the Fruit and Seed-Case. This hath hitherto been thought to be in­itiated upon the opening, I say not, the forming, but the opening of the Flower, or not long before. Notwithstanding which, what I have formerly said of the Flower; I now do the like, of the Uterus it self; sc. That in very many Plants, 'tis formed, with the Flower, the year before it appears and comes to its full Growth. As for instance, in A­zarum, not only all the Parts of the Flower, Tab. 71. but the Uterus it self, and there in also the outer Cover of the Seed of any one year, are perfectly formed in August or September of the year foregoing. The like may be seen in Tulip, Mezereon, Corin, and many other Perennial Plants.

THE ANATOMY OF SEEDS, PROSECUTED With the bare EYE, And with the MICROSCOPE. The Figures presented to the Royal Society, in the Year 1677. The FOURTH PART.


LONDON, Printed by W. Rawlins, 1682.


  • CHAP. I. Of the FIGURES of Seeds.
  • CHAP. II. Of the NUMBER and MOTIONS of Seeds.
  • CHAP. III. Of the several COVERS of Seeds, and of the VI­TELLUM.
  • CHAP. IV. Of the FOETUS or true SEED: and first of the RADICLE and LOBES.
  • CHAP. V. Of the BUDS of Seeds. And of the PARTS of which these, the Radicle and Lobes are compounded.
  • CHAP. VI. Of the GENERATION of the Seed.

CHAP. I. Of the FIGURES of Seeds.

THE Figures of Seeds, or rather of their out­ward Covers, are made suitable, Partly to their Collocation in the Uterus, as the End. So those of Mallow, standing like a Coronet round the Stalk, are of a wedged Figure; whereby their sharp Edges do all meet together in one Centre. Partly, to the various distribution of the Vessels or Fibers, as one Cause: by which the Measures and Surface of Seeds, as well as of the Leaves of Plants, are diversified. And partly, to the Nature of the Saline and other Principles regent in a Plant, as another principal Cause. And therefore the more stony, brittle, or full of Salt the Covers of any Seeds are, they are generally more angular, and their Figure, whether angular or not, more constantly observed. So the Tartarcous Stone of a Plum, is not only more angular, but also more regular than the Husk of the Kernel of a Pear or Apple.

2. §. For all Stones are measured by several Circles, whose Dia­metres hold a certain proportion to the Length of the Stone; in the same manner as hath been shewed in the description of the Leaf. P. 1. Ch. 3. So the Stone of the Pease-Cod-Plum, is measured by two Circles. That of the Turkey-Plum with Four. Tab. 72. That of the Aprecok-Plum, with Two repeated oppositely; being perfectly Rhomboid. To which, those also of the Wheat-Plum, Damasceen, and some others, allude. And some are measured be four Circles, and one repeated.

[Page 196] 3. §. The Figures, not only of the larger sort of Seeds, but even of the smallest, have much and elegant variety. We will take the pleasure of comparing these which follow.

4. §. And first of all, some are perfectly Spherick, and with an even Surface; Tab. 73. as that of little Century. That of Spergula is also Spherick; but hath a knobed Surface, and is encompassed with a Membraneous Rimm, like the Horizon of a Globe. That of little Celandine is Circu­lar, but compressed like a Cheese.

5. §. Others are Nephroideous, or as it were Hemispherick. Of which Figure, and hereunto approaching, there are a greater number than of any other; as that which agrees with the more frequent Shape and Fold of the Lobes and Radicle of the Seed, as shall be seen. Yet with some difference, as to their Shape and Surface. So, that of Lychnis Syl­vestris is figur'd just like the kidney of a Cat; Tab. 73. and hath a knobed Sur­face. That of Poppey comes near it in Shape; but hath a surface ex­actly like that part of the Paunch of a Sheep, called the Hony-Coome. That of great Celandine, is a little more oblong; and so, like the Kidney, not of a Cat, but of a Sheep: chequered with parallel Rings and other short Lines placed alternately betwixt them.

6. §. Where, by the way, we may see, as well by the Seed, as by the other Parts, of how different kinds, the Great and Little Celan­dine, notwithstanding their Names, are to be esteemed.

7. §. The Seed also of Ben or spatling Poppey is somewhat like a Kidney: Tab. 73. but hath its Circumference raised up into a double Ridg: to which several small Ridges do in some sort also radiate frome one Centre sc. the Base of the Seed.

8. §. The Seed of Chickweed, Tab. 73. is partly like a Kidney, and partly like a little Retort. As also that of Pentaphil. fragiferum. But the for­mer is rough cast with small pieces having as it were feet on each side, like little Insects. With which, the Seed of Leuchanthem [...]m (which may be called, the Giant-Chickweed) doth much agree. The latter, hath several Fibrous Ridges, resembling the Fibres in the Auricles of the Heart; or runing from the nose to the Circumference, somewhat like the Azymuth Lines on a Quadrant.

9. §. Some are Oval; Tab. 73. as that of the little Bell, and rough cast with Fibres almost parallel and produced by the Length of the Seed. In which latter respect, the Seeds also of Trachelium and some other like Plants, are agreeable. That of Brooklime, is also Oval, but encompassed with a thick Rimm, narrowing all the way to the Base of the Seed.

10. §. The Seed of Dovesfoot hath an oval Cone, and a flat Base. Its Surface favous, like that of Poppy, Toad-flax, and some other Seeds. That of Sedum minus aestivum luteum, Tab. 73. is in a manner the Figure of the former inverted, being flat, not at the Base, but on the Top. And whereas that rises with a blunt Angle, this hath only a Ridg, raised above the Surface of the Seed.

11. §. The Seeds of divers sorts of Grass, are more Conick, as par­ticularly of that, which for the likeness its Seed hath to a Barly Corn, may be called Barley-Grass. And I little doubt, but that among the several sorts of Grass, there are some which answer to all the kinds of Esculent Grains, Tab. 73. as Oat-Grass, Rice-Grass, Wheat-Grass, Rye-Grass. And accordingly, that they may be more profitably sown in one Ground, than in another; and used with distinction, for the higher, or more [Page 197] wholsome feeding of Cattle. A Rush, though it seems an imperfect Plant, yet besides its Flower, hath also a plentiful brood of Seeds of a Conick Figure.

12. §. Some Seeds are Cylindrick, as that of St. Johns-wort, as also of Tutsan, Tab. 73. and some other like Plants, with some little diversity in the Shape or Surface of the Seed. That of Vervain, is in a manner, half a Cylinder: the true Seed lying in the Covers, like a Child, in a Cradle without an head.

13. §. Others are rather Conico-Cylindrick, Tab. 73. as that of Jacobaea; having a Coronet on the top, and several furrows by the Length round about. Answerable to which, is that of Erygerum; in Shape not unlike to a Rowling-pin.

14. §. Some are Plani-Conick, as that of Nettle, which is shaped somewhat like the end of a Speer. That of Eye-bright is more Eliptick; with several Ridges running by the Length; and joyned together with short pieces transversly, Tab. 74. as in the looping of Lace. That of Worm­wood not very unlike a little slat Essence-Glass: in which, the Fibres are produced by the Length, as the Ridges are in Eye-bright. And so in Yarrow, which is also encompassed with a Membraneous Rimm. That of Dandelyon, is Plani-Conick towards the Base. And so those of Let­tice, Sonchus, and some others. To which, those also of Hieraceum, Tra­gopogon, Scorzonera, &c. with respect to their Surface, do all al­lude.

15. §. And some are Conico-Triangular. Of which, that of Sorrel is Conick at both ends; the sides equal; and upon every Angle, hath a narrow and sharp Rimm. Tab. 74. As also that of Anagallis; but the Sides are Spheri-conick, and so the ends are blunt. They are also pounced with many little round Cavities. But have no Rimm upon the Angles.

16. §. The Seed of Nigella is Triangular, and Conick only at the Top. On every Angle, hath a narrow Rimm; the three Sides equal, and Spheri-conick; Tab. 74. surrounded with seven or eight Ridges by the girth, joyned together in some places with others transversly. That of Ar­smart, is also Triangular and Conick at the Top. But one of the Sides is almost equal to the other two; which stand low. That of Knot-Grass hath three Sides, one less than another; being as 5, 3, and 2, or thereabout.

17. §. The next (which I take to be the Seed of a sort of Bu­gloss) is very oddly figured. The Base, oval; the Top, conick; the Back, Tab. 74. swelling and round as an Egg; the Belly also swelling, but rising up into an obtuse Angle highest in the midle, somewhat like a Breast­piece of Armour: and is encompassed with a Rimm sloaped upward.

18. §. That of Moldavian Bawm, is Triangular, and Conick only at the Base. The place where it is fastned, shaped like the Beard of a Dart. Tab. 74. Two of the Sides are Plani-conick, the Third Sphericonick, and near as big as both the other two. The Head flat, with a Rimm erected upon each Side, so as to make a Spherical Triangle. Approah­ing to this, are those of Sage, Horehound, Clary, &c.

19. §. That also of Bellis Tanaceti folio, hath two Sides Planico­nick, Tab. 74. and a third Sphericonick. The two first have several Ridges run­ning to the Base. Which is not perfectly conick, but a little dilated into two obtuse Angles. The Head Triangular, with one Side convex, [Page 198] the other Two straight, a little hollowd, and having a small pinacle in the Center.

20. §. That of Staechas Arabica, as the former, saving, that the Head is oval, and the Base sloaped into a little Triangle. That of Wartwort or Sun-Spurge, hath a very complex Figure. The Belly con­sisteth of two Planiconick Sides, Tab. 74. as the former; the Back, Sphericonick. The whole Seed, in a manner, Conick-oval. Yet the Base and Head both flat. In the midle of the former, a Peg by which the Seed is fastned; and of the latter, a poynted Knob. The midle of the Belly-Sides, hollowed, so as to make a flat Rimm of equal Bredth; and the hollows filled up with Bladders like those in all the Parenchymus Parts of a Plant.

21. §. Lastly, there are some Seeds which are square. Whereof some are straight, Tab. 74. as that of Fox-glove; which hath also an even Sur­face: And that of Blattaria, in which there are several little hollows in even Rows. And so in Brounwort.

22. §. And some Convex, as that of Chrysanthemum Americ. 'Tis Quadrati-conick, or square and sharp at the Base, and big at the Head. Tab. 74. The Sides all plain; and a thin Rimm erected upon every An­gle. As also on the four Sides of the Head, which is flat, with a lit­tle Pinacle in the midle.

23. §. The Seed also of Tansey, is a Conick and bended square not with the Angle forward, Tab. 74. as the former, but the Side. And in the place of every Rimm, hath a round Ridge. Somewhat like to this, are those of Febrifuga, Mayweed, and some others. Thus far of the Fi­gures of Seeds.

CHAP. II. Of the NUMBER and MOTIONS of Seeds.

NATURE hath secured the Propagation of Plants several ways, but chiefly by the Seed: for the Pro­duction of which, the Root, Leaves, Flower, and Fruit, do all officiate, as hath been shewed. And according as the Plant, or the Seed it bears, is more liable to be destroyed, Provision is made for Propogation, either by a greater number of Seeds, or other ways. So the Seeds of Strawberry, being gathered, or eaten by Vermin, with the Fruit; the Plant is therefore easily propagated by Trunk-Roots. So Poppy, being an annual Plant, is highly prolifick: for instance, the White Poppy; which commonly bears about four ma­ture Heads, in each of which, there are at least ten Partitions, on both sides whereof, the Seeds grow; and upon 1/4 th part of one side, about 100 Seeds; that is, 800 on one Partition: which being multiplied by 10 (the number of Partitions) makes 8000; and 8000 again by 4 (the number of Heads) makes 32000 Seeds, the yearly product of that Plant.

[Page 199] 2. §. So in Typha major, the Seeds being blow'n off and low'n (as the Eggs of many Fishes spawn'd) with great hazard, they are strangely numerous. For as they stand altogether upon the Spike, they make a Cylinder at least six Inches long, and near 5/8 ths of an Inch in Di­ametre, or an Inch and 3/4 about. Now 9 of these Seeds, set side to side, as they stand on the Spike, make but 1/8 th of an Inch; so that 72 make a line of an Inch in Length. But because upon the Spike, the Hairs belonging to the Seeds come between them; we will abate 10, and count but 62. To which 3/4 ths of 62, that is (without the Fracti­on) 46, being added, makes 108 for the Circuit of the Cylinder. And the Cylinder being six Inches long, there are six times 62, that is, 372, for a Line the length of the Cylinder. Which number being multiplied by 108, produceth 40176 the number of Seeds which stand upon one Stalk; and so, upon three Stalks, which one Plant common­ly bears, there are in one year, above a hundred and twenty Thou­sand Seeds.

3. §. SO SOON as the Seed is ripe, Nature taketh several Me­thods for its being duly sow'n: not only in the opening of the Uterus, as in some Instances P. 3. Ch. 5. Tab. 70, & 71. hath already been seen; but also in the make of the Seed it self. For First, the Seeds of many Plants, which affect a peculiar Soil or Seat, as of Arum, Poppy, &c. are heavy and small enough, without further care, to fall directly down into the Ground: and so to grow in the same place where themselves had their Birth.

4. §. But if they are so large and light, as to be exposed to the wind, they are often furnished with one or more Hooks; To stay them from straying over far from their proper place, till by the fall of Leavs or otherwise, they are safely lodged. So the Seeds of Avens have one single Hook, Tab. 72. those of Agrimony and Goose-grass, many; both the for­mer, loving a Bank for warmth, the latter, a Hedge for its support.

5. §. On the contrary, many Seeds are furnished with Wings or Feathers. Partly, with the help of the Wind to carry them, when they are ripe, from off the Plant, as those of Ash, Maple, Orach, &c. least staying thereon too long, they should either be corrupted, or miss their season. And partly, to enable them to make their slight, more or less, abroad: that so they may not, by falling together, come up too thick; and that if one should miss a good Soyl or Bed, another may hit. So the Kernels of Pine have wings not unlike to those of some Insects; Tab. 72. yet very short, in respect of the weight of the Seed; whereby they flye not in the Aer, but like domestick Fowls, only flutter upon the Ground. But those of Typha, Dandelion and most of the Pappous kind, with many more, have very long and numerous Feathers, by which they are wafted every way, and to any distance necessary for the aforesaid purposes.

6. §. Again, there are some Seeds, which are scattered not by flying abroad, but by being either Spurted, or Slung away. [...] The first are those of Woodsorrel; which having a running Root, Nature sees it fit to sow the Seeds at some distance. The doing of which is effected by a white thick and sturdy Cover of a Tendinous or Springy Nature, Tab. 72. in which the Seed lies within the Case. This Cover, so soon as it begins to drye, bursts open on one side, in an instant, and is violently turned inside outward, as you would turn the Gizard of a Fowl; and so smartly throws off the Seed.

[Page 200] 7. §. The Seeds of Harts-tongue, and of all that Tribe, are Slung or Shot away. The doing of which is performed by the curious contri­vance of the Seed-Case; as in Codded Arsmart, and some other like Plants. Only there, the Spring moves and curles up inward; but here it moves outward. I shall describe it, as well as the Weather (which when I observed it was cloudy) would permit. Every Seed-Case, as it appears through a good Glass, Tab. 72. stands upon a Pedicle from 1/2 an Inch to an Inch or more in Length; at the bottom about as thick again as a Horse-hair, and a little thicker at the Top, on which stands the Case, of a Silver Colour; about the bigness of a Cherry-stone, of a Spherick Fi­gure, and girded about with a sturdy Tendon or Spring, of the Colour of Gold: the whole Machine looking not much unlike a little Padlock. The Surface of the Spring resembles a fine Screw, or some of the Aer-Vessels in the Wood of a Plant. So soon as by the Innate Aer of the Plant, or otherwise, this Spring is become stark enough, it sudden­ly breaks the Case into two halfs, like two little Cups, and so slings the Seed.

8. §. These Cases grow in oblique Furrows or Trenches on the back side the Leaf, Tab. 72. from 1/4 of an Inch to an Inch in Length, and about [...] th of an Inch broad. In one of these Trenches an Inch long are more than 300 of the Cases above described; and allowing but 10 Seeds to every Case, above 3000 Seeds. Which being multiplied by the number of Furrows in one Leaf, with allowance for the lesser Furrows; and that summ by the number of Leaves commonly growing upon one Root, comes to above Ten Hundred Thousand Seeds, the annual product of this Plant. The Seed is of a Tawny Colour, through a good Glass about 1/12 th of an Inch long, flat, and somewhat oval. Of these, ten Thou­sand are not so big as a white Pepper Corn.

CHAP. III. Of the several COVERS of Seeds, and of the VI­TELLUM.

THE next step of Natures Managery, relates chiefly to the Growth of the Seed when it is sow'n. For which purpose, the outer Covers are somewhere furnished with Apertures sufficient for the recep­tion of Alimental Moyster from the Ground; and Divisions, for the shooting forth of the young Root into it. As in the Seed of a Gourd, at the Bottom; in a Bean, on the Side; and in a Ches­nut, at the Top: Tab. 72. in which places the Radicle or young Root always lies and puts forth, in the said several Seeds. And the Seed of Palma Christi; Tab. 72. which falls to the Ground not only in the usual Covers, but also in the Seed-Case, for the more plentiful admission of Aliment, hath a double Aperture. Not much unlike to this, is that found sometimes [Page 201] in larger parcels of Euphorbium; for which Cause, I suspect it to be the Gumm of a Plant of the Tithymal kind.

2. §. If the Cover of the Seed be stony and very hard, it is also distinguished into several Pieces; whereby they easily cleave asunder without much resistance to the eruption of the Root. So the Shell of a Hazel-nut easily cleavs on the edg; and the cleft begins best at the poynt, Tab. 75. where the Root stands and shoots forth. The Shell of some Walnuts cleavs into three Parts; and the Stone of the Bellerick Myro­balan into five: that so, being very thick and hard, if one piece should not yield, another may not fail to do it. And the Covers or Husks of some sorts of Grain, as of Millet, are only folded or laped one over another, the better to give way to their tender Sprouts.

3. §. Besides the Kernels of Plums and some other Fruits, there are very many Seeds, even of the smaller sort, which have also stony Covers; as of Carthamum, Myagrum monospermon, Beet, Borage, Lithosperme, Amaranthus, Violet, &c. Sometimes, for the reception of the harsher and less matured Principles from the Seed, in its Generation, as in Borage. Commonly, to keep it warmer before and after its sow'n. For which purpose, the outer Covers of some Seeds, are as it were Lined with Fur: in that of Great Maple, Short; of Gossipium, Long. And if the Seed requires a longer stay under ground, the hardness of the Cover serves to stint the Aliment; lest too much, should either rot it, or cause it to germinate, before its proper season, or full time for a more Masculine Growth.

4. §. On the contrary, many Seeds, as those of Clary, Garden [...] Cress, and others of that Tribe, have their upper Covers faced with a Mucilage: which being easily receptive of any Moysture in the Ground, gradually swells, till it lies like a Gelly round about the Seed. Ei­ther for a more plentiful supply of Aliment; or at least, to soften the Covers, the better to accelerate the Growth of the Seed.

5. §. The process of Nature in the several steps of the Vegetation of the Seed, hath formerly been explained. B. 1. Ch. 1.

6. §. THE COVERS of all, or at least the far greater num­ber of Seeds, are Three; some way or other derived from the Pith: as shall hereafter be seen. And sometimes, Four: even those of ston'd Fruits, have Three, besides the Stone. In that of Gossipium, there are Two Coats under that lined with the Cotton. The Seeds of Cucumer, Goats-beard, Tab. 75. Broom, Scabious, Lettice, &c. although so small, have plainly Three Coats. But in some of these, and many more, there are only Two distinctly visible, except in the State of Generation.

7. §. In the Upper Coat, the Seed-Vessels are disseminated. The Second, is first a meer Pulp; but afterwards shrinks up and sticks close to the upper. The Third or Inmost is more dense; and if it be thin, for the most part, Tab. 76. transparent; whereby the Seed seems sometimes to be naked while it lies therein; as in Almonds, Cucumers, and the like. For this sticks not to the midle Coat, as that doth to the outer; but commonly, remains entire, after those are stripp'd off, being as it were, the Smock of the Seed.

8. §. In Melissa and some other small Seeds, it comes finely off up­on soaking in warm Water or on the Tongue. In Fenugreek, 'tis soft, and of an Amber-Colour; and being moystened, looks almost like fine Glew. But commonly, tis a prety tough Membrane, and often with [Page 202] some thickness, as in Plums, Borage, Scabious. Yet always extream thin at the Tip of the Radicle; the more easily to break and yield to it, as the Secundine to the Foetus, when it first shoots into the Ground. And sometimes, as in the Seeds of an Orange, it hath at one end, the resemblance of a Placenta. Tab. 75. But of this, and the two upper Coats, I shall give a further Description in the last Chapter.

9. §. AS ALL Seeds are ex Ovo; so there are many with thin Covers, as of Orach, Spinage, Beet, and the rest of that Tribe, &c. which besides the Albumen or clear Liquor out of which they are bred; have also, a Vitellum, or a Body thereunto Analogus: being neither part of the Seed, nor part of the Covers, but distinct from them both. With respect to the Bulk of the Seed, very large, as white as Starch, and pret­ty friable, Tab. 75. like good Rice or Barley: of a roundish Figure, and grooved on the Girth, so as to have a double Edge; Whereby the Seed, which is long and slender, lies round it, as a Sack of Corn upon a Pack-Saddle or a Rope upon a Pully-wheel. Upon my first notice hereof, it seemed to answer to a Placenta. But upon further consideration, the Analogy doth not hold betwixt them. For the Placenta lies without the Mem­branes in which the Foetus is conteined: whereas this body lies within the Covers contiguous to the Seed, and so becomes its first and finest A­liment, as the Yelk doth to the Chick. For which purpose, as in the Ge­neration of the Seed, it is a pure Milky Chyle; So in its Vegetation, it is converted into the like again.

10. §. The same Body for Sustance, is observable in the Seeds of Rhapontick, Tab. 75. Dock, Sorrel, and the rest of that kindred, with this dif­ference; That whereas in Orach, &c. the Seed only lies upon it; here, the main Body or Lobes of the Seed are immersed therein, the Radicle standing naked or above it. So that the said Lobes, and therein the Seminal-Root are beded herein, as in a Tub of Meal or a little pot of pure refin'd Mould, necessary for the first Vegetation of the Radicle.

11. §. BY THESE midle Steps, Nature proceeds from the Thiner Covers of Seeds; or those, which after the Generation of the Seed is finished, shrink up; to the Bulky Kind, or those which keep their Bulk after they are dry. Wherein, not only the Lobes, as in Dock, but the whole Seed is immediately lodged. Different in Sub­stance, Shape and Bulk; but always many times biger than the true Seed within it: for which it is commonly mistaken; but is no more the Seed, than is the Stone of a Plum, the Kernel.

12. §. In the Barbado Nut, 'tis White, Soft, Conick-oval, and ta­king all its Dimentions, 8 or 10 times bigger than the Seed within it. In Ashen Keys, 'tis of a sad Colour, hard, yet somewhat Oyly, Oval and flat, and of the same Bigness as in the Barbado Nut, with respect to the Seed. Tab. 76. In the Fruit commonly called Nux Vomica Officinarum, 'tis of the Colour and Hardness of a Cows-Horne; and makes almost the whole Body of the Fruit, being about 14 or 15 times the Bulk of the Seed. In Goosgrass or Cliver 'tis of the like Horny Substance, but shaped some­what like a Bonet with the Rimm tuckt in. Tab. 77. And so in a Coffee-Berry; but rowled or foulded up into a kind of Oval Figure, with a Notch or Ri­ma through the Length, where the two Ends meet. With other diver­sities which will best be understood, when I come presently to the De­scription of the Seed herein contained.

[Page 203] 13. §. With respect to the use of this Cover, it is observable, that where there is a Stone or Shell over it, as in the Barbado Nut, it is soft; but where there is none, as in Nux Vomica, Ash, &c. 'tis hard; and so it self instead of a Stone. As also, That it becomes hard, only by the proper Nature of its Parenchyma, and the exquisite smallness of the Bladders of which it consists. Whereas a Stone, is also hardened by the Less or Tartar of the Sap which sinks into it, and thereby petrifies it P. 3. Ch. 3. as hath been said. So that whereas a Stone, as it lies in the Ground, only cleavs in certain Places, but continues hard: This Cover, like some Horns, upon the due accession of Moisture, doth gradually become soft. Whereby, as while it is hard, it performs the Office of a Stone, in guarding the Seed til the proper Season for its Growth: So after­wards when it is soft, it answers, as in Orach or Dock, Ch. 3. §. 8, 9. to a Vi­tellum, from whence the Seed receiveth its first and purest Aliment.

CHAP. IV. Of the FOETUS or true SEED: and first of the RADICLE and LOBES.

HAVING discoursed of the Covers, I come next to the Seed or Foetus it self. Of the Shape and Po­sture whereof, I shall give some Examples, first, a­mong those with the thinner sort of Covers; and then, of those with the Bulky one: where I shall speak only of the Lobes, or Main Body, and the Radicle. Next, I shall describe the several sorts of Nodes or Buds of Seeds. And lastly, the several Parts, of which the Lobes, Radicle, and Buds are compounded.

2. §. Among Seeds with the Thinner Covers, are those of all sorts of Corn and Grass▪ Of a different make, from that of most other Seeds: The Main Body being not divided into Lobes, but one entire Piece, doubled in the form of a Pair of Lipps. And whereas commonly, the whole Seed is very Soft and Oyly; here, only those two minute Parts, which become the Root and Stalk, are so: The Main Body being of a different Substance; when the Corn is ripe, hard and friable; but when it is sown, easily colliquable into a kind of Milk or Chyle, so that, in some respects, it hath a near Analogy to a Vitellum. For as that is gradually melted into a sort of Chyle, and by the Branches of the Du­ctus Intestinalis carryed into the Bowels of the Chick: So is this, into a like Substance, and by the Branches of the Seminal Root (formerly describ'd) conveyed to those Parts, B. 1. Ch. 1. which become the future Plant.

3. §. Of Relation to this Kind, the Seeds of Dates, and of some other like Plants, may be esteem'd. For that which is commonly cal­led the Stone, seems indeed to be the Main Body of the Seed, doubled or folded up in the same manner as in Corn. To which that Part which becomes the Plant, Tab. 75. is annexed. But whereas in Corn, 'tis placed at [Page 204] the Bottom of the Main Body; here it lies in a small round Cavity in the middle of the Back. The Stone, or Main Body, where this Part grows to it, is not so hard, as more remote from it: and is therefore probably in some part dissolved, by lying in the Ground, as in Corn.

4. §. But for the most part, the Main Body is divided, as hath been said, into two Lobes; and those in Substance Homogeneous to the o­ther Part or Parts, Tab. 75. plainly distinguished in most Kernels and other large Seeds; and not difficultly in many lesser ones, as in that of Viola Lunaris, Scabious, Doves-Foot, &c. if slipped out of their Covers be­fore they are full ripe.

5. §. In Hounds-Tongue, they are of a circular figure, and very large in Proportion to the Radicle. In Cucumer, oblong, with some visible Branches of the Seminal Root; and the Radicle somewhat bigger. But in Scorzonera, Tab. 75. very long, like the Leggs of a Pair of Compasses: and the two first, or dissimular Leavs of the Plant into which they are converted, are of the same Shape. Of these and many more, the Radicle is short and pointed; and lies in one straight Line with the Lobes.

6. §. In Viola Lunaria, they are very large; and the Branches of the Seminal Root, fairly apparent, so as to resemble a Pair of Leavs. The Radicle pretty long, equally thick from end to end, and couched down upon the two Lobes, Tab. 75. each of them having a little Shoulder for it to lie upon. In Woad, where it hath the like Posture and Shape, as also in Chamaelina, Eruca, and many others, it is very Bulky, being bigger than both the Lobes put together.

7. §. Of this Part, I think it may be observed, That commonly those Seeds, wherein it is very small with respect to the Lobes, produce a Perennial Plant: And so, vice versa, where it is very large, an Annual one. In the latter, the Seminal Virtue being more vigorous, and so tending more hastily to the Business of Generation, followed with the Death of the Plant.

8. §. IN THE former Seeds, the Lobes lie flat one against another. But in Garden-Radish, Tab. 75. they are folded up, so as to receive the Radi­cle into their Bosome: as when a Chicken tucks his Head under his Wing.

9. §. In Holyoak, Tab. 75. the Lobes are plated upwards, and re-plated down again. Being most agreeably composed to the Shape of the Covers, as those are to their Posture on the Plant. In Maple, they are plated one over another, and so rouled up.

10. §. In the Cotton-Seed, which consisteth almost wholly of two very broad and thin Lobes or Leaves, Tab. 75. the Folds are yet more numerous; all curiously reduced to an exact and solid Oval.

11. §. It happens now and then, that instead of two, there are three Lobes, as in the Kernels of Plums, Apples, and other Fruits, and the smaller sorts of Seeds, will spring up sometimes with more than two dissimilar Leaves, originally the Lobes of the Seed. These are ob­served by some, more frequently to produce a double Flower, which may be, because the seminal Virtue in such Seeds, is increased by a third Part.

[Page 205] 12. §. IN many Seeds, the Radicle is of one and the same Colour from end to end. But in others, as in the Lupine, it is observable, That the upper and greater hald, is White; the Lower to the Point, hath a kind of Horny Gloss, Tab. 75. and seems to be of a somewhat different make. Whereby it comes to pass, that after the Radicle is shot forth a little way, only this lower half descends and becomes the Root: The upper half is produced or raised above ground, as a Pillar upon which the Lobes, or dissimilar Leaves are erected.

13. §. This Seed, on the out side of each Lobe, and near the Ra­dicle, hath a very small and round Node, like a Navel; whereof, in the first Book: Ch. 7. the whole Seed looking not much unlike a Pidgeons Head; the Radicle resembling the Bill, and the Navel the Eye.

14. §. IN the Seed of Garden-Orach, Tab. 75. both the Radicle and Lobes are very long and slender, and lie almost in a compleat Circle round about the Vitellum before describ'd. The Lobes of Rhapontick are shaped like the Bitt of a Spade; Ch. 3. and the Radicle stands erected above them like the Handle.

15. §. OF SEEDS also with the Bulky Cover, there are many not divided into Lobes; being in a manner, all one Piece; as all of the Bulbous-Kind. In some of which, though the inmost Cover be thin; yet compared either with the other Covers, or with the Seed it self, it may very well be accounted of the Bulky-Kind.

16. §. In Flag, it is above twenty times bigger than the Seed with­in it. Consisting of Bladders all Radiated towards the Seat of the Seed. The Seed it self is shaped somewhat like a Penknife. Tab. 76. The lower Part which becoms the Bulb, as the Haft, is thick, and cometh near to a Cylindrick Figure, and the end, round. The upper Part which becomes the first years Leaf, as the Blade, is rather flat, double edged, and poin­ted, and the Point a little bent. The Fibers and Bladders of which it consists, are all disposed into Parallel Lines running by the length. In Lily, where this Cover is thinner and more Transparent, without be­ing cut, but only held up against the Light, the Seed may be seen with­in it.

17. §. BUT THE greater number of Seeds also with the Bulky Cover, are divided into two Lobes; which, for the most part, resemble a pair of little Leavs. In the Purging Nut of Angola, the Shell being taken off, Tab. 76. the upper Covers (dry'd and shrunk up) seem to be but one. In these, the Spermatick Vessels are Branched. Under these, lies the Thick and Inmost Cover; which being cut down the middle, exhibits the true Seed: Consisting of a couple of fair Leavs, Veined, and as white as Milk, joyned together with the Radicle at their Base; and let into a Hollow, made in the Cover, of an answerable shape. The like is observable in the Barbado-Nut, Ricinus Americanus, and some other Indian Fruits; with some little difference in the Shape of the Root and Leavs.

18. §. IN the foregoing Fruits, the Bulky Cover is very soft. But in the Nux Vomica Officinarum, Tab. 76. 'tis near as hard as a Date-stone. In this, besides the hollow made for the reception of the Seed, or the two Leavs and Root; the Sides are separated or distinct almost to the Edge of the Cover round about, especially towards the Root: So that it may not unaptly be compared to a little Pouch with the Sides clapt together.

[Page 206] 19. §. IN this and the Nuts above mentioned, the Seeds are all very large. But in some other Plants, they are extream small, so as to be hardly visible without a Glass; Tab. 77. as in Staphisagria, Peony, &c. In Sta­phisagria, the Thick or Inmost Cover, is commonly a Spherical Triangle, conick towards the Base. At the poynt of which, there is a little Cavi­ty, in which the Seed, about as big as a small pins head, is lodged. The Root whereof is a little poynted, and the two Lobes rounded at the Top.

20. §. In Peony, the same Cover is Soft, White, and of an Oval Fi­gure; the part used in Medicine. Tab. 77. Usually thought to be the Seed it self. But is near two hundred times biger than the true Seed, which is almost invisible. It lies in a little Cavity near the bottom of the Cover; with a thick and blunt Root, and two poynted Lobes or Leavs.

23. §. IN the Coffee-Berry, the Seed lies in the Inner or Cartilagi­nous Cover (formerly described) where one would not expect to find it, Ch. 3. Tab. 77. sc. near the Top or Surface of the Back. The Lobes of the Seed are veined like two very minute Leaves, and joyned to a long Root like a Stalk. The end of which comes just to the bottom of the Cover, ready for its exit into the Ground.

22. §. In Goosgrass, where the Inner Cover is also Cartilaginous or Horney, Tab. 77. the Seed is postured in much a like manner, and looks just like a couple of poynted Leavs with a very long Stalk.

23. §. THE Seed of Stramonium, is also inclosed in a Bulky Co­ver. Which being soaked in warm water, and very warily cut about the edges, Tab. 77. with a Rasor, the Seed may be taken out of it entire. Shaped like that of Orach, but much longer. For the Reception whereof, the Cover is formed with a hollow, which runs round about it near the Edge; where in the Seed lies like a little winding Snake.

CHAP. V. Of the BUDS of Seeds. And of the PARTS, of which these, the Radicle, and Lobes are compounded.

FROM between the two Lobes, rises up the Stalk of the Plant. The original whereof, either to the naked Eye, or by a good Glass, is always visible in the Seed.

2. §. In many Plants, Nature sees fit only to lay the foundation hereof in a small round Node; where upon the Leavs, in the Vegetation of the Seed, are superstructed: as in Viola Lunaria, and others.

3. §. But in the greater number of Seeds, is formed a true Bud, consisting of perfect Leavs; different from those, which grow upon the Stalk, only in Bigness; and so far in Shape, as the same Parts of an Animal Foetus, in its several ages in the Womb. In many Seeds, as well [Page 207] small as great, and as well of Herbs as Trees, it is very apparent. But oftentimes lyeth so deep between the Lobes as to be almost undiscerna­ble, as in Maple.

4. §. The Leaves of the Bud, in different Plants, are of a different Number; in some, Two; in others, Four, Six, and sometimes more. In the Bay-Berry, they are only two; very small, but thick or fat, and finely veined. Tab. 78. In the Seed of Card [...]s Benedictus, they are also Two; almost invisible; broad at the Bottom, poynted at the Top, thick or fat, yet plated inward, and postured a little distant one from the other; for the two next to rise up betwen them. The like may be seen in Carthamum; and so, I suppose, in all the Carduus Kind.

5. §. In some Herbs, although the Bud consisteth but of two per­fect Leaves, Tab. 78. yet they are very conspicuous. Not only in larger Seeds, as in the Phaseolus or French Bean; but in those which are small, as in the Seed of Hemp. In this, the two Leaves are both plated, and so set Edge to Edge, with mutual Undulations. Of that Length, as to be extended beyond a third part of the Lobes.

6. §. In the Seed of Sena, Tab. 78. the Bud consisteth of Four Leaves; of which, the greater pair is the outer, and guards the less. Shaped not much unlike those in the Seed of Carduus; but are a little more vi­sible.

7. §. In the Bud of an Almond, we may easily count six, or eight Leaves, Tab. 78. and sometimes more; the Inermost being laid bare by a dexterous Separation of the Outer. These are by much the greatest, doubled In­ward, and so laped one over another; whereby they embosome all the rest, as a Hen spreads her Wings over her Chickens. The like is ob­servable in many other large Kernels, as also in the Garden Bean, and some other Plants. With respect to which, I have taken leave B. 1. Ch. 1. to call this Part the Plume.

8. §. THE LOBES of the Seed, and so likewise the Radicle and Bud consist of a Skin, Parenchyma, and Branched Vessels: all which I have formerly described. B. 1. Ch. 1. I shall now add the following Re­marques.

9. §. And first of the Skin, which in some Seeds, as the French-Bean may easily be separated from the Parenchyma: especially if the Bean be soaked in water for some days; for then it will slip off, like the Skin in any part of ones Body where it is blistered. 'Tis woven into Bladders, Tab. 79. as the Parenchyma; but into smaller ones, and upon the Lobes of a Garden Bean, all radiated towards the Center. With these Bladders, there are also mixed a sort of Lignous Fibres, incom­parably small, which give a Toughness to the Skin, and by which the Bladders are directed into Rays.

10. §. The Bladders of the Parenchyma, as is said, are much larger than those of the Skin, especially in the Lobes. In those of a Garden Bean, Tab. 79. somewhat oval, about [...] of an Inch Diametre by their Bredth, and directed towards the Branches of the Seminal Root. In the Radi­cle, they are twenty times smaller, than in the Lobes: and so in the Plume.

11. §. Throughout the Parenchyma run the Branched Vessels, Tab. 79. which in the Lobes make the Seminal Root; in the Radicle and Plume, the Wood of the Root and Stalk. In all of them, distributed as hath been B. 1. Ch. 1. formerly shewed.

[Page 208] 12. §. I shall here further note, That the utmost divisions are no where extended to the Circumference of the Lobes, Tab. 79. but are all inos­culated together at a considerable distance from it, as in the Leaves of some Plants.

13. §. In the Lobes they all meet in one solid Nerve. But in the Radicle, are dilated into a hollow Trunk, filled up with a Pith; com­posed of Bladders somewhat bigger than those which make, Tab. 79. as it were, the Barque of the Radicle. In the Radicle of a French Bean, the Pith is very conspicuous.

14. §. The Vessels are of two kinds, as in the other Parts of a Plant; for Sap, and for Aer. Not running collateral, as Arteries and Veins; but the latter every where sheathed in the former. From the Aer-Vessels it is, that if a Bean be steeped in water, and then the Ra­dicle cut transversly and pressed, it will yield Bubles as well as Liquor. These Vessels are admirably small, yet through a very good Glass be­come visible. Tab. 79.

15. §. The Liquor conteined in the Seed, when full ripe is chiefly Oyl; generally, found in a greater proportion here, than in any other part of a Plant. Being as the Pickle, in which the Seminal Virtues, i. e. the more volatile and active Principles of the Seed, are immersed for their Preservation: and to curb them from too great a Luxuriance in the Vegetation of the Seed.


AS I made choice of a Garden-Bean, to shew the man­ner of the Vegetation of the Seed: so I shall take an Aprecock, as very apt and convenient, to ob­serve and represent the Method which Nature ta­keth in its Generation.

2. §. In order to this, the first thing that is to be done, is to make a fit Uterus. Both to keep the Membranes of the Foetus warm, and succulent, till it be formed: and to preserve and secure the Foetus it self after­wards, till it comes to be born into the Ground.

3. §. For this purpose, the Pulp and Stone of the Fruit are both necessary; but primarily the Stone: the Meat or Pulp being no other­wise necessary, but because the Stone cannot be made without it; the petrifying of that Parenchyma which is the Ground of the Stone, being effected, by the sinking of the Tartar from the Pulp thereinto.

4. §. And that, at the first, the Ground of the Stone, is a distinct, but soft Parenchyma; is evident in the cuting of a young Aprecock. Of which, also a slice cut off, with a Rasor, and viewed through a good Glass, Tab. 82. sheweth it to be composed of Bladders, as the Pulp it self. Only, whereas many of those of the Pulp are large, now about as big as a white Pepper-Corn: these are no bigger than a Mustard-Seed. But as the Parenchyma hardens into a Stone, these Bladders are all gradually filled up, and disappear.

5. §. This Parenchyma is derived immediately from the Pith, as the Pulp is from the Barque; and makes the far greater part of the Stone. 'Tis covered all over within, with a very thin Lining; derived, not from the Pith but the Parenchyma which covers the Seed-Branch, upon its first entrance within the hollow of the Stone. This Lining is of a close substance; yet composed of Bladders, exquisitely small and hardly visible. By which means, Tab. 80. it soon becomes a very hard and dry Body; and is hereby fitted, both to promote the induration of the rest of the Stone; and the seasonable drying, and so, the shrinking up, of the Covers of the Seed, to make room for its Growth.

6. §. The Stone being made hard and dry; it could never be so sufficiently softned by lying under ground, but that, it would keep the Seed a perpetual prisoner, unless it were also made pretty easily to cleave in two. Tab. 80. For which purpose, the Skin of the Fruit doth observably conduce. For in a Slice of a young Aprecock cut transversly with a very sharp knife, it may be seen, especially with the help of a Glass, to be doubled inward from the two Lips of the Fruit, and so to be con­tinued, [Page 210] not only through the Pulp, but also through the Stone it self, into the hollow of the same, where it meets, and is united with the Lining thereof. Whereby, as it further helps to the drying and hard­ning of the Stone; so also renders it cleavable in that part, where it runs through it. And therefore, whereas towards the Stalk, it goes no far­ther than to the Seed-Branch, and so but half way through the Stone: towards the Top of the Fruit, where the Radicle stands, and where the Stone begins to cleave, it runs quite through it.

7. §. Nature having thus provided a convenient Uterus, She next taketh care about the Membranes of the Foetus. These are Three appa­rently distinct, and in many respects different one from another.

8. §. The outer Membrane is derived from the Parenchyma which surrounds the Seed-Branch; which, upon its entry into the hollow of the Stone, is expanded, as it were, into two Bladders, one within an­other; Tab. 80. whereof, one becomes the Lining of the Stone; the other, this outer Membrane: as is best seen by cuting a young Aprecock, when it is about half an Inch long, down through the midle, or from the Seat of the Flower to the Stalk, between the two Lips.

9. §. This outer Membrane, at this age, hath a good full and frim Body, about 1/12 th of an Inch thick, or through an ordinary Glass, half an Inch, where it is thickest, as at the Sides and the greater end: the Poynt being thinner, for the more easy eruption of the Radicle into the Earth. Tab. 80. Composed of Bladders, through an ordinary Glass, about as big, as a Colewort-Seed.

10. §. Throughout this Membrane, the Vessels conteined in the Seed-Branch are distributed. Beginning a little below the smaller end of the Coat or Membrane, they thence fetch their circuit both ways round about, just beneath the Surface of the Membrane, and at last, meet in the midle of the greater end, where they are all inosculated, so as to make a kind of umbilical Node. Tab. 80. From whence they strike deeper into it, and at last, into the midle Membrane, in which they presently become invisible. By these Vessels, the Sap is brought and spewed into the midle Membrane. So that the outer Membrane seemeth, in some respects, to be answerable to the Placenta in Animals.

11. §. The midle Membrane, is derived from the bottome of the Outer. From whence especially, but also round about, the Bladders hereof (all angular) are more and more amplified towards the Centre; most of them being at least two hundred times biger, Tab▪ 80. than those of the Outer Membrane: whereby it looks, through a Glass, not unlike a Coome full of Hony; or in regard of their great transparency, like a company of little Crystal Pans full of a pure Lympha.

12. §. This Midle Membrane, is properly so called, from the state and condition it hath, upon the Augmentation of the Seed, at which time, it obteins the nature of an Involucrum. But originally, it is every where entire, without any Hollow, filling up the Cavity of the Outer Membrane, like a soft and delicate Pulp. After a short time, [Page 211] there appears in it a small Ductus or Chanel; which runs from the bot­tom to the top, Tab. 81. like an Axis, through the midle of it. At first, no wider than to receive the Hair of a Mans Head; not visible, ex­cept in a slice hereof cut transversly, and viewed in a Glass. Being grown a little wider, it may be seen, if the Membrane be dexterously cut by the length. At which time, it is also dilated into two Oval Cavities, one at each end: which are as two little Cisterns, whereinto a most pure Lympha continually owzeth, and is therein reserved for the nourishment of the Seed; and through the Chanel which runs be­tween the Cisterns is emptied out of one Cistern into another, according as the Seed or the Inmost Membrane hath need of it; i. e. as the Wea­ther and other Circumstances do more or less accelerate their Growth, and so render the Lympha useful to them.

13. §. A few days after this, the Innermost Membrane begins to appear; growing, like a soft Node or Bud, out of the upper Cistern; to the lower end of which it is joyned by a short and tender Stalk, Tab. 81. from whence it is produced into a Conick-oval Figure, answerable to that of the Cistern.

14. §. This Membrane, though soft and full of Sap, yet being compared with the midlemost, is a close and compact Body, composed of Bladders above 300 times smaller than they are in that. Whereby, as the Seed is so well guarded, as not to be supplyed with any part of the Lympha, but the purest: so neither with any more of this, than will suffice, without the danger of making an Inundation out of so great a Lake.

15. §. This Membrane, if it be pulled with a most steady hand, and very gently, upwards, it will draw a small transparent String after it to the bottom of the Midle Membrane: The said String though for the greater part, Parenchymous, yet being strengthened with the ad­mixture of some Lignous Fibres; no otherwise visible in either of these two Membranes. So that they seem, to be a small portion of those which are inosculated at the bottome of the Outer Membrane, and thence produced through the midlemost, underneath the Chanel, till at last they break forth into the upper Cistern, where they form this In­ner Membrane: a piece of close-wrought Work, suitable to the in­comparable fineness of all the Stuff out of which it is made.

16. §. The same Membrane is originally entire, as the Midlemost: but being grown to about the bigness of a Carvi-Seed, Tab. 81. becomes a little hollow near the Cone. And the Lignous Fibers abovesaid, fetching their compass from the Base, shoot forth into the Cone; and so make a very small Node therein, for the first Essay towards the Generation of the Seed. The said Fibers being thus spun out, to the utmost degree of fine­ness for this purpose.

17. §. This Node, being grown about 1/5 th part as big as a Cheese-Mite; Tab. 81▪ it begins next to be divided by a little indenture at the Top. which growing by degrees still deeper, the Node is hereby at length distinguished into two Lobes or thick Leavs.

[Page 212] 18. §. So soon as these are finished, their Basis begins afterwards to be contracted, Tab. 81. and so to be formed into a Radicle or that part of the Seed which becomes the Root. As the Stalks of Fruits do grow lesser, while the Fruits themselves are expanded. So that in this estate, the Radicle is, as it were, the Stalk of the Seed.

19. §. At this time, the Seed being extream small, the Lobes are not so manageable as to be separated one from the other. But it is most reasonable to suppose that so soon as the Radicle is finished, the next step, is the pushing forth of another Node, between the Lobes, in order to the making of a Bud, and so the perfection of the Seed.

20. §. This being done or in doing, the Radicle or Stalk of the Seed, contracting still more and more at the bottome, hangs at the Inner Membrane, only by an extream small and short Ligament or Navel-String. Which at last, also breaks; and so the Seed, as Fruits when they are ripe, Tab. 81. falls off and lies loose in the Iner Membrane; this gradually shrink­ing up and so becoming more hollow, to make room for the further Growth of the Seed.

Several LECTURES Read before the ROYAL SOCIETY.


LONDON, Printed by W. Rawlins, 1682.

THE TITLES Of the following LECTURES.

  • I. OF the Nature, Causes, and Power of MIXTURE. The second Edition.
  • II. Of the LUCTATION arising upon the Mixture of several Menstruum's with all sorts of Bodies. The second Edi­tion.
  • III. An Essay, Of the various Proportions, wherein LIXI­VIAL SALTS are found in Plants.
  • IV. Of the ESSENTIAL and MARINE SALTS of Plants.
  • V. Of the COLOURS of Plants.
  • VI. Of the Diversities and Causes of TASTS; chiefly in Plants. With an Appendix, Of the ODOURS of Plants.
  • VII. Experiments in Consort, upon the SOLUTION of SALTS in Water.

TO THE Right Honourable WILLIAM Lord Vi-Count BROUNCKER, PRESIDENT OF THE Royal Society.


ONE Reason why I Dedicate the following Discourses to Your Lordship, is, For that by Your great and undeserved Respects, You have obliged me to do no less.

Another, my Lord, is, Because I could not but Publickly return Your Lordship Thanks, for minding the Royal Society of so good a Way, they are lately resolved upon, for the Management of a great part of their Business. Wherein, my Lord, I do more than presume, that I also speak the Sense of the whole So­ciety; I think, not any one excepted.

I may with the same Confidence intimate, my Lord, how happy they account themselves, in having a Person so fit to prefide their Affairs, as Your Lordship. The Largeness of your Knowledge, the Exactness of Your Judg­ment, the Evenness of Your Comport; being some of those necessary Qualifications, which His Majesty had in His Eye (as right well understanding what He did) when He fixed His Choice upon Your Lordship.

I know, my Lord, that there are some men, who have [Page] just so much Vnderstanding, as only to teach them how to be Ambitious: The Flattering of whom, is somewhat like the Tickling of Children, till they fall a Dancing. But I also know, that Your Lordship unconcerneth Your self as much, in what I even now spake; as Caesar did himself, when his Souldiers began to style him King. For as he said, Non Rex, sed Caesar: So let Your Lordship be but once nam'd, and all that follows, is but a Tautology to what You are already known to be. Your being President of the Royal Society, Your being the First that was Chosen, and Chosen by so Knowing a Prince; becomes so real a Panegyrick to Your Lordship, as leaveth Verbal ones without any sound.

Whence, my Lord, I have a third Reason most naturally emergent, which is, That I dare to submit my self, as to what I have hereafter said, to Your Lordships Censure. You being so able and just an Arbiter betwixt the same and all those Per­sons therein concern'd; that You can neither be deceived, nor corrupted, to make a Judgment in any Point, to the Injury of either.

And truly, my Lord, were it only from a Principle of self-Interest, yet I could not desire it should be otherwise. For the World, if it lives, will certainly grow as much more knowing than it is; as it is now more, than it was heretofore. So that we have as little Reason to despise Antiquity; as we can have willingness, that we our selves should be despised by Po­sterity.

Yet some difference there is to be made; viz. betwixt those of all Ages, who have been modestly ignorant; and those who have thought, or pretended, that they were Omniscient. Or if knowing and acknowledging that they were Ignorant; have yet not been contented to be so; unless, with as good manners, as sense, they did conjure all Mankind not to offer at the know­ing any more than themselves.

Vpon the whole, my Lord, I desire not You should be a Pa­tron, any further than You are a Judge. For if this small Essay hath deserved the least acceptance, I am sure, that in being one, You will be both. I am,

My Lord,
Your Lordships most Faithful and Obedient Servant, NEHEMJAH GREW.

A DISCOURSE Read before the ROYAL SOCIETY Decemb. 10. 1674. Concerning the NATURE, CAUSES, and POWER OF MIXTURE.

HAVING the honour to perform the Task of this day; I shall endeavour to conform to the Phylosophy, which this Society doth profess; which is, Reasoning grounded upon Experiment, and the Common Notions of Sense. The former being, without the latter, too subtle and intan­gible; the latter without the former, too gross and unmanageable: but both together, bearing a true analogy to our selves; who are neither Angels, nor meer Animals, but Men.

The Subject I have chosen to speak of, is Mixture. Whereof, that our Discourse may be the more consistent, and the better intelligible; all I have to say, shall be ranged into this Method; viz.

1. First, I shall give a brief account of the received Doctrine of Mixture.

2. Next, lay down some Propositions of the Principles whereof all Mixed Bodies consist.

3. Then, open the true Nature of Mixture; or say, What it is.

4. And then enumerate the Causes of Mixture; or say, How it is made.

5. Lastly, I shall shew the Power of Mixture; or, What it can do.

CHAP. I. Of the received Doctrine of Mixture.

FIRST, As to the received Doctrine of Mixture; not to trouble you with tedious quotations of what Aristotle, Ga­len, Fernelius, Scaliger, Sennertus, Riverius, and other Learned men say hereof; we may suppose the whole summed up in that Definition which Aristotle himself hath given of it, and which the greater number of his Followers, have almost religiously adhered to; viz. that 'tis, [...]. that 'tis, Miscibilium alteratorum unio. Lib. 1. de Generat. & Corrupt. Cap. ult. Which Definition, as it is usually expli­cated, is both Unintelligible, and Unuseful.

2. §. Two things are unintelligible; what they mean by Alterati­on; and what by Union. In this Alteration, they say, That the very Forms of the Elements are altered. And therefore lay it down for an Axiom, Quod in Mixto, Formae Elementares tantum sint in potentia, But let us see the consequence. For if in a mixed body, the Forms of the Elements are but in potentia; then the Elements themselves are but in potentia: for we all say, Forma dat esse. And if the Compounding Elements, are only in poteutia; then the Compounded Body it self can be only in potentia: yet to say it is no more, is most absurd.

3. §. As for the Union of Elements in a mixed Body; they make it such, as brings them at last to assert, the Penetration of Bodies, and that the Union of mixed Bodies is nothing else. For they say it is made in such sort, that every particle of the mixed Body, partaketh of the Nature of the whole. Which Nature, ariseth from the contempera­ted Qualities of the four Elements. Whence they conclude, That every particle of the mixed Body, containeth in it self all the four Ele­ments. Which is plainly to assert a penetration of Bodies. For every Element is, at least, one particle; if therefore every particle of the mixed Body, containeth four Elements; then four particles are but one. I conclude then, That the received Doctrine of Mixture is Unintelligible.

4. §. Whence it follows, That it is also Barren and Unuseful. For who can make any use of that which he understandeth not? And the experience of so many years, wherein it hath been ventilated by the disputes of men, proveth as much: Scarce any of them, except the Learned Sennertus, daring to venture upon Experiment, for fear they should come to understand themselves.

5. §. It is confessed, that many gallant things have been found out by artificial Mixture. But no thanks to this Definition of it. For as an Ignorant Man may make bad Work, and a good Rule be never the worse; so one that is Iugenious may make good Work, and a bad Rule be never the better. The question is not, what have men done? but what have they done upon this foundation, Quod Mixitio sit mis [...]i­bilium alteratorum unio. Had this ever taught them to do any thing, even so much as to make the Inke wherewith they have wrote, all their Disputes; I confess, they would have had something to shew for it. But the truth is, their notions of Mixture, have been so far from doing us any good, that they have done us much harm: being, through their seeming subtlety, but real absurdity, as so many phantastick Spectrums, serving only to assright men from coming near them, or the Subject whereof they treat.

[Page 223] §. 6. I shall therefore endeavour to open the true Nature of Mixture. And I shall build my Doctrine upon the Common Notions of Sense: which none can deny; and every one may conceive of. In order to which, I shall take leave to lay down some Propositions, of the Princi­ples of all mixed Bodies.

CHAP. II. Of the Principles of Bodies.

AND first, by Principles, I mean Atomes, or certain Sorts of Atomes, or of the simplest of Bodies. For otherwise they would not be Principles; for a compounded Principle, in strict speaking, is a Con­tradiction. Even as Fives, Threes, or Two's are not the Principles of Number, but Unites.

2. §. Whence, secondly, it follows, that they are also Indivisible. Not Mathematically; for the Atomes of every Prin­ciple have their Dimensions. But Physically; and so, what is but one, cannot be made two. If it be asked, Whether a Stick cut with a Knife, be not of one, made two? I say, that a Stick, is not one Body, but many millions of Bodies; that is, of Atomes; not any one whereof is divided within it self, but only they are separated one from another, where the Knife forceth its way. As in the drawing of a mans Finger through a Heap of Corn; there is no Division made in any one Grain, but only a separation of them one from another, all remaining still in themselves entire. I say, therefore, that what is Physically one, is also most firm, and Indivisible, that is, Impenetrable: for Penetration is but the Separation, not the Division of Atomes.

3. §. Hence, thirdly, they are also Immutable. For that which cannot be divided, cannot be chang'd. So that of the whole World of Atomes, not any one hath ever suffer'd, or can suffer the least mu­tation. Hereupon is grounded the Constancy of Causes and Effects. So that, in all Generations, it is not less certain, that the self same Prin­ciple is still propagated from the same; than, that Man is from Man. Wherefore, compounded Bodies are generated; but Principles are not, but only propagated; that is, in every Generation, they pass, in them­selves unaltered, from one Body, into another.

4. §. If Principles, or Atomes are all Immutable; it again follows. That they are of Divers Kinds. For one and the same Principle, or Kind of Atomes, will still make the Same Thing, and have the same Effect: so that all Generations would then be the Same. Wherefore, since they are Immutable, they must be Divers.

5. §. This Diversity, for the same reason, is not small, but very Numerous. For as the World, taken together, is Natures Shop; so the Principles of Things are her Tools, and her Materials. Wherefore, as it speaks the goodness of a Shop; so the Perfection of the Universe, That it is furnished with many Tools wherewith, and many Materials whereupon to work. And consequently, that Philosophy beareth best its own name; which doth not strain all to two or three Principles, like two or three [Page 224] Bells in a Steeple, making a pitiful Chime: but tryeth to rise up to Natures own Number, and so to ring all the Changes in the World.

6. §. Yet doth not this vast Diversity take away the Regiment and Subordination of Principles. There being a certain lesser number of them, which either by their greater quantity, or other ways, have Rule and Dominion, in their several Orders, over all the rest. For where-ever the Subject is Multitude, Order is part of its Perfection. For Order is Proportion. And how can Nature be imagin'd to hold Propor­tion in all things else, and not here? Wherefore, as certainly, as Or­der and Government are in all the Parts of the Rational; so certainly, of the Material World. Whence it is, That although the Species of Principles be very numerous; yet the Principles called Galenical, Chy­mical, or any others, which do any way fall under the notice of Sense, are notwithstanding reduceable to a smaller number: viz. according to the number of Predominant Principles in Nature; or, rather in this part of the Universe which is near and round about us. To the Power and Empire whereof, all other Principles do submit. Which Submission, is not the quitting of their own Nature; but only their appearance under the external Face or Habit of the said Predominant Principles.

7. §. As there can be no Order of Principles, without Diversity; so no Diversity, but what is originally made by these two ways; sc. by Size and Figure. By these they may be exceeding different: and all other Properties besides, whereby they differ, must be dependent upon these Two.

8. §. Nor therefore, can they be of any other Figures, than what are Regular. For Regularity, is a Similitude continu'd. Since there­fore all kinds of Atomes are divers only by their Size and Figure; if the selfe same Size and Figure were not common to a certain number of Atomes, they could not be said to be of any one kind: and consequent­ly, if there were no Similitude of Atomes, there could be no Distin­ction of Principles.

9. §. Hence also, these two Modes of Atomes, viz. their Size and Figure, are the true, and only original Qualities of Atomes. That is, an Atome is such or such, because it is of such a certain Size and Fi­gure.

10. §. Lastly, As these two Modes, taken severally, are the Qua­lities of an Atome: so consider'd together, they are its Form. A sub­stantial Form of a Body, being an unintelligible thing. I say of a Body; for although the Rational Soul be a substantial Form, yet is it the Form of a Man, and not of a Body. For the Form of a Body, we can conceive of no otherwise, than as of the Modification of a Body, or a Complexion of all the Modes of a Body. Which also agrees with that Definition of a Form, which amongst the Peripatetick Philosophers is well enough accepted, viz. Quod sit, Ratio ejus Essentiae, quae cuique Rei competit. Which Ratio, if it be referred to a Body, what is it, but the Modification of that Body? Having thus proposed a Summary of my Thoughts about Principles; I shall next proceed to shew what their Mixture is.

CHAP. III. Of the NATURE of Mixture.

AND first of all, from the Premisses, we arrive at this Conclusion; sc. That the Formation and Transformati­on of all Bodies, can be nothing else, but the Mixture of Bodies. Ch. 2. §. 3. For all Principles are immutable; as we have above proved: and therefore not generable, formable, or transformable. And the Forms of Prin­ciples, Ch. 2. §. 10. being but their Modes, are also immutable. So that the whole Business of the Material World, is nothing else, but Mixture.

2. §. Again, as Nature worketh every where only by Mixture; so is this Mixture every where but one thing, and can be but one. For whether it be the Mixture of great Bodies, or of small; of Compounds, or of Atomes; Ch. 2. §. 2. it is every where Mixture, and the Mixture of Bodies. Wherefore, Mixture is either an intelligible Affection of all Bodies, or of none; which later, no man will say. As many ways therefore, as we can see, or conceive the Mixture of any gross Bodies, which we hold in our hand; so many ways, we may, of the subtilest Mixtures which Nature maketh, or of Atomes themselves; and no other ways.

3. §. Now all the ways we can distinguish Mixture by, are, in ge­neral, these Two; either in respect of the Bodies Mixed, or else of the Modes of the Mixture it self.

4. §. In respect of the Bodies Mixed, Mixture is distinguished al­so two ways; viz. by Conjugation, and by Proportion.

5. §. By Conjugation, I mean, a Mixture of some certain Princi­ples, and not of others. Which is threefold. First, As to Number: as when one Body may be compounded of two Principles, another of three, a third of four, a fourth of five, and so on. Secondly, As to Kind: where, though there be a conjunction of the same Number, yet not of the same Kind. Thirdly, When they differ from one ano­ther both in Number and Kind. So many ways the Principles of Bodies may be conceived to be Conjugated; and therefore are: for here, that which may be, is. The Consequence is clear. For first, Ch. 2. §. 5. Nature hath various Materials wherewith to make these Mix­tures; as we have shewed. Secondly, By these Mixtures she may, and without the concurrence of any imaginary Forms, must produce all the varieties in the material World; Ch 3. §. 1. as likewise hath been said. Where­fore, since all imaginable Mixtures may be made, and that to some pur­pose; if they should not be so, Nature would be Imperfect: because we our selves can think, how she might put her Materials to further use, then so she would do. To think therefore, that all Kinds of Prin­ciples, or all Elements go to make up every Compounded Body, as by the Peripatetick Philosophy we are taught; is a conceit, no more to be credited, than one that should tell us, all Kind of Wheels and other [Page 226] parts of a Watch, were put into a Clock; or that there were no other Materials wherewith to build an House, then for a Tent or a Ship. For why should Nature, the great Artificer by which all perfect Works are made, be feigned to cram and ram all things into one, which we our selves look upon as absurd?

6. §. Secondly, The Mixture of Principles is diversifi'd, as by Con­jugation, so also by Proportion. That is, by the divers Quantities, of the several Principles or Parts mixed together. As if the Quantity of one, were as five to ten; of a second, as five to fifteen; of a third, as five to twenty, &c. Or if that of one, be as five to six; of a second, as six to seven; of a third, as seven to eight. By which, and by other Proportions, Mixture may be varied innumerable ways.

7. §. Again, As Mixture is varied with respect to the Bodies Mix­ed; so likewise in respect of the Mixture it self, which I call the Loca­tion of Principles, or the Modes of their Conjunction. Which may be various, as well as their Conjugation and Proportion. Yet are they all reduceable unto two general Modes: all Bodies, and therefore all Prin­ciples, Ch. 2. §. 2. being mixed either by Mediation, or by Contact.

8. §. Now all Contact, whether of Compounds, or of Atomes, can be no other way, than such as is answerable to their Figures. Where­of, therefore, we can conceive but three general ways, viz.

First, by Contract in a Point, or some smaller part: as when two A­tomes meet, which are globular or otherwise gibbose. Secondly, By Contact in a Plain: as in the conjunction of the sides of Triangular or Quadrangular Atomes, or otherwise flat. Thirdly, By Contact in a Concave: as when one Atome is admitted into the Concave or hole of another; as a Spigot is into a Fosset. The first may be called, Apposi­tion; the second, Application; the third, Reception or Intrusion.

9. §. In the two last ways, Atomes may be joyned by Mediation; but best of all the last. As when the two extreams of one Atome are re­ceived into the Concaves or the holes of two others.

10. §. And these are all the general ways, whereby we can conceive Bodies to be Mixed together; sc. by their various Conjugation, Propor­tion and Location. So that the Composition of Atomes, in Bodies; is like that of Letters, in Words. What a Thunderclap would such a Word be, wherein all the four and twenty Letters were pack'd up? One therefore is compounded of more, another of fewer: this of some, and that of others: and both the Conjugation, Proportion, and Locati­on of Letters is varied in every Word: whereby, we have many thou­sands of differing Words, without any alteration at all, in the Letters themselves; and might have ten times as many more. In like manner, therefore, or in the self same analogous way, as the Letters of the Al­phabet, are the Principles of Words; so Principles, are the Alphabet of Things.

11. §. What we have said of Principles; and of Mixture as conse­quent thereupon; may be a foundation for an intelligible account, of the Nature and Cause of most of the Intrinsick Properties, and Qualities of Bodies: as of Gravity, Levity, Fixity, Fluidity, Angularity, Round­ness, Heat, Cold, Blackness, Whiteness, Sowerness, Sweetness, Fragran­cy, Fetidness, and very many more. I say an intelligible account; sc. such as is grounded upon the Notions of Sense, and made out Me­chanically. But the exemplification hereof, being too large a field [Page 227] for this, or any one Lecture, I shall, before I come to the Causes of Mixture, only deduce from the Premises, these following Corollaries.

12. §. First, That there is no alteration of Principles or of Ele­ments, in the most perfect Mixture of Bodies. It cannot be; for Principles are Immutable, Ch. 2. §. 3. as we have said. And if it could be, yet it needeth not to be: for they are also many, and compoundable infinite ways; as hath been shewed. Ch. 2. §. 5. So that we have no need to perplex our selves with any of those difficulties, Ch. 3. §. 10. that arise from the Doctrine of the Alteration of Elements. The ground of which conceit, is that, of three being but four Elements, and all in every particle of the mixed Body. And so men being puzeled, how from thence to make out the infinite variety of Bodies, they feigned them to be alterable, and altered, upon every perfect Mixture. Not considering, that if their four Elements be alterable; as few as they are, no fewer then three of them may be spared: for one Element, if alterable, may be made any.

13. §, Hence, Secondly, may be solved that great Dispute, Whe­ther such as we call Lixivial Salts, are made by the fire? For first, No Principle is made by the fire: Ch. 2. §. 3. all Principles being unalterable; and therefore unmakable. Secondly, We must therefore distinguish betwixt the Principle, and its various Mixture with other Principles; from whence it may receive different Shapes and Names. Wherefore, a Lixivial Salt, qua Lixivial, is certainly made by the fire. But qua­tenus Salt, it is not: that Principle being extractable out of most Bo­dies; and by divers other ways, then by the fire. For whether you Calcine a body, or else Ferment it, (after the manner shewed by the curious Improver of Chimical Knowledg, Dr. Daniel Cox) or putrifie it under ground, or drown it in the Sea; it still yieldeth some kind of Salt. All which Salts are made, not by making the Saline Princi­ple; but only by its being differently Mixed, by those several ways of the Solution of Bodies) with other Principles: from which its dif­ferent Mixture, it receives the various Denominations, of Marine, Ni­trous, Volatile, or Lixivial.

14. §. Hence, Thirdly, the most perfect Mixture of Bodies, can go no higher than Contact. Ch. 2. §. 3. For all Principles are unalterable; and all Matter is impenetrable; Ch. 3. §. 2. as hath been said. In the most visible and laxe Mixture, there is Contact; and in the most subtile and perfect, as in Ge­neration it self, there is nothing more.

15. §. Hence, Fourthly, we easily understand, how divers of the same Principles, belonging both to Vegetables and many other Bodies, are also actually existent in the Body of Man Because even in Gene­ration or Transmutation, the Principles which are translated from one Body to another, as from a Vegetable to an Animal, are not in the least alter'd in themselves; but only their Mixture, that is, their Conjugation, Proportion and Location, is varied.

16. §. Hence also the difference of Mixture, arising from the dif­ference of Contact, is intelligible; sc. as to those three degrees, Congre­gation, Union, and Concentration.

Congregation, and Inconsistent Mixture, is when the several Atomes touch but in a Point, Ch. 3. §. 8 or smaller part. In which manner, I have divers arguments, inducing me to believe the Atomes of all Fluid Bodies, qua Fluid, do touch; and in no other.

[Page 228] Union, Ch. 3. §. 8. is when they touch in a Plain. As in the Crystals and Shoot­ings of all Salts, and other like Bodies. For if we pursue their di­vided and subdivided parts, with our eye, as far as we can; they still terminate, on every side, in Plains. Wherefore, 'tis intelligible, That their very Atomes do also terminate, and therefore touch, in Plain.

Concentration, is when two, or more Atomes touch by Reception and Intrusion of one into another: Ch. 3. §. 8. which is the closest, and firmest Mixture of all; as in any fixed unodorable, or untastable Body: the Atomes of such Bodies, being not able to make any Smell or Taste, unless they were first dissolved; that is to say, unpin'd one from another.

17. §. Hence, Sixthly, we understand, how in some cases, there seemeth to be a Penetration of Bodies; and in what sense it may be admitted: viz. if we will mean no more by Penetration, but Intrusi­on. For the Intrusion of one Atome into the Concave or hole of ano­ther, is a kind of Penetration; whereby they take up less room in the mixed Body, then they would do by any other way of Contact. As a naked knife and its sheath, take up almost double room, to what they do, when the knife is sheathed. Whence we may assign the reason, Why many Liquors being mixed; take up less room or space, then they did apart; as the Ingenious Mr. Hook hath made it to appear by Experiment, that they do. I say the plain reason hereof, or at least one reason, is the Intrusion of many of their Atomes into one ano­ther. Which yet is not a Penetration of Bodies strictly so called.

18. §. Seventhly, If all that Nature maketh, be but Mixture; and all this Mixture be but Contact 'tis then evident, Ch. 3. §. 1. That Natural and Artificial Mixture, Ch. 3. §. 14. are the same. And all those seeming subtilties whereby Philosophers have gone about to distinguish them; have been but so many Scarcrows to affright Men from the Imitation of Nature.

19. §. Eighthly, Hence it follows, That Art it self may go far in doing what Nature doth. And who can say, how far? For we have nothing to Make; but only to mix those Materials, which are al­ready made to our hands. Even Nature her self, as hath been said, Maketh nothing new; Ch. 3. §. 1. but only mixeth all things. So far, therefore, as we can govern Mixture, we may do what Nature doth.

20. §. Which that we may still the better understand; let us be­fore, and in the next place, see the Causes of Mixture. For since Natural and Artificial Mixture are the same; Ch. 3. §. 18. the immediate Causes of both, are and must be the same.

CHAP. IV. Of the CAUSES of Mixture.

NOW all the Causes of Mixture we can conceive of, must, I think, be reduced to these six in general; viz. Congruity, Weight, Compression, Solution, Di­gestion, and Agitation.

1. §. Congruity, or aptitude and respondence be­twixt the Sizes and Figures of Parts to be mixed: whereby Bodies may be truly called the Instrumen­tal Causes of their own Mixture. As when a Plain answers to a Plain, a Square to a Square, a Convex to a Concave, or a Less to a Greater or an Equal, &c. according to which Respondencies in the parts of Bodies, they are more or less easily mingleable.

2. §. Weight, by means whereof all Fluid Bodies, upon supposi­tion of the Congruity of their parts, must unavoidably mingle.

3. §. Compression; which either by the Air, or any other Body, added to Weight, must, in some degree, further Mixture. Because, that Weight it self, is but Pression. For further Proof of all the said Cau­ses, I made this Experiment; Let Oyle of Aniseeds, and Oyl of Vitriol be put apart into the Receiver of an Air-Pump. And, having exhausted it of the Air, let the two said Oyls be then affused one upon the other. Whereupon, First, It is visible, that they here mix and coagulate to­gether; that is, their parts are wedged and intruded one into another, without the usual compression of the Air; for that is exhausted, and therefore only by the Congruity of their receiving and intruding parts; and by their Weight; by which alone they are so compressed, as to make that Intrusion. Secondly, It is also evident, That although they do Co­agulate; yet not altogether so much, as when poured together in the same manner, and quantity, in the open Air. Wherefore, Compression, whether made by the Air, or any thing else, as it doth further the Dissolution of some Bodies, so the Mixture of others, and the greater the Compression, the more.

4. §. Solution; For all Bodies mix best, in Forma fluida. And that for two reasons. First, Because the parts of a Body are not then in a state of Union, but of Separation; and therefore, in a more capa­ble state, for their Mixture and Union with the parts of another Body. Secondly, because then they are also in a state of Motion, more or less; and therefore, in a continual tendency towards Mixture; all Mixture being made by Motion. Wherefore all Generations, and most perfect Mixtures in Nature, are made by Fluids; whether Animal, Vegetable, or Mineral. Which is also agreeable to the Doctrine of the Honourable Mr. Boyle, in his Excellent Treatise of the Nature and Vertues of Gems. And it is well known, That Bodies are ordinarily petrified, or Stones made, out of Water. That is, out of petrifying parts dissolved per minima in Water, as both their Menstruum and their Vehicle. Wherefore, if we will talk of making Gold; it must not be by the Philosophers Stone, but by the Philosophers Liquor.

[Page 230] 5. §. Digestion. For which there is the same reason, as for Mixture, by Solution. For, First, All heat doth attenuate, that is, still further separate the parts of a Body; and so render them more mingleable with the parts of another. And therefore, Secondly, Doth also add more Motion to them, in order to their Mixture.

6. §. Agitation. Which I am induced to believe a great and effectual means of Mixture, upon divers Considerations. As, First, That the making of Blood in the Bodies of Animals, and the mixing of the Chyle therewith, is very much promoted by the same means; sc. by the Agi­tation of the parts of the Blood and Chyle, in their continual Circulation. Again, from the making of Butter out of Milk, by the same means: whereby alone is made a separation of the oleous parts from the Whey, and Conjunction of the Oleous together. Moreover, From the great Effects of Digestion; well known to all that are conversant in Chymical Preparations. Which Digestion it self, is but a kind of insensible agita­tion of the parts of digested Bodies. 'Tis also a known Experiment, That the readiest way to dissolve Sugar in Wine or other Liquor; is to give the Vessel a hasty turn, together with a smart knock, against any hard and steady Body: whereby all the parts of the Sugar and Liquor, are put into a vehement Agitation, and so the Sugar immediately dissol­ved, and mixed with the Liquor. And I remember, that having (with intent, to make Mr. Matthews's Pill) put some Oyl of Turpentine and Salt of Tartar together in a Bottle, and sent it up hither out of the Country; I found, that the continual Agitation upon the Road, for three or four days, had done more towards their Mixture; than a far grea­ter time of Digestion alone had done before. And it is certain, That a vehement Agitation, especially, if continu'd, or joyned with Dige­stion; will accelerate the Mixture of some Bodies, ten times more, than any bare Digestion alone; as may be proved by many Experiments. I will instance in this one. Let some Oyl of Turpentine and good Spirit of Nitre be stop'd up together in a Bottle, and the Bottle held to the Fire, till the Liquors be a little heated, and begin to bubble. Then having removed it, and the Bubbles by degrees increasing more and more; the two Liquors will of themselves, at last fall into so impe­tuous an Ebullition, as to make a kind of Explosion; sending forth a smoak for the space of almost two yards high. Whereupon, the parts of both the Liquors, being violently agitated, they are, in a great portion, incor­porated into a thick Balsam in a moment: and that without any intense heat, as may be felt by the Bottle. And thus much for the Causes of Mixture.

CHAP. V. Of the POWER and USE of Mixture.

HAVING enumerated the general Causes, we shall, lastly, enquire into the Power and Use of Mixture; or, into what it can Do and Teach. And I shall In­stance in six particulars. First, to Render all Bodies Sociable, whatsoever they be. Secondly, To Make Artificial Bodies in Imitation of those of Natures own production. Thirdly, to make or imitate the sensible Qualities of Bodies; as Smells, and Tasts. Fourthly, To make, or imitate their Faculties. Fifthly, It is a Key, to discover the Nature of Bodies. Sixthly, To discover their Use, and the Manner of their Medicinal Operation.


FIRST, To render all Bodies Sociable or Mingleable: as Water with Oyl, Salt with Spirit, and the like. Ch. 3. § 18; For Natural and Arti­ficial Mixture, are the same; as we have before proved. If therefore Nature can do it, as we see in the Generation of Bodies she doth, 'tis likewise in the Power of Art to do it.

2. §. And for the doing of it, two general Rules result from the Premisses, sc. The Application of Causes, and the Choice of Materials. As for the Causes, Ch. 4. they are such as I have now instanc'd in. And for the Application of them, I shall give these two Rules.

3. §. First, That we tread in Natures steps as near as we can; not only in the Application of such a Cause, as may be most proper for such a Mixture; but also in allowing it sufficient time for its effect. For so we see Nature her self, for her more perfect Mixtures, usually doth. She maketh not a Flower, or an Apple, a Horse, or a Man, in a moment; but all things by degrees; and for her more perfect and elaborate Mix­tures, for the most part, she requireth more time. Because all such Mixtures are made and carri'd on per minima; and therefore require a greater time for the compleating of them.

4. §. A second Rule is, Not only to make a due Application of the Causes; but sometimes to Accumulate them. By which means, we may not only, imitate Nature, but in some cases go beyond her. For as by adding a Graft or Bud to the Stock, we may produce Fruit sooner, and sometimes better, than Nature by the Stock alone would do: So here, by accumulating the Causes of Mixture, that is, by joyning two, three, or more together; or by applying more in some Cases, where Na­ture applyeth fewer; we may be able to make, if not a more perfect, yet a far more speedy Mixture, than Nature doth. As by joyning Com­pression, Heat, and violent Agitation, and so continuing them all to­gether, by some means contrived for the purpose, for the space of a [Page 232] Week, or Month, or longer, without cessation. Which may probably produce, not only strange, but useful Effects, in the Solution of some, and the Mixture of other Bodies. And may serve to mix such Bodies, as through the small number of their congruous parts, are hardly mingle­able any other way. Agitation being, as carrying the Key to and fro, till it hit the Lock; or within the Lock, till it hit the Wards.

5. §. Secondly, For the Choice of materials, if they are not im­mediately, that is, of themselves, mingleable; we are then to turn one Species of Mixture into a Rule; Ch. 3. §. 9. which is, To mix them by mediation of some third, whether more simple or compounded Body, which may be congruous in part to them both: as Sulphurous Salts are to Water and Oyl; and are for that reason mingieable with either of them. Or, By any two congruous Bodies, which are also, in part, congruous to two others: and other like ways. Whereby the parts of Bodies, though never so heterogeneous, may yet be all bound and lock'd up together. Even as twenty Keys may be united, only by uniting the two Rings whereon they hang.

6. §. The Consideration of these things, have put me upon ma­king several Experiments, for the mingling of heterogeneous Bodies. I shall give two Examples of Tryal; the one upon Fluid, the other up­on consistent Bodies.

7. §. For the first, I took Oyl of Aniseeds, and pouring it upon a­nother Body; I so order'd it, that it was thereby turned into a per­fect milk-white Balsam, or Butyr. By which means the said Oyl be­came mingleable with any Winy, or Watery Liquor; easily, and instanta­neously dissolving therein, in the form of a Milk. And note, That this is done, without the least alteration of the Smell, Tast, Nature, or Operation of the said Oyl. By somewhat the like means, not only Oyl of Aniseeds, but any other stillatitious Oyl, may be transformed into a milk-white Butyr; and in like manner be mingled with Water or any other Liquor. Which is of various use in Medicine; and what I find oftentimes very convenient and advantageous to be done.

8. §. Again, not only Fluid but consistent Bodies, which of them­selves will mix only with Oyl; by due mixture with other Bodies, may be render'd easily dissoluble in Water; as may Rosin, and all resinous and friable Gums. As also Wax: and this without changing much of their Color, Tast, or Smell. Whereof likewise, whatsoever others may do, the Physician may make a manifold Use.


BY Mixture also, we may be taught to Imitate the Productions of Nature. As to which, from what we have before said of Mix­ture, we may conclude; That there is no Generation of Bodies unor­ganical, but what is in the Power of Mixture to imitate. As of Animals, to Imitate Blood, Fat, Chyle, Spittle, Flegm, Bile, &c. Of Vegetables, to Imitate a Milk, Mucilage, Rosin, Gum, or Salt. Of Minerals, to Imitate Vitriol, Allom, and other Salts; as also Metals, and the like.

2. §. I do not say, I can do all this: yet if, upon good Premisses, we can conclude this possible to be done; it is one step to the doing of it. But I will also give an Instance of somewhat that may be done in every kind. And,

[Page 233] 3. §. First, For the Imitation of an Animal Body, I will instance in Fat. Which may be made thus; Take Oyl Olive, and pour it upon high Spirit of Nitre. Then digest them for some days. By degrees, the Oyl becomes of the colour of Marrow; and at last, is congealed, or hardned into a white Fat or Butter, which dissolveth only by the fire, as that of Animals. In converting Oyl thus into Fat, it is to be noted, That it hardens most upon the exhalation of some of the more Sul­phureous parts of the Spirit of Nitre. Which I effected, well enough for my purpose, by unstopping the glass after some time of digesti­on; and so suffering the Oyl to dissolve and thicken divers times by suc­cessive heat and cold. Hence, The true Congealing Principle, is a Spi­rit of Nitre separated from its Sulphur. For the better doing whereof, the Aer is a most commodious Menstruum to the said Spirit of Nitre. Whence also, if we could procure such a Spirit of Nitre, we might con­geal Water in the midst of Summer. We might also refrigerate Rooms herewith Artificially. And might Imitate all frosty Meteors. For the making of Fat, is but the Durable Congelation of Oyl: which may be done without frost, as I have shewed how.

Hence also it appears, That Animal Fat it self, is but the Curdling of the Oyly parts of the Blood; either by some of its own Saline parts; or by the Nitrous parts of the Aer mingled therewith.

Hence likewise it is, That some Animals, as Conies, and Fieldfares, grow fatter in frosty weather: the oily parts of the blood, being then more than ordinarily coagulated with a greater abundance of nitrous parts received from the Aer into their bodies.

For the same reason it is, That the Fat of Land-Animals is hard; whereas that of Fishes is very soft, and runs all to Oyl, sc. Because the Water, wherein they live, and which they have instead of breath, hath but very few nitrous parts in it, in comparison of what the Aer hath.

4. §. Secondly, For the Imitation of a Vegetable Body, I will give three Instances; In Rosin, Gum, and a Lixivial Salt. The first may be made thus; Take good Oyl of Vitriol, and drop it upon Oyl of Anise­seeds; and they will forthwith incorporate together; and by degrees, will harden into a perfect Rosin; with the general and defining Properties of a truly Natural Resinous Gum. Being not at all dissoluble in Water; or at least, not any more, then any natural Rosin or Gum: yet very easily by fire: as also higly inflamable: and exceeding friable. Although this Artificial Rosin, be the result of two Liquors, both which very strongly affect the Sense: yet being well washed from the unincorporated parts, (which is to be done with some care) it hath scarce any Tast or Smell.

The Concentration of these two Liquors, is likewise so universal; that the Rosin is not made by Precipitation, but almost a total Combination of the said Liquors; and that with scarce so much, as any visible fumes.

5. §. Again, Having taken a certain Powder and a Saline Liquor, and mixed them together in a bottle, and so digested them for some time; the Powder was at last transmuted to a perfect Oily Gum; which will also dissolve either in Oyl or in Water; in the self same manner, as Galbanum, Ammoniac, and the like will do.

6. §. And Lastly, A Lixivial Salt may be imitated thus; Take Nitre, Oyl of Vitriol, and high Spirit of Wine, of each a like quantity. Of these three Bodies, not any two being put together, that is to say [Page 234] neither the Nitre with the Oyl, nor the Oyl with the Spirit, nor the Nitre with the Spirit, will make the least Ebullition: yet all three mingled together, make a very conspicuous one. The Spirit of Wine being as the Sulphur; and so that, and the Nitre together, standing, as it were, in the stead of an Alkalizate, that is, a Sulphurious Salt, against the Oyl of Vitriol. Divers other Experiments may be shew'n of the like Nature.

7. §. In the last place, for the Imitation of a Mineral Body, I will instance in two, sc. Nitre and Marine Salt; if I may have leave to reckon them amongst Mineral Bodies. As for Nitre, by mixing of four Li­quors together, and then setting them to shoot; I have obtained Chry­stals of true and perfect Salt; which have had much of a nitrous tast; and would be melted with a gentle Heat, as Nitre is; and even as easily as Butyr it self: I mean not, by the addition of any sort of Liquor, or any other Body, to dissolve it; but only by the fire.

8. §. And as for a Sea-Salt, that I might Imitate Nature for the ma­king thereof, I consider'd, That the said Salt is nothing else but that of Animals and Vegetables, freed from its true Spirit and Sul­phur, and some Saline particles, specifically Animal or Vegetable, together with them. For both Animal and Vegetable Bodies being continually carried by all Rivers into the Sea; and many likewise by Shipwrack, and divers other ways immersed therein: they are at last corrupted, that is, their Compounding parts are opened and resolved. Yet the Resolu­tion being in the Water, is not made precipitately, as it is in the Air; but by degrees, and very gently; whence the Sulphurious and other Volatile parts, in their Avolation, make not so much haste, as to car­ry the more fixed Saline parts along with them; but leaveth them be­hind in the Water, which imbibeth them as their proper Menstruum.

And the Imitation of Nature herein, may be performed thus; Put as much of a Lixivial Salt as you please, into a wide-mouth'd Bottle, and with fair Water make a strong Solution of it; so as some part there­of may remain unresolved at the bottom of the Bottle. Let the Bot­tle stand thus for the space of about half or three quarters of a year, all the time unstopped. In which time, many of the Sulphurious and other Volatile parts gradually flying away; the top of the unresolved Salt will be incrustate, or as it were frosted over, with many small and hard Concretions, which, in their nature, are become a true Sea-Salt. Whereof there is a double Proof; First, In that most of the said Con­cretions are of a Cubical, or very like Figure. Especially on their upper parts; because having a fixed Body for their Basis, their under parts, therefore, contiguous thereto, are less regular. Whereas the parts of the Salt in the Sea, being environed on all sides with a Fluid; their Fi­gure is on all sides regular. Secondly, In that a strong Acid Spirit or Oyl being poured upon a full body'd Solution hereof; yet it maketh herewith no Ebullition, which is also the property of Sea-Salt. And thus much for the more General Imitation of Bodies.


FROM the aforesaid Premisses, and by the aforesaid Means, there is no doubt to be made, but that also the other sensible Qualities of Bodies may be Imitated, as their Odors, and Tasts. And that not only the general ones, as Fragrant, or Astringent: but also those which are specifical and proper to such a species of Bodies.

2. §. Thus for Example, by mixing Spirit of Nitre or Vitriol with rectified Oyl of Turpentine, and some other Vegetable Oyls, severally, and in a due Proportion and Time, I have Imitated the Smells of divers Vegetables; as of Tansy, of Lignum Rhodium, and others. And I con­clude it feasable, To Imitate the Tast or Smell of Musk▪ or Amber­greece, or any other body in the world.

3. §. Hence also we may be Taught, How to Imitate the Faculties, as well as other Qualities of Bodies. The reason is, because even these have no dependance upon any substantial Form: but are the meer re­sult of Mixture; effected by the same Causes, whether in Nature or Art; Id. §. 55. Ch. 2. §. 10. Ch. 3. §. 10. as I think I have made to appear in the foregoing Idea. And as in the Premisses of this Discourse hath been shew'd.


FROM whence, again, it is likewise a Key to Discover the Nature of Bodies. For how far soever we can attain to Mingle, or to Make them, we may also know what they are.

2. §. For Bodies are mingleable, either of themselves, or by some Third. As to those which mingle of themselves, we may certainly con­clude, That there is a congruity betwixt them, in some respect or other. So upon various Tryals I find, That Essential Oyls do more easily im­bibe an Acid, then an Alkaly. Whence it is evident, That there is some Congruity and Similitude betwixt Essentian Oyls, and an Acid, which there is not betwixt the said Oyls and an Alkaly.

3. §. As to those that mingle only be some third; we may also cer­tainly conclude, That though the two extreams are unlike; yet that they have both of them some congruity with that third, by which they are united.

4. §. Moreover, We may make a Judgment from the manner or Degree of Mixture. Thus the Acid Spirit of Nitre, as is said, will coa­gulate Oyl-Olive, and render it consistent. Whence it might be thought, That any other strong Acid will do the like; and that therefore, there is no great difference in the Nature of the said Acid Liquors. But the contrary hereunto, is proved by Experiment. For having digested the same Oyl in the same manner, and for a much longer time, with strong Oyl of Sulphur; although it thence acquired some change of Colour, yet not any Consistence.

5. §. Again, Because the said Spirit of Nitre coagulates Oyl-Olive; it might be expected, it should have the same effect upon Oyl of Ani­seeds; or, at least, that if other Acids will Coagulate Oyl of Aniseeds, that this should do it best. But Experiment proveth the contrary. For of all I have tryed, Oyl of Vitriol is the only Acid that doth it instan­taneously. Oyl of Sulphur, if very strong, will do it; but not so soon, [Page 236] nor so much Aqua fortis, and Spirit of Salt, for the present, do not at all touch it. And Spirit of Nitre it self will not coagulate it, under eight or ten hours at least.


LASTLY, and consequently, It is a Key To Discover the Medicinal Use and Operation of Bodies. Thus, for Example, by the Imita­tion of Rosins and Resinous Gums, we certainly know what all of them are, and when, and wherefore to be used. For what are Mastick, Fran­kincense, Olibanum, Benzoin, and other like Rosins, or Resinous Gums, for their principle and predominant parts, that is, quà Rosins; but Bodies resulting from Natural, in like manner, as I have shewed, they may be made to result, from Artificial Mixture? That is to say, the Oleous, and Acid parts of Vegetables, being both affused and mingled together, per minima, in some one sort of Vessels in a Plant, they thus incorporate in­to one consistent and friable Body, which we call Rosin.

2. §. Now from hence it is, That the said Rosins, and Resinous Gums; as also Amber and Sulphur for the same Reasons; are of so great and effectual Use against most thin and salt Rheums; sc. as they are Acidoleous Bodies. For by their Acid parts, which in all these Bodies are exceeding copious, they mortifie and refract those Salt ones, which feed the Rheum. And by their oleous parts, the same Salt ones are al­so Imbibed. Whence, they are all, in some degree, incorporated together; that is, The Rheum is thickned: which is the desired effect.

3. §. Whereas, on the contrary, if the Cough proceed not from a thin, and specially a Salt Rheum, but from a Viscous Flegm; the use of many other Bodies which are also more oleous, and abound not so much with an Acid as these do, espescially some of them, is more proper: such as these, in this Case, proving sometimes not only ineffectual, but prejudicial. Since the very Cause of the said Viscousness of Phlegm, is chiefly some great Acidity in the Blood, or in some other part, as may be proved by divers Arguments.

4. §. Many more Instances might be hereunto subjoyned: and may hereafter be offered to the acceptance of such, who are inquisitive into matters of this Nature. If I shall not herein anticipate, or reiterate the Thoughts and Observations, of those two Accurate and Learned Persons Dr. Willis, and Dr. Walter Needham, as to what the one hath already published, and both have put us in Expectation of. But the Instances al­ready given, are sufficient to evidence what I have said. And, I hope, this present Discourse to prove, in some measure, thus much; That Ex­periment, and the Common Notions of Sense are prolifick. and that no­thing is Barren, but Phansie and Imagination.

An Appendix to the precedent discourse of Mixture.

HAVING, Ch. 5. Inst. 1. §. 8. in the first Edition of the foregoing Dis­course, made mention of the preparation of Essen­tial Oyls, so as to become easily mingleable with any unoyly Liquor. I shall here acquaint the Rea­der, That this may be done, by digesting any of the said Oyls with about an equal quantity of the Yelk of an Egg, with a very soft heat, like that of the Meridian Sun in Summer, continued for the space of three Weeks or a Month; and in the mean time, to be now and then stirred a little together. The Yelk will by degrees, imbibe the Oyl, and at length be incorporated with it, and become a Balsam, as white as Milk, easily dissoluble in any watery or winy Liquor.

2. §. I confess, that it will be very difficult to prepare any good quantity for use, this way. But this being a sufficient proof of the possibility of such a Mixture; I considered, whether the application of some other forementioned Cause of Mixture, might not supply the de­fect of this: and hereupon, have made several successful tryals; not only for the mixing of the said Oyls, but likewise of all sorts of Rosins and Gums with any winy or watery Liquor, in great quantities, in a short time, and without much trouble. But for the mixing of some of them, the Yelk of an Egg alone will not serve, without the interve­ning of some other sociable Body, Ch. 5. Inst. 1. §. 6. according to one of the Rules given in the foregoing Discourse.

3. §. In the same Discourse, upon certain premises, I have laid down this following conclusion. Ch. 5. §. [...].

—By accumulating the Causes of Mixture, that is, by joyning two or three or more together; or by applying more in some cases, where Nature applyeth fewer; we may be able to make, if not a more perfect, yet a far more speedy Mixture, than Nature doth. As by joyn­ing COMPRESSION, Heat, and violent Agitation, and so con­tinuing them altogether, by some means contrived for the purpose, for the space of a Week or Month, or longer without Cessation. Which may probably produce, not only strange, but useful effects, in th [...] SOLUTION of some, and the Mixture of other Bodies.

4. §. For the proof whereof, and that I had throughly weighed what I have said, Mr. Pappin hath since given us an ingenious Instance, in his new Digester. Which is, a Balneum Mariae clausum: all Infusions and Digestions made with Double Vessels, having hitherto been made with the outer Vessel, open. So that whereas by the old way of Di­gestion, their is no other Power made use of but that of Heat: in this way, that also of Compression is joyned therewith.

EXPERIMENTS IN CONSORT OF THE LUCTATION Arising from the Affusion of several MENSTRUUMS Upon all sorts of BODIES, Exhibited to the Royal Society, April 13. and June 1. 1676.

THE intent of the following Experiments is two-fold. The one, to be as a Demonstration of the Truth of one, amongst other Propositions, laid down in the precedent Discourse of Mixture, sc. That it would be a Key to let us easily into the knowledge of the Nature of Bodies. Ch. 5. Inst. 5.

The other, and that consequently, To be as a Specimen of a Natural History of the Materia Medica: that is to say, a multifarious Scrutiny into the intrinsick Properties of all those Materials, which have been, or may be used in Medicine: for the performance whereof, the following Method is exibited as one, amongst others, necessary to be insisted upon. For what Dominion a Prince hath over the Moral, that a Physician hath, as one of God Almighty's Vice-Roys, over the Corporeal World. Whom therefore nothing can more import, than a particular knowledge of the Ge­nius of all his Subjects, those several Tribes of Matter, supposed to be under his Command.

[Page 239] There are some known Observations of this nature: but there is no Au­thor, I think, who hath given us a Systeme of Experiments upon the Subject: The performance whereof is here intended.

The Experiments may seem too numerous to be of one make. But no less a number would have answered the design of an Universal Survey; which, though less pleasing, proves the more instructive in the end: not be­ing like angling with a single Hook; but like casting a Net against a shole: with assurance of drawing up something. Besides the advantage of com­paring many together; which being thus joyned, do oftentimes, like Figures, signifie ten times more, then standing alone, they would have done.

How far the Corollaries all along subjoyned have made this good, is left to the Reader to judge. And also, to add to them, so many more, as he pleases: for I make my own Thoughts no mans Measure.

CHAP. I. What is generally to be observed upon the Affusion of the Menstruum; and what, particularly of Vegetable Bo­dies.

THE Bodies whereupon I made tryal, were of all kinds, Animal, Vegetable, and Mineral. Amongst Vegetables, such as these, scil. Date-stones, Ginger, Colocynthis, Pyrethrum, Hawthorn-stones, Staphis­agria, Euphorbium, the Arenulae in Pears, Semen Milli Solis, Tartar, Spirit of Scurvygrass, Spirit of Wine, &c.

2. §. Amongst Minerals, several sorts of Earths, Stones, Ores, Metals, Sulphurs, and Salts.

3. §. Amongst Animals; such as these, scil. Hairs, Hoofs, Horns, Shells, and shelly Insects, Bones, Flesh, and the several Viscera, Silk, Blood, Whites and Yelks of Eggs, Sperma Ceti, Civet, Musk, Castor, Gall, Urine, Dungs, animal Salts and Stones.

4. §. The Liquors which I poured hereupon severally, were these, sc. Spirit of Salt Armoniac, Spirit of Harts-Horn, Spirit of Nitre, A­qua fortis, Oyl of Salt, Oyl of Sulphur, and Oyl of Vitriol; commonly so called.

5. §. In the Mixture of these Bodies, two things, in general, are all along to be observed, viz. First, which they are, that make any, or no Luctation. For, as some which seem to promise it, make none: So, many, contrary to expectation, make a considerable one.

6. §. Next, the manner wherein the Luctation is made; being with much variety in these five sensible Effects. 1. Bullition; when the Bodies mixed produce only a certain quantity of froth or bubbles. 2. Elevation; when, like Paste in baking, or Barm in the working of Beer, they swell and huff up. 3. Crepitation; when, they make a [Page 240] kind of hissing and sometimes a crackling noise. 4. Effervescence; then only and properly so called, when they produce some degree of heat. 5. Exhalation; when not only fumes, but visible steams are produced.

7. §. Of all these, sometime one only happens, sometimes two or more are concomitant. Sometimes the Luctation begins presently upon mixture, and sometimes not till after some intermission. In some bo­dies, it continues a great while; in others, is almost instantaneous: Examples of all which I shall now produce; beginning with Vegetables, as affording the least variety.

8. §. And first, if we take Spirit or Oyl of Salt, Oyl of Vitriol, Spirit of Nitre, or Aqua fortis, and pour them severally upon the several parts of Vegetables, as Roots, Woods, Stones, &c. we shall find, that they are, generally far less apt to make a Luctation, than either Animal, or subterra­neal Bodies. Whence, as from one argument, it seemeth evident, That in most Vegetables, and in most of their parts, the predominant Salt is an Acid. But that, on the contrary, the predominant Salt in most Minerals, and parts of Animals, is an Alkaly: in the former, usually a fixed; in the latter, a volatile Alkaly.

9. §. Again, although the Luctation which most Vegetables, and most of their parts make with Acids, be but small, yet some they make; especi­ally with some Acids, as with Spirit of Nitre and Aqua fortis. Whence it seemeth plain, That there is an Alkaline Salt existent in many Vegeta­bles, even in their natural estate; and that it is not made Alkaline, but only Lixivial, by the fire. Or, there is some quantity of a Salt, call it what we will, in the said Bodies, which is so far different from an A­cid, as to make a Luctation therewith. But to give particular instan­ces of the several Proportions, or manner of Mixture, wherein it ap­pears to be in several Plants.

10. §. And first, of all vegetable Bodies, Date-stones are amongst the least apt to make a Luctation with Acids, if they may be said to make any at all. Hence they are not so potent Nephriticks, as many other Stones, which make a more sensible Luctation.

11. §. Ginger makes a small Bullition with Aqua fortis, only observa­ble by a Glass. Hence the pungency of Ginger lyeth in a sulphureous and volatile Salt, which yet is very little Alkalizate.

12. §. Scurvygrass-seeds make a very small Bullition with Aqua fortis, like that of Ginger. So doth also the Seed of Purslane. Hence, although there is much more of a certain kind of volatile Salt in Ginger or Scurvygrass, than in Purslane; yet there is little more of an Alkaly in any one, than in an other.

13. §. The Pulp of Colocynthis, Fruit-Stones, the stony Covers of the Seeds of Elder, of white Bryony, of Violets, and others, with Aqua fortis make a Bullition just perceivable without a Glass. Hence it ap­pears, That the great Cathartick power of Colocynthis lieth not so much in an Alkaly, as an Acid; as making a much less Bullition, than some other vegetable Bodies, which are less Cathartick. For which reason likewise it is, That the best Correctors, or Refractors of the force of Colocynthis, are some kinds of Alkalies, as particularly that of Urine, as Riverius hath somewhere observed.

14. §. The Root of Pyrethrum, with Aqua fortis, makes a Bullition and huff, in a short time. Hence, the Cause of a durable Heat, upon the Tongue, is an Alkalizate Sulphur. For the Heat of Ginger, though [Page 241] greater; yet abideth nothing near so long as that of Pyrethrum; which, as is said, maketh also a more sensible Bullition with Acids.

15. §. Kermes-berries, commonly, but ignorantly, so called, with the said Liquor, huff up to an equal height, but in a somewhat longer time. Hence they are gently astringent; scil, as their Alkaly binds in with some preternatural Acid in the stomach.

16. §. Hawthorn-stones, with Aqua fortis, huff up equally with the former Body; but the Bullition is not so visible. The like is also observa­ble of Medlar-stones. Hence, as they contain a middle quantity of an Alkaly, they are not insignificantly used against the Stone.

17. §. Seeds of Staphisagria, with Aqua fortis, make a Bullition still more visible. But it quickly ends. This confirms what was said before, sc. That the cause of a durable Heat is an Alkaline Sulphur; these Seeds producing a durable Heat, as doth the Root of Pyrethrum.

18. §. The Seeds also of red Roses, Borage, and Comfrey do all with Aqua fortis make a considerable Bullition and huff; and that very quickly. So that amongst all Shells and Stones, those generally make the greatest Bullition, which are the hardest and the brittlest, and so the fullest of Salt.

19. §. Euphorbium makes a Bullition yet more considerable, with much froth, and very quickly. From which Experiment, compared with two of the former, it appears, That Euphorbium is not an Acid, but an Al­kaline Gum. As also, that the cause of its so very durable Heat, is an alkaline Sulphur, as of Pyrethrum and Staphisagria hath been said. It seems also hence evident, that the power of all great Sternutatories lyeth not in their Acid, but their Alkalies.

20. §. The Arenulae or little stones in Pears, cluster'd round about the Coar, with Aqua fortis, presently huff up, and make a great Bullition and Effervescence, much greater than do any of the Bodies above-named. Whence, although, so far as I know, they have never yet been used in Medicine; yet it is probable, that they are a more potent and effectual Nephritick, than any of the Bodies aforsaid, some of which are usually prescribed. It is hence also manifest, That, according to what I have elsewere said, for the sweetning of the Fruit and Seed, Anat. of Plants, B. 1. Ch. 6. the Tartareous and Alkaline parts of the Sap, are precipitated into their Stones, stony parts, and Shells.

21. §. The last Instance shall be in the shells of the Seeds of Milium Solis; which not only with Aqua fortis, but some other Acids, make a greater and quicker Bullition and Effervescence, than any other vegetable Body, upon which I have yet made tryal, in its natural estate. Hence, as well as from divers of the last fore-going Instances, we have a clear confirmation of what I have, towards the beginning of this Discourse, asserted; sc. That there is some kind of Alkaline Salt in Plants, even in their natural estate. As also, that they are as significantly used against the Stone, quatenus alkalizate, as Millipedes, Egg-shells, or any other testaceous Bodies of the same strength. To these I shall subjoyn one or two Examples of Vegetable Bodies which are more or less altered from their natural estate.

22. §. Neither Crystals of Tartar, nor Tartar it self (although they have some store of alkaline mixed with their acid parts) make any Effervescence with Acids, but only with Alkalites, as Spirit of Harts-Horn, &c. Hence the calculous sediment or Arenulae in Urine, may not so properly be called [Page 242] the Tartareous part of the Vrine; the events following the mixture here­of with the aforesaid Salts, being quite contrary; as will be seen in the Last Chapter.

23. §. Spirit of Scurvy-grass maketh no Luctation with any Acid. Hence (as from a former Experiment was above-noted) it seems, That there may be a kind of volatile Salt, which is neither acid, nor alka­line; such as this of Scurvygrass and other like Plants seems to be: yet contrary to an acid; as experience shews in their efficacy against the acid Scurvy.

24. §. Rectified Spirit of Wine, both with Spirit of Nitre, and with Oil of Vitriol, severally, maketh a little Luctation. Which argues, that there is contained, even in this Spirit, some portion of a volatile Alkaly.

25. §. Spirit of Wine, and double Aqua fortis, as the strongest is called, make an effervescence so vehement, as plainly to boil.

26. §. Besides the vehemency hereof, there is another surprizing cir­cumstance. For whereas all other Liquors which make an Effervescence to­gether, will do it in any proportion assigned, although but one drop to a thousand: these two, sc, rectified Spirit of Wine and Aqua fortis, re­quire a certain proportion the one to the other. For if, suppose, into six drops of Spirit of Wine you put but two or three of Aqua fortis, they stir no more than if you put in so much Water: but drop in about seven or eight drops of Aqua fortis, and they presently boil up with very great vehe­mency. Hence we may conceive the reason of the sudden access of an acute Disease, and of its Crisis. These not beginning gradually with the Cause; but then, when the Cause is arrived unto such an [...], or such a certain Proportion, as is necessary to bring Nature to the con­test. And these may serve for Examples upon Vegetables.

CHAP. II. What may be observed of MINERALS.

HAVING given several Instances of tryal upon Vegetables; I next proceed to Minerals, which, for some orders sake, I shall distribute into five or six sorts, sc. Earths, Stones Ores and Metals, Sulphurs, and Salts.

2. §. First for Earths. Oyl of Vitriol upon Fullers Earth, doth not stir it, or cause the least Bullition. Nor upon yellow Oker. Nor upon the Oker which falls from green Vitriol. The same Oyl of Vitriol and Spirit of Harts-Horn poured severally upon Bolus Ar­mena of two kinds, and upon one kind of Terra sigillata, stir none of them. Hence Bolus' s are the Beds, or as it were, the Materia prima, both of opacous Stones, and Metals; into which the said Bolus' s are transmuted, by being concentred with divers kinds of Salts and Sulphurs, which successively flow in upon them.

[Page 243] 3. §. Aqua fortis, and Oyl of Vitriol being poured severally upon ano­ther sealed Earth, which was vended by the name of Terra Lemnia; they both made a very considerable Effervescence herewith. Whence it appears, That there is no small difference in the nature, and therefore the opera­tion of Bolus Armena and Terra Lemnia. As also, betwixt the sealed Earths themselves, one making a great Effervescence, another none at all. Whereto those that use them, are to have regard.

4. §. Next for Stones. And first, Irish Slat, with Spirit of Harts­horn, maketh a small, yet visible Bullition: and it presently ceaseth. So that it seems to be nothing else but a Vitriolick Bole. As is also argued from its taste, which is plainly acid, and somewhat rough. Whence also it is with good reason given upon any inward Bruises. Because by coagulating the Blood, it prohibits its too copious afflux into the affected part. Yet being but gently astringent, and so the Coagulati­ons it makes, not great; they are likewise well enough carried off from the same part in the Circulation; by both which means an Inflammation may be either prevented, or the better over-ruled.

5. §. Lapis Haematites maketh no Effervescence at all either with Al­kalies or Acids.

6. §. Powder of the green part of a Magnet with Oyl of Vitriol ma­keth some few bubbles, yet not visible without a Glass. But the powder of the black part of a Magnet, which is the said stone fully perfect, stirreth not with any acid. Neither doth the calcined Magnet. Hence there is some considerable difference betwixt Iron and the Magnet.

7. §. Lapis Lazuli, with Oil of Vitriol, and especially with Spirit of Nitre, maketh a conspicuous Bullition. Hence its Cathartick virtue lyeth in an Alkaly. For which reason it is also appropriate, in like manner as Steel, to the cure of Hypochondriacal Affections; originated from some kind of fermenting Acid.

8. Osteocolla, with Spirit of Nitre maketh yet a greater Effervescence. How it comes to be so great a knitter of broken Bones, as it is repu­ted, is obscure. It seemeth, that upon its solution by a Nitrous Acid in the body; it is precipitated upon the broken part, and so becomes a kind of Cement thereto.

9. §. Lapis Tuthiae, with Spirit of Nitre, maketh an Effervescence much alike. And with Oyl of Vitriol very considerably. But Lapis Cala­minaris with Oyl of Vitriol grows stark; as the powder of Alabaster doth with water. With Spirit of Nitre it maketh a little Bullition, and quickly. But with Aqua fortis, a great one; beyond any of the Stones above named. Hence both Tufty and Calamy are Ophthalmicks from their Alkaly. Which is also consirmed, from the efficacy of some Alkalies of the like use. Hence also Calamy seemeth to partake somewhat of the nature of Silver: as by tryal made upon that also, will hereafter better ap­pear.

10. §. Chalk and Oil of Sulphur or Vitriol make as strong an Effer­vescence as any of the rest. Whence it is sometimes well used against a Cardialgia.

11. §. Whiting makes as great an Effervescence as Chalk. So that it seems the saline parts are not washed away with the water, wherein the Chalk, for the making of Whiting, is dissolved.

[Page 244] 12. §. Talk will not stir in the least either with Spirit of Nitre, or Oyl of Vitriol. But the Lead-Spar maketh a considerable Effervescence with both of them severally. Hence, however this be also called English Talk, yet there is no small difference betwixt this, and true Talk.

13. §. To these Stones may be added petrified bodies. As petrified wood; which (that upon which I made tryal) no acid stirreth in the least. Petrified shells; upon four or five several sorts whereof, Oyl of Vitriol being poured, preduceth a great Effervescence. The Root or rougher part of the Stone called Glossopetra, with Spirit of Nitre, makes a conspicuous Bullition. Aste­ria, the Stone so called, and found in some places in England, with Oyl of Vitriol, maketh an Effervescence at the same degree. So doth the Belem­nites, or Thunder-Stone, both the larger and the lesser kinds. So that none of these are acid, or vitriolick, but alkalizate Stones.

14. §. Coraline, with Oyl of Vitriol, makes a conspicuous Bullition, yet mild and gentle; that is, with very little, if any heat, and without any visible Fumes. And red and white Coral do the like. Hence they are all of a very gentle operation, and fit for Children, as the case re­quires.

15. §. Magistery of Coral (prepared the ordinary way) stirreth not in the least, either with Alkalies or Acids. Whence it is evident, That its active Principles are in its preparation destroyed and washed away: that is to say, It is an elaborate Medicine good for nothing. And thus far of Stones.

16. §. I next come to Metals and Ores. And first for Lead; upon which Spirit of Salt Spirit of Nitre, or Aqua fortis being dropped, it stirreth not in the least with any of them: but with Oyl of Sulphur, and especially with Oyl of Vitriol it maketh a slow Bullition and froth. Hence it seemeth to be the most alkalizate Metal. Which is also confirmed by a foregoing Ex­periment upon the Lead-Spar, which maketh a considerable Effer­vescence with any sort of acid. And which likewise, being calcined, yieldeth a good quantity of Lixivial Salt.

17. §. Lead-Ore stirreth not at all with Aqua fortis or Oil of Vitri­ol. But Spirit of Salt makes it bubble, and Spirit of Nitre makes it boil. Hence there is a considerable difference betwixt the perfect Metal and the Ore.

18. §. Burnt Lead and red Lead, make a very small Bullition with Oyl of Vitriol, with Spirit of Nitre a far greater.

19. §. Mercury, with Oyl of Vitriol, will not stir, nor with Oyl of Sul­phur. But with Spirit of Nitre presently boyls up. Hence Mercury is a subacid Metal; Spirit of Nitre being a subalkaline Acid.

20. §. The filings of Iron or Steel, with Oyl of Vitriol, make a fair Bullition, like that of Minium. But Spirit of Nitre makes them boil with much c [...]lerity. Hence Iron is likewise a subacid Metal.

21. §. Steel prepared with Sulphur maketh a far less Effervescence with the same Spirit of Nitre, than do the filings. Hence there is a great difference in their strength. So that ten grains of the filings unprepared, will go as far as fifteen grains or more of those which are prepared, as above-said. Yet in some cases the weaker and milder may be the better.

22. §. There is one Circumstance in the mixture of Steel and Aqua fortis, which is surprizing; and that is this, That strong Aqua fortis, dropped upon Steel, will not, of it self, make the least Bullition: but if [Page 245] hereto you only add a drop or two of Water, they presently boil up with very great vehemency. The Cause is obscure; yet it is well known, that Water it self will dissolve Iron: so that it appeas, as well by this, as by some other Experiments, that even in common Water, as mild as it is, there is some kind of corrosive Principle.

23. §. Antimony with Spirit of Nitre, and Aqua fortis severally, maketh an Effervescence; somewhat lower than Iron. With Oil of Vi­triol the Bullition is so small, as difficulty to be perceived with a Glass. Hence it seemeth to be of a very compounded nature; if I may so call it, a subacid-alkaline Metal.

24. §. Antimonium Diaphoreticum, with Spirit of Nitre and Oil of Vitriol severally, makes a considerable Effervescence. Wherefore it is not an useless Preparation; as from the Calcination and Ablution used therein, some have thought.

25. §. Bezoardicum Minerale, (that upon which I made tryal) stirreth not at all either with Alkalies or Acids. To which, let those who make use of it, have regard.

26. §. Tin, with Spirit of Nitre, makes so hot and vehement an Ef­fervescence, that it turns presently, as it were, into a Coal. It makes also a fair Bullition with Oyl of Vitriol. And a gentle one with Spirit of Salt. Wherefore, it hath something of the nature both of Iron, Lead, and Copper.

27. §. The like remarkable circumstance is seen in the mixture of Aqua fortis with Tin, as with Iron. For Tin and strong Aqua fortis of themselves will not stir; but add a few drops of water to them, and they boyl up with the greatest vehemency.

28. §. Copper, with Spirit of Salt, and Oyl of Vitriol severally, stirs not at all. Spirit of Nitre, and Aqua fortis, both boil it up vehemently. Neither Spirit of Harts-horn, nor Spirit of Salt Armoniac maketh any Bul­lition therewith. But both of them, by a gentle solution, that is, gently separating its Sulphur from its Salts, turn it blue. Hence Copper hath a greater proportion of acid than any of the formentioned Me­tals.

29. §. Silver, neither with Spirit of Salt, nor Oyl of Vitriol makes any Bullition. With Spirit of Nitre it makes one, but tis soon over: and then continues to dissolve slowly into white Coagulations. It also maketh with Spirit of Harts-horn, or of Salt Armoniac, a full and deep blue. Hence there is a greater proportion of acid in Silver, than in Lead, Mercury, Iron, Antimony, Tin, or Copper.

30. §. Litharge of Silver maketh the greatest Effervescence with Oyl of Vitriol. Yet some with Spirit of Nitre. And with Spirit of Salt Ar­moniac maketh some little huff or elevation. And being mixed with Spi­rit of Nitre and Spirit of Salt Armoniac both together, produceth a faint blue. Hence, although the far greater part of this Litharge be but Lead; yet, it seems, it hath some small mixture of Silver. But that of Gold seemeth, for contrary reasons, not to have any Gold.

31. §. Gold maketh no Effervescence with any single Salt I know of. But it is commonly dissolved with Aqua Regis, which is known to be an alkaline Liquor. Whence it seemeth, That as Lead is the most alka­lizate, so Gold the most acid of Metals.

[Page 246] 32. §. These things considered, and other observations added here­unto, may possibly give some directions, not only for the ordering and using, but even for the making, imitating and transmuting of Metals. Thus far of Metals.

33. §. I will next give one or two Instances of tryal upon Sulphurs. And first Sulphur vive, with Aqua fortis, maketh an apparent Bullition, but it is some time, before it begins. But the factitious or common Brim­stene, maketh scarce any, if any at all. So that there is no small dif­ference betwixt them.

34. §. White and yellow Arsenick make no Bullition either with Al­kalies or Acids. Wherefore the strength of its operation on the Body, lies more in a Sulphur than a Salt; or in a Salt drowned in its Sulphure.

35. §. The ashes either of Pit-Coal, or Sea-Coal, make no Effer­vescence with Alkalies or Acids. Whence the saline Principle is alto­gether volatile, and sublimed away by the [...]ire.

36. §. Lastly for Salts. And first of all, Borax maketh no Effer­vescence nor any Fumes with Oyl of Vitriol or Spirit of Nitre.

37. §. Oyl of Vitriol and Nitre make fumes or steams, though no Effervescence.

38. §. Green Vitriol, with Spirit of Harts-Horn, is scarcely moved. White Vitriol, with the same Spirit, maketh a conspicuous huff. And Ro­man Vitriol a vehement Effervescence. Whence the former is the least acid, and the latter the most of all. Which also confirms what I said before of the like natures of the several Metals to which they belong.

39. §. Salt of Vitriol, though a fixed Salt, and made by Calcination, yet maketh no Effervescence with the strongest acid; but only with Alka­lies; as may be seen upon their mixture, but much better heard by hold­ing the mixture to ones ear. Hence, there are fixed Acids. Which further confirms what I have above asserted concerning the nature of Gold, sc. That the predominant Salt thereof is a fixed Acid.

40. §. Sal Martis, with Spirit of Harts-horn, maketh a considera­ble huff. Hence it is much more acid than green Vitriol; and is there­fore a cooler body.

41. §. Alum and Spirit of Harts-horn make a plain Effervescence.

42. §. Saccharum Saturni, with Oyl of Vitriol, stirs not at all. With Spirit of Salt, huffs a little. With Spirit of Nitre much more. Hence the acid of the Vinegar, and not the Alkaly of the Lead, is the predominnt Principle.

43. §. Common Salt stirs neither with Spirit of Salt, nor with Spi­rit of Nitre; nor with Aqua fortis. But with Oyl of Vitriol it maketh a great Effervescence with noise and steams. Hence, even common Salt, though it be not reckoned amongst alkaline Salts, yet is far nerer in nature to that, than to an acid. Hence also the Spirit of Salt is a sub­alkaline Acid, and of a very different nature from Oyl of Sulphur or Vitriol.

44. §. Salt Armoniac, with Spirit of Nitre, stirreth not. But with Oyl of Vitriol it maketh a great Effervescence. Hence Spirit of Nitre is a subalkalizate Spirit.

45. §. Oyl of Vitriol and Spirit of Nitre, though both acids, yet make a great smoak; greater than that which the Spirit maketh of it self. Which confirms the last precedent Corollary.

[Page 247] 46. §. Oyl of Vitriol and Spirit of Salt, though both acids, yet make a strong Effervesence, with noise and fumes. Which further con­firms, what was noted before, sc. that Spirit of Salt is a subalkaline Acid.

47. §. Spirit of Salt Armoniac, with Oyl of Vitriol, makes an Effer­vescence so extraordinary quick, and as it were instaneous, that nothing seemeth quicker. Whence it is probable, That if Gun-Powder were made of Salt Armoniac, instead of Nitre, or with both mixed together; it would be far stronger, than any kind now in use. And thus far for Minerals.

48. §. I have only one Corollary to add, from the whole; which is, That whoever doth undertake the Natural History of a Country, (such as that the Learned Dr. Plot hath exceedingly well done of Ox­fordshire) the foregoing Method, seemeth so easie, cheap, and inde­ceitful, for the finding out and well distinguishing the natures of all kinds of Metalls, Ores, Salts, Earths, Stones, or other subterraneal Bo­dies; as cannot, I think, be supply'd, but by others of greater difficul­ty and expence.

CHAP. III. What may be observed of the PARTS of Animals.

I NOW proceed to the several Parts of Animals; as Hairs, Hoofs, Horns, Shells and shelly Insects, Bones, Flesh and the several Viscera, Silk, Blood, Eggs, Musk, Castor, Gall, Urine, Dungs, Salts and Stones.

2. §. And first of all, the Hair of a mans head, with Oyl of Vitriol, maketh no Bullition at all. Nor yet with Spirit of Nitre. So that although it con­tains a good deal of volatile Salt; yet it seemeth either not to be alka­line, or else is centred in so great a quantity of Oyl, that the acid men­struum cannot reach it.

3. §, Hares Fur, with spirit of Nitre, maketh, although a short, yet very plain Bullition and huff. Hence the Hair, and therefore the Blood, of some Animals, is fuller of Salt, at least of an Alkaline Salt, than that of some others. And perhaps the Hair of some men, as of Black's, may be so full of Salt, as to make a Bullition like Hares Fur.

4. §. The shavings of Nails stir not at all, either with Oyl of Vitriol, or Spirit of Nitre: only with the latter they turn yellow. But Elks Claws, with Spirit of Nitre, make a small and slow Bullition.

5. §. Horses Hoof, with Oyl of Vitriol, stirs not of many hours. But with Spirit of Nitre, allowing it some time, makes a very plain Bullition, and huffs up very high.

6. §. Cows Horn, neither with Oyl of Vitriol, nor with Spirit of Ni­tre, maketh any Bullition, only turneth to a yellow colour.

7. §. Rams Horn stirs not with Oyl of Vitriol; but with Spirit of Nitre, makes a small and slow Bullition.

[Page 248] 8. §. Harts-Horn makes a considerable Bullition and huff, even with Oyl of Vitriol, which the rest of the Bodies abovesaid, will not do. But with Spirit of Nitre, it makes yet a greater. From the foregoing Ex­periments, and almost all that follow, what is before asserted of the Salts of Vegetables and Minerals, is here also evident concerning that of Animals, scil. That it is not made, but only separated by the fire. It likewise hence appears, That the proportion of Salt in the forementi­oned parts is very different; and that therefore some of them are never, and none of them but with good discretion, to be substituted one for another in Medicine. As also, that there is a different proportion of Salt in the several Animals themselves, to which the said Parts belong.

9. §. Next for shells; as those of Lobsters, Eggs, Snails and Oisters: all which make an Effervescence, both with Oyl of Vitriol, and Spirit of tre. But with Spirit of Nitre the greatest. Lobster-shells make a considerable Bullition and huff, but no noise nor steams. Egg-shells make a Bullition and huff, with some noise, but no steams. Snail-shells make an Effervescence with noise and steams. Oyster-shells make one with the greatest noise and thickest steams. Hence we may judge, in what case to administer one more appositely than another. As also in what proportion, according to their different strength. Some may be better for Children, as being milder. Or for a Body whose very sharp Blood or other Humors, are more easily kindled into Ferments. Or else may be safest, to avoid a sudden precipitation of the Humors; or for some other cause.

10. §. Oyster-shells, and the rest above-said, make a quicker Effer­vescence, not only with Spirit of Nitre, but even with Spirit of Salt, than they do with Oyl of Sulphur, or Oyl of Vitriol. So that these bodies, as well as Metals, have their proper menstruums whereby they are be dissolved.

11. §. Egg-shells calcined, make with Oyl of Sulphur, or Oyl of Vi­triol, or Spirit of Nitre, a greater Effervescence, than when uncalcined. As also with steams, which uncalcined, they produce not. The like is seen in calcined Oyster-shells. And the longer the Calcination is continued, the quicker and stronger will be the Effervescence. This I tryed at several terms, from a quarter of an hour, to five hours. So that after so long a Calcination, they make an Effervesence almost instantaneous. The reason hereof is, Because the several Principles whereof the Shells consist, being relaxed, and the Sulphur for the greatest part, driven away by the fire; the remaining Salt lies now more open and naked to the attaque of the Menstruum, so soon as ever they are mixed together. From hence it is plain, That Egg-shells, and the others above-said, being burnt, are far stronger Medicines, than when unburnt. It is hereby likewise evident, That a great portion of their Salt, is not a volatile, but a fixed Alkaly. To these may be subjoyned all kinds of shelly Insects. I will instance in three or four.

12. §. And first Bees, with Oyl of Vitriol, stir not in the least. With Spirit of Nitre they make an exceeding small Bullition, without any eleva­tion.

13. §. Cochinele (the Nest of an Insect) makes some Bullition with Oyl of Vitriol, but very small: for the bubbles are not to be seen without a Glass. But with Spirit of Nitre the Bullition is more visible, and joyned with some elevation.

[Page 249] 14. §. Cantharides make no visible Bullition with Oyl of Vitriol. But with Spirit of Nitre they do, and huff up rather more than Co­chinele. Yet is this done very slowly, and comparatively with many other bodies, is not much. Hence it is not the quantity, but the quality of their volatile Salt, which makes them so strong an Epispastick. For most of those Bodies above, and hereafter named, make a greater Bullition, and yet are neither Caustick nor Epispastick in the least. It is hence also evident, as hath been before suggested, That there are divers kinds of volatile Salts, eminently different; some being highly alkaline, others very little, and some scarce any thing so: such as those of Scurvy-grass, Anemone, Crow [...]oot, and many the like Plants; to whose Salts, this of Cantharides seemeth to be very near of kin.

15. §. Millepedes make a Bullition and huff, much greater and quicker, than any of the Insects above-named: and that both with Spirit of Nitre, and Oyl of Vitriol it self. Yet is this Insect of a very temperate nature. Whereby is further demonstrated, That the being simply alkaline, is not enough to make a body to be Ca [...]stick.

16. §. Again, although Millepedes make a Bullition, greater than any of the Insects above named: yet is it much less, than that of Oyster, Snail, or even Egg-shells; and of divers other bodies above, and hereafter men­tioned. Hence, being given to the same intent, as any of those bodies; it is the mildest and gentlest in its operation of them all.

17. §. Millepedes likewise calcined, makes a stronger Effervescence, than when uncalcined, as do the Oyster-shells, &c. So that it appears, That all Testaceous Salts, are at least in part, fixed Salts.

18. §. I next proceed to Bones. And first Whale-bone maketh no Bullition at all with any acid. A Cartilage, with Spirit of Nitre, makes some very small bubbles, not to be seen without a Glass.

19. §. The Bone in the Throat of a Carp, makes a little and slow Bul­lition with Spirit of Nitre. The Spina of a Fish (that which I used was of a Cod-fish) maketh a Bullition one degree higher.

20. §. All sorts of Teeth, as Dogs, Boars, the Sea-horse, Elephant, make the like. As also the Bone of an Oxes heart. So that all these are very gentle in their operation, and fit for Children.

21. §. Sheeps and Calves Bones both of them make a Bullition yet a little higher, especially with Spirit of Nitre. Cocks Bones somewhat higher than the former. Cranium humanum a little higher than all the rest.

22. §. Bones likewise, being calcined, make a Bullition with Acids. And so doth also calcined Harts-Horn. But in neither of them, is the Bul­lition advanced by Calcination, any thing comparable to what it is in shells. Whence it appears, That the Salt of Horns and Bones, is much more volatile, than that of shells.

23. §. Next for Flesh and the several Viscera. And first, dryed and powdered Mutton, with Oil of Vitriol, stirs not at all. But with Spirit of Nitre makes a small Bullition and huff. Sheeps Heart doth the like somewhat more apparently. Vipers flesh produceth a froth, but huffs not, Powdered Earthsworms make a great froth, and huff a little. Pow­dered Tripe makes only a little Bullition. Lamb-stones do the like. Kid­ney, Spleen, and Liver, with some elevation. Lungs, with bubbles very large; because extraordinary slowly. Dryed Brain makes also a little [Page 250] and slow Bullition. Hence there is a greater proportion of Sulphur or Oyl, and less of an Alkaly in all these parts, than there is in Bones, Shells, and divers other parts hereafter mentioned. And in some of them, as in the Brain, that Alkaline Salt which there is, may rather be lodged in some sanguineous parts mixed with them, than in their own proper substance.

24. §. I proceed to instance in all sorts of Animal Contents. And first, raw Silk, with Spirit of Nitre, makes a very small Bullition, but the elevation is considerable.

25. §. The grumous pa [...]t of the Blood dryed, with Oyl of Vitriol, stirs but little. But with Spirit of Nitre it huffs up considerably.

26. §. Seram of Blood dryed, with the same Spirit makes a plain elevation, with a little Bullition. Herewith may be re [...]koned the White of an Egg, which is nothing but a pure Crystalline Serum separated from the common stock. This being dryed, with Spirit of Nitre, huffs up rather more than even the grumous part of the Blood, the Bubbles are much larger, break oftner, and the elevation sooner made. Whence it seemeth, that there is a greater quantity of a volatile Alkaly in proportion to the Sulphur, requisite to the Generation, than to the Nutrition of an Animal.

27. §. The Yelk of an Egg is scarce moved with Spirit of Nitre, pro­ducing only a very few Bubbles. The Salt being either little alkalizate, or else immersed in so great a quantity of Oyl, that the Menstruum can­not reach it. For the same reason Sperma Ceti stirs not with any Acid. Neither doth Civet.

28 §. Russian Castor, with Oyl of Vitriol, stirs not. But with Spirit of Nitre makes a considerable huff and froth. Yet it requires time. Wherefore it seemeth, That Castor by virtue of its alkaline Sulphur, becomes so good a Corrector of the acid alkaline Sulphur of Opium: so I take leave to call it, having some reasons to believe it such.

29. §. Musk, with Oyl of Vitriol, stirs not. But with Spirit of Nitre it makes a considerable and quick Bullition, with large bubbles, which often break and rise again. Whence there is a very eminent dif­ference betwixt Musk and Civet. Hence also, Musk is Cordial, not only from its Sulphur, but its Alkaly; by both directly opposite to pre­ternatural Acidities.

30. §. Dryed Gall with Spirit of Nitre, for some time, is still: but at length it makes a considerable Bullition and froth. The reason why it is so long before it begins, is because the Salt, (as was observed of some other Parts) is locked up in so great a quantity of Oyl. The abundance whereof is manifest, not only from Destillation, but also from hence, In that the dryed Powder, in lying by, incorporateth all together into one body, as Mirrh, and some other softer and oily Gums are used to do.

31. §. Extract of Vrine, with Spirit of Nitre, makes a Bullition with some Effervescence, which continues for a considerable time; and at last it huffs up with great bubbles. The Bullition begins presently: the Salt being copious, and the Oyl but little.

32. §. The same Extract of Urine makes a considerable Bullition and fr [...]th not only with Spirit of Nitre, but even with Oyl of Vitriol. Hence the Salt of Urine is more alkaline than that in most of the afore-said [Page 251] Contents. From this and some of the following Experiments, it also ap­pears, That the Salt which concurs to the generation of Gravel or of a Stone in the Kidneys or Bladder, is of a very different nature from the Salt of Urine.

33. §. Next for Dungs. And first, dryed Goats-dung makes with Spirit of Nitre, a small Bullition, but no elevation. That of Mice the like. And that of Cows. So that of all I have tryed, these three stir the least.

34. §. Goose-dung, with Spirit of Nitre, makes a very small Bulli­tion and some elevation. But it requires time. Oyl of Vitriol stirs it not.

35. §. Album Graecum, with Spirit of Nitre, besides immerable small bubbles, rises up with some great ones, exactly resembling the huffing up of Yest or Barm. Also with Oyl of Vitriol it maketh some little froth, but slowly. So that it should seem, that the Bones are a little opened by some acid Menstruum in the Dogs stomach (as the body of Steel is in its preparation with Sulphur) whereby it becomes a good mild Topick in Quinzies.

36. §. Hens dung, with Spirit of Nitre, makes a very great bullition and huff: greater and quicker, than any of the rest above-named.

37. §. But of all I have tryed, Pigeons dung, with the same Spirit, maketh the greatest and the quickest Effervescence and huff; and that not without steams. Yet neither the same Dung, nor that of Hens, is moved in the least with Oyl of Vitriol. The Cause of so great an Effervescence in these, more than in the rest, is that white part which is here mixed in a great quantity with the Dung. Which white part, descendeth not from the Stomach, but is an Excrement separated from the Blood (as the Urine in other Animals) by a peculiar Organ, which evacuates it into the Intestinum rectum; whence, together with the Stercus it is excluded. Hence it is evident, That in the said white part of Hens, and especially Pigeons dung, is contained a great quantity of a vola­tile Alkaly.

38. §. I proceed to Salts. And first Salt of Blood and Vrine both make a more durable Effervescence with Acids, than doth Salt of Worm­wood, or Salt of Fern. Hence the former are more alkaline, than the latter.

39. §. Again, though divers other Animal Salts will not stir with Spirit of Salt, or with Oyl of Sulphur or Vitriol; yet the Salt of Blood will make an Effervescence with all kinds of Acids. Whence it is further argued to be highly alkaline, and very proper for the correction, of all sorts of preternatural Acids in the body. There is little doubt, but that Spirit of Harts-horn will do the like.

40. §. The Gravel which is precipitated out of Vrine; with Oyl of Vitriol makes no bullition in the least. Nor with strong Spirit of Salt. But with Spirit of Nitre, it makes a very great one, with Effervescence and steams. From hence it appears, That there is much difference to be made in the use of acid Diureticks, Nephriticks, &c.

41. §. And that I may not altogether omit to mention, what may be so much for the good of mankind, I do here declare, That for pre­venting (I say not, the breaking, but preventing) the generation of the Stone, either in the Kidneys, or in the Bladder, there are not bet­ter [Page 252] Medicines in the world, than some certain Preparations of Nitre, duly administred. Whoever shall think that any kind of acid, as Oyl of Sulphur, Oyl of Vitriol, Spirit of Salt, or the like, will have the same effects, will find themselves much deceived in their practice.

42. §. I conclude with Stones. And first, Spirit of Nitre droped up­on a Stone of the Kidneys or Bladder, produceth the very same effect, as upon the Gravel in Vrine. That is to say, it makes it boil and huff up, until at length it is perfectly dissolved into a soft Pulp; which neither Oyl of Sulphur, nor Oyl of Vitriol, nor Spirit of Salt will do; nor give the least touch towards its dissolution. This confirms what I said before of the use of Nitre and Nitrous Spirits, if duly prepared and administred, a­bove any other Acids, against the breeding of the Stone.

43. §. Pearls, with any Acid, make the like Effervescence, as do Oy­ster-shells. But Magistery of Pearls, as usually prepared, stirs not at all, with any Alkaly or Acid. So that as to the effect frequently intended by it, it is very insignificant; as of that of Corals hath been said.

44. §. Crabs Eyes, with any Acid, make an Effervescence, almost as quick as that of Oyster-shells.

45. Crabs Eyes likewise calcined, make a stronger Effervesnence, than when uncalcined. So that these, as well as Shells, contain a fixed Alkaly.

46. §. The Stones in Whitings heads make a strong Effervescence like that of Oyster-shells.

47. §. Stone of humane Gall, stirs not with Oyl of Vitriol. But with Spirit of Nitre maketh a little bullition just upon mixing, and after a con­siderable time, a little forth. Much less than what was observed before of the Gall it self. So that it seemeth to be generated of the Gall coagu­lated by some Acid, which hath already refracted the Alkaly wherewith the Gall abounds. This confirms the use of those Medicines in the Jaun­dies, or any other bordering Disease, which destroys those Acidities by which the Gall is curdled or coagulated, and so rendred more difficulty separable into the Guts.

48. §. Since the first publishing of these Observations, Mr. William Matthews an Apothecary in Ledbury, sent me part, as I take it, of a Stomach-stone, as big as a Wallnut of the largest Size, voided by a wo­man about 82 years of age, sometime after an Autumn Fever. It con­sisteth of the same Striae, as the Bezoar Stone; and maketh some Bulli­tion with Spirit of Nitre.

49. §. Bezoar, neither the Western nor the Eastern, doth stir at all with Oyl of Vitriol.

50. §. Western Bezoar, with Spirit of Nitre, makes a very little thin froth, and that's all; and that it doth very slowly. But Oriental Bezoar, with Spirit of Nitre, after some time, maketh a very great Effervescence, froth, elevation, noise, and steams (as if you poured Oyl of Vitriol upon Salt of Tartar) till it be wholly dissolved by the affufed Spirit, and turned into almost a blood-red. Hence it may seem to be no mean Remedy against such fretting and venenate acids, as oftentimes in Fevers, and other Di­stemper, lye about the Stomach, and are thence frequently translated to the Heart, Brain, Nerves, and other parts. The difference likewise betwixt the Western and the Eastern Bezoar, is so great, that in any case of danger, and where the Bezoar is relyed upon, it is an unpardon­able [Page 253] fault, for the Apothecary, or any Person, to substitute the one for the other: unless he will take ten times as much, or ten times as little of the one, as he would have done of the other: if that will serve turn.

51. §. The Stones already mentioned, (except the great Stomach-stone) are ordinarily generated in the bodies of Animals. I have one Instance more of some other Stones which are extraordinary. In the City of Hereford lives a Maid, who often voids these Stones, and in the space of some years last past, hath voided several pounds, of se­veral Colours and Sizes, not only per vias urinarias, but also by vo­mit, and by stool. The first mention made to me of them, was by Mr. Diggs, a worthy Gentleman of that City, as a thing that was there much wondred at. And some of them, upon my desire, were sent me by Mr. Wellington, an Apothecary in the same place. I have tryed what several acid Menstrums will work upon them; and find, That with Oyl of Vitriol, and especially with Spirit of Nitre the great one make a very quick and conspicuous Effervescence. But the small ones, neither the white, nor the grey, make any Bullition in the least: for in truth, they are no other but little Pebbles and Grit-stones.

52. §. This being considerd, and the various colours and mixture of any one of the great Stones, being well observed; it seemeth plain, That although she be somewhat old (above thirty years) yet may she have a kind of [...], or diseased Appetite to Stones, Bones, Wood­ashes, Tobacco-Pipes, Chalk, and such like things; which sometimes swallowing in little lumps, sometimes grosly, or finely ground betwixt her teeth; they are in her Stomach and Bowels, more or fewer of them, cemented together, either with a pituitous, bilious, or some other more or less glutinous substance. And that by virtue also of the said Cement, or any of the said, or other like alkalizate Bodies, the greater Stones, which consist of those partly, do make an Effervescence with acid Li­quors. Thus far of Instances upon the parts of Animals. I shall close with some Corollaries deduced from the whole.

53. §. And first, since we find, that amongst all the Menstuums we have made use of, Spirit of Nitre, or any very Nitrous Spirit, is the most universal dissolver of all kinds of Animal Bodies; the best dissol­ver of many others both Vegetable and Mineral, and the only dissolver of some: Hence it is probable, That the great stomachick Menstruum, which either dissolves, or opens almost all Bodies which come into the Stomach, is a kind of Nitrous Spirit.

54. §. Again, Spirit of Nitre being a subalkaline Acid, and work­ling more evidently upon Animal bodies, than other simpler Acids do, which yet are as strong; It hence follows, That most of the Salts of Animals are subacid Alkalies. How far this conclusion may further in­struct us, I shall have occasion to shew in another Discourse.

55. §. Lastly, there being so many, say twenty or thirty degrees, from the slowest to the most vehement, in the Bullition of mixed Bodies; it seemeth, That Fermentation it self, as to the formal notion of it, is [Page 254] nothing else: or that from the common Luctation of mixed Bodies whereof we have now been speaking, it differs not in specie, but on­ly in the manner of its causation, and in degree: the Aer, or some cer­tain Menstruum lodged therein, being of no greater strength, than to produce a Bullition or Luctation of that low and soft degree, which we call Fermentation.

56. §. I have thus endeavoured to prove, by various Instances, how instructive this most easie, plain and simple Method in the Mixture of Bodies, may become to us: and that meerly by observing the Lucta­tions which thence arise betwixt them. How much more then, if a diligent remarque be made of all those various Colours, Smells, Tastes, Consistencies, and other Mutations thereupon emergent?

AN ESSAY OF THE Various Proportions Wherein the LIXIVIAL SALT Is found in PLANTS. Read before the Royal Society, March, 1676.

CHAP. I. Of the QUANTITIES afforded by several Plants calcined in gross.

IT is the part of a Physician, knowingly and arti­ficially to use and govern Nature. And therefore by every likely Method, to inspect the State and Properties of all sorts of Bodies. One Method, is that I have taken in the foregoing Experiments; sc. by mixing them with several Mestruums or Li­quors: whereby we may be assisted to judge, both of the Kinds and the Proportions of Princi­ples in any Body; and of the manner of their Mixture in the same.

Another is by Calcining them; or, as it were, by mixing them with the Fire, a potent and almost universal Menstruum. I shall here only set down some Tryals for an Essay, upon Plants; chiefly noting, The different Proportions of their Lixivial Salts. Of these Tryals, some [Page 256] were made upon the whole Plant, or some Portion of it wherein several Parts are mixed together: And others, upon some one Part of a Plant distinct from the rest. All of them answering to such Queries, as may seem proper to be proposed.

Query 1. As first, Whether Trees or Herbs and Bushes, quantity for quantity & caeteris paribus, yeild the most Lixivial Salt?

For this I took Ash-Barque and Rosemary of each lbj. The latter yielded 5 Scruples; the former but 32 Grains; which is three times less. I took also the same quantity of the Barque of Black-Thorn, and of A­grimony. The latter yielded 5 Scruples and 6 Grains; the former, not above 1 Scruple and 5 Grains; which is four times less.

Although the Barque of a Tree be compounded of Pithy and Lignous Parts; yet to answer the Query exactly, the Wood of these Trees should be taken with the Barque, that there may be some portion of every Part of the Tree, as well as of the Herb.

But thus far the Experiment is conclusive, That the same quantity of Lixivial Salt, doth not always follow the same Generical Tast. For the Barque of Ash and Rosemary, are both equally Bitter; and the Barque of Black-Thorn and Agrimony are both Astringent and Bitter.

Quer. 2. Whether any Plant growing in a Garden or the Field, doth not yield a lesser quantity of Lixivial Salt, than another of the same kindred growing on the Sea-Coast; and with what difference?

For this, I took Garden and Sea-Scurvygrass, of each lbj. The for­mer yields 2 Drachms and 1 Scruple; the latter, being well washed, 9 Drachms, which is more than 4 times as much. The like may be tryed upon others.

Quer. 3. Whether the same Specifick Plant affords more Lixivial-Salt, being only dryed, and then calcin'd, or after it hath first been distil­led, it is then dryed and calcin'd?

For this, was taken lbj of Mint only dryed and then calcin'd; and another first distilled. The former yielded ½ an Ounce and ½ a Drachm of Salt; the latter, 5 Drachms and a Scruple; which is almost ⅕ th more. This also should be tryed on other Plants.

Quer. 4. How far the proportion follows the different Tasts of Plants? The first Experiment, relates to the same Tast in several Plants; this, to several Tasts. And so,

Of Majorane, which is Aromatick, lbj affords but one Scruple of Lixi­vial Salt; which is but the 384 th part of the whole pound.

Of Oak-Barque which is Astringent, lbj yields ½ a Drachm of Salt; or the 256 th part of the whole.

Of Liquirish, which is sweet, lbj yields about the same quantity. But Anise Seeds lbj yields 2 Scruples or a 192 d part.

Of Sorrel, which is sower, lbj yields one Drachm, or the 128 th part.

Of Garden Scurvygrass, which is Hot, lbj yields 2 Drachms and ½ a Scruple; or the 59 th part.

Of Mint, which is Hot and Bitter, lbj yields 5 Drachms and a Scru­ple, or the 24 th part.

Of Sea Scuroygrass, which is Salt, lbj yields 9 Drachms and a Scru­ple or 28 Scruples; which is near [...] th part of the whole. A greater proportion of Salt, than in any other Plant upon which I have hitherto made Tryal: Or even in Tartar it self. Yet is it not a Marine, but true Lixivial Salt: as is evident, both from its Taste; and in that it [Page 257] maketh an Effervescence with Spirit of Salt; which Sea-Salt will not do.

For the Experiment to be fully adequate to the Query; the Tryals shouldbe made, either all on Trees, or all on Herbs; all on Roots, or all on Stalks, &c. Yet thus much is evident, That Sorrel yields Thrice as much as Majorane; Sea-Scurvygrass, Eight and Twenty times as much: Mint, Five times as much as Sorrel; and Sixteentimes as much Majo­rane, &c.

Quer. 5. How far the Proportion follows the Faculties of Plants? And so, it appears, that

Majorane, a Cephalick, hath a greater Proportion of Volatile Parts, than any of the Plants above mentioned, and so far, is more agreeable to the Animal Spirits, and Genus Nervosum.

Agrimony, Quer. 1. an Aperient, yields above Five times as much Lixivial Salt, as Majorane. Yet much less than many other opening Plants which are stronger.

Mugwort ( lbj) yields two Drachms and two Scruples; or above half as much more as Agrimony. So that this Plant, though it hath no con­siderable Taste, and in that respect promiseth but little; yet yielding a good quantity of Lixivial Salt, seems no contemptible Medicine to sub­due those Acidities which either by causing Obstructions, or immoderate Fermentations, frequently disorder the Female Sex.

Mint, yieldeth still a greater quantity; and is therefore, partly for the same cause so excellent a Stomachick: And Rosemary, Quer. 1. which is ap­propriated both to the Head and Stomach, yieldeth a midle quantity of Salt; more than the chief Cephalicks, and less than the chief Stoma­chicks.

Common Mallow ( lbj) yields 5 Drachms and 2 Scruples. i. e. the 23 d part of the whole. So that this Plant, though of a very mild Taste, yet yields more Salt than Mint it self a Bitter Plant. Whereby it no longer seems strange, that a Plant of so soft a Taste, should be very Diuretick, and so evidently affect the Reins.

Rhubarb (2 Ounces) yieldeth scarce any fixed Salt, so far as can be judged by the Taste of the Ashes, not more than a Grain or two. So that its Salt is, in a manner, wholly volatile; and thereby apter to operate upon the Bilious parts of the Blood; which contein a far greater proportion of Volatile Salt, than do the Serous.

Of the Caput Mortuum or meer Earth, it is observable, that it was near ½ an Ounce or ¼ th part of the whole; Which is almost Six times as much as the Caput Mortuum of Common Dock: and much more than that of any other Root I have yet calcin'd. Whereby it seemeth probable that Rhubarb looseth much of its Volatile Part, and therefore of its Virtue, before it comes to our Shops.

Sena ( lbj) yields 4 Scuples and ½ of Salt; or the 85 th part.

Jalap ( lbj) yields but one Drachm and 15 Grains, or 102 d part.

Colocynthis ( lbj of the Pulp) yields an Ounce and half of Caput Mortuum, which is almost all Salt. Yet allow half an Ounce of the Salt, and Earth to be wasted in filtring &c. theremaining Ounce is no less than 1/16 th part of the whole. Which is more than in any of the above named Plants, except the Sea-Scurvygrass.

CHAP. II. Of the QUANTITIES afforded by the Parts of se­veral Plants distinctly calcin'd.

I SHALL next set down some Tryals, upon one Part of a Plant, as well Organick, as Content, separated from the rest; in answer to these supposed Queries.

Quer. 1. What Proportion doth the Lixivial Salt of the Pith or Pithy Part of a Plant, bear to that of the Fibrous, or of the Woody Part? Or whether is there a Fixed Salt always found in either of them? A sufficient Answer to which, must be built upon many Tryals. At pre­sent I shall mention only Two; one upon Starch, answerable to the Pithy Parts; the other upon Flax, consisting almost wholly of the Nervous or Towy Fibres: of the Volatile parts whereof, chiefly, I have given some account in the foregoing Idea. §. 50, 51, 52.

Of Starch, lbj yieldeth about lb¼ not of Ashes, but of Black Coal. For though it be exposed in a Calcining Furnace to a vehement fire, for 5 or 6 hours, which is longer then will serve to calcine most Bodies: yet would it not in the least part, be reduced to Ashes; but to the last continued (though the fierceness of the Fire consumed part of it) as black, as when it was first burnt. So strangely was the remaining part of the Sulphur fixed to the Earth; that in flying away, it did volati­lize and carry that away with it. In this Coal or Cinder, there is not the least of a Lixivial or other Taste. And although, upon Tryal I find, That the Pith of many Plants, as of a Cabbage Stalk, will yield some quantity of Lixivial Salt; yet it is probably, that generally, it yields less than the Wood.

Of Flax, lbj yields not above 50 Grains of Caput Mortuum or white Ashes, which are Salt. According to vulgar conceit, it would seem to be a very dry Body: yet of 153 parts, 152 are volatile, and being distilled would have been collected into Liquor. Hence also appears the great and unexpected Variety in the Proportion of the Earthy Parts, as well as the other Principles of Bodies. Or else, that there are di­vers kinds of Earths, even in Plants, of which, as well as of Salts &c. some are volatile. For of lbj of this Plant, there remaineth fixed but 50 Grains: whereas of lbj of Rhubarb, there will remain near 1920 Grains, i. e. 88 times as much as the former.

Quer. 2. In what proportion is the Lixivial Salt found in the Gumms of Plants? and whether is it yielded, more or less, by all? For answer to which, I caused the Eleven following, of each two Ounces, to be calcin'd, and so observed,

That Common Rosin, yields but one Grain and ½ of Caput Mortuum. So that lbj will yield but 12 Grains. In this Caput Mort. there is not the least particle of Salt, it being altogether insipid.

Mastick yields gr. 12 of Cap. Mort. But not the least part of Salt. Of this Rosin, it is observable; That being set, in a Crucible, within [Page 259] the fire, before it comes to have thick fumes, it boyls up with a very great foame or froath; and is the only Gum or Rosin (of the Eleven) that hath this property. So that I suspect, there is a great quantity of some kind of volatile Spirit, which then flies away; and so, in break­ing through the Oyly parts, huffs them up to so great a froath.

Olibanum yields half a Drachm of Caput Mortuum. But it is to be noted, That the weight is encreased by certain little Spar-Stones, which in the burning of several parcels, I always found mixed with this Gumm. These being picked clean out, the Cap. Mort. weigheth not much more than that of Mastick. And is in like manner insipid, when the said Stones are picked out.

From hence it appears, how proper these Gums are for the Con­coction of Salt Rheums; Discourse of Mixture Cap. Ult. according to what I have formerly suggested from another Experiment.

It may also be noted, that Rosin and Mastick, seem to be more purely Acidoleous Gums; not only from their consistence which is uni­form; and their Smell, which is less strong and more pleasant: but also from the Acid Liquor they yield by Distillation; and in that the young Leavs of Fir, and especially of Pine, are sower; and tis pro­bable that those of Mastick are so likewise. Whereby these, and other like Gums are more especially fitted for the abovesaid purpose. But Olibanum seems, besides its Acidity, to contein some Volatile Alkaly, and so to be an Acid-Alkaline Gum. For as it hath a stronger Smell than the former, so a hotter Taste; both the ordinary effects of an Alkaline Sulphur. And being infused in several Menstruums, appears to constist of two Bodies, one of them more Resinous than the other. Of which, it is probable, that the one is made by the Acid parts as the other by the Alkaline. Whereby it is very well adapted in some Cases, as in a Pleuresie, for removing the Coagulations of the Blood, or its disposition thereunto.

Asa foetida yileds no less than half its weight or an Ounce of Caput Mort. that is 8 times as much as that of the other Gumms, and 48 times as much as that of some of them. Yet doth it not contein one grain of Salt, so far as can be judged by its Tast. Yet the Strength and Loath­somness of the Smell and Tast of the Gumm do argue it to be highly im­pregnated with some kind of Volatile Alkaly proper to arrest those offensive Vapours (to use the vulgar word) which flying, either by the Blood or Nerves, from part to part, do often prove so trouble­some.

Gum Arabick yields one Scruple of Cap. Mort. whereof, by the Taste, about [...] d part is Salt.

Euphorbium yields one Drachm of Caput Mort. of which, by the strength of the Taste, two Scruples seem to be Salt. Which confirms a former conjecture Of the Luctation of Bodies, Ch. 1. of its being an Alkaline Gumm.

Myrrh also yields a Drachm of Cap. Mort. and at least two Scruples of Salt. Of the Eleven, these two Gums have the greatest quantity of a fixed Alkaly.

Opium yields half a Drachm of Cap. Mort. whereof the one half is Salt.

Aloe yields a Drachm of Cap. Mort. conteining about one Scruple of Salt.

[Page 260] Scammony yields Two Scruples of Cap. Mort. of which, about half a Scruple is Salt.

Gutta Gamba yields but half a Scruple of Cap. Mort. of which four or five Grains are Salt.

So that considering the Dose of any Cathartick Gumm, the quanti­ty of the Fixed Alkaly, is extream small with respect to the Volatile parts: In which, therefore, its Crthartick Power doth chiefly reside.

Yet none of the Cathartick Gumms are without some portion, more or less, of a Fixed Alkaly; though some of the rest are. Which seem­eth to prove, That the Fixed it self, hath some Interest in the business of Purgation: as by being a Clog to the Volatile, and so preventing its being deleterious; or some other way. But the manner of their Ope­ration will better be understood, when the Volatile Parts have like­wise been examined.

It may also be of good import, to know, what different quanti­ties of Salt, are afforded by the Tartars of all sorts of Wines Where­by, partly, as well as by the quantity of the Tartar, we may be ena­bled the better to judge of the Nature of Wines.

A DISCOURSE Concerning the ESSENTIAL and MARINE Salts of Plants. Read before the Royal Society, December 21. 1676.

CHAP. I. In which is shewed the way of making both an ESSEN­TIAL and a MARINE Salt, out of the LIXI­VIAL Salt of a Plant.

SOMETIME since, I took the boldness to pre­sent my thoughts to this Honourable and Learned Body in a Discourse concerning Mixture. Wherein I have endeavoured to lay such a Foundation, as might hereafter reduce the Doctrine hereof to Ex­perience and Practise; and to demonstrate, the Power and Use of Artificial Mixture. And in further proof of what is therein asserted, I have since made a continuation of Expe­riments upon the same Subject, in Two Methods. One in the Mix­ture of several Menstruums, both Acid and Alkaline, with all Sorts of Bodies. The Other, by calcining them, or, as it were, mixing them with the Fire.

2. §. I shall now proceed to a Third, which is, the mixing them with the Aer or exposing them to it; another of Natures grand Men­struums; which goes sometimes further than the Fire it self, in the dis­solution [Page 262] of Bodies. This I have formerly mentioned for the Imitation of Nature, Discourse of Mixture Ch. 5. Inst. 2. in producing a Marine or Muriatick Salt out of the Lixivial Salt of a Plant. But some Learned Persons then present, seeming to doubt of the Experiment; I thought it requisite to prosecute the same a little further; that so, if possible, it might become clear and unquesti­onable. And because that Method was imperfect, and required half a year, or a longer time: I bethought my self of an other way; which proved far better, and more expedite. And which, withall, afforded me, not only a true Marine Salt, out of the Lixivial Salt of a Plant; but also another kind of Salt, different from them both: which may not be improperly called, an Essential Salt or Nitre of Plants. The History or manner of the production of them both, is as follows.

3. §. December 15. 1675, I took about half a pound of a strong Solution of the Lixivial Salt of Firne: and pouring it into an Earthen Pan, well glazed, broad and shallow, exposed it therein to the open Aer, Tab. 83. in a Chamber Window, to evaporate of it self.

4. §. This Solution or Lee, although it was very clear before, and having stood corked up in a bottle many days, had no sedement: yet standing now in the open Aer, within the space of 4 or 5 days, it began to let fall a very white Sedement, like fine Chalk; which encreased daily for 8 or 10 days; amounting at last to about half a Drachm of white, light and meer Earth, altogether insipid, and when it was well washed, stirring not upon the Affusion of Acids.

5. §. Within the space of a day or two after this white Sedement began to fall to the bottom; there was also gatherd on the top, a kind of soft Scum or Cremor, wherewith the Solution was covered all over.

6. §. Within 8 or 9 days after the first exposing of the Liquor, or 2 or 3 days after the gathering of the Cremor; that Salt, which I take leave to call, an Essential Salt of Plants, began to appear; shooting into several little Crystals. These Crystals, as they grew bigger, began to sink, and at last fell down to the bottom of the Pan.

7. §. Upon their first generation or shooting, the said Cremor pre­sently breaks, leaving a bare space round about each Crystal; and upon the bounds of every space is indented; Tab. 83. the space growing bigger and bigger together with the Crystal in the Centre. And so, by that time the Crystals are grown to a considerable number and bigness, the Cre­mor vanishes away, the several Circles or bare places breaking at last one into another all over the Surface of the Lee. After which, it ne­ver comes again.

8. §. From whence it seemeth, That the several Circles or bare Spaces about the Crystals, are made for the more free admission of the Aer, requisite to their Generation. For as there is no Crystal begins to be formed before there is a breach made in the Cremor: so that breach is enlarged together with the Crystal. So that as the falling of the Sedement and the gathering of the Cremor, sheweth that the Aer, as a Men­struum separates some part from the Lee: so the breaking of the Cremor afterwards, that as a Vehicle, it brings something to it: both in order to the Generation of the Crystals. Nature taking a Method for the Gene­ration of simpler Bodies, as well as of those which are Compounded and Organical.

[Page 263] 9. §. The Figure of these Crystals is angular and oblong, most of them about the fifth, sixth or seventh of an Inch; but none of them very regular. Yet we are not hence to conclude, but that with the help of some Circumstances which might be wanting in the shooting of these; some portion of regular ones may be obteined from this, as well as other Lixivial Salts hereafter mentioned.

10. §. They are somewhat transparent, and of a dark Ambar Co­lor, or like that of brown Sugar-Candy. Of a quite different Taste from that of the Solution or Lee out of which they are bred; being not at all Lixivial, but very weak and mild; not Salt, but Bitter in a good degree.

11. §. It is also observable, that Alkaline and Acid Salts being both poured severally upon these Crystals, they stir not, nor are any way affected with either of them. So that these Crystals are no sort of Tar­tar, or Tartareous Salt. As is plain, from the manner of their Genera­tion; Tartar being still bred in close Vessels; these never, but by expo­sing the Liquor to the Aer. As also from their Taste, being not sower, in the least, but bitter. And in that Tartar will make a Bullition with Alkaline Salts, which these will not do. Upon which accounts it ap­pears, that they are a Salt different in Nature from all other Salts hitherto known, or a new Species added to the Inventory of Nature.

12. §. These Crystals within the space of about a fortnight after their first Generation, did also cease to shoot any more, but only in­creased a little in their Bulk. After which time, I dayly expected to see the production also of a true Marine Salt. And about two months after the said Essential Crystals had done shooting, and not before, this also began to shoot, in many small Crystals, and at the top of the Solu­tion, as the other did, still falling to the bottom as they grew biger.

13. §. The Size of most of them was near that of the Flakes or Grains of Bay-Salt. The Colour of some of them white, of others tran­sparent; and of others white in the Centre, with transparent Edges; as is also usual in the Crystals of Common Salt.

14. §. The Figure of most is a perfect Square, and of very many coming near to a Cube; which is also the Figure of Common Salt, and seldome an exact Cube. An exact Cube, being the constant property of no Marine Salt, Tab. 83. that I know of, except that of the Dead Sea. Divers of them were also raised as it were by several steps from a deep Centre to the Top: as is often seen in the common shooting of Common Salt; and not in any other. Their Taste is neither Lixivial, as that of the Solution out of which they shoot; nor bitterish, as that of the Essen­tial Crystals; nor sowerish, as that of Tartar; but the perfect Taste of Common Salt.

15. §. It is also to be noted, That if Oyl of Vitriol, and some other strong Acids, be poured upon this artificial Sea-Salt, they make an Ef­fervescence together: but if Spirit of Salt or Spirit of Nitre either be poured on it, though it be never so strong it stirreth it not. In both which, and all the formentioned respects, it answers to the Properties of a Marine or Common Salt, which no other Salt doth. I conclude it there­fore to be a true Marine Salt produced by Art in the imitation of Na­ture.

CHAP. II. Wherein is shewed, That the said ESSENTIAL and MARINE Salts of Plants are both of different Sorts.

HAVING made the Experiment, that both an Essential and Marine Salt may be produced out of the Lixival Salt of a Plant. I thought it probable, that neither the one nor the other, was always the same, but that as they had their general properties which made them to be of two general kinds; so they might have some special property, for the distinguishing of each kind into several Sorts. And withall, that in a warmer season, than before taken, the Tryal hereof might be finished in a shorter time.

2. §. For the making of which, I conceived it requisite to remove an Opinion which seemed to lye in my way; sc. That there is little or no difference between the several Lixivial Salts of Plants, as some Learned men have thought. But either there is a difference, or not: if not, it should be proved: and if there be, it should then be justly stated, what that difference is. For the doing of which, I chose this Method. I took an equal quantity of the whitest and purest Salts of divers Plants, all made by an equal degree of Calcination; and dissolved them all se­verally in an equal quantity of water. And pouring likewise an equal quantity, as about 10 or 12 drops of each into a spoon, I tasted them severally. Whereby it was very evident, that they were not all of one Tast, but of very different ones, both as to strength and kind: and therefore different in Nature also. The Salts I made tryal of were those of Sorrel, Anise, Wormwood, Mallow, Ash, Tartar and others: and upon half a Drachm of each I poured ℥ijss of water. The Solu­tions are here present to be tasted. By which the differences will ea­sily be observed, and particularly that the Salt of Wormwood or Scur­vygrass, is almost as strong again as the Salt of Anise, or Sorrel: and that the Salt of Ash is above twice as strong, and that of Tartar above thrice as strong, as that of Sorrel, and almost thrice as strong as that of Wormwood or Scurvygrass. So that he who shall give half a Scruple, suppose of Salt of Tartar; instead of half a Scruple of Salt of Worm­wood, or other like Salt; he may as well give a Scruple of Rosin of Jalap, for a Scruple of the powder, or almost three [...] Drachms of Rhu­ [...]arb, or other like Purge, instead of one. And the like is to be said of other Lixivial Salts in their degrees.

3. §. Having observed thus much, I proceeded to repeat the for­mer Experiment, with some of the aforesaid, and some other Vegetable Salts, the best calcin'd, and the purest, that could be made for this purpose, being these Six Salts, sc. of Rosemary, Garden Scurvygrass, [Page 265] Black Thorn, Common Wormwood, Ash, and Tartar. All which dissol­ved severally in fair water, I exposed in a Chamber window, and not in Winter, as before, but in the heat of Summer, sc. on the 19 of July, to evaporate of themselves.

4. §. The Effect was, That the third day after their being ex­posed, the Essential Crystals began to shoot in three of the Solutions, sc. in that of Rosemary, of Garden Scurvygrass, and of Black Thorn. On the fouth day, in that of Wormwood. On the fifth day, in that of Ash. In that of Tartar, not at all.

5. §. These Essential Crystals began, in all, to shoot at the top, and then to fall to the bottome; as in the Experiment before. But as there was very little of the white Sedement before mentioned, that preceded; So no Scum or Cremor at all. Which although a more perfect Calcina­tion, it seems, did here almost prevent; yet did not in the least destroy the aforesaid Essential Salt, but rather make way for its more speedy and copious Production: exhibiting likewise a distinct Species in several of the Solutions.

6. §. For first, the Crystals of Rosemary (the largest of them) were about the bigness of a Rice-Corn. In Figure almost like a Tip-Cat, which Boys play with, Tab. 83. split down the midle. Each Tip being cut into 5 sides all ending in a poynt: the middle part divided into 7, all drawn by parallel Lines; the topmost with the lowermost but one, on each side, beeing three exact Squares.

7. §. The Crystals of Black Thorn are most of them poynted with just six sides of Equal Measure: very like to the shooting of true Crystal it self. Tab. 83. From the topmost of which six Sides, a Line being drawn out, runs parallel to a broad Base, whereon each Crystal stands. So that they are in some sort of a Rhomboid Figure.

8. §. The Crystals of Scurvygrass have also a very elegant and regu­lar Figure, which is in a manner compounded of the two former now described. But they are nothing near so bigg, the largest of them, being no biger than a Grain of that which we call Pearl Barley.

9. §. The Crystals of Wormwood have also very many of them a regular Figure; but quite different from that of the Crystals before mentioned; each Crystal being a little Cylinder, saving that it is con­stantly somewhat smaller at one end, Tab. 83. than the other: as it were one half of a Rowling-pin. And not evenly Circular, but cut out by Six Sides of equal Measure: almost as in the Crystal of Nitre. So that contrary to what is seen in the forementioned Crystals, the ends of these of Wormwood are not poynted, but flat; and cut at Right Angles with the Sides.

10. §. The Crystals of Ash, though by their properties they appear likewise to be Essential; yet are nothing near so regularly figur'd, as all the forementioned.

11. §. The Colour also of the said Crystals is somewhat different: Those of Ash being of a brown transparency, almost like those of Firne. Those of Wormwood being also brownish, but paler. Those of Rose­mary and Scurvygrass having some little Tincture, yet very clear. But those of Black Thorn without the least Tincture, and as clear as Crystal it self.

[Page 266] 12. §. None of these Essential Crystals have any hot siery Taste, but are very mild, and sensibly Bitter; especially, about the Root of the Tongue: as is also observable of some Plants hereafter mentioned, in speaking of the different Tastes of Plants.

13. §. Oyl of Vitriol droped upon these Crystals doth not affect them in the least: yet droped into the several Solutions out of which the Crystals are produced, immediately causeth a great Effervescence.

14. §. Of the Solutions above named, that, of Salt of Tartar was the 6 th. Whereof it is remarquable, That having waited several Months together, I could not observe the least Essential Salt to be therein produced in all that time. Whether there be any other Vege­table Salts, besides this of Tartar, which will not yield the Essential above described, I have not yet experimented.

15. §. In the mean time, from the Premises it is very probable, that most of them afford more or fewer of the said Crystals. In regard they are Plants of a very different kind, which I made tryal upon: as Garden Scurvygrass, very Hot; Rosemary, very Aromatick. Worm­wood very Bitter; Black Thorne, Astringent and Sower. And it is also plain, That the said Essential Salts contained in the Lixivial, are not altogether one and the same, but of divers Sorts.

16. §. ABOUT 7 or 8 days after the Essential Crystals were produ­ced; the Marine Salt did also begin to shoot; first in Rosemary; quickly after, in Scurvygrass; Next, in Black Thorn and Wormwood, sc. after the space of a week or 10 days more. And in all of them with some difference of Size and Figure.

17. §. The plainest of all, was that produced out of the Salt of Black Thorn, consisting for the most part of very small Crystals, not above the 15 th of an Inch square, as also thin, shaped like a Duch Tile used for Chimnies. Many others were very thick, and near to a Cube. Tab. 83. Most of which were a little hollowed in the midle, like a grind­ing Marble or Salt-Celler; and the hollow bounded by 4 plain and equal Sides, all descending a little towards the Centre; and measured by two cross Lines, which staid upon the four Angles of the Square, and so cut one the other at Right Angles. Both which Properties are likewise usually seen in the Crystals of Common Salt.

18. §. In Wormwood, many of these Crystals, besides the plain ones, were figur'd crossways like a Dagger-Hilt. Which was some­times naked, Tab. 83. and sometimes inclosed in a square and almost Cubical Box. Many others were figur'd into Sprigs made up of four chief Branches standing crosswise, and those subbranched; and all the Branches made up of little square Crystals, clustered together in that Figure. The Sprigy Figure of these Crystals is not accidental, but hath constantly come after they had been three times dissolved, and the Solution expo­sed to evaporate.

19. §. The Marine Salt of Rosemary hath also some variety. For besides the plain ones above described, there are some thick Squares, which have also a square hollow descending by five, Tab. 83. six, or seven nar­row steps, towards the Centre; being in Figure, saving these Steps, somewhat like the Hoper in a Mill.

20. §. Upon a second Solution of the same Salt, there shoots an­other sort of square; which is not plain on the edges, as the above­named, Tab. 83. but scalloped or florid all round about, not unlike the Leaves of some Plants.

[Page 267] 21. §. The Crystals of Marine Salt of Scruvygrass are somewhat like to those of Rosemary now described.

22. §. As for the Lixivial Salts of Ash and Tartar, though in a Month or Five Weeks Space, they yield some Crystals of very clear Salt: yet of Marine Salt neither of them yieldeth the least particle. So that of these Six Lixivial Salts, sc. of Rosemary, Scurvygrass, Black Thorn, Wormwood, Ash and Tartar, all, but that of Tartar, yielded an Essential Salt. And all, but those of Ash and Tartar, yielded a Ma­rine, such as is above described. All which Salts both Essential and Marine, together with their Models, made of white Alabastre, I have here ready to be seen.

23. §. Of those that yield these Salts, or either of them, it is further to be noted, That there is a considerable difference in the Proportion or Quantities which they yield. The Rosemary yields store both of Essential and Marine, but more Essential. Wormwood and Scur­vygrass more Marine. Black Thorn less of Either. The Ash no Marine, and the Tartar neither the Essential nor Marine, as hath been said.

24. §. From what hath been said, I deduce only at present these Three Corallaie. First, That a Lixivial Salt, is not only a compoun­ded Body sc. of Salt, Sulphur, Aer and Earth; but even a Compounded Salt, containing both a Vegetable Nitre, and a true Sea Salt.

25. §. Secondly, That the Exposing of Bodies, in the manner above shewed, may justly be accounted one Part of Chymistry hitherto Deficient, and much farther to be improved for the Discovery of the Na­ture of Bodies. For as Nature chiefly compoundeth Bodies by Digesting them, and so either shutting out or keeping in the Aer: So she Dis­solveth them by Exposing, and so neither shutting in the Aer, nor keep­ing it out, but leaving it free to come and go; and thereby to bring, and carry off whatsoever is necessary for the Separation or Solution of Bodies. For the Sea it self (to confine the similitude to our present case) is but as a Great Pan, wherein all kinds of bodies being long exposed, are throughly resolved, ultimately yielding from the rest of their vi­sible Principles, that which we call Sea Salt.

26. §. Lastly, if by Exposing and Dissolving we can make one Satl; then by Compounding and Digesting we may make another, yea any other Salt; either a Fixed of a Volatile, or a Volatile of a Fixed. That is to say, a Volatile Salt may be so separated from other Bodies, as to be­come Fixed; or a Fixed Salt may be so mixed with other Bodies as to become Volatile. For that any Salt should of it self become Fixed or Volatile, is a Fixion not grounded upon Experiment.

27. §. As for the Virtue of the Essential Salts above described, I believe they will be found upon tryal, not contemptible in some Cases. For which amongst other reasons, I have been the more punctual [Page 268] in relating the manner of their Generation; that others also may have the opportunity of making proof hereof.

28. §. When I made the Experiments for this and the foregoing Discourse, not having so good conveniency at home for making the Salts I used: I procured them all (except that of Firne, which I made my self) to be purposely prepared by Mr. John Blackstone a London Apothecary, who assured me of his great care herein; and particularly, that he added no Nitre to whiten any of the Salts with, as is common­ly done for that of Tartar.

I do declare, That all the Lixivial Salts mentioned in this and the foregoing Discourse except that of Firne, were faithfully prepa­red by me

John Blackstone.

A DISCOURSE OF THE COLOURS OF PLANTS. Read before the Royal Society, May 3. 1677.

CHAP. I. Of the COLOURS of Plants in their Natural Estate.

HAVING formerly made some Observations of the Colours of Plants; Idea, §. 27. and Anat, of R. P. 2. §. 65, &c. I shall now crave leave to add some more to them of the like Nature. None of which, nor any of the Conclusions thence dedu­ced, will, if duly considered, appear contrary to the Hypothesis and Experiments of Mr. Boyle, Mr. Des Cartes, Mr. Hook, Mr. Newton, or any other, concerning Colours. As not having respect to the Colours of all Bodies in general. Nor to the Body of Colour, which is Light; Nor to the formal notion of Colours (ad extra) as the Rays of Light are moved or mixed: But to those Materials, which are principally necessary to their Production in Plants. Concerning which, the present Discourse shall be reduced to these Three general Heads, scil.

[Page 270] 2. §. First, Of those several Colours, which appear in Plants in their Natural Estate.

3. §. Secondly, As they appear upon the Infusion of Plants into several Sorts of Liquors.

4. §. Thirdly, As upon the Mixture of those Infusions, or of any one of them with some other Liquor, or other Body.

5. §. As they appear in the Plants themselves, it may be observed in the first place, That there is a far less variety in the Colours of Roots, than of the other Parts: the Parenchyma being, within the Skin, usu­ally White, sometimes Yellow, rarely Red. The Cause hereof being, for that they are kept, by the Earth, from a free and open Aer; which concurreth with the Juyces of the several Parts, to the Production of their several Colours. And therefore the upper parts of Roots, when they happen to stand naked above the Ground, are often deyed with several Colours: so the tops of Sorrel Roots will turn Red, those of Mul­len, Turneps and Radishes, will turn purple, and many others green. Whereas those parts of the same Roots which lie more under Ground, are commonly White.

6. §. As Roots are most commonly White; so the Leaves, Green. Which Colour is so proper to them, that many Leaves, as those of Sage, the young Sprouts of St. Johns-wort, and others, which are Redish when in the Bud; upon their full Growth, acquire a perfect Green.

7. §. The Cause of this Colour, is the action of the Aer, both from within, and from without the Plant, upon the Juyces thereof, where­by it strikes them into that Colour.

8. §. By the Aer from without, I mean that which surrounds the Body of the Plant: which is the Cause of its Greeness, not meerly as it is contiguous to it, but as it penetrates through the Pores of the Skin, thereinto; and so mixing with the Juyces thereof, plainly deys or strikes them into a Green.

9. §. By the Aer from within, I mean, that which entring, toge­ther with the Aliment, at the Root, thence ascends by the Aer-Vessels, into the Trunk and Leaves, and is there transfused into all the several Juyces, thereby likewise concurring to their Verdure. Whence it is, that the Parts of Plants which lie under Water, are Green, as well as those which stand above it; because, though the ambient Aer, conteined in the Water be but little, yet the want of it is compensated, by that which ascends from the Root.

10. §. And therefore it is observable, that the Stalks of Marsh-Mallow, and some other Plants, being cut transversly, though the Parenchyma in the Barque be white, yet the Sap-Vessels which lie within that Parenchyma, are as Green as the Skin it self; scil. because they stand close to the Aer-Vessels. The Parenchyma, I say, which is inter­cepted from the Aer, without, by the Skin; and from the Aer within, by the Sap-Vessels, is white: but the Skin, which is exposed to the Aer without, and the Sap-Vessels which are next neighbours to that with­in, are both equally Green. So likewise if a Carrot be plucked up, and suffered to lie sometime in the open Aer; that part which standeth in and near the Centre, amongst the Aer-Vessels, will become Green as well as the Skin, all the other Parts continuing of a Redish Yellow, as before. The Aer therefore, both from without, and from within the Plant, to­gether with the Juyces of the Plant, are all the concurrent Causes of its Verdure.

[Page 271] 11. §. BUT how doth the Aer concur to the Greeness of Plants? I answer; Not as it is meerly either cold or dry, or moist, nor yet qua­tenus Aer; but as it is a mixed, and particularly, a Saline Body: that is, as there is a considerable quantity of Saline Parts mixed with those which are properly Aereal. It being plain from manifold Experience; That the several kinds of Salts, are the grand Agents in the Variation of Colours. So that, to speak strictly, although Sulphur be indeed the Female, or Materia substrata, of all Colours; yet Salt is the Male or Prime Agent, by which the Sulphur is determined to the Production of one Colour, and not of another.

12. §. If then it be the Aer mixed with the Juyces of a Plant, and the Salt of the Aer, that makes it Green; It may further be asked, what kind of Salt? But this is more hard to judge of. Yet it seemeth, that it is not an Acid, but a Subalkaline Salt; or at least some Salt which is different from a simple Acid, and hath an Affinity with Alkalies.

13. §. One reason why I so judge, is, Because that although all Plants yield an Alkaly, or other Salt different from an Acid, and some in good quantity; yet in most Plants, the Praedominant Principle is an Acid. So that the Supply of an Acid Principle from the Aer, for the Production of a Green Colour, as it would be superfluous; So also ineffectual: a different Principle being requisite to the striking of this, together with the Sulphur, into a Green Colour.

14. §. I suppose therefore, That not only Green, but all the Co­lours of Plants, are a kind of Precipitate, resulting from the concur­rence of the Saline Parts of the Aer, with the Saline and Sulphurious Parts of the Plant; and that the Subalkaline, or other like Saline Part of the Aer, is concurrent with the Acid and Sulphurious Parts of Plants, for the Production of their Verdure; that is, as they strike altogether into a Green Precipitate. Which also seemeth to be confirmed by di­vers Experiments hereafter mentioned.

15. §. THE Colours of Flowers are various; differing therein not only from the Leaf, but one from another. Yet all seem to depend upon the general Causes aforesaid. And therefore the Colours of Flowers, as well as of Leaves, to result not solely from the Contents of the Plant, but from the concurrence likewise of the ambient Aer. Hence it is, that as they gradually open, and are exposed to the Aer, they still either acquire, or change their Colour: no Flower having its proper Colour in the Bud, (though it be then perfectly formed) but only when it is expanded. So the Purple Flower of Stock-July Flowers, while they are in the Bud, are white, or pale. So Butchelors Buttons, Blew Bot­tle, Poppy, Red Daisies, and many others, though of divers Colours when blown, yet are all white in the Bud. And many Flowers do thus change their Colours thrice successively; as the youngest Buds of Ladys-Lookinglass, [...]ugloss and the like, are all white, the larger Buds are purple or murrey, and the open Flowers, blew: according as they come still neerer, and are longer exposed, to the Aer.

16. §. But if the Colour of the Flower dependeth on the ambient Aer; it may be asked: How it comes to pass then, that this Colour is various, and not one, and that one, a Green? that is to say that all Flowers are not Green, as well as the Leaves? In answer to this Three things are to be premised.

[Page 272] 17. §. First, What was said before, is to be remembred, that here the Aer is not a solitary, but concurrent Cause. So that besides the Efficacy of this, we are to consider that of the several parts of the Plant, by which the Contents both Aereal and Liquid are supplied to the Flower.

18. §. Secondly, That in the Lymphaeducts of a Plant, Sulphur is the predominant Principle, and much more abounding than in any other part of a Plant, as also hath been formerly shewed.

19. §. Thirdly, That it appears, according to what we have observed in the Anatomy of the Flower, That the quantity of Lymphaeducts with respect to the Aer-Vessels is greater in the Flower than in the Leaf.

20. §. It semeth therefore, that the Aer-Vessels, and therefore the Aer, being predominant in the Leaf; Green, is therein also the predo­dominant Colour. I say predominant, because there are other Colours lye vailed under the Green, even in the Leafe, as will hereafter appear more manifest.

21. §. On the contrary, the Lymphaeducts, and therefore the Sul­phur, being more, and the Aer-Vessels and therefore the Aer, less, in the Flower than in the Leaf; the ambient Aer alone is not able to con­trole the Sulphur so far, but that it generally carrys the greatest port in the Production of the Colour. Yet in different degrees; For if the proportion betwixt the Lymphaeducts and the Aer-Vessels be more equal, the Flower is either White or else Yellow, which latter Colour is the next of kin to a Green. If the Sulphur be somewhat predominant, the Flower will shew it self Red at first; but the ambient Aer hath so much power upon it, as gradually to turn the Red into a Blew. But if the Sulphur be much predominant, then the Acid of the ambient Aer will heighten it to a fixed Red.

22. §. Hence it is, that Yellows and Greens are less alterable, upon the drying of Plants than other Colours; sc. Because the Aer being pre­dominant in their Production, they are the less lyable to suffer from it afterwards. Whereas Reds and Purples, in the Production whereof Sulphur is predominant, are very changeable. So the Red Flowers of Lysimachia, upon drying, turn Purple, and the young purple Flowers of gloss turn Blew. So likewise the Purple of Bilberries, and the Crimson of baked Damascens, both turn Blew. For being gathered, and so wan­ting a continued supply of fresh Sulphur, to bear up the Colour against the force of the Aer; it strikes it down at last from Red to Purple or Blew. I conclude therefore, that one Principal Cause of the Variety of Colours in the Flower, is the over proportion of the Lympheducts to the Aer-Vessels, and therefore the dominion of the Sulphur over the Aer, therein.

23. §. If it be objected, that the Aer doth not deepen, but highten the Colour of the Blood: I answer, First, That I am not now speaking of Animal, but of Vegetable Bodies; the same Aer which hightens the Co­lour of Blood one way, may deepen that of a Flower, another: nay and may highten that of some Flowers too, some other way.

24. §. And therefore, Secondly, it is to be considered, That as there is not one only, but divers Saline Principles in the Aer; so are there also in the several Parts of one Plant; as in the Root, of one sort; in the Leavs, of another; in the Flower, of another; and so in the other Parts. For since the Figuration of the Parts of a Plant dependeth [Page 273] chiefly upon the Saline Principles: and that the Flower hath a diffe­rent Figure from that of the Leaf: it follows, that there is some Saline Principle in the one, which is not in the other, especially, all in such Flowers, whose Figures are cut out by a greater Variety and Complication of Lines. The Leavs therefore, though variously shaped, yet agreeing so far in one common Figure, as usualy to be flat; it therefore seemeth plain, that there is a Saline Principle in them all, so far one, as to be the chief Cause of that common Figure: and in concurrence with the ambi­ent Aer, to be likewise the chief Cause of one common Colour, sc. a Green.

25. §. Whereas the Figure of the Flowers, and therefore their Saline Principle, being more various, and commonly distinct from that of the Leaf; it will easily concur with as a great Variety of Salts in the Aer, whether Acid, Alkaline, Nitrous, Urinous, Armoniacal, or any other therein existent, to the Precipitation of the Sulphur into the like Variety of Colours. Thus far of the Colours of Plants as they appear in their Natural Estate.

CHAP. II. Of the COLOURS of Plants by Infusion.

THE next general Inquiry, proposed to be made, was this, After what manner the Colours of Plants shew themselves, upon their infusion into Liquors. The Li­quors I made use of for this purpose, were three, sc. Oyl of Olives, Water, and Spirit of Wine. The Water I used was from the Thames, because I could not procure any clear Rain Water, and had not leasure at present to distill any. But next to this, that yields as little Salt, as any.

2. §. As for Oyl, it is known, that most Plants either by Coction or long Infusion, will give it their Green Colour. I have likewise tryed some Yellows, and find they will do indifferently well; as Saffron, which, by Infusion in Oyl, gives it a light golden Tincture.

3. §. Divers Aromatick Plants, as Mint, Majorane, &c. being dryed and infused in Oyl give it a double Tincture, both green and yel­low; one drop of the Oyl shewing green; but a good quantity of it held up against a candle looketh redish or of a deep yellow.

4. §. But there is no Vegetable yet known which gives a true Red to Oyl, except Alkanet Root: with which, some colouring either common or other Oyl, vend it under the name of the Red Oyl of Scorpions.

5. §. These things confirm what we have said concerning the Cau­ses of Colours in the Leavs and Flowers of Plants, Discourse of Mixture Ch. 5. Inst. 2. §. 3. & Inst. 5. upon this twofold Consideration. First, that Oyl is the most proper Menstruum of Sul­phur. Secondly, that Oyls have a greater congruity with Acids than with Alkalies; as I have formerly shewed.

[Page 274] 6. §. I say therefore, that in Blews, Purples and especially Reds, the predominant Principles being Sulphur and Acid, the Oyl either ab­stracts the Sulphur of it self, or at least, unlocks it from the Acid Parts; whereby both of them are bestowed seperately to their like parts in the Oyl; upon which their disunion the Colour vanishes: that de­pending, not upon either of them alone, which of themselves are Co­lourless, but upon both united together.

7. §. On the contrary, a Green Colour not depending on a pre­dominant Acid, but an Alkaly, or some Saline Principle different from an Acid; this will not so easiely be imbibed separately, into the Pores of the Oyl, but only by mediation of their Sulphur. So that being both imbi­bed without any disunion, they still retein the same green Colour they had before in the Plant.

8. §. Hence also it is, that red Roses being dryed and infused some time in Oyl of Anise Seeds, a more potent Menstruum than Common Oyl; they wholly lose their own Colour, and turn white; the Oyl remain­ing Limpid, as at the first. That is the Sulphur or that part of it on which cheifly the Red depended, is absorbed separately by the Oyl, and so the Colour vanishes.

9. §. A SECOND Menstruum I made use of, was Water. And First, Alkanet Root, which immediately tinctures Oyl with a deeper Red, will not colour Water in the least.

10. §. Next it is observable, That Water will take all the Colours of Plants in Infusion except a Green. So that as no Plant will by In­fusion give a perfect Blew to Oyl; so their is none, that I know of, which, by Infusion will give a perfect Green to Water.

11. §. But although the Green Leavs will not give their visible Colour, by Infusion in Water; yet they will give most other Colours, as well as the Flowers themselves. So the Green Leavs of Cinquefoyl, give a Tincture no higher than to resemble Rhenish Wine; those of Hyssop, Canary; of Strawberrey, Malaga; of Mint, Muscadine; of Wood-Sorrel, Water and some drops of Claret; of Blood-wort, Water and a dash of Claret; and those of Bawm make a Tincture near as red as ordinary Claret alone. All Aromatick hot Plants, give a yellow-red Tincture, or colorem ex luteo rubrum. All Plants with a yellow Flower give either a pale citrine or yellowish Tincture; and the like. Yet all give not their Tincture in the same space of time; some requiring a fortnight, others a week, others five, three or two days, and some but one, or half a day. From hence it appears, that the Colours of most Flowers are begun in the Leavs; only Green being therein the predominant Colour, as a veil spred over them, conceils all the rest. But passing on into the Flower, where the Aer-Vessels, as is aforesaid, are under the dominion of the Lymphaeductss they shew themselves distinctly.

12. §. A THIRD and the last Menstruum I made use of, was Spirit of Wine. And here it is to be remarqued; That as Oyl rarely takes a Red, there being but one known Instance of it; nor Water, a Green: So neither Spirit of Wine, a Blew. I have tryed with several blew Flowers, as of Lark-heel, Violet, Mallows, Burrage, and others, where­of it will not take the least Tincture.

13. §. Again though no Blew Flowers, that I know of, will give a Blew Tincture to Spirit of Wine: yet having been for some days infused [Page 275] in the said Spirit, and the Spirit still remaining in a manner Limpid, and void of the least Ray of Blew; if you drop into it a little Spirit of Sulphur, it is somewhat snrprizing to see, that it immediately strikes it into a full Red, as if it had been Blew before: and so, if you drop Spirit of Sal Armoniac or other Alkaly upon it, it presently strikes it Green. Which further confirms what have been before said of the Cau­ses of Vegetable Colours.

14. §. It is also observable, That the Green Leaves of Bawm, which give a Muscadine Red, with some Rays of Claret, to Water, gives a pure and perfect Green to Spirit of Wine: and is the only Plant of all that I have yet tryed, which doth the like.

15. §. It is likewise to be noted, That both Yellow and Red Flowers give a stronger and fuller Tincture to Water, than to Spirit of Wine; as in the Tinctures of Cowslip, Poppys, Clove-July-Flowers and Roses, made both in Water and Spirit of Wine, and compared together, is easily seen. So that for Tinctures made with Flowers, whether for Me­dicines, or other purposes, Water, with respect to the Colour, is the better Menstruum. I say for Tinctures made with Flowers; for there are some other Parts, especially Gumms, as Gamboja, Myrrh and Aloes, which give their Tinctures full and clear, only to Spirit of Wine. Some of which are used by Leather-Gilders, and others, for the washing over of Silver, so as to give it the Colour of Gold. Thus far of the Colours of Plants as they appear upon Infusion.

CHAP. III. Of the COLOURS of Plants produced by their Mixture with other Bodies.

THE last general Enquiry proposed to be made, was this, After what manner they would exhi­bite themselves upon the Mixture of those Infu­sions, or of any one of them with some other Liquor.

2. §. A strong Infusion, or the Juyce of the Leavs of Rose-Tree, Raspis, Strawberry, Cynque­foyle, Goosberry, Primrose, Jerusalem Cowslip, Bearseare, Bearsfoot, Peony, Bistort, Lawrel, Goats-beard, droped upon Steel, make a Purple Tincture. But that of Vine Leaves scarce maketh any Tincture at all. So that there is some­thing else besides Sowerness concurring to the Purple upon Steel.

3. §. Saccharum Saturni droped on a Tincture of Red Roses, turn­eth it to a faint pale Green.

4. §. Salt of Tartar droped upon the same Tincture, turneth it to a deeper Green.

[Page 276] 5. §. Spirit of Harts Horn droped upon a Tincture of the Flower of Lark-heel and Borage turn them to a verdegreese Green.

6. §. Spirit of Harts Horn droped on most green Leavs doth not change them at all. The like Effects have Aq. Calcis, and Spirit of S. Armoniac.

7. §. These Experiments seem to confirm, That it is some Alkaline or other like Salt in the Aer, which is predominant in the production of Green in the Leavs of Plants.

8. §. Salt of Tartar droped on the white Flowers of Daisy, chang­eth them into a light Green. Which as it further confirms the aforesaid Position; so likewise argues, That Whiteness in Flowers, is not always from the defect of Tincture: but that there may be White, as well as Yellow, Green, Red or Blew Tinctures.

9. §. Spirit of Sulphur droped on the green Leavs of Adonis Flower, Everlasting Pease, and Holy Oak, turns them all Yellow.

10. §. Spirit of Sulphur on a Tincture of Saffron changeth it not.

11. §. Spirit of Sulphur on the Yellow Flower of Crowfoot alters them not. Neither are they changed by the Affusion of Alkalies.

12. §. So that it seemeth, that in all Yellows, the Sulphureous Acid and Alkaline Parts are all more equal.

13. §. Spirit of Sulphur on a Tincture of Violets turns it from Blew to a true Lacke, or midle Crimson.

14. §. Spirit of Sulphur upon a Tincture of Clove-July-Flowers makes a bright blood Red. Into the like Colour, it hightens a Tincture of Red Roses.

15. §. So that as Alkalys, or other Analogous Salts, are predomi­nant in Greens, so Acids in Reds, especially in the brighter Reds, in the Leavs and Flowers of Plants. Hence it is, that Spirit of Nitre droped upon the Blew Flower of Ladies Looking-Glass, Larkspur, Bo­rage, turns them all Red, sc. into the Red of Common Lychnis. But (which is particularly to be noted) being droped on the said Red Flowers of Lychnis, alters them little or nothing: because, that very Colour is therein produced by a copious admixture of the like Prin­ciple.

16. §. The Summ therefore of what hath now been said, of the Causes of Vegetable Colours, is this: That while their Sulphur and Saline Principles, only swim together, and are not as yet united into one Pre­cipitate, no Colour results from them, but the Contents are rather Limpid; as usually in the Root, and many other Parenchymous Parts.

17. §. When they are united, and the Alkaline are predominant, they produce a Green.

18. §. When the Sulphur and the Alkaline are more equal, they produce a Tauny.

19. §. When the Sulphur, Acid and Alkaline, there a Yellow.

20. §. When the Sulphur predominant, and the Acid and Alkaline equal, there a Blew.

21. §. When the Sulphur and Acid are predominant to the Alkaline, then a Purple.

22. §. When the Sulphur predominant to the Alkaline and the Acid to them both, a Scarlet.

[Page 277] 23. §. Lastly, When the Acid predominant to the Alkaline, and the Sulphur to them both, a Blood-Red: which is the highest and most Sulphurious Colour in Nature.

24. §. From the Premises, divers Rules do also result for the ma­king of Tinctures, either for Medicines, or for any other purposes.

25. §. I shall only add one or two Notes. As first, that of all Colours, Yellows are the most fixed and unfading. As for instance, if you drop either a Solution of Tartar, or of Spirit of Sulphur upon a Tincture of the Yellow Flowers of Crowfoot, of Adonis, or of Saffron, neither of them will alter their Colour. Which shewes the strength of most Yellows, to resist all manner of impressions from the Aer.

26. §. Again, that the use of Salts, is not only to highten or deepen Colours, but also to fix and make them permanent. As for In­stance, The Tincture of Clove-July-Flowers, made either with Water or Spirit of Wine being exposed to the Aer, will often turn into a Blackish Purple. But the addition of a few drops of Spirit of Sulphur, doth not only highten the Colour, but renders it stable and permanent.

27. §. Likewise, of Salts themselves there is choice to be made. For there are some, which although they fix the Colour, yet, will a little give, as we say, and not hold throughly dry; as most Lixivial Salts, and Stillatious Acids. But there are some Salts, which will not give in the least, as Alum, that in Lime-Water and some others; which latter, is so far from being moystened, that it is rather petrified by the Aer. For which reason I take it to be one of the best Liquors for a stable and permanent Green, and some other Colours.

28. §. Amongst all Water-Colours, the rarest, and most difficult to make clear bright and permanent, is a Blew. There are many Flow­ers of an excellent Blew, as those of Bugloss, Lark-heel and others; but they easily fade. And there are very few Flowers that will strike in­to a Blew by any Liquor; being almost all changeable into Green, Purple or Red. Yet some few there are, in which this Colour may be produced. As for instance, the Flower of Lathyrus or Parseverlasting; which upon the affusion of Spirit of Harts-Horn is changed from a Peach, to as pure a Blew, as the best Ultramarine: that which hitherto is, I think, wanting in Water Colours. Spirit of Harts Horn was the Liquor I used; but I question not, but that other Alkalies, and par­ticularly Lime-Water, will have the like Effect, and so render it the more stable.

29. §. From what hath been said, we may likewise be confirmed in the use of the already known Rules, and directed unto others yet unknown, in order to the variation of the Colours of Flowers in their Growth. The effecting of this, by putting the Colour desired in the Flower, into the Body or Root of the Plant, is vainly talked of by some: being such a piece of cunning, as for the obteining a painted face, to eat good store of white and Red Lead.

30. §. The best known Rules are these Two; First, that the Seed be used above any other part, if the variation of the Colour be in­tended. One reason whereof is, because that part being but very small, the Tinctures of the Soyl will have the greater over proportion to those of the Seed. Besides, the tender and Virgin Seed, being committed to the Soyl, will more easily take any peculiar Tincture from it, then an [Page 278] other Part, which is not so susceptive, and hath been tinctur'd already. All the strange varieties in Carnations, Tulips, and other Flowers are made this way.

31. §. The other Rule is, To change the Soyl, or frequently to transplant from one Bed to another. By which means, the Plant, is as it were, superimpregnated with several Tinctures, which are prolifick of several Colours; which way is taken for Roots and Slips.

32. §. The consideration whereof, and of the foregoing Experi­ments, may direct us not only in changing the Bed, but also in com­pounding the Soyl, as by mixing such and such Salts, or Bodies impreg­nated with such Salts, I say by mixing these Bodies in such a propor­tion, with the Soyl, as although they have no Colour in themselves, yet may be effectual to produce a great variety of Colours in the Plants they nourish; supplying the Plants with such Tinctures, as shall concur with the Aer, to strike or precipitate their Sulphur into so many seve­ral Colours, after the manner above explicated: and so to bring even Natures Art of Painting, in a great part, into our own power.

A DISCOURSE OF THE DIVERSITIES and CAUSES OF TASTS CHIEFLY IN PLANTS. Read before the Royal Society, March 25. 1675.

CHAP. I. Of the several Sorts of SIMPLE and COMPOUN­DED Tasts; and the DEGREES of both.

I HAVE formerly published some Notes, Idea, §. 29. & Anat. of R. P. 2. §. 68, &c. concern­ing Tasts. Since then, I have made other Observa­tions upon the same Subject: and these have pro­duced further Thoughts. I will summ up all in give­ing an account, First, of the Diversities; and then, of the Causes of Tasts, chiefly in Plants.

2. §. The Diversities of Tasts are so many, and so considerable; that it seemeth strange, to see the matter treated of both by Philosophers and Physicians, with so much scantness and defect. For the Subject is not barren, but yieldeth much and pleasant Variety. And doth also appear to be of great import unto Medicine. Besides, it is preposterous to discourse of the Causes of Tasts, before we have taken an account of their Diversities; Whereof therefore I shall in the first place, exhibit the following Scheme.

[Page 280] 3. §. TASTS may be distinguished by these Three general ways. First, with respect to the Sensation it self. Secondly, with respect to its Duration and Terms. Thirdly, with respect to its Subject.

4. §. The Sensation it self is differenced two ways, by its Species, and by its Degrees. With respect to the Species, Tasts are Simple, or Compounded. By Simple Tasts, I mean not such, as are never found in conjunction with other Tasts: but the Simple or Single Modes of Tast, although they are mixed with divers others in the same Body. As for example, the Taste of a Peppin, is Acidulcis; of Rhubarb, Amarastrin­gens; and therefore Compounded in both. Yet in the Peppin, the A­cid is one Simple Taste, and the Sweet another; and so in Rhubarb, the Bitter is one Simple Taste, and the Astringent is another.

5. §. Two faults have here been committed; the defective Enu­meration of Simple Tast [...]; and reckoning them indistinctly among some others which are Compounded.

6. §. SIMPLE Tasts, (of which, properly so called, there are commonly reckoned but Six or Seven Sorts,) are, at least Sixteen. Fist, Bitter, as in Wormwood: to which, the contrary is Sweet, as in Sugar. Thirdly, Sower, as in Vinegar: to which, the contrary is Salt. Fifthly, Hot, as in Cloves: whereto, the contrary is Cold. For we may as properly say, a Cold Taste, as a Hot Taste: there being some Bodies, which do manifestly impress the Sense of Cold upon the Tongue, though not by Touch. So doth Sal Prunellae, although the Liquor wherein it is dissolved, be first warmed.

7. §. Seventhly, Aromatick. For it doth not more properly agree to an Odour, than a Taste, to be Aromatick. And that an Aromatick Taste, is dinstinct from an Hot, is clear; In that, there are many Bo­dies of a Hot Taste, some meanly and others vehemently Hot; which yet are not in the least Aromatick: as amongst others, is apparent in Euphor­bium. So that although an Aromatick Taste be often conjoyned with Heat; yet it is not that Heat it self, but another distinct Sense.

8. §. Eighthly, Nauseous or Malignant, contrary to the former. Such as is perceived, together with the Astringent and Bitter, in Rhu­barb; or with the Bitter, and Sweet, in Aloes. It may be called Malig­nant, because distastful although mixed in a low degree with other Tasts: whereas other Tasts will render one another grateful.

9. §. Again, Tasts may properly be said, to be Soft or Hard. A Soft Taste, is either Vapid, as in Watery Bodies, Whites of Eggs, Starch, Fine Boles, &c. Or Unctuous, as in Oyls, Fat, &c.

10. §. A Hard Taste is Fourfold, sc. Penetrant, Stupifacient, Astringent, Pungent. Contrary to a Vapid, are Penetrant and Stupi­facient.

11. §. Penetrant, is a kind of Taste, which worketh it self into the Tongue (as some Insects into the Skin) without any Pungency; as in the Root and Leavs of Wild Cucumer.

12. §. Stupifacient, as in the Root of Black Hellebore. Which be­ing chew'd, and for sometime reteined upon the Tongue; after a few minutes, it seemeth to be benum'd and affected with a kind of Paraly­tick Stupor; or as when it hath been a little burnt with eating or sup­ping of any thing too hot.

13. §. Contrary to an Unctuous Taste, are Astringent, and Pun­gent; as in Galls, and Spirit of Sal Aromanick.

[Page 281] 14. §. Again, Tasts are either Continual, as most commonly: or Intermittent; as that of Dracontium, especially in the Root. For after it seems to be lost and extinguished; it will then again (chiefly upon the Collision of the Tongue and Goomes) be plainly heightened and re­viv'd.

15. §. Lastly, Tasts are either Still, as usually; or may be called Tremulous, as the Heat produced by Pyrethrum. Distinct from that of Cloves, Ginger, and many other Hot Bodies, in that there the Heat is still; but here in Pyrethrum, 'tis joyned with a kind of Vibration: as when a Flame is brandished with a Lamp-Furnace. Thus far of the Sorts of Simple Tasts.

16. §. COMPOUNDED Tasts are very numerous; being made by the various Conjunction of Simple Tasts, as Words are of Let­ters. Sometimes of two, as in Saccharum Saturni, of Astringent and Sweet. Sometimes three, as in Aloes, Malignant, Bitter and Sweet; in Rhubarb, Malignant, Astringent and Bitter. Sometimes four, as in Agarick, Malignant, Astringent, Bitter and Sweet. And in some Bo­dies, five or six Species may be joyned together.

17. §. For the more accurate Observation whereof, there are these easie Rules. That not too many be tasted at one time: least the Tongue being surcharged, become less critical. That the Mouth be washed with warm water betwixt every tasting. And that those things be first tasted which produce a less durable Taste; that so one may be throughly extinguished, before another be try'd.

18. §. Of the numerous Conjunctions of Tasts, which may thus be observed, there are only Six to which the penury of Language hath al­lowed (if I may call them) Proper Names, sc. Acerbus, Austerus, Acris, Muriaticus, Lixivus & Nitrosus. Most of which are commonly taken in to make up the number of Simple Tasts. But very improperly; be­ing all of them Compounded and Decompounded Tasts: to which Class they ought therefore to be refer'd. For

19. §. Austere, is Astringent and Bitter; as in the green and soft Stones of Grapes.

20. §. Acerb, properly so called, is Astringent and Acid; as in the Juyce of unripe Grapes.

21. §. Acris, is also Compounded. For first, simply Hot, it is not: because there are many Hot Bodies, which are not Acria; as the Roots of Zedoary, Yarrow, Contrayerva. Nor Secondly, is it simply Pungent, because there are also Bodies, which are Non-acria pungentia; of which kind is the Root of Arum. Wherefore Acritude, is Pungency joyned with Heat.

22. §. Muriatick, is Saltness joyned with some Pungency, as in common Salt.

23. §. Lixivial, is Saltness joyned with Pungency and Heat.

24. §. Nitrous, is Saltness joyned with Pungency and Cold.

25. §. Besides these Six, or perhaps one or two more, there are, as is said, a great number of Conjuctions, for which we have no Pro­per Names. For admit that there were but Ten Species of Simple Tasts, sc. these Ten; Amarus, Dulcis, Acidus, Salsus, Calidus, Frigidus, Aro­maticus, Malignus, Astringens, Pungens. And of these Ten, but Two, or at most, but Three to be compounded together in any one Body. If only Two, they produce 45 Compounded Tasts. For the First, may [Page 282] be compounded with all the 9 following; the Second, with all the 8 following; and so, the rest: which together make 45. But if the same Ten be compounded by Threes together; they produce no less than 120 Variations: as by the Table made of them all doth plainly appear.

26. §. Some few of the Conjunctions therein set down, may not be found actually existent in Nature. The abatement of which, will be much more than compensated two ways. First, by the other Six Species of Simple Tasts, which are also sometimes compounded. And by other more complex Conjunctions, as of many Quadruples, and per­haps some Quintuple or Sextuple ones. Thus far of the Simple Species, and Conjunctions of Tasts.

27. §. THE DEGREES of Tasts are also numerous; and each Species, in every Conjunction, capable of Variation herein. For the more accurate observing whereof, it will be best, To take those Bodies, whose Tasts are, as near as may be, the same in Specie: and that those be first tasted, which are less strong; whereby the true De­gree will be more precisely taken.

28 §. The Tasts of Bodies will thus appear to be varied, in most Species unto Five Degrees; and in some of them, unto Ten. So the Root of Turmerick, is bitter in the First Degree; of Gentian, in the Tenth. The Root of Carduus Benedictus, is Hot in the First Degree; the Green Pods or Seed-Cases of Clematis peregrina, in the Tenth. So that, allowing some to vary under Five; yet by a moderate estimate, we may reckon every Species, one with another, to be varied by at least Five Degrees. Which being added to the several Species of Tasts, in all the Treble Conjunctions of the aforesaid Table, come to 1800 sen­sible and defineable Variations of Taste. And these are the Diversities of Taste, with respect to the Sensation it self.

CHAP. II. Of the DURATION and several TERMES of Tasts.

THE next general way of dinguishing Tasts, is by their Duration, and their Terms, or their Motion of Intension and Remission from one Degree to another. For there are many Tasts, which have their Motions analogous to those of Diseases; and by those may be distinguished in the same manner. For as of Diseases, so of Tasts, there are Four Times, as Physicians call them, or Terms of Mo­tion; sc. Principium, Augmentum, Status, & Declinatio.

2. §. For the distinct observing of which, those Bodies which are hard, and so their tastable parts less easily extractable by the Tongue, should be reduced to a fine Powder: otherwise, the true measure of the [Page 283] Principium will be lost. And for the precise measuring of all the Four Termes, it should be done by a Minute-Watch or a Minute-Glass. For so it will appear, that the Variations of each, are divers and re­marquable.

3. §. To instance first in those of the Principium. Which I call, That space of time, betwixt the first Contact of the Body to be tasted, and the first manifest Perception of the Taste. For Example, those Bodies which are Acid, or Bitter, as Vinegar or Wormwood, are pre­sently perceiv'd, quatenus Acid or Bitter, upon the first Contact; or have Principium brevissimum. Those Bodies which are Acria, have their Principium somewhat longer. So the Seed-Cases of Clematis peregrina, although they have a vehement Acritude, even in the Tenth Degree; yet is not that Acritude so soon tasted, as the Bitterness of Roses, which is but in the second. But the Principium of Hot Tasts, is generally longer than that of any other. So the Bitterness of the Root of Black-Helebore, which exceedeth not the second De­gree, is yet presently tasted: but the Heat proceeding from the same Root, and which ascendeth to the third Degree, is not perceived at all, till after two full Minutes. And so the Bitterness of Enula, which ex­ceedeth not the 4 th Degree, yet is sooner tasted than its Heat, which ascendeth to the 8 th.

4. §. Next, in those of the Augment. Which I call, That space, betwixt the first Perception of the Taste, till it become to the heighth. So the Heat of Galangale, is not only presently perceived, but ariseth to the heighth within half a Minute. But the Heat of the Root of Enula, comes not to the heighth till after a whole Minute. And the Heat of Black-Hellebore, not till after four full Minutes from the first Contact.

5. §. The Status, or space wherein the Taste continues in its heighth, is also divers. So the Heat of the Seed-Case of Helleboraster, comes to its heighth, and begins to decline within half a Minute; that of the Root of Garden-Scurvygrass, not till after a Minute; and that of the Root of Asarum, not till after two full Minutes.

6. §. And Lastly, the Declination, or the space betwixt the first Remission of the Taste, and its total Extinct [...]on. For instance, The Leavs of Millefolium, are Bitter in the 4 th Degree, and Hot only in the 1 st. yet the Heat continues for sometime, and the Bitter presently vanishes. Calamus Aromaticus, is Bitter in the 4 th Degree, Hot in the 1 st, and A­romatick in the 3 d: yet the Bitter quickly vanishes, the Heat conti­nues two Minutes, and the Aromatick seven or eight. The Heat of the Root of Contrayerra, is extended, almost to two Minutes; the Pungency of Jalap, almost to six; the Heat of Garden Scurvygrass, to seven or eight. And even the Bitteress of Wild Cucumer, to near a quarter of an hour. But the Heat of Euphorbium dureth much longer, as also that of Black Hellebore. sc. above half an hour.

7. §. So that the Augmentum, is seldom extended beyond Four or Six Minutes, from the first Contact: but the Declination, sometimes to Thirty, Fourty, or more. Thus far of the Terms of Tast, or the man­ner of their Intension and Remission.

CHAP. III. Of the SUBJECT or SEAT of Tasts.

THE Third and Last way of distinguishing Tasts, is by their Subject, or the Part or Parts where they are either wholly or chiefly perceived. And so, Tasts are either Fixed, or Movable.

2. §. A Fixed Tast, is that which keepeth within the compass of some one Part, all the time of its Duration; as upon the Tip, or the Root of the Tongue, or other Part.

3. §. A Movable Taste, is either Diffusive or Transitive.

4. §. A Diffusive Taste, I call that, which by degrees spreads abroad into divers Parts, and yet in the mean time, adheres to that Part in which it is first perceived. So the Bitterness in the dryed Roots of Black Hellebore, is first felt on the Tip of the Tongue; from whence it spreads it self to the midle of the same. And the Bitterness of the Leavs of Wild Cucumer, spreads from the Tip, to the Root of the Tongue.

5. §. A Transitive Taste, is that, which after sometime, wholly quitting the Part wherein it is first perceived, is thence transfered into some other Part: as the Bitterness of Gentian, imediately from the Tip, to the midle of the Tongue. And most of the Diffusive, are also Tran­sitive.

6. §. The several Parts which these ways become, and with some latitude may be called, the Seats of Tasts, are, the Lips, Tongue, Pa­late, Throat and Gulet.

7. §. Upon the Lips, the Root of white Hellebore, as also of Py­rethrum, being chewed, make a sensible Impression; which continues (like the flame of a Coal betwixt in and out) for 9 or 10 Minutes. But the Heat in other Parts much longer.

8. §. Upon the Tongue, Tasts are perceived in Three places, as hath been intimated. On the Tip or Cone of the Tongue; as most com­monly. On or near the Basis of the Tongue; where the Taste of the Leavs of Wild Cucumer chiefly fixeth it self. Or on the Vertex or midle of the Tongue; in which place it is observable, that the Tast of Gen­tian, Colocynthis, and divers other Bodies, is then considerably strong, when not at all perceived at the Tip of the Tongue or in any other Part.

9. §. Upon the Palate or Roofe of the Mouth, the Root, as I take it, of Deadly Nightshade maketh its chief Impression; and there con­tinues about four Minutes in some degree.

10. §. The Throat, or the Vvnla, Larinx and other adjacent Parts are oftentimes the Seat of Taste. For there are many Bodies, which although they have scarce any Taste upon the Tongue, or any other of the aforesaid Parts, yet make a strong Impression on the Throat: as the Leavs of little Daisy, little Celandine, and of Pimpinel; as also the Roots of Jalap, Mercury, Asparagus and others. Which being chewed makelittle or no Impression on the Tongue, but their Juyce being swal­lowed, [Page 285] causeth a kind of pricking in the Throat; as when one is pro­voked by a sharp Rheum.

11. §. And that this Taste or Sense, is truly distinct from either the Heat, Pungency, or Acritude upon the Tongue, it is hence further manifest; In that Pyrethrum, which is very Hot, and Cortex Winteranus which is very Pungent upon the Tongue; yet their Juyce being swal­lowed, causeth no Heat, Pungency or Exasperation in the Throat.

12. §. Lastly, if we will take the word (Tast) in a larger sense, the Oesophagus it self may be said to be sometimes the Subject thereof; as of the Heat produced by the Root of Common Wormwood. For of this Heat it is remarquable, that being first perceived on the Tip of the Tongue, it thence maketh its transit to the Root of the Tongue, and so into the Throat, and by degrees descends into the very Gulet; where it seemeth to warm the Stomach; and so continues, in some degree, almost ¼ of an hour. And the Transition and Descent of this Heat is made, although none of the Juyce be swallowed. And in this maner Tasts are distinguished with respect to their Subject.

13. §. So that the general Diversities of Tasts are these. With respect to their Species, they are Simplices vel Compositi; To their De­gree, Remissi vel Intensi; To their Duration, Breves vel Diuturni; To the Terms of their Motion, Celeres vel Tardi; and lastly, To their Subject, Fixi, Diffusivi & Transitivi.

14. §. I HAVE thus endeavourd to draw up a Scheme or Inventory of the several sorts of Tasts. In which, some may think, that I have over done: and that as Galen hath been censured for being too curi­ous in the Distinctions of Pulses; so have I been, in these of Tasts. Not to enquire now, how far the Differences of the Pulse may be ex­tended, or be fit to be taken notice of; I shall only say, That we have not so much reason to censure him, if he hath given us some few which are coincident; as we have to thank him, for observing so many which are really distinct.

15. §. By the Scheme of Tasts here represented, we may be able, so to enumerate the Modes of any Tast, as to make a Scientifick Defini­tion of it. Which is pleasant Instruction to any inquisitive mind; these things being all matter of sense and demonstration; wherein lyeth, though not always the most plausible, yet the most satisfying Philoso­phy; and where men, after they are grown weary with turning round, are oftentimes contented to rest.

16. §. But the usefulness of this Schem will further appear, in two respects; sc. In conducting us to a cleerer and more particular Explication of the Causes of Tasts: and the Investigation of the Virtues of those Bodies in which they reside. Whereof in the following Chapters.

CHAP. IV. Of the CAUSES of Tasts.

TO speak of the Causes of Tasts, before we have well enumerated and distinguished them; is to provide Furniture for a House, before the Roomes have been counted and measured out. But the Varieties of Tasts having been first laid down; it will induce us to believe, and investigate as great a variety in their Causes.

2. §. Now the Causes of Tasts, particular­ly of the Tasts of Plants, whereof we chiefly speak, are, in general, these Four or Five, sc. The Bed out of which they grow; The Aer in which they stand; The Parts of which they consist; The several Fermentations under which their Juyces pass; And the Or­gans by which their Tastable Parts are perceiv'd: as will appear upon Instance.

3. §. But the immediate Causes, besides the Organs of Taste, are the Principles of Plants. As many of which, as come under the notice of Sense, we have already supposed to be these Seven, Alkaline, Acid, Aer, Water, Oyl, Spirit and Earth. The Particles both of Alkaline and Acid Salts, are all angular and poynted. Those of Aer, properly and strictly so called, are Elastick or Springy; and therefore also Crooked; as I have likewise formerly conjectured. And I find the Learned Borelli, in a Book of his since then published, to be of the same Opinion. Those of all Fluid Bodies, quà Fluid, and therefore of Water, Oyl and Spirit, I conceive to be Globular, but hollow, and with holes in their Sides. Those of Water, to be larger Globes, with more holes; those of Oyl, to be lesser, with fewer holes; and those of Spirit the least. Lastly, that the particles of Earth are also Round; yet angular; and nearer to a solid.

4. §. These Principles affect the Organs of Sense, according to the variety of their Figures, and of their Mixture. So those which are sharp or poynted; and those which are springy; are fitted to pro­duce any stronger Taste: and those which are round, are apt, of their own Nature, to produce a weaker or softer one. And so by the diver­sities of their Mixture; not only with respect to their Proportion, but also the very Mode of their Conjunction. Hence it is, that many Bodies which abound with Salt, as Ambar with an Acid, and the Bones of Land-Animals with an Alkaline, have notwithstanding but a weak Tast; the Saline Parts being in the former drowned in the Oyl, and in the latter also buried in the Earth.

5. §. The same is further confirmed by an Experiment mentioned in a former Discourse; Of Mixt. Ch. 5. sc. the Transmutation of Oyl of Anise-Seeds, with the help of Oyl of Vitriol, into a Rosin. For both those Liquors, though so strongly tasted, apart; yet the Rosin made of them, being well washed, hath a very mild Taste, and without any smatch of that [Page 287] in either of the Liquors. Whence it follows, that the very Mode of Mixture is sufficient, not only for the variation of the Degrees in any one Species of Tast; but also for the destroying of one Species, and the introducing of another.

6. §. THESE things being premised, I conceive, That as an Unctuous Tast dependeth upon Oyl; so a Vapid either on Water, or Earth: or upon such an intimate Mixture of other Principles, as renders them in­dissoluble by the Saliva, and so, in a manner, untastable.

7. §. That a Pungent, is made either by an Alkaly or an Acid sharpned or whetted; that is, cleared from the soyl of other Princi­ples; as in the Spirit of Sal Aromoniac or of Sulphur. And so in those Plants which have a Pungent Tast; whose Juyces or Tinctures, although they consist of divers Principles, yet all so loosely mixed, that being dissolved by the Saliva, the Saline are hereupon left naked. Where­fore biting Plants, quà biting, are Nitrous Plants. So that the Juyce of such Plants, is a kind of Spirit of Nitre, made by the several Parts of the Plant. Hence Arum grows best under an Hedg; where the Ground, not being exposed to the Sun, but the Aer only, like those Rooms in Houses, which are covered, is impregnated with a greater quan­tity of Nitrous Salt. And those Roots which are Biting, have but few or but small Aer-Vessels; whereby fewer parts of the nitroaereal Sap are carryed off into the Trunk. For the same Cause, it is no wonder, that many Aquaticks are Biting; Water being, though it self cold, yet the Menstruum by which all Salts are imbibed most easily, and in laxer state of Commixture with other Principles.

8. §. Penetrant (something slower than Pungent) is made by any Salt that is also soiled or guarded with Earth. Sower, by an Acid only soyled with Earth. Salt, by an Acid guarded by an Alkaly, and soyled with Earth. Cold, by an Acid drowned in Water, and soyled with Earth.

9. §. In all these, the Salts are predominant; In Heat the Oyl or Sulphur. The particles whereof being Spherick and bored with holes; those of Salt stick in them, as the Spokes do in the Hub of a Wheel, or as the Quills in the Skin of a Porcupine. Whereby, as in Common Fire the Sparks of Sulphur being agitated and whirled about by the Aer; with the help of the Salts, which stick in them, tear in pieces all kinds of Bodies: so here, being agitated by the Circulation of the Blood, they make a kind of hurry or combustion; and so, according to the degree and strength of their Motion, tear in pieces fewer or more of the Fi­bers of the Tongue; and in a greater quantity, would raise a Blister upon it; the common Effect of Fire, or any strong Epispastick. So that a Hot Tast, is produced by Sulphur toothed or armed with Salts. Wherefore all Stillatitious Oyls are Hot; being strongly impregnated or armed with the Essential Salts of the Plants from whence they are distilled. And as those Plants which are very Parenchymous, from the predominancy of their Volatile Acid, are biting: So those which are Lignous, that is, have a good quantity of Lympheducts, from the do­miou of their Sulphur are commonly Hot. For the same reason it is, that many both Biting and Hot Plants, as the Roots of Dragon, Garden-Radish, Onion, Iris, Rape-Crowfoot, &c. being corked up in a bottle with Water, and set in a Cellar or other cool place; they do all of them turn Sower in a few days: The same Fermentation, at once [Page 288] sullying the Salts of the one, and disarming the Sulphurs of the other. But some, wherein the Sulphureous parts are more copious, will hardly ever become Sower. Hence also, some Plants, whose Roots are neither Hot, nor of any strong Taste, as those of Wild Anemone; yet their Leaves and Flowers are plainly Caustick: So that it seems, that as their Juyces rise up into the Trunk or Stalk, and therein further fermented, the Sulphureus Parts thereof, are at the same time relaxed from the other Principles, and acuated with an Aereal Salt.

10. §. A Stupifacient Tast (as the Impression which some Hot Plants make upon the Tongue may be called) is in some sort, analogous to the mortifying of any part of the Body by the application of a Caustick. For as there the mortification succeeds the burning pain, so here, the Stupifaction, neither comes before, nor with the Heat, but follows it.

11. §. Sweetness is produced, sometimes by an Alkaly; smoothed either by a Sulphur, as in Lime-Water; or by both a Spirit and a Sul­phur, as in the Stillatitious Oyls of Animals. But most commonly, by a smoothed Acid; as in Malt, Sugar, Hony. Hence a Sweet Taste, is generally founded in a Sower; So Sower Apples, by mellowing, and harsh Pears, by baking become sweet; the Spirit and Sulphur being hereby at once separated from the other Principles and brought to a nearer union with the Acid. So the Sower Leaves of Wood-Sorrel, be­ing dry'd, become sweet: and those of a sower Codlin, while they hang on the Tree, and even of a Crab-Tree, are neither Astringent, nor sower, but sensibly sweet. And so commonly, wherever the said Prin­ciples are a little exalted by a soft Fermentation; as in the Juyce of the Stalk of Maze or Indian Wheat, which is a sweet as Sugar; and in the green Stalks of all sorts of Corn and Grass, in several degrees. So like­wise Tulips and some other Roots, being taken up, in open weather, sometime before they sprout; if tasted, are as sweet as Liquirish or Su­gar; and at no other time: not only Fruits, but many Roots, Seeds, and other Parts, upon their first or early Germination, acquiring a cu­rious Mellowness, wherein, all their Principles are resolved, and their most Spirituous Parts exalted and spread over the Acid. Wherefore also most Roots, which are not meerly long, but grow deep in the ground, have at least some of their Juyces of a sweet Tast; as Liquirish, Eryngo, Hounds-Tongue, Garden-Parsnep, Black Henbeane, Deadly Night­shade, &c. Even the Juyce of Horse Radish, which bleeds at the Lym­pheducts, is of a sweet Taste. And of the same kindred those which grow the deepest, are the sweetest; as a Parsnep is sweeter than a Car­root, especially if you tast the bleeding Sap; and the Root of Common Tall Trefoyl tasteth somewhat like Liquirish, but is not near so sweet. For all deep Roots, are fed with a less Nitrous Aliment: and being re­moter from the Aer, their Juyces pass under much more soft and mode­rate Fermentations.

12. §. Bitterness is produced by a Sulphur well impregnated, either with an Alkaline, or an Acid Salt, but also shackled with Earth. And therefore the Bitterest Plants, commonly yield the greatest quantity of Lixivial Salt. So also many Stillatitious Oyls digested with any strong Acid, will acquire a Bitter Taste. Wherefore this Taste is often founded either in a Hot Taste, or a Sweet. Hence it is, that the Leaves of all sweet Roots are Bitter. And that the Fig-Tree, which bears a sweet Fruit, bleeds a Bitter Milk. So likewise those Plants, which bear a [Page 289] Bitter Stalk, have not Bitter, but Hot Roots, as in Yarrow, Primrose, Wormwood, Rue, Carduus benedictus &c. is manifest. So the Coats of the Seeds of Viola Lunaria are of a hot and biting Tast; but the Seeds themselves, in which the Salts, though copious, yet are also immersed in a greater quantity of Oyl, are Bitter. And that the Earthy Parts do also contribute something more to this, than to most of the foremention­ed Tasts, is argued from its being more Fixed; that is, the Body in which it resides, is either more Fixed, or else flyeth not away in that same state of conjunction, by which it maketh a Bitter Taste. For whereas Hot, Biting, and divers other Plants lose the strength of their Taste, by drying; most of those which are Bitter, do hereby increase it. And although the Extract of Dandelion and some other Roots, which are very Bitter, hath scarce any Tast; yet generally, they are Bitter Plants, which are best for the making of Extracts. And the distilled waters of Plants which are Hot and Bitter, notwithstanding that they always tast high of the Heat, yet rarely and very faintly of the Bitter.

13. §. Astringency, is made, partly, by the further increase and more intimate union of the Earth. And therefore this is seated still in a more Fixed Composition, than a Bitter. And partly, by the diminu­tion of the Sulphur. And therefore the Acid Parts ingredient to it, either by Fermentation or otherwise, are easily exposed. Astringency being the Womb or Bud of a Sower. For all or most Astringent Roots bear a sower Leaf, or a sower Fruit; as those of all Docks and Sorrels, Black-Thorn, Dog-Rose, and others. Wherefore also, Astringency is often found in conjuction with Bitter, Sweet, or Sower; but scarce ever with Pungent, or Hot.

14. §. An Aromatick Tast, seems to be produced, chiefly, by a spirituous, acid, and volatile Sulphur; as in Ambar-griese, Cardamon-Seeds, many Stillatitious Oyls &c. A Nauseous, by a Sulphur less Spiri­tuos and Volatile, and more Alkaline; as in the Root of Dog-stones, Sheep­scabious, the young and green Leaves of Coriander, or the Seeds of Cu­mine. The Spirit, as it enters the Nerves, carrying the Alkaline Sulphur along with it; as when a City is betrayed by one of its Inhabitants to an Enemy.

25. §. An Intermittent Taste, as in Arum, seems to have its depen­dance upon a simple and very pure Nitre, which by its subtilty enters into the very Concaves of the Nervous Fibers of the Tongue: and so being lodged there, is little affected or stirred, by the Motion of the Blood; but only when the Tongue it self is moved, at which time it causeth a kind of pricking Taste.

16. §. A Tremulous Taste, as in Pyrethrum, dependeth probably, upon an Aereal Sulphur; which being agitated by the Blood in its Cir­culation, the springy Motion or Vibration of the Aereal Parts produce that Taste.

17. §. A Tast is Lingual, Guttural, &c. according to the grosness or sineness or other difference of the Membranes into which the tastable parts are admitted. For Tasts are made not meerly by the outward Contact, but the Ingress of the tastable parts. Now the outer Skin of the Tongue, which is commonly observed to pill off in boyling, like the Cuticula in other Parts, hath either no sense, or much less than that which lies under it; and is therefore, but a Seive or Strainer to the tastable parts. So that being of different sineness in the several parts of the [Page 290] Tongue; it hereby comes to pass, that according as the tastable parts of any Plant are more or less penetrant, subtle, or dissoluble, they are admitted into one part of the Tongue, and not another. And in the Throat, the outer Skin it self, seems to be the immediate Sensory; and so, to be evidently affected with the Juyces of some Plants, from which the Tongue receiveth little or no sensible Impression.

18. §. When the Tast is Permanent and Fixed in some one Part; it is a sign, either that the Gustable Parts are less dissoluble; or more subtle, so as to enter the Concaves of the Fibers; and that there is an admixture of an Aereal Salt, or a like Sulphur; some of the parts where­of, being crooked, hang like Hooks on the Fibers of the Tongue. For the reception of such a Tast, is not to be looked upon as a wound made with a Lancet, and so the Lancet taken away; but with the Lan­cet sticking in the wound; until in time, 'tis carryed off by the Cir­culation of the Blood; which like the Stream of a River in a Flood, carries all before it, but those things last, which stick in the Mud.

19. §. But when the Tast, though Permanent, yet is Dissusive or Transitive; it seems probable, that as there is a less admixture of Aer; so a greater subtlety of the Tastable Parts, whereby they are conveyed, through the Nervous Fibers, from one Part to another.

CHAP. V. Of the Judgment which may be made of the VIRTUES of Plants, from their Tasts.

AS by duly observing the Tasts of Plants, we may be directed to understand their Causes. So also the Use and Virtues of those Plants or Parts of Plants in which they reside. For the proof whereof, an Instance might be fetched from very particular difference of Tast before set down. But it may be enough, to give these which follow.

2. §. And first, we may make no ill guess ex Analogia, or where we find the same Tast, that there the same Virtue in some kind, and in some degree, may reside. So Jalap, Mercury, and Daisy, have all of them that exasperating Tast in the Throat be­fore described; and they are all three more or less Cathartick. Where­fore, we may believe, that other Plants which make the like Im­pression on the Throat, and there are many others which do, that they are in some degree alike Cathartick. Those Plants which are reckoned amongst the chiefest Cephalicks, cause rather a du­rable, than a vehement Heat upon the Tongue, as Pyrethrum, Eu­phorbium, Black-Heliebore, &c. It seemeth therefore reasonable to rank with these, any other Plant, though not used, which produceth the like durable Heat. The young Roots of Yarrow, or Millefolium, [Page 291] have the same Taste, as the Root of Contrayerva: and may therefore be used for the same purpose, with a probability of the like success; if not a better, because they may be gotten fresher. But by drying the Root, the Tast and Virtue, which lie in its exhalible parts, are much lost. The Seeds of the lesser Cardamom, and of Zedoary Root, if sound, have both a smatch of the Tast of Camphire. They may therefore all, so far, reach the same Case.

3. §. Again, as we may make no ill conjecture from the sameness of Taste in Plants of several Tribes; so from the diversity of Taste, in those of the same. So the Flowers of all the Docks are evidently Astringent, and not Sower; except those of the Rha-pontick, which are extream sower, even in the 5 th degree. Which is no mean Signature of some more than ordinary Virtue in it, besides what it hath in common with the rest of the Tribe. The Flowers of Pancy have a kind of fulsome Tast, plainly different from that of Violets: and in some Hypochondri­acal Cases may be more useful.

4. §. It likewise importeth much, to observe the difference of Taste in the several Parts of the same Plant. So the Barque of Sassafras is three times as strong, as the Wood: and the like may be observed in any other commonly known Tree. If therefore we could obtein the Barques of Santalum, Lignum Rhodium, Lignum Aloes, &c. they would doubt­less, most of them, be of much greater use. And as the Taste is some­times stronger; so, much more grateful, in one Part than in another: as in the Flowers or Yellow Attire in the Heads of Carduus Benedictus; which being infused in Spirit of Wine, or other convenient Liquor, make a pleasant Cordial. Nature having laped up the Virtue in the Leavs, as in a brown Paper; but in the Flowers, as in Leaf-Gold.

5. §. As also, how far the Taste of any Plant may alter, either in preserving, or preparing it. So the Root of Arum, when taken fresh out of the ground, is notably Pungent: but being throughly dryed, and especially kept for some time, hath no more Taste, and therefore in all likelyhood, no more Virtue, than a Lump of Starch. The like we are to judge of all other Plants, whose Virtue lieth in their exhali­ble Parts. The Stillatitious Oyls of many Plants, are stronger than the Leavs or other Parts from whence they are drawn: but some there are, which are weaker; as is that of Euphorbium, in which the Heat is neither pertinaceous, as in the Gum it self, nor so great.

6. §. We may make, moreover, a jugdment from the Nature of the Tast. So those Roots which are Bitter, and not Hot, as of Cichory, and the rest of the Intybous kind, may be accounted Nitro-Sulphureous; and so, to be Abstersive without any Heating Quality. The Marum Austriacum, which is extream Pungent, as well as Aromatick, may be looked upon as the best Cephalick of that Tribe. Because we find, that Jalap hath a special property of imitating the Glandulous Parts of the Mouth, and Throat; we may gather, That it is a better Purge to all the other Glandulous Parts, than most other Catharticks. Which is also one reason of its operation, for the most part, with at least a tendency to vomit; the Stomach it self being Glandulous as well as the Throat, and thereby answerably a [...]ected with it. A strong Infu­sion of white Sarzaparilla in Water, botled up, and kept in a Ce [...]ar for the space of two months, becomes extream sower; far beyond any thing observed in the Tasts of the Juyces and Infusions of divers other [Page 292] Plants kept as long and in the same manner. Which shews, how well Nature hath adapted a Plant of so mild a Taste, either by similitude of parts, for the carrying off of any preternatural Acid; or by contrariety, for the curbing of an exorbitant Salt. The Barque of the Root of common Wormwood, which impresseth a pertinaceous and diffusive Taste, which descendeth from the Tongue into the Gulet, as is before descri­bed; may be justly ranked with the most excellent Stomachicks; and upon tryal, I find it one of the best: besides, that it is neither unplea­sant, nor affecteth the Head, as the Leavs. Yet the Gardener, and every Body throws it away, as good for nothing.

7. §. I shall conclude with one note, which is this; That the Spe­cifick Virtue of Medicines, which some Physicians positively deny, and most dispute; from some of the forementioned Differences of Taste, as well as for other reasons, may seem, at least, to be probable. For why should not a Medicine make an Impression upon one Part, and not upon another, within the Body, as well as we find it doth within the Mouth? especially, since the Parts of the Mouth, are of a less different Nature, than some of the Viscera.

An Appendix. Of the ODOURS of Plants.

THE Senses of Tasting and Smelling being so nearly ally'd; many things already explained concerning the Diversities and Causes of Tasts in Plants, may easily be transferr'd to those of their Odours. I shall now therefore only remarque some particulars, not commonly taken notice of hitherto, and leave them as a Specimen to be Improved by other Hands.

§. 2. The Root of Rape-Crowfoot being cut, and held to the Nose, when it is newly taken out of the Ground, smelleth almost like Spirit of Sal Armoniac, of fresh Scurvygrass Juyce. And hath the pro­perty of making the Eyes to water, as Onions do. Horse-Radish Root is not so Pungent to the Nose, but gets pretty much into the Eyes. But that of Dragon, doth neither affect the Eyes, nor the Nose.

3. §. The Succulent Roots of Dogstones, and most of that Tribe, have a ranck Smell. And that of Crown Imperial, being rub'd a little, smells as like a Fox, as one Fox smelleth like another.

4. §. The Root of Patience digested with Water, in a warm Room, for the space of three weeks, smels like Spirit of Harts Horn, or other Urinous Spirit. Of Red Dock, almost like Aqua fortis or Spirit of Ni­tre. That of Dragon bottled up with Water, and set in a Cellar, about a Month, stinks like the pus of the most Fe [...]id Ulcer. At the end of five Months, more abominably, than either to be endured or expressed.

5. §. The Leavs of Mountain Calamint, smell like Peny Royal. Those of Ulmaria, like Walnut Pills. Of Yellow Lamium, like a Bal­same. Of Sena, a good quantity being held to the Nose, of a rank [Page 293] Smell betwixt that of Sweat and Urine. Of Coriander, when green and young, stink so basely, that they can hardly be endur'd. Sometimes the Leavs have a stronger Smell, than the Flower, as in Borage, and sometimes the Stalk, a stronger than the Leavs, as in Ulmaria.

6. §. Rue Leavs corked up in a bottle and set in a Cellar for about ten weeks, smell like Spirit of Harts Horn, or of Urine. The green Leaves of Roses infused in water, have a mild, but pleasant Smell. Nei­ther is that of Savine unpleasant, upon the like Infusion.

7. §. Scurvygrass Juyce kept about ¾ of a year in bottles, with the green Sedement, in a warm Room, stinks like Humane Excrements. And Scurvygrass Wine, made only of the Juyce, smells like some Issues.

8. §. The Flowers of Yarrow, smell not much unlike to those of Southernwood. And the Flowers of Crowfoot almost like those of Scur­vygrass. Some Flowers are of a weaker Smell in the Bud, as those of Mallow. But many have a stronger, than when they are blown open; as those of Lavender, Rosemary, &c.

9. §. The Buds of Vervaine Mallow, while they are young, and the Flowers unseen, have a very pleasant Smell, like that of Geranium Moschatum: but when afterwards they are opened they have an unplea­sant Smell. Common Mallow Flowers dryed and bottled up for some time, acquire, though not a strong, yet very noysom Smell.

10. §. The Purple Pouch of Dragon which covers the Seed, being broken, smells just like a Lobster. But permitted to lie in a warm Room for some days, smells exactly like Carrion; and scents the Room with the same Smell.

11. §. Some Seeds as those of Cumine, Daucus, being powdered and laped up only in Papers, do notwithstanding retein their Smell. But many others, as of Sweet Fenil, in a short time, lose it. Some Seeds, when they first begin to sprout, become Odorous, which were not so before; as the Garden Bean.

Tabula, quâ perspicuè videre est, quot Triplicati Sapores, ex solummodo decem Simplicibus numerantur.
AMARUS Am. du. ac.              
am. du. sa. am. ac. sa.            
am. du. ca. am. ac. ca. am. sa. ca.          
am. du. fr. am. ac. fr. am. sa. fr. am. ca. fr.        
am. du. ar. am. ac. ar. am. sa. ar. am. ca. ar. am. fr. ar.      
am. du. ma. am. ac. ma. am. sa. ma. am. ca. ma. am. fr. ma. am. ar. ma.    
am. du. as. am. ac. as. am. sa. as. am. ca. as. am. fr. as. am. ar. as. am. ma. as.  
am. du. pu. am. ac. pu. am. sa. pu. am. ca. pu. am. fr. pu. am. ar. pu. am. ma. pu. am. as. pu.
DULCIS Du. ac. sa.              
du. ac. ca. du. sa. ca.            
du. ac. fr. du. sa. fr. du. ca. fr.          
du. ac. ar. du. sa. ar. du. ca. ar. du. fr. ar.        
du. ac. ma. du. sa. ma. du. ca. ma. du. fr. ma. du. ar. ma.      
du. ac. as. du. sa. as. du. ca. as. du. fr. as. du. ar. as. du. ma. sa.    
du. ac. pu. du. sa. pu. du. ca. pu. du. fr. pu. du. ar. pu. du. ma. pu. du. as. pu.  
ACIDUS Aci. sal. cal.              
aci. sal. fri. aci. cal. fri.            
aci. sal. aro. aci. cal. ar. aci. fri. ar.          
aci. sal. mal. aci. cal. ma. aci. fri. mal. aci. ar. mal.        
aci. sal. ast. aci. cal. ast. aci. fri. ast. aci. ar. ast. ac. ma. ast.      
ac. sal. pu. aci. ca. pun. aci. fr. pun. aci. ar. pun. ac. ma. pu. ac. ast. pu.    
SALSUS Sal. cal. fri.              
sal. cal. aro. sal. fri. aro.            
sal. cal. mal. sal. fri. mal. sal. aro. mal.          
sal. cal. ast. sal. fri. ast. sal. aro. ast. sal. ma. ast        
sal. cal. pun. sal. fri. pun. sal. aro. pun. sal. ma. pu. sal. ast. pun.      
CALIDUS Cal. fri. aro.              
cal. fri. mal. cal. aro. mal.            
cal. fri. ast. [...]al. aro. ast. cal. mal. ast.          
cal. fri. pun. cal. aro. pun. cal. mal. pun. cal. ast. pun.        
FRIGIDUS Fri. aro. mal.              
frig. aro. ast. fri. mal. ast.            
fri. aro. pun. fri. mal. pun. fri. ast. pun.          
AROMATICUS Aro. mal. ast.              
aro. mal. pun. aro. ast. pun.            
Tabula, quae Genericas omnes Saporum differentias comprenhedit.
  • [Page 295]SAPORES, ratione▪
    • Sensationis ipsius, distin­guuntur per
      • Species. Sunt enim alii
        • Simplices, qui sunt
          • Amarus
          • Dulcis
          • Acidus
          • Salsus
          • Calidus
          • Frigidus
          • Aromaticus
          • Malignus
          • Aequalis
          • Tremulus
          • Mollis
            • Vapidus
            • Unctuosus
          • Durus
            • Penetrans
            • Stupifaclens
            • Astringens
            • Pungens
              • Continuu [...]
              • Intermitten [...]
        • Compositi, qui sunt
          • Nomina­ti; scil.
            • Acerbus
            • Austerus
            • Acris
            • Muriaticus
            • Lixivus
            • Nitrosus
          • I [...]ominati quamplurimi, ut Amaro-dulcis, &c▪
      • Gradus. Ita enim sunt Remissi vel Intensi a gradu
        • 3 o ad 1 um.
        • 4 o ad 10 um.
    • Durationis, sunt
      • Breves
      • Diuturni
    • Motûs, sunt
      • Celeres
      • Tardi
      • Principio
      • Augmento
      • Statu
      • Declinati­one. Est autem Sapor in
        • Principio
          • Quartarius
          • Binarius
          • Trinarius
          • Minutarius
          • Minuto-quartarius, &c.
          • Bi-minutarius
          • Bino-quartarius, &c.
          • Triminutarius
        • Augmen­to
          • Quartarius, &c.
          • Bi-minutarius
        • Statu.
          • Quartarius, &c.
          • Quadrinarius.
        • Declina­tione
          • Quartarius, &c.
          • Quadrino-quartarius, &c.
          • Quinarius
          • Senarius, &c.
          • Vicenarius.
          • Viceno-quinarius
          • Tricenarius
          • Triceno-quinarius
          • Quadragenarius,
    • Subjecti, sunt
      • Fixi
        • Labiales
        • Linguales qui ad
        • Linguae
          • Apicem
          • Verticem
          • Radicem
        • Palatales, percipiuntur
        • Gutturales,
        • Oesophagei.
      • Mobiles
        • Diffusivi.
        • Transitivi.

EXPERIMENTS IN CONSORT UPON THE Solution of Salts IN WATER. Read before the Royal Society, January, 18. 1676-77.

CHAP. I. In which is shewed, the Compleat or Utmost Impregnation of WATER with several kinds of Salt, both together, and apart.

IN discourse upon a Lecture formerly read, concerning the Lixivial Salts of Plants; It was mentioned, as a thing asserted by some Phylosophers, That Water having been fully impregnated with one kind of Salt, so as to bear no more of that kind; it would yet bear, or dissolve some portion of another; and so of a third. And it was referred to Me by this Honourable Chair, to examine and produce the Experiment. The doing whereof brought into my mind divers other Experiments hereunto re­lating.

2. §. As next, With what difference of quantity this Superim-praegnation would be made, upon the Solution of different Salts?

3. §. Thirdly, Whether the Solution of a smaller quantity of seve­ral Salts, doth consist with the non-increase of the bulk of the Water? Because this also is affirmed by some.

[Page 297] 4. §. Fourthly, What quantity of the several kinds of Salt, may be dissolved severally, in the same quantity of Water?

5. §. Fifthly, Whether by dissolving a Salt in Water, there be any Space gained, or not? That is, whether the Bulk of the Water be greater, before the Salt lying in it be fully dissolved, than it is after­wards? Or if a Cubick Inch of Salt be dissolved in nine Cubick Inches of Water; Whether the Water will then fill a Vessel of ten Cubick Inches content?

6. §. Sixthly, Whether the Space be equally gained, by an equal encrease of the same Salt?

7. §. Seventhly, Whether upon the Solution of several kinds of Salts, be gained so many several quantities of Space? That is, if the Solution of common Salt gains, suppose, an Inch, whether the Solution of Salt Armoniack gains as much, or more, or less? and so for other Salts.

8. §. Eighthly, What that just space may be, which any Salt gaineth with respect to its own Bulk, or that of the Water?

9. §. And first, for the Superimpregnation of Water; I put into a bottle ℥ij of fair Water; adding thereto, first half an Ounce of Ni­tre; and afterwards more, as the Water would dissolve it; and (that I might be sure the Impregnation was full) some portion above what the Water would bear. Then having separated this remaining portion; I put to this Solution of Nitre, two Drachms of Sal Armoniac; which wholly and easily dissolved in the said Solution; though it would not bear a grain more of Nitre. I then added a third Drachm of Sal Ar­moniac, after that a fourth, and a fifth; all which, within the space of half an hour, were perfectly dissolved in the said Solution, without any precipitation of the Nitre.

10. §. In the making of this Experiment, two things, to render it infallacious, are to be noted. That the said Salts were not dissolved by the help of Fire, but only by a strong and continued Agitation. And that this was done upon a warm day: which I mention, because that even the changes of the weather will somewhat alter the Solubi­lity of the Salts.

11. §. Having made the Experiment upon two Salts, I proceeded to repeat it upon three. And first I dissolved as much common Salt in ℥ij of Water, as that quantity would bear. Then having separated the subsiding portion; I put to the Solution, no less than five Drachms of Nitre, which by a continued Agitation, was wholly dissolved there­in, neither the Nitre nor the common Salt being in the least precipitated. Then adding a Scruple more, it would not dissolve, but subsided. This second su [...]iding portion, I again separated; and then put to this Super-impregnation, near ʒj of Sal Armoniac, which was also dissolved as the former. And if as many more Salts had been added, tis probable that the same Water would have born some quantity of them all.

12. §. From this Experiment, it is a Conclusion demonstrated, That not only the visible Crystals, but the very Atomes of every Salt, at least those Particles which are ultimately dissolved in Water, have a different Figure one from another. Because that if they were all of one Figure; there would be no Superimpregnation, but the Pores of the same Water, would imbibe as much of one Salt, as answers to the total of two more Salts imbibed: that is to say, it would as well imbibe two Ounces of common Salt, as one Ounce of common Salt and [Page 298] another of Nitre: which yet is contrary to the Experiment. And it is the same thing, whether we suppose the Pores of Water to be also different, or not. Because, that if the Figure of all the said Atomes be the same; then their respect to the Pores of the Water must be the same, how different so ever those Pores be: which is also contrary to the Experiment. Besides it is a great presumption, to say, that the Pores, and therefore the Atomes of Water have different Figures; and yet not those of Salts.

13. §. From the same Experiment we may go upon good ground in Compounded Infusions; whether of Purgative, or other Materials. As not doubting, but that the same Menstruum may be highly impregnated with several Ingredients at once, whose operative parts may be therein copiously dissolved, without hindring either an Extraction, or causing a Precipitation one of an other.

14. §. The Second Enquiry is, With what difference this Superim­pregnation of Water is made? which I find considerable. For a Solu­tion of above five Drachms of Nitre may be superimpregnated with no less quantity of Sal Armoniac. And a Solution of five Drachms of com­mon Salt, may be superimpregnated with as much Nitre. Yet neither a strong Solution (as of five Drachms) of common Salt, will bear above two Scruples of Sal Armoniac: nor will a strong Solution (as of five Drachms) of Sal Armoniac, bear above a Drachm of common Salt: for if above the said quantities of either of them be mixed together: they are both copiously and forthwith precipitated to the bottome of the Glass.

15. §. Whence, notwithstanding the former Experiment, yet are we admonished, not to infuse all manner of Ingredients in any propor­tion. Because though some do not, yet others will precipitate one another.

16. §. The Third Enquiry was this, Whether the Solution of a smaller quantity of several Salts, doth consist with the non-increase of the Bulk of the Water? For this I took a Bolthead with a slender Neck, conteining about a pint and a quarter of Water; and dissolved therein about ℥jss of Nitre. And marking the place to which the Water ascended in the Neck of the Bolthead: I then dissolved in the same Wa­ter about a Drachm of Sal Gemmae: which little quantity raised the Water above half an Inch higher then it was before. The like I ob­served in the addition of Nitr [...] to a Solution of Sal Armoniac. So that to suppose the variation of the Salt doth prevent the increase of the Bulk of the Water, is a manifest Error.

17. §. From the same Experiment it also appears, That the ascent of the Water upon a Superimpregnation, is the same, by whatsoever Salt the first Impregnation be made. For instance, Let a Solution of Nitre ascend in the Neck of the Bolthead, suppose, to 10 Inches, then add ½ an Ounce more of Nitre, so as to raise the Water, suppose, 12 Inches or more, or less, according to the Bore of the Neck. In like manner, let a Solution of Sal Armoniac reach to ten Inches: then add again half an Ounce of Nitre; and it will reach just 12 Inches, or more or less, as before.

18. §. The Fourth Enquiry is, What quantity of the several kinds of Salt, may be dissolved severally in the same quantity of Water: that is to say, by agitation alone, without the help of fire, as I noted [Page 299] before. And upon tryal it appears, First, that two Ounces of Water will dissolve three Ounces of Loaf-Sugar and no more, except the Water be heated.

19. §. The same quantity of Water that is, two Ounces will dis­solve above two Ounces of Salt of Tartar. I say above, for how much more, want of a greater quantity of Salt which I could confide in, made me that I could not finish the Experiment.

20. §. The same quantity, sc. two Ounces of Water, dissolveth an Ounce and a Drachm of Green Vitriol.

21. §. The like quantity dissolveth six Drachms and a Scruple or above ¾ of an Ounce of common Salt.

22. §. Of Nitre, Five Drachms two Scruples and an half.

23. §. Of Sal Armoniac, five Drachms and two Scruples.

24. §. Of Alum, not above two Drachms and a Scruple.

[...]5. §. And of Borax, not above a Drachm and half a Scruple.

26. §. Of these note, That although Common Salt be very disso­luble, and will presently catch the moysture of the Aer: yet a much greater quantity not only of Salt of Tartar, but even of Loaf Sugar, and of Green Vitriol it self, may be dissolved in Water than of Common Salt.

27. §. Again, as the great Solubility of some, so the less Solubility of other Salts is also observable, as of Alum, and Borax. For the same quantity of Water will dissolve near four times as much of Green Vitriol, as it will of Alum. And of Sugar more than ten times as much. Of Green Vitriol near eight times as much as of Borax; and of Sugar, twen­ty times as much.

28. §. From this Experiment we are likewise cautioned, not only in the Infusion of several Ingredients together, but of any one singly; that such a proportion thereof to the Menstruuum, be not exceeded. For all that is over and above what the Menstruum will bear, is either not extracted, or will be precipitated. As is evident not only in the Disso­lution of the Salts above named, but in the Infusion of Plants themselves: as, for instance; of Senna; two Drachms whereof will impregnate four Ounces of Water as strongly, as if twice the quantity were infused; because the Water will bear no more of the Purgative Parts of that Body.

29. §. There is only one Salt more remaineth to be spoken of un­der this Experiment; and that is, the Crystals of Tartar. Whereof, it is somewhat strange to observe, that it will scarce at all dissolve in Water: not more, than even divers Resinous Gums, as Mastick, Tolu, Tacchamahacca, and some others will do. For if two Drachms, sup­pose of these Crystals, of Tartar (commonly sold for Cremor Tartari) be put to one Ounce of Water, scarce five Grains thereof will, by Agi­tation, be therein dissolved.

CHAP. II. In which is shewed, that by the Solution of Salts in Wa­ter, some certain space, more or less, is gained. That the space is different according to the Nature of the Salt. And what the just space is, which is gained.

THE Fifth Enquiry is, Whether by dissolving of a Salt in Water, there be any space gained, or not. That is, whether the Bulk of the Water be greater before the Salt lying in it be fully dissol­ved, than afterwards. For tryal whereof, I took a Bolt-head with a slender Neck, holding somewhat more than a pint; and filling it up to a certain place in the Neck; I then put in an Ounce or two of Salt. And observing the hight of the Water, both before it was dissolved, and afterwards; It plainly appeared, that there was some, and that a considerable space, gained by the Dissolution; the Water thereby sinking several Inches below the place, where it stood after the Salt was first put into it.

2. §. From this Experiment it is plain, that there are Vacuities in Water. That is to say, that all the parts of Water are not contiguous, but that either betwixt, or in the Atomes of the Water themselves, there are certain Pores, either absolutely void, or at least filled up with ano­ther more subtile body which is easily excluded by the particles of Salt: by possessing the room of which the above said space is gained.

3. §. The Sixth Enquiry is, Whether the space be equally gained, by an equal encrease of the same Salt.

4. §. For this I made two tryals; the first was this. Two half Ounces of Salt Armoniac, being successively dissolved in the same Water; both of them raised up the Water in the Neck of the Bolt-head, equally; the first 3 Inches ⅞, and so the second.

5. §. The other was this. Four half Ounces of Nitre, being suc­cessively dissolved in the same Water, they all of them raised up the Water in the Neck of the Bolt-head, equally; the first a little above two Inches, and the 2 d, 3 d, and 4 th, just as much.

6. §. The Seventh Enquiry is, Whether upon the Dissolution of several kinds of Salts, be gained so many several quantities of space. For this I made tryal upon Eleven several Salts, sc. Salt of Tartar, Common Salt, Sal Gemmeus, Roman Vitriol, Nitre, White Vitriol, Green Vitriol, Alum, Borax, Loaf-Sugar, and Sal Armoniac; of all which, I dissolved an equal quantity sc. two Ounces, in an equal quantity of Water, severally; that is, taking fresh Water for every Solution. The success was, That the Sal Armoniac raised the Water 15 Inches. The Loaf-Sugar, 13 Inches and [...] ths. The Borax, a Foot. The Alum 11 Inches, and ⅝ ths. Green Vitriol, 9 Inches and ⅝ ths. White Vitriol, 9 Inches and ⅛ th. Nitre, 8 Inches, and [...] ths. Roman Vitriol, 7 Inches [Page 301] and ⅝ ths. Sal Gemmae, 6 Inches, and ⅝ ths. Common Salt, 6 Inches and [...] ths. Salt of Tartar, not above 4 Inches and ⅛ th. All which differen­ces are plain, and most of them very remarquable: Two Ounces of Sal Armoniac raising the Water near four times as high, as the same quan­tity of Salt of Tartar.

7. §. From this and the fourth Experiment, compared, it also ap­pears, That the several spaces gained by the several Salts, though some­times they do, yet do not always answer to the Solubility of the said Salts. As to give some Instances; Loaf-Sugar is the most dissoluble of any other Salt; yet it gaineth less space than all the rest, save only Sal Armoniac. So Green Vitriol is more dissoluble then either Nitre or Common Salt; yet gaineth less space than either, especially than the latter. And Sal Armoniac, which is more dissoluble than Alum or Bo­rax, yet gaineth less space than either of them. The Cause whereof is not easily assigned.

8. §. Note also, that by the same Experiment, as well as by the Taste and other Circumstances, it is plain, That Sal Gemmae is nothing else but Common Salt, coagulated or Crystalliz'd under Ground.

9. §. Again, as the Fifth Experiment sheweth, That there are Vacuities in Water: so doth this Last, that those Vacuities, are of differ­ing kinds. Because, otherwise, it should seem, That the Bulk of the Water would increase, more or less, according to the Solubilitie of every Salt, and not be alternately differenced as it is; Some Salts, more dissoluble, increasing the Bulk of the Water less, and others less disso­luble, increasing it more. I say, that this difference dependeth not only upon the different Figures of the Atomes of Salt; because then every Salt which is more dissoluble, would (quantity for quantity) take up less room in the Water: which is contrary to the Experiment.

10. §. From the same Experiment, howsoever paradoxical it may seem, yet is it also manifest, That although Water be a Fluid, yet the Particles thereof are hard and consistent, and unalterable in their Figure. Otherwise it is plain, That all manner of Salts would be dissolved in the same manner, and take up the same room in the Water. For let the Figures of the Salts be never so various, yet if the Particles of Water were themselves Fluid or Inconsistent and Alterable, they would always so conforme to those Figures, as to fill up all Vacuities; and so upon the Solution of several Salts, if of equal quantity, the Water would still retein an equal Bulk. As suppose an Ounce of Iron were drawn into Wyer, another beaten into Plates, a third made into Hooks, a fourth into Needles, a fifth into Nails; every one of these five Oun­ces, being put severally into Water will encrease its Bulk equally. I conclude therefore, That the Atomes of Water are hard and unalter­able.

11. §. The Eighth Enquiry was this, What that just space might be, which any Salt gaineth upon Dissolution, with respect to its own Bulk, or the Bulk of the Water? For the making of this Experi­ment, Water will not serve, nor yet Spirit of Wine; because they both of them dissolve more or less of those Salts which are put into them; whereby the observation of the true Bulk of the Salt, and consequently of the just space it gaineth by Dissolution is lost. I took therefore Oyl of Turpentine, and pouring it into a Bolt-head, marked the place of its ascent in the Neck. Then pouring likewise into it two Ounces of [Page 302] Common Salt, I marked the second ascent of the Oyl; and found it to be 10 Inches and 6 eighths. Repeating the Experiment in like manner with two Ounces of Nitre, I found the ascent of the Oyl to be 11 Inches and ⅛ th. Repeating it again with two Ounces of Alum, the ascent of the Oyl was 13 Inches and [...] ths. And making it once more with Sal Armoniac, the Oyl ascended to 15 Inches: the said several ascents of the Oyl being the true spaces which the Four abovesaid Salts take. From which, the space which the same Salts take up upon Dissolution, be­ing deducted; the remainder is the space gained by that Dissolution. And so it appears, first, that Sal Armoniac gaineth nothing; being the only Salt of all I have tryed, which causeth the equal ascent both of the Water and the Oyl sc. just 15 Inches in both. Alum causeth the ascent of the Oyl to 13 2/8 ths, of the Water, to 11 Inches and ⅝ ths: So that it gains about 1 Inch and ½ out of 13. Nitre causeth the ascent of the Oyl, to 11 Inches and ⅛ th; of the Water, to 8 Inches and ⅜ ths. So that Nitre by Dissolution gets almost the space of 3 Inches in 11. Common Salt causeth the ascent of the Oyl, to 10 Inches and 6/8 ths; of the Water, 6 Inches and ⅜ ths. So that Common Salt gains by Dissolution 4 Inches in 10, which is very considerable.

12. §. By this way the Specifick Gravity of all kinds of Salts may be easily taken, and the difference betwixt them is somewhat surpri­zing. For it appears by the Ascent of the Oyl, that Nitre, quantity for quantity, is about a 22 th part lighter than Common Salt. Alum about a 6 th part lighter. And Salt Armoniac, almost a 4 th part lighter than Common Salt. The like estimate may be made of the Gravity of all other Salts.

13. §. By the same Experiment it also appears, That according to the Specifick Gravity of Salts they are many times at least more or less Volatile; as in the four last Salts is plain. For Common Salt which of all the four is the most fixed, is also the heavyest. Nitre which is somewhat less fixed is somewhat lighter. But Alum which is still less fixed is much lighter. And Sal Armoniac which is wholly Volatile, is the lightest of all the Salts above mentioned.

CHAP. III. Wherein, from the Experiments in the foregoing Chapter, is shewed, the Cause of the Motion of the Mercury in the BAROMETER.

FOR the doing of this, it will first be acknowledg'd, That not only several sorts of Sulphur, but also of Volatile Salts, are continually sublimed from most Bodies into the Aer. So Lightning, from the celeri­ty of the accension, appears to be made of a Meteor, which is Nitro-Sulphureous. Snow dependeth upon a Mixture of Nitrous, and other Salts; as is evi­dent, from the regularly and differently Figur'd Parts, which compose the whole Body of a Snowy Cloud, before it clusters into Flakes. And one reason, why Rain is the best Water for any Soyl, is because it is im­pregnated with divers Volatile and Fruitful Salts. And so from other Meteors.

2. §. And next, that these Salts, are not always in the same Quan­tity, Proportion, and State, in the Aer: but that sometimes they are more copious; at others, less: sometimes, one more copious, than an other: sometimes, more plentifully dissolved; at others, more spare­ingly: and that, either as they are more or less pure and dissoluble; or according to the quantity of the Vaporous Parts in the Aer, in which they are incorporated or dissolved.

3. §. Thus much being granted, from the Experiments in the fore­going Chapter compared together, we may resolve our selves about some Phaenomena in the Barometre. Which seems to vary, not so much with the meer Weight of the Aer, which hitherto hath been suppo­sed: as by the different pressure it makes, in being crowded more at one time, than at another. That is, according as certain Nitrous, or other Saline Bodies, take up less Space in the Aer, when dissolved in the Watery Parts therein, than while they are undissolved.

4. §. And therefore it is especially to be observed, That as the Mercury commonly riseth in the Cylinder for some days, but always for some time, before the change of the Weather, whether for Snow or Rain: So, that then it presently falleth again, even before the Snow or Rain falls. Whereas, if the Weight of the Aer, were the only, or the chief Cause of the ascent of the Mercury; than as it riseth all the while the Weather is gathering, so it would keep its standing or heighth, until the Weather breaks and falleth down: which yet it never doth, but always falls before it; sometimes no less than a whole day. The Cause whereof is, in that all the while the Mercury riseth in the Cylin­der, the Aer is crowded with more and more Saline Parts, which by [Page 304] the Winds, or otherwise, are carryed into it; and so causeth it to press upon the Mercury in the Box: but after that in some time the Salts are dissolved or incorporated in the Aqueous Parts of the Aer, as in Rain or Snow; so soon as that is done, there is some Space gaind; and so, before any Weather falleth, the Aer is less crowded, and presseth less upon the Mercury in the Box, which gives way to its descent in the Cylinder.

5. §. From hence also it is, that the Mercury riseth higher with Cold Winds, than it doth with those which are Warme. Both because that in cold Winds there is the greatest quantity of Nitre: and that the coldest Winds, are usually the dryest. So that the Nitre wanting Moysture fully to dissolve it; it takes up so much the greater space, and so causeth a greater pressure in the Aer, as hath been said.

6. §. Lastly, For the same reason it comes to pass, that the Mer­cury first riseth higher, and then falleth lower before Snow, than it doth before Rain. Because that for the production of Snow, the Aer is crowded with a greater quantity of Nitre, or some other like Salts; which before they are dissolved, take up so much the more space; and afterwards so much the less, even before the Snow falls: as hath been proved.


AN INDEX OF THE Chief Matters,

In which, Id. signifies Idea. An. Anotmy. The Figuers before §. the Page. The Figures following §. the Section in that Page.

  • ACid, commonly the predo­minant Principle in Plants, 240. §. 8. That is of the Parenchyma. Id. §. 48.
  • Aer, how to be examined, as rela­ting to Vegetation, Id. §. 60.
  • Aer, in Plants, How made, An. 93. §. 61.
  • Where it enters the Plant, 127. §. 1.
  • Its Motion and Course in Plants, ibid.
  • Aereal Salt, Id. §. 60.
  • Aer-Vessels, their Structure, 115. §. 16, &c. See Root and other Parts.
  • Affinities of Plants, Id. 6. §. 11.
  • Age of Roots, See Roots.
  • Agitation, a Cause of Mixture, 230. §. 6.
  • Akern, 186.
  • Albumen, See Seed.
  • Alkaline Salt, in many Plants in their natural estate. 240. §. 9.
  • This the predominant Principle of the true Wood of a Plant, Id. §. 52.
  • Anagallis, of what Taste, 284. §. 10.
  • Angellica Roots, when dry, full of Rosin, Id. §. 41.
  • Anatomy of Plants, why fit to be made, Id. §. 17.
  • In what manner, §. 18.
  • What to be observed thereby, §. 19. Of what use, §. 20.
  • Animals, their Parts mixed with several Menstruums, 247. to 253. Cantharides, of what nature, 249.
  • Antimony, of what nature, 245. §. 23.
  • Apertures of Seeds, An. 2. §. 5. & 200. §. 1.
  • Apple described, An. 40. §. 2. & 179.
  • Aprecock, 148.
  • Arsmart, coded, how its Seed ejacu­lated, [Page] 188. §. 18.
  • Arenulae in Pears, An. 41. §. 4. & 241. §. 20.
  • Arum-Root, of what Taste, 281. §. 21.
  • The Pestil of what Scent, Id. §. 28.
  • Aqua-fortis double, mixed with Spirit of Wine, what remarqua­ble thereupon, 242. §. 26.
  • With Steel, 244 §. 22.
  • With Tin. 245. §. 27.
  • Asa soetida, of what nature, 258. Query, 2.
  • Ascent of the Trunk, how made, An. 22. §. 21.
  • A Magnetick Motion, 136.
  • Ascent of the Sap, how made, An. 24. §. 29. & 126. §. 13.
  • Asparagus, of what Taste, 284. §. 10.
  • Attire of Plants see Flower.
  • BArbado Nut, Id §. 30.
  • Barque of the Root, see Root. Of the Trunk, see Trunk. Bawme, its Tincture in Water, 274. §. 11.
  • In Spirit of Wine, 275. §. 14.
  • Beams of the Sun, different from the Heat of Common Fire, Id. §. 61.
  • Bean dissect [...]d, An. §. 1.
  • Beech-Wood, An. 20.
  • Berry, see Fruits.
  • Bezoar, its nature, 252. §. 49.
  • Bezoardicum minerale, 245. §. 25.
  • Bleeding of Plants, Id. §. 23. An. 124. §. 3.
  • Bolus, what, 242. §. 2.
  • Bonus Henricus, of what Taste. 284. §. 10.
  • Bones, their different nature, 249. §, 18.
  • Branch, how made, An. 28. §. 3. Its Claspers, An. 27. see Trunks.
  • Bud of a Branch, how originated, nourished, and kept, An. 28. §. 1. How kept, 145. §. 2.
  • Bud of the Seed, see Seed.
  • Butyr of Flax, Id. § 51.
  • CAlamus Aromaticus, of what Tast, 283. §. 6.
  • Cantharides, their nature, 249 §. 14.
  • Case of the Seed, of several manners, An. 45. §. 2. & 186.
  • Cardus green Leavs, their scent, Id. §. 28.
  • Castor, 250. §. 28.
  • Celandine, little, where tasted, 284. §. 10.
  • Cherry, 185.
  • Circulation of the Sap, An. 17. §. 30.
  • Claspers, An. 27.
  • Clematis peregrina, the Seed-Case of what Tast, 283. §. 3.
  • Coats of the Seed, see Seed.
  • Colocynthis. Its nature, 240. §. 13. & 257. Query 5.
  • Where tasted, 284. §. 8.
  • Colours of Plants, To what Parts of Plants they belong, Id. 26.
  • How to be observed, Id. §. 27.
  • Colours of Roots, An. 94. § 65. & 270. §. 5.
  • Of Leavs, 270. §. 6.
  • Of Flowers, 271. §. 15.
  • By Infusion, in Oyl, 273. In Wa­ter, 274. In Spirit of Wine, ibid. By their Mixture with other Bo­dies, 375.
  • By Cultivation. 277.
  • Their Causes summed up, 276.
  • Compression a Cause of Mixture; and of Dissolution, 229. §. 3. 232. §. 4. & 237. §. 3, 4.
  • Contents of Plants, in what Me­thod to be examined, Id. §. 21 to 26. & 31 to 47. Of what kind, §. 21.
  • Their Receptacles, §. 22. Moti­ons, §. 23. Quantities, §. 24. Consistence. §, 25.
  • How made in the several Parts of a Plant, An. 92. §. 57.
  • What in the Seed, 208. §. 15.
  • Contrayerva, of what Taste, 283. §. 6.
  • Convolution of the Trunk a Mag­netick [Page] Motion, 137.
  • Copper, its nature, 245. §. 28.
  • Copperas, 246. §. 38.
  • Coral, the Magistery, 244. §. 15. Tincture, Id. §. 28.
  • Corin white, 285.
  • Cortical Body, see Barque.
  • Covers of the Seed, see Seed.
  • Cucumer, An. 181. Leavs of the wild, of what Taste, 280. §. 11. & 283. §. 6. Where tasted, 284. §. 4, 8.
  • DAisy Leaves, where tasted, 284. §. 10.
  • Descent of the Root, how made, An. 34. §. 3.
  • Diametral Rays, see Roots.
  • Digester, the nature of that inven­ted by Mons. Pappin, 237.
  • Dissolution of Bodies promoted by Compression. 237.
  • Dissimilar Leavs, see Leavs.
  • Dragon Root, 59. §. 13.
  • Dung of Pigeons, 251. §. 37.
  • EArth, how to be examin'd, as relating to Vegetation, Id. §. 57.
  • How nature prepares it for the growth of Plants, 11. §. 8.
  • Empalement, see Flower.
  • Emulsionss, sometimes for Glysters, Id. 39.
  • Enula, of what Taste, 283. §. 3, 34.
  • Essential Salts of Plants, see Salts.
  • Evergreen, 156. §. 2.
  • Euphorbium, Of what nature, 200. §. 1. 241. §. 19. & 258. Query 2. of what Taste, 283. §. 6.
  • FAt, how made by Art or Na­ture, 233. §. 3.
  • Fermentation, 253. §. 55.
  • Fibers of the Leaf, see Leavs.
  • Of the Seed, see Seed.
  • Figures, of Plants, Id. §. 11.
  • Of Roots, An. 58. §. 4.
  • Of Trunks, 135. Of Leavs, 150. §. 1.
  • Of Seeds, 195.
  • Figs, their Sugar. Id. §. 41.
  • Flax, its nature, 258. Query 1.
  • Flower, its Empalement, An. 35. §. 2. & 163.
  • Foliature, its Foulds, An. 36. §. 5. & 164. §. 1. Protections, An. 36. §. 7. Hairs, An. 36. §. 8. & 168. §. 8. Globulets, An. 37. §. 10. & 165. §. 9. Number of Leavs, 165. §. 11. Parts of the Leavs, 166. §. 15. Use, An. 37. §. 11. & 166. §. 18. Shape or Figure, 167. §. 20.
  • Attire, Seminiform, An. 37. §. 13. & 167. Florid, An. 38. §. 17. & 170. Globulets or Sperme of both, An. 38. §. 15. 39. §. 21. 168. §. 9. & 170. §. 5.
  • Use of the Atire, An. 39. §. 22. & 171.
  • Flower, when formed, 173.
  • Colours of the Flower, 271.
  • How by the Flower to find out to what sort a Plant belongeth, 175. §. 13.
  • Foetus, see Seed.
  • Foulds of Leaves, see Leavs.
  • Formation of the Root, see Root.
  • Fruits; Apple, An. 40. §. 2. & 179. Limon, 180. Cucumer, 181. Pear, An. 41. §. 3. & 182. Quince, 183. Plum, An. 42. §. 5. & 183. Aprecock, 184. Peach, 184. Cherry, 185. Wal­nut, ibid. Grape, ibid. Goose­berry, An. 43. §. 9. & 185. White Corin, 185. Filbert, An. 43. §. 8. & 186. Akern, 186.
  • The Use of the Fruit, An. 44. [Page] §. 10. Of its Parts to its self, 189. To the Seed, 191, & 209. When the Fruit formed, 192. §. 9. Furr of a Hare, 247. §. 3.
  • GAll-Stones, 252. §. 47.
  • Generation of the Seed, and other Parts, see the Seed, and o­ther Parts.
  • Gentian Root, where tasted, 284. §. 5.
  • Germen, see Bud.
  • Glysters, sometimes best made of E­mulsions, Id. §. 39.
  • Globulets, see Leavs and Flowers.
  • Gold, its nature, 245. §. 31.
  • Gooseberry, 185.
  • Grape, 185.
  • Gravel, its nature, 251. §. 40.
  • Gums, of three kinds, 134. §. 15.
  • HAirs, see Leavs and Flowers.
  • Hares Furr, 247. §. 3.
  • Harts-Horn, 248. §. 8.
  • Hazel Nut, see Fruits.
  • Hellebore black, of what Taste, 280. §. 12. & 283. §. 3. &c. where tasted, 284. §. 4.
  • Hoglice, 249. §. 15.
  • Horses Hoofe, 247. §. 5.
  • JAlap, of what Taste, 283. §. 6. 284. §. 10.
  • Insertions, in the Root, and other Parts, see Root and other Parts.
  • Iris Root described, 60. §. 14.
  • Irish Slate, its nature, 243. §. 4.
  • Iron, see Steel.
  • LApis Calaminaris, its nature, 243. §. 9.
  • Lapis L [...]zuli, 243. §. 7.
  • Lapis Tuthjae, 243. §. 9.
  • Lead, its nature, 244. §. 16.
  • Lead Spar, 244. §. 12.
  • Leavs, the two first which come of every Seed, what, An. 8. §. 42, &c. Their Use, An. 10. §. 46.
  • Leavs; their Protections, An. 32. §. 17. & 145. §. 2. Foulds, An. 31. §. 14. & 147. §. 9. Shapes and Measures, An. 30. §. 17. & 150. §. 1. Globulets, An. 34. §. 7. & 148. §. 1. Hairs, An. 34. §. 4. 149. §. 8. Spots, 148. §. 4. Thorns, 148. §. 6. Their Compounding Parts, An. 29. §. 7. Skin, 153. §. 1. Pa­renchyma or Pulp, 153. §. 5. Fibers or Vessels, Their Position In the Body of the Leaf, 152. §. 19. In the Stalk, 154. §. 9. The Lig­nous Vessels. 155. §. 16. The Aer-Vessels, 155. §. 19. Texture of a Palm Leaf or Bag, 156. §. 20. Duration of the Leaf, 156. §. 2. Time and manner of its Genera­tion, 156. §. 4. & 174. Colour of the Leaf, 270. How by this to find out to what sort a Plant belongeth, 174. §. 1.
  • Lignous Body, see Trunk and other Parts
  • Lilium convalle, its nature, Id. §. 30.
  • Limor, described, 180.
  • Lithosperm the Seed, its nature, 241. §. 21.
  • Lixivial Salts, see Salts.
  • Lobes of the Seed, see Seed.
  • Lympha out of which the Seed is first nourished, see Seed.
  • Lympheducts their Structure, 111. §. 30.
  • MAgistery of Corals, 244. §. 15
  • Of Pearls, 252. §. 43.
  • Mallow, its nature, 257. Query 5.
  • Marine Salt of Plants, see Salts.
  • Mastick, its nature, 258. Query. 2.
  • Measures of Leavs, 150. §. 1.
  • Mechanick uses of Timber, 137.
  • [Page] Membranes of the Seed, see Seed.
  • Menstruum of the Stomach, 253. § 53.
  • Metals; Lead, 244. § 16. Mercu­ry, 244. § 16. Steel, 244. § 20. Antimony, 245. § 23. Tin, 245. § 26. Copper. 245. § 28. Silver, 245. § 29. Gold, 245. § 31.
  • Milks of Plants, Id. § 21, & 26.
  • How made, An. 67. § 19. & 93. §. 60. & 133. § 12.
  • Milk-Vessels, their Structure, 112. § 35.
  • Millipedes, 249. § 15.
  • Minerals of all sorts, how easily try­ed, 247. § 48.
  • Mixture; the received Doctrine hereof, 222.
  • Its nature explained, 225. Call­ses, 229. Power and Use, 231.
  • Mixture of the Parts of Plants with several Menstruums, 239, &c. Of Minerals. 247, &c.
  • Of Animals, 247, &c.
  • Motions, Of Plants, Id. § 16. Of Roots, and other Parts, see Roots, and other Parts.
  • Of the Sap, see Sap.
  • Of the Aer, see Aer.
  • Muciducts, An. 66. § 18.
  • Mucilages, Id. §. 21. & An. 210. §. 4.
  • Musk, its nature, 250. §. 29.
  • NAture of Bodies, how discove­rable, 235
  • Navel- Fibers, see Seed.
  • Nightshade deadly, of what Tast, 284. § 9.
  • Nitre, of what Ta [...], 280. § 6.
  • Noli me tangere, how the Seed eja­culated, 188. § 18.
  • Number of Leavs in Flowers. 165. § 11.
  • Number of Seeds, 198.
  • Nut Barbado, Id. § 30. & 205. § 17. Hazel Nut, 43. § & 186.
  • OAK-Wood, described, An. 20, & 21.
  • Odors of Plants, how to be observed, Id. § 28.
  • Some Instances how made, An. 44 § 46. Imitated, 235.
  • Olibanum, its nature, 258. Que­ry, 2.
  • Oyls stillatitious, how mingled with Water &c. 232 § 7, & 237.
  • Oyly Sap, how made, 132. § 6.
  • PArenchyma or Cortical, Pithy, and Pulpy parts of a Plant, their predominant Principle, Id. § 48. Described in the Root and o­ther parts, see Root, &c.
  • How formed, see Roots and Leavs.
  • Peach, see Fruits.
  • Pear, see Fruits
  • Pearls, their magisters, 252. § 43.
  • Philosophy, legins and ends with Theology. 79. § 1.
  • Pimpinel, where tasted, 284. §. 10.
  • Pith, its structure, 76, §. 7. & 120 § 11, &c.
  • Plants, their Natural History how far cultivated, Id. §. 3. Wherein defective, § 2. Fit to be further improved, § 3. & § 63. What to be enquired of, §. 6. The use­fulness hereof §. 8.
  • Plants, their Nature and Virtue how judged of, see Virtues.
  • Plants, their places of Growth, Id. 15.
  • Propotions, §. 13.
  • Plants, their Parts only Two Es­sentially distinct, 47. § 14.
  • Plants; the general structure of their Parts, 120. § 11, &c.
  • Plants, their Pin iples how to be observed, Id. §. 48.
  • For what purpose, § 53. What [Page] predominant therein, 240. § 8.
  • Plants, how to find out to what kind any one belongs, 174
  • Plum, see Fruits.
  • Principles of Bodys, 223. which predominant in the true wood of a Plant. Id. § 52.
  • Principles of Principles. Id. § 62.
  • Protections of the Leaf and Flow­er. See Leaf and Flower.
  • Pyrethrum the Root, of what Tast, 281. §—& 284. § 7.
  • RAdicle, see Seed.
  • Raisins, their Sugar, Id. § 41.
  • Rings annual in the Trunk, An. 19. § 6.
  • Roots; their Original, 57. § 1. Shapes or Figures, & Sizes 58. § 4, & 89. § 41, Motions, An. 15. § 24. &c. 34. § 3. 59. § 9. &c. 90. § 48 &c. Ages, 60. § 16. & 91. § 54.
  • Parts, the Barque, its Skin, An. 11, § 2. & An. 61.
  • Parenchyma described, An. 11. § 3. & 63. § 2. How form'd, 87. § 34. Its Diametral rays, 64. § 7. Vessels, 65, 66, 67.
  • The Wood, Herein the Insertions, An. 12. § 10 & 17. § 28. & 70. § 2. Lignous Fibers or Vessels, 70. § 4, 8, 9. Aer-Vessels, An. 12. §. 7. & 71. § 5, 6, 10, &c.
  • The Pith, An. 13. § 16. & An. 16. § 27. & An. 75, 76. § 7.
  • Root, how it grows, An. 14. § 23.
  • The Sap, how imbibed and distri­buted to its several Parts, 82. § 15 &c. How circulated, An. 17 § 29.
  • How all the parts are form'd, 85. § 26. &c. And differently dis­posed, 88. § 36, &c. The Co­lours of Roots, 170. § 5. How made, 94. § 65.
  • Root of Wormwood, where tasted, 285. § 12.
  • Rosin, how made by Art, 233. § 4.
  • Rosin in dryed Roots of Angelica, Id. § 41.
  • Common Rosin, its nature, 258. Query 2.
  • SAlt aereal, Id. § 60.
  • Salt Alkaline, in many Plants in their natural estate, 240. § 9.
  • Salt ammoniac, 246, § 44.
  • Salt, essential of Plants, How made, 262. § 3, &c. & 265. § 3. &c. Of several sorts, Id. § 48. Instan­ced also in those of Rosemary, Black Thorn, Scurvey-Grass, Wormwood, Ash, 865, § 6 &c. Tastable in good Rhubarb, Id. § 41.
  • Salt fixed, of what use in Purgation, 260.
  • Salt Lixivial of Plants, how imita­ted, 233. § 6. Of different na­ture, 264. § 2.
  • Salt of Ash, of what nature, 167. § 22. Of Tartar. Ib. Yielded in different quantitys by the Barque of Ash, Rosemary, Black-Thorn, Agrimony, 256. Query 1. Gar­den and Sea Scurvy-grass. 256. Query 2. Mint distill'd, and not, 256, Query 3. Majorane, Oak-Barque, Liquorish, Aniseeds, Sorrel, Garden Scurveygrass, Mint, Sea Scurveygrass, 256. Query 4. Majorane, Agrimony, Mugwort, Mint, Mallow, Rhu­barb, Sena, Jalap, Colocynthis, 257, Query 5. Flax, 258. Qu. 1. Gum Arabick, Euphorbium, Myrrh, Opium, Aloe, Scammouy, Gutta gamba, 258. Query 2.
  • Salt Marine, its nature, 246. § 43.
  • Salt Marine of Plants, how made by Nature or Art, 234. § 8. 263 § 12, &c. 266. § 16. Of several sorts, instanced in those of Rose­mary, Scurvey grass, Black Thorn, Wormwood, 266. § 17 &c.
  • Salt of the dead Sea, 263. § 14.
  • [Page] Saps of Plants, how to be observed, Id. § 21. to 26. and 31 to 47. Their several kinds, §. 21. Re­ceptacles, § 22. Motions, § 23. Quantitys, § 24. Consistence, § 25.
  • Sap, how imbibed, and distributed to the several parts of the Root. An. 82. § 15 &c. Its Circula­tion therein, An. 17. § 29. where, and how it ascends in the Trunk, An. 24. § 29. & An. 124.
  • Sap and other contents of the several Parts how made, An. 92. § 57 &c. & 131. How a Milky Sap, An. 67. § 19. & 93. § 60. & 133. § 12 &c. How a Winy, 93 § 62. & 132. § 3 &c. How one very Oyly, 132. § 6 &c.
  • Scurveygrass Garden, of what Tast, 283. § 6.
  • Scurvey-grass Sea, its Nature, 256. Query 4.
  • Seasons of Plants, Id. § 14.
  • Secundine see Seed.
  • Seeds; their Case or Uterus, An. 45. § 2. of several manners, 186. Figures, An. 45. § 3. &c. 195. Number, 198. Motions, 188. § 18 & 199 § 3, &c. Stones, 201. § 2. & 209. Mucilages, 201, § 4. Coats or Membranes, An. 2. § 3. 45. § 3, &c. 46 § 10. 47. § 15 & 20 [...]. § 6. 210 &c. Aper­tures, An▪ 2. § 5. & 200. § 1.
  • Vitellum, 20. 2. § 9. The Foetus, or true Seed, its Radicle and Lobes, An. 2▪ & 3. § 9 to 12. & 203. Plume or Bud, An. 3. § 13 & 206. Skin, An. 4. § 16. & 207. § 9. Parenchyma, An. 4. § 18. & 207. § 10. Seminal Root or Vessels, An. 5. § 21, &c. & 207. § 11, &c. Navle Fiber, An. 48. § 17. & 212. Content. 208. § 15. The manner of its Vegetation, An. 6. § 30, &c. Of its Generation, An. 48. § 18 &c. & 209 &c.
  • Shape of Roots, and other Parts. see Roots and other parts.
  • Shells, their Nature, 248. § 9, 10, 11.
  • Skin, see Seed and other Parts.
  • Silver, its Nature, 245 § 29.
  • Smell of green Carduus, Id. § 28. Of the Pestil of Arum. Ib.
  • Soyl. see Earth.
  • Sperme of Plants. see Flower.
  • Spirit of Salt, 247. § 46.
  • Spirit of Salt Armoniac, 247. § 47.
  • Spirit of Peas-Cods, Id. § 30.
  • Spirits urinous, how made less off­ensive, Id. § 45.
  • Spirit of Wine mixed with Aqua fortis, what thereupon remarka­ble, 242. § 26.
  • Stalks. see Trunks and Branch­es.
  • Steel, its nature, 244. § 20. Mixed with double Aqua fortis, what thereupon remarkable, 244. §. 22.
  • Stillatitious Oyls, how mixed with water, 232. § 7. & 237.
  • Stomachick menstruum, 253. § 53.
  • Stones; a strange one bred in the stomach, 252. § 48. Others pro­bably bred there, 253. § 51. Of the Kidneys or Bladder, of what nature, 251. § 32. How preven­ted, 251. § 41. & 252. § 42. Gall Stone, its nature, 252. § 47. Bezoar, its nature, 252. § 49. Lead-Spar, 244. § 12.
  • Lapis Calaminaris, 243. § 9.
  • Tuthiae, ibid.
  • Lazuli, 244. § 12.
  • Structure of a Plant. 120. § 11, &c.
  • Sugar of Raisins and Figs. Id. § 41.
  • Sulphur predominant in the true wood of a Plant, id. § 52.
  • Sun, its Influence on Plants how to be examined. Id. § 61.
  • [Page] TAsts of Plants; how to be ob­served, Id. § 29. Simple, 280. § 6. Compounded, 281. Their Degree, 282. Motions or Terms, 283. Seat, 284. Cau­ses, An. 95. § 68 &c. & 286 &c.
  • Tast of Arum Root, 281. § Asparagus Root, 284. § 10. Bo­nus Henricus, 284. § 10. Cala­mus Aromaticus, 283. § 6. Ce­landine little, 284. § 10. Cle­matis peregrina the Seed-Case, 283. § 3. Colocynthis, 284. § 8 Contrayerva, 283. § 6. Cucu­mer wild, the Leavs, 284. § 4, 8. Daisy Leavs, 284. § 10. Enula, 283. § 3, 4. Euphormium, 283. § 6. Gentian Root, 284. § 5, 8. Hellebore black, the Root, 280. § 12. 283. § 3. 284. § 4. Jalap, 283. § 6. 284. § 10. Nightshade deadly, 284. § 9. Nitre 280. § 6. Pimpinel, 284. §. 10. Pyrethrum the Root, 281. §. & 284. § 7. Tamarisk-Leavs, Id. § 29. Wormwood-Root, 285. § 12. Yarrow, 283. § 6.
  • Texture of a Plant, 120. § 11, &c.
  • Thorns, their kinds. An. 33. § 1.
  • Timber, see Trunk.
  • Tin, its nature, 245. § 26.
  • Tin mixed with strong Aqua for­tis, what thereupon observable, 245. § 27.
  • Tincture of Bawme in Water, 274. § 11. In Spirit of Wine, 275. §. 14.
  • Tincture of Corals, a cheat, Id. § 28.
  • Trunks, and Branches several de­scribed as they appear to the naked Eye, sc. of Indian Wheat, Dan­delyon, Borage, Colewort, Holy­oak, wild Cucumer, Scorzonera, Burdock, Endive, Vine, Sumach 103, &c.
  • Trunk, Skin, An. 19. § 2. & 107. § 2 to 5.
  • The Barque, An. 19. § 3.
  • Its Parenchyma, 108. §. 7.
  • Vessels, 108. § 8. to p. 113.
  • The Lympheducts their Structure, 111. §. 30, &c.
  • Milk-Vessels, their Structure, 112. § 35, &c.
  • Different Surface of the Barque how made, 129. §. 4.
  • How united to the Wood, 129, § 2, 3. How this always keeps moyst, not the Pith, An. 20. § 7. & 93. § 58. & 124. §. 2.
  • The Wood, An. 19. § 4. to 11. & An. 20 & 21.
  • Its Annual Rings, An. 19. § 6.
  • Insertions, An. 19. §. 5. 12. to 15. 17. & 128. § 8. &c.
  • True wood, 114. § 10, &c.
  • How dilated, An. 22. § 22, 23. And why, § 24, &c.
  • Aer-Vessels, An. 20. § 8, 9. & 115. § 16, &c.
  • How less in the Trunk, than in the Root, and wh [...]n [...] formed late in the year &c. 130. § 10. & 131. § 16.
  • The Pith, An. 19. § 5, 18, 19, 20. & 119. to 122 & 129. § 5. &c.
  • Trunks, their different Structure whence, 129.
  • Shapes, whence, 135.
  • Motions, whence, An. 22. § 21. & 136.
  • Trunks, how fitted for Mecha­nick use, 137.
  • Trunks, of their Bleeding, Id. § 23. & 124. § 3, &c.
  • Trunk-Roots, An. 27, 28.
  • Turnep, des [...]ribed, An. 13.
  • [Page] VAlves, no where in Plants, An. p. 21. §. 16.
  • Vegetables, see Plants.
  • Vegetation of the Seed, see Seed.
  • The manner of Vegetation, how judged of, Id. §. 53.
  • Vessels of the Root and other Parts, see Root and other Parts.
  • Virtues of Plants, how to be obser­ved and judged of, Id. §. 12, 30, 47. & p. 236. 290.
  • Imitable, 235.
  • The reason of them, how knowa­ble, Id. §. 55.
  • Vitriols, their nature, 246. §. 38.
  • Uterus of Plants, fleshy or mem­braneous, 186.
  • WAllnut, 185.
  • Water, how to be examined as relating to Vegetation.
  • Water, how mingled with stilla­titious or other Oyls, 237.
  • Wood of the Root and other Parts, see the Parts.
  • Wood of Beech, An. 20. & 21.
  • Of Oak, Ibid.
  • Its predominant Principle, Id. §. 52.
  • YArrow Leavs, their Tast, 28 [...] §. 6.

THE EXPLICATION OF THE TABLES, Reduced to a narrow compass; as serving to clear those Particulars, chiefly, which the Descriptions before gi­ven, have not reached.

The TABLES to the First BOOK, are Four.
  • TAB. I. FIgure 1, a, The Fo­ramen.
  • F. 2, a, the Radicle lodged in the Body of the Iner Coat.
  • F. 3, a, the Radicle, b, the Plume or Bud.
  • F. 4, the Seed covered; c, the Seed open; e, the same magnified.
  • F. 5. a, the Corn covered; c, na­ked and a little magnified.
  • F. 6. a, b, the two Lobes; e, the Radicle; c, the Radicle and Bud; d, the Hollow in which the Bud lies.
  • F. 7. a, the Seed covered; c, na­ked; e, open.
  • F. 8. a, one Lobe; —b, the Bud; b, magnified.
  • F. 9. the Slice a little magnified.
  • F. 10. The Radicle d, cut trans­versly c.
  • F. 11. The Plume or Bud a, cut transversly c.
  • F. 12. Cut by the Length.
  • F. 13. A Lobe cut transversly.
  • F. 14. Both the Lobes pared by the Length, to shew the Seminal Root.
  • F. 15. a, the convex side of one Lobe, shewing the Seminal Root with­out cuting; c, the flat side.
  • TAB. II. F. 1, 2, & 3. shew the gradual conversion of the Lobes of the Seed, into Leavs.
  • F. 4. a, the Radicle cut by the length; b, transversly.
  • F. 5. The white Wedges, are the Insertions; the black, are the Wood; the pricks are the Aer-Vessels; and the black half ovals, the Lympheducts in the Barque.
  • F. 6. The three black Rings, are the terms of three years growth.
  • F. 7. a, the upper part; b, the lower.
  • F. 8. A Turnep cut transversly, and part of the Rind cut off.
  • F. 9. sheweth the gradual growth of the Pith.
  • TAB. III. F. 1. T [...]e Bud cut transversl [...], and part of the Radicle [Page] by the Length, in a Bean newly sprung up.
  • F. 2. sheweth the Wood as it ap­pears to the naked Eye.
  • F. 3. the Cane split down.
  • F. 4. the Corn newly sprouted.
  • F. 5. A Branch of five years growth. From the Circumference, to the ut­most black Ring, goes the Barque.
  • F. 6. a, a piece of the Stalk; b, magnified.
  • F. 7. a, a piece of Oak wood cut transversly; b, the same magnified. The white Lines are the lesser and greater Insertions. The Pricks, are the Wood. The little and great Holes two sorts of Aer-Vessels.
  • F. 8. Part of a Branch ten years old, with the Barque stripped off, and cut [...]oth transversly and down the length, to shew how the Barque is in­serted into the Wood.
  • TAB. IV. F. 1. shewing how the Insertions appear, in a piece of Beech-Tree split down, to be braced or w [...]ven in together with the Wood.
  • F. 2. to 11. shew the different po­sition and Figure of the Lignous Fi­bers.
  • F. 12. a, one of the Thecae Semi­niformes in a [...]ly, with the sper­matick Powder therein, as apparent to the naked Eye.
  • F. 13. a, one of the suits in the Florid Attire, as it appears to the naked Eye; b, the Floret; c, the Sheath; d, the Blade.
  • F. 14. Wherein the white Pentan­gular Acetary is bounded by the Cal­culary.
  • F. 15. The Branches which run through the Stone to the Flower and Seed.
  • F. 16. The Innermost Cover of the Seed, as shaped when it is ripe.
  • F. 17. The Coats cut open.
  • F. 18. The Seminal Root.
The TABLES TO THE Se­cond BOOK are Thirteen.
  • TAB. V. sheweth the generation of Roots out of the Descend­ing Trunk. So F. 6. is a treble Root of three years descent; the lower­most, half-roted off.
  • TAB. VI. F. 1. sheweth the Sur­face of the Barque.
  • F. 2. the midle part.
  • F. 3. the Barque striped.
  • F. 4. the Root cut down the length.
  • F. 5. the Barque striped off.
  • F. 6. the Network [...]oth of the Lympheducts, and of the Aer-Vessels.
  • F. 7. the Generation of a Bud.
  • F. 8, 9, 10, 11. The Root split down, to shew the Position of the Vessels, and the Figure of the Pith at the top of the Root.
  • TAB. VII. The Roots all cut transversly, and their Varieties de­scribed, in the second Book, as they appear to the naked Eye.
  • TAB. VIII. Oth [...]r Roots cut transversly, and the varieties of their Parts also described in the second Book.
  • TAB. IX. More Roots cut trans­versly.
  • TAB. X. F. 1. A Slice of the Root cut transversly; but a little too big for the life.
  • F. 2. AA, One half of a like Slice. bb, The Skin.
  • AA DD, The Barque or all that part of the Root analogous to it.
  • GD, The Lympheducts on the inner edge of the Barque.
  • GG, The Wood.
  • GT, The Aer-Vessels th [...]rein.
  • TT, The Pith.
  • TAB. XI. F. 1. The Neck of [Page] the Root cut transversly.
  • F. 2. One half of the same split down.
  • F. 3. Magnified.
  • AB, The Skin.
  • AE, The Barque.
  • EE, The Lympheducts.
  • The black Columns under them, are the Wood.
  • The Holes in the Columns are the Aer-Vessels.
  • The white Columns EL, are Inser­tions betwixt the Barque and the Pith.
  • Le, The Pith.
  • ee, The angular Bladders of the Pith.
  • TAB. XII. A, one half of F. 1. magnified.
  • Ab, The Skin.
  • AG, The Barque, or all that part of the Root which answers to it.
  • In which the round black spots, are the M [...]ciducts.
  • DG, The common Lympheducts.
  • DT, The Pithy Part of the Root.
  • TT, More Lympheducts.
  • In both which, the black Holes are the Aer-Vessels.
  • TAB. XIII. A, One half of F. 1. magnified.
  • AC, The Skin.
  • AG, The Barque, or that part of the Root which answers to it.
  • DD, The Milk-Vessels placed in Rings.
  • EE, The Parenchymous Rings be­twixt them.
  • GT, The Bladders streaming in Rays, by the mixture of the Lymphe­ducts with the Lacteals.
  • GG, To the Centre, the Wood.
  • In which the Holes are the Aer-Vessels.
  • TAB. XIIII. A b., The kkin, which should have been thicker.
  • AF, The Barque.
  • Gb, The Bladders in the outer part of the Barque, oblong and postured circularly.
  • SS The Bladders in the inner part, standing in Arches.
  • FF, A Ring of Sap-Vessels.
  • dd, Parenchymous Insertions.
  • dLd, The Wood.
  • In which, the Holes edged with white Rings are the Aer-Vessels.
  • TAB. XV. AA, The Skin.
  • AB, The Barque.
  • BL, The Sap-Vessels in the form of a Glory.
  • BE, The Wood.
  • In which, the Holes are the Aer-Vessels.
  • GE, A Ring of more Sap-Vessels.
  • EE, The Pith.
  • TAB. XVI. Ab, The Skin.
  • AC, The Barque.
  • In which the round Holes B, are Balsame-Vessels.
  • B. C. Parcels of Lympheducts.
  • In which there are more Balsame-Vessels.
  • CD, Parenchymous Insertions.
  • DE, Parcels of Wood,
  • In which the Holes are the Aer-Vessels.
  • TAB. XVII. A, the Skin.
  • AB, The Barque.
  • LS, A parcel of Sap-Vessels.
  • LI, A Parcel of Wood.
  • In which the Holes great and small are Aer-Vessels.
  • BB, Parenchymous Insertions be­twixt the parcels of Wood.
  • DD, Others within them.
The TABLES to the Third BOOK are 23.
  • TAB. XVIII. Hereof see the Description in the Third Book, Chap. 1.
  • TAB. XIX. F. 1. A Branch of Corin Tree.
  • A, sheweth the surface of the Barque.
  • [Page] B, Of the wood.
  • F. 2. Stalk of Sonchus split down.
  • F. 3. Branch of Vine split down.
  • In both, the several Storys or Cham­bers of the Pith.
  • F. 4. Branch of Walnut. A. an older, B, a younger: in both, the Pith parted into transvers Mem­brans.
  • TAB. XX. F. 1. Sheweth the Surface of a Walking Cane.
  • And the Clusters of Aer-Vessels, surround [...]d with Rings of Succi [...]e­r [...]us.
  • F. 2. The surface of the Skin of Borage Stalk.
  • F. 3. The Turpentine Vessels running through the length of the Barque; one of them cut down the middle, the other entire.
  • F. 4. The Milk-Vessels shewed in the same manner.
  • TAB. XXI. Sheweth the Woody and Aer-Vessels by the length of the Branch, part of the Barque, and wood, being taken away.
  • TAB. XXII. AB, The Skin.
  • AC, the Barque.
  • Q, the Parenchymous part.
  • HI, Parcels of Muciducts in a Ring.
  • DC, Common Lymphedusts.
  • CDEF, the Wood of 3 years growth.
  • KLMN, The second years growth.
  • O [...], the great Insertions.
  • P [...], the smaller.
  • XX, [...]ignous parcels.
  • Within which the Holes are the Aer-Vessels.
  • EFG, the Pith.
  • TAB. XXIII. AB, the Skin.
  • AC, the Barque.
  • Q, the simple Parenchyma.
  • H [...], a Ring of special Vessels.
  • P, common Sap-Vessels.
  • CDEF, the Wood of 3 years growth.
  • KLMN, one yea [...]s growth.
  • X, great Insertions.
  • PO, lesser between them.
  • T [...]e black parcels are the wood.
  • In which the Holes are the Aer-Ves­sels.
  • EFG, the Pith.
  • TAB. XXIV. AB, the Skin.
  • ABCD, the Bark.
  • NN, the Parenchyma.
  • HI, a Ring of special Sap-Ves­sels.
  • DMC, Parcels of Lympheducts.
  • CDEF, the Wood.
  • EFLK, one years growth.
  • KPQL, the larger Aer-vessels in the several parcels of Wood.
  • [...], the lesser Aer-vessels.
  • MT, the insertions.
  • EFG, the Pith.
  • TAB. XXV. AB, the Skin.
  • ABCD, the Barque.
  • HI, Special Sap Vessels in arch­ed parcels.
  • OO, the common Sap-vessels which begin to turn into Wood.
  • CDEF, the Wood.
  • KLMN. one years growth.
  • The Holes are the Aer-vessels in the wood.
  • [...], the true wood.
  • Oz, Oy, the Insertions.
  • EF, other Sap-vessels.
  • EFG, The Pith.
  • TAB. XXVI. AB, the skln.
  • ABCD, the Barque.
  • QQ, the Parenchyma.
  • HI, Special Sap-vessels in arch­ed parcels.
  • DC, a Ring of common Lym­pheducts.
  • DCFE, the Wood.
  • KLMN, one years growth.
  • The Holes are the Aer-Vessels.
  • OO, the greater Insertions.
  • PO, the smaller.
  • EF, other Sap-vessels.
  • EFG, the Pith.
  • TAB. XXVII. AB, the Skin.
  • ABCD, the Barque.
  • WV, the Parenchyma.
  • HI, round parcels of Sap-Vessels,
  • DC, the common Sap-Vessels.
  • DCEF, the Wood of 5 years growth.
  • [Page] QRFE, one years growth.
  • XX, the true wood.
  • The Holes both great and small are the Aer Vessels.
  • SS. The great Insertions.
  • TS, the smaller.
  • EFG, the Pith.
  • TAB. XXVIII. AB, the Skin.
  • ABCD, the Barque.
  • HTI, special Sap Vessels in round Parcels.
  • DSC, common Sap Vessels.
  • DCEF, the Wood of five ysars growth.
  • [...], the true w [...]od.
  • KL &c. the great Aer-Vessels.
  • DC, the smaller.
  • SS, the Insertions.
  • EFS, the Pith,
  • TAB. XXIX. ABCD, the Barque.
  • AB, a Ring of Sap-Vessels in round parcels next the Skin.
  • HI, the Parenchyma.
  • Another Ring of round parcels.
  • DOC, Common Lympheducts.
  • DCEF, the wood.
  • MNEF, one years growth.
  • SS, the true wood.
  • KL, the great Aer Vessels.
  • PQ, the lesser.
  • OO, the Insertions.
  • EFG, the Pith.
  • e, the Bladders of the Pith.
  • TAB. XXX. AB, the Skin.
  • ABCD, the Barque.
  • RR, the Parenchyma.
  • HRI, two Rings of special Sap-Vessels.
  • DC, Common Lympheducts.
  • DCEF, the wood of four years growth▪
  • dd, the true wood.
  • Qd, part of it whiter, by the mixture of special Sap-Vessels repre­sented by the transvers Lines.
  • MN, the great Aer Vessels.
  • ce, parcels of lesser ones.
  • EF, a Ring of other Sap-Vessels.
  • EFG, the Pith.
  • TAB. XXXI. ABCD, the Barque.
  • mm, the Parenchyma.
  • HmI, Milk Vessels in arched par­cels.
  • DKC, Lympheducts.
  • DCEF, the wood of one years growth.
  • ST, probably milk Vessels hereto­fore.
  • The Holes in the Aer-Vessels.
  • KK, the Insertions.
  • EvF, other Milk-Vessels.
  • EFG, the Pith.
  • TAB. XXXII. ABCD, the Barque.
  • MN, The Parenchyma.
  • DLC, the Lympheducts.
  • HI, The Vessels which carry the Turpentine.
  • DCFE, the Wood.
  • LL, the Insertions.
  • EFG, the Pith.
  • The greater Holes both in the Wood and Pith, are more Turpentine Ves­sels.
  • TAB. XXXIII. ABCD, the Barque.
  • XY. The Parenchyma.
  • KXYL. Special Vessels in round parcels.
  • HI, other in a Ring.
  • DC, Common Lympheducts.
  • DCEF, the wood.
  • SZT, probably one sort of Sap-Vessels heretofore in the Barque.
  • QMQN, small Aer-Vessels.
  • MN, great Aer-Vessels.
  • RQ, the small Insertions.
  • QQ, the great ones.
  • EFG, the Pith.
  • TAB. XXXIV. AB aa, the hairy Skin
  • ABCD, the Barque.
  • HwI, the Parenchyma.
  • DMC, the common Lymphe­ducts.
  • KL, the Milk Vessels. v, one Ves­sel.
  • HI, Another sort of Lympheducts, arched over the Milk Vessels.
  • XX, seems to be a third sort of Lympheducts.
  • DCFE, the Wood.
  • [Page] MM, the Insertions.
  • XX, the true Wood.
  • The Holes therein are the Aer Ves­sels.
  • EF, a Ring of Lympheducts.
  • EFG, the Pith.
  • TAB. XXXV. ABCD, the Barque.
  • AMB, the Parenchyma.
  • HMI, Balsam Vessels.
  • KL, another sort of Sap Vessels in parcels.
  • KLDC, Lympheducts.
  • DCEF, The Wood.
  • In which the Holes are the Aer-Vessels.
  • MM, the Insertions.
  • EF, more Balsame-Vessels.
  • EFG, the Pith.
  • TAB. XXXVI. aa, part of a Vine-Branch cut transversly, and also split half way down the midle.
  • BB, The same magnified. Shew­ing the Position of the Bladders in the Barque and Pith in perpendicu­lar Rows; in the Insertions, in Ho­rizontal Rows.
  • And the Vessels or Parcels of Wood not raced as in many other Trees.
  • TAB. XXXVII. Sheweth the bracing of the Vessels. And how the several Parcels of Vessels or Wood are interwoven with the Insertions.
  • TAB. XXXVIII. ABCD, the Barque.
  • HI, The Parenchyma.
  • ee, A sort of Sap-Vessels.
  • aa, Another sort.
  • cc, Milk Vessels.
  • DCEF, the Wood.
  • VV, the Aer-Vessels.
  • tt, More Lympheducts.
  • ss, More Milk-Vessels.
  • at, The Insertions.
  • EFG, The Pith, composed of an­g [...]lar Bladders, the Bladders of Threds, and the Threds of single Fi­bers.
  • [...], One of the single Fibers.
  • TAB. XXXIX. Sheweth the Structure of the Lympheducts or of the Lignous Fibers both in the Barque, and the Wood.
  • F. 1. a, & F. 2, A single Vessel in the Barque of Flax, composed of a great number of other Lignous Fibers; with which also the Paren­chymous are intermixed. Not visi­ble, except very highly magnified.
  • F. 3. A parcel of the same Vessels in Wood.
  • F. 4, & F. 5. shew the manner of the Ascent of the Sap, both in the Lympheducts, and in the Lactiferous and other larger Vessels.
  • TAB. XL. The Fibers which hang down from the Barque are the Lympheducts; one of w [...]ich is com­posed of a great many other smaller Fibers.
  • The large Tubes are the Milk-Ves­sels composed of Bladders.
  • The Fibers which hang down from th [...] wood, are some of them the old Lympheducts t [...]rn'd to wood.
  • And some, Aer-Vessels unroav'd.
  • The thin Plate between the two wedges of wood, is one of the In­sertions, composed of Bladders, and those Bladders of Threds.
  • The remainder, is part of the Pith, composed of Thred, or Fibrous Blad­ders.
The TABLES to the Fourth BOOK are 42.
  • TAB. XLI. b, a Dock-Leaf covered with the Veil.
  • d, the Leaf naked.
  • ac, the Veil spred open.
  • In Clary, the Bud is embraced by the Curled Leavs.
  • In Sumach, the Bud lies within the Stalk, as an Egg or Kernel within a Shell.
  • TAB. XLII. F. 1. sheweth how the Pipes are inclosed one within an­other.
  • F. 2. a, the Leaf foulded up. b, opened.
  • F. 3. ab, the B [...]d. b, a little [Page] magnified.
  • F. 4. a b, the Leaf rowled up, inward. c, a little magnified and cut transversly, to shew the Rowl.
  • F. 5. a, the Leaf rowled up. b, magnified and cut transversly.
  • F. 6. a, the Leaf rowled backward. b, magnified and cut transversly.
  • TAb. XLIII. F. 1. sheweth the Tenter-Hooks, by which the Leaf cli [...]bs.
  • F. 2. sheweth the Globulets, turned to a white powder.
  • The Leaf of Jerusalem Cowslip. sheweth the Way of the Insect under the Skin.
  • TAB. XLIV. & XLV. sheweth the Measures of Leavs by the Cir­cumference.
  • TAB. XLVI & XLVII. sheweth the proportion between the chief Fi­bers; and also the Angels they usu­ally make together.
  • TAB. XLVIII. F. 1, 2. & 3. shew the Apertures in several Leaves.
  • F. 4. sheweth the same. And likewise, the peculiar composure of the Bladders and Fibers of the Leaf.
  • TAB. XLIX. sheweth the dif­ference in the Bladders, and in the Position of the Lignous Fibers in the Stalks of Leavs.
  • TAB. L. sheweth the Pulp of a Borage-Leaf and many others com­posed of Bladders; the sides of which Bladder, are made of other smaller ones.
  • And the distribution of the Lig­nous Fibers (and of the Aer-Vessels sheathed within them) not like that of Veins in Animals, but of the Nervs, &c. See the description of the Leaf.
  • TAB. LI. F. 1. The appearance of the Aer-Vessels like Cobwebs to the naked Eye, upon breaking the Leaf.
  • F. 2. A small pei [...]e [...]ut off of the Leaf.
  • F. 3. The same magnified in which the same Vessels look like spiral wyers stretched out.
  • F 4. The same as they stand en­tire within the Wood.
  • TAB. LII. Representeth the Aer-Vessels of Scabious, as in Tab. LI.
  • Tab. LIII. Sheweth the manner of the Generation of the Leaf; chiefly, by the help of several Salts, where­with the Sap is impregnated.
  • F. 5. (1) The Foundation of the work.
  • F. 6. (1 & 2) strengthned.
  • F. 7. (1 & 3); in which (3) is set with the square end to end: and with the poynt-side of one, to that of another.
  • F. 8. The same, directing the Po­sition of the Lignous Fibers at very Acute Angles.
  • F. 9. At less Acute Angles.
  • F. 10. The greater Fibers at A­cute, and the smaller at Right Angles.
  • F. 11. The greater at Right Angles with the help of (1) (2) or (3).
  • F. 12. (3) directing the Fiber in the Edge of the Leaf into a greater Circle.
  • F. 13. Into a less, and with divers Diameters.
  • F. 14. (4) derecting the Paren­chymous Fibers in making the Blad­ders.
  • F. 15. In winding from one Blad­der to another.
  • F. 17. Or about the Lignous Fi­bers.
  • F. 16. In making the Aer-Vessels.
  • TAB. LIV. sheweth how Nature manages the Folds of Flowers accor­ding to their Shape.
  • TAB. LV. F. 1. sheweth the Edges of the Leaf fastned by their Indented Hairs.
  • F. 2. The Balsamick Knobs in the place of Hairs.
  • F. 3. The number 5 running 3 times into its self in 13.
  • F. 4. And five times in 21.
  • F. 5. &c. The Seminiform Attire in Clematis Austri [...]c [...]. With one of [Page] the Thecae magnified; of which, there are about 30 or 40 in one Flower.
  • F. 8, &c. The same in Blattaria, with one of the Thecae magnified; of which are there about 5 in one Flower.
  • TAB. LVI. The same in yellow Henbane.
  • With one of the Thecae magnified; of which there are about 5 in one Flower.
  • And the Column on the top of the Seed-Case.
  • TAB. LVII. The same in St. Johns wort, entire, together with the Seed-Case or Vterus.
  • TAB. LVIII. The Varieties of the Spermatick Particles in the Se­miniform Attire.
  • TAB. LIX. The Florid Attire of Golden Rod;
  • In which, the several suits consist but of two pieces. And of which At­tire, the Flower doth almost wholly consist.
  • TAB. LX. F. 1, &c. The same Attire in French Marigold or Flos Africanus, with one suit magnified. Of which, there are about 12, in one Flower; and every suit consisting of 3 Pieces.
  • F. 5. One of another Flower, con­sisting also of 3 Pieces.
  • TAB. LXI. One suit of the same Attire in Marigold, and Knap­weed, each of them consisting of three Pieces.
  • F. 5. a, The Attire of one Piece, proper to each Leaf in a Marigold Flower, besides that in the bosome of the Flower.
  • F. 8. a b, the Seed-Case or Ute­rus at the bottom of every suit.
  • TAB. LXII. The Attire (of 3 Pieces) proper to each Leaf in the Flower of Cichory.
  • TAB. LXIII. sheweth the Flower of Mezereon perfectly formed in all its Parts, in the year before it ap­pears. But differs in Shape, as a Foe­tus doth when newly formed.
  • TAB. LXIV. sheweth the same in the Flower of Asarum.
  • TAB. LXV. sheweth the position of the 20 chief Branches in an Ap­ple.
  • Their Production from the Stalk to the Seeds and Flower.
  • And a part of the Parenchyma magnified, sc. that which is pricked out from the Coar to the Skin; shew­ing the oblong Figure of the Blad­ders, and the Divisions in every Bladder.
  • TAB. LXVI. F. 1, &c. sheweth the Bladders in the Rind of a Li­mon conteining the Oyl.
  • The Bags and Bladders of the Pulp, conteining the sower Juyce.
  • And the Position of the Vessels be­longeth to the Fruit, Seed, and Flower.
  • F. 5. shews the same Vessels, and treble Parenchyma in a Cucumer.
  • TAB. LXVII. Repres [...]teth the Parts of a Pear.
  • The position and pr [...]duction of the Vessels.
  • The Chanel from the top of the Pear to the botome of the Coar.
  • The Tartareous Knots.
  • And the Bladders radiated to them.
  • TAB. LXVIII. See the Descrip­tions of Fruit [...]; and the last Chapter of the Generation of the Seed.
  • TAB. LXIX. F. 5. Sheweth the Parts of a Goosberry.
  • The darker part is the sower Rind. Consisting of two sorts of Bladders, of which some very small, and others very great.
  • The white pieces on the circumfe­rence of the Berry, are the Lignous Fibers.
  • The two opposite white and radi­ated Bodys are the Midle Paren­chyma.
  • And the oblong Baggs round about the several Seeds or Seed-Cases, are the sweet Pulp.
  • TAB. LXX. Sheweth the Seed-Case of Radish opened, and the Seeds hanging on two Ro [...]es.
  • That of Poppey both entire, and [Page] split down the midle.
  • A slice of the Cod of Garden-Bean, while very young; and therein the Bladders and Threds of the Spongy Parenchyma.
  • And the gradual ripening and opening of that of yellow Henbane.
  • TAB. LXXI. Sheweth the Seed-Case of Tulip entire, cut transversly, and split downe.
  • A slice of Thorn-Apple, or of the Seed-Case of Stramonium, while young.
  • That of Pimpinel naturally divi­ded into two Hemisphers; with the Button, on which the Seeds grow, erected in the middle.
  • The manner of the ejaculation of the Seed, in Coded Arsmart.
  • And the Coats of the Seed of Aza­rum formed the year before it ripens.
  • TAB. LXXII. Sheweth the mea­sures of Plum-stones.
  • The Apertures, and Divisions, of the covers of the Seed.
  • The Seed and Seed-Case of Harts Tongue, opened with a Spring.
  • And other contrivances both for the Motion, and Arrest of other Seeds.
  • TAB. LXXIII & LXXIV. See the Descriptions.
  • In Tab. 74. the corners and edg­es of that of Fox-glove should have been rounder.
  • The Figures are all done pretty near a Scale.
  • TAB. LXXV. The Belly and Back of a Datestone, and the small sprouting Node taken out of the Hole in the back [...]ut open.
  • The Shapes and Foulds of divers Seeds.
  • The Vitellum of Orach, and Rha­pontick.
  • In great blew-Lupine, d, the Na­vle; b, the descending part of the Radicle.
  • TAB. LXXVI. Flag. 1, the Seed. 2. s [...]lit open. 3, the true Seed which lies in the hollow made in the Cover (2) 4, one half of (2) magnifyd. 5, the Seed (3) mag­nifyd.
  • Purging Angola Nut. 1, with the shell on.
  • 2. taken off. 3, the soft Cover split down. 4, the Seed which lies in it; the Lobes hereof answerable to two Leaves, and Radicle to the Stalk.
  • And so in the rest.
  • TAB. LXXVII. Coffee Berry stone. 1, The belly of the Stone. 2, the Black. 3, pared a little. 4, the Kernel taken out of it. 5, the same magnifyd.
  • Goosgrass. 1, the entire Seed. 2, the back of the hard Cover. 3, the belly. 4, cut in two. 5, the same magnifyd. 6, the true Seed taken out of it.
  • Staphisagria. 1, the entire Seed. 2, the hard Cover. 3, Split in two. 4, the true Seed taken out of it. 5, The same magnifyd.
  • Peony, 1, the Seed commonly so call'd. 2, one half of it split down. 3, the other half. 4. the true seed taken out of it. 5, the same magnifyd.
  • Stramonium. 1, the Seed entire. 2, the iner thick cover. 3, the same split in two. 4, the true seed taken out of it. 5. half the thick Cover (3) magnifyd. 6, the Seed (4) magnifyd.
  • TAB. LXXVIII. Some exam­ples of the Buds of Seeds before they are sown.
  • Sena. 1, the naked Seed. 2, the Lobes divided to shew the Bud. 3, one Lobe with the Bud magnifyd.
  • Carduus Benedictus, 1, the entire Seed. 2, with the outer Covers off. 3, naked. 4, divided. 5, that half with the Bud, magnifyd.
  • Hemp. 1, the naked Seed divided. 2, 3, the same magnifyd.
  • Almond. 1. one half of the Ker­nel. 2, the Radicle and Bud at the bottom of it. 3, the same broken off. 4, magnifyd. 5, opened.
  • TAB. LXXIX. F. 1. ab, Part of the outer Coat.
  • [Page] c d, Part of the Inner Coat.
  • c d e, one Lobe cover'd with the Skin.
  • f g, the other, with the skin and part of the Parenchyma pared off.
  • f f, the Skin.
  • h h. the Parenchyma.
  • i i. the Seminal Root.
  • k k, the Radicle.
  • k l, where it is cut off from the Lobes.
  • M, the Plume or Bud.
  • N, The Cavitys in which it is lodg'd.
  • F. 2. Sheweth the Barque, Vessels and Pith of the Radicle.
  • TAB. LXXX. F. 1. A Slice of a young Apricock, cut transversly, near the lower end; shewing the du­plicature of the Skin half way through the Stone.
  • F. 2. A Slice, cut near the upper end; shewing the duplicature of the Skin quite throw the Stone.
  • F. 3. A well-grown Apricock cut by the length.
  • F. 4, 5, The Membranes of a Filbert full rite.
  • F. 6, The Membranes of a young Apricock, with part of the Seed-branch.
  • F. 7. the two Membranes cut by the length.
  • TAB. LXXXI. F. 1, The outer and midle Coats or Membranes; with the Chanel, oval at both ends, now formed in the latter.
  • f. 2, Part of the same, with the upper Oval grown larger, and the in­most Cover now also formed therein.
  • f. 3. the same with the inmost co­ver grown larger.
  • f. 4. the In most Cover more mag­nified, and the hollow in the smaller end, laid open, to shew the Seed it self, newly begun in a round Node.
  • f. 5. the same; in which the Node begins to be divided into two Lobes.
  • f. 6, 7, 8, the gradual forming of the Lobes.
  • f. 9, next the forming of the Ra­dicle.
  • f. 10, 11, Its gradual contracti­on at the point, into a short and slen­der Navle string.
  • Which in the further growth of the Seed, breaks and disappears.
  • TAB. LXXXII. a a, the Pulp, or open Parenchyma.
  • b b, the close Parenchyma or ground of the Stone.
  • c c, the Flower-Branch running through the body of the Stone.
  • d d, the Seed-Branch striking in­to the hollow of the Stone, and so run­ning round the outer Membrane ee.
  • f f, the middle Membrane.
  • g g, the Chanel.
  • h, the inner Membrane, in which lies the Seed.
  • TAB. LXXXIII. f. 1. the man­ner of the generation of the Essential Salts of Plants.
  • f. 2, a Crystal of the Essential Salt of Rosemary, a little magnifyd.
  • f. 3, a b, two of Wormwood, a, up­on the second Solution; b upon the first.
  • f. 4, one of G. Scurvygrass; a, one side; b the other.
  • f. 5. a Crystal of the Marine Salt of Rosemary.
  • f. b, of Garden Scurvy-grass; a the upper side; b. the nether.
  • f. 7, of Wormwood.
  • f. 8. of Black Thorne.
  • f. 9. another of the same.
  • f. 10, of Firne.
  • f. 11, another of Wormwood.

[Page] [Page]

Tab. 1.

fig. 1 f.2. f.3. Garden Beane

f.4. Cress seed

f.5. Barley

f.6. Almond

f.7. Foenugreek Seed

f.8. French Bean

f.9. Slice of a Beane

f.10. Radicle

f.11. Plume

f.12. Plume

f.13. Lobe

f.14. Seminal Root

f.15. Gourd

[Page] [Page]

Tab. 2.

fig.1 Lupine Seed.

f.2. Cucumer-S.

f.3. Lettice-S.

f.4. Beane.

f.5. Vine-Root.

f.6. Plume-Root

f.7. Fenil-Root

f.8. Turnep

f.9. Columbine-Root


[Page] [Page]

Tab. 3.

fig.1 a Beane

f.2. Oak Wood

f.3. Rice of Cane

f.4. a Barley-Corne

f.5. Plum-Tree Branch

f.6. Bur-dock

f.7. Piece of Oak magnifyd

f.8. Piece of Beech

[Page] [Page]

Tab. iv

fig.1 Piece of Beech Wood

f.2. Stalkes of y e Leafes of Asarum

f.3. Stalkes of y e Leafes of Cichory

f.4. Stalkes of y e Leafes of Cabbage

f.5. Stalkes of y e Leafes of Coltsfoot

f.6. Stalkes of y e Leafes of Endiue

f.7. Stalkes of y e Leafes of Ivy

f.8. Stalkes of y e Leafes of Dock

f.9. Stalkes of y e Leafes of Mint

f.10. Stalkes of y e Leafes of Borage

f.11. Stalkes of y e Leafes of Mullein

f.12. Lily

f.13. Peruvian Starwort

f.14. Peare

f.15. Aprecock

f.16. y e Secundine

f.17. Coats of lupine

f.18. Lupine

[Page] [Page]

Tab. 5.

fig.1 Primrose Root

f.2. Wood-sorrel R.

f.3. Deuils-bi [...]t R.

f.4. Tuberous Iris R.

f.5. Dandelion R.

f.6. Dragon R.

f.7. Spring-Crocus R.

[Page] [Page]

Tab: VI.

f.1 f.2. f.3. f.4. The Root of Scorzonera.

f.5. Burnet

f.6. f.7. Ierusalem Artichoake.

f.8. Dandelion.

f.9. Borage.

f.10. Carrot.

f.11. Parsley.

[Page] [Page]

Roots w ch Bleed little or nothing.
  • Mallow
  • Patience
  • Iris
  • Peony
  • Bistord

Roots which Bleed a Lymphna.
  • Bugloss
  • Bryony
  • Borage
  • [...]. Henbeane.
  • Horse-Radish.
  • Deadly Nightshade.
  • [...]wort
  • Non-Bulbous Lily
  • Asparagus.
  • Columbine.

[Page] [Page]

Tab. VIII.
Roots which Bleed a Lympha.
  • f.1 Parsnip
  • f.2. Carrot
  • f.3. Beet
  • f.4. Nettle
  • f.5. Ierusalem Artichoak
  • f.6. [...]alerian
  • f.7. Dropwort
  • f.8. Lychnis

Roots which Bleed a Milk or Oyly Sap
  • f.9. Louage
  • f.10.Bulyr Bur
  • f.11. Dandelyon
  • f.12. Great Celandine
  • f.13. Cychory
  • f.14. Goatsbeard
  • f.15. Bishopsweed

[Page] [Page]

Tab: 9.
Roots with Milky or Balsamick Vessels, and Lymphaeducts, both apparent.
  • F.1 Fenil
  • F.2. Enula camp
  • F.3. Tracheliū
  • F.4. Wormwood

Roots with two sorts of Lymphaticks; in some, Aqu [...]educts and Muciducts.
  • F.5. Gard: Scurvygrass.
  • F.6. Wild Cucumer.
  • F.7. Melilote.
  • F.8. Potato
  • F.9. Carduus beued.
  • F.10. Eryngo
  • F:11 Cumfrey
  • F.12. Monks Hood
  • F.13. Valerian.
  • F:14. Cinquefoyle.
  • F:15 Burnet.

[Page] [Page]

Tab. x.

Fig. 1 Small Root of Asparagus

Fig: 2. The same magnify'd.

[Page] [Page]

Tab. xi.

fig.1 Root of Ierusalem Artichoak cut trans­versly

f.2. Half a Slice of y e same

Fig.3. Half a Slice Magnifyd

Standard of Bladders in Roots.

[Page] [Page]

Tab: XII.

Fig.1 Slice of a small M. Mallow Root

Fig.2. The same Magnifid

[Page] [Page]


f.i. Slice of Dandelyon Root

Fig.2. The same magnifyd

[Page] [Page]

Tab. 14

Fig.1 The small end of a Bugloss Root

Fig.2. The same magnify'd

[Page] [Page]

Tab 15

Fig.1 [...] [...] end of Hors Radish Root

Fig.2. The same magnifyd

[Page] [Page]

Tab. XVI.

f.1 Wormwood Root cut transversly

f.2. The same Magnify'd

[Page] [Page]


Fig.1. Vine-Root cut transversly

Fig .2. The same Magnified.

[Page] [Page]

Tab. 18
Stalks & Branches cut transuersly

f.1 Dandelyon

f.2. Indian Wheat

f.3. Borage

f.4. Holyoak

f.5. Colewort

f.6. Wild Cucumer

f.7. Burdock

f.8. Scorzonera

f.9. Endiue

f.10. Vine

f.11. Sumach

[Page] [Page]

Tab 19

F.1 Corin

F.2. Sonchus

F.3. Vine

F.4. Walnut

[Page] [Page]

Tab. 20.

Fig.1. the Surface of Walking-Cane

F.2. the Skin of Borage-Stalk

F.3. Turpentine-Vessels in the Barque of Pine.

F.4. Milk-Vessels in the Barque of Sumuch.

[Page] [Page]


AB Piece Cut out of [...] Magnified to Shew y e Lymphaeducts & Aer-Vessels

ab. Part of a Vine Branch cut transversly

[Page] [Page]

Tab. 22.

f.1. Holly Branch cut transversly

f.2. The same

[Page] [Page]

Tab. 23

f.1. Hazel-Branch cut transversly

f.2. The same

[Page] [Page]

Tab. 24

f.1. Barberry Branch cut transversly

f.2. The same

[Page] [Page]

Tab. 25

f.1 Apple Branch cut transversly

f.2. The same

[Page] [Page]

Tab. 26

f.1 Pear Branch cut transversly

f.2. The same

[Page] [Page]

Tab. 27

f.1 Plum Branch cut transversly

f.2. The same

[Page] [Page]

Tab. 28

f.1 Elm Branch cut transversly

f.2. [...] same

[Page] [Page]

Tab. 29

f.1 Ash branch cut transversly

f.2. The same

[Page] [Page]

Tab. 30

f.1 Wallnut Branch cut transversly

f.2. The same

[Page] [Page]

Tab. 31

f.1 Figg Branch cut transversly

f.2. The same

[Page] [Page]

Tab. 32

f.1 Pine Branch cut transversly

f.2. The same

[Page] [Page]

Tab. 33

f.1 Oak Branch cut transversly

f.2. The same

[Page] [Page]

Tab. 34

f.1 Sumach Branch cut transversly

f.2. The same

[Page] [Page]

Tab. 35

f.1 Wormwood Stalk cut transversly

f.2. The same

[Page] [Page]

Tab. 37
Part of a Corin Branch cut as in Tab. 36.

[Page] [Page]

TAB: XXXVI [...]
Part of a Vine Branch cut transversly and splitt half way downe y e midle

[Page] [Page]

Tab. 38

f.1 Thistle Stalk cut transversly

f.2. The same

[Page] [Page]


f.1 a Linen Thred

f.2. One of y e Lignus Fibers or Lympheducts y e Thred

f.3. The small particle of Fir-wood magnifyd.



[Page] [Page]

Part of Tab.34 represented somewhat Larger & with several Breaks to shew y e Contexture both of y e Perpendicular & Horizontal Fibers

[Page] [Page]


Leaf of Dock


Branch of Sumach

[Page] [Page]

Tab. [...]

f.1 Onion

f.2. Mallow

f.3. Scabious

f.4. Violet

f.5. Bears Ear.

f.6. Dock

[Page] [Page]

Tab: 43

Fig.1 Leaf of Goosgrass

fig.2. Of Bears Ear.

Hairs on y e Leaf of Tree Sage.

Of Herusalem Cowslip.

Hairs on y e Leaf of Mullen.

[Page] [Page]


Leaf of Venetum Vetch


Sage-Leav'd Ironwort

Cornelian Cherry

Broad Leav'd Laser-wort

[Page] [Page]

Tab. XLV.

Leopard's Bane

Great Laser [...]

[...] Calamint

Black Poplar

Shrubby Marsh-Mallow

[Page] [Page]

Tab. 46.
Leavs of
  • Clematis Nyl [...]m.
  • Mallow
  • Vine

[Page] [Page]


Leaf of Sirynga




[Page] [Page]


Leaf of Firr.

Rhamnus Salicis Folio.

The top of a Pine Leaf.

The top of a Lilly leaf.

[Page] [Page]

Stalks of
  • Mallow.
  • Dock.
  • Dandelion.
  • Wild-Clary.
  • Borage.
  • Mullen.

[Page] [Page]

Tab. 50.
A young Borage Leaf

[Page] [Page]

Tab. 51.
The Aer-Vessels [...] in a Vine Leafe.

[Page] [Page]

Tab. LII.
The Aer-Vessels [...] in a Scabious Leafe.

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Marine Salt




[Page] [Page]

Flowers of
  • Blattana
  • Starwort
  • Convolvulus Mallow
  • Poppey
  • Ladys Looking Glass
  • Ladys Bower
  • Marvel of Peru
  • Cichory

[Page] [Page]

Tab. 55.

f.1 Flower of Dulcamara magnifi'd.

f.2. Flower of Colus Jovis magnifi'd.

f.3. Flower of S t. James's wort.

f.4. Fl. of Chamemile.

f.5. Fl. of Clematis Austriaca.

f.6. One of y e Thecae in y e flower.

f.7. Theca (a) magnifi'd.

f.8. Fl. of Blattana.

f.9. One of y e Thecae.

f.10. The Theca (c) magnifi'd.

[Page] [Page]

Tab. 56.

f.1 Flower of Hyoscyanus.

f.2. One of y e Spermatick Thecae.

f.3. The Backside of y e Theca.(a)

f.4. The Belly of the Theca. (a)

f.5. The Edges of the Theca (a) open.

f.6. The Column in y e Midle of y e flower.

f.7. The Column (e) Magnifi'd.

[Page] [Page]

Tab. 57.

f.1 Flower of S t. Johns wort.

f.2. The same a little magnifi'd.



[Page] [Page]

Tab. 58.
The Sperme of
  • f.1 Snapdragon.
  • f.2. Plantaine
  • f.3. Bearsfoot
  • f.4. Carnation
  • f.5. Bindweed
  • f.6. Devils-bit
  • f.7. Beane
  • f.8. Lily
  • [...] Deadly Nightshade
  • f.10. Pancy
  • f.11. The flower of Mallow
  • f.12 The Attire (e) on f.11.
  • f.13. One of y e Thecae (t) in f.12.
  • f.14. Mallow. The spermatich Globulets in f13.

[Page] [Page]

Tab. 59.

f.1 A sprig of Golden-Rod flowers.

f.2. One flower.

f.3. The flower (a) magnifi'd.

f.4. & 5. One suit of y e flower (a)

f.6. The Blad w th-in y e sheath. (c)

[Page] [Page]

Tab. 60.

f.1 A French Marigold.

f.2. One suit of which about 12 are withing y e circle.

f.3. The [...] magnifi'd.

f.4. The Blade [...] taken out of y e sheath.

f.5. One suit of Chrysanthemum Creet. of w ch about 80 are in every flower.

[Page] [Page]

Tab. 61.

f.1 Marigold.

f.2. One of y e suits of w ch are about 40 in y e circle.

f.3. The suit magnifi'd.

f.4. A Marigold leaf.

f.5. [...] Magnifi'd.

f.6. The flower of Knapweed.

f.7. One suit of Knapweed.

f.8. The suit (d) Magnifi'd.

[Page] [Page]

Tab. 62.

f.1 Cichory flower.

f.2. One leaf.

f.3. The Leaf (a) with its Attire Magnified.

f.4. The Sheath.

f.5. The Blade.

[Page] [Page]

Tab. 63.


f.2. One of y e Flowers in y e Bud (a) magnifi'd.

f.3. The same flower cut open, shewing y e spermatick Thecae, & y e Uterus.

f.4. Sheweth a young Tulip (a) as it is form'd in y e bottome of y e Root in September.

[Page] [Page]

Tab. 64.

f.1 A flower Bud of A Sarum.

f.2. The Same Opened.

f.3. Is (a) Magnifi'd.

f.4. Is (a) with y e Leaves Strip'd of.

f.5. one of y e Theca (a. b.) surrounding (c.)

f.6. [...] or y e Column Naked.

[Page] [Page]

Tab. 65

f.1. an Apple cut by the length

f.2. Cut transversly

f.3. The piece (ab) magnified

[Page] [Page]

Tab. 66.

f.1 a Limon cut downe

f.2. cut transversly

f.3. great one of the Baggs, a.c.e.

f.4. One of the little Baggs c.e. cut transversly

f.5. Garden Cucumer

f.6. Wile Cucumer

[Page] [Page]


fig.1 Pear cut transversly

fig.2. Cut by y e length

f.3. A Peice cut out of f. 1.

f.4. The peice (a.b.) magnify'd.

f.5. Quince

[Page] [Page]

Tab. 68. (See Tab. 80. &c.)

f.1. a plum cut transversly

f.2. an Aprecock cut transversly

f.3. a piece taken out of f.2.

f.4. the piece a) magnify'd

f.5. A young one w th y e now bulky Coats of y e Seed

f.6. the same by y e length

f.7. One with the kernell full grown

[Page] [Page]

Tab. 69.

f.1. a Cherry unskind

f.2. a Grape

f.3. a Goosberry cut downe.

f.4. a Goosberry cut transversly.

f.5. Is (f.4.) magnify'd.

f.6. a Filbert

[Page] [Page]

Tab. 70.
Seed-Case of
  • Garden Radish
  • Red Poppy
  • of Garden Bean.
  • Yellow Henbeane.

[Page] [Page]

Tab. LXXI.
Seed-Case of
  • Tulip
  • Stramonium
  • Anugallis
  • Code [...] Arsinart
  • Azarum

[Page] [Page]


Plum Stones



Stone of Bellir: Myrobal

P. Christi S

Orange S

The Small piece (a c) taken out of the Leafe & magnify'd

Leaf of Harts tongue

The Seed Case open

The Seed

Seed of Typha Maior

Seed of Pine

Wood Sorrel Seed

S. of Goos Grass

[Page] [Page]

Seeds of
  • Poppy
  • Little Century
  • Spergula
  • Little Celandine
  • Lychnis
  • Great Celandine
  • Chickweed
  • Ben
  • Pentaphyll fragif.
  • Doves-feet
  • Br [...]klime
  • Rush
  • Little Bell.
  • Sed. maj.
  • Vervaine
  • Ragwort
  • Barley Grass.
  • S t. Iohns wort

[Page] [Page]

Seeds of
  • Nettle
  • Eyebright
  • Wormwood
  • Yarrow
  • Sorrel
  • Anagallis
  • Nigella
  • a Sort of Bugloss
  • Melissa Moldarica
  • Bellis Ta [...]aceti folio annua.
  • Stachas Arabica.
  • Wart Wort.
  • Chrysanth. Americ:
  • Blattaria.
  • Foxe Glove.
  • Tansey.

[Page] [Page]

Tab: 75.
Seeds of
  • Date
  • Hounds tongue
  • Cucumer
  • Scorzonera
  • Viola lunaris
  • Woad
  • Great blew Lupine.
  • Orach
  • Rhapontick
  • Garden Radish
  • Holyoak
  • Cotton Plant

[Page] [Page]

Tab: 76
Seeds of
  • Flag
  • Purging Angola Nut
  • Purging Barbado-Nut
  • Ricinus Americanus
  • Nux Vomica officin:

[Page] [Page]

Tab 77
Seeds of
  • Coffee
  • Goosgrass
  • Staphisagria
  • Peony
  • Stramonium

[Page] [Page]

Tab. 78.
Seeds of
  • Sena
  • Carduus bened
  • Hemp
  • Almond

[Page] [Page]


f.1 A Garden Bean in one Lobe of w ch the Seminal Root is layd bare.

f.2. The Radicle cut transversly

A pece of y e true skin

[Page] [Page]

Tab. 80
Sheweth y e Structure of y e [...] two uper Membranes of y e Seed

[Page] [Page]

Tab. 81
Sheweth y e further process in the Gene­ration of y e Seed

[Page] [Page]

The young Fruit, Three Membranes, & Seed now loose.

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Essent: Salts of Plants

Marine Salts of Plants.

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