Mr. William Fuller's THIRD NARRATIVE, CONTAINING New Matters of FACT, Proving the pretended Prince of WALES TO BE A Grand Cheat upon the Nation.

WITH An Answer to some Reflections cast upon Him.

The whole Written with his own Hand.

LONDON, Printed in the Year 1696.

Tunbridge-Wells August 30 96.

COming on Saturday night last, to Bonds-Coffe-house, on the Walks, I met with some Let­ters, and a Book intituled The truest Account of Mr. Ful­ler's Discovery of the True Mother of the pretended Prince of Wales, Born June [Page] the 10th. 1688. By a Person of Quality.

Upon my perusing it, I con­fess, I cou'd not forbear to pi­ty the vanity of the Author, who has made use of not so much as one true Argument, or sub­stantial Evidence or Circum­stance to disprove any particu­lar of my Narrative, which is the business, he but indeed only seems to endeavour. But I neither fear or value what he or any of the late King's Par­ty can say, or do in opposition of what I have writ on this Subject: Such snarling Impu­dent Lyers I presume are no [Page] ways extreamly serviceable to the late King or his pretended Son's Interest; for their Lyes, Perjuries and Shams have been so often detected, from time to time, that they will hardly ever gain any credit from the most rational Men of this Kingdom, untill they give us some strong proofs of their Reformation; which this Spark I am sure has not done; and may well be a­shamed to discover his name: Certainly he thinks the bare name of Quality has a strong influence on the belief of the People of England; but the Cheat is grown as common with [Page] Authors, as Vizard-masks are indeavouring to pass under the same Notion, in a side Box, or middle Gallery.

What I have writ in the fol­lowing Treatise is my own, the Stile is mean, which (I hope the Reader will pardon, since the matter is truth, I writ it in hast on Monday morning August the 30th. 1696. without any help, as I can prove by several at the Wells with me.


THese Two Books following, were Written and Published by Mr. WILLIAM FULLER, (Page of Honour to the late Queen in France) Author of this Book, viz.

I. A Brief Discovery of the True Mo­ther of the Pretended Prince of Wales, known by the Name of Mary Grey. To which is Added, A further Discovery of the late Con­spiracy against His Majesty's Sacred Person, and Government, &c. As laid before the King &c. and De­posed to a Committee of Parliament. By WILLIAM FƲLLER, Gent. sometimes Page of Honour to the late Queen in France.

Price, Six Pence.

II. A Further Confirmation, That Mary Grey was the True Mother of the Pretended Prince of Wales. Toge­ther, with an Account of the Pri­vate [Page] Messages, and Letters, sent by the French King, King James, the late Queen, and other Persons of Quality, to their Agents in England. Published by WILLIAM FƲLLER, Gent. who was privy to whole Ma­nagement. To which is added, the Author's Vindication of Himself, from the Male-Contents of this Kingdom.

Price, Six Pence.

Mr. De Labadie's LETTER to his Daughter Mrs. De Labadie, Nurse to the Pretended Prince of Wales. Written in Characters, and Deci­phered by Dr. Wallis, Professor of Geometry in Oxford. Which said LETTER is referred to by Mr. Fuller in his Two Narratives; and is a plain demonstration of that horrid Imposture. With Reflecti­ons upon it, and a full Answer to the Material Objections, in a late Pamphlet, Entituled, The Truest Account of Mr. Fullers Discovery, &c. By another Hand.

Price, Six Pence.

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