
IN the first Leafe Ben [...]adu, is printed for Benjamin in the second Leafe comming; for conniving, and how the deserningly, for how deservingly, in the third Mr. Vaughan pretends that Mr. Keekwich disburst 200. l. on the whereas said pearl, for whereas Mr. Vaughan pretends that Mr. Keckwich disburst 200. l. on the said pearl, in the fourth Leafe, by concealment, for by his concealment, and afore-hand, for aforesaid, in the fifth Leafe, close strict dealing, for close dealing, not a peny, for not him a peny, and therewhich, for therewith, in the sixe Leafe Sentiall for Senthill, joyned Steward, for joynt Steward, Cranes for Craves, affecting, for perfecting, and 400. l. security, for tooke security, in the seventh Leafe, soul­diers half, for souldiers halfe, infinitem, for infinita, use of 620. l. for use 620. l. easier accompt, for easier his accompt, quality for quantity, you within, for then within, and he will appeare, for it will appeare.

The answer of Philip Francis Merchant late Major of the borrough of Plymouth, in the County of Devon, to the false and scandalous aspersion and accusation of Charles Vaughan Gentleman.

IN July 1643. The said Philip Francis being then Major of Plimouth, and having some jealousie of Sir Alexander Carewes fidelity, then Governour of the Island near Plymouth, the said Philip presently by his Letters advertized the Parliament thereof, and desired that the said Sir Alexander might be removed from his Command, & (to take from him all cause of jelaousie) that Thomas Arondell Esquire, a Member of the house of Commons then Governor of the Fort of Plimouth (where­in he demeand himselfe with great honestie and integrity) might like­wise be called up with him, to attend the service of the house. And the said Philip not satisfied therewith, by the meanes and assistance of Captaine Richard Evons of Plimouth merchant, who had good in­terrest and acquaintance with Captaine Iohn Hancok then a Sergeant, Benianda, Fuge and others the principall men in the Island, next the said Sir Alexander, and men very well affected to the Parliament, and well affected of the common souldiers there, sent privately for them, made known to them his said jealousie; and desired them to persevere in their integrity and constancy to the cause, and to labour what in them lay, to keep the common souldiers constant to the Par­liament, and to be very vigilant and observant of the said Sir Alex­ander, and of his actions, and to be carefull to secure the court of guard and Armes if cause were, and on any discovery, to give him notice thereof, and promised to reward them, and the souldiers, liberally for the same.

August the first 1643. Vpon receipt of the said Philips letter it was [Page] thus ordered by the Honourable the House of Commons assembled in Parliament, viz. That Sir Alexander Carew, and Master Thomas Arundell doe forth with attend the service of the House, and that Master Roll, doe signifie so much unto them; but before the receipt of the said order the jealousies of the said Sir Alexander Carew encreased, and the said Philip was Prest by some of the said Town of Plymouth (unacquanted with the said Philips proceedings therein) to secure the person of the said Alexander, which the said Philip making known to the Counsell of Warre then there, and there then appearing only matter of jealousie, and no apparant cause of proofe against him (as is otherwayes but most falsly alleadged by Master Vaughan) and he being a Member of the House of Commons, and the Parliament being ad­vertized thereof as aforesaid, the said Counsell advised the said Philip to forbeare it untill he should receive directions from the Par­liament in answer of his Letters, which the said Philip made knowen likewise to the said Hancock, who assured the said Philip of the in­tegrity of the souldiers in the Island, and feared that the apprehen­sion of the said Sir Alexander then, without apparrent and good cause might give distaste to them, which the Enemy lying then very neer, viz. at mount Edgcombe, might take advantage of, and therefore likewise wisht the said Philip to forbear it, the rather for that he alleag­ed, the said Sir Alexander had ordered some at the Island, that if he were detained one the shoore at Plymouth, to make some signe towards the Cornish shore for assistance thence.

August 20. 1643. The said order and letter from Master Rolle be­ing delivered, the said Sir Alexander he at first made show as if he in­tended to obey the same, and promised to come on shore the next day, and perfect his accompts for his pay, but intended nothing lesse, as was afterwards apparent which the said Philip perceiving, and hear­ing that he had been at Mount Edgcombe, sent one Timothy Alsop merchant unto him, to acquaint him that his pay due, and accompts were ready, desiring him to come on shore resolving to secure him if he came, which he promised to doe, but failed of, whereupon Francis Goodolphin a Member of the House of Commons, and Iohn Sentabin Esquire, were desired by, the said Philip, to repaire to the said Sir Alexander to the Island, and to perswade him to conforme to the said order of Parliament, and to repaire to London, who not prevail­ing with him.

August 26. 1643. Master Wills, and Master Randall two Ministers that used to preach there, were sent to him to perswade with him, and [Page] to discover how the souldiers of the said Island stood affected, who on their return made known, that they found the souldiers very faith­full, and that the said Hancock with the rest of the said souldiers, had seized on the said Sir Alexander, and secured the Armes in the Court of Guard, and that they desired the said Philip speedily to come and take possession of the said Island, whereupon the said Philip having thirty boates or thereabouts in readinesse, well mand and Armed, which he had promised the said Hancock, to have still in readinesse to assist him if need were, himselfe in person went, which the said boates to the Island where the said souldiers delivered him, the said Sir Alex­ander, whom he brought thence, and left the said Captaine Richard Evons and others in his roome; displaced such souldiers as there was jealousieof, and satisfied the rest the pay that was due to them, and promised them a gratuity answerable to their desert.

August the 29. 1643. The said Philip Francis advised the Parlia­ment of the premises in answer whereof he received the letter, and order following.


YOur letters of the 29. of August directed to your Burgesses here in Par­liament, had this day a publike reading in the House, and upon a solemn and serious consideration of the particular contents thereof, the House Voted the severall orders here inclosed sent you, they have alwayes acknowledged and taken notice of your great industry and circumspection, by which your towne hath been preserved from the greedy and violent attempts of the open Enemies to His Majestie, and the Kingdome; and now more partic [...]lerly from the secret and mischievous treachery of a late Member of their owne House, Sir Alexander Carew ▪ by whose persidious endeavours to betray his trust, the Kingdome in generall and your towne in speciall was in apparent danger to have suffered much in ury; the God that hateth treason, and seeth in secret, was pleased to use you as his instrument to secure that place, for which, as this house doth give due praises to him, and authorizeth your towne to set a part a publike day, in which to solemnize the same, so I am commanded by them to give and (by you to) all that assisted you herein, their very hearty thankes, with which I subscribe,

Your very loving friend▪ William Lenthall Speaker.

Ordered that a letter be written to the Major of Plimouth to thank him for his great paines and industry in securing of the Isle of Pli­mouth, [Page] mouth, and that it be recommended unto the Major to take especial care of the security of that place, and that it be recommended unto the Major, that a particuler day may be set for a publike thanksgiving in the towne of Plymouth and that Master Major do reward such as he had promised reward unto, and that the house will see him re­imbursed and Sir Iohn Young, and Master Waddon, are appointed to bring in an order for the indemnity of the Major and the rest imploy­ed by him, all which appeared plainely upon the evidence against the said Sir Alexander at his try all, and which Sir Edmond Fowell Knight, Richard Erisie, the said Master Thomas Arandell, and Master Waddon, Members of the House of Commons now in the towne, and privie to the aforesaid passages can testifie; and therefore blush if you can, Master Vaughan, to charge the said Francis so innocent herein, with so false and scandalous an aspersion, of siding with the said Sir Alex­ander, and comming at him, but the said Charles in this as in all other his f [...]its of activity hath a shift to excuse himself, viz. That Col. Gould and others sent up Articles against the said Francis, by one Trottle whereof this was one; Tis very true, that the said Colonell Gould, and Master Thomas Gewen (to colour their unjust imprisonment of the said Francis, for refusing to deliver to them certaine pearle of the Parliaments committed to his custody as hereafter is exprest) sent up the said Articles which the said Trottle exhibited, and the said Charles under hand presented, but mauger all their malice after examination & report made thereof, to the Honourable house of Commons, by an order of the said House of the thirty of May 1644. The said Philip Francis was acquitted.

And whereas the said Charles alleadgeth that after Sir William Wallers blow at the vizes the said Philip fell off, from the right side to the said Sir Alexander, and the knot of the Vtriusques. Tis well known to be as false as the author of it, for the manifestation whereof to omit how the deservingly the said Philip demeand himself in severall seiges against the said towne of Plymouth during his Majoralty, in Decem­ber last, the said Philip being out of his Majoralty and eommanding then one of the townes of Plymouthes companies consisting of 150. men or thereabouts, in two severall assaults drew his companie out of the said towne, and with the assistance of some others: encountred the Enemy, and demeaned himselfe so resolutely, that he forced them in one of the said encounters to fly shamefully, and to leave a great many of their horse, men, and Ammunition behind them, and in the o­ther to retreat disorderly and had the [...] lost their Ordnance had not they been drawen off that did the service which in a pamphlet, is at­tributed to those that were never guilty of it.

The further answer of the said Philip to the said VAUGHANS pretences for the detaining the Parliaments Pearl.

September 30. 1644.

THe said Vaughan, being by Warrant from the Honourable the House of Commons committed and continuing so still, for desobeying an order of the said House, and not delivering the said Philip, for the use of the Parliament a quantity of Pearl of the Lord M [...]lbroroughes, in or about June 1643. Seized on by the Deputy Lieutenants and Committee in Plimouth▪ which being of value and contained in Cabinet was sealed up with seven of the seales of the said Deputy Lieutenants and Commissioners, and by them delivered the said Francis then Major, to be sent to the Parliament, which the said Philip making known to the Parliament, he was directed to send it for London and being bound there, resolved to carry it himselfe.

In February 1643. Colonell Gould, since deceased, Iohn Champnes Esquire, and Thomas Gewen, the said Vaughans brother in Law, and Deputy treasurer required the said Philip to deliver them the said pearl which he refusing to doe without order, they committed him to prison detained him there two monethes or there abouts, searched his house, examined his servants on oath, and having at last got the said pearl, broke open the said Cabinet, and then convayed it to London, by one Peter Keckwich, in close and secret manner directed to the said Voughan, where he and the said Keckwich concealed it from the Parliament ten weekes or there abouts, and in that time got it to be prized at a very low value, and never intended to acquaint the Parlia­ment therewith as the said Vaughan in his reply acknowledgeth, had not the said Philip on his comming to London, made it known, and Mr. Vaughan pretends that Mr. Keckwitch disburst 200 l. on the wheras said pearl to the Committee for sequestrations in Plymouth, and that he gave Mr. Keckwich at his return for Plymouth in May 1644. are­ceipt under his hand for the same, that is apparantly untrue, for Keck­wich came to London in February 1643. and presently on his coming to London, delivered the said pearl to the said Vaghan, and was by him advised to conceale it, as the said Keckwich on his examination before the Lords and Commons Committee for plymouth acknowledged and never made any pretence or claime there unto himself, and tis pro­bable that if he had deposited any money thereon, and were so wary as to have a receipt for the said pearl, that he would have taken his [Page] receipt at the time of the delivery of the said pearl, and not in May after at his going away, but the truth is, the pearl was sent up to the said Vaughan; and long after the delivery thereof, and before Keck­wiches going for Plymouth, viz. in Aperil 1644. the said Vaughan, and Keckwich being both questioned for the same by the Committee of Lords and Commons for Plimouth, and the said Vaughan fearing the said pearl would be taken from him, and there being an order to view the same, first shifted himselfe out of the way, and then shifted Keckwich, away, & then sets Keckwicks claim on foot & the said receipt▪ and Colonell Goulds Letter to Master Nicholas Gould, vouched by him in his reply, makes his pretence apparently false in severall par­ticulers; as first, that the money (if any were) was taken up by Colonell Gould, and not by the Committee for sequestrations; se­condly that Colonell Gould gave Keckwich bills of exchange for his security for the money, and not the pearl, and had the money been taken up for the State, as is pretended, the bills of exchange would have been charged on the Parliament or Committee for Plimouth, and not on Master Nicholas Gould, as is evident by the said Letter; but the truth is that after Master Keckwich his comming to London, and before his returne Colonell Gould, that took up the money died, and Keckwich being in danger thereby to loose his money, Master Vaughan would excuse himself and salve, Keckwich with this shift, whereas tis well known, that there is a great deal of money due from the E­state of the said Colonell Gould, on accompt to the Parliament, who received divers great summes of money of the Parliaments, during his being in plimouth, and elsewhere, yet after the said Philip Francis his Majoralty, paid not the commons souldiers, but made the inha­bitants of plimouth to maintaine them, at their own charge, and by the advise of the said Gewen, as is more then probable, prest the Committee in plymouth, and Deputy Lieutenants to search every mans house in the towne, and to take from them by force all su [...]h money and plate as should be found in their houses, if they would not part with it otherwise, & wheras Mr. Vaughan pretends that the pro­ceed of the pearl the 200. l. deducted, should be returned to plymouth for to pay the souldiers tis apparent that nothing lesse was intended for they prized it but at 273. l. for which before it came to their fingers, there was 800. l. proffered in plymouth, and in their inventory sent up, which Master Vaughan, shewed the said Lords and Commons Committee against divers of the chaines and bracelets mentioned therein, the Letters W. G. were [...]; which parcels it seems Colonell [Page] William Gould was to have upon the per [...]istion for his part had he li­ved, and what is become of the other parts, is proper for one of Master Vaughans queries, but it is apparent the Garrison of Plymmouths part had been the least thereof.

But Master Vaughan would excuse his concealement of the pearl from the Parliament ten weeks, for that Mr. Keckwich was absent in the North ten dayes or thereabouts: and yet Mr. Vaughan had the pearle long be­fore in his custody, and it is apparent never intended the Parliament should know of it; but to have sold it as he confesseth in his reply, viz. that he held it not fit to trouble the Committee with it, for that s [...]que­strators have power to sell things sequestred by them; but this was n [...]t sequestred by them, but seized, sealed up and delivered to the said Fran­cis, to be sent to the Parliament by the Committee and Deputy Lieute­nants in Plymmouth as aforesaid, foure of which Committee and De­puty Lieutenants were likewise Commissioners for sequestrations, viz. Sir Edmond Fowell, Sir Shilston Calmady Knights, Robert Savery Esquire, and the said Philip Francis; and none of them assented to the taking of it from the said Francis.

But Master Vaughan sayes that the Lord Admirall claimes an interest in the pearle; that will not excuse Master Vaughans contempt to the Par­liament certainly, what part his Lordship hath therein, the Parliament is so just, that they will not detain; and his Honour is so Noble, that he will not demand any thing that is not undoubtedly his, who is now in the towne; and therefore Master Vaughans pretence to keep the pearle untill his Lordships comming to the towne failes, but it is evident by concealement and resolution to dispose of it, that he intended to deceive his Lordship thereof, but it is alleadged that Mr. Francis gave out as if part of the pearle were imbezelled by Collonell Gould.

It is most true (that the pearl being conceived to be better worth then 800. l. in Plymmouth, before it came to Mr. Vaughan, Mr. Gewens, and Mr. Keckwiches hands, and by their apprizement, val [...]ed but at —273. l. as a­foresaid; and the Inventory taken at Plymmouth by the Commissioners and Deputy Lieutenants afore hand being very briose, viz. so many strings, so many chaines, and so many brazelets, without mentioning the weight, quantity, quality, or number of pearls in every string, chain, or braslet; which the pearle being sealed up as aforesaid, was conceived sufficient: but being broken open, the said Philip Francis said, and saith still, that if halfe the pearle were taken away, viz. halfe in every linke, chaine, and braslet, it would not appeare by that Inventory, and beleiveth that there hath been jugling therein, but by whom he cannot say; but as for Colonell Gould he never reported it, nor doth hee beleive it; and [Page] whereas Mr. Vaughan alleadgeth that hee was not acquainted with the praizing of the pearl, untill after he had the pearle in his custody, and therefore it is apparent it could not be done on view, without his privi­ty; and whereas he suspects the said Francis intended to get the pearle for himself, though there be more mony due to the said Francis from the Parliament, then his fortune and credit can well subsist with to for­beare; and therefore in a faire and honest way hee hath indeavoured to be satisfied thereof (which the said Vaughan labours to hinder, as is evi­dent) yet in the prosecution of this businesse, the chiefe ayme and desire of the said Philip hath been, that the Parliament might not be deceived thereof, as it is apparant was intended; and what is set forth in the said Francis his answer, touching the carriage of the said Keckwich, will bee made good; to use Mr. Vaughans owne language with a reserve.

The further answer of the said Philip, to the Reply of the said CHARLES VAUGHAN, and the exceptions taken to the accompt of the said Philip.

MAster Vaughan at first took 14. exceptions to the accompt of the said Philip, given to the accomptants of the Kingdom, and conclu­deth that his aforesaid 14, exceptions being all allowed, there rests due to the Parliament from the said Francis 750 l. 2s.9d. which the said Francis having fully answered▪ Mr. Vaughan replies only to the first and last exceptions, and waves all the rest, yet makes the summe rest still, and gives reason for it, viz. that he hath a reserve, which is very true, and a very great one of the States mony: or he is very much belyed, un­lesse he have transported or made it beyond Sea, as it is said he hath.

To avoid mis-recitall which he chargeth the said Francis with, but how materially, sit liber Index.

The first exception is, that there is no mention made of 1700. l. at least, [...] on Mr. Kell [...]nd Mr. yard Mr. Hody, and Mr. Gyles, for which he is li­abl [...], they being in hi [...] custody, and freed by him.

The answer is, that the said Mr. Kelland, Mr. yeard, Mr. Hody, and one Gyles Luman, in or about September last was twelve-moneth, were sent prisoners from Dartmouth to Plymmouth, and detained there in the Marshal [...]ey, and the towne of Plimmouth being then necessitated for mony to pay the souldiers, and threatned with a siege, which followed very shortly, and the Gentlemen being very sick [...]y, and the prison infe­ctious, it was conceived fit by the Councell of warre then there, to compound with them, and take 800. l. of them for their liberty, which was done accordingly, whereof 300. l. was sent by order to Dartmouth [Page] to pay the Garrison there, and the other 500. l. was payd to Timothy Al▪sop of Plymmouth Merchant, then Treasurer there, to pay the Garrison in Plymmouth, for which he is to be accomptable; and the said Philip Francis received not one penny thereof, and therefore ought not to bee ch [...]rged there withall.

Mr. Vaughan in his reply acknowledgeth the said 300. l. to be paid to Dartmouth, and the 500. l. to Mr. Alsop, and denies not the clearing of them as aforesaid [...] though he make some queries thereon, which will be answered her [...]fter) yet he thinks it sit that the said Francis should be re­sponsible, for the full summe assest on them; (and why) because they were discharged illegally; no, but because he and his dep [...]ty [...]inge [...]ed no part of the mony; But he objects, that none have power to abate assesse­ments but 3. of the [...]ommissioners at least Sir Shilslon Colmady Knight, Robert Savery Esquire, and the said Philip Francis, 3. of the said Coan­cell of Warre, were Commissioners for assessements, and discharged them out of prison, but not of their assessements; but took 800. l. in part for the reasons aforesaid, and the rest they are liable to still.

Master Vaughans new objections not formerly answered, according to his owne method shall be drawne into queries, wherein Mr. Vaughan, since you desire to have truth spoken, be not offended when you hear it. 1 Qu. Why the said Francis refused to joyn with the Commissioners for assessements, they wanting money to pay the souldiers?

1 An. The said Francis was then Major, and his multiplicity of busi­nesse would not give him leave to attend it constantly, and there were a sufficient number of Commissioners to sit besides himselfe, yet diverse times he did fit with them.

2 Master Gewen Mr. Vaughans deputy, carried himself so peremptorily, & partially, not hearkning to the advise of the rest of the Commissioners, but easing his friends, and laying such immoderate rates on others, that divers miserably ended their dayes there in prison; which his harsh dea­ling, lost the hearts of divers that formerly stood well affected to the Parliament, and dishartned the said Philip from accompanying him, so of­ten as other wayes he should?

2 Qu. Why the said Francis was unwilling the said Mr. Kelland, Master yeard, Mr. Hoddy, and Mr. Lowman, should be imprisoned in the mar­shally at Plimouth, and why he wold have had them removed thence.

Answ. The Calenture raigned much then in the said prison, and they were sickly, and the said Philip feared they would die there, and then their whole assessements had been lost, and therefore he would have had them imprisoned in some place of safety not infected.

3 Qu. Why the said Francis moved the rest of the said Commissioners to take 500. l. of the said Gentlemen▪

[Page] Answ. The said Francis hearing that the said Gewen had an intention to send the said Gentlemen to Dartmouth which was taken within few dayes after by the enemy, and hearing that Colonell Gould owed the said Mr. Kelland 1000. l. by bond, and that the said Mr. Kelland was often profered both at Dartmouth, and Plimouth, that if he would deliver up his said bond, they should be all freed, and then the souldiers at Plimouth who were in great want had not had any part of the said money, true it is, he said he had rather take 500. l. of them then suffer them so to be dis­charged, but prest still to get asmuch of them as might be, and conceives that what he and the other Commissioners did therein, was very justifi­able and fair, without any of Mr. Vaughans privie or close strickt dealing, and more justifiable then Mr. Gowens taking of Sir Iohn Speccet, and o­thers of great worth, neer a quarter part of their assessements, and where­as he pretends that the said Francis and Mr. Iohn Cawes were indebted to the said Mr. Kelland, the said Francis oweth not a peny, and what the said Cawes oweth he knoweth not.

Qu. 4 Why the said Francis would not suffer the said Gewen to receive any part of the said 800. l.

Answ. The said money was disposed of by order of the said Counsell of War, that cleared the said Gentlemen, and the reasons that moved them not to trust the said Gewen there, which were as the said Philip conceiveth these;

  • 1 The said Gewen is known to be a man of a low fortune and is much en­debted to the State as is beleeved, not only for the money he received in Plimouth for assessements and sequestrations, but also for the prisage of wines, for the which he hath given no accompt at all, and being required by the Committee in Plimouth, to accompt, refused the same; for that he was Master Vaughan Deputy and ought to accompt to none but him, and Mr. Vaughan he being prest to accompt, he pretends he hath lost his accompts, and it seemes by his reply would have the said Francis to favour him so much as to accompt for him, for he, (tis apparant) never intends it himselfe.
  • 2 For that the said Master Gewen, having money in his hands and the souldiers wanting pay, refused to issue it out according to order, on pre­tence that he kept it to discharge engagements at Exon, seldome obeying any orders for payment alleadging he would pay whom he list, and when he list, and what he list, and was at last growne to the height of pride that he slighted the Honourable William Lenthals the Speaker of the House of Commons his Letter, that ordered him to make payment of monies in his hands.
  • 3 The fidelity and integrity of the said Gewen to the Parliament, and [Page] cause was questioned, it being knowne that without leave of the Gover­nour he held intelligence and intercourse by Letters with Peter Sentiall Esquire a great Malignant, then with the enemy, one of them excepted in the Propositions for Peace, who was joyned Steward of the S [...]annery in Devon, with the said Vaughan, and Master Gewen their Deputy, untill the incroachments of the said Court, and oppressions, vexations, and other abuses of the Subject therein, were by act of this Parliament re­formed, and then they that could not fish but in fowle water left it, and the said Philip is since much confirmed in his opinion thereof, for that the said Gewens Eldest Sonne would have runne from Plym­mouth to the enemy, and perswaded one Captaine Stener to goe with him, promising him that he would procure him a ticket, and that his Fathers man should bring him a horse without the workes, and the said Philip hath beene lately informed, that Nicholas Roe, Master Gew­ens Sonne in Law, is discovered to have held intelligence by Letters, with Sir Richard Grenvils Secretary.

The other exception (viz.) the 14, is that Mr. Francis Cranes allow­ance for 11. severall other mens accompts and for the use of the money 2023. l. 5. s. 11. d. whereas the severall persons ought to give in their own accompts themselves upon their oathes, to which and divers other things not fit to be allowed, he subscribes this Philip Francis errours excepted, and sweares unto it, so as he may sweare truly, and yet his accompts be false.

The said Francis in his answer to the eight exception having set forth that one the exhibiting of his accompts, he made known to the accompt­ants of the Kingdome, that his accompts had dependancy on other mens accompts, and that he had paid money to severall persons, and promised payment to others, which they had disbursed for the Parliaments service, and which they were to be accomptable for, and that there upon the com­mission was ordered by the said accomptants, to be sent to Plimouth, di­rected to a subcommittee to audit the said accompts, before the affecting of the said Philips, which the said Philip was informed by the said ac­comptants, was sent away accordingly, and which the said Mr. Vaughan knew, & in his reply since acknowledgeth; he answers the said fourteenth exception thus.

The said Philip chargeth 200. l. only for interest which he is to pay, and much more, And a subcommittee is appointed to take the accompts of the said accomptants as is aforesaid; and the truth is, there is but 200. l. charged for interest, and the rest due on the other 14. mens accompts, make up the residue of the said 2023. l. 5 s. 11. d. and the said [Page] Philip wonders that so noted a vsurer as the said Vaughan, who hath grounded the faces and fortunes of so many poo [...]e so [...]les, that have falne into his hands by forfeitures, should take this exceptio [...], unlesse he hath left the memory of all his hard dealing in that kind, with his accompts in the Countrey.

The subscription errors excepted, the said Francis answers this, that he concludes his accompts as all Merchants doe, and if Mr. Vaughan knew as well to accompt for the mony he receives as he doth to receive it, he would not take this exception: and whensoever he will give in his accompt for 80000. l or thereabouts, which hee hath received of the States mony, and given no accompt of the same, on pretence that hee hath look his accompts, it is wished that there bee no greater errors found therein the sai [...] Philip is informed that divers of the accompt; delivered the said accomptants for the Kingdome, especially by Mer­chants, are subscribed in the like kind, and no exception taken to any, or by any, but by Mr. Vaughan: who sh [...]wes his teeth, and what hee would doe had he power; but it is objected, that such a subscription in Chancery or any other Court were not good, the said Francis acknow­ledgeth himselfe to be a Merchant, and ignorant in the Law: and meant plainly and honestly when he delivered in his accompts, and knowes no error therein, and took the oath without any equivocation or evasion; and c [...]nceives that the clause errors excepted it is used by Merchants in their accompts, to avoid wrong and injury which might otherwise be­fall either p [...]rty, and not introduce deceipt or knavery, as Mr. Vaughan would have it: and that it is to be construed of errors, of ignorance, and misprision, and not of witting and willing ones; And whereas hee ob­jects, that the said Francis had Armes of his providing for the Parlia­ment, which he hath not accompted for, the said Francis never received any Armes from him, but the Lord Admirall sent some to Plymmouth, which were put in the Magazine there, some put whereof some of the Town souldiers that wan [...]ed A [...]mes, had▪ which the Keepers of the Ma­gazine are to be accomptable for, the residue his deputy Mr. Gewen dis­posed of, and 400. l. sec [...]ritie for, and is to be accomptable for, but the 80000. l. unaccompted for, is that which sticks in Mr. Vaughans stomack, and hath produced his reply with an accompt, but it is only of his dis­bursements, for the Parliament, of which he hath a passing good memo­ry, but of his Receipts a most treacherous one, wherein not to take no­tice of what is detained from him, it being the common calamity of the Parliaments friends in these times, nor what he stands ingaged for the Parliament, the said Francis were he vainglorious, being able to make it appeare that his ingagements are far greater for the Parliament then his now, which he hath adventured on the Irish Land, he being so well se­cured [Page] for it, save only that he set it downe as so materiall and observeable that he paid all the money, which it seemes is rare with him, for tis said that in Exon he paid the souldiers half, and took receipts for the whole that was due to him; but his modestie in expresting his third disburse­ment is note worthy, for whereas he might as well have charged all the principall money due to him, which grown use upon use, in infinitem (unlesse he have left his old trade) as what he doth, yet he chargeth it thus (viz.) lent on the propositions and freely, to severall e [...]inent per­sons, to lend to the same use of 620. l. and with such like accompts the Parliament may be made debted to Master Vaughan on accompt, as he al­leadgeth, not otherwise.

Master Vaughans delatorie pleas to excuse himself from accompting, are two, first, he denies that he hath received half the sum of 80000l. for he received none of the assessements in Dartmouth, Plimouth, and Barnes­staple, and Mr. Leach the Commisary received likewise some assessements.

The lesse money Master Vaughan hath received, the easier accompt i [...] made; but he in his reply to entitle himselfe to the pearl, stiles hims [...]lfe treasurer for sequestrations in the County of Devon, and Mr. Gewen his Deputy, and by the Ordinance of the 17. of J [...]nuary 1642. the said Vau­ghan is appointed treasurer for assessements for Devon, and Mr. Leach and they that received the assessements and sequestrations in Dartmouth and Barnestaple, were likewise his Deputies, and the p [...]incipall officer is an­swerable for his Deputy, and for such money as he sh [...]ll receive, which Mr. Gewen well understood (it seems) when he refused to accompt, for that he was Mr. Vaughans deputy, and ought to accompt only to him, so that, that shift will not serve Master Vaughans turne.

H [...]s other is, that he left his books of accompts behind him, which were taken by the Enemy, after Excester was yeelded, and that his mans horse & cloak-bag & his mony was taken away within a mile of [...]xon, so that had he brought the said accompts they had bin taken also. Mr. Vaughan & his man might have come out of Exces [...]r in company with the Earl of Stam­ford & then they had passed very safely & secure as the rest of the said Earls company did, but Mr. Vaughan did divine that his man would lose his cloak-bagge and therefore left his accompts behind him, and he had rea­son, for thereby he did the Enemy and himselfe a cur [...]esie, the Enemy in leaving not only his books of receipt with them, but marginall notes thereon, if he be not belyed, what every one of the Parliaments friends in those parts had any way done for them, which the Ca [...]aliers make per­nicious use of against those p [...]ons he likewise pleasured himself there­by not only ingratiating himself with the [...], but excusing himself thereby as he conceives, from ever accompting with the Parliament, for the vaste sums of money he hath received of theirs; and that this is more th [...]n pro­probable, [Page] take a passage or two of his being Treasurer, during the siege at the Ci­ty of Exon, which I have from very good hands; The Souldiers being much arere of their pay, and by reason thereof divers of them running to the Enemie, and there being a great quatitie of Plate of the Parliaments in the said City, in the Treasurers Custodie, or his under Officers, sufficient to have satisfied them, and there being one [...] of the Mint sent thither by the Parlia­mint to Coine the said plate, the said Vaughan would not permit him to do it, but sent the said [...] away, and left the said plate intire, in the said city, to the Enemie on the surrender therof, & in the beginning of the said siege on pretence that there was not sufficient pay for the Souldiers, you within the City kept out a great part of Sir Henry Russels Regiment, who would willingly have adventured their lives for the Parliament, in the defence of the said City, and who were afterwards enforced to serve against the said City, and a princi­pall means of the losse thereof, and therefore tis not impossible he should be guil­ty also of this good, or rather ill Office▪ of leaving his accounts for them; But Mr. Vaughan must have some better shift to pallia [...]e his Pollicie then this, or else he will appeare naked and naught, for tis well knowne, that all accountants of such considerable sums, receive and pay by their servants, as he did, and have Copies, Transcripts, Breviates and Abstracts of their Accounts, that their ser­vants may not deceive them, which are very portable, and by which Master Vaughan might account if he had a minde to it, and tis apparant by his excep­tions, and the Account of his Disburstments, that he hath such a coppie or ab­stract, for he can set down what he hath paid to any for the Parliament to a pen­ny, as for instance, in his fifth Exception he sets downe what he had paid Co­lonell Harbert, and onely forgot to deduct 3. l. which his Servant, or rather set­ter, had of him, as the Colonell affirmes before he could get it.

But Master Vaughan alleadgeth that three moneths since, to shew his unfained desire to have his accounts againe (which hee well knowes will never be) by petition he proposed to the Honourable Committee of Plimoth, some meanes to have them againe, and then, let Master Francis do his Worst; A fine fetch to de­lude the world, delay his accounting, and to get (as tis said) some part of some Malignants estate into his fingers, but tis hoped that he will not be trusted fur­ther, that hath no better discharged the trust already reposed in him.

The Necessarie vindication of his Credit, and Reputation, which no honest man is so unnaturally Cruell to, as not to maintaine, hath enforced the said Francis to this defence, which he hopes (as formerly) will give satisfaction to all honest men, (notwitstanding any thing alleadged by Master Vaughan to the contrary) that his accounts are Just and true, and himselfe free from a scandalous aspersion raised by him.

Philip Francis.

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