The breathings of true Love, from the Immortal Seed, in the Prisoner for the Lord, unto his People.

DEar Friends, Brethren and Sisters in the Light, called to be a people, loved of God the Father in the Lord Iesus Christ, Grace, Love, and Peace be multiplied amongst you, through the abundant manifestation of the Spirit of Life, proceed­ing from the Father and the Son.

My Children, and beloved Friends, the God of all truth hath appeared unto you in the everlasting Cove­nant of light, and life, visiting you in an acceptable day, and time; making known unto you his eternal Truth, by the revelation of his mighty power in your mortal bodies; whereby he brought you indeed to feel and know the miserable estate and condition that ye were in; and he hath also given you to see him upon whom help is laid, and you have received him (who is the salvation of God) through the drawings of his mighty power; and you are brought to know and believe, that salvation is not to be had in another; yea many of you have received the Covenant of God, and do indeed know that your sins are washed away in the blood thereof, for you have the wit­ness in your selves, and the word of reconciliation is selt and known in your hearts, whereby abundance of peace and joy unspeakable is witnes­sed, and the Kingdom is come, of which there is no end; and some of you are placed together therein, in Christ Iesus; and many others of you the called of the Lord, are travelling thitherwards through the righteous Iudgements of the Lord, in the spiritual warsare, and in the faith and patience of the Lambe.

Now my Friends, be you stedfast in the truth of God received; you have been a suffering people most of the time since the Lord hath brought you in any measure into the obedience of his glorious Truth and Gospel, (which is the power of God) and you who have abode in his fear, and singly given up to his will, you have mightily been preserved, and you have felt the hand of a tender Father upholding you, and giving you peace and content, when you have lost much of this world, and the honour and pleasures thereof for his names sake: Oh Friends! He hath not been wanting unto you, he hath seen your sufferings, and hath looked upon your afflictions, and hath ministred strength proportionable thereunto, that you might not faint, [Page 2]nor be weary; Oh! let not his mercies and fatherly care and loving kind­ness be forgotten by any of you; but let them for ever be had in remem­brance, so shall the reward be witnessed.

Now Friends, the Lord hath suffered a Cloud & a Mist as it were to spread it self in these Nations, whereby an evil favour is gone forth, which by fire must be taken away, in which he will yet further try his people that they may be as gold separated clearly from the dross, and that they may indeed be truly gathered & redeemed from the earth, and all earthly things: and that they may wholly look unto him for deliverance, and know that he indeed is the a­lone refuge & hiding place in the day of distress: Therfore let all, who knows the power of God, retire inward, and watch in the light of the Lambe, that you may seel the movings of the life, in your own vessels, and be kept in obedience to its drawings and leadings, in this day of tryall, temptation and darknesse; which is spreading it self, for a moment ( mark that) least any of you be scattered, for the enemies work is, and will be, to seek to draw you from your strength and true guide, which, where he attains it, great will be the sorrow and loss of such.

Therefore my dearly beloved friends, who have tasted how good the Lord is, in the tender bowels of Christ, I beseech you, be servent in love to God, and one towards another; and be watchful in the Light, and there­in watch one over another, and strengthen, and comfort, and encourage, and build up one another, in the work and service of the Lord: And if any (through the temptation of the enemy) hath at any time spoken or done any wrong to another, even as God, in Christ, forgave you, so freely forgive ye one another; and be ye plain hearted one to another, and be ye reconciled in that which destroys all prejudice, and purges out all hard thoughts; that so the unity may be witnessed in that love, which thinks no evil; and the one Head and Master over all submitted unto; and let the gathering be unto him alone, that so the blessing may be multiplied in and amongst you, unto the glory and praise of him, that gives the encrease. And be diligent in meet­ing together (whilst you may) in the name and power of the Lord, and be watchful in the measure of the life of God, that you may feel your strength renewed and increased in the inward man; For Friends, this is a day which will try every ones strength; therefore dwell in the power, in which the true gathering is, that ye may not scatter abroad; for he, that gathers not, scatters abroad, and he, that goes from the drawings of the power, gathers not. Now Friends, as ye keep in the drawings and spring­ings of the invisible life, ye will be knit together in one life, and there will be no striving, who shall be greatest; but every one will be serving the Lord in their several places and measures, and one another in love; and as this is abode in, the weak in somethings and at sometimes may help the strong, and the stronger in other things may help the weak; Oh Friends! be as Chil­dren of one Father, dwelling in innocency and love together, helping one another; Be ye indeed as members of one body, knowing that the nourish­ment [Page 3]to the several members thereof comes from one head, and considering that every member hath not the same office, yet of exceeding service, as each moves and acts in true love to the body, and therefore ought to be born and owned in their respective places; and if any member would act any thing, that might hurt the body, or any part of it, either through being out of the sence, what is of service to the body, or otherwise, then if another member or members be made sensible of the same, it, or they, are bound in love to the body, to seek to hinder the same, and in tender love to restore the erring member, that so the body may be kept in true order, and every member seeking the good one of another: Oh Friends! consider how the members, even of the true natural body, serve one another in love; how does one cover another? how does one bear, and strain, and labour for the good of each other, to help one another? and how much more ought these things to abound in the spirituall body, of which Christ is the head?

And now, that which chiefly lies upon me at present to you is this, That ye all, in the feeling of the pure Life and power of God, may keep, and that where there hath been any watching for advantage by any (among you) against one another, or strife of words, or prejudice, or striving to lord it one over another, or strangeness one towards each other, that these things be utterly laid aside and resisted (for where these things, or any of them, take place, they eat as doth a canker, and devoure the babe which should in­herit the promises, and receive the blessing) and that in tender bowels of love ye receive and embrace one another; and that all whatsoever hath ten­ded to the contrary in any, may die and be sorgotten, as if it had never been; that so the birth immortal (which hath been quenched in some) may spring and grow in the vertue of the Father, that its strong crys, both in the male and in the f [...]male, may pierce through the clouds, & reach unto the Father of Life & power, and wrestle with him, untill the blessing be given abundantly, yea, until he make bare his arme in the sight of his enemies, that the o [...]pressour may cease, and the land may be swept of evil doers; that so a way may be made, for the further spreading of his everlasting name and truth, and for the exalting of the Kingdome of the Lord Iesus over all the kingdomes of the world.

Ah Friends! the Ʋnity, the Ʋnity (in the Spirit) the Love, the Love (from a pure heart) is exceeding precious; the yearning of bowels one toward each other (in the L [...]rd the Faith, the Patience, the Watching, and Breathing, and groaning and sighing, and praying, & crying in the spirit and power of Emmanuel, is able to astonish the Heathen, and to confound Armies, and Powers, that withstand the Kingdome of the Lord Christ, and to cause vengeance to come upon such, as will not repent and turn to the Lord, in the day of their visi­tation, even in the day of Gods long patience and forbearance, but set and bend themselves against the Lord and his Anointed.

Now Friends here is our strength, and these are the weapons, which we must warr withall, against all this ungodliness that is come and coming up: [Page 4]Therefore every particular, hearken diligently unto the Call of God, in the inward parts, and wait in the meek princi [...]le of Life, that each may know and feel their own proper gift or gifts, weapon or weapons, and that every one may be kept sensible of the teachings of the Captain of our salvation, that so ye may be expert in handling and using of it, or them, to the glory of him, who hath called you to war against Babylon: And dear Friends, if any, who loves the truth, be yet further oppressed and their goods spoiled by the false Prophet, or Beast, as many will be; Oh! be ye tender hearted towards such and know that the earth is the Lords, and the fulness thereof, and they that follow the Lambe, are redeemed from the earth; Therefore ye, who know the life, dwell in it, that your redemption from all earthly things may be witnessed, and that your bodies and estates may freely be given up to serve the Lord, and one another, whilest you are suffered to enjoy them. Friends, I know many of your bodies and estates have been, and yet are so given up; But these things I speak by way of remembrance, to stir up the pure mind in all, who breath after the truth, that love unfeigned may be maintained and increased among you, that ye may be all as Children of one family, dwelling together in unity and peace, contented with the will of the Father: and be not at all discouraged or daunted, because of the strength, and malice, and cruelty that is in the Adversary, but be still and patient in the faith, and stand out of all mortals, in the sence of the invisible, im­mortal power of God; and in that, meet oft together, and visit one another whilest you may; and be as Lambs amongst Wolves, and the Lord our God shall appear for us, and fight against our enemies, as he fought in the dayes of old against the enemies of his Seed; yea he shall confound our enemies, and bring them to nought, and bring liberty to his people, when he hath tryed them to the full; be patient, and doubt not, though the day must be hot, yet it shall be but short, for the Elects sake; Watch and look not out, He that will save his life shall loose it, but he, that is willing to part with it, shall find it eternally. So the endlesse, eternal Father of Life, of Power, of Wisdom, of Peace, of Love, of Salvation, gather, and knit, and unite you together, and preserve and keep you in the melting power and love of the Lambe, that ye may be as a garden of spices, that your savour may be pleasant unto the Lord, and unto all that breath after him, in this the day of tryal, Amen.

Ah my dear Friends, you have had a large and glorious day allowed you for the begetting and gathering of you into the precious faith, and the unity thereof; and many precious opportunities have you had for the assembling your selves together in the name of the Lord, and plentiously hath his eter­nal sweet power and life been manifested in and among you; and as you have waited therein Oh! how have you felt the blood of the everlasting Covenant, the life of Jesus purging and purifying your Consciences, that therein you might hold the mystery of that saith, which is your victory over the world, And now my Friends, the Lord our God hath seen it good, that you may yet be tryed, yea you must further be tryed, your faith, your [Page 5] strength, your patience, must all be tryed, and that by fire (as I said before) that a pure people you may be (who stands and endures the tryal) unto the Lord, yea a glorious people shall ye be, whose beauty and splendour shall fill the earth.

Therefore my dearly beloved in the Lord, be watchful, I beseech you, and turn in, and keep low in the feeling of the eternal Power in your own ves­sels, and know that every particulars strength lyeth there, and every parti­cular will be tried. Therefore keep to your particular strength, and be obo­dient to the Power in all its movings, that so by it your minds may be drawn off all things that can or may change and come to an end, and become wholly centered in the unchangeable endless life of God. Then my Friends, nothing can harm you. But verily if any of your affections be centered in Husbands, Wives, Children or any earthen vessel or visible thing whatsoever, so as that you cannot be willing to part with all, if it be required at your hands; then may your sufferings be great and dangerous unto you. Therefore I beseech you be ye followers of the invisible Life of Jesus, in all its appea­rances and drawings; that so by it you may be taught how to use all visible changeable things unto the Glory of the Lord, whilest you are permitted to enjoy them. And that you may be made willing to give up, and to part with all, yea even with your lives also, if you be called thereunto, for the tryal of your faith (or that your enemies thereby may fill up the measure of their ini­quity, and that judgement may come upon them to the full). And whilst you have outward liberty for the keeping your meetings together, be diligent therein (as I said before) and when any of you come to be hindered from such opportunities as you have enjoyed. Oh! then be patient, and wait upon the Lord for strength; and if in any place it should come to passe, that but two or three of you could come together, neglect not that; for if in the pure fear and love of God you be kept, it will be profitable and comfortable unto you. And dear Friends, you who are but weak in the Truth, to you I now speak, Take heed of looking out at any of us, whom the Lord God hath drawn forth by his own power and love, to declare his living eternal Truth unto you, I say, look not out at us (as for strength or teachings) but look to the endlesse life in your selves, which we have directed you unto, in which your strength & satisfactory teaching is; for we may be removed far from you as to the outward) but the Life & Power, by which you, & we stand, abideth with and in you; and we (as to the outward) may be bruised, broken and slain for the testimony of Jesus, and the Word of God, which we hold. But the Life and Spirit of God and the Lamb dwelleth for ever with you that believe in it; and if ye crucifie it not to your selves, there is none that can slay it. And while you have us, or any of us, among you, I exhort and warn you all, and that in the name and authority of the Lord, that ye look not upon; or think of any of us, above what we are, least thereby you should hurt your selves (or any of us); but according as God hath distributed unto us of his heaven­ly treasure, even so know us, and feel us, and receive us in the Lord, and [Page 6]know no man after the flesh, neither admire any thing but the pure Life of God, and the birth born of him, and know, that what of Gods treasure we have in our earthen vessels, we have received it from the Lord, that none might glory or boast (in what they have) over another. And what we have received it is partly for your sakes, that we might impart of the same unto you, as good shewards of the manifold grace of God; and although we are become the Lords free-men, through the work of his eternal Power and Spirit, yet are we your servants in Christ, and so let us be accounted among you, for that is our place and duty, even to serve you in the Lord, and to stand given up, to spend and be spent for you; and if we should not so walk among you in all humility of mind, I know the Lord would soon withdraw his glorious power and presence from us and then what should we be more then others nay, how much lesse and weaker?

So dear Friends, keep in the pure sear, and live in the true favour, that ye may have a true sensible feeling one of another in your present conditions; and that ye may be able to strengthen one another in the Lord. And if at any time, any be felt not to be in so clear and living a condition as they formerly have been in; Oh! take heed how you judge of those things, and beware of prejudice, or of a spirit that would rejoyce, because advantages at such a time may easily be taken, for that is accursed in the sight of God. But keep ye in the dread and wisdom of the Lord; and they that reprove, or exhort, such as are come to loss in their conditions, let it be in that spirit which can bear and suffer all things (that are to be born) for the Seeds sake, in the true pa­tience and meekness. Oh Friends! this is the restoring, healing, strengthening, consolating Spirit, which is of great price with the Lord, and in this live and you will feel the blessing, the peace, and mercy upon the Israel of God, and you will be meet helps one to another.

And now dear Friends and Babes, you who watch for peace and unity in righteousness, and can bear and endure all things (that may be born) for the Elects sake, my life is bound up with you in the overcomings of Gods love; and I am refreshed in you, and I partake of your peace and joy, and meet and kiss you in the meek Spirit, and rejoyce with you in the work of the Lord; My Friends, go on in the power of God, and build up one another in the living saith, and wait therein together, that in the eternal power ye may seel dominion over all the cruelty of the enemy; for it's the faith in the power that must break through all this wickedness, and bring down all this ungodliness, that is spreading it self as if there were no end of it: But Friends, as in the dread of the Lord ye keep, you will see the power of darknesse va­nish away, & they that act in it shall be chained under, though for a moment they have liberty, for the tryal of our faith: But verily in the power of the Lord God, I can truly rejoyce over all these things, because I see the Lords presence and loving kindness in a wonderful manner amongst those that truly wait upon him, and trusts alone in him for deliverance, even in the time of their tryals; and because he hath given me stedfastly to believe, that [Page 7]he will bring deliverance for his people, and set them over all the powers of the earth, by his own arme: Therefore let none murmur, nor think that the Lord is flack concerning his appearing for his people but let every one, that knows the truth, in that patiently wait, and endure whatsoever the Lord suffers the wicked to do unto you in the day of his long patience and sor­bearance, which he in compassion grants unto them, that they might come to repentance and amendment of life, which if they wholly slight, and will not be gathered in that day, he hath [...]ower enough (and will execute it) to de­stroy them, and to deliver his people, that trust in him.

So in the pure life, and power, and vertue of the Father be ye stayed, and quiet in your minds, and wait to receive your daily bread and water of life from him, that ye may grow up in the eternal, and be established for ever, in the power of an endlesse life: Oh Friends, if any looks out, in this day, they will let in weakness; and whosoever seels weakness, let them abide and be­lieve in that which makes them sensible of their weakness, and they will ga­ther strength, and be able to stand.

And as for you, my dearly beloved Friends, who are come to witness your Redemption from the earth by the blood of the Covenant, and are now following of the Lamb whithersoever he goeth, leads, draws, or commands you; I know you are come to the Anoynting, and have received it, and that abides in you, and you into it are comprehended, so that you need not any man to teach you, but as the same Anoynting that abideth in you doth teach you: for that is true, and there is no lie of it; and that teacheth you of all things (which are suteable to your conditions) and it sheweth you things to come, and with it you are able to try Spirits and Doctrines, and even as it hath taught you, ye shall abide in him, the Lord, that Spirit. And where this is felt and witnessed, there is liberty; and sitting and waiting in this, you are sed with the bread from above (which giveth life) and refreshed with the springs from beneath (which makes its way through the Rocks and Mountains to the pleasant Valleys) and you that are come to this seat, you are able to judge of things within and without; and although you have not need to be taught by letters, yet I know, you that are come to this state can bear the word of Exhortation to be sounded among you, that so it may reach unto them to whom it is of service, for the slirring up of their pure minds, that so the life and power immortal, may in the freshnesse and purity of it be felt in and amongst all the flock, and that in the sweetness and vertue thereof you all may be kept and preserved, in pure unity and peace with God and one with another. So the Blessing and Mercy of the Almighty, rest and abide for ever upon you all, who delight in the truth which is e­ternal.

And Friends, take heed how you receive reports, and report them again, for there is a great danger in those things, and there is and hath been very much wrong among people upon that account, for many thereby are be­gotten into strange lying wonders, and some into questionings and sears in [Page 8]their minds, and some into false joys and foolish expectations, and some into prejudice one against another, because false reports hath been received and reported again. Therefore that you may be clear of these things, be you very mindful, watchful, and careful, that you report not any thing but as you have a certain ground for the truth of it; and as you may see a ser­vice in speaking thereof, or else you had better be [...]ent to those things, and let them die, that so truth, unity, and peace may be lived in, and abound a­mongst you in all things.

I am your endeared Friend and Brother, in the bowels of Christ, whose life is freely given up to answer the will and requirings of the Father; travelling for Unity, and Peace, and Righteousness amongst men, where its wanting; and greatly rejoycing with all those in whom it abounds, and is felt and witnessed, George Fox the Younger.

Behold! how good and how pleasant a thing it is, for Brethren to [...] together in unity.


LONDON, Printed for Robert Wilson at the Black-Spread-Eagle and Wind-Mill in Martins l'Grand, 1660.

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