Concerning the Upright and Good Conversation of the Saints in Christ and in Heaven.

DAVID saith, The Wicked have drawn out the Sword, and have bent their Bow, to cast down the Poor and Needy, and to slay such as be of an Upright Conversation: their Sword shall enter into their own Heart, and their Bow shall be broken.

Here is David's Judgment upon such, that cast down the Poor and Needy, and do slay such as be of an Upright Conversation.

But whoso offereth Praise, glorifieth me, saith the Lord; and to him that orders his Conversation aright, will I shew the Salvation of God.

So all that will see the Salvation of God, first to see your Conversations to be ordered aright with the Light, Power and Spirit of God; for the Apostle saith, By the Grace of God we have had our Conversation in the World, &c.

So now are all by the Grace of God to have their Conversation preserved from the Wick­edness of the World, which Grace brings their Salvation.

And the Apostle saith to the Ephesians, how that We all had our Conversation in times past in the Lusts of our Flesh, fulfilling the Desires of our Flesh, and of our mind; and were by Nature the Chil­dren of Wrath, even as well as others: and therefore he exhorts them, To put off concerning the former Conversation the old man, which is corrupt, according to the deceiptful lusts, and be ye renewed in the spirit of your mind, and only let your Conversation be as becomes the Gospel of Christ, &c. that ye stand fast in one spirit, with one mind, striving together for the Faith of the Gospel; for our Conversati- is in Heaven, from whence we look for the Saviour, our Lord Jesus Christ, who shall change our Vile Body, that it may be fashioned like unto his Glorious Body.

So here the Apostles and the Saints had put off their former Conversation according to the World, whose Conversation was in Heaven, where are all the true Saints or Christians.

And the Apostle exhorted Timothy, and said, Be thou an Example of the Believers in Word, in Conversation, in Charity, in Spirit, in Faith, in Purity: which is a Good Corversation to be followed.

And the Apostle saith to the Hebrews, Let your Conversation be without Covetousness; & be content with such things as ye have: for the Lord hath said, He will never leave thee nor forsake thee.

And James saith in his General Epistle, Who is a Wise Man, and endew'd with Knowledge among you? let bim shew out of a good Conversation his Works with Meekness of Wisdom, for where Envying and Strife is, there is Confusion, and every Evil Work.

Now this Good Conversation must be shewed forth in Practice.

And Peter in his General Epistle admonishes the Church to be as Obedient Children, not fashioning your selves according to the former Lusts in your Ignorance, but as he which hath called you is Holy, so be ye Holy in all manner of Conversation [Mark, all manner of Con­versation] forasmuch as ye know, that ye were not redeemed with Corruptible Things, a [...] Silver and Gold, from your Vain Conversation, received by Tradition from your Fathers, but with the Precious Blood of Christ, as of a Lamb without Blemish and without Spot, &c.

And likewise ye Wives be subject to your own Husbands, that if any obey not the Word they also may without the Word be won by the Conversation of the Wives, while they behold your Chaste Conversation, coupled with Fear, &c. having a good Conscience, tha [...] whereas they speak Evil of you, as of Evil Doers, they may be ashamed that falsly accuse your Good Conversation in Christ.

Here you see the true Christians Conversations were in Christ, which all Christians are an [...] ought to be; and they whose Conversations are in Christ Jesus, are grieved and vexed with the Filthy Conversations of the Wicked, as Just Lot was.

George Fox.

LONDON, Printed by John Bringhurst, Printer and Bookseller, at the Sign of the BOOK in Grace-Church-street. 1682.

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