THE CHRISTIAN JUDGES, SO CALLED, Their VVords Judged By the Holy Men of God, and Christ, and his Apostles, and by the HEATHEN.

Herein you may see, that your Words and Carria­ges have been contrary to the People of God of old, and the Prophets, Kings and Judges among the Jews, and Christ the King of Kings, and his great Apostles, and the Heathens Governours and Officers.

And here you may see the Carriage and Words of the Holy Mon of God, and of Christ, and his A­postles, and the Heathens Rulers.

By George Fox.

Printed in the Year, 1676.

THE Christian-Iudge, SO CALLED, Their WORDS Judged by the holy Men of God, and Christ, and his Apo­stles, and by the Heathen.

ACHAN, that took the Babilonish Garments, and Two Hundred Shickles of Silver, and the Wedge of Gold of Fifty Shickles weight; Joshua, the Judge of Israel, who searched the Tribes, and found Achan was the Man: now Joshua, the Judge, did not say to Achan, Sirrah, nor Thou Rascal, nor Knave, nor Rogue, or Whoreson, as many Christian-Magistrates, so called, will say: But Joshua said un­to Achan, My Son; mark his Pure Language, and Sa­voury Expression, and Gracious Words; My Son, I pray thee, give Glory to the Lord God of Israel, and make Confession unto him, and tell me what thou hast done, and hide it not from me. And then Achan confessed, That he had sinned against the Lord God of Israel, and thus and thus have I done, above-mentioned. And then Joshua the Judge said, Why hast thou troubled Israel? [Page 4] God shall trouble thee this day; the Lord and they stoned him with Stones, and burnt his Goods with Fire: And there was no Unsavoury Word given to him, as we read, either Sirrah, or Rascal, or Knave, or Whoreson, who was worthy of Death, Joshua 7.

And Moses, the Judge of Israel, in Numb. 15. the Man that gathered Sticks upon the Sabbath-Day, whom they put in Ward until it was revealed of God what they should do to him; and Moses (the Judge) and Aaron's Language was not Sirrah or Ras­cal, but The Man shall be put to Death, saith the Lord; & the Congregation stoned him without the Camp. So you may see, here was no Unsavoury Language given to him.

And Moses, in Exod. 16. at the Rebelling of Corah, Dathan and Abiram, when Moses gave Sontence ac­cording to the Word of the Lord, If these men dye the Common Death of all men, or if they be visited after the Visitation of all men, then the Lord hath not spoken to me, &c. And now Moses, the Judge, did not say, These Rascals, or Rogues, or Sirrah, or Whoreson, as many that profess themselves Christians will do now.

And in Levit. 24. the Man that they put in Ward till the Mind of the Lord might be shewed concern­ing him, which had Blasphemed the Name of God, and Cursed; and then the Lord said, That he should be stoned to death; and the Sentence of Moses was, That all that heard him, they should lay their Hands on his Head. And so there was no Sirrah, nor Unsavou­ry Speeches given to him, as are used among some now.

[Page 5] And in Genesis 20. when Abraham was brought be­fore Abimelech, the Heathen, who was a Ruler, he gave him no Unsavoury Expressions, as you may see throughout the Chapter.

And in Genesis 26. When Isaac was brought be­fore Abimelech, he gave him no Unsavoury Expressi­ons, nor did not call him Sirrah and Knave in his Ex­amination, nor his Father Abraham in his Examina­tion, as many do now that are called Christians; and A­bimelech, do not you look upon him to be as a Heathen?

And in Genesis 39. when Joseph was cast into Pri­son by the Heathen, Potiphar, we do not read that he had any Railing Language given to him.

Neither did the Heathen, Pharaoh, when Moses and Aaron went before him, give them any Bad Lan­guage, as Sirrah, and Knaves, and the like, as in Exod. 5.

And Job, who was a Judge, when Elihu spoke to him and his Friends, and said, I know not to give flat­tering Titles to Man, let me not respect any Man's Per­son, in so doing my Maker will soon take me away: Now Job did not say, Sirrah, hold thy Tongue, nor gave him any Unsavoury Expression, Job 32.

And also, see the Language of David and Solimon, and other Officers in Kings and Chronicles, the Savou­ry Language they used to such as were brought be­fore them.

And also Mordecai and the Jews, who were brought before Ahasbuerus, see his savoury Language to them, as in Esther, and also in the Book of Nehemiah 6. and other places.

And such Officers that were friendly to the Jews, [Page 6] and some were not, yet they did not call them Sirrahs, nor Knaves, nor Whoresons, and the like.

And Isaiah and Jeremiah, who prophesied to se­veral People; and Jeremiah, who was cast into Pri­son and Dungeon, there was no Sirrah or Knave gi­ven to him by the King or Officers, Jer. 37.

And read Isaiah and Micha, and the rest of the Prophets, who prophesied to People, to Rulers and Magistrates, and see where it can be found that they had any Bad Languages given to them, as Sirrah, and the like, either by Rulers of the Heathen, or of the Jews.

And Nebuchadnezar, a Heathen, in the Examina­tion of the Three Children, and his Sentence upon them to the Fiery Furnace, there was no such Lan­guage given them as Sirrah, and Knave, and Rascal, nor Whoreson, in all his Fury and Rage, but called them Men, as you may read Dan. 3.

And Daniel, when he was brought before Darius, in Dan. 6. in his Examination and Sentence, had no Sirrah or Unsavoury Expressions given him, neither by the King nor Officers (when he was sentenced to the Lyons Den, to be cast amongst them) as many give now adayes, who are called Christians, and yet some of these were Heathens.

And in Acts 6, 7. Chap. Steven, in his Examina­tion and Sentence to Death, had not the word Sirrah or Knave given to him by the Council of the Jews in their Sentence to Death.

And in Acts 4. when the Apostles, Peter and John, [Page 7] when they were brought before the High Priest and Rulers of the Jews, and had Sentence given upon them, Not to preach in the Name of Jesus, they called them. These Men, and not Knaves, nor Sirreh, nor Whoreson, as many that call themselves Christians do, below the Heathen, and have more fouler Language, and Unciviller, and Ungracious Expressions then they.

And again, Acts 22. when Peter was put in Pri­son, and James put to Death, there were no such words as Sirrah, nor Rogue, nor Whoreson, by them that prisoned Peter, and put James to Death.

And in Acts 16. when Paul and Silas were cast in Prison by the Magistrates, there were no such words given to them in their Examination and Sentence; they called them Men, not Rogues, nor Sirrahs, nor Knaves, nor Whoresons: And when the Magistrates had done contrary to the Law, they feared. And so see how short are many of the Christian-Rulers to this Example, who fear not to cast Innocent People in Prison, and give them Names beside, contrary to the Jews and Heathen.

And in Acts 19. Demetrius, when there was an Uproar about their Gods, he called the Apostle, Paul, and not Sirrah, nor Whoreson, Rogue and Rascal: And this Demetrius had much command among the Tradesmen.

And when Paul was brought before Ananias the Priest, and the Council of the Jews, who professed the Scripture, and lived out of the Life of them; when Paul told them, He had lived in all Good Consci­ence [Page 8] towards God until that day; and they could not abide to hear speak of living in a good Conscience, as the Professors of the Scripture, that live not in the Life, cannot abide to hear speak of living in a good Conscience now adayes: and Paul was not cal­led Knave and Sirrah by Ananias, nor Whoreson and Rogue, Acts 23. Acts 22. Chap. when Paul was brought before the chief Captain, in all his Exami­nation they called him by his Name or Man, and not Sirrah, and they were Heathen.

But Acts 24. the Jews, that denyed Christ, and professed Scripture, but out of the Life, which were his Accusers before the Magistrates, they called Paul once A Pestilent Fellow, when they accused him be­fore Felix their Governour, as the accusing Profes­sors of Christ will do now; who live out of the Life, to us that live in the Life: but Faelix gave Paul no such Language, as you may read in the Chapter.

And in Acts 25.26. Festus nor Agrippa gave Paul no such Language as Sirrah, nor Rascal, nor Knave, nor Whoreson, Rogue, nor Jackanapes, in all his Exa­minations and Confessions, but heard him patiently, who told him, He was sent to turn People from Dark­ness to Light, and from Satan's Power to God; and he did not rage against Paul, and say, It was Delusions, and a Natural Light, and Jack in the Lanthorn, as some of the Priests do now.

And Christ, the Judge of the World, that gave his Sentence upon the Sloathful Servant, that hid his Talent, he called him Unprofitable Servant, &c. and not Sirrah, though he had spoken hard words of [Page 9] Christ, and called him Hard Master, yet Christ did not call him Sirrah nor Whoreson, Mat. 25.

And in the same Chapter, when Christ gave his Sentence on them that did not visit him in Prison, & Sick, and Naked, did not cloath him, and Hungry, and did not feed him, in their pleading with Christ, When saw we thee so? Inasmuch as ye have not done it unto my Brethren, saith Christ, ye did not unto me; and in Christ's Sentence of them into everlasting Punishment, there were no Aggravating Words, as Sirrah, and the like.

And also, the Servant that the King had forgiven his Debts, that would not forgive his Fellow-Ser­vant his Debts, but took him by the Throat, and cast him into Prison, and said, Pay me that thou owest me; and then the King cast this Servant in Prison a­gain, whose Debts came upon him again, and there was no Sirrah.

And Christ's Sentence upon the Man that had not on his Wedding-Garment, was, Friend, and not Sirrah, as in Mat. 22.

And also Judas, that betrayed his Master, Christ Jesus, the Lord of Life, and sold him to the Priests, in Christ's Sentence upon Judas, his words were Friend, and not Sirrah nor Whoreson.

And so here ye may see through along the Scrip­tures, both from Christ, and the Heathen, and Jews, in their Examinations and Sentences, how they gave no such Names as the Christians do in their Sentences and Examinations upon People, when they came a­fore them, as they do now adayes, who call them, [Page 10] Sirrah, Rogue, Rascal, Whoreson, Jackanapes, and the like.

And so, Christians may see through all the Scrip­tures, from Genesis to the Revelations, that when any Persons were brought before any Kings or Rulers, they did not say, Sirrah, Thou Rascal, Thou Whoreson, Thou Knave, Thou Rogue, Thou Jackanapes; we never read such foul-mouth Language in all their Courts, that they did give any such Language when the Pri­soners came before them.

And also, we never read when any came before the Jews, or Heathen, or Magistrates, in any of their Courts, that they said unto any Person, Sirrah, &c. Put off your Hats, you ill-bred Clowns and Sawcy Fellows. Now you say, The Scripture is your Rule, you that profess Christianity, you may see more corrupt words proceed out of your Mouthes, then either out of the Jews or Heathens, if you will try your Practice and Words by the Scriptures: Do not the Scriptures tell you, That no Corrupt Communication should proceed out of your Mouthes, and your Words should be Gra­cious?

And Railing Rabshakeh did not give the Iews such Language as, Rogue, Rascal, Sirrah, Whoreson and Iacke­napes.

And Railing Cursing Shimei did not call David by any such Names as, Sirrah, Rogue, &c. when he Cur­sed and Railed against him; neither did David give him any such Names, nor Solomon when he put him to Death, as you may see in the 2d of Samuel and the 16th.

[Page 11] And now I Query, Where and whence the Chri­stians have got all these Bad Names, seeing neither God, nor Christ, nor the Prophets, nor the Judges, nor Kings and Rulers, nor Heathen, ever gave any such Names, as the Scripture testifies of, either a­mongst the Iews, Christians or Heathen?

George Fox.

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