The Ancient Simplicity, as it was once Witnessed unto by GEORGE FOX.

FRiend be wise and meek, and if any weakness thou shalt see in any, put on Comli­ness on the uncomly part; and take heed of Judging rashly, but mind the Vni­versal Spirit, and that which tends to Love and Edification: For Love Edifies, and there is no Edification, but in the Love which is out of the Strife: And bearing Grudge, against any one, take heed of that; For that which doth overcome the Evil in any one, is Patience, Love, and Suffering; And he that doth wrong, the Lord will re­pay it. It is Love that makes up Breaches, but striving about Words makes them wider; Therefore take heed of Strife, least the Canker enter into thy Breast, and raise up an evil Eye, and eat out the good, and keep thy Spirit restless out of the Love of God. Therefore that Mind, and live in that which keeps thy Spirit in quietness, and peace with God and Friends; Looking at the Witness of God in every one, and answering the Witness of God in every one, from a Lover of thy Soul.


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