A Guide to the Blind Pointed to.

Or, a true TESTIMONY TO THE Light within.

Wherein some men are reproved, others counselled and encouraged, but all (who are ignorant of their true Guide) directed to the path of Life.

With a Friendly CALL to all Notionists and high Professors of Religion, in what Form soever, To come speedily down from their Pinacles, lest they fall into temptation.

Also some Queries to the persecuting Mini­sters of the Church of ENGLAND.

VVritten for the Truths sake by T.F.

The darkness is past, & the true Light new shineth,

1 Joh. 2.8.

See therefore that ye walk circumspectly, not as fools, but as wise,

Eph. 5.15.

London, Printed for the Author, and are to be sold by G. Calvert, at the Black-spread Eagle near the west; end of Pauls, & N. Brooks at the Angel in Cornhil, 1659.



ALthough I have bin for many yeers a true seeker of the kingdom of Heaven, yet had I been one who had sate in the seat of the scorner, or been disobedient un­to the Light or motion of Gods Spirit upon those Waters in me, (which had neer over-whelmed my Soul) I should have remained (as most men still do) in darkness, e­ven until now; or else been like unto those who are a sleep in sin, neither knowing, nor beleeving any o­ther state attainable in this life, who yet notwith­standing are bold to say, They see: But blessed be the Lord God, I am not of their unbelief, but of that faith which overcomes the World, Sin, and the De­vil.

Friend, If thou art such a one, to wit, a sinner, and beleevest thou canst not be otherwise here, and yet will presumptuously say, Thouseest: Know thou, That Christ Iesus came to make thee blind, and that those who are blind, (and sensible of it) might see: And thou who art a sleep in sin, and dead whilest thou [Page] livest, Arise and listen thou to the voice of Christ, and to his knock in thee, if thou wilt live, to God, open the door of thy heart unto him betimes. He it is who calls to sinners to be pure, and to be perfect as our heavenly Father is: He it is who cryed out to Jerusalem to be gathered under his wing; and he also if thou will be gathered, would gather thee: O refuse him not, for he it is who hath called me out of darkness into light, and caused me to listen to his still voice within me; and he it is who calls to thee also to return and live, saying to thee, as he did to Israel, Why will ye die, O House of Israel?

Now, that thou mayest know I am none of those that cry, Lohere, Or, Lo [...]hers; nor of the many Sects and divided Judgments in this Nation, I shall briefly tell thee how many by-wayes I have past through, and how restless I was in them all, till I came to own the light of Christ in me.

First, As to my Education, I must tell thee, it was such a was in the fear of the Lord, into which I ad­monish thee to hasten, and therein continue all the dayes of thy life: for I assure thee, there is no safe­ty but in that state, and in the pure life of innocen­cy from which all men by disobedience are fallen: It's not talking of the holy life, but living it, that can give thee an entrance into Paradice; for the flaming Sword is turned against the transgressor, so, that he cannot touch the tree of life, much-less eat thereof; but with the Serpent must feed upon dust all the dayes of his life: O, Make haste Friend, to the life of Obedience, and come down from the barren Mountains lest thou die, for there is no bread to be had there: Consult no longer with the Ser­pents carnal reasonings in thee, nor with his nu­merous [Page] and busie Agents without thee, perswading thee, that purity is not to be attained here. Oh! that thou wouldest consider, that the Soul which sin­neth must die; and that, as the tree falls, so it lyes: that there is no Repentance in the Grave; nor any other Way to life, but by keeping the Commandments of God.

Friend, Thy Enemy is within thee, therefore look at home, keep the Watch well there, and (if thou caust) pray that thou enter not into temptation: for the Devil now goes about roaring like a Lyon, and is seeking whom he may devour Oh! beleeve not those that say, The best of Gods Children cannot be free from sin in this life; for I declare to thee, they are all of the black Army of Satan, and for the sup­port of his kingdom are they come to fight, and to make War with the Lamb and his followers, who walk with him in white. Remember thou, That without holiness no man shall see God, and that the pure in heart, and they only, can see him.

And thou who art flown high in thy comprehen­sion of aiery Notions without life, thou must descend and dwell in the Low-valley, where once thou hadst some sooting; for thy safety is there, and no where else: Come thou into the cool of the day, and hear Gods voice unto thee, who chargeth thee with eat­ing of the tree of knowledge of Good and Evil: Thou hast lost thy state of happiness by hearkning to the Woman [thy fallen Reason] who is not to speak in the Church, for thou hast suffered to be marr'd the holy Creation of God in thee, and there is no way lest now for thee but to come to Christ Jesus, the light of the world, and life of man; He it is, though thou hast despised him [because his appearance is [Page] low in thee] who must repair the breach between God and thee: but if thou reject him who is thy light, and who would be thy leader, thy stare is worse then fallen Adams was: thou art now one with the Angel of false light: Darkness will be thy portion [as it is his] for evermore.

Friend, What I have further to say in this Preface, may give thee some light of the crooked-wayes thou art not to walk in, and therefore shall proceed to give thee an accompt of my wandring steps, which the Lord hath now brought to my remembrance, even from my Child hood.

The fear of God, I say, was before me, even from my Youth, so that when I was but a School-Boy, I durst not omit my Morning and Evening Sacrifice of Prayer to God, upon any pretence whatsoever: Never did I swear an Oath but once, since I was born, and that was upon great provocation by a lewd Boy, when I was about twelve yeers of age: But such was the goodness of God to me then, that presently after. I had spoken the word, I found trouble in my Conscience, and condemnation for it many yeers after.

My Companions were mostly such as were sober, and freest from scandal; and I can truly say, I re­membred my Creator in the dayes of my Youth, and was a true seeker of the Kingdom of Heaven from such time as I had an understanding to believe there was such a Kingdom to be sought after.

And when I came to be about 16. yeers of age, I then began to Pray out of my usual Form, as find­ing nought but deadness in my Form of Prayers, which I had got, so that by little and little I Prayed by rote; and I encreased in yeers, I applyed my [Page] self to Reading Sermon-Books, and often to Hear and Write Sermons after the choicest of the Presby­terian-Way, whom I conceived then were most Or­thodox. Early did I rise, to Read and Meditate of God, whom I then look'd on at a distance from me, [as most men do] but he was in this place, and I knew if not: the Lord was with me in all my crooked-wayes and preserved me, but I saw him not, nor what it was that breathed in me after God: I did not know it was the seed of God which was in bondage and groaned to be delivered into the glorious Liberty of the Sons of God.

Often did I with Tears beg for pardon of my sins, and assurance of my Salvation, which I prized above all the world, and did often say within my self, That if I could but gain Assurance of that, I could be content to be miserable in this World as long as I should live in it. Company, was many-times a burthen unto me, and to be retired and much alone was my great delight, that so I might freely breath forth my Soul to God for the assurance of his Love, and to be freed from everlasting burnings. The con­sideration of Eternity was often in my mind, and many-times would this voice sound in me, Arise ye dead, and come to judgement.

But alas! What hope of Assurance could I have of my Salvation, whilest I gave Faith to such Teach­ers as affirmed, That, the best of Gods Saints cannot be free from sin in this life: and in the same breath also said, That the least sin deserved the torments of Hell fire for ever. May not a poor Soul [who presseth af­ter holiness,] truly say, They are miserable Comfor­ters? Oh! who can be assured of his Salvation, or gain Assurance thereof, that beleeves false Doctrine [Page] to be true, and instead of living the Holy life, be­lieves it is not attainable? Can any man be assured of his Salvation whilest he is a sinner? surely no: and if no Assurance, then surely no Salvation: for the Soul that sinneth must die, and without holiness, no man shall see the Lord.

By this and such like Doctrine, was my life made very uncomfortable: and though I knew little by my self to deserve the torments of Hell. [being al­wayes of a sober life, and free from the gross pollu­tions of this world.] Yet the fear of Hell was a con­timsa [...] torment unto my mind, insomuch, that I of­ten wish'd I had never been born, or that there had been no God to punish me. Yet I can truly say, Religion was my chief businss and my great delight was in hearing Sermons, receiving the Sacrament, (as they call it,) to be often conversant in Fastings, and frequent in outward Worships, and carnal Ordi­nances, (all which perish with the using) so that I never could have enough of them, Tears was my delight, and mourning in secret was a refreshing to my Soul and when I could not weep, I prayed: and when I could not pray, I wept; and sometimes I prayed and wept, till I had wept my self to silence before the Lord: and when I neither could weep nor pray, then trouble and perplexity seized on my Spirit, and I should begin to fear the danger of a hard heart, and that the Spirit of Prayer was taken from me. Blasphemeus thoughts would sometimes surprize me, and the terrors of Hell get hold upon me, and how to escape I knew not No comfort could I receive from any of my Teachers, for when by the best of their marks and signs I judged my self in a safe condition, yet the witness of God would [Page] rise through all that false peace which they had spoke to me, and accuse me of being a sinner.

And this was my case for many yeers, and my condition was very unsafe, (as all theirs is, who are yet in Egypt, leaning upon men, and forsaking the Lord.) But the Lord God after long seeking to him in secret, seeing my integrity, and that the desire of my Soul was after him, and to be holy as well as happy, He mercifully brought me out of Egypt, and delivered me from those cruel Taskmasters & Buil­ders of Confusion, and set me at liberty to travel to­wards the Holy Land: for in all the Land of Egypt I found no outward Guide to lead me out of my Egiptian darkness, though something within me would often groan, and say, Return unto thy rest O my Soul: thus, I say, the Lord pitying my soul, pardoning my sins, winking at my ignorance, and bottling up my tears, set me free from bondage.

That, being delivered out of Egypt, and journy­ing towards Canaan, I met with divers sorts of Tra­vellers, with whom I had converse & acquaintance: As, first, with those of the Independent-way, but find­ing, after a short time, that there was little difference between them and the others, and that the path they went in was too broad, and would not bring me to rest: I forsook them and travelled forward towards those men of the Baptized-way, who for some sea­son I heard and observed: but finding that the main stress of their Argument (that their Way was right) was, because they submitted to the Ordinance of Baptism, pleading difficulty (if not impossibility) for any to come to Canaan unless they were re-baptized, I search'd into the Doctrine of Baptisms also, where­in I found, That Water-Baptism, or Johns Baptism [Page] was but onto Repentance, which was effected in me already, and that it could not wash away my inward [...]ilth, and therefore must decrease: And I consider­ing, that the Apostle saith, There is (now) but one Baptism; to wit, that of the Spirit: and that, that is the only Baptism for every Christian to be Bapized with, (if he will be cleansed, and purged from sin.)

And considering that Iesus himself Baptized none; and that Paul saith he came not to Baptize, but to Preach the Gospel. And that this Ordinance was only Apostolical, and not relating, to Christians now. I left them and their Water, and travelled towards those called Notionists with whom, after I had tra­velled a while, I began to conclude them to be the men that I must walk with; and so followed them as seeing more of truth, (to wit, in the Notion of it) then in any I had met with before, and was much enlightned: but after I had been with them a while, I found I could not Pray as I was wont to do, and so began to fear I was now further from the right way, then ever I was before; and being now come to the red Sat, I had a lingring and secret longing to the Garlick and Onions of Egypt again, yet the Lord kept me from going back into Egypt, (where was no light at all) but I walked in the Wilderness to and a­gain for many yeers together, filling my head with Notions, and comprehending of Mysteries, which were very pleasant and delightful unto me. Thus I wandred up and down from one tree of knowledge to another, and in many a by-path I trod, seeking for rest, but found none: and though the Spirit of inno­cency often cryed in me, Return, return, and come into the narrow-way which leads to life; yet I flat­tered my self that I had been there already, and [Page] that I was now come to the Borders of Canaan: one while, conceiving my self there, and set down with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob in the Kingdom: but by and by, a branch from the old Root would arise in me, and break forth into passion, rash, and hasty words, and overturn all my Confidence again, and give me to understand I was not in that Kingdom, for that there was nothing of Pride, or Passion, self­conceit or vain laughter, or foolish and idle talking and jeasting, but giving of thanks, and rejoycing in the Lord continually: and that they who were in that kingdom were led by the Spirit, lived in the Spirit, and walked in the Spirit, and were at rest in the Lord, injoying the fellow ship and society of just mens Spirits.

Now, that I was not here, I was clearly convinced often, and instead of enjoying this state; I had the other set before me, as my Condition; and the Lord let me see how my poor Soul was be-wildred: And then after 14 years wandring up and down, I began to see and find my way out and not till then: Then I saw my self at a loss, and in the dark; and was made to confess, That if I had perished in the Wil­derness, yet the Lord was righteous in my destructi­on, because that when he would have led me by the gentle motions of his Spirit, and Light in me yet I Refused it, and went forth to men, chusing the tree of Knowledge, and neglecting the tree of Life, for my [...]ood.

But, blessed be the God of Israel, (who is not a barren wilderness to those that seek him in truth and singleness of heart) He shewed unto me the way that I should walk in, to wit, The strait and narrow [...]ath, which leads to Canaan; and that by a foolish [Page] people in the Worlds esteem, was I directed the way to eternal life. But after I was perswaded of the way to life, and convinced of the truth as it is in Jesus, and after the seed of the Kingdom began to stir in my earthly tabernacle, and to take root to my heart, then the Enemy came in the form of an Angel, and set me on a suddain upon the Pinacle of the Temple, where I was made to beleeve, I saw over all the Chil­dren of truth, and was ready to sit down there also: But after the Lord in his rich Mercy had let me see my danger, and how I had been misled by the An­gel of false Light: He directed me to the low valley, there to abide, and assured me, that if I would be a true Disciple of Christ indeed, I must take up the Cross daily and follow him, and be obedient to his Light in my Conscience which convinceth of the most secret sin.

And now, that I may bring in my Testimony to the truth which was once delivered to the Saints, and which now is again made known to the Children of the most High; and, That I may set to my Seal to the Doctrine of the Cross: I here Declare, to all the Sects up on earth, and to all people, high and low, Professor, or Prophane, That the despised people whom the scorners of this age, call QVAKERS, are the true Disciples of Christ Jesus: viz. Such amongst them as are faithful followers of the Lamb, and obedient Children of the Light, which lighteth every man that cometh into the world. By them is the Ever­lasting Gospel preached again to the Sons and Daughters of men: and blessed are all those that hear and obey the sound thereof.

The glad tydings of Salvation I say is preached by them, and whosoever he be that shall bring any [Page] other Gospel, is disowned by all the true Disciples of Jesus, and Sons of the Light. They are the Sheep of Christ, and amongst them is the true Shepherd of Israel known, and he goes in and out before them. To them, and in them hath the Light of the world ap­peared, and the life of men communicated him­self; and I must say, I sate in darkness till I heard them.

These are they who having past through all forms, are come into the power, and are knit together in­to one body, whereof Christ Jesus is head. These are they who take up their daily Cross, and follow him. These are they who pass through great tribu­lation, and through many and fiery tryals. These are they who are the true Worshippers, who worship the Father in spirit and in truth, and love not their lives unto death.

These are they who are Redeemed from the Earth, though upon it: These are they that are come to Mount Sion, and to the City of the living God, and to the innumera [...] of Angels, and to the Spirits of just and [...] and to the General As­sembly of the fir [...]se Names are written in Heaven: These are [...] who are Sons of God, and are led by the infallible spirit into all truth: These are they who are joint-Heirs with Christ whose fel­lowship is with the Father and the Son in the Spirit, and they shall Reign with him for ever and ever: Glory be to his Name for evermore

Friend, by these, I say, was I directed to obey the light in my Conscience, which convinceth of sin, when nothing else can, and to which they direct all men (who are in the dark) to follow: In so doing was I brought out of darkness, into his marvel­ous [Page] Light, Glory be to the Light, and to the La [...] for evermore.

Thus I have given thee a short account of my journey so far, and now can boldly say with David My hearts is fixed; my heart is fixed, and I have nought to do now, but to give thanks, and to follow the Lamb of God whithersoever he goes.

And now Friend, let me ask thee, Is the Lord the desire of thy soul? And dost thou pant and breath after him, as the Hart doth after the Water-brooks Is truth in the inward parts the thing thou would have? And art thou indeed and in truth a true seeker of the Kingdom, and restless till thou findst it? Then let me advise thee, Seeke the Lord where he may be found, to wit, in thy own heart, for that it his Tem­ple, and there will he dwell if thou be upright: I say, the tabernacle of the Lord is with men, and there only will he be found: Scourge then out those Buyers and Sellers that dwell there; suffer not the House of God to be a den for Thieves and Robbers to reside in, for whilest thou givest entertainment unto them, the Lord will not make his abode with thee: Put therefore the evil thing out of thy Camp, that so thou mayest receive a blessing, enjoy the good, and live for evermore.

Thine for the Truths sake, THO. FORSTER.


  • 1. THat God is now known by his Name Light, as heretofore by his Names Jehovah, Elohim I am, &c. And that God's First dayes work in the dark Soul of Man is, the creating of Light.
  • 2. That man true Guide is within him, Or the Light of Christ in Man, is the true guide of the Soul.
  • 3. A word of Reproof to all that say, The Light of Christ in man, is natural, carnal, or an insufficient Guide.
  • 4. A word to all that say Revelation is ceased, and that the Saints must not expect such glorious manifesta­tions now, as were in the primitive times: With a few Queries for the enlightning the blind Eyes of such as say, That No man hath the infallible Spirit now.
  • 5. Counsel to him that feels the wright of sin, and groans for deliverance, but yet complains for mans of power.
  • 6. A word of Hope for the Persecuting Magistrate, if his day of Grace be not already past; also some it is.
  • 7. A view of false Doctrine, and a Reproof to false Teachers, who beast that they have the Original, [Page] and yet are ignorant of the Word of Life, and quick­ning Spirit within.
  • 8. Direction for all those that wait for the coming of their Saviour, and how they may know him when he appears.
  • 9. Encouragement to the weary Traveller, (whose journey is towards Canaan) To follow the Light and Lamb of God to the Holy Land of Rest; But not to go before it.
  • 10. A Word touching the Resurrection, and who they are that are risen with Christ, and shall reign with him: And by whom [...] is seen, in his spiritual ap­pearance, and where.


That God is now known by his Name LIGHT as heretofore by his Names Jehovah, Elo­him, I am, &c. And that Gods first dayes work in the dark Soul, (or little world of Man) is creating of Light.

THE Message which the belo­ved Disciple of Christ hath declared to the Saints, is this, That God is [...]ght, and that in him is no darknesse, 1 Joh. 1.5.

This also is my Message unto thee, God [Page] is Light; and whatsoever is to be known of him, is manifest in man, Rom. 1.19. To thee then who art still in the dark, and know­est not this truth, or if thou knowest it, obeyest it not, to wit, the Light within; Thou (I say) art not yet come to the first dayes work of God in the dark Chaos of thy own heart; for the same way doth the Lord proceed with his creature Man (in the creation of him to good works) as he did with the whole Universe, to wit, First bring him out of darkness into his marvelous light.

God when he made the World, crea­ted the Heaven and the Earth, and the Earth was without form, and darkness was upon the face of the deep; And in this state is man in his first Creation (through the fall) without form, and darkness is upon him: But when the Spi­rit of God moved upon the Waters, and said, Let there be Light, there was light; and the Light he called Day, and the Darkness he called Night and the Evening and the Mor­ning were the first Day.

Now consider Friends, all you who dis­own the Light, calling it natural, carnal, darkness, and insufficient to guide you; [Page 3] What do you judge of your present state and condition? Are you not like the Chaos? And is not your little World without form, and void? And is not dark­ness upon the face of your deep imagina­tions, until the spirit of God move up­on your Waters of instability, and his Light spring forth in your understandings from his holy Spirit?

Oh that you who reject the Light would consider this, that you are so far from rest, that you are not yet come to the first dayes work of God in your own hearts! How can you say as the Disciples and followers of Christ do, That it is God that worketh all his works in you, and for you? How can you number your selves amongst the children of Light, when you refuse the Light to work in you, and rebel a­gainst it?

Have you not read in the holy Scrip­tures, That Christ did not work many mira­cles in his own Countrey, because of the peo­ples unbelief there? I do not say, he could not work them; but this I affirm, The Lord compels none to serve him in the dark; but when he hath enlightened man with his own Light (with which he en­lighteneth [Page 4] every man that cometh into the World) man is at his choice whether he will follow and obey the light, yea or no: I say, the Lord doth not force the Will of man to obedience, but woes him, and beseecheth him to be reconciled, knowing the great misery which will justly and inevitably follow the rebelli­ous and disobedient soul.

Oh! that I could perswade all men to obedience, that so they may eat of the Tree of Life, which by transgression man is falne from, and which he cannot touch lest he dye.

And now let none say that he is not enlightened, or that he wants power, up­on the penalty of condemnation for e­ver; for the Lord requires nothing of man but what he hath given him full power to do, all power in heaven and in earth being in the Son, and this Son of power is freely offered to every man that will receive him; For God so loved the world, that he gave his own Son to dye for lost man, that he might live; I say, he is free­ly given a light to the Gentiles, and a Guide to them, as well as a Glory to his people Israel, and none are excluded who [Page 5] are willing to come unto him. And thou that deniest the Light, Whose workman­ship art thou? And whose Works are wrought in thee? Are they not Works of darkness, and thou the son of perdition? Oh! suffer not the Devil any longer to delude thee by his evil Instruments, and to work his works in thee; but endeavour thou to be made light in the Lord; for thou wert not made to serve the Devil, but to be a Temple for Gods holy Spirit to dwell in.

Mans true Guide is within him; Or, The Light of Christ in Man is the true Guide of the Soul.

PAUL that eminent Apostle of Christ, and Son of the Light, hath declared, That whatsoever is to be known of God, is manifest in man, (as is said already) Rom. 1.19. Let none then say, Lo here, or lo there; but if they should, hear what our Saviour Christ faith, Go not after them, nor follow them, for the kingdom of God is within you, Luke 17.21. Now if the Kingdom be within, then of necessity must mans guide be there also.

[Page 6]That Christ is the Light and Guide of man, see Joh. 1.9. & Joh. 14.6. and that he is in his Saints, read Col. 1.27. And in Rom. 8.10. the Apostle saith, If Christ be in you, the body is dead because of sin; and again, If the spirit of him that raised up Iesus from the dead, dwell in you, be that raised up Christ from the dead, shall also quicken your mortal bodyes by his spirit that dwelleth in you, Ver. 11. and Ver. 9. If any man hath not the spirit of Christ, he is none of his. And again, If Christ be not in you, then are you reprobates, 2 Cor. 13.5.

By all which places it is most evident, That Christ is the light of man, and that he lighteth every man that cometh into the World, of what Countrey or Nation soever, and none can deny this unless he will unman himself, and say he is not of the race and generation of manking. So then it is clearly demonstrated to him that can read the Scriptures, That Christ is the Saints Guide, and that he is their hope of glory, in them. And thou that deniest Christ in man to be his Guide, thou art either a reprobate, or no man: For Friend, this is my Testimony for the Lord, (and it is the Testimony of thou­sands at this day, blessed for ever be his [Page 7] Name) That Christ within is man's true Guide, and also man's true Light to walk by, and that in him is life, and the life is the light of men, and that this light shi­neth in darkness, and the darkness did not comprehend it; read 1 Ioh. 4.5. Yet now if any shall say he is in the light, and hateth his Brother, he is in darkness, and knoweth not whether he goeth.

To thee then who art a hater of thy Brother, assure thy self that thou art none of the Children of Light, not have I any thing to say to thee but this, Thou art condemned already; as well by the Light within thee, as by the children of Light without thee; For God is love, and he that dwelleth in love, dwelleth in God, and God in him, 1 Joh. 4.16.

But to the poor soul who is ignorant of his true Guide, and is willing to follow him if he knew where to find him, my counsel to him is this, Look at home; for thy Saviour is near unto thee, and blessed art thou if thou canst believe it, and obey him.

To thee I say, that art seeking thy Sa­viour with all thy heart, and art restless till thou find him, Know for thy comfort [Page 8] that he is near to thee, and to every one that is of an upright heart, and is even in thy heart, and in thy mouth, Rom. 10.8. Seek him not then at a distance from thee, or in any outward thing, for he that justifies thee, is near unto thee; and if ever thou find him in truth, thou wilt say as Iacob did, That he was in this place, and thou knewest is not.

Wouldst thou have thy Saviour and thy Guide to lead thee by his un-erring and infallible spirit? Then cease from man, (whose breath is in his Nostrils) and turn to the living God with whom onely the Well-springs of life are to be found.

Salvation is not to be had from the Hills, nor from the Mountains, neither from this divided judgement, or that; but from Jesus alone, who is in his Saints the hope of glory, and is the Saviour of all men, but especially of them that be­lieve.

I say, The Tabernacle of God is with men, and though he be the High and Ho­ly one that inhabiteth Eternity, yet is his dwelling also with him that is of a lowly heart, and trembleth at his Word.

[Page 9]The spirit of Christ in man is the true Guide, all others are false ones; his Light in man is the true light, al others are false ones. Oh be not so willingly blind as not to see it, nor so wilfully ignorant as not to know it. He it is that condemneth sin in the flesh, and reproves man for a vain thought, or wanton look, when nothing without him can. Turn in the eye of thy mind than, and hearken to his checks and daily reproofs in thee; Knowest thou not that the state of reprobation belongs to him that hath not Christ in him? Friend, thy Saviour is within thee, and if ever thou know him aright, it must be there; for there, O there it is that thee and I have crucified him that is Lord of life; and this is that Jesus whom the Jews crucified at Jerusalem, but is now crucifi­ed by the false Christians, within them, and by them put again to an open shame, as their Streets, Market-places, Cities, Towns and Villages do declare, by stock­ing mocking, stoning, cruel whipping, long imprisoning, and persecuting unto death, his Members.

But now is come (and is coming) a day of tryal upon all prosessions whatso­ever, [Page 10] and all professors must now be try­ed whether their faith be true or feign­ed none must escape the siery tryal, but the judgement of the Lord will pass up­on all, high and low, great and small, poor or rich, airy notions as well as car­nal Ordinances, (which all perish with the using) and now seen thorough in this day of light; for the Sun (which hath long sate in a Cloud) is arisen to disco­ver the inward subtilty and hypocrisie, as well as the outward superstition and idolatry of all hearts.

Bring thy Works then to the light of Christ Jesus in thy own conscience, that so they may be manifest whether they are wrought in God or nou; for he that hideth his sin, shall not prosper.

And thou who art a sinner, and belie­vest that thou canst not be freed from them, because the blind guides have told thee so, there is little ground for thee to hope for mercy; for the sinner cannot stand before the Lord, nor the wicked in the Congregation of the righteous; nor can any unclean thing enter into Hea­ven: Know thou, that it is sin that cruci­fies thy Saviour, who though he bear [Page 11] with patience the sinners burthen for a time, (being pressed therewith as a Cart with sheaves) yet thou wilt one day find he will cast off the heavy burthen upon the sinners own back, which (when the Lord hath done striving with him) will be too unsupportable for him to bear.

Oh that no poor soul would suffer him­self to be mislead and deceived by blind Guides in a matter of so great concern­ment as the everlasting salvation or dam­nation of their immortal souls; for the Light of Christ Jesus hath appeared un­to thousands and discovered their Egyp­tian darkness and false Doctrine, and can prove them to be such builders as reject the Corner-stone, and declare lyes in the Name of the Lord: And for which appea­rance of Christ in his Saints, glory be given to the Father, & to the Son, through the blessed Spirit for evermore.

Christ Jesus is to be known within by all who will approve themselves no re­probates, and so to be within them, as to live his life of meekness, of patience, of long-sufferance, of mercy and compassi­on, of goodnese, of gentleness, of wis­dom and godly fear, of self-denial, of [Page 12] perseverance, of faith, of hope, of love, and whatsoever else are the fruits of his spirit and presence in us.

Friends, 'Tis not a Christ without that will save you, but the same Christ which dyed at Jerusalem, must live in us, and we in him; and so must we know him even to lead and guide us out of all error, sin and vanity, into all truth, righteousness, and stability, if we ever know him to sal­vation; I know your minds have been a­broad, and peradventure yet are, (as mine was) but I never knew my Saviour (whom I sought without) until I turned my mind inward, and found him there; No more can ye. If them art still abroad wandring upon the barren Mountains, O come down, for l am well assured there is no food there for thy hungry soul; The day I say is far spent, and the night at hand, wander no longer in the coasts of Egypt, and Land of darkness, where no Light is, nor true Guide to lead thee, but hasten into the low Valley, search deep into the bottom of thy heart, come to Meekness, Patience, and humility of spi­rit, and there, O there wilt thou meet with thy true Guide, and that Light [Page 13] which alone can lead out of darkness all the faithful followers of it.

Reproof to him that faith the Light within is natural, and that the Light of Christ was carnal and darkness, (as some have affir­med.)

THou knowest not what thou sayest, O man, that sayest the Light is natu­ral, carnal, or insufficient, nor whereof thou affirmest: Hast thou been a Teacher or Hearer in England for many years, and a professor of Religion, and yet knowest not Jesus? Take this for thy portion (thou who despisest the riches and goodness of the Lord in his Son Christ) The Light or Talent (which thou now hast shall be ta­ken from thee, and thou (the unprofita­ble servant) cast out into outward dark­ness, vvhere shall be nothing but weep­ing, wailing, and gnashing of teeth, be­cause thou hast rejected the Light within, which is Gods Witness in every man, and hast judged and denied it; Know this, That thou by it shalt be condemned for ever: I say, the day of Grace and long­suffering [Page 14] of the Lord (which would now lead thee to repentance) will not alwayes last; the Light, or Candle of the Lord in thee will not alwayes shine, but the night of darkness (in which thou shalt ever re­main) will overtake thee, where thou shalt be shut up in Chains for evermore; then, oh then it vvill be too late to vvish thou hadst not slighted the light in thy conscience, and called it carnal, darkness and insufficient; for it now is, and then will be more then a thousand Witnesses against thee.

The Light of Christ (I say) is not car­nal, is not darkness, is not insufficient to lead blind man out of darkness into the marvelous light of the Lord; for by it, and it alone have I been lead from the one into the other, and can set to my seal of a truth, That God is light, and Christ is light, and that his light is in every man, and it is, and will be the condemnation. That Light is come into the World, but men love darkness rather then light, be­cause their deeds are evil and ful of darkness.

Friend, This I am bold to declare, as in the Light of the Lord, That there is [Page 15] no other way to be saved from eternal darkness, but by coming unto Christ the light of the World, and walking in his light; if so thou do, as he is in the light, then, and not till then shalt thou have fellowship with the children of Light, and the blood of Jesus will cleanse thee from all sin.

Some Queries to them that say Revelation is ceased, and that the Saints must not now ex­pect such glorious manifestations as were in the primitive times; and that say no man hath the infallible Spirit now.

MAny there are who in this state of darkness do believe and say, That Revelation is ceased, and that the infallible Spirit is not now known amongst the Saints; and that they are not to expect such glorious manifestations now, as were in the primitive times: The ignorance and gross darkness of such I cannot but bewail, and for the opening of their understandings, shall propound unto them some Queries. As first:

Whether is not Christ the same to day, [Page 16] yesterday, and for ever? and the holy Spirit the same, and as operative, quick and powerful now, as ever? Or hath it lost its powerful operation now? Is the Lords love to his Saints less now, then before? Or is his hand shortned that he cannot save to the uttermost as well now as ever? Where is it said (which ye so boldly affirm) That Revelation is ceased, or shall ever cease, from the Saints or Spouse of Christ? Hath not the Lord promised that in the later dayes he will pour out his Spirit upon all flesh, and his sons and his daughters shall prophesie? And hath not John said, That the light of that day shall be as seven dayes, and that there shall be no need of a Candle, nor light of the Sun, for the Lord God shall be the light thereof.

What is it that in the night of dark­ness (when thou art lying upon thy bed of Adultery and carnal pleasure, sport­ing thy unsatiable soul in the lusts of the flesh) discovers and reveals the wicked­ness of thy heart unto thee? What is it that in the day time checks thee for thy wanton eye and pride of life, when none without perhaps dares accuse thee?

[Page 17]What is it that discovers unto thee (in thy Chamber of Imagery) the secret A­dultery of thy heart, when no outward eye sees thee? What is it that brings to thy remembrance things past, as if they were but yesterday, and sets thy secret sins in order before thee? What is it that tells thee thou hast committed the sin a­gainst the Holy Ghost, and for which thou canst never receive pardon when com­mitted?

Oh! how is it that thou shouldst suffer the instruments of Satan to work such a belief in thee, and so far to put out the eye of thy Faith, and of thy reasonable soul also, as not to see thy self in a delu­sion, when the Scriptures do positively say, That no man knows the Father but the Son, and him to whom the Son wil reveal him, Matth. 12.27. Tell me (poor soul) whe­ther thou canst be so ignorant of the Scriptures as not to know this, That he that worships the Father, must worship him in spirit? Dost thou not know that the holy spirit is a spirit of Revelation wheresoe­ver it is? Dost thou not know that, that is its work in man, and that if thou hast not this Spirit of Christ, thou art none [Page 18] of his? Friend, it's an infallibly sign thou deniest the spirit, that sayest Revela­tion is ceased, it being its proper Work.

And thou that sayest, No man hath the infallible Spirit now; Let me ask thee also, Hath the Lord no people in this Age to bear testimony to his Truth? Do none know the Lord novv? And are none in the Way of Truth? Is this thy Faith? Then knovv thou for certain, thou art led by a spirit of delusion; and whilest thou thus believest, thou canst never come to the truth, nor be led by the Spirit of Truth; for the Children of God are all guided by the infallible spirit so long as they be faithful followers of it, and they live in the spirit, and walk in the spirit, and talk in the spirit, and act in the spi­rit; all which is a Riddle to thee, and im­possible for any to open, unless he have the gift of Faith to believe in the migh­ty Power of God, which is the Son of God.

Friend, whosoever thou art that art of this perswasion, I must declare unto thee from the Lord, Thy Faith is but Faney, thou art still in Aegypt, and like to perish in the Wilderness. O be perswaded to [Page 19] search the Scriptures, and to believe in Jesus who is the Author and Finisher of the Faith of his Disciples, of Whom thou art none, as thou now stands; forbear thou to make mention of the holy and infallible Spirit of Truth; (which (in their several measures) all possess who are taught of God) until thou are freed from the spirit of Error, and come out from the fleshly apprehensions of the Di­vine Truth, to see the infallible things of God by the eye of living Faith; and if you come to know the Lord & his truth, your rotten foundations must be remo­ved, and your Faith built upon the Rock of Ages.

Dost thon think that because thy heart is filled with unbelief of the migh­ty Power of God, and because thou know­est not the secrets of the Lord revealed unto thee, (in regard thou art not come into his fear) that therefore the Lord doth not reveal his secret to any? No, no, thou are miserably deluded and be­rest of the right use of thy understand­ing by Satan and his Minister; for know thou, the Lord is as merciful now as ever, as good now as ever, and as free to reveal [Page 20] himself and his secrets unto those that fear him, now, as ever he was. Canst thou be ignorant of this, That the Lord reveals his secrets to them that fear him? Or that the secrets of the Lord are with them that fear him, Psal. 25.14, Or, ( Prov. 3.32.) That his secret is with the Righteous; And Amos 3.7. That the Lord will do nothing, but he revealeth his se­cret unto his servants. Friend, There is no way to come to the knowledge of God, but by the Revelation of the Son of God in us, witnessing with our spirits, whose children we are: And all that I shall say further to thee herein, is this, My soul shall weep in secret for thee, and and thy Teachers who have caused thee to err, (they themselves not knowing the truth) by saying, Revelation is ceased, when there is no other way to know God by.

A Word of Counsel to him that feels himself loaden with his sins, and groans for deliver­ance, but complains that he wants power.

ART thou laden with the burthen of thy sins? And dost thou mourn in [Page 21] secret, praying to God for case and par­don? Or, Art thou black with lying in the mire and filthy pollutions of this, World, so that thou art ready to say, From the crown of my head, to the sole of my foot, I am full of wounds and putrified sores, and would fain be made clean? Art thon possest with the spirit of error, and ignorant of the truth of God? And wouldst thou be acquain­ted with the Spirit of God to guide thee into all truth, and lead thee into the path of holiness? Wouldst thou be freed from the spirit of pride, self-love, passion, and emulation towards thy Neighbour? Art thou covetous of gain, and earthly-min­ded, and dost not do to another as thou wouldst be done unto, wanting the Roy­al Law of Love to be thy Rule? Art thou possest not onely with one evil spirit, but Legions, and seest no power to resist the least assault of the Enemy?

Then be thou counselled (by one who hath felt the weight and burchen of most of these evils, and seen deliveranee in a measure) to own the light in thy consci­ence, and that will open unto thee a door, of hope, and shew thee a Fountain where Judah and Jerusalem Jew and Gentile, [Page 22] Christian and Heatheu, Profane and Pro­fessor, high and low, rich and poor, may wash in, and be made clean, yea, and from all their filthiness may they be cleansed: And if thou do so, viz. own the Light in thy conscience, and obey it, it will lead thee to holiness.

And thou that complainest for want of power against sin, I tell thee, and do af­firm unto thee, whoever thou art, Thou hast power, unless (with the unjust Stew­ard) thou hast buryed it in thy corrupt heart, and made no improvement of it, and the Lord for thy unsaithfulness hath taken it from thee, and given it to him who hath been a better husband of his gift then thou hast been: For this I say, That the Lord hath given a Talent (or measure of himself) to every one to pro­fit withal, which is his light in every con­science, the which whosoever doth not improve, shall have it taken from him, and he be cast into utter darkness; for there is a day vvhen the Candle of the Wicked shall be put out, and he shall have no light to vvalk by, though he seek it, and that vvith tears: Remember Iudas, and be vvarned by him to be faithful to [Page 23] thy Master, and to obey him, even whilst the Light shines upon thee, and would guide thee, least thy repentance be too late, as his was, and thou be with him called a Son of Perdition; but if thou o­bey the Light in thy conscience which convinceth thee of sin, I declare unto thee as a Word from experience of the mighty Power of God, and of its pow­erful working there, That it will not on­ly give thee power against gross corrupti­ons, but against vain thoughts and idle words; and though thy sins be red like crimson, they shall be as Wool; and as red as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow: Be willing therefore, and obedi­ent, and thou shalt eat the good of the Land; but if thou refuse, and rebel, thou shalt be devoured with the Sword: The mouth of the Lord hath spoken it.

Some Hope left for the persecuting Magistrate of England, (if his Day of Grace be not past already.)

PEradventure thou mayest say unto me, I have been a Civil Magistrate [Page 24] and a great Persecutor of the Saints ( [...] the Most High God) who bave few or none on earth to plead their cause; how shall I find mercy from the Lord, for I am the greatest of sinners? That when the Servants and Messengers of the Lord have come into our Cities, Towns, Villa­ges, or Market-places to preach repen­tance, and declare against sin, and to bring the glad tydings of the Gospel in­to our quarters, (where it was never prea­ched before) I have not been so sober un­to them as the Gadarenes were to Christ, who (when he came to cast out unclean spirits, and to do them good, they) entrea­ted him to depart out of their coasts; but I instead of entreating, have compelled them, not with mild perswasions, but with cruel and merciless stripes upon their naked bodies, with stockings, sto­nings, beatings, long and tedious impri­sonmets, and other bitter usage which for shame I cannot mention; And (as if this had been too little) I have caused some of them to be scourged twice or thrice for not bowing to my corrupt Will, and worshipping me with their Hats off; or for speaking to our blind Guide, (who [Page 25] calls himself a Minister;) And all this I have done contrary to the Law of the Land too; and when I have so done, I have with Passes sent them away as Vaga­bonds and Wanderers, not suffering them (though sufficient men, and of good Estates near us) to have a place in our quarters to dress their sore stripes & deep wounds which my bloody Executioners. have made upon their innocent and harmless bodyes; nor yet a place wherein to rest their aking heads, except in stocks, dungeons, close holes of little ease, or filthy and stinking Goals amongst thieves and murtherers, where many of them have finished their testimonies by death.

Now saith the guilty Magistrate, This is the truth of my condition, and thus have I served the Embassadors of Christ Jesus, (whom the malicious World can­not accuse of evil) and my case is lamen­able, and the worse, because what I have done was through the instigation of our Gospel-Minister, (as he called himself) [...]nd to please him, who otherwise would not suffer me to be at rest, crying out a­gainst them, that they will undo us, and our generation after us, and render our [Page 26] Gospel to be Antichristian, and our selves false Prophets, (as indeed we are) and will make our nakedness and igno­rance appear to all sober men if they be tollerated; But that which is more consi­derable then all this, I am afraid I have sinn'd the sin against the Holy Ghost, which can never be forgiven, and how shall I escape the damnation of Hell.

Friend, Is this thy case indeed? And art thou guilty so deeply, as this in truth makes thee? 'Tis sad indeed: Yet con­sider, and for thy comfort I have this to say unto thee, St. Paul was as great a Per­secutor of the Saints as thou possibly hast been, and as mad against them as the most of you have been, or can be; yet when the Light appeared to him, and struck him from his horse or beastly na­ture of persecution, he presently fell to the earth, and with trembling and asto­nishing, said, Lord, what wilt thou have me to do? He did not (as the blind Guides of this age) say, That the Light of Christ was natural and insufficient to guide him out of his darkness, but he became obe­dient to the Light immediately (though he saw no body) consulting neither with [Page 27] flesh nor blood, nor yet running to Gama­liel a great Doctor (under whom he had been brought up) for counsel; but forth­with ceased from the sprit of persecuti­on, and obtained mercy: So he being o­bedient to the Light, became a true Dis­ciple of Jesus, and Preacher of the ever­lasting Gospel, Acts 9.

And now (oh Magistrate) know this, That though thou hast been the greatest persecutor of the Saints amongst thy nu­merous Brethren, and hast persecuted them until death, (as many in England have been for conscience-sake within these few years, under a pretence of maintaining the Popish and Antichristi­an Law for Tythes, and suppressing of Hereticks) yet there is some hopes of mercy for thee also, if thou canst in truth say, That what thou didst, then hast done ignorantly.

But if this be not thy case, but hast wilfully transgressed and rebelled against [...]he Light in thy conscience, then, O then [...]hy condition is sad indeed, and thou with the blind Guides) art of all men most to be pittyed; Examine therefore [...]y own heart in secret, and if thou find­est [Page 28] that thou hast been a wilful Persecu­tor of Gods Servants, cry mightily unto the Lord that the iniquity of thy heart may be forgiven thee, and possibly thou mayest find hopes (upon thy unfeigned confession and resolution to turn to the Lord, and obey the Light within thee) to obtain Mercy. Cease, I say, from that Spirit of Persecution, and become obe­dient for the future, if peradventure thy fins may be blotted out.

A view of false Doctrines, Or, A Word of Reproof to false Teachers, who boast that that they have the Original, and yet are ig­norant of the word of life.

FRiends, to you all I speak, (who dis­own the Light of Christ within, and count it a low thing) a wo is pronounced unto you, for your light is turned into darkness, and your sweet into bitter, and for the present see not your way before you; the whole World lyes in wickedness, and darkness is upon the faces of all who are led by you, who preach for hire, and divine for money, contrary to the pro­phets [Page 29] phets and true Ministers of Christ) you preach false Doctrine, and practice perse­cution, and therefore are you none of the children of Light, nor Ministers of the everlasting Gospel. You say, That the best of Gods servants cannot be free from sin in this life; whereas the ho­ly Scriptures say, Without holynesse no man shall see the Lord: Christ himself hath preached perfection, and hath comman­ded his Disciples to be perfect as their heavenly Father is perfect; but you say, No, perfection is not to be attained here; You say, (many of you) That the Light of Christ in the conscience is natural, not considering that he himself is spiri­tual, and that his Light must of necessity be so too.

You say, Revelation is ceased; not consi­dering this, That no man knows the Father but the Son, and him to whom the Son will re­veal him. You say, No man hath the infalli­ble Spirit now; not considering, That he that hath not the Spirit of Christ, is none of his; For where-ever the Spirit of Christ is, it must needs be infallible; and you that have not the infallible Spirit, you are none of Christs; and if so, then con­sider [Page 30] with your selves whose childrern you are, and what spirit guides you, and whither; for it cannot lead you into all truth, nor any part thereof.

Some of you have been heard to say, That the Devil is the Power of God, and that the Gospel is not the Power of God no more then a Rose Cake; and further, That the Light of Christ Jesus is carnal and darkness. Friends, I hope better things of many of you; but assuredly, this Doctrine is damnable and pernicious to the souls of men: And therefore I warn you to forbear preachihg in the Name of the Lord, whilst you are of this Faith, which I affirm is of the Devils, and not of the Saints, (whose faith over­comes the World) and who believe they must be holy as God is holy, and perfect as their heavenly Father is perfect, in their several measures: They know that the Son of God is the Light of the World and life of men, and is not darkness, carnal, natural, or insufficient to lead them to purity, as you declare. And be­cause I wil not bore the ears (as I may say) of the hearers, or bring to the Readers remembrance your multitude of Errors, [Page 31] Heresies and false Doctrines; nor trouble him with a view of all your ungodly pra­ctices at once; I shall be sparing, as hoping you may return from whence you are fallen, and repent, but shall hereafter, if God will, propound a few queries unto you, whereby you may see your selves in some few particulars of your Doctrine and practice.

Friends, Is preaching for hire, and persecution of your Neighbour, for con­science-sake to be miantained by Scrip­ture? Is throwing men into Gaols, and stealing of their Goods, to be maintained by the Scriptures? Is your taking up the carnal Weapons to defend your Gospel with, when your spirituall Weapons will not do, to be maintained by Scripture? Did Christs Ministers ever rebel against the Civil Magistrate, and teach men so to do, as many of you have done of late, instead of being subject to the higher Powers? For my own part I wonder not hereat, as knowing that that spirit which at present guides you, teacheth rebellion and disobedience as well to God as to man.

Furthermore: [Page 32]You say you are Ministers of the Go­spel, and yet have perswaded people to believe that the Commandments of God cannot be kept.

Reader, to thee who art of this per­swasion with them, be but moderate, and let me ask thee this question; For what end (thinkest thou) were the Command­ments given by God? Were they to be read onely, or to be painted upon the Steeple-house Walls? Will that please the Lord? Or were they not given to be kept by his servants, who enter into life? Hath not the Lord said, He will write them upon his peoples hearts, never to be blotted out? Or can any man be bles­sed that doth not keep them?

Tell me, Doth any man require that of another, which he knows be cannot per­form and do? And wilt thou make the Lord so hard a Master, as to require obe­dience of man if it were not in his pow­er to give it, or that the Lord had not im­powered him? Friend, even as the Ser­pent beguiled Eve, so art thou by blind Guides; He drew our first Parents into dis­obedience by going out to hearken to his subtilty, and so left their innocency; and [Page 33] thou being now in disobedience, he would keep thee there by his evil instru­ments.

O take heed of the Serpents brood, who say, The Commandments of God cannot be kept, for they are false pro­phets that so teach; but assure thy self, That if ever thou enter into life, thou must keep the Commandments: David could keep them under the Law, and said, That the Commandments of the Lord were not grievous; My soul (saith he) hath kept thy Testimonies, and I love them excee­dingly: And again saith he, I have done thy Commandments: And again he saith, I have kept thy precepts and thy testimonies: Read Psal. 119, 166, 167, 168.

Now Friend consider the promise of the Lord concerning his people, by the the mouth of his Prophet Zechariah, That in the day of the Lord, He that is feeble a­mongst them shall be as David, and the house of David shall be as God, Zech. 12.8.

And as the keeping of the Command­ments is the entrance into life, so are they pronounced blessed that keep them, Rev. 22.14. & psal. 119.2. & Prov. 8.32. And saith St. John, Hereby we know that we know [Page 34] him, if we keep his commandments, 1 Joh. 2.3. But he that saith, I know him, and keepeth not his commandments, is a lyar, and the truth is not in him, Ver. 4. And again, Whatsoever we ask (saith he) we receive of him, because we keep his commandments, and do, those things which are pleasing in his sight, 1 John 4.22. and he that keepeth his commandments, dwel­leth in him, and he in him, Ver. 24.

Such then as say that the command­ments of God cannot be kept, are hereby proved to be Lyars, false prophets, and de­ceivers. Come out therefore from among them, and be thou separate from such unclean men, for the lyar shall not enter into the Kingdom, nor any unclean or imperfect thing.

Friends, I even tremble to think on your condition, who break the Com­mandments of God, and teach men so to do, you are so far from the Way, the Truth and the Life, that unless you spee­dily repent and turn to the Lord, you will have your portion with hypocrites, where is weeping, wailing, and gnashing of teeth for evermore.

My direction then to you also (before it be too late) is, To own the Light in [Page 35] your consciences; and submit to its checks when you are reproved by it; and know this, That whilst it reproves you for your fins, the day of Grace is not yet past, nor hath the Lord given over striving with you; but when you feel no checks of con­science when you do evil in thought, word, or deed, then be assured your day is past, and you are sealed up for destruction.

I say unto you therefore again, Own the Light within you while you have it, and take it for your Guide, for you are gone a whoring from God, and the Spirit of Truth and Holiness you know not.

O do not any longer abuse this Light, this Lamb of God, for you will one day find him to be the Lyon of the Tribe of Judah, who when his Wrath shall be kind­led against you, you must be consumed for ever.

And now to you who say, We are the Learned Ministers of England; We have the Tongues; We have the Ori­ginals, and we have the many Langua­ges, and therefore we are best able to in­terpret the Scriptures.

To you I say this, That the holy Scrip­tures are a sealed Book to all that are not [Page 36] taught of God by the Revelation of his spi­rit, which you falsly and ignorantly say is ceased; therefore it is that the unlearned Doctors and others, the University-men of this age, wrest them to their own de­struction; therefore it is, that there are so many Errors, Heresies, Opinions, Sects, and divided Judgements amongst you, and those who are called Christians.

Friends, if you be ignorant of the true Original of all things, to wit, the infalli­ble and unerring Spirit of God by which the holy Scriptures were wrote, you want the key of true knowledge which should open them unto you, and you (with all your learning) must stay without, when the simple whom God teacheth, and whom you despise, can give you the true meaning and mind of God's Spirit, shall enter in.

Oh! remember that the Jews had the Original Tongues before you, and spoke them naturally, and more then that, they had amongst them the true Original him­self, even Christ Jesus, the Alpha and Ome­ga, the first and the last, and yet they cru­cified him, and chose a Thief and a Rob­ber before him; I wish from my very soul [Page 37] it were not so with you, chusing Hebrew, Greek, Latine, and other Tongues, be­fore the naked and simple truth of God; I say, Christ Jesus was to the Jews a stum­bling block, and to the wise Greeks foolish­ness; So is he this day to you, whilst you are crying up Learning and hu­mane Wisdom, and despise the still and low voice of Christ in you, which speaks not in the Words of mans Wisdom.

Oh ye men of Learning in all the Wis­dom of this World! When will you cease to tumble over your many and dusty Vo­lumes of corrupted Authors, to find out that Truth which lyes buryed within you? Oh cease a while from searching into them, and try whether you can find your Names written in the C [...]mbs Book of life; if not, mourn and [...]nt, for your condition of all others is most to be pit­tyed, in regard of the great loss that is to come upon you (you having much to lose)

Now that I may not leave you with­out hope, as those who perish in their sins, my advice to you is, To turn to the light in your consciences, and be obedient un­to it for unless ou so do, you can never come to the Key of David, which opens, [Page 38] and no man shuts, and shuts, and no man opens; Wait at Wisdoms Posts, (which is the true fear of the Lord) from which you are all departed, who are gone from the light within, and are seeking Salva­tion in outward things; for the least Babe of Light sees thorough you, and can dis­cover your darkness.

A Direction for all such as wait for the com­ing of their Saviour in spirit, and how they may know him when he appears.

CHrist's first appearance to the World was in flesh, and the fleshly eye saw him, but his second appearance is in spirit, which no fleshly eye can behold and live; for as the Lightning cometh from one part of Heaven to lighten another part under Heaven, so shall the coming of the Son of man be, and blessed are all they who wait for his second coming, to wit, without sin, unto salvation; for his second, coming is to put an end to sin, to finish transgression, and to bring in everlasting righteousness. He that hath an ear to hear, let him hear.

[Page 39]Now if thou wouldst plainly know the signs of his coming unto thee in particu­lar, then know this, That when he comes 'tis to convince thee of sin, and to make a separation between thee and thy for­mer Lovers, (be they who or what they will be) there is not a darling or dalilah to be spared, though never so dear or near unto thee, but all must be crucified, yea, and thy own life must be lost too, if ever thou wilt find it in God. Friend, the life of a Christian is hid with Christ in God, and there is no finding of it but by going out of self; for know this, That be­fore Christ Jesus proclaims peace to the soul, he sets the man at variance with himself, and makes him war against the Enemies of his peace within him, (not without him.)

To thee then who art at ease in the flesh, hugging the spirit of self-love, and of this World, (which lyes in wicked­ness) and art courting the great men thereof for private respects, as honor and preferment, or the like; know thou, thou art not yet come to the spiritual War­fare, nor dost thou know the coming of Christ to thee, as a Saviour, which every [Page 40] man must witness before he can be a true Souldier in the Army of the Lamb, or wit­ness redemption from the Spirit of Bon­dage.

My direction then unto thee, is, To watch for the coming of Christ, (who com­eth as a Thief in the night) that when he comes, thou mayest not be found sleep­ing in sin, nor suorting in the vain de­lights and pleasures of this life, (which are but for a moment:) Christ stands at thy door, and knocks, O give him en­trance and suffer not his Locks to be wet with the dew of the morning; Suffer not (I say) the evil one to make such a noise in thy soul, as to drown the low voice of Christ in thee, who saith, I am meek and lowly of heart, learn of me. Let it not be said of thee, He came unto his own, and his own received him not.

Encouragement to the weary Traveller (whose Journey is towards Canaan) to follow the Light and Lamb of God to the Holy Land of Rest; but not to go before it.

VVHosoever thou art that art come out of Aegypt, (the land [Page 41] of darkness, where the blind lead the blind) and hast a purpose and good will to tra­vel to the holy Land, thou must gird up the loins of thy mind, and with a holy Resolution be content to pass through all the fiery tryals thou maist meet with, and never sit down until thou shale arrive at perfect rest in God: And that thou maist not loosethy Way, be thou advised to follow thy Guide, and go not before him; for no longer then thou art a follower of the Lamb, canst thou go aright, or walk in safety.

Many there are who be come out of Aegypt, and have made some progress towards Canaan; but because the Guide to rest makes no haste, he being meek and lowly, and is a gentle Leader of his Lambs, (and those that are with young) therefore it is that many times the fol­lowers go before their Leader, and through haste lose their Way.

Be thou warned therefore, who art but a young Traveller and follower of the lamb, that thou leave not thy true Guide, nor wander from him, lest thou come into Aegypt again, (as some have done) and so peradventure never find [Page 42] thy Guide more. Friend, if ever thou thinkest to be victorious, thou must fol­low the Lamb; for assure thy self, the E­nemy will assult thee on every side, and endeavour thy destruction; for know thou, That 'tis through sufferings and of­ten conflicts with the Enemy, that thou must pass, yea and become a Conqueror too, befoer thou must come to reign; The daily death thou must witness, and the dai­ly Crosse must be born, before the Crown of Victory can be obtained; I say, Thou must follow thy Leader and Captain of Salvation, through all difficulties, if thou wilt be victorious.

And for thy encouragement, be assured of this, He will never leave thee nor for­sake thee.

In the light of the Lord then, and as faithful followers of the Lamb, let us jurney towards our Land of Rest with unwearied minds; for assuredly, The Land is good, and will abundantly reward the Traveller upon his arrival there, a­bove what he could ask or think.

Many there are whom I believe are gone forth with an honest intent to tra­vel ehither, and finding the Way strait, [Page 43] and the journey long, and the Difficulties many, have sate down by the way; but let such know, there is no truerest on this side Canaan.

Others there are who have gone forth to view the holy Land, and as the false spyes of the Land of Canaan did, so have these, even brought up an evil report upon the good Land, and have told people, There is no attaining of it in this life, for that the Cities are walled, the Enemies are migh­ty and numerous, and too strong to be o­vercome, These have told people, the holy life is unattainable, and that as long as they live, they cannot be free from corrupti­on; and these sit down without hope, and shall never enter.

But yet notwithstanding there is en­couragement enough for the faithful Tra­veller, when he remembers that there were two, to wit, Caleb and Joshua, who were true Spyes, and that notwithstand­ing the multitude of false Spyes that went forth to view the Land, these as faithful Witnesses For God brought in their Testimony, and said, Let us go up at once, and possesse it, for we are well able to o­vercome it. And these for their faithful­ness [Page 44] to the Lord (notwithstanding the false Spyes ill report of the good Land) were brought to possess the Land which flowed with Milk and Honey, but the rest perished in the Wilderness for their unbelief, and their children were wander­ers there fourty years.

Now Friend, It is observable and very remaakrble, That Caleb and Joshuah (who did enter) had another spirit then the false, Spyes had, (and followed the Lord fully) to wit, the Spirit of Faith, which over­comes the World, and all the Enemies therein, to the soul of men, so that the Believer and his Seed shall possess the holy Land, when all the unbelievers shall perish in the Wildcrness, Numb. 14.

And as for the glory of this holy Land, or New Jernsalem, (of which Canaan was a Type) and the Riches thereof none wil doubt, but all Will confess the Land is good, though some say too good to be ob­tained here, or possessed in this life; I say as to this I cannot but bring in my te­stimony, and declare, They are all false Spyes, and false prophets, that say the Ene­mies of mans soul are not to be overcome in this life, and that the holy life is not [Page 45] attainable; for he that gives Victory over one sin, (which I witness) will give vi­ctory over all sins if I and thou be faith­ful Warriers in the Army of the Lamb. I say, our Captain is able to make war w th the Enemy, and not onely give us victory, but also an entrance into the Holy of holies within the vail here, where no false pro­phet can enter, but him who is the Priest for ever after the order of Melehizedeck.

Therefore friends, go chearfully on your way in believing; the Enemy is as well before as behind; look not back, neither turn to the right hand, nor to the left, but press forward, and in due time you shall reap, if you faint not.

'Tis the Faith of the Saints which o­vercomes the World, and all difficulties which the honest Traveller shall find in his Journey towards the holy Land. And that none may be discouraged that he meets with troubles and tryals, let him remember, The greater his tryals are, the stronger had his Faith need be; and the bitterer his Travels are, the sweeter will his Rest be. If some of the Servants of the Lord have through experience said, That the sufferings of this present life [Page 46] are not worthy the glory that shall be re­vealed, what will they be able to say when in is revealed?

It is better to suffer affliction with the people of God, then to enjoy the plea­sures of sin for a season.

Therefore let us proceed on our jour­ney with unwearied minds, and in the strength and power of the Lord make war against all the Enemies of our Souls, following our Leader, and in the end we shall be more then Conquerors.

And because there are many preten­ders to holiness, who with fair speeches do deceive the hearts of people, and by enticing words of mans Wisdom seduce many a well-meaning and honest-heart­ed Traveller, who is ever and anon rea­dy to question whether his way be right. I do advise thee as thou lovest life, and tenderest the true rest of thy weary soul, keep close to thy Leader, whose voice is low, speaking in thee, saying, Go not forth, wander not; for this I declare, That whilst thou art unturned to thy Guide within thee, or art listening to the loud Voice and found of big Words without (as I have been) thou canst finde no rest, though thou travel hard to obtain it.

A Word concerning the Resurrection.

THE Lord is risen indeed, and hath appeared unto many, among whom I am come to give you notice, (though a most unworthy Messenger) That he is now come to exalt his Son in his saints. and set him upon his holy hill; glory for evermore.

But many there are who with Martha do look for the Resurrection at the last day without, and so put the day of his Resurrection in them, far from them, (as believing no such thing) and saying, How can this be? when in the mean time Christ lyes slain in some of them; and o­thers are so far from the holy Life of Christ, that they are dead in trespasses and sins, and some twice pluckt up by the roots, neither knowing their Saviour within them, nor Without them.

Art thou one that knowest nothing of the resurrection of Christ in thee, then know that thou art not to look out to a day without thee, for the resurrection of Christ, but in Spiritual Sodomand Aegypt, where he lyes still crucified, art thou to ex­pect [Page 48] his resurrection, to wit, in thy own wicked heart.

Christ before his resurrection from the Grave, told Martha, and said, I am the the Resurrection and the life; he that believeth in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live; and that he that liveth and believeth in him, should not dye: Dost thou believe this?

Arise then, thou that art asleep in thy grave of sin, fleshly ease, or carnal de­lights, and hearken to the voice of the Son of God in thee, & live; for he who called Lazarus out of his grave of earth, (being naturally dead) to life again, will raise thee also, and call thee out of thy spiri­tual grave of sin and denth, if thou hearken to his Voice, and obey his Call in thoe.

Christ Jesus after his resurrection, ap­peared unto many of his Disciples with out them, and they knew him not (he being spiritual;) and after he had by many sig­nal Testimonies made himself known unto them to be Jesus, a Cloud received him out of the sight of those that stood looking after him; Whereupon it was told them by two men who were in white, that said, To men of Galilee, why stand ye here gazing? The same Iesus which [Page 49] hath been taken up from you into heaven, shall in like manner come again to wit, in a Cloud; for so he went up.

Now this (Friend) is a Mystery to the wise and learned men of this World, (oh that they knew it) That the light of the World, and life of men should come in a cloud; but so it is, and they are utterly ignorant of this mysterie, though to the children of Light it is made manifest and revealed by the Spirit. They can tell you that as Christ's first appearance to the World was in the flesh, and the fleshly eye saw him; so his second appearance is in Spirit, and no fleshly eye can behold him, he being now a spirit.

You then who are looking for the Re­surrection of your Saviour with the eye of the first Adam, (which is natural, and to come without you) know you, that your eyes will fail you, and your expe­ctations be in vain; for him whom you look for, is a spirit, and invisible to all but to the Spiritual man. And While you are looking for his coming to be hereaf­ter, the spiritual man can tell You he is already come, and converseth with him daily; and this is the reason that the [Page 50] Saints and Servants of Christ (who do his Will) can endure stocking, stoning, mocking, cruel whipping, and tedious im­prisonment: Why? Because they have seen & conversed with Jesus, who by his power en­ables them to suffer what man can do un­to them; He that hath an ear to hear, let him hear. But thou maist say unto me, Is there no other Resurrection of Christ then what is in man? And are we not to look for the coming of Christ, and the Resurre­ction of our Bodies also at the last day?

For an answer to this, Friend, consider that the resurrection of Christ without, was there where he had been entombed or buried, and there was he to rise again, that so a testimony thereof might be gi­ven to the unbeliever, and as encourage­ment and strengthening to the Faith of those that did believe therein. Now Friend, so it is, Christ is risen in his Saints, and hath appeared unto them there, even as he rose from the Grave, and appeared to his Disciples, and others without; and though thou wouldst give large money to us to make false Reports of his Resurre­ction, yet we cannot but must tell you all, Christ is risen from the grave of our souls, [Page 51] where he was once, buryed with earthly-mindedness and the cares of this World; but the Grave being able to hold him no longer, he is come forth, and is manifest to thousands in this age, who at first when he appeared to them without, to wit, in carnal Ordinances, they knew him not, but he being now come in spirit accor­ding to his promise, we cannot but de­clare it unto you, being the things which our ears have heard, our eyes seen, and our hands handled of the Word of Life, that so ye might have fellowship with us.

And thou who lookest for the resurre­ction of thy carnal body, I shall not con­tradict thee in thy faith, nor do I deny the resurrection of the body, nor shall I say to thee any other thing then what Paul said to to the Corinth, THOU FOOL, That which thou sowest is not quickned except it dye; and that which thou sowest, thou sowest not that body that shall be, but bare grain, per­chance of wheat or some other corn; but God giveth it a body as it pleaseth him. First come to the life of Jesus in thy self, and when thou canst say, Now I live, yet nor I, but Christ liveth in me, thou shalt better un­derstand the Resurrection of the Body; [Page 52] For the natural man discerns not the things of God, because they are spiritual; Then, and not till then thou shalt know the first and second Resurrection.

A Friendly Call to all Notionists, Separa­tists, and high Professors of Religion, in what form soever, (or out of form) to come down from their Pinacles of imagination, lest they fall, and rise no more.

Friends, Come all down from your seats, you sit in slippery places, and are in great danger and peril of your lives, who though you have had many Allarums to call you away, you are still asleep in spiritual pride or airy notions, without life. What do you mean? Will you suffer the Angel of false light to be your guide, whilst the glorious light of Christ, and glad tydings of the everlast­ing Gospel (declared almost every where in the Nation) to pass by you, and take no notice of it? I cannot but pitty your souls, seeing the great delusion you are in.

[Page 53]Poor hearts! you are got too high to sit in safety, for the God of Heaven and Earth will dwell with none who are not poor in spirit, and tremble not at his Word: I say, if you would have the Lord to dwell with you, you must all become Tremblers. O remember that self-exalta­tion was the fall of Lucifer, (that Angel of false Light) and so will be the fall of all who are not meek and lowly in heart, and abide not there.

It's the Devil's Work to elevate the mind of man above his measure, and that he may accomplish it, he perswades the man he can shew him all things in a Mystery, and set him where he may see beyond the reach of others on a sudden, deluding him with this old bait, That he shall be as God, knowing good and evil. Thus he deluded Eve, and so he will do every simple heart who keeps not in the pure fear of the Lord, but goes forth to hear the voice of the stranger; For, had Eve kept to her measure, and been contented therewith, the Devil could not have be­guiled her; but she going forth, was by a temptation mislead, and so lost her inno­cent state, and her true Guide within her.

[Page 54]And now the Serpent being the subtil­lest of all the Beasts of the Field, and perceiving that man is eager of know­ledge, and desirous to comprehend all things in himself in a mysterie, (it being too low a thing for so noble a creature to go out for knowledge) he sets himself in the seat of God, and exalteth himself in man, lifting him up also above the pure Seed of God which lyes buryed in man, and sets at naught poverty of spirit, perswa­ding him he is beyond the first Principles of Religion, and above the Doctrine of the Cross, and that he is now at rest in God, when indeed, and in truth, poverty of spirit the man hath (peradventure) ne­ver yet known, nor the true fear of the Lord neither, or if he hath, he is made to believe that there are higher things to be known then the mystery of the Cross, and so suffers the Devil to delude and blind him.

Poor heart! Thy delusion is strong in­deed, and thy condition most to be la­mented: Where dost thou find that the fear of the Lord is a low dispensation, whenas man is to abide therein all the day long? I say, though it be day with man, yea [Page 55] noon-day, where the Flock of Christ are at rest; yet the fear of the Lord is never to be left, it being part of the Everlasting Gospel which the Angel preached, saying, FEAR GOD, Rev. 14.6.7.

What's the reason (Friends) that you stand so far off, and keep at such a di­stance from those that dwell in the Valley, where the cross is dayly to be born, so long as you have a vain thought to be subject­ed, or a high look to be brought down?

Is it not because you think your selves higher, and taller by the head and shoul­ders then your Brethren? and that they are but dwarfs in knowledge in compari­son to you? Is it not because you look on the Cross to be a low attainment, and that you are wearing the crown? Friends, let me be plain with you; How came you into the fear of the Lord? Did that which brought you in, lead you out a­gain? Surely no, the Work of the Lord is perfect, and stands for ever; and the true Members of Christ Jesus call not this high, or that low, but they know that if any man will be great amongst them, he is to be servant to all; I say, the Members jar not, nor clash not one against [Page 56] another, but there is a most sweet harmo­ny in the body, without any discord at all; the highest doth not say to the low­est, I have no need of thee; nor the lowest doth not say so to the highest: But friends, is it not because you have felt the Cross too heavy for you to hear, having once taken it up, and laid it down again? Or is it because you would shun judgement, which you must come to again, and love it too, before you can meet with the Lord in peace?

Peradventure thou thinkest thy self some wise man in knowledge, and so hast been accounted in thy generation; and for thee to become a fool, or to come back again after so great a profession of Christ as thou hast made, would be to thy dishonor, and shame would cover thy face. If thus thou reasonest, know this, Thou art thy own Enemy, and thou lo­vest the praise of men more then the glo­ry of God, or the salvation of thy own soul. And since you cannot deny but the poor receive the Gospel, & the rich are sent emp­ty away, (with all their words of mans Wis­dom) How comes it to pass, that the plain and naked Truth of God preached [Page 57] in power, and practised in simplicity, is of no more account amongst you?

Friends, be not deceived in your selves, for you cannot deceive us: The Light of Christ Jesus in us hath discovered you all to be out of the way, who own it not.

Are you sent of God who cry, Lo here, or low there, as some of you do, and creep into Chambers and private places, & there speak with your doors shut? Is this (in times of freedom) like the practice of the true Ministers of the Gospel, who preach the glad tydings thereof to all, inviting all, and beseeching all to receive it, that so all might come in, or be left without excuse?

Can any of you say, you preach the everlasting Gospel by the Revelation of Christ Jesus in you? Or do you not con­fess your selves to be fallible, and such as preach from a large comprehension of what you have heard or read, (perad­venture from H. N. or Jacob Behem) &c? Is what you preach, of God? And are all your springs in him?

If yours be the everlasting truth of God, come forth, and declare your Mes­sage to all; for truth seeks no corners: The [Page 58] Kingdom of Heaven is like a draw-net, which being cast into the sea, receives all that comes in, but treasures up none but the good fish; if then you would be Fish­ers of men, come to the sea-shore, stand in an open place, and cast in your Nets into the seas of Confusion of this World; prick people to the heart by your powerful Ministration, and convince thousands of their Errors, Heresies, and false Opinions, (which they received and suckt in by the false prophets and Ministers of Antichrist) as the true Ministers of Christ in the pri­mitive times did, and still do.

But if you doubt whether yours be the true Gospel, or another, My counsel to you is, CEASE to declare it in the Name of the Lord; for nothing shall profit the hea­rers but what is declared in the eternal Spirit of God without doubting. Wait in silence then until you have received po­wer from on high, which when it is recei­ved and declared, shall put to silence the gain-sayers, and stop the mouth of the e­vil doers.

Friends, for the Seed's sake in you I de­sire to speak, therefore suffer me (though a fool) to be free with you.

[Page 59]Have you known the fools state, (which all that will be truly wise must come to?) if not, hasten thither apace, for mans Wisdom is foolishness with God, and and keeps him truly in that which is but folly: Oh! What will all thy carnal Wis­dom (though in a mystery) and high noti­ons avail thee, so long as thou art got a­bove that which leads to true Wisdom, and makes wise unto salvation those that are fools for Christ?

Are you those that have got in thorough the strait Gate? and do you walk in the narrow path, which leads to life, and which few find? Or are you not indeed those who have striven (for a time) to en­ter, but could not? Take heed you be not left out.

Have you bid Farewel to the friendship of this World, & to the manners, fashions, vain customs, and delights thereof? Or are you not still alive in them all?

Have you born the cross till every idle world and vain imagination be slain and crucified? Or are you not those who have felt it too heavy to bear, and so laid it down again?

[Page 60]Are you as Beacons upon a Hill? And do you give light to all that see your con­versation? Or have you not put your light in a dark Lanthore not suffering it to shine forth, lest you your selves should be discovered?

Are you not those who preach and hear from a large comprehension, but your selves far from the life of what you hear or speak?

Have you the power as well as the words of truth? Or are you uot those who have lost the power you once had, (as the Devil hath done) and retained the notion onely, which he is the supporter of?

Are you indeed, and in truth arrived at the dispensation of Love, as you pre­tend, or third degree, of the holy life (as you call it) which loves its Neighbours good as its own, and stoops to the meanest Babe in Christ, as well as walks with the grown man.

Friends, the Well of Life lyes low, and you must dig deep to find it; high words without the power, are as the blustering winds, which do more harm then good; but its the still low voice where God is heard, and the sheep of Christ follow it. [Page 61] 'Tis true, the Doctrine of the Crosse was once in my esteem, but a low and mean dispensation, and the disciples thereof, (as I thought) in a pitifull and sad con­dition, but this was in the time of my ex­altation with you, when I had got above the pure and meek seed of Jesus which was kept under in me, but blessed be the Lord, who hath brought down the Mighty from his Seat, and set me on the Rock of ages. On which, if ever you know stability, you must be brought; which Rock Christ, which followed the Israelites the wilderness and refreshed them; wh [...] Rock is the food of Angels, as well as every hungry soul. If any of you h [...] this bread, you know that in the m [...] of famine you shall have enough, a [...] that your water is sure (coming out the rock) if so, I say, Eat, O friends, drink abundantly O beloved, Go no more forth. But you who are still upon the Mountains, you must come down, and dwell in the low Valley before you can find safety. You must walk in the narrow path which leads to life, before you can come to rest; and to the spirits of just men made per­fect you must be joyned.

[Page 62]Peradventure some of you may say, you are now upon the Mount with Jesus and have seen his transfiguration, and do say in your hearts, It is good to be here: if so, yet boast not; For you must all come down from the Mount, as the Disciples of Christ, and as Christ himself did, and live here below. Nay though you have been wrapt up into the third heaven, as Paul was, and heard things unutterable, yet the cross must be born, and the Thorn in the flesh felt by all who are lifted up above their measures. To your measures herefore, of the gift of God all come; Boast not of any thing, which you have [...]t attained through the death of the Cross; for if you do, you will suffer loss. [...]any of you have set your selves at the [...]pper end in the room, Oh be sure you be not without your wedding garments left the Master send you forth as unworthy guests; you seem to be eager to tast of the Supper of the Lord, and some of you are giving and taking it in beggarly elements. All such are to know they are not yet past the shadow, be their pretence what it will be, much lesse come to the substance of all things which puts an end to types and shadows.

[Page 63]The voice in me cryes, keep low; abide in the fear of the Lord; for there is the beginning of true wisdome. High words will no longer beguile the true Israelite; for in him there is an eye open, which sees and can discern spirits, and an ear that can hear the shepherds voice from the stranger.

The stranger or false messenger's voice saith, I comprehend all mysteries; I am past the first & second dispensation (to wit the fear and the faith) and I am arrived at the third, which is Love; I have born the crosse, and now wear the crown. Is this thy voice in­deed? then know, thou art the Antichrise whom God will destroy with the breath of his mouth; whosoever thou art that cryest up one dispensation by way of boa­sting, and sets it against another, thou art doing the Devils work, and endeavou­ring to make a rent, where nothing but unity and peace ought to be; for one mans state in Christy (though but the babe) is not to be set against another, no more then Christ is to be divided.

But now on the contrrary the true Shepherds voice saith, I am meek and lowly of heart, learn of me, and be little in [Page 64] your own eys: This voice calls out of the world, it stills the waves when they rage it binds the strong man in chains, and Nobles in fetters of iron, by its meekness, patience, gentleness and long-suffering; Therefore friends, come all down into the true fear of the Lord, where this is to be witnessed, and no where els. Your knowledge in misteries and large compre­hensions of divine things, unlesse your practice be answerable, doth but fit you for the scourge with many stripes. I say while you are upon your Pinacles, the inward beauty of the Temple, you can never behold, nor see the glorious presence of the Lord who fits therein. Ha­sten therefore to the porch, where wis­domes voice is to be heard, and become Doore-keepers therein (which keeps out sin and vanity) that so an entrance may be made unto you into the holy of ho-lies. For this I declare to you all, That no more of the true knowledge of God have yon at­tained, then what you have learned and known through the death and daily cross of Christ Jesus.

And now to thee who hast been once enligtened, and hast tasted of the hea­venly [Page 65] gift, and been made partaker of the holy Ghost, and tasted of the good word of God, and the powers of the world to come. Content not thy self with these refreshments, nor feed thou upon them; for they will passe away as the lightning, but live thou upon the bread of life it self, from which these refreshings have proceeded; for that's it, and it alone, which can nourish the Soul up to eternal life. I say again, keep low, and patient­ly run the race that is set before thee, and through perseverance thou shalt gain the Crown.

Some Queries to my old friends, the Mi­nisters of the Church of England.

FRiends, I come not now to question you, (as to my self) nor yet your Faith and Hope in God, being fully sa­tisfied concerning you and your Ministry, and also of your Call thereunto, having well known and heard the chief amongst you for many years together; Yet for the sakes of those heaps of people that pin their faith upon your sleeves, and take all for granted that you declare un­to them for truth, believing your lives al­so to be unblameable; I shall mildely pro­pound unto you these ensuing Queries, charging you as you would be accounted Ministers of Christ, and are willing to ob­serve the Apostles direction of rendring a reason of your hope to every one that shall ask you; to make it appear in your answer, by what fruits you may be known.

  • 1. VVHether was your Call to your Ministry from God, yea or no? (as the true Ministers of the Gospel ever was, and will be.) Or was it not a place of prefer­ment to a comfortable maintenance, (as [Page 67] you call it) and to get a Trade to live by, that called you? And whether if that mainte­nance were removed, you your selves would not soon come to silence, and your Ministry quickly fall to the ground?
  • 2. Whether or no did ever the true Mi­nisters of Christ, or any of them, go to the Arm of Flesh for aid, to uphold their Do­ctrine, and force a Maintenance from people contrary to their consciences, as you do?
  • 3. Whether are you not respecters of per­sons, honouring and fawning upon those men most, who can promote you to the greatest Benefices? And do you not remove from one quarter to another, where the greatest gain is to be had, often leaving your flock when you are assured of greater wages from other Masters) or because you may not sheer them to their very skins?
  • 4. Whether do you not rend and tear mens Goods from them, to the value of ten times more then your unreasonable and Anti­christian demands are, (under a pretence of a Popish Law for maintenance and trebble da­mages) and yet come forth, and say you are [Page 68] Gospel-Ministers, and the workman is wor­thy of his hire, though the true Husband­man never set you to work?
  • 5. Whether is the spirit of cruel and bitter perjecution, (in which many of you are found and which none of you (that I hear) have de­clared against) be the spr [...] of a true Minister of Christ, or the spirit of Antichrist?
  • 6. Whether have you not stirred up the Beast, [...]nd instigated the corrupt Magistrate {by the Rage, Envy and Malice of this per­secuti [...]g spirit, (in you both) to stock, beat, mock, and most cruelly whip, and impri­son until death the free-born people of the Na [...]on, because they could not for conscience sake sat is fie your Lusts and greedy appetites with that Popish Maintenance by Tythes; or otherwise, because they have spoken to you as they were moved of the Lord in your pla­ces of idolatry and false Worship?
  • 7 Whether are you not the greatest Op­posers of Authority, and Disturbers of the publike peace that are in the Nation, obstru­cting the setling of the Common-wealth, and Reeping it from being a free Nation, [Page 69] when as you take up Arms and carnal Wea­pons to fight against the civil Magistrate, whom in all just things you ought to obey, and preach subjection unto?
  • 8. Whether is it not the height of ingra­titude, pride, and rebellion in you, to kick against your Governors and Feeders, and set them at naught who are your supporters in your Trades, for filthy lucre? Oh ye seed of Evil-doers! when will you you see your wickedness against the Lord, ( your true Husband, from whom you have gone a whoring, and entertained strange Lo­vers) and return to him by true repentance for your many great and crying sins?
  • 9. Whether is your Gospel free, and without charge, as the true Ministers of Christs was and still is, or do you no buy it (and your abilities to preach) at Schools, Colledges, Universities of Arts, Sciences, and humane Learning?
  • 10. Whether is the incorruptible seed of God in all men yea or nay? And
  • 11. Whether is that seed of God in [Page 70] Man sufficient to guide man to his true rest? Or is there any thing besides that, which can lead man into the path of life, and enable him to walk therein?
  • 12, With what did the Lord say he would search Jerusalem, and where was it?
  • 13. Whether is not the Spirit of God in man, the Candle of the Lord, with which he Will search all men? and whether if once it he put out or removed, the soul be not left in eternall darknesse?
  • 14. Whether if man obey not the Light, or Candle of the Lord in him (which shews him the evil of his way, and judgeth him for a vain thought, when nothing else can) it will not be his condemnation for ever?
  • 15. Whether do you know the word of life in the heart, and quickning Spirit with­in, from the dead letter without?
  • 16. Whether of these two, (viz.) the writings of the holy men of God and their experiences of God declared unto others, or the Spirit it self, by which those writings [Page 71] were penned, is mans true Guide, and infal­lible Rule to walk by.
  • 17. Whether is the quickning and pow­erful Spirit of God in man (by which he be­came a living soul) subjected to a dead let­ter? Or is that which was from Eternity of lesse esteem, because it is in man, then the thing which hath proceeded from it, and in comparison thereof, is but as yesterday? Oh blush, and be ashamed, ye Builders of Ba­bel, &c. that you have refused the Corner stone, and Well of life, and hewn unto your selves empty cisterns that will hold no wa­ter, I mean your University-Learning, and have prefe red a d ead letter, before the li­ving word of God.
  • 18. Whether do you in deed and in truth own the holy Scriptures? If so, how comes it to passe that you preach so contrary thereto, saying, Revelation is ceased, And that the Saints cannot be free from sin here: That perfection is not attainable in this life; And that the Commandments of God cannot be kept: And that no man now hath the infallible spirit? Can any one of these [Page 72] be proved by Scripture: if so make it appear, if not, stop your mouths, and forbear to take the holy name of God into your polluted lips, till you have learned the truth as it is in Jesus.
  • 19. Whether can man by all his Learning open the holy Scriptures, yea or no? or can he by all his study, pains or humane industry get the true knowledge of God in Jesus Christ?
  • 20. Whether is the Knowledge of the whole body of your Divinity sufficient to empower man to conquer the least sin, or subdue the smallest corruption in him?
  • 21. Whether is the learning of the two Universities of Oxford and Cambridge (on whose legs you yet stand) necessary for the begetting, encreasing or perfecting in the truth, the true Disciples of Iesus Christ? if not, whether are they now employed to a right use?
  • 22. What have you to say, why the said U­niversities, and all the Colledges therein, should not be converted to pions and charita­ble uses, as Hospitals, Alms-houses, and [Page 73] places to set the poor at work in, when as in­stead of being Universities of Piety, they have been places of contention, pride, idle­ness, ignorance and idolatry.
  • 23. Whether are not the two Universities Cages of unclean Birds, and of foul and hatefull Spirits, when as those who proceed from thence are so infections as to hold forth a necessity of living in pollution, whilest they live, saying, it cannot be otherwise?
  • 24. Whether instead of seeking the King­dome of heaven within you, and teaching men so to do, Yot do not seek and teach it to be sought without? And whether you be not searching into the fallible sayings of old au­thors, and sweeping your University- Libra­ries and Temples made with hands to find the lost groat, which lies hid in your own houses, or earthly Tabernacles?
  • 25. Whether are not false Teachers, the Cause of so many Errors, Heresies, Sects and divided judgements, as are in the Nation? and whether it is like to be otherwise, whilest false Doctrine is so frequently preached, and the Fomenters thereof upheld by a Law?
  • [Page 74]26. Whether do you not take upon you to be Heads of Colledges, Churches, Congre­gations, and Assemblies, and so make ma­ny heads, and many Masters, when as Christ Iesus saith, his Spouse or Church is but one, and he is the Head thereof?
  • 27. Whether do you not (as much as in you lies) divide the body of Christ by your many Sects and select Societies, when as the Saints, though many Members, are but one body, united in Christ?
  • 28. Whether in truth and singlenesse of heart can any of you say, That the fruits you are known by, are love, joy, peace, meekness, long sufferance, gentlenesse, self-deni­al, faith, patience, temperance, mode­ration, and the like? or are not your fruits contrary to all these, and the root of the first Adam still growing in you?
  • 29. Whether have you been born again of the incorruptible seed? and are you entred into the Kingdome of heaven, where none comes but such as are dead to this world, and the friendship thereof? or are you not still shut out, as unbelievers, &c?
  • [Page 75]30. Whether are you not those that shut up the Kingdome of heaven against men, and neither go in your selves, nor suffer others? And whether insted of preaching the Gospel, and glad tidings of salvation, you deny it not, and preach down that which should give an entrance thereinto, which is the Light of Christ in every conscience, and which is the true light which lighteth every man that cometh into the world.

Know ye not, that the whole Creati­on groaneth to be delivered from under the power of the Beast, and false Prophet, to wit, the corrupt Magistrates, and the persecuting and Antichristian Ministers of the Nations? Do ye not know that these have had Dominion over the Saints of the most high God, for many hundred years past, doing and executing their own pleasures upon the bodies and estates of the children of God as well in our dayes by cruel tortures untill death, as in Queen Maries dayes, upon the Martyrs that suf­fered, burning then, who ye notwithstan­ding could not worship the Beast nor his image, nor give their power to the Dra­gon, which all the world have wondred after.

Do ye not know that the Man-child hath been caught up to God, the wo [...]an fled into the Wildernesse, and the Devil had the power over all Nations? If not, then know, the time is now hasting, that the Man-child is coming to rule the Nations with a rod of iron (and to some he is alrea­dy come) and all must bow to his righte­ous Scepter; for he will rule in righteous­ness, and all the sturdy Oaks must be [Page 77] hewn down, the proud and lofty looks of man must fall, and his tyrannicall and unjust power be taken from him; The Lilly of the Valley must be exalted, and the Beast and false Prophet cast alive into the Lake where they shall be tormented for ever and ever.

Let none of you now (for my love to lost man) be so scandalous, as to say, I disown Magistracy and Ministry; for if you do I here again in the presence of the Lord, and before all the world pronounce you to be Lyers and false Prophets; for I so far own both the true Magistracy and Ministry, which is of God, that I well know and am assured, the Nations can­not be happy till both are establisht in righteousnesse and true Judgement, in the fear of the Lord, I say, till truth and, righteousnesse be set up, false Doctrine, error and heresie disowned by those men in power, and the false Prophet and the Beast cast alive into the Lake, The truth Will be suppressed, and the Ministers of the Gospel persecuted, yea though Christ Jesus himself should come again in the flesh, the Professors of this age would call him deceiver, and be as ready to whip, [Page 88] scourge, and imprison him to death, as they have done his members, But blessed for ever be the holy name of our God, the false Prophet is known by his life and Do­ctrine, and the beastly nature in all per­secuting Magistrates is seen and discover­ed, so that let their Profession be what it will be, they are made manifest and can­not hide themselves from the eye of the Lord, nor from the discerning Spirits of his Saints, who do his will, and who wor­ship him in Spirit and in truth.

Friends! the dreadfull day of Gods fiery indignation hangs over your heads, and will inevitably fall upon you without speedy Repentance, and this the servants of the Lord see, and forwarn you of in love to your souls; but you like blind Balaam see not the sword drawn against you, and ready to cut you off: You are blinder then the dumb Asse, who saw the sword hang over his Masters head, when he himself did not; Oh read your portion in the 11. Zech. 17. and take it to ye; for unlesse you spedily repent and turn to the Lord, you will surely have it; where the Pro­phet of the Lord pronounceth a Woe to the Idol-shepherd, saying, The sword shall be [Page 89] upon his arm, and upon his right eye, his arm shall be clean dryed up, and his right eye shall be utterly darkned.

Friends, every mans work must be tryed by fire, of what sort soever it be, therefore let none of you think to escape the fiery tryall; for our God is righteous, and will reward every man according to his work.


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