THE CATALOGUE of Most of the Memorable Tombes, Grave-stones, Plates, Escutcheons, or Atchievements in the Demolisht or yet Extant Churches of LONDON from St Katharines beyond the Tower, to Temple-Barre. The Out-Parishes being included A WORK OF GREAT WEIGHT, AND CONSEQVENTLY to be indulged and Countenanced by such who are gratefully ambitious of Preserving the Memory of their ancestors.

By P. Fisher sometimes Serjant Major of Foot.


The Catalogue of the most Memorable persons who had visible Tombs, plated Grave-stones, Escutcheons or Hatch­ments in the City of London before the last dreadful Fire.

  • SIR Philip Sydney one of the most noble ancestors of the Right honourable Robert Earle of Leicester now living.
  • Sir Francis Walsingham Knight, principal Secretary of state to Q. Elizabeth.
  • Sir Christopher Hatton Knight, one of the noble ancestors of the Right honourable the Lord Hatton now living.
  • Richard Clifford Bishop of Lon­don, a branch of those Hero­ique and brave Martial Clif­fords late Earles of Cumber­land.
  • Michael de Northburgh Bishop of London.
  • Eustachius de Fauconberg Bishop of London one of the noble ancestors of the Right honou­rable Thomas Lord Bellasis, viscount Fauconberg now living
  • Laurentius de Allerthorp Trea­surer.
  • William Worsley Dean of S. Pauls, a branch of that flourish­ing and knightly Family of the Worsleys in the Isle of Wight, of which Sir Robert Worsley Baronet now living is chief.
  • Roger Brabazon Doctor of the Civill Laws.
  • Sir Thomas Baskervile Knight, Generall of the English forces in Picardy, of the noble Line and Family of the Baskerviles in the County of Hereford.
  • Henricus a Wengham Lord Chancellour of England.
  • Erkenwaldus the 3. Bishop of London after the coming in of the Saxons.
  • [Page] Sebba King of the last Saxons.
  • Etheldred King of England.
  • Sir John Poultney four times Major of London ancestor to Sir William Poultney Knight now living.
  • William Hewit Esq; one of the ancestors of the flourishing and Knightly Family of the Hewits in Hartfordshire and else where
  • John of Gaunt Duke of Lanca­ster.
  • Robertus Hare Treasurer of St. Pauls, one of the ancestors of the Right honourable Lord Henry Hare Baron of Colrain now living.
  • Thomas Creek Doctor of the Civill Law.
  • Sir William Cockain Knight, Lo. Maior of London one of the worthy ancestors of the Right honourable of the Lord Cock­ain viscount Cullen now living.
  • Sir William Detrick King at Armes.
  • Sir William Detrick his Son, Knight, and likewise King at Armes.
  • Gulielmus the Norman, Bishop of London in the time of Wil­liam the Conquerour.
  • Sir Edward Barkham his Memo­rial of gratitude in commemo­ration of the said Bishop.
  • Thomas Raymond Arch-Deacon of St. Albans.
  • William Bonham Son of Tho­mas Bonham of Essex Esq; and both of them ancestors to the Bonhams of Hantshire, whence Mr. Thomas Bonham of west­mean in the said County is pri­mogenially descended.
  • Sir John Northbury or Norbery Knight, keeper of the Garde­robe in the Tower of London, and ancestor to the late John Norbery Esq; Judge of South wales and father of George and John Norbery now living.
  • John Owen the Epigrammatist.
  • Sir Paganus de Roet father in Law to John of Gaunt Duke of Lancaster.
  • Gulielmus Green Doctor of Divi­nity.
  • Gabriel Donne Doctor of Divi­nity.
  • John Donne Dean of St. Pauls.
  • Alexander Nowel Dean of St. Pauls very antiently of Lan. and one of the branches of the Right honourable Baptist Lord Nowell viscount Cambden of Cambden now living.
  • Sir Simon Burley Knight of the Garter Warden of the Cinque ports.
  • [Page] Rogerus surnamed Niger Bishop of London.
  • Thomas de Eure Dean of St. Pauls a branch of the Right ho­nourable Lord Eure of Malton.
  • Sir Simon Baskervile Knight M.D.
  • Sir John Wolley Knight, Secratary of state to Queen Eliz.
  • Sir Francis Wolley Knight his only son.
  • John Collet Deane of St. Pauls son of Sir Henry Collet Knight, Lord Maior of London.
  • John Acton of Acton in the County of Salop Esq; Father in law to the worthy Sir Regi­nald Foster Knight now living.
  • Thomas Ockford vicar of St. Faiths.
  • Simon Edolph of the County of Flint Esq;
  • VVilliam Rythen Rector of St. Faiths.
  • Valantine Cary Dean of St. Pauls and Bishop of Exon.
  • John Newcourt Dean of the Col­legiat Church of Aukland.
  • Ricardus Litchfield Arch-deacon of Middlesex.
  • Johannes Boyes of the County of Essex. Esq;
  • Nicholas Rickdel Esq;
  • Izabella wife of them both.
  • Petrus Gildenstern Baron of Bistrup one of the Danish nobi­lity.
  • Johannes Tomkins Batchelour of Musick one of the antient and Knightly Family of the Tom­kins in Herefordshire, whereof the worthy Sir Thomas Tom­kins of Monington upon Wye Kt. is Principall.
  • Sir John Beuchamp Knight of the Garter.
  • VVilliam Earle of Pembrook, one of the most Noble ance­stors of the Right honourable Philip Earle of Pembrook, now living.
  • Sir Nicholas Bacon Knight, keep­er of the Privy Seale, one of the ancestors of that Knightly & spreading Family of the Bacons in Suffolk, whence the late Na­thaniel and Francis Bacon late of Grayes Inne were lineally descended.
  • Robertus Benne de Newport Cranly, Gentleman.
  • Sir Thomas Heneage Knight a most memorable Person in the Reign and Court of Qu. Eliz.
  • Thomas Linacre M.D. Phisitian to Henry the eighth.
  • Gulielmus Lilly first Master of St. Pauls school.
  • [Page] Thomas VVinterburne Dean of St, Pauls.
  • William Mey or May Dean of St. Pauls.
  • Richard Chateslehant Cannon of St. Pauls.
  • Gulielmus Harrington one of the Cannon Residentaries of St. Pauls.
  • Fulco Basset Bishop of London, one of that noble Family of the Bassets in the County of Devon
  • John Nevil Lord Latimer one of the ancestors of the noble Lord of Abergavanny first Ba­ron of England.
  • Henry Lacy Earl of Lincolne.
  • Richard de Gravesend Bishop of London.
  • Hammon de Chickwell six times Maior of London.
  • Johannes Cheshall Bishop of London.
  • Reymundus Pelegrim Cannon of St. Pauls.
  • Robert Munden Cannon of St. Pauls.
  • John Munden Cannon of St. Pauls.
  • Richard Fletcher Bishop of London, Father of the late Mr. Fletcher that famous Dramma­tique Poet.
  • William Welford Arch Deacon of Colchester.
  • Richard de Placito Arch Deacon of Colchester.
  • Richardus Newport Bishop of London.
  • Rodolphus Baldock or Balduck Bishop of London.
  • Johannes Stocksley Bishop of London.
  • Bobert Breybrook Bishop of Lon­don and Chancellour of Eng­land.
  • John Elmot Bishop of London.
  • Fulco Lovell Arch deacon of Colchester.
  • John King Bishop of London, Father to the Right Reverend and eminently learned John King Lord Bishop of Chiche­ster of a long standing, descend­ing from a very antient family in Devonshire.
  • Robertus Fitzhugh Bishop of Lon­don.
  • Dame Margaret Countess of Shrewsbury.
  • Sir Edward Boxhall Knight of the Garter.
  • A very antient Tomb without any name, onely some frag­ments of the inscription are visible.
  • Sir William Awbrey vicar Gen. to the Arch Bishop of Canter­bury [Page] one of the Progenitors of the honourable & antient Fami­ly of the Awbreys in Wales, and great Grandfather to ths Lady Mary Montague, daughter of the late Sir John Awbrey Knight, and wife of the truly honourable William Montague Atturney Generall to the Qu. of England, and brother to the Right honourable Edward Ba­ron of Boughton.
  • The Dutchess of Bedford sister to Philip Duke of Burgondy.
  • Sir Ralph de Hengham Lo. chief Justice of both Benches, one of the long-lind ancestors of the Henghams, or Hevening­ham in Norfolk, Knights from many generations, whence is lineally descended William Heveningham (Sonne and Heir of the late Sir Ralph) now liv­ing
  • Sir John Putney Knight Maior of London.
  • Richard de Plesseys
  • Sir John Crofts Scout Master ge­nerall of Ireland, and one of that antient and truly honoura­ble Family of the Crofts in the County of Hereford & Suffolk
  • Thomas Kempe Bishop of Lon­don.
  • Sir Edward Stanhop Knight vicar Gen. to the Arch-Bishop of Canterbury, and one of that noble family of the Earle of Chesterfield now living.
  • Thomas Ravis Bishop of Lon­don.
  • Richardus Vaughan Bishop of London.
  • Richardus Periton Arch Deacon of Colchester.
  • Brian Walton Bishop of Chester, and husband of Madam Anne Walton now living.
  • John Barwick Dean of St. Pauls, and Brother to the worthy Do­ctor Peter Barwick M.D C.L, now living.
  • Marcus Franck Arch Deacon of St. Albans.
  • Dame Katharine third daughter of the late Edward Lord Nevil baron of Abergavanny.
  • Thomas Iles Esq; publique no­tary, one of the ancestors to Mr. William Iles one of the principal attendants to the right Reverend George now Lord Bishop of Winton.
  • John Abney Reginae Camerarius.
  • David Clapham Gen. one of the Proctors of the arches.
  • John Cawood Stationer and Prin­ter to Qu. Elizabeth.
  • [Page] John Mollins Arch Deacon of London.
  • Dame Elizabeth wife of the late Lord Schandols
  • John Brewster Cannon of St. Pauls.
  • Margaret wife of Christopher Robinson.
  • John and Francis Astely Sonns of Sir John Astely Knight and Master of the Revells.
  • William West one of the Petty Cannons of St. Pauls.
  • Thomas Dockwray Notary, and one of the Proctors of the Arches.
  • Richard Waterson Stationer of London.
  • Simon Waterson Stationer of London.
  • Francis Coldock Master of the Company of Stationers, all three the Progenitors of Mr. Simon Waterson bookseller late of St. Pauls Church yard yet living.
  • Richard Ironside Stationer of London.
  • William Norton Esq; sometime Stationer of London his Ne­phew.
  • Bonham Norton of Church-stret­ton of the County of Salop Esq; all three ancestors to Arthur NortonEsq; Roger Norton Esq; and John Norton of Lincolnes Inne Esq; now living.
  • Petrus Osborne Esq; remembran­cer of the Exchequer father of the late Sir Peter Osborne Kt.
  • Thomas Mind of Salop Esq;
  • George Whitgift Esq;
  • William Lamb Esq; servant to King Henry the 8.
  • John Good one of the Petty Can­nons of St. Pauls.
  • William Babham and Alice Bur­ton.
  • Elizabeth wife of Robert Free­man.
  • James Trussel Esq; grandchild of Sir Alured Trussel of the Coun­ty of Warwick Knight, and Father of the much honoured Collonel Edward Trussel late of Pater Noster Row, sometimes High Sheriff of Hamshire, which Collonel Edward is now living
  • Richard Higginson Esq; Alder­man of London.
  • Lodowick Nichols of Northamp­ton.
  • Robert Johnston one of the Pro­ctors of the Arches.
  • Alice Johnston wife of the said Robert.
  • Roger Hunt one of the Proctors of the Arches.
  • [Page 1] David Dolben Bishop of Bangor, of that antient Family of the Dolbens in Denbighshire, from whence the Right Reverend Doctor John Dolben Dean of Westminster, and Bishop of Rochester is Lineally descend­ed.
  • Christophorus Visivicus Almoner to Henry the 7.
  • Henry Thorsby of Thorsby in the County of York Esq;
  • Sir Thomas Rowe Knight, Lord Maior of London.
  • Sir Henry Rowe Knight, Sonne of Sir Thomas.
  • John Nevill Lord Latimer.
  • Richard Hanley Esq;
  • John Bannister Esq; Sheriff and Alderman of London.
  • Lady Anne Bulstrode widdow of the said John Bannister.
    • Henry Daniel
    • Mary Daniel
    • Anne Daniel
    Brothers and Sisters.
  • Dame Katharine Reynolds wife of Sir James Reynolds of Cast­lecomps in the County of Cam­bridge.
  • William Egmunton Rector of Hackney.
  • John Mounson Esq; third Sonne of Sir John Mounson of South-Carleton in the County of Lincoln Knight.
  • Thomas Harvey antiently of Foulkston in the County of Kent Esq; and one of the Pro­genitors of the honourable Sir Daniel Harvey Knight, Bishop of Comb park in the County of Surrey Knight and Baronet, now living.
  • Thomas Carew de Haccomb in the County of Devon, Esq;
  • Richardus Forde Gen.
  • George Viner second Sonne of the honourable Sir George Viner Knight and Baronet.
  • Lady Etheldred Reynell daugh­ter and coheir of Sir George Peacock of Finchly Knight, & wife of the late Sir George Reynell Knight, Marshal of the Kings Bench.
  • James Lord Egerton viscount Brackley.
  • Charles Lord Egerton viscount Brackley.
  • Lady Cecilia Egerton, all three the children of the Right ho­nourable John Lord Ellesmere viscount Brackley, Earle of Bridgwater, and the Right ho­nourable the Lady Frances his Countess, daughter, and one of the coheirs of the Right ho­nourable Ferdinando Earle of Derby.
  • [Page 2]Mrs. Katharine Currance wife of Mr. Allan Currance, ancestors to the truly worthy John Currance Esq; now liv­ing.
  • Mrs. Dorothy Sewell wife of Robert Sewell Esq; Draper of Lonndon.
  • Sir Martin Nowell Knight, descend­ed from that antient and ho­nourable Family of the Nowels in Lancashire, and father to the truly honoured Sir Martin Nowel Knight B. now living.
  • Thomas Lord Coventry Keeper of the great Seale of England ancestor to the flourishing and honourable Family of the Co­ventries now living.
  • Sir Alan Apsly Knight, Leive­tenant of the Tower, Father of the worthily honoured Sir Alan Apsly Knight &c. Comp­troler to his most illustrious Highness James Duke of York.
  • Henry Howard Earle of Arun­dell and Surrey one of the an­cestours to the illustrious Fa­mily of the Duke of Norfolk, now living.
  • Lord Thomas Darcy of the North one of the ancestours to the honourable Sir William Darcy and Edward Darcy now living.
  • Lord John Paslay sonne of the Earle of Abercrome, husband of the honourable Lady Katha­rine Lenthall one of the daugh­ters of Sir John Lenthall Kt. stylo veteri, and Marshall of the Kings Bench.
  • Lord Thomas Egerton Baron of Ellesmere Lord high Chan­cellour of England, ance­stour to the Right honourable the Earle of Bridgwater now living.
  • William Lord Compton his armes one of the ancestours of the Right honourable the Earle of Northampton now living.
  • Edward Lord Bruce Baron of Kinlosse, one of the Princely Progenitours of the Right ho­nourable and eminently noble Edward Earle of Alisbury and Earle of Elgin now living.
  • Robert Radcliff Earle of Sussex one of the ancestors to the Right honourable the Earle of Sussex now living.
  • Dame Elizabeth late Countess Dowager of Exeter, buried in St. James Clarkenwel.
  • Lord Bishop q Fotherby buried in Alhallows Lumbardstreet [Page 3] with a magnificent Tomb o­ver him.
  • Dom. Johannes Episcopus Ba­thoniae & Wellen.
  • William Marshal Earl of Pem­broke.
  • William Marshal his son, Earl of Salisbury.
  • Lionel Cranfeild Earl of Mid­dlesex, ancestor to the Right honourable Earl of Middle­sex now living.
  • Margareta Comitissa de Sa­lop.
  • Dame Catharine Nevil Coun­tess of Rutland.
  • Lord Thomas Millington Ba­ron of Weemes.
  • Dame Grizald Windsor, sole daughter of the L. Windsor.
  • Lady Elizabeth Bruges, wife of the Lord Chandois.
  • Dame Ma. Countess of Hun­tington.
  • The Countess of Worcester, in Garlick-hithe-Church.
  • John Holland Duke of Exe­ter.
  • Dame Anne Stafford Dut­chess of Exeter
  • Dame Anne Mountague Dut­chess of Exeter.
  • Dame Constance Holland, si­ster of the said Duke of Ex­eter.
  • Lord Francis Butler, or Bote­ler.
  • Randulphus Brownrigge Episc. Exon Lond.
  • Sir Michael Blount lieut. of the Tower.
  • Sir Richard Blount Knight, lieut. of the Tower.
  • Sir Allen Apsley Knight, lieut. of the Tower, ancestor to Sir Allen Apsley Knight, &c.
  • Sir William Parkhurst Knight, Comptroller of the Mint.
  • Sir Edw. Devereux Knight.
  • Sir Nicholas Carew Knight of the Garter, and ancestor to the now sir Nicholas Carew of Beddington.
  • Sir John Pelham Knight.
  • Sir Edw. Darcy son of the Lo. Darcy.
  • Sir John Deddham Knight.
  • Sir Edward Barkham Knight, Lo. M. ancestor to the now sir Robert and sir Edward Barkham Baronets.
  • Sir Paul Pindar Knight, and ancestor to Matthew Pindar Esq; one of the fix Clerks.
  • Dame Anne Gib, wife to the late sir Henry Gib of Scot­land Baronet, and daughter of the yet living sir Ralph Gibbs of Honnington in [Page 4] Warwick-shire.
  • Sir Ambrose Charcam Knight
  • Dame Cardina Schoder, wife of sir Richard Schoder Kt.
  • Sir John Crosby Knight, Lord Maior, builder and first ow­ner of Crosby house.
  • Sir Tho. Gresham Knight, Lord Maior.
  • Sir Nicholas Rainton Knight, Lord Maior.
  • Sir William Pickering Knight.
  • Sir William Pickering Knight, both ancestors to sir Gilbert Pickering of Northampt. and of sir Henry Pickering of Cambridge-shire, both Ba­ronets, &c.
  • Sir John Spencer Knight, Lord Maior.
  • Sir William Holles Knight, Lo. Maior, ancestor to the three last successive Earls of Clare.
  • Sir Julius Caesar Knight, Ma­ster of the Rolls, ancestor to sir Henry Caesar of the coun­ty of Hertf.
  • Sir John Langham Knight and Baronet, father of the emi­nently learned sir James Langham Knight, his Vault.
  • Sir George VVhitmore Knight, Lord Maior, father of Wil­liam Whitmore of B. Esq;.
  • Sir John Milburne Knight, Lo. Maior.
  • Sir VVilliam Chester Knight.
  • Sir John Branch Knight, Lord Maior.
  • Dame Hellena Branch his wife.
  • Sir Stephen Slanie Knight, Lo. Maior.
  • Sir John Hart Knight, Lord Maior.
  • Sir George Bolles Knight, Lord Maior, ancestor to the now sir John Bolles of Scampton, Baronet.
  • Sir Ralph Jocelyn Knight, Lord Maior.
  • Sir John Rivers Knight, Lord Maior.
  • Sir Robert Chichely Knight, Lord Maior.
  • Sir Rowland Hill Knight, Lo. Maior.
  • Sir Thomas Leigh Knight, Lord Maior, ancestor to Edward Leigh of Gloucester Esq;
  • Sir Stephen Cavendish Knight, Lord Maior.
  • Sir Thomas Baldry Knight, Lo. Maior.
  • Sir Thomas Bennet Knight, Lo. Maior, ancestor to sir Tho­mas Bennet of Babraham in [Page 5] the county of Cambridge, Baronet; and sir Humphry Bennet of Hants, Knight and Colonel.
  • Sir Edward Shaw Knight, Lo. Maior.
  • Sir William Lock Knight, &c.
  • Sir John Aleyn Knight, Lord Maior, one of the Privie Council to Hen. 8. ancestor to the now sir George Aleyn of Essex, and sir Thomas Aleyn of London, Knight and Baronet.
  • Sir Thomas Pope Knight, Trea­surer of the Augmentati­ons.
  • Sir George Bond Knight, Lord Maior.
  • Sir Godfrey Bullen, or Bollen, ancestor to Anne Bullen, mo­ther of Queen Elizabeth of famous memory.
  • Sir Samuel Mico his Hatch­ment.
  • Sir Edward Aker Knight, Lo. Maior.
  • Sir Ralph Warren Knight, Lo. Maior.
  • Sir John Lyons Knight, Lord Maior.
  • Sir Thomas Iken Knight.
  • Sir Martin Bowes Knight, Lord Maior.
  • Sir Thomas Ramsey Knight, Lord Maior.
  • Dame Alice Ramsey, his La­dy.
  • Dame Mary Ramsey, his La­dy.
  • Sir Simon Ayres Knight, Lord Maior.
  • Sir Hugh Brice Knight, Lord Maior.
  • Sir John Arundel Knight of the Bath, and Knight-Banne­ret.
  • Sir John Percival Knight, Lo. Maior.
  • Dame Thomasin Percival, his Lady.
  • Sir Richard Payne Knight.
  • Sir Thomas Brugge, or Bruges, of Dimmock in Gloucester­shire, Knight.
  • Sir George Stanley Knight of the Garter, son of the Lord Strange, ancestors of the now Earl of Derby.
  • Sir Roger Jones Knight, Lord Maior.
  • Sir William Gore Knight, Lord Maior, ancestor to that Knightly family of the Gores in the county of Herts.
  • Sir John Gore Knight, Lord Maior.
  • Dame Mary Brook, daughter [Page 6] to the Lord Brook, one of the Barons of the Exche­quer.
  • Lady Catharine Killigrew, one of that most ancient and honourable family of the Killi­grews in Cornwal.
  • Sir John Gizors Knight, Lord Maior.
  • Sir Ralph Astry Knight, Lord Maior, ancestor to the Astries of Woodend in the county of Bedf.
  • Sir Cutbert Hacket Knight, Lo. Maior.
  • Sir Stephen Spilman Knight, Sheriff and Chamberlain of London, one of the branches of that long-flourishing fa­mily of the Spilmans in Nor­folk.
  • Sir Rich. Whittington Knight, Lord Maior.
  • Sir Richard Marlow Knight, Lord Maior.
  • Sir William Bayly Knight, Lo. Maior.
  • Sir Thomas Lodge Knight, Lo. Maior.
  • Sir William Laxton Knight, Lord Maior.
  • Sir Richard Maddox Knight.
  • Sir Henry Kybel, or Kyble, knight, &c.
  • Sir Roger Martin Knight, Lo. Maior.
  • Sir Thomas Knowles Knight, Lord Maior.
  • Sir William Craven Knight, Lord Maior, ancestor to the Right honourable and truly Noble Lord William Cra­ven, Baron of Hemsted, and Earl of Craven.
  • Sir Nich. Farringdon Knight, Lord Maior, from whom Farringdon-Ward took its denomination.
  • Sir John Munde Goldsmith, Knight, Lord Maior.
  • Sir Alexander Avenon Knight, Lord Maior.
  • Sir Christopher Askew, or As­cough, Knight, Lord Maior.
  • Sir Henry Fitz-alwin Knight, Maior, and Maior intermis­sively four and twenty years together.
  • Sir William Bowyer Knight, Lord Maior.
  • Sir John Hubblethorne Knight, Lord Maior.
  • Sir Stephen Jennings Knight, Lord Maior.
  • Sir Ralph Freeman Knight, Lord Maior.
  • Sir William Capel Knight, Lo. Maior, one of the ancestors [Page 7] to the now Earl of Essex.
  • Dame Anne Awnsham, Lady of the late sir Gideon Awn­sham Knight.
  • Sir Walter Knight of Canter­bury.
  • Sir William Garway Knight, Lord Maior, ancestor to Hen Garway of Ford in Sussex Esq;
  • Sir Nicholas Gold Baronet, late husband to the Lady Gold, now wife of Thomas Neal of Warmford Esq;
  • Sir Rowland Heyward Knight, twice Lord Maior.
  • Sir William Glover Knight, Lord Maior.
  • Sir William Daniel Knight, one of the Judges of the C.P.
  • Sir Hugh Wyche Knight, Lord Maior.
  • Dame Grizald Tuke, wife of sir Brian Tuke Knight, &c. and one of the ancestors of sir Samuel Tuke knight and Colonel.
  • Sir Thomas Leigh knight.
  • Sir Edmund Bacon knight.
  • Sir Thomas Hayes knight, Lo. Maior.
  • Sir John Swinnerton knight, Lord Maior.
  • Sir VVilliam Stone knight, Lo. Maior.
  • Sir John Cheke, (most ancient­ly Cheque) tutor to Edward the sixth.
  • Sir Thomas Cheke knight, his Granchild; both ancestors to Robert Cheke of Pergoe in Essex Esq; &c. and Thomas Cheke his brother, one of the Esquires of his Majesties body, and one of the Ca­ptains of his Majesties Guard.
  • Sir Henry VVeever, or VVea­ver, knight.
  • Sir John VVoodcock Knight, Lord Maior.
  • Sir Simon d'Ewes of Gelder­land, knight.
  • Sir James Yerford Knight, Lo. Maior.
  • Sir Robert Ducy knight, Lord Maior, one of the ancestors to that learned man, and great lover of learned men, sir William Ducy of Froster in the County of Gloucester Knight-Baronet, and of sir Hugh Ducie knight of the Bath.
  • Sir John Gresham knight, Lo. Maior.
  • Sir John Aliffe knight, ance­stor [Page 8] to sir Benjamin Aliffe in the county of Essex.
  • Sir VVolstan Dixy knight, Lo. Maior, ancestor to sir Wool­stan Dixy of Market-Bos­worth in the county of Lei­cester, Knight-Baronet.
  • Sir John Darcy knight, son of the Lord Darcy.
  • Dame Grizald Windsour, daughter to the Lord Wind­sour.
  • Lady Rumny.
  • Sir Humphry Weld Knight, Lo. Maior, one of the ancestors to Humphry Weld of Lul­worth-Castle, Esq; and sir John Weld Knight, his younger brother.
  • Sir Thomas Cambel Knight, Lord Maior.
  • Robert Cambel his son, Alder­man.
  • Sir James Cambel Knight, Lo. Maior, Grandchild of the sair sir Thomas.
  • Sir Thomas Hewit Knight, Lo. Maior, Batchelor.
  • Sir Thomas Wroth of Pether­ly-Park in the county of So­merset, Knight.
  • Sir Martin Nowel knight.
  • Sir Henry Anderson Knight, Lord Maior.
  • Sir Richard Gurney Knight, Lord Maior.
  • Sir Michael Dormer Knight, Lord Maior, ancestor to the late sir Robert Dormer of Dourton in the county of Buckingham, knight.
  • Sir Humphry Starkey knight, Baron of the Exchequer.
  • Dame Margaret Erlington, daughter and heir of Tho­mas Lord Itchingham.
  • Sir Edward Mulshew knight.
  • Sir William Oldhall knight.
  • Lady K. Kyme.
  • Sir Heir Tank, or Haretan­cleux, an Almain, Knight of the Garter.
  • Sir John Cootes knight, Maior.
  • Sir John Finknel knight.
  • Sir James Hawes knight, Lord Maior.
  • Sir Richard Morgan knight, Lord Chief Justice of the Common Pleas.
  • Sir John Mitchel knight, Lo. Maior.
  • Sir John Poultney knight, Lord Maior.
  • Sir John Poultney knight, Lo. Maior, from whom S. Law­rence Poultney's Church took her denomination.
  • Guil. Booth, eldest son of sir [Page 9] George, now Lord Booth Baron of Delamere.
  • Sir Jo. Thorowgood of Hodes­den in the county of Hertf. Knight.
  • Sir George Strode, knight, long since Colonel, and father of sir Nicholas Strode of Kent knight and Baronet, and of Colonel Strode Governour of Dover.
  • Dame Elizab. Bercklay, wife of the late sir Maurice Berck­lay, Knight.
  • Lady Isabella Sackvile, Prio­ress of Clerkenwel.
  • Sir William Weston Knight, Prior of S. Johns of Jerusa­lem.
  • Sir Walter Manny, or de Mey­nie, Knight.
  • Dame Elizabeth Ascough.
  • Sir Henry Grey, son of the late George Earl of Kent.
  • Lady Anne Strange.
  • Sir Thomas Hawly Knight, Clarencieux, and ancestor to James Hawly of Brainford, Esq; &c.
  • Lady Constance Lucy of Charlecot in the County of Warwick.
  • Sir John Wriothesly Knight, King at Arms, and ancestor to the late Thomas Earl or Southampton.
  • Dame Elizabeth Richardson, wife of the now sir Thomas Lord Richardson.
  • Lady Anne Packington.
  • Sir George Dalston of Dalston in the county of Cumber­land, Baronet, father of the now sir William Dalston Ba­ronet of the same Lord­ship.
  • Lady Catharine Beaumont.
  • Lady Catharine Mountague.
  • Lady Elizabeth Puckering, daughter of sir John Mor­ley of Suff. Knight.
  • Sir George Curson Knight, and father-in-law to the late Ed­ward Earl of Dorset.
  • Dame Frances Trevors, wife of sir Thomas Trevors.
  • Lady Prudence Trevor.
  • Sir Edward Philips Knight, Master of the Rolls, his arms in that Chappel; an­cestor to Edward Philips of the county of Somerset Esq; Knight of the shire; and Col. Robert Philips of the Bed-chamber.
  • Sir Harbottle Grimston of [...] in the county of Es­sex, Knight-Baronet, Master [Page 10] of the Rolls; whose arms are in the window.
  • Sir Thomas Viner Knight, Lo. Maior, ancestor to the now sir George Viner Knight.
  • Sir Christoph. Clithero Knight, Lord Maior, ancestor to James Clithero, and Henry Clithero, Esquires.
  • Sir Christopher Minns Knight, one of the great Comman­ders at sea.
  • Sir Anthony Sentleger Knight.
  • Dame Ellinor Sentleger, wife of sir Anthony.
  • Sir John Ashburnham Knight, one of the ancientest fami­lies in the kingdom, and one of the ancestors to the ho­nourable Colonel John Ash­burnham; both of his late and present Majesties Bed-chamber.
  • Sir Richard Hutton Knight, one of the Justices, &c.
  • Sir Walter Mildmay Knight, Privie Counsellor to Queen Eliz. and one of the ance­stors, &c.
  • Sir William Eastfield knight of the Bath, Lord Maior, who built the Conduit in Fleetstreet.
  • Dame Margaret North, wife of Edward Lord North.
  • Sir William Rowe Knight, Lo. Maior.
  • Lady Alice Avenon.
  • Sir Baptist Hicks Knight, Lo. Maior, ancestor to the Lord Viscount Campden.
  • Sir Jeoffry Feilding Knight, Lord Maior, ancestor to the now Earl of Denbigh and Desmond.
  • Sir Godfrey Bullen, or Bollen; one of the sons of Sir God­frey, buried in Mercers Chap­pel.
  • Dame Anne Bromely, wife of sir John Bromely Knight.
  • Dame Elizab. Jhones, wife of sir Francis Jhones Knight.
  • Dame Mary Swift, wife of sir Francis Swift of Nasing in the county of Essex, knight, and daughter of Fra. Wa­terhouse Esq; and Bridget his wife, both the father and mother of the now Edward Waterhouse of Greenford in the county of Middlesex, Esq;
  • Sir Bartholoew Reade Knight, Lord Maior.
  • Sir Edmund Wright Knight, Lord Maior, father to the Lady Harrington wife of sir [Page 11] James; and the Lady Pig­got, &c.
  • Sir John Cordel Knight, Lord Maior, ancestor to sir Ro­bert Cordel of Long Mel­ford in the county of Nor­folk, Baronet.
  • Sir Thomas Burgoine Knight, ancestor to the Knightly fa­mily of the Burgoines in the county of Bedford.
  • Sir Nicholas Twiford Knight, Lord Maior.
  • Sir James Pemberton Knight, Lord Maior.
  • Sir James Drax Knight.
  • Sir James Drax Knight, his son, father and brother of Henry Drax Esq;.
  • Lady Jane Thorpe, wife of sir Thomas Thorpe Knight, Ba­ron of the Exchequer.
  • Sir Walter Blount Knight of the Garter.
  • Lady Margaret Ramsey, that most munificent Benefa­ctress.
  • Lady Venetia Digby, wife of the late honourable sir Ke­nelm Digby, Knight, &c.
  • Sir John Philpot, or Philipot, Knight, Lord Maior, ance­stor to the worthy and Knightly family of the Phi­lipots in the county of Hants.
  • Sir Allen Chenie Knight.
  • Sir Christopher Edmonds Kt. Privie Counsellor to Queen Elizabeth.
  • Lady Eliz. Edmonds, his wife.
  • Lady Gurney, wife of Rob. South, Goldsmith, &c.
  • Sir Edward Mansfield Baro­net.
  • Sir Stephen Foster Knight, Lo. Maior.
  • Sir Henry Baynton Knight, Treasurer to the Chamber of Hen. 8. and one of the ancestors of that anciently Knightly and opulent family of the Bayntons of Bromhal in the county of Wilts.
  • Sir Thomas Ridley knight, Do­ctor of the Civil law, Chan­cellor of Winton, and Vicar-general to the then Archbi­shop of Canterbury, father to the late Anne Bosvile, and Elizabeth, wife of Mark Cottel Esq;.
  • Sir Ambrose Nichols Knight, q. if not Lord Maior.
  • Sir John Chadworth, or Shad­worth, Knight, Lord Maior.
  • Sir Cutbert Barnes Knight, Lo. Maior.
  • [Page 12]Sir Nicholas Crispe Knight-Ba­ronet and Colonel, and fa­ther to the now sir Nicholas Crispe of Hammersmith, Ba­ronet, &c.
  • Sir Thomas Pargiter Knight, Lord Maior, ancestor to that worthy family of the Pargi­ters in Northampton-shire, whence Mr. Pargiter, Gold­smith, is lineally descended.
  • Sir Robert Chichly knight, Lo. Maior.
  • Sir John Allot Knight, Lord Maior.
  • Sir John Olyffe Knight, She­riff.
  • Sir Allen Cotton Knight, Lord Maior.
  • Sir William Hewit Knight, Lo. Maior.
  • Sir William Walworth Knight, Lord Maior.
  • John Lovekin, four times Maior, and Master of sir William Walworth.
  • Sir Henry Amcots Knight, Lo. Maior.
  • Sir John Leman Knight, Lord Maior, ancestor to sir Willi­am Leman of Northal in the county of Herts, Knight and Baronet.
  • Sir William Dormer knight, Lord Maior, one of the an­cestors to the now Charles Earl of Carnarvon.
  • Sir Robert Denny knight.
  • Sir Hugh Hammersly knight, Lord Maior.
  • Sir Thomas Offley knight, Lord Maior, ancestor to that wor­thy family of the Offleys in Stafford-shire.
  • Dame Elizabeth Whitmore, Lady-mother to the now sir William Whitmore of Shrop­shire Baronet, and his bro­ther sir Thomas, knight of the Bath.
  • Sir Nicholas Throckmorton kt. several times Embassadour from Queen Elizabeth.
  • Sir John Geere knight, ance­stor to the now sir Robert Geere Knight-Ba.
  • Sir Samuel Owfeild, or Ould­field, knight.
  • Sir Thomas Flemming knight.
  • Sir John Hawkins knight, the famous Sea-commander in Queen Elizabeths Reign.
  • Sir Bartholomew James knight, Lord Maior.
  • Sir Christopher Draper knight, Lord Maior.
  • Sir William Web knight, Lord Maior.
  • [Page 13]Lady Bennet, daughter of sir Christopher Draper.
  • Sir Richard Champion knight, Lord Maior.
  • Sir John Lawson knight, &c. four of his children.
  • Sir Thomas Blanck knight, Lo. Maior.
  • Dame Margaret Blanck, his wife.
  • Sir Cutbert Buckle knight, an­cestor to sir Christopher Buc­kle knight; and both to Lieut. Col. Buckle of Bur­rough neer Bamsted-downs.
  • Sir Robert Hampson knight.
  • Sir William Curteene knight.
  • Sir Richard Tate Knight, and an Embassadour from King Hen. 8.
  • Sir John Test, knight of the holy Sepulchre.
  • Sir Henry Billingsley knight, Lord Maior.
  • Lady Elizabeth Billingsley his wife.
  • Sir David Doeringck knight.
  • Lady Mary Heigham, daugh­ter of sir John Colt.
  • Sir Arthur Savage knight, Ge­neral of Queen Eliz. her for­ces for France.
  • Sir Tho. Mellington Knight.
  • Sir Richard Rice Knight, be­headed on Tower-hill.
  • Sir John Skevington Knight.
  • Sir Thomas Asseldy Knight, sub-Marshal of England.
  • Dame Anne Clarke, wife of the now sir Francis Clarke late of Exeter.
  • Dame Stanly, wife of sir Tho­mas Stanly, daughter of sir Roger Appleton Knight-Ba­ronet.
  • Sir James Deane Knight, Lord Maior.
  • Sir John Radclyffe Knight, son of the late Robert Earl of Sussex.
  • Dame Anne, wife of sir John Radclyffe.
  • Sir Richard Haddon Knight, Lord Maior.
  • Lady Catharine, wife of Al­derman Stoakes.
  • Sir John Lenthal Knight, Knight-Marshal of the Kings Bench; a fair Table for him and his neer relations.
  • Dame Etheldred Reynell, wife of sir George Reynel, Knight-Marshal, and daughter of Sir Edw. Peacock of Finchly Knight.
  • Sir Thomas Manners Knight.
  • Sir Thomas Seymour Knight.
  • Sir Thomas Leigh Knight.
  • [Page 14]Dame Margaret St. John, wife of sir Alexander St. John of Bletsoe.
  • Sir Thomas Lovel knight of the Garter.
  • Sir John Erlington Knight.
  • Sir George Hastings Knight, son of the late Lord Ha­stings.
  • Sir Edmond Osborne Knight, Lord Maior.
  • Sir William Portman Knight, Lord Chief Justice of Eng­land, one of the long-lin'd ancestors of the now sir Wil­liam Portman of Orchard, Baronet, &c.
  • Sir John Coventry Knight, Lord Maior.
  • Dame Joane Dethick.
  • Dame Margaret, daughter of sir Ralph Chenie.
  • Sir Matthew Boynton Baro­net.
  • Sir Thomas Blackwel knight.
  • Sir Matthew Carew of Corn­wal Knight, one of the an­cestors to George Carew of Richmond Esq; and one of his Majesties Privie Cham­ber.
  • Sir Roger Cholmely knight.
  • Sir Ralph Winwood Knight, Secretary of Estate to King James, and one of the an­cestors of Ralph Winwood of Quainton in Bucking­ham-shire, Esq;.
  • Dame Anne Bodely, wife of the late sir Thomas Bodely.
  • Sir Christopher Wandesford, one of the ancestors to that worthy family of the Wan­desfords in Yorkshire.
  • Sir Richard Mallory Knight, Lord Maior.
  • Sir William Gerrard, or Gar­rard, Knight, Lord Maior.
  • Sir John Garrard, sir Willi­ams grandchilde.
  • Lady M. Slanies arms in a window.
  • Sir Thomas Middleton Knight, Lord Maior.
  • Sir John Barceter knight.
  • Sir Robert Chamberlaine, alias Tankevile, knight of the Bath, ancestor of that knight­ly family of the Chamber­lains, alias Tankeviles in the county of Oxford.
  • Dame Anne Littleton, wife of the late sir Edw. Littleton.
  • The Lady Browne, late wife of the now sir Richard Browne, Knight and Baronet, and Major-General of all the Militia of London.
  • [Page 15]Lady Margaret Talbot.
  • Sir Thomas Malefant Knight, one of the Barons of the Exchequer.
  • The Lady Adams, wife of the learned, and true lover of learning, the honourable sir Thomas Adams, Knight-Ba­ronet, and father of the City,
  • Sir Jasper Cleyton knight, She­riff, very anciently of Oa­kenshaw in the county of York; father of the worthi­ly honoured Sir John Cley­ton Knight, and Mr. George Cleyton Mercer of Lon­don.
  • Sir George Garret, Knight and Alderman.
  • Sir John Adler Knight, buried at S. Gregories.
  • Sir J. Rumny Knight, buried in S. Magnus Church.
  • Sir Hugh Brawne knight, &c.
  • Sir Thomas Fowler knight, &c.
  • Sir Thomas Fisher Baronet, an­cestor to the now sir Thomas Fisher of Islington Knight-Baronet.
  • Sir Nicholas Kempe knight, &c.
  • Lady Sarah Kempe, his wife.
  • Sir Robert Holbourne knight, &c.
  • Thomas Collins Gent.
  • William Pope Gent.
  • John Pexall Esq;.
  • Mris Anne Jones.
  • John Freind.
  • Christopher Rawson.
  • William Collins.
  • Elizabeth Bloss.
  • Nathaniel Snape Esq; father of Grays Inne Esq;.
  • Christopher Gold Esq;,
  • Peter Wentworth Esq; ance­stor to Sir Peter Wentworth of Oxfordshire; an ancient Knight of the Bath.
  • Samuel Payler Esq;.
  • Mary Payler, his wife.
  • James Ascough Gent.
  • John Agges, one of the War­ders of the Tower.
  • Agnes Bond, wife of the late William Bond, Esq;.
  • Mris Anne Andrews.
  • Jacobus Zambone, Agent for the Repub. of Venice.
  • Henry Polsted Esq;.
  • Barba Thornix.
  • Hieronymus Benalius.
  • William Armorer of Nor­thumb. Esq; Governor to the Pages of Honour of Hen. 8. and ancestor to Sir William and Sir Nicholas Armorer, [Page 16] Knights, and neer kinsmen, Radulphus Darling.
  • Baldwine Hamey Esq; M.D. chief Physician to the great Duke of Muscovia, and fa­ther to the most eminently learned, and exemplarily li­beral, Dr. Baldwin Hamey M.D. C.L.
  • Roger Hatton Esq; Alderman.
  • Frances Goldsmith, daughter of Sir Francis Appleton Knight and Baronet.
  • Nicholas Bremisgrave Armig.
  • Francis Covell Gent.
  • Catharine Covell his wife.
  • Thomas Vyrby.
  • William Roberts.
  • Tho. Catayii.
  • Johannes Bacon.
  • John Burnel.
  • Mary Burnel.
  • Elizabeth Denham, wife of William Denham, Merchant of the Staple.
  • George Snayth Esq;.
  • William Thinne Esq;.
  • Johannes Tull.
  • Roger Jones.
  • Francis Cherry.
  • Philip Dennis Esq;.
  • William Tilling.
  • William Robinson Alderman.
  • Mris Jane Russel, of the Pri­vie Chamber to Queen Eli­zabeth.
  • Mris Constance Lucie.
  • Jar. Martun Gent.
  • Henricus Nowellus.
  • Mris Judith Megges, wife of William Meggs, Esq;.
  • William Meggs Esq; father of William Meggs of London Esq; and Dr. James Meggs Doctor of Divinity, &c.
  • Constance Alford.
  • Mary Evans, wife to Phil. E­vans.
  • John Rosse Draper.
  • John Hassal Gent son of the late Dr. Hassal, Chaplain to the Queen of Bohemia.
  • Abigail Jones.
  • John Carre.
  • Samuel Saunders.
  • John Kant.
  • Susanna Duke.
  • Susan Bennet, wife of Roger Bennet.
  • Rob. Taylor de Sylverdail, Esq;.
  • David Belgay, or Balgay, Esq;.
  • Alice Carpenter.
  • Robert Dove Esq;.
  • Richard Belliniam of Erring­ham, Esq;.
  • John Tiril Esq;.
  • [Page 17] Henry Tutchin Esq; Deputy of his Ward.
  • Hugo Wickstead.
  • Hester Essington, daughter of Mr. William Essington, Mer­chant.
  • Robert Cocks Citizen.
  • Johannes Redman, Rector of S. Botolphs Bishops-gate.
  • Georgius Brigges Armig. Ca­pitaneus.
  • William Bond Esquire, She­riff and Alderman of Lon­don.
  • Captain Martin Bond his son; both immediate ancestors to the most obliging William Bond Esq; and Alderman of London, now living.
  • Thomas Gresham Esq; son of the famous Sir Thomas Gre­sham Knight.
  • Adam Lawrence Gent. Mer­chant, Nephew to the hono­rable Sir John Lawrence, Knight and Baronet, &c.
  • Joane de Bovehii.
  • Edward Martin.
  • Gulielmus Bently.
  • Abrahamus Aurelius.
  • Johannes Wartenis.
  • William Kerwin Citizen.
  • Valentine Moretoft Esq;.
  • John Suzan.
  • Walter Briggin.
  • John Robinson Merchant.
  • Christian Robinson his wife.
  • Cornelius Linckebeck a Dutch Merchant.
  • Owen Saimpeire.
  • Richard Staper Esq; Alder­man, and a memorable Mer­chant.
  • Captain Lewis Roberts.
  • Johannes Dreux, Doctor of Divinity.
  • Clemence Langley, wife of Richard Langley.
  • Robert Pincen, Draper.
  • Mr. William Vincent his chil­dren.
  • Christopher Tolderney, Armig.
  • John Graffan, Grocer.
  • Mr Hawes.
  • Mris Rebecca Crispe, wife of the late Sir Nicholas Crispe, &c.
  • Thomas Walker, Vintner.
  • Elizaheth Thomas.
  • Mris Caecilia Ashford, of the county of Devon.
  • Nathaniel Temnes, Esq; Al­derman.
  • Richard Nordell.
  • John Shute, Architect.
  • Mr. [...] Hawes, Watch­maker.
  • Robert Montague, Esq;.
  • [Page 18] Gilbert Melites.
  • Christian Melites.
  • Francis Barneham Esq; Sheriff.
  • Benedict Barneham, Esq; an­cestor to the now Sir Robert Barneham of Boughton in Kent, Baronet, &c.
  • Randal Manning, Esq;.
  • Eartholomew Barnes, Esq;.
  • Walter Plummer, Esq;.
  • Johannes Rogers.
  • Thomas Southwel, Esq;.
  • Rogerus Fenton, Armig.
  • Johannes Dunstable, idem.
  • Edoardus Lupton, idem.
  • Oliver Style, Esq; Alderman, of that spreading & Knight­ly family of the Styles in Kent.
  • John Kirby, Gent.
  • John Scot of Hawlden in Kent, Esq;.
  • John Ailworth, Grocer.
  • Johannes Saxton.
  • Thomas Iken, Armig.
  • Susan Lewen.
  • John Kirby.
  • John Norton, Esq;.
  • William Cavendish, Esq; She­riff.
  • Humphry Baskervile, Esq; She­riff.
  • John Rich, Esq; son of Ri­chard Rich, both Sheriffs and Aldermen.
  • Browne and Fishbourne.
  • John Barnes, Mercer and Maior.
  • John Hawley, Mercer and Maior.
  • James Huish, Gent.
  • Mary Muffet, his wife.
  • Anne Nevet, wife of Mr. Ed. Nevet of Cony-hatch in the County of Middlesex, Gent.
  • Edward Hall of Grays Inne, Esq; that compil'd the Chro­nicle, &c.
  • Anne Farrar, daughter of William Shephard of great Rowbright.
  • Mris Catharine Prettiman.
  • Mris Catherine Philips, the great Sappho of our age.
  • John Glocester, Esq; Alder­man.
  • Richard Randal.
  • Johannes Sugar Piscenarius.
  • Bernard Randolph, Esq; City-Sergeant.
  • Herbert Randolph, Esq;
  • Gulielmus Drury, Doctor of Laws, and Judge of the Pre­rogative-court.
  • Margaret Snell.
  • Captain Halsey, &c.
  • George Coleman, Armig.
  • [Page 19] Alice Coleman, his wife, and daughter of George Gains­ford, Esq; son of Sir John Gainsford of Crowhurst, Knight.
  • R. Wilcox, Esq;.
  • Richard Woodroffe, Merchant-Taylor.
  • Mary Sandys, wife of Tho­mas Sandys, Esq;.
  • Johannes de Rothing, a great Benefactor to, if not Builder of Queenhithe.
  • Walter Neale, Esq; Sheriff anno 1352.
  • Richard de Lyon, Armig. She­riff.
  • Richard Plat, Esq; Sheriff, ancestor to that worthy fa­mily of the Plats now li­ving.
  • Edmund Chapman, Esq; ser­vant to Queen Elizabeth.
  • Jasper Draper, Esq; Alder­man.
  • Gerrard Gore, Esq;.
  • Judge Philip Jermin
  • Susanna le Porce.
  • John Foy.
  • Thomas Cornwallis Esq; She­riff.
  • Petrus de la Genebra.
  • William Stokesby.
  • John Micolt, or Mico, Gent.
  • Radolphus Astry, Esq;.
  • Henry Wilson, Master of the Bridge-house.
  • Henry Billidge, Silk-dyer.
  • Richardus Hill, Master of the Wine-cellar to H 8.
  • Richard Farrington, or Far­ringdon, Alderman.
  • Dr John Dove, Doctor of Di­vinity, sometimes Rector of S. Mary Aldermanbury, and ancestor to the much worthy John Dove of Grays Inne, I.C. now living.
  • Ralph Holland Esq;. Sheriff.
  • John Narberry Esq; Judge of South-Wales, father to Mr George and Mr John Nor­berry, &c.
  • Richard Chaucer, Vintner, fa­ther to Sir Geoffry Chau­cer.
  • Dr William Harvey, M.D. the famous Physician of his time.
  • William Taylor Esq; Sheriff.
  • John Pluckenett, Merchant-Taylor.
  • John Welles, a memorable Ci­tizen.
  • Symond Street.
  • William Dauntsey Esq; Al­derman, one of the ance­stors of Sir John Dauntsey [Page 20] of Laverstock in the Coun­ty of Wilts.
  • Ade de Buck.
  • Richard Lambert.
  • Humphry Walcot, Esq; ance­stor to the flourishing fami­ly of the Walcots of Wal­cot in the County of Salop.
  • Philemon Holland, of the same family as Dr Philemon Hol­land of Coventry, M.D.
  • Robert Blanckworth.
  • Edmond Crich, Esq;.
  • Edmond Crich, filius.
  • Edward Allen, Esq; Sheriff, Alderman, one of the ance­stors of the honourable Sir Thomas Allen of Finchly, Knight; and one of the Knights of the Shire for the County of Middlesex.
  • Augustine Hinde, Esq;.
  • Henry Prannel, Esq; Sheriff.
  • William Alkin.
  • Gilbert Errington, Armig.
  • Edward Cropley Esq; Alder­man, and ancestor of the honourable Sir John Crop­ley, Knight and Baronet.
  • John Banks, Esq; Alderman, Deputy of Basing-Hall-Ward.
  • John Dogget, Esq; Sheriff, Al­derman.
  • William de Avenger.
  • Lancelot Bathurst Esq; Al­derman, and ancestor to Edward Bathurst, Esq; and Alderman, now living.
  • John West, Esq;.
  • Francis Bowyer of Chichester, Esq; Alderman.
  • John Hall, Draper.
  • Carolus Hawkins, Armig.
  • Mris Elizabeth Hussey.
  • Johannes Cooper, Armig.
  • Thomas Markes.
  • William Messe.
  • Thomas Westrop, or Westrow.
  • Mris Judith Fowler.
  • John Taylor, Draper.
  • Alexander Evering.
  • Francis Bennenson.
  • Mary Caldwel.
  • Hugh Dawset.
  • Robert Barnes.
  • Thomas Roberts.
  • John Trygon, Esq; Merchant.
  • John Kendrick, a most me­morable Citizen.
  • Thomas Pike, Alderman.
  • Richard Crashaw, Goldsmith.
  • William Drew.
  • John Lemot, Esq; Alderman.
  • Dr Thomas Harriot, Doctor of Divinity.
  • Peter Tryon, Esq; ancestor to Sir Peter Tryon of South-Halsted [Page 21] in the county of Es­sex, Knight-B.
  • Henry Beecher Esq; Alderman, one of the ancestors to that worthy family of the Bee­chers in the County of Bed­ford.
  • Margaret Hill, wife of Dr Hill, Doctor of Divinity.
  • Walter Knight of Canterbu­ry, Gent.
  • John Lucas of S. Johns neer Colchester, Esq; one of the ancestors of the Lord Lu­cas.
  • William Cockaine, Esq; one of the ancestors to the now Lord Cockaine.
  • Mris Mary Harvie, wife of the late Eliab Harvie, Esq; and both father and mother of the now Sir Eliab Harvie, Knight-B.
  • Henricus Browne, a memora­ble Merchant.
  • Dr Rich. Holdsworth, Dean of Worcester, his Tomb re­built by that great lover of religious and learned men, the honourable Sir Thomas Rich of Berks, Knight and Baronet.
  • Robert VVadeson, Armig.
  • Edmond Hammond, Esq;.
  • Mris Anne Loker.
  • Humphry VValcot, Esq;.
  • Thomas Calvert, Citizen and Merchant-Taylor.
  • VVilliam Chapman, Citizen and Merchant.
  • VVillielmus Philips.
  • James Dagger.
  • Dr James Halsey, Doctor of Divinity.
  • Christopher St. German, Do­ctor and Student in Divini­ty.
  • VVilliam Edwards, servant to three memorable Princes, and father of the now Mr Will. Edwards, servant like­wise to Charles 2. the grand Successor of those three Princes.
  • Anthony Messenger.
  • Barne Roberts, Esq; ancestor to the late Sir William Ro­berts; and both to the wor­thily honoured Sir William Roberts, very anciently of Wilsden in the County of Middlesex, Baronet, &c.
  • John Taylor, Esq; a memora­ble person in his time.
  • Philippus Pasque, Esq; one of the ancestors of the most e­minently learned, the late Dr Pasque.
  • [Page 22] George Golding, Esq;.
  • Lady Anne VVhite.
  • George Skevington, Esq;.
  • Agnes Dart.
  • Samuel Aldersey.
  • John Lupsel.
  • John Dimmock, Esq;.
  • Christian Towerson.
  • Nicholas Style, Alderman, of the family of the Styles's in Kent.
  • Serjeant-Major Killigrew.
  • Robertus Jermin de Rushbrook Armig.
  • Robert Offley, son of Hugh Offley, Alderman.
  • Thomas Digges, Esq;.
  • Thomas Digges, Esq; both of the ancestors of that very ancient and Knightly family of the Digges's in Kent.
  • John Constantine, Esq; ance­stor to William Constantine of Dorset, Esq; and one of the Benchers of the Middle Temple.
  • Ralph Woodcock, Alderman of London.
  • Mary Brigges.
  • David Brigges, Esq; Sheriff, ancestor to William Brigges of Rickmersworth, Esq;.
  • Gerrard Gore, Esq; Alder­man.
  • Thomas Henshaw, Esq; Ca­ptain, ancestor to the much accomplished Thomas Hen­shaw of Kensington, Esq;.
  • Thomas à Kelsy, ancestor to the late Colonel Kelsy, some­times Governour of Dover.
  • Osbert Moundford, or Mount­fort.
  • Robert Moundford, or Mount­fort, ancestor by the mater­nal line to Sir John Bramp­ston, Knight of the Bath; and Sir Mountford Bramp­ston, one of the Masters of Chancery.
  • Mris Francisca Rudierd, of that ancient family of the Rudierds in the County of Hants.
  • Mary Collet, of the family of Sir Henry Collet, Knight.
  • Francis Waterhouse, Esq; and Bridget his wife; father and mother of the worthily ho­noured Edward Waterhouse of Greenford in the County of Middlesex, Esq;.
  • Mary Waterhouse, wife of the last Edward Waterhouse of Greenford in the county of Middlesex, Esq;.
  • Hugh Waterhouse & Edward, their sons.
  • [Page 23]Dame Mary Swift, wife of Sir Francis Swift of Nasing in the county of Essex, Knight; daughter of the above-said Francis Waterhouse, Esq; and Bridget his wife.
  • William Dunthorne, Town-Clerk of London.
  • Thomas Shelly, Esq; one of that honourable family of Sir Charles Shelly in the County of Sussex.
  • Lauwrence Gibson, Esq;.
  • Anne Gibson, his wife.
  • John Blount, Citizen.
  • Nicholas Warren, Gen.
  • William Harvie, Gen.
  • Robert Harvie, Comptroller of the Custom-house.
  • Johannes Burton, Armig.
  • Richardus Wilbraham, Esq; Common Sergeant of the Citie of London, and ance­stor to that worthy family of the Wilbrahams in Che­shire.
  • Richard Sarich, Doctor of Divinity.
  • Gulielmus Christmas, Armig. and Alderman, ancestor to the worthy William Christ­mas Esq; now living.
  • John Bannister, Esq; of the late Sir Ed. Bannisters fami­ly.
  • Rebecca King, wife of Mr. William King, late Rector of S. Olave Silver-street, &c.
  • CHARLES the First, of most blessed memory, his Epi­taph.
  • George Tapsfeild, Gent.
  • John Elliot.
  • Ellinor Clarke.
  • Randal Pickering.
  • John Slanie, and
  • Humphry Slanie, their arms in the window of S. Martins Ironmonger-lane.
  • Lady Rumny, wife of Sir J. Rumny, Knight.
  • Richardus Chamberlayne, Ge­nerosus.
  • Robertus Large, idem.
  • Robertus Cambel, Esq; Alder­man, son of Sir Thomas, fa­ther of the late Sir James Cambel.
  • Robert Bowyer, Esq; Alder­man, very anciently of Kni­persly; ancestor to Sir Wil­liam Bowyer of Denham in the County of Buckingham, Knight, and of Sir Edmund Bowyer originally of Sussex, now of Camberwel in the County of Surrey, Knight-Baronet, and Knight of the Shire.
  • [Page 24] Thomas Morstead, Esq; She­riff.
  • Richard Piot, Esq; Alderman, ancestor to that well-repu­ted family of the Piots in Hertfordshire.
  • Guliel. Haliday, Esq; Alder­man.
  • Mris Anne Barker.
  • Lady Elizabeth Ingram, wife of Sir Arthur Ingram Knight, and Merchant of London.
  • Rowland VVilson, Esq; Al­derman.
  • Sir John VVatts, Knight, one of the ancestors of the ho­nourable Sir John Wats in the county of Hertf. Knight and Colonel, &c.
  • Edmund VVhite, a memorable Citizen.
  • Thomas Dalby, Mercer.
  • John Foxe, Citizen and Gold­smith.
  • Cecilia Cleyton.
  • Frances VValler, daughter of the late Thomas Waller of Beconsfeild, Esq; and wife of the late Dr. William Bos­wel, Doctor of Divinity.
  • Thomas Lekimpton, Esq;.
  • John Herenden, Esq;.
  • Edmund Herenden, Esq;.
  • Edmund Herenden, Gent.
  • Stephen Brackenberry, Gent.
  • Johannes Pemberton, Gen.
  • Francis Spencer, idem.
  • Johannes Bill, Armig. father to Sergeant-Major Bill of Cainwood, &c.
  • Gideon de Lawne, Esq; ance­stor of the now Sir Gideon de Lawne.
  • Dr VVilliam Gouge, S.T.D. a most memorable Divine, father of Mr Thomas Gouge late Rector of S. Sepulchres, and Dr Gouge, Physician.
  • Mr Morehead, Gen.
  • Edmund Symes, eldest son of Edmund Symes.
  • Col. Charles Fleetwood's La­dies Funeral-Scutcheons.
  • Thomas Adys, Goldsmith.
  • John Sutton, Esq; Alderman.
  • Johannes Hewit of London, Armig.
  • John Greenwood, Painter-Stai­ner.
  • Thomas Randolph, Gen.
  • Johannes Francis.
  • Drugo Barantine.
  • VVilliam Midgely of Staple-Inne, Gen. Clerk of the Judgements under the wor­thily honoured Thomas Ro­binson, Esq; and chief Pro­thonotary of the Com­mon [Page 25] Pleas, &c.
  • Edward Franck, Esq;.
  • William Franck, Esq;.
  • Johannes Nowellus, Arm. M.D.
    • Jerimoth Drax,
    • Joseph Drax,
    • Mary Drax,
    • Bamfeild Drax,
    • Alexander Drax,
    Children of the late old Sir James Drax, Knight, &c.
  • Mary Drax, Neece of old Sir James Drax, and wife of Hugh Frankland of Staple-Inne, Gent. of the ancient family of the Franklands of Oldwark in the County of York.
  • Peter Strelly, Civis & Auri­faber.
  • Mris Mary Charleton.
  • Nicholas Beaumont, Esq;.
  • Johannes Clapham, Generos.
  • Johannes Clapham, filius.
  • Walterus Haddon, Master of the Requests to Qu. Eliz.
  • Mr [...] Waddington, School­master of Christ-Church.
  • Mr. [...] Haynes, School-ma­ster of Christ-Church.
  • Robert Rogers, Gent.
  • Ralph Smith.
  • Ludovicus Williams Venedo­cus.
  • William Drew.
  • Gamaliel Pye, Esq; ancestor to the now Sir Edmond Pye, Knight.
  • Margaret Hussey.
  • Dr Samuel Price, S.T.D.
  • John Tredway.
  • Mris Jone Goldsmith.
  • Radolphus Widdrington.
  • Anne Phillis Faldo.
  • Humphry Barret.
  • John Langham, Esq;.
  • Robert Marsh.
  • Dr William Fuller, Dean of Durham, and father of the now Lady Jane Walton, wi­dow of the famous Brian Walton, late Bishop of Che­ster.
  • Martha Prescot, late wife of Alexander Prescot, Alder­man.
  • John Browne, Serjeant-Pain­ter to Hen. 8. and Alderman of London.
  • Robert South, Esq; and Gold­smith, &c.
  • Johannes Longstone, or Lang­ston.
  • William Milburne, Sheriff and Alderman of London.
  • Agnes Milburne, his wife.
  • Mris Jodosa Frankland, a good Benefactress to Brazen­nose-Colledge, [Page 26] and a neer ally to Mr Frankland, one of the senior Fellows of Brazen-nose, and late Pro­ctor of the University of Oxford.
  • Robertus Trappes, Arm.
  • Robert Bursted.
  • Christopher Wase, Goldsmith, one of the ancestors to that eminently learned Mr Chri­stopher Wase, S.T.B. and Schoolmaster of the Free-School of Tunbridge.
  • Edward Kinnaston, Esq;.
  • Robert Tichbourne, Esq; fa­ther of the now Robert Tichbourne, late Sheriff, Alderman, and Lord Maior of London.
  • William Dilkes, Citizen, and Nephew to William Dilks, servant to the Duke of Buc­kingham.
  • Johannes Battail.
  • Robert Brett.
  • Edward Wiat, Armig.
  • Richardus Warner.
  • Richardus Coxe.
  • Dr John Barwick, Dean of S. Pauls.
  • Dr Mark Franke, Archdea­con of S. Albans.
  • Petrus Osborne, Armig.
  • [...] Berkenhead, Esq;.
  • Thomas Bedding feild, Esq; son and heir of Sir Thomas Bed­dingfeild, Knight.
  • Arthur Medlycot of Salop, Esq; ancestor to Tho. Med­lycot of the Middle Tem­ple, Esq; and Edmond Med­lycot of White-hall, his bro­ther, &c.
  • Mris Alicia Primerose.
  • Thomas Redman, Proctor of the Arches.
  • Arthur Blackmore, Painter-Stainer, or Arms-Painter, son of Capt. Ralph Blackmore Mercer, and sometimes Pro-Governour of Berwick.
  • Mris Eliz. Sewil, wife of Ro­bert Sewil of London, Esq;.
  • Col. Thomas Nevil his Lady, and other neer relations.
  • Peter Bradshaw, Esq; ancestor to Mr Francis Bradshaw, late Draper of London, &c.
  • Guliel. Huse, Armig.
  • Antonius Huse, Armig.
  • Florence Caldwel, Esq;.
  • Eliz. Mennel, of that ancient family of the Mennels in the County of Derby, daughter of Mr Menel, and neece of Alderman Mennel, &c.
  • Thomas Cook.
  • [Page 27] William Yeardly.
  • Jasper Cholmely.
  • Thomas Antrobus.
  • Amy Adlyn, or Edlyn.
  • Dr Gouldston de Wymond­ham, M.D. a memorable Physician.
  • John Ley, Esq;.
  • Johannes Barnard.
  • Helias Jones.
  • Hen. Long, Esq;.
  • William Nicholson, Esq;.
  • Dom. de Hatfeild.
  • Maria Martin.
  • Anthony Jocelyn, Esq; and
  • Christopher Marsh, Esq; both menial servants to the Right honourable the Lady Dow­ager of Dorset and Pem­broke.
  • David Smith, Esq; Embroy­derer to Qu. Eliz.
  • William Smith, Esq; Alder­man, his son.
  • James Austin, Esq; ancestor to William Austin, formerly of Lincolns Inne, Esq; and both ancestors to Sir James Austin of the County of Surrey, Knight, &c.
  • Ignatius Jones, Esq;.
  • John Askough, Citizen and Grocer, husband to Mris A­lice Askough now living.
  • Edward Norgate, Esq;.
  • Ellis Hilton, Esq;.
  • Mr Sampson, Embroyderer.
  • John Parce, Gen.
  • Griffith Lloyd, Doctor of the Civil Law.
  • John Philipot, Esq; Somerset-Herald, and father of that learned Antiquary, Scholar and Herald, Tho. Philipot Esq;. now living.
  • Thomas Clivelod.
  • Ellis Crispe, wife of the late Ellis Crispe, Alderman; fa­ther and mother to the ho­nourable Sir Nich. Chispe deceased.
  • Roger Ford.
  • John Ireland, Esq;.
  • Richard Stock, a most me­morable Divine, and long Rector of Alhallows Bread­street.
  • William Robson, Salter, a worthy Benefactor to the Poor.
  • Henry Suckly; Esq; Sheriff of London; ancestor of Ralph Suckly Esq; one of the Pro­ctors of the high Court of Admiralty.
  • William Albany, Esq;.
  • Thomas Beaumond, or Bean­mont.
  • [Page 28] Robert Mellish.
  • Robert Hulston.
  • John Dunstarre.
  • Lieutenant-Colonel John Lane Armig. father of John Lane whole-sale-Grocer.
  • Leonard Smith.
  • Dorothy Harby.
  • William Sandhill.
  • Thomas Haslefoot, Vintner.
  • Mr. Capwood.
  • Mr. Mosely.
  • Robert Bowes.
  • Henry Wellens.
  • Richardus Sturges.
  • Henry Blitheman.
  • Alderman Lewen.
  • Agnes Lewen, his wife.
  • Thomas Burton.
  • Walter Timberlack.
  • Elizabeth Timberlack.
  • Elizabeth Acton.
  • Robert Chichely, Esq; one of the ancestors of the worthily honoured Henry Chichely, Esq; &c.
  • Richard Randal.
  • Anthony Cage.
  • Gaius Newman, father of [...]
  • Anne Middleton.
  • John Pert.
  • Metcalf Allington.
  • William Dane, Alderman and Sheriff, ancestor to [...]
  • Alice Daniel.
  • John Harper.
  • William Robinson, of the county of Gloucester, Esq; father-in-law to the Lady Mico now living.
  • William Beswick, Alderman.
  • Sir John Poultney, Esq; She­riff, Alderman, and one of the founders of S. Lawrence Poultney's Church.
  • Hester Mountney.
  • Daniel Harvie of Folkston in the county of Kent, Esq; father of the honourable Sir Daniel Harvie of Surry, Knight and Baronet, &c.
  • John Nelson, son of John Nelson, Merchant.
  • William Cromer.
  • Robert Cosyn, Esq;.
  • Wilburgis Gretsyin.
  • R. Moore, Esq;.
  • John Franck, Esq;.
  • Johannes Shaw, Armig.
  • Robert VVithins, Armig. Al­derman and Sheriff.
  • Francis VVithins, Esq; his son.
  • Richard Gurney, Armig.
  • VVilielmus Litchfeild.
  • Johannes Brickles.
  • [Page 29] Francis Goldsmith.
  • John Chamberlayne.
  • Humphry Clark, Esq; Depu­ty of Alhallows Ward, and father of Humphry Clark of the M. Temple.
  • John Coulson.
  • Deputy Green.
  • Dr. Reginald VVest, S.T.D.
  • Thomas Gelson.
  • Robert Holt, Esq; Alderman of London.
  • Alexander Holt, Esq; Alder­man of London; both of them very anciently of that memorable family of the Holts of Grizlehurst in the county of Lancaster; and both ancestors to Alexander Holt, Esq; and Alderman, yet living.
  • Richard Glover.
  • Richard Cambden, Gen.
  • Eliz. Freeman.
  • Robert Cheslyn, Alderman.
  • Robert Cheslyn, a Divine, his son.
  • Johannes à Moore.
  • Jane Abraham.
  • Anna Saris.
  • Theophilus Biddolph, son of Sir Theophilus Biddolph Knight and Baronet.
  • William Rainwel.
  • John Rainwel.
  • Mris Chatterton, wife of Mr. Chatterton of Pater-noster­row.
  • George Clint.
  • Antonius Abdy, Armig ance­stor to Sir Robert Abdy, and Sir Thomas Abdy, both of Essex, Knights Ba.
  • Humphry Turner.
  • Margaret Turner.
  • Nicholas de Na le.
  • John Stow, the Cities Chrono­loger.
  • Symon Burton.
  • Alice Coldock, or Bing.
  • James Hills.
  • Dr Henry Man, Doctor of Di­vinity.
  • Joane Cartwright.
  • Mris Dorothy Greswold.
  • Edward Warner, Esq;.
  • Philip Malpas Esq;. Sheriff of London.
  • Hugh Offley, Esq; and Sheriff.
  • Mr. John Smith.
  • Johannes Tovie.
  • Bartholomew Ettenor.
  • Thomas Viner, Esq; son of the late Sir Thomas, and bro­ther of Sir George Viner, Knight, &c.
  • Frances Cook, wife of Pau­lus Ambrosius Cook.
  • [Page] Roger Marshal, Esq;.
  • Alice Gilbourne.
  • Christophorus Newman.
  • Edward Jackman, Esq; She­riff of London.
  • Lady Eliz. Ingram, wife of Sir Arthur Ingram, Knight, and Merchant of London.
  • Mris Anne Horton, wife of Mr Thomas Horton.
  • Mris Gunston, sister of Serje­ant-Major Gunston.
  • Robert Middleton, Esq;.
  • Robert Bateman Esq; Cham­berlain of London, and an­cestor to Richard Bateman, Esq; Sir Anthony, Sir Willi­am Bateman, Knights; and Sir Thomas Bateman, Baro­net; all four brothers.
  • Bernard Hide of Boreplace in the county of Kent, Esq; ancestor to the worthily ho­noured Sir Bernard Hide of Kent, Knight-B.
  • Hester Hide, wife of the said Bernard.
  • James Yong, Esq; an eminent Eastland Merchant.
  • James Keyte, Armig. ancestor to the worthily honoured Sir Jonathan Keyte of the County of Hertf. Knight-B.
  • Henry Hewit, Esq;.
  • Mr. Woodroffe, Gent.
  • Thomas Russel, Esq; husband of the Lady Waterman, now wife of Sir George Water­man, Knight-B.
  • Henry Heardsman, Alderman.
  • James Bacon, Alderman.
  • Samuel Reynolds.
  • Mris Sarah Forth, wife of the worthy Mr. Hugh Forth, Merchant, &c.
  • Margaret Bayly, or Reynolds.
  • Richard Wyche.
  • William Page, Apothecary, a person very memorable.
  • Richard Hackney, Sheriff.
  • Robert VVood, Esq; Deputy of Billings-gate Ward, fa­ther of William Wood, Esq; now living.
  • Mris Alicia Farwel, wife of Philip Farwel.
  • Mris Bewly, wife of Thomas Bewly of Hall-place in the county of Kent, Gent.
  • Mr Thomas Bewly, late of Grays Inne, their son.
  • Em. Charleton.
  • John Munne, Merchant.
  • Christopher Holt, Esq;.
  • Thomas Chamberlayne, M.D.
  • Mary Mosse.
  • John Element, Merchant-tay­lor.
  • [Page] Sarah Manning.
  • Eliz. Clarke, wife of Henry Clark, Draper.
  • Brian Vere.
  • Henry Web, Esq; Gentleman­usher to H. 8.
  • Lucius Lucas, an eminent Mer­chant.
  • Robertus Thacker.
  • Jonas à Weely of Amsterdam.
  • Charity Cotton, wife of Geo. Cotton, Esq;.
  • Mris Barnes, a great Benefa­ctress.
  • Georgius Christophorus Oster­hausen.
  • Richard Isaacson, Esq;.
  • Thomas Derham, son of Tho­mas Derham of Derham-Grange.
  • Jane Hartly.
  • William Greensmith.
  • Capt. James Birkdel.
  • George Smithes.
  • Lionel Mellington, son of Sir Robert Mellington.
  • Tho. Curtesius, Armig.
  • Emanuel de Meteren.
  • Katherine Woodward, wi­dow.
  • John Hewit.
  • Mris Ingram.
  • Dr Peter Turner, M.D.
  • James Stoddard, Esq; ance­stor of George Stoddard, Esq; father of the late Sir Nicholas Stoddard of Kent, Knight, &c.
  • Philippus Wylander.
  • John Highlord, Esq; Alder­man.
  • Thomas Beckenham, Esq;.
  • Ferdinando Alvarez, Merca­tor eminens.
  • George Watts.
  • Tho. Burnel.
  • Richard Cely.
  • Johannes Goure, Prince of Po­ets in his time, and ancestor to that most ancient and e­minent family of the Goures of Stitinham in the county of York.
  • Johannes Mourton.
  • William Austin, Esq; father of Sir James Austin of Sur­rey, Knight; and William Austin of Grays Inne, Esq;.
  • Peter Humble, Gent.
  • Tho. Cure, Esq; Great grand­father to A. Cure of the In­ner Temple, Esq;.
  • John Bingham, Esq;.
  • John Symons, Citizen.
  • John Trehearne, Gentleman­porter to King James.
  • Mris Margaret Maynard.
  • Mary Fisher, wife of Payne [Page] Fisher, and daughter of Sir Tho. Neale, and the Lady Eliz. Freke; mother of Ma­jor Payne Fisher now living, Author of this Collection.
  • Richardus Benefield, Esq;.
  • William Emmerson.
  • Samuel Popular.
  • Anne Warcup.
  • Mary Bareford, with several children of Mr Jonathan Bareford.
  • Dorothea Howard.
  • Mark Proudfoot.
  • Richard Wood.
  • Jeremy Smith.
  • John Gawen.
  • Samuel Winne.
  • John Cooke.
  • John Hayman.
  • Joseph Collier.
  • George Buggins.
  • Robert Chilcot.
  • John Garrard.
  • John Sturton, Esq;.
  • William Ward.
  • Richard Drawer.
  • Edw. Ball.
  • Robert Benson.
  • Thomas Malledge.
  • Johannes Thomas.
  • John Eston, Esq;.
  • Robert Fairford.
  • Richard Philip.
  • John Nichols.
  • Barbara Thomasin.
  • Capt. Thomas Sparling.
  • Col. Thomson's Ladies Escut­cheon.
  • George Rooks.
  • Matthew Clark.
  • William Evans.
  • James Savage.
  • Johannes Jones, Armig.
  • William Hobson, son of Do­ctor William Hobson.
  • Susanna Jones.
  • Francis Rudierd.
  • Margaret Derham.
  • Elizabeth Boyd.
  • William Aldridge.
  • Captain Randal Moulton, husband of Rebecca Moul­ton, third son of the famous Captain Robert Moulton, Sometimes Vice-Admiral of England, &c. and younger brother of the yet-living and valiant Captain Robert Moulton, now in his Maje­sties service.
  • Thomas Austen, Esq; a memo­rable Citizen.
  • John Austen, Esq;
  • Thomas Austen, Esq; his sons; two hopeful Gentlemen, lately of Lincolns Inne.
  • Mris Jane Hansly.
  • [Page 33] Georgius Gippe, Esq; one of the Judges in the Sheriffs Court.
  • Sir Thomas Seymour, Knight, Lord Maior.
  • Sir Humphry Starky, Knight, Lord Chief Baron of the Exchequer.
  • Sir Rivet Eldred, Knight, a memorable Merchant, and husband of that nobly ver­tuous Dame Anne Eldred, daughter of Mr John Black­wel of Hornidge in the county of Salop
  • William Cavendish, Esq; one of the ancestors of the Illu­strious William Cavendish, Duke, Marquis, and Earl of Newcastle.
  • Sir Richard Fen, Knight, Lord Maior, Grandfather to the worthy Richard Fen of Hall­place (in Hurly-parish) in the county of Berks, Esq;.
  • Sir Richard Gurney, Knight, Lord Maior, whose two daughters (Co-heirs) were married to the Right Hono­rable the Lord Richardson, and Sir John Pettus, &c.
  • Sir William Bayly, Knight, Lord Maior.
  • Sir Stephen Peacock, Knight, Lord Maior, ancestor to the Knightly family of the Pea­cocks in Middlesex, where­of Richard Peacock of that delicate seat of Finchly, Esq; is present proprietor.
  • Mris Anne Leighe.
  • Katharine Lively.
  • Theodosia Vavesour.
  • Mr John Weaver, that writ the Acts and Monuments.
  • Mr Justice Long.
  • William Knightly, Esq;.
  • Mris Frances White.
  • Mris Anne Blount.
  • William Dallison, Esq;.
  • Mr Edward Vaughan.
  • Rogerus Wood, Sergeant at Arms.
  • Francis Butler.
  • John Palmer of Clerkenwel, Esq;.
  • Dudly Palmer of Grays Inne, Esq; his Grandchilde.
  • Elizabeth Crofts.
  • William Wandesford of Pick­hill in the county of York, Esq;.
  • Edward Cropley, Esq; son of the honourable Sir John Cropley, Knight-Baronet.
  • Jorden Briset, Founder of Clerkenwel-Priory.
  • Elizabeth Trotman, wife of [Page 34] Samuel Trotman of the Inner Temple, Esq;.
  • Edward Vaughan, Master of Arts, &c.
  • Thomas Sutton, Esq; Founder of that famous Society of the Charter-house.
  • John Lawes, Esq; Executor of Thomas Sutton.
  • Francis Beaumont, Esq; some­times Governour of the Charter-house.
  • James Bunce, Esq; father of the honourable Sir James Bunce, Knight and Baronet, &c.
  • John Raynie, Esq; ancestor of the now Sir John Raynie of Wrothan in the County of Kent, Baronet.
  • Henry Denne, Esq;.
  • Mris Jane Adams, wife of Thomas Adams of Bater­sea, Esq;.
  • Ambrose Jennings, Ironmon­ger.
  • Johannes de Coggeshal, a most famous Citizen.
  • Mr Sybals, son of the learn­ed and much-obliging Dr Sybals, D.D. late of Cler­kenwel.
  • Johannes Dogget, Sheriff.
  • Christophorus Southouse, Re­gistarrius Curiae Cant. ance­stor to the Southouses of Kent.
  • Ʋrsula Besiney, daughter of Nicholas Bestney, Esq;.
  • Henry Weldon, second son of Ralph Weldon of Swans­comb in Kent, Esq;.
  • Eliz. Fasselts, widow.
  • Mr. Lamb, founder of S. James Chappel in the Wall, &c.
  • Robert Glover, Armig. So­merset-Herald, Grandfather by the mothers side to Tho­mas Philipot of Southend in Kent, Esq;.
  • Thomas Busby, Citizen, and a good Benefactor.
  • George Chute, Esq; Standard­bearer to H. 8. at Bulloigne, and ancestor to that Knight­ly family of the Chutes in Kent.
  • Richard Roper.
  • Edward Harvist, Gen.
  • Charles Langley, idem.
  • Matthew Palmer senior, Esq;.
  • Matthew Palmer, his Grand­childe, Esq;.
  • Sarah Gooderick, daughter to Sir William Bodenham, Knight.
  • Constance Whitney, daughter of Sir Robert Whitney of [Page 35] Whitney in the county of Hertford, Knight, &c.
  • Johannes Fox, Martyrologus Anglicanus.
  • Richard Westerne.
  • Katherine Bennet.
  • Captain Biller's two daugh­ters.
  • Colonel John Dove, father of John Dove of Sarum, Esq;.
  • Richard Bullen, or Bollen.
  • Henry Gifford, Gen.
  • Robert Crowly, Vicar of Crip­ple-gate.
  • Johannes Speed, Chronologer, Grandfather of Mr Samuel Speed of Fleetstreet, Book­seller.
  • Susanna Speed, wife of the said John Speed.
  • William Stapley, Armig.
  • Mris Eliz. Smith, wife of that religious and learned man, and lover of religious and learned men, Mr Richard Smith of Moor-fields, Gen. and sometimes Secondary of the Poultry-Counter.
  • Johannes Hawly, Armig.
  • Mr Hen. Colbron.
  • Robertus Cage, Armig.
  • Mris Rose Hitchings.
  • Mris Jane Smith, wife of John Smith of Bunhill, Esq; &c.
    • Mris Ellen Monyns,
    • Mris Frances Monyns;
    Daughters of Sir William Monyns of Kent, Baronet.
  • Thomas Ravenscroft, Gent.
  • Margaret Lucie, daughter of Sir Thomas Lucie of Charle­cot, Knight.
  • Mris Elizabeth Ashton.
  • James Glasbrook, Esq;.
  • Anne Branch.
  • Richard Downes.
  • Johannes Buckley.
  • John Milson.
  • Mris Margaret Litchervet.
  • William Purde.
  • Peter Swift.
  • Johannes Cotton, Armig.
  • Johannes Southerton, Armig.
  • Thomas Gillet, Gent.
  • Francis Smith.
  • Mris Jane Duck, daughter of the late Dr Duck.
  • Maria Wotton, of the noble family of the Wottons of Kent.
  • Guil. Mill, Armig.
  • Johannes Mill, filius.
  • Pearce Edgecombe of Mount-Edgecombe, Esq;.
  • Michael Crud, Theologus.
  • Mris Elizabeth Westfeild, wife of Dr Thomas West­feild, Bishop of Bristol.
  • [Page 36] Barbara Bradberry.
  • Christophorus Tameworth, Esq;
  • Percival Smalpace, Esq;.
  • Johannes Morley, Esq;.
  • Elizabeth VVotton.
  • Francis Southerton.
  • Thomas Goodwine.
  • Thomas Greek.
  • Thomas Neale, son of Sir Tho­mas Neale, Knight, &c.
  • Susanna Lyon.
  • Judith Plat, daughter of Sir Hugh Plat, Knight.
  • Thomas Sparrow, Esq;.
  • Mris Sarah Stirrop, wife of Nathaniel Stirrop, Esq;.
  • Sir Clement Scudamour, Kt. Lord Maior; a branch of that flourishing and noble family of the Scudamours in the County of Here­ford.
  • James Kinnon.
  • Edward Stephens.
  • Serjeant-Major Alsop.
  • John Trevor, Esq;.
  • Randolph Trevor, Esq;.
  • R. Trussel, Gent. one of the ancestors of the honourable Colonel Trussel, sometimes of Pater-noster-row.
  • Richard Alington, Esq; Ma­ster of the Rolls.
  • Dr John Yong, Dean of York, Master of the Rolls.
  • Dom. Rahere, first founder and Prior of great S. Bartholo­mews.
  • Captain John Millet, Mari­ner.
  • Antonius Lowe, Esq;.
  • Eilis Yong, Esq;.
  • Edward Cooke, Esq;.
  • Percilanus Smalpace, Armig.
  • Dr Francis Antony, M.D.
  • Eliz. Freshwale.
  • John Orme.
  • Nicholas Orme.
  • Abigal Colt.
  • Mris Mary Pit.
  • James Rivers, Esq;.
  • VVilliam Boulton, the last Pri­or of great S. Bartholo­mews.
  • Guil. Hone.
  • VVilliam Baker.
  • Robert Balthorp, Esq;.
  • John Shirly, Esq;.
  • Petrus Toutevile, Armig.
  • Anne VVestwick.
  • Francis Eagles field.
  • Richardus Ley.
  • Johannes Dury.
  • VValter Insham.
  • Ellinor Insham.
  • Richard Shipley.
  • Johannes Pindar.
  • Mary Peisly.
  • [Page 37]Sir Robert Peake, Knight and Colonel, sometimes Gover­nour of Basing-house, buried lately in S. Sepulchres, conti­guous to, or else in the self­same grave of
  • Jasper Churchill, Gent. de­scended from that ancient family of the Churchills in the West, and father of the worthily honoured John Churchill of Churchill, Esq; one of the Seniors of Lin­colns Inne; and also of Mr Jasper Churchill, Gold­smith, with his brother Thomas.
  • John Frampton, Esq; of that ancient family of the Fram­ptons of Upway in the county of Dorset; and an­cestor to Mr John Fram­pton of S. Martins lane in the fields.
  • Richard Sturgeon.
  • William Marks.
  • John Randal, City-Plum­mer.
  • Samuel Cartwright.
  • Guil. Freshwater.
  • Lawrence Dalton, Esq; Ju­risconsultus.
  • Cutbert Fetherston, one of the ancestors of the worthily honoured Sir Heneage Fe­therston, Baronet, &c. now living.
  • Nicholas Hare, Esq; original­ly from France, brother to the Right Honourable Hugh Hare, Baron of Colerain, &c.
  • Thomas Brook, Esq;.
  • Rosamond Nevil.
  • John Lingham, Esq;.
  • Richardus Mardon.
  • Laurentius Bartlet.
  • Guil. Morecroft, Esq;.
  • John Horspool.
  • John Pope of Cliffords Inne.
  • Gerrard Leigh, Esq;.
  • Rosamond Wright.
  • William Crouch.
  • Edward Cordwel.
  • Thomas Valence, Esq; J.C. of Lincolns Inne.
  • Stephen Poule, Esq;.
  • Robert Whitchcot, Esq; son of Thomas Whitchcot, Esq; both ancestors to the hono­rable Sir Jerom Whitchcot, Knight-B. and Colonel, &c. and also of the most learned Dr Whitchcot, late of Cam­bridge.
  • Mris Mary Prescot.
  • Robert Daugges, son of Wil­liam Daugges of Newgat­street [Page 38] in the county of Hert­ford, Esq;.
  • Mary Barker.
  • Henry Dacres, Esq; ancestor to the worthily honoured Sir Thomas Dacres of Chesten­ham in the county of Hert­ford, Knight, of a very an­cient standing.
  • Elizabeth North, Generosa.
  • Reginald Green, Gen.
  • Mris Mary Davis.
  • Guil. Chapman.
  • David Davison, Esq;.
  • Elizabeth Davison, daughter of Thomas Founes of Ply­mouth, Esq;.
  • Alexander Eaton.
  • Valentine Elsing.
  • Thomas Pope, Armig.
  • Henricus Bernard inter. Temp. Armig.
  • Katherine Jones, daughter of Rowland Morgan.
  • Thomas Gate, unus Baronum Scaccarii.
  • John White, Esq;.
  • Charles Potts, Esq; one of the Benchers of the Middle Temple.
  • John Goldsborough, of the Middle Temple, Armig. one of the Prothonotaries of the Common Pleas.
  • Edmond Plowden, Esq; &c.
  • John Roope, son of John Roope of Dartmouth, Esq;.
  • Gregory Cole, of Buckish in the county of Devon, Ar­mig.
  • Tobias Newcourt, of Pickwel in the county of Devon, Ar­mig.
  • Thomas Heyhoe, Armig.
  • Mris Marston Weely.
  • Ed. Turnor, of Parrington in the county of Essex, Esq;. father of the honourable Sir Edward Turnor, Knight, &c. and Arthur Turnor, Serjeant at Law, second son of the said Edmund, &c.
  • Daniel Cudmore of Loxborne in the county of Devon, Esq;.
  • Johannes de la Bearne, Med. Temp. Socius.
  • Richard Norden int. Templ. Esq;.
  • Henricus Beaumont, int. Temp. Armig.
  • Edward Osborne, Esq; int. Temp. J.C.
  • Dom. Richardus Lempster, Capellanus.
  • David Guinne of the county of Brecknock, Esq;.
  • [Page 39] Henry Charton of Wolvering­ton in the county of Salop, Armig.
  • Clement Coke of Langford in the county of Derby, Ar­mig.
  • John French Esq; Bencher of the Inner Temple.
  • Thomas Williams, Venedocus, Gen.
  • Charles Heath, Esq;.
  • Rudolphus Quarterman, Gen.
  • Thomas Nash, Esq;.
  • John Denne, very anciently of Kent, Esq;.
  • Johannes Portman, Esq; one of the Benchers of the Tem­ple, &c.
  • Daniel Lisle, Esq; one of the younger sons of Sir William Lisle, Knight, &c.
  • Dom. Martinus, Jurisconsul­tus eminens.
  • Edward Littleton, Esq; son of Sir Thomas Littleton, Knight, &c.
  • Johannes Selden, Esq;.
  • Rowlandus Jewks, Esq;.
  • Edvardus Vaughan, Esq;.
  • Rogerus Bishop, Gen.
  • Edvardus Hide, Esq; son of the Right Honourable Ed­ward Earl of Clarendon, and Lord Chancellor of England, &c.
  • Guil. Langston de Hanly-Ca­stle.
  • Mark Blackmoore, J.C.
  • Edvardus Bernard, Armig.
  • Margaret Hutchinson, wife of Ralph Hutchinson.
  • Lady Katharine Beaumont.
  • Nathaniel Stirrop, Esq;.
  • John Lambert, Gent.
  • Richard Bradley, Citizen.
  • Henry Burnefold, Citizen, with his wife.
  • Susanna Treswel, wife of Ro­bert Treswel, Pursuivant at Arms.
  • Sir Bartholomew Read, Knight, Lord Maior.
  • Sir Thomas Williamson, of great Markham in the coun­ty of Nottingham, Knight and Baronet.
  • Dame Elizabeth Puckering, wife of Sir Thomas Pucke­ring, Knight and Baronet.
  • The Lord William Fitz-War­ren, and Isabel his wife, sometimes Queen of the Isle of Man.
  • Dominicus ab Heila, Nobilis.
  • Thomas Roberts, a memorable Citizen.
  • Robert Thorne, an eminent Benefactor.
  • Henry Beecher, Esq; Sheriff [Page 40] and Alderman, the improver of that worthy family of the Becchers in the county of Bedford.
  • Adam Bamme, Maior of Lon­don, 1397.
  • Richard Bamme, his son, of Gilingham in the County of Kent, Esq;.
  • John Walton, Gent. buried anno Dom. 1401.
  • William Combes, Stockfish­monger, Sheriff of London 1452 a great Benefactor to his Parish-Church.
  • Richard Dryland, Esq;.
  • Henry Yevele, Free-Mason to Edw. 3. &c.
  • John Long of Bedford-shire, Esq;.
  • William Jawdrell, Merchant-Taylor.
  • Sir John Olney, Knight, Lord Maior.
  • Sir John Young, Knight, and Lord Maior.
  • William Russel, Esq; Sollici­tor-General to Queen Eli­zabeth.
  • George Holman, Gent. Ance­stor to the Knightly family of the Holmans in the coun­ty of Northampton.
  • Sir Ralph Freeman, Knight, Lord Maior, a most memo­rable person, and Uncle to the worthily honored Ralph Freeman in the County of Herts, Esq;.
  • Sir Thomas Lowe, Knight, Lo. Maior.
  • Edward Murrell, Grocer, and Martha Murrell.
  • Colonel Barriff, his Ensignes hanging over him.
  • John Matchell, Esq; and Al­derman of London.
  • Henry Cantelaw, Mercer, and Merchant of the Staple of Calice.
  • William Champion, Citizen and Grocer.
  • James Browne, son of Hum­phry Browne, Merchant.
  • Simon Betach, son of Robert Betach, Esq;.
  • Simon Edmonds, Esq; Alder­man, Sheriff, and Lo. Maior elect of London; one of the ancestors of the worthy family of Edmonds of Kings Langley in the county of Herts, Esq;.
  • Sir Hugh Wyche, Knight, Lo. Maior, one of the ancestors of the much honoured Sir Cyril Wyche, and Sir Peter Wyche, both brothers, &c.
  • [Page 41]Sir Thomas Leighe, Knight buried in the Church of S. Leonard Shoreditch.
  • Sir Ralph Warren, Knight Alderman, and twice Lord Maior.
  • Dr Mark Frank, S.T.D. and Archdeacon of S. Albans.
  • J. Pennyfather, Esq; having fined for Sheriff and Alder­man.
  • Robert South, Esq; Citizen and Goldsmith of London.
  • The Lady Gurney, wife of the said Robert South, and Grandmother of Madam Mary Montague, wife of the honourable Mr Montague the Queens Attorney, and daughter of Sir John Aube­ry of Wales.
  • Mris Margaret Withy, late wife of Mr. John Withy, Gent. and Painter-Stainer of London.
  • Mris Alice Talbot, late wife of Thomas Talbot of Great-Ealing in the county of Middlesex, Esq; and some­times Captain of Foot; ve­ry anciently of Yorkshire.
  • Robert Saye, son of William Saye, Gent.
  • John Hele, Esq; son and heir of Sir John Hele of Wen­bury, Knight, &c.
  • Richard Aldworth, Esq; with Elizabeth his wife.
  • Radulphus Rookeby, Hosp. Lincoln. J.C.
  • Gulielmus Horsnel, Gen. very anciently of Horsnel-crouch (or Horsnel-cross) in Kent, and father of John and George Horsnel, &c.
  • William Evering of Grays Inne, Esq;.
  • Mris Frances Beversham, wife of William Beversham of Grays Inne, Esq;.
  • Mris Sarah Jay, onely daugh­ter of Mr George Jay, &c.
  • Mris Ellinour Tilus, second wife of Mr Silias Titus, fa­ther of Silias Titus of his Majesties Bed-chamber, &c.
  • Thomas Sayer, Stationer.
  • William Gerrard, son of Phi­lip Gerrard of Grays Inne, Esq;.
  • Richard Gerrard, late of Grays Inne, Esq;.
  • Elizabeth Ade, wife of John Ade.
  • Mris Elizabeth Bretton, &c. Christopher Sherland, Esq;.
  • Dr Raphiel Throckmorton, S.T.D. Archdeacon of Line.
  • [Page 42] Clement Plannard.
  • R. Marston, Esq;.
  • Thomas Thorney, a memorable Chirurgeon.
  • Henry Heneage, Esq; son of Sir Tho. Heneage, Knight.
  • Mris Ellinor Harecourt, wife of George Harecourt, Esq;.
  • Matthew Bull.
  • John Mallory.
  • Roger Carlile.
  • Mris Eliz. Bispham, late wife of Dr William Bispham, Pre­bend of Westchester.
  • Mris Eliz. Hodges.
  • Philippus Kempe.
  • Reginaldus Biens, Armig.
  • Ruth Rhetorick.
  • Roger Williams of Grays Inn, Armig.
  • Henry Stapylton de Wighill com. Ebor. Esq;.
  • Mris Margaret Ludlowe.
  • Edwardus Scarisbrick, Ar­mig.
  • Johannes Collet.
  • Matthaeus Bust.
  • William Tipper, Esquire of the body to the late King James.
  • Michael Lewis de Colyweston, Esq;.
  • Jo. Topham.
  • Robert Marles.
  • Robert Bennet, Esq; son and heir of Sir Robert Bennet of Broadwinsor, Knight.
  • Matthias St. George, daugh­ter of of Sir Richard St. George Knight.
  • Rob. Cooke de Mileham comit. Norf. Esq;.
  • Richard Worsely of the Isle of Wight, Esq;.
  • Mris Katharine Eyre.
  • John Wyburne, Esq;.
  • Jane Carpenter.
  • Eliz. Wall, wife of John Wall.
  • Tho. Vavasour, Gent.
  • Elizabeth Acton, daughter of Hen. Acton.
  • Walter Timberlack.
  • Mris Anne Peers, wife of Ed­mond Peers, very anciently of Shropshire, late Citizen and Grocer of London.
  • Sir Kobert Houghton, Knight, one of the Justices of the Common Pleas.
  • Lady Margaret Talbot.
  • Anne Horton, wife of Thomas Horton.
  • Sir Henry Calthorp, Knight, descended from Sir Henry Calthorp, Knight, temp. Hen. 7.
  • Roger Drake, Esq; father of Dr Drake, S.T.D. and Cha­plain [Page 43] in Ordinary to his Ma­jestie; and of Dr Roger Drake, M.D. his brother.
  • George Miller of London, Gen. and Printer, father to Simon Miller of St Pauls Churchyard, Bookseller.
  • Edmund Symes, eldest son of Edmund Symes.
  • Mr Morehead.
  • Mr Evans.
  • Dr William Gouge, Doctor of Divinity, and father of Mr. Thomas Gouge many years of St Sepulchres, and of Dr Gouge the Physician his brother.
  • Sir Nicholas Kempe, Knight, one of the High-Commissi­on-Court.
  • The Lady Sarah Kempe.
  • Thomas Fowler, Esq; father of Sir Thomas Fowler, Knight-Baronet.
  • Anne Chetwind, wife of Hen­ry Chetwind, Esq;.
  • Henricus Grimston, Esq; third son of the honourable Sir Harbottle Grimston of the county of Essex, Baronet, and Master of the Rolls, &c.
  • Gabriel Pannel of London, Leatherseller.
  • John Markham, Esq; Serjeaht at Arms to King James.
  • Hugo, Dash field, servant to the late Lord Coventry.
  • Edmuad Pott of Pott in the County of Chester, Gent.
  • Dr William Langham, one of the Prebends of Lichfield, &c.
  • William Fyboll, Esq; son and heir of Sir William Fyboll of Woodland in the county of Dorset, Knight.
  • Henricus Wilks, Rector Eccle­siae Sancti Nicolai Olave.
  • Richard Hill, Esq; Master of the Wine-cellar to King H. 8.
  • Ellinor, daughter of J. Wilkes of Michel-Grove in the county of Sussex, Esq;.
  • Sir Richard Merlow, Lord Maior of London.
  • William Porter, Esq; Clerk of the Crown.
  • Alexander Carlile, Vintner.
  • Johannes Rayning, Gen.
  • Agnes Chenie, wife of Willi­am Chenie, Esq;.
  • Johannes Glanvile, Armig.
  • Sir William Bayly, Knight, and Lord Maior of Lon­don.
  • Thomas Woodfald, Esq; Al­derman of London.
  • [Page 44]Mr Stockton, Fishmonger, a memorable Citizen.
  • Mris Joane Coppinger, widow of William Coppinger, Esq;.
  • Thomas Paynard, alias Thomas Aylwood, Secretary to the Lord Cromwel, Chancellor of England, &c.
  • Johannes Ingram, Civis & Piscenarius.
  • Roger Huming, Fishmonger, and Purveyor to King H. 8. Tho Nichols, Citizen and Fish­monger.
  • Nicholaus Wolbergh, Civis & Piscenarius.
  • John Orenge, Gent. with A­gnes his wife.
  • Guil. Elgaston, Civis & Pis­cenarius.
  • Guil. Coggeshal, Civis & Pis­cenarius.
  • Richard Fearnefold, Citizen and Fishmonger.
  • Thomas Paddington, Citizen and Fishmonger.
  • Richard Story, Citizen and Fishmonger.
  • Edward Warner, Esq; son of Sir Ed. Warner, Knight.
  • Henry Warner, Esq; son of Sir Ed. Warner, Knight.
  • John Gerbridge, Mercer, and Merchant adventurer.
  • Thomas Muschamp, Esq;.
  • Gulielmus Morecroft, Armig.
  • John Brewster, Esq; one of the ancestors to John Brew­ster of Grays Inne, Esq; and also of Mr Edward Brew­ster of St Pauls Churchyard, Citizen and Book seller.
  • Anne Barret, wife of Henry Barret; with ten of her children.
  • Susanna King, wife of Da­niel King.
  • John Christmas, Stone-cutter, and Common-council-man.
  • Edward Reave, Citizen and Wax-chandler.
  • Elizabeth, wife of Tho. Bil­lingsly, Esq;.
  • William Tickhill, Gent. and Philip his wife.
  • Mr John Giffard, Gent.
  • Thomas Brocas, Gent. servant to the late Earl of Surrey.
  • Francis Barrantine de Hasely Com. Oxf. Esq;.
  • Arthur Dacres, son and heir of the late Lord Dacres.
  • John Blundel, Citizen and Fruiterer of London.
  • John Ravening, Citizen and Salter.
  • VVilliam Claytwel, Citizen and Fruiterer.
  • [Page 45]Sir Henry Collet, Knight, twice Lord Maior of London.
  • Sir Philip Boyl, a valiant Knight of Arragon, whose Ancestors were Founders of Abby, or Abbats Boyl in Ireland; which Sir Philip was one of the ancient Pro­genitors of the Right Ho­nourable Richard Boyl, Earl of Burlington, and Earl Corck; and of his two noble Brothers, the right honoura­ble Roger Earl of Orery, and the right honourable Robert Boyl, his younger Brother, &c.
  • William Dawtry, of Lincolns Inn, Esq;.
  • Lady Deborah Gerbier, wife of Sir Balthazar Gerbier Knight.
  • Elizabeth Warcop, (or War cup) eldest Daughter of Ro­dolph Warcup of English, in the County of Oxford, Esq;.
  • Captain William Bushel.
  • Bobert Clark, Esq; son of Ro­ger Clark, Esq;.
  • Jane Nevel, alias Jane Det­nick.
  • Jane Husbands, wife to Cap­tain William Husbands.
  • Col. Humphry Higginson.
  • Henry Hodgkins, Church­warden of Stepny, &c.
  • Sir Thomas Pert, Knight, and Sir Peter Garensers Knight, anciently of Normandy, and one of the longlind Proge­nitors of the learned Doct. Theophilus Garensers, of Clarken-well, M.D. from which family he is lineally descended.
  • Charles Gerbier, son of Sir Balthazar Gerbier.
  • Edvardus Blomley, Armig. heir of that ancient family of the Blomleys in Chesheir, whence Laurence Blomely of the Inner Temple Esq; and Counsellor at Law, of a good standing, is original descended.
  • Avis Gybson, and afterwards dame Avis Knevet, builder af the Free-school of Rat­cliffe, where the ingenious Mr Speed Master of Arts, is the incumbent Master.
  • William Morley, and Ralph Morley, sons of the late Sir Thomas Morley Knight, one of the Longlind Ance­stors, of these two long Knightly & ancient Families of the Morleys in Sussex.
  • [Page 46] Ralph Leventhorp, of Albu­ry-Hall, comit. Hartf. Esq; one of the Ancestors to the noble Sir Tho. Leventhorp, com. praed. Knight and Bar. ronet, &c.
  • Sir Theodore Mayerne, Knight, Physitian to the late King.
  • Sir Am. Poulet, Knight some­times Governor of Jersey.
  • John Lumley, eldest son of the right honourable the Lord Visc. Richard Lumley of Stanstead.
  • Captain Barrow, the fourth son of Col. Barrow of Dul­lin.
  • Anthony Berkley, Esq;, of the noble family of the Bercleys of Berckly Castle, com. Glo­cest. of which the truly right honourable the Lord George Barckley, is the longlind Progenitor.
  • Charles Mercer, son of Sir John Mercer, Knight.
  • Edward Reynolds, Esq; Clark of his Majesties Privy Seal.
  • Sir John Corvet, of Sprow­ston, com. norf. Baronet.
  • Dame Margaret, Countess of Richmond, Mother of Hen­ry the seventh.
  • Tho. Russel, Esq; son an heir of Sir William Russel of Strensham, in the County of Worcest. Knight Bar.
  • Mathew Crutchfield, of an an­cient family of that name, in the com. of Oxford, a worthy Citizen and Draper of London.
  • Alan Broderick, son of Sir Thomas Broderick Knight, &c.
  • Sir Henry Saintjohns, Knight, and Garter king at Arms, a branch of that most ancient, and long knighly family of the Saint johns of Lyddiard, in the County of Wilts, of which Sir Walter Saintjohns Baronet, stilo veteri, is the chief.
  • Ambross Randolph, Esq;.
  • James Medlicoat, Esq; father of Thomas Medlycoat of the middle Temple, Esq; and Counsellor at Law; and also of his brother Mr Edmond Medlycoat, an Officer of and in the Court.
  • Lady Merrick, wife of Sir William Merrick Knight, L.L.D. and Judge of the high Court of Admiralty.
  • Elizabeth Philipps, daughter of the late Sir Henry Prat, [Page 47] Baronet, and sister of the now Sir George Prat of Col­sil Baronet, and wife of Francis Philipps, Esq; one of the seniores and readers of the illustrious society of the Inner Temple, &c.
  • James Howel, late Historia­grapher to his present Ma­jesty.
  • Sir Peter Lemair, Knight, a memorable Benefector.
  • Mr Skearn, of Yorkshire, a good Benefactor.
  • Charles Sanford, son of John Sandford, Esq; one of the Heraulds at Arms, now li­ving.
  • Sir William Sherrington, of Sherrington-hall, and Cran­worth, Knight; of the self same line of that truly noble family of the Sherringtons in Lancashire, from whence that highly heroick Collonel William Sherrington, an e­minent and succesful Com­mander, in the Venetian ser­vice; and also his very near and worthy Kinsman Willi-Sherrington the Turkie Mer­chant (with others of that renowned race) are origi­nally descended.
  • Coll. William Ʋnderwood, fa­ther of George Underwood, of Kensington, Esq;.
  • John Nelson, son of Mr John Nelson, Gent. and Mer­chant of London.
  • Susanna Lydcot, wife of Col­lonel Leonard Lydcot, and daughter of Sir John Len­thal Knight, and Marshal of the Kings Bench.
  • John Reynolds, Esq;.
  • Alexander Purpoint.
  • James Palmer, Batchelor of Divinity.
  • Blanch Perry, chief Gentle­woman to Q. Elizabeths pri­vy chamber.
  • James Tomkins, second son of James Tomkins of Moning­ton, in the C. of Hereford, Esq;
  • Alexander Tomkins, the fifth son of Richard Tomkins of Monington, Esq; both of them the very near Allies of the now Sir Thomas Tom­kins of Monington, Knight, a member of Parliament, and ever an active servant to, and passive sufferer for their Majesties.
  • Sir Francis Edgeoak, of Edge­oak C. Worst. Knight.
  • [Page 48] Mary Edgerion, only daugh­ter of Sir Thomas Edgerton, Knight Baronet, baron of Els­mere, and Lord high Chan­cellor of England, &c.
  • Edward Birkhead, Esq; bro­ther to Major Birkhead of Holborn, Citizen and Gold­smith of London.
  • Lady Dorothy Stafford, wife and widdow to Sir William Stafford, Knight, daughter to Henry Lord Stafford, the only son and heir of Edward the last Duke of Bucking­ham, of that most noble and princly name.
  • Alexander Davis, of Ebury, in the C. of Middlesex, Esq; brother to Sir Thomas Da­vis, Knight and Sheriff of London.
  • Edmund Hammond, Esq;.
  • Ann Loker, daughter of Wil­liam Loker of Oaking, in the County of Surry, Esq;.
  • John Arundel, of Guarnick, com corn. Esq;.
  • Richard Laurence, Merchant.
  • Margaret Chute, daughter of Sir George Chute of Stock-wel, Knight, &c.
  • Christopher Wood, Esq;.
  • Hannah Barrow, daughter of Mr Giles Barrow, Wollen­draper.
  • William Bestone, Esq;.
  • Richard Brigham, Esq; Con­trouler to George and Wil­liam, Arch-bishops of Can­terbury.
  • Richard Bancraft, bishop first of London, and next Arch­bishop of Canterbury.
  • Robert Scot, Esq; descended from the ancient barons of Bawery in Scotland.
  • Thomas Thirleby, bishop of Ely.
  • Charles Mason, Gent.
  • Robert Harlow, Esq; a branch of that ancient and knightly family of the Harlows in Hereford-shire, from whence Sir Edward Harlow Knight of the bath, and Colonel Sir Rober Harlow his bro­ther, are lineally descended.
  • Henry Skipwith, Esq; son of Sir Richard Skipwith, Kt. descended from the Skip­withs in Yorkshire, from Hugh, son of Baldrick, one of the ancientest barons of the Realm.
  • Sir George Paul, Knight.
  • Ann Roberts, wife of Ralph Roberts of Bristol, a memo­rable [Page 49] Citizen, &c.
  • James Bayles, of the middle Temple Esq; very ancient­ly of Potters Newton, in the County of York Esquires; one of the Pregenitors of John Bayles of Wilby, in the County of Suffolk, Esq; now living; and of his bro­ther Thomas Bayles one of the benchers of the middle Temple Esq; and Counsel­lor at Law; who with his young son and heir Oneale Bayles, (there also admit­ted) compleateth seven de­fcents of that name & family which have-been members of that Illustrious society.
  • Lucy Evans, wife of George Evans of the County of Glocest. anciently Gentle­man, and daughter of Mrs Framces Forsbrook, wife of the late Richard Forsbrook, anciently of the County of Northampton, Esquires and Gentlemen.
  • William Cremer, Esq; and Alderman of London, anci­ently of Leton in Norfolk; from whence the now Sir John Cremer of Sechee, in the same County, knight, and late High Sheriff thereof together with his Nephew Charles Cremer of Snetisham, Esq; and Counsellor at Law, in the Illustrious society of Grays Inn, are originally descended.
  • Adam Poultney, a most me­morable Patriot, the builder of that fair Church of S. Laurence Poultney, born of a worthy family of that name of Misterton in Lei­cestershire; from which long­lin'd and knightly family for many generations, Sir Wil­liam Poultney of S. James, knight and Justice of Peace, &c. is originally and un­interruptedly descended, with others elsewhere men­tioned.
  • Doct. William Drury, Judge of the Prerogative Court; a branch of that ancient and once flourishing family of the Druries in Norfolk, and elsewhere.
  • Thomas Busby, a memorable Patriot, one of the ance­stors of Sir John Busby of Buckinghamshire, and of the most eminently learned and exemplarily obliging Do­ctor [Page 50] Richard Busby, Preben­dary of Westminster, and many years the most happy Master of that so famous Freeschool.
  • Dudley Palmer, of Grays Inn Esq; son and heir of Sir Anthony Palmer, knight of the bath.
  • George Humble, Esq; father of Sir William Humble of Stratford-Langton, com. Ess. Knight and Baronet, now living.
  • Ann Dryden, wife of John Dryden, of the County of Northampton, Esq;.
  • Sir William Dry field, Knight, Lord Maior of London.
  • Sir William Talmage, (or Ta­lamach) knight, one of the longlin'd Ancestors of Sir Lionel Talmage, of the County of Suffolk.
  • Sir Thomas Courtney, knight, son of the then Earl of De­vonshire; which Earls of Devonshire, were the noble Progenitors of that Illustri­ous & Princely Familyof the Courtneys, time out of mind, in that County; from whom the now living Sir William Courtney is lineally descended.
  • Lord John Vere, Earl of Ox­ford.
  • Lord Awbery Vere, son and heir of the said John Earl of Oxford, and both of them (with many other Peers of that name) the high-born Progenitors of the Right Honourable and truly he­roick Lord Awbery Vere, the Earl of Oxford now li­ving.
  • Thomas Lord Rutherford, Ba­ron of Hunthil, and Husband of the right honourable Bridget Baroness Ruther­ford, and daughter of Sir Alexander Urquhart knight, and one of the ancientest families in the kingdom of Scotland.
  • Sir Job Harby, knight, father of the late Sir Job Harby knight, and both Grand-fa­ther, and Father of Sir E­rasmus Harby of Hartford­shire, now living.
  • Sir Thomas Cook, knight of the Bath, Lord Maior of London, 1462. descended from a good Family of that name in Norfolk, and one of the Ancestors of that worthy family of the Cooks of Hind­ham-Hall [Page 51] near Glocester, from whence William Cook Esq; and Lieutenant-Colonel in that County, and Colonel Edward Cook his brother (both son of the late Sir Robert Cook, and Nephews of the living Colonel Tho­mas Cook) are lineally de­scended.
  • Sir Thomas Wroth, of Pether­ly Park Com. Summers. of the same Family of those Wroths of Durance, in the County of Middlesex, and Sir John Wroth, whose name and Family appeareth by the Authentique testimony of old dateless Records, to be one of the ancientest in that County; of which seat of Durance, Sir Henry Wroth now living, is the in­combent Proprietor.
  • Sir John Scorisditch, a me­morable, and exceeding ancient knight, sometimes the Proprietor of Scorisdich, corruptly called, and vul­garly supposed Shoares­ditch, from Jane Shoare there dying; the which Sir John Scorisditch (among other goodly Mannors) was the Proprietor of Ickenham, in the County of Middlesex, which is still in the hands of Scorisditch Esq; now there living.
  • Matthew Parker, Arch-bishop of Canterbury.
  • Margret Parker, wife of the said Matthew.
  • Cristopher Wormeal, of Lam­beth, Gent.
  • Richard Turner, there also interred.
  • Elizabeth Friend, wife of Roger Friend.
  • Frances Frome, wife of Mr John Frome, Citizen.
  • Elizabeth Colledge, wife of Ralph Colledge.
  • Agnes Tydnam, wife first of Thomas Marshal, next of John Manning.
  • John Bayliffe, and Elizabeth his wife.
  • Elizabeth Bassock.
  • Elizabeth Taverner.
  • William Southes, Gent.
  • William Juxton, Bishop first of London, Lord Treasurer of England, Arch-bishop of Canterbury, and Uncle to Sir William Juxton, ancient­ly of Sussex; and the Re­verend and eminently learn­ed [Page 52] D. Robert Poary, Resi­dentiary Prebend of S. Pauls, &c. who bestowed the said Arch-bishops Atchievement, as an Ornament to Lambeth Church.
  • The Lord Caroone, Embas­sador Leidger from the States of Holland, his At­chievement in the same Church.
  • Doctor Daniel Featly, a most memorable Divine.
  • John Tredescant, the famous Collector and Conserver of antiquities.
  • John Mason, eldest son of Richard Mason, Yeoman of the Guard.
  • Katharine Moore, daughter of William and Margaret Moore, of Reading.
  • Fredericus a Becker, a Gentle­man of Holland.
  • Mary Tediman, wife of Chri­stopher Tediman: she was eldest daughter of Sir Tho­mas Tediman knight, &c.
  • Peter Hills, one of the As­sistants in the Trinity-house.
  • Rodger Tweedy, Esq;.
  • Thomasin Pasefield, wife of George Pasefield, Esq;.
  • Brian, Richard, Mary, Alice, and Elizabeth, two sons and three daughters of Richard Reynolds, Citizen and Goldsmith of London.
  • Richard Hubbart, Inhabitant of Redriff.
  • Mary Packston, daughter of Rodger Packston.
  • John Wats, Inhabitant of Re­driff.
  • Jane Pepper, widdow of Ni­cholas Pepper, and daugh­ter of Captain Henry Tedi­man.
  • James Hocket, Marriner, Ma­ster of the Trinity-house.
  • John Marret.
  • John Barter.
  • John, William, and Eliza­beth Price.
  • Elizabeth Whaley, wife of Ro­ger Whaley of London, Salter.
  • Ellen Hedgecock, wife of Ro­bert Hedgecock.
  • Elle York, daughter of Ed­mond York.
  • John Headly, Marriner.
  • John Croncar.
  • Edmond Hudson.
  • Millescent Willis, wife of Ro­bert Willis.
  • Thomas Garret.
  • Edward Patience, and Grace Gibson

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