Printed for T. Basset and H: Brome. 1668:

[monogram incorporating "R"]



  • I. The Postures of the Pike and Musket, with their Conformities, and the Dignities of Ranks and Files: their manner of joyning to the compleating of a Body: their several Distances, Facings, Doublings, Counter-marches, Wheelings, and Firings.
  • II. Twelve Exercises, viz. Three with 24, three with 32, three with 64, and three with 144 Men.
  • III. The Drawing up and Exercising of Regiments after the manner of Private Companies; with the forming Brigades and Armies, and the placing of Cannon and Artillery according to the practice of several Nations.

ALSO, The Duties of all Souldiers and Officers: Of Military Watches; and the ordering of Regiments and Private Companies to Funeral-Occasions. With the Postures of the Musket performed without the Rest.

By RICHARD ELTON, Lieutenant-Col.

To which is added A SUPPLEMENT Comprehending these Particulars:

  • 1. The Duties and Qualifications of all Officers belonging to an Army.
  • 2. The Enrolling, Arming and Exercising of the CAVALRY both in Posture and Motion.
  • 3. The Marching of an Army both Horse and Foot, with Train of Artillery, &c.
  • 4. The Designing and laying out of the QUARTERS for the Encamping of an Army both Horse and Foot, with the Train of Artillery, &c.
  • 5. The manner of securing the Quarters by Intrenchments and FORTIFICA­TION.
  • 6. Some of the practick part of the Art of GUNNERY.

Formerly written by Capt. Tho. Rudd, chief Engineer to K. Charls the First.

LONDON, Printed for W. L. and are to be sold by Henry Brome at the Star in Little-Britain, and Thomas Basset under St. Dunstans Church in Fleet-street. 1668.

TO THE RIGHT HONORABLE Sir John Robinson, Knight and Baronet, PRESIDENT; Sir Joseph Sheldon, Knight, VICE-PRESIDENT; Colonel John Mew, TREASURER; And the rest of the COURT of ASSISTANTS Of the Ancient and Honorable ARTILLERY-COMPANY OF LONDON.

THE COMPLEAT BODY OF The Art Military. The First BOOK.

CHAP. I. A discourse of the Postures, and handling of Arms.

HE that will be a compleat Souldier, must first begin to learn the use of his Arms, laying that down in his thoughts for his first foundati­on. But this hath been the neglect of many in our times, who have strived to know high thoughts in the Art Military, before they can well perform their Postures. Therefore, my advice shall be unto all such that desire to thrive in this Art, that they will not soar too high: but first learn the A, B, C thereof, after which they may proceed by degrees to pronounce to the Souldier with boldness their proficiency therein. He therefore that with safety, ease, and delight desireth to handle his Arms, must set times apart frequently to practise himself therein. And here I cannot but much blame the Of­ficers of our Trained Bands in London, of two great neglects: The first, in making men File-leaders either out of respect or favour they bear unto them, or else be­cause one man hath a better Buff-coat than another: I speak not this to encourage any man to come slovenly habited when he shall march forth with his Captain, but rather advise all Souldiers to fit themselves with the best array they can; and could wish all the Serjeants in drawing up their Files, to pitch upon such Gentlemen to be File-leaders, as may take charge of his File, and shall be able, willing, and ready upon all convenient times, to instruct and teach his File in all their Postures, and neat handling of their Arms; which if carefully observed, they would reap the be­nefit of much ease to themselves and the private Souldiers: readiness in the perfor­mance of the Postures, would much redound to the honour of the Captain that shall lead them. But for the farther satisfaction of the ingenious Souldier that shall en­quire what Posture is, I shall briefly resolve them thus:

Posture, as I conceive, is a garbe or figure that a man stands in, in the handling of his Arms; which he useth for the better grace and becoming of them.

There are several motions belonging to each Posture, which some call Postures, but they much deceive themselves, as shall appear clearly unto them (by the survey) as they shall be set down in order. And first, we will begin to set down the Postures of the Pike.

CHAP. II. Several Reasons why the Pike is the more honourable Arms.

FIrst I shall begin to set down the postures of the Pike, before the postures of the Musket, for these reasons following, as conceiving, First, They are the more ho­nourable Arms, in respect the Colours flying upon the head of them, and upon the drawing up of the Company there is the most properest place for the Captain to be, either upon a Stand or upon a March, provided he have ground sufficient to March them all abrest. If upon a Stand the Captain shall have occasion to engage against an Enemy, thither his Officers may repair unto him upon the head of the Pikes, [Page 2] there to receive directions. And if the Captain shall cause the Serjeants to draw off part, or all the Muskettiers from the Body of Pikes to fire against the enemy, the Gentlemen of the Pikes in the mean time stand undauntedly to undergo the cruel shot of the Cannon from the contrary part for to preserve their Colours, who are likewise a place of Randezvous for the Muskettiers to repair unto when they shall retreat from fight. Farther, it hath been the ambition of many Gentlemen, both in Holland, France, and in these our late unhappy Wars in England, to trail Pikes with several Commanders whom they shall think fit. And lastly, to conclude all, that the Pike is the more honourable Arms, it is so in respect of antiquity; for there hath been the use of the Pike and Spear, many hundred years before there was any knowledge of the Musket, as in many Histories you shall find. And so for present I will conclude this discourse of the Pike, desiring the Muskettiers to have a favour­able censure of me: for I intend not by it to perswade all Souldiers to the handling of the Pike, and none to be Muskettiers, for that cannot be; I should rather advise all Captains that have occasion to raise their Companies, to have two thirds of Mus­kettiers, and but one of Pikes: that is to say, if they should have 18 Files, to cause twelve of them to carry Muskets, and the other six files Pikes. And in my judgment they shall perform the better service unto any Nation where they shall be employ'd: and I shall farther desire the Souldiers (especially those that be of low stature) to handle and take delight in the use of the Musket; for it is an exceeding great ho­nour to him so to handle his Musket, as that he doth it with ease, and in a comely manner; and he that shall become expert therein, I have often observed this com­mendation to follow him, by the report of others; Such a one is a good Musket­tier, and an able Souldier: concluding thereby, he that will take the pains to be a good Muskettier, certainly cannot be idle, but hath gained something more to make him capable of such praise. To conclude, I shall desire the Gentlemen of the Pikes and the Gentlemen of the Muskettiers to go hand in hand in love like dear Bro­thers, and neither of them to envy each other; and in so doing, God will give a blessing to their undertakings. But now fearing I have dwelt too long upon this dis­course of the Arms, I shall next proceed to set down, first the postures of the Pike, then the postures of the Musket, with all the words of command tending to their Mo­tions; after collect them in order in a brief way, and then set forth unto you the e­quality of number that the one Arms hath with the other in the postures, as fol­loweth.

CHAP. III. The Postures of the Pike.

THE Pike lying on the ground, the first word of Command will be, Stand to your Arms.

  • Handle your Pike to your Open Order,
  • Handle your Pike to your Order,
  • Raise up your Pike to your Close Order.

Charge with the But-end of the Pike, at the inside of the right foot, your Pike in the left hand, drawing your Sword over your left arm.

  • Charge to the
    • Front
    • Right Flank,
    • Left Flank,
    • Reer,
    Order your Pikes, and put up your Swords.

This way of charging to the Horse, I have set down, as being practised sometimes amongst us in our private Meetings; but I conceive it to be of little use to receive a desperate charge of the Horse, for by these charges the Souldiers are in so lame and weak a posture, that the Horse cannot choose if they come on with a full career, but beat the Pikes and Pike-men down to the ground: Therefore in my opinion, the best way of opposing the Horse-charge, is that which we learned of our ever-honour­ed Captain, Major Henry Tillier, in the Military Garden; which was, Files closing to the midst to their closest Order, insomuch that there was not above half a foot interval of ground between File and File, the Pikes Porting, and after closing their Ranks forwards so close, that they locked themselves one within another, and then [Page 3] charged on. Which in my judgment is so secure a way from routing, that it is im­possible for any Body of Horse to enter therein: and farther, to my best remem­brance, I never could meet with any Souldier that hath been a broad upon any service, that ever saw any charging of the Pikes at the Foot; therefore I will fur­ther proceed.

  • From Order
    • Advance
    • Shoulder
    • Port
    • Comport
    • Cheek
    • Trail
    Your Pike. Order as you were.
  • From your Or­der charge to the
    • Front,
    • Right,
    • Left,
    • Reer.
    Order as you were.
  • Advance your Pike.
    • Shoulder
    • Port
    • Comport
    • Cheek
    • Trail
    Your Pike. Advance as you were.
  • From your Advance charge to the
    • Front,
    • Right,
    • Left,
    • Reer,
    Advance as you were.
  • Shoul­der your Pike.
    • Port
    • Comport
    • Cheek
    • Trail
    Your Pike. Shoulder as you were.
  • From the Shoul­der charge to the
    • Front,
    • Right,
    • Left,
    • Reer,
    Shoulder as you were.
  • Port your Pikes, Comport your Pikes,
    • Cheek
    • Trail
    your pikes Comp. as you were.
  • From the Comport charge to the
    • Front,
    • Right.
    • Left,
    • Reer,
    comport as you were.
  • Cheek your Pikes, Trail your Pikes, Cheek as you were.
  • From the Cheek charge to the
    • Front,
    • Right,
    • Left:
    • Reer,
    Cheek as you were.
  • Trail your Pikes, from your Trail charge to the
    • Front,
    • Right,
    • Left,
    • Reer,
    Trail as you were.
  • Order your Pikes,
  • Lay down your Pikes.

Here is to be observed by this Method an endeavouring to perform all the po­stures of the Pike, from each particular posture, only shortning it by degrees, leaving out what was before commanded until we come unto the Trial. Yet notwith­standing I spared not the charges, but have shewn them from every posture, in their due order. Next followeth the postures of the Musket, wherein, in answerableness to the Pike, I shall lay them down in full, and afterwards contract them in a shor­ter way.

CHAP. IV. The Postures of the Musket.

THE Musket lying on the ground, the first word of Command will be, as to the Pike.

  • Stand to your Arms,
  • Take up your Bandiliers,
  • Put on your Bandiliers,
  • Take up your Match,
  • Place your Match,
  • Take up your Rest,
  • Put the string of your Rest about your left wrist,
  • Take up your Musket,
  • Rest your Musket.

Here the Souldier may perform the saluting posture, if he shall find any occasion so to do, for the honouring of a friend, or any Gentleman of worth.

  • Poyse your Musket,
  • Shoulder your Musket,
  • Un-shoulder your Musket and Poyse,
  • Joyn your Rest to the outside of your Musket,
  • Open your pan.
  • Cleer your pan.
  • Prime your pan.
  • Shut your pan.
  • Cast off your loose corns,
  • Blow off your loose corns, and bring about your Musket to the left side.
  • Trail your Rest,
  • Ballance your Musket in your left hand.
  • Find out your charge,
  • Open your charge,
  • Charge with powder,
  • [Page 4]Draw forth your Scouring-stick,
  • Turn and shorten him to an Inch,
Charge with Bullet,
  • Put your scouring-stick into your musket
  • Ram home your charge,
  • With-draw your scouring-stick,
  • Turn, and shorten him to a handful,
  • Return your scouring-stick,
  • Bring forward your Musket and Rest,
  • Poyse your Musket & recover your Rest,
  • Joyn your Rest to the outside of your Musket,
  • Draw forth your Match,
  • Blow your Coal,
  • Cock Your Match,
  • Fit Your Match,
  • Guard your Pan,
  • Blow the ashes from your Coal,
  • Open your Pan,
  • Present upon your Rest,
  • Give fire brest-high,
  • Dismount your Musket, joyning the Rest to the outside of your Musket.
  • Vn-cock and return your Match,
  • Cleer Your Pan,
  • Shut Your Pan,
  • Poyse Your Musket,
  • Rest Your Musket,
  • Take your Musket off the Rest, and set the Butt-end to the ground.
  • Lay down your Musket,
  • Lay down your Match,
  • Take your Rest into your right hand, cleering the string from your left wrist,
  • Lay down your Rest,
  • Take off Your Bandiliers.
  • Lay down Your Bandiliers.

Here endeth the postures of the Musket, from the taking of them up from the ground, to make ready, and the proceeding in them to the laying of them down again. Now if the Souldier will take his Rest into his right hand, for to be a sup­port and help to him in his march, he must observe the following words of com­mand.

  • Lay your right hand upon the Butt-end of your musket,
  • The Musket being shouldered, you may proceed in these words of command, to recover the Rest into the right hand.
    Lay your left arm over your musket,
  • Shift your match between the fingers of your right hand,
  • Take your Rest into your right hand, cleering the string from your left wrist,
  • Return your match, and take your Rest into your right hand, 'twill cause you to be in a fit capacity for to march.

CHAP. V. The Postures and Charges of the Pike, to be performed in a shorter way, all things acted in order, and nothing done twice.

THE Pike lying on the ground, the first word of Command will be,

  • Stand to your Arms,
  • Handle your Arms,

  • Raise up your Pikes to your
    • Open Order,
    • Order,
    • Close Order,

  • From your close Order charge to the Horse,
    • Front
    • Right
    • Left
    • Reer
    Recover your Pikes, and put up your Swords,

  • Advance your Pikes, Charge to the Front.
  • Port your Pikes, Charge to the Front.

  • Shoulder your Pikes, Charge to the right,
  • Comport your Pikes, Charge to the left,

  • Cheeke your Pikes, Charge to the Reer.
  • Trail your Pikes, Charge to the Reer.

[Page 5]After lay the narrow end of the Pike to the ground, face about to the left to your first Front, and move forward with the butt-end of your Pike on your right side in your Funeral posture. After face about to the right, raise up your Pike, face then again to your first Front, you may lay down the Pike to the ground, and march from your arms, having ended all the postures & charges in their due courses. And here Fellow-Souldier, whoever thou art, thou maist perceive that there are no more then eight Postures of the Pike, and four Charges, that is to say, to the Front, Reer, and both Flanks. There are some would fain have another posture ad­ded to these, which they call the Lazie posture, which somtimes I have perceived upon a Stand, that then the Pike-man lets slip his Pike from the shoulder, until the butt-end rest upon the ground; then laying his right arm over it, he stands in an ill-favour'd lazie way. Such postures as these are not fit to be ranged among the former, but rather to be condemned, in regard the Souldier will be apt enough to find out such postures as these of himself, if not prevented by the discretion of the careful Officers; for upon a Stand, the Souldiers properest posture is to Order his Pike. And thus much in brief concerning the postures of the Pike.

CHAP. VI. The Postures of the Musket collected in a brief way.

ACcording to my former promise, I shall endeavour to give the best satisfacti­on I can to the Muskettiers, as well as to the Pikes, that there is an answer­ableness of number in the proper postures of the Musket to them of the Pike: and they are eight (as I conceive) and may be proceeded on in order, from the taking up, to the laying down of the Musket, and nothing acted twice: The words of Command for the postures followeth,

  • Stand to your Arms,
  • Handle your Arms.

Now you are to take notice, that in taking up the Bandiliers, putting them on, taking up the Rest, putting the string about the left wrist, the taking up of the match, placing of it, the taking up of the musket; these, or the like, are no postures, but motions to the first posture. Therefore I will proceed upon them all in order as they lie, leaving out the words of command tending to the Motions.

  • 1 Order your musket,
  • 2 Rest your musket,
  • 3 Poyse your musket,
  • 4 Shoulder your musket,
  • 5 Ballance your musket and Rest on the right side, with the barrel upwards,
  • 6 Trail your Rest, and ballance your mus­ket on the left side with the barrel downwards,
  • 7 Recover your musket, and perform your Sentinel-posture.
  • 8 From this perform your funeral-posture.

This being ended, a man may recover his musket and rest, that knows how to perform this last posture, without bringing him again upon the Rest; and may lay down his Arms again, observing the former Rule, where the postures of the mus­ket are set down at large.

CHAP. VII. There is also a conformity of Posture with the Musket to those of the Pike, and Words of Command to be given, as may in many things be received by both Arms.

THe musket and pike lying on the ground, these words of Command may pro­perly be imployed to both; That is to say,

  • Stand to your Arms,
  • Handle your Armes.

The butt-end of the musket standing, or resting on the ground, at the outside of right foot, is conformable to the Pike ordered.

The musket poysed; to the pike advanced.

The musket shouldered; to the Pike shouldered.

The musket porting; to the pike porting.

The musket reverst; (as in the funeral-posture) to the Pike trailing.

The musket rested, to the pike cheeked; which is his proper sentinel-posture.

The musket presented; to the pike charged.

As for the motions of posture, which conduce to the lading and priming of the [Page 6] musket, as to cast about, trail, recover, and the like; they are all included in that general word of Command, properly to the muskettiers belonging, which is to make ready.

Now, methinks, I hear some ingenious Souldier begin to ask me, What are the use of these postures so fully laid down by you? To whom I shall be so courteous, as to satisfie them, according to my former Method, beginning with the Pike, as followeth.

CHAP. VIII. The use of the Postures of the Pike.

The use of Ordering the Pike.THe Pike being ordered is the proper posture of a Souldier upon a stand, which he ought ever to mind upon any such occasion, so to make use of it. And I have likewise seen in many places, in the day-time, this posture to be used by the Souldier standing sentinel.

The use of Advance­ing the Pike.The Pike advanced, is useful for the Souldier upon a Troop, when they are to march swiftly, either for the relieving of some Court of Guard, or to repair to their place of Randezvous, or upon some sudden approaching to an Enemy to make a Charge; for then he will be in a fit capacity to clap down quickly his pike upon the breast of the Enemy. It is likewise very useful in the time of exercise to the half-files and bringers up, upon any doubling to the Front, for then they are always to be advanced in respect of a longer march in their doublings, then those that double ranks and files; but having doubled, they must always conform in posture to the part doubled.

The use of Porting.The use of Porting was invented for the ease of the reer half-files, upon a charge; for the front half-files are only for to charge; the reer half-files in the mean time are to port. It is likewise very useful at such times when the souldiers are marching through a gate or sally-port, from whence I conceive it doth derive its name porting.

The use of Shoulder­ing.The use of shouldering the pike is only properest upon the march, & in some kind very useful upon a stand in time of Fight, provided they are at convenient distance from the Enemy. For it much preserveth the pikes and pike-men from the danger of the shot, the bullets then gliding off from their Arms; which if they stood at such times, either ordered, or advanced, the bullets would make such a clattering amongst the Pikes, that what with breaking of them, and the shivers flying from them, may much endanger the souldiers which carry them.

The use of Comport­ing.The comporting of the Pike is only useful to the souldier marching up a hill; for if then he should be shouldered, the butt-end of the Pike would always be touching of the ground, to hinder him in his march, and much endanger his fellow-souldiers that shall come after him. Neither can he march advanced; for if there should be any wind, it would be ready to blow him down. Therefore as above, that which is most commodious for the souldiers marching up a hill, is to comport his pike.

The use of Trailing.The Trailing of the Pike is seldom used, but when the souldier shall march straight forward through a Wood, the File-leader before he enters in, trails his pike, and consequently all the rest in his file: then stooping down, they take up the butt-end of their leaders pikes, which they may easily gripe with their own in their right hands, and after march forward through the busling leaves in a straight line, every file single by himself, but as neer each other as possible they can march, for more security sake; that when they are clear, they may find each other, and be in a condition to rally up again, as occasion shall require. The trailing of the Pike may also be of excellent use in a Trench, that at such time when they shall have intelligence where the Enemy are preparing to make a breach, they may then move forwards unto that place undiscovered, and may defend the same.

The use of CheekingThe cheeking of the Pike is the proper sentinel-posture, and then to be used.

CHAP. IX. The use of the Postures of the Musket.

I Conceive it will not be material to go over every posture of the musket, to de­scribe the use of them, in respect the greater part of them have conformity to the Pike. Those that shall remain, and of the chiefest consequence, I shall not be wanting to satisfie the souldier in.

[Page 7]The ballancing the musket, and rest, on the right side, The use of ballancing the Musket on the right side. with the barrel upward, is one of the chiefest postures belonging to the musket; from thence he begins to make ready, as to open, clear, and prime the pan, all being motions to this posture.

To traile the rest, and ballance the musket on the left side with the barrel downward, is a posture likewise of as great consequence; The use of ballancing the Musket on the left side. for there are several motions belonging also to this posture, as to find out the charge, to open it, to charge with powder, to take bullet out of the bag and to charge with bullet; with divers other motions before you can recover your musket and rest again.

How a Muskettier shall perform the Sentinel-posture.

THe Sentinel-posture is to be performed after this manner; first, the musket is to be laded with powder and bullet; afterwards he is to cock his match, and to stand with his pan guarded, his musket being upon his rest, until such time he is relieved: but as concerning him, I shall more fully set forth his duty, treating upon the duty of the Sentinel.

CHAP. X. The manner and way to do the Funeral-posture.

NExt followeth to shew how to do the Funeral-posture: the properest and the best way to begin this posture, is when the musket is rested, and is to be perfor­med after this manner: You must first slip up your musket upon the rest, so high, until the fork of the rest be within a handful of the cock; after you must bring your right hand under the barrel of the musket, close to the fork of the rest, and then lift him off, and after cast your Rest backward, trailing him on the left side, and bring your Musket under your left arm, with the barrel downwards, bearing the butt-end upward, with your two fore-fingers and your thumb, holding off the pan, and that with the left hand. Now if you begin to be weary in the march, by reason of the weight of the musket, you may to ease your self, bring your right hand backward, and there take hold of the musket, keeping still your left hand in its first place, until you shall reduce him to the Rest again.

The reducement of the Musket from the Funeral-posture.

FIrst, raise up your Musket a little with your two fingers and thumbs of the left hand, as you formerly held him; then turn the Musket until you perceive the barrel to be upward; after lay your right hand upon the barrel, much about the lazie pin; and then taking him, bring him up forward on the out-side of the Rest: recover your Rest, fall back with the right legge, you may with ease bring your Musket again upon the Rest, as at first. This posture being so seldome used, makes the Souldier much to seek in performance of the same; but he that takes pleasure in handling of the Musket, and shall exercise himself therein, cannot chuse but find it very easie, and much delightful to him: And I know no posture more be­coming a Muskettier then this, if it be near, and well performed by him. And here I shall conclude, and end discoursing of the postures.

CHAP. XI. The Souldiers desire to know every particular place of Dignity, as they stand in Rank and File.

THe Souldier now having obtained some pretty knowledge, skill, and ready aptness in the managing and performing the postures, begins to look about himself what next is needful for to fasten upon, to make a further progress in this Art; and straight he meets with some that whispers to him, That it were a gallant thing to know the Dignity of a File true and rightly stated: To which he answers, But where can it be found? the opinions of souldiers are so various and differing therein, that none knows where for to attain it. My Captains eye (saith he) is upon me, because I do the postures well, which causeth the Serjeants to make me a File-leader, and that I know to be the chiefest and first place of Honour in the File; the second place to be the bringer-up; the third, the half-file-leader; the fourth, the bringer-up of the Front half-files. Thus far, no souldier of any known judgment can deny: but now a-dayes our Files being drawn up six deep, makes me altoge­ther [Page 8] ignorant of the honour of the rest; neither know I the Dignity of a File eight or ten deep, which still in some places they do retain, drawing them up so deep. If my ambition were but now fully satisfied herein, I should in time come for to know the Dignity of the Captains, as they are drawn up all in a Regiment; by which Rule I am informed they walk. And in my judgment, there cannot be a truer stating the Dignity of a Rank and File, then that which shall conform to the Dignities of the Captains, as they are drawn up abrest all in a Regiment. Now for as much as many Regiments consist of several numbers of Captains, and Com­panies in them; as some six Companies, others eight; some greater, as ten, and twelve Companies: It is expedient therefore, not only for my self, but for every souldier that will be truly knowing, to be resolved herein concerning those se­veral numbers; and as occasion shall alter to any other, they may inform them­selves by these how to fit their purpose. And therefore not to keep the apt and forward souldier longer in suspence, but that he may proceed, I shall amongst the rest, declare my thoughts therein, and set it forth unto their view, ever ho­ping from my fellow-souldiers a favourable censure of my good meaning to them and to my Country, for to imploy that little talent which lately my endeavours have obtained to do them service: And shall forthwith set down unto them four Tables of Dignity, both of Ranks and Files, which shall be first of twelve abrest, and twelve deep. Secondly, ten abrest, and ten deep. Thirdly, eight abrest, and eight deep. And lastly, six abrest, and six deep: wherein every ingenious soul­dier shall easily know his particular place of Honour and Dignity, both in Rank and File, wherein he stands.

The places of Dignity 12 in Rank.
2 11 5 8 10 3 4 9 6 7 12 1 The places of Dignity 12 deep.
The places of Dignity 10 in Rank.     12
2 9 5 8 3 4 7 6 10 1 The places of dignity 10 deep. 7
The places of dignity 8 in Rank. The places of dignity 8 deep. 10 6
2 5 8 3 4 7 6 1 6 9
Places of dign 6 in Rank. Places of Dignity 6 deep. 6 7 4
2 5 3 4 6 1 7 4 3
          6 4 3 10
          4 3 8 8
          3 8 5 5
          5 5 9 11
          2 2 2 2

The Table being thus set forth unto the souldiers view, as is before exprest, methinks I hear some say, Sir, we like the drawing forth, and the manner of your Table very well; we see cleerly there the particular places how every man stands in his Dignity both in Rank and File, accor­ding to your several Figures; but we beseech you, Sir, be so favourable as to make us understand it by a farther de­monstration of the same, and be pleased out of your cour­teous nature to explain your self a little farther therein; and to afford us some reasons to confirm and back the same, that it may clearly appear to our judgments the truth thereof, and that we may sit down and rest our selves with fullest satisfacti­on therein. To answer, methinks it should be strange to make denial here to the modest desire of any ingenious souldier, and clear repugnant to my wonted cu­stome; and therefore without any more delay, I shall farther let them know

CHAP. XII. Reasons for the places of Dignity both in Rank and File, for the first four in a File eight deep.

THat which gives most life for the true explaining of the former Table is, to shew the several places of Honour and Dignity of the Captains, how they are drawn up abrest all in a Regiment. Be pleased therefore to go along with me, and you shall understand that the Colonel hath the first place of honour, as being Commander in chief, whose Company stands upon the right, which makes the fi­gure (1). The second place of honour in the Regiment is the Lieutenant-Colonel, whose Company is drawn up upon the left, as being the outmost there, and is de­scribed [Page 9] by the figure (2). The third place of honour is the Majors Company, which is drawn up upon the right of the left half Ranks, whose place is described by the figure (3). The fourth place of honour is the eldest Captains Company, which is drawn up upon the left of the right half Ranks, and is set forth by the figure (4). And now we have proceeded thus far, we will make Alt, and begin to examine whether we have rightly hitherto proceeded, or no; therefore, for the more cleering and understanding herein, you must take notice, it is the discretion of e­very knowing Commander, so to aim and state his Battail, as that he makes his Front equivalent in worth, strength, and dignity to that of the Reer, and with equal proportion of number; and in like manner so to order his right half Ranks, as that they may carry an equal ballance in worth, number and dignity with the left half Ranks. Now therefore to begin to make some trial or experiment here­in, by examining the first worth with the fourth, and that will make the number (5) and then put to trial the second worth and third, and you shall easily discern it to carry the same proportion of number. So that it may appear cleerly in the judgment of any discreet souldier a true and equal proportion, the Front with the Reer, the right half Ranks sutable to the left half Ranks, and that both in number, honour, and dignity.

Having thus far entred into the discourse, it remains to describe and shew the reasons of the other four of their places and dignity as they stand.

CHAP. XIII. Reasons of the places of the second four, as they stand in Rank and File, the File being eight deep.

NOw for the further resolution herein, there is to be taken notice of, That the general drawing up of Regiments, when they consist of so few Compa­nies as 8, 6, or 7, is commonly in two grand Divisions, that is to say, two bodies or two stands of Pikes which are flanked with Muskettiers. Therefore you may ob­serve, the discretion of the Major, who commonly is appointed to draw up the Regiments, doth so order the places of the Captains, that they may aptly fall into their due places of honour, upon a stand and upon a march; and doth so order their dignities as before is exprest, as to make both the Front, Reer, right and left half Ranks equal in number, strength, and dignity. And therefore he draws up the third and fourth Captain between the Colonels Company and the eldest Captain, which makes their number (13) and in like manner he draws the second Captain and the youngest Captain between the Lieutenant-Colonels Company and the Majors, whose number likewise carries equal proportion to be (13). Now if you please to examine the whole number of the right half Ranks, and that makes (18) make trial likewise of the left half Ranks, in casting up of his accompt, and you shall find the same proportion of number as is clearly set forth within the Table, both of Ranks and Files; for as the honour of every souldier stands in the Rank, you will find the same to stand so in the File.

CHAP. XIV. Other Reasons to cleer it further to the Souldier.

TO give you farther satisfaction, and Reasons for the placing of the second four, in respect it is contrary to the Rule and Judgment of some Souldiers, therefore farther observe with me this, When a Regiment is drawn up in the true Order of a Regimental way, there, is as before expressed, two bodies, or stands of Pikes, flanked with Muskettiers; and it is the Office of every Major to give forth in writing notes of paper unto every Captain, and Lieutenant, where their place shall be upon a Stand, and where upon a March, that he may with more readiness know where to lead, and where to fall in, or to bring up, as occasion shall re­quire. Now, for as much that it hath been the practice here in England, and in most Countries also besides, as I have been informed by very able knowing soul­diers, that the first place of honour that is appointed out unto the Captains, is first unto the eldest, who alwayes leads the Colonels Colours, or first grand Di­vision of Pikes, which is the greatest honour that can be appointed out unto the Captains, and therefore most properest and due to him as being eldest: If so, as [Page 10] that it is then generally granted, that the leading of the Colonels Colours, or the first body or stand of Pikes in the Colonels grand Division, is the first and chiefest place of honour amongst the Captains; why then, certainly, I must con­clude the second Captain, which carries the number (5) would be infinitely wronged and injured, if he were denied, and not brought into the left half Ranks, for there he aptly stands to fall in, to lead the Lieutenant-Colonels Colours, or the second body or stand of Pikes, which is the second place of honour. Now ha­ving resolved, that it is cleerly the due and right for the second Captains place, to lead the second body of Pikes; we must then of necessity bring in the youngest Captain into the left half Ranks likewise, who carries the number (8) and that will make up an equal proportion, as before exprest, to the third and fourth Captains, carrying with them the figures (6 and 7) which are drawn up in the right half rank.

CHAP. XV. Reasons given for the last Table of every particular Place of Honour and Dignity, as they stand.

I Conceive what formerly hath been exprest of the middle Table, may give full resolution of the particular places of Honour and Dignity as they stand both in Rank and File. It further now remains to speak somewhat of the rest, and therefore I shall go downward, cleering still the first four places of honour; which being rightly understood, the rest will naturally fall into the capacity of any in­genious souldier. Therefore further pray observe with me this again in exami­ning of the sutableness and equal proportion of worth and number of the first and fourth worth, carrying unto that of the second and third. And thus far you may rest, and satisfie your self therein. We have therefore now no more to place and settle, but the fifth and sixth worth, and then our work in this Table will be quickly finished. Therefore of necessity, as formerly expressed, we must bring in the fifth worth into the left half Ranks, as being the second Captain, whose pro­per place, as I said before, is to lead the Lieutenant-Colonels Colours, or the se­cond body or stand of Pikes. He being there thus fixed, we have no more to place but the sixth worth, which is the last, or youngest Captain; and we have no other place to bring him in, but between the first and fourth worth; or if you will have it more cleer, between the Colonel and eldest Captain. But, here by the way, I am like to meet with some Objector that will say, Sir, What's become of your equal proportion here? Your right half Ranks, with your left, as you have so formerly stated them; your right half Ranks carrieth or exceedeth one more in number then your left half Ranks doth; and where we find the greater number, we must conclude the lesser dignity; and if so, Why do you not rather contrive it on the left, then upon the right? To which I answer, first, That in raising up of Companies into a Regiment, those that are the Field-Officers by right should have the most men, and greater Companies, then the private Captains have: therefore if you will observe in the stating of this Dignity of a Rank six abrest, you will find in the left half Rank two Field-Officers, whose Companies are the greater then any private Captains; certainly, they must needs countervail with any number of men with the right half Ranks; for although the Colonels Com­pany is, or ought ever to be the greatest, yet there is no more Field-Officers, but himself in his Division. And again, secondly, where there cannot be an equal dividing of number (as here you will find it of six abrest, or six deep) but that there will fall out some odd, either on the right half Ranks, or on the left; and likewise the same either in the Front half files, or Reer half files, as by example in the trial you will easily find, by casting up the whole number as they stand a­brest, and they will fall out to be (21) divide this number into two parts, and you cannot but must cast the odd either on the right or on the left: Therefore to conclude, since that there is a great possibility that there will be an equality of number of men in the left half Ranks sutable to that of the right, where there shall fall out an odd number, that you cannot cast it into the left half Ranks, but that you must remove the fifth worth; in this extremity I say you may not do it, [Page 11] but rather place it on the right. For the Major having no certain place to march in a Regiment, it is the proper place of the second Captain to walk along with the Lieutenant-Colonel, taking his due place of honour in his Division, as the first shall do by marching with his Colonel; And thus much shall suffice to be spoken of the last Table.

CHAP. XVI. Reasons likewise to be given for the Table 12 abrest, and 12 deep.

FOr as much as formerly hath been spoken, That it is the discretion of every Commander so to order his men, as to make an equal ballance throughout the battel, that his Front carry with it an equal proportion of worth, number, and dignity with that of the Reer; and likewise so to steer and order his right half rank, or right flank, sutable to that of the left: The next way then to receive further satisfaction herein, is by an examination thereof as it lies, and is set open to view.

2:11: 5:8: 10:3: 4:9: 6:7: 12:1:
  39.     39.  

Compare now the worth & dignity of the right half Ranks, & you shall quick­ly perceive them to carry a like proportion of number and worth with the left. To make it a little more clear unto those that shall desire to be more satisfied herein, you may take notice, and observe a true qualification throughout the whole rank. As first, begin with the Colonel, who is the chiefest man of honour in the Regiment; and next to him is placed the ninth or youngest Captain, to qualifie his dignity, and makes his number (13). The Lieutenant-Colonel being the second man of ho­nour, hath placed to him the eighth, which qualifies him in like manner to the Colonel, and makes his number (13). Next come we to the Major, and next to him is placed the seventh Captain, which makes him sutable with the rest in his figure and qualification, and to bear the number (13). After we are to speak of the eldest Captain, who hath the sixth Captain joyned unto him, and makes his number (13). And so comparing all the rest, dividing them by two's, they will stand as followeth.

2:11: 5:8: 10:3: 4:9: 6:7: 12:1:
13 13 13 13 13 13
  39     39  

Thus much, I conceive, may give a right understanding to any coming-on Souldier of the true and right stating of a Rank twelve abrest, being a thing very needful for to know, in respect that there are many Regiments which do consist of twelve Companies; and when in course, as in the sequel of this Book, when as I shall shew the manner of drawing up of twelve Companies; there will a little more light appear unto them to their farther knowledge of the same. But thus much for the present, as concerning a Rank twelve abrest: And now I shall come to speak or to touch a little of a Rank ten abrest, and a File ten deep.

CHAP. XVII. Brief reasons to be given of the Dignity of places of a Rank ten abrest, and of a File ten deep.

WHat hath been formerly declared concerning a Rank twelve abrest, as be­fore shewed, by every particular place of honour, as they stand with the reasons for the same; it may give a cleer understanding by the same rule to find the Dignity of places ten abrest. For walking by the same way and rule of exa­mination, and you will find them to carry by dividing by two's, being added to the four first places of honour, and they will carry sutable proportions, as under­neath is set forth.

2:9: 5: 8:3: 4:7′ 6: 10:1:
11:   11: 11:   11.
  27:     28:  

[Page 12]But for as much that in this Range of ten abrest, there will fall out some odd; we must then of necessity-sake place it upon the right, and not on the left, for the reasons as formerly for a File six deep declared. I might now here conclude with other flourishing Tables, which might be little profitable unto the souldier, though holding out discourse more fuller in an Arithmetical way. But I have no desire to fill this subject with plenty of unprofitable words and frothy flourishes, but rather driving really in a souldierly way, to make all things both plain and easie to every courteous Reader that shall be pleased for to peruse the same. And therefore, here for present, I shall conclude, what more might here be spoken by Dignities of Ranks and Files, leaving what shall remain until such time in course I shall again meet with them by the way in drawing up of Regiments.

CHAP. XVIII. What Distance is, and the reasons for the first beginning of the same, with all their several uses.

HAving thus now passed over several reasons, and with as much brevity as I could, to satisfie the longing desire of the young souldiers request of every particular place of honour as they stand in dignity both in Rank and File; which being passed over, the next will follow by course, before we come to joyn the Files into a Body, to satisfie the souldier of each particular Distance, with the seve­ral reasons and uses of the same: for next to the Postures it is the first thing or part of the Military exercise, and most necessary for the souldier to be knowing in. Yet I must confess no Commander is so tied up or limited in the exercising of his men at all times to begin with Distances first, so as to shew them all through­out; but nevertheless, in all and every one of the motions in the exercising of a Body, care must be taken that the souldier have his proper distance for perfor­mance of the same. Neither can any Leader exercise his men, but first he must command them to some distance sutable to what he will begin. As some I have seen begin their exercises with Facings, some other with Doublings, others with Counter-marches and with Wheelings. Yet nevertheless, whoever they be that will so begin, as I said before, must command his souldiers to some Distance, which may be proper for the same. But for my own part, my purpose is to go through­out all parts of the Military exercise of Foot, and therefore will go on in order as they lie; and first, as most properest, I shall begin with Distances, to shew them all throughout, and what the nature of them be.

Distance therefore really considered in it self, is no Motion; but there are several motions to the attaining of each particular Distance, both in length and depth. Therefore briefly thus: Distance is a place or interval of ground between every particular File and File, and betwixt every Rank and Rank as they stand, and at­tained by the several motions of Ranks and Files, and consisting of several pro­portions of ground, as easily may be understood by their several words of com­mand as they follow.

CHAP. XIX. The several sorts of Distances which are fit and proper for the Souldier to be exercised in.

  • CLosest Order, Which is both in Rank and File Half a foot,
  • Close Order, Which is both in Rank and File One foot and half,
  • Order, Which is both in Rank and File Three foot,
  • Open Order, Which is both in Rank and File Six foot,
  • Double Distance, Which is both in Rank and File Twelve foot,
  • Twice double Distance, Which is both in Rank and File Twenty four foot.

Having thus set down every Distance with their several proportions of ground, I shall next proceed to the words of command to the opening of the Ranks and Files from their closest Order, and after satisfie the Souldier with Reasons, and the uses of every particular Distance, as they go along in order.

CHAP. XX. Words of Command for the opening of Ranks and Files to all their Distances, with their closings again.

THe Commander craving silence, and that they be commanded to close Ranks and Files to their closest Order, the words of command for Distances are as fol­loweth,

  • Files open to the right, to your Close Order,
  • Ranks open backward to your Close Order,
  • Files open to the left, to your Order,
  • Ranks open backward to your Order,
  • Files open to the right and left to your Open Order,
  • Ranks open backward to your Open Order,
  • Files open to the left, to your Double Distance,
  • Ranks open backward to your Double Distance,
  • Files open from the midst, to Twice double Distance.
  • Ranks open backward to Twice double Distance.

The Ranks and Files being thus opened unto their twice double Distance from their closest Order, I conceive it to be a more souldierly-like way in the Opening and Closing of Files, that the discretion of the Commander do vary, and alter the hand in the commanding of them, then alwayes from every Distance to tie him­self to any particular hand; as to open to the right, and close to the right. But as concerning the opening of Ranks, the properest way in my judgment is to open them alwayes to the Reer, in respect it is performed with more facility: For e­very Rank from the first takes his due Distance as he is commanded, without any further trouble, or to a half-facing to the right, by taking it from the Reer, if from that place they shall be opened; and so likewise it were a great deal better in the closing of Ranks, to close them forwards, in respect it is for the more con­veniency of their closing, then to the Reer. For then, again, they must perform a half- facing, which is not only unhandsome, but troublesome to the souldier. All that can be said to maintain it, (as I conceive, in opening Ranks forwards) is because they have not room in the Reer; which seldome happens so in any exercise, if discreetly ordered by him that leads them. As for closing of the Ranks backwards, I cannot conceive any solid reasons to confirm the same, and therefore will pass over it, and come to close our Ranks and Files to such Distance, from whence they first were opened.

  • Files close to the right and left inward, to Double Distance.
  • Ranks close forwards, to Double Distance.
  • Files close to the right, to your Open Order,
  • Ranks close forwards to your Open Order,
  • Files close into the midst to your Order,
  • Ranks close forwards to your Order,
  • Files close to the left to your Close Order,
  • Ranks close forwards to your Close Order,
  • Files close to the right to your Closest Order.
  • Ranks close forwards to your Closest Order.

Concerning the words of Command for Distances, in the openings and closings of Ranks and Files, what before is set down, may be sufficient for any souldier to use in time of his exercise: But now it will be expected to give some reasons for every one of these, to shew them in their proper uses.

CHAP. XXI. The use of each particular Distance, and at what time to be used.

WHerefore, first note, that your distance of closest Order, is of chiefest use unto the Pike, in these particulars; as first, Charging against the Horse, for that the Ranks then clapping in their left legs behind their Leaders right, locking [Page 14] themselves so firm and stedfast, one within another, which 'twere impossible for any Body of Horse to enter in amongst them. Secondly, it is of excellent use for to maintain a breach, and to keep out an enemy. Thirdly, it is very useful to both Arms, at such time when a Commander hath any thing of consequence to disco­ver unto his Company, which he may have many occasions so to do; as before his Exercise, to advise them to silence, to observe their words of command, and their directions; and when they are to fight against an Enemy, to perswade and keep them off from fear, by assuring them good reasons of hopes of overcoming. These, or such-like speeches, many times a Captain may have just occasion to ex­press himself unto his Company; and being at so close a Distance, they may more aptly hear his words, and obey his Commands. But here now by the way, too much preaching upon the head of a Company concerning matters of Exercise, is too much a dulling of the souldier, who rather would fall into action, then so to be confounded with much talking.

Close Order may be of very good use also for most things which have been spo­ken of the closest Order; only here the souldier hath a little more liberty in the handling of his arms by being at a wider distance. This distance also is of good use, before wheelings, because many times upon their moving, they are apt to flie out to their proper distance of Order, which they alwayes should be at in their wheelings; where note, if first they were at Order, they would flie out to wider distance.

Order is the distance which the souldier doth fight upon, and is to be used skir­mishing against an enemy; it is also useful at such a time, when the Drum shall beat a Troop, and that the souldiers are marching to relieve some Court of Guard, or making some expedition against an enemy, for then they are in a fit capacity of distance for to fight. It is also very useful, and to be observed upon facings, for all intire doublings, and for wheelings; Order likewise in File, and open Order in Rank, is to be used at such time when the Drum shall beat a March, and the Body upon the moving or marching.

Open Order is the distance proper for all doublings of Ranks and Files, by the half-files or by the bringers-up, wherein they have interval of ground sufficient to move in. It is also a very proper distance for facings, and ever to be observed in time of Counter-marches. It is the properest distance for the Ranks to be in up­on a march, but the Files are then to be at Order, as is before exprest.

The use of double Distance is to be observed at such times when the souldiers shall stand, or happen to be in some eminent danger of the Cannon-shot from the Enemy; for standing then so thin, they may be much preserved from danger: it is likewise very good for Inversion, and Conversion.

You may take notice of these brief directions, in openings of Ranks and Files; when the Files are commanded to Open to the right, the left-hand File stands, and all the Files take their distance from the left; observing alwayes in the motions of Files, their Leaders, and to move altogether along with them. If it be an opening of Files to the left, then contrary-wise the right-hand File stands, and they take their distance from the right. So likewise for closings unto what hand soever they be commanded to close, the out-most File is to stand, the rest are to move and close to that. In opening or closing of Ranks, the first Rank is alwayes to stand, the rest are to move either opening or closing, according as is commanded; alwayes obser­ving in their motions their right-hand-men, and moving altogether.

CHAP. XXII. Directions of the way and manner of drawing up a private Company.

THe Postures being formerly described forth, the dignity of places in a File, and words of Command made known unto the souldier for their several distances; It next followeth to shew the joyning of Files, and drawing up a Company; where first pray mind at such times when the Drums are beating about the Quarters, and in several places make Proclamation, (as by order from their Captain) for all Gentlemen Souldiers that are under his Command, to repair unto his Randez­vous, unto such a place, and at such an hour; then it must be the immediate care [Page 15] of every Officer under his Command, punctually at that hour and place, thither to repair, for the more incouraging of the souldiers as they shall come in, and not to stir themselves from thence, without some order from their Captain, for fear of giving bad examples unto others. And when they shall perceive some consider­able number of men to come in, the Serjeants then may take advice with their Lieutenant and Ensign, which of them they will appoint out to draw forth the Muskettiers, and which the Pikes, and whom they shall make the right-hand File-leader of the Muskettiers, and who shall be the left; and again, who shall be the leader of the right-hand File of Pikes, and who shall be the left: For these four, being such remarkable places of Honour unto the knowing souldier, that special care must be had in placing deserving men to be there. Now it is, or ought to be the discretion of every Lieutenant, and Ensign, (as being Commission-Officers) to resolve the Serjeants herein, that they may with more alacrity go on to draw the rest up between; and so to order unto each of them their particular duties, as to carry equal pains in drawing forth the Files. Therefore in respect that for the most part in every Company, they have three Serjeants, two of them ought to take charge in drawing forth the Muskettiers, (being helpt by the advice of their Lieutenant,) and the other to draw forth the Files of Pikes, being assisted in counsel by their Ensign: for at such times the Officers ought not to be idle, and to stand gazing upon each other; but every one, according to his particular place and relation, should be very active and assisting to each other. In the drawing up the Company, the properest way will be then, as you may understand, in per­fecting up a Company, to draw them forth into Files, and to make them fix deep; as being our custome here in England: and farther to have care in choosing able souldiers to be File-leaders, who having spent some time and pains in their Files in shewing them their Postures, they may be called to joyn into a body.

For farther direction herein unto the Serjeants (whose proper place it doth be­long unto) to observe this order in drawing up their Files, that they may ingrosse the Pikes into one body by themselves, and the Muskettiers into another, and not to flank the Pikes until such time they shall perceive that in both Arms they are compleat: There are likewise several places of honour that the Serjeants ought to take notice of, and to be informed of placing of men of worth and desert in both Arms, that is to say, in the body of Pikes, and of the Muskettiers, which un­derneath by figures I shall set forth for farther satisfaction therein.


Here I have set down the manner how the Serjeants should draw up their Files in each Arms apart by themselves, and have figured forth unto them the four chief places of honour in both Arms. It concerns them therefore very much to mind and have regard to these particular places, and to order such men of worth there, which may be well deserving of the same; and those Gentlemen whom they shall think fit after to be worthy of File-leaders places, they are to draw them up between the figure (1) and the figure (4), and between the figure (3) and the figure (2) and that Rule to observe in both Arms; and to be careful to place good souldiers in the Reer, and such who may be able souldiers for half-File-leaders, because there may be much occasion by Doublings to bring them up for to assist the Front.

Thus much, I do confess, may be sufficient for the present to give directions to the Serjeants for the drawing up the Files, and joyning them together. Next, after I have shewn how to flank their Pikes with Muskettiers, I will set forth unto [Page 16] them and the Drums, where their places are upon a stand, and where to be put upon a march.

Next followeth to flank the stand of Pikes with the Muskettiers; command the Gentlemen of the Pikes to face to the right, and left half-Ranks of Muskettiers to Face to the left, and then to march and interchange ground, facing after to their leaders, and closing Files inward to order, they will stand as underneath is set forth.


If it should happen, as sometimes it doth, for a Company to be very large, as in a Colonels, why then they may have just cause to have four Serjeants, as I have thus placed them. But here again it will be expected of divers Souldiers to shew some Reasons for the placing of the Serjeants being thus drawn up and upon a stand; which I shall endeavour fully to do, after I have set down where their places are upon a march. Now be­fore we shall come to treat of the Company upon their long march, the Captain perceiving for his most conveniency of marching in the street or in a lane, that it will be convenient to divide his Muskettiers into equal divisions for their march, and therefore, according to this number here set down, they may be divided into four divisions; that is to say, two to march in the Van, and two in the Reer, and two divisions of Pikes. But before they are moving, it is the Serjeants duty to come unto the Captain to be informed of him where their proper places are to march, and what divisions each of them shall lead; and likewise so the Drums, to know their places where to beat upon the march. To answer to them all, in the first place, the Captain ought to give directions to his youngest Serjeant to lead the second division of Muskettiers in the Van; the first division of Pikes being led by the Ensigne: he commands the second for to be led by his second Serjeant, and after orders or appoints the eldest Serjeant to lead the first division of Muskettiers of the Reer-guard, and the third Ser­jeant to lead the last division of Muskettiers, the Lieutenant bringing up the Reer; and Drums commanded to fall in behind the two first Ranks of each division, and to beat between the second Rank and fourth.

Having thus stated to them all their proper places, next it will be con­venient for the Captain to command them to shoulder their Arms, both Pikes and Muskettiers; and the Officers and Drums taking all their places, as before directed, they may begin to move and draw forth into a long march, as here you see.

CHAP. XXIII. Several reasons given for the placing of the Serjeants after this manner.

WHen a Body is drawn up in manner as before expressed; the Cap­tain being Commander in chief, his discretion is to ballance the Officers as near as he can with equal dignity and worth, his Front pro­portionally with the Reer. To which purpose he takes unto himself the youngest Serjeant, and places him on the right Angle in the Front, where­by he may be there ready to march down into the Body or elsewhere, ac­cording unto the discretion of the Captain, to fulfil his commands; as al­so to stand there as a spectator of the Captains actions, and an assistant, which may be much improvement to him. And in like manner he com­mands [Page 17] the third Serjeant to the left Angle in the Reer; as being the second youngest, and may be a help unto his Lieutenant there, as the fourth is to him in the Front. The eldest Serjeant he orders to the left Angle in the Front, as be­ing the most honourable place for him, being there ready to lead upon a march the Van of the Reer-Guard; and the second Serjeant he is appointed to stand on the right Angle of the Reer, to make them equal in dignity unto the Front. Now if you please to examine the dignity of the Serjeants in the first place, as the first Serjeant and the fourth, making the number (5) and after take a view of the second place, or Reer, and there you shall observe that the second Serje­ant, and third, may every way ballance themselves, to be equivalent in the worth with the first and fourth, carrying with them alike the same number. So that it is clearly evident, that the Serjeants are rightly stated in number and dignity, the Front proportionably with the Reer, in the judgement of any knowing Souldier. Something more may be spoken of the second Serjeants place, which you may take notice in his march, to lead the second Division of Pikes, which is the most honourablest place of leading that is appointed forth unto the Serje­ants, the first only excepted; and upon a stand, when they shall lead up their Divisions, every Serjeant is to betake him unto his place, as they were at first placed, and to continue there until such time they shall receive further order from their Captain. Thus much, I conceive, may give satisfaction unto the dis­creet Souldier in these particulars, leaving them liberty to judge according unto their own best thoughts, while we endeavour to draw up our Divisions all abrest again, and to make some description of a Body.

The Captain upon his March having attained some convenient place to draw up his Company, makes Alt, and commands the Serjeants to lead up their Divi­sions upon the left, and causes the Muskettiers to open from the Pikes, making sufficient intervals for the Drums, to beat two abrest, even with the Front, the first two between the right-hand-File-leader of Pikes, and the Muskettiers upon the right; the second two Drums doing the like upon the left. And always the Captain ought to march his company after this manner all abrest, provided he have ground sufficient for the same. And being far more graceful so to do, then to march them stragling upon a long march, for it doth represent in some kind the manner of marching of a Regiment; and at such times the Serjeants are to march upon the Angles, as is before described, moving to and again sometimes upon the Flanks, and causing the Souldiers to keep their Distance of order in File, and open order in Rank, and to march all even abrest, and after to return again unto their places.

CHAP. XXIV. Before I come to make description of a Body, I shall shew some further Reasons of the Serjeants places of lesser Companies, with the placing of the Drums.

IT happens many times some Companies falls not out so large, as is before set forth, and that they have but three Serjeants, and therefore it would be known, when that they have but one Division of Muskettiers in the Van, two Divisions of Pikes, and one Division of Muskettiers in the Reer, which is the Reer-Guard, where then the placing of these three Serjeants, and three Drums shall be upon their long March, and where to be marching all abrest. To which, I answer, in the first place, the youngest Serjeant is always to attend the Captain, and ha­ving no Division to lead, he is to be upon the right Angle of the Front, there ex­pecting his Captains pleasure and commands; and the second Serjeant is to lead the second Division of Pikes, and the eldest Serjeant to lead the last Division of Muskettiers, or the Reer-Guard: here are their places upon the long march.

But when they are drawn up, and so march even abrest, the youngest Serje­ants place, as is before exprest, is to march upon the right Angle in the Front, and the eldest upon the left, the second Serjeant is to march in the right Angle in the Reer. They having their places thus stated, are to move sometimes up and down upon the Flanks in their marching, causing the Souldiers to keep their due distance of order in File, and open order in Rank, and to march even abrest, and after they may return to their places again.

[Page 18]But here, methinks, I meet with some Objector by the way, who saith, the eld­est is much wronged herein; for that it is his proper place to be upon the right; that when Forlorns are drawn off against an Enemy, he is there ready first to lead them on, claiming it as his due to give the first on set, and therefore far more honour for him to be on the right then on the left, and the eldest Serjeant ra­ther placed on the left then on the right. As for the second Serjeants place, 'tis fit he should be in the Reer, to assist the Lieutenant there, he having none but he to help him, if any occasion should require. To which I answer, that it is the youngest Serjeants place to be upon the right Angle, either upon a Stand, or up­on a March, and not the eldest, for these reasons following. The youngest Serje­ant is not placed there for any honour that it is to him, for he hath no Divisi­on at all to lead upon the March (except the Company be very great) and if so, he is placed so near the Captain, to be serviceable to him, to carry and convey his pleasures unto all the rest of the Officers. As for the leading of the Van-guard upon the March, the Captain takes that place unto himself; and it is far more honour unto the eldest Serjeant to be a Leader of the Reer-guard, or entirely the left Flank, then to lead a Subdivision of Pikes. And besides that, it is proper­est for his place to be upon the left, when they are all drawn up upon a brest, for these two reasons; as first, he is thereupon in readiness to take his due place, up­on the sub-dividing on the long March; and again, upon a Stand, when they are all drawn up, and ready to engage against an Enemy, and the Forlorns to be drawn forth, equally alike from both Flanks, he is then as ready in the Front to execute his Captains Commands, the youngest Serjeant being likewise sent to be something helpful to him, and attending after for further order from his Cap­tain, to send him relief by the second Serjeant, as occasion shall require. So that in my judgement, take it either upon the long March, or otherwise, when drawn all up even abrest, all things are so stated, for his due honour and place, that he hath no reason to complain, nor any of the rest, having all their due and proper places which doth belong unto them.

As for the placing of the Drums upon the long March, every Division ought to have his Drums fall between such Ranks as before exprest; excepting only the second Division of Pikes, which may be excused, when they are to beat a March, as being all drawn up, they are to fall in two, to beat even abrest upon the right, and one upon the left, as is before set down. If it should chance fur­ther in a Company, to be so small to have but three Divisions, that is to say, one Division of Muskettiers in the Van, the Body of Pikes in the midst, and another Division of Muskettiers to bring up the Reer-guard, and having but two Serje­ants and two Drums; the youngest Serjeants place will be as before mentioned, upon the right in the Front, and the eldest Serjeant upon the left, and to take his place to lead the last Division of Muskettiers upon the long March; and the first Drum to beat in the first Division of Muskettiers, and the second to beat and to march along amongst the Pikes. I have a little more enlarged my self in this Discourse of placing of the Serjeants, then I at first intended; but meeting many times with several Souldiers, desiring satisfaction in every one of these particu­lars, I shall perhaps undergo here the hard censure of some, for this my tedious Discourse; but such others which desire to be knowing herein, I hope they will have a more favourable opinion of my good meaning unto them. And here I shall conclude for the present, concerning the particular places of the Serjeants in every private Company; and now supposing, as by order from the Captain, the Serjeants have brought up their Divisions, standing again, as before, ex­pecting something more to be spoken unto them, they silently stand to hear what follows.

CHAP. XXIV. A Description of a Body of men throughout, with all their several parts and kinds.

IT is very necessary knowledge to every particular Souldier, to be acquainted throughout with all the parts of a Body of men drawn up, with their se­veral extents and bounds, and with the true understanding of the same. [Page 19] Where first note the Description of Files; a File is a Sequence of men, consisting of Leaders and Followers, from the first unto the last; the joyning of Files flank-wise maketh Ranks, and is the compleating up of a Body: for one File alone can­not be said to have any Ranks in it, but joyning two or more Files together unto one, you may account them (provided they be six deep) to have so many Ranks for number, as doth extend from their Leaders to their Bringers-up. And fur­ther know, that a Rank is a Row of men, standing shoulder to shoulder, in an even line from the left Flank to the right; or from the outmost man upon the left, unto the outmost man upon the right; standing all in a row File-wise. Nei­ther can it be said of one Rank, to have any Files in it; for as the closing of Files to Files, makes Ranks; so the adding of Ranks to Ranks, makes Files.

As for the Depth of Files, they have in these latter Ages much varied therein; sometimes making them sixteen deep, others ten, and eight deep, and now late­ly, they have brought them unto six deep, as being the custom of the Swedes and the French, and altogether now the practice here in England. In which form and way, I purpose to walk. But to proceed to my former promise to the Souldier: There is in every Body of men drawn up, consisting of Pikes and Muskettiers, whether of greater or smaller number, it makes no matter; A Front, a Reer, a Right-flank, and a Left-flank; there is also Front-half-files, and Reer-half-files; there is a Right-half-ranks, and a Left-half-ranks; and there is a Length and Depth of the Battail: and of every one of these in their several kinds. They have their particular extents and bounds, according to their number of men.

Therefore, take notice in the first place, that the Front is the first Rank, or Row of men, which are the File-leaders, and chief men of their Files, who pro­perly ought to take charge of their Files, being as it were their Captains, and leads them first on in the Brunt against a furious Enemy. The extent of the Front is from the left-hand File-leader, unto the Leader of the right-hand File.

The Reer is the last Row or Rank of men, being the Bringers-up of the Files, who next the Leaders are the chiefest men of honour in the File, and are as it were unto them, their Lieutenants; and in the absence of their Leaders, they are to take charge of the File, and to instruct them in their postures: the extent of the Reer, is from the Bringer-up of the left-hand File, unto the place of the Bringer-up of the right.

The right Flank is the outmost File upon the right, where always ought, by the way, to be very able Souldiers placed, because they first give onset, or fire against the Enemy, if on that part they shall be charged; the extent of the right Flank is from the Leader of the right-hand File, unto the Bringer-up of the same.

The left Flank likewise is the outmost File upon the left, and his extent is from the Leader of the left-hand File, unto the Bringer-up.

The Front half-Files extent or bounds, reacheth no farther then from the Front, unto the midst of Ranks, or to the Bringers-up of the Front half-files, which being but six deep, is the third Rank from the Front; and the length of the same reacheth from the outmost part of the left Flank, until you come unto the right.

The Reer half-Files beginneth from the midst of Ranks, or from the fourth Rank from the Front, and runneth downward in his depth to the Bringer-up of the whole File; and the Length of the same is to be taken side-wise, as they stand shoulder to shoulder, from the outmost man upon the left, unto the outmost man upon the right.

The right half-Ranks in their Length runneth no farther, then from the out­most man upon the right, unto the midst of Files, or to the left-hand File-leader of the right half-Ranks; the Depth of the right half-Ranks reacheth from the Front, running down unto the Reer.

As for the left half-Ranks, as much may be said, to take his Length from the midst of Files, or from the right-hand File-leader, of the left half-Ranks unto the outmost Files upon the left; the Depth of the left half-Ranks, may be un­derstood in form and manner conformable to the right.

Next come we to speak of the Length and Depth of the whole Battail: the [Page 20] Length of the Battail is ever to be accounted of the number of men in a Rank, and not in a File; for the Files perhaps may not be above six deep, when that there may be hundreds in a Brest in the Ranks: and farther, the Length of any Battail is to be taken from the outmost point of the left Flank, or left-hand File-leader, stretching it self forth by an even Line along, until you come to the out­most point of right Flank, or right-hand File-leader; the Depth of the Battail always is to be taken from the Front or first Rank, and going down backward in a straight Line down to the Reer, to the last Rank, or to the Bringers-up of the Files. For as the Length of the Battail is to be taken from the left Flank, going along in Front unto the right; so the Depth of the Battail is to be taken from the Front, going backward down to the Reer.

There is also to be understood, that in every Battalia drawn up, there are other parts and Denominations, very considerable to be known, that is, in every such an one, there is a Van-Guard, a Reer-Ward, and Main-Battail. The Van-Guard are the Muskettiers upon the right, or the right Flank; or as most commonly called amongst us in these days, the Right-wing, or the Left-wing, which are the Muskettiers, and the Flankers of the Body of Pikes; the reason, as I conceive, the Muskettiers are accounted and called Wings, is because they are first drawn off, as by flying motions in Forlorns, to engage against an Enemy; but of this by the way. To proceed: the Reer-Ward or Reer-Guard, are the Muskettiers on the left Flank; and the Battail is the Body of Pikes; and here I shall conclude concerning the description of a Body.

CHAP. XXVI. Directions to all such as shall desire to exercise a Foot-Company, with some admoni­tions to the Souldiers as shall be exercised by them.

HE that intends to exercise a Body of men, must truly know what he shall com­mand, and so to give his directions unto the Souldiers, as they may aptly make ready execution of the same. He must at such times above all the rest, as­sume unto himself the confidence and presence (as near as he is able) of a com­pleat Souldier. He is also to stretch out his voice so, as he may conveniently be heard, and understood by the inferior Officers and Souldiers; which will cause them more readily to obey his commands. He ought to carry a chearful counte­nance unto them, provided they do well; but otherwise, if carelesly disregard­ing his Commands, he may look harshly upon them. His eyes ought to be quick and nimble, observing all their motions, whether it be to the right or left, to the Front or Reer, and nimbly stepping to them, to stay them, if disorderly they swerve awry from what he first intended. He must likewise order all his words of Command so, as that they may be proper, and clearly pronounced forth unto the Souldier, without any faltering. And in every one of these, to see the Soul­dier leasurely and easily perform the same in a compleat manner. He must not be too quick in his words of Command, but carefully see what before commanded well done, and then he may proceed unto the next. In time of his Exercise, he must seriously mind what he is to do, and not to have his thoughts extravagant­ly carried away upon any other Subject, for fear he be out; but if any such thing should happen through forgetfulness, he ought not to be daunted, but to pull up the spirit of a Souldier as well as he can, and endeavour to reduce them again. For it is a rare thing to be found, for a Leader to be so exquisite in his Ex­ercising, as not to be sometimes out; and in my observation of most, at one time or another, I have found them so to be. His discretion also ought to be such, as to cull out, and chuse those things that be chiefest, as flowers out of a Garden, to fit and compleat up his Exercise in a Souldier-like way; which may be most properest for service and use, which will bring to him far more commen­dations and praise in the judgement of every knowing Souldier, then to spend his time upon unnecessary toyes; but yet sometimes, to please the fancy of the curious, at their private meetings he may use some things for delight, to support and uphold their private Exercises, which have nurst up here in London many able Souldiers and Commanders, who have been serviceable to our Nation. It [Page 21] is a very necessary thing likewise that a Leader sometimes do acquaint the Soul­diers of the use of their several Distances, Facings, Doublings, Counter-marches, and Wheelings, and of all things else he shall command; but in such a manner, that he dwell not too long upon any thing he shall declare unto them, for dul­ling of the Souldiers, who rather would be pleased with more actings, then by too much talkings; which spins out the time, as sometimes ordered, to very lit­tle purpose. He must be very careful of every word of Command he gives, that the Souldiers be ordered in their due Distance, sutable to the same, of what kind soever it be; and if it shall be lost in their movings or marchings, he must endea­vour to bring them to it again. He is likewise to acquaint the Souldiers when they are drawn up, to look about them, and to mind their several places, how they stand in the Body, whether they be in even Ranks from the Front, or odd; if even, and upon any doubling of Ranks, they are the men to double the odd; if half-file-leaders, that they be commanded to double the Front; they must ad­vance their Arms, and are Leaders of that Motion to come up to double the Front; if Bringers-up commanded to double, they are alike to do the same; if Bringers up of the Front-half-files, and that they be commanded to double the Reer, they likewise are to advance their Arms, to face about, and are to begin to lead them down to the Reer. They should likewise take notice how they stand in their Files, whether even from the right, or no; if even, and there be any command to double Files to the right, they all are to move, and double the odd; if commanded to double to the left, they then stand odd; and the others are to move, and double them. They likewise are to mind their places, who are upon the Flanks, for a doubling either to Front or Reer by the half-Files; they first begin to march, and how they stand there as right and left-hand men in even Ranks; for by any doublings of Ranks entire, or by Division, they likewise are the Leaders of the Motion. There ought also advice be given to the middle File-leaders, to know their places; for if there should be any doublings of the half-Ranks, they then are first to move, and to begin the motion.

This caution being sometimes quickly run over in advising of the Souldiers, that they should ever mind when they are first drawn up into a body these parti­cular places, they would not stand so carelessy and so ignorantly in a Body, as many times they do, not knowing which way to move without a great deal of pains and directions from their Leader; for there being so many occasions of doublings of these kinds, that it is a necessary thing for every Souldier to be ac­quainted with the same.

Yet it is not only sufficient that the Souldiers do mind their places as they stand in a body, according to the direction of their Leader, as before set forth un­to them, but that they be likewise, in the time of their Exercise, very silent in the body, and helpful unto their fellow-Souldiers, by pointing out unto them with signs with the hand, where they should march, to perform what was before com­manded, and to be very civil and orderly in their carriage to each other, and to mind their Exercise so as a matter of great weight, and high consideration in the well regarding of the same. And if a word of command (as sometimes may hap­pen) slip out of order, as by the mistaking of a hand or the like, yet nevertheless it should be their modest care, if not prevented by their Leader, to be ready to execute what they conceive he intended; and walking along in this civil and re­spective way unto him that shall lead them, it will not only be a great encou­ragement unto him, but they will also reap much benefit unto themselves.

And thus much briefly may be spoken in way of advice unto every Leader be­fore his beginning of his Exercise, and unto each particular Souldier as shall by him be exercised.

CHAP. XXVII. Of Facings, of their several kinds, and of their use, with the words of command for performance of the same.

FAcing is the altering or turning of the Aspect to either hand upon the ground they stand, according to the words of Command, whether it be to the right, [Page 22] left, Front or Reer, or to the midst of Files or Ranks, or to any of the outward or inward Angles, or to the Center.

The manner of execution of the same, it is a particular turning of every Souldiers countenance unto each of those hands or places as above exprest, and to be performed after this manner. The left foot is always to be kept fixed like the hinge of a door, and unto what hand or part they shall be commanded to face, every particular Souldier is immediately to turn his body upon the Ball or Centre of his left foot by wheeling, until he hath brought his Aspect unto the place commanded.

Facings is one of the most necessary and usefullest motions amongst all the rest: for when the body shall be in such a streight that they cannot bring their faces against an enemy by Counter-march, or by a Wheeling, to bring their best Souldiers there to fight; and likewise being debarred of room that they cannot double it, nevertheless Facings are of such excellent use, that they may with ease, although standing at close Order, turn every particular face to charge upon that part where they shall be assaulted by an enemy: and farther, this motion is performed with more facility then all the rest of the motions. For in the others they alter the form of the Battail, or changeth the place, but in this they pre­serve both, and it is ready for any attempt of an enemy: if they should be charged all at once in Front, Reer, right and left Flanks, they may be commanded so to face, as to answer them all in every one of their charges.

Facings likewise are so necessary, that they can hardly be spared in any other of the motions, having relation in one kind or other to them all for to be used. There is likewise farther to be understood, that there are Entire-Facings and di­visional. Entire Facings are when they turn their Aspects all one way: Divisio­nal Facings are when they divert or turn their faces several ways, as to the Front, Reer, and both Flanks, all at one instant of time as shall be commanded.

There are likewise facings to the Front and Reer Angles, that is to say, of their outward and inward Angles. Outward Angles are when they are commanded to face to the right Angle or to the left, or both facing to the inward Angles, as when they are commanded so, as to face to the inward Angles towards the midst of Files. There is likewise facing to the inward Angles towards the midst of Ranks as to the Center; where note, when there is any use of these Facings unto the inward Angles, it is occasioned by some former words of command, that hath made some large intervals in the midst of Ranks or Files, and there­fore they may give them such commands as these for to open or stand so, that they may march and close again as at first.

This Facing to the Center, I do conceive to be very useful, when the Captain or Leader hath any thing of importance to speak unto the Company; they standing at close order, he may side-wise move down into the midst of the Ranks and Files, and command them to face all to the Center; they standing all round about him so close, cannot chuse but hear and know what his pleasure and com­mand will be, and in obedience thereunto, be very ready in performance for the execution of the same.

But before I come to set down the words of Command for Facings, I shall desire all Leaders not to tye themselves up so as not to begin in their Exercise to command Facings, until they have brought the Souldiers to stand at open order, both in Rank and File, as if it were not proper for them to command them to face till then. Therefore rather, for the reasons before set forth, com­mand them to chuse upon such close Distances to face, that they may know the true use of them, and at such times when they want ground that the other mo­tions cannot be performed.

CHAP. XXVIII. The words of Command for Facings.

Face to the

  • RIght,
  • Left,
  • To both Flanks,
  • Right about,
  • Left about,
  • To Front and Reer,
  • Midst of Files,
  • Midst of Ranks,
  • Right Angle,
  • Left Angle,
  • Outward Angles in the Front,
  • Inward Angles in the Front,
  • Right Angle in the Reer,
  • Left Angle in the Reer,
  • Outward Angles in the Reer,
  • Inward Angles in the Reer,
  • Inward Angles of the right Flank,
  • Inward Angles of the left Flank,
  • Outward Angles both of Front and Reer,
  • Inward Angles both of Front and Reer,
  • Inward Angles of both the Flanks to the Center,
  • Front, Reer and both Flanks from the Center,
  • To the outward Angles of Front and Reer from the Center,

As you were, or, To your Leader.

Having concluded the words of Command for performing of plain Facings, there must be notice taken, when any word of Command shall be given to face to any of the Reer-Angles, they must be first faced to the Reer, and they will make more easier performance of the same; and likewise, if any word of Command be given to face to the inward Angles upon the Flanks, they must face them there likewise first, and it will be easier fulfilled: and likewise if any command be gi­ven to face to the four Angles, or to Front, Reer, and Midst from the Center, care must be first had that they may be first faced to the Center.

I might have proceeded a great deal farther in this place upon this Subject of Facings, to have shewn several figures of Battail that might be produced and drawn forth, affording much variety of forms and number, and with much ease to be performed upon their several marchings, according as they are ordered to face, which might be very useful for service, and affording much matter for any particular Exercise, to use several firings upon the same. But I shall have occasi­on in another place to make use of divers of them, and setting them forth in the view, when I shall begin to set down in any particular Leadings of my own, which I have performed in our private meetings at Town-Ditch in London, every Thursday-morning, for the satisfaction of those loving Gentlemen who still do Exercise there, and to such which shall come after.

CHAP. XXIX, The many variety of Doublings, with their parts and uses set forth for the practice of any Commander, to make use of according unto his own discretion.

SInce there is in the true account, no other dimension of a Battail, but the Length and Depth, so likewise it is to be understood, that the Length of the Battail is doubled by the doublings of Ranks and half-Files; and the Depth of the Battail is doubled by the doubling of Files, and of the half-Ranks. Now there are several Words of Command for the performance of each of these, as to double Ranks and Files, which do consist either of the doubling of number of men and persons, and not of place, or else the doubling both of number and place. As for Example, command either the Ranks, the half-files, or Bringers-up to [Page 24] double the Front to the right; here only is the doubling of number of men, and not of place, for it adds but one man more to that hand, whereunto they were commanded, and gains but his particular place. Again, double Ranks to any hand entire or double, the Front by the half-Files to the right entire, it will be not only a doubling of the number of men, but a doubling of the place, and the Length of the Battail. The use of doubling the Length of the Battail may be for two Reasons, the one to over-wing an Enemy, the other to avoid over-winging our selves. Yet there must be care taken, that in doubling of the Length, that we fail not, or be too weak in our Depth: for the want of both, either Length or Depth, may be very dangerous to our selves, and may give great advantage to the Enemy. For if there should want a sufficient Depth, by gaining much Length in the Front, we may perhaps be so weak there, that an Enemy may quickly break through, whereby much danger may ensue upon the same, if not timely prevented by the discretion of the Commanders.

There is likewise in the doubling of Files, or the half-Ranks doubling to ei­ther Flank, a doubling of number of men, and not of place, carrying much va­riety of words of Command; but the doubling of Files, and of the left half-Ranks entire, the Depth of the right Flank is not only a doubling of the num­ber, but a doubling of the place and Depth of the Battail. In this doubling of the Depth care likewise must be had, that we make not the Front too narrow, lest we give opportunity to the Enemy to encircle, and encompass it. To con­clude therefore, take notice that Doublings were invented to strengthen any part of the Body that shall be weak, whether in the Front, or Reer-right-flank, or left, whether it be in number of men or place, Length or Depth, it is to be used ac­cording to the discretion of the Commander. There is likewise farther to be con­sidered in Doublings, whether they double the number or place, Length or Depth, it is to be performed by one of these two, either entire, or divisional Doublings: therefore I shall proceed, and go on to shew what I conceive to be the properest way in the progress of them in a right order; and therefore I will begin to set down the words of Command; First, to double the Front, and so far­ther proceed to shew the Doublings of the Flanks. And first of entire Doublings, and next of the divisional; and in the mean time, I shall crave pardon from the courteous Souldier, that I put not down several Pricks or Figures to set forth the same, endeavouring rather to give him the words of Command for each parti­cular Doubling, with directions for performance of the same, together with their several Reducements, leaving it to his ingenious study and practice, to make use of what he pleaseth, where he may cull and chuse out such as shall be conve­nient and fit, either for service or delight; by the way advising him to retain in his memory, what he intends to practise, and not to meddle with any thing, but what he assuredly knows will carry such weight and able reasons for their use and service, as shall admit of no controlment from the judicious Souldier.

CHAP. XXX. The words of Command for all Entire Doublings to the Front, to be performed one time or other in time of Exercise.

Command. RAnks to the right double.

Direction. Every even Rank move forward with the right-leg, and with three steps double the odd.

Reducement. Files to the left double; Or, Ranks as you were.

Command. Ranks to the left double.

Direction. Every even Rank from the Front, move forwards with the left-leg, and at three steps double the odd.

Reducement. Files to the right double; or, Ranks as you were.

Command. Ranks to the right and left, double outward.

Direction. Every even Rank move outward from the midst, and at three steps double the odd.

Reducement. Files to the right and left, double inward; or, Ranks as you were.

Command. Ranks to the right and left, double inward.

[Page 25] Direction. Every even Rank from the Front move inward from the Flanks, and at three steps double the odd.

Reducement. Files to the right and left double outward; or, Ranks as you were.

Command. Half-files double your Front to the right.

Direction. Half-files advance your Arms, and move forwards to the right into the Front.

Reducement. Files double your Depth to the left; or, Half-Files as you were.

Command. Half-files double your Front to the left.

Direction. Half-files advance forwards to the left into the Front.

Reducement. Files double your Depth to the right; or, Half-Files as you were.

Command. Half-files double your Front to the right and left, outward.

Direction. Half-files advance forwards to the right and left, from the midst, and move up into the Front.

Reducement. Files double your Depth to the right and left inward; or, half-Files as you were.

Command. Half-files double your Front to the right and left inward.

Direction. Half-files move forwards from the Flanks inward into the Front.

Reducement. Files double your Depth to the right and left outward; or, Half-Files as you were.

Command. Bringers-up double your Front to the right.

Direction. Bringers-up advance your Arms, and move forwards with the right leg into the Front.

Reducement. Files double your Depth to the left, every man falling behind his Bringer-up.

Command. Bringers-up double your Front to the left.

Direction. Bringers-up advance forward to the left into the Front.

Reducement. Files double your Depth to the right, every man falling behind his Bringer-up.

Command. Bringers-up double your Front to the right and left outward.

Direction. Bringers-up advance forward from the midst of the Reer, to the right and left into the Front.

Reducement. Files double your Depth to the right and left inward, every man falling behind his Bringer-up.

Command. Bringers-up double your Front to the right and left inward.

Direction. Bringers-up advance forwards from the Flanks, inward into the Front.

Reducement. Files double your Depth to the right and left outward, every man falling behind his Bringer-up.

Command. Double your Ranks to the right entire.

Direction. Every even Rank from the Front face to the right, march forth, and double the odd.

Reducement. Right half-Ranks double your left Flank; or, Ranks as you were.

Command. Double your Ranks to the left entire.

Direction. Every even Rank from the Front, face to the left, march forth, and double the odd.

Reducement. Left half-Ranks double your right-Flank; or, Ranks as you were.

Command Double your Ranks inward entire.

Direction. Every even Rank from the Reer, move away outward until you be clear of the standing part; and after every even Rank from the Front, move for­wards, and double the odd.

Reducement. The inmost Files double your Flanks to the right and left out­ward, and after close.

Command. Double your Ranks to the right entire, every man placing himself on the outside of his right-hand-man.

Direction. Every even Rank from the Front, move away to the right, and place your selves on the outside of your right-hand-men, and double the odd Ranks.

[Page 26] Reducement. Right half-Ranks double your left-Flank, every man placing himself on the inside of his left-hand-man.

Command. Double your Ranks to the left entire, every man placing himself on the outside of his left-hand-man.

Direction. Every even Rank from the Front, move away to the left, and double the odd Ranks by placing your selves on the outside of your left-hand-men.

Reducement. Left half-Ranks double your right-Flank, every man placing him­self on the inside of his right-hand-man.

Command. Half-files double your Front to the right entire.

Direction. Half-files face to the right, and march clear of the standing part; af­ter face to your Leader, move up even abrest, and double the Front.

Reducement. Right half-Ranks double entire the Depth of your left-Flank.

Command. Half-files double your Front to the left entire.

Direction. Half-files face to the left, and march clear of the standing part, after face to your Leader, march up, and even the Front.

Reducement. Left half-Ranks double entire the Depth of your right Flank.

Command. Half-files double your Front inward entire.

Direction. Front half-Files face outwards, and march clear of the standing part: facing after to their Leader, the Reer half-Files may move up, and double the Front.

Reducement. The inmost Files double entire the Depth of the outmost Files, and after close.

These are, as I conceive, the properest and plainest Doublings for any Souldier to use in his Exercise, out of which he may chuse as many of them, as he shall think fit, being all entire Doublings to the Front. Next follows to shew some Di­visional Doublings to the same.

CHAP. XXXI. Divisional Doublings to the Front.

Command. DOuble your Ranks to the right and left by Division.

Direction. Every even Rank from the Front face outwards, march forth and double the odd.

Reducement. The outmost Files upon each Flank that moved, face inward, march in and strengthen the Body.

Command. Double your Ranks to the right and left by Division, every man placing himself on the outside of his right and left-hand-man.

Direction. Every even Rank from the Front, move forth to the right and left outward, and double the odd, placing your selves on the outside of your right and left-hand-men.

Reducement. The outmost Files upon each Flank that moved, double the in­most Files to the right and left inward, every man placing himself on the inside of his right and left-hand-man.

Command. Half-files double your Front by Division.

Direction. Half-files face outwards, and march clear of the standing part: after face to your Leader, move up even abrest, and double the Front.

Reducement. The outmost Files upon each Flank that moved, double entire the Depth of the inmost Files.

CHAP. XXXII. Entire Doublings to the Front by Wheelings.

Command. WHeel off your Reer half-Files, and double your Front to the right entire.

Direction. Half-Files face about, and wheel about to the left; march up and even the Front.

Reducement. Wheel off your right half-Ranks, and double your left Flank en­tire to the left. Face outward, and right half-Ranks wheel about to the right, moving forward until they range even abrest with their left Flank; to your Leader.

Command. Wheel off your Reer half-Files, and double your Front to the left entire.

[Page 27] Direction. Half-files face to the Reer, and wheele about to the right, move for­wards, and double the Front to the left entire.

Reducement. Wheele off your left half-Ranks, and double your right Flank entire to the right. Face outward left half-Ranks, wheel about to the left, and move forward until you have doubled the right Flank, to your Leader.

Command. Wheel your Reer half-files inward into the midst, and double your Front inward entire.

Direction. Front-half-files open from the midst, until you be clear of the standing part, then face to your Leader; half-files face about, and wheel your Reer inward into the midst, move forward until you have doubled the Front.

Reducem nt. The inmost Files that doubled, The inmost Files must have distance from the outmost Files, before they can begin to wheel. wheel about to the right and left outward, and double entire the Depth of the outmost Files, after face to your Leader, and close Files to the midst to Order.

CHAP. XXXIII. A divisional Doubling to the Front by Wheeling.

Command. WHeel off your Reer half-files, and double your Front by Division.

Direction. Half-files face to the Reer, and wheel about to the right and left, move forward, and double the Front.

Reducement. The outmost Files upon each Flank that doubled, wheel about to the right and left inward, Here likewise must convenient di­stance be given from the midst, for the outmost Files to wheel about. and double entire the Depth of the inmost Files, face to your Leader.

Here endeth the Doublings that properly belong unto the Front according to the practise of these times, whether they be Entire or Divisional, and of their several kinds; as first, take them of themselves in the plain way, after by Coun­ter-marches, as by the Bringers-up. Lastly, by Wheelings, and that first by En­tire, after by Divisional. But here by the way, no Leader is tied to do all these Doublings in his Exercise at once, but to use part of them what he shall think fit. Yet, again, if he desire to be throughly knowing in all the Doublings of Front, Reer, and both Flanks, and to shew them unto the Souldiers, he may then be­gin first to go over all the words of Command for Doublings to the Front, in­forming his Souldiers of their several uses for service, at one time or another, and then proceed to shew the use of the several Doublings to the Flanks, and next to the Reer, which in this place I hold needless to give words of Command for the Doubling thereunto, in regard the former words of Command used to the Front, with small alteration will serve to the Reer.

CHAP. XXXIV. Entire Doublings to the right Flank.

Command. FIles to the right double.

Direction. Every even file from the right by a half-turning at three steps double the odd.

Reducement. Ranks to the left double; or, Files as you were.

Command. Files to the right and left, double outward.

Direction. Every even File from the Flanks move, and by three steps double the odd.

Reducement. Ranks to the right and left double inward; or, Files as you were.

Command. Double your Files to the right and left inward.

Direction. Every even File from the midst move inward side-wise, and double the odd.

Reducement. Ranks to the right and left double outward; or, Files as you were.

Command. Double your Files to the right advancing.

Direction. Every even File from the right move forwards, and by three steps double the odd.

Reducement. Ranks to the right double.

Command. Double your Files outward advancing.

Direction. Every even File from the Flanks, move forwards, and by three steps double the odd.

[Page 28] Reducement. Ranks to the right and left double outward.

Command. Double your Files to the right and left inward advancing.

Direction. Every even File from the midst move forwards, and by three steps double the odd.

Reducement. Ranks to the right and left double inward.

Command. Left half-Ranks double your right Flank to the right.

Direction. Face all to the right, and left half-Ranks move forwards to the right, and double your right Flank to your Leader.

Reducement. Double your Ranks to the Left entire; or left half-Ranks march forth into your places.

Command. Left half-Ranks double your right Flank to the left.

Direction. Face all to the right, and left half-Ranks move forwards to the left until you have doubled the right Flank to your Leader.

Reducement. Double your Ranks to the right entire to the Reer, face to the Reer, and the even Ranks from the Reer, move forth, and double the odd to your Leader.

Command. Left half-Ranks double your right Flank to the right and left out­ward.

Direction. Face all to the right; and left-half-Ranks move to the right and left outward, and double your right Flank to your Leader.

Reducement. Front and Reer half-Files double your Ranks entire to the left Flank; Front half-Files face about, and every even Rank from the midst move forth, and double Ranks entire towards the left Flank, face to your Leader.

Command. Left half-Ranks double your right Flank to the right and left inward.

Direction. Face all to the right; and left half-Ranks move forwards to the right and left inward, and double the right Flank, face to your Leader.

Reducement. Front and Reer half-Files double your Ranks entire to the left Flank; half-Files face about, and every even Rank from the Front and Reer, move forth, and double your Ranks entire towards the left Flank, face to your Leader.

Command. Left half-Ranks double your right Flank to the right by Counter-march.

Direction. Right half-Ranks face to the right, left half-Ranks turn off to the left, move forwards, and double your right Flank, face to your Leader.

Reducement. Double your Ranks to the left entire, every man placing himself on the outside of his left-hand-man.

Command. Left half-Ranks double your right Flank to your left by Counter-march.

Direction. Right half-Ranks face to the right, and left half-Ranks turn off to the right, and double your right Flank to the left, face to your Leader.

Reducement. Double your Ranks to the right entire to the Reer, every man placing himself on the outside of his right-hand-man; face to the Reer, and eve­ry even Rank from the Reer, move forth to the right, and double the odd; face to your Leader.

Command. Left half-ranks double your right Flank to the right and left out­ward by Counter-march.

Direction. Right half-Ranks face to the right, and left half-Ranks face to the left, and turn off to the right and left, moving forward until you have doubled the right Flank to the right and left outward; face to your Leader.

Reducement. Front and Reer half-files double your Ranks entire to the left-Flank, every man placing himself on the outside of his right and left-hand-man. Front half-Files face about, and every even Rank from the midst move forth to the left-Flank, and double the odd, placing your selves on the outside of your right-hand-men, and every even Rank from the Reer half-Files move forth, and double the odd, placing your selves on the outside of your left-hand-men: face to your Leader.

Command. Left half-Ranks double your right-Flank to the right and left in­ward, by Counter-march.

[Page 29] Direction. Face all to the right and left outward, left half-Ranks turn off to the right and left inward, move forward until you have doubled the right Flank; face to your Leader.

Reducement. Front and Reer half Files double your Ranks entire to the left-Flank, every man placing himself on the outside of his right and left-hand-man; half-Files face about, and every even Rank from the Reer, move forth to the left-Flank, and double the odd, placing your selves on the outside of your right-hand-men, and every even Rank from the Front move forth, and double the odd, placing your selves on the outside of your left-hand men; face to your Leader.

Command. Double your Files to the right entire advancing.

Direction. Every even File from the right, move straight forth until you be cleer, and double the odd.

Reducement. Half-files double your Front to the right, or Front half-Files double your Reer to the right.

Command. Files double your Depth to the right entire.

Direction. Every even File from the right face about, move down until you are clear of the Reer, and double the Depth of the odd Files; face to your Leader.

Reducement. Half-files double your Front to the left, or Front half-Files double your Reer to the left.

Command. Double your Files inward entire to the right.

Direction. Half-files of every even File from the left face about, even Files from the left move forwards until you are clear of the standing part, after face all to the right, and then every even File from the right, move forwards into the In­tervals, and double entire the odd; face to your Leader.

Reducement. The three first, and the three last Ranks double the six middle­most Ranks to the right; the three first Ranks face about, and move down to the midst by their own left-hands; and the three last Ranks move forwards to the midst, to their own right-hands; face to your Leader.

Command. Double your Files to the right entire advancing, every man placing himself before his Leader.

Direction. Every even File from the right, advance forwards, and double the odd, every man placing himself before his Leader.

Reducement. Front half-Files by Counter-march double your Reer to the right; Front half-Files turn off to the left, and double the Reer; face to your Leader.

Command. Files double your Depth to the right, every man falling behind his Bringer-up.

Direction. Every even File from the right, face about to the right, and double the odd by placing your selves behind your Bringers-up.

Reducement. Bringers-up double your Front to the left.

Command. Left half-Ranks double your right-Flank entire advancing.

Direction. Left half-Ranks march straight forth, until you are clear of the standing part, after move to the right (being first faced there) and double the right-Flank; face to your Leader.

Reducement. Front half-Files double your Reer to the right entire, face to the left, and move clear of the standing part, after face to the Reer, move down, and even the Reer; face to your Leader.

Command. Left half-Ranks double entire the Depth of the right-Flank.

Direction. Left half-Ranks face about to the right, and move down until you are clear of the standing part, after face to the left, and move forward until you have doubled the Depth of your right-Flank; face to your Leader.

Reducement. Half-files double your Front to the left entire, face to the left, and march clear of the standing part, after face to your Leader, march up and even the Front.

Command. Left half-Ranks double your right-Flank inward entire.

Direction. Half-files of the right half-Ranks face to the Reer, right half-Ranks move forward until you are clear of the standing part, face all to the right, and left half-Ranks move forwards, and double the right-Flank; face to your Leader.

[Page 30] Reducement. The three first, and the three last Ranks double the six middle­most Ranks entire to the right-Flank; the three first, and the three last Ranks face to the right, and march untill you are clear of the standing part, after face inward; march, and close your Divisions, and face to your Leader.

CHAP. XXXV. Divisional Doublings to the right Flank.

Command. DOuble your Files to the right by Division.

Direction. Half-files of the even Files from the right, face to the Reer; even Files march clear of the standing part, after move to the right and left, and double the odd Files; face to your Leader.

Reducement. The three first, and the three last Ranks, double the three middle­most Ranks to the left; the three first Ranks face about, and march down by your own right hands into the midst of Ranks; and the three last Ranks move forwards to the midst, to your own left hands; face to your Leader.

Command. Double your Files to the right by Division, every man placing him­self before his Leader, and his Bringer-up.

Direction. Half-files of the even Files from the right, face to the Reer, the even Files march, and double the odd, every man placing himself before his Leader, and Bringer-up; face to your Leader.

Reducement. The three first, and the three last Ranks, double the six middle­most Ranks to the left, every man placing himself before his Leader, and his Bringer-up; the three first Ranks face about to the left, and move down to the midst of Rrnks by your own right hands, placing your selves before your Brin­gers-up; and the three last Ranks march forwards unto the midst, placing your selves before your Leaders; to your Leader.

Command. Left half-Ranks double your right Flank by Division.

Direction. Half-files of the left half-Ranks face about to the right, the left half-Ranks move clear of the standing part; after face all to the right-Flank, the left half-Ranks moving forward, until they have ranged even abrest with the right-Flank; face to your Leader.

Reducement. The three first, and the three last Ranks, double the six middle­most Ranks entire to the left-Flank; the three first, and the three last Ranks, face to the left-Flank, and move clear of the standing part, after face inward, march and close your Division; face to your Leader.

CHAP. XXXVI. Entire Doublings to right Flank by Wheeling.

Command. WHeel off your left half-Ranks, and double your right Flank en­tire to the right.

Direction. Face outward, and left half-Ranks wheel about to the left, and move forward until you have doubled the right Flank entire to the right; face to your Leader.

Reducement. Wheel off your Reer half-Files, and double your Front to the left entire; half-Files face to the Reer, and wheel about to the right, and march forwards until you have ranged your selves even with the Front.

Command. Wheel off your left half-Ranks, and double your right Flank en­tire to the left.

Direction. Face outward left half-Ranks, wheel about to the right, & move for­ward until you have doubled the right flank entire to the left; face to your Leader.

Reducement. Wheel off your Front half-Files, and double your Reer to the right entire; half-Files face about, and Front half-Files wheel about to the left, move down, and double the Reer to the right; face to your Leader.

Command. Wheel the left half-Ranks inward into the midst, and double your right Flank inward entire.

Direction. Half-files of the right half-Ranks face about, right half-Ranks move clear of the standing part, then face to the right, and the left half-Ranks face to the left, and wheeling inward into the midst, moving forward until they have doubled the right Flank inward entire; to your Leader.

[Page 31] Reducement. In wheeling the six middle Ranks from the right Flank, they must have ground sufficient for them to wheel about. Wheel off from the right Flank the six middlemost Ranks, and double your Front and Reer entire to the left Flank: the six middle-Ranks face to the right, and wheel about to the right and left, moving forward until they are clear of the standing part; and after facing to the Front and Reer, they move again, and double the Front and Reer toward the left Flank; face all to your Leader, march forwards, and close your Divisions.

Or if they continue their Aspect to the right Flank, then command the six middlemost Files to wheel off to the right and left, and to double entire the depth of the outmost Files, then face to their Leader, and close their Divisions.

CHAP. XXXVII. A Divisional Doubling to the right Flank by Wheeling.

Command. WHeel off your left half-Ranks, and double your right Flank by Division.

Direction. Face outward, and left half-Ranks wheel off to the right and left about, and move forward until you have ranged even, and doubled the right Flank; to your Leader.

Reducement. Wheel off the three first, and the three last Ranks, and double the six middlemost Ranks entire to the left Flank the three last Ranks face about, and wheel to the right about, moving up towards the midst of the left-Flank, and the three first Ranks at the same time wheel about to the left, and move down to the midst of the left Flank; face to your Leader.

Or if they continue their aspect to the right Flank, then command the out­most Files too that doubled to wheel about to the right and left inward, and double entire the Depth of the inmost Files, to your Leader.

Here endeth all the plain Doublings to the right Flank, performed by several Counter-marches and Wheelings, which to any ingenious Souldier are suffici­ent directions to know how to double the left Flank, only altering the hand by the words of Command.

And here fellow-Souldier endeth all the several kinds of Doublings, which if any shall seem hard or difficult unto thee, either in their Commands, Directions, or Reducements, thou mayst (care being taken) with much ease and delight per­form the same. And here the Captain is to take special notice, when he comes to the point of Doublings, that his properest way will be first to double the Front, as being the most honourable part of the Body, and next the Reer, and after either to the right or left Flank, leaving it to his discretion to use as many of them as he shall think fitting, and convenient for his Exercise. And although I have somewhat varied from the practise of former times in using more plenty of words of Command, the ripeness and curiosity of Wits in these our days, enfor­ced me unto it; for they having much refined the Military Discipline, will not be pleased with ordinary stuff (as to say, As you were) which, I confess, would save the Captain a great deal of pains, and be more easie to the apprehension and capacity of every private Souldier, for his returning back unto his place again. Yet if Command should be given to double any part of the Body, that Leader would quickly lie under a hard censure, and be judged in most mens opinions in­sufficient, that could not find out some other words of Command to reduce them again. Endeavouring therefore to give full satisfaction to both parties, I have taken the pains to set down other words of Command for Reducement, whereby those which shall profess themselves curious, may cull out such plenty as may best please their genius; advising them withal not to presume in the exercising of their private Companies, before themselves be first well verst, and truly knowing in all and every of the several Commands, Directions, and Reducements before men­tioned; which being obtained, they may confidently and boldly proceed, so to inure their Souldiers in the practise thereof, that their own knowledge in a short time will reduce them to their former places without using these thred-bare words, As you were; variety being more profitable and delightful unto them, (provided they understand it) then to accustom them in an ordinary and plain way of reducing.

[Page 32]But here some men will be ready to carp and say, that I have troubled my self to little purpose, in setting down more Doublings then are used abroad upon ser­vice. To whom I answer, that there are none (if rightly understood) but are of singular use one time or another, either in private Meetings, or in those great Nurseries of Military Discipline, the famous Academies of this our Island, the Ar­tillery and Military Gardens, who for Field-service have train'd up, and sent forth many worthy, able and gallant Souldiers into the Armies lately raised in our Nation between the King and Parliament, whom I pray God happily to reconcile. But, suppose many of these Doublings have not been seen by some to be used in the field; Are they not therefore useful? perhaps not at such time they have had no occasion for to use them all; which if not, must they be rejected? I an­swer positively, that being rightly enquired into, they have in them very useful and serviceable things against an Enemy, whether it be in the Field, or in Garri­son. As for Example; the Muskettiers being brought either all into the Front or Reer, or upon one of the Flanks, which often hapneth, an Enemy appearing there, then they would be of sigular good use for our advantage, and very dis­advantageous to the Enemy. The like may be spoken of the Pikes, who are by several of these Doublings brought into those places, being there very serviceable to receive a desperate Charge of Horse, if upon any of these parts they should fall on. Observe, further, that in many of these Doublings, as the one arms shall face or charge against an Enemy, so contrariwise the other lies more secure in safety to be preserved from danger of the shot. Moreover, (according unto the number of men either in Length or Depth) a Leader may by these words of Command or the like, at the same time double his Front, Reer, or Midst, by dou­bling of Ranks; and may farther make use of them at one and the same time to double by Files his right, left Flank and Midst, all at one instant. But I shall not need to set down words of Command for the doubling Front, Reer, Flanks and Midst, after this manner, but leave that unto the apt Souldier to make use of such words of Command formerly shewen, and to frame them suitable for any such purpose so intended. But before I shall conclude concerning the use of these Doublings, as I said before, there are many of them, which by command will bring any men in the Body to fight, unto that part which shall be most weak, or assaulted by an enemy. And again, he may cast them so into the Body by a doubling, as shall preserve from danger whom he shall think fit. And to say more, there is no part of the Body or Arms but by words of Command in doublings may be brought forth as Frontiers against the enemy, and may be placed again into the midst of the Body for more security, and others in like manner may be brought forth for their relief. Therefore it much concerns all Souldiers and Commanders to be truly knowing in all the several kinds of Doublings, out of which he may make singular good use according to his discretion, at all such times as need shall require, whether it be in Field, or otherwise in Garrison.

CHAP. XXXVIII. Of Inversion and Conversion.

NOt to omit any thing which may be beneficial for the knowledge of all them that intend to be good proficients in the Art of Military Discipline, my sub­ject in this Chapter shall be of Ranks filing, and Files filing, and Ranks ranking, and Files ranking, which are by some called Inversion and Conversion; yet seldom mentioned by any Leader in the time of his Exercise, for this reason, as I sup­pose, because the Souldiers for the most part are unacquainted with them; which causeth all our Leaders in our private Meetings here in London, to deliver forth unto their Souldiers such words of Command as may readily and aptly be un­derstood by them, which are, Ranks, File to the right or left; or, Files, File to any hand; which is no other then Inversion. And again, Ranks, rank to the right or left, either in equal or unequal parts, or entire to the Front; or Files to rank in the like kind, may be termed Conversion: And, in my opinion, they do the bet­ter that shall thus express themselves to the capacity of every Souldier, then for to puzzle them with the words Inversion & Conversion. I intend therefore without [Page 33] curiosity plainly to set down their several Commands, Directions, and Reduce­ments, keeping my former method concerning Doublings. For in all and every one of them, they do either double the length or depth of the Front, Reer, Midst, or Flanks; no part of the Military Exercise affording more plenty of matter then they, carrying always along with them many things of excellent use. For exam­ple, suppose a Prince, General, or any other person of quality were to pass tho­row the Company, a discreet commander would presently command their Ranks to invert, or file to the right and left outward, which immediately becomes (as it were) a Street or Gallery, for the honouring and securing of their persons. More­over, it is of use for the lodging of the Colours, or upon Funeral-occasions, or taking their leave from their Captain, where they may pour forth their Volleys of shot all at one and the same time. To be short, being necessitated to march against a Battery, it avoids the danger of the great Ordnance, and likewise secures the Front of the Battalia from the imminent danger of any great shower of small shot poured forth by the Enemy. As likewise it is of excellent use to march over a narrow Bridge, or thorow a Lane, Thicket, or Salliport, or such like difficult passages; or if any Commander have a desire to use ancient Figures, by it he may make the Saw, Sheers, or Diamond; or being in one File, they may aptly be drawn into a Ring, where he that is an able posture-man standing in the midst, may shew unto them their several postures, and after easily reduce them again: and thus much briefly of Inversion, or Ranks filing.

Next come we to shew the excellent uses and services which may be performed by Conversion, as first perceiving any man of worth to stand before the Front of the Battail, or to pass by either of the Flanks, then Ranks ranking, or Files ranking into the Front, or Ranks wheeling to either of the Flanks, by these Commands the Souldiers aspects are thither brought to present unto him a volley of shot. It is likewise very useful for the making of a Line against a Breast-work, or lining of Hedges, carrying it self several ways secretly to lie in Ambuscado, whereby they may fire upon the Enemy as he marcheth by. Or approaching against any Fort or place of danger, they may daringly make a large Front and firing upon them; after filing to the right or left, making large Intervals, they much preserve them­selves from the danger of the great shot proceeding from the Enemy. Again, Ranks ranking either in equal or unequal parts, is of singular good use upon a narrow passage, where they can march but two, three, four, or six abrest; the Com­mander, notwithstanding they marched before twenty abrest, may by it bring them to such small numbers, whereby he may much preserve them in time of im­minent danger and peril. To dwell no longer upon this discourse, Inversion and Conversion many times require larger distance then any other of the Motions, as sometimes double distance: or twice double distance, wherefore being so many oc­casions for the use of them both, I hold it requisite for a Leader frequently to pra­ctise his Souldiers in them; no part of the Art Military affording more commen­dations to the Souldiers that shall readily and handsomly perform the same. Brief­ly therefore passing over what might be more spoken concerning them, I shall in the next place set them all forth in their full view, leaving every discreet Souldier to his own liberty, to make use of as many of them as he shall think fit, and to use them after what manner he pleaseth.

CHAP. XXXIX. The words of Command for Ranks ranking, and Files ranking to the Front, they being twelve abrest, and six deep.

Command. RAnks, rank to the right 2, 3, 4, or 6, as occasion shall require.

Direction. If to two, the two outmost men upon the right are to move away, the next two to fall behind them until the first Rank hath made six Ranks, and the rest doing the like until the first six Ranks are become thirty six.

Reducement. Ranks, rank twelve to the left; the first Rank is to stand, the rest are to move away two and two, until they have made up twelve in one Rank, and the rest are to do the like until they are made up all again as at first; or, com­mand, Ranks, rank as you were. The same rule is to be observed if you rank to any of the other numbers, to divide them accordingly.

Command. Ranks, rank three to the left.

[Page 39] Direction. The first three men upon the left are to move away, the next three are to fall in behind toward the left, until the first Rank have made four Ranks; the rest are to do the like, until they have made them 24 Ranks.

Reducement. Ranks, rank 12 to the right: the first Rank is to stand, the rest are to move forth by three and three, until they have made twelve in one Rank; the rest are to do the like, until they be as they were at first; or, Ranks, rank as you were.

Command. Ranks, rank three to the right and left outward.

Direction. The three outmost men of the first Rank upon the right, and the three outmost men upon the left, move away; the next three of each hand in the same Rank are to do the like, and every Rank throughout to follow successively, dividing themselves three to one hand, and three to the other, until they have made twelve Ranks in each Division, and falling in the Reer successively to each hand of the first Rank.

Reducement. Ranks, rank 12 to the right and left inward; or, Ranks, rank as you were.

Command. Ranks, rank intire to the right into the Front.

Direction. The first Rank stand, the rest face to the right, and move away, every Rank placing it self successively to the right, until they stand all in one Rank in the Front.

Reducement. Ranks, rank 12 to the left; the first 12 men upon the left are to stand, the next 12 are to face to the left, and to move and fall in the Reer of the first, and so consequently all the rest; or else to command, Ranks, rank as you were.

Command. Ranks, rank intire to the left into the Front.

Direction. The first Rank stand, the rest face to the left, and move until they have successively placed themselves, and made one intire Rank into the Front.

Reducement. Ranks, rank 12 to the right, the 12 outmost men upon the right stand, the rest face to the right and move, making 12 in every Rank: or, Ranks, rank as you were.

Command. Ranks, rank outward into the Front.

Direction. The first Rank stand, the rest face outward, and place your selves suc­cessively into the Front, facing after to your Leader.

Reducement. Ranks, rank 12 to the right and left inward; the 12 middlemost men stand, the rest face inward, and move, ranking 12 successively behind the first Rank, and after facing to their Leader, and to even their Ranks.

Command. Ranks, rank inward into the Front.

Direction. The first Rank is to move away to the right and left, the next Rank moving up into his ground, doing the like, and consequently so all the rest, until the last Rank be come up intire into the Front.

Reducement. Ranks, rank six to the right and left outward, the first six upon the right, and the first six upon the left stand, the rest move outward, falling in the Reer of the first Rank, ranking six to the right and left, and after closing their Divisions.

Command. Files, rank to the right into the Front.

Direction. Files, open to the left to your double Distance, and Ranks close for­wards to Close Order, and move up to the right into the Front.

Reducement. Ranks, file six to the left; the first six upon the left are to fall into a File, the rest doing the like, until you have made 12 Files, as at first: or com­mand, Ranks, file as you were.

Command. Files, rank to the left into the Front.

Direction. Every man is to move forward to the left into the Front, beginning from the Leader of the Files, and moving up successively, making one intire Rank.

Reducement. Ranks, file six to the right; the six outmost men upon the right are to fall into a File, the rest in like manner are to do the same: or, Ranks, file as you were.

Command. Files, rank outward into the Front.

Direction. Right and left Half-ranks close into the midst, to Close order; after move to the right and left outward, until they be come up into the Front.

Reducement. Ranks, file six to the right and left inward: the middle men are to stand, the rest are to move side-ways to the right and left inward, and to file as be­fore commanded; or, Ranks, file as you were.

Command. Files, rank inward into the Front.

[Page 35] Direction. Right and left Half-ranks open from the midst to twice double di­stance, and Files move up to the right and left entire into the Front.

Reducement. Ranks, file six to the right and left outward, the outmost men stand, the rest move to the right and left outward, filing according to Command, and after to close their Divisions.

CHAP. XL. Ranks ranking into the Front by Countermarch.

Command. RAnks, rank entire into the Front, every man placing himself on the outside of his right-hand-man.

Direction. The first Rank stand, the rest move away to the right successively into the Front, placing themselves on the outside of their right-hand-men.

Reducement. Ranks, rank twelve to the left, every man placing himself on the outside of his left-hand-man; the first twelve upon the left are to stand, the rest are successively to fall in behind the first Rank, placing themselves as before com­manded; or, Ranks, rank as you were, placing your selves on the outside of your left-hand-men.

Command. Ranks, rank entire to the left into the Front, every man placing himself on the outside of his left-hand-man.

Direction. The first Rank stand, the rest move away to the left successively, placing your selves on the outside of your left-hand-men.

Reducement. Ranks, rank twelve to the right, every man placing himself on the outside of his right-hand-man; or, Ranks, rank as you were, every man placing himself as before.

Command. Ranks, rank outward into the Front, every man placing himself on the outside of his right and left-hand-man.

Direction. The first Rank stand, the rest move forth to the right and left, and successively to fall into the Front, every man placing himself on the outside of his right and left-hand-man.

Reducement. Ranks, rank twelve to the right and left inward, every man placing himself on the inside of his right and left-hand-man; the twelve middle men are to stand, the rest are to move to the right and left inward, six to one hand, and six to the other, making twelve in Rank, and falling behind the first.

Command. Ranks, rank inward into the Front, every man placing himself on the inside of his right and left-hand-man.

Direction. Right and left Half-ranks open from the midst to twice double Di­stance; the first Rank of each Division is to stand, the rest are to move successively to the right and left inward into the Front, making one entire rank.

Reducement. Ranks, rank six to the right and left outward, every man placing himself on the outside of his right and left-hand-man; the first Rank of each Di­vision stand, the rest move to the right and left outward, ranking as before com­manded, falling successively in the reer of the first rank, and after to close their Divisions.

CHAP. XLI. Files ranking into the Front by Wheeling.

Command. FIles, rank to the right into the Front by wheeling. The Files are to be at double distance, and ranks at close a Order.

Direction. Face to the right, and wheel to the left, until they stand even abrest in one entire Rank in the Front.

Reducement. Ranks, file six to the left by wheeling; face all to the Reer, and the first six men then upon the right, wheel to the right, and so consequently all the rest wheeling by fixes to the right, their Leaders that were before, being the hinges of the motion, and after face to their Leader.

Command. Files, rank to the left into the Front by wheeling.

Direction. Face to the left, and wheel to the right, until they make all one en­tire Rank in the Front.

Reducement. Ranks, file six to the right by wheeling; face to the Reer, and the six outmost men upon the left, wheel to the left, the next six are to follow, and con­sequently all the rest, until they have made twelve Files as at the first, and after face to their Leader.

[Page 36] Command. Files, rank outward into the Front by wheeling.

Direction. Right and left half-Ranks close into the midst to Order, and face outward, wheeling to the right and left, until you are one entire Rank.

Reducement. Rank, file six to the right and left inward by wheeling, face about to the right; and the twelve middlemost men are to wheel to the right and left in­ward, and the rest are likewise to do the same by Sixes, until they have made themselves into twelve Files; after face to their Leader.

Command. Files, rank inward into the Front by wheeling.

Direction. Right and left half-Ranks open from the midst to twice double di­stance, after face inward, and wheel to the right and left inward, until they are all in one Rank in the Front.

Reducement. Ranks, File six to the right and left outward, face all about, and wheel by Sixes to the right and left, the Leaders being the hinges of the Motion; after face to the Front, and right and left half-Ranks may close into the midst again to their double distance.

Here endeth the ranking into the Front, with all their several kinds: the Reer challengeth next place, but I shall spare the pains and labour to set them down, in regard that he who hath a mind to rank his men thither, may, if he please, make use of all the former words of Command for the performance of the same, facing them upon every Command to the Reer. I come therefore in the next place only to mention the ranking into the midst by Ranks and Files, which may likewise be performed by the former words of Command, provided they have convenient distance, and be faced to the midst, and after the Command is executed, to face them to their first Front. Yet there is remaining a ranking unto all these places at once; for the performance of which, observe these few words of Command following.

CHAP. XLII. Ranks ranking, or Files ranking at one and the same time into Front, Reer, and Midst.

They are to stand at Order in Rank and File. Command. RAnks, rank outward into the Front, Reer, and Midst.

Direction. The two last Ranks are to face about; the first Rank, and the last Rank, and the third Rank from the Front, are to stand; the other three are to move forth, six to the right, and six to the left, until they have ranked unto all these places, after face to the Front, and the last Rank moving f r ward to open Order.

Reducement. Ranks, rank twelve to the right and left inward; the last Rank face about, the twelve middlemost men of each Rank are to stand, the six outmost men of each Rank are to face inward, to move and fall into the right and left be­hind the middlemost men, after the two last Ranks are to face to the Front.

Command. Ranks, rank inward into the Front, Reer, and Midst.

Direction. Right and left half-Ranks open from the midst to twice double di­stance, the two last Ranks face to the Reer, the first and last Rank, and the third Rank from the Front stand, the rest move to the right and left inward, ranking into Front, Reer, and Midst; after that the last Rank is to face to the Front, and to close forward to open Order.

Reducement. Ranks, rank six to the right and left outward, the last Rank face about, and the outmost six men upon each Rank are to stand, and the middle men are to divide themselves six to the right hand, and six to the left, and to fall in the Reer of the first, last, and middle Rank; after the last Rank is to face to the Front, and then to close Ranks and Files to their Order.

Ranks ranking by Coun­termarch Command. Ranks, rank outward into the Front, Reer, and Midst, every man placing himself on the outside of his right and left-hand-man.

Direction. The two last Ranks face about, the first and last Rank, and the third Rank from the Front stand, the rest move forth to the right and left, ranking into Front, Reer, and Midst, placing themselves on the outside of their right and left-hand-men; face to your Leader.

Reducement. Ranks, rank twelve to the right and left inward, placing your [Page 37] selves on the inside of your right and left-hand-men, the last Rank face about, the twelve middlemost men in each Rank are to stand, and the outmost six men in each Rank are to move to the right and left inward, placing themselves in the Reer of the former Ranks, and on the inside of their right and left-hand-men, facing to their Leader.

Command. Ranks, rank inward into the Front, Reer, and Midst, every man placing himself on the inside of his right and left-hand-man.

Direction. Right and left half-Ranks open from the midst to twice double di­stance, standing then at Order in each division in Rank and File; the two last Ranks face about, and the first, last, and third Rank from the Front stand, the rest move inward, placing themselves on the inside of their right and left-hand-men; after the last Rank may face about, and move forward to open Order.

Reducement. Ranks, rank six to the right and left outward, every man placing himself on the outside of his right and left-hand-man, the last Rank face about, the six outmost men of each Rank stand, and the twelve middlemost men in each Rank are to divide themselves six to the right, and six to the left, falling in the Reer of the outmost men, placing themselves on the outside of their right and left-hand-men; after face to the Front, and Ranks and Files close to the midst to Order.

Of Files ranking into Front, Reer, and Midst.

Command. FIles, rank outward into Front, Reer, and Midst.

Direction. The two last Ranks face about, the first, last, and third Rank from the Front stand, the rest move to the right and left, after the manner of doubling of Ranks, and rank to Front, Reer, and Midst, as before command­ed; and after the last Rank face to the Front, closing forward to Order.

Reducement. Ranks, file six to the right and left inward, the last Rank face about, and the even men from the midst of Files are to fall in behind the odd, after the manner of doubling Files to the right and left inward, and after the two last Ranks are to face to the Front.

Command. Files, rank inward into Front, Reer, and Midst.

Direction. They standing at the distance of Order in Rank and File, command right and left Half-ranks to open from the Midst something more then to open Order, after the two last Ranks are to face about, and the first, last, and third Rank from the Front are to stand, the rest are to move to the right and left in­ward, after the manner of doubling Ranks to the right and left inward; after the last Rank is to face to the Front, and to close forwards to open Order.

Reducement. Ranks, file six to the right and left outward, the last Rank face about, and every man from the Flanks is to move outward, after the manner of doubling Files to the right and left outward; then the two last Ranks are to face to the Front, and the whole Body may close their Ranks and Files into the Midst to Order.

CHAP. XLIII. Of Files ranking by Wheeling.

Command. FIles, rank outward into Front, Reer, and Midst, The Ranks must be at Close Or­der, and the Files at Open Order for these three words of Com­mand following; and it would be better to divide them into three Divisions, that is to say, between every two Ranks to have some six foot of ground interval, that they may more distinctly perform the same. by Wheeling.

Direction. The two last Ranks face about, after face all out­ward, and wheel to the right and left, by two and two, until they be ranked into Front, Reer, and Midst: the last Rank may after move forwards unto the same distance the former stands at, being first faced to their Leader.

Reducement. Ranks, file six to the right and left inward by wheeling, the first two Ranks face about, and then every par­ticular Rank to wheel by two and two towards the midst of Files, until they have made twelve Files as at first; and after face all to the Front.

Command. Files, rank inward into the Front, Reer, and Midst by wheeling.

Direction. Right and left Half-ranks open from the midst something more then to open Order, the two last Ranks of each Division face about; after face all in­ward, [Page 38] and wheel by two and two to the right and left, until they have ranked into Front, and Reer, and Midst to the right and left inward; the last Rank is af­ter to face to the Front, taking his distance conformable to the rest.

Reducement. Ranks, file six to the right and left outward by wheeling, the two first Ranks face about, and each particular Rank is to wheel by two's towards the Flanks, until they have made twelve Files, as at first; after facing all to the Front, and closing their Ranks and Files into the midst to Order.

Command. Files, rank inward into the midst by wheeling.

Direction. Right and left Half-ranks open from the midst to twice double di­stance, after face inward, and let them know that the Bringers-up of the Front Half-files and the Half-file-Leaders are the hinges of the Motion; after face them to the Front, and they will be in two Ranks.

Reducement. Ranks, file six to the right and left outward by wheeling, the last Rank face about, and both Ranks wheel to the right and left by threes, until they have made twelve Files as at first; after face all to the Front, and close Files into the midst to Order.

Command. Files, rank outward into the Front and Reer by wheeling.

Direction. Right and left Half-ranks close into the midst to Order, after face outward, and wheel to the right and left: the Bringers-up and the Leaders are the hinges of the Motion; and when they are brought into two Ranks, one in the Front, and the other in the Reer, face them to the Front.

Reducement. Ranks, file six to the right and left inward by wheeling, the first Rank face about, and both Ranks are to wheel by threes towards the midst of Files, until they have filed according unto Command; after facing to their Lea­der, evening their Ranks, and straightning their Files.

And thus much of Conversion, or Ranks ranking, or Files ranking, they having more variety in them, then many times can be useful, except it be to present un­to the Souldiers some things that are new in the Motions, which many times they love to see. I could upon this Subject have much more enlarged my self; but conceiving what is already set down may be sufficient for the knowledge of any intelligible Souldier, I come therefore briefly to treat of Inversion, or of Ranks filing, and Files filing.

CHAP. XLIV. Of Ranks filing, or of Files filing, or of Inversion, with their several sorts and kinds.

Command. FIles, file to the right.

Direction. The right-hand File is to move away clear of the standing part, and after the next File to fall in the Reer of the first, and conse­quently so all the rest until they become one File.

Reducement. File-leaders, lead up your Files to the left; or, Files, file six to the left.

Command. Files, file to the right entire advancing.

Direction. The right-hand File stand, the rest move away successively, placing themselves in one direct File before the Front.

Reducement. Files, file six to the right into the Reer, face all about; or, Files, file six to the right towards the Front.

Command. Files, file inward into the right Flank.

Direction. Half-files face about, and the outmost Files then upon the left as they are so faced, are to move away forward, and consequently all the rest are to fall in behind them; the like is to be performed by the Front, the outmost File at the same time is to move away, and the rest successively falling in until they have made one entire File, after they are to face to the Front.

Reducement. Front Half-file, file three to the left; Reer Half-file face about, and file three to the right; face to your Leader, and close your Divisions.

Command. Files, file to the right by Division.

Direction. Half-files face about: the outmost File upon the right is to stand, the rest are to move forward, and to place themselves successively into one entire File, going forward after each other, and after face to the Front.

[Page 34] Reducement. Front-half-files, file three to the right, and Reer-half-files face a­bout, and file three to the left; face to your Leader, and close your Divisions.

Command. Ranks, file to the right, every man placing himself behind his right-hand-man. Ranks filing by way of Counter-march.

Direction. This may be done marching or standing; if marching, the right-hand-man of the first Rank doth first move away, the rest in the same Rank do fall in behind him, and consequently all the rest, until they make one intire File; if upon a Stand, the Ranks are to open backward to such a Distance, as they may conveniently fall into one File.

Reducement. Files, rank 12 to the left; or, Files, rank as you were.

Command. Ranks, file to the right, advancing, every man placing himself be­fore his right-hand-man.

Direction. The outmost File stand, The Ranks are to be at twice double Di­stance, & the Files at order. the rest are to move forward with their right leg, placing themselves before the right-hand-man.

Reducement. Files, rank 12 to the left; or, Files, rank as you were.

Command. Ranks, file to the right, every man placing himself before his Lea­der, and his Bringer-up.

Direction. The Half-files are to face about, onely the right-hand-file is to stand, the rest are to move forward, filing to the right Flank, every man placing him­self before his Leader, and his Bringer-up; face to your Leader.

Reducement. Front-half-files, rank 12 to the right, Reer-half-files face about, and rank 12 to the left; face to your Leader, close your Divisions.

Command. Ranks, file inward into the right Flank, every man placing himself before his Leader, and his Bringer-up.

Direction. Half-files, face about: Front and Reer-half-files are to march to such convenient distance, as the Ranks may fall into the midst of the right Flank; after they are to face about, or to face to the midst of Ranks; and then they are to move forward into the right Flank, every man placing himself as before com­manded, and after face to their Leader.

Reducement. Front-half-files, rank 12 to the left, Reer-half-files face about, and rank 12 to the right; face to your Leader, and close your Divisions.

Command. Files, file to the right, every man placing himself behind his Bringer-up. Files f [...] ­ling by way of Counter-march.

Direction. The outmost File stand, the rest face about, and move forward each particular File to the left, placing themselves behind their Right-hand-file, and their Bringers-up.

Reducement. Files, file six to the left, every man placing himself before his Leader.

Command. Files, file to the right, every man placing himself before his Leader.

Direction. The Right-hand-file stand, the rest move forwards, every File suc­cessively placing themselves before their Leaders, and their Right-hand-file.

Reducement. Files, file six to the right into the Reer, every man placing himself before his Bringer-up; face all about, the last six men stand, the rest are to move, and to file six to the right, placing themselves before their Bringers-up, and af­ter to face to the Front.

Command. Files, file to the right Flank by Division, every man placing himself before his Leader, and his Bringer-up.

Direction. Half-files face about; the Right-hand-file is to stand, the rest are to move forward to the right Flank, placing themselves before their Leaders, and their Bringers-up, making one intire File to the right; face to your Leader.

Reducement. Front-half-files, face about, and file three to the right, every man placing himself before his Bringer-up; and Reer-half-files, file three to the left, placing your selves before your Leaders; face to your Leader.

Command. Files, file inward into the right Flank, every man placing himself before his Leader, and his Bringer-up.

Direction. Half-files face about, and Front and Reer-half-files move forward, until there be sufficient Distance to file into the right Flank; after face them a­bout to the midst of Ranks, then the files may move successively into the right [Page 40] Flank, placing themselves before their Leaders, and their Bringers-up; face to your Leader.

Reducement. Front-half-files, file three to the left, every man placing himself before his Leader; and Reer-half-files, face about, and file three to the right, eve­ry man placing himself before his Bringer-up; face to your Leader, and close your Divisions.

CHAP. XLV. Ranks wheeling into the Flanks.

They ought to be at twice double Distance in rank and at Close or­der in file. Command. RAnks, wheel to the right, into the right Flank.

Direction. Every particular Rank is to wheel to their right hand, until they have brought their Aspects unto the right Flank; after face to the Front.

Reducement. Files, rank 12 to the right: the first man is to stand, the rest are to move forward to the right successively, 12 in a Rank to the right.

Command. Ranks, wheel to the left to the right Flank.

Direction. Face all about, and Ranks wheel to the left, until you have brought your Aspects unto the right Flank; face to your Leader.

Reducement. Files, rank 12 to the left: the first man is to stand, the rest are to move forwards, making up 12 abrest to the left, until they have made six Ranks as at first.

Command. Ranks, wheel outward to the right Flank.

Direction. Half-files, face about; the first three Ranks wheel to the right, and the three last Ranks wheel to the left; to your Leader.

Reducement. Front-half-files, rank 12 to the right; Reer-half-files, face about, and rank 12 to the left; face to your Leader, march up and close forwards to your due Distance.

Command. Ranks, wheel inward into the right Flank.

Direction. Half-files, face about; Front and Reer-half-files, march from the midst to twice double distance; after Front and Reer-half-files, face about; Front-half-files, wheel your Ranks to the left; Reer-half-files, wheel your Ranks to the right, to your Leader.

Reducement. Front-half-files, rank 12 to the left; Reer-half-files, face about, and rank 12 to the right; face to your Leader, and close your Divisions.

The left Flank challengeth the next place; but I shall spare that pains, in re­gard it is to be done by the same words of Command, onely altering the hand: I come therefore in the next place to shew how Ranks and Files may file outward to both Flanks and midst at one and the same time by proper words of Com­mand, as followeth.

CHAP. XLVI. Of Files filing, or Ranks filing to both the Flanks and the Midst at one and the same time.

Command. FIles, file to the right and left of both Flanks, and the midst of Files.

Direction. The outmost File upon each Flank, and the two middle Files are to move away; the rest are to fall in successively behind to the right and left, filing to both Flanks, and to the midst; after to stand, and even their Ranks, and streighten their Files.

Reducement. Files, file six to right and left inward, moving between the Flanks and the middle files.

Command. Files, file to both Flanks, and to the midst of Files advancing.

Direction. The outmost File upon each Flank stand, and so likewise the two in­most Files; the rest move forth and place themselves successively filing, advan­cing toward both Flanks, and the midst of Files.

Reducement. Files, file six to the right and left inward to the Reer, placing yourselves between the Flanks and the middle files; the moving part is to face about, and to march down according to command as before exprest, after face to their Leader.

[Page 41] Command. Files, file to both Flanks and the midst by Division. They must be at order both in rank and file.

Direction. The outmost File upon each Flank, and the two inmost Files, stand; Half-files of the other Files, face about, and march forth, and file by threes to the right and left into both Flanks and the midst; facing to their Leader, they will stand in four Files eighteen deep.

Reducement. The six middlemost men in each File stand; the three first and the three last Ranks, file six to the right and left inward: the three first Ranks face about; then moving by threes between the outmost File of each Flank and the middle Files, after facing to their Leader.

Command. Files, file inward into both Flanks and into the midst of Files.

Direction. Half-files, face about; march all, and open from the midst to twice double distance; face all about to the right: the two inmost and the two outmost Files stand; the rest move successively by threes, until they file into both Flanks and into the midst; face to your Leader.

Reducement. Files, file three to the right and left inward into the Front and Reer; Half-files, face about; the three first and the three last Ranks, stand; the 12 middlemost men move inward by threes into Front and Reer, between the out­most and the middlemost Files: face to your Leader, and close your Divisions.

Command. Files, file both Flanks and to the midst of Files, every man placing himself before his Bringers-up.

Direction. Face all about; the two outmost Files and the two middlemost Files, stand; the rest move forth to the right and left, placing themselves successively before their Bringers-up, filing towards both Flanks and the midst of Files; face to your Leader.

Reducement. Files, file six to the right and left inward, following your Bringers-up between the Flanks and the middle Files; the first six Ranks are to stand.

Command. Files, file to both Flanks and to the midst of Files, advancing, every man placing himself before his Leader.

Direction. The outmost File upon each Flank, and the two middlemost Files stand; the rest advance forward, placing themselves successively before their Lea­ders, filing both Flanks and to the midst of Files.

Reducement. Files, file six to the right and left inward into the Reer, following your Leaders, between the Flankers and the middle Files; the six last Ranks face about; and after they have filed, they are all to face to their Leader.

Command. Files, file to both Flanks and to the midst by Division, every man placing himself before his Leader and Bringer-up.

Direction. The outmost File upon each Flank, and the two inmost, stand; Half-files of the other Files, face about; and then command them to move, filing to both Flanks and into the midst, placing themselves before their Leaders and Bringers-up; to your Leader.

Reducement. The six middlemost men in each File stand; the three first and the three last Ranks, file six to the right and left inward; every man placing him­self before his Leader and Bringer-up: the three first Ranks face about; and then with the three last, they are to move forward between the outmost and the mid­dlemost Files; that is, by threes to place themselves before their Leaders and their Bringers-up; face to your Leader.

Command. Files, file inward into both Flanks and into the midst, every man placing himself before his Leader and Bringer-up.

Direction. Half-files, face to the Reer; march all, and open from the midst to twice double distance; face all about to the right, the two inmost and the two outmost Files upon each Flank stand; the rest move successively by threes, placing themselves before their Leaders and Bringers-up, filing into both Flanks and the midst; face to your Leader.

Reducement. Files three to the right and left inward, into Front and Reer, every man placing himself before his Leader and his Bringer-up; Half-files, face about; the three first and three last Ranks stand; the 12 middlemost men move for­wards by threes, between the outmost and the middle Files, placing themselves as aforesaid; face to your Leader, and close your Divisions.

CHAP. XLVII. Of Ranks wheeling to both the Flanks.

They are to be at double distance in Ranks, and at order in Files. Command. RAnks, wheel to the right and left to both Flanks advancing.

Direction. The outmost men upon the right and left in every Rank are the hinges of the Motion; the rest are to divide their Ranks by wheel­ing, six to the right, and six to the left, until they have brought their Aspects un­to both the Flanks; after face to their Leader.

Reducement. Files, rank 12 to the right and left inward into the Reer; face all to the right and left about inward, and begin the Motion from each File, to rank six to the right and six to the left, making up 12 abrest in the Reer; the rest follow­ing until they have made six Ranks in a brest; face to your Leader.

Command. Ranks, wheel to the right and left towards the Reer.

Direction. Face all about. The outside-men are the hinges of this Motion, who are to wheel from the Reer to the right and left, until they have brought their Aspects unto both the Flanks; face to your Leader.

Reducement. Files, rank 12 to the right and left inward; the Right-hand-file is to begin to rank six to the left; the Left-hand-file is to rank six to the right, making up even abrest 12 in number, the rest doing the same.

Command. Front and Reer-half-files, wheel your ranks outward into both Flanks.

Direction. Half-files, face about; and Front and Reer-half-files, wheel outward into both Flanks, until you have brought your Aspects unto the right and left; face to your Leader.

Reducement. Front and Reer-half-files, rank 12 to the right and left inward, to­wards the midst of Ranks; Front-half-files face about, and begin the Motion from the Bringers-up of the Front-half-files, and the Half-file-leaders; ranking six to the right and left from each File, making 12 abrest; face to your Leader.

Command. Front and Reer-half-files, wheel your Ranks into both Flanks.

Direction. Half-files, face about, and march all until you be at twice double di­stance in the midst; then face all about to the right, and wheel to the right and left, until you have brought your Aspects unto both Flanks, by wheeling inward to them; face to your Leader.

Reducement. Files, rank 12 to the right and left inward into Front and Reer; Half-files, face about, and rank in Front and Reer, six to the right and six to the left, making 12 abrest; after face to your Leader.

CHAP. XLVIII. Of Ranks wheeling to the midst of Files.

Command. FRont and Reer-half-files, wheel your Ranks inward to the midst of Files.

Direction. Half-files, face about; and Front and Reer-half-files, wheel your Ranks to the right and left inward, until they face in opposition; to your Leader.

Reducement. Files, rank six to the right and left outward unto the midst of Ranks; Front-half-files, face about, and Rank six to the right and left outward; Reer-half-files do the same to your Leader.

Command. Front and Reer-half-files, wheel your Ranks inward into the midst of Files.

Direction. Half-files, face about; Front and Reer-half-files, march until you have attained twice double distance in the midst of Ranks; face all about to the right, and wheel to the right and left inward into the midst of Files; to your Leader.

Reducement. Files, rank six to the right and left outward into Front and Reer; Half-files, face about; and Front and Reer-half-files, rank six to the right and left outward, as before commanded; to your Leader, move forward, and close your Divisions to your double distance.

CHAP. XLIX. Of Ranks wheeling to both Flanks, and into the midst, at one and the same time.

They ought to be at more then Open order in Ranks, and at order in Files. Command. FRont and Reer-half-files, wheel your Ranks to the right and left into both Flanks, and the midst of Files.

Direction. Half-files, face about to the right; and the middle Files, and the outmost Files upon each Flank, are the hinges of this Motion; the [Page 43] rest are to wheel their Ranks to the right and left towards both the Flanks, and to the midst of Files; face to your Leader.

Reducement. Files, rank six to the right and left inward to the midst of Ranks, and between the Flankers and the middle Files: Front-half-files, face about, and rank six to the right and left inward towards the midst of Ranks, & between the Flank­ers, and middle Files; the Reer-half-files doing the same, face to your Leader.

Command. Front and Reer-half-files, wheel your Ranks inward into both Flanks, and into the midst of Files.

Direction. Half-files, face about; and Front and Reer-half-files, march until you be at double distance in the midst; after face all about to the right, and wheel your Ranks to the right and left inward into both Flanks, and into the midst of Files; face to your Leader.

Reducement. Files, rank six to the right and left inward into Front and Reer, be­tween the Flankers and the middle Files; Half-files face about, and rank six to the right and left inward to the Reer between the Flankers and the middle Files, the Front-half-files doing the same to the Front, after facing to their Leader; & Half-files move forwards, closing their Divisions to the distance of the former Ranks.

Having dwelt thus long upon this subject of Inversion and Conversion (occa­sioned thereunto by their great variety and difficulty in the performance of them,) I hold it convenient to give a breathing space unto the wearied Souldier, whilst I in the mean time prepare further matter for his longing desire.

Yet before I enter in any other discourse of the Art Military, I hold it requisite to give some admonitions to those that shall venture upon them. For being very difficult, they are not easily understood by every puny; my advice therefore is, to wave such things in time of Exercise, which the Souldiers are unacquainted with, providing for them such matter as is both plain and easie; and being frequently practised in such, he may after drill them on to harder, till by degrees he hath brought them unto such perfection and knowledge, that they shall be able to per­form and execute what is commanded; not gazing upon one another, (as I have often observed) neither knowing their Leaders meaning; or if they did, they are altogether ignorant how to fulfil his commands. Frequent practice therefore makes the Souldier expert, witness our gallant Souldiers and Citizens of London, who are most of them so well grounded (by frequent practice) that their Leaders can scarce give a word of Command, which is not easily apprehended by them, they being in their exercises so often inured to such difficult expressions as these of Inversion and Conversion.

CHAP. L. Of Counter-marches, with th [...]ir several sorts and kinds, affording much variety in time of Exercise.

THose which have a longing desire to be throughly knowing in this part or branch of Military Discipline, must take notice of these four sorts, (viz.) Counter-marching of Files, next of Ranks, after the Front and Reer-half-files, and lastly, of right and left Half-ranks: all which are performed either by intire or Divisional Counter-marches, or else by the intire changing of ground; and that by many ways, the Front-half-files with the Reer, the right Half-ranks with the left: So that an expert Leader may venter so far in them, as to continue his Ex­ercise (without reducing) almost for an hour, and not to express himself twice in any one word of Command; they affording such plenty and variety in them, that with pleasure, using but four words of Command, he may bring each Soul­dier into his proper place again; observing these directions following. As first, to look down in the Body, where his File-leaders are, and where his Bringers-up: & likewise marking the several places of his Half-file-leaders, & the Bringers up of his Front-half-files, together with his Flankers & his middle Files: this special care being taken, he may begin and proceed to the Reducement, after this manner.

If by some former Counter-marches his File-leaders are in the place of his Half-file-leaders, and that his Bringers-up are in the room of the Brin­gers-up of the Front-half-files, then he may proceed in this, or the like kinde, [Page 44] commanding them to countermarch their Front and Reer into the midst; which being performed, they will stand in some pretty way of reducing; after facing them to the Front, where he meets with his Bringers-up, in stead of his File-lea­ders; which by one Counter-march will bring them up again into the Front. Yet perhaps the Flankers have inter-changed ground with the middle File-leaders: if so, then Counter-march their Flanks into the midst, and face them to the Front: and if it happen that the right Flank is become the left, and the left the right; then Counter-march their Ranks to any hand, and after face them to the first Front they are reduced. And farther, take this for a general rule, that when Files or Ranks Counter-march to any hand, command them to Counter-march to the contrary, and it will reduce them; or countermarching your Front and Reer into the midst, counter-marching of them back again from the midst will bring each man into his proper place again. The same rule being observed, re­duceth the Flankers, or Front and Reer-half-files, counter-marching of them from the midst.

Counter-marches rightly considered, branch themselves forth into these three particulars.


  • Macedonian.
  • Lacedemonian.
  • Chorean.

The Macedonian is a Counter-march of gaining ground, for that it leaveth the ground it formerly stood upon, and in lieu thereof taketh the ground before the Front, and turneth their Aspects unto the Reer.

The Lacedemonian is a Counter-march of losing ground, for that it leaveth the ground it first stood upon, and in room thereof, taketh the ground which is be­hind the Reer; thither likewise altering the Souldiers Aspects.

The Chorean is a Counter-march maintaining ground, keeping the ground the Battalia formerly stood upon, every Souldier taking anothers place; it likewise turns the Aspect towards the Reer.

Thus you see (for all their great variety which latter ages have invented) they consist but of three sorts or kinds, either maintaining, gaining, or losing of ground; and may be performed (as I said before) either by intire or divisional Counter-marches.

It may now be expected that I declare unto the Souldier the meaning of each particular Counter-march; briefly therefore, thus: Files counter-marching is, when every Souldier followeth his Leader; Ranks counter-marching is, when every Souldier followeth his side-man, whether it be to the right-hand or to the left: Front and Reer-half-files counter-marching is, sometimes when every par­ticular Souldier followeth his Leader or Bringer-up; or else when they follow their Half-file-leaders, or their Bringers-up of the Front-half-files, or the like: Right and left Half-ranks counter-marching is, when every Souldier in the Rank followeth the outmost men upon the right and left; or when they shall follow their inside right and left-hand-men, or the like. What hath hitherto been spoken may be sufficient, both for the instruction and direction of any discreet Soul­dier: I come in the next place to set them all before them as they lie in Order.

CHAP. LI. Intire Counter-marching of Files.

Command. FIles to the

  • Right
  • Left

Hand, Counter-march, maintaining ground.

Direction. File-leaders, turn off upon the ground you stand; the rest moving up successively into the File-leaders place, turning off until the Bringers-up come up into the Front; after face to your Leader.

Command. File-leaders, stand; the rest pass through to the right or left, and place your selves before your Leaders.

Command. File-leaders, face about; the rest pass through to the right or left, and place your selves behind your Leaders; face to your Leader.

[Page 45] Command. File-Leaders face to the Reer, the rest pass through to the right or left, following your Bringers-up, and placing your selves behind your Leaders; face all to your Leader.

Command. File-leaders stand, the rest pass through to the right or left, and place your selves before your Leaders, following your Bringers up.

Command. Files to the right and left Counter-march losing ground, placing your selves before your Bringers-up.

Direction. Every File-leader turn off upon the ground he stands on, the rest successively doing the same until they come to the last Rank, who need do no more then face about; after face all to their Leader.

Command. The last Rank stand, the rest pass through to the right or left, placing your selves behind your Bringers-up, every man following his Leader.

Direction. File-leaders turn off to the right or left, the rest following successive­ly until they are all clear of the Reer, then face to their Leader.

Command. Bringers-up stand, the rest face about, pass through to the right or left, and place your selves behind your Bringers-up.

Command. Bringers-up face about, the rest pass through to the right or left, and place your selves before your Bringers-up.

Direction. Face all to the Reer, and begin the Motion with the second Rank from the Reer, moving forward, every man placing himself before his Bringer-up; to your Leader.

Command. Counter-march your Front and Reer into the midst.

Direction. Half-files face about, and turn off to the left; Front Half-files turn off to the right; to your Leader.

Command. Front and Reer Half-files Counter-march to the right or left.

Direction. This is to be done distinctly, the Front half-files turning off to the right by themselves, the Reer half-files turning off in like manner; face to your Leader.

Command. File-leaders, and half-file-leaders stand, the rest pass through to the right or left, and place your selves before your Leaders and half-file-leaders.

Command. Counter-march your Front and Reer half-files to the right and left from the midst.

Direction. Front half-files face about, and turn off to the right; Reer half-files turn off to the left; to your Leader.

Command. File-leaders and half-file-leaders face about, the rest pass through to the right or left, and place your selves behind your Leaders, and your half-file-leaders; to your Leaders.

Command. File-leaders and half-file-leaders stand, the rest pass through to the right or left, and place your selves before your Leaders and half-file-leaders, eve­ry man following his Bringer-up, and the Bringers-up of the Front half-files.

Command. File-leaders and half-file-leaders face about, the rest pass through to the right or left, and place your selves behind your Leaders and half-file-lea­ders, following your Bringers-up.

Direction. The File-leaders and the Half-file-leaders (being first faced) are to stand; and the Bringers-up of the Front and Reer-half-files are to move for­wards, until they be cleer of the standing part; after they are to face to the Reer; which being ended, they are again to face to the Front.

CHAP. LII. Divisional Counter-marching of Files.

Command. FIle-leaders and Bringers-up, stand; the rest pass through to the right or left, and place your selves before your Leaders and your Bringers-up.

Direction. Half-files, face about; the Counter-march being ended, and faced a­gain to the Front, command them to move forwards, and close their Divisions.

Command. File-leaders, face about; the rest pass through to the right or left, and place your selves behind your Leaders and your Bringers-up.

Direction. The two last Ranks from the Reer face about; and then they are [Page 46] to begin the Motion together; which being ended, face them to the Front, and the Half-files are to move forward, and to close their divisions.

Command. File-leaders and Bringers-up, stand; the rest pass through to the right or left, and place your selves before your Leaders and your Bringers-up; fol­lowing the Half-file-leaders, and the Bringers-up of the Front-half-files.

Direction. Half-files, face about: this Motion is begun by the Bringers-up of each Division; which being ended, they are to face to their Leader; the Half-files moving forwards, closing their Divisions.

Command. File-leaders, face about; the rest pass through to the right or left, and place your selves behind your Leaders and your Bringers-up, following the Half-file-leaders, and the Bringers-up of the Front-half-files.

Direction. The two last Ranks from the Reer, face about: this Motion is begun by the Bringers-up of each Division, who are to lead away the rest following, un­til they be clear of the Front and Reer; and after to face about, placing them­selves behind their Half-file-leaders and the Bringers-up of the Front-half-files; then facing to the Front, the Half-files moving forwards, closing their Divisions.

Command. Counter-march to the right and left; your Front and Reer-half-files from the midst (losing ground) every man placing himself before his Leader and his Bringer-up.

Direction. Front-half-files, face about, and turn off to the right, and the Half-file-leaders turn off to the left, and march cleer of the Front and Reer, and after the File-leaders; the Bringers-up are but to face about, and the Counter-march will be ended; then face the Half-files to the Front, let them move for­ward and close their Divisions.

Command. Front and Reer-half-files interchange ground to the right or left, marching cleer each from other.

Direction. Front-half-files, face about; and pass through to your own right hands, until you be cleer six foot of each other; then face to the Front, the Half-files moving forwards, and closing their Divisions.

Command. Front and Reer-half-files, Counter-march to the right, and inter­change ground.

Direction. Half-files, face about, and turn off to the right; and Front-half-files at the same time doing the like, moving forwards until they be cleer one of another six foot; then facing to their Leader, close their Divisions.

CHAP. LIII. Intire Counter-marches of Ranks.

Command. RAnks to the right-hand, counter-marching maintaining ground.

Direction. Face to the right; the Right-hand-file that was, turn off to the right, the rest moving up into the same ground, turning off likewise; to your Leader.

Command. The outmost File upon the right, face to the right; the rest pass through to the right or left, and place your selves before your Right-hand-men.

Direction. Face to the right, and pass through as before exprest; to your Lea­der.

Command. The Right-hand-file face to the left; the rest pass through to the right or left, and place your selves behind your right-hand-men.

Direction. Face to the right, and move forwards, and place your selves behind your right-hand-men; to your Leader.

Command. Ranks to the left-hand counter-march losing ground.

Direction. The outmost is to turn off to the left about until he hath brought his Aspect unto the right Flank; and so consequently all the rest, moving still forwards until they have gained upon the outside of the right Flank so much ground as they have lost, or that they have placed themselves before their right-hand-men, by following their left-hand-men; face to your Leader.

Command. The Right-hand-file, face to the left; the rest pass through to the right, following your left-hand-men, and placing your selves behind your Right-hand-file.

[Page 47] Direction. The outmost File upon the left, face to the right, and march through the Intervals towards the right Flank; and when he is moved away, the rest up­on the left are successively to do the same, until they have in lieu of that ground they formerly stood, gained so much upon the out-file of the right Flank; then facing about toward the left Flank, after face to your Leader.

Command. Ranks to the left-hand Counter-march, maintaining ground.

Direction. Face to the left, and the left-hand-file that was turn off to the left on the same ground he stands, the rest moving up successively doing the same; to your Leader.

Command. The left-hand-File stand, the rest face to the left, pass through, and place your selves on the outside of your left-hand-men.

Direction. The left-hand-File face to the left, the rest pass through to the left, and place your selves before your left-hand-men; to your Leader.

Command. The left-hand-File face to the right, the rest face to the left, pass through to the left, and place your selves behind your left-hand-men.

Command. The left-hand-File face to the left, the rest pass through to the left, and place your selves before your left-hand-men, following your right-hand-men.

Direction. Face all to the left, and the outmost Files upon the right move for­ward upon the left, the rest successively doing the same, until you have all placed your selves before your left-hand-men; to your Leader.

Command. The left-hand-file face to the right, the rest face to the left, pass through to the left, and place your selves behind your left-hand-men, following your right-hand-men.

Direction. The right-hand-File that was, is to begin this Motion, the rest are consequently to follow until they have gained as much ground on the outside of the left Flank as before they lost; after face about to the right, and after to their Leader.

Command. Ranks to the right-hand counter-march, every man placing himself on the outside of his left-hand-man, by following his right-hand-man.

Direction. The left-hand-file stand, the outmost File upon the right, is to turn about to the right, until he hath brought his aspect to the left Flank; then moving forward until he be clear of the second File, after the rest are to do the like, for­saking the ground they stood upon, and in lieu thereof to gain so much upon the outside of the left Flank, placing themselves on the outside of their left-hand-men, their aspects being to the Front. Or you may command the outmost File upon the right to face to the left, and so begin to lead until he be clear of the se­cond File, the rest doing the same until they have all placed themselves on the outside of their left-hand-men, their aspects being to the Front; which I conceive to be the easier way.

Command. Counter-march your Flanks into the Midst.

Direction. Face to the right and left outward; right Flank turn off to the right, left Flank turn off to the left, until they meet in the midst; to your Leader.

Command. Right and left half-ranks Counter-march to the right or left.

Direction. Face all to the right: the right Half-ranks are to turn off to the right by themselves, and the left Half-ranks in l ke manner; to your Leader.

Command. The outmost File upon the right, and the right-hand-file of the left Half-rank stand, the rest face to the right, pass through, and place your selves on the outside of your right-hand-men; face to your Leader.

Command. The outmost File upon the right, and the right-hand-file of the left Half-rank face to the right and stand; the rest pass through to the right, and place your selves before your right-hand-men; face all to the right, and the motion being ended, face to your Leader.

Command. The outmost File upon the right, and the right-hand-file of the left Half-rank, face to the left and stand, the rest face to the right; pass through, and place your selves behind your right-hand-men; to your Leader.

Direction. For these three last Counter-marches is for the moving part to begin [Page 48] to Counter-march, who are the next Files of the standing part, and so to follow successively until they have performed the command, and after to face to their Leader.

Command. The right-hand-file of the left half-rank, and the outmost File upon the right, stand, the rest pass through to the right, and place your selves on the out side of your right-hand-men, following your outmost Files.

Direction. The outmost Files are to face to the right, and to lead away until they be clear of the next, who likewise are to follow successively.

Command. The outmost File upon the right, and the right-hand-file of the left Half-rank face to the right and stand, the rest pass through to the right, and place your selves before your right-hand-men.

Direction. Face all to the right; and the outmost Files that were, are to begin the motion, placing themselves before their right-hand-men, the rest following successively; to your Leader.

Command. The outmost File upon the right, and the right-hand-file of the left Half-rank face to the left and stand; the rest pass through to the right, and place your selves behind your right-hand-men.

Direction. The outmost Files are to turn about until they have brought their aspects unto the right Flank, then move away until they be clear of the second File, and in like manner they are to turn off, doing the same until they have placed themselves behind their right-hand-men; then facing to the left about, and after to their Leader, to even their Ranks and straighten their Files.

Command. Counter-march your right and left Half-Ranks from the midst.

Direction. Face inward, right Half-ranks turn off to the right, left Half-ranks turn off to the left; to your Leader.

CHAP. LIV. Divisional Counter-marches of the right and left Half-ranks.

Command. THe outmost File upon each Flank stand, the rest pass through to the right and left, and place your selves on the outside of your right and left-hand-men.

Direction. The rest face outward, and begin the motion by the next Files, the others following in order, & after to close their Files into the Midst to open Order.

Command. The outmost File upon each Flank face outward and stand; the rest pass through to the right and left, and place your selves before your outside men.

Direction. The rest are to face outward, and the next Files unto them that first faced are to begin the motion, placing themselves before their outside men; after face to their Leader, and close Files into the midst to Order.

Command. The outmost File upon each Flank face inward, the rest pass through and place your selves behind your outside men.

Direction. The rest are to face outward, and to pass through to the right and left, placing themselves behind their right and left-hand-men, and after to move forward, and close their Divisions, and face to their Leader.

Command. The outmost File upon each Flank stand, the rest pass through to the right and left, and place your selves on the outside of your right and left-hand-men, following your inmost Files.

Direction. The inmost Files are to begin the motion, moving away to the right and left, until they be clear of their second Files, and then they are to move a­way successively until they have all placed themselves on the outside of their right and left-hand-men, and then close files into the midst to open Order.

Command. The outmost Files upon each Flank face outward, the rest pass through to the right and left, placing your selves before your right and left-hand-men, following your inmost Files.

Direction. The rest are likewise to face outward, and the inmost Files are to begin the motion, the rest following in order until they have placed themselves before their outside men; after face to the Front, and close Files into the midst to open Order.

Command. The outmost File upon each Flank face inward, the rest pass through [Page 49] to the right and left, and place your selves behind your outside-men, following the inmost Files.

Direction. The rest are to face outward; the inmost Files begin to move for­ward to the right and left, the rest consequently do the same, until they all stand behind their outside-men; then facing to the right and left about, closing their Divisions by moving forwards; after face to the Front.

Command. Counter-march your right and left Half-ranks from the midst, losing ground, and placing your selves before your outside-men.

Direction. Face inward, Right-half-ranks, turn off to the right; and Left-half-ranks, turn off to the left, and move forwards until you have placed your selves before your outside-men; after face to your Leader, and close Files into the midst to open order.

Command Right and Left-half-ranks interchange ground.

Direction. Face inward, and pass through to your own right-hand, until you be cleer six foot each of other; after face to your Leader, and close Files into the midst to open order.

Command. Right and left half-ranks, Counter-march to the right and left, and interchange ground.

Direction. Face outward, Right-half-ranks, turn off to the right; Left-half-ranks, turn off to the left, and march clear each of the other; after face to the Front, and close Files inward to open order.

Thus much may suffice to be spoken of all the several sorts and kinds of Counter-marches; which if any shall conceive my pains fruitless in culling out such plenty and variety, there being so few of them practised among able and knowing Souldiers; my best apology will be, The high and venerable esteem I had of Antiquity necessitated me thereunto; as also to give full satisfaction to the Leaders of our private Meetings, who of late have laboured to inure their Soul­diers in the full practice thereof, made me the willinger rather to undergo the censure of some, then to incur the displeasure of many. Yet by the way, give me leave fully to declare my self concerning the use of them: for my opinion is, that of all the Motions tending to Martial Discipline, these may the best be spared, as being of little use, and not so much as practised abroad upon service; and therefore the fewer of them any Leader shall use in his Exercise, in my judgement he doth the better, not spending time in needless speeches, telling of his Souldiers that this is the Macedonian, this is the Lacedemonian, or Chorean Counter-march. Not to lie under the censure my self of mispending time, I come therefore briefly in the next place to treat of Wheelings, being a subject more profitable for the intelligible Souldier.

CHAP. LV. Of Wheelings, with their several uses.

HAving proceeded thus far in shewing all the several sorts and kinds of Mili­tary Motions, it will now in the next place be expected that I speak some­what of Wheelings, and as formerly, so now, to set before the Souldier their se­veral kinds and uses. Wherefore take notice of two sorts, Wheelings Angular, and VVheelings on the Center, (which latter is commonly called the Prince of Orange his VVheeling) being acted or performed by the Souldier two several ways; that is to say, Intire or Divisional.

Intire VVheelings to the Angles, are when the Souldiers turn their Aspects from the Front proper to either of the Flanks or Reer, whereby they may gain the VVind or Sun, or some like advantage, bringing their best Souldiers thither for to encounter an Enemy. For the better performance of this Motion, it will be convenient to close Ranks and Files into the midst to order, and to keep their due distance both in Rank and File, observing in their Ranks their right and left-hand-men, & following their Leaders, always conforming themselves in their Moti­on to the most commendable Posture, which is Pikes advanced, & Muskets poysed. Wheeling the Battail on the Center, is when they are so straightened with ground, that they have not room to wheel to the right or left, as in the former, which [Page 50] gaineth as much more ground before the Front, as formerly they stood on. This Wheeling brings their best Souldiers to either of the Flanks or Reer. I could wish that this Wheeling were more often practised amongst us, for by it the Soul­diers are better kept together in their Motion, being not so apt to flie out, as in the former.

Divisional Wheelings (provided they have sufficient number of men) are of sin­gular good use to encounter several Enemies at one and the same time, which the Front of our Battalia bringing our best Souldiers for to skirmish with them. It is likewise useful to bring either Arms into Front, Reer, or both the Flanks: for suppose the Muskettiers to be upon the Flanks, and fearing a desperate charge of the Horse to fall upon them by a Division of Wheeling, the Pikes are thither brought to receive their on-set; and in the mean space, the Muskettiers have time to recruit their Bandiliers again. Much more might be spoken, but my intent is not to fill my Book with impertinent discourses, knowing what is already spoken is sufficient for the intelligible Souldier.

CHAP. LVI. Intire Wheelings.

Command. WHeel your Battail to the

  • Right.
  • Left.
  • Right
  • Left


Direction. The right or the left-hand-men in the Front are the hinges of these Motions; the rest have a greater compass to march then they, to bring their A­spects unto the place commanded, following their Leaders.

Command. Wheel your Battail on the same ground to the

  • Right.
  • Left.
  • Right
  • Left


Direction. The Left-half-ranks moveth forwards wheeling to the right; and the right Half-ranks contrariwise faceth to the left side-wise falling backward, moving still unto the place commanded.

CHAP. LVII. Divisional Wheelings.

Command. WHeel the Battail off by Division from the Front.

Direction. Turn off to the right and left.

Command. Wheel the Battail off by Division from the Reer.

Direction. Face to the Reer, and turn off to the right and left.

Command. Wheel the Battail inward to the Reer.

Direction. Open from the midst to convenient distance, and turn off to the right and left.

Command. Wheel the Battail inward to the Front from the Reer.

Direction. Face to the Reer, open from the midst, and wheel inward to the Front.

Command. Wheel off the Body by Division from the right Flank.

Direction. Face to the right.

Command. Wheel off the Body by Division from the left Flank.

Direction. Face to the left.

Command. VVheel the Body inward to the left Flank from the right.

Direction. Face to the right, and open outward to convenient distance to wheel inward to the left Flank.

Command. Wheel the body inward to the right Flank from the left.

Direction. Face to the left, and open outward to convenient distance to wheel inward to the right Flank.

Command. VVheel off your Front and Reer-half-files by Division.

Direction. Half-files, face about; & Front & Reer-half-files, turn off by Division.

Command. Wheel your Front and Reer-half-files inward to the midst of Ranks.

Direction. Half-files, face about; and Front and Reer-half-files, open outward to convenient distance to wheel inward to the midst of Ranks.

Command. Wheel off your Front and Reer-half-files by Division from the midst of Ranks.

[Page 51] Direction. Front-half-files, face about; and Front and Reer-half-files, wheel off to the right and left by Division.

Command. Wheel Front and Reer-half-files inward, both to the Front and Reer from the midst of Ranks.

Direction. Front-half-files, face about; and Front and Reer-half-files, open from the midst to convenient distance, and wheel inward into Front and Reer.

Command. Wheel off your right and left Half-ranks by Division.

Direction. Face outward, and wheel off to the right and left by Division.

Command. Wheel your right and left Half-ranks inward to the midst of Files.

Direction. Face outward, and open to the right and left to convenient distance to wheel inward to the midst of Files.

Command. Wheel off your right and left Half-ranks by Division from the midst of Files.

Direction. Face inward, and cause them to move backward to convenient di­stance, to wheel off by Division from the midst of Files.

Command. Wheel your right and left Half-ranks inward to both Flanks from the midst of Files.

Direction. Face inward, and open to the right and left to convenient distance to wheel inward to both Flanks.

Command. Wheel the outward Angles to the right and left about, to the Center.

Direction. Face to the outward Angles, and close Ranks and Files to close or­der; and the Angles on the right, turn off to the right; the Angles on the left, turn off to the left.

Command. Wheel the inward Angles to the right and left about inward from the Center.

Direction. Face to the inward Angles, or to the Center, and wheel about to the right and left inward from the Center.

These are all the intire and divisional Wheelings that have hitherto been pra­ctised by any, according to my best observation: there are other Wheelings which may properly be term'd Doublings, which I have placed amongst the Doublings, where they more properly belong. Now if any shall demand of me a reason why I have omitted the Reducements to each particular Command; my answer there­unto is easie: for as in the Counter-marches, so in these, they may be reduced by three or four words of Command, except a Commander shall of set purpose keep them off from the same, to make some experiment. After any wheeling is per­formed, face them after to the first Front, and command them to even their Ranks, and straighten their Files, they will be as at first; and unto what hand soever they wheeled, command them to wheel to the contrary hand, and they will be reduced unto the first Front; or what part is wheeled off by Division, wheel them inward again from that place, and it will easily reduce them. Thus you see that it is almost impossible for a Leader to be out, unless he be extreamly ignorant; therefore he need not fear to venter far in the progress of them, be­fore he shall reduce them, provided he use no Doublings: which if he shall, great care must be had that he be not put to a stand; for the prevention whereof, let him look back unto those doublings by wheelings, wherein one doth reduce ano­ther, where he may finde some remedy to help himself forth again.

CHAP. LVIII. Of Firings, either for delight or service.

THe chiefest thing required of the Muskettiers next their Postures, by which they are taught how to handle their Arms with delight both marching or skirmishing, is Firing; which to speak the truth, is the full accomplishment of all the rest; for unless they be really performed, the rest are of no great ad­vantage. For to what end is it for any man to Prime, Lade or Cock, if he Pre­sent not answerably? therefore Firings are the execution of all the former; in so much as my advice shall be to all Commanders, that they be careful and diligent to have all their Muskettiers often practised with false Firing; whch is, Firing in the Pan only, and falling off, as hereafter followeth, to the end that in [Page 52] time of need they may not spend their Powder and Bullets in vain. And that they may likewise know where to fall off, that others may do the like, and where to place themselves securest from danger; yet so as they may be still aiding the one unto the other: I shall therefore for the good of my Country, and for the bene­fit of all such as are herein concerned, collect forth some Firings, which shall be every one differing from the other in one kind or other, either in the execution or reducing, whereby the ingenious Souldier may cull forth such as he best likes to make use of, what he shall think to be most fit and pertinent to his intended purpose, be it either for delight or service; briefly therefore thus. Firings re­ally considered, can be performed but five ways, that is to say, to the Front, Reer, right or left Flank, Oblique or Angular; but there is so much variety to be expres­sed in the performance of each of these, that it makes them seem so many seve­ral Firings, as by the following discourse shall be fully demonstrated.

CHAP. LIX. Several Firings to be performed with any number of men.

THe Front being the head of the Body, and therefore the more honourable part, challengeth the superiority, or first place; and therefore, without any further circumstance, I come directly to the Firings as they lie in order, as follow­eth. Draw all the Muskettiers before the Pikes, before you begin your Firings.

Firings to the Front.1 Two Ranks advancing ten paces, falling in the Reer of themselves.

2 By single Ranks, advancing three paces, falling in the Reer of themselves.

3 Fire and flank the Pikes.

4 Fire by Files, advancing 10 or 20 paces, first single, secondly ranking inward, 1, 2, 3, 4, or more, falling down into their places again.

5 Fire by Ranks filing, and advancing 10 or 20 paces, and moving down, and ranking in the Reer of their own Divisions.

6 Fire by Divisions drawn off 10, or 20, or 30 paces, and returning again.

7 Fire even with the Front, and falling in the Reer of their own Divisions.

8 Fire even with the Half-files, and fall in the Reer of themselves.

9 Fire by way of Introduction, thus, the first Rank fires and stands, the last Rank passeth up between the Files, and placing themselves before the File-lead­ers or first Rank, then stand and give fire, the rest doing the like till the File-leaders come up again into their places, and fire the second time.

10 Fire by Introduction after this manner: the first Rank gives fire and stands, the rest moving forward until the next Rank hath placed themselves before the first; then stands and gives fire, the rest moving up and doing the like, until they have all fired twice.

11 Fire even with the Front, falling into the Reer of Pikes.

12 Fire by Extraduction, the first Rank passing from the Reer upon the outside of the Pikes upon the right, until they have placed themselves in a Rank before the Pikes, the rest successively doing the like, until they have fired all over, and brought themselves as at first.

Here the Musket­tiers are upon the Flanks again.13 Fire by the outmost Files, wheeling or ranking outward into the Front, fal­ling off likewise, being led off by Bringers-up, leading up next the Pikes: this done twice, reduceth.

14 Fire two Ranks together, falling off, or falling down.

15 Fire four Ranks together; two kneeling, and two standing upright falling off, or falling down.

16 Fire six Ranks together, two kneeling, two stooping, and two standing upright.

17 Fire some Ranks drawn forth to the

  • right
  • left

or by Division, and in again.

Note also, if you please, you may draw forth one Rank to the right, and another to the left, at one and the same time together.

18 Fire by Files drawn forth oblique; then face about, & move into their places. Note also that several Figures may be made by these kinds of Firings; as the V, the W, or the Fort-battail, and the like.

[Page 53]19 Fire by Ranks, ranking into the Front, or Files ranking into the Front, and ranking or filing as they were.

20 Fire by Files wheeling outward or inward into the Front, and filing again as they were.

Thus much briefly of Firings to the Front: the Reer challengeth the next place, where suppose all the Muskettiers to be in the Reer of the Pikes, the Body marching.

1 Fire to the

  • right
  • left

about, falling in the Front of their own Divisions. Firings to the Reer.

2 Fire, and fall off to the right and left, and rank with the first Rank of Pikes into the Front.

3 Fire even with the Reer, and fall off before the Front of your own Divisions of Muskettiers.

4 Fire even in the Reer or last Rank, and fall off to the right and left with a swift motion, placing your selves 10, 20, or 30 paces before the Front of Pikes, still facing to the Body, and making ready again, and opening to the right and left until they be clear of the Pikes.

5 Fire by Introduction to the Reer twice over until they come down even with the Reer, and flank the Pikes.

6 Fire to the right and left, about to the Reer, Ranks drawn forth, and in again.

7 Fire to the Reer, every Rank drawn forth clear each from other, and fal­ling in again, and flanking the Pikes.

8 Fire to the right and left about, Files ranking downward to the Reer, and filing as they were.

9 Fire to the right and left about, Ranks ranking downward to the Reer, and ranking as they were.

10 Fire losing ground, falling off to the right and left about, just before the Front of Pikes.

11 Now if the Enemy pursue eagerly, and that you cannot make a safe retreat marching, face all about, and fire upon them by way of Extraduction, or by half-ranks divided, as formerly hath been shewen.

And thus much likewise briefly concerning Firings to the Reer; Firings to the Flanks march­ing. in the next place I shall shew some Firings to the Flanks: for performance whereof, it will be expedient to bring all the Muskettiers upon one of the Flanks; but for order sake, I will begin with the Firings from the right Flank.

1 Fire to the right, and gather up your Files; it is to be performed after this manner, The outmost File upon the right is to face to the right, and to give fire; and after to face to the Front and stand, until the next File have fired in like manner; and then the first File gathers up unto him upon the right even abrest, and standing until the third File have faced to the right, and fired in like man­ner; and after facing to the Front, the other Files moving up in the like way as before; and following successively this rule until all have given fire, and then to march up and even the Front of Pikes, the Muskettiers will stand as at first, when they were brought upon the right Flank.

2 Fire to the right, File-leaders leading up their Files next to the Pikes.

3 Fire to the right, Bringers-up leading away next the Pikes; which being twice done, reduceth them.

4 Fire to the right, leading up on the contrary Flank, either by the File-leaders or Bringers-up.

5 Fire to the right, and leading up by Bringers-up between the Pikes, and pas­sing through to their places again, doing the same, reduceth them.

6 Fire to the right, and leading up between the Pikes by the Leaders; and pas­sing through the Pikes again to the right, they will be as at first: the like may be done to the left, or in some kind to both Flanks, at one and the same time.

7 Fire to the right by Ranks wheeling; and Ranks to rank as they were to the right, upon their marching, reduceth them.

[Page 54]8. Fire to the right by Ranks inverting or filing, and upon the March the Souldiers ranking reduceth them.

9. Fire to the right Files, filing and gathering up their Files to the left re­duceth them.

These Firings being performed marching, the next shall be upon a Stand; where note, you must cast all your Muskettiers upon that Flank where you con­ceive the Enemy will fall on, whether right, left, or both; but for order sake we usually begin with the right; wherefore face to the right, and proceed as fol­loweth.

Firings to the right Flank upon a Stand.1. Fire and fall in the Reer of your selves.

2. Fire and flank the Pikes.

3. Fire even with the Pikes, and fall in the Reer of themselves.

4. Fire even with the Reer, moving forth to the right and left, by Ranks falling in the Reer of themselves.

5. Fire by extraduction by half-ranks drawn forth, and falling Rank after Rank in the Reer of the Pikes; after to reduce them as at first, cause them to double their Front by Division.

These Firings may as well be performed to both Flanks as to one, the Body being faced accordingly, which would make many Firings more; but these al­ready set down may be sufficient for any ingenious capacity to work upon for the present; observing this rule, that in every Firing he shall make use of in time of his Exercise, he may reduce them by another; which will be more pleasing to the Souldier, by reason of the great variety it affords unto them. Now now in the last place, I know it will be expected, that I should speak something of the use of Firings: wherefore briefly thus:

Firings to the Front marching or moving, when we either pursue after, or ap­proach to an Enemy.

Firings to the Front, maintaining ground when two Bodies encounter one a­nother.

Firings to the Front, losing ground, when either we are forced thereunto by necessity, or that we do it out of policy, to draw the Enemy into a train or snare.

Firings to the Reer marching, when we are pursued by an Enemy, yet would continue our March until we have gained some place of importance or advantage.

Firings to the Reer upon a Stand, when we are compelled thereunto by the vi­olent pursuit of an Enemy; or else when we have gained a place of advantage of ground, or have recovered the Wind or Sun, whereby we are the better able to encounter with them.

Firings to the Flank or Flanks marching, when we are assaulted by some Am­buscado secretly placed to hinder our passage; or supposing two Armies are marching to one and the same place, a River being betwixt them.

Firings to Flank or Flanks standing, when the Enemy chargeth on with a re­solution to cut off or divide part of the Army from the other.

Having thus briefly set down several Firings to Front, Reer and both Flanks, with their uses, either marching or standing: I hold it convenient in the next place to give some short directions in time Battail, both to the Officers and their Souldiers.

First, that the Drummers have a vigilant eye upon their Commanders, whose voices are drown'd by the loud thundring of the Cannon or Muskettiers; as also by the neighing of Horses, or the lamentable cries of the maim'd and wound­ed Souldiers; at which time the Leaders Staff, Half-pike, or what else he carries in his hand, may be sufficient for to instruct them to continue their charge, re­treat, or else to charge home.

Secondly, that the Serjeants be careful in time of Battail, that their Souldiers be at their due distance of order both in Rank and File; and that upon their Firings, whether they be Forlorns either of Files or Ranks drawn forth, or o­therwise by Divisions, they see them neatly and handsomely perform'd by cocking [Page 55] their Matches, and presenting something lower then brest-high, and after Un­cocking and returning them, wheeling off either to the right, left, or both, falling in the Reer of themselves, or elsewhere as shall be appointed, in an orderly man­ner, whereby they may decently come up again to Fire against the Enemy.

Thirdly, that the Souldiers present and give fire upon their Rests, not using that slovenly posture of popping their Matches into the Pan, their Muskets being on their left sides; which is not onely hurtful unto themselves, but much endan­gers their Fellow-souldiers; and by so doing, they scarce or ever do any execu­tion against an Enemy. But here I meet with an objection framed by the Soul­diers after this manner: Our Rests are of little or no use unto us in time of skirmishing; fit they are, we confess, in the Military Gardens, but in time of Bat­tail both troublesome and cumbersome unto us. To whom I reply, what if they be a little cumbersome at first, must they therefore be rejected and carelesly thrown away? nay, rather they ought frequently to practice themselves in the use thereof; which if they did, they would finde the same very serviceable unto them in the time of skirmishing; wherewith they Fire better, and in a more comely and graceful way, far more securing both themselves and Fellow-soul­diers from danger; and likewise upon their March it is both a help and support unto them.

Fourthly, their eyes ought likewise in time of Battail to be fixed stedfastly up­on their Captain, always conforming to him in Posture when he shall prepare to charge or retreat; and likewise they ought to be knowing and well verst in the several Beats of the Drum; which if well observed by all, there would not be so much confusion in time of Battail amongst them, as many times by sad expe­rience hath been found, when disregarding their Officers commands and the bearing of the Drum, they ignorantly and rashly run on in a disorderly manner; by which means they have cut off their own Officers and Fellow-souldiers, many times, more then they have dangered the Enemy.

Thus you see what great necessity there is of instructing and training up the Souldiers in their Postures; and how requisite it is to conform themselves to their Officers in time of Battail, performing thereby better execution against their Enemies; and by their decent and comely array preserve themselves from eminent dangers and perils.

The Souldiers having now all the ground-work of the exercising a Body of men laid down before them, in the next place he labours to make experiment thereof; but being no Officer, he cannot attain thereunto without special leave from his Superiours; and therefore (being a File-leader) he craves leave for to exercise his single File both in their Postures and Motions, contenting himself for present with that small number, whereby he is able to run through many plain things of Distances, Facings, Doublings, Counter-marchings and Wheelings. But being not fully satisfied, he presumes upon the former favour had from his Superiours, to go on to make every man in his File a File-leader; first by successi­on, and after (being not called away by the beat of the Drum, or by his Officers, to lead up his File and to joyn into a Body) according unto Dignity, and after endeavours to reduce them again by proper words of command.

This liberty being granted at convenient times unto a File-leader, much in­deers the Souldiers good affections unto their Officers; and is a means whereby many others are brought in to be true lovers of Military Exercise, as being much taken and well pleased with the sight of the former things. And therefore, I could wish that they were not hereafter prevented, as formerly I have observed by the malice of some, who have had places of command bestowed upon them, more through favour, or by reason of their riches, then for any worth or desert found in them: They perhaps hold it a great dispargement unto them to be e­clipsed; but a judicious and discreet Captain accounts it a great honour to lead such gallant men that are as able and as well knowing as himself.

CHAP. LX. The way to make every man in a File six deep according to succession a File-leader, The file. by 1 doublings, not using one word of command twice.

2 Command. FIles, rank two to the left Bring the second man into the Front. 2

3 File, to the left double.

4 Command. Half-files, double your Front to the left.

5 Files, double your depth to the left.

6 Command. Bringers-up, double your Front to the right.

Double your Files to the left intire advancing. 4

Command. Bringers-up, double your Front to the left.

Double your Files to the right intire advancing. 5

Command. File, rank two to the right.

Files to the right double. 6

Reducement. File, rank to the left into the Front.

Rank, file six to the left.

CHAP. LXI. The way to make every man in a File six deep File-leader according to dignity, The Dig­nity of the File. by a doubling, not using one Word of command twice.

1 Command. HAlf-files double your front to the left.

6 Files double to the right intire advancing, every man 2 4 placing himself before his Leader.

3 Command. Front half-file double the reer to the left.

5 Files double to the left intire advancing, every man placing himself 3 2 before his Leader.

Command. Bringer-up, double your Front to the right.

Files, double your depth to the right, every man falling behind his 4 bringer-up.

Command. Half-files, double your Front to the right.

Files, double to the left intire advancing

Files, rank two to the right. 5

Files, to the right double.

Bringer-up, double your Front to the left.

Files, double your depth to the left, every man falling behind his 6 bringer-up.

Reducement. File, rank two to the left.

Files to the left double.

CHAP. LXII. The way to make every man in a File eight deep File-leader by succession, The File. and that by 1 doubling, not using one Word of command twice.

2 Command. FIle, rank two to the left. 2

3 Ranks, invert to the left.

4 Command. Half-file double your front to the right.

5 Double your files to the right intire advancing, every man placing 3 6 himself before his Leader.

7 Command. Files, rank two to the right.

8 Files, to the right double. 4

Command. Front half-files, double your reer to the right. 5

Double your files to the left intire advancing.

Command. Files, rank two to the right into the reer. 6

Ranks, invert to the right.

Command. Half-files, double your Front to the left.

Double your files to the left intire advancing, every man placing 7 himself before his Leader.

Command. File, rank two to the left into the Reer.

Face to your Leader. 8

Double your Files to the right advancing.

Reducement. File, rank to the right into the Front.

Rank, file eight to the right.

CHAP. LXIII. The way to make every man in a File eight deep, The Dig­nity of the File. a File-leader according unto dignity, by a doubling.

Command. BRinger-up, double your Front to the left. 2 1

Double your Files to the right intire advancing.

Command. Half-files, double your Front to the left. 6

Double your Files to the left intire advancing. 3 7

Command. Bringer-up, double your Front to the right. 4

Files, double your depth to the right. 4 3

Command. Files, rank two to the right. 8

Double your Files to the right intire, advancing, every man placing him­self 5 5 before his Leader. 2

Command. Front-half-files, double your Reer to the right, following your Leaders.

Double your Files to the right by Division, every man placing himself be­fore 6 his Leader and his Bringer-up.

Command. Front-half-files, double your Reer to the left, following your Leaders.

Double your Files to the left by Division, every man placing himself be­fore 7 his Leader and his Bringer-up.

Command. The two first and the two last men double the four middle-most men to the right, following your Leaders and your Bringers-up. 8

Files, double your depth to the left.

Reducement. Half-files, double the Front to the right.

Bringers-up, double your Front to the right.

Files to the right and left double inward.

Double your Files to the left intire advancing.

Although I have here set down words of Command to make every man a File-leader, both by Succession and Dignity, a Commander is not thereby tyed up, but may, if he please, practise the same upon a whole Company, altering but a little some words of Command. As for Example, we cannot say in a File, Dou­ble your Ranks, there being none, until there be some other Files joyned there­unto: and therefore if we intend a doubling by a single File, we command it to rank two to the right or left, which in a Company must be exprest, Ranks to the right or left double. Thus you see with a little alteration every man is brought up into the Front, either by Succession or Dignity; whether the Files be even numbers or odd, great bodies or small. But here by the way, I must crave pardon to speak something in commendation of these Doublings, in answer to them that ac­count them but Toys: to whom I will be so bold as to tell them, that it is not for want of ignorance they so slightly esteem of them; for were they truly knowing in the Art of Drilling, they must of force confess abundance of variety in them, affording much delight to him that shall command, and great content unto them that are commanded, perceiving themselves to be made File-leaders by the skill and worth of their Leaders. And besides, there may be just cause (at one time or other) many times to alter the Ranks, exchanging the one for the other, bring­ing thereby their best deserving Souldiers into the chiefest places of honour; and casting others into their rooms at the discretion of the Commander. Therefore, I could wish all Leaders whatsoever to be well skill'd and verst in these Doublings; the frequent practice whereof will make them more apt in the Exercise of more difficult things in the Art Military. To which ingenious study, I leave them; and in the next place proceed to shew them several Figures of Battail to be perform­ed by single Files, consisting of several Depths of men.

CHAP. LXIV. Concerning Figures of Battail to be performed by singles Files, with some admonitions to those that shall practice themselves therein.

THe great plenty and variety of matter that may be performed in the exer­cising of a single File, makes me wonder at the ignorance of those who are [Page 58] famed abroad for able knowing Souldiers; who after they have passed over the Postures are at a stand, as if there were nothing else to be done with the same. But did they truely understand what dishonour and disparagement it is unto them, they would not be so idle and backward, but set times a part, often inuring themselves to the practice thereof, going through all the Motions, Distances, Facings, Doublings, Counter-marches and Wheelings; and may farther, if he please, with his single File draw forth divers Figures of Battail, declaring unto his Souldiers their several reasons and uses. The exercising his Company after this manner, affords unto them both content and delight; and it is likewise very useful in greater Bodies, when time of need shall require, as shall appear in the se­quel of this Book.

But here, me thinks, I hear some say, Of what use are your Figures? seeing for the most part in pitcht Battails, or skirmishes in the field, they commonly fire one against another in Square, or by Forlorns drawn forth from the Body, and being relieved, return into their places again. To whom, I answer, that in one respect it is true, there being scarce any pitcht Battail in the field fought in these latter times, but it hath been with even Fronts, who are first engaged; whether it be by Divisions drawn off by way of Forlorns, Wings or Battail, they fight with even Fronts or Squadrons, as having every five or six Files divided a part from each other, having six foot ground interval betwixt the abovesaid number of Files for the conveniency of the Ranks, wheeling off after they have fired. As concerning such Figures as are framed like the Wedge, Saw, Sheers, or Dia­mond; I must confess there is little or no use at all, except it be for delight, or for the practice and experience of some young Souldier, whereby he may plainly see the custom of the Ancients in setting forth such ancient Figures. But to let this pass, and to come to the place where we left; I shall shew unto the Souldier how needful it is for him to be well skilled in the framing of Figures of Battail, and likewise to be throughly acquainted with their several uses. Wherefore take this for a general rule, that there was never any pitcht Battail, but there were Reserves appointed out unto all the parts thereof, whereby they might bring off, and at time of need relieve each other; and if so, certainly they must of necessity carry along with them several forms and Figures of Battail, accord­ing to the discretion of the Major-general, or the Commanders in chief whom it shall concern. It will therefore be expedient (since there is a necessity of Figures of Battail, and for the setting apart of Divisions for the relieving of each other) for every Commander that will be truely knowing, to have always some im­printed in his memory; that in time of need, he may not be to seek, or wanting in them. To which purpose I have collected some few, putting them to their view, being formerly practised by me, for the satisfaction of those loving Gen­tlemen which have private Meetings in London; but more especially for those of the Town-ditch, unto whom I am especially bound. And therefore without more delay, I shall lay before them certain Figures of Battail upon all the Depths of Files set forth in the former Table, leaving them to their own discre­tion, to make use of what shall best comply, and suit to their intended purpose.

CHAP. LXV. Military experiments upon a File six deep, branching forth eight several Figures of Battail, with their reducement.

Command. FIle, rank two to the left.

2 1
4 3
6 5

Command. The middlemost Rank o­pen to the right and left to open order.

  2 1  
4     3
  6 5  

Command. The last Rank advance [Page 59] forward into the next Rank that is be­fore you, and to open from the midst to open order; and the first Rank move forward one pac e.

    2 1    
4 6     5 3

Command. The first Rank open out­ward two foot beyond open order; the last Rank close forward to Order.

  2     1  
4   6 5   3

Command. Division upon the left face about; march all till you be clear each of other, face all to the left, and march two paces; face to your Leader: the last Rank open outward to double di­stance.

5   3
4   6

Command. The first Rank open out­ward to double distance; the first man in the Front face about, move down, and double the middlemost man to the right Rank-wise.

5     3
  2 1  
4     6

Command. The left-hand-man of the middlemost Rank face about, the middlemost Rank march two paces be­fore the Front and Reer; face to your Leader, and close Ranks and Files to Order.

5   3
4   6

Command. The second Rank from the Front double the first to the right and left outward by Division; the last man in the Reer close forward to Order.

4 5   3 6

Command. The out most men of the middle Rank face about, and move down even with the Reer; to your Lea­der.

  5   3  
4   2   6

Reducement. The middlemost man in the Reer advance forwards to the left into the Front.

Files, close inward to your Order.

Files, to the right double.

Half-files, double your Front to the left.

Files, double your Depth to the right, every man falling behind his Bringer-up.

Files, rank two to the right.

Ranks, rank entire to the left into the Reer, every man placing himself on the outside of his left-hand-man.

Direction. Face about; and after being faced to their Leader, they will stand af­ter this manner, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1.

Rank file to the right, they are re­duced.

CHAP. LXVI. Words of Command to produce the first Eight Figures of Battail, with their Reducement.

Command. HAlfe-file double your Front to the left.

5 1
6 2
7 3
8 4

Command. The last Rank face about, the two middle Ranks face outward; march all some two paces; to your Leader.

  5 1  
6     2
7     3
  8 4  

Command. The first Rank move forwards two paces; the third Rank [Page 60] close inwards to open Order.

    5 1    
6         2
  7     3  
    8 4    

Command. the third Rank from the Front face outward, march all three paces; to your Leader.

The first Rank stand, the rest face outward, and move two paces; to your Leader.

      5 1      
  6         2  
7   8     4   3

Command. The first Rank face about, march all until you be clear one of an­other; to your Leader.

  6         2  
7   8     4   3
      5 1      

Command. The last Rank move to the right and left, and place your selves three foot behind the Front-Divisions.

  6     2  
7   8 4   3
  5     1  

Command. Division on the right face about, march all until you be clear one of another; then face to the right, and march until you stand even abrest of each other; face to your Leader.

7   8
4   3

Command. Reer-Division face about; the last man in each Division move for­wards into the midst of the Rank that is before you; face to your Leader, a [...] close your Divisions to Order.

7 5 8
4 2 3

Command. The last man in the [...] move forwards to the right in the Rank of him that stands before you, the last Rank open outwards to Order; to your Leader.

  7   5   8  
4   2   1   3

Redueement. Face all about; the last man in the Reer move forwards on the left into the Rank that is before you; even your Ranks, and straighten your Files; to your Leader.

Files, double inward by Division. Double your Ranks to the left entire into the Front and Reer.

Direction. Halt-files face about; after face to your Leader; and the last Rank close forward to Order, and even your Ranks, and straighten your Files.

Wheel Front and Reer to the left Flank.

Direction. The last Rank face about; then face to your Leader, and Coun­ter-march the File, they are redu­ced.

CHAP. LXVII. Words of Command for the second Eight Figures of Battail, with their Reducement.

Command. FIle, rank to the left, one, three, and four; the last Rank face outwards, and move three paces; to your Leader.

    4 3 2    
8 7       6 5

Command. The two inmost men of the last Rank close inward to close Or­der, the two outmost men of the last Rank fall back two paces.

  4   3   2  
    7   6    
8           5

[Page 61] Command. The middlemost man in the first Rank face about, march all till you are clear one of another; to your Leader.

  4       2  
    7   6    
8           5

Command. Files, close into the midst to Order, the last man move forward to Order.

4   2
7   6
8   5

Command. The middlemost Rank o­pen to the right and left to double di­stance.

  4   2  
7       6
  8   5  

Command. The outmost men upon the Flanks face inward, the last man in the Reer face about, the first and the last Rank face to the four Angles, move all three paces; to your Leader.

4       2
  7   6  
8       5

Command. The first man in the Front, and the last man in the Reer stand, the rest face outward, and march three paces; to your Leader.

4       2
  7   6  
8       5

Command. The last men of the out­most Files move forwards to the right and left, until you range even abrest with the middle-men.

  4       2  
8   7   6   5

Reducement. The last man in the Reer move forward, and range even a­brest with the first Rank. Ranks, file to the right, following your Leader; they are reduced.

CHAP. LXVIII. Words of Command for the third Eight Figures of Battail, with their Reducement.

Command. BRingers-up, double your Front to the left.

8 1
7 2
6 3
5 4

Command. The first and the last Rank stand; the third Rank double out­ward Rank-wise, the Middle-rank face outward, march all two paces; to your Leader.

    8 1    
6 7     2 3
    5 4    

Command. The middle Rank stand, the rest double to the right File-wise; face all to the Center, and march some two paces to your Leader.

6 7   2 3

Command. The Middle-rank double inward File-wise, and move a little for­ward.

7   6
6   3

[Page 62] Command. Half-file of the middle file double your Front to the left; Front-division face to the right, and move one pace; to your Leader.

  4 1  
  5 8  
7     2
6     3

Command. The left-hand-File in the Front, face about, and march clear of the Reer; face to your Leader. The middle File double to the left Rank-wise; Files close into the midst to Or­der; Files rank outward into the Reer, and then begin from the right to wheel them about to the left in a Ring.

  2   8  
3       7
  4   6  

Command. Files close into the midst to Order, the first Rank close inward to colse Order; the third Rank open outward to open Order: the last man in the Reer move even abrest with the Rank that is before you.

    2   8    
  3       7  
4     5     6

Command. Files, open to the right and left until you stand straight with your Bringers-up, the rest moving for­wards until they have ranged even abrest with the first man.

2 1 8
3   7
4 5 6

Command. Angle-men, face to the four Angles; the middle-men in the outmost Files face inward; the middle­man in the Front face about: march ail three paces; Face to your Lea­der.

2       8
  3   7  
4       6

Reducement. The last man in the Reer of the middle File face about; middle File march clear of the stand­ing part; Files close into the midst to Order: the last man in the Reer fall in the Reer of the right-hand-File, the first man in the Front move to the left, and fall in the Front of the left-hand-file; close your Ranks and Files forward to Order, and make an even Front; Files double your depth to the left, every man falling behind his bring­er-up, reduceth them.

CHAP. LXIX. The way to make twelve several Figures of Battail, with a File ten deep, with their Reducement.

Command. FAce to the right, and wheel your Front into the midst; Face after to your Leader.

5 4 3 2 1
6 7 8 9 10

Command. The last men in the Reer of the outmost Files face about; out­most Files move clear of the standing part, face inwards, and close your Di­visions; to your Leader.

  5   1  
4   3   2
7   8   9
  6   10  

Command. The last man of the middle File, and the last Rank, face about; the first Rank, and the last Rank, and the middle File, move forwards two paces; the rest open outward two paces; to your Leader.

  5   1  
4       2
7       9
  6   10  

[Page 63] Command. The last man in the Front-division advance forward three foot be­fore the Front; the first man of the Reer-division, face about, and move three foot behind the Reer; the out­most Files double ranks inward; Ranks, close forwards to Order, and face to your Leader.

    5   1    
4 7       9 2
    6   10    

Command. The first man in the Front, face about; the last man in the Reer, stand; the rest face outwards, march all until the first and the last man meet, face all to your Leader; mid­dle-men, double to the Right rank-wise, and close outward to Order.

  5     1  
4 7 3 8 9 2
  6     10  

The two middle-men in the Body face about, and move cleer of the Reer three foot; face to your Leader; mid­dle-men of the outmost Files close in­ward to order.

  5     1  
4   7 9   2
  6     10  
    3 8    

Command. Middle-man upon the right of the second Rank, advance for­ward three foot before the Front; the three first men in the Front, and mid­dle-man of the second Ranks move for­wards three paces, the rest closing in­ward one pace.

    5   1    
4           2
  6       10  
    3   8    

Command. The last Rank open out­ward to double distance, and the next Rank open outward to open Order, and the third Rank from the Reer to close inward to Order.

    5       1    
      4   2      
  6           10  
3               8

Command. The second man from the Front, face about, move down and range even with the Reer: outmost men of the last Rank advance forward, and range even with the second Ranks from the Front: the last Rank move forwards until they have exceeded three foot the next Rank that stands before them: Divisions on the Wings, face outward, move two paces; to your Leader.

      5   1      
  6           10  
3   4       2   8

Command. Front-division, face about, and march down even with the Reer; the last man move forwards to order, to your Leader.

  6     9     10  
3   4 5   1 2   8

Command. Middle-division advance forward cleer of the standing part; Divisions in the Reer close inwards to order; wheel your Reer into the midst; to your Leader.

    5   1    
  4       2  
6           10
  3       8  

Command. The last Rank close inward to order, and to double to the left File-wise; the second man from the Reer move forwards into the second Rank that is before you.

    5   1    
  4   3   2  
6           10

[Page 64] Reducement. The first man in the Front move a little to the right, the second man from the first Rank double the first man to the left Rank-wise; the first Rank wheel off by Division, and double the last man in the Reer to the right and left Rank-wise; Ranks close for­wards to Order, & face to your Leader.

    5   1    
  4   3   2  
6           10
  7   8   9  

Reducement. The first and second Rank face about; the first Rank double the second to the right and left outward; to your Leader: the last Rank move forward, and even your Ranks, and straighten their Files; wheele Front and Reer to the left Flank; the last Rank face about before they wheele; then facing to their Leader, they are re­duced.

CHAP. LXX. Twelve several Figures of Battail with a File twelve deep, with their Reducement.

Command. FRont Half-file double your Reer to the left; face to your Leader. Half-files double your Front to the left.

10 7 4 1
11 8 5 2
12 9 6 3

Command. The middlemost men up­on each Flank face outward; the two middle-men of the last Rank, face a­bout: Those that are thus faced, and the two middle-men of the first Rank move forward to your Leader three paces; the first and the last Rank stand, the rest move outwards two paces; face to your Leader.

      7 4      
  10         1  
11   8     1   2
  12         3  
      9 6      

Command. The outmost Divisions o­pen from the midst almost to twice dou­ble distance; the first Rank face about, and rank even with the midst of Ranks; face to your Leader. The last Rank double to the right File-wise, the se­cond man from the Reer advance for­ward, and place himself three foot be­fore the middle-men, the last man at the same time closing forward to Order.

  10       6       1  
11   8   7   4   5   2
  12       9       3  

Command. The outmost Division up­on the right move away, the rest suc­cessively falling in the Reer of them until they stand straight after the first Division.

5   2
7   4
11   8

Command. The outmost man upon the left of the middle Division to open to the left to double distance; the rest of that Division to face to the right, and to move clear of the standing part; face to your Leader; the last man in the Front, face about ro the last Division; the first man of the Front-Division, and the first man of the Reer-Division to move forwards, and to close to open Order: after facing to the left Flank, closing to the outmost man to Order; face to your Leader: and after face all to the Center, and move a little for­ward, to your Leader.

    5   2    
  3       6  
7           4
  10       9  
    11   8    

[Page 65] Command. The outmost man upon the right, and the outmost man upon the left, close inward to Order.

  5   2  
3       6
  7   4  
10       9
  11   8  

Command. The two middle men move forth to the right and left three foot clear of the standing part; the first man in the Front face about: the first man in the Front, and the last man in the Reer, move into the second that is before you: to your Leader.

    5   2    
  3   1   6  
7           4
  10   12   9  
    11   8    

Command. The two outmost men up­on each Flank, close inward to open Order.

  5   2  
3   1   6
  7   4  
10   12   9
  8   11  

Command. Face all to Front, Reer, and both Flanks, and the four middle then move forwards into the Rank that is before them, and they will stand in a Square; face to your Leader.

  5 1 2  
3       6
7       4
10       9
  11 12 8  

Command. Files, rank outward; the middleman of the first Rank move for­ward, and place himself three foot be­fore his right and left-hand-man; the outmost and the middle man of the last Rank move backward, and place himself three-foot behind the Reer-division; close forwards to open order.

      5   2      
10 7 3       6 4 9
      11   8      

Command. The first and the last Rank move to the left one pace, and after double to the right File-wise; the Mid­dle-rank close inward to order.

10 7 3   6 4 9

Command. The two outmost men of the Middle-rank, face about; move down and range even abrest with the middle-man of the Reer-division, clo­sing inward to order, and facing to the Front: even men from the left, move forwards, and rank even abrest with the middle-man of the Front-division, and close inward to order; the out­most-men open outward to double di­stance.

  3 2 4  
7       6
  10 11 9  

Command. Reer-division, face about, and move two paces; the outmost-man upon the left, face about to the right with the last man in the Reer of each Division; face to your Leader, and move forward two paces.

  3   2   4
    5   6  
    7   8  
10     11   9

[Page 66] Reducement. Reer-division, face about; middle man of the first Rank of each division move forward, and rank two to the left into Front and Reer: Files close into the midst to order: Ranks, close forwards to order: Half-files, double the Front to the right intire: Ranks, rank outward into the Front, every man placing himself on the outside of his right and left-hand-men: Ranks, file to the right and left inward: Files, double your depth to the left; face to your Lea­der.

It might be expected that I should shew the several Charges upon all these Fi­gures; but in regard I may, perhaps, meet with some of them again in greater Bodies, or the like; I shall for present pass them over, and in those places endea­vour to give them the best satisfaction I can. In the mean time they may with ease finde out in every one of them such Charges as may instruct the Souldiers how to fight; whether it be Front, Rear, both Flanks or Angles, they may be shewn and exercised in them according to the discretion of him that shall com­mand them, whether they be Muskettiers or Pike-men. And therefore, thus much shall suffice concerning the exercising of a File for matter of Figures. In the next place followeth Exercise of greater Bodies.

The end of the first Book.

THE COMPLEAT BODY OF The Art Military. The Second BOOK.

CHAP. I. Concerning the Artillery and the Military Gardens, together with the Private Meetings, in and about the City of LONDON.

THe great delight in handling of Arms in Military Exercises, makes the City of London and the Suburbs thereof famous through the whole World, by reason, as I conceive, of those two great Nurse­ries or Academies of Military Discipline, the Artillery and Military Garden, from whom, as out of pure Fountains, all other our Pri­vate Meetings (as of Townditch, and Cripplegate, &c.) are derived.

The Artillery Gardens deserves the first place, in respect it is the greatest Meet­ing, from whence, as it were out of a Nursery, have been transplanted many able knowing Souldiers both at home and in foraign Countries, to the great honour of our Nation.

The Military Garden is famous likewise for the great improvement of divers worthy persons of quality daily thither resorting, whose excellent skill in Mili­tary Exercises hath raised many of them to high preferment here at home, and to places of honourable command abroad. The Captains in chief of these Acade­mies are Major General Skippon, and Major Henry Tyllier, which later was the first that ever shewed in the Military Garden (of which I am a member) the march­ing of the Souldiers in a Regimental way; whose great pains amongst us deserves much honour and high commendation; shewing unto us such variety of matter in a Souldier-like way, as was never before seen by any member thereof.

Not to eclipse the fore-mentioned Private Meetings in London, but to give them that due which belongs unto them, they likewise are of great honour and fame for their frequent exercising of their Souldiers in the handling of their Arms, whether it be of the Pike or Musket, and instructing them in the knowledge of Drilling, and drawing up of Companies, and Bodies of men, furnishing both King­doms with able knowing Souldiers. My hearty wishes therefore are, that all and e­very one of them may be propt up, and supported to all ages, that when need shall require, we may draw from these Fountains such skilful and experienced Com­manders and Officers as may be, as it were, a Bulwark to this our Nation.

Not to dwell any longer upon this discourse, I come therefore briefly to set forth several Exercises (formerly practised by me amongst those loving Gentle­men of Town-ditch) according to the usual numbers there appearing, whether they be great or small, practised for the most part with 24 or 32 men, and some­times (although seldom) with 64 men, unless it were upon general days, when they were drawn forth into the field; at such times, perhaps, there might be an appearance of greater numbers, as 120 and upwards.

My purpose therefore is to pitch upon, and to make use of all and every one [Page 68] of these numbers, making 12 Exercises, dividing them by threes, until I have run over them all, conceiving them sufficient for the industrious to gather from thence matter enough for his intended Exercise. And for the more enabling of them, I shall endeavour (in these curious times) to walk along in as plain a way as possibly may be, giving directions unto all Words of Command, for the better performance of the same; wishing all my loving fellow-Souldiers to conceive well of my good meaning intended to them: desiring withall to be rightly in­formed of what part soever they fall upon, that they proceed leasurely and or­derly in the same; which will not only be an encouragement unto the Author from whom they gather their Exercises, but will bring much praises and com­mendation to themselves. But to leave every one to their own best thoughts, whilest I proceed to practise what before promised concerning the several Exer­cises following.

CHAP. II. The first Exercise of four Files six deep.

EAch File-leader (as being his duty) having gone over the Postures, shewing and instructing his File with their uses, and neat handling of their Arms, hearing the Drums beat a Call for all to repair and stand to their Arms, begin to lead up their Files according to Order; the Leader then closing their Ranks and Files to close Order, craving their silence, may proceed to shew unto them all their several Distances and Facings, according unto the former rule set down, and af­ter he may proceed to Doublings (if he pleaseth) as followeth.

CHAP. III. A Doubling consisting of sixteen in number, every one differing from the other, and not reduced until the last Word of Command.

Command. FIles, file to the right intire advancing.

Command. Bringers-up, double your Front to the left.

Command. Half-files, double your Front to the left.

Command. Front-half-files, double your Reer to the right intire.

Command. Right-half-ranks, double your left Flank intire advancing.

Command. Half-files, double your Front to the right intire.

Command. Left-half-ranks, double intire the Depth of your right Flank.

Command. Files, file to the left intire advancing.

Command. Bringers-up, double your Front to the right.

Command. Front-half-files, double your Reer to the right and left outward, following your Leaders.

Direction. Reer-half-files, face about; the File-leaders are to turn off to the right and left, the rest are to follow them until they are marched down into the Reer, and have doubled it to the right and left outward.

Command. Half-files, double your Front inward intire.

Command. The two outmost Files upon each Flank, double intire the Depth of the inmost Files.

Direction. The two outmost Files face about inward, and move streight down cleer of the standing part; afterwards face inward, march, and close your Divi­sions; to your Leader.

Command. Front-half-files, double your Reer inward intire.

Direction. Reer-half-files, face about, and move outward cleer of the standing part; Front-half-files, face about, march down and even the Reer to your Leader.

Command. The two outmost Files upon each Flank double intire, advancing the four inmost Files.

Direction. The two outmost Files move forward cleer of the standing part; face inward, march and close your Divisions; face to your Leader.

Command. Double your Files inward intire, advancing, every man placing himself before his Leader.

Direction. The two inmost Files stand; the two outmost Files move forwards, [Page 69] and double your inmost Files intire advancing, placing your selves before your Leaders.

Command. Half-files, double your Front to the right, they are reduced.

CHAP. IV. Eight several Counter-marches, with their Reducement.

Command. FIle-leaders, stand; the rest pass through to the right, and place your selves before your Leaders.

Command. The Right-hand-file, stand; the rest pass through to the right, and place your selves on the outside of your right-hand-men.

Command. File-leaders and Bringers-up, stand; the rest pass through to the right, and place your selves before your Leaders and your Bringers-up.

Command. The outmost File upon each Flank, stand; the rest pass through to the right and left, placing your selves before your outside-men.

Direction. Face outward, and pass through to the right and left, placing your selves before the outmost Files; to your Leader, and close your Divisions to open Order.

Command. Bringers-up, stand; the rest pass through to the right, and place your selves behind your Bringers-up.

Direction. The five first Ranks are to face about; the next Rank to the Reer is first to begin the Motion; the rest are successively to follow, until the Leaders are become the Bringers-up.

Command. The Left-hand-file, stand; the rest pass through to the left, and place your selves on the out side of your left-hand-men.

Command. File-leaders and Bringers-up, stand; the rest pass through to the right, and place your selves behind your Leaders and Bringers-up.

Direction. The first and the two next Ranks from the Reer, face about; the two first Ranks from the Front, and the two last Ranks from the Reer move for­wards, placing your selves behind your Leaders and your Bringers-up; face to to your Leader, and close your Divisions.

Command. The outmost File upon each File face inward; the rest pass through to the right and left, placing your selves behind your right and left-hand-men.

CHAP. V. Ten several Wheelings, with their Reducement.

Command. WHeel the Front-half-files inward into the midst, and double your Reer inward intire.

Direction. Half-files, face outward, and march cleer of the standing part; after face to the Reer: Front-half-files, open from the midst to open Order, after Wheeling to the right and left inward into the Reer; to your Leader.

Command. Right and Left-half-ranks, double the depth of the Battail by Wheeling into the Front.

Direction. Right-half-ranks, wheel to the left; and Left-half-ranks, wheel to the right; to your Leader.

Command. Wheel off the Front-half-files, and double the Reer by division.

Direction. Half-files, face about; and Front-half-files, wheel off by Division, moving down even with the Reer; to your Leader.

Command. Wheel off your right Half-ranks, and double your left Flank to the right intire.

Direction. Face outward, and Right-half-ranks wheel about to the left and move away, and double the left Flank to the right; to your Leader.

Command. Front and Reer-half-files, double the Depth of the Battail by wheel­ing into the Front and Reer.

Direction. Half-files, face to the Reer; and Front and Reer-half-files wheel to the right and left inward; face to your Leader, and close your Divisions.

Command. Wheel off your Left-half-ranks, and double your right Flank by Division.

Direction. Face outward, and Left-half-ranks wheel off by Division, and move even with the right Flank; to your Leader.

[Page 70] Command. Wheel off your Reer-half-files, and double the Front to the right intire.

Direction. Half-files, face about, and wheel to the left, until you have ranged e­ven with the Front.

Command. Wheel your Battail off by Division from the Front.

Direction. Right-half-ranks, wheel about to the right and left; Half-ranks, wheel about to the left, and move down to the Reer; face to your Leader, and close into the midst to order.

Command. Wheel off your Left-half-ranks, and double your right Flank to the left intire.

Direction. Face outward, Left-half-ranks wheel about to the right, and move forward, and double the right Flank to the left intire; to your Leader.

Command. Wheel off your Front-Half-files, and double the Reer to the left intire.

Direction. Half-files, face about; and Front-half-files, wheel about to the right, move down and range even with the Reer; face to your Leader, reduceth them.

CHAP. VI. Six Figures of Battail, with several Firings thereunto belonging.

Command. RAnks and Files close to order, they will stand us underneath is set forth, from which we will draw our Figures after we have fired upon this Platform three or four times.


Command. Double your Files inward intire advancing.

The first firing. Let the first two Ranks advance forward ten paces, give Fire, and fall in the Reer of themselves; after wheeling off to the right and left, placing themselves before the Front of Pikes: the next two Ranks, and so the rest suc­cessively doing the like until they have Fired once over, which reduceth them.

The second firing. Let the first Rank advance three paces, give Fire, and fall in the Reer of themselves; the rest doing the like until all have Fired once over, as before.

The third firing. Let them give Fire on the ground they stand, and fall off to the right and left, and Flank the Pikes.

The fourth firing. Let them Fire even with the Front, and fall in with the Reer of the Pikes; which being ended, let the Pikes charge on.

Reducement. Muskettiers, double your Front by Division.

Command. The first two Ranks, stand; the rest face outward and move cleer of the standing part; to your Leader: the two last Ranks move outward side-ways two paces.


[Page 71] The first firing. Let every Division give Fire on the same ground they stand, and fall in the Reer of themselves.

The second firing. Let them advance forwards until they be cleer of the Pikes; give Fire, and fall in the Reer of themselves, after moving down into their places.

Command. Front-division, advance forward three paces; the two next Divisi­ons move outward one pace: Pikes in each Division face about, and move two paces; to your Leader: Divisions of Muskettiers in the Reer advance forwards, and range even in Front and Reer with the Middle-divisions of Pikes; the first Rank of Pikes in the Front-division move three foot cleer of the standing part.


The first firing. Let them give Fire to the Front, and fall in the Reer of them­selves.

The second firing. Let them give Fire to Front, Reer, and both Flanks altoge­ther.

Direction. Reer-divisions, face outward; the last Rank of Pikes and Musket­tiers of the Front-division, face to the Reer; the last Rank of Muskettiers move down cleer of the Reer, and close inward to order; then last the Pikes port, and after the Muskettiers have Fired, charge on, then retreating into their places again.

Command. The first and the last Rank of Pikes, face about, and move down cleer of the Reer, and close Ranks forwards to order; outmost Divisions of Mus­kettiers face about, move down and flank your own divisions of Pikes: The first Division of Pikes move forward, and range even abrest with your own Division of Muskettiers; the Front-division of Muskettiers closing into the midst to order.


The first firing. Let the Front-division give Fire and fall in the Reer of them­selves; after wheeling off to the right and left, move down and Flank the Reer-division of Pikes.

The second firing. Let the Front-division of Muskettiers Fire and fall in the Reer of themselves; then face about, and move down upon the inside of the next division of Pikes; and after face to their Leader.

The third firing. Let the Muskettiers upon the Flanks move up into the room of the former, and Fire, falling in the Reer of themselves; and after face about, and move down into their places again; the Muskettiers on the inside moving up into their places again.

The fourth firing. Let the Reer-division face about; then let them Fire to Front [Page 72] and Reer, and fall in the Reer of themselves; let the Pikes charge, and after ordering their Arms, their Reer-division facing to their Leader, the Muskettiers thereof may move up into their places again.

Command. The outmost divisions face outward, and move two paces; face to your Leader, move up until you range even abrest with the second divisions next the Front; Reer-division move streight forward two paces.


The first firing. Let them all give Fire, and fall in the Reer of themselves.

The second firing. Let the Muskettiers advance forwards until they be cleer of the Front-division, and then rank outward and Fire altogether; after filing inward as they were, move down again into their places: the Pikes at the same time charging, and after order their Arms.

Command. Front-division advance forward three paces; the outmost division upon the Flanks move up, and range even with the Front.


The first firing. Direction for the same: let them all face to the Reer, and the middle-division of Muskettiers move forwards, and flank the Reer-division of Pikes; after let all the Muskettiers advance forwards three foot cleer of their own divisions of Pikes, and give Fire, falling in the Reer of themselves; and af­ter facing about, move into their places again.

The second firing. Let them Fire as they stand, and fall in the Reer of them­selves; and the Pikes in the Reer may charge on, and after facing to their Leader.

Command. The outmost divisions face inward, march three paces; and the next two divisions face outward, and move two paces; to your Leader: Reer-division, move outward until you stand streight with the Front-divisions.


[Page 73] The first firing. Let the Front-Division of Muskettiers give fire, and fall in the Reer of themselves; and after moving down in the room of them in the Reer: they at the same time moving up into the Front firing, in like manner moving down, and exchanging places with them in the Reer.

The second firing. Let the Muskettiers upon the Flanks move forward even with the Front, give fire, and fall in the Reer of themselves; and after move down in­to their places again, and face to their Leader.

The third firing. Let them face to the Front, reer, and both Flanks, and let the Pikes port, and the Muskettiers give fire.

The fourth firing. Let them give fire on the ground they stand, and fall in the Reer of the Pikes; the Pikes charging whilest the Muskettiers make ready again.

The fifth firing. Let the Pikes charge at foot, and the Muskettiers give fire over their heads; then recovering their Arms, face to their Leader.

Reducement. Front-Divisions face about; Front and Reer-Divisions march, and interchange ground, to your Leader; The out-most Divisions face inward, and close your Divisions, to your Leader: even your Ranks, and streighten your Files, and close to Order, they are reduced.

The Captain may now command the Muskettiers to poyse their Arms, and file away to the right and left, making as it were a Street or Gallery for him to troop away the Pikes, and lodge his Colours.

CHAP. VII. The second Exercise, with four Files six deep.

THe Souldiers being the second time summoned to appear at their place of Rendezvous, the Sergeants having drawn forth the Files, may give liberty to the Leaders thereof to exercise them in their several Postures; which being en­ded, their Captain or other Officers may command them to lead up their Files, and to joyn them into a Body; after which he may shew unto them their Distan­ces, and Facings, with their several kinds, following the former rule, and after proceed to these or the like Doublings following.

CHAP. VIII. Eighteen several Doublings with their reducements.

Command. HAlf-files, double your Front to the left.

Command. Double your files to the right intire, advancing.

Command. Front half-files, double your Reer to the right intire.

Command. Left half-ranks, double your right Flank to the left.

Direction. Face all to the right, and left-half-ranks move forward; and dou­ble your right Flank to the left, to your Leader.

Command. Double your Ranks to the left intire.

Command. Right half-ranks, double your left Flank intire, advancing.

Command. Left half-ranks, double your right Flank inward intire.

Direction. Half-files of the right half-ranks, face about; right half-ranks, move cleer of the standing part; face all to the right: left half-ranks, move forwards into the right Flank, to your Leader.

Command. The three first, and the three last Ranks, double the six middle-most intire to the left Flank.

Direction. The three first, and the three last, face to the left, march cleer of the standing part, face inward, move, and close your Divisions, to your Leader.

Command. Right half-ranks, double your left Flank to the right.

Direction. Face all to the left, and right half-ranks move forwards, and double your left Flank to the right, to your Leader.

Command. Double your Ranks to the right intire.

Command. Right half-ranks double your left Flank inward intire.

Command. The three first, and the three last Ranks, double the six middle-most Ranks intire to the right Flank.

Command. Left half-ranks, double your right Flank intire, advancing.

Command. Front half-files, double your Reer to the left intire.

Command. Half-files, double your Front to the right.

[Page 74] Command. Double your Files to the left intire advancing, every man placing himself before his Leader.

Command. Front half-files, double your Reer to the right, following your Lea­ders.

Direction. Half-files, face about; File-leaders, turn off to the left, and move down upon the right of the Reer, the rest following successively; to your Leader.

Command. Files double your Depth to the left intire; they are reduced being faced to their Leader.

CHAP. IX. Twelve several Counter-marches, with their reducements.

Command. FIles to the right hand countermarch, losing ground.

Command. Ranks to the right hand counter-march, losing ground.

Direction. Face all to the right.

Command. Front and Reer half-files, inter-change ground.

Direction. Front half-files, face about to the left.

Command. Right and left half-ranks, inter-change ground.

Direction. Face inward.

Command. File-leaders, face about; the rest pass through to the right, a place your selves behinde your Leaders; face to the Front.

Command. Counter-march your Front and Reer into the midst.

Command. Counter-march your Flanks into the midst. Face out-ward.

Command. File-leaders, and Half-file-leaders, stand; the rest pass through to the right, and place your selves before your Leaders, and Half-file-leaders.

Direction. The second Rank from the Front, and from the Half-file-leaders, are to begin the Motion, placing themselves, as before commanded.

Command. The out-most File upon the right, and the second File from the stand; the rest pass through to the right, and place your selves on the out-side of your right-hand men.

Command. Files to the left-hand counter-march, losing ground.

Command. Front and Reer half-files, counter-march to the right.

Direction. Front and Reer half-files, turn off distinctly by your selves, on the ground you stand; face to your Leader.

Command. Right and left Half-ranks, counter-march to the right.

Direction. Face to the right; and right and left Half-ranks, turn off distinctly to the right; face to your Leader, they are reduced.

CHAP. X. Twelve several Wheelings, with their Reducements.

Command. WHeel your Reer Half-files inward into the midst, and double the Front inward intire.

Direction. Right and left Half-ranks, open from the midst to double distance; Reer half-files face about, and wheel your Reer inward into the midst, moving forward, doubling the Front inward intire.

Command. Wheel off your Right half-ranks, and double your left Flank to the left intire.

Direction. Face outward right Half-ranks, wheel about to the right, and dou­ble your left Flank to the left; to your Leader.

Command. Right and left Half-ranks, double the Length of your Battail by wheeling outward to the Front.

Direction. Face outward, and right Half-ranks, wheel to the left, and left Half-ranks, wheel to the right, and after close Files into the midst to order.

Command. Wheel off your right Half-ranks, and double your left Flank by Di­vision.

Direction. Face outward: right Half-ranks, wheel about to the right and left outward, moving forward, & doubling the left Flank to the right & left outward.

Command. Wheel your left Half-ranks inward into the right Flank.

Direction. Face outward, and open from the midst to double distance; the Front and Reer half-files, and after the left Half-Ranks may wheel inward, and double the right Flank inward intire.

[Page 75] Command. Wheele off your Reer Half-files, and double your Front to the left entire; Half-files face about.

Command. Wheel your right Half-ranks inward into the midst, and double the left Flank inward entire.

Direction. Face outward; and Front and Reer Half-files that were, are to open from the midst to double distance, and right Half-ranks wheel inward, and move forward into the left Flank.

Command. Wheel off your Reer Half-files, and double your Front to the right entire; Half-files face about.

Command. Wheel off your left Half-ranks, and double your right Flank by Division.

Command. Wheel off your Front Half-files, and double your Reer to the right entire: Half-files face about.

Command. Double the Depth of the Battail by wheeling Front and Reer into the midst of each Division.

Direction. Front Half-files move forward four paces, then the last Rank of each Division face about, and wheel into the midst of Front and Reer of each Division; face to your Leader.

Command. Wheel off your Front Half-files, and double your Reer to the left entire; Half-files face about.

Command. Wheel your Battail off by Division from the Reer.

Direction. Face all about, and right Half-ranks wheel about to the right and left outward to the Front; and closing Files into the midst to Order, they will be reduced as at first, and stand as underneath is set forth.


CHAP. XI. Several plain Firings upon this Exercise of 24 men, with Figures of Battail belonging to the same.

A Commander having thus passed over the Motions, may next prepare for Firings; and calling up his Serjeants, he may give them order how the Mus­kettiers shall fire in Front and Reer: but before he begin his Firings, it will be ex­pedient that he double his Front to the right and left inward by the Bringers-up, which being ended, he may proceed as followeth.

The first Firing. Let them fire by Divisions drawn forth ten paces before the Front of Pikes, and fall in the Reer of themselves.

The second Firing. Let them fire again, and fall off to the right and left, moving down before the Front of Pikes, and closing their Divisions.

The third Firing. Let the first Rank kneel down, the next stoop, and the last stand upright, and give fire altogether; the Pikes in the mean time are to advance their Arms, and open to the right and left, charge on to the Front, until they be clear of the Muskettiers, and then face inwards, and close their Divisions; then facing all about, they may give fire to the Reer marching.

The fourth Firing. Let the last Rank face about to the left, and give fire, and fall off to the right and left, placing themselves before their Leaders of their own Divisions of Muskettiers.

The fifth Firing. Let them face about to the left again, give fire; and fall off to [Page 76] the right and left, and flank their Pikes, the Pikes at the same instant facing about, and charge on clear of the Muskettiers, the Muskettiers after facing in­ward, and close their Divisions: the Pikes may charge to the Horse, and the Muskettiers may give fire over their heads after this manner.

The sixth Firing. Let the first Rank stoop, and the other two stand upright, and give fire altogether; after recovering of their Arms, they may all face to the Front, commanding the Pikes to double the Front inward entire, and afterwards Files to double their Depth to the right and left outward, every man falling be­hind his Bringer-up, closing Files into the midst to Order, and wheeling about into the first Front, he may proceed as followeth.

Command. Front Half-files advance forwards three paces; the middle Rank of each Division face outward, and move clear of the standing part; face to your Leader.


The first Firing. Let the inmost Divisions of Muskettiers in the Front fire, and fall off in the Reer of themselves; after facing about, move down, and inter­change ground with them in the Reer; they at the same instant moving up, firing, and in like manner interchanging ground with them in the Reer; and at the same time the outmost men are to move up, and fire to the Front, and to fall off to the right and left, into the place of them in the Reer, they at the same time moving up, and firing in like manner: this firing may be continued twice over.

The second Firing. Let them face to both the Flanks, and let the Divisions of Pikes in the midst open outward until they be clear of the standing part, then Porting; let the Muskettiers give fire on the same ground they stand, and the Pikes after may charge on until the Muskettiers make ready again, and then re­treating into their places again, the Muskettiers may give fire, as before is men­tioned, the Pikes in like manner charging on, then retreating to their places; face all to their Leader.

Command. Inmost Divisions of Pikes move to the left one pace, and double to the right File-wise, and face to Front and Reer, and march three paces; middle File of Front and Reer-Divisions open from the midst to double Distance; face to your Leader.


[Page 77] The first firing. Face to Front and Reer, and then give Fire, and fall in the Reer of themselves.

The second firing. Let the Muskettiers move forwards, and the inmost Division rank outward into Front and Reer, and then give Fire altogether, and file as they were; the Pikes may charge whilst they make ready, and fall into their places again, they may continue upon this Firing a second time.

The third firing. Let the Muskettiers, and the two outmost men of the Pikes, face to both Flanks; and likewise the Middle-divisions of Pikes are to face to both Flanks after this manner: the first two of the Reer-division are to face to the right, and the two last men of the Front-division are to face to the left; then let the Muskettiers give fire to both Flanks; and the Pikes may after charge to the Front, Reer, and both Flanks until the Muskettiers make ready again; this Firing may be continued twice; to your Leader.

Command. The outmost single men of Muskettiers in the Front-divion, face about; the two outmost men of Muskettiers, both of Front and Reer-divisions move forward and close to order; face to your Leader, and close inward to open Order.


The first firing. Let them give Fire to the Front, and fall in the Reer of them­selves, then face about and move down into the Reer; the rest moving up succes­sively, giving Fire and falling off in like manner; this may be continued twice over; then face them to the Reer, and let the Muskettiers rank to the right and left outward.

The second firing. Let the first Rank of each Division give Fire, and fall off to the right and left in manner and form of the former Firing, until they have Fired twice over; then to file as they were, and face to their Lea­der.

Command. Front and Reer-divisions of Pikes move to the right one pace; the second Division of Pikes move forward, and double the Front to the left; the second Division of Pikes from the Reer, face about; move down and double the [Page 78] Pikes in the Reer to the left; to your Leader: Middle-divisions of Muskettiers open outward to twice double distance; face all to the Center, and march two or three paces; to your Leader.


The first firing. The three last Divisions, face to the Reer; the two outmost men both of Pikes and Muskettiers, face to the Flanks; then let them all give Fire, and fall in the Reer of the Pikes; the Pikes may charge while the Muskettiers make ready again.

The second firing. Let the Muskettiers move forth and give Fire as at first, and after fall in again.

The third firing. Let them give Fire by Extraduction, and fall again in the Reer of the Pikes.

The fourth firing. Let the Pikes charge the Horse, and the Muskettiers give Fire altogether over their heads; then move forth into their first places, and face to their Leader.

Command. Front and Reer-divisions of Muskettiers open outward to double distance; the outmost men of Pikes close inward to open order: the third Rank of Pikes from the Front, face about; the third Rank of Pikes from the Front, and the third Rank of Pikes from the Reer, move forwards to order; face to your Leader: Front and Reer-divisions, stand; the rest face outward, and move two paces, to your Leader.


The first firing. Let the first Divisions Fire, and fall in the Reer of themselves; then wheeling off to the right and left into the place of those Muskettiers in the Reer; they at the same time moving forward into their places, and firing, fal­ling off in like manner; the Muskettiers may give Fire on the ground they stand, falling in the Reer of themselves: This firing being twice performed, we proceed to another.

The second firing. Let the Front-divisions of Muskettiers and those upon the Flanks give Fire, and fall in the midst of Pikes; in the mean time the last Division of Pikes may open outward until they be cleer of the standing part; then let [Page 79] Pikes charge all whilst the Muskettiers make ready again: This firing may be performed twice; after which, let them move forth into their places again; and face to Front and Reer, and give Fire, and fall off in the Reer of themselves: the Pikes may charge, which being ended, face them to their Leader.

Command. The last Rank of Pikes of the Middle-division, face about; middle-division of Pikes move forward, until you range even abrest with the midst of the Front and Reer-divisions of Pikes; to your Leader: the last man of the out­most divisions of Muskettiers, face about; outmost-men move forward three paces, and face to your Leader: Ranks of the Front and Reer-divisions open from the midst to open order; Reer-divisions move forward two paces.


The first firing. Let them Fire to the Front, and fall in between the Pikes: this may be done twice; after which, face to the Front and Reer, and Fire there in the same manner: then let Pikes and Muskettiers intercharge ground, let them give Fire altogether unto Front and Reer; then facing about, inter­change ground with the Pikes, who are to charge on whilst the Muskettiers make ready; then retreating, let them all face outwards, and they will stand in form like a Saw, after they have moved two paces.

The second firing. Let the Muskettiers give Fire altogether to both Flanks, and the Pikes to charge on; after retreating, they may order their Arms, and face all to their Leader.

Reducement. The outmost Muskettiers upon the Flanks, move to right and left inward, placing themselves in the midst of their own divisions; the out­most men of Pikes to stand, the rest to double Ranks to the left; and the first Rank of Pikes to double to the right File-wise, and the second Rank from the Reer to double to the left File-wise; after let the outmost men of Pikes double their inmost Files into the midst; then moving forward their divisions, evening their Front, closing Files to the midst to order, they are reduced.

And now we will lodge our Colours, and repose our selves, until by the beat of the Drum we shall be summon'd to make our appearance.

CHAP. XII. The third Exercise, with four Files six deep.

BEing the third time brought into the Field compleatly arm'd, where being drawn forth into Files, and by the Leaders thereof exercised, as before; they are commanded to lead up their Files; yet not presuming to place themselves, but leaves that to the discretion of their Superiour Officers, who knows best the desert of each particular man. But by the way, give me leave in this place to tell the Souldiers and Leaders of our private Meetings, that this decorum is not rightly observed: the Souldier thinking himself wiser then his Leader, presumes to chop and change by Counter-marching of his File, making some part of the Reer to be more honourable then the Front, which cannot be; for the youngest Soul­dier [Page 80] there is of more honor then the eldest in the Reer, in regard it is the more ho­norable part of the Battalia, therefore it is plain, that they take more upon them then becomes them; for no File-leader ought to meddle with his File in matter of motions, without consent of the superior Officers; neither ought the Leader ei­ther through favour, or out of malice, when all the Files are joyned into one compleat Body, to Countermarch the Files, (and after proceeding to other Mo­tions) depriving thereby the Leaders thereof of their due honour; for else, why (just in the time of Exercise or Marching) should one single File, as the right or left, be Countermarched, if he bore not malice to some, thrusting them by this unsouldier-like way out of their places, and through favour or affection often times putting men of little desert into their places? To leave this discourse, not pleasing to some, let the Commander draw forth one File of Pikes, and double it by the Half-file, and send a Serjeant to fetch the Colours; and after closing his Ranks and Files to Order, he may begin to make some alteration in the ex­ercising of them in their Motions, spending his time altogether upon Inversion and Conversion.

CHAP. XIII. Thirty several Words of Command of Inversion and Conversion.

Command. RAnks, rank entire to the left into the Front.

Direction. The first Rank stand, the rest face to the left, and suc­cessively move into the Front.

Command. Ranks, rank four to the left.

Direction. The first four upon the left stand, the rest face to the left, and by fours fall successively behind the first four upon the left.

Command. Files, rank outward into the Front.

Direction. The inmost Files stand, the rest open outward to double distance, and after rank outward into the Front.

Command. Ranks, file three to the right and left outward by wheeling.

Direction. The three outmost men upon the right and left wheel to the right and left outward, the rest doing the like by threes; after close into the midst to Order, and face to their Leader.

Command. Files, rank inward into the Reer.

Direction. Face to the Reer, and move to the right and left inward into the Reer; to your Leader.

Command. Ranks, file six to the right and left outward, advancing.

Direction. The outmost man upon the right and left stand, the rest move out­ward until they be six in a File, and the next outmost men are to stand, the other doing the like, and after close Files into the midst to Order.

Command. Files, rank inward into the midst of Ranks.

Direction. Front Half-files face about, and right and left Half-ranks open from the midst to double distance, the rest open outward to Order, and move to the right and feft inward to the midst of Ranks; to your Leader, and close Files in­ward to Order.

Command. Ranks, file 12 to the right and left inward, every man placing him­self before the Leaders and Bringers up of the middle Files.

Direction. Ranks, open backward to double distance, the middle File stand, the rest advance forwards, and file twelve to the right and left inward, placing them­selves before the Leaders, and Bringers-up of the middle Files.

Command. Files, rank six to the right and left inward.

Direction. Files, open from the midst to double distance, and move three to the right, and three to the left inward, until you have made four Ranks six abrest; after close Ranks forward to Order.

Command. Ranks, rank outward into Front and Reer, every man placing him­self on the outside of his right and left-hand-man.

Direction. Half-Files face about, and rank to the right and left outward into Front and Reer as is commanded; face to your Leader, and close Ranks for­ward to Order.

[Page 81] Command. Ranks, file 12 to the right and left inward, every man placing him­self behind the Leaders and Bringers-up of the middle Files.

Direction. Ranks, open backward to double distance, the middle Files stand, the rest move side-ways to the right and left, and place your selves behind the Lea­ders and Bringers up of the middle Files.

Command. Files, rank six to the right and left inward into Front, Reer, and Midst.

Direction. The three last Ranks of the Front and Reer Half-files face about, and Files open outward to double distance, and move to the right and left in­ward into Front, Reer, and Midst, making four Ranks six abrest; after face to your Leader, and close Ranks forward to Order.

Command. Ranks, rank outward into the Midst.

Direction. Front Half-files face about, and move outward, and rank to the Midst, and face to your Leader.

Command. Ranks, wheel to the right and left outward.

Direction. Half-files face about, and wheel to the right and left outward into both the Flanks; face to your Leader, and close Files into the midst to Order.

Command. Files, rank six to the right and left outward into Front, Reer, and Midst.

Direction. The three last Ranks of the Front and Reer Half-files face about, and rank outward, three to the right, and three to the left into Front, Reer, and Midst; face to your Leader, and close Ranks and Files to their distance of Order.

Command. Ranks, file to the right entire, advancing.

Direction. The outmost File stand, the rest move forward, and file to the right entire, advancing.

Command. Files, rank three to the right.

Direction. The first three men from the Front rank three to the right, the rest successively doing the same, closing Ranks forward to Order.

Command. Ranks, wheel to the left.

Direction. Ranks, open backward to open Order, and wheel to the left.

Command. Files, rank six to the left.

Direction. The first six men rank six to the left, the rest successively doing the same, until they have made four Ranks six abrest, then close Ranks forwards to Order.

Command. Ranks, rank outward into the midst, every man placing himself on the outsidst of his right and left-hand-man.

Direction. Front Half-files face about, and Front and Reer Half-files rank out­ward into the midst, placing your selves on the outside of your right and left-hand-men; face to your Leader.

Command. Ranks, wheel three to the right and left outward.

Direction. The last Rank face about, and wheel by threes to the right and left outward towards both Flanks; face to your Leader, and close Files to the right to Order, they will stand four abrest, and six deep.

Command. Files, file outward entire, advancing.

Direction. The outmost File stand, the rest advance forward, and place your selves before the outmost Files; after close Files into the midst to Order.

Command. Files, file to the right.

Direction. The right-hand-File stand, the rest face about, and fall in the Reer of your right-hand-File; to your Leader.

Command. Files, file twelve to the right.

Direction. The first twelve stand, the other move forward, filing twelve to the right.

Command. Files, wheel inward into Front and Reer.

Direction. Files open from the midst to twice double distance, after face in­ward, and wheele six to the right, and six to the left, until you have made two Ranks twelve abrest; face to your Leader, and close Ranks forwards to Order.

Command. Ranks wheele inward to both the Flanks.

[Page 82] Direction. Ranks, open from the midst to twice double distance; the first Rank, face about; the first and the last Rank, wheel six to the right, and six to the left inward to both the Flanks; face to your Leader, and close Files to the midst to order.

Command. Files, file three to the right and left outward into Front and Reer.

Direction. Half-files, face about; the three first and the three last Ranks are to stand; the rest are to move by threes, filing to Front and Reer to the right and left outward; and after face to the Front, and close their Ranks forwards to order.

Command. Files, file to the midst by Division.

Direction. Half-files of the outmost Files, face about; and the outmost Files move forwards, and file by Division unto the midst of Files; face to your Leader.

Command. Files, rank inward into the Front.

Direction. Files, open from the midst to twice double distance, and move for­ward to the right and left inward into the Front.

Command. Ranks, file six to the right and left outward.

Direction. The outmost men are to stand; the rest are to move side-ways to the right and left, making six in a File; and then the next outside men in like man­ner are to stand, the rest successively are to file as before.

CHAP. XIV. Next followeth several Figures of Battail, with Firings upon the same, for the per­formance whereof,

Command. BRingers-up to double their Front to the right and left inward, and Ranks and Files to open to open order, and Muskettiers to close outward to close order; the inmost Files of Pikes close outward to the same di­stance, and they will stand in four Divisions; after let the Middle-rank in each Division open outward to open order, they will produce the first Figure.


The first firing. Let the first Rank give Fire, and wheel off to the right and left, and place themselves in the room of them in the Reer; and they at the same time moving forwards in their places, and give Fire as the first; after wheel off into their places again.

The second firing. Let the Middle-ranks advance three foot before the Front, and give Fire; face about, and move down into their places again.

Command. The last Rank in each Division move to the left one pace, and dou­ble to the right File-wise; and then advance forward, until their first men exceed two foot the Front of each Division; then let the first Rank open outward to o­pen order, and the last Rank close inward to the same distance.


[Page 83] The first firing. Let the middle File give Fire to the Front, and fall in the Reer of themselves.

The second firing. Let the first Rank give fire on the ground they stand, and af­ter fall off to the right and left into the room of them in the Reer, they at the same time moving forward into their ground, and give fire in like manner, and fall off into their places again, and then the Pikes may charge on whilest the Mus­kettiers make ready again.

Command. Face all about: middle File, move forward three foot clear of the Reer; the first Rank close inward to Order, the last Rank open outward some­thing more then to open Order.


Upon this Figure let the first man in each division kneel down, and then to give fire altogether over one anothers heads, the Pikes at the same time charging brest-high to the Horse; then face all to their first Front.

Command. The last men in the Reer double to the left Rank-wise; Files, close into the midst to Order; Muskettiers, double your Pikes inward entire advancing, and move forward three paces; Files, double your depth to the right and left outward of each Arms, every man falling behind his Bringer-up; Front Half-files, double your Reer entire into the midst; Files, double to the right and left outward; Files, file to the right entire advancing: which being done, wheel them to the right about into a Ring, in form as followeth.


[Page 84]Upon this Figure let the Pikes charge round, and the Muskettiers give fire all together; which being ended, let the Commander go to the place where the File-Leader stands, and wheel them off again to the left until he hath brought them into one straight File, and then proceed.

Command. Half-files, double your Front to the right; Ranks, double to the right and left inward; Files, double outward entire, advancing; Half-files of each Arms, double your Ranks forwards to the left; Front Half-files, double the Reer to the left; Files, file to the left entire, advancing, and wheel about into a Ring; then face all to the Center, and close Files of each Arms to the right and left in­ward to close Order.


Command. Middle-men in each Division move backward, and place your selves two foot behind your right and left-hand-men; face all about to the right, and close Ranks inward to Order.


[Page 85]Upon this Figure let them Fire by circumduction after this manner; let the odd men of Pikes port; and then the odd Muskettier, where the first Front was, is to give Fire, and to move away to the left; and the next odd man of Muskettiers upon the right, immediately comes stooping underneath the Pikes into the first mans place, Firing in like manner, moving away into the next odd mans place of the Muskettiers upon the left; the rest doing the same until the Muskettier come into his place again.

Command. Face all to the Center; odd men move forwards and place your selves two foot before the right and left-hand-men; after face all to the right a­bout.


Upon this Figure you may Fire likewise by way of circumduction: the Pikes porting all round, and having performed one Firing in this manner; in the next place, let the odd Muskettiers and Pikes move forth again, and kneel down; the odd Pike-men charging at foot, the Muskettiers may give Fire altogether; then let them face to the Center, and let the odd men move forwards, and place them­selves between the right and left-hand-men; then moving and closing their ring, let them face all about to the right: Then let the Captain go where the Leader of the File stands, and wheel him about to the left; the rest following until they be all brought again into one streight File.

Command. Files, file three to the left into the Front; Files, double to the right intire advancing; Front-half-files, move forwards three paces; Files, double your depth to the right of each Division; Half-files, double your Front intire into the midst. The two first and the two last men of Pikes upon each Flank, face in­ward; the two Middle-ranks, face outward; the two last Ranks of Muskettiers, face about; march all three paces; to your Leader.


[Page 86]To pass by the Firings which may be performed upon this Figure, I shall pro­ceed from hence to draw another.

Command. The outmost divisions of Muskettiers close inward to order; Front and Reer Divisions of Pikes, open outward to double distance; Pikes, double in­ward Rank-wise, and they will stand as followeth.


Upon this Figure Fire to the Front in their several Divisions one after another, and fall in the Reer of themselves; then wheel off to the right into the Reer, the rest of the Divisions moving forward in their room, doing the like until all have fired over twice.

Command. Muskettiers, double your Ranks outward in each Division, and they will stand as underneath.


Upon this Figure, as in the former, they may Fire likewise to the Front, falling down into the Reer; and after every Rank successively moving up into the Front, may Fire and fall off in like manner: this Firing may be done twice to the Front; and being faced to the Reer, they may there give Fire after this man­ner, and after face to their first Front.

Command. Muskettiers, double to the right and left inward File-wise; middle­most division of Muskettiers, face outward, and march until you have placed your selves in Front and Reer of the outmost Divisions of Pikes: The last Rank of Front and Reer-divisions of Muskettiers, double to the right File-wise, and move forward until your first men exceed two foot the Front of each division, which occasioneth the next Figure.


[Page 87]It is now high time that we put a period to this Exercise; wherefore let the Ensign unfurl his Colours, the Souldiers shoulder their Arms, and the Drum beat a march; upon which the Ensign being in the midst may display his Colours so long as shall be convenient, and after the Leader may proceed to their reduce­ment, as followeth.

Reducement. Middle-file of Muskettiers, face about, and march cleer of your own Divisions, and double to the left Rank-wise; Muskettiers, close inward to order; Pikes, double to the right and left outward File-wise: Files, close into the midst to order; Ranks, close to order; Pikes, move forward and even your Front; Pikes and Muskettiers interchange ground, they are reduced.

Now the Leader may command the Muskettiers to troop away, and after he may lodge his Colours, thereby refreshing both himself and his Souldiers, until the next summons by beat of the Drum.

CHAP. XV. The fourth Exercise, consisting of four Files eight deep.

THe Souldiers upon the fourth summons coming unto the place of Exercise, make fuller appearance then before, insomuch that their Files are drawn forth eight deep; the Leaders thereof having spent some time in exercising them in each particular posture, are called upon to joyn into a body; where their Leader stands, bethinking of himself what new matter he should delight them with, there being sufficient in any one particular motion for their Exercise, pitches for present to spend his chiefest time in motions upon facing, continuing longer in them, in respect of the several Figures of Battail demonstrated by them.

Now for the more ready performance thereof, I shall onely give the several words of command for each particular Figure which may be drawn from these facings, referring the Reader to the Figures themselves, where I shall have occa­sion to make use of them upon Firings, which shall be made known unto him by Alphabetical letters, pointing from each facing to the Figure it produceth. To come briefly to the exercise in hand, silence being craved, and Ranks and Files closed to order, the Leader may proceed to these or the like particular facings, producing eighteen Figures of Battail Alphabetically set forth, with their reduce­ments.

Command. Half-files, double your front to the left.

Direction. Files, open from the right to open order; Half-files, advance your Arms, and move forward to the left, and double the Front.

Command. Files, open from the midst to open order; Muskettiers, close out­ward to close order; the inmost Files of Pikes, close outward to close order; Ranks, close to Front and Reer to order, and they will stand in eight Divisions.


Command. Reer-division of Pikes, face about; Muskettiers, face outward, move all three paces, to your Leader; pointeth to the first Figure marked by the Alphabetical letter A.

Command. Muskettiers, face inward; Division of Pikes, face outward, march all until the Pikes are cleer three foot of the Muskettiers, to your Leader: this forms the Figure demonstrated unto you by the Alphabetical B.

Command. Reer-division of Muskettiers upon the left; face about to the right; [Page 88] Reer-division of Muskettiers upon the right, face to the right: Front-division of Muskettiers upon the left, face to the left; Divisions of Pikes, face to the Center; move all until your Muskettiers be cleer three foot of Front, Reer, and both Flanks; then let them stand, and face the Divisions of Muskettiers to the left, and the Division of Pikes to face about to the right, and to move all two paces; then face all to the Center, and close their Divisions a little; after face to their Leader C.

Command. Reer-divisions of Muskettiers, stand; the rest, face to the Reer, march all until your Reer-division range even abrest with those upon the Flanks; to your Leader D.

Command. Reer-divisions of Pikes, face outward, march all until the Reer-di­visions of Pikes be cleer of the outmost Divisions of Muskettiers; then let the Reer-divisions of Pikes face to the Front; the rest face to the Reer, march all three paces; to your Leader E

Command. Divisions of Muskettiers in the midst, face about; march all until the Middle-division of Muskettiers range even with the Reer; to your Lea­der F.

Command. Front-divisions of Pikes, face to the outward Angles: Reer-divisi­on of Pikes, face about, and after face to inward Angles of the Reer: outmost divisions of Muskettiers, face to your inward Angles: Front-division of Musket­tiers, face about; as you are now faced, move all some three paces to your Lea­der G.

Command. Muskettiers, face to Front, Reer, and both Flanks; Divisions of Pikes, face to the Center; march all until you be even abrest in Front, Reer, and both Flanks; to your Leader H.

Command. Reer-divisions of Muskettiers, face about; the outmost Divisions, face inward; Divisions of Pikes, face to the Center; march all three paces; to your Leader I.

Command. Divisions of Muskettiers upon the left in the midst, and the three last Divisions of Pikes and Muskettiers, to face to the Reer, and move three paces, and stand; Middle-divisions, face to the left; and the rest face to the right, and move three paces; to your Leader K.

Command. The four last Divisions, face to the left; the four first Divisions, face to the right; move all until you be cleer one of another; then face to the right, and march until you range even abrest in Front and Reer; face to your Lea­der L.

Command. The two inmost Divisions of Pikes, stand; the rest face inward; march all until the Middle-divisions be three foot cleer of the Front; to your Leader M.

Command. Front-divisions of Pikes, face outward; the rest, face outward; march all until the Front-divisions range even with the outmost Divisions of Pikes; face your Leader N.

Command. Front-divisions of Muskettiers, face outward; the rest, face in­ward; march all until the Front-divisions of Muskettiers are cleer of the Pikes; then stand, and the six last Divisions to face about, and move three paces; to your Leader O.

Command. Reer-divisions of Muskettiers, face outward; march all some six paces; Reer-division of Muskettiers, face to the Front; the rest, face to the Reer, and move until the Reer-divisions range even abrest with the Front; to your Leader P.

Command. Front-division of Pikes upon the left, face about; march all un­til that Division be six foot cleer of the Reer; then stand, and Front and Reer-divisions of Pikes, face to the left, and move two paces; to your Leader Q.

Command. Front-division of Pikes, face about; march all until the Front-di­vision of Pikes range even abrest with the first Division of Muskettiers; to your Leader R.

Command. The two outmost divisions of Muskettiers, face about; outmost [Page 89] divisions of Pikes, face outward; move all until the outmost Muskettiers stand streight with the Front-division of Muskettiers; then face to your Learder S.

Reducement. Divisions of Pikes, face inward; the three last Divisions, face a­bout: march all some six paces; Front and Reer-divisions of Pikes, face to the left: Muskettiers, face about; move all two paces; to your Leader: Divisions, move forwards, and double your Front; close Files inward to order, and Ranks forward to order; double Files to the left intire advancing, reduceth them.

Thus much, I conceive may be sufficient at one time for a Leader to exercise his Company with the motions upon their Facings, so that he shall not need to trouble himself with any more then Firings: Where first, as is most properest, we will begin with some plain Firings to the Front; for the performance where­of, let the Half-files double their Front to the left; and Ranks and Files, close forwards and inward to order.

The first firing. Let them Fire by Divisions drawn forth ten or twentie paces, and fall in the Reer of themselves.

The second firing. Let the Muskettiers close their Divisions before the Front of Pikes, and give Fire, and fall all off upon the right Flank.

The third firing The Body moving or marching, let the outmost Files face to the right, and give Fire, and lead away by the contrary side of their Pikes, by the Leaders of the File; the next File may do the same, and consequently all the rest until all have Fired; then let them face to the right; the Pikes in the interim charging on whilst the Muskettiers make ready again

The fourth firing. Let the Pikes open from the midst, that the Muskettiers may come up between them: two Ranks may kneel down, and the other two stand upright, and Fire altogether; the Pikes then charging, and after retreating, they may close again into the midst, continuing their Aspects to the right Flank; the Pikes may port, and the Muskettiers may slieve up upon the right and left of the Pikes; the first Rank giving Fire, and presently falling before the Front of Pikes; the next Rank doing the same, falling still behind their own Muskettiers, and before the Front of Pikes, as they are then faced; and having all Fired af­ter that manner, they may Fire again, and flank their Pikes; then facing to Front and Reer, they may give Fire to both places, and fall off to the right and left, and Flank their pikes from Front and Reer; and after face to their Lea­der.

Command. Files, open outward to open order; Muskettiers, close outward to order, the inmost Files of pikes, close outward to order; Ranks, close to Front and Reer to order; Reer-divisions of pikes, face about; Muskettiers, face out­ward; move all three paces; to your Leader. And now you have the Figure of battail pointed out in the first place unto you by the Alphabet.



The first firing. Let them Fire to the Front, and fall in the Reer of themselves; then wheel off to the right into the place of those Muskettiers in the Reer, they at [Page 90] the same time moving up into the Front, firing in like manner, and moving down into their places again.

The second firing. Let the Reer-divisions face about; and after let them give Fire both to Front and Reer; and falling in the Reer of themselves, the Pikes may charge while the Muskettiers make ready again: they may Fire a second time in the same manner.

The third firing. Face all to both Flanks; then let them give Fire, and fall in the Reer of themselves; the Pikes after charging on three paces, and the Muskettiers retreating three paces; after facing to their Leader, produceth this Figure following.



The first firing. Let the two first Divisions advance three paces before the Front give Fire, and fall in the Reer of themselves, and after move down into the places of them in the Reer; they at the same time moving up into their rooms, giving Fire, in like manner falling down into their places again: this may be perform'd twice over; after face them to Front and Reer.

The second firing. Let them give Fire, their Divisions advancing three paces be­fore the Front and Reer, falling in the Reer of themselves; the Pikes charging on, and the Muskettiers retreating into their places again, facing to their Leader.

Command. Reer-division of Muskettiers upon the left, face about; Reer-divi­sion of Muskettiers upon the right, face to the right; Front-division of Mus­kettiers upon the left, face to the left: Muskettiers, march all cleer of the Pikes, then stand; after face them in their several Divisions to the left, and move two paces; to your Leader.



[Page 91]If you finde by the words of Command given to make the former Fi­gure, that your Divisions stand too thin; you may face them all to the Cen­ter, and move forward every Division two or three paces; then face to their Leader.

The first firing. Let the Front-division of Muskettiers give Fire, and fall in the Reer of themselves; after wheel off to the right into the room or place of them in the Reer; they at the same time moving up into the Front, Firing and falling off in like manner: this Firing may be performed twice.

The second firing. Let the Muskettiers upon the Wings advance forward three paces; give Fire, and fall in the Reer of themselves; after face about, and move into their places.

The third firing. Let the Front-division of Muskettiers move to the right two paces; Reer-division, move up upon the left of them; then let them all both in Front and Reer give Fire on the ground they stand, and fall in the Reer of themselves; the Pikes after closing forward, their Divisions may charge on, and after retreating into their places again, the Division of Muskettiers upon the left in the Front in the mean space facing about, and moving down into their places.

The fourth firing. Let the Muskettiers face to the Front, Reer, and both Flanks; the Pikes, face to the outward Angles of Front and Reer, and Port; then let them give Fire on the ground they stand, and fall in the Reer of themselves: Pikes may charge on to the four Angles; then ordering all their Arms, move the Reer-division of Muskettiers forward even with them of the Wings; then face all to their Leader.



The first firing. Let the first division Fire, and fall in the Reer of themselves; after face about, and move down into the Middle-rank of Muskettiers; they at the same time marching up into their ground, Firing, and falling off in like manner.

The second firing. Let the Muskettiers upon the Wings advance forward, even a­brest with those in the Front, and Fire altogether; the three Divisions falling in the Reer of themselves, and after the outmost Divisions facing about, and moving into their places again.

The third firing. Let the Front-Division of Muskettiers face about, move down, and double the middlemost by division; after let the Muskettiers face outward, and move three paces, and give Fire to both the Flanks, falling off to the right and left; the middle-divisions making good their ground, and firing in like manner, falling off.

Having Fired twice over to both the Flanks, face them to their Leader, and draw forth the outmost Files of Muskettiers of the middle-division before the Front of Pikes, and close their Files inward to Order.

[Page 92] Command. Reer-division of Pikes, face outward, and move two foot cleer of the standing part; to your Leader.



The first firing. Let the first division of Muskettiers give Fire, and fall in the Reer of themselves; and after wheel about, and fall in the midst of the Reer, and range even abrest between the outmost divisions of Pikes; after face to their Leader.

The second firing. Let the three other divisions advance forwards altogether three foot before the Front, and give Fire, and fall in the Reer of themselves; the Pikes charge on, and the Muskettiers still preserving their ground, making ready again whilst the Pikes retreat into their places.

The third firing. Let them give Fire again in like manner; the Pikes charging on, and retreating as before; then let the last divisions of Pikes move inward in a streight line with the outmost divisions of Muskettiers in the Front, and they will stand as followeth.


The first firing. Let them give Fire to the Front, and fall in the Reer of them­selves: this may be performed twice; then face to the Front and Reer; the last Rank of the middle-division is to face about; the first Rank are to continue their Aspects unto the Front.

The second firing. Let the Pikes port to Front and Reer, and the Muskettiers give Fire to Front and Reer, and fall in the Reer of themselves; and after the Pikes may charge on, and retreat again: they may continue this Figure twice, the Pikes charging; and after face to their Leader.

Command. Reer-divisions of Pikes, face about, and move three paces, and face to their Leader; Front-divisions of Muskettiers, face about, and move down into [Page 93] the midst, as before, interchanging ground with the Reer-division of Muskettiers: the two last Divisions of Pikes move outward, until they be two foot clear of the next range of Muskettiers; middle Division of Muskettiers move backward even with the Reer Division of Muskettiers; to your Leader.



Upon this Figure face the three last Divisions of Pikes and Muskettiers to the right about, and let them give fire to Front and Reer, and fall in the Reer of themselves, the Pikes may afterwards charge on to Front and Reer: and retreat back again into their first places; they may perform this firing twice, the Pikes likewise charging up before, and retreating into their places again; face all to their Leader.

And now it will be expedient, having almost tired the Muskettiers with these se­veral Firings, to end our fourth Exercise, and lodge the Colours; but first we will reduce them.

Reducement. The outmost Division of Muskettiers on the right, move forward, and fall in the Reer of them in the Front: Reer Division of Muskettiers move forward, and fall in the Reer of the left Division of Muskettiers, then let them move straight forwards and joyn with them in the Front, and close the Pikes in­to the midst to Order, and their Ranks forward to Order; let the Pikes double the Front inward entire, and after Files to double to the left entire, advancing, closing Files inward to Order; they are reduced.

CHAP. XVI. The Fifth Exercise, with four Files Eight deep.

THe Souldiers having made timely appearance according to the Drums sum­moning unto such places as was appointed by their Commander, and being by the Serjeants drawn forth into Files, the Leaders thereof being permitted to instruct and teach their Files the Postures, and handsome handling of their Arms, are forthwith by warning of the Drum to lead up their Files, and being joyn'd in a Body, according to the discretion of the Superior Officers, do there stand, silent­ly expecting what will follow. The Captain, or other that shall Exercise them, first commands the Bringers-up to double their Front to the left, and after ap­points one of the Serjeants to fetch the Colours; to which purpose he draws off the two inmost Files of Pikes; and advancing their Arms, the Drum beating a troop, they may move away, and bring them to the Company, being led thither by the Ensign, the Serjeant falling in the Reer of the Pikes; and they falling in­to their places again, they may be commanded, Files to double their depth to the right, every man falling behind his Bringer-up. Now the former days Exer­cise being chiefly spent in the Motions by several Firings, they may be spar'd in this, and in lieu thereof the Leader may out of the former plain Doublings col­lect one that may continue long in exercise before reduced, and in this Exercise he shall not need to trouble himself with Counter-marches or Wheelings, but fall immediately alone upon the Motions with this Doubling or the like, as fol­loweth.

CHAP. XVII. Thirty several Doublings, with their Reducements.

Command. HAlf-files double your Front to the left.

Command. Double your Files to the right entire, advancing.

Command. Half-files double your Front to the right and left outward.

Direction. Half-files advance your Arms, and move to the right and left out­ward, and double the Front.

Command. Double your Files outward entire, advancing.

Direction. Even files from the Flanks move forward and double the odd, and after close Files into the midst to Order.

Command. Half-files double your Front to the right entire.

Command. Right Half-ranks double the left Flank to the right.

Direction. Face to the left, right half-ranks move forward, and double the left Flank to the right; to your Leader.

Command. Double your Ranks to the right entire.

Command. Right half-ranks double your left Flank entire, advancing.

Command. Half-files double your Front inward entire.

Command Left half-ranks double your right Flank to the left.

Direction. Face to the right, left half-ranks advance your Arms, and move for­ward to the left, and double your right Flank.

Command. Double your Ranks to the left entire.

Command. Left half-ranks double your right Flank entire, advancing.

Command. Half-files double your Front inward entire.

Direction. Front half-files face outward, and march clear of the standing part; to your Leader; half-files move forward, and double the Front inward entire.

Command. Right half-ranks double entire the depth of the left Flank.

Direction. Left half-ranks stand, right half-ranks face about, and march clear of the standing part; then face to the right, and move forward even with the left Flank; to your Leader.

Command. Front half-files double the Reer to the left entire.

Direction. Front half-files face to the right, march clear of the standing part, face all to the Reer; Front half-files move down, and double the Reer to the left.

Command. Right half-ranks double your left Flank to the left.

Direction. Face all to the left right; half-ranks move forward, and double the left Flank to the left; to your Leader.

Command. Double your Ranks to the left entire into the Reer.

Direction. Face all to the Reer, and every even Rank from the Reer move forth, and double the odd; to your Leader, and close forward to Order.

Command. The two outmost Files upon each Flank double entire, advancing the four inmost Files.

Command. Front half-files double the Reer to the right entire.

Command. Right half-ranks double your left Flank inward entire.

Direction. Half-files of the left half-ranks face about; left half-ranks move clear of the standing part; face all to the left: right half-ranks move forwards, and double the left Flank inward entire.

Command. The four middle ranks double your Front and Reer inward entire.

Direction. Half-files face about, the two first and the two last Ranks open out­ward, until you be clear of the standing part, then the four middle Ranks move forward two to the Front and two to the Reer, doubling entire to both places; face to your Leader, and close your Divisions.

Command. The two outmost Files upon each Flank, double the four middlemost Files by Division.

Direction. Half-files of the two outmost Files face about, outmost Files move clear of the standing part, then close inward to Order, and face to your Leader.

Command. The two first, and the two last Ranks double the four middlemost Ranks inward entire.

[Page 95] Direction. The four middle Ranks face outward, and move clear of the stand­ing part; then face to your Leader: the two first Ranks face about, move for­ward with the two last, doubling the middlemost inward entire; to your Leader.

Command. The four inmost Files double entire, advancing the two outmost Files.

Direction. The two outmost Files stand, the inmost Files move forward clear of the standing part; then face outward, and move straight with the outmost Files; to your Leader, and close Files into the midst to Order.

Command. Front half-files double the Reer by Division.

Direction. The four middle Files double the two outmost Files inward en­tire.

Direction. Half-files of the two outmost Files face about, outmost files move for­ward clear of the standing part, face all to the right and left outward; inmost Files move forward, and double the outmost inward entire; to your Leader, and close Files into the midst to Order.

Command. Front half-files double your Reer to the left.

Command. Files, double your Depth to the right.

Command. The two first and the two last Ranks double the four middle Ranks by Division.

Direction. The two first and the two last Ranks face outward, and march clear of the standing part; then face inward, and move forward, doubling the inmost Files by Division; face to your Leader.

Command. The two outmost Files upon each Flank double entire the Depth of the four inmost Files, reduceth.

CHAP. XVIII. Plain Firings and Figures of Battail.

HAving passed over these Motions of Doublings, in the next place we will pro­ceed to Firings; command therefore Files to open from the midst to open Order, and after let the Bringers-up double the Front to the left.

The first firing. Let the Muskettiers give fire even in the Front, and fall in the Reer of themselves.

The second firing. Let the first Rank give fire, and fall in between the Pikes, eve­ry Rank doing the same until all have fired; then let the first Rank move forth by Division, give fire to the Front, and fall in again, every rank doing the same.

The third firing. Let them face to both Flanks and give fire, and fall off to the right and left, and flank their Pikes to Front and Reer: the Pikes may now port, and move all forward three paces; the Muskettiers may give fire again, and fall in the Reer of the Pikes, the Pikes charging on, and after retreating to their first ground may charge at foot, and the Muskettiers may give fire by two Ranks all together over their heads; after recovering their Arms, let them face to Front and Reer, and let the Muskettiers move forth clear of the standing part, then stand and give fire to Front and Reer, and fall off to the right and left, and flank the Pikes, who after may charge on to Front and Reer; then retreating, face all to their Leader.

Command. Half-files of Pikes face about, Muskettiers face outward, march all three paces; Pikes face to the right and left; Muskettiers face about to the right, march all three paces; then let the last Rank face about, the first and the last Rank double File-wise inward, advancing; Pikes face to the outward Angles of Front and Reer; Muskettiers face to Front, Reer, and both Flanks, and move all two paces; to your Leader.

[Page 96] G


The first firing. Let the first Division of Muskettiers fire to the Front, and fall in the Reer of themselves, and after wheel off to the Right, moving down into the place of the Reer Division, who may at the same time move forward into their ground, and fire in like manner, wheeling off as the former did.

The second firing. Let the two outmost Divisions move forward into the Front, give fire, and fall in the Reer of themselves, and after move down into their places.

The third firing. Face all to the Reer, and let the Muskettiers give fire there in the same manner as they did to the Front.

The fourth firing. Let the Muskettiers face to Front, Reer, and both Flanks, and the Pikes face to the outward Angles of Front and Reer, then let the Muskettiers move forth three foot clear of the Pikes, and fire to Front, Reer, and both Flanks, and fall in the reer of themselves, after facing about, move into their places again.

The fifth firing. Let them face as before, and give fire on the same ground they stand, and fall in the Reer of themselves; the Pikes may after charge on, and re­treat into their places again.

Command. Muskettiers move forth, and range even abrest with the Pikes into Front, Reer, and Midst, and they will stand in a square as followeth.



The first firing. Upon this Figure as they are faced to Front, Reer and both Flanks, and the Pikes to the outward Angles of Front and Reer, it will be best to fire on the ground they stand, and to fall in the Reer of themselves; the Pikes may after charge to the four Angles.

The second firing. Let them double their Ranks outward, and give fire; after face about and move three paces into the midst of Pikes, and having made ready again, let them face about, and move forward and fire as they did before, and after dismount their Muskets, taking them in both hands, they may, as occasion shall require, make use of the Butt end thereof against the Horse, and the Pikes may stand upon their charge.

The third firing. Let the Muskettiers double inward File-wise, the Pikes keep their Aspects to the four Angles, the Musketttiers, as before, may give Fire to Front, Reer, and both Flanks, and fall in the reer of those Pikes next their right hand; and having their Aspects unto the same Angles, they may fire there, if they please, by way of Extraduction, and move forth to the left into their places again; then let the Pikes face to the Front, and Muskettiers upon the wings face about to the right, and Muskettiers move forward three paces; face to your Leader forms the following Figure.

[Page 97]


The first firing. Let the first Division give fire together, and wheel off into the Reer, the next two Divisions moving forward into their ground, giving fire all together, and wheeling off to the right and left into the Reer, the rest still mo­ving forward until the Reer-division is likewise come up into the Front, and gives fire in like manner, and falling off to the right into his first place again; this firing may be continued twice.

The second firing. Let them give fire all together to the Front after this manner; let the middle Divisions move forth to the right and left clear of the Pikes, the Reer-division at the same time moving forward upon the outside of those in the Front, and give fire and move into their places again, making ready whilest the Pikes close forward, and charge on five or six paces, they may retreat again into their places.

The third firing. Let them face all to the Reer, and fire after this manner, the first Division kneel down, the middle Divisions move forth clear of the Pikes; the Front-division marching down into the Reer, may give fire all together, the out­most Division and the Front-division over the heads of them in the Reer, and move in, and back again into their places; then face to their Leader.

Command. The outmost Division of Muskettiers upon the left in the midst, and the three last Divisions of Pikes and Muskettiers face about; march all three paces, and stand: Middle Divisions face to the left, and move two paces; face all to your Leader: Divisions of Pikes face inward; Front-division of Musket­tiers, and the second from the Reer face about, and move little, and close your Divisions; to your Leader.


[Page 98] The first firing. Let the first Division give fire and fall in the Reer of themselves, then wheel down into the Reer, the other Divisions successively moving up into the Front, and firing in like manner; this firing may be continued twice over.

The second firing. Let the Divisions of Muskettiers double their Ranks to the right and left outward, and give fire in single Ranks as they did before, until all have fired twice over.

The third firing. Let them double their Files to the right and left inward, and the Reer Divisions to face about, then let them give fire both to Front and Reer, falling first in the Reer of themselves; after to wheel off into the midst, and facing to Front and Reer, the middle Divisions may move forth into their ground, firing in like manner; the Pikes may after charge whilest the Muskettiers make ready again, and after retreating into their places, they may continue their firing, as formerly, the Pikes charging on as before.

The fourth firing. Let each Division of Muskettiers double Ranks outward, and fire to Front and Reer, and to wheel off in one single rank to the right and left, and rank again in the midst, and after double inward File-wise, and face to their Leader.

Command. The four last Divisions face to the left, the four first Divisions face to the right; march all until you be clear one of another; then face to the right, and move until you be even abrest in Front and Reer; to your Leader.



The first firing. Let the first Divisions give fire, and fall in the Reer of themselves, after wheeling off to the right and left into the Reer, they at the same time moving forwards into their places, firing and falling off in like manner; they may perform the same firing to the Reer, being thither faced.

The second firing. Let the Reer-Divisions move to the right and left outward, clear of the standing part; then face to the Front, move up even abrest with the Front-Divisions, and let every Division fire to the Front, and fall in the Reer of themselves; the Pikes may charge, and after both they and the outmost Divisi­ons may move down into their places.

Command. The inmost Divisions of Pikes advance forward three foot before the Front, the rest face inward, and move two paces; to your Leader.



[Page 99]Upon this Figure let the first Ranks of the Front-Division fire, and fall behind the Front-Divisions of Pikes; the next rank may fire and fall behind the first, then let the Reer-division move up and give fire, and fall in the reer of themselves; and after wheel about to the right and left inward, moving down clear of the reer, and facing again unto their Leader: then they may fire a second time in the same way, the Front-divisions moving forth and firing first, and falling behind the Pikes, the reer-divisions coming up into their places, firing and falling off again by wheeling about inward, until they be clear three foot of the reer; then facing to their Leader, they will stand as followeth, where the Ensign may display his Colours, if the Leader pleaseth to march upon it.


Having now spent much time in these particular Firings, it will be convenient to give the Souldiers some respit to refresh their almost tired spirits, that they may more chearfully appear upon the next summons of the Drum; and therefore we will conclude this Exercise, and prepare for the lodging of the Colours.

Reducement. Reer-Divisions of Pikes move straight forward, until you range even abrest with the Front-Divisions of Pikes; Reer-Divisions of Muskettiers move forward, and range inward even abrest with the Front-Divisions; Files, close in­to the midst to Order; Front and Reer half-files, open from the midst to double distance; the four inmost Files of Front and Reer half-files face inward and in­terchange ground; then let each two Files of Pikes close outward to Order, and after to double their Divisions to the right File-wise, and to close Files to the left to Order; the two outmost Files of Muskettiers upon the right double Ranks inward, and lead them away before the left half-ranks of Muskettiers; the next two Files double Ranks outward, and lead them away behind the Reer by first facing them about; Pikes face to the left, and move straight before the Musket­tiers, and then double the Reer inward entire; after Files to double their Depth to the right, every man falling behind his Bringer-up; they are reduced.

CHAP. XVIII. The Sixth Exercise, with four Files eight deep.

THe Souldiers being met at the place appointed, and their Files being drawn forth according to the usual custom, the Leaders being to shew each Soul­dier how to handle and use his Arms, and after leads up their Files, and joyns them into a Body, where the Commander having sent for his Colours, stands at the head of them, commanding their silence and attention to the words of Com­mand. Now having in his former Exercise spent most of the time upon plain Dou­blings, he may in this shew unto them the great variety of Doublings by Counter-marches; and although they are very difficult, yet they will afford much delight and content unto the Souldiers.

GHAP. XIX. Thirty Doublings by Counter-marches, with their Reducement.

Command. BRingers-up, double your Front to the left.

Command. Double your Files to the left entire advancing, every man placing himself before his Leader.

Command. Front half-files double your Reer to the right and left outward, following your Leaders.

[Page 100] Command. Double your Files outward entire, advancing, every man placing himself before his Leader.

Command. Bringers-up, double your front to the right and left inward.

Command. Double your Files inward entire, advancing, every man placing himself before his Leader.

Command. Front half-files double your Reer to the right and left inwards, fol­lowing your Leaders.

Command. Files, double your depth to the right and left outward, following your Bringers-up.

Command. Double your files to the right by Division, every man placing him­self before his Leader and his Bringer-up.

Direction. Half-files of the even files from the right, face about; even files ad­vance forward, and double the odd according to command; to your Leader.

Command. The four first, and the four last Ranks, double the eight middlemost Ranks to the right and left inward, following your Leaders & your Bringers-up.

Direction. The four first, and the four last Ranks advance your Arms, and the File-leaders and the Bringers-up begin the Motion, the rest are to follow; after order their Arms, and face to their Leader.

Command. Double your files to the left by Division, every man placing himself before his Leader and his Bringer-up.

Direction. The eight middle ranks double your Front and Reer to the right and left outward, following the Half-file-leaders, and the Bringers-up of the Front half-files.

Direction. The four last ranks of the Front and Reer half-files face about: the middle are to begin this Motion, and to advance their Arms, and to turn off to the right and left, every rank following them until they have doubled the Front and Reer: then face all to the Front, order their Arms, and close their Divisions forward to open Order.

Command. Double your files inward by Division, every man placing himself before his Leader and his Bringer-up.

Direction. Half-files of the outmost Files face about, the outmost Files advance your Arms and move forward, placing your selves before your Leaders and your Bringers up; face to your Leader, and order your Arms.

Command. The four first, and the four last Ranks, double the eight middlemost Ranks to the right and left outward, following your Leaders and your Brin­gers-up.

Direction. The four first, and the four last Ranks, advance your Arms, and move away to the right and left, and double the eight middlemost Ranks; to your Leader.

Command. Front half-files, double your Reer to the right, following your Leaders.

Command. Files, double your Depth to the right, every man placing himself be­hind his Bringer-up.

Command. Right half-ranks, double your left Flank to the right, following your right-hand-men.

Direction. Face outward, and right half-ranks turn off to the left, and double the left Flank to the right; to your Leader.

Command. Double your Ranks to the right entire, every man placing himself on the outside of his right-hand-man.

Command. Left half-ranks, double your right Flank to the left, following your left-hand-men.

Command. Double your ranks to the left entire, every man placing himself on the outside of his left-hand-man.

Command. Double your Ranks by Division, every man placing himself on the outside of his left-hand-man.

Command. The inmost Files double the outmost Files, placing yourselves on the outside of your right and left-hand-men.

[Page 101] Direction. The inmost Files advance your Arms, face outward, and move for­ward, and double the outmost Files, placing your selves on the outside of your right and left-hand-men; order your Arms, and close Files into the midst to o­pen Order.

Command. Double your Ranks by division into the Reer.

Command. The two outmost Files, double the four inmost by following of your outside-men.

Direction. The inmost Files, face inward; the rest face outward, and turn off to the right and left toward the Reer; and double the four inmost Files; to your Leader.

Command. Double your Ranks by Division into Front, Reer, and Midst; every man placing himself on the outside of his right and left-hand-man.

Direction. The two last Ranks of the Front and Reer-half-files, face about; e­ven Ranks from the Front, Reer, and Midst; advance your Arms, and face out­ward, and move forth, and double the Front, Reer, and Midst of Ranks, placing your selves on the outside of your right and left-hand-men; face to your Leader, and close Ranks forward to open Order.

Command. Double your two outmost Files to the right and left outward, and Midst, following of the inmost Files.

Direction. The two outmost Files, face outward; the rest face inward; and Front and Reer-half-files distinctly turn off to the right and left, and double the outmost Files to the right and left outward; and Midst following of the inmost Files; to your Leader: Files, close into the midst to Order.

Command. Double your Files to the right intire advancing, every man placing himself before his Leader.

Command. Bringers-up, double your Front to the right.

Command. File-leaders, double your Reer to the left.

Command. Double your Files to the left intire into the Reer, every man placing himself before his Bringer-up.

Direction. Face to the Reer, and even Files from the left; advance your Arms, and move forward, and double the odd, placing your selves before your Brin­gers-up; to your Leader.

Command. Files, double your depth to the left, following your Bringers-up.

Command. Half-files, double your Front to the right and left inward, every man placing himself before his Leader, they are reduced as at first.

CHAP. XX. Plain Firings, and Figures of Battail.

HAving spent so much time upon these Doublings by Counter-marches, in the next place I shall proceed to Firings, and several Figures of Battail; where first command the Half-files to double the Front to the left, and then go on to your Firings.

The first firing. Let them fire even with the Front, and fall off, and Rank even with the Half-files, and fall in the Reer of themselves; the Pikes may after charge on, and the Muskettiers may give fire again, and fall in the Reer of the Pikes.

The second firing. Let the Pikes port, and the Muskettiers give fire by extradu­ction.

The third firing. Now the Muskettiers being upon the Reer, fire them there up­on the march; wheel them about to the right, and let them fire after this man­ner: face about to the right and left; let the last Rank fire, fall off, and Flank the first Rank of Pikes; and so consequently all the rest; after fire them to the Reer, and fall off to the right and left some six paces before the Front of Pikes, and in the Reer of themselves; then face the body about, and let the Pikes charge to the Reer, and after port; the Muskettiers may give fire to the Reer by way of extraduction.

The fourth firing. Next fire to the Reer by dividing the Muskettiers, and bring­ing them even with the Reer, and ranking outward, and falling again as they were; face to your Leader.

[Page 102] Command. Ranks and Files, open to your open Order; Muskettiers, close outward to Order; the outmost Files of Pikes, stand; the rest close outward to Order: Front-half-files, open forward three paces: Ranks, close to Front and Reer to Order: Pikes, move forward two paces; Pikes, face outward; Muskettiers, face inward, and move cleer one of another; to your Leader.



The first firing. Let them give Fire to the Front, and fall in the Reer of them­selves; then wheel off to the right and left into the Reer, they at the same time moving up into their ground, give Fire, and falling off as before; the Pikes may after charge on while the Muskettiers make ready.

The second firing. Let Pikes and Muskettiers Rank outward and give Fire, and fall off in like manner, as before; after let them Fire, and fall in the Reer of the first Rank of Pikes of the Front-divisions; then the Pikes may port; then let the first Divisions give Fire, and fall in behind the Pikes; the Reer-divisions af­ter moving up into their places, may give Fire, and face about; march down in­to their places; then face to their Leader: This firing being continued twice or oftener over, you may fire them to the Reer (they being thither faced) after the very same manner, the Pikes there charging; after facing all to their Leader, let them double Files to the right and left inward of each division.

Command. Front-divisions of Pikes, face outward; Front-divisions of Musket­tiers, face outward; the rest face about; move all six paces; to your Leader; Reer-divisions, move forward two paces.



The first firing. Let the Front-divisions give fire, and fall in the Reer of them­selves; then wheel off to the right and left into the Reer; they at the same time moving forward into their places may give fire, and fall off as before: this may be twice performed.

The second firing. Let the Front-divisions give fire, and fall in the Reer of the Front-divisions of Pikes; the Reer-divisions of Muskettiers moving into their ground, firing, and falling behind the Reer-divisions of Pikes; then they may move forth cleer of the Pikes, and fire, and fall in again: they may fire after the same manner to the Reer: But I shall let that pass, and go on to the next.

[Page 103] Command. Reer-divisions of Muskettiers, face outward, and march three paces cleer of the Reer-divisions of Pikes; then face to your Leader, and move for­ward until they range even abrest with the Reer-divisions of Pikes.



The first firing. Let the first divisions of Muskettiers give fire to the Front, and fall in the Reer of themselves; after wheel off to the right and left into the room of them in the Reer; they at the same time moving up into their places, firing and falling off in like manner: this firing may be continued twice over; then the Pikes may charge whilst the Muskettiers make ready again.

The second firing. Let the Reer-divisions move forward even abrest; then let the Muskettiers give fire altogether, and fall in the Reer of themselves: this firing may be continued twice over, and the Pikes may charge; after let those Divisions that moved, march down again into their places.

Command. Front-divisions of Pikes upon the left, face about, and move down four paces cleer of the Reer; Front and Reer-divisions of Pikes, move to the left two paces, to your Leader.



Upon the former Figure fire first to the Front, and fall in the Reer of them­selves; then wheel down into the place of them in the Reer, they at the same time moving up into their places, firing and falling off in like manner. This fi­ring being twice performed, let the Reer-divisions of Muskettiers move up even abrest with the Front-divisions, and fire altogether, and fall in the Reer of themselves; after let the Pikes charge on, and the outmost Divisions of Musket­tiers face about, and move down into their places.

Command. Front-division of Pikes, face about, and march until they range e­ven abrest with the Front-division of Muskettiers; to your Leader; Reer-divi­sion of Pikes move forward three paces.


[Page 104]Upon this Figure let each division fire as they stand, and fall in the Reer of themselves, performing it twice over; the Pikes may charge on, whilst the Mus­kettiers make ready again, who after may give fire by two Ranks together, as they stand in each division; the Pikes charging as before.

Command. Outmost divisions of Muskettiers, face about, march until you range even with the Reer; face inward, and move until you stand streight after the Front-divisions of Muskettiers; to your Leader: middle-divisions of Pikes, face outward, and move cleer of the standing part; to your Leader.


The first firing. Let them give fire to the Front, by divisions relieving each o­ther; after face them to both Flanks, and let them give fire upon the ground they stand, and fall in the Reer of themselves: This firing may be continued twice; and after the Pikes may charge on, whilst the Muskettiers make ready a­gain; and after retreating into their places.

The second firing. Let the middle-division of Pikes in the Reer, face about; and the middle-division of Pikes, face to the Front; and Muskettiers to face to the outward Angles of Front and Reer; and let them give fire to the four Angles, and fall in the Reer of themselves, or fire altogether; and the Pikes may after charge on to Front, Reer and both Flanks, being all faced unto those places; and retreating again to their places, they may, if they please, fire a second time, and charge on in manner as before. Now if the Leader have a desire to fire to Front and Reer, let him face them thither, and let them fire on the ground they stand, and fall in the Reer of themselves; the Pikes after charging on, and re­treating again into their places; face them all to their Leader, and open the Front and Reer-divisions from the midst to sufficient distance, and let the Ensign display his Colours.

Reducement. Reer-divisions of Pikes, advance forward unto the left into the Front; outmost division of Pikes, face inward, march and close your divisions; Muskettiers in the Reer, move and close Ranks forward to Order; Files, double your depth to the right, every man falling behind his Bringer-up, reduceth them.

Then let the Muskettiers poyse their Muskets, if they be neer the place of lodging the Colours, and to move unto that place making a guard; their Mus­kets being rested, after which the Colours being furled up, and the Pikes ad­vanced; the Leader being on the right hand, and the Lieutenant on the left, and the Ensign in the midst; the Serjeants following them, and in the Reer of them the Drums beating a troop; let them march away and lodge the Colours, the Muskettiers giving of a volley, they may all betake themselves unto their se­veral habitations, until they shall be summon'd again by beat of the Drum unto their place of Rendezvous.

CHAP. XXI. The seventh Exercise, consisting of sixty four men, eight Files eight deep.

THe Souldiers appearing unto the place of Exercise, according unto the ap­pointment of their Leader, or accustomed thereunto by beat of Drum, are drawn forth into several Files, as is the usual custom. And the Souldiers being instructed of the use and handling of their Arms, by the Serjeants, Corporals, [Page 105] or Leaders of the Files, spending such time therein as shall be convenient until the fetching of the Colours; to which purpose they draw up their Files, and joyn into a Body, doubling the Front to the left by the Half-files, and send for the Colours. Which being brought unto the head of the Company, and the Soul­diers returned unto their several places, and that the Body is closed in Rank and File to close Order; then silence, and the well minding of their Directions, and their obedience is required of them, being three main properties belonging unto every Souldier. Now for more variety sake in matter of Motions; the Leader may spend his chiefest time in Doublings, by Wheelings, giving upon all occasions, the Souldiers their due distance unto every word of Command, and instructing them with their several reasons and uses, and so proceed to this that follows.

CHAP. XXII. Two and twenty several Doublings by Wheelings, with their Reducement.

Command. WHeel off your Reer-half-files, and double your Front by division.

Direction. Half-files, face to the Reer, and wheel about to the right and left, until you come up even with the Front.

Command. Right and left Half-ranks, double the Depth of the Battail, by wheeling into the Front.

Direction. Right-half-ranks, wheel to the left; Left-half-ranks, wheel to the right; to your Leader.

Command. Wheel off your Front-half-files, and double the Reer by Divi­sion.

Direction. Half-files, face to the Reer; and Front-half-files, wheel about to the right and left, and move down even with the Reer; to your Leader.

Command. Wheel off your right Half-ranks, and double the left Flank to the right intire.

Direction. Face outward; and right Half-ranks, wheel about to the left, and double the left Flank to the right intire; to your Leader.

Command. Wheel off your right Half-ranks, and double your left Flank by division.

Direction. Face outward; and right Half-ranks, wheel about to the right and and let, and double the left Flank by Division; to your Leader.

Command. Front and Reer-half-files, double the length of your Battail, by wheeling into the left Flank.

Direction. Face to the left; and Front-half-files that were, wheel to the left; Reer-half-files, wheel to the right; to your Leader.

Command. Wheel of your Left-half-ranks, and double your right Flank by division.

Command. Front and Reer-half-files, double the length of the Battail by wheeling into the right Flank.

Command. Wheel your Left-half-ranks inward into the midst, and double the right Flank inward intire.

Direction. Front and Reer-half-files, open from the midst to more then double distance; after face outward; and Left-half-ranks, wheel inward into the midst, and move forward, and double the right Flank inward intire; to your Leader.

Command. Wheel off your Front-half-files, and double the Reer to the right intire.

Direction. Half-files, face to the Reer; and Front-half-files, wheel about to the left, and move down upon the right into the Reer, and face to your Leader.

Command. Wheel your Right-half-ranks inward into the midst, and double your left Flank inward intire.

Command. Wheel off the Front-half-files, and double the Reer to the left intire.

Command. Wheel your Reer-half-files inward into the midst, and double your Front inward intire.

Direction. Right and Left-half-ranks, open from the midst to more then dou­ble distance; and Half-files, face about, and wheel inward into the midst, and move forward, and double your Front inward intire.

[Page 106] Command. Right and left Half-ranks, double the Depth of your Battail, by wheeling into the Reer.

Direction. Face to the Reer; and right-half-ranks, wheel to the left; and left-half-ranks, wheel to the right until you meet; to your Leader.

Command. Wheel your Front-half-files inward into the midst, and double the Reer inward intire.

Command. Wheel off your left-half-ranks, and double your right Flank to the right intire. Face outward.

Command. Wheel off your Reer-half-files, and double the Front to the left intire. Half-files, face about.

Command. Wheel off your Left-half-ranks, and double your right Flank to the left intire.

Command. Wheel off your Reer-half-files, and double your Front to the right intire. Face outward.

Command. Wheel off your Left-half-ranks, and double intire the Depth of the right Flank.

Direction. Left-half-ranks, face to the left, and wheel about to the left, until you come down in the Reer of the right Flank; to your Leader.

Command. Wheel off your Reer-half-files, and double the Length of your Front to the right.

Direction. Half-files, face about, and wheel round to the left, and move for­ward, and double the length of the Front to the right, they are reduced.

CHAP. XXIII. Several Firings, and Figures of Battail, with sixty four men.

HAving passed over these several Wheelings by way of Doublings, it will be sufficient time to proceed unto Firings; wherefore, first, command to open their Files from the midst to open Order; and the Bringers-up thereof to double the Front to the right and left inward.

The first firing. Let them fire to the Front, by Ranks ranking outward, and af­ter to rank as they were.

The second firing. Let them give fire to the Front, by ranks ranking inward, and ranking again as they were, and closing again to the Body of Pikes.

The third firing. Let the Half-files face about; and let them give fire to Front and Reer by Ranks ranking outward, and ranking in again as they were.

The fourth firing. Let them advance forwards by two Ranks, some ten paces be­fore the Front and Reer, and give fire, and fall in the Reer of themselves; then face about, and fall before the Front and Reer of Pikes; and then fire again, falling off to the right and left, and Flank the Pikes; then the Pikes may charge on, and the Muskettiers may fall in the Reer of the Pikes, and then Pikes may charge at Foot, and the Muskettiers may give fire altogether over their heads.

The fifth firing. Let the Pikes port, and the Muskettiers move forth to the right and left, and fire by extraduction; then the Pikes may charge again, and the Muskettiers may move forth as before; and the first Rank of each division may give fire even with the Front and Reer, and stand; the rest may after move forth cleer of them, and give fire, falling behind their own Divisions of Muskettiers; then face all to their Leader, and close their Divisions forward to Order; and then proceed to Figure of Battail.

Command. Half-files, face about; Muskettiers, move forward until you be cleer of the Pikes; the two inmost Files of Muskettiers, stand; the two outmost Files of Muskettiers move forwards, until you be cleer of the inmost Files; the two outmost Files of Pikes, face outward, and move three foot cleer of the out­most Divisions of Muskettiers; and after to face to Front and Reer, and to move forward until they range even with the Reer-divisions of Muskettiers; then let them face all to the Front, and stand streight in their Divisions, both Rank-wise and File-wise; and they will stand as in the next Figure.

[Page 107]


Upon this Figure let the first divisions of Muskettiers give fire, and fall in the Reer of themselves; after wheel off to the right and left into the room of them in the Reer; they at the same time moving up into their places, firing and falling off in like manner. Then let the inmost divisions give fire in like manner, as the former did; and wheel off to the right and left, and be relieved by their own Reer-divisions of Muskettiers; then let the Pikes chaege on, and after retreating back again into their places.

Command. The two middle-ranks of Pikes, face outward, and move cleer of the standing part; then let the first Rank of Pikes face about; and the first and last Rank of Pikes to move forward to Order; face all to your Leader.


The first firing. Let the Front-divisions fire, and fall in the Reer of themselves; then wheel off to the right and left into the room of them in the Reer; they at the same time moving forward into their places, firing and falling off in like man­ner: Next let the inmost divisions of Muskettiers do the same, who may be re­lieved by the inmost divisions of Muskettiers in the Reer.

The second firing. Let them all face to the Reer, and give fire as they did to the Front.

The third firing. Let them face to Front and Reer, and give fire, and fall in the Reer of themselves first; after falling off, and interchanging divisions, relieving each other; then let the Pikes charge on to Front and Reer, and after retreat­ing back into their places.

Command. The inmost divisions of Muskettiers to move forward until they be two foot cleer of the standing part; then let them face all inward, and move un­til the outmost divisions of Muskettiers range even abrest with the middle-divisi­ons of Pikes; to your Leader.

[Page 108]


Upon this former Figure, fire them to both Flanks; where first face them out­ward; let the first division give fire, and fall in the Reer of themselves; and af­ter wheel off to the right and left into the places of the Reer-divisions, and they move up at the same instant of time into their rooms, giving fire, and falling in the Reer of themselves; afterward into their places. Next let them fire, and fall in the Reer of themselves; and after move inward, and fall in the Reer of the next division of Pikes; and then the first division of Muskettiers move forth, and give fire in the ground they formerly stood on, and fall in the Reer of themselves, and stand; and the next division of Muskettiers is likewise to move forth where formerly they stood, and to fire and fall in the Reer of themselves; the Pikes may after charge on, and after retreat back again into their places; and face to their Leader.

Command. Reer-divisions of Muskettiers, move to the left two paces, and double to the right File-wise; the two middle-divisions of Pikes, face outward, and move two paces; to your Leader: Reer-divisions of Muskettiers move for­ward, until the first division of Muskettiers be placed three foot before the midst of the middle-divisions of Pikes, and the second division be three foot behind the same, standing streight with the Front-divisions of Muskettiers in the midst.


Upon this Figure they being faced to Front and Reer, both Pikes and Musket­tiers; let the first divisions give fire, and fall in the Reer of themselves, and stand; let the rest move forward until they be cleer of the Front-divisions of Muskettiers, [Page 109] and fire, and fall in the Reer of themselves, and after face about and move down into their places again; then let the Pikes open a little outward, and charge all to Front and Reer; and when they shall retreat back again into their places, the Muskettiers may fire again as they did before, and continue it as long as they please. Or they may fire upon this Figure either to Front or Reer, according to discretion, as long as they please.

Now in respect much time hath been spent in the Motions by wheelings in plain firings and Figures of Battail, we will draw forth one Figure more from the for­mer, that the Colours may be displayed, and that we may conclude our seventh Exercise, to refresh the Souldiers for a space, until they shall again have warning from their Commander for another appearance.

Command. The last Division of Muskettiers in the midst to face about, middle Divisions of Muskettiers advance forward until you be three foot clear of the Front and Reer; to your Leader: each Division of Pikes face outward, and move to convenient distance for the Colours to display; to your Leader.


Reducement. Front and Reer-division of Muskettiers face about, Front-divisi­on move down and double the Reer-division to the left rank-wise; to your Lea­der: the two first Divisions of Muskettiers in the Front face about; then let them, and the two last Divisions of Muskettiers in the Reer, move forward until they be even with the next Divisions of Muskettiers; to your Leader. The two middle Divisions of Pikes close into the midst to Order, and to open their Ranks from the midst to something more then open Order; the two outmost Divisions of Pikes face inward, and move forward into the midst of the two middle Ranks in the Body; to your Leader. Front-divisions of Pikes face about, and Front and Reer-Divisions to move forward and to close their Divisions; to your Leader. Files close to the right and left inward to Order. Muskettiers in the Front and Reer, double your Pikes by Division. Files, double your Depth to the right and left outward, every man falling behind his Bringer-up, they will be reduced as at first.

Now the Serjeants may draw off the Muskettiers, filing them to the right and left outward, thereby making a guard for the Captain and other Officers to march through, trooping away and lodging the Colours; which done, one of the Serjeants command the Muskettiers to face about to the right, and to present all, and no man to give fire until they hear the beat of Drum; no man pulling his Tricker but once, which will be a means that they all fire handsomly together; which being ended, every man may depart home until he shall be called forth again.

CHAP. XXIV. The Eighth Exercise, consisting of sixty four men, eight Files eight deep.

THe Souldiers being again brought into the Field, or place of Exercise, the Serjeants, according to their wonted manner, drawing forth the Files, bids each File-leader to take his File into some convenient place apart, to exercise them in their several Postures and Charges, and after what manner they may fire, whether it be to Front, Reer, or both Flanks. Which being performed, they are called up to joyn into a Body, and commanded to close their Ranks and Files to their distance of Order, and the Front doubled to the right and left inward by the half-files distance beforehand, being prepared for their moving up. The Leader appoints one of the Serjeants to fetch the Colours, which being brought up to the head of the Company, the Leader for variety sake may spend the chiefest of his time in Firings, as followeth.

The first firing. Let the Muskettiers move forward until their Bringers-up range even with the Front of Pikes; after let the two outmost Files of Muskettiers move forward until their Bringers-up range even abrest with the Front of the two in­most Files; Let the Front or foremost Divisions give fire, and fall in the Reer of themselves; then let them face about, and move down into their places where they were last, then let the two inmost Files of Muskettiers of each Division ad­vance forwards until their Bringers-up range even with the Front of the two outmost Files, and then let them give fire, and fall in the Reer of themselves; and after face about, and march down into their places again where they were last drawn off.

The second firing. Let them give fire on the ground they stand in each Division, falling off to the right and left in the Reer of themselves.

The third firing. Let the first Rank in each Division fire as they stand, and after move inward in a straight line before the Front of Pikes, which gives way for the next Rank to fire in each Division; and after to move inward into the Reer of the first Rank, and so consequently all the rest to fire in like manner until they have all fired, and stand straight before the Pikes.

The fourth firing. Let their Ranks rank outward into the Front, and then give fire all entire in one Rank, and ranking again as they were.

The fifth firing. Let the half-files of Muskettiers double the Front by Division, and give fire by two Ranks together, and after to move back again into their places.

The sixth firing. Let the two first Ranks kneel down, the other two stand upright, and give fire four Ranks together.

The seventh firing. Let the half-files, or Pikes to face about, and move three pa­ces; to your Leader: and then Files to double their Depth to the right and left outward of each Arms; then let them give fire eight Ranks together after this manner, two kneel down, two kneeling, two stand upright, and the two last to be drawn off to the right and left; and so to fire all together; which being end­ed, command the Pikes by their Files to rank outward into the Front, and then open outward to the right and left, and charge on in the Front, and file again as they were.

The eigth firing. Let the Pikes open their Files from the midst to double distance; then command the Muskettiers to face about, and move down into the midst of the Pikes, then let the half-files face about, and let the Muskettiers be at open Order in their Files, and the Pikes at Order; and then let them give fire first to Front and Reer by Intraduction after this manner: Let the first Rank in Front and Reer present and give fire on the ground they stand, and presently make ready again; the next Ranks may move forward, and place themselves three foot before them, and fire in like manner, and after stand, the other Ranks still moving forward into the next Rank until the first have fired, and then immedi­ately to clap before them, and fire in like manner, until all have fired twice over.

The ninth firing. Let them close their Files into the midst to Order, and fire on the same ground they stand, and fall in the Reer of themselves.

The tenth firing. Let them fire and fall off to the right and left into the midst of [Page 111] Pikes again, then let the Pikes charge on to Front and Reer; and when they are clear of the Muskettiers, let them close to the right and left inward to Order.

The eleventh firing. Let the Pikes port, and let the Muskettiers be drawn forth one whole Rank to the right, and another to the left, both to Front and Reer give fire, and fall into their places again; then let the other four be drawn forth in like manner, and fire, and fall into their places again; the Pikes, if occasion shall require, may again charge on.

The twelfth firing. Let the Muskettiers range to the right and left outward, and fire even abrest with the Reer of each Division, and move in again into their places.

The thirteenth firing. Let the Muskettiers rank outward, and move even abrest with the Front and Reer, and there present and give fire: and whilest the Pikes are charging on, they may rank again as they were, and fall in the Reer of the Pikes, and make ready again.

The fourteenth firing. The Pikes being retreated into their first ground, you may open them to the right and left, and then the Muskettiers may move forward, and fire two Ranks kneeling down, and the other two standing upright; then the Pikes may continue their charge till the Muskettiers make ready again, and after they may retreat, and fall in the Reer of the Muskettiers, and close their Divisi­ons inward to Order. These firings being all upon a stand, and the Muskettiers being now in Front and Reer, they may be moved away, and may give fire upon the march to Front and Reer after this manner.

The fifteenth firing. Let the first Rank in the Front nimbly advance forward ten paces, then present and give fire, in which interim, the rest will be moved up un­to them; the others having fallen off to the right and left in the Reer of their own Divisions of Muskettiers, the next Rank may give fire in like manner, until all have fired thus once over; the Reer are to fire at the same time with the Front, facing about the last Rank, who are to fall off, and to place themselves before their own Divisions of Muskettiers.

The sixteenth firing. Let them fire as before, and the first Rank of the Front-divi­sion to fall off, and flank the Pikes to the right, the rest of that Division falling off, and placing themselves in the Reer of them; and likewise the first Rank of the Reer-Division, when they have fired, let them fall off, and range even abrest with the half-files of Pikes, and still preserving themselves in their places to be right-hand-men to those which were at first, and the rest to give fire and fall in the Reer of them.

The seventeenth firing. Now the Muskettiers being all upon the right Flank, let the outmost File face to the right and fire, and lead away the Bringers-up be­tween the Muskettiers and the outmost File of Pikes; let this be continued in the same manner until all have fired.

The eighteenth firing. The Body still marching, let them fire again after the same manner as before.

The nineteenth firing. Let them fire by Ranks wheeling to the right Flank, and after to rank to the right, so many abrest as they were at first, marching along with the Body.

The twentieth firing. Let them fire, and fall off on the contrary Flank.

The one and twentieth firing. Let them give fire upon the gathering, firing after this manner; let the outmost File upon the left, face to the left, give fire, and then face to the Front, and stand until the rest be clear; and then the next File to face to the left and fire, and after face to the Front, and then the first File may gather up even abrest upon the left of the second File; then the third File may face to the left and give fire; after face to the Front and stand, until the other two march up on the left, and joyn even abrest with him, and consequently so all the rest, until every File have fired, and that they be all moved up even abrest with the Pikes.

The two and twentieth firing. Let them wheel Ranks to the left, and fire, and after rank four to the left as they were at first, and march even abrest with the Pikes.

[Page 112] The three and twentieth firing. Let them fire to the left Flank, Ranks inverting, and after face to the Front, and to rank again as they were.

The four and twentieth firing. Let them fire by Files, filing to the right, and fa­cing after to the left, and fire to the left Flank; and then facing to their first Front, and to lead up their Files to the left again as they were.

The five and twentieth firing. Let them fire by the outmost Files to the left Flank, and lead away by the Leader, up between, or in the middle of Pikes.

The six and twentieth firing. Let them face outward, and fire upon a stand after this manner by Ranks dividing, moving forth to the right and left, and fire and fall in again into their places, the Pikes may after charge on, and retreat again into their places.

The seven and twentieth firing. Let them fire by Ranks, ranking outward into both the Flanks, and moving forward, and firing even abrest, and ranking again as they were, but not returning again into the midst of Pikes from whence they were drawn forth, but fire to both Flanks, and fall in the Reer of themselves.

The eight and twentieth firing. Let them fire again, and fall in the Reer or midst of Pikes.

The nine and twentieth firing. Let the Pikes port, and let the Muskettiers fire by Extraduction to both Flanks, and return again into their places.

The thirtieth firing. Let the Pikes open to the right, and the Muskettiers move up into the midst, and the first Rank give fire, and slieve up to the right and left, and place themselves before the Pikes, the next Rank moving forward into his ground, and slieving away in the Reer of them until all have fired.

The one and thirtieth firing. Let them close their Divisions, and fire, and fall in the Reer of themselves.

The two and thirtieth firing. Let them fire by Files ranking outward, and filing again as they were.

The three and thirtieth firing. Let them fire by Ranks wheeling outward into both Flanks towards Front and Reer; the half-files are to face about, the left half-ranks are to wheel to the right, the right half-ranks to the left, the Front-half-files doing the like, may give fire, facing after to the right and left inward, ranking as they were into the midst of Ranks, and facing again to the Flanks.

The four and thirtieth firing. Let them fire two Ranks together, and slieving pre­sently away, and flank the Pikes.

The five and thirtieth firing. Let them face to Front and Reer, and after move outward, and facing to the outward Angles of Front and Reer, and let them fire and fall in the Reer of themselves.

The six and thirtieth firing. Let them close Files into the midst to Order, and fire again, and let them fall off to the right and left, and flank the Pikes, then face all to their first Front, they are reduced.

Having spent all this time in the plain Firings, we will in the next place proceed to Firings upon such Figures of Battail as followeth.

CHAP. XXV. Several Figures of Battail.

Command. HAlf-files double your Front to the left, Muskettiers double your Pikes entire, advancing; Files open from the midst to double di­stance: the two outmost Files close outward to open Order, and the two inmost Files close outward to the same distance; half-files of each Division double the Front inward entire; Ranks and Files close to Order; the four outmost Files up­on each Flank stand; the four inmost Files upon the left face to the Reer; then let the four inmost Files upon the left, and the four inmost Files upon the right, move forward three foot before the Front and Reer, and then face to the left, and move two paces, then face all to the Front, and move straight in their Divi­sions, both Rank-wise and File-wise, they will stand as followeth.

[Page 113]


The first firing. Let the Front-division of Muskettiers move forward, until they be cleer of the standing part; then give fire, and fall in the Reer of themselves; and then closing their Files into the midst to Order before the Front of Pikes, the Reer-division of Muskettiers may move forward unto the Front of the first division of Pikes, and there rank outward, and give fire altogether, and file a­gain as they were, and after face about, and move down again into their places; the two outmost divisions of Muskettiers may next move forward some six paces; there stand and rank inward, and fire; face about, and file again as they were, and move forward to the Front of their own divisions of Pikes; & face to their Leader.

The second firing. Let the Front-division of Muskettiers fire, and fall off to the right and left, and flank their Pikes; and at the same time let the Reer-division of Muskettiers move forward as they did before, and fire even abrest with the first di­visions of Pikes, & fall in the Reer of themselves; then face about, and move down into their places, and face to their Leader; then let the two outmost divisions upon the Flanks give fire on the ground they stand, and fall off to the right and left, and flank the Pikes: they may fire to the Reer in the same manner, being thither faced.

The third firing. Let them face to Front, Reer, and both Flanks, and fire the first Rank of each division, and fall off to the right and left in the Reer of the Pikes; and the last Rank at the same time move forth, and give fire, and fall in­to their places again: but before they thus fire, the Front and Reer-divisions are to be wheeled to the left, and then let them fire by Move forth those Musket­tiers into their for­mer pla­ces, be­fore they fire by Ex­traducti­on. Extraduction; and the Pikes may after charge on, and then retreat back again into their places.

Command. Each division as they are faced to move forward three paces; Half-files of each division, open to the right until they be cleer of the standing part, they will stand as followeth.


[Page 114]Upon the former Figure being faced to Front, Reer, and both Flanks, fire then according unto all those places, the formost Divisions fire first, and let them wheel off to the right and left, and fall in the room or place of them in the next Divisi­ons, firing twice in this kind. Then let the formost Divisions fire and fall in the Reer of the Pikes; then let the Pikes port, and the Muskettiers in each Division may move forth again, and give fire by Extraduction; then let the Pikes charge on, and after charge at foot, and let the Muskettiers give fire over their heads, which being ended, let the formost Rank of Muskettiers in Front, Reer and Flanks move forward, and interchange ground with the Pikes, and face all to the Front; and after the third Divisions from the Front, and the third Divisions from the Reer, face inward, and move three paces; then face to their Leader, and close Files outward, and Ranks forward to Order in each Division, and stand straight and even in their Divisions, both Rank-wise and File-wise, and then proceed to the next Figure.

Command. The outmost Divisions upon the Flanks, face about, and move down two paces; to your Leader. Half-files of the two outmost Divisions double to the right and left inward Rank-wise, and after move that part that doubled two paces to the right and left inward; face all to your Leader.


Upon this Figure let the first and the last Rank of Muskettiers double to the right and left inward File-wise; then let the first Division give fire to the Front, and fall in the Reer of themselves, then wheel off to the right about down into the Reer, and let every Division that are in the midst move up successively into the Front until all have fired and fallen off in like manner as the first, and every Division become again into his place, and the Front and Reer-Divisions have doubled Ranks to the right and left outward; then command the first and the last Rank of Muskettiers from the Front and Reer to double to the right and left out­ward File-wise, and let them give fire and fall in the Reer of themselves, and af­ter fall off into the Reer in like manner and form of the firing of the former Di­visions; either of these firings may be continued twice over: after command the first Division of Muskettiers from Front and Reer to double to the right and left inward Rank-wise, and then proceed.

Command. The third Division from the Front, and the third Division from the Reer to face outward, and to move three paces until they stand straight in Front and Reer between the middle Divisions, and after face to their Leader. Then let the Front-Divisions face about, and Front and Reer-Divisions move forward un­til they range even abrest with the second Divisions that stands before them, and then face to their Leader: it occasioneth the next Figure.

[Page 115]


Upon this Figure you may fire them to Front, Reer, and both Flanks; there­fore face the two outmost crosses to the Flanks, which contains on each side four divisions of Pikes and Muskettiers; and let the rest face to Front and Reer, and let all the Muskettiers in the Reer of each division of Pikes, move forth to the Angles of the Pikes, give fire, and fall back again into their places; and whilst the Pikes are charging on, the Muskettiers may make ready again, and fire in like manner as before, and fall back again into their places; the Pikes charging on to Front, Reer and both Flanks as before; and retreating again into their places. Then face them all to the Front, and let the second division from the Reer face about; and then the second division from the Front, and the second division from the Reer, move forward until they be three foot cleer of the Front and Reer; then face them to their Leader, and they will stand in a convenient Figure for marching, wherein the Colours may display so long as a Commander shall think fit.


Reducement. The two middle-divisions, face to the right and left outward, and march cleer of the standing part; to your Leader; then let them double to the right and left outward file-wise. After let them face to Front, Reer and both Flanks, and close their Files into the midst to Order. Then command Front and Reer-divisions that formerly wheeled to the left, to wheel back again to the right; then face all to the Front, and let the Front-division. face to the right, and move three paces; and then face to their Leader then let the Reer-division move up upon the left of them in the Front, and let the Pikes in each di­vision double their depth to the right and left outward; and let them close files in­to the midst to order, & ranks forward to order, & to move up even with else front, they standing in their distance of order, both in rank and file, let the half-files [Page 116] double their Front inward intire, and after Files to double their depth intire to the right, they are reduced.

Then the Leader may appoint one of the Serjeants to draw off the Musket­tiers, and file them away to the right and left outward, either by Ranks filing, or Files filing, and every Muskettier to poyse his Musket; then the Pikes may advance their Arms, and the Drums beat a Troop, and the Commander may lead them away and lodge his Colours.

CHAP. XXVI. The ninth Exercise, consisting of 64 men, eight Files eight deep.

IN this Exercise a Commander may in matter of Motions present unto the Souldiers farther variety to delight them withal, in bringing each man into the Front to be a File-leader, according unto succession and dignity, by proper words of Command, by doublings, with their Reducement. Therefore, to a­void any further circumstance, we will pass over the Postures, and fetching of the Colours; and suppose the Souldiers standing in a condition to be exercised, be­gin first to make them all File-leaders by succession as followeth.

Command. Ranks to the left double.

Command. Files to the left double.

Command. Half-files, double your Front to the right.

Command. Double your Files to the right intire advancing, every man placing himself before his Leader.

Command. Ranks to the right double.

Command. Files to the right double.

Command. Front-half-files, double the Reer to the right.

Command. Double your Files to the left intire, advancing.

Command. Double your Ranks to the right into the Reer; face all about.

Command. Double your Files to the left, advancing.

Direction. Every even File from the left move forward to the left, and by three steps double the odd, advancing.

Command. Half-files, double your Front to the left.

Command. Double your Files to the left intire, advancing, every man placing himself before his Leader.

Command. Double your Ranks to the left into the Reer; face all about.

Command. Double your Files to the right, advancing.

Reducement. Files, rank to the right into the Front.

Ranks, file eight to the right, reduceth them.

Next followeth to make every man File-leader according unto dignity, with their Reducement.

Command. Bringers-up, double your Front to the left.

Command. Double your Files to the right intire, advancing.

Command. Half-files, double your Front to the left.

Command. Double your Files to the left intire, advancing, every man placing himself before his Leader.

Command. Bringers-up, double your Front to the right.

Command. Files, double your depth to the right.

Command. Ranks to the right double.

Command. Front-half-files, double your Reer to the right, following your Leaders.

Command. Double your Files to the right by division, every man placing him­self before his Leader and his Bringer-up.

Command. Front-half-files, double your Reer to the left, following your Lea­ders.

Command. Double your Files to the left by division, every man placing himself before his Leader and his Bringer-up.

Command. The two first and the two last Ranks double the four middlemost Ranks to the right, following your Leaders and your Bringers-up.

Direction. The four middle-ranks stand; the File-leaders are to turn off to the [Page 117] right, and the next Rank is to follow them until the Leaders Rank even with the Bringers-up of the Front-half-files; and at the same instant of time the Bringers-up are to move forward to the right; the rest following until the Bringers-up range even abrest with the Half-file-leaders; to your Leader.

Command. Files, double your depth to the left.

Reducement. Half-files, double your Front to the right.

Bringers-up, double your Front to the right.

Then divide every four Files distinctly apart, making five divisions.

Files, double to the right and left inward in each division, and close Files into the midst to Order.

Files, double to the left intire, advancing; reduceth.

CHAP. XXVIII. Eight several Counter-marches, with their Reducement.

Command. FIles to the right-hand, Counter-march, maintaining ground.

Command. Ranks to the left-hand, Counter-march, losing ground.

Command. Counter-march your Front and Reer-half-files into the midst of Ranks.

Direction. Half-files, face about, and turn off to the left; and Front-half-files, turn off to the right until they meet the Front and Reer into the midst; to your Leader.

Command. Right and Left-half-ranks, Counter-march into the midst of Files.

Direction. Face outward; Right-half-ranks, turn off to the right; Left-half-ranks, turn off to the left; to your Leader.

Command. Files to the left-hand, Counter-march, losing ground by following your Leaders.

Command. Ranks to the right-hand, Counter-march, maintaining ground.

Command. Counter-march your Front and Reer-half-files to the right and left, following the Half-file-leaders, and the Bringers-up of the Front-half-files.

Direction. Half-files, face about; the Bringers-up of the Front-half-files and the Half-file-leaders are to begin the motion; the rest are to follow until they have gained so much ground beyond the Front and Reer, as they formerly possest in the midst; to your Leader, and close your divisions.

Command. Counter-march your Half-ranks to the right and left, by following of the inmost files.

Direction. Face outward; the inmost Files are to begin the motion moving forward, the rest following, until they have gained so much ground beyond the Flanks as they formerly possessed in the inmost Files; to your Leader, and close Files into the midst to Order, they are reduced.

CHAP. XXIX. Ten several Wheelings, with their Reducement.

Command. WHeel the Battail off by Division from the Front.

Command. Wheel the body off by Division from the right Flank; face to the right.

Command. VVheel the Battail off by Division from the Reer; face a­bout.

Command. VVheel the body off by division from the left Flank.

Command. VVheel your Battail inward to the Reer from the Front. Close Ranks forward to close Orderr, and Files into the midst to close Or­der.

Direction. Open outward to convenient distance; to your Leader.

Command. VVheel your battail inward to the left Flank from the right.

Direction. Face to the right, and open to convenient distance, to your Leader.

Command. VVheel your battail inward to the Front from the Reer.

Direction. Face about, and open to convenient distance, and wheel inward in­to the Front.

Command. VVheel your battail inward to the right Flank from the left.

[Page 118] Command. VVheel the outward Angles of Front and Reer to the right and left about into the Center; face to the outward Angles.

Command. VVheel the inward Angles to the right and left about from the Center.

CHAP. XXX. Plain Firings, and Figures of Battail.

IN the next place I will proceed to some plain firings; wherefore, first, double your Ranks forward to the left by Half-files, and fire even with the Front of Pikes, and fall in the Reer of themselves; then fire, and fall between the Pikes; then move forth after this manner; one Rank drawn forth to the right, and a­nother to the left, fire, and fall in again as before. Then command the first Rank to stand, and the rest to move forth, both Pikes and Muskettiers to the right and left, until each Rank be cleer of other; then let the Pikes charge, and Mus­kettiers give fire altogether, and after fall behind each Rank of Pikes; then let the Pikes charge at Foot, and let the Muskettiers give fire over their heads: af­ter let Pikes port, and let the Muskettiers come forth again, and give fire by ex­traduction; and after command the Ranks to face to the right and left inward, and to close their Divisions: then let the Muskettiers move forth again into their first places, and Flank their Pikes. And having passed over some half a dozen fi­rings after this manner, then command Half-files to double their depth to the right intire, and proceed to Figures of battail, and firings which comes in the next place to view for a Leader, to spend his time further in the exercising of his Souldiers therein.

Command. Half-files, face to the Reer, and march six paces; to your Leader; Half-files of Muskettiers of each Division, face to the Reer. Muskettiers, march all until you be cleer of the Pikes; to your Leader. The two middlemost Ranks of Pikes of each division, face outward, and move cleer of the Muskettiers; to your Leader: The first and third Ranks of Pikes in the body, face to the Reer, and close Ranks into the midst to Order, the following Figure will appear.


The first firing. Let the Front-divisions give fire, and fall in the Reer of them­selves, the rest of the Divisions moving up into their ground, and fire, wheeling off to the right and left, having all fired over once, they will be reduced.

The second firing. Let the four inmost Divisions of Muskettiers face outward, and move cleer of the Pikes; then face to their Leader; then let the eight last divisions of Pikes and Muskettiers face to the Reer; then let them fire to Front and Reer, falling in the Reer of themselves; there being intervals for the Pikes to move forward upon their charge, and being retreated back into their places, will produce the following Figure.

[Page 119]


After the Figure is reduced unto his first aspect, command the Muskettiers, or Divisions upon the wings, to face to the right and left inward, and to march until they stand as in the first Figure; then face to their Leader: and command the eight first Divisions of Pikes and Muskettiers to face outward, marching until you perceive an interval for the eight Reer-divisions to move up, and make an even range with the Front-divisions; which being done, they will appear as followeth.


Upon this Figure let the Front-divisions of Muskettiers give fire, and fall in the Reer of themselves; then wheel off to the right into the room of them in the Reer, they at the same time firing, and wheeling off into their places again.

Then let the Commander face them all to the right, and they will stand in four crosses, with Muskettiers on the wings File-wise; upon which facing they may march, the Officers being placed according unto discretion; and after they have marched, let them face again to their first Front.

Command. Front-divisions of Muskettiers, face to the right, and move two paces; to your Leader. Reer-divisions of Muskettiers, move up, and double the Front-Divisions to the left Rank-wise, which produceth the next Figure.


[Page 120]Upon the former Figure let all the Muskettiers give fire together, and fall off to the right and left in the Reer of themselves, the Pikes after charging through the intervals, and after retreating again. Then command Muskettiers that dou­bled to face about, and to move down into the Reer, until they be clear of the Pikes, and stand; then let the Muskettiers both in Front and Reer face to the left, and march until they stand straight in their Divisions; then face to their Leader, and they will stand as in the former Figure: then proceed.

Command. The four inmost Divisions both of Pikes and Muskettiers on the left, face to the Reer; inmost Divisions both of Pikes and Muskettiers both upon the right and left, march clear of the standing part; then let them face to the left, and move three paces; to your Leader. The four outmost Divisions both of Pikes and Muskettiers upon the right, wheel to the right; the four outmost Divisions upon the left both of Pikes and Muskettiers, wheel to the left, which will set forth the next Figure.


Tht first firing. Let them face to the Front, Reer, and both Flanks, and give fire, and fall in the Reer of themselves; after wheeling off to the right your Di­visions on the outside of the Pikes into the place of the Reer-Divisions, which are to advance forward into the Front, performing the like as the other Front-Divisions.

The second firing. Let the Front-divisions of Muskettiers move to the right two paces; after command Divisions of Muskettiers to double to the left Rank-wise, and let them give fire in Front, Reer, and both Flanks all together: the Pikes may after charge to all these places, whilest the Muskettiers make ready again, and retreat again into their places.

The third firing. Let them give fire again, and fall in the Reer of themselves; which being ended, you may proceed to another Figure.

Command. The left Division of Muskettiers, wheele off to the left, and place your selves in the left interval between the Pikes, which occasioneth the next Figure.

[Page 121]


Upon this Figure let the Muskettiers give fire in the Front, Reer, and Flanks, and Angles, falling in the Reer of themselves, and the Pikes may after charge on. Many other firings might be performed upon this Figure, but I shall not be tedi­ous to relate any more, but leave them to the discretion of every Leaders genius, and shall now shew the way to reduce them.

Reducement. Divisions of Muskettiers upon the Angles, face to the Center, and move three paces; after wheel the Divisions a little to the right, until they be brought in the Reer of their own Divisions of Muskettiers; which being done, command the four Divisions of Pikes and Muskettiers on the right to wheel to the left; and the four Divisions of Pikes and Muskettiers upon the left to wheel to the right. After command the four Divisions of Pikes and Muskettiers upon the left, to face to the left, and march to such a convenient distance, as that the four last Divisions, both Pikes and Muskettiers, may move up on the left to range even with the Front, they on the Flanks moving up also until they stand all even abrest. After command the inmost eight Divisions to face to the Reer, and let them all move until they be clear one of another, then face to their Leader; and let the eight Front-divisions face inward, and to move until they stand straight with the Reer-divisions. After let the Pikes in the Body in each Division open their Ranks to Front and Reer to their open Order. And then command Divisions of Pikes up­on the Flanks to face to the right and left inward, and march in and strengthen the Body of Pikes; which being done, let the Front-divisions of Muskettiers face to the Reer, commanding them all to close their Ranks forward to Order, and [Page 122] face to their Leader, they are reduced. Which being performed, the Leader may lodge his Colours, having finished his ninth Exercise.

CHAP. XXXI. The tenth Exercise, consisting of 24 Files being six deep, according to the first drawing up of a private Company.

THere being a greater number appearing upon this days Exercise then in the former, it concerns a Leader more especially to give special charge to the inferiour Officers to be careful in the drawing forth the Files, that they make no man a File-Leader, Bringer-up, Half-file-Leader, or Bringer-up of the Front-half-files, but such able Souldiers as may be deserving of the same; whose diligence and care upon all motions is principally required, being, as it were, the hinges of the Leaders several words of Command. Wherefore supposing them to be drawn up in Battalia, and the Colours being brought to the head of the Company, the four Serjeants ready at hand attending their Captains commands, and the body being closed in Ranks and Files to their distance of Order, and silence craved at the Company, he that shall exercise them may begin, after Distances and Facings shewen, with this or the like doubling following.

CHAP. XXXII. Eight entire several Doublings, with their Reducement.

Command. FRont half-files double your Reer inward entire.

Command. The twelve inmost Files double entire the depth of the six outmost Files. Inmost Files face about.

Command. Half-files double your Front to the right.

Command. Double your Files to the right entire, advancing.

Command. Half-files double your Front inward entire.

Command. The six outmost Files upon each Flank double entire, advancing the twelve middle Files.

Command. Half-files double your Front to the right entire.

Command. Right half-ranks double your left Flank entire, advancing; which being performed, they are reduced.

CHAP. XXXIII. Eight several Countermarches, with their Reducement.

Command. FIle-Leaders stand, the rest pass through to the right, and place your selves before your Leaders.

Command. The right-hand-file stand, the rest pass through to the right, and place your selves on the outside of your right-hand-men.

Command. Countermarch your Front and Reer into the midst of Ranks.

Direction. Half-files face about and turn off to the left, Front-half-files turn off to the right; to your Leader.

Command. Countermarch your Flanks into the midst of Files; face outward.

Command. Files to the right hand Countermarch, maintaining ground.

Command. Ranks, to the left hand Countermarch, losing ground.

Command. Countermarch your Front and Reer half-files from the midst of Ranks, maintaining ground.

Direction. Front-half-files face about, and turn off to the left, the rest turn off to the right, every man moving up into his Leaders ground; to your Leader.

Command. Countermarch your right and left half-ranks from the midst of Files, losing ground.

Direction. Face inward, and turn off every Rank on the ground they stand; face to your Leader, and close Files into the midst to open Order, they are reduced.

CHAP. XXXIV. Eight entire Doublings by Wheelings, with their Reducement.

Command. WHeel off your Reer-half-files, and double your Front to the right entire. Half-files face about.

Command. Wheel off your left half-ranks, and double your right Flank entire to the left. Face outward.

[Page 123] Command. Wheel off your Reer half-files, and double your Front to the left entire. Half-files face about.

Command. Wheel off your right half-ranks, and double your left Flank to the left entire. Face outward.

Command. Wheel off your Front-half-files, and double the Reer to the right entire. Half-files face about.

Command. Wheel off your right half-ranks, and double the left Flank to the right entire. Face outward.

Command. Wheel off your Front-half-files, and double the Reer to the left en­tire. Half-files face about.

Command. Wheel off your left half-ranks, and double your right Flank to the right entire. Face outward.

CHAP. XXXV. Plain Firings, and Figures of Battail.

The first firing. LEt the two outmost Files of Muskettiers upon each Flank ad­vance ten paces before the Front give fire, and fall in the Reer of themselves, after face about, and move down into their places again; then face to their Leader. Then let the next two Files upon each Flank move away in like manner, and fire as the former did, and move down into their places again. Af­ter let the other remaining Files be led forth by the other two Serjeants, and give fire as before, and fall back again into their places.

The second firing. Let two Serjeants draw four Files upon each Flank, and move them away 10 or 20 paces before the Front, and give fire, and fall in the Reer of themselves, and after face about, and move down into their places. And whilest they are moving down, let the other two Serjeants draw forth the remaining four Files upon each Flank, and fire as the former did, and after return again into their places.

The third firing. Let all the Muskettiers move forth cleer of the Pikes, and let them open from the midst, until they stand in four Divisions, leaving sufficient intervals for their wheeling into the Reer of themselves; first, let them fire in each Division, falling in the Reer of themselves, until they have all fired over two or three times after this kind.

The fourth firing. Let them close their Files before the Front of Pikes into the midst to Order, then let the two first Ranks kneel down, the next two stoop, and the last two stand upright, and give fire six Ranks all together; then let the left half-ranks of Muskettiers be wheeled about to the left into the Reer of the Pikes, and the right half-ranks move to the left until they stand straight before the Front of Pikes.

The fifth firing. Let the half-files face about, and let them give fire to Front and Reer after this manner by two Ranks drawn off ten paces before the Front and Reer, and fall off to the right and left into the Reer of themselves: then facing about, let them open outward, and give way for the next two Ranks to come forward into their places, who are to fire and fall off as the former did, the other two Ranks doing the same. This firing may be continued as long as the Leader pleaseth.

The sixth firing. Let them give fire on the ground they stand, and fall off to the right and left into the Reer of themselves.

The seventh firing. Let them rank outward into Front and Reer, and give fire all together, and rank again as they were.

The eighth firing. Let them give fire on the ground they stand, and flank the Pikes, those in the Front flanking the Pikes on the right, they in the Reer flank­ing them on the left; after let the Pikes charge on, and being retreated into their places, let them face all to their Leader, and in the next place proceed to Figures of Battail.

Command. Files, open outward to open Order; Ranks, open backward to your open Order; then let every four Files close outward to Order; and Ranks close to Front and Reer to Order, they will stand in twelve Divisions as followeth.

[Page 124]


Command. The two inmost Divisions of Muskettiers in the Reer, face about; in­most Divisions of Muskettiers in Front and Reer, move forward clear of the stand­ing part, and stand; Pikes face outward, Muskettiers upon the Flanks face inward, the rest face about to the right, move all two paces; to your Leader.


The first firing. Let the Front-divisions of Muskettiers give fire, and fall in the reer of themselves; then wheel off to the right & left into the room of them in the reer, they at the same time moving up into their ground, firing, & falling off in like man­ner as before. Then let the Front-divisions upon the Flank fire, & fall in the reer of themselves, and after wheel off to the right and left into the ground of those divisi­ons that stand in the reer of them, they at the same time relieving them, firing and falling off as before; then let the Pikes charge on, and after retreat into their places.

The second firing. Let them face to Front and Reer, and let the first Divisions give fire, and fall in the Reer of themselves; then wheeling off to the right and left, and interchange ground with the next Divisions, who are at the same in­stant of time to move up into their places, and to give fire in like manner, and to fall off and return where they were before; then let the Pikes charge on to Front and Reer, and after retreat into their places, and face all to their Leader.

Command. The four last Divisions next to the Reer both of Pikes and Musket­tiers, face about, move down, and range even abrest with the Reer; Reer-divisi­ons of Muskettiers that are faced to the Front, move forward, and place your selves three foot short of the next Divisions that stands before you; to your Leader.


[Page 125]Upon this Figure let the Front-divisions give fire, and fall in the Reer of them­selves; then wheel off to the right and left, and range even abrest with the next divisions; yet keeping themselves distinctly from the other divisions. Then let those divisions of Muskettiers that stood in the Reer of them, move forward into their ground, and give fire, and fall in the Reer of themselves; after face about, and move down again into their first places; then let those that first fired move up again into their ground, and let the outmost divisions begin to fire after this manner; let the first divisions fire, and fall in the Reer of themselves, and after fall off to the right and left, and place themselves in the room of the Reer-divi­sions, who are likewise to move up into their ground, and there to fire, and fall off as before; the Pikes may after charge on, and retreat back again into their places. The same firings may be performed to the Reer, they being thither faced: but to let that pass, we will fall upon the next Figure, wherefore,

Command. Divisions of Pikes, move forward until your Reer-divisions range e­ven abrest with the outmost divisions of Muskettiers; Reer-divisions of Musket­tiers face inward, and move streight in the Reer of the Reer-divisions of Pikes; to your Leader.


The first firing. Let the two last divisions of Muskettiers face about, and the o­ther divisions of Muskettiers to face to the right and left outward, and let them give fire on the ground they stand, and fall in the Reer of themselves; the Pikes may charge on, whilst the Muskettiers make ready again.

The second firing. Let them face all to the Reer, and let the Reer-divisions move forth to the right and left outward, and give fire altogether, and fall in the Reer of themselves.

The third firing. Let the four first divisions of Muskettiers, and the two first di­sions of Pikes face to the Front, and let them give fire to Front and Reer, and fall in the Reer of themselves; then face all to the Front, and proceed farther.

Command. The Front and Reer-divisions to move outward two paces: Reer-division of Pikes upon the left, face about; Reer-divisions of Pikes, move three foot before the Front and Reer; to your Leader; divisions that moved outward, close inward to your first ground, then they will stand as followeth.

[Page 126]


The first firing. Let the first divisions of Muskettiers give fire to the Front, and fall in the Reer of themselves; then face outward, and march cleer of the stand­ing part; then face to their Leader: then let every division of Muskettiers come successively into that ground, fire, and fall in the Reer of themselves; then face about, and move down into their places; then let the Front-divisions of Pikes charge on, and after retreat back into their places.

The second firing. Let them face all to the Reer, and let every division give fire on the ground they stand, and fall in the Reer of themselves.

The third firing. Let half the Muskettiers, and three divisions of Pikes, face a­bout to the right, and give fire to Front and Reer on the ground they stand, and fall in the Reer of themselves; then let the Pikes charge on, and after retreat back into their places; face all to their Leader.

Command. The outmost divisions of Muskettiers, face outward, and move two paces; to your Leader; the other divisions, both Pikes and Muskettiers, open your Files outward to open Order: the five first divisions, face about; the five first, and the five last divisions, move streight forward, and interchange ground; and after face to their Leader, and close Files inward again to Order; then lead up the two outmost divisions of Muskettiers to stand even abrest against the mid­dle-divisions of Pikes; face all to your Leader: then move the two outmost di­visions to the right and left inward, to stand streight in the middle of the Front and Reer-divisions of Muskettiers.


[Page 127]Upon this Figure several firings might be performed, to Front, Reer, both Flanks, and four Angles, all at one and the same time; but being so easie to the view, I shall leave them unto the discretion of those which shall be pleased to make use of them, and in the next place endeavour to reduce them.

Reducement. Middle-divisions of Muskettiers upon the Flanks, face outward, and move cleer of the standing part; to your Leader: the five first Divisions, face about; the five first and the five last Divisions, open Files outward to open Order, and move forward, and interchange ground, and close Files inward again to Order; outmost Divisions, face about, and move down again into your first places; face all to your Leader. Here the Captain, if he please, may command the Ensign to display his Colours; which being ended, he may proceed, commanding Reer-divisions of Pikes to move forward, and to place themselves in the Reer of the outmost division of Pikes upon the left in the Front; then let the Front-division of Pikes move down, and place themselves in the Reer of the second di­vision of Pikes upon the right; then close Pikes into the midst to Order. Inmost divisions of Muskettiers move forward to Order, and march up even with the Front; Reer-division of Muskettiers, face outward, and move until they stand streight with the outmost divisions of Muskettiers; then face to their Leader, and close Ranks forward to Order, and march up and make an even Front, and close Files into the midst to Order; they are reduced.

CHAP. XXXVI. The eleventh Exercise, with 24 Files six deep.

THe Souldiers being met at the place appointed, and the Officers being vigi­lant and careful in their several places, in drawing forth the Files, and joyning them into a Body; the Leader without any farther delay may crave their silence, and close their Ranks and Files to Order; and after some di­stances and facings shewn unto them, drawn forth from the former Rule, he may proceed to this following doubling, making every man a File-leader according to succession, and after reduce them again.

Command. Ranks to the left, double.

Command. Files to the left, double.

Command. Half-files, double your Front to the left.

Command. Files, double your depth to the left.

Command. Bringers-up, double your Front to the right.

Command. Double your Files to the left intire, advancing.

Command. Bringers-up, double your Front to the left.

Command. Double your Files to the right intire, advancing.

Command. Ranks to the right, double.

Command. Files to the right, double.

Reducement. Files, rank to the left into the Front.

Rank, file six to the left, they are reduced.

CHAP. XXXVII. Eight Counter-marches, with their Reducement.

Command. BRingers-up, stand to the rest, pass through to the right, and place your selves behind your Bringers-up. The rest face about.

Command. File-leaders and Bringers-up, stand; the rest pass through to the right, and place your selves before your Leaders and Bringers-up; Half-files, face about.

Command. Ranks to the left-hand, counter-march, maintaining ground; face to the left.

Command. Right and Left-half-ranks, Counter-march from the midst of Files, maintaining ground; face inward.

Command. File-leaders, face about to the rest; pass through to the right, and place your selves behind your Leader; to your Leader.

Command. Counter-march your Front and Reer-half-files from the midst of ranks, losing ground; Front-half-files, face about.

Command. Ranks to the right hand, Countermarch, losing ground.

[Page 128] Command. Counter-march your right and left-half-ranks, every man placing himself on the outside of his right and left-hand-man, they are reduced.

CHAP. XXXVIII. Eight several Wheelings, with their Reducement.

Command. WHeel your right and Left-half-ranks inward to the midst of Files. Face outward.

Command. Wheel the battail off by division from the Reer.

Command. Wheel the battail inward to the right Flank from the left. Face to the left.

Command. Wheel Front and Reer-half-files inward to the midst of Ranks. Half-files, face about.

Command. Wheel off your right and Left-half-ranks by division from the midst of Files. Face inward.

Command. Wheel off your Front and Reer-half-files by division from the midst of Ranks; Front-half-files, face about.

Command. Wheel off your Front by division.

Command. Wheel your battail inward to the left Flank from the right; face to the right.

CHAP. XXXIX. Plain Firings, and Figures of Battail.

The first firing. LEt them give fire to the Front by Introduction; where, first, command to open their Files outward to open Order, and then let the first Rank give fire on the ground they stand; then let the next Rank move forward, and place themselves before the first Rank, and give fire likewise, and stand; and so successively every Rank is to move forward, and place them­selves before the Rank that fired, until all have given fire: this being twice per­formed reduceth them, and is tearm'd a firing of gaining ground.

The second firing. Let them fire by Files inward to Order, and fire on the ground they stand, and fall off to the right and left into the Reer of themselves.

The third firing. Let them close their Files, ranking outward into one intire Rank into the Front, all at one and the same time, and to File again as they were.

The fourth firing. Let the Muskettiers double Ranks to the right and left out­ward, and give fire three Ranks together; the first kneeling, the second stooping, the third standing upright, and after to double Files to the right and left inward.

The fifth firing. Let them fire again, and fall off to the right and left, and flank the Pikes, who may after charge on, and after retreat back again into their places.

The sixth firing. Let them face outward, and give fire to both Flanks on the ground they stand, and fall in the Reer of themselves.

The seventh firing. Let the Half-files of Muskettiers face outward, and move cleer of the standing part; then let every division give fire again, and fall in the Reer of themselves, and then close their divisions.

The eighth firing. Let them give fire eight Ranks together (viz) two kneel down, two stooping, two standing upright, and the last two to be drawn forth, and so fire them altogether.

The ninth firing. Let the four first Ranks upon each Flank fire again, and fall off to the right and left, and flank the Pikes, and let those Muskettiers face to Front and Reer, and draw forth the last Rank of Muskettiers upon the Flanks to the right and left outward, and place them in the midst of those intervals upon the Angles; the Pikes being impaled, then Fire them to Front, Reer, and both Flanks, and four Angles, and fall in the Reer of themselves. This firing may be continued as long as a Leader shall think fit; then face about those Files standing at the Angles, and move them in the Reer of those divisions of Musket­tiers upon the Flanks, from whence they were first drawn forth; then let them face all to their Leader.

The tenth firing. Let the Muskettiers in Front and Reer face outward, and march cleer of the standing part; then let them face to Front and Reer, and give fire, [Page 129] and fall in the Reer of themselves; then let the Reer-divisions of Muskettiers face to the Front, and the outmost divisions of Muskettiers in the Front, face to the Reer; then let the outmost divisions move, and close ranks forward to Order; and let the Pikes charge on, and being retreated back again into their places, face all to the Front, and proceed to Figures of Battail according to the next di­rection.

Command. Half-files of Pikes, face about; Half-files of the four outmost Files of Muskettiers, face to the Reer; the four outmost Files, and the body of Pikes, move forward cleer of the standing part; to your Leader: then let them face outward, and move two paces; then face to Front and Reer, and move the like; face all to your Leader, and close Ranks forward, and Files inward in each divi­sion; they will stand as followeth.


The first firing. Let the Reer-divisions face about; then let the first divisions give fire, and fall in the Reer of themselves; then wheel off to the right and left, and fall in the room or place of the next divisions, and they at the same time are to move up into their ground, giving fire, and falling off in like manner.

The second firing. Let them give fire on the ground they stand in each division, and fall in the Reer of themselves; then let the Pikes charge on, whilst the Mus­kettiers make ready again.

The third firing. Let the Reer-divisions of Muskettiers move up, and range e­ven abrest with the first division; then let them fire altogether, and fall in the Reer of themselves; then let those that formerly moved up, face about, and march down again into their places; then let the Pikes charge on again as before, and being retreated, let them face all to both Flanks, and give fire in form and manner as they did to Front and Reer.

The fourth firing. Let the middle-divisions of Muskettiers advance forward un­til they be cleer of the standing part; then let them all fire, and fall in the Reer of themselves, and the middle-divisions to move back again into their places; then face to their Leader, and move the inmost division of Muskettiers upon the right in the Reer, to the left three paces, then proceed.

Command. Inmost divisions of Muskettiers in the Reer, double to the right file­wise, and after that division that doubled to face about, and pass through the intervals of Pikes, and place themselves three foot behind the Reer; and the o­ther division that was doubled to advance forward through the interval of Pikes, and place themselves three foot before the Front; then face to their Leader. Let the second division of Muskettiers from the Front stand, and all the rest move forward three paces; then move the second divisions of Muskettiers to the right and left inward, until they stand streight between the Front and Reer-divisions of [Page 130] Pikes; Front-division of Muskettiers, face about, and let them and the Reer-division move forward and inward three paces; and after face to their Lea­der.


The first firing. Let the Front-division of Muskettiers fire, and fall in the Reer of themselves, then wheel off to the right by the outmost divisions of Muskettiers, and come down into the place or room of them in the Reer; and they at the same time are to move streight forward up into the Front, and to give fire, and fall in the Reer of themselves; then to wheel off to the right, as the Front-divi­sions did, until they come into their places again. Then let the first outmost di­visions give fire, and fall in the Reer of themselves; and after wheel off to the right and left into the ground of the Reer-divisions, who at the same time are to move forward into their places, and give fire, and fall off as the former did. The same firings may be perform'd to the Reer, they being thither faced.

The second firing. Let them face to both Flanks, and give fire, and fall in the Reer of themselves in each division; then let the Pikes charge on to both Flanks, and being retreated back again into their places, let the Reer-divisions of Musket­tiers move forth cleer of the standing part; then let them double Ranks to the right in each division, and give fire altogether; after let them double Files to the left, and fire again four Ranks together, two kneel down, and two stand up­right; then let the Pikes charge on, and being retreated, you may farther proceed.

Command. Front-divisions of Muskettiers, face about, and march into your first places; face all to your Leader: middle-divisions of Muskettiers, face outward, and move cleer of the standing part; Front-divisions of Muskettiers, face about; Front-division, and Reer-division of Muskettiers, move forward until you be cleer of the next divisions of Pikes that stand before you; face all to your Lea­der, and they will stand as followeth.

[Page 131]


The first firing. Let them face all to the right Flank, and let the Front-division give fire, and fall in the Reer of themselves; then let them wheel down into the Reer, they at the same time moving up into their ground, firing, and falling off, and moving down accordingly into their first places; then let the other six divisions fire after this manner: First the Front-divisions, and fall in the Reer of themselves; then wheel off to the right and left into the Reer of their own range, and the next division may move forwards into their ground, give fire, and fall off in like manner: and so successively let every division move up into their first ground, relieving each other, until they have fired two or three times over in this manner.

The second firing. Let them face to both Flanks, and let the inmost divisions of Muskettiers move forth to the right and left, until they be cleer of the Pikes, who are to port; then the Muskettiers in each division may give fire, and fall in the Reer of themselves; then the Pikes may charge on, whilst the Muskettiers make ready again; and being retreated into their places again, you may proceed to another Firing.

The third firing. Let the outmost divisions of Muskettiers face to the Front and Reer, and the Pikes to the four Angles; then let them give fire to Front, Reer, and both Flanks on the ground they stand, in each division, and fall in the Reer of themselves; then let the Pikes charge on to the four Angles, and being re­treated into their places, move in the outmost divisions of Muskettiers into their places again; and then face all to their Leader.

Command. Outmost divisions of Muskettiers, face to the right and left inward, and march until you range in the midst of Front and Reer-divisions of Pikes; to your Leader.


[Page 132]Upon the former Figure, let the Front-divisions of Muskettiers upon the Flanks move even with the Front of Pikes; then let them fire, and fall in the Reer of themselves; then wheel about to the right and left into the place of the Reer-di­visions, who are to move forward into their ground, and to fire and fall off ac­cordingly. Then let the middle-divisions of Muskettiers in the Front move for­ward likewise, until they range even abrest with the Front; give fire, and fall in the Reer of themselves; and then move cleer forth, and wheel off to the right a­bout into the ground of the reer-division of Muskettiers standing behind them; & they at the same time to move up into the Front, and to give fire in like manner, and to fall off accordingly, until they have attained their first places. Then let the three last divisions of Muskettiers, and the Reer-divisions of Pikes, face about; and let the two middle-divisions of Muskettiers face outward, and move cleer of the standing part; then let the Muskettiers in Front and Reer move forward cleer of the Pikes, and let them fire to Front, Reer, and both Flanks, and fall in the Reer of themselves; then the Pikes may charge on to Front and Reer, and being retreated back into their places, the Muskettiers in Front and Reer may face a­bout, and move down again into their first ground; and the Muskettiers upon the Flanks are to face inward, and to move into their places where formerly they stood; then face them all to their Leader, and proceed.

Command. Reer-division of Muskettiers in the midst, face about; middle-divi­sions of Muskettiers move forward three foot before the Front and Reer; Divi­sion of Muskettiers in the midst upon the right, face to the left Angles, and move until you stand even and straight in the next range of Muskettiers; the next di­vision of Muskettiers in the midst upon the left, face about; and then likwise face to the left Angle, and move down into the next range of Muskettiers to them, and to stand streight in the Reer of the Reer-division; face all to your Leader, pro­duceth the next.


Upon the former Figure, let the six last divisions face about, and let the first divi­sions give fire, and fall in the Reer of themselves; then wheel them about to the right, and interchange ground with them that stand in the Reer, who just upon their wheeling about, are to move up cleer of the Pikes, to make them room to fall down through the middle interval into their places, who also are immedi­ately to give fire, and fall off accordingly. Then let the outmost divisions give fire, and fall in the Reer of themselves; then let the Pikes charge on to Front and Reer; face them after to the Front at such time when the Pikes have retreated back into their places again. Now if you will fire them to the Front, the Musket­tiers [Page 133] stand in such good order, that you may fire them by divisions, by their several turns as long as you please, they relieving each other. After you may fire them to Front, Reer, and both Flanks, the Muskettiers standing in fit condition for the same. But fearing to keep the Souldiers too long in Exercise, debarring them thereby of their wonted refreshment, I will hasten to the Reducement, and for present lodge the Colours, and conclude the eleventh Exercise.

Reducement. Outmost Divisions of Muskettiers face outward and move six paces; to your Leader. The two first Divisions of Muskettiers in the midst face to the right, and move clear of the Pikes; then face to the right and left inward, and move, and interchange ground, then stand, and face to your Leader. The two last Divisions of Muskettiers in the midst, face to the left, and move clear of the Pikes; face all to your Leader. Then let every Division close forward to Order, and move up even abrest with the Pikes, they are reduced.

CHAP. XL. The twelfth Exercise, consisting of 24 Files, six deep.

THe place of Exercise appointed for the Souldiers to meet, they upon a just summons make full appearance, being indeed the very life of any Exercise, affording much comfort to him that shall lead them. And therefore seeing their readiness and forwardness (as in duty they are concerned) the Leader cannot chuse but forthwith to give order unto his Officers for the compleating up of the Body; who knowing his commands, go nimbly and chearfully to work in draw­ing forth the Files, and joyning them together, after fetching the Colours, and bringing them to the head of the Company. So that nothing being wanting, the Leader craves their silence and attention, commanding them to their distance of Order, both of Rank and File, and after some few distances shewen unto them, he may proceed in the next place to such Facings as followeth.


  • Face to the right and left outward, and move four paces.
  • Face to Front and Reer, and move three paces.
  • Face to the outward Angles in the Front.
  • Face to the inward Angles in the Front.
  • Face to the inward Angles of the right Flank.
  • Face to the inward Angles in the left Flank.
  • Face to the outward Angles in the Reer.
  • Face to the inward Angles in the Reer.
  • Face to the outward Angles both of Front and Reer.
  • Face to the inward Angles both of Front and Reer.
  • Face to the midst of Files.
  • Face to the midst of Ranks.
  • Face to the Centre.
  • Face to the outward Angles of Front and Reer from the Centre.
  • Face all about to the right.
  • Face to Front, Reer, and both Flanks from the Centre.

As you were; To your Lea­der.

CHAP. XLI. A Doubling to make every man a File-Leader by dignity.

Command. HAlf-files double your Front to the left.

Command. Double your Files to the right entire, advancing, eve­ry man placing himself before his Leader.

Command. Front-half-files double your Reer to the left.

Command. Double your Files to the left entire, advancing, every man placing himself before his Leader.

Command. Bringers-up double your Front to the right.

Command. Files double your depth to the right, every man falling behind his Bringer-up.

[Page 134] Command. Half-files, double your Front to the right.

Command. Double your Files to the left entire, advancing.

Command. Ranks to the right double.

Command. Files to the right double.

Command. Bringers-up double your Front to the left.

Command. Files double your depth to the left, every man falling behind his Bringer-up.

Reducement. Ranks to the left double. Files to the left double.

CHAP. XLII. Several Wheelings, with their Reducements.

Command. WHeel off your Reer-half-files, and double your Front by Division

Command. Right and left half-ranks double the depth of your Battail by wheeling inward to the Reer. Face to the Reer.

Command. Double the length of your Battail by wheeling inward to Front and Reer. Half-files face about.

Command. Front and Reer half-files double the depth of your Battail by wheel­ing outward to the right Flank. Half-files face about, and wheel to the left; Front half-files wheel to the right.

Command. Front and Reer half-files double the length of your Battail by wheeling inward to the left Flank; face all to the left.

Command. Front and Reer half-files double the depth of both Flanks by wheel­ing to the right and left outward. Half-files face about.

Command. Front and Reer half-files double the length of the Battail by wheel­ing inward to the midst of Ranks. Face inward.

Command. Front and Reer half-files double the depth of your left Flank by wheeling to the right and left outward. Half-files face about.

Command. Front and Reer half-files double the length of your Battail by wheel­ing inward to the right flank. Face to the right; and as they then stand, right half-ranks wheel to the left, and left half-ranks wheel to the right until the right Flank meet together, they are reduced.

CHAP. XLIII. Plain Figures, and figures of Battail.

The first firing. LEt two Ranks advance forward ten paces and give fire, and fall in the Reer of themselves, and after wheel off to the right and left outward, and move down in the Reer of their own Divisions of Muskettiers; and then the next two Ranks are to move forward, and to give fire, as the for­mer did, and so consequently all the rest, until all have fired, and reduced back again into their places.

The second firing. Let them fire even with the Front, and fall in the Reer of themselves, and let the Pikes charge on whilst the Muskettiers make ready again.

The third firing. Let single Files be drawn off, and Ranks inward into the Front, and fire, and File again, face about, and move down into their places; then let two Files be drawn off clear, and let the inmost Files rank inward, the outmost Files rank outward, and give fire, and File again as they were, and fall into their places.

The fourth firing. Let the four outmost Files upon each Flank be drawn off un­til they be clear of the Front; then let them close before the Front of Pikes; face then the inmost Files of Muskettiers to both the Flanks, and let them give fire to the Front and both Flanks on the ground they stand, and fall in the Reer of themselves.

The fifth firing. Let them give fire all together, six Ranks at once in the Front, and four in the Flanks, observing the former Rules in firing so many Ranks to­gether, as you may find in the place of description of firings.

[Page 135] The sixth firing. Let those Muskettiers upon the Flanks face to the Reer, and move clear of the Pikes; then close to the right and left inward to Order; then let the half-files of Pikes face about, and let the Muskettiers give fire to Front and Reer, and fall in the Reer of themselves.

The seventh firing. Let the Pikes move forth to the right and left outward, until they be clear of the Muskettiers; then let the Muskettiers give fire in an oblique manner, thus; let every two Files open to the right and left outward to some­thing more then open Order; then close the two first Ranks of the four inmost Files to the Front to Order, and let the other two Ranks close likewise almost to that distance; but the two last Ranks only are to face to their Front, and after in the same kind close the four Ranks inward to the Reer of the four outmost, in manner and form there, as the other Files were to the Front, and so let them give fire in each Division, an oblique way, two Ranks kneel down, two kneeling, and two stand upright.

The eighth firing. After the former firing, close the four inmost Files to the right and left outward to Order, and to joyn with the outmost Files, when their aspects being to the outward Angles of Front and Reer, let the Pikes port, and Musket­tiers give fire to the four Angles, and fall in the Reer of themselves; then let the Pikes charge on whilst the Muskettiers make ready again, and after retreat back into their places again.

The ninth firing. Let them give fire again the first rank in each Division, and wheel about to the right, and move down into their first places where before they were drawn forth, and every rank consequently fall in the reer of them; then let the Pikes close into the midst to Order, and face all to their Leader.

Command. Muskettiers face to the right and left outward, and move twelve paces; then face to the reer, and move likewise twelve paces; after face to their Leader. Front-half-files of each Division move forward three paces; right and left half-ranks of each Division move outward two paces; Front-Divisions of Pikes and Muskettiers stand, reer-divisions of both Arms move to the right and left outward, until you be clear of the Front-divisions; then close ranks and files in each Division to Order, and face to their Leader, they will stand in the first Figure.


The first firing. Let the Front-divisions of Muskettiers move forward, and range even abrest with the Front of Pikes, give fire, and fall in the reer of themselves; then face about and move down into their own ground again, and face to their Leader; then let the outmost Divisions of Muskettiers move in like manner as the former did, and give fire, and fall off in like manner, and down again into their places. Let the Muskettiers in the next place face outward, and move three paces, and after face to the Front; then let the reer-divisions of Muskettiers ad­vance forward until they range even abrest with the Front-divisions; then let [Page 136] them give fire all together in each Division, and fall in the Reer of themselves, and after let the outmost divisions that moved up, move down again into their places; then let the Pikes charge on, and after retreat into their places.

The second firing. Let the outmost Divisions of Muskettiers in the Front move forward before the Front of Pikes, and the inmost Divisions of Muskettiers in the Front, let them likewise move at the same time before the Reer-divisions of Pikes; then let the Pikes port, and Muskettiers in each Division give fire on the ground they stand, and after fall in the Reer of themselves; and those Musket­tiers that formerly moved forth from their places, let the Serjeants wheel them off to the right and left into their first ground, and face to their Leader.

Command. Inmost Divisions of Muskettiers in the Front, face to the Reer; Di­visions of Pikes upon the left in the Front face about to the right; Divisions that are thus faced, move down three foot clear of the Reer of each Arms. Front-di­visions both of Pikes and Muskettiers, and those that last moved, face to the left, and move two paces; face all to your Leader; and Muskettiers move forward until your middle Divisions range even abrest with the Reer-divisions of Pikes, and they will stand as followeth.


Upon this Figure let the Front-divisions give fire, and fall in the Reer of them­selves, and then wheel off to the right and left, into the ground of the Reer-divisions, and they at the same time are to move up into their places, and to give fire, and fall off accordingly into their first places. Then let the middle Di­visions move forward until they range even with the Front of Pikes, and let them give fire, and fall first in the Reer of themselves, and after face about, and move down into their places again, and face to their Leader; then let the Pikes charge on, and after retreat back again into their places. They may fire to the Reer af­ter the same manner as they did to the Front, they being thither faced; and af­ter they have all fired, face again to their Leader.

Command. Let the four Divisions of Muskettiers upon the right move away, and let the Divisions of Pikes fall in the Reer of them, and the four Divisions of Muskettiers on the left to fall in the Reer of the Pikes; then standing straight in their Divisions both Rank-wise and File-wise, and they will stand as fol­loweth.

[Page 137]


Upon this Figure let the Reer Divisions face about to the right, and let the first Divisions give fire to Front and Reer, and fall in the Reer of themselves; then let them advance forward three paces, and after wheel about to the right, and interchange ground with the Reer-divisions, and they at the same time are to move up and give fire, and fall off accordingly. Then let the other Divisions move forward until they range even abrest with Front and Reer, give fire, and fall in the Reer of themselves, after face about and move down into their places; then face all to their Leader.

Command. The four first divisions stand, the rest face to the left, and march cleer of the standing part; then let the Pikes face to the Front, and march up even abrest with the Muskettiers; Reer-divisions of Muskettiers face to the Front, and move up likewise; Muskettiers face inward, move all three or four paces until they stand in form of the second Figure; face all to your Leader. Reer-di­vision of Pikes face about, and move down three foot clear of the Reer; to your Leader; which produceth the last Figure.

[Page 138]


Upon this Figure let the Reer-division of Pikes face about, and Muskettiers face outward; then let Pikes port, and let the first Divisions of Muskettiers give fire, and fall in the Reer of themselves; then face about, and interchange ground with the Reer-divisions, and face again to Front and Reer, and let those that came up into their room give fire in like manner, and fall off and down again into their places. Then let the next Divisions give fire, and fall in the Reer of themselves, and let the Pikes charge on; and being retreated back again into their places, command the two middle Divisions of Muskettiers to face to the Reer, and move down and range even with the Reer; then let every Division of Muskettiers give fire on the ground they stand, to both flanks and Reer, and fall in the Reer of themselves; the Pikes may charge on again, and those Muskettiers that moved down into the Reer, may face about and move back again into their places, and face all to the Front.

Reducement. Reer-division of Pikes advance forward to the left into the Front, the two inmost Divisions of Muskettiers face about, and march clear of the Reer; then face to the right and left outward, and place themselves behind the Reer-divisions of Muskettiers: outmost divisions of Muskettiers face inward, and move straight in the Reer of the Front-divisions, and let the Pikes fall in the Reer of their Front-divisions, and face all to their Leader. Half-files of Muskettiers double your front to the right and left inward, and after move forward, and even the Front, they are reduced.

The end of the Second Book.

THE COMPLEAT BODY OF The Art Military. The Third BOOK.

CHAP. I. Concerning the drawing up of Regiments, with their several Numbers, Fronts, Manner and Ways.

HE that shall be desirous to be truly knowing in this point of Military Discipline, in the drawing up of Regiments, whether they be of lesser or greater Bodies, as in some 6, others 7, 8, 10, or 12 Com­panies, they must be drawn up into Battalia, either in one, two, or three Squadrons (or grand Divisions) of Pikes flanked with Muskettiers, having always in the Reer a sufficient number of Muskettiers for the guard of the Bagage, Cannon, or to be Convoys for to convey Ammunition and Victual to the rest of their fellows; who are to be drawn forth (by the discretion of the Major) from each particular Company, according to their several strengths, as in greater Companies more Files then in those which be lesser, ordering them timely relief, whereby the several duties amongst the Souldiers throughout the Regiment by an equal way may take their turns. Now for as much as the true stating of the Dignities of every particular Officer, in the opinions of many, differ very much, and our former Military Authors have been very sparing in their pains in setting down their due places of honour; I shall, for satisfaction of those which desire to be rightly informed, collect out of the many forms practised abroad and at home, one good way to perfect it.

But here, by the way, I must crave pardon from the courteous Reader, by rea­son I foresee certain Objections like rubs or blocks lying in my way, to digress a little from my intended purpose, to give answers unto each of them: which are,

First, That I seem to slighten the pains of former Authors.

Secondly, That it will be a means to occasion much idleness in the Souldiers.

Thirdly, That it is too great a knowledge to be laid open to their view.

To the first I answer, That the reason, as I conceive, why they have been so sparing of their pains in this kind, was not for want of Abilities or knowledge amongst any of them, whose works for the most part I highly honour and esteem, but rather believe that they left it forth for the curious search of such who are called unto Field-Officers places, knowing well, that before they are capable of that preferment, they must be good proficients in this part of Military Exercise.

2. Although many that know but a little, may be puft up with high conceits of themselves, conceiving what the Author hath done, 'twere easie for any man to perform the same; yet to them of riper Judgements, the more variety in this kind is presented to their view, the more painful they are in the curious practise [Page 140] thereof, thinking every moment lost which is not spent in the searching after, and informing of their Judgements in this point of Military Discipline.

3. If it had not been for the worthy pains and labours of our Ancestors publish­ed to the view of the world, this our age might have been ignorant both in this, and all other Sciences; for from them we borrowed our first light, God putting it in their hearts to publish their several gifts to after-Generations, which though at this day much refined, yet for our first grounds and principles we are behold­ing unto them. Therefore, give me leave, according as God hath inabled me, not to conceal or keep back any thing which may concern the good and welfare of my Countrey; for, I conceive there is none worthy to receive benefit from those that have gone before him, if he conceals that good to such as shall come after him. And if I happen to lie under the hard censure of some for my pains, it makes no matter, so the major part receive benefit thereby; for as I gathered somewhat of others, so my desire is, that others may do the like by me.

The opinions of Souldiers in the drawing up of Regiments are very various both in their Forms and Figures, according to the custom of their Countreys, commands of their Generals, or Officers in chief, which nevertheless may prove very good and serviceable when need shall require. I shall therefore for the satis­faction of the ingenious Souldier set before them the best Collections drawn from them all, such as may be most useful for to fight against the enemy, according to the situation of the place, the number of men, and aptness of ground to contain them, which in the next place comes to be handled.

CHAP. II. The manner of drawing up a Regiment consisting of six Companies, containing in it a Colonel, a Lieutenant-Colonel, a Major, and three Captains, every one having 108 men in a Company, and the three Field-Officers 144. which makes compleatly up 756 men, whereof two thirds are Muskettiers, and one third of Pikes, the Files being six deep.

THe general place of Rendezvous being appointed out unto the Major, it is his care to take a timely view thereof, that there be ground and room sufficient enough for the drawing them up. And having received Orders from his Colonel, Major General, or other superiour Officers for the Regiments marching thither, he may appoint the Companies to march either of these two ways, either by suc­cession or dignity. If by succession, first the Colonels Company moves away; next the Lieutenant Colonels in the Reer of him; then the Majors, and so conse­quently all the rest from the eldest to the youngest, who brings up the Reer of all. If by Dignity, first the Colonels Company; and in the Reer of him, the youngest Captain; and after him the eldest; then the Majors; then the second Captain; the Lieutenant Colonel bringing up the Reer of all. But it concerns the Major before their marching to give notice to the Lieutenant Colonel and the eldest Captain to countermarch their Ranks of their two particular Compa­nies, as soon as they come into the place of the general Rendezvous before he shall draw them up, to preserve the honour of the right File-leaders, and Brin­gers up of both Arms. He is likewise to be there beforehand, attending their marching in, and after the Colonels Company have made Alt, to draw up each particular Company on the left of him, all in one even range, commanding them to close Ranks forward to Order, and Files into the midst unto the same distance. He is likewise to inform himself of the Captains, Lieutenants, and Serjeants, how many Files of Pikes and Muskettiers they have in each particular Company, and accordingly he is to enter it down in his Paper-Book, and to make use there­of as followeth.

He is to require one single File apiece of Muskettiers to be drawn off from the three smallest Companies, and two Files apiece from the greater, which makes nine Files, and contains 54 men, which are to be led away by an able Serjeant into the Reer, for to be a guard to the Bagage, or other occasions. From thence he may proceed, commanding all the Muskettiers to stand, and the Pikes to advance their Arms, and move forward ten or twelve paces; and then to stand, and close [Page 141] their Files outward to Order; three of their Colours moving with their Pikes to the right hand; the other three moving away to the left. After he may com­mand Muskettiers to close their Files outward to Order, and they will stand in four Divisions, two of Pikes, and in the Reer of them, two of Muskettiers, as un­derneath is set forth; the Captains being all upon the head of the Pikes, with their Ensigns, and the Lieutenants in the Reer; the Serjeants attending upon the Flanks of each division.


This being done, command each division of Muskettiers and Pikes to face out­ward, and to move to such convenient distance, that being faced to the Front, there may be room sufficient upon the subdividing of each division of Musket­tiers for their moving up, and flanking each body of Pikes. After which the Ma­jor may assign unto every Captain and Lieutenant his due place of honour, as they stand all abrest; and that they may also naturally fall into their proper places upon the march, which shall be set forth in the next Figure standing in two grand Divisions, the one in the Reer of the other, which may happen some­times for want of ground; but provided they have ground enough, they ought to stand in one even range, as in folio 5. The Major, after they are thus drawn up in one even range, will finde three Files of Muskettiers more in the second grand Division, and two of the Pikes, then is in the first; therefore he must take from thence one File of each Company, and add them to nine Files in the Reer, which maketh them twelve, and then he will have ballanced the divisions equal, taking off one File of Pikes, and placing it amonst the eldest Captains Pikes.


CHAP. III. The Reasons follow for the placing of the Captains, their Colours, and their Lieutenants, after the manner before set down.

WHat hath formerly been declared concerning a Rank or File, six abrest, or six deep, may be satisfactory in some kind unto this point, which takes his rule from hence. For all private Companies, smaller Bodies, or single Files, must, or ought to be as neer as they can conformable to greater Bodies, as to Re­giments, and consequently they to Brigades. Therefore take notice that this rule ought ever to be observed in the drawing of Regiments, that the right Flank, as neer as may be, ought to be suitable with the left, both in strength, number, and dignity; and likewise to be so when they are drawn forth upon a long march, the Front equal with the Reer. Now, suppose these two grand divisi­ons stood even abrest; we will begin to examine the first worth, which is the Colo­nels; and the fourth worth, which is the eldest Captains, and placed upon the right and left of the first grand division, with the second and third worth, who are the Lieutenant-Colonel and Major, drawn up upon the right and left of the second grand division; and you shall finde they are every way equivalent in number, worth and dignity, with that of the first.

In the next place, there are no more to place, but the fifth and sixth worth, who are the second and third Captains: and therefore since it is the first place of ho­nour among the Captains in a Regiment, to lead the first Body or Stand of Pikes; it must then consequently follow, that the second place of honour must be to lead the second grand division of Pikes; and therefore the fifth worth is brought into and placed between the second and third, that he may stand there to lead the second Body of Pikes; wherein the Lieutenant-Colonel, the Major, and his own Colours are placed: so that there remains no more but the sixth worth, or youngest Captain to place, who is to be drawn up between the Colonel and eldest Captain. Now if we shall further proceed to ballance it more cleerly, consider them by dividing them by two's in their places; as first, we will begin with the Colonel, the first worth, who hath joyned to him the youngest Captain, which is the sixth worth, and they two make the number (7); then compare the Lieutenant-Colonel, who is the second worth, unto the second Captain joyn'd with him, which is the fifth worth, and they make alike the same number; after that compare the Major and elder Captain, who are drawn up into the midst of the Regiment, whose places carry the third and fourth worth, and their number is suitable with the rest. And thus much may be spoken in general: now I shall come more particularly to give further satisfaction, both for them, and for all the rest; and therefore I will give reasons for the placing of the Officers of the first grand division; and cleering that, the second will quickly be laid open to the view.

CHAP. IV. More particular Reasons for the placing of the Captains and Lieutenants of the first grand Division.

IN this grand Division, there is the Colonel, the eldest Captain, and the youngest drawn up into the midst, and they having each of them Lieutenants; take no­tice therefore of these reasons for their placing thus; That always upon such small Bodies as these, the first honour is ever placed upon the right, and the se­cond upon the left; and that which remains, must of necessity be drawn up in­to the midst; they standing all abrest. These three Companies being ordered into a right and left Flank, and one Stand of Pikes, or Van-guard, Reer-ward, or Main-battail, as they may be term'd, the reasons follow for the thus stand­ing of the Officers, whether marching all even abrest, or upon a stand: it is the Colonels proper place to be on the head or midst of his grand division; which is his chiefest place of security, and where he ought to fight; for standing there, the other may more conveniently repair unto him for their orders, as occa­sion shall require. Now the Colonel being a Field-Officer, is not absolutely tyed to any one place to fight, as the rest are, many occasions calling him from [Page 143] thence; the eldest Captain therefore is appointed to take charge of the Body of Pikes, whether it be upon a March to lead them, or upon a Stand to fight them, he ought never to forsake them, but upon special command from his Colonel, or other Field-Officers. Now the reason why the first Body of Pikes is the most honourablest place to lead, is, as I conceive, because the Colonels Co­lours are there flying; and besides, being the more ancienter Arms, far more ho­nour it is to lead them; for most commonly the gallantest men of the Infantry desire rather to trail Pikes, then to carry Muskets. Moreover, it hath been a constant practise in most places, that the eldest Captain should have that place to lead on foot, although many times his Colonel being on horse-back, may be a little before him. Having spoken of these two, it remains to speak something of the youngest Captain, who is appointed either upon the Marching all abrest, or upon a Stand, to take charge of the Reer-ward, or left Flank of the first grand Divisi­on to fight them; but upon the long March, it is more honourable for him to fall down in the Reer, and to bring up his own Lieutenant, coming up into his place; for it is greater honour (though many times not believed) to bring up a grand division, then to lead a Sub-division. In the next place, it may be supposed that the Captain-Lieutenants place is too honourable to lead the Van-guard. To which I answer, That the Colonel himself is confined thither; for upon the long March he draws off the Van-guard, and leads them himself, being attended on horse-back by the Martial and Quarter-master of his own Regiment. Now lead­ing away the Muskettiers of his own particular Company, the Captain-Lieute­nant being subservient unto him, marcheth a foot upon the head of the first Di­vision of Muskettiers, and takes charge of them, as assisting to his Colonel, and fighting them, if he receives no command to the contrary, when they are all drawn up again even abrest, it concerning him especially to be there resident in the absence of his Colonel, for the better regulating of them. The eldest Cap­tains Lieutenant is always placed in the Reer of the Pikes, either upon a Stand, or upon a March, it being very honourable unto him to bring up a grand Divisi­on of Pikes. The third Captains Lieutenant is ordered to bring up the left Flank, except it be upon the long March, and then he is to exchange places with his own Captain. There is yet one place vacant, which is to bring up the right Flank; and the Captain-Lieutenants Bringer-up many times through courtesie is called a Lieutenant, therefore a Major may be so courteous as to assign him that place. And here I shall conclude with the reasons of the places of the Of­ficers of the first grand Division.

CHAP. V. Reasons for the placing of the Officers of the second grand Division.

ALthough the Colonel is Commander in chief, yet his discretion is such, as to leave the ordering of places to his Major; and as he takes charge of the first grand Division, so he leaves the second to his Lieutenant-Colonel, who stands upon the head or midst of the same, being drawn up all even abrest; and many times leads the second grand Division, as the Colonel doth the first, as was the practise in the Regiments upon their March under the command of the Earl of Essex, General of the Parliaments Forces. To such as shall approve of this way (which may be very good) they shall not need to Counter-march the Ranks of the Lieutenant-Colonel, as is before expressed, before the drawing up of the Lieutenant-Colonels Company, but draw them up on the right of that Di­vision, and to Counter-march the Ranks of the Majors, and draw his Company up on the left. But I shall leave that to the liberty of those that shall best fancie this kinde, and proceed to that which is of more use.

The second grand Division standing in an even range with the first, it will be convenient for the Lieutenant-Colonel to be upon the head thereof. As concern­ing the Major, he being an Officer at will, hath no certain place assign'd unto him, by reason of his moving as occasion shall require to both Divisions, where­by [Page 144] he may give orders unto them all, minding the good order of the Regi­ment throughout every part. But if he will take his place, to march in the pro­perest place for him, if they march all abrest, will be in the Front, between the Colonel and Lieutenant-Colonel; but in the long march, in the midst of both grand Divisions, whereby he may have freer access unto them both, whose vigi­lant eye in the well ordering of the Regiment is chiefly concern'd, observing all the passages, whether there be need of sub-dividing their Divisions; and if at any time they shall be divided, when there is ground sufficient enough, he must give order again for the drawing them all up even abrest, it being far more graceful to the Regiments marching. In the next place, the second Captain may claim it as his due, to lead the second Body of Pikes, as the eldest Captain challengeth the first; and the reason given for his place, may suffice for both. The eldest Lieutenant in this grand Division, which is the Lieutenant-Colonels Lieutenant, is assigned unto that place, where he is set down for to be an assistant there unto his Lieutenant-Colonel, for the well regulating of his men which march in the Reer, as the Captain-Lieutenant is to the Colonels men, who march in the Front; and his Lieutenant-Colonel bringing up the whole Regiment, is the se­cond place of honour. Some may conceive the Majors Lieutenant hath too great a place of honour in leading the Van of the second grand Division. To which I answer, If the Lieutenant-Colonel marcheth not there himself, but shall bring up the Regiment; certainly it must be cleer, that it is the Majors due, for to march there himself at times convenient; and being so, there is good reason in his absence his Lieutenant should lead his men, or in his presence to be there as a helper unto him, for the well regulating of his men, as the other Lieutenants are to the other Field-Officers, who every one of them according to their several places may have several occasions to call them off; their Lieutenants therefore ought to be at hand, and to march with them in their places, whereby they may receive Orders from them, and know how to act in their absence concerning their own particular Souldiers. The second Captains Lieutenant is ordered to bring up the second Body of Pikes; which being a grand Division, it falls to him as due there, as the eldest Captains Lieutenant doth in the first, it being the greatest place of honour that can be given him in the Reer, next to the Lieutenant-Colonel. Having spoken thus much concerning every Field-Officer, the Captains and their Lieutenants, where their places are to march, with the reasons for the same, it will be expected to supply two places which are vacant in the Reer of the second grand division. To which I answer, Upon the long march the Lieute­nant-Colonel himself moves down there, and brings up the Reer of the whole Regiment; and therefore it is left vacant for him. But then you will say, There wants an Officer to bring up the Reer of that Division wherein the Majors Lieu­tenant is placed. To which I answer, That there is none remaining to do it, ex­cept it be the Majors Lieutenant himself. For if the Major shall lead the second grand Division, then his Lieutenant may move down to bring up that particular Division for to supply the same; but in regard the Major (as hath been shewn be­fore) hath many occasions to call him off, it concerns his Lieutenant to keep his place which was first assigned unto him, to avoid the trouble of moving up again in his Majors absence. Some are of opinion it would be convenient to place the Lieutenant-Colonels eldest Serjeant there; but in my judgement, it is very un­handsome to see any Halberdeer, either to lead or bring up any Division march­ing in a Regimental way; and rather then I should do it, I would let it go unsup­plyed; but if he shall be there placed to bring up, his best way of marching is ei­ther with Pallizado, or half-pike, and not with his Halberd.

CHAP. VI. The ordering of a Regiment to the long March, with the placing of the Officers, and the leading of Carriages.

THe Major giving to every Captain his proper place to march in, and what Divisions they are to lead, and what to bring up, in written notes under his hand, commands the Drum-Major to bea [...] a March, and [Page 145] so consequently all the rest to take it


from him. The Souldiers being warned thereby, begin to shoulder their Arms, and prepare to move; the Colonel on Horsback being attended on by his Mar­tial and Quarter-master, draws off the first Division of Muskettiers, his Cap­tain-Lieutenant being six foot behinde him; which Division is brought up by the Captain-Lieutenants Bringer-up. The eldest Captain follows next, leading the first Division of Pikes, and brought up by his own Lieutenant. The next Divi­sion of Muskettiers is led by the third Captains Lieutenant, and the Reer of the first grand Division is brought up by the third Captain. There ought to be full 18 foot of ground betwixt each Di­vision; he that brings up a Division, ought to be cleer six foot behinde the same; and he that leads, to be six foot before; so that there will be six foot proportion of ground betwixt them both, for the better distinguishing of their Divisions, the Leaders and Bring­ers-up thereof. And where there is not room sufficient for the marching so ma­ny abrest, as they are now ordered, they must subdivide, being careful to pre­serve their Divisions, marching in grea­ter depths, at their due distance of open order in rank, and order in file. For the Serjeants must not presume upon any sub-dividing to bring them down in the Reer of them that march before, and keep them intire in all their respective Divisions. And it must be their observa­tion to attend upon the Flanks, even abrest with those Leaders of Files that were taken off; that when there is ground and room enough, they more readier know where to finde them, and to lead them up again as they were at first. Care likewise must be had upon any sub-dividing of the Pikes, that there be none of the Colours divided, who are in a Regimental way to march all three together, according to their first placing. These rules and observations concern both grand Divisions. Now the first be­ing led away, as is before exprest, there ought to be sufficient ground betwixt each grand Division for the leading of the Carriages; and in the first place there is to be considered, that to most Regiments there is allowed two Waggons, for the Baggage and Ammunition, and two Field-pieces, or great Cannon, besides other Carriages which more concern the Victual for the Souldiers, as occasion shall require: now concerning the ordering, and securest placing of all these upon the March, will be in the midst of the Regiment, and to have those which are ordred for their Guard, to be Fire-locks, or to have Snap-hances, for the a­voiding of the danger which might happen by the Cole of the Match; and being placed where any attempt of the Enemy shall fall on, either to Front, Reer, or [Page 146] either Flank, the Cannon may thus be easily drawn forth to fire upon them; and all the wood of the Carriages, with their Guard, to be ordred in the Reer, where­ever the assault should happen, for their better security and safety. The Major in the next place, if he please, may lead the second grand Division; to which purpose he draws off (with the assistance of his own Lieutenant) the first Divi­sion of Muskettiers, his Lieutenant being six foot behinde him, and so much be­fore the Muskettiers. The next that follows, is the second Body of Pikes, which is led by the second Captain, and brought up by his own Lieutenant. The last Division of Muskettiers is led by the Lieutenant-Colonels Lieutenant: and the Reer of the whole Regiment is brought up by the Lieutenant-Colonel. The Serjeants are to march upon the Flanks, attending their own men, that when they are to be reduced into Companies, they may know more readier where to finde them; and according to order they may draw them off to compleat up their Captains Companies. As for the Drums, the care thereof belongs to the Drum-Major to place, and to ease them timely by reliefs, to beat as many or as few as he shall think fit; to which purpose, he orders them to fall in betwixt the second and third Rank of Muskettiers and Pikes of each Division; but when they are all even abrest, the Drums are placed according as you see them marked. The Figure for the long-March in the next place followeth.

CHAP. VII. The first Exercise of a Regiment in the plainest and easiest way.

THe Major finding the commodiousness of the ground, may draw them up all even abrest again, and proceed to exercise them in a Regimental way, conferring before-hand with the Captains, Lieutenants, Ensigns, and Serjeants, what he intends to do. Whether he will exercise every Maniple, or Division (as is usual in a private Company) in all their plain Motions and Firings, which may be very proper, and easily done, or otherwise proceed to more variety in eve­ry Division, to give them commands as one man, either to face, double, or other­wise according to discretion. And having fully instructed them of all his intents and purposes, he must begin to consider of the best manner for the managing of the same. To which end, he shall do well to command the first grand Division to advance forward 12 paces clear of the second, and after face them to the Front, and they will stand in manner as in Folio 147. After he must consider how many Files of Muskettiers there are, and whether he can branch them forth into equal Divisions sutable to the Pikes; but finding them to stand but 18 of a side, he shall do well for time of his Exercise, to draw off eight Files of Musket­tiers from the Reer, which were formerly appointed to guard the Ammunition, or Baggage, and add two to every Division of Muskettiers, which will make them 20 Files of each side of the Pikes, and then he may thus proceed.

Command. Files, to their open order, and Ranks to close forward to order in each grand Division: every five Files of Muskettiers of each Division close to the right to order: the first six files of Pikes in each grand Division close to the right to order, the rest of the Pikes close every five Files to the right, to the same di­stance; then there will be in each grand Division four Divisions of Pikes, and eight of Muskettiers, in manner as set forth to your view in Folio 147.

Before the Major shall begin his Exercise, he shall do well to appoint unto each Division, the Captains and their Ensigns, (whose Colours in the mean time may be stuck in the ground, or given to any of the File-leaders of Pikes, to hold du­ring the time of Exercise) to take charge of them, to order them according unto every word of command, and the Lieutenant and Serjeants to each Division of Muskettiers, that after silence is craved throughout the whole Regiment, the Major by stretching out his voice in every word of Command, the rest as his Eccho are immediately to give it out along the whole Front, and from thence unto the Reer, and every Officer to lead his men accordingly.

The Major having stated all things according to the former directions, may if he please, either face, double, counter-march, or wheel, to Front, Reer, or both Flanks in every particular Division; And may after fire them by way of Divisions [Page 147] drawn off ten or twenty paces before the Front, firing them 7 or 8 times over, re­lieving them by other supplies, marching up into their ground. And may after face the Reer-divisions about, and fire them to Front and Reer on the same ground they stand, there being sufficient intervalls for their wheeling off in the Reer of themselves. And after several firings in this kinde, the Pikes may charge on; but before they begin their firings, the Pikes must close into the midst to or­der, and Muskettiers to close their Pikes to open order, and every Division to pre­serve so much ground betwixt each other for their conveniencie, that after firing they may wheel off.

Now if you will fire, or skirmish the one with the other, then draw off the Reer, or second grand Division, and move them away, and draw them up in op­position 100 foot distance of ground betwixt each Front, and let the Lieutenant-Colonels Company be drawn up upon the right, and the Majors upon the left of that grand Division, that it may carry some answerableness with that of the Colonels. The Muskettiers having six foot interval of ground betwixt each other before they begin to fire, they may continue their firings of this nature, as long as they please, and the Pikes may after charge on to such convenient distance, as that they come not within three Pikes length one of another, for avoiding doing hurt the one to the other, the Muskettiers still continuing their firing, and fal­ling in the Reer of themselves; and when they come within distance, not to pre­sent above knee-height, for the above-named reasons. Now the Souldiers being almost tired, and all their Powder spent, and retreating from each other, that side which falls out to be strongest, (as being the Colonels grand Division or par­ty) may beat a parley, to invite the weaker to come in to mercy, offering them all fair Quarter, provided they timely and presently receive it, and that they will cheerfully and willingly go along with them, and never any more revolt, but be on their side, to fight with them upon all just occasions, as shall be required. After which, the Lieutenant-Colonel yeilding, they may wheel about, and march into the same ground from whence they were first drawn forth, and be re­duced to the same order and condition as they were before they began to skir­mish. And thus much shall suffice concerning the ordinary plain way of exercising of Regiments: but those that shall desire a little more curiosity, they may observe such Exercises as in the next place shall be set forth unto them.

CHAP. VIII. A second way of exercising Regiments of the same number of men.

THe first grand Division being in the Front, and clear of the second 12 paces, every five Files being 18 foot of ground a part from each other, and at their distance of order, both in Rank and File, in their own particular divisions, as was mention'd in Folio 146. comes in this place to be set forth to their view. And having past over some of the distances to bring them to this Station, in standing in 24 Maniples, or Divisions, the next thing that I shall shew for Exercise, shall be four several Figures of Battail, branched from thence, by proper words of Com­mand, with their reducement.


[Page 148] Command. Divisions of Muskettiers face outward; Pikes and Muskettiers march all twelve paces and stand; to your Leader. The two middle Divisions of Pikes and Muskettiers in the Reer next the Flanks, face about; outmost Divisions of Pikes and Muskettiers in Front and Reer, face outward; march all four paces, and stand. Again, let the outmost Divisions of Pikes and Muskettiers face about to the right, then march all three paces; then stand, and face to their Leader, it produceth the first Figure.


Each of the former Divisions containing five Files apiece, excepting the out­most Division of Pikes upon the right in Front and Reer, and they contain six Files in each of them.

Command. Divisions of Muskettiers face outward; Pikes face about to the right; march all, until the Pikes range even with the Reer; then face to their Leader, occasioneth the next.


Command. The four last Divisions of each Arms in the midst, face about; the six outmost Divisions of each Arms face outward; the two middle Divisions of Pikes in the Front face about: march all four paces, and stand; then face the six outmost divisions about to the right, and the four middle Divisions of Pikes about to the left; then march all four paces, and face to their Leader.

[Page 149]


Command. The two next Divisions of Pikes in the midst from the Reer, face about; middle Divisions of Pikes move forward six foot before the Front and Reer; to your Leader.


Reducement. The twelve last Divisions face about; then set every Division march forward, until they range even abrest with the Front and Reer, and face to their Leader; then let the Reer-divisions move forward within eighteen foot of the Front-divisions, and they will be in two grand Divisions, the one in the Reer of the other, as at first when they began their facings.

Having past over part of the Distances and Facings, the next which in order falls to be handled is Doublings; and having by command gained eighteen foot distance betwixt every five Files, if in their former motions they should chance to lose it, you may then proceed to Doublings by way of Divisions, as shall be in the next place set down.

CHAP. IX. Doublings belonging to a Regiment.

Command. DIvisions, double to the right File-wise.

Direction. Every even Division from the Front face to the right, and march down clear until you stand straight with the next Interval; then face to the left, and move in, and double those Divisions on the right File-wise; to your Leader.

Command. Divisions double to the right Rankwise.

Direction. Every even Division from the Front face to the right, and march forward six paces; then face to the Front, and move forward, and double your Divisions to the right.

Command. Divisions double the Length of the Battail to the right and left out­ward.

Direction. The 12 last Divisions face outward, and march clear of the standing part; face to your Leader; move up all even abrest, and double according to command.

Command. The 12 inmost Divisions double the six outmost to the right and left outward, advancing.

[Page 150] Direction. The 12 middle Divisions advance forward until you be six foot clear of the standing part; then face outward, and march until you stand straight be­fore the six outmost; face to your Leader: and after face inward, and move forward, until they stand again unto eighteen foot distance from each other; to your Leader.

Command. Divisions, double the Depth of the Battail to the right.

Direction. Every even Division from the right, face about to the right, and move down eighteen foot clear of the Reer; face to the left, and move until you stand straight with those Divisions on the right which you are to double; to your Leader.

Command. The 12 last Divisions in the Reer, double the Front to the right.

Direction. The 12 last Divisions face to the right, and move six paces; then face to the left; march forward, and double the Front to the right, and they will be reduced.

CHAP. X. Four several Wheelings, with their Reducement.

Command. DIvisions wheel about to the right, and move down into the Reer.

Direction. Front-divisions wheel about to the right, and move down into the Reer; the rest march up into the same ground, wheeling to the right hand, and following successively; after face to your Leader.

Command. Divisions wheel about to the right to the left Flank.

Direction. Face to the right, and the outmost Divisions wheel about to the right, and march away unto the place of the left Flank, the rest moving up into the same ground, wheeling about to the right, and following accordingly; to your Leader.

Command. Divisions wheel about to the right from the Reer into the Front.

Direction. Face to the Reer, and let the first Divisions wheel about to the right, and move up into the Front, the rest marching forward into their ground, wheeling off, and following in like manner.

Command. Divisions wheel about to the right, to the right Flank.

Direction. Face all to the left, and let the outmost Divisions wheel about to the right, and move forward to the right Flank, the rest marching up into their ground, following after in the same kind, reduceth them.

CHAP. XI. Countermarches not fit to be used in the Exercising of Regiments.

IT might be expected after Doublings, that I should shew some kinds of Coun­termarches amongst the Military Motions, in the exercise of a Regiment; but being of very little use or practise amongst Commanders in these times, especial­ly in such great Bodies; and for my own part, I fancy them not, therefore have passed them over, and pitcht upon such wheelings, which by some are accounted Countermarches. Whose judgements my desire is better to inform by these seve­ral reasons following, wherein, and in what kind they differ from them. As thus: by these wheelings, they keep their distance in Rank and File unto Order, and wheeling entire unto any hand down to the Reer, cannot be performed but by gaining in the Motion before the Front, and unto all places as they move, so much ground as is the Length of their particular Divisions; and in the execution there­of, they still preserve the honour of the right and left-hand-file-leaders, and all others as are concerned in their particular Divisions, unto any accidental Front which they shall be brought unto. Now concerning Countermarches, they are to be performed either by single Files, Ranks, Half-files, or Half-ranks, and at their distance of Open Order, their words of Command having relation to all these particulars. Their Countermarching of Files to the Reer gaineth no ground before the Front in the Motion, but only the room of one particular File upon the right; it preserveth not the honour of the right and left-hand-file-leader at one time by any one word of Command [Page 151]


[Page 152] unto any of their Motions to such accidental Fronts they shall make, but ever loseth it to some, and giveth it to others. And therefore it may appear cleerly unto any ingenious capacity, that the former Wheelings cannot be accounted, or given in their Motions in that kinde to the Souldiers for Counter-marches, but by such terms as in their place are set down. In the next place, I shall speak something of the great benefit or use that may be made of these sorts of Wheel­ings: as first, a Commander may use them in the Motions of Doublings to Front, Reer, right-flank, or left, or double either the length or depth of the Battail unto all needful places, as occasion shall require; which I shall forbear to set down, but leave them to the discretion of the ingenious Souldiers practise, when time and opportunity shall serve him to make use of them. In the next place, they are very necessary to draw off any part, and to bring them unto such need­ful places for Service, as are in eminent danger. Therefore passing over for pre­sent what might be more spoken of in this kinde, I come in the next place to shew one Figure of Battail to fire upon; and then conclude my Exercise upon this Regiment, and go on unto the rest.

Command. Pikes, close Files to the right to Order; then let them in the Reer double their Front to the left intire: Muskettiers, advance forward until your Front-divisions exceed six foot the Front of Pikes; the two inmost Divisions of Muskettiers in the Front, move forward 20 paces, and close inward to open Or­der; the two inmost Divisions of Muskettiers in the Reer, face about, and move down six paces, and close inward to open Order; to your Leader: Muskettiers upon the Flanks, close to the Body of Pikes to open Order: Middle-divisions of Muskettiers in the Reer by each Flank, face about; Middle-divisions of Musket­tiers by each Flank, move forward six foot cleer of the standing part; face to your Leader, and it will set forth the Figure, as it stands in Folio 151.

CHAP. XII. Several Firings to be performed upon the former Figure, and how to be managed by the several Officers.

THe Regiment being drawn up into the former Figure, they may proceed to Firings upon it; first let the Forlorns fire five or six times over, being com­manded by the eldest Captains Lieutenant, who is to be assisted by a couple of a­ble Serjeants; after let him wheel them off to the right and left, and bring them down in the Reer of the Pikes. Then let the second Captains Lieutenant, being assisted by two Serjeants, lead up the reserves by the outside of the Pikes, at such time when the Forlorns begin to come off, for the better securing of them from danger upon their retreat; then let them move forward to their ground, and give fire in like manner, falling in the Reer of themselves, and after wheel them off to the right and left, and bring them down in the Reer of those Muskettiers that are behind the Pikes. Then let the Front and Reer-divisions of Muskettiers next the Flanks advance forward 12 paces; the Muskettiers upon the right to be led away by the Captain-Lieutenant, and those upon the left by the third Captain, being assisted by four Serjeants apiece; let them fire the first Divisions some six or eight times over, falling in the Reer of themselves; then wheel them off to the right and left into the ground of those Divisions that follow them; and facing again to their Front; then let the Reer-divisions advance forward into their places, and give fire in like manner to the former: which being ended, let those four divisions be led down into their first places. Then let the next eight Divisions by the Pikes advance forward, until they be cleer of the standing part; those four Divisions upon the right, are to be led away by the Majors Lieutenant, and the Captain-Lieutenants Bringer-up; and those four Divisions upon the left, by the Lieutenant-Colonels Lieutenant, and the third Captains Lieutenant, as­sisted by 12 Serjeants; then let them fire some half a score times, the Front-di­visions falling in the Reer of themselves; after wheeling off to the right and left into the ground of their Reer-divisions, they then moving up into their places, may fire after the same manner; and having ended, they may be led down all again into their first places.

[Page 153]Then Command the first Divisions of Muskettiers to face about to the right, and let them and the two last Divisions move forward, and range even abrest with those that stand before them, and after face all to the Front; then let the Muskettiers face outward, and move 12 paces, and after face again to the Front; then move up those divisions that were the Forlorn-hope, to the right and left into the Front, unto their first places; and those that were the Reserves up even abrest with the Reer, from whence they were taken, after let them fire in, and even Front altogether, some half a score times over, and fall in the Reer of themselves; then let the Colonels eldest and second Captains move forward the Pikes, and charge on if they please, the Colours falling in the second Rank, be­ing furled up; and after let all order their Arms, and reduce them into Compa­nies again.

Reducement. Left-half-ranks of Pikes, face about, and move down until you range even with the Reer-divisions of Muskettiers; face to your Leader: Right-half-ranks of Pikes, advance forward, and range even abrest with the Front-di­visions of Muskettiers; Files, close to the left to Order of each grand Division; then they will stand in two grand Divisions as at first, the one in the Reer of the other: then draw up the second grand Division, provided there be room upon the left of the first. Then let a Serjeant of each particular Company draw off those thirteen Files, which before were taken off to ballance the Divisions into equal number, and were appointed for the guard of the Ammunition, or Bag­gage, and bring them to joyn with their own Arms, where their Captains Com­panies stands. Which being done, let every Captain draw off his own men, be­ing assisted by his Lieutenants and Serjeants, and compleating them up into a Body as at first; his Pikes to be flanked with Muskettiers, they may after march away in single Companies after such manner, unto their several Quarters, as shall be appointed to them by the Major. And here I shall conclude concerning a Regiment of six Companies.

CHAP. XIII. The manner of drawing up a Regiment, consisting of seven Companies, conteining in the four Captains, twelve Files of Muskettiers, and six of Pikes, in each of their particular Companies, and in the three Field-Officers, sixteen Files apiece of Musket­tiers, and eight of Pikes, which amounts to the number of 864 men.

IT hath been my observation in the City of London, and the Suburbs thereof, there being eighteen Regiments, nine of the Trained Bands, and nine of the Auxiliaries, that their Regiments in some have but six Companies; others, and that for the most part seven; and again in some, and but a few to have eight Companies. I shall therefore for the better satisfaction of such as remain un­skill'd herein, go through them all, partly to shew the practise of this our City in their several drawings up, with the reasons to confirm the same. And having passed over as much as is convenient, to satisfie any ingenious Souldier concern­ing the drawing up of six Companies in a Regimental-way, with the confirmati­on and reasons of every particular Officer, as he there stands, it may in many things give full light to this that follows of seven Companies. Yet nevertheless, for more fuller satisfaction herein, I shall shew the true manner hereof, that I may not be wanting to any Souldiers benefit that he shall receive thereby. Where note, for better Order herein, that I have pitcht upon a particular num­ber of men, although it may many times fall out so, that the Captains Compa­nies, and the Field-Officers cannot be so full as I have here set down. Or again, it may chance to fall out (as in our Trained Bands of London) that they be a great deal fuller, as sometimes they are; for I have led a particular Company my self upon a general day, being drawn into the Filed consisting of above 300 men. Yet nevertheless, whether the Companies be great or small, observe this ge­neral Rule; make two grand Divisions, and ballance their number equal in both Arms, and make no more Sub-divisions then what you have Captains to lead, and Lieutenants to bring up; and let the Serjeants march by the Flanks, and [Page 154] not presume either to lead, or bring up any divisions, being conceived by most to be very improper. And again, if you fight the Regiment, let your Muskettiers as neer as you can be equal alike in their Sub-divisions, as they may most conve­niently fall out, whether four, five, or six abrest, it makes no great matter, al­ways leaving in time of fight, between such numbers of Files, six foot of ground interval, for to wheel off their Ranks after they have fired.

Now, suppose the whole Regiment were marching to their general place of Randezvous; the Major being there beforehand, attending the Companies com­ing in, he Orders to the Colonels Company the most convenient place for their drawing up; and next to him, the fourth Captains Company upon the left; and next to him, the third Captain; and after him, the eldest or first Captain, which makes the first grand Division. In the next place, he orders the Lieutenant-Co­lonels Company to be on the left of the whole Regiment, standing in even Front with the Colonel; upon the right of him, the second Captain is placed, and after him the Majors own Company, which make up the second grand Division.

Having thus far proceeded, let the Major command the Pikes and Colours to advance forward ten paces, before the Front of Muskettiers; then let him close the Pikes of the first four Companies to the right to Order, and the Pikes of the last to the left to Order, and the like of the Muskettiers in the Reer to those hands, to the same distance; then they will stand in four Divisions; two of Pikes in the Front, and two of Muskettiers in the Reer. In the next place, let him count how many Files of Pikes there are in each Division, and he will finde in the Colonels Divisions 26 Files, and in the Lieutenant-Colonels but twenty two. To make these even, he must take off one File apiece from the youngest Captains, and bring them into the midst of the Lieutenant-Colonels Division; and then he will make them equal, there being in each grand Division 24 Files of Pikes. The Pikes being made thus equal, let him move down into the Reer, and examine the Muskettiers; where upon the right he will finde 52 Files, and upon the left but 44; to make these even in number, he must take off one File apiece from the four Companies of the first grand Division, and lead them away up into the midst of the second; and then there will be in each grand Division of Muskettiers 48 Files apiece. In the next place, let him face them to the right and left outward, and move them to such convenient distance, as he may after divide his Muskettiers into four Divisions to move up, and flank the Pikes.

This being performed, he ought appoint unto every Captain and Lieutenant his place where to lead, and where to bring up, and what men upon all occasions they are to fight. To which purpose, there being in the first grand Division four Captains, there must be four places to lead, and four to bring up; and therefore having their four Colours upon the long March, that Body of Pikes may be divi­ded into two Divisions, and to march with two Colours in the first Division of Pikes, which are to be led by the eldest Captain, and brought up by the Captain-Lieutenants Bringer-up. The second Division of Pikes is to be led by the fourth Captain, and to be brought up by the eldest Captain-Lieutenant. The Reer-guard of Muskettiers in this grand Division, is to be led by the third Captain, and to be brought up by his Lieutenant; who upon the long March, his Captain if he pleaseth, may exchange places, being more honour to him to be there to bring up, then to lead that Division, as hath been formerly exprest. As concern­ing the Captain-Lieutenant, his place is to be fixed according as in the Figure to lead the first Division of Muskettiers, and to be brought up by the fourth Captains Lieutenant: but at such time when they are drawn up all abrest, they are to take their places as at first fixed, both in their leading and bringing-up, as shall be set forth in the following Figure, with all their several places appointed there­unto. As concerning all the rest, they are placed in manner as was shewed in my discourse of a Regiment consisting of six Companies.

But here it may be objected, that in the first grand Division I have placed the Colonel, eldest Captain, third and fourth, and by casting up their number of dignity, we finde it to amount unto 18; and in the second grand Division, [Page 155] the Lieutenant-Colonel, Major and second Captain, whose number amounts but to ten. Here we finde (say they) a great deal of difference and alteration, your intentions principally tending to make them equal in dignity; for certainly, where the greater number is, there is the lesser dignity; and therefore a wrong unto that part where ever it so falls out.

To which I answer, Where there is no just exceptions to be made to the contra­ry, the former Rule ought ever to be preserved in the keeping an equal ballance of the number of dignity; but herein it doth not: For the Colonel ought always to have placed in his Division the eldest Captain, who is to lead his Colours, and the first Body of Pikes, which is the first place of honour among the Captains: And in the second place, the Majors Company is always drawn up upon the out­most part, on the right of the Lieutenant-Colonels grand Division, to carry an equal proportion of number, they being the second and third worth unto that of the first or fourth, as is in the Colonels. In the next place, the second Cap­tains turn comes to be regarded, who by the same Rule, as the eldest Captain layes claim to carry the first honour, by leading the first Body of Pikes, and the Colonels Colours; so the second Captain cannot expect any other, but to be placed to lead the second Body of Pikes, & the Lieutenant-Colonels Colours. Now there being an odd Captain, he must be either placed upon the right or left; he is therefore thought in discretion to be rather placed with the Colonel in his Division, that his Colours may there flie, marching four together, being far more honourable and graceful then that of three, as in the Lieutenant-Colonels; and therefore where there is an honour in that kinde which cannot be divided, it is very fit and requisite to place and fix it with him that is the Commander in chief. As for number of men, both Divisions are equal alike; and therefore, I conceive, what hath been spoken may take off all objections of this nature.

And now according to my promise, I shall set forth the manner of the standing of seven Companies in a Regimental way, with all the several places of honour appointed forth unto them, either marching, or standing all even abrest: If they be upon the long march, they are to observe that manner set down in six Com­panies, onely to minde that alteration before expressed: the Figure of their draw­ing up, and the Officers stated in their proper places, follows in Folio 156.

From which Figure I shall draw up another, placing the Souldiers in Battalia, which may be useful for them to fight-upon.

Command. Pikes in both Divisions, face inward, inmost Divisions of Musket­tiers face outward, march, and interchange ground with other; face to your Leader. The four inmost Files of Muskettiers next the Pikes, Let them be at open Or­der in their Ranks and Files, and the two grand Divisions stand­ing in one even Front together. face about, and march six foot cleer from the Pikes, and stand; then close their Files to the right and left to Order, in their own particular divisions; then face inward, and march all together, until they stand six foot cleer of each other; face to your Leader. The next five Files of Muskettiers in each side of Pikes, advance 18 foot before the Front; then close their Files into the midst to Order, and Ranks forward to Order; Pikes, close your Ranks forward to Order, and Files into the midst to Order: every five Files of Muskettiers close inward to Order, and Ranks forward to Order; then face to the Pikes, and march forward, being betwixt every five Files of Muskettiers six foot of ground distance each from other, and the same distance from the Bo­dy, of Pikes; face all to your Leader. The 12 outmost Files of Pikes and Mus­kettiers, advance forward six foot cleer of the standing part; then move forward the three outmost divisions of Muskettiers 12 paces; then face them inward, and move them until they stand streight before the five remaining divisions; face all to your Leader. The middle-division of Muskettiers of those three taken off before from each Flank, move forward six foot cleer of the standing part; the three middlemost divisions of the five remaining upon each Flank, move up until you stand six foot short of the divisions which are before you; the two outmost divisions of the last three that moved, face outward, and march six foot cleer of the former divisions between them: The two remaining divisions by the outside [Page 156] of Pikes move inward, until you stand streight in the Reer with the two Front-divisions, facing all to their Leader, they will stand as is set forth unto your view in Folio 156.

Notwithstanding the former directions of drawing forth the Figure, make this alteration; wheel off the first two divisions of Muskettiers before the Pikes, and place them six foot behind the Reer of those upon the Flanks, and before you re­duce them, carry them into their first places.

In this Figure you have Forlorns, aptly standing to the Wings and main Bo­dy of Pikes, with Reserves to them all, so that I shall not need to trouble my self for to describe what firings might be here performed upon the same, they ly­ing so apparent to the view; the divisions being cleer each of other, any inge­nious Commander may fire them according unto his own best discretion, con­tinuing the same as long as he shall think fitting; and therefore passing it by, and leaving it to their own liberty, I come in the next place to reduce them again into private Companies.

Reducement. Pikes of the main Body, advance forward, and range even abrest with the Pikes before you; the two last divisions of Muskettiers in the Reer move up, and Flank the Pikes; the two divisions of Muskettiers before the Front, face about, and move down upon the right and left of the other two divisions of Muskettiers; to your Leader. The two last divisions of Muskettiers in the Reer of the Flanks, advance forward to the right and left, and range even abrest on the outside of those three divisions that stands before you: Single divisions of Muskettiers in the Front of each Wing, face about, and move down even abrest with the Reer of the next divisions. The eight divisions of Muskettiers upon each Wing, face about; the five first Divisions move down, and range even abrest with the Reer; the three last move to the right, and left outward, until you be cleer of the rest; face to the Reer, and move down in like manner, and Rank even with the rest; after face all to the Front, and they will all stand in one even Front. Next command the Pikes to face outward, and the five inmost divisions of Muskettiers in each Flank, face inward; then march and interchange ground each with other, and face to their Leader; they will stand again in two grand Divisions all even abrest in the Front. In the next place, let those six Files be taken off by the Serjeants of their own Companies from the two grand Divisi­sions, and be brought into their first places. After the Major may give order to every Captain to draw off his men, and put them into Companies again, which is easily done; after the Regiment may be ordered to march home in single Com­panies, either by succession or dignity, which he pleaseth. And here I shall con­clude concerning a Regiment of several Companies.


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CHAP. XIV. The manner of drawing up and placing the Officers of a Regiment consisting of eight Companies, having in it a Colonel, a Lieutenant-Colonel, a Major, and five Captains: their number of men in each Company, being equal with the former Regiment, they amount unto 972 men.

IT concerns a Major (provided he have room enough) to draw up every Com­pany even abrest, and to give unto every Captain his due place of honour; after which, he may proceed to order them in a regimental way. Wherefore, briefly thus; observe the manner of the Dignity of every Captain, how they ought to be placed, first the Colonels Company being drawn up in its convenient place; next to him upon the left stands the third Captain; and next to him the fourth; and the next that follows is the eldest: these four Captains being drawn up af­ter this manner, makes the first grand Division; and therefore I shall endeavour to give Reasons for to confirm this, before I shall proceed upon the second, as be­ing the right half-ranks, which ought to carry an equal proportion of Worth, Honour, and Dignity with that of the last. Where, first, take notice, that the Colonel being the most worthiest man, is placed upon the right, and is the first place of Honour; and the outmost upon the left is the eldest Captain, which is the fourth Worth, there being the Colonel, Lieutenant-Colonel, and Major above him: now consider that the first and fourth Worth makes the number five; be­twixt these two is drawn up the third and fourth Captains, which are the sixth and seventh Worth, whose number carries 13; add them to that number above, and it makes 18. In the next place, since it is the judgement of most Souldiers, that there should be an equal proportion of Skill, Valour, and Worth, the Reer-half-files answerable to them of the Front: so likewise the same rule is to be ob­served between the right and left half-ranks; That whether we consider the Front-divisions, or Reer, right or left half-ranks, they may be so ballanced in every kind of respect, with true proportion; so neer as the knowledge of the Souldiers, and number of men will give leave. To which purpose, I will proceed to draw up the second grand Division, and compare it to the first; The Lieute­nant-Colonels Company being drawn up upon the left of the whole Regiment; upon his right, is the second Captain drawn up; and next to him the fifth Cap­tain; after, the Major upon the right of the Lieutenant-Colonels Division. Now, if we consider, the Lieutenant-Colonel he is the second man of Honour, and therefore ought to be upon the outmost part of the Front on the left, when the Companies are marching all even abrest; but upon the Long-march he is to fall down into the Reer; the outmost upon the right of his Division is the Majors Company placed, and he is the third man of Honour. Now the third Worth and second will carry equal ballance of number with that of the first and fourth: and so have I set forth the four first places of Honour, which, I suppose, no know­ing Souldier can deny. Betwixt the second and third Worth is drawn up the second Captain and fifth; the second Captain is the fifth Worth, and the fifth Captain is the eighth, which makes the number 13, and will carry an equal weight of number with those in the midst of the first and fourth Worth. Now having stated the several Worths of the second grand Division, being compared together, makes a like number of 18 unto that of the first Division. And to take off all Objections that might be made concerning the second Captain and fifth, why they should not rather be placed in the first Division, then in the second, be­cause it hath been held by the opinion of some, it should be so, but never any substantial reason to be given for the same: Therefore, unto this I shall say, that they ought to be there where I have placed them, in respect of what I have for­merly said, that as it is the first place of Honour amongst the Captains to lead the first Body of Pikes, where the Colonels Colours does flie, and to make them of the second Division equal in number with the first; the youngest Captain, which is the eighth Worth, is brought in, and joyned to the second Captain, who is the fifth, and therefore a File or a Rank ought to be set forth in Dignity after this manner, in respect

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[Page 159] there is no truer stating the Dignity of a single File or Rank, then that which shall conform to greater Bodies, as that of Regiments. And thus much briefly shall suffice to be spoken concerning the second grand Division, for the placing the second and fifth Captains betwixt the Lieutenant-Colonel and the Majors, in re­spect the second Captain stands very aptly there to receive his proper place, and the youngest Captain is brought in to ballance their Dignities unto that of the first.

In the next place, I shall shew how they ought to be drawn up in a Regimental way: being all even abrest as before, command Muskettiers to face about, and to march down 12 foot clear of the Reer, then face to the Front, after close Files outward to Order of each Arms, then subdivide each Division of Muskettiers, and move them up to flank each Body of Pikes. And having accounted and cast up the number of Files of each Arms in each grand Division, you will finde the Colonels Division to have in it 26 Files of Pikes, and 52 Files of Muskettiers; next the Lieutenant-Colonels Division being examined, you will finde that to have in it 28 Files of Pikes, and 56 Files of Muskettiers. Now to make these equal in number, there must be taken forth one File of Pikes, and two of Musket­tiers from the second grand Division, and place one a piece in the midst of the first Division, in every one of their particular Divisions, and they will contain equal alike in each grand Division 27 Files of Pikes, and 54 Files of Muskettiers. In the next place, the Major may assign unto every Captain and Lieutenant where his place shall be to lead, and where to bring up; the Colonel being upon the head of his Division, and the Lieutenant-Colonel upon the head of the second grand Division, the Major in the Front betwixt them both, or where else he pleaseth, being an Officer always to act through the whole Regiment. And in the first place he appoints the Captain-Lieutenant to be on the head of the first Division of Muskettiers, and to be brought up with the fourth Captains Lieute­nant; next he orders the eldest Captain to be on the head of the first Division of Pikes, and to be brought up by the Captain-Lieutenants Bringer-up; and the fourth Captain to be on the head of the second division of Pikes, and to be brought up by the eldest Captains Lieutenant; and the second division of Mus­kettiers he appoints unto the third Captain, and to be brought up by his own Lieutenant; and upon the Long-march, let him and his Captain change places until such time they shall draw up again. After he orders his own Lieutenant to be on the head of the third division of Muskettiers; and the third division of Pikes he appoints to the fifth Captain, and to be brought up by his own Lieutenant; the fourth Division of Pikes is ordered to be the second Captains place, and brought up by his own Lieutenant; the Lieutenant-Colonels Lieu­tenant is appointed to the fourth and last division of Muskettiers, the Lieutenant-Colonel upon the Long-march bringing up the whole Regi­ment. It might be supposed the Captain-Lieutenant, Lieutenant-Colonels and Majors Lieutenants have too great places of Honour: but to answer them all, their Captains being Field-Officers, and upon several occasions moving off, their Lieutenants do officiate there in their rooms, and are but as assistants un­to them; for likewise upon several occasions they come to those places them­selves to lead, marching there before their Lieutenants. As concerning the placing of all the rest of the other Officers, they lie clearly, for as much as for­merly hath been spoken in their proper places, without (as I conceive) the ex­ceptions of any.

Secondly, u [...]on the Long-march the Colonel draws off the first Division of Muskettiers, and leads them, marching some 12 foot before his Captain-Lieute­nant; and that division is brought up by the fourth Captains Lieutenant, the Colours marching two and two upon every division, whereof the first is drawn off and led by the first Captain, and brought up by the Captain-Lieutenants Brin­ger-up; the next division of Pikes falling in the Reer of the first, and led by the fourth Captain, and brought upo the first Captains Lieutenant; the second di­vision of Muskettiers is led by the: [...]ird Captains Lieutenant, and brought up by [Page 160] his own Captain; the fourth or first division of Muskettiers in the second grand Division is led by the Major, when he pleaseth, some 12 foot before his own Lieutenant; and the third Division of Pikes is led by the fifth Captain, and brought up by his own Lieutenant; the fourth and last division of Pikes is led by the second Captain, and brought up by his own Lieutenant; the fourth and last Division of Muskettiers is led by the Lieutenant-Colonels Lieutenant, the Reer of the whole Regiment being brought up by the Lieutenant-Colonel. Thus every Division is to march by succession, the one in the Reer of another, keeping eigh­teen foot distance betwixt every Division, until they shall have room to march all even abrest, and then with very little alteration with the third Captain, chan­ging places, with his own Lieutenant, they are all to take their places again, as at first.

Having now set forth the true Dignity of every Captains and Lieutenants place, what men they shall take charge on to fight, where to lead, and where to bring up; I shall spare the Figure in respect I shall shew (with very little alteration) the manner of drawing up and marching of divers Regiments that were under the command of the late Earl of Essex.

The first grand Division in respect of every Officer and place, is to be ordered as the former; only in the second, there will be this small alteration, the Lieu­tenant-Colonels Company and the Majors are to enterchange places, the rest are to remain as they were, only with this alteration following; the Lieutenant-Colonels Lieutenant is to lead the first Division of Muskettiers, until such time that his Lieutenant Colonel shall come unto that place; and then he is to bring up that Division being near at hand, that if his Lieutenant-Colonel should upon some just occasions be called off, he may immediatly move up, and lead there in his absence. For upon the Long-march, as the Colonel leads the first grand Di­vision, so it is conceived by some, (they marching in two grand Divisions some twenty paces distance from each other in manner of two regimental Marchings) that the Lieutenant-Colonel ought to lead the second. Next, let the First Divi­sion of Pikes be led by the second Captain, and to be brought up by the fifth Captains Lieutenant; and the second Division of Pikes to be led by the fifth Captain, and brought up by the second Captains Lieutenant; the last Division of Muskettiers to be led by the Majors Lieutenant, and the Reer of the second grant Division being left for the Major to bring up, at such time as with conve­niency he may be spared. Therefore, to march thus, it being a very good way, and with very little alteration to be made, I was unwilling to pass it by, leaving it to the discretion of every ingenious Souldier, to make use of which way he best pleaseth, or likes of, whilest I in the next place shall set forth the Figure, which follows in pag. 161; affording more variety in the same.

CHAP. XV. How to make the Figure of a Ring, with its use and service.

THe way to make this Figure in the most readiest manner, is to be performed after this kind; both the grand Divisions standing all abrest in even Front: First move forward all the Muskettiers some ten foot clear of the Pikes, after let them close Files both of Muskettiers and Pikes into the midst to Order; then they will stand in two Divisions, one of Muskettiers, and in the Reer of them, one of of Pikes: then open the Files outward to open Order of each Arms, and after let them double the Front to the left of both Arms by Bringers-up, and they will be but three deep of each Arms, having in the Fronts the best Souldiers; then command them to face all to the right, then wheel them about still to the right of both Arms, the Pikes wheeling all in the inside of the Muskettiers, un­til you have brought them into two Rings; provided thus, that you close your Rings unto that place which was your first Front; then face them all to the centre, and after face them about to the right, and they will be then faced round, and stand suitable to the following Figure, pag. 163. And to have it in two Rings, [Page] [Page]


1 [Page] [Page 161] the one of Muskettiers, the other of Pikes, some ten foot short on the inside of them. And by reason it cannot be well otherwise, in respect there are as many Muskettiers again as there are Pikes, and the Officers following the Souldiers in their places formerly fixed in this Motion, will also naturally stand in manner and form as is set down in the Figure.

But, methinks, I hear some say, Of what use or service upon any occasion may this Ring be unto the Souldier? To whom I answer, that it is one of the most ser­viceable Figures that can be made, to secure the Souldier from danger against the furious charge of Horse in Campania; the accomplishing, or making of it up, be­ing easily and suddenly performed, the Muskettiers having Pallizadoes, may ad­vance three or four paces, and stick them down in such manner, as they may keep the Horse from breaking in among them. And after, if they should be charged round, they may give fire over them against their enemies, and fall in the Reer of themselves; yet nevertheless, if the Horse should be undaunted, and attempt to come on again, they may resist them with a more desperate charge after this manner, bringing all hands to fight, and to pour out their shot, or to fire altoge­ther after this kind. Command first the Pikes to move forward, until they be three foot behind the Muskettiers, then let every File rank to the right, which will make them to stand but one abrest in one single Ring behind the Muskettiers. Now that all hands may be brought to fight together, command the first Rank of Mus­kettiers to kneel down, the second stoop, and the third stand upright; then let all close forward to close Order, and let the Pikes, as occasion shall require, charge betwixt the Muskettiers, who may fire altogether, and the Pikes may charge on whilest the Muskettiers make ready again. The Pallizadoes formerly stuck, keep­ing off the Horse from breaking in upon them, they may fire after this manner, as often as they please. And so much may suffice to be spoken concerning the ser­vice and use that may be made of it in time of fight; and now in the next place I come to reduce them into Companies again as at first.

Let the Pikes that ranked to the right, file three to the left as they were, and let the Bringers-up that doubled face about to the right, and march forth into their places. Then let the Major come to that place where he closed the Ring, and brake it off, wheeling them all along about to the left, until he hath brought them to stand in one even Front as at first; the same in like manner to be perfor­med of the Pikes, and to stand in the Reer of the Muskettiers. Next, let the Mus­kettiers and Pikes face outward, and move to such convenient distance, that af­ter the Muskettiers may be subdivided again, and the Pikes move up, and double their Front inward entire in each grand Division. Which being brought into that form, each Captain may draw off his men, being so commanded by the Ma­jor, and compleat up his Company again, and be after disposed of to farther du­ty, or to march home to their Quarters according to command. And here I shall conclude this Regiment of eight Companies.


CHAP. XVIII. The manner of drawing up a Regiment consisting of ten Companies, having in it seven Captains, and three Field-Officers, being in each particular Company the former numbers, which in all amounts unto 1198 men.

THe Major having ground sufficient for the drawing up the Regiment, after the Colonels Company hath made Alt, next to him upon the left he draws up the youngest Captain, which is the tenth; and the next to him the third Cap­tain, which is the sixth; after that the fourth Captain, which is the seventh; then the first Captain, which is the fourth: then the Majors, which is the third; next to him the fifth Captain, which is the eighth; and after that the second Captain, which is the fifth; then the sixth Captain, which is the ninth. All these being drawn up upon the left of the Colonels Company, the closier of all upon the left, is the Lieutenant-Colonels Company, whose figure carries the number 2. Place now all these numbers of Dignity according to the former Figures, and they will stand as followeth in a Rank.

2:9:5:8:3. 4:7:6:10:1.
27 28.

In the next place compare the Dignity of the right Half-ranks with the left, and they are ballanced as neer as can be possible to be equal, there being one odd, which of necessity must be cast upon the right Half-ranks, for the reasons for­merly exprest, in placing the second Captain into the Lieutenant-Colonels Di­vision. Then according to the former rule, draw forth the Pikes, and ingross them into two Bodies, and the like of the Muskettiers; after sub-divide the Musket­tiers, and make them four divisions, and move them up to flank the Pikes, and then they will be in two compleat grand Divisions. In the next place, let the Major order forth unto the Captains and Lieutenants their several places to lead and to bring up, after this manner. There being two grand Divisions, ha­ving in them five Captains, and five Lieutenants, it will be necessary to appoint our five several Charges in the first grand Division to lead, and five to bring up, after this manner. As first, divide the Van-guard into two Divisions, the first to be led by the Captain-Lieutenant, and brought up by his Bringer-up: the second Division of Muskettiers in the Van to be led by the third Cap­tains Lieutenant, and to be brought up by the fourth Captains Lieutenant. The first division of Pikes is to have the three first Colours to fly upon the head of them, and to be led by the eldest Captain, and brought up by the seventh Cap­tains Lieutenant: the next division of Pikes to be led by the fourth Captain, having his own and the eldest Captains Colours flying upon the head of them, and to be brought up by the seventh, or youngest Captain in the Regiment: the Reer-guard of Muskettiers of the first grand Division to be led by the third Cap­tain, and brought up by the eldest Captains Lieutenant, who upon the Long-march these two are to inter-change places if the third Captain desire it, and ha­ving such permission from the Major, being more honour to bring up, then to lead, as was said before in the former Regiments.

Next follows the placing of the Officers in the second grand Division: let the Van-guard of Muskettiers there be led by the Majors Lieutenant, or by himself when he pleaseth, and be brought up by the fifth Captains Lieutenant: next let the first Division of Pikes be led by the fifth Captain; having two Colours flying in the head of them, the Majors, and his own, and to be brought up by the sixth Captains Lieutenant: let the next Division of Pikes be led by the second Cap­tain, having three Colours flying on the head of them, the Lieutenant-Colonels, his own, and the sixth Captains, and let that be brought up by the second Cap­tains Lieutenant: let the last Division of Muskettiers be led by the sixth Cap­tain, and brought up by the Lieutenant-Colonels Lieutenant; the Lieutenant-Colonel upon the Long-march bringing up the Reer of the Regiment, some 12 foot behind his own Lieutenant.

[Page 163]I shall in the next place shew the Reasons for the thus placing of the Officers, where first I shall endeavour to clear the first grand Division, which will occasion the second to be more easily resolved. Where briefly thus, as concerning the Co­lonel, eldest Captain, third Captain, and Captain-Lieutenant, I shall pass them over, having formerly spoken sufficient to satisfie any Souldier therein. It fol­lows therefore to speak of the fourth Captains place, which is the next man of Honour after the former, and therefore is placed to lead the second Division of Pikes, which is more honour to him to lead there, then to lead a sub-division of Muskettiers. In the Van-guard next to him in Honour in this Division, is the se­venth Captain, who is appointed to bring up the first grand Body of Pikes, which likewise is more Honour unto him, then to lead or bring up any sub-division of Muskettiers; as before expressed. Having thus resolved of all the Captains, and Captain-Lieutenants place, next follows the reasons of the Lieutenants places; where first take notice that the eldest Captains Lieutenant is appointed to bring up the Reer-guard, which next the Pikes is the greatest place of honor in the reer, and a very honorable place unto him; or if he alters places with the third Cap­tain upon the Long-march, yet nevertheless he hath the chiefest place of honour after the Capt. Lieut. amongst all the Lieutenants unto those places he is ordered unto. The third Captains Lieutenant is assigned to the next place, who leads the second Division of Muskettiers in the Van-guard, which is more honour to him then to bring up any such Division; after follows him the fourth Captains Lieu­tenant, who brings up the Reer of the Van-guard, which is more honour to him, of the places remaining, to be there, then to bring up either the first Division of Muskettiers, or the first Division of Pikes. Lastly, the seventh Captains Lieutenant is placed to bring up the first Division of Pikes, which being the more honourable Arms, it adds more honour to him to be there to bring up, then the first Division of Muskettiers, which being the last place of honour, it is given to the Captain-Lieutenants Bringer-up to be there. And thus much shall suffice for the reasons of the places of the first grand Division.

Now for placing of the Officers of the second grand Division, I shall not need to speak any thing concerning the Lieutenant-Colonels Major, Second Captain, and the Majors Lieutenants place, in regard in the former Regiments I have endea­voured to give the Souldier satisfaction therein. Therefore next to those in this grand Division follows to be spoken is the fifth Captain, who is the next man of honour, and therefore hath his due place appointed out to him to lead the first division of Pikes, where the Majors and his own Colours flie, which is more honour to him to lead there the Van of the Pikes, then the Reer-guard of Muskettiers. Next to him is the sixth Captain, which next the Pikes hath his due place of ho­nour remaining to him to lead the Reer-guard. Having thus resolved the Cap­tains places, I shall in the next endeavour to shew the Lieutenants, where first it falls to the Lieut. Colonels Lieutenant to be placed first, who is ordered to bring up the Reer, to be an assistant unto his Lieut. Colonel, who is a Field-Officer, and may have many occasions to fall off, and therefore he requires his Lieutenant to be present with his men there, as the Colonels doth his in the Front. And as much may be said of the Majors Lieutenant, but passing him by, I come next to the second Captains Lieutenant, who is appointed to bring up the Reer of the second Body of Pikes, which is the greatest place of honour that is in the Reer next to the Lieu. Colonels Lieutenant. After him follows the fifth Captains Lieutenant, who is placed to bring up the Reer of the Van-guard of this division, which is more honor then to bring up the Van of the Pikes, whose turn being the last place of honor, fals to him that is the youngest Lieutenant, which is the sixth Captains Lieutenant.:

And thus as briefly as I could I have run over all the reasons for the placing of the Officers in the Regiment drawn up after this manner, that I might not be wanting unto the desire of any such who are willing to be informed therein, be­ing always ready to employ my self in as plain a way as I can for the benefit of all true loving Souldiers, who are concerned herein. And therefore, for their better satisfaction, let them cast their eye upon the Figure, as it is demonstrated between Folio 161 and 162, where they shall see every man placed according to my former Discourse.

CHAP. XVII. The manner both of the drawing up, and the order of the Long-march of Colonel Rains­borough his Regiment, bringing up the Reer of the Foot of the Army under the Com­mand of the Lord General Fairfax, at their first marching through the City of Lon­don, on the seventh of August, 1647.

THe first order of drawing up the Regiment at their first place of Rande­vous, before they marched or joyn'd with the Army, was thus: The Colonels Company being upon the out-most part of the right of the Regiment; next to his left by succession was drawn up the second, sixth, fifth, and first Captain, which make up his Division, or the right Half-ranks in their first drawing up to be com­pleat, and may in their Figure of Dignity standing in a rank be demonstrated as followeth, 4:8:9:5:1: This number of Worth being cast up, amounteth to 27. And thus much for the Colonels Division.

Now for the left Half-ranks, or Lieutenant-Colonels Division, (as many times it is so ordred and appointed) his own Company being drawn up upon the out­most part on the left of the Regiment; and next to his right after each other is drawn up the third, seventh, fourth, and Majors Company; whose Figure of Dignity standing Rank-wise, may be thus described, 2:6:10:7:3: and their number of Dignity in all amounteth to 28. Where you may perceive a rule that the Discretion of the Major walketh by, in the drawing up of the Regiment, to ballance with as neer proportion as he can the Number, Worth, and Dignity of his right Half-ranks, or right Flank, sutable with that of the left. For it would be unreasonable that all the best men should be on the right, and that the left of the Regiment who are to oppose the Enemies right should have the weakest or meanest men of Worth: therefore without all question, that Body of men that shall be drawn up so as to make all parts of equal Worth, and Strength, as the right Flank with the left, the Front with the Reer, so that where-ever the Ene­my shall fall on to charge any one of these parts, being all made equal in Strength, and Worth, it must needs prevent all murmuring complaints, and carry best approbation to all knowing Commanders. And thus much briefly may be spoken in the commendation of the ordring of his Regiment thus far.

The Captains now standing by their own Colours, on the head of the Pikes, and their Companies being drawn up all, and standing in an even Front, the Ma­jor next commands the Muskettiers to stand, the Pikes and Colours to troop forth some ten or twelve paces cleer of the Muskettiers, and then they likewise to stand, and after to close their Files to the midst to order.

Next he commands the Muskettiers in their Files to close outward to order, commanding them afterward to move up, and flank the Pikes, after which he orders the Body into thirteen remarkable Divisions, four Divisions of Muskettiers upon each side of the Pikes, and the Pikes into five divisions, having their Colours fly by two and two, and to be led by the Ensign-bearers that do belong to each of them, excepting the first and middle divisions, for they have Leaders in chief, as the first and fifth Captain, and the third Captain, to bring up the Reer of the whole Body of Pikes. For more fuller illustration of the leading and bringing up of each division in the Regiment upon their Long-march, observe these follow­ing directions.

1 The Regiment being upon their march, the first division upon the right is led by the Colonel, his Captain-Lieutenant marching in the Reer of him several paces, and that particular division is brought up by the Captains-Lieutenants Bringer-up.

2 The second division of Muskettiers is led by the second Captain-Lieutenant, and brought up by the first, or eldest Captains-Lieutenant.

3 The third division of Muskettiers is led by the sixth Captain, and brought up by his own Lieutenant.

4 The fourth division of Muskettiers is led by the fifth Captains Lieutenant, and brought up by the fourth Captain.

5 The first division of Pikes is led by the eldest Captain, having the Colonels, and second Captains Colours flying in the head of them.



This Regiment being thus drawn up, they stand in the length of their Front or Battalia, 150 abrest, and six in their depth, having two thirds of Muskettiers, and one of Pikes, their number amounting in all to 900 men; each particular Company consisting of fifteen Files, and containing in each of them 90 men a piece; but the Field-Officers Companies are many times larger.

[Page 165]6 The second division of Pikes is led by the fifth and sixth Captains Ensigns, having their own Colours flying upon the head of the same.

7 The third Division of Pikes is led by the fifth Captain, having the Majors and eldest Captains Colours flying upon the head of the same.

8 The fourth division of Pikes is led by the fourth and seventh Captains En­signs, having their own Colours flying upon the head of the same.

9 The fifth and last Division of Pikes is led by the Lieutenant-Colonels, and third Captains Ensigns, having likewise their own Colours flying upon the head of the same; and the Reer of the Pikes is brought up by the third Captain.

10 The first division of Muskettiers on the left Flank is led by the second Cap­tain, and brought up by the fourth Captains Lieutenant.

11 The second upon the left is led by the third Captains Lieutenant, and brought up by the Majors Lieutenant.

12 The third division is led by the seventh Captain, and brought up by his own Lieutenant.

13 The fourth or last division of Muskettiers is led by the Lieutenant-Colo­nels Lieutenant, and the Reer of the Regiment is brought up by the Lieutenant-Colonel.

Notwithstanding I have thus laid down the manner of the Divisions, with the placing of the Officers, there are also from all these divisions both of the Pikes and Muskettiers, sub-divisions drawn off upon the Long-march betwixt every fifth or sixth File, as they can equally divide them with even proportions to march. And for the leading of such divisions, there are Serjeants cast in that pro­perly belong unto them which do lead and bring them up; so that upon this ac­compt they make in their Long-regimental-march some thirty divisions, by rea­son, as I conceive, upon any Alt, or convenient place of drawing them all up e­ven abrest, the Serjeants as well as the superiour-Officers may be helpful to bring up the File-leaders again as at the first into their proper places. And thus far I have endeavoured for the satisfaction of all ingenious Souldiers to set forth the manner of Colonel Rainsboroughs Regiment of their drawing up, disposing of Co­lours, and placing of Officers, as was the Observation of my ever-honor'd Friend, and most exquisite knowing Souldier Thomas Walker, one of the Captains of the same Regiment, and a true lover of the Military-art, who frienly communicated to me the practise of their Regiment. Which although it differs from the draw­ing up of all others in our Army (as I am inform'd, they varying in one kinde or other by their several ways) I question not, but this may be as good as any of the rest, which I leave to the judgment of the curious searchers into this Art, whilst I proceed to shew the Figures following.

CHAP. XVIII. A third way of drawing up a Regiment of Ten Companies, after the manner used amongst the Swedes.

THe Companies meeting altogether, whether it be in the Alarum place, other­wise at their general Randezvous, where they have ground and room suffi­cient enough for their drawing up: The Major appointing forth unto the Lieu­tenant-Colonels Company a place most convenient to stand, he draws all the rest of the Companies upon the left of him after this manner. The seventh and the second Captain, then the Colonel, after him the sixth, fourth, and first Captain, then the Major, after him the fifth and third Captain, who closes up the left of the whole Regiment; the figures of their Dignity standing after this manner.

6:8:3:4:7: 9:1:5:10:2
28 27

Here you may perceive they follow a rule to Ballance their number of Digni­ty as neer as they can, carrying their odd number on the left Half-rank, and not upon the right; for these reasons, as, I conceive, following. Their Regiments being so full of men, they draw them up for the most part into three Squadrons, [Page 166] or grand divisions, giving unto the Lieutenant-Colonel the right Wing; the Major, the left; and the Colonel, the Main-battail. The Colonels grand Divi­sion consists of the four middle Companies, where you are to take notice, being drawn off some ten paces cleer from the rest they stand after this manner by way of Figure, 4:7:9:1. The Lieutenant-Colonels Division after this manner, 5:10:2. and the Majors after this kinde, 6:8:3. Wherein I do observe in each grand Division this Rule, that by succession and degrees they put the best Souldiers upon the right, and the second according to course upon the left, and the rest between them. As first, the Colonel being the chiefest man of honour, is placed upon the right of his Squadron; next to his left is the sixth and fourth Captain, and the closing up of his grand Division is placed the first or eldest Captain. The Lieutenant-Colonel being the second man of honour, is likewise placed upon the right of his Squadron; and next to his left, the seventh Captain, his grand Division being closed up by the second Captain. In the next place, the Major, he being the third man of honour, is placed upon the right of his Squadron; and upon hisleft, the fifth Captain; and his grand Divi­sion is closed up upon the left by the third Captain. So that you may observe in the closing up of every Division, that as every Field-Officer is upon the right of their Squadrons, so they take by degrees upon the outmost of their left to close their Divisions, the Captains according to their degrees by succession. As first, and more cleerly, the Colonel takes the eldest Captain to him on his left, who will aptly fall in to lead his Body of Pikes and Colours; the Lieutenant-Colonel takes the second Captain for to lead his Stand of Pikes and Colours; the third Captain being placed upon the left of the outmost part of the Majors Squadron, to lead likewise his Colours and Body of Pikes. And further, if you observe the number of worth and dignity, that the right Wing hath with the left, you will finde them to be equally ballanced, and to be seventeen alike in number. Now in respect there cannot be an equal Division of the Colours by threes, there is very good reason that the odd should be placed in the Colonels Squadron, who is Commander in chief, and to whom it properly belongs unto.

In the next place, I shall shew you how to draw them forth in a Regimental-way; the four middle Companies being advanced forward ten paces cleer form the three outmost Companies, may stand; then draw forth the Pikes of each Squa­dron, until they be ten foot cleer of their Muskettiers; then close Pikes into the midst to Order in their Files in each Division, and they will be in three Bodies; after close the Muskettiers into the midst to Order, then sub-divide them in as equal a way as you can; and let them move up upon the right and left, and flank each Body of Pikes. Then let the Major examine the Files in the Colonels Di­vision, how many they exceed in number the other two, and he will finde twelve Files of Muskettiers, and six Files of Pikes, more then in the rest. Now to make them equal alike in each Squadron, let him take off from each particular Com­pany of the Colonels Squadron, one File of Pikes, and place two of those four in the midst of the Lieutenant-Colonels Squadron, and the remaining two in the midst of his own Squadron; which being done, each body of Pikes will have in it 22 Files. After let him take off from each Company two Files of Muskettiers, which will be eight Files, & let him place two Files in the midst of each Flank of Muskettiers, both in the Divisions of the Lieutenant-Colonels and his own; and then there will be in each particular Division of Muskettiers 21 Files. This be­ing likewise a very good way to draw up a Regiment of so great a number of men, I was unwilling to pass it by, but to present it unto the view of all loving Souldiers, which will more fuller appear in the Figure following (Folio 167) in which Figure I shall shew the several places of the Captains, and their Lieu­tenants, where they are to lead, and where to bring up.

But before the former Figure be drawn up, it will be convenient for the Major to take off from every Company four Files of Muskettiers, (excepting the Co­lonels) and move them down by 12 Files a piece, some ten foot cleer of the Reer of Pikes of each Division; then close them in their Files inward to Order, and [Page 167]


[Page 168] face them after to the Front, and they will stand there ready upon all occasions to be Reserves unto the Wings, or any other part of the Body, or to be Conveys to fetch in Victual, Ammunition, or any thing else that shall be wanting unto the Regiment. I shall not need to draw any other Figure of Battail from this, they standing in a very good form to fire upon, opening every five Files cleer from each other six foot, that the Muskettiers may have room enough to fall off, and to move down in the Reer of themselves, after such time their Ranks have fired. Neither shall I need to give any further reasons for the placing of the Of­ficers, in respect it lyes cleer and easie to the view of every ingenious Souldier to apprehend. As for matter of marching, if they have ground sufficient, it will be very graceful to them for to preserve this Figure; but if they have not room, but must be constrain'd to draw off, and march in particular Divisions, it will be convenient to keep this decorum, if the Colonel thinks fit to change places eve­ry day, after this manner: He that leads the Van-guard one day, falls off the next, and brings up the Reer-ward; and he that before led the Main-battail, comes to lead the Van; and he that led the Reerward, comes to be in the place of the Main-battail. And thus they change, and take their turns by course to lead the Van, the Battail, and the Reer-ward. They ought likewise in their March to have thirty foot of ground distance betwixt each grand Division; and when they have ground sufficient, they may draw up again into their first Figure. Now in respect I purpose to go on upon the next drawing up of a Regiment of twelve Companies, I shall break off to discourse any more of this. For the re­ducing of them again into Companies, it will be easie, let the Serjeant of each particular Company fetch off those men of theirs which were drawn off for Re­serves, and to make the Squadrons even in number, bring them to joyn with their own men; then let every Captain take off his Pikes and Muskettiers, and com­pleat them up into one Body, they will be ready to receive Orders, and be in a condition for marching away, either to their Quarters, or other Duties, which they shall be appointed unto by their Major.

CHAP. IX. The way of drawing up a Regiment consisting of twelve Companies, the nine Captains having eighteen Files in each Company, and the three Field-Officers every one of them twenty four Files; whereof, there are two thirds of Muskettiers, and one of Pikes, in each particular Company, amounting in all to 1404 men.

THe Major having convenient place, he first orders where the Colonels Com­pany is to stand, and after draws all the rest of the Companies upon the left of him, after this manner: The ninth, the fourth, the third, the sixth, and the first Captains; then the Major, next the seventh, the fifth, the second, and the eighth Captains, and the outmost of all upon the left, the Lieutenant-Colo­nels Company, in manner of the dignity of a Rank, as they thus stand.

2:11:5:8:10:3: 4:9:6:7:12:1.
39. 39.

The dignity of places cannot be better stated, then in this of twelve Compa­nies; as first, the Right-half-ranks is equal with the left in number of dignity. Again, divide them into three parts, and their number of dignity falls out to carry along with it an equal number of twenty six all even alike. Consider likewise, the stating of every Captain in the Regiment, and they are qualified e­qual throughout, the best and the youngest Souldiers joyned together, as by ex­amining them how they stand by two's, their number of worth and dignity throughout carries thirteen all equal alike. In the next place, draw forth all the Pikes, and ingross them into two Bodies; then divide the Muskettiers into [Page 169] four parts, and move them up, and Flank those Stands of Pikes, and they will be in two grand Divisions; then, place the Officers after this manner; beginning first with the Colonels division, make two Divisions of Muskettiers in his Van, let the first be led by the Captain Lieutenant, and be brought up by his Bringer-up; let the next Division of Muskettiers be led by the fourth Captains Lieute­nant, and brought up by the third Captains Lieutenant; let the Pikes be divided into three Divisions, the Colours flying two and two upon the head of them▪ let the first Division be led by the eldest Captain, and brought up by the ninth Cap­tains Lieutenant; let the next Division be led by the sixth Captain, and brought up by his own Lieutenant; let the last Division be led by the fourth Captain, and the whole Body of Pikes be brought up by the ninth Captain. Then let the Reer-guard of the Colonels Division be led by such observations as is set forth in other Regiments, by the third Captain, and brought up by the first Cap­tains Lieutenant.

Having placed the Officers in the first grand Division, he may proceed unto the next; let the first Division of Muskettiers be led by the Majors-Lieutenant, and brought up by the fifth Captains Lieutenant. Let the Pikes be divided into three parts, the Colours likewise flying, two and two upon the head of them; then let the first Division be led by the fifth Captain, and brought up by the eighth Captains Lieutenant; next let the second Division be led by the eighth Captain, and brought up by the seventh Captains Lieutenant. Lastly, let the third Division be led by the second Captain, and brought up by his own Lieute­nant; let the last Division of Muskettiers be led by the seventh Captain, and brought up by the Lieutenant-Colonels Lieutenant: The Colonel is to be on the head of his Division, and the Lieutenant-Colonel upon the head of his, and the Major between them both in the Front. The Officers before they are thus placed, are to have their grand Divisions of both Arms equally ballanced for number of worth, observing still the former Rules in the execution of the same. It might be here expected I should shew reasons for the thus placing of the Of­ficers, after this manner: but to satisfie such, if they please but to observe and take notice of the reasons given in the former Regiments, which will give satis­faction unto this, carrying with it the same order and way. And likewise it might be expected, that I should here set forth a Figure for the thus drawing them up as before exprest, and placing of the several Officers. But since this Re­giment falls out to be so full in number, I shall set it forth after the manner of drawing up a Brigade, according to the Swedish practise.

CHAP. XX. The manner of drawing up a Regiment according to the Swedish Brigade.

AFter that the Major hath plac'd the Lieutenant-Colonels Company in such a convenient place, that he may draw all the rest up on the left of him, he thus proceeds in bringing up the Companies; he first places to him the eighth Captain, then the fifth, after that the second, then the Colonels Company, next to him the ninth Captain, then the sixth Captain, and first Captain; after the Majors, then the seventh Captain, after the fourth Captain; then upon the out­most part of the lest, is placed the third Captain, in manner and form as they thus stand.

6:7:10:3:4:9· 12:1:5:8:11:2.
39 39

Having thus far proceeded, he may command the four outmost Companies upon each Flank, to advance forward some ten paces cleer from the four middle Companies; then let them stand, and after let him draw forward the Pikes cleer from the Muskettiers, and close their Files outward to Order; then let the [Page 170] Muskettiers be divided into four parts, their Files being closed to Order, let them move forward, and flank those two Bodies of Pikes. After in the same manner move forward the Pikes in the four middle Companies, until they be cleer of the Muskettiers, and close their Files into the midst to Order, and di­vide their Muskettiers into two parts, and let them move forward, and flank the Body of Pikes; and then they will stand in their Squadrons or grand Divisions, their dignities standing after this manner in the Colonels division, thus, 4:9:12:1. In the Lieutenant-Colonels division, thus, 5:8:11:2. and in the the Majors, thus, 6:7:10:3. So that you may perceive this to be a very good way amongst the rest, each particular Squadron bearing the number of 26, and having unto every one of them their Dignities and worths equally divided, and stated alike. In the next place, the Major ought to inquire of the number of men they carry in each division of both Arms; where as first, he shall finde in the Colonels Squadron, to have in it 26 Files of Pikes, and 52 Files of Musket­tiers; and examining all the rest, they will fall out to the same proportion of number. So that in each Division there contains, whether they be Pikes, or Mus­kettiers, to have in every particular thereof 78 Files. In the next place, he shall do well to appoint forth unto them their several places to lead and bring up; and first, of the Colonels grand Division, he being on the head thereof, the Cap­tain-Lieutenant leading the first division of Muskettiers in his Squadron, being brought up by his Bringer-up; the first two Colours, and his half Body of Pikes to be led by the eldest Captain, and brought up by the ninth Captains Lieute­nant; the next two Colours, and half Body of Pikes to be led by the ninth Cap­tain, and brought up by the eldest Captains Lieutenant; the last division of Mus­kettiers in his Squadron, to be led by the sixth Captain, and brought up by his own Lieutenant. The first division of Muskettiers in the Lieutenant-colonels Squadron, is led by his own Lieutenant, and brought up by the eighth Captains Lieutenant; his first two Colours, and half Body of Pikes is led by the seventh Captain; and the next two Colours, and half Body of Pikes, is led by the eigthth Captain, and brought up by the second Captains Lieutenant; his last division of Muskettiers is led by the fifth Captain, and brought up by his own Lieutenant; himself standing as the Colonel doth upon the head of his Squadron. The first division of Muskettiers in the Majors Squadron (himself being upon the head) is led by his own Lieutenant, and brought up by the seventh Captains Lieute­nant; his first two Colours, and half Body of Pikes is led by the third Captain; and the next two Colours, and half Body of Pikes, is led by the seventh Cap­tain, and brought up by the third Captains Lieutenant; his last division of Mus­kettiers is led by the fourth Captain, and brought up by his Lieutenant; as in the next place, in the Figure set forth in Folio 170, more fully appeareth.

They standing according to the former directions in three Bodies of Pikes flanked with the Muskettiers, before they come to the Figure set forth, you must command in each grand division the six inmost Files of Muskettiers next the Pikes to face about, and to march six paces cleer of the Reer, and then close inward to Order. Afterward open every four Files outward to open Order, of those 12 Files, and let the middle-division there face about, and move down six foot cleer of the Reer; and after face to their Leader. Then there will remain 20 Files of Muskettiers upon the Flanks of each Body of Pikes; after move for­ward the eight middle Files of particular division of Muskettiers, some ten foot before the Front. Then command the left-half-ranks, or the four Files of Muskettiers upon the left of those divisions drawn forth, to face about, and to move down ten foot cleer of the Reer, and after face to the Front. Then let the 12 remaining Files of Muskettiers close to the Pikes to open Order; and let every four Files of those remaining 12 upon the Flanks, open outward six foot of ground betwixt each four Files, and move the Front and Reer-divisions of Muskettiers just against the midst of those three divisions of Muskettiers that are the Flankers to the Pikes, and they will stand in the Figure as it is placed in Folio 170.



[Page 171]They standing now in a perfect Order of a Brigade, the number of men in this Regiment allowing it in a full manner, according to the small Brigades of the Swedes; I shall not need to point out of what service this Figure, or drawing up may be, in respect there is no ingenious Souldier, but may cleerly perceive they stand in a very good Order to fight against an Enemy; their Commanders being appointed forth to manage it accordingly. Therefore I shall leave it to the pra­ctise of such who in time of need shall have occasion to make use of it; and in the next place shew the manner of reducing them again into Companies.

First move forward those 12 Files of Muskettiers in the Reer of each body of Pikes, six to the right, and six to the left, next to the outside of their own body of Pikes: After command the Reer-divisions of Muskettiers to advance forward upon the left of those Divisions of Muskettiers in the Front; then face them a­bout, and move them down into the midst of those Muskettiers that were the Flankers. After let every Captain draw off his Pikes and Muskettiers, and in­gross them into particular Companies, and they will then be ready to march a­way to their several Quarters. And here I shall conclude concerning a Regiment of twelve Companies.

CHAP. XXI. The manner of drawing up a Brigade or Tertia, being a third part of an Army, accord­ing to the practise of the Netherlands, under the command of the Prince of Orange.

BEfore I shall begin to draw up this Tertia, Army, or Brigade; I shall set down the observation of Col. Hen. Hexam, in his Book treating of the Office of the three Serjeant-Majors of the Tertia, otherwise called the three Field-Corpo­rals. His words are these:

The States Army by order of his Highness, is divided upon a March into three Bri­gades or Tertia's; and a Serjeant-Major of a Tertia, being one of the great Captains of the Field, receives his Order immediate from the Lord-General, or the Lord Martial, but most commonly of the Serjeant-Major-General of the Army, how he shall form and order his Brigade or Tertia; and how many Regiments of Horse and Foot are to march under it, and with what Ordnance and Baggage. He assigns and shews him the place where they are to draw out into Battalia, and receives Orders from the Serjeant-Major-Ge­neral, whether they are to march in the Van-guard, the Battail, or the Reer: So that in marching in every one of these, he shall attend upon his Brigade and several Divisions; and in the absence of the Serjeant-Major-General, see that the order of marching and embattailing be duly kept and observed. And every one of these three Serjeants-Majors of Brigades, are to be at the command of the Colonel, General, or be that leads or com­mands that Brigade or Tertia; and is to be sent to the Lord-General, Lord-Martial, or Serjeant-Major-General upon any occasion belonging to the service.

These three Majors of the Tertia's are to be lodged as neer the Serjeant-Major-Ge­neral, as conveniently may be; and those three which attend upon the Van-guard, the Bat­tail or Reer, which the Serjeant-Major shall make choice of ground for the placing of Guards, and assign them to the Serjeant-Majors of every Regiment. They are to go the Round, and to visit the Guard commonly every night, and at such an hour as the Ser­jeant-Major shall appoint them either by day or night.

If any of these three Serjeant-Majors of the Field shall finde any want of Powder, Ammunition or Victuals, either in the Van-guard, Battail or Reer, as well upon the march, as when the Troops are quartered, or during fight, he is presently to advertise the Serjeant-Major-General of the Field with the said wants. And then by his dire­ction shall go with an Officer of every Regiment of that Tertia, to the General, or Lieu­tenant of the Ordnance, or to the Commissary General of the Ammunition, or Victuals.

A Serjeant-Major of a Tertia, to conclude, having received his Orders from the Lord-General, the Martial, or Serjeant-Major-general, gives them to the Serjeant-Ma­jors of every particular Regiment. But because the Word and Orders are to be sent to Quarters far distant one from another, the Serjeant-Major of every Regiment can­not [Page 172] come conveniently to the Serjeant-Major-General. Therefore the Majors of every Brigade are to attend every morning and evening upon the Serjeant-Major-General, to receive their Orders, and to carry the Word to the several Quarters, whither the Ser­jeant-Majors of Regiments comes to him, and from him receives the Word and Orders.

The drawing up of Brigades in the next place comes to be handled after the way of the Hollanders; therefore, first take notice, that Brigades are not tyed to a set number of Companies or Regiments, but are ordered according to the se­veral strengths of an Army. As sometimes they consist of 12 Companies, some of two Regiments, others of three, or four, having in them not alike number of Companies or men, which ought accordingly unto the several Divisions of a Brigade to be ballanced alike, both in number of men, dignity, and worth, as is in particular Regiments fully set forth. And in respect that several Divisions make a Brigade, and that according to the disposition of an Army, all the Of­ficers and Souldiers are divided into three parts, called Brigades or Tertia's, each of them having a several name; to wit, the Van-guard, Battail and Reer-guard. Now that Tertia which is to march first, is called the Van-guard; that which marcheth next in the middle, the Battail; and that which comes up last, the Reer. Every one of these upon march, as was formerly expressed in the Swedish Brigade, take their turns interchangeably; for the second day of the March, the Battail becomes the Van-guard; and the Reer, the second day the Battail; and the third day, the Tertia, that had first the Reer, is become the Van-guard. So likewise, there ought to be in every particular Brigade or Tertia, a Van-guard, Battail and Reer-guard, to each of them; which with more conveniencie may be orderly brought to fight by him that shall be Commander in chief, for the relieving each other, according as occasion shall require.

In the next place, for a Brigade, I shall point forth four Regiments, having in them eight Companies a piece, after the manner of a Regiment of eight former­ly set down, which amounts to 3888 men, which number may serve for a third part of an Army of foot, and make up a very compleat and sufficient Brigade. And I shall order in this Brigade to have in it four Divisions; that is to say, a Van-guard, Battail and Reer-guard, represented in the three first Regiments; but the fourth shall be a reserve, standing in the Reer of the Main-battail or Bri­gade, whereby upon all occasions of the other retreating, or being driven back­ward, that Regiment may move up to relieve each part thereof that shall be distressed. But upon the Long-march of this Brigade, the two middle Regiments according to their order of dignity, are to make the Battail, which in the Figure were made the Van-guard, and Reer-guard; and that which formerly was the Van-guard, is become the Battail; and the Reer-guard, the Reserve; but where they have ground sufficient, it will be better to march in that form of Battalia, set down according to the Figure, Folio 176.

This Brigade consisting of four Regiments, must be drawn up according to the dignity of their Captains; but with this alteration of Arms, for the for­mer Regiments consisting of two Divisions, this hath but one, after this manner:

First, when the Captains Companies are all drawn up into an even brest in their true dignity; then let the Pikes be all drawn forth, and ingrossed into one Body; after let the Muskettiers be closed in their Files into the midst into another Body; after let those Muskettiers, as near as is possible be divided into two parts, (if there should be an odd File, let it be carried to the right) and let them move up and flank the Pikes, which will make up one compleat Battalia, or grand Di­vision. Now let the Officers be placed according to the manner in the next place, as in every Regiment shall be set forth, which may be a satisfaction unto the Souldiers, to know a third way of drawing up, and placing the Officers of a Regi­ment consisting of eight Companies. Four Regiments thus drawn up makes a compleat Brigade, to be ordered according to Dignity in their Regiments after this manner. The chiefest Commanders Regiment, or eldest Colonels, is to be on [Page] [Page]


5 [Page] [Page 173] the right of the Brigade; the next man of Honour to be on the left; the third to be on the right of the second; and the fourth on the left of the first, after the manner of these Figures, 2. 3. | 4. 1. wherein it clearly appears that their num­ber of Worth is equally divided. In the next place, as concerning Command, and ordering of such great Bodies into Brigades, the shortest and soonest way is the best; wherefore command the outmost Regiment upon the right, or the Van-guard to advance forward 18 foot before the Front, then face to the left, and move until they stand straight against the midst of the two middle Divisions, or Main-battail that was; then face to the Front; then let the outmost Regiment upon the left face about, and move down 24 foot clear of the Reer; then face to the left, until they stand straight in the Reer of the middle Regiments or Van-guard, then face to the Front; next let the two middle Regiments move forth to the right and left, until they stand clear for the Reer-guard, or Reserve to come up and relieve each part, as occasion shall require; they being all faced to the Front, will stand in a compleat Brigade, as formerly was expressed. The for­mer Brigade being imbattelled into so many Divisions, and joyn'd so near on the other, can best second and relieve each other, better then your great Battalia's, which unwildy Bodies being once broken, and routed, can hardly be rallied again, neither can they bring so many men to fight in that good order, as the lesser Bodies will do. As for example, three of these Brigades, or Tertia's, make a com­pleat Army of foot, the Battail; one of the Tertia's of the Army being placed in the midst, that of the Van-guard may be drawn upon the right, and the Reer on the left Flank of the Battail. The first Divisions that are to fight, are those that stand in an even line of the first range, and are so ordered, that if they should be overcharged, and forced to give ground, then the second range may move up, and relieve the first, and may give the second charge against an Enemy, whilest the first move down into the midst and ra [...]ly again, or may move and enterchange ground with those that are the Reserve. The second range having fired, may be relieved by the third, who may move up into the ground of the first Divisions, and there may take their turns to give a third charge, whilest the second Divisions rally up again. And thus they may maintain their fighting in this order, so long as there shall be just occasion; provided the Muskettiers make six foot ground interval be­twixt every five or six Files for their Ranks to wheel off either to the right or left, and to rally themselves in good order in the Reer of their own Divisions. There is likewise another way to make a Brigade, by ingrossing all the Pikes of every Re­giment into one Body, flanking them with Muskettiers; or by making them into two or three stands of Pikes, and flanking each body of Pikes with Muskettiers. But, I conceive the former way to be one of the best, and chiefest amongst them all; and therefore I shall spare the pains to make any other Figure, having placed every Officer where he is to lead, and where to bring up. And upon the Long-march this rule must be observed in every Regiment; where they cannot march all abrest, they must make in every Regiment seven Divisions, three of Pikes, the first three Colours to flie upon the head of the first Division; the next two Colours to flie upon the head of the second; and the three last upon the head of the third Division; and they must likewise make two Divisions of Muskettiers in the Van of their Regiments, and two Divisions in the Reer; the Officers are accordingly placed down upon these sub-divisions, where to take their places both to lead and to bring up. The Regiments are to march after this manner; first, his Regiment in the Van who is Commander in chief; next to him the fourth man of Honour; after him the third; these two making the Battail: and let the Reer be brought up by the second Colonel, or second man of Honour, his Regiment likewise marching there. And here I shall conclude concerning a Brigade.

CHAP. XXII. How to draw up an Army of twelve Regiments of Foot, and three of Horse, the Foot amounting unto 11664 men, and the Horse unto 3000; in all 14664 men.

THe drawing up or an Army most properly belongs to the Serjeant-Major-General, whose place and charge is of an high degree, his commands being [Page 174] full of action, and therefore ought to be a wise, grave, and able person, and an experienced Souldier, in respect he hath the ordering and disposing of the Divi­sions and Battalions, according to that form which the General shall command him. And upon all occasions he must be active, and stirring up and down to spie out all advantages which might offend an Enemy; and wisely to foresee all dis­advantages that may bring the Troops into any disorder or confusion. He hath absolute command over the three Serjeant-Majors of the Brigades, otherwise called the three Grand Corporals of the Field, who are to be his assistants, and his mouth, as he is the mouth of the Lord General, or Martial of the Field; and therefore must have a vigilant eye over all things, seeing that the Generals com­mand delivered to him be strictly kept and observed; and withall acquainting and informing the three Serjeant-Majors of the Brigades of the Generals pleasure, that they may forthwith put the same into execution.

Now the Method (that I shall observe) shall be according to the form of the for­mer Brigade; wherefore in the first place, the Serjeant-Major shall do well to appoint out unto the eldest Serjeant-Major of the Brigades, how to draw up that Brigade which shall be the Battail, wherein the Lord Generals Regiment, and the Colonels is to be upon the right and left of that Brigade, and betwixt them the eldest Colonel, and ninth Colonel, according to this rule of Dignity in the Figure set forth, 4:9:12:1. In the next place, let the next Serjeant-Major of the Brigades in seniority draw up that which shall be the Van-guard, and place the second Colonels Regiment upon the right, and the fifth upon the left, and be­tween them the eleventh and eighth Colonels, after this manner of this Figure, 5:8:11:2. Let the last Serjeant-Major draw up that Brigade which shall be in the Reer, and let him draw them up after this manner; the third Colonels Re­giment upon the right; and upon the left the sixth Colonels; and between them the tenth and seventh Colonels Regiment after this manner, 6:7:10:3: This charge being given by the Serjeant-Major-General unto the three Serjeant-Majors of the three Tertias or Brigades, how each particular Regiment shall be drawn up, being every one single, and compared alike each to other, being right­ly stated according to the rule of Dignity, avoiding thereby confusion and dis­order. In the next place, for the better expedition in drawing up the Army, every Serjeant-Major of each Brigade draws the former Regiments assigned unto them, unto such place as shall be appointed forth unto them by the Serjeant-Major-General, being helped and assisted by the Field-Officers of the same Regiments, the Serjeant-Major-General being an assistant unto them all, seeing thereby all the Commands of the General rightly observed and fulfilled.

Having drawn up the twelve Regiments according to the former directions, let the Serjeant-Majors of the Brigades order them to stand all even abrest according to the form and Figure of that single Brigade formerly set down. Wherein to every Brigade there will be a Van-guard, Battail, and Reer-guard, and Reserves to them all three. Next, inquiry must be made of the several strengths of the Brigades, some of them perhaps having ma­ny more Files then the other; for remedy whereof, there must be Files drawn forth (provided there be conveniency of time) from each particular Company and Brigade, and added unto those which shall be weaker, to make their strengths equal alike. Next it lies in the brest of the Lord General, to appoint unto every one of these Brigades Commanders in chief, there being in every one of them Officers above the three Field-Corporals, or Serjeant-Majors of Brigades. Wherefore, it is conceived, that he will appoint the most Honourable men to be Commanders thereof; as first, himself of that Brigade which is the Battail in time of fight; the Van-guard to the Martial-General; and the Reer-guard either to the Major-General or Commissary-General. But whosoever the Lord-General shall appoint to be Commanders in Chief, to them the Serjeant-Majors of every particular Brigade are to be sub-servants, assisting them in all their Commands. These several Orders and Directions being [Page] [Page]


Let these three Sheets be pasted together at length, one after another, so that they may appear as one single Leafe, and let them be placed between Page▪ 174 and 175.


[Page 175] thus equally divided amongst the Commanders of every Brigade, an Army may quickly be brought into any form of Battail to fight against an Enemy, accord­ing to the ground and scituation of the place, which may afford the best advan­tages for the same.

After this, the General of the Ordnance, his duty and care must be in the day of Battail, to see that the Ordnance be well placed; for at such time his wisdom is most discern'd, keeping (with the assistance of his Lieutenant) the Train of Ar­tillery together in good order. He must have a vigilant eye upon all accidents that may fall but, and make choise of such ground for their planting, as the General of the Army and he shall think most fit and convenient. He must be careful that all things be in a readiness, putting the Master, Gunners, Gentle­men of the Ordnance, and Commanders in minde of their duty, that they do their best endeavours, and acquit themselves like men. It is likewise partly his charge to see that the whole Army be well provided with Ammunition, because the Ammunition marcheth under his Train. He must also be neer the General of the Army upon all occasions, to receive his Directions and Commands, and to know from him after what manner he will make his Battail, that he may plant his Ordnance accordingly, finding out Hills and Heights to play over his own men. And when the Enemy shall present himself, and come up to charge, he must draw, and plant his Ordnance as neer their Horse as possible may be, to hinder them from breaking in upon the Divisions of Foot, taking along with him Saylours, and Pioneers, to help to draw up the Ordnance, and sufficient Guards to defend them.

As concerning the planting of the Ordnance, when the Battalia is drawn up, they may be disposed of several ways; as sometimes they are placed upon the head of the Battalia; others again between them, by two and two; and others threes, upon the Flanks and Wings of the Muskettiers. Some are of opinion, that they ought to be planted upon the Flank, and in the Reer of the Battalia, by leaving a free place for Arms which may give no offence to their own men. But as concerning this last way, it might be answered, it can no way be expedi­ent; for if an Enemy should perceive that the Frout is left bare without Ord­nance, it will give them cause to come up with more courage to fall on upon the Charge. Therefore, the best way amongst the ancient experienc'd Souldiers, is, that the Artillery be divided, some here, some there, both before the Front, be­tween the Battalions, and upon the Flanks, and to be placed some 50 or an 100 paces one from another; and then there will be no danger when the Enemy shall come up to shock to encounter you, or to offend our own men: Especially, when they are fastned to them by drawing Ropes and Iron Rings, that upon an instant they may be removed, and turn'd for the advantage of our own Troops, giving fire as fast as they can charge and discharge against the Enemies Troops, it being a matter of great moment for the obtaining of a Victory, and gaining the day from the Enemy.

But that many times the Ordnance cannot be planted in such convenient places as could be wished for, in respect an Army may be driven into such places, as the Ordnance must be planted according to the best ground it will afford, by reason of Woods, Hills, or Marish-grounds; and such like disadvantageous places, may be oftentimes met withal; for which no certain Rule may be given, but that the General by his wisdom and discretion may make choice of the best advantages, which might annoy an Enemy most, and give the least offence to his own men, either by dazling them by the Sun, or by raising of the dust, obser­ving the winde which drives the Smoak both of the Ordnance and Small-shot full upon them. To conclude, it is conceived the best way for every Captain of the Ordnance, and Master-Gunner, to use some light Field-peeces and small Drakes, which upon any occasion may be removed from one place to another, being with ease planted upon such places of advantage, as may most annoy the Enemy.

In the next place, 3000 Horse may be a good proportion for 10000 or 12000 [Page 176] foot, which ought to be equally divided in their Troops, and placed upon the Flanks of the foot in such good order, as the Troops may come with conve­niencie to fight, for the relieving of each other. But in case you shall perceive the Enemies Horse, as sometimes through necessity of ground, or by other politi­cal ends, may be interlaced and placed between the Intervals and Divisions of their foot; it will be needful then that we should observe the same form, and like­wise have Horse to come forth, and encounter with their Horse, lest they should break in upon our Divisions of Foot; which by this means and good order, may be timely prevented. Next follows the Figure of the Army, as before described, and ordered to be drawn up, Folio 176.

CHAP. XXIII. The several duties belonging to the Foot in a Regiment, as followeth by degrees from a private Souldier unto a Colonel of the same: and first, of a Private Souldier.

A Private Souldier ought to be very active, not slothful and idle, informing himself of his duty, learning from his Corporal, or other Officers, the true use and well handling of his Arms, always keeping them neat, clean, and well fixed. Upon the beat of the Drum, he is to repair to his Colours, Squadron; or Company; upon the march, he must observe his Leader, and his right and left­hand-men, that he may march streight in file, and even in rank; in time of Ex­ercise he must be silent in the Body, well minding the words of Command and Directions, which are given forth by the Leader. He ought likewise to be well vers'd in all the ordinary words of Command; and to mind the place wherein he stands, that he may the more readier move, and not be to seek at such time when he shall be commanded, whether it be to face, double, counter-march, or wheel. He must inform himself of all the several beats of the Drum; as first, or a Call; second, a Troop; third, a March; fourth, a Preparative; fifth, a Battle or Charge; sixth, a Retreat, and also of the Revalley and the Tattoo.

By the first, he is summoned to hear present Proclamation, or else command­ed to repair to his Colours; upon the beat of the second, he is to advance his Arms, and to close in Rank and File, to the distance of Order, and to Troop along un­to such places and services, as he shall be commanded unto; upon the hearing of the third, he is presently to shoulder his Arms, and to take his distance of six foot in Rank, and three foot in File; upon the fourth, he is to close both in Rank and File, unto the fighting distance, which is called Order, and to prepare himself for skirmish; upon the beat of the next, he is undauntedly to move forward, boldly stepping in good Order, into the place of his fellow-Souldier that shall happen to fall down dead before him; upon the beat of the last, he must orderly fall back, either for relief or advantage of ground, or other political ends whereby he may draw the Enemy into a snare. The first of the remaining two, gives warning in the morning for some of the Sentinels to fall off, or to be taken in; the latter is used in the night to give notice unto the Souldiers, or others, for their repairing to their several Guards, Watches, and Lodgings. To conclude, a private Souldier ought to avoid all Quarrelling, Mutinies, Swearing, Cursing or Lying, and to be content with his wages; and likewise to be a good Husband in the well managing of his means, keeping himself neat and handsome in his ap­parel; avoiding drunkenness, and all manner of gaming; truely to serve and fear God, and to be obedient unto all the commands of his superiours, cheerful­ly going on upon all Duties, and to be loving, kind, and courteous unto all his fellow-Souldiers.

The duty of a Sentinel.

A Sentinel must be very vigilant, carefully casting his eyes about him, and harkning whether he hear the noise or approach of any drawing neer him; which if he perceive, he is presently to command them to stand, presenting his Musket or Pike to their brest, after calling his Corporal for to take the Word, un­less [Page 177] he should be commanded to come in silently. He is not to come off until he be relieved by the Corporal or Lanspassadoe.

His proper Posture, being a Muskettier, is to have his Musket rested, and loaded with Powder and Bullet, his Match cockt, and his Pan guarded; being a Pike-man, if he stand Sentinel in the night, he must have his Pike cheek'd; if in the day, his Pike ordered: Or it may be a very proper Posture for a Pike-man to stand Sen­tinel with his Pike in his left-hand, holding it a little below the cheeks thereof, and with his Sword drawn, being held in his right-hand, which I leave to judge, or to be made use of according to discretion, and as occasion shall require.

Of a Gentleman of a Company.

A Gentleman of a Company ought to have such worth in him as may make him capable to be a File-leader, or Captain of his File; and he more especi­aly above the rest ought to be well skill'd in all the Postures of such Arms he wears; and at convenient times instructing and teaching his File in the neat and graceful handling of their Arms. He ought to be of an undaunted courage and gallant resolution, for the better Example and imitation of the rest; whose worth and valour many times indears them so much into the favour of their Commanders, that they raise them up to greater places of preferment. In the Low-Countries a Gentleman of a Company hath his full pay, having nothing kept back for after-reckonings, as common private Souldiers have. At his first entrance he sometimes stands Sentinel, to inform himself of the Duties thereof; but most commonly he is placed to be a Sentinel perdu in time of imminent dan­ger, either in the Field, or upon approaches. He is to lie perdu with his Sword and Pistol, not removing from his place till he be relieved; nor is he to retreat for one man, but in case of more, then he is to fall back to the second; and disco­vering an Enemy, he is to come off betimes, and silently to give the Alarum, whereby the Corps du Guard or Company may be provided for their own de­fence. A Gentleman of a Company doth many times go the Round with the Captain of the Watch, or his Fellow-Gentlemen, who are likewise Rounders, either in the Field, or in Garrison; and do give the Corporals of the Guards the Word, charging the Sentinels to look well about them. To conclude, he ought truely to love, respect, and obey his Captain, and to stick close unto him, vindicating him upon just occasions, when he shall be wronged and injured by a­ny Mutinies of the common Souldiers, or others.

Of a Barber-Chyrurgion.

IN every Company there ought to be a Barber-Chyrurgion for the trimming of the Souldiers, who ought likewise to have some skill in Chyrurgery; that when the Souldiers are upon the Watches and Guards, where imminent danger may be, he may be then at hand, to be ready in the absence of the Chyrurgion of the Regiment to bind up, and dress the hurt and wounded men. He is free from duties belonging to the Company; and in some places, is allowed to be an Officer in the List of their Armies, which I conceive it ought so to be, in respect they allow but of one Chyrurgion to a Regiment; and if it should happen ma­ny to be wounded, as oftentimes in field-fights there are, one man is not able scarce in three days to bind up the wounds, and dress the sores of them that are maimed. And therefore it concerns every Captain to be provided, and to have in the absence of the Chyrurgion, a Barber-Chyrurgion attending on his Com­pany.

Of a Clerk of a Company.

HIs carriage ought to be very just and honest; his chiefest duty is to keep the Muster-Roll, and to have it ready upon all occasions for the entring of his men upon the Muster-Roll, and Pay-bill. He is many times intrusted to receive the Service-mony of the Company, and pays such monies unto the Souldiers as shall be ordered him from his Captain to pay. He must inquire out in their [Page 178] Quarters where they lie, and duly for to pay them, and every pay-day to deliver up a true bill, giving an account unto his Captain of all such moneys he hath ei­ther received or paid forth.

Of a Drum-Major.

THere ought to be in every Regiment a Drum-Major, being skilful in his Pro­fession, instructing the others in the true beating of a March, with all o­ther points of VVar. A Drum-Major must likewise be well skill'd in several Languages and Tongues, and to be wise and courteous when he shall be imploy'd or sent to an Enemy: He is in a discreet manner upon the marching of a Regi­ment to order part of the Drums where they shall beat, seeing them truely and duly relieved by the others for the better performance of their service. For up­on the march, if all the Captains Drums should beat together, it would quickly tire them out; therefore for their ease, it is his place and duty to order them ac­cording to discretion to take their turns to beat, and to be relieved by each o­ther. He is, moreover, to take into his charge such Drums as shall be brought in from the Enemies by their Drummers, when they come to ransom their priso­ners; and upon their return to deliver them again unto them. He ought to be lodged neer the Serjeant-Major, in respect he is to give instructions to the rest of the Drummers, and may upon fail of their Duties give them correction.

Of the Drummers to a private Company.

EVery Captain ought to have two good Drummers, that knows-how to beat all the several points of War before mentioned. It is likewise expedient that he should be a good Linguist, in respect sometimes he may be sent unto an Enemy for the ransoming of Prisoners: His duty is, coming to the Camp or Garrison of an Enemy, having his Generals Pass in his Hat, to beat a Call, till he is fetcht in; and because he shall not discover the weakness of Guards, Works or Trenches, he is led blind-fold, and so carried to the Commander, and place where his Prisoners are: VVith whom (after he hath ransomed them) he is to re­turn to his own Quarters, giving an account of such things he hath seen or heard, which may prove advantageous to his own party, or of any other thing he had opportunity by their neglect to take notice of.

Of a Gentleman of Arms.

HIs Duty is to see that the Souldiers keep their Arms neat and clean, and that they be well fixed; and if any thing be amiss or broken, he is to have them carried to the Armourers to be repaired. And if any Souldier shall be sick, dead, or have leave to return to his own Country, he is to bring his Arms to his own Lodging, there preserving and keeping them clean, until he shall have occasion to deliver them to some other newly entertained. He is likewise to mark and figure the Arms of the Company, and to preserve and keep a List what number of fi­gure each Souldier should bear upon his Arms. He is likewise to keep the Powder, Bullet and March, and to deliver it forth upon occasions to the Corporals, or Lanspassadoe.

Of a Lanspassadoe.

HIs Duty is concerned in the absence of his Corporal to officiate in all things belonging unto his place, and is at all times to be an assistant unto him, for his ease and help-mate upon all occasions, for the better managing of his place; and many times they are Rounders and Sentinel Perdues in time of great neces­sity.

The duty of a Corporal.

THe Corporals of a Company are not tyed to a set number, but to be ordered according to the several strengths and divisions of the same, for each to take [Page 179] his charge and care of every Squadron thereof. And unto each of them there is a Lanspassadoe for an assistant: for their Rule of Dignity, I conceive, it makes not much more matter then to make them the right-hand File-leader in every particular division; but if any will be so curious to order them according to that, let them apply themselves unto the former Rules for directions to the same. The Corporals duty in his Squadron is to teach and instruct them in the use of the Pike and Musket, and to have a Roll and List of his men in his Division or Squadron. And when a Souldiers name is crossed out, he is to give notice unto his Serjeant; and when a new one shall supply his place, his care must be to in­struct and enable him in the Postures of such Arms as he shall bear. Being with his Squadron upon his Guard, he is to provide them with Wood, Coal, Candle and light. Having an Out-guard, his care must be to strengthen it, his little Corps du Guard and Sentinels must be forth according to the avenews or com­ings on of the Enemy, whereby he prevents their cutting off or surprisal; the negligence whereof proves both dangerous to themselves, and the whole Army. Wherefore it behoves him to be very careful and vigilant to visit them, after giving them an especial charge to be both faithful and careful in the great trust reposed in them. He must likewise preserve and keep the Word constant in his memory; when the Captain of the Watch goes the first Round, he shall with his Sword drawn against his brest give it him, and receive such Orders from him as he shall command him; but afterwards when the Round shall come again, he shall cause the Rounders or Gentlemen (with his Sword drawn) to give the Word to him before they pass. He ought never to go alone, being called forth by the Sentinel, but to have a Guard of three or four Muskettiers along with him, selected out of his Corps du Guard. He must advise his Sentinels how to de­mean themselves upon the discovery of an Enemy, either to give an Alarum, or else to give notice without making a noise. And if upon his Guard he shall ei­ther observe, or be advertised by his Sentinels of the approach of the Enemy, then he is to have his men in readiness with Bullets in their Muskets, and their Matches lighted; himself secretly coming in, giving intelligence unto his Captain, or other Superiour Officer, whereby they may all be in a readiness before the Alarum be given. He is likewise to distribute Victual, Powder, Bullet and Match, unto his Squadron, and to take notice of the best experienced men, and accord­ingly to imploy them upon action upon the Watches. He must cause respect to be given to the Corps du Guard; and silence to be kept, whether it be about the Walls or Gates, that so the noise may not hinder the hearing of the advertise­ment from the Sentinels. He is likewise to have an eye to their lives and man­ners, and to take care of the Baggage and Money of such as are hurt or sick, and to be in his own carriage sober, wise and discreet, for the avoiding ill example un­to others.

Of the Martial of a Regiment.

HE ought to take into his custody all persons committed unto his charge by the chief Officers of the Regiment; and if they be called to justice, he is to bring them to the Martial-General, who are to be carried from thence to the Council of War. It is also his care to see that all Women, Boyes, Servants, Bread, and Aquavita-sellers, belonging to the Regiment, do march in the Reer, and not before, or upon the Flanks. He is likewise to set such prizes upon Beer and Victuals, as the Lord-Martial, or Serjeant-Major-General shall appoint; which Order he shall receive from the Provost-Martial of the Army, and to see it duly executed within the Circuit of the Regiment: And that the Sutlers do not sell their Beer and Victuals above the set rate, lest they grate upon the Souldiers. After the Captain of the Watch hath gone the first Round, he is to see that the Sutlers keep no tipling or disorder in the night, but make them put out their Candle-light and Fires. During the time of Divine Service, he is to go the Round, for fear any disorders should be committed in the Quar­ters.

Of a Quarter-Master.

IF the Regiment be marching with the Army, (and not alone) he is then eve­ry evening to attend upon the Quarter-Master-General, to receive his dire­ctions, and to take the place, ground, and houses, appointed by him, for the Quarter and Lodging of the Regiment; who presently is to acquaint and adver­tise his Colonel of the same, and after to follow his charge. First, he appointeth or prepareth the Colonels Lodging, and other Officers of the Field, in the Center or midst of all the Quarters; and neer them himself, and all the other Officers of the Staff. After, according to the seniority of the Captains, and their march­ings, to distribute forth their Quarters as may be designed. Having thus far acted through the help of the Constables and Head-boroughs of those places where the Regiment is to Quarter; and having drawn forth their Billets in a good and orderly way, he is before the Regiments entring the Quarters, to deliver the same to the Colonel, or other Field-Officers of that Regiment; and they to de­liver it to the rest of the Captains, to direct them to their Lodgings, with the par­ticular Souldiers of their Company. And during the time that he is about the visiting the distribution of the Lodgings, all the Troops are to keep watch round about the place, and to send out to discover: he must also be informed of the Lodgings of the whole Army, to know whom to give, or whom to receive Sup­plies in case of necessity.

If the Quarter be in the open field, the Quarter-Master-General shall appoint to each Quarter-Master the place and ground which he shall take, which he is to distribute to the Serjeants of every Company of the Regiment, who are to assist him in taking the depth, length and breadth of their Quarters, with the distances of the Alarum-place between the head of the Quarters and the Trench, and the true distance of the Streets betwixt the in-getting of each Captains particular Company.

When an Army or Regiment shall sit down before a Town, or forraging place, to besiege it, they are imployed sometimes to be Forragers to fetch in provision for the Army, or particular Regiments. Which when they shall be required, they ought to have sufficient Convoys and Guards, both of Infantry and Caval­ry to secure them; who are to be commanded by able Officers; and the Provost-Martial, or one of his Assistants is to go along with them, to punish such as are exorbitant, or do straggle. It will be expedient to the Regiment, that the Qua­ter-Master upon the Service may be imployed twice in a week, to bring in a fresh Victual to the Souldiers; but not to go twice to one place, lest they be discover­ed by an Enemy, and be way-laid by their Forces, who may sometimes prove stronger then themselves, to prevent, or to cut them off by the way, laying of them secretly in some Ambushments: Which being truely considered of, care may be taken accordingly of Supplies in other remote places, free from the danger of the Enemy. To conclude, a Quarter-Master ought to carry himself honestly and carefully in his place, and to be well skill'd in the Art of Mathematicks, that he may the better give Directions for fortifying and measuring of ground, quar­tering of his whole Regiment, and in hutting of the particular Souldiers.

The duty of a Serjeant.

HE that is a Serjeant to a Company, ought to be well skill'd in the Postures and all Military Motions, whereby in the first place he may endeavour to correct the errours of such who handle not the Arms in a handsome, or a ser­viceable way. And secondly, that he may be helpful to his Captain, or other Superiour Officer. In time of his Exercise, his duty is to draw forth the Files according to such depths as shall be appointed unto him by his Captain, or other Superiour Officer, and to order them in the drawing up, and joyning together the Souldiers unto such places of honour as they shall direct him unto. In a sin­gle Company he leadeth oftentimes a Division, but ought not always there to march, in respect he is concerned to see that the Souldiers march even in their Ranks at their distance of Order in File, and open Order in Rank. To which [Page 181] purpose, he ought many times to be upon the Flanks, and perceiving any Soul­dier out of order, he may cast in his Halbert between their Ranks, to cause him to march even abrest with his right and left-hand-men. He is likewise either in Field or Garrison to lead his Squadron to their Guard, and to carry to prison such Offendours as his Captain or other Superiour Officer shall commit to the Provost-Martial. He is to see that the Muskettiers in time of skirmishing present all even abrest, with their Matches all cockt, giving fire all together in good Or­der; and to direct them how to fall off, and rally again in the Reer of their own Divisions. His duty likewise is to fetch Ammunition, Powder, Match, and all o­ther Materials for the Company. He is, moreover, every particular evening to attend at the place of Parade, or at the Majors Lodging, to fetch the Word, and carry it to his Captain, Lieutenant, Ensign, and Corporals; and likewise as soon as he is come unto his Guard, he must direct the Corporals where to set out the Perdues and Sentinels, and how to order his Watch. He must likewise make Rounds; and if he finde a Sentinel asleep in the Field, he is to commit him to the hand of Justice. And thus much concerning the duty of a Serjeant.

Of an Ensign.

AN Ensign being a Commission-Officer, in the absence of his Captain and Lieutenant, is Commander in chief of the Company, and ought to march upon the head of the same, leading them with a Half-pike. His Captain and Lieutenant being present, and upon a Stand, his Colours ought to rest upon his side, being held by his right or left-hand, and unfurled; upon the March, his Colours ought to be shouldered, taking up the corner-end of them in his right-hand, and to let them be half flying; the Pikes and Muskets all conforming un­to the same Posture. Marching through a City, for the more grace, his Colours may be wholly flying, being advanced and held up by his right-hand, or resting upon his right side. He ought to be a proper man, grave, valiant and discreet, and to be well skill'd in the Postures of the Pike; in respect he leads them, and they expect from him to be taught the Postures thereof. He ought to be well skill'd in all the lofty Figures of the displaying of the Colours above the head, and to make use of them according to discretion and command; which is not onely a healthfull exercise to his body, but also most becoming to him, or any other Gentleman or Commander whatsoever, that shall sometimes make use of the same; although condemned through sloth and ignorance by others, who will not take the pains to learn it. An Ensign upon a Troop, lodging he Colours, or in time of skirmishing, may fold them up, and retreat into the second Rank for the securing of his Colours, which he ought to stick by, and not to stir from them at such a time, although he hazardeth his last drop of blood, or makes them his winding-sheet. When the General shall pass by, or any such man of worth, he ought a little to vail his Colours, inclining the head, or narrow end thereof, a little downward; but not to bow his knee, or uncover his head. He may some­times for his ease or recreation upon the March, request some Gentleman of knowing trust of the Pikes to carry his Colours for him, until such time as he shall come again for to take them. In the absence of his Lieutenant, when his Captain shall exercise the Company, he may stick his Colours in the ground, or deliver them to some Gentleman of the Pikes, and fall down himself in the Reer with a Half-pike or Cane, there to be an assistant to his Captain in supplying the Lieutenants place, except his Captain should command him to the contrary. He ought to have a Guard along with him, as well to the lodging of his Colours, as to any other place. He ought to perform all courteous offices for the Souldiers unto his Captain, which will gain him both love and reputation amongst them, they thereby better respecting him, and more couragiously following of him.

Of a Lieutenant.

HE that is a Lieutenant to a Company, ought to be a good and able Souldier, and well to understand the Duty of a Captain; in respect that in his ab­sence he is as Captain and Commander in chief over them. He is likewise to re­ceive [Page 182] all Orders, Charges, and Commissions from his Captain, assuming no autho­rity unto himself; but in the absence of his Captain he is to see all such Orders he hath received duly executed, for the better ease unto him. He is likewise at such times frequently to exercise the Company in all their Military Motions, Skir­mishings, and False-firings in the pan. He is to hold the Serjeants and Corporals strictly to their duty, causing them to provide all things necessary for the Com­pany, and to be assistants unto him where he shall see cause. He is to teach and instruct the Souldiers in the use of their Arms, and sometime for their ease, he may command every File-leader to draw forth his File, and to shew them their postures. By which means he shall do such good service to his Captain, that when he shall exercise them himself, he may find them more apter and readier to ful­fil his Commands; at which time the Lieutenant ought to be in the Reer, and to see all things there truly executed according to the Captains commands. He is in time of danger and great importance to advise with his Captain about the wel­fare of the Company; for knowing his Captains intentions and purposes before­hand, he may be the better provided to withstand the furious onset of the Enemy. He ought to have the Ensign, and all other Officers of the Company as near him as may be, there being often-times urgent business to make use of them as occa­sion shall require. He must neither cashiere nor punish any man in the presence of his Captain, but ought to make him acquainted therewith, that he may punish the offender by committing him either to prison, or cause him to give recompence to the party wronged. To conclude, he ought to know how far his power doth extend, either in the presence or absence of his Captain, always demeaning him­self so, that he may gain the love of his whole Company, by acting those things amongst them as may be just and honest.

Of a Captain.

HE that is a Captain of a Company, ought in respect he leadeth the same, and is Chief, to appoint unto the Officers their several places, what Divisions they shall lead, and where they shall march, and according to the number of Files to make his Divisions answerable thereto, by dividing his Muskettiers as near as he can, the one half upon the right of the Pikes, and the other upon the left: for they being the Flankers, ought equally to be ballanced; but if there be an odd File, it ought to be contrived, and carried to the right. In the Van, Battail, or Reer, he must according to the number of his men, order his Officers places, and draw them off accordingly in as equal a way as they will afford. He is, as well as his own, to know all the several duties of his Officers, and to be a good Posture­man himself, that when he sees any of his Souldiers handling their Arms in an undecent and slovenly manner, he may the better reprove them for the same. And although many Captains regardeth them not, but leaveth them to be instructed by the inferiour Officers; yet it is a great deal of honour to him, when his Soul­diers shall be taught by himself, they more cheerfully and confidently marching along with him, when as they perceive that he is throughly knowing in all things belonging to his charge. He shall do well to exercise his Company sometimes him­self, teaching them how to fight upon all occasions, whether it be to Front, Reer, or Flanks, or upon surprise of an Ambuscado, or any other disadvantage which may befall them, informing them how to fall off and rally again in good order. And at such times he must couragiously and wisely behave himself, and incou­rage his Souldiers of hopes of Victory, casting off all appearances of fear or dan­ger whatsoever, cheerfully animating his Souldiers to fall on, taking care, and making much of them, and not to forsake them until such time they may be relie­ved by others. He is to have a fatherly care of his Souldiers, timely providing for the maimed, wounded, and sick, such helps and remedies as their present con­ditions requires. He must likewise see that there be no want of Victual, Arms, or Ammunition. He ought not to be covetous, nor keep back his Souldiers pay, but to see them duly paid, visiting and relieving them according to their several wants [Page 183] and necessities. His care must be to execute Justice, appease quarrels, punish of­fenders; by doing whereof, he will maintain the honour and dignity of his place. He ought to carry a very even hand over his Souldiers, and to be very courteous and kind unto them; yet with that restriction of familiarity, that he come not under contempt. And again, he must not be too rigid and harsh, caning or beat­ing them without just cause, lest he incurre their hatred, who secretly, or in time of Battail will seek to be revenged of him, endeavouring to kill him, before their enemy; therefore he ought to be wise and discreet in his commands and carriage towards them. His place of marching with his Company, is some six foot before the first Division of Muskettiers; but if his Company be drawn up, he is either up­on a Stand, or upon the March, to be on the head of the Pikes, six foot before the Ensign. In time of Battail, although he leads his men up first against the Enemy, yet he is not always tied to be in the Front, having often just occasion to remove down into the Reer, Midst, or Flanks, carefully casting his eye upon all parts of the Body, thereby preventing the least error or neglect of his Souldiers, directing them what to do, keeping them in good order as long as occasion shall require. Moreover, he ought to be very religious, temperate, and discreet, faithful in his trust, valiant in the field against the face of his enemy, and being besieged in ei­ther Town or Fort, (for to preserve his honour) never give his consent for the yielding it up, until it be past hope, that there is no possibility to hold it out any longer.

Of a Serjeant-Major.

HIs duty is every morning and evening, or upon any other occasion, to attend upon the General, Martial of the Field, or Serjeant-Major-General of the Army, to receive his Orders how, or in what manner the Regiment shall march, whether in a single Battalion, or else in two, to be joined with others. After which he gives order accordingly unto the Captains how to draw up their Companies and orders them accordingly. At which time of embattelling or marching, he ought to be as near the midst of the Regiment as he can, for the better regulating of the same. He is to place all the Officers according to their Dignity where they are to lead, and where to bring up, and which men they shall take charge of to fight, causing the Drum-Major (after they are all drawn up) and the other Drummers to beat a March, and to move all at one instant, as occasion shall require. He ought to make all the Divisions as near equally alike as possible he can. He must like­wise be well verst in the several drawing up of Regiments, with their various forms of Battail, that according to the condition of the place, ground, number of men, and Orders received from the Major-General, or Majors of the Brigades, he may not shew himself a Novice, or one that is to seek: nor ought he to go dul­ly or slothfully upon his charge or place, but to be very ready, quick, and nim­bly performing with much ease and readiness his Battalions and grand Divisions. In their drawings up he may be permitted to have Pen, Ink, and Paper for to take an accompt of the several strengths of the Captains Companies, and to or­der his men accordingly, and ought to give unto all the Officers of the Regi­ment notes in writing of their several charges and places. In time of fight, or otherwise marching with the Regiment, he is to be on horse-back, in regard he is the eyes, hands, and feet thereof: in time of Battail he is to see every Officer to perform his charge, and Souldier his duty, forcing and compelling them for­ward, if in case they turn their backs. He is also to distribute to the Captains and other Officers such Orders as he shall receive from his Colonel or other Superior Officer. In marching with the Regiment, not alone, but with the Army, he must know from the General, Martial, or Major-General, whether the Regiment be to march in the Van-guard, Battail, or Reer. He ought to have some knowledge or information of the Country, whether it be long or streight, thereby judging how to order his marching so, as he may not be disturbed by the enemies Horse, or Artillery. Being troubled with Baggage, if there be any difficult passage, he ought to be there present to prevent such disorders as may happen; giving di­rections for their placing and marching, as they may not be any hinderance to [Page 184] the Regiment, putting them in order again before the Regiment shall enter into their Quarters; at which time he may give license to the Captains and their En­signs to take their lodgings, excepting only those who are appointed for Guar­dians, who must enter the Corps du guard, and place their Sentinels until such time as they shall be relieved by others.

Now if a Regiment be to be quartered or lodged either in the Field, or under shelter; if in the Field, he must cause it to be barracado'd, or intrenched by the Waggons, or other defences of the Field; after which he is to place his Corps du guard round about the Quarters, and the Sentinels at so near a distance, that they may hear one the other speak, being about 80, or 100 paces off from the Corps du guard, being placed double, a Pike and a Musket; and five paces from them, other single Sentinels are to be placed, which are called Perdues. And in case of Alarm, the Sentinel Perdue shall retreat to the double Sentinel; and in case of necessity, all together, having given fire, are to retreat to the Corps du guard. He must likewise at divers hours of the night visit the Corps du guard, and if an Alarm be given in the Field, he is to betake himself to the Alarm-place of the Re­giment, and there to form his Battalion, and to send men to double the Guards on that part where the Alarm was given, and to give notice thereof to his Colonel, or other Superior Officer, if they be present, of what passeth. The Ensigns ought not to retreat, unless their Colonel or he give leave: no Order at any time ought to be altered, but by him, in respect he giveth none but such as he receiveth from the Colonel. It is his duty to speak for Ammunition, as Powder, Bullets, Match; and for Victuals, if there shall be any want in the Regiment, which provisions ought to be delivered unto him, and he to see it equally distributed unto the Com­panies according unto the proportion given out. And likewise he is to give Order what proportion or number of workmen, or commanded men, shall be drawn forth to work.

If under shelter, then he is to view the place, both within and without, appoint­ing the places for the Corps du guards and Sentinels, and the way of the Roun­ders, that it be free. It will be expedient for him to chuse the Alarm-place, whi­ther the Companies upon the Alarum given are to repair, being the Rendezvous for the whole Regiment; being careful to place sufficient Guards, both upon the Walls, and about the Gates, for their more security. Which being ended, he may give leave to the Captains to go to their Lodgings, and several Quarters, there to remain until they shall be called upon Duties; for the due performance whereof, he is to cause them to cast Lots, whereby they may know what part of the Walls may fall to their turn. He is to command the Captains to enter the Guards about ten or eleven a clock in the morning; he is likewise to open and shut the Gates, at the rising or setting of the Sun, and to place the Watches up­on the Walls presently upon the shutting of the Gates, and to relieve them upon the opening thereof.

And as he doth receive his directions for marching, imbattelling, viewing of ground, and placing of Guards, from the Serjeant-Major-General, or Serjeant-Major of that Brigade: so he is to deliver them over to the Captains and Officers of that Regiment, and to call upon them to whom it appertains, to see them duly executed. In the presence of his Colonel, and Lieutenant-Colonel, he is to be an assistant unto them, in seeing all orders and directions duly performed; and in their absence, he hath the same authority and command as they. He ought after he hath received the Word and Orders from the Serjeant-Major-General, or Serjeant-Major of the Brigade, he presently delivers them to his Colonel and Lieutenant-Colonel; and afterwards to the Serjeants of every Company, drawn in a Ring, according to the Seniority of their Captains, which are to come, and attend upon him for the same. In the absence of his Superiour Of­ficers, he giveth the Word himself; every night he is to visit all the Guards of the Regiment, commanding them duly to keep the turns of their Watches and Marches, seeing that one Captains Company perform not more duty than ano­ther, to the end, that both the honour and labour may be equally divided among [Page 185] so he may exercise the whole Regiment, being thereunto required by his Colonel, or Lieut. Colonel, in all their Distances, Facings, Doublings, Wheelings, and False fi­rings; or in their absence, of himself he hath full power so to do. To conclude, he ought to be well grounded in all Military Affairs, and to be both wise and va­liant.

Of a Lieutenant-Colonel.

HE that is a Lieutenant-Colonel to a Regiment, hath a very honourable place, having power and command over all the Regiment in the absence of his Co­lonel, and may also at such time exercise the Regiment in all the Military Moti­ons, and is to lead the Regiment upon the head thereof: but when his Colonel is present, he bringeth up the Reer, if they march in one Division; but if in two, in some places he leadeth the second, as his Colonel doth the first; or if in three, as formerly is shewen, he commands the Van-guard, the Colonel the Battail, and the Major the Reer-guard. His place is not of so great pains and toyl as the Ma­jors is; therefore he ought in the drawing up of the Regiment to be helpful and assisting unto him in that particular, and in all others where he shall think fit. To conclude, the greatest affairs of the Regiment being carried forth by the Ma­jor, there is the less remaining to be spoken concerning him, but that he see all things duly observed throughout the Regiment, according unto such orders re­ceived from those which are above him.

Of a Colonel.

IT concerneth every Colonel to take care that his Companies be full and com­pleat (if it may be) that they be well provided of Arms, and to take cognizance what Exercises are continually performed by them, communicating Orders, and commanding all Officers of his Regiment what is to be performed by each Com­pany respectively, whensoever they shall happen to be upon their March.

In the Head of his Regiment is his most honourable and proper place, and there he ought to be most frequent. He is to be subservient to the Lord General, Lord Martial, and Serjeant-Major-General of the Field, to whom he is to pay like re­spect and observance as he himself expecteth, (and that justly) from all inferiors to him. For from those his superior Officers, by him are received in charge all such Orders as refer to the place of Alarms, Marchings, Imbattellings, Guards, or Convoys. Furthermore, it is requisite that every Colonel should acquaint himself at least once every week, how and in what manner the Souldiers of his Regiment have deported themselves in their several Quarters, by a due and strict examina­tion of the qualities of all such offences as have occurred, and been committed by the several and Distinct Souldiers under his command, hereby preparing every several misdemeanor for a readier hearing before a Council of War, or Court-Martial; and this is easily effected by convening the Captains, or other Officers under them, at such convenient times as may suit with his occasions; every Co­lonel being bound to make his appearance at each Council of War, as Assistant to the Lord Martial, and President of the said Council, for the hearing and deter­mining of all such propositions and matters in question relating to the Army.

In all matters of Advice and Counsel, but more especially when any Stratagem, Siege, or intended Battail is in agitation to be put in action, the Colonel ever as one of the primary Field-Officers is summoned to consult with the General, and with all freedom to deliver his opinion in all things that shall be there discussed, for the best advantage (as he shall conceive) for the designs in hand, how weighty and important soever, and to be ready to go upon any such service as shall be cast into his charge to be executed by the major part of the said Council, and to express his obedience to his General, although it be a service that correspond not with his own opinion at the first, but being cleared by the larger number to be more conducing to the good of the Design, couragiously to undertake it, and faithfully to perform it.

In the quartering of his own Regiment, which is always ordered for Quarter in two grand Divisions, regard is to be had that his own Lodgings be ever taken up in the most equal place between his grand Divisions, that so he may with more facility and celerity dispense and import his commands to either Party. [Page 186] What commands soever shall descend unto him in charge from his superior Offi­cers, as relating to the Guards, disposing of Marchings, appointing Imbattellings, ordering of Quarters, &c. he is carefully to see executed. He must do justice unto all without partiality, so far as he exceed not his proper Authority, & at all times to be diligent in suppressing of Mutinies, even in their first growth, by a discreet pu­nishment of the principal offenders, for prevention of further mischief and in­convenience.

Of Guides.

MAps, with the right use and knowledge of them, are great helps towards the finding out of the best and most convenient ways. Skilful and expert Inha­bitants of the Countrey, are most proper to be elected for Guides; and it is ne­cessary, for their better encouragement, and the Armies sudden and necessary use of them, to have them listed in Souldiers pay. For the finding out of the fittest and ablest persons for this employment, it is most especially the duty of the Waggon-Masters, who are to see and enquire certainly, that they be men known and practi­sed in all possible By-paths, Cross-ways, &c. That they be able to give an accompt of the distance of places, of the evenness and straightness of them, whether they be plain or crooked, hilly or stony, and difficult for passage; what Rivers, Hedges, Ditches and Bridges lye in the way, and which way (if there shall be several ways) is the safest and shortest, which the nearer or farther to or from the Enemies Quarters, which more probable for their approaches, as likewise for Quarter; what Forrage, what Water is to be had, and how convenient the way is for Bag­gage. If it shall happen that these Guides may be chosen partly out of the Soul­diers, and partly from the Country-men, and so any scrumple, jar, or difference happen in opinion, such Officers and others as are best skill'd in those parts and places, are either to reconcile the difference, or from the most probable intelli­gence, to conclude upon the most convenient passages. In respect of the danger and great hazards, if not utter ruine, that the Guides sometimes do, and often may draw the Souldiers into by treachery and false play, they are many times caused to ride haltered about the neck, to put them in mind of capital punish­ment, if they shall mislead the party they guide; but in case they discharge their trust faithfully and ably, they ought to be as well rewarded for their encourage­ment, as otherwise to be punished for the terrour of others.

Of Scouts.

AN active Enemy is always watchful, and diligent to apprehend every oppor­tunity that may make for his advantage, and therefore it concerns every Commander by way of Counter-mine, as it were, to be careful that he rightly and fully inform himself of their ways and courses, for prevention of his own danger, in case of sudden assaults, and the better infesting of his enemy. And to this end, he must make choice of such as are approved for their valour and fidelity, discre­tion and vigilancy, not probable to be corrupted with gain, or daunted through fear. These men are not only to take direct, plain, or high ways, but also by pri­vate and unsuspected passages, and scouring as they scout all places whatsoever that are accessible; and when they have made diligent observation in all places, to inform of nothing but what they can give the ocular proof of, lest by their errour and mistake, the whole Army possibly may be led into an irreparable ruine; and whosoever is the Conduct or Officer of these Scouts (for one, and an able one they must have always with them) must be exceeding careful of his reputation, that he inform of nothing more then what he can justifie from his own eyes or ears; and if he inform further, to inform them also, that that information is but from report, that it may be considered of accordingly, and his repute preserved intire.

Of Spies.

OF all men, these are at all times necessary for an Army, and in all Armies of all men they will deserve to be most certainly & liberally rewarded, to the intent that they may at all times cheerfully and faithfully undertake any imployment of the greatest trust, hazard, or danger. And he that will make choice of able and trusty men in this kind, must after diligent observation, and weighing of their dispositions [Page 187] and courage, select them out of his own Souldiers, who under pretence of some discontent for want of pay, &c. may thereby with less suspition receive entertain­ment from the enemy, and (if it be possible) to be listed with the Horse, whereby they may gain the fairer opportunities in Field or Garrison, to give certain in­telligence of all Designs and Occurrences in the enemies Quarters.

Before their departure from you, let them take their several instructions (for the more you have, the better, if they be design'd for several places, and unknown un­to each other) both for times & places of conveyance, which places must be strictly observed, & duly searched for such informations, as your Spies shall convey thither; and thither let your answers & advices be reconveyed for their further instruction.

Sometimes there may arise matters of such importance and consequence, that it will not only be convenient to certifie by Letter, but most necessary to make ap­pearance in person, and there to consult and advise together, if perhaps the ene­my shall be resolved to fall upon some of the opposite Quarters suddainly, &c.

For Cursary Spies, and present Intelligence, the people of meanest rank and quality are the fittest Instruments; as common Peasants, Pedlars, Sellers of Strong­waters, or Tobacco, and the like, who may pass unsuspected, and with more se­curity effect your purpose.

There are yet another sort of Spies of another nature, who are denominated dou­ble, who being chosen to this Office upon great experience of their trust and con­stancy, may in some cases be allowed to inform the enemy aright, in some such affairs of yours, as may not be prejudicial to you, but to insinuate and win belief upon the contrary party; and hereupon let them secure themselves into the pri­vate service of some of their Prime Officers, whence they shall (as being better ac­quainted) more easily discover, and more certainly inform of the enemies procee­dings and intentions.

CHAP. XXIV. Of Military Watches.

HOw necessary these Watches are in all Armies, is evident to all men; the grand and chiefest care whereof, for order and direction, resteth in the Serjeant-Major, who issueth out such precepts therein to the Captains or Companies, as he himself before received from his superior Officer; & according to the said precepts received, whether it be in Garrison or Field, the work and duty required is to be performed either by Squadrons or ful Companies, having respect unto the strength or weakness of the place to be guarded, and in such places as are most likely for the Enemy to make his approaches in, and that there they be careful to fortifie the Guard above other places of less concernment; which must be observed by the Major, in surveying the Guards, and Guard-places, in his walking of the grand Round, and so, according as his discretion shall see fit, to take from the stronger places of Guard such Souldiers as may supply the defects of the weaker.

The appointment of particular Guards unto particular Captains, is in the power of the Major; or otherwise, he commandeth the Serjeant of each Company to attend him at his Quarters at any hour of the day, as he shall think fit, where every one that is to do duty upon the Guard that night, taketh his lot in order, (which lots are shuffled together in an Hat) which directeth him upon what Guard to attend that night. This being done, all the Serjeants that have their direction for the du­ty of the Guard, are to make a Ring, or Circle, according to their degrees in Se­niority. To the Senior of all which Company of Serjeants, the Major giveth the Word privately in his ear, who after the same manner passeth it to the next, and so from man to man unto the youngest, who whispers it in the ear of his Major, who sends it back again in the former manner for securities sake, until it come to the senior Serjeant again, who then leaves it in the ear of his Major, which pre­venteth all mistakes for each particular Company.

The Guards being thus set in order, the Officers relieved ought to inform the Officers of the Relievers; of all the several duties of their several Guards, &c.

Every Commander in Chief of that particular Squadron which he is appoint­ed unto, leadeth up his own Squadron from the Parade to their appointed Guard, to which when they approach, the Officer in Chief delivers the Word to the Corporal, or his Lanspassadoe, and they to their Superior Officers.

[Page 188]The manner of relieving is by planting a guard of Pikes next to the Relievers, and adjoyning to them in the Reer a guard of Muskettiers, through whom the Relievers are to pass, and the Relieved to march back to their Quarters. After all things thus set in order, the Captain of the Guard in person by strict injuncti­on commandeth every man to his duty, from which no man either. Officer or o­ther is to depart without an especial license, and in all Alarms to stand close and quietly to their Arms, expecting further instruction and command what they are to do. And all this time, and constantly, a Sentinel is appointed to guard the en­trance into the Main-Guard.

Every Officer and Souldier in a Regiment is worthy of Honor, Pay, and Encou­ragement, according to his Merit and Seniority; and to this end there ought to be a perfect List of the names and number of all particular Souldiers and Officers in every Squadron; which List or Catalogue is to remain in the hands of the several Corporals or Lanspassadoes; which Corporals are diligently to see what defects there are of all several necessaries in their Corps du guard, and to be careful that they be continually supplied; which he must do by information to his Major, and (in case of his absence or neglect) to his Captain, who may inform the Governor, that all wants of Fire, Ammunition, or Lights be made good, and comp­leated.

The Corporals according to order and precept given to them, are to dispose of the several Sentinels, as well Pikes as Muskettiers, and to have an especial care that they keep their Muskets prim'd and laden, and their Match cockt and light­ed, with their Pan guarded; which must be observed by their often visiting the several Sentinels, to see that all things be in due order, and with silence, to the end that the Sentinels may always be heard, as often as occasion is offered.

The Office of every Sentinel after he is placed upon his duty, and in his due po­sture (according as is above declared) is to enquire of every passenger, or other that shall but stir, Who goes there? yea, though it be the Captain himself: and howsoever the remotest Sentinel from the Corps du guard, is to permit him with his Retinue to pass; yet he is bound to have an eye upon them, till he approach the nearest Sentinel to the Corps, who upon the like demand, is answered, The Captain of the Watch; which latter Sentinel commands him to stand, and there­fore with a loud voice calls forth his Corporal, the Sentinel not stirring from his place or posture, until the Corporal with his Sword drawn shall approach with a Guard of Muskettiers, who are to be all arm'd, and appointed, as the Sentinels, ready to present; whereupon the Corporal with one only Muskettier advancing, and perceiving him to be the Captain of the Watch indeed, is to give him the Word in his ear, having respectively cast down the point of his Sword: afterward receiving further instructions from him, he conducts him to his furthest Sentinel. But if it shall appear that he be not the Captain, or the Corporal knowing him not justly to be so, by a just suspition, he may then detain him (although he shal give him the Word) and then he shall further demand the Word of some other atten­ding him, from whom having received it, he may more safely permit them to pass; but of all others whatsoever that shall attempt a passage, he is to receive the Word from them, and not deliver it to them.

The Captain himself having done the duty in person of passing the first Round, upon his return, he is to send forth others upon the like duty, such as he shall out of his discretion chuse from his Main-guard, and may most confide in, to whom he is to impart the Word at their setting forth upon the duty, and not before, with strict admonitions, and full instructions what they are to do, and what way to take.

Now if he shall be supplyed with men enough upon his own Guard, he may at the same time command out several Rounders to be taken several wayes; who are diligently to observe their directions given them, and to be very vigilant in the observation of all things in their passage, both by the eye and the ear, and to ad­monish the Sentinels (in case of neglect) that all things be more carefully lookt unto in their duty. And of these Rounders likewise (as before) the foremost Sen­tinel demands, Who goes there? When being answered satisfactorily, as by the name of the Round, or Friends, the permits them passage to the neerest Sentinel, [Page 189] who having stopt them there, takes a further accompt, what, and who they are: Which is done by calling forth his Corporal, who placing the point of his Sword at one of their brests, takes the Word privatly, and so passes them by conduct to the furthest Sentinel. But if there shall happen a mistake in the Word, the Cor­poral is either to secure them with himself, or by Guard to transfer them to the Main-guard.

Such as shall walk the Round, are to take a strict accompt of all they meet, what, and who they are; and in case of deficiency of answering justly on the one side, or suspition of the other, they are to secure and guard them to the Cap­tain of the Watch.

Now setting aside those Queries which some do make between Rounders and Counter-Rounders, if they meet, who shall give or take the Word; the best and safest course is for them all, that before the Word be either given or taken, they go together to the neerest Corps du Guard, and there to give the Word; after which they are to pass upon their duty again; and so having finished the Round, and returning to the Captain of the Watch, he taketh accompt of them of the things that they have done and observed in their duty and course upon the Round; and thus the Captain still supplies the Rounds successively by such others as he shall take by seniority, and dispose off for the like service.

Furthermore, that all disorders, irregularities, and such persons as shall cause the same in a Town or Garrison, may be found out and rectified, and that all dangerous accidents by fire or otherwise may be prevented; the Captain of the Watch commandeth out a Guard of Firelocks or Muskettiers, to view the Streets, and all suspitious and irregular persons as they take, they are to bring to the Main-Guard of this Guard, which is always conducted by a Serjeant, and is called the Patrouille: and if they happen to be Muskettiers, and not Firelocks; then they are to be every one provided of such an instrument as may cover the lighted Matches, and keep them from discovery. From these also, as from the Rounders, the Captain of the Watch takes full accompt of all their passages and observations on their duty.

When at any time any sudden approach shall be made, or any Enemy discover­ed, the Sentinel (who is to be firm & constant to his Place and Posture, till he shall be relieved) forthwith by firing gives the Alarm, and immediately seconds it by crying with a loud voice, Arm, Arm. When the Alarm is thus given, the o­ther two Divisions immediately led by their Officers, are orderly to march up to the Captain of the Main-Guard, to the intent that all Guards of the Garrison may with expedition be made good; and it is necessary that these instructions be given them indeed by the Serjeant-Major, when he shall give the Word to the Minor-Serjeants, who must likewise inform their chief Officers of it, and from them the Souldiers are to be charged and acquainted therewith, that so upon all occasions they may not be ignorant of this part of their duty, but rea­dy to perform it.

The duty of a Sentinel, is to stand in the Place and Posture, a full hour, and no more; at which time the Corporal, or (in case of his absence) his Lanspassadoe is to relieve him, and not onely him, but all the Sentinels that are out upon du­ty, relieving the farthest Sentinel first (who falls in the Reer of the rest) and so all the others backward in the like Order, and then conducts the relieved Senti­nels back to the Guard again.

At an early hour of the morning appointed for beating up the Revally, the two Sentinels next unto the Guard are to retreat into it.

At the time appointed in the morning for opening of the Gates, the Serjeant-Major attended with a sufficient Guard, repairs to the Governour, or place else­where alotted, and there receives the Keys; which being done, he is to unlock first that Gate which is most remote from danger of the Enemy, and the rest in order answerable: but if it happen to be in place and time of imminent danger, the Major commandeth forth a party of Souldiers conducted by an able Officer to go first, and make diligent search for discovering of Ambuscadoes, which may happen to be in any close suspected places, as Lanes, By-ways, Hedges, ruinous [Page 190] Cottages, Churches, Pits, or Hollow-trees, Woods, Gardens, and all such-like in­closures; at which time he openeth not the Main-ports, but only the Wickets. And except upon command to the contrary, which is not usual, both the Guards and the Watches at the Gates are to be kept night and day, and all persons up­on them to continue upon their duty until they shall be relieved by order.

Upon the discharging of the Watch, to the end that every Officer and Soul­dier may have notice to make speedy repair to their several Guards, each several Drum first beats a Troop, and afterwards a March in the Main-guard. Here­upon, it is to be supposed the Relievers are advanced toward the Main-Guard, where the relieved are to be drawn off, and to make a stand, expecting till the Relievers shall come up; which being done, the relieved then are to troop home­ward; and after that they have attended and seen their Colours lodged, they are to disband, and not before.

And now, further to satisfie the expectation of the Lovers of the Art Military, it shall not seem unseasonable here to declare somewhat concerning the manner of Field-Watches, or Vigils de Campe, denoted unto us by the Expert and Anci­ents, under these three Notions. The first are Castra temporanea, aleager ad placitum, pitcht onely for the present, and may perhaps alter and change it's Station in a day, or an hour, according to the pleasure and judgement of the General, and Commanders in chief. Secondly, there are Castra, a select or con­stant Camp, so called, because of their intentions of continuance in the be­sieging of a Castle, or Town, &c. until they shall have taken the same, or by some other necessity, or further advantage, forced to raise their Seige. The third and last, called Castra, Such a Camp as is pitcht before or neer some Ri­vers side, to oppose and frustrate the Incursions of the Enemy, who otherwise might this way break in for the infesting or taking of a Country. Now concern­ing such Watches or Guards, which shall relate unto several Camps, both in re­gard of the several and most convenient places for securing the Camps by Senti­nels and Perdues, they are to be primarily appointed and ordered according to the discretion & command of the Masters of the Field, whether Generals, or Majors of Brigades; & afterwards the Serjeant-Majors & Captains of Regiments, according to their commands and relieved order, are to design them for the aforesaid place.

To enlarge the several Arguments and Disputes that might further arise in-point of Field-duties relating thereunto, would be too tedious, and to little purpose, in regard that whosoever shall but diligently observe what hath before been set down concerning the duty of Watches in Garrison and Fortresses, may sufficiently be able to apprehend and perform all manner of Duties that shall con­cern this Field-service, provided that he be careful to adhere to the directions of the Field-Officers in all points, and diligent to observe the manner of managing of all things according to their instructions. And therefore to avoid prolixity and fruitless disputes, I refer the Reader to what hath been above related.

CHAP. XXV. The ordering of a private Company unto a Funeral-occasion.

WHen any Commander or Souldier of worth shall be deceased, a private Captain that would shew respect and honour by marching along with his Company attending the Corps to the place of burial, must order his Souldiers af­ter this manner.

They being summon'd by beat of the Drum, to meet at their usual place of Rendezvous, they may be drawn up according to the usual manner, having a Van-guard, Battail and Reer-guard: being thus ordered, and each of the Soul­diers having either in his Hat a black Feather or Ribbin; the Captain may draw them off, and order them to their Long-march; moving them away in an order­ly manner unto the place of him that is deceased, and there make Alt. After which he may command the Muskettiers in the Van to open to the right and left outward to such convenient distance as the Pikes may move up between them, and take possession of their first ground; and those Muskettiers may face about, and move down cleer of the Pikes, and after close their Files inward to Order, and face to their Leader.

Now being in two Divisions, let them so continue with their Arms ordered, [Page 191] until such time as they shall perceive the Corps to be brought forth into the Street; then the Captain may face them all about, and move them some three Pikes length before the Corps; after which he may command his Muskettiers to perform their Funeral-Posture, which is to have their Muskets under their left Arm, with the But-end upward, their Rests likewise on that side trailing. After which the Pikes are to face again to their first Front, and to lay the narrow end of their Pikes down upon the ground; after facing about to the left, and bring­ing up the But-end of their Pikes on their right side, conforming themselves with the Muskettiers in their Funeral-Postures. In the next place, the Ensign strips his Colours off from the Staff, and ties them about his right Wast; putting a black Ribbon towards the very end of his Staff, he after faceth to the Body of Pikes, standing in the Reer of them, and trailing his Staff in the same Posture. Next followeth the Captain, having in his hand a Half-pike or Leading-staff, conform­ing himself likewise to his Funeral-Posture. Thus being all ready to march, and rightly faced toward that place where the Corps are to be interred, are after this manner following to lead and to bring up.

The first Division of Muskettiers, which was the Reer-guard, is led by the Lieu­tenant; the next Division of Muskettiers, that was formerly the Van-guard, is led by the second Serjeant; the Body of Pikes, is led by the eldest Serjeant, he trailing a Half-pike upon the head of them; the Ensign bringing it up, and the Captain twelve foot short of him bringing up the Reer of the whole Company. And after him the Ministers marching just before the Coffin; & in the Reer, & next unto it, the neerest kindred, and after them those that are invited to the Funeral.

Having thus stated the manner and order of the Military Part, with all others belonging thereunto, for any ordinary Funeral-occasion; I shall in the next place proceed to shew their Order upon the March, and how each Arms ought to be disposed before the Corps enter into the Church, with the rest of the Train.

All persons being ordered as before expressed, the Drums being covered with Black-bays, and placed betwixt the second and third Ranks in each Division; and all being ready to move, the Drums may begin to beat their Funeral-March, and the Lieutenant leading them away, with the But-end of his Pattison upward and comported; the rest following, and marching in a leasurable and slow way along together, until they come within a hundred foot of the Church-door, or place where the Corps are to be interred, there making Alt. After which, let the Muskettiers in their Ranks File to the right and left, not advancing ground; and face in opposition, making a Guard for the rest to pass through, and resting their Muskets, or putting the But-end thereof to the ground, with the Barrel towards them (which is a conformity to the Pikes being ordered.) In the mean time, let the Pikes advance their Arms, and immediately after move forward betwixt the Guard of Muskettiers, and let their Ranks afterward file to the right and left, making also a Guard, their Pikes being ordered, and they as the rest, facing in opposition. Then let the Captain, who brings up the Reer of all his whole Bo­dy, move forward with the rest to the Church-door; then falling off in respect of ordering his Company, the rest of the Train Marching into the Church.

After which the Captain may cause them all to face to the Church, or to their Leader; he standing then before the Church-door, commanding them to Rank again as they were. After every Leader may draw off his File, and set their Arms apart in each File by themselves, and go in to hear part of the Sermon, if there should be any such order before-hand from their Captain, placing Sentinels to look to their Arms. And when Sermon is almost done, they ought to go forth of the Church, and draw forth the Files by some little warning of Drums, to be in readiness to answer such directions as they shall receive from their Captain; who may, if he have conveniency of room, draw all his Muskettiers into a Ring, and the Pikes in like manner on the outside of them; and as soon as the Souldiers have notice (being all ready and presented) that the Body is laid down in the grave, they may upon warning of the Drum, give one volley of shot all together, and after make ready again, performing the same twice over more. After which, the Ensign may put his Colours upon his Staff, and furl them up; then the Pikes may be drawn up again into one Body, and the Muskettiers into another; and [Page 192] falling in the Reer of the Pikes, they may troop away. And a little before the place of lodging the Colours, they may make Alt, and the Muskettiers may sleeve up by the outside of the Pikes from the Reer, filing to the right and left, making a Guard for the Colours and Pikes to march through them; and being cleer, and the Colours lodged, they may face about again to the right, and give another volley of shot: but if there should be such a streight of ground, that the Mus­kettiers cannot be drawn into a Ring; then they must be otherwise disposed of, by making them into two Ranks, the one on the one side of the Street, and the other on the other side, facing them either in opposition, or in an oblique man­ner: if in opposition, they must present very low, and give fire three times all to­gether as before, with one volley after another; if oblique, the one Rank is to be faced towards the upper end of the Street, and the other towards the lower end, and so may fire with less danger to each other; the Pikes to be filed away to the right and left, behind the Muskettiers before they were thus faced. And again, where they have not length of ground to contrive the Muskettiers into two single Ranks, they may fire all together as they stand at Order, mounting up the Muz­zles of their Muskets into the Air, without offending each other. Therefore ac­cording to the conveniency of the ground, it must be the discretion of every Com­mander to order his men accordingly to perform his three volleys of shot in the most gracefullest way; which being ended, they may all return to their Quarters. And thus much may suffice for satisfaction to any Commander in ordering his single Company to any Funeral-occasion, marching along of it self.

CHAP. XXVI. The ordering of a Regiment to a Funeral-occasion.

WHen Companies are to march in a Regimental-way, care must be had that the Regiment be first drawn up according to this Rule. The Pikes to be in one Body, and the Muskettiers equally divided to flank that Body; after which let the Major make his Divisions, appointing the places of every Captain and Lieutenant, where they shall lead, and where they shall bring up. After that they may move away towards the place or lodging of him that is to be interred, and there make Alt, opening the Van-guard or Muskettiers, and facing them to the Reer; then let the Body of Pikes and them interchange ground, that the Pikes may march next the Hearse, in manner as before exprest of a private Com­pany, whose smaller Bodies take Rule from the greater. Then let the Lieute­nant-Colonel lead the Regiment, and the Colonel bring it up; and so in like manner in every Division, the Bringers-up are to lead, and the Leaders to bring up. All Officers and their Arms being thus reverst, the Front becomes the Reer, and the Reer the Front, they must move slowly away▪ and before the Corps pass into the Church, there must be ground reserv'd, that after the Muskettiers have first made a Guard, the Pikes may move through them, and may also in like man­ner file in their Ranks as the Muskettiers did, joyning to them, and making a Guard in like manner of each Arms. After which the whole Train may pass through in an orderly manner into the Church; the Souldiers in the mean time attending without until Sermon be passed over. And being all in a readiness, they may give three several Peals, or Volleys of shot, according to such warnings as shall be given them. After which the Souldiers being ranked again as they were, if they have conveniency of ground, the Major may cause the Captains to draw off their Companies, and troop home to their several Quarters, according to their best conveniency. But if they have not room, it will be most properest for the Ma­jor to command the Muskettiers to stand, and first to rank the Pikes again as they were. Then let the Drums beat a Troop upon the head of the Pikes in the Reer of the Colours; and let the Ensigns and Pikes first troop away, through the Guard of the Muskettiers; who being cleer of them, and being led by the Colonel and o­ther Officers there appointed, the Muskettiers may also rank again in like man­ner, and fall in the Reer of the Pikes, following them until they come unto a con­venient place or ground for the Captains drawing off their Companies, as they shall receive order from the Colonel, Lieutenant-Colonel or Major. And here I will conclude my Discourse concerning the Exercising of the Infantry in all their Military Motions and Exercises.


The Postures of the Musket to be performed without the Rest.

The Musket lying on the ground, with Bandeliers and Match, the first Word of Command will be,

  • Stand to your Arms.
  • Take up your Bandeliers.
  • Put on your Bandeliers.
  • Take up your Match.
  • Place your Match.
  • Take up your Musket, letting the Butt-end rest upon the Ground.
  • Rest your Musket in your left hand, bringing the Butt-end to your right side.
  • Poyse your Musket.
  • Shoulder your Musket.
  • Unshoulder your Musket and Poyse.
  • Ballance your Musket in your left hand with the Barrel upwards.
    • Open your Pan.
    • Clear your Pan.
    • Prime your Pan.
    • Shut your Pan.
  • Cast off your loose Corns.
  • Blow off your loose Corns, and bring about your Musket to your left side, carrying the Barrel downwards.
  • Ballance your Musket in your left hand.
  • Find out your Charge.
  • Open your Charge.
  • Charge with Powder.
  • Draw forth your Scowring-stick.
  • Turn, and shorten to an inch.
  • Charge with Bullet.
  • Put your Scowring-stick in your Musket.
  • Ram home your Charge.
  • Draw forth your Scowring-stick.
  • Turn, and shorten him to a handful.
  • Return your Scowring-stick.
  • Bring forward your Musket & Poyse.
  • Ballance your Musket in your left hand, with your Barrel upward.
    • Draw forth your Match.
    • Blow your Coal.
    • Cock your Match.
    • Filt your Match.
  • Guard your Pan,
  • Blow the Ashes from your Coal.
  • Open your Pan.
  • Present upon your left hand.
  • Give fire Brest-high.
  • Dismount your Musket, holding him still in your left hand.
  • Uncock, and return your Match.
    • Clear your Pan.
    • Shut your Pan.
    • Set the Butt-end of your Mus­ket to the ground.
  • Lay down your Musket.
  • Lay down your Match.
  • Take off your Bandeliers.
  • Lay down your Bandeliers.

An Advertisement to the Souldiery of the Nation.

WHereas this Book in the several Tracts thereof, with much variety doth set forth at large, as to their several kinds and changes, all your Military Motions and Postures, which may not only serve to give light to the unexperi­enced, and lead them by the hand into the Military Gardens of Honour, and o­ther 6 [Page] places, where they are trained up, until by degrees they arrive unto perfe­ction; but may delight and confirm the most able and most knowing Souldiers, whilst here they read over those several forms, in which heretofore they stood, when in so many Battails, with such admirable success they have both opposed and overcome their Enemies. And whereas even from hence may be extracted many excellent Directions and Rudiments of War, which may incourage and fully inable all active and gallant Spirits in this City of London to perform such Commands, and to follow those Conducts to which they shall be disciplined by those exquisite and most expert Souldiers, who shall train them up, either in the new Artillery, or any other ground of such Honorable Imployment, and hereby be so fitted and furnished with all directions, that the performance of them shall render them most acceptable: yet I cannot but confess, that through the usual va­riety of this most Noble Profession, proceeding from the great plenty which these times afford thereof (the exercise of Arms being every where so frequently shown) that the most plain and ordinary Rules, though far more useful, are not so well rellished, many men looking more in such your publick Trainings after novelty and delight, then solidity; which was purposely contrived by the Authors of it only for variety, and for drawing of one another to the love of Arms, and not for any prejudice to the Fundamentals of War, on which the Ruine or the Safe­ty of the Kingdom and Commonwealth of the World depends. If peradventure it be alleadged, that he who can perform things of difficulty, will be more apt to carry on things of more facility: It may be speedily answered, that the plain Rudiments and Principles of War, being of greatest use and importance, and practised in all Armies, both in this and other Nations, they are by no means to be neglected or omitted, but to be preserved and esteemed in that high manner which they do deserve; for the ability in the performance of them, will no doubt more readily prefer a man, and render him more capable of any imploy­ment, then the practice of any useless or impertinent things in War. Add unto this, that the more easie and plain a man is in his command, the more readily it is received by the Souldiers, and more promptly obeyed; for new coined, and Sesquipedalian words of Command do so puzzle and torment the apprehensions with directions and expositions to have them understood, that not only they of­tentimes transcend the reach of those that are to give them; but they do much amaze and confound the capacities of those who are to be led and ordered by them. I do the rather make mention of this in this place, that a discreet care be taken, that no man make himself ridiculous in his undertakings or Commands; but that he may be able to give an absolute account of any Branch, which in the whole Body of the Art Military shall be propounded to him, to give satisfa­ction therein to any judicious Souldier, as concerning the use, purpose, and pro­perty of it; for otherwise it would signifie nothing at all. But when a man be­ing required thereunto can render a sufficient reason for what he doth, or shall voluntarily give it himself, as to this or that management of any service in War, it will very much both content him, and inform them who shall be under his Command, and give them a just encouragement to proceed in it: but if he should fail in this point of Knowledge and Judgment, there is but little benefit to be expected from his Conduct; for it were far better that a man did but a little in a Souldierly way, which is proper, and carrying good approbation to men of un­derstanding, then to spin forth a long thred with new expressions and inventi­ons, that are of no use or profit, but tend rather unto laughter, and to the loss of time, and the offence of many, and to the bringing of a generall contempt upon the Art.

And although there be many Rules which may be sufficient forms to direct, and to teach to be expert in War, and doubtless are of great concernment to them who have both the. Theorick and the Practick part; yet nevertheless there is no rule, but at some time or other doth admit of some exception, there being espepially so many cross events in War, that no Commander can positively tie himself up to any Rule; for occasions do vary so in several places, that the chiefest Rule a man can walk by, is his Eye, and his Intelligence, wherein accordingly he [Page] must accommodate himself to encounter his Enemies. And although a Com­mander should be qualified with much Knowledge, Courage and Faithfulness, the only accomplishments of a true Souldier; yet they are to be attended with diligence; for in all his undertakings and performances, delays being always dangerous, it is usually said, That which is soonest done, and well done, is best done. But above all, he is to have an eye to order, which is the very life of an Army. And in acting against an Enemy, great care is to be taken not to puzzle the Soul­diers, by confounding their understandings, which may occasion their utter o­verthrow. And this makes me to reflect on what hath been mentioned hereto­fore. Let every Commander that truly delights in Military exercises, study to be exact in all plain things, and practice the Souldiers much in the exercise thereof; for this is the only use, and is altogether practised and observed in the Field. If a man will be curious in new fancies, there are stratagems enough to be found out, in which he may exercise himself with much variety, to delight the curi­ous, and find much matter in them to be highly valued, and esteemed. But this is to be carried on in a plain way, the study whereof would ask some time; and it is not easily obtained by ordinary capacities, which should content themselves to learn of such who are of higher abilities. And on this account the Art would be more highly prized, and not only bring more Honour to the Professors there­of, but even the Learners themselves would become more capable of good pre­ferment abroad, and our Military Gardens and Meetings would much more flou­rish, and be beheld with more delight and satisfaction, not only by the Souldi­ers themselves, but all other Spectators whatsoever.

I do not desire to be mis-understood by this Discourse, that herein I should go about to startle any ingenious Souldier, or disswade him from any thing that shall be new to his Invention, which is proper: I shall rather incourage him, and be glad to understand of him what Reason he can give for every thing he doth, and of what use it may be unto the Publick, and then it will admit of no con­troulment. But vacant seasons may be used for variety and delight, in making experiments of wit, fancy, and ingenuity; provided they do not dwell too much upon them. But the substantial and solid things of War are above all things to be precisely regarded, without which an Army, though of the most va­liant men, will be exposed to the greatest dangers, and fall into a most certain Ruine.

I should here humbly offer my Advice to the most eminent Meetings in the Artillery and Military Gardens, in the latter of which I was heretofore a Mem­ber, and still am a true Lover, and honourer both of that, and all other places like unto it: My advice is, that on their days of publick Meeting, they would have chiefly before their eyes the main Grounds and Principles in the Art of War, which (through permission) I am perswaded, would cause greater appea­rances, and make their Ground to flourish more then ever; to the Honour of our Nation, and the increase of experienced and able Commanders, if ever this Commonwealth should stand in further need of them. And because the Ambi­tion of some doth strive to aim at higher things in their thoughts then what is practised abroad, I have thought good to set down the plain way of exercising a Company, as usually it is practised in the Army, our Companies consisting of one hundred men, two parts being Muskettiers, and a third Pikes, the depth of our Files being always six deep in the Armies of England, Scotland, and Ireland: the Company being drawn up abrest, the Exercise is as followeth, they stand­ing in their closest Order in Ranks and Files.

First, Command. Open Ranks backwards to Order.

Command. Files open to the Right to your Order.

Command. Ranks open backward to open Order.

Command. Files open to the left to open Order.

Command. Ranks open backward to double Distance.

Command. Files open outward to double Distance.

Command. Ranks close forward to open Order.

Command. Files close inward to open Order.

[Page] Command. Ranks close forward to your Order.

Command. Files close to the left to your Order.

Command. Face to the Right as you were.

Command. Face to the Left as you were.

Command. Face to the Rear as you were.

Command. Face to the Front as you were.

Command. Face to the Center as you were.

Command. Face to Front and Rear. as you were.

Command. Face to the Right and Left outward. as you were.

Command. Face to the Right and left inward as you were.

Ranks and Files being at Open Order.Ranks to the Right Double.

Files to the Left Double.

Ranks to the Left Double.

Files to the Right Double.

Command. Half-files Double your Front to the Right.

Command. Files Double your Depth to the Left.

Command. Half-files Double your Front to the Left.

Command. Files Double your Depth to the Right.

Command. Bringers-up Double your Front to the Right.

Command. Files Double your Depth to the Left, every man falling behind his Bringer-up.

Direction. Bringers-up Double your Front to the Left.

Files double your Depth to the Right, every man placing himself behind his Bringer-up.

Command. Double your Ranks to the Right or Left intire as you were.

Command. Half-files double your Front to the Right intire.

Command. Right Half-ranks double intire the depth of your left Half-ranks.

Command. Half-files double your Front to the Left intire.

Command. Left Half-ranks double intire the depth of your Right half-ranks.

Direction. The same may be done to the Rear.

Command. Files to the Right hand Counter-march, and maintain Ground.

Command. Files to the Left hand Counter-march, and maintain Ground.

Direction. The same may be done in Ranks, as also both in Ranks and Files, ei­ther maintaining, gaining, or losing ground; of these in the Army we use but little.

Command. Wheel your Battle to the Right.

Command. Wheel your Battle to the Left.

Command. Wheel your Battle to the Right about.

Command. Wheel your Battle to the Left about.

Command. Files, file to the Right or Left.

Command. Ranks, file to the Right and Left.

First, The Muskettiers being on both flanks, first firing, let the first Rank stand and fire, every Rank passing through before his Leader, after standing and fire, till all have fired over twice, or four times, the Pikes moving slowly in the mean time; they will upon a stand be reduced as at first.

Secondly, Bring all the Muskettiers before the Pikes, then let them fire in the Front, falling off, and flank the Pikes upon the Right. Fire upon the right flank, the body marching, and the Muskettiers to pass on the left flank: after the Pikes may charge to the right, the body moving again. Let the Muskettiers fire on the left flank, and fall in the Reer of the Pikes, who may after charge their Pikes on the left. The body marching, the Muskettiers may fire in the Reer, and fall off to the Right and Left, and flank the Pikes as at the first; the body facing about, the Pikes may charge to the Reer. We usually fire in the Front sometimes two ranks standing, the rest passing by turns; then standing after they have gained the ground before their Leaders, do fire, till all have fired twice: other times three Ranks fire together; the first kneels down, the second stoops, the third stands upright; then falling down, the three last Ranks pass through, and do the like. This being done twice, reduces them all as at first, the Pikes moving slowly; this being the usual way of exercising our Companies in the Army.

Rich. Elton, Lieut. Col.



HAving now an opportunity of reprinting the prece­ding Treatise of Military Discipline, written by Lieutenant-Colonel Richard Elton, containing the Discipline and Exercise of Foot-companies, Regi­ments, Brigades, &c. I thought it not convenient to let the In­fantry March into the Field of the [World] any more, without the Cavalry, nor they without their Train of Artillery: I have therefore endeavoured to make good the words of the Title, namely [The Compleat Body of the Art Military] by adding the following Treatises: wherefore, to the Infantry here is ad­ded Cavalry, and Instructions for them, both in Posture and Motion; and for both, here is provided Quarters; and for the securing of the Quarters, we have surrounded them with In­trenchments, Redoubts, Bulwarks, Hanworks, &c. and for the defending and maintaining of these Works, we have brought hither our Great Artillery.

The additional Treatises in brief are these:

1. The Names, Offices, Duties and Qualifications of all Officers belonging to an Army, from the General to the Private Souldier.

2. The manner of Enrolling, Arming and Exercising of the Cavalry, both in Postures and Motions.

3. The manner of the Marching of an Army, both Horse and [Page 196] Foot, with its Train of Artillery, Bag and Baggage, and all o­ther necessaries thereunto belonging.

4. The order of Designing, Measuring and laying out the Quarters for the Encamping of an Army, either of Horse or Foot, or both; together with the Artillery, and all requisites; with Orders for Watching, and other Orders to be observed in the Quarters.

5. The manner of Fortifying and securing of these Quar­ters, by Intrenchments, &c. and how to Erect a Fort of any number of sides from four to ten, with their several Ramparts, Bulwarks, Parapets, and all other the appurtenances thereunto re­lating.

6. There is added some part of the Gunners Art, namely, so much thereof as is necessary for a Souldier in general to know, and in case of necessity, to put in practice; with the making and use of the two most material and serviceable Fireworks, name­ly, the Petard and Granado.

Other things I could have added, but I (with the advice and probation of my Military acquaintance) deemed these suf­ficient: and as the Book is Entituled, The Compleat Body of the Art Military; so I am perswaded that he that can attain to perfection in what is here delivered, may be accounted a Com­pleat Souldier: And that all Practitioners in the Art Military may attain to be such, is the hearty wish of

W. L.

How the Officers of an Army in general ought to be qualified.

IN every Souldier (especially a Commander) these essential qualities are required, viz. Knowledge, Experience, Valour and Dexterity; of which, how many are there that take upon them the profession of a Souldier, that hardly know what any of the Words mean; but think their patri­mony a sufficient Commission for them, to take a Command upon them, they wanting Knowledge how to manage the men under their Command; Experience in the Art Military being a stranger to them. But certainly, if such men did but seriously consider how various and changeable the state of a Soul­dier is, that in a moment he may loose that honour and reputation he hath been many years obtaining, and seen the ignominie and disgrace which some have come unto by their miscarriages, they would doubtless be very cautious, and not run headlong into an imployment of such importance.

But he that hath had experience by being under command for a time, and ar­rived to the degree of a Captain gradually, as from a Corporal to a Quarterma­ster, thence to a Cornet, and so to a Lieutenant; he is then well prepared for a Captains charge: for having passed these inferior Offices, depresseth those vehe­ment passions which by nature otherwise are apt to arise in young men, which in a Commander are dangerous: Besides, his accustoming himself to the former employments, maketh him Valorous; so that if he be suddenly assailed, he can recollect himself without astonishment; and to the forementioned Qualificati­ons adde this, his accustoming himself to hardship, as to Watch, Travel, Labour, endure Hunger and cold, &c.

His chief end must be Honour; to attain which, he must be vigilant, and let no opportunity slip to attempt any brave exploit or stratagem. And for that end he will be always observing his Enemy, and contriving how to circumvent him in his designs; knowing that in War no material matter can be effected without vigilancie and danger. But let him not always trust to his own judgement, but advise with his Officers also; and upon any such enterprize let him take to his assistance such of his Souldiers as he sees deserve well, and quit himself at such a time of the debauched part of his Souldiery. He must always aspire to higher de­grees [Page 198] of Honour. Let him hate Covetousness: for nothing more will continue his Souldiers good affections towards him then Liberality. Gaming let him detest; and instead of gorgeous Apparel, let him delight in good Arms and Horses. Let L [...]ry and Drunkenness be enemies to him, which his Souldiers perceiving, will be the more vigilant to rec [...]m in themselves by his Example.

But above all, let him see before his eyes the fear of God, deporting himself internally and externally blameless. Thus by good Example of the Comman­der, the commanded will be reformed.

Having given you an account how every Commander in general ought to be qualified, I will now shew you the Office, Duty, and Qualification of every Com­mander in particular. And

I. Of the General of the Horse.

THe General of the Horse was wont to supply the place of Lieutenant-Gene­ral of the Army, and in the absence of the Lord General to command the whole Army. It is true, that the Lord Marshal, forasmuch as he giveth the Or­ders (according to the opinions of some) used to have the superiority of Com­mand; whence it is, that the Lord General absenting himself from the Army, used to take along with him either the General of Horse, or the Lord Marshal, to avoid competition between them.

He must be a man of Experience and Valour, having in charge the nerves of the principal Forces, and upon whom the success of many designs and actions depend, they being usually executed by the Cavalry, where the charging of the Enemy orderly usually giveth Victory; and the disorderly charging, disturbs oft-times the whole Army. Witness that Battle at Gembloers described by Mete­ren, where the Infantry were overthrown by their own Horse. He is to take par­ticular notice not only of the Officers, but the private Souldiers also, rewarding them when vigilant, and upon some signal act advancing them to higher pre­ferment, and punishing Delinquents and such as are deficient in their endea­vours: by which means the good will love, and the bad fear him. He is to see the Cavalry be furnished with all necessaries, and be always in good equipage. A Troop being to march, he is to see that they be provided with Naggs, for the preservati­on of the Souldiers Horses; for with them they must go to forrage after their March, and presently enter into Guard or Quarter without rest, to refresh their Horses. The Captains are not to absent themselves from their Companies, nor to place of displace Officers without his leave and approbation. He hath his particular Officers a part; and in that which concerneth the Cavalry, neither Lord Mar­shal nor General himself dispose of any thing without his advice. When he pas­seth through the Quarters either of the Cavalry or Infantry, his Trumpets are to sound; but not where the Lord General is present, or where he lodgeth. When he commandeth in the Army (in absence of the Lord General) upon occasion of fight, his place is in the Battle, that he may the better give Order to all. U­sually he hath a Company to lodge with him, to serve him as his Guard, and six or more of his Company attending on him. He should not resolve upon any en­terprize, unless he consider of all that might happen, and propound to himself greater difficulties in the action then in reality there be, and so prepare reme­dies surpassing the said difficulties, it being a singular benefit to be able to fore­see (with good judgement) those things which might succeed in the uncertain and variable accidents of War. As Sertorius saith, A good Commander should ra­ther look behind him then before him.

II. Of the Lieutenant-General of Horse.

THe Charge of the Lieutenant-General of the Horse is of great importance, and must therefore be supplied by a Souldier of known Experience and Va­lour: careful and vigilant he must be; he marcheth and lodgeth for the most [Page 199] part with the Cavalry: he ought to be well versed in the ways of the Country, that he may either meet or avoid his Enemy as occasion shall required. He must be always busied about his Enemies motion, considering with himself from what place they may shew themselves, with what number, whether Infantry or Caval­ry; in what time they may probably come upon him, and where to place him­self to advantage to prevent them.

He must be circumspect and wary in the choice of the place appointed for Quarters, in preparing good Guards, causing the High-ways to be cleared, and by-ones discovered, placing men on those places where he supposes the Enemy may make head; sending forth Scouts continually, and placing Sentinels, omit­ting no diligence to secure the Quarter where the Cavalry findeth it self to be exposed to most danger, especially if they be lodged without Infantry. He must be sure to have Spies in and about his Enemies Quarters. He must look that the Captains wrong not their Souldiers, but that he see them well armed, and kept in good Order, and that they and his Officers observe good Orders and Discipline. As he ought to be severe in punishing, so he must be ready and willing to hear his Souldiers just complaints, and relieve them. He must not suffer any extortion to be used by himself or others, by which the Country is ruined, and the Soul­diery hated: for too great liberty of the Souldiers produceth bad effects.

He ought to be knowing in the command of the Infantry; for upon occasion of sending a good part of the Cavalry to several places, he hath the charge not only of the Horse, but of the Foot also: And in the absence of the General, the Orders from the Lord General or Lord Marshal come to him, and to him are all reports made of the occurrences of the Cavalry and Army. He may suspend a Captain of his command, upon just cause; but cannot restore him again without order from the General, who must first give notice thereof to the Lord General. When he passeth the Quarters of Cavalry, the Trumpets sound; but not in the presence of the General, or in his Quarters. When the General of Horse com­mands the whole Army, and therefore takes his place in the Battle, the Lieute­nant-General placeth himself in the Van-guard of the Cavalry, where otherwise the General useth to be.

III. Of the Commissary-General,

HE ought to be a good and experienced Souldier; for that in the absence of the Lieutenant-General he is to have the command. He must reconcile Dif­ferences which at any time arise among the Souldiers, as having most to do with the Souldiery. He is to keep Lists of the Guards, Convoys and other services, and is to distribute the Orders. Every evening he is to go and receive the Orders and the Word, and having given it to the General and Lieutenant-General, he is to give it to the Quartermaster-General, for him farther to distribute. He is upon all occasions of singular use, and entrusted with the Execution of the Or­ders. In appointing the places or lodgings in several Exploits, he must be free from partiality; and such as at one time have cause of discontent, he must make them amends the next; that so he may see it was of necessity, not of partiality. His place being of great importance, ought therefore to be supplied by one knowing and experienced.

IV. Of the Quartermaster-General.

THe Office of the Quartermaster-General is to a appoint the Lodgings or Quar­terings; wherefore he must be well acquainted with the Countrey, with the Towns and Villages about it, not only by Maps (which in some measure will inform him) but by his own experience, that he may the better know where to place the Corps-du-gards and Sentinels, and visit them by day and night, and or­der what ways to secure them: and is to keep a List of all the Guards, Convoys, Cavalcadoes (or exploits by Horse.) He must shew the Allarm-place to the par­ticular [Page 200] Quarter-masters when they receive the Word of him in the Evening. He must be very cautious in giving in his reports true; and if any Order for haste be delivered him by mouth, he must not trust it to others, but must himself deliver it.

V. Of the Captain.

A Captain ought to be a man Sober, Continent, and modest in his Apparel, aiming rather at good Arms and Horses, then gorgeous Apparel; to see his Souldiers punctual in their respective Duties, and often calling them to exercise. Let him be generous, and not given to Gaming, lest the Souldiers pay by that means be diminished, which will overthrow his credit. He is diligently to ob­serve the Orders he receives; and to be punctually ready with his Troop where appointed, himself being first on Horsback, seeing his Troop compleat and full before he march. He ought to know every Souldier in his Troop by name, that upon any Exploit he may draw forth such as he discerns most fit for the business he hath in agitation. The Captains taking notice of a Souldier does very much animate and encourage him. He must cherish his well-deserving Souldiers, and cashier the idle and debauched. Let him always have 2 or 3 of his Souldiers well skilled in the Countrey, for they may serve him as Guides, for that those of the adjacent Towns or Villages are not always to be had, nor is it at all times safe to intrust them: to these Souldiers he is to contribute something extraordinary besides their pay.

Out of his Troop he is to chuse his Lieutenant, Cornet, &c. impartially by their merit, and not for favour or affection; by which he shall be beloved of his Souldiers, and not be forced to alter his choice by the Generals Order.

In the absence of the Captain, the Lieutenant commands the Troop.

VI. Of the Lieutenant.

THe Lieutenant of a Troop ought to be an experienced Souldier, having at­tained thereunto by the experience he attained in being a Corporal and Cornet, from which by desert he attained to be a Lieutenant. In the Captains absence he commands the Troop. He must be diligent to see the Souldiers do their duties, and see that their Horses and Arms be in good case. He is to bring up the Reer of the Troop, and see the Souldiers keep Rank, File, and Distance orderly after the Captain and Cornet, and to permit none to depart from the Body or Troop. In fight he is to be still in the Reer with his Sword drawn, en­couraging the Souldiers, and cutting, if not killing such as shall presume to flinch. He is to keep a List of the names and sirnames of the Souldiers in his Troop, and know the sufficiency of each Souldier, that he may make use of them accordingly.

The Troop being to go to Guard, when neer, the Lieutenant is to go before to the Lieutenant that is to be relieved, and take notice of the Corps-du-guard, and receive information from him, when and where the Sentinels are to be pla­ced, what ways to clear, and all other things necessary; and he must visit the Sen­tinels often both by night and day, he first himself having placed them. If the Troop be lodged in a Village, the Billets must be signed by the Quartermaster of the Troop, and distributed to the Souldiers before the Cornets lodging, where the Alto is made to attend the said Billets; so that in case of an Allarm, the Souldiers may know whither to repair. If they stay longer then a day in one place, the Lieutenant is to visit the houses to see that the Souldiers keep good orders; and being to go away, to bid them be careful to put out their Fires. If they go to be lodged in a Town or Fort, and there to keep Garrison, the Lieu­tenant is to accommodate their Lodgings according to their degrees and deserts; and wheresoever they lodge longer then a day, he must write the name of the Souldiers upon the said Billets, that if the Souldier commit any Misdemeanor, he may be the readier discovered and punished.

[Page 201]When the Troop is to March, and the Trumpets sound to Horse, he must be first mounted, and see the Souldiers do the same with all speed; and finding any lingering, either out of idleness, or an intent to Plunder, severely to chastise them. He ought to have knowledge of the ways: And if the Troop be charged by the Enemy, himself with some of the most experienced Souldiers, and best mounted in the Troop, are to stay behind.

VII. Of the Cornet.

IN the absence of the Captain and Lieutenant, the Cornet is to command the Troops, but in the Captains presence upon a March, his place is in the Front before the first Rank, but behind the Captain: in his charging of an Enemy, he is to charge with the Captain, and endeavour to break his Standard upon the E­nemy; and being broken, and falling to the ground, he is not to regard taking it up again, his honour lying much in the breaking of his Standard in chase ei­ther of Horse or Foot: But if the Enemy should take the Cornets Standard un­broken, it were to him a great disgrace. And this is contrary to the practice of an Ensign in the Infantry, the preserving of whose Colours is ever esteemed his greatest glory; as is evident in the Example of one Jaques Martaeus, who, when most of his Souldiers had forsaken him, he fought so long as he could; and find­ing himself over-powred, wound himself up in his Colours and dyed.

The Cornet of Cuirassiers in march hath his place at the head of the Troop, and presenteth himself in the Alarm-place; but in fight, in the midst of the Troop, having two third parts of the Souldiers behind him. [And this is the place of his marching in these times, which does most agree with the manner of marching of the Infantry, where the Ensign marches before the division of Pikes.] The Souldiers in the Front-division of the Troop, must be those best armed, and the most couragious. He must keep a List of the Troop, and send so many to the Guard, as the Captain or Lieutenant shall appoint. Once every day, he is at the Lord-Generals passing by the Troop to do obeysance to him, by inclining his body and Cornet towards the ground.

VIII. Of the particular Quarter-Masters.

THe Quarter-Masters duty is, (when all the Troops are lodged together) to accompany the Quarter-Master-General in his laying out of the gene­ral Quarters; but if they are to be lodged in several places, some of the parti­cular Quarter-masters accompany the Lieutenant-General, others the Commis­sary-General; and if a Captain command the Quarters, then the particular Quarter-Master maketh the Quarter. There is much trust reposed in him, as the distributing of the Word and the Billets; and therefore ought to be honest and true to his charge. When he goes with the Quarter-Master-General to make the Quarters or Lodgings, he must be very diligent, taking with him two or three of his Souldiers, which are to return to their Troop, as guides to conduct the rest to their Quarters.

IX. Of the Corporals.

THe Corporal is to assist his Lieutenant in placing the Sentinels; the Harque­busiers are to discover and scoure the ways, and to officiate as forerunners or Scouts, under the charge of one of their Corporals, who must be an experi­enced person in respect of the ways. If any place of importance be to be guarded, a Corporal with his Squadron is sent thither; he must be capable of good literature, for that he must keep a particular List of his Squadron.

X. Of the Trumpeters.

A Trumpeter ought to be a politick, discreet and cunning person; for that the delivery of Embassies to and from the Enemy, are by him performed. In going upon any such, he ought to have a vigilant eye upon their Works, Sentinels, and other things that lye in his passage, and privately conceal them till his return. And in his discourse with his adversary, very cautious and catching, or circumventing him, by trapping him in his parley: Besides this, he must sound all the sounds of the Trumpet; as the Bontezelle, that is, Set on the Saddle; the Cheval, which is, Mount on Horse-back; the Standard, that is, Re­pair to your Colours. One Trumpet must always lodge with the Cornet, (for which the Captain must give allowance) and he must always have his Trumpet about him upon a sudden Alarm.

XI. Of the Auditor.

THe Auditor ought to be a man of great integrity, and understanding in the Law: In the absence of the Auditor-General, he heareth and judgeth the causes of the Cavalry, and maketh report thereof to his General, or in his ab­sence, to the Lieutenant-General; without whose order he cannot execute any of his sentences. He is to keep neer the person of the General or Lieutenant-General, who are to see him respected. He is to take notice of the prizes of Vi­ctuals brought to the Quarters of Horse, that they be sold at reasonable rates; and to see that the Victuals suffer no extortion by the Provost-Marshal, or his Of­ficers.

In the States Army, and at this time with us, the Horse and Foot have but one Auditor-General, who passeth no sentence himself; but it is done by a Council of War, in which every Captain hath a Vote.

XII. Of the Provost-Marshal.

THe Provost-Marshal ought to be an honest man; for that he is to look to the Weights and Measures, and to protect the Victuallers and Sutlers from the insolencies of the Souldiers. Himself, or one of his men, must always be in the Market-place, and is to inform himself at what rates the Sutlers buy their Victual, that the Commissary and Auditor may rate them accordingly. He must see the Orders published in the Horse-quarter strictly observed, and he must cleer those Quarters of vagrants and idle fellows. He must always carry his Trun­cheon in his hand; and having the same, it is death for any Souldier to lay hands on him. If he be to take a prisoner, he is not to enter the Quarter with­out leave of the Chief, who is to cause the Delinquent to be delivered up to him; but if the Delinquent offer to make escape, he may then enter the Quarter by his own Authority. In marching, he is to cleer the Ways, and to prevent the stragling Souldiers of Pillaging.

CONCERNING The Enrolling, Arming, and Exercising OF THE CAVALRY.

ALl things must be presupposed in a Souldier to be enrolled into the the Cavalry, which are common to him with the Infantry; as soundness of Body, vigour of Members, of fitting Age, between 20 and 40. a Resolution to addict himself to that Profession, and a De­sire to learn it; a vertuous emulation of Advancement by Merit, due Obedience to his Superiours, and a strict observation of Military Discipline; above all, the fear of God, which will direct him to follow Virtue, and abhor Vices: with these general Qualifications he ought to be endowed; and as to the Profession he hath now undertaken, these particular Faculties are ne­cessary. He ought to be active, nimble, and to know well what belongs to a Horse; he must be curious and careful to keep his Horse and Arms in good or­der. He must wear a Scarf of his Princes or Generals Colours, and not put it off though he go out of his Quarter, whether alone or in Company, by which means (besides the Ornament) they will (by the thoughts of whose Badge it is) for­bear many unfitting Words and Actions, they being subject by that to be disco­vered.

I. Of the Arming of the Cuirassier.

THe Cuirassier is to be armed in this manner. His Horse being about 15 hand high, strong, swift, and well managed. His Arms, a close Casque, or Head-piece, Gorget, Brest, Pistol and Caliver-proof, the Back, Poldrons, Vanbraces, two Gauntlets, Tassers, Cuissets, Culets, or Guard de vain, all fitting to his Body. A good Sword, very stiffe and sharp pointed, with Girdle and Hangers so fastned upon his Cuirass, as he may readily draw it; a Buff-Coat with long skirts, to wear between his Armour and his Cloaths.

He must have two Cases with good Fire-lock-Pistols hanging at his Saddle, the Barrel being 18 Inches long, and the bore fitting for Bullets of 20 or 24 in the pound to rowl in. He is to have a Boy and a spare Nag to carry his spare Arms and Oat-sack, and to get him Forrage. His Saddle and Bit must be strong, made after the best manner: he must wear his Scarf, and must have his Bridle made with a Chain, to prevent cutting.

II. Of managing of the Horse and Arms.

COncerning the Horse (supposing him to be of sufficient stature and strength, nimble of joynts, and sure of foot) he must of necessity be made fit for ser­vice, [Page 204] so that you may have him to be ready at command, to pace, trot, gallop, to run in full carreer; also to advance, stop, retire, and turn readily to either hand, and all with alacrity and obedience. Now to bring him to this ready tur­ning, he is to be ridden the Ring, and Figure of 8. first in a large, then in a nar­rower compass. First upon his pace, then upon the trot, and so to the gallop and carreer. He may be taught these things by using the Hand, Leg, and Voyce: for the Hand (observing not to move the Arm, only the Wrist) if you would have him to face to the Left, a little motion of the little Finger on that Rein, and a touch of the left Leg (without using the Spur) doth it. If to face or turn to the Left about, then a little harder. If you would have him to Trot, move both your Legs a little forward; for the gallop, more forward; and for the carreer, to yerk them most forward, and to move the Body a little forward also with it. Af­ter every motion performed, it were good to keep him some small time in that motion: As when you bid him stand, to stand a while, &c. Also it were not amiss (after every thing well performed) to give him some Bread or Grass for a re­ward. For the Voyce, you may use the Words, Advance, Hold, Run, or the like: but because the Voyce cannot always be heard, it were therefore best to use him most to the motion of the Hand and Leg. It is also very necessary, that you teach him to go side-ways; this he may be brought unto by laying his Provender som­what far from him in the Manger, and keeping him from turning his head to­wards it. You must use him to the smell of Gun-powder, the sight of Fire and Armor, the hearing of Shots, Drums, and Trumpets; all by degrees, and with discretion. When he is at his Oats, you may fire a little Gun-powder at a good distance from him, and so neerer by degrees: Afterwards a Pistol at a distance, and so neerer by degrees; and in like manner may a Drum or Trumpet be used. He may sometimes be dressed in Armor, and eat his Oats upon a Drum-head. It will be useful sometimes to cause two Muskettiers, at convenient distance from you, to fire at each other, and thereupon to ride up close to him. Also to ride him upon a compleat Armor upon a stake, and overthrow it, and trample upon it; by which means he will grow bold, not fearing to attempt any Object. You may use him to mountanous and uneven Ways, and teach him to Leap, Swim, &c.

Of Exercising the Cuirassier.

BEfore I speak of the particular Postures belonging to the exercising of the Cui­rassier, I will begin with this necessary preparative to Posture, viz.

Command. 1. To Horse.

Direction. Both Reins hanging in a loose posture, over the Horse-neck, and upon the Pummel of the Saddle, the Horsman is first to take the end of the Reins, above the Button, in his right Hand, and with the Thumb and two first Fingers of that Hand, to draw them to an even length. Then putting the little finger of his left Hand between both Reins, under the Button, with the other three fingers of the same Hand, on the farther Rein, and the Thumb on the ne­ther side of the Button, to grasp both Reins, that so (before he endeavour to mount) he may have his Horse-head in ballance and at command; then grasp­ing the Pummel of the Saddle with his left hand, and standing with his full body close to the Horse-side, and just between the Bolster and Cantle of the Saddle (al­ways on the nere side of the Horse) with the help of his right Hand, he shall put the left Foot into the left Stirrup, and with his right Hand taking fast hold on the highest part of the Cantle behind, he shall (by the help of both Hands) gent­ly (but strongly, and in an upright posture, without inclining his body to either hand) raise himself until he may stand perpendicular upon his left Foot, and [Page 205] then casting over his right-leg, place himself in the Saddle. He being now mounted, his Postures are as follow:

Command. 2. Ʋncap your Pistols.

Direction. Turn down the Caps of your Pistol-cases (or Holsters) with your right-hand.

Command. 3. Draw your Pistol.

Direction. Draw your Pistol out of the Case with your right-hand, (always the left Pistol first) mounting the Muzzle of it.

Command. 4. Order your Pistol.

Direction. Sink your Pistol into your Bridle-hand, and remove your right-hand towards the Muzzle, and rest the But-end upon the right Thigh.

Command. 5. Span your Pistol.

Direction. Sink your Pistol into your bridle-hand, and take your Spanner in your right-hand, and put it upon the Axle-tree, winding it about till it stick, and return your Spanner to its place.

Command. 6. Prime your Pistol.

Direction. Holding your Pistol in your bridle-hand, (as when you Span'd it) take your Priming-box in your right-hand, pressing the Spring with your fore-finger to open the Box, put Powder into the Pan.

Command. 7. Shut your Pan.

Direction. Press in the Pan-pin with your Thumb, and shut it.

Command. 8. Cast about your Pistol.

Direction. With your bridle-hand cast about your Pistol, and hold it on your left side with the Muzzle upwards.

Command. 9. Gage your Flasque.

Direction. Take your Flasque in your right-hand, and with your fore-finger pull back the Spring; then turn the mouth of the Flasque downwards, and let go the Spring.

Command. 10. Lade your Pistol.

Direction. Press down the Spring which openeth the Flasque with your fore-finger, and bringing, the mouth thereof to the Muzzle of the Pistol, turn the Powder into the Barrel.

Command. 11. Draw your Rammer.

Direction. Draw your Rammer with your right-hand turned, and hold it with the head downwards.

Command. 12. Lade with Bullet, and ram home.

Direction. Hold the Rammer-head in your right-hand, and take the Bullet out of your mouth with your thumb and fore-finger, and put it into the Muzzle of your Pistol, and your Rammer after it, and so ram home.

Command. 13. Return your Rammer.

Direction. Draw forth your Rammer with your right-hand, and return it to its place.

Command. 14. Pull down your Cock.

Direction. Bring your Pistol towards your rightside with your bridle-hand; and resting the But-end upon your thigh, with your right-hand pull down the Cock.

Command. 15. Recover your Pistol.

Direction. Take your Pistol into your right-hand, and mount the Muzzle.

[Page 206]Command. 16. Present and give Fire.

Direction. Your Pistol being in your right-hand, with your fore-finger upon the Tricker, incline the Muzzle thereof towards your Mark (with a fixed eye, and by degrees) on the right side of your Horse-head, turning your right-hand, so that the Pistols Lock may be upwards; having obtained your Mark, draw the Tricker and give Fire.

Command. 17. Return your Pistol.

Direction. Return your Pistol, and with your right-hand put it into your Case.

Concerning the Snap-hans Pistol, those Postures wherein it differeth from the Fire-lock Pistol, are these.

Command. 18. Bend your Cock.

Direction. Hold your Pistol in your Bridle-hand, and with your right hand bend your Cock.

Command. 19. Guard your Cock.

Direction. Pull down the Back-lock with your right hand, it will secure the Cock from going off.

Command. 20. Order your Hammer.

Direction. Draw down the Hammer upon the Pan, with your right hand.

Command. 21. Free your Cock.

Direction. Thrust back the Back-lock with your right thumb, thereby to give the Cock liberty.

For the more easie and speeding lading of the Pistol, for the gaining of time, and avoiding the carrying of either Flask or Touch-box, there is an invention of a Spanner or Key, which contains six Charges of Powder at the least, and pri­ming-Powder sufficient for those Charges, and for the Cartouches wherewith the Pistol-cases be furnished; which the Cuirassier will find to be of very good use.

The Cartouches are made of white Paper, cut into convenient breadth and length, and rowled upon the Rammer or other small round stick; the edge being passed down, and the Rammer drawn out, one end of the Paper is to be doubled in, to keep the Powder from falling out: these Cartouches are to be made so big, as to fill neerly the bore of the Pistol, and of length to contain as much Powder as the Pistol requires for a Charge. When the Powder is in, tie it with thred, and then put in the Bullet also, tying that also; these the Souldier may make at spare hours, and have them always by him. When he uses his Cartouches, he must bite off the Paper at the head of it, and so put it into the Barrel of the Pistol with the Bullet upwards, and then ram it home: these being beforehand pre­pared, it will much expedite the work of lading his Pistol.

The Cuirassier being well mounted, and throughly exercised in his Postures, the next thing he should apply himself unto is, to be a good Marksman; to attain which, he must be frequently shooting at Marks on Horsback, having such set up­on a Tree, some higher and some lower.

The Cuirassier being armed Pistol-proof, he must not give fire but at a very neer distance, being careful to make his Bullet do execution: the principal place of advantage to aim at is, the lower part of the belly of his Enemy, his arm-pits, or his neck. Some are of opinion, that it is not fitting for a Cuirassier to give fire, till he have his Pistol under his Adversaries Armor, or against some unarmed place; and if he miss of an opportunity of hitting the man, he may aim at the head or brest of his Horse. He is commonly to give the charge upon a Trot, and seldome galloppeth, but upon a pursuit. Having spent both his Pistols, and ha­ving no opportunity to load again, he must then betake himself to the last re­fuge, his Sword, placing the Pummel of it upon his right thigh, and with his [Page 207] right hand to direct the point thereof by his eye, raising it higher or lower as oc­sion serveth, aiming at his Enemies Neck, Arm-pits, Eye, or about the Pummel of the Saddle at his Belly, &c. but being past his Enemy, he is to make a back-blow at him, aiming to cut the buckle of his Poldron, thereby disarming one of his Arms, &c.

Of Exercising the Harquebusier and Carbine.

NOtwithstanding there be some difference between the Harquebusier and Carbine in their Horse, their Arming, and their Piece; yet in regard the Har­quebus differeth nothing from the Carbine in length, only in the Bore, the manner of using them is one and the same.

In Marching he is to carry his Carbine hanging at his Belt by his right side, or else to order it upon his right thigh. In Fight he is to strive to gain the left side of his Enemy (contrary to the Curassier) because that in presenting he is to rest his Carbine on his bridle-hand, placing the butt-end on the right side of his Breast neer his Shoulder. He must exercise himself, that he may use his Carbine with exactness and dexterity, and be exquisite in shooting at Marks.

For the manner of handling the Harquebus or Carbine, the directions before delivered may serve for sufficient Instruction; but forasmuch (as now adays) our Carbines are made with Snaphans, and somewhat differ from the former, I will set down the order of handling of it in the several words of Command.

Postures for the Snaphans-Carbine.
  • 1. Order your Carbine.
  • 2. Sink your Carbine into your Bridle-hand.
  • 3. Bend your Cock.
  • 4. Guard your Cock.
  • 5. Prime.
  • 6. Shut your Pan.
  • 7. Cast about your Carbine.
  • 8. Guard your Flasque.
  • 9. Lade your Carbine.
  • 10. Draw your Rammer.
  • 11. Shorten your Rammer.
  • 12. Lade with Bullet, and ram home.
  • 13. Withdraw your Rammer.
  • 14. Shorten your Rammer.
  • 15. Return your Rammer.
  • 16. Recover your Carbine.
  • 17. Order your Hammer.
  • 18. Free your Cock.
  • 19. Present.
  • 20. Give fire.

He is to use his Sword in all respects as the Curassier.

Of Exercising the Dragoon.

THe Dragoon is of special use and service to assist the Cavalry as Infantry; for there be many considerable Exploits which cannot be effected by the Caval­ry alone.

The Muskettier must therefore exercise himself to give fire on Horsback. When they come to guard a Passage, or do other the like service, they are to alight, and to demean themselves as Infantry; and being alighted to do their service, every of them is to cast his Bridle over the neck of his Sides-mans Horse, in the same order as they marched, keeping them so together, by some purposely appointed to attend them.

Of Exercising the Cavalry in their Motions.

THe Horsman being sufficiently instructed in the managing of his Horse, and in the use of his particular Arms; it is time now that he be taught how to demean himself being joyned in a Body.

The Horse being to be exercised, is to be drawn up into a Body, not by Ranks (as in the Infantry) but by Files, and those of 5 deep, according to most Au­thors; or of 6 deep, according to others, that of 5 being a number not divisible by 2, so that in doubling of Ranks, or Half-files, or the like, there will always remain an odd Rank. Others would have them (especially the Harquebusiers) to be 8 in File, making the Troop to consist of 64 Men, being drawn up into a square Body. Being thus put into Battalia, the first thing they are to be instru­cted in, is Distance; and herein there is a disagreement among Authors; Some making Close order to be 2 paces; Open order 4 paces, and so forward to a tri­ple, quadruple Distance proportionable. Others make but two kinds of Distan­ces; Close order, which is 3 foot; and Open order, which is 6 foot. And here a difference is to be observed between the manner of taking the Distance of the Cavalry, and that of the Infantry; for in the Foot, the Distance is taken from the Center, or middle of the Souldiers Body, which here cannot be understood but only of the space of Ground between Horse and Horse. But the best and la­test Authors are of opinion, that the Cavalry being to be exercised in their Mo­tions, should be at their Distance of 6 foot or Open order, standing right in their Ranks and Files.

The Motions which belong to the Exercising of the Cavalry are principally four, viz.

  • 1. Facings.
  • 2. Doublings.
  • 3. Countermarches.
  • 4. Wheelings.

And here note, that in the exercising of the Cavalry we use to this day the same words that the Graecians and Romans did of old: for a File the Romans called Versus and Decura; a Rank, Jugum; a File-leader, Ducanus; (because their De­curae or File consisted of 10) Bringer-up they termed Tergi-ducor; a Leader (be­ing every odd man in a File) Phrastes; a Follower (which is every even num­ber) Substes; a Side-man, Astes.

Their Distances also were the same with ours; their two Cubits (every Cubit being a Foot and a half of our Measure) agrees with our three Foot; their four Cubits, our six Foot: and so increasing upon occasion.

They ordered their Horse-troops at six Foot Distance between File and File in March, and three Foot in fight.

[Page 209]In all the motions, we also retain the same words of Command which they used.

Facing, they called Declinatio: to the

  • Right,
  • Left,
    • Hastam.
    • Scutum.

Facing about, Immutatio.

Doubling by

  • Ranks,
  • Files

Duplicandi duo genera, per

  • juga.
  • versus.

Their Countermarches the same which we use:


  • Chorica,
  • Macedonica,
  • Laconica,


  • Decurias.
  • Scutum.

Wheelings, the same with us, Conversio ad

  • Hastam.
  • Scutum.

Reversio est conversionis restitutio. Inflexio, Wheeling about.

The use of Facings is to make the Troop perfect to be suddenly prepared for a Charge, on either Flank or in the Reer.

Doubling of Ranks, or doubling by Half-files, or by Bringers up, is used upon occasion of strengthning of the Front.

Doubling of Files, or doubling by Half-ranks, serveth to strengthen the Flanks.

Countermarches serve either to reduce the File-leaders into the place of Bring­ers-up, and so have the best men ready to receive the charge of the Enemy in the Reer; or to bring one Flank into the place of the other, or Front and Reer, or either Flank, into the middle of the Body.

The use of Wheelings is to bring the Front to be ready to receive the Charge of the Enemy, on either Flank or Reer.

For the better information and satisfaction, and for the easie apprehending of what hath been said, those several Motions are here following represented in Fi­gures, by a Troop of Harquebusiers of 64 men; and in every Figure, the file-leaders are represented by this kind of A. the Bringers up by this kind of a. and the rest of the Body by this kind of a.

The form of the first standing.

To face them to the Right, is done by commanding,


[Page 210] Direction. This is done by turn­ing (all at one and the same time) to the right hand.

The Front is where the right Flank was.

To reduce them to their first form, the word is,

Command. As you were.

Direction. It is performed by turning to the left hand.

From thence to face them to the left, the Word is,

Command. To the right hand.


Direction. It is performed by turning to the left.

From hence they are to be re­duced, by saying,

Command. As you were.

Direction. It is performed by turning to the right.

Now to face them to the Reer, though it be proper first to do it by the right hand, yet for the more ready way, I would say,

Command. To the left hand.


Direction. It is done by turn­ing towards the left hand, until their faces front to that place which was before the Reer.

To reduce them to their first form (as that must be observed) the word is,

Command. To the right hand about as you were.

Command. To the left hand about.


[Page 211]Command. Ranks to the right double.


The use hereof hath been shewed before; but to perform it, this is the

Direction. Every other Rank, that is, every even Rank, is to pass into the odd upon the right hand of his Leader, the second Rank into the first, and so succes­sively.

To reduce them, the Word is

Command. Ranks as you were.

Direction. It is best done by causing those Ranks which doubled to stand, and those that stood to advance.

Command. Ranks to the left double.


Direction. The difference of this Motion from the former is nothing, but that here they which double do it to the left hand of their Leaders, which before they did to their right hands, as the Figure maketh it plain.

This done, they must be reduced by commanding,

Command. Ranks as you were.

[Page 212]Command. Files to the Right Double.

Direction. Let the second File pass into the First (every man behinde his side-man) account­ing from the right hand, the fourth into the third, and so the rest; which must be done through the whole Company at one in­stant.

But because the first Rank of the Troop is as the edge, and the Files are for the most part ap­pointed but five deep, there see­meth no great necessity of doub­ling Files.

To reduce them, the Word is,

Command. Files to the left as you were.


Command. Files to the left double.

Direction. The Difference be­tween this and the former Mo­tion, is the difference of hands only. And by this means, those Files which stood before, must move now; and they which mo­ved before, now stand; as ap­pears by the Figure. They are reduced by commanding,

Command. Files as you were, or, Ranks to the Right double.


[Page 213]Command. Half Files to the Right hand, double the Front.

Direction. Middle Men, double the first Rank on the right hand; the other three Ranks, double the threee following Ranks.

To reduce them, the Word is,

Command. Half files, as you were.

But it is better to cause them that doubled to stand, and the first Division to advance.


Command. Half-Files to the Left hand, double the Front.

Direction. This Motion differs from the former, in the hand only.

There is also doubling of Ranks by the Half Files entire to the right or left, or both by Division; but be­cause the Files (especially of Gui­rassiers) are seldome above five deep, the doubling of Ranks, Half-files, &c. is little used.

The reducing of them is shewed in the former Motion.


Command. Bringers-up, to the right hand double the Front.

Direction. The last Rank must pass into the first, and so successive­ly every one by the right hand of his Leader, as in the figure.

It is of goood use, but trouble­some for the Horse to perform (e­specially in the reducing) so it may be used or omitted as shall be thought fit.

To reduce them,

Command. Bringers-up, as you were.


[Page 214]Command. Files to the Left hand Countermarch.

Though it were fit to begin with the right hand, yet for the convenient turning of the Horse to the left, I think it not amiss to prefer the left.

Direction. The Figure suffici­ently represents the manner of the Motion, which represents the Choraean manner; there be also Countermarches after the Mace­donian and Lacedemonian ways, which for brevity are here omit­ted.


Command. Files close to the right and left, to your close Order.

Direction. Being about to wheel the Troop, they must be closed, first the Files, and then the Ranks.

And being to open them again, the Ranks are first to be opened, and then the Files.

All the Files close to the right and left towards the middle of the Body.


Command. Ranks close forward to your close Order.

Direction. All the Ranks move forward, saving the first, which stand.

The second Rank having their distance, stand; and so all the rest.

The Horse being to wheel, it must be conceived, that it can­not be performed by them in so exact a manner, nor in so strait a room as the Foot, therefore the Commander is to ride a reasona­ble compass, that so the Horse may do it with convenience.


[Page 215]Command. To the left hand Wheel.

Certain Authors, as Melzo and Basta, would have the Horse in all their Wheelings, to do it by the left (which is the readier way, unless the ground or other hinde­race will not permit it:) the Wheeling to the Right, is here o­mitted, which should in order go first.

Direction. All the Body must move to the left upon the left File-leader, who is the Center or Hinge upon which the whole Bo­dy turneth.

To reduce them,

Command. Wheel as you were.


There is also Wheeling to the Right or Left about, Wheeling Wings into the Front, &c.

To reduce them into their first Order,

Direction. First the Ranks are to be opened, then the Files, which bringeth them to their first form.

In opening of Ranks, the only way is, to do it by opening for­ward.


These and such like Motions are directed and commanded by the Voice of the Commander; but because the Voice cannot at all times be heard (especially in gross bodies) by reason of the clashing of Armor, trampling and neighing of Horses, tumultuous sounds, and noise of the Multitude (and that especially in fight) Antiquity hath invented helps, making three kinds of Military Signs or Directions:

  • 1. Vocal, which is by the Commanders Voice pronounced by the inferior Officers, to the Ear.
  • 2. Semivocal, by Drum, Trumpet, or other Warlike instru­ment, to the Ear.
  • 3. Mute, By Signs to the Eye; as by the Ensign, Standard, &c.

The Cavalry therefore must be taught distinctly to know the Sounds of the Trumpet, as when to clap on their Saddles, when to mount, when to repair to [Page 216] their Cornet, when to Troop away, when to give a Charge, when to retreat, when to attend the Watch, and the like. All which being the louder Voice of the Commander, they must perfectly observe and obey.

Notwithstanding I have here propounded a Troop of 64 Horse to be exercised in their Motions, and those of eight in File, yet the general opinion is, that a Troop ought not to be deeper then five in File, though the Troop do consist of 100 Horse.

Every Troop must be furnished with

  • A Captain.
  • A Lieutenant.
  • A Cornet.
  • A Quartermaster.
  • Three Corporals.
  • Two Trumpetters.
  • A Clerk.
  • A Sadler.
  • A Ghyrurgeon.
  • A Farrier.

When the Troop is to March, they are to be divided into three equal parts, ac­cording to the number of Corporals; which parts are called Squadrons, and di­stinguished by these Names, The Captains, Lieutenants, and Cornets Squadron. The first Squadron is to be led by the Captain, the second by the Cornet, the third by the eldest Corporal: the Lieutenant and Quartermaster are to march in the Reer.

The manner how a Troop of 60 Horse, besides Officers, should March in­to the Field to be Exercised, as it is in use at this day.


Let this suffice for their particular Marching and Drawing up into Battalia: as for their Marching in gross, we shall next come to speak of that.

Concerning The MARCHING of an ARMY Both HORSE & FOOT, With the Train of Artillery, Baggage, &c. Exemplified in an Army of 22000 Foot, and 5000 Horse. With the manner how the Prince of Orange Marched to besiege Groll.

The Marching of an Army.

I Come now to let you see an Army of 22000. Foot, and 5000 Horse, with thirty pieces of Ordnance, to wit, eight Half cannon, six Quarter-can­non, and sixteen Field-pieces, march in a Country where they may be charged either in Front or Reer; then shall I give you some rules for passing of Straits and Rivers: And lastly, I will shew you the form and Order that the Prince of Orange observed in some of his Marches.

You are to observe, that the Army is to be divided into Van-guard, Battail and Reer; and because the Van is the most honourable place, they change eve­ry day, so that he that hath the Van this day, hath the Reer to morrow; and he that had the Battle, marcheth in the Van; so likewise he that had the Reer the first day, marcheth in the Van the third day: and this Order doth the Regiment in every Tertia also follow.

Being thus divided, they are all upon Order given by the General to stand ranged in Battalia, either in their several Quarters, or in some place of Arms ap­pointed for the whole Army; and standing so in readiness, Command being gi­ven to March,

There shall first set forwards 500 Horse, in one or more Troops, as occasion shall require, to discover and cleer all the Passage that the Army is to march by; they shall advance an English Mile or more, according to the Quality of the Country, before the Army, and send a Corporal out of every Troop, which best knows the Country, with fifteen or sixteen Horse, to search and scoure all su­spected ways; those Corporals shall also advance as much before their Troops, as their Troops are before the Army, or thereabouts, according as the Country [Page 218] is opened or covered, and always keep three or four Horse a Musquet shot before them, to prevent any sudden surprise; and if they discover any Enemies, they are presently to send a Horse-man to advertise their Troops, and they likewise to give notice to the Army.

They must also diligently inform themselves, as neer as possibly they can with the strength of the Enemy, and still send Messengers with advertise­ment; by whom they shall also receive Order, how they shall retire or dispose of themselves.

After them shall follow 1000 with Fire-locks and Half-pikes, divided into seve­ral Troops, as well to succour the said Horse, as to guard the Ordnance of the Van-guard that follow; and they shall also send fifty men on either Flank, with sufficient Officers to discover and keep off small parties.

Then shall march two Companies of Pioniers, to even the way for the Ar­tillery; and with them one Waggon with Materials, and an other with Vi­ctuals.

Next eight Field-pieces all ready charged, and attended by two Gentle­men, four Gunners, two Waggons loaden with Powder, two with Bullets, and one Conductor.

Then three Quarter-cannon likewise charged, and attended by one Gen­tleman, two Gunners, one Waggon loaden with Powder, one with Bullets, and one Conductor.

After them four Half-cannon upon their Carrages, attended by two Gentle­men, four Canoniers, four Waggons loaden with Powder, four with Bullets, one with a Bucks head, and other Instruments necessary to mount and dismount the Pieces, and two Conductors.

Next shall follow 2000 Horse, marching in a good distance by Regiments or Troops, and in good Order.

After them the Van-guard of Foot consisting of 7000, and marching orderly by Regiments, at their appointed distances.

There shall follow them half the Ammunition and Victuals for the Army; then the Generals and Chief Officers Waggon; and lastly, the particular Wag­gons belonging to the Van-guard, and half of that which belongs to the battail, marching, and taking place in the same Order, as do the Regiments they be­long unto in their several Bodies.

Then shall march the Battail, consisting likewise of 7000 Foot, followed with the rest of the Ammunition, Vivers and baggage of the Battail; and also with that which belongs to the Reer.

After them shall march in well ordered Divisions, the Reer of the Foot consist­ing of 6000 Foot, and next 2000 Horse, as aforesaid.

Then (in the same order as is mentioned in the Van-guard) shall march four Half-cannons, three Quarter-cannon, and eight Field-pieces accomplished with their appurtenances, as Powder, Bullets, necessary Instruments, and suffici­ent persons to manage and attend them.

Next them 1000 Fire-locks to guard the Ordnance, and succour the For­lorn-hope of the Reer, as is aforesaid.

Lastly, (to close up the Army) shall march 500 Horse, observing the same Or­der as is prescribed them in the Van-guard.

Many there are that dislike the placing the baggage among the Troops, espe­cially when the Army is to pass any narrow way or straits, because the Waggons take up so much ground, and separate the Troops so far, that upon occasion they will not be able to succour each other; and it is certain, that an Army thus divided may easily be affronted: But there is no General so ill advertised, being to pass a strait, that hath not intelligence where his Enemy attends for him, whether it be in Front or Reer: And if his Enemy waits for him a head, he can let his baggage come in the Reer, next after the Reer of the Foot. If he fol­low him, he may place his baggage before the Van-guard of the Foot, ever taking care to appoint a sufficient guard to attend it: and in an open Country, [Page 219] where the Troops may march in Battalia, the Waggons may well march be­tween the Troops, placing themselves likewise in Ranks, and making a Front as large as the Body they follow; so shall they take up but little ground, and be no trouble at all: and there they are out of danger, which otherwise they will be subject to, if an Enemy be neer, and strong in Horse.

The Order that the Prince of Orange Marched in, going to besiege Groll.

FIrst marched the Horse belonging to the Van-guard.

After them two Companies of Pioniers, with two Waggons loaden with Victuals, and one with Quarter-poles.

Next the Enginiers and Quarter-masters a Horse-back.

Then followed the Guards, and after them three Field-pieces of six pound Bullet, and six Chambred-pieces of twelve pound Bullet, with all things belong­ing to them, upon ninteen Waggons; five for the Field-pieces, and fourteen for the Chambred-pieces.

Next came the Van-guard of Foot, consisting of six Regiments, and followed by three Waggons loaden with 3000 pound of Powder, one with 1000 pound of Match, and one with 1000 pound of Musquet-bullets, and upon them sixty or seventy empty bags to deal out the Powder.

Then followed a Lieutenant with fifty men taken out of the Van-guard to guard the Waggons.

Next marched the Battail of Foot, consisting of four Regiments, and after them (as before) three Waggons with 3000 pound of Powder, and one with 1000 pound of Match, and one with 1000 pound of Musquet-bullets, with empty bags, as aforesaid.

After them followed the Reer-guard of the Foot.

Then the Waggons belonging to his Highness, the States, and all the Officers of the Army, as also of the Foot-voluntiers.

Next the Ammunition, Materials, and other necessaries belonging to the Ar­my, upon 485 Waggons, under the Command of Commissary Martien, followed by four Troops of Horse.

Then the Ammunition and necessaries belonging to the Artillery, under Commissary Bockbout.

After followed the rest of the Artillery, to wit, twelve Half-cannon, six Chambred-pieces of twenty four pound Bullet, twenty four Drakes of six pound Bullet, and twenty four of three pound.

Next came the Officers and Train belonging to the Artillery.

After them, one Company of Pioniers with fifty Fire-locks, and one Waggon loaden with Victuals; then the Commissary of the Vivers with 100 Waggons, loaden with bread and provision.

After him eight Troops of Horse, followed with one Waggon, loaden with 1000 pound of Powder, and one with 1000 pound of Match, as also empty Bags to deal the Powder.

Then a Lieutenant with a Guard, as is aforesaid.

And last of all, six Troops of Horse.

Note, that his Highness in place of this Lieutenant and his Guard, doth usual­ly appoint a Regiment of Foot to come in the Reer to guard the Waggons.

How to pass a strait.

WHen you come to any Passage or Strait, Let your Van-Guard make a Halt, until the rest of the Army be come up and drawn in order of Battle, and then divide the Troops, and fit them to the bredth of the place you are to pass through, and let every Troop when it is passed, put it self into the same order it was in before it came to the Strait, and advance so far forwards, as that the Troops that follow may have room likewise to draw in order, and then stand un­til all the Army be come thorow. If the passage be Woody where no discovery can be made, send not above twenty or thirty Horse before, for discovery of the Passage in Front, but let the rest of the Horse of the Van-guard march between the Van-guard and Battle of Foot, until they be past the Strait.

The manner of passing a River.

IF you be to pass a River, and that the Enemy be not at the Passage, but on his way to hinder you; First, draw your Army in Battalia, and plant some pieces of Artillery in places most advantageous, to succour your Troops in their pas­sage; and if you find that he is stronger then you in Foot, let your Horse pass first over, and chuse a fit place to stand neer the way that the Enemy is to come, and let them send some light-Horse before to discover: then let your Van-guard of Foot with some Field pieces follow, and find a place to stand in Battalia; after it let the Battle march, and place it self on the left hand of the Van-guard, then the Reer-guard, which shall likewise take the left hand of the Battle, each with their Field-pieces belonging to them.

The Troops being past, the rest of the Ordnance with their Train shall follow, then the baggage of the great Officers; and lastly, the baggage of the Troops in the order of March.

But if your Enemies chief strength consist in Horse, then shall you send no more Horse over then shall be fit for discovery; but let the Van-guard of the Foot pass first, and after it the Horse belonging to the Van-guard, which shall place them­selves in Battalia on the right hand of the Foot; then shall follow the Battle, which must stand on the left hand of the Van-guard; after it the Horse of the Battle, which shall cover the Flank of the Battle, until the Foot of the Reer-guard be come up, and then they shall edge to the left hand, and leave room for the Reer to come in between them and the Battle, and stand on the left Wing, which is their due place; then shall follow the Horse of the Reer, which must be divided indifferently between the two Wings; and last of all shall march the Ar­tillery, Ammunition and baggage in the order aforesaid.

If you be to pass a River, and have an Enemy at your back, when you have made your Bridge, send over eight or ten Pieces, and place them in places most convenient to annoy your Enemy, if he offer to come to trouble you, and then cast up a Horn-work, or fair half Moon upon the side you are on, and place therein five or six Field-pieces; then let the rest of your Ordnance be drawn o­ver, and planted likewise on the other side in places most commodious for the ad­vantage aforesaid. After them shall follow your Ammunition and baggage; then the Horse; and lastly, the Foot in good order, bringing with them the Pieces left in the Works, which shall pass safely under the Command of the Ordnance planted on the other side, and break up the bridge after them.

Having thus far proceeded, I should in the next place let you see a List of the Ammunitions, Materials, and other Warlike provisions, which the Prince of Orange takes with him in Shipping when he goes to the Field; as also what he [Page 221] takes out of it to be carried upon Waggons, when he marcheth by Land, with the Waggons thereto necessary. But since I have first spoken of the marching of an Army with eight half-Cannon, six quarter-Cannon, and sixteen Field-pieces, I will set down what Ammunition and other things are needful to march with them, allowing every half-Cannon to shoot an 150 shot, every quarter-Cannon 100, and every Field-piece 80.

A List of Ammunition and other necessaries to March with eight half-Cannon, six quarter-Cannon, and sixteen Field-pieces, al­lowing every half-Cannon 150 Shot, every quarter-Cannon 100. and every Field-piece 80. with the number of Waggons thereto needful.

  • BUllets for half-Cannon 1200 whereof 40 upon a Waggon 30 Waggons.
  • Bullets for quarter-Cannon 600 upon each waggon 80 8 Waggons.
  • Bullets for the Field-pieces 1280 upon each waggon 160 8 Waggons.
  • Powder 24400 24 Waggons.
  • Boxes for Cartridges 160 upon each waggon 40 4 Waggons.
  • Capravens, or great Joysts 30 upon each waggon 10 3 Waggons.
  • Small Joysts 40 upon each waggon 20 2 Waggons.
  • Oaken planks for bedding 60 upon each waggon 10 6 Waggons.
  • Deal or Firr-planks 100 upon each waggon 25 4 Waggons.
  • Spars of all sorts 100 upon each waggon 50 2 Waggons.
  • Two Bucks-heads or Gins with the appurtenances be­longing to them, to mount and dismount the Pieces 2 Waggons.
  • For Hurdles 4 Waggons.
  • For spare Ladles, Rammers, Spunges and Leavers 1 Waggon.
  • For Traces, Lines to draw Ordnance, and Collars for Horses 3 Waggons.
  • For the preparation for Ropes 1 Waggon.
  • For the Harness-maker and his Tools 1 Waggon.
  • For Spades, Shovels, Axes, Hatchets, Chop­ping-knives and Mattocks 3 Waggons.
  • For Lanthorns, Candles, Lamps, Tucks, Greace, and other like necessaries 1 Waggon.
Waggons for the Officers.
  • For the General of the Artillery 4 Waggons.
  • For the Lieutenant-General 2 Waggons.
  • For the Controuler 2 Waggons.
  • For the Commissary 1 Waggon.
  • For 12 Gentlemen of the Ordnance 4 Waggons.
  • For the Mr. Gunner 1 Waggon.
  • For the Commissary of the drawing Horses 1 Waggon.
  • For every Engineer 1 Waggon.
  • For each Captain of the Pioniers 1 Waggon.
  • For the Mr. Smith 1 Waggon.
  • For each Mr. Carpenter 1 Waggon.
  • For the Fire-workers each one 1 Waggon.
  • For the Captain of the Cannoniers 1 Waggon.
  • For the Bridge-Master 1 Waggon.
  • For the Mr. Petardier 1 Waggon.
  • For the Maker of Cannon-baskets 1 Waggon.
  • [Page 222]For the Battery-Master 1 Waggon.
  • For the Quarter-Master 1 Waggon.
  • For the Provost 1 Waggon.

A List of Ammunition and such Warlike necessaries as the Prince of Orange takes with him in Shipping when he goes to the Field.

  • Powder for Muskets lib. 50000
  • Bullets for Muskets lib. 50000
  • Match lib. 80000
  • Hair-cloaths to cover the Powder lib. 60
  • Woodden-hammers to open the Powder-barrels lib. 12
  • Ladles to melt the Lead in lib. 12
  • Moulds for Musket-bullets with 12 holes lib. 12
  • Pincers to cut off the tayls of the bullets lib. 6
Arms and other necessaries.
  • Muskets spare lib. 300
  • Bandeliers lib. 300
  • Rests lib. 100
  • Scowring-sticks for Muskets lib. 100
  • Pipes to hide light Matches in lib. 3000
  • Half-Pikes lib. 300
  • Long Pikes lib. 2000
  • Lope-staves lib. 100
  • Quarter-staves lib. 200
  • Crooked Iron-shovels with long Poles to them to cast the earth forwards in a Gallery lib. 12
  • Iron-shovels like the former with shorter Poles to cast up earth to cover the Gallery lib. 12
  • Great Iron-hammers lib. 8
  • Great Pincers lib. 8
  • Hatchets with hammers at one end, some great some small lib. 20
  • Iron-bars, some forked at the end lib. 30
  • Sythes compleat lib. 25
  • Draggs to draw things out of Water lib. 25
  • Small draggs with Iron-chains to them of three fathom long, and an iron Wing thereto lib. 12
Nails of all sorts.
  • Double Spikes lib. 4000
  • Single Spikes lib. 24000
  • Nayls of seven Inches lib. 10000
  • Nayls of six Inches lib. 10000
  • Nayls of five Inches lib. 10000
  • Double middle-nayls lib. 40000
  • Single middle nayls lib. 70000
  • Nayls for Doors lib. 30000
  • Lat-nayls lib. 60000
  • Broad-headed-nayls lib. 30000
  • [Page 223]Oaken-planks lib. 160
  • Deals lib. 8000
  • Sparrs lib. 3000
  • Gapravens or great Joysts lib. 6000
  • Firi-balks of 10 Ells lib. 800
  • Balks of 12 Ells lib. 800
  • Balks of 16 Ells lib. 400
  • Small Sparrs lib. 1200
  • Masts of 40, 50, and 60 foot long lib. 100
Arms and other necessaries.
  • Compleat Arms lib. 200
  • Arms of proof lib. 100
  • Head-pieces of proof lib. 100
  • Targets of proof lib. 100
  • Haspels compleat lib. 50
  • Rings to shut the Haspels together lib. 25
  • Haspel-staves by provision lib. 15000
  • Long Palisadoes lib. 2000
  • Short Palisadoes lib. 6000
  • Wooden beetles to drive the Palisadoes lib. 200
  • Pinns for Palisadoes lib. 10000
  • Nagers to boar holes for the Pinns in Palisadoes lib. 30
  • Iron-hammers to beat the pinns into the Palisadoes lib. 50
  • Nagers to search for Mines, some great some small lib. 10
  • Ladders of all sorts lib. 150
  • Foot Angles lib. 20
  • Ice Spurs lib. 6000
Instruments of all sorts necessary to work withal.
  • Carrs for one Horse, with all things necessary for Carr and Horse lib. 100
  • Crew-waggons compleat lib. 6000
  • Spare wheels for Crew-waggons lib. 300
  • Spindles or Axels spare lib. 1000
  • Cloven Deals to repair the Crew-waggons lib. 200
  • Small Nayls for the same purpose lib. 1000
  • Hand-barrows to carry Sodds lib. 150
  • Shippers-hooks long and short lib. 150
  • Spades to dig sods with lib. 300
  • Pitch-forks with two and three forks lib. 150
  • Other Spades lib. 10000
  • Shovels lib. 2000
  • Mattocks lib. 1000
  • Pike-Axes lib. 600
  • Great Axes lib. 1200
  • Hachets lib. 600
  • Chopping-knives lib. 600
  • Pursnets with Iron-hoopes and long Poles to them to dragg Mud out of Motes lib. 50
Other Necessaries.
  • Foursquare Baskets lib. 4000
  • Round baskets lib. 3000
  • Hurdles lib. 1000
  • Great Blocks drawn up with Pullies to drive in great Palisadoes lib. 2
  • Small blocks for the same use lib. 10
  • Beefe-bridges of ten foot long lib. 50
  • [Page 224]Small Lines to make cordage lib. 4000
  • Great Packs to wind up timber lib. 20
  • Buckets to carry water to quench fire lib. 3000
  • Lanthorns as well of lattin as horn lib. 40
  • Secret Lanthorns lib. 12
  • Candles lib. 400
  • Pans to burn Lamp-oyl in lib. 25
  • Turks lib. 6000
  • Torches lib. 25
  • Pitch tun lib. 6
  • Tair tun lib. 4
  • Hurds lib. 400
  • Fire-panns lib. 200
  • Unsleckt Lime in Tunns last lib. 1
  • Lines of 200 fathom long to draw up the Ammunition-Ships, when the Wind is contrary, lib. 60
  • Canvas blindes of 150 foot long lib. 2
  • Ship-windlaces of all sorts good store.

A List of what his Highness takes out of this to carry upon Waggons, when he marcheth by Land; with the number of Waggons thereto ne­cessary, allowing every Waggon to carry 1000 weight.

Powder 20000 20
Bullets 20000 20
Match 15000 15
Muskets compleat 100 2
Pikes 300 3
Loop-staves 100 2
Spades 4000 18
Shovels 1000 4
Mattocks 400 2
Pike-Axes 100 1
Great Axes 400 2
Hatchets and chopping-knives 400 1
Deals 200 20
Capravens or great Joysts 200 3
Small Joysts 100 1
Crew-waggons compleat 100 4
Hand-barrows 25 1
Beese-bridges 10 5
Quarter-staves 100 1
Firr-Spars of all sorts 200 1
Pieces of beese-bridges with their appurtenances 10 5
A quantity of all sorts of Nails   1
Lanthorns 10  
Dark Lanthorns 4 2
Candles lib. 100  
Lamps 6  

One Commissioner, with 24 Conductors, each mounted and armed with a Sword and a Case of Pistols.

The Commissioner that hath the Charge and oversight of these necessaries, hath for his assistance 24 Conductors or more, according to the number of Wag­gons, each mounted and armed with a Sword and Case of Pistols.

The ART of Designing, Measuring and Laying out Of the QUARTERS, For the ENCAMPING Of an ARMY In the FIELD. VVith ORDERS to be given out in such a QUARTER. Also ORDERS for WATCHING, And other General Observations.

The Argument.

HAving given you an account of the several Officers belonging to an Army, with their respective Offices, Duties, and Qualifications, with which they ought to be endowed: As also how, and in what manner the Cavalry is to be Enrolled, Armed, and Exercised both in his Postures and Motions, and how a Troop or Company, and a [Page 226] whole Army both Horse and Foot, with Train of Artillery and other necessaries is to March: I think it now time to bring you to a Quarter, and therein I shall declare,

I. What Rules are to be observed in the choise of the Ground to Quarter in.

II. How the Quarter-master-General is to design the Quar­ters, the Ground being chosen.

III. The Geometrical or Instrumental manner of laying out the Quarters in the Field.

IV. How the building of the Huts is to be managed, and by whom.

V. The manner of securing the Quarters by Intrenchments, Redoubts, Horn-works, and other Fortifications.

The manner of Quartering in the general being thus largely discoursed of, I proceed next to the particular Quartering of the Souldiery: Giving you

VI. Examples of Quartering a Regiment, both after the Old and New way. With the Reasons which moved the Prince of Orange to alter the old Form.

VII. I have discovered the manner of Quartering the Horse, giving you an Example of Quartering four Cornets, by which President a whole Regiment or Regiments may be quartered in the like manner.

VIII. You have the manner of Quartering of a Foot-Army: and

IX. An Example of Quartering of a whole Army both Horse and Foot: and for an Example have added a Scheme of the Form in which the Prince of Orange Quartered his Army both Horse and Foot, Artillery, Waggons, &c.

And to bring up the Reer, for the farther satisfaction of the Reader, I have added divers Orders for Watching, and other General Orders to be observed in the Quarters, with what else is necessary for the Encamping of an Army, either in part or in whole.

What Rules are to be observed in the choice of the Ground to Quarter in.

IN chusing your Ground for your Quarters, let it as neer as you can be upon high Ground, lest your Enemy being higher, may have an advantage of you by that means.

2. Let it be neer no Woods nor Groves, where your Enemy may lie in ambush, and sally out upon you, and vex you; yet let it not be very far from neither Wood nor Water, they being two as necessary things as can be. But let the Ground be champion, the better to discern your Enemy at a distance; and if possible, neer some River, for the relief of Men and Cattle, and for the cheaper conveying of necessaries for the use of the Souldiery.

3. See that the Ground you quarter upon be not at any time subject to over­flow with Water, nor that any Water be let in upon you by Sluses or otherwise.

4. That no boggy, moorish, or unwholsome Grounds be neer your Quarters, which may be a means to bring Diseases and Sickness among the Souldiers.

5. That Forrage, Wood, and Straw be neer you, or may be easily conveyed to you.

6. That the Quarters be not too neer your Enemy, for fear of their Cannon; nor very far distant, but that timely relief may be given to the approachers.

7. That the Ground be of a competent largeness to contain the number of Companies, Horse, Foot, Artillery, and other necessaries thereunto belonging, with allowance of fit dimensions for every particular.

But it will rarely fall out that any place you can chuse will have all these con­veniencies, wherefore gain as many of them as you can, and for the rest you must by industry supply. Wherefore (above all) let the Fortifications and In­trenchments about your Quarters be well made and guarded, lest by the neglect­ing of them you be surprized, and your Enemy hinder your relief.

How the Quarter-master is to design his Quarters when the Ground is chosen.

THis work is not to be done of a sudden, but the Quarter-master knowing the place where the Quarters are to be, let him go to his Chamber, and there con­sult with his List which he is to quarter; namely, how many Regiments of Horse, how many of Foot, what Waggons, what Artillery, and whatsoever else, as Sutlers, &c. he is to quarter; also how many Companies there is in each Regi­ment, and how many men in each Company.

He having collected and gathered them all together in a Note, let him take some pieces of fine past-board, and cut them into pieces 300 foot (by some small Scale) deep, and so broad as to contain the number of men of such a Regi­ment, either Horse or Foot, he is to quarter; allowing true distance, of Ground both for Hut, Passage, Stable, &c. and at that length let him cut off his past-board square, and write upon that past-board the Colonels name, and num­ber of men; and thus must he do for every Regiment both of Horse and Foot.

In like manner for the Generals Quarters and his Retinue, for the Provost, Quarter-master, Minister, Chirurgion, and all others that require single Quarters; and likewise for the Waggons and Sutlers. All these must he lay one according as he finds their Numbers greater or lesser in his List, and cut his past-boards accordingly, writing upon them as before.

His past-boards being thus prepared, let him upon a Table, or rather upon a [Page 228] sheet of Imperial or Royal paper, draw divers occult parallel lines at 50 foot di­stance for Streets, and spaces of 300 foot for his several Regiments.

By help of these parallel Lines he may lay his past-boards upon this paper, and move them this way and that way, till he have brought them into a Square, or Parallelogram, or as regular a form as they will permit.

He having thus disposed them to the best advantage in his judgment, he may draw a Scheme or Plat thereof upon fair Paper or Parchment, writing the name of every Colonel and his number of men upon his particular Quarter, with the Generals Quarters, Market, Streets, Lanes, &c. making thereof a perfect Map; and adding a Scale thereto, he may measure the distance of any part thereof at pleasure. This being done, he may repair to his General, and shew him his de­sign; which if he approve of, he may proceed to the laying out of the Quarters in the Field.

The Past-boards laid together.

How the Quarters are to be laid out in the Field.

THe paper-design being approved on, the Quarter-master-General repairs to the Field, the several Quarter-masters of every Regiment accompanying him, each of them having four staves of nine or ten foot high, painted of the Co­lour of their Regiment, with a Standard or Banner at the top thereof.

Then the Quarter-master-General coming to the Field with a Surveying In­strument, pitcheth it down at one of the angular points of his Quarter, and ta­king his sights, setteth off a right Angle from the point where his Instrument standeth, and measureth from thence with a Chain, the whole length of his Quarter; and at the end of that measure, he setteth up a Standard of the Colour o [...] that Regiment that is to be quartered in that angle of the General Quar­ters. Likewise from his Instrument at right angles, he measureth out the bredth of his Quarters; and at the end of that measure he causeth another Stan­dard to be erected, of the Colour of that Regiment that is to be there quartered: [Page 229] and going to his Instrument, he causeth another Standard to be erected there, of the Colour of the Regiment that is there to be quartered.

Then removing his Instrument from this first place, let him carry it to any of the other Standards, and there place it; laying his Index and sights upon the Diameter thereof, and turning it about till he see his Standard that was set up where his Instrument last stood; then fixing it there, turn the Index to a Right-angle, and looking through the sights, measure out the length or bredth of your Quarters that way, and at the end of that measure set up a fourth Standard, of the colour of the Regiment there to be quartered.

The Quarters laid out in the Field.


Let the Ground made choice of for the Quarters be Q; then the Quarter-ma­ster coming into the Field, makes choice of the Point A for one of the Angles of his Quarters; and there erecting of his Instrument, the Index lying upon the Diameter thereof, he directs his sight to B; and because the length of his Quar­ters are to be 3000 foot, he causeth so much to be measured out from A to B; and at the point B causeth a Standard to be rected of the Colours of that Regi­ment which is to be quartered in that Angle. Then going to his Instrument, let him turn the Index about to a right Angle from the line A B, and looking through the sights towards C, let him cause 1700 foot (the breadth of his Quar­ters) to be laid out upon the ground from A to D, and at D, let them cause an­other Standard to be erected, of the Colours of the Regiment that is there to be quartered.

This done, let him remove his Instrument from A to D, and at the place where his Instrument stood, let there be erected another Standard. The Instru­ment being placed at D, and the Index laid upon the Diameter thereof, let him turn the Instrument about, till through the sights he see the Standard at A, and then fixing it there, turn the Index about till it be removed a right Angle (or 90 deg.) from the Diameter; then looking through the sights, cause 3000 foot to measured from D to C. Lastly, remove your Instrument to C, and laying the Index on the Diameter thereof, turn it about, till through the sights you see the Standard at D, and fixing the Instrument there, remove the Index to a right Angle from the Diameter; and then looking through the sights (if you have [Page 230] performed the former work truly) you shall exactly look upon the Standard which was first erected at B, and the distance between B and C being measured, shall be found to be exactly 1700 foot.

Thus are the four grand Angles of the Quarters found in the Field. Then be­ginning with any of the Regiments that are to be quartered in any of the An­gles, as with that at B, look in your Draught, and see how many foot in length is allotted for it, which is 676; then measure that out from A to O, and set up a Standard there; then see how many foot broad that Quarter is, viz. 300, and measure that out from B to K, and there also set up a Standard. Then the length 676, and the bredth 300, being measured both ways from K to S, and from O to S, then erecting a Standard also; these two last Standards at O and K, will finde the place where the fourth Standard at S is to be erected. So is the ground laid out for one of the Angular Regiments; the like must be done for the other three, and also for all the rest.

Assoon as any Quarter for a Regiment is laid out by the Quarter-master-Ge­neral, the particular Quarter-master of that Regiment begins to subdivide his Quarter according to the number of his men, putting down a stick at each end of every row of Huts and Streets end.

Then the Serjeants of every Company presently fall a dividing the Souldi­ers Huts, and set up four sticks at the corner of each Hut: then the two Souldiers that lodge together build their Huts; and so the rest.

In the Souldiers building of their Huts, the Serjants are to see that they build them regularly, and not incroach one upon another, but as their Ground is al­lotted them. And to this the Superior Officers also are to have an eye.

What is hitherto delivered, I suppose, is plain enough to be understood with­out a farther addition either of Words or Schemes; the Figures and Directions here delivered being sufficient (in my judgment) to give full satisfaction to the Reader.

Concerning the securing of the Quarters by Entrenchment, Redoubts, &c.

THe Quarter-master-General having done his part, and the particular Quar­ter-masters theirs; the Enginier next is to act his part: who drawing Paral­lel lines to the out-side of the General Quarters at 206 foot distance, 200 foot being for the Alarm-place, and the six foot for the Parapet.

At this 206 foot distance, the Pioniers dig a Trench or Furrow of about half a foot broad, and so much deep. Without or in this Furrow is the beginning of a Ditch six foot broad, to be digged round about the Quarters, which is to be done by the Foot-Souldiers, it being for their security.

Then the Enginier is to consider how many foot of Ditch there is about the whole Quarters, and with that number goes to the Quarter-master-General, and enquires of him the number of the Infantry; and by these two they compute how much of the Ditch each Regiment must dig: thus,

If the number of ditching be 7500 foot, and the number of the Infantry is 8560.

Now suppose one Regiment contain 1320 Souldiers, how much of that Ditch must that Regiment dig?

Multiply 1320 by 7500, and it produceth 99100. which being divided by 8560 giveth 1157 and about three quarters, and so many yards must that Regiment dig which hath 1320 men in it.


The Ould Forme.

The New Forme.

The Description of the foregoing Figure.
  • The old manner of Quartering a Regi­ment.
    • A Colonels Tent and Gallery.
    • B Colonels Pavilion.
    • C Two Huts for his servants.
    • D His Kitchin.
    • E Two Huts for Buttery and Pantry.
    • F His Stable.
    • G Quarter-master and Ministers lodg­ings.
    • H Places for the Waggons of the Re­giment.
    • I Captains lodging.
    • K Place for Pikes.
    • L Place for Muskets.
    • M Lieutenants lodging.
    • N Ensigns lodging.
    • O Servants lodging.
    • P Souldiers Huts.
    • Q Sutlers.
    • R Place of Arms.
    • S Entrenchment.
  • The new form of Quartering a Regi­ment.
    • A Colonels Tent and Gallery.
    • B Colonels Pavilion.
    • C Two Huts for his servants.
    • D His Kitchin.
    • E Two Huts for Buttery and Pantry.
    • F His Stable.
    • G Place for Waggons of the Regi­ment.
    • H Chirugeons lodging.
    • I Ministers lodging.
    • K Quarter-masters lodging.
    • L Provosts lodging.
    • M Captains Huts.
    • N Lieutenants Huts.
    • O Ensigns Huts.
    • P Places for Pikes.
    • Q Places for Muskets.
    • R Sergeants Huts.
    • S Souldiers Huts.
    • T Sutlers Huts.
    • Ʋ Place of Arms.
    • W Entrenchment.

THe reasons that moved the Prince of Orange to remove the Captains from the Front, and place them as they are lodged in this last Quarter in the Reer, I take to be three; First, because the Souldiers upon any sudden occasion, could not readily draw out into the Alarm-place, by reason of the narrow Streets between the Captains Huts. Secondly, because the Colours and Arms lay hid by the Captains Huts, which now stand open in the eye of the Alarm-place, and make a handsome shew, being likewise readier for the Souldier to draw out in an instant. Lastly to prevent the many insolencies and disorders commit­ted among the Sutlers, which he presumed the Souldiers durst not do, not the Sutlers suffer, the Captains being lodged so neer them.

You may observe, that in this lust form of Quartering, there are 20 foot of the 200 allowed the Souldiers in depth taken off, and added to the street between the Captains and the Sutlers; for the street being in the former Quarter but 20 foot broad, was found to be too narrow for the Waggons, and Carriages to pass to and fro, which did continually go and come through it with Provisions for the Army.

And whereas in the allowance of 200 foot in depth for the Souldiers, there were but two allotted to lodge or hut together, it happened sometimes that they came to quarter in places where there was small store of Provision to but, withal so that the Souldiers could neither fit the ground allotted to them, nor make a­ny uniform or handsome huts; therefore it was thought fit to take from them the said 20 foot, and to allow them but 180.

Note, that the Officers must see the Souldiers build formally, and that they make their Beds a foot and half or two foot from the ground, to prevent sickness, which they will be subject to fall into by lying upon the ground.

[Page 232]Note, that when the Regiment is quartered in one Division, the Colonels Company quarters on the right hand, the Lieutenant-Colonels on the left, the Sergeant-Majors next the Colonel, the eldest Captain next him, and so all the rest of the Captains by seniority in order from the right hand.

But if the Regiment be quartered in two Divisions, then the Lieutenant-Colo­nels Company quarters on the right hand of the second Division, & the Sergeant-Majors in his place, on the left hand of the first, the eldest Captain next the Co­lonel, the second on the left hand of the second Division, the third next the el­dest, the fourth next the Lieutenant-Colonel, the fifth next the third, the sixth next the fourth in the second Division, and so all the rest of the Captains accor­ding to this Order: Observing (if it may be) that the youngest Captain be al­ways placed next to him that closeth the left flank of the second Division.

Quartering of Horse.

THe Horse (unless pressed by an Enemy) are always or most commonly quartered in Houses, both for the commodity of Forrage, and that their Horses may stand under covert; which otherwise, by standing three or four nights in rain and cold, would be in danger to be spoiled and made unservicea­ble.

So careful (saith Melzo) was the Duke of Alva of his Horse, that he not only quartered them in Houses, but made Courts of Guard upon the Avenues and pla­ces where they watched, to shelter them from the weather. But seeing they may be sometimes forced to make Huts, I will shew you their manner of Quartering, which is the same as the Foot, but that they have more ground allowed them, especially in bredth: for their main streets are twenty foot broad, and the men have ten foot allowed them; whereas the Foot have but eight foot for either Hut: their Horses are allowed ten foot in bredth, and four in depth: so the ground allowed for 100 Horse, is 300 foot in depth, and 70 in bredth.

The Explanation of the following Figure.
  • The Quartering of four Cornets of Horse.
    • A Alarm-place.
    • B Lieutenants lodging.
    • C Cornets lodging.
    • D Souldiers Huts.
    • E Stables.
    • F Street between the Souldiers Huts.
    • G Street between the Souldiers and Horses.
    • H Street between the Captain and Souldiers.
    • I Captains.
    • K Street between Captain and Sut­lers.
    • L Sutlers.
  • The Quartering of an Army of Foot.
    • A Alarm-place.
    • B Entrenchment.
    • C Generals Pavilions.
    • D General of the Ordnance his lod­ing.
    • E Ammunition and Ordnance.
    • F Divisions of Foot.


The Quartering of foure Cornets of Horse.

The Quartering of an Army of Foote.

[Page 233]A Good Commanders Judgment is to be discerned by his well chusing of ground to quarter on; for he must not only chuse a place advantageous to resist an Enemy, but where there is plenty of Forrage, Water and other Neces­saries, and where the Air is wholsome; and how necessary it is to intrench a Quar­ter, and what ease and safety it brings to an Army, dayly experience tells us; and whereas by lying open you are subject to be affronted, and forced to fight by an Enemy, it is in your choice being Intrenched, whether you fight or not, which is no small advantage; besides, your Watches will fall nothing so often, nor your Guards so troublesome.

The Romans were the first that found out the right use of the Spade; and the benefit of Intrenching; and it is from Caesar that our late great Generals have learned the way to Beleaguer and single Towns with Works and Trenches, though the use of Powder have made them alter the form and manner of work­ing; and how advantageous it its to make such Works, the taking (not to speak of Alexis and other places by the Prince of Orange) but of Groll, Bolduke, Ma­stricht, and Breda within these few years, in the view, as I may say, of an Ene­mies Army, are sufficient testimonies: and as divers Armies have in vain at­tempted the relief of Towns thus beleaguered, so have some out of negligence, and want of care in making their Lines of circumvallation, been forced to quit their design, and rise with dishonour.

The manner how the Prince of Orange his Army was Quarte­red, with the General Officers, Artillery, Waggons, &c.

[layout of quarters]
  • A His Excellency.
  • B Count William.
  • C Count Henry.
  • D Strangers of Quality.
  • E Du. of Kessel.
  • F Waggons.
  • G Sutlers Market-place.
  • [Page 234] H Ryhoven 3 Troops of Horse.
  • R John Bax 3 Troops of Horse.
  • S Wageman 3 Troops of Horse.
  • T La. Salle 3 Troops of Horse.
  • Y Stabenbrook 4 Troops of Horse.
  • Z Co. John 3 Troops of Horse.
  • Δ Marquette 3 Troops of Horse.
  • Θ M. Bax 4 Troops of Horse.
  • Φ Count Henry 3 Troops of Horse.
  • Π Guardens 4 Troops of Horse.
  • Ω Quaet 3 Troops of Horse.
  • Σ Smelsing 3 Troops of Horse.
  • I Dragoons.
  • K Count Ernest 6 Dutch Companies.
  • X 8 Companies of Frisons.
  • O Rob. Hinderson 19 Scotch Companies.
  • W Count John Ernest 16 Companies of Wallons.
  • P Bechune 19 French Companies.
  • Q Chastillon 19 French Companies.
  • L Hollis 10 English Companies.
  • M. Cheek 10 English Companies.
  • N. Cecil 10 English Companies.
  • V. Horatio Vere 15 English Companies.

Orders to be given out in a Quarter.

1 NO man without leave of his Officer shall go further then Cannon-shot out of the Quarter, or lie in the night out of the Quarter, upon pain of the Strappado; and if he have done any man hurt, he shall be hanged without mer­cy.

2. No man shall do hurt to such as are under Neutrality or Safe-guard, upon pain of bodily punishment.

3. No man shall fight within the Quarter, draw his Sword, or make any up­roar in the night, upon the like pain.

4. No man shall molest any Sutler, or such as bring Provision into the Lea­guer, spoil or take any of their Goods from them within or without the Leaguer, upon the like pain.

5. No man shall sell any Booty or Goods in the Leaguer without sound of Drum, and by consent of the Fiscal, and knowledge of the Marshal-General, up­on forfeit of the Goods, the one half to the poor, the other to the Marshal.

6. No man shall buy any Goods without sound of Drum, as also notice to be given to the Marshal, upon forfeit of the Goods, and six Gilders in money.

7. No Sutler, Saylor, or any other person, shall buy any Iron, Metal, or any other thing belonging to Bells, Arms, Bullets, Powder, or any thing belonging to Ammunition, or any other forbidden Wares, or take any such thing to pawn, up­on forfeit of the same, and also to be openly whipped.

8. No man shall make any Arrest, or go to Law upon any old Action or Debt made before or without the Leaguer

9. All Prisoners, as well of our own men, as of the Enemy, whether deserving bodily punishment, or otherwise, are to be delivered to the Marshal-General, with true notice of their offences and accusations.

10. All Marshals of Regiments, Admiralty, Artillery, Guards, or others, shall stand under the Marshal-General.

[Page 235]11 No man shall set any price upon Victuals, or any Leaguer-provision with­in the Leaguer, without the consent of the Marshal-General, upon pain of being severely punished.

12. No man shall abuse the Marshal-General or his servants by word or deed, or offer them any violence, upon pain to be hanged without mercy.

13. No man shall Suttle in the Leaguer before he hath given up his name to the General of the Victuals and Provision, and also to the Marshal, upon pain of six guilders.

14 All Sutlers that come into the Leaguer shall give notice to the General of the Victuals, or to his Commissary, of their Wares; and must not Suttle without his Commission upon the like pain.

15. No Sutler shall set up his Cabbin in any other place then where is ap­pointed by the Marshal, upon the like pain.

16. No Sutler shall buy any Provision within the Leaguer, until it be brought to the place appointed for Market, and there prized and taxed, upon forfeiture of half the goods so bought or sold, to the use of the Poor and Marshal aforesaid.

17. No Sutler shall use any Weights or Measures, but such as are ordained them by the Marshal-General, upon pain of six guilders; and those that are found to use false Weights or Measures, shall forfeit their goods, the one half to the poor in general, the other to the poor of the Regiment, and also to be se­verely punished.

18. No Sutler shall tap Beer or Wine in the morning before the Sun rise, or at night after the Warning-Piece goes off, upon pain of forfeiting for every of­fence three guilders.

19. No man shall kill any meat within the Leaguer, but shall carry all garbage, and filth thereof without the Leaguer, and there bury it, upon pain of forfei­ting of six guilders for every default.

20. No man shall do his easment within the Quarter, but in the place appoint­ed, (which must be 100 foot without the Intrenchment, and be marked out by the Marshals of every Regiment) upon forfeiture of his upper garment.

Orders for Watching.

A Company having the Watch at an Avenue or Trench, the Souldiers shall place their Pikes in Battalia a little distance from the Parapet, and their Muskets in order upon the Parapet.

No Captain, Officer, or Souldier whatsoever, shall absent himself being in health from his Watch.

No Souldier shall be suffered to hire his duty, or to put one of his fellows to stand sentinel for him: if he do, he is to be punished without favour.

Every Sentinel shall stand full armed, and not stir from his station until his Corporal relieve him, upon the like pain.

The Corporals shall instruct the Sentinels how they must behave themselves, and be careful to set them out at such a distance, as they may see each other.

A Sergeant-Major, or some better qualified Officer, shall every night go the Round, and see the Watches be well ordered, and the Sentinels duly set out; and if he find any defect or fault in the Guards, he shall acquaint the Sergeant-Major-General with it, that it may be amended.

When the Round comes, an Officer accompanied with some Muskettiers shall readily give the Word, and not hold the Round long up.

The Corporal in taking the Word shall do the same.

Note, That some are of Opinion, that the Corporal in the Field ought to give the Word to no man, but take it from all that pass, to prevent the incon­venience that may happen by giving it to an Enemy, which coming secretly, may pretend to have the Round: and I have known that the Prince of Orange hath ordained that the grand Round should give the Word to the Officer that had the Watch.

[Page 236]One of the chief Officers of the Company or Troop shall continually keep wa­king and stirring, to keep the men by their Arms; and there must be never less then the third part of the Company or Troop afoot, to be ready upon all occa­sions.

The Officers must have a care and see that the Sentinels be well and orderly placed, and must go themselves, and often send to visit them.

The Officers must be careful to keep all their men upon the Guard, and to pu­nish such as go off without leave.


OUr modern Warrs seldome bring Controversies to the trial of Battle, for men now make War rather like Foxes then Lyons; yet Germany hath of late given us some Examples; and necessary it is to know in what order an Ar­my may best receive, or charge an Enemy. To give you therefore some satisfa­ction therein, I will let you see divers forms of Imbatteling Foot and Horse apart and together, as they have been ordered by the Princes of Orange and others, whereby you may learn how to range Troops when occasion doth require. But I beleeve it will not be impertinent first to give you some observations considera­ble before, and when you come to fight; as also to speak a little of a Chase and Retreat.


IF you be upon Defence, venture not your Game at a cast; your Enemy can loose but his Army, you may loose your Countrey: have a care that you be not forced to fight: hinder him of Provision, by cutting off his Convoys, or burn­ing all before him, that he may gather none in the Countrey; use some means to call him home by diversion, or wait upon him in places of advantage, as Straits and narrow Passages, when he must march in small Divisions, and draw his Troops into such a length that they cannot easily succour each other; then find­ing opportunity, attach him resolutely; so shall you be sure, if he be not a vigi­lant and expert Captain to do him an affront. Many Examples there are in Hi­story, of men that perished by pressing an invading Enemy to fight: the Battails of Cressy, Poitiers, and others, are fair warnings to perswade men not to presume, or wilfully to hazard all in one day. Had the Cardinal Infanta fought with the Prince of Orange and the French when they were in little Brabant, without doubt he had lost his Country. In a word, if you fight, you set your fortune upon the Dice; if you husband your business warily, the storm will over.

If you be an undertaker, the sooner you bring your Cause to trial, the better you are like to speed; delays are dangerous: for change of Air, Diet, and other inconveniencies, may breed sickness and divers ill humors in your Army: and if your Enemy will not fight, but make a Fabian or lingring War, he may put you to your shifts; therfore first acquaint your self with the strength and quality of your Enemies forces, with the state of his Country, with his own disposition, and the disposition of those that are neerest about him; and before you declare your self gain some of his great men (if it be possible) to take your part: maintain good Spies in his Court.

Forecast all that can further or hinder your design, before you undertake it; and let your Cause be just, left you draw the vengeance of God and jealousie of other Princes upon you. In your preparation, let your first care be of the belly: want of Victuals hath been the loss of many a brave design, and the ruine of great Armies. Let your men be well trained, and such as have been used to exercise and labour (if you can) let them be all of your own Subjects: provide plenty of materials and other necessaries for your design, and use the means to begin your War with some notable loss to your Enemy; so shall you terrify him, and discourage his Allyes and friends from giving him assistance.

[Page 237]When you come to fight, chuse ground (as neer as you can) to fight upon proper for the number and quality of your men: if you be strong in Horse, chuse champion; if your strength be on foot, and that you want Horse, chuse uneven, bushy, or inclosed ground, and place some Muskettiers in the distances between those Troops you have, which may advance, and give fire upon the E­nemies Horse: if they offer to charge, cover one of your Flanks if you can with some River, Morass, or Wood. Make your Front so large, that your Enemy may not be able with his Wings to charge you in Flank. Let your Battalions be small, as of five or six hundred at the most, which may nimbly move, charge, re­tire, or succour each other at their pleasures; for great Bodies are unweildy, and being forced to move, cannot keep their order unless the ground be very even; for upon uneven ground, they will either fall foul, or be forced to open; and if an Enemy can then make use of his advantage, and charge, they are easily bro­ken, and being broken are irrecoverable; whereas small Troops, although they break, may under the favour and succour of their seconds, put themselves again in order, and be able to do good service. Use means to draw your Enemy off the ground he hath chosen to stand upon; it may to your advange, perhaps bring some disorder in his Troops. Be sure to have store of Seconds, and always keep some Troops in reserve: rather give, then attend the charge; it will encourage your own men, and dishearten the Enemy. Charge on that hand you think your self the strongest. Let the distances between the Battalions, as also between the Ter [...]a's of your Army, be carefully kept; and get the advantage of Sun and Wind if you can.

Of a Chase.

IF your Enemy turn his back and fly, let the third part of your Van-guard, Battail, and Reer, as also a third part of both the Wings of Horse, be appoint­ed for the Chase; and let one third part of them so appointed chase the Enemy disbanded; the rest following in their order to succour the disbanded Troops, if the Enemy should turn head and make resistance: and let the other two thirds of the Army leisurely advance in good order to countenance the Troops in Chase if occasion should require. When you would have the Chasers retire, let the Drums and Trumpets of those Chasers that keep their order, sound the Retreat, that the disbanded Chasers may know where to find their Troops: and if it be night, let the Drums and Trumpets of the rest of the Army likewise sound. And let there be fires made in divers places in the Army, whereby all the Cha­sers may the better find the way to their Quarter.

Of a Retreat.

TO make a good Retreat, is one of the Master-pieces of a General; nor is it di­shonorable for him to take the advantage of any time that he finds useful for the safety of his Army, and good of the Cause; although some young Souldiers (more hardy then wise) think it a disparagement to retire in the night: but he that will not retire in the night, when reason and the benefit of his party doth require, may stay and be beaten in the day. Many Examples there are in Histo­ries, of Armies that have been lost by such gallantry, and their party thereby rui­ned. There is no experienced General so indiscreet or ill advised, as to follow a retiring Enemy with his Gross in the night, especially if he find him retire in good order; for so he may be drawn into Ambuscadoes, or his enemy may wait for him in places of advantage, and do him an affront, and what knows he when he finds the Retreat made orderly, but his Enemy seeks to draw him out purposely to intrap him? by this means the party retiring may before day get into a place of safety; whereas if he retire by day, his Enemy may safely follow him with his whole Army, and pass upon all advantages, whereof he shall find plenty in a well-ordered Army, if he know how to make use of them, and take his opportunity. I [Page 238] therefore conclude, that to retire by night, without sound of Drum, with match­es covered, or to use any other secret way to avoid an Enemy when occasion doth require, is not dishonorable, but the duty of a good Captain.

The Order that the Prince of Orange retired in from Gelders.

FIrst, He possessed a high piece of Ground that lay half-way between Gelders and Rhineberk, to which Town he was resolved to March; and lodged there 2000 men well intrenched, with some pieces of Ordnance: then he made ready three ways for the Tertia's of the Army to march in Front: before the Troops began to march; he sent away the Baggage and great Ordnance, with some part of the Ammunition. An hour before day, or thereabouts, he gave Order that the Army should march, and the three Tertia's drew out of the Quarter, without sound of Drum, and marched in even Front, about 200 paces distant from each other, until they came an English mile or more from the Quarter; and then Command was given that the Drums should beat. In the Reer of each Tertia came ten or twelve Field-pieces, with Ammunition and all other necessaries be­longing to them. On either Flank marched sixteen Troops of Horse; and after the Foot, at a large distance came the rest of the Horse. In this Order did he march from thence to Rhineberk without the sight of an Enemy, although the Cardinal Infanta were lodged within an English mile or little more of his Quar­ter.


The names of all the several lines conteined in the table pag: 2

A.B. the Semidiameter

BB the Polygon interior

BI the neck or gorge

IH the 1. wing

IL the 2. wing

GHF The angle made between the wing and the face

IBI The angle of the Polygon

HGH the angle of the Bastion

BAB the angle at the center equall to the angle MBI made by the two Polygons

GBM The angle between the captiall line and the Polygon,

The names of all the severall lines conteined in the table pag: 2 AB. the Semidiameter B B the Polygon interior B I the neck or gorge IH. the .1. wing I L the .2. wing G H F The angle made between the wing and the face IBI The angle of the Polygon HGH the angle of the Bastion B A B the angle at the center equall to the angle MB I made by the two Polygons G B M The angle between the capitall line and the Polygon.

MILITARY ARCHITECT: Or, a short Treatise of FORTIFICATION, Regular and Irregular. With the manner how to strengthen the said Forti­fications with Redoubts, Ravelins, Half-Moons, &c.

Two Principal Propositions Geometrical, useful in Fortification.

ALthough all the fundamental Problems and Propositions in plain Geometry are necessary and useful for an Enginier, especially to raise and let fall Perpendiculars, draw Parallels, divide Lines into e­qual parts, and other proportional parts required to make An­gles of any quantity, and also to divide them; these are absolutely necessary; for without most of them, few others can be resolved: wherefore supposing him to be so much a Geometrician, I will proceed to these two, necessary in this Art.

Prop. I. A Circle being giuen, to find the side of any Polygon that may be inscribed within the same Circle, the number of Sides not exceeding ten.

Let the given Circle be A F C G. First, through the Center thereof at E, draw the Diameter A E C, dividing the whole Circle into two equal parts.

Secondly, Take in your Compasses half the Diameter A E, or E C, and setting one foot in A, with the other foot make the marks B and D, and draw the line E D, which shall be the side of a Triangle, or Polygon of three sides, which will be inscribed in that Circle.

Thirdly, Draw the Line F G through the Centre, cutting the Diameter A G at right Angles. Then draw the line A F, which shall be the side of a Square or Polygon of four sides.

Fourthly, Set one foot of your Compasses in H, and extend the other to F, drawing the Arch-line F I; then draw the right line F I, and it shall be the side of a Pentagon, or Polygon of five sides, that will be inscribed within the given Circle.

[Page 240]Fifthly, Half the Diameter, as E A, E F, E C, or E G, are either of them the side of an Hexagon, or Polygon of six sides.

Sixthly, Half the line B D, viz. H B, or H D is the side of an Heptagon, or Polygon of seven sides.

Seventhly, Divide the Line A F into two equal parts in M, and draw the Line E M K, cutting the Peripherie of the Circle in K. So shall the Line A K be the side of an Octagon, or Polygon of eight sides.

[geometrical formation]

Eightly, Divide that part of the peripherie of the Circle D A B into three equal parts, one third part will reach from D to L; then draw the Line D L, and it shall be the side of a Nonagon, or Polygon of nine sides.

Ninthly, The Line E I is the side of a Decagon, or Polygon of ten sides, which will be inscribed in this Circle.

Prop. II. To finde out the length of the Semi-diameter of a Circle, that the side of the Polygon therein inscribed, shall be in length equal to a right Line given.

Let the given Line be A B. First, Take in your Compasses the length thereof, and setting one foot in B, with the other make the small arch C D; Then set one foot in A, and make the other small arch E F, cutting the former in O.

Secondly, Divide the Line A B into two equal parts in K, and draw the Line K O at length towards H.

Thirdly, With the length of the given Line A B, set one foot of the Com­passes in O, and with the other foot draw the Arch-line A S B.

Fourthly, Divide this Arch-line A S B into six equal parts, at the points 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. And opening the Compasses from B to 1, describe the small Arch 1 a; also with the distance B 2, describe the Arch 2 b, likewise 3 c, 4 d, and 5 e.

[Page 241]Fifthly, Take with your Compasses the distance from A to a, and set it up­on the Line H O K, from O to 7, and from O to 5.

Sixthly, Take the distance A b, and set it from O to 4, and from O to 8.

Seventhly, Set the distance A C, from O to 9.

[geometrical formation]

Eighthly, Set the distance A d from O to 9.

Lastly, Draw the Lines B 4, B 5, B 6, B 7, B 8, B 9, B 10, and they shall be the semi-diameters of so many several Circles, as the given Line A B will be inscribed Polygons of 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10 Sides. For.

If a Circle be de­scribed upon the Semi-diameter,

  • 4 B
  • 5 B
  • 6 B
  • 7 B
  • 8 B
  • 9 B
  • 10 B

The Line A B in that Circle will be the side of a

  • Square.
  • Pentagon.
  • Hexagon.
  • Heptagon.
  • Octagon.
  • Nonagon.
  • Decagon.

Two useful and necessary Tables, containing the Quantity of all the Lines and Angles in all Regular Fortifications; from a Fort of four Sides, to one of ten Sides.

The first Table of Lines.
Number of the Sides of the Polygon. V V VI VII VIII IX X
Semidiameter. 585 484 587 694 802 913 1024
The interior Polygon. 544 569 587 602 614 624 633
The Neck, or Gorge. 92 104 114 121 127 132 136
The first Wing. 77 87 95 101 106 111 114
The second Wing. 71 112 129 138 143 147 149
The Capital Line. 97 207 216 223 230 236 241
The second Table of Angles.
Number of the Sides of the Polygon. IV V VI. VII VIII IX X
  d. m. d. m. d. m. d. m. d. m. d. m. d. m.
The Angle of the Polygon. 90 0 108 0 120 0 128 34 135 0 14 0 144 0
The Angle between the Wing prolonged and Face. 75 0 73 0 67 30 65 20 63 45 62 30 61 30
The Angle between the Curtain and Capital. 45 0 54 0 60 0 64 17 67 30 70 0 72 0
The Angle made by the two Polygon. 50 0 72 [...] 60 0 51 26 45 0 4 [...] 0 36 0

The use of the two foregoing Tables in the delineation of a Regular Fort of five Sides or Bastions.

BEing provided of a Scale of equal parts for the setting of your Lines, and likewise of a Line of Chords for the setting of the Angles; both which Scales may be upon one and the same Ruler:

First, Take from your Scale of equal parts 484, which you shall find under V in the line of Semi-diameters; and with the length describe the Circle A F B E; then take from the same Scale 569, which is under V in the Line of the interior Polygon, and this will reach in the Circle from B to B, and will divide it into five equal parts; according to the number of Sides of the Fort.

Secondly, Set off from the Point B, B I, equal to 104, which shall be the Gorge and Neck: from the point I erect two Penpendiculars I G H, and I H to the line B B, making I H 87 parts of the Scale, which is in the line under V, belonging to the first Wing.

Lastly, Make B G 207, which is your Capital Line, and draw H G, com­pleating your Bulwark.

And in this manner may you finish all the several Bastions of this or any other Fort, working according to the Measures belonging to that Polygon you are to fortify.

But it may so fall out sometimes, that you cannot readily find the Centre of your Figure, by reason some House or other obstacle may stand in the way, so that you will be troubled to draw the Line A G, upon which your Capital line is taken, nor perhaps know what Angle it makes with the Polygon interior continued; though in truth that Angle is always equal to half your Angle of Circumference: you may make use of your Table, and find the quantity of the Angle contained between the Wing continued and the Face, namely, the Angle G H F in the Figure, which in this Example will be found to be 70 degrees 30 minutes. This being set off on both sides, you may finish your Bastion without [Page 243] help of the Capital Line. This done draw lines parallel to the Face of your Ba­stion, delineate your Ditch which is to be made round about your Fort, as you see in the second Figure, which is the side of a Pentagon fortified.

Concerning the farther strengthning of your Fort by Half-Moons, Horn-works, Redoubts, &c.

YOur Fort thus finished, you may farther strengthen it with Half-Moons, Ra­velines, Horn-works, Redoubts, and such like, according as the place shall require, and the number of Souldiers you have for defence will permit.

I. Of the Half-Moon.

A Half-Moon hath either relation to the Curtain or Bastion, and in the second Figure are marked with ☽: that which hath relation to the Curtain, is proper­ly called a Raveline; and that at the point of the Bastion, a Half-Moon.

How to delineate a Raveline.

Divide the Curtain into two equal parts by the perpendicular n o: from p, the middle of your Wing, draw p o, p o; and from o, their intersection, set off o q, equal to the Wing of your Bastion H I, or thereabouts; but this is left to the discretion of the Enginier, as also at what distance they shall be made from the Curtain or Bastion. But he must not make the Angle of the Raveline too acute, but so to proportion the distance, that the Angle may be neer or equal to the Angle of the Bastion.

The Half-Moon is alike with the Raveline, but that it hath relation to the Bastion, and is drawn after the same manner; all which is plain in the second Figure, where the Half-Moons are marked with ☽.

II. Of the Horn-work.

The Horn-work is most conveniently defended from the face of your Bastion; which if you intend to do, make H F equal, or neer equal to G L your line of defence, and draw F F, which shall be equal to I I your Curtain; and let M L the Curtain of your Horn-work be about one third part of I I, but somewhat more, viz. 130 such parts as your Curtain is 360 or more; if you please to 150; and from n, the middle of F F, set off n o, n o, equal to 65 of your Scale, and draw o m, o l, right Angles at o. Then set off the Angles F K S, each of them 65 deg. as you would have the Angle of your Horn-work contain. Draw the Lines F S, and F S, and bisect the Angles S F F, which shall cut off F K equal to M L, the Curtain of your Horn-work, of which k m, k l shall be the Wings.

Of Irregular Fortifications.

TOuching Irregular Fortifications, I can give no new Precept; only in the general, it is best, if possible, to reduce them to regular Forms: but if the place will not permit it, take first the Plot of the place, and observe what Angles are made between every two sides thereof.

Then look in the Table, in the cell of the Angles of Polygons, and see what Polygon the observed Angle comes neerest to, and make that Bastion according to the measures belonging to that Polygon, and so of the rest; so shall you have unequal Bastions, but alike defensible. Wherein likewise it is be noted, that if the [Page 244] two sides of your interior Polygon be of unequal length, the Bastion is best framed according to the measures taken upon the shorter side.

Example. Let it be required to draw Bastions to the side of an inordinate Pen­tagon, whose Angles are, as they are marked in the third Figure.

First, I observe 134, the Angle comprehended between two of the sides, comes neerest to the Angle of an Octagon in the Cell of the Angles of Polygons; I con­clude therefore, that Bastion is to be drawn according to the measures belonging to an Octagon, taking the measures from the shortest side A B.

Now because the measures of the Polygon interior belong to an Octagon, is 614, you must make a Scale, of which 614 parts shall be equal to A B; then set off the Neck or Gorge A E, B E, 127 such parts, as A B is 614; then measure 106 for the Wing. Lastly, because the Center of the Figure is not known, by which the measure of the Capital line should be taken, I take the Angle between the Wing prolonged and the Face, and take off 240 such parts as the Curtain is 360, and so finish the Bastion belonging to the Angle 134

The next Angle 113, which is neerest to a Hexagon, therefore that Bastion must be framed from the shorter side, according to the measures of a Hexagon; and so must all the Angles be fortified by those measures which come neerest to the Angle comprehended between the sides thereof.

But in all Irregular Fortifications, much is attributed to the judgment of the Enginier, either to increase or diminish the Angles as he finds most convenient, but in such manner as the line of defence may scoure the face of the Bastion, and that one part thereof may defend, and be defended by the other.

It now remains to treat of the manner of making of Ditches about Forts, of the quantity of earth required to make a Fort, with Walls of any determined breadth and height; as also what inclinations they ought to have, both on the inside and the outside; within, of that sloapness, that the Souldiers may (with­out much difficulty) go up and down; but without, sloaping so little, that they may not be scaled by the Enemy; yet so much, that the foundation may be strong. But this I shall omit for the present, my design not being to write here all necessary to be known in this Art, but only so much as might enable the Ingenious Souldier to be able to fortifie any place in the absence or want of an Enginier.

Some Principles of the GUNNERS-ART: Containing so much thereof as is absolutely neces­sary for a compleat Souldier to be acquainted with, and (in case of necessity) to put in practice.

HE that will be a compleat Cannonier, must have knowledge and skill in the Sciences Mathemati­cal, especially in Arithmetick, and some part of Geo­metry; he must be able to Multiply, Divide, and work the Golden Rule both Direct and Retrograde, either in whole Numbers or Fractions, or both. He must be ready at the Extracting of the Square and Cube Roots, two of the chief hinges upon which many Questions in Gunnery do depend. His skill in Geometry must be so much, as to take all manner of Heights, Depths, and Distances, either accessible or inaccessi­ble, with many other the like Qualifications.

But it was not intended to make an absolute or entire Trea­tise of this Mysterious Art of Gunnery in this place, but to give the curious (and he that desires to be an accomplished) Soul­dier, such satisfaction therein, that in the absence of the Can­noneer or Gunner, either by sickness, lameness, or by being ta­ken away by death, the expert Souldier may take upon him the Command of his Artillery, to his own Commendations, and for the Honour of the General under whose Command such Soul­dier is.

In order whereunto, I have laid down such Rules and Dire­ctions, that the Souldier may safely and commendably attempt [Page 246] the management of any Piece of great Artillery against his Ene­my.

First, I have given you the names of the several Pieces of Great Artillery now in use.

Secondly, Their Diameters, Weights, both of Powder and Shot, their Heights, and Quantity of Powder each of them spen­deth every Shot.

Thirdly, The proportion of the Carriage to the Gun, and all other its appurtenances.

Fourthly, How to Load his Piece with judgment and safety.

Fifthly, How to Disport his Piece.

Sixthly, To discharge his Piece.

Seventhly, To amend his second Shot, his first being defe­ctive.

Eightly, To shoot at his Enemies Quarters in the Night-sea­son, and also as they pass by in the Day. With other Warlike Stratagems.

And lastly, I have declared the making and use of the two Destroying and Invincible Engines of Fire, the Granado and Petard. The perusal and practice whereof I leave unto the inge­nious Souldier: Bidding him heartily


The names of such Pieces of Artillery as are now most in use.

TO mention the names of Pieces of Artillery particularly relating to several Countreys, would be almost endless; they often changing and giving new names to Pieces upon the least alteration thereof, from some other very neer thereunto. It shall suffice therefore to make mention in this place, on­ly of such as are in use with us, and our neighbouring Nations; and they are chiefly these:

  • Whole Cannon
  • Demi-Cannon
    • Largest.
    • Ordinary.
  • Culvering
    • Largest.
    • Ordinary.
    • Least size.
  • Demi-Culvering
    • Largest.
    • Ordinary.
    • Least size.
  • Saker
    • Large.
    • Ordinary.
    • Least.
  • Minion.
    • Large.
    • Ordinary.
  • Faulcon.
  • Faulconet.
  • Rabant.
  • Base.

These are the Pieces which are now most in use, either for Land or Sea-service, the Dimensions and Weight, both of the Pieces themselves, and the appurtenan­ces to them belonging, this following Table doth plainly declare.

The Names of the Pieces. Diamet. at the bore in parts. Weight of the Piece. Length of the Piece feet. in. Height of the Shot in parts. Weight of the Shot. lib. oun. Weight of Pow­der. lib. oun. Length of the Ladle in parts Breadth of the Ladle in parts
Cannon. 8 0 8000 12 0 7 ½ 58 0 32 8 24 0 [...]4 ¾
  • Largest.
  • Ordinary
6 ¾ 6000 12 0 6 ⅝ 36 0 18 0 22 ¾ 12 0
6 ½ 5600 10 6 6 ⅙ 32 0 17 8 22 0 12 0
  • Largest.
  • Ordinary.
  • Least size.
5 ½ 4800 10 armor 5 ¼ 20 0 12 8 16 0 10 0
5 ¼ 4500 12 0 5 0 17 5 11 6 15 0 9 ½
5 0 4000 12 0 4 ¾ 15 fer [...] 10 0 14 ¼ 9 0
  • Largest.
  • Ordinary
  • Least size.
4 ¾ 3000 12 or 13 4 ½ 12 11 8 8 13 ½ 8 ½
4 ½ 2700 10 0 4 ¼ 10 10½ 7 4 12 ¾ 8 0
4 ¼ 2000 9 or 10 4 0 9 0 6 4 12 0 8 0
  • Largest.
  • Ordinary.
  • Least.
4 0 1800 9 or 10 3 ¾ 7 5 5 0 11 0 7 ¼
3 ¾ 1500 9 0 3 ½ 6 0 4 0 10 ½ 6 ¾
3 ½ 1400 8 0 3 ¼ 4 2 3 6 9 ¾ 6 ½
  • Large.
  • Ordinary.
3 ¼ 1000 8 0 3 0 3 2 3 4 9 0 5 0
3 0 750 7 0 2⅞ 3 4 2 8 8 ½ 5 0
Faulcon. 2 ¾ 750 7 0 2 ⅝ 2 8 2 4 8 ¼ 4 ½
Faulconet. 2 ¼ 400 6 0 2 ⅛ 1 5 1 4 7 ½ 0 4
Rabana. 1 ½ 300 5 6 1 ⅜ 0 8 0 12 4 ¼ 2 ½
Base. 1 ¼ 200 4 6 1 ⅛ 0 5 0 8 4 0 2 0

Having described unto you the Names of all such Pieces of Artillery as are now in use, together with the Quantity of each their Diameters at their Bore in feet and inches; as also their several Weights, their Lengths, the Heights and Weights of their Shots, the Quantity of Powder they spend at each Shot, &c. I shall now proceed to give you the Names and terms of Art belonging to the several parts of any Piece of Ordnance, and also of the Proportion that every Carriage ought to have to the Piece he beareth.

The Ichnographical Description and Names belonging to the several parts of a Cannon, or other Piece of Artillery.

WHereas in the following Discourse, there is continual mention made of the several parts of a Piece, which cannot well be defined nor rendred ea­sie without the Figure thereof represented in Plano; in order whereunto, I have drawn the Figure following, representing the Ichnography of a Piece; and to the several parts thereof I have set several letters of the Alphabet directing to the same, by which at one view all will be visible.


A B Represents the Diameter of the Bore of the Piece, which is sometimes cal­led, The Diameter of the Concave Cylinder, sometimes the Diameter of the Muzzle, &c.

C D The Neck, and C the Freese of the Piece.

E F The Cornice Ring.

G H The Re-inforced Ring.

I and K The two Trunnious upon which the Piece resteth when it is laid in his Carriage.

L M The Chamber of the Piece, which is so much of the Concave Cylinder, as contains the Powder and Shot.

N The Base Ring, and also the Touch-hole, which must fall just at the end of the Concave Cylinder, or Bore of the Piece.

O The Pummel, sometimes called the Cascabel.

A L B M The Concave Cylinder.

M O The Breech of the Piece.

M N The thickness of the Metal at the Breech.

The Metal of the Piece which is about the Mouth above A and B, is called the Muzzle-Ring.

Thus much for the Description of the parts of the Gun; now for its Car­riage, &c.

What proportion the several parts of the Carriage ought to bear to the Gun it is to carry, as also of the Rammer, Ladle, Lanade, or Spunge, &c.

EVery Carriage ought to be in length once and an half the length of the Con­cave Cylinder of the Piece. The Planks at the fore-end of the Carriage ought to be in depth four Diameters of the Bore of the Piece. At the middle of the Planks, three Diameters and an half; and at the end next the ground, two and an half. And they ought to be in thickness one Diameter.

For the Traverses (or bars of Wood) that joyn these Planks together, the foremost must be three Diameters and an half in length, and must enter one half of a Diameter in length into either of the Cheeks or Planks. That in the middle [Page 249] must be four Diameters in length, and enter into the Cheeks as the former. And that at the foot or lower end of the Carriage must be in length five times the Diameter, and entred into the Planks as the former.

The Wheels must be in height one half of the length of the Piece; the Circles must be equal both in breadth and thickness to one Diameter of the Bore; the Spokes or Arms three times the Diameter. The Cube three Diameters in thick­ness, and three and an half in length. The Bore of the Cube must be one Dia­meter, and the length of the Axle-tree eight Diameters and two third parts more.

The Wheels for the Saker and Minnion must be in height the half length of the Piece and 1½ part more. And the Faulcon and Faulconet half the length and ⅙ part more.

Of the Ladle.

It is by some taken for a general rule, that the Circumference of a Bullet be­ing divided into five equal parts, that three of those parts must be the breadth of the Ladle.

The bottom of every Ladle must be one Diameter and ⅓ long, and of such a thickness as may with ease enter into the Bore of the Piece.

Of the Rammer.

The Rammer of every Piece must be made of hard Wood, once and an half the Diameter long; and so thick, as it may with ease enter into the mouth of the Piece. It must be bound at the lower end with a plate of Brass, set on with brass or Copper-nails to strengthen it.

Of the Lanade or Spunge.

The bottome of the Lanade must be one Diameter and ⅔ parts in length, and ⅔ parts of a Diameter in thickness, covered with Lambs or Sheeps-skin the Wool­side outwards, and made fast to the bottom with small brass Nayls.

The Staff both for the Lanade and Rammer must be one foot longer then the Cylinder of the Piece.

To every Piece there must be Coyns of several sizes, some great, some small; and also Leavers proportionable to the Piece: the Coyns to keep the Piece at any elevation it shall be set to, and the Leavers to move the Piece and Carriage upon the Platform.


Before you attempt to charge your Piece, see that the Ground or Platform be level, that the Wheels of your Carriage be of equal height, that the Trunnions of your Gun lie right in the Carriage; If they be not, cause them to be amend­ed, or expect to make no perfect shot.

How to Load any piece of Ordnance both surely and fafely.

BEfore you load your Piece, take care to cleanse the Touch-hole, and sweep the Piece clean within with a dry Lanade or Spunge; then (observing the Winde) set your Powder-barrel to weather your Piece, and your Linstock on the contrary. Then filling your Ladle, give it a gentle knock on the foot, that the loose Corns may shake off into the barrel; then put your Ladle into your Piece, and being come to the bottome of the bore, draw it back two fin­gers breadth, and turn it over; then take it out, and with your Rammer (you [Page 250] standing on the right side of your Piece) ham the Powder close into the Cham­ber of the Piece, another (in the mean time) holding the Finger or Thumb upon the Touch-hole, that the Powder may not fly out that way: If the Touch-hole be full, it is a sure sigh that the Powder is well rammed; and if your Piece be to be charged at twice, you must do this after each Ladle-ful.

Then take a wisp of Hey or Straw, and chrust it hard into the mouth of the Piece after the Powder, that no loose Corns may remain in the empty part of the Cylinder, and ram that ha [...]d home upon the Powder.

Then again, take a dry Lanade, and cleanse the Cylinder of the Piece, that [...]oothing be left in the hollow Cylinder, to hinder the Bullets way.

This done, make your Bullet very clean, that neither Earth nor Sand hang upon it, and put it gently into your Piece, and after it a wad of Hey or Straw easily rammed.

And here note, that in doing this you must not stand right before the mouth of your Piece, but on one side, for fear of mischances; and having charged your Piece, you must lay your Ladle, Lanade, Scowrer and Rammer on the right side of your Piece, the Ladle and Lanade their heads towards the mouth, and the Rammer and Scowrer towards the Breech of the Piece.

Your Piece being thus charged, direct her to the intended Mark, and then Prime her; in the doing of which, First, with your Priming-iron enter the Touch-hole, and let your Powder come from the Touch-hole to the Base-ring, for there you may fire safely; for if you fire at the Touch-hole, your Linstock may be forced out of your hand: therefore some use to prime their Gun two or three inches forward off the Touch-hole; for if that be large, the more care must be had in firing.

In firing of any Piece, take your Linstock in your right hand, and coming to the side of your Piece, set forward one Leg, keep your Body upright, and your Arm extended at full length; the cole of your Match being cleared, give fire to the Powder, so shall you perform your work both safely and gracefully.

Another way of Loading a Piece of Artillery.

There is another way used to load Guns, which is by Cartredges; these Car­tredges are made, either of Canvas or Paper, rowled upon a Former or Rowler, turned something less then the hollow Cylinder of your Piece; these being sew­ed or pasted, and having bottoms put to them, are filled at spare times (in Gar­risons or other places) with a due charge of powder belonging to the Piece for which they were made, and are ready whensoever occasion shall require: one of these being put into the mouth of the Piece, together with the Bullet, and well wadded and rammed, with your priming-iron at the Touch-hole, make a hole through the Cartridge, and then having primed it, you may give fire as before.

How to Dispart any Piece of Ordnance.

THere are several ways to dispart a piece of Ordnance; I will mention one or two in lieu of all the rest. — Now, to Dispart a piece, is, To bring the Metal of the Muzzle-ring, equal to that of the Base-ring; or, it is, To find the difference of the Metal at the Muzzle and the Base-rings. To effect which, either of these wayes will declare.

First, Take a small streight Stick or Wyer, and put it downright into the Touch-hole of your piece, and even with the top of the Metal of the base-ring; this Stick taken out of the Touch-hole, apply to the bottom of the Metal, at the bo [...]e of the piece; and that part of the Stick or Wyer which stands above the Metal of the Muzzle-ring, is the true Dispart for that piece.

Secondly, Or take with a small silk or thred the Circumference of the Metal [Page 251] at the base-ring; and also with another silk the Circumference of the Metal at the muzzle-ring divide either of these lengths into 22 equal parts, and from each of them cut off seven parts; half the difference that is between the length of these two strings, is the true Dispart. This way is in it self exact enough; but I prefer the former far before it, both for ease and exactness, if carefully hand­led.

How to level your Piece to shoot at any Mark within Point-Blank.

YOur Piece lying upon his Carriage well fixed, the Ground or Platform clean and even, and your Gun cleansed, loaded and wadded, as is before di­rected, and having disparted the same as was last taught;

Place the dispart upon the top or upper part of the muzzle-ring of your piece perpendicular or upright, fixing it there with wax or the like: then going to the breech of your Gun, cause one of your Matrosses with a leaver to turn the piece towards the mark: then the carriage there standing, cause him to raise the piece or depress it, till with your eye (at about 2 or 3 foot distance from the breech of your piece) you can see the very top or highest part of the Metal of the base-ring, the very top of your dispart, and the mark you are to shoot at, all three in a right line; which when you have found, cause the piece to be kept there by, put­ting a Coyn under it; and when it is coyned, look again, and see if all be as you before left it; if it be not, cause it to be altered: but if it be you may, prime and give fire.

The first Shot being defective, how to amend it in the second.

A Shot is said to be defective, when it is either over, under, or wide of the mark aimed at: to remedy this, you must observe these few Directions following:

First, If your Shot be right to your Mark, but yet over, it is a sign your Di­spart is too short, which you may remedy by placing a dispart upon the muzzle-ring of such a length, that looking by the base-ring and the mark the shot last made, you may see the top of the dispart: with this new dispart level your piece to the mark, prime and give fire, and doubtless your shot will prove good.

Secondly, If your Shot be just under the mark, then look how much the dis­part is over the Mark of the Shot last made, and cut it so much shorter, that look­ing at the breech of the Piece, you see the mark of the last Shot, and the top of the dispart in one right line; then by this dispart level your Gun to the Mark, and give fire.

Thirdly, But if your first Shot had been level with, but yet to the right hand of the Mark; to remedy this, stand at the breech of the piece, looking over the dispart at the mark the last Shot made, and upon that part of the base-ring, which you then look over, set up a pin with a little wax; so this pin will be in a right line with the dispart and Mark of the Shot: then level the piece again, by help of this pin and the dispart, to your assigned Mark, and without Question you will make an effectual shot.

Fourthly, But if your shot be both wide, and too high, or too low, then both the former rules must be applied to regulate it, which reason will best direct how to perform.

And here note, that these defective Shots last spoken of, are not, or may not be in the fault of the Gunner; for let him dispart and level his Gun never so well, [Page 252] he may make a bad Shot; for, 1. The Wind may alter the Range of the bul­let. 2. The irregularity or inequality of the thickness of the Metal of the piece may much impede. 3. The uneven lying of the piece in the Carriage; and ma­ny other reasons not here to be enumerated.

To make a good Shot in a dark Night at a Mark that hath been shewn you in the Day-time.

MOunt, level, and dispart your piece at the assigned Mark in the day-time, according as hath been before directed; the piece thus remaining, from the bottom of the muzzle-ring, let fall a Line with a plummet at the end there­of having a point; and where the point toucheth the platform, there make a Mark, and take also the length of that string, or run a pin through the string in that place; do the like by letting fall the same line and plummet from the breech of the piece, and make a Mark upon the platform as before, and the length of the string. Then (though your Gun be moved out of its place, yet) you may in the darkest night (by help of a dark Lanthorn) bring your piece to the former position; which being primed and fired, will doubtless come neer, if not hit the Mark.

How you may shoot at your Enemies Lights in his Quarters in a dark Night.

BRing your piece upon your platform to lie right against your Enemies Lights; then take two pieces of lighted match, one so much longer then the other, as is the true dispart of the piece you are to shoot with; place the longest of them upon the muzzle-ring of your piece, and the shorter upon the base-ring thereof, and there fix them upright with wax; then elevate or depress your Gun, till at a distance with your Eye, you espy both your Matches and the Ene­mies Lights all in a right line; which done, prime and give fire.

How you may make a Shot at a party of Horse or Foot, as they pass by; as also at a Ship Sayling up or down a River.

Your piece being charged, let it be laid in the Carriage at little or no eleva­tion, that it may shoot about brest-high; then dispart it, and direct it against some Mark that lies just in the way they are to pass: if the ground they are to pass be higher then your platform, mount your Gun accordingly; if lower, depress it; if level, then as before: your Gun thus prepared, in their passage you may give fire at pleasure: and in the ordering of your Gun for this Stratagem, let it (if possible) be parallel with the plain of the Horizon, that so it may shoot short, especially if the place be stony; for the grazing of the bullet among the stones, may do more execution then the shot it self: but above all, have a special care you shoot not wide nor over.

What hath been said concerning an Enemies passing by Land, the like may be done by an Enemies Ship sayling along a River. For, if you plant your Gun, and direct it to some mark, as Tree, Beakon, &c. on the other side of the River; then when the fore-part of the Ship shall come between your sight and the mark you observed, immediately give fire.

And thus much for shooting in great Artillery.

The composition, making, and use of the two Prin­cipal Fire-works belonging to WAR, viz. THE GRANADO and PETARD.

I. Of the Granado.

OF Granadoes there are several sorts; some to cast with mens hands, others to be shot out of great Guns, and others so large that they require a Mor­ter-piece on purpose for the discharging of them.


The Shell is made of Copper cast in form of a Sphere or Globe, allowing half an inch, and sometimes more (according as the Shell is in bigness) for the thickness of the Metal, which ought to be cast very exactly, to be equally thick in all parts. They are to be filled with fine powder; they are to have a pipe screwed into them, which is to be filled with a slow composition to prime it, the composition of which I shall shew you anon.

These Granadoes are made proportionable to the weight of the bullet be­longing to the piece out of which they are to be shot; and if they in bigness exceed the bore of a Cannon, then they are to be shot out of a Morter-piece.

II. Of the Petard.

THese Petards are made of Copper and brass mixed; and their dimensions are fitted according to the use for which they were prepared; there being [Page 254] three chief uses of them, and so many sorts there are, viz. Some for blowing up and breaking of bridges. Others, for Gates that have Perculles belonging to them. And the third sort for ordinary Gates.

The Petard.

1. Those for Bridges are commonly eleven inches long, and at the breech se­ven inches and an half about, and five inches wide within: the Metal at the breech must be one inch and a quarter thick, and at the neck half an inch thick, besides the muzzle-ring. The mouth must be ten inches wide, and to the Touch-hole must be added a pipe, as in the Figure.

2. The second sort for Gates with Perculles, must be nine inches long, almost half an inch thick at the neck, and an inch thick at the breech; the mouth must be about seven inches wide, and the outside of the breech must be six inches wide, and the inside four inches.

3. The third sort, which is for Gates and Palisadoes, must be seven inches long, one fifth part of an inch thick at the neck, and three quarters of an inch thick at the breech: the mouth must be four Inches wide; at the outside of the breech it must be three inches and an half, and at the inside thereof three inches.

The Charges for these Petards are to be of the finest powder that can be got, beaten hard into the Petard, yet not to break the Gun; then must it be stopped close in with a Wooden board of about an Inch thick; justly fitted thereunto, with wax melted to stop the crevise about to keep out water. You must not charge it up to the top, but leave the breadth of almost two inches empty, which must be filled up with tow close stopped in, and a linnen Cloath bound about the Petards neck to keep it close in.

The Touch-hole must be stopped with a Cork, and over that a Sear-Cloath to keep it from wet.

The charge for the greater sort of Petards, is five or six pound of powder. Those of the second, from three to four pounds. And for the smallest, from one pound and an half to one pound.

To prime your Petards and Granadoes, use this following Composition.

TAke of fine Powder three parts, of Sulphur six parts, and of Salt-Peter nine parts: beat all of them severally into fine powder, and mix them together, putting to them Oyl of Peter by little and little till it become a paste; dry this leasurely but throughly, and with it lade your pipe.


The CONTENTS of the Chapters.

The First Book.

  • A Discourse of the Postures, and the handling of Arms. Pag. 1
  • Several reasons why the Pike is the more hono­rable arms. ibid
  • The Postures of the Pike. Pag. 2
  • The Postures of the Musket. Pag. 3
  • The postures and charges of the Pike to be performed in a shorter way, all things acted in order, and nothing done twice. Pag. 4
  • The Postures of the Musket collected in a brief way. Pag. 5
  • There is also a conformity of posture with the Musket to those of the Pike, and words of command to be given, as may in many things be received by both arms. ibid.
  • The use of the postures of the Pike. Pag. 6
  • The use of the postures of the Musket. ibid.
  • How a Muskettier shall perform the Sentinel-posture. Pag. 7
  • The manner and way to do the Funeral-Posture ibid.
  • The reducement of a Musket from the Funeral-po­sture. ibid.
  • The Souldiers desire to know every particular place of Dignity, as they stand in rank and file. ibid.
  • Reasons for the places of dignity both in rank and file, for the first four in a file eight deep. Pag. 8
  • Reasons of the place of the second four as they stand in rank and file, the file being eight deep. Pag. 9
  • Other reasons to clear it further to the Souldier. ibid.
  • Reasons given for the last Table of every particular place of Honour and Dignity as they stand. Pag. 10
  • Reasons likewise to be given for the Table 12 abrest, and 12 deep. Pag. 11
  • Brief reasons to be given of the Dignity of the places of a rank ten abrest, and of a file ten deep. ibid.
  • What distance is, and the reasons for the first beginning of the same, with all their several uses. Pag. 12
  • The several sorts of distances which are fit and proper for the Souldier to be exercised in. ibid.
  • Words of command for the opening of ranks and files to all their distances, with their closings again. Pag. 13
  • The use of each particular distance, and at what time to be used. ibid.
  • Directions of the way and manner of drawing up a pri­vate Company. Pag. 14
  • Several reasons given for the placing of the Serjeants after this manner. Pag. 16
  • Reasons given for the placing the Serjeants and Drums of lesser Companies. Pag. 17
  • A description of a Body of men throughout, with all their several parts and kinds. Pag. 18
  • Directions to all such as shall desire to exercise a Foot-Company, and admonitions to the Souldiers to be exer­cised. Pag. 20
  • Of the several kinds of Facings, and their use, with the words of Command to perform the same. Pag. 21
  • The Words of Command for Facings. Pag. 23
  • The varieties of Doublings, with their parts and uses. ib.
  • The words of Command for Intire Doublings to the Front. Pag. 24
  • Divisional Doublings to the Front. Pag. 26
  • Intire Doublings to the Front by Wheelings. ibid.
  • A divisional Doubling to the Front by Wheeling. Pag. 27
  • Intire Doublings to the right Flank. ibid.
  • Divisional Doublings to the right Flank. Pag. 30
  • Intire Doublings to the right Flank by Wheeling ibid.
  • A divisional Doubling to the right Flank by wheeling Pag. 31
  • Of Inversion and Conversion. Pag. 32
  • The words of Command for Ranks Ranking, and Files ranking to the Front, they being 12 abrest, & 6 deep. Pag. 33
  • Ranks ranking into the Front by Countermarch. Pag. 35
  • Files ranking into the Front by Wheeling. ibid.
  • Ranks ranking, or Files ranking at one and the same time into Front, Reet, and Midst. Pag. 36
  • Of Files ranking into Front, Reer, and Midst. Pag. 37
  • Of Files ranking by Wheeling. ibid.
  • Of Ranks filing, or of Files filing, or of Inversion, with their several sorts and kinds. Pag. 38
  • Ranks wheeling into the Flanks. Pag. 40
  • Of Files filing, or Ranks filing to both Flanks and the Midst at one and the same time. ibid.
  • Of Ranks wheeling to both Flanks. Pag. 42
  • Of Ranks wheeling to the midst of Files. ibid.
  • Of Ranks wheeling to both Flanks and into the Midst at one and the same time. ibid.
  • Of Countermarches, with their several sorts. Pag. 43
  • Intire countermarching of Files. Pag. 44
  • Divisional countermarching of Files Pag. 45
  • Intire Countermarches of Ranks. Pag. 46
  • Divisional Countermarches of the right and left half-ranks. Pag. 48
  • Of Wheelings, with their several uses. Pag. 49
  • Intire Wheelings. Pag. 50
  • Divisional Wheelings. ibid.
  • Of Filings either for delight or service. Pag. 51
  • Several firings to be performed with any number of men. Pag. 52
  • The way to make every man in a File six deep, accord­ing to succession, a File-leader, by doublings, not using one word of command twice. Pag. 56
  • The way to make every man in a file six deep, File-leader, according to dignity, by a doubling, not using one word of command twice, ibid.
  • The way to make every man in a File eight deep File-leader by succession, and that by doubling, not using one word of command twice. ibid.
  • The way to make every man in a File eight deep, a File-leader according unto dignity by doubling. Pag. 57
  • Figures of Battail to be performed by single Files, with some admonitions to those that shall practise themselves herein. ibid.
  • Military experiment upon a File six deep, branching forth eight several figures of Battail, with their reduce­ment. Pag. 58
  • Words of command to produce the first eight Figures of Battail, with their reducement. Pag. 59
  • Words of command for the second eight Figures of Battail, with their reducement. Pag. 60
  • Words of command for the third eight Figures of Bat­tail, with their reducement. Pag. 61
  • The way to make twelve several Figures of Battail with a File ten deep, with their reducement. Pag. 62
  • Twelve several Figures of Battail with a File twelve deep, with their reducement. Pag. 64

The Second Book.

  • Concerning the Artillery and Military Gardens, to­gether with the Private Meetings in and about the City of London. Pag. 67
  • The first Exercise of four files six deep. Pag. 68
  • A doubling consisting of 16 in number, every one diffe­ring from the other, and not reduced until the last word of Command. ibid.
  • Eight several countermaches, with their reducement. Pag. 69
  • Ten several Wheelings, with their reducement. ibid.
  • Six figures of Battail, with several firings thereunto be­longing. Pag. 70
  • The second Exercise with four files six deep. Pag. 73
  • Eighteen several doublings, with their reducements. ib.
  • Twelve several countermarches, with their reduce­ments. Pag. 74
  • Twelve several wheelings, with their reducements. ib.
  • Several plain firings upon this Exercise of 24 men, with figures of Battail belonging to the same. Pag. 75
  • The third Exercise with four files six deep. Pag. 79
  • Thirty several words of Command, of Inversion and Conversion. Pag. 80
  • Next followeth several figures of Battail, with firings upon the same, for the performance whereof Pag. 82
  • The fourth Exercise consisting of four files eight deep. Pag. 87
  • The fifth Exercise with four files eight deep. Pag. 93
  • Thirty several doublings, with their reducement. Pag. 94
  • Plain firings, and figures of Battail. Pag. 95
  • The sixth Exercise with four files eight deep. Pag. 99
  • Thirty doublings by countermarches, with their re­ducement. ibid.
  • Plain firings, and figures of Battail: Pag. 101
  • The seventh Exercise consisting of 64 men, eight files eight deep. Pag. 104
  • Two and twenty doublings by wheelings, with their reducement. Pag. 105
  • Several firings, and figures of Battail with 64 men. Pag. 106
  • The eighth Exercise consisting of 64 men, eight files eight deep. Pag. 110
  • Several figures of Battail. Pag. 112
  • The ninth Exercise consisting of 64 men, eight files eight deep. Pag. 116
  • Eight several countermarches, with their reducement. Pag. 117
  • Ten several wheelings, with their reducement. ibid.
  • Plain firings, and figures of Battail. Pag. 118
  • The tenth Exercise consisting of 24 files being six deep, according to the first drawing up of a private Company. Pag. 122
  • Eight entire several doublings, with their reducement. ibid.
  • Eight several countermarches, with their reducement. ibid.
  • Eight entire doublings by wheelings, with their reduce­ment. ibid.
  • Plain firings, and figures of Battail. Pag. 123
  • The eleventh Exercise with 24 files six deep. Pag. 127
  • Eight countermarches, with their reducement. ibid.
  • Eight several wheelings with their reducement. Pag. 128
  • Plain firings, and figures of Battail. ibid.
  • The twelfth Exercise consisting of 24 files six deep. Pag. 133
  • A doubling to make every man a File-leader by digni­ty. ibid.
  • Several wheelings, with their reducements. Pag. 134
  • Plain firings, and figures of Battail. ibid.

The Third Book.

  • Concerning the drawing up of Regiments, with their several numbers, forms, manner, and ways. Pag. 139
  • The manner of drawing up a Regiment consisting of six Companies, containing in it a Colonel, a Lieut. Colo­nel, a Major, and three Captains, every one having 108 men in a Company, and the three Field-officers 144, which makes compleatly up 756 men, whereof two thirds are Muskettiers, and one third of Pikes, the Files being six deep. Pag. 140
  • The reasons follow for the placing of the Captains, their Colours, and their Lieutenants, after the manner before set down. Pag. 142
  • More particular reasons for the placing of the Captains and Lieutenants of the first grand Division. ibid.
  • Reasons for the placing of the Officers of the second grand Division. Pag. 143
  • The ordering of a Regiment to the long-march, with the placing of the Officers, and the leading of carriages. Pag. 144
  • The first Exercise of a Regiment in the plainest and easiest way. Pag. 146
  • A second way of Exercising Regiments of the same number of men. Pag. 147
  • Doublings belonging to a Regiment. Pag. 149
  • Four several wheelings, with their Reducement. Pag. 150
  • Countermarches not fit to be used in the exercising of Regiments. ibid.
  • Several firings to be performed upon the former fi­gure, and how to be managed by the several Officers. Pag. 152
  • The manner of drawing up a Regiment consisting of seven Companies, containing in the four Captains, 12 files of Muskettiers, and six of Pikes, in each of their particular Companies, and in the three Field-officers 16 files apiece of Muskettiers, and eight of Pikes, which a­mounts to the number of 864 men. Pag. 153
  • The manner of drawing up and placing the Officers of a Regiment consisting of eight Companies, having in it a Col. a Lieut. Col. a Major, and five Captains, their num­ber of men in each Company being equal with the for­mer Regiment, they amount unto 972 men. Pag. 158
  • How to make the figure of a Ring, with its use and ser­vice. Pag. 160
  • The manner of drawing up a Regiment consisting of ten Companies, having in it seven Captains, and three Field-Officers, being in each particular Company the former numbers, which in all amount to 1198 men. Pag. 162
  • The manner both of the drawing up, and the order of the Long-march of Col. Rainsborough his Regiment, bringing up the Reer of the Foot of the Army under the Command of the Lord General Fairfax, at their first marching through the City of London, on the seventh of August 1647. Pag. 164
  • A third way of drawing up a Regiment of ten Com­panies, after the manner used amongst the Swedes. Pag. 165
  • The way of drawing up a Regiment consisting of 12 Companies, the nine Captains having 18 Files in each Company, and the three Field officers every one of them 24 files, whereof there are two thirds of Musket­tiers, and one of Pikes in each particular Company, a­mounting in all to 1404 men. Pag. 168
  • The manner of drawing up a Regiment according to the Swedish Brigade. Pag. 169
  • The manner of drawing up a Brigade or Tertia, being a third part of an Army, according to the practise of the Netherlands, under the Command of the Prince of O­range. Pag. 171
  • [Page]How to draw up an Army of 12 Regiments of Foot and three of Horse, the Foot amounting unto 11664 men, and the Horse unto 3000, in all 14664 men. Pag. 173
  • The several duties belonging to the Foot in a Regi­ment, as followeth by degrees from a private Souldier unto a Colonel of the same: and first of a private Soul­dier, &c. Pag. 176
  • Of Military Watches. Pag. 187
  • The ordering of a private Company unto a Funeral-occasion. Pag. 190
  • The ordering of a Regiment to a Funeral-occasion. Pag. 192

Last of all, the Postures of the Musket performed without the Rest.


  • HOw the Officers of an Army in general ought to be qualified. 197
  • Of the General of the Horse. 198
  • Of the Lieutenant-General of the Horse. ibid.
  • Of the Commissary-General. 199
  • Of the Quarter-master-General. ibid.
  • Of the Captain. 200
  • Of the Lieutenant. ibid.
  • Of the Cornet. 201
  • Of the particular Quarter-masters. ibid.
  • Of the Corporals. ibid.
  • Of the Trumpetters. 202
  • Of the Auditor. ibid.
  • Of the Provost Marshal. ibid.
  • Concerning the Enrolling, Arming, and Exercising of the Cavalry. 203
  • Of the Arming of the Cuirassier. ibid.
  • Of the managing of the Horse and Arms. ibid.
  • Of the Exercising of the Cuirassier. 204
  • Of Exercising the Harquebusier and Carbine. 207
  • Postures for the Snaphans-Carbine. ibid.
  • Of Exercising the Dragoon. 208
  • Of Exercising the Cavalry in their Motions. ibid.
  • The Marching of an Army. 217
  • The Order that the Prince of Orange marched in to Besiege Grel. 219
  • How to pass a Strait. 220
  • The manner of passing a River. ibid.
  • A List of Ammunition and other necessaries to march with. 221
  • A List of Ammunition and Warlike necessaries that the Prince of Orange takes with him into the Field. 222
  • What rules are to be observed in chusing Ground to Quarter in. 227
  • How the Quarter-master is to design his Quarters when the Ground is chosen. ibid.
  • How the Quarters are to be laid out in the field 228
  • The securing of Quarters by Entrenchments, Re­doubts, &c. 230
  • Quartering of Horse. 232
  • How the Prince of Orange his Army was Quartered, with the General Officers, Artillery, Waggons, &c. 233
  • Orders to be given out in a Quarter. 234
  • Orders for Watching. 235
  • Imbatteling. 236
  • Observations. ibid.
  • Of a Chase. 237
  • Of a Retreat. ibid.
  • The Order that the Prince of Orange retired in from Gelders. 238
  • A short Treatise of Fortification Regular and Irregu­gular, &c. 239
  • Two principal Propositions Geometrical, useful in Fortification. ibid.
  • Two useful and necessary Tables. 242
  • The strengthning of a Fort by Half-moons, Redoubts, &c. 243
  • Of the Half-moon. ibid.
  • How to delineate a Raveline. ibid.
  • Of the Horn-work. ibid.
  • Of Irregular Fortifications. ibid.
  • Some Principles of the Gunners art. 245
  • The names of the Pieces of Artillery most in use. 247
  • The Ichnographical Description and names belong­ing to the several parts of a Cannon, or other Piece of Artillery. 248
  • What proportion the Carriage is to bear to the Gun: as also of the Rammer, Ladle, Lanade or Spunge, &c. ibid.
  • How to load any Piece of Ordnance both surely and safely. 249
  • How to Dispart any Piece of Ordinance, 250
  • How to Level a Piece to shoot at a Mark within Point-blanck. 251
  • The first Shot being defective, how to mend the se­cond. ibid.
  • To make a shot in a dark night at a Mark shewn in the day-time. 252
  • How to shoot at the Enemies Lights in a dark night. ibid.
  • How to make a shot at a Party of Horse or Foot as they pass, or at a Ship sayling. ibid.
  • The composition, making, and use of the Granado and Petard. 253

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