Sir IOHN EVELYN HIS REPORT FROM THE Committee, Appointed to consider of the Printing of the Lord Digbyes Speech concerning the Bill of Attainder of the Earl of Strafford.

Whereunto is added the Order for the burning of the said Speech.

Printed, Anno 1641.

Die Martis. 13. Iulij. 1641.

Resolved upon the Question.

THat the matter of my Lord Digbyes Speech shall be first taken into conside­ration.

Resolved, &c.

That the Lord Digbyes Speech spoken at the passing of the Bill of Attainder of the Earl of Strafford, containeth in it matters untrue, and scandalous, as they have referrence to the pro­ceedings of the Committees of the Lords House, and to the Committes of this House, and to the evidence of the witnesses produced in that Cause.

Resolved, &c.

That the publishing of that Speech by the Lord Digby, after a Vote past in this House, up­on the said Bill, and offence taken to it, and the same questioned in the House, is scanda­lous to the proceeding of this House, and a Crime.

Resolved, &c.

That the publishing and Printing of the [Page 4] Speech spoke by the Lord Digby, at the passing the Bill of Attainder of the Earl of Strafford, is scandalous to the proceeding of his Maje­sty, and both Houses of Parliament.

Resolved, &c.

That Sir Lewis Dive, and Iohn Moore, are both delinquents in the publishing, and Printing of the said Speech of the Lord Digbyes.

Resolved, &c.

That Thomas Purslow, the Printer of the said Speech is a delinquent in Printing of it.

Resolved, &c.

That this Book thus Printed, deserveth the brand of this House, and shall be burnt pub­likely by the hands of the common Hangman.

Resolved, &c.

That those Books shall be burnt on Friday next, some in the new Pallace at Westminster, some in Cheap-side, and some in Smithfield. And order to this purpose are to be sent to the Bail [...]ff of Westminster, the Sheriffs of London, and M [...]ddl [...]sex, respectively to see them burnt accordingly, and the Stationers, and all o­thers are required to bring in the Books, that they m [...]y be all burnt.

Resolved, &c.

That a Committee shall be appointed to prepare these Votes that concern the Lord [...], to be transmitted to the Lords, and to present them so prepared, to this House.

WHereas on the one and twentieth of Aprill last past, there was a Speech spoken in the House of Commons, at the passing of the Bill of Attainder, against Thomas Earle of Strafford, by the Lord Digby, then a Member of the said House: The which Speech contained in it matters untrue, and scandalous, as they have reference to the pro­ceedings of the Committees of the Lords House, and this, and to the evidence of the Witnesses produced in that cause. And wher­as the said Speech was published by the Lord Digby, after that the said Bill of Attainder was past by Vote in this House; and after that, great offence was taken to the said Speech, and the same questioned in this House, to the scandall of the proceedings in this House; and is since come forth in Print, to the scan­dall of the proceedings of his Majestie and both Houses of Parliament[?]. It is therefore this day ordered by the said House that all the sayd Books so Printed, shall be publikely Burnt on Friday next at Ten of the Clock in the Morning; part of them in the new Pal­lace yard at We [...]minster, and the other part of them in Chea [...]side, and the rest in [...], [Page 6] by the hands of the common Hangman. And to this purpose the Bailiffs of Westminster, the Sheriffes of London and Middlesex, respe­ctively are hereby required, to be assistant to the effectuall execution of this Order, and see the sayd Books burnt accordingly. And it is also ordered by the said House, that the Master and Wardens of the company of Sta­tioners do their uttermost endeavours to col­lect all the said Books into their hands, re­maining now dispersed amongst their Com­panie, or with others, and forthwith deliver them to one of the Sheriffs of London to be Burnt, according to this Order. And all others who have any of the said Books in their hands, are hereby required forthwith to deliver them to one of the Sheriffs of London, or Bailiff of Westminster (as they will undergo the displea­sure of this House in doing the contrary) for to be Burnt according to this Order.

H. Elsyng Cler. dominus Com.

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