[...]ome Errors OF THE [...]UAKERS Detected, Viz.

[...]hei [...] Denial of Christ, his Sacrifice, [...]ances, the Resurrection of the Body, and Christ's Second Coming.

To which is added Proof, [...]hat the Light in all Men is not Christ.

With an ANSWER to Quaker's Praise of William Penn.

[...]rancis Estwick (a Preacher of Glad [...] to all Men,) at Fowlkston in Kent.

[...] shall be with Child, and shall bring forth a Son, [...] [...]ll his Name Emmanuel, - God with us, Isa. 7.14. [...] 21, 22, 23.

[...] appeared to put away Sin, by the Sacrifice of him­ [...] [...] [...]9.26.

[...] will eat as doth a Canker, of whom is Hymeneus [...]tus, who, concerning the Truth have Erred, sa [...]ing, [...] Resurrection is past already, and overthrow the Faith [...] 2 Tim. 2.16, 17, 18.

[...] [...]to him,— Hereafter shall ye see the Son [...]f Man [...] right hand of Power, and coming in the Clouds of [...] Mat. 26.64.

[...] for the Author, and are to be Sold at [...]everal places in London, 1697.

THE Preface to the Reader.

Courteous Reader,

WHat have I now done, is there not a Cause, 1 Sam. 17.29. Therefore the oc­casion of this my setting Pen to Paper, I can truly say, did not arise from me, but from them­selves; for as to their Doctrine, I have often op­posed by Word of Mouth & as to the Paper concern­ing William Penn's high Commendation, it was sent to me, by them, to see, Whether I could object against it; the which I perused, and let it pass: and a se­cond time it was brought to me by another of their Friends, but I let it pass again: but being brought the third time, I then thought it needful to write a Reply to it, lest by my Silence, they might esteem of it above what was meet; yet I acknowledg these People, are (many of them) very good and just in their Morals, and do as they would be done by, and are zealous in their Way, and orderly in the outward Conversation, and are very helpful to each other, in the management of their Affairs in this Life; and I have often told them, that were their Principles grounded on, and agreeing to the Principles of the Doctrine of Christ, I would readily close with them; But instead of the Merit, Satisfactory Active and Passive Obedience of Jesus of Nazareth, the Resurrection of the Body, and Christs second Com­ing, they go on in their Way, disswading People from closing in with Christ, and his Ordinances, and exhorting others to turn from them, who have yield­ed Obedience thereunto; pretending that they are extinguished and abolished, which were ap­pointed, and set up by the Lord of Life and Glory, to [Page] distinguish his People from the World, and to shew forth his Death till he come; and he hath promised his Spiritual Presence to bewith such to the end of the World; but the Quakers acting thus contrarily, to the grief and sorrow of the Hearts of many, who have closed with, and walk in the ways of Truth, I being earnestly desired by such to shew wherein their Ways are differing from sound Doctrine: I have this done, earnestly desiring, that they may go on no longer deceiving, nor being deceived; and that those who are rightly seeking after the Way of Truth, may not be led astray, but come to turn their Heart and Feet to God's Testi­monies, and to remember God in his own Ways; did that those who are in the way of Truth, may not [...]e carryed awaey with divers and strange Doctrines, but be established therein, so that all may tend t [...] the Honour of God.

Dearly Beloved, believe not every Spirit, b [...] try the Spirits, whether they are of God; fo [...] many false Prophets are gone out into the world 1 John 4.1. Isaiah 8.20. To the Law, and to the Testimony, if they speak not according to this Word, it is because there is no Light in them. Gal. 1.8. But though we, or an Ange [...] from Heaven, preach unto you otherwise tha [...] that which we have Preached unto you, let hi [...] be accursed. And if it might be that many [...] be recovered out of the snare of Sin and Satan, th [...] are carried away Captive, is my only end, and the earnest desire of him who is a lover of Truth [...] Peace,

Francis Estwick.

SOME ERRORS OF THE Quakers Detected, &c.

I Shall shew the Reader in several respects, how the Spirits and Doctrines of the Quakers are found to a­gree in one, with the Spirits and Doctrines of the false Apostles, 2 Cor. 11.13. For such are false Apostles, deceitful Workers, transforming themselves into the Apo­stles of Christ. And also the false Teachers mentioned, 2 Pet. 2.1. But there were false Prophets among the People, even as there shall be false Teachers among you, who privily shall bring in damnable Heresies, even denying the Lord that bought them, and bring upon themselves swift Destruction.

I. Of the Quakers Denial of Christ.

First, Those deceitful Workers did Preach another Jesus, 2 Cor. 11.4. For, if he that cometh preacheth another e­sus, whom we have not preached. Now that the Quakers are led forth to preach up another Jesus, is evident; for they own, and preach up the Light and Spirit within all Men, to be Jesus, and none else, and that therefore is another Jesus, (but there is but one Jesus Christ) is evident.

That person which was born of the Virgin Mary is the true Jesus, and none other: Now that Light in all Men was not that person born of the Virgin Mary; therefore, that Light in all Men is another Jesus, by the Quakers pretences.

Secondly, Those who preach up any other Jesus, than he that was born of the Virgin Mary, (called by himself, Jesus [Page 6] of Nazareth,) and is both God and Man, 1 Tim. 2.5. they deny the true Jesus.

But the Quakers do deny Jesus of Nazareth to be both God and Man, and they preach up the Light within all men to be the Jesus, the Christ, and none other; there­fore, the Quakers preach up another Jesus Christ. Jesus —said,— Take heed, that no Man deceive you, for many shall come in my Name, saying, I am Christ, and shall decei [...] many, Mat. 24.4, 5. Go not after them, Luke 21.8.

II. Of the Quakers Denial of Christ's Sacrifice.

First, Jesus the Saviour, was Crucified openly and visibly, without the Gates of Jerusalem, for the Sins of Men, and that without their Persons; but that Light in all Me [...] never suffered in any respect, as a Saviour for Man.

Therefore, that Light in all Men, is another preten­ded Jesus; tho' it hath suffered in Man, and by Man, [...] never to make an Atonement for the Sin of Man. Heb. 10. [...]

Now those who preach up another Crucified Jesus, are false Apostles, and led by a Spirit of Error and Delusi [...] but the Quakers preach up another Crucified Jes [...] in all men therefore they are such, Mat. 7.15.

Those deceitful Workers, 2 Pet. 2.1. were led by [...] Spirit of Error and Delusion, distinct from the Spirit of G [...].

The Quakers have received another Spirit, that is disti [...] from the Spirit of God; therefore, the Quakers are led [...] the same Spirit that the false Apostles were led by.

Now those who walk in the way of Gospel Truth, are se [...] by the Spirit of God; but it hath been proved, that the Quakers walk not in the way of Gospel Truth: therefore the Quakers are not led by the Spirit of God.

Those who are led forth to oppose the Sacrifice of Christ and other Gosple Truths, it is evident, they are led by a Spirit of Error: But it hath been proved, that the Quakers have, and do oppose those Truths, and walk contrary to them. Therefore, the Quakers are no [...] led by the Gospel Spirit of Truth, but by a Spirit of erro [...] by the same Spirit, that those false Apostles were led b [...]

Secondly, Those false Apostles did preach up another Gospel, 2 Cor. 11.4. and endeavoured to pervert the Gospel of Christ, Gal. 1.6, 7.8, 9. 2 John 10.

And the Quakers do pervert the Gospel of Christ, preac [...] up an other Gospel of Reconciliation by the Light wi [...] [Page 7] therfore, the Quakers are led by the same Spirit that those false Apostles, were led by. And that the Quakers do preach up another Gospel, will appear thus:

The Gospel of Christ is known by this Sound Repent, and Believe in the Man Christ, Jesus of Nazareth for the Remi on of Sins, and thou shalt be Saved, Isa. 9. [...]. Isa. 53.5, 6. I [...]a. 63.3. Ezek. 16.4. Zach. 12.10. Zach. 13.7. Mat. 1.21, 22, 23. Mat. 26.28, 64. Mat. 28.19 Mark 1.4, 5. [...]ark 16.15, 16. Luke 2.11. Luke 24.47. John 3.15.17, 18, 36. John 4.42. John 6.35, 40, 47. John 8.24. John 11.26. John 12.46. Acts 4.12 Acts 5.31. Acts 13.48. Acts 16.30, 31. Acts 22.8. Rom. 3.25, 26. Rom. 4.5. Rom. 9.33. Rom. 10.4. Eph. 2.5. 2 Thess. 2.12. 2 Tim. 1.9. Tit. 1.4. Tit. 3.5. Heb. 9.22.26. 1 John 4.14. 1 John 5.1, 5, 10, &c.

But the Quakers Gospel is, Turn to the Light within, for [...]hat is sufficient to save thee, said Sam. Fisher.

Therefore the Quakers preach up another Gospel, and endeavour to peryert the Gospel of Christ; and so it is evi­dent, That they are led by the same Spirit of Error, that those false Apostles were led by. Again consider,

The Gospel of Christ doth consist of, and maintain the Truth of his Merit, Atonement, Sufferings, (at Jerusalem,) Resurrection, Ascension, and Mediation now at the right hand of God, Acts 3.21. and his second coming visibly to Judgment, 1 Cor. 15 Jude 14. Rev. 1.7.

But it hath been proved, that the Quakers in their Gospel do contradict these things, therefore the Quakers preach up another Gospel. See one Text more: By the which Will (of God) we are sanctified, through the offering of the Body of Jesus Christ, once for all. — For by one offering, he hath perfected for ever them that are sanctified, Heb. 10.10, 1 [...].

Of the Quakers boasting of their Sufferings, instead of the Sufferings of Christ.

First, The false Apostles were carryed forth, to boast greatly of their Sufferings, and their glorying so much af­ter the Flesh, did cause the Apostle Paul to glory also, that so they might be answered to their Folly, lest they should be wise in their own conceit, 2 Cor. 11.18, 22, 23.

And that the Quakers have, an [...] do greatly boast of their Sufferings, is so publickly known, that I need not prove it; if they be cast into Prison, and suffer anything at all, you need not tell them of it, for they will glory in it, and (Pha­risee like) spread it abroad to others, to shew, That they [Page 8] have undergone great Sufferings: in somuch, that I have heard it after one reported, of the Quaker Solomon Eagles, that he presumptuously said, He hath suffered as much as eve [...] thy Christ suffered, whilst he was on Earth; and I have heard many of them say, That no People do, nor ever would suf­fer so much for their Principles, as they have for theirs, Eph. 2, 4, to 9. Full well, do ye reject the Commandments of God, that you may keep your own Tradition, Mark 7.9. Coll. 2.8.

Again, they boast often, That they suffer greatly, for not honouring Men in their places, and likewise, for not paying severall Tributes and Customs that are demanded.

But to respect Men in their Places, is our Duty, to re [...] ­der Honour to whom Honour is due, and to be subject [...] the Higher Powers, and to honour the King, and others in their Places, Rom. 13.1, 7. 1 Pet. 2.17. Therefore the Apostle Paul called Festus, Most Noble Festus, Acts 26.25. and did honour all Men in their places; and Sarah was com­mended, in that she honoured her Husband, calling hi [...] Lord, 1 Pet. 3.6. Render unto Caesar the thing the are Caesars, and pay Tribute to whom Tribute is due, Fear to whom Fear, Custom to whom Custom; and Christ himself (wh [...] on Earth) paid Custom to the Sons of Men: therefore those who do not do those things, do contrary to the Command of God; but it is evident, the Quakers do omit the doing of them.

Those who suffer for doing things contrary to the Co [...] ­mand of God, they suffer not for Well-doing, but for Evil-doing. Now it is evident, that the Quakers in these respect [...], suffer for doing contrary to the Command of God; and there­fore in these respects, if they suffer, they suffer not fo [...] Well doing, but for Evil-doing; and so they have [...] cause at all to boast of such Sufferings, but rather cause to be ashamed to mention them; For (saith the Apostle Paul,) what Glory is it, if when ye be Buffetted for your Faults, ye take it patiently, 1 Pet. 2.22. therefore they have the same Spirit of error those false Apostes had.

Again, These deceitful Workers did c [...]mpare themselves with themselves, contrary to the Saints Doctrine: there­fore saith Paul, 2 Cor. 10.12. For we dare not make our selv [...] of the Number, or compare our selves with some that commend themselves; but they measuring themselves by themselves, and comparing themselves amongst themselves, are not wise. Tha [...] the Quakers are led by the same Spirit, is evident; for they will not compare themselves, nor prove and try them­selves [Page 9] by any thing, but that which is in themselves; and therefore walk after their own Lusts, and to separate themselves being sensual, having not the Spirit of God: Prov. 27.2. Luke 18.11. Rev. 3.17. Job 12.2.

III. Of the Quakers Denial of Christ's Ordinances.

Seventhly, Those false Apostles did endeavour to pervert the two Ordainances, which Christ hath placed in his Church, as a Memorial of his Death to all Generations: What Dis­orders was there in the Church so occasioned 1 Cor. 11.20.

And indeed, it is evident, That the Quakers have ex­ceeded them in this respect; for they have not only per­verted these Ordinances, but have quite overthrown them, and look upon them as carnal, dead, and non-effectual, as they do other Ordinances. Therefore it is evident, that they are led by the same Spirit that those false Apostles were led by. So I shall shew First, What Christ's Ordin­ances are. Secondly, Wherefore they were Ordained. Thirdly, Why some are found, to deny their continuance. Fourthly, The dangerous Effects of that Error.

First, These two Ordinances of Christ, are Baptism and the Lord's Supper, First, Baptism as it is in Christs great Commission to Ministers, Mat. 28.19, 20. Go ye therefore, teach all Nations, Baptizing them in the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost; Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you alway, until the end of the World. Amen. They being not Sprink­led, but Dipped, Plunged or Over-whelmed; Non Rantizo, sed Baptizo, non Aspergo sed Immergo, Rom. 6.3, 4. Secondly, Of the Lord's Supper, as the great Apostel Paul saith, For I have recei­ved of the Lord, that which also I delivered you, that the Lord Jes [...]s, in the same night in which he was betrayed, took Bread: And when he had given Thanks, he brake it, and said, Take, eat, this is my Body, which is broken for you; this do in remembrance of me. After the same manner also, he took the Cup, when he had Supped, saying, This Cup is the New Testament in my Blood: this do ye, as oft as ye drink it, in remembrance of me. 1 Cor. 11.23, 24, 25.

Secondly, The Ordinance of Baptism, is ordained, to shew forth the Death, Burial, and Resurrection of Christ, in a Fi­gure, That as Christ shed his Blood for the Sinner, so the Sinner is washed from his Sins in the Blood of Christ, ac­cording to Rev. 1.5, 6. Who hath washed us from our Sins in [Page 10] his own Blood, and hath made us Kings and Priests unto God, and his Father, to him, be Glory and Dominion, for ever and ever. Amen. And accordingly, as Christ died for Sinners, such as receive him, are found to die to Sin; and as Christ was Buried in the Earth, such as are Baptized and partake of the Lord's Supper, walking answerable thereto, do most lively set forth his Death, Burial and Resurrection. Know ye not, that so many of us as were Baptized into Jes [...] Christ, were Baptized into his Death; we are Buried th [...] with him by Baptism into Death, that like as Christ [...] Raised up from the Dead, by the Glory of the Father, even so [...] also should walk in Newness of Life, Col. 2.12. And the Lords Supper also is an Ordinance, to shew forth how God of [...] great love spared not his only beloved Son, who also freely laid down his life, for and in the room of Sinners, Enemie, by the cursed Death of the Cross; being a broken, bleed­ing, dying Jesus, as a Saviour. 1 Cor. 11.26. For as [...] as you eat this Bread, and drink this Cup, ye do shew the Lords Death till he come. The second time without Sin unto Sal­vation; Christ was once offered, to bear the Sins of many, [...] unto them that look for him, shall he appear the second time, without Sin unto Salvation, Heb. 9.28.

Thirdly, But no marvel why there are some in these day [...] that deny the continuance of Christ's Ordinances, bec [...] they are led forth utterly to deny the Things, as aforesaid that are held forth thereby.

Forthly, By these Seducers the Apostle mention that denied the ordinances of Christ there was another dangerous Error like to be brought into the Church viz. the denying the Resurrection of this Body after Death How is it, that some amongst you say, that there is a Resurrection of the Dead; 2 Tim. 2.17. and again, [...] their Words will eat as doth a Canker, of whom is Hymeneus [...] Philetus, who concerning the Truth, have Erred, saying, Th [...] the Resurrection is past already. 1 Cor. 15.12.

IV. Of the Quakers Denial of the Resur­rection of the Body.

And it is evident, that the Quakers are led by the same Spirit, they have not only Questioned but also denyed the Resurrecton of the mortal Body after Death But con­sider what the Quaker said to this; ‘Thou runnest [...] still in thy Carnal Mind, pleading for Carnal Things; [...] perceive thou dost expect a Fleshly Resurrection; but we own a Resurrection in this Life, and we can witness it is [Page 11] our selves, that the Resurrection is already past with a great many; and for thy part, thou art still in the Dark, and canst not witness the Resurrection in thy self, because [...]ou wilt not turn to the Light, which will bring thee to [...]ltness it, and therefore thou Lyest, to say, We deny the Resurrection, as said John Tyrer a Quaker.’

Answer, Canst thou witness a Resurrection in thy self? truly I question it; for I know not how you can be truly Risen with Christ, except you were first Dead with Christ. But do you believe, you shall Rise again out of the Graves?

Quaker. No: This Body of Flesh and Bones shall not Rise again, (as George Whitehead and Turner said,) if the Bodies of Men rise again, then there is a Preheminence in the Bodies of Men above the Bodies of Beasts; which is to give Job the Lie, who saith They that seeth me, shall see me no more, Job 7.8. Flesh and Blood shall not inherit the Kingdom of God. We believe no more of the Resur­rection of the Body of a Man, than of a Dog. (said l [...]ke Howard a Quaker.)’

'Consider; Is not this evident, That they do positively deny the Resurrection of the Dead?

Quaker. Is it not said, that Man is like to the Beasts that perisheth, and that which befalleth Men befalleth Beasts? even [...] thing befalleth them, as the one dieth, so doth the other; yea, [...]y have all one Breath; so that a Man hath no Preheminence a­ [...]e a Beast, Eccles. 3.19.

Answ. You must know, that Solomon is there speaking only of the vanity of Man's Estate prove by his Dissolution, or parting of Body and Soul; as the saith Apostle Paul, I long to be Dissolved, and be with Christ; shewing, that as the Beasts perished and died from off the Earth, so doth Man: so, that in that respect, he hath no preheminence above a Beast: and why? because they All return to the dust again, Eccles. 3.20. Yet, that doth not at all deny the Resurrect­ion; for he saith elsewhere, Eccles. 12.14. For God shall bring every Work into Judgment, with every secret Thing, whe­ther it be good, or whether it be evil: And as it is appointed to Men once to die, and after Death the Judgment, Heb. 9.27. Because he hath appointed a day in which he will judge the World in Righteousness, by that Man which he hath ordained, whereof he hath given assurances unto all men, in that he hath raised him from the dead, Act. 17.31. But we shall all stand before the Judgment Seat of Christ, Rom. 14.10. Now if there be a day of Judgment after Death, then there must first be a Resur­rection [Page 12] after Death; for, how can Men be judged, after death if they Rise not first from the Dead.

Further, if according to your Saying, there be no other Resurrection than that which is Inward and Spiritual, call­ed, A Rising with Christ, then wicked Men shall not Rise for they Rise not with Christ spiritually, but after Deat [...] the Wicked shall Rise as well as the Just, Dan. 12.2. A [...] 24.15. John 5.27. And therefore consequently, there i [...] another Resurrection after Death, called a Reseurrectio [...] from the Dead, besides that which is now termed Spiritu [...] a Rising with Christ, Colos. 3.1.

Quaker. Is it not said, that we must needs die, and be as [...] ter spilt upon the ground, which cannot be gathered up ag [...] 2 Sam. 14.14.

Answer. In respect of Man's Dissolution, I grant that [...] shall return to the Dust, and being so Rotted and Cons [...] ­med in the Grave, shall come to nothing discernable by [...] fellow Creatures; but yet this doth not any way oppose [...] deny the Resurrection after Death, by the Power of Go [...] but doth rather prove it: and therefore observe the [...] Words following, 2 Sam. 14.14. Neither doth God resp [...] any Person, that is, in respect of Death; for the grea [...] Kings, Emperors and Monarchs, that are or shall be in t [...] World, have, and shall come under the Power of Deat [...] For it is appointed unto Men once to die, Heb. 9.27. The Wi [...] Man, or Skilfullest Physitian, cannot keep himself at [...] from Death: the strongest Man, and the greatest Conqu [...] ror in the World, tho' they have done mighty Acts, a [...] have Conquered many Kingdoms, yet they could not Co [...] quer Death, but were at last Conquered by Death; [...] Christ hath Conquered Death for all Men: As in Adam [...] die, so in Christ shall all be made alive, 1 Cor. 15.22.55. So th [...] the Grave shall not retain them for ever: and therefore, [...] Death, where is thy Sting? O Grave, where is thy Victory? f [...] God hath devised Means, that his Banishment might not f [...] ever be expelled from him. Sam. 14, 14.

But some will further Object, and say, Is it not said co [...] cerning the Wicked, Isaiah 26.14. that they are dead, [...] shall not live, they are deceased, they shall not Rise? Doth [...] this plainly deny that Carnal Resurrection after Deat [...] which thou here pleadest for?

Answer. Tho' this Sentence, may have some rel [...] ­tion to Man's Dissolution, yet it doth not at all rela [...] to Man's Resurrection after Death; but he is the [...] [Page 13] Treating, concerning the Wicked, that God hath cut them off in the midst of their Wickedness, and that God would give them no longer time to live, and that their Memory should be forgotten in the Earth. Therefore, hast thou vi­sited them, and destroyed them. And note further, Hath [...]ade all their Memory to perish, Isa. 26.14. To this agreeth the Words of Solomon, Prov. 10.7. The Memory of the Just is Blessed, but the Name or Memory of the Wicked shall Rot.

Quaker. If there be such a Carnal Resurrection after Death, as thou seemest to Plead for, then Why did Job Question such a thing? Job 14 14. where he saith, If a Man die, shall he live again?

Answer. It is one thing, for a Man to doubt and question the Truth of a thing; and it is another thing for him, to Reason with himself, concerning a Matter: now, there Job did not at all doubt, nor question the Truth of the Resur­rection; but he doth (as many do) reason with themselves concerning a Matter: seeing such a thing is to be so and so, now had Job questioned the truth of the Resurrection, he might have taken his pleasure in the vanity of this world, For to morrow he should die. But Job draws another Resolu­tion, reasoning with himself, Is it so: If a Man die shall be live again? Answer. Yes: In the Resurrection he shall live again. Well, if so, then note this Holy Conclusion in the next Words, Job 14.14. All the days of my appointed time, will I wait till my Change come. Now Job was not here a Que­stioning, but Reasoning with himself, concerning the Re­surrection after Death: and this doth no way bring into question the Truth of the Resurrection of the Body by the Power of God. 2 Cor. 1, 9. Phil. 3, 21.

Quaker. Thou goest on in a multitude of Words, and will not be convinced concerning this thing, but in thy Carnal Mind hath great Expectations of an outward Resurrection; but, wait in Silence, and leave off thy Carnal Reasonings, for thou hast that in thee, if thou wilt give heed to it, that will bring thee to witness the true Resurrection; and there­fore, do not expect, nor Plead any longer for a Carnal Re­surrection: for Job saith plainly, Job. 7.8, 9. The Eye of him that hath seen me, shall see me no more; thine Eyes are upon me, and I am not: As the Cloud is consumed, and vanisheth a­way, so he that goeth down to the Grave, shall come up no more. Now, if Men rise again after Death, sure they must come up out of their Graves, where they are buryed: but Job saith plainly, Those that go down to the Grave, shall come up no [Page 14] more: Now, how can you have a clearer Proof than thi [...] to overthrow that outward and carnal Resurrection, th [...] thou art here Pleading for?

Answer. Thou dost charge me here with Carnal Reas [...] ings, but methinks thou dost here shew thy self very Ca [...] nal and Ignorant, in thy Reasoning: Thou comest [...] short of that great Light and Knowledge which th [...] dost pretend to. Well, now thou thinke [...]t thou h [...] quite stopt my Mouth, and put me to Silence, for pleadi [...] again for the Matter in hand: but consider in what resp [...] Job spoke those Words: This doth not at all concern [...] Matter in hand, for Job was not at all there speaking of [...] Resurrection, but only of Man's Dissolution; shewing, Th [...] when God hath taken away Man by Death, from off [...] Earth, and he being Silent in the Grave, he shall not [...] up any more from thence, to be had in remembrance [...] mongst Men on Earth, to enjoy his Place and Posses [...] which he did live in when he was upon the Earth: th [...] fore, pray be not so hasty to snatch away one Pa [...] and leave the other; but observe what he saith, in [...] conclusion thereof in the next Verse, Job 7.10. He [...] Return no more to his House, neither shall his Place know him [...] more. Now here, he cleareth his meaning himself; and [...] doth fully prove what I said before, That Men after D [...] shall not return again to their Place here on Earth, no [...] be had in Remembrance amongst Men as before: for [...] we may go to them, to take up our Habitation in the G [...] with them, yet they cannot return to us here again, to t [...] up their Habitation with us upon the Earth, as they [...] before, 2 Sam. 12.23. David speaking concerning his Ch [...] But now he is dead, wherefore should I fast? for note, Can I br [...] him back again? As if he should say, No, I cannot: I [...] go to him, but he shall not return to me: so that this d [...] clearly prove what I said before; but by the way, I can [...] but observe, how ignorant and dull those Quakers seem [...] be in their Reasonings; it is a shameful thing, That th [...] should pretend to be led by the Spirit of God, when [...] evident they are not: for Note, it is the Work of Go [...] Holy Spirit, to bring to Remembrance all things, Joh [...] [...] 26. and to teach them all Things according to Truth, t [...] are guided by it: But now let the impartial Reader judg [...] Whether they are guided by the Spirit of God, or no? w [...] it is evident, either their Memory doth not serve the [...] take the whole of a Matter which they bring, or they [...] [Page 15] [...]illy leave it out, dividing the Scripture as if they had no love for it; as the Harlot that had no love for the Child, would have it divided: so do they divide the Scrip­tures, taking one piece, and leaving the other part, just as if they were Blind and could not see to take the Whole of a Thing, which concerneth the Matter in hand. Truly [...]ker, I am afraid, you will be very angry with me, if [...] should say, you are in Darkness, and cannot see.

But it is to be feared such People are Blind,
That take one half, and leave the other behind,

And further, if there be no other Resurrection than that [...]hich you call Inward and Spiritual, which is termed a [...]ing with Christ, then all in general that do Rise, shall [...] to Glory, Peace and Happiness, and none to Confusion: [...] there are some in the Resurrection which shall Arise to [...] lasting Shame and Contempt, Dan. 12.2. John 5.21. and [...] the Resurrection of Damnation; and therefore, it doth con­ [...]quently follow, That there shall be a Resurrection of the Dead, [...] of the Just and of the vnjust, Acts 24.15. For it would [...]y absurd and ridiculous, to say, That any who are, or [...] rise spiritually with Christ, that they shall rise to Shame, [...]empt, Confusion, and Damnation: but truly, it will [...] well with those who do now both question, and object [...]ainst the Truth of the Resurrection, if one day they be [...] forced to declare, That they have a part in the Resurre­ [...]on of Shame, Confusion, Contempt, and Damnation.

Quaker. Doth not Paul tell us plainly, That Flesh [...] Blood cannot inherit the Kingdom of God, neither doth [...]r [...]ption inherit Incorruption, 1 Cor. 15 50. Now, is not thy [...]dy, Flesh and Blood, corruptible? I marvel that thou [...] proceed so far, as to expect, and plead in thy Carnal [...]s [...]nings, for a Resurrection of thy carnal Corruptible [...]dy, &c.

Answer. I grant the Apostle Paul did say so; but yet [...] doth not at all oppose or deny the Resurrection of the [...]ody: for Note, Our Bodies as they are now, being Flesh a [...] Blood, and Corruptible, being Mortal and Changeable, t [...]y shall not inherit the Kingdom of God; for Corrupti­ [...] cannot inherit Incorruption: But pray consider, tho' [...] our Bodies are Flesh and Blood, and Mortal and Cor­ [...]uptible, yet the time is coming, when this Corruptible must [...] put on Incorruption, and this Mortal must put on Immortality, 1 Cor. 15, 53, 54. And then Note, these our Bodies, which [Page 16] are now Flesh and Blood, and Corruptible, shall then [...] Changed, and made like to Christ's glorious Body, [...] 3.21. and then, when they are so changed, they shall [...] herit that incorruptible and unmovable, and everlast [...] Kingdom of God; tho' as they are now, they cannot. [...] further, those who shall be found worthy to attain to the [...] Resurrection, they neither Marry nor are given in Marri [...] Luke 20.35. But now I much marvel, Why the Qu [...] are so carnally minded, as to Marry and give in Marria [...] if they have attained to the first Resurrection, as many [...] them have said, they have!

And further, those who shall be found worthy to ob [...] that Resurrection, Rev. 20.6. shall be free from Dea [...] they can die no more, Luke 20.36. But now I am perswa [...] that Quakers are mortal as well as Christians, and must [...] as well as other Men; and therefore, it is evident, [...] they have not attained to the first Resurrection, what [...] they may pretend to.

And further, it is evident, That those who are [...] worthy to attain to the first Resurrection, are equal [...] Angels, and are the Children of God, being the Children o [...] Resurrection, Luke 20.36. But now it is to be feared, [...] the Quakers are not the Children of God, because they [...] their Testimony against the Truths of God: neither [...] they attained to the first Resurrection; for they are [...] yet equal with the Angels of God; and worse than tha [...] fear they never will be. Tho' many of them have presum [...] to oppose and exalt themselves above the Angels of [...] in presuming to say, That they were Christ, the Son of God, [...] the great Primitive Quaker James Nailor said in the C [...] nicle,) and to say, That they, or he, (viz. George Say, [...] the eternal Judge of the World, see Paul's Errand to D [...] cus, pag. 6. and that He was the Way, the Truth, and the [...]

Now Quaker, What think you of these Things? Let [...] impartial Reader judge, Whether or no, this be not [...] Presumption in you, for to oppose and exalt your se [...] thus, far above Men and Angels? Heb. 1.12, 14. Is [...] this a shameful thing, That the Spirit of God should [...] greatly reproached by you, as it is, for you to cry out, [...] pretend, That above all others, you are led by the Sp [...] of God? when it is evident, you are led forth to deny [...] Truths of God, and to oppose and exalt your selves a [...] God; by your great Presumption of your Light or Sp [...] you are guided by, can it lead you forth to act no be [...]

And further, if there be no other Resurrection than a [...]piritual Rising with Christ, then pray resolve me, What [...]esurrection this is, that Christ doth here speak of? Luke [...].36. But if you say, That this is a Spiritual Rising with [...]hrist, then I will deny it: for the occasion of those words; [...]re grounded upon those that were under the power of [...]emporal Death, Luke 20.31, 32. And they were given [...]th as an Answer to those who were one with you, in de­ [...]ing the Resurrection of the Body, Luke 20.27.

Further, If there be no other Resurrection than a Spiri­ [...]al Rising with Christ, then pray resolve me, What Re­ [...]rrection the Saints and Martyrs of Jesus Christ sought to [...]ain to, or did expect? Heb. 11.35. It is said, They [...]e tortured, not accepting Deliverance; and why? That [...] might obtain a better Resurrection.

Now, if you say this was only a Spiritual Rising, I Answer: Those were counted the Saints of Christ, now to say, that Man may be a Child of God and a Saint of Christ, and yet [...]t Risen with Christ; this is very absurd and ridiculous: [...]t doubtless, they were Risen with Christ before they [...]e to suffer for Christ: And further, they were then [...] to Death, and they did expect a Resurrection; and [...]erefore consequently, there shall be a Resurrection after [...]ath: and therefore, How say some amongst you, that [...]re is no Resurrection? 1 Cor. 15.12.

Further, if there be no other Resurrection than a Spiri­ [...]al Rising with Christ, then pray resolve me, what Resur­ [...]ection it was, that Paul sought to attain to, Phil. 3.11. [...]hen he said, If by any means, I might attain unto the Resur­ [...]tion of the dead: Now for any to say, That Paul was [...]t then Risen with Christ, is deniable, and very absurd [...]d ridiculous; for the Question is, Whether a person so [...]bly called by Christ as he was, and sent to preach the Gospel, and endowed with such large gifts of God's Spirit, [...]nd suffered more for Christ than ever any of you did, (for [...]ll your boastings of your great Sufferings?) He saying [...]othing, shall separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord, Rom. 8, 34, to 39. Whether he could do and say all this, and yet not be Risen with Christ, I deny, [...] to say, he was not? will be very absurd and ridiculous. But it is evident, he was long before that time Risen with Christ, and yet it is evident, That he sought to attain to [...]nother Resurrection. Now it is evident, That he had not [...]tained to that Resurrection which he then sought after: [Page 18] yet some of you have presumptuously said, That you have attained to that Resurrection which Paul then sought after, Phil. 3.11. as John Ticer told me: so that in your ow [...] conceit, you have attained to a better State than the Primitive Saints did in their days: But the Resurrection the [...] spoken of, is the first Resurrection, the Resurrecti [...] of the Just after Death, which its greatly feared, so [...] of you will never attain to.

Quaker. Although this Body shall not rise again, yet G [...] will provide himself another Body.

Answer. Good Friends and People, I desire you to jud [...] between me and the Quakers, that so you may plainly [...] a clear distinction between Truth and Error. Consider [...] according to the Quakers Saying, This Body Rise not ag [...] from the dead, but we have instead hereof another Body; t [...] how can this be properly said to be a Resurrection; [...] rather a Creation of other Bodies? But I will prove, T [...] the Bodies that are laid in the ground, shall be raised ag [...] for all that come under the power of Death by Adam, [...] all be raised again in Christ, 1 Cor. 15.22. For note, [...] Adam, all die, even so in Christ shall all be made alive. [...] by Adam's Disobedience, death came upon all men, th [...] being in him, Rom. 5.12. So that our Bodies which s [...] be made alive again in Christ, shall rise again.

And further observe, The same It, that is sown in corrup [...] shall be raised in incorruption; the same It, that is so [...] dishonour, shall be raised in glory; the same It, that is so [...] weakness, shall be raised in power: the same It, that is so [...] natural body, shall be raised a spiritual body, 1 Cor. 15.42, 4 [...] 44. Now our Bodies are sown corruptible, dishonourab [...] weak and natural: And therefore it follows, that t [...] same Bodies that are sown, shall be raised again, [...] changed into a better State: so that God will give to ev [...] Seed his own Body. And therefore saith the Apostle, Ch [...] shall change our vile bodies. Note, not exchange them [...] other Bodies, but change them, that they may be made like [...] his glorious body, Phil. 3.21.

But consider, if this Body rise not again; but God gi [...] us instead hereof, another Body: then it will be more p [...] per to call it, An exchanging of this Body for anoth [...] than a changing of this vile Body into a better State: [...] as the same Body that dieth, is buryed; so the same Bo [...] that is buryed, shall rise again; only it shall be change [...] but not exchanged.

But I shall prove further, That we shall rise again with [...] same Bodies, only they shall be changed, according to [...]hat Job saith, to this purpose; Job 19.26. And though [...]er my Skin, Worms destroy this Body; Note, yet in my flesh [...] I see God, v. 27. Whom I shall see for my self, and mine eyes [...] behold, and not another, though my Reins be consumed with­ [...]ut. Now Quaker, pray resolve me this Question: How [...] Job be rightly said, to see God with the same Eyes, if [...] have not the same Body? Now Quaker, where are you? [...] see, that all your Erronious Opinions, which you en­ [...]vour to set up in opposition to the Doctrin of Christ, [...] are not able to stand before the Truth, but fall like so [...]y Dagons, before the Ark of the Lord.

Therefore Quaker, seeing it is so, take my Advice for [...]; put all your cunning devised Fables together, and if [...] can perswade us to it, do; That Job's Eyes shall be [...]d into another Body, and so Job shall see God with [...] same Eyes, tho' not in the same Body; and if you should [...] that this will not pass for Truth, as I know it cannot [...] you: even tell us as you us'd to do, That those are [...] Scripture Words, but added.

[...]ker. Doth not the Apostle say, (speaking of Seed,) [...]hat thou sowest, is not that Body that shall be? Now our Bo­ [...] are sown in the Earth, and thou sayest, the same Bo­ [...] that is sown in the Earth. How can this be?

Answer. I have partly answered this; but further consider [...] Apostle there speaking comparatively of our Bodies, [...]hich is sown in the Grave, as Corn is in the Earth; Thou [...], that which thou sowest is not quickned, except it die. Now [...] know, that Corn which is sown in the Earth, doth first [...] in the Earth before it is quickned; so doth our Bodies: [...]ey first die, before they can be quickned again. And [...]rther, That which thou sowest, thou sowest not that Body that all be but bare Grain; it may be of Wheat, or some other Grain. [...]ow we know, that Wheat, or any other Grain, when it [...] sown, it is dry and husky, but when it comes to be quick­ [...]ed, and groweth again, then it springeth up far more glo­ [...]ous and beautiful than before: yet it is the same in Sub­ [...]ance, it is not exchanged, tho' it be changed in respect of [...]e Excellency. So it is with Man's Body, it is sown cor­ [...]ptible and dishonourable; and consider, as the Corn [...]ringing up, doth leave the husky part in the Earth be­ [...]nd it, even so our Bodies; as the Seed which is sown in [...]e Earth, shall at the Resurrection, leave its corruption [Page 20] in the Earth, tho' now it be sown a corruptible, dishon [...] rable, weak and natural Body, yet then it shall be raise incorruptible and spiritual, in Glory and Power, 1 Cor. 1 [...] 42, 43, 44. yet it shall be the same Body that was sown; shall not be exchanged, tho' it be changed into a b [...] State, Phil. 3.21.

But further, if Christ be not Risen, then there shall no Resurrection, 1 Cor. 15.13. But Christ is risen fro [...] dead, and become the first fruits of them that sleep, 1 Cor. 20. Therefore, there shall be a Resurrection from dead. But I remember, that once I being at their [...] ing, I heard them reason thus: said they, If thou not witness a Resurrection in thy self, it is because Christ is yet risen in thee; and so they turn all inward, and spirit but it is evident, That the Apostle did there speak of a surrection of this mortal Body after Death, in oppos [...] to the like Opposers of Truth in his day, who did de [...] Resurrection: and therefore saith he, If there be no R [...] rection, then Christ is not risen, 1 Cor. 15.16.

Further, in the Resurrection of the Dead, our vile dies shall be changed, and shall then be incorruptible immortal, Luke 20.36. 1 Cor. 15.53, 54.

But now our Bodies are vile, and corruptible, and [...] tal, therefore the Resurrection is not yet past, Phil. 3.

But Quaker, pray resolve me this one Question: Do believe you shall die? I am well perswaded, were it but that daily Experience of Death in others, would prove you, and every Spectacle of Mortality that daily o [...] into the Dust, would bear a sufficient Testimony ag [...] you, otherwise you would deny the Death of Man, an [...] as his Resurrection: But why is it, that some amongst say, That there is no Resurrection? Doth not Dan [...] the Spirit of God tell us, Dan. 12.2. That many of [...] that sleep in the Dust of the Earth, shall awake, some to [...] lasting Life, some to everlasting Shame and Contempt: And ther, the Lord by the Prophet Ezekiel, chap. 37.12. hold, O my People, I will open your Graves, and will cause to come up out of your Graves. Now this hath Referen [...] the Resurrection of our Bodies after Death; and fu [...] Rev. 20.12, 13, 14, 15. where John saith, I saw the [...] small and great stand before God and the Books were opened; another Book was opened, which is the Book of Life: and the [...] were Judged out of those things which were written in the [...] according to their Works; and the Sea gave up the dead [...] [Page 21] were in it, and Death and Hell delivered up the dead, which were [...] them, and they were Judged every Man according to their [...] [...]s, and Death and Hell were cast into the Lake of Fire. Now, what are these things, all inward and spiritual? What is this Death, only a dying to sin? And what is this Giving up, only a spiritual Rising with Christ? And what, is this Judged, nothing but a manifestation of your evil Deeds, by [...]he Light within you? and so in your opinion, you are dai­ [...] brought to be judged by that, which is all the Judgment [...] own and look for. And what is meant by this Lake of [...]e here mentioned? and what is this within you likewise? [...]at is it, that Spirit of burning, which some of you pretend you [...]e redeemed by? (Eliz. Adams a Quaker.) O horrible! [...]ow erronious and absurd are your Opinions? I may law­ [...]ly with the Spirit of God, call them damnable Heresies, [...]ecause they will tend to the eternal Damnation of those [...]t receive them.

We find, that there were some in the Apostles time, who [...] privily bring in this damnable Heresie, 2 Tim. 2.1 [...]. and [...]ir words were said to, eat as doth a Canker, of which sort [...]s Hymeneus and Philetus, who concerning the Truth, have [...]red, saying, That the Resurrection is already past: and [...]k what the effect was, and hath overthrown the Faith of [...]. Take heed Brethren, lest there be in any of you an evil heart [...] [...]belief, in departing from the Living God, Heb. 3.12. And [...] the end you may take heed, stand fa [...]t in the Faith, and be not led away by those Erroneous Satanical Opinions out of the way of God; for indeed, the beginning of Spiritual [...]nication, is when a Man departeth from his God. Now it is [...]vident, That the Spirit of God will carry forth such as are led by it, to walk in the true Faith: But the Spirit which they are guided by, doth lead them forth to own those Er­ [...]rs, which in effect, will overthrow the true Faith; and therefore, it is to be feared, that they are not led by the Spirit of God.

And further, it is the Duty of God's People, to contend earnestly for the Faith, which was once delivere to the Sain s, Jude 3. But on the contrary, they contend earnestly for Errors. But consider further: Faith is the very Life of a Christian: for the Just shall live by Faith. So that Satan seek­eth to take away a Christian's Life at once, in seeking to overthrow his Faith. But then you will lose that sweet and precious Communion with God, which now as a Chri­stian, you do enjoy, Heb. 10.38, 39. and shall be separa­ated from God, to all Eternity.

Secondly, If you lose your Faith, you lose your spiri [...] Strength, that is, that by which we must Resist the De [...] 1 Pet. 5.9. whom resist stedfast in the Faith; and theref [...] we are exhorted, above all, take the Shield of Faith, that so [...] may be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked, Eph. 6. [...]

Thirdly, Faith is victorious: for, as saith the Apo [...] This is the Victory by which we over come the world, even our F [...] 1 John 5.4. Now consider, those who do run, and do [...] obtain Victory, they run in vain. Now those who lose t [...] Faith, cannot obtain the Victory. And therefore, t [...] who lose their Faith, run in vain: therefore stand fast in [...] Faith, and so run that you may obtain, 1 Cor. 9.24. S [...] fast in the Faith, quit you like men, and be strong in the L [...] and in the power of his might, Ephes. 6.10. We find, that wh [...] Israel kept close with God, they prospered, and all th [...] Enemies, that ever came against them, were not able to o [...] come them, but the Lord fought for them. Even so s [...] will assuredly deal now with his People; if we stand fa [...] the Faith, and keep close in Communion with God: [...] God will strengthen us with Power from on high, ag [...] all our spiritual Enemies, and will cause them to fall [...] fore us; so that none shall be able to overcome us: b [...] we depart from the Faith, and Idolize in our Hearts f [...] God, then the Lord will deal with us as he did with Is [...] of Old; that instead of bruising our spiritual Enemies un [...] our Feet, and delivering them up unto us, he will on [...] contrary deliver us up into the hands of our spiritual E [...] mies, and we shall be carryed away Captive by them [...] their Wills, and so shall be destroyed to all Eternity, [...] our Idolizing in our Hearts from God.

But see further the dangerous Effects of these Errors.

First, By this damnable Sadducian Heresie, in their denying the Resurrection of the dead, it overthroweth the Fal [...] of many, 2 Tim. 2.17. and therefore cannot be good, f [...] it striketh at the very Life, Strength and Standing of [...] Christian, all at once.

Secondly, This Sadducian Doctrine maketh God a Liar [...] for God hath declared, That he Raised up Christ from t [...] dead, 1 John 5.10. Acts 17.31. Whom God hath not raised, if the dead Rise not, 1 Cor. 15. Now that Doctrine that maketh God a Liar, must needs be damnable and de­structive. But this Doctrine doth so. Ergo.

Thirdly, In denying the Resurrection of the Dead, they make the Sufferings of Christ non-effectual: for consider, Ch ist died to save his people from their sins, Mat. 1.21. and [Page 23] [...] redeem them from all Iniquity, Titus 2.14. But if the dead [...]fe not, then Christ is not risen, then are we yet in our sins. Now, [...]o Christ did die to save us from our sins, and to redeem [...] from our iniquity, yet if we be still in our sins, as we [...]; if this Doctrine be true, then is his Death of no effect. [...] go. O my Soul, come not thou into their Secret, unto their As­ [...]ly, mine Honour, be not thou united, Gen. 49.6.

Fourthly, In denying the Resurrection of the Dead, they [...] as much as in them lyeth, to over-throw the main Prin­ [...] ground of Christian Religion, for, if the dead rise not, [...] Christ is not risen; and if so, then Preaching is vain, and [...] is vain, 1 Cor. 15.14. It is in vain for you to preach, [...] for me to believe, all is struck down at once. Ergo. [...]sider, those who deny the Resurrection of the Dead, [...]ve their hope only in this Life, 1 Cor. 15. and those who [...]e their hope only in this Life, are in the miserablest [...]dition of all Men, Ergo.

Sixthly, By this Doctrine, they frustrate the Saints ex­ [...]ctation, that are asleep in Jesus; for their great Ex­ [...]ctation was, That they might obtain a better Resurrection, [...] 11.35. Now I have asked the Quakers, Who they at that are asleep in Jesus, and by their consequence, are perished, but I could have no Answer. Ergo.

Seventhly, This Doctrine giveth liberty to Sinners, to [...]ntinue in their Sins; for what will they say in their hearts? Let us go on in our sin, and fill our selves with Pleasure, we shall never be called to an account; for if there be no Resurrection, then there can be no last day of Judgment, or account to be given after Death: and this St Paul infers, 1 Cor. 15. Let us eat and drink, for to morrow we die.

But that Doctrine that giveth liberty to continue in sin, must needs be a Doctrine of Devils. Ergo.

Eighthly, This Doctrine bringeth into Question, the Al­mighty power of God, as if it were impossible with God, to raise us again: but let such know, and to their shame be it spoken, that as sure as we live, we shall die; and as sure as we die, we shall rise again, 1 Cor. 15.22. And as God by his Wisdom did at first form us out of the dust, so he will again after death, raise us out of the dust by his Wisdom: and according to the mighty working, whereby he is able to subdue all things to himself, Phil. 3.21. Dan. 12.2. John 5.29. Isaiah 26.19.

Ninthly, This maketh the Saints and Servants of God Liars, or false Witnesses, 1 Cor. 15.15. for they have testi­fied [Page 24] to others, That God hath raised up Christ from the dee [...] whom God hath not raised, if there be no Resurrection. Fr [...]

Tenthly, This Doctrine doth vilifie and violate the O [...] dinances of Christ, viz. Baptism and his Supper, which do [...] most lively represent, and set forth the Death, Burial, [...] Resurrection of Christ, Rom. 6.3. As Christ died for [...] so the Saints die to sin; and as he was buried in the Ea [...] so they are buried with him by Baptism into death; and as [...] was raised from the dead, by the glory of the Father, so are th [...] by the power and riches of God's grace, raised from sin [...] righteousness, to walk in newness of Life.

But, if no Resurrection, then Christ is not risen: [...] Why then are we baptized for the dead? 1 Cor. 15.29. [...] To shew forth the Death, Burial, and Resurrection of Chri [...] when Christ is not Risen, if the Dead rise not.

I have been asked by them, When this Resurrect [...] would be? To which I replyed; It is not for us to [...] the times and seasons, that the Father hath put in his own [...] and power, Acts 1.7. and, that secret things belong to [...] and that it was enough for us, to live and die in the [...] and hopes thereof; and whilst we live, so to walk, as [...] we may be accounted worthy to attain the world to come, Luke [...] 35. and the Resurrection from the dead.

V. Of the Quakers Denial of Christ's Personal Second Coming.

The false Apostles did deny the Second Coming of Chri [...] according to his Promise, 2 Thess. 2. 2 Pet. 3.

And that the Quakers come not behind them in this respect, is evident; for they own not his Second Coming [...] glorified Body, as Phil. 3.21. nor will not believe, that [...] is now a glorified Body in Heaven: and therefore sa [...] George Whitehead, (in Christ Ascended, pag. 21.22, 23.) Th [...] those which look for Christ's Personal Coming, shall be accursed.

And consider, tho' Christ is said to dwell in the hearts [...] his people by Faith, and by his Spirit, Gal. 2.20. yet [...] hath not fulfilled the Promise of his Second Coming, th [...] the Quakers scoff. and say Where is the promise of his Coming 2 Pet. 3.1. and, that We might look till our Eyes drop out [...] our heads, before we shall see him come personally. (Thoma [...] Ever [...]en, a Quaker.) But he will assuredly come; and [...] will be well for them, if they be not forced to call to t [...] [Page 25] R [...]ks and Mountains to fall upon them, and knock their eyes [...] of their Heads, that they might not see him; for his Wrath will be very great.

But to prove, That Christ will not come at the last day, [...]ly in Spirit, but personally and visibly: I prove thus; If Christ will descend in like manner as he did ascend, then [...] will come personally and visibly. But according to [...] 1.11. Christ will come personally and visibly with a glorious Body, Phil. 3.21. and not instead thereof, only [...]wardly and spiritually, as the Quakers foolishly imagine.

Again, if the Lightning or Sun in the Firmament, be to visible appearance of all Men, then Christ shall come to the visible appearance of all Men: Even so shall the coming of the Son of Man be, Mat. 24.27. and every Eye shall see him, Rev. 1.7.

Again, If Christ shall come only spiritually, then every Eye shall not see him; for the Wicked that remain in dark­ness cannot see him, but every eye shall see him; and even they that pierced him, shall behold him: and there­fore his coming will not be only inward and spiritual, but personally to the visible appearance of all Men.

Again, If the promise of Christ's Second Coming were fulfilled, then all the Wicked, and Ignorant, and Disobe­dient Persons, should be consumed with the brightness of his coming, 2 Thess. 1.8, 9. Mat. 25.41, 46. Isa. 66.15. Ezek. 38.19, 92. Mal. 3.2, 4. I do not mean their sins, as some fondly imagine, but the Sinners themselves shall be utterly destroyed.

But the Wicked do still continue in the World, and shall until that day, Mat. 13.30, 49. therefore the time of Christ's Second Coming, is not yet past, nor present, but to come.

Again, If Christ have fulfilled the Promise of his Second Coming, then all Saints are discharg'd of their present Work and Service to God; for they are to hold fast no longer than till Christ comes: it is our Duty to wait upon him, and serve him, till he comes to us by Death or Judg­ment.

Again consider, When Christ fulfilleth the Promise of his Second Coming, then the vile Bodies of his Saints shall be immortalized, and made incorruptible and glorious, 1 Cor. 15. Phil. 3.21.

But the Saints are yet in a mortal State; therefore the Promise of Christ's Second Coming is not yet fulfilled.

And consider, The Quakers themselves are yet in a mo [...] tal State; so that either their Christ is not the true Christ or else Christ is not faithful to what he hath promised, an [...] what the Saints expected at his coming. But, let God [...] true, and every Man a Liar. Christ hath not yet fulfill [...] the promise of his Second Coming.

Again consider, If Christ were come the Second time according to his Promise, then the Saints Sorrow shall [...] turned into Joy, and they acquitted from all Temptatio [...] and Tryals, Ps. 126.56. John. 14.

But the best of God's People are still in, or at least [...] ble to heaviness, through manifold Temptations; therefo [...] the promise of Christ's Second Coming, is not yet fulfilled.

Lastly consider, If Christ's Second Coming were to b [...] only spiritual and inward, then the Saints would not b [...] found to wait for him, after they had received the Spiri [...] of God: For that which a Man hath, why doth he yet with [...] tience wait for it: but though they had received as great [...] measure of the true Spirit, as some other people have [...] the false, yet were they found to wait for the coming [...] their Lord, 1 Cor. 1.7. 1 Thess. 1.10. Phil. 3.21.

Therefore the Promise of Christ's Second Coming is [...] yet fulfilled: I might bring many more Arguments [...] confirm this point, but I hope this is sufficient Testimon [...].

But Twelfthly and Lastly, As those false Apostles did preac [...] up themselves, and boasted of themselves beyond what w [...] meet, which caused the Saints to adhere to them, and s [...] began to despise their spiritual Father, even Paul; an [...] therefore say they, His Letters indeed are weighty and power­ful, but his bodily Presence is weak, and his Speech is contem [...] ­tible, 2 Cor. 10.10.

So in like manner, have Quakers boasted of themselves, of their Purity and Holiness, and contemned others.

‘What is such and such Men! (say the Quakers) they may exhort Persons to some things that are good, but alas! they know nothing in themselves, nor can witness the truth of but little they speak of: alas! we see plainly, that such are weak and contemptible, and have only a notion of Words, and so lifted up with Elementary Thoughts; but they are still in Darkness and Disobedi­ence, and cannot at all witness the Second Coming of Christ spiritually in their hearts, but in their carnal Expectations, do look for his coming personally and visibly.

VI. Of the Quaker Light in all Men.

First, As touching Christ or the Spirit of God being in all Men; it is one thing for God to strive with the Sons and Daughters of Men by his Spirit, as Gen. 6.3. Nehem. 9.30. [...]d it is another thing for God to give his Spirit to all Men. There is more Difference between the Spirit of Man and the Spirit of Christ, than there is between the Light of a Candle, Prov. 20.27. which is useful in its place, and the Light of the Sun in its Splendor, which is far more glori­ous, useful and excellent.

Secondly, Consider, if that Light in Man were Christ or his Spirit, then Christ is in all Men, but Christ is not in Reprobates, 2 Cor. 13.5. and some Men are Reprobates; therefore Christ is not in all Men.

Thirdly, If the Spirit of Christ be in all Men, then the World can and have received it: but, let God be true, and every Man a liar. Christ saith, The World cannot receive his Spirit, John 14.17. Therefore Christ nor his Spirit is not in all Men.

Fourthly, If Christ be in all Men, then all Men are new Creatures, 2 Cor. 5.17. but all Men are not new Crea­tures; therefore Christ is not in all Men.

Objection. Collos. 3.8, 9, 11. Doth not Paul say, Christ is all, and in all; and yet thou sayst, That Christ is not in all Men.

Reply. Paul doth say so, That Christ is all, and in all: but consider, Those that he spoke to there, had put off sin, and put on Christ; but all Men have not so done; therefore Christ is not in all Men: but they having so done, Christ was all in all to them, and in all of them.

Object. 2. Doth not Paul say plainly, The manifestation of the Spirit is given to every Man to profit withal, 1 Cor. 12.7. and yet thou sayest, That every Man hath not the Spirit of Christ.

Reply, I grant Paul doth say so: but consider, he is not there speaking to all the world, but particularly to the Church of Christ, his own Servants, to whom he delivered his Goods, the Gifts of the Spirit, and Talents, Mat 25.24. that they might be helpful to each other, as Mem­bers of one Body.

But all Men are not the Servants of Christ, 2 Pet. 2.19. Rom. 6.16. Therefore all have not the Spirit of Christ, Rom. [Page 28] 8.9. for God giveth his spirit to such as obey him, Acts 5.32. Act. 2.38. Gal. 4.6. Prov. 1.23. 2 Cor. 6.17, 18.

Again, If you could prove, That all Men have right to the Celestial Inheritance; then you might prove, That all have the Spirit of God.

But all Men have not right to that Caelestial Inheritance 1 Cor. 6.9, 10. Ephes. 5.5. Rev. 22.15. Therefore a [...] Men have not the Spirit of God: God giveth not the ear [...] of that Inheritance to such as belong not to it, Eph. 1.1 [...]

Again, If all Men have the Spirit of God, then most me [...] have it long before they believe in Christ: but stay Frien [...] God doth not give his Spirit long before they Believe, b [...] Believing in Christ, follows the Spirit as immediately as [...] Sound follows a Blow; the first act of the Soul is Believing i [...] the Person of Christ, and hatred of sin, Eph. 4. Gal. 4.4, 5, [...]

Object. From John 1.9. Christ is said to be the true Lig [...] that lightneth every Man that cometh into the World; and y [...] thou sayest, Christ is not in all Men.

Answer. It is also said, Ezek. 24.13. I purged thee, [...] thou wast not purged; as if God had said, I have done t [...] which is sufficient for thy Purgation; so Christ is the Sa [...] our of all Men, in that he hath done that which is sufficient [...] save them, 1 Tim. 4.10. and yet all will not be saved, J [...] 4. 2 Pet. 2.1. because they receive not Christ by Fait [...] which is the Gift of God, John 1.11. Christ is a Light [...] the whole World, in that he hath done that which is a [...] to effect pardon of sin for the whole World, and to enlighte [...] them into the Knowledge of God, when the Spirit appli [...] it, 1 John 2.2.

Again, Christ is Light and not Darkness; now if Chri [...] be in all Men, then all Men have Gospel Light in them. B [...] some Men have it not. Isa. 8.20. Especially such whos [...] Doctrine agreeth not with the Doctrine of Christ and h [...] Apostles, John 11.10.

George Sparrow's CHARACTER of William Penn.

THE Character of William Penn Esquire,
That matchless Man, whom Ages will admire:
Undoubtedly there are but few such Men
In all the World, as is this William Penn;
For if his Tongue and Heart go both together,
We know not where to find out such another.
And certainly, if it were otherwise,
Seeing he hath so many Enemies,
They would have found e're this time, without doubt,
Some way or other, to make the matter out.
So hoping that he is no Hypocrite,
Or what is worse, a Popish Jesuite.
I will proceed as briefly as I can,
To the Descriptions of that transcending Man;
Which will be done, but slenderly by me,
Tho' he deserves the Superlative Degree:
In the First place, He hath proficient Learning,
And next, an admirable Understanding:
Thirdly, A wonderful good Memory,
Fourthly, An excellent Delivery.
Fifthly, He hath a magnanimous Posture,
Sixthly, He hath an Artificial Gesture.
Seventhly, That which doth all these exceed,
He can by Heart most of the Bible read;
That is, those Proofs that are most eminent,
Both in the Old, and in New Testament:
He speaketh them, as readily we see,
As if they all were but A, B, C, D.
Which Crowneth all the high Accomplishments
Of his great Parts, these are the small Contents.
Now for his Doctrine, it doth plainly shew,
That he is neither Papist, Turk nor Jew,
But an undaunted Protestant, who can
Tell how to speak to each particular Man,
A Word in season, as the Case require,
In Scripture Language, and need go no higher.
First, he declares that every Dispensation
Towards Mankind, in every Generation,
Was to recover Sinners from the Fall
They gained by Adam, by whom we sinned all:
That is, the most glorious Dispensation,
To have the Gospel preached in the Nation.
Also he speaks against all sorts of sin,
And shews the danger that poor Souls are in,
Who trust upon out-side Christianity,
Which will deceive them when they come to die;
And that it is a dreadful Desolation,
To perish under a Gospel Dispensation.
The Heart's a Tribute due to our Creator,
Therefore we must not give it to the Creature:
The way to keep Truth in the inward Part,
Is by the keeping Sin out of the Heart;
Then adds to that what is worth all the rest,
There's no Salvation but in Jesus Christ,
That doth Baptize with Holy Ghost and Fire:
To be Baptiz'd of him, we should desire,
Because a Christian that's of Christ's own making,
With these and such like Truths he did proceed,
And made an excellent Discourse indeed.
But that which he did most insist upon,
Was against all out-side Religion:
There is much in Europe, and in England too,
Out-side Religion, if that that would do.
He said it, and hath seen it for his part;
He adds that Text, My Son, give me thy Heart:
So, by those few Words which are here exprest,
May be supposed, what were all the rest:
Or rather, whereunto they did all tend,
Which was I hope, unto a Godly end.
For with a Godly Prayer he did conclude,
And with a Blessing on the Multitude.
This is the Sum of what I heard him say,
And thought my time was well bestow'd that day.
So much have I to say of Mr. Penn,
And account him one of the best of Men:
And yet how basely hath he been abus'd,
Which is no News, that good Ones are so us'd.
Proud Tertullus, a Pestilent Fellow did call,
That great Apostle and precious Preacher Paul;
The High Priests also, with the chief of Jews,
Our Lord and Saviour Christ did so abuse,
And never left, till they murder'd Him,
Who out of love, came, them for to Redeem.
If any Query who, or what I be,
That do presume to write, as thus you see;
I answer, 'tis one who hath met with Sorrow,
Who is known, and call'd by the Name of George Sparrow.

REPLY to George Sparrow's Character of William Penn. With Scripture Proofs to each line, for Confirmation.

AS for the Quakers, I should have Affection,
Heb. 9.24. Heb. 11.35. 1 Cor. 15.12. Acts 3.21. Acts 7.55. Phil. 3.21. Acts 1.11. 1 Cor. 15.14. 1 Cor. 15.32. Gal. 1.8. Isaiah 8.20. Isaiah 30.1. 2 John 10.11. Act. 17.30, 31. 1 John 5.11. 1 Cor. 15.13. Rev. 22.9. Prov. 17.15. 2 Thess. 2.4. Ephes. 6.12. 2 Pet. 3.34. 2 Cor. 10.15. 1 Thess. 1.10. 1 Cor. 1.7. 1 John 4.1. Isa. 8.20. Acts 17.11. 1 Thess. 5.21. John 5.39.
If they did rightly own the Resurrection.
[...]d Jesus Christ in Heaven, now with God,
[...] wanting this, it makes their Doctrine odd:
And did they own Christ's Second Coming aright,
[...] would make their Doctrin shine most bright:
[...]r it's in vain, to give God our Affection,
[...]nd live up to him, if no Resurrection:
[...]r yet to let our Eyes, observe his ways,
[...] he do not intend the Dead to raise.
[...]f in the Grave, for ever we shall lye;
Let's eat and drink, to morrow we shall die;
[...]ut what for that, suppose that William Penn
[...]poke with the Tongue of Angels, and of Men;
[...]et if his Doctrine, ben't in all points right,
Let none blame me, for bringing it to Light.
[...]or seeing his Doctrine, mixt is with Lies,
Pray don't extol the Man above the Skies:
For to such Doctrine, we should not give heed,
Left we partake with them in Evil Deed.
You had better worship God in his own way,
And cease to Honour such as go astray:
And do not thou the Wicked justify,
For that's accounted great Iniquity.
Tho' Men be sober in Life, what are they less,
When found guilty of spiritual Wickedness.
For tho' some Men seem, as Angels of Light,
Yet for all that, their Doctrine may'nt be right:
Wherefore don't believe all, but first try
Their Doctrine, whether it be Truth or Lye;
And try the same, according to God's Word,
Believe no further, than, Thus saith the Lord.
If any do desire to know and see,
The reason, Why these Lines proceed from me?

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