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Ord of y e Lords.⟩

IT is this Day Ordered by the Lords Spiritual and Temporal in Parliament Assembled, That all Licences Granted by this House to any Papist, or Reputed Papist, to come to, and stay in Town, be, and are hereby Decla­red to be Void: And that all such Persons as are concerned therein, are required to take no­tice hereof, and forthwith yield Obedience to His Maje­sties Royal Proclamation, Dated the Fourth Instant, con­cerning Popish Recusants, and Depart the Cities of London and Westminster accordingly. And it is further Ordered, That this Order be forthwith Printed and Pub­lished.

JO. BROWNE Cleric. Parliamentor.

LONDON, Printed by John Bill, Thomas Newcomb, and Henry Hills, Printers to the Kings most Excellent Majesty, 1679.

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