SEVERALL ACTS OF THE Commons of England In PARLIAMENT assembled, For the Abolishing of Deanes, Deans and Chapters, Canons, Prebends, and other Offices and Titles, of or belon­ging to any Cathedrall, or Collegiate Church or Chappel within England and Wales.

TOGETHER With the severall Ordinances and Decla­rations of the Lords and Commons assembled in PARLIAMENT, For the Abolishing of Archbishops, and Bishops, within the Kingdome of ENGLAND, and Dominion of WALES.

London, Printed by Richard Cotes, 1649.

An Act of the Common …

An Act of the Commons of Egland in Parliament Assembled, For the Abolishing of Deans, Deans and Chapters, Canons, Prebends, and other Offi­ces and Titles, of or belonging to any Cathedrall or Collegiate Church or Chappel within ENGLAND and WALES.

THE Commons of England in Par­liament assembled, having seriously weighed the necessity of raising a present supply of Moneys for the present safety of this Common-wealth; and finding that their other securities are not satisfactory to Lenders, nor sufficient to raise so considerable a sum as will be necessary for the said service, are necessitated to sell the Lands of the Deans and Chapters, for the pay­ing of publique Debts, and for the raising of three hun­dred thousand pounds, for the present supply of the pres­sing necessities of this Common-wealth, Do enact, or­dain and declare, and be it enacted, ordained and decla­red, [Page 2] That from and after the Nine and twentieth day of March, in the year One thousand six hundred forty nine, the Name, Title, Dignity, Function, and Office of Dean, Subdean, Dean and Chapter, Archdeacon, Prior, Chan­cellor, Chanter, Subchanter, Treasurer, Subtreasurer, Succenter, Sacrist, Prebend, Canon, Canon-resident or Non-resident, Petty Canon, Vicar, Choral, Choristers, Old Vicars and New, and all other Titles and Offices o [...] and belonging to any Cathedrall or Collegiate Church or Chappel in England & Wales, Town of Berwick upon Tweed, and Isles of Guernsey and Iersey, shall bee, and are by the authority aforesaid wholly abolished and taken a­way; and that all and every person and persons are and be from the said Nine and twentyeth day of March disabled to use or hold the Plaee. Function, Office, Title or Stile of Dean, Subdean, Dean and Chapter, Archdeacon, Prior, Chancellor, Chanter, Subchanter, Treasurer, Sub­treasurer, Succenter, Sacrist, Prebend, Canon, Canon­resident, or Non-resident, Petty canon, Vicar, Choral, Chorister, Old Vicar or New, in England or Wales, Town of Berwick on Tweed, I [...]les of Guernsey and Iersey, or to use, put in ure, or exercise any power, au­thority, Jurisdiction or Imployment, by force or colour of any Letters Patents from the Crown, made or to be made, or by reason of any such Name, Title, Dignity, Office or Function, or by any other authority whatsoe­ver in England or Wales, Town of Berwick on Tweed, Isles of Guernsey and Iersey, (Any Law, Statute, Usage or Custom to the contrary notwithstanding.) And be it Enacted and Ordained by the authority aforesaid, That all Honors, Manors, Lordships, Circuits, Precincts, Castles, Grange [...], Messuages, Mills, Lands, Tenements, Meadown, Pastures, Parsonages appropriate, Tithes, [Page 3] Oblations, Obventions, Pensions, portion of Tithes, Parsonages, Rectories, Vicarages, Churches, Chappels, Advowsons, Donatives, Nomination, Right of Patro­nage and Presentation, Parks, Woods, Rents, Reversi­ons, Services, Annuities, Franchises, Liberties, Privi­ledges, Immunities, Rights of Action and of Entry, in­terest, Titles of Entry, Conditions, Commons, Courts Leet and Courts Baron, and all other possessions and Hereditaments whatsoever; with all and every of their appurtenances, of what nature or quality soever they be, which now are, or at any time within ten years before the beginning of this present Parliament of right were belonging to the said Deans, Subdeans, Deans & Chap­ters, Archdeacons, Priors, Chancellors, Chanters, Sub­chanters, Treasurers, Sub treasurers, Succenters, Sacrists, Prebends, Canons, Canons resident or Non-resident, Petty-canons, Vicars, Chorals, Choristers, Old Vicars or New Vicars, which they or any of them had, held or enjoyed, in right of, or by reason of his or their said Of­fice, Name, Title, Stile, Dignity, Function, place or im­ployment respectively; together with al Charters, Deeds, Legier Books, Court-rolls, Accompts, Writings and Evidences whatsoever, concerning the premises or any of them which do belong to any of the said Deans, Sub­deans, Deans and Chapters, Archdeacons, Priors, Chan­cellors, Chanters, Sub-chanters, Treasurers, Sub-treasu­rers, Succenters, Sacrists, Prebends, Canons, Canons resident or Non-resident, Petty-canons, Vicars, Cho­rals, Choristers, Old Vicars or New Vicars, are vested, setled, and shall be, and are adjudged, deemed and taken to be in the real & actual possession and seisin of Sir Iohn The Trustees names. Wollaston Knight, Thomas Noel, William Hobson, Thomas Arnold, Owen Roe, Stephen Estwick, Robert Titchborn, [Page 4] George Langham, Iohn Stone, Mark Hilsley, Iohn White, William Wyberd, Daniel Tayler, William Rolf and Row­land Wilson, Esquires, their heirs and assigns: And the said Sir Iohn Wollaston, Thomas Noel, William Hobson, Thomas Arnold, Owen Roe, Stephen Estwick, Robert Titch­born, George Langham, Iohn Stone, Mark Hilsley, Iohn White, William Wyberd, Daniel Tayler, William Rolf and Rowland Wilson, and the Survivor and Survivors of them, and their heirs and assigns, shall hold all and every part and parcell of the said premises of the Manor of East Greenwich in Fee and common Soccage, by Fealty only, and by no other tenures or Services whatsoever; and shall hold all and every the premises which the said Deans, Deans and Chapters, & other the persons before menti­oned held of any other then of the King, by the Rents and other services therefore due, and of right accustomed. And the said Trustees, their heirs, assigns, Farmers and Tenants, shall also have, hold and enjoy the premises, and every of them, freed, acquitted and discharged of and from the payment of Tythes, as fully as the said Deans, Deans and Chapters, and other the persons beforemen­tioned, did hold and enjoy the same at any time, during the time of ten years before the beginning of this present Parliament, or any time since: Neverthelesse, upon trust and confidence, that the said persons beforenamed for Trustees, and their heirs, shall have, hold and enjoy, all and singular the premises, and every of them subject to such trust and uses, as by the authority aforesaid shal be hereby declared and appointed, and dispose of the same, and the Rents and Profits thereof, as by the au­thority aforesaid shall bee ordered and appointed. Provided that the said Trustees, their heirs and assigns, shall not avoid any Leases made for any term not exceed­ing [Page 5] three lives, or one and twenty years in possessionTrustees to▪ avoid any Lease made for any term▪ or exceedi [...]g [...] live [...], [...]r 21 years in pos­session. (saving & excepting suth Leases as for a longer time for years are good and warrantable by the Laws of the Land [...] or in such manner, as that together with the Lease in be­ing, shall not exceed three lives, or one and twenty years; so as the old and accustomed Rent and Rents, or so much Rent and Rents as the ancient and accustomed Rent a­mounts unto, bee reserved payable, during the said voidable term and terms of Estates; and so as the said Leases have not been procured or purchased of any of the said Deans, Deans and Chapters, and other the per­sons aforementioned since the first day of December, one thousand six hundred forty one. And be it further ena­ctedGrant or Lea [...]e made by any Dean, Dean and Chapter, since the first of Decemb, 164 [...] to be void. and ordained by the authority aforesaid, That if any Dean, Dean & Chapter, or other the persons beforemen­tioned, have at any time since the first of December, one thousand six hundred forty one, made any Grant or Lease to any person or persons, Body Politique or Corporate, of any the Honors, Manours, Lordships, Messuages, Lands, Tenements and Hereditaments, or any other the premises aforesaid, or any of them in right or by reason of their said Office, Place, Function, or Dignity, the same Grant or Lease shall be utterly void, and of none effect; and the person or persons, Body Politique or Corporate, unto whom the same was made, shall have no benefit thereby. Provided and be it enacted and ordained, and it is hereby enacted and ordained, That if any person or persons, Body Politique or Corporate, at any time or times since the said first of December, one thousand six hundred forty one, who had any Grant or Lease for one or more life or lives, or any number of years of the pre­mises, or any part thereof as is aforesaid, did surrender the same, to the end that hee or they might have a new [Page 6] Grant or Lease granted or made to him or them, and had such new Grant or Lease accordingly made unto him or them; which by this present Act is made void, That the said person or persons, Body Politique or Corporate, who hath so surrendered any such former Grant or Lease, his and their heirs, successors, executors, administrators, and assigns, shall have, hold, possesse and enjoy such time and term as he or they had in any part of the said premises, by vertue of any such former Lease or Leases, in such sort and manner as he or they should have had, held & enjoy­ed the same, if no such surrender had been made; subject neverthelesse to such payments of Rents, and other ser­vices, covenants, and conditions and agreements, as in the said former Grants or Leases were expressed and con­tained, (saving unto all and every person and persons, their heirs, executors and administrators, Bodies Poli­tique and Corporate, and their successors, other then such person and persons as shall or may claim, or pretend to have any Right, Title, or Interest, unto the premises, or any part thereof, as KING of England or his heirs or successors, Deans, Deans and Chapters, and other the persons aforementioned, and other then the Founders and Donors, as Founders and Donors of and to the said Deans, Deans and Chapters, Archdeacons, Priors, Chancellors, Chanters, Subchanters, Treasurers, Sub­treasurers, Succenters, Sacrists, Prebends, Canons, Vi­cars, Chorals, Choristers, Old Vica [...]s & New, and other the persons before mentioned and their heirs) all such right, title, interest & possession, rights in Law or Equity, entries, annuities, commodities, sees and other profits, which they or any of them before the said first day of De­cember, one thousand six hundred forty one, ought law­fully to have had, in or to the premises, or any part or [Page 7] parcel thereof, as if this Act had never been had or made also saving to all such person or persons as have adhered to the Parliament, all such estate as he or they since the first day of May, An. Dom, one thousand six hundred forty one, have forfeited, or made forfeitable, for not payment of Rent, or not performing of Services to any the said Deanes, Deanes and Chapters, or other the persons be­forementioned, except it be in the case of a Lease made utterly void by this Act, by reason the same hath been procured or purchased of any the said Deanes, Deanes and Chapters, or other the persons before mentioned, since the aforesaid first day of December, Anno Dom. one thousand six hundred forty one. Provided also, and it isRevenues and [...]e [...]ts [...]or maintenance of Grammar Schools. High-wayes, Alms-house, &c. hereby further enacted and ordained by the authority a­foresaid, That al and singular the Revenues, Rents, Issues, Fees, Profits, Sums of Money, and allowances whatsoe­ver, which before the said first day of Decemb. one thou­sand six hundred forty one, have been, and then ought to be paid, disposed and allowed unto and for the mainte­nance of any Grammar School or Scholars, or for or towards the repatation of any high-way, Caus-way, Brid­ges, School-house, Alms-house, or for any other charita­ble use, payable out of any the premises; or which are chargeable, or ought to issue out of, or to be paid for or in respect of the premises or any of them, shal be, & continue to be paid & allowed, as they wore before the said first of Decemb. one thousand six hundred forty one, any thing inThis Act not [...] extend to any Colledge, Church, Cor­poration, Foundation, or House of Lear­ning in either of the Univer­sities. this present Act to the contrary in any wise notwithstan­ding. Provided also, that this, Act, no [...] anything therein contained, shall extend to any Colledge, Church, Cor­poration, Foundation, or House of Learning in either of the Universities within this Common-wealth; Nor to the Corporation of Christs Church in Oxford, of Henry the [Page 8] eights Foundation; Nor to any Mannors, Lands, Te­nements and Hereditaments thereunto belonging; Nor to the Revenues of any publique Professor or Reader in either of the Universities; Nor to the Foundation of any of the Schools of Westminster, Winchester, or Eaton. And for the better encouragement, and security of such per­son and persons as shall be purchasers of the said Lands, Be it enacted, ordained and declared by the authority a­foresaid, That Sir Iohn Wollaston, and other the persons beforenamed as Trustees, the survivor and survivors of them, and the heires of the survivor of them, shall stand and be seized of all and singular the said premises, vested and setled in them and their heires; (excepting Parsona­ges appropriate, Tithes appropriated, Fee-farm Rents issuing out of Tithes, Oblations, Obventions, portions of Tithes, Parsonages, Vicarages, Churches, Chappels, Ad­vowsons, Donatives, Nominations, Rights of patronage and presentation) untill the sale and conveyance thereof shall bee made unto any person or persons, Bodies Poli­tique or Corporate, as shall be purchaser or purchasers thereof, or of any part thereof, for the paying and satisfy­ing the respective Lenders within this Act; and such sums as are by this Act transferred upon the said security, and of the Remainder of the said premises that shal be left un­sold after such satisfaction made, to such further use and uses as shall hereafter be declared by the authority afore­said. And be it further enacted and ordained, That theTiustees to have power to appoint Sur­veyors. said persons aforementioned as Trustees, or any five or more of them, shal have like power and authority to make nominate and appoint from time to time, by writing under their Hands and Seales, fit and able persons, such as they shall thinke fit, to survey the premises in any County or Counties of England or Wales, who are heereby enabled [Page 9] and authorised to keep Courts of Survey, for the better discovery of the premises and the value thereof, and o­ther things concerning the same; who are hereby autho­rized, enabled, and required, to observe and keep in rela­tion to the siad service, such Rules, Directions, and In­structions, as the Surveyors of the late Bishops Lands are appointed to observe, in relation to the surveying of the said Bishops Lands, and are expressed and mentioned in an Ordinance of Parliament, dated the sixteenth day of November, one thousand six hundred forty six, entituled, An Ordinance of the Lords and Commons assembled in Par­liament, For appointing the sale of the Bishops Lands for the use of the Common-wealth; and they or any three of them, are hereby authorized and enabled to execute and put in execution, all the powers and authorities that the aforesaid Surveyours, or any three of them may or might have done, by vertue of any power or authority given unto them by the said Ordinance and Instructions.Majors, She­riffs, and Iusti­ces of the Peace, to assist Surveyors in the executing this Act. And all Sheriffes, Majors, Bailiffes, Justices of the Peace and other persons, are hereby required to be aiding and assi­sting to the said Surveyors or any of them, in the execu­ting of this Act. And the said Surveyors are hereby au­thorised to demand, require, receive, and put into safe custody, the Charters, Deeds, Books, Accompts, Rolls, Writings, and Evidences that concerne the premises or any part thereof; To the end the same may be put into such place as the said Trustees or any five or more of them, shall appoint. And it is further Enacted, thatTrustees au­thorized to administer an Oath to the Surveyors. the said Trustees, or any three or more of them, are here­by authorized and required to administer to all and eve­ry the said Surveyors, (who are enjoyned to take the same) an Oath in hoecverba, (viz.)

I A. B. do Sweare, that I will, by theThe Surveyors Oath. help of God, faithfully and truly, ac­cording to my best skil and knowledge, execute the place of Surveyor, accor­ding to the purport of the Act entitu­led, An Act of the Commons in Parlia­ment assembled, for the Abolishing of Deanes, Deanes and Chapters, Ca­nons, Prebends, and other Offices be­longing to any Cathedrall, or Collegi­ate Church or Chappell in England or Wales; And shall use my best en­deavour and skill, to discover the state herein mentioned, and every part thereof, which shall bee given mee in charge; And to find out the true va­lues and Improvements thereof; and thereof shall make true Surveys, accor­ding to my best skill and cunning; and the same from time to time to deliver, or cause to be delivered in writing close sealed up unto the Register for the [Page 11] time being in that behalf appointed; and also a true Copy or Duplicate thereof, close sealed up unto the said Trustees, or any two of them: And this I shall justly and faithfully execute, without any Gift or Reward, directly or indi­rectly, from any person or persons whatsoever (except such allowances as the said Trustees, or any five or more of them shall think fit to make unto me for my pains and charges in the executing of the said Place and Office.)

And the said Trustees, or any five or more of them,Trustees to cal to accompt Surveyors. are hereby authorised from time to time to call to ac­compt any Surveyor or Surveyors, or other Officers by them named and appointed; and if they shall find them or any of them deficient or unfaithfull, in pursuance of the duty or trust in them reposed; That then they shall and may remove them, or any of them, which they shall so find deficient or unfaithfull, and nominate and appoint others in their stead. And it is further enacted, That theTrustees au­thorized to take such lear­ned Councell, and appoint such Stewards as they think fit. said Trustees, or any five or more of them, are hereby authorized to take unto them such Councell Learned, and to appoint such Stewards of Mannors, and other Officers, as any five or more of them, shall thinke necessary: and to give such Fees, and make such allow­ances [Page 12] to them or any of them, as they shall hold fit and necessary. Provided alwayes, That this Act shall notStewards made by Ordinance of Parliament formerly, not to be put out. extend to the putting out of any Stewards of any Liber­ties or Courts, formerly appointed and made, by vertue of any Ordinance of Parliament, but that they shall con­tinue and be, during such time as the said Liberties and Courts shall remaine and bee in the hands of the said Trustees; and that they shall have and receive all such Fees, Profits and Allowances as formerly were allowed them; this Act or any other thing to the contrary not­withstanding. And it is further Enacted, that the said Turstees, or any five or more of them, shall have like power and authority, and are hereby required and autho­rized to observe such Orders and Directions, in relation to the premises, as the Trustees for Bishops Lands might or may observe and keepe, in relation to the sale of the said Lands; which are contained in an Ordinance of the 2 of December, 1647. Entituled, An Ordinance for re­moving Obstructions in the Sale of Bishops Lands. AndThe names of the Contractors. be it further enacted, That Sir William Roberts Knight, Iohn Blackwel, Iames Russel, Thomas Ayres, Robert Fen­wick, Edward Crescit, Iohn Heyling of Grayes-Inne, Na­thaniel Whetham, Roger Smith, Dr. William Parker, Iosias Barners, and Clement Oxenbridge, Esquires, or any five or more of them, shall have power and authority, and are hereby impowered and authorized to treat, contract and agree with any person or persons, Body Politique or Corporate, for the sale of the said premises, or any part thereof, upon such particular, or certificate and values as shall be delivered in unto them, under the hand of the Register or his Deputy, as hereafter shall be by this Act nominated and appointed. Provided, That the said Contractors shall not treat or contract with any person [Page 13] or persons, Body Politique or Corporate, other then the immediate Tenant or Tenants of the said Deanes,Tenants to subscribe to their Contracts within thir [...]y dayes. Deanes and Chapters, and other the persons before mentioned for the respective Lands, Tenements and He­reditaments which hee or they so hold for the space of thirty dayes, to be accompted from the Return of the Survey thereof; And in ease such Tenant or Tenants do not agree, contract and subscribe his or their contract within the said thirty dayes, That then the said Con­tractors may proceed to the sale thereof to any other person or persons, Bodies Politique or Corporate, what­soever. And it is further Enacted, That the saidLands not to be so [...]d under twelve years purchase. Contractors shall not sell any of the Lands, Possessi­ons or Hereditaments of the said Deanes, Deanes and Chapters, and other the persons aforementio­ned in possession, under twelve yeares purchase; sa­ving and excepting Castles, Houses and Palaces, according as is directed by an Ordinance of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament, of the second of December, 1647. Entituled, An Or­dinance of the Lords and Commons assembled in Par­liament, For removing Obstructions in the sale of Bishops Lands: And the said Contractors shall not sell a Reversion of the said Lands and Hereditaments upon a Lease for one Life under sixe yeares pur­chase; and that a Reversion of such Lands and He­reditamentsA Lease for one Life not under six years purchase. upon a Lease for two Lives, shall not bee sold under three yeares and a halfes purchase; and that a Reversion of the said premises upon a Lease for three Lives, shall not bee sold under two yeers and a halfes purchase: And where any Tenant or Tenants of any the premises, claim [...] a Right to have a customary Estate in Reversion, or by the custome [Page 14] may grant or make Leases for Life or Lives, the Reversion shall be sold proportionable to this Rule. And the said Contractors shall not sell a Reversion of the said Premises upon a Lease for seven yeers, under six years and a halfes purchase; and that a Reversion upon a Lease for fourteen yeers, shall not be sold under foure yeares and a quarters purchase; and that a Reversion upon a Lease for one and twenty yeers, shall not bee sold under three yeers purchase; and all other Reversions upon Leases, for more or fewer yeers shall bee sold proportionable to this Rule. And it is further Enacted, That the said Contractors named in this Act, shall take the Oath hereafter expressed, before any three of the said Trustees, in haec verba, viz.

I A. B. do Sweare, That I will ac­cordingThe Contra­ctors Oath. to my best skill and know­ledge, faithfully discharge the trust committed unto mee, in relation to an Act of Parliament, For Abolishing of the Office of Deans, Deans and Chapters, Canons, Prebends, and all other Offices and Places belonging to any Cathedrall or Collegiate Church or Chappell in England and Wales; And that I will not for [Page 15] Favor or Affection, Reward or Gift, or hopes of Reward or Gift break the same.

And the said Contractors are hereby authorized and required to observe such other Instructions as are menti­oned in the Instructions of the said Ordinance concern­ing the Contractors for Sale of the Bishops Lands. And it is further Enacted, That the Contractors hereby no­minated and appointed, shall and may, and are hereby enabled, authorized, and required, in the like cases that shall happen before them, in or concerning the said pre­mises, to observe, put in ure and execution the like powers and authorities, that the Contractors for the sale of Bi­shops Lands, do or may do by vertue of an Ordinance of Parliament of the second of December, One thousand six hundred forty seven, Entituled, An Ordinance of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament, for remo­ving Obstructions in the sale of Bishops Lands. And for the better carrying on of the said service, Be it Enacted and Ordained by the authority aforesaid, That Henry Hen. Scobell Esq; Reg [...]ster Scobell Esquire, shall be Register and Keeper, and shall have the custody and keeping of all Records, Charters, Evidences, Court-rolls, Leiger Books, Writings, Books of Survey, Rentals, Certificates, and other things, of or concerning the Lands and possessions of the said Deans, Deans and Chapters, and other the persons before men­tioned; or concerning any the Honors, Manors, Castles, Lands, Tenements, Hereditaments, or other the premi­ses herein mentioned; and shall from time to time as a­foresaid, deliver unto the purchaser or purchasers of the said premises, or any part thereof, such Records, Wri­tings [Page 16] and Evidences, as concern the premises by him or them purchased: And that all and every the Survey­ors of the premises, shall make their Returns of all and every their respective Surveys by them taken from time to time to the said Register, who shal make entry by him­self or Deputy, of all such Surveys, Certificates, & other proceedings, as shal from time to time be returned by the Surveyors of the premises, or any three or more of them, being first allowed by the Surveyor-general: and the said Register shal also make forth, value, rate, and sign all & e­very particular & particulars of the premises or any part thereof, whereupon any Contract or Contracts for Sale or otherwise shall or is to be had or made; and every such particular so rated, valued and signed, shall from time to time be a good and sufficient ground and authority for the said Contractors or any five or more of them, to pro­ceed to sell accordingly; and the said Register shall make entry of all and every such Contract and Contracts, and other procedings thereupon, To have, hold, execute and enjoy the said Office or place of Register and Keeper, by himself or his sufficient Deputy, together with the yearly Fee of One hundred pounds, payable out of the Re­ceipts, Rents and Revenues arising out of the premises, by the hands of the Treasurers herein mentioned, on the first of Ianuary, and first of Iuly, half yearly by equal por­tions; which said yearly Fee of One hundred pounds, the said Treasurers are hereby required and authorized to pay accordingly; and that the Acquittance of the said Register, shall be a good Discharge to the said Treasu­rers and every of them, for the payment thereof: And the said Register shall have and receive such reasonable Fee and Fees for Writing, Rating and Signing of the said particular or particulars, and otherwise in the execution [Page 17] and discharge of the said Office, as the Committee ap­pointed by Ordinance of Parliament of the One and twentieth of November, One thousand six hundred forty eight, for removing of Obstructions in the sale of Bishops Lands, shall think fit and reasonable. Provided,Two pence in the sheet to the Register. That the said Register and Keeper shall have but Two pence the sheet for all things that are to be Copied, and to write fifteen lines in each sheet: and the said Register, is hereby impowered, authorised and required, concern­ing the premises, to observe the like Instructions given to the Register for the sale of Bishops Lands, expressed and mentioned in the Ordinance of Parliament of the Six­teenth of Novemb. One thousand six hundred forty six, Entituled, An Ordinance of the Lords and Commons as­sembled in Parliament, For appointing the sale of Bishops Lands for the use of the Common-wealth. And be it fur­therTrustees po­wer to convey any part of the premises. enacted by the authority aforesaid; That the said Trustees, or any five or more of them, shall have power and authority, and are hereby impowered, authorized and required, to convey the premises, or any part thereof, by bargain, and sale enrolled, according to the Statute, or otherwise by any good and sufficient Conveyance and Assurance in the Law, to any person or persons whatsoe­ver, according to such Contract or Contracts as shall be made by the Contractors, or any five or more of them: And that all Bargains of Sale, Conveyances and Assu­rances, made of any Estate or Estates in Fee-simple, according to such Contracts as shall bee agreed upon between the purchaser or purchasers, and the said Con­tractors before named, or any five or more of them, shall be good and effectuall in Law, to all intents and purposes: And all and every purchaser or purchasers of the premi­ses or any part thereof, his Heirs, and Assigns, shall have, [Page 18] hold and enjoy the premises that shall be by him or them purchased, discharged of all trusts and accompts where­unto the said Trustees are or may be lyable, by vertue of this present Act, and all Suits and Questions that may arise, or be moved, upon pretence of sale at underva­lues; and all other Claims and Demands whatsoever (saving the Rents and Interests before saved) and of all incumbrances made by the said Trustees, or by any clai­ming under them or any of them: And that the said pre­mises shall not be lyable unto, but stand, and shall be free, and discharged of and from all and all manner of Sta­tutes, Judgements, Recognizances, Dowers, Joyntures, and all other Acts and Incumbrances whatsoever, had, made, done, or suffered, or to be had, made, done or suf­fered, by, from, or under the said Trustees, other then such Conveyances and Assurances as shall be by them had, made, done or suffered, in performance or pursu­ance of the Sales and Contracts respectively made, ac­cording to the intent of this present Act; and saving unto all and every person and persons, Bodies Politique and Corporate, their Heirs, Successors, Executors, and Admi­nistrators, all such Right, Title, and interest as aforesaid: And that if any action shall be brought against the said Trustees, Contractors or Treasurers, or any of them, for any Act done by them, or any of them, in execution of this Act, or Instructions unto which it relates, then hee or they are hereby enabled to plead the generall issue, and to give this Act in Evidence: And if a Judgement pass for them, they shall recover double costs. And be it further Enacted, that if any person or persons, Body Politique and Corporate, who shall be purchasers of any part of the premises, shall hereafter be evicted out of any part of the premises, by vertue of any Eign, Right, Title, or In­terest [Page 19] in or unto the same, that in such case the said pur­chaser and purchasers so evicted, shall have full and due satisfaction, recompence and allowance made to him and them, for the moneys paid or advanced for the said pur­chase, and that in such manner as both Houses of Parlia­ment have appointed and directed by an Ordinance of Parliament, of the One and twentyeth of November, One thousand six hundred forty eight, in like cases as the purchasers of Bishops Lands ought to have, if they be evicted: And if it bee required by the pur­chaser or purchasers, or any of them, their or a­ny of their heirs or assignes, One or more Acts of Parliament, or Letters Patents, under the great Seal of England by authority of Parliament, shall hereafter pass for the further assuring of the premises, or any part of them, unto such purchaser or purchasers, their heirs or assigns requiring the same, paying for the same the like Fees as are appointed by an Ordinance of Parliament, of the Three and twentyeth of September, One thousand six hundred forty seven. And forasmuch as the Commons of England in Parliament assembled, having taken into their serious consideration the necessity of raising a considerable sum of moneys for the present service of England, Ireland, and the Navy, Do Enact and Ordain, and be it Enacted and Ordained, That the sum of ThreeThree hundred thousand pounds upon [...]ecurity of Deans and Chapters Lands, borrow­ed by way of Doubling. Encouragement for doubling of moneys. hundred thousand pounds shall bee borrowed upon the Security of the Lands of the said Deans and Chapters, and other the persons before mentioned, by way of dou­bling the like sum as shall be due unto any person or per­sons, Body Politique or Corporate, upon the Publique Faith. And for the Encouragement of such as shall ad­vance any sum or sums of mony, towards the raising the said Three hundred thousand pounds, Be it Enacted and [Page 20] Ordained by the authority aforesaid, That every person and persons, Body Politique and Corporate, who hath voluntarily advanced any Moneys, Plate, Arms, Horses, with their furniture and arms, upon the publique Faith, for every sum of Money hee shall further lend as afore­said, may and shall be secured the Moneys formerly lent as aforesaid, and such other Moneys as hee or they shall advance for the raising of the said Three hundred thou­sand pounds, upon the Lands of the said Deans, Deans and Chapters, and other the persons before mentioned; as for example, if there be owing to any person or persons, Body Politique or Corporate, One hundred pounds prin­cipall, which together with interest due thereupon for three years, will make One hundred twenty four pounds, he or they advancing One hundred twenty four pounds, may and shall bee secured Two hundred forty eight pounds as aforesaid, and so proportionably for a greater or lesser sum: And for the more speedy reimbursing of such Lenders, and paying such sums as are transferred from the Excise and Goldsmiths-hall, upon the said secu­rity, the Lands of the said Deans, Deans and Chapters, and other the persons before mentioned, are (excepting Parsonages, Tythes, and Impropriations) estated and vested in the said Trustees, for the speedy sale thereof. And it is further Enacted by the authority aforesaid, that every person or persons, Body Politique or Corporate, who shall lend any Moneys on the said security as afore­said,Moneys d [...]ub­led to be paid in to the Trea­surers, within ten dayes after the Accompt [...]a [...]d. and shall have his or their debt and interest stated by the Register Accomptant named in this Act, and certifi­ed to the Treasurers named in this Act, shall pay in to the said Treasurers, the moneys wherewith hee ought to double as aforesaid, within ten dayes next after the certi­ficate thereof made to the said Treasurers, or otherwise [Page 21] shall lose his Moneys due upon the publike faith, unlesse he or they shew good cause to the said Treasurers, or any two of them, to be allowed by them or any two of them, for his or their neglect. And it is further Enacted, That Thomas N [...]l, Stephen Es [...]wick, and William Hob­son Esquires, shall be Treasurers for the said service, and that they or any two of them, are hereby impowered and authorised to receive the said Three hundred thousand pounds, and all other such sum and sums of money, as from time to time ought to be paid in to the Treasury, by vertue of this Act, which shall be issued out and paid ac­cording to the Rules, Directions and Instructions menti­oned in this Act, and according to such further Rules and Instructions as from time to time they shall receive from the Commons assembled in Parliament.

Instructions for the Treasurers.

I. FIrst, The said Treasurers shall not issue out, or pay anyInstructions Treasurers. part or parcell of the said Three hundred thousand pounds, to any person or persons whatsoever, but accor­ding to such Orders, Directions, and instructions, as they shall from time to time have and receive from the Com­mons of England in Parliament assembled; and that then the receipt of the person or persons authorized to receive the same, shall be a good and sufficient Discharge to the said Treasurers.

II. Secondly, That the said Treasurers shall not issue o [...] [Page 22] or pay any of the Rents, Issues, or profits of the said premises, but according to such Warrant or Warrants as they shall from time to time receive from the said Tru­stees, or any Five or more of them, for the ends and pur­poses contained in this present Act; and that the Receipt of such person or persons to whom such Warrant is made, shall bee a good Discharge to the said Treasu­rers.

III. Thirdly, that the said Treasurers, or any two of them, after their Receipt of the Register Accomptants Certifi­cate named in this Act, of what principall and interest is due to any person or persons, body Politique or Corpo­rate, who shall be lenders within the intent of this Act; the said Treasurers shall and are hereby authorised to give to such person or persons a Receipt or Receipts, as well for the old debt and interest stated and certified as aforesaid, as also for the moneys lent towards the advancement of the said three hundred thousand pounds. And it is further Enacted and Ordained, That the Receipt or Receipts gi­ven by the said Treasurers as aforesaid, or any two of them, shall be a good and sufficient authority for such person or persons, Body Politique or Corporate, their [...]xecutors, Administrators, and Assigns, to require pay­ment of the sum therein mentioned, together with Inte­rest, according to six pounds per centum, out of the Rents, Issues and Profits of the said premises; and in case of failer thereof, to be allowed him or them, theirPower to grant or Assign Pub­lique Faith Moneys, Bil [...]s, Certificates, Receipts. Assignee or Assignees, in the purchase of the said Premi­ses, or any part thereof. And it is further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That it shall and may be lawfull for any person or persons, Body Politique or Corporate, to [Page 23] grant or assign his or their Publique Faith, moneys, Bills, Certificates or Receipts, to any other person or persons; which person or persons shall have the like benefit and advantages, to all intents and purposes, as the first lender might have had within the intent of this Act: And it is further en [...]cted, That it shall and may be lawfull for any person or persons, Body Politique or Corporate, who have any moneys due or owing unto them upon the said security, to Grant and Assign the same to any person or persons, which shall be allowed to all persons to whom it shall appertain, to make allowance thereof, as if such Re­ceipt or Receipts had been Originally made in the name of such Assignee or Grantee. And it is further Enacted, That Colonel Robert Manwaring shall be and is herebyCollonel Robert Manwaring, Re­gister Accomp­tant. constituted and appointed Register Accomptant for the said service; who is hereby authorized upon the Bils, Re­ceipts or Certificates, given by any Committee (where by Ordinance of Parliament they are impowered to give the publique Faith) or from Treasurers, Receivers or Collectors of Money, Plate, Arms, Horses with their Furniture or Arms, advanced on the Publique Faith, to ascertain the principall and interest thereof, and the same to certifie unto the said Treasurers or any two of them:Register not to allow of Re­ceipts or Bil of Publick Faith, without the consent of any five of the Trustees. Provided, that the said Register Accomptant do not al­low of any Receipt, Certificate, or Bill of publique Faith, but such as shall be allowed by the Trustees named in this Act, or any five or more of them, who are from time to time to observe such Orders, Directions and In­structions, as they shal have and receive from the Parlia­ment concerning the premises; and in regard of the many neglects & imperfections in the surveys of the late Bishops Lands, the sale of the same hath been much retarded: for prevention of which, the Commons assembled in Parlia­ment [Page 24] doe Ordain and appoint Collonell William Web, Surveyor-Generall of all the said premises; who is here­by authorised, enabled and required to observe the In­structions for the Surveyor Generall mentioned in this Act. And to the end the Surveys may bee speedily per­fected; Be it Enacted, that the Trustees and Register are hereby enjoyned forthwith, after the return of any Sur­vey or Surveys unto them, to send them unto the said Surveyor-Generall as they come to their hands.

Instructions for the Surveyor-General.

I. FIrst, The said Surveyor-Generall shall within six days next after he shall receive any of the said Surveys from the said Trustees and Register peruse them, and shall re­turn them back to the Trustees and Register, with his al­lowance and approbation thereupon, if he find them fit for a purchaser to proceed upon, after which, the Register shall and may make out a particular of the whole survey for the purchaser to contract upon.

II. Secondly, if the Surveyor-Generall shall find the Sur­veys insufficient for to contract upon, That then he shall within six dayes after Receipt thereof, transcribe so much of the said survey as is imperfect, and return the same unto the respective Surveyors, and certifie them the causes of his Exceptions, who are hereby enjoyned forth­with [Page 25] to amend the same; but if they cannot, to certifie him the cause why they cannot amend the same; and not­withstanding the imperfection, the said Surveyor-Gene­rall is to return the surveys to the Trustees and Register, so that the immediate tenants of any part of the premises exprest in the survey that is perfect, may proceed to purchase.

III. Thirdly, the said Surveyor-Generall shall and may with the consent of three of the Contractors, rectifie and amend mistakes, errors, and other matters (that are not of substance) in any of the said Surveys: And in all Ca­ses where the said Surveyor-Generall can by credible information or proof, amend any Survey without any re­turn the Surveyor, that then he, with the advice and consent of three of the Contractors, shall and may amend the same.

IV. Fourthly, Where any person or persons shall neglect, or cannot make his or their Estate or Estates appear unto the Surveyors, or have not entred his or their Claim with the Surveyors for that Place or County, in which the said premises lie; yet if such person or persons shall enter his Claim, and make his estate to appear by due proof upon Oath unto the said Surveyor-Generall, (who is hereby authorized to administer the same) within forty dayes after the returne of the said Survey, That then the said Surveyor-Generall shall enter and allow the same; which being by him certified to the Register and Trustees, it shal be a good and sufficient ground for the Register to make out a particular, and for the Contractors to contract, and the Trustees to convey.

V. Fifthly, that the Surveyor-Generall shall appoint and [Page 26] limit the day and time when the respective Surveyors shall begin their respective imployments, and how long the same shall continue, and upon just cause to inlarge the same.

VI. Sixthly, That the respective Surveyors shall from time to time certifie their proceedings unto the Surveyor-Generall, and keep such correspondence with him, as that he may know in what places they are, and upon what imployment.

And be it further enacted, That the said Register shall cause one able and sufficient Clerk, such as the Contra­ctors shall approve of, to be attending on them at all their meetings, and to enter all their Orders and Procee­dings, and to observe and obey such commands and di­rections concerning the premises, as they or any five or more of them shall direct and appoint: And that the said Bookes of Entries shall remain in the custody of the saidBooks of En­t [...]ies to remain in the custody of Contractors. Register, his Deputy and Cle [...]k, to take the O [...]h mentioned in the Ordinance 5. Ma [...]t [...]i, 1646. Contractors, or such of them as the Major part of them shall appoint. Provided, that no copies of the said En­tries be taken out of the said Books, but by the said Regi­ster, his Deputy, or the said Clerk. And be it further enacted and ordained, That the said Register, his Depu­ty for the time being, and the said Clerk, shall severally take before three of the said Trustees, the Oath prescri­bed in the Ordinance of the fifth of March, one thou­sand six hundred forty six, entituled, An Ordinance of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament, for the better expla [...]ning and executing former Ord [...]na [...]ces for the sale of Bishops Lands. And be it furth [...] enacted and ordained, that no [...]e of the said Contractors, or any other to their or any of his or their use or uses, or in trust for them, or any of them, directly or indirectly, shall or doe [Page 27] purchase the said premises, or any part thereof: And if any of the said Contractors, or any in trust for them or any of them, shall purchase any of the said premises, hee and they shall forfeit his or their estate so purchased, and the moneys paid or to be paid for the same. Provided alwaies that if moneys do not come in to satisfie the said Contractors, Trustees and Treasurers their Salaries allowed by this Act, That then they shall and may have part of the said premises, in lieu of their said Salary, according as shall be ordered and appointed by authority aforesaid: And be it further enacted, ordained and declared by the authority aforesaid, That all gifts and grants, or augmentations made before the twentieth day of Aprill, one thousand six hundred forty nine, by one or both Houses of Parliament, or any persons authorized thereunto by authority of Parliament, of the said premi­ses, or any part thereof, or of any of the Rents and Profits of any of the said premises, for the maintenance of a preaching Ministery, Preacher, Lecture or Schoole in England or Wales, and all Ordinances and Orders concerning the same, be and shall be, and are hereby decla­red to be Null and void.

Provided notwithstanding, That this Act, nor any thing therein contained, shall extend to take away the present Rents, Issues and Profits that shall become due unto any Minister, Lecturer, or Schoolmaster, untill the sixth day of Ianuary, one thousand six hundred forty nine, by rea­son of his or their Augmentation setled upon him or them by authority of Parliament, unlesse the Premises out of which such augmentation doth issue, be [...]old and conveyed away to any purchaser or purchasers, before the said sixth day of Ianuary, one thousand six hundred forty nine. And the said Treasurers are hereby required [Page 28] and enjoined to make payment thereof accordingly. And it is further enacted, That such Committee as shal be appointed by the Parliament, shall have and exerciseCommittee ap­p [...]inted by Parliament to have the same powers menti­oned in the Ordinance of the 21. of No­vemb. 1648. for removing Obstructions in sale of Bi­shops Lands. all and every the powers given to the Committee ap­pointed by Ordinance of Parliament of the one and twentieth of November, one thousand six hundred forty eight, for removing Obstructions in the sale of Bishops Lands; and that they doe take speciall care, that the rents, issues and profits of the Impropriations, Tithes, Par­sonages, and Vicarages belonging to the said Deans and Chapters, and other the persons before mentioned, be imployed for the maintenance, of a Preaching Ministry, and encouragement of Learning in England and Wales; and that they take into their consideration, the present disposall of all the Rents and Revenues of all the Impropriations, Tithes, Donatives, Parsonages, Rectories, Vicarages, and portion of Tithes be­longing to the said Deans, Deans and Chapters, and other the persons aforementioned, that they may the better know how, where and to whom (for the future) to make disposals thereof, who are hereby autho­rized to give, grant, order, and dispose of the same accor­dingly, untill it shall be further ordered by Parlia­ment. And be it further enacted and ordained, That the Trustees do from time to time issue out Warrants to theTrustees to issue out Warrants. said Treasurers, for the paying the rents, issues, and pro­fits of the said Tithes, Impropriations, Donatives, Par­sonages and Vicarages, as they shall be setled by the said Committee; And that the persons imployed in and about the said service may have due encouragement, BeContractors three pence in the pound. it enacted and ordained by the authority aforesaid, That the Contractors mentioned in this Act, shall have and receive three pence in the pound for all such Lands, Te­nements [Page 29] and Hereditaments, of the said Deanes, Deanes and Chapters, and other the persons aforementioned, which shall be contracted for, and sold by them, and conveyed according to the rates for which they shall be sold; & that the said Trustees, excepting the said Treasurers, shall have and receive three pence in the pound for all such of the said Lands as they shall convey, according to the Rates for which they shall be sold▪ And that theTreasurers to have two pence in the pound. Treasurers named in this Act shall have and may deduct out of all moneys received by them, and also out of all moneys to be allowed by them upon defalkations for any purchase made of the said Lands, two pence in the pound according to the rate for which the said premises shall be sold, for their owne Salary, and paying their Clerks and Tellers. Provided, That the said deduction be made according as the Purchaser payes in, or defaulks his pur­chase money, and not otherwise: And that the Register accomptant shall have for his Fee, the summe of two hundred pounds per annum, for executing the office ofRegister 200 [...]. per annum. Register Accomptant of the said premises, payable out of the rents and proceed of the said premises by the Treasu­rers thereof, for the time being, on the first of November, and the first of May, halfe yearly by equall portions. And the said Treasurers shall allow and pay from time to time, such Clerks as the Register Accomptant shall imploy under him in the said Office, such salary as they or any two of them shall thinke fit to allow. And that150 l. for the Survey or gene­rall and his Clerks. the Surveyor-Generall for the said premises shall have for his Fee for him, and his Clerks for the said service the summe of one hundred and fifty pounds per annum, pay­able out of the rents and proceed of the said premises, by the Treasurers thereof for the time being, on the first of Ianuary, and on the first of Iuly, halfe yearly, by equall [Page 30] portions. And be it further enacted, That the said Tru­stees, any five or more of them, or such person or persons as they as aforesaid shall authorize under their hands and seales, shall make a lease or leases of the said premises or any part thereof, which shall be out of lease for one year or lesse, and so from yeare to yeare or lesse, till the premises be sold, reserving the best rent they can get for the same. Provided that such of the said premises as are grantable by copy of Court-roll, according to the custome of any Honour, or Mannor, shall be demised by copy of Court-roll respectively. And [...]e it further enacted and ordained by the authority aforesaid, That all and every body or bodies politique or corporate, in Eng­land and Wales, shall have power and capacity, and arePower given [...]o bodies poli­tique to pur­chase without suing forth any [...]icence o [...] alie­nation. hereby enabled to take and purchase to themselves and Successors, any of the said Honors, Mannors, Lands, Tenements, and Hereditaments to themselves, their heirs, and successors for ever, without suing forth any license or licences of alienation on Mortmaine, any Law, Statute, or Charter to the contrary in any wi [...]e notwithstanding.

And be it further enacted, ordained and declared by the authority aforesaid, That all and every person and persons, body politique and corporate, who shall con­tract for any of the said premises, shall pay in, or de [...]alk the first moity of his purchase moneys within eight weeks after his contract made, and shall likewise prosecute and procure his or their respective conveyances from the said Trustees appointed to convey the promises within the said eight weeks, or otherwise he and they shall incurre the penalties of such defaulters as are mentioned in an Ordinance of the three and twentieth of March, 1647. Entituled, An Ordinance of the Lords and Commons assem­bled in Parliament, for the explanation and b [...]r execution [Page 31] of former Ordinances of Parliament for the sale of Bishops Lands in England and Wales; unlesse hee or they can procure from the said Contractors, or any five or more of them, upon good cause shewn, and to be allowed by them, a certificate or certificates for further time to per­fect his or their conveyance, which certificate and fur­ther Licence or Licences, the said Contractors as afore­said, are hereby authorized to give: And the said Con­tractors & the Treasurers named in this Act respectively, are hereby enabled, authorized, and required as there shall be occasion to put the said Ordinance in execution, according to the intent and meaning thereof: And be it further enacted and ordained by the authority aforesaid, That the Committee so to be appointed as aforesaid, shall be a Committee for the removall of obstructions in the sale and conveying of the said premises; and that they shall and may, to all intents and purposes, execute all powers and authorities concerning the premises, as the Committee for removing of Obstructious in the sale of Bishops Lands, according to an Ordinance of the one and twentieth of November, one thousand six hundred forty eight; entituled, An Ordinance of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament, for removing obstructi­ons in the sale of Bishops Lands, might, may or ough [...] to doe: And the Contractors, Trustees, Treasurers, Re­gister Accomptant, and Surveyor-Generall named in this Act, and all other persons [...]mployed in or about the said service, are required to observe such Orders and Directions as from time to time they shall receive from the said Committee: And the said Committee so to be appointed shall and may allow all incident charges [...]or the necessary carrying on of the said service. And it is further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That the Tru­stees [Page 32] named in this Act for the conveying the said pre­mises; And the purchaser or purchasers of all or any of the Honors, Mannors, Lands, Tenements, or Heredita­ments of, or belonging to the said Deans, Deans and Chapters and other the persons aforementioned, their and every of their respective heirs and assignes, as also the Trustees appointed for the conveying of the Lands of the late Archbishops and Bishops, and the purchaser and purchasers of all or any of the Honors, Mannors, Lands, Tenements or Hereditaments of the said late Archbi­shops and Bishops their respective heirs and assignes respectively, shall have, hold, use and enjoy, all the like benefits, priviledges, rights, usages, and customes; And likewise take all advantages, benefits of conditions, bro­ken forfeitures, or non-performance of covenants, entries or actions, as the said respective Deanes, Deanes and Chapters, and other the persons before mentioned, or their respective successor or successors might have done, or ought to have had or enjoyed, or as the respective Archbishops or Bishops, or their respective successor or successors might doe, or ought to have done, had, or enjoyed: And be it further enacted and ordained, that the acceptation or receipt of any rent or rents, since the first of December, one thousand six hundred forty one, by any person or persons for any Lands, Tenements or Heredi­taments, belonging to any Archbishop or Bishop, or any Deane, Deane and Chapter, or other the persons before named, shall not confirme, ratifie or make good any lease or grant made by them or any of them, which were or are voidable in Law: And be it further enacted, ThatSurveyors to return in spee­dy and exact particular of their Surveys. the said Trustees give in charge to the said respective Surveyors, the Surveying of all and every the Donatives, Parsonages, Vacarages, Rectories, Tithes, and Impro­priations [Page 33] of and belonging to the said Deanes, Deanes and Chapters, and others the persons before named; and they are hereby enjoyned to make speedy, exact, and par­ticular Surveyes of them and every of them, and returne what is the value of every the said parsonages, and who the present Incumbent is; And likewise the present Rent of every the said Donatives, Vicarages, Rectories, and Tithes, and what is the improved Rent, and the Interest of the particular Tenant, and also who is the present Te­nant, and what maintenance the Incumbent hath, and how it doth arise, and likewise what charges are issuing out of them, or any of them, and to whom and to what use or uses: Provided that this Act, nor any thing there­in contained, shall be construed or intended to vest in the said Trustees a certaine messuage or tenement, called the Hill house, situate in or near Chatham in the County ofHill-house in Kent for the use of the Na­vy. Kent, late belonging to the Deane, Deane and Chapter of Rochester, now imployed for the use of the Navy; but that the said messuage or tenement, with the Gardens, Orchards, Out-houses, and buildings thereunto used or belonging, shall be imployed for the use of the Navy: And forasmuch as the Commons of England in Parliament assembled, are very sensible how heavy the assessements lye upon the people of this Nation, which as yet they are necessitated to continue for the carrying on the ne­cessary service of this Commonwealth; And being re­solved to free the People of this Nation from free quar­ter, and desirous so soon as it will stand with the safety of the Commonwealth; not onely ease, but free the people of this Nation from assessements; to doe which they finde no readier way then by clearing the present engagements and charges which lye on the publique Treasuries of the commonwealth, and by applying them [Page 34] towards the maintenance of the Army in England, and for the effectuall prosecution of the War in Ireland, and setting forth, and continuing at Sea a stronger Navy then usuall, for preserving the trade and traffique of this Commonwealth; doe therefore enact and ordaine, that the severall and respective summe and summes of money due and payable out of, and from the receipts of the grand Excise, or the receipts for the composition of De­linquentsSeverall sums of mon [...] char­ged on the grand Excise, and Goldsmiths Hal [...], transferred on the lands of Deanes and Chapters. at Goldsmiths Hall, unto any person or persons, Body politique or corporate, their Assignee or Assignees hereafter respectively mentioned, shall be, and are here­by transferred and removed of and from the said respe­ctive receipts and securities, unto and upon the security of the Lands of the Deans and Chapters, and other the persons beforementioned (viz.) out of, and from the Receipt of the grand Excise payable to Colonel Massey with interest, nine hundred forty foure pounds six shil­lings two pence. To Colonel Birch with interest, for Ireland, eight hundred fifty seven pounds foure shillings eight pence. To Merchant Adventurers Company with interest, thirteen thousand eight hundred and foure pounds. To Major Generall Browne with interest, five thousand pounds. To Ely and Crowland with interest, foure thousand one hundred thirty eight pounds five shillings six pence. To Adam Aires for Northern Offi­cers, three thousand five hundred twenty six pounds twelve shillings. To the Committee of both Kingdomes, and sussex Forces at Abingdon with interest, foureteen hundred pounds. To Dover Garrison with interest five thousand pounds. To Yorkshire Horse with interest, five thousand pounds. To the Lord Ferdinando Fairfax re­duced Officers with interest, seventeen thousand one hundred thirty eight pounds ten shillings eleven pence.

To Major Bosa with interest, one hundred pounds. To Captaine Strachan with interest, two hundred ninety three pounds. To Easterne association, part of the Armies one hundred fifty thousand pounds, twenty thou­sand pounds. To Dutch Officers with Interest, seven thousand eight hundred fifty two pounds five shillings eight pence. To Ireland with interest twenty thousand pounds. To Sir Thomas Maleverer with interest one thousand pounds. To Colonel Hampdens Executors two thousand pounds. To Patrick Young with interest, one thousand pounds. To Alderman Aldworth with in­terest, five thousand two hundred seventy foure pounds six shillings eleven pence. To Colonel Harvey one thousand foure hundred forty eight pounds. To the Lord Broughill, two thousand pounds. To Captain Gar­diner, one thousand foure hundred and forty pounds seven shillings seven pence. To the Scots Officers, thirteene thousand seven hundred seventy foure pounds seven shil­lings. To Colonel Jephson with interest, one thousand pounds. To Sir Richard Houghton, seven hundred seven­ty nine pounds five shillings nine pence. To William Sike with interest, three thousand nine hundred threescore and three pounds eighteen shillings five pence. To Coll. Thomas Barwis, two thousand seven hundred eighty five pounds six shillings two pence. To Henry Stephens, five hundred pounds. To Colonel Herbert with interest, seven hundred thirty pounds foure shillings. To Coll. Barker, foure thousand nine hundred twenty six pounds. To Mr. John Sleigh with interest, six hundred pounds. Co Mr. Nicholas Gold, part of four thousand four hundred for­ty three pounds twelve shillings four pence; two thousand four hundred forty three pounds twelve shillings foure pence. To Mr. Nicholas Gold the other part of the four thousand four hundred forty three pounds twelve shil­lings [Page 36] foure pence, with interest, being two thousand pounds. To Mris. Coriton with interest six hundred thirty two pounds. To the Easterne association with interest, ten thousand pounds, and out of, and from the receipts of the Compositions of Delinquents at Gold­smiths-hall payable to Iohn Selden Esquire, two thou­sand five hundred pounds. To Benjamin Valentine Esq; two thousand five hundred pounds. To Captaine Sa­muel Playford with interest, three hundred pounds. To Mr. Wheeler, and Mr. Bell, for repair of Margerets West­minster, two hundred pounds. To Christopher Medcalfe with interest two thousand pounds. To Patrick Young Esquire with interest, one thousand pounds. To Captain Samuel Gardiner, seven hundred and fifteen pounds. To Mr. Richard Turner, Mr. Maurice Gething, &c. with in­terest, nine thousand six hundred twenty five pounds three shillings penny. To the Lady Anne Harecourt, one thousand pounds. To Doctor Iohn Bastwich with inte­rest, five hundred pounds. To Major Generall Massey, as­signed to Mr. Leithevilier, one thousand pounds. To Ma­jor Generall Brown, four thousand and sixteen pounds. To Adam Eire, Thomas Greathead, &c. Trustees for the use of certain reduced Officers under the late Lord Fair­fax, foure thousand pounds. To Colonel Barton, one thousand three hundred ninety five pounds nineteen shil­lings two pence. To Collonel Mitton, one thousand eight hundred ninety seven pounds. To the County of Lincolne, two thousand foure hundred and fifty pounds. To the reduced Officers, fifteen thousand nine hundred and six pounds eight shillings four pence. To Sir William Lister knight, five hundred pounds. To the Lord Gray of Warke, one thousand threescore nine pounds ten shil­ling. To Sir William Waller knight, eight hundred forty one pounds ten shillings. To Collonel Mitton, in case he [Page 37] hath received no part hereof out of the growing rents of the Delinquents estates or otherwise since the said sum was charged upon the Compositions of particular De­linquents at Goldsmiths-hall, five thousand pounds. To the City of York, four thousand eighty pounds. To the county of Darby, two thousand four hundred fifty pounds. To Richard Winwood Esq; rest unpaid of five hundred pounds, with interest one hundred fifty pounds. To Major Samuel Birch, five hundred pounds. To Sir Francis Knollis, Zouch Tate, &c. Trustees, to the use of Mistris Elizabeth Burghill widow and her chil­dren by her late husband, of the sum of two thousand eight hundred twenty six pounds, two parts amounting to one thousand eight hundred fourscore and four pounds transferred for the benefit of her children. To the Treasurers of the Adventurers, for the Additionall Forces for Ireland by Sea, or to the Lord Forbes, &c. one thousand seven hundred four pounds seventeen shil­lings four pence. To William Sikes with interest four thousand pounds. To Philip Skippon field Marshall, with interest five hundred pounds. To Alderman Pen­nington, fifteen hundred pounds. To the Lady Viscountesse Moore, one thousand pounds. To the Lady Vere, one thou­sand pounds. To Sir Robert Harley, &c. The Committee of Hereford, six thousand seven hundred forty pounds, whereof seven hundred fifty pounds to Collonel Birch. To the Committee of Petitions where Mr. Goodwin hath the chair, for the use of divers Scots Officers, with interest, five thousand seven hundred six pounds eighteen shillings penny half penny. And be it enacted that all and every the sum and sums aforesaid, due and payable from or out of either or both of the aforesaid Receipts, and transferred by this Act from the afore­said [Page 38] said securities, shall be satisfied and paid to the re­spective person or persons, bodies politique and cor­porate, their Assignee or Assignees, out of such monies as shall be raised by the sale of the Honors, Mannors, Lands, Tenements, and Hereditaments of the Deans and Chapters, and others the persons before mentioned, together with the sum of six hundred thousand pound to be advanced and secured by vertue of this Act, or so much thereof as shall bee advanced and secured by the Treasurers named and appointed herein, or by the purchasing of them, or any part of them (advowsons and impropriations excepted.) And the said Treasurers are hereby authorized and required to proceed to give satisfaction, or make payment to the respective Cre­ditors,Creditors pow­er to assig [...] their right to any person. his or their Assignee or Assignees accordingly. And be it further enacted and ordained, That it shall and may be lawful to and for any of the creditors or persons, their Assignee or Assignees of any sum or sums of mo­ney, for which by this Act, the Lands of the Deanes and Chapters, and other persons before mentioned, are given for security, or with which the premises are here­by charged and made liable to satisfie or pay, to assign his or their right, title or interest in any sum or sums of money so due unto him or them, to any person or persons whatsoever, and that every such assignee or as­signees shall have like liberty, right, title, and advantage to all intents and purposes as is due and of right belong­ing to any of the aforesaid Creditors or persons, or their assignes. And be it further enacted and ordained,Creditors that purchase to de­salk what is due to them. that if any of the aforesaid Creditors or persons, their Heirs, Executors, or Administrators, or the Assignee or Assignees of them or any of them to whom any sum of money is due as aforesaid, shall become a purchaser or [Page 39] purchasers of any of the premises, that it shall and may be lawfull for any or every of them to defalk or detain any money as shall be due to him or them as aforesaid, upon any or every purchase that hee or they shall make of the premises or any part thereof, if the sum to him or them due as aforesaid, shall not exceed the value of the purchase or so much thereof as the same shall a­mount unto; and the Register Accomptant is hereby au­thorised and required from time to time, and as often as need shall require, to ascertaine and certifie to the Treasurers the principall debt, and also the interest there­of, that at the time of payment for the purchase of any of the premises purchased by any of the aforesaid cre­ditors, or persons, or the Assignee or Assignees of any of them, shall be due according to such rates or consi­derations of interest, as by this Act is allowed, or other­wise is due and appointed to be paid by any other Act or Ordinance of Parliament to any of the creditors or persons, their Assignee or Assignees of the severall and respective sum and sums transferred, altered, and re­moved, as aforesaid, whose certificate or certificates shall be a sufficient warrant for the said Treasurers to allow the same upon any or every purchase or purchases, that they or any of them shall make of the premises or any part thereof, and the said Treasurers are here­by authorized and required to allow the same accor­dingly. Provided, that these severall sums hereafterSeverall su [...] of mony not [...]o be allowed i [...] [...] part of pur­chase, money mentioned, viz. To Collonell Massey, with interest, nine hundred forty four pounds four shillings two pence. To Collonell Birch with interest for Ireland, eight hun­dred fifty seven pounds four shillings eight pence. To Merchant Adventurers Company with interest, thirteen thousand eight hundred and foure pounds. To Ma­jor [Page 40] for Generall Brown with interest, five thousand pounds. To Ely and Crowland with interest, four thousand one hundred thirty eight pounds five shillings six pence. To Adam Aires for Northern Officers, three thousand five hundred twenty six pounds twelve shil­lings, formerly charged upon the Excise, and now transferred upon the security of Dean and Chapters Lands. As also the severall sums hereafter mentioned, (viz.) To Major Generall Massey, assigned to Mr. Let­thevilier, one thousand pounds. To Major Generall Brown, four thousand sixteen pounds. To Adam Eire, Thomas Greathead, &c. Trustees for the use of certaine reduced Officers under the late Lord Fairfax, foure thousand pounds. To the City of Yorke, four thou­sand and fourscore pounds. To the County of Der­by, two thousand four hundred and fifty pounds. To Sir Robert Harley, &c. the Committee of Hereford, six thousand seven hundred and forty pounds, whereof seven hundred and fifty pounds to Colonell Birch. To the Committee of Petitions, where Master John Goodwin hath the chair, for the use of divers Scots Officers, with interest, five thousand seven hundred and six pounds, formerly charged on the grand Receipt of Goldsmiths­hall, and now transferred upon the security of Dean and Chapters Lands as aforesaid, or any of them, shall not be allowed or taken by the Trustees, Register Ac­comptant or Treasurers appointed by this Act, in part of the purchase money upon any purchase so to be made of the premises, by this present Act appointed to be sold, or any part thereof, save only such of the said severall [...]summes or such part thereof as the Parliament or such Committee as the Parliament shall appoint for that purpose, shall first allow of and [Page 41] approve as just and fit to be allowed. And be it furtherAlderman Fowke Comp­troller of al [...] en [...]es, receipts and payments. Enacted, That Iohn Fowke Alderman of the the City of London, shall be Comptroller of all Entries, Receipts, and Payments, which shall be made to, or by the said Treasurers; And shall have power and authority by himself, or his sufficient Deputies to keep accompt of all Entries, Receipts, Payments and discompts whatso­ever, which shall be made unto or by the said Treasurers, and the said Comptroller and his Deputies shall execute the said place of a Comptroller in relation unto the said premises, according to such instructions and directions as are given to the Comptroller for the Receipts of Bishops Lands; by an Ordinance of Parliament of the sixteenth of November, One thousand six hundred forty six. And be it further Enacted and Ordained, That the house in the Old Iury London, called Sir Richard Gurneys house, or some such other place as the said Tru­stees shall think fitting, shall be the place where th [...] said severall and respective persons shall and may transact the said service, and put in execution this Act. And be it lastly enacted and ordained, That the said Trustees doe forthwith cause this present Act to be printed and published. Provided also, and be it enacted and ordained, That no person or persons who have or hath any debt transferred from either of the securities aforesaid; his orTransferred debts not a­lowed wi [...]hout doubling the like sum. their Assignee or Assignees, being a purchaser with­in this Act, shall have allowance of such debt by the Trustees, Register Accomptant, or Treasurers afore­said in part of the moneys to be paid for the purchase of the premises, under the rate of fifteen yeers purchase of Lands in possession, and for reversion in proportion [...]ereunto, unlesse such person or persons, his or their Assignee or Assignees, shall first advance the like sum in [Page 42] ready money by way of doubling in such sort as other persons by this Act have liberty to do. Provided also, & it is further enacted and declared, that the respective pur­chasers of the Mannors and Lordships of the late Dean and Chaprers, their heirs and assignes, and respective pur­chasers of the Mannors and Lordships of the late Arch­bishops and Bishops, their heirs and assignes, shall be, and are hereby made, constituted, and adjudged lawfull Pa­trons of the respective Advowsons and Benefices, with cure, within any of the Mannors and Lordships so by them purchased, or which shall hereafter be purchased in as ample manner to all intents and purposes, as the said Deans and Chapters, and the said Archbishops and Bi­shops respectively at any time were since the third of No­vember, in the year of our Lord, One thousand six hun­dred and forty, untill the Parliament shall take further order: Provided, that for the countenancing and advan­cing of the profession of reformed Religion, The Com­mons of England in Parliament assembled, do Enact and Ordain, That the French Congregation in and about the City of London, shall have and enjoy the Chappell for­merlySr. Anthonies Hospi [...]all for the French Congregation. called Saint Anthonies Hospitall in Thred-needlers street, and now commonly called the French Church in London, to meet in for religious worship. And be it fur­ther enacted, That the Trustees named in this Act, their heirs and assigns, shall stand and be seized of the reversion of a house adjoining to the said Chappell, now in the pos­session of one Master Swain, his affignee or assignees, to the use of such person or persons as from time to time shal be Minister or Ministers of the said Congregation, & no lon­ger: and such Minister, or Ministers shal have, hold, & en­joy the same as aforesaid and not otherwaies; and that the Deacons of the said French Congregation for the time [Page 43] being, shall have and receive for the use of the poore be­longing to the said Congregation all the rent and rents now issuing out of the premises. Provided also, that the house wherein Doctor Steward late Prebend of Westmin­ster lived, and adjoining to the Abby of Westminster, with the appurtenances thereof, shall bee, and hereby is setled and vested in the Trustees herein named, and in the Survi­vors of them, and in the heirs and assignes of the Survivor of them for ever, for the use of the Serjeant at Arms at­tending the Parliament for the time being, to be held and enjoyed by him as incident to his Office, in as ample manner as the Deans and Chapter of Westminster, their assignes or under-tenants heretofore have, or lawfully might have enjoyed the same. Provided, that this Act, or any thing therein contained, shall not extend to the dwelling houses and gardens setled by the Committee appointed by Ordinance of Parliament for the Colledge of Westminster, upon the two Ministers that preach on the Lords dayes in the Abby Church there.

Die Lunae, 30 April. 1649.

ORdered by the Commons assembled in Parliament, that this Act be forthwith printed and published:

Hen. Scobell Cler. Parliament.

Die Sabbathi, 12 Maii, 1649.

ORdered by the Commons assembled in Parliament, That the Trustees for Lands and Possessions of Deanes, Deanes and Chapters, &c. be required to send Co­pies of the Act of this present Parliament, for abolishing of Deans, Deans and Chapters, Canons, Prebends, and other Offices and Titles of, or belonging to any Cathedrall or Collegiate Church or Chappell, within England and Wales, to the Sheriffes of the several Counties; And that they bee required to publish the same accordingly, and to return an Accompt of their doing therein to the said Trustees.

Hen. Scobelt, Cleris. Parliament.

Die Sabbathi, 2 Iunii, 1649.
INSTRVCTIONS FOR The Trustees, Treasures, and Regi­ster Accomptant for the sale of Dean and Chapters Lands, for the admitting such as have moneys owing them by the Parliament to double the same upon the credit of the Lands of the Deans and Chapters.

ANy three or more of the Trustees, shall and may allow any Pub­lique-faith Bils, or the debts and sums admitted to be doubled up­on the security of the Lands of the Deans and Chapters.

All persons that were admit­ted to double by vertue of an Or­dinance of Parliament of the Thirteenth day of May, 1647. on the Bishops Lands, shall and are hereby admitted to double such of their Mo­neys [Page 46] as yet they have not doubled upon the credit of the Dean and Chapters Lands, according to the Rules and instructions given in the said Ordinance.

That the Inhabitants of the Ctty of Sarum, that advan­ced Five hundred pounds to Sir Edward Hungerford, for which they had the Publique Faith, & also Four hundred pounds advanced by them to Sir William Waller, for which they had the Publique Faith, they shall be admitted to double, upon the Security of the Lands of the Deans & Chapters the said respective sums being certified unto the said Trustees under the common Seal of the said Corpo­ration: And all persons that did advance any sum or sums of money towards the raising of the said respective sums, are to have the benefit of the said security here, or the advancing the proportion of moneys for doubling the same

That the summe of Five hundred pounds ad vanced by severall Inhabitants of the Towne of Malborough, up­on the Speakers Letter of the House of Commons, shall be admitted to double on the said Security, the said sum being certified to the said Trustees, under the Seal of the said Corporation, and all persons of the said Towne, that did advance any summe or summes of money to­wards the raising of the said summe, are to have the be­nefit of the said security proportionably, he or they ad­vancing their proportions of money for doubling the same; and also all such moneys as were advanced by the Inhabitants of the said Towne, for the service of the Parliament, for which they have the hands of Sir Ed­ward Hungerford, Sir Nevil Pool, Philip Smith, Esquire and or any two of them.

All such persons who have delivered in Armes or Ammunition into the Publique Stores of this Nation, and have Orders from the Committee of Safety, to [Page 47] be paid for them by Sir Gilbert Gerard, and are not yet satisfied, shall be admitted to double [...]n the said security.

That one hundred thousand pounds of the moneys advanced for the purchase of Lands in Ireland, shall be admitted to bee doubled upon the Security of the Deans and Chapters Lands, and that such Advancers, their Assignee or Assignees, shall be allowed six pound per cen­tum by the yeare, from the time the moneys was ad­vanced, and that the receipts under the hands of the Treasurers at Guildhall for Ireland, or two of them, shall be a sufficient warrant to the Trustees to allow the same: And where severall persons have joyned toge­ther to advance a considerable summe of money, for the purchase of Lands in Ireland, and have intrusted and made use of the name of some one or more person or persons as Trustees, by reason of which the whole summe advanced stands charged, as if he or they in­trusted were the onely advancer or advancers thereof, That such particular Lender or Lenders may have the benefit of doubling his or their moneys, (the certifi­cate of the person or persons entrusted as aforesaid, who stands charged as Purchaser in the Treasury, for the receipt of the said moneys) of the particular sum that any person adventured as aforesaid, shall be a sufficient War­rant to the Trustees, to allow such person or persons to double his or their moneys upon the credit of the said Lands: And whereas severall persons have joyned to­gether to procure an Assignement or Assignments from any of the immediate Purchasers of the said Lands, and have taken the Assignment or Assignments, in the name of one or more persons in trust, the certificate of him or them to whom such Assignment was made, shall be a sufficient Warrant for the Trustees to allow such [Page 48] person or persons to double his moneys as aforesaid.

And where any particular person hath joyned with any Body Politique or Corporate, for the raising of any Moneys for the Purchasing Lands in Ireland, or have made use of their Names in trust for them, That a cer­tificate under the Seal of the said Corporation or Body Politique, shall be a sufficient warrant for the said Tru­ste [...]s, to admit such person or persons to double their respective summes upon the said Deans and Chapters Lands.

Provided, That if such person or persons can make appeare unto the said Trustees, the certaine summe of Money that he or they hath lent, and intrusted in the Name of any Incorporation or Body Politique, that then the said Trustees shall and may admit such per­son or persons to double their Moneys upon the said Lands as aforesaid, so as such person or persons doe pay in his or their moneys within tenne dayes after he shall be admitted, and procure a certificate under the Seal of such Corporation within forty dayes after the paying in of the said Moneys; and in default thereof, he or they shall forfeit the respective summes of Moneys paid in, unlesse they shall shew some just cause unto the Trustees, to have some further time given them. Pro­vided, that such person or persons that are immediate Purchasers, their Assignee or Assignees, doe sufficiently convey, or release their Right in the Lands purchased to the said Trustees.

And such as have intrusted any other person or per­sons to purchase for them, or to their Assignee for them, shall procure from their person or persons in­trusted, a Declaration under his or their Hand and Seal of the trust: And shall likewise convey or release all [Page 51] his Right and Interest in the said Lands to the said Trustees.

Whereas One hundred thousand pounds was lent by severall Companies of the City of London, for the re­payment of which, they have the Engagement of the Parliament; such of the said Companies that have ad­vanced any summe towards the raising of the said One hundred thousand pounds, shall be admitted to double the summe lent by them as aforesaid, and shall be al­lowed Interest, according to Eight pounds per cent. for the same from the time that it was paid in to the Chamber of the City of London: And where any particu­lar Member of any of the said Companies hath advanced any summe of Moneys, for and towards the raising of the said One hundred thousand pounds, shall likewise be admitted to double upon the Security of the said Lands, and be allowed Interest as aforesaid: And the Master, and any one Warden, and in the absence of the Master, any two Wardens of the respective Companies, shall certifie into the Chamber of the City of London, the Name of each Member of their Company, who hath been a Lender as aforesaid, and the particular Summe so lent; and that the Chamberlaine of the City of Lon­don or his Deputy, doe and shall certifie the same, as also the grosse summes lent by the Particular Compa­nies, unto the said Trustees and the certificate of either of them shall be a sufficient Warrant to the said Tru­stees, to allow the same, upon doubling on the securi­ty of the Deans and Chapters Lands.

That all persons that live within twenty miles of Lon­don, and intend to double and have the advantage of these Instructions, shall bring in their moneys within thirty dayes: and others that live at a further distance, [Page 50] by the tenth of Iuly: And be it Enacted and Ordained That all and every the person and persons, bodies Poli­tique or Corporate, their Executors, Administrators and Assignes, who are hereby admitted to double by vertue of these Instructions, shall have and enjoy the like bene­fits and advantages, to all intents, and purposes in the purchasing of the Deans and Chapters Lands, as if they had been named in the Act for the abolishing Deans and Chapters in England and Wales.

Die Sabbathi, 2 Junii, 1649.

Resolved, &c.

THat all such persons as come in, and double their moneys upon purchase of Deans and Chapters Lands, within the times limited by the Instructions, shall be allowed after the rate of eight pound per cent. per an­num, for forbearance of their said moneys: But such as shal not come in, & double their moneys within the times limited by the said Instructions, shall have only after the rate of six pounds per cent. for forbearance of their mo­neys.

Die Mart is, 5 Junii, 1649.

REsolved (upon the question) by the commons as­sembled in Parliament, That ten dayes further time be added to the time limited in the Instructions passed on Saturday last, for all such persons as live within twen­ty Miles of London to come in, and double their moneys on Deans and Chapters Lands, and that the Trustees and Treasurers do admit the same accordingly.

Die Martis, 19 Iunii, 1649.

BE it Enacted and Ordained by the Commons of England in Parliament assembled, That in lieu of the respective salaries of three pence in the pound, by Act of this present Parliament, allowed to the Trustees and Contractors, (other then the Treasurers) for sale of Lands and possessions of the late Deans, Deans and Chapters, and other persons in the said Act mentioned; The respective Purchasers of any the said Lands and possessions, upon signing their respective Contracts, shall in part of their purchase mo­ney, pay six pence in the pound of the whole pur­chase money to the said Contractors, or such person or persons, as they or any five or more of them shall ap­point; who from time to time shall pay the moiety of all such sum and sums so received, to the said Trustees, or such as they, or any five or more of them shall appoint: And whatsoever shall be so paid by any such Purchaser or Purchasers, shall be defalked by every such Purcha­ser respectively in part of their respective purchase mo­neys; and upon a Certificate of the Receipt thereof, made to the Treasurers in the said Act named, or any two of them, by any five or more of the said Contractors, the said Treasurers are hereby required and authorised to al­low of the same to the said respective Purchasers, in part of their respective purchase mony, and make Certificates thereof to the said Trustees accordingly, The aforesaid Act or any Clause, Sentence or thing therein contained to the contrary thereof in any wise notwithstanding.

Hen. Scobell Cler. Parliament.

Die Mercurii, 20 Iunii, 1649.

BE it Enacted by the Authority of this pre­sent Parliament, That Philip Earle Pem­brooke, Edward Lord Howard of Estcreek, Lord Gray, William Lord Monson, Sir Wil­liam Masham, Sir Arthur Heselrigge Baro nets, Sir Peter Wentworth Knight of the Bath, Sir John Beachier, Sir William Brereton, Sir Iohn Davers, Sir Iames Harrington, Sir Thomas Wroth, Sir William Al­lanson Knights, Cornelius Holland, Robert Reignolds, Francis Allen, Thomas Pury, William Say, Edmund Har­vey, Thomas Scot, Iames Challenor, Nicholas Love, Iohn Dove, Iohn Ven, Iohn Carew, Augustine Garland, William Stevens, [...] Boone, Iohn Iones, Iohn Corbet, William White, Nicholas Leechmeere, Miles Corbet, Thomas Lister Esquires, Isaac Pennington, Thomas Atkin, and Rowland Wilson, Aldermen of the City of London, Augustine Skinner, Abraham Burrell, George Thompson, Nathaniel Rich, Iohn Goodwin, Luke Hodges, Robert Aldworth, Iohn Feilder, Humphrey Edwards, and Nicho­las Gold shall be a Committee for removing Obstructi­ons in the Sale of the Lands of the late Archbishops and Bishops, according to the power and authority mentio­ned, expressed, and contained in an Ordinance of Parlia­ment, of the 21 of November, 1648. in that Case made, And the said Committee, or any five or more of them, are hereby impowered and authorized to do, execute, and put in execution all the powers and authorities that are mentioned and contained in the said Ordinance, as [Page 53] fully to all intents and purposes, as the Committee na­med in the said Ordinance might have done: And all and every person and persons to whom the said Ordi­nance doth extend, are hereby required and enjoined to observe the Orders and directions of the said Commit­tee, or any five or more of them, concerning the Pre­mises. And be it further Enacted, and Ordained, That the aforesaid Committee shall likewise be a Committee for removing Obstructions in the sale of the Lands of the Deans, Deans and Chapters, according to the powers and authorities mentioned and contained in an Ordinance of Parliament, of the 21th of November, 1648. for the removing Obstructions in the sale of the Lands of the late Archibishops and Bishops. And that the said Committee or any five or more of them, are hereby likewise impowered and anthorized, in relation to the said service, to doe, execute, and put in execution, all and every the powers and authorities mentioned and con­tained in the said Ordinance, as fully to all intents and purposes, as the Committee named in the said Ordinance might have done; And the Trustees, Contractors, Trea­surers, Comptroller, and all other persons imployed in or about the Premises are hereby required and enjoined to observe the Orders and Directions of the said Com­mittee concerning the Premises.

And bee it further Enacted, That the said Commit­tee, or any five or more of them, shall bee, and are here­by Impowered and Authorized to doe, execute, and put in Execution, the powers and authorities relating to a Committee of Parliament mentioned and contained in the Act for the abolishing of Deans, Deans and Chap­ters, and other Offices and Titles of or belonging to any Cathedrall or Collegiate Church or Chappell in England or Wales.

And be it further Enacted and Ordained, That the Trustees for the Lands of the Deans, Deans and Chapters, named in the said Act, or any five or more of them, shall convey the premises, or any part thereof, unto any Purchaser or Purchasers thereof, according to such particular as shall be certified unto them under the hand of the Register or his Deputy.

And whereas by the said Act, the Trustees for the said Land, their Heirs and Assignes stand seized of the Reversion of a certaine House in Thred-needle street London, in the Possession of one Master Swaine or his Assignes, to the use of such person or persons, as shall be Preacher or Preachers of the French Church in Lon­don, Bee it enacted, that the aforesaid Clause in the said Act shall be void.

And be it Enacted and Declared, That the said Tru­stees, their Heirs and Assignes shall stand and be seized of the Reversion of an House in Thred-needle street Lon­don in the Possession of Master Stint or his Assignee or Assignes, to the use of such person or persons as shall from time to time bee Minister or Ministers of the said French Church in London, according to the intent of the said Act.

Hen. Scobell, Cleric. Parliament.

Die Sabbathi, 23 Iunii, 1649.
An Additionall Instruction to the Trustees, Contractors, Treasurers, and all others concerned in the Sale of Deans and Chapters Lands.

THat liberty be given to all Officers and Soul­diers, who have money due to them in ar­rear from this Common-wealth, for their service in the late Wars, to double the same upon Deans and Chapters Lands, in such manner, and with the same advantages as others are admitted to double, as well by their Assignes as them­selves. Provided, That such Arrears be stated and al­lowed of by the Committee for the Army, or by any o­ther Committee or Commissioners appointed by autho­rity of Parliament for that purpose: And that for the moiety to be advanced in ready money, Interest bee al­lowed after the rate of 8 l. per cent. to all that shall de­sire to double, and doe pay in their money before the 20th of Iuly next, and for the other moiety no Interest to be allowed.

Hen. Scobell, Cler. Parliament.

Die Lunae, 25 Iunii, 1649.
An Additionall Act for in­couragement of Purchasers of Deans and Chapters Lands.

WHereas by an Act of this present Parliament, Entituled, An Act of the Commons of Engl. in Parliament assembled, For the abolishing of Deans, Deans and Chapters, Canons, Pre­bends, and other Offices and Titles, of or be­longing to any Cathedrall or Collegiate Church or Chappel within England or Wales: It is among other things En­acted, That the Contractors (in that Act named) shall not sell any of the Lands, Possessions, or Hereditaments, of the said Deans, Deans and Chapters, and other the persons in that Act mentioned, in possession, under Twelve years purchase, and so in proportion, the Reversi­on, or Reversions of the premises expectant upon estates for Life, Lives, or Years, as in and by the said Act, more at large appeareth. And whereas by the said Act it is further Enacted and Ordained, That no person or per­sons, who hath or have any debt transferred by the said Act from the securities or Receipts of the Grand Excise, [Page 57] or the Receipts for the Compositions of Delinquents at Goldsmiths-hal, his or their Assignee or Assignees being a Purchaser within the said Act, shall have allowance of such debt by the Trustees, Register Accomptant, or Treasurers in that Act named, in part of the monies to be paid for the purchase of the premises, under the rate of Fifteen yeers purchase of Lands in possession, and for Re­versions in proportion thereunto, unlesse such person or persons, his or their Assignee or Assignees shall first advance the like sum in ready money by way of doubling in such sort, as other persons by that Act have liberty to doe. The Parliament of England, taking into consideration, how expedient it is for this Common­wealth, that speedy sale be made of the premises, for the present raising of moneys for, and towards (amongst o­ther things) the speedy transporting the Forces now in readinesse for the relief of Ireland, and thereby easing this Nation of the Freequarter, and other burthens of those Souldiers, as also for the payment of the Debts so transferred, or otherwise fixed upon the premises by Act, or Order of this present Parliament, have for the encou­ragement of Purchasers, Enacted and Ordained, and be it by authority of this present Parliament, Enacted and Ordained, and the said Contractors, or any five or more of them are hereby authorized and impowered to treat, contract, and agree with any person or persons, bodies Politique or Corporate, for the sale of the said premises, or any part thereof, for ready money, or upon doubling in possession at ten years purchase, and not under, and so in proportion for any Reversion or Reversions of the premises expectant, upon any Estate for Life, Lives, or years, and not under, according to the rules and propor­tions set downe, in an Ordinance of the seventeenth of [Page 58] March, 1647. Entituled, An Ordinance of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament, For removing Obstru­ctions in the sale of Reversions of Bishops Lands: And be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That the Contractors, or any five or more of them, are hereby authorized, and impowered to treat, contract, and agree with any person or persons, bodies Politique or Corpo­rate, their Assignee or Assignees, whose debts are trans­ferred, or otherwise fixed upon the premises, as aforesaid, for the sale of the premises, or any part thereof in possessi­on to be paid for, by the debts so transferred, or fixed without doubling as aforesaid, at thirteen yeers purchase, and not under, and so in proportion for any Reversion or Reversions expectant upon Estates, for Life, Lives, or years, and not under, unlesse such person or persons, his or their Assignee, or Assignees, shall first advance the like sum in ready money, or by way of doubling, in such sort as other persons by that Act have liberty to doe: And the Trustees, Treasurers, and Register Accomptant, and all other persons in the said Act named, imployed, or intrusted, in the sale of the premises, are hereby authori­zed and enjoyned to allow of the said Contracts, and the said Trustees to convey the Premises accordingly, any Act, Ordinance, or Law to the contrary in any wise notwithstanding: And for the better encouragement of such as shall desire to become Purchasers of the pre­mises, or any part thereof for ready money, or money advanced by way of doubling, as aforesaid; Be it further Enacted and Ordained, That the said Contractors shall not treat, or contract for the sale of the premises, or any part thereof in possession to be paid for, otherwise then with ready money, or money advanced by way of doub­ling, as aforesaid, untill ten dayes after the return of the [Page 59] Survey of the same; Nor for the sale of the Reversion of any of the premises to be paid for, otherwise then with ready money, or money advanced by way of doubling, as aforesaid, untill ten dayes after the time allowed by the said former Act, to the immediate Tenant or Tenants, for contracting and subscribing their Contracts: And after the said ten dayes respectively, the said Contractors may proceed to the sale of the premises, or any part thereof, not contracted for, within the said ten dayes, as aforesaid, to any person or persons, bodies Politique or Corpo­rate, to bee paid for by the debts so transferred or fixed as aforesaid; any thing in this Act to the contrary notwithstanding.

ORdered by the Commons assembled in Parliament, that this bee forthwith printed and published:

Hen. Scobell Cler. Parliament.

Die Sabbathi, 14 Iulii, 1649.

ORdered by the Commons assembled in Parlia­ment, That the times formerly limited, and now elapsed for bringing in of the Moneys to be doubled, upon the credit of the Deans and Chapters Lands, shall be enlarged and have a continu­ance unto the first day of August next, for all those who live in London, or within twenty miles distant from the same, and unto the tenth day of the same moneth of August, for all others of this Nation, or resident therein; And that all such persons, as well those that adventured for Ireland, as others, as have or shall pay in any Moneys by way of Doubling, before that time shall have interest allowed them, after the rate of 8 l. percent. per annum, as well upon their Bills, where Interest is by the Act to be allowed upon Doubling, as their present money advanced to double the same.

Hen. Scobell. Cleric. Parliament.

Die Martis, 31 Julii, 1649.
AN ACT With further Instructions to the Tru­stees, Contractors, Treasurers, and Register for the sale of the Lands and Possessions of the late Deans, Sub-Deans, Deans and Chap­ers, &c. And for the better, and more speedy execution of the former Acts, Ordinances, and Instructions made concerning the same.

BE it enacted by this present Parlia­ment, and by the Authority of the same; That all and every person and persons, who by an Act of this Parli­ament, Entituled, (An Act of the Commons of England in Parliament assembled, For the abolishing of Deans, Deans and Chapters, Canons, Prebends, and other Offices and Titles, of or belonging to any Ca­thedrall or Collegiate Church or Chappell, within England or Wales) are not disabled to hold or use the [Page 62] Place, Function, Office, Title or Stile of Precentor, or any other Title, Stile, Place, Function or Office, of orPrecentors dis­abled to hold the office or [...]. belonging to any Cathedrall or Collegiate Church or Chappell, within England or Wales, the Town of Ber­wick upon Tweed, and Isles of Guernsey and Iersey, or any of them, are, and be from the Nine and twentieth day of March, in the year of our Lord, 1649. disabled to hold the same, or any such Place, Function, Office, or Stile asThe Mannors, Lands, Recto­ries, Parsonages &c. the Tru­ste [...]s are vested in. aforesaid; And that all Mannors, Lands, Tenements, Rectories, Parsonages, Vicarages, Advowsons, Donati­ons, Nominations, rights of Patronage, and Presentati­on, Tithes, Parkes, Commons, Annuities, Rents, Rever­sions, Services, Courts Leets, Courts Baron, and other Courts, Franchises, Liberties, Priviledges, and Immunities, Rights of action and entry, conditions, and all other Possessions, and Hereditaments, with their and every of their appurtenances, of what nature or quality soever they be, which now are, or at any time within ten years before the beginning of this present Parliament of right were belonging to every or any such Precentor, or other person or persons aforesaid; and which they, or any of them had held or enjoyed in right, or by reason of his or their said Place, Function, Office, Title, Stile, or imployment respectively; together with all Charters, Deeds, Court-rolls, Accompts, Evidences, and Wri­tings belonging to them, or any of them, which con­cerne the same premises, or any of them, shall be, and are hereby vested and setled, and are hereby adjudged to bee, and shall be deemed and taken to bee in the reall and actuall possession and seisin of Sir Iohn Wollaston Knight, Thomas Noel, William Hobson, Thomas Arnold, Owen Roe, Stephen Estwicke, Robert Titchborne, George Langham, Iohn Stone, Mark Hildsley, Iohn White, William Wyb [...]rd, [Page 65] Daniel Taylor, William Rolfe, & Rowland Wilson Esquires (Trustees in the said recited Act named) their Heirs & As­signs; And that they the said Trustees, & the Survivor & Survivors of them, and his and their Heires and Assignes, shall from henceforth hold such of the premises (hereby setled and vested in them) and such of the Mannours, Lands, Tenements, and Hereditaments, by the said re­cited Act, vested in the said Trustees, and their Heirs, as on the eight and twentieth day of March last past, were holden of any Common person, or persons by the same tenures, Rents and Services, by which the same were then held; And shall from henceforth hold all the rest of the said Mannors, and premises (aswell those which are here­by, as those which by the said recited Act, are vested or setled in the said Trustees and their Heires) of the Mannor of East Greenwich, in free and Common Socage, by feal­tyThe Mannor of East Greenwich. only, and not by any other tenure or service whatso­ever: And that they the said Trustees, and the Survivor and Survivors of them, and his and their heirs shall from henceforth stand seized of all the said Mannors, Lands, Tenements, Hereditaments, and other things hereby or by the said recited Act vested in them, and their Heirs as aforesaid (except Rectories, Parsonages, Vicarages, and such other things as in the said Act are excepted) to theWhat things are excepted, and the uses and purposes thereof. uses, intents, and purposes herein, and hereafter declared, and not upon any other trust, nor to any other use, intent, or purpose whatsoever that is to say) that out of the money which shall be raised by the sale of such of the premises as shall be sold, and out of the Rents, Revenues, issues, and profits of the premises which shall grow due before such sale: The severall summes of money, which hereby, or by the said Act are, or are intended to be paid and satisfied; together with all charges to be paid or [Page 64] borne, for or by reason of the execution of the trust in them reposed (and not otherwise provided for) may be paid and satisfied; and after the same shall be made and satisfied, They, and the Survivors, and survivor of them, his and their heires shall stand seised of the residue of the premises, then remaining undisposed of, for the use and benefit of the Common-wealth, as by the Parliament shall be appointed. And it is hereby further enacted, in all things (not hereby otherwise directed) which concern the premises hereby vested or setled in the said Trustees, and their Heirs, and the rents, issues, and profits thereof, or which have reference thereunto, as in and by the said recited Act, and such other Acts and Instructions as have been since that made, or given; it is enacted concerning the Mannors, Lands, Tenements, Hereditaments, and other things by the said first recited Act vested, or setled in the said Trustees, and their Heirs, and the rents, issues, and profits thereof, or any other thing in reference there­unto; and that the said Trustees, Contractors, Treasurers, and Register respectively, and all Purchasers and others whom it doth or shall concerne, shall have the like Powers, Priviledges, and Authorities in all things, and are hereby authorized, and impowered, to have and doe, all such, and the like Acts and things, in reference to the premises hereby vested, or setled in the said Trustees, and their Heirs, and the Rents, Issues and profits thereof, in the like sort, as they have, or may doe by force of the said other Acts and Instructions, in reference to the premises by the said first recited Act, vested or setled in the said Trustees and their Heirs, and the Rents, Issues, and Profits thereof.

And it is further enacted by the Authority aforesaid; that such of the Contractors, named in the first recited [Page 65] Act, who on or before the first day of December, 1641. inContractors that have any legall [...]erme in the premises may purchase. his or their owne right had, and now hath, or which before, or since that, as executor or Administrator to any other had, and now hath, any legall terme in any of the premises hereby, or by the said first recited Act vested in the said Trustees and their Heirs, may purchase the Reversion and Inheritance thereof, without incuring any of the forfeitures expressed in the said Act; and shall have and enjoy such and the like benefit, discharges, liber­ties and advantages in reference thereunto, as any other Purchaser of any of the premises may, or ought to have and enjoy any thing in the said first recited Act to the contrary notwithstanding. Provided, in the cases afore­said; That the Committee of Obstructions, or any five or more of them shall make the Contract, according to the Rules, and values in the first recited Act mentioned: And Provided also, that no Contractor doe procure himselfe to bee an Executor or Administrator, by fraud or Coven, thereby to obtaine an interest of a Reversion or Reversions, to become a Purchaser. And it is hereby further Enacted, that the said Trustees, Contractors, Treasurers, & Registers named in the said first recited Act, and all other persons, bodies Politique & Corporate, and every of them shall in reference to the premises hereby, or by the same first recited Act vested, or setled in the said Trustees, and their heirs, and in all things touching the same, observe and pursue, and have the benefit of these Instructions following (viz.)

I. That the times formerly limited, and now neereThe time en­larged for bringing in the moneys to be doubled. elapsed for bringing in of the moneys to be doubled upon the Credit of the Deans and Chapters lands shall be enlarged, and have continuance unto the last day of [Page 66] August, 1649. for all those who live in London, or within twenty miles distant from the same, and unto the last day of September following for all others of this Nation, or resiant therein.

II. That all persons, Bodies Politique and Corporate,Monyes advan­ced for purcha­sing Rebells lands in Ireland admitted to be doubled. whose moneys advanced for the purchase of the Rebells lands in Ireland, are admitted to be doubled upon the Credit of the said Deans and Chapters Lands, who have, or shall within the times hereby before limited, double the same, and bring in their moneys, shall have allowance for the same, after the rate of Eight pounds per cent. per annum: from the time of their first advance thereof, and shall have their Bills cast up accor­dingly.

III. That the Receipt or Certificate of the highMoneys ad­vanced in seve­rall Counties admitted of. Sheriffs of the severall Counties and Cities, who by the Act for the speedy reducing of the Rebels in Ireland, were authorized to receive moneys advanced in their respe­ctive Counties, for purchase of the said Rebells Lands, and to give Receipts for the same: As likewise the Re­ceipt or Certificate of the Treasurers at Grocers-hall As also the mo­ney advanced a Grocers-hall. London, for moneys advanced, and paid to their Trea­sury upon the purchase of the said Rebells lands, or any two of them shall be a warrant to the said Tru­stees, to admit to double upon, in like manner as the Receipts or Certificates of the Treasurers of those mo­neys at Guild-hall, or the Survivor of them are directed or intended to bee.

IV. That all such Merchant Strangers, Mariners,Merchant Strangers and Mariners ad­mi [...]ted to dou­ble. and others who advanced moneys for the reliefe and preservation of Ireland, and paid the same into the Chamber of London, in the yeare 1642. and their [Page 67] Assignes, bringing unto the said Trustees a Receipt or Certificate for the same, under the hand of the Chamberlaine of London, or his Deputy for the time being, shall be, and hereby is admitted to double the same, with the interest thereof, upon the credit of the said Deans and Chapters Lands, and shall have such al­lowance of interest, and the like priviledges & advantages, as any others admitted to double have, or ought to have.

V. That all such persons who raised or furnishedTh [...]se admit­ted to double that raised and furnished horse for the preservation of the City of London. any Horse with, or without furniture, for the pre­servation of the City of London, which were listed, and valued by Commissary Thomas Walker, and after­wards sent out into the Publique service, and there continued or lost, and not returned to the owners, shall by themselves, or their Assignes, upon producing to the said Trustees a Certificate thereof, under the hand of the Collonel, or Major of the Regiment, or Captaine, or other chief Officers of the Troope, wherein the said Horses were abroad in the Publick Service, bee admitted to double the moneys at which the said Horses and furniture were valued by the said Commissary, as moneys owing upon the Publick Faith, upon the credit of the said Deans and Chapters Lands; and shall have such Allowances, Priviledges, and Advantages, as other persons admitted to doubling have.

VI. That the Register, or his Deputy, or any of hisWhat the Re­gister may make a particular of. Clerks, shall not make forth any particular upon any Sur­vey but upon such only, as shall be first allowed and sign­ed by the Surveyor Generall, according to which Sur­veys so allowed and signed, particulars shall be made, and not otherwise.

[Page 68]VII. That the Contractors or any of them, shallVpon what particular the Contractors may contract for. not make any Contract upon any particular but such only, as shall bee first signed by the Register or his sworne Deputy, and every particular so made and signed shall be a good, and sufficient warrant to the Contractors, or any five or more of them, to contract upon for the sale of all or any of the Lands, Tene­ments, Hereditaments, and other things therein com­prized.

VIII. That the Contractors, or any five or moreConveyances to be sealed to the purchasers. of them, after any such Contract made upon any such particular rated, and signed by the Register, or his sworne Deputy, shall thereupon by writing under their hands, to be subscribed under such particular, attest that Contract, and make request, and give warrant to the Trustees, or any five or more of them to draw up and seal Conveyances thereupon to the Purchasers, whereup­on the Register or his Deputy (having first entred the same, and all proceedings thereon) shall deliver the same to the Trustees, or any five or more of them, who are hereby authorized to make and seal Conveyances ac­cordingly.

IX. That the said Trustees, or any five or moreTrustees to no­minate Recei­vers for the Rents, issues, &c. of them, shall from time to time by writing, or writings under their hands and seals, nominate and appoint such and so many Receivers, as they shall thinke fit to receive the rents, Issues, and profits of the premises, which by this or the said first recited Act are vested, or setled in the said Trustees and their Heirs; and from time to time when, and as oft as they shall think fit, remove them, or any of them, and nominate and appoint others in their stead and place; [Page 69] and shall take of every such Receiver such securi­ty as they shall thinke fit, for payment into theTrustees to give allowance to the Recei­vers. Treasury, of so much as from time to time shall bee received by every of those Receivers respectively. And the said Trustees, or any five or more of them are hereby authorized to make, and give such Al­lowances to every such Receiver for his Service there­in, as shall bee allowed of, with the approbation of the Committee of Obstructions, or any five or more of them; And for payment thereof, and of such Fees and Allowances, as the said Trustees, or any five or more of them, are by the first recited Act authorized to give, or make, the said Trustees, or any five or more of them, are hereby authorized from time to time to make Warrants under their hands to the Treasurers, or any two of them; who are hereby required, and authorized out of the moneys which shall bee paid into the Trea­sury to pay the same accordingly; And that the said Trustees, Contractors, Treasurers, and Re­gister, and e [...]ery of them respectively, and all o­thers whom it may concerne, in relation to theRelation to former Acts [...]nd Instructions. premises, which by this or by the said first reci­te [...] Act are [...]sted or setled in the said Trustees, or their H [...]s, shall have the like powers and Autho­rities, [...]d are in all things not hereby, or by the said first re [...]te [...] Act, or such other Acts or Instru­ctions, as have be [...]n since that made, otherwise di­rected, to proceed in like sort, and to observe the like Rules and I [...]tructions, as the Trustees, Con­tractors, Treas [...]rers, Re [...]ster, or other Persons, for or concerning the late Bishops lands, have or may, [Page 70] or might by force or vertue of any ordinance of Parliament, to have, doe, or observe in relation to those Lands.

ORdered that this Act be forthwith Printed and Published.

Hen. Scobell Cleric. Parliament.

The Table of severall Acts for abolishing Deans, Deans and Chapters, &c.

  • Aprill. 30. 1649. AN Act for the abcl [...]shing Deans, Deans and Chapters, Cannons, &c. pag. 1.
  • May 12. 1649. An Order of the Trustees should send copies of this Act to the Sheriffes. p. 44.
  • June 2. 1649. Instructions for the Trustees, Treasures, and Register Accomp­tant. p. 45.
  • June 2. 1649. Resolved that such persons as double their moneys upon pur­chase, according to the Instructions shall be allowed 8 per cent. p. 50.
  • June 5. 1649. Resolved that ten days time be further added for doubling of Monies. p. 50.
  • June 19. 1649. An Act concerning the Salarie of the Trustees and Contra­ctors, &c. p. 51.
  • June 20. 1649. An Act appointing a Committee for removing Obstrustions. p. 52.
  • June 23. 1649. An Add [...]tionall Instruction to the Trustees, Contractors, &c. concerning sale of Dean and Chapters Lands. p. 55.
  • 25. June, 1649. An Additionall Act for incouraging of purchasers. p. 56.
  • July 14. 1649. An Order for further enlarging time for doubling. p. 60.
  • July, 31. 1649. An Act with further Instructions to the Trustees, Contra­ctors, p. 65.
The severall ORDINAN …

The severall ORDINANCES AND DECLARATIONS OF THE LORDS and COMMONS ASSEMBLED IN PARLIAMENT: For the abolishing of Archbishops and Bi­shops within the Kingdome of England, and Dominion of WALES.

And for setling of their Lands and Pos­sessions upon Trustees for the use of the COMMON-VVEALTH.

Die Lunae, 23 Novemb. 1646.

IT is this day Ordered by the Lords in Parliament assembled; That the severall Ordinances printed for the sale of the Bishops Lands shall be called in; And that the Trustees therein mentioned, or the major part of them shall take care for the true printing thereof, accor­ding to the said Ordinance, any Order whatsoever notwithstanding.

Joh. Browne Cleric. Parliamentorum.

LONDON, Printed by Richard Cotes, 1649.

Die Vener is 9 Octob. 1646.
An Ordinance of Parliament, for the abolishing of Archbishops and Bishops, within the Kingdom of England, and Dominion of Wales, and for setling of their Lands and Possessions upon Trustees for the use of the Common-wealth.

FOR the abolishing of Archbishops and Bi­shops, and providing for the payment of the just and necessary debts of the King­dom, into which the same hath been drawn by a War, mainly promoted by and in fa­vour of the said Archbishops, and Bishops, and other their Adherents, and Dependents; Be it Ordained, and it is Ordained by the Lords and Commons in Parliament assembled, and by the authority of the same; That theThe name and title abolished. Name, Title, Stile, and Dignity of Archbishop of Can­terbury, Archbishop of York, Bishop of Winchester, Bi­shop of Duresme, and of all other Bishops of any Bishop­ricks within the Kingdom of England, and Dominion of Wales, be from and after the fifth day of September, in the year of our Lord God, 1646. wholly abolished and ta­ken away, and are hereby abolished and taken away. And [Page 72] all and every person and persons are and be theneeforth disabled to hold the place, function, or stile of Arch­bishop, or Bishop of any Church, Sea, or Diocesse, now [...]stablished or erected, or hereafter to be established or e­rected within the Kingdome of England, Dominion of Wales, or Town of Berwick, or to use or put in [...]re any Ar­chiepiscopall or Episcopall Jurisdiction, or authority, by force of any Letters Patents from the Crown, made or to be made, or by any other authority whatsoever, anyThe Lands, possessions, and evidences of Bishops setled in Trustees. Law, Statute, Usage, or Custom to the contrary notwith­standing. And be it further Ordained, and it is hereby Ordained, That all Counties Palatine, Honors Mannors, Lordships, Stiles, Circuits, Precincts, Castles, Granges, Messuages, Mils, Lands, Tenements, Meddows, Pastures, Parsonages, appropriate Tithes, Oblations, Obventions, Pensions, portions of Tithes, Parsonages, Vicarages, Churches, Chappels, Advowsons, Donatives, Nomina­tions, Rights of Patronage and Presentation, Parks, Woods, Rents, Reversions, Services, Annuities, Fran­chises, Liberties, Priviledges, Immunities, Rights of A­ction, and of Entry, Interests, Titles of Entry, Conditions, Commons, Courts Leet, and Courts Baron; and all o­ther Possessions and Hereditaments whatsoever, with all and every of their appurtenances of what nature or quality soever they be, which now are, or at any time within ten years before the beginning of this present Parliament, were belonging to the said Archbishops, or Bishops, Arch­bishopricks, or Bishopricks, or any of them, which they, or any of them had held and enjoyed in the Right of their Archbishopricks, or Bishopricks, Dignities, Offices, or pla­ces respectively; together with all charters, deeds, books, accounts, rolls, and other Writings and Evidences what­soever, concerning the premises, or any of them, which [Page 73] do belong to any the said Archbishops, or Bishops, Arch­bishopricks, and Bishopricks, are vested▪ and setled, ad­judged and deemed to be and are hereby in the reall and actuall possession and seisin of Thomas Adams Alderman now Lord Major of the City of London, Sir Iohn Wolla­ston Knight, Sir George Clarke Knight, John Langham Alderman, Iohn Fowke Alderman, Iames Bunce Alderm.Trus [...]es names William Gibbes Alderman, Samuel Avery Alderman, Thomas Noel, Christopher Pack, Iohn Bellamy, Edward Hooker, Thomas Arnold, Richard Glide, William Hobson, Francis Ash, Iohn Babington, Laurence Bromfield, Alexander Iones, Iohn Iones, Richard Venner, Stephen Estwick, Robert Mead, and Iames Story; their heires and assignes; And that they the said Thomas Adams, now Lord Major of the City of London, Sir Iohn Wollaston Knight, Sir Ge [...]rge Clarke Knight, Iohn Langham Alderman, Iohn Fowke Alderman, Iames Bunce Alderman, William Gibbes Alderman, Samuel Avery Aldorman, Thomas Noel, Chri­stopher Pack, Iohn Bellamy, Edward Hooker, Thomas Ar­nold, Richard Glide, William Hobson, Francis Ash, Iohn Babington, Laurence Bromfield, Alexander Iones, Iohn Iones, Richard Venner, Stephen Estwick, Robert Mead, and Iames Story, and the Survivor and Survivors of them, andThe. Lands which the Bi­shops held of the King to be holden as of the Manor of East Greenwich in soccage. their Heires and Assignes, shall hold all such the premises as are now held of the King, of the King his Heires and successors, as of his Mannor of East Greenwich in Fee and common so [...]cage by Fealty, and the Annuall Rents therefore respectively due, and payable within ten yeares last past, before the beginning of this present Parliament,And the Lands holden of [...]ther Lords, to be holden by the Rents and Services a [...] ­custom [...]d. and not in Capite nor by other Tenures or Services; and shal hold all and every the premises which the said Arch­bishops, and Bishops, held of any other then of the King, by the Rents, and other Services therefore due, and of [Page 74] right accustomed; And the said Trustees, their Heirs, Assignes, Farmers, and Tenants, shall also have, hold, and enjoy the premises, and every of them freed, acquittedAnd disch [...]r­ged of Tithes. and discharged of, and from the payment of Tithes, as fully as the said Archbishops, and Bishops did hold and enjoy, or ought to hold and enjoy the same at any time, during the space of ten years aforementioned, or any time since. And it is further by the same Authority ordained,The Trustees to name Sur­veyors. that the said Trustees shall have power and are authori­zed to make, nominate and appoint from time to time, fit and able persons, such as they shall think fit, to survey the premises in any County or Counties of England andTo put the Deeds in safe custody. Wales, and to hold Court of surveys, and to demand, re­ceive, and in safe custody to put all the said Charters, deeds, books, accompts, rolls, writings, and evidences, that they may be put in such place in the City of Lon­don, as the said persons before named, or the major part of them shall order and appoint; And the said Trustees or any three or more of them, as aforesaid, are hereby authorised and required to administer an Oath unto all and every the Surveyors, who shall take the same before he shall execute the said place, in these words, viz.

I A. B. do swear, that I will faithfully and truely, ac­cording The Survey­ors Oath. to my best skil and knowledg, execute the place of a Surveyor, according to the purport of an Ordinance, entitu­led, An Ordin. of Parliament for the abolishing of Arch­bishops and Bishops within the kingdom of England and Dominion of Wales, and for settling of their Lands and possessions upon Trustees, for the use of the Common­wealth. I shall use my best endeavour and skill to discover the estates therein mentioned, and every part thereof, which shall be given me in charge, and to find out the true values and improvements thereof, and thereof shal make true par­ticulars, [Page 75] according to my best skill and cunning; and the same from time to time to deliver in writing close sealed up unto the said Trustees, or any two of them, according to the true intent an [...] meani [...]g of the said Ordinance; and this I shall justly and faithfully execute, without any gift or reward, directly or indirectly, from any person or persons whatsoever.

Neverthelesse it is declared and ordained, that the saidThe Trust. persons before named, their Heires and Assignes shal have and hold the premises and every of them subject to such trusts and confidence as both Houses of Parliament shal appoint, and declare and dispose of the same, & the rents and profits thereof, as the said Houses shall order and ap­point;Due▪ respect to Tenants. wherein the Lords and Commons do declare, that due respect shal be had towards such persons & their Assigns, as are interessed in the premises by vertue of any demise heretofore made; Provided that the said Trustees, their Heires or Assignes shall not avoid any Leases madeLeases not ex­ceeding three live [...], or 21 years, whereup­on the old rent is reserved, a [...]e [...]ot [...]o bee a­voided. for any Term or estate, not exceeding three lives, or one and twenty yeers in possession, or in such manner as that together with the Lease in being shall not exceed three lives or one and twenty yeers, so as the old and accusto­med rent and rents; or so much rent and rents, as the an­cient and accustomed rent amounteth unto, be reserved payable during the said voidable Term and Terms or e­states, and so as the said Leases have not been procured or purchased of any Bishop, since the first of December, Anno Leases made since the first of December, 1641. by Bi­shops to bee void. Domini▪ 1641. And be it further Ordained by the autho­rity aforesaid, that if any Archbishop, or Bishop, have at any time since the first day of December, Anno Domini, 1641. made any grant or lease to any person or persons, body politique or corporate, of any the Honors, Man­nors, Lordships, Messuages, Lands, Tenements, and He­reditaments, [Page 76] or any other the premises aforesaid, or any of them in right of their Archbishopricks or Bishopricks, the same grant or lease shall be utterly void and of none effect; and the person or persons, body Politique▪ or Cor­porate, unto whom the same was made, shall have no be­nefit thereby; Provided and be it ordained, and it is here­by ordained, that if any person or persons, body Politique or Corporate, at any time or times since the first day of December, in the year of our Lord God, 1641. who had any grant or lease for one or more, life or lives, or any numher of years of the premises or any part thereof, as is aforesaid, and surrendred the same; [...]o the end, that he or they might have a new grant or lease granted or made unto him or them; which by this present Ordinance is made void, and the same was accordingly▪ granted or made unto him or them; That the said person or persons,Those that have surrendred their old, since Decemb. 1641. shall enjoy their old Lea­ses. body Politique or Corporate, who hath surrendered any such former grant or lease, his and their Heirs, Successors, Executors, Administrators, and Assigns, shall have, hold, possesse, and enjoy such time & term, as he or they had in any part of the said premises by vertue of any such former grant, or lease, in such sort & manner as he or they should have, had, held, and enjoyed the same, if no such surrender had been made, subject neverthelesse to such payments of rent and other services, and such covenants, conditions, & agreements as in the said former Grants or Leases wereSaving the right of al per­sons other then the King and Bishops. expressed and contained, saving unto all and every person and persons, their Heirs, Executors, and Administrators, bodies politique and corporate, and their successors, other then the King, his Heirs and Successors, all Archbishops, and Bishops, and other then the founders and donors as founders and donors of and to the said Archbishopricks, and Bishopricks, and their Heirs, all such right, title, in­terest, [Page 77] possession, rights in Law, or equity, entries, annui­ties, commodities, fees, & other profits which they or any of them before the said first day of December, 1641. ought lawfully to have had in, or to the premises or any part or parcell thereof, as if this Ordinance had never been hadSaving [...]o such persons as have adhered to the Parliamen [...] such estates as they have forfeited for non-pay­ment of rent. or made; also saving to all such person or persons as have adhered to the Parliament, all such estate as he or they since the first day of May, An. Dom. 1641. have forfeited or made forfeitable for non-payment of Rent, or not perfor­ming of services to any Bishop or Bishops, excep [...] it be in the case of a Lease made utterly void by this Ordinance, by reason the same hath been procured or purchased of any Bishop since the aforesaid first day of December, Ann. Dom. 1641. and likewise saving to Philip Earl of Pembrook and Mountgomery, and his heirs, all such rights as he and they have to the Messuage called Duresme House, and cer­taineDuresme­house. Stables, late of the possessions of Thomas Bishop of Duresme, scituate in the Parish of St. Martins in the Fields, in the County of Middlesex, lately granted by Act of this present Parliament; this present Ordinance, or any thing therein contained in any wise notwithstanding; Provided also, and it is hereby further ordained by the authority a­foresaid, that all & singular Revenues, Rents, Issues, Fees,Rents payable to charitable uses to be con­tinued. Profits, sums of Money, and allowances whatsoever, as have heretofore been, and now ought to be paid, disposed and allowed unto, and for the maintenance of any Gram­mar-school, or Schollers, or for or toward the reparation of any Church, Chappel, High-way, Cause-way, Brid­ges, School-house, Almes-house or any other charitable or pious use, or for maintaining of any Lecture, or Prea­chers payable out of any the premises, or which are chargeable, or ought to issue out of or to be paid for, or in respect of the said premises, or any of them, shall be [Page 78] and continue to be paid and allowed as they were, and have been heretofore, any thing in this present Ordinance to the contrary in any wise notwithstanding. And it is fur­ther ordained, that the Sheriffe of every County and place who is to attend the respective Courts where any Felony is to be tryed and determined, shall provide and present toSheriffe to pre­sent to the Jud­ges a fit Person to perform the office of the Ordinary. the Judge or Judges of such Courts, some able and fit person to do such things as by the office of the Ordinary have been used to be done; which person and persons shall have authority, and are hereby enjoined to performe that service in such manner as the respective Ordinaries hereto­fore have used to doe. Provided also, that all Commissi­ons upon the Statute of charitable uses, shall be valid, though the Bishop be therein omitted, & the other Com­missionersCommissions upon the Sta­tute of Charita­ble uses. shall proceed therein as fully, as they might have heretofore done, when the Bishop was therein named; and that all Issues tryable by the Ordinary or Bishop, shall be tryed by Jury in usuall course.

Ioh. Brown Cleric. Parliamentorum,
H. Elsynge, Cler. Parl. D. Com,

Die Martis 13. October, 1646.

THe Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament, intend­ing to w [...]se the sum of two hundred thousand pounds, for the present service of the State, for the encouragement of such as shall advance any sum for, and towards the same, and to the in­tent they may have notice thereof, do declare that every per­son who hath advanced any moneys, plate, or horses, with their Furniture and Arms, upon the Publique Faith, may for every sum of money he shall further lend, for the advancement of the said sum, be secured a like sum more out of the Receipt of the Grand Excise in course, and the sale of the Bishops Lands (ex­cept Advowsons and Impropriations) which shall first happen, together with the Interest, after the rate of 81. per centum, per an­num, to be paid every six months out of the Receipts of the Ex­cise, till principall and Interest be fully dicharged. As for ex­ample, If there be owing to any person 100l. Principall, which, with Interest due thereupon for three years past, wil make 124l. he adventuring 124l. more, be secured for the whole 248l. as aforesaid, and so proportionably for a greater or lesser sum, and according to the Interest due thereupon, And for the more speedy re-imbursing of the said Money secured and lent for the purpose aforesaid, That the said Lands of the Bishops (except before excepted) are estated and made over to such Feoffees for the speedy sale thereof, and such Treasurers for the Receipt of the Moneys, as may give satisfaction to the Lenders. And the said Lords and Commons doe Declare, That it shall and may be lawfull for any person or persons to assigne his Right and Inte­restAny person may assign his debt upon the publique Faith in any sum or sums or sums of Money owing to him upon the Pub­lique Faith, as aforesaid, to any person or persons that will ad­vance the like sum, in manner as is before expressed.

Ioh. Brown Cler. Parliamentorum. H. Elsynge Gler. Parl. D. Com.

Die Sabbathi, 14. Novemb. 1646.

BE it Declared by the Lords and Commons in Parlia­mentThe Declarati­on for the manner of pay­ment of the 20 [...]0XI. assembled, That the first hundred thousand pounds which shall be raised, either by the sale of Bishops Lands, or by the credit of the Ordinances which are pas­sed for that purpose, shall be paid to our brethren of Scot­land, upon the Marching of their Army and Forces out of this Kingdom, at such time and place as shall be agreed upon: and the next fifty thousand pounds so raised at the end of three months after the former payment; and fifty thousand pounds more raised as aforesaid, at the end of nine months after the first payment: But in case the latter hundred thousand pounds shall be with more speed pro­cured, the same shall be sooner paid unto them, although there be no engagement for a more speedy payment, then at the times formerly expressed.

H. Elsynge, Cler. Parl. Dom. Com.

Die Lunae Novemb. 16. 1646.
An Ordinance of the Lords and Com­mons assembled in Parliament, for appoint­ing the sale of the Bishops Lands for the use of the Common wealth.

WHereas by an Ordinance of the Lords andRecital of the first Ordinance. Commons made the ninth of October one thousand six hundred forty six, the name, title, stile, and dignity of Archbishop of Can­terbury, Archbishop of York, Bishop of Winchester, Bishop of Duresme, and of all other Bishops of any Bishopricks within the Kingdome of England and dominion of Wales, from the fifth of September, one thou­sand six hundred forty six, is wholly abolished and taken away, and all and every person and persons are disabled to hold the place, function, or stile of Archbishop or Bishop of any Church, Sea, or Diocess, within the kingdom of England and Dominion of Wales, by any authority what­soever; And all Counties Palatine, Honors, Manors, Lands, Tenements, and Hereditaments, and other the pre­mises in the said Ordinance mentioned, were and are ve­sted and setled, adjudged, and deemed to be in the real and [Page 82] actuall possession and seism of Thomas Adams Alderman, then Lord Major of the City of London, Sir Iohn VVolla­ston Knight, Sir George Clarke Knight, Iohn Langham Alderman, Iohn Fowke Alderman, Iames Bunce Alderman, William Gibbes Alderman, Samuel Avery Alderman, Thomas Noel, Christoper Pack, Iohn Bellamy, Edward Hooker, Thomas Arnold, Richard Glide, William Hobson, Francis Ash, Iohn Babington, Laurence Bromfield, Alex­ander Iones, Iohn Iones, Richard Venner, Stephen Estwick, Robert Mead, and Iames Story; their heires and assignes; upon trust and confidence that the said persons before na­med, their heirs and assigns, shall have and hold the pre­mises, and every of them, subject to such trust and confi­dence as both houses of Parliament should appoint, de­clare, and dispose of the same, and the rents and profits thereof, as the said Houses should order and appoint. And whereas the said Lords and Commons the thirteenth of October, one thousand six hundred forty six, have declaredRecita [...]l of the Declaration. they intending to raise the sum of two hundred thousand pounds for the present service of the State, that for the encouragement of such who shall advance any sum, for, & towards the same, and to the intent they might have no­tice thereof, that every person who hath advanced any Money, Plate, or Horses, with their Furniture, and Arms, upon the publique Faith, may for every sum of money he shall further lend for the advancement of the said sum, be secured a like sum more out of the Receipt of the Grand Excise in course, and the sale of the Bishops Lands, (ex­cept Advowsons and Impropriations) which shall first happen, together with all the Interest after the rate of 81. per cent. per annum, to be paid every six months out of the receipts of the Excise, till principall and interest be fully discharged; as for example, if there be owing to any per­son [Page 83] a hundred pounds principall, which with interest due thereupon for three years past will make a hundred twen­ty four pounds, he adventuring a hundred twenty foure pounds more, may be secured for the whole two hundred forty eight pounds, as aforesaid, and so proportionably for a greater or lesser summe, and according to the Inte­rest due thereupon: And for the more speedy reimbur­sing of the said money secured and lent, for the purpose aforesaid, that the said Lands of the Bishops (except before excepted) are estated and made over to such Fe­offees for the speedy sale thereof, & such Treasurers for the receipt of the moneys, as may give satisfaction to the len­ders. And have thereby further declared, that it shal & may be lawfull for any person or persons to assigne his right and interest in any sum or sums of money owing to him upon the publique faith as aforesaid, to any person or per­sons that shall advance the like sum in manner as is be­fore expressed. And therefore for and towards the satisfy­ing of the said two hundred thousand pounds to be raised, or so much thereof as shall be raised; and of such money as according to the said Declaration the said lenders are to be repaid for Money, Plate, Horses with their furniture and arms, advanced upon the publique faith, with Inte­rest for the same, after the rate aforesaid, The said Lords and Commons have declared and ordained, and do here­byThe Trustees to stand seized and receive the rents and profits of the Bishops lands due after the first of Novem­ber, 1646. declare and ordaine; That the said Thomas Adams and other the persons before named, and the Survivors, and Survivor of them, and the Heirs of the Survivor of them shall stand and be seized of all and singular the said premis­ses so vested and setled in them, their Heirs and Assigns (except Parsonages appropriate, Tithes, Tithes appro­priate, oblations, obventions, portions of Tithe, Parso­nages, Vicarages, Churches, Chappels, Advowsons, [Page 48] Donatives, Nominatives, Rights of Patronage and Pre­sentation) and shall take all the Rents, Revenues, issues and profit, which were due and payable after the first of November, one thousand six hundred forty six, notwith­standing any Sequestration of the same, and all other the Rents, Revenues, Issues and Profits, that shall at any time hereafter become due and payable for the said pre­mises or any part of them, untill sale shall be made of the same to the uses, intents, and purposes herein and hereaf­terThe Trustees to choose their Counsell and appoint Ste­wards of Man­nors and other Officers and persons who a [...]e to be paid by the Treasu­rers untill the moneys paya­ble by this Or­dinance be paid with all charges. declared: And be it ordained that the said Trustees, or the major part of them, shall have Power and Authority, and are hereby Authorized, to take into their Assistance such Counsell Learned, and to appoint such Stewards of Mannors and all other Officers and Persons, as they or the Major part of them should hold fit and necessary for the putting of this Ordinance in Execution, and to give such Fees, and make such allowance to the said Councell, Stewards of Mannors, Officers and persons as they shall hold fit and necessary. And to make Warrants to the Treasurers for the payment of the same, who are hereby required to pay the same accordingly, untill Sale shall be made of the premises, to the uses, intents, and purposes herein, and hereafter declared as aforesaid; That is to say, that out of the Money raised by the Sale of the said pre­mises, or any part of them that shall be sold; and out of the said Rents, Revenues, Issues, and Profits of the said premises or any part of them, there shall be paid and sa­tisfied the severall summes of Money, with Interest at the rate aforesaid, that by this present Ordinance are, or are intended to be paid & satisfied, together with all Charges to be paid or borne, for or by reason of the Execution of the trust in them reposed; and after the full and due pay­ment of the same, that they, their Heirs, Executors, and [Page 85] Administrators respectively, shall stand seized and pos­sessed of such of the said Counties Palatine, Honors, Mannors, Lands, and Premisses remaining unfold. And of the Moneys raised by Sale of the Premisses or of any part of them remaining undisposed, for the use and be­nefit of the Common-wealth, as shall be limited and ap­pointed by both Houses of Parliament: and be it also or­deredThe Contra­cto [...]s. and ordained by the authority aforesaid, that Iohn Blackwell, senior of Moreclak. in the County of Surrey E­squire, Sir William Roberts of W [...]sden, in the County of Middlesex Knight, Alderman Vyner, Colonell Richard Turner, Iames Russell, William Methold, Thomas Ayres, of London Esq; William Prynne of Lincolnes Inne [...]; Esq, Robert Fenwick of London, Esquire, Timothy Middleton of Standsteed in the County of Essex Esquire, Edward Cresset of London Esquire, shall have full Power and Au­thority, and hereby have full Power and Authority to Treat, Contract, and Agree with any person or persons, for the Sale of the said Premisses, or any of them in such manner as is hereafter limited. And that the said Iohn 2 d. per pound to be paid to the contractors. Blackwell, and other the said persons last before named, shall receive of the Treasurers herein named, two pence in the pound for every summe that shall be paid to the said Treasurers, upon all and every such Contract and Con­tracts, for the Sale of the premises or any part thereof.The Trustees or five of them to convey ac­cording to contract of six or more of the C [...]n [...]actors entered and certified to the Trustees. And that the said Trustees or any five of them shall have full power, and are hereby required to convey the premis­ses or any part thereof, by bargain and sale Inrolled, ac­cording to the Statute, or otherwise by any good and sufficient conveyance and Assurance in the Law, to any person or persons whatsoever, according to such Con­tract or Contracts as shall be made by the said Contra­ctors, or any six or more of them, and entered & certified [Page 86] to the said Trustees as aforesaid, by the Register herein, or hereafter to be named by both Houses of Parliament: And the mony that shal be raised by the sale thereof, to be imployed according to the trusts and directions herein decl [...]red. And that all Bargains of sale, conveyances, and assurances made of any Estate, or Estates, in Fee simple, according to such contracts as shall be agreed upon be­tween the purchasers, and the said Contractors before named, shall be good and effectuall in Law. And be it like­wise ordained, that none of the said Trustees shall be Con­tractors,None of the Trustees to be Contractors. None of the Contractors to be purchase [...]. nor none of the Contractors, nor any of them, nor any other to their or either of their use, or uses, or in trust for them, or any of them, directly or indirectly, shall or doe purchase the said Lands or any part of them; And if any Contractors or any in trust for them, or any of them shall buy any Lands contrary to this Ordinance, he or they shall forfeit the estate and mony paid so for it. And every purchaser of any part ofThe purchasers to hol [...] the lands d [...]schar­ged of al [...] tru [...]ts, accompts, &c. the premises, his Heirs and Assigns shall have, hold, and enjoy the premises that shal be by him purchased, dischar­ged of all trusts and accompts, whereunto the said Tru­stees are, or may be lyable by vertue of this present or the said recited Ordinance. And of all Suits and Questions that may arise or be moved upon pretence of sale at under values, or upon pretence that the sums by this Ordinance intended to be paid, were satisfied, before such sale made, and all other claims and demands whatsoever, saving the Rents, and interests saved by the said recited Ordinance, and of all incumbrances made by the said Trustees, or byIn umbrances made by the [...]rustees. any claiming under them, or any of them; And for the discharge of the Trustees and Contractors. It is fur­ther Declared and Ordained by the authority aforesaid, That all and every the said Trustees, & Contractors shall [Page 87] bee, and are hereby discharged and saved harmlesse forThe Trustees and Contra­cto [...]s [...]o be sa­ved harm [...]sse, [...]nd may p [...]e [...]d the generall is­sue, and give in evidence this Ordinance. whatsoever they, or any one or more of them shall doe in pursuance of this Ordinance; And that if any action shall be brought against them, or any of them, for any act done by them, or any of them, in execution of this Ordinance, or instructions herein mentioned, then they are hereby in­abled to plead the generall issue, and to give this Ord­nance in evidence, and if a judgment passe for them, they shall recover double costs; And i [...] is further ordained and declared that the said Lordship, Mannoars, Lands, Tene­ments, and Hereditaments vested in the said Trustees byT [...]e and shall be freed from all incumbran­ces done by the Trustees. the said Ordinance of Parliament, entituled (An Ordinance of Parliament for the abolishing of Archbishops, and B [...]shops within the Kingdom of England and Dominion of Wales, and for setling of their Lands and possessions upon Trustees, for the use of the Common-wealth) shall not be lyable un­to but stand and shall be free and discharged of, and from all and all manner of Statutes, Judgements, Recogni­zances, Dowres, Joyntures, & other acts and incumbran­ces whatsoever, had, made, done, or suffered, or to be had made, done, or suffered, by, from or under the said Tru­stees, other then such conveyances and assurances, as shall be by them had, made, done, or suffered in performance, or pursuance of the sales, and contracts to be by them re­spectively made according to the intent of this present Ordinance, and saving unto all and every person and per­sons, bodies Politique and Corporate, their Heirs, Suc­cessors,Saving to all persons he [...]r right, which are saved by the former Or­dinance. Executors, and Administrators, all such right, title & interest as by the said Ordinance entituled (An Or­dinance of Parliament for the abolishing of Archbishops, and Bishops within the Kingdome of England, and Dominion of Wales, and for setling of their Lands and Possessions up­on Trustees for the use of the Common-wealth) is or are [Page 88] thereby saved. Provided, and it is further declared and ordained; That whereas the late Bishop of Durham andProvided that the Iura Rega­lia of the Bi­shoprick of Duresme shall remain in the Trustees. other his predecessors Bishops of Durham have hitherto exercised, and enjoyed as Count Palatines sundry great Franchises, Liberties, and Jurisdictions, commonly esteem­ed and called Iura Regalia, that this Ordinance, nor any thing therein contained, extend not, nor be construed to extend, to give power, or authority to the persons herein named, or any of them to sell, dispose, or any way to con­tract for the said Iura Regalia, belonging unto the said Bishop, or his predecessors as Counts Palatine, or any of them; but that the same shall remain in the said Trustees named in a late Ordinance entituled, (An Ordinance for the Abol [...]shing of Archbishops and Bishops within the King­dom of England, and Dominion of Wales, and for setling their Lands, and possessions upon Trustees for the use of the Common-wealth) to be disposed of as both Houses of Par­liament shall think fit and appoint, any thing in this pre­sent Ordinance to the contrary thereof contained in any wise notwithstanding, Provided alwayes, and it is furtherProviso for the Iura Regalia of the Bishoprick of E [...]y declared and ordained, That whereas the late Bishop of Ely & other his predecessors Bishops of Ely, have hither­to exercised and enjoyed sundry great Franchises, Liber­ties and Jurisdictions commonly called Iura Regalia, that this Ordinance nor any thing therein contained, extend not, nor be construed to extend to give power or autho­rity to the persons herein named, or any of them to sell, dispose or any way to contract for the said Iura Regalia belonging to the said Bishop or his prodecessors or any of them, but that the same shall remain in the said Trustees named in a late Ordinance entituled (An Ordinance for the abolishing of Ar [...]hb [...]shops and Bishops within the kingdome of England and Dominion of Wales, and for setling their [Page 89] Lands, and Possessions upon Trustees for the use of the Com­mon-wealth) to be disposed of as both Houses shall think fit, and appoint, any thing in this Ordinance to the contra­ry thereof contained in any wise notwithstanding. Provi­ded also, That the buildings, fabrick, or scite of any Ca­thedrallChurches, Chappels, and Churchyards not to be sold. Church or Churches, or any Chappels, belong­ing to such Cathedrall Church or Chappels, or any other Churches, Churchyards, or places used for buriall, shall not be sold or disposed of by vertue of this Ordinance, any thing therein contained to the contrary notwithstanding. Provided alwayes that the Trustees, and the TreasurersProviso for payment of the Assembly of Divines untill &c. for the time being, by vertue of this Ordinance, shall pay, or cause to be paid unto the assembly of Divines their constant pay and allowance allowed unto them by former Orders of Parliament, with all their Arrears, out of the Rents, Revenues, and Profits belonging to the late Arch­bishoprick of Canterbury, untill such time as the Lands and Revenues aforesaid, shall happen to be sold away by ver­tue of this Ordinance. And it is further ordained, That ifAllowance to be made to such as shall be evicted by any eigne, right, &c. any person or persons, bodies politique or corporate, who shall be purchasers of any part of the premisses, shall here­after be evicted out of any part of the premisses, by vertue of an eigne, right, title, or interest in, or unto the same; that in such case the said purchaser and purchasers so evi­cted shall have full and due satisfaction, recompence and allowance, made to him and them for the monies paid or advanced for the said purchase, and that in such manner as both Houses of Parliament shall think fit. And if it be re­quiredAct of Parlla­ment for fur­t [...] during of Purchasers. by the purchaser or purchasers or any of them, their, or any their heirs or assigns, one or mor [...] Acts of Parliament, or Letters Parents under the great Seal of England by authority of Parliament, shall hereafter passe or be made for the further assuring of the premises, or any [Page 90] part of them unto such purchaser, or purchasers, their heirs or assigns requiring the same.

And be it further ordained, That all Rents, Revenues, Issues, and profits, and all sum and sums of money that shal be due or payable by vertue of this present Ordinance for sale of any of the premises, shall be received by theThe Treasu­rers named. said William Gibs Alderman, Thomas Noell, and Francis Ash, who are hereby constituted, authorised, and appoint­ed to be Treasurers for the receiving, issuing, and paying out the same at Goldsmiths-hall or any other place where the Trustees or the major part of them shall from time to time think fit, within the City of London; and are here­by authorised and appointed to take and receive the sub­scriptions of every person, or persons, bodies politique,Taking of sub­scriptions. or corporate, that shall subscribe any sum or sums of mo­ney, for, and towards the raising of the said two hundred thousand pounds intended to be lent. And it is herebyThe Treasurers upon Certificate to ascertain in the money and in­terest upon the publique saith. ordained, That the said Treasurers or any two of them, shall be, and are hereby authorised, upon the receipt or certificates given by the said Treasurers, Receivers, or Collectors to any person or persons of what was formerly advanced by them in money, plate, horse, furniture, or arms, upon the publique Faith, or hath, or shall be assigned unto them by any others, upon producing of the same to the said Treasurers or any two of them, to ascertaine their principall and interest, and to give them receipts for the same: As also, for the new mony subscribed and paidAnd to give receipt for he same and their new money. by vertue of this present Ordinance, in the name of the parties to whom the same is owing, or so assigned; which Receipts given by the said Treasurers, shall be a good and sufficient ground to such persons to whom the same shall be so given, their Executors, Administrators, Successors, and Assigns, to require the sum and sums of money there­in [Page 91] mentioned: And further that it shall and may be lawfull for every person and persons, bodies politique or corpo­rate,Moneys due by this Ordinance may be assign­ed. who shall have any monies due to him or them by vertue of this present Ordinance, to grant and assign the same unto any person or persons whatsoever, and the same grant or assignment shall be good and effectuall to all in­tents and purposes whatsoever, and allowed of by all per­son and persons whatsoever, to whom it shall appertain to make any allowance thereof, as if he or they had lent the same themselves.

And if any person or persons shall wittingly or willing­lyForfeiture for procuring a forged Certifi­cate. produce any false or forged acquittanee or certificate to the said Treasurers, thereby to defraud the Common­wealth; the person or persons so offending, shall lose and forfeit his mony lent towards the raising of the two hun­dred thousand pounds, or any way due to him for ready money, plate, horses, furniture, and arms, lent, or sent in by him upon the publique Faith, or assigned unto him as aforesaid, the benefit whereof shall be for the use and be­nefit of the Common-wealth.

And be it further ordered and ordained by the authori­ty aforesaid, That every person or persons who shall sub­scribeMoney subscri­bed to be paid within 8 daies. as aforesaid, and not bring in the money so by him or them subscribed, within eight dayes after such subscrip­tion unto the Treasurers appointed by this present Ordi­nance for the receipt of the same, shall lose and forfeit the mony that shall be due unto him upon the publike Faith; unlesse he shall shew unto the said Trustees, or the major part of them, some reasonable cause to be by them allow­ed. And be it further ordained, that the said Treasurers hereby constituted and appointed for the receiving and issuing out of the said money, shall not issue or pay out any of the said sum of two hundred thousand pounds to be [Page 92] borrowed for the use of the Common-wealth, as afore­said,The [...] to be paid by Ordinance of Parliament. but by Ordinance of both Houses of Parliament: which Ordinance, with the Receipt of the party or par­ties to whom the mony is appointed to be payed, shall be a good and sufficient discharge to the said Treasurers, their Heirs, Executors, and Administrators: and the said Treasurers shall not dispose, disburse, or pay any otherThe Treasurers to pay no o­ther mor [...]i [...]s but by order of the Tru­ [...]ees. sum of sums of mony that shall come to their treasury, or be paid unto them out of the Profits, or by sale of any of the premisses, but by warrant of the said other Trustees, or the major part of them; who are hereby required to give no Warrant for the disposing, issuing, or paying out of any sum or sums of money, that shall bee received by vertue of this Ordinance, but for the purposes in this Or­dinance contained. And if any warrant shall be made for any other purpose, the same shall be void.

And be it further ordained by the authority aforesaid,The Lenders are tobe paid the fourth part of their moneys in course, &c. That as the said Treasurers shall receive ready moneys by sale of the premises, or by receipt of the Rents and profits of the same, deducting charges and allowances, they shall pay and divide the same to the lenders one fourth part of their whole debt that shall bee owing to them in course, as they did pay their money, with the interest then due, and so from time to time, till the whole be paid. Provided al­wayes, and it is hereby declared, that it shall and may bee lawfull for every lender or lenders, who shall become aBut if he pur­chase he may deduct his mo­ney by this Or­dinance. purchaser of any part of the said premises, to defalk, or retain any mony that shall be due unto him by vertue of this present Ordinance, upon every purchase that he or they shal make, if the sum by him lent shall not exceed the value of the purchase, or so much thereof as the same shall amount unto. And the said Treasurers shall allow the same accordingly. [Page 93] And be it further Ordained, that the said Treasurers shallThe Treasu­rers to give ac­compts to the Committee of accompts. keep true and perfect Books of Accounts of all their re­ceipts, disbursements and payments; and shall give their accounts to the Committee for taking the accounts of the whole Kingdome for the time being; who are hereby re­quired to take the same every six months, and thereupon to give just discharges to the said Treasurers. And after such discharges, the said Treasurers, their Heirs, Execu­tors, and Administrators, shall not be further questioned for, or concerning any of the matters for which they have had, and received such discharges.

And further, the said Treasurers shal have deducted andOne penny [...]er pound to the Treasurers. paid unto them the sum of one penny in the pound, for all monies by them received and paid.

And to the intent that according to the true meaning of the said first recited Ordinance, the true contents and va­lue of all and singular the premisses may be knowne, and the best benefit and advantage of them may be made for the use and benefit of the Common-wealth: Be it Or­dained by the Authority aforesaid, That Hen. Elsynge Keeper of the records. Esq; Clerk of the House of Commons, shall be Register and Keeper of, and shall have the custody and keeping of all Records, Charters, Evidences, Court-Rolls, Leiger books, Writings books of Survey, Rentals, Certificates, and other things of, or concerning the Lands and Posses­sions of the late Archbishops and Bishops, or concerning any the Counties-Palatine, Honors, Mannors, Castles, Lands, Tenements, Hereditaments, or other the premis­ses in the above recited Ordinance and herein mentioned. And that all and every the Surveyors of the premisses shalSurveyors to make their re­turnes to the said officer. make their returnes of all and every their respective Sur­veys by them taken from time to time, to the said Hen­ry Elsyng, who shall make entry of all such Surveys, Cer­tificates, [Page 94] [...]nd other proceedings, as shall from time to time be returned or certified by the said Surveyor or Surveyors of the premises; And shall also make forth, Rate, and signe all and every particular and particulars of the pre­mises; or any part thereof, whereupon any Contract or Contracts for sale or otherwise shall, or is to be had or made. And all and every the said Contractors shall certi­fieAnd the Con­tractors of their Contracts. all Contracts so by them, or any of them made, to the said Henry Elsyng, accordingly, who shall make entry of all and every such Contract and Contracts, and other pro­ceedings thereupon: Every which said particular and par­ticulars of the said premisses so to be made forth under the hand of the said Henry Elsyng, shall be from time to time a good and sufficient Authority to and for the said Contractors, or any sixe or more of them, to contract, agree, or proceed thereupon To have, hold, execute and enjoy the said Office or place of Register and Keeper, byThe Registers Fees. himselfe, or his sufficient Deputy, together with the yearely Fee of one hundred pounds per annum, payable out of the Receipts, Rents, and Revenues arising out of the premisses, by the hands of the Treasurers herein before mentioned; on the five and twentieth day of March, the foure and twentieth day of June, the nine and twentieth day of September, and the five and twentieth day of December, Quarterly, by equall portions, and other rea­sonable Fees for writing, rating, and signing, of the said particulars, and otherwise in the execution and discharge of the said place; Provided that the said Register and Keeper shall have but three pence the sheet, of all things that are to be copied, and to write fifteen lines in each sheet. Which said yearly Fee of one hundred pounds, the find Treasurers are hereby required and authorized to pay accordingly▪ and that the Acquittance of the said Henry [Page 95] Elsyng shall be a good discharge to the said Treasurers, and every of them, for the payment thereof as aforesaid.Surveyors to be nominated by the Trustees.

And it is hereby further Ordered and Ordained by the Authority aforesaid, that the said Trustees, or the ma­jor part of them, the Survivors of them, or the major part of them, their Survivors, and the heirs of the said Sur­vivors, shall and may from time to time nominate and ap­point under their hands and seals respectively, so many persons as they shall thinke fit to be Surveyors for the putting of this Ordinance in execution touching the Sur­veying of the premisses; Who shall have power to go in­to all and every the Counties, Cities, and Places within the kingdome of England, and Dominion of Wales, or in­to so many of them as shall be thought fit.

And it is further Ordained by the authority aforesaid,The Surveyors authority. That the said Surveyors or other persons to be authori­zed, as aforesaid, or any three or more of them, shall have full power and authority to enter into and survey all, or any of the premisses, or any part thereof▪ and they▪ or any three or more of them, shall also have full power andAny 1, 2, 3, or more of them faith the instru­ctions. First to find out &c. authority, as well by the Oaths of good and lawfull men, as by all other good and lawfull wayes and meanes, to in­quire and finde out what Countie Palatine, Honors, Mannors, Lordships, Granges, Messuages, Lands, Tene­ments, Meadows, Leasawes, Pastures, Woods, Rents, Reversions, Services, Parkes, Annuities, and other pos­sessions, priviledges, liberties, immunities, and heredita­ments whatsoever, of what nature or quality soever they be, lying, or being within every such County or City asIn any City or Country. aforesaid, did at any time belong or appertaine unto all, every, or any such Archbishops, or Bishops, in right of Archbishopricks, Bishopricks, Dignities, or places respe­ctively, or to any other person or persons in trust for [Page 96] them, or any of them, as aforesaid, in right of the said2. How much i [...] in possession. Archbishopricks, and Bishopricks, and what, and how much of the same is in possession, and the true yearely va­lue thereof, and what, and how much thereof is in Lease, and for what estate, & when, and how determinable; when3 VVhat Rents. such Leases or Estate was made, and whether antidated, and what Rents, Services, and other duties are reserved and payable during such Estate, or issuing out of the same: As also, what Rents, Pensions, charges, or other sums of mony are issuing, due, or payable out of the Premisses, or any part thereof: And what Lands or premisses are sub­ject,4 VVhat pious uses. or chargeable to, and with any good, pious and cha­ritable use or uses, and the certainty of the same, and to make one, or more exact and particular survey, or surveys,5. To make an exact Survey. and certificates of their proceedings, which certificate and surveys shall be recorded, and all Charters, Eviden­ces, Court-Rolls, and other writings belonging to all, or any the Archbishops, Bishops, Arch-bishopricks, or Bishopricks, or concerning any of the Counties-Palatine, Honors, Mannors, Castles, Lands, Tenements, Heredi­ditaments, or any other the premisses before mentioned,Surveys and writings to be kep [...] in such place in London, or Westminster, [...]s the Trustees or th major part shall ap­point. The Survey­ors to keep Courts. And to cause men to [...]ew their wri­tings & eviden­ces. shall be kept in such place in London, or Westminster, as the said Trustees, or the major part of them shall thinke fit and appoint; And that the said Surveyors, or any three or more of them, shall have power and authority, so often as they shall be thereunto appointed by the said Trustees, or the major part of them, to keep Courts of Survey within any of the Counties-Palatine, Honors, Mannors, and premisses. And to call before them any of the Te­nants, or other persons whom they shall conceive to have any interest in any of the Premisses, to shew their Wri­tings and Evidences, and discover what right, title, or interest. they or any of them have or may claim, of, into, [Page 97] or out of the same, or any part thereof. And also to exa­mineTo examine by oath. by oath or otherwise, any person or persons (other then such as have or claim to have interest or title there­in) for, or concerning the discovery of the Contents, Metes, Bonds, Extents, Titles, Rents, Improvements, Va­luations, and Jurisdictions, of all, or any of the Premisses: And for the discovering of any Records, Evidences, Wri­tings, or Memorandums concerning the same: And thatThe Trustees o [...] 3 of them or the Surveyors to give an oath. as well the said Trustees, or any three of them, as the said severall Surveyors so authorised, or any three or more of them as aforesaid, are hereby authorized to administer an Oath concerning the premisses to any person or per­sons (other then such as have, or claim to have any inte­rest or title concerning such the Premises as shall be in question:) and also to commit to prison any person orTo commit to prison &c. persons (other then such as have, or claim to have any in­terest or title as aforesaid) that shall refuse to take such an Oath, or discover his knowledge concerning the estate, title, or evidences of any the Lands hereby intended to be sold and disposed of, or refuse to deliver such Evidences and Writings concerning the [...]ame, which are in his custo­dy or power, and do not concern the maintenance or de­fence of his interest, or such Rents and Profits as he had title unto. And all Justices of Peace, Sheriffs, Majors, Bailiffs, and other persons, are hereby required to beeAll Ius [...]ices of peace to assist the Surveyors. Proviso for Peers. aiding and assisting to the said Surveyors, or any of them, in the executing of this Ordinance: provided that it shall not extend to the imprisoning of any Peer of this Realm. And be it further Ordered and Ordained by the autho­rityThe Commis­sioners of Ex­cise to pay in­terest for the monies due by this Ordinance. aforesaid, That the Commissioners of Excise and New-Impost for the time being, are hereby charged and required upon the certificate▪ of the said Treasurers, certifying what summe or summes of mony are due and [Page 98] payable to any person or persons, bodies politique or cor­porate, by vertue of this present Ordinance to pay in­terest after the rate of eight pounds in the hundred for the same to every such person or persons, bodies politique and corporate, their Executors, Administrators, Successors, or Assignes at the end of every sixe months during the time that the said sum and sums of money, or any part thereof shall remaine unpaid; which certificate the said Treasurers are hereby authorized and required to make accordingly. And in case the whole two hundred thousand pounds; or so much thereof as shall be lent, and the interest thereof,And to pay the principall in course, if not soone paid by the Treasurers. and such other sum and sums as are payable by this pre­sent Ordinance for money, plate, horses with furniture and arms, formerly advanced with the interest thereof, shall not be satisfied by the Treasurers aforesaid, before all sums of mony charged upon the said Excise or New Impost, by vertue of any Ordinance of both Houses of Parliament, made before the twentieth day of September last (except the two Ordinances of Parliament for ten thousand pounds, and four hundred pounds for the Widows) shall be by the said Commissioners of Excise paid and satisfied; that then the said Commissioners of Excise upon the like certificate from the said Treasurers as aforesaid, shall be, and are hereby charged, and chargeable to pay the same with interest as aforesaid, or so much thereof as shall be then due and unpaid, and shall begin to pay the same when they have in ready money one fourth part of theOne fourth part of the whole debt. whole debt that shall be owing to the lenders in course, as they did pay their money, with the interest then due, and so continue untill the whole money hereby secured to be paid, and then unpaid, shall be fully paid and satisfied, in such manner as the Treasurers before mentioned were appointed to pay the same; and the said certificates of [Page 99] the said Treasurers with the receipt of the respective len­ders shall be a good discharge to the said Commissioners of Excise and every of them, for their payment of any sum or sums of mony by vertue of this present Ordinance: And to the end a just and true Accompt and Registry may be made, and kept of all and singular the debts and mo­nies owing by the Parliament to such person and persons as shall advance, or lend any sum or sums of mony upon the security of the Bishops Lands, and the Grand receipt of the Excise in course, or which of them shall first be en­abled to furnish monies for the repayment thereof, as also of all payments and disbursments which shall be made, or issue out of the same, Be it ordained by the authority aforesaid, That for and during the pleasure of both Hou­sesThe Office of the Register A [...]comptant. of Parliament there be, and shall be one Register Ac­comptant, who shall keep a true and plaine accompt, or accompts of all and every debt and debts due, or owing by the Parliament for plate, mony, horse, or their furni­ture, to any person or persons, which shall have advanced or lent monies as aforesaid; & also of all such interest as is, or shall be due upon, or for the same; which said Register Accomptant shall have full power, and is hereby autho­rized to view, peruse, and take Copies of all and every books, writings, and entries, in whose hands or custody soever they or any of them are or shall be, wherein are, or ought to be registred or entered any monies, plate, or hor­ses, with their furniture which hath been lent, or set forth for the service of the Parliament, to the end he may bee the better enabled to discover and finde out whether ac­cording to the notes, entries, and accompts, as shall bee brought in upon the foresaid advance, the plate, monies, horses, and furniture mentioned therein, were at the daies and times therein contained truly and really lent and set [Page 100] forth for the service of the Parliament or not; and upon due examination made thereof, the said Register Accom­ptantThe Register Accomptant to certine what debts are justly chargeable with interest. shall make true certificate of all such debts which he shall finde to be justly charged, together with the interest due for the same unto the Treasurer or Treasurers for the time being, appointed by both Houses of Parliament for the receiving of the monies which shall be advanced upon the foresaid security; upon whose approbation or allow­ance the said Register Accomptant shal give due credit for the same upon accompt, that so it may plainly appear how much, and to whom the Parliament is indebted; and when any monies are paid or issued forth, he shall also make the parties receiving the same debitor upon the same Ac­compt, and perform all other requisite services appertain­ing to the said place. And the said Lords and Commons taking into their considerations the faithful and good ser­vice of Collonel Robert Manwaring; do hereby constituteRobert Manwa­ring. and appoint him the said Collonel Robert Manwaring to be Register Accomptant of all and singular the Accompts and Registries, which shall be kept of, or concerning the premisses; to hold, execute, and enjoy the same Office of Register Accomptant, together with the yearly Fee ofHis Fee. two hundred pounds per annum, payable out of the rents and proceed out of the Bishops Lands, by the hands of the Treasurers thereof for the time being, on the five and twentieth day of March, and the twenty ninth day of Sep­tember, half yearly by equal portions; And for such Clerks or under-Officers as shall be imployed in and about the premisses, the same shall be approved of by the said Trea­surers, and receive such reasonable salary for their service as the said Treasurers shall from time to time think fit to allow.

And it is further Ordained that John Fowke Ald [...]r­man, [Page 101] of the City of London, shall be Comptroller of allThe Office of Comptroller. Entries, Receipts, and payments, which shall be made to or by the said Treasurers, and shall have power and autho­rity by himselfe, or his sufficient Deputies, to keep ac­compt of all entries, receipts, payments and discompts whatsoever, which shall be made unto or by the said Treasurers; And the said Comptroller and his Deputies shall execute the said place of Comptroller in the pre­misses, according to the instructions hereafter mentioned, and such other instructions as the said Comptroller shall from time to time receive from both houses of Parliament.

And it is further hereby Ordained, That the said Iohn Fowke shall have for his salary the yeerly sum of two hun­dredThe Comptrol­lers salary. pounds to be paid him quarterly by the said Treasu­rers who are hereby authorized and appointed to pay the same, for which this present Ordinance with his receipt, shall be their sufficient discharge. And for the better se­curing of the principal monies and the interest herein men­tioned,The Excise to be continued untill moneys payable by this O [...]in [...]nce be satisfied. be it Ordered and Ordained, that the Excise and New Impost upon commodities, mentioned in the Ordinance of the eleventh of September, one thousand six hundred forty and three, or any Ordinance or Ordinan­ces of this present Parliament, made in explanation and continuance thereof, shall be continued, taken and put in due execution, untill such time as all sums of money pay­able by vertue of this present Ordinance, shall be paid and satisfied; and the payment of the said moneys to be due and payable by vertue of this Ordinance, shall not be de­barred, put by, or deferred from being paid out of the said Excise, as aforesaid, by any Order or Orders, Ordinance or Ordinances, of one or both Houses of Parliament, or otherwise by the payment of any other or further sum or sums of money, then the same was and is charged with upon the said twentieth of September last past, (except as [Page 102] is before excepted.) And the Commissioners of the said Excise and new Impost for the time being, are hereby charged and required, not to dispose or pay any monies that they shall receive for the New Impost or Excise, after the same shall be charged in course as aforesaid, with the payment of any of the principall money in this Ordinance contained, untill such time as the same, together with the interest and every part thereof then behind and unpaid, shall be paid unto the person or persons, bodies politique or corporate, their Executors, Administrators, Successors or Assigns, to whom, upon the certificate of the said Trea­surers as aforesaid, the same shall be found due for any sum of mony that shall be lent for and towards the raising of the said two hundred thousand pound now to be raised, and of the said sum of money heretofore lent upon the publique faith, which with the interest as aforesaid, is to be paid by vertue of this present Ordinance.

And be it further ordained by the authority aforesaid,This Ordi­nance pleada­ble in all Courts. that the said first recited Ordinance, and this present Or­dinance, and every Article, Clause, and thing therein contained, shall be pleadable, and may be given in evi­dence in any of His Majesties Courts of Justice, or other Courts, and the Judges of all the said Courts are required to allow and admit the same.

And it is also Ordered and Ordained, by the authority aforesaid; That if the Trustees, or any of them, shall re­quire it on the behalfe of themselves or the lenders, oneAct of Parlia­ment for securi­ty of Trust [...]es and leaders. or more Act, or Acts of Parliament, or Letters Parents under the great Seal of England, shall be passed for their or any of their further security.

And it is lastly Ordained, That this present Ordinance,Printing and publishing of this Ordi­nance. and the former recited Ordinances, shall be printed and published in all Counties, and other Cities, Towns cor­porate, Parishes, Towns, Hamblets, & other places where [Page 103] the said Trustees, or the major part of them shall think fit. And that the care of the true printing hereof is hereby referred to the said Trustees, or the major part of them.

Provided alwayes, and be it Ordained by the said Lords and Commons, that neither this Ordinance, nor any branch, clause, article, or thing therein contained, shall extend to the great capital Messuage, with the appurte­nances scituate in Chancery lane London, commonly cal­ledSerjeants Inne. or known by the name of Serjeants Inne in Chancery lane, wherein the Judges and Serjeants of the Law, have for a long time lodged and resided, and still doe lodge and reside, nor to any part of Lincolns Inne in Chancery lane; nor shall in any wise be prejudiciall or any disturbance to the quiet possession of the said Judges or Serjeants that now are, or shall at any time hereafter reside and lodge in the said Messuage, or to any of the Society of Lincolns Inne within Lincolns Inne aforesaid, any thing in this present Ordinance contained to the contrary thereof in any wise notwithstanding; but that the said Messuage and Lincolns Inne aforesaid, with the appurtenances, shall continue and be houses of lodging and residence to and for the said Judges and Serjeants, and others of Lincolns Inne aforesaid, and for their use and benefit, in such man­ner as they have been used and accustomed at and under the yearly rents usually paid for the same, for the time that the said rents are to continue by any Leases now in being. And that the said Trustees appointed by Order of Parliament for the Bishops Lands, and the Surviver, and Survivers of them, their heirs, and assigns, shall dispose of the said Messuage, with the appurtenances, from time to time, as by the said Judges and Serjeants for the time be­ing shall be directed and appointed, saving to all and every person and persons other then the said Bishops and their Successors, all such Right, Title and Interest as they or any [Page 104] of them have, or ought to have to, and in the premises.

Provided further, and be it Ordained, That the saidSerjeants Inne. Serjeants Inne shall be in the disposing of both houses of Parliament, after the expiration of any Lease now in be­ing; saving to all and every person and persons other then the said Bishops and their Successors, all such Right, Title, and Interest, as they or any of them have or ought to have, to, and in the premises.

Provided alwayes that this Ordinance shall not extendFo [...]mer Stew­ards to con [...]i­nue. to the putting out of any Stewards of any Liberties or Courts formerly appointed and made by vertue of any Ordinance of Parliament, but that they shall continue and be, during such time as the said Liberties and Courts shall remain and be in the hands of the aforesaid Trustees, and that they shall have and receive all such Fees, Profits, and allowances, as formerly were allowed them, this Ordi­nance or any other Ordinance, Act, or thing to the con­trary notwithstanding.

Instructions for a Comptroll upon the Accompts of all monies to be received and paid by or to the Treasurers appointed by this present Ordinance.

I. THat the Comptroller by himselfe, or his sufficient Depu­ties, attend daily according to the usuall times, and be present at all receipts and payments, made within the said Treasurers Office, and make Duplicates or Entries of the same in fitting books, to be provided and kept for that pur­pose.

II. That every Tenant of the premises, or any part thereof, [Page 105] and every purchaser of the premises, or any part thereof, upon every payment of any sum of moneys that he shall make to the Treasurer, shall enter his acquittance with the Com­ptroller, which the Comptroller shall enter without fee.

III. That the said Treasurers or their Clerk to the Cash, shall weekly upon every Munday morning deliver the Comptrol­ler or his Deputy, a Copy of all Receipts, payments, and Disbursments, and to whom, during the preceding week; which the Comptroller is hereby required to enter in a book to be kept for that purp [...]se▪ & that no payment to be made by the said Treasurers, shall be allowed upon their Accompt, unlesse an accompt thereof be weekly given as aforesaid.

IV. That the Register shall weekly from time to time make certificate to the Comptroller of all Rents, and of all rates of particulars, and of all monies payable upon any such par­ticulars, contracts, or bargains, made by vertue of this Ordinance, which shall be forborn upon security, and how, and by whom the same is secured, and at what time payable; which certificate the Comptroller shall enter in a book, to be by him kept for that purpose.

Instructions for Contractors for the sale of the late Archbishops and Bishops Lands.

THat the Contractors shall be sworne before the Tru­stees,Contractors Oath. or any three of them, according to their best skil and knowledge, faithfully to discharge the trust committed to them, and that that they shall not for favour, affection, re­ward [Page 106] or hope of reward, break the same trust; which said Trustees, or any three of them are hereby authorised to administer the said Oath accordingly.

That the Demesne Lands of the late Archbishops and Bishops in possession, shall not be sold under ten years purchase, of the full values they were at in the year 1641. The same rule to be observed proportionably in the sale of Reversions, expectant upon Estates for lives or years.

That the due respect to be had by the Contractors toDue respect. the immediate Tenants, of any of the late Archbishops or Bishops, shall be in admitting them to the pre-emption of those Mannors, Lands, Tenements, and Hereditaments wherein they have any interest, so as the said Tenants do come within thirty dayes after the returne of the certifi­cates by the Surveyors, and agree to purchase the same; and in case they doe not agree within the said thirty dayes, that then the Contractors do sell the same to any other person or persons that shall desire to purchase them, so as such sale be made at a higher rate then was offered by the said Tenants.

That upon the sealing of the assurance, the purchaser shall pay halfe his purchase money downe, and the other halfe within six months; and for the last payment the Contractors shall take care, that they take good securitySecurity to the Treasurers. either by the Land it self, or else by personall security. The same security to be given to the Treasurers.

That in all cases where any person or persons, that have lent any moneys upon this Ordinance, shall be purchasers, their moneys so lent shall be esteemed as so much paid to­wards their Purchase, if it exceed not the moiety of the purchase money; and for what exceeds the moiety, that every such purchaser shall be allowed interest for it untill the end of six months, wherein the remainder or totall of the purchase money is to be paid.

Instructions for the Surveyors of the late Arch-Bishops and Bishops Lands, which are to be surveyed.

THat the Trustees as aforesaid shall have power to no­minate one, two, three, or more Surveyors to survey1. 2. 3. [...]r more Surveyors. the Premises or any part of them as they shall thinke fit, and that the surveyes and returnes made by any such one, two, three, or more Surveyors, shall be good and effectuall to be proceeded upon, notwithstanding any Clause in any Ordinance of Parliament to the contrary.

That the Surveyor or Surveyors appointed or to be appointed by the Trustees, shall survey and inquire what Timber, buildings, open Quarries and Mines are upon any of the Premises, and certifie the condition and values thereof.

That no Surveyor, or any his Child or Children, orSurveyors not to be purcha­sers. any in trust for him or them, shall be admitted to be a Purchaser of any part of the Lands surveyed, or to be sur­veyed by himselfe, upon paine of losing his or their Pur­chase Money, and the Purchase to be void.

Provided, that nothing in the instructions, Oath, orAdmeasure­men [...]. in this present Ordinance, shall be construed to compell the Surveyors to make any admeasurement of the Lands, [Page 108] or any particular Survey, of the number of Acres, unlesse they in their discretion shall think fit; the intention of the Houses being, That the said Surveyors should make a speedy returne of their severall surveyes, to the end that a speedy sale may be made thereupon.

Instructions to be observed by the Register.

I. THat he doe receive all Surveys, and Certificates toTo receive and register all sur­veys. be returned by the Surveyors, and immediately after the receipt thereof, fairely enter and Register the same in Books, to be kept by him for that purpose, and in an orderly manner file, bundle up, and safely lay up, and keep the Originals.

II. That he doe weekly or oftner certifie unto the Contra­ctors,And certifie them to the Contractors. what Surveyes and Certificates are returned to him, and of what Manours, or otherwise as the case shall require.

III. That upon Warrant and direction from the Contra­ctors, he doe make forth, and fairely ingrosse in Parch­ment,And make forth particu­lars. particulars of all such Manours, Lands, Tenements, & Hereditaments, Buildings, Woods, or other things sur­veyed and certified into his Office by the Surveyors, whereupon the Contractors are to proceed, or intend to make any sale, and that he do examine and signe the same particulars, and deliver them to the Contractors.

IIII. That upon Contract or agreement made by the Con­tractors,Particulars to be returned to the Register for any Manours, Lands, Tenements, Heredita­ments, Buildings, Woods, or other things contained in any particular made forth, signed and delivered unto them by the Register, the said particular be returned to the Regi­ster, [Page 109] together with the Order of Agreement or Contract made with the purchaser thereupon.

That upon return thereof, he doe forthwith rate theRating the p [...] ticulars. particular, and ascertain the purchase Money, how much it comes to, at how many years purchase the particulars contracted for are sold, and enter the same upon the same particular, together with such other proceedings as shall be required by the Contract.

That he do return the particulars thus rated and ascer­tainedThe Trustees to draw up and seal Conveyan­ces. to the Contractors, who are to sign the same, to at­test the Agreement, and thereupon to desire and give Warrant to the Trustees to draw up and seal conveyances thereof to the Purchasers accordingly.

That all particulars thus finished, together with all pro­ceedingsParticulars to be registred and delivered to the Trustees. thereupon, be fairly entered or Registred by the Register, and be safely kept by him, as Records, and that after such entering and registring thereof, the Register do deliver the said particulars unto the Trustees, to perfect the sale as aforesaid.

And to the end this service may be performed in suchRegister or his Deputy to at­tend the Con­tractors. manner as the Register may bee able from time to time to give an account of all proceedings (if he shall be requi­red) to the Parliament, himself, or one of his Deputies, are to attend upon, and enter all Orders and proceedings before the Contractors.

That he do weekly make Certificate to the Treasurers,Certificate to the Treasurers of rents and mo [...]ies pay­able. Comptroller, and Register accomptant of all Rents, and all Rates of particulars, and of all Moneys payable upon any Contract upon any particular, how much thereof is to be paid in hand, and how much to be forborn, and for what time, and how, and in what manner the sum or sums to be forborn are to be secured.

That he do methodize and put in good order all Char­ters,To methodize▪ writings. [Page 110] Evidences, and Writings, belonging to the late Arch­bishops, and Bishops, and all Books of Survey and other things to be delivered to his care and custody, to be kept by him as Records, and make Catalogues of them, and fit them in such manner, as the Subject may readily see, and have copies, (if he desire it) of whatsoever shall be brought into the Registers Office, and be under his charge and custody.

17. November, 1646.

ORdered by the Lords and Commons Assembled in Par­li [...]ment, 300 l. per [...]n. to Alderman Fowke. That there be an additional allowance of three hundred pounds per annum, allowed and paid unto Mr. Al­derman Fowke, for his salary, for his execution of the place of Comptroller of the Receipts of Monies mentioned in the Ordinance, for the appointing the sale of the late Bishops Lands, over and above the two hundred pounds per annum, appointed by the said Ordinance.

Joh. Brown Cler. Parliamentorum.
H. Elsyng Cler. Parl. Dom. Com▪

IT is this day Ordered by the Lords in Parliament as­sembled,Printing. that the severall Ordinances printed for the sale of the Bishops Lands shall be called in; And that the Trustees therein mentioned, or the major part of them, shall take care for the true printing thereof, according to the said Ordinance: Any Order whatsoever notwith­standing.

Ioh. Brown Cler. Parliamentorum▪

Die Sabbathi, 28. Novembris, 1646.

BE it Ordained by the Lords and Commons in Parlia­mentSir Richard Gurneys house assembled, that the Messuage or Mansion house, of, or belonging unto Sir Richard Gurney Knight, late Lord Major of the City of London, a Delinquent, scituate in the Old Jury London, shall be applyed and made use of by the Trustees, and Contractors in the late Ordinance for appointing the sale of the Bishops Lands, for their sit­ting in, and for their better accommodation in the dis­charge of the trust thereby reposed in them respectively, and likewise for the safe keeping and laying up of all Re­cords, Evidences, Writings, Books, and other things ap­pointed to be layed up and kept by the Register in the said Ordinance mentioned, and for such of the Officers, and other uses, as the said Trustees, or the major part of them shall appoint.

Ioh. Brown Cler. Parliamentorum.
H. Elsynge Cler. Parl. D. Com.

The 28. of December, 1646.
At the Committee of Trustees for Bi­shops Lands.

VVHereas by severall Ordinances of ParliamentThe Tre [...]sury and Records to be kept in Sir Richard Gurneys house. made concerning the sale of Bishops Lands, it is appointed that the Treasury lately kept at Goldsmiths Hall London: And all Charters, Deeds, and Writings touching the Lands of the late Bishops, should be kept in such place in the said City of London, as the Trustees therein mentioned, or the major part of them should from time to time think fit. And whereas by another Or­dinance of Parliament, dated the eight and twentyeth day of November last, the Messuage, or Mansion house of Sir Richard Gurnie Knight, scituate in the Old Jury London▪ was appointed to be applyed and made use of by the Tru­stees and Contractors for the sale of Bishops Lands, and for keeping of the Records and Writings which are to be kept by the Register, and for such of the Officers, and o­ther uses, as the said Trustees, or the major part of them▪ shall appoint: It is thereupon Ordered by the said Tru­stees, That the said Treasury, Records, Deeds, and Evi­dences, shall be from henceforth kept in the said House in the Old Jury, London.

John Rolf, Clerk to the Trustees.

30. November, 1646.
An Ordinance of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament for explanation and bet­ter putting in execution the late Ordinance, entituled, An Ordinnace of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament, for appointing the sale of Bishops Lands for the use of the Common-wealth.

THe Lords and Commons assembled in Par­liamentCol. Manwa­ring to [...]scer­tain the princi­pall and inter­ [...]st of m [...]nies, plate▪ &c▪ a [...] ­vanced. do hereby declare and Ordaine, that Collonel Robert Manwaring appointed to bee Register Accomptant by the for­mer Ordinance for the sale of Bishops Lands, is and be hereby authorised uponAnd upon his certificate [...]e Treasurers to receive the mo­ney, a [...]d give Receipts. Twe [...]ty shi [...]l­lings per day al­lowed to the Treasurers Clerks for a year. And all other charges incident of the Treasu­ry, to be allow­ed by the Com­mittee hereaf­ter named. The Comptrol­ler [...]o give ac­knowledgment [...] whereof. the Receipts or certificates given by the former Treasu­rers, Receivers or Collectors of mony▪ plate, horse, furni­ture or arms, advanced upon the publick Faith, to ascer­tain the Principall and Interest thereof; and that his Cer­tificate to the Treasurers appointed by the said former Ordinance shall be a sufficient Voucher for them to pro­ceed thereupon to the receiving of the money, and giving their receipts according to the former Ordinance: And that twenty shillings per diem shall bee allowed to the Treasurers for their Clerks and Tellers, the said allowance to continue for a year, and to be distributed among them according to the discretion of the said Treasurers. And that all other charges incident to the Treasury, which shall he discharged and paid by the said Treasurers, shal be allowed to them by the Committee hereafter named, or any five of them. And that the Comptroller appointed by the said former Ordinance, shall upon the weekly account [Page 114] given unto him by the said Treasurers, give a receipt or acknowledgement thereof in writing under his, or his De­puties hands to the said Treasurers for their justification therein. And further, that the Certificate of theCertificate of the Commissa­ries for Horses shall be accept­ted. Commissaries and others authorised for the listing of horses, furniture, or arms, who have power to give the publick Faith for the same, shall bee accepted and allowed for as good and sufficient as the Receipts or certificates of the Treasurers, Collectors, or Receivers of money or plate. And for the seeling and determining of any further doubt which may arise concerning the validity of anyFor determin­ning of doubts concerning the validity of any Warrant made to the Treas­surers a Com­mittee of Par­liament is ap­pointed. warrant made by the Trustees of the Bishops Lands to the said Treasurers for the issuing out of any money, That the Earl of Northumberland, Earl of Kent, Earl of Rut­land, Earl of Pembrook, Earl of Lincoln, Earl of Notting­ham, Earl of Suffolk, Earl of Salisbury, Earl of Warwick, Earl of Denbigh, Earl of Middlesex, Earl of Manchester, Earl of Mulgrave, Earl of Stamford, Viscount Hereford, Viscount Say and Seal, Lord Berkly, Lord Dacres, Lord Wharton, Lord Willoughby, Lord North, Lord Hunsdon, Lord Montague, Lord Gray of Wark, Lord Roberts, Lord Maynard, Lord Howard, and Lord Bruce, Mr. Hollis, Mr. Francis Allen, Sir Philip Stapleton, Mr. Iohn Ash, Sir Iohn Clotworthy, Sir Symonds D'ewes Mr. Walter Long, Sir Iohn Temple, Sir William Lewis, Sir William Spring, Sir Iohn Hobart, Coll. Harvey, Mr. Got, Mr. Recorder, Sir Hen. Vane, senior, Mr. Leigh, Mr. Reynolds, Mr. Tate, Sir Iohn Evelin of Surrey, Mr. Roll, Sir Samuel Roll, Mr. Bond, Mr. Bal, Mr. Nicol; Mr. Wilson, Mr. Blackiston, Mr. Pierpoint, Sir Peter Wentworth, Sir Iohn Curson, Sir Walter Erle, Sir Robert Harley, Mr. Crew, Sir Gregory Norton, Leiutenant Generall Cromwel, Sir Robert Pye, Sir Edward Hungerford, Mr. Knightly, Sir Iohn [Page 115] Burgoine, Mr. Rous, Mr. Strode, Sir Anthony Irby, Mr. Humphrey Edwards, Mr. Drake, Mr. Prideaux, Mr. Al­derman Atkin, Sir Thomas Soame, Alderman Pennington, Mr. Vassall, Collonel Ven, or any five of them shall be, and are hereby constituted a Committee of Parliament for the purposes aforesaid, and shall have power and authority to hear and determine the same in case the said Trustees or Treasurers shall desire it. And that a warrant under any five of the hands of the said Committee shall be a suffici­ent authority to them, and every of them to proceed accordingly in the execution of the said Ordinance. And it is hereby lastly Declared and Ordained by the authori­tyAll persons, as well those who have formerly lent upon he publick Faith, as others shall have the same repaid with In­terest. aforesaid, That all persons, aswell those who have lent upon the publick faith, as those that shall advance or lend any sum of money for the purposes in the said Ordinance mentioned, untill the 200000l. intended by the said Or­dinance to bee raised, shall be brought in, shall have the same security for the repayment thereof, together with interest for the same, after the rate of eight per centum, as those who having formerly lent upon the publick faith as aforesaid, and do now lend upon the said Ordinance are to have.

H. Elsynge Cler. Parl. Dom. Com.

An additionall Ordinance of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament.
For the alteration and explanation of the Oath formerly appointed to be taken by the Surveyors of the Bishops Lands, &c.
Die lovis, 24. Decembris, 1646.

BEe it hereby Ordained by the Lords and Commons in this present Parliament assem­bled, and by the authority of the same, that instead of the Oath formerly appoint­ed to be taken by Surveyors of the Bishops Lands, this Oath following shall be taken by them respe­ctively: In haec verba:

I A. B. do swear that I will faithfully and truly, ac­cording to my best skill and knowledge, execute the placeThe Surveyors Oath. of Surveyor, according to the purport of two severall Ordinances; The one entituled, An Ordinance of Parlia­ment for the abolishing of Archbishops and Bishops within the Kingdome of England, and Dominion of Wales, and for setling of their Lands and Possessions upon Trustees for the use of the Common-wealth: The other entituled, An Ordinance of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parlia­ment, for appointing the sale of the Bishops Landss for the [Page 117] use of the Common-wealth; and according to the Instru­ctions thereunto added▪ I shall use my best endeavour and skill to discover the estate therein mentioned, and every part thereof which shall be given me in charge, and to find out the true values and improvements thereof; and thereof shall make true Surveys, according to my best skil and cunning, and the same from time to time to deliver in writing close sealed up, unto Henry Elsyng Esquire, the Register in that behalfe appointed, together with a true Copy or Duplicate thereof, likewise close sealed up to the said Trustees, or any two of them, according to the true intent and meaning of the said recited Ordinances: And this I shall justly and faithfully execute, without any gift or reward, directly or indirectly, from any person or per­sons whatsoever, except such allowances as the said Tru­stees, or the major part of them shall think fit to make unto me for my pains and charges in the executing of the said Place or Office.

And be it further Ordained by the authority aforesaid,The Trustees to call Survey­ors to ac­comp [...] and re­move those that are defe­ctive or un­faithfull. that the said Trustees, or the major part of them shall have power, and are hereby authorized from time to time, to call to accompt any Surveyor or Surveyors, or other Officers by them named and appointed. And if they shall find them, or any of them defective or unfaithfull in performance of the Duties or Trust in them reposed, then to remove them, or any of them which they shall so find defective or unfaithfull, and to nominateThe Duplicates of the Surveys to be delivered to the Register when all the lands are sold. and appoint others in their steads. Neverthelesse it is hereby Ordained and Declared, that the Copies or Du­plicates of all Surveys, to be returned to the said Trustees as aforesaid, so soone as assurances shall be made to the purchasers of the Lands, or other things therein contain­ed. shall forthwith be delivered over by the said Trustees [Page 118] or the major part of them, unto the Register aforesaid, to be bundled up and safely kept by him in like manner, as the other part of the said Surveys returned to him by the said Surveyors is appointed to be kept; And that the said Trustees, or any imployed by them, do not make entryThe Trustees nor any im­ployed by them are not to make any co­pies. of, or at any time make or deliver out any Copies of the said Duplicates for the use and benefit of any private or particular person, or otherwise, to the prejudice of the said Register.

And be it lastly Ordained, That this present Ordinance shall be printed and published in all Counties and other Cities, Towns Corporate, Parishes, Towns, Hamblets, and other places where the said Trustees, or the major part of them shall think fit, and that the care of the true printing thereof is hereby referred to the said Trustees, or the major part of them.

Joh. Brown Cleric. Parliamentorum.
H. Elsynge Cler. Parl. Dom. Com.

Die Veneris, 5 Martii, 1646.
An Ordinance of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament, For the better Explaining and Execu­ting of the former Ordinances for the Sale of Bishops-lands.

WHereas by Ordinance of the Lords andRecitall of the Contractors Instructions in the former Or­dinance of the 16 of No. 1646. Commons in this present Parliament as­sembled, made the sixteenth day of Novem­ber, Anno Dom. 1646. among other instru­ctions for the Contractors in the said Ordi­nance named, it is Ordained that the Demesne Lands of the late Archbishops and Bishops shall not be sold under ten years purchase of the ful values they were at in the year 1641. The same rule to be observed proportionably in theThe Contra­ctors to pro­c [...]ed to sale ac­cording to such particulars as shal be delive­red to them by the Regi­ster. Sale of Reversions expectant upon Estates for lives or years. The said Lords and Commons do hereby declare and ordain, that the said full value upon which the said Contractors shall proceed to Sale, shall be according to such particulars as shall be made and delivered to the said Contractors under the hand of Henry Elsynge Register in the said Ordinance named, and that such particulars soAnd the Regi­ster to appoint a Clerk to at­tend the Con­tractors, and to enter all Or­ders. made and delivered to them shal be a sufficient justificati­on for them to proceed to sale accordingly. And further that the said Register shall cause one faithfull, able and suf­ficient Clerk to be attending on the said Contractors at all their meetings, and to enter all their Orders and pro­ceedings, and to observe and obey all such commands and directions concerning the premises, as they or any six or more of them shall direct and appoint. And that the said [Page 120] Books of Entries shall remain in the custody of the said Contractors or such of them, as they, or the major part ofNo Copies of Entries to be made by any but the Regi­ster or his Clerk. The Oath of the Register & his Deputy and Clerk. them shall appoint. Provided that no Copies of the said Entries be made had, or taken out of the said books by a­ny others then the said Register or his Deputy, or the said Clerk, who are to have the use of them for that purpose. And that the said Register and his Deputy and the said Clerk shal severally and respectively take an Oath before the Trustees or any three of them, which they are hereby authorized and required to administer to them according­ly▪ to execute the said respective offices and places accor­ding to the Ordinances & Instructions of both Houses of Parliament in that behalf made, and not for any fear, fa­vour, malice, or reward to violate the said respective trusts in them reposed. And whereas by the afore recited Ordi­nances,The Contra­ctors to have two pence per pound for all such Land [...] [...] shall be contra­cted for and sold. it is ordained, that the said Contractors shall re­ceive two pence in the pound for every sum that shall be paid to the Treasurers, upon all and every Contract or Contracts by them made, the said Lords and Commons do hereby Declare and Ordain, That they shall in stead thereof, receive two pence in the pound for al such Lands, Tenements, and Hereditaments, of the late Archbishops and Bishops, which shall be contracted for, and sold by them, according to the rates for which they shall be sold. And further the said Lords and Commons doe herebyAll persons which have lent moneys shall have like advantage for all other mo­neys due by the Ordinance as for the mo­neys lent. Declare and Ordaine, that all such who have advanced and lent Moneys upon the aforesaid recited Ordinance, shall be allowed and have all the same advantages and benefits for and concerning any Moneys otherwise due unto them by the afore recited Ordinance, as fully & am­ply to al intents and purposes whatsoever, as for and con­cerning any ready Moneys lent and advanced upon the said Ordinance.

Ioh. Brown Cler. Parliamentorum.
H. Elsyng. Cler. Parl. Dom Com.

Die Veneris, 15 Martii, 1646.
An Ordinance of the Lords and Com­mons assembled in Parliament, For the lessening of the number of the Tru­stees for the Sale of the Bishops Lands.

WHereas by vertue of an Ordinance of theRecitall of the Ordinance ve­sting the Bi­shops Lands in the Trustees. Lords and Commons in this present Par­liament assembled, made the ninth day of October, Anno Dom. 1646. All Counties Palatine, Honours, Mannors, Lordships, Scites, Circuits, Precincts, Castles, Granges, Messuages, Mils, Lands, Tenements, Meddows, Pastures, Parsona­ges appropriate, Tithes, Oblations, Obventions, Pensi­ons, Portions of Tithes, Parsonages, Vicarages, Chur­ches, Chappels, Advowsons, Donatives, Nominations, Rights of Pa [...]ronages, and Presentations, Parks, Woods, Rents, Reversions, Services, Annuities, Franchises, Li­berties, Priviledges, Immunities, Rights of actions and Entry, Interest, Titles of Entry, Conditions, Commons-Court, Courts-Leet, and Courts-Baron, & all other Pos­sessions and Hereditaments whatsoever, with all and every of their appurtenances of what nature or quality soever they be which then were, or a [...] any time within ten years before the beginning of this present Parliament were to any Archbishop, or Bishop, within this king­dome of England or Dominion of Wales, or which they or any of them had held and enjoyed in the right of their Archbishopricks, or Bishopricks, Dignities, Offices or Places respectively, with all Charters, Deeds, Bookes of Accompts, Rolls, and other Writings whatsoever concerning the same belonging unto them, were vested and setled in the reall and actuall possession and seism of Thomas Adams Alderman then Lord Major of the City of London, Sir George Clarke Knight, Iohn Lang­ham Alderman, and Iohn Iones among others in the said Ordinance named, and also by the said Ordinance, and by other Ordinances since made in pursuance thereof, or for the explaining or executing thereof the said Trustees are authorized and required to act and execute divers Acts and things concerning the premises. And where­as the said Thomas Adams, Sir George Clarke, Iohn Lang­ham, and Iohn Iones have humbly desired to be dischargedRecitall of the four Trustees which desired to be dischar­ged. It is Ordained that the said four Trustees shall be no longer seized. of the said Trust, because they cannot constantly attend and execute the same by reason of their other necessary occasions: The said Lords and Commons do hereby Or­daine, That the said Thomas Adams, Sir George Clark, Iohn Langham, and Iohn Iones, and every of them shal be from henceforth no longer possessed, seized, or interessed of, or in the premises, or any of them, or any part or parcel of them; but that the seism, possession, and interest thereof, orBut that the seism shall be out of them. And they dis­charged of the Trusts. thereunto, shall be henceforth wholly and absolutely out of them, and every of them; And that they, and every of them shal be from henceforth wholly discharged of the said trusts to al intents & purposes whatsoever; & shal not from henceforth act or execute any power or authority, act or thing whatsoever, by vertue of the said first recited Ordinance, or any other Ordinance or Ordinances afore­said. [Page 123] And that all and every the premises, and every partAnd that the Premises shall from hence­forth be vested in th [...] rema [...]ning Trustees. and parcell thereof shall from henceforth be vested and setled, adjudged and deemed to be, and shall be wholly and onely in the reall and ac [...]uall poss [...]ssion of Sir Iohn Wollaston Knight; and the other remaining Trustees, whose names are expressed in the said first recited Ordi­nance, and the Surveyers and Survivors of them, their Heires and Assignes as fully and absolutely to all intents and purposes, as if the said Thomas Adams, Sir George Clarke, Iohn Langham, and Iohn Iones, had not been at all named in the first recited Ordinance, nor in any o­ther of the said Ordinances, and as if the said Sir Iohn Wollaston, and the other remaining Trustees only hadAnd the remai­ning Trustees, or any five of them from henceforth to act in as ample manner as all or any of the Tru­stees might have done. been named therein. And the said Sir Iohn Wollaston, and the other remaining Trustees, or any five or more of them, shall from henceforth act and execute all the powers and authorities, acts and things whatsoever, which by the first recited Ordinance, or any other of the aforesaid Ordinances are appointed to be acted and exe­cuted by all the Trustees named in the first recited Or­dinance, or by any part of them; in as full and ample manner to all intents and purposes whatsoever, as all the Trustees named in the first recited Ordi­nance, or any part of them, might, and ought to haveAnd the rema­ing Trustees or any five of th [...]m or such a [...] they shall appoint, may let for one year or less, any of the Premises (our of Lease) which are by the Ordinance appointed to be sold. done, any thing contained in the first recited Ordinance, or in any other of the aforesaid Ordinances to the con­trary in any wise notwithstanding. And it is further hereby Declared and Ordained, That the said Sir Iohn Wollaston, and the other remaining Trustees, or any five or more of them, or such person or persons as they or any five or more of them under their hands and seals shall thereunto appoint and authorize, shall have full power and authority to let or set for one yeare or lesse, [Page 124] and so from yeare to yeare, or lesse, before the sale hereof respectively, any of the premises which are appointed to bee sold by any of the said former Or­dinances now being, or which shall be at any time before the Sale thereof respectively out of Lease, unto such persons and in such manner, whereby the best profits and advantages thereof may bee made as they shall thinke fit, the Rents and Profits hereof to bee dis­posed in such manner, as in the said former Ordinan­ces is declared, concerning the other Rents, Profits,Provided that Copyhold Land [...] be granted by copy of Court-Roll, and not otherwise. and Receipts therein mentioned and contained; Pro­vided alwayes, that such of the said Premises as are grantable by Copy of Court-Roll, according to the custome of any Honour, or Mannour, and which they have power to Demise as is aforesaid, shall bee demised by the Copy of the Court-Roll respective­ly, and not by any Lease at the Common Law. And the said Lords and Commons taking into their consideration, the paines and good service of the said Sir Iohn Wollaston, and the other remaining Trustees for their encouragement therein, doe hereby Ordaine, That the said Sir Iohn Wollaston and the other re­mainingThe remaining Trustees (ex­cept the three Treasurers & the Comptro­ler) shall have 20 [...]0 l. a­mongst them. Trustees, except the three Treasurers and the Comptroller, who have a Salary already allowed to them) shall have and receive the summe of two thousand pounds; That is to say, one thousand pounds thereof at the end of sixe monthes to bee ac­counted from the aforesaid ninth day of October, and the other one thousand pounds at the end of sixe monthes after: Which said summe of two thou­sand pounds, the aforesaid Treasurers, or any two of them, are hereby authorised and required to pay ac­cordingly unto them, or to such person or persons [Page 125] for them as they or the major part of them under their hand-writing shall appoint out of such moneys as the said Treasurers shall have received by the profits or sale of the premises. And that the said Sir Iohn Wollaston and theThe remaining Trustees are to divide the 2000 l. a­mongst them as they think fit. other remaining Trustees (except such as are before ex­cepted) or the major part of them shall distribute and dis­pose of the said two thousand pounds among themselves by such proportions and in such manner as they or the major part of them shall think fit. Lastly the printing of this Ordinance is referred to the Trustees or the major part of them.

Ioh. Brown Cler. Parliamentorum.
H. Elsyng. Cler. Parl. D. Com.

Die Jovis, 13 Maii, 1647, AN ORDINANCE OF THE LORDS and COMMONS Assembled in PARLIAMENT, FOR Securing of all those that shall advance two hundred thousand pounds for the ser­vice of this Kingdom, and of the Kingdom of IRELAND.

THE Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament, intending to raise the summe of two hundred thousand pounds, for the service of this Kingdome, and of the Kingdome of Ireland; for the encou­ragement of such as shall advance any summe for and to­wards [Page 127] the same; Doe hereby Ordaine and Declare, that every person who hath advanced any Moneys, Plate, or Horses, with their furniture and Armes, upon the Pub­likePublique faith or propositi­ons. Ordinance of the 18. August 1643. 50. sub [...] ­dies. Faith, or Propositions; or that hath lent any sum of Moneys upon the Ordinance of the 18. of August, 1643. Intituled, An Ordinance of the Lords and Commons as­sembled in Parliament, for the speedy raising of Moneys within the City of London, and Liberties thereof, for the relief and maintenance of the Armies raised and to be rai­sed, for the necessary defence of the City, and L [...]berties afore­said, raised according to the Propositions of fifty Subsidies Or that hath lent any summe of Moneys upon the Ex­peditionExpedition in­to Kent. Ci [...]y Seal. 30000 l. in No­vemb. 1642. 40000 l. in Apr. 1643. 23000 l. in May, 1643. 50000 l. in Novemb. 1641. Acts of Parlia­ment, 1641. into Kent, upon the commotion there, for which the City Seal stands yet ingaged; or that hath lent any Moneys towards the Loan of 30000. l. in or about November, 1642. or of 40000 l. in or about Aprill, 1643. or of 23000 l. in or about May, 1643. which are not already repayed; the which said severall summes were advanced upon the pressing necessities of England, and Ireland; Or that hath lent any summe or summes of mo­ney towards the raising of 50000 l. borrowed for the service of Ireland, in or about November, 1641.Such as shall lend any mony towards the ad­vancement of this 200000 l. shall be secured a like sum more out of the Grand Excise, moiety of De­linquents, com­positions at Goldsmiths Hall. Or that hath lent any summe or summes of money in the yeare 1641. (which are yet unpaid) upon the security of the Act of Parliament, for the speedy raising of Mo­neyes for disbanding the Armies, and setling the peace of the two Kingdomes of England and Scotland; That such person may for every summe of Money he shall further lend for the advancement of the said 200000 l. bee secured a like summe more, to bee paid out of the Grand Excise, in course, and out of the moyety of all Compositions made, or to be made with Delinquents, according to the Orders, Ordinances, or Instructions, [Page 128] of one or both Houses of Parliament already made, for compounding with Delinquents at Gold-smiths Hall, after the ingagements already charged upon the said Compositions are satisfied, and out of the remainderRemainder of Bishops lands, and Papists lands, except advowsons and impropriati­ons, interest to be paid every six moneths. of the proceed of the Bishops Lands, after they shall bee cleer of the present ingagements; and out of the proceed of the Estates and sale of the Lands of Papists (except Advowsons and Impropriations) which have been in Armes against the Parliament, which shall first happen; together with all the Interest due thereupon, after the rate of 8 l. per cent. per annum, to be paid every six moneths, out of the Receipt of the Excise, til prin­cipall and Interest be fully discharged. (As for Exam­ple) if there be owing to any person 100 l. Principall, which with Interest due thereupon for three years past, will make 124 l. [...]e adventuring 124 l. more may bee secured for the whole 248 l. as aforesaid, and so pro­portionably for a greater or lesser summe, and accor­ding to the Interest due thereupon. Provided alwayes that the Committee at Gold-smiths Hall shall have po­werImpropriations to compound with Delinquents for Impropriations, according to such Orders and Instructions, as they have, or shall receive from both or either House of Par­liament, for the benefit and advancement of the Ministry. Provided also, that the just debts of every Papist whoIust debts of Papists. hath been in Arms against the Parliament, made before the first of Aprill 1642. be paid, allowed, or dedutred; asFormer in­gagements up­on Papists e­sta [...]es by Parli­ament except. also that all former ingagements concerning the Lands, or estates of any such Papist, made by both or either House of Parliament, shall be excepted out of the security; And the said Lords and Commons doe hereby Ordaine and Declare, That Sir Iohn Wollaston Knight, and Alder­man, and the other Trustees for the sale of Bishops [Page 129] Lands, appointed by an Ordinance of Parliament inti­tuled,The Trustees to stand seized to the uses and purposes here­in declare [...] a [...] ­ter the former moneys secu­red upon he same be sarisfi­ed. An Ordinance of the Lords and Commons assem­bled in Parliament for the lessening the number of the Tru­stees for the sale of Bishops Lands, and the Survivor or Sur­vivors of them; and the Heirs of the Survivors of them, shall stand, and bee seized of all and singular Counties Palatine, Honours, Mannours, Lands, Tenements, and Hereditaments, and other the premises setled and vested in them, their Heires, and Assignes in, and by the said Ordinance of Parliament last before mentioned, excepting as is therein excepted, and shall take and receive all the Rents, Revenues, Issues, and profits hereafter due and payable for the premisses, or any part of them, untill sale shall bee made of the same, to the uses, intents, and purposes herein before mentioned and de­clared, after the former summes lent and secured, or which are to bee satisfied and paid out of the same, ac­cording to an Ordinance of Parliament, dated the 16. of November, 1640. or any other Ordinance ofThe Trustees, Contractors, Treasurers, Clerk Register, Register Ac­comptant and Comptroller to continue in their trusts and Offices untill, &c. Parliament since that t [...]me in that be halfe made, and that the said Trustees, or any five of them, and Iohn Blackwell senior of Moore-clack in the County of Surrey Esquire, and the rest of the Contractors in the said last before mentioned Ordinance nominated, and appointed, and William Gibbs Alderman of the City of London, and the rest of the said Treasurers in and by the same Or­dinance nominated and appointed, and Henry Elsynge Esquire, Clerke of the House of Commons also nomi­nated and appointed therein to be Register, or his Deputy, or Deputies, and Colonell Robert Manwaring nomi­nated, and appointed by the same Ordinance to bee Register Accomptant, and Iohn Fow [...] Alderman of the City of London thereby nominated, and appointed to be [Page 130] Comptroller, or his Deputy, or Deputies, shall continue in their said severall Trusts, Offices, and places, and shall hereby have power severally and respectively to doe all other Acts and things as in and by the said Ordinance of the 16 of November, 1646. or any other Ordinance, Declarations, or instructions of Parliament since that time in that behalfe made, they, every or any of them respectively are authorised, directed and appointed, excepting what is otherwise directed in and by this present Ordinance, untill sale shall bee made of the premises to the uses, intents, and purposes herein before mentioned and declared. And the said Lords and Commons doe hereby constitute and appoint Iames Bunce, Alderman ofTreasurers for th [...]s 200000 l. the City of London, and Richard Glyde, and Lieutenant Colonell Lawrence Bromfield, Citizens of London, to be Treasurers for the receiving, issuing, and paying out of the said two hundred thousand pounds hereby intended to be borrowed; which said service of theirs is to bee by them performed at Weavers Hall, or any other place [...] Weavers-Hall where the said Treasurers, or the major part of them shall from time to time think fit within the City of Lon­don; And likewise they the said Treasurers, or any of them are hereby authorised from time to time to demand, and receive all such summe and summes of money as shall bee due and payable out of all, or any the severall securities before named from the hands of the Treasurers, which are or shall bee appointed in or for any the Receipts given for security as aforesaid; And the said Treasurers, or any of them hereby nominated areTreasurers to take subscrip­tions. likewise authorised, and appointed to take and receive the subscriptions of every person or persons, Bodies Politique or Corporate, that shall subscribe any summe or summes of Money, for and toward the raising of the [Page 131] said two hundred thousand pounds intended to be lent: And the said Lords and Commons doe in like mannerColonell Man­waring. hereby constitute, and appoint colonell Robert Manwa­ring to bee Register Accomptant of all and singular the Accompts and Registries, and to doe and execute all acts and things concerning all and singular the Premises men­tioned, and contained in this present Ordinance, as fully and amply, and in such manner and forme as is formerly ordained and appointed by the Ordinance made Novem­ber, 16. Anno Dom. 1646. for the sale of Bishops Lands, or any other Ordinance since made in that behalfe for, or concerning any thing mentioned, or contained in the said former Ordinances: And the said Register Accomp­tant shall receive, and allow all Tickets and Receipts of Money, Plate, Horse, or Armes, with their furnitureT [...]ckets and Receipts. voluntarily lent upon the Publique Faith, by vertue of any Ordinance, Declaration, or Instructions from both Houses of Parliament; which Acquittances and Re­ceipts shall stand good, and bee effectuall to all intents and purposes, so as the Parties which shall tender the said Receipts doe within 3. moneths then next ensuing bring, or send to the said Register a certificate from two or more of the Committee, Deputy Lieutenants, or Justices of the Peace of the respective Counties, testfying that the name subscribed to the Tickets or Receipts, was the proper Treasurer, Collector, Receiver, Deputy Lieu­tenant, Committee or Committees appointed by ver­tue of any Ordinance or Instructions of Parliament, for the Receipts aforesaid: Provided alwayes that in caseIf Recipts prove not good, yet this security shal be good for the money now lent. such Receipts and Certificates, should not prove good and effectuall according to the intent of this present Ordinance, yet the security now given by this Ordi­nance to any person or persons whatsoever, who shall [Page 132] now lend, or disburse any sum or sums of mony according to this Ordinance shall stand good, and be effectuall to all intents and purposes for the mony so lent and disbursed, according to the said Ordinance. And it is further ordain­ed100 l per an­num, 10 Col. Manwaring. that the said Collonel Manwaring, shall have an additi­onal salary of one hundred pounds over and above his for­mer salary of two hundred pounds per annum, till both Houses of Parliament shall take further Order, to be paidClerks and Under-Officers their salary. out of the Rents, and proceed of the Bishops Lands by the Treasurers thereof, for the time being, on the 25 day of March, and the 29 of September, by even and equall portions, and for such Clerks or Under-Officers as shall bee imployed in and about the premises, the same shall be approved of by the said Treasurers, and receive such rea­sonable salary for their service as the said Treasurers shall from time to time think fit to allow. And in case where the severall sums of mony which have been advanced by the Inhabitants of divers Wards and Precincts of the City of London, and other Counties, Cities, and Towns corporate upon any the Ordinances, or Acts of Parli­ament hereby secured, have been brought in to the Trea­surers appointed by those Ordinances, and Acts in one grosse sum, and a Receipt given by the said TreasurersWhe [...]s no pa [...]ti­c [...]lar rece [...]p [...] given to the render by the Collectors the Register Ac­comptant is to give Certificate &c. for the same in grosse unto the Collector, and bringer in thereof, onely without giving any particular Receipts unto the severall and particular Advancers and Lenders thereof, by reason whereof, and because divers of the said Collectors are since deceased, and others departed out of the City of London, the severall advancers of the said summes of money, will be deprived of the benefit intended them by this present Ordinance; It is hereby Ordained, and Declared by the said Lords and Com­mons, that the said Register Accomptant hereby no­minated, [Page 133] and appointed, is and shall be authorized, where it shall appear to him by the particular given in to the Treasurers appointed to receive the se­verall summes of money advanced upon any the Ordinances or Acts of Parliament hereby secured, by any of the Collectors, who tooke such generall Receipt for the grosse summe by him or them brought in for their severall Wards, or Precincts, that such summe of money was at that time advan­ced, and lent by any particular Inhabitant of the said Ward or Precinct to ascertaine the principall and interest thereof, and to give him or them, their Executors or Administrators clayming the same, such Receipt for the same, as if he or they had pro­duced the particular Receipts or Certificates of the severall Collectors thereof; And that these the said Register Accomptants Receipts shall be a good and sufficient ground to such persons to whom the same shall be so given, their Executors, Admini­strators, and Assignes to require the summe and summes of Money therein mentioned; And that it shall and may bee lawfull to and for every per­son or persons to whom any money is owing upon the Publique Faith, or otherwise according to the particulars before mentioned in this present Ordi­nance, to grant, and assigne his or their said Debts, or any part thereof to any other person or per­sons whatsoever; And further that it shall and may bee lawfull for every person and persons, bodies politique or corporate, who shall have any mo­niesMonies due upon the pub­lique faith, and by this Ordi­nance may be assigned. due to him or them by vertue of this pre­sent Ordinance, to grant and assigne the same unto any person or persons whatsoe­ever; [Page 134] And the same grant or assignment shall bee good and effectuall to all intents and purposes whatso­ever; and allowed of by all person and persons what­soever, to whom it shall appertaine to make any al­lowance thereof, as if he or they had lent the same themselves, and that every Lender of any money upon this Ordinance shall have all benefits and advantages whatsoever, for and concerning any moneys due by this present Ordinance in course, after the former in­gagement satisfied and discharged, as fully and amply to all intents and purposes respectively, as they who have formerly lent any money upon the former Or­dinance for sale of Bishops Lands, made November the 16. Anno Domini, 1646. ought to have by vertue of the said Ordinance or any other Ordinances since made in that behalfe; And if any person or persons shall wittingly or willingly produce any false or forged Acquittance, or Certificate to the said Register Ac­comptant,Forged certifi­cate. thereby to defraud the Common wealth, the person or persons so offending shall lose and for­feit his money lent, towards the raising of this two hundred thousand pounds, or any way due to him upon any the Ordinances or Acts of Parliament, here­by secured or assigned unto him as aforesaid, the benefit whereof shall bee for the use and benefit of the Common-wealth.

And be it further ordained by the Authority afore­said,Monies to be brought in within 8. daies after entry of the Tickets. that every person who shall have his ticket allow­ed of and entred by the Register Accomptant, and not bring in, the money which upon that ticket hee is required to doe by this Ordinance, within eight dayes after such entry unto the Treasurers hereby appointed for the Receipt of the same, shall lose and forfeit the [Page 135] money that shall be due unto him upon any the Or­dinances, or Acts of Parliament hereby secured, un­lesse he shall shew unto the said Treasurers, or any two of them, some reasonable cause to be by them allowed; And be it further Ordained that the said TreasurersThis 200000l▪ to be assigned our according to Ordinance of Parliament. hereby constituted and appointed for the receiving and issuing out of the said money, shall not issue or pay out any of the said two hundred thousand pounds, to be bor­rowed for the use of the Common-wealth as aforesaid, but by Ordinance of both Houses of Parliament, which Ordinance with the Receipt of the party or parties to whom the money is appointed to be paid, shal be a good and sufficient discharge to the said Treasurers, their Heirs, Executors, and Administrators; And the said Treasurers shall not dispose, disburse, or pay any o­therThe Treasurers to pay out no other monies but as is hereby appointed. summe or summes of money that shall come to their Treasury, or be paid unto them by vertue of this Ordinance but onely for necessary charges, and as is further and particularly directed by this present Ordi­nance. And bee it further Ordained by the authority aforesaid, that the said Treasurers shall receive all summes of money due, and payable out of any the se­curities hereby engaged as aforesaid, from the hands of the Treasurers there already appointed, or who hereafter shall be appointed, and as they receive theCharges to be deducted. The Lenders to have one fourth pa [...]t of their debts paid in course. [...], deducting charges and allowances, shall again pay [...] and divide such monies to the Lenders by one [...]rth part of their whole debt, that shall be owing to [...]em in course, as they did pay their money with in­ [...]rest then due, and so from time to time till the whole [...]e paid; Provided alwayes that it shall and may bee [...]awfull for every Lender or Lenders, who shall become a purchaser of any part of the Bishops Lands after the [Page 136] former engagements; by the Ordinance of the six­teenthPurchasets of Bishops or Pa­pists Land. may defalk the monies hereby due to them. of November, 1646. or any other Ordinance since that time in that behalfe made fully satisfied and discharged, or of the Lands, or Estates of any Papists in arms to defalke, or retaine any monies that shall bee due unto him by vertue of this present Ordinance, upon every purchase that he or they shall so make, if the sum by him lent shall not exceed the value of the purchase, or so much thereof as the same shall amount unto, which shall be accordingly allowed by the said Trea­surers for the sale of Bishops Lands, and such as shall be appointed for the sale of the Lands of Papists inThe Treasu­rers to give their accompts to the Com­mittee of ac­compts. arms as aforesaid. And bee it further ordained, that the said Treasurers shall keep true and perfect accompts of all receipts, disbursements, and payments, and shall give their accompts to the Committee for taking the accompts of the whole Kingdome for the time being, who are hereby required to take the same every six months, and hereupon to give just discharges to the said Treasurers▪ and after such discharges the said Treasurers, their Heires, Executors and administra­tors; shall not be further questioned for or concerning any of the matters for which they have had and received such discharges; And further the said Treasurers shall have deducted and paid unto them the summe of oneA penny in the pound to the Treasurers up­on the 200000l. penny in the pound, for all such moneys onely as by them shall be received of the advancers of the said two hundred thousand pounds, or so much thereof as shall be raised by vertue of this Ordinance, and not for any other summe of moneys which shall come to their hands by vertue of any of the securities before menti­oned, which are to be paid, and divided as aforesaid to the Lenders. And be it further Ordained by the au­thority [Page 137] aforesaid, that the Commissioners of the Ex­ciseCommissioners of Excise to pay Interest to the Treasu­rers. for the time being, are hereby charged and requi­red, upon demand of the said Treasurers, or any two of them, delivering in writing what summe or summes of money are due and payable, to any person or persons, bodies politique or corporate, by vertue of this present Ordinance, for interest after the rate of 8. per centum, which writing the said Treasurers are hereby required, and authorised to make accordingly, to pay every six months unto the said Treasurers all and every sum and sums of money due fot interest as aforesaid, during the time that the principall hereby secured or any part thereof shall remaine unpaid, and the receipt & receipts of the said Treasurers, or any two of them from time to time, shall be a sufficient discharge unto the said Commissioners of Excise, and every of them in this behalfe; And when this present Ordinance and the severall summe and summes of money thereby secured, shall come to its due course upon any the receipts here­by engaged, and as is herein before ordained and pro­vided; It is further Ordered by authortty aforesaid, that the Commissioners of the Excise for the time being,Commissioners of Excise, Treasurers for Bishops La [...]ds, Treasurers for Delinquents Comp. and Pa­pists in arms shall pay &c. to the Treasu­rers hereby appointed. the Treasurers for the sale of Bishops Lands for the time being, the Treasurers for Compositions of Delinquents. Estates for the time being, and such Treasurers as shall heteafter be appointed for the sale of the Lands and Estates of Papists in Armes, shall respectively from time to time pay unto the Treasurers hereby appointed to that purpose, all and every summe and summes of money arising out of their severall Receipts and due and payable out of all and any their receipts by vertue of this present Ordinance, for and towards the pay­ment of the severall sum and sums of money thereby se­cured as aforesaid, and the receipt, and receipts of the [Page 138] said Treasurers hereby named, or any two of them shall be from time to time a sufficient discharge unto the said Commissioners of Excise, and the Treasurers of the severall Receipts, and every of them respectively, for all summe and summes of money unto them paid in pursuance of this present Ordinance; And it is further ordained and declared by the said Lords and Com­mons in Parliament assembled, that no assignment madeNo assignment made upon any of the securities hereby given after the 7. of May 1647. shal precede this Ordinance. by one or both houses of Parliament, or by authority of the same upon the receipts of the grand Excise or upon the sale of Bishops Lands, or upon the said moity of the Compositions of Delinquents Estates, or upon the sale of the Lands and Estates of Papists in armes after the seventh of this instant May shall precede this present Ordinance, whereof the Commissioners of the Excise, and severall Treasurers of the respective Re­ceipts before named are to take notice accordingly: AndThe Excise shall be conti­nued till the monies payable by this Ordi­dinance be paid. it is hereby Ordained and declared by the authority a­foresaid, that the Excise and new Impost upon commo­dities mentioned in the Ordinance of the 11 of Septem­ber, 1643. or any Ordinance or Ordinances of this pre­sent Parliament, made in explanation, and continuance thereof, shall be continued, taken and put in due execu­tion untill such time as all summes of money payable by vertue of this present Ordinance shall be paid and sa­tisfied, and the payments of the said moneys, to be due and payable, by vertue of this present Ordinance, shallMonies payable by this O [...]di­nance shall not be deser [...]ed or put by. not be debarred, put by or deferred from being paid out of the said Excise, sale of Bishops Lands, the moity of Compositions at Goldsmiths Hall, and sale of Lands and estates of Papists in arms as aforesaid, by any Or­der or Orders, Ordinance or Ordinances of one or both Houses of Parliament, or by any authority de­rived [Page 139] from them or any of them, or otherwise by the payment of any other or further summe, or summes of money then the said severall Receipts and securities were, or are charged withall upon the said seventh of this instant May 1647. And lastly it is further ordai­nedThis Ordi­nance pleadable in Courts of Justice. by the authority aforesaid, that the said first recited Ordinance, and this present Ordinance, and every Arti­cle, Clause, and thing therein contained, shall be plead­able, and may be given in evidence in any of His Maje­sties Courts of Justice, or other Courts, and the Jud­ges of all the said Courts, are required to allow and admit thereof accordingly.

Provided alwaies, that all such sums of mony as shall be lent by any person or persons to ward the advance­ment of the aforesaid summe of two hundred thousand pounds shall be secured as is aforesaid, although the full sum of two hundred thousand pounds shall be ad­vanced as is intended.

Provided neverthelesse, and it is hereby declared thatFurther Fines of Delinquents by reason of their omission or under-valua­tion of their e­states, no part of this security. such further fine or fines as shall be hereafter imposed upon any person or persons, for, or by reason of his or their omission or under-valuation of any the Lands or other estates in the severall particulars, whereupon hee or they already have or shall compound, is not nor shall be taken, or deemed to be any part of the security by this Ordinance granted.

Die Jovis 3. Junii, 1647.
AN ORDINANCE OF THE LORDS and COMMONS Assembled in PARLIAMENT, FOR The raising of forty two thousand pounds and for explanation of the former Or­dinance for raising of two hundred thou­sand pounds for the service of this Kingdome, and of the Kingdome of IRELAND.

THE Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament, intending to raise the sum of forty two thousand pounds; for the uses herein after expressed, doe hereby Declare and Ordaine, That every per­son who hath advanced any Monies, Plate, or Horse [Page 141] with their Furniture and Armes, or hath lent any Moneys for or upon any the particular occasions or services, mentioned in the late Ordinance, Intituled, An Ordinance of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament, for securing of all those that shal advance two hundred thousand pounds for the service of this King­dome, and of the Kingdom of Ireland. That such persons may for every summe of money which they shall fur­ther lend, for or toward the advancement of the afore­said forty two thousand pounds, be secured a like sumAll such as shal advance any monies towards the 42000 l. shall be secured a like sum more with In­terest out of the securities given by the former Ordinance, in course. more to be paid out of the Grand Excise, and all other the severall securities given and assured by the said late. Ordinance and in such manner as is therein and there­by provided and appointed, which of them shall first happen together with the Interest due thereupon, af­ter the rate of eight per cent. per annum, till Principall and interest be fully discharged in course after the for­mer ingagements; for which the Grand Excise, and all other the said severall securities now stand ingaged, bee fully satisfied and discharged; as for Example. If there be owing to any person one hundred pounds Principall, which with the Interest thereupon for three yeers past, will make one hundred twenty foure pounds, hee adventuring one hundred twenty foure pounds more, shall bee secured, as is aforesaid, for the whole two hundred forty eight pounds, and so pro­portionably for a greater or lesser summe, and accor­ding to the Interest due thereupon; And also that he shall be paid his Interest, which shall be then due, after the rate of eight per cent. per annum, every six moneths, out of the Receipt of the Grand Excise. And the said Lords and Commons doe hereby declare and Ordain, That Sir Iohn W [...]llaston, Knight, and Alderman of [Page 142] London, and the rest of the Trustees for the sale of Bi­shopsThe Trustees to stand seized, &c. Lands, appointed by an Ordinance of Parlia­ment, Intituled, An Ordinance of the Lords and Com­mons assembled in Parliament, for the lessening of the number of the Trustees for the sale of Bishops Lands, and the Survivors and Survivor of them. And the Heires of the Survivor of them shall stand and bee seized of all and singular the Counties Palatine, Honours, Mannours, Lands, Tenements, and Heredit [...]ments, and other the Premised setled and vested in them and their Heirs and Assignes, in and by the said Ordinance, excepting as is therein excepted; and shall take and receive all the Rents, Revenues, Issues, and Profits hereafter due and payable for the Premises, or any part of them, untill sale shall bee made of the same to the uses, intents, and purposes herein after mentioned and declared, after the for­mer summes lent and secured thereupon, or which are to bee satisfied and paid out of the same, shall be fully satisfied and discharged; And that Iohn Black­well The Contra­ctors, Treasu­rers, Comptrol­lers, Clerk, Re­gister and his Deputies, Regi­ster Accomp­tant shall con­ [...]ue in their [...]sts and offi­ces untill &c. senior of Moreclack in the County of Surrey, Es­quire, and the rest of the Contractors for Bishops Lands, and William Gibbs Alderman of London, and the rest of the Treasurers formerly appointed for re­ceiving the Moneys which shall arise upon the sale or proceed of Bishops Lands; And Iohn Fo [...]ke, Alderman of London, Comptroller, and his De­puty or Deputies, and Henry Elsynge Esquire, Clerk of the House of Commons, Register, and his De­puty or Deputies, and Colonell Robert Manwaring, Register Accomptant, shall continue in their said severall Trusts, Offices, and places respectively; and shall hereby have power severally and respe­ctively, [Page 143] to doe all other Acts and things, as in and by the said first recited Ordinance, or any other Ordinances, Declarations, or Instructions of Par­liament heretofore in that behalf made, they, every, or any of them respectively, are authorised, directed, and appointed, to act or doe, excepting what is otherwise directed in and by this present Ordinance, untill sale shall bee made of the premises to the uses, intents and purposes herein after mentioned: And also that Iames Bunce Alderman of London, and Rich­ard Iames Bunce, Richard Glyde, and Lawrence Bromfield, to continue Trea­surers for this 42000 l. Glyde, and Lievtenant Colonell Lawrence Brom­field Citizens of London shall bee, and continue Treasurers for the receiving and paying out of the said forty two thousand pounds hereby intended to be raised, which they shall do at Weavers Hall in London, or any other place where they, or the major part of them shall think fit, and shall doe, act, and execute all other acts and things whatso­ever, for, or concerning the receiving and paying of the said forty two thousand pounds as fully and am­ply, and in such manner respectively as is by the said first recited Ordinance appointed, and declared for and concerning the receiving and paying of the said two hundred thousand pounds therein mentioned; and that the aforesaid Robert Manwaring shall bee Re­gisterRobert Manwa­ring to continue Register Ac­comptant. Accomptant of all and singular the Accompts and Registries, and doe and execute all Acts and things concerning all and singular the Premises mentioned and contained in this present Ordinance respectively as fully and amply, and in such manner and forme as is formerly ordained and appointed by the said first recited Ordinance, or any other Ordi­nances heretofore made in that behalfe respectively; [Page 144] And that the said Iames Bunce, and the rest of theAnd these Treasurers and the Register Ac­comptant to have the same allowances for this service, as in the former Ordinances is [...]ppointed. Treasurers before named, and the said Robert Man­waring, and their respective Clerks shall have and receive the same respective allowances and salaries continued, allowed, and paid unto them respectively for this present Service, as in and by the former Ordinances is limited and appointed to them for the like respective Services thereinMonies lent upon he Pro­positions shall be allowed. expressed and required; And that all persons who have voluntarily lent any Moneys, Plate, or Horse with their Furniture and Armes upon the Propo­sitions by vertue of any Ordinance, Declaration, or Instruction of both Houses of Parliament, shall have the same allowed in such manner, and upon such Certificates, and shall have all such benefits and advantages as in and by the said late Ordinance is expressed and appointed, and that it shall and may bee lawfull to and for every person, or per­sons, to whom any money is owing upon the Pub­lique Faith, or otherwise as is aforesaid, or anyMon [...]es due by this Ordinance may be assign­ [...]d. who shall have any moneys due to him or them by vertue of this present Ordinance, to grant or assign his or their said Debts, or any part thereof to any other person or persons whatsoever, and that such Assignes shall have all such benefits and ad­vantages thereof, and thereupon, as in and by the said first recited Ordinance is granted and allowed; and that every person and persons, who shall lend any monies upon this present Ordinance shall bee demeaned in like manner, and shall have all such benefits and advantages whatsoever, by defalcationAnd may be def [...]lked upon purchases. upon purchases in course after the former engage­ments shall be fully satisfied and discharged, or other­wise, [Page 145] as fully and amply and in such sort and manner, as by the first recited Ordinance is granted & allowed. And that every person or persons who shall wittingly and willingly produce, and bring into the Register-Accomptant any forged acquittance, or certificate, shalForged Certifi­cate. undergoe such penalty as in and by the said Ordinance is declared and appointed; And that every person or persons who shall have his Ticket allowed, and entered by the Register Accomptant in his Book, and shall not bring in his money thereupon according to this present Ordinance within eight dayes after such entry, to the Treasurers hereby appointed for the same, shall undergoe such penalty as in, and by the said Ordinance is declared and appointed; And the said Lords and12000 l. part of the 42000 l. to be paid to the Committee of the Militia of London for the guards of the C [...]ty. Commons doe hereby Declare, Ordaine, and Ap­point, That the said Treasurers shall pay twelve thousand pounds, part of the said forty two thousand pounds to be advanced upon this Ordinance unto the Committee of the Malitia of the City of London, or such as they or any nine of them shall appoint, to bee disposed by the said Committee, or any nine of them for and toward the paying of the Arreares already due for the Guards of the said City, or which shall hereafter become due for the same, and such other re­quisite charges as may concern the same; And that the Warrant of the said Committee or any nine of them in writing under their hands to the said Treasu­rers for the payment of the said forty two thousand pounds, or any part thereof, shall bee a sufficient dis­charge to the said Treasurers for the same, and that30000 l. to poor persons which have lent upon the Propositions. thirty thousand pounds being the residue of the said forty two thousand pounds, shall bee paid to such poore persons as have voluntarily contributed any [Page 146] Monies, Plate, or Horse with their furniture and Armes, upon the Propositions in the yeare 1642. and are not able to double the same, not exceed­ing the summe of ten pounds, to any one such poore person in such manner as shall bee hereafter directed and appointed by both Houses of Parlia­ment; And that the Warrant of such who shall bee thereunto hereafter appointed by both Houses of Parliament, in writing under their hands, shall bee a sufficient discharge to the said Treasurers for the same. And the said Lords and Commons doeThe 42000 l is not to be dis­posed to any o­ther use. hereby Declare and Ordain, That the said forty two thousand pounds shall not bee disposed or im­ployed, nor paid out by the said Treasurers to any other uses or purposes then such as is herein limited and appointed. And bee it further Decla­red and Ordained, That the said Treasurers shall receive all summes of Money due and payable outThe monies to be paid out to the Lenders in course. of any the securities aforesaid, from the hands of the Treasurers there already appointed, or who hereafter shall bee appointed, and as they shall re­ceive the same (deducting charges and allowances) shall againe pay out, and divide such monies to the Lenders by one fourth part of their whole debt that shall bee owing to them in course as they did pay in their Money, with the Interest then due; and so from time to time till the whole bee paid: AndThe Treasu­rers to keep [...] accompts and be accomp­table to the Committee of accompts. that the said Treasurers shall keepe true and per­fect Accompts of all Receipts, Disbursements, and Payments, of or concerning the said forty two thousand pounds, and shall give in their Accompts to the Committee for taking the Accompts of the whole kingdome for the time being; who are [Page 147] hereby required to take the same every six months, and thereupon to give discharges to the said Trea­surers; And after such discharges the said Treasu­rers shall not bee further questioned for or con­cerning any of the matters for which they have had and received such discharges: And the Commissi­onersExcise▪ of the Grand Excise, are hereby required and authorised, to pay unto the said Treasurers e­very six moneths all such interests as shall be then due for any summe or summes of Money lent upon this Ordinance, upon their Certificate thereof in Writing, in such manner as is expressed and ap­pointed in the said first recited Ordinance, con­cernining the interest due or to bee due accordingTreasurers of the securities herein menti­oned to pay the s [...]ms of money due by this Or­dinance in course▪ to the said Ordinance; And that the said Commissi­oners of Excise, and the respective Treasurers of any the Treasuries, or Receipts hereby engaged for the securities aforesaid, shall respectively from time to time pay unto the Treasurers hereby ap­pointed for that purpose, all and every summe on summes of Money due and payable by this present Ordinance, which shall come to and bee in their said Treasuries or Receipts in course as is aforesaid; and the Receipts of the said Treasurers hereby ap­pointed, or any two of them shall bee a suffici­ent discharge to the said Commissioners of Excise, and the Treasurers of the said severall Treasuries, and receipts respectively; And bee it further Or­dained, That no Grant or Assignment, hereafter to bee made upon the Receipts of the Grand Ex­cise, or any of the aforesaid Securities, shall pre­cede this present Ordinance, whreof the said Com­missioners and respective Treasurers are to take no­tice [Page 148] accordingly: And it is further Ordained,Excise to con­tinue till these monies be paid That the Excise and New-Impost, mentioned in the Ordinance of the eleventh of September, 1643. Or any Ordinance or Ordinances of this present Parliament made in explanation or continuance thereof, shall bee continued, taken, and put in due execution, untill such time as all summes of Money payable by vertue of this present Ordinance shall bee paid and satisfied. And it is also Ordain­ed, That this present Ordinance, and every Arti­cle,This Ordi­nance to be pleadable in a­ny [...]. Clause, and thing therein contained shall bee pleadable, and may bee given in evidence in any of his Majesties Courts of Justice, or other Courts; And the Judges of the said Courts, are hereby required, to allow and admit thereof accordingly. Provided alwayes, That all such summes of Mo­ney as shall bee lent upon this present Ordinance with the respective Tickets or Receipts of Money formerly lent, as is aforesaid, which shall be there­by doubled, shall bee secured as is aforesaid; al­though the full summe of forty two thousand pounds shall not bee advanced (as is intended.) And for a further explanation, and better putting in execution as well of the aforesaid late Ordinance, as of this present Ordinance, The said Lords andReceipts to be given for the monies to be lent. Commons doe hereby declare and ordain, that the said Iames Bunce Alderman, and the rest of the Treasurers or any two of them, are hereby autho­rised and required to give receipts to the Parties who have lent, or shall lend any money toward the raising of the aforesaid two hundred thousand pounds, or the said forty two thousand pounds, both for the summe or summes now lent, or to bee lent in [Page 149] ready money, and the like former sum or sums due upon the publique faith, or otherwise, according to the said Ordinances, and ascertained by the said Robert Manwa­ring, which are or shall be doubled by them; Which Receipts given by the said Treasurers or any two of them, for the said two hundred thousand pounds, and such Receipts as are to be given for the said forty two thousand pounds, shall be a sufficient ground to such persons to whom the same are, or shall be given, their Executors, Administrators, and Assignes to require, and receive the same. And also that the said Treasu­rersInterest to be paid every six months in course. shall pay unto the said Lenders in course every six months, the interest which shall be then due by the said Ordinance, or this present Ordinance, after the afore­said rate of eight per cent▪ out of such moneys as theyThese Treasu­rers to peruse the books of the Treasurers of the securi­ties. shall then have received. And further, that the said Treasurers, or any of them shall have free Liberty and Power from time to time, as occasion shall require, to peruse and examine the books of Receipts and disburse­ments of the severall Treasurers and Commissioners of the said Treasuries, and Receipts ingaged for the secu­rity aforesaid, to the end that they may see, and finde out what summe and summes of money are or shall be come into the said Treasuries and Receipts, towards the repayment of the moneys which are or shall be due and payable by the said Ordinances. And the Trea­surers and Commissioners of the said Treasuries and Receipts ingaged for the security aforesaid, are hereby required to shew unto them their said severall bookes of Receipts and disbursements, and to suffer them to peruse and examine the same: And shall also from time to time pay unto them such moneys due and payable by the said Ordinances which shall bee then received, [Page 150] and come into their said Treasuries and Receipts for the repayment of the Principall, and Interest of the summes due by the said Ordinances. And lastly, bee it Decla­red and Ordained that the Committee of Lords andCommittee for incident charges. Commons formerly appointed for the allowing of inci­dent Charges to the former Treasurers appointed by the Ordinance for the sale of Bishops Lands, or any five of them, shall have power and authority to allow the like in­cident charges to the said Iames Bunce, and the rest of the Treasurers respectively.

Provided alwayes that the aforesaid summes of tenSums of 10l. to poore persons not to be paid to such as shall buy their Tic­kets. pounds, or under, intended for the repayment of poore persons, shall be paid onely to such poore persons, or for their proper use and benefit, and not to any persons who have bought, or shall buy of them any such Tic­kets or Receipts as is aforesaid.

Die Lunae 23. August. 1647.
An Ordinance of the Lords and Com­mons assembled in Parliament for re­gulating the sale of Bishops Lands, and ex­pediting the Conveyances thereof.

BEE it Ordered and Ordained by the Lords and Commons assem­bled in Parliament, that whereas in the late Ordinance of Parliament, made the 16. of Novemb. Ann. Dom.Such pu [...]cha­sers as have ob­tained possessi­on before sea­li [...]g of the Conveyance, shal pay their second moity within six months after their Contracts and shall have the mean pro­fits in lien thereof. [...]he Treasurers to allow and re [...]a [...]e Interest wi [...]h the prin­cipall, the same to be def [...]lked at the times of payment of the purchase mo­ney 1646. it is appointed that the purcha­sers of any Bishops Lands shall pay the latter moiety of Purchase money within six months after the sealing of the assurance; And whereas divers Purchasers have before the sealing of the assurance ob­tained the possession of the said purchased Lands, Te­nements, or Hereditaments, in all such cases the said six months wherein the latter moity of the purchase money ought to be paid, shall be reckoned from the time of the Contract, and not from the sealing of the assurance; and that in lieu thereof the purchaser shall have and en­joy all the meane profits which he hath had or received in the mean time; And that the Treasurers for Bi­shops Lands shall allow and rebate to any purchaser, who hath any money due by the said Ordinance, the interest which shall bee due unto him, together with [Page 152] the principall, the same to be defalked at the times of payment of his purchase money; and that all assignes of any moneys due by the said Ordinance, may defalke the same upon Purchasers in like manner as the Lenders themselves might doe. And the Contractors, Tru­stees, Treasurers, and all others imployed in the sale of Bishops Lands, are hereby required, and enjoined to perfect and seal the respective Conveyances or Assu­rances with all possible expedition.

Ioh. Browne, Cler. Parliamentorum.

Die Jovis 23. Septemb. 1647.

AN ORDINANCE OF THE LORDS and COMMONS Assembled in PARLIAMENT, For The better security and encourage­ment of all and every such person and persons, Bodies Politique and Corpo­rate, as already have, or hereafter shall be­come purchaser from the Trustees of any Mannors, Lands, &c. late belonging to any Arch-bishop, or Bishop, within the Realm of England, or Dominion of VVales.

And the manner of ensuring the same to the Purchaser.

With the time limited for the perfecting of their Conveyances.

THE Lords and Commons assembled in Parlia­ment, for the better security, & encouragement of all and every such person and persons, Bodies Politique and Corporate, as already have, or hereafter shall become Purchaser, or Purchasers [Page 154] from the Trustees (appointed by Ordinance of Parlia­ment for the sale of Bishops Lands) of any Mannors, Lands, Tenements, Franchises, Annuities, Fees, Liber­ties, Royalties, and Hereditaments whatsoever, late be­longing to any Arch-bishop, or Bishop within the Realme of England or Dominion of Wales; Doe Or­der and Ordaine, and be it hereby Ordered and Ordain­ed by the Authority aforesaid, that it shall, and may be lawfull for all, and every such purchaser, or purchasersPurchas [...]rs may have the Kings Letters paten [...]s. to have, and pass one or more Letters Patents under the great Seal of England, of all or any part of the Mannors, Lands, Tenements, Franchises, Annuities, Fees, Liberties, Royalties, and Hereditaments with their ap­purtenances so by him or them purchased from the said Trustees as aforesaid, to be holden of the King as of hisTo be holden as of East Greenw. Mannor of East Greenwich by fealty onely, and not in Capite nor Knights service: And be it further Or­dained and Declared by the authority aforesaid, that all and every Bodies and Body politique and corporateBodies Poli­tique may pur­chase any Bi­shops Lands without licence in Mortmaine. within the Kingdome of England, and Dominion of Wales, shall have power and capacity, and are hereby enabled to receive, take and purchase to themselves, and their Successors for ever, any of the said Mannors, Lands, Tenements, Franchises, Annuities, Fees, Li­berties, Royalties, and Hereditaments whatsoever, be­longing to the said Archbishop and Bishops, without any Licence or Licences of Alienation in Mortmaine first sued forth, or obtaine for that purpose, any Law, Statute, Ordinance, or Charter to the contrary hereof in any wise notwithstanding. And be it further Ordered and Ordained by the authority aforesaid, that the At­torny Generall, or Sollicitor Generall for the time be­ing, upon shewing forth of any such deed or purchase [Page 155] under the Hands and Seals of the said Trustees or any five or more of them, is hereby authorized and required to prepare a bill in usuall form containing the KingsA bill contai­ning the Kings Grant to the Purchaser, is to be passed un­der the great Seal of Eng­land. Grant to such Purchaser and Purchasers, their heires, and Successors of the Lands, and premises so purcha­sed by him, or them, according to the Tenor and effect of such deed or purchase; which Bill so prepared, the Lord Chancellor, Lord Keeper, or Commissioners for the great Seal of England, for the time being, are here­by authorized, and required to pass under the said great Seal in usuall forme accordingly. And it is further Or­dained,No Fine or Fee [...]o be p [...]i [...] into the Hana­per to the Kings use. that no Fine or Fee be demanded, or paid into the Hanaper for or in the Kings name, or to his use upon the passing of any such Grant, or of any other Grant where Lands have been or shall be sold by Ordinance of Parliament, to any person or persons in satisfaction of the debts of the Kingdome, but all and every such Fines,A fourth par [...] of the fine only to be paid. except as afore excepted, save onely a fourth part of what hath been formerly demanded and paid, are here­by pardoned and discharged. And it is further Ordai­ned, That the Register for the sale of Bishops Lands for the time being, the Surveyors of the said Lands, the Stewards of all or any of the said Courts belonging to any of the said Bishops, and all other Officers, and per­sons who have in their hands, or in the hands of others for them, any Counterparts of Leases, ancient Survaies, Copies of Court Rolls, Rentals, Terrars, or other Deeds, Records, or Writings which concerne onely any of the Mannors or premises so already purchased, or hereafter to be purchased as aforesaid, are hereby authorised and required upon sight of any such deed of purchase from the said Trustees as aforesaid, to deliver forthwith all the Counterparts of Leases and all other [Page 156] the Records, and Writings before mentioned, whichCounte [...] parts of Leases and Writings which con­cerne only the things purcha­sed [...]o be deli­vered to the purchaser. No person which maketh title &c. shall be compelled to deliver his writings. Those who have contra­cted, or shall contract, shall procure their Conveyances wi [...]hin 8 weeks. concerne onely the Mannors, Lands, and Premises comprised within any such deed of purchase unto the respective purchaser and no other: Provided that no person which maketh title to any of the said Lands or Premises, (other then the Archbishops and Bishops themselves) be compelled by this Ordinance to deliver out of his hands any such Lease or Writing as afore­said concerning those Lands which hee maketh his claime.

And it is further Ordained, and declared by the au­thority aforesaid, that all and every person and persons, bodies politique and corporate, who have already con­tracted for, or hereafter shall contract for any of the said Mannors, Lands, and premises with the Contra­ctors appointed for the sale of Bishops Lands, shall pro­secute and procure their respective conveyances from the Trustees appointed to passe such conveyances with­in eight weeks after the passing of this Ordinance; that is to say, all such persons as have already contracted shall prosecute and procure their respective conveyances from the Trustees within eight weeks next after the date ofVnlesse they [...]ew cause to the contrary to be allowed by the Contra­ctors. Vpon default thereof to for­feit one third par [...] of the va­lue of their parchase m [...] ­ney to be de­falked &c. or levied as the Parliament shall appoint. this Ordinance; and such persons as shall hereafter con­tract within eight weeks next after the date of their re­spective Contracts, unlesse they shew such good cause for such their delay as the said Contractors shall under their hands approve of and allow; And in default here­of, all and every such person and persons, bodies poli­tique and corporate, so contracting and making default as aforesaid, shall forfeit a third part of the value of the moneys agreed to bee paid upon their respective Con­tracts, to be defalked out of the moneys any wayes due to them from the Commonwealth, or to be levied [Page 157] upon their Lands and Goods in such manner as both Houses of Parliament shall hereafter Ordain and appoint.

And it is lastly Ordained, that this Ordinance beePrinting and publishing of this Ordi­nance. forthwith printed, and published, and sent down to the Sheriffs of all the Counties of England and Dominion of Wales by the care of the said Trustees, which said respe­ctive Sheriffs are hereby required to publish the same in all their next respective County Courts, after the Receipt hereof as aforesaid.

Ioh. Browne, Cler. Parliamentorum.
H. Elsyng Cler. Parl. Dom. Com.

Die Iovis, 2 December 1647.
An Ordinance of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament, For removing obstructions in the sale of Bishops-Lands.

THe Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament for the more speedy sale of the Mannors, Lands, and Possessions of the late Archbishops and Bishops, and removall of severall Obstructions which hinder the sale thereof, Doe Ordain and Declare, and be it Ordained and Declared by the authority aforesaid, That the Contractors appointed by Ordinance of Parliament of the 16. of No­vemb 1646. to Contract for, and sell the said Lands and Possessions, or any five of them are hereby appointed, au­thorised and impowered to peruse al Surveys returned and to be returned of the said Lands and Possessions, and to amend upon due proof made before them upon Oath all mistakes in Misnosmer of any person or persons, places orThe Contra­ctors to amend Surveys. things; And likewise without oath to amend all other misprisions in miscasting the totall of any particular sums of money, or number of Acres, or such other like mistakes. And also to make such amendments in Sur­veysAnd to insert words of course in parti­culars and Conveyances. returned, and to insert such words of course in par­ticulars, or Conveyances, as they shall thinke fit and necessary to passe such estates as they shall contract for [Page 159] to the Purchasers according to the true intent andAnd to direct the Surveyors to reveiw and amend. And to adde Certificates of Estates. meaning of the Contracts which they shall make; And to order and direct the respective Surveyors for review or amendment of any Surveys returned, as they shall see cause: And also to adde by way of supplement Certificates of any Estates or Interests which shall be made appear to them in manner and formThose who claim an [...] e­state or rent, &c. and have not mad [...] the same to app [...]ar to the Survey­orss are to make their claims or shew their evidences or make their estates appear upon Oath to the Contractors within 40 dayes. hereafter expressed: To which end and purpose be it fur­ther ordained by the said Lords and Commons, That all and every person and persons who claim or pretend any interest or estate in any of the said Lands and Possessi­ons, or any Annuity, Rent-charge, or other charge issuing out of the same, and have not made their claims, produ­ced their evidences, or otherwise made their Esta [...]es and interests appeare to the respective Surveyors of the Lands and Tenements out of which they claim such Estates, before the return of their respective Surveys, (notice and warning being given by the said Surveyors according to the Instructions of both Houses of Parli­ament in that behalfe) shall, and are hereby required within forty dayes next after the publication of this Ordinance, in such manner as is hereafter expressed, or return of their respective Surveys, to make their claims, or produce and shew forth their Evidences, or other­wise make their Estates and Interests appear to the said Contractors upon Oath of one or more credible wit­nesses. And also all other persons claiming any such Interest, Estate, Annuity, or Rent-charge, who shall not make their Claims, produce their Evidence, or other­wise make their Interests and Estates appear to the Sur­veyors of the Lands and Tenements out of which they claime such Estates and Annuities, or▪ Rent charge before the return of their respective Certificate, shall, and [Page 160] are hereby required within forty dayes next after the publication of this Ordinance as aforesaid, or return of the said respective Certificates, make their Claims, or produce and shew forth their Evidences, or otherwise make their Estates and Interests appear to the said Con­tractorsThe Contra­ctors or five of them to admi­ [...]ster an Oa [...]h. by Oaths aforesaid; which Oath and Oaths the said Contractors, or any five of them are hereby authori­sed from time to time to administer. And (in case de­fault bee made by any such person in making their said claims, or Estates, or Interests, to appear in manner and form aforesaid;) That then all and every such personFor forfeiture of estates nor made to ap­pear i [...] man [...]er aforesaid. and persons for failing, shall forfeit and lose their respe­ctive Interests, Estates, Annuities, and Rents-charge, and the Lands and Tenements out of which they shall claim the same, shall, and may bee sold as in possession, in like manner as other the Lands and Possessions of the said Archbishops and Bishops. And bee it ordained by the saidThe Contra­ctors may sell Bishops houses a [...] lower rates then they are valued at by [...]he Surveyors. Lords and Commons, that it be, and is hereby left to the judgment and discretion of the said Contractors, or any five of them, to sell any Castles, Palaces, or other Houses, parcell of the Lands and Possessions aforesaid, at such rates and prices as they shall conceive most condu­cing to the advantage and benefit of the Common­wealth, though at lower rates then their materials are valued by the Surveys returned thereof. And be it furtherThe Trustees to defend all sui [...]s. Ordained, That (in case any suit shall hereafter be com­menced by any person or persons for recovery or evicti­on of any part or parcell of the Lands or Possessions of any the said late Archbishops and Bishops aforesaid;) the Trustees aforesaid, or any five or more of them be,And to make good the rent in the Survey. and are hereby authorised and inabled at the publique charge to defend the said suit, and to make good the Rent returned by the Survey during such suit: And (in [Page 161] case of eviction of any part or parcell of the said LandsAnd if any be evicted the Treasurers to repay the pur­chase money without cos [...]s of Suit. or Possessions) to give Warrant to the Treasurers to re­pay unto such person or persons from whom such Land or Estate shall be evicted, the Moneys by him advanced for such purchase, together with such necessary disburs­ments as he or they have laid out by reason of the said suit; which Warrant shall be sufficient to the TreasurersIf after sale the purchasers complain of a­ny rents, cha­ges, &c. which have not been reprised, the Trustees shall▪ examin and as­certain th [...] same and certi­fie the said rents, &c. [...]o the Contractors or five of them, who are to al­l [...]w for the same by way of reprisall, and certifie the same to the Treasurers. in that behalf to pay and satisfie the same. And it is also Ordained, That if after the sale of any of the Mannors, Lands, Tenements, or Hereditaments of the late Arch­bishops or Bishops, the respective Purchasers thereof shall make complaint unto the Trustees, or any five of them, that the respective premises by them purchased, are charged with, or lyable to the payment of any Rents, Annuities, Charges, Boots, Boones, Payments, Issues, or Profits whatsoever unto any Steward, Auditor, Recei­ver, Bayliffe▪ Officer, Tenant, or other person whatso­ever, which have not bin formerly r [...]prised and defaulked to the said Purchasers upon their respective Purchases of the premisses; That then the said Trustees or any five of them, shall search out, heare, examine, and ascer­taine the same; and thereupon certifie the said Rents, Annuities, Charges, Boots, Boones, Payments, Issues, or Profits to the Contractors, or any five of them; whereupon the said Contractors, or any five of them shall allow unto the said respective Purchasers of the Premises by way of reprisall rateably and proportion­ably, according to such rates as they paid or contra­ctedThe Treasu­rers to defaulk or pay to t [...]e purchaser ac­cording to the Contractors Certificate with interests. for the said purchased premises, and shall accor­dingly ascertaine and certifie the same to the respe­ctive Treasurers for the sale of Bishops Lands, or any two of them, who are hereby required and authorised to defalk out of the Moiety unpaid in, or to pay unto [Page 162] the said respective Purchasers according to such Cert [...] ficate the respective summes so to be reprized as is a­foresaid, with interest after the rate of Eight pounds per Centum to be accounted from the time of the pay­ment of their Purchase money out of the money which they shall have in their Treasury: And in case at the time of the presenting of such Certificate as aforesaid, the said Treasurers have not Money enough in Cash to satisfie the same, then they are hereby enjoyned to make payment thereof out of the first moneys which shall come into their said Trea­sury or bee received by them or any other by their appointment; And are not to pay, or appoint to bee paid any other summe of Money whatsoever, untill such reprisalls as aforesaid bee first satisfied and paid. And the Warrant of the said Trustees,The warrant of he Trustees with the Pur­chasers re­ceipt shall be a discharge to the Treasurers. together with the receipt of the said Purchaser or Purchasers shall bee to the said Treasurers a suffici­ent discharge. And the said Trustees or any five of them a [...]e hereby authorised and required to cause this present Ordinance to bee printed, and so send Co­pies thereof to the Sheriffs of the respective Coun­ti [...]s of the Kingdome of England and Dominion ofPrinting and pub [...]ishing this Ordinance. Wales, where any of the Mannours, Lands, Tene­ments, or Possessions of the said Archbishops or Bi­shops are; which said Sheriffs respectively are here­by required to publish the same in their County-Courts the next County-Court day after they shall receive the same: and also in open Market in the Shire-TownSheriffs to cer­ [...]i [...]e the publi­ [...]on. the next Market day after the rece [...]pt thereof: And shall certifie the day and place of the publication made as aforesaid to the said Trustees within twenty dayes after the same shall be published. And be it last­ly [Page 163] Ordained, that this present Ordinance shall be valid ac­cordingThis Ordi­nance to be valid non obstan­te any former Ordinance. to the tenor and true meaning thereof, any for­mer or other Ordinance or Ordinances concerning the sale of the Lands and Possessions of the said late Archbi­shops and Bishops, or any clause, article or thing in them or any of them contained to the contrary in any wise not­withstanding.

Io. Brown Cler. Parliamentorum.

Die Veneris 17 Martii, 1647.
An Ordinance of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament, For removing Obstructions in the sale of Reversions of Bishops Lands.

WHereas some doubts have beene made by the Contractors for the sale of the Lands, Possessions, and Hereditaments of the late Archbishops and Bishops, upon the construction of some words, or clauses in the Ordinances for the sale of the said Lands, con­cerning the proportion of values betweene Land in possession and reversion after lives and years; by reason of which the sale of the said Lands hath been obstru­cted;

The Lords and Commons in Parliament assembled do Ordain and Declare, and bee it Ordained and De­clared, That the Reversion of the said Lands and He­reditaments,Reversions up­on a Lease for one li [...]e not to be sold under 5 years purchase. 2 lives, 3 years purchase. 3 lives 2 years purchase. C [...]stomary E­state in Rever­sion. upon a Lease for one life, shall not be sold under 5 years purchase, and the reversion of such lands upon a Lease for two lives shall not be sold under 3 years purchase, and that the reversion of such Lands upon a Lease for three lives shall not be sold under 2 years pur­chase; and all other reversions of the said lands for more then three lives: and the reversion where any Tenant or Tenants of the said premises claime and have a right to have a customary estate in Reversion, [Page 165] or by the Custome may grant or make Leases for life or lives: the said Contractors are hereby enabled and authorized to contract for, and sell proportionably.

And be it Ordained and Declared by the authority a­foresaid,Reversion up­on a Lease for 7. years. that the reversion of the said Lands, and He­reditaments, upon a Lease for seven years, shall not be sold under 5. years, and one halfe years purchase, and that the Reversion of such Lands upon a Lease for four­teenReversion after 14. yea [...]s. Reversion after 2 [...]. years. All other rever­sions propor­tionably. years, shall not be sold under 3. years and one halfs purchase; and that Reversion of such Lands upon a Lease for one and twenty years, shall not be sold un­der 2. years and one halfs purchase; and all other Re­versions upon Leases for more or fewer years, the said Contractors are hereby authorized to contract for, and sell proportionably to this rule.

And the said Lords and Commons doe Ordaine andRule of pro­portion to land [...] in pos­session at 10. years purchase. Declare, that the aforementioned proportions shall be the rule of proportion for proportioning Reversions, upon Leases for lives and years, to Lands in Reversion at tenne years purchase; And the said Contractors are hereby authorized to contract for, and sell the said Re­versions according to the aforementioned rules of pro­portion, any Order or Ordinances of Parliament, or any word or Clause in any Order or Ordinance of Parliament to the contrary in any wise notwithstanding.

Die Jovis 23 Martii, 1647.
An Additionall ORDINANCE OF THE LORDS and COMMONS Assembled in PARLIAMENT, FOR The Explanation and better Execution of former Ordinances for the sale of the Lands and Possessions of the late Archbishops and Bishops within the Realm of England and Dominion of Wales.

TO prevent all further delayes and neglects in paying in moneys, and perfecting Convey­ances by such who have contracted for Bi­shops Lands; It is Ordered and Ordained by the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament, that all and every such person or persons who have contracted, or shall hereafter contract for any Lands, possessions, or Hereditaments of the late [Page 167] Archbishops and Bishops; And according to an Ordi­nance of the three and twentieth of September, 1647.Such as have obtained from the Con [...]ractors an allowance of a cause thewed for not perfecting their Co [...]veyances, and shall neg­lect within the time limited by the Contra­ctors to pro­cure their Con­veyances, shall forfeit a third part of their monies, unlesse within that time they pro­cure a new cer­tificate for fur­ther time, and also pay in a moity of their? purc [...]ase mo­ney. have obtained or shall obtaine from any five or more of the Contractors for sale of the said Lands, any cer­tificate of allowance of any reasonable cause shewed, or to be shewed by him or them, for his or their not pro­secuting and perfecting their respective Conveyances upon their Contracts, and shall neglect within the time limited by the said Contractors certificate to procure his or their respective Conveyances from the Trustees for sale of the said Lands, shall forfeit the third part of the whole monies payable upon his or their respe­ctive Contracts; unlesse he or they shall, within that time, upon good cause shewen, procure from five or more of the said Contractors a new certificate for fur­ther time to perfect his or their conveyances, and like­wise pay in the moity of the purchase money, (for so much as the same shall be estimated by the Register, in case it cannot be ascertained) at such time as the said Contractors certificate shall appoint; And likewise agree to pay the second moity within six months after such payment of the first; Provided, that if the afore­mentioned Estimate of the moity of the purchase mo­ney paid in as aforesaid, shall upon casting up of the Rates appear to be more or lesse then the true moity of the said purchase money; that then there shall be such abatement or addition out of, or unto the second pay­ment,Fo [...]feitures to be defalked out of the mo­nies secured by the Ordinances, if sufficient to sati [...]fie such as have have no monies on the [...]d security. as shall reduce and bring it to the just moity. And it is Ordered and Ordained, that the forfeitures of all such persons who have any monies secured unto them by any of the Ordinances for the sale of Bishops Lands, shall be wholly defalked by the Treasurers out of such monies, if sufficient to satisfie the same; if not, [Page 168] then the said Treasurers are to detaine so much as is due unto them upon the said security to be raised; and the residue of the said moneys so forfeited, as is directed by this Ordinance: And such person or persons who have no moneys on the said security, and notwithstanding have contracted or shall contract for the said premises, or any part thereof, but have n [...]t perfected his or their Conveyances according to the said Ordinance of Par­liament, his or their forfeiture shall likewise be levied as is directed by this present Ordinance. And it is fur­ther Ordered and Ordained, that such person or per­sons as shall incur or make any forfeiture by reason ofForfeitures to be paid within 10. dayes. If not, the Trea­su [...]ers to certifie the default to the Contractors within 3. daies after such de­fault, which the Contractors are to certifie to the Committee [...] of Sequestrations. the aforesaid, or this present Ordinance, shall p [...]y in to the said Treasurers his or their moneys so forfeited, or so much of it as is unsatisfied, within ten dayes next af­ter such forfeiture made: and in case the same be not paid in to the said Treasurers within the time before limited; the said Treasurers or any two of them, are hereby required under their hands to certifie such neg­lects of Non-payment unto five or more of the said Contractors of the said Lands within three dayes next after such default made; and af [...]er such certificate made, the said Contractors any five or more of them are here­by required and enjoined to make certificate; under 5. or more of their hands, of the summe or summes of mo­ney forfeited as aforesaid, unto the respective Committees or Commissioners for Sequestrations in the severall and respective Counties and places within the Realm of England and Dominion of Wales, where such person or persons forfeiting as aforesaid, have or hath any reall or personall estate. And it is further Ordered, Ordained, and Declared by the authority aforesaid, that the said respective Committees or Commissioners for Sequestration, [Page 169] shall, and are hereby authorized and requiredCommittees of Sequestration to seize he re­all and perso­nall Estate of the persons making [...]orfeitures, and the same to deta [...]n 10 da [...]es. upon Receipt of such certificate from the said Con­tractors, to seize, sequester, and secure the reall and personall estate of such person or persons so forfeiting as aforesaid; and the same to detain in their custody without sale or disposall thereof for the space of tenne dayes, provided that if the person or persons so seque­stred doe pay or cause to be paid in to the said Treasurers his or their forfeitures wi [...]hin the said tenne dayes, that then upon certificate from the said Treasurers, or any two of them to the respective Committees orWithin which time [...] the for­fei [...]ure be paid, the sequestrati­on to be dis­charged. I [...] the forfei­tures be not paid with. 10. dayes after sequestration, the forfeitures are to be levi­ed by sale of goods and re­ceipts of rents. Commissioners of the payment thereof, the said Com­mittees or Commissioners for Sequestrataons, are to discharge the Sequestiation of the said reall and perso­nall estate of such person or persons; And it is further Ordained, that in case such person or persons forfeiting as aforesaid, doe not satisfie and pay in his or their for­feitures within the said tenne dayes, that then the said Committees or Commissioners are hereby required and authorized to levy and raise such summe or summes certified unto them as aforesaid, by sale of the goods, and Receipts of the Rents, Issues and Profits of the Lands of such person or persons, and after the summe certified, as aforesaid, is raised, the said Lands, and residue of the said goods unsold are to be discharged of the Sequestra­tion. And it is further Ordained that all the said for­feituresAll forfeitures to be paid to the Treasurers. shall be paid in by the respective Committees or Commissioners to the said Treasurers to be disposed of for such purposes as are appointed by the Ordinance of the 16. of November, 1646. as the Trustees or any 5. or more of them shall by their warrant under their hands direct, which they are hereby authorized to doe, and such their warrant, together with the parties Ac­quittance, [Page 170] to whom the same shall be paid, according to such warrant, shall be a sufficient discharge to the Treasurers in that behalfe. And it is further Ordained, that after such forfeiture incurred, it may and shall be lawfull for any five or more of the Contractors to con­tractAfter the for­feiture incur­red the con­tractor [...] may sell the lands to any other. for and sell all or any of the said Lands, so con­tracted for, and not prosecuted, to any other person or persons, notwithstanding the former contract, as if it never had been made (any former Ordinance to the contrary notwithstanding.) And it is lastly Ordained, that the Trustees for the said Lands, doe forthwith send this Ordinance to the respective Sheriffes of the severallThi [...] O [...]dinance to be sent to a [...] Sheriffs to bee published. Counties, Cities, and Boroughes in the Kingdome of England and Dominion of Wales, who are hereby requi­red to publish this present Ordinance in the chief Mar­ket Towns of the said County, the next Market day after the Receipt thereof, And the day of the publication thereof to certifie to the said Trustees.

Ioh. Browne, Cler. Parliamentorum.
H. Elsynge Cler. Parl. D. Com.

Die Lunae 24. Iulii, 1648.
AN ORDINANCE OF THE LORDS and COMMONS Assembled in PARLIAMENT, For The more speedy satisfying the monies lent upon the Credit of the Ordinances for SALE OF BISHOPS-LANDS.

WHEREAS by severall Ordi­nances of Parliament, the Lands and Possessions of the late Arch­bishops and Bishops stand en­gaged for the payment of 800000 l. which premises are by Ordinance of Parliament, da­ted the 16. of November, 1646. entituled, An Ordinance of the Lords and Commons [Page 172] Assembled in Parliament, for the appointing the sale of the Bishops Lands for the use of the Common-wealth; and by another Ordinance of Parliament, dated the 13. of May, 1647. entituled, An Ordinance of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament for the securing of all those that shall advance 200000 l. for the service of this Kingdome and of the Kingdome of Ireland; which premises by the said Ordinances and others are appointed to bee sold for the paying of the said debts (viz.) 400000 l. secured by the first of the said Ordinances, and 400000 l. secured by the second of the said Ordinances. The Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament, being informed before the first of April, 1648. that to the value of 460000 l. worth of the said premises were sold and contracted for; and that notwithstanding the said sale, the Common-wealth payes interest for a great part of the said first 400000 l. And to the intent that the Com­mon-wealth may bee with more speed discharged of paying interest for the said summes, the first Len­ders more speedily satisfied, and the second Len­ders put in a way of receiving their moneys; the Lords and Commons doe Order, Ordaine and Declare, that such moneys as shall be paid into theSuch money as shall be paid to the Treasurers by purchasers and for forfei­ture shall be paid to the first Lenders. Treasurers of the said premises by any purchase or purchasers, and all such moneys as shall bee raised and levyed by reason of any forfeiture for not pro­secuting his or their Conveyance or Conveyances within the time limited by the Ordinances of Par­liament in that case made, shall be issued out and paid by the said Treasurers for the satisfying of the first Lenders or their Assignes, such monies as was lent on the Credit of the first Ordinance; the [Page 173] same rules to be observed in the issuing out of such Mo­neys as are expressed in other Ordinances in that case made; It is Ordained by the authority aforesaid, ThatLands contra­cted for before the first of Apr. 1648. shall be paid for in mo­ney or by Bills given upon the Ordinance of the 16. of No­vemb. 1646. where any person or persons, Body Politick or Corpo­rate, have before the first of Aprill, 1648. contracted for any of the said premises, such person or persons, Body Politique or Corporate, shall pay or satisfie his or their engagement for the purchase of the said Pre­mises either in Moneys, or else by such Bills or Receipts as were given to the respective Lenders, his or their As­signes, by vertue of the said Ordinance of the 16. of November, 1646. or by any assignment of such Bill or Receipt since the 1 [...]. of November, 1646. It is Ordai­nedThe proceed of Lands contra­cted for before the first of Apri. 1648. to be em­ployed for payment of the first Lenders. by the Authority aforesaid, That the proceed of all the said Lands Contracted for before the first of April, 1648, shall be wholly appointed, made use of, and em­ployed for the paying and satisfying of the residue of all such persons, who on the Credit of the first Ordi­nance advanced any moneys untill the said Lender or his assignes be fu [...]ly satisfied all such sum or sums ofThe first moity of moneys due by Contract made since the first of Aprill, 1648. to be paid in money or by Bills upon the Ordinance of the 16 Novemb. 1646. Moneys as shall be due or owing unto him or them on the aforesaid Security. And it is further Ordained by the Authority aforesaid, That all Contracts made since. the first of Aprill last, or hereafter to be made for any of the said premises, the Purchaser or Purchasers shall and may satisfie, discharge and pay the first Moity of his or their Purchase-money for the said Purchase, ei­ther in Monies, or by Bills or Receipts given to any Lender or Lenders, his or their Assignes, by vertue of the Ordinance of Parliament, dated the 16 of Novem­ber, And the second moity by mo­ney or Bills up­on the Ordi­nance of the 13. May 1647. 1646. or by the Assignment of any of the said Bills untill the first Lenders be fully satisfied, and the second Moity by Moneys, or out of the Bills or Receipts gi­ven [Page 174] to any Lender or Lenders, his or their assignes, by vertue of the Ordinance of Parliament, dated the 13 of May, 1647. or by the assignement of any of the said Bils or Receipts; And after the satisfying and paying of the first Lenders, the second Lenders shall bee satisfied and paid, as is expressed in the Ordinances in that case made; And that all payments made according to the intent of this Ordinance shall be good and effectuall to discharge the person or persons of his or their engagement or Con­tract for the said Premises: And the said Treasurers are hereby authorised and enjoined to accept of the same as good and sufficient payment, any Ordinance of Parlia­ment to the contrary in any wise notwithstanding.

Ioh. Browne, Cler. Parliamentorum.
H. Elsyng Cler. Parl. Dom. Com.

Die Iovis, 3 Augusti, 1648.

ORdered by the Commons assembled in Parliament, That the Trustees for the sale of Bishops Lands, be required and enjoyned forthwith to Print the Ordinance of the 24 of July, 1648. For the more speedy satisfying the Moneys lent upon the Credit of the Ordinances for sale of Bishops Lands; and to publish the same.

H. Elsynge, Cler. Parl. D. Com.

Die Martis, 3 Octobr [...]s, 1648.
AN ORDINANCE OF THE LORDS and COMMONS Assembled in PARLIAMENT; Authorising the Trustees to pay all Augmentati­ons granted by the Committee of Plundered Mini­sters out of the rate of Bish [...]ps Lands, &c.

WHEREAS by vertue of an Ordi­nanceRecitall of the Ordinance for set [...]ng the lands in the Trustees. of Parliament of the ninth of October, 1646. entituled, An Ordinance of Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament, for the abolishing of Archbishops and Bishops within the Kingdome of England and Dominion of Wales, and for setling of their Lands and Possessions upon Trustees for the use of the Common-wealth; Sir Iohn Wollaston Knight, Iohn Fowke Alderman, and divers other Trustees na­med in the said Ordinance, are seized amongst other things of all Parsonages appropriate, Tithes, Oblations, pensions, portions of Tithes, Parsonages, and Vicarages, lately belonging to the said Archbishops and Bishops subject to such Trust, and Confidence as both Houses of Parliament shall appoint, and declare, and are to [Page 176] dispose of the same, and the rents and profits thereof, as both Houses shall appoint, as in the said Ordinance is ex­pressed and declared: Bee it Ordained and it is hereby Orda [...]ned by the Lords and Commons assembled in Par­liament, that the said Truste [...]s, or any five or more of them shall, and are hereby authorized and required to give warrants to the Treasurers in the said OrdinanceOrdained that the Trustees give warran [...]s to the Treasu [...]ers for issuing out the Revenues of Parsonages ap­propriate, tithes, &c. as have been received and not disposed of to Ministers, to such persons to whom the same shall be ordered by the Commit­tee for plundred Ministers for augmentation of maintenance. named for the issuing out, and payment of the Rents and Revenues of the said Parsonages appropriate, tithes, obla­tions, obventions, pensions, portions of tithes, parsona­ges, and vicarages, as have been, or shall be receiv [...]d by the said Treasurers, and have not been otherwise disposed of, for the maintenance of Ministers to such person or persons respectively, to whom the said Rents, and Reve­nues, or any part or parcell thereof, have been, or shall be ordered or assigned by the Committee for plundered Ministers for augmentation of maintenance for officia­ting in any Church or Chappell within the Kingdome of England, and Dominion of Wales, according to the ef­fect and purport of the Orders of the said Committee re­spectively▪ And the said Trustees, or any five or more of them, shall give, and are hereby further authorized andThe Trustees to give warrant to the Treasu­rers for pay­ment of Arrears due for augmen­tations, and in­curred since the 9 of October, 1646. according to the said O [...] ­ders. required to give warrant to the said Treasurers for pay­ment of Arrears due for the said augmentations and in­curred since the 9 of October, 1646. according to the said Orders, and such Warrants of the said Trustees▪ together with the receipt of the said person or persons, who shall receive the said augmentations as aforesaid, shall be a suf­ficient discharge for the said Treasurers upon their ac­compt.

Ioh. Brown Cler. Parliamentorum.

Die Martis, 21 Novemb. 1648.
An Ordinance of Parliament, ena­bling a Committee of Lords and Com­mons to remove Obstructions in the Sale of the Lands of the late Archbishops and Bishops.

THe Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament taking into their con­sideration the ma [...]y Obstructions that have and do daily happen in & about the sale of the Manors, Lands, Tenements, and Hereditaments, of the late Arch [...]bishops and Bishops: And how necessary it is to free the Kingdom from so great a debt with which it stands char­ged untill the said Lands be sold: Do hereby Declare and Ordain, That Algernon Earl of Northumberland, Henry The names of the Committee. Earl of Kent, Philip Earl of Pembroke and Mountgomery, Charles Earl of Nottingham, William Earl of Salisbury, Basil Earl of De [...]bigh, Edward Earl of Manchester, Ed­mund Earl of Mulgrave, William Lord Gray of Warke, [Page 178] Edward Lord Mountague, Edward Lord Howard ofThe Committee are to remove Obstructions which shall ap­pear to them or any 50 [...] them▪ or be presented to them to the Contractors or any five of them or the Trustees, or 5 of them, or the Treasu­rers, or any 2 of them▪ or the Comptroller. And to clear doubts arising upon any clause or word in any of the Ordinan­ces for sale or conveyance of Bishops Lands. An Oath to be taken by 5 of this Committee, whereof one to be a Peere. I [...] it appear that any [...]enant or other ought to have any custom or privile [...]ge, the Committee are to certifie the same to the Regi [...]ter, who is thereupon to make out a par­ticular, upon which the Con­tractors may pro [...]eed, &c. Escrick, Mr. Prynn, Sir William Lewis, Mr. Iohn Ash, Sir Dudley North, Mr. Trenchard, Mr. Drake, Coll. Pure­foy, Coll. Copley, Mr. Aunesly, Mr. Wheeler, Mr. Gewen, Mr. Miles Corbet, Mr. Reynolds, Mr. Edward Ash, Mr. Scot, Mr. Blackiston, Coll. White, Sir Robert Harley, Mr. Francis Al­len, Coll. Harvey, Coll. Venn, and Sir Harbottle Grim­ston, or any five or more of them shall be, and are hereby constituted a Committee of Parliament for the regulating and removing of Obstructions which shall appeare unto them, or any five or more of them, or be presented unto them as aforesaid, by the Contractors, or any five or more of them, or by the Trustees, or any five or more of them, or by the Treasurers, or any two of them, or by the Comptroller of the said premises, in the clearing the state of the said debt, and in the sale and speedy perfecting of the Conveyances of the said premises, and for the clear­ing of any doubts which have or shal arise upon any clause▪ or word in any of the Ordinances for the sale or conveying any of the said premises to any person or persons as they shall conceive meet, so as the said premises in possession, not any part thereof be sold under the rates limited by former Ordinances of Parliament, nor Reversions upon Leases for lives or years under the rates expressed in the Ordinance of Parliament, dated the seventeenth day of March, one thousand six hundred forty and seven. And if it shall appear upon the survey, or by proofe upon oath which the said Committee, or any five or more of them, (whereof one to be a Peere) are hereby authorised to ad­minister, That any Tenant or Tenants or others, by the Custome of any Mannor or place, have or hath any Cu­stom [...], Customes or Priviledge, which in the purchase of [Page 179] the premises ought to be considered and allowance made unto the purchaser in his purchase for the same. The said Committee as aforesaid are hereby authorized to certifie the Custome proved as aforesaid to the Register, who is thereupon to make out a particular, upon which the Contractors shall and may proceed to sell or makeExactions of fees by any Officer or Clerk. allowance unto the purchaser, and the Trustees to con­vey, as if the same had been expressed in the Survey. And where any complaint shall be made by any purchaser or purchasers or others of any irregularity or exactions of Fees by any Officer or Clerk now imployed, or hereafter to be imployed in, about, or concerning the premises;The Committee to appoint and allow Officers and Fees. The Trustees to give warrants for payment of them. The said Committee as aforesaid, are hereby authorised to examine, allow, appoint, remove, and regulare such fees, charges, and Officers not already limited and ap­pointed by Ordinance of Parliament; and also appoint such officers or others, imployed or to be imployed about or concerning the same, as they shall think fit and ne­cessary. And after allowance of such Officers Fee or char­ges certified by the said Committee to the Trustees or a­ny five or more of them, they shall and may make out a Warrant or Warrants from time to time to the Treasu­rers for the paying of the same, which the Treasurers shal,Proviso for Of­ficers nominated by the Trustees, Treasurers and Contractors. And to ascer­tain and allow to Officers or other [...], who h [...]ve Fees, Rents, or Char­ges, due by grant from any Bishop. and are hereby authorized to pay accordingly, and the parties Receipt to whom the monies are so assigned, shall be to them a sufficient discharge: Provided, that this shall not take away any power the Trustees, Contractors, or Treasurers by Ordinance of Parliament have in the nomi­nation of their Officers; and also to ascertain, and allow out of the premises or profits thereof to any Officers or others, who have Fees, Rents, Annuities or other charges, as shall appear to be justly due by any lawful grant from [Page 180] any of the Archbishops or Bishops; and if any doubt orDoubts and dif­ferences arising among the Tru­stees, Contra­ctors, Treasurers Comptroller, to be determined by this Com­mittee. difference shall arise among the Trustees, Contractors, Treasurers, Comptroller, or any of them, or any others imploy [...]d in, or about the said premises, or any of them, or any part thereof, or any thing concerning the same; That the said Committee, or any five or more of them, upon information thereof by them or any of them, shall call before them such person or persons, and shall heare, examine, settle, and determine the same, and such order, direction, and determination, as they shall make, shall be the rule by which such person or persons shall proceed therein; and they are hereby authorized and enjoined to proceed accordingly: And if any person or persons what­soever,If any pe [...]son have any Wri­tings or Eviden­ces, &c. belong­ing to the pre­mises have in his or their custody, or hereafter shall have the possession of any Writing, Evidences, Charters, counterparts of Leases, Rent rolls, Records, Leadger books, or any other thing or things of or belonging to the said premises, or any part thereof, which by force or vertue of any Ordinance or Ordinances of Parliament have been vested, setled, or ought to be, or have been inOr have wasted, received, or d [...] ­t [...]ined any hou­ses, woods, rents, &c. And shall refuse obedience to the orders of this Committee concerning the same. the possession of the foresaid Trustees, Register, his or their assignes, or any purchaser or purchasers thereof, their heires or assignes, or belonging unto him or them, or have since the first of December, one thousand six hundred for­ty and sixe, or hereafter shall waste, spoil, receive, take, or detain any of the Castles, Houses, Buildings, Woods, Underwoods, Rents, Issues, and profits of the said pre­mises, and shal refuse to yeeld obedience to all or any Or­dinance of Parliament touching the premises, and to such further orders, directions, and determinations of the said Committee, or any five or more of them, shall make of, and concerning the same▪ That then the said Committee [Page 181] as aforesaid, are hereby authorised to summon beforeThey are to [...] summoned be­fore this Com­mittee, who up­on ref [...]sall to appear are to s [...] for them in safe custody. And to s [...]nd for p [...]per [...], witnes­ses, &c. This Committee or any 5 of them to examin wit­nesses upon oath. And to assesse dammages upon the persons so offending. Dammages to be assessed to the State to be paid to the Treasu­rers. But dammages to the purchaser to himself within 14. dayes. Or to give secu­rity to pay i [...] within 3 months. The Treasurers [...]re to dispose of the said damma­for the uses ap­pointed by the former Ordi­nances by War­rant of the Tru­ [...]ees. them, or any five or more of them, such person or persons, and if hee or they shall refuse to appear upon summons, then to send for him or them in safe custody, and to heare and examine him or them, and likewise to send for Papers, Writings, Evidences, Records, and Witnesses touching the same, and to examine Witnesses upon oath, which the said Committee, or any five or more of them, are hereby authorised to administer, and thereupon to determine the same, and to assesse dammages upon the person or persons so offending, so as the said dammages do not exceed such dammage as is proved upon oath as aforesaid, the purcha­ser or purchasers, or the estate have or hath sustained by such entry, detainer, waste, or spoil, and the party or par­ties so offending, are hereby required to pay such damma­ges as shall be given the State, unto the said Treasurers, and to the purchaser or purchasers of the said premises, such dammages as shall be given him or them respectively within fourteen dayes after judgement given as aforesaid, or else to give sufficient security to the said Treasurers, and to such purchaser or purchasers respectively to pay the dammages so assessed within three moneths; the which sum or sums of money paid in to the said Treasurers are to be issued out and disposed of by the said Treasurers for such uses as are appointed by former Ordinances of Parli­ament, for the sale of the Lands of the late Archbishops and Bishops, and according to such Warrant or Warrants as they shall from time to time receive from the said Tru­stees, any five or more of them; and that receipt of such person or persons to whose use the said monies is appoint­ed, together with the Warrant of the said Trustees, shall be a sufficient discharge unto the said Treasurers for the [Page 182] monies so paid; And if the said person or persons so offen­ding,If any person offending refuse obedience to the said Ordi­nances, or the Orders of this Committee, they are to be committed to safe custody. shall notwithstanding refuse to yeeld obedience unto the said Ordinances of Parliament, or such Orders and di­rections as the said Committee (as aforesaid) shall make and set downe concerning the premises or any part of them, that then the said Committee or any five or more of them are hereby authorised to commit such person or persons to safe custody til he or they yeeld obedience there­unto: And it is further ordained, that if any person or per­sonsIf any person having possessi­on of any Bi­shops houses &c. having no lease thereof made be­fore the first of Decem. 1641. Do contrary to the order of this Committee re­fuse to deliver possession. have since the first day of December, one thousand six hundred forty and one, possessed him or themselves, or hereafter shall possesse him or themselves of any the Ca­stles, Houses, or Buildings, or other the premisses of the said late Archbishops and Bishops, he or they having no Lease or grant thereof, from such Archbishops or Bi­shops made before the first day of December, one thou­sand six hundred forty and one, and shall contrary to the order and determination of the said Committee as afore­said, refuse to yeeld up, or by force keepe the possession of any the said premisses against the said Trustees, o [...] the purchasor or purchasors of the same; That then theThen this Committee are to issue out War­rant to the She­riffe to the County to cleer the possession. said Committee as aforesaid, are hereby authorised [...] ­sue out a Warrant or Warrants unto the [...]ie o [...] Sh [...] ­riffes of the respective place or County wh [...]re such [...] ­tainer is used, requiring him or them forthwith to re­paire to the place, and to clear the possession, and such Sheriffe or Sheriffe are hereby authorised and required to doe the same, and to raise the passe [...] [...]r And to raise the passe Co [...]a [...]' if resisted. they shall finde resistance, and by force of Armes [...] ­presse the same, and also to break open doo [...]s and ga [...]s for the cleering of the possession on the said [...] And to break open doors, &c. and the the same so cleared [...] [...]p unto the [...] ­stees [Page 183] or such person as they or any five or more of themAnd to deliver possession to the Tr [...]stees, [...]r the purchaser. And the She­riffe may com­mit such as resist him. shall authorize to receive the same, or to the purchaser or purchasers or such person or persons as he or they shall authorize to receive the same; And the said Sheriffe or Sheriffes are further authorised to commit to the next common Prison for one month such person or persons as he or they shall find to resist him or them in the executi­on of such Warrant or Warrants as he or they shall re­ceive from the said Committee as aforesaid, and such Warrant or Warrants as he or they shall receive as a­foresaid, shall bee a good and sufficient discharge unto him or them for so doing; And it is further ordained, that where any Certificate or Survey hath been or shallWhere any Te­nant hath neg­lected to shew his evidences & make his claime according to the Ordinance and thereby forfeited his estate. be made and returned to the Trustees or Register, that any Tenant hath neglected or refused to shew his evi­dences by which he holds his estate, nor made his claime nor estate appeare by sufficient witnesses within the time limited by the Ordinance of Parliament, and according to the directions of the said Ordinance, by reason of which his estate is forfeited and the premises sold as inThis Commit­tee are to deter­mine the case. possession, the said Committee are hereby authorised upon the appeal of such person or persons unto them or any five or more of them, to heare and determine such case or cases, and to send for papers, writings, and wit­nesses touching the same, and the witnesses if they seeAnd to examine witnesses up [...]o oath. If such default were not through con­tempt, this Committee [...]ay discharge th [...] estate of such person from the forfeiture. cause to examine upon Oath which they are hereby au­thorised to administer. And if it shall appeare to the said Committee that such default was not through any wilfull neglect or contempt of the power & authority of the Par­liament, but upon other good and sufficient causes showne to and to be allowed by the said Committee, they shall and may and are hereby authorised thereupon to discharge [Page 184] the estate of such person of and from the said forfeitureWhich they are to certifie to the contractors who are to make a reprise for it our of the purchase m [...]ny unpaid. And to certifie to the Treasu­rers who are to allow the same. Provided that such Tenant make his appeal before payment of the second moity. Such order or discharge of this Committee to be effectuall, als though the same were forfei [...]ed and sold as in possession. If any one inten­ding to purchase any lands where there hath been any such neglect or refusall of the Tenants certifi­ed in the survey or forfeiture in­curred, doe pro­cure a certificate of their names from Contra­ctors, Then this Com­mittee are to send for such Tenants and their Leases, &c. which they shall certifie to the said Contractors or any five or more of them, who are hereby authorised and re­quired out of the purchase moneys unpaid to reprise so much as the purchase of such part of the premises was estimated at in sale thereof, which they shall certifie unto the Treasurers who are hereby authorised and required to allow the same unto such purchaser or purchasers out of his or their moneys which shall be unpaid at the time of the receipt of such certificate, which shall be a suffici­ent discharge to the said Treasurers; Provided that such Tenant or Tenants make his or their appeale to the said Committee before the payment of the second Moi­ty for such purchase: And it is further Ordained that such order or discharge made as aforesaid, shall be good and effectuall to such Tenant or Tenants to have, hold and enjoy the particular estate and interest he claimed and made appear as aforesaid he ought to have and en­joy the said premises, notwithstanding the same were for­feited and sold as in possession: And it is further Ordai­ned, that if any such person or persons who intend to be the purchaser or purchasers of any of the Heredita­ments and possessions of the late Archbishops and Bi­shops where there hath been or shall be any such neglect or refusall of the Tenants as aforesaid, certified upon the survey of the said premises or forfeiture incurred, doe or shall procure from the Contractors a Certificate un­to the said Committee of the names of such Tenant or Tenants who have refused or neglected, and for­feited, or shall neglect, refuse or forfeit as aforesaid, That then the said Committee as aforesaid are here­by authorised to send for such Tenant or Tenants [Page 185] as likewise for their leases or copies, and other wri­tingsWhich they re­fuse to produce or make their estates appeare upon [...] this Committee may commit them to safe custody. And the Con­tractors may not­withstanding sell the premises as in possession. And in case of o­bedience to the Ordinance [...] of Parliament, and orders of this Committee, they may discharge the estate of such person from for­feiture. And the same with the particu­lar interest to certifie i [...] the Trustees and Register. And the Contra­ctors and Tru­stees are to sell and convey ac­cordingly. If any words be wanting in any survey to pas [...] [...]he lands &c. con­tracted for, the Register may in­sert in the parti­cular such words as this Commit­tee or any [...]ix Contractors shall think f [...]t. concerning their estate in the premises; which if he or they shall refuse to produce or make his or their estate appeare by proofe upon Oath which the Committee is hereby authorised to administer, That then the said Committee may commit such person and persons to safe custody, there to remaine untill he or they yeeld obedience to this and other Ordinances of Parliament, and such orders as the said Commit­tee shall make touching the premises; and the said Con­tractors may notwithstanding sell such premises as in possession according to a former Ordinance of Par­liament: And in case of obedience and conformity to the Ordinances of Parliament, and such Orders as the said Committee shall make touching the premises, the said Committee are hereby authorised to discharge the estate of such person or persons of and from the said forfeiture, and the same together with the par­ticular interest is made appeare unto them to certi­fie as well to the Trustees as Register; And the Re­gister shall make his particular accordingly: And the said Contractors are hereby authorized to Contract for and sell and Trustees to convey the same as if it had been expressed in the survey: And it is further Ordained that wherein any survey made or to be made of any of the Mannors, Lands, Tenements,, and Hereditaments of the said late Archbishops, and Bishops, there shall be any words wanting, without which the said Com­mittee or any five or more of them, or the said Con­tractors, or any six or more of them, shall conceive that the said premises, or any part thereof compri­sed in any such survey, or any of the Courts, Fran­chises, [Page 186] Liberties, Royalties, Priviledges, or appurtenances to them or any of them belonging, cannot be convey­ed to the purchaser, or purchasers thereof, so fully as ought to be: to the intent the purchaser may have in his or their conveyance, words sufficient to passe so much of the said premises as he or they doe or shall contract for; Tho Register in every particular by him made upon every such Survey, shall insert, and hereby is authorised to insert such words as the said Committee as aforesaid or the said Contractors, or any six or more of them shall thinke fit, and direct, therein to be in­serted, notwithstanding the same bee not expressed in the Survey whereupon such particular shall be made; And the said Contractors shall and may proceed, and areAnd the Con­tractors are to proceed accord­ing to the par­ticular so amen­ded. Provided that n [...] reprise be made but where a value is put upon the thing &c. If any purchaser or other make it appear that the premises cont [...]acted for▪ or conveyed, are subject to any incumbrance not mentioned in the Survey, or that the pre­mises were n [...] the Bishops Lands. hereby authorised and enjoined to Contract for, and passe conveyances of the said premises, or any part there­of according to such particular so amended; Provided that there shall be no reprise by reason of the addition of any word or clause as aforesaid, unlesse there be a value put upon the thing or things in the particular, upon which the contract is made; And it is further ordained, That if any purchaser or purchasers, or others, shall make [...] appear unto the said Committee, any five or more of them, by proofe upon oath, which the said Committee as aforesaid, are hereby authorised to administer, and likewise to send for Parties, Writings, and Witnesses touching the pre­mises, that the premises contracted for, or convey­ed, are subject and liable unto any estate, charge, or in­cumbrance not mentioned in the Survey of the said premises, or that the premises were not the Mannors, Lands, Tenements, and Hereditaments of the said late Archbishops, or Bishops; That then the said Com­mittee, [Page 187] or any five or more of them, are hereby au­thorisedThen this Committee are to hea [...]e and determine [...]he same and to cer­tifie their reso­lutions to the Contractors who are to make al­lowance of [...]he [...] by way of rep [...]e out of the monies un­paid, and cer­tifie the same [...]o the Trustees who are to give Warrants to the Trea [...]urers therefore. And the Con­tractors are to discha [...]ge the purchaser o [...] this contract made for Lands which shall be so certified not to belong to the Bishop. And where the Purchaser in that case hath per [...]ected this conveyance the Trustees (upon such certificate of this Com­mittee) shall issue out War­rants to the Treasurers to repay the purchase mony forth­with. to heare and examine the same, as aforesaid, and thereupon to determine the same, and to certifie unto the said Contractors their resolution and deter­mination of, and concerning the premises; And the said Contractors are hereby authorised to allow unto such purchaser o [...] purchasers, by way of reprise out of his or their monies unpaid, so much as the said estate, charge, or incumbrance, proved, as aforesaid, shall be valued at, and the same to certifie to the Trustees, who shall [...]ssue ou [...] Warrant, or Warrants, to the Treasurers, to [...]alke and allow the same unto such purchaser or purchasers; And where the said Contra­ctors shall be certified as aforesaid, that the pre­mises contracted for, or conveyed, were not the pre­mises of the said late Archbishops, or Bishops, they shall and may, and are hereby authorised to discharge such purchaser or purchasers of his or their contract; And in case where any purchaser hath perfected▪ his conveyance, if the said Committee as aforesaid doe or shall certifie the said Trustees, or any five or more of them, that the pr [...]ises are not the Mannors, Lands, Tenements, and Hereditaments, of the said late Arch­bishops or Bishops; That then the said Trustees as a­foresaid, shall issue out their Warrant to the Trea­surers to repay such person o [...] persons his or their mo­nies forthwith out of such monies as are in Treasury, or out of the next monies which shal come into the Treasury; And the said Warrant, together with the Receipt of the party, shall be a good and sufficient discharge to the said Treasurers; And it is further ordained that if any doubt shall be made or arise upon any word or clause [Page 188] in this present Ordinance, or any other Ordinance ofAnd if any doubt arise up­on any word or clause of this or any other Ordinance touching the premises, the Trustees and o­ther Officers are to proceed there­in according to the determ [...]nati­on of this Com­mittee therein. Actors upon this Ordinance to be saved harmlesse. Parliament, touching, and concerning the premises, by the said Trustees, Contractors, Treasurers, and other Officers, imployed about, or concerning the said pre­mises: The said Trustees, Contractors, Treasurers, and other Officers imployed as aforesaid, are hereby authorised and enjoned to proceed therein according to the determination and direction of the said Commit­tee, any five or more of them, any former Order or Ordinance of Parliament to the contrary notwith­standing; and whatsoever the said Committee, Tru­stees, Treasurers, and other Officers, or any of them, shall doe in pursuance of this present Ordinance, they shall be saved harmelesse and indempnified by autho­rity of Parliament.

Joh. Brown, Cler. Parl.
H. Elsyng Cler. Parl. Dom. Com.

Die Martis 9. Januar. 1648.
AN ORDINANCE OF THE LORDS and COMMONS Assembled in PARLIAMENT; Appointing Thomas Noel, Esq; Treasurer for receiving of Second Moities of Purchasers out of Bills or Receipts given upon the Ordinance of the 13. of May, 1647.

WHereas by an Ordinance of Parliament of 24. of July, 1648. It is Ordain­ed, that all Contracts made by any purchaser or purchasers since the first of Aprill last, or hereafter to be made for any the Lands and Possessions of the late Archbishops and Bishops, the Purchaser or Purchasers shall and may satisfie, dis­charge [Page 190] and pay the second moity of such purchase so contracted for by monys, or out of the Bils or Receipts given to any lender or lenders, his or their assignes, by vertue of an Ordinance of Parliament, dated the 13 of May, 1647. Or by the assignment of any of the said Bills or Receipts; And that all payments made according to the intent of the said Ordinance of the said 24 of July, 1648. shall bee good and effectuall to discharge the person or per­sons of his or their engagements, or con­tract for any of the said Premises; And that William Gibs Alderman, Thomas Noel, and Francis Ash, Esq; constituted Trea­surers by Ordinance of Parliament of the 16 of November, 1646. Intituled, An Ordinance of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament for the appoint­ing the sale of the Bishops Lands for the use of the Common-wealth, are by the a­foresaid Ordinance of the 24 of July, 1648. Authorized and enjoyned to accept of the same as a good and sufficient payment, [Page 191] any Ordinance of Parliament to the con­trary in any wise notwithstanding; And whereas William Gibs Alderman, and Francis Ash, Esq; two of the aforesaid Treasurers have humbly Petitioned the House of Parliament to bee disingaged from acting as Treasurers touching the 400000l. secured by the said Ordinance of the 13 of May, 1647. whereby such Purchasers as have according to the afore­said Ordinance of the 24 of July, 1648. Contracted for severall of the said Lands, and in pursuance of the same paid in the first moity of their purchase moneys, and cannot by reason of the refusall of the a­foresaid Treasurers to accept of the sameThomas Noel, Esq; appointed Treasurer to receive second moities out of the bils or re­ceipts given upon the Ordi­nance of the 13 of May, 1647. accor­ding to an Or­dinance of the 24 of Iuly, 1648. pay in their second Moities according to their severall Contracts; It is therefore Ordered by the Lords and Commons as­sembled in Parliament, That Thomas Noel, Esq; one of the aforesaid Treasurers doe and is hereby authorised and enjoined to accept, receive, and passe all such Bills or Receipts for such Moneys advanced on [Page 192] the Ordinance of the 13 of May, 1647. as shall be vouched unto him by Collonell Robert Manwaring, the Register Accomp­tant for the aforesaid Lands, for the payment of the last Moity of the purchase money of such purchaser or purchasers that are to pay the same, according to the intent of the aforesaid Ordinance of the 24 of Iuly, 1648. And in case that any purchaser shallThe Treasurer to give new bils or receipts for remainders, the same to be as valid as the bils themselves. have a surplusage of the said Bils or Receipts more then his purchase mony amounts unto, that then the said Treasurer taking the said Bills or Receipts in, may, and is hereby au­thorized to give new Bills or Receipts for the Remainder thereof, under his own hand to any person or persons, to whom the same shall appear to be due, which Remainder or Remainders, under the hand of the said Treasurers, shal be as valid & effectual to all intents and purposes as the aforesaid BilsTrustees to seal conveyan­ces upon the Treasurers certificate. or Receipts were, and that the Trustees ap­pointed for sale of the aforesaid Lands doe and are hereby injoyned to seal unto the aforesaid purchaser or purchasers, their se­verall [Page 193] assurances accordingly; and that the Contractors appointed by the aforesaid Or­dinance of the 16 of November, 1646. doe upon the Certificate of the said Thomas Noel Treasurer ascertaining the second moity to be fully satisfied and paid in manner as a­foresaid, deliver up to the respective pur­chaserThe Contra­ctors to deliver up reconveyan­ces according­ly. or purchasers, their severall recon­veyances given for the securing of their se­cond Moities. And bee it further hereby Ordered, That whatsoever the said Tru­stees, Contractors, Treasurer, and RegisterTrustees, Con­tractors, Trea­surer and Re­gister Accom­ptant saved harmlesse. Accomptant or any of them, shall doe in pursuance of this present Order, shall bee saved harmlesse and indempnified by autho­rity of Parliament.

Io. Brown Cler. Parliamentorum.
H. Scobell. Cler. Parl. Dom. Com.

A Table of all the severall Ordinances of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament, for the Sale of Bishops Lands.

  • Octob. 9. 1646. I. AN Ordinance for the abolishing of Archbishops and Bishops within the Kingdome of England, and Dominion of Wales, and for setling of their Lands and Possessions upon Trustees for the use of the Common-wealth. p. 71
  • Octob. 13. 1646. II. An Ordinance for the raising of 20000 l. for the present service of the State. P. 79
  • Octob. 14. 1646. III. A Declaration for the payment of 100000 l. to our Bre­thren of Scotland. p 80
  • Novemb. 16. 1646. IV. An Ordinance for appointing the sale of Bishops Lands for the use of the Common-wealth. P. 81
  • Novemb. 28. 1646. V. An Ordinance for appointing the House of Sir Richard Gur­ney, for the use of the Trustees and Contractors, &c. p. 111
  • 30 Novemb. 1646. VI. An Ordinance for the explanation and better putting in executi­on the late Ordinance, entituled, An Ordinance for appointing the sale of Bishops Lands for the use of the Common-wealth. p. 113.
  • 24 Decemb. 1646. VII. An additionall Ordinance for the alteration and explanation of the Oath of the Surveyors. p. 116
  • March 5. 1646. VIII. An Ordinance for the better explaining and executing of the former Ordinances for the sale of Bishops Lands. p. 119
  • March 15. 1646. IX. An Ordinance for the lessenting the number of the Trustees p. 121
  • May 13. 1647. X. And Ordinance for securing of all those that shall advance 200000 l. for the service of this Kingdome, and of the Kingdome of Ireland. p 126
  • [Page]June 3. 1647. XI. An Ordinance for the raising of 42000 l. and for the explana­tion of the former Ordinance. p. 140
  • August 23. 1647. XII. An Ordinance for regulating the sale of Bishops Lands, and expediting the Conveyances. p. 151
  • Septemb. 23. 1647. XIII. An Ordinance for the better security and encouragement of purchasers, &c. p. 153
  • Decemb. 2. 1647. XIV. An Ordinance for removing Obstructions in the sale of Bi­shops of Lands. p. 158
  • March 17. 1647. XV. An Ordinance for removing Obstructions in the sale of rever­sions of Bishops Lands. P. 164
  • March 23. 1647. XVI. An Additionall Ordinance for the explanation and better execution of former Ordinances for the sale of the Lands and Possessi­ons of the late Archbishops and Bishops within the Realm of England and Dominion of Wales. p. 166
  • July 24. 1648. XVII. An Ordinance for the more speedy satisfying the monies lent upon the Credit of the Ordin. for the sale of Bishops Lands. p. 171
  • Octob. 3. 1648. XVIII. An Ordinance authorising the Trustees to pay all Aug­mentations granted by the Committee of plundered Ministers out of the rents of Bishops Lands. p. 175
  • Novemb. 21. 1648. XIX. An Ordinance enabling a Committee of Lords and Commons to remove Obstructions in the sale of Bishops Lands. p. 177
  • Januar. 9. 1648. XX. An Ordinance appointing Thomas Noel Esq; Treasurer. p. 189

Die Jovis, 6 September. 1649.
A Letter from Thomas Noel and Stephen Est­wick Treasurers for the saleof Deans and Chapters Lands, of the 4th. of September, 1649. was this day read.

Resolved, &c.

THat the time bee enlarged for doubling Monies upon Deans and Chapters Lands.

Resolved, &c.

THat the time formerly limited, and now elapsed for bringing in of the Money to be doubled upon the Credit of Deans and Chapters Lands shall be enlarged, and have continuance unto the tenth of October, 1649. for all those who live in London, and within twenty miles distance from the same; and unto the tenth day of November following, for all others of this Nation, or resiant therein.

Hen. Scobell Cler. Parliament.

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