❧ Severall Votes of Parliament, concerning Sergeant Major Generall Skippon.

Resolved upon the Question.
THat this command of His Majestie to call Captain Philip Skippon, Sergeant Major Generall of the Forces of London, to attend His Majesties Person at York, is against the Law of the Land and the liberty of the Subject.

Resolved upon the Question.
That this command of His Majestie, to call Captain Philip Skippon, Sergeant Major Generall of the Forces of London, to attend His Maje­sties Person, being imployed by both Houses to attend their Service, without their consent, is against the priviledge of Parliament.

Resolved upon the Question.
That Captain Philip Skippon, Sergeant Major Generall of the Forces of London, shall continue to attend the Service of both Houses, according to their former commands.

Hen. Elsing, Cler. Parl. D. Com.

IT is this day Ordered by the Lords and Commons in Parliament assembled, That the Magazines of the severall Counties in England, and Wales, shall be forthwith put into the power of the Lord Liev­tenants of the said Counties, respectively, (being such as the Parlia­ment doth confide in) for the Service and safety of His Majesty and the Kingdom.

Ordered by the Lords in Parliament, That this Order shall be Printed and Published.

Joh. Brown, Cler. Parl.

May. 23. London, Printed for Joseph Hunscott. 1642.

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