[Page] SEVERALL ORDINANCES OF THE LORDS & COMMONS Assembled in PARLIAMENT: Concerning the Sale of Bishops-Lands.

LONDON, Printed by R. Cotes for John Bellamy at the three golden Lions in Cornhill, near the Royall Exchange, 1647.

30 Novembr. 1646.
An Ordinance of the Lords and Com­mons assembled in Parliament for explanation and better putting in execution the late Ordinance, Entituled, An Ordinance of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament, For appointing the sale of Bishops Lands for the use of the Common-wealth.

THe Lords and Commons assembled Col. Manwa­ring to ascer­tain the princi­pall and inte­rest of Monies, Plate, &c. ad­vanced. in Parliament do hereby Declare and Ordain, That Colonell Robert Man­waring appointed to be Register Ac­comptant by the former Ordinance for the sale of Bishops Lands, is, and be hereby authorized upon the Receipts or Certifi­cates given by the former Treasurers Receivers or Collectors of Mony, Plate, Horse, furniture or Arms advanced upon the Publick Faith, to ascertain the Principall and Interest thereof; and that his Certifi­cate And upon his Certificate the Treasurers to receive the Money, and give Receipts. to the Treasurers appointed by the said former Ordinance, shall be a sufficient Voucher for them to proceed thereupon to the receiving of the Money, and giving their Receipts according to the former Twenty shil­lings per day allowed to the Treasurers Clerks for a year. Ordinance: And that Twenty shillings per diem shal be allowed to the Treasurers for their Clerks and Tellers, the said allowance to continue for a year, and to be distributed among them according to the discretion of the said Treasurers. And that all other And all other charges inci­dent to the Treasury, to be allowed by the Committee hereafter na­med, charges incident to the Treasury, which shall be dis­charged and paid by the said Treasurers, shall bee allowed to them by the Committee hereafter na­med, [Page 2] or any five of them. And that the Comptrol­ler appointed by the said former Ordinance, shall The Comp­troller to give acknowledg­ment thereof. upon the weekly account given unto him by the said Treasurers, give a receipt or acknowledgment there­of in writing under his, or his Deputies hands to the said Treasurers for their justification therein. And further, that the certificate of the Commissaries and Certificate of the Commissa­ries for Horses shall bee accep­ted. others authorized for the listing of horses, furniture, or Arms, who have power to give the publick Faith for the same, shall be accepted and allowed for as good and sufficient as the Receipts or Certificates of the Treasurers, Collectors or Receivers of Mony or Plate. And for the settling and determining of any further doubt which may arise concerning the For determi­ning of doubts concerning the validity of any Warrant made to the Treasu­rers, a Com­mittee of Parliament is appointed. validity of any warrant made by the Trustees of the Bishops Lands to the said Treasurers for the issuing out of any Money, That the Earl of Northumber­land, Earl of Kent, Earl of Rutland, Earl of Pem­brook, Earl of Lincoln, Earl of Nottingham, Earl of Suffolk, Earl of Salisbury, Earl of Warwick, Earl of Denbigh, Earl of Middlesex, Earl of Manchester, Earl of Mulgrave, Earl of Stamford, Viscount He­reford, Viscount Say and Seale, Lord Berkley, Lord Dacres, Lord Wharton, Lord Willoughby, Lord North, Lord Hunsdon, Lord Mountague, Lord Gray of Warke, Lord Roberts, Lord Maynard, Lord Howard, and Lord Bruce. Mr. Hollis, Mr. Francis Allen, Sir Philip Stapleton, Mr. Iohn Ash, Sir Iohn Clotworthy, Sir Symonds D'ewes, Mr. Walter Long, Sir Iohn Temple, Sir William Lewis, Sir William Spring, Sir Iohn Hobart, Col. Harvey, Mr. Got, Mr. Recorder, Sir Hen. Vane senior, Mr. Leigh, Mr. Reynolds, Mr. Tate, Sir Iohn Evelin of Surrey, [Page 3] Mr. Roll, Sir Samuel Roll, Mr. Bond, Mr. Ball, Mr. Ni­coll, Mr. Wilson, Mr. Blackiston, Mr. Pierpoint, Sir Peter Wentworth, Sir Iohn Curson, Sir Walter Erle, Sir Robert Harley, Mr. Crew, Sir Gregory Norton, Lievtenant Generall Cromwell, Sir Robert Pye, Sir Edward Hungerford, Mr. Knightly; Sir Iohn Bur­goyne, Mr. Rous, Mr. Strode, Sir Anthony Irby, Mr. Humphrey Edwards, Mr. Drake, Mr. Prideaux, Mr. Alderman Atkin, Sir Thomas Soame, Alderman Pennington, Mr. Vassall, Colonel Ven, or any five of them shall be, and are hereby constituted a Com­mittee of Parliament for the purposes aforesaid, and shall have power and authority to hear and deter­mine the same in case the said Trustees or Treasu­rers shall desire it. And that a warrant under any Five of the hands of the said Committee shall be a sufficient authority to them, and every of them to proceed accordingly in the execution of the said Ordinance. And it is hereby lastly Declared and All persons, as well those who have formerly lent upon the Publick Faith, as others shall have the same repaid with Interest. Ordained by the authority aforesaid, That all per­sons, aswell those who have lent upon the publick Faith, as those who have that shall advance or lend any sum of Money for the purposes in the said Or­dinance mentioned, untill the 200000 l. intended by the said Ordinance to be raised shall be brought in, shall have the same security for the repayment thereof, together with interest for the same, after the rate of Eight per centum, as those who having for­merly lent upon the publick Faith as aforesaid, and do now lend upon the said Ordinance are to have.

H. Elsynge, Cler. Parl. D. Com.

Die Ʋeneris, 15 Martii, 1646.
An Ordinance of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament, For the lessening of the number of the Trustees for the sale of the BISHOPS-LANDS.

WHereas by vertue of an Ordinance of the Lords and Commons in this present Par­liament Recitall of the Ordinance vesting the Bishops-Land in the Trustees. assembled, made the 9 day of Octo­ber, Anno Dom. 1646. All Counties Palatine, Ho­nors, Mannors, Lordships, Scites, Circuits, Pre­cincts, Castles, Granges, Messuages, Mills, Lands, Tenements, Medows, Pastures, Parsonages appro­priate, Tithes, Oblations, Obventions, Pensions, Portions of Tithes, Parsonages, Vicarages, Chur­ches, Chappels, Advowsons, Donatives, Nominati­ons, Rights of Patronages and Presentations, Parks, Woods, Rents, Reversions, Services, An­nuities, Franchises, Liberties, Priviledges, Immu­nities, Rights of actions and entry, Interest, Titles of entry, Conditions, Commons-Court, Courts-Leete, and Courts-Baron, and all other Possessions and Hereditaments whatsoever, with all and every of their appurtenances of what nature or quality soever they be which then were, or at any time within ten years before the beginning of this pre­sent Parliament were belonging to any Archbishop or Bishop within this Kingdom of England or Do­minion of Wales, or which they or any of them had [Page 5] held and enjoyed in the right of their Archbisho­pricks or Bishopricks, Dignities, Offices or Places respectively, with all Charters, Deeds, Books of Accompts, Rolls, and other Writings whatsoever concerning the same belonging unto them were vested and settled in the reall and actuall possession and seisin of Thomas Adams Alderman, then Lord Major of the City of London, Sir George Clarke Knight, Iohn Langham Alderman, and Iohn Iones among others in the said Ordinance named, and also by the said Ordinance, and by other Ordinan­ces since made in pursuance thereof, or for the ex­plaining or executing thereof the said Trustees are authorized and required to act and execute divers Acts and things concerning the premises. And whereas the said Thomas Adams, Sir George Clarke, Recitall of the four Trustees which desired to bee dischar­ged. Iohn Langham, and Iohn Iones have humbly desired to be discharged of the said Trust, because they can­not constantly attend and execute the same by rea­son of their other necessary occasions: The said It is Ordained that the said Four Trustees shall be no longer seised. Lords and Commons do hereby Ordain, That the said Thomas Adams, Sir George Clarke, Iohn Lan­gham, and Iohn Iones, and every of them shall bee from henceforth no longer possessed, seised, or interessed of, or in the Premisses, or any of them, or any part or parcell of them: But that the seisin, But that the seisin shall be out of them. possession and interest thereof, or thereunto, shall be from henceforth wholly and absolutely out of them and every of them; And that they, and And they dis­charged of the Trusts. every of them shall be from henceforth wholly dis­charged of the said Trusts to all intents and pur­poses whatsoever; and shall not from henceforth act or execute any power or authority, act or thing [Page 6] whatsoever by vertue of the first recited Ordi­nance, or any other Ordinance or Ordinances afore­said. And that all and every the premisses, and And that the Premises shall from hence­forth be vested in the remai­ning Trustees. every part and parcell thereof shall from hence­forth be vested and setled, adjudged and deemed to be, and shall be wholly and onely in the reall and actuall possession and seisin of Sir Iohn Wollaston Knight, and the other remaining Trustees whose names are expressed in the said first recited Ordi­nance, and the Surveyors and Survivors of them, their Heires and Assignes as fully and absolutely to all intents and purposes, as if the said Thomas Adams, Sir George Clarke, Iohn Langham, and Iohn Iones had not been at all named in the first recited Ordinance, nor in any other of the said Ordinances, and as if the said Sir Iohn Wollaston, and the other remaining Trustees onely had been named therein. And the said Sir Iohn Wollaston, and the other re­maining And the re­maining Tru­stees, or any Five of them from hence­forth to act in as ample man­ner as all or any of the Trustees might have done. Trustees, or any Five or more of them shall from henceforth act and execute all the pow­ers and authorities, acts and things whatsoever, which by the first recited Ordinance, or any other of the aforesaid Ordinances are appointed to bee acted and executed by all the Trustees named in the first recited Ordinance, or by any part of them, in as full and ample manner to all intents and pur­poses whatsoever, as all the Trustees named in the first recited Ordinance, or any part of them, might, and ought to have done any thing contai­ned in the first recited Ordinance, or in any o­ther of the aforesaid Ordinances to the contra­ry in any wise notwithstanding. And it is fur­ther hereby Declared and Ordained, That the [Page 7] said Sir Iohn Wollaston and the other remaining And the re­maining Tru­stees, or any Five of them, or such as they shall appoint, may let for one yeer or lesse, a­ny of the Pre­misses (out of Lease) which are by the Or­dinance ap­pointed to bee sold. Trustees or any five or more of them, or such per­son or persons as they or any five or more of them under their hands and seales shall thereunto appoint and authorize, shall have full power and authority to let or set for one yeare or lesse, and so from yeare to yeare, or lesse, before the sale hereof respectively, any of the premisses which are appointed to bee sold by any of the said for­mer Ordinances now being, or which shall be at any time before the sale thereof respectively out of Lease, unto such persons and in such manner; whereby the best profits and advantages thereof may bee made as they shall thinke fit, the Rents and Profits hereof to bee disposed in such man­ner as in the said former Ordinances is decla­red, concerning the other Rents, Profits and Re­ceipts therein mentioned and contained; Provided alwayes, that such of the said Premisses as are Provided that Copihold Lands be granted by Copy of Court-Roll, and not otherwise. grantable by coppy of Court-Roll, according to the custome of any Honour or Manour, and which they have power to Demise as is aforesaid, shall be demised by the coppy of the Court-Roll respectively, and not by any Lease at the Common Law. And the said Lords and Commons ta­king into their consideration, the paines and good service of the said Sir Iohn Wollaston, and the other remaining Trustees, for their incouragement therein, doe hereby Ordaine, That the said Sir Iohn The remaining Trustees (except the three Treasurers and the Comptrol­ler) shall have 2000. l. amongst them. Wollaston and the other remaining Trustees, (except the three Treasurers and the Comptroller, who have a Salary already allowed to them) shall have and re­ceive the Summe of Two thousand Pounds; That [Page 8] is to say, one thousand Pounds thereof at the end of Six Moneths to bee accounted from the afore­said ninth day of October, and the other one thou­sand Pounds at the end of Six Moneths after; Which said Summe of Two thousand Pounds, the aforesaid Treasurers, or any Two of them, are hereby authorized and required to pay accordingly unto them or to such person or persons for them as they or the major part of them under their hand-writing shal appoint out of such moneys as the said Treasurers shall have received by the Profits or sale of the Premisses. And that the said Sir Iohn Wollaston and the other remaining Trustees (except The remaining Trustees are to divide the 2000. l a­mongst them as they think fit. such as are before excepted) or the major part of them shall distribute and dispose of the said Two thousand Pounds among themselves by such Pro­portions and in such manner as they or the major part of them shall think fit. Lastly, the printing of this Ordinance is referred to the Trustees or the major part of them.

  • Ioh. Browne, Cleric. Parliamentorum.
  • H. Elsynge Cler. Parl. Dom. Com.

Die Ʋeneris, 5 Martii, 1647.
An Ordinance of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament, For the bettet Explaining and Execu­ting of the former Ordinances for the sale of Bishops-Lands.

WHEREAS by Ordinance of the Lords and Commons in this pre­sent Recital of the Contractors Instructions in the former Or­dinance of the 16. of Novemb. 1646. Parliament Assembled, made the sixteenth day of November, Anno Dom. 1646. Among other instructions for the Contractors in the said Ordinance named, it is Ordained that the Demesne Lands of the late Arch-Bishops and Bishops shall not bee sold under tenne yeares Pur­chase of the full values they were at in yeare 1641. The same rule to bee observed proportionably in the sale of Reversions expectant upon Estates for lives or yeares. The said Lords and Commons The Contra­ctors to pro­ceed to sale ac­cording to such particulars as shall be delive­red to them by the Register. doe hereby declare and Ordaine that the said full value upon which the said Contractors shall pro­ceed to sale, shall be according to such particulars as shall be made and delivered to the said Contra­ctors under the hand of Henry Elsynge Register in the said Ordinance named, and that such parti­culars so made and delivered to them shall be a suf­ficient justification for them to proceed to sale ac­cordingly. [Page 10] And further that the said Register shall And the Regi­ster to appoint a Clerk to at­tend the Con­tractors. And to enter all Orders. cause one faithfull, able and sufficient Clerke to bee attending on the said Contractors at all their meetings, and to enter all their Orders and pro­ceedings, and to observe and obey all such com­mands and directions concerning the Premisses, as they or any six or more of them shall direct and appoint. And that the said Bookes of Entries shall remaine in the custody of the said Contractors or such of them as they or the major part of them shall appoint. Provided that no Copies of the said Entries bee made, had or taken out of the said No Copies of Entries to be made by any but the Regi­ster or his Clerk. Bookes by any others then the said Register or his Deputy, or the said Clerk, who are to have the use of them for that purpose. And that the said Register and his Deputy and the said Clerke The Oath of the Register & his Deputy and Clerk. shall severally and respectively take an Oath be­fore the Trustees or any three of them, (which they are hereby authorized and required to admi­nister to them accordingly) to execute the said re­spective Offices and places according to the Or­dinances and instructions of both Houses of Parlia­ment in that behalf made, and not for any feare, favour, malice, or reward to violate the said respe­ctive trusts in them reposed. And whereas by the afore recited Ordinances, it is Ordained, That the said Contractors shall receive two pence in the Pound for every Summe that shall bee paid to the Treasurers upon all and every Contract or Con­tracts The Contra­ctors to have two pence per pound for all such Lands as shall be Con­tracted for and sold. by them made▪ The said Lords and Com­mons doe hereby Declare and Ordaine, that they shall in stead thereof, receive two pence in tehe Pound, for all such Lands, Tenements, and Here­ditaments, [Page 11] of the late Arch-Bishops and Bishops which shall be contracted for, and sold by them, ac­cording to the rates for which they shall bee sold. And further the said Lords and Commons doe hereby Declare and Ordaine, That all such who All persons which have lent moneys shall have like ad­vantage for all other monyes due by the Or­dinance as for the monyes lent. have advanced and lent Moneys upon the aforesaid recited Ordinance, shall be allowed and have all the same advantages and benefits for and concerning a­ny Moneys otherwise due unto them by the afore recited Ordinance, as fully and amply to all intents and purposes whatsoever, as for and concerning any ready Moneys lent and advanced upon the said Or­dinance.

  • Joh. Brown Cler. Parliamentorum.
  • H. Elsynge Cler. Parl. Dom. Com.

Diae Lunae 23. August, 1647.
An Ordinance of the Lords and Com­mons Assembled in Parliament for regulating the sale of Bishops Lands, and expediting the Conveyances thereof.

BE it Ordered and Ordained by the Lords and Com­mons assembled in Parliament, That whereas in the late Ordinance of Parliament, made the 16. of Novem­ber, Anno Dom. 1646. it is appointed that the Purchasers of Bishops Lands shal pay the latter moity of Purchase money within six moneths a [...]ter the sealing of the Assurance; And whereas divers purchasers have before the sealing of the as­surance obtained the possession of the said purchased Lands, Tenements, or Hereditaments, in all such cases the said six moneths wherein the latter moyety of the Purchase mo­ney ought to be payed, shall be reckoned from the time of the Contract, and not from the sealing of the Assurance; and that in lieu thereof the Purchaser shall have and in­joy all the meane profits which he hath had, or received in the meane time; And that the Treasurers for Bishops Lands shall allow, and rebate to any Purchaser, who hath any money due by the said Ordinance, the interest which shall be due unto him, together with the principall, the same to be defaulked at the times of payment of his Pur­chase money; and that all Assignes of any monies due by the said Ordinance, may defalke the same upon Purchasers in like manner as the lenders themselves might doe. And the Contractors, Trustees, Treasurers, and all others im­ployed in the sale of Bishops Lands, are hereby required, and enjoyned to perfect and seale the respective Convey­ances or Assurances with all possible expedition.

Jo. Browne Cler. Parliament.

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