Questions resolved upon by both Houses of Parliament. VVith an Order for the speedy Rigging of the Navy, for the defence of the Kingdom.
Resolved upon the Question by both Houses of Parliament,
THat the Kingdom be forthwith put into a posture of defence, by Authority of both Houses, in such a way as is already agreed upon by both Houses of Parliament.
Resolved, &c.
That the Lords be desired to joyn with the House of Commons in this Vote.
Resolved, &c.
That a Committee shall be appointed to prepare a Declaration upon these two Heads,
- 1. To lay down the just causes of the fears and jealousies given to these Houses: and to cleer these Houses from any jealousies conceived against them.
- 2. And to consider of all matters that may arise upon this Message of His Majesty, and to declare their opinions what is fit to be done thereupon.
THe Lords and Commons in this present Parliament assembled, having received advertisement of extraordinary preparations made by the neighboring Princes, both by Land and Sea; the intentions whereof have been so represented, as to raise an apprehension in both Houses, That the publike Honour, Peace, and Safety of His Majesty and His Kingdom cannot be secured, unlesse a timely course be taken for the putting of this Kingdom into a Condition of defence, at Sea, as well as Land. It is therefore Ordered, by the Lords and Commons aforesaid, That the Earl of Northumberland, Lord high Admirall of England, do forthwith give effectuall direction and order, that all and every the Ships belonging to His Majesties Nauy, which are fit for service, and not already abroad, nor designed for this Summers Fleet, be withall speed Rigged, and put in such a readinesse, as that they may soon be fitted for the Sea; And that his Lordship do also make known unto all the Masters and Owners of such Ships as now are in, or about any the Harbours of this Kingdom, and may be of use for the publike defence thereof, That it will be an acceptable service to the King and Parliament, if they likewise will cause their Ships to be Rigged, and so far put in a readinesse, as they may be at a short warning set forth to Sea, upon any immergent occasion, which will be a means of great security to his Majesty and his Dominions.
London, Printed for Joseph Hunscott. 1641.