A DECLARATION OF The Lords and Commons in Parliament: DIRECTED TO THE HIGH-SHERIFFE of the County of ESSEX, and all other Sheriffs in generall, within the Kingdom of England, and Dominion of Wales: Concerning His Majesties Proclamation about the MILITIA.

WHereas ROBERT SMITH Esquire, now high Sheriff of the County of Essex, hath lately received a Writ, bearing date the 27 of May, in the Eighteenth Yeer of His now Majesties Reign; Thereby commanding him to Pub­lish a Proclamation, whereby all His Majesties Subjects belonging to the Trained Bands, or Militia of this Kingdom are forbidden to Rise, March, Muster or Exer­cise, by vertue of any Order or Ordinance of one, or both Houses of Parliament, without Consent or Warrant from His Majesty, upon pain of punishment accord­ing to the Laws: And whereas the said high-Sheriff hath now addressed himself to both Houses of Parliament, for advice and directions therein; Conceiving the said Proclamation to be contrariant, and repugnant to the Ordinance and Iudgement of both Houses of Parliament concerning the Militia; It is therefore declared by the Lords and Commons in Parliament, (they intending nothing by the said Ordi­nance, but the Protection and security of His Majesties Person, the Defence of the Kingdom against forrein Invasion, and the preservation of the publike Peace against intestine Rebellions, and Insurrections here at home, the maintenance of the Privi­ledges and Authority of Parliament, according to the Protestation:) That the said Writ is Illegall; For that by the Constitution and Policie of this Kingdom, the King by His Proclamation cannot declare the Law, contrary to the Constitution of any of the inferiour Courts of Iustice, much lesse against the high Court of Parlia­ment: And likewise, for that this Writ forbids that to be done, which they are ob­liged unto by their duty to God, their Allegiance to His Majestie, and the Trust reposed in them by the Commonwealth, (The Law having intrusted them to pro­vide for the good and safety thereof;) And that the said high-Sheriff hath done no­thing in for bearing to publish the said Proclamation, but according to his duty, and in obedience to the Order of both Houses; And he is hereby required, not to pub­lish the said Proclamation, or any other Proclamations or Declarations of the like nature, that concern the Parliament, without first acquainting the said Houses. And it is further declared, That the said high-Sheriff, and other Sherifts of other Coun­ties, within this Kingdom of England, and Dominion of Wales, for their obedience to the Orders and Ordinances of Parliament; Or that have, or hereafter shall do any thing in the Execution thereof, shall be protected by the Power and Authority of both the said Houses.

Joh. Brown, Cler. Parliamentorum.

London, Printed for Joseph Hunscott. June 20, 1642.

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