[Page] [Page] THE CHARITABLE PHYSITIAN HIS Hand Extended to the Curing of that Contagious Disease called the FLUX, OR Griping of the Guts.

With other the most violent Distempers Now reigning amongst us.

As also their Symptomes, whereby they are known.

All freely given to the Poor in distress.

By J. Deacon.

Orandum est ut sit mens sana in corpore sano.

LONDON, Printed by W. G. are to be sold by Isaac Pridme at the Golden Falcon neer the New Exchange and for the Author at the Golden Anchor in Tower­street over against Barkin Church. 1657.

The charitable Physician his Hand extended to the Curing of that Contagious Disease called The FLUX, OR Griping of the Guts.

Dear Countrey-men,

IT was the saying of an Heroick Spirit, that Non solùm nobis nati sumus: If I am born to do good for my Native Coun­trey, I shall be very happy therein. It was likewise the saying of one of the [Page 6] wise men of Greece, Largire cum utilitate. My heavenly Father, my high and mighty Lord hath bestowed a Talent upon me, which I desire not to tye up in a Napkin, but to imploy it to the honour of the Giver, and to bestow it to the profit of the Receiver. For my Lord hath commanded me to cast my bread upon the waters, and I shall find it after many dayes: He commands me to do good to all, but principally to those that are in distress: To such (I say) as groan under the burthen of Gods heavy hand, and conse­quently those that labour under the violence of this furious and almost contagious Disease now reigning a­mongst us, which is called by the com­mon people The FLUX, with the Gri­pings in the Bowels. By which I under­stand many perish for want of means to purchase fit Medicines for that Disease from the learned Physicians; unto such alone I doe present this [Page 7] Talent, this Mite, this Drop of the Water of my Affections, which by Gods blessing may be a means to extin­guish, at leastwise to abate the flames of these poore peoples calamities: Which in the name of God take thus, (if thou art afflicted with this terrible Disease.)

Foure or five Handfuls of Groundsel, or as much thereof as by bruising you may get almost to the quantity of Half a Pinte of Juice; unto which put the quantity of a Walnut of Fresh Butter, which warm over the fire, and so drink it off: And every half houre afterwards, for the space of foure houres, drink one draught of Posset-Ale: After foure houres expired, eat one Yolk or two of Eggs potched: Six or seven houres after take this Drink following, which you must make thus:

[Page 8] A Drink. Take one Handful of Plantane leaves, one Handful of Mint, and one Hand­ful of Marygold flowers, and as much Harts-horn as will lye upon a Shilling at twice, with half an Ounce of Cina­mon grosly beaten, boiled in a Pottle of Fair Water until it be half consu­med; then strain it, and after it is strai­ned, boyl it a walm or two with three Ounces of Hard Sugar: Of which Drink give the Patient every two houres foure Spoonfuls: But within ten or eleven houres after the taking of the Groundsel-Drink, which I guess to be the houre of Rest, then let the Patient take ten or twelve Spoonfuls of the Drink thus boyled and strained, and let him take it for his ordinary drink for foure and twenty houres after.

[Page 9] (Observe to give unto Children one third part prescribed to men or Women of the Groundsel-Drink, and half of the Plantane-Drink; and to in­crease the same as the Childe is in age and strength.)

This Medicine being thus taken, and these Rules observed at the be­ginning of the Disease, with Gods help it giveth a speedy Cure: But if the Disease have continued long upon thee, then expect not so sudden a Cure, and therefore use the same Me­dicine every other day, viz. the Ground­sel-Drink, and the Plantane-Drink, every day ordinarily, the oftner the better. The best and fittest time to give the Groundsel-Drink is at 6 a clock in the Morning. But if thou art sud­denly taken sick at any time of the day with this Disease, then take the Groundsel-Drinke presently, without delay, (for delayes in this case are very dangerous) after thou hast been an [Page 10] houre in Bed: And if thy constitution be so hard to work upon, and thy body withall strong, so that the Medicine beginneth not to work effectually in an hour and a halfs time, then you may take such another draught of Groundsel. But if through stubbornness of thy Di­sease, and thy former long neglect, thy body doth still languish, then repair to my habitation, or send me a discreet Messenger (for Urines in this case are not to be trusted to) though many unworthy Professors of the honourable Science of Physick doe rashly adven­ture to give Physick upon the bare in­spection of the Urine, to the utter de­struction of the sick Patient, although their idle prattle satisfies, but yet de­ceives ignorant people: A discreet Messenger I say that may be able to resolve me some questions concerning the state of your body: By which Messenger I shall send you a Pill and a Powder, which you shall have gratis, [Page 11] provided the Messenger bring me a Certificate under the hand of the Mi­nister that you are poor, that so the Poor may not be deceived: Which Pill and Powder are of excellent virtue for opening the Obstructions of the Bo­wels, and evacuates that sharp humor and wind which causeth this violent distemper; and by the taking thereof not onely this, but many Diseases have been Cured, and as many Prevented, to the preservation of thousands in this and other Nations.

It is excellent for the cure of the Dropsie, for by its evacuative quality it unburdeneth the languishing body from those Hydropick humours which invade the life of the Patient.

The Gout, though a Disease reputed incurable, yet this hath cured the same at twice taking, some Topical Medicine being applyed to the part, intentionally to discusse the humour collected, and farther taking the same Medicine once [Page 12] in half a year intercepteth the furious reintration of the Disease, which com­monly pursueth those that have had the Disease every Spring and Fall.

It hath likewise mightily prevailed in the Curing of those which have had the Stone, which it dissolveth by its pene­trative faculty, and afterwards by its expulsive faculty it forces the Stone a­way.

It Cureth the Quotidian, Tertian, and Quartan Ague, though indeed the Quartan requireth longer time, but the rest it most commonly cureth at the first taking.

It hath cured many of the Disease, Struma, commonly called the Kingsevil, if the Disease be not too inveterate, and the Mass of Blood wholly corrupt­ed and consequently it cureth many Ul­cers, Apostheums, Morphews, Itch, and such like deformities of the Skin; for by the operative virtue of this Medi­cine, those sharp humours which pro­duce [Page 13] these unseemly and unwish'd for disasters, are carried away, and that at the first or second taking, but general­ly the third Dose performs the work without question, if the constitution be any thing helpful to Nature.

But principally it is highly commend­ed for those who have taken Surfets by Eating or Drinking: For by its virtue it exonerates the Stomach from those nauseous humours lately received from that redundancy; which humours by continuance a very few hours in the body, kindle the flames of violent Fevers, even to the subversion of Na­ture, and loss of Life, which too too many see and find by daily and woful experience; all which calamities may be seasonably prevented by taking of this wholsome Medicine.

It is very profitable for those that want an Appetite and Digestion, which [Page 14] indeed is the forerunner of many Di­seases, for a Failing Appetite and a Weak Digestion speaks the whole body distempered, and gives certain notice of the pursuit of some furious disease. Many carelesly neglecting these Dia­gnosticks, precipitate themselves to their destruction.

Indeed it is a proper Medicine to be taken at the beginning of any manner of Disease, for by its operative virtue it doth Diopilate the Stomach, Liver, Spleen and Mesentery, and presently cleanseth them from those Impurities, which being lodged in those official parts, their Natural operation is pre­sently hindred, and the sad effects of insuing Diseases produced.

This Medicine being a perfect Ca­tholick, worketh impartially on each redundant humor; and incountring with that enemie the Disease, in the beginning before he hath intrencht [Page 15] himself, gives him a repulse, and forces him to flight; indeed it is like little David to great Goliah.

It were fit to be preserved for use in all families that are careful of their health, but especially for such as are re­mote from Physicians: it may be taken at any time if the patient find himself suddenly surprized with the Symp­tomes of insuing Diseases.

The precedent symptomes are com­monly these following. An unusual pain in the Head, unaccustomed passions and trembling of the Heart, oppression and loathsomeness of the Stomach, with a rare propensity to vomit: also a grip­ing in the Bowels, pain in the Loynes or back, with shivering Chillness or shaking, with a sudden violent heat, with slothfulness, drowsiness and restlesness to the whole body.

I say when these or any of these Symptomes appear, then know assured­ly [Page 16] there is a storm coming, then without delay take this Medicine.

It may likewise be given to Children, if you find any of these Symptomes ap­pearing on them: But to such give not the powder in substance, but that which is called the infusion of it, which you must make thus. Take the whole pow­der, and let it lie in seven spoonfuls of white wine all night, then strain the white wine from the powder through a three double cloth, of the w ch wine give the Child one spoonful in the morn­ing fasting, (if the child be not above four years old) but if a lusty Child, and near eight or ten years of age, you may then give the quantity of three spoon­fuls, rather less then more, for if it should not work in an hour and a halfs time you may give another spoonful, when you find it begins to work, give now and then a draught of posset-drink; Let not the Child stir abroad all that day, [Page 17] nor sleep in four hours after taking the white wine; To a Child of fourteen or sixteen years of age, you may give four spoonfuls, alwayes remembring to give rather a spoonful too little, then one drop too much, in regard you may increase the quantity when you please; it were fit that one of these powders were alwayes kept in a viol full of white wine, close stopt, for it will keep a whole year being set now and then by the fire, or in the Sun, and then it is ready to be taken upon all occasions; for twelve hours neglect may danger the loss of the Child; if the Child be taken sick one day and neglect the Medicine, till the next morning whilst the infusion is preparing: withall remembring that Children take not the Pill.

[Page 18] The General Ʋse of this Medicine to Men & Women is as followeth. Take the Pill alwayes over night two hours after the eating of a light supper, so go to rest; next morning take the powder fasting in a stewed pruon, pap of an Apple, a piece of sweet butter, or of honey the quantity of a hasle nut; one hour after drink a draught of posset Ale, and when it begins to work with you, drink now and then a draught of the said Ale; Sleep not in four hours after taking thereof, neither stir out of your Chamber all that day: about Noon eat some warm meat, making but a light Meal; And if it be needful you may take another pill and powder three dayes after, in the same manner as aforesaid. And if the patients body be Costive, then 4 hours before you give the first pill give him or her a glister [Page 19] made onely with half a pint of pure Sal­let oyle, and half a pint of new milk. So likewise the next day six or seven hours after the taking the powder give the same glister, if the inflexibilitie of the humors have prevented the Medi­cine working downwards answerable to your expectation; But this is notusual, yet the first glister is Common.

But if you shall find any of the pre­cedent Symptomes formerly spoken of appear; then stay not till night or next morning, but immediately go to Bed, and as soon as you are warm, there take the pill, and within an hour after take the powder, in order and manner as a­fore directed; And withall remember the use of the glisters, if your body be very Costive: And if your body continue still in a distemper, then the next day in the Evening take another pill, and the next morning after another powder as a­fore prescribed, not forgetting the Gli­sters aforesaid.

[Page 20] Be it likewise remembred, that whereas, each body hath its several con­stitution, habit, strength or weakness; And therefore you must take notice, that although the pill is to be given to men or women generally, yet the whole quantity of Powder is not to be given to every patient: but rather half the powder at a time to a tender body, or else the greatest part of the infusion of the whole powder, according to former direction for Children; and if the Medi­cine, whether the Powder or the infusion, work not in an hour, or two hours time; then you may take the rest of the pow­der or infusion, alwayes observing to take somewhat less then a grain exceed­ing the direction.

But withall if you expect a blessing upon these my weak but willing endea­vours, be mindfull of that wholesome direction delivered by a holy one, which speaks thus; My Son? in thy sickness be not [Page 21] negligent, but pray unto the Lord, and he will make thee whole, set thy whole endea­vours on work to relinquish sin, and to or­der thy hands aright, and then give place to the Physician, for the Lord hath created him; I say expect not a blessing untill you fit your self for that blessing by repentance,

He that sinneth before his Maker, let him fall into the hands of the Physi­cian (saith a holy One) and know thou whosoever thou art, that its thy sin hath begot this punishment, which makes thee stand in need of the Physician; and assure thy self, if this punishment, this sickness, be removed from thee before an appearance of hearty sorrow be ma­nifested in thee for thy sin, which occa­sioneth the same, this punishment, this sickness, is removed but to try thee, or to give way to a far greater affliction which will undoubtedly fall upon thee and that suddenly; therefore if you de­sire not onely present but future com­fort,

[Page 22] Begin now an amendment of life: thou that hast by continual transgressi­ons endeavoured to Crucifie again the Son of Life, repent that your Sins may be put away (which are the cause of all your present sufferings) when the time of refreshings shall come from the pre­sence of the Lord, Act. 3. Unto such as are poor in spirit, whose inheritance is the everlasting Kingdom, Mat. 5. To such I say as thus mourn, it is my desire to Comfort them, for they shall, they must be comforted, it is due to them by promise; Unto whom I say as Peter said unto the poor lame man at the Temple gate who beg'd his Alms, Gold and Silver have I none, but onely such as I have I freely give thee: In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth, rise up and walk.

Ask and it shall be given you.

Happy is the man that can say with Solon,

Patria, tibi & dictis & factis obitulatus sum.

Books Printed for Isaac Pridmore and Henry Marsh, and are to be sold at the Gold­en Faulcon near the New-Exchange.

1 THE Rogue, or the life of Guzman de Alpherache the witty Spaniard, written in Spanish by Mathew Aleman, Ser­vant to his Catholick Majesty; the fifth and last Edition Corrected.

2 A Physical discourse exhibiting the cure of Diseases by signatures, whereunto is annexed a Philosophical discourse, vindica­ting the souls Prerogative in discerning the truths of Christian Religion with the eye of reason, by R. Bunworth.

Self-Examination or Self-Preparation for the worthy receiving of the Lords Supper; delivered in a Sermon concerning the Sa­crament, by Daniel Cawdrey, sometimes Preacher


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