SEVERAL VISIONS AND REVELATIONS OF Drabricius, As they were Discovered and Given-forth unto him, in the Years, 1651, 1652, 1653, 1654, 1655, 1656, 1657, 1662, 1663, 1664.

Translated into English for publick satisfaction.

London, Printed in the Year, 1664.

Of the sixty seventh Revelation of Drabricius, Octob. 16. Anno 1651.

AGain, the Word of the Lord came unto me, when I was awake, being sad, about the Epistle, 1. Ch. But the Lord answering, said, That men do not understand how delight­ful to him it is, to destroy the Wicked from the Earth, and to lay waste and overthrow Kingdoms and Cities filled with the bry­ars of impieties: and on the contrary, to defend his own, and free them from Oppressors, although he also suffers some of these to be overwhelmed by the same, and through those occasions doth bring them into Heaven to himself. But that men will not consider, that all things are brought to pass by his only disposure and determina­tion of all events; bidding me be of good chear, and not be moved at the rash judgments of men; that his Favour did remain towards me and others, as his Sons and Brethren: for so he, while living on the Earth, called his Friends, who loved him, that he accounted them for the Treasure of his heart, unto whom he is wont to reveal his Secrets, not to the World: that even he himself being delighted in them, and they being delighted in him, may enjoy pleasure, the manner of which thing, and how he dealeth with me, that none did understand beside he and me.—both temporal and eternal; for he did not reveal his hidden Treasures promiscuously to all, but to those for whom they are meet, and to whom he pleaseth to reveal them: for the which I having given thanks unto the Lord Jesus, requested to fall asleep; And the Lord said, Sleep thou my Beloved, I will shew thee singular things. I slept soundly therefore in a moment, and I saw my self by a narrow winding passage, being exceeding strait, yet very smooth; I entred it with labour, going up and down, until I came unto a company of men of both sexes, be­ing cloathed in plain rayment, talking together in silence, and dwel­ling together with delight, some of whom notwithstanding were, as it were, fearful, and as they seemed to me, much trembling: But as soon as I awaked, the Lord said; Lo, these are they whom I have chosen out of the world, being unseen, without deceit, also taking pleasure in [Page 4] them in the time of storms, in the midst of whom I walking, do protect them, having a care of them here on Earth; and the Angels my Servants do minister unto them, of which administring Spirits, what Troops there are, I will shew unto thee at another time, only do thou trust in me. I praised God therefore, with the 103 d Psalm; and having ended my prayer, I wrought these things. Hallelujah.

Of the 99th Revelation, Febr. 19. 1652.

And the Word of the Lord came unto me, saying; I will now have Unanimity, or oneness of mind in Worship, among all that serve me, the which is performed to me the living God with one heart. I will no longer bear Sects and Discords in any Nation of the World. Let the beginning of my Reformation be wrought in the Idolatrous Ministers of the Whore, who (as I said before, and do yet say) let all the refractory ones be slain indifferently without mercy: For I will have no root of Popish Doctrine left in any Nation.

Of the 114th Revelation, March 23. 1652.

About the second hour a dream befell me, wherein I saw a youth coming unto me, in a somewhat long but plain garment, yet ex­ceeding comely, he talking with me most courteously: after I a­wook, and mused who it was that I had seen, the Lord answered, I have shewn my self unto thee in my habit, in which I walked up and down on the Earth from the twelfth year of my age: the which my age ye restoring, do sing, O fill us with thy Spirit thou Lord Jesus Christ.

April 4. 1652.

The day appearing, the Word of the Lord came unto me, saying; Know thou that my Work is to go on, and thou shalt hear the Voice of my Consolation, wherewith I will comfort the Woman that fled into the Wil­derness from the face of the flood, which the Dragon poured-forth after her upon the Earth, who is my delight, the Church afflicted and slain by Deaths, by Pharoah, unto whom I have now put an end according to my determinate Counsel.

July 2. 1652.

The Lord said unto me: Behold my House, the House of the World, is filled with defilements, throughout all the corners of divers and remote Nations, that inhabit my House; who although they all have part of the light natural from Adam; yet my other Light, which I have kindled in my Soliloquies with men, with many Patriarchs, and in the promulgation of my Law with terror and horror, they know not, neither will they know, because I have not afforded them means whereby they might attain a full Light.

August 27. 1652.

The Lord said unto me; Behold the times that I have appointed for my work, are come, that the Nations as it were, impure stones, may be re­purged, for the building of my House in the whole world, which Satan hath defiled through the multiplicity of Religions, according to the variety of the opinions of mans reasoning, and of the inventions of humane trifles, which are contrary to me and my Law.

Revelation the 149. Octob. 24. 1652.

Early in the morning after my prayers were ended, I slept again, and lo a young-man of a beautiful shape, and having comely hair, bearing Ensigns or Trophies in his hand; the which being beheld, I wondred what it should be. And presently in that Buckler I saw a Lion, with his two feet raised upright, and over against us a Vail spread, being very beautifully painted. The which when I beheld what it would betoken, I observed that I was not asleep: and I saw there a very pleasant Field, through which divers Nations did go with Horses, with great familiarity among themselves. Which Vi­sion, as soon as it vanished, I betaking my self to prayer, and medi­tating what those things might signifie, I fell into sleep, but I soon again awaked: And the Lord said unto me, Thou hast seen the Lion of the Tribe of Judah, the Root of David, whose Strength and Arm shall be revealed to the Nations of the Earth, which thou hast seen from all the corners of the world, after that I shall have destroyed the multitude of those that dwell on the Earth, that will not acknowledge my Name. For I the Governour of the Earth, will perform my New Work, in renewing my Laws throughout the Nations, that Sion may triumph, and Jerusalem may be [Page 6] rebuilt: where my Sons shall serve me without Idols and Idolaters, the which I will beget in the room of those, who do now blaspheme me and my Name, committing Abomination with the Whore, those Kings of the Earth who have begotten Heathenish Abominations upon the Earth. For the Waters of the Flood that toss the Ark shall depart, in which I will keep you my beloved Ones, being a small number, until a day of Peace, unto which there hath not been the like since the beginning of things: For my Sons shall come from far, the which I will beget unto my self upon the face of the Earth, the which ye shall admire at, whence these should come, they being Children begotten by a Man without a Woman, being nursed up without a Mother. Do thou my Servant seal what my mouth hath spoken to thee to day. But do ye who wait for me, watch and pray, trusting on me your Creator, being single and sincere one towards another. I will preserve you, but I will overthrow those, both mine and your enemies, with the Flood. Arise and write these things.

Of the 153 Revelation, Novemb. 15. 1652.

And the Lord said; Behold a Woman having a Beard, counterfeiting the male sex, which hath stretched forth her hands; in the one holding a Sword, wherewith she slew, and in the other Fire, wherewith she burnt the Nations. Setting Crowns upon the heads of those who brought their Trea­sures unto her, the which she casting at their feet, made Images thereof without life, and gave them honour and vertue, the which she her self had not: Breathing forth of her mouth Terrors, Sword and Fire, against the People that were disobedient to her words, and casting down the Mighty from their seats, who refused to bear her Mark in their foreheads, the which she sold for Gold and Silver throughout all Europe: upon whom I do open a Door to the Nations, which no power or prudence of man shall shut; but that they having taken her, may turn her heels upwards, that her shame may appear to the people, and she may become an Abomination to all the Nations of the Earth. My Southern-Armour-bearer, together with my Eastern, shall withdraw from her the Vizard of her Manly-habit: my Northern one shall strike a Dart into her Heart; but my Western one shall throw her down from her Seat with a great noise, the which shall sore­ly affrighten the Inhabitants of the Earth, and being astonished, they shall run unto Me sitting on the Throne, enquiring after my Light and my Pow­er, who sitting on my Seat, do with the one hand shew Grace and Love, [Page 7] together with Blessing; with the other hand I shew Power, with Eternal Justice, against those who will not acknowledge Me and my Name [Jesus of Nazereth the Governour of the Earth!] who revealed my Self, and manifested my Will to Patriarchs, Prophets, and Kings, the wisest where­of built me a most glorious Temple upon Earth, of Wood, Stone, precious Stones, Gold and Silver; but it passed away: but I the King of Kings and Lord of Lords, will even now build my New-Jerusalem of Nations, unto whom, I, through Evangelists and Apostles, have set seven Stars in the Temple of my Church, for a Sign, the which my Servants have al­ready known, and do shew to the Inhabitants of the Earth, they working out their Salvation with fear and trembling; but by reason of the darkness which the Whore disperseth from her, there are few that do walk in the Light of my Stars.

Febr. 8. 1653.

I having passed away almost the whole night, with great disturban­ces of mind; the day appearing, the Lord (after other things) said unto me; Behold, I am weary of bearing the Nations, who are ignorant of Me and my Name, who bring reproach on me and my Name. I will therefore now at length, in these last dayes, have all Heresies, worshipping of Idols, and all erroneous Worship to be rooted out, and that indeed first in Christendom it self, I bringing it so to pass, that there may be my Ark (that of Noah) whereinto I, before the end of the World, will bring souls out of all Nations, by my Light, and by men chosen to this end, whom the World as yet knoweth not.

Febr. 27. 1653.

When I called to remembrance what it was which I had seen in a Dream, a Shepherd or Pastor of a Church, with his Wife, in a most plain habit, yet being clean, and covered, and distributing Bread­corn among their Children; the Lord answered: Thou hast seen Me and my Wife in my antient unseen simplicity, which the vain and proud Ido­latrous Teachers in all Ages will neither know nor understand, that I am he who resisteth the proud, but do distribnte my Gifts to the humble, and that freely, as a Father to his Children. Which Gift, whosoever rightly useth, with an imitating of my Life, he shall dwell with me for ever. But how is it, whenas my Worshippers are, as they have alwayes been, so now op­pressed by Idolaters, as if there were no God, and no Justice in the World, as if all things were left free to Violence and Tyranny.

Of the 237 Revelation, May 28. 1654.

After my morning-prayer, the Lord having talked with me, said; Dismiss thou Grief, my Servant, thou shalt receive Comfort in these dayes. But I thought with my self that the words of Samuelwere not wont to fall to the ground: and the Lord presently answered; Is there any cause of that thing, except because that my Words have been received with simple faith and obedience? Ah! if my Words had been thus heard by Sodom and Gomorrah, they had more readily done my Will with Repen­tance: But have I ever spoken otherwise by my Servants the Prophets, than thus? than after such a manner, I say, as I have spoken, and do as yet speak by thee? Do thou only fear me, my care is of thee. But behold! on the very same day, there came unto me from the Lord Petroces (a Noble Hungarian) two bushels of Bread-corn; the which I re­ceived with astonishment, wondring that it should come from that place, where I was almost unknown, after that not so much as one pugil or small handful of Meal was remaining in my house.

July 12. 1654.

When I had ended my sighs, the Lord shewed me a certain Light, and it flashed twice in mine eyes, the which I wondred at: And the Lord said; I will loose the Nations of the Earth from the Fetters and hard Yoaks of men, who have Spiritual Titles and Carnal Works, and through false Doctrine, passing away their Life without Vertue. They bear about onely a mask of Christianity, seeking thereby to deceive Me and my Peo­ple, and in the mean time living most lavishly, teaching and doing all things to the disgrace of my Cross, and of my Doctrine, and of true Christianity. Kindle a Fire, and cast those Vizards into the Flame, and take up my Cross, of the true imitation of me in Spirit and Truth. And do not kill with the Sword, those who as yet know me not, but offer unto them the right-hand of Charity, and send ye the Light of my Law unto them, by men that are enlightned by Me, which ye have now in Europe.

Of the 263 Revelation, Septemb. 4. 1654.

Thus said the Lord; Thou hast seen the House of the World, and the Streets thereof, and men of divers ranks enlightned by Me, who do now [Page 9] write after what manner the world may be holpen, being inhabited by many and divers Nations, that they may hasten to return from whence they have departed, they being sent forth by Me into the House of the World, not to this end that they should remain here for ever, but that certain services being here performed to me, and one another, they might return unto Me, as good Dispensers of the manifold Grace of God: many of whom are car­ried forth in the Chariots of divers Occasions, as it hath pleased me here to educate every one, young man, or old man of ripe age. Thou hast seen also, the Chariots and Coaches wherein many do sit, they being ready to depart (although the Horses are not yet joyned to the Chariots) that I may take them to my self, who notwithstanding do still write, and perfect their Counsels, with a desire of moving the Nations forward to the True Light, that they may acknowledge me to be the eternal living Bridegroom of the Wedding. Write ye therefore, write ye, O ye whosoever and wheresoever ye are, who have known me, and known the sound of my Trumpet, that now is the time for the enlightning, thorow-purging, and thorow-healing of the House of the World, and for the threshing of the Floor of my Bread-corn, and for the repurging it from the chaff, and sweepings, and tares, and that my Vine-branches may be thorowly pruned, for to bring forth the fruit of true Faith, of fervent Love, and of living Hope throughout all the Coun­tries of the World: for now is the time. But I will gird my self, and mi­nister unto you, not in such a manner as your earthly reason can apprehend, but in such a manner as all things are without their care, endeavour and expectation (for neither are ye able to understand it) prepared and disposed of by my Father; where I ought to place every one of you, and in what company, to serve me for ever, among the Quires of my Angels, who do in­visibly serve you.

June 1. 1655.

Again, The Word of the Lord came unto me after my morning-prayers, being the more frequently uttered, saying; My Servant, the knowledge of my Work hath already pierced unto many pious souls, they do now gird themselves to perform my Work, because it is hard to struggle with me. The Lion roaring, who may not be afraid? And I the Lord commanding, who shall not work?

Of the 314th Revelation, July 1. 1655.

And the Lord said, All things must needs wax ripe, for the time of Harvest and Vintage of the clusters of Grapes within the walls of the hard­est [Page 10] Rocks, between which they have remained, and do remain, in the ig­norance of me and my Eternal Will. Ah! the great Stones do hardly suffer themselves to be cleft, for the building of the new Spiritual Jerusalem, my beloved Church. But the Hammer, my Word, that dasheth the Rock in pieces, shall effect that: For know thou, that all do not pierce unto me through the narrow way and strait gate, but those only whom my Aid doth help, it being required of me by Faith.

Of the 315th Revelation, July 4. 1655.

And the Lord said, I will triumph in the Nations, when I shall work a renewing of my Temple, defiled with Errors and Discords, and shall set up true Worship for my Name, wherein is Salvation for all you, O ye Peo­ple, who have known and do celebrate that Name: And I will say, Rejoyce exceedingly O Earth! I will fill the world with Comforts, when I shall re­duce you that are spread throughout the Nations, into one, to serve Me who lives for ever. For the which prepare your selves, O ye my Witnesses in Christianity, who are separated from each in body, but near to one ano­ther in spirit. Now it is sufficient, it is sufficient, that many have erred in that forepast time of darkness, as Sheep without a Shepherd, even Me the Root of Life. Behold, I did long since cry, and do cry, but they unto whom I speak have not heard; and I commanded to speak, by reason of unbelief and hardness of heart. But now indeed, I have given unto many, eyes to see, and ears to hear, and I have filled the world with this cry, Babylon is fallen, is fallen! for the miserable Harlot is fallen with me, and she shall fall amongst you also, while her work shall stand without power. O thou Babylon, Babylon, drink thou, drink thou, and thou shalt drink the Cup of my Wrath, which thou hast filled for thy self, thou hast given Nations, Kings, Princes and Lords, Secular and Ecclesiastical, to drink of thy Poyson; and people, that are wretched and ignorant of the Name and Power of Him, whom the Patriarchs, Prophets and Kings knew, they ha­ving life and breath from Him, as ye now have. Bear, and thorowly bear, both thou thy self, and also thy Kings, and also thy Clergy, the Fire of mine Anger for a time, rather than to bear it for ever. Let go, let go now at length your Errors, O ye erring People and Nations, and catch hold of the Word of my Truth, even of Me the Root of Life for ever, and ye shall have Honour and Glory both in Heaven and in Earth.

August 15. 1655.

There a little after offered themselves to my sight, first, an Old Man, of a reverend countenance; then a Young Man, of a comely countenance and garment; whom I beholding, rejoyced and wept. Assoon as I ceased, the Lord said, Now my Labourers do work, to­ward the North, and toward the West. Thou shalt hear in a short time, &c.

Of the 329th Revelation, August 16. 1655.

It came into my mind concerning the English, and I wondred with­in my self that the Lord had hitherto spoken nothing concerning them, where the most great Lord Cromwel, a man of blood, &c. Dost thou think that any thing will otherwise come to pass than as I spake long since? for they do already take one another by the hand, (saying) Come, let us work a Work in our dayes, while it is called to day. These words being spoken, the Lord shewed me the Faces of Men, of old and young, of a comely countenance; and he said, These are English­men, in whom my Words have already taken a deep hold. Those fair ones do perform my Commandment, of gathering unto me those that know me not.

Septemb. 20. 1655.

On the fourth day in the morning, while it was yet dark, the Lord said unto me; Behold my day is now at hand, which ye shall see, but after a different manner: for some shall see it with joy, others with trem­bling. A Terrible Reward shall ye receive, ye abominable Idolaters, ye evil-workers, who do alwayes spoil me of mine Honour, whose Work is not of a violent compulsion unto good, but it is wrought, and ought to be per­formed by the vertue of Love, as it were a sweet Odour from that Food which perisheth not.

Of the 339 Revelation, Septemb. 20. 1655.

And the Lord said, Even now shall come unto you the time of your Re­ward, the which I have both merited for, and promised to you that tru­ly believe in me: But not unto you only, but also to those who through ig­norance reproached me, yet after a divers manner. Some through meer ignorance, as I have said: others through obstinacy, by reason of the tran­sitory [Page 12] gain of Honour and Riches of the World, they undeservedly hating you my Worshippers; for this cause only, because ye did cast a burning Spear into their eyes, the Truth of my holy Law, and of my Life: Ye serving my Sheep freely out of Love, after my example, and the example of my antient Witnesses. They could not upbraid you, that ye had eat the fat, and cloathed your selves with the wool, in feeding my Flock: and therefore they have hated you without a cause, saith the Lord.

Of the 342 Revelation, Octob. 3. 1655.

And the Lord said, Arise and be attentive in thy self, go thou seldom forth any whither: let thy delight be with Me, and thou shalt be my be­loved Servant, nourished with the words of Faith, and shalt draw Vertue from Me, let my Protection be with thee.

Of a Revelation, May 15. 1656.

The Lord shewed me two Barrels, out of which they drew Wine: But out of one of them, the bigger, did flow forth clear Wine; but out of the lesse, exceeding thick or troubled, with a narrow pipe. The which as it passed through, the Voice of the Lord spake unto me; My Servant, I have shewn thee two Barrels: That bigger, with the Wine al­ready refined, is England, where I have already ordained Quietness and the Order of my Worship. The other Barrel is Poland, being most full of the turbulent dregs of discord, deceits, lies, and all kind of confusion; it must needs be purged, after the manner that I have denounced, as also this part of Hungary. As long as the Palatinate, the Jesuites, and the Arch­bishop are not thrown down, this Land will remain unquiet. Do thou la­bour, and send Letters to him that is near thee, the day after thou shalt re­ceive a sorrowful message.

May 31. 1657.

I have set a Crown of Tyle on the head of the Pope, and the like Crown will I put on the head of the King of Spain, when I shall have rent his Kingdom from him, a part whereof the English also, my faithful ones, shall receive, the which neither they themselves can think, nor the World.

Decemb. 14. 1662.

The Lord said, Lo there hath already fallen a Stone out of my hand, which none of the sons of men shall remove, nor any of the Electors of the Empire, who do in vain consult of stopping it: For a change of things in [Page 13] the whole World is at hand, and is already come, that all the Nations of the Earth should depart out of Darkness into Light, after that the Flood is come upon a great multitude of men. But do ye prepare your hands to ga­ther.

March 8. 1663.

The Lord shewed me two Temples, toward the East and toward the North, with Tables hanging on both sides of them: on the Nor­thern Table was written in great Letters, LIGHT, LIGHT, LIGHT; but on the Eastern Table toward the South, WO, WO, WO.

June 18. 1663.

Again, The Word of the Lord came unto me, when the Lord had shewn me a great and sumptuous City, which a great River did flow by, being adorned on its banks with pleasant Gardens and Mills; di­vers men known and unknown, beholding those things with me. And lo a vehement Wind rushed on it, together with the Flood, over­turning the Walls and Houses, and taking away the Gardens and Mills with a great noise, it being a most sad spectacle to me, and a great grief of heart, concerning the destruction of the City and the men, because very few were delivered therefrom: but I praised God for the Preservation of us. I awakening, prayed unto God, and my prayer being ended, the Voice of the Lord sounded within me; My Beloved, All my Words are in my remembrance, which I spake from the beginning of things by my Witnesses, also in this last Age by Cotterus, Christiana, and others to thee unknown, by thee also at length I have uttered what I was about to do before the end of things: For lo the age of the Patriarchs, Judges, Kings and Prophets are passed away, and the age of my dwelling upon the Earth and of my Apostles; and the age of Cyprian, Athanasius, Augustine, and of others unto Wickliff, Hus, Luther, and the more antient men of the Brotherly Unity. But be­hold the Sixth Age is now at hand, wherein I the Governour of the Earth, will make an end of the Beast, and of the Whore that rides the Beast. And I will cast down that great Stone, to beat down Vienna that seat of Ty­rants to my People, for an Abominable Spectacle to the World, to Turks and other Nations, unto whom the shining light of my Light did not shine, that they might receive Illumination, to the acknowledgement of me, who Alone am the Light of the World, illuminating every man that comes into this World.

December 17. 1663.

The Voice of my roaring unto the People, and their Kings, of France, Portugal, England (where I have many diligent ones) and to the Inhabi­tants of the Empire of Germany, its Electors and Princes; as also to the Polonians, Muscovites, Tartars, Turks, I will have my formerly and now denounced Will performed, that ye being made unanimous, do throw down from its lofty seat, the Power of the Pope of Rome, exercising Idola­try and Tyranny, whereby the whole Earth may become as a mowed Mea­dow, repurged from Errors and filthy Idolatry, and that all Nations may be brought and be converted unto me, who Alone am the Light of the World, enlightning every man that cometh into this World. For I the Go­vernour of the Earth do will, that before the end of the World there be One Faith, and One Baptism.

March 20. 1664.

And the Lord said, I wish that ye Christians, who have known my Name, and who perform the more weighty Offices in Church and State, would be all one in Me, without the rentings asunder into so many names (unacceptable to me) as Waldenses, Hussites, Lutherans, Calvinists, &c. I therefore cry out, Be ye All even now at length, a little before Sun­setting, One in Me, with the Father and Holy-Spirit, all of you indiffe­rently, with all who desire Salvation. O I wish that ye sons of men would remember, how that I before my Death, prayed my Father and your Fa­ther, my God and your God, for you; that all ye, whose Natures I as­sumed, a Body like unto you, sin only excepted, might be One.

Nicholas Drabicius, being a Minister of the Church in Bohemia, which is called by the name of the Brotherly Unity, is commended for singleness of mind, without any deceit, and for the love of Justice and Zeal, enduring no Iniquity (but he either reproved it, or shewed displeasure against it.) Lastly, being ready to succour the necessities of any neighbour whatsoever, almost beyond example, as is wont to be said of him by good men that are yet alive, in an extraordinary manner; and it may be most truly said of him, That he was ready even to divide his heart with any one. The Church being afterwards dispersed through the persecutions of the See of Rome, when he saw that he was not banished far off, he betook himself to the imployment of Cloathing, for which cause especially the rest of his Brethren [Page 15] suspended him from the Office of the Ministry, as a Traytor or Apo­state. In this state of Exile, and as it were of Excommunication, first the Word of the Lord came unto him in the year 1638, and so until 1664, he now being 77 years of age: he hath the place of his abode in Moravia.

As concerning the question, Whether or no these Prophecies, or the like, ought to be published? Mark, The said Prophecies will prove either false or true: If false, then there will, when published, come of it two notable profits: one is, that thereby Kings and Princes will be the more sure, and prove good; because, if bad, false Prophets would never stir against their Government. The second is, that the Subjects will henceforth beware of false Prophets, and so keep to more firm obedience. But if the said Prophecies should prove true, then there would, when suppressed, come of it two irrepairable dammages: One is, that such who kick against the pricks, will be ar­raigned at the Bar of the Lord Omnipotent, and be found guilty of Suppression of the Lord's Voice, when he roareth like a Lion, to warn the Nations and Rulers thereof that they might not perish unawares, but save themselves according to his direction. The second is, that they will be found guilty of High-Treason, both to the King, and the Subjects or People, like one that knew they should be murdered and destroyed, and yet hid it. Therefore whatsoever those Prophecies might be, false or true, they ought not to be kept under a bushel; but let them be set forth as a Candle, that every one may take notice of them, either to Salvation, or to beware of false Prophets: Or else, some might be ready to think, that men suppressing the publication thereof, were convinced of something, and afraid in their conscien­ces of something which they sought to prevent the Lord's Judgment upon: even as if humane craftiness were able to prevail with the Power of the Lord of Hosts, and stop it: which is but a pittiful wis­dom, to be laugh'd and mocked at by him that sitteth in the Hea­vens, viz. the Lord and his Anointed, Psal. 2.


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