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LONDON, Printed in the Yeare, 1645.

Revela. XI.

AND to measure or give the meaning of this place of Scrip­ture, of age to speake in these accomplished dayes for it self, a touch whereof suffices to be [Page 4] given: So touching this Angel which stood and made that solemne Oath swearing by the maker of all things: That TIME should no longer bee; saying, Arise and measure the TEMPLE, and Them that worship therein, &c.

Doubtlesse the selfe same; beheld by the Prophet DA­NIEL (12.) Which speakes to this Evangelist, at first clothed in Linnon on the waters, and as in his resurrection raiment then: so here in the Ascensions, clothed in a cloud, the Angelicall Robe, gi­ving by this to understand, when the rising from the dead to be reveald, or times reigne finished, so [Page 5] commands him to w ite (as it were) what shall come to passe, when the Church shall be refined before the end or a reformation, leaving and casting out, the Court OF ROME in those dayes returnd to Heathenisme, that mother of ignorance tyranni­zing and treading downe the Church standing out for the truth unto the end, where those sacred Witnesses cast out for dead, guiltie of the Prophets blood and our Saviours.

Thus shewing, when that Eclips past those mists dispel'd, and afterward preachd the Gos­pel when as farre West as East, [Page 6] before the evening or setting of time, for an infalible Fore-runner of the end of the World come, for which all bidden to watch. How then it shall come to passe, In­formes this Disciple: This blessing of Blessings how ad­ded to the former, even out of the Scriptures, the Old and New two Bookes to be interpreted, for our Lords comming revealed, and these like as in daies of Old, with signes and tokens evident to all.

And as here appeares, shews then how those new moulded dayes rewarded; opposing the Holy Ghost, made to waite, They plagued also, fares with [Page] them [...] the [...] Heavens [...] wher silenced the Spirit of Pro­phesie.

As came to passe before that deliverance of theirs, out of that Bondage, and before Bals Preists put down, not one escaping; great blessings as sometime ac­companied with no light cor­rections: And these the summe of that Angelicall discourse.

So proceeding with the generall Resurrection, and As­censions [Page] [...] [...]ose bo­ [...] [...] one taken up, both waiting (40.) dayes in the Mount of God: And that dead Souldier revived by a touch of the Prophets Corps, all pro­phecying to these last dayes of such division devided like those waters, some-time them.

As here the gift of the Holy Ghost like the Cloven tongues in the seventeenth hundred Yeares under those Characters exprest, (ver. 2.) And the Holy-Citie [Page 9] shall They tread under foote 42. Moneths: and so again, And I will give to my two Witnesses; and They shall Prophecie a Thou­sand two Hundred and sixty dayes, &c. (to wit) seven Times, signified by these Three yeares and halfe, doubled by Moneths and Dayes: including also the VVorlds mistical VVeeke Cut Off:

VVhere farther, for make­ing plaine of These multiplyed rough obscure places: Con­cerning how long the Churches Warfarre, To receive double for all HER Sinnes: referred unto [Page 10] TIMES farwell redoub­led, as declared also to HIS Servant the Prophets; Daniel 12.

And from the Time that the daily shall be taken away, and the abomination that maketh desolate set up; There shall bee a Thousand two Hundred and Ninty dayes.

Blessed is hee that waiteth, and commeth to the Thousand three Hundred and Thirty five Dayes, (to wit) as aforeshewd. Seven times even the Number of rest, or so many yeares, under the reigne of ANTICHRIST, till which accomplished Da­niel [Page 11] bidden to be gon, and rest satisfi­ed, or take his long sleepe.

A Thousand seven Hun­dred yeares (as much to say) from the time of the last Supper given, before HIS blessed Re­surrection day, (made the Chur­ches day of REST,) Vntill the generall rising from the dead: Like the thrice foureteene Genera­tions: (Mat: 1.) (or three Peri­ods,) each fulfilling 500. yeares. here in like manner given un­der the Angels hand lifted up, testifying or protesting; A time, and Times and halfe, (or part) And thus as five Hundred yeares going to a Period of [Page 12] TIME, fulfills 1700. yeares, so by taking away a Thousand, from those Propheticall, two Thou­sand six Hundred twenty five daies: Even comes to the Yeare, 1625. That unparaleld troublesome Time, where he stiled the great Prince MJCHAEL, that shall stand up: going before the generall Resurrection, the dead There standing upon their feet (Daniel 12.) by that Arch: Angels dreadfull Alarme a­wakned. And so Blessed is he that comes (and waits to 1645. the end:) And where every word hath its weight, as points at the last Centurie to be devi­ded, [Page 13] and the very halfe yeare: So here shewes when the End of time come; [...]as no great misse or losse of it Where nothing from head to foot, but Plagues and Vlcers, the Bottomlesse-pit opend. Hell LET LOOSE, How it shall come to passe in those days preferring darkenesse before light: These things when as againe Prophesied, to Nati­ons, People, and Kings, being come to its full Time, even over­come and Killed by that spirit as­cended out of the Bottomlesse pit, Monster of Mankind; The ascensions Enemy, and the Re­surrections, not a little insenced [Page 14] and wyld: whose sentence on Record of old: In this man­ner. He must be killed verse &c. which offers violence to them from above indued with such power and inspired. To be plaine, He in the yeare 1633. translated to be Arch-BB. And that suffer'd that Antichrist; on a Friday which made his last Sermon, (witnesse Revel. vers. 5.) (where our Lord crucified) VVas the very text (as it were) ( Heb. 12.) For the joy set before him who indured the Crosse, &c.

But proceeding on with these examined witnesses as for fire proceeding out of their [Page 15] mouths, verse &c. as aluding to the Feast time, of the firie tongues so signifies againe, ful­filled that of the Prophet Joel. That on all flesh he will powre out his spirit (the Gentils also) and his sons and Hand-maids shall prophecie.

And so againe for interpre­ting Scripture, by Scriptures for manifestation of the aforesaid measured times, accomplishing the number of seven, here turn'd to the Prophet Zechar. 4. Who when by the Angel awakend, as a man out of his sleepe, Saw a Candlesticke, all of Gold with seven lamps, & seven pipes to the seven [Page 16] lamps, two Olive thereby; empting the Golden Oyle. Signifying also before the Rising from the dead, times mysterie how by the Spi­rit of prophecie extracted out divine vision to wit the Pro­phets aforesaid or two witnesses whose Bookes that Light so hatefull to men: manifested with a witnesse thus.

Verse 8. And they shall see their dead bodies three dayes and a halfe lye in the street of the Great City spritually called Sodome and Egypt, like Newes out of date: Cast about, because Prophecie for a time ceas'd: And by the spirituall calling, made their Pas­time, [Page 17] as not rare in the last dayes such witts or Scoffers, so with those tydings of the great day made their sport And how festivall times Easter, Witsontyde, and the rest so­lemnized in City and Countrey with what doings, in stead of workes of charity and Almes deeds, how sends presents one to another, Play-houses visited and drinking houses, halfe the Sabbath day, very Sodome, no other possest with the same spirit of blindnes.

And thus here a line and there a line, concerning the Spirit of prophesie to be powr'd out, from yeares discending to dayes, (verse) And after three dayes and a halfe the Spirit of life from God enterd into them these two Prophets, and they stood upon their feet, aluding to that, when [Page 18] they falling dead at the feet of the Angel, the Lord of Sabbaths, which were againe raysed, Daniel and John, those so greatly Beloved, as he by a touch of the Scepter the seven stars, &c.

And these Things like that doubled Dream because the things Established: ( Geneses 41.) visible in our Horizon of the seven­tenth Century, wherein held such an impossibilitie for Prophets a­gaine to arise before the day of Judge­ment, yet shall goe on with the meaning also, of that great voice Come up hether. And they ascen­ded in a cloud up, beheld by all Them, stricken in a moment with no little astonishment. VVhich referred to your judgements, [Page 19] whether or no, speakes not to all you the wonderfull worke of God, Great Brit­taines Parliament voice, as before Whitsontyde presented was, unto the house this very place of Scripture, even joyning with the Prophets loud voices as they Gods kingdome pro­claime, so serves for their thankes­giving, and the Cities as come to passe since the last ascensions feast, after that sad breakefast blow, bestowed on their enemies unto which Shall add this for another.

Verse 13. And the same houre (as much to say,) at tenne in the morning, signifying also the same time when gathered to­gether those severall Nations, ( Acts 2.) Stranger of Rome. Jewes and Proselites: when such a noise, wher [Page 20] shewes moreover within an houres space, how many slain, and so ma­ny thousands taken, and a remnant that tooke the Covenant, or gave glory to God. Also the list of Names returnd as in the Originall signifying, (names of men) Mens names all: where also those wrathfull Irish Et Jratae sunt gentes & advenit ira tua: as at the day of Judgement for them, no Quarter; by Their dispairing of mercy, setting their Names too for the rising of the dead to be revealed before the END to these Kingdomes. And againe, as serves for the houre of the day (vers. 13.) so beares date in the yeare, One thousand seven Hundred; beside Seven hundred slaine exprest: shewing the second woe past is, behold the third WOE comes [Page 21] quickly, Namely about Michaels feast: The seventh Angel or last Trumpet gives warning of it; So farthermore for those great victo­rious Voices, where such Tyra­nicall power resigned, for which the rejoycing Elders 24 for ever­more siting; Not more extoling GODS power herein, Then the NATIONS fil'd with Envy, to see the Crown and Honour of the day Conferred on such deri­ded heretofore so much contemn'd: As not by might, (or Army) nor by power; But by my Spirit, saith the Lord of hosts: And for the Tem­ple opened those heavenly gates, or two Olive trees, to wit (vers.) with the mistery made knowne of Time measured by his Reed, or sharp [Page 22] Rod given him to measure with: Thus much suffices. And for such Stormes and Out-cryes, where the tree of Life offered to every one: Not unlike the tree of Knowledge, at first pleasant to Him, afterward all as bitter: Neverthelesse when the houre past, like her Travell the Mother of all living, rememberd not at all. And so farre for the Cause set forth of Canterburys suffering: And their dead Bodies, not suffered to be BƲRYD, (expos'd to the veiw) whose seven Yeares compleat before going into prison: The ex­presse EPYTOMIE of An­tichrists Kingdome in the 1700. yeare, also destroyed to bee or Cut off, for Ever.


SO then what differnce, between them obedient to the Divell, that inquire of evil spirits & others disobedient to the spirit of God, or to whom his command peremtory: Yet like the deafe Adar, stop the Eare, much like the case of thos two Sons in the Gospel, or Brothers, the one where gives such an undutifull answer, the other no­thing but faire words: who as though Antiquity were a plea for error, or custome any excuse for any thing, by his Apostles prohibited.

As in that inacted by them, against eating blood (So well Observed,) Acts 15: verse 20. Also, verse 30. Saying; for seemed good to the HOLY GHOST and to us to lay no greater burthen upon you then these necessary things, that ye abstaine from meats offered to Jdols, and from blood and from strangld meat, and from fornication, from which things if yee keep your selves yee shall well, fare yee well.

And againe, cap. 21. verse 25. We have written and concluded, &c save only that ye keep your selves from things offered to Jdols. And from blood and strangld meat and from fornication, Where although disburthened of all the rest, but blood the life of eve­ry [Page] thing. Which like the forbidden tree or the tree of life in the midst of Paradice standing, as this be­tween a branch of the first and second table, after­ward notwithstanding ready drest at [...] [...]ays The Apostles Ordinances nothing made of [...]t, and not only these freely digested but libels published by au­thority against holy authority, too [...] some on [...]sides as that unsufferable fable [...]led a re [...]tion of the two Witnesses their coming down from heaven And fighting with Antichrist, also for another a late preface with that bold universall, that all spirits which do suffer themselves to be inquired at are evil spirits, and therefore of the Divill, as much to say or afirm the Holy Ghost cannot do what he pleases, or that any thing is impossible or too hard for God to do.

And for their Philosophie as meane & weake as their Theologie behold his produced Booke. De Magia Naturali, apparent whereby her spirit ab­sent from the body, that for so long might be awakend by no meanes. So to him who is, Alpha and Omega both: Jn whom consists all and some, both the only affirmative and negative voice; be all praise. Amen.


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