The Bill of Excommunication, For abolishing henceforth the SABBATH Called Sunday or First day. By the Lady ELEANOR.

Apocalips, cap. 1.

Printed in the Year, 1649.

The Bill of EXCOMMVNICATION For abolishing henceforth, The Sabbath called Sunday or First day, from the Lady Eleanor, ( Apoc. cap. 1.)

AS shewed by whom (when passed by) in his admonition: Whom ye ignorantly worship, him shew I unto you, (Acts) so un­derstood of you even alike Prophe­sies Mistery, especially this Book of Apocalips: The last, &c. times and seasons preordained bounds, where­of the sum, in season now; of which obtruse Oracle by Her as ensues; a blessing far from every one of you neither; the most Supreme and re­served.

Containing three Articles or Arguments first Prophesie, like [Page 4] the Eagle renewing its strength. Se­condly, of a new Sabbath institu­ted, namely Moonday, One for Thee, as it were, one for Moses, and one for Elias. Lastly, Of the Lords second coming in the last days, revealed to be, also of time, persons and place, no unnecessary circumstances.

The Book superscribed thus, Reader and Hearer, both with a bles­sing crownd, keep the words hereof, for the time is at hand. ver. a sufficient Motive.

VVhich passages profound till come of full Age, under custody of Metaphors and Figures, by him Se­cretary to the Holy Ghost, on this wise, under his Hand Joann. The grace of God signifying, Anno Dom. These Visions vvhen awakened, [Page 5] that alone Peace-maker.

Ver. Iohn to the seven Churches, grace and peace from him which was, and which is, and which is to come, and from the seven Spirits in presence of his Throne: Times voices past, present and future, bids farewel him, a Fa­ther become of many Generations, bearing date the last seven hundred years, those in the rear next to eterni­ty: That sits not on Thrones by hands erected.

As in the next place Easters An­niversary day, the Resurrections comemoration (ver.) And from Iesus Christ and first begotten of the dead, that washed us in his Blood, &c. implying (Iesus CHR:) even Lord of Sab­baths three, from his rest; a greater then Caesar slain then, or CH: R: ei­ther [Page 6] of Britains three Isles, stiled De­fenders or Saviours, &c. whose Co­ronations father and son both about Easter, J. and C. those first and last.

And AS he cometh he cometh, (Psal.) Let the great Isles be glad thereof, To him be glory and dominion for ages of ages, even so Amen. (ver.) A. and O. All and Some, be­ginning and ending of the Roman and Norman Tiranny both, also pointing to the Hebrew Language and Greek, Old and New Testa­ment, where the one begins, the o­ther Finis subscribes.

And so a brief Remonstrance of whose Sabbath or First day, not only how of late prophaned, but accom­panied with a mass of abomination [Page 7] as far as these narrow limits permit.

To steal the hearts of the people, Absoloms policy like, consecrated to Maygames and VVakes, when crowding and piping to fall to their Heathen exercises, needs not be a­wakened, to give ear to these lessons, like him that made Israel to sin; such a care had of the people, least weary themselves that way, answerable to those presumptious prefaces annext to Bibles, lest it troublesome either, that except the Revelations Book, and other like least edifying, and such as may be best spared, allowing the rest once a VVeek to be read; Doubtless in process of time, not without an intent to poyson the rest likewise of those living Fountains, by like aspersions.

[Page 8] Pretending it only concerns Rome, as by their Marginals all upon that Dragon laid and his Red Livery. And thus proceeding with that Ivo­ry Box, dissolv'd those Spirits oderi­serous Oyntment alike acceptable, to the world as when she of everlast­ing memory, afore his Burial then brake the other, no less then before times departure prefiguring the Spi­rit of Prophesie distilling that dew on Mount Sion, &c. a threefold testa­ment importing.

But leaving that, like to the three measures of meal taken by her, where­in hidden, &c. till the whole leaven'd again return where left him; after had his ample Salutations signified; Relates by vvhat Authority sets out the insuing. Proclamation or [...]

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