THE BENEDICTION. FROM THE A:lmighty O:mnipotent.

I have an Errand to thee O: Captain.

2 Kings 9.5.

Printed in the Year, 1651.



YOur Interest in the Nations un­paraleld Troublesom Times: The Flaming Sword for expelling the Man in your hand, which Crowns with no Inferior Honor that Name of Yours: Hereof by her Hand a touch presented. Derived from his own, namely, A. & O. Letters of no mean Latitude: Armed beside with his Sword: Sun and Moon when as stood in Admi­ration, witness ☉ ☾ their Golden Cha­racters, stiled Eyes and Horns of the Lamb, &c. Their voice gone out into all Lands, Psal. (Rev. 5.) Like theirs here, every one when the fifty days at an end, heard in his proper Language, &c. [Page] (Acts 2.) The Prophet Ioel as foresaw and others: By whom Decypher'd that Generals Thundring Donative his the Crown and Bended Bowe (Rev. 6.) That Seal or Box of Nard opened; as much to say, O: Cromwel, Re­nowned be Victorious so long as Sun Moon continues or livever.

Anagram, Howl Rome: And thus with one voice, come and see, O:C: Conquering and to Conquer went forth.

My Lord,
Your Humble Servant, ELEANOR.
OCtob. 28. A o 1651.

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