Monarchia Triumphans, OR, The Super-eminency of MONARCHY OVER POLIARCHY, Or of the Government of ONE above any FREE-STATE or other kinde of Soveraignty in many.

Wherein Regall Government is compared with a Republick, and proved by many Arguments to be the best, the most natural, and necessary for these KINGDOMS, as it is novv established in the Sacred Person of CHARLES the Second, King of Great Britain, France, and Ireland, &c.

Blessed art thou O Land when thy King is the Son of Nobles, Eccles. 10. 17. Deut. 11. 27. Titus 3. 1.
[...] Homer.
Let's have One Head, One King, who will have more
Heads to his Body, may have many Score;
If to One Head thou wilt not faithful be,
To lose Thy Head, it is most meet for Thee.

London, Printed in the Year, 1666.

To the Reader,

IF such Essayes as vindicate Protestantisme from the Ca­lumny of its enemies, that it doth not provide so well as other Professions for the Security of Princes, the Obedience of sub­jects, the prosperity of Nations, which have their mutual depen­dance upon the excellency of the Government established be of high­est use and deepest concernment. Then may this Poem pass with the Universal Applause and Acceptance of all good Subjects and knowing persons; especially in such an Age wherein there have been and yet are Extant, so many thousand Pamphlets against the present Government, which would possess the ignorant, and heedless Readers with belief that a Free-State, or Common-wealth, which the wise man tells us are the curse of God for sin, were the only Diana of the Brittans, which these Nebocadnezars would have them worship as their Idol, or else be for ever miserable.

And in a time wherein there are so many refusers of the Oaths of Supremacy, and Allegiance, and so many who take them with such Reservations, and Misprizions, as have a wide gap open for their Covetousness, Ambition, Envy, Ignorance, Discontent, and the like Hypocondriacal Passions and Frenzies, to enter on the Stage and to steel them with Brainsick Resolutions to act their Parts in new Combustions and Innovations, Even in such a sea­son (horresco referens) when Gods Visitation was amongst them, and he made so strict an Inquisition after such incorrigible ene­mies to the peace of his Church some of whose late Hollandizing Conspiracies have forc't from me this Antidote against the like Distemper, with which there are many thousands infected, in City and Countrey; such as have heretefore, not only impeded the Grandeur and glory of the Brittish Empire, but have changed the reputation of the most famous Nation, into the infamy of de­vils: and which if we may belive our English Nestors, is now more [Page] Epidemical then Wise men imagine, and which by sad experience we find curable only by amputation as a Gangreen, and as infe­ctious as the Plague.

And surely the general Ignorance of the most of the sense of the fifth Commandment, and of the Fundamentals of Religion, and the fruits thereof, their disobedience to their Spiritual and Tempo­ral Parents, have been the Fathers and Mothers of the last Years Plague here, and of all Gods Judgements which are or have been in Christendom. I hope as this Poem hath been, and will be a good [...] or eye-save to me who else had been blinde with wri­ting it out so oft as I was importuned: So the Cogent Arguments therein illustrated, will prove like so many perspectives to all im­partial Readers to behold and admire with me the order of the Hex­ameron, the glory, the necessity, the excellency, the Divine Maje­sty of Monarchy above all other sorts of Governments; but if there be some of whom it maybe said, Etiamsi satisfacies non sa­tisfeceris, Here they are brayed in all Gods Mortars, which Solo­mon alludes to Prov. 27. 22. 1. Of Precepts and Canons Divine and Humane. 2. It Points them to above 300 Presidents of Con­spiracies Jewish and English. 3. Of Gods Judgements, which not one of Millions from Adam to this present Year ever evaded. 4. Of Gods Mercies to obedient Subjects, and injur'd Kings and Prelates who have liv'd to see their Enemies perish, like Oreb and Zeeb at Endor; but their own Crowns and Mytres to flourish on their Heads, as I heartily wish they may in Great Brittain, and Ireland, whilst the Sun and Moon their lively Emblems shine upon them: And if all these Mortars will not bray them in their right Wits, there are two or three more in your power, as well as mine, which are serious and assiduous pray­rs for them that they may be throughly taught their dutiess to God and Men, and may obtain sound and saving knowledge, and obedience; and that publick and private Iustruction and Fasting may not be omitted; for Ignorance is an [...], and Obstinacy an [...], which will not be exorcised without them. It re­mains that you and I retire to the exercise of them, as becomes you and theirs, and

Your unfeigned Votary, P. Dormer.

The Triumphs of MONARCHY OVER ANARCHY: Or the Rout of all Rebel-Republicans.

WIth Alpha and Omega to Begin,
Of Monarchs Monarch, of all kings the King;
Doth he not govern all the World alone?
That Realm's lik'st his, that ruled is by one.
The Soveraign Power is Forces union;
Monstrous, weak in many; strong, right, in one.
Pythagoras ascribes to one what's due to God,
Said it was Male, and Female, even odd;
The King of Numbers, and that unity,
Was the worlds Soul, and the souls Harmony:
The Fabrick of the Grand Hexameron,
Assign'd was to the Government of one:
[Page 2] And in that one the Understanding seen
As King, next it the Will doth reign as Queen.
One Head rules Soul and Body without Schismes,
All Figures rise from one, one makes all Dismes.
Thus in the body Politique we see,
One multiply'd to make a Family;
And Families makes Towns, Towns Cities make,
Both Provinces, whence Kingdoms being take.
All Powers, Force, Counsel, in Immortal Man
Call'd King are joyn'd; what they cannot he can.
David must stay, not go to th' Camp to fight,
His life's worth Armies, Israel loves her light.
That is the best you'l grant of Governments,
Which Gospel brought, and keeps where most dissents,
But such no Major Vote or States call'd free,
To fix in Brittish Isles could e're agree,
For still the Major part hath prov'd the worse,
And would be rul'd by Juda's sword, and Purse;
Betray the Truth, Religion, Innocence
To fools and slaves of Wilwispt conscience.
How was it then you'l say in Holland seen?
'Twas thither brought by Nasau, and our Queen.
First Kings rejected Popes through Christendom,
Else they had rul'd all till the day of Doom.
Those Raging Waves the giddy multitude,
Like to themselves, have principles most rude;
They hate sound truths, Dote upon Novelties,
Hunt for new lights, although they be old lyes.
They'r fierce for Liberty of Conscience,
Satans chief ordinance, 'gainst God, Truth, Sense▪
Who e're saw Storms, Lightnings, Thunders, Legion
Of Devils, but in Aires Lowest Region?
[Page 3] The King-fish hath no foes but the Sword-fish
And Thrasher; that good Kings had none I wish;
Then Brittains bless the Lord from Pope and Sect,
Who hath you freed by Princes six select.
O Europe praise Jehovah King of Kings,
Who Kings you gave, who Gods pure word you brings:
By him they rule, he gives them Crowns and Birth,
And under him they'r th' Atlas of the earth.
That Protestants should boast, could Foes abide,
Th' had Europes greatest Monarch on their side.
One o'th best works for's Church our God could do,
Let's daily drink of Praise one cup or two.
Now he may make King Charles the Corner-stone
As ever Brittain rul'd, of as high Throne:
But Bankrupt States, like Brokers base were bent,
To patch their Crack't States, though three Realms they rent.
They acted were by our vvorst Foes and Rome,
To bring our King and Kingdoms to their Doom.
Where most perfections meet in one, such things
As much excells as Diamonds brass Rings.
Thus the worlds Soveraign, Angels doth excel,
More then Heaven, Earth, Men, Beasts, which here do dwell.
Thus Souls the body, bodies that are mixt
Surmount the Elements in one place fix't.
All Creatures sensibles and Rational,
Surpass the sensless and meer Animal.
Ashwerus Medes and Persians their Kings call,
That's Sovereign power in one which can do all;
So sure as their Law, Monarchy sole Heir
Of Governments; the rest but Bastards are;
[Page 4] Desired Accomplishments meet all in this;
All Powers, Force, Vertues, do each other kiss.
The two Estates did make so much ado,
All with Pythagorists Curse number two.
New Lords, new Laws, new Gods, nevv Troubles bring
As was in Layish Israel, when no King;
And in the Persians five dayes liberty,
Which made them love their Kings, hate Anarchy.
So when we had a thousand Kings and more,
As many Jarrs, who should be King them o're,
They tyr'd us all, and made us loudly thump,
And cry, God save the King, and hang the Rump:
Since quietly in Brittain, France, and Spain,
Yea through the world Dead Kings revive again,
And one succeeds the other with much ease,
Death one Uncrowns, the other crown'd in peace.
O King of Kings, whilst Sun and Moon doth reign,
Let's ne're want Kings to guide King Charles his Wain,
And may he live thrice o're his years again.
What is a Commonwealth, but common woe,
Where each mans wealth's made common unto moe?
A Common-wealth's a Common Lottery,
Where fifty Blancks for one good chance we see.
A Common-wealth's a Common Weathercock,
Which whirles about with every winde and knock.
Whilst Phaebus past twelve signes i'th Zodiack,
As many changes nigh made Brittains Quake.
When Lords were all cashiered, and honest men,
None left but Fools, and Slaves, and Traytors then:
What was a Commonwealth but a Fragment,
A Scrap, Fagg-end, a Rump of Parliament!
[Page 5] 'Tis a false Mirror cannot represent
The peoples understandings, wills, consent.
A Bedlam Babel; what do you call it,
Where Rowlands will is rul'd by Randals wit?
And such as have nor t'one, nor t'other,
Are rul'd by the Whimsies of another;
When many go to Feast, or Funeral,
From the vote Major, Minor carries all:
Then Commonwealth's a Common Juglers Box,
A Hoca, Poca, Major, Minor Vox.
A Commonwealth's a state Hermophradite,
Where He's by day vote, She's unvote by night.
Democritus laughs into a Horaclite,
To think for mastry how she-States did fight.
Nay, what's a Common-wealth, but Common Whore?
With Nobles Honors prostrates to each Boor.
Our Common-wealth it was a Common Pander,
To Sects and Factions, which about did wander.
A Common-wealth's a common Pestilence,
Where Passions vote 'gainst Reasons Common sence.
That ours was Ante-Christ who can deny,
Whose Horns gor'd Christ, whose Heads did him defie?
Mark what Greeks said of Greece, who saw't flou­rish,
When Kings Greece rul'd, by many rul'd perish.
When first these Fiends of Hell, you guess their names,
By Greeks we're courted like two Cyprian Dames;
The Nations round jear'd Greeks which fear'd their fames,
Scorn'd Greece, when Greece burnt Greece with civil flames.
[Page 6] By Fiends are meant Free-States, and Common-wealth;
Since these Greeks rul'd, we Trojans had no health.
Our Rulers Bedlam Regelments by moe,
Teem'd with as mad Effects as e're brought woe;
Then worst of Rebels is Republican,
Though Independent, Presbyterian,
Where e're had Zimries peace against their Masters,
Who 'rose and fell not by some sad disasters?
Hence let no new Sectarian Schelies
Lead you to Traytors Dire Ends, and Follies.
The world a Chaos were of huge variety,
Wer 't not to order brought by Monarchy:
Jah ruleth all, the Angels Michael,
Who all the Rebels cast from Heaven to Hell.
The Sun rules Stars, Sphears, Sphears Imperial,
All causes end in one, the cause of all.
In the Malignant Church false Heads we see,
I'th Militant Triumphant, one must be;
All Arts are Handmaids to Theology,
Whose wonders men and Angels stupifie;
All Books but empty Pamphlets are to it,
Which God hath spoke, and with his finger writ:
In Fire, in Air, Earth, Water, and in Hell,
The rule of one doth sway and bear the Bell;
Fire above Air, Air Earth, earth waters fix't,
Gives life, and doth consume all bodies mixt.
Ducks have their Drakes, Cranes have their Kings they say,
All feathered Creatures their chief Males obey,
But o're them all the Eagle bears the sway.
Base Locusts, Grashoppers, Insects, and Flies,
Who have no King, by their confusion dyes.
Others live long, as th' Ant and Royal Bee.
[Page 7] A Guard who keeps, lives, dyes in Majesty.
Their Hives, Walls, Combs, Cities, Holes, Houses are,
Stings are their Arms, one rules in peace and war.
O're Papers Venice, Brown, Lombard, Horn, Demy, Royal,
Cap, super Royal, Perial, Imperial.
Heards have their leaders, Rams their flocks of Sheep,
All Beasts to th' Lion, like Jackals do creep.
O're Stones the Carbuncle, o're Mettals Gold,
Of which Kings Crowns are made, for which they'r sold;
O're all the scaly Monsters in the Sea,
The Whale's the Tyrant, him they must obey.
By Nereus sons, when caught in Greenland sound,
Leviathan's priz'd at five hundred pound.
The Basilisk a Crown on's head doth wear,
To shew o're Serpents he doth Domineer.
O're every sort of creature Kings to fit,
Requires a Tome, their Nomenclators wit;
Each Master rules as Monarch Politique,
His Children; Servants as King Despotique.
One entire Nation in the world throughout,
O're it be Kings, if you can finde without.
If you'l believe Saint Hugh who pearcht in tub,
He was in Hell, there's but one Belzebub.
Thus from the highest Heavens to the lowest pit,
The worlds Grand Monarch, Monarchy hath writ
In his vast Volume of the world, that here
Men might their God, and his Vicegerent fear.
That none might Witchcraft of Rebellion draw,
From Devils presidents, and call it Law:
Since Michael down from Heaven those Rebels threw,
Shew me one Rebel thriv'd of Rebels crew.
[Page 8] By all the Laws of God. our Charlemain
Is plac't in's Throne, obey your Sovereign.
Mark how our Statists natures Course pervert,
When they the rule of many would assert;
Suppose more Gods than one to rule the world,
It soon to Antique Chaos would be hurl'd.
Were Satan, Gog, and Magog, heads oth' Kirk,
If Christ help not with Saints, they'd make mad work.
Parelii shone whilst Edward Fourth did fight,
Paraselenes did the Romans fright;
But rul'd so many Suns and Moons i'th sky,
You wonld believe Doomsday vvere very nigh.
Make Pompey's Rivals in grand Cesars Thrones,
Millions they'd turn to Skulls, and dead mens bones.
Priests in each Tovvn set many Sects to preach,
The vvayes to Hell sooner then Heaven they'l teach.
Of many Doctors, Patient be at cost,
Take all their Physick, sure thy life is lost.
To many Lawyers put a doubtful case,
'Tvvill look like Barred Pictures Protean face.
Who loves a rule by many let him try,
He shall have plagues enough in's family.
Set Generals o're each army tvvo or moe,
They'l thrive like ours vvho did to Hayty go.
Three Colonels each Regiment lets loop,
Four Captains to each Company and Troop,
Five Admirals in chief one Fleet command,
Ne're shall Victoria light upon their hand.
Siz Pilots set o're every Snip you have,
Then Port in Seas they'l sooner finde a Grave:
Seven Lords t'each Mannor, t'each Family,
Eight Husbands to one Wife as vvell agree.
[Page 9] Nine Heads t'each body, such a comely sight,
The Devil out of's wits perchance would fright.
Ten Rams, Bulls, Bucks, to lead your Herds and Flocks,
Would Horn each others pate, with bloody knocks.
Fancy there were in each Hive eleven Kings,
A cruel Fight you'd see with deadly stings;
Twelve Cocks o'th Game set free out of your pens,
They'l fight till death for Lordship o're your Hens.
Thus topsie turvey they the World do turn,
And all the Creatures which at Monarchs spurn.
These wilde Conceits like their mad rules th' have left
Them, Skip, Bear, Steal, I'le answer for your theft.
In all the world shew me one Commonwealth
Without a Sovereign Power had peace or Health,
Acted by Artificial Kings and men,
Or to a Babel all return'd again.
What did our Slaves States do in twelve years space,
But Sword mens wills o're those in highest Place?
Without Chymerian Kings was no conclusion,
Unless in jarring, Factions, and Confusion:
If such with Native Kings you shall compare,
You men, they Kings in cloth of Aras are;
Then are Republicans the worst of Traytors,
May Cities Gates yield unto such Heads, Quarters.
Kings but in Nonage have Superiors;
Assemblies ever are inferiors
To Consuls, Projectors, and Dictators,
To Generals, Presidents, Prolocutors;
Thus had the old Lacaedemonians
Their Ephori, Censors th' Athenians,
And Cosmosses the Carthaginians,
Tribunes the Romans, Doegs the Venetians:
[Page 10] These rul'd the roast under some feigned name,
And us'd more rigor, power with Kings the same:
And wheh these slav'd Estates were put to shift,
They set up Kings to help at a dead lift.
Thus Romans boast their Scipio's, Fabius,
Hated as were Camillus, Manlius,
Athenians, Thrasibulus, Pericles;
Theb's, Epaminondas, Thucydides,
With many others who have their Country
As Kings who rul'd, when States had them enslav'd.
States Mongrils like do run, when Wolves draw near,
But Mastiffs fight, so Kings when Foes appear.
Then needs must States yield unto Monarchy,
Which in great'st troubles is their Sanctuary.
The creatures of Assemblies were for aye,
Vast in their numbers, greedy for their prey;
To borrow all they could they licenese had,
Protected ne're to pay, to promote trade:
But Kings have Mordecays, Josephs, who bring
As Kings to them, like profit to their King.
But our Grand Hydra swallow'd Steeples down,
Churches, Delinquents Lands, and those o'th Crown,
To keep their Crowd of Saints Lives and Estates,
Of a full Million felt disastrous fates.
Cart loads of Coyn twice more they did divide
Then David for the Temple did provide:
'Tis easier, cheaper for's to maintain one
Then thousands, which brings mischief, good to none.
Slave States are but the fragments of some Nation,
Drove into Holds, and Forts for their Rebellion.
How can they Grandeur either get or keep,
Like sneaking Eunuchs which in holes do creep.
[Page 11] By marriage they can ne're as Monarchs thrive,
A wonder 'tis by shifts they hated live;
But Kings more Kingdoms do by Venus get,
Then all Free States by Mars i'th world have yet
More Realms, Isles then the Royal house of Spain.
Or Austria by their Queens, our Kings did gain.
Some twenty Kings long canton'd Brittish Isles,
Mars gave them not King James but Hymens smiles,
O're Spain John of Gauuts Daughters heirs now Reign,
Our Kings by wedlock are heirs of Brittain,
Normandy, Poictou, Anjou, Aquitain,
All France; in Paris shall be crown'd again,
When they their Lions, Harp, and Flowers in France,
With Arms ne're Conquer'd shall through it advance.
Our Kings have on their side God and all right,
Which makes our mens like Lions in their sight:
The French like Lillies pale it doth affright,
That five to one of ours they ne're durst fight:
Did they e're Battle win these thousand years,
Unless with Scotch, Swisse, Mountaineers,
Normans, Higlanders? and when five to one,
Small numbers oft subdu'd their Nation;
This truth to clear we need no Tomes recite,
But Agincourt, and Cressy, Poictou Fight:
Alas poor sneaks, when e're we them assail,
We needs must conquer, now their old friends fail,
The Pope set York and Lancaster by th' ears,
Which lost us France, brought Wars, and seas of tears;
Else all were ours w'had nigh five hundred years,
So long the world the Englishmen did fear,
And thought that they the bravest Nation were.
[Page 12] Had our King all of Kings and Queens as heir,
Most Potent Prince in all the world he were:
King Charles had with his Queen strong Towns so rare,
The next to them the names of Kingdoms bear;
Besides, her Dowre then many Queens was more,
Her Grace, Parts, Vertues, tentimes worth that o're.
Thus all our Noblesi Families do rise
By Nuptial Bonds, which States to States fast tyes;
True Lovers Knots tyed by Gods Hand and Word,
Faster joyns Crowns and Lands, then Caesars Sword.
If we so fast as Spain and Dutch Lands take,
Our Mars and Venus soon great Realms may make
Of Mighty Princes; 'tis best Husbandry,
Their swarms of Poor well planted out to see;
To th' body Politique more sad events,
Then natural to void no excrements.
Marriage five Crowns in one for us doth blend,
And may five more if God them please to send:
Fly Capon Commonwealths, love Monarchy;
Court not gelt States, hate Bastard Polarchy.
Brittain by Kings, and Queens by Kings grew great
With Kings and Kingdoms, States a Hell hatcht cheat.
But since our zealous States plead Text, and Faith,
Mark what for Kings 'gainst them the Scripture saith;
Jesus of Nazareth, King of the Jews,
And Gentiles too, as Sacred Writ you shews;
In whom vvere all the Prophesies made good,
Which e're vvere made to Judah's line and blood:
As he by Priests his Laws to men doth teach,
So o're the world by Kings his raign doth reach.
Kings are his lively Image, his Vicegerents,
Who best his Power and Glory represents.
[Page 13] Since Christ's the King of Kings, of Lords the Lord,
Then Anti-Kings are Anti-Christs by th' word.
God promised to Abraham Kings of's [...]eed;
Of his svvorn truths vvorld you make lyes? take heed:
And Kings and Queens unto his Church he'd raise,
Fathers and Mothers to its good, his praise;
And Kings to Judah vvere the greatest bliss,
Jacob foretold; That them ye hate, vvhence this?
Balac said Balam blest, vvhen Kings to Jews,
Like Agags, Unicorns, Lions he shevvs,
And that the shout of Kings vvas in their Camp,
No Foes Inchantments could them ever damp;
God vovv'd that Israel should live secure,
Meaning vvhilst native Monarchs did endure:
With greatest blessings he Jesuron foster'd,
The chiefest vvas they to a Kingdom prosper'd.
VVhen Kings had Kings their Heirs, the Jews confess,
That God did them above all people bless;
By this the Kings and Sheba's Queen did prove,
That he did them above all Nations love:
Kings strongest motives in Gods Writ Divine,
To goodness vvear? he'd Crown Kings of their line:
No Princes vvickedness did void Gods Oath,
Nor can absolve from our sworn Faith and Troth:
As his, so ours was sworn to th' Royal Line;
We're perjur'd against Heirs if we combine.
For Kings by Gods Povver, Rule, live, dye; and vvhen
He's pleas'd, he hath done vvonders by levvd men:
Our valiant Henrys, Edwards, Richards face
Who darst, vve leave their Vertues to Gods Grace.
If Crovvns from vvicked Kings Subjects might take,
Mad vvork i'th vvorld as oft it did, 'tvvould make:
[Page 14] VVhy then vvas David unto Saul so tender,
VVho for revenge true Loyalty did render?
He darst not touch the Lords Anointed;
Many Rechabs vvere for this disjoynted.
Unkinging Kings to Jews brought dayes of doom;
Such Papal Facts, like fruits to Christendom.
Of bad Kings this sharp Rock Rotation,
Though for a good, oft splits a Nation:
Balam, Saul, Judas, told truth as the rest,
So have levvd Kings conqner'd and reigned best.
VVhen God allovvs not vvords, bad thoughts of heart
Against his Kings, lest Angels them impart
To Subjects vvo, that they may plagued be,
VVho dares resist Royal Authority?
The Jews and Gentiles Restauration,
Began vvith Christ his Coronation;
The Sacred VVrit him sets on Kingly Throne,
As oft as to the World his glories shovvn:
By Kingdom he presents his Dearest Bride,
VVhen she in Chariot pav'd vvith love doth ride.
But vvhen his Bow against her he doth bend,
He threats t' uncrown her, and her Scepter rend:
And vvas not this of all his plagues the vvorst
To his Beloved, vvhen of him thus curst?
This, this to Jews stands for a lamentation,
Sign of Gods vvrath, their utter desolation:
Praised be his name, Zanzummims han't their vvill
VVith vvorst of vvoes, three Kingdoms vvho vvould fill.
That our King vvears his Scepter, Sword, and Crown,
Th' Emblems of Power, of Empire, and Renown,
And may his Heirs till Sun and Moon go dovvn.
[Page 15] You see how highly God and Scriptures Rate
Kings, Titles, Honors, Orders, Royal State,
Sets Monarchy all Governments above,
Whereby he rul'd from Moses time his Dove.
Then let none dare who God or truth do love,
Against their King or Kingship Traytors prove;
But them obey for Gods and Conscience sake,
That he them blessed may, not cursed make:
But if to murmur Rebels be so bold,
Let's in Gods word their Rise and Fall behold.
Rebellion first began in Heaven, thence fell
The Dragon and his Angels down to Hell.
All sins abridg'd in disobedience,
By which man fell from state of Innocence,
Fot which he was expelled from Paradise,
And from the tree of Life of unknown price.
The Serpent for Rebellion licks the dust,
Women in pangs brings forth men, Earth's accurst.
Cain was vagabond i'th Land of Nod;
Rebels to Prince and Parents, hate of God.
The old world crowned chiefly was for this,
Five Cities burnt with Fire, which did amiss;
Aaron and Miriam smote with Leprosie,
Because their Soveraign Moses they defie.
Of Corahs company the word of truth
Shews fifteen thousands sad and direful ruth.
Five Kings did fall by Chederlaomer,
And King Hosea fell by Shalmaner;
Abimelech and Sechem with Gaal,
By mutual Treasons got their utter fall.
A Fire came from the bramble which did burn
That Rebel Town, and made of it one urne.
[Page 16] When Sheba's head was Joabs, then they went
From Abels Town each man unto his tent.
Did Absalom or Adonijah thrive?
They thousands spoil'd, more pardon left alive.
Re [...]bah and Banah who their Soveraign slew,
David their hands and feet expos'd to view:
Sad Fate o'retook that line, sons of Nebat,
Whose Calves for ruine soon grew Bulls full fat.
Ahab his sons and Queen came to disaster,
And had false Zimri peace, who slew his Master?
No, for he kill'd King Ela, felt Gods Ire,
Him Omri forc't with the Kings house to Fire.
Though Jehu to his work was call'd by God,
Justice and Mercy kist and burnt the Rod.
Manahem slew Shallum, Zachariah,
As Hoshea slew Peka, who kill'd Pekaiah,
So Ammons Servants, who their Master kill'd,
Were slain when good Josiah his place fill'd.
Queen Athaliah slew the Royal Seed,
And rul'd until their Wounds made her to bleed.
Joash his slaves slew him, he Zachariah,
But they were all slain by Amaziah.
The Books of Kings, more foes to Kingly Race,
And many Traytors to sad ends do trace;
Besides their Armies which in battel fell,
Without remorse it knoles your pass to Hell,
Amend, repent, so live, and so dye well.
Though Sacred Writ we value most of all,
Each History is full of Traytors fall.
Each Age and Country shevv sad Presidents,
Of Rebels Fates, to force them to repent.
[Page 17] Two hundred thirty cursed Plots and Treasons,
'Gainst Kings and Kingship without all reasons,
We since the Normans times and Reigns have seen,
But th' authors of them still have hanged been;
And so must they who dare to shew such tricks,
For they against Gods Laws and men do Kick.
What is become of those conspir'd the death
Of Englands Mother, call'd Queen Elizabeth,
And for their Countries ruine close did wait?
Let Spain and Papists think of Eighty Eight,
Of those King, Queen, Prince, States, and Parliament,
To blow up with three Kingdoms did consent.
How hath this Island Reel'd in her own blood,
Of troubles, twenty years o're ran't a flood!
Rebellion hath the Scots of glory stript,
And Ireland strangely, for it hath been whipt,
By wondrous means and by a Rebel Rout
Of Martin Markings, and Marprelates stout:
See their Heads, Quarters, o're the Cities Gates,
All Rebels are destin'd unto such Fates.
The Sacred Trinity with one consent,
And Scriptures prove, this the best Government.
The Champions nine fought all for Monarchy,
None lov'd Kings more then sisters three times three.
The Jews had but confusion, nothing
In Israel, when time was there was no King.
Moses as King did in Jesuron raign,
Judges and Kings had the power Soveraign,
Till Shilo▪ came, who rules as King of Kings,
And under Monarchy all Nations brings;
Prophets, Apostles, taught's to love and fear,
Them to obey; pray for, not scoff, or jeer.
[Page 18] The Persian sages after long contest
Of Arguments prov'd Monarchy the best.
Mecaenas and Agrippa told Augustus,
Your wise men all, chuse one, else ne're trust us.
For Kings our Brittains who were stout and wise,
Ventred their fortunes, or have lost their lives:
So all our States-men could say Boh t'a Goose,
Which voge made them Leards of the other House.
Great Alexanders Master Aristotle,
Bias who carry'd all in's Bag and Bottle,
And all the rest of the wise men of Greece,
Said one Rul'd all, as Gander rul'd the Geese,
That if there were i'th world one Mome or Goose,
Lov'd many Rulers, let him try't in's house:
And in such peace and order he should dwell
As Locusts do, worse then the Fiends in Hell.
Old Philo saith as Kings o're all we see,
And God o're them, so Nations ruled be:
Thus stood for one the wise Pythagoras,
As for black Snow did Anaxagoras;
So all the rest as Homer, and Dion,
With Plutarch, Seneca, and Zenophon;
So did Theodoret, Basil, Cyprian,
Chrysostom, Austin, and Tertullian:
All Counsels, Fathers, Latine, Greek,
Which were most godly, learned, grave, and meek;
There's scarce one School Boy but doth know it,
How Kings are prais'd by every Poet;
How Homer, Virgil, and each Poet sings
The noble deeds of Mighty Queens and Kings:
Thus Armies great of Pen and Inkhorn men
I might produce to tyre your sight, my Pen.
[Page 19] For honest knowing souls too much; for fools
They ne're will learn, till taught in Gate-House Schools.
That Regelment's the worst which sowes the seeds
Of sects, and Factions and Seditions breeds,
Which points the way to Moles and each base lown
To creep through Heads of Factions to a crown,
That Tyrants and poor upstarts many more
Then we could bear, or keep us placed o're,
Which Tygers, Wolves, and Foxes manifold
Allow'd, by whom Nations were bought and sold,
Which kept us all in daily doubts and fear
What Rule and Rulers we should have each year;
Made strangers far and near refuse our trade,
Because they thought all Rebels are stark mad,
Which cry'd with Harlots lewd, Divide the child,
Such Mothers Brittain lately did beguil'd;
Which noblest men, and Mindes, and Clerks despight,
And in the Scum of Sects and Folks delight:
Which of each Draggons Tail, and Hell-bred Faction,
Projects and Acts for Toleration;
Which vote free Denizons for their base ends,
Turks, Popes, and Jews, and the infernal Fiends,
Which coyn'd Engagements, Vows, and Oaths so fast,
That millions were forsworn or first or last:
Nurses so many, mock-controwlers, sects so lewd
As fill'd each City, Town, and house with fewd,
Which doth confound High, low, wise, fools, rich, poor,
Arms Slaves 'gainst Masters, shuts them out o'th door;
Which like to Comets poyson did distil
To all below, and them with Plagues doth fill;
Or like Saturnal Planets in their Sphere,
The higher still the more Malignant were,
[Page 20] Which lickt the Cub of Reformation,
Till Love, Faith, Truth were out of fashion;
Which kept the people in blinde Ignorance
Of Fundamental Truths, as in a Trance.
O sad that one-in hundreds scarcely knew
What each one's sworn to; Church by States thus grew;
The first Imperious teacher of a lye,
By such (dark souls) was ever most set by;
That Priests and Parents all should teach an Act
Was fram'd by some, the most deny'd the fact;
'Twas Ignorance and Sects let in the Turk
To Asia, Greece; like Crimes, like Plagues will work.
Wo, wo, wo, wo, to Christians who profess
Christs Laws, then his worst Foes yet knovv much less,
Which did destroy like Fiends vvithout all fears
All Saints good works, of fifteen hundred years;
Though but half Crowns Gods portion to them yields
They sold it all to buy the Potters Fields;
Which make men covvards like the heartless Hen,
Hence all States fight by Mercenary men:
VVhen our stout Henry's, Edwards, fought vvith French,
Did they not soon make foes, though millions, slinch?
An hundred times they made the Scots and France
To quake, vvhen they began their Martial Dance;
But our States Soldates did vvhat ne're vvas done;
Ten thousands from one troop of Negroes run,
VVhereby they millions lost a golden Town,
VVith it vvorlds richest Isle, and their Renown.
Of Artificial men sans souls a crovvd
Are States, vvhich name all Villanies doth shrovvd;
For there's not one hath Conscience, Reason, Faith;
All's publick, and not private each one saith.
[Page 21] That Government without all doubts the worst,
Which is the great'st Plague for sins accurst,
Which is such ugly Monster, full of shame,
That Anomos in Scripture is its name;
Rac't out o'th Calendar all Holy dayes,
That Gods, Kings, Saints works none might do or praise.
Most fearful Fates surpriz'd their rotten bones,
Who Souldiers, Cripples, Poor reliev'd with stones.
God makes men great for Thousands good; State Elves,
Careless o'th poor, cry'd, Ah, ha, ha, for selves.
Were every twig a Pen; Earth, Paper; Seas, all Ink;
Men could not write all Crimes of States I think.
That's the Best Rule which all distempers cures
In Church and Realms, keeps them, their health secures,
Which to our sinking Ark, like Noahs Dove
Brought truth, and Peace, and th' Olive Branch of love,
When both our Isles were tost like Ship on Seas,
Charles hush't all storms, and they in calms did cease,
Which makes them like one Cornucopia,
In plenty excell Scicily, Candia,
Causeth these Isles of Dogs, or Devils nam'd,
With proudest pieces of the world be fam'd:
When foes would quite destroy our Nation,
Blur our high deeds and reputation;
Takes care that Neptunes sons like lacky boyes
Tread on Sols heels, without all foes annoyes:
With us the Nations trade, if Charles agree,
Which Sun, or Moon, or Poles, or Stars do see,
Where Justice mixt with Mercy, doth abound,
Vinegar in sweet Grapes opprest, is found;
Where Courage mixt with Faith, and Love, not fears,
To pluck the prey out of the paws of Bears;
[Page 22] Where no good useful man preferment lacks,
As most of late did under Mushroom facks;
As Phaebus light imparts to every Star,
So Charles gives Honors to worth near and far,
Which purges Locusts and Caterpillars,
And such as are to Kings and Realms ill-willers,
To th' body Politique as sad events,
As natural, to void no Excrements:
If fifty years Goal-birds had been sent o're,
Kingdoms and Isles we'd had as many more:
Thus when the Gardiner evil Plants doth weed,
He findes much better grow good Plants and seed;
Which care doth take the poor abroad to plant,
Lest thousands dye with hunger, cold, and want;
VVhich makes all people learn the Truth,
VVant of such knowledge is a Kingdoms Ruth;
God and King Charles this work may bring to pass,
Do more in it b'our Kings then e're done was.
To know and to obey's pure Reformation,
This learn't and done, makes glorious King and Nation.
The Spirit calls knowledge the Key of heaven,
VVith Grace, Obedience, it souls doth leaven;
Sermons won't do't, nor VVardens much forsworn,
This work is Gods, Gods must lead the forlorn.
That rules the best which longest doth endure,
All these good things performs, States faults doth cure;
No Star so bright i'th sky, but hath its spot,
To have no fault is Gods, no Creatures lot:
And let Jehovah Thunder, or Rain, or Shine,
He can't please all, nor Kings, though men Divine.
You'l say 'tis Verrue Crowns Kings Governments,
Then happy we in ours to all intents;
[Page 23] His comely presence, meekness, majesty,
Do Adamantine lustre far out-vye;
If to be highly born it is great bliss,
VVhat Prince for Birth may you compare with his?
If Heirs are blest of God, Usurpers curst,
From Brute, what King had title e're more just?
If wise men Princes Marriage much look on,
Behold his Queen, the worlds chief Paragon.
Great Charles the Second is of our Kings first
By's Queen t'each part o'th world, whose rule doth thrust
Paire-Royal Nations, Indies in her meets,
More worth then in all Mines, and Golden Fleets;
For Royal Issue there's no doubt of Heirs,
God will hear theirs, and millions of our prayers:
If Crosses breed rare men, best tutors are,
VVith Joseph, David, him you may compare;
For Courage, Prudence, Truth, and Constancy,
Match him who can without Sycophancy?
He patiently endur'd heavens indignation,
Until he wrought his Restauration.
So free from pride, self-ends, and false renowns,
VVith Kingdoms ruines he refus'd his Crowns;
Joy'd not to have his head crown'd with your loss,
Stay▪d till God crown'd his head, your joyes, his Cross:
Foes crying sins, their scandals, obloquy,
He hides from pennance, by his Amnesty.
He griev'd to see his Mother Church so torn
By Sects; so stript, left Rachel like, forlorn,
He did for her the best he thought or could,
VVhat modest Church-men either wisht or would.
He cannot scoff, but pitty th' ill behaviour
Of Brain-sick folk, as mad as e're was Naylor.
[Page 24] For Justice, Piety, Religion,
Shew me his pear in any Region;
The Giddy Rabble feared less you know
State ordinance, then Juglers Jubeo.
Dead Rulers Junto Laws, were Crows to scare,
But Just Kings winged Courts of Justice are:
Hence Kings in Thrones of Justice with the eye
Are said to scatter all Iniquity.
He frequent is with God, familiar
In Prayers, not Oaths, as many thousands are;
Him for his bounty why should any blame,
VVhose Thrift, and Temperance, doth millions shame?
To Gentry, Commons, and Nobility,
He's a rare Pattern of Sobriety;
To all the world he freely doth declare,
Rebels to God and Laws, worst subjects are:
Debauched men though great he cannot brook,
On such as his worst Foes he e're did look:
VVhat good of him our Senate doth desire
For God or Countrey done, he doth require.
Behold your King then thousands is more tall.
In Grace, Power, Vertues, higher then you all.
VVhen Kingship, Persons, Vertues thus you see
All meet in one, happy's that Monarchy.
Not Solomon in's Glory may compare
VVith Brittish Rose, and Lillies, they'r so rare.
Caesars best wishes. Subjects votes and Praise
His Head crown, and to th' highest Heavens up raise;
Of millions Prayers as he the Subject is,
So may heavens Blessings showre on him and his.

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