Written by Himself.

LONDON, Printed for Henry Hills, John Starkey, Thomas Basset, John Wright, Richard Chiswell, and Samuel Heyrick. 1679.


HAving Lately been Engaged, through the Wicked, and Malicious Instigation of the Countess of Powis, the five Popish Lords in the Tower, and their Accomplices, in a hor­rid, and damnable Design of Charging the Presbyterians, with a Pretended Plot against the Present Government, and Religion by Law Established; And through God's great Mercy to my Self, and to ma­ny Hundreds in this Kingdom and I hope to the whole Nation in General; coming to have a true sense of the Guilt that I had thereby contracted, I resolv'd to make a full, and perfect Discovery of whatsoever I had been made Privy to, in order to the same; and accordingly, with my own hand did freely, and voluntarily Write a True and Faithful Account thereof, without being Allur'd, or Threatned so to do, or Prompted in the doing of it, by any person whatsoever: And to prevent all Suspicion of any such thing; I desir'd to be (and was accordingly) con­fin'd to an Apartment; and there kept without Conver­sing with any person, till I had finish'd the same; which was on Fryday the last of October; at which time I desir'd to be brought before; the Right Honourable the Lord Mayor of the City of London, before whom I Exhibited what I had so Written, and in the presence of his Lord­ship, the Right Honourable the Earl of Bridge-Water, and other worthy Magistrates of the City, I did attest the same upon Oath. Since which time some others have under­taken without my privity, to Publish Relations of what I then Deposed; In which upon perusal of the same, I find some things omitted, others mistaken, or not so fully and particularly related as I could wish. And so, resolving with my self, that since I was the first, and am hitherto the sole profess'd Discoverer of the said Design, and Conspiracy; it would be very Satisfactory to all Protestants, to receive a particular and exact Relation of the Designs that were [Page] Formed against themselves, from my own hand; I set pen to Paper, and digested what I then Deposed, into this ensu­ing Discourse; in which I have not omitted any thing, that is material of what I was ingaged in, or otherwise admit­ted to the knowledge of; but have given a faithful Rela­tion of things, as they followed in course of time; to the end that all such as are concern'd for the Welfare and Prosperity of their Religion and Country, may be the more fully convinced, how much it is for their interest, to endeavour the disappointing all future Contrivances of that Party, that is so active and industrious to promote their own interest, under a pretence of Religion; which is the benefit that I hope will accrue by the Publishing of this Narrative, to all English men, and Protestants.

In vain is the Net spread in the sight of any Bird.

Thomas Dangerfeild.

The Contents of the ensuing Narrative.

  • MIstress Cellier undertakes to procure Mr. Dangerfield his Liberty, in order to the employing him in some matter of great Con­cern. pag. 2. 3
  • Mr. Dangerfield at the Instigation of Mrs. Cellier, Mr. Munson, and Mr. Kemish, two Priests, treats with one Stroud a Prisoner in the Kings-Bench, to overthrow Bedlow 's Testimony, and lay heinous Crimes to his Charge. p. 3. 4
  • A device to have Mr. Dangerfield Examin'd as a Witness for the King, and in his Depositions to disclose such matter as should be Evidence for the Lords in the Tower. p. 7
  • Mr. Dangerfield is furnished with Money by the Lords in the Tower, to Compound his Debts and get out of Prison. p. 7
  • Mr. Dangerfield is sent into Buckinghamshire, to one Mr. Web 's House, with a Letter to a Priest that lay conceal'd there, and went by a Womans name: and returns with Directions for the Fathering a Plot upon the Presbyterians. p. 9. 10
  • A Conspiracy to procure an Indictment of Perjury against Dr. Oates. p. 14. 15
  • Mr. Dangerfield and others sent about to several Coffee-Houses to spread a Rumour of a Plot, carried on by the Presbyterians, and to disperse Libells. p. 16. 17
  • Counterfeit Letters fram'd by Nevel; and Persons employed to Transcribe and disperse them, in order to the giving false Allarms of a Presbyterian Plot. p. 17. 18. 19
  • The manner of Sir George Wakeman 's making his escape into Flan­ders. p. 19. 20
  • Mr. Dangerfield sent for to the Tower, and there dealt with, by the Lord Arundel, to kill the King for a Reward of 2000 l. and by the Lord Powis, to kill the Earl of Shaftsbury for 500 l. The former of which Proposals he rejects, but embraces the latter. p. 21. 22. 23
  • The Lord Castlemain Author of the late Book, call'd The Compen­dium. p. 23
  • Mr. Dangerfield enjoyn'd Penance for refusing to kill the King. p. 23. 24
  • Mr. Gadbury assures Mr. Dangerfield, upon the Calculation of his Nativi­ty, That he might kill the King without any danger to himself. p. 25. 26
  • Sir Robert Peyton, at Mr. Gadbury 's Perswasion, treats with the Lord Peterborough, in order to a Reconciliation with the Duke of York, and is by him introduced to his R. H. p 24. 25. 28. 29. 34. &c
  • The Lady Aburgaveny 's Project for Mr. Dangerfield to procure access to the Earl of Shaftsbury. p. 28
  • A summary account of the Book, together with the List of the four Clubs, found in the Meal-Tub. p. 31. 32
  • [Page] Mr. Dangerfield being introduced by the Lord Peterborough to the D. of Y. and by him ordered to go to the King, acquaints them both with a Plot carried on by the Presbyterians to alter the Government. p. 34. 35
  • The Countess of Powis gives Mr. Dangerfield Instructions how to behave himself, and frame his Discourse, when he should be brought to his Majesties Presence to give an account of the new Plot. p. 35
  • Mr. Dangerfield Confesses, and Receives the Sacrament in order to his Mur­dering the Earl of Shaftsbury. p. 37
  • Mr. Dangerfields first and second Attempt to Murder the Earl of Shafts­bury at his House in Aldersgate-Street. p. 37. 38. 39
  • The Lord Peterborough 's Encouragement of Mr. Dangerfield to go on. p. 40.
  • Mr. Dangerfield by the Countess of Powis 's order lodgeth treasonable Papers in Mansell 's Chamber. p. 41. 42
  • Mr. Dangerfield endeavours twice to obtain a Warrant from Mr. Secretary Coventry to search Mansell 's Lodgings, which Mr. Secretary re­fuseth. p. 40. 42. 43
  • Mansell 's Lodgings are search'd by Customhouse-Officers, and the Papers found. p. 43
  • Instructions given to Mr. Dangerfield by the Countess of Powis, how to clear himself from the suspition of having lodged the Papers in Mansell 's Room. p. 49. 50. 51
  • The Examination of Anne Blake, Servant to Mrs. Cellier. p. 51
  • The Examination of Mrs. Cellier. p. 52. 53
  • The Examination of the Countess of Powis. p. 53. 54
  • The Lord Peterborough 's Depositions and Defence at the Council-Board. p. 61. 62. 63. &c
  • Depositions and Examinations of several Persons relating to the New-Plot. p. 45. 46. and so on to the end of the Book.

THE NARRATIVE OF Mr. Tho. Dangerfield.

ABout the latter end of March, last past, one Mrs. White, who had been a Prisoner divers times in Newgate and Convicted, was released out of Prison by one Mrs. Cel­lier; And the said Mrs. White, in regard I had been very instrumental for her Enlargement, came divers times to Newgate, where I was Prisoner also, to visit me; where she discover'd, That I did profess the Roman Catholick Faith, and likewise, That some difference had arisen between Captain Richardson and me, upon which I had sworn a Revenge. From that time I began to make it my business to inspect his Usage of Prisoners, where I found some ground for drawing up Articles against him; which accordingly I did, and acquainted Mrs. White with it, who told me, I did very well, and That she would bring a Lady to me, who would give me great Incouragement in that Affair. And about two days after, she brought the said Mrs. Cellier, who was very friendly to me, and after a strict inquiry into the Cause of my Confinement, as also concerning my Religion, Parentage, Education, and Travels, demanded, If I were ca­pable of undertaking Business? I answered, Yes; then says she, For the present let me see how you can draw up those Articles against Captain Richardson, and thereupon gave me some Instructions for the same in Writing.

But it is to be suppos'd, That Mrs. Cellier and Mrs. White, from whom she had taken the said Instructions, had throughly consulted my Condi­tion and Capacity before Mrs. Cellier came to me; and as I was inform'd Mrs. White and Mrs. Cellier, soon after they were acquainted, made diligent enquiry after the Prisoners in Newgate, and asked, If it were not possible to find a Man of Courage amongst them, and one who would Re­form? and the said Mrs. White, having such an opinion of me, made this the chief occasion of Mrs. Cellier's Visit.

But I drew up Articles, pursuant to the Directions I had received, which, together with those which I had drawn from my own Observation, amounted to so considerable a Charge, as, if the Particulars could have been sufficiently proved, it must certainly have been very prejudicial to Captain Richardson. The Articles are too long, and not worth while to be here inserted. So I refer the Readers, if they desire to satisfie their [Page 2] Curiosity, to the Coffee-houses, where they are to be seen at all times. At the second time of Mrs. Cellier's coming, I had finished them, and she perused the Papers, and liked them well, and express'd much sorrow for my Misfortunes, saying she would use all possible means for my Enlarge­ment, and told me she had something of far greater moment for me to undertake than that, but in the mean time advised me to complain to Mr. Recorder of Captain Richardson, for his hard usage of me in the Pri­son; and told me, That she would immediately go to Alderman Jeffreys, and make, by Alderman Jeffreys his means, such Interest with Mr. Recor­der, as Captain Richardson could not oppose; and that my Request should be granted.

The Sunday following I went to the Recorder, where I found all performed that Mrs. Cellier had promised; and I no sooner moved for any favour, but it was granted, especially that of having better usage, whilst I continued in Prison, which accordingly I found.

The next time Mrs. Cellier sent her Maid to me; who in her Mistresses Name bad me be of good courage, for I should in a short time be at Liberty; about two days after, her Mistress came, and told me, Mr. Willi­ams the Solicitor was employed, to get me Let out upon Bail, but in the mean time, that I should want for nothing; and bad me as often as I had occasion for Money or other necessaries, to send to her House in Arundel-Street, and I should be Furnished, as I often did do and was supplied accordingly.

About two days after, Mrs. Cellier sent her Maid to me with a Message, that her Mistress was gone to Peterley in Buckingham-shire, about ex­traordinary business, but would return in a day or two, which business, might if I were willing, be much to my advantage: the said Maid came to me every day after that, either to bring me Money, or to enquire of my health and condition.

When Mrs. Cellier return'd to Town, she came to see me (I being still in Newgate) and said, within a day or two I should be inlarged; and at the same time at my entreaty, she gave one Godfrey a Roman Ca­tholick and a Prisoner, Money to relieve him, and has ever since allow­ed him a weekly Pension; the next day, she sent her Maid with my Discharge under Mr. Recorders hand, who had taken Bail for me, and desired to know what the Charge of the House came to; which I cast up and sent her; and immediately after, the Maid returned with the Money, I paid the Charges of the Prison, and was absolutely Discharged from thence, but immediately, or before I was well out of those rude limits, I was Arrested and carried to the Counter, which Mrs. Cellier was much troubled to hear of; and the next day sent her Maid to me to know the cause of it, which I told her, and how much Money would purchase my Liberty, with this the Maid went to her Mistress, and immediately return'd with Money and this Answer,

That her Mistress had ordered business for me to do within two days, of great consequence, and if I could get out by that time, she would purchase my enlargement at any rate; but if not, her Mistress could not tell whether ever I should be freed by her or no.

Now upon these words, I being as desirous of the fresh Air, as any per­son could be who had suffered a years Imprisonment, as I had done, sent for a Solicitor, and (it being within the Term) gave order for a Habe as Corpus, [Page 3] which was prosecuted with such expedition, by one Mr. Scarlet, that the next, being Munday morning, it was allowed, and I brought to the Kings Bench Bar, and from thence turn'd over (according to the course of that Court) to the Kings Bench, from whence I sent Mrs. Cellier this following Letter:


I Am now in a greater Labyrinth than ever; and am heartily sorry I have expos'd you to so much Charge, that I am not capable either of congratulation, or restitution, wherefore I refer all to your good and cha­ritable consideration, &c.


Her Answer by her Maid the same day, was as followeth:


I Suppose your expensive business has drein'd your Pockets; I here send you 20 s. and promise, since I have undertaken the thing, I will see you at Liberty; and not only so, but make your Fortune if you will be ruled, and in order to it I will be with you tomorrow. I am

E. C.

By the Maid she oblig'd me to return this Letter again, and all others which I should at any time receive from her, during the time of my Con­finement there; which I did, and was much satisfied with the Contents of Mrs. Cellier's Letters. The next day Mrs. Cellier came in disguise to the King's-Bench, and told me, I should be well provided for; and gave me 20 s. and promis'd me every Week as much, and that if that were not enough, I should have more. This, as I understood by the Maid, was about the time, when, by reason of Sir William Waller's making Search after Mrs. Cellier, she was forc'd to quit her own House, and retire to Powis-House in Lincolns-Inn-fields; and, I suppose, her putting her self into that Disguise in which she came to me, was upon the same occasion. Then Mrs. Cellier promis'd before Mr. Bannester, to provide Clothes and such other Necessaries as I should want, against I came abroad; and that I should not lye long there; but however, that I could do as much good there as if I were abroad, and she walked with me in the Garden, and discoursed to this purpose:

We are informed, said she, that one Stroud, a Prisoner here, has been a Conversant formerly of Bedlow's, and that Bedlow now writes several Letters to him, and sends him Money, which Letters he brags much of when he is drunk, and often has sworn to Mr. Munson and Mr. Kemesh, That Bedlow was fearful of him; and that to prevent the coming to light of something that Stroud could disclose against him, he sent him so much Money per Week; but Stroud swears, If ever he gets abroad, and that he may have any to support him, he will quickly bring Matter enough to hang Bedlow; nay, and that he has it in his Pocket, and will frequently pull out a Pacquet of Letters, and sometimes pretend, in passion, the Lords [Page 4] in the Tower were much to blame, to suffer such a Villain to give Testimo­ny against them, saying, If they would be rul'd by him, Bedlow should do them no hurt. This, she told me, was very material, and that Stroud knew much of Bedlow's Life and Conversation; and that my business was, to observe Stroud and get acquainted with him; and that it would much con­duce to the making my Fortune, if I could by any means know the bottom of Stroud, or if I could bring him over to be a Witness for the Lords, or by any means persuade him to shew me any, or all the Letters and Papers he had in his Pocket which concern'd Bedlow; which I promis'd I would en­deavour to accomplish, and forthwith make the Attempt, telling her withal, that the thing was already half done, for I had been familiarly acquainted with Stroud some years since, and therefore had the greater hopes of Suc­ceeding. Then Mrs. Cellier recommended to me the Advice of one Mr. Munson and Kemish, both Priests and Prisoners there, very good religious Men, as she said, who would not only advise me how to proceed, but give me an account more at large of the whole Design, and also give me good Instructions in matters of Religion, if I desired it; which advice I promis'd to follow: then she left me, saying, She would give Mr. Munson notice to speak to me; and about two days after, I being in the Garden, Mr. Munson spoke to me privately, and bid me follow him into his Cham­ber, which I did, where I found Mr. Kemish also. They told me what a good Character they had received of me, and that I had suffered much in Newgate for the sake of my Religion, and many such like stories; and that Mrs. Cellier had given them an account by Letter, That I was ac­quainted with the said Stroud, and upon that account the more fit to manage the business. Then they told me, Stroud had divers Letters about him, that concern'd Bedlow, and some which Stroud had received from him since the time of his Imprisonment, and desired me to drink with Stroud; but first asked me, If my Head would bear Drink? to which I answer'd, Yes; If not, said Munson, I will give you a Preparative that shall enable you; but I did not stand in need of any such thing, but treated with Stroud, to very good purpose, of which I will shortly give you a full Account, for whatever he said at any time, that was material, I put into Writing. Then I again went to Munson and Kemish, and told them what progress I had made in the business with Stroud; they seemed to be well pleased with it, and highly commended my diligence, and withal, the better to incourage me, said, They had that day received a Letter from the Countess of Powis, which concerned me, but it was committed to the flames, (for they were cunning enough to keep no Papers by them of any Importance, as being liable to Searches that were likely to be made there on the least suspicion) but promised to shew me the next that should come; which they accordingly did, for there came one from the Countess about two days after, and then Mr. Munson gave me a private Sign to go to his Chamber, which I did; and there he and Kemish read the Letter, the Con­tents whereof were (in part) as followeth:


You must persuade Mr. Willoughby, to scour his Kettle and Receive (which is to Confess, and receive the Sacrament) to be true to the Cause. The residue of the Letter I cannot remember.

[Page 5] Soon after I went to Confession to Mr. Munson, and went into Kemeshes Room, where he was reading Mass, and of him I received the Sacrament, and from that time was admitted into their Church (though I had for some years before professed the same Religion) then I went into Munson's Chamber, where I had some little Discourse not worth mentioning here, after which he gave me free Toleration to drink with Stroud, but I scrupled whether it were safe for me, who had that day received the Sacrament to drink, and perhaps be Drunk, with Stroud or any other; to which he repli'd, that inasmuch as he had given me leave, I should not sin in so doing, especially since it was for the Good of the Cause. And farther told me, if Stroud were forward in discourse, I should offer him a hun­dred or two hundred pounds; then I ask't what the consequence of it would be, if he should accept of the proposal and I not be able to make it good? I said I was afraid it might spoil the whole Design, nay said he, let me alone for that, if he can but be induced to comply with us, I am sure the Lords in the Tower will perform the conditions; and as conveni­cy offered for my next Attempt upon Stroud, I took that course, but to little or no effect. In a day or two after this (I having first given an ac­count to Mrs Cellier of the bad success I had with Stroud, and that I could gain nothing upon him worth the time and the money I spent with him;) one Mr. Henry Nevel alias Paine, was removed by Habeas Corpus from the Fleet-Prison to the Kings Bench, (which as Mrs. Cellier afterwards told me was on purpose to have him trie some experiment on Stroud) who often was visited by the Countess of Powis and Mrs. Cellier; but at last, after they had well consulted the business of Stroud, Nevel writes a Letter to me, to put me upon a new Method of Pumping Stroud, or get­ting the Papers from him, the Contents of which Letter were as fol­loweth:


You must by some means, get some six grains of Opium dissolv'd, and put it privately into his Drink; and in a small time you will find, the operation thereof will lay him in such a Frensy, that in every part you may search him with great safety to your self; but be sure to advise with Mr. Munson, and Mr. Kemesh about the action, before you venture.

At the same time he sent me, written by his own hand, the Danby re­flections, desiring me to write out some Copies of them at my leisure; which I did, and sent some to him; and others, by the Countess of Powis's servant, to Mistress Cellier, and sometimes the Countess used to send her servant to me for them; and once by the same servant she sentme five Gui­neys to encourage me.

Soon after, the Countess, Mrs. Cellier, Mr. Nevel, Mr. Fitton, Mr. Munson, and Mr. Kemesh consulted about business, of which, I was made privy to that part only that concerned Stroud, and that very day Munson and Kemesh ordered me, the next time Mrs. Celliers Maid should come to me) to send to one Mr. Blaredale an Apothecary in Arundel-Street, and one that had newly Married Mrs. Celliers Daughter, (who Munson said was a very honest man, and a Catholick, and much devoted to the Good of the Catholick Cause) and desire him to send me six grains of Opium, dissolv'd by himself in some Syrup of Gillyflowers; which he did; and sent me the [Page 6] same the next day, by Mrs. Cellier's Maid; but I suppose either Munson, or Kemesh, or both, had sent to Blaredale before, otherwise he would not have sent the Potion to me, being an absolute stranger to him, but when the Maid brought it in a small Phial, I left her in my Chamber, and went and shewed it to Mr. Munson, who together with Mr. Kemesh did again di­rect me how to use it; They bid me take him (meaning Stroud) into the Cellar, and drink him stoutly with Burnt-Brandy, and when I found him merry, take my opportunity to put the Opium into his Cup; which I did; but it only made him somewhat drousie the next day, and did not operate according to expectation; then Munson and Kemesh sent to the Countess of Powis, to let her know what I had done; and as Mrs. Celliers Maid told me, her Ladyship gave order to Blaredale, to send me another Dose; and Munson told me for the Colour of the thing, I must send the Maid my self to Blaredale for it, which I did; and he sent by the same Messenger about as much more: then, by all their advice, I made the second At­tempt, and invited Stroud to Dine with me that day; and there being a Tankard of small bitter Beer, fit for the purpose, I put the Opium into it; but when Stroud tasted it, he suspected it was not fit to drink, and threw it away, saying, or swearing, He believed he should be poisoned before he should be set at liberty: of this I sent Mrs. Cellier an Account by her Maid, (who expected another Story) and, as I understood since, she was very angry with Blaredale, the Apothecary, for not ordering the Compound aright. This Project not taking effect, they bethought them­selves of another Device; which was, That I should drink him on the square, and observe well his Discourse, and put it immediately into Wri­ting; so that if he should come to be made use of, as a Witness for the King, what he had then said might be given in evidence to invalidate his Testimony. This way pleased me better than the other; and I proceeded as I had opportunity, insomuch, that I had gotten from Stroud's mouth some things that were material, but spoken carelesly by him, who suspect­ed not my Design, nor heeded what he said. These Writings I took Co­pies of, and sent the Originals to Mrs. Cellier; she carried them to the Tower, to the Lords, who liked them very well, as she told me; but all this was thought no very considerable step. By the way I will give a sum­mary Account of Stroud's Discourse, which was as follows; (viz.)

May the 16th. 1679. he told me, That about fifteen years since, he knew Bedloe, who was then in a mean condition; That when Mr. Oates and Mr. Bedloe came to view the Prisoners in the King's-Bench, he spoke to Mr. Bedloe, and told him of some former Passages; and that from that time he sent him Money every week.

May the 17th. Stroud told me his Wife, in the Country, had in a Cabinet divers Papers that concern'd Mr. Bedlow.

The same day Stroud told me, his Allowance from Mr. Bedloe was the larger, because he was to observe the Motions of several Priests which were Prisoners there and their Correspondence.

Now, according to the usual improvement which the Papists make of anything, tho' never so inconsiderable, that does but in the least appear to be for their advantage, I will shew you what Use they would have made of these Passages. They would have engaged me to Swear to some Para­graphs which Mr. Munson framed out of those Papers, and dictated to me; which were as follows: (viz.)

[Page 7] That Stroud told me his Enlargement was at hand; and if ever he had it, some in the World should soon feel the Effects of his Fury. I demanded, who he meant by that? he answered, Bedloe.

Stroud also told me, That one Mr. Johnson, then a Servant of the Right Honourable the Earl of Shaftsbury, had been with him divers times, to persuade him to become a Witness for the King, against the Lords in the Tower; and in order to it, offered him a considerable Sum of Money; but that he demanded, What he must Swear, and who it was must Instruct him? Mr. Johnson replied, You shall not want for that; and I am very glad to find you so ingenious: But hold, says Stroud, I will not Perjure my self for the World, &c.

These two last were additional Paragraphs to the former, but such as were to be Deposed upon Oath. But Stroud not being able to give any account of the then Popish Plot, this Design fell; which was no sooner laid aside, but another was taken up; which was thus laid by the five Popish Lords in the Tower: (viz.) That Stroud and I should Write a Letter to Bedloe to this effect; Here is a Person (meaning my self) whose Travels in Flanders, France, Spain, Italy, and divers other parts, have given him the opportunity of Inspecting the Actions of the Popish Gang, by whom you may be inform'd of somethings that may be of great Importance; therefore you will do well to take Care he may be Examin'd. This I wrote with my own Hand, by Munson's order (but did not send the Letter) who was as urgent as the Lords to have me do some Service to the Cause; For, indeed, I was not very forward to be concern'd on that manner with Mr. Bedloe; and ask'd Mr. Munson and Kemesh, What Service I should do the Lords by it? They told me, The Service I should the Lords, would be by Declaring some things that they would tell me before I should be Examin'd; which would make for them. For I was first to be Sworn a Witness for the King, and then to Swear such other Matter as they should direct me: but this did not take, in regard they could not contrive any secure Story, or such as I (who was to be the Actor) could approve of.

Then Mr. Nevel sent me a Letter, and advised me, to use all the Care and Diligence I could, to Compound my Debts, and get out of Prison; and to let me know how easie it was for me so to do, told me, The Lord Powis, Lord Petre, Lord Arundel, Lord Bellasis, and Lord Stafford, had allowed Mrs. Cellier Money for that purpose; and did particularly desire, when I was out, That I should be forthwith brought to them in the Tower, as I afterwards was.

Then, the same day I received a Letter from Mrs. Cellier, by the hand of one Gifford, one of the St. Omers Witnesses; which Letter was much to the same effect with that which I had before received from Nevel.

Then I went for all, or most of my Creditors, whose Actions amounted to near 700 Pound, and in a short time I brought them to Compound with me for their Debts, and paid them the Composition agreed on, being fur­nished with Money by Mrs. Cellier: then I immediately obtained my Li­berty, and went to Mrs. Cellier's House, in Arundel-street, as I was direct­ed; but not finding her there, the Maid directed me to Powis-house, (and to make sure, sent Gifford with me) where, with much ado, I found Mrs. Cellier, for she was still forced to abscond from Sir William Waller. I having present occasion for Money, as not having paid the Fees of the Prison, I pray'd Mrs. Cellier to let me have 5 l. she went into a withdraw­ing [Page 8] Room, and talked with a person, whom I afterwards discovered by Mrs. Cellier, to be the Lady Powis, who gave her the Money I desired; saying, Here, do you give it him; 'twill be better from your hand than mine. Then I went and discharged the House, and return'd, according to Mrs. Cellier's Order, to Powis-house again; where, being by one of the Servants brought into the Gallery, I found Mrs. Cellier, who left me, and promis'd to come presently, as she did; and told me, I must see the Countess of Powis; then she left me again, to divert my self with the sight of some Pictures, and return'd, bringing with her the Countess, who very joy­fully thanked me for my diligence in the King's-Bench; and there promi­sed on her Honour, for that I had acted so faithfully there, it should make my Fortune, provided I would undertake the Management of other Busi­ness; which I promised to do; and after a long and strict Charge given me by her Ladyship, First, To be stedfast in the Principles of my Religion. Secondly, To go once a Week to Mr. Munson to Confession; which I also promised to do, we parted for that time: (this was about the 6th. of June, 1679.) But in the Afternoon of the same day, the Countess met me again in the Gallery, where her Ladyship told me, That for me to be entertained there (that is to say, in Powis-house) would not be convenient, in regard of the business I was to be employ'd about; For, said she, some of Captain Richardson's People may watch you to my House, and by that means you would give an Obstruction to our Business, and become uncapable of Ap­pearing therein; for prevention whereof, she proposed a Lodging in Drury­lane, at the Sign of the Goat; And, says the Lady, when I have any Bu­siness, I will send some of my Servants in Disguise to you: but your op­posite Neighbour (says the Lady) is one Mrs. Prince, a Roman Catholick, and a good Woman, and one that always has good People in her House, (meaning by that, as I suppose, Priests:) the Countess advised me to Visit her, the said Mrs. Prince, sometimes; which I did; but I understand since, she never knew any more of me, (from that time, to the time of my Disco­very) but that I was imployed in the business of the Lords in the Tower, she having been told so by Mrs. Cellier and others; but notwithstanding my Lodging was at the Goat, yet I was often sent for to Powis-house, to be employed in Business; first, as a Solicitor, I was to endeavour to get out some of the Catholick Party from their Imprisonments, upon Bail; but the Countess told me this would only be present Business, and during the Term; but there were other Affairs cut out for me: from that time I went about the Enlargement of five or six Priests in the Gate-house, and got two or three out, one of which was Mackarthey, who is since committed for a new, but worse Matter. All this time I was every day, from six or seven a Clock in the Morning till ten or eleven at Night, absent from my Lodging; which made the People not a little wonder at my constant absence. By this time th [...] Countess had writ a Letter to the Lord Castlemain, and I was ordered to carry it; whereupon I went to the Lord Castlemain's Lodging at Cha­ring-Cross, and delivered him the Letter; who, after his Lordship had per­used it, received me very kindly, and then and there promised to make my Fortune, if I would use my Endeavours to support the Catholick Cause, as I should be directed: I promised I would. (Now 'tis to be supposed, his Lordship was no stranger to the Transactions in the King's-Bench.) Then I waited till his Lordship had writ a Letter in Answer to that which I brought: which being done, I returned with it to the Countess, who called [Page 9] to her Mrs. Cellier, and opened and read it in my Hearing; the Contents, as I remember, were thus: viz.


JƲst now I received Yours, and will meet you at the Tower to Morrow, at Ten a Clock; but this Person I like well, and though he be no Scholar, yet he may serve to Instruct the Youths according as he shall be directed; and in so doing I shall be eased of much Suspicion, &c.

By the Youths is meant the St. Omers Witnesses, who were lodged at Mrs. Cellier's House, and were Instructed once in two days by the said Lord Castlemain, all the time of their being in Town; nay some of them wanted their Lessons even at the time of the first Tryal of the five Jesuits at the Old-Bayly, and were there again Instructed; but 'tis apparently known how weakly they behaved themselves.

At the time when I returned from the Lord Castlemain with the Letter to the Countess, she advised me to burn all Papers whatsoever, after I had perused them; which Rule I always, even to the last, observed, otherwise I could have been able to have proved the whole Matter upon them, by their own Hand-writings.

Shortly after, I was suspitious of Mrs. Celliers Maid, that she took more notice of Affairs than was necessary, and told the Countess I did not like her; so her Ladyship advised Mrs. Cellier to put her away, and take a Boy in her room, who would be more convenient for carrying Letters from place to place; this was done; and about a day or two after, the Countess told me I must go into Buckinghamshire, to one Mr. Webs, at a place called Peterley, with a Letter to one Mrs. Jeane, and that I must also advise with her in some business of weight; Mr. Web, the Gentleman of the House where I was to go, was himself present, when the Countess put me upon going the Journey, and advised me, lest the cause of my going should be discovered, to bring his son-in-Law with me when I came back; for said he, I have designed to send him to France long since, and this will not only be a good Excuse for you, but very convenient for his journey also: Then the Lady Powis advised me to go forthwith, and order one of the Grooms to hire a Horse for me, not that her Ladyship wanted Horses, but lest it should be known that she sent me, and so I be discovered; then Mr. Web, who was present likewise when the Countess gave me the Pacquet (for I was to carry a Pacquet with me) advised me to put it in the Sad­dle-Skirts to secure it, so that if I were taken, the Horse being a Hackney, I might come off, by denying the thing; his giving me such advice, made me suspect he was privy to the business contained in the Letters; but I fol­lowed his advice, and that day took my Journey, and when I arrived at Peterley, which was that night late, I delivered a Letter to Mrs. Web from her Husband; the Contents whereof, as I suppose, were, to have her make ready the Child against the next morning, and to entertain me kind­ly, and to bring me to that Mrs. Jeane, which she did, as soon as she had read the Letter; for she desir'd me to follow her (as I did) through divers [Page 10] Rooms, and up and down several pair of Stairs, till at last, she brought me into a Chamber, and bid me sit down, saying, I will presently send the Lady to you; then she left me, and sent in a man into the Room, which did not a little surprize me; but after some usual Greetings, he told me, that for security of his person these dangerous times, he was forced to retire there; and use the name of Mrs. Jeane, for the Superscribing, and Subscribing of Letters, in some ordinary kinds or cases; but in short, when he had read the Letters, he proved to be a Priest, for immediately after, he would have me confess, and receive the Sacrament, to be true to the Cause. I told him I had been drinking on the Road, and was not in a condition then, and pray'd it might be defer'd till the morrow; but he told me, that must not be, I was well enough, and must do it then; for I must be gone early in the morning, whereupon I did as he bid me, and took my leave till the morrow; then Mr. Web, when I was ready to come away, took me up to Mrs. Jeane again, and left us together the second time.

Then he told me, that he had sate up all night to answer those Letters; and that he would now consider by what Method to proceed in the Plot against the Presbyterians; and that the ground-work of the whole thing was amongst those Papers which I was to bring to London, but he did not offer to shew it me, neither did I express any desire to see it; but he told me withal, that it must be enlarged on, and drawn into several parts, by the five Lords in the Tower, and Mr. Nevel; and so after some little admonitions, I came away with the Pacquet, the Child, and Mr. Cellier, who is his Grandfather: When I came to Powis-house, I found the Coun­tess and Mrs. Cellier together, they both told me they were not in a little Fear for me, lest some misfortune should have befallen, not me, but the Papers; but since I was so well return'd, they asked what answer I had brought, and how I was entertained? I told them; and delivered the Papers to the Countess, who opened and overlookt them all, but took up one, and read it to me, which was to this Effect, (viz.)

Good store of Pamphlets must be Writ, and spread about the Town against the Presbyterians; persons must be employed to go to Coffee-houses, and rail against the Presbyterian Party, and if they meet with any that offer to contend, matter of Treason or some such thing may easily be laid to their Charge, to have them secured; but there must be many persons so employed, and it will be great prudence not to let them know one another, nor to let any one know more than his own part; and in the same Letter, he blamed them for letting me know so much as I did; but said he, I have bound him fast enough, and besides that, I have a better opinion of him than I had of the other (who was Mr. Gifford the Priest, as Mrs. Jeane told me) These are the people that must do the work, and you let them lye in Prisons and starve, which makes me wonder at your great negligence in so considera­ble Affairs, &c.

These were all the Contents, that I was then made privy to: they were soon carried to the Lords in the Tower, and afterwards sent to Nevel to pe­ruse [Page 11] as he thought fit, for he was the chief Pen-man, and did all that sort of drudgery for a long time, till I came in to relieve him, First by Tran­scribing divers Papers after him: Secondly by setting up for my self, in Scribling of Pamphlets, and such little things as I was capable of, to further the Cause.

By this time the Tryals of the five Jesuits came on, and I had not time, as it was designed I should, to instruct the Witnesses; but the Lord Castlemain still continued in that employment himself, and gave, to some that had short Memories, Breviates or Lessons; others he advised with, sometimes at his own Lodgings, other times at Powis-house, or at Mrs. Celliers; this was as common amongst the Youth as going to School, for sometimes when they had been scan­ning over their parts, and mistook, then would they presently cry, oh I am out, I must go to my Lord Castlemain to be advised, or instructed again. Then I was ordered by the Countess to attend on the Lord Castlemain, at the Sessions held at the Old-Bayly the 13th. and 14th. of June; which I did accordingly, and the Lord Castlemain desired me to take Care of the Youths, and keep them together, lest the Rabble, out of inveterate hatred should offer them any injury; this I did, and secured them, so that not above one received any hurt

Then I was ordered to get into Court, and take some Notes of the Tryals; which I did till they were over; the Lady Powis read them, and sent me to the Tower to her Lord with them, to whom I shewed the little imperfect Remarques I had taken, he seemed to like them well; and, to encourage me to be industrious in other business, commended me highly for this, though I deserv'd it not; and gave me far better encouragement than I ever had, either from his Lady or any body else, promising on his Honour to make my fortune if I would be ruled: then his Lordship sent me to shew them, or rather to shew my self to my Lord Bellasis, and the other Three Lords; but I being a stranger, and not well knowing where to find their several Lodgings, took with me one John Porter, the Lord Powis's Butler, who went with me to each of the other Lords Lodgings, to whom I privately shewed the Remarques; they all desired they might be Printed, and gave money to­wards it, one a Guiney, another Fifty Shillings, one half a Guiney, another fifteen or sixteen shillings; and when I returned to my Lord Powis, I told him what the other Lords had done, and he also con­tributed, and told me the Lord Castlemain should do so too; and at the same time his Lordship told me, some person employed by them had taken the whole Tryals, and they were at one Turners a Book-Seller (but a Catholick) to be Printed, and ordered my Notes to be com­pared with his, and one intire Relation to be composed out of both, as was afterwards done; then was the Lord Arundel come to Lord Powis's Lodging, and the Lord Peters desired his Lordship to come into his Bed-Chamber where I was, and as soon as Lord Arundel espied me, he did me the Honour to lay his hand on my head, and promised I should be well rewarded for all my diligence; and at the same time [Page 12] Lord Powis asked me whether I had a faculty of Writing abusively, and like a Satyrist, and was Master of such a Style as would look well in Print; for, said his Lordship, that Sot Nevel is so very delatory, it is not to be endured, therefore if you dare undertake the Writing of some sound Pamphlets, it might be of very great Use to us; to which I replied, that I was not a competent judge of my own abilities, but would do my best.

Then Lord Powis told me Mrs. Cellier should be allowed Ten shillings per week to Dyet me, and his Lordship would allow me three pound per week for my expences in business; and what ever hapned to be be­yond that, I should put into a Bill, and bring or send it to his Lord­ship, and I should forthwith have it paid; the said Three pound ten shillings per week was constantly paid me, whilst I serv'd them.

Then I was advised by both the Lords to lodge at Powis-house, which advice came very seasonably; for I knew very well, that I had given my Landlord just occasion to harbour strange thoughts of me, and conceive suspitions to my disadvantage.

About the eighteenth of June, the Countess, who knew that I was then lodged in Powis-house, and by her Lords order, sent me with a Letter to the Lady Tukes Lodgings in Scotland-yard; which Lady seemed to take particular notice of me, and was pleased to say she liked me very well, and gave me two Guineys, and demanded if I durst undertake a desperate Enterprise? I answered yes; then she went into her Closet, and wrote a Letter for the Countess of Powis, and gave it me to carry her, and so I took my leave.

In my Return, I went to wait on my Lord Castlemain, who asked where I had been? I answer'd, at the Lady Tukes, and so told his Lordship how she received me; at which he seemed to be well­pleased, and smiled; and demanded if the Countess of Powis had not delivered to me her self, or caused to be deliver'd some Papers relating to a business of Oates, for which one Knox and Lane were in Prison in the Gate-House. To which I answer'd no; Then said he, I will write to the Countess about it, and order you Money, and give you directions how to proceed in it: There I waited till his Lordship writ a Letter, which I carried to Lady Powis; but first being sent for up, I gave her Ladyship the Letter, who, before she opened it told me, Mrs. Cellier would give me Money to get Knox and Lane out of Prison. I then asked what they were in Custody for? The Lady modestly answered, 'twas by Oates's means; but if I could get them out he should not reign long in his Roguery. From thenceforth I undertook it, and had all the business, and Papers delivered me, by one Lawson an Attorny of Clement's-Inn, who had been endeavouring two Terms to remove them by Habeas Corpus, but could not: I forthwith went to the Gate-House, and found means to supply them both with Money, though they were close confin'd; and, by a course that I took upon [Page 13] advice with the Priests, there they had Pen, Inke, and Paper con­veyed to them both; but especially Lane, who writ the first Letter, which was to this effect,

I will die, before I will comply with that Villain Oates, and if any good people will work my Liberty, I will do the Catholicks the greatest Service imaginable, by Discovering what I know of Oates; This is from the bottom of my heart, and what I will die with,

So help me God.

This Letter was taken from Lanes hand under the door, by one Tempest, then a Prisoner in the Gate-House; and by him given to one Mrs. Ayry, who brought it to me at Powis-house, and I shewed it the Countess, who was more transported with joy than I can ex­press; and breaking out as it were into a Rapture, Has God given us this unexpected help said she? Well, we will (God-willing) employ it to the best advantage, charging me to use all expedition to get them both out; and then I withdrew. But as I understood the next day, the good Countess, was the greater part of that day on her knees, to render thanks to Almighty God, for this new occasion of strength, that she supposed he had been pleased to bless their Cause with.

From that time I was very industrious in this business; and had several Motions in the Kings Bench, before I could get either of them to the Bar; but at last I brought Lane out upon Bail, to the great satisfaction of the whole Catholick Party, but Knox I could not get out; but have since been inform'd by himself, that Nevel told some Friends of his, that he did it; and had Money from the Lords in the Tower for that purpose.

Now when I had got Lane out, the Countess ordered me to bring him to Powis-house; and lodge him there for the present, and she would allow Mrs. Cellier Ten shillings per week for His Dyet also, as she did for mine; then came Mr. Wood, the Countesses Gentleman, one day, and said his Lord had ordered that Lane should go by the name of Johnson, as he did afterwards, during the time he continued there, which was about three weeks; and Lady Powis in my Hearing gave order to the Porter, that he should bid the rest of the servants take care that Mr. Johnson went not abroad, for they were in a thousand fears, and Jealousies concerning him.

First, lest Mr. Oates should find him, and clap him again in Prison.

Secondly, lest he should run away of his own accord to Mr. [Page 14] Oates, and be prevail'd with to give some Testimony against the Lords, and

Thirdly, lest the whole Design of this Plot should miscarry thereby; for they thought it concerned them as much, to invalidate the King's Evidence, and render the persons of his Witnesses infamous; as to act any other part whatsoever.

At the same time that Mr. Wood gave order for the altering of Lanes name, I gave him a Bill of Lanes Charges to carry to the Lords in the Tower, which amounted to near twenty pound, about fourteen days after, the Lords had other occasions for raising a contribution; and amongst other Money, this was then collected, and paid to Mrs. Cellier; for she had furnished me with Money for Lane, as she did for my own business, to the value of near one hundred pound; and that very night that Wood paid Mrs. Cellier the twenty pound, (for that was the Sum he brought) he smiled on me; and told me, it would not be long ere the worst was finished; for, said he, the Lords have consulted, that before Oates is indicted there must a rumour be spread abroad of a Plot amongst the Presbyterians; and something of it must be made appear, to beget a belief in the people of it; the management of it he told me, or at least a great part of it, would be for me in a little time.

But after Lane came from the Gate-House, and before Knox could get out, one Mrs. Ayry, who went to Lane before, went then to Knox, or rather to the Priests; for they were so close confin'd, that 'twas very difficult, and dangerous to speak with either of them themselves, but some of the Priests there conveyed Pen, Inke, and Paper to him under the door, with which he also wrote; and as he has told me since, he had that convenience of writing the Papers against Mr. Oates, which he said, were all Pen'd by himself.

Now when Knox was released out of Prison, he came also to Powis­house by the direction of Mrs. Ayry, where by the Countesses order he treated with Mrs. Cellier about the Indicting of Oates; and Knox did by Mrs. Celliers Request enter into a correspondence with me; and a while after deliver'd me the Papers, which Lane, and Osborn had given the said Knox at first, before either of them were com­mitted: those Papers I sent to the Tower, from thence they were sent to Nevel in the Kings Bench, who made what alterations in them, he thought fit; and sent a Letter to me by Mrs. Cellier's Boy (who used to carry Letters between his Mrs, and me, and Nevel, and the Tower, &c.) with directions to draw up an Affidavit, for Lane to Swear (which I did accordingly) before Sir James Butler.

A little after this, Nevel sent Knox his Papers to Lord Castlemain to peruse, and make what additions, or alterations his Lordship should think fit; He sent them to Mrs. Cellier, who gave them me to de­liver [Page 15] to Knox, which I did; and he has since out of those Papers, drawn an Affidavit, and persuaded one Osborn, lately a servant to Mr. Oates, to swear the same before Sir William Dolbin Knight, and these are the Papers, out of which an Indictment was to be framed against Mr. Oates, the Contents of the said Paper I cannot remember, farther than the bare matter of Fact, which was,

That Mr. Oates was to be Indicted, first for Perjury; and if he were nor Convicted upon that, then a second Indictment was to be preferr'd against him for a Buggery pretended to have been attempted on the person of John Lane, who I suppose now offers to Swear the same: though the Indictment was drawn by the most venomous Pens of Lord Castlemain, and his true Second, Nevel; and what he should Swear, was by them, and others put into his Mouth.

When Knox had prevail'd with Osborn to Swear the said Affidavit, he came to shew it me; and offered to let me take a Coppy, but I being employed in other Affairs of greater importance, had not then time to Transcribe it, only I told the Countess what Knox had done, who was very glad of it; and then believed what I said to be truth, (though now her Ladyships opinion of me is much alter'd) and the Countess at the same time asked, if Knox were in a Condition to defend his Tryal. I told her I supposed not, for that he had divers times desired me to lend him Money, then the Countess promised he should have Money; and bid me tell him so, to encourage him, (which I did) and the Countesses farther Command was, that if Knox did at any time want Money, I should furnish him; and place it to account, and that all the Money, which should be Collected for him should pass through my name, and as Money lent him by me, lest any thing should be discover'd.

About the Fourteenth of July, I went to the Tower; for their Lordships had sent for me, where I received orders to have Lane sent out of the way from Powis-house; for, said the Lord Powis, I am informed that Oates is making enquiry after him, which if it be true, and he should be found at my house, 'twould ruine us all; but I being employed in other business could not send him away immediately, according to his Lordships Order.

About a day or two after, the Countess, amongst other things, earnestly desired me to send Lane into the Countrey; for said she Oates is bustling about after him. The next day Mr. Wood brought me Money, which I gave to Lane; and such necessaries as he had occa­sion for, and I sent him down to Greys in Essex; and promised to send him ten shillings every week (for that was his constant allowance.) Soon after, he sent me word, that Oates had by some means or other heard where he was; and therefore he desired to be removed to some other place; then by the Countesses order I took horse, and went to him, and sent him to Town again to Powis-house, where he continued [Page 16] two or three days longer. Then when I was at leisure, I sent him to the White-Hart at Tottenham, where he stayed; whilst he was there, the Countess sent me with a Letter, to the Right Honorable the Earl of Anglesey, Lord Privy-Seal, who was then at Kensington, whither I rod on one of Lord Powis's horses, and a Groom with me, and there had admittance to his Lordship; and according to the Countesses Command, I first delivered the Letter, and then shewed his Lordship Strouds Papers, and some other little things of the same nature; the Contents of the Letter, as I suppose by the slight Answer I had from his Lordship, was to beg some favour on the be­half of Munson the Priest, but when I returned, and told the Coun­tess his Lordships Answer, she seemed to be very much troubled, and What have we no friends, said she, has God wholly left us to our selves? I thought verily I should have gooten Mr. Munson out of Prison; but since we can do no better than we can, you are the per­son that must do all our Business, meaning me: by this I find Munson was to be the chief Agent in managing the New Plot, if they could have got him out of Prison, and I only to have been his Instrument. But, if I mistake not, he has taken as ready, and as sure a Course to come to the Gallows, notwithstanding his Confinement, as he could possibly have taken, had he been at large, as we were.

Now from that night, by the Lords order (brought me by Mrs. Cel­lier) I began to go to Coffee-houses, and had from Nevel an account which to go to, and which were most factious, as she called them: (viz.)

  • Farr's Coffee-house, the Rain-bow near the Temple.
  • Procter's Coffee-house.
  • Man's Coffee-house, at Charing-Cross.
  • Garraway's Coffee-house, near the Old Exchange.
  • Ford's Coffee-house, in Essex-Buildings.
  • Jonathan's Coffee-house, near the Old Exchange.
  • Combe's Coffee-house, in Bartholomew-lane, and divers others.

I chose Farr's Coffee-house, (for there were other persons employ­ed for the rest) whither I went every Night, till there happened a Quarrel betwixt one Mr. Kenestone and my self, about the Subject of my Discourse, which was to be (as was order'd by the Countess, when she came from the Tower) of Sir Edmondbury Godfry's Death: I was to insinuate, That my Lord Danby was privy to it; That he took part with the Presbyterians, and was confederate with them, to ruin the Roman Catholicks; and such like stuff.

[Page 17] At another time the Countess sent a very great number of Pam­phlets, among which was that, call'd, The Danby Reflections, and many other Seditious Books, to Powis-house, and ordered, That I should take care for the dispersing them into all parts; which I did: for some I put under Covers, and directed into the Country, to the Gentry there; others I sent to little petty Coffee-houses about the Town; and some I would venture to drop in the Streets, and in all Houses where I could, insomuch that I had like to have drop'd into Newgate again, for doing such a Trick in an eminent Citizen's House, which made me more cautious, and less eager of practising in that kind for the future. The said Danby Reflections, and divers other scandalous Books were written by Nevel, now a Prisoner in the King's-Bench.

About two days after this, Sir George Wakeman was brought to his Tryal; that being on the 18th of July; where I was order'd, by the Countess, to attend, and take what Notes I could, which I did, and sent them to the Tower, by Mrs. Cellier; who, at her return, told me, The Lords liked them well; and ordred her to send me to them the next day: accordingly I went; where I received Lord Powis's Command, To send for Lane out of the Country, and leave him to shift in Town on 10 s. per Week, which should be constantly paid him by me; for from the time that Lane was enlarged, they were very fearful, lest he should do them a Mischief himself, or be made use of by Mr. Oates, to their disadvantage.

Then the Lord Powis ordred me to attend one Mr. Dormer, a reputed Priest, who was one that Wrote Pamphlets; as The transforming Trayters into Martyrs, and divers others: and frequented the Coffee­houses for the same end that I did: 'twas also his Lordships farther or­der, That I should converse with one Turner, his Lordships Priest, (who, I suppose, is in the Tower to this day) and one Mr. Sharp, a Priest, at Wild-house, Mr. Munson, Mr. Kemesh, and Nevel, and to follow their Orders in all Matters whatsoever, which I did: but first began with Nevel, who sent me divers Papers, Pamphlets, and Letters, to Transcribe; amongst which were 40 Lists of Names, each List con­taining about 800 Names.

At another time I went into Southwark, with one Mr. Dowdwell, and Mrs. Ayry, having received a Letter from Nevel to that purpose, but I knowing him to be very cautious, lest any notice should be taken that he and I corresponded, I forbore going to him my self, and de­sired these persons to enquire what Business he had with me; and withal I told Mr. Dowdwell, I would stay at a Coffee-house in the Mint for him, which I did; and when he return'd, he brought with him twenty seven Letters, most of them Writ by Nevel's own Hand, and under one Cover. These were to be Transcribed with all speed: at the same time Nevel sent, as many by Mrs. Ayry to the Tower as I suppose; the Contents of those I know not, nor much of the twenty seven he sent me, for I had not time to read [Page 18] them all, but what I did read I will here give you an account, to the best of my remembrance.



OƲr Business here goes on very well, and I hope Yours does the same in the Country; I am inform'd, That Commissions will speedily be Issued out: and it is said, there is some alteration amongst our People, &c.



MY Heart is good, but the Body is not of strength enough to do you Service, but I doubt not but my Prayers, for your good Success, may be as service­able and prevalent as my Person could, were it again in its prime, &c.

The Third only mentioned the Names of some Persons of Honour, of whom it is not convenient for me to give an Account here. These pretended Letters were the Falsefies they intended to Alarum the Pre­testants with.

When the 27 Letters were Transcrib'd, I sent them by one of the Lord Powis's Servants to the Tower; and when the Servant return'd, he acquainted me, That he had deliver'd them to the Countess.

Then I attended Mr. Turner, his Lordships Priest, who was then at Powis-house; and desired Mrs. Cellier, at the same time, to find out some that were Catholicks, to write out several Copies of some Pa­pers that he then had by him, that required an immediate dispatch: then I asked him, If he had any thing of moment for me to do? he answered, Not yet.

By this time had Mrs. Cellier provided one Sing, a Writer, and a School-Master, (whose Name I know not) to proceed in this scribling Affair, which they did; and the said Turner found them and himself (and sometimes Mrs. Celliers and my self, when we were at leisure) business for at least a Week. The Contents of any of those Papers I cannot remember, only that in general, they were in order to the carry­ing on of the New Plot.

[Page 19] But at that time I my self was so employed with giving an Account to Mrs. Jeane, at Peterly, of the present posture of Affairs, advi­sing with Munson, Kemesh, Sharp, Knowls, and others, (and amongst the rest, the Lord Castlemain) that I could not spare much time to write.

'Twas about this time that Mrs. Ayry and Mr Dowdwel used to carry such Papers and Letters as concern'd the Design in hand, to the Gate-house, and other Prisons about Town, to have the advice and consent of the Priests and Roman Catholicks there; for, as Mrs. Cel­lier told me, the Lord Powis refused to meddle in the thing, unless it were generally approv'd of, as it was soon after; for all that either saw or heard of it, agreed in opinion, that it was a very sound thing, and, if well manag'd, would turn to very good account in a little time.

Persons were to be employed to carry these into all parts of Eng­land, and some means or other used to Lodge them in the Houses of such as were the most eminent of the Presbyterian Party: Then others were to obtain Warrants upon other pretences, to make Search in those Houses, and to get the persons committed, in whose Houses they were found; this they hop'd would occasion so much con­fusion throughout the whole Kingdom, that at last every body would be glad to save himself, and the Papists come off upon the same terms that others did; but God would not suffer that, as you may perceive by the bad Success all their Designs and Attempts had.

Whilst this was in agitation, there was a Rumour, That Sir George Wakeman was sought after upon some new Matters (which proved, as I suppose, to be more his fear, than any thing else) but for his better security, he was conveyed by night to Mr. Stamford's Lodgings, in the Hay-Market (who is the Duke of Newburg's Resident) and himself, as soon as he had received Sir George Wakeman into his House, came to Powis-house to seek for Mrs. Cellier, but being inform'd we were both in Lincoln's-Inn-Gardens, he came thither, and after some discourse about Sir George Wakeman's Business, told me, There had been fastned on the Door of Sir George's House, in St. Martins-lane, a Paper, im­porting a Menace; which was to this effect:

Wakeman, Though you have escaped at your Tryal, think not your self beyond the reach of Justice, &c. or to this effect.

Then Mr. Stamford took Mrs. Cellier with him, to advise with Sir George Wakeman about his being conveyed into Flanders; but which way was not agreed on; but Mrs. Cellier came home, and told me, I must go early the next Morning to Mr. Stamford; which I did, and he brought me to Sir George Wakeman, with whom I consulted about his Passage to Flanders; I proposed divers ways, but he did not approve of them; then Sir George, going into another Rome, Mr. Stamford [Page 20] and I contriv'd another way, which he afterwards refused; but then Mr. Stamford told me, the Queen's Majesty had furnished Sir George Wakeman with 500 l. in order to his departure from England; And, said he to me, you shall be at neither Charge nor Trouble in this Affair, but what you shall be gratified for: then I parted; and the next time that I came to Sir George, I advised him to go down to Rumney-Marsh; For, I said, it was like he might meet with some French Shallop or Boat there, that might run him over to that Coast; but this Advice he did not then approve of: though he bethought himself afterwards, and went the next day out of Town, in order to it; yet when he was gone, he desired, by Letter, That some other way might be con­sulted; which Letter Mr. Stamford shewed me, and desired my advice; which was, That Sir George should send a person in the Pacquet-Boat from Dover to Calice; which person should hire a Boat there, to come back to the English Coast with him, and take Sir George in: this course was taken, and some four Miles to the West of Dover, Sir George Wakeman took Boat, and sailed for Flanders; where, in nineteen hours, (as I was since informed, by one of his Letters) he arrived safe at Newport.

By this time I had received by one of the Countesses servants an order to go to the Tower the next day, which I did, and after some discourse with Lord Powis about Sir G. W. his Lordship told me that one Mr. Doyley had seen or heard of me, the last time I was with his Lordship; and had said in the hearing of one of his Lordships ser­vants, if ever he should see me there again, he would have me secured, whereupon, Lord Powis desired me, to come thither no more; but return to Powis-house, and be careful of my business, and not go much abroad; and farther told me, that when any thing was ready, I should hear of him by his Lady, who should give me directions how to manage Affairs; and then he commanded me to go to Mr. Turner his Lordships Priest, and take directions from him, how to send Letters to Brussels, to one Mr. Holder his R. H. Auditor; the Letters contain'd an account of the whole Design; and were writ by the Countesses own hand, most earnestly desiring his good advice in an Affair of that weight, as being unwilling to do any thing without it; and pray'd his speedy Answer; this Pacquet was made up by Mr. Turner, and I Superscribed it (by his direction) thus; For Tho. Holder Esquire, at Mounsieur Keneydays, Secretary to the English Resident in Brussells. This I sent by Mrs. Cellier's Boy, to Mrs. Catherine Holder living at St. James's; and desired the same might. be sent with all care, and speed to her Unkle, which was done.

I also remember I read part of one Letter, in which Mr. Holder was desired to employ some ingenuous person there, to Cut, and Ingrave the impressions of divers Coats of Arms; the Patterns had been taken in Wax, from the Seals of the persons to whom the Cotes belonged; as I believe, and were sent over enclosed in the same Letter, being fastned with other Wax to the Margent of it.

[Page 21] Some time after, the Countess having received Answers to the Pacquet I caused to be sent away, she being then at Powis-house, pul­led a Letter out of her Pocket; and desired me to hearken, in which as I remember, she read as follows.

If you had taken this Course sooner, much Innocent Blood might have been saved, but I doubt 'tis now too late; and fear the St. Omers Witnesses being so Baffled as I hear they were, has much blasted our Endeavours, but yet to my power I will assist; and do advise you to go on.

Letters to the same purpose with those, came the same time to Mrs. Cellier, who shewed them to me; and would highly applaud this Gentleman, for his great Wit and Courage in all their business, say­ing once, that if he had not been very careful, the Lords in the Tower had not been now alive.

Then the Lady Powis, about the end of July, or the beginning of August, did advise Mrs. Cellier to go home to her own house; and as she told me, the Lords gave her the same advice; and for these rea­sons, (viz.)

First, They expected Powis-house would be searched by an Order of Council, and if any person more than their own Family should be found there, it might be very prejudicial to the Lords.

Secondly, That now Sir William Waller was better advised, and they did believe he would be more mild for the future, in his prose­cutions against the Catholicks.

Thirdly, The Current of Affairs, they said, was now in a manner stopt; and the people began to speak favourably of their Party, (but in that his Lordship was much mistaken, or misinform'd at least, for in all my business I could not meet with any Protestants that did so.)

Then I also removed my Lodging; and a little after, went to Lodge at Mrs. Cellier's house, where I had been about four days; where there came an express Order to Mrs. Cellier, for me to dis­guise my self as well as I could; and come forthwith to the Tower, I wondred at this, having been caution'd by the Lord Powis the last time I was there, to the contrary; but when I consider'd of it, I did not believe it was about a matter of small consequence; and thereupon changed my Habit (as I often used to do on other occa­sions) and went that day to the Tower; and the better to avoid suspicion, took my Boy with me, this being the first time of his going there.

I went up stairs to Lord Powis by his Order; and after much discourse (about the Opinions I met with in Coffee-Houses) with his Lordship in the Dining-Room, he bid me follow him; which I [Page 22] did, into his Lordships Bed-Chamber, where his Lordship also Discoursed me, about my thoughts of the times; and asked if I had any hope of alteration. I Answered yes, if the Design took such effect as I wisht it might; then from the Window, at the farther side of the Bed, came the Lord Arundel, who, as I suppose, had been reading a Pamphlet there, or some such Book; they both discoursed me above half an hour, and asked, If I had seen the five good men (mean­ing the five Jesuits) and Mr. Langhorn Executed? I answered, Yes; and told them, They all Died with so much constancy and courage, as much amazed the Spectators in general, and my self in particular: who had been commanded by the Countess, to go and see them die, that from their Sufferings, I might take the more resolution, and become better setled in Matters of Religion. Their Design in this was, to make me espouse the Cause with the greater Zeal: and certainly, had I followed their Lordships Orders, I had run a great hazard of suffering Martyr­dom, as well as they; But I thank God for having by his Providence delivered me from that Destruction, and, I hope, preserved me for better Work than I had foolishly engaged my self in.

Then the Lord Arundel began to discourse of Business more closely, and demanded, If I would do any thing to make my Fortune? I an­swer'd, Yes; (tho' I thought I had done enough for that already, but it seems his Lordship was of another mind) I would do any thing: Well then, said he, Will you venture to Kill the King, for a good Re­ward? At that I stood amazed, and my Countenance altered, inso­much that his Lordship took notice of it, and (after I was gon) told my Lord Powis, I had a great deal of Grace, in regard of my Blushing; which seemed strange to his Lordship: who used to converse, I sup­pose, with persons that could both talk of and contrive ways how to Murder Kings (without Blushing.) My Lord, said I, I suppose your Lordship is but in jest. No, said he, I am in earnest; and repeated his Question: I was amazed still, and knew not what to say; For I began to be afraid of my own Life, if I should utterly reject the Propo­sal; and, at last, made answer, That to serve them, I was willing to be the death of any person whosoever, but the King and his Royal Highness. When he press'd it upon me the third time, I desir'd time to consider: then said Lord Powis (who was present all the time) No, no, come; Lord Arundel only does this to try you:—And pray, my Lord Arundel, said he, what is it worth, or what would you give him for doing it? 'Tis worth, said Lord Arundel, 2000 l. No more said Lord Powis? Pish, away; if he will kill my Lord Shaftsbury, he shall have 500 l. for his Reward. All this while I stood mute, not knowing what to say, finding their Designs so bloody; but at length I enquired, Why they desired the Lord Shaftsbury's Life; and how he might be dispatch'd? they both replied, The thing would be easie en­ough: For said Lord Powis, my Man Wood was there two Nights since, upon pretence of an Errand; but his business was, to view the House, and observe what convenience there was for making an Escape, after the Fact done: he said moreover, That Wood found the thing so feasible, that after he came back, he said, he was very sorry he had not been [Page 23] provided to have done it then: And the reason, said he, why we should be glad to have him out of the way, is, because we take for granted, if we were rid of him, (as they were of Sir Edm. Godfrey) we should find it no hard matter, to bear down all the rest of our Opposers. After this, with much persuasion, I promised to undertake the Mur­thering of the Earl of Shaftsbury, (then Lord President of his Majesty's most Honourable Privy Council;) and immediately, to perfect the Bargain, Lord Powis took me by the hand, and gave me Ten Guineys in earnest, and wish'd me good Success, but expresly commanded me not to stir in it, till farther order, but told me, (one Mr. Reagaut,) a Virginia Merchant, of Mrs. Cellier's acquaintance, should come the Sunday following to Mrs. Cellier's House, to advise with me about the most dextrous way of putting the Design in Execution, and to secure the Payment of the 500 l. Upon which I took my leave, and went thither no more, (as I remember) leaving the two Lords toge­ther; who, I believe, were more concern'd at my rejecting my Lord Arundel's Proposal of killing the King, than pleas'd with my embracing the Overture made by them both, of Murthering the Earl of Shaftsbury: and, I believe, some persons were employed to watch which way, and whither I went from the Tower; for they could not chuse but be jealous of me, in regard my Colour went and came so often.

The next day I went to wait on the Lord Castlemain, whom I found in his Study, writing the Compendium; and I had time to read some part of a Paragraph, as it lay before him, on the Table, before he spoke to me: at last, rising in a hasty posture, and casting an angry look upon me, Why were you so unwilling, said he, to do what you were taken out of Prison for? whereupon, not knowing what his Passion might transport him to, I laid my hand upon my Sword, His Lordship made no Approach towards me; but his Passion seeming to continue, I thought it best, to retire, and accordingly went down stairs; and, in a rude manner, left him, and went home; and told Mrs. Cellier, the Lord Castlemain was very angry with me; and that I would never come at him more. Oh, said she, 'tis his manner to be angry one hour, and reconcil'd the next: and Men of that Temper are generally the best, and most fit for Business.

Then Mrs. Cellier advised me, to go to Mr. Sharp, the Priest, at Wild-house, and Confess, and Receive, (for then my Kettle wanted scouring more than ever, in regard of my late Promise in the Tower) I went to him accordingly the next Morning, where I Confess'd, and received the Sacrament: but, as I was coming away, the said Mr. Sharp, who (it seems) had been informed how I behaved my self to the said Lord Powis and Lord Arundel, and had heard of my refusing to kill the King, would scarce suffer me to depart on those terms, but told me, I ought to do Penance, for refusing to serve God in what the Scriptures taught me was my Duty: whereupon I desired to be in­formed, Whether or no they taught me any such thing as to kill my [Page 24] King? He answered, Yes, if he were first Excommunicated and Condemn­ed by the Church: Then he made me kneel down the 2d. time, where he gave me an Admonition of half an hour long, and enjoyned me for my Penance, that every Night twice, for 5 Nights following, I should walk bare-footed (at a certain time of night fit for the purpose) from Powis­house in Lincolns-Inn-Fields, to Lincoln's-Inn-Back-Gate, and back again; which I did accordingly; and that every Morning, for five Mornings, I should discipline my naked Shoulders with some Franciscan-Cords, which he then gave me, and bid me be sure to follow his direction, if I were minded to escape Damnation: then I took my leave of him, being extreamly confounded in my thoughts, and at a loss how to be­have my self in this Affair, (for now I saw through all their Designs, and found both their Principles and Practice to agree with the Ac­count which Protestants give of them:) I was then about to go di­rectly to his Majesty, and discover all I knew, or had been privy to; but when I debated the Matter within my self, the Devil prevail'd, and I went home, where I found the Countess of Powis, and Mrs. Cellier; when the Lady saw me, she sent for me in, and laughed; but I be­ing then more serious than I had been for some years before, told the Countess, 'twas not a laughing Matter: Why, said she, do you know what I laugh at? I told her, I supposed I did; then her Ladyship en­tered into some Discourse not worth the rehearsing; but, e're long, turning her face towards Mrs. Cellier, Well, well, said she, Mr. Wil­loughby will be honest, and do us no hurt, I am sure. By this I found I was liable to some suspicion; for the clearing of which, I was for­ced to make a small Apology for my self: we entred into other Di­scourse, the Lady bidding me sit down; and, amongst other things, her Ladyship told me, His Royal Highness would be in Town spee­dily, which would help to qualifie the Rage of the Presbyterians, and produce another face of things; And, said she, there's one Sir Ro­bert Payton, who intends to come over to the Duke's Interest; and asked me, If I knew him? I answered, No: then the Countess told Mrs. Cellier, she must take some care to provide a place for Sir Robert Peyton, to treat with the Lord Peterborough, about his coming over: (for so they termed it) Mrs. Cellier answered, That no place was so fit as Mr. Gadbury's House; because he was the person who had first proposed the matter to Sir Robert Peyton; and did from time to time use all his Endeavours to effect it; So that, said she, we seem, for ought appears as yet, to owe Sir Robert Peyton's coming over, chiefly to Mr. Gadbury's Persuasions and Solicitations. The Countess was well pleas'd with Mrs. Cellier's Proposal; and order'd me to go the next day to the Lord Peterborough, and acquaint his Lordship with this bu­siness of Sir Robert Peyton. I replied, His Lordship knew me not; and so perhaps might not be apt to give credit to what I should say: To make sure, the Countess replied, she would go home, and write a Letter to the Lord Peterborough, and send it by one of her Servants; (for the Lord Peterborough was return'd from Brussels, and was then in London, or at lest aboutthe Town) then the Countess took Coach, and left us.

[Page 25] Now in the Afternoon of the next Day, I went to Mill-Bank at Westminster, where the Lord Peterborough's House is, to wait on his Lordship: but being informed by the Servants, that his Lord­ship Dined that Day either at Lockets or Lambs, which are both Eating-Houses at Chearing-Cross, I went thither, and found his Lordship; having first sent up word by his Page, that there was one to wait on his Lordship from the Lady Powis. Then I was brought into the Room, and there gave his Lordship an account of my Business; and also told him, that Sir Robert Payton would meet his Lordship at Mr. Gadbury's House on Tuesday next, at Five a Clock in the Evening.

His Lordship was very well pleased, and promised to be there at the time and place appointed: And he farther told me, One of the Countesses Servants had just before I come, brought his Lord­ship a Letter, to the same effect, of which his Lordship shewed me the Superscription.

So I took my leave, and went directly to Mr. Gadbury, at his House in Westminster, (for so Mrs. Cellier advised me to do) that he might also have Notice of this Meeting, and let Sir Robert Pay­ton know that the Lord Peterborough would not fail to be there according to appointment. Which Mr. Gadbury did, and seem'd to be very well pleased.

Then he and I entring into discourse, I perceived his Counte­nance change; and looking very angerly on me, he told me, That he wondred I would offer to displease the Lords in the Tower, and especially the Lord Castlemaine, (who was then out upon Bail) who designed to advance me in the World, and help me to make my Fortune.

I was not a little surpriz'd to hear such Words from him, and asked him, If he knew the ground of their displeasure?

He reply'd, Yes, yes, he did: And falling into a great passion, said,

'Twas because I would not Kill the KING.

—I admire (said Gadbury) at your Ingratitude, that when you could not propose to your self any possible way of getting out of Prison, and were like to have continued there as long as you lived, (had not the Charity of good People reliev'd ye) you should notwithstanding offer to refuse it: (Telling me withal, 'Twas to engage me to make that Attempt that I was helpt out of Prison.) Nay, (said he) you might have done it with all the Security in the World; for no manner of Hurt could have befallen you.

[Page 26] Why, said I, Mr. Gadbury, would not Death unavoidably have been the Consequence of it?

No, said he, not if you undertook it: For before you were Re­leased out of the Kings Bench Prison, I had an exact account from Mrs. Cellier, what Year, Month, Week, Day, and Hour, you were born in; and the Countess of Powis ordered me to Calculate your Nativity.

(Now I do remember that when I was in the Kings Bench, I re­ceived by the Hands of Mrs. Cellier's Maid a Letter, in which her Mistriss desired me to give an exact account of the time of my Birth; which I did in my next Letter to her: But wondering what her meaning might be in desiring it, I read the Letter to the Maid, thinking that she might possibly be able to give me some light in­to it: But she pretended she knew nothing of the matter; so I sent her away.)

And what I have told ye, said he, appear'd to be so clear and demonstrable, that you were by all (meaning, I suppose, the Lords in the Tower) adjudged, A Person design'd by Heaven for that bold and daring Enterprize.

But I was soon weary of his Discourse, and as soon as conveni­ently I could, I took my leave of him, and returned home to Mrs. Celliers House, where I then lodged; and after some Discourse of the Lord Peterborough, I told what Discourse had passed betwixt Gadbury and me, and how he had entertained me with Frowns; at which she fell into a great Laughter, and said,

Mr. Gadbury was in his Heart a good Catholick.

This Gadbury was the Author of the Ballad of the Popish Plot, which was pretended to be writ by a Woman; and many other Seditious Pamphlets.

Now you must understand, that after Gadbury had first Chastised me for not undertaking what the Lords in the Tower proposed to me, I found him to smile in another occasion, which made me be­lieve that Gadbury knew of the Design to Kill the Lord Shafts­bury.

The next day, being Sunday, came Mr. Regaut the Virgi­nia Merchant, that the Lord Powis promised should Treat with me about Murthering the Earl of Shaftsbury, and Dined at Mrs. Celliers that Day: Before Dinner we had no Discourse up­on the Business; but afterwards he told me of the whole mat­ter, and what I had promised at the Tower to the Lord Powis and the Lord Arundel; which I wondered at, not thinking him [Page 27] to have been the Person: For I had divers times seen him at Powis house, with Mrs. Cellier, but never thought or heard, that he was privy to any of our Business: (but now there is reason to sus­pect his knowledge of the whole) There he opened the manner of the thing to me, demanding how I would order the Money to be paid, when I had accomplish'd that (bloody) Design, or if it should be brought in Guineys, and left with Mrs. Cellier for me? I answer­ed, No, not so, for divers reasons, but desired when he heard of the Lord Shaftsbury's death, and should receive a Note from me, that the Money might be immediately paid for my use, which he promised should be done; and desired Mrs. Cellier to let me know where he liv'd when I should have occasion to send to him. Then he told me I must advise with one Mr. Dormer, Mr Sharpe, Mr. Knowls, Mr. Munson, Mr. Remese, and some others, about the manner of doing the Business, which I promised to do; that was all the Dis­course I had with him then; so I having business in the City that night, I took my leave, leaving Mrs. Cellier and him toge­ther.

On Monday morning I went to Mr. Dormer at Madam Dormers in St. John's, where I told him my Resolution about my Lord Shafts­bury, and he embraced me very kindly; but said, he could wish that might be suspended for a time: For said he, there are some Priests that are falling (that is to say) troubled with remorse of Conscience, and were upon the point of discovering the Designs they were engaged in) their names were one Southerne, and Mr. Clay; the latter is now lodged at Mr. Blazedale's house the Apothe­cary in Arundol Street.

These persons being thought dangerous, he demanded if I would venture to hire a small Vessel, and endeavor to tran­sport them to any part of France or Flanders? I promised I would, and he told me he would furnish me with Money for it at his own Charge.

Then I came away, and the next time I saw him, he had con­ceived some better way: For, said he, Mr. Southerne I have sent to a secure place in Buckinghamshire, and Mr. Clay is placed at Mr. Blazedale's, who will be very careful of him.

Then we discoursed of putting in execution the Design against the Lord Shaftsbury.

He spoke a great deal upon the Subject, but little to the purpose in my opinion: at last finding that I gave but little heed to what he said, he took his leave; but on the Monday morning I went again to him to St. John's.

[Page 28] After which I went according to order to Mr. Knowles the Priest to Confession.

He lodged then at a Coffee-house in White-Fryers that has a Back-door into Water-lane. Of him I received the Sacrament; and had his advice about Murdering the Lord Shaftsbury, which was so silly and weak, that I shall not mention any part of it here.

Knowles sent me to the Lady Abergaveney, telling me she was a witty Lady, and held a great Correspondence with the Lord Shaftsbury, and therefore was the more fit to give me advice.

So I left him, and went to that Lady, who then lodged at one Mrs. Griffins house in Holborn-Row in upper Lincolns-Inn Fields.

I was admitted into her Chamber, and let her Ladiship know who I was, and whence I came. She told me she had heard much of me, and gave me thanks for my diligence in the Cause; but coming to treat about the main Business with her, she told me 'twas as easie to Kill the Lord Shaftsbury as a Bird on a Tree. I asked her how? then she proposed several ways, but this amongst the rest, viz.

That I should pretend to have skill in Curing the Gout, and be recommended by her to my Lord Shaftsbury, and having access to him for that purpose, should watch my opportunity.

She said she had advis'd with Mr. Knowles, and Mr. Sharpe, and they had agreed upon that way as the best and most secure that could be.

Then I went to Powis house, where the Countess was, to whom I repeated where I had been, and what discourse I had with eve­ry of the aforesaid persons, but particularly that Project of the Lady Abergaveneys. Which her Ladiship thought but a very weak Contrivance, but said that perhaps it might do. So I parted with­out any orders to proceed as yet.

On Tuesday in the evening Mrs. Cellier went to Gadbury's a little before the time appointed, to discourse with the Lord Peter­borough and Gadbury about Sir Robert Peyton, as I suppose; and when she went from home, desired me to call at Gadbury's for her, that we might go together to Mr. Stamfords.

Accordingly I went to Mr. Gadbury's, where I found her, and from thence we went to the place beforementioned; where Mr. Stam­ford told us he had been informed from very good hands, that Dr. Tongue had at that time employed a considerable number of Writers to describe the whole manner of the Plot; but, said he▪ I will acquaint [Page 29] the King with it, and tell His Majesty my thoughts, which are, That the design of it is to direct Oats and Bedloe, and the rest, how to proceed, and carry on the present Plot, (meaning▪ I believe, their own) against the poor Catholicks; but I do not know whether he informed his Majesty of it or not.

From thence Mrs. Cellier and I went home, and the next morn­ing she sent me to Gadbury's, to enquire how the Lord Peterbo­rough and Sir Robert Peyton entertained each other.

At their meeting, Gadbury told me they agreed very well, and stayed there several hours; but what they treated on he did not yet know, for he withdrew, and left them together.

Then I returned and told Mrs. Cellier what he said, who was very well pleased that their endeavors seem'd to succeed so well.

Soon▪ after I met the Countess at Mrs. Celliers house, who ac­quainted me that the Lord Peterborough had given her Ladiship an account of all that had passed between him and Sir Robert Peyton, and also told me there were great hopes of him; but at the same time she said I must go forwards with all speed to set some In­trigue on foot against the Presbyterians; for his Royal Highness either was already come to Town, or would be here the next day; and something must be done to make his Royal Highness believe the Presbyterians were carrying on a Design against the King and Government.

Then we considered what course to take in order thereunto; but could not agree without better Judgments (or at least then mine was.)

So the Countess went away, and the next day sent for Mrs. Cel­lier to the Tower; who, when she returned, told me the Lords had ordered that I should use all the speed I could to find out some idle persons that appeared well in apparel, and give them Money to go to the Coffee-houses, and make enquiry of all the Clubs and Meetings that were about the Town, and get the names of such as frequented them, and endeavour to learn how things went in all parts of the Town. This I promised to do; but not being ac­quainted with many such persons, whom I durst trust in such an Affair, I employ'd only two or three, of whom I had a better opi­nion then of the rest, viz.

One Bedford, by some called Captain, though he never was in Commission, to him I gave 40 s. in Cliffords-Inn Garden, and en­deavoured to make him sensible what it was for, and he was to proceed. He entred into a solemn Promise to use his utmost en­deavors to give me satisfaction.

[Page 30] Soon after I employed one Curtice, and gave him Ten Shillings Earnest, and told him his business; who also promised to use his utmost Endeavour.

Then was I my self very busie in visiting most Coffee-Houses about Town; where I found all things very suitable to our Inte­rests and Designs, and many Persons very hot against the Presby­terians, some saying, The Plot was now most apparently disco­vered to be theirs.

This Rumour was very industriously spread about by all our Accomplices, as Wood, Dormer, the Virginia Merchant, my self, and many others, perhaps unknown to me.

By this time his Royal Highness was returned from Flanders, and the Lord Peterborough sent for me to give the Duke an account of this New Plot; by which it appears that his Lordship had heard something of it before: And his Lordship has since declared to the King and Council, That Mrs. Cellier had given him an account of one Willoughby, as also of his behaviour in Flanders, and some part of a Presbyterian Design that was then on foot.

But at that time when his Lordship sent for me, I was unpro­vided, and sent the Countess word of it; who appointed me to wait on her at Powis House that Night, at Four a Clock: which I did, and found her Ladyship there; who bid me sit down and write: which having done, she dictated, and I writ: and this which follows is the Abbreviation of that which was found by Sir William Waller in the Meal-Tub, for that was the Original, and what the Countess dictated.


Four Clubs or Meetings, viz.
  • Sir Robert Peyton at the Kings Head Tavern.
  • Mr. Bennet's at the Green Dragon.
  • Sir Francis Clark's at the Sun Tavern.
  • Colonel Blood's at Westminster Market.

The three first being the Council Meetings, and the last the Messengers for the Countries at present, but when occasion shall require, they are to be Field-Officers.

  • Mr. Gooding's promise to support D. M. if Banished.
  • Major Alsop's promise to me for a Commission.
  • Friday, the 12th of September, M. went to Sir Thomas Player.
  • The manner of sending Messengers to all parts of England.
  • The Manner of all their several Meetings, and how the Converse with one another for the concurrence of matters.
  • The manner of their Contributing, and to what purpose money is raised.
  • [Page 31] The posture they were in for a Rising if His Majesty had died, and how they had a considerable Army posted in and about the Town for that purpose.
  • The Contrivance of the Bill against—
  • The Design to rise in the North, in order to join with an Army of Scots commanded by—
  • Goodine's, and others Accounts about their Government.
    • Lord Hallifax
    • Lord Shaftsbury
    • Lord Radnor
    • Lord Essex
    • Lord Wharton
    • Duke of Buckingham, and others, for Counsel.
  • Duke of Monmouth to be General.
  • Lord Gray of Warke Lieutenant-General.
  • Lord Gerrard and his Son Lieutenant-Generals.
  • Sir Thomas Armstrong. Lieutenant-General.
  • Colonel Blood
  • Sir William Waller, and others, to be Major-Generals.
  • Colonel Mansel, Quarter-master General.
  • Most of the Field-Officers meet at Bloood's Club, and others at Cities and great Towns in the Countries.
  • The Detachment to be made from His Majesties Guards, &c. and also from the Trained-Bands and Militia both in City and Country.
  • Alsop's promise to bring me to my Lord Shaftsbury, to be employed for an Intelligencer, and to have his promise for a Commission.

Now I must obsrve to the Reader, That though most of these Particulars were Dictated by the Countess, yet I had them not all of her, but some from Bedford, Curtice, Woods, &c. the which being by me afterwards abbreviated, and the Lists of the persons named (who, I was informed, met at the aforesaid Clubs) being added to it.

Each of these Clubs consist of at least 200 persons, all of good Estates and Substance.

These that follow are Lists of particular persons, viz.

At the Kings Head Tavern in Fleetstreet.
  • LOrd Howard.
  • Sir Robert Peyton.
  • Sir John Duke.
  • Sir Philip Matthews.
  • Sir Henry Blount.
  • Mr. John Gibson.
  • Mr. Charles Umphreville.
  • Mr. John Freake Sen.
  • Mr. Richard Goodenough.
  • Mr. John Trenchard.
  • Mr. Henry Trenchard.
  • Mr. William Trenchard.
  • Mr. Claypole.
  • Mr. Griffith.
  • [Page 32] Mr. Joseph Clarke.
  • Mr. Richard Spicer.
  • Mr. Freake Jun.
  • Dr. Harrington.
  • Mr. John Aylif.
  • Mr. Percival.
  • Mr. Overton.
  • Mr. Hutchinson.
  • Mr. Starkey.
  • Mr. Bugdel.
  • Mr. Howard.
  • Mr. Thompson.
  • Mr. Gibson.
  • Mr. Waller.
  • Mr. Combe.
  • Mr. Ireton.
  • Mr. Whitlock Sen.
  • Mr. Rey.
  • Mr. Coxlow.
  • Mr. Whitlock Jun.
  • Mr. Merry.
  • Mr. Chettwyn.
  • Mr. Bethal.
  • Mr. Speake Sen.
  • Mr. Speake Jun.
  • Mr. Trinder.
  • Mr. Littleton.
  • Mr. West.
  • Mr. Smith.
  • Mr. Harbert.
  • Mr. Aron Smith.
  • Mr. Blount.
  • Mr. Washenden.
  • Mr. Potter.

And others whose Names I know not.

At the Green Dragon Tavern in Fleetstreet.
  • MR. Bennet.
  • Mr. Chaire.
  • Mr. Baker.
  • Mr. Chumley.
  • Mr. Young.
  • Sir William Hartop and his Son.
  • Mr. Hartop.
  • Mr. William Campion.
  • Mr. Appesley.
  • Mr. Bowles.
  • Mr. Roger Pope.
  • Mr. Kent.
  • Captain Fitz-Williams.
  • Mr. Robert Reeves.
  • Mr. Hodges.
  • Mr. Minns.
  • Mr. Barrel.
  • Mr. Isted.
  • Mr. Mazemore.
  • Sir Edm. Bacon.
  • Mr. Jennings.
  • Lord Lovelace.
  • Mr. Bainton.
  • Sir John Wild
  • Mr. Robert Creswel.
  • Sir Richard Atkins.
  • Mr. George Long.
  • Mr. Holeman.
  • Mr. Villers.
  • Mr. Ashburnham.
  • Mr. George Pitt.
  • Mr. Barth. Ashburnham.
  • Mr. Daniel Osborne.
  • Captain Bennet.
  • Mr. Henry Harris.
  • [Page 33] Mr. Blithe.
  • Mr. Henry Wynne.
  • Mr. Natchpole.
  • Mr. Edw. Dering.
  • Mr. Sandes.
  • Mr. Hubbert.

Besides many others whose Names I know not.

At the Sun Tavern behind the Royal Exchange.
  • ALderman Bence.
  • Alderman Booth.
  • Sir Francis Clarke.
  • Mr. Saunders.
  • Mr. Twisdel.
  • Mr. Stavely.
  • Mr. Cowel.
  • Mr. Parker.
  • Captain Collier.
  • Mr. Phelps.
  • Mr. Davis, &c.
In Westminster-Market, at a Chandlers House.
  • COlonel Blood.
  • Sir William Waller.
  • Colonel Mansel.
  • Colonel Browne.
  • Colonel Barrington.
  • Colonel Hart.
  • Colonel Jenks.
  • Major Coult.

Then the Lady Powis the next Day by Mrs. Cellier, recommended me to the Lord Peterborough, and desired him (by a Letter that Mrs. Cellier carried then, as she told me) to take me to his Royal Highness.

In order whereunto, Mrs. Cellier and my self were commanded to go directly to his Lordships Lodgings in the Stone-Galery at Whitehal, where we were told he would come to us, as he did, and told me I should presently see the Duke: But in the mean time, asked me, What I would say to his Royal Highness? Or if the Lady Powis, or any Person else, had instructed me what to say?

We were carried then into his Lordships Closet, where I shewed him my Business in Writing, and told him what I had to acquaint his Royal Highness with by word of mouth; which his Lordship well approved of, and highly commended me. Which gave me great encouragement to proceed: For had his Lordship not been too Credulous of the said Story, it must certainly have been disco­vered long before it was; for, as I suppose, his Credit and good Character of me to his Royal Highness, brought me to the Honour of Communicating the whole matter to His Majesty, to whom I did deliver it as a Real thing, though indeed it was an absolute falshood, and only a Story contrived and consented to in general, by the Po­pish [Page 34] Party, and intended for a Mask, hoping whil'st the King, (if His Majesty should believe it) was preparing for the safety of His Sacred Person and the Government, against the pretended Conspi­racy of the Presbyterian Party, that they might have the more time to move on with their own Plot, which was still to possess the the King with the real belief of the said Sham-Plot.

There we waited till his Royal Highness came from Supper, (for 'twas that time of Night) then the Lord Peterborough bid us fol­low him, where we were brought into his Royal Highness's Clo­set, and immediately the Duke came in, and had some discourse with Mrs. Cellier, whose Business was to acquaint his Royal High­ness about Sir Robert Payton; then turning to me, I fell on my Knee, and had the Honour to Kiss his Royal Highness's Hand.

I presented the Duke with the Paper of my Business; and to the Questions which his Royal Highness asked me, I returned such Answers as I was directed.

Then the Duke told Mrs. Cellier he would stay there till Sir Ro­bert Payton came: whereupon we both withdrew, and returned to the Lord Peterborough's Lodging, where we waited till his Lordship came, which was not till above an hour after.

When we left his Royal Highness, the Lord Peterborough intro­duc'd Sir Robert Payton to the Duke, where, as his Lordship told us afterwards, Sir Robert Payton did behave himself much to the Duke's satisfaction.

He told me likewise, That his Royal Highness liked me well, and had promised his Lordship I should be Encouraged; and then he told Mrs. Cellier, Sir Robert Payton had promised upon his Troath to employ all his Interest for the Duke's Service: And that his Lordship had moved her Business to his Royal Highness, (which was, That his Royal Highness would grant an Order for the Pay­ment of some Money due to her Husband, which Order soon after was granted, and at Sir Allen Apselyes, Mrs. Cellier and her Husband received One hundred Pounds, part of the said Debt.)

Then turning again to me, his Lordship also promised to assist me in the making my Fortune for the good Service I had done, and was still like to do; and he bid me proceed in the said Discovery; and from that time his Lordship called me Captain Willoughby: And as Mrs. Cellier and I were coming away, his Lordship called in some of his Servants, and ordered that at what time soever either of us should come to enquire for his Lordship, they should be sure to let him know it forthwith; which they promised to do, and we re­turned home; where Mrs. Cellier could not rest till she had seen the Countess, to let her know what had hapned, and how we were received.

And in order to it, the next morning early she went to the Tower, and related the whole matter to the Lords, (as at her return she told me) who were extreamly satisfied, and some of them were pleased to say, They hoped to find me an honest and an active Per­son.

[Page 35] Soon after this, the Lord Peterborough told me, I must go again to the Duke; to whom I was again brought by his Lordships means, and his Royal Highness told me I must wait on the King, (to whom he had delivered the Paper I had before presented him with) and gave His Majesty an account more at large of the Contents there­of; and his Royal Highness then told me the King would order me money to proceed in the said Discovery (of that new Plot) and then with his own hand gave me twenty Guineys to encou­rage me, and also promised (provided I could produce a clear proof to make good the account I had given of it) to make my For­tune. And I did really think that his Royal Highness did believe there was truth in this Sham-Plot.

Then I returned home, and told Mrs. Cellier, I had been with the Duke; wereupon she perswaded me forthwith to send the Lord Powis word of it, for 'twould be great satisfaction to him and the rest of the Lords.

Accordingly I dispatcht my Boy to the Tower with a Letter that contained the whole Relation, and likewise desired that since I was to wait upon His Majesty the next day, their Lordships would be pleased to give me some Directions how to behave my self there.

That night I received no other answer then that the Lady Powis would be with me the next day at three a Clock in the af­ternoon. So she was, at Mrs. Celliers house, where I received from her these following Directions, viz.

That I should be sure to lay all the burthen I could upon the Pres­by terians but particularly upon the Lord Gray, Lord Howard of Eserick, Duke of Monmouth, Duke of Buckingham, Sir William Waller, Colonel Blood, and some others, and that I should explain to His Majesty the meaning of the several contents of the Paper I had before presented to the Duke and how the Presby terians were resolv'd to use their ut­most endeavors for the reducing the present Government and setting up a Commonwealth once more, and setling the Duke of Monmouth in it; and that the Lord Shaftsbury, and other Persons of Quality were issuing out Commissions to that purpose, and had promised some to divers persons.

This was the Story I was to tell the King, as I did, and then I thought His Majesty believed the same to be true; but His Majesty has since been pleased to declare in Council he did not give Credit to it, for that it was so impossible a thing; but yet to shew that he would not wholly slight it, till better satisfaction, was pleased to order me money by Mr. Secretary Coventry, to encou­rage me in the farther discovery thereof; and soon after I re­ceived from Colonel Halsel 40 l. but when he paid it me, he told me I must endeavor to make things a little more plain, or the King would not be well pleased; which I promised to do, and took my leave.

[Page 36] Then I came home and told Mrs. Cellier, what had passed, who went immediately to the Tower to let the Lords know, I had not only given His Majesty a satisfactory Account, but had likewise re­ceived 40 l. by His Order to encourage me, which they were glad to hear, and then, I suppose thought fit to prepare something that might induce a stronger belief, and gain more credit to the discovery but desired me to go no more to Colonel Halsel; for it should seem they had some reason to be afraid of him, lest he might trace the Business till he had discovered it.

This Order I followed, for I went no more to Colonel Halsel, though I had been commanded by the King, as often as I made any new progress in the Business, to give Colonel Halsel an account of it.

When His Majesty was at Newmarket, I was advised to send an account of some new Discovery made since the former; and this I was to deliver to Colonel Halsel to be sent; for it was before I had received the 40 l. from him, and an Order from the Lords to apply my self to him no more.

The Paper I sent was to this Effect. viz.

SIR, May it please Your most Sacred Majesty,

I Have discovered a great Correspondence between the Presbyterians and the Dutch, and believe at your Majesties return, to give a good Account of the same by God's help; till which time I shall use my utmost endeavor to approve my self

Your MAJESTIES Most Faithful, and Obedient Subject, WILLOVGHBY.

[Page 37] Soon after the King returned from New-market, which when the Lords heard of, they ordered me to wait on His Majesty with a sup­plemental Story, but much to the same effect with my former, and to apply my self to Master Cheffinch to be brought to His Majesties presence, (Col. Halsel being the person that had brought me to him before) which I did, and His Majesty ordered Mr. Cheffinch to bring me to Him, where I related my business, and withdrew; then I met the Countess again at Mrs. Celliers▪ house, and gave her an account of my having been with His Majesty: To which She answered, The next time I should carry something of greater moment; but that in the mean time she ordered me to make diligent enquiry after one Co­lonel Mansfield (for so she said his Name was) which I did, and with some difficulty found by Curtice where he lodged, and sent word by Mrs. Cellier of it to the Tower; who when she came back told me, The Countess ordered I should be at home in the Afternoon, and her Ladiship would come to me; but in the mean time that I should go to Mr. Sharp to Confession, and receive the Sacrament, (which is a custom the Roman Catholicks constantly practise, either before the undertaking or after the effecting some damnable enterprise, and some­times both, that their Father Confessor may palliate the thing to them under a colour of Religion, so as to make it appear meritorious, be it never so criminal) for the next Orders I should receive would be for the putting in execution what had been resolv'd on with relation to the Lord Shaftsbury; on this I took some time to pause, but at last did go to Father Sharp and Confess, and Receive; after which according to his usual custom, he conjured me by all that was good, to use all the possible speed to stabb the said Lord; after I had received Orders from the Lords so to do, I promised I would, and so left him. About three dayes after that, Mrs. Cellier had received a Letter from the Lady Powis, which made mention, that that very night I should make my self ready and go to Lord Shaftsbury's house in Aldersgate street, and desire to speak with him privately; but from Mrs. Cellier her self I received a particular charge not to enter into any discourse with my Lord, when I had him alone, but after a little Apology for my coming to his Lordship, (though an absolute stranger to him, and neither sent nor introduced by any other per­son, and desiring to know whether if it should fall out to be in my power to serve him, I might have his Lordships favour, &c.) to do my business and come away. Then she gave me a short French Dag­ger, as I suppose 'twas by the make, I asked whence she had it, she answered, that on Sunday last the Virginia Merchant had brought her three or four such, and out of a Cubbord in the same room took the rest, and bid me chuse which I liked best, but I kept that which I had already, and made no further choice, and went directly to Lord Shaftsbury's house, where I was admitted, but there being divers persons in the Room where his Lordship was, I desired privacy lest some of them might know me, and I be discovered; then his Lord­ship sent me with one of his Gentlemen up stairs, whither his Lord­ship came to me in a little time; I repeated my story to him, and his [Page 38] Lordship seemed desirous to have entred into some farther discourse, but I was not willing to engage my self in any, neither had I oppor­tunity to do what I went for, for there were some persons at the other end of the Room; but if they had been away, it pleased God to strike me with a sudden fear and horrour of mind, insomuch that I was utterly disabled to have done him any mischief, and the appre­hension of being discovered was so terrible to me, that I was in tor­ment to be gone: So that I took leave, and came home, putting on the best countenance I could, lest my face should discover to Mistress Cellier the great dread and terrour I was possest with; then she was very earnest to know what progress I had made, I answered I had been at Lord Shaftsburys, and discoursed with him, but there being more persons in the Room, I thought it not safe to attempt any thing at that time; but withall pretended 'twas easie enough to be done, and promised to do it the next time I went.

The next morning early she sent my Boy to the Tower with a Let­ter, to give an account to the Lords, that I had entered my self at Lord Shaftsburies, and promised not to fail the second time. The Countess her self wrote an Answer to that Letter, and Ordered me to go to the King, and acquaint His Majesty, that I had been with Lord Shaftsbury in order to some farther Discovery of the New Plot, and tell His Majesty verbatim what I had said to the Lord Shafts­bury; and I was also to tell the Kings Majesty, that his Lordship had promised me an Imploy, and that he would take care of me: where­upon I went the next Morning to Whitehall to Mr. Cheffinch, and he brought me to the King, to whom I repeated my Lesson; and the King bid me proceed.

About two days after, I met the Countess at Mrs. Celliers House, whom I told I had been with the King, and done according to order, then she told me, I must repair to Lord Shaftsbury that night to make the second attempt, and frame a discourse to him to this or the like effect, viz. That I was now come with something that very nearly concerned both his Lordships Honour and Person, to wit, that if his Lordship should be sent for before the King and Council, and there have several Accusations of High Treason brought in against him, and thereupon be committed to the Tower, and that the Evidence to maintain those Accusations should prove to be Letters written by his Lordships own hand, that then I hoped his Lordship would believe I was his faithful servant. This I pro­mised to do, and in the dusk of the Evening (Mrs. Cellier having delivered me a Dagger) I went the second time, and sent for Mr. Shepherd one of his Lordships Gentlemen to the door, and desired to speak privately with his Lord; he went in and returned, desiring me to come in, which I did, and he took me into a Room, which I supposed to have been his Lords Closet, and desired me to stay there, and said his Lord would come to me presently; but assoon as the Gentleman was gone, I looked about the Room and found another [Page 39] door, besides that at which I came in; and open [...]g it I found that it led into the Room where I had been with his Lordship before; then I concluded, if his Lordship had come into the Closet, that my way would have been to have Stabbed him, and having my chocie of two ways out, to have put out the Candle, and pretended to go some where to light it; and if any of the Servants should have seen me with the Candle unlighted, to give it him or them, and tell them their Lord was in the dark, and they must make hast up with a Can­dle, by which means I might have opportunity to make my escape. But as providence had better ordered both for his Lordship and my self, he came not into that Room, but sent for me into the next: but before I saw him I had waited near two hours in the Closet, where in a Table-drawer I found many Papers and Letters, some of which I put into my Pocket; which when they came to be perused proved to be Letters from Sir Richard Bulstrode, His Majesties Agent now at Brussels, but the Contents imported no more than the present posture of Affairs in that Country. When I was sent for into the next Room to his Lordship I was feiz'd with the same trouble and confusion of mind that I had upon me the first time I came: then I began to consider with my self which of these two courses it would be most advisable for me to take, whether to yield obedience to the laws of an infinite God, who had power to save or damn my Soul, or to the commands of my Lords and Masters in the Tower, who treated me as the Devil does his Vassals, putting me daily into new methods of Destruction, and incurring Everlasting Damnation: But through the grace of God, I then made a wise choice, and resolved to obey God rather than them. I was about to hint something of danger his Lordship might be in, but other Discourse arising it went out of my memory. So I left his Lordship to meditate on this confus­ed story which I had repeated, and returned home with such a chear­ful countenance, that Mrs. Cellier laughed and said he has done the business; but when I answered I had not, but would take some o­ther time, she seem'd not a little concerned, and the next morning sent my Boy with a Letter to the Tower, to relate the story I had told her, and in the Letter inclosed Sir Richard Bulstrodes Letters which I brought from the Lord Shaftsbury's with me the night before: I suppose the Lords were no less concerned than Mrs. Cellier was, for they assur'd themselves that the thing would be done as certainly as that of Sir Edmund-Bury Godfrey's was already done. But soon after my Boy came back, who returned without any answer, came Mr. Wood, and told me, his Lord admired that I of all people should be so great a Coward, &c. but it was his Lords pleasure to try me once more; and in the mean time that I must make hast and go to Whitehal, and tell the King all the discourse I had with Lord Shaftsbury, and shew His Majesty these Letters of Sir Richard Bul­strode's that he might give the more credit to me, and lest Lord Shaftsbury should suspect me, and be with the King before me, which he said might be more prejudicial to me perhaps than I was aware of, &c. and that I must tell the King that a great quantity of [Page 40] Papers very dangerous, and relating to the design of the Presby­terians were in the Lodgings of one Mr. Mansfield, and pray a Warrant to search the said Lodgings. Presently after I went to Mr. Chef­finch, who placed me in a Room which his Majesty was to pass through: the King seeing me asked what I had to say to him? where­upon I repeated what I was bid to say, and humbly prayed a War­rant; his Majesty commanded me to go, and acquaint Mr. Secretary Coventry with the thing, and said he would make me out a Warrant; so I went to Mr. Secretary Coventry and acquainted him with it, and told him 'twas the Kings pleasure that I should wait on him for a Warrant, but Mr. Secretary refused to grant one, unless I would make Affidavit that there were such Papers, and wha [...] the Contents of them were, which I could not do, for I knew not of any Papers in his Chamber then; for I suppose they were to have been put there after the Warrant granted; and if the Papers had been there at that time and I had been able to swear the Contents, it would have been plain that they were of my putting there, for else how was it possi­ble for me to know the Contents of Letters in a Gentlemans Chamber whom I never exchanged two words with in all my life? so that I concluded the safest way for me was to let it alone.

Then I returned home, where I found Mrs. Cellier, who sent me to the Lord Peterborough's, to let him know what had happened, and how I had been twice at Lord Shaftsbury's, who had received me kindly, and told me he would take some care of me. I went accor­dingly to his Lordship, and acquainted him; who seemed to be well pleased that I had been with Lord Shaftsbury; and his Lordship told me, When any Forces were raised, he would put in for a Regiment of Horse, and would give me a Troop in the same, but withal his Lord­ship bid me be sure to do his business the third time (meaning the Lord Shaftsbury's:) Whereupon I went home, and just as I came in, Mrs. Cellier came from the Tower, and told me, Some Persons had been with the Duke, to destroy my credit with him, by giving him an Account of my Life; but said she, That storm is over; for the good Lady Powis, and Lord Peterborough have both waited upon the Duke, and not only perswaded his R. H. not to believe it, but prevailed with him not to speak of it to the King, which, Mrs. Cellier told me, his R. H. had promised not to do.

By this time Lord Peterborough had been divers times with Sir R. P. at Gadbury's, and once at least (if not oftner) at Mrs. Cellier's; and Sir R. P. had seen and spoke with his Royal Highness the second time: and Lord Peterborough told me the Duke had promised Sir R. P. to treat with the King about putting Sir R. P. and some others into the Commissions for the Peace again, which they had been formerly put out of by His Majesties Order.

Then the Countess of Powis came to Mrs. Cellier's, and desired to speak with me, which I hearing of, came down out of my Chamber, [Page 41] expecting to be chid severely; but the Lady was very mild, and only enquired how His Majesty resented my going a second time to the Lord Shaftsbury's, and of bringing the Letters from thence, and if I had gotten a Warrant. I told her, The King, I thought, was well pleased with me; but I could not by any means get a Warrant, unless I would make Affidavit that I had seen the Papers in Mansfield's Lodging, and knew the Contents of them; which I said I could not do. Then the Countess and Mrs. Cellier were both very angry with me, for refu­sing to make oath that there were Papersthere, and the Contents of them such, as that the Secretary might think fit to issue a Warrant to search for them: And began to argue the case with me according to the usual equivocating way of that Party; First telling me that I might have saved my Oath, for that I had formerly seen and been at the writing of some of them. Secondly, It could be no Perjury, if Oath were not made in'Court of Record. And lastly, That I was by my Religion o­bliged to part with my life for the good of the Cause, and much more to swear a thing that was not inconsistent with truth.

Then the Countess endeavoured to perswade me to go the third time to the Lord Shaftsbury, which I refused, telling her, that I had such a discomposure in my mind, for having been there twice already, that I should not be easie in a little time: then, Mrs. Cellier being pre­sent, the Countess struck me gently over the hand with her Fann, and said: Away, cowhearted Fellow, I my self will go—No, Madam, (said Mrs. Cellier) that shall not be, for I will go, and let the World know that some of our Sex are brave and more daring than the men; and promised to do the Work the first time, or dye upon the Spot. At the same time the Countess complain'd that all their Men of Courage were sent out of the World, or secured in order to be so.

Then the Countess asked me, If I knew where Mr. Mansfield's Lodging was? I answered, Yes; and that I had been much troubled to find it out; then said She, You timorous Person, here, will you take these Papers, and convey them privately into some part of his Cloaths, or into his Coat Pockets, or into any part of his Room, or his Trunks? I answered, 'Twas impossible for me to do that, because I knew him not. The Countess told me, I must find some way to be acquainted with him, and take him to a Tavern, and drink smartly, and then take an opportunity to lodge the Papers in some part of his Cloaths, and immediately, upon pretence of his having spoke Treason, or some such thing, call a Constable, and have him apprehended and search'd, and carry the Papers to the King and Council, and so have him committed. For this was to be the Introduction to their real Plot.

If this had been done, the whole Plot had gone on, and I was to have moved the King and Council to have impowered me to make Search in many other Gentlemens Lodgings and Houses, both in City and Country. Then the Countess advised me to go and take a Lodg­ing [Page 42] some where, near his, and endeavour to insinuate my self into his acquaintance; and take my own way for the management of the business.

Then 'twas that her Ladyship gave me fifteen Letters, and a List of Names, one of which Letters, and the List, being writ by her own hand. She desired they might be transcribed, which I offered to do; But She told me that must not be, for the King had some Re­marks already under my hand, and would know it again, and so we might be discovered, for these must be brought to the King and Coun­cil. Then She gave me order to go to a Scrivener over against Somer­set-house, (because I had no person that I durst make privy to such a Secret) and bid me to leave them with him, and pay the person for writing them; then She went away, and I went to the Scrivener, and got the Papers transcribed, and brought them back, and finding Mrs. Cellier and Mr. Webb together by the fire, I took the Letters out of my pocket, and shewed 'em them, telling them those were the papers I had that day of the Lady Powis; they both perused some, if not all of them, and wish'd me good success, and warranted me I should be well rewarded for what I did in that business. Now the next Day being Wednesday, October the 15th 1679, I went into Ax-Yard in Kingsstreet, Westminster, and enquired for Lodgings, and being met by some that lived thereabout, I was directed to Mr. Alexander Har­ris's House, which was the place where the said Mansfield lodged, where, under the feigned Name of Thomas, I enquired for Lodgings; the people readily took me into the house, to shew me what Rooms they had, but none would please me, but the two Rooms on a floor one pair of Stairs high, one of which being disposed of, the Gentleman could not be dispossess'd without his consent; which could not then be obtain'd, because he was out of the way: So that for that time I de­parted.

I had then many Irons in the fire, and some of them, if I were not very nimble, would cool, for I was not to take a step without directi­ons from my great Masters in the Tower, which having received, I went again on Fryday, Octob. 17, and agreed for those two Rooms, gi­ving the Gentlewoman of the house her price: for a little mony, I thought, must not break squares in an Affair of that weight, and Colonel Man­sel (for that is his true name) was willing to remove one pair of Stairs higher, that he might not hinder the house of so beneficial a Lodger as I appear'd likely to be. When I came that Day, the Gentlewo­man of the House being abroad, I was conducted by a Woman into the room whither Mansel was to remove, and there I was left alone for about half an hour; at which time (as appears by my own Confes­sion) I lodged the treasonable papers behind the Beds head. I promised to come that Night, with my Friend for whom I pretended to have taken one of the rooms; but having an opportunity to let the Lords in the Tower know what I had done, and how I proceeded, they orde­red me, by Mrs. Cellier, to go again to the King, and desire a Warrant [Page 43] to search; whereupon I went to Mr. Cheffinch, and was brought to His Majesty, whom I earnestly entreated to let me have a Warrant: His Majesty sent me again to Mr. Secretary Coventry: But no War­rant could be obtained; of which I sent the Lords word: Then they Ordered Mrs. Cellier to direct me to some of the Custom-house Of­ficers, who had power to search the house; that I might pretend to inform them where a considerable quantity of prohibited Goods that had been imported were concealed: The next day being Saturday Octob. 18. I went to the Lodging, and enquired if my Trunks were come, but they heard of none; after some discourse I departed, pro­mising to come and take possession the next Night, (for that Night I could not, my Friend being out of Town) but I failed then also. On Monday 20. I visited them again, and enquired whether my Trunks were yet come, and being answered in the Negative, I va­nish't again. On Tuesday Night, (having by that time got full In­structions how to proceed) about ten of the Clock at Night I went again with one Bedford, (who I told the House was that Friend, for whom I had taken the other Lodging;) but that Night we both lay together in one Bed in the Room one pair of stairs forward.

On Wednesday between seven or eight a Clock in the morning, Mansel being gone out about his Occasions, came two Officers of the Custom-house, with a Constable, according to my appointment, to search for prohibited or uncustomed Goods: They first went into the Chamber where I and my Friend lay, and from thence were con­ducted by me into Mansels Chamber, where they made a thorow search, breaking open the Trunks and Boxes, examining the Bed­clothes, and at last, after intimation given by my self, they proceed­ed to remove the Bed, which they did three foot from the wall, or more, but could find nothing till I went behind it, and there espied a packet of Papers, (he that hides can find) and presently asked, What's that there? The Officer having first taken them down, I with great hast snatched a Paper out of his hand, and cryed out, Here's Trea­son! It was a List of Names, some at length, others only the two first Letters. The Searcher opening another paper, and beginning to read, I again cryed out, There's Treason against his Majesty, (and not on­ly the Papers, but the Person in whose Room they were found if he were present, ought to be secured:) The Officers knowing better what belongs to their own Office, than that of a Justice of Peace, took the Papers, and carried them not to a Secretary of State, (as I directed them) but to their own Masters at the Custom-house; then I left the House and returned to Mrs. Celliers, and sent word by my Boy to the Lord Powis, that the Papers were seized by two of the Cu­stom-house Officers; then the Lords fearing lest there might be some trick played, Ordered me to go forthwith and tell the King the man­ner how I caused the Papers to be seized; which I did: And His Ma­jesty sent me for Mr. Secretary Coventry to give some Order in it. Af­ter that I returned to Mrs. Cellier, and told her, I had the honour to be in a Room with His Majesty alone; Oh! said she, What an oppor­tunity [Page 44] have you let slip! And soon after the Countess of Powys came, to whom I related the same thing, Mrs. Cellier being then present, the Lady looked on her, and said, How bravely might he have killed the King if he had been provided.

By this time Mrs. Harris being in great perplexity at this unexpect­ed and surprizing seizure, sends her Brother, and presently follows her self to find out Mansel at the sign of the Cat in St. Paul's Church-yard, where he left word when he went out he might be spoke with at Ele­ven of the Clock; she met him just going to the place, as I am inform­ed by his own Pen, she relates to him in a great astonishment, the Histo­ry of this Affair, and out of her tender care for his safety, advised him to take lodgings in the City, promising to send him the rest of his Goods; but he rejected her well intended, but in it self pernicious Counsel; for his withdrawing would have been interpreted a flight, which would have argued guilt, and his personal guilt would have involved hundreds of Innocent Persons in the same Condemnation: He told her therefore, that he was not conscious to himself of any crime, and that he would go to the Custom-house to know by what Authority his Box was seized, and learn what was become of these pretended Papers; accordingly he went thither, where he met with one Mr. Bostock who was one of those that had searcht his Chamber. He told him, That one Mr. Willoughby, the Monday before, came and informed them of two thousand pounds worth of Flanders Silver and Gold Lace that had been imported, and was stowed in such a place. But here Mansel understood that his Papers were all return­ed, and more than his own, for the Treasonable Papers were return'd with them; and accordingly when he was come back to his Lodging he found the Box restored, and the Papers lying on the Dresser, su­prescribed by the Master of the House, For Colonel Mansel. These Pa­pers he opened in the presence of Mr. Harris, desiring him to take no­tice of them, and how many there were; and desired Mr. Harris to set a mark on them that he might be the better able to swear they were the same when they should come to be examined before Authority, which he resolved they should presently be: In order to which he carried them with him to advise with a Friend what to do in the Case, who perswaded him to go forthwith to a Secretary of State, which he en­deavoured to have done, but not finding my Lord sunderland, or any of his Clerks at the Office, the Earl of Essex, and Sir Henry Ca­pel being also from home, he addrest himself to a Worthy Gentle­man, Mr. Justice Warcup, to whom he laid open the whole Affair; and having got together the Officers of the Custom-house, the Master and Mistress of the Lodgings, and whatever other Evidence they then had, Mr. Justice Warcup was pleased to take their Depositions: Up­on the whole matter it appeared to have been a Malicious Design of mine, and thereupon he made out a Warrant to apprehend me, which having delivered to a Constable, they went along with him to Mr. Celliers, who is a French Merchant, and a Papist, where I did then, [Page 45] and the St. Omers Boys formerly had lodged; there the Justice, Con­stable and Warrant found me.

As soon as I understood their errand, I pretended that this was Mr. [...] What, said I, has he cryed Whore first? but I have been this day with the King my self, and with Mr. Secretary Coventry, and have acquainted them with the business; so that I sup­pose there will be some enquiry made for him at his Lodging, before he get back. Col. Warcup answered me, That if I would find sure­ties to appear at the Council-Board next Morning by Nine of the Clock, he should give me no further trouble at present: And accor­dingly Mr. Cellier the French Merchant, and Mr. Blasedale the Apothecary entering into Recognizance for my appearance, I was Bail'd.

On Thursday October 23. in the Forenoon when the persons con­cerned attended the Council in the Lobby, I met with a very unhap­py Rencounter, for as I was going down the Stairs of the Lobby, I met with one Mr. D'oiley an Officer belonging to the Mint, who had formerly known, and prosecuted me for uttering false Guinies. Es­pying him, and being conscious to my self of my former Crimes, I began to Curse without any provocation, and demanded, what D'oiley had to say to me, threatning if I had him out of the Court to cut his Croune; and that whenever I should meet him in a con­venient place, I would be revenged on him; at which, I suppose, D'oiley was surprized.

But my Lord Chief Justice North passing by towards the Council, and overhearing what words passed betwixt us, Mr. D'oiley made his application to his Lordship, and presently Mr. Justice Warcup was sent for in, and ordered to take Mr. D'oiley's information against me, and a Messenger was likewise ordered to take me into Custody. Mr. Justice Warcup directed the Messenger to take me to the Kings-Head Tavern, whither he promis'd to come himself as soon as the Council was up: during our stay there I writ a Note to Mrs. Cellier to go to the Lord and Lady Powis, and acquaint them that I was ap­prehended for they knew what: This Note the Messenger would not suffer the Boy to carry till himself had read the Contents of it, and then he dismist him, who carryed it according to direction.

That Morning the Council had before them the affair of Mr. Dug­dale, so that when Colonel Warcup had delivered in the Examinati­ons that he had taken the day before about me, we were all com­manded to appear in the Afternoon at Four of the Clock.

Thursday Octob. 23 th Afternoon when the Council was sitting,

I was called in first, and presently after me Mansel was call'd, whom the Lord Chancellor asked What Correspondencies these were [Page 46] that he held? Here are Papers, says he, of dangerous consequence, such as import the Levying Men, and Raising Rebellion against His Majesty: Here is also a Catalogue of mens Names whom you have Listed. Mr. Mansel replyed, That he knew nothing of these Let­ters and Papers, That he neither had held, nor ever would hold any Treasonable Correspondence with any person living. He humbly prayed the favour of the Honourable Board, That he might be per­mitted to give an Account how he came by the sight of these Papers, and he did not question but to make it appear, that these Papers were brought into his Chamber out of some malicious design or other by me.

Then he gave to their Lordships a full and clear account of what he knew, or had been informed of by those of the Family where he lodged, and the Officers of the Custom-House; and being command­ed to call in his Witnesses, he did so.

Mr. Alexander Harris was first Sworn, who Witnessed, That the Papers before that Honourable Board, were the same that had been left at his House for Colonel Mansel by an Officer of the Custom-House. Mr. Stretch and Mr. Bostock were Sworn next, who depos­ed among other matters, That I having informed them of certain prohibited Goods, concealed in Ax Yard, appointed them to come to me at Mr. Celliers House in Arundel Buildings the last Monday; whither being come in order to the Search and Seizure, I told them I was not yet ready, having not yet Lodged at my new Quarters; but would not fail to be there that Night, and therefore appointed them to come thither on Wednesday Morning; That at that time they came, and found me with my Friend in the Chamber; that then I took them aside, lest Bedford should hear what I said, and whispered to them that the Goods were in the Room above Stairs, and desired them to charge me to assist. That after a narrow search finding no such Goods as they were informed of, I pointed towards the Bed which they drew from the wall, and searched very narrowly; but still the Papers not appearing, that I pointed again to the Beds-head, whereupon Stretch went once more behind the Bed with a Candle, but with the like ill success: At last I went behind the Beds-head, and called to the Officers, What's that hangs there? shewing them a Pacquet of Papers pinned to the Beds-head, the Officer taking them down, I snatcht one of them out of his hand, and cryed out, Here is Treason. (The Officer taking another Paper, and reading it.) In the Paper that I read were words to this purpose, I wonder at your de­lay, and that the Four Lords have left us, for now the Tyrant has declared himself a Papist: At which words, I cryed out, Did not I tell you these were Treasonable Papers? They ought to be se­cured, and the person whose Chamber this is, if he had been here, and carryed either before the Council or a Secretary of State. Stretch also Swore these to be the same Papers, that were taken from behind the Beds-head, and that he did verily believe they were put there by me.

[Page 47] It being late, and the Council rising, Mr. Justice Warcup took Bail for me to appear the next day at Four in the Afternoon.

Friday October 24 Afternoon, at the Council Board.

The Council being met, Mr. Mansel put in his Petition, That the rest of his Witnesses might be heard; upon which His Majesty was pleased to Order the Cause to be heard the next Council-Day.

Then I moved, that till then I might be Bailed; the King in Coun­cil Ordered, that I should be taken into the Messengers Custody, with which Order the Messenger acquainted me. I stormed and said I was confident there was no such Order, for I knew there were those per­sons that would not suffer me to be so treated. But the Messenger insisted upon his Order, and demanded my Sword, which I refused to deliver, but to another Messenger; then I was conducted to the Messengers House. But before my departure thence, I did endeavour to prevail with Col. Warcup, by offer of a reward to Bail me a third time, desponding of my success in that ill affair; but Mr. Justice refused my impertinent offer.

The Council that Night after a short Recess sate again; And His Majesty was graciously pleased to appoint the business to be heard on Monday following at Four a Clock in the Afternoon: And then I moved that Mansel might be Committed likewise; but the Right Honourable the Lord Chancellor opposed the motion, and so it fell.

Monday October 27. 1679. At the Council-Board.

About Five or Six of the Clock in the Afternoon, Mr. Mansel and I were called in, where after a short Repetition of the Charge against Mansel, which was grounded upon those Papers, I prepared to make my defence, having received fresh instructions how to manage it, and addressed my self to His Majesty, affirming, That there were in all Sixteen Papers found in his Chamber, and desired to know what was become of all the rest besides those Nine? And likewise what was done with the Box of Treasonable printed Pamphlets, and two or three hundred Letters? Adding that Mansel had got together a Company of Witnesses to disparage the Kings Evidence, and to palliate his own Treasonable practices; then I desired I might have leave to ask him some Questions, which being granted, I proceeded thus,

First, Whether he did not frequent a Club held at one Streets House, a Chandler in Westminster Market?

Secondly, Whether he did not know one Disney, Grange, Eng­land, Lisle, and one Captain Brown?

Thirdly, Whether he did not bring into that Club one Night, a Scandalous Pamphlet, called A Word without Doors, and there publickly read it?

And Fourthly, Whether after he had read it, he did not utter Sedi­tious words against his Royal Highness?

[Page 48] Mansel owned that he knew many of the Gentlemen that I had named, but that they were all very honest Gentlemen, and good Subjects, and all of them Inhabitants in Westminster, saving only Cap­tain Brown, who had been Lieutenant to Major Russel's Troop of Horse, in his Royal Highnesses Regiment; But all Treasonable Dis­course with them or any other he did utterly disavow, and was there­upon commanded to call the rest of his Witnesses.

Mr. Harris and Mrs. Harris first appeared, who Witnessed as be­fore, that there were not Sixteen Papers, but Nine only.

Bostock testified the same thing, and further, That these Papers, then before the Honourable Board, were the same Papers found behind the Beds-head, and that he did verily believe I had placed them there.

Stretch being sick, did not appear, but his Depositions were read, tending to the same effect.

Then Bedford was called in, who gave a full relation how I came to him on Tuesday Night before, to desire him to Lodge with me at some new Lodgings that I had lately taken. He confirmed the Evidence of Mrs. Harris, and the rest, as to the manner of searching the Chamber, and finding the Papers: Adding further, That he went to Mr. Celliers House to speak with me, and told me what an ill thing I had done, and how I had not only injured Mr. Mansel, but himself, by engaging him in so vile a business, which now was so clear­ly laid open: And therefore desired me to discover the whole truth to him, and who had put me upon it: To which I replyed, (not caring to enter into discourse with one who I knew had given Testimony against me) That I doubted not but to come off; for the Greatest man in England had ingaged me in it; That he ask­ed me whom I meant? whether I meant the King? To which I made no answer: That he further told me, he understood I held Corre­spondence with the Lord Powis in the Tower, and that he had seen the Lady Powis her Coach the Saturday before, standing before my Lodgings.

D'oiley was the next Witness that was called in, who Deposed, That he had prosecuted me at two several Sessions held in the Old Bayly, for uttering false Guineys. I was askt what I could say to that? and answered, That indeed I had been twice prosecuted there by D'oiley, but all was out of pure malice. I confessed that I had been Fined fifty pounds for the first offence, and had obtained His Ma­jesties Gracious Pardon, but was acquitted the second time; so that I hoped those matters would not be remembred against me now. The Right Honourable the Earl of Essex demanding of me, Who had sollicited His Majesty for my Pardon, I answered, Captain Richard­son.

[Page 49] Afterwards John Cook, my Boy, was examined, who testified, That he was sent with a Message, and a Note from me when I was in the Messengers hand, to Mrs. Cellier, desiring her to acquaint the said Lord Powis, that I was taken in Custody for the old business that he knew of. That two Months since, I had lodged in the Lord Pow­is his house in Queen-street. That he had several times waited on me to the Lord Powis his Lodgings in the Tower, which he described to be in the Mint. That he had rode behind the Coach to attend me thither. That he had several times carried Letters or Papers from me to the said Lord Powis, and brought me Answers back. And lastly That the Lady Powis had several times been at Mrs. Cellier's, and that particularly on Saturday was sevennight, the said Lady had been alone with me in a lower Room, in private Discourse above half an hour.

The Lord Chancellor was then pleased to ask me, Whether I had been at the Lord Shaftsbury 's? To which I answered, That I had been several times with him, and had discoursed with his Lordship: And I there repeated part of what passed betwixt us: To which the Lord Chancellor replied, That I was a fine Fellow, to come first to His Majesty, and tell him one Story; then to the Lord Powis, and from thence to my Lord Shaftsbury 's, and discover to one what Discourse I had had with the other: and bring one Story to the Earl of Shaftsbury, and another to the Council. Then all were com­manded to withdraw, there being no need of the rest of Mr. Mansel's Witnesses in a matter so plain and clear: And presently a Warrant issu­ed from the Board to commit me to Newgate; and Order was given to Mr. Attorney General for my prosecution. Here follows the Council Warrant for my Commitment to Newgate.

THese are in His Majesties Name to require You to take into your Custody the Person of Thomas Willoughby herewith sent You, for forging of Letters importing High Treason, and fixing the same privately at Mr. Mansel 's Chamber, to render him guilty there­of without cause; and You are to keep him safe till he shall be deliver­ed by due course of Law; for which this shall be your Warrant. Council Chamber, Whitehall, October the 27th. 1679.

To the Keeper of Newgate, or His Deputy.
  • Worcester,
  • J. Bridgwater,
  • Fauconbridge,
  • Fran. North,
  • H. Coventry,
  • Henry Capell,
  • H. Powle,
  • John Nicholas.

The Instructions which the Lady Powis delivered to me in the Stone-Gallery in Whitehall, were as followeth. (viz.)

First, I am suspected to have put the Letters behind the Bed when I went to take the Rooms, I can easily make that to ap­pear [Page 50] improbable; For I neither knew what Room Mansel would lye in, nor that I my self should lye there at all: And when I was told which Rooms were to be let, it appears I did not desire Mansel should quit his Lodging to give me place. And after I had taken the Lodgings, there is no proof that I was any more in Mansel's Lodg­ings till the search was made.

Secondly, Stretch swears, That whilst he was searching, I went round the Bed, and he believes I then put them there, because I espi­ed them first. But 'tis strange that the Mistresses Brother, one Messen­ger more, and others that were then in the Room should not take no­tice of any suspicious behaviour in me, as well as Stretch. I am like­wise suspected, because he swears I declared the Letters to be treaso­nable Papers before I saw the inside of any one of them, and that none of them was ever read to me. Which that it is false, Mr. Bedford can witness for me. I desired them to seize all the rest of his Letters and Pamphlets, which were of great consequence, and a considerable number of both, and bring them immediately to the Council; whi­ther I went, expecting to find them, but it seems they were carried to the Lord Shaftsbury, and afterwards sent to Justice Warcup; and five or six of the Letters found behind the Bed taken out, and all the Pamphlets, and two or three hundred Letters more, and a Parchment or two with great Seals, returned to Mr. Mansel again, and only such as were thought fit produced here.

I desire also to know when and where the Writings were delivered to him again, and why they are not all produced as well as some?

And why they were not forthwith carried to some Secretary of State to peruse?

And by what authority he had examined the Boy?

And why he gave him Wine?

And why the Boy was threatned to be sent to Bridewel, or delive­red to a Constable?

And why he was afterwards encouraged, and spoke kindly to, and commended for the prettiest Boy they eversaw?

Now if the Boy (who if asked can declare I never fore instructed him in the least) would not tell the truth (as they call it) without threats and caresses, I humbly conceive little credit will be given to what he says, but if it were truth and had come freely from him (as it did not) he is not of age to understand an Oath.

Let Mr. Bedford be asked, If this Mansel did not use to go to a Factious Club in Westminster Market? And if he did not bring a Scan­dalous Pamphlet thither, call'd The Word out of Doors, and read the same there, and applauded it?

I desire to know whether he is not acquainted with Captain Brown, Mr. Disney, Mr. Hamey, Mr. Alsop, Mr. Kenniston, Mr. Phillips, Mr. Wray, Mr. Murray, Mr. Pemberton, Mr. Whittaker, and others of the same Faction about the Town? And if he has not frequented their Meetings? If he has, he may justly be suspected; for these are most notoriously Factious Persons, and disaffected to that degree, that they cannot endure to hear any speak well of His Majesty, or the present Government.

[Page 51] Now I would fain know how D'oiley could be so well acquaint­ed with me, as to know my Name to be any other than Willoughby, and what Authority he had to Examine the Boy, and when he saw me at the Tower, and how often? And how long he has had the Counterfeit Guiney, and from whom? And how he came to attend the Council just that morning I was there? And if I mistake not, he has since declared, if I had not spoke to him he would have said nothing to me; why then should Mr. D'oiley now pretend to pro­duce the Counterfeit Guiney against me? Or why not when he saw me in the Tower, or since? for he has met me divers times in the streets: Can this appear to be any other than meer malice, or some mercenary act procur'd by Mansel, or some of his party to invalidate my Testimony, and colour their own design?

Now my Lords, I humbly conceive, that to counterfeit Guinies is Treason, and if Mr. D'oiley knew me the Authour of it, it must be misprision of Treason at least in him to conceal it thus long.

He also went divers times to one William Leigh a prisoner in New­gate, (whom himself had apprehended for Clipping and Coyning) and offered for sixscore pounds to procure him a Pardon, and that he should be discharged without so much as being Indicted for the Crime, which had been done, had not others prevented it; and the like proposals he made to divers others that were to be tryed in York-shire. By all which Circumstances it seems to be very plain and clear, that they have used all possible means to destroy me. But I know I am before a Just and Wise King, whom I humbly desire to consider my honest-endeavours to do Your Majesty Service.

The 29th of October Sir William Waller made a search in the House of Mrs. Cellier, where in a Meal Tubb he found that Book which contained the Model of the designed Plot against the Prote­stants, which hath been already mentioned.

The Examination of Anne Blake Servant to Mrs. Cellier, ta­ken upon Oath before Sir William Waller, the 29 th of October, 1679.

This Examinant saith, that Mrs. Cellier delivered into her Custo­dy two parcels of Papers, desiring her to lay them up for her, so as they might not be discovered, or words to that effect; and that in Obedience to her Mistress's Commands, this Examinant hid one par­cel of Papers behind the Pewter in the Kitchin, and the other parcel wrapt up in a sheet of white paper, amongst which was a little Pa­per Book tied with red Ribbonds, which for the better security was hid in a Tub of Meal, both which parcels were seized by Sir Wil­liam Waller: This Examinant further saith, That one Lane went this day to Mrs. Celliers House to speak with her: And further this Examinant saith not at present.

The Mark of Anne Blake.


Capt. & jurat. coram William Waller.

Saturday Nov. 1. 1679. at the Council Chamber in White-hall.

This day the Right Honourable, the present Lord Mayor, came to White-hall, and delivered to His Majesty, or to the Right Ho­nourable His Privy Council, the Information of me Thomas Danger­field, given upon Oath before his Lordship.

This day also several other persons were Examined before the Lords of the Council; as followeth:

Susan Edwards Servant-maid to Mrs. Cellier, who lives in Arun­del-street, being sworn, sayes,

That she carried two little Papers which were shewed her to Mr. Willoughby in Newgate, with twenty shillings in Silver and a Guiny, and two Books of Accounts, that he might be perfect in them, and that he looked on the one and not on the other; and that on Tues­day Night last she carried a Message to the said Mr. Willoughby from her said Mistress, That her life was in his hands: And that the Lady Powis had been thrice at Mrs. Celliers house in five weeks time that she had lived there; And that once the said Lady Powis had there spoken with the said Mr. Willoughby.

The Mark of the said Susan Edwards.

Note that the little Papers mention'd in this Information, are these.


I have said you were taken into my house to get in desperate debts. They bring me to L. S. they will ask me, who incouraged me to go to him, I will say it was you, it cannot worst you.

Here followeth the other little Paper, (viz.) I never change.


The same day Afternoon, Mrs. Cellier being sent for out of the Gatehouse and Examined upon my Information:

She said, I had for some time lain at her House, and that she having money to distribute at the Prisons, I beg'd of her for my Enlargement, and she collected three pounds ten shillings, and got me released: That her Husband having great Debts due to him which looked desperate, I was imployed in the recovery of the same, and was to have six shil­lings in the pound for what I could get in; and that besides, she im­ployed to bail out two or three Prisoners, and that was all that I ever did for her, as she sayes, and denies she paid either twenty pound or five pound to get me out of Prison; that she never sent me to the Tower: That being troubled in her house with Sir William Waller's searches, she obtained leave to be at the Lady Powis's House, and my Lodgings at the Goat being troublesome also, I was desired to go and be at this Examinants house with her Husband: That she never saw me and the Lady Powis at her house speaking together but once: That she did not write to me when I was lately in Newgate; but when the Note was shewn her with a Seal thereon and some Crosses on the Pa­per, and these words, I never change; she confessed the same.

[Page 53] She pretended Ignorance also of another paper importing what ex­cuse I should make, but that also being produced, she could not de­ny but that it was her hand.

She said she knew not of any design to Kill the Lord Shaftsbury, but that being told her House was to be searcht, she did go to the said Earl on Monday was sevennight, and he gave her a kind an­swer.

She says she never imployed me to draw Articles against Captain Richardson, but yet confessed she had seen some I had drawn.

Then I was called into make a repetition of my whole Informati­on, wherein Mrs. Cellier was concerned, to which she answers by de­nyal of all, falling down on her Knees, beseeching his Majesty she might not be tortured, for what ever she might be brought to say by torture, other than what she then said, would be false.

Mrs. Cellier Confessed at last that she hid the Papers in the Meal Tub, but said it was at my desire; she acknowledged she gave me caution to call the King Lady Mary, and the Duke Lady Anne.

Mrs. Cellier acknowledges the business of Calculating my Nativi­ty, but said that according to Gadburies papers I was to be hang'd.

Then was the Lady Powis called in and examined upon my In­formation, who generally denyed all, either that she sent any Letter to Mounson in the Kings Bench, or that Margaret ever carryed any Letter from her to get the Papers out of Strode's hands, or that she gave me thanks for my diligence therein: she denyed that she had seen me above three times in her life, or that she had any Letter from Mr. Jean at Peterley, yet she acknowledged she paid Mrs. Cellier ten shillings per week for my dyet.

She said, That my Lodging at Powis's house was without her knowledge.

She owns that about a fortnight since she called at Mrs. Celliers, and that I came into the Room where she was, which was the only time she conversed with me there, and then I told her of some Treasonable Letters hid at Westminster, and that the Secretary had refused me a Warrant to search for them, without making an Affi­davit, and that then Mrs. Cellier had advised me to make use of the Custom-house Officers to search for them.

[Page 54] She knows nothing of Mr. Mansell, or of any Papers put by me into his Chamber, or that she ever gave me fifteen papers and a List of Names, or mentioned any Scrivener to me to copy any papers, she knew not of any occasion that she had to advise me to burn any papers.

She denyed giving me any Instructions, and knew nothing of my going to the Earl of Shaftsbury, but owned that she saw me in the Stone Gallery, but said she was not within distance of speaking to me: she said she never heard of any proposition of killing the King, that she abominated the thoughts, or mention of any such wicked­ness; and denyed that she ever spake of my neglecting any oppor­tunity of killing the King, or the Lord Shaftsbury; and denyed that I ever told her, I had been in a Room with the King alone.

Mr. Wood being examined said, he knew me, and had seen me at Mrs. Celliers and other places, but never at the Tower. When I di­ned there he was from home. He owned that he paid Mrs. Cellier twenty pounds for the Prisoners, but denyed that he brought me any money for Lane.

Sunday Novemb. 2. 1679. at the Council Board Mr. John Gad­bury being Examined, said, he hath seen me once or twice at his house with Mrs. Cellier, and that he believed he might have cast my Nativity by the name of Thomas at the desire of Mrs. Cellier, and two more Nativities for her two Daughters; he sayes that looking upon my Horoscope, it Prognosticated a bold and Adventurous man, but does not remember that he said to Mrs. Cellier that I would be hang'd, but that it was possible I might. That he cast likewise the Lord Powis his Nativity, as he used to do of all persons of Qua­lity the certain time of whose Birth he could be assured of.

2. Matthew Hopkinson a Scrivener over against Somerset House ac­knowledged that he subscribed a List of Names, and a Letter of mine in a Room two pair of stairs high, but he did not remember that it was of a Womans hand-writing; and the List and Letters being shewn to him, he owned them to be his own hand.

3. Sir James Butler owned the Taking of an Affidavit of Lane about Buggery charged upon Mr. Oates, and that a Woman came with the said Lane to him.

4. Thomas Jolly the Tayler being sworn, said he carried a Letter from Mrs. Cellier to the Lady Powis, and brought back an answer, and that when he returned I was present, and that he had seen me half a dozen times at Mrs. Celliers.

Upon full hearing of these several Informations and Examinati­ons, this was the result of the Council.

[Page 55] Whitehall, November 2. Mr. Thomas Dangerfeild alias Willoughby having been examined the twenty seventh past by the Lords of his Majesties Privy Council concerning certain dangerous and Trea­sonable Papers seized in Mr. Roderick Mansell's Chamber which it appeared to their Lordships had been by him conveyed thither, was thereupon by Order of the Board committed to Newgate. And having since given in an Information to the Lord Mayor of London of several Treasonable practices against his Majesties Per­son and Government, and of hishaving been prevailed with by several of the Popish Religion to Counterfeit the above-mentioned Pa­pers and Letters by which divers Noble-men and other Protestants were to have been brought under a suspicion of carrying on a Plot against his Majesties Government. And the said Information be­ing yesterday morning brought to his Majesty by the Lord Mayor, and by his Majesty sent to the Council Board, Mr. Dangerfeild was sent for, and farther examined by their Lordships; who there­upon, the last night, Committed the Earl of Castlemaine to the Tover, and Mrs. Cellier to Newgate; and did this day likewise Commit Mr. Gadbury to the Gate-house, and Mr. Rigaut to New­gate; several other persons accused, being in the Custody of his Majesties Messengers. And their Lordships have appointed the further examination of this matter on Tuesday next.

Middlesex and Westminster,
The Information of Mrs. Jane Bradley of Westminster, Wid­dow, taken upon Oath this first day of November, 1679. before me Edmund Warcup, Esquire, one of his Majesties Justices of the Peace in the said County and City.

THis Informant saith, that upon a Saturday about three weeks ago one Thomas Curtice late of Lancashire, now in or about London, came to Heaven, where this Informant lives, and as she was lighting him out of Doors, he told her that he heard there were Commissions giving forth, and that Mr. Bloud had the giving them out: and added that if he could get one of them it would be five thousand pounds in his way, and that this Informant should have part of it: Whereupon this Informant asked him what way he propounded to get one of them; who answered, by Cap­tain Brown, who was one of his Countrey-men with whom he was acquainted. Some time after which the said Thomas Curtice brought the said Capt. Brown to the same house, but they then discour­sed nothing of the business in her hearing, but this Informant did and doth apprehend that the said Curtice meant that those Com­missions [Page 56] were to be given out against the King. And she further saith that she sent for Mr. Bloud, and acquainted him with the said dis­course; who answered, 'twas very well done to tell him thereof, but there was no such thing in being; and about a week after, Mr. Bloud gave this Informant a Broad piece of Gold, saying, you are a poor woman, and directed her to know as much as she could of the matter: And accordingly this Informant did enquire of the said Curtice about the 5000 l. but could get nothing out of him more than that he was well assured of the 5000 l. And she further saith, that Mr. Bloud and Captain Brown had been at Heaven together before that time. And she remembers that she did tell the said Brown, that one Lawton, one Pember, and one Tresby were acquainted with the said Curtice: And she heard the said Lawton was a Priest-taker: And fur­ther saith not at present.

Jane Bradley.

Jurat. Die & Anno supra­dict.

Coram me Ed­mund. VVarcup.

The said Jane Bradley doth further say, upon her Oath, that the last time she spoke to the said Thomas Curtice, which was when he fetcht a Straw-hat from Heaven, she said unto him words to this effect, When is it that we must get the 5000 l.? to which he an­swered, I will not meddle in it, it troubles my Conscience, and it were but Treachery in me if it were done, and it is to no purpose to meddle in it, for there is a list found out: or to that effect.

Jane Bradley.

Jurat. Die & Anno supradict.

Co­ram me Edmund. VVarcup.

November 2 the same day. 1. The Deposition of William Woodman taken upon Oath on Novemb. 2. 1679. before the Lords of His Majesties Most Honourable Privy Council.

WHO saith, That he hath known Mr. Willoughby at the Lord Powis his house for about two Months time; and that he hath seen him and Mrs. Cellier write together very often. That he carried a Pacquet of Letters from Mr. Wil­loughby or Mrs. Cellier to the Lady Powis at the Tower; and that her Ladyship opened the Pacquet, and read some of the Letters, and gave others to him the said woodman, who carried them to one Ne­vill in the Kings Bench; and that he hath carried Letters divers times between Mrs. Cellier, and Mr. Willoughby, and Nevill.

William Woodman.

2. The Information of Mary Ayray, taken upon Oath the se­cond day of November 1679. before the Lords of his Ma­jesties most Honourable Privy Council.

THis Informant saith upon her Oath, That she went with Willoughby and Duddell to Nevill in the Kings Bench, and left VVilloughby at a Coffee-house by the way, and carried a sheet of Notes taken at Langhorn's Tryal, which VVilloughby writ, but was given her by Mrs. Cellier to carry to Nevill: And she saith, she carried a Letter from Nevill to Mrs. Cellier, and a Letter from Mrs. Cellier to the Lady Powis; she hath also seen Singe with Mrs. Cellier, and she has seen VVilloughby write the Speeches of the five Jesuites, the which Mrs. Cellier did dictate to him: and saith also, that she hath seen Lane at Powis-house, who went by the name of Johnson; and that Mrs. Cellier ordered him to be called by that name. This Informant also saith, that she went with my Lady Abergavenny last Winter to the Earl of Shaftsbury, about her being Indicted as a Po­pish Recusant, but has not been at any other time since with the Earl of Shaftsbury; but knows nothing of the Earl of Shaftsbury's being threatned to be killed by the Lady Abergavenny: and saith, that Mr. Nevill did bid her tell my Lady Powis, that he would write to his Friend.

Mary Ayray.

3. The Information of Bennet Dugdale a Joyner, taken upon Oath before His Majesty in Council, Novemb. 2. 1679.

THe Informant saith, That he hath wrought at Powis-house, and hath there seen Mr. VVilloughby, and that he went with Mrs. Ayray to see one in Prison in the Kings Bench, but knew not that his name was Nevill, that Mr. VVilloughby stayed in the mean time at a Coffee-house there by: he saith, that when they return­ed, they brought some Papers with them; and that soon after Mrs. Ayray went to the Tower; that he hath at Powis-house seen Mr. VVilloughby, Mrs. Cellier and others often writing: he remem­bers, that one Mr. Lane lay there in the house; and that Mrs. Cel­lier was once in great fear, when she thought that Lane was lost: he doth remember, that Mr. VVilloughby did once ask him if he could make a Hand-Press in order to Printing? and he made answer, he would ask the Lord Powis and his Lady, if he might make such a thing: he sayes he went Once or Twice with Mrs. Ayray to the Gate-house, who went with money to the Prisoners: but the rea­son of his being the more with Mrs. Ayray, was by the reason of a [Page 58] Match proposed by Mrs. Cellier between him and her: That in Powis-house there is a private place made by him, and by the Lady Powis's Order. Sworn before the King and Council.

Bennet Duddell.

Tuesday, Novemb. 4. 1679.

1. The Lady Powis was called in, to whom the Deposition of Woodman was read, her Ladyship said,

That to her knowledge she never had a pacquet from me, or ever sent a Pacquet to Nevill, that she hath had several Letters from Mrs. Cellier, and perhaps she may have given at some time a Pacquet to her boy, written from some body else; That her Ladyship ne­ver went to see Nevill at the Kings Bench, but going there to see the Lady Gage, some body pointed to Nevill as he was at the Win­dow, and once before that she thinks she saw him elsewhere: That she never had Letter from Nevill, though perhaps she might have had one from me.

2. To the Deposition of Duddel she saith,

That it is true one Mr. Ayray did bring to the Tower some Re­marques upon Langhorn's Tryal, but she never saw any thing brought from Nevile at the Kings Bench.

3. To the Deposition of Susan Edwards she saith,

That though she hath been at Mrs. Celliers, she never had so much as lighted out of her Coach to have any discourse with me.

4. To the Deposition of Mrs. Ayray, she saith as before,

That she never brought her Ladyship any message from Mr. Ne­vile.

5. To the Deposition of Mr. Jolly a Taylor, her Ladyship sayes,

That she had two or three short notes from me, as also a great pacquet of papers brought by Jolly from me, but looking them over, she found them very insignificant things: That once or twice she had some short notes from me, but was much surprized to receive them.

She affirms that I never told her of my having been alone with the King; though she was indeed told it by Mrs. Cellier, but for [Page 59] any such answer, as to lament that I was not then prepared to Kill the King, she never gave it, and abhors any such thoughts, having never heard of any such thing, or any other Treason in her life.

That for my Lodging so long at her house, all the servants are able to testifie, That it was without her knowledge, and when she came there I still endeavoured to keep out of her sight.

I said that after I was to make my first appearance at the Council, Mrs. Cellier went to her Ladyship to the Tower, to frame an excuse touching forty shillings that should have been lent me by one of her Ladyships servants. Her Ladyship answered, It was true Mrs. Cel­lier came to her with a story in her mouth of about forty shillings ow­ing to one of her servants, but her Ladyship chid her severely, and told her she would keep no servant that would be guilty of such a thing, her Ladyship added, that she never saw me but twice.

Mrs. Cellier being called in, and askt whether she had not been at the Tower with the Lady Powis to frame some excuse for me, flatly denyed the same, but being told that the Lady Powis had even now owned it, she then confest that on Thursday seven-night she was there, and told her Ladyship how her Husband and her Son Mr. Blazedale were bound for my appearance, when Justice war­cup came and took me from her house.

That I did indeed advise her to say something touching money due to a servant of the Lady Powis, but that her Ladyship hearing thereof, was displeased at it, then she railed at me.

And being told of her industry to get my Nativity cast, she said that I having desired the same, she got Mr. Gadbury to do it, but I affirmed Mrs. Cellier sent her maid Margaret, whilest I was in Prison, for the time of my Birth.

Bedford was then called in, who referred himself to the account he had given of his Correspondence with me by Information, to Mr. Justice Warcup.

And further saith, That he went about with me to several Clubbs.

That he went with me also to Thompson in Fetter-Lane, who was then Printing the Presbyterian Ʋnmaskt: That I have often brought with me to the Coffee-House papers fresh and wet from the Press: That I went to pay moneys to Mr. Dormer in St. Johns's: That I enquired of him after Clubs; and that he naming the Kings Head Club, thither I went, and would have got a List of the Names, but the Drawer refused. The like happened at ano­ther [Page 60] place; but at the Green Dragon we got a List of about Eighty Names of such as used to meet there.

Afterwards we went to the Sun and Ship Taverns, to enquire if the D. of Monmouth had not been there the Night before his de­parture.

That I told him how by Gadbury's means I was acquainted with Sir Robert Peyton, and by him was getting into the Kings-Head Clubb, but that Sir Robert disswaded me upon the account of the Charge, for that they did sometimes make a Purse of one or two Guinneys a man about special service.

That I lay for a time at the Goat near Exeter-house, and that going with him thence to drink Cock-Ale, it so flew up into my head, that going into a Coffee-house I raised a great quarrel there about a Word relating to Sr. Thomas Player, the Matter of which had been heard by Mr. Secretary Coventry, That I shewed him a Paper called The State of the Three Kingdoms, that I told him, that the Lord Shaftsbury, Dr. Tounge, Sir VVilliam VValler, &c. had pri­vate meetings about Fox-Hall about the Plot, and that it was there hatched by them, and that I had Lodgings at Mrs. Celliers, and lamented once unto him my wanting of Twenty Pound for some great design; that I had been at the Lord Clarendon's, whom I complained of as a Dilatory man.

That I asked Bedford, if at their being together in Cliffords-Inn-Garden, he did not receive from me a Gift of forty shillings, and if I did not discourse to him so and so concerning the D. of York, and the D. of Lauderdale, and about Scotland, and touching three hundred Horse that were to be raised by Sir VVilliam VValler.

Bedford denyed any Gift of forty shillings in the Garden, but that he borrowed forty shillings at two other times.

That he never spake to me of either of these Dukes, or of Scot­land. And as to the three hundred Horse, he said he had given an account of it to a Minister of State.

I replyed, That as to this of the three hundred Horse, he spoke it also to Mr. Stanford the D. of Newburgh's Agent, who if called upon, was able to testifie the same.

Mr. Justice VVarcup coming in, acquainted the Board, that Mr. Cellier and his Son-in-Law Blazedale the Apothecary did both attend, and that there were yet wanting the Examinations of some of their servants: Upon which the Lord President directed him to take those Examinations.

[Page 61] Blasden called in and Sworn, said, That Margaret brought him a Note for Opium to cause Rest; but he refusing to follow that Dire­ction, he mixed somthing that was less Dangerous, which the Maid afterwards told him signified nothing; and therefore ordered him to mix somwhat a great deal stronger.

Mr. Cellier being asked about the Paper of the Nativity, saith, He read it not himself, but that his Daughter read it to him; He re­membred only somthing of Prophesie, or a Man's Fortune: That there were in it the words Horoscope, Venus, Mercury, &c. That the Man should be Hang'd at last; but he knew no more of it, or of whom it was, but that he burned the Paper, and Owned, That he was a Ro­man Catholick, and a French Merchant.

But Mr. Blasden, in whose House the Paper was read, said, It set forth, How that his Adventures should be very various, and that he should come before some Judge, and be in Danger in a Sea-Fight.

Then I asked Cellier, if he did not remember when in the pre­sence of his Wife, I said, I was then come from my Lord Shaftsbury? This he deny'd, and also that he heard any Discourse extraordinary between me and Rigaut, but that Rigaut had been twice at his House, and that I and he played at some Game together: He denied also that he saw any Dagger in his House, or that ever any was hid un­der his Beds-side: He acknowledged to have seen the Lady Powis at his House, but not six times in all.

But Mr. Blasden said, He had seen her Ladiships Coach a dozen times, which he could see plain from his Shop; but did not re­member to have seen her Ladiship go into Mr. Cellier's above twice.

The Lord Peterborough was called in, and having been told what was Objected against him as having encouraged me at his Lord­ship's House, to go again to the Lord Shaftsbury, and to be sure to Dispatch him the third time: His Lordship flatly denied any such thing; and then in a large Discourse appealed to the known Method of his Life and Conversation, his Constant Services to the Crown, and how little he had been concern'd in this Matter, as being known by all Good men not to be capable of such a Thing: That as to the Earl of Shaftsbury, he came lately Over with great Expectation of his aid and favour in Parliament; touching an unhappy Difference arisen with a great Ally (meaning his Son-in-law's Father.) And that the Earl of Shaftsbury had already testified so much Countenance in this matter, that he came over full of Inclinations to do that Lord greater Ser­vices than he can well express.

That before his Daughter was disposed of in Marriage, a very No­ble Lady, the Lady Powis, who had testified very great Inclinations, [Page 62] to have her Married to her Ladiship's Nephew; upon which Obliga­tion he then grew Intimate with the said Lady, and being a Person that is not wont to forget his Friends in their Afflictions, had often gone to that Lady, to give her the best Comfort he could; That wait­ing on her Ladiship when he came lately from Flanders, she recom­mended to him just at parting a very Charitable Woman, one Mrs. Cellier, unto whom the late Dutchess of Tork was a Debtor in 5 or 600 l.

That his Lordship being one of the Duke's Commissioners, did promise to further her Business: That in further Recommendation of this Woman, the Lady added, That she was a great Servant to the Duke and also to the King: And also being a Woman of great Un­derstanding, and getting Acquaintance by her Opportunity of being a Midwife, into many considerable Families, she had wrought about several Incensed Persons to be of better Principles and Inclina­tions both to the King and the Duke. And more particularly, that this Woman had now found out a Man who was very able to disco­ver any dangerous Practices against the King.

That Mrs. Cellier came soon after to his Lodgings, that she gave a great Character of one Willoughby, who had much improved him­self abroad in the Service of the Prince of Orange, and under the Duke de Villa Hermosa; that this man coming over and resorting to the Coffee-Houses, was much Suprized at the Rebellious discour­ses that he heard; but that concealing his thoughts, he grew Famili­ar with the most Mutinous, who liked him so well, that they carried him to their Clubs and private meetings, and being admitted to their Secrets, he found that great and dangerous things were preparing against the Parliament.

That she desired his Lordship but to procure a Warrant for ma­king a Search, and that all the whole matter would be Plainly dis­covered; but she desired that this Warrant might be obtained without the King's knowledge: That of all this Information, his Lordship gave an Account to the Duke, who refused to have any thing acted therein without the King's knowledge; That I came with Mrs. Cellier to his Lodgings where the Duke saw me, and I was afterwards handed to the King.

That when I came afterwards to his Lordship, I mentioned the difficulty of getting a Warrant; and Complaining of want of zeal in the King's Ministers, I said I would yet do my business without a War­rant, and by the Custom-house way.

That as concerning my Lord Shaftsbury, I told him that there was some Woman about the Duke that Writ to the Earl of Shafts­bury all the dangerous things she could Invent; and to make proof of this, came afterwards to shew two Letters, which his Lordship [Page 63] presently saw were Written in Sir Richard Bolstrode's hand; and con­tained nothing touching the Duke, but such matters of Common In­telligence from Brussels, as he himself or any other man might fitly write.

Whereupon he said, I pretended to him that there was a third Let­ter of greater Importance, which he had lost; but as to those two Letters, his Lordship said they were given to the King.

Soon after this I came to him at Midnight, and said I was going to Prison; To which his Lordship could only say, That if I were guilty of any Crime, he knew not how to help me; but if I were to suffer by mistake, the King's Ministers would soon discover it, and set me again at Liberty.

His Lordship upon my question owned, That he being at Dinner at Lamb's, I came there to him about a Meeting to be had at Mr. Gadburies with Sir Robert Peyton, and perhaps it might be upon a Letter from the Lady Powis, as I had affirmed.

His Lordship did acknowledge, That he gave his Servants charge to admit me when ever I came; And that he did also call me Cap­tain Willoughby: but the occasion was, that I telling his Lordship, that I hoped his Majesty would gratifie and provide me as good an Im­ployment as I had refused from the other side; his Lordship did say, Doubtless His Majesty will provide for you, and that when ever any Forces were sent abroad, I should not neer to fear but that I should have a Company.

That he did not wonder at all at my confident Words, since they had been the best Cards I had to play for my Life: but that his Lordship's actions have been such, as will except him from any sha­dow of reflection that can happen by such a Creature as I.

As to the business of Sir Robert Peyton, he would conceal nothing that the Council desired to know. And first he said, he knew not that Sir Robert was Privy to any thing relating to me, but that Mrs. Cel­lier telling him (as he said before) the good Offices she had done the King and Duke, with some that were Inflamed against him, she na­med Sir Robert Peyton for One, who told her, That if he could be for­given what was past, he would come in and help the Government; but that his greatest fear was from the Duke, who was thought to be a Person of Animosity that could not Forgive: That when his Lordship assured Mrs. Cellier of the contrary, she told him that Sir Robert would not be willing to meet at any Publick Place, but at Gadburies he would; where accordingly they met, where Sir Ro­bert Peyton declared, He would come into the Kings Service to all Purposes; that he seem'd to complain of some hard Measure, and doubted much of the Duke's reconciliation; but his Lordship going [Page 64] far towards Sir Robert's satisfaction, he afterwards met the Duke at his Lordship's Lodgings, and had all the Assurance he could desire; which is all that he knew or could say concerning Sir Robert Peyton.

Here I did acknowledge, That I told his Lordship of an Ill Wo­man in the Duke's Family that corresponded with the Lord Shafts­bury, and I had lost one of the Letters.

His Lordship told the Board, That he could not but be troubled to have his name mentioned by such a Person as I was; but yet if any whoever should come to morrow to him again and tell him of any dangerous Practices against the King, and the Government, whether by the Lord Shaftsbury or any other Lord whatsoever, he should hold himself bound in duty to Hearken to any such Person, and to Indeavour to discover such danger by all the waies he could.

Mr. John Webb of Missenden in the County of Bucks, being call'd in, said, He knew me, but remembred not when I went down to his House, but that I was sent by Mrs. Cellier, and not by my Lady Powis; That he knew nothing of any Letters sent down by me, or of one Mr. Jean, or any other Priests at his House; that I only went down to fetch up a Child.

Then I Objected, That he knew Jean so well, that at his last com­ing from home, he brought him a Letter from Jean, being then at Mrs. Cellier's. Webb denying this, the very Letter found by Sir William Waller was produced and read; upon which, Mr. Webb said, It was possible, but he had forgot it. And I saying, That Mrs. Celliers was by when that Letter was delivered to him, Cellier denied it. But I replyed, That Webb knew all, as well as what he would now excuse.

The Copy of the aforesaid Letter from H. Jean to me.


I Received yours on Monday last, and think my self much obliged to you, for that you remember your Captive Friend; it is some divertisment to my reti­red life, to hear somtimes how affairs stand; both that I may the better know how to set my steps that are laid for Innocent Men, and learn also how to va­lue an Innocent Solitude more than the Tumults of a confused World. I perceive by yours, the old Stick­lers are still busy, and strive to blind the peoples eyes with a Popish Plot, that there own may not be seen. When was there ever Mischief or Treason hatcht against Monarchy, but under the Cloak of Religion, and Zeal against Popery? Things are so plain, that who are not wilfully blind, must needs see the good old Cause taking life again: God bless the King, and direct his Council, That we may live in Peace and Justice under him: This is the Prayer of

Your very humble Servant, H. Jean.

Pray present my humble service to Mounsieur Cellier and his Lady.

[Page 66] John Porter, Butler to my Lord Powis, being sworn, saies, That he is a Protestant, that he hath seen me at Powis-House several times, and that I lodged there, but not by the Knowledge of the Lord or Lady; he remembred that Lane was also there by the name of John­son. He did confess he gave me a Bottle of Sherry at the Tower, but not by the Lord's Order; and that I dined there another day, and that he did lead me to the Lodgings of the Lord Arundel, and the Lord Bellasis

John Lane being called in, said, That he lay at Powis-house for a Month or six Weeks by my Order and Mrs. Cellier's, from whom he had his diet; that he went by the Name of Johnson, fearing to be arrested by Mr. Oates for what he had testifyed a­gainst him; and in that fear he went down to Grayes near Graves-End, and had a pair of Shoes given him by me, who also got him out of Prison, which was a chargeable work; he said he made an Affidavit before Sir James Butler. And being askt by one of the Lords, Whether he had not before the house of Lords, made two contrary Affidavits? he acknowledged, That out of fear he had done so, but that the first drawn by me, as Mr. Nevil had di­rected, was true and the other false.

Mr. Knox being called in, said, He knew me from the time we met at Powis house, going there in search of Lane, who was to give the Evidence for him.

That the Examinant knowing in whose house he had been, was much troubled, in as much as he is a Protestant; that it was true, that he being in Prison writ little notes to his Brother under the Dore, but knew not who conveyed them: That he knew Mrs. Ayray, that he had seen me at Mrs. Cellier's house, and there had had some Money of me, though he was ever cautious of me, fearing I was a Papist. That I met him once at Procter's Coffee House, where he read to me an Affidavit made by Osborn, and owned, That I did deliver Papers unto him; he also owned, That Rogers and Sherman the Sadler told him, that they heard Nevil report, how he had furnished some with money to get the Examinant out of Prison; which he with anger questioning Nevil about; Nevil made answer, it was true, and plain demonstration.

Mr. Dormer being called in, said, He knew me, having seen me at Mrs. Celliers, from whom I once brought him Five Pounds; and that he had seen me twice or thrice at Powis-House, where he had been to wait upon the Lady, to whom he was related; and that he had been at Mrs. Celliers to see a Child brought from Peterley that was his Nephew; that Mr. Webb of Peterley was his Kinsman, That he knew not of Mr. Jean, nor any such man there, having not been for three quarters of a year at that house: That he knew nothing [Page 67] at all of the Presbyterian Plot, mentioned by me, and saies he never carried to the Tower the Pamphlet called, Traytors transform'd into Martyrs; but that indeed he had one of those Books, and remem­bers he gave it to Mrs. Cellier, meeting her once with me in Tower-Street. He owned that he saw me once at the Rainbow Coffee-House, and there pull'd off his Hat without speaking to me; That he had seen the Danby-reflections, but knew not who writ them.

Being asked, if he had heard any thing of the Murder of the Lord Shaftsbury? he said, That several Moneths ago there was such a report; And that one Adamson a Watchmaker with a Barber and others in Holbourn, were concern'd in it; but that he never heard any thing else thereof, much less ever consulted such a thing with the Lady Abergaveny.

That he knows Turner the Bookseller, and had the Pamphlet be­fore mentioned, from him; but denyes that he ever writ the same, or that he ever delivered Five Pounds to one Sharpe, to pray for any man's soul.

Mrs. Woodman, who lives in Drury-Lane, at the Corner house of Parker's Lane, being called in, said, That Margaret, formerly Maid to Mrs. Cellier, had been without attending, but would be gone; though she advised her to stay, and that being out of service she knows not where to find her.

The Lords bid her tell Margaret, if they met, that a Messenger should take her in Custody, unless she would attend the Clerk of the Council of her own accord.

Friday, Novemb. 7th, 1679. in the Afternoon.

I was sent for to Council, and in my presence Margaret Jenkins, formerly Servant to Mr. Cellier, being Sworn, and Interrogated by me, answered,

That she carried Money to me in Newgate, but remembred not how much it was. That I was afterwards in the Counter, and send­ing earnestly to her Mistriss to get me out, she sent the Examinant to me with 50 s. But the same not being sufficient, she brought it back again, and 3 l. was afterwards sent.

She acknowledged, That her Mistress bid me get out by Tuesday, and that being out, I should presently come to her.

That she did carry several Letters between me and her Mistress, but knew not what they concerned.

[Page 68] That she did carry two small Vials to the Kings-Bench, but knew not what was in them, nor whether the Lady Powis was con­cerned in that Advice.

That after carrying the first Bottle, she went next Morning to the Kings-Bench, and that I sent for a second Bottle, it being in a lit­tle Vial Glass.

She owned, That I spake to her about sending to Mr. Bedloe, and told her also of my acquaintance with Strode, for that we had for­merly been Padding together.

That she once brought Money to me to give to Monson.

That Mrs. Cellier did acquaint the Lady Powis of my desire to see Mr. Bedloe. To which her Ladiship answered, I might do what I pleased, for she would not meddle with that matter.

That I told her I made Strode high in Drink, having taken some­thing that hindred me from being in that Condition; and that I gave her some Notes of what I had then learned from Strode.

As to the Cause of her turning away, She said it was on this Ac­count: An Irish-Man who is a Sollicitor, came once and told her, That her Mistress had got a Rupture by keeping me in her House; And that the truth was, We lived in such a manner together at Powis-House, that the Old Man her Husband was sent up thither to keep us honest; That of this she gave some Account to Mrs. Cel­lier's Daughter, and upon this occasion she was turned away; her Mistress also telling her, That seeing she could not live quietly at her own House, she had no further need of her Service.

She said, She saw me twice at Powis-House, that time she was there waiting at the Table on her Mistress and me, and that she poached Eggs for us. Being asked, Whether she did not lately hear from Mrs. Cellier, by way of Advice and Instruction, how to behave her self? She denyed that she had any Letter or Message from her, or had seen her of a long time.

Nevil, aliàs Payn, was called in, he said he knew me, and had seen me four times at Powis-House. That he knew not of my going to Mr. Webb's in Buckinghamshire.

That he never had any Letters or Papers from the Lady Powis in his life; but that betwixt him and Mrs. Celliers, many Letters and Papers had past: And denyed not, but that the Danby-Reflections past out of his Hands.

[Page 69] By Mrs. Cellier the Papers of Knox, Lane and Osborn were brought to him for his advice, which having given, he sent back; he remembred that I did attend in the Rules when Mrs. Ayry and Dowdel came over to him, but knows nothing of twenty seven pa­pers that he should send to me, and desires if any such thing were objected to him that he might see his hand.

That for the many Lists objected to have been writ over by him, he denied the same; he said he knew Monson and Keymish from many years acquaintance; he owned that Mrs. Cellier came to him in the Fleet, to tell him of Prance his being tortured, and how that the Lord Shaftsbury was setting up Strode to be a new witness; he said I told him, that he had turned Strode the wrong side out­wards.

He denied the sending of any Letters or Lists to his remembrance, or any Letter to the Tower by any Woman: He knew nothing of the Affidavit made by Lane, but would not deny that such a thing might have been. He said that Knox was troubled he should de­clare as he did, for that he was told, that he was taken out of prison by Mrs. Celliers charity.

He said that the second discourse he had with me at Powis's house was, concerning Mrs. Celliers having offered to procure me an En­signs place under the Duke of Monmouth, in the late expedition to Scotland, or else that I should stay and depend upon her.

He said farther, That Mrs. Cellier from being his friend, became his enemy. I replied, That Mrs. Cellier had sent him 80 l. and that her husband had been his security to keep him from prison, but that upon some difference arising upon complaint made, that Nevils daughter was like to turn Whore, old Celliers withdrew his security, and so Nevil was returned to prison.

Nevil in answer to this reviled with many passionate expressions, and as to the writing the Pamphlet Timothy Touchstone, he denies it, and says he knew nothing of Mr. Jeane the Priest in Buckingham­shire.

As to one Cox in Covent-Garden he said he had been his Agent about his business in Ireland, but denied to have heard any thing from him about Ten thousand pound, which I objected; he acknowledged that he was still for the advice of Indicting false witnesses, and had twenty times advised the Indicting Oates and Bedloe, but as for the framing a Presbyterian Plot, and to draw men into it, it had been a great villany, and he utterly denies the same.

[Page 70] That he only had from Mrs. Cellier Fifteen pound; but that she had of his money Seventeen pound; That the commerce between her and me was very scandalous, and she was suspected to defraud the Charity which came through her hands, which by the Collection of all forts of Catholicks was about Twenty two pounds per week.

He acknowledged, that he advised me to compound my debts, and not to depend upon shifts of Law.

He owned that he received all the Trials that were printed, and had fingered them out, as would still appear by the Books he had by him; for that seeing how ill things hung together, and that some things looked like perjury, he thought it would be easie to frame Indictments against the Witnesses.

That as to his informing me of a List of mutinous Coffee-houses he denied the same, having never been in above four or five in his life, but it was notorious enough how all the Coffee-houses were factious.

He declared his great hatred and animosity against Mrs. Cellier, who formerly indeed came to him every day, but that she caused her husband to withdraw his Bail, and he was again clapt up.

To this I objected, That it was not altogether Mrs. Cellier, but the advice of the Lords in the Tower, that he should be again con­fined; forasmuch as when he was formerly in that Condition, he had been very industrious about writing of Papers in their bu­siness, but that being at Liberty, he chiefly followed the Play-House.

Nevil here reflects upon me as a Lewd and Infamous person, to which I replied, That if I were such as he said, it was the more plain, that I could not proceed in such weighty undertakings as I had managed, without considerable Counsel and Direction; which is agreeable to what I have affirmed.

The Lady Powis said, She hoped the Oath of an Infamous person should not bring her in danger, for that no person of Common sense would ever trust such a Creature as I was with any thing of im­portance.

Mrs. Cellier said, She never caused me, or any body else to put forth Pamphlets, but that indeed I did make some, and put them forth, [Page 71] which were very inconsiderable things, that I did once read to her two Pamphlets wherein was no matter of hurt but the things were foolish, and mere Chimaera's, and then she railed upon me, &c.

The Lord Peterborough called in, said, That he gave his ser­vants charge to admit me whenever I came, and that he did call me Captain Willoughby, yet his Lordship told the Board, he could not but be troubled to have his name mentioned by so infamous a person as I was.

Mr. Nevil alias Payne, called into the Council on Friday, Novem. 7. 1679. saith, That I had writ him a kind of a Challenge, which he knowing my life, rejected: besides, that I was grown in be­haviour proud, and high as a Prince.

Midd. and Westmin.
The Information of Thomas Curtis of Westmin­ster Cloth-worker, taken the Fifth day of No­vem. 1679. before Edmund Warcup Esq one of his Majesties Justices of the Peace in the said County and City.

THis Informant saith, that about half a year ago, he became acquainted with Mr. Willoughby, taking him to be a very Civil Gentleman, and not knowing that he had any other name; and about the second day of October last, he met the said Willoughby at the Hoop-Tavern on Fishstreet-hill, and there drank a Bottle of Rhenish-Wine with him; in the drinking whereof, he the said Willoughby told this Informant, that he looked on him as an honest man and one that loved his King and Country, and expressed him­self to be a Protestant, and much against Rebellion: and further added, that he would put this Informant into a Way to serve his King and Countrey: whereunto this Informant replyed, that he would serve his King and Countrey to the last drop of his bloud in anything that was just: to which the said Willoughby replyed, that he would not put this Informant on any thing but what was ho­nourable and just, and that he would make it easie, but at that time refused to tell the business, but appointed this Informant to dine with him at M rs Celliers the next day following, which this Informant did, and after Dinner, the said Willoughby took this In­formant into a private room, and there told this Informant, that there were Commissions given out privately by the Fanaticks, and perswaded this Informant to get one, and if this Informant did so, he would bring this Informant to the King, and that it should be 5000 l in this Informants way, besides being taken care of for the future: But this Informant replying, that he did not believe there was any such thing, the said Willoughby answer'd, that he knew it to be true, and that he had been at several meetings with them, and named one in Holbourn, another which he called Sir Tho­mas Player's, or my Lord Shaftbury's in London, a third that was Sir Robert Peyton's, and particularly said, that Bloud's party issued out these Commissions.

And this Informant had heard before that M rs Cellier had har­boured the Gentlemen that came over from St. Omer's and that she was a Papist, but the said Willoughby did never intimate to this Informant that he was imployed by the Papists in this Affair, and charged this Informant not to say any thing of this Matter to [Page 73] Mr. Nevil because he had no Correspondence with him nor desired any: nor to Mrs. Cellier because she was a woman: And then this Informant promised him to see what could be done, and so left him, resolving not to insinuate into any secret Trust on purpose to betray it; about Four days after which, this Informant returned to Mr. Wil­loughby and told him he had been at the Club in Westminster-market, but could not learn any such thing, and when this Informant had seen the said Willoughby, this Informant went to Mr. Nevil and Mr. Nevil bid this Informant never to meddle with such villanous treacheries: and this Informant further saith, that he likewise told Mrs. Jane Bradley the same story, and that he heard that Mr. Blouds party, the Fanaticks, had the giving out these Commissions, and she then said, she would use her interest with one Captain Brown, who had formerly been her Sweet-heart to get one: And the said Jane Bradley had several times since wished we could get the 5000 l. saying she would share therein: and this Informant did tell her that he heard those Commissions were given out by Mr. Blouds party, by those people where he was concerned, and that this Informant would beg his Bread before he would be guilty of such Treacherous designs, and that it was to no purpose to meddle in it for there is a list found out as he heard: and this Informant remembers the said Willoughby asked this Informant if he knew Collonel Mansel, which this Informant said he did, and he also told this Informant that he had been in the Earl of Shaftsbury's Company or Club, and fur­ther saith not.

Tho. Curtis.

Jurat die & anno supradict.

cor. me Edm. Warcup.

And this Informant saith, that Mrs. Bradley asked him in whose name the said Commissions were to issue out, whereunto this Infor­mant Answered, that he heard that it was in the name of the Keepers of the Liberties of England, and did farther say he heard some should hold that the Long Parliament was not yet Dissolved, but this Informant doth not remember from whom he heard these particulars.

Tho. Curtis.

Jurat eodem die

cor. me Edm. Warcup.

Middlesex and Westminst▪
The Examination of Henry Blasedall Apothecary [...] Arundel-Street, taken this Sixth day of November, 1679. before me Edmund Warc [...] Esq one of his Majesties Justices of the Peace [...] the said County and City.

WHO saith, that a Bill was brought to this Examinants Shop by one Margaret a Servant-maid to Mrs. Cellier, about the Seventeenth day of May last past, which Note contains as folloeth—Nine Grains of Opium dissolved in Syrup of Clove-Gilliflowers of Balneo vaporis by it self ʒjss. which this Examina [...] not judging fit to be given inwardly, sent in lieu thereof two Gra [...] of Laudanum in a little Spirit of Wine, and a little Syrup of Gilliflowers; and this Examinant believes the said Note or Bill to be t [...] hand-writing of Mr. Willoughby; and as this Informant hath since un derstood, the said Dose was intended for some Prisoner in the Marshalseas, to make him deliver some Writings, when he might b [...] lulled asleep by the said Dose; and this Examinant doth conceive, b [...] what Mr. Bedlow said at the Council-Chamber, that it might be intended for one Stroude, who 'tis said was then Prisoner there, as further saith not.

Henry Blasedall.


Capt. coram me Edmund. Warcup.

The further Examination of Mary the Wife of Henry Blasedall, taken as aforesaid.

THis Examinant saith, that Margaret declared, when she [...] back again to her Husbands Shop, that they had as good [...] sent a little fair water, for it did no good; and the same Dose be [...] sent a second time by the same Margaret, she said if there wer [...] better Physick in the Shop than that, they were not fit to keep [...] it was good for nothing; and she further saith, that the [...] lay among her Mother Mrs. Celliers Hoods and Scarfs; and [...] this Examinant 'twas waste-paper and good for nothing but to [...] whereupon this Examinant took it as such, but observing [...] upon it, she read as much of it as she could, which to the best rem [...] [Page] [...]

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