DAGON's FALL OR, The WHIGS Lamentation for the Death of Anthony King of Poland.
⟨Ag [...] Ld shaftsbury⟩

To the Tune of, Philander, &c. 3. feb. 1683/2
AH Cruel Bloody Fate!
VVhat canst thou now do more?
Alass! 'tis now too late
Poor Toney to restore:
VVhy should the flattering Fates persuade,
That Toney still should live,
In England here,
Or in Holland there,
Yet all our hopes deceive.
A Noble Peer He was,
And of Notorious Fame;
But now He's gone (alass!)
A Pilgrim o're the Main:
The Prop and Pillar of our hope
The Patron of our CAUSE;
The Scorn and Hate
Of Church and State,
The Urchin of the Laws.
Of matchless Policy
Was this Renowned Peer,
The bane of Monarchy,
The Peoples Hope and Fear,
The Joy of all True-Protestants,
The Tories Scorn and Dread;
But now He's gone
VVho curst the Throne,
Alass! poor Toney's dead.
For Commonwealth He stood,
Pretending Liberty;
And for the Publick Good
VVould pull down Monarchy:
The Church and State he would divorce,
The Holy CAUSE to wed:
And in time did hope
To confound the Pope,
To be himself the Head.
A TAP in's side he bore,
To broach all forts of Ill,
For which Seditious Store
The Croud ador'd him still:
He spit his Venom through the Town,
VVith which the Saints possest,
VVould preach and prate
Gainst Church and State,
VVhile He perform'd the rest.
VVhen any change of State,
Or Mischief was at hand,
He had a working Pate,
And Devil, at command:
He forg'd a PLOT, for which the Heads
Of Faction gave their Votes;
But now the PLOT
Is gone to pot,
VVhat will become of Oates?
Under the fair pretence
Of Right, Religion, Law,
Excluding the True Prince,
The Church would overthrow:
With such Religious Shams he brought
The Rabble on his side;
And, for his sport,
The Town and Court
In Parties would divide.
Now what's become of all
His squinting Policy
VVhich wrought your Dagon's Fall,
From Justice forc'd to flie?
Old and Decrepid, full of pains,
As he of Guilt was full:
He fell to Fate,
And now (too late)
He leaves us to condole.
Now, learn ye Whigs in time,
By his deserved Fall,
To expiate his Crime,
E'r Fate revenge you all;
For Rights, Religion, Liberty,
Are but the Sham-pretence
To Anarchy;
But Loyalty
Obeys the Lawful Prince:

LONDON: Printed by Nath. Thompson, at the Entrance into the Old-Spring-garden near Charing Cross, Anno Domini, 1683.

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