THE CASE Of Sir Nathaniel Napper, Baronet.
Elected one of the Members for the Town and County of Poole, to Sit in the Convention the 22d of January Instant.

THAT the said Town and County of Poole hath, by Prescription, always Elected MemĀ­bers for Parliament by their Mayor and BurgesĀ­ses only, as by all the Returns ever since 12 Edw. IV. appears.

That Sir N. Napper, with H. Trenchard Esq was duly Chosen by the Majotity of such as have Right to Vote, to Serve in this Convention, and was then Returned by the Sheriff (in terminis) Elected according to such Ancient and Customary Usage, and according to His Highnesses Letter.

That the Sheriff also hath returned Tho. Chaffin Esq Elected by the Commonalty, tho' they never before did, or had a Right to Elect.

That the Merits of this Cause and Return was heard by the Committee of Elections on Monday last, and the Majority by 12 of the said Committee then Voted for Mr. Chaffin.

That if the Election by the Commonalty be allowed, it will, by this Example, let in the Commonalty for the Future, and not only at present Exclude Sir N. Napper, but also destroy the Mayor and Burgesses Ancient and Customary Right of Election, as aforesaid, for the Future.

It is therefore most humbly Requested, That this Cause may be heard at the Bar of this Honourable House.

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