THat he is Prothonotor of a Court of Record, within the Manours of Stepney and Hackney, in the County of Midlesex; and hath been so for this Eight Years, last past; which Court holds Plea only in Personal Actions, under the Value of Five Pounds.

That he hath a Free-hold Estate therein, for his own Life and his Sons Life, worth about 200 l. Per An. Communibus Annis.

That he depended thereon, as a good Provision for him and his Son. And therefore upon coming into the said Place, left of his Practice as an Attorney, and hath discontinued the same ever since.

That the residue of his Estate, lyes most in new Ground-Rents, and new Foundations, proposed to be taxed, towards the defraying the ne­cessary Charge of the Navy.

That he hath been always ready to Serve the Publick, and hath served in several Commissions, both of the Peace, Militia, and others; from the Year 1680, until dismist, for Refusing to Consent, to take of the PENAL LAWS and TEST.

That in Case the Bill pass, for Erecting A Court of Concience in the Tower Hamlets. The said Prothonotor's Place, will be of little or no Value, by Reason the Court holds Plea, but for so small a Sum; where­by the said Robert Hastings, will be left Destitute of a reasonable In-come, for the Maintainance and Provision of himself, his Wife, and Children.

He therefore Refers himself to the Honour and Justice of this Honourable House, where he cannot but hope, towards ma­king up the Losses he is likely to sustain (for the Reasons aforesaid) to have his Name incerted in the said Bill, for The Tower Hamlets, as Register and Clerk, with the Powers thereunto belonging, preferable to any others; he having lived there, ever since he was Burnt out, by the Great Fire of London: And therefore well known to the Inhabitants, and the Inhabitants well known to him.

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