THE CASE Of many HUNDREDS OF Poor English-Captives, IN ALGIER, With some Remedies To Prevent their Increase, Humbly Represented to Both HOUSES of PARLIAMENT.

THat there hath been taken, since their last breach with us, not less than an Hundred and Forty Sail of Ships and other Vessels, many of them being richly laden, besides the great Advance they make upon the persons they take, there being at this time upwards of 1500, (besides many Hundreds who have Dyed there of the Plague,) who suffer and undergo most miserable Slavery, put to dayly extream and difficult Labour, but a poor supply of Bread and Water for their Food, stripped of their Cloaths and covering, and their Lodging on the cold Stones and Bricks; but what is more, their extream hard and savage la­ding them sometimes with great burthens of Chains, and shut up in noisome places, commonly adding some hundreds of blows on their bare feet, forcing out the very Blood, and sometimes on the Back, sometimes on the Belly, and sometimes on them all, insomuch that ma­ny are long decripit, some for ever, and some dying under their hands. But above all, is their frequent forcing of Men and Boys by their exe­crable Sodomy, also their inhumane abuses and force to the Bodies of Women and Girls, frequently attempting Sodomy on them also, some of whom both Males and Females have been so abused as hardly to e­scape with their Lives; All which Usage is so notoriously known by those who have been redeemed thence, that it needs no proof.

ANd First, It is apparent that that Promoters of all the inhumane usage of Christians, are principally the Jews there Inhabiting, there being hardly any one Vessel of those cruel Pyrates, but the owners thereof are for a great part Jews.

Secondly, It is apparent also, that all those ill-gotten Ships and Goods which they so barbarously Rob and take from the English-Merchants and Marriners, (to the great Impoverishing of this Nation) the Jews are the constant Buyers of, and so of the English-Captives, there being few Slaves in Algier, but a Iew is their Patroon, or else hath at least a share in them.

Thirdly, It is further evident that the Jews are the chief-Instigators of the Turks and Moors to make those poor Christian-Captives to deny their Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ; and it is they who incourage such on whom they so prevail to turn Runnagadoes, and prefer them to commands and Office in their Pyratical ships.

Fourthly, That it is the Jews who inhaunce the price of Christian souls, by Buying them at small Rates, and then exacting great summs for their Redem­ption, quite contrary to their usage at the taking of Jerusalem, when Thirty Jews were sold for a Groat, and possibly the Christians might now be Re­deemed at much lower Rates, were it not for the Jews who buy them, and do now exact a Thousand pound for the Redemption of one Captive, when possi­bly he, nor any of his Relations, are not worth half the value.

Fifthly, That the Jews are those who stir up the Turks and Moors, so to beat and abuse poor Captives, they not daring to do it themselves, for fear their Blows should be returned upon them again; so that the Natives of the place are but meer Vassals and Slaves to the Jews, and for the Lucre of their Money do Execute all their Cruel and Bloody Designs and projects both abroad and at home; all which will be abundantly proved by many Witnesses, when ever they shall be called thereunto.

Sixthly, It is much to be feared that the Jews in Algier, have too great cor­respondency with and countenance from the Jews here in England, and that by their means it is that they in Algier have always Lists of all our English ships, especially of the Fleets coming from any of His Majesties Plantations abroad, and of the very time they are expected to go out or return, with a perfect Ac­count of the quality and condition of all Merchants and passengers aboard, if any such there be, by which means they exact such great summs as aforesaid.

And this may further appear when it is considered how little the Dammage is, as well to England as to all other parts of Christendom by Tripoly or Tunis, when ever they make any breach upon us; the true reason whereof is, the paucity and poverty of the Jews in those places: And therefore for a Remedy hereof, It is humbly proposed to the Consideration of both Houses of Parlia­ment, one or both of these Two ways following.

First, By the Destruction of this Town of Algier (the Pest of Christen­dom) and that with no great Force and Charge may be totally Demolish­ed, with their Mould and Fortifications, as may be easily Demonstrated were there but a due Incouragement given to such as are willing to Un­dertake the same.

Secondly, Or to make a Law, That whatever Damage or Loss the English shall sustain by means or procurement of the Jews in Algier or elsewhere, it shall be required and made good to the Loosers out of the Estates of the Jews here in England. Which is Humbly offered for these Reasons.

First, Because such a Law may save a great Expence of Treasure, and also of Christian Blood, which this Nation hath sadly felt, and may Effect that Peace and Tranquility to the English Traders which hitherto Force hath not done.

Secondly, Because the Jews have here the full Exercise of their False and pernicious Religion and Worship, whilst thousands of poor Protestant Christians differing in no point from the Doctrine of the Church of England, are daily harased and undone, to the great joy and Laughter of the Jews, see­ing Christians thus tear and molest one another, whilst themselves are pro­jecting to destroy us all abroad, and eating up the Trade of our English Mer­chants at home.

Thirdly, The Charity of this Nation may be Imployed on other Good Occasions, which is now Collected for the Redemption of CAPTIVES, for that it is rather an Incouragement to those JEWS of Algier Vigorously to proceed in their Rapines and Robberies, when they shall see the Charity of a whole Nation made Use of to raise Money for the satisfying their Inhumane Exactions on poor Christians, and may be easily supposed rather to raise the Price of their Redemption, then to Lessen it.

Fourthly, It is but Jus gentium when a Nation suffers by one sort of Peo­ple, That Reparation and Satisfaction be required of any others of that sort of People wherever they may be found in our Power, for on this Principle onely is grounded all Letters of Mart and Reprisal granted by Kings and States. Moreover, it is verily believed, That the JEWS in all places are in a Combination and Society whereby they have Influence on the Proceed­ings of all JEWS in what place soever, and shares in their Profit and Loss.

Fifthly, The very Terror of such a Law would Ingage those Jews in other more Honest Courses than this of Inriching themselves by the Ruine and Destruction of poor Christians.

Sixthly, If this or some other Course be not Effectually taken, those Jews of Algier will by their Robberies and Spoil so Inrich themselves, as to be able to set forth such Fleets as shall Match or Cope with any of our Kings of Christendom; witness, their great and Unparalel'd Bold­ness of daring to come not onely on our Coast, but even into our very Channels, to the Ignominy of our Nation, and in Despite and contempt of His Majesty, who is undoubtedly Soveraign of the Narrow Seas.

Seventhly, By these means other Princes and States may by our Ex­ample take the same Measures, and make the same Law, whereby much Treasure may be saved, which is very often spent in maintaining Fleets in the Mediteranean Seas; witness, that of His Majesty of Great Brittain.

Eighthly, It is more than probable that by this means His Majesty may more peaceably Injoy his Right in Tangier, which hath been so Expensive to him; for that that War is undoubtedly promoted and Abetted by the Jews of Algier, who by their Purse assist that Barbarous King both with Men, Money, and Amunition; and will be able on all Occasions still to do the same, if some effectual Course be not taken to prevent it.


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