The CASE of Katherine Harris, a Protestant Sufferer;

WHose Husband was barbarously Murdered the 26th of March, 1687. by the Earl of Clincarty and his Party, begging his Life on his Knees at Mallo in the County of Corke; being the first that suffered for the Protestant Religion.

That the said Katherine, late Wife of the said William, was Imprisoned, and in a most noto­rious manner had all she had Plundered, to the value of 3000 l. by the Party of the said Earl of Clincarty.

That by Petition to the late King James in Ireland, she obtained an Order to Clincarty, That he would settle Four Plough-Lands and a House, part of his Estate, in Consideration of her Suffering; but being in great danger of her Life, she and her Family were forced to fly for England.

That the said Katherine, after coming to Eng­land, Petitioned His Majesty King William, and the late Queen of Blessed Memory, who Granted unto her during her Life, Two of the said Plough-Lands, and a House which was then let at 61 l. per Ann. and now owes 800 l. on the said Lands.

Wherefore she humbly prays, she may have a Saving in the Resumption Bill, she having lost her Husband, Three Brothers, and also the said 3000 l. in the late Wars in Ireland, and being left with Seven Children.

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